HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 05-98' ' 3i �N OF p� ,�O � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Pnterson DATE: lanuury 20, 1988 Dircctor of Financc REPORT NUMBER: TR OS/98 SUHJECT: Confirmation of Fidcliry insumncc for 1998. ItECOMMENDATION: Il is rcco nmcnJcd that this Report Ix: rcccivcd and fonvardcJ to Council for infortnution. ORIGIN: 1'his rcport is to fulfill thc Icgislati�•c rcquiremcnt Ihat Council bc infomud wch ycar of thc lidclity insuruncc co�•crugc ufliirJcd Ihc To�m. AUTNORITY: Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, ac umendcd. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: BACKGROUND: Dhcua�ion: 'fhc purchasc of Pidclity Insurancc is includcJ in Ihc'I'own's annuul Operuting I3udgct. Section 9.2 of ihc Municipal Acl R.S.O. 199D stalcs in part: "(I ) Evcry Trcasurcr, Dcputy Treasurcr nnJ CoIlcclor unJ cvcry othcr Of(iccr of thc Corpomtion, ns Cauncil may requirc, ... shnll givc annually such sccurity as Ihc Council Jirccts for thc fnithful perfortnancc of such dutics..... (2) Thc sccuriry to bc given shall bc by thc bond, palicy or guarnntcc wntracL.... (3) It is thc duty of Council, at n mccting hcld not latcr thnn thc I Sth day of Pcbruary in evcry ycnr... to rcquirc thc proJuction bcforc it of evcry bond, �xilicy or guarnntcc wntmct rcquircd undcr this scction:' All employces of lhc To�m of Pickering and thc Tu«m of I'ickcring I'uhlic Librnry nrc bondcJ to thc cxtent of S I,000,000.00 per loss. In addiQon, thc Dircctor of rinancc, Trcacurcr, Dcpury Trcasurcr nnd Manngcr of Accounting, when ucting with rcspect to any agency or Iwan! arc bondaf in thc somc amount ond mnnncr as whcn ncting in thc capncity of officcrs of thc 1'o���n of Pickcring. , , . �u .2. Januory 20.1998 Rcport to Council NTR 05198 'i�is rc�wrt confim�s thut fiJclily rovcrogc fur cmpluyccs of Ihc'Poµn of I'ickcring with ti limit of SI,OOO,U00.00 is currcnlly in placc with 7'hc Gcncral AcciJcnt Assur�ncc Company of Canada, Thc Guaruntcc Compnny of Narth Amcrica unJ Lomb;uJ (icncrul Insurancc Cnmpuny of Cnnada for thc perioJ July 1, 1997 to July 1,1798, inclusivc, at n prcmium of E3,423.00 plus PS'f of S?73.84 fur u totni of S3,G96.84. ATTACIIMF.NTS: ! --� Gillis A. Patcrson OAP/md Capy: Gencml Munagcr