HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 14-12 City o0 Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERING ICKERI1vG Report Number: PD 14-12 1 0 Date: July 3, 2012 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Public Mobile Lease of City Land (Centennial Park) (2250 Brock Road) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 14-12 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the installation of a cell tower at 2250 Brock Road (Centennial Park) be received; 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a lease agreement with Public Mobile substantially on the terms set out in Report PD 14-12, and to the satisfaction of the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer and the City Solicitor; 3. That Public Mobile be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed 25 metre high monopole cell tower installation at 2250 Brock Road (Centennial Park), based on the design and other details submitted with this request; and 4. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: In September 2011, Public Mobile submitted a proposal to construct a 25 metre high monopole cell tower on City owned lands at the north end of the parking lot of Centennial Park, located at 2250 Brock Road. Since the submission of the initial proposal, Public Mobile has completed its public consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada notification requirements and additional notification requirements of the City. The applicant has advised that no public comments were received as a result of the notification, and request that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There does not appear to be an acceptable opportunity to co-locate this installation on an existing cell tower in the immediate area. Further, the proposed location minimizes the visual impact of the tower, and its installation will facilitate the removal of the temporary 15 metre high cell tower located at 2060 Liverpool Road (behind the commercial plaza located at Liverpool Road and Bushmill Street). Report PD 14-12 July 3, 2012 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 2 Staff support the lease of City lands for this purpose for a term of ten years (with one ten-year right of extension), at an annual rate of$20,000 plus HST. Funds generated through the lease of the lands will assist the City financially. The terms of the lease are generally consistent with other leases recently entered into by the City for other cell tower installations. Staff generally support the terms and conditions contained in the proposed lease, subject to review and approval by the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer and the City Solicitor to ensure the City's interests are protected. Financial Implications: Public Mobile has offered to pay the City an annual rate of $20,000 plus HST for each of the ten years of the term of the lease. 1.0 Background: In September 2011, Public Mobile submitted a proposal to install a 25 metre high monopole cell tower at the north end of the parking lot of Centennial Park located at 2250 Brock Road (see Location Map —Attachment #1). 1.1 The Proposal The proposed installation is a 25 metre high monopole communication tower and related ground cabinet. The radio equipment and tower are proposed to be sited at the north end of parking lot serving Centennial Park. The base of the proposed tower is approximately 0.6 metres in diameter. The tower and associated ground cabinet will be located within a proposed easement measuring approximately 6.0 metres by 6.0 metres. A radio equipment cabinet will be placed at the base of the tower and it is approximately 0.6 metres by 0.6 metres with a height of 1.0 metres. Access to the tower and compound will be provided by a pathway connected to the parking lot (see Applicant's Submitted Plan — Attachments #2 and #3). 1.2 Property Description Centennial Park is a City owned park located on the west side of Brock Road, north of Dellbrook Avenue. The nearest residence is approximately 100 metres from the proposed tower site. The Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club operates a bocce court facility directly north of the proposed cell tower (see Location Map — Attachment #1). 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Required Public Notification has been completed Planning & Development staff are currently in the process of developing a protocol respecting the installation of cell towers for City Council's consideration. In the absence of a City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada requirements as outlined in Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". • Report PD 14-12 July 3, 2012 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 3 12 The Industry Canada requirements for public consultation require the proponent to consult with the land use authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. Based on the proposed 25 metre tower height, the proposed installation would require notification to two adjoining property owners within a 75 metre radius. However, as the City is the property owner an expanded notification area was required. Through discussions with the applicant and the Ward 3 Councillors the public notification radius was significantly expanded beyond Industry Canada's requirements (see Location Map —Attachment #1). The applicant has confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the public notification process (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report— Attachment#4). 2.2 Co-location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communication towers and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co-location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. There are currently three cell towers in the immediate area that were examined as potential candidates for co-location with Public Mobile. The applicant has advised that the existing cell towers are located outside of their search area. The applicant has also advised that the proposed tower would be suitable for future co-location with other carriers and would be installed within the shroud surrounding the tower. 2.3 Council Resolutions In May 2011, City Council passed Resolution 102/11 requesting Industry Canada to cease consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to establish criteria for all matters pertaining to land use for the installation of these towers (see Council Resolution 102/11 —Attachment#5). This resolution was a response to a number of cell towers that were erected without municipal and/or public consultation, specifically tower installations under 15 metres in height. Council also passed Resolution 87/11 in April 2011 requesting that Industry.Canada amend its policies to require municipal consultation on all installations, regardless of height (see Council Resolutions — Attachment#5). The applicant has provided confirmation that this proposed installation has been publicly circulated in accordance with Industry Canada's requirements and the extended radius requested by the City. The proposal is now before Committee and Council for consideration. In view of the public consultation and Council engagement associated with this proposal, and as this proposed installation is not immediately adjacent a residential area, the processing of this application through this report is not considered contrary to Council's Resolutions. • Report PD 14-12 July 3, 2012 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Pape 4 A 2.4 Proposed Tower Location is acceptable Staff support the proposed location of this cell tower facility. The proposed tower and equipment are proposed to be located at the north end of the existing parking lot of Centennial Park which is approximately 100 metres from the nearest residential dwelling. The radio equipment and tower will be accessed directly from the parking lot serving Centennial Park and will be screened through landscape improvements which will be required through the lease. Staff recommend that the proposed cell tower be painted white and this will be reflected in the lease. The proposed location of the cell tower and compound have been reviewed with the Community Services Department and does not preclude improvements planned for the park. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) requires that a permit be issued prior to installation in accordance with its regulatory authority. 3.0 Staff Support the Proposed Terms of the Lease Public Mobile has provided a draft of the proposed lease for the City's review, - and has offered to pay the City an annual rate of $20,000 plus HST for each of the 10 years of the term of the lease, with an additional ten-year extension to be exercised at the discretion of Public Mobile (see Proposed Lease Agreement— Attachment#6). The lease is generally consistent with a recent lease entered into by the City for a similar installation on Country Lane Road in Brougham. The proposed terms and conditions (other than remuneration) must still be reviewed and approved by the Treasurer and City Solicitor prior to execution, should Council approve the leasing of the lands for this purpose. All required conditions from affected agencies will be addressed prior to finalizing the lease. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan — Site Layout 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Tower Elevation 4. Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report 5. Council Resolutions 6. Proposed Lease Agreement Report PD 14-12 July 3, 2012 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 5 n 1 r i Prep- • By: Approved/Endorsed By: 711.° FFir , 401114: A) Tyler Barr -tt Neil Carrol - ', RPP,, 'S- .sr 'lanner— Site Planning Director, P - ng4 D.velopment di 4 Everett Buntsma, NPD, CMM Director, Community Services TB:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cii Coun '12 / jkotp_... f , 2012 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT#PD, / -/, ;%' .. v. 6, Mil •11- ,)=--- 1WW.63,.,?-c' Nv 10' ■a ii. ROAD t . ��= II 4,-wr G ,_ �♦J , v SEPARATO'S '' ' SCHOOL i� 2 moss�, °=� .: - =: OUTHCO . � ..A Z O_., o PARK ��J ta — w BAGGINS ..�'rrr■ rrtr.♦ IIC ■�� cn CENT NN/AL , PRELPOLgR ' 3 0 41116 Mil 7W1`, � F IRK *4.vuuiw, qV4, ,, _ 'rr.r.l.r.••'ti''F , - o)TIFI TION,,, ,,, D,'1� S R-�UIRED �,� a I4 ♦ ♦ I, i , 4110\tv.w0,,anva �_� ADA o,, �' � Q ,,‘, 0... O ��-I c±', m p E®I— IIIIid P !.. �_iIWh1 m TAWNB�—f♦ li -<C �■1 NOT - CATION AREA REQUIRED O I NUM x BY CITY O �0 � ST. ■ 4111 . I, AVENUE 411/ W 1111 �� I /_, 11111/ c � IN/ 111 _ .- ■ o McBRADY City of Pickering . Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Concession 2,North pt.Lot 19,&Plan 40M-1440,Block 92 OWNER City of Pickering DATE Oct. 5,2011 DRAWN BY JB /\ FILE No. Centennial Park Cell Tower SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY TB N Uata aourwe: 18 Teranet Enterprise. Inc. and it. euppltere. All right. R.earved. Not a plan of survey. PN-13 2003 MPAC and it. .uppller.. All right. Reserved. Nat a plan at Survey. ATTACHMENT#,PTO 1 6 REPORT#PD. /41 /a INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN PUBLIC MOBILE INSTALLATION (CENTENNIAL PARK BROCK ROAD) I I a 0 U, BOCCE 1 ,,•i m PROPOSED , COURT COMPOUND oil'" I • „, ,,,IP27 II, iI f ffi+^aprOlt ,per 4.' ,k..e.":10.��101 ."..u; II,p fir'iv, +" i:: '"e ., t 9 a Q i . I:. 3 ' o'' m•o, Q 0 • -\ � tl p ; h LL �i�\_,A`ry �rm 0 N� ' a,1 o rt Q J CO a •r ,}' 00' 6 �° a I , 1 L . v, - � GRAVEL,,.__-►• li I PARKING § i; LOT ! li i:: a -' • ¶t I. PART 3. PLAN 4 0 ORR256� 1 This map was produced by the City Of Pickering Planning& Development Department, Mapping and Design, June 12,2012. ATTACHMENT ®T® REPORT#PD 7 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN PUBLIC MOBILE INSTALLATION (CENTENNIAL PARK BROCK ROAD) • • E N This map was produced by the City Of Pickering Planning& Development Department, Mapping and Design, June 12,2012. Ip • ATTAOHMENT# 44- TO 1 Q 1 s.) REPORT#PO.Lt2_,.... .. ii I 4 0 , 1 1 4 i,z4::„.. --: ..-k!',,,,-,,f., 11 1 f ,-:-6,411111Prilk-471- Public ....: . . ,,. 0 . ''',.fENIE.,:: :iii, .e-t;$ Ei.1•1: -:' il , :''''X.r.:.1 *i',.: l'i--..i..>,:-..=*.y,;.t - , MOBILE. • 1, •„•,..,:„,..,.„„ .„.. ti Pd 1 [ 11 • ti . 1 . _ li - 0 1 4 . lb . g R t4 f . it 0 ic- 0.0 . , " I Ste ,,S,,,Exqk 4"041,5-1, 4-.."f,P,ZA/ j ri Eil,ri,, ,,-,.prf pi orAo 04-, ie E .4--4,„rf.. . R,,, ,.,,,,„..,.,wi, - „•,= ,.,.. .- - 5,=,74,..Li I ON H • ,,, U a El N d a.to%,', 0 I:‘4,4 ii RI .V:ip%-4,5Y fht L b Prepared for the City of Pickerina • ,1 ,...4 ., . i• , , April 23, 2012 i, 1 South of Concession Rd 3, west of Brock Rd Centennial Park, Pickerina Ontario 1 ... Sill #: ONPCK0557 li . F . q . public Mobile -Contracted to: FONTUR Internationai Inc, .• • 30 East eaver Creek Road, Suite 104 Richmond Hill, ON L.4 1J2 1 i f 1 4 ....l 3EP0FIT#PDT 1 9 April 23, 2012 Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner - Development Review City of Pickering _ ' R One The Esplanade - - - i Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 1 Re: Site Selection and Justification for a proposed telecommunications r tower- Centennial Park-ONPCK0557 li I am writing with the purpose of concluding the municipal consultation process for the telecommunications tower proposal referenced above. i Public Mobile is regulated and licensed by Industry Canada to provide i inter-provincial wireless and data services. As a federal undertaking, Public Mobile is required by Industry Canada to consult with land-use authorities in siting tower locations. The consultation process established. under Industry Canada's authority is intended to allow the local land-use authorities the qopportunity to address land-use concerns while respecting the federal p I government's exclusive jurisdiction in the siting and operation of wireless i and data systems. I it While the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act and other municipal by- laws and regulations do not apply to federal undertakings, Public Mobile is however required to follow established and documented wireless protocols or processes set forth by land-use authorities. In this instance;Public Mobile will work in accordance with the Industry Canada Default Protocol for Establishing Telecommunication Facilities to complete the consultation process at Centennial Park in Pickering. Further to the Industry Canada default protocol I look forward to our continued discussions and public consultation on this proposal, pursuant to offering a letter of municipal concurrence. We look forward to providing enhanced wireless services to residents and visitors in the City of Pickering. Sincerely, 90-2.■ James Kennedy RPP, MCIP ' 1 1 i .....j .- 0 ATTACHMENT# 4z TO REPORT#P11.2... Introduction q The on-going increase in the use of personal cellular telephones and other wireless devices such as Blackberry and broadband internet for personal, business and emergency purposes requires the development of new wireless telecommunications infrastructure. This infrastructure includes new antennas and their support structures which are required to meet the demands of increased 1 capacity and broadening service areas. Without antennas in close proximity to 1 the wireless device, wireless communication is simply not possible. The use of wireless telecommunications is firmly entrenched into Canadian society and economy. Canadians currently use more than 18.5 million wireless devices on a daily basis including, wireless phones, pagers, mobile radios, mobile satellite phones and broadband internet devices. Two-thirds of every Canadian household have access to a wireless phone. More importantly, each year Canadians place more than 6 million calls to 911 or other emergency numbers from their mobile phones. As part of its on-going commitment to provide high'quality wireless services, Public Mobile has determined that a new wireless telecommunications facility is required in the City of Pickering. This report documents Public Mobile's site selection process, the details of the ' proposal, public consultation process/comments and the applicable Industry Canada provisions. As a general matter, Public Mobile's site selection process is a balanced exercise • that must meet Public Mobile's network coverage objectives, having regard for land use constraints and its obligation to its customers to provide a high quality of service. Wireless telecommunications facilities are regulated by the Federal Government under Industry Canada and need not necessarily follow municipal or provincial planning approvals. However, in recognition of the policy vacuum which exists as a result of that circumstance, Industry Canada requires that wireless • telecommunication carriers consult with land use authorities' either by way of a federally established default process or a locally developed council and Industry Canada approved protocol for the establishment of telecommunication facilities. i i 4 1 ATT�,�9ME9VT� .TO,," REPORT#P® /171—/ . 2 1 4 Organization of this Report The information in this report will be presented in the logical progression of steps 0 that the actual site selection process naturally follows: STEP 1 - Identification of Need (weakness in network coverage) STEP 2- Identification and Evaluation of Different Site Location Options 1 (Including co-location) !i ri STEP 3 -Selection/Justification of Preferred Location STEP 4— Public Circulation ti ti il 1 N 6 I. i i il 1 z i '....,_ _ x�xaxyan �ae>.�xn «waac ascansiaa�amszrxc+cmnvmvwa:.�:aarswu-- •'a aaaaranaewsaaormx,e,misaawus:amava�aue.^s,•R�arsrcr. r. c 1EPOrlT#PD `�'/-3 STEP 1- Identification of Need 1 A radio antenna and a tower are the two most important parts of a radio communication system. The antenna is needed to send and receive signals for the radio station. The tower raises the antenna above obstructions such as trees and buildings so that it can send and receive these signals clearly. Each radio station I and its antenna system (including the tower) provide radio coverage to a specific geographic area, often called a cell. The antenna system must be carefully located to ensure that it provides a good signal over the whole cell area, without interfering with other stations and can "carry" a call as the user moves from cell to 1. cell. ' Evolution Of The Celitiilar l+tetr&crk • t -` 'A°continuous ce%/ular sen.ice neiwdr%, -. " k,, Iwitil Antennas 1, rat > M F �* a, i i SPA S' ., a ^i;•��. S v- a e rs?"TL c.. /''�'t'" � i7 '`4"3 y, ' J t x -1,"'?�y"'Y s'i'�;a" !l�'FJ ,� ,� ,,r ,�^F 'l$l�i +° ya w 1�+r,,,,¢'P ' �t w 'iii'{� -£E R h rte,, >c a n .ru xd"'N 4s 3'y 4' -0 4. ti ;.� X 1 i • Continuous wireless service-Each cell only serves a fixed number of calls Figure 1 If the station is part of a radio telephone network, the number of stations needed also depends on how many people are using the network. If the number of stations is too small, or the number of users increases people may not be able to connect to the network, or the quality of service may decrease. c.„„;„,„;,.„,,,,, ... Evolution.Of The Cellular Network, - Increased users creates'gapS in service ` "Baas 8ta0pr with Antennas .• Humber of calls in a cell �'�---.- _� --- ,ti 3 is iirnt d- ilituen a cep rsJachee,�iit's t»axItnwrn,. vn aeva.r,ZZ .. e. 746"-T---'� � „�i YY--,#t..�-�---- .`--aa'-y. �{t e,,.���'.� ���..,,,, M>{�ta�Qat111Ca 3 e 'L l�r�,. 4 "..,W 'P a�+i!"u- rnl� i i i - - _ Figure 2 As the number of users exceeds the capacity of the radio station to receive and send calls, the coverage area for the cell shrinks and the shrinkage between cells creates coverage holes. II As demand increases for mobile phones and new telecommunication services, 4 additional towers are required to maintain or improve the quality of service to the II t public and restore contiguous wireless service. g 1 :'Evoluticit` lj T,M a tCelllular 1 etiAti :ik t cau Continuo'"iis cell filar network est<i, by filling� gaps E� _ d tt 9 9 I+�ry with APl�tehfWS , . _ 77 f Y t New-towers cons 1C6Bf1 ---.: . . ' rt � t *0,011 0,NI® ilikt 4104*--. iy QR944 t'� } 'rit61N1*.,. � . uNl3 t.,..• r k } 1 d ZQ 4 ' +•s my[.__,,, •aY•' L rY G i F 4 ,f a r 1 �a r ' i X .. , c w ,4 $ 1 i ', / 1,5 ::' li il i ,- i PRIlt.ARPPIRPR11 '1 . Figure 3 g 1 M, In this case, Public Mobile's RF Engineering department has determined the need for a Personal Communication Services (PCS) upgrade to adequately provide continuous coverage and service to our existing and future customer base in and around the rural area along Brock Road to more adequately serve the growing customer base in this rapidly urbanizing area. Currently, our network is burdened by a combination of poor voice and data quality in this very large area. In some cases, the coverage is so poor that a handset would be unable to place a mobile 1 call in the subject location and surrounding area. The result of this situation is on- going customer complaints, high "dropped call" rates, and in extreme circumstances, the potential inability to place a mobile call that may be absolutely critical in an emergency situation. 4. • Public Mobile is committed and mandated by its licence to ensure the best coverage and service to the public and private sectors. The proposed site in Pickering is extremely important in terms of providing coverage to an under- serviced area. Public Mobile wants to provide infrastructure necessary to ensure that both residents and visitors to the area have access to the service they are j accustomed to in other parts of the country. Public Mobile's objective for this portion of its network is to provide reliable coverage to the Brock Road and Concession Road 3 residential and recreational area. 1 II i • AT "."—T0 REPORT#PD /f/a i 4 STEP 2 - Identification and Evaluation of Different Site Location Options Based on Public Mobile's Radio Frequency Engineering team, a general location was chosen in the vicinity of the lands along Brock Road between Concession Road 3 and Finch Ave East. A site within the search ring on the map below (Figure 4) would, from an engineering point of view, meet the coverage objectives of • Public Mobile's network. The standard radius of Public Mobile's search areas is approximately 500 metres, due to numerous factors, including: quantity of users; data volume; and urban and topographical obstructions. Figure 4-Search area qpza)- -r .---.:-71 75) , .".,,A,-, . :77 - 2 r i l Q - r . r�'` }1r • L .1, Deckers�H+ll • .'��X t% .' RrvrrSrdrK1."-� �`�" ��w•4, 4 a 1‘;_. Goff Cut .r_ . ! 1 ,•,ti,! r 7`" 'ra ♦ , ^ ;� . i•,( Ft '`' 4 t W- s ~ V M � E..N ' ` Y y 1{ a' ti " � �v�4 .. le � 'L r 40,41;% i \\.:0,,.....47\ . ,t,':'''7*,1,,s.'..41.,,<. • . '-A i ncoln r 41. _ , . ._!. mar. -_-4i4:270.::- .L.ii' k 7 _`- *! (The information presented above is based on the most recent, available, mobile phone tower inventory) A review of existing telecommunications installations within the search area, as well as the surrounding areas revealed three telecommunication facilities within 500 metres of the search radius. These surrounding towers, as identified by the orange arrows, represent the entirety of the - wireless telecommunication infrastructure in that area and unfortunately given the distance of these towers from the desired coverage area; co-location, while still meeting RF coverage requirements, is not possible. TiniTIZEIMTM {SPORT#PD, /91-/� 2 5 STEP 3 - Selection/Justification of Preferred Location Proposed Site Location The location which Public Mobile proposes for a wireless telecommunications site in Pickering is on the property municipally known as Centennial Park, Part of Lot 19, Concession 2 (Figure 5). The property's legal description is: PT LT 19 CON 2, AS IN CO143461, SAVE & EXCEPT PARTS 2, 3, 4 &5, PLAN 40R25587, S/T A RIGHT AS IN CO63612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1, PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 CITY OF PICKERING The site itself is located approximately 0.6km south of Concession Road 3, slightly west of Brock Road at Centennial Park. A simulation of the proposed tower is attached as Appendix 6 and further site specific information is available on the survey attached as Appendix 2. Figure 5-Proposed location A. ,'*410-,..0. w�-�+•+ ' i e 7. ", ,, - - 5w , -1'. „'r at �,' 0.'4'. ; ��h 'y °t , 104 a ‘ '' %...4',• 1 ' 4 ' '4 )7 ' Tl fit ! cIT ., f � l, 411** t i�, .4....*pt 3 '+�� _ � � .c 4'� ��:3,_rte' �.�. .'�? �� ��'Ate, i a,,. ,}" �#4. y •+i r. ¢ \ .,_," 4; i p t. ,,. A de,.yam / fir r' r •� , '� { 1,ft Ofi.,tiL913t V„V'. -_ -.•L.,11!'- ,fge:P.,,„.-Cr '•, '., . .• • .4 n.,,, {, -, - !�" , it *,,,,,,,,, . _ aA 'JJ r F a. R \ T yam t .,. ,� . r+, ,. •�. ;d The geographic coordinates for the site are as follows; Latitude (NAD 83) 43° 51' 44.2"N Longitude (NAD 83) 79° 04' 52.2'W • REPORT#PD /9-4a nF Public Mobile strongly supports co-location on existing towers and structures. The Iuse of existing structures minimizes the number of new towers required in a given F1 area and is generally a more cost effective way of doing business. However, $ tower infrastructure is a finite resource and over time most towers reach their engineered maximum.This normally results when more than two carriers occupy the same tower as illustrated below (Figure 6). The height of the proposed tower is tl 25 metre circular steel flagpole telecommunication tower capable of accommodating additional carriers. ,, Figure 6 0 i u li En Alterations to `` — A Further alterations j; I original antennas to original antennas 0 o 11 I _ include:direction, o' =`r E azimuth,etc. ( Implemented Futures LLI 5�I -1 -`.._ p LL Alterations to original .`s. Addition of _ r ._,_" tr i __ 2nd Wireless Carrier 2nd Wireless 3 1— ra a� a — _ antennas g / Carrier ll Additional Netwok il i 1 j 2 . Technologies/Equipment {A1 S:;1777} il } + 1 9 s(I •� 2011 2014 2019 Initial Single Carrier Tower Profile over 1 Tower a period of time I Towers are limited in terms of both allowable space and engineering capacity. Each antenna array requires a separation of vertical space so they do not cause interference with each other. Unfortunately, as indicated on Figure 4 there are no suitable pre-existing towers with which to co-locate, and given the low average height of structures in the `. area, a rooftop antenna installation is also not viable. Public Mobile's proposed tower will be able to accommodate one additional f carrier for the purpose of providing wireless communications coverage and 1 i ,.., ri REPORT#PEL_ /:._,_____ • 1 network capacity; however, any additional carriers thereafter interested in co- 1 locating on this tower must reinforce the existing structure. To the end user, this il translates into Public Mobile's (and any co-locating carrier's) suite of wireless o II technologies such as cellular phone coverage, PDA device coverage (i.e.: I BlackBerry, iPhone) as well as wireless internet coverage utilizing the Public ' Mobile's Turbo Stick product. Depending on the signal strength, and the amount II of data being downloaded, the regular user should not see a difference between Li this and a fibre line. In order to provide proper service in this existing network, sites tl. need to be closer to residents. il 4l 1 p, STEP 4 - Public Circulation i In recognition of the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction and in an 1 lj attempt to promote balance, Industry Canada requires that proponents of 1 telecommunication facilities consult with land use authorities as part of their f: licensing process. The requirement to consult can be found in Industry Canada's 1 document, Client Procedure Circular CPC-2-0-03. According to the CPC, the purpose of consultation is to ensure that land use authorities are aware of ,4 significant antenna structures and/or installations proposed within their boundaries 1 so antenna systems are deployed in a manner which considers local surroundings. Consultation must respect the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction and specifically does not give a municipality the right to veto the proposal. General ii information relating to antenna systems in available on Industry Canada's lSpectrum Management and Telecommunications website N http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/antenna; however, as it pertains to consultation with the general public, Public Mobile will adhere to the processes and timeline , expectations as outlined in the CPC-2-0-03 Protocol for Establishing ii Telecommunication Facilities. For your review please see the sample of direct mailing literature attached as Appendices 5 and 6. According to Section 4.2 (4) of 4 Industry Canada's CPC-2-0-03 Default Public Consultation Process, a notice in a 1 local community newspaper is not required as the proposed tower is less than 30 metres. I As a result of the Federal Government's jurisdiction, this proposed wireless facility i does not require permitting analogous to those of other development proposals. I Similarly, zoning by-laws and site plan approvals, in the standard sense, are not applicable to these facilities. Furthermore Public Mobile attests that the radio I antenna system described in this Site Selection package is excluded from the environmental assessment process under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Notwithstanding the Federal Government's jurisdiction, Public Mobile is committed !{ to consultation with the Local Land-use Authority and, as such Public Mobile has undertake a public circulation in line with the requirements outlined by Industry r Canada's Default Protocol for Establishing Telecommunication Facilities. j 1EPOaTT#PD._.. _!..`f`!.R__ ._.._ In addition to the public, Transport and NAV Canada were bo th g iven notice of the proposed tower for aeronautical clearances. Transport and NAV Canada have both given clearance which can be found in Appendices 3 and 4. dii t Ffl� 9 0 P 1 p1 i i , 11 t�Y P `4 j j ;c li a . i 4 1 t ■ 1f 1 t 1s rpKttE21.96,,9141.M 0.26=1.....011;n.•.......u,,._ 3..I.[a.271984,4— .wig-+w'SWA.V.:t..:"^..ZAVT. t '. C drXar __--_ , •• •Fa55mt�,s:MYaseFC4at�K[ISISR7 r t.N 1 1 1 i `f 9 'EMU F'Q. ±,L2 - - 1 J Canadian Environmental Assessment Regulation SOR/2007-108 (the exclusion list regulations, 2007) provides in Section r 20 that the proposed construction of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure are exempt from the requirements of the Canadian p Environmental Assessment Act provided it meets the circumstances set out in Clause 20. That Clause reads as follows: II p 20. (1) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or H modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure ll (a) if t. (i) the antenna and supporting structure are either affixed to a building or i located entirely within 15 m of a building, or li (ii) the antenna, its supporting structure, o r any of its supporting lines has a footprint of no more than 25 m2; (b) if the project is not to be carried out within 30 m of a water body; and (c) if the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. (2) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure within 30 m of a water body if I (a) the antenna and its supporting structure are affixed to a building; (b) the project results in an antenna with a height no more than the greater of 5 m and a height equal to 25% of the height of the building to which it is affixed; and i (c) the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. (3) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure that are affixed to a physical work other than a building if the project (a) results in an antenna with a height no more than the greater of 5 m and a height equal to 25% of the height of the physical work to which it is affixed; and (b) does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. .EPDR3#PD_ )y_/P, 1 •.') i. U ii ) Similarly; Regulation SOR/2007-108 provides an exemption for buildings from the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act provided it meets x the circumstances set out in Clause 7. That Clause reads as follows: i 7. The proposed construction, installation, operation or modification of a building, other than a building to be used exclusively for one or more of the purposes set out in subsection 6(2), if ( (a) the construction or installation does not result in a building with a footprint greater than 100 m2 or a height greater than 5 m; f (b) the project is not to be carried out within 30 m of a water body; and (c) the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance 0 into a water body. i 14 I attest that the radiocommunication antenna, its supporting structure and associated building proposed to be located at PT LT 19 CON 2, AS IN CO143461 , SAVE & EXCEPT PARTS 2, 3, 4 &5, PLAN 40R25587, S/T A RIGHT AS IN CO63612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1, PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 0 CITY OF PICKERING will comply with the aforementioned exemptions. k Sincerely,. _,...,..:..... , ,, 9 , , ,," F 1 9,,James Kennedy RPP, MCIP 1 I 0. r a. _ dF-1zMR!5'n'-'.ti:StG enItMRYC.Y.-.MII.+:-•vR.M9bS",i!RP..hfiA 4.YFc9JR9fl .�. ..r<:w+3tt !Y.i^3Y5'._¢.T'GY4.a.YM.b1t.X.:.'S^M1Y. .. '^3.'AiNrioM.LtY+R6MYldM".:i:�lA iii i AEPOIT#PD __/.. -/a . Appendices � Appendix 1 t Circulation Map o f 1 11 , :....,i x= yr#4 Atipi.4 #4r0 • , 1 Ism WO, I ADZ _ 4_ �_ MNMr� +40M110 .: Irli;t17111100.1 _W111 ASIIS 110. f. 1x1111® _ ti.4 :4.yIA. +0�: 1' 'rill - _'+•:: il ,, SAIHr0 , , DIVAS 1 Imp 401. lir-Ws c.-; .rte' Ow= r' , • A0'0. ► /iglu 1111r I't ., 11 / gam. AMID= mom . • =B.= �i . I I ma x=a-4 - antrill=1 1 City of Pickering Planning &Development Departm+r,tt Fgl10PEATY DESCAPTION GonosWon 2.NAM pt.La1110.i PIIw 4010.1440.abet Al 1 WYNfiF CMy Of Pkl*tII9 4RTC Oct 2011 OIWtTl*Y 1B FILE No. Cmhw+dl Pa*Coil Torn IIME It6..000 CHEMED BY as likill =mimm.m w +hr�a«mow PIN-12 1 a 4i.,......---- -.ate aaa.sxvmma......4. -rem-a..—roeaer :+-------,—an—,tsns.-r rAm,,.xa .wsftemaar.-.:sue_+.w .- s .-. :. .,...........___________,„..Tc,„.„,,.._„...„..,..„....,..______________„,........____,............._, ,IP . 9 Appendix 2 Site Survey qEPORTO Pn_ ‘Y-_,.-/.a 7, R 0 • .„: , . .. ,,:' ::, -.4,, , .. ,„I-, ■ t1,1 • LI •, -! r,, . , .,„ -,,, . - • '. • ' ' ' ..i ,1 ,'. ."4': =5,, ' :1' : ..-- :',1. ■':, ' . ,... 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'i - •, . ,•,. - , ,. ..... i-. 1:-- ' ' ' •: . :-..I . 1 2, ' 2; '- • 2" ' 2 i! , 4, .• ,,,..„. . • ■ : - - • • • .., .:,-.„ ..- , • • • . . .: ,'', : P •-,' , • - L ,, ..-•, ,,,,2 J. • - - ,.....,*- 1 " 21 • 1 1.1 ......021.1,...M.ZONNMICSAPIR.OMMII.11.1013112161376.1,1".1.11.1.S34.41,3240.1.,,,,,,, or.....,..77.1316".,...5=1,..,P..I.4M,14M.. f.........7....ea•....,,... .....-M75.104.5.51W27.1151,2X8t=5643,1%.4.0....1...WW.111.)==.1111111/9 •Vtit, .74.,.......M.S.MML.111.1W.,21.1,41.9R.9...1,111Y1E-,..22-4*.11.-.911***171=1..*15,3.41..STATe-i11.0.81111FACWM",*71112:11...11."1541¢7080.3M.M14.6* . +. - , ATTACHIVIENT# 51- TO . . 1 Z 7) , 4EPOT#PD._.i ",..Z..2.2.........._ Appendix 3 1 NAV Canada Clearance Permit , 1 1 • 'i .., ..... ,.: Apil E,Xi'12 , , 11 9 Y Duffle 1 lemnr,rE.,s71 cfrterilvai Fat i 11 Oir lie 11'46 - PA,RIM. ndef2:6 .gerreir Internerional Inc 11 14 SO East Beerher Creek,Sole 104 1 I49&mind Fill,-7.1,H i L4E1 1,,12 SiE:Cornmunlealikan:Monopole-Flamin .cm 1114422 51'.4&00,WW 4'41.89t'i"DEMO'Afad..1 4,22122411'AMSLII Pi 1 AA%Andersen, 1 Wit hen el&Lared. 'the co:dared enomal and MAW.i:ANADA.has no otzecli on lic,Its tiniest tinded. i 1i In the eon:Mal o:timid and tie rot.to;faceted wth lir erittot,pease untie ea ecru nig close lite fie. If you hale 3mq:edam's,modal re Land Ube Cepertment oyie=More el 1466-15,17-11D47 or e-ma I at 1 ImItiliaeigne5MOMMIL , 1 Atki'CAtigNaltt.;and:Ea eve'atoll Is'Ali tra period ne IZ rorlhs.lagnICEV'',Ullleflt n lofted to Me Impact oe the =ewe p)trid cal stoodure on re at renadon sysien and Indalatensi h rellter meal:irks na replaces arq aeprorras sr perrit!wined by Tram:sort Canzta,trilsry Caned),Pinar Fecletal Coatemmert deparrent,,Freercal or Vlintiral 120.1 use oLdhorlies air avatar merry Item aveitil animal Is mewled Inclzry Carole odctesses my spectrum 1 manoaereent Iscru 'Mt mars ate ilin yoa precool arid roma::with,IWI CANADA Erceneenna as deemed reoessiri. Yews Priy, k. ee Aa 1 Citrd'orner Csatics Or P-12114 Leone 1 ' Manner,Data Ocierton kmonmecart-honnaton Serytm ' cr CNTR-°Man RecWi..Trersocot Caine(1 1-12-1.1031 3EGZ:, ' CPP-2-AJAX PICKERM GEN l+4EPITALI .. . ' 161".lur ittgre ro eseki4 st I,clays ok cn.;Ilt} 16:1I fan nave*1.:I,Yr434=zies r Mew ihaliv,mu ittr • L......_ lirligirxm.!,peal Fel404,1,FILL.",WA zieuktA linosse•.1 faiir,AV° rtliclpies: ..i t!- I4 "491100111•131MINNIM.,41 -1142M1.40.1•1=4.1t-oirtt..414AVA... S.tnixatto14.-,-.42aM1.,7741RnitilatIIM4tat...,4-4-....44•06,4,44M,TAIleinttwEtzstrtt,44,taty 544.••■=1,2,46-t-RettM4tte AlTACHIVIENT# TO REPORT#PO....... .....-- 3 4 ,4 1 Appendix 4 Transport Canada Permit 1 it' :41:30,1',V 7T'3 3 0 3 1 1+111 1 ra*axr1 I rarzf.cfte, APPV33301X C TO CAtt(32i.i A-ANNEXff C PAC e21.19 - RRr3 1 "4C2t I: 101+own.3-3.33,4 A1C.iLTrx-E r-LSC'CT i-kii i,344Ti.4 r iLig L i I-PIC*::LI"7'11''1: AEONALTTIC110BECZgION FOTILAIL DAUVRIAON CLEAAWFei WO 9 V ATl4 t rw. 1 V.44.14c..ttb1). t...-47.Z.......7.14.17174.1.7r-171;;;;;..401.tit r - ■ / il I 1,8 Tot,14 5..r441.. Toc1:11t= Mt! 311( 1:44rwittr4 Ctr!sr:"-0.2.144=4.44,..4 PA...4R,, - . 1 eh 14.11Aioao 0 7....;17:47;X:p.". :Xr.-AiAti',17..`es:;11,-, --i 4.0.i.t..11 i....,-1-1-■-W tWtOttapliu--siriracT-rit.I,0.-k.Si S-•rt-.C-4;44-4-4;74744-7:47a 1,...7.}.'; I (VI re11 ,,14. 1 ca. 4olorevt.41,,,lortrt•r-tot I.,,441.,..... 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Kit.404 14./414 4.1{ 1 i I . i a , i C t.....443 fr...41,0},t1t•1.1 teary, 1 1 li I r A , I, -......,....- I 1 , • i t LI.r•$3'tett t i 4,..••■••....t..,,,,tt".•-•.'r V,.,-+•is,,,..4.1•V.t at.0.Pt lot,: 1 0 :g,014144 s4.,41 i4I E1,34.114.111•110•1114t4 r4•71011,t1 rta4 40 4 cf..4 At Nr......, ,. a-r.44 Sorls I rt c44.14 r......,• 4 II -- ----- Tc.:.-T7-17,-;4., 14 4,,,,,,,. ,■77 c.■';F r!., ..r.1..■t*9;J.t J..ft 41•t•4 Pt..4441-1 L.IS..r.....t WT. .1.1..111EvAtAtt,t1... J 1.0 oe 4.2 L:..-1.:, I D 7 1 2C fl 3 i • '11C Cit•V14-C Mt:1.10,tTt•ot."+.0i.t;3...1,0 i :C AM e rtax-r.sts 114 4--.1,r4-41...4 cl.rxr-1,A /x4446444 1414 zat.tor.,......11 441•41 osyrs.wrtte 4.4.1,..■, tt... tit botilia .1., O' ",et-X 'L.'''. '---.--'---- -• i .3.,..?k, ....5.1./ .vs- f.4,4141106 Ulf OILY..41.....5.443t 0!'Nix-moms■.,7.44•404 _ 1 . ..............-............. arriF144.kar 41 ex.141pulv4141-(AM.PAOLI.. ri.4. ^n...4 .-..- Ail I '* 7tiskim this tre mailuts.arty:tt,61:arf,le.utvl t .. i '14.,a ts.±-1 C■Ar- -L14/c,4;.1r4,4.P74.1.:Wr - - - _ - i .I..Iti4:44 et 140 r•••••I17;1141-$4-0-4---(441.404 stryril a st7T-27.64,441.4.4.ii-ov 1 i [-V:: r. - ---.... --- . ,....Argot'p.6-.'M..10" at-1'4.1 om v.4 No*.sw.ki■..,re4511 - -----" No,mt...to., Mht.-.....*an ta41.11111,NAttrell;-0,Vtt - , Frailr "R. ........-...- ' ..,, LI ,..,_, 1 411145 St . MIMI-14.1C4.01.01-11.010st Ott.4.7•4,•4....ot•L...r..n....a-I ." 111,,,07,...."..10 MO•=41.0.* ICA 4 a 44 UM SIIN.V..2...... Oulle4 4.44.4..., do,4..1i1yt 3..i.It!)9••.1 4.1.1r-b J•c.,,,,It•O-4,401-JTA-t.it•tvkteliMit.1 , Carereata-toars44,41 , yat,4111.2..1 • '• I' ( --4..-A-J..e.- -0------ ..-.„ Or...4 -- _. -- 1 C*4(.41-44:4 4 1 144 4,.■14.1ttrcAt 1410,-.44.1.0. .10, -- - i ! ;if iftlt 45444.'I Canada" .. 1 i L 1 41.1n21.104,101107SE.141.141,4,71,41451Milta=2,-1011.1401*1.1"..KIMErtiM4,..-,Mant,t0.544,44,1,4.5.,4..ktattstaw..t.Amettmertvatts........tratttoatt.t...-ttrwastwttlesz...r.tratatattevitutittevattaxwotownetowstattleamli ",....3,-,,,.../V.11.191..71.1,15%,..1.....11"11.1.1 .7"..W.iN.rat.r. ....d19F....VIPBK.,AB ..C.T17.-r.,Mt.tV/IVOP.P,WaW%ir...".,..MEINIffo.ZOR.M. ■Sa.17.1fiVVOSM.rad,,S.ISMY.6T1UOVSZXIW.:P..N.., . . ! 7 1". .ATTACHMENTA ,.....110 4 . ....) ,..; REPORT#PM-4L1.---- .., 1 Appendix 5 Public Mail Out Sample: Side 1 ,• . _. • . . .. _ ... , Lu . 0 ED a 0 111111111119111 ;I: 0 --, "7 - n . 111141.1:4 0 •- 'CI Se LA 4 L'' f)" a 1:11 ! 41. '..2' - .+-. 4:11 c D • 0 , Ti ..t.2 ii 9 a C III I.1 .41 0 a ). al - •, .• u ....) i l CL al ,„„, ci. ' di -,„.-..- 0 0- • Ir.! t! c,.: .... d., -... • 0 0 E ur) c44 , , '6 0 0 ,,...- 2 ii - . ,- litew .• ..aii. • o z (,,, 13 tz 0 a. n a. Li. • 1 , , . . _ ........-- , P.,'1.)16 al 1 I A .C. 211 11 Og. uPli t i ) k g i u , .: . 'a /3 ii 0 11 2 V: ( ;3 • . I; f (1 ■ 6. 11 r 1 -tir 2 '1 i t ,,, r,..1 ne". .i.•q- 6- 3 '2 Ci:' 4- i j t• U 11 . n la .• n .i.- .....; T .ii. a: 0 1 ,n 0' ,,g , ,1 FONVP 'a u ii4 n J t3 FJ .11 .. e '4 '-i (2. Ff in•14 • d a.,.. a. r it--. ,..... h A ..,, 'Z.' 6 0.) . u 0 'in ... ringg P i"--grl i P:) " ll il 0......2 re, i-, , ,,-- L4'. cs,c2cal- ii II:a - ,:•,, ,p %,,,,, -,," 44, ..• 1 ..;--I 1!q.4). .ti k,L,P.! •■3 .11 ("i ? - 1 t• .' F qo V,C!-,.. . ...1 71 .'t 6 05-*-A I 2 .C, 1! .r.- - ... 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IJ loi■1, .„,-) c., .., -a•-.7.A 1 6 C 0 ui'b 1-1.i.•: Il f . r,..2 I•..-4-I, 11a ....0;•"-- io' di--,..ti-a ,2-.11 ,..ig 0 -" ,t • - *) o. t -..r. i,' 13.t li !kJ 6.; r I, :i !.. ..a.r -p pki ...P 13.,_O'a 'T.'.:a ..1 • .g ,/*4, 11 I, zo:,..,.. T. • •k! I,.1_,-h ..-1.- p • n i.) F. 6 I , i, pi J a dl , . 0 C I "4' tie 4 0''• II ti U °V O''''' pall , r2. 11- rri ;g"'P -f-P.E-7 r5 fi;14 13 89. 0 8 a , I--6,, ,..„,, I: L..'c Arl.e ,,,:11 . tg t a,a-."" `'-- .a p.la a- • ° .41 6 r, 14--- ,,-•1 L. el ,..i '-ti y.c.,....it- a -t.: ia - ..- .44 4 I 11 p 0 U i f q i.-A 0 6,...: ,.) qi -0 f l ij ILE ly N 0 p .r• bi? '1*- ...? • • ? * I, vti-= 2-74 ' S ,.§ u itt. g-- ,, cr-ti ,., p.,,% .-qiii-,0 E 1.1-- rbli 1.,;.9- -ti--i g n to ;:i! 1 f 'a rt. -• 0 '! 9 -1, +.1.3bP -Pa0 . i-p g I., 7''' 1 9"7 -n ' ii i.d p -.: p le, fi -.., C,1404.. O5 ( --,=.... .: o•t: b UL . .1:1 :411 .nor5n .-no.: -..,-- t. .._,....:.... a...1.1: tro... n . ' • 4I .• . . 4- - - - - 4"33333,44431-443333,444.44.,3134-.34333.34-21433333.--3443313.134333.3 ..4443-4-4.34.33344,4343.3.444=343-3.3.3473.34443334,-.4.33434.3.3.33,-.3431,33443.41334"31.w.33343.3303443433447*., • : i . Appendix 6 `. Circulation List NAME ADDRESS 4 FRANK DAVID STORTO 2336 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 SUSAN NORMA ERICKSON ` YVONNE LUNDIE 2334 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 TONY KWOK-CHEUNG CHENG 2332 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 lb q RAY JOSEPH KING 2330 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 IAN MORTON 2326 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 VICKY MORTON a TORONTO AND REGION 5 SHOREHAM DR, DOWNSVIEW ON M3N 1S4 hCONSERVATION AUTHORITY 5 CONSEIL SCOLAIRE 1 VANIER PROM UNIT 101,WELLAND ON L3B 1A1 DE DISTRICT DU CENTRE . SUD-OUEST CHIEFTAN DEVELOPMENT 23 LESMILL RD UNIT 111,TORONTO ON M3B 3P6 CORPORATION V KENNEDY 10 MILNER BUSINESS CRT UNIT 714,STOUFFVILLE ON M1B 3C6 HOUSE YOUTH SERVICES . SHAWNA BEHARRY 1624 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 ROHAN SATNARAIN 1622 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 1 ii NORMAN BERK • 1620 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 BARBARA JEAN BERK • FREDERICK SPENCE 1618 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 JUNIE SPENCE • • HARDAT JEETLALL 1616 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 JORDAN ALLEN BOND 1614 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 LENNOX ALDAW MULCARE 1612 MELMAN ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C6 DANIEL AMIR SHOHDY 1652 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 SOUZAN SAAD MILINKO VULANOVIC 1650 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 I. LARRY MICHAEL PARENT 1648 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 KOSTA MANCELLARI 1646 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 t JAI FAULKNER REID 1644 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 w FAITH-ANNE REID MARILYN JOHNSTON METZIE LACROXI 1642 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 • TARIQ A.SAMY EL-NOQRASHY 1640 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 MARIA ASUNCION SILVA • COLETTE O'MARA • 1638 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C8 STAFFORD ANTHONY FERNANDEZ 1636 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 DAVID RUSSELL KERR .1634 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 STEVEN PORTER 1632 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 STEPHEN MCEDWARDS 1630 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 PATRICIA MCEDWARDS .s : . r :. ,, ter_•..«. . 3EPO '# PD a 3j B i 1 SHARON LYNN MILBURN 1628 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 BERNARD JOSEPH VANDENBROEK 1626 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 KEITH HAINES 1624 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 ERICK DOUGLAS CORSAUT 1622 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2C9 DAVID JAMES PICKLES 1620 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2E2 h JOHN WOODS 1618 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2E2 PATRICIA WOODS n KENNETH NEIL HAMILTON 1616 BAGGINS ST, PICKERING ON L1X 2E2 CHRISTINE M DOODY—HAMILTON BRUCE DONALD LAMORIE 1636 ARATHORN CRT, PICKERING ON L1X 2C1 1 SHARON GEORGIA WELLER PAUL KOSKINAS 2324 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 MARY KOSKINAS MICHAEL GRADY 2322 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 _ 4 ` TRULIE FALVO ENOBIA LEWIS 2320 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 & PATRICIA LEWIS s CARL MERLYN LEWIS &CHRISTOPHER LEWIS ; AKASH SAXENA 2318 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 EKTA MAINRA PHILIP LATCHMAN 2316 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 1 YVONNE LATCHMAN • AGIM'HARIZI 2314 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2T3 ;. LALIT=CHOWDHRY 2312 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 CHARMAINE CHOWDHRY I PELIN TULMEN 2310 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 ANGELO BATTISTI ARVEEN ALEX PAL 2308 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 • MONEETA KIRAN PASQUALE DE LUCA 2306 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 DANIELA MILOUCHEVA KEVIN FARIA 2302 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 LISA LYNN MIKIKO FARIA MIKE BERNARD KHAN 2300 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 9 ELIZABETH ALICE BARNICUTT MAURICE JOHN ROCHE 2298 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 0A6 MARGARET MARY JOYCE BENITA IRENE JONES 2328 SOUTHCOTT RD, PICKERING ON L1X 2S9 PAUL ALAN JONES ti p 1 ATTACHMENT# - TO REPORT#PD /V-/-7-- • 3 9 • Appendix 7 Photographic Simulation • o iiµ �' x 1 I ,a r o 'A_ ice. r Z 4 N. .1,_ I Nt 4 F'f ¥� t © i 1 ';t:.,,,Z.,,„::,;:::.,c,',.;-1!..;":1::;11-;'''. i U 0. Vx `i`y F,,,t a. 4 O OG ; x y 1 lin 35 "'x 3 , '�i yyyyyy . ,o l: U r h. a.O �, ' "" i s 4 • b 1U1 gin . A L.„„ Me,,,,,,, r'''''''A:.'"iik...)"..r.---,".....-.5,9-47,6,-,,,,l';s1'.''' r ,.4 <. OOO���? v O 6',( _ , Ti; a1„,,, • REPo;#PD. /V-/._.1____ 4 0 Photographic Simulation (CONTINUED) - d i ILI UC csi 1Y '9 0 7 1,41 #r 41 U Zi ! I y r' SAL \ O. lin 8 I N. E a w ,, ... o „ r X . ti - OG . , i #. a rr -, C1 i 1' h' ; Z c= 6 .. o. '.:'T# ' TO REPOFIT#PD /1/—// 41 • Photographic Simulation (CONTINUED) s } r ' I / yr s# 1 } r x Ng : '411-413"� - U ii: ai c1 1# z If o tn Ifp I II U tr. it 0 1:1) /V 9 ...e 4.. 4§ LII ti OG Q I. 8 a. l O ( = V> 040 * Qr 1 .-- mi Ccr—='\47=1 CD frid 1 11. CO t r_1 REPO PD i L/4 r . __. ,....,_____ rootirro 1 1" Appendix 8 Request for Concurrence April 23, 2012 Tyler Barnett,Senior Planner Development Review City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 i RE: Request for Concurrence for 2250 Brock Road, Centennial Park N I am writing to inform you that as of April 16, 2012 the public consultation phase for 2250 , Brock Road, Centennial Park ended. I am pleased to inform you that there were zero (0) comments submitted on this circulation from any of the individual letters sent to property owners within three times the tower height. I have attached copies of all public circulation material for your reference. You may recall that formal consultation began with the City of Pickering with respect to this location on March 16, 2012. Industry Canada's document on consultation with municipalities Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems — CPC-2-0-03 directs that "land-use consultation will be completed with 120 days from the proponent's 1 initial formal contact with the land-use authority. ,i ., As a result of the CPC Code's direction, we request the municipality to provide a letter of concurrence so that: 1. In as much as has been demonstrated to you,Public Mobile has consulted with the affected public as directed in CPC-2-0-03 subsection 4.2 and have responded in the appropriate time frame to all public comment, and; 2. The City of Pickering acknowledges that the relevant municipal process (in this case the Industry Canada Default Public Consultation Process)has been satisfied with respect to the location of the above noted antenna installation. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. k Sincerely, James Kennedy, RPP, MCIP FONTUR International Consultant for Public Mobile Office: 289-597-4576 i1 t. L 1mesvxa. maw >nxux�bsmm� � vms.mca�asc-.cam-xa�grn.an:: 4 7 i AT IAMM��T# TO 9EFO T#PD / _/ .. � $41E 4 y@ LtJi ;$ 1 ra3•s i 'e Y aiS i rg 9� �: g 4 II` sa b4 z N Et.- '. x + e ,gyp p gi• ygyg p 4 a ! o tl u3 11 p 8 � ,o f�u_� g 5� t,.....,„, g * ypp,yy.^g•-nnnccnnnygyyny d� I+ n • i.OW Fps§ X87 if bNi41111111;1f�1Nilliii N`},'. O e.., ` _.. g@ ,�sa g BBBB r� I,I, %.%-x ;H3 08 &I go Din^ ...,...2„.u.,.. ni � °t.a.8u4-6wR -sail 5§ 39E r., le r loe a_x i" ..Y+. ti ow BA01 x33238 300MO1N Grote 0OS )0088 SE BI NMONN - ON 0000. 10201030 — Q, ,M aaoB _ BAtlMx`+31 AB '.qyq M'V aq 1:0 3 p 1 106 VI Mr1-AB 0 1. kr •9 • •—YYO {, w 90ZZen00 x6146 1124 _ .....,=.1, ('� ANE B01 xvwt 1wa _ a A,.m.,,. 'r--- up 1864.. ', 1 /� _1 _ 7i M6 ° 3 . 1 1Bir!! 4.e/ '', 0 i°' 3. 1 It iavef 1 ii% '405 k II I .t0 *s 1 0. • s " . rvu µis � , , - fLt j T o O 2 q ' fl .d it+. 3 /I/ o r 'A ''. 4i 1 ° arse a4 w• • 0 r 2013530200 X61 101 IA 1 m o 1 J 111 rill -C-0,-.5 a m=4- O B. : J 0 p i S 3 7f33@ ; O22 711f Q ._ miIP 4 iO ... f 1 s q �.,.� s 9 ;$i 1015 �Foo�laE 6 1 �.. o g s Vis. 31 g : X Sa=i!. li YPBB,,'f _ —�Y ,�il a A t l y^g g 13 9 g sk. 1 e e MIgq yq5' pp a ra I o oxr n not x3w1.......p MO r aro\ 01 °¢ ! 4 i E f Ei �i 4 6 3 i Bn aro� xooe'a sr xMaxx Iw11 aronl 1Bx0u3Y_-- 1n T. b O —r' ftIn is Inn I I It. 1 1* �1 S h _ ... . E Y1 1 r cii I \ 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1- 111 1 1 II ,1\\\ di 6 ' / \ : 6 4 1!.•+i , '�' 1 \O1N.i01 1 ; 1 j 1 1 1 I 11 I 031131,YAtl v— I Y fl : . . a %,4 133n10 SHIMS • • ATTACHIV T#PTO 4 4 REPORT# • NAV CANADA April 5,2012 Your file (0NPCK0557)Centennial Park Our file 11-4646 Mr.Rob Anderson Fontur international Inc 30 East Beaver Creek,Suite 104 Richmond Hill,ON L4B 1J2 RE:Communication:Monopole-Pickering,ON (N43°61'44.09"W79°4'61.89"/98.4262'AGL/423.2283'AMSL) - Mr.Anderson, We have evaluated the captioned proposal and NAV CANADA has no objection to the project as submitted. In the event that you should decide not to proceed with this project,please advise us accordingly so that we may formally close the file. If you have any questions,contact the Land Use Department by telephone at 1-866-577-0247 or e-mail at Ianduset navcanada.ca. NAV CANADA'S land use evaluation is valid for a period of 12 months.Our assessment Is limited to the Impact of the proposed physical structure on the air navigation system and installations;It neither constitutes nor replaces any approvals or permits required by Transport Canada,Industry Canada,other Federal Government departments,Provincial or Municipal land use authorities or any,other agency from which approval is required. Industry Canada addresses any spectrum management Issues that may arise from your proposal and consults with NAV CANADA Engineering as deemed necessary. Yours truly, eiC4. °1/iliVar? Christopher Csatlos for David Legault Manager,Data Collection Aeronautical Information Services cc ONTR-Ontario Region,Transport Canada(11-12-00013564) CPE2-AJAX(PICKERING GEN HOSPITAL) 1801 Tom Roberts,P.O.Box 9824 Stn T,Ottawa,ON,K1G 6R2 1601 Tom Roberts,C.P.9824 Succursale T,Ottawa,Ontario,K1G 6R2 Telephone:+1(866)577.0247,Fax:+1(613)248-4094 Te!8phone:+1(866)577-0247,Tel2copleur:+1(613)248-4094 A €� ATTACHIVENT# S` TO REPORT#PD- /4/ /2 RDIMS# 7188059 IIITransport Transports APPENDIX C TO CAR 621.19-ANNEXE C RAC 621.19 Canada Canada TC Fib NoJRef No.-TC n'du dossier/N'de rat. AERONAUTICAL OBSTRUCTION FORMULAIRE D'AUTORISATION ATS-11-12-00013564 CLEARANCE FORM D'OBSTACLE AERIEN ' TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT-A REMPLiR PAR LE REQUERANT Operator's Name-Nom do roporateur Public Mobile Operators Address-Adresse do roporateur 1920 Yong* Street, Toronto, N48 3E6 Operatur'e Contact-Agent de liaison du river ateur Rob Anderson Contact's Telephone No.-N'do telephone do Pelson Contact'°FAX No.-N'do tel6copleur do liaison Contact's Email Address-Adresse 4tec(ronlyue de liaison 647-705-9714 rob.anderaon8fonturintornati onal.corn Applicant's Name-Nom durequ6rent Address-Adrasse FONTUR International -Michelle Wong Ken 30 East Beaver Creek Road, Suite 104 City--Vii Province/ierritory-ProvIncetterntoire Postal-Code-postal Richmond Hill Ontario 2+48 102 Applicant's Telephone No.-N'do telephone du requarent Applicant's FAX No.-N'do telsoopieur du requsrant I Applicant's Email Address-Mresse electronlquo du rogue rent 289-597-4576 - 866-234-7873 m.wongken®Ponturinternatiooal.corn Nearest city/town to proposed facility Geographic coordinates of structure-coordonnAes gsogrephlques de la structure Viiie la plus proche de la slnrdare proposes I 'I "I N Latitude I -I I "IW Longtitude I I NAO27Ij NAD83 n WG S84 (ONPCK0557) Pickering 43 51 44.09 Latitude N l 79 04 51.89 Longtitude 0 TOWERS/ANTENNAS BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE Foot-Plods Slaters-Metres TOURS I ANTENN ES BATIMENTOUAUTRESTRUCTURE A Height above ground 25 Nouteureudessysdusal B pitons heed Heelour du betmonl C Ground:devotion N nabovebenlevel ' ' ",' 99 A A Hauteur du sot eudossesdu niveau do la mar r''f' IList any tali ad acenl buildings and structures which may t.I,j.,--,. } D shield the proposed structure(Attach sketch) Fare une lisle Indlquent lea structures et baGments avolsinanis plus haut quo to u3tirnert C C I prolate(Indure un diegramme) New strut':.-Now.etruc. Add.to exist.strue.Ind.total hght.-Aleut a un ball.axis.incl.hauteur total Proposed Construction-Date-de construction propose° Yen No Oars 1.2013 �Oul [l Non TYPE OF STRUCTURE(narrative description and function)-GENRE DE STRUCTURE(description narrative etfondion) Proposed telecommunication tower (steel monopole design), 25 m in height. Oats(Y/A-M-WJ) Signature (orapplicant) I �C,(I 7r2./ 3' tlu requsranq RT CANADA USE ONLY- L'USAGE DE TRANSPORTS CANADA AERONAUTICAL ASSESSMENT-EVALUATION ARONAUTIQUE Site acceptable-Emplacement acceptable i 1 I r\ This form does not constitute authority for construction. L1- i No (II re„_son) J pUt Nen(ai non,pourquoi) Lighting as per(TP382)requred-ttaesege lemineux tel qua demandA au(TP382) Oust I�l Non oars Painting as per(TP382)required-Balisag°paint tel qua demands au((P382) ❑ Yes Out ,j No or Out Non al Temporary lighting required-Necossits d'un sausage lusiineux temporaire aYee ©No Of yes,type) Out Non (e1 out,de gust genre) Advise Transport Canada in wilting 00 days before constudlon when construction starts and on completion Velld to Avertir Transports Canada par east 90)cure avant la construction r- ❑au commencement de is construction ❑at A to fin des travaux Velida lusqu'au Cull Aviation Inspector(as required)-Inspedeur Aviation CN'de(at nacessatre) Comments-Comma ntal res (Y/A-M•0M) t' ..'(1 // t t ) -.:'�L 1...t�g(neture • t . 2.Or I i '2, Z. < Oats Signature Date(Y/A-M-0/J) Regional Manager Aerodrome Safety I Gest'.onaire Regional Rewrite dos aerodromes I► 260427(0005-01) Canada 0 w �, A1TACHMENT#IT'D m in, RE'Dr�T#PD__.__ I`f."�� U ®� E 0 ( c c U110 mows O W u a U p MI 0 3 c W se .0® a a� ® m. 0 0 mac; 0 75.9 *OW CL 41001§ a® • o , o O � 0 :0 - E 0) U 15 c m u '� _ OF- a) c D j U U h 0 U ...� - ° c o- 'E c o -.- U O c 0 0 0 ° ._ U N c 3 o c _0 o ° c 3 o U c',3)a I O c O 0 E a) 0 a> ac 13( � O CO • .• v C I� J U O i C CD O O U O- o V N C w � O v) N � O _ co3 N O 0 �° � � � ° c O 000 .� p o cOX °a� a N� . 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' Itellt;',' i;-` i04111Pt• -''''.. , 5 1 ATTA1M1 NT# TD REFO1Po Excerpt from May 16th, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #102/11 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe WHEREAS On April 18, 2011 the Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering formally opposed the installation of a communications tower at 1820 Whites Road in the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS hundreds of area residents have signed a petition objecting to the installation of a communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and other City locations; WHEREAS the City of Pickering received a response from Industry Canada in regards to our request to relocate the proposed communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and have ordered all communication tower installations cease on this site until Industry Canada can review this matter; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering requests the Government of Canada cease further consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to commence discussions with the City of Pickering to establish criteria based on mutual respect for all matters pertaining to land use in the City of Pickering for the installation of communication towers throughout our community. AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to Durham Regional Council, Corneliu Chisu, MP Elect for Pickering/Scarborough East, Chris Alexander, MP Elect Ajax Pickering, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote ATTACHMIEJT# 5 TO • %5i—%oZ. . r• r Excerot from April 18. 2011 Council Minutes REPORT#PD_. .._ .__. , 2 • .Resolution #87/11 • - Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe • WHEREAS the City of Pickering was recently informed that Industry Canada has approved a cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road, Amberlea Presbyterian Church without any consultation with the City of Pickering; and • WHEREAS the Federal Government through Industry Canada, refuses to recognize the important role that municipalities play in regards to local land use . • matters and specifically where cell phone towers may be situated,and WHEREAS local residents residing in the amberlea/Foxhollow Neighbourhood are outraged, having become aware through 3rd. party information that such an intrusion can be erected in a residential community; • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federal Government through Industry Canada be advised that the City of Pickering objects to the installation of a cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road and that they reverse its approval and enter into discussions with the City of Pickering'in order to find a more appropriate. location; • AND FURTHER that the Federal Government be required to amend their policies. and procedures for the approval of cell phone and radio towers to allow for local • municipalities consultation on all applications and to not approve applications • . - objected to by the local municipality; • • AND FURTHER that consultation takes place through the Federation of Municipalities on establishing guidelines to assist Industry Canada in setting criteria•that can be used by municipalities to assess each application submitted for towers; • AND that a copy of this motion be forwarded to FCM to be included for endorsement at its annual meeting • AND that copies of this resolution be sent to Dan McTeague, MP for • Pickering/Scarborough East, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry. and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote • • • C. , A ATT HMENT# TO FIEPUTT;r PD "lc'? File: ONPCK0557 NATIONAL SITE LEASE SPECIFICATION SHEET Site number: ONPCK0557 Option: No Option fee: 500.00 Lease granted: Julyl,2012 Commencement: July 1,2012 Lease Renewal: Yes Term (years): 10 Extensions terms(years): 10 Number of extensions: 1 Landlord information: TENANT information: The Corporation of The.City of Pickering PUBLIC MOBILE RETAIL INC. One The Esplanade 1920 Yonge Street,Suite 400 Pickering,Ontario L17 6K7 Toronto,Ontario M4S 3E2 Attention: City Clerk Attention: Real Estate Department Facsimile: 905-420-7648 Facsimile: Telephone: 905-420-4660 Telephone: HST Registration Number: RI08078593 Emergency QST Registration Number: [QST Number] Signatory: Signatory 1: Mayor Signatory 2: Clerk Annual rent: 20,000.00 Paid: Yearly Escalation clause: 5% or CPI Non-standard fee [Insert free form text] Suitability period: 18 months Rent abatement: No Annual fee: 50.00 Notwithstanding the forgoing,until the start of construction at the Site,or of installation of the Equipment,on a date specified by TENANT in written notice to the Landlord,the rent payable by TENANT to the Landlord shall be Fifty Dollars($50.00)per annum,prorated monthly,for a period not exceeding eighteen(18)months. ATTACHMEu'T# TO r REPO4T#PD. ! File: ONPCK0557 Termination clause: OptionA OptionA If,at any time during the Term,TENANT determines that operating the Site for the purposes declared herein is or has become commercially impractical,for any reason, TENANT may terminate this Lease without damages or penalty upon sixty(60) days prior written notice to the Landlord. In the event of such termination,the Landlord shall refund to TENANT any rent paid in advance for any period of time subsequent to the effective date of termination. OptionB If,at any time during the Term,a structure,building or other obstruction of any nature blocks,deflects or interferes in any way with the signals sent from the Site or received at the Site,or if TENANT determines that installing or operating the Shelter or the Equipment:(i)is or has become commercially impractical;or(ii)is or has become impossible due to a law,regulation or government decision or order,TENANT may terminate this • Lease without damages or penalty upon sixty(60)days prior written notice to the Landlord.In the event of such termination,the Landlord shall refund to TENANT any rent paid in advance for any period of time subsequent to the effective date of termination. Exclusivity clause: Preferred Preferred interference-The Landlord may subsequently to this Lease grant rights to third parties to install other or additional telecommunications transmission equipment on the Premises, provided that the operation of such other or additional equipment does not interfere with the operation of the Equipment.The Landlord shall provide TENANT with sixty(60)days written notice of the proposed new installation,and TENANT shall thereafter work with the installer and operator of the new equipment to ensure that the proposed new installation does not interfere with the operation of the Equipment.The Landlord shall,as a condition of the grant of any rights to third parties to install-other or additional telecommunications transmission equipment,stipulate that such party must collaborate with TENANT as described above and must refrain from installing and operating any such equipment until TENANT has determined,acting reasonably,that no material interference with the operation of the Equipment will result. The Landlord shall include an interference clause substantially the same as this subsection in any instrument used to grant rights to third parties to install other or additional telecommunications equipment on the Premises.The TENANT shall cooperate reasonably with all such third parties. Condominium Interference-The Landlord hereby agrees that TENANT shall have a non-exclusive easement over the Premises for the installation and use of the Equipment.The Landlord shall include in any telecommunications agreement with another provider of telecommunications services, a representation and warranty by such other provider of telecommunications services that the installation and use of its telecommunications equipment shall not materially interfere with the use of the Equipment,and a covenant to indemnify TENANT for any costs incurred to ensure the continued use of the Equipment without material interference from the telecommunication equipment of such other provider of telecommunications services. Schedule E: Yes • ATTACI MEVT# 6 TO REPORT#PD � ."� ... .. ..._ File: ONPCK0557 Legal description of the Premises: Real property located in the City of Pickering,in the province of Ontario,known municipally as Centennial Park and with the following legal description: Short form: PART LOT 19,CONCESSION 2,AS IN CO143461,SAVE&EXCEPT PARTS 2,3,4&5,PLAN 40R25587,S/1'A RIGHT AS IN C063612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1,PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 CITY OF PICKERING Long form: PART LOT 19,CONCESSION 2,AS IN C0143461,SAVE&EXCEPT PARTS 2,3,4&5,PLAN 40R25587,SIT A RIGI-IT AS IN CO63612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1,PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 CITY OF PICKERING ATTACHMENT#6 TO �' 4 REPORTO File: ONPCK0557 SITE LEASE This Lease is made on this 1st day of September, 2012 BETWEEN: The Corporation of The City of Pickering(the "Landlord")and PUBLIC MOBILE RETAIL INC. ("TENANT") The Landlord represents and warrants that it is the owner or lessee of the real property described in Schedule "A" (the "Premises")or is the duly authorized agent of such owner or lessee and has the authority to enter into this Lease. The Landlord has agreed to grant to TENANT a lease of a portion of the Premises, being the area(s) described in Schedule "B" (the "Site"). NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the rent payable by TENANT to the Landlord, the Landlord hereby leases to TENANT the Site together with its appurtenances herein described, subject to the covenants and obligations contained in the attached Terms and Conditions, and to such further specifications as are contained in Schedules A, B, C, D and E attached hereto,the whole forming the lease between the parties(the"Lease"). The Landlord grants to TENANT for the duration of the Lease: (i) the right to construct, install, maintain and use on the Site such equipment, devices, and facilities (collectively, the "Equipment")as may be necessary or useful from time to time for the purpose of carrying on the business of TENANT as a telecommunications service provider as per Schedule`B"; (ii) the right to install concrete moorings as required in order to ensure the stability of certain exterior Equipment; (iii) the right to build,maintain, occupy and use on the Site such enclosed structures as are required from time to time for the purpose of housing any part of the Equipment(the"Shelter"), including the right to renovate for such purpose any interior space included in the Site shall not occupy or block the travelled portion of the Premises; (iv) the right to access the Site, the Equipment and the Shelter on a 24/7 basis, on, over and through the Premises, with personnel, vehicles and equipment, as required, provided that the TENANT shall not occupy or block the travelled portion of the Premises;and (v) the right to use the Site, including the Shelter and the Equipment,for the purpose of carrying on a telecommunications business. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for a term of ten(10)years commencing on July 1,2012(the "Commencement Date")and ending on the day immediately preceding July 1,2022 and any extension term as provided herein(the"Term"). Address of the Landlord: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF One The Esplanade PICKERING Pickering,Ontario L17 6K7 Attention: City Clerk Facsimile: 905-420-7648 Telephone: 905-420-4660 Mayor HST Registration Number: R108078593 Clerk Address of TENANT: PUBLIC MOBILE RETAIL INC. 1920 Yonge Street,Suite 400 Toronto,Ontario M4S 3E2 Attention: Real Estate Department 4 of 10 ATTTCHM ENT# TO REFORM File: ONPCK0557 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Rental Rate. For the rights granted by the Landlord to TENANT,TENANT shall pay to the Landlord rent in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents($20,000.00)per annum(the"Rent")plus any applicable provincial sales tax and harmonized sales tax, on or before the Commencement Date for the first year and the anniversary of the Commencement Date for each subsequent year during the Term.Rent,and any other amount payable by TENANT to the Landlord under the terms of this Lease,shall he tendered at the address of the Landlord specified herein,or at such other address as may be duly notified to TENANT by the Landlord. 2. Right of Extension.The Lessor hereby grants to TENANT the right to extend the initial term of this Lease for one(1)further and consecutive period of ten(10)years. Such extension shall take effect automatically and without further notice,unless TENANT gives notice to the Lessor,at least ninety(90)days prior to the end of the current term of this Lease,that it shall not exercise such right of extension.The extension term will be subject to the same terms and conditions as apply during the initial term except that the annual rent in such extension term shall be equal to the fee prevailing in the year immediately preceding the beginning of such extension term,changed by an amount equal to the change in the Canadian Consumer Price Index(all items)in the immediately preceding . term. 3. Termination by TENANT. If,at any time during the Term,TENANT determines that operating the Site for the purposes declared herein is or has become commercially impractical,for any reason,TENANT may terminate this Lease without damages or penalty upon sixty(60)days prior written notice to the Landlord. In the event of such termination,the Landlord shall refund to TENANT any rent paid in advance for any period of time subsequent to the effective date of termination. 4. Covenants of TENANT. (a) Safety and Maintenance-TENANT shall install,operate,and maintain its Equipment and the Shelter,in a good,safe and workmanlike manner. (h) Taxes,Rates and Assessments-TENANT will pay as and when due all applicable taxes,rates and assessments,that are levied,charged or assessed with respect to any business carried on by TENANT on or from the Premises including,but without limiting the forgoing,realty taxes. (c) Electricity Charges-TENANT shall pay for the electricity charges attributable to the operation of the Equipment at the Site either by having installed a separately metered electrical service or,in circumstances where the local utility will not install a separate meter,by installing a submeter and paying the Landlord's invoices for electricity based on the submeter readings and the actual tolls of the local utility.The Landlord is responsible for reading the submeter once every three months and invoicing TENANT accordingly no less frequently than on an annual basis,failing which TENANT may fully discharge its obligation to compensate the Landlord for electricity consumption by tendering payment of a reasonable estimate of the electricity charges for usage in the previous year.No claim may be made for electricity charges with respect to usage not invoiced more than one year in the past. (d) Government Regulation-TENANT shall,at its own expense,at all times ensure that the installation,operation and maintenance of its Equipment,and Shelter,comply with all required laws,directions,rules and regulations of relevant governmental authorities,including all applicable building codes,and industry Canada and Transport Canada requirements. (e) Removal of Equipment-TENANT shall quit and surrender possession of the Site within ninety(90)days after the expiration or termination of this Lease and shall remove its Equipment and Shelter from the Premises within that time and the premises shall be restored to its original condition,reasonable wear and tear excepted.Tenant shall be required to remove conduits,concrete foundations(to one(1)metre below grade)upon expiration or termination of this Lease. (f) Interference-TENANT covenants that TENANT operation of its radio system(s)shall not cause material interference or degradation of any other signals lawfully transmitted or received within or on or over the Premises. TENANT shall use all reasonable efforts to correct such interference or degradation,where reasonably demonstrated,upon receiving written notice from the Landlord. (g) insurance-TENANT shall at all times throughout the Tenn maintain insurance coverage for:(i)All-Risk Property loss covering the full insurable replacement cost of the Equipment and the Shelter without deduction for depreciation and with reasonable deductibles;and(ii)Commercial General Liability in an amount not less than Five Million Dollars($5,000,000)per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The Landlord shall be included as an additional insured in all such policies,but solely with respect to liability arising out of the operations of TENANT at the Premises.At the Landlord's reasonable request, TENANT shall provide a memorandum of insurance confirming that policies as required herein are in force,and shall notify the Landlord of the cancellation of any such policy.Such insurance policy shall provide a waiver of Subrogation,a Severability of interests provision and not be cancelled except on not less than 30 days'written notice to the Landlord. 5. Covenants of the Landlord. (a) Quiet Possession-The Landlord covenants that TENANT shall peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the Site and its appurtenances,subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease.The Landlord shall not make any change to the Premises and its appurtenances that could adversely affect access to or use of the Site by TENANT at any time throughout the duration of this Lease without the prior written consent of TENANT,which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. (b) Access-The Landlord shall provide to TENANT and its authorized representatives and agents such additional rights of access as are necessary from time to time to construct,install,maintain,repair,replace,reconfigure and operate the Equipment and the Shelter,including but not limited to the right to connect the Equipment to local utilities,to install underground or overhead telephone or power lines in any combination,and to install conduits for Libre or telephone cabling or both of them. 5 of 10 ATTAC M ENT# TO R'EPO T#: 7 File: ONPCK055 (c) Emergency Power-TENANT shall have the right to install and operate an emergency power generator on the Site,including such cabling as may be required to connect the generator to the Equipment,for its own use while public utility service is not available for any reason.TENANT shall pay all costs attributable to such installation and operation. (d) Premises Maintenance-The Landlord hereby agrees to provide not less than thirty(30)days prior written notice to TENANT of any repairs,additions or maintenance(collectively the"Work")to take place at the Premises,which may have an impact on the Shelter or the operation of the Equipment.The Landlord further agrees to meet on-site with TENANT and to make available the contractor(s)involved with the Work,not less than fifteen(15)business days prior to the commencement of the Work to review the Work and the related impact on the Shelter or the Equipment,except in the case of an emergency situation requiring immediate intervention to preserve the structural integrity of the Premises. The Landlord further agrees to make a reasonable effort to inform TENANT as soon as possible of an emergency situation that may have an adverse effect on the Shelter or the Equipment. (e) Interference-The Landlord may subsequently to this Lease grant rights to third parties to install other or additional telecommunications transmission equipment on the Premises,provided that the operation of such other or additional equipment does not interfere with the operation of the Equipment.The Landlord shall provide TENANT with sixty(60)days written notice of the proposed new installation,and TENANT shall thereafter work with the installer and operator of the new equipment to ensure that the proposed new installation does not interfere with the operation of the Equipment.The Landlord shall,as a condition of the grant of any rights to third parties to install other or additional telecommunications transmission equipment,stipulate that such party must collaborate with TENANT as described above and must refrain from installing and operating any such equipment until TENANT has determined, acting reasonably,that no material interference with the operation of the Equipment will result.The Landlord shall include an interference clause substantially the same as this subsection in any instrument used to grant rights to third parties to install other or additional telecommunications equipment on the Premises.The TENANT shall cooperate reasonably with all such third parties. 6. TENANT' Equipment. The Equipment and the Shelter shall remain at all times the personal and moveable property of TENANT,and not become fixtures,notwithstanding the attachment to any degree or in any manner of any part of the Equipment or the Shelter to the Premises. TENANT shall with written consent have the right to make alterations or improvements or both at the Site at any time during the Term including,but not limited to,the replacement,expansion, reconfiguration or addition of transmission facilities of any kind,towers and/or antenna mounts,equipment shelters and/or additional radio equipment as deemed necessary by TENANT. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this agreement no initial work alteration, improvement, replacement, expansion, reconfiguration or addition on the Site shall commence until the Landlord reviews and approves the plans and issues the Building Permit. 7. Landlord not Liable. Except for the negligent acts or omissions or the willful and wrongful acts or omissions of the Landlord or the Landlords employees or those persons authorized by the Landlord to be on the Premises,the Landlord shall not be liable to or indemnify TENANT for any inconvenience to the operations of TENANT at the Site,or damage to the Equipment or the Shelter,or injury to any person occupying the Site. 8. TENANT not Liable. Except for the negligent acts or omissions or the willful and wrongful acts or omissions of TENANT or TENANT's employees and those persons authorized by TENANT to be on the Premises,TENANT shall not be liable to or indemnify the Landlord for any costs incurred or losses or damages or injury suffered by the Landlord. 9. Confidentiality. Intentionally deleted. ,t. 10. Default. Either party may at its option and without further liability to the other party terminate this Lease:(i)upon the material default by such other party in the performance of any of its covenants or obligations under this Lease,if such default is not remedied within thirty(30)days of the party in default receiving written notice of such default,or within such longer period as is reasonable in the circumstances so long as the party in default is diligently moving to implement remedial action;or(ii)subject to the rights granted by TENANT'financing arrangements,as authorized herein,if such other party becomes insolvent,ceases to do business as a going concern,is adjudged a bankrupt or made subject to the appointment of a receiver-manager,makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors,or takes the benefit of any statute in force for the winding up or liquidation of business enterprises. 11. TENANT' Financing Arrangements. The Landlord acknowledges that TENANT has entered into, and will be entering into, certain financing arrangements which may require an assignment as security or hypothecation of TENANT' rights and obligations under this Lease,or the creation of security interests in the personal or moveable property of TENANT located at the Premises. The Landlord consents to any such assignment as security,hypothecation or grant of security interests,and to any transfers occurring on the enforcement of same. The Landlord shall,at the request of TENANT,acknowledge in writing the foregoing in such form as the relevant financier may reasonably require. For the purposes of this section,TENANT is executing this Lease for itself and as agent for the financiers with whom TENANT may be entering into financing arrangements from time to time as acknowledged herein. 12. Registration Intentionally deleted. 13. Encumbrances. Intentionally deleted. 14. Assignment. Except as otherwise permitted herein,this Lease shall not be assigned by TENANT without the prior written consent of the Landlord,such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Landlord will be considered to be reasonably withholding its consent if it does so on the basis of any of the following factors,as determined by the Landlord:(a)the financial condition of the proposed assignee,or(b)the proposed assignee's lack of expertise or reputation with respect to the operation of equipment similar to the Equipment.The term"assignment"when used herein shall include bankruptcy or change in corporate control of the Tenant as well as seizure,realization or execution against this Lease or the Equipment by any creditor of the Tenant.In the event of a permitted assignment,the assignee shall agree to he bound by the terms of this Lease and the TENANT shall remain liable hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing,TENANT may,without consent of the Landlord:(i)assign its rights and obligations under this Lease to any affiliated entity including a partnership;(ii) sublet all or any portion of the Site and its appurtenances to any affiliated entity including a partnership;and (iii) license any portion of the Site and it's appurtenances to a third party,for use as a telecommunications site. Whenever the Landlord's consent is required by virtue of these provisions,such consent is deemed granted if Landlord does not respond within fifteen(15)days to the written request of TENANT for such consent. 6 of 10 • U ATTh HM T REPORT#PD_.! .'/_a File: ONPC.K0557 15. Successors and Assigns. This Lease shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Landlord and the successors and permitted assigns of TENANT,and no assignee or successor of the Landlord shall challenge the validity or enforceability of any provision of this Lease and every assignee or successor of the Landlord shall be bound by all the obligations of the Landlord hereunder. Upon a conveyance or assignment of its interest in the Premises, the Landlord shall provide TENANT with written notice of the identity of the successor or assign and the address at which the rent shall be tendered and notices given pursuant to the conveyance or assignment. 16. Overholdino,. In the event that TENANT remains in possession of the Site after the expiration of the Term,TENANT shall be deemed to be occupying the Site as a Tenant from month to month at the current monthly rent,or if the rent is payable annually,one twelfth(1/12)of the annual rent. The rent shall thereafter be payable monthly in advance on the first day of each month following the expiration of the Term,with all other rights and obligations of this Lease remaining in force to the extent they may apply to a month to month tenancy,subject to the proviso that neither party may terminate the month to month tenancy except by giving ninety(90)days written notice to the other party. No extension of the Term,nor any new Term,nor any tenancy from year to year will be created by implication of law through overholding. 17. Expropriation. Intentionally deleted. 18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. The provisions of this Lease shall he governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the province in which the Premises are located.The parties hereby attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that province. 19. Entire Lease;Survey. This Lease cancels and replaces all other agreements between the parties with respect to the Premises.This Lease contains the entire agreement between the Landlord and TENANT with respect to the Premises and expressly excludes all prior representations and discussions,either oral or written,between the parties other than those set forth in this Lease. Each party acknowledges having obtained adequate explanation of the nature and scope of each of the clauses of this Lease,and having had the opportunity to consult legal counsel with respect thereto. Except as otherwise provided herein,this Lease may not be amended or modified except by written instrument executed by both parties. 20. Facsimile Transmissions;Notices. This Lease may be executed,amended or renewed by either party by facsimile transmission,and receipt of a copy of the document so executing,amending or renewing this Lease shall bind the transmitting party to all the terms and conditions contained therein. Any notice required or authorized by this Lease shall be deemed to have been properly given if by personal delivery at any place,or by registered mail,courier or facsimile transmission to the address or fax number specified herein or to any other address or fax number duly notified by one party to the other. 21. Severahility. Any provision of this Lease that is determined to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part,shall be deemed unwritten and shall not affect or impair the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Lease,which shall all remain binding on the parties. 22. Authorization. The Landlord hereby authorizes TENANT for the entire duration of the Term,to use the correspondence attached at Schedule"D"(the "Authorization Letter"),to obtain from any person,corporation or government authority,any information regarding the Premises that TENANT may require for the purposes of exercising its rights under this Lease,and the Landlord agrees to execute the Authorization Letter from time to time as reasonably requested by TENANT for these purposes. 23. Environmental. Landlord represents that it has no knowledge of any substance on the Site that is identified as hazardous,toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal,provincial or local law or regulation. Landlord shall be responsible for any pre-existing contamination of the Site.Landlord and Tenant shall not introduce or use any such substance on the Site in violation of any applicable law. 24. Redevelopment. Notwithstanding any term or provision to the contrary in this Lease,in the event Landlord intends to redevelop,subdivide,rezone, demolish,reconstruct or alter(collectively"Redevelop"or,as a noun,"Redevelopment")the Site or any portion thereof,then,to the extent necessary or convenient in connection with such Redevelopment,Landlord shall have the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, following the fifteenth(15th)anniversary of the Commencement Date,to require Tenant relocate its Equipment to another location on Landlord's Premises upon at least six(6)months prior written notice. In order to continue Tenant's operations from the Premises,Tenant shall have the right to(i)construct,install and maintain temporary facilities in or about the Premises,subject to the terms of the Lease,in such locations as will not interfere with any pre-existing tenants or any Redevelopment of the Premises;or(ii) relocate the Equipment to another portion of the Premises(which may be installed by the Tenant prior to the removal of the pre-existing Equipment to ensure a seamless continuation of the Tenant's telecommunication services at the Property) reasonably acceptable to Tenant and Landlord, similar in area and appropriateness for Tenant's continued operations from the Premises(the"Alternate Site")which will not interfere with the Redevelopment of the Premises. If,in Tenant's reasonable judgment,there is no Altemate Site suitable for the Equipment or Tenant's continued operations from the Premises,Tenant's sole and exclusive right and remedy shall be to terminate this Lease effective upon Landlord's receipt of written notice from Tenant. Within fifteen(15)days of receipt of notice of Landlord's intent to Redevelop the Premises,Tenant shall notify Landlord of its election to either(i)relocate its Equipment to another location on the Premises or(ii)terminate the Lease. Tenant and Landlord shall cooperate in good faith to schedule the relocation at a mutually agreeable time and in a mutually agreeable manner. 7oflO ATTAIN i T# ----- TO n REPORT#PD /5�-/_ _._ O 0 File: ONPCK0557 SCHEDULE"A" DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Real property located in the City of Pickering, in the province of Ontario,known municipally as Centennial Park and with the following legal description: PART LOT 19,CONCESSION 2,AS IN C0143461,SAVE&EXCEPT PARTS 2,3,4&5,PLAN 40R25587,Sir A RIGHT AS IN CO63612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1, PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 CITY OF PICKERING 8 of 10 File: ONPCK0557 SCHEDULE "B" IDENTIFICATION OF SITE NOTE:Plan is not to scale.Boundary lines,easements,servitudes and rights of way identified in the plan are approximations which may be further specified in technical drawings or a survey, to be added as required through Schedule C. Plan is subject to all terms and conditions of the Lease. i) f , p 1 � it S x C eq.r ` .vi ,1;s't ,to,F i ,' 1 w 1 P a i es y i, r H. ;"f l ; 1: � w k ' ; cr sllgqx �L Yf p� I K 9t *'OZ =.; 43 g. 3i S'SS.1Ai aaki 'Z6 .t k f'' N�' 1I' 0,_61:0 b a vs ,t "ei'{ 1r Q 4 41tG_s (;‘,11)�o,q 3yg e .a ix 'I 9I 'r� ,!a. a s — u /Cia?.. • W,r €.a a:r.at ; r u...<G.` .= . '�... al ax (�' r ',I• t. h L ,_ >': f: - J t i ; � / , ' i F. N / — —.._ _--_= ---_- .] ; }. i',pI L.L.- 3itl 9.11 ij ! I ,j,., dr!1 4.it,Ill./ ![V ,�.. _ 4 a ri i1 gift Diit i !$ d PL! 513.1i 1.111i l :iF(U!r @ i� j IV te;3+ g� 1 l (r� - 1 ;w.� 5, der l' x cl i l 4• st Mf �r ill I Or 41 _ 3 —.._ _." \` y 1 •'r .It f' a I s d Fell}h$L u ...t�uw. :u- nama 59t ;� 11' ) �- <c R^r m 7u�', ax 5 � . t"� r tt , ! f , Ea tt..r / _: f t S{ t da r "L 4 I i_hYx..+---- a. ik� ,- ' I 1 ° III r -.)//,;-"'r. I -M i i ,£f, a• -;!- I ■ __.... i--i•i1 ` k i t i.' f I 1"`_c�-- �.i�. l \, �k 1 �-, I "'" I I . 1; ' 1 • • . t 1 ' _t1k'.1 1 6 9 of 10 A`TACHR NT# _To REPORT#PD 6 2. File: ONPCK0557 SCHEDULE"C" TECHNICAL DRAWINGS OR SURVEY OF PREMISES AND SITE NOTE:Technical drawings and surveys are subject to all terms and conditions of the Lease. i iti.: 4.nt ntio. ya._ 1.0 of 10 • ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#PD File: ONPCK0557 SCHEDULE "D" AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L17 6K7 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Re:PART LOT 19,CONCESSION 2,AS IN CO1.43461,SAVE&EXCEPT PARTS 2,3,4&5,PLAN 40R25587, S/T A RIGHT AS IN CO63612 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN GROSS OVER PART 1,PLAN 40R26022 AS IN DR912237 CITY OF PICKERING Site: ONONPCK562 We/I, The Corporation of The City of Pickering, the owners of the above mentioned property, hereby give PUBLIC MOBILE RETAIL INC. (TENANT) and its agents permission to act as our agent to acquire the necessary permits, drawings and/or buildings structural blue-prints, hydro information from the public utility and information from the municipality or other authorities concerned,needed to approve the construction of the telecommunications site at the address indicated above and as shown on the attached plans. Sincerely, Mayor Clerk 11 of 10