HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05-12 Report to ~ Council PICKERING Report Number: CAO 05-12 Date: March 26,2012 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: City of Pickering Comments on Proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan File: 1100-087 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 05-12 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) be received; 2. That Council advises the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that the proposed amendments to Section 4.5 (Item 13), Section 4.6 (Item 14), Section 4.8 (Item 18), and Section 5.1 (Item 22) of the Central Pickering Development Plan are unacceptable to the City; and requests instead that the Minister reinstate the removed clauses, with modifications, as follows: (a) 4.5.14 Acknowledge the importance of required transportation network improvements outside of the Development Planning Area for the successful implementation of the Plan and its role in helping to realize the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, recognizing that progressive development of such external transportation infrastructure is to facilitate the build-out of the Development Planning Area. Notwithstanding Policy 5 of Section 4.5, the construction of the Sideline 26 (Whites Road) interchange shall be concurrent with servicing the first phase of the Prestige Employment lands. (b) 4.6.2 Servicing of the lands shall be phased to reflect a cost-efficient and logically sequential extension of required infrastructure within the Development Plan Area, including the servicing of 80 ha of Prestige Employment lands concurrent with the first phase of development, based on an absorption rate for residential and employment lands that would achieve the population and employment forecasts for 2031. I Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 2 (c) 4.8.5 Require Neighbourhood Plans and policies to be prepared for each of the fifteen neighbourhoods. These Neighbourhood Plans may be combined and may include parts of the Natural Heritage System and Prestige Employment Areas and shall include: a) Preparation of a pedestrian and bicycle systems plan based on the overall network developed through the Master Environmental Servicing Plan; b) Consideration of the previously completed archaeological and heritage assessments; c) Identification of stormwater management system/facility locations, type, preliminary sizing; and d) Identification of detailed community facility requirements. (d) 5.1.5 It is a policy of this Plan to require, prior to the enactment of any zoning by-law, the implementation of appropriate measures and financial agreements, such as front-ending agreements, cost-sharing agreements and/or development charges to ensure that the development of the community does not cause a financial burden on either the City of Pickering or the Regional Municipality of Durham with respect to facilities, services and infrastructure. The cost of development of community services and facilities should be fairly shared by all benefiting parties and be consistent with the results of a Fiscal Impact Study to be carried out for the City of Pickering and the Regional Municipality of Durham. 3. That Council requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to provide financial assistance to the City in accordance with Section 20 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, in order to ensure the provision of required infrastructure and community facilities in Seaton and/or to enact an amendment to the Development Charges Act to permit the City to secure adequate funding for the required infrastructure and community facilities in Seaton through an area-specific development charge by-law; and 4. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report CAO 05-12 to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Infrastructure, the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Seaton Landowners. Executive Summary: In May 2006, the Province approved the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP), prepared under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 (OPDA). In January 2012, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing initiated an amendment.to the CPDP. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 3 The Minister is proposing 23 amendments to the CPDP that (in the Minister's words) would: change the timing requirements associated with the implementation of financial measures required by the CPDP; clarify the need for infrastructure and other community facilities related to Seaton as the community builds out; clarify the population and employment forecasts in the CPDP; clarify the relationship between the CPDP and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006; and clarify the implementation process for Seaton. Various technical and housekeeping changes to the Plan are also being proposed. Submissions on the proposed amendment may be made in writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing until April 2, 2012. The most significant concern to the City with the various proposed amendments is the removal of the clause from Section 5.1.5 that explicitly protects the City from incurring a financial burden as a result of the development of Seaton, and a change in the timing for entering into financial agreements from the Neighbourhood Plan stage to the building permit stage. Staff is very concerned that these proposed changes, if approved, would have the potential of exposing Pickering to a very significant and unreasonable financial risk. The proposed changes are also inconsistent with the Minutes of Settlement entered into by the City, the Province and the Seaton Landowners in February 2011. Approval of these changes by the Minister may constitute a breach of the Minutes of Settlement by the Province. The "financial burden" clause needs to remain in the CPDP. However, as a possible alternative on the timing for entering into financial agreements, staff is willing to consider a delay in the timing of the required financial agreements to the zoning by-law stage. In this way, staff would need to be satisfied that development would not cause an undue financial impact on the City or the Region of Durham prior to enacting any zoning by-laws. To address any financial shortfall associated with providing required infrastructure, services and facilities for Seaton, staff recommends that Council request the Minister to provide financial assistance in accordance with Section 20 of the OPDA and/or to change the Development Charges Act to permit the City to fund these costs through development charges. This would ensure that the development of Seaton does not cause an undue financial burden on the City or the Region. Financial Implications: Although the Seaton Fiscal Impact Analysis has not yet been completed, based on current information and analysis, the development of Seaton will likely cause a significant financial burden on the City or the Region. Section 5.1.5 of the CPDP as currently written requires the establishment of appropriate agreements to ensure that Seaton will not cause a financial burden on the City. The draft IBI Group Municipal Financial Impact Study undertaken to date currently estimates the financial burden to be approximately $75 million. Should the Minister's proposed change to Section 5.1.5 be enacted, the protection that was afforded by this Section will be lost, potentially exposing the City and the Region to a significant and unsustainable financial burden should the development of Seaton proceed. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 4 i 1.0 Background 1.1 In May 2006, the Province approved the Central Pickering Development Plan, prepared under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 The Province, in May 2006, approved the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). The CPDP establishes a vision for achieving a sustainable, mixed use, transit-supportive urban community of up to 70,000 persons and 35,000 jobs on the Seaton lands, and preserving prime agricultural land, within an extensive natural heritage system throughout both areas. Of note, Section 5.1.5 of the- CPDP requires, prior to or concurrent with the approval of the first Neighbourhood Plan, appropriate agreements with the Seaton landowners to ensure that development does not cause a financial burden on either the City or Region of Durham. This policy addressed Pickering's concern that development of Seaton not create a financial burden on the City with respect to the timely provision of municipal facilities, services and infrastructure. 1.2 In January, 2012, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advised the Ontario Municipal Board that a matter of provincial interest is, or is likely to be, adversely affected by the Seaton appeals Prior to the commencement of the January 25, 2012 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued a declaration of provincial interest under the Planning Act regarding the appeals of the amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law affecting Seaton (see Attachment #1). The declaration was accompanied by a proposed amendment to the CPDP (see 1.3 below). Under the Planning Act, when the Minister has declared a provincial interest, the decision of the OMB is not final until approved by the Lieutenant Governor-in Council, who may also vary or rescind the decision of the OMB. The OMB hearing was subsequently adjourned. A pre-hearing conference for the Seaton appeals is scheduled for June 11, 2012. 1.3 Also on January 25, 2012, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advised the City Clerk of a Proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in a letter dated January 25, 2012 to the City Clerk advised that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing had initiated an amendment to the CPDP (see Attachment #2). As outlined in the letter, the purpose of this amendment is to: • change the timing requirements associated with the implementation of financial measures required by the Central Pickering Development Plan • clarify that the need for infrastructure and other community facilities related to Central Pickering will be required as the community builds out in a logical and sequential manner Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 5 122 • clarify the population and employment forecasts in the Central Pickering Development Plan and the intent that these forecasts are to be used for the purposes of planning to 2031 • clarify the relationship between the Central Pickering Development Plan and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 • clarify the implementation process for Seaton; and • undertake minor housekeeping changes Submissions on the proposed amendment may be made in writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing until April 2, 2012. If submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may, • appoint a hearing officer to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it • refer the matter to the Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it • after considering the submissions, approve the proposed amendment in whole or in part or make modifications to it and approve the amendment as modified, or • after considering the submissions, refuse the proposed amendment in whole or in part. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 The proposed changes to CPDP Section 5.1.5 (Item 22 of proposed Amendment No. 1) deleting the requirement that Seaton will not cause a financial burden on the City (or Region), reassigning the timing of the required financial agreements to the building permit stage, and requiring the City to undertake the Fiscal Impact Study are unacceptable Staff is very concerned with the proposed changes to Section 5.1.5 as follows: a) removes the clause that protects the City from undue financial impact The proposed change removes the clause that explicitly. protects the municipality from incurring a financial burden for the cost of providing facilities, services and infrastructure. This change has the potential of exposing Pickering and its taxpayers to a very significant and unreasonable financial risk. Further, the proposed changes are inconsistent with items 4 and 5 of the Minutes of Settlement signed by the City, the Province, and the Seaton Landowners in February 2011, and if approved by the Minister, could constitute a breach of contract. The parties agreed that the City's Seaton Conformity Official Plan Amendment (OPA) conforms to the policies of the CPDP. Specifically, Section 2.14 (c) (vii) of the Seaton Conformity OPA requires the adoption of appropriate measures, incentives and controls to ensure that Seaton does not impose a financial burden on the City or Region.. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 6 L The City would not have signed the Minutes of Settlement without the protection of Section 5.1.5. The Settlement is a contract, binding upon all parties. By unilaterally removing the financial protection from Section 5.1.5, the Province is removing a fundamental underpinning of the contract. This will result in a breach of the contract. Such a breach exposes the City to a substantial financial burden. The City may have no choice but to seek recovery of appropriate damages through the courts. b) reassigns the timing of the required financial agreements from "prior to or concurrent with the approval of the first Neighborhood Plan" to the "building permit stage" It is much too late in the process to wait until the issuance of building permits to obtain financial agreements. By that time, the City would have no way to enforce the financial conditions, since the Building Code would not allow the City to withhold permits pending finalization of these agreements. As a possible alternative, staff would be willing to consider a delay in the timing of the required financial agreements to the zoning by-law stage. Staff have reworded Section 5.1.5 (City changes are bolded) as follows: It is a policy of this Plan to require, prior to enacting any zoning by-laws, the implementation of appropriate measures and financial agreements, such as front-ending agreements, cost-sharing agreements and/or development charges to ensure that the development of the community does not cause a financial burden on either the City of Pickering or the Regional Municipality of Durham with respect to facilities, services and infrastructure. The cost of development of community services and facilities should be fairly shared by all benefiting parties and be consistent with the results of a Fiscal Impact Study to be carried out for the City of Pickering and the Regional. Municipality of Durham. Adding a reference to the enactment of zoning by-laws will provide the necessary policy support for the City to be satisfied that, prior to enacting any zoning by- laws, the development of Seaton would not cause an undue financial impact on the City or Region. c) requires the City (or Region) instead of the Seaton Landowners to undertake the Fiscal Impact Study The proposed wording change from "for" to "by" will require the City (or Region) to carry out their respective Financial Impact Studies. IBI Group on behalf of the Seaton landowners has submitted a draft Municipal Financial Impact Study, which is currently under review by the City and its peer review consultant, C.N. Watson. Staff is currently assessing the implications of development to ensure that development of Seaton does not create a financial burden on the City with respect to the timely provision of municipal facilities, services, and infrastructure. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 7 124 Significant staff and consulting time has already been spent on its review and staff continue to work with IBI to narrow the issues. There is no need to change the current wording to require the City to undertake the Study. If the proposed wording is approved, the City will need to seek funds from the Seaton landowners to undertake the Study with the real possibility of further delay. 2.2 The draft Municipal Financial Impact Study and discussions to date demonstrate to City staff that a shortfall exists between Development Charge revenues and the estimated capital program. It remains to be determined who is responsible for making up the shortfall The draft Municipal Financial Impact Study identified a significant shortfall (approximately $75 million) between Development Charge revenues and the estimated capital program costs. Furthermore, this shortfall does not include the capital costs of the District Park lands and external City roads. Discussions with the IBI Group on the study's analysis are continuing. Regardless of the amount of the financial shortfall, there remains the issue of who is responsible for making up the shortfall. There are two funding options: • Option One is for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to provide financial assistance in accordance with Section 20 of the OPDA; and • Option Two is for the Minster to enact the necessary legislative changes to the Development Charges Act that would permit the City to fund the enhanced infrastructure costs associated with Seaton. For example, amendments to the Act should include, but perhaps not be limited to, provisions allowing the City to enact a development charge by-law which is not limited by the level of service in the existing community; allowing a greater portion of the costs to be recoverable from development charges; expanding the range of services which are recoverable by development charges; specifying that per capita costs may be based on current legislative and community requirements; and giving the City the ability to establish a separate and distinct development charge for a new community in an existing municipality. Staff are recommending that Council request the Minister to consider both the financial assistance and development charge options in order to prevent undue financial impact on the City and Region. Should the Minister not accept the City's proposed recommendations, the' City would need to revaluate its cooperation with the Province in the planning and development of the Seaton community. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 8 _v 2.3 The proposed change to Section 4.5 (Item 13) and Section 4.6 (Item 14) should also include wording to reference the early delivery of infrastructure and services to support the first phase of employment land development There are no policies in the CPDP requiring construction of the Sideline 26 (Whites Road) interchange and the servicing of the Prestige Employment lands as part of the first phase of the Seaton `development. These infrastructure elements were requested by both the City and Region to support an employment objective of creating a balanced live/work relationship in the early stages of neighbourhood development. Accordingly, staff recommends that the proposed change to Section 4.5 also include a reference to the construction of Sideline 26 (Whites Road) interchange concurrent with servicing the first phase of the prestige employment lands. Accordingly, staff have reworded Section 4.5.14 (City changes are bolded) as follows: Acknowledge the importance of required transportation network improvements outside of the Development Planning Area for the successful implementation of the Plan and its role in helping to realize the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, recognizing that progressive development of such external transportation infrastructure would occur to facilitate the build-out of the Development Planning Area. Notwithstanding Policy 5 of Section 4.5, the construction of the Sideline 26 (Whites Road) interchange shall be concurrent with servicing the first phase of the Prestige Employment lands. In addition, staff have reworded Section 4.6.2 (City changes are bolded) to reflect the early servicing of the Prestige Employment lands as follows: Servicing of the lands shall be phased to reflect a cost-efficient and logically sequential extension of required infrastructure within the Development Plan Area, including the servicing of 8U ha of Prestige Employment lands concurrent with the first phase of development, based on an absorption rate for residential and employment lands that would achieve the population and employment forecasts for 2031. 2.4 The proposed change to Section 4.8 (Item 18) to delete all of the policy requirements for Neighborhood Plans is partially acceptable All the Neighborhood Plans have been' prepared and endorsed by Council, the Province and Seaton landowners based on the requirements of Section 11.72 of the Seaton Conformity OPA and Section 4.8 of the CPDP. Also, under the Minutes of Settlement, the parties agreed that the neighbourhood plans for the Seaton landowners lands that were endorsed are to be included with the Seaton Conformity OPA that is be presented to the OMB for approval. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 9 126 These policy changes are also inconsistent with items 10, 11 and 12 of the Minutes of Settlement. If approved by the Minister, this policy change may necessitate staff having to prepare modifications to the Seaton Conformity OPA and all of the neighbourhood plans that have been endorsed by Council and accepted by the Seaton landowners. Staff recommends that most of the policy requirements remain in the proposed Amendment with the exception of identifying drainage boundaries and environmental sustainability measures within select neighborhoods. These two requirements are identified in the Master Environmental Servicing Plan and the Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines. As an alternative, staff have reworded Section 4.8.5 (City changes are bolded) to be consistent with the Council endorsed Seaton Conformity OPA and Neighbourhood Plans as follows: Require Neighbourhood Plans and policies to be prepared for each of the fifteen neighbourhoods. These Neighbourhood Plans may be combined and may include parts of the Natural Heritage System and Prestige Employment Areas and shall include: . a) Preparation of a pedestrian and bicycle systems plan based on the overall network developed through the Master Environmental Servicing Plan; b) Consideration of the previously completed archaeological and heritage assessments; c) Identification of stormwater management system/facility locations, type, preliminary sizing; and d) Identification of detailed community facility requirements. The above alternative also includes minor wording changes to reflect the fact that all of the Council endorsed Neighbourhood Plans incorporate parts of the Natural Heritage System and certain Plans incorporate parts of the Prestige Employment Areas. 2.5 The proposed Amendment is adding population and employment forecasts of 61,000 residents and 30,500 jobs by 2031 in several policies in the CPDP and these numbers are to be used by the Region in its conformity exercise with the Growth Plan The current wording of the CPDP references an eventual population and employment of 70,000 residents and 35,000 jobs. The Seaton Conformity OPA has been prepared to accommodate 61,000 residents and 30,500 jobs by 2031, and plans to accommodate 70,000 persons and 35,000 jobs through long term intensification. These numbers were considered targets for the purpose of accommodating population and employment growth in Seaton by 2031. The proposed amendment now stipulates that the 61,000 residents and 30,500 jobs are now considered forecasts and are to be used by the Region in undertaking its conformity exercise with the Growth Plan. Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 10 The Region's allocation of population and employment prior to being modified by the Province had no numbers for Seaton but rather total population and employment forecasts for Pickering of 221,340 residents and 76,720 jobs by 2031. The Minister's Decision on ROPA 128 inserted a modification to require that population and employment forecasts for Pickering include a population of 70,000 residents and 35,000 jobs for Seaton, in conformity with the CPDP. This modification will now need to be further modified if proposed Amendment No.1 to the CPDP is approved. It is expected that the Region's urban land needs analysis will need to be reviewed in light of the CPDP forecasts of 61,000 residents and 30,500 jobs for Seaton by 2031. The impact on the proposed future expansion areas identified by the Region for northeast Pickering is unclear. However, City staff, in discussion with Ministry and Regional staffs, continue to support the population and employment forecasts of 221,340 and 76,720 allocated to Pickering by 2031. 2.6 An explanation of the 23 proposed amendments to the CPDP are provided in Appendix 1 to this Report Staff's comments on the 23 proposed amendments are included for Council's review in Appendix I to this Report. Staff have met with representatives from the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Infrastructure to express the City's concern with the proposed amendment changes to Sections 4.5, 4.6, 4.8 and 5.1. 3.0 Next Steps City staff is having on-going dialogue with Ministry staff on the City's concerns. Staff will report back on the Minister's decision respecting proposed Amendment No. 1 to the CPDP. Appendix: Appendix I: Detailed Comments and Recommended Revisions to the Proposed Text of Amendment 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan Attachments 1. Letter from Minister Wynne, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated January 25, 2012 to the Ontario Municipal Board 2. Letter from Larry Clay, Regional Director, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated January 25, 2012 to City Clerk Report CAO 05-12 March 26, 2012 Subject: CPDP Proposed Amendment No. 1 Page 11 Prepared By: Approved/End rsed By: Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Evereft-bunfeKng Principal Planner - Policy Director, Community Services ~Ie4~z zg= Catherine Rose, MCIP, P Gillis A. Paterson Manager, Policy Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer t f Thomas E. Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability Neil Car Directo ping & Development Paul Bigio i City Solicit r GM:jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . 2Q 2ot 2, Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 9 Appendix I to Report CAO 05-12 12 Detailed Comments and Recommended Revisions to the Proposed Text of Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan 130 o°o- U c ~ -E > ~ M w a) O t C 0 E + O cu E o N 0,0 C O a) - C V co 7 a) a U cn d 75 CD a -0 E CU E aN CM a° 00 CL Q) >,O O CaN a) O O t o cu t a) CO 0 C L C7 V 0 -0 :3 cu CM a) c a) + _ C O 0 C E p cn c C O u cn O 'U 4~ C 00 (n C O (0 C C co Q Lo cn C a) a =3 V N > EOM a: E•E O E cu O` Qco.Q Q a) a0- Q ad a C C 0 N O 'U cu o O U) cn c p •tn C .C- O Q a) _ O cu (n co c a) cn La _r_ 'a c c O 04- 0 C p a) cu O C = o cn p a;E~ c~a vi oC (n . c'v~i c nsa v cu Eaaioo~.p ~o~a~o a)c >ocn U c cum- co °a tar- Fa rn= U O (D ° a) o a) ° o cfl cu p Tr arc = ~M` m a~ c E °o `u ~I~ a~ c U 0 0 ~ c O d 2 cc,°° oo ) c a Z L°Opcu y M co Ec°u t~M ~ ca) c 0 4- rn~ o x cu ai as o~ c a O o ocu -C c Cn oEE aco > o O o a c a~ ° o C V M o a .(n c~M o~ -a) rCQ C ~ 3 ca N . r- C CL 8 C) E O C •C E- N E CD > cn p C p `u E° Y N N C O O ~p E _O 0-0 N a n :3 :3 E o~ a O O U) a a~ c aE a N c H ~ a~ L Q" ~ aE ap o d E t- ao E c~ c o s w o o p a 01 -0 = ha a° a ob c a~ Q -42 W = o ° o 0.0 -o.2 d a 0 U a) c W 0 C c p U O CO _C N N 0 i6 ~ a E U) -C p 0 " C Q) C CL L Q) C 0 0- (D .0 _ a) O cn cu C) rnN a d ,c Em_ w~ W o 0 0 c °m 0. 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'r U c c. a-.~- .=~,(a cu c m0 o c~ o m CL c O" C2 m ' O eaa a) a~()ac)°-'"rc.2)~n am 0 v ~ m uUi~ E•- ~vO E m 0.- N 3 °cv o 3 •d a) ° a0 m c c a)-0 Ea ~0 c.m m o - 0 a) ° 0 cu o 0 c o 0 a) 00 0L ai > WO 1-OcEco a0:3 m0cc 00omcn~m x _ a a E a 4a d M U 0 • a a U N ATTACHMENT #-I_ 144 Ministry of Ministere des Municipal Affairs Affaires municipales and Housing at du Logement Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor 777, rue Bay, 17' etage Ontario Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. 416 585 7000 Tel, 416 585 7000 Fax 416 585 6470 Te1ec. 416 585 6470, www.ontario.ca/MAH www.ontario.ca/MAH January 25, 2012 Ontario Municipal Board 15th Floor - 655 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 1 E5 Attention: Joanne Hayes, Registrar/Secretarv Dear Ms. Hayes, RE: Declaration of Provincial Interest Appeals of the Failure of the Council of the City of Pickering to enact proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan and Zoning By-law (the "Seaton appeals") Ontario Municipal Board File and Case Numbers: See Schedule 'A' Pursuant to ss. 22(11.1) and 34(27) of the Planning Act, I am writing to advise the Board that I am of the opinion that a matter of provincial interest is, or is likely to be, adversely affected by the Seaton appeals. The entirety of the proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan and Zoning By-law are subject to this declaration of provincial interest. The general basis for my opinion is that, the following matters of provincial interest under s. 2 of the Planning Act are, or are likely to be, adversely affected: 0) the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing; (k) the adequate provision of employment opportunities; (m) the co-ordination of planning activities of public bodies; (p) the appropriate location of growth and development; and, (q) the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians. Further, the provincial interest in implementing the Central Pickering Development Plan created under the authority of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, is or is likely to be, adversely affected. 1 4 5 ATTACHMENT #_1_T0 REPORT # CAD 05-/2- subsection 22(11.3) of the Planning Act provides that a decision of the Board regarding the proposed amendments to the City of Pickering's Official Plan is not final or binding. Subsection 34(29) provides that the Board shall not make an order in relation to the proposed Zoning By-Law amendments. Pursuant to ss. 22(11.4) and 34(29.1) of the Planning Act the Lieutenant Governor in Council may confirm, vary or rescind the decision of the Board. If you have any questions in relation to this matter, please contact Irvin Shachter, Counsel for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at (416) 535-6543. Sincerely, Kathleen Wynne Minister ATTACHMENT #.1-T0 REPORT kaA6-0 5 l D-- 146 Schedule `A' Ontario Municipal Board Case Nos. PL101016, PL101017, PL101018, PL101019, PL101020, PL101021, PL101022, PL101023, PL101343, PL101344, PL101345, 131-111108, PL111109, PL111110 Ontario Municipal Board File Nos. PL101024, PL101026, PL101028, PL101030, PL101032, PL101034, PL101036, PL101038, PL101040, PL101042, PL101044, PL101046, PL101048, PL101050, PL101052, PL101054, PL101056, PL101350, 131-101352, PL101354 4 7 ATTACHMENT # a_TO REPORT # CAp o 5- 2 Ministry of Ministbre des Municipal Affairs Affaires municipales and Housing et du Logement Municipal Services Division Division des services municipaux • 777 Bay Street - 2nd Floor 777, rue Bay, 2 6 dtage Ontario Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Telephone: 416 585-6226 Telephone: 416 585-6226 Fax: 416 585-6882 T616copieur: 416 585-6882 Toll-Free: 1-800-668-0230 Sans frais: 1-800-668-0230 a January 25, 2012 ~I C ..r AW DIV181011IIII fFLE NO.: City of Pickering F WA D COPY TO: Debbie Shields, City Clerk. YOR INFO. TECHNOLOGY One The Esplanade coWN,cIL _ LEGAL. SERVICES _ _ r n Pt._. Pickering ON L1V 6K7 BiLAw - _ - ENuIN.atet~LES r•ORR SERVICES COMM. SERVICES - PL. %VJING & OEV. Dear Ms. Shields: OFFICE OFSUSiAINABIUj SUPPLY aSM FIRE HUMAN rfi& Re: Proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan MMAH File No: 18-CPDP-0024-01 Pursuant to subsection 6(1) of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994. (OPDA), the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has initiated an amendment to the Central Pickering and Development Plan (CPDP). Clause 6(7)(b) of the OPDA requires that each municipality having jurisdiction over the area covered by the amendment and each municipality which abuts the area is consulted with respect to the proposed amendment and provided with a copy of the provision of section 7 and 8 and invited to make written submissions within a period of time specified by the Minister. I have enclosed the following materials in relation to the proposed amendment: - a copy of the public notice provided under clause 6(7)(a) of the OPDA that will appear the week of January 30, 2012, in the Toronto Star; - a copy of Proposed Amendment No. 1 to the CPDP; - an information summary regarding the proposed amendment; and - a copy of sections 7 and 8 of the OPDA. We would encourage you to make a copy of the proposed amendment available for public review. Submissions on the proposed amendment may be made in writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing until April 2, 2012 at: r ATTACHMENT #,,;t_T0 REP0PxT #CA. D_ 06'-/D- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 148 Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G2E5 (416) 585-6226 Provincial staff will be following up with municipal staff over the coming weeks to consult further on this matter. However, if you have any questions regarding the proposed amendment, please do not hesitate to contact me at 416-585-7264. r .1V i.jl . actyt Re tonal Director Municipal Services Office-Central Region I I 149 ATTACHMENT #-2--TO REPORT CAo o5-Iz NOTICE OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL PICKERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, clause 6(7)(a) The minister of municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing amendments to the Central Pickering Development Plan, File Number 18-CPDP-0024-01. The proposed amendments would: a) change the timing requirements associated with the implementation of financial measures required by the Central Pickering Development Plan; b) clarify that infrastructure and other community facilities related to Central Pickering will be required in a logical and sequential manner as the community builds out; c) clarify the population and employment forecasts in the Central Pickering Development Plan and the intent that these forecasts are to be used for the purposes of planning to 2031; d) clarify the relationship between the Central Pickering Development Plan and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006; e) clarify the implementation process for Seaton; and f) undertake minor housekeeping changes. These amendments will apply to all lands located within the Central Pickering Development Planning Area as shown: SEATON I T-... w o 4 g M. g C1 II{II Z ' ..=t - of U:~lLJ I ~.r-YT LCR_ D --f..1' f f 14TH AVENUE t~..~'-X ;~q T s 1ATH AVIV UE QCentralPickedng Development Plan Area Seaton Community STEELESAVENUE EAST_ ui Agricultural Preserve ~ I : & ' S ~ ~ OJNC ESSrJN fi0AD3 Upper Tier Boundary t!: g FINCHAYENUE{ 1 ^ ISO, LJ- Kilometers=:) A copy of the requested amendment can be examined at: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G2E5 (416) 585-6226 Alternatively, a copy of the amendment may also be viewed through the Ministry's website at www.mah.gov.on.ca. ATTACHMENT # 2_TO REPORT #.C.A.0 05-1-1- 150 Proposed CENTRAL PICKERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 A. THE PREAMBLE 1. Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this amendment is to: a) change the timing requirements associated with the implementation of financial measures required by the Central Pickering Development Plan; b) clarify that the need for infrastructure and other community facilities related to Central Pickering will be required as the community builds out in a logical and sequential manner; c) clarify the population and employment forecasts in the Central Pickering Development Plan and the intent that these forecasts are to be used for the purposes of planning to 2031; d) clarify the relationship between the Central Pickering Development Plan and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006; e) clarify the implementation process for Seaton; f) undertake minor housekeeping changes. This amendmentwas initiated by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, pursuant to subsection 6(1) of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994. For ease of use, references to page numbers in the Plan as approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council in May 2006 have been included in respect of each proposed amendment. B. THE AMENDMENT The following is the text which constitutes Amendment No. 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan 1. The Summary section is amended by deleting the sentence following the subheading `Employment' on page 3 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The provision of high-quality employment opportunities that reflect the needs of the community, with the identification of sufficient employment lands to generate ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT #/~o 05 approximately one job for every two residents with 30,500 jobs by 2031 and up to 35,000 jobs through long term intensification." 2. The Summary is amended by deleting the sentence under the subheading `Housing and Mixed-Use' on page 3 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The provision of a range of housing types and densities that meets the needs of a diverse population, complements surrounding communities, and accommodates a population of 61,000 residents by 2031 and up to 70,000 residents through long term intensification at a density that is transit supportive." 3. Section 1.3 History and Context is amended by deleting the third paragraph, including the text numbered 1 and 2, on page 14 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The Province has undertaken two significant regional planning initiatives with relevance for this Plan: 1. The Greenbelt Act, 2005 authorized the Lieutenant Governor in Council to establish a Greenbelt Plan. This Plan was approved as Order-In-Council 208/2005 on February 28, 2005 and applies to the portion of the Development Planning Area known as the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. Under the Greenbelt Act, 2005 and the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 development plan can establish policies that supersede the Greenbelt Plan; and 2. The Places to Grow Act, 2005 provides a legal framework for growth planning in Ontario. On June 16, 2006, a Growth Plan was released regarding the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The Growth Plan integrates and builds on other key provincial initiatives including the Greenbelt Plan, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005, Planning Act reform, infrastructure planning, and source water protection planning. The Central Pickering Development Plan provides direction for the lands in Central Pickering. The objectives and policies of this Plan are intended to support the implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 (Order-in-Council 1221/2006)." 4. Section 2 Goals is amended by deleting the text "Proposed" before the words "Growth Plan" in the fourth paragraph of page 18 of the Plan and adding the text 2006 (Order-In-Council 1221/2006) at the end of that sentence. 5. Section 2 Goals is amended by deleting the sentence under the subheading `Employment' on page 21 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The provision of high-quality employment opportunities that reflect the needs of the community, with the identification of sufficient employment lands to generate approximately one job for every two residents with 30,500 jobs by 2031 and up to 35,000 jobs through long term intensification." ATTACHMENT #2_TO REPORT #.C_A0 0 57-i D- 152 6. Section 2 Goals is amended by adding the sentence under the subheading 'Housing and Mixed-Use' on page 21 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The provision of a range of housing types and densities that meets the needs of a diverse population, complements surrounding communities, and accommodates a population of 61,000 residents by 2031 and up to 70,000 residents through long term intensification at a density that is transit supportive." 7. Section 3.2 Stage 2 is amended by deleting the item numbered 10 on page 27 of the Plan and substituting: 10. Provide preliminary servicing cost estimates for all Regional and City infrastructure required to be constructed within the Central Pickering Development Planning Area and for the development of the community;" 8. Section 4.3.3 Infrastructure is amended by deleting the word "required" after the words "multi-lane roads" and adding the words "as required" after the words "transportation needs" in Policy 13 on page 47 of the Plan: 9. Section 4.5.1 General Transportation is amended by deleting Objective 3 on page 53 of the Plan and substituting the following: "I Ensure the adequate progression of inter-regional transportation infrastructure through connections with Highway 407, the potential future airport and transit corridors as required. To this end, the Province will co-ordinate, through provincial ministries, the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham and the City of Toronto, transportation planning and related infrastructure decisions that support a more efficient inter-regional transit and roads network, in recognition of the importance of the movement of goods and people to the economy of the eastern Greater Toronto area;" 10. Section 4.5.1 General Transportation is amended by deleting the words "proposed" in Objective 4 on page 53 of the Plan. 11. Section 4.5.2 Transit and Active Transportation is amended by deleting the word "proposed" in Objective 11 on page 54 of the Plan. 12. Section 4.5 Transportation Network is amended by deleting the word "proposed" in Policy 11 on page 59 of the Plan. 13. Section 4.5 Transportation Network is deleting Policy 14 on page 59 of the Plan and substituting the following: "14. Acknowledge the importance of required transportation network improvements outside of the Development Planning Area for the successful implementation of the Plan and its role in helping to realize the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, recognizing that progressive development of such external transportation infrastructure would occur with the build-out of the Development Planning Area." ATTACHMENT # a TO REPORT #_Cd-02oS-/.-~_ 14. Section 4.6 Servicing is amended by deleting Policy 2 on page 61 of the Plan and substituting the following: "2. Servicing of the lands shall be phased to reflect a cost-efficient and logically sequential extension of required infrastructure within the Development Plan Area, based on an absorption rate for residential and employment lands that would achieve the population and employment forecasts for 2031." 15. Section 4.7 Employment of the Plan is amended by deleting Objective 8 on page 66 of the Plan and substituting the following: "8. Plan for a community that will accommodate 30,500 jobs by 2031 and 35,000 jobs in the long-term." 16. Section 4.8 Housing and Mixed-Use of the Plan is amended by deleting Objective 3 on page 70 of the Plan and substituting the following: "3. Plan for a community with a population of 61,000 residents by 2031 and up to 70,000 residents in the long-term;" 17. Section 4.8 Housing and Mixed-Use of the Plan is amended by deleting Objective 6 on page 70 of the Plan. 18. Section 4.8 Housing and Mixed-Use of the Plan is amended by deleting Policy 5 on page 71 of the Plan and substituting the following: "5. Require Neighbourhood Plans and policies to be prepared for each of the fifteen neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods may be combined for the purpose of the neighbourhood plan approval process." 19. Section 5 Implementation of the Plan is amended by deleting the text "the Greenbelt Plan (Order-In-Council 208/2005)" in the first paragraph on page 75 of the Plan and substituting the text the Greenbelt Plan (Order- In-Council 208/2005) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 (Order-In-Council 1221/2006)". 20. Section 5 Implementation of the Plan is amended by adding the following text after the first paragraph on page 75 of the Plan: "This Plan provides direction to deal with growth management matters in the Development Plan Area. These specific objectives and policies are intended to support the overall implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006. The population and employment forecasts that have been established under this Plan for 2031 will be used by the Region when it is undertaking its conformity exercise with the Growth Plan." 21. Section 5 Implementation of the Plan is amended by deleting the text "and the Greenbelt Plan (Order-In-Council 208/2005)" in the second ATTACHMENT #_,2_T0 REPORT # SA.o os-i 1SA 4 paragraph on page 76 of the Plan and substituting the text the Greenbelt Plan (Order-In-Council 208/2005) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 (Order-In-Council 1221/2006)". 22. Section 5.1 Implementation Process for the Urban Community is amended by deleting the text following the Number 5 on page 77 of the Plan and substituting the following: "It is a policy of this Plan to require, prior to the issuance of building permits, the implementation of appropriate measures and financial agreements, such as front-ending agreements, cost-sharing agreements and/or development charges. The cost of development of community services and facilities should be fairly shared by all benefiting parties consistent with the results of a Fiscal Impact Study to be carried out by the City of Pickering and the Regional Municipality of Durham." 23. Section 5.3 Regional Municipality of Durham's Official Plan is amended by deleting the text in this section on page 81 of the Plan and substituting the following: "The Regional Munici PalitY of Durham's Official Plan is a high-level pIan , that helps coordinate and set the stage for more detailed land-use planning by area municipalities. As a high level plan, the primary concern is consistency between Durham's land-use designation for Central Pickering and that found in this Plan. Amendment to Durham's Official Plan is not necessary prior to the approval of the City's official plan amendments, plans of subdivision and zoning intended to implement the Central Pickering Development Plan. The Region of Durham may wish to undertake a future amendment following the completion of the approval of the City's official plan amendments or the Regional Environmental Assessment Process. Alternatively, the Region may wish to incorporate specific objectives or policies from the Central Pickering Development Plan in order to provide greater clarity in the Regional Plan. Any such amendment must conform with this Plan." This amendment to the Central Pickering Development Plan is hereby approved under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, as Amendment Number 1 to the Central Pickering Development Plan. II~- ATTACHMENT # a TO REPORT # e g o o S-i a- 55 INFORMATION SUMMARY ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL PICKERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN FILE: 18-CPDP-0024-001 TYPE OF PROPOSAL: The amendment proposes a series of changes to the Central Pickering Development Plan. PROPOSED BY: Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing LOCATION: City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham CENTRAL PICKERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) was prepared under the authority of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 (OPDA). The CPDP affects an area of land described in the Development Planning Area Order made under subsection 2(1) of the OPDA dated March 25, 2004. Generally the Development Planning Area is bounded by the CPR Belleville Line in the south, Sideline 16/Pickering-Ajax boundary in the east, Highway 7 in the north and York-Durham Town Line in the west. The Development Planning Area is located entirely within the City of Pickering within the Regional Municipality of Durham. A map of the Central Pickering Development Planning Area is available in the attached Public Notice. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing to amend the CPDP. The proposed amendment would: a) change the timing requirements associated with the implementation of financial measures required by the Central Pickering Development Plan; b) clarify that infrastructure and other community facilities related to Central Pickering will be required in a logical and sequential manner as the community builds out; c) clarify the population and employment forecasts in the Central Pickering Development Plan and the intent that these forecasts are to be used for the purposes of planning to 2031; d) clarify the relationship between the Central Pickering Development Plan and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006; e) clarify the implementation process for Seaton; and f) undertake minor housekeeping changes. The specific contents of the proposed amendment are detailed in the attached Proposed Amendment No. 1. 1 of 1 i IF. ATTACHMENT # a- TO REPORT # ~6 D 5 a- 155 Submissions on the proposed amendment may be made in writing to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing until April 2, 2012 at the above-noted address. The options available to the Minister, depending on whether or not submissions are made are set out in sections 7 and 8 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994. Generally, if no submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may approve, modify and approve or propose to refuse all or part of the amendment. If submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may, a) appoint a hearing officer to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; b) refer the matter to the Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; c) after considering the submissions, approve the proposed amendment in whole or in part or make modifications to it and approve the amendment as modified; or d) after considering the submissions, propose to refuse the proposed amendment in whole or in part. ATTACHMENT#-' ?_TO KEPORT# CA.O o,,5- 157 Sections 7 and 8 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act No submissions 7. 1 If no submissions are received by the Minister within the time specified by the Minister under clause 6 (7) (a) or (b), the Minister may approve all or part of the proposed amendment or make modifications to the proposed amendment and approve the amendment as modified. 1994, c. 23, Sched. A, s. 7 (1). Refusal of request If no submissions are received by the Minister within the time specified by the Minister under clause 6 (7).(a) or (b) and the Minister proposes to refuse all or part of a requested amendment, the Minister shall give written notice to the applicant together with reasons for the refusal and advising the applicant, (a) that the applicant may make written submissions within 30 days after the day the notice is given or such longer time as the Minister specifies in the notice; and (b) that the requested amendment shall be deemed to be refused if submissions are not received within the time period set out in the notice. 1994, c. 23, Sched. A, s. 7 (2). Deemed refusal (3) If submissions are not received within the time period set out in the notice, the requested amendment shall be deemed to be refused. 1994, c. 23, Sched. A, s. 7 (3). Options If submissions are received by the Minister under subsection (2), the Minister may, (a) appoint a hearing officer to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; (b) refer the matter to the Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; or (c) after considering the submissions, approve the proposed amendment in whole or in part or make modifications to it and approve the amendment as modified or refuse the proposed amendment in whole or in part. 1994, c. 23, Sched. A, s. 7 (4). Submissions received 8. 1 If submissions are received by the Minister within the time specified by the Minister under clause 6 (7) (a) or (b), the Minister may, (a) appoint a hearing officer to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; ATTACHMENT #-2L-TO REPORT # C.A o o5-1ce 158 (b) refer the matter to the Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing with respect to the proposed amendment and make a written recommendation on it; (c) after considering the submissions, approve the proposed amendment in whole or in part or make modifications to it and approve the amendment as modified; or (d) after considering the submissions, propose to refuse the proposed amendment in whole or in part. 1994, c. 23, Sched. A, s. 8 (1). Proposed refusal (22) If the Minister proposes to refuse a requested amendment under clause (1) (d), subsections 7 (2) to (4) apply with necessary modifications to the refusal. 1994, c. 23,. Sched. A, s. 8 (2). I