HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 20, 2011 'Ca 00- Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i December 20, 2011 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Dale Quaife, Chair Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Tate Besso Ellen Mason Sally Sheehan Jutta Van Huss Isa James, Planner II Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Candace Julien Wickham Jamadar Denise Rundle Lars Svekis Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 10 Welcome D. Quaife welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by J. Van Huss Seconded by M. Sawchuck That the November 22nd 2011 minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 New Business 3.1 Properties for. Listing 1. James provided copies of the listing for additional properties which had been prepared in 2008. Discussion ensued with respect to revisiting this listing in its entirety and preparing a new report to Council. M. Sawchuck suggested the members drive around to ensure we have covered everything, noting that there were properties out there that have never been identified. Page 1 ItemDetail's & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items `/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. James noted that for the most part any Federal or Provincially owned lands were already included. It was suggested that the members split up the listing and take photos of the properties for the January meeting. I. James also noted that members should not go out alone when All members photographing the properties. It was also suggested that January 26, 2012 google maps could be a useful tool as well. M. Sawchuck noted he would prepare a presentation to go M. Sawchuck to action before Council in February. February, 2012 3.2) 2012 Work Plan D. Quaife passed around a copy of the 2010 Work plan format and it was the consensus of the Committee to use this same format for 2012. i The Committee reviewed the items for the 2012 work plan and the following suggestions were noted; Training: • suggested name - Committee Education and include additional detail/context • Suggestions for delegations: • -Burt Duclos from Ontario Heritage Trust with respect to legislation • -speakers on architectural styles • M. Sawchuck - how to write a statement of significance for properties • I. James and M. Sawchuck to keep Committee informed of any upcoming conferences, workshops that may be of interest to members • Limit to 4 speakers per year with a suggested time limit Tax Relief Program & Heritage Permit Delegation By-law • remove from work plan until such time as Committee involvement is required - staff only at this point Whitevale Heritage District Plan • Seaton Plan supersedes Whitevale • Invite Catherine Rose from Planning & Development to attend and provide details on the Seaton Plan and its Page 2 Item / Details &`Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) impact on Whitevale • Take the existing Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide and adopt it as the Whitevale Plan 1. James to invite C. Rose to January meeting and also provide I. James to action digital copies of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District January 26, 2012 Guide to members prior to the next meeting. Heritage Register M. Sawchuck noted he had researched other communities for M. Sawchuck to action their heritage registers. He also noted the next step would be to January 26, 2012 put together a presentation for the January meeting. It was suggested that the City be divided up into regions to assign specific areas to members to research and photograph. M. Sawchuck to action M. Sawchuck will coordinate the distribution of the listing in order for the Committee to photograph and update the details. The existing' listing should break down into approximately 10 - 12 properties per member. M. Sawchuck will forward an email to all members to confirm participation and distribute the list equally. Heritage Designations T. Besso provided an update and inquired about the possibility of joining the consultant when preparing the designation report in order to develop skills to complete future reports on our own. E. Mason expressed her interest in being involved with this as well. It was suggested the Burkholder property be pursued for designation with a 2nd property being the goal for the second half of 2012. 1. James will look into the formal process with respect to RFP for I. James to action consultants and report back at the January meeting. January 26, 2012 Doors Open M. Sawchuck noted work will begin mid way through 2012 for the 2013 program. Materials for Website It was noted the City of Pickering is currently re-designing their website which will be launched in the near future. It was noted that the Committee work with the City of Pickering in providing Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion& Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) content for the Heritage Pickering site. I. James suggested it may be best to photograph from scratch as the existing photos are not complete and would be very time consuming to go through. M. Sawchuck will forward a statement of significance to S. Sheehan and I. James will provide her with a report. 4.0 Other Business i 4.1) 2012 Meeting Schedule It was the consensus of the members present to hold the meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month. L. Roberts to L. Roberts to action book the Main Committee Room. Discussion was held with respect to maintaining a quorum at meetings. It was the consensus of the Committee to retain the number of citizen appointments at 11 for now. 4.2) Property Research E. Mason inquired about the possibility of a student working with the Committee in the preparation of a designation report. She asked if anyone had any contacts in this regard with Colleges or Universities. 4.3) Nomination/Election of Chair D. Quaife indicated he will be stepping down as Chair in January and informed members that nominations and the January 26, 2012 election of Chair would take place at the January meeting. 5.0 Correspondence 5.1) City of Pickering -Diversity Committee Letter received from Jody Morris, Acting Supervisor, Culture & Recreation with respect to participation in the 2012 Heritage Day Celebration to be held on February 25, 2010 at the Pickering Town Centre . It was the consensus of the Committee not to participate this year. 5.2) Ontario Heritage Trust - Ontario Heritage Week Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion &'Conclusion - Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include' deadline as appropriate) Letter received from Richard Moorhouse, Executive Director, Ontario Heritage Trust with respect to Ontario Heritage Week taking place from February 20 to 26, 2012. M. Sawchuck provided further details, explaining this was a way for communities to have any special events they may be hosting during this time posted on the Ontario Heritage Trust's online list of events. The deadline for submissions is January 27, 2012. 5.3) Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration Letter received from Charles Sousa, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship seeking nominations for the 2012 Volunteer Service Awards (VSA) Program. Discussion ensued and I. James noted she would look into a potential nomination. It was also noted anyone could nominate and fill out the form online. The deadline for submissions is January 25, 2012. 5.4) City of Pickering - Notice of Public Meeting Correspondence was received from the City of Pickering Planning Department with respect to a public meeting being held on January 9, 2012 for property consisting of Lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, Concession 5, City of Pickering. 1. James informed the Committee that this was being circulated in order for the Committee to provide any comments on this application. 5.5) Heritage Matters The November publication was received for information. 6.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment` Next Meeting: January 26, 2012 Meeting adjourned at 9:17 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5