HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 8, 2011 City o¢~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity i , Thursday, December 8, 2011 PI KERIN ':o° pm Pickering Civic Complex, Meeting Room #4 Attendees: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Kirk Mark, Chair Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Keith Richards, DRPS Jody Morris, City of Pickering L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Neha Mohan, VP, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Misha Biswas, President, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Alysha Singh, Secretary of YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of `discussion) (include deadline as a . ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed and extended holiday greetings to everyone. 2.0 Agendas & Minutes Moved by C. Reidt Seconded by C. Miller That the minutes of the October 13, 2011 meeting of the Diversity Committee. Carried Agenda approval: Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by C. Miller Carried Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 3.0 New Business 3.1) Durham College Research C. Miller noted he had contacted Durham College, but had not yet received a response. J. Morris indicated that Nicole Doyle had been the presenter at the November meeting and noted she would forward C. Miller's contact information onto her. J. Morris to action Discussion ensued with respect to the methodology and context for the community survey. J. Morris noted there are two groups working independently of each other and they would like to attend the January meeting to present their workplan to the Committee. She noted she would forward the reports out to the members once received for review prior to the, January meeting. J. Morris to action Discussion also ensued with respect to the sample size and the number of questions for the survey. J. Morris noted it may be the college who determines this. It was noted this could be labour intensive and would depend a lot on the amount of people involved with doing the work. 3.2) In Your Own Words Student Contest J. Morris provided an update with respect to the student contest, noting things were on schedule at this point. She noted to date 18 written entries have been received and 30 artwork entries. She informed the Committee that the judges have been confirmed. She indicated the need to choose a guest speaker for the event. Some suggestions being made included; • Lieutenant Governor David Onley • Mary Ann Chambers • Karlene Nation • George Stouboulopoulos • Spyder Jones • Pin Ball Clements J. Morris to action • Farly Flex 3.3) 2011 Annual Report Copies of the 2011 annual report were passed around to members to review for any errors or omissions. Moved by J. Yacoumidis Seconded by C. Reidt Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 That the 2011 annual report be accepted as presented and forwarded to Council for approval at the January 23rd, 2012 meeting. J. Morris to action Carried Discussion ensued with respect to the Committee's presentation of the annual report, it being the consensus of the Committee for K. Mark to be the delegation. Suggestions were made as to what should be included in his remarks. K. Mark also encouraged members to attend the January 23rd meeting. J. Morris to action 3.4) 2012 Workplan The Committee reviewed the 2012 work plan. Discussion ensued with respect to enhancements to the website. J. Morris informed members that the City of Pickering is currently working on updates for the website which will enable better access through the home page. It was noted that items to highlight diversity should be included, i.e. forums, seminars, conferences, events taking place within the community. J. Morris will email the 2011 annual report and 2012 workplan to members prior to the next meeting. Any revisions or J. Morris to action additions should be sent to J. Morris. Is was suggested that a calendar with the Committee's meeting L. Roberts to action dates for 2012 be brought to the January meeting. Discussion ensued with respect to expanding on the name "Heritage Day". Some suggestions were made as follows; • Heritage Day - One Race - Many Faces • Heritage Day - Celebrate our Strengths • Heritage Day - Celebrate our Similarities It was suggested that the members think about suggestions and a decision be made at the January meeting. It was suggested that under Outreach the visiting organizations be listed with the theme highlighted to give a wider perspective of the Committee. 4.0 Correspondence 4.1) Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration Correspondence was received from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration seeking nominations for the 2012 Volunteer Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Service Awards program. The deadline for nominations is January 25, 2012. Discussion ensued with respect to potential nominations. D. Panesar referred to an article in the newspaper with regards to two girls working together to stop gossip. She will research and update the Committee in January. K. Richards questioned any youth groups and it was suggested J. Morris to action that Cody Morrison, I Am Who I Am be invited to attend the January meeting. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) [YOUlnity -Coffee House It was questioned whether this event could be taped and it was suggested that Rogers could possibly attend and tape the event. J. Morris noted that currently we do not have the ability to place videos on our website. Discussion ensued with respect to the possibility of having a member from the Diversity Committee site on the sub- committee [YOU]nity to act as a liaison to help facilitate programs and encourage succession planning. C. Miller volunteered. It was also suggested that additional outreach be conducted to college and university students for recruitment on [YOU]nity. J. Morris noted she would forward her student contacts onto D. J. Morris to action Panesar. 6.0 Next Meetfin = - Kirk Mark' The next meeting will be held on January 12, 2012 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk I Page 4 CORP0228-2/02