HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 29, 2011 ;City o¢~ Minutes iii Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee 01.1 i i March 29, 2011 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Dale Quaife, Chair Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Tate Besso Gayle Clow Wickham Jamadar Denise Rundle Sally Sheehan Isa James, Planner II L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Christine Gonsalves Candace Julien Lars Svekis em / Details& Discussion` & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) .(include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome D. Quaife welcomed everyone to the meeting 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by M. Sawchuck Seconded by S. Sheehan That the minutes of the March 1, 2011 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 Delegations D. Quaife introduced John Sabean, who appeared before the Committee to provide information and a brief history of the Roger's Farm complex and to discuss the reasons for the historical significance of the buildings as well as possible preservation options. Mr. Sabean referred to the report which was completed in 2003 by Archaeologix Inc. and submitted to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario Ministry of Culture, clearly indentif in the property being of extreme cultural heritage Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status @f # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) significance for a number of reasons. He provided a brief history of the Rogers family and the influential Quaker community established in the area. He noted the complex is one of the few remaining stone houses, being built in the first half of the 19th century and that this cluster of early stone buildings is very rare in the Province and should be kept in situ. He indicated the recommendations in the report as follows: • the complex should be preserved in situ • buildings are more important as a group and should be moved together possibly to a living museum or a working farm • if moved individually, ensure proper protective measures are in place • in the case of demolition, the report indicates a listing of materials that should be preserved Mr. Sabean noted the extensive amount of work that was completed in the report. He informed the Committee that in order to do a proper evaluation of potential heritage properties, you must gain access to the buildings and take measurements as well as photos. He also stressed the importance of proper documentation. A question and answer period ensued with discussions regarding possible locations for the Rogers complex should it be relocated and the need to continue to communicate with the Ministry of Transportation to stress the importance of preserving the complex. T. Besso also questioned the environmental impact on Roger's Farm should it remain so close to a major highway, suggesting that it might be better to have it moved. Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by M. Sawchuck 1) That a letter be forwarded to Council seeking support in Heritage Pickerings' efforts to preserve the Roger's Farm Complex; and 2) That the Mayor forward a letter to the Ministry of Transportation requesting the Roger's Farm complex be preserved in situ and that the Ministry be requested to cover all costs should the complex be relocated. Carried 1. James suggested organizing a tour of the Ro er's Farm I. James to action Page 2 o , Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) complex and will contact Winston Wong at the Ministry of Transportation to arrange. D. Quaife to action D. Quaife indicated he has a number of documents on this pro ertand will forward electronically to the members. 4.0 New Business 1) Municipal Heritage Committee Orientation Workshop 2011 1. James informed the Committee there were three members as well as herself who were interested in attending the workshop to be held at the Markham Museum on April 7tn Moved by T. Besso Seconded by D.. Rundle That G. Clow, C. Julien, P. Rodrigues and I. James be approved to attend the Heritage Committee Orientation Workshop on April 7t", 2011. Carried 1. James will submit the registration' forms. I. James to action 2) 2011 Work Plan 1. James noted the following items which are to be included in the 2011 Work Plan; report on possible heritage tax relief program for designated heritage properties prepare a delegation by-law • a Whitevale Plan • listings on the Heritage Register • pursue 3 designations Discussion ensued with respect to the Heritage Register and the need to prepare a report to include additional properties as soon as possible. Moved by M. Sawchuk Seconded by W. Jamadar I. James to action That I. James prepare a draft 2011 workplan for Committee approval. Carried Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) It was suggested members could email I. James with any items on the work plan that they would like to be involved with. 3) Doors Open 1. James provided a brief update on the Doors Open program, noting that things were going well up to this point and their next meeting is scheduled for April 21St 5.0 Other Business 1) D. Quaife read a letter received from Robert Mitchell seeking assistance with a restoration project. Discussion ensued with respect to finding ways to support Mr. Mitchell's request. It was suggested that a protocol be developed for dealing with requests of this nature. 2) Ontario Heritage Conference 1. James informed the Committee that she would forward the information regarding the Ontario Heritage Conference which is I. James to action being held June 3 - 5, 2011 in Cobourg to the members electronically. 3) 2011 Meeting Schedule Moved by P. Rodrigues Seconded by W. Jamadar That the Heritage Pickering AdvisoryCommittee meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Carried L. Roberts to book the Main Committee Room. L. Roberts to action 4) D. Quafie informed the Committee that T. Arvisais has submitted his resignation. I 1. James provided the Committee with binders that had been prepared for the members to use as a resource document. 6.0 Correspondence 1) Willowbank - 2011 Lecture Series Correspondence was received for information with respect to a series of lectures taking lace over the next few months. Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # "(summary of discussion) `(include deadline as I appropriate) P. Rodrigues requested this be forwarded to him electronically L. Roberts to action 2) Ontario Heritage Trust Letter received from Ontario Heritage Trust with respect to nominations for the 2011 Recognition Programs was received for information. The deadline for nominations is June 30, 2011. 3) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Letter received from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration seeking nominations for the Newcomer Champion Awards was received for information. Deadline for nominations is April 29, 2011. 4) CHO News The March, 2011 issue of CHO News was received for information. 7Next Meeting & Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm Next Meeting: April 26, 2011 Copy: City Clerk Page 5