HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 9, 2011 City oo Minutes/Meeting Summary A Advisory Committee on Diversity June 9, 2011 PICKERING 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Meeting Room 4 Attendees: Kirk Mark, Chair, Community Appointee Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair, Community Appointee Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Lyndon Greene, Durham Regional Police Service Prem Noronha-Waldriff, City of Pickering Renee Michaud, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Ashe Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Service Anusheh Awad, Pine Ridge Secondary School [YOU]nity Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Cheryl Rock, Durham District School Board Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario • Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Renee Premdas [YOU]nity Lalita Persaud [YOU]nity Cecil Armnauth, Devi Mandir Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of -discussion) (include' deadline as a ro riate 1. Welcome & Introductions K. Mark welcomed everyone and recommended a change to the agenda to add the presentation from Neil...., from Durham College as Item 1.1. Item 1.1 -Community Survey Neil stated that his role with this project would be to engage the students enrolled in the second year Law & Security and Police Foundation program to conduct the community survey based on the questions developed by the committee. This is a great initiative as we can combine the resources from the faculty and the City. Neil mentioned that he works close) with the Durham Regional- Police Service DRPS Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 • \1 crime unit. The timing is good as it would allow him to incorporate this into the work plan for the next semester. These students are experienced and mature which is a great advantage for this type of project. Discussion followed on the scope and types of questions to be included in the survey. The committee agreed that the survey should focus on a few aspects of diversity, such as race and class/background. The project can then be extended to other scope areas over the next 3 years. Neil indicated that the survey should also include comparables with other communities identifying service gaps within cities and the targeted age group. It was noted that diversity also includes white Caucasian people and they should be included in the survey, as they are often overlooked. The committee discussed the area covered by the survey and it was agreed that the target area to reach certain demographics would have to be determined. Neil offered assistance to consult with researchers and develop questions for the survey which would fit within the scope selected. Additional discussions ensued on the data to be used to formulate questions based on the type of crime, i.e. hate crime due to race, religion, etc. It was further noted that other major factors to consider are the attitude and behavior towards others as a result of economic conditions creating lower employment. Neil to forward draft questions and work plan to Marisa for distribution to the committee members for their review and comments. C. Reidt suggested holding another meeting to finalize the survey questions. Committee members are encouraged to review the draft survey questions. K. Mark agreed that a working group should be established to finalize the survey before the next meeting in September. Committee members will be notified of upcoming meetings for the working group. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 2. Agenda & Minutes Review & Approval of Agenda: The agenda was reviewed and approved with the above noted recommendation. Moved by Catherine Reidt Seconded by Jacob Yacoumidis Carried. Review & Approval of Minutes: I Moved by Christy Harper Seconded by Catherine Reidt That the minutes of the May 12, 2011, meeting of the Advisory Committee on Diversity be approved. Carried. Business Arising from Minutes: K. Mark reviewed the action items. C. Harper mentioned that the LGBTQ is very pleased with the positive support from the City of Pickering with regards to participating in the flag raising event and mentioned that the Pickering Library is one of only 3 libraries in Durham region involved with this organization. 3. Correspondence No correspondence. 4. New Business Committee Mandate & Terms of Reference: The committee reviewed the Mandate and Terms of Reference. Discussion followed on the definition of diversity and the item in the terms of reference which states that the committee would receive and review data regarding incidents of prejudice or conflicts. Moved by Jacob Yacoumidis Seconded by Christy Harper That the Mandate & Terms of Reference be approved. Carried. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 2011/12 In Your Words & Expressions Contest Statement: Prem circulated a copy of the statements used over the past few years to encourage students to participate in the contest. Discussion ensued on possible statements. The committee agreed to recommend the following: "Everyone in Pickering is unique, and we all share....." Moved by Catherine Reidt Seconded by Christy Harper That the above statement be submitted for consideration as the statement for the 2012 contest. Carried. K. Mark mentioned that he has been in contact with Mr. Kamara of Canadian Cup of African Caribbean Nations after his presentation at the last meeting. They are finalizing the details of the Cultural Festival Day in July 2011 and will be sending us more information in the next few weeks. 5. Next Meeting & Adjournment Next Meeting: September 8, 2011 at 7 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 pm Copy: Mayor Members of Council CAO City Clerk • Page 4 CORP0228-2/02