HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 22-11 Cary Report To Planning & Development Committee DICKERING Report Number: PD 22-11 G 6 Date: July 4, 2011 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Seaton - Preparation of a Comprehensive Zoning By-law - File: D-1100-085 Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 22-11 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the preparation of a comprehensive zoning by-law for Seaton be received; 2. That, notwithstanding the City's Purchasing Policy, Council accept the proposal from Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. for consulting services related to the preparation of the Seaton Comprehensive Zoning By-law, in an amount not to exceed of $92,000.00 including taxes and expenses; and 3. Further, that the appropriate City officials be authorized to take necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the Minutes of Settlement for the Central Pickering Development Plan Conformity Amendment (the Seaton Conformity Amendment), the City agreed to prepare a draft zoning by-law for Seaton by September 30, 2011. Staff requires consulting assistance to complete this work on time. Despite the City's purchasing policy that requires formal written quotations for work of this value, it is recommended that the firm of Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. be retained to assist staff in preparing a zoning by-law in light of the firm's current work on the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review and experience in preparing zoning by-laws. Financial Implications: Account 2611.2392 of the Planning & Development Department's 2011 approved budget provides a consultant funding allocation for Seaton Development & Implementation Assistance in the amount of $450,000.00. Funding for this allocation is from the development application fees received for Seaton and is more than sufficient to cover this project. Sustainability Implications: Not Applicable Report PD 22-10 July 4, 2011 Subject: Preparation of a Seaton Zoning By-law Page 2 27 Background: 1.0 An Ontario Municipal Board hearing date for the Seaton matters has been set for November 14, 2011. The hearing will consider: • The Seaton Conformity Amendment • Related Neighbourhood Plans • Draft Plans of Subdivision; and • Zoning By-laws The Conformity Amendment is complete and the Neighbourhood Plans are substantially complete. Work on the draft plans of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment applications has not yet commenced. 2.0 The work program for the City's Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review included the review of the draft plans, but not zoning. On February 7, 2011, Council executed Minutes of Settlement regarding the Seaton Conformity Amendment. One of the requirements of the Minutes of Settlement is that the parties agree to cooperate in good faith to process the draft plans of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment applications by September 30, 2011. This date was re-confirmed at the May 16, 2011 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Prehearing Conference. Through the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review, which is being undertaken by Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc., in association with various subconsultants, staff has consulting assistance to complete the review of the draft plans of subdivision. However, when preparing the terms of reference for the Neighbourhood Planning Review, staff anticipated preparing the related zoning by-laws under a less aggressive time frame and with limited consulting assistance. In light of the scheduled OMB hearing date, and the significant amount of work that remains to be completed and reviewed by the various parties, staff requires additional planning consulting assistance to prepare a comprehensive zoning by-law for Seaton. 3.0 Notwithstanding the City's purchasing policy, it is most appropriate that the firm of Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. be retained to prepare the Seaton zoning by-law. At staff's request, Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. submitted a proposal to assist staff in preparing a Seaton zoning by-law (see Letter, Work Program and Schedule, Attachment #1). The project cost is $80,680.00 plus $10,488.40 HST for a total of $91,168.40. Funding is provided from Planning & Development's Consulting & Professional account 2611-2392 and is sourced from the Seaton development application fees. Report PD 22-10 July 4, 2011 Subject: Preparation of a Seaton Zoning By-law Page 3 Under the City's purchasing policy, normally three formal written quotes would be required for work of this value. Staff is extremely pleased with the work that the current consultant has done to date. Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. has assisted in preparing the Seaton Conformity Amendment, the Neighbourhood Plans and the Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines, and these documents will help inform the zoning. Also, the consultant has experience in the preparation of comprehensive zoning by-laws. Given staff's existing workload, the tight time frame for completing the draft by-law, and the consultant's background and experience, Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. is considered the most appropriate choice to undertake this work. It is recommended that the City retain Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. to prepare the Seaton zoning by-law. Attachment: 1. Letter, Work Program and Schedule from Paul Lowes, Principal, Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Neil Carro , RPP Manager, Policy Director, Planning & Development CR:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services Director, Office of Sustainability Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit ouncil Z_Z Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#_L___TO REPORT# PD_ - I ~Q Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. Principals: Warren Sorensen, P.Eng, MCIP, RPP 509 Toronto, Road Catherine Gravely, MES, MCIP, RPP Tor, Ontario M4V 1 B$ Paul Lowes, MES, MCIP, RPP Telephone (416) 923-6630 at Senior Associate: Carol-Anne Munroe, MCIP, RPP Facsimile (416) 923-6916 June 20, 2011 Project: NP. PI Catherin Rose Manager, Policy Planning & Development Department City of Pickering Pickering, ON Dear Ms. Rose: Re: Seaton Zoning By-law Work Plan, Schedule and Budget We are pleased to provide you with a detailed work plan for preparing a comprehensive zoning by-law for the Seaton Urban Area. The work plan contemplates a joint staff/ consultant process with staff undertaking a review of the existing area by-laws to determine general and zone specific provisions that would be appropriate for Seaton, and SGL undertaking a best practice review of other municipal by-laws for built forms contemplated in Seaton. SGL will also prepare the draft by-law. The work plan also contemplates a working committee of City Staff and SGL to review proposed provisions, best practices and draft by-law components. The work plan proposes 9 tasks and a series of sub-tasks generally based on the various component parts of the by-law. A number of working committee meetings are proposed in each task. As shown on the attached Schedule, a number of the tasks will be undertaken concurrently with some working committee meetings reviewing multiple matters. To ensure the Seaton zoning by-law is completed within the short timeframe available, it is recommended that weekly working committee meetings be schedule well in advance with meetings cancelled if not required. The work plan also shows that some of the staff tasks on reviewing the existing by-laws can begin this week. SGL has considerable experience in preparing comprehensive zoning by-laws and 1 have managed a number of those reviews including for the Town of Simcoe, the City of Nanticoke and the City of Sault Ste. Marie where I was an Advisor to their zoning by-law review. Most recently, we prepared an area specific zoning by-law for a new urban area of 5,500 people in the community of Lefroy. I have also managed a comprehensive zoning process for the former Region of Haldimand-Norfolk where we prepared standard general provisions and definitions that could be used across all the lower tier municipalities in the Region. A detailed budget by task is provided for our involvement. SGL staff that will work on the ATTACHMEM, I __TO 3 0 REPORT# PD. Lyt Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. page 2 project will include include myself, David Riley an intermediate planner and Tamara Kwast a junior planner with our firm. I may also have my partner Catherine Gravely assist me on some of the tasks. As shown in the attached budget, the total estimated fees proposed are $68,180 with estimated expenses of $2,500 and a contingency of $10,000 for additional meetings or research for a total of $80,680 exclusive of HST. If you have any questions on the attached documents please don't hesitate to call. We look forward to continue working with the City on planning the Seaton Urban Area. Yours very truly, SORENSEN GRAVELY LOWES PLANNING ASSOCIATES INC. r~ Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP, RPP Principal ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# PO ~a - 1 Seaton Zoning By-law Work Plan Assumptions • New stand alone by-law for the Seaton Urban Area Process • Structure the Process through a Working Committee • Meet once a week to discuss various aspects and come to conclusion on that material/ subject • SGL to attend meetings and submit information for discussion Task 1: Determine Structure of the By-law Task Responsibility • Identify examples of alternative Structures for the by-law, i.e. SGL ■ Zoning by density ■ Compound zoning ■ Compound zoning to match designations in Neighbourhood Plans ■ Form based zoning • Committee Meeting - Choose the preferred structure or combination of Committee structures Task 2: Review existing general provisions and definitions Task Responsibility • Review existing general provisions and definitions within existing 3 Staff urban parent by-laws • Identify those provisions and definitions that should be carried forward • Committee Meeting - Identify an gaps in provisions and definitions Committee • Prepare text to address gaps SGL • Committee Meeting - Review text for gaps Committee • Prepare General Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee Task 3: Parking Standard Review Task Responsibility • Review parking standards from recent City by-laws that would be Staff applicable in Seaton • Identify those parking standards that should be carried forward • Committee Meeting - Identify an gaps in parking standards Committee • Identify best practices to address the gaps SGL • Committee Meeting - Review best practices Committee • Prepare Parkin Standards SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee 1 ATTACHMENT _ _._TO 32 REPORT# PD ,2 - / / Task 4: Ground Related Residential Lot Provision Task Responsibility • Identify relevant provisions from existing site specific by-laws that Staff could be applicable to Seaton • Best Practice review of residential zone provisions for small lot singles, SGL semis, street towns, street towns on rear lanes, street towns with attached rear yard garage, back-to back towns, and stacked towns. • Identify sites, take photos, obtain zoning • Review side yards, front yards, garage widths, interior garage widths, rear yards, minimum outdoor opens ace, heights etc • Summarize the best practices in a matrix SGL • Compare to those in the UDG • Committee Meeting - Discuss Best Practices and choose provisions Committee appropriate to Seaton • Prepare Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee Task 5: Commercial Lot Provision Task Responsibility • Identify relevant provisions from existing site specific by-laws that Staff could be applicable to Seaton • Best Practice review of commercial zone provisions SGL • Review landscaping, build to lines, loading, internal walkways, live work unit requirements, main street retail requirements, unit heights, minimum heights, fenestration, si a e • Summarize the best practices in a matrix SGL • Compare to those in the UDG • Committee Meeting - Discuss Best Practices and choose provisions Committee appropriate to Seaton • Prepare Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee 2 ATTAcHmB T# m Rpo"# PD as - i 33 Task 6: Apartment/ Mixed Use Provisions Task Res onsibili • Identify relevant provisions from existing site specific by-laws that Staff could be applicable to Seaton • Best Practice review of- mid rise provision, apartment towers, mixed SGL use components • Review landscaping, set backs, podium requirements, tower size limitations, main floor retail provisions, amenity area requirements • Summarize the best practices in a matrix SGL • Compare to those in the UDG SGL • Committee Meeting - Discuss Best Practices and choose provisions Committee appropriate to Seaton • Prepare Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee Task 7: Industrial/Employment Area Provisions Task Responsibility • Identify relevant provisions from existing site specific by-laws that Staff could be applicable to Seaton • Committee Meeting - Identify possible gaps in existing provisions Committee • Undertake best practice review of gaps SGL • Committee Meeting - Discuss Best Practices and choose provisions Committee a ro riate to Seaton • Prepare Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting --Review and Finalize Committee Task 8: Open Space / NHS / Institutional Task Responsibility • Identify relevant provisions from existing site specific by-laws that Staff could be applicable to Seaton • Committee Meeting - Identify possible gaps in existing provisions Committee • Undertake best practice review of gaps SGL • Committee Meeting - Discuss Best Practices and choose provisions Committee appropriate to Seaton • Prepare Provisions SGL • Committee Meeting - Review and Finalize Committee Task 9: Public Review Task Responsibility • Open House Staff & SGL • Meetings with landowners on content of by-law - assume 2 full day Staff & SGL meetings • Presentation to Council Staff & SGL • Meetings with landowners on the zoning schedules to implement their Staff & SGL draft plans - assume 1 for each landowner 3 ATTACHMENT#I_TO 3 4 REPORW PD 22 - ' I I ~ i ~ I 'I I I I I I I I I IiI I I I 'I ~j ' ~ I I I I I I a I I II l I I U ICI I I I I I I Q I I Il j I I I I I I I a I a U o I j ' II I~ , I ~ I I II I , III II I ! ~ L ~ i ~ III i • I I I i i I ~I I I I I I ~ , I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I m I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I v v d 3 b'y I II I, I I c u I I w- w u o I ° I a~u o'~ au ~ I « ~ o I I I I a d it N y rl $ I o I y y r it d I c S~oial ~ I a. ~I~ x I c x C! xI I c! 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N E Y o ~~.drn m~ta~.a3i L ❑ d d, E 7 a3i Y~~ ~I~ a3i' E ~I o 5 €I~ 5 5I S ❑ c S d,Sli °I tic"51 c u l > cl E h d, > '>I o as zIs ~ v b v' ,v, a v,.al'.o d "_'IV w,vc ~ vl a .a' ~j 4.' v, W b ~ c ' v, v w blbl, c N' ~I v~ ATTACHMENT, _L__TO REPORT# PD_~Q - / / 35 I I I II I~" II I I II ail i I II 77 y , v u N ,y,E o'3,0 o 1 cp > r ~ CIFI~ o, o z y, H 8I 9 ~I T c I C b m 0.111 ^