HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 30-02 - fl. f¡':) , ¡,., - Citq o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation DATE: June 18,2002 - REPORT NUMBER: OES 030-02 SUBJECT: Proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project Pickering Museum Village File: CO3000 RECOMMENDATION: That Report to Council OES 030-02 regarding the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project at the Pickering Museum Village be received, and 1. That the presentation by Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee, Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and City Staff on the Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project be received, and 2. That Council support the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project in principle, and -. 3. That Council accept the Pickering Museum Village Foundation proposal to provide the total funding for the restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel, including all costs in moving the Drive Shed to a new location at the rear of the proposed Hotel site, and 4. That Council acknowledge to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation that the Brougham Central Hotel at the Pickering Museum Village will be pennitted to remain at that location for a period of ten years, such acknowledgement to be provided by way of resolution, and 5. That in the event a lease agreement is required by the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, Council approve a lease agreement between the City of Pickering and the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, such lease agreement to be to the satisfaction of Staff and the City Solicitor, and 6. That Council authorize staff to negotiate with the federal government on acquiring and relocating a suitable heritage house to the Pickering Museum Village site to establish as a new Program Operations Centre, and 7. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Letter from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation dated June 9, 2002 - AUTHORITY: Municipal Act Report to Council OES 030-02 Date: June 18,2002 003 Subject: Proposed Hotel Restoration Project Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The Pickering Museum Village Foundation have made a commitment to fully fund the complete moving and restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel estimated at a cost of approximately $500,000. -- The total City of Pickering costs for the Hotel Restoration Project are not known at this time. An architect will be required to work with staff in identifying all costs associated with the establishment of a new Program Operations Centre. There are currently no funds in the Museum Budget for this work to take place in 2002. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel has been identified as the next major building project at the Pickering Museum Village. The Hotel is currently used as the operations center by staff and volunteers for education programs and events. The Pickering Museum Village Foundation have agreed to financially support this restoration project contingent upon the City of Pickering's willingness to proceed with the establishment of a new Program Operations Centre. BACKGROUND: - The restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel at the Pickering Museum Village has been identified as the next major joint project for the City of Pickering, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee and the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. In 2001, the Pickering Museum Village Foundation retained the services of Andre Scheinman, Heritage Preservation Consultant, to undertake a Conservation Study of the Brougham Central Hotel. The main objective of this study was to examine and evaluate the historic and architectural data associated with the Hotel and devise a plan for its future use, restoration and interpretation. The study identified that the most appropriate and responsible approach to the future interpretation of this building would be to focus on the documented hotel aspect of the building history and its many remaining unique construction features. Andre Scheinman reported that any future for the building is going to require the urgent stabilization of the basic structure, followed by a program of thorough exterior and interior conservation and restoration. ,- Following the completion of Andre Scheiman's study, representatives from the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and staff have been meeting to develop planning options for the Hotel Restoration Project. Presently, the Hotel site is the center of the Village on the highest elevation on the site. It is used as an operations center by staff and volunteers for events and education programs. Washrooms, kitchen facilities, staff and volunteer facilities and storage of artifacts and program materials are all contained within the structure. It faces west and backs onto the fence along Greenwood Road. If the Hotel is restored in its present location, relocation of these operations to other areas will create logistical problems for programs and events. The present site of the Hotel is the ideal location within the Village for an operation center for education programs and public events. Report to Council OES 030-02 004 Subject: Proposed Hotel Restoration Project Date: June 18,2002 Page 3 The Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Proj ect supported by the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee and Pickering Museum Village Foundation includes the following: 1. Restore the Hotel as a Temperance Hotel for interpretive purposes. In order to do this we need to remove the washrooms from this building. - 2. Move the Hotel to where the Drive Shed sits at the present time and turn it to face the path comi1;lg up into the village and returning it to its former vantage point in the village of Brougham. This requires that the Drive Shed be set back towards the edge of this manicured area. 3. Bring in or create a building on the present Hotel site where the kitchen and washrooms could be housed, along with storage needed for day-to-day maintenance and teaching activities. . This proposal has been reviewed by TRCA, Durham Health and City staff and is deemed doable. Attached is a letter dated June 9, 2002, from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation (PMVF) confirming a financial commitment from the PMVF to fund the complete moving and restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel, including the moving of the Drive Shed. The funding commitment is contingent upon the City of Pickering's willingness to commit to proceed in concert with the establishment of a new Program Operations Centre. We have looked at heritage houses on Airport Lands due for demolition. It is possible that one of these houses may serve the purpose of the Program Operation Centre on the Museum Village site. There will be a need to provide temporary kitchen and washroom facilities to continue program operations until a new program operations center is completed. - In order to be able to submit requests for funds to funding organizations such as the Trillium Foundation and the Heritage Canada Foundation the Pickering Museum Village Foundation have identified they are required to arrange a ten (10) year lease of the Hotel from the City of Pickering. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Letter from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation dated June 9,2002 Location Map ,Á/) Prepared By: .. / tephen Re~ Division Head, Culture & Recreation Everett tsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services - SR:lc Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .~ " ATTACHMENT#L.TO REPORT#_Qgs 0;0<-02 1-1...8. e~IJ:1 . " .' BillWeston-Treasurer905+S39".7353 . . 1 . Mary Cook - Secretary 905+839+ 1734 i.llage . JUN 10 2002 ..:::::..J M~ingAddress 736 Yeremi Street œ:;t~~:'j.i\.T..ø~1 C~L~~R~F&~~6<~~gN Pick~~2~~ DIVISION. - June 9,2002 Ms. Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Mr. Stephen Reynolds " Division Head; Culture and Recreation City ofPickeri~g, One the Esplanade Pickerfug, On. LIV6K~~- Dear~ephen: I am. pleased to infoon you that at its meeting on May 28th the PMVF unanimously agreed to financial1y support the Brougham Central Hotel restoratjon pròject to be put . forward to Council by the Advisory Committee and staff.. The Foundation resolved to provîde the total funding for the Hotel restoration project including all costs in moving"the drive shed to anew location at the fear of the proposed hotel site. (Subject to attached addendum) The Foundation expressed a strong interest in seeing this project.expedited as quickly as is reasonably possible. Funding is available to proceed with preparation of the site for acßeptance of the h9tel in -2002 provided the " associated logistical planning can be properly completed. . " , . - This commitment, of course, is contþ1gent upon the City's willingness. to commit to proceed in concert with the establishment of a new programme centre. In order to assist us in our ability to raise the necèssary funding we are hopeful the City will be willing to . enter into a 10 year lease of thè hotel and property to the Foundation. " . . . . All members of the F<Jundation are enthused about proceeding with this project and we hope it meets with yours and the City~s interests as well. . Yours sincerely "~ Pat Dunnill, Chair " Cc: M. Carpino D. Marlowe ~ ... preserving PickeriT11J's heritage for tQmorrow. ~ Pickering VUIBge Museum Fonndatlon Reg. /I 89629 04!!6 RROOOI - nn:t} - - - i;~TTACH¡VIENT #~ t . TO REPORT # Q£:'S 0 30 <~ 02.. --. --_. P~'5'e 2 oP L Addendum to Hotel Restoration Commitment The following show.d be assumed as part of this commitment: . The total cost will be in the range of the report prepared by Andre Scheinman . The timing target will be -completion by 2005 but access to funding and general logistics could deferthe project '. . In accepting full costs the Foundation would not expect to be invoiced for costs internal to the City of Pickering , . The Pickering Museum Village Foundation and the City of Pickering will assist each other where feasible on their respective responsibilities in the total project f\TTACHMENT#._.¿ro REPORT#_O~S 030 ,- 02- on'? . """"""""""'" 1'\\\\"'\\\\\\"\\\\"\\' 1\\\\\t 1\\\\\\\t ~\""""\\,,,,\\\\t . ~ >- W Z l- V) w 5 ð ~ - ------ ,--- 0 « 0 0:: SIXTH . CONCESSION ROAC - --......-s- 0 .fJJ « W ~ 0 -1 ~ ~~ ~ '317 ~ æ 5 . ~ PICKERING .. I- . I L I !;! MUSEUM 5 U BJ E CT .. ~i VILLAGE LOCATION (:){ 8 lei I.' GREENRIDGE f c= DRIVE -. >- w Z l- V) w 5 OPERA nONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINERING DIVISION sellE: N.T.s' I jUNE 2002 REPORT TO COUNCIL PICKERING M\JSEUM VILLAGE PROPOSED HOTEL RESTORATION PROJECT l:\MPondE\Themotic lAopplng\lAap.\IIP&E - Mmln\Ropart\Roport Altacbmeni 04.dwg