HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2023-035-013�,�:'"eFAI RVvAY RE -ASSESSMENT UNDER WAY West Rouge home -owners have been suprised -to see the assessor around again so noon, A re -,assessment of the south end of the township has been started, and. extra staff may be recruited in order to complete it by October„ They are beginning with West Rouge. A sub -committee of the W,R.C.A. executive has been studying the assessment picture and following developments closely. Their interim report will be found in this issue® SEWERS THIS YEAR? We published this same headline n year ago, but recent developments have brought the prospect of sewers much closer, The actual work on the big sewage plant at Frenchman's Bay has been started, and the engineer- ing involved in connecting our sewage lines to it has been completed.. Resurfacing of our streets is being delayed until the severs have all been laid. POSTAL ADDRESS --,,TEST RODUE, ONTI. Some of our readers may riot be Aware that the Post Office now recognizes "West Rouge, Ont," as adequate for our mailing address (together with street & number, of course), We have been informed that official notifica- tion of this is being withheld until a decision is reached on a full post - office for West Rouge and door-to- door delivery. Chesterton Shores, Port Union Rd. and East Ave. South are still on the Rural Route, and -the R.R. should be indicated. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS By request we are emergency numbers, not listed in our POLICE .,... FIRE HYDRO GAS CO WATER .e,... SCHOOL AMBULANCE .. TE TE TE AX EM AT AT WH publishing a list of some of which are own directory, 9- 2 311 9-2311 9-2721 3-3331 ?- 58 58 , 2-0621 2-2163. U-�'L not long or distant (Pickering, first dial 112j Ext . 418 West Rouge Community Association ,..,-...�i-.^..'. � ^ •yam VOL, 2, No, 5 Feb. 3, 1961. COMING SOCIAL EVENTS SAT., FEB. 18 - The Square Dance Club at Centennial Church Hall, Ede Butlin calling. Newcomers very welcome. Bring box lunch, coffee provided. 750 per persona 8AT. , FEB. 25 -- Home & School Assoc. of West Rouge School - ANNUAL, DANCE - Rouge Hill. Golf Clubhouse - Refreshments - $1.50 per person. Tickets from executive members. FRI., YATICH 17 - "Shamrock Shindig" neighbourhood dance in St. EDWARD'S HALL. Refreshments - $1 per person. CHRI STMAS TREE BURNING Twelfth Night, or the traditional Ij last day of the medieval Christmas festivity period was appropriately celebrated in our community by gathering up and burning all disus- ed Chri strati s trees on Saturday, .January 7th„ The collection of trees was well organized and efficient, Headed by Rev.'V;.H.T. ulton assisted by Gordon Shaver, with car and trail- er., and followed by Reeve Sherman Scott as chief chauffeur on No. 1 truck, plus truck No,? kindly donat- ed by Smith Transport Company and sent out from the city, plus crews of Kiwanians, West Rougers and boys, the whole Job of collecting about 500 trees and piling them in the school yard was finished. by 11 a,m. A coffee break at Rouge Hills Restaurcint nnturally followed. At 7.30 p.m. the bonfire was start- ed withgFred Beeucage as Chief Stoker, and with the wind the big pile was all burned up in about half an hour. In the meantime, in the school kitchen, hot chocolate and hot dogs had been prepared by such well known Kiwa_nians as Al. Hart, George Smith, eEd Bentley and others, and several ladies from the Ladies Club of West Rouge assisted in serving. Norman Gainer helped to keep the eager kids in line so all had a fair chance. The attendance was about 400, and we all thought it a good gill -round community effort. 6 - 2 - C*UdRCH NEWS Editor's Note: The churches serving our area are invited to submit announcements and reports of their activities to this column. Please contact Mrs.Lita MacLean, AT 2-0153. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN (Centennial and West Rouge) - Rev. Wm. Fulton, 408 Rouge Highlands Dr., AT 2-2372. Sunday Services - West Rouge School, 9:30 a.m. and Centennial Rd. School, 11 a.m. Sunday Schools - Same as above. Young People's - Sundays,, 7 p.m. at the Manse. Women's Guild - Three active circles, meeting monthly, two in the evening, one in the afternoon. Excerpt from the Treasurer's Report at the recent Annual Meeting reads is... both our Offerings and our Bank balance have doubled we were able to purchase a. Manse if we can maintain this level of im- provement we may be able to build (a church) this year." ST. MARY' S ROMAN CATHOLIC Toynevale Rd. (just east of Rosemount Rd., Rosebank.) Sunday JdIasses 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. The C.W.L. meeting will be held the second Wednesday, instead of the usual first Wed., in St. Mary's School, Feb.8. The men of the parish will be having a Retreat at Mlary Lake ,he week -end of March 3. The men of the Holy Verne society have the rink in good condition along with the help of the School. The P.T.A. is sponsoring a Ve.riety Show in the school auditorium Jan. 28. Admission $1 per family. Good local talent and refreshments. The new addition to the school has been completed and in use since Jan. 3rd. Mr. Wm Saccoccio 47as the archi- tect. His choice of local fieldstone makes a most attractive building. HERON PhRK BAPTIST Nest Hill Dr. & Lawrence Ave., Test Hill. Rev. G.G. Allan, b.A., B.D. Sundev Services - 11 e.m. & 7 p.m. Sundav School - 9:45 s..rr.. Wednesday - 8 p.m. - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Thursday - 7 p.m. Girl Explorers (ages 9 - 12) Friday - 7.p.m. Boy Explorers (ages 9 - 12) Friday - 7 p.m. Mission Band Boys and Girls, 6 - 6 years we are looking forward to the time when it will be possible to build a Sunday school extension as our walls are "bulging" with boys and girls each Sunday morning. Heron Park Baptist Church is under the Ontario & quebec Baptist Convention and if you have no Church home you are cordially invited to worship with us. D. Dick. AT 2-2609 AROUND TOWN with Pierre Tumpane Have you noticed how good our roads are lately? The water has frozen in the pot holes making the road sur- face fairly smooth. The coloured lights adorning the homes at Christmas time should be left up all year round. They sure help make our streets more scenic. The township_ has installed a tall fence complete with barbed wire to protect our elevated pumpkin. I can't think of anyone that would want to steal it; When you shovel out your drive- way, don't pile the snow in the culvert ditches, or you'll be sorry neat spring. I hope the Works Dept. uncrate the culvert Steamer this year before the time comes when we really need it. A little birdie told me that door to door mail delivery will be here sooner than we think. What happened to the urgency that fired up the community regarding sewer installation? (Editor's note - it was a dry fell; wait till spring;) Things weed. like to see in West Rouge in 1961: 1. Lower real estate taxes. 2.. A co&.t of paint or, the pumpkin 3. A bs.nk 4. 11e.ved streets throughout the area S. Lights on Island Road 6. Door to door mail delivery 7. Lower real estate taxes. The West Rouge Kiwanis Club would appreciate being contacted by pro- epective new members. The welcome mat is out every Tuesday nigh (rain or shine) at 6:30 p.m. at the Rainbow Room of the Rouge Hill. Restaurant. Shyrl's Beauty Lounge For Appointment cell AT 4-5471 217 Yorri sh Rd, HIGHLkVD CREEK Rouge Hill bARb_ER SHOP Hours - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Mondays (COW PAP11115 by A. H. .rust everyone enjoyed the holidays ,d are now settled into the roW ine of nineteen-oixty-one, and busy with all the activities of the community. The new Auditorium at the School should be completed and ready for use by the second week in February. School is always a busy glace, and this year West Rouge has started an Instrumental Clans of about 20 pupils with good musical aptitude from grades o and 7. They are very lucky to have t ,e Munic Supervisor, Mr. Y.arry, to instruct them. The Grade 8 students are busy rais- ing money to helr finance their trip to OttawA in June. They expect to visit Parliament and many historic buildings and sites in our Capital city. They are selling tickets for a lucky draw on a. radio, so hope every- one will help there along by buying a ticket. Mr. Weaver, our Principal, reports that attendance in the school was 9500 for the first half of this year, which is exceptionally good; as most of us know, the government grant in boned on the daily attendance of the school, so keep your children going regularly ar every day lout means more dollars on your school tax. We have some real talent in our community and should feel very proud of its Misa Linda Lennox, Rid€;ewood Road, is appearing with the Ice Follies at the Meple Leaf Gardens thin week. Some of the youngsters who ploy hockey in the Went Rouge Hockey Leis rue on Saturday afternoons tyre outntandinF, and who knows - we may have a future 11.4Hhovolich or Bowers; in our Midst'. Remember to: "Build it well, whs�te'er you do, Build it deer) end strong and true, Build it high and wide and broad, Build it for the eye of God." And don't forget that }people judge you ry your actions, not your inten- tions. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg. (OUGE HILL CLEANERS&--LAUND�;REH:3 Expert Cleaning; Service REPAIRS - ALTEFUtTI Ofl J - REHODELLI NU 24 Hr Service -Free Pick-up & Delivery 9110E REPAIRS shoemaker now on Premises Nhile-U-wcit Service 9 a.m. - 7 p.cn. Thurs. & Fri. to 9 p.r... j,T 2-4671 TEL) - SCOOP NE'N3 (cont' d) we are very happy to -report that young Bobbie McMullin, Sunnyslope Ave., was able to come home from the hospital in tirie for Christmas. He had been hospitalized since last June when he was hit by a cos.- on Rouge, hills Dr. Bobbie's parents would like to thank everyone in the district who inquired and were so kind during his long stay in the hospital. The ltidies of Centennial United Church Guild invite you to their Valentine's Tea and bake Sale on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 2 to 4:30 pm in the Church Hall. Anyone with news they would like to hai,e appear in the West Rouge Column of the Enterprise or Pickering newspapers is asked to phone Ann Henson, AT P-5169. NEW YEAR'S DANCE Although very poorly attended (in comparison with last year's crowd) the Association's New Year's Party was a most enjoyable affair. The food ry s "oi?t of thin world", 1eav-- inr nothing to t)e desired in quant- ity or duality. A number of fectorn are said to account for the poor turnout -- some competition in the tires, lout year's, over -crowding, the fact it wren F 3eturd<,y night, and an ununuvIly lnrge number of private parties in the community. While the Annocintion did not r,tike any rrnoney in the venture, we did not lose any. RU1d0UR UEE I ED The VVest Rouge LF:dies' Club wish to :hake it clear tht•t tj report which circulated after Neon Yea.r's to the effect that they sponsored the Dance t,t the Httinbow Rooln is entirely falcc. The panty t1lCre wti3 j)riVLte- ly opert,ted by the proprietors. ROUGE HARDWARE ROUGE HILL PLAZA AT. 2-4052 HOUSEWARES Electrical Appliances 7fJa�i�� aid �ac'r�d LL00R DANFORTH E,LiEIVCIES LTD. 690 Coxwell Ave. L;eneral Insurance iJe offer a complete line; of coverage for FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY - LIFE b10RTwAi ES i,RRANuED 24 Hour Service Phone HO 1-3536 K.I:cCulla�;h,/,IIC. Rcs.West Rouge t:�' :'-PEi70 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - 4 - Sir: I wish to congratulate our Council member for his courageous suggestion that the present Planning Board be asked to resign en bloc since this board of 7 appointees does not include a single member from Wprd F. Considering the vast changes taking place in our ward, it is a matter of extreme concern to learn that Mr. Leycox°s suggestion was thrown out and we. remain without a voice on the Planning Boards Two points should be borne in mind by the voters of this area: 1. Edgar James, who spoke against `;he suggestion was elected to the Deputy Reeveship largely due to votes cast in his favour by lard 5. 2. Reeve Scott "saw nothing wrong with the qualifications of this Board". How much longer will. the people of ,7a.rd 5 have to pay the piper while others call the tune? Alex Green. Sir: I have noted with interest your plans for a parkette at the corner of East Ave. & Kirkdene, and am hartily in favour. However with our lack of sidewalks it is very hazardous for small children to venture any distance along our streets. I live next door to Robin McMullin who was, you will recall, very badly injured in an accident here. The triangle of land bordered by Sunnyolope & Friendship would seem to be an ideal location for a. second parkette. At present it is used for a tile bed for the Shopping Centre's sewage, but the coming of sewers will make that unnecessary. N.H.A. has refused to finance the building of a house on it, due to its peculiar shape and small size. I suggest the Township consider purchase of this land with a view towards making it into a. parkette - at the same time removing; an eyesore to those overlookinc; it. Margaret Bell. ROUGE HILL CMIERA CENTRE 17ATCII FOR DUTCH AUCTION COMING SOON Deer Mr. Editor: Before the Scarborough Plant_ Board. in the final stages of plan- ning is a, mammoth shopping center right on our doorstep. It consists of 60 acres and is located on No.2 Highway just west of Sheppard Ave., and just three quarters of a mile or three minutes by car from our own shopping center at West Rouge which incidentally is all too scantily patronized. With exist- ing shopping facilities here, at Highland Creek, and east and west on No. 2 highway it is obvious that this huge project is super- flous, redundant and definitely premature. To support such a venture requires a population of 100,000 to 150,000 and it will be many many years before that stage is reached. In the meantime the effect of this enterprise would be to drain the life blood of com- merce out of the township of Pickering into Scarborough, and further diminish the very meager commercial assessment our town- ship now possesses. We are not in Metro but our voice should have been raised be- fore this. Even now our Planning Board and Council should take pro- mpt steps'to present our case to both Metro and Scarborough Plan- ning Boards and if needed to Department of Municipal Affairs. A Not-in-2usiness Taxpayer A REPORT TO 2:IEMBERS OF TEE 'J.R.C.A. from Fleury & Comery Barristers end Solicitors As you will recall your investiga- tions originally discloeed that the home owner was paying; a dispropor- tionate share of the township taxes in tllc:t the tax or, bulk land worth t,16,000.00 was approximately �80.00 while v home owner having; a. house of compa.rai;le value was paying ap- proximately $370.00 a year. Accord- ingly your executive authorized an appeal against the assessment of approxina,tely 100 bulk lands total- ling ta.pl,roximately 10,000 acres hating an average assessed value of W.00 per titre. These bulk lands are assessed at a.pproximateiv 6% of their value whereas your houses are assessed at approximately 25 to 28% of their value. The app al was launched in the name of 1.r. owen. The f+ppea.l was heard by the assess- ment Court of Revision which is com- posed of five ratepayers who rarely change an assessment unless the assessor himself admits an error. An attempt was made to have the assessment commissioner hear these appeals in one block and in one day t: s the evidence was the same in all - 5 - ,dON ASSOCIATION ,,!;Y RESULTS & 9TI�NDING5 -Q;January 28th, 1961 incl.) ATOM DIVISION Providence 2 Hershey Buffalo 2 Rochester P W L T GF GA Pt s.. Hershey 7 5 1 1 24 14 11 Rochester 7 4 2 1 18 17 9 Providence 7 2 4 1 16 16 5 F.uffalo 7 1 5 1 11 22 3 PEE WEE DIVISION Fed Hinge 2 Bruins 2 Naple Leafs 0 Canadiens 2 P W L T GF GA Pts. Canadiens 7 6 1 0 36 17 12 Red Wings 6 2 2 2 14 17 6 Bruins 6 1 2 3 11 18 5 Maple Leafs 7 0 4 3 16 25 3 GOAL -3CORER S ATOMS PEE WEE Barry head 17 Wolf Schlornbs 13 David Brandt 10 Alan Hughes 6 Glen Jones 7 Mike Carter 5 Alan Ifilnes 6 Mike Sloan 5 Terry Betts 5 Roman Wyzinski 5 Mark Riley 5 Ricky Astley 4 Frank Baron 3 Bob Fry 4 Ricky 11ayers 3 Jim Lennox 4 Terry Nicholson 3 Albert Runyon 3 Petrick Visser 3 David Comber 3 Dennis Hood 2 Bruce Denl-ey 3 Gary McIntyre 2 Wayne Godinan 3 Tony Farr 1 Mike Hughes 3 Ricky Matten 1 Jim Leskowitz 3 Fill Reid 1 Keith Lloyd 3 Paul Sloan 3 Stuart Brennan 2 Robbie Clark 2 3tephen Clark 1 Gerry Matten 1 Bryce Schwalm 1 Rouge Hill Drugs ROUGE HILL SHOPPING CENTRE Open Till 9.30 Evenings FREE DELIVERY AT. 2-5771 IIJPERIAL ESSO SERVICE """"" Island Rd. & East Ave. f 5S►O opoo.�ts 2 CLASS "A" MECHANICS Tune-up and Brake Specialists 24 Hour Towing kT 4-4281 DON 'YEARN - NIuH`!' CtiLLS -- i.T 4-4282 Ole regret that we cannot print the write-up on Satutdoy' s games; due to lack of spocey but it appears in three loctil weekly pvj)erb, the Scarborough Tribune, Pickering News and the A Na Advertiser. The association has found that a number of children cannot afford to buy certain items of playing; equip- ment, and the executive have purchas- ed these an the need arose. Hovlever, a number of parents have given the association different items of sport- ing equipment which their children have grown out of, in order that we could pass these along to other child- ren. We have decided to build up a stork of such equipment for ALL sports, and if you have any to pass along, please phone Jim Lloyd at AT 2-8484 or Ed Allen at AT 2-7949. Remember, we also have girl) s sports running, ffe are pleased to announce that two hockey trophies have been obtained through the efforts of bir. & L,rs. Art Phillips of Friendship Ave. The tro- phy to be given to the Atom Leegue winner has been donated by Seturday Night Magazine, and the one for the Pee Wee winner by Liberty I1a�azine. SOLICITORS' REPORT. (conttd) of them, but this was refused and necessitated appearances on five con- secutive days to argue the appeals separately. As expected our appeals were not allowed Fsrd the next step would have been to appeal this de- cision to the County Court Judge. Hovever, rat the sr rr;e time the County of Ontario increased the total an sere- ment of the Township of Pickering for County purpones on the basis that the land assessment in Ward 5 was too low and should be doubled. As you know the majority of land in Ward. 5 is bulk land and includes the West Rouge area. The Township of Pickering appealed this increase unsuccessfully and the Board of As;sessor8 not only confirmed the increase but almost doubled it. In the fete of this the Reeve of the Town- ship of Pickering hEP, stated that it will be necessary to reassess the Town - chip. In other words we have achieved the end for which vie set out. We would, however, point out that this reF:ssess- ment is to be rnac:e by the same assessor who 60 vigorously supported the present ireclu}table assessment. No one corn pre- dict the result of this reassessment but in our opinion if done Properly it should result in a sub stential ruc- tion of the house owners' tuxes. The assessment appeals were original- ly launched in the name of Mr. Bowen and as a. result of tt:e use of his nartie sir. Bowen was subjected to considerable abuse both by persons whose asseysraents were being raised and also surprisingly enough by ,ogle of our area. We tholli7ht that this should be brought to your attention so thpt "fir. Bovren could re- ceive a vote of thenks for his pPrt- icipF'tion in this appeal. Editor' E Note REPORT O N AssE SS ME In spite of all that has teen 'said at our public meetings and in articles have appe�?r^d ir_ "The Fvire,E�y", we believe that many of our mernbers are still clear on what the Executive of our Aertcciation has been trying to do about their taxes. The special Committee appointed to follow up on this matter was therefor asked to summarize and tell why we decided to act, what ores Pttempted, what re- sults were obtained, and where the matter norr stands. Here is their report; 0011.:ITTEE' S REPORT ON ASSE;IS^:ENT In canvassing for members during September 1060, the Executive discovered. a strong feeling among our people that taxes in ;'hest Rouge were too high. Many cases were reported where owners had been able to compare their tax -bill with that of friends living in adjacent municipalities, and in nearly every case, far comparable services, the taxes here were found. to be much higher. Your Executive gave this many hours of considervtion. Their legal advisors etated that in their opinion the reason for high taxes on home owners here was that the assessment on LAND had not been raised appreciably although the sell- ing price on bulk land for subdivision or industrial uses hF..d risen tremendous— ly in the pest ten or fifteen years, approximately from four hundred to six hundred per cent. The increasing costs of educc.tion and administration there- fore, fell almost entirely on -the home -owner. We were told thu.t to correct this that the assessment on vacant lands held for subdivision, industrial use, etc. would have to be raised. In this way the a.ssessrlent on buildings (homes) would be reduced. Our solicitors recommended the appeal of a. large number of percels of land as being too low. This was d9.scussed at our open meeting on October 21st, and the Executive decided to go ahead with the appeals. Full details were given in the November 15th issue of "The Fairway", and ir. this issue are solicited subscriptions to a "Special Assessment Appeal" Fund. Our solicitors presented their cese to the Court of Revision, which in our case consisted of five residents of tre Township appointed by Council, and paid 415 ench per day for their services. An we expected these appeFls were thrown out and as the response to our reouest for funds was ined.equate, we were not ,able financially to carry the case to a higher court. So, for the time. being, there the matter 'stands. No further major expense is' bein€, ircairred, but the special Committee is actively carrying on its Ptudien rand investigations. Our eolicitorF0 bill rips presented end being; deemed ree,eonC,.ble and fair, was paid. The Assessment Anrevl Fund now stands; Subscriptions Received; Solicitorst Fees I3ala,nce on Hand 95.85 OTEER DEVELOP °EtiTS The County of Ontario was successful in raising its levy on Pickering Town- ship, in spite of a very expensive legal effort by the latter. This }.daces additional burden on the township taxrayers and ecaentuates the need for the most equitaLle assessment possible. The County Aste ,sor fiplpealed all the assessments; on properties south of the Third Conceceion of Pickering; Tp. This a.ppe'nl wes thrown out as the township solicitor argued successfully thr:.t individual Fai;i es;l ; only for each property should be' heard. As there were some 3,000 parcels involved, this would'rnean a long -drawn out and exi,ensive job. It is obvious that the County Assessor thinks that land assessments in the south part of Pickering Township are too low, (continued on page 7) PHI LLIPS AM - FM RADICS - TONE CONTROL 8 TUBES - PC,vER TFi-.N3FCRI I;R "Better then the one at A1.Harts" L013 STT:W.,iRT' S ERIN T.V. & APPLIANCE LTD. Aid 1-72,21 KENCLAIR PLAZA -(Kennedy Rd.& St.Clair) WHITE ROSE SERVICE T-Terveld Brothers;) WHITE ROSE 2 LI (IA: SED URADE "A" IdEGH.,0J C S (Diplomas on display) ,Complete Yinor & 'La.jor Repairs --- hLL L.P.KEs -•-- Autorne.tic Transmission Service hT 4-4361 OPEN 7 A . I,% - 10 P. M. ON ASSFISSKr-"'i' (Continued) g REPO--- RI - that quoted as saying ESS;^,F'r1T INDICA our Reeve Sherma.neS��PBBment program in less re- f0`"'hi" inau 1 he address, b,1t to start abrt we v�ish the Reeve wac here „is little alterna.tivxee, ,+ ite this we ag of course, but xE'1D►SH OFofUthiaEar�ea and the township. oint out future yell-l;eine But we 7ish to P It is OUT luctanrt. NOT D0. For the present abe done righouncil should seekloue think ,awn mT whole, the job has to the C township as a �t importa.nt work, al Affairs whoeuitacble that for this rno� with a just and opinion preferably from the Department of municipal effect be assistance, p to send us a rnan who will corn, up an be relied on rcr^,itt s recommends that a. resoYers.n to this c you Cor assessment. b a delegation of ou RY YOZTR CULa. ,jlTT) Tq tax dollar goes for educ , livuaber 2 presented to Council Y FURTH�3TTUIE'- -_- e the Town of AS�n,arlY OO centt3 out of each West Rout; the Town Line east t°three miles. d to study the tax stricture of our school area., t decideKrt ° but is ebot your commit eeits assessment Thi.. Itn width va.xies area extendr� f�°oftpickerigo southerly P � the. whole township) � ,area is bout OOro of p jax and the Villa, 000 (a. follows: is Population about half of the whole township); and i I o ula_tion exceeds 10, is 8.8 million do. township. The 1959 AssP3sucent is as about one seventh of ,7,,41,685. Residential 720. Colnrnercial & Profess' 1 cz�7,o05. 177,9E�2• lrcc. ;e}�. schools) Farm LFinds & Timelinesds 895. Totl Telephones &Pie 1��5, �.8 842.857. Lia.nlafacturing Res in our. f asses rnPnt and land -uses T EN T AT IV_ = Iv CLt-----='��- of existin€, basses o a be reached but certain p more detr1ilne study area in needec'L before, final conclusions cry � f the whole township school our school area is 43,o 0_ pol ohnioun: although thi. area contains deductions s ,%intent, locate. 1. The residential *11000 cemenalmost t o induntry w�oulcl norrnvl.ly u. Industrial as I ssWeFhentipr�land wheron- 000 ecre's of unsubdivided late. rr•ost of ti..e bout 1�, very 1�w fiU that this area hp P bout70. rer acre' 3. ld Calculatingabout ur efforts. c ,meet gger.6 to run a data; we have obtained which woo the a.ss In the above or other track" in ° We find nothing e ,sar(3 on the wrong Vacant rea 4 • rural V_ indicate that w " i ., urcyy COMZ� T � sr , be co 1/ or u p can n � �.,nd/ or subdivision �;r,r; trc+ded a 1• school_ area its o lon so t urbf�n ratezo land suitable for industry be a. cc�refullY prepared urban rates encelinUtre?a.ssessaent shoclld .. d �riu;arily on 2. The guiding; refer n plan. s .,e 1 L�,nd-UUe" o: �'I:lister i It behor�ves incluatrY �tlow. on all establientd n lantd'y ., 3. since the Assess��cent lesser extent Ol, deter ind- �.ailc'.isre and to e where building F,seec,srael, are lY aeiex b �rn1ent would not necesuc;4 land held by piss:, their facthriend asset., develop►nent hii; toxvc�.rd A relatively �'lct be �,n Incentive ustry, but rni , to erlcoura.ge industrial Industrial firrns•�0 mills does noticing to of nearly a location :allowance A. A Mill- ra our distance development. in rest Rouge enjoy o due to of this F Ne were informed thfct we ebuilciing asse'as,nent eGlcel faced the loss �• of 171'o discount On of y'ricitby) and thct Lout tax rnatterently punt town unduly a. is spear from the C Y our selves 1n effect eft c,111) o%-cs�-rt to boon" if we concerned- t is still tll_cd Y a' l0wr: Tice, if i had to be haul sP n;-,rnPnt This 17;0 [;.. .,s when produce no r, ace ir, t}ie e ,�•� a relic of the dog } na,.chror.i. Gla l.u.s T, a 61.the tovrn rlNrke. ura�- arenn !Ll Of Bubur'Je1n and semi-r r HELL SERVICE B, er nc PC Fi HY GA WA` 8CI Aui u stsmps and money now Orel, in tiiE5T ROUGE P03T OFFICE Orders" VARIETY ter FF CHESiERHILL 1 )ill here Pay your ter bill here Pay your Waic (no service cha.rge) livi sit our pastry sect ion" Famous 110"e i;,king) AL & RUTA HART uyour 00,,,,auni.ty ,tore ERN I E RT I N=---_--_ - ��,�L Service Towing & Roed FULL TIIII': L101,USED I:iECHANI C Automatic, Transmissions Repairs TUVE-l"o 9HTI ELLTTBRICAON FREL r, Cy ip & DELIVERY Corner Island Rd. & East Ave. AT 2--3311