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Jan. 6, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. 905-686-9607 Visit our showroom 239 Station St., Ajax www.lifestyleproducts.cawww.lifestyleproducts.ca SUNROOMS • WINDOWS PORCH ENCLOSURES • DOORS HAPPY HOLIDAYSHAPPY HOLIDAYS Pressrun 51,400 • 20 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand PICKERING Th ursday, December 10, 2009 NNews ews AAddveverr titisseerrTHE JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND PICKERING -- Motorists, including a cyclist on Hwy. 2, had a sloppy start to the day Dec. 9 after snow fell overnight and then turned to rain late morning.Road crews out in Pickering OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT PREPARED FOR SLUSH, FREEZING PICKERING -- The full snow-clearing fleet was out and about in Pickering early Wednes- day, trying to make life easier for Pickering’s drivers. At around 4 a.m. Wednesday, workers began salting the roads, which was followed by plow- ing, and the plan was to continue the work throughout the day. City operations superintendent John Han- nah said the full fleet of 14 was out plowing City roads, along with six sidewalk plows and two graders clearing the streets in the north. “Our biggest concern will be the tempera- tures they’re talking about this afternoon and overnight,” he said. He expects the temperature to reach around 6 C this afternoon, which means the streets will get very sloppy, and freezing tempera- tures overnight. “We’ve got to get that stuff off the road before it freezes overnight,” he said. He wanted to remind drivers that parking on See PICKERING page 9 NEWS 3 Man badly burned Pickering firefighters pull victim from house CRIME 4 Community safety Ajax-Pickering MP plays host to public forum SPORTS 14 Movin’ on up Ajax-Pickering Rock to play in Major Series ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 2 AP 557 Kingston Rd., Pickering 905-420-9000 www.pickeringtoyota.com PICKERING SUPERSTORE TOYOTA WE ARE HERE HWY. 2 SE T I H W KCOR B YE N T S E W DO OW RA H MEL A S 401 ¥* L i m i t e d t i m e f i n a n c e o f f e r s a v a i l a b l e f r o m T o y o t a F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s o n a p p r o v e d c r e d i t . L i c e n s e , r e g i s t r a t i o n , P P S A , i n s u r a n c e , a p p l i c a b l e f e e s a n d t a x e s a r e e x t r a . M S R P o f a n e w 2 0 1 0 C o r o l l a ( M o d e l B U 4 2 E M A ) a n d 2 0 1 0 M a t r i x ( M o d e l K U 4 E E M A ) i s $ 1 5 , 2 6 0 / $ 1 6 , 4 4 0 p l u s f r e i g h t a n d P D E o f $ 1 , 3 2 0 / $ 1 , 3 2 0 . T a x f o r fu e l c o n s e r v a t i o n i s $ 7 5 f o r M a t r i x . ¥ 0 % / 0 % f i n a n c e A P R e q u a l s $ 4 2 4 / $ 4 5 7 p e r m o n t h f o r 3 6 / 3 6 m o n t h s . C o s t o f b o r r o w i n g i s $ 0 / $ 0 f o r a t o t a l o b l i g a t i o n o f $ 1 5 , 2 6 0 / $ 1 6 , 4 4 0 . II 2. 9 % / 2 . 9 % l e a s e A P R f o r 4 8 / 4 8 m o n t h s o n a n e w 2 0 1 0 C o r o l l a ( M o d e l B U 4 2 E M A ) a n d 2 0 1 0 M a t r i x ( M o d e l K U 4 E E M A ) , W h e n y o u a p p l y t h e $1 , 0 0 0 / $ 1 , 0 0 0 C u s t o m e r I n c e n t i v e m o n t h l y p a y m e n t i s $ 1 4 9 / $ 1 4 9 w i t h a $ 1 , 7 5 0 / $ 2 , 5 0 0 d o w n p a y m e n t o r t r a d e e q u i v a l e n t , a n d f i r s t m o n t h l y p a y m e n t d u e a t l e a s e i n c e p t i o n . T o t a l l e a s e o b l i g a t i o n i s $ 8 , 9 2 3 / $ 9 , 6 5 0 p l u s f r e i g h t a n d P D E o f $ 1 , 3 2 0 / $ 1 , 3 2 0 . B a s e d o n a m a x i m u m o f 9 6 , 0 0 0 / 9 6 , 0 0 0 K M S . A d d i t i o n a l K M ch a r g e o f $ . 0 7 / $ . 0 7 f o r e x c e s s k i l o m e t r e s i f a p p l i c a b l e . ‡ $ 1 , 0 0 0 / $ 1 , 0 0 0 C u s t o m e r I n c e n t i v e o f f e r v a l i d o n r e t a i l d e l i v e r y o f n e w 2 0 1 0 C o r o l l a a n d 2 0 1 0 M a t r i x w h e n f i n a n c e d , l e a s e d o r p u r c h a s e d f r o m a n O n t a r i o T o y o t a d e a l e r s h i p . V e h i c l e m u s t b e r e g i s t e r e d a n d d e l i v e r e d b e t w e e n D e c e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d J a n u a r y 4 , 20 1 0 . § M a k e N o P a y m e n t s f o r 1 2 0 D a y s w h e n y o u p u r c h a s e f i n a n c e a n e w u n r e g i s t e r e d T o y o t a v e h i c l e t h r o u g h T o y o t a F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s . O f f e r a p p l i e s o n a p p r o v e d c r e d i t t o r e t a i l c u s t o m e r s w h o p u r c h a s e a n d t a k e d e l i v e r y b y J a n u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 0 . T h e f i r s t m o n t h l y p a y m e n t w i l l b e d e f e r r e d f o r 9 0 d a y s ( u n t i l t h e 1 2 0 t h d a y of t h e c o n t r a c t ) a n d f i n a n c e c o n t r a c t s w i l l b e e x t e n d e d a c c o r d i n g l y . I n t e r e s t c h a r g e s w i l l n o t a c c r u e d u r i n g t h e f i r s t 9 0 d a y s o f t h e c o n t r a c t . A f t e r 9 0 d a y s , i n t e r e s t s t a r t s t o a c c r u e a n d t h e p u r c h a s e r w i l l r e p a y p r i n c i p a l a n d i n t e r e s t o v e r t h e t e r m o f t h e c o n t r a c t . 'Co m p l i m e n t a r y J o b L o s s C r e d i t P r o t e c t i o n i s o f f e r e d by T o y o t a C r e d i t C a n a d a I n c . ( " T o y o t a C r e d i t " o r " T F S " ) a n d a v a i l a b l e t o e l i g i b l e r e t a i l c u s t o m e r s w h o p u r c h a s e o r l e a s e o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g v e h i c l e s t h r o u g h T F S b e t w e e n D e c e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d J a n u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 0 : n e w a n d d e m o n s t r a t o r C o r o l l a , M a t r i x a n d R A V 4 m o d e l s . T h e p r o g r a m p r o v i d e s u p t o $1 0 , 0 0 0 i n c r e d i t p r o t e c t i o n t o c o n s u m e r s w h o s u f f e r a n u n e x p e c t e d j o b l o s s d u r i n g t h e t e r m o f t h e i r l e a s e o r f i n a n c i n g c o n t r a c t , p r o v i d e p r o o f t h a t t h e y a r e c o l l e c t i n g u n e m p l o y m e n t b e n e f i t s a n d r e t u r n t h e i r v e h i c l e t o t h e i r T o y o t a d e a l e r . E x c l u d e s c h a r g e s f o r e x c e s s w e a r a n d t e a r , e x c e s s k i l o m e t r e s , un r e p a i r e d d a m a g e s a n d s i m i l a r c h a r g e s . P r o g r a m o n l y a p p l i e s t o n a t u r a l p e r s o n s , o v e r t h e a g e o f 1 8 , w h o s u f f e r I n v o l u n t a r y U n e m p l o y m e n t ( a s d e f i n e d i n t h e c o n t r a c t ) a n d w h o m e e t t h e o t h e r e l i g i b i l i t y c r i t e r i a . P r o g r a m d o e s n o t a p p l y t o c o r p o r a t i o n s , c o m p a n i e s , a s s o c i a t i o n s , s e l f - e m p l o y e d pe o p l e , s e a s o n a l e m p l o y e e s , e m p l o y e e s o f T F S o r e m p l o y e e s u n d e r a f i x e d t e r m c o n t r a c t . E l i g i b l e c o n s u m e r s w i l l b e r e q u i r e d t o m ak e r e g u l a r m o n t h l y p a y m e n t s w h i l e t h e i r c l a i m i s e v a l u a t e d . F u r t h e r c o n d i t i o n s a n d l i m i t a t i o n s a p p l y . F o r c o m p l e t e d e t a i l s , a s k y o u r T o y o t a d e a l e r . † T h e s e e s t i m a t e s ar e b a s e d o n t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f C a n a d a ' s a p p r o v e d c r i t e r i a a n d t e s t i n g m e t h o d s . T h e a c t u a l f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n o f t h e s e v e h i c l e s m a y v a r y . R e f e r t o t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f C a n a d a p u b l i c a t i o n E n e r G u i d e F u e l C o n s u m p t i o n G u i d e . A l l r i g h t s a r e r e s e r v e d . D e a l e r m a y s e l l / l e a s e f o r l e s s . Q u a n t i t i e s o f c e r t a i n ve h i c l e s a r e l i m i t e d a n d d e a l e r t r a d e m a y b e r e q u i r e d . D e a l e r t r a d e a v a i l a b i l i t y m a y a l s o b e l i m i t e d a n d w i l l v a r y b y m o d e l . O f fe r s v a l i d b e t w e e n D e c e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 9 a n d J a n u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 0 a n d a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . P l e a s e s e e y o u r p a r t i c i p a t i n g T o y o t a D e a l e r f o r f u l l d e t a i l s . PICKERING 0%% $500 CUSTOMER INCENTIVE 2010 CAMRY FINANCING NO PAYMENTS 120 DAYS 90 DAYS INTEREST FREE WeÕll applaud the great savings, as soon as we take off our mittens. PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS 0 APR´ % per month for 48 months with $2,500 down with $1,000 Customer Incentive applied. LEASE FOR $149II@ 2.9% APR NEW 2010 Matrix MSRP´* STARTING FROM $16,440 HWY 6.2L/100 KM (46 MPG)  CITY 7.8L/100 KM (36 MPG)  PLUSCUSTOMER INCENTIVE‡ $1000 NEW 2010 Corolla CE MSRP´* STARTING FROM $15,260 HWY 5.6L/100 KM (50 MPG)  CITY 7.5L/100 KM (38 MPG)  PLUSCUSTOMER INCENTIVE‡ $1000 PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS 0 APR´ % per month for 48 months with $1,750 down with $1,000 Customer Incentive applied. LEASE FOR $149II@ 2.9% APR NEW 2010 RAV4 HWY 6.9L/100 KM (41 MPG)  CITY 9.4L/100 KM (30 MPG)  MSRP´* STARTING FROM $24,345PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 36 MONTHS % APR´1.9 per month for 48 months with $3,621 down. LEASE FOR $259*@ 4.9% APR worriesGet complimentary Job Loss Credit Protection with your lease or purchase.' $1000 CUSTOMER INCENTIVE 2009 VENZA$1500 XR MODEL ONLY ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 3 AP Join us for fun & savings onJoin us for fun & savings on DECEMBER 11th We are offering special deals throughout the day including: Hanes Lovable Bras for $3 Spalding Bacon for $1.49 as well as hourly specials like our 10 p.m. item: Guitar Hero game for the XBOX360 for just $5XBOX360 for just $5 Giant Tiger 570 Westney Road S - Unit 24 Ajax, Ontario L1S 6V6 AJAX GIANT TIGERAJAX GIANT TIGER ONLY LOCATION!ONLY LOCATION! 11:00 PM11:00 PMOpen late Open late untiluntil Bayly S t . W Clemen t R d GIANT TIGER Discovery Bay Centre C h u r c h S t . S We s t n e y R d . S 401 FREE COMPUTER TRAINING • Intro to Computers • Internet • Email • Word • Excel COURSES OFFERED: Coordinated by Durham Region CAP Network In Partnership with: www.dce.ca On-line at 905-436-3211 • 800-408-9619REGISTER TODAY Computer training delivered by Durham Continuing Education EACH CITIZEN IN DURHAM REGION IS ENTITLED TO 2 FREE COURSES VISIT WWW.DREN.ORG FOR A FULL SCHEDULE In Pickering • Ajax • Whitby • Oshawa • Clarington • Scugog • Uxbridge • Brock SOME CLASSES ARE FILLED LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE REGISTER TODAY 905-579-6041• 800-408-9619 On-line at www.dce.ca <http://www.dce.ca/> •Intro to Computers •Internet •Email •Word •Excel •PowerPoint JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND PICKERING -- Pickering firefighters were called to a home on Essa Crescent shortly before 2 p.m. Dec. 9. Reports indicated a burn victim was pulled out of the home. Victim sent to Sunnybrook hospital BY KRISTEN CALIS kcalis@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- The Ontario Fire Mar- shal’s office is investigating a fire that sent a Pickering man to Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto with severe burns Wednesday afternoon. Pickering Fire Services was called to a home on Essa Crescent at 1:50 p.m. and five fire vehicles were on the scene within five minutes, where they found a man with severe burns to the front of his abdomen. “When he came out, he was burnt on the front part of his body, mid and upper,” said platoon chief Rick Ingram. He was rushed to hospital. After searching the home, the fire department found no one else was in the house. The fire was in the living room, and there’s now a big hole in the living room floor, Mr. Ingram said. The fire had gone down to the joists, he said, and the insulation helped slow down the spread. “Had that not had happened, the fire would have gone up sig- nificantly,” he said. Mr. Ingram said there was evidence of the victim having thrown off his clothing as he made his way to the washroom and attempt- ed to throw water on himself before fire crews and paramedics arrived. He added that it appears the man was burned trying to put the fire out. But there’s no word on the cause of the fire. “They will investigate everything above the floor and everything in the floor,” Mr. Ingram said. Diane Polley, who’s lived in the neighbour- hood for 21 years, was concerned when she arrived at home and saw the fire trucks. She was upset to hear about what happened to her neighbour, “a very nice man. “I just hope he’s OK,” she said. “That’s my main concern.” EMERGENCY SERVICES Pickering man badly burned in fire ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 4 AP It’s not your mortgage or your child’s education. It’s usually your personal income tax. I can help you make the most of your money and minimize your taxes. 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Forward your resumé to: ™ Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group.MP1323 (09/2008-P) www.careersinvestorsgroup.com Regional Director WALTER ALONSO CFP, BA 1550 Kingston Road Suite #313 (905) 831-0034 (905) 831-0130 walter.alonso@investorsgroup.com PICKERING, ON L1V 1C3 Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Call us at (905) 831-0034 for Career Session Dates Durham should put its speeding ticket money into crime prevention, said Ewles BY REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com AJAX -- The criminal justice system is ready to implode, said Durham’s police chief at a recent public event. Chief Mike Ewles made that statement at a recent community safety event hosted by Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland. The event was comprised of a roundtable discussion with community groups, including the chief, followed by a town hall where members of the public got a chance to ask questions. “My prediction is in three to five years our criminal justice system will implode ... we’re trying the process every single time someone enters the criminal justice system,” said Chief Ewles at the roundtable. His fear is another Askov decision. After the Supreme Court ruled in R. versus Askov in 1990, thousands of criminal cases were thrown out because it took too long to bring them to trial, violating the accused people’s Charter rights. “We need to clean up all the clutter in the justice system so they can focus on those highly critical criminal offences,” said the police chief, adding that some people go to court 10, 11 or 12 times before being held accountable for their actions. He later added that the Askov ruling didn’t just affect people who never paid for their crimes. “Victims who were caught up in that were never heard,” he said. Another theme at the roundtable discus- sion was the lack of funding for organizations that aim to keep people out of jails. Among them is Community Justice Alternatives Dur- ham Region. “Our doors were ready to close this summer, we were at the brink,” said exec- utive director Suzette Lewis, adding this was after the Ministry of the Attorney General ended funding to a province-wide restorative justice program. As it stands, the police, bylaw officers and other community organizations refer people to Community Justice Alternatives as an alter- native to the courts. One example is a youth, who vandalized a property, meeting with the victim and the two coming up with a resolu- tion for the offence. In two years, the organi- zation has served more than 250 clients. One suggestion from Chief Ewles was to put revenue from tickets under the Provin- cial Offences Act, including speeding tickets, back into crime prevention. So far this year, tickets have generated about $6.5 million in revenue. Once court costs are factored out, 40 per cent of the net revenue goes to Region of Durham and 60 per cent goes to the local municipalities. Each ticket generates about $75 in revenue. As the public safety and national secu- rity critic for the Liberals, Mr. Holland has been on a cross-country tour of prisons and he shared some of his observations with the group. He presented a working paper to the group on the issue of crime. Mr. Holland criticized the criminalization of mental illnesses, which Chief Ewles agreed is fundamentally wrong, and said problems in the prisons don’t stay there. One example is the high rate of infectious diseases among inmates which eventually poses a problem for the public. One woman’s question, was simple. Is Ajax a safe community? Mr. Holland replied that it was, citing a drop in violent crimes. CRIME Criminal justice system ready to implode: Chief AJAX -- Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland hosted a community safety event attend- ed by Durham Regional Police Chief Mike Ewles. ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 5 AP Do your New Year’s resolutions include ... • Improving your health • Reducing stress • Improving balance • Greater flexibility • Exploring the mind-body connection www.taoist.org New Classes Starting Soon! Open House & New Beginner ClassTuesday, January 5, 2010 12:30-2:00pm Visitors Welcome Any TimeWest Shore Community Centre 1011-1015 Bayly Street, Pickering 905-839-9873 Whitby@taoist.org Durham officer on trial for assault BY JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com WHITBY -- An attempt to stop a drunken buddy from driving led to a violent con- frontation with cops, a witness has testi- fied at the assault trial of a Durham police officer. Ryan Schwalm , 37, told a jury he was repeatedly assaulted by Constable Glen Turpin after police responded to his Whitby home for a report of a fight in June of 2007. He said he was punched, taken into custody and had his face slammed into the wall of a holding cell by Const. Turpin. “All I wanted to do was stop the guy from drinking and driving,” Mr. Schwalm testi- fied. Jurors heard Mr. Schwalm was drink- ing at his Dundas Street East home with friends on June 4, 2007, when one of them decided he was going to drive home. Mr. Schwalm said he parked his truck behind the man’s car to keep him from leaving, a move that angered his inebriated pal. He said that when police showed up he ignored an instruction from Const. Turpin to either go into his house or the backyard because he wanted to check on his friend’s welfare. But the situation escalated and Mr. Schwalm found himself being thrown to the ground, punched and handcuffed, jurors heard. He was bundled into a police cruiser and taken to 18 Division in Whitby, where he said he was tossed into a holding cell by Const. Turpin, striking his face on the wall. Mr. Schwalm admitted he was drunk and angry and cursed repeatedly at the officer as he was being driven to the police station. But he denied being physically threaten- ing, and flatly rejected a suggestion from defence lawyer Bill MacKenzie that he and his drunken friend were involved in an all- out brawl before cops arrived. During cross-examination, however, Mr. MacKenzie played for the jury a recording of a 911 emergency call made to police by a citizen who reported the disturbance. “I’ve got two guys who are fighting,” the caller told a dispatcher. “They’re drunk as a skunk. “They’re on the ground right now,” the caller said in another portion of the tape. “They’re fighting.” In spite of that evidence Mr. Schwalm insisted he was involved in no fight that evening. The trial, before Superior Court Justice Bryan Shaughnessy and a jury, continues in Whitby. METROLAND FILE PHOTO DURHAM -- Sgt. Glen Turpin, who won the Award of Merit at the 2006 Canadian Police Association Awards, is now on trial facing assault charges. COURTS Attempt to stop drunk driver led to clash with cops: witness WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com & A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright Editorial Opinions FIREARMS LAWS Keep the gun registry to ensure safety To the editor: Re: Common sense firearms laws are need- ed now more than ever, Jennifer Kory letter, Nov. 17. Opponents of the gun registry, such as Jennifer Kory, are choosing to ignore the fact that chiefs of police, front-line officers and the RCMP feel it is a vital tool for law enforcement that helps them to keep com- munities safe. I would ask opponents of the gun regis- try to put themselves in the shoes of those brave officers who have to answer domes- tic dispute calls every day and need to know whether or not there are guns in the house. To make good policy, parliamen- tarians have to listen and take account of those people with expertise, and in the case of public safety, that is the police. I am pleased to see that Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland recognizes the impor- tance of doing so. The Harper government may be prepared to put the interests of the right-wing fringe ahead of Canadians’ safety, but I am glad that there are MPs like Mr. Holland who are willing to defend the safety of our commu- nities. Lynda McCarthy Pickering HEALTH CARE Time to let voters decide on health care choices To the editor: Politically connected ridings in Toronto get money for care that Durham region does not. Why is that surprising? It’s not just money. Canada supports the world’s second- most expensive universal health-care system. But once the government has that money, government priorities prevail. So George Smitherman makes health-care decisions that advance his Toronto may- oralty ambitions, while the eHealth fias- co left in Mr. Smitherman’s wake delivers nothing to the taxpayer. When does this get better? Ontario’s socialists brought us Rae days; conservatives brought us hospital consolidations; liberals brought us annu- al “premiums.” Did health care improve? We need to start limiting the government’s free hand and hold it accountable through full, transparent and public disclosure of how our health-care dollars are spent, from the minister’s office through to the hos- pital board rooms. It may finally be time to again open the marketplace to provide more of our health care, where we can watch more of our own dollars. Rather than creating a “two-tier” sys- tem, that just moves the second tier out of Buffalo and closer to home where Ontarians can use it. Or we can keep los- ing services to hospitals in better-con- nected ridings. Voters’ choice. Dan Brennan Ajax POOR TASTE Kick a Ginger day should be taken seriously To the editor: Re: ‘Kick A Ginger’ day upsets Uxbridge parents, Dec. 4. The treatment of this situation by author- ities is absolutely ridiculous. A few parents of red-headed children are upset. In actuality, everyone, including the police, school officials, Facebook, etc., should be involved. Substitute the words ‘black’ or ‘Jew’ for ‘ginger’ and that response would be the proper one. Ron Bouckley Oshawa Do everything you can to keep safe from fire It’s been a harrowing time for house fires in south Durham municipalities. Over the past few weeks, firefighters have been busy battling blazes that have caused massive property damage. Other than a fire in Ajax which result- ed in the death of a man in early Novem- ber, the other recent incidents resulted in no deaths or major injuries to anyone. A family pet perished in one blaze, which was unfortunate, but it all could have been so much worse. Firefighters put themselves at risk when they were momentarily engulfed in flames as they entered a house to tackle the inferno. At another fire, three children heard the sound of a smoke alarm at a neighbour- ing townhouse and immediately had their mom call 911. Their quick action likely saved the life of the man living in the house. He suffered smoke inhalation and was later released from hospital. What’s most troubling about some of the fires is the possibility that they could have been prevented. One of the fires was the result of careless smoking; anoth- er happened because a basement lamp fell over and landed on a bed, eventually igniting a bedspread. With so many people using Christmas lights at this time of year, it’s a timely reminder to be fire safe. There will prob- ably be a few more logs going on the fire this yuletide as well, so people should be extra careful. Local firefighters offer some timely tips: • Make sure your smoke alarms are in proper working order. • Never leave cooking unattended. • Keep candles away from flammable objects and extinguish them before going to sleep. • Encourage smokers to smoke outside; don’t smoke if feeling drowsy and never smoke in bed. • Keep matches and lighters away from and out of reach of children. • Unplug appliances when not in use; unplug Christmas tree lights when going to bed or leaving the house. • Have a home fire escape plan and make sure everyone knows it. If you like to use your fireplace, make sure you put a protective fire screen in front of the opening to make sure no errant sparks fly out and catch on materi- als. And make sure the fire is out before going to bed. It’s so important to have fun and enjoy a wonderful time with family and friends this holiday season. But let’s make it a safe and fire-free time as well. e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ newsdurhamregion.com ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 6 P ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 7 AP Thursday December 10, 2009 Ajax & Pickering Locations 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St. W. #5, Ajax Flyers in Todays Paper If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Sat. 9 - 1:00 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of The Week Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At * Delivered to selected households only 1899 Brock Rd. #24, Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Today’s carriers of the week is Alexis and Payton. They enjoy playing guitar and basketball. Alexis and Payton has received a dinner voucher from Subway, McDonalds and Boston Pizza. Congratulations Alexis and Payton for being our Carrier of the Week. * Bargain Shop Ajax * Best Buy Ajax/Pick. * Canadian Tire Ajax/Pick. * Car Guide Ajax/Pick. * Danier Leather Ajax/Pick. * Fairport Guardian Drugs Pick. * Food Basics Ajax/Pick. * Future Shop Ajax/Pick. * Giant Tiger Ajax * HMV Ajax/Pick. * Loblaws Pick. * Longo’s Pick. * M & M Meats Ajax/Pick. * Marks Work Wearhouse Ajax/Pick. * Metro Ajax/Pick. * News Advertiser Ajax/Pick. * No Frills Ajax/Pick. * Price Chopper Ajax/Pick. * Real Canadian Superstore Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * Sobey’s Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * The Source By Circuit City Ajax/Pick. * The Water Drop Pick. * Toys R Us Ajax/Pick. * Walmart Ajax/Pick. * Your Independent Grocer Pick. * Zellers Ajax/Pick. 8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 ™ Simply... Wine Making at its Finest! Tuesday to Friday: 11 am - 7 pm • Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm 905-837-WINE (9463) www.winexpert.com 623 Kingston Road, Pickering (West of National Sports) Ask about our Message in a Bottle Gift Certifi cates Voted Best Winemaking Establishment 2009 Reader’s Choice Awards DURHAM -- Durham residents can get their old, used tires out of the way for free. The Region of Durham works depart- ment is participating in a used tires pro- gram established by the Ontario Tire Stew- ardship, which allows residents to dispose of their tires for free. The program also allows for the clean-up of used tire stock- piles currently around Durham Region. “Durham residents may now drop off used tires, as long as the load includes tires only, at any of the Region’s waste manage- ment facilities at no charge,” works com- missioner Cliff Curtis said. “We also plan to work with OTS, local area municipali- ties and local agricultural and commercial stakeholders to assist in the collection of used tires directly from properties that have used tire stock- piles.” Used tires can be reused if deemed roadworthy. If they do not get the seal of approval, they can be remade into play- ground equipment and surfaces, interlocking patio bricks, roofing shingles and more. REGION Durham puts brakes on tires in landfills CLIFF CURTIS DURHAM -- Durham residents have a chance to win tickets to Toronto Maple Leaf and Toronto Raptors games. Epilepsy Durham Region is raffling off three items this holiday season, to raise funds to support Durham residents living with epilepsy. The three items being raf- fled off are a pair of Raptor tickets, valued at $450, a pair of Gold Leaf tickets, valued at $300, and an autographed Rick Vaive jer- sey, valued at $100. Tickets for the raffle are one for $2, or three for $5. Epilepsy Durham Region is hoping to sell 5,000 tickets by the draw date, which is Dec. 21. To purchase a ticket or for more information: CALL 905-571-2099 COMMUNITY Epilepsy Durham raffles off sports tickets BREAKING NEWS: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY >>newsdurhamregion.com ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 8 AP =MS R P f o r 2 0 1 0 F o r t e K o u p 2 . 0 L L X M T ( F O 5 2 1 A ) / 2 0 1 0 S o u l 1 . 6 L M T ( S O 5 5 0 A ) i s $ 1 8 , 4 9 5 / $ 1 5 , 7 9 5 . D e l i v e r y a n d d e s t i n a t i o n f e e s o f $ 1 , 4 5 5 / $ 1 , 6 5 0 e x c l u d e d . * C a s h p u r c h a s e p r i c e f o r 2 0 1 0 F o r t e 2 . 0 L L X M T ( F O 5 4 0 A ) i s $ 1 4 , 7 4 5 a n d i n c l u d e s a c a s h r e b a t e o f $ 9 5 0 b a s e d o n a n M S R P o f $ 1 5 , 6 9 5 . D e l i v e r y a n d d e s t i n a t i o n f e e s o f $ 1 , 4 5 5 e x c l u d e d . * * B i - w e e k l y f i n a n c e p a y m e n t f o r 2 0 1 0 R i o E X M T ( R O 5 4 2 A ) i s $ 7 2 w i t h a n A P R o f 3 . 9 % f o r 60 m o n t h s , a m o r t i z e d o v e r a n 8 4 - m o n t h p e r i o d . E s t i m a t e d r e m a i n i n g p r i n c i p a l b a l a n c e o f $ 3 , 6 1 0 p l u s a p p l i c a b l e t a x e s d u e a t e n d of 6 0 - m o n t h p e r i o d . D e l i v e r y a n d d e s t i n a t i o n f e e s o f $ 1 , 4 5 5 e x c l u d e d . UMo n t h l y l e a s e p a y m e n t f o r 2 0 1 0 F o r t e K o u p 2 . 0 L E X M T ( F O 5 2 1 A ) / 2 0 1 0 S o u l 1 . 6 L M T ( S O 5 5 0 A ) i s $ 1 9 9 / $ 1 9 9 f o r 6 0 / 4 8 m o n t h s a t 3 . 9 % / 3. 9 % l e a s e A P R w i t h a $ 2 , 9 4 0 / $ 1 , 8 8 0 d o w n p a y m e n t . T o t a l l e a s e o b l i g a t i o n i s $ 1 4 , 9 0 9 / $ 1 1 , 4 5 5 w i t h th e o p t i o n t o p u r c h a s e a t e n d o f t e r m f o r $ 5 , 6 6 3 / $ 5 , 8 8 2 . D e l i v e r y a n d d e s t i n a t i o n f e e s o f $ 1 , 4 5 5 / $ 1 , 6 5 0 e x c l u d e d . L i c e n s e , r e g i st r a t i o n , i n s u r a n c e , d e a l e r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n f e e s a n d t a x e s a r e e x c l u d e d . L e a s e h a s 2 0 , 0 0 0 k m / y e a r a l l o w a n c e ( o t h e r p a c k a g e s a v a i l a b l e ) a n d 0 . 1 0 / k m f o r e x c e s s . O t h e r l e a s e a n d f i n a n c e o p t i o n s a l s o a v a i l a b l e . D e a l e r s a r e f r e e t o s e t i n d i v i d u a l p r i c e s . P r i c e s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . C e r t a i n r e s t r i c t i o n s m a y ap p l y . $“Z e r o P a y m e n t s u n t i l S p r i n g ” ( 9 0 d a y p a y m e n t d e f e r r a l ) a p p l i e s t o p u r c h a s e f i n a n c i n g o f f e r s o n a l l n e w 2 0 0 9 a n d 2 0 1 0 K i a m o d e l s . N o i n t e r e s t w i l l a c c r u e d u r i n g t h e f i r s t 6 0 d a y s o f t h e f i n a n c e c o n t r a c t . A f t e r t h i s p e r i o d , i n t e r e s t s t a r t s t o a c c r u e a n d t h e p u r c h a s e r w i l l r e p a y p r i n c i p a l a n d i n t e r e s t m o n t h l y o v e r t h e t e r m o f t h e c o n t r a c t . 'Re c e i v e a p r e p a i d V i s a c a r d w o r t h u p t o $ 1 , 0 0 0 t o k e e p e x t r a c a s h h a n d y t h i s h o l i d a y s e a s o n . T h e p r e p a i d Vi s a c a r d v a l u e s o f $ 3 0 0 , $ 5 0 0 a n d $ 1 , 0 0 0 a r e o n c a s h p u r c h a s e , l e a s e o r l o a n , o r a p p l i e d a s a c r e d i t t o w a r d s t h e l i s t e d c a s h p u r c h a s e p r i c e a t t i m e o f p u r c h a s e . $ 3 0 0 c a r d s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n 2 0 1 0 F o r t e s e d a n , 2 0 1 0 F o r t e K o u p , 2 0 1 0 R i o / R i o 5 a n d 2 0 1 0 S o u l . $ 5 0 0 c a r d s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n a l l 2 0 0 9 v e h i c l e s , 2 0 1 0 R o n d o , 2 0 1 0 M a g e n t i s a n d 2 0 1 0 S p o r t a g e . $ 1 , 0 0 0 c a r d s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n 2 0 1 0 Bo r r e g o a n d 2 0 1 0 S e d o n a . § K i a ’ s I n t e g r i t y A d v a n t a g e is u n d e r w r i t t e n b y E c h e l o n G e n e r a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y a n d i s v a l i d o n a n y n e w K i a m o d e l f i n a n c e d o r l e a s e d t h r o u g h a n a u t h o r i z e d K i a d e a l e r , f o r u p t o o n e y e a r a f t e r p u r c h a s e , a n d c o v e r s n e g a t i v e e q u i t y u p t o $ 7 , 5 0 0 . P l e a s e r e f e r t o y o u r K i a I n t e g r i t y A d v an t a g e i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y d o c u m e n t f o r f u l l t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s . O n l y a v a i l a b l e a t p a r t i c i p a t i n g d e a l e r s . R e s t r i c t i o n s a p p l y . C o ve r a g e o p t i o n s v a r y b y p r o v i n c e . S e e y o u r p a r t i c i p a t i n g K i a de a l e r f o r d e t a i l s . T h e E c h e l o n G e n e r a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y l o g o i s a R e g i s t e r e d T r a d e m a r k o f E c h e l o n G e n e r a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . >H i g h w a y / c i t y f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n f o r 2 0 1 0 F o r t e L X M T i s 5 . 8 L ( 4 9 M P G ) / 8 . 3 L ( 3 4 M P G ) ; 2 0 1 0 R i o E X M T i s 5 . 8 L ( 4 9 M P G ) / 7 . 1 L ( 4 0 M P G ) ; 2 0 1 0 S o u l 1 . 6 L M T i s 6 . 3 L ( 4 5 M P G ) / 7 . 7 L ( 3 7 M P G ) p e r 1 0 0 k m . T h e a c t u a l f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n o f t h e s e v e h i c l e s m a y v a r y . T he s e e s t i m a t e s a r e b a s e d o n t h e G o v e r n m e n t of C a n a d a ’ s a p p r o v e d c r i t e r i a a n d t e s t i n g m e t h o d s . R e f e r t o t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f C a n a d a p u b l i c a t i o n E n e r G u i d e F u e l C o n s u m p t i o n G u i d e . † † N H T S A ( N a t i o n a l H i g h w a y T r a f f i c S a f e t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ) t e s t r e s u l t s . V i s i t w w w . s a f e r c a r . g o v f o r f u l l d e t a i l s . Vi s i t k b b . c o m f o r f u l l d e t a i l s . K e l l e y B l u e B o o k ® i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f K e l l e y B l u e B o o k C o . , I n c . V20 1 0 S o u l a w a r d e d t h e T o p S a f e t y P i c k b y t h e I n s u r a n c e I n s t i t u t e f o r H i g h w a y S a f e t y . V i s i t w w w . ii h s . o r g f o r f u l l d e t a i l s . ^ C o n d i t i o n s a p p l y t o t h e $ 5 0 0 G r a d R e b a t e p r o g r a m , s e e d e a l e r f o r d e t a i l s . So m e c o n d i t i o n s m a y a p p l y t o t h e $ 7 5 0 K i a M o b i l i t y p r o g r a m . S e e d e a l e r f o r d e t a i l s . TKi a ’ s “ W o r r y - F r e e C o m p r e h e n s i v e ” w a r r a n t y c o v e r s m o s t v e h i c l e c o m p o n e n t s a g a i n s t d e f e c t s o c c u r r i n g u n d e r n o r m a l u s e a n d m a i n t e n a n c e c o n d i t i o n s . (Bl u e t o o t h ® t e c h n o l o g y e n a b l e d c e l l p h o n e r e q u i r e d . T h e B l u e t o o t h ® w o r d m a r k a n d l o g o a r e r e g i s t e r e d tr a d e m a r k s a n d a r e o w n e d b y B l u e t o o t h S I G , I n c . P r i c e , a v a i l a b i l i t y a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s w i t h o u t n o t i c e . S o m e v e h i c l e s a d v e r t i s e d m a y i n c l u d e o p t i o n a l a c c e s s o r i e s o r a f t e r - s a l e e q u i p m e n t a n d m a y n o t b e e x a c t l y a s s h o w n . I n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s a d v e r t i s e m e n t i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e a t t h e t i m e o f p r i n t . O f f e r e n d s J a n u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 0 a n d i s v a l i d f o r r e s i d e n t s o f O n t a r i o a n d M a n i t o b a o n l y . K I A i s a t r a d e m a r k o f K i a M o t o r s C o r p o r a t i o n . Holiday Event at Bess ada Kia00PAYMENTS UNTIL SPRING ON ALL 2010 MODELS* ENDS JANUARY 4TH AIM HIGHER ON YOUR WISH LIST Kia's Total Care Ownership Coverage includes: • 5-year/100,000km - Worry-free comprehensive warranty • 5-year/100,000km - Powertrain warrannty • 5-year/100,00km - Roadside assistance • 5-year/unlimited km - Anti-perforation warranty BESSADA KIA of AJAX & PICKERING 1675 BAYLY ST. 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Ask about our Don’t lock yourself in. walkawayprotection.com – 4 cylinder 1.6L, 16-valve CVVT , or available 2.0L, 16-valve CVT engine – Standard 6 airbags, with active front headrests – Bluetooth® hands-free cell phone capability – Power windows, locks and doors WELL-EQUIPPED FROM $15,795 * LEASE FOR $199 * PER MO. 48 MOS. 3.9 % LEASE APR* $1,800 DOWN PAYMENT ATOR2010 SOUL Receive aprepaid giftcardPLUSPLUS HWY: 6.3 L/100KM 45 MPG CITY: 7.7 L/100KM 37 MPG>4u BURNER MODEL SHOWN 0% FINANCING2009 RONDO $2,000 CASH REBATE Receive aprepaid giftcardPLUSPLUS – 4 cylinder 2.4L, 16-valve CVVT , or available 2.7L, 24-valve CVVT V6 engine – Standard 6 airbags, ABS & automatic - Standard 6 way adjustable drivers seat - Available 7 seater HWY: 7.5 L/100KM 38 MPG CITY: 10.6 L/100KM 27 MPG> 2010 FORTE OWN IT FROM $14,745 * CASH PURCHASE PRICE Receive aprepaid giftcardPLUSPLUS HWY: 5.8 L/100KM 49 MPG CITY: 8.3 L/100KM 34 MPG> – Fuel effi cient 2.0L, 4-cylinder 156 HP engine, or available 2.4L, 4-cylinder 173 HP engine – Standard 4-wheel disc brakes and ABS – Standard Bluetooth® hands-free cell phone capability - 4-cylinder 1.6L CVVT engine AM/FM/CD/MP3 stereo with USB and AUX audio inputs - Bluetooth® hands-free cell phone capability* - 6-way adjustable driver’s seat SX MODEL SHOWN 2010 RIO HWY: 5.8 L/100KM 49 MPG CITY: 7.1 L/100KM 40 MPG> $72 BI-WEEKLY FOR 60 MOS. AMORT. OVER 84 MOS. $0 DOWN PAYMENT $3,610 REMAINING BALANCEFINANCE APR %3.9AT OWN IT FROM Receive aprepaid giftcardPLUSPLUS EX MODEL SHOWN ANDAND Come Visit Us Th is Weekend. We’re Your Neighbourhoo d Kia Store We Guarantee the HIGHEST Prices Paid for Gold in Canada! Based on the Daily World Gold Price Index WE BUY: OLD & BROKEN JEWELLERY • RINGS • CHAINS • EARRINGS • BRACELETS • NECKLACES • BROKEN GOLD • GOLD & SILVER COINS • GOLD & SILVER CHARMS BROKEN CHAINS • SCRAP GOLD • DENTAL GOLD Don’t give away your valuable Jewellery – Check out the competition then come see Rafael. We PAY You In CASH - Not A Cheque! We Buy All Gold & Silver Rafael Jewellery 15 Westney Road North at Kingston Road, Ajax (In the Westney Heights Plaza beside Rogers) 905-426-4700 • www.rafaeljewellery.com JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND Treacherous roads PICKERING -- A vehicle and a tractor trailer were involved in an accident at Audley Road and Hwy. 7 the morning of Wednesday morning. The Ontario Provincial Police closed the road about 10:20 a.m., near Audley Road. It was not known if any one suf- fered injuries in the crash. The road re-opened around 12:15 p.m. ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 10 AP Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented, evidence-based alternative to medication. In fact, study after study has shown CBT to be as effective as pills for the treatment of depression and more effective than pills for the treatment of anxiety. Regain control of your life. We can help. Call or email info@ccbt.ca for more information or to book an appointment Depression, Anxiety, Social Phobia, Panic Attacks are real, serious and treatable conditions. Ce n t r e f o r Bilingual services now availableCentre For Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, in Ajax Dr. David Direnfeld, Psychologist 905.427.2007 Check Out Our 12 Week Challenge CHRIS DILL – Certifi ed Personal Trainer 905-426-0954 chrisdill@commit2bfit.ca • Private Sessions • In Home Training • Small Group Training • Fit-In 30 • Weight Loss • 12 Week Challenge • Cardio Kick Boxing • Strength Training • Athletic Training Weight Loss Strength Training Athletic Training …one day at a time www.commit2bfit.ca Allergy, Detox and Weight Control BN Natural Foods – 2 Locations 1550 Kingston Rd. (at Valley Farm), Pickering 237 King St. E. (beside Foodland), Bowmanville Complete Health Assessment & Management Detoxify - Ioncleanse Footbath - Hair Analysis Menu Plans - Live Cell Analysis - Lifestyle Coaching Plus Take Back Your Health Today! Food Sensitivity Test (no needles) Call for an Appointment today 905-837-6627 Single Appointments & All-inclusive Programs www.allergydetoxweightcontrolclinic.com e-mail: karensteward@acn.net Karen Christian Steward R.O.H.P., R.N.C.P., C.N.P. C.P.C.C., P.T.S., L.C.M., F.L.T. Simply Dial 310-BITE HOLIDAY SPECIAL! www.ajaxsmiles.com 161 Harwood Ave. N.161 Harwood Ave. N. Unit 5B, AjaxUnit 5B, Ajax Tel: (905) 426-8304Tel: (905) 426-8304 $150 Zoom Whitening with New Patient Exam and Cleaning!! Also ask about ZOOM Gift Cards!! 686-43433 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, DR. JOE MISKIN Emergencies and New Patients Welcome 99 00 55 We are available to serve you 2003 www.drjoemiskin.com 2006Platinum 2007 Diamond DENTAL OFFICE • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sport Medicine • Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children’s Feet Ronald J. Klein, D.P.M (Podiatrist) (UB-ALL +INGSTON2D 'LE N A N N A 2 D  04# 831-FEET(3338) 1885 Glenanna Road, Suite 210 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6R6 Get Off On The Right Foot! Health & Wellness ADVERTISING FEATUREStay Healthy During The Holidays As I was walking around the landscap- er this weekend, picking out my Christ- mas tree, I couldn’t help but overhear some of the conversations of the people around me. Everyone seemed so stressed! They were arguing about the tree sizes, shapes, type, and whatever else there was to disagree about. I realize that it really wasn’t the tree that was the cause of the disagreements but rather the significant amount of stress in everyone’s lives. So much has been documented about the negative effects of stress. For exam- ple, recent studies have shown that stress sharply increases a chemical called Inter- leukin-6 in our blood. IL-6 has been associated with several diseases, includ- ing heart disease and stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes and certain cancers. Stress can even impair vaccine response in older adults. Ohio State University researchers recently found that even a slight increase in stress and anxiety can substantially worsen allergic reactions. Also, the impact of stress and anxiety seem to lin- ger -- causing the second day of an allergy attack to be much worse. These findings are important since allergic reactions are the fifth most common chronic disease in America. Stress impacts how we interact with others, as I witnessed recently, and there- fore all of our relationships. This in turn can affect our feelings, about ourselves and others which can lead to a whole list of problems. The list of negative impacts of stress is continually expanding and one of the reasons I have created a “Mind Spa”. We go to the spa and have massages for our bodies, well how about our minds! The “Mind Spa” helps you to release stress, tension, and anxiety. It helps you to let go of the pressures of every day life! You are giving your mind a peaceful and relaxing spa experience. Leaving you refreshed, rejuvenated and feeling better than you’ve felt in a long, long time. You will be able to take this “Mind Spa” experience, along with many of the techniques and tools, and apply them to managing the ordinary and extraordinary stress that enters your busy life. Give your loved one, or yourself, the gift of peace and relaxation this holiday season by having a “Mind Spa”. Written by Phebe-Jane Poole, Ph.D. Phebe provides a safe and secure envi- ronment where people can enhance their lives, at the Isle of Avalon Wellness Cen- tre. Working with individuals and groups, Phebe helps people find a sense of over- all balance and peace, make positive life changes, reduce everyday stress, become more self-aware, and have a renewed energy for life. Gift certificates are avail- able. Stressed? Try a “Mind Spa” To advertise in the Health section call Susan Fleming at 905-683-5110 ext. 231 /FFER¬AVAILABLE¬WITH¬THE¬PURCHASE¬OF¬A¬FULL¬WEIGHT¬LOSS¬PROGRAM¬/NE¬OFFER¬PER¬PERSON¬.OT¬VALID¬WITH¬ANY¬OTHER¬COUPONS ¬SPECIALS¬OR¬PROMOTIONS¬/FFER¬EXPIRES¬*ANUARY¬ ¬¬#ERTAIN¬CONDITIONS¬APPLY¬3EE¬5¬7EIGHT¬ ,OSSš¬FOR¬DETAILS¬¬.O¬OBLIGATION¬&IRST¬VISIT¬ONLY¬-UST¬BE¬¬YEARS¬OF¬AGE¬OR¬OLDER¬,IMITED¬TIME¬OFFER WWWBECOMEUAGAINCOM¬\¬OVER¬¬LOCATIONS¬ACROSS¬#ANADA¬AND¬GROWING 8 *  ,  CIARA FOY RNCP Owner/Operator of U Weight Loss Clinic Email your nutrition questions to Ciara at cfoy@uweightloss.com / ÊÊÊÊÊÊ",Ê6"/ ÊÊÊÊÊÊ7 /Ê"--ÁÊ -Ê/ Ê -/Ê7 /Ê"--Ê   ÊÊ  Ê8Ê Ê*  , t 1- Ê" 3)'.¬50¬./7¬!.$¬2%#%)6% ¬7%%+3¬, " 9Ê-*  #ALL¬TODAY¬TO¬BOOK¬YOUR¬&2%%¬(%!,4(9¬7%)'(4¬ !.!,93)3¬AND¬RECEIVE¬A¬&2%%¬$%4/8¬¬#,%!.3% 2EAL ¬LIFESTYLE BASED¬PROGRAM¬ ,ASTING¬RESULTS ¬NOT¬A¬FAD¬DIET¬ &AST¬AND¬HEALTHY¬WEIGHT¬LOSS¬ -AXIMIZE¬YOUR¬ENERGY¬LEVELS¬ &REE¬YOUR¬BODY¬OF¬TOXINS¬ 2EDUCE¬YOUR¬CRAVINGS¬ )MPROVE¬YOUR¬LIBIDO¬ 3TART¬TODAY¬ ¬ ¬ 1, / Ê2%35,43¬ "EFORE¬ ˆÃ> ÓǏLà œÃÌ …ÀˆÃ È£Là œÃÌ œÀˆÊ ÊÊ Là œÃÌ£äÈ 3)'.¬50¬./7¬!.$¬2%#%)6% ¬7%%+3¬, " 9Ê-*  #ALL¬TODAY¬TO¬BOOK¬YOUR¬&2%%¬(%!,4(9¬7%)'(4¬ !.!,93)3¬AND¬RECEIVE¬A¬&2%%¬$%4/8¬¬#,%!.3% ¬ ¬ 2EAL ¬LIFESTYLE BASED¬PROGRAM¬ ,ASTING¬RESULTS ¬NOT¬A¬FAD¬DIET¬ &AST¬AND¬HEALTHY¬WEIGHT¬LOSS¬ -AXIMIZE¬YOUR¬ENERGY¬LEVELS¬ &REE¬YOUR¬BODY¬OF¬TOXINS¬ 2EDUCE¬YOUR¬CRAVINGS¬ )MPROVE¬YOUR¬LIBIDO¬ 3TART¬TODAY¬ Question: I’ve been working out religiously four times a week for over four months and I haven’t lost any weight, what am I doing wrong? Answer: Many of my clients are surprised to learn that exercise is only part of the puzzle. There are two main reasons why many people work out consistently and yet still are not able to reach their health and weight loss goals. The fi rst is that you need to adjust your workout program every four to six weeks in order to keep your body challenged and the second and most important key ingredient to success is nutrition. Our body is extremely intelligent and learns to adapt very quickly, this is why we provide our clients at U Weight Loss with professional workout programs. You must constantly change your work out regime to challenge your body in order to see the results you crave. It is also a huge nutrition myth that if you work out, you can eat whatever you want. The truth is that 75-80% of the results you will experience from any exercise program are in fact dependent on your nutrition. You need to fuel your body properly with the right nutrients emphasizing the correct balance of lean proteins, essential fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates to repair muscle tissue in order to tone, build muscle and increase your metabolism. Nutrition is the cornerstone of health and the focus at U Weight Loss. Come in to U Weight Loss in Ajax or Pickering and learn how to accelerate the results from your exercise program and reach your health and weight loss goal easily and quickly! ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 11 AP ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 12 AP English IvyEnglish Ivy Flowers & Home DecorFlowers & Home Decor 300 Kingston Rd, Unit 7, Pickering (Gates Plaza at Altona Rd.) 905-509-2552 www.englishivyfl owers.com Purchase any 3 Nordic Living Purchase any 3 Nordic Living Christmas Tree OrnamentsChristmas Tree Ornaments at Regular Priceat Regular Price and Receive the 4and Receive the 4thth at 50% OFF* at 50% OFF* Limited Time OfferLimited Time Offer *Must be of equal or lesser value. Now Carries Nordic Living Christmas Tree Ornaments PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING Keep warm in fashion PREPARE FOR WINTER WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE Factory Warehouse Sale Great prices on fashionable furniture. HWY 401 BAYLY ST. W.WE S T N E Y R D . S . HA R W O O D A V E . S . MAC K E N Z I E A V E . 274 Mackenzie Ave., Ajax • 905-686-7000 Ext.205 Hours: Wed. 10am-5pm • Thurs. & Fri. 10am - 8pm Sat. & Sun. 10 am - 5pm 274 Mackenzie Ave., Ajax • 905-686-6835 ext.1 Hours: Wed. 10am-5pm • Thurs. & Fri. 10am - 8pm Sat. & Sun. 10 am - 5pm Open Until December 24, 2009 LARGEST FACTORY CLEARANCE EVERUP TO 70% OFF REGULAR RETAIL WHILE QUANTITIES LAST BEDROOM . TABLES . FABRIC . ACCESSORIES • SOFAS FROM $299 • LOVESEATS FROM $199 • CHAIRS FROM $199 Whether your style is, casual or traditional, contemporary or cottage, Sklar Peppler has the best selection of the latest designer home furnishings with quality that has made Sklar Peppler famous Factory Warehouse S a l e Bras • A to F Cup Size • 32 to 42 Band Size • Basic & Fashion Come Early For Best Selection GREATGREAT GIFT GIFT IDEAS!IDEAS! Control Shape Wear • S - XL CAS H ONL Y BRAND NAMES!BRAND NAMES! 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Up to Pirouette® brings you serenity. Pirouette® window shadings HD brings you the WORLD one million aeroplan miles Visit your nearest participating Hunter Douglas dealer and ask how you can get a chance to win* 1,000,000 Aeroplan® Miles when you purchase select Hunter Douglas products. hunterdouglas.ca *Contest runs from Sept. 1/09 to Dec. 31/09. No purchase necessary. Correct answer required to skill testing question. See complete Prize, eligibility and Contest details in the Offi cial Rules available starting Sept. 1/09 at your nearest participating Canadian Hunter Douglas dealer or www.hunterdouglas.ca ® Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aeroplan Canada Inc. Call us today at 905-509-5700 dolanwindowcoverings.com Women and children’s health program one of six awarded AJAX -- The Rouge Valley Health System has won a $10,000 award for a new program focusing on women and children’s health. The health system won the 2009 Innovation Award for Innovations in Health Human Resources, which was present- ed by Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, during a health conference last month. Six achievement grants of $10,000 were awarded. The Rouge Valley project and exhib- it, Neonatal and Paediatric Ori- entation Program Designed for the New Graduate, were devel- oped by Rose Owen, clinical practice leader, neonatal inten- sive care unit and special care nursery, and Minette MacNeil, clinical practice leader, pediat- rics and surgery at Rouge Val- ley. It gives new nurses a com- prehensive knowledge base to enhance caring for the sick newborn child and their fami- lies through lab settings and working alongside experienced mentors, for example. “We are pleasantly surprised and honoured to receive this award,” said Ms. MacNeil. “We are proud to have our project celebrated among such an inno- vative group of other exhibits all aimed at improving the qual- ity of health care given to our patients.” HEALTH CARE Rouge Valley wins provincial award We are proud to have our project celebrated. Minette MacNeil BR E A K I N G N E W S : A L L D A Y , E V E R Y D A Y >> ne w s d u r h a m r e g i o n . c o m ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 13 AP One fare anywhere in Durham Region, with a DRT ticket, pass or transfer! For holiday transit schedule details visit www.durhamregiontransit.com or call 1-866-247-0055 TICKET SALES LOCATIONS AJAX Ajax Transit News, Ajax GO Station Ajax Greyhound GO Bus, Ajax Plaza DRT WESTNEY, 110 Westney Road, South Town of Ajax, 65 Harwood Avenue, South Ajax Community Centre, 75 Centennial Road McLean Community Centre, 95 Magill Road PICKERING Pickering News Stop, Pickering GO Station Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade Pickering Recreation, 1867 Valley Farm Road www.durhamregiontransit.com 1-866-247-0055 FARES Adult Monthly Pass $97.00 Adult Tickets (10) $26.25 Adult monthly passes are transferable to any individual, provided it is not used at the same time by more than one person Student Pass Restricted* $68.25 Student Pass Unrestricted $81.50 Student Tickets (10) $24.20 Senior** Monthly Pass $39.00 Senior** Multi-Ride (10) $17.85 Child under 5 years FREE Child Monthly Pass*** $57.65 Child Multi-Ride (10) $17.85 * Monday to Friday 6:00am to 7:00pm ** 65 years and older *** Attending elementary school DURHAM -- A Durham Region Transit worker has been awarded for her efforts. Susan Dickinson, communica- tions coordinator, was recognized for her work at the recent Canadian Urban Transit Association fall con- ference in Montreal. Ms. Dickinson received an award for Outstanding Achievement in Support of Public Transit Advocacy Through Partnerships. Nominees are recommended by transit indus- try employers. Winners are then selected by a national committee of transit professionals. As a transit advocate, Ms. Dick- inson engages partners with key initiatives. Some of these include: video production partnership with Smart Commute Durham to pro- mote environmental and economi- cal transit options, Canadian Envi- ronmental Week partnership with Durham Region Waste, Planning, Health, and Smart Commute Dur- ham, media editorial submissions for “Green” Transit, Re-Location Guide, Welcome Home, Eco-Dur- ham, 50 Plus and Forever Young, and much more. REGION Durham transit advocate recognized for work LOCAL BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO AND WEATHER: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY >>newsdurhamregion.com ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 14 AP Sports Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.com HOCKEY Pickering’s Vella named rookie of the week PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Jessica Vella, of Pickering, a freshman on the Provi- dence Friars women’s hockey team, was named the Bauer Rookie of the Week for the Hockey East Association on Monday. Vella scored two goals on Satur- day in Providence’s 4-1 upset over No. 3 New Hampshire in Durham, N.H. The win was the first by a Hockey East team at the Whittemore Center in Durham since the league’s creation in 2002-03. This marks the sixth weekly acco- lade and fourth Rookie of the Week award of the season for Providence. Vella, an 18-year-old forward, has 2-1-3 totals in the four games she has played. The St. Mary grad is studying biology. BOXING Two wins for Durham Boxing Academy fighters AJAX -- A couple of fighters from the Durham Boxing Academy registered victories at the 7th Annual Dave Sparks Memorial card held in Peterborough. Kyle McLaughlin and Scott Mac- Donald both had their arms raised in victory following their respective fights. Both fighters won by unanimous deci- sion over opponents from The Boxing Factory in Lindsay. The card featured 12 bouts. Pickering Swim Club hosts annual meet PICKERING -- The Pickering Swim Club will be hosting the 23rd Annual Lisa Flood Christmas Classic Dec. 11-13. Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan will be opening the meet and approximately 230 athletes will compete. Teams visit- ing are from Toronto, Clarington, Bramp- ton, Whitby and Quebec. The swim club is having a fund- raiser silent auction over the course of the meet with items such as golf passes, three sets of Raptors tickets, youth/adult fitness memberships and a custom- framed jersey signed by all members of the 1999 Stanley Cup champion Dallas Stars. The Friday night session starts at 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday morning ses- sions start at 9 a.m., afternoon sessions start at 1:30 p.m. SWIMMING BY BRAD KELLY bkelly@durhamregion.com AJAX -- The Ajax-Pickering Rock are mov- ing up to join the big boys. The lacrosse team will be making the jump this summer from the Sr. B ranks to Major Series Lacrosse, joining a league that fea- tures some of the best indoor box players not only in the province or country, but also the world. Many of the rosters feature play- ers who play professionally over the winter in the National Lacrosse League. The move to the elite league completes a vision that Rob Roche had seven years ago when he started the Rock. “Me being a local guy, born and raised in Ajax, I always wanted to bring some kind of pro team to Ajax,” began Roche, who will serve as the team’s president. “Sr. B lacrosse was Sr. B lacrosse, but Major Series Lacrosse was the next step, one step away from the pro league. That’s basically where we wanted to end up. “Eventually we wanted to end up there, it was just a matter of when the time was going to be right. It’s a new challenge for us.” The timing was right when it was learned the seven-team league was going to drop to six after St. Regis let it be known that they weren’t going to operate in 2010. After secur- ing the approval from the other teams in the league, Roche made his pitch at the league’s AGM on Nov. 6 and, on Nov. 30, received official notice the Rock had been granted approval. The Rock follow in the footsteps of Kitch- ener and Barrie, which also made the jump from Sr. B to Major Series Lacrosse in the past few years. The league is rounded out by Brooklin, Brampton, Peterborough and Six Nations. The Ajax Community Centre will contin- ue to be the home floor for the Rock, which moved there last summer after playing out of Pickering in previous seasons. The MSL sea- son starts in late-May, so Roche is expecting an open training camp to be held in mid- April. As for staff, Paul St. John will be the general manager. Roche would like to have a coach- ing staff in place by the end of the year or early January, and is negotiating to have Jim Veltman return as head coach, though no commitments have been made yet. Veltman was the head coach of the Rock last season. Between now and the start of training camp, there is much to be done, but it’s work Roche is looking forward to. “We are looking forward to the upcoming season and can hardly wait to get going,” he says. RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND Duking it out PICKERING -- Dunbarton High School player Cory Chamley ducked out of the way of St. Mary Secondary School player Brody Caggiula’s punch during a fight during LOSSA hockey play at Don Beer Arena on Monday afternoon. St. Mary won the game 4-1 on a pair of goals each from Jordan Bean and Drake Caggiula. Machlin Crawford replied for Dunbarton. LACROSSE Rock moving up to Major Series league ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 15 AP Find your new home with OPEN HOUSES 905.683-5110 VIEW ON-LINE AT... WWW.HOMES.DURHAMREGION.COM Marilyn Brophy 905.683.5110 ext.233 • mbrophy@durhamregion.com Barb Buchan 905.683.5110 ext. 292 • bbuchan@durhamregion.com Featured every Friday in the News Advertiser SHAMMY’S AUTO DETAILING INC. AUTO DETAILING INC. COMPLETE EXTERIOR & INTERIOR SHAMPOO - POLISH - WAX 905-831-2444905-831-2444 933 Dillingham Road, Pickering • www.shammysauto.ca They can be used for any or all of our services - in any denomination you choose! SPECIALIZING IN: SCRATCH REMOVAL This Christmas give your loved ones the gift of a clean vehicle with Gift Certifi catesThis Christmas give your loved ones the gift of a clean vehicle with Gift Certifi cates from Have a Have a CleanClean and and Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas and a and a Happy Holiday SeasonHappy Holiday Season from everyone at from everyone at Shammy’sShammy’s!! ChristmasChristmas CarolsCarols 20092009PRESENTED BYPRESENTED BY Christmas Carols 2009 available FREEFREE Sing your way into the Holiday Season with your copy of our SNA Award Winning NO LIMIT ON ORDERS - While quanitites last 2009 Carol Books ARE HERE! For those who love the Holidays ... THE AWARD-WINNING, LONG AWAITEDTHE AWARD-WINNING, LONG AWAITED 2009 CHRISTMAS CAROL BOOKS2009 CHRISTMAS CAROL BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED HAVE ARRIVED!! for pickup at the following locations: OSHAWA THIS WEEK 865 Farewell St., Oshawa South of 401 Mon-Thurs 8-8 Fri 8-5 THE UPS STORE BOWMANVILLE 2377 Hwy 2, Bowmanville Clarington Centre Mon-Fri 8:30-6:30 Sat. 10-5 Sun. Closed PORT PERRY STAR 180 Mary St. E. Unit 11 beside Co-operators Insurance, Port Perry Mon-Friday 9-5 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Harwood S to Station (1st street past 401) west to Commercial Mon-Fri 9-5 WHITBY LIBRARY MAIN BRANCH 405 Dundas St. W. Whitby Mon-Fri 9:30-9 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 1-5 3FBDI  QPUFOUJBMDVTUPNFST $BMM$IBOUBMFBU   FYUXXXFBTUPGUIFDJUZDPN                                          %JTDPWFSZPVSSJDIDPNNVOJUZBT %VSIBN3FHJPOTQSFNJFSMJGFTUZMF NBHB[JOFOPXBQQFBSTPOMJOFBU   FYUXXXFBTUPGUIFDJUZDPN % NBHB[J Minor Peewee AA club donates to worthy Christmas causes AJAX -- The boys from the Ajax Minor Peewee AA Knights lead by example both on and off the ice as the holiday season approaches. The 11-year-olds on the team have recognized how lucky they are and want to help those less fortunate. With the help of a few par- ents, the boys donated their winter hockey coats from last year to the Children’s Aid Society. Seventeen boys in and around Ajax now have warm coats for this winter as a result of the team’s generosity. The team did not stop there. It has adopted a fam- ily for Christmas, for the fourth year in a row. The team will be shopping for gifts and food to help a fam- ily celebrate a Christmas it might otherwise not have been able to have. Lastly the team collected toys and food to donate to the Christmas Wish Foun- dation and local food banks, respectively. As the kick-off to a Christmas party, the entire team travelled to the new Ajax Fire Department and dropped off the food and toys in hopes others may also have a happy holi- day this year. Team members include Mitchell Saunders, Tyler Baigrie, Brady Koopmans, Daniel Berube, Zack Har- ris, Jayman Panesar, Nicho- las Tierney, Jordan Assen- za, Quinn Ellul, Simon Feig, Alex Copetti, Ryan Smith, Bryce Keats, Tyler Kemp, Matthew Mawby, Kyle Bayer and Cameron Walsh. AJAX -- The ESN Packaging team won two straight games to pull into a first-place tie in the Ajax Men’s Basketball League. ESN defeated Michael’s Eatery in a tight match 47-46 and then easily topped Dick- son Printing 65-55. Sher- win James was the big man for ESN, tallying a total of 28 points in two games. Nick Sideris contributed 24, while Eric Spriel with 18 and Kevin O’Hara with 13 helped the team to victory. Claude Whit- field had 15 points and John Esposito 11 in a losing cause for Michael’s. For Dickson’s, Scott Poulton and Stephen Johnston held the hot hands with 18 and 17 points respec- tively. It wasn’t all bad for Michael’s as they went on to defeat previously unbeat- en North Alliance Press 46- 34. Mike Stoddart led the team with 15, while Esposi- to added nine and Clinton Andrew eight points. NAP’s Calvin Smith hit for 13 points. NAP did manage to maintain a tie for first place by defeat- ing Phillips 40-25. Smith once again led the team with 13 points while Derek Kent had a solid game adding 12. Roger Young had eight and Ian Harvey six for Phillips. In other games, the Top Shelf Bar won their first game of the season 65-45 over Dickson’s which have yet to win. Terry Rock had 19, Bob Hunt 14 and Gregg McGuire added 13 for the Shelf. Poul- ton again led Dicksons with 13, Tim Lane scored 10. The Shelf then lost a close one to Phillips 40-37. Louis Bari- kage led the winners with 12 points. Rock had 12 for the losers while captain Bob Murray contributed 10. Games continue on Wednesday nights beginning at 6:45 at Ajax High School. Anyone interested in play- ing in the league, for men 45 years and over, can stop in on Wednesday nights or contact Pat Roach at 905-427-3183. HOCKEY Knights get into spirit SUBMITTED PHOTO AJAX -- The Ajax Minor Peewee AA Knights stopped by the fire department to donate to the Christmas food and toy drive. The hockey team has been quite active with its generosity as the holiday season approaches. AJAX MEN’S LEAGUE BASKETBALL ESN Packaging tied for first GOLF Mills headed back to Nationwide WEST PALM BEACH -- It looks like another year on the Nationwide Tour for Oshawa native, Jon Mills. The 31-year-old golfer, who now lives in Pennsylva- nia, finished tied for 98th in the final stage of PGA quali- fying school, 12 strokes back of where he needed to be at the Bear Lakes Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Mills, who played on the PGA Tour in 2006 and 2008, will return to the Nationwide Tour, where he finished this past season with $121,765 in earnings. ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 16 AP IMPORTANT INFORMATION TOWN HALL MEETING Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty will host an informal meeting to hear your thoughts and ideas for Year Two of Canada’s Economic Action Plan. All are welcome but space is limited. Monday, December 14, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. HILTON GARDEN INN AJAX Canadian Hall 500 Beck Crescent, Ajax For further information: 416-973-1754 AVIS IMPORTANT ASSEMBLÉE PUBLIQUE Le ministre des Finances Jim Flaherty tiendra une réunion informelle pour connaître votre avis et vos idées concernant la deuxième année du Plan d’action économique du Canada. L’invitation s’adresse à tous, mais le nombre de places est limité. Le lundi 14 décembre 2009 à 19 h 30 HILTON GARDEN INN, AJAX Salle Canadian 500 Beck Crescent, Ajax Renseignements : 416-973-1754 Bantam A team gets into the holiday spirit PICKERING -- The holidays are a time to give back to those in need and once again the Pickering Panthers Bantam A team is reaching out to make a difference. For the third consecutive year, this Pickering team has decided to forgo doing a gift exchange or holiday party and instead chose a charity to become involved with. This year, each player sponsored one child through Operation Christmas Child. This is a hands- on project of Samaritan’s Purse that anyone can participate in (for more information on this visit www.samaritanspurse.ca). After a brief visit to Santa Claus, team members went shopping at the Pickering Town Centre and each team member used his own money to purchase items to fill a shoe box of items for children living in desperate situations. Coach Leo Nat’s philosophy is one of hard work, team spirit and helping others and these young men demonstrate these skills on and off the ice. Team members are Ben deVr- ies, Tony GionFriddo, Brett Hall, Aidan Koke, Jonathan Mac- Millan, Austin Marchese, Joey McLeod, Stephen Mintsopou- los, Luke Napolitano, Joshua Nat, Connor Page, Graham Reid, Karlo Cvetkovic-Rozas, Hartley Russell, Grant Starr, Sean Turn- bull and Aaron White. The coaching staff consists of Leo Nat, Brian Hall, Bill Reid and Calvin Russell. SUBMITTED PHOTO PICKERING -- Members of the Pickering Panthers Bantam A team are reaching out to help over the holidays. This season, each player on the team has sponsored a child through Operation Christmas Child. They recently went on a shopping trip to buy the items for their sponsored children and stopped in for a visit with Santa Claus. HOCKEY Panthers making a difference Pickering Oldtimers Hockey League standings as of Dec. 6 OVER 35 DIVISION TEAM GP W L T GF GA PTS Penguins 18 14 3 1 114 62 29 Shagwells 17 13 3 1 98 61 27 Bay Dukes 17 13 4 0 120 81 26 Rebels 17 9 8 0 117 96 18 Hawg Farmers 17 8 8 1 101 99 17 Flames 17 6 11 0 78 106 12 Intrepid 18 2 15 1 70 109 5 Rangers 17 2 15 0 63 147 4 OVER 50 DIVISION TEAM GP W L T GF GA PTS Canadians 17 14 2 1 80 36 29 Buds 17 8 5 4 66 45 20 Slo Flames 17 8 7 2 64 63 18 Fry’s Hawks 17 8 8 1 65 71 17 Gervais Bruins 17 5 8 4 53 58 14 RoadRunners 17 2 15 0 34 89 4 GOLF Mills headed to Nationwide WEST PALM BEACH -- It looks like another year on the Nation- wide Tour is in store for Oshawa native, Jon Mills. The 31-year-old golfer, who now lives in Pennsylvania, finished tied for 98th in the final stage of PGA qualifying school, 12 strokes back of where he needed to be at the Bear Lakes Country Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Mills dug a big hole in the first round of the gruelling six-round test, bogeying his first four holes en route to a six-over-par 78. He finished with consistent rounds of 71-71-72-71-71 and ended up at two-over par, but only the top 20 scores and ties earned their PGA Tour cards for 2010. The cut line for that was 10- under-par. Mills, who played on the PGA Tour in 2006 and 2008, will return to the Nationwide Tour, where he finished 54th on the money list this past season with $121,765 in earnings. ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 17 AP Sales Executive - Established Printer with Roll to Sheet 8 Colour Perfector 8 col Perfector, 4 col Half Web, Bindery, Digital, Wideformat and Display Graphics If you are an experienced sales professional looking for a venue that gives you a competitive advantage, and unequaled production capabilities, we may be right for you. Impressive up to date modern facility, the latest in prepress technology, highly fl exible digital printing equipment and wide format digital solutions. Submit resume or to discuss in confi dence, email: rolltosheet@gmail.com YMCA LOOKING FOR WORK? YMCA YOUTH CAREERS PROGRAM CAN HELP! Are you: 16-30 years old? A resident of Durham Region? Unemployed, not attending school and not collecting E.I. benefi ts? PAID training opportunity includes: ✓ Paid 4-week job preparation workshop sessions ✓ Opportunity for paid work experience ✓ Continued support in securing employment Our upcoming session will be held in PICKERING starting January 4/2010 For an appointment CALL: YMCA Durham Employment and Community (905) 427-7670 Ask to speak with a Youth Careers staff member. (Collect calls accepted) POSITIONS AVAILABLE Cleaning Homes in Pickering/Ajax No Nights or Weekends Paid Training ~ Weekly Pay Car Required ~ Paid Mileage (905)426-2120 or Email: owner4610@merrymaids.net Career Training AIRLINE MECHANIC- Train for high paying Aviation Ca- reer. FAA Approved pro- gram. Financial aid if quali- fi ed- Job placement assis- tance. CALL Aviation Insti- tute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 Careers PICKERING-BASED pub- lisher seeks print-web graph- ic design individual. Min 2 yrs working exp. Must have Quark, Photoshop, HTML. Resume to rwh@rogers.com PRODUCTION TEAM LEAD required immediately for food production company in Oshawa. Strong leadership skills, post-secondary train- ing and 5 years related experience required. e-mail humanresources915@rog- ers.com Drivers AZ DRIVERS needed. Clean abstract and U.S experience. Full or part time. Hourly rate. Call 1-416-836-6246 SMALL TRUCKING COM- PANY looking for 4 own- er/operators and 1 AZ com- pany driver for long and short hauls throughout Canada and the U.S, must have min. 3 yrs experience and a clean abstract fax resume to 905- 623-4525 General Help WE'RE EXTREMELY BUSY!! Would you like a job cleaning people's homes, days only, no weekends. You bring the sparkle; we'll give you good pay and a great environment. Give us a call at 905-723-6242 Career Training General Help ADULT SOCIAL CLUB Pro- gram Administrator Position. The Adult Social Club is a social recreational program provided by the Abilities Cen- tre and sponsored by Scotia- bank. The Program Adminis- trator manages all aspects of the Adult Social Club includ- ing tasks related to planning activities, staffi ng, volunteers and administrative duties. Position details available at www.abilitiescentre.org. Deadline for applications is December 11, 2009 at 5:00 pm. Submit applications to info@abilitiescentre.org. Quote posting number ASC – PA09. ADULT SOCIAL CLUB Pro- gram Director Position The Adult Social Club is a social recreational program provid- ed by the Abilities Centre and sponsored by Scotia- bank. The Program Director co-ordinates and delivers programming and activities for the Adult Social Club. Po- sition details available at www.abilitiescentre.org. Deadline for applications is December 11, 2009 at 5:00 pm. Submit applications to info@abilitiescentre.org. Quote posting number ASC – PD09. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Career Training General Help BLUELINE TAXI is seeking customer-oriented accessible and sedan taxicab drivers for Oshawa and Pickering. Earn cash daily and training pro- vided. Please call Roy or Ian 905-440-2011 Career Training General Help CHRISTMAS SEASON Openings. $16+ base-appt., Sales/Service. PT/FT sched- ules, no experience required, can continue in 2010. Students welcome. Condi- tions apply. 905-426-7726 or xmashelp.com Careers General Help LOOKING for persons to speak to small groups and do one on one presentations. A car and internet necessary. Howard 905-426-4323 Careers General Help ORDER TAKERS needed $25/hr avg. Full time!! We train you! Xmas help re- quired. Call: (905) 435-0518 Careers Careers Careers Careers General Help MAGICUTS has the follow- ing positions available: Full & PT Licensed Stylist for Whit- by & Oshawa salon. We of- fer: hourly wage & commis- sion, advancement opportu- nities, free training classes, monthly prizes. Join a win- ning team. Call Crystal (905) 579-6757 MODELS, ACTORS & Enter- tainers needed for agency. Experience not necessary. Looking for Durham's Next Top Model. Please call 905- 655-2436 or 905-767-4700. Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com 3800 Brock St. N., Whitby (Just South of Taunton Road) 905-666-3156 ext 5828 www.oakwoodretirement.com • The Village Health Centre • Independent Apartments • Retirement Apartments • Retirement Suites with Walk-Out Patios • Assisted Care Suites • Existing Long Term Care OVE R 90% L E A S E D ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS at our Primary Care Practice in North Whitby The Village Health Centre, 3800 Brock Street North, Whitby Now accepting patients to our new health centre. Nurse Practitioner, Alison Denard is accepting patients over the ages of seventy who do not already have a primary care provider. Please call Shannon at 905-665-0155 to book an appointment TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 18 AP COOK POSITION AVAILABLE Permanent full time. Must have institutional experience, papers, and Red Seal Certifi cation. Fax resume to 905-623-1374 or email: ramessar@extendicare.com 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com REGENCY PLACE Seniors Building ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE-IN SPECIALS! 1 & 2 Bdrms utilities incl. On site staff 24/7. Weekly bus to grocery shopping. Handrails in halls, Automatic door openers Full Activity Calendar, Close to 401 Safe secure environment. 15 Regency Cres. (Mary St. & Hickory St) 1-866-979-4793 www.realstar.ca VENDORS WANTED Oshawa Spring Home and Garden Show March 12-14, 2010 Book early Call 905-579-4400 Devon, ext 2236 Wendy, ext 2215 HIGGINS, Norman - Passed away peacefully on December 8, 2009 in his 77th year. Be- loved husband of the late Marlene Higgins. Devoted father of Brian, Glen, Shaun and Wendy. Proud grandfather of Matthew and Erin, and papa to Lyndsay. Great-great grandfather of Hailey. Dear brother to Ethel (auntie cookie). Norman will be sadly missed by all who knew him. The family will receive friends at the McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Pickering Village (Ajax), 905-428-8488 from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Saturday December 12th. A funeral service will be held in the chapel at 4:30 p.m. In lieu of fl owers donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. General Help PERMANENT PSW required mornings 10 days/month, no weekends. Must have driv- er's license and be a non- smoker. Call (905)434-6443 or email:creativevalues@ hotmail.com SCHEDULERS REQUIRED. $18 per hr/ avg. rate. Regis- tration Professionals. 12 im- mediate openings. No exp. necessary. Training Provid- ed. 905-435-1052 TIRED OF MCJOBS? Look- ing for a SERIOUS career? $360/Wk to Start, up to $800/Wk. FUN WORK! Full Time Positions Available. Benefi ts, paid training, no sales, no phones, no com- mission, travel opportunities. Call Now, Start Tomorrow. Call Amber 905-668-5544 WE ARE LOOKING FOR key people to expand our fi - nancial services business in this area. Experience not necessary. We will train. Call Shannon Murphy 1-800-847- 4128. Salon & Spa Help BUSY PICKERING lakefront salon is hiring hairstylist. Ap- ply in person at Erin Melinda Hair Studio, 627 Liverpool Road, Pickering, call 905- 492-3524 or email mail@erintonner.com. Skilled & Technical Help WHITBY TOYOTA: Current openings in our Service dept. for Lube Technicians/ Apprentices. Apply by FAX or e-mail only. 905-430-7874 david.wilton@whitby.toyo- ta.ca Sales Help & Agents SALES POSITION PT/FT Guaranteed energy savings for industrial/commercial buildings. High income, straight commission, bene- fi ts. Highly energetic, Clean, professional person. GDS ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS. Drop re- sume: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, 200 Bond St.W., Suite 104. Hospital/Medical /Dental OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT, full time, evenings and Satur- days. Experienced preferred but willing to train. Must be reliable, professional, ener- getic and detail oriented. Fax resume w/cover letter: 905- 666-8160. PART TIME person required as Chiropractic Reception- ist/Assistant (CHA). Related experience preferred. Com- puter, PMP, Clerical, multi tasking, and phone skills es- sential. Apply with resume in person at: Lakeridge Chiro- practic, 580 King St W, #1, Oshawa, L1J 7J1. Houses for Sale $ QUIET COURT setting, Bow- manville. 3 bedrooms, fi n- ished basement, bar, fenced yard, perennial gardens, hardwood fl oors, fi nished garage; home business op- portunity. $269,900. Open House Sat. Dec. 12 (905)697-0444 Apartments/ Condos for Sale$ OSHAWA - furnished bache- lor apartment, includes cable and all utilities. Very clean and quiet building. lst and last month required. Please call (905)579-4015 Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI FOR LEASE, INDUSTRIAL UNITS 2 units. 2600-sq.ft. (including offi ce space), 1 unit 2100-sq.ft. Avail. imme- diately. Oshawa area. (905)260-8721, (905)723- 1123 ext.22 General Help Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Business OpportunitiesB MATTRESS CLEANING & Sanitizing Business. New to Canada. Removes dust mites, bed bugs and harmful allergens "The Green Way" Small Investment. Hygieni- tech 1-888-999-9030 www.Hygienitech.com Mortgages, LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com PRIVATE FUNDS- 1st, 2nd mortgages. Consolidate bills, low rates. No appraisal need- ed. Bad credit okay. Save money. No obligation. No fees OAC. Call Peter 1-877- 777-7308, Mortgage Leaders Apartments & Flats for RentA 1 BEDROOM APTS, starti- ing at $725, all inclusive. No dogs. Oshawa, Bloor St. E area. Working adults pre- ferred. Call Michelle 905- 213-6400. 1&2-BEDROOM available immediately. Central Oshawa, couple preferred, fridge/stove, hardwood, car- pet, fresh paint, laundry. Near shopping, bus. No dogs. Reasonable. Call (905)725-2642, after 5pm. 1- 2 BEDROOM apartments, located 309 Cordova, Oshawa. Completely reno- vated. Available immediately. Fridge/stove, Hydro included. No pets. Call (905)579- 2387. 1011 SIMCOE ST. N., Oshawa. Large 3-bedroom townhome suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. Near all amenities. $925/month+ utilities. Call (905)579-7649 for appointment. 1400SQ.FT. COUNTRY apt., 2-bedrooms, walk-out to patio, nicely decorated, in- cludes appliances, all utilities, Blackstock, beside snowmobile trail, 20mins to 401. $950/month. First/last. 905-986-1451. ALSO 3 horse stalls available to rent. 33 RICHMOND ST. W Oshawa. 1 & 2 bdrm apts from $775. Heat, Hydro & Water incld. Secured Ent, Elevator, Fridge, Stove. Laundry Onsite & near schools. Call us today! 905.431.8766 skylineonline.ca Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 & 3 Bdrm's Free Utilities, Parking. Senior's, Retiree's & GM Discounts 905-728-4993 A VERY CLEAN 2-bdrm main fl oor of duplex. North Oshawa, Ormond Drive. Parking, laundry. Exception- ally large living room. $1095/mo inclusive. Immedi- ately. Near UOIT. 905-925- 5478 AJAX, WESTNEY/HWY 2, large bachelor 1-bedroom basement. Private walkout, appliances, cable, 4pc bath, parking, no smoking/pets. First/last, $690/mo inclusive. Avail. end of December. (905)686-4960 COURTICE: Clean 2Bed, 1Bath, lower, $900 inclusive. Off street parking, laundry access. Available now. Call 905-448-3120. Mortgages, LoansM Apartments & Flats for RentA AJAX, Westney/Sullivan. New 1-bedroom plus living room basement apartment. Separate entrance & laundry. Parking. Available immedi- ately. No pets/smoking. $700 plus utilities. Call Mujeeb at 416-666-2649 AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 2-bedroom & 3-bed- room from $1039/mo. Plus parking. Available Decem- ber/January 1st. 905-683- 5322, 905-683-8421 BEAUTIFUL Basement Apt in newer custom home in Newcastle. Separate en- trance, 3-bedrooms, full bathroom, laundry room, eat- in kitchen, family room, park- ing. Short-term w/possible long-term agreement. $1000- inclusive. 905-233-4975 BOWMANVILLE immaculate 1-bedroom with balcony Jan 1, $960 & 2-bedroom $1027 avail December 1st. Security entrance, very clean building, includes appliances, utilities, parking and laundry facilities. 905-697-1786, 905-666-1074 BOWMANVILLE, 1-bdrm, walkout basement of new ex- ecutive home. Suits single working, non-smoker, no pets. $875/mo includes new appliances/cable/laundry & utilities. First/last, references. Jan 1st. 905-623-3230. BOWMANVILLE: 2 bed- room with den, close to all amenities. $930 per mo. plus hydro and cable. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday-Friday. (905)430-1877. COURTICE (Town- line/Bloor): Basement bache- lor apartment. Separate en- trance, parking, large win- dows, kitchenette, full bathroom, laundry access. Close to busline/401. Quiet and private. $700/month utilities included. Available Jan 1. 905-448-3120. LIVERPOOL/BAYLY Bright, spacious 2 bdrm bsmt + storage room, new bathroom & windows, shared laundry. Walk to GO. $850/mo incl. First/last, Immediate. No smoking/pets. 647-886-0862 LOOK! 1140 MARY ST. North, Oshawa. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. Frm $660 Utilities Incld. Near public schools, Durham Col- lege & amenities. Elevator. Security entrance. 905-431- 7752 skylineonline.ca Mortgages, LoansM Apartments & Flats for RentA MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca MUST SEE! 50 ADELAIDE St., 290 & 300 Mary St. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom, adult complex from $795 Utilities Incld; Elevator ac- cess. Walk to downtown. Near Durham College, Oshawa Hospital & Bus stop. Call us today! 905-720- 3934 skylineonline.ca NEW 1-BEDROOM apart- ment, Pickering. Prefer sin- gle person. Close to 401/GO/shopping. No smok- ing/pets. $650/month, all in- clusive. Available Dec 1st. (647)293-9469 or (905)420- 5873. NORTH OSHAWA 2-bed- room, for Jan./Feb. lst 3 bedroom for Jan./Feb.. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances in- cluded. Pay cable, parking, laundry facilities. (905)723- 2094 NORTH WEST OSHAWA, 2- bedroom apt. in semi-raised bungalow, $850/month in- cludes utilities, fi rst/last. No pets/smoking. Avail. Feb 1st. (905)576-1710. OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Renovated bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-432- 6912, 905-723-1009, 905- 728-3162 1-866-601-3083, www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA, 2-bdrm modern bsmt apt, separate entrance, parking. Available immedi- ately. Near bus, schools, daycare. Wilson/Harmo- ny/Olive. No smoking. $900/mo. Includes utilities & laundry. References, fi rst/last. 905-725-6568 OSHAWA, 45 Colborne.W. 1bedroom, $750/month, in- clusive+ basic cable; 1bed- room $1050/month inclusive. No pets. January 1st. 945 Simcoe St. N 2-bedroom $820 everything included. 961 Mason St. 3bedroom house living&diningroom $1200/mnth plus utilities. 905-723-1647, 905-720- 9935. Apartments & Flats for RentA OSHAWA, EXTRA LARGE 2 bedroom main fl oor of house, close to downtown and hospital. Private drive- way, ensuite laundry, fenced backyard, $800 plus hydro. Available Jan 1st. (905)914- 3133 OSHAWA, John/Park. Low- rise bldg. 2 bdrm apts. Heat, water, 1-parking, on- site laundry included. $786/mo. Avail. immediate- ly. Call Toni (905)436-6042 OSHAWA, LOVELY CLEAN main fl oor, 1-bedroom, large kitchen, private entrance & deck, self contained. Sim- coe/Elgin, near all amenities. $850 inclusive. fi rst/last. Available January 1st. (905)903-2928. OSHAWA, One bedroom, Simcoe and King, 3rd fl oor apartment. Appliances, laun- dry, secure intercom. No parking. $650 plus electricity. Quiet, respectful tenants only please. Call (905)986-4889. PICKERING 1-BEDROOM, quiet, great neighbourhood, close to all amenities. Shop- ping, bus stop/school walking distance. Very clean, separ- ate entrance, $825/mnth. No smoking/pets. 416-402-6594 avail immed. PICKERING, Brock/Hwy 2. Walkout large 1-bdrm bsmt apt, very bright and clean. Sep. entrance, laundry, 1-parking. Avail. immediate- ly. $800/mo inclusive. No smoking/pets. (905)426-7800 PICKERING, large bachelor, quiet, res. area, close to all amenities, sep entrance, share laundry, satellite, park- ing, suit single working per- son. $675 inclusive. Available Jan. lst. (905)839- 9271. PICKERING, Liverpool/Hwy 2. 1-bdrm $700/mo inclu- sive. Renovated, like new, walk to GO/Town Centre. 1-parking, laundry. Short- term considered. Call Roger (905)420-4511, (905)619- 2655 PICKERING-1 BDRM bsmt, clean, quiet, bright, private, near PTC, own laundry, utils incl cable & internet, newly reno'd, suits single, no pets/smokers, avail immedi- ately. $795.00 Call 647-896- 3674 SIMCOE - TAUNTON, 3- bdrm, 2-storey home, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer. Available immediately but fl exible. $1400/inclusive w/basic cable. 2-parking, pri- vate backyard. No smok- ing/pets. (705)324-4745 SIMCOE ST S/HWY 401 - 525 St Lawrence -Close to Schools, Hwy, Go Station. 1-bedroom $769, 2 bedroom $899, 3-bedroom $1019 utilities included. Call 905- 436-7686 www.metcap.com SIMCOE/TAUNTON, 2-bdrm legal basement apt. Quiet cres., close to college, separ- ate entrance, 2-parking, $750/mo. inclusive. Available immediately. No pets/smok- ing. (705)324-4745 WHITBY CENTRAL large 1-bedroom of superior stan- dard. Elevator, balcony, hardwood fl oors, no dogs. Top fl oor at 200 Mason Drive. Avail Feb 1. 905-576- 8989 WHITBY central, immacu- late 1 bedroom apt. $799 Dec 1. Appliances, heat, wa- ter, laundry facilities and parking. 905-666-1074 or 905-493-3065. WHITBY ONE BEDROOM apartment, in bungalow in the best location, Brock/401. $800/month, all inclusive. Available January 1. (905)922-4477. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca WHITBY, SPACIOUS 3-bed- room, main fl oor of duplex. Available January 1st, $1175/month, all inclusive. Also 2-bdrm bright basement apartment. $850/mnth all in- clusive. Call Paul At Remax (905)668-3800 Apartments & Flats for RentA WILSON/KING ST East- Un- der New Management. Close to retail/grocery stores, school and doctor/dentist of- fi ce. 1-bedroom $799, 2-bed- room $859, 3-bedroom $1059 hydro included in rent. Available now! Call 905-429- 9218. www.metcap.com Condominiums for RentC NEW UNITS IN LUXURY Oshawa condo. Downtown location. Ensuite laundry, gym, sauna, balconies, etc. 1-bedrooms+dens starting at $950, 2-bedrooms from $1250. Available immediately. Matthew 416-723-0847 Houses for Rent 2-BEDROOM, Simcoe St, N of Taunton. Basement, fenced back yard, $850/month plus utilities. Available immediately. (905)479-0008. 3+1 BEDROOM HOUSE $1,200/month, excluding utilities. Stove/fridge, air, high effi ciency furnace, near schools and transit. Available March 1 or earlier 1st/last required. No pets 905-404-0032. 3-BEDROOM DETACHED, near Oshawa Centre/401. Clean, freshly painted, gas heat. $975/month plus utilities. Non-smoker, no pets. Credit check & refer- ences. 905-668-6285 BOWMANVILLE, beautiful, upper level of 3-bedroom bungalow, w/laundry fa- cilities. In town, close to all amenities. $1100/month, plus utilities, fi rst/last, no pets/smoking, available Feb- ruary 1st. (905)431-8929. COURTICE 3-Bdrm Det Home. 2-1/2 Bath, Spacious Kitchen, Stainless Steel Ap- pliances. Hardwood on Main Level. Mstr. Bdrm with En- suite. Main Level Laundry. Garage. Immediate. $1350+ Utilities. 905-999-7760 durhamresidentialrentals.com MEADOW RD. Whitby Gor- geous 75'x200' Treed Lot. 3 bdrm. bungalow, 1 car de- tached garage, fi nished rec- room with gas fi replace. 1 block S of Rossland Rd. $1400 plus utilities. (905)259-7001 NORTH EAST OSHAWA, 3 bedroom house, newly reno- vated, 2 car parking, 4 appli- ances, all inclusive. $1275/month. Available Feb 1st/10. Call (905)721-0122 OSHAWA Bloor & Wilson 3 bedroom main fl oor of bun- galow, laundry, large yard, ample parking. Available im- mediately. No smoking/pets. $1200+utilities fi rst/last (905)260-1496 OSHAWA - LARGE 3-BED. bungalow main fl oor, excel- lent family neighbourhood, near Oshawa Centre, schools, transit. Large back- yard, large garage, applianc- es, laundry, $1290/inclusive. Dec./Jan. lst. (905)424-1113. PICKERING PKWY/Brock Rd. 3-bdrm detached, 2-parking, $1500/mo inclu- sive. ALSO 1-bdrm bsmt apt. Sep. entrance, 1-parking. Im- mediate. $850/mo inclusive. Shared laundry. First/last, no pets/smoking. 416-459-5727, 905-837-0039 PICKERING, Bayly/Liver- pool. 3-bdrms, mainfl oor of house, parking, 5-applianc- es. Skylight, jacuzzi, large kitchen. $1150/mo+ 60% utilities. First/last. Walk to GO, close to schools/all amenities. (905)492-0615 Townhouses for RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca Townhouses for RentT LOCATED AT WILSON/ BEATRICE. 3 bedroom townhouses available for rent. Close to all amenities and transportation. $1089 plus heat / hydro, includes water / cable. Call for more details & availability dates. (905) 432-6809. PICKERING available imme- diately. 2 bedroom (large) townhouse off Pickering Parkway. Split level, well pre- sented bright open-plan con- cept with wood fl oors throughout. 1 car garage. Near 401, GO, TownCentre. Pets allowed. $1075/mo. + utilities. To view call 416- 450-2831 TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) Ask about our move-in specials. 905-436-3346 www.realstar.ca Rooms for Rent & WantedR BACHELORS DELIGHT, 2 ROOMS for rent, $420/inclu- sive. Use of living room, kitchen, laundry, parking, in- ternet, cable (sports/movie packages), pool table. Trulls/Hwy #2, Courtice. Available Now. (905)922- 2285 BROOKLIN, DOWNTOWN large un-furnished room, re- decorated and upgraded on 3-fl oor. No smoking/pets. Use of kitchen, on bus route. $495/month, utilities includ- ed. First/last. Available now. (905)424-9743. NORTH WHITBY - spacious room, own private bath/ fridge, living/dining, laundry, cable, internet, parking, bus/shopping, non smok- er/pets, female preferred. $575. inclusive. (905)493- 1819, cell (416) 471-6434. ROOM FOR RENT, Philip Murray / Sharbot area, $350 /month includes cable, 40+ preferred. Available immedi- ately or Jan. lst. (905)429- 7144 Shared Accommodation AT BLOOR/SIMCOE, Oshawa. Share furnished apt with 2-males. Near all amenities, bed/sitting room, cable/internet, parking in- cluded. Available immediate- ly, fi rst/last, $450/mo inclu- sive, Viewing (905)433- 4285; 905-243-4088. Vacation Properties BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LOTS! Golf Course, Nat'l Parks. 1 hour from Tucson. Guaran- teed Financing. $0 Down, $0 Interest. Starting $129/mo. Foreclosures online @ www.sunsitelandrush.com Pre-Recorded Message (800)631-8164 mention code 2181. FLORIDA - 40 acre parcels Only 6 remaining. 100% useable. MUST SELL. $119,900 ea. Owner Financ- ing from 3 1/2% Call 1-800- FLA-LAND (352-5263) Flori- da Woodland Group, Inc. Lic. RE Broker. REDWEEK.COM #1 time- share marketplace. Rent, buy,sell, revies, NEW full- service exchange! Compare prices at 5000+ resorts. B4U do anything timeshare, visit RedWeek.com, consider op- tions. SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE NOW!!! Maintenance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commissions or Broker Fees. Free Consulta- tion. www.sellatimeshare .com 1-866-708-3690. Rentals Outside CanadaR 2 UNIT time share available December 19 - 26/09 5 star Resort in Kissimmee, Flori- da, 5 mins. from Disney. For more info. call 905-263-2201 Vendors WantedV Car Pools/ TransportationC 1994 HONDA CIVIC SI $2499. 1996 Chev Blazer 4x4 $2699. 1999 Dodge Neon $1999. 1999 Ford Con- tour SVT $2999. 2001 Chev Malibu $3499. 2001 Nissan Centra $3999. Certifi ed E Tested. Free 6 month war- ranty. Financing available. (RKM auto) 905-432-7599 or 905-424-9002. Daycare Wanted AFTER SCHOOL Care/Par- ent Helper wanted. 3 days per week. 2:30-5:30pm. 2 active boys, age 7 & 4. Light cleaning, food prep. Liver- pool/Bayly, start January. (905)420-1753 Articles for SaleA **LEATHER JACKETS 1/2 PRICE, purses from $9.99; luggage from $19.99; wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439-1177, (416)335- 7007. AFFORDABLE Appliances, HANKS Appliances, PARTS/SALES/SERVICE 310 Bloor St.W. Stoves $175/up, Fridges $175/up, Washers $175/up, Dryers $149/up. All warranty up to 15 months. Durham's largest selection of Reconditioned Appliances. (905)728-4043. ANTIQUE DINING Room Suite including table with hid- den leaf, six chairs, buffet and hutch. $1500 or b.o. Call (905)655-0409 BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT B.E. Larkin Equip- ment Ltd. Kubota Construc- tion, New Holland Construc- tion used equipment. Dur- ham, Clarington, Northum- berland Sales Rep Jim (647)284-0971 FIREWOOD, cut & split, all hardwood. Delivery, (905)263-2038. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT!!! Canadian Billiard and Bowling - shuffl eboard, 12 ft. long, new condition, hardly used, $1000 or best offer. (905)983-8210. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT New pants, shin pads, helmet, el- bow pads, Graf skates size 9, hockey bag $300. 905- 579-4473 ext. 2209 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUB COVERS Custom covers, all sizes and shapes, $425 tax and delivery included. Pool safety covers. We will not be beat on price and quality. Guaranteed. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com HOT TUB/SPA, great tub, deluxe cabinet, must sell, still has warranty, 5HP pumps, 5.5kw, heater, $2,995. Call 905-409-5285 HOT TUBS, 2009 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. Vendors WantedV Articles for SaleA HUMIDORS FOR SALE! From $49 and up. Best Se- lection - Best Quality - Best Prices! Victory Cigars - Now open in Oshawa. 215 King Street East. www.VictoryCi- gars.ca 905-443-0193 ORIGINAL XBOX WITH 4 controllers and 13 games. Midnight Club 3, X-Man Leg- ends, X-Man Legends 2, Halo 2, Amped 2, Ninja Gaid- en and many more!! Every- thing works and is in great condition. $175. (905)442- 9544. PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs & pre-purchase consultation. Used upright or grand acous- tic pianos for sale. Moving, rentals available. Call 905- 427-7631 or visit: www.barbhall.com POOL TABLE, professional series 1" slate, new in box with accessories, cost $4500, selling $1395. 416- 779-0563 RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit ap- plication refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SNOWBOARD, BINDINGS & boots (size 5). Suitable for child up to 100lbs. $125-obo 905-666-5175 TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $499. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 Articles WantedA $CASH$ $CASH$ $CASH$ We pay top $ for Copper, Brass, Insulated Wire, Elec- tric Motors, Rotors/Drums, all alum products, and so much more. DNA RECYCLING 2001 Thickson Rd. S. Whitby 905-576-9777 WANTED-GOLD. Broken, scrap, any 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k. The market is high, we pay top money!! Rock Bottom Deals, 22 Simcoe St.N, (Downtown Oshawa) (905)436-1320. Industrial EquipmentI 2003 JOHN DEERE LT 180 with 48" deck & snowblower. Includes wheel weights & chains, serviced regularly, 300 hours. $4800 or best of- fer. Call (905)922-7279 Pets, Supplies, Boarding ADORABLE GOLDEN Re- triever puppies, ready to go, both parents on site, vet checked, dewormed, fi rst shots, $500. 905-342-2095. AMAZING CHOCOLATE Labradoodles & unique colour Goldendoodles. Will hold till Christmas. Come for a play and fall in love. 705-437-2790, www.doodletreasures.com CHRISTMAS PUPPIES, Bi- chon-Shnoodle, ready to go December 18th, non aller- genic, non-shedding small dog. Vet checked, fi rst shots. $400. Call 905-396-6113 or 905-372-8680 Cars for Sale 1998 SUNFIRE $1995; 1999 Sunfi re 130k $2995; 2002 Sunfi re 165k $3495; 2002 Alero 158k $3595; 2003 Sun- fi re 92k $4995. All vehicles certifi ed/e-tested Carway (905)925-2205 1999 CHEVY Venture, $1795. 1997 Caravan, $1495. 1997 Grand AM, $1595. 1999 Sunfi re, 164,000kms, $1895. 2001 Caravan, 180,000km. $2495. 2001 Ac- cent,164,000km, 2dr, 5spd. $1895. 1997 Escort, $1495. 1998 Cavalier, 2dr, $1595. 2001 Neon, $1795. 1996 Suzuki, 140,000km $1495. 1996 Camry, $1795. 1995 Astro, $1995, 1997 Grand Caravan, 194,000kms. 3.3lt., $1895. All above cars come with E-Test, Certifi ca- tion, Warranty. AS IS SPE- CIALS. 2001 Cavalier, $900. 1996 Cavalier, $450. 1996 Sunfi re, $450. 2002 Cava- lier, $1200. 1997 Explorer, 4x4, $1100. 1998 Malibu, $850. 1996 Camry, $900. 416-606-8301 or 416-267- 9577. 127 Raleigh Ave, Danforth/Birchmount 2009 GMC SIERRA, fully loaded, 26,000kms, 5.3L, grey, $45,000, O.B.O. (905)259-4325. JUST IN! 2003 Neon SX 2.0, $3399. 2002 Neon $3399. 2000 Caravan, $3699. 2000 Elantra, $3299. 1999 Jimmy 4x4, $3999. 1998 Protege, $3199. 1996 Grand Prix, $1699. Kelly & Sons, (905)683-1983 or (416)817-501. www.kellyandsonsauto.com NEED A CAR? 100% Credit Guaranteed, Your job is your credit, some down payment may be required. 200 cars in stock Call 877-743-9292 or apply online at www.needacartoday.ca SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-877- 603-5050 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Death Notices ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 19 AP 1994 Ford F-250 HD 4x4 S.C. Long box. 234000km on a 7.3 I.D.I Diesel engine. Fully loaded, bills and receipts from new. Original body and paint. Good condition. VERY well maintained. $7500 certifi ed and E-tested or $6500 as is. Call 905-433-0338 Trucks for SaleT Auto Leasing & RentalsA Trucks for SaleT Auto Leasing & RentalsA Cars for Sale SPOTLESS AUTO GLASS AND CAR CARE 2003 Vue SUV, 4cyl., auto, 146,000k, $6595. 2000 Montana, V6, auto, p.doors, $3,995. 2003 GMC P/U V8, ext., 4dr, 4x4, $11,500. 2001 Alero, 4cyl auto, 109,000k, $4995. 2000 Ex- plorer XLT 4x4, 143,000k, $6500. Certifi ed/E-tested 209 Dundas W., Whitby (905)666-2628 Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. ! ! ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 ! !!$ WHITTLE SCRAP Solu- tions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. ! A ABLE TO PAY up to $10,000 on scrap cars & trucks running or not. Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Picker- ing/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Always the best cash deal - up to $150 for your good cars, trucks vans or FREE REMOVAL for old aban- doned unwanted. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. $$130-$2000 Paid For Cars & Trucks $300 Gov. Program 1-888-355-5666 $300 GOVERNMENT Pro- gram or $125+ Top Cash AjaxAutoWreckers.com pays for vehicles, free pickup! We buy all scrap, metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771, 416-896- 7066 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES GOV'T PROGRAM $300 Junk Cars. We Sell Auto Parts, Tireshop Used & New. Standard Auto Wreckers. Call us Today! 289-CAR- JUNK. 416-286-8686. www.JunkCars.ca Antique Cars AN HISTORIC vehicle. 1973 Buick Electra 225 Limited. 4 Door Hardtop, Blue Metallic, 455 c.d., Turbo 400 Trans- mission, 86,600 miles! One owner. Have all service records. 12 Bolt Posi, 3:23 gear ratio. Power Windows , Power Door Locks, Power Antennae, Power Trunk, Speed Alert, Cruise Control, Fender Turn indicators, Buick Max Trac (Traction Control). Stored indoors. This care is a beauty for the right collector. Asking $5000 OBO. AS IS, not certifi ed or E-tested. Please call 905- 260-3500. Motorcycles 2007 Yamaha YZ-250F Great dirt bike with many features. $4300. 905-579- 4473 ext 2209 or 905-263- 4196 Garage & Storage SpaceG OUTDOOR STORAGE & COVERED STORAGE for boats, RVs, trailers, vehicles, etc. Harmony Rd/Winchester area. $45/month, or $500/season. Call 905- 725-9991 Insurance ServicesI CLEAN DRIVING RECORD? GREY POWER could save you up to $400 on car insurance. Call 1-866- 473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Estate Auction Stapleton Auctions, Newtonville Friday Dec. 11th, 5:00pm Selling the attractive contents of a country home: Harvest Table; Old Cupboards; Chairs; Old Chest; 5pc. Dinette; 2 pc. Queen Sofa Bed; 2 pc. Print Chesterfi eld; Occ. Tables; Occ. Chairs; Numerous Antiques; Creamer Collection; Oil Lamps; Old Dolls Crib; Glass- ware; China; Collectibles; New Air Nailer; Ryobi Plate Joiner; Check website for com- plete list. preview after 2:00 p.m. Terms; Appr. Cheque, Cash, Visa, M/C, Interac 10% Buyers Premium applies. Auctioneers Frank and Steve Stapleton 905.786.2244, 1.800.263.9886 www.stapletonauctions.com 'estate specialists since 1971' ChristmasChristmas Tributes Tributes Remembering Our Loved Ones In Publishing Publishing on on Thurs., Dec. 24,Thurs., Dec. 24, Deadline Fri., Dec. 18Deadline Fri., Dec. 18 Did You Know...Did You Know... that if you place your Christmas Tribute with a colour (or black & white) photo, your tribute will automatically appear on our milestonedurhamregion.com website. For further information please call our Classifi ed Sales Representative 905-683-5110 Tor. Line 1-416-798-7259 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 • 4:45 pm AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles @ NEIL BACON AUCTIONS Ltd., 1 km west of Utica. TO INCLUDE: Regular Auction of Antiques, Furniture, Collectibles, Lamps, Artwork, Glassware, Tools and Garage Items, Plus Complete Woodworking Shop Craftex Sanding Machine 220, 12" Table Saw 220, HD Spline Sharpener 220, 25" 3 HP Drum Sander 220, Vac Dent Fresh Air Machine with Dual Compressor, DeWalt Table Saw, 2 HP Planer, Router, Drill Press, Hand Tools, Plus Many Other Quality Pieces. This is the Last Sale for the Year, Sales Resume Jan. 9th and Jan. 13th at 4:30 p.m. BEST WISHES THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! Sale Managed and Sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 In Memoriam In MemoriamAdult Entertainment #1 Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 MassagesM BEST MASSAGE IN TOWN 3 Ladies Daily No rush, no waiting! #1 Choice Sunday Special Super Friendly Oriental (905)720-2958 1427 King St. E., Courtice (beside Swiss Chalet) AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 Engagement David Ard is pleased to announce the engagement of his daughter Lindsay Mary-Margaret, to Ryan William Charles Blyth son of Randy and Valerie Blyth of Pickering, Ontairo. Lindsay's mother is the late Judith Ard. Renovations, Additions, Decks, Sheds Basements, Kitchens & Bathrooms 27 years Experience No job too big, no job too small, FranMac can do it all (416)788-0295 www.franmac.ca WINDOW & EAVESTROUGH CLEANING (up to 20 windows $60) No Squeegee (By hand) * Lawncare cleanups * Int./Ext Painting * Deck/Fence power washing and staining Free Estimates Fred 905-655-5706 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licenced/Insured (905)239-1263 (416)532-9056 CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" Home Improvement Painting & Decorating Home Improvement Moving & Storage House Cleaning Ser vice Director y Service with a smile! For Great Job Opportunities check out our general employment section Auctions Milestones is closer than you think! YOUR ‘DRE AM JOB’ Take back your life. LocalWork.ca is operated by Metroland Media Group Ltd. and is supported by over 100 newspapers and websites across Ontario. You could call us recruitment experts! LocalWork.ca is more than just a job board. We’re the premier source for local job opportunities in Ontario’s heartland. We don’t just provide job listings, we put you in control of your job search with an array of job search features and tools. On LocalWork.ca you’ll fi nd exact match search results and be able to search by job type, city and distance from your home. You can also create multiple profi les and upload resumes, set job alert notifi cations & saved searches and apply to jobs directly from the site. LocalWork.ca puts the power to manage your job search into your hands – After all, the most important ‘Free Agent’ on the market is you! For more info call our Oshawa of ce at 905-576-9335 or our Ajax of ce at 905-683-5110 Visit at www.durhamregion.com SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE… For details call 905-683-5110 Announce your Special Event here! with a photo and message in our special occasions feature SAYSAY HAPPY RETIREMENTHAPPY RETIREMENT 2 be d r o o m a p a r t m e n t f o r r e n t , a v a i l - able e n d o f S e p t e mber. $ 0 0 0 p e r m o n t h includ e s h y d r o . F i r s t a n d l a s t r e q u i r e d . Call 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 . APARTMENT OR HOUSE FOR RENT? For details call 905-683-5110 Advertise your apartment or house for rent here! RENTALRENTAL ne w s du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 20 AP PRICES IN EFFECT TO CLOSING DECEMBER 31, 200931, 2009Specialty of the house “Personal Service”Specialty of the house “Personal Service” GIFT C A R D S AVAILA B L EGIFT CAR D S AVAILAB L EGIFT CARDS AVAILABLE CLOSINGCLOSING AT 3PMAT 3PM DEC. 24DEC. 24 20092009 375 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Rougemount Square) 905-509-3223 Store Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 6pm • Fri. 9am - 7pm Sat. 8am - 6pm • Sun. 10am - 5pm CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY, BOXING DAY & NEW YEARS DAY ROUGEMOUNT SQUARE RO U G E M O UN T D R . WH I T E S R D . AL T O N A R D . PO R T U N I O N R D . HWY. 2 HWY. 401 N FRESH ROULADEN AVAILABLE ON REQUEST “You will fi nd our free range turkeys to be tasty, healthy, responsibly produced and purely delicious. Our turkeys are produced naturally and selected by Bruno’s most discriminating buyer. Our free range birds appear on your dinner table exceptionally moist and tender. They are truly turkey fresh!”PLACE YOUR ORDER IN PERSON, BY PHONE 905-509-3223 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.brunos.ca RESERVE Your Turkey NOW! FRESH BAKED 10” PIES APPLE, 5-FRUIT, BLUEBERRY & STRAWBERRY RHUBARB lb. DIRECT FROM OUR SMOKE HOUSE STORE MADE BONE-IN HAMS $2.99 $6.59 KG SHANK REMOVED lb. FRESH FREE RANGE SMOKED TURKEYS $3.99 $8.80 KG SPECIAL FEATURE lb. BRUNO’S TRADITIONAL COOKED PREPARED STUFFING ONION, CARROT, CELERY, BREAD, SALT, PEPPER, SAGE, SAUSAGE MEAT, WHITE WINE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BRUNO’S TOURTIERE PIES $15 .99 10 INCH 5 INCH $4.99 STORE MADE PEAMEAL BACK BACON CERTIFIED ANGUS CHEF STYLE PRIME RIB ROAST $9.99 $22.02 KG lb. FRESH FREE RANGE TURDUCKEN A CHICKEN IN A DUCK IN A TURKEY $6.99 $15.41 KG lb. FRESH FREE RANGE CAPONS NATURALLY RAISED $7.69 KG $3.49 lb. FROM BRUNO’S SMOKE HOUSE NATURALLY SMOKED ATLANTIC SALMON $22.99 lb. EXCLUSIVE AT BRUNO’S BONELESS BAKED MAPLE HAMS UNIQUE WITH CRACKLING $5.99 lb. MADE FROM SCRATCH TURKEY GRAVY $13.21 KG RIB PORTION $1.99 $4.39 KG lb. lb. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE AAA BEEF WHOLE BEEF TENDERLOIN ( Fillet Mignon ) $33.05 KG CUT & VACUUM SEALED INDIVIDUALLY AT NO EXTRA COST CERTIFIED ANGUS WHOLE NEW YORK STRIP LOINS $9.99 $22.02 KG CUT & VACUUM SEALED INDIVIDUALLY AT NO EXTRA COST lb.$14 .99 lb. $9.99 $22.02 KG. FRESH ONTARIO BONELESS LEG OF LAMB $5.00 each FROM OUR SMOKE HOUSE - LARGE SIZE SMOKED HAM HOCKS BRUNO’S OWN SAUSAGE MEAT $3.99 500 GR. GROUND PORK $3.99 lb. FROM BRUNO’S KITCHEN FRESH LASAGNA $24.99LARGE SERVES 6-8 STORE MADE LARGE QUICHE $12.99 $8.99HEAT & SERVE 32 OZ. CUP SAVE FROM OUR SMOKE HOUSE BLACK FOREST HAMS $3.99 WHOLE-HALF OR MINI lb. COOKED BLACK TIGER SHRIMP $8.99 454 GR. PKG. SIZE 31-40 DECORATIVE & DELICIOUS CROWN ROAST OF PORK $3.99 $8.80 KG. EXTRA LEAN HEAT & SERVE lb. $50.68 KG each $8.80 KG. $6.59 KG $2.99 lb.