HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2020_08_06THURSDAY AUGUST 6, 2020 For A Free Report Please Call: 1-800-611-8910 ID # 1045 Mike Hogan - Salesperson Re/Max Rouge River Realty. Ltd, Brokerage For A Free Report Please Call: 1-800-611-8910ID#1045 Mike Hogan - Salesperson Re/Max Rouge River Realty. Ltd, Brokerage 905-619-2100 In times of uncertainty, rest assured that as your online and print newspaper, we are working hard with a local, regional and national network of official resources to keep you informed and up to date on the issues and developments that matter most to you. To Advertise:sales@durhamregion.com •To Subscribe:905-683-5117 TRUSTED NEWS &INFORMATION When You Need It Most In Print. Online. Local. Accurate. Reliable. Unbiased. Local. push the urban boundaries in northeast Pickering and begin building on the Carruthers Creek headwaters before going through the local channels. Pickering Council voted on DURHAM — Durham Region- al Council is urging the province to quash a developer's request to June 29 that the city ask Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark for a Minister's zon- ing order (MZO) so that the Com- munity of Veraine, located in northeast Pickering, can go ahead as soon as possible. MZOs allow Clark to decide how a land is developed, without the possibility for appeals. The Veraine community promises integration with and sustainability of the natural envi- ronment and plans for 60,000 resi- dents to live on more than 4,000 acres over the next few decades. A Durham planning staff re- port states the development will be considered through Envision DURHAM COUNCIL OPPOSES HASTY DEVELOPMENT ON HEADWATERS See USING, page 4 KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com Tim Gray, executive director of Environmental Defense, believes the Carruthers Creek headwaters should be left alone. The City of Pickering supports developing the land while the Town of Ajax is against it. Susie Kockerscheidt/Torstar WHAT DANGERS LURK IN YOUR BACKYARD? CHECK OUT OUR GUIDES TO ONTARIO’S DANGEROUS PLANTS AND ANIMALS AT DURHAMREGION.COM dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 2 www.canadawindowsanddoors.com 905-665-1506119 Consumers Drive, Whitby .canadawindowsanddoors.com 905-665-1506 ProudlyServingDurhamSince1991 Glass and screen repairsGlass and Glass and sscreen creen repairsairsGlass and screen repairs Weekday Same Day Service Available!Weekday Same Day Service Available! Glass and screen repairs EMERGENCYGLASSSERVICES ORDERS PROCESSED IN 3 TO 7 DAYS All WindoWs And doors Are mAnufActured in-house by cAnAdA WindoWs & doors And supported locAlly by our deAlers. locally Manufactured •Custom Windows •Custom Doors •Patio Doors •Assortment of Window & Door Hardware Canada Windows & Doors Taking reservations now for September occupancy. Abbeylawn.ca | 905-509-2582 Durham District School Board (DDSB) is now accepting nominations for its HallofFame induction ceremony which celebrates and showcases the success of outstanding former DDSB students. NOMINEES: mustexemplifyDDSBcharactertraits mustbepositiverolemodelsintheir communityandforourstudents haveachievedoutstandingsuccessin achievingtheirgoalsand/orovercoming obstacles shouldberepresentativeofthediverse studentandstaffpopulationandareas oftheDDSB NOMINATION deadline:FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2020 The HallofFame inductionceremonywilltakeplaceinFebruary2021. Nomination forms can be completed and submitted online at: bit.ly/Definitely-Durham HonouringOutstandingFormerStudentAchievementsHonouringOutstandingFormerStudentAchievements shouldberepresentativeofavariety ofaccomplishments cannotbeacurrentstaffmember, Trusteeorstudent musthavespentaminimumoffour yearsasastudentoftheDDSB canbeinducteesinanexistingDDSB school’sHallofFame DDSB’S HALL OF FAME 3 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com. July 20 durham.ca/novelcoronavirus Durham Health Connection Line 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729 WEAR a MASK or FACE COVERING before entering all INDOOR, ENCLOSED PUBLIC SPACES AsofJuly28,2020,wearingnon-medicalmasksorface coveringswillberequiredinallindoor,enclosedpublic spacesinDurhamRegion. Thisisanadditionalpublichealthmeasure(alongwith physicaldistancing,handandcoughhygiene,and stayinghomewhensick)thatmaypreventthespreadof COVID-19. Somepeopleareexemptfromwearingnon-medical masksandfacecoverings–NOPROOFOFEXEMPTIONIS REQUIRED. Visitdurham.ca/novelcoronavirusformore information. Roof Damaged by Hail? Wind? Worn Out? We’re Got You Covered! Call for a FREE ESTIMATE Book now and receive a Free UPGrade to Class 4 Hurricane rated dynasty shingle from iko Cambridge for a limited time! www.ajaxroofing.com • (905) 427-2116 Voted #1 Roofing Company 9 years in a row • Fully Insured • WSIB Covered • Family Owned and Operated • First Aid Trained • Written Warranty On Workmanship NOW OFFERING FINANCING A new industrial park is under con- struction at Salem and Rossland roads in Ajax. JUST THE FACTS: • The GTA East Industrial Park is along Salem from Rossland south to Kerrison Drive. It covers 129 acres with the Town of Ajax's prestige employment land. • The development will have four build- ings totalling about 2.2 million square feet of industrial, warehouse and distribution purposes. The buildings will range in size from 173,878.68 square feet up to 1,324,569 square feet. • The largest building will be at the northern end of the development, while the three smaller buildings will be at the south end. • It's being developed by Blackwood Partners and Crestpoint Real Estate In- vestments Ltd. Earth work activity has be- gun on the north end of the site. Construc- tion is expected to be completed by late summer or early fall in 2021. • For more information on the GTA East Industrial Park, visit www.gtaeastindus- trialpark.com. NEWS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? A NEW INDUSTRIAL PARK IS BEING BUILT IN AJAX Blackwood Partners photo dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 4 Visit ontario.ca/coronavirus Paid for by the Government of Ontario Inside or out, stay safe. Save lives. As more businesses and services reopen, we must all continue our efforts to protect each other. Get tested if you are worried you may have COVID-19, or have been exposed to the virus. Wear a face covering where physical distancing is a challenge or where required. Continue to practice physical distancing,stay two metres apart even in gatherings. Download the COVID Alert app to be notified if you may have been exposed to the virus. 2 m Continue to wash hands frequently. Durham, Durham Region's Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) and recom- mended that council op- pose the request. "The requested Minis- ter's Zoning Order if enact- ed would significantly un- dermine the municipal comprehensive review (MCR) process," said Dur- ham commissioner of plan- ning and economic devel- opment Brian Bridgeman. The process is to be com- pleted by 2022 but could be delayed due to factors such as COVID-19. Leading up to the meet- ing, Dorsay deferred its re- quest. The developer did not speak at the meeting but provided an e-mail statement. "We have heard the con- cerns from Regional Coun- cil and others and will con- tinue working with them to resolve these," said Agnes Koc, Dorsay's manager of marketing and communi- cations. "Numerous corre- spondence from us advises that Dorsay did not intend to circumvent the planning process with the MZO." Council voted on the matter despite Dorsay's de- ferral, officially opposing the MZO request. Bridgeman said nobody knows how much it will cost to service the land, to extend the sewers, the wa- ter, the roads and the tran- sit to Veraine. Elizabeth Calvin, presi- dent of Green Durham As- sociation, said at the meet- ing the burden of servicing this area should be careful- ly considered. "The Dorsay project proposes inserting a new city into an unserviced ar- ea," she said. Calvin noted the land in question is almost all Class 1 farmland and that the CO- VID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of food security. The land is located in the "whitebelt" — an in-be- tween designation that is not in the greenbelt but not within the urban boundar- ies. The headwaters are lo- cated just south of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The water travels through Ajax to Lake Ontario. Former Ajax mayor Steve Parish has long pushed to have the lands included in the greenbelt, and spoke before council against the MZO. He said the Toronto and Region Conservation Au- thority's Carruthers Creek Watershed Study is cur- rently underway, but has not yet had any public in- put. The last time Durham reviewed its Official Plan a developer tried to urbanize the lands. The proposal went to the Ontario Munic- ipal Board, which ruled that they could not be de- veloped unless a full water- shed study of Carruthers Creek was completed and Seaton was built out. Parish said the study in- dicates developing the area will increase erosion and flooding by 77 per cent. "An MZO will render this important study moot and irrelevant and result in a total waste of taxpayers' money," he said. Tim Gray, executive di- rector of advocacy group Environmental Defence Canada, explained at the meeting that the watershed has many natural heritage values, and slows and cleans rain and snowfall. "The residential and commercial development that will proceed if the MZO is granted will hard- en these surfaces and in- crease stream flow, dimin- ish water quality," he said. Gray said if develop- ment goes ahead, building infrastructure such as roads and sewers to service the land will require devel- opment on the greenbelt it- self. He also said inviting the transfer of planning con- trol to a large developer is the loss of regional munici- pal autonomy. Bridgeman shared a similar sentiment in his re- port, and said the use of an MZO for something the size... of what Dorsay is proposing would not be an appropriate way to plan an urban boundary expan- sion and is unprecedented in the region. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: There has been an increase in Minister's Zon- ing Orders during the COVID-19 pandemic and durhamregion.com is stay- ing on top of the local re- quests. NEWS Continued from page 1 USING A MZO FOR DORSAY PROJECT WOULD BE 'UNPRECEDENTED' IN DURHAM 'The Dorsay project proposes inserting a new city into an unserviced area' - Elizabeth Calvin SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT DURHAMREGION.COM 5 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 733 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX •905-686-2531 MON-WED/SAT: 9AM-6pM, THURS/FRI: 9AM-7pM SUN AND HOlIDAyS: 10AM-5pM info@macmillanorchards.com macmillanorchards1953Family Owned And Operated Since 1953 WILD PACIFIC SALMON!! 6 OZ FILLETS $7.99/Lb (COMPArE AT $11/Lb TO $15/Lb) Notice of Online Public Information Centre Ninth Line, Donald Cousens Parkway and York-Durham Line Interchange Improvements Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment Study THE STUDY The 407 ETR Concession Company Ltd. has retained BT Engineering Inc. (BTE) to undertake a preliminary design and environmental assessment study for interchange improvements on Highway 407 ETR, in the City of Markham, York Region; and the City of Pickering, Durham Region. This study has identified the need and preliminary design for additional ramps and ramp terminal improvements at the Ninth Line and Donald Cousens Parkway interchanges, and ramp terminal improvements at the York-Durham Line interchange. The Study Areas are shown on the map below. THE PROCESS This study is following the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000)planning process for a Group “B” project, with the opportunity for external agency and public consultation throughout the project. PUBLIC CONSULTATION - BACKGROUND A draft Study Design Report is available on the 407 ETR’s website at: https://www.407etr.com/en/highway/highway/construction-update.html. The draft Study Design Report describes the study background, approach, process, alternatives, and public consultation program. ONLINE PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The 407 ETR Concession Company Ltd. wishes to ensure that anyone interested in this study has the opportunity to be involved and provide input. At the present time, the Province of Ontario has implemented a State of Emergency requiring measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, and has limited / prohibited public gatherings. As a result, the Public Information Centre (PIC) is relying on web-based communications. The PIC will present an assessment of planning solutions, preliminary design alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and the Technically Preferred Plan for the three interchanges. Comments on the information presented can be provided by contacting the Project Team members’ email addresses listed below. The online PIC is scheduled for: Date:August 19, 2020 to September 3, 2020 (exhibits will remain on the website during this period). Location:https://www.407etr.com/en/highway/highway/construction-update.html Upon completion of this study, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) documenting the effects anticipated by the project and the corresponding mitigation measures will be prepared and made available for a 30-day public review period. A notice of the TESR Submission will be published in the Ajax News, Pickering News, Markham Economist & Sun and 407 ETR website. COMMENTS We are interested in hearing any comments that you may have regarding this study. If you wish to obtain additional information or provide comments, or wish to be added to the project mailing list, please contact the Consultant Project Manager or 407 ETR Vice President, Highway and Tolling Operations listed below: All information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (2009). With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any project related questions or concerns, or wish to be removed from the project mailing list, please contact: If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this Online Public Information Centre or project, please contact one of the Project Team members listed above. Pour des renseignements en français veuillez communiquer avec Daniel Riendeau au: (613) 228-4813 ou daniel.riendeau@bteng.ca Steve Taylor, P.Eng.,Project Manager BT Engineering Inc. 9040 Leslie Street, Unit 218 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3M4 Tel.: 905-709-4554 Toll Free: 1-855-228-4813 steve.taylor@bteng.ca Craig D. White, P.Eng.,Vice President Highway and Tolling Operations 407 ETR Concession Company Limited 6300 Steeles Avenue West Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J1 Tel: 905-264-5220 cwhite@407etr.com DURHAM -- Just be- cause it's been a summer like no other doesn't mean you can't hit the links for a good cause. The Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade is holding its annual golf tourna- ment, although this year's will be vastly different than previous events be- cause of the pandemic. It's scheduled for Thurs- day, Sept. 3 at the Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility. Changes this year in- clude no sit-down dinner following the golf, and tee- ing off with a shotgun start is being replaced with indi- vidual tee times between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Each golfer will be notified by Aug. 28 as to their tee time. Each golfer is asked to arrive at least 20 minutes before their tee time so a staff member from Deer Creek can go over the safe- ty protocols. Each golfer will receive two boxed meals and these will be placed in each cart. The cost is $130 for a sin- gle golfer and $520 for a foursome. Proceeds will go to sup- port local restaurant mem- bers and the board of trade. An online auction will also be held and donations are being sought. For more information, visit apboardoftrade.com. There will be changes, but the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade is holding it's annual golf tournament on Sept. 3 at Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility. Among the changes this year, there won't be a sit-down dinner following the golfing due to the pandemic. Torstar file photo AJAX-PICKERING BOARD OF TRADE TEEING OFF ON SEPT. 3 BUSINESS dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 6 Weekly Community Page August 6 COVID-19Response UpdatesregardingtheCity’sresponseto COVID-19areavailableonlineat pickering.ca/COVID19 Visitpickering.ca/COVID19foralistoflimitedservices availableforin-personappointments,andhealthandsafety expectationswhenvisitingaCityfacility.Connectwithusat 905.683.7575orcustomercare@pickering.ca TheCityofPickeringencouragescitizenstoparticipatein theircommunitybyvolunteeringforoneofourboardsor committees.ThefollowingCommitteeiscurrentlyaccepting applicationsfromcitizenvolunteersfortheCulturalAdvisory Committee. Role:TheCulturalAdvisoryCommittee(CAC)willassistCity staffwiththeimplementationofthePickering’sCultural StrategicPlan.TheCACwillidentifyandcoordinate opportunitiesforculturalindustries,associations,andthe communitytoengageandprovideexpertiseandinputon mattersrelatingto½culturalservicesinPickering. Meetings: 3 rd Tuesdayofeachmonthat7:00pm Vacancy on Cultural Advisory Committee Ifyouareinterestedinbeingconsideredforappointmentto thisCommittee,pleasesubmitanapplicationformwhichis availableatwww.pickering.ca/boardsandcommitteessetting outabriefdescriptionofanyjoborcommunity-related experienceyoumayhave. Thedeadlineforsubmittingyour applicationisAugust14,2020. AdditionalinformationregardingtheCommitteeisavailable ontheCity’swebsiteatpickering.caorbycontactingthe CommitteeCoordinatorat905.420.4660,extension2047orby emailingclerks@pickering.ca. Upcoming Public Meetings Date Meeting/Location Time Aug10 ExecutiveMeeting Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 2:00pm Aug10 Planning&DevelopmentCommittee Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 7:00pm Aug12 CommitteeofAdjustment Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 7:00pm DuetoCOVID-19andthePremier’sEmergencyOrdertoprohibit publiceventsandlimitgatherings,meetingdetailsaresubjectto change.PleasevisittheCitywebsiteorcall905.420.2222fordetails. ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Notice of Electronic Public Open House DuetoCOVID-19andthePremier’sEmergencyOrdertoprohibit publiceventsandlimitgatherings,theCityDevelopment DepartmentisholdinganElectronicPublicOpenHouse.The electronicpublicopenhousewillprovideinterestedparties theabilitytolearnabouttherecommendationsthatarebeing consideredformanaginginfillandreplacementhousingin establishedneighbourhoods,andtoprovidecomments.This ElectronicPublicOpenHousewillbeheldon Tuesday,August11,2020at7:00pm. Residentscanparticipateelectronicallybyaudio,orwatchthe meetinglivestreamedviatheCityofPickering’sYouTubechannel https://www.youtube.com/user/SustainablePickering ShouldyouwishtoaddressCitystaffand/ortheconsultantduring theelectronicmeeting,pleaseregisterwithMargaretKish,mkish@ pickering.ca,by12:00noononthebusinessdaypriortothe meeting.Pleaseensurethatyouprovidethetelephonenumberyou wishtobecalledatsothatyoucanbeconnectedviaaudiowhen itisyourturntospeak.Arecordingofthemeetingwillalsobe availableontheCity’swebsitefollowingthemeeting. TheCityofPickeringisundertakingtheInfillandReplacement HousinginEstablishedNeighbourhoodsStudy(theStudy) todeterminehowtomanageinfillandreplacementhousing constructioninestablishedneighbourhoodswithintheSouth PickeringUrbanArea. Therewillbeapre-recordedpresentationbytheprojectteamat 7:00pmfollowedbyanopportunitytoaskquestionsanddiscuss theDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportandDraftUrban DesignGuidelines(Phase3oftheStudy).Youareencouragedto reviewtheDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportontheCity’s websiteatpickering.ca/InfillStudypriortothemeeting. TheDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportprovidestheanalysis ofthePreferredStrategyproposedinPhase2oftheStudyand proposesdetailedrecommendationsfortheCitytoaddress compatibilityofnewinfillandreplacementhousinginestablished residentialneighbourhoods. YourcommentswillinformthestaffreporttothePlanning& DevelopmentCommitteemeetingonSeptember14,2020.Separate notificationwillbeprovidedinadvanceofthismeeting. Yourcommentsand/orquestionsregardingtheDraftPlanning RecommendationsReportcanbeforwardedto: MargaretKish,MCIP,RPP PrincipalPlanner,Policy|CityDevelopmentDepartment t. 905.420.4660ext.2196|mkish@pickering.ca Formoreinformationpleasevisitourwebsiteatpickering.ca Aquatics Opportunities TheCityofPickeringisseekingenergetic,enthusiastic individualsforAquaticInstructorandLifeguardpositionsfor Fall2020. Successfulapplicantsmusthavecurrentcertificationin StandardFirstAid(issuedafterDecember31,2018),andBasic RescuerCPR-C(issuedafterDecember31,2019). Asatisfactory VulnerableSectorSearchisaconditionofemployment. AquaticsInstructor-$24.30/hour Musthavecurrentcertificationin: • RedCrossWaterSafetyInstructorandLifesavingSociety Instructor(dateofissueafterDecember31,2018),orbe enrolledinacoursethatwillbesuccessfullycompletedby June30,2020,and; • BronzeCrossorNLS(issuedafterDecember31,2018) Lifeguard-$18.22/hour • Musthave NLS certificationissuedafterDecember31,2018 Priortoapplying,candidatesare strongly encouragedtovisit pickering.ca/employment forfurtherdetailsonposition requirements. ________________________________________ Qualifiedapplicantsmustcompletetheonline“Aquatics” applicationform,orsubmitaresumedetailingrequired certificatesanddatesissued,by Wednesday,August12,2020 at4:30pm. DropofforMailto:HumanResourcesDepartment CityofPickering Online:pickering.ca OneTheEsplanade Email:hr@pickering.ca Pickering,ONL1V6K7 Fax:905.420.4638 Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 (24 hour line) customercare@pickering.ca@cityofpickering pickering.ca OnAugust24,2020,aby-lawwillbeconsideredbyCouncil tostop-upandclosePartoftheRoadAllowancebetween Lots22and23,Concession3,beingPart4,Plan40R- 30725fortrailheadpurposes.Thisnoticeisbeinggivenfor informationpurposes. Theplanshowingthelandsaffectedmaybeviewedinthe officeoftheCityClerkoftheCityofPickering. SusanCassel,CityClerk PickeringCityHall,OneTheEsplanade, Pickering,ON L1V6K7 905.420.4611 pickering.ca Taunton Road F u tu r e C h a t e a u Court Future Aquarius Trail ¯ E Subject Lands Si d e l i n e 2 2 www.yourleaf.org 1.888.453.6504 ourleaf Expert advice, delivery and planting... for less! S ubsidized Tree Planting Program DURHAM REGION An agency of the Government of Ontario Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario Tax Grant for Low Income Seniors or Persons with Disabilities TheCityofPickeringoffersapropertytaxgrantforeligible residents. Eligibility: Youareatleast65yearsofageandinreceiptof,orqualify for,theGuaranteedIncomeSupplement(GIS)asprovided undertheOldAgeSecurityAct(Canada);or Youhaveadisabilityandareinreceiptof,orqualifyfor, theOntarioDisabilitySupportProgram(ODSP)asprovided undertheMinistryofCommunityandSocialServices. Theapplicantand/ortheirspousemusthaveownedand occupiedtheirpropertyastheirprincipalresidencein Pickeringforoneyearormore. HowtoApply: Eligiblelowincomeseniorsorpersonswithdisabilities mustapplyannually.Thedeadlinetoapplyfor2020is August18th.AcopyofyourcurrentGISorODSPstatement mustbeattachedtoyourapplication. Fullrequirements andapplicationsareavailableonourwebsiteat pickering.ca/taxgrant,orbycontactingtheTaxSectionat 905.420.4614orpropertytaxes@pickering.ca. AdditionalInformation: Onlyoneapplicationperhouseholdcanbemadeeachyear. Therebatefor2020is$375,andwillbeappliedtoyour finalpropertytaxinstalmentinSeptember–Nocheques willbeissued. CityofPickering,TaxationSection: 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca 2020 Final Property Tax Bill is due August 27, 2020 PleasecontactusifyouhavenotreceivedyourTaxNotice. FailuretoreceiveaTaxNoticedoesnotreduceyour responsibilityforthepaymentoftaxesandpenalty. DidYouKnowThatYouCanPayYourPropertyTaxes Online? Thisissetupthroughyourbankinginstitution.- SelectCity ofPickeringasthe“payee”anduseyour19digitrollnumber astheaccountnumber.Onmostbanksiteswearelistedas “Pickering-Taxes.”Pleasecontactyourfinancialinstitution forassistance. Pleaseallowfivedaysbeforetheduedateforyour electronicpaymenttoreachouroffice.Yourtaxaccountis creditedwhenpaymentisreceivedatouroffice,notthe dayfundsarewithdrawnfromyourbankaccountorbythe post-markeddateonyourenvelope. LatePaymentFee Alatepaymentfeeof1.25%isaddedtoanyunpaidtaxes onthefirstdayofdefaultandonthefirstdayofeach month,aslongasthetaxesremainunpaid. Thepenalty andinterestratesaresetbyCityBy-laws,pursuanttothe OntarioMunicipalAct. TheCitydoesnothavetheauthority towaivepenaltyandinterestcharges. CityofPickering,TaxationSection: 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca Public Notice Aug6 AndyEarleandtheBandits -ChicagoBlues Aug13 StaceyRenee*Live -Top40,Pop,Rock,Funk&Soul Aug20 Twisters(BLOCKROCK)*Live -60/70/80'sRock’n‘Roll Aug27 TheLiverpool4 -Canada'sTributetoTheBeatles Aug2 BingSerrao&TheRamblers - Caribbean,Reggae,Waltz,Country,Latin Aug9 Jean&Dave -ClassicRockandCountryRock Aug16 AlexWhorms*Live -Pianopop,Jazz-Pop Aug23 TorontoAll-StarBigBand - 30’s,40’s&50’sbigband Aug30 Beatsync -ElectronicPopACappellaCovers Thursdaysat7:00pmonFacebook Followus @PickeringEventstowatchalltheseconcerts! Sundaysat2:00pmonFacebook Online SummerConcerts Presentedby 7 | Pi c k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 6 Weekly Community PageAugust 6 COVID-19Response UpdatesregardingtheCity’sresponseto COVID-19areavailableonlineat pickering.ca/COVID19 Visitpickering.ca/COVID19foralistoflimitedservices availableforin-personappointments,andhealthandsafety expectationswhenvisitingaCityfacility.Connectwithusat 905.683.7575orcustomercare@pickering.ca TheCityofPickeringencouragescitizenstoparticipatein theircommunitybyvolunteeringforoneofourboardsor committees.ThefollowingCommitteeiscurrentlyaccepting applicationsfromcitizenvolunteersfortheCulturalAdvisory Committee. Role:TheCulturalAdvisoryCommittee(CAC)willassistCity staffwiththeimplementationofthePickering’sCultural StrategicPlan.TheCACwillidentifyandcoordinate opportunitiesforculturalindustries,associations,andthe communitytoengageandprovideexpertiseandinputon mattersrelatingto½culturalservicesinPickering. Meetings: 3 rd Tuesdayofeachmonthat7:00pm Vacancy on Cultural Advisory Committee Ifyouareinterestedinbeingconsideredforappointmentto thisCommittee,pleasesubmitanapplicationformwhichis availableatwww.pickering.ca/boardsandcommitteessetting outabriefdescriptionofanyjoborcommunity-related experienceyoumayhave. Thedeadlineforsubmittingyour applicationisAugust14,2020. AdditionalinformationregardingtheCommitteeisavailable ontheCity’swebsiteatpickering.caorbycontactingthe CommitteeCoordinatorat905.420.4660,extension2047orby emailingclerks@pickering.ca. Upcoming Public Meetings DateMeeting/LocationTime Aug10ExecutiveMeeting Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 2:00pm Aug10Planning&DevelopmentCommittee Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 7:00pm Aug12CommitteeofAdjustment Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: https://calendar.pickering.ca/council 7:00pm DuetoCOVID-19andthePremier’sEmergencyOrdertoprohibit publiceventsandlimitgatherings,meetingdetailsaresubjectto change.PleasevisittheCitywebsiteorcall905.420.2222fordetails. ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Notice of Electronic Public Open House DuetoCOVID-19andthePremier’sEmergencyOrdertoprohibit publiceventsandlimitgatherings,theCityDevelopment DepartmentisholdinganElectronicPublicOpenHouse.The electronicpublicopenhousewillprovideinterestedparties theabilitytolearnabouttherecommendationsthatarebeing consideredformanaginginfillandreplacementhousingin establishedneighbourhoods,andtoprovidecomments.This ElectronicPublicOpenHousewillbeheldon Tuesday,August11,2020at7:00pm. Residentscanparticipateelectronicallybyaudio,orwatchthe meetinglivestreamedviatheCityofPickering’sYouTubechannel https://www.youtube.com/user/SustainablePickering ShouldyouwishtoaddressCitystaffand/ortheconsultantduring theelectronicmeeting,pleaseregisterwithMargaretKish,mkish@ pickering.ca,by12:00noononthebusinessdaypriortothe meeting.Pleaseensurethatyouprovidethetelephonenumberyou wishtobecalledatsothatyoucanbeconnectedviaaudiowhen itisyourturntospeak.Arecordingofthemeetingwillalsobe availableontheCity’swebsitefollowingthemeeting. TheCityofPickeringisundertakingtheInfillandReplacement HousinginEstablishedNeighbourhoodsStudy(theStudy) todeterminehowtomanageinfillandreplacementhousing constructioninestablishedneighbourhoodswithintheSouth PickeringUrbanArea. Therewillbeapre-recordedpresentationbytheprojectteamat 7:00pmfollowedbyanopportunitytoaskquestionsanddiscuss theDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportandDraftUrban DesignGuidelines(Phase3oftheStudy).Youareencouragedto reviewtheDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportontheCity’s websiteatpickering.ca/InfillStudypriortothemeeting. TheDraftPlanningRecommendationsReportprovidestheanalysis ofthePreferredStrategyproposedinPhase2oftheStudyand proposesdetailedrecommendationsfortheCitytoaddress compatibilityofnewinfillandreplacementhousinginestablished residentialneighbourhoods. YourcommentswillinformthestaffreporttothePlanning& DevelopmentCommitteemeetingonSeptember14,2020.Separate notificationwillbeprovidedinadvanceofthismeeting. Yourcommentsand/orquestionsregardingtheDraftPlanning RecommendationsReportcanbeforwardedto: MargaretKish,MCIP,RPP PrincipalPlanner,Policy|CityDevelopmentDepartment t. 905.420.4660ext.2196|mkish@pickering.ca Formoreinformationpleasevisitourwebsiteatpickering.ca Aquatics Opportunities TheCityofPickeringisseekingenergetic,enthusiastic individualsforAquaticInstructorandLifeguardpositionsfor Fall2020. Successfulapplicantsmusthavecurrentcertificationin StandardFirstAid(issuedafterDecember31,2018),andBasic RescuerCPR-C(issuedafterDecember31,2019). Asatisfactory VulnerableSectorSearchisaconditionofemployment. AquaticsInstructor-$24.30/hour Musthavecurrentcertificationin: • RedCrossWaterSafetyInstructorandLifesavingSociety Instructor(dateofissueafterDecember31,2018),orbe enrolledinacoursethatwillbesuccessfullycompletedby June30,2020,and; • BronzeCrossorNLS(issuedafterDecember31,2018) Lifeguard-$18.22/hour • Musthave NLS certificationissuedafterDecember31,2018 Priortoapplying,candidatesare strongly encouragedtovisit pickering.ca/employment forfurtherdetailsonposition requirements. ________________________________________ Qualifiedapplicantsmustcompletetheonline“Aquatics” applicationform,orsubmitaresumedetailingrequired certificatesanddatesissued,by Wednesday,August12,2020 at4:30pm. DropofforMailto:HumanResourcesDepartment CityofPickering Online:pickering.ca OneTheEsplanade Email:hr@pickering.ca Pickering,ONL1V6K7 Fax:905.420.4638 Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 (24 hour line) customercare@pickering.ca@cityofpickering pickering.ca OnAugust24,2020,aby-lawwillbeconsideredbyCouncil tostop-upandclosePartoftheRoadAllowancebetween Lots22and23,Concession3,beingPart4,Plan40R- 30725fortrailheadpurposes.Thisnoticeisbeinggivenfor informationpurposes. Theplanshowingthelandsaffectedmaybeviewedinthe officeoftheCityClerkoftheCityofPickering. SusanCassel,CityClerk PickeringCityHall,OneTheEsplanade, Pickering,ON L1V6K7 905.420.4611 pickering.ca Taunton Road F u tu r e C h a t e a u Court Future Aquarius Trail ¯ E Subject Lands Si d e l i n e 2 2 www.yourleaf.org 1.888.453.6504 ourleaf Expert advice, delivery and planting... for less! Subsidized Tree Planting Program DURHAM REGION An agency of the Government of Ontario Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario Tax Grant for Low Income Seniors or Persons with Disabilities TheCityofPickeringoffersapropertytaxgrantforeligible residents. Eligibility: Youareatleast65yearsofageandinreceiptof,orqualify for,theGuaranteedIncomeSupplement(GIS)asprovided undertheOldAgeSecurityAct(Canada);or Youhaveadisabilityandareinreceiptof,orqualifyfor, theOntarioDisabilitySupportProgram(ODSP)asprovided undertheMinistryofCommunityandSocialServices. Theapplicantand/ortheirspousemusthaveownedand occupiedtheirpropertyastheirprincipalresidencein Pickeringforoneyearormore. HowtoApply: Eligiblelowincomeseniorsorpersonswithdisabilities mustapplyannually.Thedeadlinetoapplyfor2020is August18th.AcopyofyourcurrentGISorODSPstatement mustbeattachedtoyourapplication. Fullrequirements andapplicationsareavailableonourwebsiteat pickering.ca/taxgrant,orbycontactingtheTaxSectionat 905.420.4614orpropertytaxes@pickering.ca. AdditionalInformation: Onlyoneapplicationperhouseholdcanbemadeeachyear. Therebatefor2020is$375,andwillbeappliedtoyour finalpropertytaxinstalmentinSeptember–Nocheques willbeissued. CityofPickering,TaxationSection: 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca 2020 Final Property Tax Bill is due August 27, 2020 PleasecontactusifyouhavenotreceivedyourTaxNotice. FailuretoreceiveaTaxNoticedoesnotreduceyour responsibilityforthepaymentoftaxesandpenalty. DidYouKnowThatYouCanPayYourPropertyTaxes Online? Thisissetupthroughyourbankinginstitution.- SelectCity ofPickeringasthe“payee”anduseyour19digitrollnumber astheaccountnumber.Onmostbanksiteswearelistedas “Pickering-Taxes.”Pleasecontactyourfinancialinstitution forassistance. Pleaseallowfivedaysbeforetheduedateforyour electronicpaymenttoreachouroffice.Yourtaxaccountis creditedwhenpaymentisreceivedatouroffice,notthe dayfundsarewithdrawnfromyourbankaccountorbythe post-markeddateonyourenvelope. LatePaymentFee Alatepaymentfeeof1.25%isaddedtoanyunpaidtaxes onthefirstdayofdefaultandonthefirstdayofeach month,aslongasthetaxesremainunpaid. Thepenalty andinterestratesaresetbyCityBy-laws,pursuanttothe OntarioMunicipalAct. TheCitydoesnothavetheauthority towaivepenaltyandinterestcharges. CityofPickering,TaxationSection: 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca Public Notice Aug6AndyEarleandtheBandits-ChicagoBlues Aug13StaceyRenee*Live-Top40,Pop,Rock,Funk&Soul Aug20Twisters(BLOCKROCK)*Live-60/70/80'sRock’n‘Roll Aug27TheLiverpool4-Canada'sTributetoTheBeatles Aug2BingSerrao&TheRamblers- Caribbean,Reggae,Waltz,Country,Latin Aug9Jean&Dave-ClassicRockandCountryRock Aug16AlexWhorms*Live-Pianopop,Jazz-Pop Aug23TorontoAll-StarBigBand- 30’s,40’s&50’sbigband Aug30Beatsync-ElectronicPopACappellaCovers Thursdaysat7:00pmonFacebook Followus @PickeringEventstowatchalltheseconcerts! Sundaysat2:00pmonFacebook Online SummerConcerts Presentedby 7 | Pi c k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 8 ABOUT US This newspaper, published every Thursday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprised of more than 80 community publica- tions across Ontario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the news- paper and, if not satisfied, write The National NewsMedia Council,Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca newsroom@durhamregion.com facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham WHO WE ARE Vice President Dana Robbins General Manager Anne Beswick Director of Content Joanne Burghardt Director Distribution Mike Banville Director Creative Services Katherine Porcheron CONTACT US Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 865 Farewell Street Oshawa, ON L1H 6N8 Phone: 905- 579-4407 Newsroom: 905-215-0481 Sales: 905-215-0424 Classifieds: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 905-579-2238 Web: www.durhamregion.com Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 320 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Published letters will appear in print and/or online at durhamregion.com Delivery For all delivery inquiries, please call 905-683-5117. The province's back-to-school plans are being met with mixed re- actions by parents in Durham. Fatma Osman is a Pickering mom of two elementary school daughters and a five-month-old ba- by boy. She is "alarmed" by Thursday's (July 30) announcement that only students in Grades 4 and up will be required to wear masks at school. "We are hearing from public health that masks are so impor- tant. We are wearing masks every- where indoors now...so why is this not important at school?" she asks. Osman says she is "very ner- vous" about sending her daughters back, especially with a baby at home, and is considering keeping them home to do remote learning. On the flip side, Oshawa parent Jenn Currie says she is "so re- lieved" at the news that elementary students will be going back five days a week, which will allow her to return to her Pickering office when it reopens this fall. "My husband and I work full time and this has been on my mind so much. What will I do if schools aren't open?" she says. Currie is also happy that her children will be able to get back to a normal routine and see friends again, things she says are crucial for their mental health. "Yes, I'm a bit worried. I think every parent is worried on some level. But I feel like the precautions are in place," she says. Ontario Premier Doug Ford an- nounced the province's back-to- school plans Thursday afternoon at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School in Whitby. He was joined by Deputy Pre- mier Christine Elliott, Minister of Education Stephen Lecce and Dr. Barbara Yaffe, associate chief med- ical officer of health. Students in Grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors at school, in- cluding in the hallways. The province says "reasonable exceptions on the requirement to wear masks will apply," and will be put in place by schools or school boards. Masks will be encouraged, but not required, for students in kin- dergarten to Grade 3. Elementary students will be co- horted with their class and teacher throughout the day, including at recess and lunch. The province says they will have "limited" contact with other subject teachers for classes such as French, art and gym. In-person attendance is option- al for the 2020-21 school year and remote learning will be available with both synchronous and asyn- chronous learning opportunities and "opportunities for frequent, live contact with a teacher." The Elementary Teachers' Fed- eration of Ontario (ETFO) released a statement Wednesday calling on the government to make masks a requirement for students of all ag- es, especially where distancing is a challenge. "The optics of the education an- nouncement today say it all -- clear- ly taped off spaces to ensure social distancing, held in an air-condi- tioned library without the press present for the safety of all. Stu- dents and staff in our elementary schools will not be afforded the same precautions," says ETFO Durham President Mary Fowler, who adds Durham schools ofte- n are overcrowded, with poor ven- tilation and no air conditioning. Fowler said the announcement of additional funding and manda- tory masks for older students is welcome — but stressed class sizes are a concern. "Most of our schools have clas- ses that are larger than 30, which will not realistically allow for physical distancing. Intermediate students and high school students are virtually identical in physical makeup, yet high schools will have classes of 15, and the other twice that many." High school students with the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board will be returning to school under an "adapted model" that sees cohorts of about 15 students attend on alternate days or alternate schedules. When students are working re- motely, the province says "where possible" they will participate in live learning with their teacher and classmates for one period of each school day. High schools in non-designated boards — including those in Cla- rington — will be allowed to open with daily attendance. Many boards are looking at a "quadmester" model, where high school students take two credits at a time, spending the morning on one subject and the afternoon on the second subject, with four seg- ments to the school year. "In terms of teaching and learn- ing, it is good that students are re- turning to class with their teachers two to three days a week. Students will benefit from in-class activities and the support of educators in the room," says Shane Stage, president of the Durham local of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Feder- ation. He says "enormous effort" was put into making distance learning effective, but that it can't compare with a classroom experience. Stagg says safety at school will be the concern going forward. "We are still in a global pandem- ic. There must be adequate fund- ing to support cleaning protocols and protective equipment. Recom- mendations for social distancing and face masks in schools should align with the requirements in lo- cal businesses and the community in general," he notes. The province announced $309 million in new funding on Thurs- day, including $60 million for masks and personal protective equipment, $80 million for extra staffing and $25 million for clean- ing supplies. DURHAM PARENTS HAVE MIXED REACTIONS TO ONTARIO'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL PLAN JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com Kindergarten students at Clara Hughes P.S. in Oshawa are hard at work in this January 2017 file photo. Ron Pietroniro/Torstar NEWS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH THE DDSB, DCDSB WILL BE GOING BACK UNDER AN 'ADAPTED' MODEL THE COSTS AT A GLANCE Additional staffing — $80 million Masks and personal protective equipment — $60 million Up to 500 new public health nurses to assist schools implement local health protocols — $50 million Transportation (cleaning supplies and PPE) — $40 million Cleaning supplies — $25 million Increased lab testing capacity — $23.7 million Health and safety training — $10 million Additional mental health supports — $10 million Additional supports for students with special needs — $10 million 9 | Pi c k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m At a time when over 60% of Canadians are worried that false information is being used as a weapon, now’s when trusted local reporting matters most. The Ajax Pickering News Advertiser, Brock Citizen, Northumberland News, Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington This Week, Port Perry Star and Uxbridge Times Journal speak for the community. We are local journalists, reporting and investigating stories in the neighbourhood. We bring an authentic voice to the Durham communities. And there’s nothing fake about that. Local news has a pl ace in Durham DurhamRegion com DurhamRegion com DurhamRegion com Choose DurhamRegion.com. Show your support and create an account at DurhamRegion.com/register CONNECTE D TO YOUR COMMUNITY DurhamRegion com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 10 VOTE TODAY canadianimmigrant.ca/rbctop25 TO VOTE! IT’S TIME We received hundreds of truly inspiring nominations for Canadian immigrants who have made a significant impact since their arrival. Now it's your turn to help choose this year's winners. Title sponsor:Presented by:Media sponsors: 1-877-987-3964 (24 Hours) Provided by Newcastle Funeral Home Ltd - Family Owned & Operated Serving All of Southern Ontario Pre-plan your wishes for Aquamation and take the burden off your family. Flexible monthly plans available.Call Andrea Kimber, our pre-planning funeraldirectorformoreinformation. www.aquamations.ca No Funeral…No Embalming…No Casket… $1,993 Total Price Included: Co-Ordination, Documentation, Shelter, Transfer of Remains, Coroner, Death Registration, Aquamation (Alkaline Hydrolysis), HST Andrea Kimber Funeral Director $59.99 Dinner for Two ORDER BY August 12 TH FOR PICK-UP August 15 TH ORDER online, in store or by phone •Pan con Tomate (tomato bread) •Cantaloupe & Cucumber Gazpacho •Greens Salad with Sherry Vinaigrette •Seafood and Chorizo Paella •Ricotta Cheesecake Make a reservation en su casa and let us take care of dinner! Spanish Inspired DinnerSpanish Inspired Dinner Enjoy a 30 MINUTES REHEATING TIME REQUIRED for TwoFarmBoy DURHAM -- A Pickering man has been charged af- ter the OPP broke up a ille- gal gambling ring. In December 2019, 18 po- lice agencies and enforce- ment organizations, includ- ing the Durham Regional Police, joined forces in Pro- ject Hobart to end a gaming enterprise operated by and linked to members of crimi- nal organizations, including three members and one prospect member of the Hells Angels. At the time, 28 people were arrested and police seized $12 million worth of properties, cars, motorcycles, off-road vehi- cles, cash, gold and silver bars, and jewelry. On July 29, 2020, police and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) executed four search warrants in Picker- ing, London, Oakville, To- ronto and other judicial war- rants at eight locations in London, Toronto, Welland and Thornbury, resulting in the seizure and/or restraint of $24 million worth of as- sets, including homes, vehi- cles, cash and drugs. Samouel Kafkas, 45, of Pickering, faces three bookmaking charges and one count of commission of an offence for a criminal organization. He was released on a promise to appear and he has a court date scheduled for Sept. 17. CRIME PICKERING MAN CHARGED IN GAMBLING RING BUST KEITH GILLIGAN kgilligan@durhamr egion.com WHITBY - Charges have been laid against a Whitby man accused of performing indecent acts, allegedly while watching young girls from his car. The incidents are al- leged to have occurred in shopping plaza parking lots in Ajax during the day- time on June 26, July 10 and July 13, Durham police said. It's alleged a suspect parked a grey four-door Su- baru in the parking lot and committed indecent acts while in the car. The suspect did not leave the vehicle or inter- act with anyone during the incidents, two of which are alleged to have occurred in a plaza parking lot at Kingston Road East and Harwood Avenue North. The third incident was re- ported in a parking lot at Bayly Street and MacKen- zie Avenue, police said. Adam Henry, 24, of Whitby is charged with three counts of committing an indecent act in a public place. An investigation contin- ues. Call police at 905-579- 1520, extension 2529 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222-8477. NEWS POLICE CHARGE SUSPECT WITH INDECENT ACTS IN AJAX PARKING LOTS 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 905-852-0000 • onebrock@reillybackllp.com Shared ProfeSSional SPace Late 2020 Occupancy. Main floor and lower level space available in prominent Uxbridge location with private customer parking lot. 1 Brock St.West (formerly TD bank). Keri-Lee Durno Broker Brokerage Independently owned and operated Office: 416 913-1089 Mobile: 416 708-0761/ 905 242-0761 kdurno@youngrealty.ca Chic Designer 1 + 1 Penthouse Condo on the Waterfront!Pristine condo exudes elegance from the moment you enter.Sublime living/ dining room is sun filled.Walk- out to a generous open air balcony for beautiful lake views. SS appliances, lots of cupboard&counterspacew/breakfastbar.SereneMasterisinviting&hasawalk-in closet. Sparkling French doors adorn the Den which makes for a versatile home office, second bedroom or nursery. Quiet low rise building, garage parking & locker, inside bike racks & elevator. Gold membership to the Admiral’s Club with deluxe amenities, marina, bike paths & walking trails all at your doorstep. Look no further! “For the Best Your Move Can Be…Call Keri-Lee!” Young Realty Inc. 304-385 Lakebreeze Dr., Port of Newcastle O P E N H O U S E Sunday, August 9 th 2-4pm RyanBelmonte,ABR BrokerofRecord 905-240-5001 www.belmonterealestate.com 276 Homestead Dr., Oshawa Spacious&BrightAllBrickBungalowSituatedInAQuiet Family Neighbourhood! This Home Features Over 4,200 SF Of Total Finished Living Space, Including A Ravine Walkout Basement With In-Law Suite Potential, 2nd Kitchen,Bar&3pcBathroom-PerfectForaLargeFamily! This property won’t last long, so Don’t Delay, Call Ryan Today!$819,900! $819,900 RE/MAX REALTRON REALTY INC., BROKERAGE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 647-218-1980 WWW.MYGOODGUY.COM HARVINDER BHOGAL REAL ESTATE BUY&SELL PROPERTY NEW&REFINANCE MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BROKER CELL: 647-218-1980 • BUS: 416-289-3333 For all your real estate needs CORIENDRODY SalesRepresentative Lookingforamodernstyledhomewithanaddedtouchofcharm?Thenlooknofurther! This1.5storeyallbrickdetachedhomeisnestledonamassivepoolsizedlotononeofthemost prestigioustreelinedstreetsintown.Gorgeouscurbappeal&lushbackyardoasisgivesyouthat tranquilcountryfeelyetisonlystepsawayfromalldowntownamenities.Largesunfilled livingrmbeckonsyouin&isaccentuatedw/hardwoodfloors&gasfireplace-theperfectspot tocuddleupformovietime.Hugediningrm,efficientlyupgradedkitchenw/granitecounters, s/sappliances&convenient2pcpowderrmroundoutthemainfloor.Upstairsare2hugebedrms &spalikebathrmthat’llimpressthefussiestbuyer.Finishedbasementboastssepentrance,full bath,additionalbedrm&sunnylaundryrm…andforallergysufferers,NOcarpetatallinthe home!Can’tyoujustpictureyourselfhere?Seewww345Masson.comfordetails. D:647-938-6629 O:416-975-5588 345 MASSON ST, OSHAWA $569,900 www.CoriEndrody.com Real Estate *Sales representative **Broker ***Broker of record ADVERTISING FEATURE Did you know? An estimated 80% of Canadians begin their search for a new home on the Internet. homefinder.ca dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 12 free professional buyer service: • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more informed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortgage rates and saving programs, plus much more - Call today!! WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated *For Dollar Volume 2017 **For Dollar Volume 2019 ***According to a study of MLS data prepared by an independent auditor for Real Estate Stats for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019. Frank leo & associates •#1 in ToronTo (Central, East and West Combined) By Units of listings Sold For All Brokers and Sales representatives for All Companies*** •#1 rE/MAX TEAM in THE GTA** •#3 rE/MAX TEAM in CAnADA** •#7 rE/MAX TEAM WorLD WiDE** Led by the •#1 IndIvIdual Re/Max agent In the WoRld * 5 UNIT INVESTMENT PROPERTY Renovated Turnkey Opportunity in South Etobicoke on a Huge Lot with 2 Car Garage 7 car Triple Private Drive. Great Income. Laundry Room. 3 Entrances. Close to GO & Gardiner. 10 min to Airport/Downtown. $1,4 9 9 , 0 0 0 ESTATE LIVING IN THE GTA!! Stately & Beautifully Appointed 4 Bedroom Home Situated On Rare Half- Acre Lot In Old Richmond Hill & Mill Pond!! Features Include Centre Hall LayoutW/Large Rooms,KitchenW/High-EndAppliances,MasterW/Ensuite, Stunning Backyard Retreat (Backs Onto Don Head Park)!! A Rare Gem!! $1,7 5 0 , 0 0 0 ExCLuSIVE CouNTRy ESTATE!! Stately 15,000+ S/F Mansion Situated On An Absolutely Breathtaking 10.6 Acre Private Oasis With 3 Ponds, Stream, Waterfall, Tennis Court & Indoor Pool. This 6 Bedroom, 12 Bathroom Home Complete W/ Movie Theatre, Indoor Firing Range, And So Much More. Truely An Amazing Opportunity To Own A One-Of-A-Kind Jewel! $5,8 0 0 , 0 0 0 BRokER Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation FOREST HILL MASTERPIECE Custom Built by Award Winning Builder Gorgeous Curb appeal, designed by Carey Mudford, 5+1 Bdrm, luxuriously appointed, Gourmet Kitchen, Open Concept layout,Exquisite finishesThru-out,Elevator,Finished Bsmnt,pool sized back yard, Nanny Suite, absolutely stunning. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ENTERTAINER’S DREAM HOME 14,000 + sq/ft 2Storey on 10 Acres! Fabulous Grand Hall Great Room, 6 Bedroom, 8 Washroom. Beautiful Chef’s Kitchen, 4 Fireplaces, Large Family Room, Games/Theatre/Prof. Gym/ & 15 Car Garage. Truly a must see just Minutes to Hwy 7/407. $2,9 9 9 , 0 0 0 RENOVATED MASTERPIECE Absolutely Stunning 4 Bedroom In High Demand Neighbourhood! 9’ Ceilings, Exposed Brick, Gorgeous Gourmet Kitchen With Bertazzoni Appliances, Spacious MasterRetreatWithSpa-LikeEnsuite,FinishedWalkoutWithKitchen&MuchMore!! High-End Custom Finishes Throughout - No Expense Spared!! Must Be Seen!! SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!! 2 ACRE ESTATE LoT oN GoLF CouRSE Prestigious Custom Home on meticulously manicured lot surrounded by Nobleton Lakes Golf Course. Sun Filled Open Concept Floor Plan, w/ Stunning Panoramic Views overlooking mature trees,award winning gardens and pond in an highly sought after Cul-de sac. Exclusive resort-like private serene setting. $1,9 9 9 , 0 0 0 OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS!! Detached Bungalow with Separate Entrance to Basement, Fantastic Neighbourhood. Large Bedrooms, Spacious Living and Dining Room. Oversized Lot. Private Backyard. located Close to Highways, Schools, Malls, Public Transit & Parks. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! WE’RE GROWING! LOOkING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENSED REALToRS To JoIN uS AND SkY ROCkET THEIR CAREER AND HAVE A BETTER LIFE!! Go To JoINTEAMLEo.CoM INCREDIBLE POTENTIAL 2.5 Storey In The Heart Of Leslieville. Almost 1800 sqft of living space. Open Concept Living/Dining with wood Burning Fireplace. Master Features Cathedral Ceilings, Walk-In Closet & Semi-Ensuite Bath. 3rd Floor Bedroom With 2 Pc Bath and walkout to Deck, Ideal for Work-At-Home Office. Amazing opportunity! SOLD IN 1 Wk FOR 113% OF ASkING!! ANoTHER SoLD ANo THER SoLD PRESTIGIOUS ARMOUR HEIGHTS Spectacular Custom Built 2 Storey 4+1 Bed, Open Concept Layout, High Ceilings, Quality Materials, Modern Kitchen With Quartz Counters, Master Retreat, Nanny Quarters, 5 Bath, Finished Walk Out Basement, Double Garage Plus Much More! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANo THER SoLD ANo THER SoLD 3 HOMES IN ONE Perfect Multi-Generational 2 Storey, 17 years new. For The Large Growing Family On 10Acres. 9000 SqftAbove Grade! 12 Bedrooms 12 Bathroom + 4 Kitchens. Main Home 3000 Sqft 4 Bdrm 4 Bth. East Bungaloft 4 Bdrm 5 Baths 3000 Sqft. West Bungaloft 4 Bdrm 4 Bth 3000 Sqft. Beautiful Inground Pool. Barn With Horse Stalls. Natural Pond! $3,2 5 0 , 0 0 0 HOME/CHURCH/BUSINESS WOW!! Backing onto Spring Lakes Golf Course with Spectacular views,Renovated Church, Cathedral ceiling approx. 5000 Sq. Ft of living space, gorgeous original plank flooring. Residential or convert to home based business. High demand location, great visibility, 4+2 bedrooms/offices, thousands in upgrades! Simply must be seen! Amazing Value!! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANoTHER SoLD DETACHED ToRoNTo BuNGALoW Great Location Close To TTC, Schools & Shopping. 2 Kitchens,SeparateWalk-up EntranceTo Basement,2 Full Bathrooms, 4-Car Parking, Shared Laundry, Quiet Court-Like Location Close To Everything. Fenced Yard, Garden Shed/Workshop With Power. SOLD IN 1 Wk FOR 110% OF ASkING!! ANoTHER SoLD ABSOLUTE SHOW-STOPPER!! Newly-Built Custom Estate Home Featuring Approximately 7,000 S/F Of Living Space With No Expense Spared!! 6 Bedroom, 7 Bathroom, High-End Finishes And Top Quality Craftsmanship Thru-out, Soaring Cathedral Ceilings, Fully Equipped Rear Loggia, Separate In-Law Suite++ HIGH DEMAND TRENDy LoCATIoN!! Renovated Toronto detached 3 Stry, with parking. Open Concept Kitchen/ Living space with high ceilings. Contemporary design rustic features. Main flr office, 4 bdrm, 3 baths, spacious Master retreat & modern Ensuite, near parks & steps to Queen St. SOLD IN 1 Wk FOR 127% OF ASkING!! ANoTHER SoLD INCREDIBLE VALuE! Wonderful 3 bdrm, 2 bth detached, bungalow with carport, finished basement (in-law suite potential) on large 40 x 100 foot and quiet family-friendly street. Mins to Scarborough Town Centre, HWY 401,TTC, schools, parks and all major amenities! SOLD IN 1 Wk FOR 111% OF ASkING!! ANoTHER SoLD $3,4 9 5 , 0 0 0 CUSTOMIzED ONE-OF-A-kIND Incredible 4000 Sq Ft Home With The Finest Of Finishes. 61’ Wide Lot In Family Neighbourhood. 5 Bedrooms + Main Floor Office. Granite Counters. Hardwood Floors Throughout. Impeccably Maintained Property. Chiavatti Built LessThan 20Years Old. Updated Mechanicals. 3 Car Garage! Mins To Downtown & Fantastic Schools SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANoTHER SoLD ANoTHER SoLD 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m EAST ****Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo MUlti-Million Dollar S ell Your Home Faster and For More Money. GuARANTEED HoME SELLING SySTEM •Your Home Advertised 24 Hours a Day Until Sold • Digital Web Strategy Reaching Millions • Learn the Secrets of Selling Without Ineffective open Houses • Our Team of Professionals for the Same Price As Hiring a Single Broker • Get Up to $10,000 No Interest for 60 Days**** • Total Service Guarantee In Writing • Your Home Sold Guaranteed, or I’ll Buy it**** • Competitive Rates, Exceptional Service • In Depth Neighborhood Report for Each Property We Sell SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES: www.GetLeo.com Call Today 416-917-LION (5466) and Start Packing! BRAND NEW LuxuRy 2 SToREy Custom-Built High Quality Home In Demand Toronto Neighbourhood. 50’x206’ Treed Private Lot. 4600 Sq ft Of Immaculate Design Accompanied By Premium Engineering. 4 Bdrms 5 Bthrms. Main Floor Office. $$$ Spent On Chef’s Dream Kitchen.Walk-Up Basement. Top Rated Schools & Highest RatedArea InToronto For Safety (Toronto Life) 30 MinsTo DowntownVia GO. $2,2 5 0 , 0 0 0 AMAzING DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY!! Calling all Builders, Large, 130’ Double Lot Situated At The End Of Quiet Cul-De-Sac And Facing Green Space! Well Maintained 3 Bdrm, 4 Level Side-Split Features Spacious Living Areas, Updated Kitchen, Separate Entrance, W/O Basement & Much More! Must Be Seen! $2,3 9 5 , 0 0 0 HIGH PARk-SWANSEA BEAUTY!! A rare gem in Prestigious Grenadier Hts! Charming 6 bdrm 4 bath home with breathtaking views. Original stately details w/hardwood flrs, wainscotting, crown mldgs, bay windows & wood fireplace. Family rm + sunroom overlooking landscaped yard & Rennie Pond. Unobstructed Views of the lake from huge balcony. 2 car prkg w/garage. $2,3 4 9 , 9 0 0 DETACHED ALL BRICk 3 BDRM Move-In Ready Home on a 50’ Lot,Garage,& 5 Car Parking. Updated Kitchen, Bath, Windows, & Floors. Separate Entrance To Finished Basement. Kitchen With Quartz Countertops. Professionally Landscaped Fully Fenced Private Backyard Oasis. Inground PoolW/ Sun Deck & Covered Patio, Gas BBQ & Firepit. $999 , 9 0 0 THANk YOU!! TO ALL OUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, FIRST RESPONDERS, PHARMACY, GROCERY, DELIVERY AND ALL ESSENTIAL WORkERS WE APPRECIATE YOU!! DURING THIS COVID - 19 PANDEMIC WE WANT To SAy BUNGALOW ON 10 ACRES, IN kING 413 ft frontage Spacious Detached 3+1 bdrm, Updated Kitchen, Fin Bsmt, Double Garage, Great Location, 1332 ft deep Close to Hwy 400. Amazing Value! $1,2 0 0 , 0 0 0 LARGE HOME WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT Incredible Quality Finishes. 3350Sq Ft + Fin Bsmt On 45’Wide Lot In Family Neighbourhood Just Outside Toronto Border. 4 Bdrms/5 Bathrooms + Main Floor Office. Granite Counters In Kitchen. Hardwood Floors Thru-out. Chiavatti Built. New 2 Bedroom Basement Apartment Rents $1,800/Month $1,4 0 0 , 0 0 0 LAkE ONTARIO WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2.97 Acre with over 400 feet of private beach. 4 bed 2 bath house with insanely gorgeous views from almost every room. An original 1827 log cabin fully equipped with an additional kitchen,3 bed 2 bath. Use as a guest house or on-site rental! Detached dbl car garage with walk-up loft space, and a wedding worthy lot that’s so dreamy it’s hard to believe it exists. $1,7 5 0 , 0 0 0 DOUBLE LOT IN PRIME LOCATION Large 100’x130’ Double Lot With 2 Storey, solid brick Century Home. Potential For Severance, Demolition Or Restoration. Charming Features With Original Solid Wood Floors, Trim, Doors And Plaster. Updated New Custom Kitchen And Bathrooms. Main Floor 450 Sqft In-Law/Nanny Suite Potential. 5 Bedrooms. In-ground Pool. Circular Driveway. Quiet Street. Close To 401, DVP & Top Rated Schools. SOLD FOR 105% OF ASkING!! CHARMING ELEGANCE! Immaculate, updated, and move-in ready. Distinctive Euro decor thru-out, 3-bdrm, 3 bath Large eat-in kitchen. Bright, spacious lower level family room with fireplace. Attention to detail thru-out, Cozy backyard oasis. Located close to all amenities. $1,1 0 0 , 0 0 0 FREE CoNFIDENTIAL HoME EVALuATIoNS SUPER VALUE!! All Brick Detached 4 Bedroom Home. Mature Landscaping. Private Treed Backyard. Coveted Rolling Meadows, Quiet Street, with easy access to Taunton Rd E. Close to all amenities. 407 is 6 minutes, 401 is 10 minutes away. $799 , 9 0 0 HIGH LEVEL CoRNER uNIT WITH uNoBSTRuCTED VIEWS Rarely Offered Bright And Spacious 2 Bdrm Suite, Functional Layout For Your Enjoyment, Large Windows,Amenities include 24 Hr Concierge, Exercise, Pool, Steam Rm Etc. Close to Major Mall, TTC at Door, Restaurants, Entertainment, Subway, DVP & 401. $499 , 9 0 0 DETACHED 3 BED / CENTRALLY LOCATED Updated 1 1/2 Storey Brick Home, 2 washrooms, Private DrivewayWith Garage. 9’ Main Floor Ceiling Height,Eat-in Kitchen, Fenced Backyard. Easy Access To Transit, 401, Shopping. Must See. $449 , 9 0 0 DEMAND LoCATIoN IN CITy Rare 243’x 120’ Lot With Potential To Sever And Build. Live In Luxury Toronto Neighbourhood. 4 Bdrms, 5 Bthrms, Plus Coach House With Loft Style Apartment. Tastefully Renovated home In A Ravine-Like Setting perfect For The Family. Mins To Downtown. Easy Access To TTC & GO. $2,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 AMAzING OPPORTUNITY!! Spacious 2,900+ S/F, 6 Bdrm Bungalow Situated On Almost Half An Acre!! This Home Features Open Living/Dining Room, Great Room, Large Custom KitchenW/BreakfastArea,MasterW/Ensuite,Self Contained 2-Bedroom In-Law Suite (Great Income Potential) & Much More!! Close To Transit & Minutes From Downtown!!! $1,5 9 9 , 9 0 0 MAJESTIC BEAuTy! Gorgeous brick family home in Leslieville,4 bdrm,4 bthrm,gourmet kitchen with s/s appliances and rear staircase to second floor, large principal rooms, 3rd-floor master with ensuite, walk-in closet and walkout to treetop deck. 2 car parking, walking distance to fabulous shops and restaurants! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! STuNNING ExECuTIVE 6 BDRM HoME One Of A Kind! Custom Estate On A Private 1.64 Acre Professionally LandscapedTreed Lot backing onto conservation land. 6+1 Bdrms, 5 Bthrms, Inground Pool & Hot Tub. Open Concept Floor Plan,Vaulted Ceilings. And many extras. Truly An Entertainers Delight. Gas Backup Generator. $1,5 9 9 , 9 0 0 AMAzING HOME WITH PRIVATE FOREST! Stunning Executive 4bd 4bath home on huge 89 X 214 ft lot. Many reno’s thru-out. Gorgeous custom Black River kitchen w/ stainless steel appls + quartz counters. Huge master w/5pc ensuite. Beautiful hardwood flrs. Finished bsmt with w/o to backyard. Oversized 3 car garage. Excellent location! $1,7 2 5 , 0 0 0 TWO RECREATIONAL LOTS - 114 ACRES Potential To Build Your Dream Executive Estate Or Weekend Retreat, With Miles Of Trails. Spring Trout And Fall Salmon Fishing On Graham Creek Which Runs Through The Property. Wildlife Including Deer, Rabbit, Turkey, And Grouse. Bountiful Mature Cedar Trees. $849 , 9 0 0 MASSIVE LoT CoVETED LoCATIoN PoolSized33by182PieLot!PrivateEntertainersBackyard.Minutes to GO/401/All Amenities. 5 Bedrooms 4 Washrooms. Separate Entrance to basement Apartment. A must see for $799,900. $849 , 9 0 0 SoLID DETACHED BuNGALoW Pride of Ownership ShinesThru-out,ThisWell UpdatedAnd Maintained. 3+1 Bedroom,2 Bathroom Home. Separate EntranceTo BasementWith In-Law Suite Potential. 40’ x 133’ Lot. Attached Garage. Covered backyard Patio. Several New Custom Homes Built Right On Street Fantastic Toronto Neighbourhood. Mins To Downtown/DVP/401. SOLD FAST FOR 104% OF ASkING!! FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY!! Immaculate 3 bedroom,2 baths bungalow with separate entrance to basement apartment. Open concept living and dining. Hardwood floors on the main floor. Large 40’ x 140’ lot, Fully fenced private yard. $799 , 9 0 0 IMMACULATE BUNGALOW WITH INCOME POTENTIAL Great opportunity to own this gem. Walk to all amenities. 3+1 bdrms, open concept living/dining with crown moulding and hardwood floors. 2 baths, 2 eat-in kitchens, 5 car parking, private fully fenced yard, Separate entrance to basement – Opportunity Knocks!! SOLD FAST FOR 113% OF ASkING!! ANo THER SoLD ANo THER SoLD ANo THER SoLD ANoTHER SoLD dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 14 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Matt Cooper Broker Kendell Attrux Sales Representative No Gimmicks! For information on My Exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program, Order a FREE Report by Visiting: www.MattsGuaranteedSale.com Or for a FREE Recorded Message: 1-833-606-9487 ID# 4800 Or Call Kendell Direct:905-440-0505*Seller and Matt Cooper must agree on Price and Terms PROUD SUPPORTERS: www.MattHelpsAnimals.com For Additional Information on Any Property or to Schedule a Private Showing Call Kendell 905-440-0505 AS SEEN & HEARD ON: Custom Brick Bungalow, 1800sq.ft., 5 Yrs 3+2 Beds, 3 Full Baths, Hardwood Floors, Fireplace, 2 Car Garage $479,900 Ranch Style Bungalow, 130ftx204ft Treed Lot 3+1 Beds / 3 Baths, Fin Bsmt, Lg Detached Insulated Workshop $449,000 Raised-Bungalow, Brick, 1.5 Car Garage 3+1 Beds / 3 Full Baths, Fin Bsmt, Private Yard $529,000 BUNGALOW HOMES FREE Exclusive Hotlist of Must Sell Bungalows For Sale Under $750,000 Free List Includes Pictures, Address and Price Offer Expires Today At Midnight! Go to: www.MattsBungalowHomes.com ACREAGE HOMES FREE Exclusive Hotlist of Must Sell Homes on 2+ Acres Lots, Private Locations Under $750,000 Free List Includes Pictures, Address & Price Offer Expires Today At Midnight Go to: www.MattsAcreageHomes.com Bungalow, Private Treed Country Lot 3 Beds / 3 Baths, Detached Insulated Shop, Potential In-Law $529,900 Bungalow, 2.78 Acres, Treed Very Private 3 Beds / 2 Full Baths, ATV/Snow Trails $549,000 Bungalow, .5 Acres, 2 Car Garage 3 Beds / 2 Full Baths, 55x32ft Detached Insulated Outbuilding $549,900 Bungalow, .5 Acres Back Onto Farm Land 3 Beds + In-Law Suite, Sep Entrance, 10x35ft Heated Workshop $549,900 Bungalow, 160ft Waterfront Lot 2+3 Beds / 3 Full Baths, Attached 2 Car Garage, Over 3,200 sq.ft. $679,900 Your Durham Region Home Sold for 100% of Market Value GUARANTEED or I Pay You the Difference! Go To: www.MattsHomeValues.com Call Matt Directly at 905-440-0505 To Discuss a Sale (no obligation to list) Custom Built Bungalow, 50 Acres, River 3 Bedrooms, 2 Car Garage, River Runs Through Property $729,500 Brick Bungaloft, 2,500sq.ft., 90ft Lot 3 Bed / 3 Full Baths, 18ft Ceilings Great Room, Double-Sided Fireplace $769,000 Custom Built, 2 Years New, 5 Acres 3 Bed / 3Bath, 2 Car Garage + 40ftx80ft Shop w/12ft8” High Doors $749,000 PROUD SUPPORTERS OF HSDR Your Referrals Really Do Help The Animals! The Matt Cooper Home Selling Team is on a mission to raise $25,000 for The Humane Society of Durham Region. For every Referral transaction we close, we will donate $500.00 in your honour to HSDR www.MattHelpsAnimals.comBungalow, 4 Yrs New, 1.8 Private Acres 3+1 Beds / 3 Full Baths, + Bsmt In-Law Suite $849,900 Stone Bungalow, Private .56 Acres 2 Bedrooms / 2 Baths, Detached Heated Garage $879,000 IN APPRECIATION Mary-Ruth & Jeff G., Oshawa We had lived in the same home for 20 years and were very apprehensive about moving. Kendell found us our dream Bungalow in 7 Days! Our home just SOLD in 5 Days above asking Price! The Matt Cooper Home Selling Team will be donating $1,000 to HSDR on Behalf of our boy TOBY. dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 16 NameT hatAgent * s a l e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e • * * b r o k e r 3 17 2 $50GiftCard ForFreshco’s Congratulations to Makayla Davidson from Bowmanville who won a for more information go to www.freshco.com 14111210 54 9861 13 1615 7 18 19 Thank you to all of our participants! Look for your chance to win again in October Karen Beck*,Coldwell Banker 2M Realty, Brokerage Janet Dowson**,Right at Home Realty, Brokerage John Daciuk**,Sutton Group – Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Robert Chopee**,Right at Home Realty, Brokerage Tanya Tierney*,Tanya Tierney Team Realty Inc., Brokerage Alex Giancoulas**,Century 21 Percy Fulton Brokerage Michael Digiovanni*,Re/Max First Realty Ltd., Brokerage Marilyn Portelance*,Royal LePage Frank Real Estate, Brokerage Sherry Zwetsloot**,Our Neighbourhood Realty Inc. Brokerage Vesna Whalen*,Re/Max Rouge River Ltd. Julie Hoogkamp*,Re/Max Jazz Inc Brokerage Corrine Turansky*,RE/MAX Impact Realty, Brokerage Patricia Chiasson*,Our Neighbourhood Realty Inc., Brokerage Sheila Zanussi*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage Patti Williamson*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage Jacquelynn Tanner*,Sutton Group – Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Angelo Pucci*,Sutton Group-Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Chris Owens**,RE/MAX Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage. Joan Hyde*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage. * Sales Representative ** Broker *** Broker Of Record 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Originally built in 1856 by Thomas Elliott as a 1 ½ storey farmhouse, the Westney Heritage House is representative of typical mid-19th century domestic farm dwellings – a Gothic Revival style that is common to rural southern Ontario. The property was purchased by the Westney family, prominent members of the Pickering and Ajax communities, in 1891. The original home, called “Westglen” (an amalgamation of the family names Westney and Glendenning), was expanded with an addition on the east side in the late 19th century, and again with another addition on the east side in the 1970’s. Over the years the greater property included a dairy farm and grew specialty grain, in addition to the fruit orchard which included berry bushes, and apple and pear trees. Development began on part of the farm lands in 1989 to create the Nottingham community, and more recently the Westney Place community. The Westney Heritage House has been lovingly restored by Tribute Communities to acknowledge and pay homage to its importance within the community, while modernizing the structure and interior for a new family to make it their home. You could own this piece of history! This one-of-a-kind home will take your breath away! Elegantly restored, the ‘Westglen House’ sits on almost 1/2 acre & boasts old Ontario Revival & Heritage-inspired architecture. With almost 4,000 sq. ft. and a finished basement with a separate entrance, this renovation will not disappoint. The gourmet custom kitchen with butler servery comes complete with pantry featuring barn doors. Cozy up beside one of the 2 stunning gas fireplaces. Gorgeous hardwood floors & staircases are also features. A dropped beam ceiling in dining room respects the old world charm. In the basement you willfindyourveryownvintagewinecellarshowcasing the original stone foundation.The separate entrance (walk up) to the finished basement, adds to your living space - great as a home office. Composite cedar shake roof and prefinished engineered wood siding, along with extensive landscaping and two driveways finish this home off beautifully! For more information visit www.1733westney.com Tribute Communites lovingly restoresWestney Heritage House inAjax ADVERTISING FEATURE 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 905-831-0880 • 677 Marksbury Rd., Pickering rdhgallant@gmail.com • Smile4medentalhygiene.ca DENTAL HYGIENE • Dental Cleaning • Fluoride Treatments • Custom Sports Guards • Teeth Whitening At Smile 4 Me Dental Hygiene I offer Independent Dental Hygiene Services following all Covid precautions. Online booking available 7 days a week.I work around your schedule. Direct Billing to your Insurance available. I accept Visa,MasterCard,Interac,Google Pay and Apple Pay. Are you overdue for your dental cleaning? Unable to get an appointment with your Dental Hygienist? Are you concerned about entering a crowded office? Lori Gallant, RDH Presented by and As of July 2020, credit card fees decreased again on most transactions. Visa enact- ed their fee reductions on July 17, and Mastercard's changes came into effect on August 1. The cuts in 2020 follow the reduction and five-year freeze that Visa and Mastercard im- plemented in April 2015 – the first-ever reduction, coming after years of negotiation. Ca- nadian Federation of Inde- pendent Business (CFIB) played a key part in making this happen. Together with its members, the organization has spent years calling on the federal government, the cred- it card companies and the banks to address this signifi- cant cost. This happened due to the support of small busi- ness owners from coast to coast. While all merchants should now see additional savings, it is extremely important that you take care to ensure you get the best rates possible. • You can expect to get even more calls from card pro- cessors asking for your busi- ness. If rates look too good to be true, trust your judgement or call CFIB for advice. • Be aware of new fees be- ing adopted by at least one company for returns and pre- authorizations. · • Check your statements to ensure you see your rates come down. If you are not seeing savings, you should contact your processor imme- diately or consider a new one. - Excerpted article provided by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) www.cfib-fcei.ca. CFIB credits small business support for lower fees dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 18 2018 $20 CaSH o n l Y FEATURING: 32 ONTARIO GOLF FACILITIES’ OFFERS 2020 COUPON B O O K COUPON B O O K BOOK 2020 TAXES INCLUDED $20 $4000 OVER IN SAVINGS Golf Savings Book Available Now At These Locations... Uxbridge,THE UPS Store, 2 Campbell Drive Ajax,THE UPS Store, 157 Harwood Ave N. North Ajax Whitby,THE UPS Store, 701 Rossland Rd. E. at Garden Bowmanville,THE UPS Store, 91 King St E Cobourg,Westwood Convenience, 365 Westwood Dr. Oshawa,The UPS Store, 470 King St West Oshawa,27-1300 king st E Support Your Local Businesses. MINTDUCTCLEANING Who We Are At Mint Duct Cleaning we take pride in what we do; we work hard to meet each customer’s needs. We are happy if our customers are satisfied. We approach everything with dedication and honesty, which shows in our great reviews from all our grateful customers. I worked hard to establish this business in order to provide for my family and for my kids to have a better future. RAYAN NUGENT www.mintductcleaning.com Monday to Sunday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 647-409-9527 Stories from local Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Business Owners PICKERING — For more than 30 years, Fitz- roy and Sherril Johnson have been the friendly fac- es behind the counter at Marksbury Variety, a small neighbourhood con- venience store in Picker- ing. They've been there so long that they now serve the children and grand- children of customers they first met in the '80s. "Three generations," said Fitzroy, proudly. "We have come to know almost all our customers by name," Sherril added. The couple came to Canada from Guyana in 1974 and bought the store in 1987, looking for a new challenge. "We were always very ambitious," Fitzroy said. At that time, the store was little more than a run- down cottage. The John- sons renovated the site, turning it into a small pla- za with a mix of commer- cial and residential space. Marksbury Variety be- came a hub of neighbour- hood activity. Over the years, there were many 16-hour days at the store as the couple bal- anced work with being the parents of four children. "We really enjoyed serv- ing the neighbourhood. We treat the customers like family," Sherril said. There were challenges too — none bigger than a robbery in August 1988 that resulted in Fitzroy be- ing stabbed and rushed to hospital. He spent two weeks there recovering, one of them in the intensive care unit. But the store opened again the day after the rob- bery and Fitzroy was back behind the counter as soon as he was able. Was he scared? No, he says. More like resolute. "I said to myself, if I can uproot myself from my country and my friends and my way of life and leave all this behind to give myself a chance in Canada, I wasn't going to let any- thing stand in my way." Now in their 70s, the Johnsons will continue to own and operate the plaza, but say it's time to retire from running the store and take some time to relax. On July 20, the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood As- sociation presented them with a plaque to recognize their contribution to the community. President Paul White describes the store as a vi- tal part of the neighbour- hood. "Mr. and Mrs. J. would always allow neighbours to post ads in the store win- dow, always have a friendly smile and they know the families and second and third generations," he says. "A truly, very nice family. It will be our loss." COUPLE THAT RAN STORE FOR 33 YEARS WILL BE MISSED Fitzroy and Sherril Johnson are retiring after more than 30 years running Marksbury Variety, a popular neighbourhood store in Pickering. Susie Kockerscheidt/Torstar JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com BUSINESS THEY KNOW CUSTOMERS BY NAME AND TREAT THEM LIKE FAMILY 19 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Elliot Lake...livewell Live in a retirement community where you can have the active lifestyle you want, affordably! Apartments from $545/month Townhomes from $800/month Homes from $885/month For more information on rentals or to order an information package contact us at: 1.800.461.4663 retireelliotlake.com Support Your Local Businesses. REDOAKLANDSCAPECONTRACTORSINC. Who We Are We are a landscaping company that services Toronto and Durham Region. With over 25 years experience in landscaping, we offer services at a reasonable rate. Our services include weekly lawn care, garden beds main- tenance and overhaul, planting, pruning, sodding, in- terlocking, retaining walls and snow cleaning. Red Oak Landscape prides itself on customer satisfaction. Call us for your landscaping needs. HUBERT CUMBERMACK www.red-oak-landscape-contractors.business.site 647-671-4565 Stories from local Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Business Owners Tom Hanks tells a toy story By Laura Harding It was 1991 when Tom Hanks rst went into a booth at Disney Studios to lend his voice to the character of cow- boy Woody. That was before “Sleepless In Seat- tle”, before his consecutive Oscar wins for “Philadelphia” and “Forrest Gump”, and long before the world knew what a Pixar movie even was. When the lm eventually came out in 1995, the same year he starred in “Apol- lo 13”, it changed cinema forever. It was the rst feature-length lm entirely created using computer ani- mation, and it rewrote the rulebook on what an animated lm could be. “Every one of these lms has been some version of a miracle,” Hanks, now 62, says in wonder, days before the re- lease of “Toy Story 4”. “The rst one because we were all left wondering, ‘How did they do that?’ “Then the second one because, lo and behold, everything in there actually made sense and they solved all these problems. “I would say to them, ‘Hey Pixar, how are you going to get toys across a street in this one?’ And they say, ‘Yeah we have like 17 di erent scenarios of how to get toys across the street.’ “And if they can gure that out, I guess they can gure out all the other emotional arcs that they have to play with in this. “Then the end of 3 was... oh my lord it was like the end of “The Passion Play At Oberammergau” or something like that. It was this all-encompassing look at life and the lessons to be learned from it.” But it’s because of this that Hanks was nervous to come back and make a fourth lm. It’s been almost 10 years since the last one was in cinemas, won two Oscars (for best animated lm and best original song) and was widely considered to be the perfect conclusion to a beloved tril- ogy. It felt so nished that Hanks never ex- pected to make another. “I don’t think anybody did. When we rst began to talk about it, they don’t give us a script, they just kind of get to- gether with you and they say, ‘Here are some of the things we are planning to do’. “And speaking for the cast, the only questions I had were ‘When?’ and ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you want to take another stab at this?’ “Because we are just the voices and we sweat blood in order to get this thing out. They have to work on it for the bet- ter part of ve or six years from start to nish and if they screw up... man, they are toast, they don’t want to go through that.” Luckily they did not screw up. The new instalment nds Woody, Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen) and the whole gang of toys far from home and discovering old friends and new ones on an eye-opening road trip. While new stars have joined the cast, including Keanu Reeves, Christine Hen- dricks and Jordan Peele, returning to Woody was an emotional experience for Hanks, whose life has changed so much since he rst uttered some of the cow- boy’s famous pull-string catchphrases. “I recorded as Woody for the rst time in 1991, in Studio B at the Disney Studios, with Doc the engineer. My last session for Toy Story 4 was in Studio B at Disney Studios with Doc the engineer. It was a big deal,” he re ects fondly. He was recently at Disneyland with his wife Rita Wilson and some of his grown-up children when the legacy of “Toy Story” really hit him. “They say it’s a franchise, when it’s the character you go back for, but I don’t know if I can put it in that way. “We were at Disneyland for one of those big, every character jamboree kind of light shows, a Mickey Fantasia, that kind of thing. “At the end of the show was this huge steamboat coming by, a paddlewheeler and every Disney character in creation is on it. “There was Mickey and the big bad wolf and Captain Hook and Pinocchio and all of the princesses, all the way through the ages and there on the boat too was Woody and Buzz and they were doing a choreographed dance and ev- — Newspaper Toolbox Reducing your salt intake after 50 Are you looking for a hob- by now that you’re retired? If so, then birdwatching could be a great fit. All you need are binocu- lars, a species identification guide, a notebook and a good pair of walking shoes. This makes birding an affordable pastime. Plus, you can do it anywhere, from urban parks to forest trails. You can even take up birding in your own backyard. Since many species mi- grate, the types of birds that are active in your area will vary with the seasons. This makes birdwatching an inter- esting hobby year-round. All it takes is patience, a keen eye and some free time. If you’re ready to give it a try, consider joining a local birdwatching club. You’ll be able to access a wealth of knowledge, which will make your next excursion all the more enriching. Additionally, there are nu- merous publications and on- line resources you can con- sult to get more information about birding. — Newspaper Toolbox How to become a birdwatcher As you get older, monitor- ing your daily sodium intake becomes increasingly impor- tant. This is because consum- ing too much salt can nega- tively impact your health and longevity. Here’s what you should know. Daily intake The recommended sodi- um intake for people between the ages of 14 and 50 is no more than 1,500 milligrams per day. This is the equivalent of less than one third of a tea- spoon. However, once you reach your 50s, your daily consump- tion should be reduced to 1,300 milligrams. And after the age of 70, this amount should go down to 1,200 milligrams. Regardless of your age, consuming more than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day can adversely affect your cardio- vascular health. Consequences There are numerous health risks associated with a high-sodium diet. Consuming too much salt can, among oth- er things, increase your risk of high blood pressure, stomach cancer and heart disease. Ex- cess levels of sodium can also damage your kidneys and af- fect bone density. How to cut back The most effective way to reduce your salt intake is to pay attention to what you eat and make conscious dietary choices. Here are a few rec- ommendations to get you started: • Don’t add salt when you’re cooking • Avoid processed food and frozen meals • Use spices, herbs, garlic and vinegars to add flavour • Don’t put a saltshaker on the table at mealtimes • Limit your use of condi- ments and bottled salad dressings • Opt for the low-sodium version of snacks, sauces and soups Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor for more informa- tion on how to manage your salt intake. dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 20 Later, your continued access will require a paid subscription. Register now for free, complete access to thepeterboroughexaminer.com, for a limited time. REGISTER NOW:thepeterboroughexaminer.com/joinus Since 1847, The Examiner has served the community of Peterborough faithfully. Each day we report what matters to our many readers; from in-depth local news, behind the scenes sports coverage, revealing human interest stories and lively opinion pieces. This is news worth supporting. You can play your part by registering for our newly redesigned website, thepeterboroughexaminer.com. Join us online. SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM Join us. at thepeterboroughexaminer.com THURSDAY • AUGUST 13 • 1PM WEB CONFERENCE FOR INTERNATIONALLY TRAINED LAWYERS PRESENTED BY SPONSORED BY www.canadianimmigrant.ca/web-conference FREE TO ATTEND THURSDAY • FOR INT TRAINED www Canadian Immigrant presents a free virtual web conference for InternationallyTrained Lawyers. This 90-minute event will discuss career development, education and key information about about working in Canada. Learn from industry experts speaking to you from across Canada with the goal to help you succeed on your chosen path. REGISTER ONLINE! www.canadianimmigrant.ca/web-conference DURHAM — A local poutine company wants to recognize Durham's CO- VID-19 heroes with a gooey, cheesy reward. Smoke's Poutinerie, which is headquarted in Ajax, is kicking off a new phase of its #SupportLocal campaign, with a mission to recognize local people and organizations making a difference during the pandemic. One or two honourees will be chosen each week, from now through the fall, and rewarded with a free (physically distanced) pou- tine party. "We want to recognize people that are going over and above, getting out there and supporting the community in their own way," says Smoke's Pouti- nerie CEO Ryan Smolkin. "The whole idea of this is, let's go out and take care of those who are taking care of the community." The company is actively on the lookout for CO- VID-19 heroes to reward, but members of the com- munity can also make nominations by tagging Smoke's on Facebook or Twitter. The first phase of the company's #SupportLocal campaign saw Smolkin vis- it and buy from 100 local businesses over 100 consec- utive days — and give them a shout-out on social me- dia. He got the idea in mid- March as the pandemic was abruptly shutting things down and leaving business owners scram- bling. "Whether it's a mom- and-pop shop or a fran- chise location, we're all in the same game and I want- ed to give that support," he says. "It just started to snowball once it got going, it was so exciting." The pandemic has been hard on Smolkin's busi- ness too. Smoke's Poutinerie has dozens of locations across Canada, including about 70 "non-traditional" ones lo- cated in places like stadi- ums, amusement parks and college campuses. All of those were shut down by COVID-19 and some of the brand's tradi- tional stores were also per- manently or temporarily closed. "But, we're still alive," Smolkin says, noting that international expansion plans are picking back up, with two Smoke's locations launching in Qatar in the coming weeks and loca- tions in the works in Hun- gary, Austria and the Czech Republic. The menu at Smoke's in- cludes more than 30 types of gourmet poutine, run- ning the gamut from a clas- sic with gravy and Quebec cheese curds, to options like chicken, bacon ranch, chicken and waffle, veggie nacho, and mac n' cheese- burger. A new DIY poutine op- tion was launched this month that lets customers design their own perfect poutine, by choosing from a list of toppings and sauc- es that includes things like cauliflower bites, steak, butter chicken sauce, pick- les, guacamole, peas and ketchup chips. BUSINESS SMOKE'S POUTINERIE WANTS TO GIVE DURHAM'S PANDEMIC HEROES A CHEESY REWARD LOCAL COMPANY IS LAUNCHING THE SECOND PHASE OF ITS #SUPPORTLOCAL CAMPAIGN SMOKE’S POUTINERIE Website: smokespoutinerie.com Email: smoke@smokespoutinerie.com Facebook: facebook.com/poutinerie Twitter: twitter.com/poutinerie Instagram:instagram.com/ smokes_poutinerie Smoke's Poutinerie, which is headquartered in Ajax, is kicking off the second phase of its #SupportLocal campaign with plans to recognize Durham residents and groups that have gone above and beyond during the pandemic. CEO Ryan Smolkin says honourees will be recognized with a poutine party. Smoke's Poutinerie photo JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com 21 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m GRAHAM, Alan Blyth ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thanks so very much to those attending Alan Blyth Graham's Visitation and Funeral Service; and those who sent condolences, flowers, and donations. Thanks to the Highlands of Durham Scottish Country Dancers for their surprise piper and march-by. The Clan Graham Society, Alan's Durham Regional Police Association, and many wonderful family and friends were so helpful and very supportive to me when I needed it. Alan would have been overwhelmed by the responses. There will be a Celebration of Life, when possible, in memory of Alan. I miss his laugh too. Dianne A Graham SANDERSON MONUMENT COMPANY LIMITED SERVICING Local Cemeteries Including Oshawa, Whitby Duffin Meadows, Pine Ridge Memorial, Erskine and Catholic Cemeteries SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE SET IN PLACE. APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED, MAX 4 PEOPLE AT A TIME TO INSURE PHYSICAL DISTANCING, Hours of Operation Mon. to Fri. 9-5 905-427-4366 sanderson.ajax@bellnet.ca 32 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax TAYLOR, Gerald Joseph December 10, 1939 - July 30, 2019 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ My mind still talks to you. My heart still looks for you. My soul knows you're at peace. I am thankful for having had you, but I, and our Children still miss you so much. It takes a minute to find a special person, and hour to appreciate them, and day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them. KITCHEN, Tracy Elizabeth January 26, 1973 - July 23, 2020 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After a long battle with cancer Tracy passed away peacefully at Cobourg hospital with her wife and dog Peanut by her side. Tracy was a loving wife to Andee. Supportive mom to Mackenzie and Carson. Loving daughter to Bubbles and Bob. Will be remembered by her brother Stephan (Shelley), Jeff (Ann), her sister Vicki (Jim), her nieces and nephews Ben (Dom), Josh (Amy), Tyler, Ryan (Michelle), Maddy and Zack and her great-nephews Kellan, Taylor and Kennedy. Tracy's support team went well beyond family. Andee would like to thank her "army" of people and incredible circle of friends for being more than a friend could ask for. Dr. Mule and the incredible staff at the Cobourg hospital, the cancer team in Oshawa, and Tracey from Cobourg DBIA for their guidance and aid. Rockstar Dave for keeping Taps and Cork up and running. Jenn Ashley of the Northumberland Wild Hockey Association, the entire senior C Team, and Melissa and her team from Ketch's Korner and Survivor Thrivers for providing meals, financial support, gifts, and going above and beyond. Tracy will always remain in the hearts of various ball hockey, ice hockey and local comm- unity members she touched over her lifetime. Outside of her family Tracy was a player, coach, mentor, referee, a friend, and someone who put her all in everything she did. When she saw a need or had an idea there was no stopping this fierce, driven lady from achieving what she sets out to accomplish. Tracy was true to herself and who she was and believed in those around her. She took teams of players, turned them into champions, made them believe in themselves, and more importantly had them play for the name on the front of the jersey before they played for the name on the back. Most recently Tracy started an all girls ball hockey league in Whitby after seeing a need that was not being met in her community, she was so successful that she then planned to start a league in Cobourg not a year later all the while opening Taps and Cork that has brought together the local community where she last resided. Her passion, ded- ication, and strength are truly something to be remembered. Tracy is a champion to many and her legacy will live on through the many seeds she has planted around the various communities and teams she has been part of. A Celebration of Tracy's life will take place on August 23, 2020 at 10353 County Road 2, Cobourg, Ontario. From 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. will be invitation only, and from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. will be for anyone else. Due to a limit of 100 people, please be respectful of time constraints. BYOB and Chair. There will also be a second celebration on January 23, 2021 in Durham Region for everyone else. In memory of Tracy, and her love for her "fur babies", in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Animal Guardian Society at www.animalguardian.org through Canada Helps or just follow out your dreams and make them a reality, as Tracy did hers. HASLEDON, Ronald Beverley September 22, 1931 - August 1, 2020 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ It is with great sadness that we announce Ron's passing. He died peacefully at Lakeridge Health Oshawa. We wish to express our sincerest gratitude to the nurses at Lakeridge Health Oshawa and the staff at Hillsdale Estates in Oshawa for the wonderful care he received. In accordance with his wishes, cremation has taken place and there will be no funeral service. COPITHORN, Jennifer Michelle ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As I reach into the depths of my soul, I search for an answer, a reason why you were taken from me, from us, so early in your life. A senseless act of violence that ended your beautiful life. 22 years later I feel your loss as if it was yesterday. Deep grief, a grief only another mother or father could feel as if it was their child taken from them. I miss you so much Jennifer, I am lost in a pain that cannot be consoled, an existence that holds regrets, loss, pain, harsh judgement, robbed of a future that a mother and father look forward to for their child. Always in my heart, always in my mind, missing you, Love, Dad xoxo SILLS, Edrei Eutychus Amaziah ___________ Promoted to Glory on Saturday, August 1, 2020 at age 95. Loving husband of the late Dorothy. Loving father of Lilith (late Leon); Ann (Winston), Ed Junior (Desiree), Robert (Nancy), David (Gail) and Margaret (Mark). Treasured Granddad of 14 grandchildren; 14 great- grandchildren and five great- great-grandchildren. Caring brother of Millo and the late Adbeal, Merom, Aner, Alphaeus, Adiel, Alexander, Minnith, Adin, Eldad, Caring uncle to many nieces and nephews. Member of Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church. Friends and family will be received at McEachnie Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., 28 Old Kingston Rd, Pickering Village, Ajax, Ontario. His private funeral service will be held on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church at 11:00 a.m. Details for viewing the funeral service (livestream) to be posted on hopetoronto.com prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Redeemer Lutheran Church (Guyana 592-227-3351) or Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church (Canada hopetoronto.com) Please note Provincial directives limit the size of funeral gatherings to 30% of the facility's capacity providing required physical distancing of 2 metres can be maintained. Those in attendance are required by law to wear a mask or face covering for any indoor event. https://thebao.ca/registrars- directive-changes-to-funeral- and-visitation-attendance/ Always so good, unselfi sh and kind, none on this earth your equal I’ll fi nd. The rolling stream of life rolls on. But still the vacant chair recalls the love, the voice, the smile of the one who once sat there. Heavy are our hearts today, memory brings you back once more. Your memory is as dear today, as in the hour you passed away. 1-800-263-6480 classifieds@metroland.comCLASSIFIEDSOBITUARIES | ANNOUNCEMENTS | JOBS | MARKETPLACE CARD OF THANKS IN MEMORIAMOBITUARIES dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 | 22 VENDORS WANTED For further details go to: durhamtradeshows.ca or call 905.215.0484 NOTE: Jewellery category is SOLD OUT ONE DAY ONLY! Sun. 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Working on Annual Certifications and repairs to cargo, enclosed, landscape, dump, boat, RV campers, horse trailers as well as installation of hitches and wiring on all types of vehicles. Fabrication and welding experience on steel and aluminum a great asset. Good working atmosphere, must be good a multi-tasking and be able to use their own initiative. Must have own tools and a valid Driver's License Start Date: Immediate Email Resume to: info@jensentrailers.com CARPENTER FOREMAN Established company looking for a full-time carpenter foreman for ICI work in the GTA. 416-989-3774 Please send resumes to: bruce.c@bellnet.ca Canada Windows and Doors, Whitby, 905-665-1506 Full-time Positions Available: Receptionist AZ Driver Spray Painter Door Assembler General Labourer Carpenter Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pay starts at $16-$25 per hour Medical benefits after 3 months Contact Pierre Legros at 905-665-1506 or email resume to pierre@canwindoors.com ELLIS, Barbara (Hoare) January 27, 1948 - August 5, 2019 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In Loving Memory of an amazing Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and treasured friend, taken so suddenly and well before her time. A light from our household is gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home. Some may think you are forgotten, though on earth you are no more, but in memory you are with us, just as you always were before. Not a day goes by Mom... MARKETPLACEEMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS | save.ca The easiest way to find your next car Leave the Car at Home | Find the right ride for you | Search local jobs SHOWS AND BAZAARS AUCTIONS/SALES ARTICLES FOR SALE/WANTED COMMUNITY EVENTS MERCHANDISE VEHICLES WANTED/ WRECKING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES ROOMS/ SHARED ACCOMMODATION APARTMENTS FOR RENT REAL ESTATETECHNICAL/SKILLED TRADES GENERAL HELP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES SERVICES SPECIAL OCCASIONS IN MEMORIAM 23 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 2 0 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Busy running your small business? Let us help with marketing it. Introducing Marketing 360™ Powered by Star Metroland Media Learn More at Marketing360.ca ALWAYS CHEAPEST! All Garbage Removal! Home/ Business. Fast Same day! Free Estimates! 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