HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2019_08_01THURSDAY AUGUST 1, 2019 pickering.ca/cityguide AvailableAugust6. Fall2019 CityServices& LeisureGuide Alw a y s o n l i n e f i r s t a t du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m / c o l d c a s e THIS WEEK Theories still linger more than 40 years after murder of Tracy KundingerPICKERING - Demolition of the Sears wing at the Pickering Town Centre is expected to be- gin at the end of July or early Au- gust as the city prepares to cre- ate a vibrant new downtown core. A new central library, a com- bined seniors and youth centre, and a performing arts centre will be built on what is now the east part of the shopping centre parking lot, with an anticipated completion date of mid-2022. "It's a wonderful project," said Mayor Dave Ryan Monday, PICKERING'S NEW DOWNTOWN WILL BE 'A LEGACY' JUDI BOBBITT judibobbitt@gmail.com See PICKERING, page 12 Mayor Dave Ryan looked over renderings of Pickering's new city centre project, to begin with the demolition of the Sears wing at the Pickering Town Centre. The city is looking forward to a new downtown core that will include a new central library, a combined seniors' and youth centre, a performing arts centre and gathering spaces for festivals and markets. Judi Bobbitt photo Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 4 Aug. 1st-7th, 2019 DURHAM - The following is a list of what's open and closed on the civic holiday, Monday, Aug. 5. SUPERMARKETS: Some are open and some closed. Check with the outlet you normally shop at to see if it's open. RETAIL: Retail outlets will be open. BEER/LIQUOR: Most beer and liquor outlets will be open. BANKS/TRUST COMPA- NIES: Check with your financial institution for hours of operation before Monday. WASTE COLLECTION:In all communities except Whitby and Oshawa, there is no impact. In Whitby and Oshawa, collection will be done one day later than nor- mal all week. POSTAL DELIVERY: There won't be mail delivery. TRANSIT: Durham Region Transit will operate on a Sunday service schedule. For more infor- mation, visit www.durhamregion- transit.com. GO Transit will oper- ate on a Saturday schedule. Call GO for scheduling information at 1- 416-869-3200 or visit www.gotran- sit.com. GOVERNMENT: Municipal buildings closed. Metroland's Durham Region Media Group offices will be closed. WHAT'S OPEN, CLOSED ON CIVIC HOLIDAY IN DURHAM DURHAM - fewer fender-bend- ers were documented last year at the regional collision reporting centre, according to a report re- ceived Tuesday by the Durham po- lice services board. The total number of incidents processed at the centre, which al- lows drivers to self-report relative- ly minor collisions, was 4,331 in 2018, down from a total of 4,553 in 2017, according to the report, re- ceived by board members July 16. The centre averages nearly 12 colli- sion reports a day and, with 1,781 processed as of the end of May 2019, is projected to handle a similar number of incidents as last year. The numbers have been trend- ing downward since 2015 - when the centre processed almost 6,400 reports - when "significant" chang- es regarding minimum damage amounts for the process were im- plemented, the report notes. The collision reporting centre handles incidents including acci- dents with combined vehicular damage of $2,000 or greater, fail-to- remain incidents, and crashes in- volving municipal transit vehicles that do not involve injury. Excluded from the centre's mandate are collisions involving injury or death, suspected crimi- nal activity, police officers or po- lice vehicles, vehicles carrying hazardous materials, and large commercial vehicles. On average, it takes about 90 minutes for police to respond to the scene of a minor collision and investigate, the report notes. Self- reporting by drivers frees up offi- cers to respond to more high-prior- ity calls, it said. Other highlights of the report: •The number of charges result- ing from reports processed by Dur- ham surpasses all other reporting centres in the province combined, representing 60 per cent of the gross total •Of the reports handled at the centre, 31.5 per cent originated in Oshawa; Pickering and Ajax ac- counted for 31 per cent. •The Durham centre received an average of 11.87 collision reports a day in 2018, a rate expected to be repeated this year. • The number of registered road vehicles in Durham in 2018 was 472,053, compared with 441,054 in 2014. The number of registered vehicles in the region increases, on average, about one per cent a year. STATS TREND DOWNWARD AT COLLISION REPORTING CENTRE There were fewer fender-benders documented last year at the regional collision reporting centre as the total number of incidents processed at the centre was 4,331 in 2018, down from a total of 4,553 in 2017. Jason Liebregts/Torstar file photo JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com NEWS 7 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 733 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX 905-686-2531 MON-WED/SAT: 9AM-6pM, THURS/FRI: 9AM-7pM SUN AND HOlIDAyS: 10AM-5pM WILD BLUEBERRIES • RASPBERRIES STRAWBERRIES • PEAS • CORN kAWARThA DAIRy ICE CREAm FRE S h O N T A R I OCHERRIES PITTED mONTmORENCy PIE I had a heartwarming one-on-one with a mon- arch butterfly this week. I was out weeding one dewy morning just as the sun came spilling over the spruces into the garden, and must have disturbed it from drying its wings atop a calendula flower. Suddenly this beautiful, bright orange creature went fluttering off right in front of me, looping over the beans, basil and broc- coli, up into the air near the cedars, and then straight back past me, making a beeline for a butterfly bush. It knew where breakfast was be- ing served! No doubt ad- vertised by the intoxicat- ing perfume I'd been en- joying myself. The only flower that smells more heavenly than buddleia is milkweed. Everyone's talking about monarchs these days, wondering how they're doing and cau- tiously hopeful about numbers as they report ones they've seen. There were 472 spotted on the Petroglyphs Butterfly Count in mid-July, for ex- ample. I saw 38 of them, spread out along the nar- row forest access road in my part of the count cir- cle, searching for the few milkweed blooms that weren't shrivelled by the recent dry spell, or late- flowering after our long cold spring. T hanks to all of you who've been asking about, reporting, and especially, planting milkweed for these truly remarkable butterflies. One of whom, Lison MacNeill of Whitby, planted a seed pod last fall, then went out and bought two more milk- weed plants this spring to augment them. "I had some misconcep- tions," she wrote in an email. "I thought I'd need a large patch for the but- terflies to come lay their e ggs on, and that they'd have to be blooming. I was wrong on both counts. Within days I had mon- archs fluttering around them, and then watched in disbelief as a female landed on the leaves and started laying her eggs! T hen I went from ecstatic to panicked, having read that one caterpillar pretty much eats a whole milk- weed plant, and I'd never have enough to feed them all!" We emailed back and forth about solutions, in- cluding taping leaves with e ggs or caterpillars on them to leaves of other milkweed stands in the neighbourhood, or even raising the butterflies in- doors, safe from ants, spi- ders and birds that eat them. Information and advice to be found at mon- archwatch.org. Nature queries: mcar- ney@interlinks.net or 905-725-2116. -Durham nature writ- er Margaret Carney has more than 4,000 species on her life list of birds, many seen in far-flung corners of our beautiful planet. MONARCHS REIGN THIS TIME OF YEAR OPINION NATURE WRITER MARGARET CARNEY ENCOUNTERS A BUTTERFLY IN THE GARDEN MARGARET CARNEY Column GRAND OPENING! Saturday, August 3rd, 2019 10:00AM-3:00PM Brooklin Juice Junction-Ajax location 235 Bayly St W,Unit 6 Ajax | (905) 426-1456 We would like to invite you to the Grand Opening of Brooklin Juice Junction in Ajax. Our mission is to bring healthy juicing,healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle to our customers and community.Come experience high quality ingredients with none of the“bad stuff”. Get $2.00 off ANY A SMOOTHIE BOWL OR ANY SUMMER ITEM Enjoy free samples, food tasting, prizes and meet local vendors. We’ll go the extra mile. No Funeral $1,993 HST Included Co-Ordination, Documentation, Shelter, Transfer of Remains (within 125km of Newcastle, ON), Coroner, Death Registration,Aquamation Fee, HST Celebration of Life $3,067 HST Included Co-ordination, Documentation, Staff, Facilities 3hrs, Transfer of Remains (within 125km radius of Newcastle, ON), Poplar Urn, Guest Book, Coroner, Death Registration,Aquamatioin Fee, HST There’s a reason you should too. We are only 15 minutes East of Oshawa. 2 FamILy OWNed LOCaTIONS TO Serve yOu. 1-877-987-3964 (24 hours) FamILy OWNed & OPeraTed www.cremations.ca morris Funeral Chapel 4 division St, Bowmanville, ON L1C 2Z1 Newcastle Funeral Home 386 mill St S, Newcastle, ON L1B 1C6 Don’t be a LitterBug! Please keep our community clean. dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 8 @cityofpickering CustomerCareCentre905.683.7575(24hourline) customercare@pickering.ca pickering.ca Upcoming Public Meetings Date Meeting/Location Time August14 CommitteeofAdjustment CityHall–CouncilChambers 7:00pm Allmeetingsareopentothepublic. Fordetailscall905.420.2222orvisittheCitywebsite. ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Civic Holiday Hours of Operation CivicComplex(CityHall)905.420.2222 August5 Closed RecreationComplex,Pool&Arena 905.683.6582 August5 Closed DunbartonPool 905.831.1260 August5 Closed DonBeerArena 905.831.1035 August5 Closed EastShoreCommunityCentre 905.420.6588 August5 Closed GeorgeAsheCommunityCentre 905.420.2370 August5 Closed PickeringMuseumVillage 905.683.8401 August5 Closed PickeringPublicLibraries 905.831.6265 August4&5 Closed FREE Party S ummerSkateboardSeries Saturday,August10 1:00-4:00pm DianaPrincessofWalesSkatePark behindPickeringRecComplex AllAgesEventforPickeringResidents! Registrationstartsatnoonforthosewhowant tocompete.3agecategorieswithPrizesfor BestRun&BestTricks. Spectatorswelcome! courtesyof.. . pickering.ca/teen 905.420.4660ext2078 Participantsmustregistertocompete. Museum MasterChef Sunday,August11 2:00pm-4:00pm (lastadmissionat3:00pm) Advanceticketsavailable onlinenow. 905.683.8401 pickeringmuseumvillage.ca Flipped canoe carried by a silhouette Flipped canoe on stand The New ClaremontCanoe VoiceyouropinionaboutthenewTomThomsonCanoelocatedatthe FourCornersinClaremont. Inthenearfuture,thecanoewillreturntothefourcornersto CelebrateClaremontasthebirthplaceofTomThomson. Inorderto preserveandimprovethevisibilityofthecanoe,twooptionshave beenpreparedforyourconsideration. HaveYourSay! • Fillinthe Online Survey availableatpickering.ca/culture; •Call 905.683.2760ext.3606Mon-Fri8:30am-4:30pm; • Visitthe SurveyStation atDr.NelsonF.Tomlinson CommunityCentre. SurveyavailableuntilSunday,August4,2019. 905.683.2760ext.3606 pickering.ca/culture 2019UpcomingSummer Concerts Bringyourlawnchairandgetreadytobe entertainedatourfreefamilyfriendlyconcerts! ThursdayatMillenniumSquareat7:00pm LiverpoolRoadSouth SundayattheGazeboat2:00pm EsplanadePark(behindPickeringCityHall) August1 Vintage,TheBand -Top40 August4 Cruisin -50’s&60’s Schedulesubjecttochange.Notificationswillbepostedonline&onsocialmedia. pickering.ca/greatevents @PickeringEvents Fall2019 CityServices&LeisureGuide Willbeavailableonlineand inCityfacilitiesAugust6. ProgramRegistrationstarts August13forAquaticsand August15forallothers pickering.ca/cityguide The Cityof Pickeringisinviting Canadianartists tocreate, designandsubmitoriginalartwork tobeused foranew Community Banner Program. Usingasingleora varietyofmediums,artistareasked to highlightthe cultural,heritage,anddiversityofthe Cityof Pickeringthroughthetheme:Live,Work,Play,Inspire. A totalof35 Communitybannerswillbeselectedand installedthroughout City Centre. pickering.ca/culture dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 10 1645 Dundas St W Whitby 905-668-7431 starlingpoolsandspa.com sales@starlingpoolsandspa.com Summer Sale Event Save From August 1 ST- 31 ST! 1/2 PRICE Sand Change Service FREE Sand with the purchase of a new filter $100 OFF Hayward EvacPro Automatic Cleaners $100 OFF Hayward Aquarite Salt System $100 OFF Variable Speed Pumps 15% OFF Pool Toys 10% OFF Safety Cover orders placed on or before Sept. 1 Visit the store today for your quote! AJAX - Three guns and more than $50,000 in drugs were seized from an Ajax home. Durham Regional Po- lice Gun and Gang En- forcement Unit executed a search warrant at a home on Fearn Crescent on Thursday, July 25, with as- sistance from the Provin- cial Weapons Enforce- ment Unit and the DRPS Tactical Support Unit. Officers found evidence of drug dealing and later received a second warrant to search a vehicle parked at the home. Seized were a fully-auto- matic pistol, a 9 mm hand- gun, a .22 calibre handgun, along with one kilogram of Xanax and quantities of co- caine, crack cocaine and crystal methamphet- amine. The value of the drugs is estimated at ap- proximately $58,000. Sajjad Wadiwalla, 37, of Fearn Crescent in Ajax, has been charged with im- porting a prohibited de- vice, possession of a pro- hibited device, possessing a prohibited or restricted firearm and possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. He was held for a bail hearing. GUNS, DRUGS SEIZED FROM AJAX HOME Three guns and almost $60,000 in drugs were seized from a home on Fearn Crescent in Ajax on Thursday, July 25. A 37-year-old Ajax man faces several charges in the matter. Durham Regional Police Services photo CRIME 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 119 Consumers Drive,Whitby 905-665-9565 Financing Available www.adornhomeimprovements.ca Paddy’s Market It’s Worth the Drive to Hampton! 2212 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON APPLIANCE WAREHOUSE: 905-263-8369 • 1-800-798-5502 www.PaddysMarket.ca SAVE $700.Regular Price $2,899. 2199 ‡ SAVE $400. Regular Price $1,699. 1299 ‡ SAVE $400. Regular Price $1,299. 899 ‡ SAVE $350. Regular Price $2,349. 1999 ‡ SAVE $400. Regular Price $1,399. 999 ‡ SAVE $750. Regular Price $2,748. 1998 ‡ PAIR SAVE $350. Regular Price $1,648. 1298 ‡ PAIR SAVE $550. Regular Price $1,948. 1398 ‡ PAIR Dryer Sale Price $599.Washer Sale Price $699.Dryer Sale Price $649.Washer Sale Price $749. Dryer Sale Price $949.Washer Sale Price $1,049. DURHAM - The region has a new commissioner of social services. Stella Danos-Papacon- tantinou has been appoint- ed to the position effective Sept. 3. She replaces Dr. Hugh Drouin, who retired at the end of June. "It's with great pleasure that I announce the ap- pointment of Stella Danos- Papaconstantinou as com- missioner of social servic- es," said Elaine Baxter- Trahair, chief administra- tive officer. "Stella is recog- nized as a consummate professional, collaborator and a strong leader. She will be a great addition to the social services depart- ment and our senior lead- ership team." Danos-Papaconstanti- nou has more than 15 years of formal leadership expe- rience in the human ser- vices sector. She is current- ly the director of communi- ty access (which includes access to Ontario Works, child-care fee subsidy and homelessness programs) for Peel Region. "I am very excited for the opportunity to work at the Region of Durham," she said in a statement. "The social services department is inclusive of the pro- grams and services that are essential to helping people in the community thrive. My passion for this work stems from my own personal and professional experiences. I look forward to sharing those experienc- es and learning from oth- ers, as we continue to build on the department's com- mitment to long-standing excellence in our region." The social services de- partment oversees such programs and services as affordable housing and homelessness initiatives, diversity within the com- munity, early learning and child care, family services, financial empowerment and poverty reduction ef- forts, income and employ- ment support, and long- term care and services for seniors. NEW SOCIAL SERVICES COMMISSIONER APPOINTED IN DURHAM Stella Danos- Papaconstantinou COUNCIL dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 12 following a special council meeting where a memo- randum of understanding (MOU) with owners of the Pickering Town Centre was unanimously en- dorsed. The mayor told council the redeveloped down- town core will attract more developments to Pickering. "We're looking at a very bright future for Picker- ing," he said. "We're creat- ing something special here. We're creating a leg- acy. This is a legacy. This is something we can all be proud of." Under the MOU, Picker- ing Town Centre owners OPB Realty will take own- ership of the city's proper- ty on the Esplanade South, east of Glenanna Road, for residential development with a commercial compo- nent. The Esplanade South property is currently used as a parking lot and is the site of a seasonal farmers market. The city will "come up with a plan" for the farmers market, said chief administrative offi- cer Tony Prevedel. The Pickering Town Centre will convey title of each parcel of land for the city's new buildings and underground parking for $1 each, and in turn the city will convey owner- ship of the Esplanade South property for $1. The city is responsible for all construction costs of its new facilities, but there will be cost-sharing among property owners for relocation of hard ser- vices and oversizing pipes. Construction will be single-sourced to OPB Re- alty. Prevedel said the company, and mall man- agement Cushman and Wakefield, has experience working closely with big contractors and has "stronger buying power." It's expected that the city's share of revenue he said, and operational costs budgeted in 2023 and 2024 will impact the tax levy at an estimated 1.24 per cent each year. In any of the scenarios, there will be sufficient ca- sino revenue to fund the project with "zero or mini- mal impact" on taxpayers for capital costs, he said. Prevedel said Picker- ing's new casino will still be competing with the Ajax casino. "We don't know how many eggs we'll get," he said, noting people will be drawn to the new Picker- ing casino when it opens but they might return to Ajax. "We're going to make money, no question." The city's plans include arranging the new build- ings around a public square that will become a focal point for community activity. Portions of Gle- nanna Road can be closed off to create a massive g athering space, used for festivals and special events, such as a Christ- mas market and Asian- style night market. Facili- ties will be connected with walkways for pedestrians, and a bridge link is planned between the li- brary and seniors centre. The new three-storey library will be larger than the existing library and will include a roof terrace. The current library adja- cent to city hall will be used for an expansion of the city's administrative offices. The performing arts centre will have a 600-seat theatre with world-class acoustics, a 5,000-square- foot lobby with concession area, and will include a multi-purpose room, classroom and practice space to support arts pro- gramming, education and private rentals. The combined seniors and youth centre will be two storeys with 63,000 square feet, and will in- clude two full-sized gyms, three multi-purpose activ- ity rooms and a full-ser- vice kitchen. The youth centre will include a com- bined computer and mul- timedia games room. A slender 50-storey residen- tial tower is planned on top of the seniors/youth centre. The East Shore Com- munity Centre is slated to close with the opening of the new seniors' centre, which will give the city ad- ditional savings in opera- tional costs. The MOU with OPB Re- alty endorsed by council is not a binding contract, but is the basis for negotiating binding contracts detail- ing all aspects of design, construction and costs. Binding agreements will be taken to council for ap- proval. Staff will be reporting back to council regularly on the project over the next three years, said Pre- vedel. "This is the biggest pro- ject we've ever undertak- en," he said. Following the meeting, Ryan said the project will follow the planning pro- cess and will be fine-tuned with details such as park- ing ratios. There will be "minimal" debt load to the city due to casino revenue, and tax revenue will in- crease with more business being attracted to Picker- ing, he said. The treasurer's report, the mayor added, "took a cautious perspective, which is appropriate." THE ISSUE: THE CITY OF PICKERING AND OWNERS OF THE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO CREATE A NEW, VIBRANT DOWNTOWN CORE. LOCAL IMPACT: THE OPENING OF THE DURHAM LIVE CASINO AND REVENUE TO THE CITY MEANS THE CONSTRUCTION COSTS OF NEW DOWNTOWN FACILITIES ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE LITTLE IMPACT ON TAXPAYERS. Continued from page 3 PICKERING CASINO REVENUE TO FUND DOWNTOWN BUILDING COSTS from the upcoming Dur- ham Live casino on Bayly Street will fund construc- tion of the library, se- niors/youth centre and performing arts centre, along with underground parking and related land- scaping and servicing costs. The total estimated cost is $124 million. City treasurer and di- rector of finance Stan Kar- wowski gave council vari- ous cost breakdowns, based on worst-case, best- case and most likely sce- narios. His report noted there are current un- known factors, including available federal grants and the impact Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choice Act, will have on develop- ment charges. Under his "most likely" scenario, the project will mean Pickering will have a debt per capita of $1,548, one of the highest in the Greater Toronto Area. But casino revenue will "basi- cally fund" capital and debt costs of the project, NEWS Artist's rendering of Pickering's new downtown. Drawings courtesy of Cushman and Wakefield STORY BEHIND THE STORY Pickering’s plans to create a new downtown core initially included redeveloping the property east of Glenanna Road on Esplanade South, currently used as a parking lot. But the closure of Sears stores in Canada in 2017 opened up a new opportunity with the Pickering Town Centre to include mall property in the vision. 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m READERS’CHOICEAWARD Diamond 2018 Voted #1 Company 8 years in a row www.ajaxroofing.com Roof Damaged by Hail? Wind? Worn Out? Call for a FREE ESTIMATE We’re Got You Covered! RepaiRRepaiR AJAX RoofingRoofing & (905) 427-2116 Visit a Durham location near you! When you buy a Blizzard’ Treat on Miracle Treat Day, Durham DQ’ locations will donate net proceeds to the local Children’s Miracle Network’ member hospital. Save $12.00 off per couple On Friday’s & Saturday’s in August ..with this coupon Save $12.00 Herongate Barn Dinner Theatre 905-472-3085 www.herongate.com Save $12.00Save $12.00 Laugh & Scream with us Genuinely Brilliant! ‘Its the Perfect Summer Comedy DURHAM - An external electrical trip caused a carbon monoxide exceedance at the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC). Durham Region reported that the ex- ceedance happened on Saturday, July 20, when CO levels reached 55 mg/Rm3 (mil- ligrams per reference cubic metre). The limit is 40 mg/Rm3 under the region's envi- ronmental compliance approval (ECA). All other emissions were in compli- ance, the region added. The exceedance happened during an external electrical power trip and oc- curred during the recovery effort. The ex- ceedance occurred in Boiler #2 while it was being taken off-line. Boiler #1 was back online July 21, and Boiler #2 was back online July 22. The incinerator is now per- forming within the requirements of the ECA. Under the ECA, if an emission goes over a limit, the region has to let the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Spills Action Centre know - which was in the early morning of Sunday, July 21, the region noted. For more information on the Durham York Energy Centre, visit www.Durha- mYorkWaste.ca, call 1-800-667-5671 or email info@durhamyorkwaste.ca. DURHAM INCINERATOR EXCEEDS CO LIMITS NEWS DURHAM - Five organizations in the Re- gion are receiving funding to jump-start programs for children with disabilities. The five are among 40 groups across Canada to receive money through the 2019 Para Sport Jumpstart Fund, the Canadian Paralympic Committee and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, with about $800,000 being handed out. The Abilities Centre in Whitby is receiv- ing funding for its Girls Engaged in Multi- Sport (GEMS) Program. The program is for girls 11 to 15 years to help them build and instil confidence in their skills and abili- ties, provide a quality sport environment, and encourage participants to continue in- to community programming. Grandview Children's Centre in Osha- wa is getting money for its Para Sports Ad- ventures, which will give up to 50 children with physical disabilities the opportunity to experience boccia, wheelchair basket- ball, sitting volleyball and baseball with qualified instructors and coaches. The Pickering Soccer Club will use its funding for its All Abilities Program - Let Them Play, which will give 175 kids with disabilities the opportunity to participate in a 14-week session to develop soccer skills. WindReach Farm in Ashburn is getting money for its Get Outside! Program and funding will be used to expand the farm's offerings to children ages nine to 25 with disabilities, including day visits for schools, weekly sessions for summer camp and a year-round after-school program. The Township of Uxbridge Recreation Department is receiving funding for its Durham Otters Special Olympics Team, which provides para-swimming instruc- tion to youth with physical and intellectual disabilities. Since being created in 2013, the Para Sport Jumpstart Fund has distributed more than $2.5 million, helping more than 7,000 youths and 90 groups. FIVE DURHAM GROUPS RECEIVE PARASPORT FUNDING AJAX - Police are releasing few details about what's being described as a drug in- vestigation involving heavily-armed RCMP officers Monday evening in Ajax. The incident was caught on video and posted to Twitter. It showed several cops wearing tactical-style uniforms and clutching rifles trooping across a drive- way on Ravenscroft Road and converging on a home next door. One of the officers in the video, which has since been taken down, was toting a large chainsaw. Durham police acknowledged being alerted to a RCMP drug investigation in the area. RCMP Cpl. Louise Savard said Tuesday morning that details about the operation are not immediately being released. "There's an investigation ongoing," Sa- vard said. "We're not releasing any details until the person is charged." RCMP PROVIDING NO DETAILS ON AJAX DRUG BUST PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Try our Farm Boy ™Tandoori Flattened Chicken! Full of flavour, we’ve removed the breast bone and back bone for faster cooking and easier carving. Other varieties available including plain for you to season with your favourite rub. 499 /lb 11.00/kg TENDER & DEL ICIO US IN LESS TIME! THISIS TYPE1DIABETES HARDTOLOOKAT? IMAGINEHOW THECHILDFEELS Jamieson,age7 DONATETODAY charleshbest.com Werecognizethephysical andemotionalneedsof childrenwithtype1diabetes andtheirfamiliesface.With thisinmind,weprovide exceptionalservicesthat educate,empowerand embraceourpatients. ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com. PICKERING - A 16-year- old is facing charges after a teen was stabbed at a beach party in Pickering. A pair of teens got into an altercation, resulting in one being stabbed, Dur- ham regional police re- port. The incident happened on Saturday, July 27 at about 12:05 a.m. on Beach- point Promenade and West Shore Boulevard. The victim, a 17-year- old, was taken to a Toron- to-area hospital with seri- ous, but non-life threaten- ing injuries. The suspect fled prior to police arrived, but offi- cers located him nearby. He was arrested. The suspect has been charged with aggravated assault, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace, carrying a concealed weapon and failing to comply. He was held for a bail hearing. CRIME TEEN CHARGED IN PICKERING STABBING The Town of Ajax will be completing renovations at the Ajax Community Cen- tre until Aug. 2, 2019. The renovation work includes the re- placement of the Pad 1 Olympic ice rink surface and the rubber skate flooring asso- ciated with the pad one and two change rooms and hallway. Equipment will be onsite to facilitate the construction work. The ground floor and second-floor hallways associated with pad one and two will be closed for the dura- tion of the work. The town anticipates isolated periods of noise and smell disruptions to facility us- ers. Every attempt will be made to mini- mize the disturbances. COMMUNITY WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE WHAT’SGOINGON WONDERING WHAT'S GOING ON SOMEWHERE IN YOUR COMMUNITY? VISIT DURHAMREGION.COM Ryan Pfeiffer/Torstar Please keep our community clean! 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Sikorski Smoked Capicolla Baleron Sikorski Juniper Sausage Ser Gouda Wedzony Polish Smoked Gouda Cheese Harvest Creek Smoked Chicken Carvers Choice Bacon 375g $3 99 order $5 59 order $559 order $399 order $499 order $399 order $499 lb $399 ea $1299 lb $799 lb$599 lb $1499 ea $1699 ea $132 100g $110 100g $176 100g $275 100g Vegetable Fried Rice Reg:$4.99 Bombay Chicken Reg:$7.59 $559 order $229 order $1 99 order $2 29 order Mini Almond Cookie Dempster's Bread 675gH&A Cheese Cake $199 ea $459 ea $2 49 ea NEW NEW NEW Honey Garlic Chicken Reg:$7.59 Deep Fried Tofu/ Eggplant Stuffed With Shrimp 4Pcs Reg:$3.39 Dry Shrimp Rice Rolls Reg:$3.99 BBQ Duck Reg:$19.99 Chicken Feet w/ Chu Hou Sauce Reg:$2.99 Eggplant in Yu Heung Sauce Reg:$4.99 Salt & Pepper Fish Fillet Reg:$7.59 Sweet & Sour Pork Reg:$6.99 Shanghai Noodles Reg:$4.99 Cut No Cut Limit 50 /Day WOW $199 ea Lychee Green tea with Tapioca (s) Strawberry Ice Crash (s)California Roll Reg:$3.99 Boat A (26pcs) Reg:$14.99 Boat B (52pcs) Reg:$25.99 $2 99 order $2299 order $1299 order $199 ea $379 lb $4 97 lb Marinated Pakistani Style BBQ Chicken Legs/ Whole Chicken/Beef Keema Available Now $799 lb $5 99 lb $799 lb Nowweserve100%handSlaughtered. Halalchickenlamb,goat,beefandveal HMA Halal Extra Lean Ground Beef Reg:$6.99 Halal Ontario Spring Lamb Shoulder Reg:$8.99 Halal Ontario Baby Goat Shoulder Reg:$9.99 Halal Medium Ground Beef Reg:$4.99 Halal AA Canada Beef Short Ribs Reg:$9.99 Halal Frozen AA Beef Ox Tail Reg:$6.99 Halal Frozen Baby Lamb Shank Reg:$6.99 $5 49 lb $5 99 lb $397 lb More I n f o r m a t i o n Contact Sameer More in store special. 905-421-8899 $4 49 lb Halal Ontario Spring Lamb Leg Reg:$9.99 AAAA $299 lb Halal Veal Shoulder with Bone Reg:$4.49 Halal Veal Shank with Bone Reg:$4.99 We take orders for qurbani lamb goat. Oven Roast Chicken & Cheese Croissant Reg:$2.49 Sweet Chili Chicken Teriyaki Salad Reg:$4.49 Previously Frozen Milk Fish Fresh Halibut Steak Fresh Yellow Tail Snapper Fresh Lane Snapper $199 lb $399 lb $349 ea $149 ea $3 99 lb $999 lb Doritos Chips 255g Reg:$4.19 Regent Sweet Corn & Cheese Ring 60gReg:$0.99 Fruite Fruit Drink Series 2L Reg:$1.99 Alcan Aluminum Foil 25'30cmx7.62m Reg:$2.59 Ocho Rios Fruit Juice 473ml Reg:$1.29 Coolooche Fig Cookies 300g Reg:$3.99 $199 ea Diana Sauce BBQ Sauce Series 500ml Reg:$3.99 Caribbean Delight Boned Salted Alaskan Pollock Fillets 312g Reg:$2.99 Cedar Chick Peas & Dark Red Kidney Beans 540ml Reg:$1.29 $1 29 ea Sappe Mogu Mogu Drink Series 6x320ml Reg:$5.99 Kababayan Special Palabok 454g Reg:$2.29 77¢ ea 88¢ ea 88¢ ea 88¢ ea $199 ea $299 ea $199 ea $129 ea $168 ea $188 ea Peardrax Drink 1L Reg:$5.99 Oh! Ricey Rice Noodles 500g Reg:$2.59 $299 ea $399 pk 59¢ ea Mi ABC Fried Noodle Series 70gx5 Reg:$2.29 Avoine Croquante (Raisins) 505g Reg:$4.99 Dil Se Series Assorted Spices 200g Reg:$1.99 Britannia Milk Rusks 560g Reg:$2.99 88¢ ea 3 $1for 2 $5for Chubby Soda Drink Series 250ml Reg:$0.79 $3599 case 180pcs Xtra Large White Eggs 88¢ lb $359 lb $299 lb $599 ea By Air Fresh RambutanFresh Seedless Table Grape Fresh Sour SopFresh Yellow Peach Fresh Mangosteen Caribbean Gold Coconut Water 473ml Reg:$3.29 Clearwater Arctic Surf Clams 400g Reg:$8.99 $159 lb $199 lb $159 lb $299 lb $2300 case $3800 bag Fresh Bunch Spinach Fresh Head lettuce Head lettuce Fresh Beet Fresh Organic GingerFresh Flat BeanFresh Taiwan Bok Choy Fresh Genip Gourmet King Vegetable Spring Rolls 10x1000g $2999 case Breyers Ice Cream Series 1.66L Reg:$4.99 Black Diamond Cheese Slices 450g Reg:$3.99 Oasis Assorted Fruite Juice 1.75L Reg:$3.29 Kababayan Hasa Hasa (Indian mackerel) 450g Reg:$2.99 Krinos Fillo Mini Rolls Series 454g Reg:$3.99 Tropical Yuca Frozen Cassava 1.75kg Reg:$6.99 WhileQuantitiesLast 69¢ lb 2 $199 for 2 $3for 2 $199 for 2 $488 for 2 $488 for 2 $5for Fresh Beef Shank Bone In 50lb Large Onion $288 ea $299 ea Pinoy Delight Lumpia 450g Reg:$4.99 Top Chef Raw Pacific White Shrimp 30/40 400g Reg:$8.99 $599 ea $299 ea $168 lb $499 ea $398 lb $198 lb Fresh Lean Ground Chicken Frozen Mutton Leg 2 $7for $399 lb dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 18 Call 905-239-0262 to RSVP or drop by! Sunday,August 11 •2pm – 4pm Joinusforour Car Show Join us for an exciting afternoon! Browse over 20 vintage cars and enjoy a live band playing 1950’s style entertainment. Lunch will be available for purchase. All proceeds will go to Habitat for Humanity. Westney Gardens 1010 Westney Rd N, Ajax 905-239-0262 • reveraliving.com While world leaders take this moment to show how much more enlightened they are than President Donald Trump, after his comments regarding four congresswomen, I'd en- courage our prime minis- ter to mind his own back- yard. "That is not how we do things in Canada. A Cana- dian is a Canadian, is a Ca- nadian, and the diversity of our country is actually a source of one of our great- est strengths and a source of tremendous resilience and pride for Canadians, and we will continue to de- fend that." All right. Well, how about defending it here and now with that unruly child known as Quebec? It recently passed Bill 21 - their secularism bill - that bans civil servants from wearing religious symbols while on the job and has enacted the notwithstand- ing clause to uphold it. This is a fascinating move since Quebec consid- ers itself sovereign. Yet it has called upon a provision within the Canadian con- stitution to discriminate against people on the basis of religion. Oh, the irony of it all! "It's a big decision. But sometimes, in order to pro- tect collective rights, we have to use it," said Quebec Premier François Legault referring to the clause. "I think we have to protect our collective identity." But in the midst of pro- tests and legal challenges, I'll ask Dr. Phil's famous question, "How's that working for ya?" Quebec has railed against religion for so long that I think it's become tone deaf to the in- dividuals caught in the cross hairs. Legault further stated, "To separate religion and politics is important in Quebec," but in its preoccu- pation to do this, the gov- ernment has failed to rec- ognize that this is actually separating the province, which is not just composed of umpteenth-generation Quebecers, but new immi- grants looking for a home. And perhaps that's the real issue. La Belle Province is in- deed just that, but the ugli- ness of underlying elitism, racism, separatism and dis- crimination has the poten- tial to not only mar Quebec, but Canada as a whole. So when the prime min- ister says, "We have a strong Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guaran- tees freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and we will certainly ensure that our views are well known and defend Canadi- ans rights," I trust these aren't just words or politi- cal posturing from a prime minister who both repre- sents a riding in Quebec and is depending upon the vote of new Canadians in the upcoming election. If you mean it, stop it before it finds a new way to divide our nation. Renae Jarrett lives in Durham, loves Canada and is passionate about truth in current affairs. She can be reached at: asrjseesit@gmail.com CANADA'S UNRULY CHILD STRIKES AGAIN OPINION COLUMNIST RENAE JARRETT SAYS OUR PRIME MINISTER SHOULD STAND UP FOR OUR CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS RENAE JARRETT Column 19 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 20 free professional buyer service: • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more informed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortgage rates and saving programs, plus much more - Call today!! WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated *For Dollar Volume 2017 **For Dollar Volume 2018 ***According to a study of MLS data prepared by an independent auditor for Real Estate Stats for 2015,2016, 2017 & 2018. Frank leo & aSSociateS BRokER Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation •#1 in ToronTo (Central, East and West Combined) By Units of listings Sold For All Brokers and Sales representatives for All Companies*** •#1 rE/MAx TEAM in onTArio ** •#2 rE/MAx TEAM in CAnAdA ** •#5 rE/MAx TEAM World WidE** Led by the •#1 IndIvIdual Re/Max agent In the WoRld * SPECTACULAR MARKHAM VILLAGE BOUTIQUE COLLECTION Custom Modern Home Filled With Curb Appeal And Surrounded By Scenic Views. Never Lived-In 5 Bed, 5 Bath Smart Home Featuring Soaring 10’ Ceilings On Main. Cedar Deck Off Kitchen, Balcony Off Master, W/O To Private Yard, Chef’s Kitchen With High-End Appliances. Professionally DesignedAnd Decorated. Security Package Included. ChooseYour Finishes. $2,1 0 0 , 0 0 0 GORGEOUS CUSTOM BUILT 2 STOREY 3500 Sq Ft On Large Lot In Coveted St.Andrew’sAreaAt Bayview/ York Mills! Rare Legal 2 Brdm Suite off Main Multi-generational home. Gourmet Chef’s Kitchen. Large Master Retreat, Huge Entertainer’s Basement with Inlaw potential. Exquisite Finishes. No Neighbours Behind. Top Schools. Incredible Value! $2,3 3 8 , 0 0 0 UPPER BEACHES DETACHED Stunning3bedroomFamilyhomeinHighlyDesirableBowmoreSchool District. Modern open concept living room, Hardwood throughout, Custom Kitchen with island and granite counters,beautiful back deck overlooking huge backyard. Steps to Woodbine Station! $950 , 0 0 0 LUXURIOUS, ENERGY-EFFICIENT, CUSTOM HOME Professionally Designed and Decorated. Approx 6,000 sqft of Living Space Perfect for Entertaining. Marble Foyer, Chef’s Kitchen, Large Island, High-End Appliances. Glass Encased Wine Rm, Hardwood and Millwork Thru-out. 10’ Main, 9’ Upper, Crown Moulding, Coffered Ceiling, Master Retreat w/ Dressing Rm, Elevator Lift! The list goes on. $2,7 8 9 , 0 0 0 CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY MASTERPIECE Modern 5 bdrm, 6 bthrm spectacular home built on extra wide 65’ lot facing park. Chef’s kitchen w/ hi-end appliances 10’ ceilings main level. Smart home with leak detect/prevent technology. Professionally designed and decorated (can choose interior finishes). Security package & much more! $2,1 0 0 , 0 0 0 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS!! Detached 3 Bedroom brick Bungalow In Convenient Toronto Neighbourhood. New Roof, Separate Entrance to Basement. 3 Car Parking On Quiet Street With Detached Oversized Garage. Short Bus ride To Subway, close to 401 SOLD IN 1WK FOR 104% OF ASKING!! ANO THER SOLD SUPERB LOCATION!! Charming & Spacious 3+2 Bedroom Bungalow W/Loft In Prime Thornhill Location!! Beautifully Updated Kitchen W/Granite, Open Concept Living/Dining, Separate Family Room, Master LoftW/Ensuite & Balcony Overlooking Backyard,Inground Pool, Separate Entrance To Basement Apartment! Amazing Value $1,2 8 8 , 0 0 0 TWO RECREATIONAL LOTS - 114 ACRES Potential To Build Your Dream Executive Estate Or Weekend Retreat, With Miles Of Trails, just 35 minutes to Toronto. Great Spring Trout And Fall Salmon Fishing On Graham Creek Which Runs Through The Property. Abundant Wildlife Including Deer, Rabbit,Turkey, and Grouse. $849 , 0 0 0 INCOME OPPORTUNITY Clean 4-Level Backsplit With 4 Bedrooms & 3 Baths. Large Principal Rooms, Renovated Kitchen/Bath Upper Unit, 2nd Kitchen In Basement Set-upAs 2 Bedroom In-Law SuiteWithWalk-outTo Deck Overlooking Quiet School Yard. Rent Out To Pay Down Your Mortgage Fast! SOLD FAST FOR 113% OF ASKING!! $2,3 0 0 , 0 0 0 CUSTOM BUILT HOME IN EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBOURHOOD Mins To Downtown. Ravine Lot Leading To Rouge River. 62.5’ Wide Premium Lot With Privacy From All Sides. High-End Finishes Made For Any Taste. Over 5500 Sqf Finished Living Space. Contemporary Styled Architecture With Only The Highest Quality Materials. Built By Reputable Builder With 30 Years Experience. Full Tarion Warranty. Able To Build To Suit Buyer’s Needs. SUPER VALUE Detach Fully renovated bungalow with 3+3 bedrooms, 3 new kitchens, 3 new washrooms, new hardwood floors, separate entrance to basement, steps to TTC,close to all amenities in Ideal Location. $999 , 0 0 0 INCREDIBLE VALUE IN BLUE GRASS MEADOWS Spacious Ranch Style 3 bedroom Bungalow On Corner Lot! Large living room, Separate Entrance to Basement Rec Room with heated floors and wet bar. 2 car garage, Interlock drive, across from school and greenbelt. Perfect Family home or renovated to taste! $624 , 9 0 0 LAKESIDE CUSTOM BUILD!! Fabulous Custom-Built, 2-Storey Home Situated On 75’ x 150’ Lot In Desirable Oak Ridges! This Property Features Over 5,000 S/F Of Living Space, Oversize Kitchen W/Granite Counters, Open Concept Family Room, Master W/5Pc Ensuite, Finished Basement Apartment W/Sep Entrance & Much More!! $1,4 8 8 , 0 0 0 AWARD WINNING HILL TOP ESTATE “Chateau-esque”designed 5,000+ square foot home centred atop 50 private acres. The views from this secluded kingdom offer endless vistas of field, forest, pond, lake & city. Unparalleled character and quality where old world traditions meet modern luxuries! Too much to list, an absolute must see!! $2,8 5 0 , 0 0 0 IDEAL COMMUTER OPPORTUNITY!! Mature Coveted Location on a Quiet Street. Quaint 3-bedroom detached home is move in ready. Under 10minutes to 407/401 & under 15 to the Oshawa Go. Finished basement. Walk out to deck & large private fully fenced back yard. $524 , 9 0 0 PARK / LAKE ONTARIO VIEWS!! Rare Opportunity To Own 3+1 Bedroom, 3 Bath Bungalow Facing Park And Lake Ontario. Move-in Or Renovate, & Enjoy The beautifull Views. Large Principal Rooms. Eat-in Kitchen With Walkout To Enclosed Sunroom/Deck. Double Car Garage. $999 , 0 0 0 ABSOLUTE SHOWPIECE Gorgeous 2500 sq ft,3 plus 1 bdrm,4 bath detached,bungaloft on huge lot. Quiet private court setting. Incredible sprawling layout with great room with 18’ ceiling and gas fireplace, massive basement with separate entrance to In-law Suite. Heated pool, double garage. Move in and live the life! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD ANO THER SOLD GORGEOUS 4 BEDROOM Approx 2900 sqft on premium corner lot. 3 Large Bedrooms, 3 baths, master ensuite with upgraded Jacuzzi tub & shower jets. 9ft main floor ceilings,huge kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances, island and large eat-in breakfast area. Oak stairs, maple hardwood floors & California shutters throughout. Backyard overlooking green space & pond. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD 21 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES: www.GetLeo.com Call Today 416-917-LION (5466) and Start Packing! Guaranteed Home SellinG SyStem EAST ****Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo FREE Confidential Home Evaluations. SELL Your Home FASTER and for MORE MONEY! •Your Home Advertised 24 Hours a Day Until Sold • Your Home Advertised to Millions on www.GetLeo.com • Learn the Secrets of Selling your Home, without ineffective Open Houses • Your Home Listed in Full Colour Print Ads Until It’s Sold • Our team of Professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker • Get up to $10,000 no interest for 60 days**** • Total service guarantee in writing • Your Home Sold Guaranteed, or I’ll Buy it**** • Competitive Rates, Exceptional service • Award Winning Results! • In Depth Neighbourhood Report for each Property We Sell ULTRA RARE PENTHOUSE OPPORTUNITY Gorgeous Unobstructed West View from 112sqft.Open Balcony! Extremely Spacious and Meticulously Maintained 2 Bedroom plus Den Split Lay out Boasting 10ft. Ceilings and Open Concept 1437sqft. With too many Luxurious finishes to mention. 2 1/2 Bath, 2 Car Tandem Parking. Once in a lifetime Opportunity! $879 , 9 0 0 GORGEOUS HOME, STEPS TO LAKE/BLUFFS An artistic delight! 3bd + office (4th bd) 4 bath on rare 55 X 137ft lot. Reno’d thru-out. Custom kitchen w/granite + stainless steel appls. Open concept living rm. Amazing cottage rm w/walk-out to fenced yard. Master suite w/cathedral ceiling + 3pc ensuite. Separate entry to finished bsmt. Unbelievable home + location! $999 , 9 0 0 EXECUTIVE ESTATE ON 2.2 ACRE RAVINE LOT Large custom built 4 Bedroom. Rarely available exclusive quiet court. Spacious eat-in kitchen with quartz counters + walk-out to breathtaking backyard. Huge family rm with fireplace. Separate dining room. Sunken living room with fireplace. Main floor den. Hardwood floors thru-out. Huge finished basement. 3 car garage. Country setting close to all conveniences and 404! $1,8 4 9 , 9 0 0 DREAM TURN-KEY HOBBY FARM Fully Functional 10 Acre Horse Farm With 6 Paddocks, Outdoor Arena, New 48’ x 32’ Barn W/ Room For 8 Stalls. Renovated 3 Bedroom Bungalow Over 2000 Sq Ft. Finished Rec Room With 4th Bedroom and Bath. Sauna Included! Nothing Left To Do! $1,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 GATED COMMUNITY PENTHOUSE SUITE Immaculately Kept, Bright and Spacious split 2 Bedroom Design, Combined Living/ Dining Room With walkout to balcony, Includes 16,000sqft Swan ClubhouseWith private lake,pools,tennis courts, gym. Parking and Locker Included. Live the life!! $649 , 9 0 0 AMAzING OPPORTUNITY! Fantastic bungalow on HUGE premium pie shaped lot! Just freshly painted w/ new light fixtures,beautiful renovated kitchen w/ quartz counters, breakfast bar & eat-in area. Upgrades in all bathrms, crown moulding & pot lights. 3 br bsmt apartment w/ Fire door & fire insulation between floors, hardwired fire alarms w/ sep ent perfect for investment.. Close to top rated schools. Mins to GO stn, hwys, parks & 1 bus to subway! SOLD FOR 104% OF ASKING!! EXCELLENT VALUE & LOCATION Stroll to CedarValley Conservation. Minutes to Durham College/UOIT. Jeffery Home on Pie Shaped Lot in Mature neighbourhood close to Public/Private Schools & all amenities. 3+1 Bedroom with Family Eat-In Kitchen. Walkout to Fenced backyard. SOLD FOR 102% OF ASKING!! ANOTHER SOLD STUNNING LOT ON CUL-DE-SAC Lovely 4bd 3bath on huge 100x150ft lot in Thornhill. Large eat-in kitchen with walk-out to yard. Open concept living/dining. Main flr den. Finished bsmt. Inground pool. 3 car garage. Quiet secluded street. Amazing location close to Go Train and future Subway! $1,4 9 9 , 9 0 0 BACKSPLIT WITH WALKOUT BASEMENT 3 Bedroom with Open concept living and dining room, hardwood flooring throughout, eat-in kitchen, wood burning fireplace, basement with separate entrance, easy access to 401, transit. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD BRAND NEW!! Never Lived In 2 bdrm, 2 bath, open concept living area, Granite Counters, Stainless Steel Appliances, Laminate Floors. Includes 1 Parking and Locker, Steps To Elevator, South West Views. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD GORGEOUS PIE SHAPED RAVINE LOT Beautiful 2 Storey on Child Friendly Court,Walking Distance To School And All Amenities. Thousands Spent on Renos. Massive Open Concept Kitchen. Large Family Room Overlooking Ravine, Finished basement with High Ceilings, and so much more!! SOLD FOR 100% OF ASKING! ANOTHER SOLD ELEGANT MASTERPIECE Open concept layout, 20ft soaring ceiling in living room, formal dining room,coffered ceiling,Spectacular kitchen with center island & stainless steel appliances, office, 5 bedrooms, 4 car garage, shows to perfection! $2,0 9 8 , 8 0 0 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOFT!! Fabulous,LuxuryHomeLocatedInHighlyDesirableNeighbourhood!! Amazing Layout, Separate Living and Dining Rooms, Large Kitchen With BreakfastArea,Family RoomWith 17’ Ceiling,Master Bedroom With Ensuite & Double-Sided Fireplace, 2nd Floor Bedroom & Open Loft Area + Much More! Must Be Seen! $929 , 9 0 0 PORT UNION PARADISE Traditional 4 bdrm home perched above street grade on a large 90’x150’ lot. Stunning Landscaped backyard; lush, flower-filled & mature trees provide ultimate privacy. Layered stone & wood decking, & pristine in ground Betz pool. Great location close to excellent Schools! $1,1 0 0 , 0 0 0 SPACIOUS EXECUTIVE TOWNHOME Stunning & Bright 2130 sqft 3 bedroom, 4bath. Large kitchen with breakfast area + walkout to huge 19X11ft terrace. Open concept with gorgeous hardwood floors. Huge master with 4pc ensuite + big walkin closet. Professionally finished family room with separate entry, is a self-contained living space. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ENTERTAINER’S DREAM HOME High-Quality Updated Home With Plenty Of Space For Any Entertainer’s Guests. 3 Beds, 3 Baths. Family Room With Wetbar + Walk-Out To Backyard Oasis. Concrete Pool, Tiki Bar, Fully Landscaped, Complete With Privacy And Shade. Basement Rec Area With Wet Bar, Full Bath,Wet/Dry Sauna & Lots Of Storage. Close To 401, Great Schools & Transit. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD CUSTOM MASTERPIECE ON 15 ACRES Beautiful 5-bedroom home with Spectacular open concept Great room &Eat-in Kitchen. Stunning Helical Staircase. 3 car garage. Tranquil wooded/cleared land just north of Pickering Town Centre. Nature at your backdoor! $1,8 9 9 , 9 0 0 OUTSTANDING VALUE OPPORTUNITY 3792 Sqft Home with extra 1500 Sqft Bsmnt in-Law Suite. 4+2 bedrooms, 5 Baths total. Two Master Bedrooms, Main floor office. Massive Kitchen with Oak Cabinets, Stainless Steel Appliances & Quartz Counters, steel roof, updated Hi-Eff Furnace, Ac + Vynyl Windows, Relaxing landscaped private backyard. Located in Premium Neighbourhood close to Go + Grat Schools. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! TWO VACANT LOTS Site-Plan Approved Vacant Lots Ready For Builder To Start Construction On High-Demand Ravine Property. All Approvals Granted, Only Registration Required. Build Up To 6000 Sqf Homes Both With Walk-Out Basements. No Need To Wait, Seller Ready To Close So Construction Can Start This Year. $1,0 5 0 , 0 0 0 TRULY UNIQUE DESIGN Completely Renovated Bungalow. Over $150k In Recent Renos.Taken Back To Studs, Re-Insulated, Re-Designed and being Sold With New Custom Layout. Bsmt Re-Engineered With City Permits. Easy To Convert To Legal Duplex. Right Next Door To Park. See It To Believe It! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! MULTI-USE OPPORTUNITY Demand Location Near Subway. Opportunity For Builder/ Investors. 50 X 104 Ft Severable Lot. Build 2 Homes. Or Brick Bungalow With Detached Garage and Separate Entrance To Basement. Live-In And Build In Future Or Rent Out. SOLD FAST FOR 102% OF ASKING!! ANOTHER SOLD SECLUDED RAVINE LOT SPLENDOR Quiet court setting on a premiere street in the Neighbourhood. Tranquil Ravine Large Lot great exposure. Easy commute - Equal distance to 401/ Kingston Rd. Updated interior 3+1 Bedroom(s). Income Ready, separate Basement Apartment. Easily converted back to a single-family Home! Must be seen. Will not last!!!! $874 , 9 0 0 BAYVIEW VILLAGE OPPORTUNITY Top Rated Earl Haig/Elkorn School District. Spacious and Meticulous maintained, Open Concept Kitchen & Dining Area. 2nd side ent. w. covered Patio off Dining. Double Car Garage with lift allows for a 3rd vehicle. Basement With Income Potential. Pool sized private backyard. Gorgeous Family Home! $1,9 9 8 , 4 4 4 OUTSTANDING VALUE PrimeAgincourt large 3 bedroom semi-detached raised bungalow with 2 car garage. Separate entrance to lower level suitable for nanny suite. Fenced backyard with inground pool. Great family neighbourhood with close by schools, shopping, and all conveniences!! SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD PRIME LOCATION Family neighbourhood minutes to Maxwell Heights Secondary School & all amenities. 3 Bedroom, open concept Kitchen,Dining and living room area. Walkout to back yard from lower level & Deck from Kitchen. Excellent Value! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 22 Driving drunk or highRUINS LIVES Don’t let alcohol or drugs shatter your dreams. Julia dreamed of climbing the corporate ladder but because of drugs, she fell at on her face Kevin dreamed of being a farmer but after driving drunk, his dream withered away If you imbibe, DON’T DRIVE. Products and services sPecialties • Brakes Tires • Auto Wheel Alignment • Auto Tune Up • Full Garage Service • Mechanic • Towing Service • Wheel Alignment • Engine Repair 1211 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 6M5 Garage and tire sales. HOURS: Monday to Friday 8-6 • Saturday 8-3 (905) 420-2762 Jacquelyn Tanner, Sales Representative Sutton Group-Heritage Realty Inc. Brokerage O: 905-428-8274 • C: 905-718-9563 www.jacquelynntanner.com jactan.sutton@gmail.com YOUR COMMUNITY MINDED REALTOR! PROTECT YOUR LOVE ONES DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE STOP IMPAIRED DRIVERS.CALL 911. Don’t Drive Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol! WORKING TOGETHER, WE CAN SAVE LIVES. 1-800-665-MADD ext. 329 • http://maddchapters.ca/durham/ MIKE DAVIS Owner Direct: 416.261.3161 Fax: 905.619.2493 Email: ajaxcommercial@oktire.com Web: www.oktireajax.com 110 Dowty Road Ajax, ON L1S 2G4 ADVICEMETROLAND DURHAM REGION MEDIA PRESENTSExpert PUT TRUST IN A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ... THEY’RE HERE TO HELP YOU! Advertising Feature Financial Advisor SuSan M Lepp 1105 Finch Avenue Unit #1B, Pickering, ON L1V 1J7 905-831-4611 • www.edwardjones.com Have You Protected Your FamilY’s Financial Future?AA&&QQ Now that summer is here, you may be going on vacation or heading up to the cottage. But what’s really important about this season isn’t just the relaxation — it’s the chance to spend more time with your family members.And when you think of how much they mean to you, shouldn’t you take the steps necessary to protect their future? One of the most important moves you can make is to ensure that you have adequate life insurance.With adequate coverage you could enable your family to continue meeting all the expenses associated with raising your children. Furthermore, life insurance proceeds can help pay for your children’s future college educations. Your life insurance policy could also help your family pay off your mortgage and other debts, such as car loans or credit card bills. In addition, the money from a life insurance policy could prove important in helping your surviving spouse during his or her retirement years. Consult a financial advisor to determine if you’ve got the appropriate level of coverage, or if you need to add more. Once you know that your family is protected financially, you may find that relaxation isn’t just for the summer. Edward Jones, member Canadian Investor Protection Fund DURHAM - A new study says the number of interna- tional students attending Ontario Tech University in Durham is increasing - and so is their tuition. OneClass analyzed 19 Ontario universities to see how much international tu- ition and enrolment have jumped in recent years, compared to domestic. The study suggests that the Ford government's move to lower domestic tu- ition by 10 per cent will see Ontario universities rely more heavily on interna- tional students to compen- sate. "Over the past 12 years, universities have been in- creasingly relying on inter- national students," says Daniel Je, an analyst with OneClass. "This is some- thing the average domestic student should be aware of." He says the trend could eventually see domestic stu- dents "pushed out" in favour of international students. The study says Ontario Tech in Oshawa saw the cost of a first-year, full-time do- mestic arts and science de- gree increase about 24 per cent between 2006 and 2017. International fees for the same degree increased 41 per cent over the same peri- od. The study also notes that the number of international students at Ontario Tech in- creased from 204 in 2006 to 632 in 2017. The number of domestic students increased from 4,095 to 9,352 over the same period. Brad MacIsaac, assistant vice-president of planning and analysis at Ontario Tech, says the school cur- rently has about six per cent international students, with plans to grow that to 10 per cent over the next three to five years. "We have always had plans to grow to 15,000 stu- dents over the long term," he says. "The international growth to 10 per cent of that is not to push out students - it's always been part of our plan." MacIsaac says interna- tional students benefit the campus by bringing diverse perspectives. In terms of how much they pay, MacIsaac says On- tario Tech does an annual analysis for what other uni- versities in Ontario charge, and falls below the average. The OneClass study says "current and prospec- tive students should know that a further or more sub- stantial increase in inter- national tuition and enrol- ment is very likely to occur when Ford's changes come into effect." NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CLIMBING AT ONTARIO TECH JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com NEWS 23 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m 2019 Register for education dance gymnastics sports music and more For booth information contact Donna at: dmcnally@starmetrolandmedia.com or 905-215-0484. Friday August 23 and Saturday August 24, 2019 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 2Days! Register for: Education Dance Gymnastics Sports Music and more. 25 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Heading South this W inter? Be sure to pack your Travel Insurance er? ance If you thought you could not get travel insurance, or that it was too expensive, think again. We even have plans to cover pre-existing medical conditions, with as little as 7 Days of Stability. We will provide you that fine balance between quality coverage and saving you money. GetAw ayInsured 901 Brock St S Whitby, ON SE Corner of Brock & Burns 905-493-50601-800-387-0339 Golden Age Insurance Inc. GetAw ayInsured.ca GetAwayInsured (Golden Age Insurance Inc.) has been covering travelling Canadians for almost 25 years. With so many of Out-of-Country Medical Insurance products and price points, you need a professional to help you select the Right Plan, at the Right Price for your age, trip duration, travel habits and most importantly, for your medical conditions. Do you take 2 or More Trips per Year? Our Annual Multi-Trip Rates with Blue Cross offer great coverage at great rates. Get flexibility, freedom and peace of mind knowing that you are covered during your annual policy period. 1.800.461.4663 retireelliotlake.com Afford to Retire in Elliot Lake CO MPARE AND SAVE 1 bedroom apartments from $530/month 2 bedroom apartments from $600/month 3 bedroom townhomes from $700/month 2 bedroom homes from $785/month 3 bedroom homes from $885/month Book Your Discovery Tour One Free Night at the Hampton Inn Elliot Lake and enjoy a tour of the city and our properties. (Second night $50.00 + taxes) Tom Hanks tells a toy story By Laura HardingIt was 1991 when Tom Hanks �irst went into a booth at Disney Studios to lend his voice to the character of cow-boy Woody.That was before “Sleepless In Seat-tle”, before his consecutive Oscar wins for “Philadelphia” and “Forrest Gump”, and long before the world knew what a Pixar movie even was.When the �ilm eventually came out in 1995, the same year he starred in “Apol-lo 13”, it changed cinema forever.It was the �irst feature-length �ilm entirely created using computer ani-mation, and it rewrote the rulebook on what an animated �ilm could be.“Every one of these �ilms has been some version of a miracle,” Hanks, now 62, says in wonder, days before the re-lease of “Toy Story 4”.“The �irst one because we were all left wondering, ‘How did they do that?’“Then the second one because, lo and behold, everything in there actually made sense and they solved all these problems.“I would say to them, ‘Hey Pixar, how are you going to get toys across a street in this one?’ And they say, ‘Yeah we have like 17 different scenarios of how to get toys across the street.’“And if they can �igure that out, I guess they can �igure out all the other emotional arcs that they have to play with in this.“Then the end of 3 was... oh my lord it was like the end of “The Passion Play At Oberammergau” or something like that. It was this all-encompassing look at life and the lessons to be learned from it.”But it’s because of this that Hanks was nervous to come back and make a fourth �ilm.It’s been almost 10 years since the last one was in cinemas, won two Oscars (for best animated �ilm and best original song) and was widely considered to be the perfect conclusion to a beloved tril-ogy.It felt so �inished that Hanks never ex- pected to make another.“I don’t think anybody did. When we �irst began to talk about it, they don’t give us a script, they just kind of get to-gether with you and they say, ‘Here are some of the things we are planning to do’.“And speaking for the cast, the only questions I had were ‘When?’ and ‘Are you sure? Are you sure you want to take another stab at this?’“Because we are just the voices and we sweat blood in order to get this thing out. They have to work on it for the bet-ter part of �ive or six years from start to �inish and if they screw up... man, they are toast, they don’t want to go through that.”Luckily they did not screw up. The new instalment �inds Woody, Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen) and the whole gang of toys far from home and discovering old friends and new ones on an eye-opening road trip.While new stars have joined the cast, including Keanu Reeves, Christine Hen-dricks and Jordan Peele, returning to Woody was an emotional experience for Hanks, whose life has changed so much since he �irst uttered some of the cow-boy’s famous pull-string catchphrases.“I recorded as Woody for the �irst time in 1991, in Studio B at the Disney Studios, with Doc the engineer. My last session for Toy Story 4 was in Studio B at Disney Studios with Doc the engineer. It was a big deal,” he re�lects fondly.He was recently at Disneyland with his wife Rita Wilson and some of his grown-up children when the legacy of “Toy Story” really hit him.“They say it’s a franchise, when it’s the character you go back for, but I don’t know if I can put it in that way.“We were at Disneyland for one of those big, every character jamboree kind of light shows, a Mickey Fantasia, that kind of thing.“At the end of the show was this huge steamboat coming by, a paddlewheeler and every Disney character in creation is on it.“There was Mickey and the big bad wolf and Captain Hook and Pinocchio and all of the princesses, all the way through the ages and there on the boat too was Woody and Buzz and they were doing a choreographed dance and ev- 27 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m When you want to know, visit DurhamRegion.c om Whethe r you’re looking for local news or events, DurhamRegion.com has you covered. The site is updated daily, sometimes hourly depending on breaking news, so check back often! Stay connected. Check DurhamRegion.com SIGN IN Get unlimited access to all of DurhamRegion.com. Just create an account and then sign in here. ANNOUNCEMENTS News travels fastest when you share it on DurhamRegion.com. Post for free with an account. POST YOUR EVENT Get your community out and over to your event. Post for free with an account. DurhamRegion com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 28 29 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Live In Superintendent/ Handyman Needed For a 54 unit complex in Brighton Ontario. Must be willing to live on premises. Ideal for retired couple. Duties would include cleaning apartments & hallways etc. with other minor duties to follow. References required. Please send resume to: Pradacourt@hotmail.com or call: 613-813-8842 Coppinwood Golf Clubis a top ranked private golf course located in Uxbridge Now Hiring:* Food and Beverage Servers, Beverage Cart Please forward resume to: ahope@coppinwood.com* Accounting ClerkPlease forward your resume to:kstewart@coppinwood.com Location: 2324 4th Concession Road, Goodwood, Ontario LOC 1AO LIVE-IN CAREGIVER for infant. 9 to 5 • $14/hr. Room Accom. incl. AJAX L1T 3E2 Primary child care includes: bathing, feeding, babysitting, clothes, diaper change, nap and playtime. Light housekeeping required. Send resumes to: erose3280@ yahoo.com Building Services Manager Salary: $70,837.84 to $79,107.67 (under review) Hours of Work: Full-time 35 hours/week Location: Peterborough, with area travel For a complete description and to apply, please visit our website: http://www.ptbohousingcorp.ca/careers We thank all applicants for applying. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. PETERBOROUGH HOUSING CORPORATION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AZ & DZ DRIVERS Required with minimum 3 years experience on tri-axle dump trucks. Clean abstract required. Benefi ts available. Year round work. Please call 416-989-4003 or send resume emanuel@giancortransport.com Drivers Drivers General Help General Help General Help General Help Drivers Bus Driver WantedMon to Fri, 2- 4 pm for afterschool program Must have valid B class license, good driving record, and must complete a criminal background check for working with childrenCall or text416-839-4068durhamtk@gmail.com Careers Careers Careers Careers Technical/ Skilled Trades Auto Mechanic needed immediately for busy shop in Pickering. Mon - Sat 8am - 6pmMin 2 years exp req’d. Valid drivers licence. Email resume to mrdsautocentre@gmail.com GARAGESALES AUGUST 3 - AUGUST 10 ONLINE AUCTION ANTIQUES FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES Bidding Starts August 3 and Closes August 10 Preview Items Friday August 2 - 9 am - 1 pm, Tuesday August 6 & Wednesday August 7 from 8 am - 1 pm THIS IS AN INTERNET ONLY AUCTION Go to garyhillauctions.ca and follow the link to garyhillauctions.hibid.com Terms: Cash Debit Visa M/C 13% Buyers Premium garyhauctions@sympatico.ca 905 852 9538 TWO DAY AUCTION Sunday August 4, 2019 Monday August 5, 2019 9:00 am (Viewing 8:00 am) Located at MacGregor Auction Hall, Orono Take 115 Hwy to Main Street Orono & Follow signs on Mill Pond Rd Sunday’s & Monday’s Auctions Both Feature A High Quality of Glass & China, Unique collectibles, Toy & Sport Collectibles, Misc tools & Hardware, Household Effects. A Large Quantity of Articles Both Days from Past to Present. NOTE: Sunday’s Auction Features a Beatles Collection. Monday’s Auction will Feature the Majority of a Stage Full of Quality Furniture. see: www.theauctionadvertiser.com/MMacGregor for pictures later in the week Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac (10% buyers premium) MacGREGOR AUCTIONSMike MacGregor, Auctioneer1-800-363-6799(cell) 905 718 6602 Corneil’s Auction Barn Friday, August 2nd at 4:30pm - Selling a Whitby Estate plus others - oak table - 6 modern double pb chairs - butcher block - Shell oil bottle - Moorcroft vase (7”high) - RR lamp - antique dressers - dough box - stained glass table lamp - sterling pieces - Beswick cats - canadian currency - qty records - damascus hunting knife - Stihl 023L chainsaw - Stihl FS 55R weedeater - qty of hand and power tools -roll away tool boxes - Makita cut off saw - Husky vertical air compressor (6.5HP 60gal) - Lincoln Mig Pak 15 welder - Makita tablesaw - alum ladders - Delta drill press - Dewalt 10” sliding compound miter saw - JD LT 155 riding mower - JD LT166 riding mower with 42” front mount snowblower - Mercury 1500 Thunderbolt outboard motor - Selling for the City of Kawartha Lakes Police Department approx. 15 bicycles - pump cart - gumball machine - Qty of china, glass, household and collectable items GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEER 1241 Salem Rd Little Britain 705-786-2183 for more info or pictures go to www.corneilauctions.com (terms cash, debit, cheque 10% buyers premium, visa, mastercard 13% buyers premium) Open for viewing Thursday from 8:30am to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm and Friday at 9am WEDNESDAY, August 7th 4:45 p.m. A U C T I O N S A L E of Furniture, Antiques and Collectibles of Uxbridge Estate, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 1 km west of Utica. To Include: China cabinet, walnut sideboard, ant dressers, vanity, oak ext table, wrought iron bed, ant bible, horse weathervane, planters, pine blanket box, artwork, die cast airplanes in boxes, sets of lead soldiers in boxes, jewelry, plus many other items. Sale Managed and Sold by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 Ajax Moving/Garage Sale Sat., Aug 3 9 am - 1 pm 102 Christena Cres household items, tv and stand, bar and bar wear, jewelrt and jewelry armoire, toys, tools, decor and more Auctions & Sales Auctions & Sales Auctions & Sales Garages Sales Garages Sales ANNOUNCEMENTS | JOBS | HOME IMPROVEMENTS | MARKETPLACE EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com | PHONE: 1-800-263-6480 TELEPHONE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion / credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space occupied. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or email cancellations. classifieds Auctions & SalesAuctions & Sales Apartments for Rent 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Brighton AreaAll amenities, ideal for adult living. Call Today!613-813-8842 Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM, 2 full bath-rooms has over 2300 sq. ft. living space. Smoke Free Environment, Newly built subdivision close to all amenities. Located in Lindsay, Ontario. Asking $2,200.00 per month plus utilities. First and last required, Available immediately Contact: Ray, 289-423-7800 for more information Apartments for Rent Storage Space for Rent ESTABLISHED HAIR sa-lon in Pickering looking for esthetician, pedicur-ist and manicurist. A must to see. Beautiful fully equipped space available for rent. To serve your clients in a relaxed atmosphere, very private. Call 905-831-8789 or 905-391-1112 have you read all about it? 1-800-263-6480 Do it all in the classifieds. Do it all in the classifieds. ..buy ....... .......sell ... ..rent ....... .....post ... Call 1-800- 263-6380 to plan your advertising campaign today! Check Out: Call us at 1-800-263-6480 PLACE YOUR AD HERE dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 30 FORMOREINFOCONTACTUSAT 1-833-723-1093 When you want asimple, lowcostcremation option - SimplySaavy is the solution. We are pleased to offer thisservice option to those families that arelooking for minimal service. SIMPLYSAAVYCREMATION PACKAGEPRICE$1925 IncludesHST:Callforinclusions DeStefano Funeral Home & Reception Centre 1289 Keith Ross Dr., Oshawa 905-440-3595 │www.destefanofuneralhomes.ca SUMMER RENOVATIONS 647-287-7168(Free Estimates) Build/Repair Fences Build/Repair Decks BIG OR SMALL, GIVE US A CALL! home improvement / service professionals ADAMS, Carol Ann Passed away peacefully at Lakeridge Health, Bowmanville, surrounded by her loving family after a brief illness on Monday, July 22, 2019 at the age of 76 years. Beloved wife of Russell Adams. Loving mother of Tracey Adams-Hayes and cherished grandma of Russell Hayes. She is survived by her brother, Brian Landry and sister, Judith Brotherston. She will be lovingly remembered by niece Leah Landry, nephews Chris and Kevin Landry, and her many Legion friends. A Celebration of Carol’s Life will be held at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, 1555 Bayly Street, Pickering on Saturday, August 10th from 1-5 p.m. Memorial Donations may be made to Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, and may be done through NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, with whom arrangements are entrusted. Online condolences and donations may be made at www.northcuttelliott.com BOCHEL, Grant Suddenly and unexpectedly, our dear brother, uncle and friend Grant Bochel passed away on Sunday, July 21st. He was only 48 years young. Grant leaves behind his two dogs, Max and Harley, to be reunited with his best Cocker Spaniel pal and one true love, Duke. An avid sports enthusiast, Grant loved to cheer on many professional sport teams, including the Toronto Maple Leafs, Blue Jays and the New Orleans Saints. A long-time employee of Bigelow Heating and Air Conditioning, he will surely be missed by Bert, the staff and many of their clients. Family and friends can join us to celebrate Grant’s life and remember him fondly during his celebration of life on Sunday, August 18th. Please email grantscelebrationoflife@gmail.com for details. SMITH, John Seath It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our husband and father John Seath Smith. Born on July 30, 1933 in Gillingham, England. Passed away peacefully on July 24, 2019 at Ballycliffe Lodge in Ajax. John leaves behind his beloved wife of 61 years Doreen (nee Crooks), his devoted daughter Michele and her husband Dan, and his sons Jeff and Brad. He will be sadly missed by his oldest grandson Greg, and four other grandchildren. At the families request there will be no visitation or service. Cremation has taken place. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the Alzheimer’s Society of Durham Region would be appreciated by the family. Rest in peace Dad, and dance with the angels. DOCHERTY, Joseph In loving memory of Joseph who passed away on July 30, 2018. Loving you always, Mom and Brothers. SANDERSON MONUMENT COMPANY LIMITED SERVICING Local Cemeteries Including Duffin Meadows, Pine Ridge Memorial, Erskine and Catholic Cemeteries OPEN Mon. to Fri. 9-5 Evening and Sat Appointments Avail 905-427-4366 sanderson.ajax@bellnet.ca 32 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax PRAYER TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by the eighth day the prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude. J.L. 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Free 24/7 towing. 647-287-1704 Child Care Available QUALIFIED RETIRED school teacher is willing to take care of children from ages newborn to 12 years in my home. Liverpool and Glenanna area, Pickering. 289-314-7866 Massages PICKERING ANGELS H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi905 Dillingham Rd.(905)420-0320Now Hiring!!!pickeringangels.com LaVillaSpa.ca H H H H Relaxing massage 634 Park Rd. S Oshawa (905)240-1211 Now Hiring!!! 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Try walking or biking. If work is too far away to walk, carpool. PARK IT! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 32 NOMINATIONS NOWOPEN It’s in your hands. Make sure your favourite business or professional is nominated for the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and Oshawa/Whitby This Week Readers’ Choice Awards. Start nominating now at oshawawhitbythisweekreaderschoice.durhamregion.com ajaxpickeringnewsadvertiserreaderschoice.durhamregion.com These Readers’ Choice Awards were created so you can tell us which local businesses and service providers are the best at what they do. Once the nominations close on August 11 th, the nominees will be tabulated and you will the have the chance to vote for your favourite. Help make your favourite local business become a Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and Oshawa/Whitby This Week Readers’ Choice Awards. AUTOMOTIVE•BUSINESS ORSERVICE•ENTERTAINMENT •FOOD&DRINK•HOME •SHOPPING•HEALTH&BEAUTY Go to: eastmagazine.ca Home Decor •FooD & Dining PeoPle & Places •FasHion Pastimes... anD so mucH more EAST of the City Magazine Durham’s Lifestyle MagazineCOMMUNITY Your Pickering News Advertiser B Section Focus on CLARINGTON - People from across Ontario drive to the hills of north-east Clarington to put the gas pedal to the floor at the world- famous Canadian Tire Motor- sport Park racetrack. Built in 1961 as Mosport Park, the Clarington racetrack hosted the ?rst-ever Formula One Cana- dian Grand Prix in 1967. The mul- ti-track venue has hosted remark- able drivers from most major in- ternational racing series; includ- ing Can-Am, Trans-Am, Formula 5000, IMSA, Indy Car, and World Sports Car Championship. Car-lovers who aren't profes- sional drivers also have a chance to tackle the challenging race- track. After spending time in a driver-education classroom, the drivers line up their vehicles WHAT I LEARNED DRIVING FAST AT THE RACETRACK JENNIFER O'MEARA jomeara@durhamregion.com See BREATHTAKING,page 3 Clarington This Week reporter Jennifer O"Meara prepared to ride with Clarington Mayor Adrian Foster during a DriveTeq event at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. Jason Liebregts/Torstar Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 2 © 2019 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved REFLEXIONS OF YOU Express yourself with our new Pandora Reflexions TM collection. THE PANDORA STORE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 905.492.7263 10551254 ac.stepracgnik.www | 7487-138-509 GNIREKCIP ,7 TINU .DR KCORB 0501 SLAVIRRA WEN | SNGISED 006 REVO | NOITCELES EGUH SEE A PLAY at Town Hall 1873, 302 Queen St., Port Perry. Theatre on the Ridge presents Oscar Wilde's celebrated comedy The Importance of Being Earnest on Aug. 3 at 7:30 p.m. Earlier on Aug. 3 you can catch The Valley at 2 p.m. It deals with "the complex issue of police interaction with the mentally ill." Tickets are $35, $30 for students and seniors (60 years and over). See family rates and all pricing at www.townhall1873.ca. And visit www.theatreontheridge.ca. To learn more contact carey@theatre3x60.ca or 1-905-431-0977. Take the kids to Springfree Trampoline's seasonal pop-up location at 419 King St. W., Oshawa, on Aug. 4. It's in the Oshawa Centre, across from Miniso. Springfree has FREE OPEN PLAY from noon to 3 p.m. every Sunday. Schedule play dates or just bring your kids, who can also play fun interactive games. For more information contact alee@gobasports.com or 1-289-800-4983. Another energetic option is laser tag at LASER QUEST WHITBY, 23 Consumers Dr. (Thickson Road and Highway 401). It's open on the long weekend (Aug. 3 noon to 10 p.m., Aug. 4 noon to 5 p.m. and Aug. 5 noon to around 4:40 p.m.). Call1-905-665-2225 to reserve as spots sell out. The costs range from $9 for a regular game to $39.99 for a monthly pass, to $69.99 for a summer pass (good to Sept. 3). Visit www.laser- quest.com/on-whitby. Visit a local art gallery this weekend, including the VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON (VAC), 143 Simpson Ave., Bowmanville. The VAC's 39th annual Juried Show runs to Aug. 25 and the gallery is open Aug. 3 and Aug. 4 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). In addition to seeing what local artists are up to, viewers can vote for their favourite piece in the show. The VAC will hand out The People's Choice Award at the end of the exhibition. Free admission. Aug. 3 at 2 p.m. is your last chance this summer to go on a UNION CEMETERY TOUR, hosted by the Oshawa Museum. Meet staff at the front gates of the large and scenic cemetery, at 760 King St. W., Oshawa. The cost is $5 or free for Oshawa Historical Society members. Contact Lisa at membership@oshawamuseum.org or 1-905-436-7624. 5 FUN IDEAS IN DURHAM REGION ON AUG. 3 AND 4 CATCH THE WAVE Matt Gunn of Uxbridge performed for a good crowd as part of the WAVE music series at Station Gallery in Whitby on July 11. WAVE events feature drinks, food and mingling on the gallery patio. The last WAVE of the summer is on Aug. 1 when Kitchener folk group Onion Honey performs. The doors and the bar open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 each, or four for $50, available at www.stationgallery.ca. Sabrina Byrnes/Torstar 3 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m (from Volkswagens to McLarens) at the racetrack starting line. "We offer people a place to take these beautiful cars and teach them how to drive as they're meant to be driven," said Gerry Low, managing director of Dri- veTeq Integrated Motor- sport Resources which hosts driver education and track days year-round at Motorsport racetrack. Clarington Mayor Adri- an Foster is Canadian Tire Motorsport Park fan and a not-so-secret speedster. On Friday, June 28, Foster agreed to take me around the track to see what it's like to drive crazy fast. "This is the intermediate class. Everyone is here to have fun. No one wants their car to get wrecked," said Foster. That was one of the last things I was able to hear be- fore we left the starting line and the accelerating engine drowned out our voices. Once we got up to speed, I understood the appeal of travelling this fast. It's thrilling and focusing. It's impossible to be worried about anything but the pre- sent at this speed - it's mind- fulness for maniacs. We started rounding corners so fast I felt certain we were about to end up crashing sideways into the trees. But we didn't. After a few twisting turns the car accelerated into a straight- away, I was finally able to exhale the breath I'd been holding for a long time. I wondered if my driver had to hold his breath too. The vehicle ahead of us was far enough away to feel safe, so I tore my eyes off the track long enough to ob- serve the driving tech- nique. Foster was breathing steadily, both hands on the wheel and eyes locked on a racing truck in front. In his determination to pass, he wasn't down-shifting any- more. Within moments of tak- ing my eyes off the road, the momentum of the vehicle hit me in the gut. It was the same sensation as closing your eyes on a carnival ride. I suddenly had to focus hard on not puking in the mayor's Mustang. I was talked into leaving my note- pad at the side of the track and in that moment I was so grateful for that. So I learned at this speed, it's essential to keep your eyes on the road. When I looked back up, we were closing in on the rear bumper of the racing truck. Passing is tightly con- trolled on the track. The ve- hicle behind will stay be- hind until the driver in front gives a signal (either with a hand single or turn indicator) that it's OK to pass. Occasionally this meant braking sharply until the driver in front noticed the car wanting to pass and/or got over their ego. On the track, the fast speed of drivers passing wasn't as scary as coming up quickly on a slow driver. Slow is a relative term there. From the passenger seat, I couldn't see exactly how fast we were travel- ling. I do know that on the track, the vehicles followed each other much closer than I would attempt on a 50 km/h road. And suspect we time, driver's should look seven to 15 seconds ahead. That means the faster the driver is taking the vehicle, the farther down the road they should be looking. "If you're not looking far enough ahead, you're dis- advantaging yourself be- cause the amount of time you have to deal with issues is now shortened," said Rick Morelli, managing di- rector of DriveTeq Integrat- ed Motorsport Resources. "That's probably the single greatest lesson people can learn, is where to look and how far to look ahead." 3. Going fast has as much to do with braking well as acceleration. Com- ing up to a bend in the race- track, hitting the brake at the right time and easing off at the right time can help maintain speed. "Today I'm concentrat- ing a lot on braking," said Kevin Sanjari, president of Paragon Security, who has been driving at the race- track for years. "I think braking is more important than speeds. The faster you can brake and ease off the better. If you stop for a long distance you're going slow- er." Visit www.driveteq.ca for more information on driver education and track days, and visit www.cana- diantiremotorsportpark- .com for more information on Canadian Tire Motor- sport Park and the racing events schedule. 1. There are actually five ways to steer a car - hands on the steering wheel (obvi- ously), putting your foot down on the gas pedal (at the right time to help pivot the car), taking your foot off the gas, putting your foot down on the brake pedal and taking your foot off the brake. "Be careful what you're asking the car to do," said Gerry Low, managing di- rector of DriveTeq Integrat- ed Motorsport Resources. 2. Odds are you're not looking far enough down the road - to safely brake in were doing at least three times that. Finally (seemingly be- grudgingly but it's hard to be sure), the driver of the racing truck signalled that we could pass. Soon after a track mar- shal was waving a flag sig- nalling it was time to come back in. Afterwards at the lunch served in the Event Centre, I was able to pick up a few more tips from the driving coaches and fast-driving fa- natics. Here's three driving tips I picked up at the racetrack: BUSINESS Continued from page 1 BREATHTAKING DRIVE FOR REPORTER JENNIFER O'MEARA Driving coach Adam Ruppel helped Clarington This Week reporter Jennifer O"Meara put on her helmet during a DriveTeq event at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. Jason Liebregts/Torstar RECEIVE Take-out orders of $30 or more before tax, when paying with CASH! 10 % OFF We offer Vegetarian,Gluten-Free and Vegan dishes too! 22 Years In A Row! Eat InTake Out Catering • Fully Licensed www.mounteverestajax.ca Buffet Daily at Lunch and Sundays 5pm - 9pm 905-686-5553 OPEN TUES - SAT For Daily Lunch Buffet • OPEN SUN For Lunch & Dinner Buffet **REGULAR MENU ALSO AVAILABLE** 611 Kingston Rd. W. In Pickering Village At Church, S. W. Corner RECEIVE Order Online Now ThroughINDIAN RESTAURANTBest 5 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ontario is repealing its Toxics Reduction Act, axing a voluntary reduction program that empowered you to see what toxins are used in the industrial facilities in your neighbourhood — and what they planned to do to reduce them. This week, the web-exclusive Torstar Community Brands series A Toxic Decision?takes a deep dive into the publicly available Toxics Reduction Program data and provides you with a number of interactive ways to make sense of all this information. READ IT NOW durhamregion.com/toxins COMING SOON Ontario facilities mum on toxic substance reduction efforts. A TOXIC DECISION? Earlier this month, we caught up via email with Whitby-raised singer-song- writer Jadea Kelly. In 2016 she was named Contempo- rary Singer of the Year at the Canadian Folk Music Awards for her acclaimed record Love and Lust. Last month she released the EP Met While Incarcerated. It's the official soundtrack for the documentary film Met While Incarcerated. The Catherine Legge work is about three women and the convicts they fell for. Why did you decide to write the music for Met While Incarcerated? How did that come about? Two years ago, director Catherine Legge reached out to me through a mutual friend. She had been a fan of me and my music, through CBC Radio, for several years. At that time, she was wrapping up Met While Incarcerated and ea- ger to secure music to ac- company the finished doc- umentary. At first she wanted to place five of my previously recorded tracks, but as we began talking and sharing, I inad- vertently began writing music specifically for the film. That being Bad Like Me and Make Peace With It. The more I learnt about the MWI characters, the more I became intrigued with the story and emotions sur- rounding it. To love some- one despite their criminal history, in some cases mur- der, boggled my mind. However, the more footage I watched, the more human these characters became and the more empathy I de- veloped. The EP contains a cov- er of Amazing Grace. It's not the uplifting song we're accustomed to, but understated, even flat. Tell us about your ap- proach to the song. We decided to take a Wil- lie Nelson/minor key ap- proach to Amazing Grace. Everyone in history has covered this song, so when the director asked me to cover it, I had to do some re- search and create my own take. This was recorded and produced by a fellow Canadian (David Kalmus- ky) in Nashville. As you'll hear in our version, the song is mixed from four versions. It opens with a 1930s version that we re- corded direct to a vinyl lac- quer cutter and slowly winds through the '50s, '70s and '80s. This content end- ed up decorating the entire movie and becoming the complete score! We've heard about your love affair with Los Angeles. Do you live there full time now? Why do you like it so much? I moved to Los Angeles exactly a year ago this week and live here full time. L.A. is amazing. It's definitely been a big transi- tion, having moved from the quiet of Prince Edward County, but it's been a very positive and transforma- tive change. Musically and emotionally, I am sur- rounded by some of the most hardworking, innova- tive creators. Soaking it up! What's up for the rest of the summer and the year, musically and oth- erwise? Well, having just re- leased and toured the MWI EP, I'll be spending the summer completing my new album and preparing for its release and promo- tion. It's titled Roses and likely set for release in ear- ly 2020. Superbly excited for this album. So proud of it and eager for everyone to hear! FOUR QUESTIONS WITH WHITBY'S JADEA KELLY DURHAM -- We spoke with Jadea Kelly about her latest EP, new music to come and living in and loving Los Angeles. Jen Squires photo MIKE RUTA mruta@durhamregion.com WHAT'S ON SINGER-SONGWRITER SOAKING UP CREATIVITY IN LOS ANGELES dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 6 Judy Stacee-cleaver FRI,ASA,ABR BrokerofRecord Pickering Specialty. Imagine The Fun! 36 X 18 I/G Pool, Family Oriented Amberlea. Large Beautifully UpdatedHome,3+1+1Bdrms,4Baths,2ndKitchen. Backyard Oasis. Flowers, Manicured Gardens, Greenery, On Quiet Court Convenient to Whites Rd Exitto401,AMustSee!asking$849,500 905-428-4557/1-877-234-0578 www.JudysTEAM.ca 1619 Orion Court, Pickering w redhead@royalservice.ca |www.redheadhomes.ca 11 Gibson Court, Ajax! This 3+1 bed sidesplit offers a cottage-like backyard with play centre, fire pit and it’s own Man Cave! A short commute to the city and steps to the Ajax waterfront. Only$679,000.E4494459. Book your private showing today: 905-697-1900 BACKYARD OASIS!! BROKERAGE DonnaRobertson SalesRepresentative Direct:905-922-2028 Office:905-697-1900 Cozy, Detached, 3 Bedroom Home In The Middle Of Amberlea! Quick Access To Main Roads To 401. Close To Schools & Shopping. This Well Maintained Home Has An Upgraded Kitchen, Hardwood FloorsThroughout Main Level And A Large Master Bedroom With His/Hers & Closets And A 3 Pc Ensuite. Backyard Oasis Has An Above Ground Pool, HotTub&InterlockPaths. Salesperson MIKE HOGAN BuyThis Home, and I’ll BuyYours* Awesome Home for Sale Re/MaxRougeRiver RealtyLtd. For A PrivateViewing, call Mike 416-706-1136 905-619-2100 *Askfordetails M e t r o l a n D D u r h a M real estate August 1, 2019 *Independently Owned & Operated 905-668-1511 905-723-6111 $534,900 Inground Pool 3+1 Bedrooms And 2 Bathrooms. Private Backyard Oasis. Call Now. $444,900 3 Bedroom In Desirable Area Open Concept With A Finished Basement. Nice Large Deck Private Yard. $439,999 122 Feet Deep Lot Quiet And Private Court Location. All Brick Bungalow. Call Today. $379,900 Immaculate Bungalow With Landscaping Fully Fenced Backyard With Inground Pool And Covered Gazebo. $450,000 2 Kitchens 3+2 Bedrooms And 2 Bathrooms. Finished Basement With 2 Kitchens. $399,900 Steps to Lake Ontario & Waterfront Trails Raised Bungalow, 2+2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Home! Don’t Delay! $399,900 Spacious End Unit Town 3 Large Bedrooms. Newly Renovated Kitchen and Basement. Call Now. $788,888 End Unit Townhouse in Prime Location Fabulous 3+1 Bedroom, 4 Bath Home With Finished Basement! Shows Pride Of Ownership! $574,900 Centrally Located! This 3 Unit Home Includes 3 Kitchens, 3 Baths, 3 Separate Entrances! $345,000 Brick Bungalow With Detached Garage Oversized 75 x 200 Ft Lot With 20 x 24 Ft Detached Garage. Call Now. $1,188,888 Luxury Living In This 4 Car Garage Beauty! 5 Bedroom, 3/4 of An Acre, Custom Kitchen and LOADS of upgrades! Coming Soon Stunning Aurora Home For Sale 4+1 Bedrooms And 4 Bathrooms Coming Soon To The Market. $699,900 27 Acres of Beauty! Raised Bungalow 4 Bedroom, Finished Basement. Additional 11 Acres Being Sold W/ Property for $149,900 $899,900 Wonderful Bungalow on Huge Lot! 100 x 170ft Development Potential,High Demand Location Very Deep Private Backyard Needs Some TLC. May Not Last Long. Call Right Now Before It’s Gone. $200,000 $549,900 Great Central Location! Corner Lot With Tons of Parking! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 8 Jennifer O’Connell We’reheretohelp!Ourfriendlyofficestaffcanassist youwiththefollowingandmore! •Immigration,RefugeesandCitizenshipCanada•Veteran’sAffairs •CanadaRevenueAgency•CanadaPensionPlan•OldAgeSecurity •EmploymentInsurance•GuaranteedIncomeSupplement 905.839.2878 Jennifer.OConnell@parl.gc.ca 4-1154KingstonRoad,Pickering,ONL1V1B4 joconnell.liberal.ca MemberofParliament Pickering-Uxbridge FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 Telephone Reassurance and Friendly Visiting Program WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m WHERE: Homebound Wellness Centre Inc., 845 WESTNEY RD SOUTH UNIT 5, Ajax CONTACT: Cerita Miller, 905-426-3323, info@homeboundwellness- centre.com, http://www.home- boundwellnesscentre.com Volunteers will make a social call to seniors weekly and conduct a home visit monthly to help reduce isolation and loneliness among seniors in Ajax. Volunteers have met the qualifications to work with our seniors including having a valid police check Music Thea- tre Camp WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m WHERE: Amberlea Church, 1820 Whites Rd., Pickering CONTACT: Nancy Varga, 905-839-1383, familyministries@amberlea- church.ca, http://www.amber- leachurch.ca COST: $150 per child Musical Theatre Camp helps children build confidence while singing Broadway songs and having fun playing theatre and improv games. Led by community directors Eliza Kattsir and Michele McLeod. Two weeks offered: July 29-Aug.2 or Aug.12-16. Dragon Boat Day Camp 2019 WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 4:30 p.m WHERE: Frenchman's Bay , 591 Liverpool Road , Pickering CON- TACT: Katy Dunlop, katy.dun- lop@alkame.ca COST: $275/ week Alkame Dragon Boat Services is proud to announce the launch of its first ever Dragon Boat Day Camp for summer 2019!This outdoor specialty camp is de- signed for youth ages 9-17. Spend your summer on the water! Friday Morning Movies WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - Main Branch, 55 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax CONTACT: libraryin- fo@ajaxlibrary.ca, 905- 683-4000, Lauren.Wag- ner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2Iu1oZe Jul 5: Nancy Drew (G)Jul 12: Wonder Park (G)Jul 26: Leo Davinci: Mission Mona LisaAug 2: Asterix: Secret Potion (PG)Aug 9: Missing Link (G)Aug 16: Shazam! (PG)Aug 23: Dumbo (Rated G)Aug 30: Pokémon Detective Pikachu (PG) Millennium Square Stargazing Nights WHEN: 6:00 p.m - 11:00 p.m WHERE: Millenium Square - Pickering, Liverpool Road S. at Waterfront Trail, Pickering CON- TACT: www.rascto.ca Join Durham Skies Astronomy and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada to look toward the stars in Millennium Square at the bottom of Liverpool Rd. In the event of rain the event will be held the following day. For Go/ No-Go www.rascto.ca Friday Maker Night - Let's Go Camping WHEN: 6:45 p.m - 7:45 p.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - McLean Branch, 95 Magill Dr., Ajax CONTACT: libraryin- fo@ajaxlibrary.ca, 905- 683-4000, Lau- ren.Wagner@Ajax- library.ca, http:// bit.ly/2Rptish Telling stories, making delicious snacks, and appreciating nature. What do all these things have in common? They're all fun activities to do when you're camping-and all things you can do at our August Maker Night!All Ages. Drop-in. Five Wheel Drive plays The Edge Lounge WHEN: 9:30 p.m - 1:30 a.m WHERE: The Edge Lounge, 252 Bayly Street West, Ajax CONTACT: The Edge Lounge COST: $5 cover after 9:30 p.m. The band Five Wheel Drive brings classic rock to the stage at The Edge Lounge. SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Summer Concert at the Gazebo - Cruisin WHEN: 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m WHERE: Millennium Square, Liverpool Road, Pickering CON- TACT: Alarna Mckie, 9054204620, amckie@picker- ing.ca, https://calendar.picker- ing.ca/default/Detail/2019-08- 04-1400-Summer-Concerts- Sundays-at-the-Gazebo2 Cruisin will play 50s and 60s music.Free event; please bring a lawn chair and blanket. MONDAY, AU-GUST 5 Summer Breakfast Club WHEN: 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m WHERE: Amberlea Church, 1820 Whites Rd., Pickering CONTACT: Nancy Varga, 905-839-1383, familyministries@amberlea- church.ca, http://www.am- berleachurch.ca COST: $3.00 per day Breakfast Club is a fun drop-in program for children aged 4 to 12. Each themed week includes music, science experiments, indoor and outdoor games, crafts, God's story and breakfast! No pre-registration required. Break- fast Club runs Monday to Thurs- day Summer Storytime - STEAM Storytime WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - McLean Branch, 95 Magill Drive, Ajax CONTACT: libraryinfo@ajax- library.ca, 905-683-4000, Lau- ren.Wagner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2N0e1j9 Creative, hands on STEAM (Sci- ence, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) activities will open up a completely new world for kids, parents and caregivers to dis- cover!Ages 2+. Drop-in. French Reading Buddies WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - Main Branch, 55 Harwood Ave S, Ajax CONTACT: libraryinfo@ajax- library.ca, 905-683-4000, Lau- ren.Wagner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2WU1WLR Readers ages 6-12 (Grades 1-8) attending French im- mersion or French schools, read with high school volunteers. Please only register the child attending.Ages 6-12. Max: 16 Kids. Doors open 30 minutes before program start. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 Senior Reading Club - Storytell- ing Stones WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - Main Branch, 55 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax CONTACT: libraryin- fo@ajaxlibrary.ca, 905-683-4000, Lauren.Wagner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2XkDl7r Listen to inspiring stories and let your imagination soar by creating storytelling stones and then tell your story to the group!Ages 6-12. Drop-in. Space limited to 60 participants. Doors open 30 minutes before program start. Junior Reading Club WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - McLean Branch, 95 Magill Dr., Ajax CONTACT: libraryin- fo@ajaxlibrary.ca, 905- 683-4000, Lauren.Wag- ner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2WUrzfq Join us for a fun, inter- active hour of stories and literacy based activities, games and crafts. Foster the joy of reading at this program where we will learn to play and play to learn!Ages 4-5. Drop-in. Family Storytime with the Mayor (2-5 yrs.) WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m WHERE: George Ashe Community Centre, 470 Kingston Rd, Picker- ing CONTACT: PPL, http://pic- net.org Join us for a special Family Story- time with the Mayor! Stories, songs, rhymes and activities for children ages 2-5 to enjoy with their caregivers! Summer Storytime - Books for Babies WHEN: 10:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m WHERE: Ajax Public Library - Main Branch, 55 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax CONTACT: libraryin- fo@ajaxlibrary.ca, 905-683-4000, Lauren.Wagner@Ajaxlibrary.ca, http://bit.ly/2EiAQXC Enjoy songs, poems, finger plays and simple books with your baby. Parents and caregivers are wel- come to stay and chat at the end of storytime.Birth - 2yrs. Drop-in. Historic Church Tuesday Open Door WHEN: 12:30 p.m - 2:30 p.m WHERE: St. George's Anglican Church, 77 Randall Dr., Ajax CONTACT: Church Administrator, 905-683-7981, stgeorgesa- jax@gmail.com, http://stge- orgeschurch.ca/ St. George's Pickering Village (Ajax) Historic Anglican Church is open Tuesday's 12:30-2:30. Come in to explore our church. Built in 1859 the church is open for visitors to tour or just come in for a quiet mo- ment of contemplation. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 5-Minute film festival: drop-in #1 (m) (13+) WHEN: 9:30 a.m - 8:30 p.m WHERE: Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, Pickering CONTACT: PPL, http://picnet.org Instructors will be on-hand to offer advice and assistance, and answer any questions you may have. EVENTS Visit durhamregion.com/events for featured online events. Things to do outside goes live on July 1. Next, we’ll be featuring Last-minute things to do before the kids go back to school. Visit durhamregion.com/events and hit the POST YOUR EVENT button to submit these or any other community events! Find Your Dream Home VISIT TODAY! 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m GREAT SAVINGS ON CLEAN PRE-OWNED TRUCKS! www.durhamautosales.ca 1401 DUNDAS ST E, WHITBY • 905-666-3663 905-666-3663 DURHAMAUTO SALES HUGE PRE-OWNED CERTIFIED TRUCK BLOWOUT SALE! 2019 RAM 1500 SLT STK# TC511710 WAS $39,999 NOW $36,999 4 To Choose From. CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2012 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLT STK# TC291175 WAS $29,999 NOW $26,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2015 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CREW STK# TCC40730 WAS $28,999 NOW $25,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2008 GMC SIERRA 1500 REG CAB STK# TC185184 WAS $10,999 NOW $8,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2013 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLE HD STK# TC143947 WAS $27,999 NOW $25,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2003 GMC SIERRA 2500 SL HD DIESEL STK# TC250976 WAS $12,999 NOW $9,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2017 GMC SIERRA 1500 STK# TC303894 WAS $38,999 NOW $35,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE STK# TC274196 WAS $27,999 NOW $24,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2011 GMC SIERRA 1500 4X4 Crew Cab STK# T209704C WAS $27,999 NOW $25,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2008 MAZDA B4000 SE STK# TCM0497 WAS $10,999 NOW $8,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2017 GMC SIERRA 1500 SL STK# TC118756 WAS $37,999 NOW $35,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 2006 GMC SIERRA 1500 SL STK# TC277049 WAS $10,999 NOW $8,999 CerT PLUs TAX & LiCense 8FT B O X ! TICKEVERYBOXEVENT SymmetricalAll-WheelDrive ALG ResidualValue Award IIHS To pSafet yPick+GenerousCargo Space ReliableBoxer®Engine Best SummerEver Fully equipped for summer adventures. MODELS EQUIPPED WITH OPTIONAL EYESIGHT® AND SPECIFIC HEADLIGHTS 905-430-6666 1705 Dundas Street West, Whitby, ON L1P 1Y9 WHITBY 150,000 printed copies and online at durhamregion.com • Over 360,000 readers weekly • A Durham Region Media Group Publication • August 1, 2019 SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS OF AMERICA Durham Wheels is published weekly, with a total pressrun of 150,000 copies per issue, and is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers with distribution in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Clarington. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Inside, the cabin has a premium look and feel with lots of soft touch materials and excellent fit and finish. The comfortable 16-way heated seats are covered in sumptuous perforated Windsor leather. The HSE trim brings items like front fog lights, a 380-watt Meridian sound system, 360-degree parking aid, and a sliding panoramic sunroof to a long list of standard features. One neat feature on all Range Rover Sport models is the Touch Pro Duo infotainment system that offers two 10-inch touchscreens, one for radio, navigation and media and another underneath for climate control, vehicle settings and drive modes. Towing a boat or trailer? The Range Rover Sport will handle up to 3,500 kg (7,716 lb) when properly equipped, making it an ideal vehicle for weekdays in the city and weekends up in cottage country. On the road, the Range Rover Sport is a pleasant vehicle to drive— smooth and comfortable on high-speed highways and easy to handle when the roads get twisty. While diesel engines are known to be a bit noisier than their gasoline counterparts, we found no issues with cabin noise when the vehicle was at speed. The Range Rover Sport is fairly agile for a 2,156 kg (4,753 lb) SUV and with light enough steering to make it easy to manoeuvre in tight urban parking lots. While few drivers take their vehicles off-road, the Range Rover Sport is among the best when the going gets tough, thanks to Land Rover’s acclaimed Terrain Response system (set it in auto and it will even adjust all the settings for you) and four corner air suspension. And this just scratches the surface in describing the features available on the Range Rover Sport. You’ll have to check one out to learn everything that it offers with its six decidedly different trim levels, making it a vehicle for all seasons and all people. Range Rover Sport HSE Diesel 2019 at a glance BODY STYLE: Four-door, five- and seven-passenger luxury SUV DRIVE METHOD: Front-engine four- wheel-drive ENGINE: 3.0-litre V6 turbo diesel engine (254 hp, 443 lb/ft of torque) with an eight-speed automatic transmission. CARGO CAPACITY: 780 litres behind second-row seat, 1,686 with rear seat folded. TOW RATING: 3,500 kg (7,716 lb). FUEL CONSUMPTION: 10.5/8.0/9.4 L/100 km city/highway/combined. PRICE: $87,300, as tested $97,610 including $1,700 delivery charge. WEBSITE: www.landrover.ca What’s Best: This is a big, luxurious SUV that has performance to go along with great on- and off-road capabilities. What’s Worst: Options can escalate the price very quickly. What’s Interesting: There’s something for everyone in the Range Rover Sport lineup with six different trim levels. From page 12 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 , 2 0 1 9 | 12 2019 Register for education dance gymnastics sports music and more For booth information contact Donna at: dmcnally@starmetrolandmedia.com or 905-215-0484. Friday August 23 and Saturday August 24, 2019 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 2Days! Register for: Education Dance Gymnastics Sports Music and more.