HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2018_07_04WEDNESDAY JULY 4, 2018 newsroom@durhamregion.com www.facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham durhamregion.com Contact Us $2.00 • Canada’s leader in Laser Eye Surgery • Over 200,000 Treatments performed LASER VISION CORRECTION SEE the Difference 416-431-7449 2941 LAWRENCE AVE,EAST SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 2V6 Bochner.com Events Calendar See what’s happening by visiting our online community calendar. www.durhamregion.com/events News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device ONLINE at durhamregion.com PICKERING - Questions from concerned advocacy groups re- garding the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station remain, while Ontario Power Generation con- tinues to defend its position to jus- tify the plant's continued opera- tion. This was the scene at the sec- ond round of Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission hearings re- garding OPG's request for a li- cence extension to operate the Pickering power plant to 2024, fol- lowed by safe storage activities until 2028. The plant is currently scheduled to close on Aug. 31. Shawn-Patrick Stensil, senior energy analyst for Greenpeace, spoke Thursday at the Pickering Recreation Complex during the hearings. The CNSC will make the decision on the extension request. In his submission on behalf of Greenpeace, Stensil said there is no justification for Pickering's op- eration and the commission should reject OPG's "request to ex- pose millions of people within the (Greater Toronto Area) to the pos- sibility of a nuclear accident." The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commision held public hearings at the Pickering Recreation Complex as Ontario Power Generation is seeking a 10-year license extension for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Shawn-Patrick Stensil, an Energy Analyst for Greenpeace, spoke at the hearings on Thursday, June 28. The group is in favour of closing the station. Ron Pietroniro / Metroland Pickering nuclear critics call for more emergency preparedness KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com l See OPG HAS, page 3 Fall 8 For more info or to be a vendor mccaig@starmetrolandmedia.com Ajax Convention Centre 550 Beck Cres, Ajax where Sunday, September 23rd 2018 when Fall 2018 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 2 @cityofpickering CustomerCareCentre905.683.7575(24hourline) customercare@pickering.ca pickering.ca Date Meeting/Location Time July11 CommitteeofAdjustment CityHall–MainCommitteeRoom 7:00pm Allmeetingsareopentothepublic. Fordetailscall905.420.2222orvisittheCitywebsite. ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Upcoming Public Meetings IfyouareanOntarioresidentovertheageof18youcan visitvoterlookup.catoconfirmorupdateyourvoter information.Haveyoursay.Logontoday! YourVoteCounts! VotingperiodisOctober15-22,2018 Eligibleelectorswillbeabletovotefromacomputer, tablet,telephone,ormobiledevice. Notethatpaper ballotswillnotbeavailableforthiselection. Visitour websiteforeverythingyouneedtoknowregardingthe upcomingelection. pickering.ca/election Are you on the voter’s list for the 2018 Municipal Election? Animal Shelter Summer Hours UntilSeptember,TheAnimalShelterhasextendedhours Monday 10:00amto4:00pm Tuesday 10:00amto7:00pm Wednesday 10:00amto4:00pm Thursday 10:00amto7:00pm Friday 10:00amto4:00pm Saturday/Sunday 10:00amto2:00pm Visitusandtakehomeyournewfurryfriendtoday! pickering.ca/animals 905.427.0093 905.420.4620 pickering.ca/agefriendly HelpusplanforanAgeFriendlyFuture ApplyNowtojointheAgeFriendlyCommunity SteeringCommittee. PickeringwillbeestablishinganAgeFriendlySteering Committee,toassiststaffinidentifyingstrategicdirectionsfor programs,servicesandsupportaspartofaAgeFriendly CommunityPlan. The5-yearplanaimstoenableallresidentstoactivelyagein place.Pickering’sAgeFriendlyCommunityPlanwillfocuson improvingeachofthefollowingdimensions: 1.OutdoorSpacesandPublicbuildings 2. Transportation 3. Housing 4. SocialParticipation 5. RespectandSocialInclusion 6. CivicParticipationandEmployment 7. CommunicationandInformation 8. CommunitySupportandHealthServices TheCityofPickeringisacceptingapplicationsfromcommunity stakeholdersandPickeringresidentstojointhecommittee. Ifyouhavetheinterestandrelatedexpertisetoassistthis committee,pleaseapplybythedeadlineofJuly20,2018.Details andapplicationformsareavailableinCityfacilitiesandonline. DriftwoodTheatrepresents Sunday,July22nd •Beginsat7:30pm EsplanadePark,Pickering Pay-What-You-CanEvent Overview: WhencircumstancesforceRosalyndefromherhomeinthecity,sheflees intotheunknownwildsoftheforestwhereshesetsoutonajourneyof identity,self-discoveryandlove,learningthattocarveyourownpath, sometimesyouneedtobreaktherules. pickering.ca/greatevents 905.420.4620 Look!SummerMinis! Megafunjustforkids3-4yrs Hellooo!Wehavejustaddedsomething spectaculartoourcampslineup. andexcitingcamp experience.Fabulousthemes,awesome CampsarerunatGeorgeAsheLibrary&CommunityCentre from9:00amto12:00pmontheirscheduled dates. Checkitallouton ourcampswebsiteorgiveusacall, 905.420.4 660ext6104. Registerforcampswith PickeringActiveOnline orin personatPickeringRecreationComplex. pickering.ca/camps StrawberrySocialTea July18•1:00pm EnjoyalovelyteaworkshopattheMuseumanddiscoverthe traditionofafternoontea.Costperpersonis$32. AdvanceregistrationisrequiredviaActiveNetorinperson atthePickeringMuseumVillageGiftShop. 905.683.8401 pickering.ca/museum Adult55+ SummerWorkshops WateringCanPainting Sunday,July15 12:00pm-2:00pm 13020 $15.00 PaintNight Tuesday,July24 4:30pm-6:30pm 13021 $20.00 ScarfPainting Sunday,August12 12:00pm-2:00pm 13023 $25.00 WorkshopstakeplaceatPickeringRecComplex,ArtsStudio. Registerat PickeringActiveOnline,orbyphone,orin personatPickeringRecComplex. 905.420.4621 3 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m The week of hearings wrapped up on Friday. The first round took place in Ot- tawa in April. "I think my team's done a very good job. There was a lot of work upfront for this but the team has responded very well," said Sean Gran- ville, OPG's deputy chief nuclear officer, in an inter- view. He said it's important to OPG that input is fact- and science-based, but all the input from residents, non- governmental organiza- tions and experts alike makes the hearing process as strong as it is. "We value it all," he said. Stensil criticized emer- gency planning to the com- mittee, a common theme from the day's critics. He noted a presentation by the Toronto District School Board and the To- ronto Catholic District School Board that took place on Monday night, in which teachers asked that KI (potassium iodide) pills to protect the thyroid gland be stockpiled in Toronto-ar- ea schools. "We are concerned that students near (OPG's) Pick- ering and Darlington nucle- ar stations are being provid- ed less public safety than students near Bruce Pow- er's nuclear station on Lake Huron," the submission stated. Bruce Power has en- sured that KI is stockpiled in all schools within 50 kilo- metres of its nuclear sta- tions. Greenpeace this week filed three written requests for rulings with the com- mission. The commission is required to make a decision on them. The first asks that a nu- clear emergency prepared- ness campaign be estab- lished in the GTA. The second asks for an environmental review of OPG's decommissioning approach and the possible long-term management of waste on site. The third asks for word- ing to be removed from the licence that would allow the continued operation of the plant without a public hear- ing. "I think we're at the point where you can say 'enough is enough,'" Stensil said. He also made a request for documentation to show how OPG will ensure that it will control the use and oc- cupation of land within 20 kilometres of the site to maintain safety margins. "This doesn't pass the common sense test for most people that you can operate a nuclear reactor in an ur- ban area," he told the com- mission. The Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade spoke in support of the licence re- newal. "OPG has a proven safe- ty record, currently the best in history, and makes an in- credible contribution to the local economy, creating al- most 3,000 jobs in Durham Region alone," said board president Christine Ash- ton. Janet McNeill, Durham Nuclear Awareness co-or- dinator, criticized many as- pects of OPG's operation of the plant, including emer- gency preparedness. She referenced the Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011. "Could there be a serious accident here? Of course there could. Everyone knows that," she said. The advocacy group was granted funding from the CNSC to poll the public on specific issues for the pur- pose of the hearing and pre- sented its results. The poll found 93 per cent of those surveyed want detailed nuclear emergen- cy plans in place to protect residents from a possible large-scale accident at Pick- ering (or Darlington). "Population density around the Pickering sta- tion is already too high yet intensification is being stepped up," McNeill said. The poll also found 87 per cent believe the radius for predistribution of KI pills should be extended. Currently its delivered within 10 kilometres. Only 17 per cent are aware they can order the KI pills free from preparetobesafe.ca. The Regional Municipal- ity of Durham also present- ed at the hearing, support- ing continued operation, in large part, because of the jobs it provides. The region's chief ad- ministrative officer Garry Cubitt did state the Region has concerns about the lack of plans for jobs at the end of the 10-year extension. In the region's submissi- on, it asked that OPG pre- pare and make public plans on how it will mitigate neg- ative impacts of the station's retirement, including tran- sition plans for affected workers. The region seeks com- pensation for used nuclear fuel storage until a new lo- cation is found. Cubitt noted other com- munities are compensated for this. "Durham should be as well," he said. The region's submission asked for a number of other resolutions including that the CNSC ensure the prov- ince implements its updat- ed Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan in a timely, transparent and accountable manner. It also seeks funding from OPG or the province for the implementation of the latest emergency re- sponse plans. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Durham Region epidemiol- ogist, was questioned by the commission about cancer rates in Durham Region, and whether they seemed to be higher close to the Pick- ering plant. "No, there's nothing that comes out in terms of par- ticularly higher rates that would be linked to the nu- clear plants," she said. She added Pickering does well in terms of fetal and maternal health. Louis Bertrand, a mem- ber of the public who has a background in electrical engineering, shared his concerns with the aging digital control computer equipment of the 47-year- old plant and asked that OPG take concrete steps to ensure new software and maintenance of existing software is developed after an extensive process. Commission president Michael Binder asked staff, in the case of a "doomsday scenario" if the software failed, will the unit shut down safely? "The short answer would be, the primary safe- ty systems are all fail-safe so if something does go wrong, the unit will shut down as opposed to (con- tinuing to operate)," said Gerry Frappier, the CNSC's directorate of power reac- tor regulation's director general. He added CNSC staff are confident in the effective- ness of the software. Granville said the plant is as safe today as it's ever been. "We've demonstrated our plant is safe today and it's going to be safer tomor- row with some of the con- tinued investment we're go- ing to do," he said. NEWS l Continued from page 1 OPG has 'proven safety record': board of trade Shawn-Patrick Stensil, an Energy Analyst for Greenpeace, spoke at the hearings on Thursday, June 28. The group is in favour of closing the station. Marc Leblanc, the Commission Secretary, and Michael Binder, the Commission President, listened to Stensil's presentation. Ron Pietroniro / Metroland MAKE YOUR OWN Carriers Wanted! MUST BE 10 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER WE cURREnTLY hAvE pApER ROUTES AvAiLABLE! if you are interested in earning some extra money delivering papers in your area, please contact (905) 683-5117 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 4 PickeringRecreationComplex 1867ValleyFarmRoad,L1V3Y7 905.683.6582 @pickeringfit pickering.ca/fit Alternateformatavailableuponrequest,call905.683.7575oremailcustomercare@pickering.ca Recreation Pickering Complex SummeratthePool LearntoSwimthisSummer SwimKidsLevels1-10 Choose dailyorweeklyclassesatPickeringRecComplex. Choose ourpopularmonthlongDunbartonSummerSwimProgramwithbusing- theseclassesincludebustransportationtoandfromeachlesson. DetailsinyourLeisureGuideorsearch&registerwith PickeringActiveOnline Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm LaneSwim OpenSwim RecreationComplexPool EffectiveJuly2toSeptember2,2018. **atleast1lanewillbeavailable AdmissionRates (pleaseaddHST) SinglePass 10Pass 3MonthPass AnnualPass Youth(4-17years)$2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 Senior(65years+)$2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 PersonwithDisability $2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 Adult $3.98 $33.63 $82.00 $184.00 Family*$8.00 $69.47 $117.00 $313.00 ProgramRegistraion Search&Registerforprogramsonlinewith PickeringActiveOnline 1867ValleyFarmRoad,L1V3Y7 905.420.4621 registration@pickering.ca pickering.ca/registration Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 8:00pm-9:00pm 8:00pm-9:00pm OpenSwim LaneSwim DunbartonIndoorPool EffectiveJuly3toAugust24,2018. PublicSwimSchedule 2 greatindoorlocations! NewThisSummeratthePickeringRecreationComplex... PurchaseanAnnualorSeasonalFamilySwimorYouthPass,and enjoyfreesquashandorracquetballforthesummer. RacquetSports,willbefreefrom 6:00amto5:00pmweekdaysfrom July1toAugust31,2018. Pleasenote:thisofferdoesnotincludetennis. YouthAnnualSwimPass (ages4to17years) Annual: $123.00 Seasonal(3mos): $52.00 UnlimitedswimmingduringpublicswimtimesatthePickeringRecreationComplex andDunbartonPool. *FamilySwimPass Annual: $313.00 Seasonal(3mos): $117.00 UnlimitedswimmingduringpublicswimtimesatthePickeringRecreationComplex andDunbartonPool. *Family–2adultsandimmediatefamily(4to17yearsofage)livinginthesamehousehold. Cousinsandgrandparentsarenotconsideredimmediatefamilyforthispass. Adults18+ haveaccesstothemembershipchangeroomsatthePickeringRecreationComplexwith whirlpool&sauna. Summer Membership forStudents18+ now$75.00 ValidMay1toSeptember3,2018. Thismembershipisgeared towardscollegeoruniversity students. Includesfitnessclasses inallstudios,cardiorooms,weight room,poolduringpublicswim times,andmemberchangerooms withwhirlpool/sauna. ValidstudentIDisrequiredtopurchase. 1867ValleyFarmRoad An8lane,25metrepoolwithdivingwell,andtrainingpool 655SheppardAvenueEast A6lane,25metrepoolwithdivingboard 5 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 4 PickeringRecreationComplex 1867ValleyFarmRoad,L1V3Y7905.683.6582 @pickeringfitpickering.ca/fit Alternateformatavailableuponrequest,call905.683.7575oremailcustomercare@pickering.ca Recreation Pickering ComplexSummeratthePool LearntoSwimthisSummer SwimKidsLevels1-10 Choose dailyorweeklyclassesatPickeringRecComplex. Choose ourpopularmonthlongDunbartonSummerSwimProgramwithbusing- theseclassesincludebustransportationtoandfromeachlesson. DetailsinyourLeisureGuideorsearch&registerwith PickeringActiveOnline Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 6:00am-8:30am 9:00am-1:00pm** 4:00pm-7:00pm** 9:00pm-9:55pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-9:00pm LaneSwim OpenSwim RecreationComplexPoolEffectiveJuly2toSeptember2,2018. **atleast1lanewillbeavailable AdmissionRates(pleaseaddHST) SinglePass 10Pass 3MonthPass AnnualPass Youth(4-17years)$2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 Senior(65years+)$2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 PersonwithDisability$2.65 $20.35 $52.00 $123.00 Adult$3.98 $33.63 $82.00 $184.00 Family*$8.00 $69.47 $117.00 $313.00 ProgramRegistraion Search&Registerforprogramsonlinewith PickeringActiveOnline 1867ValleyFarmRoad,L1V3Y7 905.420.4621 registration@pickering.ca pickering.ca/registration Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 8:00pm-9:00pm8:00pm-9:00pm OpenSwim LaneSwim DunbartonIndoorPoolEffectiveJuly3toAugust24,2018. PublicSwimSchedule 2greatindoorlocations! NewThisSummeratthePickeringRecreationComplex... PurchaseanAnnualorSeasonalFamilySwimorYouthPass,and enjoyfreesquashandorracquetballforthesummer. RacquetSports,willbefreefrom 6:00amto5:00pmweekdaysfrom July1toAugust31,2018. Pleasenote:thisofferdoesnotincludetennis. YouthAnnualSwimPass (ages4to17years) Annual: $123.00 Seasonal(3mos): $52.00 UnlimitedswimmingduringpublicswimtimesatthePickeringRecreationComplex andDunbartonPool. *FamilySwimPass Annual: $313.00 Seasonal(3mos): $117.00 UnlimitedswimmingduringpublicswimtimesatthePickeringRecreationComplex andDunbartonPool. *Family–2adultsandimmediatefamily(4to17yearsofage)livinginthesamehousehold. Cousinsandgrandparentsarenotconsideredimmediatefamilyforthispass. Adults18+ haveaccesstothemembershipchangeroomsatthePickeringRecreationComplexwith whirlpool&sauna. Summer Membership forStudents18+ now$75.00 ValidMay1toSeptember3,2018. Thismembershipisgeared towardscollegeoruniversity students. Includesfitnessclasses inallstudios,cardiorooms,weight room,poolduringpublicswim times,andmemberchangerooms withwhirlpool/sauna. ValidstudentIDisrequiredtopurchase. 1867ValleyFarmRoad An8lane,25metrepoolwithdivingwell,andtrainingpool 655SheppardAvenueEast A6lane,25metrepoolwithdivingboard 5 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 6 The News Advertiser, published every Wednesday and Thursday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a whollyowned subsidiary of Torstar Corpora- tion. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprised of more than 100 community publications across Ontario. The News Advertiser is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National NewsMedia Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca newsroom@durhamregion.com facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham ABOUT US Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 865 Farewell Street Oshawa, ON L1H 6N8 Phone: 905-215-0481 Fax: 905-579-2238 Web: www.durhamregion.com Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 200 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Delivery For all delivery inquiries, please call 905-579-4407. CONTACT US Publisher Tim Whittaker | twhittaker@durhamregion.com Director of Advertising Fred Eismont | feismont@durhamregion.com Regional Managing Editor Mike Johnston | mjohnston@durhamregion.com Director of Distribution Abe Fahkourie | afakhourie@durhamregion.com Composing Manager Cheryl Haines | chaines@durhamregion.com WHO WE ARE OPINION •LETTERS & COMMENTARY • I recently received an invitation to join a 22-day spiritual journey of en- lightenment. It sounded wonderful, with stops and adventures throughout Australia and New Zea- land. It also, unfortunate- ly, sounded pricey. Like, sell a kidney pricey. But it got me to think- ing. I wondered if perhaps I couldn't arrange my own, fiscally scaled down but nonetheless spiritually nourishing journey. Turns out it isn't that difficult. Rising with the sun, we begin Day 1 with a rever- ent stop at my personal house of worship ... the Gravenhurst Bakery. After consulting with the High Priestesses of sticky good- ness we are sent on our way, each participant con- tently clutching a brown paper bag of lardy holiness ... otherwise known as the Fritter of Knowledge. Our pilgrimage then takes us to the nearest espresso shrine where, after suppli- cating ourselves in front of the altar of caffeinated glo- ry, we take a moment of si- lence. Each of us dipping the Fritter of Knowledge into a steaming cup of dark-roasted perspective ... letting the unsurpassed perfection of that moment wash over us and down our gullets. Bliss. To feed the soul we must also feed the mind, of course, and so our next stop finds us happily wan- dering the aisles of a book- store, some of us still nib- bling on the aforemen- tioned coffee and dough- nuts, while our brains hap- pily mouth titles we might like to take home with us, already planning hours of leisurely, silent escape in- to pages and pages of mag- ic. Once literarily sated, we make our way, book- bags bulging with prom- ised reading joy, to yet an- other sacred landmark ... Dairy Queen. Here, amid the rhythmic, whirring chant of the compressors we are greeted by uni- formed vassals of sugary love, who remind us, with their many and varied, caramel-covered offer- ings, that life is sweet. We leave with the understand- ing that there is no diffi- culty that cannot be sur- mounted by sprinkling nuts and chocolate on it. Finally we end our jour- ney at the holy of holies ... the LCBO. Taking our time, we wander, awe- struck and mute, down row upon row of glimmer- ing amber perfection. The wisdom contained within these glass vessels is un- limited and unknowable. And yet, we must try. And try we must ... until finally, a waiting taxi gently shep- herds us back to homes and waiting beds. All of us a little fuller and perhaps heavier for our spiritual journey. -Neil Crone, actor, comic, writer, saves some of his best lines for this column My personal spiritual junket Columnist Neil Crone savours the sweetness of life NEIL CRONE Column To the editor: We are senior citizens who visited rink one at the Tribute Centre this past Sunday. We parked in the event parking lot across from the arena as we had the previous Sun- day because the parking lot at rink one is very small. We did know it was for events, but planned on be- ing out of there in an hour, which was way ahead of when the event parking would take place. It was raining and there wasn't any on-street parking. When we returned our car wasn't where we left it. It got towed. Thanks to a young couple for helping us out as their vehicle had been towed also. We didn't have any idea what we had to do. They gave us the name of the towing com- pany and phone number. They called their dad who lives in Oshawa and he was kind enough to give my husband a ride to the impound lot. When I spoke to the towing company they said they would waive the cost to use dollies to tow our vehicle. Apparently they have to use these to tow an AWD vehicle. This cost us $192.10. When we came out of the arena directly across the street was a parking attendant with a sign that read parking $10. We would have gladly paid the $10, but he wasn't there when we went in the other lot. All in all it wasn't a very good experience vis- iting this arena, there was a bump in the floor getting to the washrooms and a couple of people fell. Then the washrooms were blocked off because of the event at the Tribute Cen- tre. There was one wash- room in a dressing room that we were able to use, but someone had to stand guard because there wasn't a lock on the door. There wasn't any soap or towels either. I hope in the future that this facility isn't used for our grand- son's hockey. I wonder if the tow truck was waiting down the street for people to park and then grab their vehicle? Seems like easy money to me and not a good way to treat visitors to this facility. Sandra Lewis Newcastle Seniors not impressed after being towed in Oshawa l GET CONNECTED Visit durhamregion.com/letters to see other opinions from the local community. l NEWSLETTER Stories events and more delivered daily to your inbox. Sign up at durhamregion.com /newsletter 7 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Herongate Barn Dinner Theatre Presents this Summer’s Hit Comedy! Opens on July 6th Imagine the Perfect Night Out ! Reserve 905-472-3085 herongate.com Clip n save $12.00 off Fridays & Saturdays in July per couple with this coupon Herongate Barn s Hit Comedy!’this Summer Imagine the Perfect Night Out ! Reserve 905-472-3085 herongate.com Fridays & Saturdays in July Great food* Great Shows* Great Price! www.sunshade.ca • info@sunshade.ca Ajax Showroom 88 Old Kingston Road, Pickering Village,Ajax 905-428-0937 Shop-At-Home Service! Palm Beach Shutters 20%OFF!* Now Available with Powerview ®Motorization! Come in and shop today. *Limited time offer. Advertising Feature 27 Tips to help drive up the sale price of your Ajax/Pickering home DurhAm region -Because your home may well be your largest asset, selling it is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. And once you have made that decision, you’ll want to sell your home for the highest price in the shortest time possible without compromisingyoursanity. Beforeyouplace your home on the market, here’s a way to help you to be as prepared as possible. To assist home sellers, a new industry report has just been released called “27 Valuable Tips That You Should Know to get Your home Sold Fast and for Top Dollar”. it tackles that important issues you need to know to make your home competitive in today’s tough, aggressive marketplace. Through these 27 Tips you will discover how to protect and capitalize on your most important investment, reduce stress, be in control of your situation, and make the most profit possible. in this report you’ll discover how to avoid financial disappointment or worse, a financial disaster when selling your home. using a common-sense approach, you get the straight facts about what can make or break the sale of your home. You owe it to yourself to learn how these important tips will give you the competitive edge to get your home sold fast and for the most amount of money. Orderyourfreereporttoday.Tohear abriefrecordedmessageabouthowto orderyourFREEcopyofthisreport,call 1-800-611-8940andenterID#1023.Call anytime,24hour’saday,7daysaweek. GetyourfreespecialreportNOW COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE 963 brock rd s., pickering li v e r p o o l 401 bayly ch u r c h br o c K r D . S . OFFER ENDS JULY 15, 2018 SUMMER MAINTENANCE SERVICE SPECIAL INCLUDES: Oil, filter & lubrication (max 5 litres 5W/10W - 30) 15 point inspection for: coolant, tires, wiper, hose's and belts etc. Brake inspection and report Tire rotation $59.95 $49.95* Service & Repairs To All Makes ---Licensed Technicians---- 963 Brock Road, Unit 8+9, Pickering Please call for an appointment 905-492-4002 oktireajax.com Mon - Thurs 8 to 6pm, Fri 8 to 5pm ➡ Present coupon to receive this offer Plus $3.98 hazardous materials charge. *Extra charge for synthetic oil + taxes *Present at time of purchase AJAX CELEBRATES CANADA'S 151ST BIRTHDAY Above, Rotary Park in Ajax hosted Canada Day family festivites throughout the day, including various crafts, games, inflatables and more. Lena and Sylvia Malowany of Pickering enjoyed the pony rides on July 1. Right, Kayan and Rawnaq Adel of Ajax enjoyed one of the inflatable interactive challenges at the event accompanied by their mom, Nooria Adel. Shay Conroy photos dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 8 Futons • Offering a variety of Frames, Mattresses and Covers (in store) Turns into Double Bed* *Mention this ad. Limited time. See store for details. Pictures not exactly as shown. Not valid with any other offer. While quantities last. 76 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax (South of 401; across Ajax Town Hall) @CanadianBedding905-231-0941 www.CanadianBedding.netHERE CIBC AJAX TOWN HALL N KING CRES. HA R W O O D A V E . S . STATION ST. SHEET SETS FROM $1999* Adjustable Base & Mattress SIZZLING SUMMER SALE! • Head & Feet Up • Wireless Remote Split King $3198 TWIN XL $1599* 0% FINANCING Available O.A.C See store for details • 1000 Pocket Coils • Gel Memory Euro Pillow Top Queen Mattress Canadian Made HOT BUY NOW $399* Double $38999 King $59999 Choose Your Colour & Comfort NOW $999* Canadian Made Madison Sectional • Sofa + Chaise THE PANDORA STORE AT PICKERINGTOWN CENTRE 1355 Kingston Rd. 905.492.7263 © 2018 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved EXPLORE MORE Express your playful side with brilliant, hand-finished NEW jewellery. DURHAM - A judge has sentenced Wesley Guzylak to life in prison for the mur- der of his ex-girlfriend Co- tie Weekley, citing the kill- ing as "yet another" exam- ple of an angry, possessive man committing violence against a domestic partner. "No woman should live in fear of losing or actually lose her life at the hands of a jealous, angry, control- ling partner," Superior Court Justice Michelle Fuerst said in setting pa- role eligibility for Guzylak at 14 years and nine months. "Ms. Weekley had done nothing to provoke the at- tack," the judge said during a sentencing hearing Tues- day, June 26 in Oshawa. "She was well within her rights to end her relation- ship with Mr. Guzylak." Guzylak pleaded guilty in May to second-degree murder in the death of Weekley, 31, who was am- bushed and stabbed as she returned to the north Osh- awa home she shared with her young daughter in ear- ly 2017. The child, seven at the time, witnessed the at- tack on her mother and was then kept in the house overnight by Guzylak, court heard. Guzylak, a heavy drink- er, was violent and control- ling toward Weekley prior to her death. "He became angry and mean when he was drinking," Fuerst said. "He accused her of cheat- ing on him." Weekley had ended her tumultuous relationship with Guzylak just prior to the killing and had asked him to remove his belong- ings from her home. Weekley, a single mom who held down two jobs, was at work when Guzylak travelled by public transit from Toronto to Oshawa on Jan. 22, 2017. He broke into her house and lay in wait, confronting Weekley when she and her daughter ar- rived home in the evening. "Mr. Guzylak murdered Ms. Weekley in front of her seven-year-old daughter," the judge noted. The morning after the killing, Guzylak sent the girl to a neighbour's house with instructions to call 911; the child ran by the body of her mother as she fled, Fuerst said. Police ar- riving at the house found Guzylak bleeding from a self-inflicted wound to his neck. A picture drawn by the daughter of murder victim Cotie Weekley following the 31-year-old Oshawa woman's killing in early 2017. Wesley Guzylak has pleaded guilty to second- degree murder. The pic- ture was entered as an ex- hibit during a sentencing hearing on Wednesday, May 9. Charged after his re- lease from hospital, Guzy- lak soon confessed to the killing. He has since been under psychiatric care at the Central East Correc- tions Centre, Fuerst said. "He has had suicidal thoughts," the judge said. "He says his alcoholism de- stroyed his life." The killing has shat- tered Weekley's family, bringing crushing grief on her mother and siblings and leaving her daughter with an "almost unthink- able" burden early in her life, the judge said. "She will grow up not knowing the love, support and companionship that only a mother can pro- vide," Fuerst noted. Although he is guilty of a terrible crime, Guzylak is to be credited for his guilty plea and other measures he has taken to ensure the lit- tle girl never had to testify in court, said Fuerst. NEWS 'Jealous, controlling' killer sentenced to life for murder of Oshawa woman JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com The brutal killing of 31-year-old Cotie Weekley, a single mom who worked two jobs to support her daughter Jasmine, has devastated a family and deeply affected the little girl, who is now 8, prosecutor Greg O'Driscoll said during a hearing Wednesday, May 9, in Oshawa. Metroland file photos 9 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Me t r o l a n D Dur h a M real estate Press Run 162,050 July 4, 2018 *Independently Owned & Operated WHERE:452BritanniaAve.E.Oshawa PRICE:Asking$809,900.00 DETAILS:ListentotheBirdsSinging.Therecallingyournameto comeviewthis2739Sq.Ft.4+1bedroom,3.5bathroombrick home.Backingontoaquiet,serene&peacefulbackyardwithanew 2tiereddeck,maturelandscapingandnoonebehind.Howgood doesitget.Finishedtoptobottom.Shingles2013,furnace2011. ComeouttoseeSallynextSunday.Youcan’tmissthisone. SallyMcCarron*SRES,*ABR RoyalLepageFrankR.E-Brokerage Office:905-666-1333 Cell:905-259-6223 www.SellwithSally Listen totheBirds singing open h o u s e sund a y J u L y 8 t h 2 - 4 p m Great Condo townhome BaCkinG onto ravine! Where:28-350CamelotCrt.,oshawa Price:$310,000 Details:UpdatesIncludeFreshPaint,NewCarpet,PatioDoor&FrontDoor (1Yr),NewBdrmwindows.eat-InKitchen,3Bdrm,2Baths,w/oFroml/rto Deck,PartFinishedBasementwithw/otoPatio&FencedYard.hugemaster withlargeClosetPlus2GoodsizedBedrooms.5appliancesIncluded.Closeto schools,shopping&transit.monthlyFeesIncludelawn&snowmaintenance, water,Garbage,exteriorPaint&roofmaintenance.CallCarlatodaytoView 905-409-6560 www.carlacaresteam.com CarlaSkinner,Broker re/maXJaZZINCBrokerage Direct:(905)409-6560 Office:(905)728-1600 WHERE:190 William Fair Dr., Bow.DETAILS:Sat. and Sun. 12 - 5 pm Mon.& Tues.1 -6:30 pm Wed., Thurs., Fri. By appointment Call Bev at 905-433-2173jefferyhomes.com Kingsport -‘D’ BUNGALOWS AVAILABLE! 2015 &2016 Builder of the Year!Tier One 2017 Green Builder of the Year! DesirableUxbriDgebUngalow WHERE:74CemeteryRoad,Uxbridge DETAILS:Beautiful“HeathwoodHomes”Bungalow.RareTwo MasterBedroomFloorPlan,OneontheMainFloortheOtherin theLoft.PremiumHardwoodFloor&Staircase.OpenConcept GourmetKitchenw/GraniteCounters.9FtCeilings.SeparateGlass ShowersinbothEnsuiteBathrooms.FamilyRoomwith2Storey Ceiling.OversizedBackyard.ProfessionallyLandscaped.Stainless SteelElectroluxAppliances.AllinUxbridge’sBestNeighborhood. MLS#N4140381 GailDunlop,SalesRepresentativeSuttonGroupHeritageRealtyInc.,Brokerage IndependentlyOwnedandOperated O:905-619-9500,C:905-706-1648 new P r i C e ! $9 6 9 , 9 0 0 CustomBuilt RaisedBungalow GladysStephensREMAXRougeRiverRealtyLtd,Brokerage 100%Club2012-17,PlatinumClub (t)905-668-1800•(cf)289-314-4546 WHERE:569LarmerLineMILLSTONE PRICE:$775,000 DETAILS:Custom3600sqftraisedbungalowononecharming,treelinedacrewith1100sqft,doubleheight,heatedgaragelocatedonadesiredstreetjustminutesoutsideDurhamoffthe115inthecountrysideofthequaintvillageofMillbrook.Fullyrenovatedkitchenandbaths,hardwood,tanklesshotwater,stainlesssteelappliances,stonefireplace,10carparkingandbeautifulingroundpool.Aplaceyouwilllovetocallhome. OPENHOUSESUNDAY JULY 8 frOm 2-4Pm where:1517GrandviewStN,Oshawa details:Beautiful4+1Bedroom2StoreyFamilyHomein NorthOshawa!Openmainfloorwithfamilyroomandgasfireplace. EatinKitchenwithwalkouttoamazingdeckandyardwithabvground pool!LargeMasterwithfullEnsuiteBathand2ndFloorLaundry. Fullyfinishedbsmtwith5thbedroomand3pcebath DennisRoberts,Broker RoyalLePageFrankRealEstate,Brokerage Office:905.623.3393 Mobile:905.259.9531 www.TheRobertsTeam.caDennis@TheRobertsTeam.ca $69 8 , 8 0 0 BungalowonaQuietCourt PRICE:$499,900 ADDRESS:367ArborCrt.,Oshawa DETAILS:Wellmaintaineddetachedbrickbungalow.Ideal retirementorstarterhome.Separatesideentrancetobrightfinished basementwithrecroom,bedroom&2piecebathwithlaundry. Hardwoodfloors.Whirlpooltub.OpenconceptLR&DR.W/Ofrom DRtocoveredpatio&fencedyard.Hardwoodfloors.Sparklingclean. JOEHAWCO&ANITAHALMINEN,Brokers,ASP,*ASARE/MAXFirstRealtyLtd.,BrokerageOffice:905.668.3800TollFree:1.877.520.3700Email:joeandanita@rogers.comwww.JoeAndAnita.net Tony OrecchioSales Representative Chay Realty Inc., BrokerageIndependently Owned and Operated152 Bayfield Street, Barrie, ON L4M 3B5Office: 705-722-7100 •Tony@keys4you.ca 705-817-1505(cell) Main floor master bedroom! $525,000 Open HOuse sat. July 7 tH and sun. July 8 tH 40 treen CresCent,WHitby MLS# E4177986 www.keys4you.ca 162,050 Homes Across Durham Region367,460 Views* Additional Exposure Highlighted on www.homefinder.ca *based on data collected by BrandSpark International 2016905-579-4400 Selling Your Home? WitH maximum expoSure. MakeIt StandOut We’ve got YouCovered! Have Your agent advertise Your listing in the Durham real estate Section every Wednesday! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 10 $499,900 4+1 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms 2 Sunroom & Shows Pride Of Ownership $499,900 Absolutely Stunning Inside & Out Century Charm With Modern Flair $849,900 5+1 Bedrooms & 3200 Sqft Fantastic Neighbourhood Location $389,900 Backing On To Ravine 3 Bedrooms & 146 Ft Deep Lot $749,900 4 Bedrooms & 4 Bathrooms Sought After Area &Finished Basement $1,199,900 Stunning 5 Bedroom In Brooklin Steps From Shops, Schools, & Restaurants $299,000 Move In Ready & 2+1 Bedrooms 82 x 115 Ft Lot & Finished Basement $369,900 Beautiful 99 x 198 Ft Lot 3 Bedrooms & Fully Finished Basement $649,900 Beautiful 4 Bedroom Home Fantastic Quiet Street $474,900 3 Bedrooms & Finished Basement Remodeled Kitchen & In Beautiful Area $292,000 2 Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms Detached Garage &On Quiet Street $499,900 Fully Detached Bungalow Large Master Bedroom With Walkout $624,900 4 Bedroom & 3 Bathroom Highly Sought After Area &Open Concept $389,900 Location, Location, Location 3 Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms $379,900 3 Bedrooms & 3 Bathrooms Large Backyard With Inground Pool $725,000 Over 3000sqft & 5+1 Bedrooms Professionally Finished Bsmt With Kitchen $524,900 Renovated Home Oversized Lot 3 Bdrms &Finished Basement On Quiet Court $309,900 End Unit 3 Bed and 2 Bath Newly Renovated Kitchen $409,900 3+1 Bedroom In Quiet Area 3 Bathroom & Full Finished Basement $474,900 Log Home On 1.43 Acres Open Concept Main & Walkout Basement $379,900 65ft Wide Lot 3+1 Bedrooms &Fully Finished Basement $299,900 Huge Lot 40 x 150 Unique 2nd Floor Family Room $399,900 Gorgeous Half Acre Lot With Creek Open Concept & 3+1 Bedrooms $459,900 3 Bedroom In Awesome Location Hardwood Throughout &Finished Basement $1,888,800 Executive Home On 2 Acres Over 6500 Sqft Of Living Space $399,900 4 Bedroom & 2 Bathroom Inground Pool &Large Backyard $549,900 Prime Whitby Neighbourhood Covered Deck & Fully Fenced Backyard $524,900 Pie Shaped Lot On Quiet Court 3 Bedrooms &Backing On To Park $750,000 Renovated Kitchen & Ensuite Very Desirable Brooklin Neighbourhood $499,900 3 Bedrooms & 3 Bathrooms Beautiful Home With Finished Basement $674,900 Pride Of Ownership 4 Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms Bungalow $339,900 Country Style Living 4 Bedrooms Steps From Shops, Restaurants & Mins To 401 11 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Name T hatAgent DropofforMail entries to: This Week, c/o Name that Agent Contest 865 Farewell St. S., Oshawa, On L1H 6N8 Entries to be submitted byJuly 20, 2018 Name: Phone: Email: Match the numbers to the agents name below for your chance to admissionfor4totheCNE& a$50giftcertificateto Angela’sEstheticsinWhitby * s a l e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e • * * b r o k e r WIN __MichaelDigiovanni*,Re/Max First Realty Ltd., Brokerage __VesnaWhalen*,Re/Max Rouge River Ltd. __JacquelynnTanner*,Sutton Group – Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage __DavidSaunders*,Right At Home Realty Inc., Brokerage __JanetDowson**,Right At Home Realty Inc., Brokerage __JohnDaciuk**,Sutton Group – Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage __JaneHurst*,Coldwell Banker 2M Realty, Brokerage __DebbieTaylor*,ReMax Impact Brokerage __MayaDrechsel*,Re/Max Rouge River Ltd., Brokerage __TerryWoods*,Right At Home Realty Inc., Brokerage __SheilaZanussi*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __DanaMcCormick*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __MichaelWatson**,Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage __KarenBeck*,Coldwell Banker 2M Realty, Brokerage __DenaSicard*,Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Brokerage __LynnFaris*,Re/Max Rouge River Ltd., Brokerage __MarilynPortelance*,Royal LePage Frank Real Estate, Brokerage __PattiWilliamson*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __RonnaCampoli*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __Danielle&BrandonStanway*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __CrystalPowell*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __DylanCherry*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __JulieHoogkamp*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __JoanHyde*,Remax Jazz Inc., Brokerage __GerryWalker*,Remax Rouge River Ltd. Broker 6 743512 98 for more information go to https://theex.com/&www.angelasesthetics.ca 222120 23 25191824 13 17101211151416 Aleah Wilson* Sales Representative Jason Adams* Sales Representative Rhonda Best** Broker of Record Alt.CLHMS | SRES Sales RepresentativeSRES Kevin Broome * Sales Representative Ken Mair * Sales Representative Lori Salter * Sales Representative Luiz Lameiras** Broker of Record Marc Laniel* Sales RepresentativeSRES Marsha Oxley* Sales Representative Angela Drover* Sales Representative Karen Mellish* Sales Representative Bert Van Hout Sales Representative Marlene Pereira* Sales Representative Patti Robertson* Sales Representative Danielle Gooch* Sales Representative Theresa Hull-Clarke* Sales Representative Shelly Burrows* Sales Representative Carol Henry Sales Representative Ian Szabo Sales Representative Lisa Grimes Sales Representative Billy Conquer* Sales Representative Katya Lameiras* Sales Representative Karen Guirey * Sales Representative Chris Gullins * Sales Representative Patricia Chiasson* Sales Representative Michael Logan* Sales Representative Ernie Donnelly* Sales Representative Tracy Donnelly * Sales Representative Steve Philips* Sales Representative Bob Best* Sales RepresentativeSRES Kim Leary* Sales Representative Lee Vermaak* Sales Representative Chris Haley* Sales Representative Peter Carter* Sales Representative Guy Guthrie * Sales Representative Tracey Harding* Jared Harvey* Sales Representative Tara Baylis * Sales Representative Sales Representative | SRES BroughtToYou By Angelica Ciurlia* dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 12 CrystalPowell Sales Representative Phone: (905) 728-1600 DireCt: (905) 263-4412 Email: crystal.powell@hotmail.ca Open hOuse saturday July 7 th and sunday July 8 th 2:00-4:00 784 OrmOnd dr. Oshawa Welcome to this fully finished, ready to move in 3 bedroom home in north Oshawa. The spacious bedrooms with oversized closets, fully finished basement with wet bar, recroom, office and walkout to a fully fenced backyard with newer deck make this house a great fit for your family. 21 Drew Street Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4Z7 193 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1C2 *Based on RE Stats for Firms in 2014, 2015 and 2016 Real estate FiRm FoR Combined listing and buyeR sales* in duRham Region 905.728.1600 www.REMAXJAZZ.COM Call us today for our complimentary In-House Market Evaluation of your home! It is fast & full of market information! Legal 1 Bedroom Apartment! Reduced $579,999 Bring the In-Laws! Lovely 3+1 Bedroom Family Home Located in Desirable Bowmanville Neighborhood, close to Schools and All Amenities! Features Include Formal Dining Room, Large Eat in Kitchen with Walk out to Deck, Spacious 2nd Floor Family Room with Balcony and Large Legal Apartment Registered with the Municipality of Clarington Featuring Walk out to Spacious/Fenced Backyard! Direct: (905) 434-6677 www.CindyRicketts.com Open House Saturday 2-4pm 87 Hutton Place, Bowmanville LOOK WHO’S JAZZED UP THEIR CAREER! For all your real estate needs, call IrIna roudenko! RE/MAX Jazz proudly introduces Irina Roudenko* to its team of agents who are in tune with the market! Irina’s authentic endorsement of all things real estate stems from her core belief that property ownership is the most secure and tangible investment consumers can make. “It’s the only investment product that you can actually live in,” stated Irina at a recent press interview.And she should know!A previous career spent as aLicensedInvestmentAdvisorataninternationalfirmandadegreeinInternational Economics and Finance have armed Irina with the knowledge and research that support the endless advantages of buying Canadian real estate.It’s no wonder she decided to launch a career in the real estate industry – Irina is 100% sold on the longtermwealthbuildingpotentialofrealestateinanyperson’sfinancialportfolio. Irina’s enviable background has perfectly equipped her for a smooth transition into housing sales, and accounts for the high demand for her services that she is already experiencing.Aligning herself with the #1 real estate brand in the world – RE/MAX – was an easy decision for Irina,who cites“working with the best makes you the best” as her foundational philosophy in business. Make no mistake, Irina looks forward to earning your business! LOOK WHO’S JAZZED UP THEIR CAREER! For all your real estate needs, count on ajmal aFzalzada! RE/MAX Jazz is pleased to announce that Ajmal Afzalzada* has joined the ranks of Durham’s “Rhythm of the Region!” Ajmal has developed himself into the ideal business profile for real estate sales achievement.Hisbackgroundasasuccessfulentrepreneurandbusinessownerin Toronto for many years taught him the #1 leadership principle for success: serve and help others get what they want, and you will get what you want. Because of his broad experience, Ajmal is adept at cultivating honest, open discussions and seeks to build authentic relationships based on trust and transparency with his clients. His natural tact and diplomacy pay homage to the great respect he has for others and will earn him a stellar reputation in the industry. Facilitating every transaction personally, educating his buyers and sellers on the long term outcomes of their decisions and giving wise counsel along the way, all translate to an experience that supersedes expectations for the client. Fluent in English and Farsi, Ajmal is dedicated to the community and loves to point out all of the advantages to living in the beautiful and fast growing Durham Region. For more information about WEEMAX Children’s Charities and how you can help, please contact your RE/MAX Jazz sales representative at 905-728-1600 or at remaxjazz.com a RE/MaX Jazz REal EstatE pRofEssional, you aRE contRibuting to this Most woRthy causE! Whenyouchoose BUILD YOURDREAM TEAM 13 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Carea CommunityHealth Centrestaffis dedicated tocreatingan inclusive environmentthatwelcomesdiversity. EveryOneMatters! EveryOne isWelcome! Accessibility:CareaCommunityHealthCentre iscommitted tocomplying with allapplicablestandardsassetoutin theAccess ibilityForOntarians with DisabilitiesAct.2005 (AODA). Ifyou have accessibilityneeds and requirealternative formats orotheraccommodations,pleasecontactPaula Carter,ResourceDevelopmentandCommunications Managerat905-723-0036 x1229orinfo@careachc.ca Carea Community Health Centre | Ajax Site | 360 Bayly Street West,Unit 5 Ajax,Ontario | L1S 1P1 |T 905-428-1212 | F 905-428-9151 E info@careachc.ca | w careachc.ca | 119158137 RR0001 SeasonalAllergies?LetusHelp! DP1 Please visit us at .ca .ca 888-925-3265 107 Warren Rd., Whitby Residential & Commercial Service Duct & Furnace Cleaning A/C Units l Dryer Vents Carpets & Area Rugs Furniture l Stain Removal Family Friendly, SystemSafe™ 2017 BUY 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 www.royalcanadiancircus.ca PROMO CODE:bigtop THE PICKERING MARKETS JULY 19 - 22, 2018 ALSOIN:MISSISSAUGA•MARKHAM•BURLINGTON•OAKVILLE ENTER TOWIN Winner’sPackagewillinclude:e will include:agkacs P’innerW e will include:agkacs P’innerW e will include:agkacs P’innerW e will include:agkacs P’innerW 8 NEW S H O W S ! SG MARKETKERINTHE PIC SG MARKETKERINTHE PIC SG MARKETKERINTHE PIC SG MARKETKERINTHE PIC SG MARKETKERINTHE PIC •8 VIP RINGSIDE SEATS FOR YOU AND YOUR 7 GUESTS. •A VIP BACKSTAGE TOUR WITH YOU AND YOUR 7 GUESTS TO GO BEHIND THE SCENES. •INTRODUCED AS HONORARY RINGMASTER AT OPENING CEREMONY. •PONY RIDES FOR WINNER’S CHILDREN DURING INTERMISSION. •PHOTO OP WITH CAST - FINALE •VALUE $700 Name: Address: City:Postal Code: Phone: Mail or deliver to:STAR METROLAND Contest Deadline: UNDER THE BIG TOP DURHAM - Pretrial discussions are set to be- gin for a Pickering man charged with murdering his pregnant wife. Nicholas Tyler Baig made a brief appearance in an Oshawa courtroom Tuesday, June 26 and was remanded to July 6, when lawyers will meet with a j udge to discuss issues related to the case. Baig, who has been in custody since his arrest in April of 2017, recently retained a new lawyer, court heard. Baig, who was 25 at the time of his arrest, is charged with first-de- gree murder in the death of his wife, Arianna Go- berdhan, who was found with obvious signs of trauma by police re- sponding to a report of a disturbance at a resi- dence on Winville Road on April 7, 2017. Goberd- han was nine months pregnant at the time; the child also died. An autopsy revealed Goberdhan had been stabbed, Durham police said at the time of the in- cident. Baig, who was arrest- ed in Markham the day after Goberdhan's death, was originally charged with second-degree mur- der, but that charge was upgraded soon after he was taken into custody. NEWS Man charged with pregnant wife's death appears in court JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com DURHAM - A man ac- cused of injuring four people in a shooting earli- er this month at the Pick- ering Ribfest remains in custody pending an ap- pearance in bail court Friday. Ahyjay Francis- Simms had been sched- uled to appear in court via video link from the Central East Corrections Centre Thursday, but that appearance was can- celled; a publication ban has been imposed on the proceeding. Francis-Simms, 20, of Epps Crescent in Ajax was arrested after an in- vestigation into a shoot- ing that injured four peo- ple gathered in Espla- nade Park for the ribfest on the night of June 2. The victims - a 20-year- old Pickering man, a 30- year-old North York man, a 17-year-old boy from Ajax and a 16-year-old boy from Ajax - all sus- tained non life-threaten- ing injuries. Francis-Simms faces numerous charges, in- cluding four counts each of aggravated assault and assault with a weapon; discharging a firearm with intent; possession of a firearm obtained by crime, carrying a firearm while prohibited, and breach of recognizance. He is scheduled to ap- pear in bail court June 29. Accused in shooting that injured four at Pickering Ribfest remains in custody Francis-Simms, 20, of Epps Crescent in Ajax was arrested after a shooting that injured four people. Colin Williamson l MORE ONLINE Check out our range of social media channels serving up content from durhamregion.com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 14 CandiceBergen “Life doesn’t end with age, it deepens.” Candice Bergen talks her new movie “Book Club”, the secret of a good marriage, the sex life of older people, and why modern technology destroys romanticism. By Suzy Maloy After ending her 10-season run as hard-boiled journalist Murphy Brown, Bergen did something unlike her character, she sobbed un- controllably. ‘‘We were fi ne up until Friday morning, March 13, 1998, the day they taped the last show, and then it hit,’’ she said in the Mon- day, April 13, 1998, edition of the Los Angeles Times. ‘‘I burst into tears in front of George Clooney.” Clooney was making a guest appear- ance on the fi nal episode of the CBS show. (Undated File Photo – AP Photo/CBS, Tony Esparza) Continued on next page RonaldJ.Klein,D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine 1885GlenannaRoad, Suite210Pickering,OntarioL1V6R6 905-831-FEET (3338) • Custom Foot Orthotics • FullVeteran’s Coverage • Sport Medicine • Diabetic Feet • Corns • Calluses • Children’s Feet • Evening HoursFeetFor Your Hub Mall Kingston Rd. 1885 18 8 5 G l e n a n n a R d . Pickering Town Centre www.kleinfootcare.ca Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit 15 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Book Your Discovery Tour One Free Night at the Hampton Inn Elliot Lake and enjoy a tour of the city and our properties. (Second night $50.00 + taxes) 1.800.461.4663 retireelliotlake.com Afford to Retire in Elliot Lake .ersffts and oounsk about our special discA With one of the most affordable and attractive retirement lifestyles in Ontario, Elliot Lake offers breathtaking scenery, sunlit beaches, golf, hiking, canoeing and an abundance of arts and cultural pursuits. COMPARE AND SAVE Apartments from $517/month Townhouses from $662/month Houses from $733/month 75 BAYLY STWEST AJAX L1S 7K7 NO FRILLS PLAZA Senior’s Day Last Monday of each month save 20% Full Postal Outlet “From anywhere...to anyone” HOURs: MONDAYTO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM SUNDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM We have the PROTECTION & RELIEF for what Bites & BurnsYou! VisitThe Baywood Walk-In Clinic. Located next to our pharmacy. Open Mon.- Fri.6pm - 9pm Weekends & Holidays 10am - 2pm Fill your prescriptions online at our website! We WantTo BeYOUR Drug Store! TEL: 905-428-1711 •FAX: 905-428-0863 • www.healthritepharmacy.ca • Diabetic Educator on Staff • FREE Prescription Delivery. • We waive the $2 co-pay for seniors and welfare patients. • We specialize in Home Health Care. Assistive Devices Branch (ADP) Registered Vendor. • Crutches,walkers,rollators,wheelchairs,cervical and back supports,bathroom safety,blood pressure monitors,diabetic supplies,support garments and braces. A ComPounDing PHARmACy FREE Blood glucose monitor With Purchase ofTest Strips. Candice, you speak a lot of languages, right? Well, I speak French, English and German. I have this knack for languages. And I love to travel the world. Your character in “Book Club” is having a lot of fun with a dating app. Is that something you would ever try in real life? No. I have been married for almost 20 years. It’s not on my horizon anymore. I don’t even know how I feel about friends doing it. I love face-to-face contact, and that is not being nur- tured anymore. But I do know which way to swipe if I really had to. You miss the old romantic way of being courted? Well, as I said, I am happily married. But there is something to be said about the way men used to court women in a roman- tic way, right? Nowadays it just seems as if something is lost with modern technology. But isn’t it kind of scary to have to “face” your potential partner in an open setting? At least an app is safe… I think it’s more interesting to meet, there is more risk and there is more of a game. And I used to enjoy that a lot. You said you are happily married for almost 20 years. So, what is the secret of a good marriage? You have to marry the right guy. And a man has to have a good sense of humour, that’s very important. He needs to make me laugh. And my husband is not in this business. He does real estate. at helps as well. What is your take on the MeToo movement going forward? ings have already changed a bit. And I think it’s up to the women to keep moving it forward. And it’s up to us to nd a forum for dialogue between men and women. Men need to be included in this conversation. What is your insider knowledge to understanding men? Oh, they are much simpler creatures. I love men, but they are just so much simpler. ey just need to eat, have good sex and football. at’s simplistic, but a lot of men are blessed about not agonizing about as much stu as I do. How are you di erent today as an actor? I am more at peace with my mind. When I was younger I feared this age, but now I am here and I am still working I am happy. It’s unusual that we are working. I still enjoy it. A lot of much younger women than us don’t get work anymore. Is it a taboo to talk about “older” people having sex? Old people have sex. It’s just a fact. It’s not a taboo. Life doesn’t end with age, it deepens. We don’t want to die before we are actually dying. Who is a person that you admire? I am in awe of Jane Fonda. She is in a league of her own. She is an utter inspiration to be around. It’s crazy to see that she is 80. e energy she has is unreal. She always self examines, she pays attention like a hawk. She really is one of the most incredible people I have ever met. So, “Murphy Brown” revival is happening? Yes, it is happening. We are doing another season. I think of the reaction we’ve been getting is that people seem to be very excited. Can you talk a bit about what the show might look like now? Oh, we have so much to work with now. ere is so much going on politically in this country. I think you will nd a re ection of that in our show. ere is a lot of fuel. Candice, do you mind getting older on television? Of course I mind, what woman would not mind? But there is nothing you can do about it. It comes with the package. And all you can do is try to cope with it as well as you can. I am pretty content where I am in my life right now, so that’s a good thing. Candice Bergen and her husband, Marshall Rose. Jamie McCarthy/NBC fi le photo dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 16 Financial Advisor SuSan M Lepp 1105 Finch Avenue Unit #1B, Pickering, ON L1V 1J7 905-831-4611 • www.edwardjones.com Do You Have an appropriate FixeD-income StrategY?AA&&QQ The market downturn of 2008 reminded investors that owning stocks carries risk.And that a balanced portfolio should have both equities and fixed income. If you’re planning to boost the amount of fixed income investments you hold, make sure you choose wisely. In particular, don’t focus only on money-market funds or GICs. Although these can be good short-term “parking spots” while you ponder longer-term options, they tend to offer lower returns than many other types of income investments. Over the long term, you may be better served by bonds.When you invest in quality bonds, the fixed income portion of your portfolio can generate a higher level of income, without going overboard on risk. Bonds issued by governments and blue-chip corporations are generally secure and offer greater returns than money market funds or GICs. In fact, because of the global credit crunch, many quality corporate bonds have not had rates this attractive in many years, so now may be an ideal time to buy. Speak with your financial advisor about implementing a fixed-income strategy that is appropriate for your needs and circumstances. Edward Jones, member Canadian Investor Protection Fund 103 Church St. S., Ajax, L1S 6A9 905-427-3595 • www.JDInsurance.ca Jones-Dooley Insurance Brokers where… Personal service makes a difference. Do you know what a harD insurance market means?AA&&QQ The global insurance industry is reacting to the world wide effects of wind, fire and rain. Reinsurers are tightening their underwriting and shedding risk. Insurance markets are reacting with increased rates & complex rules for acceptance. Some markets are preparing to close their doors. Don’t get caught trying to protect your assets on your own through a hard insurance market. Independent brokers are professionals; their knowledge is of service to their clients.The best provider of services, choice and education is an independent insurance broker.We work in your best interest!You will always know to whom you are speaking. Online rates available 24/7 www.Jones-DooleyInsure.com MARSHA JONES DOOLEY AJAX - Viola Desmond Public School. That's the name for a new school in northeast Ajax that will open its doors this fall. The Durham District School Board se- lected the name of the Canadian business- person and civil rights icon. The school is at 39 Formosa Dr. and will be 75,500 square feet, two-storeys, and fully- accessible. Desmond is best known for challenging racial segregation at a cinema in New Glas- gow, N.S., in 1946. She refused to leave a whites-only area of the theatre and helped start the modern civil rights movement in Canada. Desmond will also be the first Canadian- born woman to appear alone on Canadian currency when her image will be on the $10 bill, set to start in circulation later this year. "Viola Desmond Public School will be a welcome addition to the community of north Ajax," says Patrice Barnes, Ajax trustee for Wards 1 and 2. "We are very proud of the name chosen as it reflects the diversity of Ajax. Our students and parents are excited to have a community school they can call their own." Michael Barrett, chair of the DDSB and an Oshawa trustee, noted he's pleased to be able to complete the process of naming schools in both Ajax and Oshawa. A new Oshawa school is being named Northern Dancer Public School, after the iconic Ca- nadian race horse who won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes in 1964. Northern Dancer was bred and raised at Windfield Farms in Oshawa. "The Durham District School board is pleased to announce the naming of our schools in Oshawa and Ajax. The names that have been chosen were completed through a consultative process that en- gaged our community and reflects the lead- ership and history of our communities," Barrett said. "We congratulate our commu- nities and look forward to the contributing role these schools will play within their communities." Northern Dancer Public School is also slated to open this September. EDUCATION New Ajax public school to be named after civil rights icon KEITH GILLIGAN KGilligan@durhamregion.com A SOGGY DAY FOR A RIDE Participants braved wet conditions at the start of a ride during Trailfest, an annual event in Ajax to promote cycling and active living. Held on June 24, the event included a 52-kilometre ride with Mayor Steve Parish, a 17.3-km Tour d'Ajax, and a 3-km family walk, run and stroll. Ryan Pfeiffer/Metroland DURHAM - The Carea Com- munity Health Centre has four programs this summer for youths. All the programs are free, but prior registration is required. For 13 to 19 year olds needing volunteer hours, the centre has the Community Leadership Crew. The program offers leadership ex- perience and training. There are two days of training followed by a community event. Participants receive a certificate and earn com- munity volunteer hours. Those taking part will participate in a community volunteer opportuni- ty to put their skills to the test. The training dates are Tues- day, July 17 and Thursday, July 19 at the centre's Ajax location, 360 Bayly St. W., Unit 5, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. The community event will take place on Thursday, July 26 at a location and time to be deter- mined. Young women 13 to 19 can take part in Spa Spectacular, where ac- tivities include home spa treat- ments, crafts and learning differ- ent stress management and relax- ation techniques. It's on Friday, July 13 from 1 to 3:30 p.m., again at the Ajax location. Teens with a foodie streak will be interested in Dish Up Dinner. There are three free cooking ses- sions where participants will get hands-on involvement. Each day, they will learn three new, healthy and delicious recipes while learn- ing how to make and plan meals at home. It runs on July 10, 11 and 12, from 1 to 3:30 each day at the McLean Community Centre, 95 Magill Dr., Ajax. Youths between the ages of 12 and 14 and interested in baby- sitting will be interested in the three-day Babysitting Course. It will enhance the skills and knowl- edge to ensure a safe and happy environment for children. Topics include dealing with emergen- cies, fostering positive interac- tions with children and tips to finding babysitting jobs. It's a Red Cross certified course and partici- pants will receive a certificate at the end of it. It's being held on July 30 and 31, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and on Aug. 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Ajax lo- cation. For more information or to reg- ister for any (or all) of these pro- grams, call the centre at 905-428- 1212. Space is limited. Summer programs offered to Durham youths Please recycle this newspaper ADVICEMETROLAND DURHAM REGION MEDIA PRESENTSExpert PUT TRUST IN A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ... THEY’RE HERE TO HELP YOU! 17 | New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m MECHANICAL ENGINEER / ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST Fast paced, manufacturing company located in Bowmanville seeks motivated Engineer or Technologist with established mechanical design skills. • Must have degree in Mechanical Engineering or diploma in Engineering Technology. Active proficiency with AutoCAD, Office 2010+, SolidWorks 2010+ required. • Proficient knowledge of manufacturing and fabrication methods, including industrial electrical, and hydraulic systems.• Excellent English communication skills required, and multilingual communication skills (French, Spanish) an asset. • Ability to conduct self directed study of current design standards for new design and adopt new products and process introductions as required. • Understand and apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.• Provide detailed design records, sales and production support, equipment instructions and after-sales support for a range of products. • Actively prioritize to meet ongoing cost, quality,and delivery requirements. A competitive salary will be offered based on relevant experience and qualifications. Qualified applicants please email resumes to: eng.design.job@gmail.com DELIVERY ROUTES AJAX AB203 Beaumont Dr, Hettersley Dr 43 papers AM901 Gilmour Dr, Longstaff Dr, Mandrake St 49 papers AM902 Gilmour Dr, Longstaff Dr 59 papers AM905 Angus Dr, Doric St 39 papers AM914 Lovergrove Lane 30 papers AM915 Angus Dr, Cooperage Lane 29 papers AM916 Cooperage Lane 29 papers AN962 Coles Ave, Magill Dr, Moxter Crt 71 papers AN990 Ducatel Cres, Ventura Lane 38 papers AO003 Wilce Dr 48 papers AO015 Meekings Dr, Mapson Cres 43 papers AO031 Carle Cres, Gandy Court 56 papers AP303 Fletcher Ave 40 papers AP306 Fletcher Ave, Epps Cres 64 papers AU246 Weston Cres 38 papers AU247 Shorten Pl, Mackeller Crt 22 papersPICKERING PB113 Napanee and Nipissing (52 Papers) PB092 Strouds, Fernam and Post Dr (35 Papers) PD231 Gossamer Dr and Pine Glen Dr (32 Papers) PE262 Glouchester Sq (50 Papers) PE267 Malden Cres (41 Papers) PF281 1975 Rosefield Rd (43 Papers) PG303 Foleyet Cres (55 Papers) PG304 Walnut Lane (32 Papers) PH336 1360 Glenanna Rd (32 Papers) PI401 1775 Valley Farm (32 Papers) PJ397 Strathmore Cres. (42 Papers) PJ410 1443-1521 Major Oaks (42 Papers) PM532 Lynx, Oliva and West Shore Blvd (40 Papers) PQ637 Cattailcourt and Rainy Day (46 Papers)PT904 1748-1808 Pine Grove (26 Papers) PV219 Treetop and Calvington Dr (21 Papers) If you are interested in a Route that isn’tlisted please call (905)683-5117and have your name put on a waiting list. All Routes Listed are not necessarily available OSHAWA PREMIUM RENTALS www.qresidential.ca GOVERNOR MANSIONS 110 Park Rd. N. (905-723-1712) TOWER ON THE GREEN 1140 Mary St. N. (905-438-1971) WHITBY: Dundas/Brock Newly renovated 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT APT. Smoke Free Triplex close to GO/401 & amenities. One parking spot, $1,050 plus hydro Newly renovated 3-BEDROOM APT. Smoke Free Triplex close to GO/401 & amenities. One parking spot $1,200 plus hydro Call Frank: 416.570.5986 949 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 2-bedroom, $1300 inclusive 1 parking, no pets. Avail. Aug. 1st. References Req. Call for details. 905-723-1647, 905-720-9935 1 & 2 BEDROOMSCENTRAL OSHAWA Available immediately. Couple preferred. Fridge/stove, hardwood floors, carpet, fresh paint, laundry. Near shopping, bus. No dogs. Reasonable. Call (905)725-2642 This Week Newspaper INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Warehouse Manager This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa L1H 6N8 Will be received until 12 noon On Monday, July 9th, 2018. Contract commencing, July 25th, 2018. To deliver newspapers, flyers, catalogues and other products to specific drop locations in Whitby area. Vehicle required. Information packages available at: This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H 6N8 Bid #104 approx 5,350 Bid # 102 approx 4,986 Bid # 212 approx 649 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily be accepted. Only the successful Company will be contacted. The Ajax News Advertiser INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Warehouse Manager The News Advertiser Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa L1H 6N8 Will be received until 12 noon On Monday May 28, 2018. Contracts commencing, June 11th 2018. To deliver newspapers, flyers, catalogues and other products to specific drop locations in Ajax- Pickering area. Information packages available at This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa L1H 6N8 Van required. Bid # 18 & 23 approx. 1348 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily Be accepted. Only the successful Company will be contacted. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11th 4:30 PM A U C T I O N S A L E Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables for a Pickering home, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 1 km west of Utica. To Include: Teak sideboard, teak coffee and end tables, teak hall stand, teak tea wagon, walnut bedroom suite, quilt rack, metal art work, kitchen suite, jewellery, silver dollars, advertising pcs, bottles, coolers, handing lamp, plus many other items. Sale Managed and Sold by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SALE Friday July 6 at 4:30pm Located 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd 4 Selling the Contents of a Lindsay Home plus others - pub style table and 8 chairs - round oak pedestal table and chairs - roll top desk- 5pc pine cannonball bedroom set (double) - curio cabinet - matching loveseat and chair - Vilas maple hutch - hanging stained glass light - lg qty of wool - garden trailer - EcoPure water softener (40000 grain) - Adventurer 810 WS 10' slide in truck camper (sleeps 5) - Qty of china, glass, household and collectable items GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEER 1241 Salem Rd Little Britain 705-786-2183 for more info or pictures go to www.corneilauctions.com (terms cash, debit, cheque 10% buyers premium visa, mastercard 13% buyers premium)Open for viewing Thursday from 8:30am to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm and Friday at 9am SHORT NOTICE ESTATE ON SITE AUCTION Saturday July 7, 2018 10:00 AM 51 Lovekin Rd, Newcastle Just south of GO Parking Lot on Hwy #2 Property To Be Cleared. Selling Misc Household Contents, Furniture, Collectibles, Lots of Hand & Electrical Tools, Handicap Scooter, 2008 Honda JC3 Bike, Electric Moped, Hardware, 2004 GMC 1/2 Ton, Tractor (as is), Older Trailers, Quantity of Scrap, Everything Must Go. Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac (10% buyers premium)For Pictures See: www.theauctionadvertiser.com/MMacGregor/ Sold By: MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor, Auctioneer 1-800-363-6799 l (cell) 905-718-6602 AUCTION SALE Sunday July 8, 2018 9:00 AM (viewing 8:00 am) Located at MacGregor Auction Hall, OronoTake 115 Hwy to Main Street Orono & Follow signs on Mill Pond Rd Auction Features: A Varied Selection From Past to Present. Furniture, Household effects, Artwork (original & prints), Collectibles, Glass & China, Misc Tools & Hardware. Something for One & All. NOTE: Comic Book Collection in Next Auction Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac (10% buyers premium)For Pictures See: www.theauctionadvertiser.com/MMacGregor/ MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor, Auctioneer 1-800-363-6799 l (cell) 905-718-6602 Careers GeneralHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Careers GeneralHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Careers Apartments & Flats For RentA TendersT Careers Apartments & Flats For RentA TendersT Apartments & Flats For RentA TendersT GeneralHelp FAITH UNITED CHURCH in Courtice requires a part-time CLEANER/CUSTODIAN.Experienced Custodian with some Maintenance Skills required to be responsible for performing all cleaning/custodial duties, and minor repairsthroughout the building. Must have the ability to lift 50lbs, or more.This is an outside Contract position, where the applicant will be required to work approximately 20 hours per week on a flexible schedule. Work Experience References, and a current Criminal Reference Check is required. Please submit Resume by email only to: office@faithunited.ca no later than July 9th, 2018. Apartments & Flats For RentA TendersT Skilled &Te chnical Help MECHANIC 310TRequirements:- Ontario Truck & Coach Technician Certificate of Qualification - 310T is required.- Valid DZ license in good standing is an asset- Knowledge of mechanics of hydraulics, PTO, mechanical equipment - Experience with maintenance, inspection, diagnosis, and repair of electrical, hydraulic, suspension, brake and air systems on vehicles and equipment- Fluent English language skills - Ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment - Must be capable of physically demanding work (inside & outside)- Ability to work in inclement weather conditions - Ensure all preventative maintenance schedules and repairs are kept current and completed in accordance with company policy & procedures- Perform on-road service calls and switch- off vehicles as required- Able to perform maintenance related work as required- Must have flexible hours especially on peak times.- Have ability to take initiative and work productiveEmail: maria@dps.ca Apartments & Flats For RentA Hotel/Restaurant BRUNO'S SIGNATURE requires aFULL-TIME COOKto work days in anindustrial kitchen, min 3-years experience in the culinary field. Apply in person with resume to 375 Kingston Rd.,Pickering, or Email: mark@brunos.ca Apartments & Flats For RentA AJAX- OXFORD TOWERS. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 2-bedrooms available immediately or July 1st2-bedrooms from $1299+parking,Call 905-683-5322 Townhousesfor RentT FOR RENT TOWN- HOUSE, 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. Townhouse available in quiet resi- dential area in Uxbridge. Close to schools, down- town and public transit. All appliances included. $1650.00 + utilities per month. Please call Russ for any additional infor- mation 289-338-8299 Campers,Tr ailers, Sites GREAT DEAL! 1997 Motorhome, 35' sleeps 4, 133,000kms, runs well. Sell uncertified, tires good, has all the conveniences of home, asking $10,000. Call 905-686-6696 Articlesfor SaleA HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com Articlesfor SaleA CarpetI have several1000 yds. of new Stainmaster and100% Nylon carpet.Will do livingroom and hallfor $389. Includescarpet, pad andinstallation(25 sq. yards)Steve289.274.5759CarpetDeals.ca Cars WantedC **! ! $$$$ ! AAAAA ! AARON & AARON Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. AAA AUTO SALVAGE WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Vans. 24/7 905-431-1808. $100-$10,000 Cash 4 Cars Dead or alive Same day Fast FREE Towing 416-893-1594 MassagesM LaVillaSpa.ca H H H H Relaxing massage 634 Park Rd. S Oshawa (905)240-1211Now Hiring!!! PICKERING ANGELS H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi905 Dillingham Rd.(905)420-0320Now Hiring!!! pickeringangels.com Classifieds LocalWork.ca Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm • Oshawa 905-576-9335 • Ajax 905-683-0707 • Fax 905-579-4218 • classifieds@durhamregion.com Auctions SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region Call Classifieds at 683-0707 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 8 | 18 Our Annual Summer Farm Machinery Sale of Tractors, Equipment, Classic Cars & Vehicles, Tools & Toys for Boys Auction Saturday July 7th 2018 10:00 am Uxbridge Sales Arena 720 Davis Drive, Uxbridge Consignments Welcome Consign Early to take Advantage of our Full Services ADDITIONS: 2001 Golden Falcon 5TH Wheel Trailer, 2007 Buick Allure, Atlas Copo Compressor, Indus Band Saw, Alouette Snow Mobile, Ant Steel Wheels, 8FT 3PTH Cultivator, Int 584 Diesel Tractor (non runner), Kohler Generator, JD Rear Tine Tiller, 3 PTH Rotary Mower, 3 PTH Scraper Blade, Ford 3 PTH Post Hole Digger, Sedore Ldr, Ferguson TEA 12Volt, Ford 8N, JD 112 Riding Mower, Home Lite 2500 PSI, Craftsman Saw, Milwaukee Sander Grinder, Mastercraft Dust Collector, Beaver Table Saw, Rockwell Planer, Wood Lathe, Marquette Engine Analyzer System, American LaFrance Tool Boxes. ADDITIONS: Int 444 Gas Tractor w Hyd Bucket, 2013 Can Am Maverick 1000 XRS, 1995 Seadoo Sportster Jet Boat w Trailer. TRACTORS: 8040 Zetor Tractor 1500 HRS Shuttle Shift 4 WD, Zetor Ldr 103SLX 16.9x30 Rear 10X20 Front, 165 Massey Ldr, Case C Tractor, McCormick A Tractor, 165 MF Tractor w Ldr, MF Tractor, more arriving. EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY: 3PTH 10 Tooth Spring Harrow, 3 Bale Racks 8X20, 16 FT Cultivator, 750 No Till Grain Drill 15 FT w Markers, Wagon Gears, Gravity Bin, JD 466 Hard Core Baler, 10 FT Belt Feeders, 30 FT Belt & Conveyors, 14 FT Trommel Like New 42" Diam., Rotary Mower 3pth, 3 pht Scarper Blade, 6 FT 3 pth Dbl Disc, Ford 3 Pth Post Hole Digger, 3 Furrow Drag Plow, Water Troughs, Drag Plow, more to list. VEHICLES/BOATS/TRAILERS: 1978 Chev Corvette 8 Cyl 350 Auto Trans 154,000 Klm PW PS PB Custom Car Cover, 1981 Welcraft 255 Sun Cruiser 350 HP Merc Transum Rebuilt Swim Platform GPS AC Elec w Trailer (new wiring elec brakes), 18FT Boat Cutter 160 inboard/outboard Seats 6 w Trailer, 34 FT Everest 5th Wheel Trailer, 2001 BMW 330 4 Door Auto PS PB AC 170,000 km MPack Sport Leather Sunroof, Tilt Trailer Single Axle, 1987 Dump Truck, Terry Quantum Fleetwood Trailer, 39 FT Trailer 2007, Diesel Dump Box 1987 Ford 250, 1988 Dodge Dakota PU 130,000 km, 2006 Ford F150 4X4 278,000 km Loaded Leather FX4 Every Option. LAWNMOWERS: Ditch Witch 35 HP 6 FT Blade (good), Lrg Qty Lawnmowers, Cub Cadets, Craftsman 11 HP Riding Mower, more to list. TOOLS: Craftex Metal Bandsaw, Radial Alarm Saws, Power Fist Air Tank, McPherson Strut Spring Compressor, Arcweld Welding, Coleman Gas Generator 5000 Watt, Qty Machinist Tools, Qty Milling Tools, Table Saws, Mechanics Bench, Alum Ladders, Lathes Busy Bee 1642, 1 Ton Crane, Milling Machines, Mig Welder, Qty Tool Boxes, Industrial Lathe, Beaver Wood Lathe 3 FT, 17 Ω Ton Press, Craftex Metal Bandsaw, Sandblaster 10 Gal, Mastercraft Tol Boxes, Arc Welder 225A, 142 GTL 40 Chan CB Radio, Sears Radial Saw #10 HD, Tool Trolleys, Mig Welder, Craftman 10 " Bandsaw, 2 TON Long Ram Jack/Engine Hoist, Lrg Qty Hand Tools, Sandblaster. ATVS/GOLF CARTS: 2013 Can Am Commander 1000 X Package, 2013 Can AM Outlander 650 Red, 2015 Arctic Cat Wildcat Sport, 2013 Polaris Scrambler 850 XP, Elec Golf Carts, Suzuki Quad ATV 400 4X4 WD. NEW ITEMS: 88" 32 Drawers Heavy Duty Tool Chest, 10 Ft 20 Drawer Metal Work Benches Peg Board, 30Ft X 50 Ft X 16 FT Commercial Storage Building, 30Ft X 40Ft X 15 FT Peak Ceiling Dbl Door Storage Building, 20Ft X 30Ft X 12 FT Peak Ceiling Storage Shelter, 10FT X 20 FT Commercial Pop Up Tent, 16FT X 22FT Marquee Event Tent, 20FT X 20FT Pagoda Party Tent, 8FT X 10FT Twin Wall Green House, 94" Skid Steer Dozer Blades, 10000LB Heavy Duty Two Post Auto Lift, 20 FT Heavy Duty Wrought Iron Driveway Gates, 11FT X 19FT Metal Garage Sheds, 80" 3 PTO HD Rotary Tiller, 72" HD Skid Steer Grapple Bucket, 72" HD Skid Steer Root Rack Grapple, HD Tire Changer 110V 60 HZ, HD Wheel Balancer, 3 PTO HD Wood Chippers, 3 PTO 5 Disc Tractor Plow. MISC: Gun Rack, Western Tack Harness Saddles, Driving Harness, Australian Stock Saddle, Bar Signs, Tin/Traffic Signs, Coke Cooler, Indus Wine Press, Post Lamps, Qty New Items Tents, Qty Retaining Blocks, 700 Sq Ft Wainscoting, more to list. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS Terms: Cash, Debit, Approved Cheque, Visa & Mastercard. 3% Charge for Visa M/C 3 Auction Rings GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-852-9538 - 1-800-654-4647 - 416-518-6401 garyhillauctions.ca garyhauctions@sympatico.ca 1990 BMW Convertible, black.325i, Automatic, Manual top. Runs great! Gets regular maintenance, Mechanically sound, Last certified October 2017. Not winter driven - Great frame. Painted in 2009 (rust in some areas) Needs some cosmetics. Downsizing and moving - currently plated. Winter project ideal for restoration. Asking $3,600 or best offer Serious Inquiries only 905-424-0286 CLARK, Franklin Allen - passed peacefully at home in his 90th year on January 21st, 2018. Service to be held at Salem Church, (at Hwy 7) Saturday July 7th, 2018 at 10am, with reception to follow. HERON, Lois (Wiles)-Lois went peacefully to be with her Lord on July 2, 2018 at the age of 87. Lois was the loving wife of 67 years to Earl Heron. Devoted mother to Diane (Don Blackstone), Linda (Brian Lula), Patti (Steve Hancock) and Robin (Duane Morrison). Dearest Grandmother to Jordan, Jillian, Laura, Jen, Amy, Carrie, Kyla, Christopher, Paul, David, Michael, and Sky. Great- Grandmother to 15. All are welcomed to attend a visitation at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME (28 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax) 905-428-8488 on Friday July 6, 2018 from 6-8pm. A celebration of Lois' life will be held at BAYFAIR BAPTIST CHURCH (817 Kingston Rd. Pickering) on Saturday July 7, 2018 at 12:00 noon. If desired, donations may be made to The Gideon's International or the Alzheimer's Society. On-line condolences may be made at www.mceachniefuneral.ca LUEBECK, Kurt Karl - passed away peacefully at the age of 84 on June 28, 2018 at Sunnybrook Hospital. Beloved husband of Sigrid Luebeck, dear father of Alexander Luebeck and Opa of Adrian. Kurt will also be missed by many friends. Friends will be received on July 6 at 2 pm at McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax, Ontario. Service at 3 pm with reception to follow. VENDORS WANTED DURHAM CRAFT & GIFT SHOW Durham College 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa October 20-22, 2018 Your one-stop shopping for ultimate gift giving this Holiday Season For Booth Information Call Donna 905.215.0484 or Email: dmcnally@starmetrolandmedia.com There’s Still Time to Congratulate your Grad! Thursday July 19 Deadline is July 17 With a special full colour notice For only $49.99+hst 3” wide by 2.75” deep Approx. 40 words To Place your ad call our Classifi ed Department Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington This Week 905-576-9335 Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 905-683-0707 Friday August 24 and Saturday August 25, 2018 905-215-0419 Children’s Programs, Educational Services, Gymnastics, Dance, Hockey, Skating, Music, Martial Arts, Skiing & much more… Call to reserve today! Cara Baycroft cbaycroft@starmetrolandmedia.com 2018 2 Days! 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