HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2016_04_20PICKERINGNews Adver tiser durhamregion.com WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering,ON (4 Lights North of 401) (905) 839-7234 STOCK UP ON ALLYOUR NATURAL HEALTH NEEDS. John Kourkounakis R.H.N *EXCLUDING PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS SPRING SALE - SAVE 20 % ON ALL REGULAR PRICED PRODUCTS * ONE DAY ONLY - WEDNESDAY,APRIL 27 TH FREE PRODUCT SAMPLES.Plus,join us at 5:00 pm.as Dr.Sara Celik ND will discuss cleansing and detoxifying your body. McKinney Centre, 222 Mckinney Drive, Whitby APRIL 22-24 Fri. 1-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5 SEE IT ALL FOR YOUR HOME INSIDE & OUTSIDE!Pay only $3 per person with this ad. Regular admission is $6 per person. Coupon good for 2 people. SAVE $3 EACHOFF ADMISSION FREEPARKING MANYSHOWSPECIALS www.facebook.com/ajax.fionnmaccools36KINGSTONROADEAST,AJAX•905-619-9048 NewSpriNg MeNu...thebacoNStory with a $20FooDpurchaSe**Some restrictions apply. ask your server. SaVe $10 NEW PICKERING TRACK ATTRACTS SPEEDSTERS PICKERING -- Tony Sharpe, former Canadian Olympian and founder and coach with The Speed Academy Athletics Club, watched as his elementary group trained. The track-and-field training program moved to the newly installed indoor track at the Pickering Soccer Centre last month. Ryan Pfeiffer / Metroland Kristen Calis kcalis@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- A joint project between the Pickering Soccer Club and the City of Pickering continues to gain momentum with the addition of a new track, and a club that’s taking advantage of it. The Pickering Soccer Centre, a joint proj- ect between the City of Pickering and PSC, is the new home of The Speed Academy Athletics Club. See PICKERING page 2 FAMILYPHYSICIANSWALKINCLINIC Dr Anu Jacob Dr Punnaran Jacob 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering905-421-0220 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 2 P 3 LOCATIONS FOR QUALITY & CHOICE AJAX OPTICAL AJAX OPTICAL PICKERING OPTICAL 905-683-2888 905-683-7235 905-839-9244 56 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Plaza Heritage Market Square, 145 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 7 1360 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Hub Plaza) Glasses for theWhole Family! ask about our2 For oneSpecial! AjAxOpticAl Our smiles speak for themselves! Now Accepting New Patients For Dentistry While Asleep And Awake Clinic services include: •Teeth Cleaning and Whitening • Custom Mouth Guards • Crowns and Bridges The team at Durham Dental Anesthesia is committed to providing you with the very best in dental healthcare. We each bring a level of commitment and years of experience and are specially trained to serve patients who require a little extra attention. Our primary goal is to provide excellence in all facets of dentistry and to carry it out in a gentle and caring way. To schedule an appointment call: 905-683-3300 or go to dentistrywhileasleep.comAnesthesia dentistry while asleep DentalDurham inside April 20, 2016 Pressrun 54,400 / 32 pages editorial Page / 6 Food and Wine / 12 Wheels / Pullout Classified / 17 905-215-0442 durhamregion.com The latest news from across durham Region, Ontario, Canada and the world all day, every day. search ‘newsdurham’ on your favourite social media channel. YOuR CARRieR Collection weeks are every third week. Please greet your newspaper carrier with a smile and an optional payment for their service. COnTesT enter photos of you, your family or friends from the past, re-create the mo- ment in the present and put the photos side-by-side. Go to ‘Contests’ on dur- hamregion.com. no purchase necessary. The track and field training program moved to the newly-installed indoor track last month, the newest feature of the impressive facility. “We’re really happy to provide first- class facilities to the community that meet their needs,” said Pickering direc- tor of culture and recreation Marisa Car- pino. The 125-metre long, four-lane track is the only indoor track in the Great- er Toronto Area that allows runners to sprint a full 100 metres indoors. The track’s surface was increased from nine to 13 millimeters to reduce the risk of runners developing shin-splints. “Access to indoor training facilities is a major challenge for track athletes in the Durham Region,” said Tony Sharpe, head coach of The Speed Academy. “We are thrilled and grateful that the Pickering Soccer Club and the City of Pickering have given us the option to train in our local community. This multi-sport facili- ty concept will certainly help with getting the community engaged in more physi- cal activity.” The four lanes are marked for Interna- tional Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) specification 110-metre men’s and 100-metre women’s hurdles. “We’re one of the few places you can go inside and run over 12 hurdles,” said Cliff Schmidt, PSC facility manager. “It’s a big plus having that.” The City owns the Soccer Centre and the Soccer Club manages it. The Soccer Centre, an $8.7-million project, opened its doors in November 2014. The City’s costs were funded by development charges, but PSC is respon- sible to pay back 52.25 per cent of the City’s project costs within 15 years. “It was a mutually beneficial idea in concept and we were thrilled the have the Speed Academy interested in the facility,” said Ms. Carpino. The centre boasts an 8,300 square metre soccer pitch under an air-support- ed dome and a large clubhouse. “We also have shadow free lighting,” sad Mr. Schmidt. But the Soccer Centre’s business plan included a multi-facility concept, accom- modating other sports such as ultimate frisbee and track, which was a feature that enticed the City to buy into the proj- ect initially. The diverse sports available at the Pickering facility keeps athletes in the municipality. “If you don’t have it here in Pickering, Pickering athletes have to go somewhere else,” said Ms. Carpino. “That money is going somewhere else.” She added if athletes have to travel elsewhere to train, there’s a risk of los- ing them to other communities that have more resources. Elite Canadian track and field athletes have already used the new track, includ- ing sprint sensation Andre DeGrasse and Olympic 100-metre hurdle finalist Phyli- cia George. While memberships are available to track clubs, the track is available to the public for $5 per visit during operating hours. Pickering Soccer Centre stays on track by attracting The Speed Academy PICKERING from page 1 Ryan Pfeiffer / Metroland PICKERING -- The Speed Academy Athletics Club track-and-field training program moved to the newly installed indoor track at the Pickering Soccer Centre last month. Access to indoor training facilities is a major challenge for track athletes in the durham Region. -- Tony sharpe, head coach, The speed Academy “ du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 3 AP ***cleaver As low as Commission1% * NEW CHOICE REALTY LTD BROkERAgE Independently Owned and Operated www.MincomRealty.ca 905-428-4557FREE Home Market Evaluation *Limited Time Offer *Terms & Conditions Apply TRUE STORY... I’mgladthat’soverwith! Afterliving30yearsinoneplace,decidingtomovewashugeforme. I’maverysocialpersonandIlovevisitingwithmyfriendsandfamily. Mygrandchildrenalwayshadfunswimminginthepool. IaskedmyfriendDoreen;“Whohelpedyousellyourplace?”. ShesaidtocallKathyfromtheStacee-FreeTeamatMinCom, andsoIdid. TherewasneveranypressureandKathyalwayskeptmewell informed. IguessyoucouldsayKathyheldmyhandthroughthewholeprocess. ThanksKathy,GoodJob! Marie C., Ajax $aving YOU THOU$anD$... FLATPRICE:$65 SENIORS:$60 Business, Rental, Capital Gain, Employment expenses, etc. extra charge TEL:416-558-7547 www.taxrus.ca INCOMETAX GREGORY BADLEY PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Chartered Professional Accountant 1099 Kingston Road, Suite 257 PICKERING, ON. (DQ Plaza) NewclientsReceive10%dISCOuNTOFF* Bowmanville Zoo owner Michael Hackenberger will present ‘vigorous defence’: lawyer Jeff Mitchell jmitchell@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- The animal cruelty case against Michael Hack- enberger, the controversial owner of the Bowmanville Zoo, has been adjourned until early June. Mr. Hackenberger didn’t attend a brief hearing at the pro- vincial offences courthouse in Whitby Tuesday morning; lawyer David Elmaleh appeared on his behalf. “We’re going to mount a vigorous defence,” Mr. Elmaleh said outside court. He declined further comment except to say he’ll be examining disclosure of Crown evidence prior to the next court date. The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals laid five charges against Mr. Hackenberger April 12. The charges came months after the release of a video that showed Mr. Hackenberger repeatedly lashing a whip as he worked with a large Siberian tiger. The OSPCA alleges Mr. Hackenberger repeatedly struck the tiger with the whip. In a video rebuttal posted online after the video was made public, Mr. Hackenberger said he could be accused of viciously whipping the ground or the air, but not the tiger. He said he hit the animal three times, once in the paw when it was reaching to claw another trainer. A handful of demonstrators, some toting signs that read “Maximum penalty for Hackenberger” were present outside the courthouse prior to the hearing. Also in attendance was Carly Ferguson, president of Ontario Captive Animal Watch, a group that lobbies for stronger animal protection legisla- tion. “Finally the day has come,” said Ms. Ferguson. “We’ve been opposing this zoo for quite some time now.” Ms. Ferguson said her group opposes training methods employed by Mr. Hackenberger, an accomplished animal handler whose credits include working on Hollywood films. “To get his animals to do what you want, you have to instill fear in them,” she said. The five charges of animal cruelty under the Ontario Soci- ety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act are: causing an animal to be in distress by striking the animal with a whip handle; causing an animal distress by repeatedly striking the animal with a whip; causing an animal to be in distress by striking the animal in the face with a whip; causing an animal distress by pushing his thumb into the animal’s eye: and fail- ing to comply with the prescribed standards of care for such an animal. Durham zoo animal cruelty case adjourned until June Ryan Pfeiffer / Metroland WHITBY -- A group of protesters stood in front of the Durham Region Headquarters as the former director of the Bowmanville Zoo, Michael Hackenberger, was scheduled to be in court to face five animal cruelty charges. The case has been adjourned until June 6. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 4 AP LIVE WELL... STAY WELL... BE INSPIRED... at the 13TH ANNUAL 50+50+ SHOWSHOWLifestyleLifestyle Metroland Media presents: 2 FUN DAYS! Thursday, April 28, 10 am to 6 pm Friday, April 29, 10 am to 5 pm FREEADMISSION Ajax Convention Centre 550 Beck Cres., Ajax (conveniently located just off Salem Rd and Hwy #401) Come experience the areas leading professionals catering to the 50+ market For vendor information please contact: Laurie McCaig 905.215.0476 • lmccaig@durhamregion.com Wendy Weber 905.215.0519 • wweber@durhamregion.com Key Note Speakers, Demonstrations, Seminars, Fashion Show and so much more! Sponsored by: LOUISE SABINO Sales Representative Cherishyourlovedone’smemory. Wewillcelebratethenameofyourlovedonewith a FREE inscriptiononourWallofMemories™.* Fordetailscallustodayat 905-427-5416 ArborMemorialInc. *Nopurchasenecessary. PineRidgeMemorialGardens 541TauntonRd.West,Ajax(CornerofChurchSt.&TauntonRd.) McEachnieFuneralHome 28OldKingstonRoad,PickeringVillage Marie G. Michaels & Associates BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC WE STAND UP FOR YOU WHEN IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! Family Law • Real Estate • Incorporation Criminal Law • Wills & Estates www.mgmichaelslaw.com 381 Westney RoadSouth, AjaxTel: 905-426-1476 Fax: 905-426-1091 52 King Street West,BowmanvilleTel: 905-623-2586 Fax: 905-426-1091 Sean Heeger sheeger@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- On May 2 and 3 residents in Clarington and Pickering should be aware that Durham Region will be testing the public alerting systems. Within 10 kilometres of the Darlington and Pickering nuclear generating stations the testing will take place to ensure preparedness should anything go wrong with one or both of the nuclear plants in Durham Region. On May 2, the indoor notification system will be tested, which includes automated telephone dialing. On May 3, the outdoor siren system will be tested and will sound for approximately one minute. The public alert system is in place to warn residents of the possibility of nuclear emer- gencies no matter how slim the possibili- ties are that it may happen. Durham Region would like all residents to be prepared on these days and not panic when they hear the system in action. For more information visit www.durham.ca/demo or call the public alert information line at 1-866-551-5373. Durham to test public alert system in Clarington and Pickering May 2, 3 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 5 APRaiseyourhandifyoulikefreestuff A DIVISION OF win’em big,win’em little and win’em ever ything in-between YOU...inspireinspireLET US SPRING HAIR MAKEOVER Enter for a chance to win a Full colour with foils,wash,cut and style 1525 DUNDAS STREET EAST,WHITBY Enter for a chance to WIN great contests at facebook.com/winemscontests ContestsContestsContests For more information,call your Metroland Sales Consultant or contact Lisa Burgess direct at 905-215-0424 or email lburgess@durhamregion.com LOCAL BUSINESSES ...are you on FACEBOOK? uYouYouYo +++===LIKES ENTER FOR ACHANCETOWIN! TWO SETS OF 2 TICKETS FRIDAY,APRIL 29TH 8:00 P.M. ONE SET OF 2 TICKETS SATURDAY,APRIL 30TH 2:00 P.M. ONE SET OF 2 TICKETS SUNDAY,MAY 1ST 5:00 P.M. BLUMA APPEL THEATRE 27 FRONT STREET EAST TORONTO Ajax &Pickering Locations8SalemRd.South Ajax,ON L1S 7T7 FLYERS WEDNESDAY ApRiL 20,2016 Carrier of the Week Congratulations Zachary for being our Carrier of the Week. All inserts can be recycled with your newspapers through your blue box program. SAve time,SAve money.view Flyers/Coupons at shop.ca if you did not receive your news Advertiser oR you are interested in becoming a carrier,call Circulation at 905-683-5117.Hours:mon.-thurs.9:00am to 6:30pm, Fri.9:00am to 5:00pm. your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6 every 3 weeks. 6 Harwood Ave.S.,Ajax 1949 Ravenscroft Rd.,Ajax 300 Rossland Rd.E.,Ajax 255 Salem Rd.S.D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd.,Ajax 465 Bayly St.W.#5,Ajax 1889 Brock Rd.#24,Pickering 300 Harwood Ave.S.,Ajax 1995 Salem Rd.N.,Ajax *BELiNDA ScOLLicK -HuTTON *BOucLAiR *cASH $YOu *GiANT TiGER *HOmE DEPOT *LOWES cANADA *NATiONAL SPORTS *RExALL PHARmA PLuS *RONA *ROOSTERS cHicKEN &RiBS *SALvATiON ARmY-REcYcLiNG *STAPLES *WHEELS *YummY cHiNESE FOOD Today’s Carrier of the Week is Zachary.Zachary favorite pastime is gaming.He had wanted to be a carrier since he was 6 years old.He loves the customer relationships he has made with his clients.Zachary has received dinner vouchers compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. *Delivered to Selected Households Only ne w s d u r h a m ne w s d u r h a m ne w s d u r h a m Five suspected drunk drivers arrested by Durham police in 12-hour span DURHAM -- Five suspected impaired drivers, including three involved in colli- sions, were arrested in a little more than 12-hour period by Durham Regional Police. On Thursday, April 14, North Division officers responded to a single-vehicle accident at a cemetery in Brock Town- ship at about 10:30 a.m. A driver had fled on foot, leaving a passenger in the car. A 28-year-old man from Utopia, Ontario was later arrested and charged with numerous offences, including impaired operation, failing to remain and possession of canna- bis. At about 11 p.m., West Division offi- cers were called to a collision at Raven- scroft and Rossland roads in Ajax. A man had fled before police arrived of police, but was the subject of a prowler call that was reported a short time later nearby. The suspect was arrested and taken to a local hospital for treatment of minor inju- ries. A 29-year-old man from Windsor was charged with impaired by drug and failing to remain. At 11:06 p.m., officers responded to Finch Avenue and Liverpool Road for a two-vehicle collision. A 24-year-old man from Pickering was charged with impaired operation and failing to stop at a red light. Police also arrested two drivers in the same time period after receiving 911 calls from the public. At about 5 p.m., officers in Central East Division were called to King Street East and Harmony Road after a witness observed the car in front of him driving erratically. While waiting to turn at the intersection, the sus- pect driver appeared to fall asleep at the wheel. A 50-year-old man from Pickering was charged with failing to provide a breath sample. A 911 caller reported a white van driv- ing erratically on Ritson Road North in Oshawa at about 9:20 p.m. Officers locat- ed the van in the area of Ritson Road South and Dean Avenue and arrested the driver. A 59-year-old man from Oshawa was charged with impaired operation. Durham police urge the public to call 911 if they observe erratic driving behav- iour. Pickering driver falls asleep at intersection, charged with impaired PICKERING -- A portion of Finch Avenue will close from April 18 to July 4 to facilitate services for the development located on the south side of the road. The closure will extend from Woodview Avenue, 300 metres east to Shadow Place. The east intersection of Nature Haven Crescent will be closed at Finch Avenue, but the west entrance will remain open at all times. Residents of Shadow Place will have access at Finch Avenue. Signs will be posted to guide traffic around the area. Part of Finch Avenue in Pickering to close into July du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 7 P 1735 Pickering Pkwy brock road and 401 Pickering SAVE ON MANY MORE IN STORE SALE ITEMS now oPen Saturdays 8am to 9pm 905-686-2308 Mon-FRI 8-9 • SAT 8-9 • Sun 9-6 DISNEY 14" BOXED BIKES. Frozen and Cars. 299-4304X.While quantities last. Sorry, no rainchecks. DOREL 4-SHELF PANTRY. 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SPECIAL BUY!24999 Promo card valid from April 22 to May 1, 2016 April 21, 2016 THURSDAY ONLY ! Receive a when you spend $200 or more before taxes in store. PromoCard$50 PromoCard$50 PromoCard$50 † du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 8 P NOTICE TO: Any party having title interest in the Lands under application RE: Part of Lot 6, Block B, Plan 65, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham (PIN 26320-0360LT) designated as Part 3 on a draft Reference Plan, signed by R. McRae, O.L.S. on the 10th day of February, 2016. The said Plan is attached to an application registered as Instrument DR1464653 and is available for inspection at the Land Registry Office or the office of the Solicitor for the Applicant: TAKE NOTICE THAT Darren Matthew Brand, herein referred to as the Applicant, has made application registered as No. DR1464653 to be registered under the Land Titles Act as the owner in fee simple with an absolute title to the above described land by pre-existing length of possession by a notice of claim registered as DR1463525. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person claiming to have any title to or interest in the said land or any party thereof (other than an interest protected by registration) is required on or before May 23, 2016 (which is more than thirty days from the date this notice was published) to file a statement of objection, setting out the grounds for such objection, verified by affidavit, directed to the Land Registrar at the address of the solicitor for the Applicant. If no such statement of objection is filed on or before May 23, 2016, we shall proceed with the application and any interest you may claim in the subject property may be thereby extinguished and you may not be entitled to receiveanyfurthernoticewithrespecttotheproceedings. Dated at Richmond Hill this 20th day of April, 2016. Sheldon Pettle Litowitz Pettle & Silver LLP Barristers and Solicitors 100 Mural Street, Suite 200 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1J3 Telephone: 905.731.4999 x202 Land Registry Office No. 40: Solicitor for the Applicant: Sheldon Pettle 590 Rossland Rd East Litowitz Pettle & Silver LLP Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G5 100 Mural Street, Suite 200 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J3 Get this coupon and more at www.save.ca/coupons *Coupons subject to availability. flyers. coupons. deals. cash back. Nest Wealth Traditional and hard to understand investment fees could be costing you up to 30% of your potential wealth.* Visit nestwealth.com ©Copyright 2016 Nest Wealth Asset Management Inc.“Nest Wealth”is the trade name of Nest Wealth Asset Management Inc. The products and services advertised are designed specifically for investors in provinces where Nest Wealth isregistered as a portfolio manager and may not be available to all investors. Products and services are only offered in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This advertisement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to sellsecurities in any jurisdiction. *Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, The High Cost of Canada’s Mutual Fund Based Retirement System, March, 2015 h is teale Nest Wovinces wherly for investors in pre designed specificalised aroducts and services adverth Asset Management Inc. The prtealhe trade name of Nest Wh” is ttealh Asset Management Inc. “Nest Wteal© Copyright 2016 Nest W l fer to selion of an oficitatl nor a solfer to selher an ofisement is neitions. This advertegulaticable laws and rh appldance wited in accorfere only ofoducts and services arl investors. Prio manager and may not be available to alfoled as a portegisterr h is teale Nest Wovinces wherly for investors in pre designed specificalised aroducts and services adverth Asset Management Inc. The prtealhe trade name of Nest Wh” is ttealh Asset Management Inc. “Nest Wteal© Copyright 2016 Nest W l fer to selion of an oficitatl nor a solfer to selher an ofisement is neitions. This advertegulaticable laws and rh appldance wited in accorfere only ofoducts and services arl investors. Prio manager and may not be available to alfoled as a portegisterr There’s a better way to build wealth Join Canada’s first subscription based investing service today!ment our du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 9 P Alternate versions available upon request. 905.683.7575 (24 Hour Line) 1.877.420.4666 Direct Access 905.420.4660 General Enquiries 905.683.2760 Service Disruption 1.866.278.9993 SummerCampRegistrationNowOpen! pickering.ca/camps April20 CommitteeofAdjustment CityHall–MainCommitteeRoom 7:00pm April26 PickeringMuseumVillageAdvisoryCommitteeCityHall–MainCommitteeRoom 7:00pm April27 HeritagePickeringAdvisoryCommitteeCityHall–MailCommitteeRoom 7:00pm April28 PickeringLibraryBoard Central 7:00pm Allmeetingsareopentothepublic. Fordetailscall905.420.2222orvisittheCitywebsite. ForServiceDisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Upcoming Public Meetings Date Meeting/Location Time PleasecontactusifyouhavenotreceivedyourTaxNotice. FailuretoreceiveaTaxNoticedoesnotreduceyour responsibilityforpayingtaxesandpenaltycharges. YouCanPayYourPropertyTaxesOnlineAtYour BankingInstitution SelectCityofPickeringasthe“payee”anduseyour 19digitrollnumberastheaccountnumber.Onmostbank siteswearelistedas“Pickering-Taxes.”Pleasecontact yourfinancialinstitutionforassistance. Allowfivedaysbeforetheduedateforyourelectronic paymenttoreachouroffice.Yourtaxaccountiscredited whenpaymentisreceivedatouroffice,notthedayfunds arewithdrawnfromyourbankaccount,orbythe post-markeddateonyourenvelope. LatePaymentFee Alatepaymentfeeof1.25%isaddedtoanyunpaidtaxes onthefirstdayofdefault,andonthefirstdayofeach month,aslongasthetaxesremainunpaid.Thepenalty, andinterestratesaresetbyCityBy-laws,pursuanttothe OntarioMunicipalAct.TheCitydoesnothavetheauthority towaivepenaltyandinterestcharges. 2016 Interim Property Tax Bill is due April 25, 2016 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca Successfulapplicantsmusthavecurrentcertificationin StandardFirstAid (issuedafterDecember31,2014),and BasicRescuerCPR-C (issuedafterDecember31,2015). AsatisfactoryVulnerableSectorSearchisaconditionof employment. AquaticsInstructor-$23.10/hour Musthavecurrentcertificationin; •RedCrossWaterSafetyInstructorandLifesavingSociety Instructor (dateofissueafterDecember31,2014),or beenrolledinacoursethatwillbesuccessfullycompletedby June30,2016,and •BronzeCrossorNLS (issuedafterDecember31,2014) Lifeguard-$17.32/hour •MusthaveNLScertification(issuedafterDecember31,2014) Priortoapplying,candidatesarestronglyencouragedtovisit pickering.ca forfurtherdetailsonpositionrequirements. Aquatic Instructor and Lifeguard Positions Available Qualifiedapplicantsmustcompletetheonline“Aquatics”application form,orsubmitaresumedetailingrequiredcertificatesanddates issued,by Monday,May2,2016at4:30pm. DropofforMailto: HumanResourcesDivision online pickering.ca CityofPickering email hr@pickering.ca OneTheEsplanade fax 905.420.4638 Pickering,ON L1V6K7 pickering.ca/fit 905.683.6582 @pickeringfit SummerMembershipforStudents18+ ValidMay2–September6,2016 EnjoyunlimitedaccesstoStudioAFitnessClasses,Cardio& WeightRooms,Poolduring publicswimtimes&Members ChangeRooms. Thismembershipisgeared towardscollege/university students.ValidStudentIDisrequired. pickering.ca/greatevents 905.683.2760ext6103 RougeHillSeniorsSpringBazaar Saturday,April30 10:00am–2:00pm PetticoatCreekCommunityCentre Vendors,Crafts,BakedGoods,SilentAuction LunchAvailable$. FreeAdmission&FreeParking WeareCelebratingYouth withprizes&goodiesatour programsallweek!Seethescheduleonline. GamesRooms•Basketball•Breakdancing Swimming•YouthNight HipHopintheParkEvent Saturday,May7 12:00pm–4:00pm PickeringRecComplexSkatePark Skateboarding,LiveDJ,Breakdancing, GraffitiDemos&More! FreeforPickering teensage13-19yrswithCityID. GetyourCityID–freeatourprograms. Parentsignaturerequired. NationalYouthWeekMay1-7 905.420.6588 pickering.ca/teen FreeTeenStuff Pickering Cultural Directory Discover Pickering’s rich and vibrant arts, cultural and heritage community. Our Cultural Directory provides contact information for hundreds of artisans, organizations, creative industries, and cultural heritage facilities & spaces. Check it out online at pickering.ca/culturaldirectory du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 10 AP Royal Lepage Signature Realty Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Office:416-443-0300 Direct 416-574-3333 Email:louisesabino@royallepage.ca Web:www.LouiseSabino.com “YOUR HOME . OUR PASSION” SaleS RepReSentative louiSea.Sabino Top 3% Nationally2007-2015* “It has been a pleasant experience working with Louise. She has been professional and very efficient with the sale of our home. We will be recommending her to every one we know”. Cheryl Welcome To 30 Macintyre Lane. This Bright End Unit Townhome Is A Perfect Starter Home In A Quiet Community. Impressive 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Home With 2 Bay Windows, Gas Fireplace, Renovated Kitchen With Walk-Out To Deck Overlooking A Forest Setting, Walk-Out To Yard From Finished Basement Perfect Rec Room, Single Car Garage & Added Bonus 2 Parking Spots On Driveway, Low Maintenance Fees Includes Water. NICELYTUCKEDAWAY &YET SUPER CONVENIENT FORALLYOUR NEEDS ThURSDAY,APRIL 28, 10AmTO 6 Pm FRIDAY,APRIL 29, 10AmTO 5 Pm The Name Lends Itself To The Picturesque Settings For This Sprawling Custom-Built Bungalow. Over 4,100 Sq. Ft. Of Special Attention To Fine Craftsmanship. Imported Glass Doors Lead To A Great Room With SoaringVaulted Ceilings,Tartaruga Designed Gas Fireplace, Formal Dining Room, Intricate Inlay Hardwood Flrs, Paris Custom Kitchen With High-End Appls. Beautiful Sunroom To Capture The Breathtaking Views, Jetoba Hardwood Flrs In Stunning Library. WELCOmETO mYSTIQUE mEADOWS SEE LOUISEAT....13thAnnual FREE ADMISSION SOLD SOLD OVERASKING Project expected to be completed by September DURHAM -- The construction of a cul-de-sac is going to cause traffic headaches for motor- ists on Paddock Road in Pickering. The road will be closed between Hwy. 7 and Seventh Concession Road commencing April 21. Temporary vehicle turning areas will be provided until the permanent cul-de-sacs are constructed. There are other road construction proj- ects taking place across Durham Region. To help navigate any delays due to this construc- tion, we have put together this list indicating where roadwork is taking place, including expected completion dates. If you know of a construction project not included on this map let us know by e-mail- ing newsroom@durhamregion.com. AJAX Where: Lane restrictions around the intersec- tion of Westney Road (Regional Rd. 31) and Rossland Road in Ajax. When: Work began the week of April 11 and is scheduled to be complete by the end of Novem- ber. Reason: Road reconstruction work includes intersection improvements, road widening, curb and gutter, a new multi-use path, and the instal- lation of new traffic control signals, storm sew- ers, noise barrier fences and street lighting. Where: Rossland Road, Shell Drive to Bunting Court. When: November to 2017. Reason: Road widened to four lanes. PICKERING Where: Road closure on Paddock Road between Hwy. 7 and Seventh Concession Road. Temporary vehicle turning areas will be provid- ed until the permanent cul-de-sac is constructed. When: Monday, April 21. Reason: Cul-de-sac construction. Where: Lane restrictions on the south side of Taunton Road West and Old Taunton Road (Concession Road 4), from just south of the Canadian Pacific Railway to the Durham Region Reservoir construction site, located west of Brock Road, in the City of Pickering. Where: Lane restrictions around the intersec- tion of Brock Road (Regional Rd. 1) and Kings- ton Road (Durham Hwy. 2) in Pickering. When: Work began the week of April 18 and is scheduled to be completed by November. Reason: Construction work includes storm sewer and watermain replacements, road wid- ening, sidewalk reconstruction, traffic signal replacements, and the addition of bus-only and bicycle lanes. OSHAWA Where: Lane restrictions on Thornton Road North (northbound lanes), from Dryden Boulevard to Taunton Road West. A detour route will be posted. When: April 18 to 26. Reason: Watermain repair. Where: Winchester road closure east of Har- mony Road. When: Work began the week of April 11 and is scheduled to be completed in approximately five weeks. There will also be intermittent lane restrictions on Harmony Road. Reason: Intersection improvements include road excavation, grading and paving and the installation of storm sewers and traffic signals. Where: Lane restrictions on Taunton Road between Sommerville Street and Keith Ross Drive. When: Ongoing until July. Reason: Bridge reconstruction. Where: Lane restrictions at the intersections of Simcoe Street and Conlin Road and Conlin and Founders Drive. When: To the end of August. Reason: Watermain relocation, road widening, excavation, grading, curb and gutter work, pav- ing, road resurfacing, storm sewers, traffic sig- nals and street lighting Where: Winchester Road east of Grandview Street. When: Ongoing until Nov. 17. Reason: Ongoing Hwy. 407 and the building of a new structure. WHITBY Where: Lane restrictions along Dundas Street between Coronation Road and Halls Road. When: April 18 to 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reason: Hwy. 407 construction. Where: Lane restrictions on Hwy. 7 between Lake Ridge Road and Coronation Road. Where: Lane restrictions along Victoria Street from Halls Road to Seaboard Gate/Jef- fery Street. When: Ongoing to mid-September. Reason: Road widening. Where: Lane restrictions on Champlain Ave- nue from Durham College to Thornton Road. When: April 18. Reason: Utility location work. Cul-de-sac construction closes Paddock Road in Pickering du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 11 AP BrandNameFlooring.LowPrices.AlwaysinStock. ENDOFTHEROLL.COM Pickering |1095KingstonRd |905.420.6001 Nopayment,nointerestfor6monthsOAC.Seestorefordetails. TRUCKLOADOADEven HOTTESTFLOORINGSTYLESHAVEARRIVED THE n t RIVED Starting at BERBERCARPET $1 29 Sq.Ft Starting at 12.3mmLAMINATE $1 69 Sq.Ft Room to SpaRe? 905-279-4500 www.keyassets.ca As a foster parent you can help create memories that will last a lifetime. Get in touch with us now to start a journey you’ll never forget. If you have a spare bedroom and are committed to making a difference we’d love to talk to you. Whitby man faces robbery, firearm and weapons charges DURHAM -- Police have charged a Whitby man with a string of brazen robberies that included heists from banks in Toronto, Markham and Cobourg. The suspect, whose arrest was announced by Toronto police April 14, is also believed to be the man who fired shots at a Belleville high school March 10 to create a diversion, then robbed a bank in the city, cops said. It’s alleged that between Feb. 11 and 26 the suspect robbed three banks in Toron- to, as well as the Scotiabank in Cobourg’s Northumberland Mall on Feb. 25. He’s also accused of robbing a Markham bank March 4 and a currency exchange outlet in Burlington April 4. A gun was present in all the robberies and in some instances the suspect wore a wig, police said. An arrest was made Wednesday, April 13 after a joint investigation involving several police services. Zak Bayfield, 40, of Whitby, faces charg- es including robbery with a firearm and weapons offences. Durham man charged with string of armed robberies Submitted photo TORONTO -- Police released a photo of a suspect in connection with bank robberies in Toronto, Cobourg, Markham and Belleville. Police have charged a Whitby man. Too early for numbers to indicate a trend: Durham deputy chief Jeff Mitchell jmitchell@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- Durham police are keeping an eye on numbers that indicate crime sta- tistics were on the rise in the first quarter of 2016. After holding steady and even declining over the past five years, reported incidents including violent crimes increased during the first three months of the year, as did property offences, members of the police services board learned this week. But it’s too early to declare the numbers indicative of an enduring trend, according to Deputy Chief Chris Fernandes. “We don’t look at it as trending upward -- it’s only the first quarter,” he said. Violent crime was up nine per cent in the first three months of 2016 compared to the same quarter last year, according to the stats. Leading those increases were a 12 per cent rise in reported assaults, sex offences increasing by 26 per cent, and a 56 per cent hike in the number of criminal harassment incidents reported. Property crimes continued a rising trend detected last year, with fraud leading the way -- up 43 per cent over Q1 in 2016 -- while thefts from vehicles were up 56 per cent. The numbers may be indicative of more people taking time to call cops when they’ve been targeted for what they may have previously considered minor inci- dents unworthy of reporting, Deputy Chief Fernandes said. That’s a good thing, because it helps police identify crime patterns and adjust their methods accordingly, he said. “More reporting is what we’re asking citi- zens to do,” said Deputy Chief Fernandes. A prime example is the hike in frauds, fuelled in part by the prevalence of phone scams that target victims with threats of prosecution by organizations like the Canada Revenue Agency. Even if people don’t fall victim to the scams, it’s impor- tant they’re reported; even if an arrest isn’t forthcoming, police can warn residents about the presence of the fraud, the deputy chief said. “We want people to report that,” he said. One bright spot in the stats? Charges against drivers using hand-held devices were down 70 per cent in the first quarter. Deputy Chief Fernandes attributed that number to increased traffic enforcement and heftier fines imposed by the Province. Durham police statsshow violent crimeon the rise in 2016 Durham Regional Police Deputy Chief Chris Fernandes Participants eligible for bursary toward tuition for cooking programs at Centre for Food Parvaneh Pessian ppessian@durhamregion.com WHITBY -- When it comes to variations on a classic dish, the sky’s the limit for a chef. Aspiring culinary students got their first taste of what it’s like to wow the public with their take on a traditional favourite during the Epic Mac n’ Cheese Festival. Eight teams of Grade 11 and 12 students competed in the second annual event at Durham College’s Centre for Food in Whitby on April 9. Shandelle Landgraff and Sarah Corre- ia, Grade 12 students at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School in Oshawa, explained how their team came up with the “Triple Smoked Bruchetta Mac n’ Cheese,” featuring ingredients such as Montreal smoked meat, bacon, Romano cheese, mozzarella, tomatoes, and roasted red peppers. “My dad’s from Montreal so it’s a taste of home for him and it’s a really nice and tender meat,” said Shandelle, 17, adding that she and Sarah also wanted to some- how incorporate bruschetta into their cre- ation. “It’s something that we both love to eat.” Many students who took part in the festi- val are considering careers in the culinary sector and were grateful for the opportu- nity to try out the college’s state-of-the-art facilities. “It has a very spacious kitchen,” said Demar Bailey from J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate in Ajax, who hopes to one day become an executive chef. “It helps you make up your mind about continuing in a career in the culinary arts.” Samples of each team’s recipe were pro- vided to visitors, who then voted for their favourite. First-place honours went to Savannah Lowe and Natalie Young of J. Clarke. The winning teams received cook- ing equipment, cookbooks and other priz- es. All 16 participants are eligible to apply for a bursary towards tuition for a culi- nary, hospitality or special events pro- gram at Durham College. Chef Peter Lee, program co-ordinator of the culinary management program at the Centre for Food, said the event allows the students to show off their skills while also building the college’s profile in the com- munity. “We work closely with high school culi- nary teachers and it’s a community event ... mac n’ cheese is everyone’s favourite comfort food but we use local cheeses and nicer ingredients to jazz it up,” he said. “The whole purpose of this is to promote cooking and to promote our programs as well.” du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 12 AP See dealer for full warranty details $3199.99 • Smart Speed® Trim/Tow/Mow ground speed ranges for optimal performance • Automatic Parking Brake - making operation simple • Heavy-duty engine guard, front axle and 10-gauge frame TIMECUTTER®SSSERIES See dealer for full warranty details $419.99 • Features "Quick Wash" washout port • Powerful Engines • Superior mulching performance RECYCLER OWN THE BEST ON THE BLOCK Pickering Mower 1053 Brock Rd, Pickering, ONTARIO 9054262645 info@pickeringmower.com www.toro.ca Eat In • Take Out Catering Fully Licensed Buffet Daily at Lunch and Sundays 5pm - 9pm www.themounteverest.ca Take-out orders of$20 or more beforetax, when payingwithCASH!R e C e i v e 10%O F F 611 Kingston Rd. W. In Pickering Village At Church, S.W. Corner 905-686-5553 BeST iNDiANReSTAURANT Fine Authentic Indian Cuisine 19 YEARSINAROW! OPEN TUES - SAT For Daily Lunch Buffet • OPEN SUN For Lunch & Dinner Buffet **REGULAR MENU ALSO AVAILABLE** Balti, Handi & Mughlai Dishes. Biryanis, Tandoori Chicken & Much More! Add A LittL e SPi C e To Your Life! 20 1 5 READE RS’C H OICEA WARD PLATINUM FOCUS ON FAMILYFOCUSON SENIORS FOCUS ON HEALTH FOCUS ON FOOD & WINE FOCUS ON COMMUNITY Photo by Peter Redman WHITBY -- Grade 12 students Sarah Correia and Shandelle Landgraff, from Monsignor Paul Dwyer High School, waited anxiously as Don Lovisa, Durham College president, sampled their original entry in the second annual Mac n’ Cheese Competition on April 9 at the Durham College Centre for Food. The event showcased the work of 16 high school seniors in culinary classes who were required to create a mac-and- cheese recipe from a selection of available ingredients including smoked mozzarella, goat cheese, bacon, sausage, Montreal smoked meat, shrimp and crab. The winner, chosen by attendees in a taste test, won a bursary towards post-secondary educa- tion. Students whip up culinary creations at Durham College’s Epic Mac n’ Cheese Festival The whole purpose of this is to promote cooking and to promote our programs as well. -- Chef Peter Lee “ du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 13 AP 1355 Kingston Road Pickering, ON L1V 1B8 905.492.7263 UNIQUE AS WE ARE THE P ANDORA STORE AT PICKERING TO WN CENTRE FOCUS ON FAMILYFOCUSON SENIORS FOCUS ON HEALTH FOCUS ON FOOD & WINE FOCUS ON COMMUNITY California wine has tasters dreamin’ Forty years ago, a historic blind-tast- ing took place in Paris, France. It became known as ‘The Judgment of Paris’ and for- ever changed the way the world looked at California wine. The year was 1976 and a competition where top French wine judges compared some of the finest wine from France along with some California entries. Shock waves were felt worldwide when the top wines were those of California -- Chateau Mon- telena Chardonnay and Stag’s Leap Caber- net Sauvignon beating the best of Bordeaux. Things have not been the same since and California has continued to excel in the making of some fine (and high-priced) wine, along with a great deal of excellent, very reasonably priced contributions. I got a chance to try excellent California wine at the annual California Wine Fair, which was held at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto. I limited my tasting to red wine for the purpose of this column. I was saddened that my favourite winery -- Fess Parker -- was missing along with its excellent Rodney’s Vineyard Syrah but there were many outstanding exhibits. There were the usual entries of some superb Cabernets, such as the Beringer Pri- vate Reserve (Vintages # 149955), an out- standing wine of pure quality but with an equally high $133.25 price tag or the even more expensive Far Niente Estate Cabernet Sauvignon (Vintages #539098) at a whop- ping $218.95. While the above products are indeed exceptional, there were many affordable products with a great price-per-quality ratio. If you like Zinfandel (and I’m not talking about the soda pop sweet ‘Blush’ here), the Sebastiani Vineyards Sonoma County Zin- fandel (Vintages #672667, $19.95) has a very affordable mouthful of cherry, plum, rasp- berry and smoked meats on both the nose and palate. The Clos du Bois Cabernet Sau- vignon (LCBO #308304, $15.95) has black fruit, vanilla/wood spice on nose and pal- ate and would be an excellent grilled meat wine. Great value of the fair was a Louis M. Martini Cabernet Sauvignon (Vintages #232371, $29.95) which is highlighted with sumptuous black fruit and cedar wood fla- vours and a marvelous finish making it an ideal special occasion steak wine. Two wines that I enjoyed but unfortunate- ly are not on the LCBO listing were Lucas and Lewellen Vineyards’ Cabernet (avail- able at Wildfire Steakhouse) and Lockwood Monteray Pinot Noir. Shame! Notable appearances also came from Cline, Francis Ford Coppola, J. Lohr and Long Meadow Ranch. California’s white wine will be featured in the next column. -- Chuck Byers is a wine writer and consultant with over 35 years of experience in the wine industry, and is a member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. Wine With Chuck Byers Jason Liebregts / Metroland Sneaking a peak at new Nando’s OSHAWA -- Nando’s, a Portuguese restaurant, opened its first location in Oshawa and on March 30 hosted a sneak peak event for the new location and invited guests to make donations to the Boys and Girls Club of Durham Region. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 14 AP ALREADY DRIVING A NISSAN? OUR LOYALTY PROGRAM HAS GREAT OFFERS!•VISIT CHOOSENISSAN.CA OR YOUR LOCAL RETAILER FOR 60MONTHSON S FWD MODELS 0%APR† FINANCE AT Based on full-line brands, on 12 month, year over year rolling unit sales THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMOTIVE BRAND IN CANADA MY CHOICEsales event No-ChargeEXTENDEDWARRANTY 10% Lease* or Finance † rates as low as APR for 24 months on select models OR ORORORMONTHLYPAYMENTSON US 2 2 OR $1,500Up to BONUS CASH 3 ON PATHFINDER MODELS PLUS CHOOSE FROM 3 GREAT OFFERS SL AWD Premium model shown ▲ 1.8 SR model shown ▲ ROGUE® APR FOR 60 MONTHSLEASE PAYMENTSINCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDE THAT’S LIKE PAYING ONLY LEASE≠FROM $258 MONTHLY WITH $0 DOWN INCLUDES $1,000 MY CHOICE BONUS CASH WEEKLYON 2016 ROGUE S FWD AT 1.49%$59≈$8STEP UP TO THE SVSPECIAL EDITION FORONLY MORE PER WEEK AT APR FOR 60 MONTHSLEASE PAYMENTSINCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDE THAT’S LIKE PAYING ONLY LEASE≠FROM $189 MONTHLY WITH $0 DOWN WEEKLYON 2016 SENTRAS M6 1.99%$44≈When Equipped with Forward Emergency Braking When Equipped with Forward Emergency Braking SENTRA®NEWLY REDESIGNED INCLUDES $750 MY CHOICE BONUS CASH FOR 60MONTHSON S FWD MODELS 0%0%0APR wnWD Premium model shoSL A ▲ EUGRO® d eppiuqn EehW d rawroh Ftiw gnikary BcnegremE DENGISEDEY RLWEN wn1.8 SR model sho ▲ ANTRES Offers available from April 1 – May 2, 2016. ≈Payments cannot be made on a weekly basis, for advertising purposes only. 1No-charge extended warranty is valid for up to 60 months or 100,000 km (whichever occurs first) from the warranty start date and zero (0) kilometers. Some conditions/limitations apply. The No-charge extended warranty is the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”) and is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services INC. (“NCESI”). In all provinces NCESI is the obligor. This offer includes the gold level of coverage. The offer is available on purchase lease or finance of a new 2016 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke, 2016 Murano, 2015 Micra, 2016 Micra, 2016 Versa Note, 2015 Sentra, 2016 Rogue, 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder. 22 Monthly payments on us is available to customers who lease or finance a new 2016 Micra // 2016 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke // 2015 Micra, 2016 Versa Note, 2015 Sentra, 2016 Rogue, 2016 Murano // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder through NCF and refers to the first two (2) monthly lease payments or first two (2) monthly finance payments. A customer’s first two monthly payments (inclusive of all taxes) will be waived, up to a maximum of $275 // $375 // $500 // $750 per month and does not include down payment or security deposits. After two months, the customer will be required to make all remaining regularly scheduled payments over the remaining term of the contract. Customers must be approved to lease or finance through NCF. Cash purchase buyers or buyers who finance outside of Nissan Finance are also not eligible for this choice. 3My Choice bonus cash $500 // $750 // $1,000 // $1,000 // 1,000 // $1,500 is applicable to a new 2016 Micra // 2016 Sentra, 2016 Altima, 2016 Juke // 2015 Micra, 2016 Versa Note // 2016 Rogue, 2016 Murano // 2015 Sentra // 2015 Altima, 2015 Pathfinder, 2016 Pathfinder which will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. $500 // $750 // $1,000 // $1,000 // 1,000 // $1,500 consists of $500 // $ 500 // $850 // $700 // 1,000 // $1,200 NCI contribution and $0 // $250 // $150 // $0 // $300 // $300 dealer participation. †Representative finance offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00). Selling price is $25,874/$25,874 financed at 0%/0% APR equals 60/24 monthly payments of $431/$1,078 monthly for a 60/24 month term. $0/$0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $0/$0 for a total obligation of $25,874/$25,874. $1,000/$1,000 My Choice bonus cash included in advertised offer. ≠Representative monthly lease offer based on a new 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/2016 Rogue SV Special Edition FWD (Y6SG16 AA00)/2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00). 1.49%/0%/1.49%/1.99% lease APR for a 60/24/60/60 month term equals monthly payments of $258/$379/$289/$189 with $0/$0/$0/$0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $15,468/$9,084/$17,330/$11,359. $1,000/$1,000/$1,000/$750 My Choice Bonus cash included in advertised offer. $75/$200 lease cash applicate on 2016 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG16 AA00)/2016 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG56 AA00) included in advertised offer. ▲Models shown $37,474/$24,329 Selling price for a new 2016 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG16 BK00)/ 2016 Sentra 1.8 SR CVT (C4SG16 AA00). * ◆±≠▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,795/$1,600) air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. See your dealer or visit Nissan.ca/Loyalty. 2016 Sentra is recognized as IIHS top safety pick+ when equipped with Forward Emergency Braking. For more information see www.IIHS. org. 2016 Rogue recognized as IIHS top safety picks when equipped with Forward Emergency Braking. For more information see www.IIHS.org. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©2016 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc. AJAX NISSAN 500 BAYLY STREET WEST,AJAX TEL: (905) 686-0555 FOCUS ON FAMILYFOCUSON SENIORS FOCUS ON HEALTH FOCUS ON FOOD & WINE FOCUS ON COMMUNITY An outside-the-box BLT Few sandwiches are more widely enjoyed than BLTs. Party hosts often look for foods that will appeal to their guests, which makes BLTs a great appetizer option. Those hosts who want to take a chance on a less tradi- tional “BLT” can consider the following rec- ipe for “Inside-Out BLTs” from Bob Blum- er’s “Surreal Gourmet Bites” (Chronicle Books). Inside-Out BLTs -- Yields 12 bites 8 strips premium bacon, sliced crosswise into 1/8-inch strips 8 firm Roma tomatoes or green (unripe) tomatoes, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices 1 cup flour, 3 eggs, beaten, 2 cups bread crumbs or panko, 3 or more tablespoons olive oil, salt, freshly ground black pepper 1 4-ounce log goat cheese, approximately 11/2 inches in diameter, sliced 1/8-inch- thick, 24 arugula leaves, lower stems dis- carded Cook bacon over medium heat until crispy. Drain on a paper towel. Select the 24 most uniform tomato slic- es and save the rest for tomorrow’s lunch. Dredge slices in flour, then in eggs, then pat down in bread crumbs. Reserve on plates, but do not stack. In a sauté pan over medium-high heat, add 3 tablespoons oil. When oil is hot, add as many breaded tomato slices as the pan can hold without them touching. Fry for approximately 2 minutes per side, or until browned and crispy. Remove from pan and drain on paper towels. Add more oil if nec- essary for subsequent batches. To assemble, line up 12 fried tomato slic- es. Season with salt and pepper, then top each with 1 cheese slice, a mound of bacon shrapnel and 2 arugula leaves. Cover with a second fried tomato slice. Secure with a toothpick. Let cool for a minute before serv- ing. Supplied photo DURHAM -- Inside-out BLTs. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 15 AP T ORONTO INTERNATIONAL CENTER Meg Turney, Cosplayer &Rooster Teeth Star Play the hottest upcoming video games Meet your favorite gaming celebrities Compete with the world’s top gamers Kid-friendly ac tivities at the Family Zone Exhibitors and vendors from across Canada,including:In partnership with: FOR SCHEDULES AND TICKETS PLEASE VISIT:EGLX.CA APRIL 29 -MAY 1,2016 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 18 AP ON SITE FARM SALE FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BILL (CHARLES WILLIAM) FOCKLER SATURDAY APRIL 30TH 2016 @ 10:00 AM 10 Klm West of Hwy 23 on HWY 47 From Davis Drive 2.7 Klm South on Con 3 Corner Con 3 & Durham 8 Emerg #313 4.3 Klm East Durham/York # 30 WATCH FOR SIGNS - Uxbridge Township TRACTORS/COMBINE: 290 MF Tractor w/Sims Cab Diesel 2,032hrs, 44 Special MH Tractor Diesel, Rumley Oil Pull Model 4025 Old Rest Serial # X-487, JD AR ANT Tractor Semi Rest, 44 MH Diesel Tractor, MF Diesel Tractor Model 235 1936Hrs, INT Ldr Tractor 385, Case V Tractor Semi Rest, Monroe Tractor Semi Rest, Track JD Crawler Loader Model 440 On Tracks, MH Pace Maker Older Rest Twin Power, INT 856 Diesel Tractor w/Cab 5100Hrs w/Tork Amplifies, 1006 Diesel INT w/Cab, Minnepolis Molene Parts Tract, Big Rhino 3PTH Blade, JD 4400 Combine 12ft Model 213 Rigid Head 3,000hrs Diesel, Massey 33 Gas Tractor w/Mount Scufflers, 915 MH Combine, Rumely Oil Pull Semi Rest 20/40, 2014 JD Tractor Cozy Cab Diesel, Fordson Tractor Semi Restored, McCormick Deering Tractor W9 Disassembled, ANT Oliver Hart Parr Tractor Model 18-28 Tippy Toe Steel Wheels, MH ANT Tractor 1940's, 1920 MH Tractor Steel Wheels Semi Rest, ANT W30 IH Tractor, Cockshutt 60 Tractor,Ferguson 35 Tractor, McCormick Deering Tractor, MH 33 Tractor, Minneapolis Molina Model 77, McCormick Deering 1020, AC Model Tractor, Case D Tractor Parts Only, 105 Int Combine Parts Only, McCormick W4 Parts Only Tractor,Int 105 Combine w/Cat,MH Pony w/Blade,McCormick Deering Tractor on Rubber,Case Loader Tractor,MH Loader Tractor,Cockshutt Silver Cane Old Restoration Tractor, Ferguson T.E.A., Massey 44 Gas, JD M-Parts Only, Allis Chalmers Model B Old Rest, Farmall M w/Loader, Case D Tractor Parts Only, Minneapolis Molene Loader Tractor - Parts Only, Case Model C Typical Steel Wheels, Cockshutt. GAS ENGINES: Massey Harris Type 3 3HP, Lister Type D 1 ΩHP, Lister Upright1 FlyWheel Type B 3.5HP, Monitor VJ 1 1/4 HP, MH Type 1 2HP, MH 2HP Type 3, MH 2HP Type 3, MH 2HP Type 3, Stove KA2HP, INT LB, INT Type M 3HP, Fairbanks Morris Z3P, Fairbanks Oscillator Z3 Plug, Jumbo Type C2 1/2HP, INT M 1 1/2HP X2, Novo S 3HP, Stover V 1 HP, Fairbanks 2 1 ΩHP, Brown Wall 1 1/2HP, Wetlaufer Fairbanks 1 1/2 HP, Sandwich 2HP, Upright L Alpha, Caron Bros. Eng, Fairbank S2 3HP, MH Type 3 3HP, IHP Greg, Int Upright 2HP, Ontario Winder Pump, Gallaway 2HP, Fairbanks 2 1 1/2HP, Int M 6HP, Fuller Johnson Type N, Fairbanks 2 6HP, Fairbanks D, Fairbanks 2 6HP, Fairbanks 2 3HP, FairbankS 2 3HP, MH Type 2 6HP, INT M 6HP, INT M 1 1/2HP. MACHINERY: 830 Case Int. Round Baler, New Holland SP166 Baler Self Prop w/2 Wiscon Engines, Self Prop New Holland Baler SP 166, 20FT INT Cultivator, 18FT Cultivator, 16FT INT Cultivator, QTY of Parts/Pcs For Tractors/Farm Equip, Fluery ANT Corn Chopper, D-20 Oat Grinder ANT on Carriage, P3 Power Generator, JD 110 Riding Mower, Air Comp Dbl Cylinder, JD Riding Mower Model 210, Allis Chalmers 3 Furrow Plow, 6Ft 3PTH Cultivator, Ferguson Plow 3PTH w/2 Farrows, IH Seed Drill, JD Seed Drill Model 8100, JD 8Ft Snow Blower Dbl Auger w/Hydraulic Chute,Lucknow Snow Blower 8Ft Hydraulic Chute, JD Hydraulic Garden Tractor, 4 Furrow Cockshut Semi Mount Plow, Skeleton Hay Elevator, 478 New Holland Hay Bine, Side Delivery Rake, 8Ft Rotary Mower, 15Ft JD 3PTH Hydraulic Disk,Wobbly Wheel Packer, Schultz Triple Beater Manure Spreader, Industrial Flat Bed Tri Axle Trailer,White 4 Furrow Semi Mount Plow,MH Binder, 2 Row Ford Corn Planter, JD Sicklemower, Car Mate Flat Bed Trailer, 4 Row Scuffler, Great West Harrows, 12Ft Dbl Disk, 8FT Dbl Disk w/3PTH, Big Rhino 3PTH Blade, NH 273 Square Baler. VEHICLES: INT Stake Truck 2Wh Back Approx 1940-45, 2006 GMC Quad Cab 1500 Z71 4WD P/U SLE Model, 1997 GMC Tilt N Load 173,000KM 6 Speed Model C8500, ANT 18-1920 Sea Cab Ford P/U, ANT 2DR Coupe, INT Stake truck Single Axle 70's Model, 1940's Austin Martin 40/40 Model Car. TOOLS: Drill Press, Lincoln Welder on Wheels, Snap-On Tork Wrench, ANT Wrenches, ANT Garden Tools, Old Chop Saw, Chain Saws, Floor Jacks, 3FT Old Metal Lathe, Air Compressor, Teltra Drill Press, QTY Misc Tools, JD Post Hole Digger, Cement Mixer, Lincoln Purple Welder on Wheels, ANT Post Hole Digger, 3 Tool Boxes Job Mate, Delta Drill Press, Snap On Wrenches Sockets Tire Wedge, Lrg Qty Mechanics Tools, Westward Tools, Blue Point Air Tools, Qty Power Tools, Qty Air Jacks, Floor Jack, Lrg Qty Ant Wrenches, Tool Boxes. SNOWMOBILES: Alouette XL 28 Snowmobile, Ski Doo Olympic 12/3, Scorpion 12/3. MISC: QTY of Manuals, McLaughlin Cutter w/Brass Plaque,5X8 "New Idea "Farm Machinery Sign Lighted 4 X 3 FT,Gantry Crane, Welding Tables, Feather Lite Ladders, QTY Hardware, Gas Cans, Qty Gas Engine Parts, Wisconsin Engines, Scissor Lift Work Table, Washer Parts, Ant Log Measure Sticks, 14Ft Boat, 2 Aluminum Boats, Gas Engine, 3PTH Blade, Qty of Tires. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS Note: Not All Model #'s May Be Accurate on Tractors Terms : Cash & Approv Cheque, MC and Visa 3 % Processed Day After Sale ** No Debit Available ** GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-852-9538 - 416-518-6401 garyhillauctions.ca garyhauctions@sympatico.ca Executive Office Space for rent! BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY Newly Renovated Heritage Building Great Professional accommodation in well-established financial building, Lots of windows for natural light - includes reception, all utilities, high speed internet, professional copier, telephone service, meeting rooms and signage.Ask for: Karsten @ 905-985-1926 ext. 6522 PRIME OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Approx 200 sq ft at the Oshawa Shopping Center Executive Tower. Call 905 571 3011 ext 244 Spacious, 1100 sq. ft. three bedroom, south facing top floor condo unit located at 1210 Radom Street, Pickering,overlooking lake Ontario. Minutes from GO Station, local schools and neighboring park. $1600/ month. Heat/hydro andunderground parking space included. No smoking, no pets. Call Neil - 905-239-7645 OSHAWA Clean, quiet building, overlooking green space, near shopping and schools. Large Spacious 2-bedroom apartments, Available June 1st. $1025/mth. Parking, utilities, appliances incl. Call 416-999-2793 OSHAWA APTS FOR RENT 70 Orchard View Blvd. - 1 bedroom and 1 bedroom basement apartments available 36 Orchard View Blvd. - Luxury 2 bedroom apartments available for June rentals@cpliving.com l 1-888-236-7767 BOWMANVILLE 3-bdrm main floor, finished basement, central location, close to Darlington, services extra, gas, hot water, heat. $1650/month first/last. available June 1st. 905-623-1622 2 & 3 bedroomapartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent.Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or(905)686-0841Eve. viewing by appt.www.ajaxapartments.com Apartments Oshawa & Whitby 2-BEDROOM, OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM, WHITBY downtown picturesque. Both include: Parking, Laundry & Appliances. Near all amenities. Avail. May 1 Please call 289-688-4313 949 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 2-bedroom, $975 inclusive 1 parking, no pets. Avail. May 1st. References Req. Call for details. 905-723-1647, 905-720-9935 OSHAWA 1 BDRM & 2 BDRM APTS for Rent. Start from $600/mo at 17 Quebec St. and $600/mo & $700/mo at 304 Simcoe St. S. Plus heat & hydro. Available now. First/Last, references & credit check required. Call Stephen 905-259-5796 Apartments & Flats For RentA Mortgages,LoansM $ MONEY $ CONSOLIDATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Apartments & Flats For RentA Bowmanville 1-bdrm & 2-bdrmapartments850-1075 sq.ft.Renovated SuitesGreat Location near 401, shopping and hospital.From $1225+hydro Didi 905-623-8737 Apartments & Flats For RentA WHITBY-2 BEDROOMS+ DEN APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom on top floor of triplex. Bright, spacious with eat in kitchen. Ensuite wash- er/dryer. Large shared yard. One parking in- cluded in rent. $1290+ heat/hydro. Available May 1. First&Last/refer- ences. Contact debwhyte9437@ gmail.com or 905-427- 9437. $1,290 Per Month Rooms forRent & WantedR SUNNY, FULLY FURNISHED BEDROOMin large, Ajax home. Wi-Fi, buses at door.Prefer no car. Room suits working male $575/mo. Available May 1st.905-424-0286 WHITBY ROOM FOR RENT Shared kitchen, no smoking/pets, 1 parking space, All inclusive. Available immediately. Call (905)259-8959 Office / Business Space For Rent / WantedO Apartments & Flats For RentA Articlesfor SaleA HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com RENT TO OWN Appli- ances, TV's, Electronics, Furniture, Computers, BBQ's & More!! Apply today. Contact Paddy's Market 905-263-8369 or 800-798-5502. Visit us on the web at www.paddysmarket.ca TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLIANCES. Variety of dented fridge's, stoves and laundry available. Also brand new appli- ances, GE dyers $469 and GE washers, $599. Many other new items available. Free local delivery. Call us today, Stephenson's Applianc- es, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576-7448. Office / Business Space For Rent / WantedO Condominiumsfor RentC Pets, Supplies,Boarding POMERANIAN/YORKIE PUPPIES. 3-adorable fluffy fox-like looking pups. 2 females, 1 male. Home raised, well loved, well socialized. Ready to go! $800 with shots, $650 without. Parents on site. Call: 705-438-5566. CarsC 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LS $3995.; 2007 Mazda 5 $3995.; 2007 Nissan Versa $2995.; 2006 Toyota Corolla CE $2495.; 2006 Honda Civ- ic DX $3495.; 2006 Hyundai Sonata GL $2995.; 2006 Chevy Uplander $1995.; 2006 Nissan Altima 2.5S $2995.; 2006 Pontiac Pursuit GT $2495.; 2005 Chevy Equinox LS $4195.; 2005 Ford Escape XLS $2295.; 2004 Mazda 3 $1995.; 2004 Toyota Sienna CE $3995.; 2004 Dodge Caravan SE Ann $1995.; 2002 Venture $1195.; 2002 VW Passat $1495.; 2000 Mercedes - Benz E320 $2195.; 2000 Toyota Camry LE $2495.; 2000 Honda Odyssey $1295.; Over 55 Vehicles in stock... Amber Motors - 3120 Danforth Avenue. 416-864-1310www.ambermotors.ca Cars WantedC **! ! $$$$ ! AAAAA ! AARON & AARON Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. AAA AUTO SALVAGE WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Vans. 24/7 905-431-1808. $100-$10,000 Cash 4 Cars Dead or alive Same day Fast FREE Towing 416-831-7399 Condominiumsfor RentC Cars WantedC **!Go Green!** Cash For Cars & Trucks Auto (ABE's) Recycling 1-888-355-5666 MassagesM AAA PICKERING ANGELS H H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 Now hiring!!! NOW OPEN LaVilla Spa 634 Park Rd. South Oshawa (905)240-1211 Now hiring!!! Auctions & Sales A Auctions & Sales A Auctions & Sales A Auctions & Sales A Sr. Legal Assistant/Law Clerk - Required immediately for small Whitby law firm with a friendly work environment. Min 5-7 yrs experience in residential & commercial real estate with emphasis on private mortgages. Some estates experience an asset. Strong organizational, language and computer skills essential, with ability to work independently and handle real estate files from open to close. Thorough knowledge of Conveyancer, Teraview and PC Law a must. Salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to info@michaelslaw.ca TAX PREPARATION Personal taxes by a Professional Accountant Corporate Acctg & Tax Judy Kuksis CPA CGA 905-426-2900 Computerized Acctg Services Avail. Pick up Available ProfessionalDirectoryP ProfessionalDirectoryP Ta x & FinancialT Service Directory Car or Truck to Sell? Call905-683-0707 (Ajax) To Place Your Ad Call905-683-0707 (Ajax) du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 20 AP Where CommunitySupportandCustomerEnthusiasmMatter vandusengm.com CARING FOR OUR COMMUNITY... TheRougeValleyHealthSystem(Ajaxand Centenarysites)isunderthreatofbeingseparated. DissolvingRVHSreversesmorethanadecade ofeffectiveregionalintegrationandputspatient careatriskinourcommunity. DissolvingRVHSiscontrarytotheMinistry directionsforincreasedintegrationofregional carethatputs‘patientsfirst’. Theprocesswillwastetensofmillionsoftax payers’dollars,withoutimprovingpatientcare. Ifwedon’tact,patientcarewillsuffer.Learnmore andsignthepetitionat keeprvhstogether.com SaveOur Hospital PUT PATIENTS FIRST!KeepRougeValleyHealthSystemtogether. ProtectYour Healthcare 1. Visit keeprvhstogether.com 2. Learnthefacts 3. Completethesimple onlinepetition 4. ContactourlocalMP,MPP, mayorsandcounsillors andexpresshowyoufeel