HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2015_12_16PICKERINGNews Adver tiser durhamregion.com DECEMBER 16, 2015 Piano and Guitar Lessons 1099 Kingston Rd #5b Pickering •905-831-6388 (pianogroup.ca) Home cleaningmade easy 905-426-2120 pickeringajaxcleaningmaids.ca 274 MackenzieAve., Ajax (Bayly & Mackenzie Intersection) www.sklarpeppler.com•905.686.3644 sklAr peppler BOXINGWEEK STARTS NOW! THIs eNTIre COlleCTION2o%oFF ALL DESIGNER SAMPLES ON SALE SOFAS TINGATSSTARTINGAT $599 00 A gift from the heart Ajax-Pickering developer Jerry Coughlan makes a large $2-million donation to The Salvation Army to go toward a new building for the charitable organization p.2 Q&A WITH JAMIE KENNEDY P.13 Ryan Pfeiffer / Metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 2 AP Call Today For a Free esTimaTe 905-427-2116 www.ajaxroofing.com WE TREAT YOUR HOME LIKE OUR OWN Don’t forget we also do blown in attic insulation CALL AJAX ROOFING TODAY AND ASK ABOUT OUR WINTER MAINTENACE PACKAGE! Voted #1 Roofing Company5 years in a row2015 READE RS’C H OICEA WARD DIAMOND inside deC. 16, 2015 Pressrun 54,400 / 36 pages editorial Page / 6 Calendar of events /7 Focus on Food and Wine / 13 Real estate / 11 Wheels / Pullout Classified / 17 905-215 0442 durhamregion.com The latest news from across durham Region, Ontario, Canada and the world all day, every day. search ‘newsdurham’ on your favourite social media channel. YOuR CaRRieR Collection weeks are every third week. Please greet your newspaper carrier with a smile and an optional payment for their service. Call 905- 683-5117. uReport Reader-submitted news share your event photos, write-ups and letters to the editor with our readers. e-mail us at newsroom@durhamregion.com More than 500,000 individuals visit durhamregion.com every month which makes this a great opportunity to share your information with a broad audience. Go to www.durhamregion.com/ureport to register and upload your information. Money will help tear down current buildings and build a new, expanded location in its place Kristen Calis kcalis@durhamregion.com AJAX -- Christmas came early for the Sal- vation Army this year with a major dona- tion from a local developer. At a special announcement on Tuesday at the Salvation Army in Ajax, Jerry Cough- lan, the founder of Coughlan Homes, now operating as J.F.C. Developments Ltd., presented a cheque for $2 million to go towards a new, expanded building. “This is an overwhelming day for us,” said Jason Sabourin, the Salvation Army’s officer and pastor. Grant Waddell, the volunteer leader of the building project, said this is a special day for the ministry that’s served the peo- ple of Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge for 60 years. He explained the Salvation Army is currently packed with toys and food, ready for families needing assistance, to pick them up for the holiday season. “That’s Christmas time for us,” he said. With an increase in demand in recent years, and to meet current and future needs, he said a new building is a priority for the Salvation Army. Currently, the Salvation Army in Ajax operates out of two buildings, at 35 King St. and 37 King St. “Both locations are going to be torn down. The whole parcel of land is going to be used,” said Mr. Sabourin. Use has surged in recent years. In 2011, 1,414 Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge house- holds used the services, compared to 5,174 in 2014. This represents 4,413 individuals in 2011 and 17,134 people in 2014. “It is a great gift at this time of the year,” said Mr. Sabourin. “I don’t think there’s a more fitting time for a gift like this.” Mr. Waddell and Mr. Coughlan first met a few years ago and the developer has been a constant advisor and friend in helping the Salvation Army plan for its new build. When Mr. Coughlan pledged to make the donation of $2 million recently, the idea for a new building began looking more like a reality. Mr. Waddell said to Mr. Coughlan in his speech at the announcement that people of all backgrounds, all faiths, and even of no faith, will “get support because of your kindness.” Mr. Coughlan said when his brother returned from serving in the Second World War, he told stories of the Salvation Army delivering food and clothing to the front lines, something he’s always held close. He not only appreciates all of the good work the Salvation Army does, adding he respects the organization for spending very little on administrative costs. “I just think it’s a good organization. It’s not skim- ming off the top. It goes to the cause,” he said. Mr. Coughlan said the building should be ready in the next couple of years, but there is no definite date of completion. While both buildings, 35 and 37 King St., will be torn down to make way for the new build, the services will continue to operate throughout construction. This could involve offering services from one building while construction is taking place at the other, a temporary location, or a mixture of both. “We’re going to do all we can to create the least amount of confusion for the cli- ents,” said Mr. Sabourin. Mr. Sabourin took the opportunity to remind people that this $2 million will go to the new building only, and encourages people to continue to donate to the Christ- mas Kettle Campaign, which supports the Salvation Army’s ongoing costs to help the community. The Salvation Army offers food assis- tance, Christmas assistance, clothing assistance, camp sponsorship and person- al support programs, referrals to counsel- ling for individuals and families, referrals to addiction services, an internet cafe and lunch served Tuesdays and Thursdays. Developer gives $2 million to Salvation Army serving Ajax and Pickering Ryan Pfeiffer / Metroland AJAX -- Jerry Coughlan, founder of Coughlan Homes, made a $2-million donation to Capt. Jason Sabourin and The Salvation Army to go toward a new building. The Salvation Army serves Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 3 AP FWD200A/HEV500A 7501,900 5,10048 0.8398 100A 1,9004,500 360.8378 †† Le a s e 2 0 1 6 L i n c o l n M K C C o m p a c t S U V ( 1 0 0 A ) / 2 0 1 6 L i n c o l n M K Z o r M K Z H y b r i d w i t h $ 4 , 5 0 0 / $ 5 , 1 0 0 d o w n p a y m e n t o r e q u i v a l e n t t r a d e i n i n c l u d i n g f r e i g h t , P D I , f e e s a n d l e v i e s a t 0 . 8 % / 0 . 8 % A P R f o r 3 6 / 4 8 / 4 8 m o n t h s , m o n t h l y p a y m e n t i s $3 7 8 / $ 3 9 8 . T a x e s p a y a b l e o n f u l l a m o u n t o f l e a s e f i n a n c i n g p r i c e a f t e r a n y p r i c e a d j u s t m e n t i s d e d u c t e d . A d d i t i o n a l p a y m e n t s r e q u i r e d f o r P P S A , r e g i s t r a t i o n , s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t , N S F f e e s ( w h e r e a p p l i c a b l e ) , e x c e s s w e a r a n d t e a r , a n d l a t e f e e s . So m e c o n d i t i o n s a n d m i l e a g e r e s t r i c t i o n o f 1 6 , 0 0 0 k m / 1 6 , 0 0 0 k m f o r 1 2 / 1 2 m o n t h s a p p l i e s . E x c e s s k i l o m e t r a g e c h a r g e s a r e 1 6 ¢ p e r k m f o r M K C a n d M K Z p l u s a p p l i c a b l e t a x e s . L e a s e o f f e r i n c l u d e s f r e i g h t , P D I , a i r t a x a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i o n f e e s . Re g i s t r a t i o n f e e s a n d a l l a p p l i c a b l e t a x e s a r e e x t r a . A l l p r i c e s a r e b a s e d o n M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s S u g g e s t e d R e t a i l P r i c e . S e c u r i t y D e p o s i t m a y b e r e q u i r e d b y F o r d C r e d i t b a s e d o n c u s t o m e r c r e d i t t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s . D e l i v e r y A l l o w a n c e s a r e n o t co m b i n a b l e w i t h a n y f l e e t c o n s u m e r i n c e n t i v e s . ! ! R e c e i v e a L i n c o l n M a i n t e n a n c e P r o t e c t i o n P l a n ( " L M P P " ) w i t h t h e p u r c h a s e o r l e a s e o f a n e w 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 L i n c o l n m o d e l a t p a r t i c i p a t i n g L i n c o l n d e a l e r s h i p s . L M P P i n c l u d e s a l l r e q u i r e d s c h e d u l e d ma i n t e n a n c e ( a s p e r e a c h v e h i c l e ' s O w n e r ' s G u i d e ) f o r 2 y e a r s o r 4 0 , 0 0 0 k m , w h i c h e v e r o c c u r s f i r s t ( t h e " T e r m " ) ; p l u s c o v e r a g e f o r 6 w e a r i t e m s ( B r a k e p a d s a n d l i n i n g s , B r a k e r o t o r s , E n g i n e b e l t s , h o s e s a n d h o s e c l a m p s , S h o c k a b s o r b e r s , S p a r k pl u g s , W i p e r b l a d e s ) f o r t h e s a m e T e r m , a s r e q u i r e d , d u e t o n o r m a l w e a r o r d e f e c t . L i m i t f i v e ( 5 ) r e q u i r e d s c h e d u l e d m a i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e v i s i t s o v e r t h e T e r m , b a s e d o n a 6 - m o n t h / 8 , 0 0 0 k m i n t e r v a l . L M P P o f f e r b a l a n c e i s t r a n s f e r a b l e a t a c o s t i f th e v e h i c l e i s s o l d . O f f e r i s n o t r a i n c h e c k a b l e . ^ O f f e r v a l i d f r o m D e c e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 5 t o J a n u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 6 ( t h e " P r o g r a m P e r i o d " ) t o C a n a d i a n r e s i d e n t c u s t o m e r s . R e c e i v e $ 5 0 0 t o w a r d s t h e p u r c h a s e , l e a s e o r f a c t o r y - o r d e r o f a 2 0 1 6 L i n c o l n M K X o r Na v i g a t o r , o r $ 1 , 0 0 0 t o w a r d s t h e p u r c h a s e , l e a s e o r f a c t o r y - o r d e r o f a n y 2 0 1 5 L i n c o l n m o d e l , 2 0 1 6 M K C o r 2 0 1 6 M K Z A W D - a l l L i m o / L i v e r y m o d e l s e x c l u d e d ( e a c h a n " E l i g i b l e M o d e l " ) d u r i n g t h e P r o g r a m P e r i o d . L i m i t o n e ( 1 ) i n c e n t i v e r e d e m p t i o n pe r E l i g i b l e M o d e l s a l e . O f f e r s v a l i d o n d a t e o f p u b l i c a t i o n . Pickering Town Center I Kingston & Liverpool I 905-839-6666 I formulalincoln.com Formula Lincoln ***cleaver As low as Commission1% * NEW CHOICE REALTY LTD BROkERAgE Independently Owned and Operated www.MincomRealty.ca 905-428-4557FREE Home Market Evaluation *Limited Time Offer *Terms & Conditions Apply True STory.... 12yearsagowhenIwassingleIboughtahouseinAjaxthrough JudyatMinComNewChoiceRealty.Ilivedthereforayear,met awonderfullady,gotmarriedanddecidedtorentthehouse. Therentcoveredthemortgage,taxes,andsomeoftherepairs. Itbecameagoodinvestment. OvertheyearsIreferredJudyandTheStacee-FreeTeamtomy family,AnnaevensoldmyGrandmother’shouse. Nowitwastimetoselltherentalproperty,soofcourseIcalled Judy.ShesaidIneededtospendsomemoneyupdatingthe propertytomaximizemyinvestment.Judyoversawtheproject, shehadherStagerandRenovatorcomein&wegavetheplace atotalFacelift. WillIgetmymoneyback?Wedidandthensome!Thanksto JudyandherTeamforhelpingmethroughthisordeal. Dave & Liz C., Pickering $aving YOU THOU$anD$... At least two incidents of those going door-to-door seeking donations on behalf of Society Jeff Mitchell jmitchell@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- At least two incidents of people falsely seeking donations on behalf of the Durham Region Children’s Aid Society have been reported, and residents are being warned to be on the lookout for further scams. The Durham Children’s Aid Founda- tion, a registered charity that supports children and youth involved with the CAS, issued the warning Wednesday. The foundation does not conduct door- to-door canvasses, the organization’s executive director said. “The Durham Children’s Aid Founda- tion does not send volunteers door to door. All requests for support are directly from the foundation via e-mail, website or direct mail,” Sian Gibson said. In the week prior to Dec. 9, two inci- dents were reported: an individual solic- iting donations outside a Pickering gro- cery store, and a person going door-to- door in Whitby. In the Whitby incident, the individual displayed a photo of a woman and chil- dren identified as CAS clients in need. The incidents serve as a reminder to be cautious when approached by someone seeking charitable donations, said Dur- ham police Sergeant Bill Calder. It’s rare for legitimate charities to conduct door- to-door solicitation, and before giving, people should insist on seeing identi- fication and literature supporting the campaign, he said. It’s also a good idea to ask a canvasser to come back later, after you’ve checked into the charity online. “If they’re not legitimate, they won’t be back,” Sgt. Calder said. If you’re suspicious, call police at 905- 579-1520. “The main thing is to get us involved in these things,” Sgt. Calder said. Warning issued by Durham police over phony Children’s Aid fundraising du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 4 AP Room to SpaRe? 905-279-4500 www.keyassets.ca As a foster parent you can help create memories that will last a lifetime. Get in touch with us now to start a journey you’ll never forget. If you have a spare bedroom and are committed to making a difference we’d love to talk to you. mclellancontracting.ca (905) 767-1240 GAF Training Excellence Award IS YOUR ROOF READYFOR SANTA? 20 1 5 READE RS’C H OICEA W A RD PLATINUM Roofing • Windows • Renovation Built On Integrity Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. Now Accepting New Patients For Dentistry While Asleep And Awake Clinic services include: •Teeth Cleaning and Whitening • Custom Mouth Guards • Crowns and Bridges The team at Durham Dental Anesthesia is committed to providing you with the very best in dental healthcare. We each bring a level of commitment and years of experience and are specially trained to serve patients who require a little extra attention. Our primary goal is to provide excellence in all facets of dentistry and to carry it out in a gentle and caring way. To schedule an appointment call: 905-683-3300 or go to dentistrywhileasleep.comAnesthesia dentistry while asleep DentalDurham On behalf of my family and staff, I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016! On behalf of my family and staff, I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016! Tracy MacCharles, MPP Pickering-Scarborough East I cordially invite you and your family to my New Year’s Levee Sunday, January 10th, 2016 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Leadership room 875 Morningside Avenue, Scarborough Constituency Office 300 Kingston Road, Unit 7 Pickering, ON L1V 6Z9 Tel: 905-509-0336 Email: tmaccharles.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org Web: www.tracymaccharles.onmpp.ca DURHAM -- The new publicly owned portions of Highway 407 East being built in Durham will cost rush-hour motor- ists nearly six cents less per kilometre in some busy periods than the existing 407 ETR tolls. At other times, however, the price dif- ference will be only a fraction of a penny per kilometre less on the publicly owned section of highway. The Province has promised to keep its 407 tolls below the ETR rates when the new stretch opens next spring between Brock Road in Pickering and Harmony Road in Oshawa. The proposed prices for the new high- way range from 19 cents per km to 29 cents per kilometre, according to the Ministry of Transportation website. The existing, privately-run 407 ETR charges between 20 cents and 35 cents per kilometre in the regular zone. The 407 light zone — a stretch from Highway 410 to Highway 427 — ranges from about 20 cents to 33 cents per kilo- metre. The most significant price difference comes in the weekday rush hours, when the roads are most heavily travelled. Drivers will pay about a nickel less per kilometre on the provincial section than on the privately operated ETR. While large trucks and buses are tolled nearly twice as much by the Province, they are given commensurate savings — about a dime per kilometre less than some periods on the privately run high- way. Earlier this month, the government announced that the highway, which was supposed to open on Friday, wasn’t fin- ished due to delays in early design work and because remaining pavement mark- ings and asphalt work couldn’t be done in the winter. Hwy. 407 runs from about Brock Road in Pickering west down to the QEW in Burlington. TOLL COMPARISON 29 cents per km to drive the provincially owned 407 East on a weekday between 4 and 6 p.m. 34.73 cents per km to drive the private- ly operated 407 ETR in the regular zone, weekdays between 4 and 6 p.m. 19 cents per km to drive the 407 East week- days between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. 19.74: cents per km to drive the 407 ETR weekdays between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. in both the regular and light zones Torstar news services New 407 East tolls through Durham will be lower than ETR prices Metroland file photo DURHAM -- The new publicly owned section of Hwy. 407 will cost commuters less per kilometre than the existing 407 ETR tolls. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 5 AP On November 1, 2015 Oshawa Community Health Centre and The Youth Centre, two existing Community Health Centres with excellent track records, amalgamated into a single Community Health Centre. The amalgamated CHC is building on the combined strengths and capacities of both organizations to achieve a broader continuum of consistent, quality health services to the residents of Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. The new CHC is currently undergoing a rebranding project for a new name. The new CHC Board of Directors is looking to recruit additional strong community leaders for the Board which will expand and diversify the skill set and experience required for the newly amalgamated CHC. What are we looking for? We need individuals with strong governance leadership who are aligned with our integration vision. Professional experience in the following areas would be a significant asset: • Finance • Youth and Community Services • Legal • Philanthropic Fundraising If you are interested in being considered for a position on the new CHC Board of Directors, please submit an expression of interest/CV outlining your qualifications and expectations by email to:DCHCBrdRec@ochc.ca on or before January 22, 2016. Please note this is a volunteer position. For additional information please contact Lee Kierstead, CEO Oshawa Community Health Centre/The Youth Centre at 905-723-0036 ext. 218 Thank you for your consideration! Board Leaders Needed December 2015 ©2015PandoraJewelry,LLC•Allrightsreserved•PANDORA.NET A NECKLACE ISN’T JUST A NECKLACE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 1355 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING, ON L1V 1B8 905.492.7263 • JINNYS.CA/PANDORA Servicing Most Makes & Models Bessada kia•Where Family makes the DiFFerence www.bessadakia.com •1-866-421-9191 1675 Bayly St., Pickering (Right off the 401 Brock Exit) Toney Alexander (Service Manager) Over 10 Years Experience with Bessada Kia Our Trained Technicians’ #1 Priority: Giving YOU an exceptional Service Experience that will ensure YOU & YOUR VEHICLE leave HAPPY & HEALTHY! Durham man charged after border agents find cocaine concealed in juice cartons DURHAM -- A Whitby man is one of two sus- pects charged after border officials discov- ered liquid cocaine concealed in orange juice containers from the Caribbean. An investigation began in mid-November when Canada Border Services agents in Hal- ifax discovered 44 litres of the drug among food products in a shipping container from Trinidad and Tobago. The RCMP identi- fied two men connected to the shipment. Norris Williams, 46, of Whitby and 46-year- old Lincoln Strachan of Mississauga face charges including drug trafficking and impor- tation. Durham police charge 77 with impaired after four weeks of RIDE campaign DURHAM -- Another 28 motorists were charged with drunk driving offences dur- ing the fourth week of Durham police’s annual Festive RIDE campaign. The new charges bring the total for this years’ campaign to 77; after four weeks last year, 73 impaired driving charges had been laid. During the week, officers stopped 1,542 vehicles and demanded 132 roadside breath tests. In addition to the impaired charges, police issued 19 three-day licence suspensions to drivers who registered warning levels. OP I N I O N Tim Whittaker - Publisher twhittaker@durhamregion.com Fred Eismont - Director of Advertising feismont@durhamregion.com Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief jburghardt@durhamregion.com Mike Johnston - Managing Editor mjohnston@durhamregion.com Deb Macdonald - Sales Manager dmacdonald@durhamregion.com Abe Fakhourie - Director of Distribution afakhourie@durhamregion.com Cheryl Haines - Composing Manager chaines@durhamregion.com News Advertiser 865 Farewell St., Oshawa ON L1H 6N8 www.durhamregion.com ADVERTISING 905-215-0472 CLASSIFIEDS 905-215-0442 DISTRIBUTION 905-683-5117 GENERAL FAX 905-576-2238 NEWSROOM 905-215-0481 LETTERS: We welcome letters. Please include your full name, address and day phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit for length, libel and com- munity standards. Member of the Canadian Circulations Audit Board, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Local Media Association and the National News Council. Content is protected by copyright. Publication Sales Agreement #40052657 our opinion Agree? Disagree? Send us a letter to the editor, max. 200 words. newsroom@durhamregion.com, All it takes is a simple check mark in a box or a click on a pull-down menu to make sure your donation to the United Way of Durham Region is going where you intend it to. The United Way has launched an appeal to donors who live in Durham Region but work outside the area. If you donate to the United Way through a workplace plan, where your donation is deducted each week or month, that money is given to the United Way affiliate where you work. That donation can be earmarked for the community you live in by simply putting a checkmark on a form indicating you want your dona- tion to go to the United Way of Dur- ham Region. “When you give where you live, you support your neighbours, when you support your neighbours you build a more prosperous and resilient com- munity,” noted Robert Howard, cam- paign director for the United Way of Durham Region. He feels the United Way could col- lect an additional $700,000 if resi- dents check the box. The campaign is called Give where you live. You may have noted the red signs popping up along routes commuters take out of the area to their jobs. No one is saying all your charitable donations must be donated locally. We all give to the Terry Fox Founda- tion or the Hospital for Sick Children because we know those dollars are going to a worthy cause. But locally, the United Way helps 35 non-profit groups all of which rely on donations to help keep them afloat and make a difference in peoples’ lives. Distress Centre Durham, Big Broth- ers Big Sisters and the Salvation Army are just a few of the groups which step up and lend a helping hand in our neighbourhoods. You in turn can lend a hand by mak- ing sure your donation helps Durham residents. Keep spreading your charitable donations where you believe it does the best good but if you do support the United Way and work outside Durham’s borders, make sure those dollars are directed back into the region. Metroland Media Group Ltd., Durham Region Division Help keep United Way dollars in Durham Region column Two police confrontations, two different outcomes Why did Michael MacIsaac of Ajax have to die On Monday, Dec. 2, 2013, my brother, Michael MacIsaac, ran from his home naked at 10 o’clock in the morn- ing while suffering the aftereffects of an epileptic seizure, a phase that is referred to as postictal state. Durham police officers rushed to the scene and, within 8 to 10 seconds of arriving, shot Michael. Michael died early the next morn- ing from the injuries caused by the two bullets that were fired into his body by a Durham Regional Police officer. A few weeks ago I saw a news story headlined “Police Taser naked, bleed- ing man as he slashed himself”. At about 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 30, Ham- ilton police responded to a report of a naked man in the middle of main street waving a kitchen knife. According to Hamilton police, “upon arrival it was obvious that the man was in crisis”. Police were able to manage the situ- ation until a supervisor could arrive with a Taser, as officers on the scene had requested. The question I and the rest of Michael’s family have is simply this: How was it not obvious to Dur- ham police officers responding to a report of a naked, disoriented man on a residential street at 10 o’clock in the morning that Michael was in cri- sis? How can two such similar incidents end so differently -- and yet both out- comes be accepted legally? Is your survival when encountering a police officer one of pure chance? Is it simply “luck of the draw” as to what police officer arrives when you call police for help? Depending on the responding offi- cer, you might be treated with dignity and respect (as we are all entitled), or get Tased or shot. Astonishingly, the man in Hamilton had a kitchen knife. Michael did not have an edged weapon. He may have had a table leg in his hand. He did not set out on a violent course that morn- ing, he was in a moment of mental crisis -- yet it cost him his life. Why? We have to wonder, did Hamilton police learn from the Durham police service’s mishandling of the similar incident with Michael? I am sure you can understand that it is very difficult for us to compre- hend. We are happy and relieved that the man in Hamilton survived (for both him and his family), and we com- mend the responding officers in Hamilton for their professional and compassionate handling of this call. But it is agonizing, from our perspec- tive, to try to understand the vastly -- and tragically -- different outcomes of these two very similar incidents. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 6 AP Joanne macIsaac Guest Columnist du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 7 P WANT EASY CLEAN UPWHILE ENTERTAINING? CONSIDER US THIS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S.... JUST SCRAPE THEM OFF, REPACKAGE IN THE BOXES SUPPLIED & RETURN. WE DO THE DISHES!! We Would Like To Wish Everyone A Very Merry Christmas & A Healthy Happy New Year! w w w . g e r v a i s r e n t a l s . c o m 9 0 5 - 4 2 6 - R E N T |1 - 8 8 8 - G E R V A I S WHAT’S HAPPENING IN PICKERING Christmas Sunday, december 20 Christmas carol singalong 7 p.m. Greenwood united church, 2430 conces- sion rd. 6, Pickering. The church invites one and all to get fes- tive with a carol singalong. There will be a freewill offering. Free. Fundraisers SaTurday, december 19 Golden rescue at Pickering markets 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Pickering markets, 1400 Squires beach rd. booth 3109 at the end of aisle ‘d.’ Fund- raising event in support of Golden rescue, which is a volunteer organization dedi- cating to rescuing and rehousing golden retrievers, as well as educating the public about responsible pet ownership. There will be rescued dogs and their owners on site,Wishbone Lottery tickets and mer- chandise for sale.. Free. http://www.gold- enrescue.ca/. Sunday, december 20 Golden rescue at Pickering markets 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Pickering markets, 1400 Squires beach rd. booth 3109 at the end of aisle ‘d.’ Fund- raising event in support of Golden rescue, which is a volunteer organization dedi- cating to rescuing and rehousing golden retrievers, as well as educating the public about responsible pet ownership. There will be rescued dogs and their owners on site,Wishbone Lottery tickets and mer- chandise for sale. Free. http://www.golden- rescue.ca/. Library Programs TueSday, december 29 movie afternoons: ‘Frozen’ 2 p.m. Pickering Public Library, central Library, 1 The esplanade, Pickering. Get your popcorn, snacks, and drinks and go to the central Library for movie afternoons. Second-floor auditorium. Free. http://www.pic- net.org. WedneSday, december 30 movie afternoons: ‘despicable me’ 2 p.m. Pickering Public Library, central Library, 1 The esplanade, Pickering. Get your popcorn, snacks and drinks and go to the central Library for movie afternoons in the second floor auditorium. Free. http://www. picnet.org. SaTurday, January 16 star Wars party 2 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Pickering Public Library, One The esplanade, Pickering. For ages 12 and under. Take the family and enjoy Star Wars-themed games, crafts and activities. Star Wars costumes are welcome.. Free. http://www.picnet.org. Meetings mOnday, January 4 PiCkerinG toastmasters weekly meetings 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Pickering Public Library, One The esplanade, Pickering. Pickering Powerhouse Toastmasters will hold weekly meetings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pickering central Library in the auditorium. Learn how to strengthen your speaking and leadership skills. Guests are always welcome. Visit http://6809.toastmastersclubs.org for more info.. Free mOnday, January 11 PiCkerinG toastmasters weekly meetings 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Pickering Public Library, One The esplanade. Pickering Powerhouse Toastmasters will hold weekly meetings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pickering central Library in the auditorium. Learn how to strengthen your speaking and leadership skills. Guests are always welcome. Visit http://6809.toastmastersclubs.org for more info. Free. Registration ThurSday, January 7 PiCkerinG skating Club registration 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. delaney rink Pickering recreation centre, 1867 Valley Farm rd., Pickering. Winter learn to skate lessons for all skating sports, sanctioned by Skate canada. Pre- school, canskate and STarskate. The win- ter season starts Jan. 18 and runs to may 10. Lessons at the delaney rink in the Pickering recreation complex. register also on Jan. 9, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Or online at www.picker- ingskatingclub.ca. registration fees vary. SaTurday, January 9 PiCkerinG skating club winter registra- tion 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. delaney rink Pickering recreation centre, 1867 Valley Farm rd., Pickering. non-profit fall, winter and full season learn-to- skate lessons. excellent for all skating sports. Preschool, canskate and STarskate. The winter season starts on Jan. 18. Lessons take place at the delaney rink in the Pickering recreation centre on real ice. multiple dis- counts for registering early, paying in full, fami- lies and multiple sessions, making it the most economical skating program in Pickering. Pay- ment plans with cash or cheque. Fees are also pro-rated depending on when you start. It’s also the only skating program sanctioned by Skate canada. register at delaney rink Jan. 9 or online at www.pickeringskatingclub.ca any- time. Print and drop off the registration form at the office. Free. Sporting Events FrIday, January 8 PiCkerinG Panthers vs. aurora tigers 7:30 p.m. Pickering recreation complex, 1867 Valley Farm rd., Pickering. Ontario Junior hockey League. Varies Q: How do I submit my event to the newspaper? A: When you input your Event information at durhamregion.com it can be seen by as many as 500,000 unique visitors every month so it’s a great way for you to spread the word about your event. A selection of those events are reverse pub- lished to appear in our print editions every week. (Whitby This Week, Oshawa This Week, Clarington This Week, Ajax & Pickering News Advertiser, Uxbridge Times-Journal, Port Perry Star, Brooklin Citizen, Clarington East Citizen, Durham Parent) Here’s how you get set up: 1. Visit durhamregion.com 2. Click on the black SIGNUP link near the top of the page, on the right 3. Create a free account by entering the information in the fields and click on SUBMIT 4. You will receive an e-mail; click on the link in it to confirm your account. 5. You can now access the events calendar by clicking on EVENTS - SUBMIT NOW (near the top of our home page on the left) 6. On the events page, click on Publish Your Event HERE! to enter your event information. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 8 P Save on these LOCAL DEALS at WagJag.com brought to you by your LOCAL MERCHANTS WAGJAG IS A PROUD MEMBER OF BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$20 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVEUPTO$21 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$116 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$171 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$80 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$121 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$3033 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$25 $20 FOR 2 TICK E T S TO SEE STAND UP COMEDY AT LIVE ACT THE ATRE (A $4 0 VA LUE) $47 FOR A ZIP LINE AND A ERIA L COURSE TOUR (A $68 VALUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$96 $49 FOR 4 L A SER HAIR REMOVA L TRE ATMENT ON A SMALL ARE A , INCL THE BIK INI LINE, UNDER ARMS,LIP,CHIN, SIDEBURNS,FRONT OR BACK OF NECK ,H A NDS OR FEE T (A $145 VALUE) $49 FOR A MIAOU WATCH - SHIPPING INCLUDED (A $165 VALUE) $99 FOR A FULL INTERIOR AUTO DE TAILING PACK AGE (A $270 VALUE) $20 FOR $100 TOWA RDS A REMOTE CAR STA RTER WITH INS TALL ATION $49 FOR COMPLETE AIR-DUCT CLE ANING FOR UP TO 10 VENTS (A $170 VALUE) $29 FOR YOUR CHOICE OF OWLKIDS MAGA ZINES (A $59 VALUE - NE W SSTAND PRICE) $25 FOR A COUPON BOOK W/$50 0 WORTH OF DISCOUNTS FOR SKIING &SNOW-BOARDING FOR 2015-2016 SE A SON (A $50 VALUE) BUY ONLINEANDSAVE$450 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$1750 BUY ONLINE ANDSAVEUPTO$2167 $4 FOR A MOM’S CL A SSIC L ARGE POUTINE (AN $8.5 0 VA LUE) $17.50 FOR A TICKET TO A LIVE THE ATRE SHOW AT HERONGAT E BARN DINNER THE ATRE (A $35 VALUE) $20 FOR 4 MCCOY BURGERS, 4 FRIE S, 4 P OPS AND 4 DE SSERTS (A $41.67 VALUE) SAVE 70% BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$171 $35 FOR A CHIROPR ACTIC CA RE PACK AGE W ITH A MA SSAGE THER APY SESSION (A $206 VALUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVEUPTO73% $12 9 FOR A FIVE-COUR SE DINNER FOR T WO INCLUDING AN IN-HOME COOKING CL ASS (A $470 VALUE) BUY ONLINEANDSAVE$47 $89 FOR A WHITEWATER R A F TING DAY TRIP ON THE OT TAWA RIVER (A $136 VA LUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$145 $20 FOR AN ONY X EZ R A DIO,V EHICLE KIT A ND A 3-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION FROM SIRIUSXM CANADA (A $165 VALUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$5195 $28 FOR A STERLING SILVER AND CUBIC ZIRCONIA NECKL ACE BY ELLE JE WELL ERY (A $79.95 VALUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$15 $15 FOR THE COURT YARD RESTAUR A NT COUPON BOOKLE T WITH OVER $200 IN SAVINGS (A $30 VALUE) BUY ONLINE ANDSAVE$5 $5 FOR A PA S SPORT S AV INGS BOOKLE T FOR DURH AM REGION (A $10 VA LUE) du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 9 P Date Meeting/Location Time December16 HeritagePickeringAdvisoryCommittee CityHall–MainCommitteeRoom 7:00pm Allmeetingsareopentothepublic.Fordetailscall905.420.2222or visittheCitywebsite.ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Upcoming Public Meetings Submityourcommentsonthismatteratdshields@pickering.caorat 905.683.2760ext.2019nolaterthanDecember31,2015. AsperCouncilResolution #110/15,CityofPickering isconsideringrenaming ClaremontCommunity CentretoTheDr.NelsonF. TomlinsonCentrepursuant totheFacility&ParkNaming ProcedureADM110-006. TolearnmoreabouttheNotice ofMotionrequestingtherenamingofthisfacility,visitpickering.ca/claremont TheClaremontCommunityCentreislocatedat4941OldBrockRoad, ClaremontONL1Y1A9. Public Notice requesting to rename Claremont Community Centre to The Dr. Nelson F.Tomlinson Centre PositionsAvailable Camps(MarchBreak &Summer) Back-upCampCounsellor•CampCounsellor •CampCounsellor,SpecialNeeds •AssistantCampDirector•CampDirector •Coordinator,SpecialNeeds&Volunteers* Museum(Summer& FallWeekends) CampCounsellor*•AssistantCampDirector* •CampDirector*•MuseumAdmissions/ Receptionist•MuseumGuide/Receptionist Parks,Roads, &Engineering Infrastructure (May–August) StudentLabourer *SummerOnly Priortoapplying,candidatesare strongly encouragedtoreviewourSeasonal Hiringinformationat pickering.ca (underCityHall/EmploymentOpportunities) forrequiredqualificationsandmandatorytrainingdates. Qualifiedapplicantsmustcompletetheonlineapplicationform,orsubmita resumedetailingtheposition(s)beingappliedforandtheirqualifications, onorbefore Friday,January8,2016by4:30pm. DropofforMailto: HumanResourcesDivision online:pickering.ca CityofPickering email:hr@pickering.ca OneTheEsplanade fax:905.420.4638 Pickering,ONL1V6K7 Alternateformatsavailableuponrequestat905.683.7575 Are you a full-time student looking for a March Break or summer job? TheCityofPickeringiscurrentlyrecruitingfor2016studentpositions. Opportunitiesincludethefollowing: IsyournameontheVoters’List? ToqualifytovoteattheWard1MunicipalBy-election: •youmustbeaCanadianCitizen; •youmustbe18yearsofageonorbeforeJanuary25,2016; •youoryourspousemustlive,rentorownpropertyinWard1in Pickeringonelectionday;and •youmustnototherwisebeprohibitedbylawfromvoting. *Inordertoobtainaballottovote,yournamemustbeontheVoters’ List,oraddedtotheVoters’List. Howdoyoucheck? TheVoters’Listshowingthenamesofallpersonsentitledtovotein theJanuary25,2016Ward1By-ElectionintheCityofPickeringis availableforpublicinspectionatthefollowinglocations: •Clerk’sOffice–SecondFloor,CityHall,OneTheEsplanade •PickeringPublicLibrary,CentralLibrary,OneTheEsplanade •PickeringPublicLibrary,PetticoatCreekBranch,470KingstonRoad IfyournameisnotontheVoters’List,whatdoyoudo? IfyouqualifyandyournamehasbeenomittedfromthePreliminary Voters’Listortheinformationisincorrectlyshown,youmustfile anapplicationforrevisionduringtheperiodstartingWednesday, December9,2015,toMonday,January25,2016(ElectionDay). ApplicationsareavailableintheClerk’sOffice,PickeringCityHall,One TheEsplanadeandmaybefiledduringnormalofficehours,Monday toFriday.Identificationshowingnameandaddresswillberequired. ApplicationsmayalsobemadeonJanuary25,2016(ElectionDay)at theelector’svotinglocation. CivicComplex (C ityHall)905.420.2222 December24 8:30am–12:00pm December25&28 Closed December31 8:30am–12:00pm January1 Closed January1-Mayor’sNewYear’s Day Levee 2:00pm–4:00pm RecreationComplex 905.683.6582 December24 6:00am–12:00pm December25&26 Closed December31 6:00am–12:00pm NewYears Eve Event 7:00pm–9:00pm January1 Closed RecreationComplexChildSupervision 905.683.6582 December 24-26&31 Closed Jan1 Closed RecreationComplexPool 905.683.6582 December 21-24,27-31 CallRecComplexfor swimtimes December25&26 Closed December31 NewYears’s Eve FreeSwim 7:00pm–9:00pm January1 Closed DunbartonPool 905.831.1260 December21–Jan3inclusive Closed RecreationComplexArena 905.683.6582 PublicSkatingSchedule December21-24,28-30 TimHorton’s FreeSkate 1:00pm–3:00pm December25,26,Jan1 Closed December31-NewYear’s Eve FreeSkate 7:00pm–9:00pm DonBeerArena 905.831.1035 December24,25,26,31 Closed January1 Closed AnimalShelter 905.427.0093 December24&31 10:00am–12:30pm December25,26 Closed Jan1 Closed PickeringPublicLibraries 905.831.6265 December20,25,26,27 Closed December24,31 9:30am–1:00pm January1 Closed PickeringMuseumVillage Administration December24 8:30am–12:00pm December24–January3 Closed Claremont,Greenwood,Whitevale-Contactbranch forHolidayHours Alternate versions available upon request. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 10 P 2015 Goal -$1.7 million TO DONATE by VISA, MasterCard, Discover or AMEX, call 416-869-4847. Online:www.thestar.com/santaclausfund Or,complete this formandmake chequepayable to:TheAjax-PickeringNewsAdvertiserSanta Claus Fund,845 FarewellStreet,Oshawa,ONL1H7L5. Enclosedis my chequeormoney order for$................... Name .................................................................................................................... Address................................................................................................................ City/Town............................Province........................Postal code.................. Telephone number..................................................... I would like my contribution published as follows: Example 1: In memory of Mrs. Smith Example 2: Anonymous Example 3: In lieu of gifts from Smith & Co. 79-48416-864 . a, ON L1H 7L5.weet, Oshaell Strwearund, 845 Flaus Ftiser Santa Cerdvs Awering Neick-Phe Ajaxo: Table tye cheque paorm and make this fomplet, cOr •THEAJA X P I C K E R I NG NEWSAD V E R T I S E R • REGISTER E D U N D E R T H E TORONTOSTAR CHILDRE N ’S C H A RITIES•119267425RR0001 EVERY TIME WE FILL BOXES, KIDS FEEL HOPE. THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR 45,000 LESS-PRIVILEGED CHILDREN. flyers. coupons. deals. cash back. *Coupons subject to availability. Get this coupon and more at www.save.ca/coupons Ajax-Pickering hospital suggests only attending emergency department with urgent health concerns over holidays AJAX -- The Rouge Valley Health System cares for patients year round but advises residents to consider other health-care options for non-urgent health concerns, especially during the holidays. “We have emergency depart- ments at both of our hospital campuses, which see more than 128,000 people a year, and tend to be very busy over the holidays when the flu season ramps up,” says Dr. Naresh Mohan, Rouge Valley chief of staff. When it’s not a medical emer- gency, which is often the case with flu or cold symptoms, he rec- ommends visiting a family doctor or a walk-in clinic, which helps to make it faster for everyone to receive health-care services. “If you do have a medical emer- gency, or when in doubt, our emergency department team of doctors and staff are here for you. We triage patients, meaning the most sick or injured are seen first,” Dr. Mohan said. “That’s why if it’s not an emer- gency, please consider going to a family doctor or walk-in clinic.” Dr. Mohan said people should try to prevent themselves and their families from getting sick, and advises residents to get the flu shot from a family doctor, phar- macy, or walk-in clinic; wash hands regularly; eat healthy foods; sleep a full seven or eight hours a day; exercise regularly; and look for ways to de-stress. Hospital patients are some of the most vulnerable to catching the flu, a cold, or some other com- plication, and family members who are feeling sick or under the weather should avoid visiting the hospital. View a list of local communi- ty clinics at www.rougevalley.ca/ community-clinics . First DurhamWe’ll be there Who’s InsuringWhat Matters To You? 1920 Bayly St., Pickering 905-427-5888 800-387-4189 www.firstdurham.com SEAT SALE! Save $12.00 off per cplon November 12&13...with this ad.. Feast & Laugh with us!Reserve 905-472-3085herongate.com Dinner Theatre Last 2 w e e k s Great H i t Comedy! Dinner Theatre Perfect Wedding! Go to family doctors, walk-in clinics when it’s not a medical emergency newsdurhamnewsdurhamnewsdurham Dr. Naresh Mohan Real EstateM E t R o l a n D D u R h a M *Independently Owned & Operated du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 11 AP Nous vous remercionsde votre amitiéet confiance. Que vos Fêtessoientrichesdejoie et quelaNouvelleAnnéedéborde de Bonheur. filled with health,ProsPerity & haPPiness. Louise Guertin-MicaLLef sales representative services en français 416-258-3380www.homeswithlouise.com naDia MicaLLef sales representative services en français 647-226-5171 ROUGE RIVER Realty Ltd.,Brokerage IndependentlyOwned &Operated Happy Holiday Season New Yearanda We wish you avery John PlumPton Walter miller Wishing You a Very merry Christmas & all the Best in the new Year! 416-286-3993/905-839-7449 Sales representatives Rouge River Realty Ltd, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated aBr, aSa aBr KarenLorraineRayment,SalesRepresentative Century21®BriscoeEstatesLtd.Brokerage* 905-839-2121 WHERE:7TorrLane,Ajax PRICE:$374,900 DETAILS:Almost2,000sq’inthis3bedcondotownhome locatedincentreofAjax,juststepstoallamenities. 2ndfloorretreatwithlaundry,master&5pcensuite. Walk-outbasementintoheatedgaragewith2parkingspots. Won’tlast!! OPENHOUSESAT.DEC.19TH,2-4 PM sutton group - heritage realty inc. brokerage* *INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Business:905.619.9500 dharrison@sutton.com “Your Neighbourhood Realtor... The Place We Live,Work & Play” www.RealHouseWivesofRealEstate.com HAPPYHOLIDAYSHAPPY HOLIDAYS “W ishing You And Your Family All The Best This Holiday Season!” PRICE:$279,900DETAILS: •2Bedroom+Solarium,2U/GParkingSpaces+Locker •HardwoodFloors,2FullBaths,EasyAccesstoHwy401 •EnsuiteLaundry,FabulousRecAmenities,WalktoShopping JUDYSTACEE-CLEAVER BrokerofRecord MINCOMNEWCHOICEREALTYLTD.Brokerage(905)428-4557 www.MincomRealty.ca DiscoveringDurham.caTheStacee-FreeTeam! PICKERING -SPACIOUS &BRIGHT CONDO From my Family to Yours, VeronicaNurse THERE IS NO TIME MORE FITTING TO SAY ThankYou FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT THIS PAST YEAR AND TO WISH YOU ALL A MerryChristmasand a ProsperousNewYear! MerryChristmasand a ProsperousNewYear! Office:(905)831-2222 Cell:(647)828-1432 www.VeronicaNurse.com IndependentlyOwned &Operated To all my clients past & present,associates, suppliers,friends & family, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for 2016! www.jacquelynntanner.com jactan.sutton@gmail.com JACQUELYNNTANNER Sales Representative (905) 428-8274 Independently Owned and Operated Sutton-GroupHeritage realty Inc.Brokerage www.barrybaboolal.com Email: barryb@dominionlending.ca Mortgage Agent Residential & Commercial Mortgage Specialist BARRy M. BABoolAl office: (905) 430-8008 Cell: (416) 801-9822 lic. 12360 Cell:(905)706-9370 (905)619-2100 kbond@trebnet.com Kevin Bond Sales Representative Call... Rouge River Realty Ltd.,Brokerage Independently OwnedandOperated ® Expert Advice with Great Results Bondrealtor.ca NEW PRICE $339,900 JacquelineTai, BrokerMobile:416-219-6066 StephenHladysh, SalesRepresentative Mobile:647-309-8010 Well-appointed2bedroom,2bathlowerpenthouseatTheBreakers.Cornersuiteofferinga180 panoramatotheeast,northandwest,withlakeandparkviewsfromtheKitchenandSolarium. Gleaminghardwoodfloors,brighteat-inKitchenw/BreakfastArea,ensuitelaundry,lotsof storageinsuite,pluslockerand2undergroundparkingspots.On-sitemanagement,weekend&overnightsecurity.Reccentrew/pool,hottub,sauna,billiards&partyroom. CALL TODA Y F O R APPP O I N T M E N T Re/mAxWestRealtyInc.,BrokerageOffice:416-281-0027Pleasevisitwww.j-tai.comformorephotos Real Estate from du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 12 AP Top 3%Nationally2007-2014* Top 5%Nationally2006* Royal Lepage Signature Realty Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Office:416-443-0300 Direct 416-574-3333 Email:louisesabino@royallepage.ca Web:www.LouiseSabino.com “YOUR HOME . OUR PASSION” “Very easy communication. Open and honest- unusual in an agent I think!. Feel like we were dealing with a friend” Joanne & Evan SaleS RepReSentative louiSea.Sabino LIVE IN PICKERING’S BEST CONDOCOMMUNITY Prestigious Penthouse Address Here At Quality Tridel’s Liberty. Centrally Located In Pickering, 9' Ceilings Welcome This Spacious 2 Bedroom Plus Den Featuring Laminate Floors, Upgraded Kitchen Cabinets W/Stainless Steel Appliances, Handy Laundry Room And Spectacular ClearViewsOfferingBeautifulSunsets! Great Investment Opportunity!! 1100 Sq. Ft. Allows You To Have Your Castle In The Sky. Tridel Built And Immaculate Gated Community Welcomes You To This 2 Bedroom Plus Den Suite. Laminate Floors In Living/Dining Room, Crown Moldings, Modern Kitchen With Backsplash, Master Bedroom With Large Closet And 4Pc Ensuite, Stunning Clear Northwest Views Where You Can Enjoy Sunsets FromYour Balcony. Great Investment Opportunity!! $369,000 $369,000 The Name Lends Itself To The Picturesque Settings For This Sprawling Custom-Built Bungalow. Over 4100 Sq. Ft. Of Special Attention To Fine Craftsmanship. Imported Glass Doors Lead To A Great Room With Soaring Vaulted Ceilings, Tartaruga Designed Gas Fireplace, Formal Dining room, Intricate Inlay Hardwood Floors, Paris Custom Kitchen With High-End Appliances, Beautiful Sunroom To Capture The Breathtaking Views, Jatoba HardwoodFloorsInStunningLibrary.HugeRec Room W/Oak Wet Bar, Sauna, Hot Tub Room, Tennis, Paddocks And 3 Run-In Shelters! NORTh PICKERING May your holidays be the brightest and your new year full of hope $1,900,000 Updates the week ending Dec. 25 DURHAM -- It’s the most wonderful time of the year but also one of the busiest on Dur- ham Region’s roadways. To keep you apprised of the ongoing road construction proj- ects taking place across Durham Region we have put together this Google Map. Each marker pinpoints an area where roadwork is tak- ing place. Once you click on the marker the details about each construction project are revealed including expected com- pletion dates. If you know of a construction project not included on this map let us know by emailing newsroom@durhamregion.com. Ajax Where: Hwy. 401 (eastbound and west- bound), Salem Road and Brock Street When: Dec. 7 to 12 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Where: Rossland Road, Shell Drive to Bun- ting Court When: November to 2017 Reason: Road widened to four lanes Pickering Where: Kingston Road When: Nov. 30 to week of Dec. 20 Reason: Lane restrictions on Kingston Road, near Bainbridge Drive part of the bus rapid transit reconstruction project. Where: Eastbound on Hwy. 7 from Brock Road to Pickering Sideline 14 When: Started in October, expected com- pletion early December Reason: Construction Clarington Where: Washington Road between Con- cession Road 6 and Taunton Road will close permanently When: Nov. 9 Reason: This closure is necessary to allow for the construction of the Hwy. 407 through this area. Oshawa Where: Lane closures on Winchester Road, between Garrard Road and Simcoe Street North When: Dec. 9 to 17 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Where: Road closure Thornton Road between Winchester Road and Conlin Road When: Ongoing to Dec. 14 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Whitby Where: Lane closures on Winchester Road, between Garrard Road and Simcoe Street North When: Dec. 9 to 17 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Where: Lane closures on Hwy. 401 (west- bound) between Brock Street and Salem Road When: Dec. 28 to 30 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Where: Lane closures on Hwy. 401 (east- bound) between Salem Road and Brock Street When: Dec. 27 to 30 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Where: Lane closures on Taunton Road, between Coronation Road and Lake Ridge Road When: Dec. 14 to 23 Reason: Hwy. 407 construction Durham Region roadwork continues Off-duty police officer makes arrest at Whitby business Ajax man facing charges in theft at grocery store DURHAM -- An Ajax man is facing charg- es after an off-duty Durham police officer heard a disturbance at a Whitby grocery store. The off-duty officer was in the Fresh- Co store on Brock Street South in Whitby at about 9:55 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9 when he heard a cashier call for help. Durham police report the cashier asked to see inside a shopper’s bag before he left the store, as she suspected it had some sto- len items. As the cashier tried to look in the bag, a struggle ensued and the shopper pulled the bag away, causing minor inju- ries to the cashier’s hands. The officer saw a man fleeing and chased after him. Following a short foot pursuit, the officer grabbed the suspect. The police were then called to the scene. Diederick Bastmeyer, 35, of Wilkie Lane in Ajax, has been charged with robbery and possession of property obtained by crime. He was held for a bail hearing. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 13 AP Eat In • Take Out Catering Fully Licensed Buffet Daily at Lunch and Sundays 5pm - 9pm www.themounteverest.ca Take-out orders of$20 or more beforetax, when payingwithCASH!R e C e i v e 10%O F F 611 Kingston Rd. W. In Pickering Village At Church, S.W. Corner 905-686-5553 BeST iNDiANReSTAURANT Fine Authentic Indian Cuisine 19 YEARSINAROW! OPEN TUES - SAT For Daily Lunch Buffet • OPEN SUN For Lunch & Dinner Buffet **REGULAR MENU ALSO AVAILABLE** Balti, Handi & Mughlai Dishes. Biryanis, Tandoori Chicken & Much More! 20 1 5 READE RS’C H OICEA WARD PLATINUM Book yourChristmas Partyor CateringToday! OwnThe Best OnThe Block www.toro.ca Available at Pickering Mower- where the customer comes first. Durham Regions best stocked showroom of snowblowers. With over 40 yrs of experience and stores in Markham & Newmarket. Pickering Mower Ltd 1053 Brock Rd Unit 1, Pickering, ON L1W 3T7 905-426-2645 Markham Mower Ltd. 135 Anderson Ave., Markham, ON L6E 1A4 905-294-2644 o Last Power Clear 629.99 • Clears snow down to pavement • Easy for anyone to use • Guaranteed to Start • Self propels itself through the snow Built to L User-Friendly FeaturPower Max 949.99 • Chute, deflector and anti-clogging system are made of a durable, rust-free sub zero material. • Ideal for large areas/heavy snowfalls • Powerful Engines riendly es Chef Jamie Kennedy stirs up excitement for cooking at Durham College Unique dining series highlights Centre for Food’s field-to-fork philosophy Parvaneh Pessian ppessian@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- Celebrity chef Jamie Kennedy is rolling up his sleeves to serve up a unique dining and learning experience at Durham College’s Bistro ‘67. Jamie Kennedy Thursdays is a series that was launched in October at the teaching-inspired restaurant, located inside the Centre for Food at the college’s Whitby campus. On select Thursdays throughout the year, guests can interact with Mr. Kennedy, a veteran chef and Centre for Food ambassador, while sampling cuisine prepared by culinary and hospitality students with his assistance. The events are inspired by the centre’s field-to-fork philoso- phy, which focuses on the production of local food for local consumers.Q & A 1. How did the partnership with Durham College come about and why is it important to you to be involved with the school’s Centre for Food? I was approached by (Durham College president) Don Lovisa. He had been aware of my work with the local food movement and thought that some involvement with the college’s newly minted field-to-fork vision for the Centre for Food would be a good fit. 2. How is it decided which meals to showcase on Jamie Kennedy Thursdays? The menu is conceived in consultation with Ron Subden, Bis- tro ‘67’s executive chef. The recipes are drawn from either my most recent cookbook or from my repertoire of dishes that have been created elsewhere and tap into local sources of supply. 3. What skills are you hoping to pass on to DC culinary stu- dents participating in the dining series? It is important for students to see the big picture. Dining includes not only cooking and preparing good food but also how the wines are selected and how the room looks and feels and the calibre of service. It is a lot to take in but these dinners offer a window into general understanding. 4. What are you hoping guests will take from the experience? I hope the guests walk away happily content and perhaps sur- prised that such excellence in food and wine exists right here in Ontario. 5. As a longtime chef, what does the partnership and inter- action with the next generation of culinary masters offer you? I am inspired by the students. They show such passion and enthusiasm. It’s infectious. 6. With the holidays around the corner, what are some of your favourite meals to prepare this time of year? Christmas Cake, Eggnog, Chicken Liver Pate, and Toutiere with mustard pickle. 7. Is turkey the way to go for holiday dinner or would you encourage people to try other meals during the festive sea- son? I am a traditionalist. I love preparing turkey with all the trim- mings. 8. What advice do you have for people feeling over- whelmed while preparing meals for large holiday parties? Hire some students from the college to help! The next Jamie Kennedy Thursday is scheduled for Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. at 1610 Champlain Ave., Whitby. Tickets are $50 per person. Contact Kelly O’Brien at 905-721-2000 ext. 4255 or kelly.o’brien@durhamcollege.ca or visit www.bistro67.ca. FOCUS ON FAMILYFOCUSON SENIORS FOCUS ON HEALTH FOCUS ON FOOD & WINE FOCUS ON COMMUNITY Jason Liebregts / Metroland WHITBY -- Celebrity chef Jamie Kennedy prepared food for guests during a special event at Bistro ‘67. On select Thursdays, diners can choose their menu and sample various foods. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 14 AP Wednesday, December16 70 %off Diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald fine jewellery** Featured: Pendants. Reg. $2395 to $4045 Sale $718.50 to $1213.50 Earrings and rings. Reg. $2395 to $6000 Sale $718.50 to $1800 No rain checks and no price adjustments. No pre-orders or telephone orders. Offer available while quantities last. Cannot be combined with other offers. Selection may vary by store. Savings are off our regular prices unless otherwise specified. Excludes Hudson’s Bay Company Collection and Kleinfeld. See in store for details.*FREE ONLINE SHIPPING: Receive free standard shipping on a total purchase amount of $99 or more before taxes. Offer is based on merchandise total and does not include taxes or any additional charges. Free standard shipping is applied after discounts and/or promotion code offers. Offer not valid at Hudson’s Bay or any other HBC stores.Additional fees apply for Express or Next Day Shipping. Applies to Canadian delivery addresses only. Excludesfurniture,canoes,patiofurniture,patioaccessories,barbecuesandmattresses.**70%offjewellery excludesAlor,Concertofinejewellery,GinetteNY,IvankaTrump,JudithRipka,NalediBridal,LeVianandMarcoMoore;gold,semi-preciousgemstoneandpearlfinejewelleryanditemswith99¢priceendings. TODAY ON LY!IN sTOre AND AT ThebAY.cOm free ONLINe shIppINg ON OrD ers Of $99 Or mOre.* Holiday time is sparkling wine time There are many varieties and qualities of sparklers to try over the holiday season The Christmas/holiday season is now upon us and ‘sparkling’ is in the mind of many a wine lover. The world has many types/qualities of sparklers. From the village of Artemivske, Ukraine comes Krimsekt (Vintages #206441, $19.95). This wine is made in the same manner as that of Champagne with Pinot, Ries- ling and Aligote grapes. The result is a straw-coloured white wine with a honey-like semisweet fla- vour and small long-lasting bubbles. It is extremely limited distribution so inquire at your local outlet. Italy produces some phenomenal sparklers. Two of these come from the Veneto region in Italy and are named after the village of Prosecco, where the Glera grape from which they are generally made, is said to have originated. The Villa Sandi Prosecco (LCBO #394387, $13.95) is a light, refreshing sparkler made with the Charmat meth- od of secondary fermentation within pressurized tanks rather than in the bot- tle such as Champagne. The wine has citrus, apple, pear and dill flavours and a crisp finish. The Santa Margherita Prosecco Supe- riore di Valdobviadene (Vintages #687582, on sale at $16.95 and formerly $18.95) with its DOCG status is a step up from regular Prosecco. Only 15 towns make this style of Pro- secco compared with some 500 that make the regular DOC wine. This wine is dry with a touch of sweet- ness. It has a medium body and effer- vescence with citrus, apple, pear and lychee flavours. Lombardy’s Franciacorta territory in Northern Italy produces Ca’ Del Bosco Cuvee Prestige (Vintage #105353, $39.95 release date Dec. 12). This sparkler is as close to being Champagne without being Champagne. The wine has a bread crust nose with nuances of white fruit. On the palate it is dry, medium in body with hazelnut, cit- rus, apple and pear nuances. This complex blend of a Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco and Pinot Nero results from the blending of reserve wines from older vintages with the newer wine. From Champagne comes Champagne Nicholas Feuillatte Brut Reserve (LCBO #537605, $49.95) which is made from a blend of Pinot Noir, Meunier and Char- donnay. The wine has a very fine mousse with an elegant nose of citrus and pear. This medium-bodied wine is dry on the pal- ate with fruit and nut flavours. All the above wines could be used to accompany oysters, fish, smoked salm- on, duck and various desserts or alone as an aperitif. Be sure to serve all the above selec- tions at a temperature of 7-10 degrees Centigrade. These are but a few of the wines avail- able at the local stores. Collect now and avoid the rush. -- Chuck Byers is a wine writer and consultant with over 35 years of experience in the wine industry, and is a member of the Wine Writers’ Circle of Canada. Wine With Chuck Byers Habeeb Salloum Spain’s delicious meatballs have one of the most interesting origins in culinary history.  Known in Spanish as albon- digas, these meatballs trace their name back to the Arabic al-bunduq (hazelnut) since it was the Arabs that introduced the small meatball recipe to Spain.  The name even has a connection to the description of ammunition from Venice.  Strange as this may sound, these factors all connect. When Venice was the leading trading nation in the eastern Mediterranean, their small musket balls became inter- nationally famous.  The Arabs called them al-bunduq  because of their resem- blance to hazelnuts and the city of Ven- ice became known in Arabic as al-bun- duqiyya since it sold these balls. When the Spanish Conquistadors land- ed in the New World they brought along with them albondigas inherited from their Moorish past. Meatballs Spanish Style – Albóndigas Makes about 30 balls This dish is tasty and simple to prepare - great for lunch or dinner. 1 pound finely ground beef (other types of meat may be substituted) 1 medium onion, very finely chopped 1 small hot pepper, seeded and finely chopped 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs 1 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon salt Oil for frying 4 cloves garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons flour 1/4 cup red dry wine 2 cups water In a mixing bowl, place meat, onion, hot pepper, parsley, egg, breadcrumbs, oreg- ano, pepper, allspice and 3/4 teaspoon of the salt, then thoroughly mix. Form into smaller than walnut size balls and set aside. In a saucepan, place oil to about 1- to 2-inches deep, then heat over medium. Fry balls until golden brown, turning them over a few times. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Set side. Discard oil with exception of 2 table- spoons and place in a saucepan. Add remaining 1/4 teaspoon of salt, the gar- lic and flour, then stir-fry over medium heat until mixture begins to brown. Add meatballs, wine and water then thor- oughly mix. Bring to boil, cover then lower heat to medium-low and cook for 10 minutes, stirring a few times and add- ing a little water if necessary. Serve hot with mashed potatoes. Editor’s note: If you are counting calories, try baking the meatballs on a parchment-line baking sheet at 325 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Moorish legacy of meatballs Meatballs Spanish style FOCUS ON FAMILYFOCUSON SENIORS FOCUS ON HEALTH FOCUS ON FOOD & WINE FOCUS ON COMMUNITY du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 17 AP Call: 1-888-806-1856 Visit: triOSdurham.com Campus: 200 John St. W. 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Homes, Yards,Businesses, etc.We do all theloading.Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! John 1-866-678-7274 HOLIDAY PUBLISHING SCHEDULE Wednesday December 16th - as usual Thursday December 17th - as usual Thursday December 24th Thursday December 31st Please note that there will be no publications on Wednesday December 23 and Wednesday December 30 Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Circulation Number 905-579-4407 Ajax/Pickering Circulation phone number 905-683-5117 Service Directory du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • De c e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 19 AP 2000 CHEV S10 ZR2, wide stance, 4x4, standard, 4.3L, 4 wheel drive, includes cap and nearly new tires. $1000 as is. Call Matt 905-259-9906 2015 GMC SIERRA SLE 1500Pick up, double cab, 2 WD, burgundy, 2980KM, rust chip, tonneau cover, bed/tailgate mats, rear camera, Kodiak package and more! $33,800. Call 905-213-3142 Personal Prayer To St. Jude Thanks to St. Jude and the sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. St. Jude, healer of the sick, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times per day for nine days. This prayer has never failed, and your prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. K.M. Tr ucksfor SaleT Tr ucksfor SaleT Tr ucksfor SaleT Tr ucksfor SaleT Novenas N Novenas N Ajax & Pickering Locations8 Salem Rd. South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 FLYERS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16, 2015 Carrier of the Week Congratulations Caleb for being our Carrier of the Week. *DELIVERED TO SELECTED HOUSEHOLDS ONLY All inserts can be recycled with your newspapers through your blue box program. SAve time, SAve money. view Flyers/Coupons at shop.ca if you did not receive your news Advertiser oR you are interested in becoming a carrier, call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: mon.-thurs. 9:00am to 6:30pm, Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm. your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6 every 3 weeks. 6 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax 1949 Ravenscroft Rd.,Ajax 300 Rossland Rd. E.,Ajax 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd.,Ajax 465 Bayly St.W. #5,Ajax 1889 Brock Rd. #24, Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax 1995 Salem Rd. N.,Ajax *GIANT TIGER AJAX *GR8 DRIVERS PICKERING *HOME DEPOT AJAX PICKERING *HOME HARDWARE AJAX *LOWES AJAX *MARK’S WORK WEARHOUSE AJAX *NATIONAL SPORTS CENTER AJAX PICKERING *PHARMA PLUS AJAX PICKERING *STAPLES AJAX PICKERING *WHEELS AJAX PICKERING *YUMMY CHINESE FOOD AJAX Today’s Carrier of the Week is CALEB. CALEB enjoys playing basketball and collecting Jordan shoes. CALEB has received dinner vouchers compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. ALREADY DRIVING A NISSAN? OUR LOYALTY PROGRAM HAS GREAT OFFERS! 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See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details.©2015 Nissan Canada Inc.and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc. 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