HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2014_09_18_PICKERINGNews Adver tiser / durhamregion.com / @newsdurham @newsdurham TODAY’S ONLINE VIDEO KRISTEN’S KRITTERSNA Family pet coping with sudden blindness DURHAM -- It’s safe to say, we never saw it coming. Of all the concerns we had for our dalmatian, we never expected him to go suddenly blind -- overnight, as it turned out. A happy Dexter dog went to bed on a cold March Saturday night, tired from playing in the living room while the Toronto Maple Leafs skat- ed to a solid win over Anaheim. The next morning, however, everything changed in his world and ours. We woke up to a dog trembling in his own bed, laying in a mess of urine. His eyelids were clamped shut over his amber eyes, unwill- ing -- or unable -- to open them. He looked like he was squinting to keep out the sunlight. Your Life: Home decor Design consultant Ashlyn Beharrell discusses accessorizing a coffee table. She has several tips when accessorizing. durhamregion.com THURS., SEPT. 18, 2014 / A publication of Pressrun 54,400 / 36 pages / Optional 3-week delivery $6 / $1 newsstand Subject to additional terms and conditions found at saveonenergy.ca.Funded by the Ontario Power Authority and offered by Veridian Connections Inc.OMOfficial Mark of the Ontario Power Authority Phantom power can account for up to 20%of household energy use.Unplug electronics when they’re not in use,or use a power bar with a timer or auto-shutoff. Do more,save mor Download coupons for energy ef ficient products,like power bars with integrated timers or auto-shutoff,at veridian.saveonenergy.ca Authority.Used under licence. of household e not in use,or re! a VISIT OUR NEWAJAXSHOWROOM 232 FAIRALL STREET MON.-THURS.9 AM -7 PM FRI:9 AM -4 PM •SAT.10 AM -3 PM WWW.LIFESTYLESUNROOMS.COM HOME PRODUCTS Lube-OiL-FiLter SpeciaL $2995* aLignment SpeciaLiStS!!! *plus tax &Fees PICKERING -- The body of Carmela Knight (inset) was found after a fire Monday night in Pickering. The cause of her death has been deemed suspicious by police. Jason Liebregts / Metroland (main photo) Carmela Knight Neighbourhood mourns woman found dead after Pickering house fire Police declare death ‘suspicious’ Jeff Mitchell jmitchell@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Friends and neighbours are mourning the death of a Pickering woman whose body was discovered after a house fire Monday night. Neighbours gathered in clusters along Peb- blestone Crescent, quietly chatting, while oth- ers placed flowers and candles at the base of a tree in front of 1164 Pebblestone Cres. Wednes- day afternoon, hours after Durham police declared the woman’s death suspicious. Police are still awaiting autopsy results to determine the cause of death and confirm the identity of the woman, whose body was found in the garage of the home after firefighters extinguished a fierce blaze Monday night. See PICKERING page 2 Full story, page 3 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 2 P Michael Deegan DD 134 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax (In the Ajax Plaza in the corner by Home Hardware) DeeganDenture Clinic “A Family Business for Over 30 Years!” Complimentary Consultations House Calls available Full, partial & bps Dentures implant Dentures soFt liners same Day relines & repairs 905-683-6074 Neighbours and friends have identified the woman as Carmela Knight. A next- door neighbour said she had lived in the home with her husband and two boys for several years. “They were good neighbours -- really nice,” said the woman. Nearby, two women who said they knew the victim well supported each other, hugging and crying. Both asked that their names be withheld. “I can tell you Carmela was the best person you could ever know,” said one visibly distraught woman. “As a person and as a mother you could not find a bet- ter person.” Another woman described the victim as a “quiet” person who kept to herself and doted on her children. “Carmela was a very private person that wore her smile and would do anything to protect her kids,” she said. Neighbours said they weren’t aware of trouble at the house until emergency vehicles began arriving shortly before 8 p.m. Monday. They described an intense blaze, with heat emanating from the two- car garage into the street. Police said emergency workers arrived to find the garage engulfed in flames. The body of a woman was discovered after the fire was extinguished, police said. An autopsy was performed Tuesday and Wednesday police declared the death suspicious. Investigators contin- ued to await details on a definitive cause of death, police said. Police said Wednesday they hoped to have more answers later in the day. A source said the woman’s body was not in a vehicle. Wednesday there was no vehicle inside the gutted garage. Debris littered the floor, while pink insulation hung in spots; the walls were charred black. Outside the garage a twisted hockey net lay on its side, at the base of a basketball net. One vehicle remained parked in the driveway and the front door of the house was open. A police officer sat in an idling cruiser on the street in front of the house. Neighbour Scott Mansell, who lives several doors down the street, said he was away Monday but returned Tuesday morning to a “chaotic” scene of fire and police vehicles. He described the neigh- bourhood he’s lived in for almost 30 years as quiet and peaceful. “It’s like most good neighbourhoods,” he said. Neighbour Brendan Schroeder said he wasn’t acquainted with the family at 1164 Pebblestone, but was accustomed to see- ing the children playing with friends. “I remember seeing them there, playing and riding their bikes -- normal,” he said. Mr. Schroeder admitted to being sur- prised at the police description of the death as suspicious. “I think that’s unbelievable to have on my street,” he said. “That’s kind of scary.” Although the incident has not offi- cially been deemed a murder, the file is being supervised by Durham’s homicide department. Anyone with information is asked to call 905-579-1520, extension 5223 or Crime stoppers at 1-800-222- 8477. PICKERING from page 1 Pickering neighbours distraught at news of woman’s death Peter Rodrigues calls allegations ‘petty’ Jillian Follert jfollert@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- A Pickering councillor has been charged with 16 counts of violating the City’s sign bylaw. Ward 3 Regional Councillor Peter Rodrigues was recently issued with a sum- mons to appear in a Whitby courtroom on Sept. 23. The charges come after weeks of contro- versy relating to the councillor’s re-election campaign -- specifically his vehicle. Coun. Rodrigues’s bright yellow van has his photo and councillor website informa- tion splashed across the side, similar to vehicle wraps used by other councillors in Durham. Critics have suggested that it constitutes an illegal election sign, because candidates in Pickering are not allowed to put up signs until Oct. 3. Earlier this month City solicitor Paul Big- ioni ruled that the van is not an election sign. “In the situation at hand, we have decid- ed it is not an election sign. There is noth- ing about ‘election’ or ‘re-election’ written there,” he said. However, the City is now going after Coun. Rodrigues for violations under other sec- tions of the sign bylaw. One section relates to signs on vehicles and states that signs with promotional or advertising content cannot be displayed “on a vehicle or on a trailer that is parked or locat- ed for the primary purpose of sign display.” The other section referenced in court doc- uments relates to signs placed illegally on public property without City approval. Coun. Rodrigues maintains that he is not breaking any rules and called the charges a “petty” attempt by his election opponent -- Ward 3 City Councillor David Pickles -- to “distract from the real issues.” Coun. Pickles has repeatedly raised con- cerns about various aspects of his oppo- nent’s campaign. “I’m trying to play according to the rules. If the other person isn’t playing by the rules and has a competitive advantage over me, it’s not fair,” he said in a recent interview. City staff declined to comment on the charges. “The prosecution of Councillor Peter Rodrigues under Pickering’s sign bylaw is a matter before the court and it would there- fore not be appropriate for me to comment on it,” said Mr. Bigioni. Coun. Rodrigues says he is frustrated by continued “baseless” allegations that he is breaking the rules. He stressed that there is nothing in the election sign section of the bylaw that speaks to signs on vehicles and suggested the City staff is “changing the rules as they go along” due to pressure from Coun. Pick- les. “This is not worth my time. This is ridic- ulous,” Coun. Rodrigues said, noting that he plans to seek legal advice on the damage done to his reputation. Coun. Pickles and Coun. Rodrigues are the only candidates vying for the Ward 3 Regional Councillor seat. Pickering councillor charged with 16 sign bylaw violations PICKERING -- Ward 3 Regional Councillor Peter Rodrigues is seeking re-election, fac- ing off against Ward 3 City Councillor David Pickles. Coun. Pickles has raised con- cerns about potential election violations. He has raised concerns about Coun. Rodrigues’ vehicle, which has a wrap with his face and website. Coun. Rodrigues has now been charged with 16 counts of violating the City’s sign bylaw. Sabrina Byrnes / Metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 3 AP Kristen’s Kritters Kristen Calis Reporter / kcalis@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2240 Kristen’s Kritters Media/News/Publishing https://www.facebook.com/ NewsDurhamKristensKritters#! For those that love pets! Things that go bump in the house Chris Hall chall@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- It’s safe to say, we never saw it coming. Of all the concerns we had for our dalma- tian, we never expected him to go suddenly blind -- overnight, as it turned out. A happy Dexter dog went to bed on a cold March Saturday night, tired from playing in the living room while the Toronto Maple Leafs skated to a solid win over Anaheim. The next morning, however, everything changed in his world and ours. We woke up to a dog trembling in his own bed, laying in a mess of urine. His eyelids were clamped shut over his amber eyes, unwilling -- or unable -- to open them. He looked like he was squinting to keep out the sunlight. Scared, we had no idea what was wrong with Dexter. We rushed him downstairs and into the backyard where he seemed stunned and dazed. He tried to open his eyes, which went suddenly cloudy in the bright morning light. Unknowingly, we had just been given a crash introduction to canine glaucoma. At the emergency clinic in Newmarket, a vet technician studied Dexter and said it seemed like he was suffering from a massive migraine. A vet there suspected acute glaucoma -- capa- ble of rendering a dog blind in only hours -- but referred us to the Veterinary Emergency Clinic in downtown Toronto, where that diag- nosis was soon confirmed. In simple terms, glaucoma is a serious eye disease where fluid in the eye is produced faster than it can be removed, which leads to a sustained increase in intraocular pressure. That increasing pressure causes degenerative changes to the optic nerve and the retina. Medications were administered in an effort to relieve the pressure. A needle was poked into Dexter’s eyes in an attempt to remove the fluid. Nothing worked. In a matter of hours after waking up on Sunday morning, we learned that his left eye could not be saved. His right eye would prob- ably meet the same fate. Soon, the veterinarian, Dr. Tara Richards, an ophthalmologist at VEC, was on the phone introducing us to a variety of new terms -- the scariest being enucleation: surgery to remove both eyes that would see Dexter forever blind, his eyelids sewn shut. Throughout our discussions, Dr. Richards repeatedly stressed the ordeal is harder on the owners than the pets. Then she pleaded with us not to euthanize him (it was never a consid- eration) because he was a happy, healthy dog who could manage just fine without his eyes. “It’s a common thought that goes through most people’s minds, especially when their dog is losing complete vision,” said Dr. Rich- ards of the initial euthanasia reaction. Out of “numerous” glaucoma cases, Dr. Richards said she only failed once in persuad- ing a pet owner not to put their dog down. “As humans, we’re visual species. When we think about losing our vision, it’s devastating,” she said. “I’m sure for a dog, it’s upsetting, but they’re phenomenal creatures and adapt very well.” Dr. Richards was right. Glaucoma may have robbed Dexter of his sight, but certainly not his life. Six months after he returned home, Dexter is Dexter again. His disability is more of an after-thought than an ongoing concern. In his head, he has mapped out our house and yard entirely, turning corners, ascend- ing stairs, locating his favourite chair and, of course, finding his food bowl, with no prob- facebook.com/NewsDurhamKristensKritters lems. He bumps into things occasionally, but that’s more our fault than his -- Rule No. 1 with a blind dog: Never move the furniture or place objects in his way. It’s interesting to see his other senses at work. His nose now probably is his best guide, but touch would be a close second. He knows that the cobblestone pathway through the yard will take him to the deck and the house. When he finds the throw rug in the living room, he can turn right and end up on his chair or left and wander into the kitchen. Perhaps we missed the warning signs -- a dog uncharacteristically rubbing its eyes with paws or against furniture, swelling of the eye, irritability and loss of appetite -- but we’ll never know for sure. What we do know is we still have Dexter. Our lives have changed, sure. He is more dependent than ever on us -- he depends on us to warn him of impending cranium crack- ers -- but he’s still the same dog. A dog going blind is not the end of the world. Perhaps, maybe, Dr. Richards was right: This entire ordeal was harder on us than on Dexter. We would have never saw that coming. DURHAM -- Dexter, a dalmatian who lost his sight in March to glaucoma, and his pal Penny, who wears a bell on her collar to help guide Dexter around his house and yard. Chris Hall / Metroland DURHAM -- Sawyer, 2, is a retired racing greyhound from Florida. He recently start- ed his retirement in Canada and is looking for his forever home. Calm, mellow and laid-back, he’s cat and small-dog friendly and can live in a large home or an apart- ment. He once ate a T-shirt, so his new family must keep him crated or keep loose clothing out of reach when they aren’t home. E-mail info@afterthetrack.ca or call 905-640-7008 to learn how to adopt Sawyer or other dogs through After The Track Greyhound Adoption. adopt a pet Tuesdays11am-6pm Until October 14th Entrance 4, East Parking Lot Pick up a copy of Night & Day – Farm life in Durham Region at the Farmers’ Market and Guest Services. Your $1 donation benefits the Pickering Cares food drive. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 4 AP †‡UnderwrittenbyRBCGeneralInsuranceCompany.®/TM Trademark(s)ofRoyalBankofCanada.Usedunderlicence.*ThisofferisonlyavailabletoresidentsofCanada.Thesavingsisonlyapplied tothecostoftheinsurancewhencombiningmorethanoneinsuranceproduct.Thisoffercan’tbecombinedwithanyotherofferandmaybechangedorcancelledwithoutnotice.Certainconditionsapply.TM Betteradvice?Bettercarinsurance?Bettervisit. BettercarinsurancestartswithrealadvicefromanRBCInsuranceadvisor.Theycanrevealbenefitslike FamilyFriendlyPricing™*,VanishingDeductibles†andReplacementCarDropOff&ClaimStart.‡ ComeinandtalktoaRealAdvisor. Visitusatan RBCInsuranceStore nearyou: At 670 KingstonRd. nearWhitesRd. 905-420-7929 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa 905-723-4561 Hours: Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs.• Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun.11-5 *Credit equal to the value of the HST. Not valid on floor model clearance and best value items. www.furnituregalleries.ca PLUS PAY NO HST*!! UP TO 50% OFF !SALEGoing on Now ANNIVERSARY OSHAW A OSHAW A Pickering firefighters ready for rail emergencies Goal to have entire staff trained by end of 2015 Jillian Follert jfollert@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Pickering Fire Services is aiming to have all its staff trained to handle a hazardous goods rail emergency by the end of 2015. Local firefighters have been taking an “aggres- sive” approach to training in the wake of the July 2013 derailment in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, which saw 47 lives lost and more than 30 buildings destroyed. A new report says 52 Pickering Fire Services staff have now completed first responder level haz- ardous materials training, a 24-hour course that includes classroom and hands-on elements. There are plans to certify another 12 to 15 firefighters in November and have the entire staff trained by the end of next year. “It’s important for every- one to have that knowledge, because we never know who will be on scene when some- thing like this happens,” says Pickering Fire Chief John Hagg. “The tragedy in Lac- Mégantic was a wakeup call, we are taking this very seriously.” In the coming weeks Pickering Fire Services will also send five staff to a special course in Colorado, the only one of its kind in North America. CP Rail is covering all expenses for the training, which focus- es on crude oil emergencies and includes a full- scale derailment exercise. Examples of hazardous materials transported by rail include crude oil, ethanol, methane gas, chlo- rine, diesel fuel and sulfuric acid. These substances can create emergency scenar- ios if they are spilled, such as gaseous substances dispersing into the air, fires, explosions and liquids seeping into the water table. Last fall, Transport Canada announced that rail- ways would be required to start providing municipalities with information on dangerous goods moving through their territory on annual basis. Pickering recently began receiving the data, which details the quantity and type of hazardous goods travelling through the community. “It’s an overview, we now know the top dangerous goods going through our area and that’s helpful,” the fire chief said. Some fire services have called for real-time data, but Chief Hagg says he’s not sure that is necessary or realistic. “Would it be helpful? Perhaps. But there is only so much we can digest on the way to the scene,” he said. New rules also require rail companies to prepare an “emergen- cy response assistance plan” for the hazardous goods they are transporting. The plan gives firefighters and other emergency responders details such as safe evacuation distances and how to contain a spill. John Hagg Ajax-On-Stage Talent sought for Ajax youth showcase AJAX -- The next version of Ajax-On-Stage is approaching and entries are now being accepted. The annual showcase of youth talent will feature vocalists, bands, dancers and cultural performers between 13 and 19 years of age. Entry forms must be submitted by Friday, Sept. 26 and the forms are available online, at community cen- tres or in youth facilities. The showcase will be held on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the St. Francis Centre. For more information, call 905-619-2529, ext. 7508 or visit www.ajaxyouth.ca. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 5 P Tim Whittaker - Publisher • Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief • Mike Johnston - Managing Editor • Fred Eismont - Director of Advertising • Deb McDonald - Sales Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager • Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager • Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager • Cheryl Haines - Composing Manager A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication PHONE 905-683-5110 CLASSIFIEDS 905-683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 905-579-4407 GENERAL FAX 905-576-2238 865 Farewell St., Oshawa ON L1H 6N8 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, LMA. All content copyright Publication Sales Agreement #40052657 Editorial &&& Opinions Opinions Opinions du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 6 P email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com Thanksgiving a time to think of others in Pickering As you begin making Thanksgiving plans, don’t just give a thought to those who are less fortunate than you, do something about it. The good people at St. Paul’s on-the-Hill Community Food Bank think about them every day and need your help to reduce the need in Pickering. It’s almost time for the annual Thanks- giving food drive, running from Oct. 3 to 14. And to date in 2014, the food bank has assisted 6,340 Ajax and Pickering resi- dents, compared to 5,263 at the same time last year. That represents a roughly 20-per cent increase and 40 per cent of the food bank’s clients are children. Director Margaret Jocz tells us that sup- plies are low as the need continues to rise, noting there was “a big drop in donations over the summer.” She believes the fragile economy has had a big effect, as those who used to donate a lot are donating less and those who once gave a little are perhaps not giving anything. As understandable as that is, we must not forget those in our communities who could use our assistance. We are often quick to make a donation to help those in other parts of the world after a major disas- ter such as a typhoon or an earthquake. Don’t forget those who are in need close to home. When we sit down to Thanksgiving din- ner on the Oct. 11 weekend, we’ll be with our family and friends and most of us will have a big spread of food before us. We’ll dine on ham or turkey, sweet potatoes and other vegetables and a bevy of desserts. But while most of us will be thankful for our families, especially our children, the lavish meal will be almost an after-thought. After all, most of us generally eat well, especially at holiday happenings. But thousands of people in our commu- nity are not so fortunate. Coming up with a decent meal every day is a challenge and holidays like Thanksgiving are no feast. Many work long hours and more than one job just to provide the necessities to their families. And as others in the community cele- brate and feast, some of our neighbours cannot afford such luxury and have little to celebrate. Our Thanksgiving wish is that, at the end of the food drive, the shelves at the food bank are stocked. And further, that Pickering residents think of others at Thanksgiving and all year round. Visit www.stpaulsonthehillfoodbank.ca for more information. GO trains need two accessible coaches to meet rider needs To the editor: Re: ‘Entitlement versus disability’, letter to the editor, durhamregion.com, Sept. 11, 2014. As the GO Transit train accessibility coach is in much demand for both those with disabilities and strollers, why doesn’t GO simply put two of the much-needed accessible coaches on a train? There isn’t a lot of room for strollers on regular cars so I see the attraction to use ones with easier accessibility and room to manoeuvre. Communities are encouraged to use public transportation and this is one step that should be taken to meet the existing demand. Mary Cook Pickering Education saves children’s lives To the editor: This month, many of us had children return to school. As parents, and as a society, we under- stand the importance of an education. But what many people may not know is that globally 57 million children do not have the opportunity to attend primary school and 65 million girls do not attend either primary or secondary school. What your readers may also not know is that for every 10 per cent increase in girls attending school, approximately 350,000 children’s lives are saved. This is because a child born to an edu- cated mother is more than twice as likely to survive to the age of five and as a wom- an’s education level increases the more likely she is to vaccinate her children and feed them nutritiously, preventing death. With these facts in mind, I’m calling on our government to follow through on its commitment and pledge at least $120 bil- lion over four years to the Global Partner- ship for Education. I’m also calling on your readers to write, or tweet, their Members of Parliament, asking them to support this initiative as well. Christine Smith e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ durhamregion.com du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 7 P Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details BE INFORMED! DONATE IT TO KIDNEY CAR Proceeds benefit The Kidney Foundation of Canada •Fast Free Towing •Tax Receipt (min.$300) •Environmentally Friendly Program •Program Accepts Vehicles of Any Age Visit www.kidneycar.ca or call 1.866.788.2277 Has y our c ar r eached the end of the r oad? Election Forums Sunday, September 28 Pickering Ward 1 All-candidates Debate 3 p.m. 5 p.m. West Shore Community Cen- tre, 1015 bayly Street, pickering. Come and hear the Ward 1 candidates in the upcoming pickering municipal election. Hosted by pickering West Shore Community association (pWSCa).Free www.pwsca.ca Arts events Friday, September 26 WorDs of the season 6:30 p.m. 11 p.m. the bear and Firkin, 1294 Kingston rd., pickering. Words of the Season with Writers’ Community of durham region. a celebration of local writ- ers and musicians performing original works of poetry, prose and song. Free. Saturday, September 27 Before i Die mural 10 a.m. 4 p.m. pickering public Library, Central Library, 1 the esplanade. Help make a community art mural inspired by the work of artist Candy Chang. pick up a piece of chalk, think about what means the most to you and fill in the sentence “before i die, i want to ....”. Free. Sunday, September 28 sPirits and splatters, A mobile painting party is PArtYing at the Bear, A firkin Pub, Pickering 1 p.m. 4 p.m. the bear, a Firkin pub, 1294 Kingston rd., pickering. talented paint slinger artists, 16” X 20” can- vas, and all the supplies you’ll need to cre- ate a masterpiece. advanced registration is required. $45. Events Sunday, September 21 BABY show for expectant Parents 1 p.m. 4 p.m. pickering recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm rd. Free event if you’re expecting a baby! event features swag bags, door prizes, helpful infor- mation and displays. Free. www.havingababy. ca. Fundraisers Saturday, September 27 YArD/BAke sale and barbecue 8 a.m. 3 p.m. Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary, 2060 Con- cession rd. #7, pickering. Help support Second Chhnce Wildlife Sanc- tuary. items for sale include glassware, toys, lamps, books, small appliances, electronics, crockery and much more. Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Kids’ stuff Friday, September 19 everY child ready to read Workshop 10 a.m. 11 a.m. pickering public Library - petticoat Creek branch, 470 Kingston rd. developing early literacy skills will make it easier for your child to learn to read when he or she starts school. this workshop focuses on learning about letters through simple activi- ties that you can do with your child at home. Siblings are welcome to attend. registration is required. Free. Luncheons and dinners tHurSday, September 25 Legion Week Lunch 12 p.m. royal Canadian Legion br. 606, 1555 bayly St., pickering. royal Canadian Legion br. 606 Ladies aux- iliary hosting a lunch during Legion Week at noon. everyone welcome. Call 905-839-2990. $5 Meetings Sunday, September 28 Pickering Ward 1 All-candidates Debate 3 p.m. 5 p.m. West Shore Community Centre, 1015 bayly St., pickering. Come and hear the Ward 1 candidates in the upcoming pickering municipal election. Hosted by pickering West Shore Community associa- tion (pWSCa). Free. www.pwsca.ca Registration Saturday, September 20 Pickering skating club registration 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. delaney rink, pickering recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm rd.. pickering Skating Club learn to skate registra- tion is being held. Sessions start Sept. 29. Things To Do Friday, September 19 A family story 10 a.m. 4 p.m. pickering museum Village, 2365 Concession road 6. Following the 1837 rebellion, thousands of men were imprisoned across upper Canada, to await trial as traitors. rebellion boxes were carved by these prisoners as mementos for wives, mothers, and daughters by the pris- oners at the toronto Gaol only. a box made by asahel Scott of pickering for his 5-year old daughter is the highlight of this rebellion- themed exhibit. exhibit free with admission to the site. Free. A spirit Walk 7 p.m. 9 p.m. pickering museum Village, 2365 Concession road 6. Join backwoods players for this award-winning dramatic play. experience the events that led to the rebellion of 1837 and pickering’s role in the historic uprising. $18 per person. Saturday, September 20 A family story 10 a.m. 4 p.m. pickering museum Village, 2365 Concession road 6, pickering. Following the 1837 rebellion, thousands of men were imprisoned across upper Canada, to await trial as traitors. rebellion boxes were carved by these prisoners as mementos for wives, mothers, and daughters by the pris- oners at the toronto Gaol only. a box made by asahel Scott of pickering for his 5-year old daughter is the highlight of this rebellion- themed exhibit. exhibit free with admission to the site. Free. PAc4teens coffee House and Band night 7 p.m. 10 p.m. petticoat Creek Community Centre, 470 Kings- ton rd., pickering. paC4teens is inviting musicians, poets, actors and the like to showcase their talents foran enjoyable evening. this is a great opportunity to practice before auditioning for the upcom- ing pickering Stars in October. if you live in pickering, are between the age of 13 and 19, and have an interest in performing then come out! you may even win a prize! all participants must have a City teen id card in order to par- ticipate. don’t have a City id? Get yours free at any program or at the event (parent signature required).refreshments will be provided and prizes will be awarded to the top performers! For more information contact 905.420.4660 ext 6100. Visit us at pickering.ca/teen for informa- tion on upcoming events and programs. Free Q: How do I submit my event to the newspaper? A: When you input your Event informa- tion at durhamregion.com it can be seen by as many as 500,000 unique visitors every month so it’s a great way for you to spread the word about your event. A selection of those events are reverse published to appear in our print editions every week. (Whitby This Week, Oshawa This Week, Clarington This Week, Ajax & Pickering News Advertiser, Uxbridge Times- Journal, Port Perry Star, Brooklin Citizen, Clar- ington East Citizen, Durham Parent) Here’s how you get set up: 1. Visit http://www.durhamregion.com/ durhamregion-events 2. Select ‘Publish Your Event’ 3. If you DO NOT have an account you will be prompted to set up a FREE account 4. Once you have that account just hit ‘Publish Your Event’ again to publish your first event. 5. It’s Easy! du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 8 AP Share with us as we celebrate 10 fantastic years in the community of Pickering and Ajax! Door Prizes Surprise vehicle unveiling Surprise Guest Appearance Great appetizers and wine September 25th 6 pm -9 pm W here F amily Makes the Diff erence PremiumDealerBessaDaKia 10th Anniversar y Celebration! RSVP Krista or Grace 905-421-9191 1675 Bayly St.,Pickering Just West of Brock Rd. Impaired charge laid after novice driver crashes in Durham DURHAM -- A novice driver from Whitby was charged with drunk driving after a high-speed crash Wednesday night in Oshawa. The driver wasn’t hurt, but his car sus- tained substantial damage in the crash, on Charter Cresent at about 11:45 p.m., Durham police said. Cops said the vehicle was speeding before it mount- ed the curb, struck a tree and flipped onto its side in a wooded area near a subdivision. Daniel Culet- ta, 22, of Cress- er Avenue in Whitby, is charged with impaired driving and driving while exceeding the legal blood alcohol limit. The nov- ice driver was also charged with having a blood alcohol content above zero. Coordinated by: Nominations will be accepted until November 30 Contact this newspaper or the Ontario Community Newspapers Association at www.ocna.org/juniorcitizen or 905.639.8720 ext.221 Making a differenceOneStarataTime Sponsored by: NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY! Nominations are now being accepted for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards The strength of our community lies in solid citizens. If you know a young person,aged 6 to 17,who is involved in worthwhile community service;a special person who is contributing while living with a limitation;a youth who has performed an act of heroism;or a ‘good kid’ who shows a commitment to making life better for others,doing more than is normally expected of someone their age –help us recognize their contribution –nominate them today! Join us at Pinterest/newsdurham du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 9 P InvItes you to attend her kIckoff campaIgn fundraIser specIal entertaInment by dIno stakos Mon.Sept.22nd,6:30 -10:30 •The Fox Goes Free 339 Pickering Rd.,Pickering Oct.27th Vote Lisa ROBINSON for you Pickering 1 Councillor Real Responsible Representation lisarobinsonforcouncillor@gmail.com www.votelisarobinson.com •416-970-5906 Show your support and lets start A New Beginning lIsa robInson Ward 1 City Councillor Candidate meet and greet lIsa robInson fundraIsers: Mon.Sept.29th 630-830 ORSOLA’S CUCINA 750 Oklahoma Drive Unit 4 Mon.Oct.6th 630-830 Harp and Crown Pub 300 Kingston Road Tues.Oct.14th 630-830 West Shore Bar and Grill We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP SEPTEMBER 12 CORPORATE FLYER In the September 12 flyer,POP page 2,the Samsung 25.6 Cu.Ft.Stainless French Door Refrigerator (WebCode: 10199148)was advertised with an incorrect feature. Hours:Wednesday ...................................................................10:00-4:00 Thurs &Fri ...................................................................10:00-8:00 Saturday ...................................................................10:00-5:00 Sunday ...................................................................11:00-5:00 SEE SAVE.CA FOR FLYER AND FOR INFORMATION NOW TILL Dec 21,2014 2 Locations To ronto 77 Fima Cres. (South of QEW / Gardiner &Hwy 427) (416)532.1114 Richmond Hill 60 East Beaver Creek Rd. (North of Hwy #7, 1st St.West of 404) (905)771.8714 SAMKO &MIKOTOYWAREHOUSE1000’S OF BRAND NAME TOYS LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA Open Remembrance Day Monday November 11th 10-3 THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 18,2014 Carrier of the Week Congratulations Shilique for being our Carrier of the Week. 6 Harwood Ave.S.,Ajax 1949 Ravenscroft Rd.,Ajax 300 Rossland Rd.E.,Ajax 255 Salem Rd.S.D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd.,Ajax 465 Bayly St.W.#5,Ajax 1889 Brock Rd.#24,Pickering 300 Harwood Ave.S.,Ajax 1995 Salem Rd.N.,Ajax Ajax &Pickering Locations8SalemRd.South Ajax,ON L1S 7T7 If you did not receive your News Advertiser or you are interested in becoming a carrier,call circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours:Mon-Thurs 9:00am to 6:30pm,Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6 every 3 weeks. All inserts can be recycled with your newspapers through your blue box program. SAVE TIME,SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons at shop.ca *DELIVERED TO SELECTED HOUSEHOLDS ONLY Today’s Carrier of the Week is Shilique.Shilique loves to sing,write songs and read.She enjoys science and hopes to become a vet some day. Shilique has received dinner vouchers compliments of McDonald’s,Subway and Boston Pizza. *2001 AUDIO VIDEO AJAX PICKERING *BASSETT FURNITURE AJAX PICKERING *BEST BUY AJAX PICKERING *BLUE SKY SUPERMARKET AJAX PICKERING *BULK BARN AJAX PICKERING *CANADIAN TIRE AJAX PICKERING *EZ FRESH FOOD AJAX PICKERING *FOOD BASICS AJAX PICKERING *FORMULA FORD AJAX PICKERING *FRESHCO AJAX PICKERING *FUTURE SHOP AJAX PICKERING *HARDWOOD GIANT AJAX PICKERING *HOME OUTFITTERS AJAX PICKERING *HUDSON BAY AJAX PICKERING *JONES DOOLEY INSURANCE AJAX *LEON’S AJAX PICKERING *LISTEN UP AJAX PICKERING *LITTLE CAESARS AJAX PICKERING *LOBLAWS AJAX PICKERING *LONGO’S PICKERING *LUCKY MARKET AJAX *M &M MEATS AJAX PICKERING *MARITIME TRAVEL AJAX PICKERING *MD DOOR HANGERS AJAX PICKERING *METRO AJAX PICKERING *MICHAELS AJAX PICKERING *NEW HOMES AJAX PICKERING *NO FRILLS AJAX PICKERING *PRINCESS AUTO AJAX PICKERING *REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE AJAX PICKERING *SAMKO/MIKO TOY WAREHOUSE AJAX PICKERING *SHOPPERS DRUG MART AJAX PICKERING *SOBEYS AJAX PICKERING *TARGET AJAX PICKERING *THE BRICK AJAX PICKERING *THE SOURCE AJAX PICKERING *TOWN OF AJAX AJAX *UNITED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE AJAX PICKERING *UNIVERSAL AIR AJAX PICKERING *VANAIK AJAX PICKERING *WALMART AJAX PICKERING *WENDY’S AJAX PICKERING *YOUR INDEPENDENT GROCER AJAX PICKERING The Police Services Act requires that the Durham Regional Police Services Board include one community member appointed by resolution of the Regional Council who is neither a member of Regional Council nor an employee of The Regional Municipality of Durham. The Region is accepting applications from citizens interested in serving in this position. Responsibilities will include regular monthly board meetings,attending training sessions,zone meetings,conferences and sub-committee meetings.This will involve more than 20 hours per month.The term of this appointment is four years and coincides with the term of Regional Council.Remuneration paid to the community member will be at the same rate paid to the Provincial appointees. The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications: •Good communication skills,both written and verbal; •Experience in budgeting and finance; •Experience in contract negotiation and dispute resolution; •Volunteer service in the community; •Previous experience on boards and committees;and •Reside,or own a business in the Region of Durham,is preferred. If you would like to commit your time and skills to this challenging appointment,you are invited to complete and submit an application form.Application forms can be obtained from The Regional Municipality of Durham website,www.durham.ca,or by contacting the Legislative Services Division at 905-668-7711 or by email at clerks@durham.ca. Further details regarding the Durham Regional Police Services Board can be obtained by visiting their link on the Durham Regional Police Service website,www.drps.ca. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Regional Clerk,by no later than 4:30 p.m.on Friday,November 14,2014,at the address shown below or by email to clerks@durham.ca: D.Bowen,A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services The Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East,P.O.Box 623 Whitby,Ontario L1N 6A3 PUBLIC NOTICE The Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd.E.W hitby,ON L1N 6A3 Telephone 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 www.durham.ca THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A COMMUNITY MEMBER TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICES BOARD CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT On Now at The Brick! For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com. newsdurhamnewsdurhamnewsdurham Things to do SATURDAY, September 27 TAKE Pride in Pickering 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Alex Roberton Park, 700 Sandy Beach Rd., and at Mil- lenium Square - Pickering, Liverpool Road S. at Water- front Trail, Pickering. Take part in a tree and shrub planting to restore natu- ral habitat in the area. Dress appropriately. Take shov- els if you have them. Help keep waters healthy for everyone. Help collect cigarette butts, plastic bags, bottles, cans and food wrappers that end up on the shoreline. Gloves and garbage bags provided. Rain or shine, dress for the weather. Free. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 10 AP One2Ten Durham Centre 170 Kingston rd. East 905-427-9902 Fr ee DinnerThurs. Oct. 9that 6:30pmLearn how to become Presented by: Health First Family Chiropractic DinnerDinnerwith the Doc @Imperial Buffet - Ajax (RSVP Required) *Must RSVP by Monday October 6 th Learn how to become“the richest person in the world”.... investing in your most important asset and enjoy a FREE DINNER on us at Imperial Buffet in Ajax. This is a special event dedicated to our community’s health and well-being. Seating is limited to 25 people so call TODAY! 289-275-2444 to RSVP your spot (and up to 2 adult guests) We are pleased to announce that the newest retirement community in Ajax-Pickering is coming soon and will offer state-of-the-art independent living lifestyle options to seniors.We offer: Book Your Tour Today!Call 905.686.1333 orvisitharwoodplace.caMode l S u i t e s Open O c t o b e r Ajax-Pickering’s Newest Retirement Community! 240 Old Harwood Avenue in Ajax • A variety of suite types and sizes • 3 meals a day prepared by our chef •Weekly housekeeping and laundry •Wellness services to suit your needs •Well-appointed amenity spaces • Beautifully-manicured landscaping • Daily social and activity programs PICKERING & T O R O N T O KINGSTON R D . W WES T N E Y R D . N HA R W O O D A V E . N WHITBY & O S H A W A MAGILL D R . CHAPMAN D R . S A L E M R D . N HIRSHFIELD L N . 44 2 KERRISO N D R . E OLD H A R W O O D A V E . OLD H A R W O O D A V E . Getting inked for a good cause PICKERING -- Raven Ivany got a tattoo during the second annual Ink for a Cure at The Black Rose Tattoo Parlour. The event was to support cancer research and remember loved ones affected by the disease. Jason Liebregts / Metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 11 P brock road and 401 PIckerIng 905-686-2308 mon.-fri.: 8-9 • sat.: 8-9 • sun.: 9-6 63-8712-8 76-2745-6 37-4505-0 triple usbcharger 52-2025-6 reg.$16999 54-1304-4 bOsch18Vlith-iONDrillW/bitset 31-2075-6 taraNtula 1 pc frONtflOOr mat black 69-4647-6 miNi Digitalcamera 3-iN-1 75-1447-4 HUGE DISCOUNTS ON GREAT ITEMSMANY MORE IN STORE HUGE DISCOUNTS ON GREAT ITEMSMANY MORE IN STORE reg.$5749 fat aNalyzerbathrOOm scale 11 pc chOcOlatefONDue set reg.$6999 reg.$4499 reg.$2999 reg.$1799 1500W garrisONcONVectiON leD heater reg.$21999 reg.$2499 sale $1693 sale $973 reg.$15999 42-0601-0 reg.$1499 sale $1053 sale $1453 sale $3593 sale $1993 sale $1073 sale $7983 sale $13193 stealthcam rOgue8mp 40ftraNgegamecamera sale $6393 While quantities last, No rainchecks brOaDstONe DOubleburNer stOVe 142-3018-4 rapiD iceWiNecOOler ss Promoting Healthier SMILES... From Toddlers to Seniors for over 25 Years! WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS 1450 Kingston Road, Pickering •www.pickeringsquaredental.com 20 1 3 R EADE RS’C H OICE A W ARDDIAMOND • FREE Toothbrush Exchange Program • All aspects of Dentistry Offered • Same Day Emergency Service • Convenient Evening & Saturday Appointments 905.420.1777 Dr. Marvin Lean Principal Dentist Dr. Pam Li & Dr. S. Rodfar Associate Dentists Dr. Irit Shoval Periodontist Dr. Johnathan Lok Anesthetist freefree SCENTFREEOFFICE LATEXFREEOFFICE Fall Special RETIREMENT RESIDENCE There may be a chill in the air, but it is always warm and welcoming at Where everyone is treated like family To arrange a personal tour or for information, please call 905-831-2641 ext. 4301 1955 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering, ON. www.orchardvilla.ca Fall SpecialAsk About Our du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 12 AP Children’s enter tainment Prizes Cupcakes and refreshments Family fun activities Saturday, Sept. 20 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Centre 2440 King St. W. Bowmanville 1-800-667-5671 www.durham.ca/wasteevents Don’t waste the chance to visit the Region of Durham’s WasteFair If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact the number above. Children and adults can participate in a variety of fun eco-activities to learn more about household waste and the environment, watch a puppet show and view birds of prey in-flight demonstrations. FREE family event! Durham, municipalities auctioning off surplus equipment Annual sale set for Sept. 27 at works depot on Conlin Road in Whitby DURHAM -- Once again, Durham Region and area municipalities are auc- tioning off equipment and other items that are no longer needed. The 41st annual auction is set for Sat- urday, Sept. 27, with gates opening at 8 a.m. and the auction starting at 9:30 a.m. There’s a viewing on Friday, Sept. 26 from 4 to 6 p.m. It’s being held at the Region’s works depot at 825 Conlin Rd., Whitby. The depot is east of the intersection at Thick- son and Conlin roads. The list of available items is still being compiled, but currently includes desks, chairs, tables, cabinets, office equipment, exercise equipment, tractors, cars, vans, trucks and acces- sories, trailers, utility vehicles, heavy equipment, gas pow- ered saws, lawn equipment, snow removal equipment, kitchen equipment, televi- sions and cleaning equip- ment. The auction is a chance to buy goods that are no longer need- ed by the Region and area municipali- ties, including the towns of Ajax and Whitby, the townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge, the municipality of Clarington and the cities of Oshawa and Pickering. Proceeds from the auc- tion are used by the Region and the municipalities to fund ongoing operations. Purchases can be paid for by cash or debit card. High-cost items and motor- ized equipment can be held with a $500 deposit that is payable by cash, debit card, certified cheque or bank draft. The balance is required prior to pick- up. All purchases can be picked up after the auction, but no later than Monday, Sept. 29 at 3 p.m. All items are sold “as is” and the Region does not inspect, warranty or guarantee any of the items sold. If there is a baby on the way,then you’ll want to attend this!Baby Shower Sunday, September 21st, 2014 Pickering Recreation Complex 1867Valleyfarm Road, Pickering • 1pm to 4pm Every Baby Shower Includes: •Exciting Door Prizes •FREE swag bags to the first 130 expectant Moms •Special Displays For your FREE invitation or for exhibitor information please call: FREE ADMISSION 1-844-299-2466www.welcomewagon.ca 180 Station St. Ajax 905-427-5211 info@firststorage.ca VENTUREUNITSCOMPLETEWITHBOARDROOM& KITCHENFACILITY Ne w s t i p ? n e w s r o o m @ d u r h a m r e g i o n . c o m du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 13 AP brock road and 401 PIckerIng SerVIce cenTer HoUrS Mon.-FrI. 7:30aM-8:00PM Sat. 7:30-6:00 • Sun.9:00-6:00 905-686-2309 Auto Service SpeciAlS EQUALPAymEntsno IntErEstno FEE months For12 Ask in store For DetAils Equal payment plan available on auto service purchases totaling $200 or more,on approved Credit card members only PREMIUM DETAILING $50SaVe REG. $199.99 SPEcIAL$149.99 INcLUDES WASH EXTERIOR, REMOVE TAR AND GREASE AND SAP FROM EXTERIOR, POWER WASH MATS, DRESS TIRES, CLEAN WINDOWS INSIDE AND OUT, DEODORIZEINTERIOR,VACUUMCARPET MATS AND SEATS AND TRUNK, CLEAN DOOR JAMS AND TRUNK OPENING, DEGREASE ROCKER PANELS AND WHEEL WELLS, APPLY HIGH QUALITY HAND WAX TO EXTERIOR, CLEAN VINYL ANDDETAILWITHDRESSING,SHAMPOO ENGINE AND ENGINE COMPARTMENT InstALL moUntEd wIntEr tIrEs $2999 InstALL moUntEd wIntEr tIrEs And bALAncE $3999 REG. $64.00 sAVE $25 CHARTWELL PICKERING CITY CENTRE 1801 Valley Farm Road, Pickering 289-631-1944 CHARTWELL PARKWAY 1645 Pickering Parkway, Pickering 289-608-9887 Make us part of your story. Don’t miss our open house. It’s where I found my home. HAL HILL, AT CHARTWELL SINCE 2011. CHARTWELL.COM Open Art Studio Autumn Show & Sale Saturday Sept. 20 th & Sunday Sept. 21 st, 12pm-6pm Artist Wendy Daly ~Fine Art Creations~Paintings~Stained Glass~Home Enhancement & Great Gift Ideas 1839 WoodviewAvenue, Pickering (Hwy 2 toAltona Road North - L @ Waterford - R @ Woodview) 416.456.5538 Email: info@kindkards.ca www: kindkards.ca CoursesAvailable to Do it Yourself Stop by and Find Out More !! Pickering Town Centre location only 1355 Kingston Rd, Pickering 647-313-3000 www.pretzelmaker.ca Buy One COOkieGet One Free. Buy One PretZeL Get One Free Must be of equal or lesser value. Offer valid at this location only. One coupon per customer, per item. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires September 30 th, 2014 Must be of equal or lesser value. Offer valid at this location only. One coupon per customer, per item. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires September 30 th, 2014 15% off*Everything in the Store www.sequinsplus.ca 377Wilson Rd. S. OSHAWA (905)433-2319 Pointe Shoes fittings by appointment only.Sale starts NOW and ends September 30, 2014 (*except Pointe Shoes) Buzz Magazine is coming to Durham Region this Fall... If you’re all about enhancing mind, body & spirit - YOU’LL LOVE BUZZ! Buzz Hey Girl! du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 14 AP SEPTEMBER 19 TO SEPTEMBER 21 Savings for all offers are off our regular prices, unless otherwise specified.FRIENDS & FAMILY OFFER:Excludes cosmetics, fragrances, One Day Sales, Hudson’s Bay Company Trading Post and Hudson’s Bay Gift Cards. Other exclusions apply. See store for complete listing.15% and 20% offers exclude Diesel, UGG Australia, Kleinfeld, The Room, Topshop, Topman, NYDJ, Hugo Boss, Burberry,Polo Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Vince, Mackage, Diane Von Furstenberg, Theory, Alice & Olivia, Frye, Dr. Martens, West End Shop/Boutique le President, Wacoal, Swarovski, Amor, Pandora, furniture, mattresses, barbeques, major appliances, small appliances, vacuums, personal care electrics, cookware, gadgets and confectionery.10% offer excludes Dyson, GE Café, Vitamix, Sub Zero,Wolf and GE Monogram.10%, 15% and 20% offers are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with New Account discount. No price adjustments on purchases made prior to September 19, 2014. Offer cannot be combined with any other coupon(s). Hudson’s Bay, Hudson’s Bay Credit, hbc.com and their associated designs are trademarks of Hudson’s Bay Company. Credit is extended by Capital One Bank (Canada Branch).Capital One® is a registered trademark of Capital One Financial Corporation. MasterCard and the MasterCard brand mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated. All marks used under licence. All rights reserved.Jones New York Signature, Style&Co. and Karen Scott exclude items with 99¢ price endings. Women’shandbags,shoesorfashionboots:Offourregularprices.Beforetaxes.Qualifyingpurchasesmustbemadewithinthesamecategory.Handbags excludeCoach,Kipling,LeSportsac,Furla,HaltsonHeritage,Dooney&Bourke,LaurenRalphLauren,McQ,HouseofHarlow,ZacZacPosen,MarcbyMarcJacobs,KateSpadeNewYork,BotkierandElizabeth&James.Shoesandfashionboots excludeTheEssentialBootcollectionand items with 99¢ price endings. Other exclusions apply. See store for details.KitchenAid,BrevilleandCuisinart exclude items with 95¢ price endings.*Beforetaxes.One gift per customer, while supplies last. Values are based on our per mL and/or g price for regular size products. CLINIQUEGift– FallFavourites Until October 4, 2014 FREE: Receive a 7-piece gift, featuring new Chubby Stick Baby Tint, plus bestselling skin care and makeup, with any CLINIQUE purchase of $31 or more. An $85 value. *Only here. Buy 2, get 1Free Men’s underwear and undershirts by STANFIELD’S, JOE BOXER and TOMMY HILFIGER Free item must be of equal or lesser value. 30%OFF Women’s fall arrivals by JONES NEW YORK SIGNATURE, STYLE&CO. and KAREN SCOTT See below for exclusions. Featured: JONES NEW YORK SIGNATURE colour-block cardigan. Reg. $99 Sale $69.30 Polka-dot blouse. Reg. $89 Sale $62.30 Ankle jeans. Reg. $79 Sale $55.30 almost anything in the store and at thebay.com when you use your Hudson’s Bay MasterCard® or Hudson’s Bay Credit Card. ENJOYANEXTRA20%OFF 15% OFF your purchase without a Hudson’s Bay MasterCard or Hudson’s Bay Credit Card. 10%OFF furniture, mattresses, major and small appliances, personal electrics, vacuums, cookware, bakeware, gadgets and confectionery with any tender. AllFriends&Familysavingsareoffourregular, saleandclearanceprices.Seebelowfordetails. Plus, up to 40% off KITCHENAID small appliances. See below for exclusions. Small appliances by BREVILLE and CUISINART See below for exclusions. 20% off Women’s shoes, fashion boots or handbags Spend $100, save $25; Spend $60, save $15. See below for details. Spend$150 ormore,Save$50 &FRIENDSFAMILYYLIMAF SHOP THEBAY.COM Where YourStuff WantsTo Be!! 180 Station St. Ajax 905-427-5211 info@firststorage.ca FREEVAN (to help you move right in) Pickering library recognized for diversity efforts Staff reaching out to newcomers at nearby Welcome Centre Jillian Follert jfollert@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- When it comes to connecting with newcomers, Pickering Public Library staff is lit- erally bridging the gap. Library staff has recently started dropping in on English-as-a-sec- ond-language classes at nearby Welcome Centre Immigrant Ser- vices, then walking clients across Pickering’s pedestrian bridge to the library’s main branch. “We learned that libraries are often the second place newcom- ers go,” says Kathy Williams, the library’s director of public servic- es. “We wanted this to be a place they would feel safe and welcome, and a place where there would be a familiar face.” That outreach effort is just one of the reasons the Pickering library was recently recognized as a Diver- sity and Immigration Champion by Durham’s Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council. The award recognizes the library’s work in several areas, including introducing more inclu- sive hiring practices and creating programs that reflect the needs of an increasingly diverse communi- ty. Ms. Williams says just improv- ing awareness among staff of the unique needs of newcomers has been important. She points to the recent example of a man who came into one of the Pickering library branches on a hot day in August and asked for a glass of water. When library staff directed him to a drinking fountain, he was confused. “He had just come to Canada and has never used a fountain before, he didn’t know what it was,” Ms. Williams says. “Little things like that give us a sense of awareness.” The Diversity and Immigration Champion program allows local organizations and indi- viduals to apply for a certificate if they can demonstrate that they are making Durham a more inclusive and welcoming place. Visit www.durhamimmigration.ca for more information. V a n D u s e n O N N O W A T DAY CLEARANCE HURRY IN, ALL 2014S PRICED TO GO! GO AHEAD, SHOP AROUND, OUR DEALS WON’T BE BEAT3 SEPTEMBERTHU18FRI19SAT20 425 Bayly Street West,Ajax vandusengm.com 905.427.2500 1.888.486.2963 All inclusive pricing is plus HST and licencing only.*Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. Cash and financing sale pricing expires on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 6pm. 0% financing offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered by September 30, 2014, on approved credit up to 84 months on all new 2014 GMC, Buick and Chevrolet vehicles, excluding Corvette. Down payment, trade and/or security depositmay be required. Cost of borrowing is $0. Loyalty offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR. Loyalty offer is valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one new eligible 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC delivered in Canada by September 30, 2014 and applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any eligible vehicle that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer's name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Loyalty offer is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive). Loyalty offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). Some conditions apply.See VanDusen Chevrolet Buick GMC for details. O% PURCHASEFINANCINGUP TO MONTHS ON2014CHEVROLET,BUICK &GMC(EXCLUDINGCORVETTE) 84 $1500LOYALTYBONUS RECEIVE UP TOAN ADDITIONAL 2 YEARS /40,000 KMCOMPLIMENTARYOIL CHANGES + + CASH PURCHASE 2014 CHEVROLETMALIBULSSTK#148216BLUETOOTH, ONSTAR,PARKINGASSIST,A/C &MORE! $19 ,997 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$27,325 CASH PURCHASE 2014 CHEVROLETSILVERADO1500,DOUBLE CAB,TRAILERINGPKG,LOCKING DIFF,A/C,STK#148541 $30,779 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$40,280 CASH PURCHASE 2014 CHEVROLETEQUINOX7700KMS,LEATHER,NAV,SUNROOF,STK#148357 $29,545 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$35,215 CASH PURCHASE 2015 GMCYUKON13089KMS,LOADED,NAV,20"WHEELS,STK#159046 $67,776 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$75,400 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS2014 CHEVROLETCRUZE2LSAUTO,POWEROPTIONS,A/C,STK#148510 $17 ,530 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$21,245 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS2014 BUICKLACROSSELOADED,LEATHER,SUNROOF,TOURING,STK#148294 $39,287 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$43,830 +HSTMSRP$31,980 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS2014 CHEVROLETIMPALA LTLOADED,BACKUPCAMERA,PARKASSIST,STK#148230 $31,998 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$35,950 4X4 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS 2014 CHEVROLETCAMARO2LSAUTO,323HP,BLUETOOTH,A/C,STK#148430 $27,991 + UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS2014 CHEVROLETSONICAUTO,AIR,BLUETOOTH,STK#148157 $16 ,983 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$18,980 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS2014 BUICKENCLAVE5567KMS,LOADED,NAV,WHITEDIAMOND,STK#148191 $50,689 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$56,920 +HSTMSRP$37,980 CASH PURCHASE 2014 GMCSIERRA1500,8"TOUCH SCREEN,XMRADIO,CHROMEASSISTSTEPS,STK#148165 $36,210 +UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS +HSTMSRP$46,180 FINANCE PRICE: 0% 60 MONTHS 2014 BUICKREGALLOADED,LEATHER,SUNROOF,NAV,STK#148268 $33,941 + UP TO $1500 LOYALTY BONUS 2LTDEMO SLTDEMO PREMIUMDEMO TURBOPREMIUM LSSEDAN CREW CABSLE4X4 Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow! du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 15 AP du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 16 AP ���� � ���� ��� ��� � � ����� ������ Join us on Facebook / newsdurham du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 17 AP Sterling silver charms from $29 Experienceat: *Before taxes. While supplies last, limit one per customer. Charms sold separately. See store for details. September 18-21 Free PANDORA sterling silver Clasp, Bangle, or ESSENCE Collection Bracelet with your PANDORA purchase of $125 or more.* Free PANDORA sterling silver with 14K gold clasp Bracelet with your PANDORA purchase of $550 or more.* PICKERINGTOWN CENTRE Upper Level • 905.492.7263 SCARBOROUGHTOWN CENTRE Lower Level • 416.296.9932 Follow us on Twitter@ newsdurham du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 18 AP GUS’S KITCHENAND BATHPUMPSTYLEFAUCET inBrushed Nickel BLOWOUTSALE 50%OFF50%OFF PETERBOROUGH 1292 HWY 7 EAST 705.295.4335 1.800.455.1555 WHITBY 124 BROCK ST. N. 905.665.7778 1.877.728.6556 OT TAWA 2183 CARLING AV E. 1761 ST. LAURENT BLVD. 1.877.568.2284 BLACK ORBEIGEGRANITESINK Double,undermount 32”x21.75”x9”deep $295Reg. $595 MOSTITEMSNOW •• VA NITY TOP&HUTCH 50”Espresso finishwith matchingtriple mirrorcabinet. Vanitysold separate $695 HIGH ENDQUALITYPRODUCTS At Wholesale Prices OV ER 100 VA NITYSTYLES Gus is a qualified Master Plumber with over 30 years experience. HIGHMOUNTDUALFLUSH •3/6Litre•Eco FriendlyWaterSaver•18”High•Seat soldseparately Reg. $395 DUALFLUSH •1pcdual flush toilet•3/6L•16’’comfortback POWERFULDUALFLUSH $195 $145 $99 Eco Friendly Water Save:•Excellent flush •Low water consumption •White •3/6litre •Insulatedtank WHOLESALEGRANITE To The Public.Cut&Polishedin Peterborough. 50%OFF50%OFF 20 yearstain-free guarantee ONEPCQUARTZ WA LLS NOGROUTLINES! WA LK-INTUB Reg.$7,998 $2995 •Therapeutic&whirlpooljets •100%acrylic•2 Pumps •Doubledrainsystem forfastdraining•Stainless Steel Door •38Hx29.5Wx55-59L(removable4”end Strip) STAINLESSSTEELSINK NOW $495 30”x21”x9”•304SS/15 Gauge CLAW TUBS DOUBLELEGGEDPEDESTAL $695 61’’Lx31’’W or72’’Lx33’’W 32”x22”x33.5” SHOWERHOUSE 38’x38’or32” x32” RainShower, 6 BodyJets, Handspray, Frameless Te mperedGlass With Seat $995 4 LO CATIONS TO SERVE YO U BETTER WWW.GUSKITCHENANDBAT H.CO M SOLID WOOD VA NITYWITHGRANITETOP 48”wx21”dx34”h SOLIDMAPLEWITHCHERRYSTAINVANITY Reg. $795 $495 60”wx21”dx34”h SOLIDMAPLEWITHCHERRYSTAINVANITY $895 FINISHED MIRROR$20 each SOLID WOODEUROSTYLEVANITYBLACKCHERRYFINISH 3sizes28’’/36’’/48’’Wide 24’’w x18’’d x35.5h Also availableinwhite 60”wx22”dx35.5”h SOLID WOODVANITYWITHCERAMICTOP &BASIN ONEPIECESHOWERPANEL Starting at $295 $595 SOLDMAPLEWITHCHERRYSTAINVANITYWITHGRANITETOP 43’’Floormodel $395 $99 $395 $895Reg. $495 PUMPPUMPFAUFAU in $295 $295 FLOORMODELSPECIAL starting from ANTIQUEWHITE VA NITYWITHSANDTOP InfinityDoor &Base60”x 32” $795 $995 61”wx22.5”d $995 ESPRESSO VA NITY 59”wx23”dx36”h Includes Mirrorswiththisad 2014 Clearance On Now! 425 Bayly Street West, Ajax (Formerly Bob Myers) 905.427.2500 vandusengm.com du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 19 AP 1880 Glengrove Road, Pickering, ON C all 905.831.2088 or vis it vivalife.caMaking Today Gre at! Shareyourremarkablestoryoflong-lastingfriendshiptowingreatprizes! Tell us the secret to your forever friendship in 250 words or less for a chance to WIN! Grand Prize The winning team will each receive a gift basket valued at $500; containing a $250 VISA Gift Card along with V!VA “gift cards” for our fabulous in-house services (private dinner party, spa/hair service, and a weekend staycation in our hospitality suite). Winners will also receive a gift certificate for Reiki treatment. Winners will be announced at our Friends Forever contest celebration on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Sponsored by: Rules: • Applicantsmustbe aged65orolderasofOctober1st2014 • Letters must be 250 words or less • Applicants must be available to attend event on October 1st 2014 and be willing to read their submission aloud for judging • One submission per applicant team • Submission deadline is September 24th, 2014 Enter Today! Mail or drop off your submission with your name, phone number and address to V!VA Pickering, 1880 Glengrove Rd., Pickering, Ontario, or email to picke ring@vivalife.ca. V!VA Contest CallToll Free1-800-465-0593 100% ON ALL CSA &ENERGY STAR CERTIFIEDDOORS&WINDOWS GOVERNMENT ENERGYREBATEEQUIVALENT *$350ENERGYAUDITFEENOTREQUIRED *LIMITEDTIMEOFFER www.lifestyleproducts.ca Pickering Museum Village restoration Volunteers help keep museum in top shape Celia Klemenz cklemenz@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- John Tayles, a member of the Woodwrights Guild, measured for a replacement log in a log house on Aug. 21, at the Pickering Museum Vil- lage. Volunteers help keep the heritage build- ings in shape using vintage materials and, in this case, wood cut on a sawmill on site to match the size and shape of the adjoin- ing square-cut logs. PICKERING -- John Tayles, a member of the Woodwrights Guild, measured for a replacement log in a log house at the Pickering Museum Village. Volunteers help keep the heritage buildings in shape using vintage materials and in this case, wood cut on a sawmill on site to match the size and shape of the adjoin- ing square-cut logs. Celia Klemenz / Metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 20 AP Limited time weekly lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payment includes freight and PDI ($1,495), EHF tires ($28.45), EHF filters ($1), A/C levy ($100 except Civic DX models), and OMVIC fee ($5). Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra.Representative weekly lease example: 2014 Civic DX Sedan on a 60-month term with 260 weekly payments at 0.99% lease APR. Weekly payment is $39.00 with $0 down or equivalent trade-in, $127 dealer contribution and $1,075 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $10,141.13. 120,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $45.93 and lien registering agent’s fee of $5.65, due at time of deliveryarenotincluded.$5,000//$3,000//$2,500totalcustomercashincentiveisvalidonanynew2014Pilot//2014CR-VLX2WD//2014CR-V(exceptLX2WD)modelswhen registeredanddeliveredbetweenSeptember3rdandSeptember30th,2014.CashincentiveisavailableforallHondaretailcustomersexceptcustomerswholeaseorfinancethrough HFS at a subvented rate of interest offered by Honda as part of a low rate interest program. All advertised lease and finance rates are special rates. Cash incentive will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. For all offers: license, insurance, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at Ontario Honda Dealers. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for full details.Based on Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC) data reflecting sales between 1997 and December 2013.Based on Fuel Consumption Guide ratings from Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada approved test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors – use for comparison only. CLEAROUT MODELS Canada’s best-selling car 16 years in a row. LEASE PAYMENTS INCLUDE FREIGHT AND PDI. OR GET UP TO$5000 CASH INCENTIVES ON OTHER SELECT REMAINING2014 HONDA MODELS. MAX.CASH INCENTIVEONLY AVAILABLE ON 2014 PILOT MODELS. GET UP TO $3000 ON 2014 CR-V MODELS.MAX. INCENTIVE ON2014 CR-V LX 2WD ONLY. FROM 7.3 CITY /5.5 HWY (L /100 KM) WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0SECURITY DEPOSIT. EXCLUDES LICENSE AND HST. DOWN PAYMENT /OAC $0 $39@0.99% APR 2014 CIVIC DX MODEL FB2E2EEX ON 2014PILOTMODELS GET $5000 After! $5500 OFF! a complete countertop refinishing job through May 10,2014 One coupon per project Va lid only at participating locations. Don’t Replace, Refinish! Don’t Replace, Refinish! ALL WORK GUARANTEED “Yesterday,mycounters were ugly. To day,they’re beautiful!” a complete countertop refinishing job through Oct. 31, 2014 One coupon per project Valid only at participating locations. $5500 OFF! We •Bathtubs •Tile Showers &Walls•Sinks&Vanities •Fiberglass Tu bs & Showers See our work at www.MiracleMethod.com “Call for a free estimate or visit our showroom!” 1550 Bayly Street, Unit #17 Pickering Ontario Each Miracle Method franchise independently owned and operated. 877-439-4648289-277-1364 Or TollFree Presentations by StarClippers,Oceania Cruises and Scenic River Cruises plus enjoy the flavours of France,Italy and Greece. CRUISE HOLIDAYS OF METRO EAST (Ont. Reg. 4616736) Cruise and Taste The Flavours of Europe! Refreshments & Door Prizes $10 per person Call (905) 426-7884 to secureyour invitation or go to www.luv2cruise.ca Join Us ForThis Invitation Only Event Flavours of Europe Cruise Presentation Wednesday October 1 st @ 7:00 pm McLean Community Centre 95 Magill Drive Ajax A limited number of invitations are available ENTER WIN for achance to SONYRX100CAMERA ...thenheadoutandstartsnapping CultureinDurhamRegion!>>RETAIL VALUE: $700 Toenter,visitwww.durhamtourism.ca/culturedayscontest du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 21 AP 4 Seasons Golf Club •Ajax Convention Centre •Belaggio’s •Bert Huizinga •Best Buy Witty Insurance •Black and McDonald •Bowmanville Zoo •Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd.• Brookfield Homes •BuffaloWildWings •Celebrity Limousine •CF&R •Clublink •Coco Paving Inc.•Creative Outdoor Advertising •Diana Hills •Dickson Printing/Joe Dickson •Dorsay DevelopmentCorporation •Dr.Yassa •DurhamCollege •EastsideMario’s-Pickering •Fieldgate/TACC •FrantasticTreats&Events •G.T.A.A.•GervaisPartyandTentRentals •GHD •Glenn Healy •GuidelinesAdvertising •Heathwood/HeronHomes •Horndawg’s •JackAstors-Pickering •JerryNemish •JohnBoddyHomes •JohnDiCesare •Kelsey’s •KevinAshe •Lakeridge Links •Lon Harnish •Malone Given Parsons Ltd.•Mattamy Homes •McEachnie Funeral Home •Medallion Developments •Metroland Media •Metropia •Metrus Developments •MTC HowardHumphries •OLGSlotsatAjaxDowns •OntarioPowerGeneration •ParadiseDevelopments •PickeringProfessionalFirefightersAssociation •PickeringTownCentre •PiePizza Restaurant •PMA Brethour •Port Restaurant •Purdue Pharma •RBC Royal Bank •Reeds Florists Limited •Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd.•Selco Elevators Ltd.•Sisley Hyundai • SmallTalkVineyards •Sorbara Development Group •SteamWhistle Brewery •Sundial Homes •TD CanadaTrust •TetraTech •The Corporate SolutionsTeam Inc.•The Golf Club at Lora Bay •The Greyrock Group of Companies •The Keg •The Metrontario Group •The Regional Municipality of Durham •The U-Pak Group of Companies •Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club •Tribute Communities •UOIT •Van Dusen GMC •Vandermeer Nurseries •Veridian Corporation •Walker Head •Walter All-Natural Craft Caesar Mix •Whitevale Golf Club TEE I N G U P F O R A G R E A T C A U S E 19 Y E A R S & RU N N I N G A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSOR CORPORATE LEADERSHIP To all of the participants and supporters of the 2014 Mayors’Charity Golf Classic: We want to take this opportunity to tell you one more time how proud and excited we are to be a part of this amazing event. Thanks to all of you, we raised $150,000 for a portable C Arm to be used in orthopedic and plastic surgeries at RougeValley Ajax and Pickering hospital. We are very appreciative of all of our sponsors, in particular Metropia, our Presenting Sponsor for 2014. We want to thank the auction donors, fellow members of the organizing committee, hospitality sponsors, volunteers andVIP guests who together made this truly a special day at Cherry Downs Golf & Country Club onThursday, September 11. Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you all next year. JimWitty and Bill Collier Co-Chairs, Mayors’Charity Golf Classic Pictured from left to right: BILL COLLIER Co-Chair ROGER ANDERSON Chair, Region of Durham SHAUN COLLIER Ajax Regional Councillor JUDITH BARKER Foundation Chair JOANWIDEMAN RVHS Chair JIMWITTY Co-Chair DAVE RYAN Mayor, City of Pickering CHAD HANNA Foundation President and CEO group themetrontario Runnymede Investment Corporation Limited du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 22 P © Tim Hortons, 2010 Left to right: Owner of the Newastle location Cindy Summers, manager Tanya Mercer, excutive director of Hearth Place Andrea Shaw, baker Betty Cro Pantaleo, owner Jay Summers, regular customer Marilyn Martin and Debbie Dawson, fundraising and community engagement for Hearth Place. The entire proceeds will be donated to the Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre. Smile Cookie Sales will continue until September 21, 2014. Buy yours today! All Smiles for the Start of Tim Hortons' Smile Cookie Campaign All Smiles for the Start of Tim Hortons' Smile Cookie Campaign Help menu? It’s called friends. It starts with Scouts. 1-888-SCOUTS-NOW Scouts.ca Scouts Canada Programs for boys, girls and young adults.Beaver Scouts: 5 to 7 years • Cub Scouts: 8 to 10 years • Scouts: 11 to 14 years • Venturer Scouts: 14 to 17 years • Rover Scouts: 18 to 26 years REGISTRATION HAPPENING NOW! Visit www.OwascoScouts.com for information on Scouting in Ajax/Pickering/Greenwood/Claremont www.Scouts.ca –It starts with Scouts! Kids in Scouts have fun adventures discovering new things and experiences they wouldn’t discover elsewhere. Along the way, kids develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world Scouts is the start of something great. Registration PI C K E R I N G AD V E R T I S I N G F E A T U R E During these tough economic times, businesses need an affordable way to advertise their products and services and create a name for themselves in the community. The Focus on Business advertising feature was designed to help businesses succeed at an affordable price. The feature has five zones: Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington, and advertisers can choose to run in any number of them. If they want to target a specific area, they can choose one zone or if they want broad coverage they can choose to run in all five. Advertising packages are available for six weeks, 18 weeks, 36 weeks and 52 weeks, and discounted rates are available for longer- term commitments. “I have nothing but good things to say about the Focus on Business feature,” says Wayne Hutchison, owner of Durham Windows and Doors, who has been advertising in the feature for 15 years. Having an ad in the newspaper every week helps businesses build recognition. Readers who see the advertisement on a regular basis become familiar with the business. Running in the section long term shows potential customers that the business is consistent and is there for the long term. The feature includes a 3” wide by 1.5” deep ad, but the best part is the free editorial that comes with each six week run. The articles will talk in-depth about the business and can include a photograph or image. Many advertisers find that the articles provide a surge in phone calls and sales. The articles allow readers to learn more about the businesses, including detailed information about the products and services they offer. Many advertisers have seen a dramatic increase in their bottom line because of advertising in the section. For more information on the Focus on Business feature or to book an ad, please call Connie Baker at (905) 579-4400 ext. 2271 or email cbaker@durhamregion.com. Focus on Business: Small Cost, Big Results! 4-1550 Kingston Rd.Pickering On L1V 6W9 T:905.420.3131Store349@theupsstore.ca We Print,Ship &More ... B &W Copies 4 Cents No Minimum Buzz Magazine is coming to Durham Region this Fall... If you’re all about enhancing mind, body & spirit - YOU’LL LOVE BUZZ! Buzz Hey Girl! du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 23 APWhat’s On Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor / mruta@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2243 Inspiration fuels Brooklin resident’s passion for the arts Toni Grates credits former Pickering drama teacher for setting her career path Ian McMillan imcmillan@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- When inspiration strikes, it has the potential to do big things, even change a life. Just ask Brooklin resident Toni Grates. She has spent her life acting, speaking and writing, thanks in part to Jim Finan, her St. Mary high school drama teacher in Pickering. His passion and confidence in Grates was enough to stir her creative juic- es, propelling to a career in the arts. She still remembers him telling her she was going to choreograph the high school musical. It was an original production called On the Rooftop that he wrote. No pressure there. Grates put everything she had into the musical and knew from that point on the arts were what she wanted to do with her life. “I didn’t go to a fancy arts school,” she said. “I was inspired by my arts teacher.” After high school, Grates went on to earn a BA in theatre from York University and then a diploma in musical theatre from the Randolph Academy. Then real life started ... meaning auditions. Grates was fortunate; she landed many roles in those early days performing in Chicago and Los Angeles as well as in many regional theatres including the Tony Awarding-winning Utah Shakespearean Festival. She was also the resident chore- ographer at the Utah Shakespearean Festi- val in 2003. In 2004 her one-woman show, A String of Broken Curling Irons, which she wrote and starred in, was produced in Hol- lywood at the Egyptian Arena Theatre. No stranger to comedy, she later did cho- reography for several shows at The Second City. She choreographed the Off-Broadway and Chicago version of the original Sister Bernie’s Bingo Bash and the Dora-nomi- nated and Canadian Comedy Award-win- ning production of SARSical at the Factory Theatre in Toronto. She was also the head writer for the television series Out There with Melissa DiMarco, a Canadian sitcom produced for CityTV. It all sounds rather glamorous but Grates insisted it wasn’t easy. For every produc- tion she was involved in, there was always down time between gigs. And even when she wasn’t working, the bills still had to be paid. “I worked in fitness centres, I walked dogs, I did a lot of things to make ends meet,” she said. “You never forget all the other jobs you’ve had to do in your life.” But she never lost that spark of inspira- tion to keep living the life she wanted in the arts. It was between gigs in 2002 when Grates had finished a nine-month contract in Chi- cago when she came up with the idea to start offering arts workshops for children. The idea became The Travelling Stage, a creative arts education company bring- ing dance and drama to students. The first school she ever brought the workshop to was in Pickering. “I remember when I started offering workshops. I had a borrowed car with my supplies in a laundry hamper in the back seat,” she said. Grates said the arts and yoga she brings into classrooms is meant to enrich what students already get at school. It keeps stu- dents engaged and inspired, much like she was in high school. “This is a way for kids to express them- selves and build their self-esteem,” she said. The Travelling Stage kept Grates busy between gigs for a few years. The work gradually started to take up more and more of her time. In 2005 she came home from Los Angeles and decided to focus more on the company. Today the workshops have gotten more popular, expanding to 425 schools across 10 school boards. “We have a team of people who love per- forming,” she said, adding she’s never “sac- rificed quality for quantity.” Today Grates calls Brooklin home. She’s lived there for two years since moving from Toronto. She said she enjoys the feeling here. “It’s a nice quality of life,” she said. She said her work with The Travelling Stage and her acting career (she’s done a lot of commercials including Tim Hortons, TD Bank, Activia to name a few) take her all over the place “but it’s nice to come home.” Her son, four-year-old Isaac, takes after his mother when it comes to the arts. Grates said she tries to keep it a part of his life. “I just want him to be creative,” she said. While balancing family and career is never easy, Grates said she’ll be spending a bit more time at home in the near future as she’s pregnant. The baby’s expected in Jan- uary. Not one to remain still for long, Grates said she’s also “forever working on a book.” It’s about balancing motherhood and career, the challenges and the joys. She’s also in the initial stages of talks with a production company about a possible TV series with The Travelling Stage. Grates said she’s still open for auditions but doesn’t think “there’s a lot of roles for pregnant women.” In the meantime, she’s planning an all- inclusive, all-ages event in Oshawa on Sept. 28 called the Arts Roundup at the Harmo- ny Creek Community Centre, 15 Harmony Rd. N. This event will bring some of Cana- da’s most established performers, coaches and teachers under one roof for a series of workshops. To participate in a single work- shop costs $20 plus HST or a package of three workshops costs $55 plus HST. For more information about the Arts Roundup or The Travelling Stage, contact 416-317- 8950 or visit the website at www.travelling- stage.com. DURHAM -- Toni Grates is a seasoned actor and choreographer who has performed on stages across North America. She’s also starred in many commercials on television including Tim Hortons, Activia and TD Bank to name a few. If that wasn’t enough to keep the Brooklin resident busy, she also operates The Travelling Stage, a company that brings workshops in dance, drama and creative yoga to young people. Submitted photo du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 24 P Sports Brad Kelly Sports Editor / bkelly@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2254 Pickering’s Andrew Murrell has plans beyond baseball Helping young people part of athlete’s future David Grossman newsdurhamregion.com PICKERING -- A trip to South America had such an impact on Andrew Murrell, he knew he wanted to devote his career to helping younger people. The 20-year-old Pickering native went to Uruguay for five months, lived on a farm on the outskirts of the capital, Mon- tivideo, and offered assistance to young- sters -- many who were in various drug rehabilitation programs. “I had just spent a year studying kine- siology at the University of Ontario Insti- tute of Technology in Oshawa and really wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do,” said Murrell. “I’m a church-going individual and our local pastor asked me if I wanted to go on this trip.” Murrell, who grew up playing soc- cer, baseball, volleyball and basketball, thought he would make the trip to see if he was able to help out. “The trip changed my life,” said Murrell, now in his first year of studies in George Brown’s child and youth worker program and, after getting his diploma, plans to bridge the academic program to Ryerson University to get his degree. “I love working with kids and I know many of them are vulnerable. There are times when the right thing to do is help. And when I graduate, I can see myself going overseas to help in Africa or, maybe, returning to South America.” Murrell, who achieved honors grades in his final year at Dunbarton Secondary in Pickering, is also a talented baseball play- er. He has played the game since he turned eight years old and his parents signed him up for a house-league team in Durham Region. At high school, he opted out from the sport for personal reasons. Last year, despite being a student at UOIT, he suited up for the Durham Col- lege squad, but had been bothered by a torn muscle in his shoulder suffered from playing too much baseball in a short peri- od of time. As Murrell described it, “competing at Durham and also with the Pickering tri- ple-A team pushed it a bit too much”. After taking an MRI a few months ago, Murrell was given a clean bill of health. Murrell, after his first four games in the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association, leads the league in batting with a .636 average and his on base numbers are also No. 1, posting an impressive .692. In a pair of doubleheaders against St. Clair College of Windsor and Fanshawe College of London, the top two teams in the league, the six-foot-one outfielder went 7-for-11 at the plate with three dou- bles, two runs batted in, scored four times, had three stolen bases and one walk. PICKERING -- Andrew Murrell of Pickering leads the OCAA in batting average through four games. The George Brown outfielder has a .636 average. Submitted photo Witherspoon, Colaire are record setters Brad Kelly bkelly@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- They’re friends and team- mates, but on the track they’re competitors. And at the Athletics Ontario youth championships, the Pickering residents pushed each other to new heights, each beating the old provincial record in the 80m hurdles. Anna Witherspoon earned the gold in the bantam age division, setting a new Ontario record in a time of 12.77, while Shaleah Colaire took silver in a 12.78. The two were the class of the field, as Sarah Saldutto finished third in a time of 13.91. “I didn’t expect that race at all. It was the race of the meet,” said Nyron Higgins, their coach at Durham Legion Athletics. “They’re both pretty quick. They are both athletic girls. This age, a lot of clubs don’t teach the kids (hurdles) that early, which I do.” Higgins says that the Legion club, which trains out of the Civic Dome in Oshawa in the winter and at Father Leo Austin in Whitby in the summer, introduces kids at a young age to the hurdles, helping them to overcome their fear of falling or hit- ting a hurdle during a race. The Grade 8 students made another trip to the medal podium during the cham- pionships. In the 200m hurdles, Wither- spoon also won gold in a time of 29.62, while Colaire finished third in 30.65. Colaire is the younger sister of Olympic hurdler Nikkita Holder. Lightning ready to drop puck Durham West opens PWHL season Saturday in Toronto against Aeros Brad Kelly bkelly@durhamregion.com AJAX -- The puck hasn’t dropped for the regular season yet, but already Jeremy Murphy likes what he sees in his Durham West Jr. Lightning hockey club. “As far as the tryout process goes, it was one of the easier ones for us,” said the head coach of the Provincial Women’s Hockey League team. “We had a lot of high-quality kids right in our backyard. “We have a lot of depth. This is probably the deepest team we’ve had top to bottom in five years. It’s balanced really well. It’s a good mix of veteran players and new girls coming in. We have experience and no weak link.” The Lightning open league play this weekend in Toronto against the Aeros on Saturday, then host the Cambridge Rivu- lettes on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Ajax Community Centre. While the team will be billeting four girls from out of town this season, including twins Kaitlyn and Taylor McManus from Utterson (near Huntsville), Maria Domi- nico (North Bay) and Kirsten MacDougall (Bracebridge), the roster is composed of a lot of young, local talent. “The league overall has got a little bit younger each year,” says Murphy. “In our area, the Durham Region, there’s lots of good, young players. On our roster we’ve brought in a lot of local, younger kids.” One of the big holes the hockey club will have to fill will be to replace captain Ken- nedy Marchment, who led the team and finished second in the league in scoring last season. She has moved on, accepting a scholarship to St. Lawrence University. “Last year we relied a lot on one line for scoring. This year, it’s going to be spread out more,” said Murphy, adding he expects to get more offensive production out of his defence this season as well. When the 38-game regular season comes to an end, Murphy expects his team to be among the upper echelon. “Our expectations are always to be in that top pack of teams, that group of five or six. This year is no different. On paper I think we have a team that can compete with the top teams.” After opening with a pair of games this weekend, the schedule has a couple of quirks in it to follow. The Lightning will play six straight games on the road, fol- lowed by six in a row at home. PICKERING -- Pickering’s Shaleah Colaire and Anna Witherspoon brought home silver and gold med- als from the provincial track champi- onships in the 80m hurdles, both set- ting provincial records in the process. Sabrina Byrnes / Metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 25 APAjaxPickeringNewsAdvertiser Fall 2014 Sunday September 28,2014 •11am -5pm Ajax Convention Centre •550 Beck Cres,Ajax Join us for 2 Fashion Shows12noonand3pm F or Vendor inf o c on tac t Laur ie M cC aig a t lmc caig@dur hamr eg ion.c om or call 905.579.4400 e x t .2387. WIN 7 nights at the "All Inclusive"GRAND BAHIAPRINCIPEPUNTACANAHOTEL&RESORT in Punta Cana,Dominican Republic cour tesy of our Show Sponsors C lick ,P rin t &SAVE V isit w w w.dur ham w eddingsour c e .com f or y our $4*A dmission P r ic e *with e -c oupon Bride &Grooms BRIDAL DESIRESBRIDALDESIRES INC.INC.Sight&SoundInPartnershipwith: R Enter for your chance to Lots of Prizestobewon! PLUS A FREE Full CircleJewellerySet with Swarovski elements to the 1st 100 people to purchase tickets at the door. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 26 AP 1-888-806-1856 triosdurham.comCONTACTUS TODAY! Internships available for most programs! Contact us for details. Not all programs are available at all triOS locations. OSHAWA: 200 JOHN ST. W. (MIDTOWN MALL) Financial assistance may be available for those who qualify. UPGRADE YOUR SKILLS AND BE JOB-READY • Business • Technology • Healthcare • Law • Supply Chain • Tractor-Trailer (AZ) CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS (unilingual and bilingual) NOW HIRING 95% of our management team began their career in a position like this. START YOURS TODAY! 1189 Colonel Sam Drive Oshawa, ON L1H 8W8 recruit.oshawa@minacs.com www.minacs.com We’re a company of friendly and helpful people. So if you’re outgoing and have at least one year of customer service experience and a high school diploma, we’ll teach you everything else. We offer competitive wages, great benefits, and a whole lot more. www.saintelizabeth.com Saint Elizabethhasbeena trusted nameinCanadianhealth care for more thana century and is a leader in responding to client,family and system needs.As an award-winning If you are unable to join us, please apply on line: www.saintelizabeth.com/careers R0 0 12 89 4 9 9 2 Now hiring for the position of Police Constable and 911 Communicator!!! The Durham Regional Police Service is an equal opportunity employer. Please go drps.ca, Careers link for more information. REAL ESTATE SALESWe're Hiring! *We pay course fees*Licensing Training & Support*9 Locations Considering, Licensed or In course, contact… Joe Jeronimo1-888-472-2767joe-jeronimo@coldwellbanker.ca www.BecomeARealtor.ca*Conditions apply*Coldwell Banker R.M.R. Real Estate Seniors for Seniors, a non-medical home care agency, is looking for mature caregivers to be drop in companions, live-in caregivers, overnight caregiving, to drive seniors to appointments, or do housekeeping, grass cutting, and handywork in Ajax, Pickering,Whitby, Oshawa and Port Perry. If you have experience working with the elderly, enjoy sharing yourlifestorieswithothersandareacompassionatecaregiver then send us your resume today. The successful applicant will be required to obtain a police criminal and vulnerable sector check before commencing employment. For more information on Seniors for Seniors visitour website at: www.seniorsforseniors.ca905-434-5115 Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Careers AutomotiveTechnician Busy automotive shop in Scarborough looking for a full time licensed technician.We offer Full benefits and competitive wages. Contact Greg 416-284-1998 Lucasautomotive@rogers.com Drivers AZ & DZ DRIVERS required with minimum 3 years experience on tri-axle dump trucks. Clean abstract required. Please fax resume & ab- stract to: 905-665-3200. Careers Drivers PARTS COUNTERPER- SON/ASSISTANT re- quired, full-time, for Ajax based crane company. Must have strong me- chanical aptitude and min. 3 years exp. in a parts environment. Must have solid computer skills in Windows, inter- net and inventory data base, be detail oriented, organized and able to multi-task in a fast paced environment. Email resume to resumes@ dwightcrane.com Careers GeneralHelp ASSISTANT SUPERIN- TENDENT and on Call Work required for one of the largest property man- agement companies lo- cated in Durham Region. This is a live-in position, must relocate to building, days, evenings and week- end work. Monthly sala- ry (rent is not included in this position). Answer tenant calls, fill out ser- vice requests, collect rent. We thank you for your interest but only se- lected candidates for in- terviewing will be contacted. Accommoda- tions will be made for people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment process. Apply by sending resume to careers@vrpl.ca or fax to (905) 579-9472. Careers GeneralHelp BST INSURANCE Bro- kers Ltd currently has an opening for a full time P/L Customer Service Rep. Must be RIBO licenced with at least 2 years brokerage experi- ence. Strong verbal and written communications skills are important. Knowledge of Agency Manager (TAM), Compu- Quote and various Insu- rance Company Portals is an asset. Salary will bebased on experience. Please send your resume by email to: greg@bstinsurance.com Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers GeneralHelp Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers GeneralHelp Classifieds LocalWork.ca Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm • Oshawa 905-576-9335 • Ajax 905-683-0707 • Fax 905-579-2418 • classifieds@durhamregion.com Contact us on-line durhamregion.com Office hours Monday- Friday 8am-8pm Call 905-576-9335 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 27 AP Supplement Your Income as a Steady Part-Time School Bus Driver Routes available in Uxbridge,Scugog, Port Perry,Ajax and Pickering. FREE TRAINING.Ideal for stay-at-home parents, retirees and the self-employed. Call 1-800-263-7987 today! or email lauren.kuckyt@firstgroup.com An equal opportunity employer that values diversity. DIRECTOR, CORPORATE SERVICES FULL TIME Details at www.communitycaredurham.on.ca Human Resources, Community Care Durham email: hr@communitycaredurham.on.ca DISTRICT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE - Permanent Full Time Durham/Northumberland Media Group - Durham/Northumberland Division - Oshawa Location- 845 Farewell St. A subsidiary of Torstar Corporation, Metroland is one of Canada's premier media companies. Metroland delivers up-to-the-minute vital business and community information to millions of people across Ontario. We have grown significantly in recent years in terms of audience and advertisers and we're continuing to invest heavily in developing best-in-class talent, products and technology to accelerate our growth in the media landscape and strengthen our connection to the community. For further information, please visit www.metroland.com. THE OPPORTUNITY• The District Service Representative is responsible for ensuring that all distribution products in their assigned geographic area are delivered in a timely manner. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES• Ensure that all newspapers, inserts, and other distribution products are delivered in a timely manner. This includes working closely with the carrier force and when necessary could include door to door delivery.• Recruit new carriers to ensure that all routes are covered and terminate contracts where appropriate.• Maintain all records concerning carriers and routes including financial records and complaints• Address customer concerns in a professional and timely manner while ensuring the concerns are resolved and the carriers are aware of the concerns• Design and manage carrier promotions to motivate the carrier force• Maintain accurate and current data to provide to carrier payroll• Handle tracking of door to door collections• When required make appropriate arrangements to ensure down routes receive delivery • Design carrier routes and develop mapping of new areas• Maintain accurate and current distribution records and total market coverage files WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR• Customer service Experience is a Must.• Working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs• Excellent verbal and written communication skills• Ability to work within a fast-paced, deadline driven team oriented environment• Previous experience in a newspaper environment an asset• Physical activity - walking, lifting up to 10Ibs• Reliable vehicle and valid driver's license required • WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU• Opportunity to be part of an exciting company at the cutting edge of the media industry• Work for a well-established and respected company that is connected to your communities• Competitive compensation plan and Group RSP• Be part of a company that is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment• We provide individualized career plans and extensive ongoing development opportunities• We've got your health in mind; you'll receive a comprehensive benefits package and a generous vacation plan If working for a highly energized, competitive team is your ideal environment, please email your resume to careers@durhamregion.comby September 19, 2014. Thank you for your interest. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted PART-TIME PHARMACY ASSISTANT Rexall PharmaPlus in Uxbridge is now accepting resumes for this position. Applicants must have experience. Please send resume to 6929Rx@rexall.ca or fax to 905-852-3649. Snow Removal General Laborers for winter maintenance in various locations. E-mail resume to: info@trisanconstruction.com HAIRSTYLISTS FT/PT First Choice Haircutters Annual raises, guaranteed wages, profit sharing, dental, drug, eye care benefits; equipment's supplied & maintained, no clientele required. Uxbridge, $11.25/hr. $1000 Hiring Bonus Call Bonnie or Laurie 905-852-2552 AN EXCAVATION, WATER AND SEWER COMPANY requires a Supervisor/Foreman, Operators and Pipelayers. EXPERIENCED ONLY! Please forward resumes by fax to 905-985-7735 or email jormat@jormat.ca ARE YOU STRUGGLINGWITH PAIN KILLERS? WE CAN HELP! Evening appointments available905-837-2371 LOST CAT "WINSTON" Winston is a brown tabby, 2 year old male, neutered & micro chipped. Friendly, but shy and nervous especially outside. Lost in Dixie/Finch area but lived in Whites/Bayly area. Please check sheds, garages and your backyards. REWARD. If found please call Jenny 289-314-1158 or Wendy at 647-225-2763 2 & 3 bedroomapartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent.Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or(905)686-0841Eve. viewing by appt.www.ajaxapartments.com Careers General Help EXCELLENT CUSTOMERservice skills, with pleas- ant phone manner im- mediately required full time for Ajax Eyewear company. Must have strong computer skills, Quick Books preferably.French would be wel- comed asset. Resume to Paul customerservice@alternativeeyes.com Full and Part Time Positions Rapidly expanding Co. is now hiring. No Exp. Required Multiple positions available.Students and Grads welcome!Call 416-849-0026 FULL TIME CLERICAL / General Office help with great typing skills. Profi- cient in MS Word, Excel, Photoshop and InDe- sign. Email jobs@hkla.ca Careers General Help TORONTO SUN CARRIERS WANTED - Full time/part time positions available In Ajax/Pickering, Oshawa, Whitby reliable vehicle re- quired Call Debbie 1-877-232-9740 WE WANT YOU! Come make your mark with the Brain Injury Association of Durham Region (BIAD). We are seeking unique individuals to provide transportation for our clients to doctor appointments, on shop- ping trips, and for vari- ous errands within the Durham Region and To- ronto. If you have a de- sire to assist individuals with Acquired Brain Inju- ry to live independently, please contact Kayli at 905-723-2732 or 1-866-354-4464 or volunteer@biad.ca Careers Skilled &Te chnical Help BUSY CLARINGTON General Motors dealer- ship requires experi- enced Parts Consultant. Competitive wages, benefit package, and flexible hours. GM parts department experience preferred. Email resume to bob.adams@roynichols motors.com Office Help Oshawa, ON- Employ- ment opportunity - Seeking individual with ability to repair small ap- pliances and customer service/sales experience, start immediately. Email resume: Opportunity@ BrockBuiltin.ca Sales Help& Agents ADVERTISING SALES Reps - National Industrial Trade Magazine Publisher for 26 years needs experi- enced print/digital advertising specialist. Full time. Salary plus commission. Send re- sume to: tammy@electricity forum.com Dental D ORTHODONTIC OFFICE requires experienced Level II dental assistant for maternity position. The successful applicant will be able to be versa- tile, flexible, enthusiastic and professional. Please email resume to info@oshawabraces.com OR drop of resume at 292 King St. West, Oshawa. GeneralHelp Hospital/Medical/Dental Dental Assistant recall girl required part time with possibility of full time, to start immediate- ly, fax 905-427-9697 or email michelle@durhamdental.ca FULL TIME EXPERI- ENCED pharmacy assist- ant required for pharmacy in Oshawa. Kroll experience is an as- set. Looking for an indi- vidual with great customer service and or- ganization skills. E-mail resume to: tms191@bellnet.ca VENDORS WANTED Durham Craft & Gift Show Durham College Recreation & Wellness Centre October 24, 25 & 26, 2014 Your one-stop shopping for ultimate gift giving this Holiday Season For Booth Information Call Susan 905-579-4473 ext 2629 or Email: sfleming@durhamregion.com GeneralHelp VendorsWantedV GeneralHelp VendorsWantedV Salon & SpaHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Office / Business Space For Rent / WantedO OFFICE SPACE Open concept with high ceilings and great view.Convenient. 3,000sq.ft.Low rent! Coutrice/Oshawa www.cbot.ca/1540hwy2 1-888-852-7782 BusinessOpportunitiesB PUB BIZ Free valuable improvements included.Start your own profitable business.Pay utilities and low rent. Coutrice/Oshawa www.cbot.ca/1540hwy2 1-888-852-7782 Mortgages,LoansM $$ MONEY $$CONSOLIDATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #109691-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com MONEY FOR YOU! Home Owner Loansfor Any Purpose! -Mortgage arrears-Tax arrears-Income tax-Self employed / noproof of income-Debt consolidation-Power of Sale/Bankruptcy-Bank turndown LET US HELPOntario-Wide Financial 416-925-3974 www.ontario-widefinancial.com (Licence #12456) Salon & SpaHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Mortgages,LoansM PRIVATE FUNDS from 5.99%Bank Turndown? Deal Directly with the Lender. Appraisals Not Always Needed. Very Easy to Quality! Peter 877-777-7308 Mortgage Leaders #10238 Apartments & Flats For RentA 1 BEDROOM LARGE basement Apt respon- sible male 45+ includes , Cable, Parking, Air con- dition, Close to Oshawa Mall. Available Oct 1st, No pets please. call Phyllis 905-436-1420 AJAX, CHURCH/HWY 2, Very bright 2-bdrm bsmt, sep. entrance, 1-parking, cable, private laundry. Close to amenities. $1000/mo. Avail. October/November 1st. No smoking/dogs. First/last, references. 905-426-3585 AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shop- ping, GO. Pool. 2-bed- rooms, available Sept, Oct & Nov. 1st, from $1159/mo. plus parking. Call 905-683-8571, 905-683-5322, AJAX, Pickering Vil- lage. 1-bdrm bsmt, beautiful large open con- cept kitchen/living/dining area. Separate entrance, own laundry, 1-parking, avail. Oct. 1st. No smok- ing/pets. $850/mo First/last, references. 905-619-1558. BOWMANVILLE SPA- CIOUS upper 3/bedroom apt, available immediate- ly $1080 includes heat, Hydro, parking, close to down town looking for long term quite tenants, first/last/references, NO PETS. call 905-623-7986 Skilled &Te chnical Help Announcements Apartments & Flats For RentA PICKERING, Brock Rd. 1-bdrm bsmt. Sep. en- trance, 1-parking, own laundry, cable. No smok- ing/pets. $775/mo inclu- sive. Avail. immediately. First/last, references. Call 416-738-5150. PICKERING, BROCK/MAJOR Oaks, newly renovated 2 bed- room basement apart- ment. Full bath, separate entrance, 1 parking, share laundry, no smok- ing/pets. $800/month. First/last, references. Available immediately. 289-200-0038 WHITBY CENTRAL 2- bedroom of good stan- dard in 9-plex building. $990/mo all inclusive. Hardwood floors, semi- bsmt, credit approval, 116 Hickory St. N. (905)576-8989. WHITBY LEGAL BSMT. Apt. Sep. Entrance, 2- Bdrm. Bsmt. Apt. Bright, Open Concept Through- out. Eat-in Kitchen W Fridge, Stove, Micro. 4pc. Bath Granite Coun- ter, Marble Flr. Shared Laundry, (1) Surface Parking. All Inclusive In- cluding Rogers Cable. Rossland/Garden Area. $1250/mo. Jacquelynn Tanner, sales rep. Sutton Group- Heritage Realty Inc. Brokerage, 905- 428-8274. Skilled &Technical Help Announcements Apartments & Flats For RentA WHITBY PLACE, 900 Dundas St. E., Fantastic 2 bdrms available, utilities included, in-suite storage and large balco- ny. GREAT VALUE!! Laundry, parking, 24 on- site management. Let us WOW you!! Visit to- day!! 905-430-5420 realstar.ca. Houses for Rent AJAX, large 3-bedroom & 4-bedroom houses for rent, 2-1/2 washrooms, eat-in kitchen, family/liv- ing/dining room, 2-car parking. Available Imme- diately. 905-686-6684 or 416-712-4059. AWESOME! N Oshawa Home! Updated: Kitch- en/3-bdrms/3 bath- rooms/appliances/2 walkouts to new Deck & Patio. Clear views over large fenced yard! Single Garage + double drive for 2 cars. On Transit route. Walk to Five Points Mall. Finished w/o basement; separate en- trance. Hardwood floors! Sorry, no pets. Asking $1,750/mo + utilities (new energy star win- dows, updated attic in- sulation. Central air/Gas heat). Landlord will cut grass! Home is to remain Smoke-free. Virtual tour: www.janetdowson. homesandland.com E m a i l : j a n e t @ janetdowson.ca Phone: Janet 905-242-7828 Lost & FoundL Lost & FoundL du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 28 AP NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF GAIL POOLE, DECEASED All Persons having claims against the Estate of Gail Poole, late of the Town of Ajax, who died on or about the 15th day of May, 2014, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October, 2014, after which date the Estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated September 4, 2014 Douglas Richard Poole, Estate Trustee Without a Will - by: Andrew D. Felker, Esq. WALKER, HEAD LAWYERS #800 - 1315 Pickering Parkway Pickering, Ontario L1V 7G5 (905) 839-4484 / 683-3444 COME & WORSHIP To advertise your Church Services in our Worship Directory Call Erin Jackson @ 905.683.0707 or email: ejackson@durhamregion.com Dunbarton-Fairport United Church is looking for well-made handcrafted items for their 41st Annual Deck Your Halls Bazaar and Craft Show on November 22nd. To apply for this juried show, go to www.dunbartonfairport.on.ca/index.html to access the application form. Deadline for applicants is October 21st. STURGEON, Mary - On September 6th, 2014, Mary, loving and devoted wife of Robert. Beloved Mother of Catherine and her Husband Mannie. Cherished Grandmother of Claire. Friends will be received at 11 am on Saturday September 20th, 2014 at St. Timothy's Presbyterian Church (97 Burcher Rd, Ajax). WEARING, Lionel Horace - June 10, 1923-August 27, 2014 Passed away peacefully in his 91st year on August 27, 2014 at Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington, Ontario. Devoted husband of 59 years of Betty (deceased). Loving father to Michael (Kathryn), Liz (Roger), Tony (Judy). Proud "Papa" to Lesley-Ann (Dan), Andrew (Pam), Dave, Dana (Dennis). Adoring "Great-Papa" to Julian, Ella, Aidan, Lily. Survived by his dear sister in England, Kath. Lionel proudly served in the Royal Air Force during WWII. He married Betty in 1944 and in 1957 emigrated to Canada. In 1958, Lionel moved his family to Ajax, Ontario, where he became a well-respected member of the community during his 52 year residency. For 25+ years, he enjoyed employment with The Oshawa Group Limited (IGA) where he always had a smile for his customers. Lionel had a special love for his garden, built dollhouses for his granddaughters and Ajax Hospital Auxilliary, was active in his church, the Canadian Legion and served as a volunteer at the Ajax Hospital for 8 years. A daily walk to the Ajax plaza to have a good chat and a cup of coffee with his friends in the "Coffee Gang" brought him great joy. As did his strolls along the Ajax waterfront meeting and greeting passersby. Lionel will be missed but fondly remembered by those who knew him. He loved to whistle while he walked - and always had a song in his heart. If you paused long enough for a chat, he would often treat you to his version of What a Wonderful World - a motto he tried each day to live his life by - and encouraged others to do the same. A private family interment service has already taken place. His family is grateful to Veterans Affairs Canada, the staff at Delmanor Glen Abbey, Oakville, La Salle, Burlington, and Joseph Brant Hospital Palliative Ward for the tremendous support and care provided to Lionel in his final years. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Please sign the Book of Condolence at www.kitchingsteepeandludwig.com $3,999 plus HST 2005 Pontiac Montana AC - Auto - PW - Very Clean Home of Affordable CarsAll cars Certified & E Tested Plus Warranty United Auto Sales l 22 Silver St BowmanvilleCall Al Landry 905-697-9800 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th-4:30pm *A U C T I O N S A L E*of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables for a Whitby home, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd.,1 km west of Utica. To Include: Dining room suite, kitchen suite, chesterfield and chair, chests, lamps, prints, large quantity of collectables and glassware, jewellery, quantity of tools, plus many other interesting items. Sale Managed and Sold by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD.905-985-1068 Back to the 50's Fun Day! FUND RAISER Saturday Sept. 20th 1 - 3 p.m. Winbourne Park LTC 1020 Westney Rd. North, Ajax Classic Cars, BBQ, Raff;e Prizes, Ice Cream Truck Part proceeds to Alziemers Society of Durham Houses for Rent COURTICE: 4-BEDROOM bungalow on large lot. Central air, central Vac, gas fireplace & jacuzzi tub. Private deck over- looking private yard. 4 car parking. $1600/month + utilities. Available Nov 1st. 905-438-9200 leave message Executive house for rent, 4-Bedrm/4-Bthrm, beautiful large ravine lot close to all amenities, $1990mth + Utilities, No smoking, call 905-826-9350 or 416-356-3326 SPACIOUS - BRIGHT very clean 3 bedroom bungalow, Eat in kitchen, Rossland/Mary Area in- cludes all appliances & laundry Facilities, $1350+Utilities, First/last no pets/none smoking. call 289-356-3336 To wnhousesfor RentT BOWMANVILLE 3-bed- room townhouse with full basement. Liberty/ Hwy 2 (1-37 Kings Ct) near amenities, schools (incl French). Parking. November 1st posses- sion. $1295+hydro/gas. First last. 905-259-0534 PICKERING 3-BDRM town house central to everything, newly reno- vated 5 appliances gas heating, 1 parking spot, pool, $1400+utilities First/Last Oct 1st occupancy no dogs, call; 289-387-0766 or 416-452-7784 Rooms forRent & WantedR AJAX, Ross- land/Westney Room for rent in quiet subdivision. Suitable for working per- son. No parking. No smoking. Avail. imme- diately. Call (647)828-4571 Music &Dance Instruction PIANO TEACHER looking for students, beginners welcomed at any age. Westney Heights area of Ajax. Call Joani at 905-686-8351. Arts & Crafts Articlesfor SaleA CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! Free underpad with installa- tion. Free Estimates. Restretch and Repairs Available. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big, medium or small jobs, I do it all! Call Mike 905-999-8587 or email: flooringbymike@yahoo.ca RENT TO OWN Appli- ances, TV's, Electronics, Furniture, Computers, BBQ's & More!! Apply today. Contact Paddy's Market 905-263-8369 or 800-798-5502. Visit us on the web at www.paddysmarket.ca Arts & Crafts Articlesfor SaleA HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecoverguy.com/sale ComingEventsC Articles for SaleA FOR SALE, - 6 WHITE Leather Bar stools new! $70/each fixed price , these do not go up or down,- Also Window In- sert for Front door (36x24 ) - GNX 3000 Foot Pedal for guitar, used a couple of times $270 ONO - - York multi gym $50 - Large breed Dog Kennel brand new $100 ONO. all can be seen on Kijiji , call 905-436-5845 weekdays after 6 & weekends. HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLIANCES. Apartment size chest freezers, $149 and up. Bar fridge's, $79 and up. Variety of dented fridge's, stoves and laundry available. Also brand new appliances, GE dyers $299 and GE washers, $429. Many other new items available. Free local de- livery. Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576-7448. CarsC 2006 HONDA CIVIC DX $4695.; 2005 Chrysler sx 2.0 $2495.; 2005 Chevy Malibu LS $4695.; 2005 Hyundai Sonata $3695.; 2005 Chevy Uplander LS $3495.; 2005 Chevy Co- balt $4295.; 2004 Chevy Impala $3695.; 2004 Toyota Matrix Silver $3995.; 2004 Jeep Gr.Cher Ov $4995.; 2004 Mazda 3 $2995.00; 2003 Subaru For.2.5SX $2495.; 2003 Toyota Echo $2495.; 2003 Volvo S40 $2995.; 2002 Nissan Max. GLE $1695.; 2001 Chry.PT Cruiser $1995.;2001 Toyota Corolla CE $1995.; 1991 Lexus LS400 $3695.; Over 60 Vehicles in stock...Open 7 days a week... Amber Motors - 3120 Danforth Avenue, Scarborough www.ambermotors.ca Cars Wa ntedC **! ! $$$$ ! AAAAA ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. ComingEventsC Cars WantedC **$!$$!! ! AAAAA WHITTLE SCRAP Solu- tions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pick- up. 24/7. 905-431-1808. $$$-A1 JOHNNY JUNK- ER $25 removal for un- wanted appliances, electronics, scrap metal. Also Cash paid for good used 2000 & up or scrap vehicles. Call now for the best cash deal 905-655-4609, 905-424-1232 **!Go Green!** Cash ForCars & Trucks Auto (ABE's) Recycling 1-888-355-5666 AdultEntertainment In/Outcall 289-688-5885 classelegance.com Class & Elegance Established Since 1997 Hiring 19+ Accepted Serving all Durham In/Outcalls Now Hiring 19+289-688-6700 discretionsescorts.com 289-688-6700 Now accepting Dsc tins Adult Entertainment Dsc tins MassagesM ANNA'S SPA New Faces "The Best Prices"4286 Kingston Rd. Scarborough (Small Galloway Plaza @ Lawrence & Kingston Rd) (416) 286-8126 OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 LegalNotices Auctions & Sales A CarsC ComingEventsC MEDICAL CONDITION? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian govern- ment. Do You or Some- one You Know Have any of These Conditions? Mental illness, Difficulty walking, Trouble dress- ing, Irritable bowel, Speech impediments, ...ALL conditions qualify. Call Ontario Benefits 1-888-588-2937 ext#101 PSYCHIC & HOLISTIC Expo Town Park Recreation Centre, 62 McCaul St. Port Hope, Sept 19, 2:00pm-9pm Sept 20 10:00am - 9:00pm Sept 23 10:00am - 6:00 pm Excellent mediums, heal- ers, psychics, computer print outs, products, Free Draws $5.00 Entry Fee. BRING THIS AD RECEIVE $1.00 OFF AT DOOR. LegalNotices Auctions & Sales A CarsC Places ofWorship ComingEventsC PSYCHIC & HOLISTIC Expo Town Park Recreation Centre, 62 McCaul St. Port Hope, Sept 19, noon-9 Sept 20 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Sept 23 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Excellent mediums, heal- ers, psychics, computer print outs, products, Free Draws $5.00 Entry Fee. BRING THIS AD RECEIVE $1.00 OFF AT DOOR. Deaths Places ofWorship Deaths Places ofWorship CARPENTER PETE LTD. CUSTOM DECKS Finished Bsmts l Rec Rooms l Taping Bathrooms/Kitchens l Baseboards Crown Mouldings l Drywall Repairs Reasonable Rates * Reliable Service All Work Guaranteed * Free Estimates 905-668-4750 905-442-7077 PIONEER ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD. We are celebrating our 20th anniversary in serving the community of Pickering-Ajax, and to celebrate, we are giving the residents 30% discount on new basement electrical installation for limited times to December 30 2014. Receive the new 2015 in comfort, give us a call at 416-992-0631 or by email: Pioneer.Electrical@yahoo.com Experienced European Cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" RICK'S TREE SERVICE l Tree Removal l Hedge Trimming l Tree Trimming l Stump Grinding l Eave Trough Cleaning working in Mark- ham, Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax & Whitby l Free Estimates l Senior's Discounts Call Rick: 416-716-4332 Home Improvement Electrical E Home RenovationsH G.C.B. SERVICESSince 1976 Painting Plumbing Electrical Bathrooms Kitchens Basements Decks Craig (905)686-1913 HOME RENOVATORLicenced Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Complete Basement finish, & much more. Over 20 Yrs exp. 905-431-7730 www.jgrenovations.com Home Improvement Electrical E Home RenovationsH PLUMBER ON THE GOTop Quality Plumbing at Reasonable ratesService andnew installationsResidential/CommercialNo job too big or smallFree estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 HomeImprovement WINDOW Cleaning up to 20 windows $60 No Squeegee (By hand) EAVESTROUGH Cleaning & Repairs * Lawn Care * Powerwash/Stain * Int./Ext Painting Call Fred 905-626-7967 Cleaning /JanitorialC Tr ee/StumpServices T Waste Removal W A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! Homes, Yards,Businesses, etc.We do all theloading.Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! John 905-310-5865 Handy PersonH HANDYMAN SERVICE Lawn Cutting, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Concrete & Interlocking Brick Repair, Painting, Garbage Removal905-431-7762 Cleaning /JanitorialC Tr ee/StumpServices T Handy PersonH NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? l Junk Removal l Gen. Deliveries l Small Moves l Yard Cleanups l Odd JobsReasonable RatesCall Hans anytime(905)706-6776 afriendwithatruck.ca Painting & DecoratingP ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs (905)404-9669 allproinfo@hotmail.com Contact us on-line durhamregion.com Office hours Monday- Friday 8am-8pm Call 905-576-9335 To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 905-683-0707 (Ajax) and let one of our professional advisors help you du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 29 AP Save up to $4500 in Instant Rebates with the purchase of qualifying Sub-Zeroand/or Wo lf appliances! Purchase aminimum of $10,000 of Sub-Zero,Wolf,Asko,Best,and/or Sirius product and receive aStraus Water Bar!Save up to 20%with the purchase of qualifying Jenn-Air® appliances. See sales associate for details. DUET®STEAMFRONT LOADLAUNDRYPAIR DUET®STEAM FRONT LOADWASHER WITH PRECISIONDISPENSE •Best carefor your clothes with Cold Wash Cycle •Adaptive Clean Wash System •12Automatic Cycles DUET®STEAM ELECTRIC DRYER WITH ADVANCED MOISTURE SENSING •Wrinkle Shield™ Plus option with Steam •10Automatic Cycles •QuickRefresh Steam Cycle $16 99$200 OFF! TA SCO PICKERING 1101 Kingston Road Unit #110 Kingston Rd.&Dixie Rd. Phone: (905) 421-0367 TA SCO MISSISSAUGA 2111 Dunwin Drive Unit #11 Dundas St.&Erin Mills Pkwy. Phone: (905) 275-1700 TA SCO RICHMOND HILL 11160 Yo nge Street Yo nge St.&Elgin Mills Rd. Phone: (905) 770-3222 TA SCO BRAMPTON 338 Queen Street East Hwy 410 &Queen St. Phone: (905) 456-1700 FOR ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ASK APRO AT While Ta sco Appliance is committed to accurate pricing,Ta sco reserves the right to correct any errors that may occur.Products in this ad may not be exactly as shown and unfortunately not all products may be available at each location. Ta sco reserves the right to limit quantities. Prices shown reflect reduction offTasco regular prices. See storefor details.Ta sco does not take responsibility for manufacturer mail-in rebates. www.tascoappliance.ca TA SCO TORONTO 3041 Dufferin Street Dufferin St.&Lawrence Ave. Phone: (416) 781-9145 To ronto •Mississauga •Brampton •Richmond Hill •Pickering www.tascoappliance.ca SeptemberSavingsEvent! PedestalsSold Separately $19 99 $500 OFF! $19 99 $19 50 OFF! 25 CU.FT. FRENCH DOOR REFRIGERATOR •Slim SpacePlus™ Ice System •Smart Diagnosis™ •Multi-Air FlowCooling 30” DUAL FUEL SLIDE-IN RANGE •Genuine European Convection™ System •Integrated Warming Drawer •Convection Assisted Self-Cleaning Oven $999 $200 OFF! 24” 6-CYCLE 5-OPTION DISHWASHER •ThirdLevel Utensil Rack •ProWash™ Cycle •SatinGlide® Max Upper Rack FREE!Basic Installation on all KitchenAid®Dishwashers. $169 value! “Take me Home!” Until September 30,2014 Ask asales representative how you can take me home. strauss-water.ca 99 9 6 - 0 1 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 30 AP 416.800.4411 gohomesaving.com AdditionAlRebAteupto$650 Buy a Completesystemandsaveupto$1,000*apR0% FinanCing FoR24months** oRget Wealsomaintainandserviceyourfurnace$110for$85 Fall Promotion WHITBY HEARING CENTRE 905-666-7726 1032 Brock St. S., Unit 4 Whitby,ON L1N 4L8 BAYLY AUDIOLOGY SERVICES 905-426-4000 95 Bayly St.W., Suite 502 Ajax, ON L1S 7K8 AJAX-PICKERING AUDIOLOGY CLINIC 905-831-8311 1885 Glenanna Rd., Suite 104 Pickering, ON L1V 6R6 Advanced care... tomorrow’s hearing today! www.audiologyservices.ca Reg. ADP, WSIB, DVA, GM and CHRYSLER INSURANCES New Patients Welcome Hearing Testing Hearing Aids Hear The Difference! VOTED #1 ❑Expertise ❑Experience ❑Excellence ✓ ✓ ✓ Family Hearing HealthCare Since 1987 Earn AIR MILES® reward miles at Our Clinics! ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Durham Audiometric Services Ltd. Incorporated. Hearing Health Matters Our second Hearing Is Believing event held in Ajax on May 8, 2014, was another huge success. With over 100 people in attendance, they described the event as “IMPRESSIVE!” Many benefited by a 4 year warranty at no extra cost with every PREMIUM Starkey hearing aid!PREMIUM means Wireless technology like never before! Hear in Quiet and Hear in Noise. You can even connect directly to your iPhone and iPad. Ourveryfirstbigeventon HearingIsBelieving tocelebrateMay,HearingAwarenessMonth, washeldin2011.Over100peopleattendedaswell.Accordingtooursources,wewerethevery firstclinicsintheworldtohostsuchanevent.Infact,ourapproachto HearingIsBelieving was “…unveiled in 22 countries from Japan to Italy, from Sao Paulo to Minneapolis!!!” June is now upon us, and June is Seniors’ Month. Having been celebrated in Ontario for morethan30years,itisatimetorecognizethemorethan1.5millionseniorsinourprovince, and to show appreciation for all that they do to enhance our lives and society. We are pleased to offer you the few remaining hearing devices that come with a 4th year warranty at no extra cost. Limited quantities of PREMIUM Starkey hearing aids are available until the end of June. Call one of our clinics today. Don’t miss out on this super ‘one-of-a kind’special offer! Written by Audiologist Renée Giroux and Hearing Instrument Specialist Brigitte Giroux The Shoppers Drug Mart®Tree of Life campaign supports local women’s health charities, with 100%of all proceeds going directly to women’s health initiatives in your community. Over the last 12 years,you’ve helped us raise over $23 million dollars and we’re hoping you’ll help us make a meaningful difference in women’s health again this year. Visit your local Shoppers Drug Mart between September 20 and October 17 and buy a leaf ($1), a butterfly ($5), an acorn ($10) or a cardinal ($50) to help women’s health grow in your community. Learn more at shoppersdrugmart.ca/women d na yadot etanoD l acol troppus pleh l acol troppus pleh .lthaeh s’nmeow .lthaeh s’nmeow du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 31 AP AVAIL ABLE ON C ASH,FINANCE OR LE ASE * $44 WEEKLY OWN IT! 2015 LX MT Forte SX shown Cash purchase price $26,814 -hwy /city 100km :5.3L/8.0L UPTO Offer includes delivery,destination and fees.Offer based on 2015 Optima LX AT (OP742F)with a purchase price of $26,314.Excludes HST.Offer includes delivery,destination,fees and a $1,500 loan rebate†. Offer based on 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F)with a purchase price of $16,014.Excludes HST. $72 WEEKLY OWN IT!0% FINANCING FOR 84 MONTHS $0 DOWN PAYMENT $44 WEEKLY OWN IT!0% FINANCING FOR 84 MONTHS $0 DOWN PAYMENT Optima SX Turbo AT shown Cash purchase price $36,414 -hwy /city 100km :5.7L/8.9L 44 YLEEKW orte SX shownF $39 WEEKLY OWN IT!$72 WEEKLY OWN IT! 2015 Offer includes delivery,destination,fees and a $1,500 loan rebate†. Offer based on 2015 Rio LX MT (RO541F)with a purchase price of $14,114.Excludes HST. $39 WEEKLY OWN IT!0% FINANCING FOR 8 4 MONTHS $0 DOWN PAYMENT LX MT Rio4 SX with Navigation Cash purchase price $22,714 -hwy /city 100km :5.3L/7.3L 3939 YLEEKWYLEEKW Rio4 SX with Navigation L X AT2015 T shownurbo AOptima SX T 7272 YLEEKWYLEEKW UPTO C ASH BONUS*C ASH BONUS* $5,000 $5,500 Optima SX Turbo AT shown Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat shown BONUSH SAC BONUSH SAC * 000 2014 RONDO “HIGHEST RANKED SMALL SUV IN INITIAL QUALITY IN A TIE IN THE U.S.” UPTO CASH BONUS* $5,000 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD shown ”.S.ALITY IN A TIE IN THE UQU * WD shownT Luxury ASportage SX A 2014 SPORTAGE2014OPTIMA SE AELR OE CNANIF, HSACN OE LBALIAVA * Offer(s)available on select new 2014/2015 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery from September 15 to 30,2014.Dealers may sell or lease for less.Some conditions apply.See dealer for complete details.Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost.All offers are subject to change without notice.All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665,$5 OMVIC fee,$29 tire tax,other taxes,environmental fee,and $100 A/C charge (where applicable).Excludes licensing,registration,insurance,variable dealer administration fees (up to $399),fuel-fill charges up to $100,and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified).Other lease and financing options also available.Representative finance example:0%financing offer for up to 84 months available to qualified retail customers on approved credit for the new 2015 Forte LX MT (FO541F)/2015 Rio LX MT (RO541F)/2015 Optima LX AT (OP742F)with a selling price of $16,014/$14,114/$26,314 and includes delivery and destination fees of $1,485,$5 OMVIC fee,tire tax of $29 and a $1,500/$1,500/$0 loan rebate.364 weekly payments of $44/$39/$72 for 84 months with $0 down payment.Credit fees of $0.Total obligation is $16,014/$14,114/$26,314.See retailer for complete details.*Cash bonus amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes.Available on finance,lease or cash purchase offers.Offer varies by trim.Certain conditions apply.$7,000/$5,000/$5,000/$5,500 maximum cash bonus amount only available on the 2014 Sedona EX Luxury (SD75CE)/2014 Optima SX AT (OP749E)/2014 Sportage SX AT (SP758E)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat (RN757E).†Loan rebate amounts are offered on select 2014/2015 models and are deducted from the negotiated purchase price before taxes.Available on financing offer only.Offer varies by trim.Certain conditions apply.Offer ends September 30,2014.See your dealer for complete details.Model shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Forte SX (FO748F)/2015 Rio4 SX with Navigation (RO749F)/2014 Sportage SX AT Luxury AWD (SP759E)/2014 Rondo EX Luxury 7-seat (RN757E)/2014 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748E)/2015 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748F)is $26,695/$22,395/$38,295/$30,795/$34,795/$34,895.Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2015 Rio LX+ECO AT/2015 Forte 1.8L MPI 4-cyl MT/2015 Optima 2.4L GDI AT.These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods.Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide.Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors.The 2014 Kia Sportage received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among small SUVs in a tie in the proprietary J.D.Power 2014 U.S.Initial Quality StudySM.Study based on responses from 86,118 new- vehicle owners,measuring 239 models,and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership.Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed from February to May,2014.Your experiences may vary.Visit jdpower.com.Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing.For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage,visit kia.ca or call us at 1-877-542-2886.Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. ANNIVERSARY WE’VE GOTYOUCOVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty. THKia’s new Customer Friendly Pricing includes delivery and destination fees and all mandatory government levies.Prices do not include fuel-fill charges up to $100,dealer administration fees up to $399,licensing or applicable taxes. 4 OPTIMA120 L A ST CH A N C E 2014 CLEAROUT UP TO $7,000 C A SH BONUS * O F F E R E N D S S EP T.3 0 T H BE PREPARED WITH OUR AVA IL ABLE WINTER READY FEATURES HOT FEATU RESHOTTERPRICES EVENT $45 9 , 9 0 0 dougstrong Sales Representative 905-728-1600 Independently Owned and Operated open House sat.sept 20tH,1-3pm 15 Bramwell dr ajax www.thestrongteam.ca Welcome to this gorgeous 4 +1 Bdrm home in one of the most sought after neighbourhoods in Ajax,mins to schools,shopping,Go,401 &407 Just Reduced ONLY $459,900 –Dir:Westney Rd N of 401 –S of Hwy 2 to Bramwell and follow signs.For more info call Doug 905-442-2216 Open HOuse sat.sept.20 &sun.sept.21,1-4 p.m. 1602 arcadia square,pickering Whites &Strouds...Follow the Signs! Absolutely Lovely 3 Bedroom,2.5 Bath Home Located In The Desired Amberlea Area.This 1722 Sq.Ft.Home Features New Windows 2011 (Most),New Central Air, Travertine Kitchen Backsplash Professionally Landscaped, Full Fenced Back Yard,Sunken Upper Family Room With Built-Ins,Large Living room,Eat In Kitchen With W/O To Deck,Separate Dining room,Master with Ensuite. $399 , 9 0 0 Kim LearySaLeSrepreSentative Office:905-665-2500 Cell:905.925.5546 kleary@rogers.com www.kimLeary.ca du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Se p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 32 AP Discount applies to cabinetry on full kitchen purchases. Not valid with any other promotions. Only at participating locations. AYAAJAX.COM BE ST KITCHEN MAKEOVER TIP: BUY WELL....SAVE MONEY! Save a bundle while getting great design and quality cabinets from Ay A Kitchen Gallery during our FREE INSTALLATION SALE So now is a good time to gather up all your magazine clippings, measurements,photos and dreams and bring them into our showroom. Our talented professional designers will show you how beautiful your new kitchen can be.