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Program R e gistration Dates Aquatics s t a r t i n g T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 5 Fitness & L e i s u r e s t a r t i n g M o n d a y , A u g u s t 1 9 Fa ll 20 13 City S e r v ic es & L e i s u r e G u i d e Aqua tics | I c e S po rts | H e a l t h & F i t n ess | L eisure | R a c q u e t s Register Online! pickering.ca City Services & Leisure Guide Questions regarding this service change? Contact the Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 TTY 905.420.1739 customercare@pickering.ca P ICKER I NG News Adver tiser ursday, July 18, 2013 facebook.com/newsdurham • twitter.com/newsdurham • d durhamregion.com • Pressrun 54,400 • 32 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand The final lap After 24 years, the oval speedway at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park will be shut down July 27 See story page 9 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 2 AP x KINGSTON RD.E/HWY 2 HWY 401 WI C K S D R . SA L E M R D . 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 Corner of Kingston Rd. & Salem, Ajax(905) 426-6900 WWW.MAYTAGCLEARANCE.COM facebook.com/maytagstore *See store for details. JULY 19 th - JULY 22 nd REWARD MILES AVAILABLE ON and APPLIANCES FREE 2 YEAR WARRANTY*ON ALL PRODUCTS FINANCING AVAILABLE UP TO 6 MONTHS*O.A.C. PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE! 20%* OF F SAVE UP TO Built-in Dishwasher •Stainless Steel Interior •Quiet Partner™ IV •Nylon Racks •Available In Stainless Steel $549.00 $499NOW ONLY French Door Refrigerator •22 cu. ft. •Pantry •Spill Proof Shelves •Available In25 cu. ft. $11 99NOW ONLY Washer •4.1 cu. ft. •800 RPM •King SizeCapacity •12 Cycles Dryer •7.0 cu. ft. •13 Cycles •Wrinkle Shield •SensorDr ying $898NOW ONLY PAIR HE Topload Laundry Pair Individual Price: Washer - $499 Dryer - $399 COME IN FOR HUGE SUMMER SAVINGS! BUY N O W DELIVER L A T E R * du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 4 AP ® Make One Small Monthly Payment For all your DEBTS! Ajax 905-426-8400 Oshawa 905-723-7100 Visit:GtaCredit.Com Stop Collection Calls Reduce Your Debts Stop Wage Garnishment Stop Interest Right Away Re-Establish Your Credit Contact us for a Private & Confidential meeting with one of our Govt. Registered Counsellor ®MONEY PROBL MS?E 10 Convenient Locations:Ajax - Barrie - Brampton - Hamilton - London - Mississauga - North York - Oshawa - Scarborough & Toronto/Downtown Cory Monteith’s death prompts discussion in Durham about addictions Local substance abuse services available through Pinewood Centre Reka Szekely rszekely@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- The death of a young Cana- dian actor is raising questions about addictions in the local community. Glee star and Vancouver native Cory Monteith overdosed on a mix of alcohol and heroin on July 13, just months after completing a substance abuse pro- gram. Paul McGary is the director of mental health and Pinewood Centre for Lak- eridge Health. Pinewood Centre offers addiction services to Durham residents, treating about 5,000 people per year for substance abuse and gambling. He said stories of human distress and tragedy, like Mr. Monteith’s story, cast a wide net in the public and for some peo- ple “rapidly brings to light” addictions in their own family situation. “It may then launch people to ask for help for themselves,” he said, point- ing out that Pinewood offers services in six locations across Durham includ- ing outpatient services in Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Perry, women’s inpatient treatment, and withdrawl man- agement or detox for both genders. “We firmly believe help in the early stages is a healthier decision, it reduces harm,” he said. With respect to addictions in Durham, alcohol remains the No. 1 substance. “Seventy per cent of individuals who come here have alcohol as their primary substance.” However, opioids have replaced can- nabis as the most common secondary substance. Opioids include prescription drugs like Tylenol 3, Percodan, Percoset, oxycodone and illegal drugs like heroin. “The risk of overdose is much greater, particularly when combined with alco- hol,” said Mr. McGary. Mr. Monteith had reportedly recently come out of rehab. Mr. McGary explains that people are often more vulnerable after going through rehab because their systems become clean. The tolerance they would have built up to drugs can disappear and using the same amount of drugs that would have been fine before entering rehab can shock the system. “It truly is an overdose of the system,” he said. Mixing depressants like alcohol and sleep medication can be a deadly combi- nation. “Sometimes they simply don’t wake up because of the level of depressants in their system, it depresses their circulato- ry and respiratory system,” he said. As to Mr. Monteith’s youth and celeb- rity, Mr. McGary said he sees an even distribution of individuals across every socioeconomic demographic in Dur- ham. “There certainly is an immortality myth that accompanies youth, risk-tak- ing behaviour,” said Mr. McGary. “We do tend to think it can never hap- pen to us.” Perhaps Mr. Monteith’s death will have some members of the community ques- tioning if it could happen to them, or to their kids. “I think it’s an important dialogue that needs to continue between parents, guardians, teachers and their kids,” said Mr. McGary, adding that parents need to talk about the risks of drugs and alcohol both short-term and long-term. ‘I think it’s an important dialogue that needs to continue between parents, guardians, teachers and their kids. Paul McGary, Pinewood Centre “There is also help available in every community,” he said. “Any individual can walk in and ask for help.” For more information, visit www.pin- ewoodcentre.org or call 905-723-8195. For more information: CALL 905-723-8195 visit www.pinewoodcentre.org DURHAM -- Canadian actor Cory Monteith died of a drug overdose on July 13, just months after completing a substance abuse program. His death has raised questions about addiction in the community. Facebook photo du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 5 P Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details BE INFORMED! Sunday,September 29, 2013 11am - 5pm •Ajax Convention Centre Ajax PickeringNews Advertiser Fa ll 2013 Fo r more vendor information please contact Laurie McCaig at 905.579.4400 ext 2387 or lmccaig@durhamregion.com Sponsored by : Visit the show to see Durham’s leading www.durhamweddingsource.com 17th annual Friday A u g u s t 2 3 rd, S a t u r d a y A u g u s t 2 4 th at t h e P i c k e r i n g To wn C e n t r e (lower l e v e l b e s i d e t h e f o o d c o u r t ) Ve ndors Wanted! to reserve your booth Call Susan Fleming 905 579 4400 ext 2629 Register for gymnastics • dance • music • art • education • sports and more Fall Registration Show2013 Sponsored By Durham Ta ekwondo/KarateMartialArts Pickering residents encouraged to weigh in on sustainability PICKERING -- The City of Pickering is inviting residents to complete a new com- munity survey looking at attitudes towards sustainability and individual household actions. Survey results will be incorporated into the third Measuring Sustainability Report, which will reflect community feedback in key areas such as health, safety, services, participation and sustainability. Data collected will be used to update a portion of the 55 indicators of sustainabil- ity outlined in the second edition of the report, which was released in 2012 and is available at www.measuringsustainability. ca. The survey takes approximately 15 min- utes to complete, and is open to Pickering residents. All participants will be entered into a draw for a Pickering Recreation Complex seasonal health club member- ship, a $246 value, and a seasonal pass for the Pickering Museum Village, a $65 value. The survey is available online at www. pickering.ca/sustainability until July 29. email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 8 A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication PHONE 905-683-5110 CLASSIFIEDS 905-683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 905-579-4407 GENERAL FAX 905-579-2238 865 Farewell St., Oshawa ON L1H 6N8 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, LMA. All content copyright Publication Sales Agreement #40052657Tim Whittaker - Publisher • Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief • Mike Johnston - Managing Editor • Fred Eismont - Director of Advertising • Deb McDonald - Sr. Sales Supervisor Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager • Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager • Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager • Cheryl Haines - Composing Manager Editorial &&& OpinionsP Send us your letters Intolerance: failing to accept something that’s different To the editor: Re: ‘Intolerance still an issue’, letter to the editor, durhamregion.com, July 6, 2013. The letter writer makes a salient argu- ment when she speaks of intolerance, nar- row-mindedness and exclusion. And she is correct when she opines that, “Public schools are public and all families should be able to find themselves reflected in the values of that public.” In her own words: “all families”. Like so many who attempt unilateral- ly to mandate public opinion, she fails to grasp the intent of a parent expressing her legal and moral concerns for her own chil- dren and instead naively, perhaps wilful- ly, infers this to mean intolerance toward others. Ironically it is the letter writer who appears narrow-minded and exclusionary, for intolerance is failing to accept some- thing merely because it is different. The opinion of the mother opposed to the book was different from hers and consequently was subjected to her prejudice. I hope that the letter writer is not allowed to bring her approach to human diversity into the classrooms of our impressionable children. And I have to wonder whether the school board actually agrees with Ms. Bowen or is, in fact, genuinely tolerant. Brian Densham Ajax Efficiently collecting trash in Durham To the editor: Consider the current practice of indi- vidual householders placing their garbage individually at the end of their driveways. Now consider if neighbours combined the placement of their garbage on a shared lawn or combined driveway, following the current basic limits and restrictions. I have approached the Region and have been told that while the Region is not pre- pared to have a bylaw there would be no objection to having two neighbours volun- tarily placing their garbage together. This could save time for the collection and thereby the number of times the col- lectors are up and down from the truck. Liam Venner Whitby H onouring vets To the editor: Thank you Dave Robinson and others for organizing a recent trip through history. As a relatively new member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 322 in Ajax, I am very much aware of the importance of hon- ouring our past and present veterans. On our website you will find some well- written stories on our vets, specifically in our Hunter News Archives - Souvenir Edi- tion - 2004. Indeed, Lest We Forget. Annette George Ajax Youth entrepreneurs get a boost in Durham Region The Province’s Summer Company is a win-win-win program for local students, teaching them skills and providing work experiences they can carry into the future. For some Durham Region students, sum- mer isn’t a time for play and rest but a time to work. Pupils between 15 and 29 years of age, who will be returning to school in Sep- tember, are doing contracting work, caring for lawns, giving swimming lessons and providing accounting services. Summer Company encourages students to create their own firm and be business people during the summer months. And it’s a pretty sweet deal for the students. Prospective participants must first create a business plan and they receive help if it’s required. The students then submit both the plan and an application online. If approved, they get coaching and guidance from busi- ness people close to home who volunteer for the program. They also receive $3,000, with half of the money to get the business started and the other half for their return to school. It’s a fantastic program that benefits the students in many ways. It encourages young people who have a business idea and gives them the support and cash to get started. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and supporting young entrepreneurs bodes well for our econom- ic future. Creating a business plan in itself provides a wealth of experience because in forming it, the students have to wrap their minds around a lot of factors, including potential markets, how to stand out from the com- petition, what to charge for their service and how to get the word out. But the real experience comes when the students get to work. Dealing with customers, learning how to be more efficient and other on-the- job issues are invaluable, a taste of a real- life, working environment while they’re still in school. Such an experience will help the students make up their minds in terms of their own futures: are they cut out to be their own boss? Are they willing to put in the extra work that’s involved in running a business? In Summer Company, these are questions that will be answered, perhaps saving stu- dents a costly lesson down the road. On the other hand, Summer Company can also be a springboard to success. The program is closed for 2013, but you can learn more and get ready for 2014 at www.ontario.ca/. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 9 AP Canadian Tire Motorsport Park closing the speedway July 27 Brian Mcnair bmcnair@durhamregion.com BOWMANVILLE -- The end of an era is drawing near. In just over a week, on Saturday, July 27, the checkered flag will come down on the half-mile oval speedway at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. The oval is closing to accommodate the expansion of a driver development track. The speedway was opened in 1989 to complement the famed road course at Mosport, which the Bowmanville facility was named from its birth in 1961 until just last year. In its 24-year history, the speedway has been home to virtually every form of oval track racing, including most recently the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series, which held its final Clarington 200 event last month. It’s the regular Saturday night stock car racing that will likely be missed most, however, especially among the home- grown talent nurtured here since it began in 1990. “It’s going to be sad, I think it’ll be sad for everybody,” says Dwight Brown, of Beeton, Ont., who has a course-record nine career titles to his credit. “The fact that I’ve spent all of my rac- ing career there, it’s going to be weird to know on Aug. 3 that I’m not loading up and going out that way.” The oval originally opened as a clay track and was dubbed Ascot North, a tribute to the famous California circuit, but the first races created deep ruts and exposed rocks that became dangerous when hurled backwards by the spinning tires of the open-wheeled sprint cars. Within weeks, the circuit was covered with asphalt and hosting the Canadian sprint car nationals, a race that included the legendary Rich Vogler and a young Jeff Gordon, now a famous NASCAR driv- er. Glenn Butt, who has worked on and off at Mosport since 1994 and is now the track manager, says the oval has its own unique character that will be missed. “Being a half-mile, it had long straights and the corners were kind of unique at each end so it wasn’t like a perfect oval,” he explains. “It was a little bit different at each end of the race track to set your car up for. It made it a little bit challenging or tricky for the guys to get their cars work- ing real good.” The final night, July 27, will feature the usual pure stock, thunder car and late- model races and Mr. Brown trying to add to his impressive resume by defending his open wheel modified title from a year ago. CLARINGTON -- The speedway at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park is set to close on July 27. Jason LieBregts / MetroLand View photo gallery withOval runs its course CLARINGTON -- Julie Howells, left, showed her enthusiam as her son made his way around the track. With her is Debbie Ste. Crois. Jason LieBregts / MetroLand CLARINGTON -- Chase Lohnes helped his dad Willy with a tire. Jason LieBregts / MetroLand CLARINGTON -- Racers prepared for the Saturday evening races. Jason LieBregts / MetroLand du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 10 AP It is wonderful to spend time outside with our pets in the summer,but it is important to be aware of the health risks that the heat can pose. Pets are very prone to overheating &heat stroke. Clinical signs of heat stroke include excessive panting,lethargy,“stumbling”&collapse.In se- vere cases,overheating can also cause bleeding disorders &death.Always ensure your pets have access to fresh water &somewhere they can go to cool down if needed.Try to prevent them from over exerting themselves with strenuous activity. Never leave your pet in the car,even if the win- dows are slightly open.It has been shown that the temperature in a car can climb to 50 degrees in lest than 10 minutes!Pets with heart or lung diseases should always be kept in cooler temperatures.If you suspect your pet has over heated,please contact your veterinarian immediately.For more information,please visit: Ask the Vet:Tips to prevent heatstroke?Written by Dr.Melanie Dell Visit:www.aspca.org Kristen’s Kritters Kristen Calis Reporter / kcalis@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2240 adopt a pet WHITBY -- Chloe is a two-year-old medi- um-haired spayed female that needs to be the only cat in a home. Chloe loves to be brushed and pampered and will be a loving family member. For more information, call 905-665-7430. ryan pfeiffer / metroland Life flutters on in sedge meadow Summer is so glorious, it’s hard to pick the high point. Watching a baby osprey learn to fly? Tasting the first ripe tomato from your garden? Finding a cloud of fire- flies winking at each other on a hot, calm evening? If there was a contest, I’d have to make a case for walking through a sedge meadow full of butterflies. That’s got to be a top contender. Sedges grow in wet places where most grasses don’t, so contribute hugely to bio- diversity. They’re host to several species of butterflies, which lay their eggs on these succulent plants, as well as on violets, tur- tleheads and other wildflowers that grow among them. The best sedge meadows in Durham Region flank the sloping sides of the Oak Ridges Moraine, source of the best drinking water in Southern Ontario. I had the opportunity to walk through a magnificent sedge meadow this week, not far from the village of Zephyr. As soon as I entered, wood nymphs starting fly- ing around my knees, big black butterflies stirred up by my passing. Every few steps I took, another two or three would flutter off, to disappear again in the vegetation. I must have seen 300 in an hour’s time. Great spangled fritillaries were abun- dant -- big, flashy orange and gold butter- flies that would dart away so fast they were out of sight before I could properly focus, then would gather to guzzle nectar on vetch and viper’s bugloss right in front of me, so I could admire them to my heart’s content. Meadow fritillaries, half the size, but also orange, and richly marked with velvety black lines, were equally quick to zip past when I disturbed them. The prize among all this action and colour: catching a glimpse of a silver-bordered fritillary, also small, but studded with silver ovals on its underwings. It was eerie to be wading through stands of fragrant milkweed in full bloom and not see a single monarch, which are hav- ing their worst season in living history. Not one familiar big butterfly nectaring on those perfect mauve globes; not a sin- gle chewed leaf indicating a yellow-black- and-white-striped caterpillar had hatched successfully. I tried to focus instead on counting eastern tailed blues -- tiny but- terflies that zigzagged off frenetically, only to land on a leaf, where I could study their pale underwings marked with one orange dot, and the delicate spike at the trailing edge that gives them their name. In that field, they were doing wonderfully; I saw nearly 100. While I was wandering across the mead- ow, barn swallows kept swooping over- head, drawn to this one patch of earth left unmowed, uncultivated, unsprayed, undeveloped. Their chattering made me glad and sad at the same time, as their species, too, might be reaching the tip- ping point. No question, life flourishes in wild plac- es, and summer is glorious. Nature queries: mcarney@interlinks.net or 905-725-2116. Durham outdoors writer Margaret Carney has more than 3,000 species on her life list of birds, seen in far- flung corners of the planet. margaret Carney The Great Outdoors See a video of Chloe on Facebook withKeep pets cool in Durham’s heat With this scorching heat and humidity, we must keep our pets cool. I read with interest dog behaviourist Cesar Millan’s top summer tips and thought I’d share, since it looks like each day this week will be hot. 1. Exercise your dog early in the morning or late at night. Although Cesar believes in vigorous exercise for healthy dogs, this is the time to back off. 2. Use doggie boots to protect your dog from hot cement and asphalt. They’ll protect dogs’ paws if they must go for walks when the sun is hot. 3. Watch for signs of dehydra- tion. Since dogs can’t sweat, they pant, and an overheated dog will drool excessively. It will become lethargic, get bloodshot eyes and appear a little pale. If you lift the skin, it will take longer than usual for it to fall back into place. 4. Keep your dog hydrated. Different dogs have different needs to battle the heat. For example, darker coats absorb more heat than lighter coats, and overweight dogs are at a higher risk of dehydration. Carry a bot- tle of water when going on walks. Or let your dog carry water in a backpack or vest -- the water will keep your dog cooler, and give it a sense of purpose. 5. Find innovative ways to cool your dog. Those without air condition- ing, find a spot in the shade and set up a kiddie pool, lay down a wet towel for your dog to lie on, or set up a fan in front of a pan of ice. At Cesar’s The Dog Psychology Cen- ter, they have sprinklers that spray the dogs with a gentle mist of water. 6. Dogs cool from the bottom up so when spraying it with water, make sure to spray the paws and stomach, not just the top of the dog. A wet towel does more good on the bot- tom of your dog than when laid on the top of its coat. 7. Let your dog dig. Your dog may resort to finding its own way to avoid the heat. Dogs in nature dig their dens not out of frustration but to find food, hide, give birth or keep cool. If possible, locate a shady area where it’s OK for your dog to dig. 8. Let your dog check the weather. Since they don’t know why they’re being denied a long walk for the day, allow your dog to step outside and feel for itself that it’s too hot for a long walk. The dog will understand that it has to shorten its walk, or come back inside where it’s safe. 9. Never leave your dog in a parked car. The car retains more heat than an open area, even if it is in the shade. Plus, a dog may get overexcited in the car due to passersby or panic from claustrophobia, making dehy- dration more likely. On longer trips, make sure you have water for the dog and keep the air conditioning running. 10. Use hot weather as an excuse to swim more often. Instead of walking your dog, take it on a swim. If you hold on and allow your dog to take you around the pool, it becomes a powerful bonding experience. Visit cesarsway.com/dog-care/dog- health/top-summer-tips Upcoming The Cause of Paws Market running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 10 will include two free contests. Dress your pet up in its cutest summer hat and sunglass- es for the cutest pet contest, and show off your pet’s best tricks for the best pet tricks contest. Any pets are welcome to enter. The winner from each contest will receive a gift certificate for a local pet store. Con- tests take place at 2:30 p.m. at the market at Queen Elizabeth Public School, 1205 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Those who pre- register online will get free dog and cat food at the event. Visit cuddlycatsrescue. com. Kristen Calis Reporter Tips to keep your pets safe OSHAWA -- Dogs keep cool at the pond in the Harmony Valley Dog Park. It’s important to make certain that your dogs are properly hydrated and kept as cool as possible during the hot summer months. ron pietroniro / metroland du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 11 AP sa l e customer appreciation eventNOOOHST FRI. JULY 19TH ONLY! DOORS OPEN 8AM! With a minimumpurchaseof$1498 badboy.caMISSISSAUGANOW OPEN! Burlington 3060 Davidson Crt. 905-315-8558 Kitchener-Waterloo 1138 Victoria St. N. 519-576-4141 London 1040 Wharncliffe Rd. S. 519-690-1112 Brampton Hwy 10 & Steeles 905-451-8888 North York 1255 Finch Ave.W. 416-630-1777 Scarborough 1119 Kennedy Rd. 416-750-8888 Whitby 1540 Dundas St. E. 905-430-0000 Barrie 42 Caplan Ave. 705-722-7132 905-803-0000 1970 Dundas St. E. NEW *We’d love to include advertised product but we can’t. ** du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 12 P 3 DAY SPECIALS JULY 19 TO 21 ONLY AUTO SERVICE SPECIAL BROCK ROAD AND 401 PICKERING STORE: 905-686-2308 ON TIRES AND AUTO SERVICE PURCHASE TOTALLING $150 OR MORE *SEE STORE FOR DETAILS 24 CAN DLX COLLAPSIBLE COOLER YA RDWORKS EZ POUR WHEELBARROW 999 YA RDWORKS 3400 SQ FT OSCILLATING SPRINKLER 11 88 60-4518-2 REG 119.9959-7600-2 REG 18.99 85-3556-8 REG 24.99 12 EQUALPAYMENTS NO INTERESTNO FEE SERVICE CENTRE 905-686-2309 MON- FRI: 7:30-8 SAT:8-6 • SUN: 9-6 Spend*100 or more on Auto Service Labour Spend*200 or more on Auto Service Labour Spend*300 or more on Auto Service Labour SAVE $10 SAVE $20 SAVE $30 We service all makes & models! Call for an appointment SAVE $10 - 30 ON LABOUR *Only one of three discount applied to service labour. MON-FRI: 8-9 • SAT:8-9 • SUN: 9-6 8888 The Pickering Hockey Association announces NO INCREASE to registration fees for 2013-2014 if yo u register before AUGUST 1, 2013 Registration now open on the PHA website www.pickeringhockey.com Tw o Convenient Payment Options Before Au gust 1st, 2013: Registration fe es can be paid in-full with a one time payment made by cheque or online with a credit card anytime before Au gust 1, 2013 Age & Levels Registration Amount House League Players (Born 1999-2008) $535 All Rep Players $535 M. Midget to JUV House League (Born 1993-1998)$400 Hockey School (Born 2005-2009) $300 AFTER AUG 1, 2013 - all fees will be due in-full as follows Hockey School - Playe rs born from 2005 - 2009 = $365 House League (Initiation to Bantam) - Playe rs born from 1999 - 2008 = $600 House League (Minor Midget to Midget-Juvenile) - Players born from 1998 – 1993 = $465 Rep Hockey - Playe rs born 1996 – 2007 = $600 For questions on re gistration please contact: Sue: sue@pickeringhockey.com PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION SAVE $$$ By Registering Before Aug 1st, 2013 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 13 AP Carpets & Area Rugs 1050 Brock Road South, Unit 7, Pickering Tel. (905) 831 - RUGS (7847) www.kingcarpets.ca We carry the largest selection of carpets and area rugs in the eastern GTA Area rugs, shag rags, carpets and rug runners all at 30–50% off Massive Grand Opening Sale30-50%off Free delivery in Pickering-Ajax area on purchases $500 & above Absolute lowest prices guaranteed! We will not be undersold! Over 15,000 S.F. of showroom space Hundreds of designs to choose from Sizes- 2x3, 2x8, 4x6, 5x8, 8x11, 10x13, 5x5, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, 10x10 Shapes –rectangle, round, oval and half moon Designs – modern, contemporary, floral and oriental Select from a huge collection of King du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 18 AP Un beat able pr ic es. 2013 Ontario Su mmer Sa le s Event -Ju ly 17 th-27th 2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 14 4"Cargo Va n $43,18 0* Includes $3,000 Cash Discount. Taxes extra. Total price Use credit towards Pre-paid Maintenance, Extended Limited Warranty, Rate Reduction and more. Limited time offer Program Credit*** $75 0 $39 9** at 3.9 9% per month for 60 months with $9,1 30 down for well-qualified buyers. Lease from Receive 3 years of no -charge scheduled maintenance 1 APR OR PLUS Mercedes-Benz Durham 250 Thickson Road Sout h,Whitby,ON •1-888 -698-2085 •www.mercedesben zdurham.com thesprinter.ca Sprinter 2500 14 4"Cargo Va n with optional high roof shown. © 2013 Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 2013 Sprinter 2500 144" Cargo Van with optional High Roof shown, national MSRP $42,400 including $3,000 cash discount. *Cash purchase price of $43,179.65 includes MSRP of $42,900, $3,000 cash incentive and all applicable fees.Ta xes extra. **Lease offers based on the 2013 Sprinter 2500 144” Cargo Van available only through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services (MBFS) on approved credit for a limited time. Lease example based on $399 per month for 60 months which includes a $3,000 discount off MSRP. Down payment or equivalent trade of $9,130 and applicable taxes due at lease inception. Lease example based on the total price of $43,179.65 which includes MSRP of $42,900, discount of $3,000 and all applicable fees (Freight/PDI $2,695, Admin fee $395, EHF tire, filters and batteries fee $25.50, air conditioning tax $100, OMVIC fee $5, PPSA $59.15). Licence, insurance, registration and taxes are extra. $3,000 discount is only available for 2013 Sprinter 2500 144" Cargo Van. Lease APR of 3.99% applies and is available to customers who qualify for MBFS maximum rate reduction, based on meeting certain lending criteria. Lease rates as high as 4.49% apply to all remaining customers, subject to credit approval.To tal obligation is $48,089 which includes an end of lease residual value of $15,015. Dealer may sell for less. Offers may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers. 1 3 years of scheduled maintenance covers the first 3 factory-scheduled maintenance services or 3 years, whichever comes first. Scheduled maintenance interval for model year 2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter is the earlier of 1 year or 25,000 km.The specific maintenance services included are as described in the applicable Owner’s/Operator’s Manual and Service/Maintenance Booklet. *** Offer is non-transferable, non-refundable and has no cash value. Offer ends on July 27, 2013. Only applicable on lease and finance offers. Certain limitations apply. See Mercedes-Benz Durham for details, call them at 905-666-8805 or visit mercedesbenzdurham.com. ADVERTISING FEATURESpotlight ON BUSINESS A leaking basement is frustrating and expensive – and it’s not something you want to have to fix repeatedly. That’s why it’s best to bring in a professional, someone who can pinpoint the problem and repair it right the first time. Gordon Crawford of Crawford & Sons Waterproofing in Ajax has been in the business for more than 30 years and has been in close to 15,000 homes in Durham region. “I’ve seen virtually every possible leaking situation you can imagine,” he says, “and I’m still learning.” Crawford’s extensive experience has taught him to be innovative and try different techniques to solve problems. He takes pride in his troubleshooting ability. “I like to professionally solve problems at the lowest, most reasonable cost to the customer,” he says. “Sometimes that may involve excavating the entire perimeter of the house and replacing the weeping tiles, but that’s because it’s absolutely necessary.” Crawford adds that if he can try something else first, he will. “An interior weeping tile system with drainage board can be extremely efficient and cost effective by saving costly damages to exterior landscaping,” he says. Crawford warns that it’s important not to ignore the problem. He says homeowners who invest in their foundations will save money in the long term. “Water corrodes and people tend to live with the problem until it escalates into a bigger one,” he says. “You have to get in quickly.” Crawford & Sons offers fast, neat, efficient service and a free professional evaluation. For more information, call Gordon Crawford at (905) 686-6880. Crawford & Sons: Fixing Basement Leaks Right the First Time For A Free Estimate DominionRoofing.com or 416.789.0601 ext. 285 WITH OVER 30YRS EXPERIENCE WEWILL SOLVETHE PROBLEM! 905-686-6880 WATERPROOFING 10YEARWARRANTY! FREE ESTIMATES! PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS SERVICE LEAKING BASEMENT? INVEST INYOUR FOUNDATION WITH OVER 30YRS EXPERIENCE WEWILL SOLVETHE PROBLEM!905-686-6880www.noleaks.ca Steak on a Kaiser&Onion Rings The Big“M”Drive In 711 Krosno Blvd., Pickering 905-837-9332 If you would like to put the spotlight on your business, please call Donna McNally at 905-579-4473 Ext. 2625 dmcnally@durhamregion.com du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 20 AP It’s time to stop covering up that DURHAM DENTAL CENTRES In office services Others Services For Your Convenience -4 Locations Laser dentistryDental ImplantsZoom bleachingIntra oral camera (Before & after pictures)Electrosugery and cosmetic gum surgeryCosmetic veneering Orthodontics (Braces,Retainers,Invisalign) Crowns & Bridges/ Dentures,Root Canel Treatment,Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas), Wisdom Molar Extraction,White Fillings,All insurance Plans Accepted (Sent Directly) ABeautifulSmileisAlwaysinStyle www.durhamdentalcentres.com Languages Spoken: English,Arabic, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi Dr. Hany Shenouda Dr. Girish Deshpande Dr. Heba Eldabaa Dr. Valerie D’Silva Dr. Anne Soetikno Dr. Jin Feng Dr. Romani Nashid Dr. Patricia Lam Dr. Stephanie Fung Dr. Monir Mina Dr. David Leung (Periodontist) wlA si elimS lufituaeB A ay S ni s elyt Durham Dental Centres General Dentistry AJAXTel: 905-427-4280 PICKERINGTel: 905-420-4006 135 Harwood Ave. N., Suite 210Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1E8 720 Sheppard Ave. N., Suite 8Pickering, Ontario L1V 1G5 HWY 2 HWY 401 HWY 4 0 1 DurhamDentalCentre DurhamDentalCentre Ha r w o o d A v e . Wh i t e s R d . We s t n e y R d . Sheppard Ave. WHITBY NORTHTel: 905-576-9197 WHITBY SOUTHTel: 905-444-9449 3555 Thickson Rd. N., Unit 1AWhitby, Ontario L1R 2H1 617 Victoria St. W., Suite 7Whitby, Ontario L1N 0E4 Taunton Rd. Dryden Blvd DurhamDentalCentre DurhamDentalCentre Th i c k s o n R d . He n r y S t . Ga r d e n S t . An d e r s o n S t . Victoria St. HWY 401 TNED MAHRUD SERTNEC LA ,serutneD T lenaC tooR ,tnemtaer ,)saG gnihguaL( noitadeS edixO suortiN wlA si elimS lufituaeB A ay S ni s elyt www moc.sertneclatnedmahrud. Dr. Jin Feng Dr. Romani Nashid Dr. Patricia Lam Dr. Stephanie Fung Dr. Alexandra Osherovskaya Dr. Hany Shenouda Dr. Girish Deshpande (Orthodontist) Dr. Heba El Dabaa Dr. Valerie D’Silva Dr. Anne Soetikno 3 Dr. Hany Shenouda Dr. Girish Deshpande (Orthodontist) Dr. Heba El Dabaa Dr. Ron Zohar (Periodontist) Dr.Valerie D’Silva Dr. Anne Soetikno Dr. Alexandra Osherovskaya 720 Sheppard Ave.E.,Suite 6Pickering,Ontario L1V 1G5 Bishoy Shenouda Ronald J. Klein,D.P.M. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sport Medicine • Diabetic Feet • Corns • Calluses • Children’s Feet • Evening Hours 1885 Glenanna Road, Suite 210 Pickering,Ontario L1V 6R6 905-831-FEET (3338) 2012 Hub Mall Kingston Rd. 18 8 5 G l e n a n n a R D . PickeringTown Centre 1885 Backyard BBQs and cottage cookouts are a great opportunity to get together with family and friends, but they can also make it difficult to maintain healthy eating habits. According to Sherry Torkos, pharmacist and author of The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, there are a few simple ways to avoid getting stuck in a vicious snacking cycle: • Add variety: Adding variety into your daily meals is a good way to stave off cravings. A varied diet of slow release carbohydrates, healthy protein and increased fiber will stabilize your blood sugar making you feel fuller longer. Nuts, seeds, yogurt and veggie sticks are great options and provide you with variety in your diet. • Drink lots of water: Staying hydrated and drinking water will make you feel less hungry, as thirst is often confused as hunger. Water makes you feel more energetic and less fatigued than relying on food as your only energy source. Carry a 500 mL bottle of water with you throughout the day and make a conscious effort to finish at least two bottles. • Track your eating habits: Keeping a food journal is a great way to monitor your eating patterns and to help understand your eating habits. For example, if you discover you’re prone to late night binging, you can prepare a healthy snack in advance or plan an activity that will divert your attention away from eating. • Brush your teeth: If you feel a craving coming on, head to a bathroom and brush your teeth. That just-brushed feeling can help minimize cravings. News Canada FREE YOURSELF ROM FOOD CRAVINGS Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented, evidence-based alternative to medication. In fact, study after study has shown CBT to be as effective as pills for the treatment of depression and more effective than pills for the treatment of anxiety. Regain control of your life. We can help. Call or email info@ccbt.ca for more information or to book an appointment Depression, Anxiety, Social Phobia, Panic Attacks are real, serious and treatable conditions. Ce n t r e f o r Bilingual services now availableCentre For Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, in Ajax Dr. David Direnfeld, Psychologist 905.427.2007 Volunteers Needed! Contact905-240-4522 or1-877-668-9414 www.durhamhospice.com “The support and on-going training provided for volunteers is fantastic.” Become a Volunteer today! •Palliative Care Volunteer •Bereavement Group Facilitator •Office/Admin Volunteer •Fundraising •Community Awareness BioFlex Laser Therapy is a revolu- tionary way to heal injured tissue through the use of superluminous and laser diodes. It’s a painless, safe and effective way to treat the source of your pain without adverse side effects. LIVE PAIN FREE LearnmoreaboutBioFlexLaserTherapytoday. Target thesource ofyour painwithLaserTherapy YOUR COMPANY INFORMATION HERE Harwood Chiropractic &Massage Centre 676 Monarch Ave, Unit 7 Ajax 905 683-8695 Health & Wellness ADVERTISING FEATURE AwardWinner We are available to serve you Emergencies and New Patients Welcome DENTAL OFFICE DR. JOE MISKIN 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, www.drjoemiskin.com PI C K E R I N G PI C K E R I N G AD V E R T I S I N G F E A T U R E The sun has finally come out of hiding, which means it’s a great time of year to let your vehicle shine. Diamond Shine offers a package that fits every budget, from a hand wash starting at just $19.95 to complete detailing. The vehicle is hand washed, using high quality soap, and hand dried with a chamois to achieve a brilliant shine. The difference can be seen in the details! While the bright sun might lift your spirits, it can also cause your vehicle’s paint to fade. To protect your paint from the sun, rain and elements, and also to give it a long lasting shine, it’s time to bring it in for a professional wax and polish. The wax will protect your vehicle from the elements, including harmful UV rays and acid rain. Diamond Shine only uses high quality, professional products that are not available over the counter, including silicone- based products that last. Even six months after cleaning, a simple wipe of the dash with a towel can bring back the shine! It’s called detailing for a reason. At Diamond Shine, their showroom package leaves no small space untouched. To achieve a showroom look, they use toothbrushes and Q-Tips to get to the hard to reach areas. Inside, your vehicle can look and feel almost like new again with an interior detailing package. Interiors are vacuumed, shampooed and detailed. Don’t let dog hairs and spilled drinks spoil the interior of your vehicle! Bring it in to Diamond Shine to be cleaned and have your upholstery protected to keep it looking great all summer long. Book your appointment in advance to avoid disappointment! “We want to thank everyone for putting their trust in us for the past 18 years, including both our loyal customers and the many dealers in the area,” says Joanne Elawar of Diamond Shine. Diamond Shine is a family owned and operated business that has been serving the Durham Region since 1994. They are located at 221 Westney Rd. S., in Ajax (just north of Bayly and directly across from the Super 8 Motel). For more information or to book an appointment please call (905) 619-2899, or visit the website at www.diamondshine.ca. Diamond Shine accepts all major credit cards, including GE Fleet Service Cards, Wheels Inc., PH & H, ARI & Transport Action Fleet Service Cards. Wedding Season is here! Don’t forget to visit Diamond Limo at www.DiamondLimo. ca or call (905)706-8171. Give Your Vehicle a Diamond Shine This Summer du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 21 P W I D E S E L E C T I O N .COMPETITIVE PRICING§..W I D E S E L E C T I O N .COMPETITIVE PRIC NG§.V i s i t y o u r l o c a l O n t a r i o Honda Dealer to find out more. D E S E L E IVE PRICIN . D E S E L VE PRICINVVViiisssiittyyyourlocalOntarioHondaDealertofindoouuttmmmooorree. §Should you find a loweradvertised price within thirty (30) days before or after thepurchase of qualifying tires from a participating Ontario Honda dealer, present theOntario Honda dealer where you purchased or intend topurchase qualifying tires with proof of the advertised price andthey will match the lower price. Offer does not apply to quotes oradvertised prices from outside Ontario,online auction sites,wholesalers, online retailersthat have no physical stores in Ontario,close out/liquidationretailers, advertising errors or misprints or restricted offers.Subject to stock availability. Qualifying tires must bepurchased and installed at a participating Honda dealerin Ontario. Advertised item must: (i) be an in-stock brand, excluding Bridgestone, be ofthe same brand, size, model, sidewall, speed and loadrating; (ii) be sold through an authorized retailer located inOntario; and (iii) be in Canadian dollars. Lowest Price Guaranteedoesnot apply to costs associated with labour, valvestems, mounting/balancing,disposal fees and taxes. Some restrictions apply. Offer subjectto change or cancellation without notice. Ask your OntarioHonda Dealer for details. OntarioHondaService.com Home, auto and travel insurance is underwritten by RBC General Insurance Company. Life and health insurance is underwritten by RBC Life Insurance Company. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bankof Canada. Used under licence. As a result of government run auto insurance plans, RBC Insurance does not provide auto insurance in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. RBC Insurance store near you: At 670 Kingston Rd. near Whites Rd. 905-420-7929 Insuranceadviceforyourlife.Andeverythinginit. AtRBCInsurance®,weoffer: ■Insurance to meetyour needs: car, home, life, health, travel, business and retirement ■Advice from professional, licensed insurance advisors to help you choose the right coverage to help save you time and money ■Security in knowing you’re dealing with a brand you can trust To get a quote or for more information, call 1-800-ROYAL-68 (1-800-769-2568), go online at rbcinsurance.com or visit an RBCInsurance store. TM UDIAMONDSHIN ECARCLEANING&D E T A I LI N G Interior Shampoo & detailing, ExteriorWax 221Westney Rd.S. Unit A,Ajax www.diamondshine.ca 905-619-2899 Family Owned & Operated Since 1995 GE Fleet Service Cards,PH & H ARI &Transport, Action Fleet Service Cards We Accept All Major Credit Cards Oil Spray Rust Proofing & Undercoating Gift Certificates Available Purchase a complete shampoo, detailing receive a FREE exterior wax & buff valued @ $124.95 Family Owned & Operated Since 1995 (expiry date August 7th) must present coupon SALES •SERVICE •INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors (905)579-2222 •1-888-576-8575 Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON DURHAM WINDOWS& DOORS Vinyl WindowDesigns Ltd. TM windows for life! www.durhamwindowsanddoors.ca 4-1550 Kingston Rd.Pickering, On. L1V 6W9 T: 905.420.3131Store155@theupsstore.ca We Print, Ship & More ... 29¢ each *500 min Business Card Magnets du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 22 AP Stoney Creek 410 Lewis Road and the South Service Rd Located in Stoney Creek Decor Centre next to Stoney Creek Furniture ����� �������� � ����� �������� Monday to Friday 10am to 9pm Saturday 10am to 5:30pm �Sunday Noon to 5pm Mississauga 4561 Hurontario St, Unit #2 South East Corner of Hwy #10 & Eglinton ����� �������� � ����� �������� Monday to Friday 10am to 9pm Saturday 10am to 6pm �Sunday Noon to 5pm Woodbridge 7979 Weston Rd Located North of Hwy 7 ����� �������� � ������������� Monday to Friday 10am to 9pm Saturday 10am to 6pm �Sunday Noon to 5pm ���� ������������ ���������� �� ��� ��� ����� �������� � ����� �������� Monday to Friday 10am to 9pm Saturday 10am to 6pm �Sunday Noon to 5pm www.ashleyfurniturehomestore.com Find us on Facebook icomfor t Foresight Queen Set $12 99 Was $3279 ®® Stearns and Foster Millenium Tight Top $12 49 Queen Set Was $2788 ��������������������® ���������������������������������������� �����������������®®®���������������������������� 50 %OFF ��� ��������������������®50 %OFF *��� ����� ��� �������� �������� ��������� ��������� ������ ���������� ���� ��� ����� ��������� �� ��������� �������� ������������� ������ �� ����� ��� ������� ����� �������� ����� ���� ������ �� ��������� ������ ����� ���� ��������� ���������� ������ ��������� �������� �� ������� ������� �� ������� ��� ����� �� ������� ��� ���� �������Some Restrictions Apply. HomeStores are independently owned and operated. ©2012 Ashley HomeStores, Ltd. Expires 07/28/2013 OpeningJuly 26th ��������������� 2011 HYUNDAI ACCENT SPORT ONE OWNER,AUTO,A/C,ALLOYS, AM/FM/CD,TINT. STK# 13498A $14,977 +HST 2009 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE KEYLESS ENTRY,POWERW & L,HEATED SEATS,TRACTION CONTROL, CRUISE,TILT.STK# P3736 $9,977 +HST 2011 HYUNDAI ACCENT SEDAN AUTO,A/C,TINT, ONE OWNER. STK# 13597A $13,977 +HST 2008 HYUNDAI SONATA GL KEYLESS ENTRY,POWER LOCKS & MIRRORS &COMES WITH SNOW TIRES. STK# 13593A $10,495 +HST 170 Westney Rd.S,Ajax sisleyhyundai.com 8666--65500-11118 HWY. 401 N WE S T N E Y R D . HURRY IN FOR BESTSELECTION! FEATURE 2009 HYUNDAI ACCENT GL SPORT C/D, SPOILER,ALLOY WHEELS,A/C, POWER SUNROOF,ABS,TILT, STK# P3754 All other Ta xes and Licensing fees are not included. 2010 HYUNDAI TUSCON GL 2.4 LT R,AUTO, BLUETOOTH,ALL WHEEL DRIVE, AM/FM/CD, ONE OWNER. STK# P3755 $25,997 +HST 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS KEYLESS ENTRY,POWER LOCKS & MIRRORS, HEATED SEATS. STK# P3721 $10,977 2012 HYUNDAI VELOSTER TURBO TURBO,AUTO,A/C, ROOF,ALLOYS, ONE OWNER. STK# 13702A $20,977 +HST 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GL SILVER, 4CYL,AUTO,A/C,AM/FM/CD. STK# 13400A $13,977 +HST $9,977 +HST +HST • 12 Month/20,000 KM Comprehensive Limited Warranty • 1 Ye ar Roadside Assistance • 120 Point Inspection • 30 Day / 2,000 KM Exchange Privilege • CarProof Report • Peace of Mind 3 DAY FA MILY DRIVEN SUMMER EVENT du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 23 APWhat’s On Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor / mruta@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2243 Despicable me 2 ééééé Too many minions, not enough laughs. That’s my opinion after seeing Despi- cable Me 2 this week, but it was obvious from the younger kids in the audience that they don’t agree with me. Whenever a minion laughed, or snort- ed, or whatever noise it is they make, the kids laughed and applauded. For me, the movie needed more of the three girls, especially the youngest, Agnes, and Gru. We pick the movie up after the exploits of Despicable Me. After returning the moon, Gru, who notes no one has proof he stole the moon, is now happi- ly domesticated, taking care of his three girls and starting a new business, mak- ing jams and jellies. After an experimen- tal drug is stolen by a mysterious villain, Gru is recruited by an agent of the Anti- Villain League to help find the new mas- termind and return the drug. Along for the ride is Lucy, voiced by Kristen Wiig, an AVL agent who has some of the best lines in the movie. While trying to find who stole the drug, Gru must deal with a growing Margo and his growing interest in Lucy. At about 85 minutes, the movie gets to the story fast and wraps up quickly. That’s great for the younger set but DM2 has lost some of the charm of the first movie. Maybe it was the minions, who get a lot more screen time here and are integral to the plot, or that Gru has lost some of his quirkiness. But that didn’t stop the kids in the the- atre from laughing, so for them, DM2 gets a 3. My score would be a 2. Watch for Managing Editor Mike Johnston’s next review. mike Johnston Managing Editor Movie Time View the trailer with New CD from Durham’s Rob Tardik Guitarist’s band includes Ajax resident Geoff Hlibka mike Ruta mruta@durhamregion.com WHITBY -- Rob Tardik got serious about his guitar playing in his early teens. Riding his bike in his Etobicoke neighbourhood one day, an irresistible sound made him stop. “I heard an amazing, screaming guitar coming out of a house,” says the Whitby resident. “It was like a beam of light had hit me.” Tardik had already started playing the gui- tar, but was so impressed by what he heard that he went to investigate. After he knocked on a strange door, a woman invited him in to listen to her son practising downstairs. Opening a door in the basement, Tardik was met by a cloud of marijuana smoke and, through it, saw a guy with red hair down to his waist, “stoned out of his mind” but playing unbelievably well. They became friends. “I learned so much from him,” he says. “The beautiful part of him was he was will- ing to share.” Tardik thought to himself, ‘This is what I want to do; I want to play at that level’. “And I didn’t look back.” He started practising “like crazy, like a fiend,” often for eight hours a day. The neighbour friend “became a phenom- enon in our area.” And Tardik got pretty good himself. Named the 2010 Canadian Smooth Jazz Guitarist of the Year, he’s just released his fourth disc, Limitless. The previous record, B.E.L.L., amassed three Billboard-charting singles, including two top 10s. Tardik balks at the jazz or smooth jazz musician label. His influences vary from session wizards Larry Carlton and Lee Ritenour to Eddie Van Halen. “(My playing) is really an amalgamation of many influences and genres and guitar players,” he says. And while Spanish, world music and other influences are to be found on Limit- less, “there is a continu- ity to all the tunes. That way I can show all of my influences and stretch out.” Tardik was well known in the west GTA before making the move to Whitby late last year. “Right now I’m trying to expose my music and my brand in this area,” he says. “Looking forward to definitely playing more shows.” His first Durham gig was Whitby’s Ribfest last weekend. “I don’t really play the pub or bar scene anymore,” he says, adding with a laugh, “We’re not really playin’ drinkin’ music.” His band features Ajax resident Geoff Hlibka on rhythm guitar. Tardik writes his own music and says, “I’m always making up stuff and writing it down,” sometimes waking up in the middle of the night with a riff he wants to record. Collecting many of these, he’ll pick the most promising, “chestnuts,” he calls them, and develop them into songs. “The music should be taking the listener on a journey,” he says. Learn more about Tardik and buy his albums at www.robtardik.com. WHITBY -- Whitby musician Rob Tardik, the 2010 Canadian Smooth Jazz Guitarist of the Year, just released his fourth album, Limitless. supplieD photo Odysseus’s long journey home OSHAWA -- Driftwood Theatre’s Bard’s Bus Tour presented The Odyssey, adapted from Homer by Rick Chafe, at Parkwood Estate on July 13. The pay-what-you-can theatre is touring Ontario to Aug. 18. See it July 30 at Ajax’s Rotary Park and July 31 at Esplanade Park in Pickering. Learn more at www.driftwoodtheatre.com. Ryan pfeiffeR / metRolanD See more photos with Listen to Smile with du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 24 AP Sports Brad Kelly Sports Editor / bkelly@durhamregion.com / 905-579-4400 #2254 World Cup hosts to play quarter-final Thursday at Civic Fields Brian Mcnair bmcnair@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- Canada was dealt a dose of reality at the 2013 World Cup women’s lacrosse tournament Tuesday. Now, the question is: can they come up with have a remedy for the United States? The two North American rivals met up in what was billed as the marquee match of the round robin at the Civic Recreation Complex, but it ended up being a lop-sid- ed affair, a 13-2 blowout for the Ameri- cans. The format of the 19-team tournament still makes it possible the two could hook up again in Saturday’s gold medal match, a prospect the Canadian women would cherish. “Yes, we just need to bring everything we’ve got,” said Bowmanville’s Kaylin Mor- issette, when asked if they could reverse the outcome if a rematch were to take place. “We’ve got to make sure our passes are crisp, our clears are on and our shoot- ing is on. With this team, I see great things and we’ll see what the future holds.” The host team was anything but crisp on Tuesday, missing pass after pass, while the Americans dominated possession in the first half, building up an 8-0 lead before Brooke Eubanks finally put Canada on the board 15 seconds before the intermission. The second half was a little bit better for Canada, but the outcome was already determined and the United States simply coasted home. “I think we just need to stick to the game plan and do the sim- ple things easy,” said Whitby defender Katie Guy, who was one of the more notice- able players in defeat. “Yes, they played well, but I think we beat ourselves. “It’s not necessarily nervous, but just get- ting inside our own heads,” added Guy, trying to explain what went wrong. “I don’t know, I think we are going to bounce back from this. We have a day off to kind of recu- perate, rejuvenate, and we’ll be excited for our cross-over game.” By finishing second in Pool A, where the five elite teams were placed, Canada (3-1) enters the 12-team championship round as the No. 2 seed, behind the United States (4-0) and ahead of Australia (2-2), England (1-3) and Wales (0-4). Canada’s next game, a quarter-final, will be played Thurs- day at 5:30 p.m. against the winner of Wednesday’s match between No. 7 New Zealand and No. 10 Israel. If the tourna- ment plays out as expected, Canada and Australia will meet in Friday’s 2 p.m. semifinal for the right to play for gold Saturday at 3 p.m., almost assuredly against the U.S. The loser will play for bronze at 12:30 p.m. Canada has already beaten Australia once in the tournament, for the first time at this level, in a 12-11 thriller to open the tournament Friday. The Aussies were still reeling from losing star player Jen Adams to a knee injury just the week before. “We had a great game against Austra- lia, and a great game against England and Wales,” said Morissette, who scored three times against Australia. “We just need to come out a little bit stronger next time (against the U.S.) and bring the fire I guess.” Morissette and Guy make up half of the Durham Region contingent on the Cana- dian side, joined by Brooklin’s Emily Bois- sonneault and Whitby’s Janaye Dzikewich. All four grew up playing for the Oshawa Lady Blue Knights and are excited to be playing in front of their home crowd. “It’s been amazing. People who have never seen me play, or us play at all, are seeing lacrosse and supporting us,” said Morissette. “This is by far in my whole lacrosse career the biggest crowd I’ve seen for lacrosse, so it’s been awesome.” Canada crushed by U.S. OSHAWA -- Bowmanville’s Kaylin Morissette looked for an opening during the Canada vs. U.S. final round-robin game of women’s lacrosse World Cup tournament, held at the Oshawa Civic Recreation Complex Tuesday. SaBrina ByrneS / Metroland View photo gallery with‘‘We have a day off to kind of recuperate, rejuvenate, and we’ll be excited for our cross-over game.’ Katie Guy Durham Region trio to be teammates at RIT ROCHESTER, NY -- A trio of Durham Region players will become members of the RIT Tigers women’s hockey class of 2017 when the new season starts in the fall. Forwards Dakota Waites of Whitby, and Brittany St. James of Orono, who both played with the Durham West Lightning, along with Cassie Clayton of Pickering, who played with the Mississauga Chiefs, will help improve an RIT unit that enjoyed long stretches of success during its inau- gural Division I season. Waites and St. James were team- mates with Durham West of the Provincial Women’s Hockey League in 2012-13. Wait- es, who stands five foot six, recorded 40 points on eight goals and 32 assists, while St. James, a five-foot-eight forward, tallied 33 points on 15 goals and 18 assists in 37 contests. Clayton, a five-foot-six forward, recorded 16 points on nine goals and seven assists, while adding a team-high 62 penalty minutes in 37 games for Missis- sauga. “Dakota (Waites) is a dynamic offensive player and excellent playmaker,” said head coach Scott McDonald, who is 151-38-15 at RIT. “Her skill set and vision on the ice should help us offensively right away. She has been a productive scorer during her PWHL career, and recently broke the 100- point total. Brittany (St. James) is a natural goal scorer, who is strong on the puck and around the net. She is one of those players who always seems to be in the right spot to score and has a proven track record of scoring at every level. Her quick release will definitely make her an offensive threat for us. “Cassie (Clayton) is one of the tough- est, grittiest players we’ve seen this year. She plays with great energy and is extremely tough to play against. There’s no doubt Cassie will be a crowd favorite right away. She will be able to defend our oppo- nents’ top players and has shown that she can put up some offensive numbers.” The Tigers finished their first Division I season with a 16-16-5 mark, advancing to the College Hockey America semifinal. BRITTANY ST. JAMES du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 25 AP Get the Skills you Need for your New Career DISCOVER IMPROVE ACHIEVE 1-888-806-1856 triosdurham.com CONTACTUS TODAY! • BUSINESS • TECHNOLOGY • HEALTHCARE • LAW • SUPPLY CHAIN 1-888-806-1856 triosdurham.com OSHAWA: 200 JOHN ST. W. SCARBOROUGH: 4438 SHEPPARD AVE E. Not all programs are available at all triOS College locations ACTIVITY TEAM LEADER FULL TIME (35 hrs./wk.) AJAX-PICKERING ADULT DAY PROGRAM Details at www.communitycaredurham.on.ca Human Resources, Community Care Durham email: hr@communitycaredurham.on.ca Scarborough insurance broker seeking RIBO Licensed Personal Lines CSR. 5+ years experience. Full-time. Agency Manager, Compuquote. Benefits. If interested please email: melodyb@insuranceportfolio.com Job Fair this Sunday July 21st A/Z and D/Z Drivers Two or more years exp.At 199 Wentworth Street East in Oshawa from 10:AM to 5:pm Call David 647-878-7832 INSERTER/POCKET FEEDER Oshawa, Warehouse - 845 Farewell St. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES • Feed newspaper flyers into the pockets of an automated inserting machine • Count newspapers into specified amounts to be strapped, bundled and stacked onto skids • Retrieve flyers from surrounding skids • Weekend Hours only • Hours fluctuate seasonally based on insert/flyer volume • Work in a secure and safety-conscious manner as outlined in the Company and department safety policies • Perform physical material handling • To perform other duties as assigned by the alphaliner Supervisor WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR • Full training will be provided • Must have an excellent command of the English language (read- ing/speaking/writing ) • Physically capable of lifting and carrying material up to a maximum of 30-35-lbs • Ability to perform repetitive tasks accurately and thoroughly, with minimal errors • Ability to remain alert and maintain a high level of concentration • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment • Have the ability to work independently and as part of a team • Previous experience in a manufacturing environment, an asset • Attention to detail • Have their own transportation • Starting rate is minimum wage If working for a highly energized, competitive team is your ideal environment, please email your resume to opope@durhamregion.com by August 2, 2013. Thank you for your interest. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls please Job Category: Warehouse; Production Christian Daycare in Pickering is seeking a PART TIME BOOKKEEPER! l Good working knowledge of QB, Word, Excel, CMS (experience an asset) l Ability to prepare Financial Statements, budgets and file Gov't returns, Wage Subsidy and Pay Equity Reports l Working knowledge of Pay Equity in daycare industry is an essential qualification l Prepare Parent Receipts, Prepare trial balance of books, Reconcile accounts, Prepare other statistical, financial and accounting reports, maintain general ledger, post journal entries, collection of accounts, year-end adjustments l Hourly rate based on level of experiencePlease forward cover letter and resume to office@bayfairdaycare.com l Must possess excellent customer services skills Lifetouch School Photography - Oshawa Is seeking unique individuals who will enjoy capturing memories that last a lifetime. We provide all training, equipment & team support. Seasonal Opportunities available: August-November and January-April. Valid Drivers License, Reliable Transportation and Criminal Background check required. Please email resume to Jim McCann at: jobs.oshawapeterborough@lifetouch.ca GIBSON ROOFING SUPPLIES Required immediately: AZ/DZ driver 0-8 ton boom ticket required Fax cover letter and resume to: 905-983-1007 or email eamon@gibsonsupplies.com hand deliver to: 85 Station St., Orono ZAMBONI DRIVER Part-time, evenings & weekends Send resume: bgagne@nci-sports.com Bot Construction Limited, a General Contractor, in Road and Bridge Construction has an immediate openings in eastern GTA working on the new Hwy. 407 contract for a : Quality Control TechnicianPreferred applicants will have completed or are currently enrolled in a Civil Engineering Technical Program. CSA/ACI certification will be considered as an asset. Must possess excellent organizational skills, communication skills,, be computer literate and a team player. Please forward resumes to: Bot Construction Limited1224 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L2X4position@botconstruction.ca We thank all candidates for their interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Experienced Concrete Labourers Carpenters Mobile Crane Operator GTA &Mississauga areas Excellent pay and benefits. To apply,please fax your resume with references to:905-670-9172 or call:905-565-1565 EXPERIENCED CORPORATE LAW CLERK 2-5 yrs. exp. a must in Corporate and Residential/Commercial Real Estate.Respond with resume and references to: corporate.pos@gmail.com Available Mortgages Up to 90% LTV Don’t worry about Credit! Refinance Now! Personal Tax arrears... Property Tax arrears... Must be current home owner to qualify Call 647-268-1333 Hugh Fusco AMP #M08005735 Igotamortgage Inc. #10921 www.igotamortgage.ca Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Drivers AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED for Whitby. Must have 3 years GTA experience. Clean abstract. Excellent communication skills. Call 905-624-5728 ask for Gary. AZ DRIVERS WANTED: Lo- cal Flatbed positions - home every night, Whitby yard, benefits. Must have 3 Years verifiable flatbed and load security experience. T: 905-424-3748 or email: jamie @franklandhaulage.com Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers Drivers FT ROLLOFF TRUCK Driver for K&K Recycling in Picker- ing. Must be able to work Monday-Friday with the oc- casional weekend. 2years experience, valid AZ/DZ Drivers license, clean ab- stract. Lugger experience an asset. We offer competitive rates and benefits. Send re- sume: hrjobposting@hotmail.com GeneralHelp GUARANTEED JOB Place- ment: General Laborers and Tradesmen for Oil & Gas In- dustry. Call 24hr. Free Re- corded Message for Information. 1-800-972-0209 Career Tr ainingFeatureC Careers GeneralHelp AAA - 1 Opportunity $21.35Per Hr Base Agreem Large electrical Manfr's Dist. expanding in Durham Region needs 10+ F/T men & women for various positions including sales / customer service. NO EXP NECESSARY Please call for interview: Thurs, July 18th 10am - 7pm Fri, July 19th 10am - 7pm Sat, July 20th 10am - 7pm Sun, July 21st 12pm - 7pm Mon, July 22nd 10am - 7pm 905-668-9777 Adult Route Operators for home delivery of the Toronto Star in Whitby, Oshawa Clarington, Ajax, Pickering and surrounding areas. Earn $800 to $1600/mo. P/T. Fax: 905-686-8009www.metris.ca*SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY* Career Tr ainingFeatureC General Help AZ DRIVERS with driveway paving experience wanted. Pays well. Call Mike, (905)435-0401 DIRECTOR (S) OF MUSIC POSITION - Brooklin United Church is seeking a part-time (avg. 15 hr/wk) Director(s) of Music, with proficiency with pipe organ, piano, and choral conducting. Brooklin United Church's musical ministry in- cludes Senior and Junior Choirs and a Praise Band. The successful candidate(s) will be supportive of the church's praise band music ministry and will be com- fortable in a blended worship environment where music inspires the faith of all ages. Only those under consid- eration will be contacted for interviews. Apply in confi- dence with a resume or en- quiries by Aug.14, 2013 to: hiring@brooklinunited.ca, or Brooklin United Church, 19 Cassels Rd. East, Brooklin, ON L1M 1A4, Attn: Hiring Committee ECE TEACHERS a n d Assistants Needed for Edukids Child Care Centre in Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville. Apply b y e m a i l t o : headoffice@edukids.ca, fax 905-831-9347, or online www.edukids.ca HOUSE CLEANERS, part- time required 3 days a week 9am to 5pm. Criminal check, experience and a valid driv- er's license a must. Call 905-983-6176. IMMEDIATE OPENING for an amazing Sales Rep for doing Residential/Commer- cial/Industrial Roof Sales and you will have experience in the construction industry. Please contact: info@burton- roofing.net LABEL MANUFACTURER in Ajax seeks experienced Flexo Pressman and General Help. E-mail resume to jkenney@proscanmedia THURSTY POOLS is looking for an experienced In-Store Sales Person to sell pools and spas. We are also looking for an experienced Pool Builder/Labourer. Please email resumes to thurstypools@hotmail.com General Help NOW HIRINGCONCRETE TESTING TECHNICIAN Required Immediately for the GTA and surrounding areas. CCIL or ACI certified or will train qualified candidates. Reliable vehicle required.Fax resume to:705-454-0367 SHINGLERS & LABOUR- ERS required. Must be re- liable. Vehicle & valid drivers license an asset. Email re- sume to: employment@ midwayroofing.ca WORKING CARPENTER, 5 years experience, rough con- struction, concrete forming. Driver's license a must. In the local area. Please send resume or contact infor- m a t i o n t o : o f fi c e @ lardaleconstruction.com Skilled &Technical Help BIM/CAD OPERATOR. Full-time positions available to produce Arch, Mech, Elec, Struct. 3D BIM Models. 5-yrs experience. Junior and Senior positions available. We want the best people. Must have one of the follow- ing: AutoCAD MEP, Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, or HVAC or Piping experience in Construction Industry. Email Resumes to: resume@cad-overflow.com Hospital/Medical/Dental PHYSIOTHERAPIST P/T, F/T for busy multi-discipli- nary clinic in Ajax. New grads welcome. Email re- sume to info@totalrehab.net or fax to 905-426-2731 General Help Skilled &Te chnical Help Office Help General Help Skilled &Te chnical Help Office Help General Help Private SalesP 24.25 ACRES - Farm with Beautiful Century Home and 20'x40' Barn. Home has 200 Amp Service, Renovated Bathroom, Wood Floors, Crown Mouldings and more. Call 905-449-6440. COBOURG, 1189 Ashland Dr. Detached, completely finished 3+1 Bedroom, 3 bath, ensuite+walkin, 2 mins to 401/retail/schools. Huge windows, rec-room, deck, Nice for entertaining and family. Great neighborhood. $334,900. 905-377-5657 LEGAL 2-FAMILY DE- TACHED. Olive/Ritson. Upper: 3-bdrm, 1.5 baths, walk-out to large deck and yard. Was rented at $1200. Lower: 2-bdrm, 4pc. bath. Rented at $850. Shared laundry, new windows, new roof, move-in condition. Ask- ing only $239,900. 647-707-3324 PICKERING, FABULOUS 3- bedroom, 3-bathroom end unit in demand Strathmore Complex, Whites Rd/Hwy 2, mins from 401, shops/schools. Newly deco- rated, new carpet, fin. base- ment w/double door walk-out to fenced back yard. Very safe neighbourhood, w/own security and park. Move-in condition, available now, $329,000. Contact 905-683-9997 to view. OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun July 20th and 21th from 2-4pm, 735 Sheppard Ave., Unit 42. General Help Lots& Acreages 20 ACRES FREE! Own 60 acres for 40 acre price/pay- ment $0 Down, $198/mo. Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks. Beautiful Views, West Texas. 1-800-843-7537 www.texaslandbuys.com BusinessOpportunitiesB ATTENTION JOB Seekers! Make Money! Mailing Postcards! www.PostcardsToWealth.com Mortgages,LoansM BusinessOpportunitiesB ALL CASH DRINK/SNACK Vending Business Route. Complete Training. Small Investment Required. 1-888-979-VEND (8363) www. healthydrinkvending.com PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 a week mailing bro- chures from home! Help- ing Home-Workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.working-central.com Mortgages,LoansM 2.69%5 yr. FixedNo appraisal needed.Beat that! Refinance now and Save $$$ before rates rise.Below bank RatesCall for DetailsPeter 877-777-7308Mortgage Leaders $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Apartments & Flats For RentA 1 BEDROOM north Oshawa. Simcoe North at Russett. Well-maintained 12-plex, Clean, new appliances, Rogers cable, heat/hydro/ water, 1 parking included. Laundry, No dogs. 905-576-2982, 905-621-7474 BOWMANVILLE immaculate 1-bedroom $1025; All inclu- sive, security entrance, very clean building. Includes ap- pliances, utilities, parking, laundry, no dogs. 905-697-1786, 905-666-1074 KIRBY, 1-bdrm 750sq.ft, bachelor suite. Set in rolling hills next to the Ganaraska Forest and walking trails. Private patio w/access to backyard swimming pool, sauna and laundry. No dogs/smoking. Suitable for single. $775/month inclu- sive. Avail. Immediately. (905)725-9991. OSHAWA-NICELY DECO- RATED 2-bedroom apt., in clean well-maintained build- ing. Heat, water, parking in- cluded, on-site laundry, near schools, shopping, transit. Available Immediate/August 1 $775/mo+hydro. (905)720-0101. Mortgages,LoansM Classifieds YourClassifieds.caFor Delivery Inquiries, please call 905-683-5117 News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 durhamregion.com • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 26 AP Parklane Estates - 50 Adelaide Ave. (905-720-3934) Tower On The Green - 1140 Mary St. N. (905-438-1971) Governor Mansions - 110 Park Rd. N. (905-723-1712) Simcoe Estates - 333 Simcoe St. N. (905-571-3760) Come home to your newly renovated units. Social events, close to hospital, shopping, easy access to transit. Please visit www.qresidential.ca 2 & 3 bedroomapartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent.Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or(905)686-0841Eve. viewing by appt.www.ajaxapartments.com NOVENA TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (Never known to fail) O most beautiful fl ower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my Mother. O Mary Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (three times). Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands (three times). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confi rm once again that I never want to be separated from you or your mercy towards me and mine. Amen. (The prayer must be said three days, even after the request is grant- ed, and the favour must be published). P.L. COME & WORSHIP To advertise your Church Services in our Worship Directory NOW PUBLISHING "WEDNESDAY'S" Deadline: Monday 12 Noon Call Erin Jackson @ 905.683.0707 or email: ejackson@durhamregion.com PARKWAY STORAGE 1535 Pickering Parkway - Pickering GARAGE SALE Sat. July 20th, 9am - 1pm If you would like to participate please call 905-831-9997 before Tuesday July 16th EXCITING CONTENT SALE Sat. July 20th, 8am - 3pm 768 Eyer Dr., Pickering (401 & Whites Rd) - Follow signs living rm, dining rm bedroom & exercise room. Vintage & antique furnishings, costume jewellery, art, crystal, china & much more!! (Cash only)shirleysortit.com 5- Bridgeport, First, & Index vert. turret mills. Kao Ming radial arm drills, universal mills, Chien Yeh and Howa gap bed engine lathes, Clausing tool room lathe, Jakobsen hyd, surface grinders, Liam Feng surface grinders, Sunnenn percision honing machine, Niagara power shear Hyd. Shop press, air compressor, Yale propane forklift truck, roll-in band saw, Butler shaper, Canox mig. welder, vertical belt sanders, granite surface plates, electronic time clocks, sand blast cabinet, New mill tooling, Lista cabinets, New and used, lathe & mill tooling,die trucks, pallet trucks, tons of steel and Aluminum & Brass inventory, air craft landing gear, racking ,factory equipment and much more. For further information go to our web site www. X-SELLAUCTIONS.COM (905) 458-8809 12% buyers premium major credit cards accepted As instructed we will be selling by auction AJAX LBW TOOLING PUBLIC AUCTION THURS, JULY 25 @ 10:00 am Inspection : WED. JULY 24, 10:00 -2:00 Location 595 MACKENZIE AVE. # 5 AJAX , ONTARIO gear, racking ,factory equipment and much more. 13% buyers premium major credit cards accepted Apartments & Flats For RentA Personals Apartments & Flats For RentA PORT PERRY. Beautiful 2 level, one-bedroom apart-ment, fi replace, a/c, balcony, w/d, separate driveway and entrance. Walk to downtown. Available immediately. $1,200 inclusive. 905-985-6841 SIMCOE ST., Oshawa. Beautiful 3-bedroom. 1400sq.ft, on second fl oor. Walking distance to lake and all amenities. Fridge and stove, parking available, utilities extra. $975/month, Avail. Immediately. Preferred adults only. (905)725-9991. Places ofWorship Apartments & Flats For RentA Personals Apartments & Flats For RentA RENOVATED OSHAWA BACHELOR apt in Oshawa! Separate entrance and side patio for use. All utilities and cable included. 3pc lovely bathroom, mini kitchenette with fridge and deep freezer to use. Nice residential area, on bus route. Suit single working person. Ask about pets. Available August 1st. $750/mnth fi rst and last. Call and leave message (289)688-4042 Places ofWorship Apartments & Flats For RentA WHITBY Central, immacu- late 1-bedroom $866.50+ hydro. Appliances, heat, water, laundry facilities, and parking. Avail Aug 15. No dogs. 289-675-3997 905-666-1074 Houses for Rent 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, Rossland/Harmony. 2 wash- rooms, walkout, new appli- ances, fi nished basement, parking for 3 cars, $1550/mo +utilities. Available July 15th/30th. Call John (416)464-6062. Ray 416-823-4930 A+ RENT TO OWN Beautiful Townhouse North Oshawa Immaculate 3 Beds/3 Baths. Open Concept. Laminate Main Floors. Master Ensuite Large Yard/Deck. Finished Basement. C/Air, C/Vac. Near Schools, Shops, Parks. All Credit OK. 24 Hr Mes- sage 888-570-1173 BUNGALOW FOR RENT - Bowmanville. Available Aug. 1. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Mature, quiet street in center of town. $1,400/month+gas (First /Last). Includes hydro, water, stove, fridge, dishwasher, washing machine & dryer. References & credit checks required. Call 705-286-4719. MCGILL/OLD HARWOOD newly renovated, large 4- bedroom, 3,000sq.ft., 2-1/2 washrooms, eat-in kitchen, family/living/dining room, ex- cludes basement. 2 car parking. Available Aug 1st. $1800 +utilities. 647-896-3259. To wnhousesfor RentT COURTICE, brand n e w 3-bedroom townhomes for rent. 6 blocks & 4 design lay- outs to choose from, $1600-$1670 monthly plus utilities. For all information to www.handhproperties.net or call 905-429--RENT (7368). WHITBY, Rossland/Brock, Spacious 3-level, 4-bdrm, 3 bathrooms, a/c, 4 applianc- es. safe family oriented neighbourhood" close to all amenities and schools. $1675/mo. First/last. 647-268-1333 Rooms forRent & WantedR AJAX, Rossland/Westney. Room for rent in quiet subdi- vision. Suitable for working male. No pets. Avail. immedi- ately. Call (647)828-4571 LUXURY BUNGALOW on lake, Newcastle. 2 rooms, ensuite bath, shared kitchen. Pool, golf course included. Suit retired gentleman. $800/month. 905-419-1743 evenings. Places ofWorship OSHAWA PROFESSIONAL resident offers B&B style accommodations (Monday to Friday). Suits (mature) female professional, non-smoker. Avail. late Au- gust/Sept 1st. $125/wk. (905)723-6761. OSHAWA small, clean room for rent. Very quiet house. Suit man 55+. $395/month. First/Last required. Please call 905-579-4015. Tr avel CANCEL YOUR TIME- SHARE. NO Risk Program STOP Mortgage & Mainte- nance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guaran- tee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248. Boats &Supplies 1992 14FT Pro Princecraft boat, extras, 25hp Johnson motor, and 16ft trailer. Also 6 wheel Argo. Excellent con- dition. 905-655-4503 Pools& Supplies INGROUND POOL Liner Sale. 25% off Selected Patterns. Safety Cover Sale. Order now and receive a free pool closing. Clearwater Pools and Spas 905-985-6650. Email: clear- waterpools@on.aibn.com Articlesfor SaleA CEDAR TREES for sale, starting from $4.00 each. Planting available. Free De- livery. Call Bob 705-341-3881. HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecoverguy.com/sale HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com KILL BED BUGS & their eggs! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit, Complete Room Treat- ment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available on- line homedepot.com (NOT IN STORES) RENT TO OWN Appliances, TV's, Electronics, Furniture, Compauters, BBQ's & More!! Apply today. Contact Paddy's Market 905-263- 8369 or 800-798-5502. Visit us on the web at www.paddysmarket.ca TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI-ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridge's - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! 18 cu. ft. fridges at $399. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Stephenson's Ap- pliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576-7448 Swap & Tr adeS WANTED: PING 3 WOOD, G10 series, 17 degree draw loft, soft regular graphite shaft. Right hand. 905-431-9727 CarsC TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. CarsC 2006 TOYOTA MATRIX XR $4495.; 2005 Nissan Altima 3.5S - 93k. $5495.; 2003 Honda Civic $1995.; 2002 Acura 3.5 RL $2495.; 2002 Acura 1.7 EL $3195.; 2002 VW Golf TDI - diesel $3495.; 2000 Nissan Maxima $2495.; 2001 Toyota Highlander $5495.; 2000 Toyota Echo $1795. 2000 Mazda MPVDX $1495.; 1999 Pontiac Sunfi re GT $895., 1999 Buick Lesabre Custom $995.; 1998 Honda Accord V6 $1495.; Amber Motors, 3120 Danforth Avenue, Scarborough, 416-864-1310. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Cars WantedC **$!$$!! ! AAAAA WHITTLE SCRAP Solutions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. !! $$$$ ! AAAAA ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. $$$-A1 JOHNNY JUNKER $25 removal for unwanted appliances, electronics, scrap metal. Also Cash paid for good used 2000 & up or scrap vehicles. Call now for the best cash deal 905-655-4609, 905-424-1232 Va ns/4-Wheel DriveV 1996 TRANS SPORT SE 97,500km. Driven daily. Ask- ing $2,500 as is. 905-686-0955 AdultEntertainment In/Outcall Exceptional Beautiful Entertainers 289-688-5885classelegance.com Class & Elegance Established Since 1997 NEW INCALL LOCATION Class & EleganceEscort AgencyEstablished Since 1997 Currently looking for select few ladies to join our team. Cash Daily $$$ Make Own Schedule Driver/Security Provided In Call location provided High level advertising & Marketing provided Must be 20+ No Drug UseProfessional & Positive Responsible & TrustworthyContact Terrie289-688-5885 www.classelegance.com MassagesM AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! NOW OPEN LaVilla Spa 634 Park Rd. South Oshawa (905)240-1211 Now hiring!!! www.lavillaspa.ca MassagesM OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 PUBLIC AUCTION Under Instructions received, we will sell:LIQUIDATION SALE – ART – COINS – JEWELLERY – ELECTRONICS – ESTATES – SPORTS – NOSTALGIARare Original Signature Folio of A.J. Casson & Norval Morrisseau Art Collection with Rare #1A/P Issues Sun. July 21 - 1 pmPreview 12 Noon Whitby Curling Club815 Brock St. N., Whitby Over 150 Jewellery items w/ 10/14/18kt Platinum Diamond & gemstone rings, earrings, bracelets, Appraised, watches, pearls, Swarovski, & more. A large estate coin collection & paper money, over 120 framed art works of important Canadian Artists, sports memorabilia collection w/ 23kt Gold cards, radio control choppers, trucks, cars, art glass, crystal, porcelain, bone china, Harley Davidson, Disney, M. Monroe, Marvel, A. Hepburn Beatles,Rush, Rolling Stones, Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Violin, One Direction Frame, garden décor, , & more. Plan to attend…. Free Draw at Sale……… Details, Terms, photos, on website.WWW.AUCTIONEER.CA Garage SalesIn-Town G GARAGE SALE Sat. July 20th 8am - 4pm 174 Fenning Dr. Courtice Garage/YardSalesG GARAGE SALE 267 Lawson St. Pickering Sun. July 21 8am - 2pm STREET SALE Maitland Dr. (North), Pickering Sat. July 20 8am - 12 Noon 75th Birthday Tony Tedford will be celebrating his 75th Birthday on July 22nd. Your family and friends all wish you the best of health and hope to see you again soon on the golf course. Golden Anniversary The date was July 20th, 1963 when Dougald MacLean and Lexie (MacEachern) MacLean became husband and wife. They were married in St. Joseph's Church, New Victoria Cape Breton. Their children Freeman and Doug Jr., grandchildren, family and friends wish them love and best wishes on their Golden Anniversary and many more happy & healthy years together. 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Cheap and fast Service!John 905-310-5865 Handy PersonH HANDYMAN Reliable l RetiredAll HouseholdRepairs,Inside/OutsideFencing, Repairs, Post Hole Repairs & Deck Repairs No Job too Small Reasonable Rates Call Ed (905) 427-7604 (416) 277-4392 Handy PersonH HANDYMANSERVICE Summer Cleanup Lawn Cutting, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Concrete & Interlocking Brick Repair, Painting, Garbage Removal905-431-7762 Moving & StorageM Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licensed/Insured 905-239-1263 416-532-9056 Newspaper Advertising Works! TO ADVERTISE CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 Catch Classifieds ONLINE! ANYTIME! Log on to: durhamregion.com CONTEST $250 $100 Judge’s choice June19-July22 Go to ‘contests’on durhamregion.com for complete contest details. No purchase necessary. Are you a DIY pro?Show off your skills by entering our DIY conteston Facebook/newsdurham for your chance to win! VOTEr’s choice gift card gift card SCUGOG S H O R E S M U S E U M V I L L A G E PORT PERRY,ONTARIO fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t www.scugogshoresmuseum.com Saturday,July 20 & Sunday,July 21 DOG DAY S OF SCUGOG • Ontario Dock Dogs •Woof Jocks by K9 Central & Who’s Walking Who • Scugog Disc Dog • Sky High Dogs • CSI:Canine Sniffer Instincts • Radar Racing • Rally-Obedience • Canine Good Neighbour Te st •Fashion Shows,Pa rade of Breeds, Contests,BBQ & more!Limit of 50 words. Please send Milestones submissions to milestones@durhamregion.com by Tuesdays at 4 p.m. for Thursday publication. For$35plus HST you can have any birthday, wedding, anniversary or engagement notice published. Prepayment is required. For information call This Week classi ed department Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. or Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 905-576-9335. $$hh bbb hhhdddh b hd Milestones is now a fee-for-service feature. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 28 AP IT’S FREE!Sign up today at www.wagjag.com Save up to 95% brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspapers Oshawa•Whitby•Clarington News Advertiser T H E The News Since 1866Since1869Since1970 Since 1991Since1965 SAVE $30SAVE$25 $25 for 10 lbs of Lean Ground Beef (a $55 Value) PICKUP AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA&AJAX LOCATIONS $25 for 10.5 lbs of Beef Back Ribs (a $50 Value) PICKUP AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA&AJAX LOCATIONS www.wagjag.com/grocerywww.wagjag.com/grocery WAGJAGGROCERYDEAL WAGJAGGROCERYDEAL dA tiser swehe NT SAVE $15 $15 for $30 towards Loose Tea from Lauriam Tea House SET OF TWO 12”X 18”CUSTOM CANVAS PRINTS SAVE $159 BUY FOR $39 PLUS$50GiftCard(a$198Value) WINERYTOUR FOR 4 INCLUDING 1 WINE GIFT BASKET SAVE $66 BUY FOR $49 fromWillow SpringsWinery (a $115 Value) 10 X 12 OZ AAA CHOICE STRIP LOIN STEAKS SAVE $88 BUY FOR $62 (a $150 Value) 10 LBS OF FREE-RANGE CHICKEN WINGS SAVE $30.05 BUY FOR $29.95 (a $60 Value) WagJag ProductDeals WagJag GroceryDeals PICKUP AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA&AJAX LOCATIONS $5for$10towardsFrozenYogurtandToppingsatMenchie’s Oshawa Discount:50% SAVE $5 SAVE $15 $15 for a Coupon Booklet for Square Boy Pizza in Oshawa orWhitby including up to $300 in Savings (a $30 Value) y b uoy ot thguorb oningtlary•Chitba•WwOsha sweNEHT $35for2silver-platedImpressionedSmoothbraceletsfrom Style Haus (a $158 value) Discount:78% SAVE $123 $44 for $199 towardsWindow Coverings from Excel Shades Hunter Douglas Gallery Discount:78% SAVE $155 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 29 AP 503 Kingston Road |Pickering,Ontario |905-420-9700 |sales@pvw.com |www.pickvw.ca Inventory Clearance Tent Event 70 2013 Volkswagen Jetta/GLI Models 33 2013 Volkswagen Passat Models Over 150+Models In-Stock —Gas,Diesel,& Hybrid Models Available! 14 2013 Volkswagen Golf/GTI Models 3 2013 Volkswagen CC Models 16 2013 Volkswagen Golf Wagon Models 14 2013 Volkswagen Tiguan Models 3 2013 Volkswagen Beetle Models 1 2013 Volkswagen Touareg Model Fundraising BBQ Event Saturday July 20 Fundraising Car Wash Saturday July 20 Prizes:Accessories, Gas Cards, Gift Cards —All Proceeds Donated To The PICKERING MITE SELECT TEAM! 3 Day Sale Only! July 18,19,20. 3 Day Special Pricing & Finance Rates! Chance To Win Prizes With Every Purchase! Come OutAndSupportYourLocal PICKERING MITESELECT HockeyTeam Chance To WIN PRIZES When You Purchase Any In-Stock 2013 Volkswagen Model du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 30 AP AVAILABLEALL-WHEELDRIVE Sportage SX shown  2013 Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $4,185 CASH SAVINGS ‡. Offer based on 2013 Sportage 2.4L LX MT FWD with a purchase price of $24,178. Excludes HST. $19 ,993 NOW ONLY $4 ,18 5CASH SAVINGS ‡INCLUDES Air Conditioning • Heated Front Seats • Satellite Radio • Steering Wheel Mounted Audio Controls • Bluetooth° •Keyless Entry INCLUDED FEATURES: HWY (A/T): 6.5L/100KM CITY (A/T): 9.7L/100KM Soul 4u Luxury shown Rio4 SX with Navigation shown  Optima SX Turbo shown  Bi-weekly for 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $1,000 LOAN SAVINGS. Offer based on 2013 Optima LX MT with a purchase price of $23,983. Excludes HST. BI-WEEKLY $12 6≠ OWN IT FROM 0%AT APR WITH DOWN $0 200 HP • Keyless Entry • Air Conditioning Bluetooth°• Cooling Glove Box INCLUDED FEATURES: 2013 HWY (A/T): 5.6L/100KM CITY (A/T): 8.6L/100KM HWY(M/T):6.5L/100KM CITY (M/T): 8.1L/100KM 2013 Bi-weekly for 60 months, amortized over 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees, and $900 “6 BI-WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON US” SAVINGS ¤. Offer based on 2013 Rio Sedan LX MT with a purchase price of $15,783. Excludes HST. 6 Airbags • Satellite Radio • Anti-lock Brakes Electronic Stability Control Steering Wheel Mounted Audio Controls INCLUDED FEATURES: SEDAN 2013 HWY(M/T):5.3L/100KM CITY (M/T): 6.9L/100KM INCLUDES 6BI-WEEKLY PAYMENTS ON US ¤ON RIO ONLY BI-WEEKLY OWN IT FROM$82≠0%AT APR WITH DOWN $0 Bi-weekly for 84 months with $499 down payment. Offer includes delivery, destination, fees and $500 LOAN SAVINGS. Offer based on 2013 Soul 1.6L MT with a purchase price of $18,878. Excludes HST. 6 Airbags • Anti-lock Brakes Electronic Stability Control Bluetooth° • Heated Front Seats INCLUDED FEATURES: BI-WEEKLY OWN IT FROM$98≠0%AT APR OR CASHSAVINGS‡ $2,000GET ON S E L E C T T R I M S AVAILABLE ALL-WHEEL DRIVE .TSs Hedulcx. E871,42f $e ocire psahcruh a ptiw6.5L/100KM(A/T): HWY 9.7L/100KM(A/T): CITY Offer(s) available on select new 2013/2014 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery by July 31, 2013. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,665, $34 tire recycling/filter charges, $5 OMVIC fee, environmental fee, variable dealer administration fees (up to $399) and $100 A/C charge (where applicable) and excludes licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. **0% purchase financing is available on select new 2013/2014 Kia models O.A.C.Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details.¤6 Bi-Weekly Payments On Us offer is available on approved credit to eligible retail customers who finance or lease any new 2013 Rio from a participating dealer between July 3-31, 2013. Customers will receive a cheque in the amount of six payments (excluding taxes) to a maximum of $300 per month or can choose up to $900 reductions from the selling/lease price after taxes. See your dealer for complete details. Offer ends July 31, 2013. ≠Bi-weekly finance payment O.A.C.for new 2013 Optima LX MT (OP541D)/2013 Rio4 LX MT (RO541D)/2013 Soul 1.6L MT (SO551D) based on a selling price of $23,983/$15,783/$18,878 is $126/$82/$98 with an APR of 0% for 84/60/84 months, amortized over an 84-month period. Offer includes loan savings of $1,000/$0/$500. Estimated remaining principal balance of $0/$4,252/$0 plus applicable taxes due at end of 60-month period. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. Cash purchase price for 2013 Sportage 2.4L LX MT FWD (SP551D)is $19,993 and includes a cash savings of $4,185 (which are deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers). Retailer may sell for less. ‡$4,185/$2,000 cash savings on the cash purchase of an eligible new 2013 Sportage 2.4L LX MT FWD (SP551D)/2013 Rio4 LX MT (RO541D) from a participating dealer between July 3-31, 2013, is deducted from the selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers. Some conditions apply. ΔModel shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2013 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748D)/2013 Rio4 SX with Navigation AT (RO749D)/2013 Soul 2.0L 4u Luxury AT (SO759D)/2013 Sportage 2.0T SX Navigation (SP759D) is $35,550/$23,450/$27,345/$39,145. Highway/city fuel consumption is based on the 2013 Rio4 1.6L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2013 Optima 2.4L GDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2013 Soul 1.6L GDI 4-cyl (M/T)/2013 Sportage 2.4L MPI 4-cyl (A/T). These updated estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. °The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit kia.ca or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. WE’VE GOTYOU COVERED *5-year/100,000 km worry-free comprehensive warranty. KIA ENTERS BESTGLOBAL GREEN BRANDS. 50 Kia’s new Customer Friendly Pricing includes delivery and destination fees, dealer admin.fee upto$399andallmandatorygovernmentlevies. Pricesdonotincludelicensingorapplicabletaxes. kia.ca OFFE R E N D S JULY 3 1 ST THE201 4sAREHERESOTHE2013sHAVETOGO! 84 MONTHS UP TO**% FINANCING du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ju l y 1 8 , 2 0 1 3 31 AP SPECIAL OFFERS EFFECTIVE FROM JULY 19 - JULY 25 ALL PRODUCTS WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! MoreSpecialsInstoreEveryday! ADD: 2200 BROCK ROAD, PICKERING, ON, L1X 2R2 *CHECK PRICES IN STORE DISPLAY TA GS IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY DUE TO PRINTING ERROR IN THE ADVERTISEMENT. ACTUAL ITEMS MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM ILLUSTRATIONS. ADVERTISED PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE TA XES. ALL ITEMS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. EZ FRESH FOODMART RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. NO RAINCHECK PLEASE. THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING IN EZ FRESH FOODMART. 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Valid with coupon only exp. July 22, 2013. TS Chlorine Pucks 3”Pucks 6kg Reg $39.99 $29 99 SKU-212 $89 withcoupon Luxury Framed Style Lounger Reg. $129 Limited quantities available only at IP&S. Valid with coupon only exp. July 22, 2013. TS With the purchase of any In-Ground Pool. Installation included. SAFETYCOVERFREE MSRP $1995 Cover sized to the pool. No cash value. FINALWEEKENDSaveup to OFFMSRP SALE Factory Direct POOL & HOT TUB Limited quantities available only at IP&S. Valid with coupon only exp. July 22, 2013. TS Concentrated Liquid Chlorine50%Off 15’ RD SOLSTICE ABOVE GROUND POOL$999 Sponsoredby: ON THE SPOT FINANCING! APAPAP OSHAWA 800 Ta unton Rd.,W. (905) 434-7727 CORNER OF TA UNTON & THORNTON ROAD www.interpools.com PICKERING Express Store 860 Brock Rd., Unit 5 (905) 420-7665 (chemicals and accessories only)