HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2012_01_25 MOYA DILLON mdillon@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Have a snowball in Clare- mont at the annual Winter Carnival. The community of Claremont will be buzz- ing with daily activities for kids and parents throughout the first week of February as the popular, community-run Winter Carnival returns. The event is getting a facelift this year with new events such as a chainsaw art demon- stration, indoor market and sled dog runs, weather permitting. “A lot of things depend on the snow but we have a lot of new events this year,” said Sandy Hill, chairwoman of the Winter Car- nival. Limited Quantities. See Store for details. KitchenAid French Door Fridge •25CF •FilteredIceAndWater •10YearCompressor Warranty • 4ClearVueDoorBins (2Gallon-Size)with GripPads $1599 SAVE 50%* Maytag Convection Gas Range • Convection • 5Burners • SelfCleaning • CastIronGrates • 17,000BTUPowerBurner $799$499 SAVE $500*SAVE $350 You CanDependOnUs! 280 Kingston Rd. 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This year’s carnival kicks off Friday.sd facebook.com/newsdurham twitter.com/newsdurham Pressrun 54,400 • 52 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand P ICKER I NG News Adver tiserT H E Wednesday, January 25, 2012 See WEEK page 5 HEALTH 2 Getting sick from a tick Boy bitten by bug in field near Durham school FEATURE 16 Living with cancer Stretching the limits of strength January 25th - February 1 400 TC Egyptian Cotton Pillowcases STD/QUEEN KING $4.99 PR $5.99 PR Parade, games and more on tap for annual carnival Speakers liken time limit to ‘gag order’ Moya Dillon mdillon@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Residents say five minutes just isn’t enough time to bend the ears of Pickering politi- cians during public meetings at City Hall. New bylaw changes that would reduce the amount of time for res- idents to speak at council meet- ings from 10 minutes to five were a hot topic at a public meeting in council chambers on Jan. 16. “Perhaps this is a more efficient way of doing business but at a time when the public needs to be engaged, when there is incredible apathy, to limit it now is perceived to be a type of gag order,” said resi- dent and former councillor Mau- rice Brenner of the proposed time limit. “There are a lot of very dedi- cated people coming before you and it may take them time to be able to consolidate their presenta- tion. A lot of material presented in the agendas is very detailed, five minutes just doesn’t cut it some- times.” The reduced time limit is one of a number of changes in the revised council rules of procedure bylaw that was discussed at the meeting. The bylaw governs meet- ing procedure and process and is required to be reviewed once per council term under the Municipal Act. During the meeting, residents took issue with several changes in the revised bylaw, including a limit of one delegation per year for groups offering educational presentations, a prohibition on recorded votes at committee or closed meetings, a stipulation that delegations appear before a stand- ing committee prior to addressing council and a limit of five ques- tions to delegates from council- lors. But the main issue remained the reduced time limit. Resident Jac- queline Smart urged councillors to reconsider the change, despite some discussion regarding the fact that Durham Region and municipalities, including Oshawa and Ajax, have similar five-min- ute limits. “I feel 10 minutes should be standardized for this city, I don’t think you should be looking at other communities,” Ms. Smart said during a delegation at the end of the meeting, which saw 14 people speak over more than four hours. “I would expect Pickering to be a leader, I expect you to say others have made a mistake. Not every- body can speak quickly, precisely and concisely, they need the extra time, such as we hear from your- selves. You are not always precise and concise, you always take the time that you need. We need that time also to be on a level playing field.” Pickering clerk Debbie Shields said she had fielded many phone calls from the public prior to the meeting, and hoped to quell con- cerns with some main issues. She said a stipulation that individu- als can appear as a delegation only once a year before council applied to groups offering infor- mation or educational presenta- tions on issues that did not affect Pickering, such as wind farms. If a delegation was offered on an issue that directly affected the city, that individual or group would be permitted back in front of coun- cil. She also addressed a change that said delegations must go before committee with their con- cern before addressing council or, if it’s regarding a subject not on the meeting’s agenda, people must approach staff regarding the issue first. “For committee delegations it’s a little less formal so the idea is you can come and voice your con- cerns and then we have a full week to investigate your concerns,” Ms. Shields said of the changes. “If you’re coming to council to say the same th ing, we’re trying to avoid that repetition but nowhere in that document does it say you cannot come to council as well. Also, if the item is not on the agen- da we want to refer you to staff first so they can investigate con- cerns and possibly resolve that at the staff level. All we’re asking is that we try to fix it before we get to the meeting.” The bylaw was initially sched- uled to come back for discus- sion at the executive committee meeting on Monday, Feb. 13 but has been delayed until the March executive committee meeting to give staff more time for review. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 3 P 120 Centre St. S., Oshawa ALL COURSES RUN6:00 pm - 9:15 pm TWICEA WEEK FOR 28 CLASSES REGISTRATION FEE AND REFUNDABLE TEXTBOOK DEPOSIT REQUIRED CLASSES WITHINSUFFICIENT ENROLLMENTWILL BE CANCELLED Office hours extended to 8:00 pm on January 12, 18, 24 and 27 Grades 11 and 12 high school credit courses taught by qualified teachers who care about student success. Our guidance counsellors can help you plan for your future. Call Durham Continuing Education today to get started. CLASSES AVAILABLE AT 2 LOCATIONS Anderson CVI Whitby Mondays and Wednesdays Pine Ridge SS Pickering Tuesdays and Thursdays •Earnyourhigh schooldiploma •Preparefor employmentor advancement •Upgradefor collegeor university CLASSESSTARTINGFEBRUARY9,2011 ADULTNIGHTSCHOOL CLASSESSTARTINGFEBRUARY13,2012 Officehoursextendedto8:00pmonJanuary17,25andFebruary02 Pre-Registration for September 2012 Beginning in Grade 1, the Durham District School Board offers, at no additional charge to parents, a French Immersion program for non-Francophone students. To find out more about the French Immersion program, please join us at an information meeting at one of the following French Immersion schools: All French Immersion program information meetings will be held Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Pre-registration will begin following the meeting and will be available at the schools thereafter. For more information regarding French Immersion at the Durham District School Board, please visit us at: For more information regarding your child’s school designation, please contact our Property and Planning Department via e-mail at Planning_Department@durham.edu.on.ca or by phone 905-666-6421 or 1-800-339-6913 ext. 6421. Grade One French Immersion www.durham.edu.on.ca Durham District School Board AjaxPickering Cadarackque PS...........905-428-2347 Roméo Dallaire PS....... 905-428-6868 Southwood Park PS......905-683-5230 Frenchman’s Bay PS......905-839-1131 Sir J.A. Macdonald PS...905-839-1159 24/7 LocaL breaking news, sports, photos, video and weather: aLL daY, everY daY when YoU want it. >> PoliticS Five-minute talks argued in Pickering I finally caved and joined the ranks of smart-phone owners. Before proceeding it behooves me to point out a couple of impor- tant items. For starters, the hyphen in that word ‘smart-phone’ is critical. Having been in possession of one of these things for just over two weeks and having wasted untold man hours already fiddling with knobs, but- tons, settings and configurations, I can safely say that it is indeed the phone that is intel- ligent, not the other way around. There are legions of smart-phone owners, but I would wager there are very few “smart” phone own- ers. Secondly, I am discovering, to my com- plete, helpless horror that one does not own one of these phones. It owns you. Before joining the multitudes of other addicts, I used to not particularly care where my cellphone was or even if it was on. If it rang, which it seldom did, I would be able to get to it and respond. Or not. I had voicemail, after all. This new thing, however, is like carting around a newborn child. It is constantly squawking, beeping or blatting and demand- ing some kind of attention. These phones have alerts for everything. And I mean every- thing. Someone is calling. Someone you know is calling. Someone you don’t know is calling. Someone is texting. Someone is thinking about texting. Your colonoscopy results are in. You have a dental appointment in six months. Call your mother. I kid you not. And like Pavlov’s pooch I have become thoroughly trained to pick it up and check it each time it cries. Judging from the throngs of others I see doing the exact same thing, my back is not the only one with a cellular monkey on it. Another surprise is what an athletic ‘texter’ I have become. I now text far more than I actually speak to people. I like texting for several reasons. For starters I am an inveterate cheapskate and texting is free. Every time I send a message I feel like I am giving Ma Bell the digital finger. Although I am not so naive that I am unaware she will inevitably and inexorably have the last laugh. She always does. Secondly, I like to write. Texting allows me to thoughtfully and carefully choose my words. I am still old-school enough to actu- ally spell my words as well...scorning txt spk completely. But texting, I am discovering, comes with its own unique set of hazards. Chief of which is what I shall refer to as the ‘non-reply’. In this age of instant information and constant connection, if you want to really freak some- one out or tick them off, wait an inordinate amount of time before replying in the middle of a texted conversation. When it’s your turn to text back, simply don’t for a while. The individual you were corresponding with will immediately go into paroxysms of fear, guilt and agonizing self-doubt about what they’ve done to upset you. They will be pulling their hair out, pouring over the conversation with a fine-toothed comb, desperately searching for the perceived offence. I’ve been on both ends of this and it’s an amazing phenomenon. If you’re the one waiting, you really do begin to wonder if you’ve said something inappropriate. You second guess even the most innocent of remarks. “When I asked her to pick up some skim milk...did she think I was calling her fat?” On the other side of the coin, I have put friendships on the brink of disaster simply because I had to go to the bathroom and needed both hands for a while. Until some- body invents an App for hands-free peeing, some things will have to remain lo-tech. Wel- come to the age of information. -- Neil Crone is a Durham Region resident who saves some of his best lines for this column. du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m 7 AP Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 HOT TOPICS: We have a new VIDEO contest. Have a dog that meows? A cat that can dance? A snake that... does whatever a snake does? If you do, shoot a video of him doing his best trick and upload on the Pet Video Contest tab on our Facebook page. ONLINE POLL RESULTS Top 10 Winter Outdoor Activities 1. Sledding 2. Skiing 3. Snowboarding 4. Snow Angels 5. Ice Skating 6. Building a Snowman 7. Building an Igloo 8. Ice Fishing 9. Snowshoeing 10. Snowball Fight Source: familyeducation.com Regional politicians could be heading overseas to promote Durham. What do you think? Great idea (7%) Waste of taxpayers money (49%) I’m not paying for their vacation; they should pay their own way (44%) Total Votes: 309 NEIL CRONE I’m a smart-phone owner, not a smart phone owner RON PIETRONIRO/ BEHIND THE LENS The first snowfall of the season means weather shots: people shovelling driveways or clearing vehi- cles. The challenge is to find something different. The first real snowfall pro- vided interesting contrast with this crew working on the side of Hwy. 401 The image came alive with the stark contrast of the white and tan along with colours of their jackets. I shot the image from the other side of the 401 making certain to eliminate any passing vehicles and waiting until I was satisfied in the place- ment of the work crew. Rooting for Rooney Mara as best actress Apparently I must see Hugo this week- end -- the Academy says so. The Oscar nominees were announced this week and Hugo appears destined for a haul. Set in 1930s Paris, it’s billed as the story of an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station who is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton. And it’s in 3-D, which for those of us who wear bifocals is a bit of a problem, but I’m game. I’m rooting for Rooney Mara as best actress for The Girl with the Dragon Tat- too. I found the scenes of sexual violence very disturbing but riveting thanks to Mara’s performance. The other nominees for best actress are: Viola Davis in The Help (saw it, enjoyed the movie), Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady (seeing it this weekend, have high expec- tations – it’s Streep after all), Glenn Close in Albert Nobbs and Michelle Williams in My Week with Marilyn. If I’m going to see all nine of the best picture nominees, I’d better get busy -- I have seven to go. *** Many thanks to readers who sent me suggestions for cross-country ski options in response to my last column. Several people suggested Hardwood Ski and Bike near Orillia and it didn’t disap- point. While the rest of you were strug- gling with lake effect streamers last Thurs- day, my husband and I popped up to Oril- lia. Hardwood was easy to find, 60 kilome- tres of groomed trails were at our dis- posal and we practically had the place to ourselves: one class of Grade 7/8s, a few hard-core skiers who spent their time on the tougher trails, and us casual skiers. Pack a lunch, there’s a microwave at your disposal, or grab something from the snack counter. I highly recommend it. Follow Editor-in-Chief Joanne Burghardt on Twitter @jbnewsdurham JOANNE BURGHARDT - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 8 P Friday, February 17 th 4:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday, February 18 th 10:00am - 5:00pm In 2012 we will be celebrating our 10th year of promoting the sport of golf in and around Durham Region. The 2012 show will be held at the Wellness and Recreation Centre at Durham College on Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18. Friday hours will be from 4 to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Fashion show on Friday and Saturday to help Celebrate our 10th Anniversary. For more information contactCam Hreljac chreljac@durhamregion.comorTim Prout tprout@durhamregion.com 905-579-4400 Fax 905-579-2742 TEST DRIVE THE NEWESTPRODUCTS FROM OUR MAJORMANUFACTURERS! RESERVE Y OUR EXHIBIT SPA CE TODAY!! 10th Annual 2012 Campus Wellness and Recreation Centre Dunbarton High SchoolDunbarton High SchoolO S 2011 S. Ali Z. Allen K. Amos C. Angelopoulos N. Antonopoulos R. Atkinson G. Badial C. Aiken C. Akler I. Aoude K. Bedi J. Benjamin G. Boulanger K. Brown S. Brown A. Carrasco S. CaseJ. Barr S. BeairstoD. Ball N. Burt S. Chodha M. Clarkson W. Coghlan A. Corey L. Cotter H. Davidson N. DedharJ. Cautius K. ChicoineV. Castro T. Coulter E. Adams N. Dejanovic S. Donaldson M. Douse T. Dowhy J. Drysdale I. Dunn L. EustisV. Dimkovski B. DobleG. Desvignes C. Elcombe L. Faraone R. Ferries D. Flowers A. Fortin A. Fredericks K. Gauder O. Ghidi S. Fernandez B. FerreiraA. Fawaz T. Ghazarian Congratulations 2011 Graduates du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 11 AP OPG IS PROUD TO SALUTE DURHAM AREA ONTARIO SCHOLARS. opg.com du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 15 AP Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 15 AP Advertising Feature Sonya • Debbie • Michelle 94 Harwood Avenue S. Downtown Ajax 905-239-6721 • www.debbiescafe.ca CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK Debbie’s Boutique Café is a European-inspired café and gift boutique located in the heart of downtown Ajax. Unlike a typical café, Debbie’s provides a unique forum for ambience, entertainment and shopping. Debbie’s is the answer to an increasing demand for elegance in downtown Ajax. The café offers guests a variety of certified organic, Fair Tr ade coffee and loose-leaf teas, in addition to a list of specialty beverages and a simple, but healthy, breakfast and lunch menu. Kayla, our in-house baker keeps our dessert cooler filled with home baked to-die-for-desserts.We also offer our guest gluten free choices in breakfast, lunch and dessert. Debbie’s is a place where guest can socialize and share their experiences with friends and colleagues. Debbie’s Boutique Café is a unique café in Ajax. The café is designed as a community café, where people can come in, sit down and get a good cup of coffee or chat with their neighbour friends or business contacts. Guests often comment on how happy they are to finally get a latté or cappuccino and excellent home baked desserts so close to home; they are also enthused by our guest service, which gives credit to our team of hostesses — Michelle, Sonya, Racheal and Kayla — who provide excellent service. Walking into Debbie’s Café should feel like going home to mum’s or stopping at a friend’s home for a cup of good coffee and a piece of home baked apple pie. Guests should expect to feel at home when they drop by for a visit.“The café is my home away from home and our guests should feel the same.” Our guests are our ambassadors. In addition to excellent word-of-mouth endorsements, most of our guests have been referred by another. Service has to be superior at Debbie’s.“I enjoy serving our guests. I spend a lot of time trying to grow a successful business. Passion and energy are two things I have in abundance and if there’s one thing I am extremely passionate about –besides a good cup of Fair Tr ade coffee –it is community. One of my many goals is for the café to be a hub that local musicians and writers can call home; Debbie’s should be the meeting place of choice in the neighbourhood.” Are we on the right track? Considering we have been open for one year and two months, the business is doing well. Not only can customers drink ethical coffee in relax and cozy atmosphere they can also indulge in healthy, homemade desserts, gourmet sandwiches and sip on a nice latte.We ’ve received incredible feedback from our guests about what we’re doing and we credit them for our increasing guest list! To promote yourself and share your success journey in our next Women in Business feature please contact Donna McNally at 905-683-5110 Ext. 241. Welcome to Women in BusinessWelcome to Women in Business Women have come a long way in the working world, from taking over men’s positions during the war to shattering glass ceilings on their way to the top. These days it is not uncommon to fi nd women in positions of power, from managers to CEOs. Many women are also starting their own businesses – creating their own path and living their dreams, fi nding greater success along the way! LOOK FOR OURDURHAM MAILER... delivered in today’s Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser for incredible savings from local businesses such as restaurants, duct/carpet cleaning, kitchen renovations, dental services and lots more! Call today to set up an appointment with a Mailer Representative at 905-391-1427 O F T O W N A N D D E B I T D E L I V E R Y A V A I L A B L E ” S T W L I N D S A Y ( 7 0 5 ) 3 2 4 - 3 0 0 0 Serves o n e o r t w o owt 2372 H w y # 2 B o w m a n v i l l e , O n t a r i o L 1 C 4 Z 3 Place y o u r o r d e r o n l i n e a t www.BostonP i z z a . c o m •(905)623-999 3 Sun-Wed 1 1 a m - 1 2 a m • T h urs 1 1 a m - 1 a m •Fri-Sat 1 1 a m - 2 a m Please E n j o y $ 5 . 0 0 o f f your n e x t f o o d p u r c h a s e ! * Valid o n l y a t B o s t o n P i z z a B o w m a n v i l l e . V a l i d f o r delivery o n l y * 905-623-9993 lle,nO at iroL1C4Z3 lP caeyourorderonline ta www.B so not iP zz c.a mo•9(50)26 -3 99 39 uSn-W den-W den-W 11am-12am•Thurs11am-1am SERVING D U R H A M F O R O V E R 1 7 Y E A R S Watch w h i l e w e c l e a n y o u r d u c t s w i t h o u r s n a k e c a m ! 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CONSUMER W A R N I N G : BOWMANVILLE / C O B O U R G 905-697-1362 OSHAWA / W H I T B Y 905-571-7146 AJAX / P I C K E R I N G 905-686-3036 TOLL F R E E 1-800-324-7582COPYRIGHT © J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 T H E D U R H A M M A I L E R TO A D V E R T I S E C A L L 9 0 5 - 5 7 9 - 4 4 0 0 X 2 2 8 8 DNMR001584469 see r e v e r s e f o r h e a t i n g a n d c o o l i n g SERVING DURHAM FOR OVER 17 YEARSaWtchwhileewcleanyourducts NEW $349 500Wentworth S t r e e t E a s t , U n i t 8 , O s h a w a (Northeast c o r n e r o f W i l s o n & W e n t w o r t h ) COPYRIGHT © J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 T H E M A I L E R DNMR001562660 TO A D V E R T I S E C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 7 - 8 0 1 2 X 2 1 4 905-433-8858 Save & R e c y c l e A P / O S 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 2 1 - 1 3 3 3 E X T 1 6 7 3 0 9 . 0 2 / 1 1 Inventory S p e c i a l Inventory S p e c i a l on S e l e c t e d C a b i n e t S t y l e While Q u a n t i t i e s L a s t OFFOFF25%OFF25% SUPER A F F O R D A B L E K I T C H E N S “Super A f f o r d a b l e K i t c h e n s makes e v e r y effort t o s a t i s f y c u s t o m e r s n o t o n l y w i t h o u r h i g h e s t - q u a l i t y products, e x c e p t i o n a l s e r v i c e s , a n d s t y l i s h i d e a s o f d e s i g n , b u t a l s o w i t h absolutely u n b e l i e v a b l e p r i c e s ! Y o u r h a p p i n e s s i s o u r p r i d e , y o u r r e f e r r a l i s the e x i s t e n c e o f o u r b u s i n e s s ! ” Michelle,Manager CALL 905-449-5740 NOW!!! COPYRIGHT ©JANUARY 2011THE MAILER TO ADVERTISE CALL 1-800-267-8012 X214DNMR001582700 FIREPLACE www.airqualitycontrol.ca See Reverse for Duct Cleaning. $200 STAPLES GIFT CARD WHENYOU INSTALL ONE OFTHE FOUR UNITS INSTALL ONE OF THE FOUR UNITS TANKLESS NO PAYMENT UP TO 12 MONTHS HEATING •VENTILATION •AIR CONDITIONING FURNACE OR A/C UPTO 5,000 IN GOV'T REBATESAVAILABLE OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 29/12 “An Advertising Program designed to attain great results for advertisers” du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 19 AP www.oshawagener als.comwww.oshawagener als.comForticketinformation,visit: 7:05PM -Saturday,Jan.28th7:05PM -Saturday,Jan.28th Get your tickets now! Get your tickets now! vs. 6:05PM -Sunday,Jan.29th6:05PM -Sunday,Jan.29th vs. Accessibi lity A wareness Ni ght Oshawa Centre Promotional Ni ght JANUARY 25, 2012 We dnesday Flyers If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Sat. 9 - 1:00 Yo ur Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of the We ek Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At 279 Kingston Rd. E.Ajax 260 Kingston Rd. E.Ajax (in Home Depot) 1105 Kingston Rd. Pickering (in Home Depot) 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd.,Ajax 465 Bayly St.W.#5,Ajax 1889 Brock Rd. #24, Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S.,Ajax Ajax & Pickering Locations8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 Congratulations Caitlin for being our Carrier of the Week. DELIVERED TO SELECTED HOUSES ONLY *FM WINDOWS AJAX PICKERING *HEARING SOLUTIONS AJAX PICKERING *JYSK AJAX PICKERING *LOWES AJAX PICKERING *REAL ESTAT E AJAX PICKERING *SALVATION ARMY AJAX *STAPLES AJAX PICKERING *THE MAILER AJAX PICKERING *WHEELS AJAX PICKERING *X S CARGO AJAX PICKERING To day’s Carrier of the Week is Caitlin. She enjoys skateboarding and baseball. Caitlin has received dinner vouchers compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. OntariO HOckey League Generals get back into the playoff picture Wins in two of three over the weekend lifts Oshawa into eighth place SHaWn cayLey scayley@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- For the first time in quite awhile, the Oshawa Generals are back in the playoff picture. After a weekend three- in-three that opened on a sour note in an 8-3 loss in Ottawa last Friday, the Generals bounced back in a big way with consecutive wins, including one by an 11-3 count over the Kings- ton Frontenacs on Satur- day, before following that up with a 3-0 triumph over the Barrie Colts Sunday. Saturday’s game was an all-out dominating effort from start to finish for the Generals. They built a 3-0 lead after one period and upped it to 7-0 after two before hit- ting cruise control, while against Barrie, they kicked things into high gear in the third period, spearhead- ed by a two-goal, three- point effort from Picker- ing’s Andy Andreoff and a 39-save shutout from Kevin Bailie. The whole body of work made for a happy coach as the Generals climbed into eighth in the OHL’s East- ern Conference with 46 points, passing the free- falling Belleville Bulls by one and putting them on the trail of Mississauga and Peterborough, who each have 48 points. “It’s nice for them to be rewarded and see what happens when they play the right way for the full 60 and do the little things that we’ve been preach- ing, whether it’s blocking shots or chipping pucks out, taking a hit to make a play,” coach Gary Agnew said following Sunday’s victory, one that improved the Generals’ record to 21-21-1-3. “The systems are the systems, but at the end of the game it’s how hard you compete.” After being knocked down in such a manner by the rival 67’s, Agnew ques- tioned how his club would bounce back and much to his delight, they provided a convincing answer. The efforts of Bailie and Andreoff among others can be thanked for that, at least on Sunday. Andreoff opened the scoring against Barrie with his 18th of the sea- son at 4:03 of the third, tipping in a Christian Thomas shot before com- pleting his night with an empty-netter just before time expired. He also had a fight, just nine seconds into the game with Bar- rie’s Anthony Camara. Bailie, meanwhile, didn’t need to be spec- tacular against the likes of Mark Scheifele, Tanner Pearson and others, but was more than solid when called upon on and while the shutout was gratifying for Bailie, more so was the fact he was able to help the club re-enter the play- off picture. “It was big for us because we’re back in eighth place now after Belleville lost,” he said post-game. “We have to keep building on that. It feels good to final- ly be out of ninth. We haven’t been for a couple months.” Oshawa has another three-in-three ahead, vis- iting Kingston Friday, hosting Brampton Satur- day night (7:05) and Peter- borough Sunday night (6:05). Barrie colts head coach still fond of Oshawa Brad keLLy bkelly@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- It’s not quite the same, but there’s still no place like home for Dale Hawerchuk. The rink has changed over the years, with the old Civic Auditorium giving way to the GM Centre, but a trip back to Oshawa still holds a special place for Hawerchuk, who advanced through the minor hockey system here before going on to a junior and NHL career that landed him in the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2001. Sunday he was back home, so to speak, leading his Bar- rie Colts into Oshawa to face the Generals. “It’s always nice to come home, but you want to win. You want to win every one wherever you go,” said the head coach and Director of Hockey Operations for Bar- rie. “I’ve got a lot of great memories here. This is where I learned my trade, so it’s a special place that way.” The 46 year old has his hockey club headed in the right direction, despite the 3-0 loss to the Generals on Sunday. Last season, his first behind the bench, Bar- rie missed the playoffs with a 15-49-2-2 record. Through 45 games this season, Bar- rie sits fifth in the Eastern Conference with a 24-18-2- 1 record. It helps that the team boasts a couple of the top players in the league in Tanner Pearson and Mark Scheifele, who played for Canada at the World Juniors. But even they couldn’t beat Oshawa netminder Kevin Bailie on Sunday. “It was a good, hard fought game,” said Hawerchuk. “I thought both teams played hard. It was like a playoff game. Both goalies played well. “We talked about getting pucks to the net. Games like that, sometimes it’s not the prettiest goals that get you going.” So far, in two trips back home as head coach of Bar- rie, the hockey gods haven’t been kind to Hawerchuk, losing in his only visit last season, 7-4. Home still holds a special place for Hawerchuk du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 21 AP 2 Full-Time Positions Available in our Whitby Location .NET Software Developer- Microsoft .NET using VB, WPF, and ASP - Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server and other relational databases - JavaScript, HTML, XML, XAML - Application and Web Development - TCP/IP Communications Design and Development - Visual Studio Team Foundation Server - Strong OOP and .NET Design Fundamentals Mobile Application Developer - Must have 1+ years of experience developing mobile applications - Objective C - Java, HTML, HTML5, XML, XAML, ASP - Web Services- SQL Server and VB.NET Email resume to: hrjobs@keyscan.ca Selling Manager, Online Advertising Sales (New Business) Division: Durham Office Location: Oshawa Territory: Durham Region Reports To: Regional Director of Sales Is working with energetic, passionate people right up your alley? If so, Metroland Media Group is looking for you! WHO ARE WE? Metroland Media Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation and southern Ontario's most trusted and respected community media source. Our digital media division, manages a network of leading community, specialty and vertical websites across Ontario reaching over 6 million unique internet users every month. THE OPPORTUNITY As we continue to expand our successful digital sales initia- tives, we are currently seeking an energetic, talented and self-assured Digital Sales Manager to drive new business sales throughout the Durham Region. We're looking for a motivated leader who demonstrates a sense of urgency, with- out creating unnecessary chaos. The ideal candidate will have strong management experience and a proven track record for attaining outstanding results through the motivation and development of a sales team. This role requires knowledge of the digital advertising space, the competitive landscape and a solutions oriented approach to selling. WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO • Manage and develop a team of "hunters" who are exclusively focused on generating new business/clients • Utilize your expertise to maximize revenue and develop strategies to ensure superior execution from your team • Consistently monitor team performance relative to targets and adjust plans accordingly to ensure that targets are achieved • Mentor your team and strive to make them better; we expect them to continually improve as a result of your expert leadership • Work through obstacles/objections with your team members, while ensuring superior customer satisfaction at all times • Ongoing reporting, tracking and forecasting ABOUT YOU • A track record of successfully driving revenue, with a focus on acquiring new business • Previous experience in a sales leadership role, with prefer- ence given to with digital advertising sales experience • Demonstrated ability to coach and develop successful "hunters" • Top notch presentation/communication skills, with a natural ability to build positive relationships • Extensive knowledge of the local digital media/advertis- ing landscape • Highly skilled in all Microsoft Office applications, with expert knowledge of Excel STUFF THAT'S NOT ON A RESUME • Type-A personality, highly competitive, self-motivated and driven by results • A confident and influential leader with the ability to moti- vate and inspire • Proactive and optimistic, with a "can do" attitude • Can be decisive and demonstrate timely decision making, often under complex and demanding circumstances • Energized by deadlines/pressure with a passion for ex- ceeding targets • A believer in digital media, where it is today and where it's going WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? • The opportunity to be part of a company at the cutting edge of the digital media industry; you'll never get bored in our fast-paced, constantly evolving and challenging environment. • We've got your health in mind; you'll get a comprehensive benefits package, including 4 weeks vacation and a group RRSP plan • The sky's the limit; our uncapped commission plan provides unlimited earning potential • The opportunity to work with other talented and awesome people Looking for your next career challenge? If so, Metroland Media Group is the place to be! Interested candidates are requested to forward their resume, cover letter and salary expectations to careers@durhamregion.com by 12pm on Friday, January 27, 2012. Please reference "Digital Sales Manager" in the subject line. Metroland is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Up to 90% LTV Don’t worry about Credit! Refinance Now! Call 647-268-1333 Hugh Fusco AMP #M08005735 Igotamortgage Inc. #10921 www.igotamortgage.ca Available Mortgages Quality Apartments for Rent 100, 101, 200 & 201 White Oaks Whitby l 2 & 3 bedrooms available from $880. l Upgraded lobbies l Large suites l Durham Transit and GO Transit at door l Close to shopping, schools & Hwy 401 Call (289) 278-0327 - - - - - - - - - - -1865 Glenanna Rd., Pickering l 3 bedrooms available from $1,170. l Across from Pickering Town Centre l Daycare on site l Washer / dryer in unit Call (905) 831-1250 rentals@capreit.net www.caprent.com 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent. Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Request for Supplier Qualification RFSQ #12-01 INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION PROPOSALS TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TRADE CONTRACTORS,FOR INTERIOR BUILDING RENOVATIONS The Durham District School Board tentatively proposes to reno- vate schools in various Durham locations over the next three (3) to five (5) years. Prequalification will be for the following: Interior Building Renovations - approx. 1,500 - 5,000 sq. ft. each Request for Supplier Qualification (RFSQ) documents for Con- tractors may be obtained from the Purchasing Department of the Durham District School Board, 905-666-6442. Submissions are to be forwarded to Durham District School Board, Purchasing Department, 400 Taunton Road East, Whit- by, Ontario L1R 2K6, in envelopes with contents clearly marked "RFSQ #12-01 Prequalification Submission for Interior Building Renovations" before the closing time and date: Before 3:00 p.m. (Local Time) Thursday, February 9, 2012. Late bids will not be accepted. Initial projects will be tendered separately in the next few months. Drawings, Specifications, and Tender Documents will be made available only to a limited number of General Contrac- tors and Mechanical and Electrical Trade Contractors who have been deemed by the Owner and the Architects to be prequalified to perform on these projects. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all submissions. Please be informed that pre-qualification will not impose any obligation on the Durham District School Board to perform any construction project related to this prequalification process. D.M. Homeniuk, CSCMP, CPPO, Manager of Purchasing David J. Visser, Hons.B.B.A., C.A. Superintendent of Education, Facilities Services NOTICE OF SALE Goods and/or vehicles will be sold by Reinhart Auctions on February 8, 2012 at 475 Harwood Ave. North, Ajax, ON at 2:00 p.m. to satisfy outstanding charges for storage rental incurred by the following: Marie Tenn Grahame McNeill Kelsey Mann Justin Hill Peter Taylor Alysha Tenn Rob Wells Saintly George Williamson Natasha Videsharlkayman Demattos alias Videshari De Mattos Dated in the city of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta, January 23, 2012, SENTINEL SELF-STORAGE CORP., #1970, 10123-99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3H1. Thursday Jan. 26, 7:00pm Join the Pickering Camera Club Experience Photography 940 Brock Rd. Unit 6 $70/year cash or cheque, payable to Pickering Camera Club Everyone is welcome from beginners to professional photographers. www.pickeringcameraclub.com 905-626-6622 Computer & IT Industrial/Commercial SpaceI INDUSTRIAL BAY next to 401/Stevenson exit. Hydro, water, heating, sink, parking, 2 air compressors, roll-up door, washrooms included. Auto repair, machining, hob- bies, and other light industrial uses. Storage container available. 905-576-2982 or 905-621-7474 Mortgages,LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Bet- ter Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com 1.89% Mortgage No appraisal needed. Beat that! Refinance now and Save $$$ before rates rise. Below bank Rates Call for Details Peter 877-777-7308 Mortgage Leaders Apartments &Flats for RentA 1 AND 2 BEDROOM apart- ments for rent, Whitby, Brock & Dundas area. Available Feb. lst. Call Darlene 905- 767-4201 or Tony (416)493- 1927. AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 3-bedroom from $1199/mo. Plus parking. Available February 1st. 905- 683-5322 GREAT 1 bedroom apart- ment for rent, full laundry and bath, full kitchen and separ- ate living area, great loca- tion, just north of Concession #4, Bowmanville. $850/inclu- sive. No smoking/pets. Available now. (905)263- 4627 HI-RISE - WALK TO GM, 822 Glen St. 2 Bedrooms $830, first/last. Available February & March. Large suites. Must see to appre- ciate. Call 905-438-0120 LARGE STUDIO basement apartment, fireplace. Down- town Whitby, $800/inclusive. Separate kitchen & side en- trance. Basic satellite TV, Laundry. First/last. no pets/smoking. Avail. Feb. 1st (905)752-5532, (905)665- 5906 MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Utilities included, minutes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 8 8 8 - 4 1 5 - 2 8 5 4 www.realstar.ca OSHAWA 1-BDRM $700. Clean and quiet, includes utilities, appliances, parking. Smoking yes; Pets no. Nice area. Suit single working male. (905)576-6247. Computer & IT Apartments &Flats for RentA OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and security access. Call 905- 728-4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA, 385 Gibb St. Avail. Immediately. 2 bdrm apts. From $860/month plus $25/mo. parking. Upon cred- it approval. Laundry on-site. Close to amenities. Patrick 905-443-0191. OSHAWA, LARGE 1-bed- room apartment includes heat, hydro, parking and own laundry. $875/month. First/last, references. No pets/smoking. Available Feb 1st. (905)579-4005. PICKERING, Brock/Dell- brook, 2-bdrm bsmt. Separ- ate entrance & laundry. $900/mo inclusive. Avail Feb. 1st, First/last. No smok- ing/pets. Call (905)426-7469. PICKERING, BROCK/Major Oaks, 1-bedroom above ground basement apartment, separate entrance, clean, large windows, laundry, a/c, Close to all amenities. Available Feb 1st. $800/month. 905-686-6684, 416-712-4059. PICKERING, CLEAN 2- BDRM. apt., near mall. Brand new floors, windows, light fixtures, paint. Includes 4-appliances. non-smoker, no pets. Avail. immediately. $850/mo+utilities. Call Jen 647-402-8667. STOP RENTING. Own your Own Home. Good/Bad Credit Re-financing. Stop Power of Sale. Cleveland Lewis Bro- ker, Homelife Miracle (647)886-5738, www.6478865738.com UXBRIDGE (south) country property apartment. Main floor 2bdrm with appliances incl. w/d. $925+ propane. Nonsmoking. Avail Feb 1. 905-649-1717 WHITBY Central, immacu- late 1-bedroom $845+hydro avail. now, and 2-bedroom $990+hydro. Appliances, heat, water, laundry fa- cilities, and parking. No dogs 905-666-1074 or 905-493- 3065. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 8 8 8 - 9 0 1 - 2 9 7 9 www.realstar.ca WHITBY, quiet 4-plex, 3-bedroom, 2-levels, ABSOLUTELY no pets/ smoking, coin laundry, near bus, GO, 401. Brock/Burns. $1375/month. Available Immediately. 905-426-3288. Sales Help& Agents Sales Help& Agents Sales Help& Agents Hospital/Medical/Dental Mortgages,LoansM Apartments &Flats for RentA Condominiumsfor RentC AJAX, Kingston/Westney. Excellent condition. 2-bdrm condo, 2-bathrooms, balco- ny, ensuite, washer/dryer, 2-parking, locker/storage/se- curity, sauna/pool, Avail im- mediately. Close to 401/all amenities. No smoking/pets. References $1400/mo inclu- sive. 416-226-6705. Houses for Rent OSHAWA 3+1 bedroom, new appliances, large fenced yard, near shopping, schools, Civic, transit & 401. Avail March 1st. $1300+utilities. Credit check req'd. (905)579-7581 or (905)728-1612. RENT-TO-OWN YOUR own home, Whitby, 3-bedroom, 3- bath. Close to all amenities. Brock/Rossland. All applianc- es, 2-balconies, walkout basement, fenced yard. Move in immediately. Call 1- 866-610-6446. (24hrs.) To wnhousesfor RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Parking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 866-437- 1832 www.realstar.ca Hospital/Medical/Dental Mortgages,LoansM Apartments &Flats for RentA Townhousesfor RentT TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 888-313-9757 www.realstar.ca Rooms forRent & WantedR A CASTLE, North Whitby! Hot tub outside. $575/month includes heat, hydro, cable, water, jacuzzi - inside. Fur- nished. Parking available. Near transit. February 1st. First/last, suit working pro- fessional. (905)432-6454. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED sunny bedroom in Pickering Village exec home. Use of full house, in- cludes cable, internet. Suits male 50+. NO parking. Bus- es at door. $525/month, first/last. 905-424-0286 PICKERING, ROOM for rent, $400 inclusive, quiet home, available immediately, near shopping & amenities. Fe- male preferred. Call (905)426-1974, leave mes- sage if not home. TendersT LegalNotices Rooms forRent & WantedR ROOM FOR rent in upscale home by lake. Non-smoker, female university student preferred. Parking available, own washroom, share kitch- en. $500/month, first/last, available February 1st. 289- 892-2985. SharedAccommodation OSHAWA HUGE LOFT for rent, shared kitchen and bathroom, great neighbour- hood, on bus route to col- lege. Close to all amenities. $625/inclusive. First/last rent required. Pets Welcome. Call 289-688-4042. Leave message. TendersT LegalNotices RegistrationR TendersT LegalNotices RegistrationR Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-5110 du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 22 AP Saturday March 3rd & Sunday March 4th, 2012 Durham College Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa For booth information go to www.showsdurhamregion.com or contact Audrey at 905-683-5110 x257 or email: adewit@durhamregion.com Metro East Spring Home & Garden Show March 30 – April 1, 2012 Pickering Markets Trade Centre, Pickering For booth information contact Audrey at adewit@durhamregion.com or (905)683-5110 ext. 257 HOUSE CLEANING Organizing, de cluttering, anything for your house hold needs! Free Estimates. References available (905)837-0783 LIVE AUCTION SALE CLAREMONT COMMUNITY CENTRE 4840 Old Brock Rd. Claremont, Ontario L1Y 1A6 Saturday, January 28th , Preview: 12:00pm-Start: 1:00pm Estate Coin Collections * Housewares * Giftware * Jewellery * Electronics * Bedding * Art * Sports Memorabilia Typical Sale Offerings Will Include But Are Not Limited To; Over 500 Lots of 10-14-18kt Gold Diamond Jewellery * Hand Made Designer Jewellery Items * Appraised Spectacular Items From Various Jewellery Manufacturers * Coins & Banknotes From Collections Across Canada * Sterling Silver, Designer Watches - Name Brands - Pearls - Gemstone Rings - Diamond Studs. Art Gallery Submissions of Framed Group of Seven Art- ists * Native Art by:Norval Morrisseau & Art of The People * Wall Decor * "Alicia Soave" ( Caledon Artist ) * Studio Prints * Gi- clees * Serigraphs * Original Oil Paintings * Cameo Prints * Imgaes of Canada * Iconic Artists * Designers Choice Wall Decor * Wall Clocks * Hand Made Panels * Original Giclee Canvas Art * Wildlife * Master Artists * Sports Memorabilia & Nostalgia: Collections from various Estates and collectors to include: sports cards, signed jerseys, old wax boxes, McFarlane figures, 16 x 20 multi signed photos, Factory card sets, Nostalgia Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Harley Davidson, Coca Cola, Betty Boop, Music Gold Records with rare guitar picks framed, Justin Bieber, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Scarface, Taylor Swift, Movie & TV Show Scripts, Maple Leaf Gardens Memorabilia, Framed Super Stars, HOF, Legends, Milestones, Unique & Rare Items Always Arriving. Electronics * Furnishings * Antiques * Area Rugs * Lighting * Bronze Statuary * Housewares * Cookware * Bedding LARGE OFFERING OF STORE VENDOR RETURNS IN EVERY SALE - ALL SOLD AS IS ATTENTION Dealers - Resellers - Home Party Hosts - Kijiji Sellers - eBay- ers - Designers - Home Stagers Terms of Sale: As per posted and announced, can be viewed at www.auctioneer.ca under 'About Auctions' link. Removal same day. Registration with government ID required. Accepted pay- ments are Cash, Visa, MC, Debit. Buyers fee on all items. CONSIGNMENTS ARE WELCOME! PRE-REGISTER FOR ANY SALE! NOW AUTHORIZED TO BUY GOLD, JEWELLERY, STERLING SILVER, COIN COLLECTIONS, QUALITY COLLECTIBLES! TURN YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS INTO IMMEDIATE CASH! Make an appointment or send your list by email to: info@auctioneer.ca. A representative will contact you immediately ESTATE AUCTION STAPLETON AUCTIONS NEWTONVILLE Friday, January 27th, 5:00 p.m. Selling the new stock bikes and scooters from an Oshawa Bike Shop Close out and the con- tents from a Cobourg home: Drop leaf Pine Table; Ant. Chairs; Parlour Chairs; Benches; Chests; Dressers; 6pc. Roxton Maple Bedroom Suite; (dbl); 2 single Beds-Cannonball Post; Armoire; Leather Chaise; Repro Gramophone; Lumbers L/E Prints; Paintings; Desks; Fix- tures; Lamps; Glassware; Chinaware; Col- lectibles; pet cages; garden Tools; etc. 2 New Electric Scooters (500watt); 6 new Mountain Bikes; 4 new Cruiser Bikes; 2 new chopper bikes; gas bike; electric mountain bike; new tires; wheels; helmets; parts; Skateboards and new parts; Edgecare Skate Sharpener; Fleming Galt Skate Sharpener; Commercial Racking Wheel Aligner Unit; Cash Register; Security System; qty New fish tackle and sport goods; etc. etc. Preview After 2:00 p.m. Terms: Cash, Approved Cheques, M/C, visa, Interac 10% Buyers Premium Applies Auctioneers: Frank & Steve Stapleton, Newtonville, 905-786-2244, 800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com 'Celebrating 40 years in the auction industry' Waddingtons.ca/Cobourg Asian, Silver & Collectibles Auction 9 Elgin Street East, Cobourg, ON Saturday, January 28, 2012 Preview @ 9:30 a.m. Auction starting at 11:00 a.m. Crystal glasses, ivory puzzle balls, porcelain, enamel & cloisonné snuff bottles, carved ivory figures, rosewood wall masks, metal sculptures of deities, tortoise shell jewelry boxes, oriental textiles, ginger jars, Galle & Tiffany style lamps, Quimper, ormolu mounted urns, marble top tables, English pottery, leather top tables, settees, display cabinets. Sterling to include: cutlery sets, dresser set, tea services, serving pieces. Selection of Canadian & Asian artwork, carpets, rugs & much more. Watch the website for updates & photos. For further details contact us at 905-373-0501 or pn@waddingtons.ca Tel: 905.373.0501 Toll Free: 1.855.503.2963 Fax: 905.373.1467 Email: pn@waddingtons.ca 9 Elgin Street East, Unit 6, Cobourg, ON K9A 0A1 AUCTION SALE Liquidation Gift Basket Business, Estate & Household ContentsSunday January 29, 20129:30 am (viewing 8:00 am) Auction includes: A Large Selection Of New Products used in the making of Gift Baskets, Candles, Baskets, Gift- ware, Babyware, etc, Multi Glass Shelf Display Island, Great to start a business or add to your stock or just to make great gifts, Also Featured: Contents from Local Estate & Living Estate, Diningroom & Kitchen sets, Leather Sofas, Couch- es, Chairs, Sofa Bed, 4 pc Wicker Set, 2 Unique Antique Chairs, Fish Tank & Fish, Blanket Boxes, Bedroom Set, Misc Dressers & Cabinets, Tables & Stands, Hoosier, Origi- nal, Lt Ed & Decorative Art, Several Rugs & Mats, Kitchen Contents (pots, pans, cutlery, mixers, dishes, etc), 2 Small Freezers, Flatware, Quality Glass & China, Mason's (Friars- wood) Dish set, Jewelry, Linens, Lawnmowers, Ladders, Misc Tools, Hardware A SALE NOT TO BE MISSED. Something for one and all Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac (10% buyers premium) see: www.macgregor.theauctionadvertiser.com MacGREGOR AUCTIONSLocated in Orono at Silvanus Gardens. Take 115/35 Hwy to Orono, Exit at Main St. (Exit 17).Follow signs to Mill Pond Rd.905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARNFriday January 27th at 4:30pm located 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4. Selling the Contents of a Oshawa home plus others - 5pc queen pine cannonball bedroom set - Victrola gramophone - glass top dining room table and chairs - table top balance scales - 2 door wardrobe - wicker high chair - oak server - chrome ashtray - lg qty of records - settee - lg blanket box - wood file cabinet - parlour tables - bunk bed set - chesterfield set - gate leg table - single craftmatic bed - engine hoist - mo- torized treadmill - Proform elliptical exerciser - Weider Pro weight machine - Frigidaire Gallery flat top stove - Kenmore fridge - Frigidaire dishwasher - Whirlpool washer - 97 Formula 500 snowmobile - single snowmobile trailer - Qty of china, glass, household and collectable itemsDon & Greg Corneil Auctioneers1241 Salem Rd., Little Britain (705) 786-2183 for more info or pictures go to www.theauctionadvertiser.com/DCorneil- open for viewing Thursday from 8:30am to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm and Friday at 9am WEDNESDAY, February 1st • 4:30pm H A U C T I O N S A L E H of Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles for a Toronto Home, Selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS Ltd, 1 km. West of Utica To Include: Dining room suite, chests, prints, jewelry, large quantity of collectables and glassware, plus many other interesting items. Sale Managed and Sold by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD.905-985-1068 HAYDON AUCTION BARN Monday Jan 30th - 5:30 pm Viewing from 3 pm Coins, Attractive Dining Set incl. table, six chairs, china cabinet and sideboard, old dresser with beveled mirror, Sterling Silver Music Box and Cigarette Case, R/C Toys, Wireless Security Set, 5th wheel trailer hitch, iron outdoor chairs & candle holders, small tools, wall units, Antiques, Collectibles & more. See Website for Photos & Full Details www.haydonauctionbarn.com 2498 Concession Rd. 8, HaydonMidway between Bowmanville & Blackstock, just east of Durham #57 Rod Smith - Auctioneer (905) 263-4402 BRUCE KELLETT AUCTIONS Kellett Sale Barn •13200 Old Scugog Rd.(1/2 Mile South of Blackstock, Ont.) SAT., JAN. 28, 2012 @ 10:30 am • Blanket box • Pine drop leaf table • Auction Sale copy, 1932, by Ted Jackson • Elec. tools & hand tools • Massy Harris part manuals • Clay marbles (1890's) • Beauceware • Much more. See website for items. AUCTIONEER: Bruce Kellett(705)328-2185 or (905)986-4447 Now taking Spring auction bookings - See website: www.kellettauctions.fcwhost.com/web January 28th 10:00 AM Antiques, Furniture, Collectibles, Art & Sports Memorabilia from Local Estates including Uxbridge, Markham, Jordan, Toronto. Van Haven Sales Arena, 720 Davis Drive Uxbridge, Ontario GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-852-9538, 800-654-4647 416-518-6401 Details & photos garyhillauctions.ca VendorsWantedV House Cleaning VacationProperties ASK YOURSELF, what is your TIMESHARE worth? We will find a buyer/renter for CA$H. NO GIMMICKS- JUST RESULTS! www.BuyATimeshare.com (888)879-7165 CANCEL YOUR TIME- SHARE. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Mainte- nance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guaran- tee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1- 888-356-5248 Articlesfor SaleA **LEATHER JACKETS 1/2 PRICE, purses from $9.99; luggage from $19.99; wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439-1177, (416)335- 7007. BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 FURNACES: LENNOX Manufactured, 92.1% high- efficiency, 70,000-BTU's, $1699 (Installed). 90,000- BTU's, $1849 (Installed). 95% High-efficiency, Luxaire- York 60,000-BTU's, from $1999 (Installed). Humidifi- er's, gas lines available. Call (289)404-3738. HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514.www.durhamcovers.com HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper HOT TUBS, 2011 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifice $3,900. 416-779- 0563. HOT TUBS/SPAS – over 20 New & Used on display. From $495 - $4,995. War- ranties available. All offers considered. 905-409-5285 VendorsWantedV House Cleaning Articlesfor SaleA MUST SELL EVERYTHING! Moving out of province. En- tire house contents - kitchen, livingroom, bedrooms, cabi- nets and more. Excellent prices! Call 9a.m. to 9p.m. Oshawa (905)720-0822 RENT TO OWN - N e w a n d reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1- 800-798-5502. SECURITY CONCERNS We Can Help. Camera Systems, Very Reasonable 26 Years Experience. Family Business. www.SkyviewE.com 905- 655-3661 1-800-903-8777 TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $399. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. Wood supplier of first choice by many customers since 1975. (905)753-2246. FIREWOOD, seasoned hard- wood, free delivery. $120 for 16" face cord. (905)640-5977 or (416)460-4637 FIREWOOD: $120/FACE cord, DLS Garden Centre, 935 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. Call (905)576-8400. Delivery also available. Pets, Supplies,Boarding WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, both parents on site. Vet checked, shots. Beautiful Puppies Personality plus, very social. Newtonville area. Call 905-786-2645. www. morningstarkennels.com Cars for Sale 2006 CHEVY COBALT LS $3695., 2005 Chevy Venture LS $3695., 2005 Chevy Op- tra LS $3995., 2005 Saturn Ion $2995., 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GT $2995., 2004 Hyundai Accent GL $2995., 2004 Chevy Impala $2995., 2003 Hyundai Tiburon $2995., 2003 Suzuki Aerio $3495., 2003 Olds Alero $2995., 2002 Nissan Maxima $4995., 2002 Mazda Protege LX $1695., 2002 Kia Sedona EX $2895., 2002 Nissan Sentra GXE $2495., Over 50 vehicles in stock from $995. & up, AMBER MOTORS 3120 Danforth Avenue, Scarborough, Open 7 days a week! 416-864-1310. 2006 HONDA CIVIC DXG 4 door MT 89 km. CD/MP3, PD, PW, PM, A/C, Digital Spedo. Tint. Alarm, $9,000. Allan (905)999-4123 Cars for Sale TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. Cars WantedC **$!$$!! ! AAAAA WHITTLE SCRAP Solutions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. !!! $$ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 ! ! ! $200-$2000 Cash For Cars & Trucks $$$$ 1-888-355-5666 ! !!! ! ! ! $ ! AAAA AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. $$$ TOP CASH paid for your car or trucks. Same day re- moval service. Call Shawn (416) 577-3879 $250-$2000 Ajaxautowreckers.com Cash for Cars, Trucks and All Scrap Metal. 905-686-1771416-896-7066 $300-$3000 Cash 4 Cars Dead or alive Same day Fast Free Towing 416-312-1269 416-490-9199 1-888-989-5865 Cars WantedC CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES COURTICE AUTO Recy- cling. We pay Top Dollar for your Scrap cars & trucks. Cash paid. 24 hours, 7 days/week. Free pickup. Call John (905)436-2615 NEED CA$H? WILL PAY you up to $2000 for your scrap car, truck or van. Free tow. Will beat anyone's price call (289)892-3414. Tr ucksfor SaleT 2000 DODGE Dakota, 198,000km, mint condition, $3000. Call 905-263-4196 AdultEntertainment #1 Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 MassagesM AAA PICKERING ANGELS H H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! NOW OPEN LaVilla Spa 634 Park Rd. South Oshawa (905)240-1211 Now hiring!!! MassagesM OPEN 7 Days/Week Asian Girls serenityajaxspa.com 905-231-027243 Station St. Unit 1, Ajax OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 HandymanH NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? l Junk Removal l Gen. Deliveries l Small Moves l Furniture Assembly l Odd JobsReasonable RatesCall Hans anytime (905)706-6776 afriendwithatruck.ca Painting& Decorating ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 House Cleaning CLEAN MOMENTExperienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" Auctions ww w . d u r h a m re g i o n .c o m du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 23 APSaveUpTo90%!o 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSSaveUpTo90%!IT’S FREE! Sign up today at www.wagjag.com!Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper Visit wagjag.comisit wagjag.comV Follow us on Facebook Connect with us on Facebook to discuss future deals, to be alerted to special Facebook only offers or to simply ask us some questions. $59foranInteriorandExteriorDetailingPackageIncludingPremium Hot Wax (a $140 Value) Regular Price: $140 |You Save: $81 Discount:58% BUYFOR$59 $149 for a Laser Therapy Treatment to Quit Smok- ing at Omega Laser Therapy Stop Smoking Clinic (a $300 Value)-Choose from 10 Locations BUY FOR$149 News Advertiser T H E In Loving Memory of Jack Rauch who passed away January 25, 2007 The years are quickly passing Though still we can't forget For in the hearts that love him His memory lingers yet. Always remembered by Wife Tish, Children John, Debbie, Robyn, and families ARNOLD, Beverley (nee Morrison) - October 17, 1952 - January 20, 2012. It is with great sadness the family announces the passing of Beverley Arnold on Friday, January 20 2012, at home with her family by her side after a short battle with cancer. Bev was the beloved and loving wife to her best friend Graham, the love of her life for 41 years. She was also an amazing mom to Tim, Cheryl (Brad) and Heather (Sandy), and proud grandma to Braeden, William, Callum, Lily and Brodie. A celebration of life will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2012. Visita- tion from 1-2 pm with the service at 2 pm at McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (905)428-8488. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Bev may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. GRAINGER, Richard - Passed away peace- fully on Friday January 20th, 2012 surround- ed by his family at Ajax-Pickering Hospital. Loving husband of Joan. Cherished Father, Grand-father, Great-Grandfather, Brother, Uncle & his many friends. Memorial Service to take place on Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at 11am. at St. Timothy's Presby- terian Church, 97 Burcher Road, Ajax, ON, (905) 683-6122. In Lieu of Flowers, Dona- tions may be made to the Charity of your Choice. Condolences may be made online at www.mceachniefuneral.ca HAESEN, Barbara - On January 18th, 2012 Barbara loving and devoted wife of the late Gerhard. Beloved mother of Gabriele and her husband Mike Harvey, Mike and his wife Miriam, Andre Reiter, and Brigitte and her husband Andrew Oppenheimer. Cherished Oma of Courtney, Jimmy, Natasha, Sabrina, Katie, Kevin, Nyla, Abby and Marley. Loving Sister of Juliana and Thersia. Barbara will be missed by her family and friends both in Canada and in Europe. KITCHENER, Velma - On January 15th, 2012. Velma, loving wife of the late Robert. Loving mother of Mike Kennedy and his wife Annette. Cherished Grandma of Krystal and Colleen. Sister in law of Earl and his wife Aileen. Velma will be dearly missed by her many friends in Ajax and Ottawa. A service will be held at a later date. Death Notices du r h a m r e g i o n . c o m Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r • Ja n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 24 AP 201 BAYLY ST.W.(AT MONARCH AV E., AJAX)1-888-468-0391 WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS! CHRYSLER •DODGE •JEEPVILLAGE CHRYSLER Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. All prices and payments are plus HST only! One offer per customer. License fee extra. Financial example $10,000 for 60 mths @ 4.99%Variable rate = payment $43.78/weekly, cost of borrowing $1,327.44 OAC. Thank s Durham f o r Vo ting u s #1 2010Platinum “Thinkinglike acustomer” No Credit? Slow Credit? 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