HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2011_09_30 MOYA DILLON mdillon@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- A Pickering couple found themselves in the middle of a media frenzy when Dalton McGuinty stopped by to discuss their home renovation plans. The Liberal leader visited the Rosebank Road South home of John and Victoria Vonk on Sept. 29 to discuss the couple’s plans for renovating their five-storey home as they age. Mr. McGuinty was there to promote the party’s Healthy Home Renovation Tax Credit, which offers 15 per cent of up to $10,000 in reno- vations per year, or $1,500, for work to make seniors homes safer and more accessible. “I get the sense you would like to stay here as long as you can,” he explained, while chatting in the couple’s living room over tea and muf- fins along with his wife, Terri, and Tracy Mac- Charles, Liberal candidate for Pickering-Scar- borough East. Liberal leader visits Pickering seniors MCGUINTY SPEEDS UP IMPLEMENTATION OF HOME RENO TAX CREDIT SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND PICKERING -- Premier Dalton McGuinty visited a home in Pickering on Sept. 29, to make an announcement regarding his election plat- form. The premier, accompanied by his wife Terri, said goodbye to homeowners Vicki and John Vonk as he left. JOE DICKSON - LIBERAL CANDIDATE, AJAX PICKERING First MRI Imaging Unit Ever Dowty Jobs ExpandRe-ElectON OCTOBER 6TH AuthorizedbytheCFO for The JoeDicksonCampaign Eight New Schools Wo rking for US!Re Elect DICKSON ON OCTOBER 6TH JOE Liberal Candidate Ajax-Pickering Authorized by the CFO for the Joe Dickson CampaignWasteReductionWeekinCanadaOct. 1 8-24,2010www.wrwcanada.com Forwastereductiontipsvisit sustainablepickering.com facebook.com/newsdurham twitter.com/newsdurham Pressrun 53,400 • 24 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand P ICKER I NG News Adver tiserT H E Friday, September 30, 2011 See PREMIER page 9 BICENTENNIAL 4 Pickering arboretum Local students help finish job MUSIC 15 Best of music and comedy Sharron Matthews to perform at St. Francis Centre SPORTS 18 Fury ‘C’ a leader Pickering’s Raguseo to captain Whitby junior team durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20112 AP www.internationalpoolandspashow.comLOTSOF FREEPARKING!FINANCING ON THE SPOT! REG.$4795 NOW.$2995 Come see us in Oshawa! Oshawa 800 Ta unton Rd.W. 905-434-7727 Corner of Ta unton & Thornton Road DURHAM’SLARGESTFACTORYDIRECT DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE! MANUFACTURER REPS ON SITE! 4DAYSONLY! SEPT 29 TO OCT 2 EVENT HOURS THURS - FRI 10-8 SATURDAY 10-7 SUNDAY 10-6 60%SAVE UP TO OFF HOT TUB LIQUIDATION OVER 100 MODELS ON DISPLAY durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20113 PVOTE Tr acyMacChar les for Pickering-Scarborough East It's amazing what we'veachieved together: More full-time jobs than the rest of Canada combinedso far this year �orth �merica�s �rst full-day �inder�arten �ro�ram �rom Canada�s lon�est sur�ical �ait times tothe shortest ���reduction in coal-burnin�electricity� �rom ��to ����ind turbines “These are uncer tain times for the global economy. Ontario families need steady, experienced leadership. The choice on October 6th is clear. We can go off track... or we can go forward, together.” Tracy MacCharles, Pickering-Scarborough East �uthori�ed by the�ic�erin�-�carborou�h�ast���������������� �racy����e�accharles�ca ��������e�accharles�ca We need to keep moving forward. Applefest Saturday,October1st 2pm–3:30pm KickofftheFallseasonwithour annualevent!Joinusforfreshbaked appletreatsandliveentertainment. RSVPtoJennasseatingislimited. 1645 Pickering Pkwy., Pickering Call905-426-6603 www.chartwellreit.ca Nowheenjoysavariedmenuandgreatcompany At Chartwell, the chef changes the menu daily, so Walter not only gets to choose from a variety of balanced meals, but he enjoys them with a side dish of laughter and conversation. parkway retirement residence WalterUsedToEatFrozen DinnersAlone Community safety zone aimed at deterring speeders Moya Dillon mdillon@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Residents of Claremont can feel safer on their streets after the Region of Durham moved to declare a community safety zone in their community. The newly designated area runs along Central Street from Old Brock Road to Claremont Public School. Drivers caught speeding within the designated area will face double fines, with the maximum being $272.50 for 29 km/hr over the posted limit of 50 km/hr. Anyone going faster will be given court dates where a judge will decide the appropriate fine. “In this day and age with inflation and the high price of everything no one wants to get a ticket, much less one for $200 or $300,” said Sue Kelly, traffic co-ordinator for the Durham Regional Police. The zone is something Jim Doyle, presi- dent of the Claremont and District Com- munity Association, has been request- ing for several years. The concerns were first brought to him by residents in 2006, when local families began reporting vehi- cles speeding through the hamlet, and spe- cifically in the area near Claremont Public School, where residents were having trou- ble crossing the street safely. “We are very happy,” Mr. Doyle said of the implementation of the safety zone, and other recent improvements such as the installation of flashing lights at the school crossing and freshly painted lines at the intersection of Old Brock Road and Central Street. “The Region has tried to accommo- date us, it’s just too bad it’s taken so long. But this is a great step, we’re very pleased with what they’ve done and happy to see improvements.” Community concern was the main ele- ment in the decision to implement the safe- ty zone, according to Susan Siopis, director of transportation and field services for the Region of Durham. Const. Kelly will be on hand to provide enforcement during the first week of Octo- ber and will be issuing warnings to speed- ing drivers to let them know about the new Community Safety Zone and the possibility of doubled fines in the future. Mr. Doyle said while the community appreciates the efforts being made, they would still like to see a few more improve- ments, such as speed indicators within the safety zone. REGion Traffic calming measures come to Claremont durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20114 AP www.stationst r e e t g r ill.c o m 905.428.3240 •40 Station Street,Ajax 2009 Award Winner Best Casual Family Restaurant in Durham (at Harwood Ave., South of the 401) Hours:Monday - Saturday 7am - 9pm Sunday & Thanksgiving Monday 8am - 3pm Al l Inclusive Thanksgi ving Dinner Spec ia l! Saturday, October 8th Only! (5pm onward) Dinner includes: Roast Tu rkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, turkey gravy, soup or salad and pumpkin pie. ONLY $1699* *Taxes and beverages extra. Fa mi ly Re st au ra ntFamily Re st au ra nt ComingSoon!ComingSoon! Local students help complete new arboretum Moya DiLLon mdillon@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Future generations of Pickering residents will receive an interest- ing lesson in the current way of life when they open the Pickering Bicentennial Arbo- retum time capsule. Sports scores, videos detailing student achievements, top movies and songs and even energy-efficient light bulbs are included in the time capsule, which was buried under- neath a granite marker during celebrations to mark the official dedication of Pickering’s new Bicentennial Arboretum on Sept. 27. “This park is a living tribute to the City of Pickering’s bicentennial year,” said Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan, noting that staff has been collecting time capsules from city schools for the past month. “Covering themes like sports and leisure, arts and entertainment and pop culture, students have contributed to the story of what we hold in high regard. One hundred years from now our time cap- sule will be opened and the next generation will glimpse a frozen moment in the life and times of our community.” Located at the former site of Seguin Park, at the corner of Rosebank Road and Finch Ave- nue, the arboretum houses 28 different spe- cies of native trees, one to mark each school in the Pickering area, planted to represent the school’s geographic locations. Each school will be responsible for caring for its tree and the arboretum will be available as a teaching tool for local schools. The arboretum was made possible through a $15,000 donation from TD Green Streets, a partnership between TD Friends of the Envi- ronment and Tree Canada. Farzana Syed, regional manager for TD Friends of the Envi- ronment, said the arboretum beat out some stiff competition, with only 23 projects cho- sen for grants out of a field of more than 100. “The application was really outstanding,” she explained. “The thing that stuck out for me was the plan to utilize the arboretum for community engagement and education. I think the fact that people will be here learning about why trees are important really fosters a connec- tion to the trees, and that’s fantastic.” Grade 5 students Leilani Rocha and Solyana Samuels, from St. Anthony Daniel Catholic School, were excited to be part of the project, helping to plant a bur oak on behalf of their school. “Maybe next year we’ll get to come back and see how big our tree has grown, it’s really nice here,” Leilani said. Leilani and Solyana were part of their school’s Tree-Bee team and performed well at the annual competition that quizzes stu- dents on tree species and facts. Anna Muller-Cheng, their teacher and team leader, called the arboretum an important learning tool. “I think it’s incredible.” “We can take class trips here and keep track of our tree. I’d like to have students try to iden- tify the trees before looking at the plaques that identify the species. I hope it helps to teach students how important trees are. I think that’s what we’re really going for here because trees are starting to die, and that’s our future.” The girls were also excited about the time capsule, wondering if future generations might find our time “weird.” “They’ll proba- bly think how difficult it was now, compared to how they’re doing things,” said Solyana. city Pickering plants living celebration of bicentennial sabrina byrnes / MetroLanD PICKERING -- William Dunbar Public School Grade 4 students Hannah Dossa and Daniel Zung watered one of the trees at the grand opening of the Bicentennial Arboretum at Seguin Park, Sept. 27. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20115 AP DentalCareforAdults,KidsandGreatBigBabies. • AFull Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. • Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. • Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. • A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 172 Harwood Ave.S., Suite 101 ( located in the Ajax Plaza ) Free Teeth Whitening For New Patients With New Patient Exam AJAX -- Ajax families can see firefighters in action and learn how to prevent fires at home at Family Fire Safety Day on Saturday. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at fire head- quarters at 900 Salem Rd. N. Events include tours of the fire station, the oppor- tunity to shoot a 38mm water hose at a target and fire extinguisher training, the opportunity to expe- rience the Fire Safety Trailer and Hazard House and a chance to meet Sparky the Fire Dog. There will also be prizes up for grabs during the day and an auto extrication demonstration at 1 p.m. Residents will learn about potential fire hazards commonly found in the home and staff will help families develop escape plans. Family Fire Safety Day is being held in honour of Fire Prevention Week which runs Oct. 9 to 15. Residents are encouraged to bring non-perish- able food items for a donation to the food bank and there will be a charity barbecue in support of mus- cular dystrophy. Sunday,Oct.17, 2010 1 pm - 4 pm Carruthers Creek Golf Club 650 Lakeridge Rd (at Bayly) Ajax, Ontario Bridal Showcase GRAND PRIZE $700 Wedding Photography Package from Lasting Images Photography. www.welcomewagon.ca FREE ADMISSION FEATURES: Door Prizes Fashion Show Special Displays Free Gift Bag To The First 100 Brides For your FREE invitation please call: 1-866-873-9945 www.bridalshowcase.ca Sunday February 6, 2011 Carruthers Creek Golf Club 650 Lakeridge Rd (at Bayly) Ajax, Ontario Sunday October 2, 2011 Carruthers Creek Golf Club 650 Lakeridge Rd (at Bayly) Ajax, Ontario COMMUNITY Ajax fire safety day on Saturday Thinking of Hardwood? We are Durham’s flooring experts 1547 Bayly St.,Pickering 905-420-3285 •www.canadahardwoodflooring.ca Canada Hardwood Flooring Inc. Give yo ur home a new look for Fa ll rYAN pfeIffer / MeTrOlANd Mural brightens school library PICKERING -- Julie Chen, a Grade 10 student at Dunbarton High School and gradu- ate of Rosebank Road Public School, signed a mural she painted in the elementary school’s library on Sept. 21. Jeff MITCHell jmitchell@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- An Oshawa daycare opera- tor busted last week on child pornography charges has been released on $20,000 bail. Shawn Chiasson, 37, of King Street East, was freed after a day-long hearing Thursday in Oshawa, during which the Crown opposed his release. Justice Michael Block ordered Mr. Chiasson to live with his surety in Whitby and imposed numerous restrictions, including he not leave the premises without his surety -- his father -- that he have no communica- tion with children under 16, and that he not attend any park, playground or other area where kids might congregate. Mr. Chiasson is also prohibited from using computers or cell phones, and accessing the Internet. A publication ban prohibits reporting on Jus- tice Block’s reasons for judgment, or evidence presented during the hearing. Mr. Chiasson was arrested last week after a lengthy inves- tigation, according to Durham police. He’s charged with a single count of possession of child pornography, as well as counts of mak- ing porn available, accessing child porn, and attempting to access child pornography. Police said Mr. Chiasson ran the Kids Matter Family Day Care out of the home, and that he has worked in the past as a Santa Claus at GTA malls. He’s due back in court Oct. 14. COUrTS daycare operator facing porn charges on bail CounCil Abandon the power struggle To the editor: Re: ‘Council needs to put residents first’ editorial opinion, durhamregion.com, Sept. 22, 2011. I was pleased to read this opinion piece as I attended the referenced council meet- ing. Claremont residents are concerned with the traffic and the speed on Regional Road 5. They are presenting their case to the Region’s works committee this week and asked Pickering council to support their position on this issue. No financial commitments, just a position statement. Nothing could be simpler than that, you would think. Issues about rules of order were used as a front for petty differences between council members, the result being that the motion was not permitted to be presented by coun- cillors Peter Rodrigues and Bill McLean. Councillors need to abandon their power struggle and deal with each issue on its own merits voting from conscience not from partisanship. Jolanta Duszak Pickering HealtH Care Sandwich generation seeking solutions To the editor: In the hospitals they are commonly referred to as bed blockers, they take up beds in emergency rooms and in acute care, who are these people? I will tell who they are; they are someone’s mother, someone’s grandmother, someone’s great- grandmother. They are someone’s father, someone’s grandfather, someone’s great- grandfather. Many of them built this prov- ince, they worked hard to support their families, they asked for nothing. Modern medicine has allowed them to “live” to their 80s and 90s, unfortunately not without a price. Many suffer from chronic illness, diabe- tes, high blood pressure and dementia to name a few, many require ongoing medical interventions not available from the fam- ily physician, for those people not in long- term care it is the emergency of the local hospital. Those people are my parents; yes, they are on a wait list for long-term care, however for them the wait is over a year so lately it has been frequent trips to the local emergency ward. My mother is prone to falls and my father requires monthly blood transfusions, they have been shuf- fled about, made to wait up to 12 hours for any intervention, we have been called in the middle of the night to come “retrieve” them as the treatment has been complet- ed. Who are we? We are the sandwich gen- eration caught in the middle of children still at home and parents requiring more care than we can possibly give. Exhausted? Frustrated? You bet; if anyone has a solu- tion I am more than willing to listen. Sharon Williams Whitby FeedbaCk Make recycling a campaign issue To the editor: Re: ‘Seeking Rubber band solutions’, let- ter to the editor, durhamregion.com, Sept 22, 2011. First of all, it is a breath of fresh air to hear of someone so concerned with the environ- ment that they worry about recycling rub- ber bands. Most people don’t think twice about throwing away their morning coffee paper cup or the bag they get a muffin in. If the majority of companies did, we would be all better off. I attend Trent University in Peterborough and almost everything sold in the cafeteria has a recycle bin. In Europe, they divert much more garbage than we do. If we reduced, reused and recycled as much as most places in Europe, we might not have considered the incinerator in Courtice. Sure, Europe has incinerators, but they also have most of the garbage recycled. And, if you ask European doctors about incinerators, statistics show most are not in favour of them. What to do about the elas- tic bands and other garbage for that mat- ter? Make it a campaign issue by voicing your concerns to the local candidates. Brad Hogg, Oshawa & A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classified Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Office Manager Cheryl Haines - Composing Manager News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright We tHink... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com Editorial Opinions durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20116 AP e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up their statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ durhamregion.com Out of profound tragedy, let thoughtful compassion rise Mitchell Wilson’s story is heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. News of the Pickering boy’s suicide emerged in recent weeks, illustrating the terrible burden he struggled with and which he faced so courageously before it all became too much for him to bear. A diagnosis of muscular dystrophy. The loss of his mother to cancer. The determi- nation to stay active and mobile so as to minimize the effects of his disease, which led to an assault by another boy for the iPhone he carried with him on his walks. The subsequent taunts and bullying from friends of the accused. The subpoena to appear in court and confront the boy charged with assaulting him. This combination of factors led Mitchell to his extremely personal, final, tragic act. And who among us could imagine bear- ing the crushing weight of it all, let alone an 11-year-old boy? Mitchell’s story has thrust the issue of bullying once again into the spotlight. A 12-year-old boy now faces charges of assault, though it is virtually impossible for a boy not yet in his teens to fully con- template the consequences of his actions. It seems too easy to place blame solely on the accused’s shoulders, and Craig Wil- son, Mitchell’s father, generously main- tains a variety of factors in young Mitch- ell’s life contributed to his death. Let us talk to our children, today, about the issue of bullying and the importance of confronting it in all its forms, in the class- room, in the community and in cyber- space. Let us revisit educational aware- ness programs and review what works and what doesn’t. Let us hold schools and school boards to a higher preventative standard. Let us take personal responsi- bility for the people around us and ensure that they are neither victim nor perpetra- tor. Let us honour the memory of Mitch- ell Wilson with a renewed commitment to confront bullying, to provide far greater protections for victims and by refusing to turn the other cheek when we see it. And we’re all involved; we all have a stake: children, parents, grandparents, teachers, authority figures, religious lead- ers. All of us. Craig Wilson’s loss is unfathomable, but his compassionate conduct in the face of such an all-encompassing tragedy is an inspiration. Let us honour his son’s memory and follow his lead as we renew our commitment to eliminate bullying ... completely. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20117 AP Part of the best volunteer team in town. Former Toronto Maple Leaf,Rob Pearson (right) presentshis leaf Jersey Ray Hickey presents Phil Edgar witha prize for winning putting contest. The Hosts with the Most –Donna and Joe Dickson MPP Margarett Best and son Ryan,daughter Keisha and husband Kevin. And the Most Honest Team award goes to...Donna Dickson, (Regional Councillor BillMcLean presenting), Susan Johnston andMyrna Picotte. Ron Halliday of Coughlan Homes (centre)presents trophies to “Team OPG”,the team champions. Jim McCabe and Katie Kortekaasreceive their “Arms-Length” prizes. “Runner Up” award was presented byKevin Ashe (far right) to Nino and AndyScanga and Stephan andAnthony Jacobelli. Ray Hickey presents George Westfallwith a leather chair. Chair Ray Hickey presents the“Longest Drive” trophy on RubyCourse to Mary Boddy, who acceptson behalf of her son, Blake. Monica Hickey presents the awardfor “Closest to the Pin” for MurrayStroud. MPP Margarett Best presents“Longest Drive Award”, GolfersGreen to Shelley Walsh Pat Hickey presents Men’s “LongestDrive” Award on Sapphire to JasonBruno, accepting for Rick Stratton.Sadly Pat Hickey has passed away. Grant Waddel from Salvation Army (left) with Father Jim Brussanich (right)of St.Bernadettes offers prayers. Donna Dickson presents RalphPurcell “Closest to the Pin”,Golfers Green Pickering Mayor Dave Ryanpresents “Longest Drive” award,Emerald to Allan Quinn. Regional Chair, Roger Andersonpresents Sharon Dion with“Longest Drive” award. The Boyer GM Team:Ryan, Brandon, Jason and Michael Boyer Paul Vessey receives trophy for “Closestto the Pin”, Emerald from CouncillorRenrick Ashby and Abe Fakhourie of theNews Advertiser. Ajax Lions Club, Accettone Funeral Home, Ajax Auto Wreckers, Ajax Downs -Norm Picov,Ajax Financial Planning -John Price, Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser - 3 Holes, Anderson Hamilton Professional Consultants, Annandale Park Developments - 2 Holes, Appco Paving, Bonnie View Inn - 2 Holes, Boston Pizza, Canadian Tire -Ajax - 2 Holes, Carpenters Union Local 397, Cash & Dash, Cassidy &Co. Architects, Coldwell Banker Case Realty -Andy Scanga, Deer Creek Golf Club - 2 Holes, Drywall Local 675, Durham Business Times - 3 Holes, Durham Regional Police, Gay Company Ltd., Gerry Phillips MPP,Chair of Ont. Government Cabinet, Great Blue Heron Casino, Grosnor Distribution - 2 Holes, Heathwood Homes - 2 Holes, Highland Farms -Charles Coppa - 2 Holes, Immediate Delivery &Courier,Inotek Signs &Graphics, Jim Monaghan, Joe Dickson MPP Ajax-Pickering, John Boddy Homes - 2 Holes, Jones-Dooley Insurance - 2 Holes, Julie Brett -In Memory of Jack &Rita Brett, Hon. Judi Longfield,K & K Recycling Services - 3 Holes, Labatts Brewery of Canada - 3 Holes, Lartom Auto Repair,Lennox Drum, Lifestyles Sunrooms, Logicon Solutions, Malone Given Parsons Ltd., Marshall Homes, Mattamy Homes - 4 Holes, McEachnie Funeral Home - 2 Holes, Medallion Properties - 2 Holes, Menkes Developments Inc., Michael Boyer Chevrolet Buick GMC - 3 Holes, Molly Maid, Moodies Motor Inn, Murray Stroud -Lawyer, Nelson Stroud &Stroud Farms, Ontario Power Generation, Pattison Outdoor Advertising Inc.- 2 Holes, Petrina’s Ta ps, RioCan Management Inc.- 3 Holes, R.J. Burnside &Associates Limited, Runnymede Developments - 3 Holes, Sabourin Kimble Engineers, Smart Centres, Subway Stores -Ajax, Sutton Group Heritage Realty,Jacquelynn Ta nner,Te xas Burger,The Gardener Landscape Inc., The Sernas Group &Associates Ltd.- 2 Holes,To ronto Police Association,Tr ibute Communities - 3 Holes,Tu nney Planning Inc., U.O.I.T.,Veridian Connections - 2 Holes,Wayne Arthurs MPP Pickering/Scarborough, Some of our volunteers include: Monica Hickey,Ray Hickey, Tina Hickey,John Hickey,Pat Hickey,Anna Proctor,Wayne Daniels, Heather Tighe, Louise Farr Chambers, Donna Dickson, Rick Phillips, Karen Fry,Bert Livingston, Jerry &To m Ashworth, To m Wall,Wally Johnson, Bridget &Rick Rigelhof, Maggie Robertson, Marie Maschkie, Ray Valantie and other volunteers. T h a n k Y o u T o O u r G e n e r o u s C o r p o r a t e S p o n s o r s f o r a s s i s t i n g o u r S a l v a t i o n A r m y F o o d B a n k a n d 8 A j a x , P i c k e r i n g ,W h i t b y a n d O s h a w a S t .V i n c e n t d e P a u l F o o d O u t l e t s ,C h i l d h o o d C a n c e r F o u n d a t i o n “C a n d l e l i t e s ”,T h e C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n o f D u r h a m , T h e W o m e n s S h e l t e r s ,C h i l d r e n s W i s h F o u n d a t i o n , N e e d y F a m i l i e s w i t h C h i l d r e n ,C a m p F o r T h e D e a f , R e t i r e d P r i e s t s F u n d a n d S h a r e L i f e f o r t h e p o o r ,a n d o t h e r d o n a t i o n s l o c a l l y . DRIVE SOBER JOE DICKSON 18 TH ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF HELPS MANY! July 26 TH, 2012 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20118 AP Amica at Whitby •AWellness &Vitality™Residence 200 Kenneth Hobbs Avenue Whitby,ON L1R 0G6 905.665.6200 •www.amica.ca Join Amica at Whitby for our interactive October Events. Fall in Love with Amica ~Thursday,October6th,2011-1:00 pmto4:00 pm Come and enjoy all the things you love about Fall …the crispness in the air,a bountifulharvestandthe wonderfularomasandtastesoftheseason. We invite you to join us as we host a complimentary afternoon to celebrate some of Fall’s favourite activities, tastes, sights and traditions. Eras of Elegance Victorian Tea ~Thursday,October 13th,2011-2:00pm Amica welcomes you to enjoy a pleasantafternoon Victorian TeaPartywith friends.We invite you to take part in a fun and entertaining craft shop where you will be able to design and take home your very own,unique Fascinator accessory. Space in limited,please RSVP for this event. 11-1470 905.665.1506 To ll Free: 1.800.561.2176 1634 Charles St., Whitby www.canadawindowsanddoors.com Canada Windows &Doors Proudly Serving Durham Since 1991 ORDERS CAN BE PROCESSED IN 3 TO 7 WORKING DAYS EMERGENCY SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE! •Architectural Window Design •Bay •Bow •Casement •Double Hung •Single Hung •Double Slider •Single Slider •Basement •Patio •Garden •Steel Entry Doors Stay Tu ned Fo r Our Upcoming New Vide o! Kids Corner Le arning Centre ‘The Next Generation Of Child Care’ • Wide Range Of Educat ional Curriculum • Fu ll Day,Nursery &School Age Programs •Creative Programs • Ne wbor n To 12 Ye ars •Flexible Hours (6:45am -6:00pm) 161 Ha rwood Ave.Unit 2,Aj ax 905-686-3 750 kids corner@b ellnet.ca 534 Rodd Ave.Pickering 905-509-2582 • 1-888-999-5668 www.abbeylawnmanor.com Invites you to attend a FREE Seminar Regarding Senior Related Fr aud & Scams happening now in Durham Region. Guest speakers include Sergeant John Keating, Senior Support Coordinator,Durham Regional Po lice Service and Ta mmy Rankin, Elder Abuse Advisor, Long Te rm Care & Services fo r Seniors. Wednesday,October 5th at 2pm. Please call to reserve your spot. Refreshments will be served. Senior Related Frauds & Scams 2010Diamond Retirement Home Free disposal at Region waste management facilities DURHAM -- On Oct. 7, those provincial election signs will be coming down. That doesn’t mean the signs should end up in the trash. Durham Region accepts temporary signs, such as those used in an election, at its waste manage- ment facilities. All temporary signs made from corru- gated plastic, plastic film or paperboard (including election signs and real estate signs) can be dropped off. Wooden stakes and wire mounts are also accepted. Facilities are in Oshawa on Ritson Road north of Taunton Road, in Port Perry at 1623 Reach St. and in Brock Township on Sideroad 17. All sites are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. Signs can be dropped off for free (if the signs are mixed with other waste, the regular disposal fee would apply). All signs are recycled locally. Candidates who may run for election in the future are encouraged to keep their signs for reuse. For more information on the Region of Durham’s waste management programs: CALL 905-579-5264 (toll-free at 1-800-667-5671) EMAiL waste@durham.ca visit durhamregionwaste.ca VolunteersNeeded! Contact 905-240-4522 or 1-877-668-9414 www.durhamhospice.com “The support and on-going training provided for volunteers is fantastic.” •Palliative Care Volunteer •Bereavement Group Facilitator •Office/Admin Volunteer •Fundraising •Community Awareness Become a Volunteer today! enviRonment Durham wants candidates to recycle election signs metRoLAnD FiLe PHoto DURHAM -- Election signs can be recy- cled in Durham Region after the vote.Please recycle your copy of the News Advertiser durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 20119 P Real Estate YourLocal Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant Marilyn Brophy ext. 233 Advertising Consultant Barb Buchan ext. 292 Advertising Consultant Delivered t o ove r 54,400 h o u s e h o l d s ! Every We dnesday! Thinking of Buying or Selling your HOME? •Yo ur Local Real Estate showcases the most up-to-date Homes For Sale in your area with fresh new listings every We dnesday and delivered directly to your door. •Consult any one of the reputable Realtors®featured within the section to help you make the entire process so much easier. •Yo ur Local Real Estate is a great reference tool for current market prices Check it out each We dnesday at home or On-line at www.durhamregion.com Contact your representative today 905-683-5110 “What I’ve been hearing from seniors is ‘if I have my choice, if at all possible, I’d like to stay in my home as long as I can.’ So in order to assist you with that we’re bringing back house calls, we’re going to provide more home care and we will be providing the Healthy Home Renovation Tax Credit because we want to make sure that you, and people like you, have a home that’s safe, accessible and comfort- able.” In order to make sure seniors can take full advantage of the tax credit, Mr. McGuinty announced it will be implemented ahead of schedule and will cover renovations occur- ring as early as Saturday, Oct. 1. Mr. McGuinty also touted the tax credit as an economic stimulus, noting that with the economy stalling in the U.S., Ontario should be proactive in spurring its own economy and creating jobs. “When it comes to the economy it would be nice to think these looming clouds are going to dissipate, but in fact they’re gathering,” he said. “We want to make sure we’re acting in a proactive way to protect our seniors, but the great thing about tax credits like this is they create a demand for skilled labour and man- ufacturing. We’re acting responsibly in terms of fiscal prudence and job creation, building in $1.7 billion in prudence into our budget for every year of our four-year plan. We’re going to accelerate this tax credit to help create jobs right now.” Mrs. Vonk said she and her husband, both in their 60s, have been looking into needed renovations in order to make their five-storey home accessible as they age. “The stairs are definitely going to be a prob- lem,” she explained. “We’re definitely going to need stair lifts and depending on our mobility we may need ramps in the back and front and I think those walk-in bathtubs are ideal. We’ve definitely talked about the fact we’re probably going to have to renovate, but we’re still hoping to get a few more years out of it.” Mr. Vonk said the tax credit would definitely make a difference in their planning. “I didn’t know that was available, so it will definitely be a nice thing to have,” he said. “Especially the fact that it’s available every year, so one year we may do a stair lift, anoth- er the bathrooms and then the next hand- rails. We’re still in the planning stages but it’s definitely something we can use.” Asked what it was like to have the Liberal leader, along with his staff and press, show up in their living room on a rainy Thursday morning, the couple just laughed. “It was very different that’s for sure, but exciting,” said Mrs. Vonk. sabrina byrnes / metroland PICKERING -- Premier Dalton McGuinty visited a home in Pickering on Sept. 29, to make an announcement regarding his election platform. Joining him in front of the media was Liberal candidate Tracy MacCharles. PREMIER from page 1 election 2011 ‘Premier Dad’ visits Pickering seniors during campaign stop election notebook dalton mcGuinty speaks out on mitchell Wilson case PICKERING -- During a campaign stop in Pickering Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty expressed his sadness over the death of Mitchell Wilson. The Pickering boy, 11, committed suicide after being assaulted and robbed last year and facing bullying at school. “My wife Terri and I have been following the case from afar, as I think many moms and dads have been,” Mr. McGuinty said. “Our hearts go out to the family for this terrible loss.” Mr. McGuinty noted that seven per cent of mental health issues begin in the early years of life, and said his party would look at increasing youth programming in order to deal with mental health issues before they can worsen. “If we can better address those issues it will lead to a healthier life,” he said, noting the Liberal platform includes a pledge for a “comprehensive approach to mental health” with a focus on kids. “I hope something positive comes out of this terrible tragedy. It’s up to all of us to find ways to better address these issues.” MITChELL wILSoN durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201110 AP More teachers needed to accommodate growing numbers DURHAM -- With increased enrolment in both the elementary and secondary schools in the Catholic board, a number of full-time teachers will get their jobs back in Durham. This September, elementary enrol- ment went up by 260 students across the Durham Catholic District School Board, meaning an additional 21.5 full- time equivalent teachers are needed in order to meet con- tractual and statutory class size obligations. “We had projected a decline of approximately 300 FTE at the elementary level and that had translated into a number of teachers being declared surplus or redundant,” said superintendent of business Ryan Putnam. “The increase in enrolment in September gives us an opportunity to recall a num- ber of these teachers or con- vert them from shorter assign- ments to permanent assign- ments.” The recall will cost $1 million. Since the board no longer has any of its operating reserves available, it plans to offset the cost by postponing to next year facility improvements on anything that is not an emergency or a health and safety matter. Also, renewals on teacher computers will be postponed. Mr. Putnam pointed out that despite the initial cost, these additional students equate to a total net revenue increase of around $3.5 million since most of them are in Kindergarten. “We have the students now for 14 years,” he said. education Durham Catholic enrolment up this year durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201111 AP 1-866-550-5462 Call When it comes to home comfort -leave nothing to chance! Air Conditioning Units from $1995Furnaces from $2495 Ask about our Combo Deals and Rental Programs! Call to Inquire About Our Maintenance Plans Tankless water heatersinstalled for $39.99/month (Free installation included) (905)240-0123 www.canadianairsystems.cominfo@canadianairsystems.com A message from Durham Tourism Kerri King Channel your creative side this week- end by celebrating arts and culture in communities across Durham Region. On behalf of Durham Tourism, I’d like to invite everyone in our region to take part in Culture Days -- an interactive, free celebration of local culture taking place on Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2. Whether you’re an arts enthusiast, local resident, student, business owner, adult or child, everyone is encouraged to play a role in shaping this extraordi- nary event. Culture Days encourages Durham res- idents and visitors to explore their cre- ativity and provides local artists and cre- ative venues with an opportunity to pro- mote themselves and their business. The first Culture Days event swept across more than 700 Canadian cities and towns last year, and generated an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm. I anticipate this year’s second annu- al Culture Days weekend will be bigger and better with free, hands-on, interac- tive activities to take you “behind the scenes,” and discover the world of art- ists, creators, historians, architects, curators and designers at work in Dur- ham Region. We are thrilled to have such a variety of talented local artists participating in Culture Days this year. Last year’s festival hosted 25 exciting events in Durham Region, but we’re see- ing exponential growth in 2011. To date, more than 60 events through- out all eight area municipalities have been registered on the Durham Tourism website. This weekend holds the promise of a great opportunity for our communi- ties to come together and celebrate the rich culture and heritage that Durham Region has to offer. A variety of events will be featured, including gallery tours, musical perfor- mances, harvest festivals and more. This weekend, take part in arts and culture in your local community. For information on local activities and events, visit www.durhamtourism.ca and www.culturedays.ca. You can also follow us on Twitter at @ DurhamTourism, @ONCultureDays and @CultureDays. Kerri King is the Region of Durham’s tourism manager SILVER JEWELLERYSALE $20 OFF COUPON Purchase of $100 or greater excluding consignment. Not valid with any other offer. Ajax & Scarborough Locations Only WITH THIS COUPON HUGE SILVER JEWELLERY SALE 500 Pieces on sale! Brand New Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings, Rings, Men’s Chains Unbeatable Prices from $3/g AJAX 905-683-2212 95 Bayly St.W.(Bayly & Monarch) SCARBOROUGH 416-289-2212 665 Markham Rd. (Markham & Lawrence) CA SH PA ID F O R U N W A N T E D GOLD, S I L V E R , P L A T I N U M Tourism Celebrate the many aspects of Durham’s culture this weekend Follow our twitter Feed at newsdurham O pen H ouse View these local open houses this weekend onlyFall durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201112 AP $549,900X2114788$263,900X2203524Independently Ownedand Operated GLORIA LUOMA Re/Max Hallmark Realty Ltd.,Brokerage SALES REPRESENTAT IVE c (905) 396.4557 (416) 486.5588t e gluoma@trebnet.com •www.glorialuoma.com Spectacular views &your own private beach 1 hour from the GTA includes 2 severed land parcels, with contemporary executive residence,totaling 8 acres of waterfront on the demand shores of Brighton embraced by the pastoral surrounds of apple orchard country. AT TENTION DREAM SEEKERS…THIS ONE’S FOR YOU… 8 ACRES WITH PRIVAT E BEACH ON LAKE ONTARIO!! Experience Counts ...Now More Than Ev er! SUNDAY 2 TO 4PM477 STONEY PT.RD. BRIGHTONTALL BLUE SPRUCE EPITOMIZE THE SPIRIT OF THE QUINTESSENTIAL COUNTRY BUNGALOW Lifestyle Dreams Within Yo ur Means…Custom built on more than a country half acre with oversized garage and wide drive for big boys toys, boasts country kitchen,formal dining, and professionally finished lower level with loads of storage….big picture windows with panoramic views over pastoral surrounds. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY9617 CORKERY RD., NORTHUMBERLAND SUNDAY,OCTOBER 2ND, 2PM-4PM 8 CENTRE ST. E. WHITBY Rarecustombungalowonoversizelotin‘OldeBrooklin’.Approx3,800sq.ft. of luxurious living space. Backyard paradise with inground heated kidney shaped pool, multi-level deck and high-end hot tub. Professionally finished ‘Rainwood’lowerlevelwithwetbar,3-pcbathroom,2bedroomsandbuilt-in entertainment. Oversized triple heated garage with workshop. rwatson@trebnet.com ROSS WATSON Sales Representative905-619-2100 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Rouge River Realty LT D.,Brokerage $799, 9 0 0 E 2 2 0 5 3 0 5 Real Estate YourLocal Advertising Consultant Delivered direct to your door or On-line atwww.durhamregion.com Thinking of Buying or Selling your HOME? •Each We dnesday Yo ur Local Real Estate showcases the most up-to-date Homes For Sale, featuring fresh new listings. •Consult any one of the reputable Realtors ®featured within this section.With their expertise they can help make your entire process much easier. •Interested in finding out what the value of your home is? Consult any of our featured Realtors. Contact yo ur representative today 905-683-5110 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY OCT 1 ST 2-4PM Classic Elegance. This Immaculate 4 BdrmCustom Built Home Is Situated On Just Under1Acre Of Professionally Landscaped Paradise.The Spacious Eat-In Kitchen Boasts A LargeCenter Island, B/I Appliances, Granite Counters& Walk-out To Deck. Great Rm W/Approx 20’Volume Ceiling.Backyard Oasis. Heated 16X32 Inground Pool.Custom Cabana House W/Change Rm & BarArea. Gas Firepit & Sprinkler System. 12 X 12’Gazebo. 60’Wide Deck.$1,199,000 22 WILSON HOUSE DRIVE, ASHBURN JARED LEHMANBroker 905-640-4151 Brokerage REALTY LIMITED 905-686-5153 1-866-430-9900 GRACEJORGENSEN* Sutton Group Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Want Privacy &Space? Canadiana Style home on a very private 77 X 385 ft. lot in Claremont.Wood floors thruout, large renovat- ed kitchen with w/o to 4 season sunroom. Amazing yard with 27 X 27 ft. barn and above ground pool. Master with ensuite & fireplace. 3rd floor loft is 40 ft. long and makes a perfect media room, or in-law suite. Think of the possibilities asking $550,000 gjorgensen@sutton.com OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCT 2, 2-4 PM. 5249 OLD BROCK RD OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1-4PM 730 BREEZY DR. PICKERING MILLION DOLLAR VIEW in - 4 Bdrm on a Premiumlot!Features renovatedBathrooms, NEW Hardwood floors on Main. All new windows. Enjoy the Sunrise from your front steps with boats gliding by, walk to marina, Beach, Park, Schools and Waterfront Tr ails. Don’t miss this One!$499,900 www.homeswithlouise.com • lmicallef1@rogers.com LOUISE GUERTIN-MICALLEF Sales Representative “services en français” 416-286-3993 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Rouge River Realty LTD.,Brokerage DEMANDFRENCHMAN’S B A Y DI R E C T W ATE R F R O N T V I E W Personalized service & experience SUNDAY OCT. 2ND, 2-4 P.M. 1011 ROWNTREE CRES, PICKERING Spectacular salt-water pool with spill-over spa landscaped with custom cut-stone patios and perennial gardens in the front and back! Nicely updated home features; cathedralentry,openconceptdesign,main floor family room with fireplace, newer flooring, appliances, windows, furnace and shingles... all in a fabulous location! www.homeswithlouise.com • lmicallef1@rogers.com TA MMI INWOOD-SAWYER Sales Representative 905-640-0888 416-985-1241$374,900Sutton Group Heritage Town & Country Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Sales Representative416-286-3993 SUNDAY 2-4 PM 5 GARNETT DRIVE,AJAX *** South Ajax Beauty *** JOHN D. MCCRACKEN B.A.$498,800Ju s t L i s t e d This wonderfully updated 4 bedroom executivehome is located in one of Ajax’s most desirableneighbourhoods. Nestled on a premium lotfeaturingan impressive circle drive, dreamkitchen, new main bath, luxurious ensuite, gasfireplace, hot tub, updated windows, furnace,central air, +++. The finished basement with2nd kitchen & full bath would make ideal nannysuite/teen retreat.Visit the virtual tour or comesee it live Sunday 2-4. Hope to see you there! www.johnmccracken.ca$255,000 JOSIEYIN Sales Representative 647-886-0862 OPEN HOUSE SAT.& SUN. 2-4PM Beautiful Brick Home, Open Concept Living/ Dinning Combo, Close To Lake,Park,Tr ails, School, Shopping And Hwy401, Freshly Painted **** 5 NAYLOR LANE, AJAX Sales Representatives905-619-9500 SAT & SUN 2-4 PM 1849 SHADYBROOK DRIVE, PICKERING Sutton Group HeritageRealty Inc., Brokerage Just listed in ‘AMBERLEA’! $$$ in Updates! Kitchen reno’d 2011! Furnace & CAC 2010! Basement reno’d 2008! Main bath reno’d! Newer Hardwood &Broadloom! Featuring 4 bedrooms, open concept living/dining rooms w/garden doors to spacious deck & fenced yard! Separate entrance to finished bsmt with hardwood flooring, pot lights, fireplace and a fabulous dry bar with B/I wine & bar fridges. Garage Access! A definite ‘must see’! REGAN AND BEV HUTCHISON$324,900SATURDAY OCT. 1ST, 2-4 PM 12 UPCHURCH AVE, AJAX ASHBURY AND AUDLEY RD S Under $ 5 0 0 K Sought after neighbourhood. Steps to walking trails and lake. Master has built in wardrobes, ensuite bath and balcony with view of lake. Quality upgrades 9’ smooth ceilings on main floor, pantry cabinets in laundry room which leads to both garage and back yard. Pot lights, large bedrooms. Pride of ownership obvious in this home. ZSUZANNAPORTERSales Representative 905-427-6522 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201113 AP x KINGSTON RD.E/HWY 2 HWY 401 WICKS DR.SALEM RD. 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 Corner of Kingston Rd. & Salem, Ajax905-426-6900 WWW.MAYTAGCLEARANCE.COMFind us at facebook.com/maytagstore Now accepting AIR MILES ®†reward mileson select appliances! * 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 ENDS SUNDAY! EXTENDED! Every Single Item In-Store On Sale NOW! DON’T MISS OUT!Every Single Item In-Store On Sale NOW! DON’T MISS OUT! for 6 months OAC NO PAYMENTSNOPAYMENTS NO INTERESTNOINTEREST Lowest Price GUARANTEED Price Match GUARANTEED See store for details Washer •4.5 CF I.E.C. • 1300 RPM • Fresh Spin • Delay Start Dryer •7.5 CF • Wrinkle Prevent • Smooth Balance • Stackable Front Load Laundry Pair For The Pairairhe Por TF $1298 Front Load Laundry Pair $299 • Jetclean® Plus Wash System • Motor Tested To Twice The Life • Oversize Capacity Plus Tall Tub • Rinse Only Cycle Built-In Dishwasher $ $ $1299 Electric Double Oven Range • 6.7 CF Total Capacity • Self Cleaning • Speed Heat™ Element • 10-Year Limited Warranty On Elements And Cooktop $349 Most models also available in white and black Built-in Stainless Steel Tub Dishwasher • Steamclean Option • Silverware Blast™ Spray Jets • Fully Integrated Controls • 10-Year Limited Warranty On Racks, Tub And Food Chopper $759 asherwub DishT tionan OpamcleetS• sty Jeat™ Sprlase BarerwSilv• olsontred Categrully IntF• y antarred War LimiteY10-• ood Chopperub And F, TsackOn R *See store for details. Off MRSP. Prices have been displayed to reflect all possible discounts. Over the Range Microwave •2.0 CF • 1,000 Watts Of Power • Precision Cooking™ System • Interior Light • Control Lockout $269 Over The Range Microwave • 2.0 CF • 1000 Watts • Odor Removal Filter • Interior Cooking Rack eel ts Ssainlet-in SuiltB asherwub DishT tionan OpamcleetS• asherwub DishT tionan OpamcleetS• $449 Dishwasher • Nylon Racks • Quiet Series 200 • SilverwareBlast™ • Hidden Controls $$ French Door Fridge • Hidden Hinges • 4 Split Shelves • Ice Maker • Full Width Pantry Drawer Washer •4.0 CF I.E.C • 1200 RPM Spin • Allergen Cycle • 12 Cycles Price Match $1099 For The Pair Dryer • 6.7 CF • Sensor Drying • 9 Cycles • Stackable Steam For The Pairairhe Por TF $1998 Washer: • 5.0 CF I.E.C. • Advanced Vibration Control Plus • 1400 RPM Spin • 10-Year Warranty on Maytag’s Newest Front Load Laundry Pair Motor and Wash Basket Dryer: •7.4 CF • Steam-Enhanced Dryer Cycles • Commercial-Quality Stainless Steel Dryer Drum • Wrinkle Control Cycle .sountcsible dissect all po fleo red tye been displavs hae. Pricf MRSP. Ofailstor dee fortee s*S .sountcsible dissect all po fleo red tye been displavs hae. Pricf MRSP. Ofailstor dee fortee s*S $1099 Electric Convection Slide-in Range •4.5 CF • Evenair™ Convection • Super Capacity • Self Cleaning • Warming Zone Electric Range · Self Cleaning · Glass Cooktop · Oversized Capacity · 12” Burner $$$649 Only at The Maytag Store Purchase a Maytag HE Laundry Pair and receive Sunlight 1 Year ! *seestorefordetails. for Electric Convection Range • 5.3 CF • Self Cleaning •True Convection • STEAM Cleaning • Rapid Preheat Function 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 $849 Steam Gas Convection Range · 17,000 BTU Burner · Self Cleaning · Convection · 5 Burners x $999 Electric ange R $1299 Also Available in White for $1199 Facebook.com/maytagstore FREEFREE Washer/ Dryer Pair to ONE lucky winner! When we reach 500 ‘Likes’ we will give away a *See store for details. LIKE us to Win!LIKE us to Win!* durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201114 AP Sav eUp To90%!o 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSo 90%!e Up TavSSaveUpTo90%!IT’S FREE!Sign up today at www.wagjag.com! Visit wagjag.com $499 for a 2012 Model Black Magic BMX Bike ($1100 Value) plus 30% off Parts, Clothing andAccessories from O’Neil Bikes $30 for 3 Hair Feathers with Wash and Style at Moxie’s Salon (a Value of $60) BUY FOR$499BUYFOR$30 $125 for Your Choice of Either Duct Cleaning or Carpet Cleaning from QJS Specialty Cleaning Inc ($250 value) Regular Price: $250|You Save: $125 Discount:50% BUYFOR$125 $29 for a Premium Tea Package, Including Two Teas,a Preferred Membership and the Matcha Ex- plosion E-book from Got Matcha? (a $179 value) $999 for 9 Zerona Treatments at Zerona Canada (a $2,800 Value)-Available at 18 Locations BUY FOR$29 BUY FOR$999 Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper News Advertiser T H E durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201115 AP On Stage To Oct. 29 Herongate Barn Theatre. 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering, presents Michael and Susan Parker’s Sex Please, We’re 60!. 905-472-3085, www.herongate.ca. Class Act Dinner Theatre. 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby, pres- ents Norm Foster’s Ned Duran- go Comes to Big Oak. 905-668- 2229, class-act.ca. To Oct. 15 Oshawa Little Theatre. 62 Rus- sett Ave., Oshawa, presents Jake’s Women by Neil Simon. 905-723-0282, oshawalittlethe- atre.com. Nov. 4 to 12 Durham Shoestring Perform- ers. presents Doubt: A Parable by John Patrick Shanley, at the Arts Resource Centre, 45 Queen St., Oshawa. dsp@durhamshoe- string.org, www.durhamshoe- string.org. Performances Oct. 2 Class Act Dinner Theatre. 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby, pres- ents Treehouse TV’s Big and Small -- Happy Together! The- atrical Show for kids at 1 and 4 p.m. 905-668-2229, class-act.ca. Oct. 8 General Motors Centre. 99 Athol St. E., Oshawa, presents Terri Clark at 8 p.m. For tickets, visit www.generalmotorscentre. com, call 1-877-436-8811 or visit the GMC box office or the Unit- ed Way Information Kiosk at the Oshawa Centre. Oct. 15 The Regent Theatre. 50 King St. E., Oshawa, presents Fred- dy Vette and the Flames at 7:30 p.m. 905-721-3399, ext. 2, tick- ets.regenttheatre.ca. The Durham Philharmonic Choir. begins its 19th season with a performance of Missa Gaia (Earth Mass), with spe- cial guest Alex Dean (saxo- phone). Also on the program is new music by Tom Shelton, Dan Forrest and Bob Chilcott. At St. George’s Anglican Church, 39 Athol St. W., Oshawa, at 7:30 p.m. For ticket information, call June at 905-728-1739. Greenbank Folk Music Soci- ety. presents Sheesham and Lotus in concert at 8 p.m. at the Greenbank Centennial Hall, 19965 Hwy. 12, Greenbank. Tickets are available by phoning 905-985-8351 or 905-852-7578. Visit the group’s website, www. globalserve.net/~ynot/grnbnk. htm. Oct. 16 Class Act Dinner Theatre. 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby, pres- ents The Amazing Kreskin at 8 p.m. 905-668-2229, class-act.ca. Oct. 20 Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. 700 Gordon St., Whitby, as part of its Imagine Film Festival, presents a performance by Steven Page at 7 p.m. For tickets, call 905-430- 4001. See the full festival line- up, including Family Day on Oct. 15, at www.ontarioshores. ca/imagine/. Oct. 22 The Regent Theatre. 50 King St. E., Oshawa, presents Toopy and Binoo and the Marshmal- low Moon at 1, 4 and 7 p.m. Rec- ommended for those 2 to 7 years of age. 905-721-3399, ext. 2, tick- ets.regenttheatre.ca. Oct. 29 The Regent Theatre. 50 King St. E., Oshawa, presents singer/ songwriter Matthew Good at 7:30 p.m. 905-721-3399, ext. 2, tickets.regenttheatre.ca. At the Galleries To Oct. 11 Cultural Expressions Art Gal- lery. 62 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax, presents The Constant Journey, an exhibition of works by artist George Forgie. Hours: Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday noon to 7 p.m., Saturday noon to 5 p.m. 905-427-2412, www.cul- turalexpressions.ca. To Oct. 23 Station Gallery. 1450 Henry St., Whitby, presents Ibghy and Lemmens: The Promise of the Promised Land. Curator’s Walk and Talk Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. Hours: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursdays open to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. 905-668-4185, www.whit- bystationgallery.com. Oct. 29 to Dec. 4 Station Gallery. 1450 Henry St., Whitby, presents Threadworks, featuring exceptional needle- work stitched by Canadian art- ists. Opening reception Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. 905-668-4185, www.whit- bystationgallery.com. To Oct. 30 Robert McLaughlin Gallery. 72 Queen St., Oshawa, presents Sympathetic Hunting Magic: Sculpture by Niall Donaghy and Shelly Rahme. Hours: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs- day 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. 905- 576-3000, www.rmg.on.ca. 905- 576-3000, www.rmg.on.ca. Screenings Oct. 5 The Ajax Film Circuit. presents Werner Herzog’s Cave of For- gotten Dreams at 7 p.m. (doors open 6:15 p.m.) at the Ajax Cine- plex Odeon, 248 Kingston Rd. E. (at Salem Road). Tickets are $7 in advance at all Ajax Public Library branches or $7.50 at the theatre on film night. You don’t have to be a member to see the films. barrybutler@rogers.com. Oct. 15 Ajax Public Library. Main Branch Rotary Room, 55 Har- wood Ave. S., presents Movies at the Main, with a screening of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (PG) at 1 p.m. Register in per- son or by calling 905-683-4000, ext. 8813 during library hours or by e-mail at libraryinfo@towno- fajax.com. Pre-release titles are subject to change. At the Libraries Oct. 15 Pumpkinville 2011. Visit the Ajax Public Library tent at Pumpkin- ville and create your own Jack-O- Lantern or ghost bookmark from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. At the Green- wood Conservation Area. The pro- gram is free and runs on a drop-in basis. Take the free Pumpkinville Express. For shuttle routes and stops, visit www.townofajax.com. Oct. 20 Ajax Public Library. Main Branch, 55 Harwood Ave. S., pres- ents Songwriters in the Library at 7 p.m. Local singer/songwrit- ers perform coffee-house style. Space is limited; register in per- son by calling 905-683-4000, ext. 8811 or by e-mail at libraryinfo@ townofajax.com. Oct. 22 Ajax Public Library. McLean Branch, 95 Magill Dr. (inside the McLean Community Centre), presents Spooky Literacy Day from 1 to 5 p.m. Children ages 5 to 10 are invited to join volunteers in an afternoon of free ghoulish literacy fun. Read with a partner, write your own spooky story and play literacy games. Prizes and snacks. Register for the free pro- gram at the McLean Branch or by calling 905-428-8489. Pickering Central Library. One The Esplanade, Pickering, pres- ents a monthly Women’s Dis- cussion Group at 11 a.m. to talk about the issues of the day, meet with other women. Refreshments are provided. Registration is required. 905-831-6265. Oct. 27 Petticoat Creek Branch. of the Pickering Public Library, 470 Kingston Rd., Pickering, presents G-Force: Grandmothers helping Grandmothers from 7 to 8:30 p.m. An off-shoot of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the group does fund- raising for their counterparts in Africa. 905-420-2254. Oct. 29 Petticoat Creek Branch. of the Pickering Public Library, 470 Kingston Rd., Pickering, presents Halloween Family Fun (all ages) from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Family activities, stories and crafts. Cos- tumes encouraged but optional. 905-420-2254. thecollectionagency.ca AJAX -- Comedian Sharron Matthews brings Sharron’s Big Broadway Show to the new St. Francis Centre, 78 Church St. S., Ajax, at 8 p.m. on Oct. 14. A night of music and comedy described as “a hilarious and often heartbreaking journey from small-town Ontario to the beckoning lights of Broadway.” Tickets available at the St. Francis Centre box office. 905-619-2529 ext. 2787, www.stfranciscentre.ca. Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor mruta@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comMonth in the Arts durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201116 AP special events Bradbury Crescent Bonner Crescent Roberson Drive Keywood Street Netherway Crescent Elizabeth Street Angier Crescent Dunwell Crescent Illingworth Lane Barnfield Crescent Jonesridge Drive Kearney Drive Loughlin Hill Crescent Stockbridge Crescent Delaney Drive Whitefoot Crescent Wilsongary Circle Strickland Drive Linnel Street Winterton Way Bowles Drive Thorncroft Crescent Warburton Drive Cameron Street Blunden Road Stammers Drive Darley Street Billingsgate Crescent Ballgrove Crescent Crane Drive Selway Road Woodward Crescent Windebanks Drive Audley Road Harbord Crescent Leach Drive Atherton Avenue Coyle Street Flowers Crescent We are currently looking for Prospects to deliver to the following areas: Major Oaks Road Pickering Parkway Aspen Road Westcreek Drive Cobblers Court Roberson Drive Beaton Way Sandhurst Crescent Riverside Drive Thicket Crescent Wildwood Crescent Sunbird Trail Linwood Street Autumn Crescent Hawker Court Hummingbird Court Lynn Heights Drive Rambleberry Avenue Glenanna Road Sparrow Circle Pebble Court Denmar Road Rosebank Road Dunbarton Road Spruce Hill Road Minstrel Manor Parkside Drive Oakwood Drive Toynevale Road Twyn Rivers Drive Rosefield Road Stonepath Circle CLAREMONT Steeple Hill Littleford Street Central Street Longbow Drive Birchmount Road Brock Road 905.683.2222 www.surefitoutlet.ca Wa tch for our flyer Thursday October 6th Join us on Sure Fit Outlet click“Like” CHECK THIS OUT JUST ARRIVED!!!! 50”X 90” Ivor y,Ta upe&Chocolate Matching Drap es $1499 Sophia Check Va lances $5 9960”X 14.5” If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Yo ur Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At Carriers of the We ek Ajax & Pickering Locations8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 279 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax 260 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax (in Home Depot) 1105 Kingston Rd. Pickering (in Home Depot) 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St.W.#5, Ajax 1995 Salem Rd., N., Ajax 1889 Brock Rd., Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Congratulations David for being our Carrier of the Week. To day’s Carrier of the Week is David. He enjoys soccer and hockey. David has received dinner vouchers compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. FRIDAY FLYERS FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 *CARNIVAL ASIAN CUISINE AJAX *CLIP OR CLICK AJAX PICKERING *DICKSON PRINTING AJAX PICKERING *DURHAM PARENT AJAX PICKERING *LEON’S AJAX PICKERING *LITTLE CAESARS AJAX PICKERING *NEW HOMES AJAX PICKERING *NUTRITION HOUSE PICKERING *ONTARIO HERITAGE TRUST AJAX PICKERING *ONTARIO LIBERAL PARTY AJAX PICKERING *RED PLUM AJAX PICKERING *SHOPPERS DRUG MART AJAX PICKERING *SUN WIN CHINESE RESTAURANT PICKERING *THE BRICK AJAX PICKERING *VANAIK AJAX *DELIVERED TO SELECTED HOUSE ONLY Musicians’ benefit for Feed the Need Durham in Oshawa Saturday concert Oct. 1 at arts Resource centre OSHAWA -- Music can feed the soul, but not the belly, so local musicians are once again enlisting their peers to perform a benefit concert. Musicians Against Hunger plays a fund- raiser on Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. at Oshawa’s Arts Resource Centre. An effort organized by Oshawa opera singer Kristine Dandavino, last year’s event raised more than $1,000 for Simcoe Street United Church’s Back Door Mission. All proceeds from this year’s concert benefit Feed The Need of Durham, to purchase fresh milk for children who visit local food banks. “This year, musicians from Toronto, Guelph and Durham Region will perform beloved melodies such as Summertime, You’ll Never Walk Alone, Flower Duet, My Man’s Gone Now, O mio babbino caro and Carmen’s Habanera,” she states. Concert pianist Christopher Burton will accompany singers Dandavino, Catherine Philogène, Marion Samuel-Stevens, Cheryl Campbell, Larry Tozer, Saemi Chang, Amy Steggles, Suzanne Kilgore and Rachel Cle- land. The concert will open with four tra- ditional Irish songs performed by The Irish Choral Society of Toronto. “This is an opportunity to hear Canadian singers that have performed across North America and Europe,” Dandavino states. See the event on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/event. php?eid=229356133767995. And visit soprano Cheryl Campbell’s web- site. You can hear her sing at www.cheryl- campbell.com/listen/index.htm. Tickets are available at Wilson and Lee Music Store in Oshawa or at the door for $25. The Arts Resource Centre is at 45 Queen St. 24/7 LocaL breaking news, sports, photos, video and weather: aLL daY, everY daY when YoU want it.>>Make Us YoUr facebook friend >> newsdurham -- durhamregion.com Film Circuit movie Oct. 5 AJAX -- Enter a dark and mysterious world where some of the earliest art was created. The Ajax Film Circuit screens Cave of Forgotten Dreams on Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Ajax Cineplex Odeon. “This film, by Werner Herzog, con- cerns 20,000-year-old cave paintings dis- covered in 1994 in the Chauvet Cave in southern France,” states a press release. “Access has been extremely restricted as even human breath could damage these priceless examples of pre- historic art. Herzog managed to get per- mission to take a small crew in to film them and superbly convey their mystery and majesty.” The Ajax Film Circuit is a project of the Friends of the Ajax Public Library in con- junction with the Toronto International Film Festival Group. Films are screened one Wednesday a month from September through May at the Ajax Cineplex Odeon, 248 Kings- ton Rd. E. (at Salem Road). Tickets are $7 in advance at all Ajax Public Library branches or $7.50 at the theatre on film night. You don’t have to be a member to see the films. For more information on the circuit, or to be added to the circuit e-mail list, con- tact Barry at barrybutler@rogers.com.durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201117 AP ONLINE VOTING BEGINS September 7, 2011 VOTE @ WWW.DURHAMPARENT.COM Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA Y!AOUR SVE YHA * Conditions apply, see contest rules for details. CONTEST ENDS October 7, 2011 All eligible voters* will be entered into a draw to win ONE $100 gift card from Pickering Town Centre. Winner will be notified by phone. One vote per household. HERONGATEDINNERTHEATRE 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering 905-472-3085MoreSavings at herongate.com. SEX PLEASE,WE’RE 60! IT’SAHIT! THANKSGIVING FESTIVE SPECIAL $12.00 OFFwith coupon PER COUPLE Oct 6th and 7th at the mOviesCave of Forgotten Dreams screened in Ajax ChiCkFlix.net AJAX -- Cave paintings created 20,000 years ago and found in France’s Chauvet Cave in 1994 are the subject of Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Craig Pyette shares wisdom AJAX -- The Writers’ Community of Dur- ham Region welcomes Craig Pyette to breakfast on Oct. 8. Pyette, a senior editor in the Knopf Ran- dom Canada Publishing Group, “will offer pragmatic advice about the query let- ter and its role in the publishing industry. Pyette will cover four topics: what editors do, what challenges editors and publisher face in the digital age, what they look for in a submission, and a few tricks of the writ- er’s craft. He’ll round up the discussion with a flash assessment of six WCDR mem- ber query letters and first page submis- sions,” a press release stated. After the breakfast meeting, for an extra $10 per person, breakfast attendees can take part in a mini workshop, Reading Your Work in Public, with Lucy Brennan. The breakfast meeting is from 8:30 to 11 a.m. at the Ajax Convention Centre on Beck Crescent, south of Hwy. 2, off Cham- bers Drive, Ajax. Pre-registration for the breakfast meet- ing, mini-workshop and blue-pencil ses- sion is required. Register online at www. wcdr.org, by phone at 905-686-0211 or by e-mail at breakfast@wcdr.org, no later than 9 a.m. on Oct. 5. bOOks and authOrs Writers’ group welcomes senior editor to Ajax P l e a s e R e c y c l e Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com durhamregion.com facebook.com/sportsdurhamregion twitter.com/scnewsdurhamSports durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201118 AP Hockey Fury ‘C’ a leader in Raguseo Pickering native named captain of hockey team SHawn cayley scayley@durhamregion.com WHITBY -- With each season of experience, Chris Raguseo’s role with the Whitby Fury has grown. So much so that in this, his fourth year with the Ontar- io Junior Hockey League club, the Pickering native has been named captain and will be expected to play a big role, both on and off the ice. “It’s a real special feeling, knowing the coaches stand behind me and all the guys real- ly support me too,” Raguseo says of being selected as captain. “It’s a big responsibility, but I am excited to step up. It should be really good.” Raguseo first joined the club back in 2008-09 as a wide-eyed rookie following his minor hock- ey days in the Ajax-Pickering Raiders system. His offensive numbers have improved each year, posting totals of 14, 15 and 21 points respectively in each of his first three seasons. And those are numbers he appears poised to shatter this season. Heading into last night’s game on the road against the Kingston Voyageurs, the defenceman led the team in goals with four and was second in points with seven. While the offensive numbers are nice, Raguseo admits it’s been his play at the other end of the rink that has allowed him to step up and carry the load on the back end for the Fury. Much of the credit regarding his improvement in that area goes to head coach Curtis Hodgins. “Hodgie coming in last year, he’s taught me so much, espe- cially about my defensive game,” Raguseo explains. “I have grown so much defensively. He’s taught me to really push the puck fast- er, quicker and make the better look. “Overall the last three, four years here have been great and the last one or two have been a big climb.” As it turns out, Hodgins appre- ciates what Raguseo brings to the table, just as much as the player is conscious of what the coach has done for him. “He’s a very popular kid. Very popular kid in the dressing room. He’s positive in the game and good on the bench. Really it was an easy choice,” Hodgins says of naming his captain. “He was by far the one we thought was our leader. “For Chris, this is four years for him. This is a year where he has to break out,” the coach adds. As key as Hodgins’ influence has been to Raguseo’s growth as a player, the 19-year-old defend- er points out a few other ele- ments that have contributed to his progression. “The big thing is the maturity level. Every year you learn that much more about the league and that much more about the guys that you are playing with. You get a bit older, you get a bit faster and you get a bit stron- ger,” he says. “You’ve got to keep in shape, but at the same time you’ve got that age and experi- ence that gives you a little bit of an edge.” It’s the kind of edge the Fury will have to play with each night out if they hope to make some hay in a tough Eastern Divi- sion. Spoken like a true leader, though, Raguseo likes how his Fury match up against the likes of Trenton, Cobourg, Welling- ton and others. “It is a real tough division, but we’ve got the tools. We’ve got the skill to be right up there,” he notes. “Curtis Hodgins is a great coach, all the assistants back there, they are working wonders behind the bench. We’re going up there among the top con- tenders.” While focused on the what lies ahead with the Fury, Raguseo has also spent some time con- sidering his future in the game after this season. With his college eligibility still intact, he is hopeful of obtain- ing a scholarship to play hockey south of the border. “The school route is definitely where I am look at. I have been at this for a while now and next year I’d really like to be playing in the NCAA, hopefully a Divi- sion I,” he says. “That’s the goal. This is a big season for me. I am really look- ing to step up.” PHoto courteSy tbSgimageS WHITBY -- Chris Raguseo of Pickering was recently named captain of the OJHL’s Whitby Fury. curling column Countdown begins for Annandale Curling Club season open houses are being held oct. 5-7 Jim eaSSon A new curling season at the Annandale Curling Club com- mences Tuesday, Oct. 11. The club has scheduled three open houses on Wednesday, Oct. 5, Thursday, Oct. 6 and Friday, Oct. 7 from 7-9 p.m. Anyone want- ing to learn about curling and try a few throws of the rocks is welcome to attend. Clean shoes are a must! There is no charge and volunteers will be available to give some sim- ple instruction. During the open houses the ice surface will be open and available for members to throw some rocks to warm up. The men’s competitive league will have a night to limber up on Tuesday, Oct. 11 beginning at 7 p.m. It is a chance for players to get placed on teams and have a pre- season game. Some of the youth and newly graduated curlers are competing in this league. Chris Van Huyse teams up with Pat Jans- sen, Tyler Anderson and Matt Van Huyse. Also, Jason March will skip the team of Tim March, Scott March and Dave March. Coming soon is an adult clinic on Saturday, Oct. 22. Graduates from the youth leagues are now competing in the World Curling Tour. Tim March and Pat- rick Janssen are on the Mark Kean rink and played Sept. 15-17 in the Shorty Jenkins Bonspiel in Brock- ville. The team ended just out of the final draws. Next on the cal- endar is the Stu Sells Toronto Tan- kard Oct. 7-10. Chris Van Huyse will also be in this event, curling with Mike Anderson. There will be 24 teams to play in a triple knock- out to compete for a share of the $32,000 purse. This season will see the Annan- dale team of Gord Norton, War- ren Leslie, Doug Lawson, Ron Alexander or Mike Trudeau rep- resent Annandale in the Domin- ion Men’s Club championship. The zone play is at the Oshawa Curling Club Oct. 21. The provin- cial will be held in the Acton Curl- ing Club Oct. 28, and the winning team travels to British Columbia for the national at the Richmond Curling Club Nov. 21-26. Last sea- son, the team of Chris Van Huyse, Tim March, Pat Janssen and Tyler Anderson won their way to the Canadian final game. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201119 AP Look for our flyer in today’s paper! Only in selected areas. See in store for complete details. Football Ajax-Pickering Dolphins too much for North York breast cancer fundraiser planned for Sunday DURHAM -- The Ajax-Pickering Dolphins football club battled the North York Griz- zlies at their home field on the weekend. In the end, all three Dolphins teams were vic- torious, outscoring the opposition by 98-21 combined. The Dolphins atom team had an impres- sive game. QB Riley McBride had a great rushing day, with a 70-yard run to the end zone for his second touchdown of the day. Other offensive plays came from Malik Wil- liams, who rushed in one touchdown, and Izzy O’Brien who had some good catches and rushed for more than 100 yards. There were some great defensive plays from Dar- ius Brown, Aaron Chung, Shaedan Currie, Jahzonte Smith, Aamarii Notice and Quin- tin Phillips. Final score was 18–7 for the Dolphins. The Dolphins peewees put forth a stel- lar performance. Leading the charge was the defence with a big shoe-string tackle from safety Rasheed Tucker. This was fol- lowed up by some game-changing tackles from the Phins’ hit man Quityn Pettiford. Other major tackles were administrated by Craig Gonsalves, Shady Noel, Kenneth Soutter, Cristian Claros-Ayala, Brandon Romain, Nicolas Dosen, Cameron Taba- tabaie, Stephen Sullivan, Shiomare Peters and Christopher Sabat, who also executed a major sack. The Dolphins offence was also in great form with touchdowns coming from six players. Jordan Wright rushed for a 60-yard touchdown from a reverse play. Bailey Grimes, Jaiden Cruz, Traevon Grant, Craig Gonsalves all rushed for touchdowns. Rasheed Tucker also rushed for a 70-yard touchdown from a kick return. QB King Josiah Ambers, Tyus Hibbert and Jayden Aprile also rushed for yards. Dolphins kick- er D’Andrew Higgins was on target with five kicks for 10 extra points. The game ended with a 46-0 win for the Dolphins. The Dolphins bantam team swam through the Grizzley’s defence with five touchdowns. The offence, led by QBs Jay- len La Touche and Justin Aliberti, executed some great plays. Phins running back Julian Ward-Williams started the attack with a 10-yard catch and run. He rushed for a total of 90 yards. Running back George Gou- dogianis rushed for two touchdowns, fol- lowed by a 40-yard touchdown from wide receiver Justice Johnson. Jordan Grimes was like a man with a mission, rushing for a total of 90 yards and a touchdown. Grimes also had two touchdowns that were denied due to penalties. Jammeil Brown had his best performance, with yards rushed and a touchdown. On the defensive end, Mitchell Van Pelt and Eddy Paquet had two critical interceptions. There were some big tackles from David Pinnock, who forced a fumble. Kasean Bennett had some major tackles. Mathew Romain executed a sack on the Grizzlies QB. Other defensive tackles came from Donovan Small, Tariq Mitradee, Nico- las Lapi, Sean Foreman, Dylan Colthirst, Jorin Grant and Alex Doucette. The game ended with a 34-14 win for the Dolphins. To help honour Breast Cancer month in October, the Ajax-Pickering Dolphins will be raising money and awareness at their home game on Sunday, Oct. 2, called Dol- phins’ Touchdown for Breast Cancer. Pink balloons will be released at the end of the games. Players can invite a female on the field to release the balloon with. Along with posters, the Breast Cancer Society will be providing pink ribbons and brochures to be given away for free. For the month of October, each player will be given a pledge form for donations. Every Touchdown made will be matched and donate it to the society. PICKERINGPICKERINGADVERTISING FEATURE This November, Classic Arrangements Art Gallery will be celebrating their 22nd anniversary. For over two decades, the gallery has been helping clients find limited edition prints and providing custom framing. “We thank you for your continued support and we most certainly appreciate your business. Thank you for allowing us to serve you,” says owner Dereck Gulab. “God richly blesses everyone. Just remember Jesus loves you and so do I.” Classic Arrangements offers limited edition prints from artists such as Trisha Romance, Robert Bateman, Thomas Kinkaid and James Lumber. There is a great selection of artwork in stock, and Dereck is happy to source and bring in any pieces you may be looking for. Currently, Classic Arrangements is refreshing their collection of Trisha Romance paintings, and all of their current stock is 50% off. If you’ve been eyeing a piece by Romance, now is the time to make it part of your collection! In addition to limited edition prints, Classic Arrangements also provides custom framing services. All of their frames are made from either solid wood or solid metal - you won’t find any plastic here! There is a huge selection of styles and shades to choose from and you can have anything you want framed: from paintings and prints to photographs and hockey or baseball jerseys. Framing can be completed in two to five days. “Many store offer deep discounts on their framing, but even with those sales, my customers always find that our regular prices are better,” says Dereck. Classic Arrangements will beat any competitors price on framing by 10% and are currently offering a 20% discount on all custom framing until October 31st. Dereck is excited to announce that he will be expanding Classic Arrangements with two or three more galleries that will focus on custom framing. “We are currently looking for new locations and we hope to be open by December,” says Dereck. “With the new galleries, we will be able to serve our clients better.” Classic Arrangements Art Gallery is located at 250 Bayly Street West (in the Mackenzie plaza near Dairy Queen) in Ajax. The gallery is open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or by appointment. For more information, please call (905) 427-1663 or email dereck.gulab@yahoo.ca. Classic Arrangements Celebrates 22 Years in Business durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201120 P Wa nt to know what’s happening in Pickering? Check We dnesday’s paper each week for complete details BE INFORMED! UDIAMONDSHINECARCLEANING&D E T A ILING Interior Shampoo & detailing, ExteriorWax 221Westney Rd.S. Unit A,Ajax www.diamondshine.ca 905-619-2899 Family Owned & Operated Since 1995 GE Fleet Service Cards,PH & H ARI &Transport, Action Fleet Service Cards We Accept All Major Credit Cards Oil Spray Rust Proofing & Undercoating Gift Certificates Available SALES •SERVICE •INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors (905)579-22221-888-576-8575 Wayne Hutchinson696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON DURHAM WINDOWS& DOORS Vinyl WindowDesigns Ltd. TM windows for life! Readers’ Choice Winner Go Green. Save Green. AIRPLUS is proud to offer home heating and coolingoptions that save money and the environment. Durham:905-619-9978 • airplus.ca Eco-Energy Rebates u p t o $5,000. Call f o r d e t a i l s . AIR CONDITIONERS FURNACES • HEAT PUMPS AIR PURIFIERS ClassicArrangements ArtGallery 250 Bayly St. Unit 5 Ajax Tel: 905-427-1663 Comevisitusatournewlocation. Wethankyouforyourbusiness. Weare openMon-Sat.10am-6pm 20%OFF customframin g withthis coupon. JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND In the grasp PICKERING -- St. Stephen’s Jacob London tackled Pine Ridge’s Sean Smith in senior boys’ football action at Pine Ridge Secondary School. BASKETBALL Keane leads Canada to semifinals at FIBA Americas championship tourney NEVIA, COLOMBIA -- Canada’s senior women’s national team concluded prelim- inary play at the FIBA Americas champion- ship with a 66-49 victory over Jamaica (1-3). With the win, Canada (3-1) will head to the semifinals to play either Cuba or Argentina on Friday, Sept. 30. The win also qualifies Canada for a spot in the Olympic qualify- ing tournament in June. Offensively, Canada shot 41 per cent from the field, as Kalisha Keane of Ajax contin- ued her solid play with nine points. The game was won on the defensive end, where Canada held Jamaica to 28 per cent shooting and out-rebounded their oppo- nents 50-24. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201121 AP Oshawa • Peterborough • Lindsay Campus 1-800-753-2284 Offering: ADBC and Z trainingInsurance Accredited Courses Oshawa •Peterborough •Lindsay Campus Insurance Accredited Courses Weekend Air Brakes CoursesOshawa Campus – October 24th-25th Oshawa Campus - November 7th-8th Peterborough Campus – November 14th-15th ministry - approvedttsao air brake endorsement course Insurance Accredited Courses 65+ Refresher CourseFire Fighter Specials oshawa campus peterborough campus october 15th - 16th october 22nd - 23rd Oshawa • Peterborough • Lindsay 1-800-753-2284 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS in Ajax, Pickering Free Training• No Experience Needed Clean Abstract• Flexible Part-time hours. www.stocktransportation.com 1-800-889-9491 Must be 21 years of age STOCK TRANSPORTATION IS NOW HIRING 95% of our management team began their career in a position like this. Start yourS today! 1189 Colonel Sam drive, oshawa, oN L1H 8W8 www.minacs.adityabirla.com English and Bilingual (Eng/Fr) Customer Service Representatives CAREER FAIR Thursday, October 6th, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.INTERNATIONAL BULK SERVICES Concord, Ontario LABOURERS Railyard Labourer and Dispatcher F/T Position, Shift Work (may include weekends) Physical duties performed outdoors (Year-Round) Handling dry and liquid commodities Hourly Wage, Excellent Benefits and Pension Opportunities Fax Resume to Terminal Manager at (905)669-5591 Index Energy is looking for SECOND AND THIRD CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEERS A good opportunity to have hands-on experience in the conversion of a Heritage Site first class plant into a bio-mass powered co-generation plant of 25 mega watts with exhaust steam to sales.Please send resumes by Fax (905)683-1335 or Phone (905)683-2550 ext. 24 CareerTraining CareerTraining Careers Careers CareerTraining Drivers CareerTraining AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation In- stitute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 Drivers EXPERIENCED TOW Truck Operators Wanted. Clean abstract. Apply in person: 1511 Hopkins St., Whitby. GeneralHelp ALL UNEMPLOYED! Have fun! Work with people! Promo's/ Ads team needs to fill 15 FT openings NOW! Up to $20/hr, no comm. Paid training. Filling Positions by Oct 5th. CALL NOW! Whitney 1-888-767-1027 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefits and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT person to grow Corporate account base, for fast growing company in Pickering, salary plus bonus. dsdservices@rogers.com CALL TODAY START TO- MORROW International Company has Immediate Openings REGISTRATION AGENTS Avg $25 /hr NO EXPERIENCE = NO PROB- LEM Call Anita 905-435- 0518 CareerTraining Drivers GeneralHelp CURVES CIRCUIT COACH NEEDED - (1) p/t position available. Do you LOVE Fit- ness? Are you HIGH ENER- GY and OUTGOING? Enjoy working with and motivating women, available early mornings/evenings and Sat- urdays. Submit resume by Friday, October 7th 2011 to curvesbrooklin@bellnet.ca or fax 905-655-1519 or in per- son to: 6 Campbell St., Unit 3, Brooklin, Ont DESIGNATED DRIVING Service requires drivers 25+ for evenings, paid nightly. Must drive standard trans- missions. A car is a must. Clean abstract and pleasant personality. Call for interview (905)571-1381 EXPERIENCED outbound telemarketer, outgoing peo- ple person with minimum of 2 years experience. Part time leading to full time, flexible hours. Please call Hala (905)903-9093. Experienced Maintenance required for one of the larg- est property management companies located in Dur- ham Region. Responsible for general maintenance of all residential, commercial and self storage facilities. Must have strong plastering skills and must own your own vehicle. We thank you for your interest but only select- ed candidates for interview- ing will be contacted. Apply by sending resume to careers@vrpl.ca or fax to (905) 579-9472. EXPERIENCED Telemarket- er required for busy call cen- tre. No selling. $12/hr to start. Must have experience. Call (905)839-3292. WANTED - MASTER OF all that's mechanical. Example: forklifts, motors, backhoe, cars/trucks etc. Ajax. Li- cense not required. Flexible schedule. Inside/outside, days only. Call Max 289-988-4446 GeneralHelp EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER for 77 year old furni- ture store. Full time position includes Saturdays. Knowl- edge of Oshawa, Durham, Toronto. Assembly, delivery, set up of furniture, showroom changes. Heavy Lifting, Friendly, neat appearance and reliability required. Bondable. Valid G Licence. Abstract required. Apply in person only Wilson Furni- ture, 20 Centre St N. HOMEWORKERS needed!!! Full & Part Time Positions Are Available. Will Train On- Line Data Entry, Typing Work, E-mail Reading, PC/Clerical Work, Homemail- ers, Assembling Products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.Jobs-ExtraIncome.com PERMANENT PART-TIME PSW required every other weekend, Fri-Sun. 7pm-5am. Non-smoker. Driver's license. Call (905)434-6443 or email: creativevalues@hotmail.com GeneralHelp LANDSCAPE CREW Per- son, min 3-years experience, interlock/natural stone instal- lation for well established North Pickering based land- scape company. DZ-license is required. Must have own transportation. Benefits pack- age available. Call Mon.-Fri. (905)619-6761 or Fax re- sume to (905)619-0788. LINE COOK Wanted. Re- liable experienced cook who likes classic rock, has no fear of an open kitchen, loves ba- bies, people, & good food. Part-times days and week- ends. Send resume to scrambles@rogers.com or 527 Westney South. TIRE INSTALLER/General Labourer needed for busy tire shop. Temporary full- time position that could lead into permanent full-time. Experience preferred. Must be mechanically inclined. Fun working environment. Apply in-person with resume: Ajax Tire, 369 Finley Ave., info@ajaxtire.com GeneralHelp LUNCH Supervisors F/T & P/T req'd for Pickering Elementary School. Mon-Fri 11:40-12:40 p.m. (Finch/Whites Rd) 905-831-1868 TATTOO ARTIST The Art of Affliction Tattoo and Piercing studio is currently seeking a well-established artist specializing in custom and realism/portrait work. Portfolio and extensive experience required. artofaf- fliction@gmail.com TAXI DRIVERS NEEDED immediately for Whitby & Ajax. Computer GPS dis- patched. Will train, no experi- ence necessary. Apply to 109 Dundas St. W., Whitby or (905)668-4444 GeneralHelp Salon & SpaHelp HAIRSTYLIST full-time, VIP career opportunity for A&T Beauty Supply. Must be ma- ture and self-motivated. 9am-5pm, no weekends. Call Angelo 905-725-8710. Skilled &Technical Help AUTO BODY, Ajax Shop seeking experienced li- censed body person and a prepper. Call 905-428-3000 or fax resume: 905-428- 8812, or email: info@ultimatecollisioncentre.ca CNC VERTICAL MILL MACHINIST. Ajax Machine Shop requires a confident in- dividual for set-up, 2D/3D programming, toolpaths. Mastercam knowledge a definite asset. Minimum 5-years experience. Fanuc Controls. Required immedi- ately. Competitive wages. Fax resume 905-427-4993, email pmdinc@bellnet.ca GeneralHelp Skilled &Te chnical Help LABOURER required full time. Must be physically fit be able to work outside in all weather conditions, and have own transportation. Must be available to work some weekends. Please fax re- sume to (905)655-8435. MECHANIC, 310T LICENSE required for Ajax area. Min. 5 years exp. Hydraulic, pro- pane and heavy equip exp. an asset. Guaranteed 40 hrs/wk. Benefits Package. Email resume to: resumes@dwightcrane.com SMALL CONSTRUCTION company looking for Fore- man/Operator, DZ license would be an asset. Year round position, for work mainly in GTA. Call Craig, 416-984-4635. Office Help OFFICE ASSISTANT for Pickering location. A/R plus Accounting skills an asset. Email: rctrans@rogers.com Sales Help& Agents SALES REP REQUIRED, part time position. Pre-set appointments. Average sales commission $45-80k yearly, verifiable. Excellent training program. Looking for moti- vated, hardworking individu- al. For interview, (905)433- 9053. GeneralHelp Skilled &Technical Help Hospital/Medical/Dental A PREVENTIVE DENTAL ASSISTANT is required with minimum 3 years experience and Abeldent. P l e a s e s e n d r e s u m e t o : jdbaker@bellnet.ca or apply in person Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm, at 16 Brock St.W., Oshawa DAWSON DENTAL is seek- ing a part-time DENTAL ASSISTANT who is also able to help out with reception to provide exceptional patient- centered service for both our Oshawa and Brooklin locations. Dental assisting experience is required and Dentrix savvy would be an asset. Please drop your resume off in person to: 58 Rossland Rd. W., Suite 106, Oshawa. To learn more about Dawson, visit http://www.dawsondental.ca/ Oshawa. DENTAL ASSISTANT re- quired part-time for modern progressive practice. Level II preferred. Min. 2 years expe- rience. Able to work 2 even- ings a week. Fax resume to: 905-686-8718. PROGRESSIVE DENTAL office in Whitby seeking Lev- el II Dental Assistant for 1 year maternity leave. Please fax resume to 905-725-5087. Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201122 AP CAREER OPPORTUNITYAUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN We are currently looking for an individual to join our team. As the ideal candidate you are: l A licensed technician. l Motivated to succeed. l A co-operative team player. We offer a fun, supportive, and exciting workplace, group insurance, on-going training, and guaranteed hours. Please submit your resume to: Wayne Mallette, Service & Parts Manager wmallette@kingstonmazda.com (If you are currently employed in a dealership and wish to make a confidential inquiry, please call Wayne Mallette @ 613-542-2000) 1488 BATH ROAD (613)542-2000 *OPEN HOUSE* Sunday October 2nd, 1- 4pm 44 Chalk Lake Port PerryPrivate Sale - $969,000 On prestigious Chalk Lake. cross from Lakeridge Ski Resort. 20 minutes from Ajax/Pickering. 3 bdrms, 3 bathrooms, 2 full kitchens, fireplace, over 190 ft of lakefront. Over 3000 sq ft on 3 levels facing south. Custom built 'bunkie on waterfront, 2 sheds etc. For more info go to: propertyguys.com #194874. Call (416)660-1938 for more information. Up to 90% LTV Don’t worry about Credit! Refinance Now! Call 647-268-1333 Hugh Fusco AMP #M08005735 Igotamortgage Inc. #10921 www.igotamortgage.ca Available Mortgages 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com LIVE AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, OCT. 2 PREVIEW 11 A.M. START 12 NOONCLAREMONT COMMUNITY CENTRE4840 OLD BROCK RD. CLAREMONT NEW ARRIVALS - NAME BRAND ITEMS FROM MAJOR DEPART- MENT STORES Partial listing only. Over 1000 lots to include but not limited to: Coin Collection:Mixed Estate Collections accumulated from across the Province of Ontario, Sterling Silver RCM issues, 999 Fine Gold, Silver Bullion Bars, Olympics, Dble. Dollar Sets, Cased Dollars, USA Special issue collector sets, Proof Eagles, Maple Leafs, Private Collection of ICCS Certified Coins, Bank Notes, 23kt Gold Cards, World Coins, Cana- dian Silver Dollars, 1937 Bank Notes, Centennial notes, Silver Maple Leafs with Folders, Cased Dollars mixed Silver & Nickel, 2010 Olym- pics, Royal Wedding Fine Silver Coin, Shin Plasters, British SIlver & more. Several tray & dealer lots. JEWELRY: (16ct.) Diamond Tennis Necklace, Internally Flawless Dia- mond Solitaire Ring Over (1ct), Over 400 -10-14-18kt Gold Diamond, precious & Semi precious Stone Rings, bracelets, earrings, custom made, one of a kind items, Swarovski Crystallized Element Jewelry Collection by Red Carpet Designer "MM", Appraised Diamond Solitaires over 1ct., Diamond ladies watch, gold bangles, WENGER Swiss Military Watch- es.Pearls, Loose stones ( Appraised), Jewellery suitable for home parties & resale, estate lot of hand made jewellery items, Sterling Silver, Home Décor: Mirrors, lighting, metal wall décor, accents, Grandfather Clock, Wall Clocks, European Landmark Wall Décor, Lamps, Wildlife Sculp- tures, 24 pc Pro Knife Set in Case, 78 pc Cutlery set, German Designer Cookware, Samurai Swords, Luggage, Business cases. FURNITURE: Leather Accent Chairs * Grandfather Fireside Chairs * Tiffany Style Accent Lamps * Leather Look Storage Cabinets, Boxes, cases, Accent Benches Accent Tables * Screen Dividers * Carved Ma- hogany Gallery Easels * Tall Floor Vase Collection( Designers Choice), Unique Design Floor Lamp w/ Shells* Furniture arriving daily from dis- tributors warehouse closure. Cotton Mill Disposal: duvets, comforters, sheet sets, pillows, Egyptian Comfort 1500, 1800, Sheet Sets, 7pc Comforter ensembles SPORTS MEMORABILIA: Collection from various Estates and collec- tors to include: Over 10,000 sports cards, signed jerseys, hockey sticks, old wax boxes, Panini Italy Stickers unopened from the 1980's, McFar- lane's signed, 16 x 20 multi signed photos, Bobby Orr Stick, Blue Jays Jersey, Factory card sets, bobble heads, Nostalgia - Elvis, Marilyn Mon- roe, Harley Davidson, Coca Cola, Betty Boop, Music Gold Records with rare guitar picks framed, Justin Bieber, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Scar- face,Taylor Swift, Movie & TV Show Scripts, Old Programs from Maple Leaf Gardens, Baseballs, 3000 Penalty minute Tuff Guys signed 16 x 20, Signed Baseballs, NOSTALGIA: Betty Boop Statues, Harley Davidson Signs, Elvis, Mari- lyn Monroe, Waiters, Wine Holders, Die Cast Car Collection. ELECTRONICS: Digital cameras, accessories, IPAD Cases, MP3, Vacuums, Steamers, PDAs, BLACKBERRY , Memorex LCD TV/DVD, High End Headphones, Video Cameras, Tripods, Bluetooth, Bushnell bi- noculars, Spotting Scopes, & more. tv's, rice cooker,4 way sweeper, shower heads, audio systems,itone dock- ing stations, snow throwers,dvd players, solar lights,notebook cooling pads,shredders,wireless keyboards,ipod dock, electric food slicer, cd boombox, wireless headphones, body fat scale, multi food processor, 12 inch skillet, sewing machine,rechargeable shavers,ipod clock radios, can- dle power spotlight, dvd vcr combo,toaster ovens, home theatre sys- tem,cordless kettle,xbox 360,32" lcd tv,pocket camcorder,net book,grand- father clocks,bluetooth kits,garment steamer,nano 8gb,cordless sweep- er,airbeds, microwave ovens,espresso makers,mps, coffee crinders, 18v drills, stainless blender,mp4 player, toys, xbox, gps, water coolers, exercise, appliances, coffe machines, tassi- mo, garden, bread makers, personal care products, shavers, bar stools, bellagio water coolers, cameras, can openers, toaster ovens, cordless phones , blenders, rca electronics, shoe racks, star wars trainer, candles, guitars, sewing machines, nextar touch screen, scales, storage ottomans, air mattress,quickbeds, wine cooler, picture frames, bookcases, games, disney toys, 4gb video mps, dvd players, fireplace, toasters, parson chairs, bionaire steam mops, media storage, dvds, haircut kit, kerttles, lounge chair, wi controllers, epad w/7" touch display, vtech cordless phones, hdmi dvd, kites, microwave ovens, xbox controllers, comforters,suitcases, headphones, wallclocks All of the above items are store returns, samples, prototypes, refurbished and have been authorized to be sold "AS IS". A good selection for deal- ers, flea markets, handymen, and anyone looking for a real bargain. SEE PHOTOS on Website, STILL UNPACKING UNTIL SALE TIME, Some items listed may not be unavailable due to space limitations. Subject to additions & deletions without notice. Terms of Sale: As per posted and announced, can be viewed at www.auctioneer.ca. Removal same day, registration w/ID required, payment by Cash - Visa - MC - Debit - Buyers Fee on all items. THE AUCTION DEPOT CANADA - WWW.AUCTIONEER.CA SAT. OCTOBER 1 - 10AM ANTIQUE AUCTION at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - 2194 Little Britain Rd., LINDSAY antique furniture, pine corner cupboard, pine ar- moires, pine benches, pine boxes, art glass, primitives, col- lectables, butter bowls, churn, coins, stamps, tin & porcelain advertising signs, movie posters, Concertina in case, cast implement seat, Daisy 1886-1936 'Golden Eagle' BB gun, sharks vertebrae cane, Danish cabinet makers bench, ex- ceptional antique tools including Ultimatum ebony & brass Brace, assorted exotic wood wood planes, scribes, coach makers shaves, machinist chest, collectable fish lures, hun- dreds of hard to find & unusual items, Info 705-324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONS or view over 200 photos/list/terms at www.mcleanauctions.com LOST AFRICAN GREY PARROT Grey w/red tail Whites Rd & Finch area about 4 weeks ago If you have seen or caught him Please call Steve at 416-992-2213 He needs to come home *REWARD* Skilled &Technical Help Houses for Sale$ Hospital/Medical/Dental TEMPORARY/CASUAL medical office assistant re- quired for busy medical clin- ic. Please send resume to: lana@brooklinmedical.com or fax 905-655-4848 Hotel/Restaurant NEW RESTAURANT "Off the Hook Seafood Empori- um" Hiring all positions: Chef, line cooks, serving staff, host/bus. Please apply in person; 1600 Champlain Ave. East, Whitby. Experi- enced preferred. Houses for Sale$ $0 DOWN, SOLID BRICK Bungalow, Bowmanville, $249,999. Carry for $1300/month, no bank, seller holds mortgage. Lynne Arstikaitis Broker of Record, Centre City Realty Ltd. Brokerage 905-431-1884. BEAUTIFUL DECORATED 3 Bdrm Town Home with Spacious Entrance and Cir- cular Staircase. Ceramic and Wood Floors, New Carpeting ('11), Walkout from Kitchen to Large Deck to Yard, Fin- ished Basement, CAC ('07), Gas Forced Air, Single Car Garage. Close to Schools & Shopping, Parks & Rec. Centre & Minutes to 401. Im- mediate Possession. 43 Ce- cil Found Cres., Courtice. $239,000. To View please call 905-244-8078 or 905- 261-8400.OPEN HOUSE Sun. Oct. 2, 12-2pm. SPACIOUS RENOVATED Brick Bungalow in desirable North Oshawa, finished basement, New Roof, New Furnace, New Kitchen with appliances and lots more. 49 Switzer Dr. $315,000. 905- 626-6400 Industrial/Commercial SpaceI APPROX 1250SQ.FT AND 1650sq.ft. INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR LEASE. Rit- son/Bloor Oshawa. Office space, washroom and over- head garage door. Big open- space, suitable for all busi- nesses. Available immediate- ly. 905-839-9104. Skilled &Te chnical Help Houses for Sale$ Industrial/Commercial SpaceI PRIME LOCATION, 615 Liv- erpool Rd., South at the lake. Street front. Excellent for small business. For more info call 416-578-1125 or email: jim@jpgroup.ca STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Mortgages,LoansM $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com 1.89% Mortgage No appraisal needed. Beat that! Refinance now and Save $$$ before rates rise. Below bank Rates Call for Details Peter 877-777-7308 Mortgage Leaders Apartments &Flats for RentA 1-BEDROOM FURNISHED basement apartment, close to GM/401/Rec Center and Transit. Gas fireplace, 54- inch TV, utilities included. Parking, cable and air. No pets. $760/month. 905-576- 6127. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., newly renovated, new carpeting, very large, appli- ances, parking. Near Oshawa Centre. $900/mo. Available immediately. Ref- erences. No pets. 416-451- 5314 after 5:00pm 2 BEDROOM north Oshawa very bright quiet apartment, Simcoe North at Russett. Top floor of well-maintained 12 plex, Newly renovated, new appliances, hardwood floors, cable/heat/wa- ter/parking included. Laun- dry, No dogs. near bus/shopping. (905)576- 2982 (905)626-3465 Skilled &Technical Help Houses for Sale$ Apartments &Flats for RentA 2-BEDROOM, 2-BATH apartment for rent in Ux- bridge. $1400/mnth + utilities. Newer building for physically challenged friend- ly. Avail immediately. Larry 905-852-5719 AJAX SALEM/BAYLY. Large 1-bedroom basement. Bright and clean, 4pc bath, shared laundry & parking. $800 includes utilities, A/C. Non-smoking. Suit profes- sional. Available Nov 1st. 416-721-4425. AJAX, WESTNEY/HWY 2 1-brdm basement, 1-1/2 bath, own laundry facilities, fireplace, 1-parking, separate entrance. $850/month, in- cludes utilities. Available Oc- tober. No pets/smoking. First month & deposit req. 905- 427-0303. AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom & 3-bedroom from $959, $1069 & $1169/mo. Plus parking. Available Octo- ber/November 905-683-5322 BOWMANVILLE immaculate 1-bedroom; $970 all inclu- sive. Security entrance, very clean building, freshly paint- ed, includes appliances, utilities, parking, laundry, no dogs, Avail. Oct. 1. 905-697- 1786, 905-666-1074 CLEAN, QUIET, bachelor basement apartment in ma- ture Whitby neighborhood. Utilities, laundry, parking in- cluded. Close to all amenities. $675/month. Available immediately. Call Justin 289-892-2481. COURTICE - Stunning main floor, 2 bedroom executive, walkout, eat in kitchen, ce- ramic, hardwood, jacuzzi tube and more!! Single work- ing professional preferred, non-smoking, Nov. lst/2011 $1300. inclusive. (905)424- 4403. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, 1- bedroom apt., kitchen, bath- room, parking. $550 monthly. Available now. Call (905)432-2356 FranchisesF Mortgages,LoansM Apartments &Flats for RentA DUNDAS ST. E/Annes St. immaculate 3 bedroom bun- galow for rent. $1290/month. Downtown Whitby. Near schools, parks, shops. Easy access to 401/GO. Available October 1st. Call Ron Niceski, ReMax All Stars Realty, 905-477-0011 or 416-726-1595 MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NORTH OSHAWA 1-bed- room basement apt. No smoking, No pets. Heat, hy- dro and parking included. Available June 1st. $800/month. Call (905)213- 8116 OSHAWA - clean, quiet building, overlooking green space, near shopping and schools. large 2-bedroom, $925/month. Parking, utilities, appliances incl. Available November 1st. 289-388-6401. OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA, 385 Gibb St. Avail. Immediately. 2-bdrm apt. $860/month plus $25/mo parking. Upon credit approv- al. Laundry on-site. Close to all amenities. Call Patrick 905-443-0191. OSHAWA, one bedroom, Simcoe and Metcalfe, 2nd floor apartment. Appliances, laundry, secure intercom, 3- closets. No parking. $685 plus electricity. Quiet, re- spectful tenants please. Call (905)986-4889. FranchisesF Mortgages,LoansM Apartments &Flats for RentA OSHAWA, Ritson/Wolfe, 2-bedroom (utilities included) & 2-bedroom (plus utilities) Parking, fridge/stove includ- ed. First/last, available imme- diately. 647-404-1786. PICKERING, Altona/Finch. 1 bedroom basement, separ- ate entrance, 2-parking, no smoking/pets. Available October 1st. $780/mo utilities incl. Call for more in- formation 905-509-0566. WHITBY CENTRAL Large 3+ bedrooms main unit in house with upper level. 2 bathrooms, laundry, tasteful- ly upgraded. Credit check approval, $1280 plus hydro, (905)576-8989 WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 9 0 5 - 4 3 0 - 5 4 2 0 www.realstar.ca Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM, totally reno- vated, new hardwood, new bath, new kitchen, new appli- ances. Available immedi- ate/October 1st. $1500/nego- tiable, No animals/smoking. 416-459-9993 or 905-426- 9898 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, Ade- laide/Townline area, Oshawa, newly renovated, new kitchen, new hardwood throughout, Forced Air Gas furnace, central air. Rent ne- gotiable. Available immedi- ately. Call (905)723-6367 OSHAWA 3 BEDROOM semi, large fenced yard, walk out deck. First/last. No pets. Credit check and references required. $1295./mo.+ utilities (water incl.) Available now. (905)436-0455 Lost & FoundL To wnhousesfor RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 905-436-3346 www.real- star.ca Rooms forRent & WantedR PICKERING, 2 ROOMS for rent, $400 inclusive, quiet home, available immediately, near shopping & amenities. Female preferred. Call (905)426-1974, leave mes- sage if not home. SHARE adult occupied House, Pickering. Furnished, cable TV, internet, house- phone with free LD, laundry, parking. First/last. Smoking outside/no pets. $495/inclu- sive, no lease, references (905)391-3809 www.sharemyhouse.ca Lost & FoundL SharedAccommodation AT BLOOR/SIMCOE, Oshawa. Room for rent, near all amenities, bed/sitting room, cable/internet, parking included. Available immedi- ately, first/last, $495/mo in- clusive, Viewing (905)433- 4088; 905-243-4088. LOOKING FOR non-smoker to share home, female pre- ferred. Near GO station and bus route, furnished, parking, laundry. Call Janice, (905)668-2110 Va cationProperties ASK YOURSELF, what is your TIMESHARE worth? We will find a buyer/renter for CA$H. NO GIMMICKS- JUST RESULTS! www.BuyATimeshare.com (888)879-7165 BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND $99/mo. $0 down, $0 inter- est, Golf Course, Nat'l Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Int'l Air- port. Guaranteed Financing, No Credit Checks. Pre-re- corded msg. (800)631-8164 code 4001 or visit www.sunsiteslandrush.com SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/ Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $95 Million Dollars offered in 2010! www.BuyATime- share.com (888)879-7165 Lost & FoundL LOST CAT, male, long haired Himalayan. Answers to "Truffle". Declawed, wear- ing tartan coloured collar w/heart shaped tag. Lost Old Harwood & McGill Ave., Ajax (905)427-8678 HUGE ANIMAL RESCUE FUNDRAISER Sat & Sun - Oct 1 & 2, 8:30-4pm New Location for Fall Sale 524 Lightfoot Place, Pickering (west of Whites. North off Kingston Rd.) Antique doll, Antique sword, sports cards, 2006 signed Oshawa Generals Jerseys, antique garden swing, pot belly stove, furniture - some antique, bikes, exercise chair, snowboards, water skis, pictures, pet accessories, new items, kids stuff, youth Martial Arts & Scouts items, TVs, electronics, collectibles, & lots of usual items. HUGE GARAGE SALE You Name It - We Have It! Saturday, October 1st 8am-4pm756 Hillcrest Road, PickeringTools, Electronics, Antiques, Lawnmowers, Chain- saws, Furniture, Clothes, Records & much more Yard SALE - Sat. Oct 1st, 8:00-1:00pm 922 Alanbury Crescent Rain Date Sun Oct 2nd. Household & decor items, tools, golf clubs, gardening items & much, much more! HUGE YARD SALE759 Aspen RdPickering Saturday Oct 1 8:00 am Garage/Yard Sales Auctions Place your ad at 905-683-5110 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201123 AP October 1, 2007 Maureen Fournier (Mom, Moe, Ya Ya, Ni Ni) We thought of you with love today but that is nothing new We thought about you yesterday and days before that too, We think of you in silence, we often speak your name All we have are memories and your picture in a frame Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part God has you in his keeping; we have you in our hearts. Forever loved and missed xoxo Your loving husband Frank, daughters Cathy and Cyndy, grandchildren Connor, Aidan & Tylor, sister Alice and all of your family and friends. Canada Need A Car Loan Call Credit Zone ❏ SHUTTLE SERVICE AVAILABLE ❏ HUGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM ❏ ALL CREDIT APPS. ACCEPTED* Call The Credit Zone Hotline905-668-1838 • 1-800-519-9566 ZoneZone Bad Credit? O.K. • New to Country? O.K. Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payments? O.K. Or Get Approval 24/7 On-Line At A Division of Durham Auto Sales Ltd *Down payment may be required. www.creditzonecanada.com Durham Craft & Gift Show Durham College October 28, 29 & 30, 2011 For booth information, Call Audrey 905 426-4676 x257 or Email: adewit@durhamregion.com www.showsdurhamregion.com VENDORS WANTEDCHRISTMAS BAZAAR Held at Winbourne Park Saturday, November 12th Call Christine 905-426-6296 ext 225 VENDORS WANTEDCHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW at Vaughan Willard P.S. Saturday November 5th, 2011 $35.00/table ** Contact Michele:Days: 416-625-7812 Nights: 905-837-1773 CompanionsC I WOULD like to meet an Honest, Genuine, Clean Gentleman for friendship and companionship, age 70-76. Between Ajax-Newcastle. Call between 6pm-9pm (905)410-5246. DaycareAvailable PART TIME, BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL. Daycare service from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday - Friday. Westney & Delaney, fully fenced, happy environment, crafts, games etc. Receipts, references. (905)686-8719 Music &Dance Instruction PIANO LESSONS Private lessons in my home , from beginners to conservatory. Call Joani @ 905-686-8351 In Memoriam In Memoriam Horse Supplies& Boarding FREE LARGE HORSE STALL, 30 acres pasture, shared turns 2 times/week at feeding time. Hwy. #57/Taunton area. Call 905- 725-8710. Articlesfor SaleA CONTENTS OFAPARTMENT 3 curio cabinets, 6-pc bedroom suite, boxspring/mattress, kitchen table & 6 chairs, 2 recliner chairs, 2-pc wall unit, 2 Ultramatic single beds.905-852-5719 Cars for Sale Articlesfor SaleA **PINE LUMBER SALE, on- tariowidelumber.com. Direct from the Mill to you for whole sale prices. Wide plank floor- ing, log siding (round/square profile) V-joint, wainscotting, board & batten, custom molding, etc. SPECIALS 2x8 round logs -0.89/cents-foot. 2x10 square log siding -0.99/cents-foot. 1x6 T&G Flooring, $0.49/cents-foot ($1.22sq.ft). 1x10 T&G floor- ing, $0.89/cents-foot, 1x6 V- Joint, $0.45/cents-foot, 1x4 baseboard, $0.49/cents-foot, 1x3 casing, $0.39/cents-foot. ONTARIO WIDE DELIVERY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. (613)292- 9211, (647)309-7463, (leave message only) 2 TWIN SIZED SOLID wood sleigh beds $150-each; Dou- ble sleigh bed complete w/boxspring/mattress $300; 6-drawer solid wood dresser $150; Solid wood table $100; Dining room set w/6 chairs $250; All in good con- dition. 905-622-2154. BEAUTIFUL FORMAL 9-pc diningroom suite, $850; An- tique Sideboard Server $300.(416)509-9996 BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 HIGH SPEED Internet Newer Technology. Can be installed almost anywhere. Rental Special low monthly rates. www.SkyviewE.com 905- 655-3661 1-800-903-8777 HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837. www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper HOT TUBS, 2011 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifice $3,900. 416-779- 0563. HOT TUBS/SPAS – over 20 New & Used on display. From $495 - $4,995. War- ranties available. All offers considered. 905-409-5285 JESUS IS ALIVE Christian practices consist of ancient pagan customs. Jim Camp- bell (705)799-1329 RENT TO OWN - N e w a n d reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1- 800-798-5502. Cars for Sale Articlesfor SaleA TOOLS, TOOLS, TOOLS for all trades, antique, col- lectibles, user, kitchen col- lectibles, scientific instru- ments, much more. Sunday October 2nd. Tools of the Trades Show Sale PICKER- ING RECREATION COM- PLEX, Exit 399 N off 401, West on Kingston Rd. 2 blocks, South to 1867 Valley Farm Rd. 10am-3:00pm, $5. FREE Parking, 613-839- 5607. TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $399. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. Wood supplier of first choice by many customers since 1975. (905)753-2246. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Delivery available. Call (905)986-5217 or cell (905)424-9411 Pets, Supplies,Boarding BOXER PUPPIES, first shots, ready to go. Call (905)986-5217 or (905)424- 9411 Cars for Sale 2000 SUNFIRE, Silver, $3000, OBO, AS IS. Newer engine, 60,000kms. 4 door, new brakes and exhaust. (905)436-2489. Ask for Jackie. 2002 SUNFIRE, $2595. 2002 Dodge Neon, 175k, $2999. 2001 Hyundai Tibu- ron, 126k, $2999. 2001 Ac- cent, 154k, $2999. 1999 Olds Alero, 156k. $2999. 2002 Ford Explorer, 4x4, $2999. 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4x4, $2999. GMC Siera Pick-up. $2999. Oth- ers from $1999 up, certified, e-tested, free 6 month war- ranty, (plus HST). Financing available. (Kelly and Sons, since 1976) 905-683-1983 or 905-424-9002. www.kellyandsonsauto.com 2006 CHEVROLET Optra5, hatchback, silver, 4-dr, sun- roof, loaded, great car, good condition, as is, 145,000km, Asking $6,600. Sara 416- 903-8578. TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. Cars for Sale VendorsWantedV Cars WantedC !!!! ! !! AAAAA WHITTLE SCRAP Solutions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. !!!!! $ ! AAA AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Want- ed. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. !!! $$ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A AAAAA ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob any- time (905)431-0407. ! ! ! $200-$2000 Cash For Cars & Trucks $$$$ 1-888-355-5666 $$$ TOP CASH paid for your car or trucks. Same day re- moval service. Call Shawn (416) 577-3879 $100- $1000 Cash 4 Cars Dead or Alive Same day Fast Free Towing 416-312-1269 1-888-989-5865 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Cars for Sale VendorsWantedV Cars WantedC $250-$2000 Ajaxautowreckers.comCash for Cars, Trucks and All Scrap Metal. Or $300 Government Program 905-686-1771 416-896-7066 COURTICE AUTO Recy- cling. We pay Top Dollar for your Scrap cars & trucks. Cash paid. 24 hours, 7 days/week. Free pickup. Call John (905)436-2615 NEED CA$H WILL PAY you up to $2000 for your scrap car, truck or van. Free tow. Will beat anyone's price call (289)892-3414. Garage &Storage SpaceG FENCED OUTDOOR stor- age for travel and tent trail- ers, RV's, and Boats. Open 365/days. Call (905)728- 7774 INDOOR STORAGE available for vehicles, boats, bikes, etc... Please call (905)655-4683 after 6pm or during the day at (905)243- 0033. AdultEntertainment Durham’s EliteDurham’s EliteDurham’s Elite Established Since 1997 289-688-5885 www.classelegance.com 24 Hour InCall & OutCall Service Discretion Assured Beautiful LadiesFor All Occasions MassagesM WOW! $30/30 mins.PICKERING SPA Relaxing Massage V.I.P. Rooms 1050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 257 days/week Open 10am (905)831-3188 Now Hiring 416-985-8628 AAA PICKERING ANGELS H H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! GRAND OPENING LaVilla Spa 634 Park Rd. South Oshawa (905)240-1211 Now hiring!!! OPEN 7 Days/Week Asian Girls serenityajaxspa.com 905-231-027243 Station St.Unit 1, Ajax MassagesM MassagesM OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 Special $25 Relaxing Massage 6095 Kingston Rd. 401/Meadowvale SPRING SPA 10am-9pm 7days416-287-0338 Now Hiring HomeImprovement HANDI-MAX For ALL Small Household Jobs Painting Pressure Spraying Laminate/Hardwood Flooring Ceramic Tiles Certified Home Inspection Call Brian(905)231-9674 905-409-9903 MJH MASONARY Basement Leaks & All Masonary Repairs. All stone work for porches & walkways Licensed & InsuredPlease call Mike 905-260-0686 No Job is too small Basement & Bathroom renovations Decks & Fencing Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO ListsFor an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 HomeImprovement PLUMBER ON THE GOTop Quality Plumbing at Reasonable ratesService andnew installationsResidential/CommercialNo job too big or smallFree estimates - over 20 years experience(905)837-9722 TBG Aluminum Siding ~ Soffit ~Fascia ~Eavestrough Free Estimates Call Bruce 905-410-6947 TEAM CLEAN Janitorial Services Lowest Prices guaranteed Ask about our Free Trial Insured & Bonded(647)786-4554 GarbageRemoval/Hauling A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! Homes, Yards, Businesses, etc. We do all the loading Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! John905-310-5865 HandymanH HANDYMAN SERVICE FALL CLEANUPS Lawn Cutting, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Concrete & Interlocking brick repair, painting, Garbage Removal905-431-7762905-655-5085 HANDYMAN Reliable F RetiredAll Household Repairs,Inside/OutsideFencing & Deck Repairs No Job too Small Reasonable RatesCall Ed (905) 427-7604(416) 277-4392 NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? l Junk Removal l Gen. Deliveries l Small Moves l Yard Services l Odd JobsReasonable RatesCall Hans anytime(905)706-6776www.afriendwithatruck.ca Painting& Decorating ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Painting& Decorating TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 Moving& Storage Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licensed/Insured(905)239-1263(416)532-9056 House Cleaning CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" Flooring,CarpetingF HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST Hardwood& Laminate Installations Sanding, staining, & finishing of old floors 20 years experienceCall John (905) 655-3492 (416) 220-4768 Death Notices BUSINESS ANDSERVICE DIRECTORY Join the conversation twitter.com/newsdurham facebook.com/newsdurham newsdurhamregion.com/mobile durhamregion.com Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. MANNERS, William Douglas - July 17, 1956 to September 26, 2011. After a valiant fight against glioblastoma brain cancer, Bill's battle ended peacefully on September 26, 2011 surrounded by his family. A husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, Bill leaves behind his wife and life-long companion, Debby, his daughters Rebecca (Jeff), Amy and Hollie (Sean). He was the adored Poppa to eight darling grandchildren: Lydia, Jacob, Lucus, Ashton, Emily, Nathan, Cole and Ciara. Beloved brother to Barb, John (Linda), Liz (Jim), and Rick (Sue), predeceased by brother Bryan (Renee), sister Lorraine and parents Bill and Corinne. In February 2009, when given the devastating diagnosis, Bill fought with passion, pride and laughter, always saying that he didn't live with cancer, but that cancer lived with him. Rather than letting his diagnosis keep him down, he used it as an opportunity to increase awareness and support, including raising over $30,000 for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and almost $10,000 for the Rouge Valley Health Systems Foundation "Image is Every- thing" campaign. Visitation with be held on at the McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME (28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 905-428-8488) on Thurs- day, September 29, 2011 from 6 pm to 9 pm. Service to be held in the Chapel of the Funer- al Home on Friday, September 30, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, and in support of Bill's spirit of giving, donations can be made to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and RVHSF "Image Is Everything". Online condolences may be placed atwww.mceachniefuneral.ca durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • September 30, 201124 AP 2010 JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA UNLIMITED 4DR What A Rare Vehicle, Loaded With Low Kms! Stk# P1640A YOU OWN IT $93 84 DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0PER WEEK MONTHS 4.99% INTEREST NOW $28,988WAS$30,988 2010 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE Loaded And Ready To Go! Stk# V1572 YOU OWN IT $77 84 DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0PER WEEK MONTHS 4.99% INTEREST NOW $23,988WAS$24,988 2010 CHRYSLER SEBRING LTDLeather, Moon Roof, Power Steering, Power Brakes, PowerWindows, Power Locks, It’s Loaded. Stk# P1612 NOW$19,988 $64 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$21,988 2010 DODGE CALIBER SXT Auto, A/C, Power Group, Alloy Wheels & Much More. Stk# P1610 NOW$15,888 $52 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WA S$17,888 2009 NISSAN VERSA SL 5Dr Hb, A/C, Auto. Stk# V1756 NOW$13,998 $51 72 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$17,888 2009 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER LX Auto, PW, PL, Nicely Equipped. Stk# V1692 NOW$10,988 $35 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$12,988 2010 DODGE JOURNEY SXT Loaded & Ready To Go! Stk# P1754 NOW$23,988 $77 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$25,988 2007 DODGE DAKOTA 4WD Auto, A/C, Ext Cab 4x4. Stk# V1619 NOW$17,888 $77 60 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$19,888 2008 JEEP PATRIOT SPORT Auto, A/C, 4x4. Stk# JR11282A NOW$14,888 $54 72 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$16,888 2006 JEEP COMMANDER LTD Auto, A/C, Power Group, 4x4 &Much Much More. Stk# P1559A NOW$19,888 $87 60 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$21,888 2008JEEPGRANDCHEROKEE Auto, A/C, Power Group, Diesel. Stk# P1587 NOW$27,888 $99 72 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$29,888 DIESEL 2011 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN STOW’N GO Power Second Row Windows, Quad Seating, PW, PL, Etc.Stk# P1697 NOW$26,988 $87 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$30,9882TOCHOOSEFRO M get a n e x t r a $500 GAS C A R D ! with a n y n e w / u s e d p u r c h a s e Sept. 2 9 , 3 0 & O c t . 1 3 Days Only3Days Only www.villagechrysler.ca Free Gas We ekend! 2Ye arsNo ChargeOil Changes OROR OROR No ChargeRustPackage Sale E n d s Saturday 6 p m Sale E n d s Saturday 6 p m No Credit? Slow Credit? Bad Credit?Call Bobby 1-877-288-6740 201 BAYLY ST.W.(AT MONARCH AV E., AJAX)1-888-468-0391 WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS! CHRYSLER •DODGE •JEEPVILLAGE CHRYSLER Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. All prices and payments are plus HST only! One offer per customer. License fee extra. Financial example $10,000 for 60 mths @ 4.99%Variable rate = payment $43.78/weekly, cost of borrowing $1,327.44 OAC. Thank s Durha m f o r Vo ting u s #1 2010 Platinum “Thinkinglike acustomer” 2007 DODGE CARAVAN SE Auto, A/C, & Power Group. Stk# V1700 NOW$12,988 $55 60 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$14,988 2010 DODGE AVENGER SXT Auto, A/C, Power Group, Tilt & Much More. Stk# P1309 NOW$15,888 $52 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$16,888 2009 DODGE SPRINTER 2500 WAGON Auto, A/C, Power Group & 12 Passenger Seating. Stk# V1778 YOU OWN IT $177 72 DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0PER WEEK MONTHS 4.99% INTEREST NOW $47,888WAS$49,888 2010 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING Auto And Loaded With All The Bells And Whistles! Stk# V1512 YOU OWN IT $64 84 DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0PER WEEK MONTHS 4.99% INTEREST NOW $19,988WAS$21,988 2007 DODGE MAGNUM SXT Auto, A/C, Power Group. Stk# P1715 NOW$17,888 $77 60 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$19,888 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 �UAD CAB 4X4 Auto, A/C, Power Group, SLT. Stk# P1764 NOW$21,888 $94 60 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$22,888 2008 FORD RANGER EXTENDED CAB Auto, A/C, 4x4, Power Group. Stk# P1428B NOW$15,888 $58 72 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$16,888 2011 CHEVROLET IMPALA Auto, A/C, & Power Group. Stk# P1769 NOW$15,988 $52 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$16,988 2010 JEEP COMPASS SPORT 4X4 Auto, A/C & Power Group. Stk# P1639 NOW$18,888 $61 84 4.99% PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWNSIGN &DRIVE $0YOU OWN IT WAS$20,888