HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2010_12_30NEWS 3 An icy tradition Ajax group ready for annual Polar Bear swim ART 15 Shawna creates Pickering painter works in acrylic SPORTS 18 A Wolverine Pickering hockey player to attend U. of Michigan REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- A proposed incinerator has been Durham’s burning issue -- one last time the obvi- ous pun -- for years and in 2010, it was finally resolved, making it our newsmaker of the year. On Nov. 25, Regional Chairman Roger Ander- son put pen to paper and signed a $270-million agreement with Covanta Energy to design, build and operate the facility. This will be Ontario’s first incinerator in 20 years and the process to build the energy-from- waste (EFW) facility has been a contentious one, representing the biggest single issue for the 2006 to 2010 Durham Regional Council and a long road politically. With a bylaw banning new landfill in the region, York and Durham began consultations with the public in 2005 looking for an alternative to shipping residential garbage to be land-filled in Michigan or creating new landfill in Ontario. The result was a recommendation for an ener- gy-from-waste facility that would incinerate gar- bage and generate electricity at the same time. Courtice incinerator a done deal DURHAM GARBAGE SOLUTION OUR NEWSMAKER OF THE YEAR SUBMITTED PHOTO TORONTO -- Dave Martin, Greenpeace Canada policy adviser, spoke at a Queen’s Park rally in opposition to the Courtice incinerator on May 13. The incinerator issue was the Newsmaker of the Year in Durham for 2010.BLAISDALE M O N TESSO RIBLAISDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 12 months - grade 8Blaisdale.com 905-509-5005 OPEN HOUSE Thurs. April 30, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m. 56 Old Kingston Rd., Pickering Village, Ajax CALL FOR A TOUR 905-686-9607 www.lifestyleproducts.ca SUNROOMS • WINDOWS • DOORS • ENCLOSURES • RAILINGS & INTERIOR SHUTTERS 239 Station St., Ajax visit from $699* x KINGSTON RD.E/HWY 2 HWY 401 WICKS DR.SALEM RD.WWW.MAYTAGCLEARANCE.COM 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 (Ajax Wal-Mart Centre) Corner of Kingston Rd. & Salem, Ajax 905-426-6900 $999* News Advertiser Maytag Store Now Offers Air Miles! Lay Away & Financing Available • Price Matching • Lowest Price Guaranteed www.maytagclearance.com Over The Range Microwave Electric Dryer • Kingsize Capacity • 9 cycles • Wrinkle Prevent Option • Limited Quantities Frontload Washer • 3.5 CF • 1000 RPM Spin • Hand Wash Cycle • Limited Quantities $$199199 0000 • 2.0 CF • 300 CFM • WideGlide Tray • Limited Quantities • May not be exactly as shown $$1991990000 $$349349 0000 facebook.com/newsdurham twitter.com/newsdurham Pressrun 51,400 • 24 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand PICKERING NNews ews AAddveverr titiseserrTHE Th ursday, December 30, 2010 See CONSTRUCTION page 5 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20102 P "6 ,ÊÇäÊ" /" -Ê ,"--Ê   Ê Ê,"7 t ÜÜÜ°LiVœ“iÕ>}>ˆ˜°Vœ“ #!,,¬/2¬6)3)4¬53¬4/$!9¬&/2¬9/52¬&2%%¬(%!,4(9¬7%)'(4¬!.!,93)3 .O¬OBLIGATION¬-UST¬BE¬¬YEARS¬OF¬AGE¬OR¬OLDER¬&IRST¬VISIT¬ONLY¬ $ISCOUNT¬AVAILABLE¬ONLY¬WITH¬THE¬PURCHASE¬OF¬A¬FULL¬WEIGHT¬LOSS¬AND¬HEALTH¬PROGRAM¬¬$ISCOUNT¬NOT¬APPLICABLE¬TO¬THE¬PURCHASE¬OF¬5¬7EIGHT¬,OSS4-¬VITAMINS ¬SUPPLEMENTS¬OR¬3TARTER¬0ACK¬ 0LEASE¬SEE¬5¬7EIGHT¬,OSS4-¬FOR¬DETAILS 1Ê7 /Ê"--ÁÊ   Ê"Ê*  , Ê £xxäÊ -/" Ê," ]Ê1 /Ê££ÊÊÊÊÊÊ /i\ʙäx°nΣ°{n{™ÊÊÊÊÊÊ “>ˆ\ÊÕ«ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}JÕÜiˆ}…̏œÃðVœ“ 1Ê7 /Ê"--ÁÊ   Ê"Ê8Ê ÈxÊ -/" Ê," Ê -/ÊÊÊÊÊÊ /i\ʙäx°È£™°È™™äÊÊÊÊÊÊ “>ˆ\ÊÕ>>ÝJÕÜiˆ}…̏œÃðVœ“ , ¬¬$%4/8 ¬#,%!.3%¬+)4 /2¬!¬, ¬¬ 5¬9/'!¬$6$£ V…ˆiÛiÊ Ã>vi]Ê À>«ˆ`Ê >˜`Ê >Ã̈˜}Ê Üiˆ}…ÌÊ œÃÃÊ >˜`Ê œÛiÊ Ì…iÊ 7Ê ÊÊÜˆÌ…Ê «ÀœÛi˜Ê >˜`Ê «iÀܘ>ˆâi`Ê Üiˆ}…ÌÊ œÃÃÊ «Àœ}À>“ÃÊ vÀœ“ 1Ê7iˆ}…ÌÊœÃÃÊ ˆ˜ˆVðÊ-Ì>ÀÌÊ̜`>ÞÊ>˜`ÊÀiViˆÛiÊ>  /&& ÊÊ1]Ê* ,-" < Ê 7 /Ê"--¬ ¬¬  /¬*,",I ³Ê" Ê "7Ê Ê, 6 (9 7%)'(4 !.! 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DIETITIAN SERVICES Go to our website for more information. www.theyouthcentre.ca 905-428-1212 360 Bayly St. W., Unit 5, Ajax YOUNG PARENT SUPPORT Support for young parents under the age of 29, with children aged 6 and under. Pre and post natal programs, information on parenting, nutrition and child development, straight from a Nurse, Dietitian and Health Promoter.! One-to-one help with healthier eating, weight management, information about fad diets, vegetarian diet, sports nutrition, pre- and post-natal nutrition and more! COMMUNITY HEALTH Health promotion programs and services to address sexual health, mental health, substance use, healthy living, and more. Our programs are fun, free and totally confidential! Free and confidential services for youth and young adults aged 13-29 in Ajax and Pickering. Without judgement . YOUTH OUTREACH WORKERS Reaching out to youth in the community, connecting them with the services and support that they need. One of Ontario’s Community Health Centres Group ready to brave icy Lake Ontario on New Year’s Day REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com AJAX -- A group of local thrill seekers is ready to face the chill with an annual New Year’s Day plunge into Lake Ontar- io. This will be the sixth year in a row the group, headed by Bob Murray and Peter Gos, will take a dip for charity at 1 p.m. on Jan. 1 at Paradise Park, located on Lakeview Boulevard between Pickering Beach Road and Shoal Point Road. Both men’s families have been touched by cancer and they always choose local cancer-related charities to support with funds raised through the swim. This year donations will go to the Ajax- Pickering hospital’s MRI fund. Mr. Murray has been jumping into the lake on New Year’s Day for about 10 years. “I’m a little bit nuts,” he jokes. “He challenged me to come down one New Year’s Day,” said Mr. Gos. Since then, the annual swim grew to about 70 people participating last year with about 100 spectators. Each year a rubber chicken award is given out. This year it will be for the cra- ziest costume, and participants often come dressed for the dip in wacky get- ups. The swim itself lasts for just a few sec- onds. No surprise given that the edge of Lake Ontario was already sporting chunks of ice and snow this week. “We’re in, we’re out, we’re not look- ing for any long-term records,” said Mr. Murray. He said the best bet for potential polar bears is to make sure they have warm clothes that cover them up, such as a snow suit or fleece clothes, on the ready when they get out. Swimmers should also wear shoes into the water because it’s a rocky stretch of beach. There will be hot chocolate available provided by McDonald’s and Inotek Signs is providing the signs for the event. Mr. Gos reminds anyone who is con- sidering the plunge that it’s not just about going for a swim in sub-zero tem- peratures. “This is a good way to raise some money for a good cause.” COMMUNITY Polar bears come out in Ajax RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND AJAX -- Bob Murray splashed in the water at Paradise Park on Tuesday morning, get- ting ready for the Durham Region Swim for a Cure. The sixth annual fundraising event takes place Jan. 1 at 1 p.m. in the park on Lakeview Boulevard. We’re in, we’re out, we’re not looking for any long-term records. Bob Murray durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20104 AP • High Quality • Large Selection • Best Warranty • Competitive Prices Save on Home Improvements! Sinks, Vanities, Kitchen Cabinet, Granite Top, Bidet and so much more! 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit #21B, Pickering 905 239-0838 Better Kitchen. Lovely Home. Life Is Awesome. Range Hoods starting from $179.00 Auto Cleaner off 40% GRAND GRAND OPENING OPENING SPECIALS!SPECIALS! Teacher Paul Martin denied bail on attempted murder charge JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com AJAX -- An Ajax man remains in a Jamai- can prison after his wife tearfully testified he drove her to a remote area on the Carib- bean island and slashed her throat two days before Christmas. Paul Martin, 43, a Grade 5 teacher at St. Francis de Sales school in Ajax, is charged with the attempted murder of his wife, 34-year-old Cathy Lee Martin. He was denied bail after a hearing Tuesday in Fal- mouth, according to a report in the Jamai- ca Observer. Ms. Martin, a manager at a Royal Bank branch, wore heavy bandages on her throat and thumb as she related details of the attack, which she said occurred on a remote road east of Montego Bay on Dec. 23, the paper reported. Court heard the couple, who have two young children, arrived in Jamaica Dec. 18 and were due to depart on the day of the alleged attack. Ms. Martin testified that after they checked out of their resort her husband steered their rental car east, rath- er than toward the airport in Montego Bay. Ms. Martin said her husband told her he wanted to take pictures along the north coast of the island, the Observer reported. But as they neared Falmouth he turned off the main road and slashed her throat twice, then tried to strangle her, court heard. Ms. Martin was rescued by a passing driv- er and taken to hospital, where she under- went surgery, the Observer reported. Mr. Martin was ordered to appear in court again Jan. 21. The allegations against Mr. Martin have sent shock waves through Ajax, where he is known as a talented and involved teacher. “It’s something so out of character,” said one member of the school council, who asked not to be named. “He is an excellent teacher.” VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. • A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. • Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. • Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. • A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 172 Harwood Ave.S., Suite 101 ( located in the Ajax Plaza ) Free Teeth Whitening For New Patients With New Patient Exam CRIME Ajax woman testifies about attack by husband in Jamaica Residents invited to celebrate the occasion PICKERING -- Residents are invited to the official raising of Pickering’s bicentennial flag. On Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 10:30 a.m. Mayor Dave Ryan and members of council will raise the flag over Pickering City Hall, marking the year celebrating Pickering’s 200th birthday. A number of events are lined up for the bicentennial year, including Family Day in February and a City of Pickering birth- day party and the re-enactment of the first town council meeting in March. For more information: VISIT www.cityofpickering.com/great- events COMMUNITY Flag raising marks Pickering’s 200th year durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20105 P A list of potential sites was drawn up and in 2007, a south Courtice site on Osbourne Road in Claring- ton was chosen. The two Regions embarked on a lengthy study pro- cess in preparing the environmen- tal assessment, including looking at air quality, impact on the natu- ral environment and the impact on human health. Once the site was chosen, a dedi- cated group of mainly Clarington residents hardened in their oppo- sition to the project, drawing as many as 100 people to significant Regional council meetings such as the approval of the business case for the facility in May 2008 and the June 2009 acceptance of the final study report before the Region filed the environmental assessment with the Province in July 2009. Finally, in February 2010, the MOE completed its review of the York-Durham Residual Waste Study Environmental Assessment. “The proposed thermal treatment facility will benefit the communi- ties in the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York. The ministry is satisfied that the proposed miti- gation methods and contingencies will ensure that any potential nega- tive impacts will be minimized and managed,” the MOE review stated at the time. Receiving little sympathy from the majority of Regional council- lors, incineration opponents took their fight to Queen’s Park, staging a rally outside the legislature on May 13. Throughout the summer, the issue of incineration was raised across Durham as municipal elec- tion campaigns kicked into high gear. Nowhere was it more contro- versial than in Clarington where anti-incineration mayoral candi- date Adrian Foster beat incumbent Jim Abernethy, who had champi- oned the project. As for the Clar- ington Regional seats, it was a split decision. Anti-incineration candi- date Willie Woo won after Charlie Trim retired and Mary Novak, who has expressed support for the proj- ect, was re-elected. And, while the election was in October, it was Nov. 19 that brought the biggest victory for Durham Region politicians and staff. The Province approved the environ- mental assessment for the EFW facility with strict conditions, including air emissions require- ments among the toughest in the world, emissions monitoring and reporting, daily inspections of the site, acceptance of waste only if it can’t be recycled and involvement of a public advisory committee. Immediately, some of the Region’s newly elected councillors began asking Mr. Anderson to hold off on signing the final agreement with Covanta Energy. Mr. Anderson, who had signing authority from council, took a week to decide to aim for the dotted line. York Region chairman Bill Fisch also signed. Mr. Anderson said it was his job to follow the will of council and that’s what he did. Some councillors threatened they wouldn’t vote to reappoint Mr. Anderson at the Dec. 8 council meeting if he signed. “Don’t think I signed this with- out speaking to a great majority of them,” Mr. Anderson responded. Indeed, he was reappointed to his job with 22 of 28 councillors voting for him. With the agreement now signed, the next step is the site plan pro- cess with Clarington. Construction is planned in 2011 with the facility ready to operate in 2014. --With files from Keith Gilligan and Jennifer O’Meara CONSTRUCTION from page 1 2010 NEWSMAKER Construction of controversial incinerator to start in new year SOCIETY Childhood poverty must be addressed To the editor: There is a very significant issue in our country that numerous children face every day. Child poverty is a problem that only seems to be increasing. Young children are continuously suffering and something needs to be done in order to stop this. Can- ada needs to begin funding more money to give these children a sense of comfort and protection. We need to stop focusing on less signifi- cant issues and put more energy into this one. A large portion of money is being used to pay off the country’s debt when it could be used for more important things. Something needs to be done immediately in order to resolve this problem. Robert Irvine Whitby FEEDBACK Heart-warming pet adoption story To the editor: The story about Ashley Seyers on the front page of Dec. 23 Oshawa This Week touched our heart and this has prompt- ed us to write. Years ago, in Puerto Val- larta, Mexico, as we were doing our daily run by the marina we noticed a skinny dog abandoned in a field. He was dehydrated, hungry and sick. We contacted local peo- ple, authorities, police etc. and they all looked at us as if we had two heads. No one seemed to care about the poor animal. When we returned the next day the poor little dog had expired and gone to doggy heaven. God bless you for the kind heart by rescuing a little abandoned dog. You are a special person. You will have a best friend for many years, he will ask nothing of you but love and will give you in return all the love and tail wag- ging that he can muster. Only one thing remaining to worry about... will you have to teach him to bark in English soon? Frank Di Malta Oshawa SECURITY OPP background checks used to take minutes To the editor: Re: Criminal background checks taking a long time. I wanted to comment on the story about long wait times for a criminal search at the DRPS. I have been a truck driver for 14 years; needless to say I have had to get a few crim- inal background checks over the years. Back in the day, you could go to the OPP station in Whitby and request the search, and you would have it in your hands within five minutes, tops. But the OPP does not provide this service anymore. The technology is there as proof to the former service provided by the OPP. I won- der why it takes so long now? Can’t the DRPS do what the OPP were doing? Jeff Fita Oshawa COMMUNITY Customer service still important To the editor: Whatever happened to customer ser- vice? Once upon a time, when customers entered a store, an employee would greet them with a friendly “hello” and inquire if they needed assistance. All too often now, in the small, locally owned stores you will find the employee (or owner) engrossed in a personal conver- sation on the telephone. Just today I entered an establishment for the first time and as I browsed around the store, the person behind the counter was on her cellphone. The conversation never ended, even as I observed her ringing up a customer’s purchase with her shoulder holding the phone up to her ear. As I left the store unnoticed, it continued and a customer was lost. It’s no wonder local businesses fail so often when common courtesy and cus- tomers are ignored. Janet Hosking Courtice & A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com Editorial Opinions durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20106 AP Incinerator issue in Durham burned throughout 2010 Few issues dominated news headlines in Durham Region in 2010 more than the con- troversial energy-from-waste incinerator project signed by Durham Regional Chair- man Roger Anderson late in the year. The incinerator, more than any other issue, found its way into more public debates, more kitchen table conversations and more bus stop discussions throughout the year. The incinerator motivated passionate oppo- sition, energized municipal election candi- dates who campaigned aggressively against it, and claimed more than a couple of politi- cal casualties after the Oct. 25 civic election. And given Mr. Anderson’s decision to sign off on the deal in the face of calls for delay so newly elected candidates could vet the deal, the issue is likely to continue being debat- ed well into 2011. The Metroland Durham Region Media Group has long been a sup- porter of the incinerator project, but with important caveats: that emissions be strictly controlled and monitored, that local over- sight bodies be struck to ensure operating conditions are strictly adhered to, and that the safety of residents in Durham Region remain the abiding priority. We also sided with the Regional chair- man’s decision to sign the deal and make it official given the layers of scrutiny the proj- ect faced, the approval of the plan by the pro- vincial environment ministry and the direc- tive of Durham council that the chairman be given signing authority on the project with- out having to reopen the deal to oversight by new councillors. In the simplest terms, the energy-from-waste facility (the incin- erator will also generate electricity for the grid) provides a high-technology, 21st cen- tury solution to the landfilling of the tonnes of waste created on an annual basis by Dur- ham Region residents. However, given that the deal will become a working reality by 2014, it doesn’t preclude ongoing civilian oversight and advocacy. Community-based opponents may see progress made in helping to shape the over- sight regulations, or provide informal moni- toring and reports. Their skills and resources could be used to identify problem areas and they should and could work in conjunction with local councillors to relay concerns. Local politicians, for their part, can help facilitate dialogue with community resi- dents and ensure that their views, concerns and insights are being heard throughout the building and operating process. The incinerator is going to one day soon be up and running in Durham. In the mean- time, it will continue to be a hot topic of con- versation, and an opportunity for residents to engage, contribute and participate in ensuring that it is working to the high stan- dards set by Durham and the Province. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20107 AP Home Theatre 2-Channel Audio Outdoor Systems Whole-Home Audio/Video Furniture and Accessories In-Home Consultation www.whitbyaudiovideo.com expert advice from people who care • 233 Brock Street S., Whitby • 905-668-0787 BOXING WEEK SALE EXTENDED UNTIL JANUARY 8TH EVERYTHINGIN STORE ON-SALE FANTASTIC 50% OFF!COMPONENTS AS MUCH AS SOLD HERE! Over 130 varieties of KCUPS available NOW OPENNOW OPEN Pickering LocationPickering Location AlgomaHwy. #2 Hwy. 401 Brock Rd. SMARKCOL DISTRIBUTION Bayly St. 1020 Brock Road South, Pickering 1-855-MARKCOL markcoldistribution.com or email markcol@markcoldistribution.com (Look for the big Rocking Chair in our parking lot. – Located inside Solid Wood) Durham Regional Police Service Season’s Greetings and Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year Emergency 911 www@drps.ca 1710 Kingston Rd. Pickering, Ontario 1-888-579-1520 “Leaders in Community Safety” DDDDD “L arar l Make Your Most Important Make Your Most Important New Year’s Resolution ...New Year’s Resolution ... Slow DownSlow Down Drive SafeDrive Safe Arrive AliveArrive Alive DON’T DRINKDON’T DRINKAND DRIVEAND DRIVE MICHAEL JURYSTA PHOTO Leisurely walk PICKERING -- Martin and Andrew Lidums took their Bernese Mountain dogs for a walk on the foot bridge over the Rouge River on Dec. 26. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20108 AP Fun and games at Central library starts Jan. 3 PICKERING -- The City is offer- ing a new Free Teen Program that will provide some after-school fun on Mondays. Starting Jan. 3, on Mondays from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Central Library, the City will feature fun for teens. They can join City staff to play some Wii, watch movies on the big screen, play games, use the computers and more. The Central Library is at One The Esplanade. A City of Pickering Free Teen ID is required to participate. Pickering residents aged 13 to 19 can get their ID during any Free Teen program (parent signature is required). For more information on this and other Free Teen programs: CALL 905-420-6588 VISIT www.cityofpickering. com/teen SERVICES Free teen events at Pickering library AJAX -- The Town of Ajax is remind- ing residents of their responsibilities during the winter months. Residents must remove snow and ice from sidewalks fronting and adjacent to their homes within 24 hours of a snowfall. Extra snow from driveways and sidewalks should be placed on the front yard and it is prohibited to place snow on the road. Residents must also clean the snow left by the plow at the end of their driveway. There’s also a bylaw prohibit- ing parking on the street between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. and it is proactively enforced during the winter months. On-street parking during snowfall is prohibited at all times and vehicles may be towed if left on the street as they slow down snow clearing. For more information on bylaws: CALL 905-683-4550 EMAIL bylawservices@townofa- jax.com VISIT www.townofajax.com WINTER Be nice, clear your ice in Ajax LOCAL BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO AND WEATHER: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY >> durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 20109 AP *Based on the purchase of a 1 year membership. Bi-weekly payments will commence based on your start date. Applicable provincial tax applies. No additional fees are required above the regular membership fee. Membership fees vary based on club and the selected membership option chosen. Offer valid at participating locations only. Limited time offer. Other conditions apply, see club for details. %R[LQJ:HHN6SHFLDO%R[LQJ:HHN6SHFLDO Join us for Pickering Co-Ed club GRAND OPENING January 13th 4-8 pmttttttthhhhhhh Join us for Pickering Co-Ed club GRAND OPENING January 13th 4-8 pm Joining Made Easy: No Money Down! No Enrolment!* (on a 1 year membership) Limited Time Offer KINGSTON/HARWOOD WOMEN’S CLUB 30 Kingston Rd. W 905-426-7023 HARWOOD PLAZA CO-ED & FOR WOMEN 314 Harwood Ave. S 905-426-1702 goodlifefitness.com PICKERING CO-ED CLUB 1792 Liverpool Road 905-839-9635 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201010 AP Durham kitchen & bath GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES ON SOLID WOOD VANITIES! 124 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 877-728-6556 905-665-7778 www.guskitchenandbath.com Best New Business Best Kitchen Design & Reno MANY MORE INSTORE SPECIALS!!! BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT EXTENDED! • Frameless Tempered Glass 36” Black Cherry Classic Vanity $99 The Intelligent Choice $$ OnOn SaleSale DUAL FLUSH TOILETS •Excellent Á ush • Low water consumption • White Reg Reg $$245245 60” SOLID TWO TONE MAPLE VANITY on On Sale Reg Reg $$999999 $595** *With purchase of top only Reg Reg $$18951895 $799NowNow ORTECH ONE-PIECE TOILET On Sale Reg Reg $$399399 $19595** • Comfort height • Duel Á ush • Includes softclose seat includes vanity, top and mirror On Sale Reg Reg $$999999 $699 Solid OakAntique Collection SAVE $1100 Reg $2800 $1695 SAVE AN SAVE AN ADDITIONALADDITIONAL 10% 10% OFFOFF SALE PRICE WITH PURCHASESALE PRICE WITH PURCHASE OF VANITY, GRANITE TOP AND FAUCETOF VANITY, GRANITE TOP AND FAUCET On Sale$19595** ISI GRANITE SINKS 36”X36” CORNER SHOWER 41”X41” SHOWER ALSO ON SALE Reg Reg $$18951895 $999 • Rain Shower • 6 Body Jets • Handspray • 50” Vanity OPEN Thursday December 30: 10am-7pm • CLOSED Friday December 31 & January 1, 2011 Sunday 10-4, Mon - Tue 9-5:30, Wed-Fri 9-8, Sat 10-5 HOLIDAY PUBLISHINGHOLIDAY PUBLISHING SCHEDULESCHEDULE Thursday, December 16th Sunday, December 19th (No Friday, December 17th edition) Thursday, December 23rd Friday, December 24th (Boxing Day Edition) Wednesday, December 29th Thursday, December 30th Normal Publishing Schedule Resumes Wednesday, January 5th For Home Delivery Queries 905-579-4473 ext 2228 Your carrier will be visiting during the period shown to collect. When you pay the FULL optional delivery charge of $6.00, you will receive valuable “Thank You Coupons” as a receipt and have a chance to win a $1,000 Shopping Spree. You will be helping your carrier learn responsibility of running their own business as well as investing in their future. ALL THE MONEY THE CARRIERS COLLECT THEY KEEP AS PAYMENT FOR DELIVERY! (Except for a nominal fee for the insertion of the fl yers) “Quality Service is Service Worth Paying For”“Quality Service is Service Worth Paying For” IT’S COLLECTION TIME!IT’S COLLECTION TIME! If you have any questions about the service, or the collection program, please call the News Advertiser at 905.683.5117. January 5th - January 10th Rotary Club of Ajax Recollections The Rotary Club of Ajax will be celebrating its 60th Anniversary on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The club, in conjunction with the News Advertiser will be publishing a special anniversary publication to promote this milestone and is requesting input from the public. If you have any stories or photographs relating to the Rotary Club of Ajax over its 60 year history they’d like to read and see them. Your recollections could include memories of Rotary sponsored trips, the Rotary Music Festival or good times at Rotary Hall and in Rotary Park, Ajax. Any mementoes would be appreciated too. Please send your Rotary Recollections or images along with your name and contact info to: Rene Soetens at: rene@con-test.com s te durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201011 AP 905-683-0407 WE BUYGOLD Old Ajax Plaza on Harwood Next to Home Hardware WATCHES 25% OFF AJAX -- In anticipation of fami- ly literacy day on Jan. 27, the Ajax library has a slew of activities planned for the month. Families are encouraged to reg- ister, starting Jan. 3, for the Play for Literacy: Family Read Aloud pro- gram which runs from Jan. 3 to 31, 2011. When they register, they’ll get a board game full of reading-relat- ed incentives. When the board games are com- pleted, families can submit them before the end of the program for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see The Secret Garden, courtesy of Mirvish Productions, on Feb. 9. The first 90 families to complete the board game will also receive a copy of The Secret Garden for their home libraries. Drop-in sessions during January include: - Reading games on Jan. 8 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the main branch, 55 Harwood Ave. S. The Ajax Read- ing Circle is hosting games and activities for kids age four and older. - Traditional games on Jan. 13 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the McLean branch, 95 Magill Dr. The event will include twists on games like Simon Says, Red Light Green Light and more. The event is for ages three and up. - Board games on Jan. 22 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the McLean branch. The event will include favourites like Snakes and Ladders and new games like Yut for kids aged four and up. Space is limited for the activities to the room capacity. For more information: VISIT townofajax.com/library COMMUNITY Ajax library plans month of fun for family literacy day PICKERING -- The Pickering Pub- lic Library is helping local job-seek- ers get on track in the new year. YMCA Employment Counselling will provide one-on-one sessions to Pickering residents looking for jobs, and will offer help on all aspects of searching for employment. The 15-minute appointments are at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, between 2 and 3 p.m. on the following Thursdays: Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3 and April 7. Registration is required and ses- sions are available by appointment only. For more information: CALL 905-831-6265 COUNSELLING Job-seeking help in Pickering durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201012 AP Save Up To 90%!Save Up To 90%! Visit wagjag.com Don’t quite get it yet? We can talk you through it . Call us at 905.579.4400 ext 2285 Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper IT’S FREE! Sign up today at www.wagjag.com! Buy Together & We All Win How Does it Work? Follow us on Facebook 1 2 3 Like what you see? Th e n b u y the deal - but be warn e d - you don’t get the dea l u n l e s s enough people buy it. . . s o spread the word. If the deal tips we wil l e m a i l you your voucher whe n t h e clock stops - the rest i s u p t o you. If the deal doesn’ t t i p y o u are not charged and y o u c a n try again tomorrow. WagJag.com emails yo u a n exceptional off er from a local merchant of at least 50 % o f f . Find us at www.Facebook.com/WagJagDurhamRegion Connect with us on Facebook to discuss future deals, to be alerted to special Facebook only off ers or to simply ask us some questions. News AdvertiserTHE $99 for a Consultation, Color and Cut, a Complete Set of Silk Nails and a Rejuvinating Facial from Signature Hair Studio (A $255 Value) Today’s Deal in OSHAWA/WHITBY/CLARINGTON Regular Price: $255 | You Save: $156 BUY FOR $99 www.WagJag.com Discount:61% If you’re anything like the rest of the world, your New Year’s resolution had something to do with looking and feeling better. While those who live in Hollywood slip into their designer dresses after their plastic surgeon has nipped, tucked and implanted them into place, the rest of us need to make a little more eff ort to (and a lot less plastic) to look our best. Choosing a shade that best suits your skin tone and a cut that highlights the best part of your face is much easier and less painful than cutting off half your nose (and we’re willing to be it will look a whole lot better too!). Highlights Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Deal • All-you-can-eat for 2 • Asian and Canadian cuisine • Large variety to choose from 50% Discount:BUY FOR $13 www.WagJag.com DELICIOUS DEAL!! 50% Off Buffet Dinner for Two Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Deal • Uniformed, highly skilled and trained staff • Fully equipped trucks with state-of-the-art technology • Exceptional quality control 50% Discount:BUY FOR $169 www.WagJag.com GREAT DEAL!! 50% Off Household Duct Cleaning durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201013 AP Like to Sing? SPRING 2011 DURHAM COMMUNITY CHOIR A non-auditioned community choir, we welcome anyone 16 years of age or older who loves and wants to sing. We will be preparing a program from the TV show Glee for performance in late April and first rehearsal will be Monday, January 10, 2011. DURHAM COMMUNITY CHOIR MUSC 1905 I Fee: $90 Time: Mondays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Location: Durham College Room C-113 (Oshawa Campus) For information, please call 905.435.4061, visit www.DurhamCommunityChoir.on.ca or to register www.durhamcollege.ca/coned. DURHAM’S AUDITIONED WOMEN’S CHOIR You’re invited to audition for our women’s choir, the Espressivo Singers who will be preparing an advanced SSA repertoire from around the world for performance in late April. We welcome sopranos and altos, 16 years of age or older, who love and want to sing. Auditions will be held on Friday evening, January 7 and first rehearsal will be Friday, January 14, 2011. ESPRESSIVO SINGERS MUSC 1920 I Fee: $70 Time: Fridays, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Location: Durham College Room C-113 (Oshawa Campus) Scores and (optional) parts CDs are not included in the course fee. To book an audition or for information, please call 905.683.5757, jccoolen@sympatico.ca or www.EspressivoSingers.ca. Open house, low-cost memberships to encourage residents to get active PICKERING -- For those residents looking to get fit in 2011, the City of Pickering has some fitting options. On Saturday, Jan. 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Pickering Recre- ation Complex will host an open house. The free day will include fit- ness classes in all three studios, as well as pilates reformer and cycle fit demonstrations. Residents can also meet the City’s nutritionist and sample delicious smoothies and get some great eating advice to start the new year off right. They’ll also get to meet personal training experts, get facility orienta- tions, play free squash and get tips from pro Nicole Pirko. There will be free swimming from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., free aquafit classes at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon, and free tennis, where residents are invited to meet pro David Ochotta and learn about the City’s leagues and ladders. An open house special will fea- ture a $25 one-month unlimited health club membership and a $40 one-month unlimited health club membership, plus group fitness and squash. The offer is available from Jan. 3 to Jan. 9 only. The recreation complex is at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. For more information: CALL 905-683-6582 EMAIL recreation@cityofpick- ering.com VISIT www.cityofpickering. com/recreation RECREATION Pickering helps residents get fit in 2011 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201014 AP Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor mruta@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comEntertainment durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201015 AP COLUMN Shawna Medwedyk surfaces as a Durham artist On her blog, 'Shawna Creates', Pickering painter Shawna Med- wedyk declares: “I am an artist ... there I said it. I have been hiding my art for far too long. But no more.” And she has literally come out as an artist with a first solo show this past November, a unique four-hour exhibition of acrylic-on-canvas paintings at the Rotary Park Pavil- ion in Ajax. And it was very success- ful for her, with lots of “walk-in” traffic -- including a wedding party fleeing the cold of their photo shoot -- and she sold four of her works of art. Some coming out. Medwedyk grew up in Nobleton and her artistic ability showed up early with recognition of special tal- ent in Grade 8 -- highlighted by the school displaying an oil painting she created at an “adult” painting course she had taken, then being asked to create a permanent mural for her high school. She launched into post-secondary art studies, but her aversion to “schooling” lead her to drop out and join the work force in various customer service jobs. Marriage and four children in rapid succession consumed her time for a decade or so, but over the years she began to find the time to begin expressing herself with photogra- phy and in realistic and abstract painted images. And an art career has slowly emerged for her. Several years ago, she placed paintings in a gallery in Whitby and one of them sold. And then, during this past year, an enthusiastic friend encour- aged her to overcome her reluc- tance to believe in her talent and mount the recent show in Ajax. In the large upstairs hallway stu- dio-area she has claimed for herself in a century-and-a-half-old home in north Pickering, Medwedyk pur- sues personal themes and painting experiments to reflect her love of nature and aspects of her Christian faith with expressionistic realism and abstract colour field and mixed media imagery. She is mustering up the courage to branch out and find other venues in Durham and Toronto to display and, hopefully, sell the fruits of her artistic labour. Check out her work and/or con- nect with Shawna Medwedyk on her online site at www.shawnacre- ates.blogspot.com. Allan O’Marra is a professional artist living and working in Ajax. For contact information, go to www.allanomarra.com. PHOTO BY ALLAN O’MARRA PICKERING -- Pickering painter Shawna Medwedyk with several of her acrylic works. Allan’s Artists THEATRE Play-creation marathon returning to Whitby Trafalgar 24 set for March 11; theatrical event becomes juried affair WHITBY -- Durham’s most unique theatre event is back, with a twist, in 2011. The Driftwood Theatre Group announced this month that Tra- falgar 24 will return to Whitby’s Trafalgar Castle school on March 11. At the event, 24 artists will write, rehearse and perform six new Canadian plays -- all in 24 hours. And new for 2011, the play- creation festival will be a juried event, with one of the plays creat- ed at the festival chosen for devel- opment into a full length, one- act play. The audience will help choose the winner. The event, also a Driftwood fundraiser, starts off with a wine reception and an opportunity to bid on silent auction items. The audience then experiences the plays throughout the castle. After the last performance, there’s a dessert reception. Trafalgar 24 begins on March 10 at 10 p.m. when the six play- wrights arrive at the castle, are assigned a room and have 10 hours to write an original play. The following morning, six direc- tors and 12 actors arrive and each is given a script and eight hours to rehearse before the public pre- sentation. Finally, the fundraising gala kicks off at 7 p.m., when the audi- ence and jurors arrive. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the plays begin at 7:30 p.m. Trafalgar Castle is at 401 Reyn- olds St. Tickets are $50 ($45 for groups of 10 or more) and available online at www.driftwoodtheatre.com or at www.totix.com. For more information, visit the Driftwood website or call 905- 576-2396. The Driftwood Theatre Group was ounded in 1995 by Oshawa native D. Jeremy Smith. The Group is known across Ontario for its Bard’s Bus Tour, which features the works of Wil- liam Shakespeare performed in parks and at heritage sites each METROLAND FILE PHOTO WHITBY -- Tom Bates and Lindsey Alston rehearsed a scene from ‘Second Guess’, a one-act play written, rehearsed and performed in 24 hours as part of Trafalgar 24 last year. The play-creation festival and Driftwood Theatre Group fundraiser returns to Trafalgar Castle school on March 11. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201016 AP PICKERING - CITY OF 5.000x43 R001476325.PDF LT; 4C JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND Christmas angels PICKERING -- The children and youth at St. Paul’s on the Hill Anglican Church per- formed their musical, Angels in the Outfield, Dec. 18 at the church. CREATIVE WRITING Start 2011 with wordplay Creative writing course in Whitby starts Jan. 10. WHITBY -- Have fun with words at a six-week creative writing workshop at the Whitby Public Library. Whitby author Ruth E. Walker, a mem- ber of The Writers’ Community of Durham Region, leads the workshop on Monday nights from 7 to 9 p.m., starting Jan. 10. The Playing with Words workshop features fun and creative hands-on exercises, group discussions and opportunities for feed- back. Each session explores one element or aspect of creative writing, such as find- ing inspiration and ideas, developing char- acters and setting and establishing plot and theme. The workshop is open to any level of experience in fiction, non-fiction or poetry. An adult program, it’s open to those 16 years of age or older and takes place at the Central Branch, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby. The cost is $125, $110 for Whitby library patrons and WCDR and affiliate members. Pre-registra- tion is required. For more details and to sign up, visit www.writescape.ca, e-mail info@ writescape.ca or call 905-728-7823. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201017 AP Thursday, Dec. 30, 2010 Ajax & Pickering Locations Flyers in Today’s Paper If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of The Week Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At 8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 279 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax 260 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax (in Home Depot) 1105 Kingston Rd. Pickering (in Home Depot) 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St. W. #5, Ajax 1995 Salem Rd., N., Ajax 1889 Brock Rd., Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Today’s carrier of the week is Bryce. He enjoys reading & video games. Bryce has received a dinner voucher compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. Congratulations Bryce on being our Carrier of the Week. *2001 Audio ............................................................. Ajax/Pickering *Active Magazine ...................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Best Buy .................................................................. Ajax/Pickering *Canadian Tire .......................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Durham Catholic District School Board....................Ajax/Pickering *Durham College Course Book ................................. Ajax/Pickering *East Of The City ....................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Food Basics ............................................................. Ajax/Pickering *Freshco ................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Future Shop ............................................................ Ajax/Pickering *Home Outfi tters ....................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Loblaws ...................................................................Ajax Pickering *Longo’s ................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Metro ..................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Michaels .................................................................. Ajax/Pickering *No Frills ................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Payless Shoe Source............................................... Ajax/Pickering *Pharma Plus ........................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Pharmassist ............................................................................Ajax *Real Canadian Superstore ....................................... Ajax/Pickering *Sears ....................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Shoppers Drug Mart ............................................... Ajax/Pickering *Sobeys .................................................................... Ajax/Pickering *Sunwin Chinese ..............................................................Pickering *The Brick ................................................................. Ajax/Pickering *The Source .............................................................. Ajax/Pickering *Walmart .................................................................. Ajax/Pickering *Your Independent Grocer ........................................ Ajax/Pickering *Zellers ..................................................................... Ajax/Pickering * Delivered to selected households only METROLAND FILE PHOTO Sing with the girls COURTICE -- Mary Jane Corradetti, former choir director of the Durham Girl’s Choir, led a rehearsal at Faith United Church in 2009. The Choir invites girls to take part in an open choral workshop, designed to allow girls to experience choral music in a fun and relaxed environment, on Jan. 8. Open registration for the junior choir and audi- tions for the senior choir are on Jan. 10. For more information, contact Lynn Barre at 905-404-9227 or e-mail durhamgirlschoir@sympatico.ca. Visit www.durhamgirlschoir. org to learn more about the group. AUDITIONS Songwriters festival heads to Durham WHITBY -- Canada is coming to Whitby on Jan. 29 and you can be a part of the excite- ment. The Songwriters Music Festival, featuring entertainers from across the country, is at the Whitby Centennial Building. Organizer Ron Beer is auditioning local singer/songwriters on Jan. 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Brock Street Activity Centre, 900 Brock St. S. (southwest corner of Brock and Burns), Whitby. Those 14 years and up are invited to audi- tion. For more information, contact Beer at 905-668-2646 or ronbeer@rogers.com. Learn more about the festival at www. songwritersmusicfestival.com. Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com durhamregion.com facebook.com/sportsdurhamregion twitter.com/scnewsdurhamSports durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201018 AP HOCKEY Serville off to Michigan Pickering defenceman finds a good fit MICHAEL HAYAKAWA newsroom@durhamregion.com STOUFFVILLE -- For Brennan Serville, Canisius College did not feel like a good fit. But the University of Michigan sure does. After turning down a scholar- ship offer earlier this year from Canisius in Buffalo, the 17-year- old Stouffville Spirit defenceman verbally accepted a full ride last week from Michigan starting in the fall of 2011. Michigan officials can’t com- ment on his signing until it becomes official in April, but head coach Red Berenson took in the Spirit’s 4-3 win over Markham recently. Serville also entertained offers from Michigan State, New Hamp- shire, Miami of Ohio and RPI. “It was a tough decision,” said the smooth-skating Pickering resident. “But I knew Michigan would be the best decision. It’s the great place to play hockey and get an education. “It’s one of the most respected hockey programs in developing players. It has great academics and is recognized as one of the top schools in the world. It has great coaches including the leg- endary coach Red Berenson and the coaches are caring guys who really made me feel comfortable. The students and town support hockey where they get over 6,500 fans at their home games. “The campus is beautiful and Ann Arbor is a great city,” he said. Spirit head coach Craig Dono- van, who also played NCAA divi- sion 1 hockey at Cornell, was happy for his star blue-liner. “The University of Michigan is a great school and has a great hockey program. We’re happy for him. It was well deserved. He’s playing good hockey for us right now,” he said. Compiling one goal and nine assists in 19 games with the Spirit this season, Serville also took part in the World Junior A Challenge in Penticton, B.C. in November and the Canadian Junior Hockey League’s Prospects Game earlier this month in Dauphin, Man. Serville is projected to be draft- ed between the third and fifth round of the 2011 NHL Entry Draft June 24 and 25 in St. Paul, Minn. Drafted by Sudbury of the Ontario Hockey League in 2009, Serville spurned the Wolves last summer to return to Stouffville this season. Michael Hayakawa is a sports reporter for the York Region Media Group. RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND Down for the block AJAX -- Pickering Trojans player Dan Vanderkader went down to block a shot in front of his goalie Andrew Polley, while Holy Trinity Titans forward Jesse Robertson stood in front of the goal during their LOSSA boys hockey game at Ajax Community Centre recently. Pickering ended up winning the game by a 6-2 count. LACROSSE Eyebeam spots gold in Durham Masters Lacrosse League Chad Wright has seven points in 12-11 championship game victory WHITBY -- Chad Wright had three goals and four assists, leading Eyebeam Design to a 12-11 win over Doc Poray Sports Injury Clinic in the Durham Masters Lacrosse League’s gold medal game at the Whitby Soc- cer Dome. Here are the results the three championship games played that night. Gold Medal Game Eyebeam Design 12 (Mike Williams Blue 2g,4a; Chad Wright 3g,4a; Coady Derks 3g,2a; Kevin Ibbitson 2g,3a; Jer- emy Wright 2g,2a), Doc Poray Sports Injury Clinic 11 (Bryce O’Hare 3g,3a; Billy Mills 3g,4a; Rob Wilson 1g,3a; Robert Dasil- va 2g,2a; Scott Malcolm Mor- ton 1g,2a; Justin Lemcke 1g,2a) Game MVP: Chad Bryant. Silver Medal Game Trillium Trails Banquet and Conference Centre 8 (Keith Brown 3g,3a; Jimmy Brown 3g,3a; Dennis Kehoe 2g,3a), Stewardship Ontario 7 (Duncan Lindsay 2g,2a; Connor McDon- ald 2g,2a; Chris Merry 1g,1a; Clayton McDonald 1g,1a; Jay Bretherick 1g,2a) Game MVPs: David Farr, Larry Nearing. Rust Bowl Kile Contracting 9 (Rob- bie Galbraith 3g,2a; Sean Loyst 2g,2a; Matt Chamois 2a,2a; Doug Goldie 2g,2a), HGI Insurance 8 (Josh Merzbacher 3g,2a; Steve Mayers 1g,1a; Al Bousmesster 2g,3a; Cameron Lomax 1g,2a; Mike Elliot 1g,3a) Game MVPs: Paul Flegg, Ray McWhirther. OJHL Panthers back at it PICKERING -- After a break lasting two weeks, the Pickering Panthers are about to get back into action. The Panthers, last in the Ontar- io Junior Hockey League’s Eastern Division, will kick off 2011 on Sun- day with a home game against the Lindsay Muskies. Puck drop at the Pickering Rec- reation Complex is scheduled for 6:30. The Panthers bring a record of 9-25-2 into the game and their 20 points leaves them 12 back of the Trenton Golden Hawks in the divi- sion. Pickering will be without the ser- vices of defenceman Derek Brown for the game as he is scheduled to serve a one-game suspension. Pickering’s next two games after that are also at home, first on Jan. 7 against Whitby and then Jan. 14 versus Kingston. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201019 AP www.taoist.org Untie Your Knots! Taoist Tai Chi TM Improve your health, reduce stress, improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Join a class today! Visit taoist.org/toronto or email to whitby@taoist.org for information about our open house and class schedules. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada is a registered charity - #119258655 RR0001 PICKERING West Shore Community Centre, 1011-1015 Bayly St phone Karen at 905-839-9873 Open House and Beginner classes starting: Tuesday January 4, 12:30 - 2:00 pm COLUMN Busy times at Annandale JIM EASSON Next month, Jan. 5-9 to be exact, will see the Pepsi Ontario Junior Curling Championship contested at the Sarnia Golf and Curling Club. The event will include an Annandale junior men’s team skipped by Michael Bryson with Wesley Forget, Sandy Martin and Danny Dow, along with coach Susannah Moylan. They will be competing in the eight team round robin. Annandale member Alex Bianchi is taking a team to the Ladies Junior Provin- cials as coach of the Clancy Grandy rink playing out of K-W Granite. The team is a strong contender this year with Clancy Grandy at skip, Sarah Wilkes as vice, Laura Crocker as second and Lynn Kreviazuk at lead. The lead members of this team were winners last year and are on the Grandy team this season, while the old Grandy team was runner-up last year. Other Annandale curl- ers are off the ice until Jan. 2. However, some junior and bantam teams were active in the Dominion TCA Junior/Bantam Bonspiel this week as Annandale had five entries. Ben Bevan with Tyler Sagan, Carter Adair and Jake McGhee, along with Michael Bryson, Wes Forget, Sandy Martin and Danny Dow competed in the junior men, while Andre Lima, Dil- lon Pierce, David Dearness, Ryan Yee, Evan Heaslip, Cory Gaudette, Joe Flett, Alex- andre Wagner and Nathan Scott entered the bantam boys’ draw. The team of Kaitlin Jewer, Emma Becker, Vanassa Aune and Alison Gardener is in the bantam girls’ event. Annandale hosted the ban- tam boys’ section for both of those days. The 116th running of the TCA bonspiel, now called the Goldline, runs across Toron- to Jan. 8-15. Annandale has five teams competing, with four in the senior draw for 50 and above. Entered are skips Dale Patterson, Wil Mac- Fadyen, David Gaudette and David Lloyd. David Furdas will be skip of a team in the open event. Meanwhile, the road to the Tim Hortons Brier start- ed with the zone playdowns earlier this month. An Annandale team skipped by Mark Kean and Rob Lobel of Whitby have advanced to the regionals, scheduled for Jan. 8-9 at the Uxbridge and Dis- trict Curling Club. Two of the eight teams competing in the double knockout playdown will proceed to the 2011 Pro- vincial Curling Champion- ship, which will take place in Grimsby from Feb. 7–13. Team Glenn Howard hail- ing from Coldwater and District Curling Club will be looking to defend their Ontario title there. They won it last year and get a bye directly into the champion- ship. Joining Howard on that team is Pickering resident Richard Hart at vice with Brent Laing and Craig Savill playing front end. Before that event they will compete at the BDO Canadian Open at the GM Centre in Oshawa. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201020 P YOU COULD WIN A HONEYMOON TO EUROPE PLUS OTHER FABULOUS PRIZES! Over 97 booths of unbelievable information to make your wedding day perfect! Fashion Shows PLUS Free Shuttle service to and from main parking at Durham College Tickets are $12 at the door with this coupon or $15 without. For more information visit www.metrolandshows.com or www.beautifulbeginningsbridal.com presents the 22nd annual Durham Region Bridal Event & Fashion Show BRIDAL MAGAZINEBRIDALMAGAZINEE Sunday January 23, 2011, 10 am - 4 pm Durham College Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre 21 Avenue of Champions (Corner of Conlin Rd. and Simcoe St. N. Oshawa ON) For vendor information call 905-579-4473 ext 2318 905.579.4407 ADVERTISING FLYERS IN TODAY’S THIS WEEK OSHAWA 1279 Simcoe St. N., L1G 4X1 (905) 728-6291 AJAX 19 Notion Rd., L1S 6K7 (905) 683-6771 PETERBOROUGH 1575 Chemong Rd., K9J 6X2 (705) 745-5705 www.millworkhome.comwww.millworkhome.com HE’S A WINNER! The winner of the Win a Free Bathroom Contest from Millwork Home Centre is ED BATTAMS FROM OSHAWA. Ed accepts his $1500 Millwork Gift CertiÄ cate, and congratulations from Millwork Store Managers Rita Cook from Ajax, Evan Buckingham from Oshawa and Kevin Bain from Peterborough. VOLLEYBALL Attack Black 16U golden at Provincial Cup Durham team tops at event in Toronto DURHAM -- For the sec- ond week in a row, the Dur- ham Attack Black 16U girls brought home the hard- ware. After a silver medal at the 17U Provincial Cup tourna- ment the week before, they wanted more. It was an exciting day at the 16U Provincial Cup tournament hosted by the University of Toronto Scar- borough Campus. The team lost its first game against the Diamonds in three hard-fought sets. Recover- ing quickly, they won the next three games in two sets each, beating the Eto- bicoke Titans, the Blizzards and Aurora Storm. The semifinal game pit- ted them against last year’s National East champions, the Mavericks, who they beat in two sets, 25-19 and 25-18. This took them to the finals where they met the Diamonds again. This time they were ready and determined to beat the big blocking team. The ‘best play of the game award’ went to Ashley Hart, who saved a shanked ball and sent it back cleanly through four sets of beams SUBMITTED PHOTO DURHAM -- The Durham Attack Black 16U volleyball team will be moving up to the premier division after winning a Provincial Cup tournament in Toronto. in the rafters. The surprised Diamonds failed to return the ball back. Fantastic setting by Bri- anna Brunt and Oliv- ia Michaud resulted in a number of points by hit- ters Anna Aguayo, Taylor Bursey, Jaime Fryer, Ashley Hart, Layton Risto and Kris- tine Yan. Julie Longman played an amazing game as libero. Smart play and great effort resulted in a convincing, 25-21 and 25-12, two-set win. The victory for Durham means will will now move into the the premier divi- sion. LACROSSE Former Rock joins Green Gaels coaching staff CLARINGTON -- The Clar- ington Green Gaels will wel- come two former players back to the fold as assistant coaches for the 2011 junior B lacrosse season. Brad MacArthur and Joel Johnson will join head coach Jason Crosbie on the Gaels’ staff. MacArthur, 35, played for the Green Gaels before fin- ishing his junior career with the Whitby Warriors. He then played for the Brook- lin Redmen and the Bar- rie Lakeshores in the Major Series Lacrosse league, win- ing a Mann Cup in 2000. Meanwhile, Johnson, 31, played his junior career for the Gaels and won Found- ers Cups in 1998 and 2000. He attended Monroe Junior College and NCAA Division III Keuka College, where he set a single season school scoring record in 2001. He then played in the MSL for the Redmen and Senior B for the Brooklin Merchants and Ajax/Pickering Rock. Johnson has been heavily involved as a rep coach with the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association and has won provincial A championships with peewee, midget and bantam teams in 2004, 2008 and 2010 respectively. He coached the Team Ontario midget team to a gold medal in the nationals in 2008. Johnson has also been involved with Oshawa Blue Knights and the Edge field lacrosse programs. He is one of the organizers of the Rick ‘Tuggy’ Passfield Memorial Lacrosse Tourna- ment. Last year Johnson was an assistant coach for the Brooklin Merchants. He lives in Ajax and works for Ontar- io Power Generation. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201021 AP Are you: 55-64 years of age? Looking for work? Living in Durham Region? Unemployed or working less than 20 hours/week? This Employment Ontario program is funded by the governments of Canada and Ontario Targeted IniƟ aƟ ve for Older Workers For more informaƟ on please call Northern Lights Canada (905) 426-1760 ext.5164 Nail/Laser Hair Removal Technicians • Required for brand new upscale salon and spa • Minimum 2 years experience • Opening in February at Old Kingston Road @ 401 Please contact Caroline at 647-280-0710 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Limited Time Offer Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 Bdrms starting at $775 3 Bdrms starting at $900 ● Free Utilities ● Free Parking ● Full Security System Call for more info 905-728-4993 RETIREE'S & GM DISCOUNT INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Mailroom Manager This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Will be received until 12 noon on January 12, 2011 Contract commencing February 1, 2011 To deliver newspapers, fl yers, catalogues and other products to approx 109 specifi c drop locations in the West Oshawa area. Vehicle required. Information packages available at This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Bid #3032011 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily be accepted. Only the successful company will be contacted. INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Mailroom Manager This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Will be received until 12 noon on January 12, 2011 Contract commencing February 1, 2011 To deliver newspapers, fl yers, catalogues and other products to approx 80 specifi c drop locations in the North Oshawa area. Vehicle required. Information packages available at This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Bid #3042011 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily be accepted. Only the successful company will be contacted. INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Mailroom Manager This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Will be received until 12 noon on January 12, 2011 Contract commencing February 1, 2011 To deliver newspapers, fl yers, catalogues and other products to approx 54 specifi c drop locations in the Clarington area. Vehicle required. Information packages available at This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Bid #4032011 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily be accepted. Only the successful company will be contacted. Spencer Adam Hodge December 4, 2010 Jennifer & Adam Hodge Come & Worship To advertise your Church Services in our Worship Directory PUBLISHING FRIDAY'S Deadline Wednesday 12 Noon Call Erin Jackson 905.683.5110 ext 286 or email ejackson@durhamregion.com Career Training General Help Career Training AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualifi ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation In- stitute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 Career Training General Help Drivers FULL-TIME AZ DRIVER re- quired immediately. Current clean abstract, B-Train expe- rience a must. Distance Southern Ontario. Excellent equipment. Benefi ts. Contact Lori 905-435-5723. OWNER OPERATOR & COMPANY AZ DRIVER for Cobourg based company, to run US/ Western Canada OR Western Canada only. Paid percentage, must have 3yrs min. Fax resume: 905-377-1479, call (905)377-1407. General Help ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ATTN: LOCAL PEOPLE Needed to work from home online. $500-4500 p/t f/t. Call Rose @ 1-877-649-6892 LOOKING FOR person will- ing to speak to small groups. Part/full time. Car & Internet necessary Diana 1-866-306- 5858 Career Training Salon & Spa Help General Help IS YOUR RETAIL holiday position ending and need work? $18/hr avg rate IMME- DIATE START!! No experi- ence required. We will train you To schedule an interview call 905 435-0518 NEW RESTAURANT/BAR, hiring experienced,energetic team members, wait staff,bartenders, etc. Drop off resume to KJ's Shack, 56 Water St.,Port Perry or call 905-982-2737. START A HOME BUSINESS with unlimited earning poten- tial. Full or part time. You don't want to miss out! Listen to our pre-recorded business presentation 1-888-681- 5032. START NOW! Have fun! Gain great experience! Work with people! Promos/ Ads team needs to fi ll 15 FT openings NOW! UP TO $20/HOUR, no commission. Paid training. Filling positions by Dec 23rd. CALL NOW! Whitney 1 888 767 1027 SUPERINTENDENT Durham East area. Mature couple only. Salary & 2-bedroom apt. Routine repairs, mainte- nance & cleaning. Clear cur- rent Police Check required. Please send resume to File #432, c/o Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 THINK GREEN get paid Green Earn $2000 to $3000 wk/avg. Plus wkly bonus' up to $1000 Ft/Pt positions available. training provided. For more information call (905)435-1052 Skilled & Technical Help LICENSED CARPENTER and licensed electrician re- quired for construction busi- ness in Whitby. Commercial and industrial experience re- quired. Resumes will be ac- cepted after January 5th, 2011. Drop resume to: 630 Euclid St., Whitby. Career Training Salon & Spa Help Office Help HOSTESS/RECEPTION for New Home Sales Offi ce. Full-time 5 days/week includ- ing evenings & weekends $12/hr. Drop resume to Mattamy Homes Sales Offi ce @ 2665 Brock Road (on the east side -south of Taunton) Monday January 3rd, 1-6 pm. Sales Help & Agents NEW YEAR, NEW CAREER! FURNITURE SALES. Like to decorate, help furnish other’s homes? Are you enthusiastic, willing to learn? Our 77 year family furniture store needs you. Salary base, commission plus great deals on furniture for you. Apply in person - 20 Cen- tre St. N. Oshawa. Hospital/Medical /Dental CDA II NEEDED, for dental offi ce in Oshawa. Hours are Monday-Friday, 30-37/hrs per week. Experience an as- set. Please reply to WillaB@rogers.com Property Outside CanadaP 20 ACRES- $0 Down! $99/mo. Near Growing El Paso, Texas. Guaranteed Owner Financing, No Credit Checks Money Back Guar- antee. Free Map/Pictures. 800-755-8953 www.sunse- tranches.com LARGE ARIZONA BUILD- ING LOTS FULL ACRES AND MORE! Guaranteed Owner Financing No credit check $0 down - 0 interest Starting @ just $89/mo. USD Close to Tucson's Intl. Air- port For Recorded Message 800-631-8164 Code 4001 or visit www.sunsiteslan- drush.com Offer ends 11/30/10! Housing WantedH !!!!! I BUY HOUSES FAST! CASH. No commissions. No equity is okay! Fast & fl exible. Aaron 289-316-0493 !!!!! Apartments & Flats for RentA Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Business OpportunitiesB HYGIENITECH MATTRESS Cleaning &Upholstery Clean- ing/ Sanitizing Business. New "Green" Dry, Chemical- Free process removes bed bugs, dust mites, and harm- ful allergens. Big Prof- its/Small Investment. 1-888- 999-9030 www.Hygieni- tech.com Mortgages, LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Apartments & Flats for RentA 110 PARK ROAD NORTH Enjoyable Senior Living, 2- Bedroom Suites starting at $1050+ hydro. Elegant sen- iors residence, Controlled apartment heating, Near Laundry facilities on every fl oor, Elevator access to your unit, Bus stop located in front of building, Close to Oshawa Centre & downtown. Call 905.431.8532 www.skylineonline.ca 33 RICHMOND ST. W Oshawa. 1-bdrm apts start- ing $825. Heat, Hydro & Wa- ter incld. Secured Ent, Eleva- tor, Fridge, Stove. Laundry Onsite & near schools. Call us today! 905-723-2236 skylineonline.ca AJAX, Kingston/Church, Beautiful, bright, spacious newly renovated 2-bedroom basement bungalow apart- ment. Laundry, parking. $975 inclusive. Available now. Near transit & all amenities. No pets/smoking. (416)277- 9037 AJAX, NEW apartment building, studio, 1 & 2-bed- rooms, available now. In- come preferred, $17,000- $32,000/yr. Call (905)683- 9269. BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom close to all amenities. $930 per mo. plus hydro and cable. Also 2 bedroom with den, $930 plus hydro. Move in allowance offered. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877. WHITBY, 2 bedrooms from $970 all inclusive. Close to all amenities. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877 Apartments & Flats for RentA COURTICE: UPPER LEVEL clean 2-bedroom, bathroom, dining area, kitchen, living room. Off-street parking, shared laundry. Nash/Trulls Rd area. $1100/month utilities included. No pets/smoking. Available now! 905-448-3120. MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NORTH OSHAWA! 1140 MARY St. N. 2-bdrms. From $930, all Utilities Incld. Near public schools, Durham Col- lege & easy access to amenities. Laundry on-site, Elevator & Secure entrance, underground and surface parking. 905-438-1971 Skylineonline.ca NORTH OSHAWA- 2-bed- room, Dec. lst and Jan. lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances in- cluded. Pay cable, parking, laundry facilities. (905)723- 2094 OSHAWA NEAR downtown $750/month. Spacious 2- bedroom. Newly renovated, air conditioned, new appli- ances. Clean, quiet. Near bus terminal. No pets, no smoking. Immediate posses- sion. (416)892-5060 OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA, 1-bedroom apt. $500/month plus heat & hy- dro. 2-bedroom apt, $600/month plus heat & hy- dro. First/last, references, available Jan 1. Call Stephen 905-259-5796. OSHAWA, 385 Gibb St. Avail. immediately. 2-bdrm apt. $860/month. Extra park- ing $25/mo. Laundry on site. Close to all amenities. Call Patrick 905-443-0191. OSHAWA, RITSON NORTH, 1-bedroom, dinning room, eat-in-kitchen, living room, laundry, parking, inter- net/cable, and all utilities in- cluded. Available now. No smoking. (905)725-1284. WHITBY Brock/Dundas bright, quiet, newly rennovat- ed 1 bedroom, small build- ing, ground fl oor, parking, laundry room, central loca- tion, no pets/smoking fi rst/last. $814/mnth +hydro. Call 416-438-4895 TendersT Apartments & Flats for RentA WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca Houses for Rent OSHAWA CENTER - 3-bed- room semi, hardwood fl oors, newly renovated basement, fenced in yard & deck. $1200/month plus utilities. Available Feb 1st. (905)430- 9190. TendersT Townhouses for RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca HILLCREST HEIGHTS, Oshawa now has a 2-bed- room townhouse unit available. Upgraded kitchen and bath including porcelain tiles. $1000 plus gas. Hydro included. Please call 905- 576-9299 Places of Worship Townhouses for RentT OSHAWA, SEMI-TOWN- HOUSE. 3 & 2-bdrm+. Har- mony/Olive. 4-plex, spa- cious/clean, 3-fl oors, fi n. basement, 1-parking. Close to shopping, schools/bus route, no smoking/pets. $950+utilities. Available January. First/last/referenc- es. (905)686-5591 Email: seanryanjr@gmail.com TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 905-436-3346 www.real- star.ca Rooms for Rent & WantedR FULLY FURNISHED ROOM. Bowmanville. Close to #2. Wireless/Cable. Parking. 4pc. Bathroom. Must be ex- tremely quiet, clean, non- smoking, no pets, employed, references/credit check rqd. $400/500/mo.+ share utils. Avail. immediately. 1st/last rqd. 416-669-4272. OSHAWA B&B STYLE tem- porary accommodations in professional residence, suites working professional male, 40+. Non-smoker, commuting to out-of-town home-base most weekends. $125/week (negotiable). (905)723-6761. Shared Accommodation PICKERING, Brock/Kingston Rd. Furnished bedroom, queen bedroom suite, walk- in closet, private bath, (shared kitchen). Laundry, cable, included. Mature per- son preferred. $500/month, inclusive. (905)686-8259. STUDENT RENTAL, Master bedroom, & 1-bedroom, in Oshawa condo-townhouse. Suitable for students, near Durham College/UOIT, mas- ter bedroom $540/month, $455/month, 1-bedroom. Laundry, utilities included. Available now. 905-240- 8507. Vacation Properties SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/ Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $78 Million Dollars offered in 2009! www.sellatime- share.com (800)640-6886 Places of Worship Vacation Properties SUNNY WINTER SPECIALS At Florida's Best Beach-New Smyrna Beach, Stay a week or longer. Plan a beach wed- ding or family reunion. www.NSBFLA.com or 1-800- 541-9621 Articles for SaleA **LEATHER JACKETS 1/2 PRICE, purses from $9.99; luggage from $19.99; wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439-1177, (416)335- 7007. AFFORDABLE Appliances, HANKS - PARTS/SALES /SERVICE 343 Bloor St. West. Stoves $175/up, Fridg- es $175/up, Washers $175/up, Dryers $149/up. All warranty up to 15 months. Durham's largest selection of Reconditioned Appliances. (905)728-4043. BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUB / SPA. 5-6 person. Warranty, 5HP motors, 5.5kw heater. $2,495. Must sell! Call 647-827-2337 HOT TUBS, 2010 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1- 800-798-5502. TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $499. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com Place your ad at 905-683-5110 Babi es 2010 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201022 AP Canada O/A Durham Auto Sales Ltd. Need A Car LoanNeed A Car Loan Call Credit Zone ❏ SHUTTLE SERVICE ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ❏ 100’S OF VEHICLES AVAILABLE ❏ 100% APPROVAL RATE! “Over 30 Years Of Trusted Professional Service” Call The Credit Zone Hotline905-668-1838 • 1-800-519905-668-1838 • 1-800-519-9566-9566 Bad Credit? O.K. • New to Country? O.K. Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payments? O.K. www.www.ccreditzonecanadareditzonecanada.com.comOr Get Approval 24/7 On-Line At THIS SALE WILL FEATURE OVER 500 JEWELLERY ITEMS NAME BRANDS * HOME DÉCOR * APPRAISED JEWELLERY *DIAMONDS * GOLD * STERLING SILVER * ELECTRONICS* ART* BEDDING * CONSUMER GOODS * TOYS * COINS * PURSES *APPRAISED DESIGNER WATCHES * POLO GOLD * CITIZEN * *NEW HOME FURNISHINGS & DÉCOR *PERSIAN RUGS * BRAND NEW ATV’S * EBIKES* E SCOOTERS* PP UBLIC AUCTION AJAX COMMUNITYCENTRE 75 CENTENNIAL RD. AJAX SUNDAY JAN. 02 1:PM START – PP REV: 12 :NOON MAJOR JEWELLERY LIQUIDATION OF FINE JEWELLERY “Appraised Swiss” Watches – Swarovski” – Jewellery – Appraised Cert.-Diamonds, Semi Precious & precious stone Rings, Earrings, Pendants, Chains, Bracelets, Bangles ESTATE COIN COLLECTION Bank Notes * Mint Sets * 13 pc Cookware, Collectibles, Digital Cameras, Home Décor, Accents, Lamps, Cotton Mill 600TC Sheet sets, Comforters, Area Rugs, Duvet , R.Britto Porcelain, Nostalgia, Cutlery Sets, Prof. Knife Sets, 7Pc Comforter Electronics, Toy laptop Computers w/Games, Vivitar Camera Kits Clocks, Crystal, Luggage, “Gussaci” Purses, Sports Memorabilia, “As Seen on TV” Items, Blue Tooth, Binoculars, Name Brand Fragrances, Giftware, Sports & Hollywood Memorabilia w/ signed Crosby items Group of Seven Art Collection including A.J. Casson, Tom Thomson, Alicia Soave, Museum Frames, “Norval Morrisseau” Canvas Estate Certified, Trisha Romance, Bateman, Master Artists, Museum Framed Rock Band Rare Guitar Pic Frames. www.auctioneer.ca 905-554-7007 HOLIDAY PUBLISHING SCHEDULE We will be publishing: Sunday December 19 Thursday December 23 Friday December 24 Wednesday December 29 Thursday December 30 Deadlines: 3:00pm the business day before Please note: there will be NO PAPERS on December 17, 22 or 31 15th Annual Spring Home & Garden Show Pickering Markets Trade Centre Squire Beach Rd & Bayly, Pickering Friday March 25, 2011 * 3pm - 8pm Saturday March 26, 2011 * 10am - 5pm Sunday March 27, 2011 * 10am - 4pm showsdurhamregion.com To book your space call Audrey at 905-426-4676 ext 257 The Durham Parent Baby & Kids Show Saturday, April 30, 2011 9am - 4pm Pickering Recreation Complex 1876 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering To reserve you space call Audrey at 905-426-4676 ext 257 VENDORS WANTED NEW The Clarington Home and Garden Show is looking for vendors for April 16th and 17th Please call Devon at 905-579-4473 ext 2236 Cars for Sale Vendors WantedV Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. Wood supplier of fi rst choice by many customers since 1975. (905)753-2246. A-1 FIREWOOD, dry hard- wood, guaranteed. (905)436- 6600 (905)260-1774. Pets, Supplies, Boarding ADORABLE PURE PUG puppies! 8 weeks, vet checked, shots, dewormed, health guarantee, 2 apricot (male), 2 fawn (m/f), 1 black (female), $700. 905-432- 3773 or 416-435-3138 BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. Expe- rienced breeder since 1967. First shots, dewormed, vet checked. 6 YEAR GUAR- ANTEE. Supplier of service dogs. $500. Judy (905)576- 3303, Al 1-705-632-1187 BEAUTIFUL GOLDENDOO- DLE boy, very low shed, great personality. New Doodle babies ready for Christmas & New Year, extremely low to non shed. 705-437-2790 www.doodletreasures.com Cars for Sale Vendors WantedV Pets, Supplies, Boarding WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, both parents on site. Vet checked, shots. Ready to go. personality plus Newtonville area. Males $800 Guaranteed. Call 905- 786-2645. www. morningstarkennels.com Cars for Sale 1999 SUNFIRE 151K $2999. 1999 Grandam 173K $2999. 2000 Mazda Protege 142K $2999. 2001 Chrysler Neon 165K $2999. 2002 Sebring loaded/leather $3999. 2003 Hyundia Tiburon $3999. 1997 Blazer 4x4 $3999. 2001 Pontiac Aztek $3999. Others from $1999 up. Certi- fi ed & E-tested. Free 6 month warranty. (plus HST). 905-432-7599 905-424-9002 www.rkmauto.com TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. Cars for Sale 2005 HYUNDAI ACCENT GS $2295; 2004 Hyundai Tiburon SE $4195.; 2004 Olds Alero GL $2995.;2003 Honda Civic $3495.; 2003 Ford Tauras $1995.; 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE $1495.; 2003 Pontiac Sunfi re SL $2495.; 2002 Mazda Protege 5 $3195.; 2002 Mazda MPV Van $2995.; 2002 Nissan Sentra GXE $2795.; 2002 Chrysler Se- bring LX $1495.; 2001 Pon- tiac Grand AM SE $1995.; 2001 Toyota Solara SLE $4495.; 2001 Honda CRV- GT $4195.; 2001 Ford Focus ZTS $1395.; 2000 Ford Ex- plorer XLT $2295.; 2000 VW Jetta GLS $3495.; 1997 Honda Civic LX $1295.; 1993 Nissan 240SX $1495.; 1993 Mercedes Benz 300E $1995.; 1991 VW Jetta $795.; 1989 Toyota Cressida $1495. Over 50 vehicles to choose from, $495.00 & up You Certify...you Save$$$ Subject to HST & licencing, AMBER MOTORS - 3120 Danforth Avenue, Scarbo- rough 416-864-1310 Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. !!! $$ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 ! ! ! ! $ $ AAA ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob any- time (905)431-0407. ! ! ! $200-$2000 Cash For Cars & Trucks or $300 Gov. Program 1-888-355-5666 ! !!$ WHITTLE SCRAP Solu- tions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Always the best cash deal - up to $100 - $300 on the spot for your good cars, trucks, vans. Environmentally friendly green disposal for speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. $200-$2000 Cash For Cars Dead or Alive Fast Free Towing 7 Days a Week 647-628-0946 $250-$2000 Ajaxautowreckers.com Cash for Cars, Trucks and All Scrap Metal. Or $300 Government Program 905-686-1771 416-896-7066 Cars for Sale Cars WantedC CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Vans/ 4-Wheel DriveV FOR SALE, 2000 Dodge Ram3500 15 seater, 165,000km. As is, $4,200 O.B.O. Tel: 905-623-3761. Adult Entertainment #1 Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 MassagesM A Special $30 PICKERING SPA Relaxing Massage V.I.P. Rooms Modern Facility NEW Attendants 1050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 25 (905)831-3188 Now Hiring AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! OPEN 7 Days/Week Asian Girls serenityajaxspa.com 905-231-0272 43 Station St. Unit 1, Ajax OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 Special $25 Relaxing Massage 6095 Kingston Rd. 401/Meadowvale SPRING SPA 10am-9pm 7days 416-287-0338 Now Hiring Announcements Announcements Announcements COUNTERTOP NEED REPLACING? • FREE ESTIMATES • INSTALLATIONS Scarborough Countertops (416) 299-7144 FACTORY PRICES Home Improvement PLUMBER ON THE GO Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 HandymanH NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? ● Junk Removal ● Gen. Deliveries ● Small Moves ● Leaf Cleanups ● Tree Removal Reasonable Rates Call Hans anytime (905)706-6776 Home Improvement Painting & Decorating ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative fi nishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Painting & Decorating TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 House Cleaning CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" 50th Anniversary Congratulations Farouk & Zorina Khan on celebrating 50 years together on New Years Day! Wishing you good health, love and a continued blessed life to- gether. Love from your children Anisa & Al, Nadira & Kashmir, Naz & Jenn, grandchildren Nadeen & Anthony, Riyana & Asif, Nureisse, Keera, Jasmeen & Rayyan. Engagement The McNamara Clan keeps growing! John and Irene McNamara are happy to announce the engagement of their son Adam to Alexandra Clement. Congratulation wishes are sent to the happy couple from all of their family and friends. Auctions Milestones BUSINESS ANDSERVICE DIRECTORY everyday photo galleries, real life TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 905-683-5110 Place your ad at 905-683-5110 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201023 AP durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • December 30, 201024 AP 52" OFFICIAL HDTV OF HOCKEY CANADA 50% OFF! REGULAR PRICE $499 MEMORY FOAM LAYER Boxspring Available Unbeatable! Only $249 *O.A.C. Total purchase including all applicable taxes, disposable surcharges where applicable and a processing fee of $89.95 (Eg. $1500 purchase with $89.95 PF equals an APR of 5.54%) are due January 2012. All items available while quantities last. Prices, terms and conditions may vary according to region. Selection may vary from store to store. Pick-up discounts not available on some items. No extra charge for delivery on most items if purchase amount, before taxes and any fees, is $498 or more. See store for delivery included areas. Not applicable to previous purchases and markdown items. See store for other convenient payment options. All fi rst time buyers in Ontario must put down a 15% deposit on any fi nanced pick-up purchase over $1,000. 67 EXCITING LOCATIONS ACROSS CANADA OR VISIT US AT www.leons.ca STAINLESS STEEL DEALS! 46" Lowest Price Ev e r ! No Extra Charge F o r D e l i v e r y Only $549 Lowest Price Eve r ! No Extra Charge F o r D e l i v e r y Only $599 UNTIL2012! No Money Down!* NOT EVEN THE TAXES! No Interest! No Monthly Payments on EVERYTHING in Our SuperStore Showrooms! PLUS! PAY NOTHING! NOT EVEN THE TAXES! Lowest Price Ev e r ! Only $399 BOXING DAY SALE! BIGGEST EVER! Unbeatable Val u e ! No Extra Charge F o r D e l i v e r y !Only $599 46" Plasma HDTV! 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South of 401 East of Hwy 10 (905) 501-9505 TORONTO WEST Gordon MacKay off Jane St. South of Wilson Ave. (416) 243-8300 TORONTO CENTRAL Leon’s New Era 2872 Danforth Avenue (416) 699-7143 VAUGHAN 299 Bass Pro Mills Drive Vaughan Mills (905) 532-0141 RICHMOND HILL 10875 Yonge St. North of Elgin Mills Road (905) 770-4424 SCARBOROUGH Markham Rd. at McLevin North of 401 (416) 291-3818 WHITBY 1500 Victoria Street East South of 401- West of Thickson (905) 430-9050 NEWMARKET 25 Harry Walker Pkwy N. North of Davis Dr. (905) 953-1617 DOWNTOWN TORONTO 255 Bremner Blvd. at the Roundhouse (Across from the Roger’s Center) (416) 642-0630 NOW OPEN! WHITBY 1500 Victoria Street East South of 401- West of Thickson (905) 430-9050 BRAMPTON 10081 McLaughlin Rd. North of Bovaird Drive. (905) 495-9598