HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2009_08_13_incompletenewsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 20095 P Pickering. “I tell you the reason why I lasted so long,” he said. “I don’t take any pills.” Mr. Chittenden doesn’t smoke either and he didn’t have his first drink of alcohol until the age of 55, when he had some trouble sleeping after a surgery. “For a short while I became a sherry connoisseur,” he said while sipping his alcohol-free punch. He added alcohol makes him giddy, and he’s already giddy enough. Mr. Chittenden is the father of two daughters, has three grandchildren and three great-grand- children. “I can’t say I’m sur- prised,” said one of his daughters, Sheila Mac- Donald. “We always knew he’d live a long life.” Mr. Chittenden’s wife lived until she was 98. His mother and grandfather both lived until they were 92. “There are very strong genes in the family,” said his other daughter, Jill Smith. Mr. Chittenden continues to stay active, is interested in learning and participates in Parkway’s trivial club. “He’s really a renaissance man,” said Dennis Cook, min- ister at St. Timothy’s Presbyterian Church in Ajax. “He has interests in science and art and knows an awful lot about a lot of things.” In fact, Mr. Chittenden plays the piano at the church on a regular basis. “There’s no music in front of him,” he said. “He just sits down and plays.” Mr. Chittenden has always played the piano, he said, and insists playing music keeps him sharp, comparing it to putting a puzzle together. He plays mostly classical pieces and especially enjoys the works of Bach and Chopin. “I like the French composers very much,” he added. He also goes on walks to Frenchman Bay three times a week and joins in the men’s-only luncheons. “He’s a firecracker,” said Roger Dee, community rela- tions manager at Parkway. “He’s a very astute and a very intelligent man, someone you can’t put anything past.” In fact, Mr. Chittenden’s cake had a design of the Great Lakes on it. Since he recently conducted a two-day pro- gram for the other residents on the lakes’ formation, staff found it fitting. MILESTONE ‘We always knew he’d live a long life’: daughter WE from page 1 I tell you the reason why I lasted so long. I don’t take any pills. Roger Chittenden Steve Bryan (East) PICKERING 641 Kingston Rd., Pickering 905-839-0533 $338* Jeff Zylstra (West) Very Competitive Prices on Home Insurance Annual Premium Includes: > Comprehensive coverage > $1,000 deductible > Replacement cost on contents and building > Enhanced water coverage * Above quote includes discounts for claims-free, new homes and Co-operators Advantage: tax not included. Rates may change without notice and are subject to completion of satisfactory application. Sample Quote Building $350,000 Contents $350,000 Detached Structure $52,500 Additional Living Expenses $70,000 Liability $2,000,000 Voluntary Medical Payments $2,000 Voluntary Property Damage $500 HERONGATE DINNER THEATRE 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering www.herongate.com For Reservations, Information or Gift Certifi cates SHIRLEYSHIRLEY VALENTINEVALENTINE 905-472-3085 Aug 21 – Sept 19 BY WILLIE RUSSELL CLIP N’ SAVE $1500 FRIDAY AUG 21 SAT AUG 22 & MATINEE WED AUG 26 PER COUPLE WITH THIS AD! OFF Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Senior Consultant (905) 831-0034 1-866-476-1535 ANDREW SHAW andrew.shaw@investorsgroup.com RON PIETRONIRO / METROLAND Kai flies at Pickering camp’s Carnival Day PICKERING -- Kai Baba launched himself sky- ward during the City of Pickering Camp’s Carnival Day recently. The camp at Kinsmen Park was enjoyed by kids of all ages, Kai and his group competed in the Diaper Dash, one of the fun events. The diapers, however, were really life jackets. NEWS ADVERTISER 905 68 3 5110 WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com & A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright Editorial Opinions EDUCATION Student speaks out on trustee rules To the editor: Re: Catholic student trustee rules should change, July 15. I would like to focus on the comment, apparently made by myself, which stat- ed, “It’s kind of like having a chair for the student senate,” in regards to the student trustees being allowed to come from the same school. In the context of this article, this makes little sense -- resembling a comment I would expect from Cher on Clueless. Where are our supporting arguments, the ones that shaped the point I was making and, consequently, won over a majority of votes from trustees? Please allow me to put things into per- spective. 1. Student trustees are not like regular trustees. They do not represent a geograph- ical area; that is what the student senators are for. 2. As stated by student trustee Brandyn, some people may live in a community but go to school elsewhere. 3. Ontario Regulation 7/07 Section 3 in the Education Act clearly states: “The board shall have at least one but not more than three student trustees.” This makes the suggestion of having seven student trustees for the board not only unreasonable, but also illegal. A list of 10 other arguments against amending the policy on electing student trustees sits before me, amongst which is the 100 per cent objection of the student senate to amend the policy. As students, we know our voice is one that is often heard for the sole reason of appeasing the law, however it would be nice to occasionally see some support from the community when acknowledging us in print. All you had to do was ask. We’ll tell you what we think; and in this case, our point is simple -- stop fixing something that isn’t broken. Samantha Putos Pickering GRATITUDE Patients should be grateful for free cancer society transportation service To the editor: Re: ‘Cancer Society Ride Program Under Fire’, News Advertiser, Aug. 7. According to Kendra Chopcian, unit manager of the Durham Cancer Society office, the society “services 40 clients a day”. There are five days in a week; there are 52 weeks in a year. Go figure how many people are served by CCS in one year alone. In view of the above facts, I find it most upsetting that the front page of The News Advertiser is of one single person com- plaining about the CCS service. Mr. Pearce’s medical condition is indeed most unfortunate and I do wish him better health. Likewise, I empathize with Ms. Pearce regarding her need for a walker and understand her wish to assist her brother at this difficult time. However, I feel she should be grateful for the opportunity she had to accom- pany Mr. Pearce “every two weeks” “from April of last year until late June”. That was a free service. Unlike a taxi service, other patients were no doubt also being transported at that time. If a patient also required a walker, obvi- ously it would be impossible for two walkers to fit in one car trunk. Perhaps The News Advertiser could offer the cancer society free advertising for more volunteer drivers. If one driver could transport one patient, there would be fewer inconve- niences for all concerned. Carol King Pickering Take extra precautions against slippery fraud artists It’s summer and the con artists and scam- mers are all around us doing anything they can to try to separate us from our hard- earned money. Some Durham-area homeowners have found out the hard way that not all so- called paving contractors are what they seem. Back in May, Durham Regional Police put out an alert about scammers who cold- called homeowners. The pitch was that they had some leftover asphalt and would be happy to drop by and repair a pothole or two. The next thing you know, the entire drive- way is paved, and the company presents the bewildered homeowner with a huge, unexpected bill, far higher than originally negotiated. This happened again and again during the summer of 2008 when some 60 local people reported being taken advan- tage of in this way. And this summer the fraud artists have been at it again. But some folks have fought back. And there have been arrests. Roy Haina and Shelly Diamond called police when they got pestered over and over to pay up and police made arrests. The bottom line is that people should never make a deal with any company that refuses to provide credentials and a firm price before doing the work. Everything should be completely above board. Another local man got burned when he attempted to sell his photo equipment to a buyer from Nigeria who used a fake form of PayPal. He realized a scam was clearly in the works when the “buyer” asked him to send $150 through Western Union because he had overpaid the account. The seller did not send the money, of course, but did try to stop his equipment from going to Nige- ria but was unsuccessful. That was an unfortunate issue for Bob Essery of Bowmanville but it does bring to the surface one of the countries where a huge number of fraud problems come from: Nigeria. The infamous request letter from Nigeria is legendary by now. A person from Nigeria claiming to have inherited millions of dollars -- or want- ing to invest millions of dollars -- e-mails you and says if you will only agree to send a few hundred (or thousand) dollars, or share information, she or he will share the wealth with you. Most of us chuckle and delete these e- mails immediately. But, believe it or not, some people still answer them and lose money each year. That’s why fraudsters still send them out. Because, for every thousand that go out, one bites. We can only stop them by say- ing “No.” e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ newsdurhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 20096 P newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 20097 AP www.uxbridge.com/lionsart Thank you for the support of our sponsors 5XBRIDGE 4)-%3 */52.!, presented by the Lions Club of Uxbridge 10 am To 5pm August 15 – 16 Elgin Park, Uxbridge Free Admission and Parking (donations appreciated) • Juried Art Show • Silent Auction • Roving Musicians • Sculpture • Pottery • Woodworking and much more Have a great day in the park and enjoy: We have a kids play area. £x̅ Þi>À £x̅ Þi>ÀÀÌ ˆ˜Ê̅i *>ÀŽ £x̅ Þi>À £x̅ Þi>À Canada Post will not stop shipment of package involved in a fraud scam BY CRYSTAL CRIMI ccrimi@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- A Bowmanville man has found out the hard way that Canada Post won’t honour a request to return a pack- age to its sender, even if its contents are en route to a thief. When Bob Essery found out the camera equipment he just dropped off for deliv- ery was caught up in an online fraud scam, he was shocked to discover Canada Post would not stop its shipment. “That’s the real crime here,” Mr. Essery said. “It’s my package, they would not give it back.” But once a package is in the system, it’s no longer the property of the sender but of the addressee, said John Caines, Canada Post’s manager of national media relations. “Once something is in the course of post, we can’t stop it,” Mr. Caines said. Mr. Essery sent his camera equipment to an address in Nigeria after selling it on Kijiji using what he thought was PayPal. The next day, he received an e-mail telling him the purchaser had overpaid the account and he was to send back $150 through Western Union; he knew then that he’d been had. Instead of sending the money, he called PayPal and was informed he hadn’t used the real version, but a look-a-like that fea- tures PAYPAL in all caps. “I went to Canada Post and the girl at Can- ada Post Bowmanville said she couldn’t do anything about it,” Mr. Essery said. The package hadn’t even left Canada -- it likely hadn’t even left the Bowmanville post office, he said, adding that’s what he was told when he used the tracking num- ber to locate the shipment. “It was still in Canada and they couldn’t put a stop on it,” said the 65-year-old retir- ee. The employee at the post office told him to call the police, he said. He called the RCMP first, assuming it was a national issue. They told him to call the crime and fraud police unit in Toronto, which then told him to call PhoneBusters, he said. He also called the Ombudsman and Durham MP Bev Oda, along with Durham MPP John O’Toole. Mr. Essery had all the proof with him that he was the package’s sender, but still no power over the parcel he had sold for $125 plus $160 for shipping. “Bottom line is, once something is in the course of post, it becomes the property of the addressee,” Mr. Caines said. “It’s in the system, it can’t be taken out.” Canada Post gets 40 million items a day and can’t just take something out, Mr. Caines added. The frustration felt by Mr. Essery is under- standable, he said. “I would be (frustrated) too,” Mr. Caines said. “I’d be disappointed I made that kind of mistake.” It’s the responsibility of the person enter- ing into the agreement to make sure every- thing checks out before sending an item through the mail, Mr. Caines said. “It’s buyer/purchaser aware,” he added. Page 6 - Today’s editorial INTERNATIONAL FRAUD No return to sender for Durham man Bottom line is, once something is in the course of post, it becomes the property of the addressee. John Caines, Canada Post SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND CLARINGTON -- Bob Essery was the victim of a scam involving a PayPal imitator. Canada Post would not stop an overseas shipment of his camera equipment to the culprits. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 20098 AP WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS! VILLAGE CHRYSLERVILLAGE CHRYSLER CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP Weekly payments are based on $0 down OAC. Interest is based on variable rate at 5.74%. Model car 2004 to 2005 60 months, 2006 to 2007 72 months, 2008 and newer based on 84 months. Finance example: $10,000 for 60 months COB is $1501, payments are $44.34. *Walkaway protection for vehicle fi nancing. Certain offers do not apply to all vehicles. Please call us for more information. †With any purchase/lease. See us for details. NO CREDIT? SLOW CREDIT? BAD CREDIT?NO CREDIT? SLOW CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? 1-1-888-542-888-542-58295829 “Thinking like a customer” 201 BAYLY ST. W. 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Grp. 79 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 20099 APFall Registration Show 2009ADVERTISING FEATURE 13th annual Register for gymnastics • dance • music • art • education • sports and more ShowShow 20092009RegistrationRegistrationFallFall Thursday August 20 • Frid a y A u g u s t 2 1 • S a t u r d a y A u g u s t 2 2 at the Pickering Town Centr e Sponsored by: www.jacquelines-schoolofdance.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200910 AP Classes o f f e r e d t o a g e s 3 t o a d u l t Classes o f f e r e d t o a g e s 3 t o a d u l t in all st y l e s o f d a n c e ! in all st y l e s o f d a n c e ! Visit us on t h e w e b a t www.da n c e i n c . c a Drop us an e m a i l a t dance@d a n c e i n c . c a Give us a c a l l 905-683 - 1 2 6 9 Dance In c . Started a s a d r e a m a n d h a s g r o w n i n t o Durham’ s T o p D a n c e S t u d i o ! We’ve ea r n e d t h i s name not f o r w i n n i n g t h e m o s t m e d a l s o r h a v i n g t h e m o s t dancers. W e h a v e e a r n e d t h i s t i t l e f r o m p u t t i n g s m i l e s o n all of our d a n c e r s f a c e s ! B e g i n n i n g a t o u r r e c r e a t i o n a l level, from t w i n k l e t o e s t o a d u l t , D a n c e I n c . h a s c r e a t e d a multi-facete d p r o g r a m t o i n s p i r e a n d i n s t i l l a p a s s i o n f o r dance that i s l a s t i n g ! “ To Dance I s T o L i v e O u t L o u d ! ” and that is e x a c t l y w h a t w e d o h e r e a t D a n c e I n c . D a n c e Inc. direct o r s a n d f a c u l t y w o r k h a n d i n h a n d t o m a k e s u r e that your e x p e r i e n c e w i t h D a n c e I n c . i s a p o s i t i v e o n e . W e are fi rmly com m i t e d t o I n s p i r e o n e c h i l d a t a t i m e ! Boyz on l y H i p H o p ! Boyz on l y H i p H o p ! COME IN F O R R E G I S T R A T I O N A T T H E S T U D I O : COME IN F O R R E G I S T R A T I O N A T T H E S T U D I O : Sept 1st , 2 n d & 3 r d a l s o S e p t 8 t h , 9 t h & 1 0 t h • 5 p m - 8 : 3 0 p m Sept 1st , 2 n d & 3 r d a l s o S e p t 8 t h , 9 t h & 1 0 t h • 5 p m - 8 : 3 0 p m CLASSES B E G I N S A T U R D A Y S E P T . 1 2 t h CLASSES B E G I N S A T U R D A Y S E P T . 1 2 t h Come in t o t r y a FREE TRI A L C L A S S ! Join us a t o u r OPEN HO U S E Thursda y , A u g u s t 2 7 t h f r o m 5 p m - 9 p m ! Recreati o n a l & Competi t i v e P r o g r a m s offered! 845 Wes t n e y R d S , 845 Wes t n e y R d S , Unit 1, A j a x Unit 1, A j a x newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200911 AP ADVERTISING FEATURE Pickering Town Centre List of Exhibitors in Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser’s 1. Jacqueline’s School of Dance 2. Laurie’s Learn to Skate 3. Yamaha Music 4. Taylor Dance 5. Rising Sun Martial Arts 6. Scarborough Hockey Assoc. 7. Planet Gymnastics 8. Denise Lester School of Dance 9. Durham Music 10. Durham West Girls Hockey 11. Ajax Pickering Ringette 12. The Harmony Centre 13. Annandale Youth Curling 14. Ajax Comets Baton Club 15. Music For Young Children 16. Durham Dance Centre 17. IQ Brainers 18. (tba) 19. Brimacombe (Home of the Oshawa Ski Club) 20. Ajax Navy League 21. (tba) 22. Ryuokan Martial Arts 23. Pickering Athletic Centre 24. Dance Inc.ESCALATORSCENTRE COURTBEN MOSSGUEST SERVICESTHE SONY STORE 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 15 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FFall Registrationall Registration Show Show 20092009 What’s the world’s hottest art form today? DANCE! It’s everywhere, on videos, popular TV shows, commercials, movies; today’s credo is … Just Dance! Why? Because dance is a positive outlet for young and old to express, enjoy and evolve. It can be a great way to get active and healthy or the perfect tool to boost your self-esteem, it can even open the door to a passion you never thought you had! Today, dance offers a whole new world to both girls and boys, face it, dance is here to stay! It’s no wonder then that so many children are inspired by what they see. So when your child asks you to put them in dance class, be overjoyed that they want to dive into one of the greatest activities offered to young people today and be sure to check out DANCE INC. where dancers are inspired to be the best they can be by active professionals and lovers of dance. DANCE INC. provides the inspiration, challenge, and technique to become great dancers in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere, not often found in dance studios. This studio is built on a strong foundation that “hard work pays off”. So now as DANCE INC. enters its fourth year, the studio directors couldn’t be happier with the rapid success of their dream. Directors Breanne and Jeff Wong attribute their successes to their own personal journey in dance. From a young age both found dance to be a major part of their lives and have evolved in the industry to become admired dance professionals as dancers, choreographers and adjudicators themselves. They are each an inspiration and have ensured that their faculty shares their passion and enthusiasm for dance. At DANCE INC. dance is about the experience, whether it be making new friends while taking a Hip Hop class once a week; learning the discipline taught through the R.A.D ballet syllabus or even starting in a beginner Jazz class to get active and have fun. There are so many options and so much to learn that the directors at Dance Inc know that “It’s not just about teaching the next step, we really have passion for dance and want to inspire youth,” says Jeff Wong. “We realize that we are not just teaching dance but we are teaching life lessons!” adds Bre Wong, co-director and Top 20 fi nalist on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. “From the industry to the studio, the lessons are the same, and whether you are dancing for a career or for fun we all have things to learn.” Bringing the lessons that she learned on the show back to her students has been one of her biggest pay offs. “I think one of the most important things is to EVOLVE. As dancers, teachers and as a studio, we spend the time working in our industry to bring that creative edge to our dancers”. You’ll fi nd that this studio constantly works to bring the best and the brightest professionals to the studio to ensure their students are consistently evolving! Their competitive students get the opportunity to learn from some of the most infl uential educators in dance right now, such as Sonya Tayeh, who will be coming to teach a workshop at the studio in October. DANCE INC. has a program for all students and offers a large variety of classes for everyone! Check out one of their most popular classes; Boys Only Hip Hop/Break Dancing! A class created to introduce males to the world of street dance in an action packed 45-minute class offered on Saturdays. All recreational classes at DANCE INC. have levels to ensure that dancers are excelling in their class from week to week and year to year. From Beginner to Level 3, a dancer can feel challenged and excited to learn each time they set foot in the studio. Kathryn Bisland, recreational director, adds that: “There is no better feeling than watching dancers walk in and out of classes with a smile on their face, sweat on their brow and a new lesson in their head. It is why we do what we do. To see a dancer develop from class to class and year to year is one of the greatest rewards a dance teacher can have!” To fi nd out more about DANCE INC. and how you can evolve as a dancer, visit the website at www.danceinc.ca or stop by their booth at the Pickering Town Centre Fall Registration Show!. Dance Inc will also be running their annual August Open House on Thursday August 27 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. There you can try out a FREE class! Meet the welcoming faculty and take a tour of the studio! Better yet give them a call at (905) 683 1269 someone will be happy to help fi nd the perfect program for your child to get inspired for a future where the sky is the limit! “So you think you can dance? Then DANCE INC. is for you!” Fall Registration Show 2009 “We realize that we are not just teaching dance but we are teaching life lessons!” newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200912 AP AJAX PICKERINGAJAX PICKERINGNavy League of CanadaNavy League of Canada Register for both • Sea Cadets 13-19 years old • Navy League Cadets 9-12 years old 905.427.0482 The best kept secret for extra cirricular activites is coming to the Town Center! Come by and see us at our booth and  nd out what we have to offer your child. A new wave of adventure! FREE L E S S O N FORPiano o r G u i t a r with thi s a d . , E x p O c t 3 1 , 09 PIANOS GUITARS KEYBOARDS MUSIC BOOKS YAMAHA Yamaha Guitars from $139 & up Yamaha Keyboards from $169 & up Grand Opening Semptember 14 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering 647-996-5664 www.pianogroup.ca Fall Registration Show 2009 ADVERTISING FEATURE ”With that said, it is no wonder that co-owners Shawn and Denise Campbell enjoy such great success with Planet Gymnastics at their Whitby and Pickering locations. They admit willingly that once your kids arrive at Planet Gymnastics they won’t want to leave. Now in its ninth year in Pickering and fi fth year in Whitby, Planet Gymnastics is a recreational facility that offers gymnastic classes where kids can have fun, get active and workout their minds. And now is the time to register for fall classes. Shawn, who runs the facilities with his wife Denise, graduated from Seneca College’s Professional Coaching program, with a concentration on beginner and advanced gymnastics. He has been a professional gymnastics coach for over 18 years and has trained many champion athletes. Through his studies he discovered the benefi ts of gymnastics training for kids. Planet Gymnastics offers a variety of classes, seven days a week, with something for kids as young as 18 months and programs for teens and adults. The ‘Parent and Tot Program’, for example, is for kids between the ages of 18 months to 35 months and is a great opportunity for you to have fun and engage in gymnastics with your child in a unique environment. This class is a great way to improve your child’s physical ability as well as their social skills and runs seven times daily during the week and four times daily on weekends. ‘Kindergymnastics’ offers a one-hour, weekly class full of fun activities, games and circuits that require preliminary gymnastic skills for children aged three to four years. In this program they will improve their balance, strength and fl exibility and will gain their self-confi dence. The ‘Recreational Program’ is for kids age fi ve right through to teenagers. It progresses through the CANGYM recreational system, which includes all of the gymnastic events. Fully qualifi ed instructors ensure that the skills are learned properly before your child advances to the next level. New to Planet Gymnastics this year is the Teen Gym program. This two hour class is available once a week for students to focus on specifi c areas that they would like to improve. For dancers, cheerleaders, and for kids who are just full of energy, Planet Gymnastics offers ‘Tumble and Bounce’ trampoline classes. This two-hour class is fi lled with lots of energy, bouncing and fun in which they learn basic tumbling skills such as front and back handsprings, somersaults, twisting and many other interesting skills. Planet Gymnastics features a three-storey play centre with a separate ball pit and specialty training equipment for toddlers. They also have a 40-foot tumbling trampoline, plus equipment that is made especially for kids as well as all the traditional gymnastics equipment such as uneven bars, rings, single bars and balance beams. Children should enroll in September but can be enrolled at any time throughout the season (pending availability), our classes run throughout the school year and we fi nish up the season with a special gold medal presentation to all children held each June. It’s a great way to keep the kids active in a secure air-conditioned environment. To learn more about Planet Gymnastics visit www. planetgymnastics.ca, call (Pickering) 905-839-7669 email pick ering@planetgymnastics.ca or (Whitby) 905-665-1990 or email whitby@planetgymnastics.ca. Gymnastics improve your child’s stamina and self-esteem Canadian Sport for Life magazine endorses gymnastics as an activity all children should learn because it provides a solid foundation for all other sports. Gymnastics promotes the ABCs of athleticism – agility, balance, coordination and speed and without these basic movement skills a child will have diffi culty participating in any sport. “Our kids, Kayla and Justin, have been attending your gymnastics programs for the past few years. They absolutely love it! We’ve tried other gymnastics programs in the past, but your program stands apart as the best in Durham Region.” – Ray Lui newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200913 AP newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200914 AP TAE KWON-DO KICK BOXING • KARATE JIU JITSU Voted # 1 Martial Arts Studio Confi dence • Discipline • Concentration • Co-ordination • Self-Esteem •2008 Platinum 467 Westney Rd. S. Unit 2 Ajax (Entrance on Shaw Court) (905) 428-8292 Pickering Rec. Complex (905) 428-9026 www.risingsunajax.com NEW LOCATION For Men, Women, Children & Seniors Tae Kwon-Do • Kick Boxing • Karate • Jiu-Jitsu OTHER LOCATIONS: SCARBOROUGH, MISSISSAUGA, OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON $$1212.00.00 MINI COURSEMINI COURSE With this coupon only. Limited time offer. Call for details. ASK A B O U T O U R ASK ABO U T O U R AFTER S C H O O L AFTER SC H O O L PROGRA M ! 21 ST Annivers a y Discover the JOY of MYC! ©2009 Frank Berg, BA Music, MYCC Central Ontario Coordinator 866.999.1091 f.berg@myc.com TM The DLDA is kicking off the new season with an exciting workshop, hosting celebrity teachers from Canada’s “So You Think You Can Dance” and “Stoptyme Productions”. Workshops will be held August 10th to the 14th and there are still a few drop-in spots available. Don’t be left out, call now to have the opportunity to work with this wonderfully creative faculty. Classes starting in September are suitable for the recreational dancer or the serious competitive dancer, age three through to adult, beginner to advanced. There is no registration fee to sign up. You just pay for your fi rst eight weeks of classes. The season runs through to June and ends with two, completely different, spectacular recitals. Both recitals are conducted with the utmost of organization by the faculty so the parents can sit, watch and enjoy the most wonderful dance recital to be seen. You will be thrilled and delighted watching your child perform the work that they have worked so hard to learn. DLDA has not lost sight of today’s economy by keeping recital costumes to a reasonable price and the price of classes have again not been increased. The competitive team boasts of wonderfully successful competitive seasons year after year. The past season was no exception with our dancers returning from two competitions with the highest mark of the entire competition as well as dozens of high scoring awards and trophies. They performed for “La Senza Girl” at the Toronto Eaton’s Centre, promoted Gwen Stefani’s new fragrance, danced for Sick Kid’s Hospital at Hazelton Lanes. Our competitive team proudly supported our community by performing for Art Fest, Relay For Life and July 1 celebrations. They will be performing at the PTC this August 29 for our Arts Council and in October for the half time show for the Argos. The studio is always looking for talented, ambitious dancers to join the team and be part of the new exciting year, which is about to start. DLDA offers exams in Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Acro. Serious students graduate from the studio with a teacher’s qualifi cation in all four branches – a prerequisite for teaching at city dance programs, at other dance studios or to open studios of their own (which many DLDA alumni have done). It is also a qualifi cation highly recognized on university entrance applications. If you wish your child or yourself to have the opportunity to be taught by this wonderfully successful faculty of teachers who accomplish so much with their students then call (905) 839-3041 for further info. You can visit the website at www.deniselesterdance.com to read about the alumni’s whom are performing anywhere from Broadway to Stratford, on cruise ships, teaching for the world famous Rockettes, choreographing for movies and for Wonderland. When you visit Wonderland this summer, be sure to see DLDA student Sara performing on International Showcase stage daily. Call Denise at (905) 839-3041, come to the booth at Pickering Town Centre August 20th to 22nd or visit the Bayly Street studio August 18, 20, 25, 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. or Sept. 1, 2, and 9 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for further information. She would love to help you fi nd the perfect class for you or your child. Denise Lester Dance Academy The Students and staff are pleased to announce the start of another great year of dance at the Denise Lester Dance Academy (DLDA). Register now to be part of this exciting dance studio, an awesome place for your child or yourself to be part of. The studio offers quality classes in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Modern, Hip Hop for children and adults, Pre-ballet, Combination classes, and new this year, Contemporary for the non-competitive dancer. All classes at the DLDA are taught by experienced, fully qualifi ed teachers who believe that every child in class is important. Fall Registration Show 2009 ADVERTISING FEATURE newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200915 Dance Training BEST!at it's Denise Lester M.B.A.T.D Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern Suzie Cunliffe-Brown M.B.A.T.D Tap, Modern, Associate Ballet Wendy Scharien M.B.A.T.D Tap, Modern, Associate Ballet Shannon Bruce B.A.T.D Associate Ballet, Modern, Tap and Acro Tammy Vanderstarren B.A.T.D Associate Ballet, Tap, Modern, and Acro Brandi Ferreira B.A.T.D Associate Ballet, Modern, Tap and Acro 1550 Bayly St. Unit 24 & 25/1134 Kingston Rd. 3 ways to register: By phone Visit our booth at the Pickering Town Centre August 20, 21, 22nd Come by our Bayly studio: Sept. 1, 2 & 9th 5-8pm Accepting new registrations now - 905-839-3041 www.deniselesterdance.com Quality classes in: • Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Modern, New Contemporary for non-competitive dancers, Pointe, Combination, Ladies Jazz, Pre-Ballet, Hip Hop, Year End Recital • Exam Work • Competitive Teams • Classes 3 years to advanced & suitable for recreation dancers or serious students. • NO REGISTRATION FEES! • Viewing Windows Exciting 2002 Future Highly qualified, Award Winning Faculty. Teachers who care about every child in class. Faculty: History Where many professional dancers made their first entrance. With students dancing on professional stages in Toronto, Stratford, on Broadway (in Hello Dolly, Fosse, Guys and Dolls, Damn Yankees), and at Wonderland. They are Argo cheerleaders, members of the Raptors' Dance Pack & choreographing for cruise ships, Disney & Wonderland. Proud AP newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200916 AP Ringette… the fastest game on ice • Team sport on ice • NO intentional body contact • House league & Rep. teams • Rules geared towards safety, team play, sportsmanship • Developing skating skills For more information: www.apringette.com 905-239-3308 First time players - $199 House League only - $375 H.L. & Rep. - $550 Petite to Belle A/AA - $575 Jr. AA & Belle AA - $600 Petite to Belle B/C - $475 Open A - $275 Open B - $250 Women’s League - $300 TRY RINGETTE: September 13, 2009 Ajax Community Centre September 27, 2009 Pickering Recreation Complex More details see: www.cometryringette.com • We Offer Gymnastic, Trampoline and Tumbling Programs for All Ages 18 Months to Adult 7 days a week • Air Conditioned • Winter, March Break, Summer and P.A. Day Camps • Recreational & Competitive Classes • Birthday Parties • Parent & Tot • Always Accepting New Members Pickering Athletic Centreyou’ll flip over us! We offer gymnastic programs for all ages! 18 months to adults Register now for fall classes Programs start the week of September 8, 2009 Brand New Facility!Brand New Facility! Pickering Athletic Centreyou’ll fli ov r us! 1503 Sandy Beach Rd., Pickering www.pickeringathleticcentre.com • 905-839-5260 401 Bayly St .Brock Rd.Sandy Beach Rd.LiverpoolN As I enter into my eighteenth year at Durham Dance Centre I think about what is important at the studio: After giving thought about the overall space we provide, the opportunity to view all classes, the fully qualifi ed staff, the awards we receive, I realize the most important thing to offer our dancers is a happy and safe environment. As a mother of two young children, I realize more than ever how precious our children are and our primary goal is to be able to provide the best for them, make sure they are happy and having fun with whatever they do. If they are good at it, well that’s a bonus! As a parent making a decision as to what your child participates in, where and with whom, it is probably one of the bigger decisions you’ll make. At Durham Dance Centre I’m very proud to say that I personally teach the two youngest classes offered in my studio for the past 17 years and I truly enjoy it! My staff and I are continually upgrading to ensure that we offer the very best Dance instructions and my studio has enjoyed continuous growth since opening seventeen years ago. I’m proud of the family atmosphere we’ve created and we offer competitive and recreational classes that will suit the needs of your child and family. Our competitive program produces outstanding results year after that often leads to a life of professional dancing, and a recreational program that keeps students committed to the art of dance until their post-secondary education programs! During these tough economic times, we as parents need to make sure that our money is being spent in the right places and achieving the best results for our children. I assure you that at Durham Dance Centre you will be happy with your choice. We provide over 7,000 sq. feet of clean studio space, a warm caring atmosphere, qualifi ed teachers, amazing workshops that bring in the latest and hottest choreographers in the industry, R.A.D. ballet exams that always achieve outstanding results, and last but certainly not least three sell out shows at the beautiful Markham Theatre that all students participate in. Year after Year we hear the comments: “It’s more than a Dance Recital it’s like a professional show.” If you would like more information or would like a tour our exciting studio, please give us a call at (905) 837-2528! Refl ections on a career in dance Tammy Roberts President & Artistic Director RegistrationRegistration SShowhow 20092009FFallall Thursday August 20 • Friday August 21 Saturday August 22 at the Pickering Town Centre Fall Registration Show 2009 ADVERTISING FEATURE newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200917 AP )TSABOUTMORETHAN DANCE ITSABOUT MOTIVATINGYOUNGPEOPLE TOBETHEBESTTHEYCANBE $52(!-%BODF#%.42% h"ETHE"EST9OU#AN"Ev !RTISTIC$IRECTOR4AMMY2OBERTS 2!$ $-! !$!04 $52(!-$!.#%#%.42% 0LUMMER3T5NITS   0ICKERING #!,,&/2!&2%%"2/#(52%   #,!33%3/&&%2%$). s+INDERDANCE s"ALLETs0OINTE s*AZZs(IP(OP s,YRICAL s!CROs4AP s-USICAL4HEATRE s!DULT0ILATES $52(!-$!.#%#%.42%/&&%23 #OMPETITIVE 2ECREATIONAL#LASSES s!GESTWOANDUP s4HREESPACIOUSSTUDIOS WITHVIEWINGROOMS s2!$"ALLET%XAMS s9EAR%ND3HOWAT-ARKHAM4HEATRE s3UMMERCLASSESANDWORKSHOPS s&AMILYDISCOUNTSAVAILABLE .EW3TUDENTS 7%$!5' 0- 2%')342!4)/.$!4%3 #/-%6)3)453!44(%0)#+%2).'4/7.#%.42% !5'534 -!,,(/523 2ETURNING3TUDENTS -/.!5' 0- 45%3!5' 0- newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200918 AP Annandale Youth CurlingWant an inexpensive activity for your children or teens? Adult curling leagues are also available. Contact the club at: 905-683-3210 • Everyone participates as part of a team • Helps develop leadership and good sportsmanship skills • Doesn’t hurt the family budget • On ice instruction available • An upcoming Olympic Sport! • Equipment start up cost is minimal Little Rock Program : 7-12 years Bantam/Junior Program:12-20 years Visit us at: www.annandalecurling.ca or contact the Youth Coordinator - Lori at 905-839-0372 Come R ock I n Our House! “WOW! It’s almost like yesterday that Jacqueline’s School of Dance opened in the basement of my parents’ home with 35 students. I am overwhelmed at the growth. The successes of the studio are due, in large part, to a collection of great people from faculty, staff, students and families. We have a winning combination. I have so many “Thank you’s”. My Mom, Dad and sisters have been on this journey with me from the very beginning... building, watching and cheering. My husband, Mark and children, Jacqui, Johnathan and Sarah have all put a part of themselves into mom’s dream. Having all of my family involved in my school keeps my passion strong. To the faculty Gwen, Christine, Keri, Lia, Amy, Michelle, Lisa, Sarah, Fiona and Jadel and staff Lesley, Laura and Jhonna you each bring so much life and creativity to your classes, the children and the entire school. I can’t think of a greater group of people to work with. Thank you for sharing yourselves. Thank you to the families of JSOD. You entrust us with your most prized possessions. It is our honour to have your children in our classes. Finally, and possibly most importantly, to the students, thank you for embracing our visions, messages and choreography. Thank you for believing in JSOD and making us the top studio that we are today. We sincerely love watching you grow as young people as well as dancers. We see the fun you have in every class and the pride you show when you are dancing and it assures us we are doing things right. To our new students and families, I welcome you to the JSOD family. Thank you for choosing us. It is our goal to have you around for our 40th anniversary. Thank you to all from the bottom of my heart.” — With love, Jacqueline At our showcase, we asked some students to speak on behalf of their peers about their experience at JSOD. It became clear through their words that students of all ages fi nd a resonance and appreciation for dance through our program. Below you will fi nd excerpts of these speeches: Joshua (Age 9) – Dancing is my version of having fun. It’s important to know that it’s not about whether you win or lose but just doing what you love. Every time I go onstage it feels like life is just beginning. Julie (Age 9) – At JSOD, I have always been taught to push to new limits, stay true to who I am, and really believe in myself. I can remember when I was 3, and all I wanted was to become one of the big girls who wore black bodysuits. I am on that track to become one of those inspiring girls, and being able to pass on my passion to others. My dreams have come true with JSOD. Alyssa (Age 12) - Last season was one of the proudest moments of my dance career as I received the JSOD Spotlight Award. I have grown into a confi dent, intelligent, and driven young woman. I would like to thank Jacqueline for giving me so many fantastic opportunities and making me the person I am today. Tiyondah (Age 15) - After high school, I plan to study dance in university. JSOD has taught me that with a combination of hard work, perseverance, and teamwork, you can achieve anything you want to. As a result of my time here, I have become a person who looks out for my peers, is supportive of growth and change, and puts 100 per cent into everything I do. I hope to take these qualities with me as I continue into what I hope to be a long career in dance! Danielle (Age 18) - As a 2009 graduate, there are so many things I learned in the studio that will remain with me as I embrace the real world, like my dance skills, work ethic, and appreciation for teamwork. However, it is the people that surround me-- the family we have created here, that I will keep in my heart for years and years to come. Sarah (Age 17) - Dance has given me the power to express what I cannot verbalize. The best feeling in the world is when you are in that moment we dancers are so familiar with; when you are simply dancing to feel alive. And although having my mom as a teacher has created some tense moments over the years, without her I would have never learned what it means to feel alive, how it feels when you’re on stage and you feel like you might explode because you are so in love with that very moment. I want to take this opportunity, to thank you, Mom, for teaching me how to be alive and for giving me those moments that will be with me forever. Jacqui (Age 23)- Although I am making my return to JSOD this year, I spent the last fi ve years of my life at Queen’s University. I loved my academic life, but I never turned away from dancing—teaching, taking class, and running show rehearsals amounted to about 50 hours a week in the studio. I would walk around campus and not be known for my amazing ability to write essays, but for the moments I spent in front of an audience. I learned quickly that although I may have lived three hours away for several years, my heart has always stayed inside the walls of JSOD. It makes me so happy to think of the thousands of dancers who have left a little bit of their heart inside the studio -- maybe that’s why it feels so much like home for the many of us that spend hours upon hours there. So ... this is a perfect opportunity to write on behalf of the students of the studio and say thank you, for providing such an incredibly safe and supportive atmosphere for kids to set huge goals and to dream big, and for giving us the confi dence to keep pushing. Let this upcoming year be a tribute not only to a beautiful art form, but to 25 years of excellence in dance. — Jacqui Willis, daughter, dancer, teacher, choreographer. Jacqueline’s School Of Dance Celebrates 25 Years Of Dance Excellence Fall Registration Show 2009 ADVERTISING FEATURE newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200919’ HIGHLY QUALIFIED FACULTY EXAMINATIONS AVAILABLE IN ALL DISCIPLINES UNDER THE B.A.T.D. FOLLOWS THE PAULA MORGAN THEORY AND PHILOSOPHY SUCCESSFUL RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS AWARD WINNING COMPETITIVE TEAM ALL STUDIOS FULLY EQUIPPED #BZMZ4USFFU TPVUIFBTUDPSOFSBU#SPDL3E 1JDLFSJOH  AP newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200920 AP HAVE A HAPPY DANCE EXPERIENCE JOIN US FOR OUR OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUGUST 22 1-3:30PM DEMONSTRATIONS, PERFORMANCES, PRIZES AND MORE WE OFFER: • No administration or registration fees EVER! • Recreational & Competitive Programs • Pay for only 6 weeks at a time • Generous Family Discounts • Beautiful year-end recital • Optional Exam Work HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS WHO LOVE KIDS! TERRI ROBITAILLE DIRECTOR, B.F.A. DANCE, AWARD WINNING CHOREOGRAPHER, SPECIALIZING IN 3-5 YEAR OLDS STUDIO REGISTRATION DATES AUGUST 26 AND SEPTEMBER 2, 6:30-8PM www.danceexperience.ca CALL TERRI AT 905.686.8335 153 - 1895 CLEMENTS RD., PICKERING FOR A HAPPY DANCE EXPERIENCE Durham West GirlsDurham West Girls Hockey AssociationHockey Association Join the fastest growing sport in Canada and make Join the fastest growing sport in Canada and make some new lifelong friends!some new lifelong friends! Family DiscountsFamily Discounts Skill DevelopmentSkill Development Hockey for Ages 4 to 84Hockey for Ages 4 to 84 TournamentsTournaments End of Season BanquetEnd of Season Banquet Game and Practices at Game and Practices at Local ArenasLocal Arenas We Offer:We Offer: $150.00$150.00 For all girls For all girls new to hockeynew to hockey For more information contact us at For more information contact us at www.dwgha.com orwww.dwgha.com or 905-686-2400905-686-2400 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200921 AP 145 Kingston Road • Unit 2 Ajax (behind Applebee’s) 905.686.2211 A Family Run Studio providing Dance Training. We’ll bring out the Best in You! Jazz • Tap • Hip Hop • Ballet • Acrobatics • Musical Theatre Awesome Pre-School and Primary Programs Boys only Classes with Male Instructors Ages 2 1/2 to Adult Recreational and Competitive Bright Clean Studio • Floating Floor Viewing Windows • Family Discounts Award Winning Staff Dedicated to Each and Every Student Class Schedule, Registration Dates, and Tuition Fees Available on our Website. Hold your place in Class, Pre-Register online at: www.taylordance.ca BACK TO DANCE SALE Great fi t, great style, great value September 1 - September 20 60 Randall Dr. #3, Ajax 905.427.0443 www.dancexperts.ca Our friendly staff is happy to help with all your dancing needs. 1515% OFF% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Plus up to 80% off selected merchandise. *Please note: Pointe shoe fi ttings by appointment only.* Corporate Office: Suite# 401, Sussex Centre, 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd (W), Mississauga, ON L5B 3C2 Tel: (905) 502-9476 Fax: (905) 896-9380 E-mail: info@ucmascanada.com www.ucmas.ca ● Development and utilization of full brain ● Improves math skills: calculation speed and accuracy ● Promotes creativity and self reliance ● Improves confidence ● Builds concentration, alertness and focus ● Enhances memory and reduces learning time Benefits of the UCMAS system for the child: ● Comprises 10 levels, each of 3 months duration ● One session per week of 2 hours duration ● 15 minutes of homework required daily as practice ● Parents get trained as well to help their child ● Parent’s support and commitment is most essential for best results. The UCMAS course structure: U C MAS is a mental math program which develops the ability of a child to calculate quickly and accurately without the help of gadgets like calculators. It is based on the ancient Chinese art of Abacus and Mental math using the “Zhusuan” methodology. The program is designed to stimulate both hemishperes of the brain. Thus, learners are trained to utilize their mental faculties fully. The latent skills of your child Bring to the fore using Abacus UCMAS - Ajax (IQBRAINERS INC.) Unit 10 - 467 Westney Road South (Westney & Bayly) Ajax, ON L1S 6V8 905 - 231 4800 iqbrainers@ucmas.ca www.ucmas.ca “We Tutor Math, English, Science, French, Music and Other Subjects for Grades 01 to 12” See you at the show ! LEARN TO SK A T E LEARN TO SK A T E Serving You S i n c e 1 9 8 4 4 WK KIDS 1S T S T E P 4 WK KIDS 1S T S T E P ((Synthetic IceSynthetic Ice )) Twice a week f o r t h e m o n t h Twice a week f o r t h e m o n t h of September of September Limited spac e a v a i l a b l e Limited spac e a v a i l a b l e 4 WK GET REA D Y 4 WK GET REA D Y FOR HOCKEY P R O G R A M FOR HOCKEY P R O G R A M **Great for hoc k e y & r i n g e t t e p l a y e r s Twice a week f o r t h e m o n t h Twice a week f o r t h e m o n t h of September of September Limited spac e a v a i l a b l e Limited spac e a v a i l a b l e Laurie’sLaurie’s IncludesIncludes Real & Synth e t i c Real & Synth e t i c Register Now Register Now for FALL 200 9 Check us out at booth #2 August 20, 21 & 22 or check out our website and you can register online. 905-831-7111 • www.laurieslearntoskate.com Thursday August 20 Friday August 21 - Saturday August 22 at the Pickering Town Centre Sponsered by at Brought to you by Call 905.683.5110 ext.228 for more details! www.jacquelines-schoolofdance.com Dance Schools, Education, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, and More.... newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200922 AP We believe YMCA Playing to Learn is the best approach to ensure a child’s continued enthusiasm and capacity for life-long learning. Childcare In Your Community •Home cooked meals •Small group experiences •Fully qualified staff •Regular parent/teacher conferences •Happy and safe environment YMCA BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS YMCA St. Elizabeth Seaton Child Care Centre 490 Stroud’s Lane (Stroud’s Lane & Whites Rd.) Ages 2 to 10 years 905-831-9724 YMCA St. Wilfrid Child Care Centre 2360 Southcott Rd. (Brock Rd. & Concession 3) Ages 2 years to 12 years 905-619-2407 YMCA St. Anthony Daniel Child Care Centre 2090 Duberry Dr. (Brock Rd. & Hwy. #2) Ages 2 to 12 years 905-686-0313 Sir John A. MacDonald Public School 77 Balaton Ave. (Bayly & Krosno) Ages 6 to 12 years 416-697-1035 Frenchman's Bay Public School 920 Oklahoma Dr. (Bayly & Westshore) Ages 6 to 12 years 416-834-8089 TEACHING CHILDREN 6 & UP Monday to Friday 5:30 to 8:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Recitals held twice a year. Ask about our piano rewards program, an incentive where each child can earn points and win prizes. WESTNEY AND DELANEY AJAX CALL MONIQUE LEWIN AT 647-500-3906 piano_for_beginners@hotmail.com • Enhanc ed educationa l p r o g r a m s • Warm, frien d l y n u r t u r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t • Montessori, m u s i c a n d F r e n c h i n s t r u c t i o n a s p a r t o f o u r already exce l l e n t p r o g r a m • Subsity ava i l a b l e • H o t c a t e r e d n u t r i t i o u s m e a l s • Open 6:30a m t o 6 : 3 0 p m • 2 locations t o b e t t e r s e r v e y o u • 201 William s o n D r . , A j a x • 8 1 M i d d l e c o t e D r . , A j a x Learning Centre & Childcare A place where learning is fun! Give your child the edge! • Help them reach their potential! 201 Williamson Dr., Ajax 81 Middlecote Dr., Ajax newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200923 905-839-FITT Open House Aug 18-20 4:00-6:00pm CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM, RESPECT One Week Free Trial & Uniform with this ad.* MARTIAL ART DISCIPLINE After School Program AP Durham Music is quietly nestled, almost hidden amongst the professional doctors, lawyers and dental offi ces in historic Pickering Village. On fi rst impression, it looks like an old home in the middle of the Village. When you enter the building, however, you immediately realize what Durham Music has to offer. With over 1,000 students and 40 musical instructors, Durham Music has been producing wonderful sounds in the Ajax area since 1987 and has 18 teaching studios. Teaching has made Durham Music the largest private music school in the area and also in Ontario. There are a wide variety of musical lessons that are offered including guitar, piano, drums, violins, all woodwind instruments and singing. Guitar instructors Ray Hickey Jr., Tim Chase, and Aaron Bales are pleased to teach with only the fi nest equipment such as Fender, Yamaha, Roland and Gibson. Durham Music is the recipient of several other awards including the Board of Trade Business Award, many News Advertiser and Durham Parent Readers’ Choice Awards and the International Year of the Volunteer Award. The future of Durham Music will always be a constant growth of supplying quality and caring instruction to the Durham community. For more information call (905) 428-6266. Contributing to the growth of music “With over 1,000 students and 40 musical instructors, Durham Music has been producing wonderful sounds in the Ajax area since 1987 and has 18 teaching studios.” Fall Registration Show 2009ADVERTISING FEATURE Thursday August 20 Friday August 21 - Saturday August 22 at the Pickering Town Centre Sponsered by at Brought to you by Call 905.683.5110 ext.228 for more details! www.jacquelines-schoolofdance.com Dance Schools, Education, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, and More.... newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200924 AP Durham School of Music Ltd.est.1987 Located in Pickering Village, 100 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 905-428-6266 • 905-428-8792 Authorized dealer for MOST MAJOR brands Fender Dod Takamine Jackson Gibson Ibanez Ovation Parker Roland Marshall Crate Pearl Simon & Patrick Tama Yorkville Yamaha Norman Korg Casio Washburn Elite Godin Epiphone Boss Vox Tascam Art Royal Conservatory Exam Preparation Over 50 Music Instructors Classic - Rock Country - Jazz - Folk 1000s of Music Books in stock Enroll now for music lessons Durham’s largest private music school Invest in a child’s future PIANO ~ VOCAL ~ PERCUSSION ~ GUITAR ~ VIOLIN ~ CLARINET ~ FLUTE ~ SAX ~ BASS ~ THEORY ~ KEYBOARD ~ TRUMPET & MORE Pickering rider representing Canada at World Championships BY SHAWN CAYLEY scayley@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Rob Fraser never thought his mountain bike would take him around the world. But that is exactly where the 18-year-old Pickering resident will be next month as he competes at the 2009 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Canberra, Austra- lia from Sept. 1-6. “When I first started doing this I wanted to be a jumper and a trickster,” recalls the for- mer Pine Ridge Secondary School student, who just recently competed at the North American leg of the World Cup Series in two different Quebec cities. “But then this just kind of happened. I went with it, but never really thought it would be like this.” For the most part, though, his competitors likely wish Fraser had abstained from rac- ing and followed his desire to be a trick rider after watching the television show Drop In as a 14-year-old. After a little flirtation with trick riding, Fraser has been focused on competing at the highest level. With that has come some impressive results culminating with the impending trip as the only Ontario rider on the Canadian National Team. With plenty of excitement stemming from the opportunity ahead, Fraser has tried to parlay that into a boost for his preparation. “I am taking the excitement and trying to turn it productively into ways to fundraise and ride a lot, while fine-tuning what I have learned this season,” says Fraser. “I have also done some research on the track. I have done a little mini training program to pre- pare.” That training program will include weight training at ATP in Pickering as well as hitting the local trails. As much time and effort that Fraser has put into this, he was quick to recognize the sup- port he has had along the way from his fami- ly, friends, girlfriend, the biking community, coach Chris Cousineau, trainer Jamie Hol- lins and several sponsors including Primary Trek, the team he now represents. “It’s what helped me get to where I am,” Fraser says. “It’s added pressure, but it took a lot of stress off of me in terms of buying my own bike and stuff like that.” The trip to Australia will be Fraser’s sec- ond trip to the Worlds, after competing last year in Val Di Sole, Italy as a junior. Fraser, who hit the podium at the Canada Cup in Bromont, Que., plans to focus more on his biking career in the future. A kinesiol- ogy student at Brock University, he is taking the year off to train and compete.newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200925 APSportsBrad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.com MOUNTAIN BIKING Fraser riding off to Australia PHOTO BY WALTER PASSARELLA PICKERING -- Rob Fraser will be representing Canada at the 2009 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Australia. FASTBALL Home run contest part of All Star showcase PICKERING -- For over 20 years, the Pickering Recreational Fastball Asso- ciation (PRFA) has provided a means for men and women over the age of 18 years to continue to play high caliber fastball. PRFA thrives with eight men’s teams and eight women’s teams, thanks to the efforts of an enthusiastic executive team headed by President Jay Davis. Games are played through- out the week on the well groomed fields at the Dunmoore, Hydro and Centen- nial Parks under the watchful eyes of a rotating umpire team. To showcase the talent of its men and women players, PRFA will host an All Star Day, Saturday, Aug. 22 on the Dunmoore Park North Diamond locat- ed at the foot of Whites Road. This is the fifth annual All Star Game for the men and the fourth for the women. The games will start with the Men’s All Star Game at 11 a.m. and the Women’s All Star Game at 1:30 p.m. In between, there will be the first Home Run event for both the men and women which should be a dazzler. The day promises good ball, good food and most of all, good conversation as stories are shared with all. A park full of fans will only add to the excitement of the games. Check out PRFA’s website at www. pickeringfastball.ca for further informa- tion. HOCKEY Ajax Attack looking for a little help AJAX -- The Ajax Attack is seeking volunteers in all areas for the upcoming 2009-10 season. Volunteering with the Attack is a terrific way for any hockey fan to sup- port their community, while at the same time becoming an important part of the highest level of hockey locally. A volunteer position with the team is perfect for retirees looking to contrib- ute to their community, as well as high school students looking to fulfill their community service requirement. In particular, the Attack is looking for volunteers to work the ticket table, ushers, miscellaneous game day staff, and street crew to help promote the team. Anybody interested in volunteering with the Ajax Attack can visit the team website at www.ajaxattack.com or con- tact Derek Sharp at 905-259-2673, or derekpsharp@hotmail.com. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200926 AP SWIMMING Strong showing for Ajax Aquatic Club at Age Group Championships MONTREAL -- Ajax Aquatic Club swimmers Robert Gilchrist, Devin Ste. Marie and Zach Fedak were crowned national champions at the 2009 Swimming Canada Age Group Championships. Over 1,500 of Canada’s best 18- and-under athletes hit the pool in Montreal for the four-day meet, where AAC’s 18 athletes (one of the largest contingents of any club in Ontario) broke 12 club records. The team finished in the top 15 for the fourth consecutive season. Gilchrist, 14, of Whitby, found the podium in every event he compet- ed in, capped off by a gold medal and national champion status in the 50-metre butterfly. Gilchrist also won silver in the 50-metre free- style, and bronze in the 100 free, 100 fly, and 200 fly. Gilchrist broke the club records in the 13-14-year- old boys category in the 50 and 100 free, the 100 fly, and the 50 breast- stroke. Ste. Marie, 15, also of Whitby, was the national champion in the 200- metre butterfly, winning the race by a margin of three seconds. Ste. Marie also garnered bronze medals in the 100-metre freestyle and 100- metre butterfly events. She broke the club record in the women’s 15- and-over category in the 200-metre butterfly, narrowly eclipsing 18- year-old Christine Raininger’s new record set just the previous week at World Championship Trials. Courtice’s Zach Fedak, 16, suc- cessfully defended his national title in the 50-metre freestyle, a race he has never lost at age groups. Fedak also found the podium in the 50- metre butterfly, setting a club record and winning a silver medal. But perhaps his best race of the weekend came in the 200-metre freestyle, where he won bronze and crushed the existing club record in the men’s 15-and-over category by over one second. Meanwhile, 18-year-old Julian Monks won silver in the 50-metre breaststroke and broke his own club record in the process. Chris Tanouye, also 18, won silver in the 50-metre butterfly in a time of 25.07, which was a half second under the club record set a few moments before by Fedak. Tanouye also competed in finals in the 100- metre butterfly. Other finalists included Michelle Fleming, who placed sixth in the 200-metre breaststroke with a new lifetime best time. Allison Foster, a new addition to AAC, broke the club record by over five seconds on her way to a sixth-place finish in the 800-metre freestyle. Darelle Cowley, 14, broke a club record in the 50-metre breaststroke, while 16-year-old Julien Dodu appeared in finals four times, competing in the 400 individual medley, the 200 backstroke, the 200 free, and the 100 back. Raininger swam in finals in the 400 IM, while Alex Andrechuk made finals in the 50 breast. This season, 13 athletes in AAC caps have achieved a senior nation- al qualifying standard, breaking the previous record of 12 set in 1996 under Olympic coach Paul Meronen. In addition, AAC ath- letes broke over 20 club records for the third straight year. Local club produces National champions SUBMITTED PHOTO AJAX -- Ajax Aquatic Club members, from left to right, Julian Monks, Zach Fedak, Robert Gilchrist, Devin Ste. Marie and Chris Tanouye captured medals at the Age Group Nationals in Montreal. Also pictured, far right, is coach Matt Bell. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200927 AP F in d t h e H o m e S e r v i c e P ro fessional you need forallyour... 1550 BAYLY ST., #35, PICKERING 905.839.0574 www.aroundthehomekitchens.com • KITCHENS • VANITIES • WALL UNITS KITCHEN RENOVATIONS astern avestroughing Ltd.EE SINCE 1980 Residential Commercial Industrial Seamless Eavestroughing Aluminum Soffi ts & Fascia and Siding “Year Round Service“ 905-686-4175 835 Westney Rd S U#8 SIDING & EAVESTROUGHING1 “Complete Insurance and Financial Solutions” Auto | Property | Commercial Life & Investments | Health & Travel RRSP | RESP | GIC 905 - 427 - 3595 JDInsurance.ca and FINANCIAL SERVICES JD INSURANCE endent Insurance Broker CoversYou Best ™ An Independent Insurance Broker Covers You Best JONES - DOOLEY INSURANCE BROKERS Rates are on the rise Ensure you are getting the best coverage Call for a quick quote. INSURANCE SPECIALISTS ROOFINGROOFING 423 Look for this feature every other Thursday. To advertise, call Donna McNally at 905-683-5110 ext. 241 1 4 23 Dominion Roofi ng 6 SEA- Tech SOLAR WATER HEATING Sensible Energy Alternative Technologies SEA-TechSEA-Tech905.428.0146Solar Pool Systems Tankless Water Heaters High Effi ciency Furnaces and A/C Units Gas Appliances 6LANDSCAPING BUILDING SUPPLIESPAVING7 7 Northland Paving SummerHome MakeoversHome Makeovers 8 A great selection of new & used building supplies & accessories all at LOW prices! 85 Chambers Dr., #6 Ajax 905.428.7434 www.habitatdurham.com Donations of used & surplus building supplies gratefully accepted. Tax receipts may be available. Open: Wed. - Fri. 8:30am - 6pm; Sat. 10am - 3pm 8 FLOORING 9 DESIGNS IN LANDSCAPE LTD LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN Proudly Serving Durham Region • Fully Insured • 1 yr. Warranty on all Installations • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed • Interlocking Stone • Flagstone & Natural Stone • Retaining Walls & Steps • Gardens, Trees & Shrubs FREE ESTIMATES www.designsinlandscape.caMember of Landscape Ontario 416.917.0068 or Toll Free 1.877.328.3627 5 360 Bayly Street, West, Unit 1 Ajax (in the Wild Wing Plaza) 905-426-6772 $199 From Sq. Ft.From Sq. Ft. • Home design consultant service available • Free estimates & shop at home service Sales and Installation of Hardwood, Laminate & Engineered Flooring & Stairs. 9 Designs in Landscape Ltd.5 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200928 AP Immediate Openings for Owner Operators We offer good pay, company cards, fuel premium, benefits, weekly deposit, PeopleNet®, home weekends, 2004 or newer. We are busy again. Toronto or Belleville based. Phone: 800-267-1888 or 613 961-5144 Contact Chris McMillan x123 or Pam Haggarty x114 Email: chrismcmillan@itsinc.on.ca. www.itstruck.ca Media Sales New Business Development We're looking for full-time, creative, results oriented, sales professionals, to develop new business for our roster of established publications and media properties. If you are a hard-working, self-motivated individual, who is not interested in coasting, this is a terrifi c opportunity to make your mark in a still-growing part of the media world. In addition to the above, you'll need: ● To be adaptable to a changing industry; ● Willing to work within a commission based pay structure; ● Excellent presentation skills; ● Multi-media and print media sale experience; ● A determination to break new ground. We offer an environment that embraces new ideas, encourages professional growth and offers a base salary with a generous commission plan. Benefi ts are available for successful candidates. Please e-mail your resume to careers@durhamregion.com with subject line "media sales" before August 21, 2009. Only those invited for an interview will be contacted. Are you interested in a career at Rogers Pickering Call Centre? Come meet with a Rogers Representative and learn about how you can join the Rogers team! Arrive early, space is limited. Free Information session begins Monday, August 17, 2009 at 10:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm and 2:00 pm Hosted at: YMCA Durham Employment & Community 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering, ON (Valley Farm Road & Hwy. 2) 905-427-7670 Access to computers to apply online Registration begin at 9:30am JOIN AN AWARD WINNING TEAM! Angus Glen Golf Club is now Hiring employees for Hospitality, Golf and Turf Departments. Applicants must be available until the end of the Golf season.Full and Part Time positions available. Please visit www.angusglen.com to start the application process DirectBuy of Toronto East 1- Full Time warehouse personnel needed. Furniture detailing is an asset. 2- We are seeking enthusiastic, self-motivat- ed, well-spoken individuals to work in our call center. The Call Center Representative will be responsible for contacting leads from several sources. 3- We are also seeking Sales Representatives to educate on the many benefi ts of Direct Buy. Please e-mail resume to info@directbuydurham.com : Sales and Call Center positions Please e-mail resume to service@directbuydurham.com : Warehouse position Or fax to 905-839-9471. Successful candidate must be able to work Tuesday - Saturday. POSITIONS AVAILABLE Cleaning Homes in Pickering/Ajax No Nights or Weekends Paid Training - Weekly Pay Car Required - paid mileage (905)426-2120 or email owner4610@merrymaids.net CONCRETE TESTING TECHNICIAN required immediately for GTA area. CSA or ACI Certifi ed for fi eld testing. Vehicle required. Fax resume to 705-454-0367 PAYROLL CLERK - 6 Month Contract Oshawa based organization currently seeks a Payroll Clerk. This individual will provide regular payroll input for a busy department. Experience with high volume data entry is required together with 2+ yrs exp. The successful candidate is expected to work from 9 - 3, Monday to Friday. There is some fl exibility available to this schedule. If you offer strong organizational skills, top notch computer skills and the ability to work as a team player please apply. Applicants should respond by August 18, 2009. jobsindurham@gmail.com Thank you to all applicants, however, only those being considered will be contacted. Collections Offi cer - 1 Year contract Oshawa based company currently seeks an experienced Collections offi cer. This person will make contact and develop relationships with customers to ensure the timely payment of accounts. The successful applicant will have 3-5 yrs. exp. with strong written and verbal communication skills. A team player you also possess strong computer skills and are comfortable in a fast paced environment. Applicants should respond by August 18, 2009 with "collections" in the subject line. jobsindurham@gmail.com Thank you to all applicants, however, only those being considered will be contacted. TORONTO / GTA AREA Sales & Marketing ● General Manager Account Executive ● Call Centre Agent Admin Assistant ● Customer Service Reps 1-2 years Experience ● 28k-45k General Offi ce Skills & Problem Solving Abilities Email: info@staffl ocater.ca LAW CLERK Corporate, Commercial and Real Estate Minimum 5 years experience Send resume and references to: gillianv@vanulaw.com Career Training General Help Career Training General Help Career Training General Help Career Training General Help Drivers General Help Career Training AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualifi ed -Housing Available. CALL Aviation In- stitute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. Careers PROCESS/CHEMICAL EN- GINEER required immediate- ly for Ajax company, mini- mum 10 years experience, knowledge of electrical, me- chanical engineering, Profes- sional Engineer with experi- ence in AutoCad, and Project Management. Email resume to jobs@ewi.ca Drivers DRIVERS REQUIRED, D class for local runs. Some long distance, load and unloading required. Clean drivers abstract, and good people skills. Please e-mail resume: billclifford@ fabtrans.com EXPERIENCED 'AZ' DRIV- ERS for Waste Division. FAST CARD REQUIRED. Border Crossing. Home eve- ry night. Year-round work Benefi ts 2 years experience. Fax resume, CVOR, drivers abstract 905-563-9778. Call Dan 1-800-210-0844 General Help ADVERTISING SALESPER- SON wanted for busy media company in Durham and Kawarthas. Sales experience required. Must have reliable vehicle. Email resume to: caps@scugogcg.com APPOINTMENT TAKER - Whitby part-time/full-time, wage plus bonus. Experi- ence preferred. Please Call Angela Mon - Fri 1 p.m.- 8 p.m. (905) 666-4905 MAGICUTS HAS the follow- ing positions available:LI- CENSED ASST MANAGER for Oshawa & Pickering, plus full & pt stylist for Oshawa, Whitby. We offer: hour- ly/commission, benefi ts, prof- it sharing, advancement op- portunities, training classes, monthly prizes. Join a win- ning team. Call Angela (905) 723-7323 Drivers General Help ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ATTENTION EARN over $2000.00 per week immedi- ate openings, full training provided Call 905-435-1052 BLUELINE TAXI is seeking customer-oriented accessible and sedan taxicab drivers for Oshawa and Pickering. Earn cash daily and training pro- vided. Please call Roy or Ian 905-440-2011 CARPE DIEM FOSTER Homes is seeking a sea- soned Case Manager to join our Central-North-East Team. Must have driver's li- cense and related work ex- perience. Pay commensurate with experience. Submit re- sumes by August 21, 2009 to parent47@rogers.com. CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER wanted for Weightcare Oshawa clinic. Part time hours available. Please send resume and cover letter to Oshawa@weightcare.ca ATT: Dr. Valerie Swift. EXPERIENCED MOVER/ HELPER FULL TIME. Job requires moving and remov- ing major appliances in cus- tomers homes, loading/un- loading inventory, valid G li- cense, able to work Satur- days, full time position, over- time available. Very heavy lifting involved, benefi ts available after 90 days. Pad- dy's Market, fax resume to (905)263-1076, call and ask for Jamie (905)263-8369 or drop off resume. FRIENDLY PEOPLE to do telephone work for busy of- fi ce, no selling. Monday to Friday 5-9p.m., Saturday 10-1p.m. Great employment for college students. Call be- tween 9-9, Mon.-Fri. (905)655-9053. FULL & PART-TIME experi- enced meat cutter/counter person. Drop off resume to Buckingham Meat Co. 200 Carnwith Drive, Brooklin. Drivers General Help HOUSEKEEPER RE- QUIRED performing light and heavy duties, 3 nights per week 5-9pm. Hourly rate $14.00. Please contact mmarticorena@rogers.com LABOURERS required for busy roofi ng company. Must be reliable. Vehicle an asset. Call (905)427-8613 Office Help General Help MODELS, ACTORS, enter- tainers needed. Experience not necessary. For free con- sultation call 905-655-2436 or 905-767-4700. MOUNTAIN ASH Landscap- ing, requires experienced fe- male/male landscape/main- tenance labourers, August- November 28-40hrs/week. Energetic, organized, detail- oriented, reliable, clean driv- er's abstract. Wage based on experience. Fax (905)665- 3382, info@ mountainash.com NEED WORK? Flexible openings, good starting pay, Customer Sales/Service, experience not required, will train, scholarships possible, conditions exist. (905)426.7726 or immediatework.com/np WILD & CRAZY, Can’t Be Lazy!! F/T Customer Service NOW! Great pay! Must like music, fun, and $$. No Sales. No Phones. No exp, no prob. NEW GRADS WEL- COME- ppl skills an asset. Call Alexis for interview 905- 668-5544 Skilled & Technical Help General Help TELEMARKETING. Monday to Thursday 5-8pm only. Strong telemarketing skills with min. of 2 years exp. $10/hr. Only qualifi ed appli- cants will be contacted. Please call after 4p.m. 905- 686-2445 ext. 305. Office Help General Help NOW HIRING Experienced Sign Installers with Crane Licence. Great Wages & Benefi ts. E-mail julie@kwiksigns.com or fax 905-420-6919 ORDER TAKERS NEEDED $25/HR AVG. FULL TIME!! WE TRAIN YOU! Call: (905) 435-0518 SHINGLERS & LABOUR- ERS needed. Full-time. Valid drivers license required. Good sub rate. Durham Re- gion, Markham & Richmond Hill. 905-424-3771. WE ARE LOOKING FOR key people to expand our fi - nancial services business in this area. Experience not necessary. We will train. Call Shannon Murphy 1-800-847- 4128 Skilled & Technical Help Office Help Salon & Spa Help BASSETT SPA Looking for part-time and full-time Massage Therapist, Stylist & Esthetician. 617 Kingston Rd. Pickering 905-492-2258 BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Busy Pickering location, Fully equipped hair salon, can ac- commodate two stylists. $1500/month. One esthetic room, $800/month. Call (905)626-3477. ESTHETICIAN P/T leading to F/T, Pickering spa. Exp req'd in facials, waxing, relaxation massage, pedi and mani. email info@beautyfullspa.ca or call 905-420-0020 EXPERIENCED HAIR STY- LIST required for upscale Ajax Salon, Full and part time positions available. Please call (905)427-3811. REGISTERED MASSAGE Therapist needed for 9 month maternity leave in Courtice. Position starts Sept 8. Fax or email resume at- tention Kelly to 905-404- 1526 or khoeg@live.com. Skilled & Technical Help Office Help Skilled & Technical Help EXPERIENCED FRAMERS REQUIRED. able to cut roof parts Must be comfortable on roof. Call (905)213-2500, Daytime ask for Andy, or email: cgvca@hotmail.com GROWING CONTRACTING business, looking for skilled handyman that has a good understanding of the building envelope and willing to work on many different projects, from foundations to roofi ng. Must have clean driver's ab- stract. Please fax resume to (905)420-3061. SKILLED FRAMER/ROOF- ER/RENOVATOR experi- enced in all areas of home building. Must have own transportation. 7-6 Monday- Friday. Serious inquiries on- ly. e-mail resume to mnhconstruction@msn.com, fax (905)642-5492, or call (416)702-3560. SHEET METAL INSTALL- ERS required- Mechanics/ Apprentices. Clean driving record. Please fax resume to 905-438-1721. Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200929 AP NOW HIRING RN'S / RPN'S PERMANENT P/T / TEMPORARY F/T for established Nursing Home. We offer autonomy, challenge and diversity in your career. Computer skills an asset. Alternate weekends included. Submit resume: Fax: 905-576-4712 or Email: info@sunnycrest.ca 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com REGENCY PLACE Seniors Building ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE-IN SPECIALS! 1 & 2 Bdrms utilities incl. On site staff 24/7. Weekly bus to grocery shopping. Handrails in halls, Automatic door openers Full Activity Calendar, Close to 401 Safe secure environment. 15 Regency Cres. (Mary St. & Hickory St) 1-866-979-4793 www.realstar.ca Welcome Home to Pickering Place Spacious 3 bedrooms from $1060.00 w/ fridge, stove, washer & dryer. Across from Pickering Town Centre. Day-care on site. Call today 905-831-1250 Rental offi ce at 1865 Glenanna Rd. Sales Help & Agents Hospital/Medical /Dental Skilled & Technical Help RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCE SERVICE TECH - Full Time Service Tech required for home appliance repair, to perform in store and road service for a busy family run retail store. Minimum 5 years experience, must have valid 'G' license. Assets re- quired: strong knowledge of countertop microwaves, OTR's and Whirlpool brand appliances, refrigeration li- cense an asset but not re- quired and excellent custom- er relations skills. Full time, benefi ts available after 90 days. Apply at Paddy's Mar- ket, (905) 263-8369 or fax re- sume (905) 263-1076. WELDING COMPANY re- quires General Labourer with drivers licence and Welder Fitter for some outside work. Fax resume to 905-420-6586 Office Help EXPERIENCED PART TIME legal assistant required for Oshawa Law Offi ce. Mini- mum 2 years experience in civil litigation and family es- sential. Reply to File # 390, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 PICKERING-BASED COM- PANY est 1986 requires clerical/admin person. Ex- cellent written and oral com- munication skills required. Hourly rate. Resume to colleen@electricityforum.com Sales Help & Agents HANDY PERSON required to install water equipment. Must be able to travel. Vehi- cle allowance plus salary, Call Sentry at 1-877-426- 6941. Sales Help & Agents Hospital/Medical /Dental Sales Help & Agents SALES ASSOCIATE - Full Time Salesperson required for a busy appliance retail store. Duties included selling all major appliances and war- ranties. Excellent customer relation skills necessary, on feet for long period of time, knowledge of appliances would be an asset but not necessary. Full time, Satur- days mandatory, benefi ts available after 90 days. Ap- ply at Paddy's Market, (905) 263-8369 or fax re- sume (905) 263-1076. Hospital/Medical /Dental BUSY DENTURE CLINIC looking for full time Dental technician, 5 years plus ex- perience a must. Please call (905)723-8622 or fax (905)723-1667, or email re- sume to: denture1@ hotmail.com CDA II for mat leave posi- tion, September 2009-Sep- tember 2010, for Dr. James Gerrow in Oshawa. Hours are 8:00am-4:00pm. Must have 2 years experience. Please call Mary, (905)434- 1991. EXPERIENCED HYGIENIST needed Tuesday evenings and Saturdays. Minimum 2-yrs experience. Please call Carol at (905)683-1391. FULL TIME dental assistant required for busy general practitioner offi ce. Experi- ence an asset but not man- datory. Some evenings and Saturdays. Email oshawa- dental@live.com FULL TIME DENTAL assist- ant required for Picker- ing/Scarborough offi ce. Please call (905)420-6226 FULL-TIME/PART-TIME Dental Assistant required im- mediately for a busy Oshawa dental offi ce. Hours include some evenings and Satur- days. Must be outgoing and enthusiastic. Please contact Amy at (905)723-8266 or fax your resume to (905)723- 1667. Sales Help & Agents Hotel/ Restaurant FLYING FISH & CHIPS now accepting resumes for all po- sitions. Cooks, servers, and back kitchen. Drop off re- sume at 1540 Dundas St. E. at Thickson Rd. RESTAURANT/CAFE, Full equipped for lease or sale, please call for info. CHEF/PIZZA maker, need full time. Please call (416)707-3221 or (416)438- 1561. Houses for Sale $ OSHAWA TRIBUTE Home. 3-year old detached. 4-bed- rooms, 3-baths. 1710sq.ft. 3- car parking, near Durham College. Avail Sept 1. Asking $239,000 or rent $1800/month plus utilities. 905-579-2938 Private SalesP INVESTMENT PROPERTY, Oshawa. Well maintained, 2units+in-law suite. 3-kitch- ens/3-baths/3-gas fi replac- es/4-bedrooms/detached garage. Live in 1 unit-have additional income. Interest rates at all-time low&First Time Buyers Rebate.. Great income-including garage. Se- rious enquiries only. Please No Agents! Asking $183,900. For pictures&details 905- 431-2787. Housing WantedH WE BUY HOUSES - "AS IS" Condition. Whatever the Situation - Behind on Pay- ments, Estate Sale - House Needing Repairs. Call 905- 493-0251 Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI 2500 SQ FT industrial unit. Zoned automotive, includes second fl oor offi ce. Brock Rd. Pickering. $3000 per month. Call Murray or Gary (905)426-9720 STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Offices & Business Space PROFESSIONAL OR MIXED use space for rent in Whitby. All utilities included, parking. Available Sept. 1st. Call (905)576-0823 Mortgages, LoansM Apartments & Flats for RentA Business OpportunitiesB OWN YOUR own Mattress Cleaning & Sanitizing Busi- ness. Removes dust mites, bed bugs and harmful aller- gens "The Green Way" Small Investment. Hygienitech 1- 888-999-9030 www.Hygienitech.com Mortgages, LoansM $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT CASH NOW!!! AS seen on TV. Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need $500-$500,000++ with- in 48/hrs? Low rates. APPLY NOW BY PHONE! 1-888- 271-0463 www.cash-for-cas- es.com $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com PRIVATE FUNDS- 1st, 2nd mortgages. Consolidate bills, low rates. No appraisal need- ed. Bad credit okay. Save money. No obligation. No fees OAC. Call Peter 1-877- 777-7308, Mortgage Leaders Apartments & Flats for RentA 1 BEDROOM condo-style apt, 2-level 6' round window mood lighting $875-inclusive. 2 bedroom main fl oor with storage shed and small pri- vate backyard $1100-incl KingEast/Townline (905)579- 8339 1&2-BEDROOM available immediately. Central Oshawa, couple preferred, fridge/stove, hardwood, car- pet, fresh paint, laundry. Near shopping, bus. No dogs. Reasonable. Call (905)725-2642, after 5pm. 1-BDRM, country estate. 5-mins. to Kirby ski hill. Ap- pliances. Avail. Oct 1st. Sau- na, and access to 600 acres. Fridge, stove, fi rst/last. $725/month inclusive. (905)725-9991. Mortgages, LoansM Apartments & Flats for RentA 1011 SIMCOE ST. N., Oshawa. Large 3-bedroom townhome suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. Near all amenities. $925/month+ utilities. Call (905)579-7649 for appointment. 1140 MARY ST. NORTH, Oshawa. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. From $660. Near public schools. Near Durham College. Near amenities. Elevator. Security entrance. 905-431-7752 www.skylineonline.ca 2 BEDROOM and 3 bed- room apartment in Ajax, bright, clean, secure, park- ing, laundry, no smoking, fi rst/last required $975 and $1100/month inclusive 905- 706-7258 days 905-723- 8900 evenings 2 BEDROOM NORTH OSHAWA bright quiet apart- ment, Simcoe North at Rus- sett. New appliances, hard- wood fl oors, well-maintained 12-plex, newly renovated, near bus/shopping. cable/heat/water/parking in- cluded. Laundry, No dogs. 905-576-2982. 2-BDRM $895/MO inclusive. Avail. now. Immaculate adult lifestyle newer building in de- cent Oshawa neighbour- hood. Prefer quality adult tenants. No pets. 905-448- 0390. 2-BDRM in triplex. Wilson/Adelaide area, Oshawa. Available immedi- ately. Excellent condition. No smoking/pets. Lots of park- ing. Suitable for retired per- sons. (905)728-3448 or (289)240-4393. 2-BEDROOM $810 in 11-plex. walk to OC, heat, water, secured entrance, refi nished fl oors, parking in- cluded hydro extra. No pets. 289-240-1052, 905-626- 6724. 2-BEDROOM $875/mo avail Oct 1st. 3-BEDROOM $1150/mo avail Sept 1st. Utilities incl. Quiet court, backyard, walk to Oshawa Center, buses, Civic, Waver- ly School. 905-436-2895 Apartments & Flats for RentA 2-BEDROOM APT., nicely decorated, quiet area, close to O.C. laundry, parking, no pets. $800/month. Call (905)767-1710 2-BEDROOM APT., North Oshawa 6-plex, Quiet build- ing, very clean, includes fridge, stove, heat, water and parking. Laundry facilities on sight. No pets/smoking. $825+ hydro. Suits working couple/single. Call (905)431- 1788. 50 ADELAIDE ST. 290 & 300 Mary St. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedrooms starting from $795; Elevator access. Within walking distance to downtown. Near Durham College and Oshawa Hospital. Bus stop located in front of building. 905-720-3934. www.skyline- online.ca 72 ROWE ST. OSHAWA, 2 Bedroom Upper fl oor Duplex $820 plus hydro, Fridge, Stove, Parking, F/P, Laundry facilities, Yard. 114 BROCK N. WHITBY, Spacious 2 Bedroom 2nd fl oor $950 plus hydro, Fridge, Stove, Large Deck, Parking not included. 639 CUBERT ST. OSHAWA, 2 Bedroom in 6 plex $800.00 includes Utilities, Fridge, Stove, Laundry Facilities, Parking. Available Immedi- ately, First Last Required, Deposit with Application, ABLE MANAGEMENT 905- 725-9593 Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 & 3 Bdrm's Free Utilities, Parking. Senior's, Retiree's & GM Discounts 905-728-4993 A VERY CLEAN 2-bdrm, North Oshawa, Ormond Drive. Parking, laundry. Ex- ceptionally large living room. $1095/mo inclusive. Immedi- ately. Near UOIT. 905-718- 7832. OPEN HOUSE August 16, 1:30-2:30 AJAX NEWLY RENOED main fl . of bright 3 bdrm. bung, hrdwd fl rs., gas heat, large lot, det. garage, 3-car park., easy access to 401, avail. immed., $1250 + 2/3 util/mth. Jeff (647) 224- 8230. AJAX - ONE BEDROOM basement apartment with separate entrance, very large windows, walkout basement, kitchen with 3 appliances, cable and parking included. Close to all amenities, $850 per mo. Call (905)426-1912. Serious inquires only. AJAX, HARWOOD/BAYLY. 2-bdrm bsmt. Separate entrance, laundry, 1-parking. $950/mo sharing utilities, you pay 40%. No smoking/pets. Avail. Sept. 1st. (416)704- 4061, (905)686-9548 AJAX, WESTNEY/HWY 2, huge 2-bedroom basement, beautiful, bright, 1-1/2 wash- rooms, separate entrance, a/c, laundry, parking, no pets/smokers. $900+ 1/3 utilities. Available Immediat- ley. (905)686-6165 AJAX, Westney/Sullivan. New 1-bedroom plus living room basement apartment. Separate entrance & laundry. Parking. Available immedi- ately. No pets/smoking. $750 plus utilities. Call Mujeeb at 416-666-2649 AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 2-bedroom & 3-bed- room from $1039/mo. Plus parking. Available Au- gust/September 1st. 905- 683-8571, 905-683-8421 AJAX. CLEAN, Renovated 1 bedroom basement suite. Westney/Hwy 2. Separate entrance, laundry, parking, dishwasher. No pets/smok- ing. Mature single preferred. $750. month. References. 905-428-9891 APARTMENT - OSHAWA charming 1-bdrm in house, 2nd-fl oor. Separate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, living- room, parking, laundry. Close to amenities. $775/mo inclusive. Available immedi- ately. John (905)767-4868. Apartments & Flats for RentA BOWMANVILLE immaculate 1-bedroom apts. Avail imme- diately. $929 all inclusive. Security entrance very clean building, all inclusive, in- cludes appliances, utilities, parking and laundry facilities. 905-697-1786, 905-666-1074 BOWMANVILLE, NEWLY renovated 1-bdrm basement apt., separate entrance, available immediately. $720/month all utilities in- cluded. No smoking/pets. (905)213-0571 CENTRAL OSHAWA, near Seniors Citizens' Centre, adult building. 1-bed main fl oor $675. New carpet, new appliances, freshly painted, and updated. + utilities. 905- 242-8355 COURTICE 2-BEDROOM basement, bright, available Sept. lst. $750/month, plus 1/2 utilities. First/last, refer- ences. No smoking, suitable for 1 or 2 adults. (905)721- 8541, leave message. HARMONY/ADELAIDE, clean main fl oor of house, 3 bdrm, by schools, fenced yard, 2 parking spots, A/C non-smoker, no pets, Avail. immediately. $1200/mo. Leave msg (905)449-0644 KING ST. Bowmanville, 1- bedroom $650/month, newly renovated, Sept 1st. Close to all amenities. Call to view (905)914-1449. LIVERPOOL/FINCH Bachelor apt w/ fi re- place, eat-in kitchen, washroom, separate entrance, laundry. $650/mo, utilities incl. Avail. immediately (905)492-3209 LOOKING FOR STUDENTS Semi-furnished rooms avail. On main bus route. Shared kitchen, living&dining rooms. Avail immediately. Call Ni- colle 905-449-8475. LUXURY APARTMENTS. Enjoyable, Upscale Living. 333 Simcoe St N, Oshawa. 2 Bedroom $1535/mth. Fre- quent social events held in common room. In suite laun- dry in every unit. Elevator access to your unit. Bus stop located in front of build- ing. Located across the street from the hospital. 905- 431-8930 www.skylineon- line.ca MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NORTH OSHAWA Two bedroom. Sept lst. 3 bed- room for Sept. 1st/ Oct. lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances in- cluded. Pay cable, parking, laundry facilities. (905) 723- 2094 NORTH OSHAWA New basement apt. 1-bedroom C/A, central vac, ceramic, carpet, laundry, parking, fi rst/last, references. Close to amenities. $750/month all in- clusive. No pets. 905-728- 8332. NORTH OSHAWA, 1-bed- room apt, clean, quiet, se- cure building, laundry on site, $720/month plus Hydro, Call Tony (905)260-1522. NORTH WHITBY, Estate setting, 1-bedroom apart- ment, ground-level. Applianc- es, 2 private entrances, patio, $850. 12'x22' storage available. (905)655-4682 or (705)489-1102. OSAHWA SOUTH, legal large 1-bedroom basement apartment, Oxford St. Park- ing, yard, deck, laundry, cable TV. Short walk to stores/transit. Pets nego- tiable. $720/month, inclusive. 905-244-0342. OSHAWA 2-BDRM with bal- cony, in smoke-free, clean, 5-plex, with well mannered, quiet adult tenants. Hard- wood, 1-parking. $895/month inclusive. Laundry available. Available now. No dogs. (905)433-4137. WHITBY APARTMENT for rent 1, 2 or 3-bedroom. (905)430-7567 or (905)439- 7477 between 6pm & 9pm. Apartments & Flats for RentA OSHAWA APTS. Clean quiet security monitored newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom includes utilities, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. 905-260-9085, 905- 260-9075 OSHAWA KING/RITSON, bright 1-bedroom apartment on 3rd fl oor of house. Park- ing and laundry available. $765/month, all inclusive. Call (905)914-3133. OSHAWA Montrave/Gibb. large, clean, 2-bedroom apartments. Available imme- diately. $750 & $775+ hydro. Storage & parking included. Near all amenities. (905)852-7116 OSHAWA new modern building. Simcoe/Bloor. 2- bedroom $780+ hydro. First/last required. Please contact Martin (905)404- 9602. OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartments inontario.com OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Renovated bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 bdrm & Penthouse apts. Wheel chair and security access. Call 905-432-6912, 905-723- 1009, 905-728-3162 1-866- 601-3083, www.apartments inontario.com OSHAWA, 293 Montrave St, 2-bedroom, $810/month, in- clusive. 208 Centre St. S., Large 2-bedroom in adult- lifestyle building, $1000/month plus heat/hy- dro. 45 Colborne.W. 1-bed- room, $750/month, inclu- sive+ basic cable. No pets. September lst. 905-723- 1647, 905-720-9935. OSHAWA, 1 bedroom lower fl oor of Tri-plex. Simcoe and Wentworth. $750/month plus hydro. References and cred- it check required. Available September 1st. First/last month. (905)623-8270 OSHAWA, 1-BEDROOM basement apartment, seniors preferred, $685/month, laun- dry & parking included, available Sept 1st. No smok- ing/pets. Call (905)431-0183. OSHAWA, 2 BEDROOM Avail. Sept. 1st. Parking ex- tra. Utilities included. No pets, close to all amenities. Call Patrick 905-443-0191 OSHAWA, ADELAIDE/ MARY, upper duplex, clean, bright, 1-bedroom apartment. Parking and utilities included. $600/month. References required. First/last. No pets/smoking. Available Sep. 1. Call (905)668-1316. OSHAWA, KING/WILSON, 2-bedroom basement, clean, bright & quiet, includes heat, hydro, water, parking, cable, shared laundry. No smok- ing/pets. $850/month, fi rst/last. Available immedi- ately. (905)434-7899. OSHAWA, LARGE 1-bed- room, apartment units in quite well maintained 6-plex. includes utilities, appliances parking, laundry, storage facilities. Near Oshawa Centre $750/$800 per month. (905)243-5030. OSHAWA, NEAR OC, one bedroom in 4 plex building, completely renovated, no pets, parking, laundry, available August 15, include heat, water hydro, (905)665- 5537 OSHAWA-Nicely decorated 2-bedroom apt., in clean well-maintained building. Heat, water, parking includ- ed, on-site laundry, near schools, shopping, transit. Available Sep-lst. $725/mo+hydro. 905-721- 2534 to view. PICKERING BROCK/Hwy 2 Spacious, bright, immacu- lately clean, 1-BR basmt. Newer appliances. Single, no smoking/pets. $720 inclu- sive. First/Last, available September 14th. Call There- sa 905-426-6208. Apartments & Flats for RentA PICKERING bungalow, fi rst fl oor, Spacious 3-bedroom 1-1/2 baths, large livingroom, 2-parking, laundry, utilities included, near GO, access to yard, private drive, im- maculate, good neighbour- hood, $1400/mo. (905)420- 4269 PICKERING LIVERPOOL/ BAYLY. 2 bdrm, basement apt., private entrance, park- ing, appliances, laundry, close to Go and amenities. $850+ 1/2 utilities. First/last. (905)579-7576 SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA, near 401. Nice, clean, quiet building, near shopping, transportation. Utilities in- cluded. 1-bedroom, $799; 2- bedroom $909, available- now, fi rst/last. (905)436-7686 until 8pm, (289)274-0014. SUNNY, SPACIOUS, new 2 & 1 bedrooms, N/W Oshawa/Whitby, balcony, quiet 6-plex. Long-term adult living, no smoking/pets, ap- pliances, laundry, parking, storage/inclusive fi rst/last. Ann 905-244-2444. TESTA HEIGHTS 1, 2 & 3 bed. w/upgraded fi nishes. Util. incl. Security & parking. Landscaped grounds, pri- vate patios & balconies. 2 Testa Rd., Uxbridge. 905- 852-2534 www.realstar.ca WHITBY immaculate 1 bed- room, central. Available Sept 1st.. $799, appliances, heat, water, laundry facilities and parking. 905-666-1074 or 905-493-3065. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca Whitby's Best Building newly renovated suite 2-BEDROOM extra-large in clean, quiet bldg, freshly painted, beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. Ideal adult lifestyle bldg. insuite storage, onsite laundry. Incredible value! SENIORS DISCOUNT 905-668-7758 viewit.ca (vit #17633) WHITBY- 1 bdrm. apt. in 3-plex, 927 Byron St. N. Suits quiet adult. Heat, hy- dro, water included. No pets. $790/month. Avail. Sept. lst. Call 905-725-4145. WHITBY-Large quiet 1-bdrm, 10ft ceilings, huge windows, new kitchen/carpet, fresh- paint, own laundry, fi replace, parking, near GO/amenities. No smoking/pets. Suit ma- ture professional/couple, Im- mediate. $875/inclusive. (416)498-4770, (416)577- 8963. WHITBY: APT for rent 101 Craydon Rd., 1-bdrm $725/month, 2-bdrm $850/month plus hydro. 2- bedroom $925/month plus hydro, 303 Green St. 905- 432-4365, Eve & Wk 905- 718-8253 WILSON/KING ST EAST- Under New Management. Close to retail/grocery stores, school and doctor/dentist of- fi ce. 2-bed $879. Hydro in- cluded in rent. Available now! Call 905-571-4912. www.metcap.com Condominiums for RentC 1-BDRM, DOWNTOWN Oshawa. 5-appliances, c/a, private balcony, storage in condo, huge bathroom, un- derground parking. Hydro ex- tra. $865/mo. First/last. Avail immediately. (905)985-3627 COURTICE, immaculate very large 1-bedroom, his/hers closets, eat-in kitch- en/dinning, ensuite wash- er/dryer/dishwasher, C/A, 2-skylights, soaker tub, ten- nis, car wash, storage. $990/month, plus Hydro. Im- mediate. Blair 416-606-7730. Condominiums for RentC PICKERING - 4 BDRM upper level for rent. Liver- pool, Highway 2. 1 1/2 baths, 5 appliances. $1450 per month all inclusive. First & last. No smoking or pets. Available Sep 1st. Call 416- 725-1475 Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Thornton/Rossland area, 1/2-acre park-like setting lot, near schools, very rea- sonable rent, $995 month plus utilities. First/last re- quired. Available September 1st. (905)435-6012 3 BEDROOM, 2-storey semi in Central Ajax. Avail. Oct. 1st. $1200/month+hydro vis- it: rentershotline.ca for more info enter property box num- ber 9140, or call (647)219- 0618 AJAX, 34 DOMINY Dr., huge 4-bedroom upper level, 2.5 baths, double garage, c/air, central vac, fi rst/last required. $1500/month plus 50% utilities. Available Sept-1st. (647)994-1864, (905)497-6345 OSHAWA Immaculate main & second fl oor 3-bdrm home near Durham College and separate school. $1200/month utilities and cable included. Available im- mediately. 905-404-5101. OSHAWA, NEWLY renovat- ed bungalow, main, 2-bed- room, living/dinning, bath- room. Basement apartment, separate entrance, 2-bed- room, living, bathroom, laun- dry, 4-parking, close to schools, all, $1295+, now. (416)919-6319. OSHAWA, Simcoe/Ross- land. Delightful detached two bedroom older home, 1-1/2 stories, large fenced yard, quiet street, appliances, gas heat, avail. now. $1250+ utilities. Condolyn Mgt 905- 428-9766 PICKERING DOWNTOWN bungalow main, 3-bdrm, liv- ing/dining, kitchen, bath- room, basement apartment, separate entrance. 2-bdrm, living, bath, laundry, 4-park- ing, all, $1495+, now. (905)239-1122. PICKERING, CLEAN 3-bed- room, 2-bath, with attached heated garage. Covered front porch. Close to 3-schools. Available October 1st. $1,700/month, plus utilities. 905-839-3087. PICKERING/WHITE'S Road/ Bayly. modern three bed- room bungalow, main fl oor only, own laundry, close to lake, appliances, parking, available September, $1300 inclusive Condolyn Mgt. 905 428-9766 Townhouses for RentT 3-BDRM BUNGALOW with garage in Olde Whitby. $1100 (or $1350/inclusive with landscaping). Available September 1st. AAA Ten- ants with credit check. 1 year lease min. No smok- ing/pets. Call Lyn (416)428- 2127 A DOWNTOWN WHITBY 3-bdrm new luxury town- house 3 bathrooms, 5 appli- ances, single garage, deck. $1395+utilities. No smoking. Avail. immediately. 289-314- 3301 AJAX/CHURCH/DELANEY, large 4 bedroom TH. 1800 square feet, fi replace, 5 ap- pliances, garage, available now, $1400 plus utilities, Condolyn Mgt. 905 428-9766 CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca LOCATED AT WILSON/ BEATRICE. 3 bedroom townhouses available for rent. Close to all amenities and transportation. $1089 plus heat / hydro, includes water / cable. Call for more details & availability dates. (905) 432-6809. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • August 13, 200930 AP Selling the Estate of Helen Sparling of Toronto Sunday, August 16 Preview 9:00 A.M. Auction 10:00 A.M. Auction to start with Vintage Books and Estate & Costume Jewellery fol- lowed by the Second Session of Signed Art Glass & Pottery from the Estate of Kenneth George Mills To include: Lalique, Moser, Iridescent Glass, Wedgwood, Beswick, Early English Porcelain, Dinner Sets, Silver & Silver Plate, Large Amount of Water- colours, Paintings & Prints to include A.J. Casson. Furniture to include: Dining Room Suite, Upholstered Furniture, Bedroom Furni- ture, Large Display Cabinet, Antique Spinning Wheel, Numerous Oriental Carpets, Small Tables, Mirrors. HALL #1 – Large Indoor Yard Sale- Fresh Estate Items: Sunday @ 9:00 A.M. HALL #2-Gigantic Half Price Indoor Yard Sale: Sunday @ 9:00 A.M. For details and photo gallery go to www.waddingtons.ca/brighton Phone 1-613-475-6223 BRINGING CARE INTO YOUR HOME SINCE 1993 CARPENTRY PLUMBING ELECTRICAL KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • BASEMENTS CERAMICS• HARDWOOD • DRYWALL DECKS • FENCES • DOORS • WINDOWS Call for your Free no obligation estimate 905-409-6714 www.customcarehomeimprovements.com Renovations, Additions, Decks, Sheds Basements, Kitchens & Bathrooms 27 years Experience No job too big, no job too small, FranMac can do it all (416)788-0295 www.franmac.ca B a t h r o o m Renovations& Repairs By Quality Construction 905 626-3771 www. QBATH.com FREE ESTIMATES Call Dan for a FREE Estimate 905.243.1459 Interiors / Exterior • Commercial / Residential Over 25 Years Experience • Competitive Prices Vendors WantedV Townhouses for RentT OPEN HOUSE Sat-Sun 1pm-4pm, TAUNTON TER- RACE 3 bedroom townhous- es. Ensuite laundry. Land- scaped grounds w/pool & playground. Private back- yards. Sauna & pking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Sim- coe St.) Ask about our move- in specials. 905-436-3346 www.realstar.ca OSHAWA, SEMI-TOWN- HOUSE. 3 & 2-bdrm+. Har- mony/Olive. 4-plex, spa- cious/clean, 3-fl oors, fi n. basement, 1-parking, Close to shopping, schools/bus route, no smoking/pets. $895+ utilities. Avail. Sept. First/last/references. (905)686-5591 email: seanryanjr@gmail.com PICKERING, 3-bedroom new townhouse, 401/Bayly, 2full-21/2 baths, A/C, 5 appli- ances, single garage, fi n- ished den, near amenities. $1,450 plus utilities. No smoking. First/last. Available immedialey (416)455-1743. Rooms for Rent & WantedR $400/MONTH, WHITBY - Rossland and Garden area. Furnished bedroom, c/air, cable, bus at door, close to all amenities. No smoking, spotlessly clean. (905)665- 8504. OSHAWA SOUTH, second fl oor room in shared house, Oxford St. $450, with cable TV, parking, yard, deck, laundry, short walk to shop- ping/transit. 905-244-0342. OSHAWA, Thornton/Ross- land. 1 furnished room with shared kitchen & private en- trance, parking. Working gentleman preferred. No smoking/pets. $115/week. First/last 905-434-7532. ROOM FOR rent in N.W. Oshawa. Suit single female. Tidy, clean home, run of house, walking distance to Oshawa Centre. $400/month. Call Judy (905)576-3303 ROOM FOR Rent. Rit- son/Hillcroft area Available. $450/month. Shared Kitch- en, Bathroom, Cable, Phone, Wireless Internet. Call 289 688-9015 Vendors WantedV Rooms for Rent & WantedR WHITBY/OSHAWA border. Beautiful home! Very clean room, share kitchen/bath. Cable/internet, laundry, bus route, minutes from UOIT. Furnished/unfurnished. No smoking/pets. Male pre- ferred. $550/mo. negotiable. (905)995-2745, (905)728- 0189. Shared Accommodation EXTRA LARGE ROOM FOR RENT, shared cable, laun- dry, A/C. Pickering, Whites & Bayly. Smoking ok, (no pets). $800/month. Near all amenities. Avail. Sept 1st. Call 905-420-7401. Vacation Properties FLORIDA - 40 ACRE par- cels Only 10 remaining. 100% useable. MUST SELL. $119,900 ea. Owner Financ- ing from 3 1/2% Call 1-800- FLA-LAND (352-5263) Flori- da Woodland Group, Inc. Lic. RE Broker. SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE NOW!!! Mainte- nance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commis- sions or Broker Fees. Free Consultation. www.sellatime- share.com 1-866-708-3690 Rentals Outside CanadaR CLEARWATER FLORIDA 3- bedroom fully furnished, air conditioned manufactured homes, pool, hot tub, near beaches & major attractions. Photos shown in your home. Children welcome. $400/wk (less than motel, half of sum- mer cottage). (905)683-5503 Cottages for RentC WRITER'S RETREAT? Vintage well-maintained cottage. Water views, backs Presqu'ile Provincial Park, great birding, biking, walking, skiing, Close to theatres, galleries, wineries. 130 kms Toronto. 705-653-0363. Campers, Trailers, Sites 96' PARK MODEL Trailer near Lindsay. $16,500 O.B.E. deck, bbq & shed in- cluded. Sleeps 6 recently up- graded new beds & carpet- ing. 416-464-5971 Auctions Lost & FoundL I AM STILL LOST - My name is BALI and I am an INDOOR cat - and I ran away from home late in the evening - Wednesday April 15th, 2009. My family lives at Westney/Rossland - in Ajax and I could be around this area or ran away further. I miss my family and with your help I could fi nd my way home. I am a big boy with stripey grey/black and white colouring, green eyes and a pinky nose. Please call: 905- 683-9020 OR 416-993-2428 ANY HELP IS REALLY AP- PRECIATED. HE IS GREAT- LY MISSED BY HIS FAMI- LY. Daycare Available DAYCARE AVAILABLE, all ages welcome, near schools/park. Lots of fun and activities. Rose- fi eld/Finch area. Call Teresa (905)839-9277 or 416-518- 2439 RegistrationR OSHAWA MUSIC teacher with ARCP Teachers and Performer's Honor B. MUS. Over 25 years teacher expe- rience. Now accepting stu- dents for 2009/2010 yr. Pri- vate instruction in piano, oboe and theory with per- forming opportunities for stu- dents in festivals, recitals and also RCM exams. (905)728-6948. Health & Homecare WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT and keep it off? Herbal Magic can help. Results guaranteed. Call to get our limited time offer. 25% OFF. 1-800-926-4363 Horse Supplies & Boarding HORSE BOARDING Available, Inside board & Pasture board, large dry fi elds & great care, 30 min's or less to Durham Region. Call (905)986-1751 Auctions Articles for SaleA 2-END BED tables, dresser, $50. 2-livingroom end tables, $25. Coffee table and 2-end tables, $60/set. Treadmill, $300 - excellent condition. Solid fold truck short box cover, 1-year, $300. (905)683-1618. 6 PCE. dining $500., bed- room set $400., table set. $250. Some antique pieces. 241 Glen Hill Dr. Whitby. (905)666-3732. ADVERTISE Nationally to approximately 12 million households in North Ameri- ca's best suburbs! Place your classifi ed ad in over 900 suburban newspapers. Call Oshawa This Week 905-576- 9335 for further information. AFFORDABLE Appliances, HANKS Appliances, PARTS/SALES/SERVICE 310 Bloor St.W. Stoves $175/up, Fridges $175/up, Washers $175/up, Dryers $149/up. All warranty up to 15 months. Durham's largest selection of Reconditioned Appliances. (905)728-4043. BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 CEDAR TREES for sale, starting from $4.00 each. Planting available. Free De- livery. Call Bob 705-341- 3881. CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT B.E. Larkin Equip- ment Ltd. Kubota Construc- tion, New Holland Construc- tion used equipment. Dur- ham, Clarington, Northum- berland Sales Rep Jim (647)284-0971 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca Articles for SaleA ESTHETIC EQUIPMENT, Facial steamer $250; Ad- justable bed $250; Ad- justable light $50. Excellent condition. Call Nick 416-803- 8194 FRIDGE. One-year-old Ken- more fridge, great shape and in excellent working condi- tion. Top freezer, clear crisp- ers and meat drawer. Tem- pered glass shelves. 18.2 cu- bic feet capacity. 30" deep, 30" wide, 65" tall. $350. STOVE. Used electric stove, good condition. 'Easy Clean', 30" wide. With manual. $50. Port Perry. 905-985-8158. HOT TUB COVERS Custom covers, all sizes and shapes, $425 tax and delivery included. Pool safety covers. We will not be beat on price and quality. Guaranteed. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com HOT TUB/SPA, great tub, must sell, still has warranty, 5HP pumps, 5.5kw, heater, $2,995. Call 905-409-5285 HOT TUBS, 2009 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. LIKE NEW - Pride mobility electric scooter, blue. Asking $2,500 or best offer. Call (905)431-7800 (cell) MUST SELL: Best Price, big Aubusson genuine super Chinese carpet 15 yards x 11 yards 10". Call (905)839- 5372 New Kitchen Countertops 10% OFF material. ALSO 10% OFF installations!! Sale ends Sept. 30th. Will beat any printed quote by 10%. Discount Quality Counter- tops, 499 Walton St Co- bourg. Call 905-372-8969 John & Dan Articles for SaleA OPTIWAY FORTRESS, 3 wheel Scooter, gently used. $1800. Call after 5pm (905)839-4154 POOL TABLE, professional series 1" slate, new in box with accessories, cost $4500, selling $1395. 416- 779-0563 RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit ap- plication refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! New coin laundry available, Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576-7448 TWO SINGLE ultramatic ad- justable beds, 4 years old, good condition. Call for ap- pointment (905)723-5431. VENDORS WANTED at Courtice Flea Market. Rent starts at $185/mo for 10'x10' booth. Approx 250,000 people/year. Locat- ed 2 minutes off 401 be- tween Oshawa & Bowman- ville Call 905-436-1024 www.courticefl eamarket.com Articles WantedA WANTED-GOLD. Broken, scrap, any 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k. The market is high, we pay top money!! Rock Bottom Deals, 22 Simcoe St.N, (Downtown Oshawa) (905)436-1320. Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. De- pendable, quality service since 1975. (905)753-2246. Pets, Supplies, Boarding BEAUTIFUL F1B Golden- doodles, amazing colours from B & W “Parti’s” to red, apricot, cream & black, silky soft, extremely low to non shed. 705-437-2790, www.doodletreasures.com BEAUTIFUL SHIH TZUs for sale, affordable, non allergic, no shedding, vaccinated, de- wormed, vet checked $400 each. Call 905-260-8855. MAREMMA PUPS farm raised, large breed, pure white, very friendly, $350. Evenings 905-797-3259. POODLES, TOY/MINI black male puppies. Home raised. First needles, dewormed, vet checked. Ready now. Call 705-786-7701. POT BELLY pigs, black, asking $150.00. Ready to go! Call (905)434-0392 Top Quality CKC Regis- tered Chocolate and Yellow Labrador Retriever Pups, Family raised, vet checked, 2 yr health warranty, ready Aug 14th 613.392-7374 Trenton YELLOW LAB Female Pup, excellent blood line, ready to go, fi rst shots, dew claws re- moved, reg. 905-352-2614 Cars for Sale 1998 DODGE Stratus, well maintained, good condition, 160K, as is, $2200. (905)430-8221 Cars for Sale 2002 CAVALIER 148,000k, $3395. 1999 Corolla 197,000k, $2995. 2004 Ven- ture 166,000k, extended, $3995 2003 Montana 139,000k, extended $3995. Certifi ed/e-tested. Others $1395/up. Caruso AutoSales (905)686-3803 (905)391- 3910 2002 Sunfi re, 133k. $3999. 2000 Focus, ZX3, $2999. 2000 Cavalier, $2999. 1999 Pontiac Grand AM, 154K, $2999. 1999 Ford Ranger, $3999. Certifi ed and E-tested. Free 6month warranty (Dealer). (905)432- 7599 or (905)424-9002 NEED A CAR? 100% Credit Guaranteed, Your job is your credit, some down payment may be required. 200 cars in stock Call 877-743-9292 or apply online at www.needacartoday.ca Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. ! ! ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. ! A ABLE TO PAY up to $10,000 on scrap cars & trucks running or not. Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Picker- ing/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Always the best cash deal - up to $150 for your good cars, trucks vans or FREE REMOVAL for old aban- doned unwanted. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. GOV'T PROGRAM $300 Junk Cars. We Sell Auto Parts, Tireshop Used & New. Standard Auto Wreckers. Call us Today! 289-CAR- JUNK. 416-286-8686. www.JunkCars.ca Painting & Decorating Cars WantedC $125-$1000 Cash For Cars Dead or Alive Fast Free Towing 7 Days a Week (416)831-7399 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Insurance ServicesI CLEAN DRIVING RECORD? GREY POWER could save you up to $400 on your car insurance. Call 1-866-473-9817 for no-obli- gation quote. Open week- ends. Adult Entertainment Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 Painting & Decorating MassagesM New Management 3 ladies daily No rush, no waiting! #1 Choice Special 2 for 1 Super Friendly Oriental (905)720-2958 1427 King St. E., Courtice (beside Swiss Chalet) AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 905-409-9903 HANDYMAN Reliable Retired Handy Man Vinyl Maintenance, Free Railings, Patio's & Decks Reasonable Rates No job too small Call Ed (905)427-7604 (416)277-4392 HOMEHOMEMASONRYMASONRYREPAIRSREPAIRS • Brick • Stone• Brick • Stone • Chimney Restoration• Chimney Restoration 3rd Generation 3rd Generation ProfessionalProfessional Call DeanCall Dean 905-442-2887905-442-2887 homemasonryrepairs.comhomemasonryrepairs.com TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-877- 603-5050 for a no-obligation quote. Open weekends. Who are you sleeping with? A couple of a million little critters is likely. When did you last have your mattress treated? Call Home Mattress Cleaners (416) 879-8339 for further information. Home Improvement HandymanH Masonry & Concrete Painting & Decorating Business Services/ PersonalsB Business Services/ PersonalsB Heart of Country Craft & Gift Show General Motors Centre, Oshawa October 16, 17 & 18, 2009 www.showsdurhamregion.com Audrey – 905 426-4676 X257 -------------------------------------------- Christmas Craft Show Kingsway College, Oshawa Sunday, November 29, 2009 www.showsdurhamregion.com Audrey – 905 426-4676 X257 ------------------------------------------- Do You Have a Sports Program or Children's Activity? 13th Fall Registration Show at Pickering Town Centre Thursday, August 20th, Friday, August 21st, Saturday August 22nd For vendor information please call Cori-Ann Harness 905.683.5110 X228 EXHIBITORS WANTED BUSINESS ANDSERVICE DIRECTORY Place your ad at 905-683-0707 People trust what they read in the newspaper, even the ads. It’s true. Trust us. NEWSPAPERS. THE MOST TRUSTED MEDIUM. LOGO