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FOR BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO, TRAFFIC AND WEATHER >> newsdurhamregion.com Pressrun 50,400 • 24 pages • Optional 3 week delivery $6/$1 newsstand PICKERING Friday, March 6, 2009 NNews ews AAddveverr titisseerrTHE AJ GROEN / METROLAND PICKERING -- James McLean stands by his bedroom window, which has clear view of Hwy. 401. McLean and his neighbours want a sound barrier built to shield them from the noise, something they’ve been fighting for for years.Noise that knows no bounds WEST SHORE RESIDENTS STILL SEEK HWY. 401 BARRIER BY KRISTEN CALIS kcalis@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Jim and Sharon McLean don’t even consider opening their windows for fresh air in the summer. “We can’t get any sleep if we do,” Ms. McLean said. The Marinet Crescent residents in Picker- ing’s West Shore Boulevard neighbourhood live in a home that backs onto the south side of Hwy. 401, Bayly Street and CN Rail tracks. The scene was different when they moved to the area 25 years ago; the tracks now handle more GO trains, and both Bayly Street and Hwy. 401 have been widened. “It’s 16 lanes and still, here we are,” said Lois Kemp, a resident for 35 years. Residents have constantly inquired about See PICKERING page 2 NEWS 3 The waiting game Some Durham hospitals better than others ENTERTAINMENT 16 Funny money Cash comedy comes to the Durham stage SPRING AHEAD newsdurhamregion.comNEWS ADVERTISER • MARCH 6, 20092 P Mark E. Carson Graduated from The University of Guelph With his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture June 2006 and his Master of Science in Epidemiology February 2009 Mark has accepted a position with Gencor Genetics Corporation, Guelph, Ontario. We are very proud of your accomplishments! Love Mom, Dad, Veronique, Grandmothers - Joesphine Carson, Elinor Vipond, Family and Friends. Fighting Prostate Cancer - www.MotorcycleRideForDad.org if you would like volunteer to Fight Prostate Cancer contact: louann.young@3web.com The 7th Annual Power of Women Conference strong... invincible... woman getting a sound barrier to block the noise, and were shocked to hear the Hwy. 401 and Rouge- mount Drive area is current- ly being considered as a like- ly candidate. The Ministry of Transportation held an infor- mation meeting on the propos- al for a 670-metre noise barrier last week. “I nearly fell off my chair,” Ms. Kemp said. Hazel Mullan and Gord Cart- er have been fighting it as well. “We’ve been doing this for 35 years,” Ms. Mullan said. Richard Holborn, Pickering’s division head of municipal property and engineering, said in an interview the City met with the Ministry of Transpor- tation in September, 2005 and January, 2006 about a possible noise barrier in the area. The MTO conducted a tech- nical feasibility study, which recorded an average of 70 deci- bels, he said. “I think 60 is what (the MTO) considers acceptable,” he said. Mr. McLean, who attend- ed the public meeting, said the study on the Rougemount Drive area indicated the aver- age noise was 72 decibels. Although Marinet Cres- cent residents agree Rouge- mount Drive deserves some help, they feel they deserve the same, especially living in the Pickering homes closest to Hwy. 401. The MTO was unable to pro- vide answers to questions by deadline. Ward 1 Regional Councillor Bonnie Littley is helping the residents plead their case to the MTO, and said the MTO should pay all of the costs should a barrier be constructed, since Hwy. 401 and the GO train are both provincial. “It really comes down to responsibility,” she said. Mr. McLean’s patience has almost run out. “This my last kick at the can,” he said. “If I don’t get a sound barrier, I’m going to move.” Staff will also get involved in the request and Mr. Holborn thinks the City has a viable case, as long as the Region of Durham agrees to the request, since Bayly Street is regional. A package, including a petition from 25 homeowners on Mari- net Crescent, will be sent to the MTO. “ If I don’t get a sound barrier, I’m going to move. West Shore resident Jim McLean “COMMUNITY Pickering residents still waiting for noise barrier PICKERING from page 1 JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND No obstacle for Luke PICKERING -- Luke Sheffield goes through the obstacle course as Altona Forest students took part in the recent Agilities Challenge. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20093 AP AJAX 8 Harwood Ave. HARWOOD & HWY. 2 905-428-1472 SCARBOROUGH 875 Milner Ave. #111 MORNINGSIDE AND 401 416-286-5354* Offer valid until March 31, 2009. Based on 12 month program. Not to be combined with any other offer. Offer excludes essential products. 3 months get your fi rst FREE Lose 24 lbs. or more on us!*Sarah lost 80 lbs. and 74 inches Kathy lost 52 lbs. and 56 inches Call us today. Redfords Insurance Brokers LimitedRedfords Insurance Brokers Limited 1903 Valley Farm Road Pickering ON L1V 1X6 wredford@pbnet.cawredford@pbnet.ca •HOME•AUTO•COMMERCIAL•MOTORCYCLE•LIFE•• HOME • AUTO • COMMERCIAL • MOTORCYCLE • LIFE • 905 831 5244 “What are your neighbours paying for insurance?” Call Redfords Insurance for expert local advice you can trust “Explore your options” More are meeting Province’s ER targets BY JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- In an effort to bring down emergency room wait times, the Prov- ince has set targets for how long patients should spend in the ER -- and some hos- pitals in Durham Region are already close to meeting them. The goal is four hours for patients with uncomplicated health problems and eight hours for those with complex issues. The provincial average sits at 4.6 hours and 13.5 hours respectively. The three Lakeridge Health emergen- cy departments -- located in Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Perry -- aren’t quite at the goal times yet, but all three fell below the provincial averages. Sue McKinnon, interim director of the emergency and critical care programs for Lakeridge Health, is optimistic that the next step will be hitting the targets. “The targets are pretty tight,” she said. “But there are strategies from the LHIN and the ministry of health that will help us get there.” Those include public education around what types of illnesses and conditions warrant an ER visit and how to find alter- native care like urgent care clinics. Ms. McKinnon also noted that while the ERs in Bowmanville and Port Perry have shorter wait times than Oshawa, all three Lakeridge sites provide equal standards of emergency care. “It’s demographics and population,” she said. “There is a larger population in Oshawa that is directly near the hospital, and that drives a lot of the visits.” For those seeking emergency care in the west end of Durham, the wait is a lit- tle longer. At Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering, the most recent data puts its wait times at five hours for minor problems and 15 hours for complex cases. “We are working to improve it,” said Rouge Valley spokesman David Brazeau. “We’re usually within the average, some- times we’re above and sometimes we’re under. But, average isn’t good enough.” He said Rouge Valley is trying to bring wait times down by finding efficiencies like faster turnaround times for lab work and diagnostic imaging. Last year, the Province began gathering data on wait times in Ontario’s 128 emer- gency rooms to get a handle on how long it takes for patients to be seen, diagnosed, treated and either admitted to hospital or discharged. The data is now posted online as part of the Ontario government’s $109-million strategy to speed up ER wait times. The strategy also includes financial incentives for high-volume hospitals that are able to lower their wait times and a new website -- www.ontario.ca/health- careoptions -- that directs patients to ER alternatives like walk-in clinics. To check out ER wait times as of Octo- ber 2008, visit www.ontariowaittimes. com. HEALTH Wait times decrease at some Durham hospitals “I can read, go online, take a walk or join friends for lunch. I fill my days with what suits me.” 1645 Pickering Pkwy.,Pickering Call 905-426-6603 www.chartwellreit.ca parkway Retirement Residence THE INDEPENDENCE I WANT March Events at Parkway Health & Wellness Seminar:Could a Chiropractor Help You? Wednesday, March 11th • 2:00pm Dr. Holly Barchman from Dynamic Balance Chiropractic presents the ways Chiropractic care offers natural relief of chronic pain, headaches, disc disorders and personal injury cases. Health & Wellness Seminar:Organizing Lives Wednesday, March 18th • 2:00pm Are you feeling overwhelmed with the thought of downsizing? Organizing Lives will be here to guide you through this process by eliminating the stress and frustration involved in this monumental task. Call Susan for more information and to RSVP! newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20094 P LOYALIST .:$0--&(&t.:'6563& -0:"-*45$0--&(& Information Night For Future Students – and Parents Planning your post-secondary education is probably one of the most important decisions you will make. The options and considerations are numerous and can be confusing. Loyalist College invites you to join us for an information evening that will help get your questions answered and make an informed decision. Find out why 97% of our students would recommend Loyalist to a friend. 2008 Student Government Survey Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:30 – 8:30 pm Best Western Durham Hotel & Conference $FOUSF0DUBWJFOTt559 Bloor St. W., Oshawa, ON For more information: (613) 969-1913 or 1-888-LOYALIST, ext. 2100 T.T.Y. (613) 962-0633 www.loyalistcollege.com St. Monica school students coached on bullying prevention BY CRYSTAL CRIMI ccrimi@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Flapping pieces of paper and shoes in the air, kids anx- iously swarmed together to get the autograph of a bullying victim. That former victim: 6-foot, 4-inch, 200-pound Toronto Argonaut Obed Cetoute. On Feb. 5, he and Jason Colero, the team’s manager of community rela- tions, visited St. Monica Catholic School to share their childhood expe- riences and promote standing up through Huddle Up, a bullying pre- vention program. “When I was younger I had a lot of issues, I didn’t want to listen a lot and I always wanted to fight,” Mr. Cetoute said. At age 26, he’s now in his third year as a wide receiver for the Canadian Football League squad. But, in school, the boy from Mon- treal was small and skinny, with dark skin and arms that hung almost to his knees, Mr. Cetoute said. He was teased incessantly. Although he played along at first, it bothered him. His parents were from Haiti and he grew up with four older sisters. His dad wasn’t around much and he felt he couldn’t share his feelings about being bullied with the girls in his fam- ily. “I put myself in a shell,” Mr. Cetoute said. “Deep inside it was kind of eat- ing me alive.” He kept to himself and wasn’t com- fortable sharing his feelings. While attending Central Michigan University on a football scholarship, he was bullied for being a French Canadian. “And, I have an accent,” Mr. Cetoute said. “At first, I was real irritated.” He put on his headset and listened to music so he wouldn’t have to deal with people. Some people thought he was rude, but he just didn’t want to be picked on, he said. Still, he never talked about his feelings. Mr. Cetoute encouraged students to talk about their feelings instead of keeping it inside like he did. It takes courage to talk about being bullied, Mr. Colero said. He played on his high school football team, but at 4-foot, 11-inch and 85 pounds, big- ger players picked on him. While run- ning away from some bullies, a bigger player caught him and told the others to leave him alone. That single act of anti-bullying stood out for Mr. Cole- ro. Because of that act of kindness, he showed up to practice and continued on the team. In high school, he also started working for the Argos, where he stayed even while attending uni- versity. “How do you want to be remem- bered?” he asked the students, and added someone they bully could end up becoming a surgeon who saves their life. EDUCATION Pickering kids huddle up to Argo for valuable lesson “I put myself in a shell. Deep inside it was eating me alive. Toronto Argonauts’ Obed Cetoute “ newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20095 AP & A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com Editorial Opinions ECONOMIC TURMOIL Loss of GM would hurt many To the editor: It’s funny how many people would love to see the demise of GM and the overpaid autoworker. Are we not all overpaid? Really think about that before you answer. Also remember this, if GM closes in Oshawa, which I hope it doesn’t, it will not be the employees that will suffer. Most employees at GM have worked there for 20 to 35 years at good pay. It’s all the surrounding businesses that will suffer the most. Remember cause and effect are closely related. Nicholas Grebenc Clarington CHAOS Gas prices at root of economic problems To the editor: Has any one but me noticed that when the price of a barrel of oil drops, it doesn’t drop at the pumps in the same percent- age? It really doesn’t surprise me this hap- pens, after all Imperial Oil made 20 per cent more profit in 2008 then in 2007 and I’m sure this will be another banner year for them. While a large number of people point towards the U.S. banks as being the biggest reason for this recession, I dis- agree. I do understand why the banks have contributed to the economic downfall but I believe it was the greed from oil- producing countries and retailers that started it all. In July 2008 when it suddenly cost twice as much for every one to drive anywhere, including to work, and the disposable income dwindles. The money that would have otherwise been used to buy a new fridge, TV, a trip, new house or car is now going into the gas tank simply to get to and from work. Because of this, in some cases, espe- cially in the States, it meant the differ- ence between making the mortgage pay- ment or not. Darin Carswell Clarington HARD TIMES Blame the right people for recession To the editor: As the problems increase in the auto indus- try and elsewhere, I find it incredible that people like to blame the unions for this mess. Is it the union’s fault for the recession in Japan and China? In some cases these are the same people who own businesses and were mak- ing profits in the good times from these same union people. In Durham, the dentists, pharmacies, etc., were moving into here because union mem- bers had great benefits. The union members had good wages so the clothing stores where making a good profit. It goes on and on. Now the world is in a recession but in Dur- ham it is because of those GM union peo- ple. They were greedy but not the business- es who prospered from those greedy union people. When you speak of greed, consider the teachers’ federation, who just recently talked of a strike simply because they were not being offered more than three per cent per year during a time of people losing their jobs. People -- please do not blame the union workers for a world recession. Check on the high rollers in the banks and auto man- agement with their million-dollar salaries, bonuses and private jets. Rationalize your thinking before you condemn. Lloyd Clarke Oshawa newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20096 P The waiting is the hardest part in local ERs Residents across Durham Region already know how long they have to wait when they hit the emergency room at their local hospital. Depending on the size of the facility and how close to Toronto it is, it can be a relatively short stay or one long, agoniz- ing and painful delay. The Province has come out with a report about just how long wait times are at each of its 128 hospital sites, and the numbers vary for each of the four loca- tions with emergency rooms in Dur- ham Region. The shortest average wait time for minor cases was recorded at the smallest hospital site, Lakeridge Port Perry, which clocked in at 3.1 hours. Lakeridge Health Bowmanville was next at 3.8 hours per average wait, with Lak- eridge Health Oshawa third at 4.3 hours and Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering bringing up at the rear at an even five hours. The provincial target for average wait times for minor cases is four hours, meaning Port Perry and Bowmanville beat the average, while the provincial average for the 128 sites was 4.6 hours. Oshawa was under that number while RVAP was not. As far as complex cases go, the provin- cial target time is eight hours or less and the provincial average was 13.5 hours of waiting time. Lakeridge Bowmanville scored best with a seven-hour wait time, Port Perry was second with an 8.7-hour wait, Oshawa was third at 11.2 hours and Rouge Val- ley Ajax and Pickering trailed at 15 hours. Clearly some sites are doing much bet- ter than others in Durham. Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering sticks out for its par- ticularly poor times which are far off the targets established by the Province, and well below the averages set by the other sites in Ontario. “We are working to improve it,” Rouge Valley spokesman David Brazeau said. “But, average isn’t good enough.” Average would be a lot better than what the facility is currently achieving and is a target that staff and management should at least try to attain by the time the next report comes out. The leaders are the smaller sites, which can be proud of the service they provide. Lakeridge Port Perry and Bowmanville show numbers that are at or nearly below provincial targets and may be able to offer some tips to their larger hospi- tal brethren. Sometimes good things do come in smaller packages, at least when it comes to waiting for emergency room care. e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ newsdurhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20097 AP Fresh Organic and Gluten Free Baking Loose Leaf Tea Fair Trade Organic Coffees Lattes and Cappuccinos Soups and Sandwiches Nut Free Kitchen 25 Thickson Rd. N., Whitby (905) 429-2448 www.cupoftea.ca (Just north of Hwy 2 on east side.) Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm, Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 12pm - 5pm NOW FEATURING GLUTENFREE BREADS as well as ORGANIC AND GLUTENFREE CELEBRATION CAKES WE HAVE MORE THAN 75 VARIETIES OF LOOSE LEAF TEA (Healthy - tea helps the immune system and wards off diseases) Buy 100g of loose tea & receive 50g of loose tea FREE. Some restrictions apply. One coupon per customer. Expires March 13, 2009 25 Thickson Rd. N. Whitby (905) 429-2448 Coupon Code: APNA CRIME Man wanted in Oshawa store robbery arrested in Pickering PICKERING -- A suspect wanted in connec- tion with an Oshawa convenience store robbery was arrested after an attempted break-in at a Pickering home last week. Durham Regional Police officers were called to a break-and-enter in progress on Broadgreen Street in Pickering last Friday at 9:35 a.m. A vehicle and two suspects were found by police. The suspects fled on foot but were caught and arrested without incident. The burgundy van they were driving had been reported stolen. Martlomeij Maslanka, 25, and Michael Ken- nedy, 23, both of no fixed address, face vari- ous charges, including: attempted break and enter into a residence; possession of property obtained by a crime over $5,000; and theft of vehicle over $5,000. Mr. Maslanka was also charged with driv- ing while disqualified, possession of dangerous weapons and robbery, in connection with a rob- bery at an Oshawa convenience store on Sun- day, Feb. 22. Mr. Kennedy was also charged with escap- ing lawful custody and assault with intent to resist. Anyone with information is asked to contact Det. Houston of Major Crime Robbery Unit at 1- 888-579-1520 ext. 5360. Anonymous tips can be made to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) and tipsters may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. Second suspect in rash of break-ins busted DURHAM -- A second suspect has been arrest- ed for a string of break-ins at homes throughout Durham Region. Police allege two men are responsible for numerous residential break-ins. Between October 2008 and February of this year, homes in Claring- ton, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Ajax were hit by suspects who kicked in front doors, usually in the afternoon when residents weren’t home. Last Thursday, Durham cops charged Jor- dan Piney, 20, of Russett Avenue in Oshawa, with offences including break and enter and possession of stolen property. On Feb. 10, police arrested Daniel Padias, 25, of Applegrove Avenue in Oshawa, in connection with the same spate of break-ins. Flabby flasher sought in Oshawa OSHAWA -- Police are seeking a “heavy set” man who exposed himself to a teenager last month in downtown Oshawa. The female victim, 15, told Durham police she was walking in the area of Stacey Avenue and Court Street at about 4 p.m. Feb. 20 when a car pulled up and a man got out, exposed himself and grabbed her by the arm. The girl broke free and the man drove off in the car, a silver four-door sedan, police said. The victim wasn’t hurt. The flasher is described as a heavy-set white man in his 40s with short facial hair. He wore grey track pants and a black coat. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 905-579-1520, extension 5323 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20098 AP newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 20099 AP newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200910 AP 905-686-2445 Visit our showroom 239 Station St., AjaxVisit our showroom 239 Station St., Ajax www.lifestyleproducts.ca Delivered to Selected Areas! SALE STARTSTODAY!SALE STARTS TODAY! 2 0 t h A n n i versary MAKE-OVER SALE! 1-800-465-0593 or visit us at www.lifestyleproducts.ca ORDER BEFORE MA R C H 31ST AND SAVE! RDRDEDERER BEBEFEFOFORORERE MAMARRCRCHCH 331 STST 20 % SAVE UP TO OUR ENVIRO-MAX TRI-PAN E WINDOW SYSTEM OFF lilififefeseststytylylelepeprprorododuducuctctsts.s.c.caca 0 OR* WINDOWS DOORS SUNROOMSSHUTTERS % INTREST FOR 12 MONTHS O.A.C. * SINCE 1989 ask about the HOME RENOVATION TAX CRED I T ! LOOK INSIDE FOR OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! GOVERNMENT RENOVATION TAX CREDIT...GOVERNMENT RENOVATION TAX CREDIT... ASK FOR DETAILSASK FOR DETAILS INTODAY'S PAPER!IN TODAY'S PAPER! SUNROOMS • WINDOWS • INTERIOR SHUTTERS • DOORS SEE US FROM THE 401 Saturday & Sunday March 7 & 8 KAHN AUCTION FACILITY “The Big Orange Barn” 2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering, ON Preview is at 11 am, Auction at 12 noon Family Appreciation Weekend Free pony rides, Petting zoo, Refreshments, Door prizes!! AUCTION MODEL HOME BUILDER’S CLEARANCE SALE! BRAND NEW DESIGNER FURNITURE THIRD SHIPMENT NOW IN Established since 1970 Local 905-725-9731Local 905-725-9731 AUTHORIZED DEALER Replace your old furnace & air conditioner with an energy star Hi-Effi ciency Furnace & Hi- Effi ciency Air Conditioner Both installed from $3775.00 Thank You for voting us #1 for Heating & Air Conditioning 2008 Readers Choice Gold Award Find out why C u l l e n H e a t i n g has been vo t e d # 1 i n H e a t i n g a n d A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8am-4pm, or by appointmentShowroom: 577 Ritson Rd. S. (at 401) Toll Free1-866-573-3116Toll Free1-866-573-3116 FREE 10 yrs. parts & labour included. Limited time offer *after rebates have been applied Plus receive an additional 15% off your furnace through the Home Renovation Tax Credit. 1 Yr. no interest, no payments O.A.C. or put it on your gas bill. Call for details. Air Conditioning & Heating WORLD DAY OF PRAYER. Emmanuel Reformed Church (Hwy. 401 and Rossland Road in Whitby), is holding World Day of Prayer service at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. For infor- mation call Kathy Wielinga at 905 -728-7106. SUNDAY 8 AJAX BAHA’I COMMUNITY. Meeting from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Ajax Main Public Library, 55 Har- wood Ave. S., Ajax. Theme will be “Peace and Har- mony.” For more information call Trudy Moore at 905-428-0440. TUESDAY 10 BOWMANVILLE TOASTMASTERS. Meeting at 7:15 p.m. Seventh-day Adventist Church. Lambs Road. Hwy. 2, Bowmanville. DURHAM AVICULTURAL SOCIETY. Meet- ing 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Rotary Park, Ajax (at the Lake) inside the Pavilion. Guest speaker is Kristi Flemming of the Animal Hospital of High Park. Vis- itors welcome. YWCA CALL TO MEN. Anthony Porter will talk about the role of men in ending violence against women at the YWCA, 1 McGrigor St. Oshawa, from 6-9 p.m. No charge. E-mail Carolyn at caro70dyer@yahoo.ca or call 905-449-6625. THURSDAY 12 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. Meets every Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at La Storta, Manres- sa Spiritual Center, Ajax. All welcome. Call Cathy at 905-426-9623. SATURDAY 14 STEPHEN FEARING CONCERT. Presented by the Greenbank Folk Music Society, Centenni- al Hall, Greenbank (Hwy 12 -- 30 mins north of Whitby) at 8 p.m. Tickets $20 at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge, or P.O.E. Design in Port Perry, or call 905-985-8351. www.globalserve.net/~ynot/grnbnk. htm or www.globalserve.net/%7Eynot/grnbnk.htm. WEDNESDAY 18 PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE. Settler trail hike 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dress well and take a tobog- gan or sled for small children. Hot, homemade soup on sale. Adults $6, children 5-12, $4, stu- dents and seniors, $5, families, $18. Enjoy a self- guided hike through the woods. AUTISM SUPPORT GROUP. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. 1450 Hopkins St. Unit 105, Whitby at BCTS Inc. For more information, call toll free 1-866-495- 4680 or e-mail durham@autismontario.com. SATURDAY 21 AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE. AGM at 4:30 p.m. in the Admiral’s room. Adult ESL Continuing Education. For more information, contact Margaret Horvath, Continuing Education Department, Adult ESL, North West. Phone 416-338-4301. SUNDAY 22 AJAX-PICKERING CHRISTIAN WOM- EN’S CONNECTION. 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion, 111 Hunt St., Ajax. $8.50, first- time guests pay only $6. Reserve by calling Alice at 905-427-3128. WOMEN’S MEETING. Ajax-Pickering and Scarborough clubs of the Canadian Federation of University Women have a special event for Inter- national Women’s Day at Sister’s Restaurant, 4 Old Kingston Road, West Hill. Speaker is Ingrid Heinrichs Pauls. Cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. Miss Pauls speaks at 8 p.m. Tickets $32. Calendar E-mail your community calendar notices to Tim Kelly, tkelly@durhamregion.com. FRIDAY 6 Port Perry, ON www.greatblueheroncasino.com Know your limit, play within it! THE ONTARIO PROBLEM GAMBLING HELPLINE 1-888-230-3505 See rules for details at the Rapid Rewards Players Club Centre. No purchase necessary. Valid government issued photo identification is required. Must be 19 years of age or older. License # C17 BAAGWATING COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 545 Slots • 60 Table Games Play with your Rapid Rewards Players Club card every day at 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 3:30PM, 6:30PM & 9:30PM to receive one ballot. Sign up a friend in the Rapid Rewards Players Club to receive 5 ballots for you and your friend. Visit www.greatblueheroncasino.com and enter to win 10 bonus ballots. March 9 - April 9, 2009 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200911 P Saturday, April 11, 2009 9am - 4pm Ajax Convention Centre 550 Beck Crescent, Ajax Meet t h e Meet the EasterEaster BunnyBunny 10am-noo n 10am-noo n FREEFREE faceface paintingpainting FREEFREE show s show s adultsadults $$55 Shopping Entertainment 2009 www.HelpW e v e G o t K i d s . c o m $4,000 in coupo ns 2,0 0 0 + lis tings 384 pages Products, Services, Ac t i v i t i e s & Progra ms for Kids & Babies GTA’s Com p le te C h i l d r e n ’s R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o r y Covering Oakv il l e to P i c k e r i n g &N e w m a r k e t t o t h e L a k e Elisa M ort on Pal ter Shari Wert A n n u a l E d itio n1th ONLY $795 FREEFREE loot b a g s loot bags && resourceresource directorydirectory (firs t 5 0 0 o n l y ) (fi rst 500 only) Education FREEFREE seminarsseminars kidskids FREEFREE grea t grea t shop p i n g shop p i n g For exhibitor information, call Audrey Dewit (905) 426-4676 x 257 or email adewit@durhamregion.com For more information, visit: www.showsdurhamregion.com The #1 formula of choice in hospitals Enter t o Enter to WINWIN aa 3foot3 foot chocolatechocolate Easter B u n n y Easter Bunn y newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200912 AP VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. • A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. • Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. • Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. • A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. 905-683-1391 We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. Join us at one of the following Big Heart’s participating restaurants between February 15th and March 15th. Each of the restaurants listed have created a special menu item and will generously donate a portion of the sales of this item to the Hearts of Durham’s charity of choice recipient for 2009. The Durham Children’s Aid Foundation. P>ƒ–>zp†zp®^>¥°¨Introduces Annual1st • Mr. C’s • Nice Bistro • Sauter’s Inn • 22 Church Steakhouse • Pimentos • Bella Notte Ristorante • On The Rocks • Chatterpaul’s • El Stavros • Hot Rocks Diner • Shrimp Cocktail • Burbs Bistro & Bar • Havana Nights • Makimono Japanese For more information on the participating restaurants and their locations please visit www.heartsofdurham.com or call 905-655-0651 ext. 1 NO reasonable offer refused with this coupon. (905) 432-7167(905) 432-7167 All appliances at recession prices Blowout Sale!OVERSTOCKED!! coupon expires Mar 30/09 310 Bloor St. W. #3, Oshawa Park & Bloor in Mr. Burger Plaza AJAX -- Music students and teachers from Ajax and Pickering are helping to build a new animal shelter in Durham Region. A fire in late December at the Humane Society of Durham Region building, on Waterloo Street in Oshawa, killed nearly 200 animals and destroyed the shelter. To help raise funds for a new shelter, the Ontario Registered Music Teach- ers’ Association is holding a fundraiser benefit concert this Sunday. It will fea- ture music by students throughout Ajax and Pickering, refreshments and prizes, including a hockey stick autographed by the Toronto Maple Leafs. The concert will take place on Sunday, March 8 at 2 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church, 35 Church St. N., Ajax. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 per family, $5 for adults, and $3 for stu- dents and seniors. For more information call 905-831- 8678. FUNDRAISER Ajax concert to help build new Durham animal shelter newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200913 P Weave, bake and dip candles with live pioneers, all just 10 minutes from home. Take Brock Road north to Hwy #7, turn right and watch for the bell tower. Trek the Settler Trail this March Break! Family fun marks your path with log sawing, nature activities, children’s games and food prepared over an open fire. Dress for the weather, and plan to stop in our soup cafe at the end of your trek. A special trail for those with a compass! Wednesday, March 18 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Directed by Mike Khashmanian Written by Edgar Lee Masters Show Dates: March 27, 28 & April 4 at 8 pm, March 29 & April 5 at 2:00 pm Tickets $15 each, available at Pickering Recreation Complex, or by calling the Museum Box Office at 905.683.8401 Enjoy an evening of delectable desserts and decisively dramatic moments, as the untold history of Spoon River is revealed by its local ghosts. presented by special arrangement with Samuel French (Canada) Ltd. Get Ready to Register for Spring! Workshops & Programs P.A. Day Heritage Camp ~ April 24 & May 15 Mother’s Day Tea ~ Sunday May 10 Hearth and Home ~ Saturday May 2 Learn to Knit ~ starts April 30th Registration begins Monday, March 23rd for all City leisure programs. Visit cityofpickering.com to view program details or to register online, just select the Click to Reg logo. Spend a Season in the Past! Your family can enjoy an entire year of Historic Fun for only $50 Sign-up for your season pass by May 23rd and receive two complimentary tickets to the 2009 performance of A Spirit Walk - a $30 value! Season Pass includes: free general admission, merchandise discounts, free special event admission*, advance notice of performances, free admission to Kids in the Village Crafts and Games programs & more! *pass excludes theatrical performance admission Event Admission: $6/adult, $5/senior or student, $4/child (5 - 12 years ), $18/family, Season Pass & preschoolers (4 & under) FREE ATTENTION TEACHERS! It’s time to book your Education Tours! 2009 tours begin April 15The City of Pickering gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Province of Ontario. newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200914 AP VIEW ON-LINE AT... WWW.HOMES.DURHAMREGION.COM • THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ~Find your new home with~OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY MARCH 1, 2 - 4 PM 49 BURNINGHAM CRES SAT & SUN MARCH 7 & 8, 2 - 4 PM 524 SHEPPARD AVE. PICKERING $55 4, 9 0 0 3+2 BDRM BUNGALOW Great opportunity to own a stunning custom bungalow nestled on a 178 ft lot in desirable “West” Pickering! This home boasts an open concept living and dining room, soaring 12 foot ceilings, hardwood fl oors, spacious family-size kitchen with centre island and a walk-out to deck, private master retreat featuring two walk-in closets and a luxurious ensuite. Fully self- contained lower level has two bedrooms, a 3 piece bath, and a large recreation room with a gas fi replace and wet bar. Ideal nanny /In-law suite or teenage oasis! A short walk to great schools, parks shopping and transportation. A must see! JANET SCHOLEFIELD Sales Representative 416-486-5588 Independently Owned and Operated 7, Ê "6 3ALES2EPRESENTATIVE {£È‡xäӇÓnÈÈ WWWHOUSEMONSTERCA -AKE4HIS(OME9OUR/WN/N!1UIET3T )N3OUGHT!FTER(AMLET/F#LAREMONT4HIS #OZY"DRM(OME&EATURES!"RIGHT%AT )N +IT %LEGANT,277OOD"URNING&0!N %NORMOUS !MOUNT /F 0OTENTIAL /RIGINAL (DWD,OADS/F#LOSET3PACE3PACIOUS 9ARD/FFERS!0RIVATE0ATIO72M4O0LAY!S 7ELL!S!$ETACHED'AR.EAR'OLF 3KIING 7OODLANDS%ASY#OMMUTE4O-ARKHAM 3TOUFFVILLE 0ICKERING5XBRIDGE -1 9Ê,Ên]ÊӇ{Ê* £Ç{ÎÊ"- *Ê-/, /] , " / SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2 - 4 PM 10 SALT DR, AJAX (BAYLY/SHOAL POINT RD) WOW $ 1! Come See This Bright Beautiful Open Concept 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home With Loads Of Features!!! Master Bedroom Includes Walk Out To Balcony, Walk-In Cupboard & Separate Shower. The Family Room Is Open To The Second Floor. Walk- In From Garage & New Asphalt Driveway. This Property Is Minutes From Lake Ontario & The 401 & Close To All Amenities. CHRIS CYR Sales Representative 416-356-5660 416-690-2181 M U S T S E L L ! ESTATE REALTY., BROKERAGE Independently Owned and Operated Connect Realty Brokerage SUNDAY MARCH 8, 1 - 4 PM 109 KEARNEY, AJAX $40 9, 9 0 0 Pickering Village four bedroom home plus two bedroom inlaw suite. Come out and see this great deal. Over 3000 square ft plus completely fi nished two bedrm inlaw suit with its own separate entrance. Both areas have laundry facilities. Five bathrooms, enough for the biggest of families. Both have huge eat in kitchens and family rooms. MIKE ARNOLD Sales Representative 905-428-7677 J U S T L I S T E D ! Independently Owned and Operated 0RUDENTIAL !CHIEVERS2EALTY "ROKERAGE JILL HILLBORN-KHEDER Sales Representative 905-436-0990 SAT. MAR. 7 & SUN. MAR. 8, 1-4 P.M. 19 RUSHBROOKE WAY, AJAX SHOWPIECE RESIDENCE HAMLET COMMUNITY 4 bedroom, 2 years new, full maple kitchen & servery, top of the line kitchen aid appliances. 9-10 ft. ceilings, tall archways, pillars, fireplace, C/A, C/ V, gorgeous master, huge sep. shower & jet soaker tub. Rarely offered fenced & landscaped premium back garden with patio. A must see! Sutton Group Status Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated $38 6, 7 0 0 SUN. MAR. 8, 2-4 P.M. CORINA GOSS Sutton Group Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Sales Representative SUND A Y 2 - 4 P . M . OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND! SUN. MAR. 8, 2-4 P.M.2 - 4 P . M . SUNDAY Deceivingly spacious! This lovely raised bungalow has approx. 2800 sq. ft. of fi nished living space. 2+2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen. Stunning lower level. This home is a MUST SEE!! Drop by on Sunday, March 8th between 2 and 4.$299,900 94 TUNNEY PLACE BROOKLIN 98 DARIUS HARNS DR., BROOKLIN This is a gorgeous 4 bdrm home in popular Brooklin neighbourhood. Unique open concept design has premium lot with no house directly behind. 9’ ceilings, gas fi replace, mn fl r laundry with garage access. C/A, C/Vac, appliances. hope to see you Sunday!! $339,900 CLAIRE KEHOE Sales Representative BEAUTIFUL BROOKLIN HOME!! 905-686-5153 905-655-3300 www.MyBrooklinHome.ca www.Key2Homes.ca First Realty Ltd. Brokerage Spacious townhome in excellent gated community w/extensive prof. landscaped gardens. Large balcony w/ gas BBQ line, freshly painted, gas f/p in livingroom, bright kitchen, 3 storage lockers, underground parking, walk to everything. Call Bill or Shannon today or Visit www.sellingwithbill.com for more info. 1400 THE ESPLANADE RD N, U#311., PICKERING OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2-4PM$219,9003 B D RM S BILL MCLEAN Sales Representative SHANNON MCLEAN Sales Representative 905-831-3300 2+1 BDR M S L U X U R Y Beautiful corner suite w/hardwood fl oors, formal dining room, master w/ private ensuite, large balcony. den or 3rd bdrm, bright eat-in kitchen. Prof. painted neutral colours. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2-4PM 1000 THE ESPLANADE RD N, U#1205., PICKERING Call Bill or Shannon today or Visit www.sellingwithbill.com for more info. ROBERT HULL Broker 905-619-9500 SAT. MAR. 7 & SUN. MAR. 8, 2-4 P.M. 1936 WILDFLOWER DR., PICKERING Absolutely stunning exec home loaded with upgrades backing onto the Altona forest conservation area. This rarely offered 2 1/2 storey 4 bdrm home has a 5th bdrm or nanny quarters in the loft. Hrdwd flrs throughout, pot lights, upgraded trim including 7.5” baseboards. Extensive wainscotting, to many upgrades to list. Din/rm with waffled ceilings. Completely renoed & upgraded kit with granite counters, cupboards, backsplash & s/s appl. The very private backyard has 700 sq. ft. custom deck over looking the forest. Ext. landscaping recently done in both the front & back yards. Perfect family home on one of Pickerings nicest streets. Sutton Group Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2 - 4 PM 736 EDGEWOOD, PICKERING $27 4, 0 0 1 Loaded with upgrades, 4 beds, 2 baths, fi nished basement w/sep entrance. LOUISE GUERTIN MICALLEF Sales Representative 416-286-3993 DESIRABLE AMBERLEA AREA! www.homeswithlouise.com lmicallef@rogers.com ROUGE RIVER Realty Ltd. Brokerage “Service en français” First Realty Ltd. Brokerage Sales Representatives 905-831-3300 &JAY VANULAR GERRY KORENTOS LAKESIDE WATERFRONT COMMUNITY Gleaming oak floors abound in this 2541 sq. ft., 4-bedroom beauty in high-demand Lakeside community. Recently finished basement with large rec room and 5th bedroom just needs carpeting to complete. Located on a quiet street just steps to the lake. Immaculate condition and loaded with upgrades. Exceptional value at $399,900 SAT. MARCH 7TH, 1-4 PM 8 MULLORD AVE, AJAX$399,900ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated CALL PAUL KEELER or GLORIA LUOMA TODAY! Sales Representatives TORONTO: 416-286-3993 • DURHAM: 905-428-6533 paulkeeler.com glorialuoma.com$399,000E1548278OPEN HOUSE SUN MAR. 8, 2-4 PM HOME, SUITE, HOME...EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW WITH LAKEFRONT PROXIMITY & SEP. ENTRY FOR INCOME POTENTIAL Total Reno comes Fully Equipped With Potlights Galore, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Granite Counters...& Huge Garage For Big Boy’s Toys! 526 POPLAR AVE, AJAX TheThe WOWWOW That Moves YOUThat Moves YOU EXPERIENCE COUNTS...NOW MORE THAN EVER!EXPERIENCE COUNTS...NOW MORE THAN EVER! Find your dream homeFind your dream home in the Ajax • Pickering News Advertiserin the Ajax • Pickering News Advertiser Open House Section,Open House Section, running every Fridayrunning every Friday and on-line @homes.durhamregion.comand on-line @homes.durhamregion.com Agents to advertise call:Agents to advertise call: Marilyn BrophyMarilyn Brophy or Barb Buchanor Barb Buchan 905.683-5110905.683-5110 324 SHEPPARD AVE., PICKERING newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200915 AP Money Back on Your Money Back on Your Home Renovations!Home Renovations! Receive up to $1,350 in a Home Renovation Tax Credit when you spend more than $1000 and up to $10,000 on Home Renovations. NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 2010 Does your home needDoes your home need Windows, Doors,Windows, Doors, Siding, Sof ts,Siding, Sof ts, Fascia Roo ng?Fascia Roo ng? Maybe a Sunroom or Maybe a Sunroom or Addition?Addition? CALL US TODAY!CALL US TODAY! Don’t Miss Out On This One Time Offer! 905-665-9565 1628 Charles Street, Whitby Financing Available O.A.C. DURHAM VACUUM PLUS LTD. 629 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING 905-831-2326 $39.99 SAVE $10 VAC PANVAC PAN ON SALE MICRO VACMICRO VAC ATTAC. KITATTAC. KIT $15.99$15.99 SAVE $10 TELESCOPICTELESCOPIC SPIN DUSTERSPIN DUSTER $39.99$39.99 SAVE $10 HEPA EXHAUSTHEPA EXHAUST FILTERFILTER $39.99$39.99 #2 HWY 401 HWY Whites Rd.SteepleHillKingston Rd. Want a compact central vacuum with a bagless dirt bucket? The 225 is a strong 550 airwatt vacuum, with a 15L bagless dirt bucket and is only 33" tall. EXCLUSIVE 7 YEAR MOTOR WARRANTY* $499 COMPLETE CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS STARTING FROM... WRAP YOURS UP TODAY *LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY ON FILTER. CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS NOT EXACTLY AS SHOWN NOW ONLY $575 PRICED WITH 20E ELECTRIC POWER TEAM BRAND #!.!$!3 ONSALE ! 550550 AIR WATTS • TOYS • BEDS • TREATS • CLOTHING • BRUSHES • LITTER • PEE PADS and more! 550 Beck Cr. Ajax 9/57/5,$"% #2!:9 4/-)334()3 :Ua]`mCkbYXUbXCdYfUhYX  ZcfCjYf'(MYUfg DEALS LIKE THIS SAVE UP TO 90% OFF REGULAR RETAIL PRICES DOGGIE DUDS ASSORTED SWEATERS AND COATS NOW ONLY $1500 SAVE Up to 75% WOW! IS COMING TO YOUR TOWN AJAX!AT T H E CONVENTIO N CENTRE Your local retail store $39.99-$59.99 MARCH 21ST & 22ND • 10AM - 6PM for more information call our Oakville Location at 905.257.4611 * 2001 Audio Video Ajax/Pick. * Amerisource Lovell Drugs Ajax * Amerisource Pick. Medical Pharmacy Pick. * Bad Boy Furniture Ajax/Pick. * Bas Pro Shops Ajax/Pick. * Bedchamber Ajax * Canadian Tire Ajax/Pick. * Durham Kids Ajax * FM Windows Ajax * Home Hardware Ajax * Home Outfi tters Ajax/Pick. * Jewels By Koby Ajax/Pick. * Lifestyle Sunrooms Ajax/Pick. Friday March 6, 2009 Today’s carriers of the week is Blair. Blair enjoys tennis & video games. Blair has received a dinner voucher from Subway & McDonald’s. Ajax and Pickering Locations 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St. W. #5, Ajax Congratulations Blair for being our Carrier of the Week. Flyers in Todays Paper If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Sat. 9 - 1:00 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of The Week Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At * Delivered to selected households only 1899 Brock Rd. #24, Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax * Maytag Store Ajax/Pick. * Michaels Ajax/Pick. * Miko Toys Ajax/Pick. * New Homes Ajax/Pick. *Ontario Lottery Corporation Ajax/Pick. * Pharma Plus Ajax/Pick. *Pharmassisst Ajax IDA Pharmacy Ajax *Pharmassisst Pickering Village Pharmacy Ajax * Sears Ajax/Pick. * Shoppers Drug Mart Ajax/Pick. * Smart Source Ajax/Pick. * Walmart Ajax/Pick. Home Sweet Home ADVERTISING FEATURE Controlling the quantity and quality of on-site runoff is a major concern across Canada. Design professionals and engi- neers are constantly searching for sustain- able approaches to site development. Permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) is a fast growing sustainable design approach to stormwater management. PICP uses solid concrete pavers placed on an open-graded aggregate base. The joints or openings are filled with a small open-graded aggregate. This small aggre- gate makes the system 100% permeable. The base of the system filters storm water and reduces pollutants. This water can be collected and used for such things as watering the lawn. Otherwise, the open- graded base stores and infiltrates the storm water back into the soil. PICP can be used for walks, patios and driveways, as well as for parking lots and residential streets. Environmentally conscious homeowners are redoing their driveways and walkways with permeable interlocking concrete pavement, which not only looks good, but allows water to filter through the pavement to migrate back into the ground. Homeowners particularly like the vast array of colors, shapes, sizes and textures available. You can get rustic stone like pavers or others that look like clay brick. PICP is easy to maintain and snowplow. In addition, because the snow melts faster on PICP, it reduces ice hazards. Another plus for homeowners is the Home Renova- tion Tax Credit which will provide a one- year, temporary 15% income tax credit on eligible home renovation expenditures for work performed, or goods acquired, between January 27, 2009 and February 1, 2010. Green your home and your hometown newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200916 AP Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor mruta@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comEntertainment Judith A. Jewer: Art teacher and plein air artist Hearing students in her Town of Ajax recreational adult and children’s art classes say that, because of her teaching, they see things they haven’t seen and see things in a new way, is the ulti- mate compliment and payback for artist Judith A. Jewer. How- ever, the Pickering resident sees teaching as a two-way street: it’s not only gratifying to watch her students learn and grow, but she also sees the very act of teaching as a highly creative learning pro- cess for her as well. Jewer launched the teaching aspect of her career with a class she called visual journaling at the Art and Soul Gallery in Pickering at the beginning of this decade. The journaling was a practice of hers that entailed making sketches and writing accompa- nying bits of prose and poetry in book form. And she was asked to teach the discipline to others by the gallery staff. She soon began finding students for private art lessons. As well, since 2003 she has busied herself teaching a variety of disciplines including painting, drawing, sculpture, crafts, printmaking, puppet- making and comic book creation as part of the Town of Ajax’s rec- reational program offerings. The Halifax-born artist stud- ied fine arts at McMaster Uni- versity in Hamilton, graduating in 1984. But, following a “mean- dering path,” she never really got going as an artist until she com- pleted the three-year graphic design course at George Brown College in Toronto in the early 1990s. After a short stint design- ing web sites and manuals for computer games, she started her own graphics company, Muse On Design, providing branding, promotional materials and web site design to small businesses in Durham Region and beyond. She continues to offer commer- cial art services. But get her talking about mak- ing fine art and its benefits and her enthusiasm is palpable. She rapturously talks about the spiritual/meditative aspects of working plein air (literally “in the open air”) where she paints landscapes that are in-the- moment, immediate responses to her environment. When work- ing outside she finds she opens up more to colour and beauty and enters a state of peace and awareness and sensitivity that she usually doesn’t find with studio work. However, she also makes time (and the weather often dictates) to do work inside. Inclement weather provides the opportunity to set up and paint still life tableaux and gives her time and comfort to simply “intuit” imaginary scenarios and put them down as drawings and paintings. She adamantly states, however, that the art she produc- es is merely a side effect of the creative process and that it’s the sharing of her creative vision that is paramount. Jewer has four solo shows to her credit in Durham Region and has exhibited extensively in group shows in the area. She has been active in the past with the PineRidge Arts Council, the Dur- ham West Arts Centre and with Ajax Creative Arts. One of her past pet projects was the writ- ing of a blog on collecting art as a creative act. She passionate- ly propounds that the selecting and purchasing of original (and especially local) art is not only a profound way for non-artists to engage in the arts culture, but has tremendous benefit to them on a personal and spiritual level. Connect with this enthusiastic creative force at www.museon. com. Allan O’Marra is a professional artist living and working in Ajax. For contact information go to www.allanomarra.com. Allan’s Artists PHOTO BY ALLAN O’MARRA PICKERING -- Judith A. Jewer with a still life setup and work-in- progress. PROFILE Found money bedevils accountant BY MIKE RUTA mruta@durhamregion.com WHITBY -- Be prepared for a hilari- ous ride in Whitby. Class Act Dinner Theatre pres- ents Funny Money in March and April, a Ray Cooney farce that takes flight when Henry Perkins, a mild- mannered accountant, picks up the wrong briefcase and discovers it is filled with money, lots of money, more than a million bucks in cash. He decides to keep it and imme- diately books one-way flights to Spain for himself and his wife. But before they can make their getaway, police arrive at the door for two very different reasons. One of the detec- tives thinks Perkins is dead because his briefcase has been found, along with a bullet-riddled body. Director Glenn Ottaway doesn’t want to give anything else away, but it’s safe to say that as Henry tries to get out of the sticky situa- tion, the humour and chaos con- tinue to build. He says the audience can antici- pate the impact of the characters telling lie after lie. “They know the trouble’s coming and every time one of the charac- ters has to make up a story, they see how that changes the whole direc- tion of the play,” he says. The English playwright’s 1973 work is typical of his farces, a mix of traditional British bawdiness with an intricate structure that sees characters making assumptions and being compelled to pretend they are things they are not. “The fellow who plays the lead, Chris Cole, he’s done a ton of farc- es and he says this is his favourite farce,” says Ottaway. He says the script allows for some latitude for the director, and he’s taken advantage of it by adding some Monty Pythonish and Pulp Fictionish undertones. “The words are on the paper, the description and the plot are on the paper, but you can do so much more with the characters,” Ottaway says. It helps when you have a cast of “great character actors,” he says. In addition to Cole, a Toronto resident who plays Perkins, Nancy Gleed, a veteran of the Class Act stage and a Whitby resident, plays his wife, Jean Perkins, Graham Gauthier, also from Whitby, is Davenport and Oshawa’s Geoffrey Coulter is Vic Johnson. Rounding out the cast are Anita Romanelli (Betty Johnson), Bill Baker (Slater), Lincoln Trudeau (Bill) and Paul Cutler (a passerby). Ottaway hopes the cast members aren’t too unfamiliar to the audi- ence. “When people see these charac- ters on stage, I’m hoping they see a lot of themselves up there,” he says. Funny Money runs from March 6 to April 25. PHOTO BY WALTER PASSARELLA WHITBY -- Graham Gauthier (Detective Davenport), Nancy Gleed (Jean Perkins), Lincoln Trudeau (Bill the Cabbie) and Bill Baket (Detective Slater) ponder a briefcase of cash in Class Act Dinner Theatre’s, Funny Money. The play is performed from March 6 to April 25. THEATRE newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200917 AP CURLING Hart heads into Brier this weekend PICKERING -- The Ontario men’s championship team of Glenn Howard, with Pickering resident Richard Hart at vice, Brent Laing and Craig Savill is on its fourth trip in a row to the Tim Hor- tons Brier. This year it will be held in Calgary March 7-15. The previous three Canadian Championships saw them win their way to the final game, but were victorious only in 2007 and went on to be crowned World Champions. All the players will have a chance to win the Ford Hot Shots competition which will be held today, with the final on Saturday. Last year in Winnipeg, Hart was one point away from winning the competition and took the second prize of $2,000 with 19 points versus Saskatchewan lead Steve Laycock who, with 20 points, won a two-year lease on a 2008 Ford worth approxi- mately $15,240. HOCKEY St. Mary wins LOSSA with series sweep WHITBY -- The St. Mary Catholic Secondary School boys’ hockey team is headed north in pursuit of provincial gold. St. Mary won the LOSSA champi- onship on Thursday with a 5-4 overtime win over Father Leo Austin of Whitby, sweeping the best-of-three series in two straight games. The win earns St. Mary a place at the OFSAA champion- ships. St. Mary won the series opener on Tuesday with a narrow 1-0 decision. OFSAA begins Wednesday, March 25 in North Bay and runs through to the 28th. Knocking on the OFSAA door HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Ajax, Pickering high schools all set to compete at OFSAA What a time for high school sports across the province. The 2009 championship sea- son at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association level will get into full swing next week with seven championship tour- naments taking centre stage from Timmins to Windsor to North Bay and Port Hope among other places from March 9-11. With no less than 10 teams from within the boundaries of Durham Region slated to compete for pro- vincial bragging rights, it’s cer- tainly an exciting time in these parts. It’s the time of year that all involved in athletics at the high school level have been waiting for. The teams they built and the teams they’ll face are as good as it gets. All the plans are in the place and preparations concluded. It’s down to one tournament and one goal, that of bringing home some hardware from the provincial championships. Later this month hockey will be the focal point of the battle for Ontario supremacy on the high school scene, but right now all eyes are geared towards the courts, the basketball and volley- ball variety. Oshawa’s G.L. Roberts will send their ‘AA’ boys’ basketball team to Timmins for the championships, while a pair of Ajax schools in Pickering High and Notre Dame will represent LOSSA and head off to Windsor for the ‘AAAA’ tournament. In ‘AAA’ boys’ basketball, Whit- by’s Anderson Collegiate hits the road for a stop in Ottawa to com- pete against Ontario’s best. Swapping one type of net for another, six volleyball teams will vie for provincial bragging rights with Clarington’s Durham Chris- tian making the short jaunt to Port Hope for the girls’ ‘A’ tour- nament, while Ajax’s Denis O’Connor heads to Kenora for the ‘AA’ event. A pair of schools in Oshawa’s R.S. McLaughlin and Whitby’s Donald A. Wilson will head to North Bay for the ‘AAA’ champi- onships, while Pickering’s Dun- barton High School and Sin- clair Secondary of Whitby go to Brampton and Caledon to com- pete at the ‘AAAA’ level. “The opportunity to represent LOSSA at these events is mem- orable, to say the least,” stated LOSSA president Darren Hodkin- son. Here is to hoping the memo- ries extend beyond an appear- ance at the tournaments and that a few medals will have found new homes in these parts by this time next week. Shawn Cayley’s column runs every third week. E-mail scayley@durhamregion.com PHOTO BY WALTER PASSARELLA AJAX -- Notre Dame’s Ricardo London tries to guard the ball against Pickering Trojan Marley Patterson during the LOSSA AAAA Senior Boys Basketball semifinal. Both Pickering and Notre Dame will be com- peting in the OFSAA Championships that begin Monday in Windsor. Shawn Cayley BY BRAD KELLY bkelly@durhamregion.com AJAX -- Pickering High School came through the front door, Notre Dame the back door, but the two basketball powerhouses are meet- ing at the same place. That’s the OFSAA Quad-A basket- ball championships that get under way in Windsor on Monday. Pickering, the defending provin- cial champion, reached this year’s event after beating J. Clarke Rich- ardson by a score of 75-52 in the LOSSA final to punch a ticket to Windsor. Notre Dame used a challenge clause to gain their status. Los- ing to Pickering in the semifinal gave them the opportunity to chal- lenge J. Clarke for the coveted sec- ond spot awarded to LOSSA. Notre Dame took advantage, winning 80- 61. While Pickering (39-5) has been seeded second in the 16-team OFSAA championships, Notre Dame (31-2) is ranked ninth and will face 10th seeded Sir John A. Macdonald from Waterloo in their opening game. “It’s probably going to be one of the best games on Day 1,” said Notre Dame assistant coach Mark Van Rhee. “We’re excited to be part of that game. “We’d like to prove a point here at Notre Dame that we can play bas- ketball with the best teams in the province.” Preliminary games go Monday and Tuesday, with the gold medal game on Wednesday night. Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comSports PICKERINGADVERTISING FEATURECrawford & Sons: Fixing Basement Leaks Right the First Time A leaking basement is frustrating and expensive – and it’s not something you want to have to fix repeatedly. That’s why it’s best to bring in a professional, someone who can pinpoint the problem and repair it right the first time. Gordon Crawford of Crawford & Sons Waterproofing in Ajax has been in the business for more than 30 years and has been in close to 15,000 homes in Durham region. “I’ve seen virtually every possible leaking situation you can imagine,” he says, “and I’m still learning.” Crawford’s extensive experience has taught him to be innovative and try different techniques to solve problems. He takes pride in his troubleshooting ability. “I like to professionally solve problems at the lowest, most reasonable cost to the customer,” he says. “Sometimes that may involve excavating the entire perimeter of the house and replacing the weeping tiles, but that’s because it’s absolutely necessary.” Crawford adds that if he can try something else first, he will. “An interior weeping tile system with drainage board can be extremely efficient and cost effective by saving costly damages to exterior landscaping,” he says. Crawford warns that it’s important not to ignore the problem. He says homeowners who invest in their foundations will save money in the long term. “Water corrodes and people tend to live with the problem until it escalates into a bigger one,” he says. “You have to get in quickly.” Crawford & Sons offers fast, neat, efficient service and a free professional evaluation. For more information, call Gordon Crawford at (905) 686-6880.newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200918 P Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details BE INFORMED! 10 YEAR WARRANTY! FREE ESTIMATES! WITH OVER 30 YRS EXPERIENCE WE WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM! WATERPROOFING INVEST IN YOUR FOUNDATION LEAKING BASEMENT? PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS SERVICE 905-686-6880 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON MOBILE SHOWROOM Readers’ Choice Winner Time...to think about being paid what you’re worth. At Investors Group, we are ready to help you build your own practice as a professional Consultant. We offer... • THE BEST TRAINING IN THE BUSINESS • A PROVEN MENTORING AND COACHING PROGRAM • OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Find out how we can help you build a practice that can bring you fi nancial and professional rewards far beyond those associated with a regular job. PLEASE FORWARD YOUR RESUME TO: WALTER ALONSO CFP, BA Regional Director Phone: 905.831.0034 walter.alonso@investorsgroup.com http://investorsgrouppickering.com/ Durham Region’s Premier Banquet Facility Invites You To Attend Our.... OPEN HOUSE AT THE ROYAL ASHBURN GOLF CLUB • Getting Married • Planning A Wedding Sunday March 8th 12:00 Noon To 4:00 p.m. View our banquet facility, outdoor gardens and Bridal Ceremony locations. Meet on a personal basis with some of Durham’s fi nest wedding service providers to help you plan your special day. ✥Valerie Morgan ~ Harpist ✥Sight & Sound DJ Service ✥Lasting Expressions Floral Design ✥Sugar Chalet Cakes ✥Chair Wraps ✥Water Street Photography ✥Silver Touch Studios ✥The House of Golden Aire ✥Bliss Bridal Boutique ✥Brooklin Florist ✥I Do Wedding Celebrations ✥Rides For Brides ✥Sweets Galore ✥Rev. Gordon Kushner ✥Moores Clothing for Men ✥The Perfect Tier ✥I Do For You ✥Rosebuds & Blossoms ✥Ultimate Limousine ✥Mary Kay Cosmetics Admission is free ~ Refreshments will be served 995 Myrtle Rd. West Ashburn, Ontario Tel: (905) 686-1121 www.royalashburngolfclub.com BridalBridalBY JIM EASON Special to News Advertiser Last weekend, Tim March of Annandale won the A side of the Mixed Zone Playdown in Oshawa with Julie Weagle, Patrick Jenssen and Debra Bently, and now advances to the Regional Playdown slated for Whitby Curling Club March 7-8. This event leads to the one that starts the new curling season off with a chance for a national championship for the pro- vincial winner. The Regional will send two teams to Bea- verton in April, and the win- ner there will wait out their chance to represent Ontario November 15-22 at the Bur- lington Golf & Country Club. ••• Annandale won with both its entries at the five-team Junior Mixed Zone playdown held at the Oshawa Curling Club Feb. 14-15. Michael Bryson, with the team of Emily Lindsay, Sandy Mar- tin and Carly Bee with coach John Lindsay, won the A side. Josh Hall teamed up with Spencer Anderson, James McPherson, Yvonne Lalonde and coach Donna Hall to capture the B side. Both teams now advance to the Regional in Fenelon Falls March 7-8. Two Junior and two Bantam teams will advance from the Region- al to Marmora at the end of March for provincial finals. ••• The Bantams won on the Oshawa ice, too, in the six- team Mixed Playdown. Laura Arbour, Jake McGhee, with two competitive members and coach Jennifer McGhee for Annandale won the A side of the Bantam Mixed Zone. Another Annandale member, Ben Bevan, repre- senting Whitby, took the B side. Both teams now also advance to the Regional in Fenelon Falls March 7-8. ••• The next bonspiel slated for Annandale is the Annu- al St. Pat’s Mixed on March 14. It includes three six-end games, snacks, lunch, din- ner, dance and prizes. There are two morning draw times of 8:30 and 10. Annandale curlers advance LOCAL BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO AND WEATHER >>newsdurhamregion.com24/7 CURLING TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL 905-579-4400 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200919 AP • INTRA-ORAL DENTAL ASSISTANT LEVEL 1+ 2 Other Specialized Healthcare Programs Available Call to Enquire •Esthetics • Medical Offi ce Assistant • Medical & General Lab Assistant • Pharmacy Assistant • Medical Lab Assistant • Social Service Worker • Personal Support Worker Scarborough 2130 Lawrence Ave. E. 416-701-12 01416-701-1201 Classes Starting SoonClasses Starting SoonClasses Starting SoonClasses Starting Soon www.instituteowww.instituteofteftechnicaltrades.comchnicaltrades.com • Learn a career in Welding • Learn a career in CNC Machining 1-800-461-4981 (Scarborough) Classes starting soon! Do You Need Help With Interviews? Join us at the John Howard Society 136 Commercial Ave., Ajax Join us for an Information Session Wednesday March 11, 2009 5:00pm-6:30pm • Learn how to properly prepare for an interview • Get tips on how to interview effectively • Learn how to highlight your transferable skills and qualifi cations to employers To reserve your seat or get more information call 905-427-8165 Looking For Work? 16 to 24 years old and out of full time school/work? We have more jobs that need to be fi lled through our Job Connect Program! Jewelery Sales, Auto Tech., ECE Assistant, Plastic Moulding Tech., Detailing, Cashier Clerk, Servers and Prep. Cooks Get connected to a job through this free government program. Call us today! Ajax (905) 427-8165 Whitby (905) 666-8847 Trillium College is currently seeking qualifi ed applicants for the role of Campus Registrar. In this position you will lead and direct the school’s efforts in increasing enrolment. The ideal candidate would have the proven ability to: • Provide prospective students with presentations on the specifi cs and benefi ts of campus programs • Promoting campus programs to funding agencies • Quote tuition costs, contract terms and program start dates. • Review and adapt to information regarding program innovations, competitors and market conditions • Represent the campus at job fairs or trade fairs Qualifi ed applicants are invited to submit covering letter and resume to: resume@trilliumcollege.ca SMILERS WANTED In the following area: DURHAM (Must be 14+) LOVE TO TALK? PERSONABLE? WANT TO WORK WITH OTHER STUDENTS YOUR OWN AGE? ARE YOU ABLE TO WORK AFTER SCHOOL & SATURDAY? WE PROVIDE: • Transportation to & from your home in most areas • Complete orientation & training • Team atmosphere • EARN $100-$500+ per week! • Counts toward school work experience • 15 hours per week CALL TODAY AND START THIS WEEK!! No experience necessary (647)330-6227 Partners In Community Nursing Client Confi dence through Quality Service and Innovation Partners in Community Nursing invites you to learn more about a rewarding career opportunity in Community Nursing Recruiting Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses. CAREER FAIR Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. HOLIDAY INN 1011 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K6 We Offer: • Competitive wages • Shift differential • Mileage • Innovative incentive plan • Full/Part time positions • Benefi ts • RRSP Contribution Plan **Interviews will be conducted on site, please bring an updated resume. Refreshments and snacks will be served.** Now accepting resumes at: 1450 Hopkins Street, Ste. 203, Whitby, ON L1N 2C3 *905-665-1711 * Fax: 905-665-9961 Email: jcamenzuli@picn.ca Website:www.picn.ca is seeking candidates for the position of: PAYROLL OFFICER Salary Range: $55,294 - $67,905 Duties will include: responsibility for the payroll function of the So- ciety; ensuring that all employees are paid correctly and on time while meeting all provincial and federal legislative requirements; administering the Society Group benefi ts; responsibility for the processing and entry of all information and data into the payroll system on a bi-weekly basis; reconciliation of the payroll output to the predetermined controls to ensure the payroll has been prepared / revised accurately; liaising with the payroll provider (currently Ceridian Canada) regarding the running of payroll, verifying edits, transmitting payroll data, printing and reconciling reports; responsibility for the preparation of the monthly journal entries to accurately record distribution of payroll costs and deductions; responsibility for processing of new employees, terminations, salary changes, employee addresses, employees on leave and all other related activities; supervision of the Payroll Assistant. We are looking for candidates with: a 2 year certifi cate in Payroll Management; as well as 2 - 3 years progressively responsible experience in a computerized payroll environment. For additional information on Durham Children's Aid Society, visit our website at www.durhamcas.ca Please send your resume, by March 13th, 2009, to Human Resources, Durham Children's Aid Society, 1320 Airport Blvd, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4 Fax: 905-433-0716 or email: hr@durhamcas.ca We thank all applicants for their resumes. However, only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted. AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualifi ed -Housing Available. CALL Aviation In- stitute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING www.ttcc.ca 1-800-805-0662 WHITBY CAMPUS 1818 Hopkins St. S. (905) 668-4211 Ext. 221 DZ FIREFIGHTER SPECIAL $695 Z ENDORSEMENT SPECIAL $120 START YOUR MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION TRAIN- ING TODAY. Work from home. Employers throughout North America hire our graduates. Contact Can- Scribe today for FREE infor- mation. 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com in- fo@canscribe.com A-Z/D-Z DRIVERS PT to FT for Scarborough Cartage Company. Knowledge of the G.T.A. Hand bombing re- quired, good customer rela- tions, good rates. Phone (416)771-2522 Fax (905)728-0976 $120 - $360 CASH DAILY for landscaping work! Com- petitive, Energetic, Honesty a MUST! www. SpringMastersJobs.com or Email JobsEast GTA@SpringMasters Canada.com $20 AVG./HR POSITION TRAINING ALLOWANCE PAID DAILY!! No Experience Necessary Call: (905) 435-1052 15 FULL TIME openings available at offi ce in Whitby, no experience necessary. Call Jennifer, (289)220-4118 PART-TIME EXPERIENCED siding and window installation helper required. Please call Tino (416)318-7197 HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mail- ing/ Processing Circulars, On-Line Computer Work, PC/Clerical Work Available. Up to $1,500/week, No Ex- perience Needed! FREE in- formation at www.Jobs-WorkAtHome.com Reference 2-107 DATA ENTRY PROCES- SORS NEEDED! Earn $3,500-$5,000 Weekly Work- ing from Home! Guaranteed paychecks! No Experience Necessary! Positions Available Today! Register Online Now! www.DataCash- Now.com UXBRIDGE AREA-BARN Mgr wanted. 24 horse board- ing facility. Must have equine experience, good referenc- es. Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-4:00pm. Req'd Mar. 16/09. Call Deb: 416-726-0069or email: dhayes@wpnlaw.com BLUELINE TAXI is seeking customer-oriented accessible and sedan taxicab drivers for Oshawa and Ajax. Earn cash daily and training provided. Please call Roy or Ian 905- 440-2011 CAFETERIA Help needed part time for high schools in the Bowmanville, Durham Pickering areas. Fax 905-448-0226 or email maria.williamson@compass- canada.com LE SKRATCH (New Man- agement). Now Hiring man- agers, servers, and bartend- ers with experience & clien- tele. Apply in-person, 11am- 5pm. 200 John St. West Oshawa. (905)438-0008 Career Training General Help Career Training General Help Career Training Drivers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Careers General Help Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200920 AP homedepot.ca We are committed to diversity as an equal opportunity employer. Ready to join the motivated team at Canada’s leading home improvement retailer? Apply online at: PUT YOUR PASSION TO WORK. FIND THE BEST SOLUTIONS. HELP CUSTOMERS BUILD DREAMS. BENEFITS: • Health & Dental • Tuition Reimbursement • Bonus Opportunities • Growth Opportunity Sales Associates, Designers, Showroom Specialists, Overnight Freight, Customer Service, Cashiers, Inventory. Part-time positions available vary by store. NOW HIRING: • CNC programmers • CNC operators • Mold Makers Benefi ts, A/C shop Courtice area fax: 905 434-7939 email: reception@awcco.com Residential HVAC Company in Durham Region seeking highly motivated, independent, experienced sales person. Aggressive commission structure, expenses & lead generation. Join our team! Email Resume :adrock@rogers.com or Fax: (905) 579-1106. Love Wildlife & People? Adults are needed to join our team of Summer Information Volunteers educating and inspiring visitors (no contact with the animals). Free Zoo admission & more! For details, call 416-392-5942 or visit torontozoo.com. Please apply by Fri. March 27. Part Time Bookkeeper Offi ce Manager A Service Company located at Sheppard and Morningside is looking for a person with 5+ years as a bookkeeper using Simply Accounting . Must know GL, AR, AP, and Cash Management, with the ability to work in a small offi ce environment. $20/per hour. Email resume to cbernard@melcoursecurity.com Experienced Sales Person Growing clean energy company in Central Ontario seeks motivated, independent experienced sales person for high growth expansion in Durham Region. Join a proven team that is largest in Canada for bringing technology and energy effi ciency to homeowners. Aggressive commission structure, expenses & lead generation. Some travel required. Email Resume:adrock@rogers.com or Fax: (905) 579-1106 *POWER OF SALE, free list of properties and picture, 905-448-3807 or 416-800-0695. Remax Hallmark, www.OntarioDistressSales.com. General Help $22.50 HR/AVG. Registration Personnel Required Bonuses paid daily Call Mike: (905) 435-0189 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. BODY BOOMERS is now looking to hire, membership sales staff. Experience an asset. All locations hiring. Apply with resume to any Body Boomers. Christian Non- Profi t Daycare looking for a Certifi ed Early Childhood Educator for contract position with the potential for full time. Fax resume to: Hiring Committee 905-839-8273 Skilled & Technical Help General Help EXPERIENCED CUTTER re- quired for busy costume company located in Oshawa. Call Debbie (905)433-1301 LOOKING FOR person willing to talk to small groups. A car and internet needed. Please call Diana 1-866-306- 5858. MA-LE ENTERPRISES, 3-people to be hired by March-15. No selling re- quired. Reliable vehicle nec- essary. Excell. opportunity for mothers at home while kids are at school. For inter- view, (905)983-5412. WHAT RECESSION? My in- come jumped 20% in Janu- ary!! We're growing like cra- zy & seek fun, honest, hard- workers with entrepreneurial desire and leadership skills. Work from home. PT / FT 800-605-8675 General Help $25/HR AVG. FULL TIME!! WE TRAIN YOU! Call: (905) 435-0518 ORDER TAKERS NEEDED PART TIME PHARMACY Cashier required, for busy pharmacy in Whitby. Must be able to work nights and weekends. Please email re- sumes to: johnelsokkary@gmail.com PHONE CHAT LINE needs operators to work from home. Must have great voice & be over 18 years. Call (416)999-2167. TIRED OF McJOBS? $360/Wk to Start, up to $800/Wk, No Commission. Fun Work. Full Time Posi- tions Available. Call Now, Start Tomorrow. Call Amber 905-668-5544 Salon & Spa Help AESTHETICIAN, Part time, 3 days per week, must be willing to work Saturdays. Lucinda's Salon and Spa. 905-571-2582. BUSY UPSCALE SALON in Brooklin now accepting re- sumes for full & part time stylists. Please email re- sumes to: personal- touchhair@ msn.com PICKERING HAIR salon looking for a licensed hair stylist with clientele. Please call for details. 905-250- 0004. Skilled & Technical Help Salon & Spa Help RECEPTIONIST- PART- TIME for prestigious Day Spa & Nail Salon in Picker- ing- Great personality/cus- tomer service skills a must- previous experience desired. (905)831-8833 ask for Jie or Debbie Skilled & Technical Help BRAKE PRESS operator with set up experience want- ed to work in a manufactur- ing environment, CNC punch press experience an asset, wage to be negotiated email: receivables@live.ca ELECTRICAL 3rd to 5th year apprentice or equivalent wanted with commercial and residential experience, wage to be negotiated, please e- mail: durhamcontractor@ gmail.com General Help Skilled & Technical Help CNC VERTICAL Mill Ma- chinist, Ajax Machine Shop requires a confi dent individu- al for set-up, 2D/3D program- ming, toolpaths. Cadkey & Mastercam knowledge a defi nite asset. Minimum 5 years exp. Fadal/Fanuc Con- trol. Able to work with little supervision and still be part of a team. Required immedi- ately. Competitive wages. Fax resume to 905-427-4993 or email pmdinc@bellnet.ca FOREMAN, PIPELAYERS, general labourers. Sewer and watermain experience required. fax resume to: 705- 932-2995 METAL FABRICATION shop in Bowmanville requires an experienced Auto CAD Detailer/Draft Person to prepare shop drawings and fabrication details, which would include stairs, railings, ladders, entrance features, etc... Please send resumes to metalfabricationjob@ hotmail.com Computer & IT EMAIL NOT SENDING? Printer not printing? Can't fi x it yourself? Call My Comput- er Works your personal Help Desk. Fast, safe and secure help day or night: 888-375- 8686. Office Help FULL-TIME WORLD- CLASS RECEPTIONIST re- quired for a very busy Oshawa Real Estate Offi ce. If you are up to the challenge of becoming our director of fi rst impressions please fax your resume to: 905-743- 5662. SEEKING FRONT DESK assistant for busy Chiroprac- tic Clinic. Previous Chiro- practic/PMP experience nec- essary. Availability for even- ings and weekends. e-mail chiro_clinic@yahoo.ca General Help Office Help GROWING REAL estate company seeks individual with the following qualifi ca- tions. 3+ years working in ac- counting, proven record in accounting and Microsoft of- fi ce programs, positive minded, detail oriented, ca- pable of working under tight deadlines, strong administra- tive and interpersonal skills. Real estate knowledge and professional offi ce proce- dures considered assets. Please fax your resume to: (905)743-5662 Sales Help & Agents SALES REP REQUIRED for busy water purifi cation com- pany. Pay negotiable. Please call for appointment 1-877- 426-6941 WANTED Licensed Realtor. No Cold-Calling, All Appoint- ments & Leads Supplied, Make $100,000 + 1st Yr. More info available by email request to: cody@adrmarke- tingonline.com Hospital/Medical /Dental EXPERIENCED Medical As- sistant/Receptionist required for busy medical clinic in Pickering. Part/Full-time. Please e-mail resumes to: pucclinic@live.ca EXPERIENCED DENTAL Receptionist required. Part/Full-time. Must have Lo- gictech experience. Fax re- sume to 905-427-9697 or email resume to: michellefagan@bellnet.ca EXPERIENCED DENTAL re- ceptionist required for busy practise. Evenings and Sat- urdays included. Previous applicants need not apply. Call (905)434-5757 LOOKING FOR PART TIME experienced dental assistant. Must be team player. Some evenings and Saturdays re- quired. Experience preferred. Call (905)721-8442. General Help Hospital/Medical /Dental MARNWOOD LIFECARE CENTRE -Permanent Part Time -Dietary Manager, C.S.N.M. required. Please send resume att: Tracy Werheid, 26 Elgin St. Bow- manville, L1C3C8 or Fax: 905-623-4497, email: twerheid@extendicare.com RPN or RN / Medical Re- ceptionist for busy Family Practice / Walk-In medical clinic in Whitby. Part time po- sitions available. Must be team players. Come join our dynamic team! Please fax re- sume - Attn: J. Murphy-Reid 905-668-4023 Teaching Opportunities A PRESTIGIOUS organiza- tion is looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic academic teacher for Ontario Curricu- lum, grades 3-12. P/T-F/T opportunity. Please fax 905-686-4428 or call 416-854-7860 Houses for Sale $ Government of Canada is offering assistance $25,000.00/person to purchase your fi rst home. Free report available at 1-800-596-2052 ID #1053 Free recorded message Stylish New Condo Downtown Oshawa 2-bdrm, modern kitchen, stainless steel appl., w/o private balcony. Ensuite laundry, exercise room. Super location. Terrifi c Price, $166,900 Call (905)240-6644 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI COMMERCIAL SPACE Simcoe S. Oshawa. Over 1100 sq. ft with lots of park- ing. Avail. immediately. Call 905-666-4670 INDUSTRIAL COMMER- CIAL unit with offi ce space, 1250 sq. feet in South Oshawa (Ritson/Bloor). Available immediately. Call 905-839-9104. PARK/BLOOR OSHAWA, INDUSTRIAL UNIT, available immediately. 1,425sq.ft. Call 905-579- 5077 or 905-571-3281. STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Offices & Business Space COMMERCIAL space available, 525sqft and 1200sqft. Suitable for profes- sional offi ce. Prime Simcoe St. N location. Parking available. Available immedi- ately. Call 905-576-5123 for details. Business OpportunitiesB ESTABLISHED PET groom- ing business for sale Loyal customer base and growing. Low expenses, charming lo- cation, recently renovated 100% turnkey. Priced to sell, great deal! Call (905)728- 3464 OWN A MATTRESS Sanitiz- ing Business. Earn $200+hour. Cash in on Green movement. Dry, Chemical-Free process re- moves dust mites and aller- gens. New to USA. Key are- as available. Call 1-888-999- 9030 or visit www.Hygieni- tech.com TURN YOUR Retirement thinking upside down! Learn to operate a mini-offi ce out- let from home. Free training. www.succeedfromhome biz.com Mortgages, LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Mortgage Centre #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mtgcentre.com MORTGAGES BANKS DROP RATES!!! “Pay off Credit Cards Today” BELOW BANK RATES 1-Yr Rate @ 3.49% 5-Yr Rate @ 3.80% WE SPECIALIZE IN: • Debt Consolidation • 2nd Mortgages to 100% • Construction Financing POWER OF SALE STOPPED Call Will Butler TODAY!! 1-877-568-9255 416-540-5977 www.butlermortgage.ca HomeGuard Funding Ltd. Lic #10409 PRIVATE FUNDS- 1st, 2nd mortgages. Consolidate bills, low rates. No appraisal need- ed. Bad credit okay. Save money. No obligation. No fees OAC. Call Peter 1-877- 777-7308, Mortgage Leaders Office Help Sales Help & Agents Volunteers Apartments & Flats for RentA ! A BRIGHT 2 bedroom basement apt. Wilson/ Bloor area. Separate entrance, pri- vate laundry, parking. $800+hydro. First/last. no pets, no smoking. Avail. Im- mediately (905)260-1496 1, 2 & 3 BDRM apartments for rent, Whitby, Brock & Dundas area. Available Im- mediately/April 1st. Call Tony (416)493-1927 or (416)496-6138. 1011 SIMCOE ST. N., Oshawa. Large 3-bedroom townhome suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. Near all amenities. $925/month+ utilities. Call (905)579-7649 for appointment. 110 PARK ROAD North. Enjoyable Senior Living. 2 Bedroom Suites. Starting at $960. Elegant seniors resi- dence. Controlled apartment heating. Near Laundry fa- cilities on every fl oor. Eleva- tor access to your unit. Bus stop located in front of build- ing. Close to Oshawa Centre & downtown. 905-431-8532. www.skylineonline.ca 1140 MARY ST. NORTH, Oshawa. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts. From $660 to $975. Near public schools. Near Durham College. Near amenities. Elevator. Security entrance. 905-431-7752 www.skylineonline.ca Office Help Sales Help & Agents Volunteers Apartments & Flats for RentA 2 BASEMENT STUDIO APTS. Separate entrances, downtown Oshawa in 4-plex, utilities included. Cable/phone extra. Apt #1 $480/month, Apt #2 $550/month. First/last re- quired. April 1st. (905)260- 2007 2 BEDROOM NORTH OSHAWA bright quiet apart- ment, Simcoe North at Rus- sett. New appliances, hard- wood fl oors, well-maintained 12-plex, newly renovated, near bus/shopping. cable/heat/ water/parking in- cluded. Laundry, No dogs. available. 905-576-2982, 905-626-6619 2-BEDROOM APT, $825 all inclusive. No dogs. Oshawa, Bloor St. E area. Working adults preferred. Call Matt 289-240-4447 33 RICHMOND ST. Central Oshawa. 1, 2 bdrm & 2 bdrm+den. From $750 - $950 inclusive. Near mall, amenities, schools & parks. Elevator & underground parking. Non smoking units available. Ideal for seniors and families. 905-431-8766 www.skylineonline.ca EXECUTIVE apartment, Ajax's Deer Creek golf course, fully furnished, own entrance, marble bath, very quiet. Suits corpora- tions, visiting executives. References, $1,499+utilities. www.electricityfor- um.com/rental.htm 905-426- 9119 or rwh@rogers.com Apartments & Flats for RentA 50 ADELAIDE ST. 290 & 300 Mary St. Adult Lifestyle Buildings. Bachelor, 1 & 2 Bedrooms. From $825, $1125, $1325 to $1575. Ele- vator access. Within walk- ing distance to downtown. Bus stop located in front of building. Located near the Oshawa Hospital. 905- 431-4205 www.skylineonline.ca A 1-BDRM APT OSHAWA, main fl oor of home, a/c, new- ly decorated, bus stop at door, close to all convenienc- es, $765/mo, all utilities in- cluded, fi rst/last, no pets, Available immediately. (905)725-9731. Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 & 3 Bdrm's Free Utilities, Parking. Senior's, Retiree's & GM Discounts 905-728-4993 ADULT OCCUPIED smaller building, Oshawa Centre, quiet, clean. Two 2 bedroom apts $850 & $785, large liv- ingrooms, large kitchens. fridge, stove, laundry, park- ing, heat. (905)723-0393 AJAX One bedroom walkout basement. 5 appliances. $725/mo. Westney & Hwy 2, avail April 1 683-9006 or 416-410-1711 Houses for Sale $ Apartments & Flats for RentA AJAX Renovated 3-bdrm mn fl r bungalow, 2-bdrm bsmt apt. & bachelor Laundry, parking, near all amenities. 905-686-8905 905-999-2592 AJAX, RAVENCROFT/DAN- IELS CRST. 1-bdrm base- ment apartment, separate entrance, parking, laundry. no pets/smoking. Available immediately. $700mth. inclu- sive. Call Waseem 905-619- 3448 or (Cell) 905-441-1105. AJAX, WESTNEY/401. Clean 1-BDRM basement apt in house. $700/mo inclu- sive. ALSO room avail. in house, $450/mo inclusive. No pets/smoking. Avail. im- mediately. (905)426-4680 AJAX- OXFORD Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 3-bedroom $1139/mo. Plus parking. Available Im- mediately & March 1st. 905- 683-8571. ALEXANDRA PARK, OSHAWA Large 1 "Old charm building." Totally reno- vated, new kitchen/bath, hardwood fl oors. In-house laundry, intercom. Parkview. Near Hospital. No pets. (905)743-9383 BOWMANVILLE immaculate Two 1-bedroom apts. Avail April 15. Secured entrance very quiet building $929 + $944. includes appliances, utilities, parking and laundry facilities. 905-697-1786, 905- 666-1074 BOWMANVILLE, BRIGHT, clean, 2-bedroom basement apartment. Separate en- trance, $900/month includes fridge, stove, heat, hydro, water, 1-parking, laundry. No pets/smoking. First/last. References. Available April 1st. (905)623-9930. BOWMANVILLE, LARGE 3 bedroom, 2nd fl oor, includes heat, water and parking. $950/month. Available imme- diately. ALSO 1-bedroom, $625/month. 905-623-4622. Apartments & Flats for RentA BRIGHT, CLEAN one bed- room basement apartment, Ajax. Desirable location. Many upgrades. $735/month inclusive with wireless inter- net. Call Joe/Karyn. 905 683- 4378. No smoking. No pets. BRIGHT, SUNNY 1 bedroom basement. Clean, quiet home. Separate entrance. Laundry. Parking. Cable. TTC. $680 inclusive. Elles- mere/ Markham. 416-697- 8129, 416-431-7968 CHURCH/ROSSLAND, bright, 2 bedroom+den basement apartment. $950/month, utilities includ- ed. Separate entrance. Own washer/dryer, parking space. Dine-in kitchen. Tub. No pets/smoking. Luisa 647- 294-2805. COURTICE - Large, bright 3-bdrm. apt. with walkout, Townline/Bloor area. Near amenities, schools, park. $1100/mo., applianc- es/utilities incl. First/last. Avail. April 1st. Call 905-404- 8548 COURTICE, clean & bright 1-bedroom apartment in modern subdivision, private entrance, parking, utilities & cable included, 5-min. to 401. Avail. March-25. $750. No smoking/pets. 905-434- 5422. KINGSTON/WESTNEY RD., one bedroom basement apt. Living, washroom sep en- trance. Very clean. on bus route, April 1. $750 all inclu- sive. Call Syed (416)720- 9901 Houses for Sale $ Apartments & Flats for RentA LARGE 2 Bedroom Apt. Simcoe S. Oshawa with hardwood fl oors, skylight, small deck. Close to 401 & Bus Stop. Stove & Fridge in- cluded. Avail. immediately, call 905-666-4670 LARGE 2-BEDROOM plus offi ce bungalow basement, downtown Bowmanville. Newly renovated, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, huge liv- ingroom/rec-room. Oversize windows, backyard, parking. March 1. $1050, inclusive (905)447-2990; (905)442- 6339. LOWER LEVEL clean and bright, 1-bedroom apartment, Oshawa area. $750/month. 2-car parking. First/last re- quired. (905)623-6654. LUXURY APARTMENTS. Enjoyable, Upscale Living. 333 Simcoe St N, Oshawa. 2 Bedroom Suites From $1535. Frequent social events held in common room. In suite laundry in every unit. Elevator access to your unit. Bus stop locat- ed in front of building. Locat- ed across the street from the hospital. 905-431-8930 www.skylineonline.ca MARY STREET APTS Bachelors & 1 bedrooms. Utilities included, minutes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NEW 1-BEDROOM apart- ment, Pickering. Prefer sin- gle person. Close to 401/GO/shopping. No smok- ing/pets. $675/month, all in- clusive. Available immediate- ly. (905)621-6995. NORTH OSHAWA, newly renovated 1-bedroom $770 & 2-bedroom $830. Nice units. Includes utilities, fridge, stove, parking. Call 905- 723-9310, 416-902-1174 NORTH OSHAWA, large 1- bedroom apts, clean, quiet, secure building, laundry on site, $710/month, Call Vic (905)665-8983. PICKERING WHITES/ AMBERLEA, spacious base- ment apt. sep entrance, laundry. Avail April 1. $800 inclusive, non-smoker. 647- 882-4103 anytime SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Call Classifieds Ajax at 683-0707 or fax 579-4218 newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200921 WORD OF TRUTH CHRISTIAN CENTRE 1527 Bayly St. Pickering 905-839-0333 Senior Pastor Joseph Fisher We invite you to come and celebrate Jesus with us! Worship times: Sun. 11am & 7pm, Wed. 7pm Fri. 8pm - Youth (R.E.A.C.H.) Visit our Resource Centre at 1543 Bayly St. or call: 905-839-4953 We provide: mentoring, computer training, tutoring, career development, anger & stress management assistance, teen parent support & fun activities. (For youths ages 13-19) Call Erin Jackson at 905-683-5110 or fax 905-683-7363 E-mail: ejackson@durhamregion.com Deadline: Wednesday @ 10:00 am Pickering Village United Church 300 Church St. N., Ajax (905) 683-4721 Worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Children/Youth Programs pvuc@pvuc.ca www.pvuc.ca EASTER PUBLICATION DATES: Friday, April 3 • Deadline: March 31 - Wednesday, April 8 • Deadline: April 3 SAFE HAVEN WORSHIP CENTRE Are you on God’s Team??? Olympic-Style Day Camp!!! March 16 to 20 - 9 am to noon Ages 4 - 12 • Medals • Ribbons • Crafts • Exciting Bible Stories • Activities • Things to take home everyday! $30 for the Week. Pre-register by March 11 only $25 for the week. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 905-837-8771 MARCH BREAK CAMPS & FOR FURTHER WORSHIP DIRECTORY INFORMATION AP NOTICE OF SALE Goods and/or vehicles will be sold on March 14th, 2009 at 33 Hall Street, Oshawa, Ont. at 4:00 p.m. to satisfy outstanding charges for storage rental incurred by the following: GLENN TYE PATRICIA BROWNE STUART MACKINNON RAYMOND GRANT CYRIL CROCKER JAYNE HALL JURI DANIEL ROGER LING CLAUDIA SACCO CORPORATE BUILDING SERVICES GRANT PARISI Dated in the City of AJAX, in the Province of Ontario, 23rd February, 2009. SENTINEL SELF-STORAGE CORP., #475 Harwood Avenue North, Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1L8. ChildCareDurham.com Bringing Parents and ChildCare Providers together! Search for available daycare in your area or advertise your services with us. Check us out today! New Message Board has just been added ARISS, Brenda - entered into rest at the Rouge Valley Health Center Ajax, Ontario on Thursday March 5, 2009. Brenda, beloved wife of Norman Ariss. Dear mother of Blaine and Craig and his wife Teresa. Dear sister of Patricia Pepper, Emily Oeppens, Annette Taverener. Cherished grandmother of Thomas and great grandmother of Adam. Brenda will be sadly missed by all. Funeral service will be held at St. Paul's United Church 65 Kings Cres, Ajax on Monday March 9, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. The family will receive friends from 12:30 p.m. until the time of service. A Book of Condolence may be signed at www.mceachnie-funeral.ca JARVIS, Brian - It is with great sadness the Jarvis family announce the passing of their loved one Brian on March 5, 2009 joining his father Clarence. Much loved son to Doris. Loving brother to Lori (Mel), Barry (Maureen) and Rick (Cathy). Brian will be dearly remembered by his extended family nieces, nephews and many friends near and abroad. The family will receive friends at the McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Pickering Village (Ajax), 905-428-8488 on Sunday March 8, 2009 from 2-4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service will take place in the Chapel on Monday March 9, 2009 at 12 noon. Cremation. In lieu of fl owers the family would appreciate donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. A Book of Condolence may be signed at www.mceachnie-funeral.ca LANG, Roger Richard - passed away at Ajax Pickering General Hospital on February 24th, 2009 at age 79. Roger, beloved husband of Christine for 54 years, loving father of Brenda (Mike), Bruce (Patti), Carol (Bruce), Maria (Ken), Denise (Rick), David (Maureen) and Glenn (Sue). Proud and loving Papa of Monica (Andrew), Warren, Keith (Kristan), Neil (Tanya), Jake (Christine), Kevin, Kristin, Shannon (Dave) Laura, Michael, Matthew, Jason, Natasha, Devin, Scott, Melissa, David, Christopher, Rebecca, Emily and Richard. Great Grandfather of Nathan, Kaitlyn, Holly and Ella. Roger will be sadly missed by his extended family and friends. The family wishes to express their gratitude to Dr Baker and the 2 East staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital for their care and compassion for Roger. In lieu of fl owers, donations to the Ajax Pickering Hospital, Maternal Newborn Services, 580 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax would be greatly appreciated. Friends will be received at ACCETTONE FUNERAL HOME, 384 Finley Avenue, Ajax, Ontario on March 7th, 2009 from 10 a.m to 12 p.m. A Celebration of Roger's life will take place at 12 p.m in the chapel of the funeral home, a reception will follow. LUNDRIGAN, Debra Elizabeth - Surrounded by family in the comfort of her home entered into rest on March 4, 2009. Debra E. Lundrigan, loving daughter of Doris and the late Dave Lundrigan. Loving sister to Dale, David and Dianne. Dear aunt to Nicole, Lisa, David, Ryan, Michael, Darren, Alex and D'Arcey and great aunt to Dylan, Mikayla, Brayden, Aliyah, Jasmine and Ryann. The family will receive friends at the McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME (28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax 905-428-8488) on Friday from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service will be on Saturday March 7, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. in the chapel. In lieu of fl owers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Legal Notices Daycare Available OSHAWA Rossland/Waver- ly. One bedroom basement apt, newly decorated, in- ground pool. $700-inclusive. working person preferred. no pets. Avail immediately. (905)571-0287 OSHAWA 1 BEDROOM APTS, Simcoe/King. Clean, quiet building, $650/mo. Call 416-577-0403 or 647-293- 0450 OSHAWA APTS. Clean quiet security monitored newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom includes utilities, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. 905-260-9085, 905- 260-9075 OSHAWA CENTRAL Park Blvd, 2-bedroom upper half of duplex. Newly renovated. Bus at door. $825/mo.+hy- dro. 2-bedroom, main fl oor. $850/mo+hydro. Available immediately. First/last. No smoking/pets. 905-430-0249. OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartments inontario.com OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Renovated bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 bdrm & Penthouse apts. Wheel chair and security access. Call 905-432-6912, 905-723- 1009, 1-866-601-3083, www.apartments inontario.com OSHAWA PARK RD/N OF 401 second fl oor of triplex, private, parking, 1-bdrm, fridge/stove, looking for quiet tenant, fi rst/last $695-inclu- sive. Donna or John 289- 240-4120 Legal Notices Daycare Available Apartments & Flats for RentA OSHAWA, 945 Simcoe St. N., Bachelor $650/inclusive, 1-bedroom $750/inclusive. 118 Bloor St. W., 2-bedroom, $800/inclusive. 45 Colborne St. W. 1-bedroom $750/inclu- sive plus cable. No pets. March 1. 905-723-1647, 905-720-9935. OSHAWA, Bright One Bed- room second fl oor apartment in semi-detached home. Separate entrance. No laun- dry. $780 inclusive w/cable and parking. Wilson and Olive. Call (905)986-4889. OSHAWA, Simcoe/Mary, Beautiful clean upper fl oor 3- bdrms, 2-level apt, sep. en- trance, 2 bathrooms, large, parking, a/c, backyard. Ref- erences required. $1100/mo inclusive. April 1st. (905)903- 2928. OSHAWA- 153 SIMCOE St. N. 1-bedroom apt, kitchen, bathroom, large living room, second fl oor. Water, hydro, gas included, $750/month. First/last. Please call (905)723-2288, Available im- mediately. PICKERING BROCK RD. 1 bedroom basement apt, sep- arate entrance, private laun- dry, All inclusive. $800. Fist/last. no pets/smoking. (905)428-0486 PICKERING LIVERPOOL & Bayly. 3 bdrm, main level, freshly painted, parking, ap- pliances, laundry, near GO 7 amenities. walk to lake. fi rst/last. $1050+ 1/2 utilities. (905)579-7576 PICKERING, BROCK RD./HWY 2. Upper level, 4- bedroom 2400sq.ft house, $1300/month+70% utilities. 2-bedroom separate en- trance, $900/month inclusive. No pets/smoking. First/last, references, available any- time. (905)686-1650, (416)458-4598. PICKERING, LIVER- POOL/FINCH, extra large 1- bedroom loft, clean & bright, laundry ensuite, $975/month. Cable, parking included. Also furnished bachelor apt., main fl oor, $550/month. Available April 1st. (905)493-3124, (905)492-1209 PICKERING, Liverpool/Glen- nana, one bedroom base- ment, separate entrance, kitchen, TV room, bathroom, laundry, parking, close to amenities, no smoking/pets. $750/month all inclusive. lst/last. (416)618-6442, (905)831-0001. WHITBY- 3-BEDROOM Condominium Bungalow apartment. Spacious, clean, Ensuite laundry, 4-Applianc- es included. 1 Year lease, First and last. $1200 Plus utilities. Available May 1st. 905-442-6415 Apartments & Flats for RentA PORT WHITBY.-2-bed- rooms, 1-4pc, 1-3pc-bath, large-livingroom, family-size kitchen, w/o to deck. Easy access-to GO Train,near sport complex, walking trail. $900/mthly +hydro. Brumley R/E Ltd Brokerage. 905-668- 0515. REGENCY PLACE APTS ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE-IN SPECIAL! 1 & 2 Bed. Util. incl. Security & pking. Laun- dry, social room & additional storage. Min. to shopping & parks. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. 15 Regency Cres. (Mary St. & Hickory St) 905-430-7397 www.real- star.ca RITSON /OLIVE- 3 bed- room, parking, all utilities in- cluded. Porch, yard, fresh re- no, laundry, available Febru- ary/March. $995/month. (416)657-2117. SIMCOE ST., Oshawa. Beautiful 3-bedroom. 1400sqft, on second fl oor. Walk distance to lake. Fridge and stove, utilities extra. $950/month, available now. (905)725-9991. TESTA HEIGHTS 1, 2 & 3 bed. w/upgraded fi nishes. Util. incl. Security & parking. Landscaped grounds, pri- vate patios & balconies. 2 Testa Rd., Uxbridge. 905- 852-2534 www.realstar.ca WHITBY Large 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Separate entrance, parking, laundry, a/c. From $800/inclusive. Shows well. No pets/smoking. Referenc- es. Call Bo Gustafsson, Sales Representative, Sutton Group Tower Reality, 416- 783-5000 WHITBY 1-bdrm available immediately, in house with big backyard, nice family area, separate entrance, fi re- place, laundry, parking, $800+/mo, Call 905-666- 2777. WHITBY immaculate 1 & 2 bedroom central. Available April 1. $799 & $938, appli- ances, heat, water, laundry facilities and parking. 905- 666-1074 or 905-493-3065. WHITBY NORTH WEST, duplex 2-bedroom. Com- pletely renovated, Carpet, private driveway and back- yard, coin laundry, no smok- ing/pets. Near everything. $900/inclusive. Available April/May 1st. 905-668- 8967, 905-668-8667. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca Whitby's Best building newly renovated suite 2-BEDROOM extra-large in clean, quiet bldg, freshly painted, beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. Ideal adult lifestyle bldg. insuite storage, onsite laundry. Incredible value! Available March/April 1st 905-668-7758 viewit.ca (vit #17633) WHITBY, 2 bedrooms from $950 - $960 all inclusive Close to all amenities. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877 WHITBY, 3-bdrm in triplex, $850/mo plus hydro and gas. Parking and laundry available. 505 Harris St. April 1st. No pets. (905)430- 7567 after 6pm. WHITBY, near Queen's Common. Large bright above-ground 2-bdrm., lami- nate fl ooring, separate en- trance, laundry, full bath, 1-parking, fi rst/last, no smok- ing/pets. $795/mo+ 1/2 utilities. Avail. immediately. 905-430-7311. WHITBY-Large quiet 2-bdrm, new carpet, fresh paint, very clean and parking, near GO /amenities. No smoking /pets. (416)498-4770, (416)577-8963. Places of Worship Apartments & Flats for RentA WHITBY- Bright, clean, 700 sq.ft. 1-bedroom apartment with private entrance and large windows. Includes eat- in kitchen, living/dining room, 3-piece bath, 4-appliances and cable TV. On bus route. 10 min walk to GO train. Sin- gle quiet adult preferred. $850/per month all inclusive. 1-year lease required. Available immediately. 905- 442-6415. Furnished ApartmentsF TWO ROOMS FOR RENT 2500 SQFT TOWNHOME Rossland/Brock. Furnished $550 incl queen bed, cable, internet. Unfurnished $500. Shared laundry, kitchen, lounges. Smoking OK. Cleaning Lady. 905-493- 1833. Condominiums for RentC BOWMANVILLE LUXURY LOWRISE Condos Starting at $1000. All Inclusive 5 ap- pliances, amenities centre and parking also included. Dont delay, call Jennise To- day! 905-697-8261 CONDO/BOWMANVILLE 1 bedroom + den, one bath, 3rd fl oor, top-walkup, balco- ny, mins to 401/shopping, appliances/parking, ensuite laundry, gas heat, w/a/c, se- cure building/ locker, no smoking / pets. $950+utilities. April lst. 905- 550-8321 LUXURY WATERFRONT Condo, Whitby. New 1-bdrm. Fully upgraded, hardwood, 6-appl, large balcony, air/heat, storage, 2-parking, jacuzzi, pool, sauna, fi tness, security, sheltered on lake, access to private beach, walk to Go. $1325/mo inclu- sive. Availability fl exible. 905-242-3381 Places of Worship Condominiums for RentC NEW UNITS IN LUXURY Oshawa condo. Down- town location. Ensuite laundry, gym, sauna, balconies, etc. 1-bed- rooms from $950, 1-bed- room+dens from $1100, 2-bedrooms from $1200. Available immediately. Matthew 416-723-0847. WHITBY, Rossland/Brock Rd-beautiful 2-bedroom, ground fl oor condo. 3-years new, clean, quiet, fridge/stove/washer/dryer. 1- Under ground parking. Patio, available April 1st. $1200/month, plus Gas/Hy- dro. First/last, References. (905)259-4576. Houses for Rent AJAX 3-BEDROOM de- tached bungalow, large yard, on clean, quiet street, near amenities, whole house. $1065 mo + utilities. (905)683-6203. BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom bungalow, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, A / C, large backyard, near mall, schools, transportation. No smoking / pets. First/last. Available March 15th or April lst. Ref- erences required. $1325 + utilities. (905)623-2624 BROOKLIN 3 bedroom home, garage, new fridge/stove, close to stores/park/arena. First/last, plus utilities. $1100/monthly, 905-767-3034 BROOKLIN NEW 4-bdrm in cul de sac, double garage, new appliances, main fl oor laundry, fi replace, ensuite, 1.5 baths. Large eat-in kitch- en. A/C. Central vac. 15 min- utes to 401/407. First/last, references. No smoking/pets. $1400+utilities. 905-852- 5351. Places of Worship Houses for Rent CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE, small 3 bedroom house. Stove/fridge, detached gar- age, yard, non smokers. $1150/month plus utilities. First/last. Available April 1st. (905)623-5278 NEWCASTLE, 3 bedroom, brand new single house, 2 bathrooms, fi nished base- ment, huge garage, 5 min walk to school/TTC, fi rst/last, $1150 plus utilities, March 15th. (416)284-8148 OSHAWA, LARGE 2-BDRM bungalow, mainfl oor. Shows well. Near Oshawa mall, cus- tom-made kitchen, new bath- room, 5 appliances. A/C, $1200/mo+utilities. No pets/smokers. References. Bo Gustafsson, Sales Repre- sentative, Sutton Group, 416-783-5000 OSHAWA, WILSON/ADE- LAIDE 3-bedroom bungalow close to schools. Appliances included. Gas fi replace, cen- tral air. $1175 plus utilities. No smoking/pets. First/last. Available March 15th. Call 905-728-3350. OSHAWA- 3 bedroom. Spacious. New fl oors, freshly painted. Close to amenities, on quiet street, parking, laun- dry. $1350 utilities included. Call Charles (905)201-6936 WHITBY, 3-bdrm mainfl oor bungalow, 5-appliances, a/c, parking, shows well. Central location. $1250/mo+utilities. Smoke-free home, no pets. References. Call Bo Gustafs- son, Sales Representative, Sutton Group Tower Reality, 416-783-5000 Townhouses for RentT AN OSHAWA SOUTH newly renovated town-house, 3-bedroom $999+ utilities. Close to schools & shopping. First/last. Call 416-880-4126. Places of Worship Townhouses for RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca OPEN HOUSE TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom town- houses. Ensuite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & playground. Private back- yards. Sauna & pking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Sim- coe St.) Ask about our move- in specials. 905-436-3346 www.realstar.ca PICKERING 3-BEDROOM 1-1/2 baths end unit town- house, with balcony. Across from Pickering Town Centre. Very clean. Available imme- diately. $1380/mo+ hydro. (905)839-3087. SPACIOUS 3-BDRM Central Oshawa, excellent condition, appliances, rec-room, $1330/incl, fi rst/last. Call Martin (416)318-2763 or (905)728-1420 WAVERLY/ROSSLAND- 3 & 4 bedrooms, 1-1/2 bathroom townhomes, renovated interi- or & exterior, available in friendly family-oriented com- plex. Immediate. $1050- $1150+utilities. 2-appliances, hardwood fl ooring, backs onto ravine. Near schools, park, transit, shopping. Con- tact Bob at 905-240-4942. Rooms for Rent & WantedR PRIVATE, QUIET furnished room, in Whitby, Taun- ton/Brock. Includes laundry, all utilities and parking. Suitable for a mature working individual. $500/month. Available immediately. (905)655-3253 Places of Worship Rooms for Rent & WantedR Country Home Large room, 3 piece bathroom. Hwy 7 and Westney Cable, Furnished / Unfurnished $600/month, references Fax - (905)427-5441 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, in secure building. Handy to all shopping. Available April 1st. Park/Gibb area. If inter- ested call Marilyn (905)434- 7554. SALEM/BAYLY, furnished room, in quiet family home. Female preferred, non smok- er. Own washroom, pool, hot tub, laundry facilities, park- ing. $450/month, no pets. 289-892-2985. SHARE AJAX or Pickering House, clean quiet adult oc- cupied. Furnished, cable TV, internet, house phone, laun- dry, parking. First/last. Smok- ing outside/no pets. from $425/inclusive, no lease, www.sharemyhouse.ca 905- 391-3809. Shared Accommodation TWO ROOMS mature pro- fessional preferred, parking, share kitchen, storage available, own 3pc. wash- room, laundry, north of Whit- by library, furnished or unfur- nished, available immediate- ly. $500/mo. (905)665- 2881. Vacation Properties SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE NOW!!! Mainte- nance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commis- sions or Broker Fees. Free Consultation. www.sellatime- share.com 1-866-708-3690 Business OpportunitiesB Death Notices TO ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL 905-683-0707 (Ajax) Apartments & Flats for RentA newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200922 AP Auction Dates & View Gallery www.auctioneer.ca Family Appreciation Weekend Free pony rides, Petting zoo Refreshments, Door prizes!!! AUCTION MODEL HOME BUILDER'S CLEARANCE SALE! BRAND NEW DESIGNER FURNITURE 3RD SHIPMENT Saturday & Sunday March 7 & 8, KAHN AUCTION FACILITY "The Big Orange Barn" 2699 Brock Rd, N Pickering, On Preview is at 11am, Auction at 12 noon *Chandeliers * Rugs *Lamps *Home Decor *High End Designer Select Furniture* SAVE HUNDREDS! SAVE THOUSANDS! Designer Chandeliers, Dinning and Hallway lighting, Crystal & Iron, Ceiling Mounts, Pendants, Vanity fi xtures. Save up to 90% in this category! Designer Furniture to include One of a kind custom home furnishings, valued up to $8,000-$10,000. Marble Top Commodes, Consoles, Breakfronts, Palace Cabinets, Bathroom Vanities with Marble or Granite Tops, Occasional Hand Carved Solid Wood Furniture, All Leather Sofa Sets too many items to mention! Antiques from France, USA, include, Drexel Heritage, Ethan Allen, Henkel Harris, and Thomasville. Area Rugs (Persian, Aubusson, 100% New Zealand Wool, Belgium) Valued up to $8,000, to be sold starting at $100 Bid. Sports Memorabilia featuring Sydney Crosby, Great Selection of Art & Mirrors: Limited Edition Art including Group of Seven, Robert Bateman, Walter Campbell, Original Oil Paintings, Giftware and Accent Items. WED. MARCH 11TH - 5PM at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - 2194 Little Britain Rd., LINDSAY BOB FM Auction- $1000's of dollars of new merchandise by live auction also hundreds of silent auction items plus con- tents of several local estates, large sale of antiques, modern & quality furniture, Roxton dinette set with buf- fet/hutch, Cherry bedroom suite, cedar chest, sofas, hundreds of collectables, Aladdin lamp converted, quilts, glass & china, silverware, tools, partial list, selling 2 rings, MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 or view list & photos at www.mcleanauctions.com INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY MARCH 8TH, 2009 Please visit any of the following salons and support us in this occasion marked by women from all around the world. All proceeds will be donated to The Durham Rape Crisis Centre SALON ARTIS Sun., March 8th from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (905)432-2303 CAREER SCHOOL OF HAIR AND NAILS Fri., March 6th from 8 a.m – 3:30 p.m. (905) 576-3558 REAL SWEET BABY DOLCE VERO SALON N STUDIO Sun., March 8th from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. and Mon. March 9th from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (905)424-7773 THE GATE HOUSE SALON AND SPA Sat., Feb. 23 to Sat. March 8th (905)434-6147 K-OTIK HAIR Sun. March 8th from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (905)723-4366 EUROPEAN HAIR SALON Feb. 24 to March 8th (905)728-0530 DURHAM RAPE CRISIS CENTRE www.durhamrapecrisiscentre.com EXHIBITORS WANTED Home & Garden Show March 13, 14 & 15 Contact Wendy ext. 2215 or Devon ext. 2236, 905-579-4400 ------------------------------------------------ Metro East Spring Home & Garden Show March 27, 28, 29 Pickering Markets Trade Centre Contact Audrey 905-426-4676 ext. 257 www.showsdurhamregion.com ------------------------------------------------ Fast & Furious Northumberland Motor Sports Show April 4 & 5 Contact Chantelle 905-372-0947 Email: cmcbridennews@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------ Durham Parent Baby & Kids Show Sat April 11 Ajax Convention Centre Contact Audrey 905-426-4676 ext. 257 www.showsdurhamregion.com ------------------------------------------------ Family Health & Lifestyle Show April 18 & 19 McKinney Centre - Whitby Contact Devon ext. 2236 or Cara ext. 2212, 905-579-4400 ------------------------------------------------- Spring Home & Leisure Show April 25 & 26 Baltimore Community Centre Contact Chantelle 905-372-0947 Email: cmcbridennews@gmail.com Auctions Mobile Homes & ParkM AFFORDABLE LIVING, $69,900! 2 bedroom mobile home completely renovated inside. Great location between Cobourg and Port Hope. 5 appliances includ- ed. Large lot, big deck. Private sale. Call for viewing (905) 885-7278. Lost & FoundL FOUND CAT, long hair, dark grey with green eyes. Friend- ly. Brock Rd & 3rd Conces- sion, Pickering. (905)426- 2323 Nannies Live-in/out FULL-TIME NANNY, live-in required for 2 children, 3 and 8, Pickering. Completion of high school or equivalent. w/experience of min. 1 year. References. Call (905)837- 5502 Auctions Daycare Available FINDING CHILDCARE Has never been easier! Connecting providers, parents and nannies. Not an agency. View free list today at: www.durhamdaycare.com 289-404-2222 QUALITY DAYCARE available. Westney & Dela- ney, excellent rates, now is the time to look for a good caregiver. All ages, full or part-time, days or Sat., homemade meals, large play area, fully fenced, happy en- vironment, crafts, games etc. Receipts, references. (905) 686-8719 Auctions Music & Dance Instruction Alexander's Music Studios 1360 Kingston Rd.Pickering (oppositeTownCentre mall) (905)-420-6741 FREE Trial Lesson Private Lessons from $10 all instruments,voice,theory also: Performance Course with pro studio CD recording Diffi culties reading music? Progress too slow? We guarantee success S.Riches BMus,B.Ed,ARCT Articles for SaleA 2 SINGLE beds, head/book- case, mattress, frame, etc. $100/each set. Like new, only 3 years old. (905)619- 2078 ADVERTISE Nationally to approximately 12 million households in North Ameri- ca's best suburbs! Place your classifi ed ad in over 900 suburban newspapers. Call Oshawa This Week 905-576- 9335 for further information. AFFORDABLE Appliances, HANKS Appliances, PARTS/SALES/SERVICE 310 Bloor St.W. Stoves $175/up, Fridges $175/up, Washers $175/up, Dryers $149/up. All warranty up to 15 months. Durham's largest selection of Reconditioned Appliances. Showroom Sales Person- salary+ comm. Ser- vice Technician required. (905)728-4043. APPLIANCES, Buy, Sell & Service. Refrigerator, stove, heavy duty washer & dryer, apartment size washer & dry- er. Mint condition. Will sell separately, can deliver. (905)903-4997 BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 BRITNEY SPEARS ticket. One only. Wednesday March 18, Section 120, Row 17, $220. 905-626-8420 BUFFALO. ALL NATURAL, organic, government inspect- ed. All cuts fresh frozen. Orders taken for 1/4 or 1/2 carcasses or by the lb. Star- tek Buffalo Farms, 2011 Shirley Road, Port Perry, 905-985-3384. CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT B.E. Larkin Equip- ment Ltd. Kubota Construc- tion, New Holland Construc- tion used equipment. Dur- ham, Clarington, Northum- berland Sales Rep Jim (647)284-0971 FURNACES: FACTORY Direct, 92.1% High-Effi cien- cy, from $1599, 95% High Effi ciency from $1799 (In- stalled). Furnaces qualify for Government Rebates. Gas Lines, BBQ, Stoves, $179/15ft Installed. 416-303- 1329. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUBS, 2008 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. Coming EventsC Articles for SaleA HOT TUB COVERS Custom covers, all sizes and shapes, $425 tax and delivery included. Pool safety covers. We will not be beat on price and quality. Guaranteed. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com MODCHIPS SUPPLIED and installed. Wii $125; XBOX360 $75; PS2 $100. Allows your console to play backup copies. Call Mike (North Oshawa) 905-626- 0542. Check website du- rhammods.com POOL TABLE, professional series 1" slate, new in box with accessories, cost $4500, selling $1395. 416- 779-0563 Vendors WantedV Coming EventsC Articles for SaleA NEW COUNTERTOPS ONLY $15ft. Custom made to your order, installed, de- livered, or picked up. www.Prestolam.com. Dis- count Quality Countertops 905-372-8969. discountqua- litycountertops@hotmail.com RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit ap- plication refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. Vendors WantedV HOME FXX PRESALE CONSULTATION Call Lee 905.439.1939 A common sense approach toA common sense approach to maximize equity in your homemaximize equity in your home Prepare your home for resale Cost effective upgrades, repairs, quick fi x’s Have your home show well More curb appeal Room by room, evaluation and grading Before you list your home GIVE US A CALLBefore you list your home GIVE US A CALL Evaluations from $95 - 1200 sq. ft.Evaluations from $95 - 1200 sq. ft. Home Restoration Services Brick & Block Repairs • Chimney & Tuck Pointing Window & Door Caulking • Step & Walkway Repairs Retaining Wall Repair • Concrete Repairs Cement Finishing • Complete Home Reno’s 289.200.0826 FAIRPORT RENOVATIONS Guaranteed Highest Quality work We specialize in: ● Basement, Kitchen & Bathroom renovations ● Complete basement apartments. ● Specialty woodworking For free estimate please call (416)389-4988 No Job is too small! Fairport Renovations 1809 Appleview Rd., Pickering L1V 1T7 THERMAL IMAGE INSPECTIONS USING THE LATEST THERMAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY “SEE” EXACTLY WHERE YOUR MONEY & HEAT ARE ESCAPING FROM YOU HOME. TO BOOK YOUR THERMAL IMAGE HOME INSPECTION. CALL US @ 905-924-2711 20% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD .TRAFFORD INC. Q u a l i t y Construction Kitchen, Bathroom, Basement Renovations Call Doug 905 626-3771 Licensed and Insured • FREE ESTIMATES Call Dan for a FREE Estimate 905.436.9823 or Cell: 905.243.1459 Interiors / Exterior • Commercial / Residential Over 25 Years Experience • Competitive Prices GARAGE DOOR: New garage door $500 and up. Service and repairman. Opener installed. Reliable & professional. Excellent prices. www.22home.ca 416.268.6088 LEAKY BASEMENT? Foundation Repairs Weeping Tiles Water Proofi ng Parging (Dig by hand) 30 year warranty Call (905)442-0068 ATTENTION TO DETAIL CONTRACTING Complete Basements, Bathrooms & Kitchens Crown Moulding Baseboards & Doors Interior Tiling, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring 905-621-0815 DOORS "R" US NEW GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (WE INSTALL), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales, Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 E.S. HOME RENOVATION 18 Years Experience ● Painting ● Drywall ●Top quality paint ● Plumbing ● Electrical ● General help Call Everet 416 414 6831 for free estimate HANDI-MAX For ALL small Household jobs, Painting & Pressure spraying Certifi ed Home Inspection Call Brian (905)231-9674 (905)706-7333 Kitchen Cabinet Sale 24ft cabinets $2400 Granite counter top $40 per sq.ft. Regular counter top $13 per sq.ft. Monthly payments available 416-882-3263 Mr. Do - It - All Interior/Exterior Renovations Plumbing & Electrical All Odd Jobs Tree Trim/Removal Fences & Decks Free Estimates 15% Senior Discount Call Shawn (416) 996-1818 No Job is too small Basement & Bathroom renovations Decks & Fencing Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 PLUMBER ON THE GO Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 Specializing in: Framing Drywall Installation Drywall Taping & Finishing Brian Wallace: 905-925-4074 qualitydrywall.ca Exceptional results. Real value. The Quality Difference. Owner/Operator A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! All Junk Removed. Homes, Yards, Businesses, etc. We do all the loading. Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! In Service for 25yrs. John (Local) 310-5865 NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? ● Snow Removal ● Junk Removal ● Light Hauling ● Odd Jobs ● General Deliveries Reasonable Rates Call Hans anytime (905)706-6776 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative fi nishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Tor. Line 647-868-9669 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licenced/Insured (416)533-4162 (416)532-9056 DOAEC MOVING/DELIVERY ✓ fully insured and bonded ✓ honest & reliable ✓ reasonable rates ✓ Local/long distance (905) 426-4456 (416) 704-0267 A MIRACLE Cleaning Service 25 years in business. I work alone, very thorough & bring my own cleaners. Excellent references. Durham Region area (905) 995-1223 BEEN AWAY 5 years, Am Back Trustworthy Lady will clean your home Call before 4pm (905)721-2740 CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" EXPERIENCED CLEANING LADY available. Quality service at excellent rates. Julie 905-409-7696 LIL' Lisas House Cleaning Affordable & Reliable Free Estimates (905)427-7899 HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST Hardwood & Laminate Installations Sanding, staining, & fi nishing of old fl oors 20 years experience Call John (905) 655-3492 (416) 220-4768 TAX PREPARATION Personal taxes prepared by a professional accountant. Corporate Accounting, computerized bookkeeping, tax recovery from US tax casino winnings. Call JUDY KUKSIS CGA 905-426-2900 Home Improvement Painting & Decorating Home Improvement Home Improvement Painting & Decorating Home Improvement Home Improvement Home Improvement Garbage Removal/Hauling HandymanH Painting & Decorating Moving & Storage House Cleaning Flooring, CarpetingF Tax & FinancialT Service Directory SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 Catch Classifieds ONLINE! ANYTIME! Log on to: www.durhamregion.com To Contact Us Call: 1-800-519-9566, 905-668-1838 Apply on-line atApply on-line at www.creditzonecanada.comwww.creditzonecanada.com Bad Credit? O.K. • New to Country? O.K. • Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payment’s? O.K. *Need a Car Loan-*Need a Car Loan- Call Credit-ZoneCall Credit-Zone Canada O/A 1527619. Some down payment may be required $29 PLUS GST You can get any birth notice, birthday, wedding, anniversary or engagement notice published. LIMIT OF 50 WORDS. PLEASE SEND MILESTONE SUBMISSIONS TO ejackson@durhamregion.com BY TUESDAY AT 4 PM FOR THURSDAY PUBLICATION. MILESTONES PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ERIN JACKSON AT 905-683-5110 CONGRATULATIONS To Mike and Lisa on their recent wedding. Wishing you many happy years ahead.newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200923 AP Cars for Sale Articles for SaleA TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES new coin washers $699 and new coin dryers $599., also reconditioned coin washer and dryers available, new Danby apt- size freezers $209, new 24" and 30" ranges $399., wide selection of new and re- conditioned appliances available. Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 VENDORS WANTED at Courtice Flea Market. Rent starts at $185/mo for 10'x10' booth. Approx 250,000 people/year. Locat- ed 2 minutes off 401 be- tween Oshawa & Bowman- ville Call 905-436-1024 www.courticefl eamarket.com Articles WantedA HEY! BELLE-OF THE BALL, prom queen, bride & party. Whats that gorgeous gown you have hanging in the clos- et doing nothing. Meals for moths! Get it out and lets make you some money. Carol 905-862-0136 WANTED-GOLD. Broken, scrap, any 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k. The market is high, we pay top money!! Rock Bottom Deals, 22 Simcoe St.N, (Downtown Oshawa) (905)436-1320. Pets, Supplies, Boarding A&R COUNTRY KENNEL Licensed/health guarantee, shih-poos, eskie-poo, pom- poo www. arcountrykennel.com (613)332-6232. MANCHESTER TERRIER (Toy) CKC registered, fe- male, all shots, dewormed, micro-chipped. 7-months, very sweet. Call (905)243- 5996. Cars for Sale Pets, Supplies, Boarding BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN re- triever puppies. Experienced breeder since 1967. First shots, dewormed, vet checked. 5 yr. guarantee. Supplier of service dogs. $500. Judy (905)576-3303, Al 1-705-632-1187 BEAUTIFUL Goldendoodle babies, 1 girl, 4 boys with gorgeous, extremely low shed, silky coats. Great family pets. Call 705-437- 2790, www.doodletreasures. com Cars for Sale Cars for Sale 1981 CORVETTE, 350, auto, good body, drive train A1, needs some interior work. $12000 cert. or best offer (905)987-4140 NEED A CAR? 100% Credit Guaranteed, Your job is your credit, some down payment may be required. 200 cars in stock Call 877-743-9292 or apply online at www.needacartoday.ca Cars for Sale 1996 FORD PROBE GT, 152K, $2999. 1997 Firebird, 167K, $4999. 1998 Honda Prelude, 145K, $4999. 1999 Concord, 139K, $2999. 1996 GMC 2500 4x4, 6.5 Turbo Diesel Pick-up, $5499. Others from $1499 up. Certifi ed & e-tested, free 6 month warranty. (Kelly & Sons Since 1976) 905-683- 7301 or 905-424-9002. www.kellyandsons auto.com Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. ! ! ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. ! ! $ $ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) 905- 424-3508 ! !!$ WHITTLE SCRAP Solu- tions. We pay cash for all your unwanted scrap! Auto- mobiles and scrap metal. Fast free pickup. Available 24/7 at 905-431-1808. ! A ABLE TO PAY up to $10,000 on scrap cars & trucks running or not. Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Picker- ing/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Always the best cash deal - up to $300 for your good scrap cars, trucks and vans. Speedy service. Minor re- pairs. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. Cars WantedC $ $250+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686- 1771; 416-896-7066 $100-$1000 Cash For Cars Dead or Alive Fast Free Towing 7 Days a Week (416)831-7399 1-866-256-2883 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Trucks for SaleT 2002 GMC 3500. 6.6 L, Du- ramax diesel, Alison trans, 4x4, 9ft western blade, 298,000kms, $12,000 obo. call 905-999-1966 Vans/ 4-Wheel DriveV 1998 PLYMOTH Voyager EXT Van. $1400. Call (905)509-2491 after 6pm Motorcycles WANTED 1985 & Newer Used Motrocycles & select watercraft, ATV & snowmo- biles. Free Pickup - no has- sle cash price. 1-800-963- 9216 www.sellusyourbike. com Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm Adult Entertainment ALL ASIAN LADIES Chinese Japanese Korean 24/7 Out Calls Only www.cuteorientals.ca 905-706-8808 NEW EXOTIC BRAZILIAN BEAUTY 120 lbs. * 5'4" Outgoing & Incoming Calls Call Tatianna (905)621-7505 MassagesM New Management 3 ladies daily No rush, no waiting! #1 Choice Special 2 for 1 Super Friendly Oriental (905)720-2958 1427 King St. E., Courtice (beside Swiss Chalet) AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! No Session Fee Ultimate Special 231-0272 Ajax, 10-10 OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 SPECIAL $30 PICKERING SPA V.I.P. Rooms Modern Facility Excellent Service 1050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 25 (905)831-3188 NOW HIRING 416-427-4549 LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION FOR NEWCOMERS TO CANADA THEDURHAMCA THO L I C DISTRICT SCHOOLBOARDCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL DURHAM CALL ROSE 1-866-550-5462 CHILDCARE AVAILABLE www.durhamLINC.ca And the beat goes on. Do you have an irregular heart rhythm? Be safe and act now. Rouge Valley has a full-service approach to care— right here in your community. Visit us today! Located at our Rouge Valley Centenary hospital campus 416-284-8131 ext. 4816 The best at what we do.The best at what we do. www.rougevalley.ca ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY < PACEMAKERS < DEFIBRILATORS < ARRHYTHMIA MANAGEMENT < CARDIAC ABLATION PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE Genuin Soft Leather, Absolute Comfort We've Got Your Size ¤ A PASSION FOR COMFORT CANADA’S LEADING PUBLICATION FOR T O DAY’S FIFTY-PLUS LIFESTYLES 10TH ANNUAL ANNUAL This handy and useful directory has proven itself to be a terrific advertising vehicle for any business catering to the 50 plus market. Watch for this directory, being distributed April 2009. Call Laurie McCaig to reserve your space today. 905.683.5110 ext. 230 lmccaig@durhamregion.com newsdurhamregion.comNews Advertiser • March 6, 200924 AP vV ILLAGE CHRYSLER – If you lose your job, all our vehicles are backed by our walk-away protection plan.* WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS! 1-888-527-4929 NOW AT 201 BAYLY ST. W.(AT MONARCH AVE.) SALES HOTLINE ronb@villagechrysler.ca VILLAGE CHRYSLER CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP Weekly payments are based on $0 down OAC. Interest is based on variable rate at 5.99%. Model car 2004 to 2005 60 months, 2006 to 2007 72 months, 2008 and newer based on 84 months. Finance example: $10,000 for 60 months COB is $1898, payments are $38.23. *We are an authorized dealer for Walkaway Insurance 12 months with all the vehicles. Please call dealer for more information. NO FEAR RON IS HERE! NO CREDIT? SLOW CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? CALL RON 1-888-542-5829 “Thinking like a customer” ‘06 Kia Spectra $$4848 ONLY PER WEEK 4 Door, Wagon, Aito, A/C Stk# P214 ‘08 Dodge PT Cruiser $$5353 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Power Group. Stk# P536 ‘04 Dodge Dakota $$5858 ONLY PER WEEK Fully Loaded Stk# T8939A1 ‘08 Dodge Caliber SXT $$6969 ONLY PER WEEK Power Group, Auto, A/C, 4 Door Stk# 533 $$5959 ONLY PER WEEKStk# P531 ‘06 Honda Civic Sport $$6969 ONLY PER WEEK 2 Door Coupe, Fully Loaded. Stk# P536 ‘05 Volkswagon Golf $$7272 ONLY PER WEEKStk# T9189A ‘07 Dodge Magnum $$7272 ONLY PER WEEK Power Group, Auto, A/C, 4 Door Stk# DC9508 ‘08 Dodge Avenger R/T $$8686 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Leather, Power Group, Low, Low kms. Stk# P549 ‘09 Dodge Journey $$8686 ONLY PER WEEK Power Group, A/C, 7 Passenger, Low, Low kms. Stk# P540 ‘05 Dodge Durango 4x4 $$9090 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Leather, Sunroof Stk# US9630A $$9494 ONLY PER WEEK 2 Door Coupe, Fully Loaded Stk# V309 $$9797 ONLY PER WEEK V6, Auto, Power Doors, Rear A/C, Sunroof Stk# P523 $$119119 ONLY PER WEEK V8, Auto, A/C, Leather, Sunroof, Fully Loaded Stk# P484 ‘08 Chrysler Aspen 4x4 $$140140 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Leather, Fully Loaded, Low kms. Stk# P536 DEMO S A L E ! DEMO SALE! ‘08 Sebring $$7979 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Leather, Power Group, Sunroof. Stk# P550 $$110110 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Fully Loaded Stk# P545 ‘08 Dodge Charger $$7676 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Power Group, Low Low kms. Stk# P425 ‘08 Versa $$6868 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Power Group Stk# V189 ‘08 Sebring Convertible $$9999 ONLY PER WEEK Auto, A/C, Power Roof, Power Group, Low Low kms. Stk# P9815 $$00DOWNDOWN PAYMENT PAYMENT NONO EXTRAEXTRA FEES FEES TAXESTAXES INCLUDEDINCLUDED SAFETYSAFETYSAFETYSAFETY INCLUDEDINCLUDEDINCLUDEDINCLUDED $$00DOWNDOWN PAYMENT PAYMENT TAXESTAXES INCLUDEDINCLUDED NONO EXTRAEXTRA FEES FEES ‘05 Chrysler Crossfire ‘08 Chrysler Town & Country DEMO S A L E ! DEMO SALE! ‘08 Dodge Durango 4X4 ‘08 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4X4 Auto, A/C, 4 Door, Hatchback DIESELDIESEL ‘07 Dodge Grand CaravanSto’N’Go, 7 Passenger, Rear A/C & Heat