HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1936_09_04r r. 77 t� I STA Y 41; . a X 7 0. VOL. LVI' PICKERING, ONT... FRIDAY,- SEPT. 4. 1.48 6. >tlsafsss97 Broijgham Cherrywood. NOTICE ful REBA W UU1) Br6ughain Boat Works are ex- Mr. and Mrs. J. Petty and f d andly hioftipAl in the Wsibeuta at tne- Ex- visited with Biwn 'ton _relatives a on 11�ILLS R. H. 0. PHARSON­Physician 'hibition. StYeet car entrance� PDitudSurgeon. Dunbarton. -.017 *Our trucks pass your way Sunday. �IJss Nora ham is holidayi�gH. FOR SlPvrH. every day." �Vitll The -Leonard* and George Gates, _0ph. D.. Director ReOptometrical Assoclationof ==, COAL,. COKE. he'r aunt, Kira. F. Dingman of:Whit- families visited at hittlian' River on. -the American by. Sunday. Astablished IM -Astared Milimbeir of eatimined by appointment out. Ont. W%.'001), CEMENT,* c,diss Jean' -Mr�lcoha has rettirra-d to - We expect 6ur pastor, Rev. J. R., CIE.Y_ ner' duties at the school ax liaven.- Bick-to occupy --the pulpit. -on -gi�nday NAND, GRAVEL" shoe- Chopping next. UU DONALD RUUIJY and !airs. Sydney Bennett of Claremont her vac - Miss Laura Petty spent "Q SoLiciLot, NoLary eumic. twiunvyw called 'on 6id,friends Mondays, Wednesdays LAMA In - br0Ul6Aan.1 anon with her sister, Mrs. Norman ciliac formerly occupied B1.1-ILDER'S SUPPLIES on Monday. ..USE. O*Qtbw1ugQl%;Qurt tou.*. vv li*oy. aty Alvis, of Brooklin. and Fridays Ii albo local cartage work Miss Luis Steveson of Pickering Miss Marion'Re6sor was a guest When a H.Oliday-COMC3 O"A ChOP-4 BEA ION, btLL to KOzzo visited her aurr., Mrs. C. A' bar- at the hokne .of Wm..J. Petty this b&rri3tQr&'& bolleilofs We have&lsoplaced in stock a fall clay on Sunday. last week. ping day we will rind the next -M J, BEA I uN. &, C. - WlLLLA line of MaplC- Leaf Mill -Dg Mr. kussell Brodie and` daughter day. &L BROOKE bbLL. F. RUSEOu'p, Feeds. Jean and family visited -Mrs.: Geo. V TO; get paying results from i J&MEbA ­ W R 1Uh T, Pniop on Sunday. Greenwood pig 73 lilay boueeL. A 0100tio, AuelaldeA". A. We MITCHELL Mrs. D. Stevenson's . health has fee•ding the grain must be ground. been causing her friends anxiety dur- The W. M. S., wall meet at the five. 7. UC. HI(jHAftDSUj4_& Lfo...jitirrill- Pickering, Out. ing the past week, home of Mm . Geo. Wils9n.-On, Thum-. sti. tiolicitots. Notaries etc., Suite 501' No other Mill grind* as fine as_ b4celiffox Life budding, sts rorUGLU at. foro,to' Ofyicephone 7400 Residence 8520 Master Jack Mairs spent two week� day AfternOOP. Telephone Ad. 1*6b: elcikeriz)g enong joI3. dtj The -Mission Band will meet in with his.grandpare.tits-, D. and Mr:. this dQes. Dawson of Claremont. the basement of the church 'on Sai- rp-HOMSUN & McMILLAN-Harris- The Beal Store, Claremont Zecent' 'visitors - at Ithe F. - CasFie utday afternoon at' 2 o'clock,. FEED ON HIAND .A- LW%. Solicitors, Notary eublic. office at ALeadence of k4r. 1�homsou. lot ix. concession I. PHON9 924 home were Mr. urta Mtn- J: Mine Miss -May Brown. is spending, a Better Service than Ever. -fickerfag, ofte bours: I buradIty and Saturday etrefuntiM from 7.0U lo. m to 6.30 p. m., or by d Winnipeg, a*id Alisis Cassie., of. few days' in Toronto. �irpatntment. lorontootfice: Cob Royal Bank FURNITURE Agincourt. The funeral of the late Mr. Robt. TozonEoElririSM. X". , We are displaying an -attractive Iiie Roy McWhirter family h,,,, Bro-.A-ri- took ..place in ar. -city.. to Mt - variety of returned from their holiday trip' and Pleasant Cemetery last week. Mr. O_ONAN-r ANS Barriaters, Aluminum sad Graniteware Etc. while i 'Callendar saw the famous Brown waAwell known here --as he Notaries Public n Furniture and Furt iture quintuplets. lived here for a number of years. GORDON D CONANT.'K. C. Novelties, ch Mri- T. A,- Knox has not regained. The commonity's sympathy -goes -to PIANO TIMING .,Ofseeli. -7 1 2 Simcoe St, S. Oshaw� Prices low, keeping wi tic her strength since coining from the the farmly' in their bereavement. AND Plsoiaeb-4 and 5. (Oshawa), and at the Court West and 'is under the doctor's care - Mr. and Mrs. .G..Bagg,.of Wood All Whitby. (hik. (onint) Phone 7,,Wblt. Smith- All kinds of FeTair Work by). at present. bridge and MT. and Mrs. W. RADIO SERVICEwith X11 Tuning Guaranteed Mr. and Mrs.. Hillick, Mrs. Hubb- eis. of . Oshawd,' spent.Sunday A Graduate of Rd-djo Collegp and and Mrs. Wright, of Gevrg4toAn Mr. and Mrs. Mark, and family - C. S. MacDONALD visit with the Tatter's sister, Mrs. _%fiss Rutledge ha returned to Stephenson N HIL C . SMITH. D. D. L D. S. with D. Stephenson on. Sunday, take 'Charge of the Phool which -OP- 209 CLOSE AVE., TORONTO (Sacceesor to Dr J. :, Lftles), Gractuate o; Up -to -tine -minute. triaining Mr. and Mrs. D. L. %Vittpr and ened on Tuesday for another term. Lakeside 1502 dw Royal Cotlegeoll.)enl Surgeons and Twon. -..#p 4e 1.1;i2vantity At Clar act office over D. A. and daughter, of Xocttreaj, also Mr. and ..Mr., and Mrs. -J. Ryan, of Cann- Orders. takes at NEWS Office. gwtt*s sture - very Tam ' y and FridayPhone FINEST EQUIPMENT Mrs. R. W. Witter, of Toronto". spent ington called on Mr- and Mrs. Gib - for. Friday with L and Mrs. Matthews. son On Monday. HHRBERTT FALLAISE. L DS., iQualanteed Satisfaction Mr; and -Mrs. I- L. Routlo:,- anti F., H: Furlong. of Chicago spent D D. $_Graduate of the Royal Coll2si of I And - Mrs. H. .3do'%bra�� For "Sal DML& Surgeons and the Uruvervity of Toronto, AT son, also Mr. and a few days recently with. Car Shingles 81ke in residence second door east of St. And Reovitinuablo P�icea and *ughter. of . 11rooklin visited Mrs. Devitt. riew's Cburcb. Pickering, Ont. :Xfice hour; V S. m. so 61V Tubes and Batteries always on j Ad with the former'li sister, Mrs. L. rt�, or by appoint (X-ray Goilt Galvntlizrd Steel 8hiagle>t. Pick 3700, Fenney-Scragg, 4317 ROY MILLER. Matthews. Bird'. Felt Slistp Shinstlep. Mrs. E& Cammack and daughtel Aljsti� re-rubt-viririf, huggy wheels. 4r orbio. BroulzbAm. .0otarla. Mrs. Mary Cammack, Mrs. Scanlon On Saturday I afternoon, August *8tf Phone Mark l6og wedding piaci EAwn mowers sb%rpened. and grand -daughter, *ere guejt; of 29th, an. outdoor wedd r. PATERSON 8 - OLARRMON AAELIZABETH RICHARD8015- t,..e G. Hicks faritily during last °n. the lawn of the "Cedarest" Di;c • Fire and automobile istouralaceof all kinds. ie Bridge, the summer home of_ :Kr_ _.- CA . 11 and get prices. Phope.2111k. tepreseating companies of solid ansincial stand, -music week, all guests from'Detroit. 611. . . - . Mrs. -A. Mohun ai4d son, William and Mm' Sct4gg,,of Riverdale. ... Experienced M uric Teacher and Miss Gertie Bate, of,Toronto.' Toronto. When their eldest daugr, POSTILI. Licensed Auctioneer, ... d Miss Ida Bate on Monday. ter, -Alice, was married to George Fs for clounts" Of York and Ontario. Ann- with a Toronto Con servaton FUEL I= false of all 912,19 st"an, o W an abor"" is -wit Walter Fertn", - s6n.. df Mr. and .Miss Beatrice Stevenson Jt C Solana. Address Orem &Iver P.O.. Oat. rs. Fenrley, of Cherry-ood. ,standing. and Mrs. Stevenson, of Pickering at M, -Rev a ,D R. BEATON. TOWNSHIP will teach afternoons cir'evenings present.- __NteC-4eaTy-,--of-Woodzreen Uts Clerk. Conveyancer. Commissioner fox Saturday reserved for school The Women's frit- tow will hold ited Church, Toronto, officiated. The, 0 Builders' Su iet .1alunis afoelavitw, Accountant. Etc- Issuer of pole Marriage Ucerses. Whitevale.Ont. children. its September meetillr�on Tuesday' bride was -given in.marriage by her' • Rates very Moderate. ziext at the. home- of Mrs- W. E If- fathey. She wore a. blue dress. of ii�ott. It %-ill be a "Natioral Meet triple- sheer crepe, with silver but - L1. 'M .7 ' WN AW Studio' at cry Own home one cnille ing" and the t,)pi(-* will 1,e ­Canladz tons, and. blue hat to match, -and Lumber and Lath LICENSED AUCTIoNEER AND cast -of Brougham on No. 7 �.B. ' C. Shingles as a, ling- Place," LiSr"Mrs. L. silver shoes, and carried a bouquet VALUATUR..- _Highway.. N ss May Scrag Johnston and '.lits. Ritchie. Roll of pale pink rosea, � lis .6lue Coal -7 8Aies conduelc-ed Ankwhere %'ame of a Prominent Canad- sister of the bride, and Miss W Phowe or write. Addreps 814 Dundas MRS. CART: DEVITT Alberta Ooal iam Woinan." Shaw, cousin• were bridesmait:14, mpathy is fel for the dressed alike in blue. crepe with piztk Domestic "Coke S friends and immediate family of Mr. facing m Cement. Lime,' Flasteir Whitby. OoL&rio. made •jil, Gr*6&f- style, Pickering'Mill AN J. Everest, of Toronto, w);o passed pink felt hats. They carried pink -He roses: Fenney, -ay so suddenly on ges, . Harold y assisted his 6d You Cannot AvOid A'gency for Frost & Wood av; Friday. Maple Body Wo visited the Gammage home here on brother as groomsman. Supper was Agents for Lnndy Few*- CocksLutt Farm hfachiDer' I - . ) last, and was in his usual served on iong- tables. Later - the Accident :.1 . 1. and Met -2! good health.- The shock has quite -young couple left on an extended UPI CoXnpleta lice and rep irs. prostrathd Miss Mary Gommage who motor'trip, the bride wearing a and 'BUT Chopping and Fe4ds of a] I is health at present.. knitted suit of coral pink with in, very poor =YOU CAN AVOID Cockibutt Implern THE EXPE kinds.. Her Vrother, Thomai, attended •the brown buttons,, and brown access= ybi ories... On their return -they will re. - re funeral in Toronto on Monday.* ._gem Priees Before Bill THAT FOLLOWS I Royid Pastry' Flour Bert aud Mrs. Harvey are home aide in Toronto. again after a delightful motor trip CYRI'Ij E. MORLEY Pioultr Fee wing T11 tel��roly ring three States of the Ameir- Green Rivir WILSON -BRO& ONNERAL I-NSURANCB Ma9b, t. at ing M-asl `ieQiNne-- UAiofi. While in' Schenectady, Plieft Piekering, 6790 N-. Y;, they were the guests -cf - Mr, Congratulations to our oldest I*- L'oe" FML Onto We carry all makes of Plow Points. and Mrs. Millard Smith, a grayclsoin sident, Mr. Sanford Doten, who cel- Phone Mark 7M o! iThe late George and 3Srs. Smith, ebrated his eighty-ninth birthday SUMMER, DO NO Lockwood PICKERING, ONT. and the ljrookg family, the latter on 'Sunday', Augiist ' '30th. A dir6ct v SUGGESTIONS family at one Buie proprietors of descendant. of the Pilgrim stock, of POR S U%'r.% %t I E r.' Doren ini6vtid 'from New the Old Central'Hotifl, in the 'days 1620, M 'IkO.G. CLEMMININO Cent Svve in this village. Brunswick with 'his parent& at the P-.,%lr the Home 'and' of Auld Lax Sum�mer: , Health 'Me- Browns are about t1w oylly- age of 4 yeai-s and bas' been' a corf- FUNI�RAL . DIRECT -OR. ones to. remember the 1d. pioneer stant resident. of our villa;e. ever TRY Verandah since, His early days were spent in Private Ambulance I factory, A",n as th'i The W. M: S. held their August his' fither's c 1JONES' Camp Chairs Day and Night Service meeting at the IiQme of Mrs. Bay- Dotenville Carriag& Works whicli 9000 -les 'on We6esday last. T14e Presid- was a thriving business at' that XNGLJSH RECIPE $1.50,, $1.859 $2.25 7 Malvern 5000 1 ent, Mrs. H. Malcolm, conducted the time. He also helped hi his father's Lawn Seats opening dewtions. .41t6r the sho"rt brick kiln and blacksmith shop, Health. Salt Markham, 0 nt. business session a good program was which was, located, immediately be - 99C pretsented l5k-Gr6up T), -Mm Bayles hind his present residence at that --Makes4n invigorating and. River' was called D t- ..Alooked.. Mata convener. Mrs. Norton read a comt time. Green lo refreshing drink, which re- fatmers prehengive review' of a chapter of enville and what is now Loc'ust Hill 980. 'Ytive?' -Ail§Ves sick -headache',, gour­ ibe Study Book, prepared '13y Nrs. -R. *as' ktlo*n as "Green the name being changed when the Waterproof Window Shades Rapid Flo'Filter'Dis'' D. Miller. Visitors. froni Greenwood, C­ .13tomach, iridigeatior4pri Cal Miss ..Gee and Mrs. W.- Brown and C. P. R. was their present line to Complete, 49c, Well-�madi chick troughs al . kly heat etc. 80 daughter gave interesting readings, Peterboro. Mr. Doten carried Oe Electric Plates, Toasters, Irons Baby, chick troughs, at modei. dealing with the Study Book on mail by horseback to Bangor P. b: -Large Pound tin tElectric bedroom Lamp, $2.00 ate prices., ".Africa.!' used by Mission Circles. before the. present post office waF, . W' bays, in': stock "tDcated'here. He is a member atid 39c. VaIrkie Duncan and Mrs. Bay - miss A nice Unit The old reliable B. H. Painti, Enimels B, Ist, s read short selections and Misses regular attendant at the apt BATHING CLAPS gifts• for the Brrd&l Shower,' and Varnishes, - - 'les, �hnj 'Church a�hd 'Unfain Sunday -Sebool, Mart Philip and A-nTde Bay J.q 7' Also Harness Oil,, Paint, Oils, coin- his earliest recollections of which Sej our thrge'aiiiilortment of" :4; Turps and % duet. with' Mrs. H. Malcolm ac latest styles and colors. The -C. Ai STE-RRI77 ..Coal Oil. panist ' ;The meeting had as visitor, dale' back 'to a "neighboring l6t&en IN' E �P) R G_ Nli Faneral Director 'Massey -Harris' Repairs: Mrs. Jane Boyer. of Greenwood, the arld painting roein in his father's low prices will surprise you. oldest lady in the community, ham- factory, slid froin there to its prey-' ing *recently celebrated her 42nd bit- scat location. Nfr'. Doren in still en- PriV&te Ambulance kLVIN IBUSHBY thday.. Mrs. Bayles and- daughter JOYinz his usual good health and E. C. Jones, Phm. 9 Phone 1300 Hardware Phone 4800 served tea and, refreshments at the con-dore. Mr. Doter , has bees a jDRyj0GWT0 . . PICKRRIM ftkeAu. 0 Ontario PICKERING close. subscriber to the Pickering Neva for manyyears. .., .,,,., y1. Vsm > ,a...• :.. .• .," '+1 �, down... -7 y,.' - west •.�•cv . .v: .....,.'.: ..., ''«moi +' f' .�i-•.... ....m� rye, .. 4. s.. :..+ -err••:., " :.:� 'r..:.�.��....++��.••..... .. .: .. -- f ,.,. ,,,. >,. ,. :• '�.'.Fx .. .,-C...a'�t`..:.. *�+" .cam• : + , _ ....rid 'ao:ye much as possible while sh• Was a growing &L For some reason, which blend of the world's a base he did not want �t os� frog green teas -- J 4 EA'H111 �:n• rant g �. From the moment she had met ��� harry Doyle she had had different 4 AMONI ! 11 ideas. Pop sensed the growing ro-- " ~ BY CORTLAND FITZ51MMONIS ,t; mance and tried to nip it in the bud. _ _ ►�. He talked to Frances about Doyle; ►' and she tried to understand his feel - 3:, 10:4 ........ • • -- -- ........ • .. �eee: 3..1- -e•� �e� e:� �� �B, but would not promise him any - INSTALMENT 1 Boston " " Indiana. thing. She had toes muc -of hisown - Subways, elevated trains, •buses, Chicago N, Yi+ w SA Butchers. fighting spirit to quit without a strug- ;street care, private automobiles and St- Lotus Rubes. gle. She liked Larry Doyle and knew a2s -taxicabs were loaded" with eager, Detroit Bears. that Larry'Doyle liked her, just as a��� TE hopeful fans making their way to the Cleveland " '• " Reds. woman always knows when a man is a ~ Sloes Field to see Old Pop Clark's It was a glorious spring day, balmy really interested. Frances did noth- Royal Blues. of New York play th& with the warm promise of syminer to ing to make Pop feel badly because drat game of the season in the' United come. The fans had been hearing of young Doyle. ,She refused to go' Down On the Farm ague, d reports of the new Blues gooreporand to the movies or the theatre with him, Practical 1 t to see what would'd k to him every chance still �' The United League teams for the season were: Philadelphia --known as the Runners. New York Blues _ = Washington " " " Feds ,were coming ou happen. The bleachers filled early and boys selling pop, beer, hot-dogs and eakimo pies were doing a rushing business. The stands were beginning but she di apes she had. (To be Continued) to some extent, some farmers not made life -at home as at: tractive as they might have done to fill up and it looked like a record- -Not So Modern had breaking crowd for the opening game. ... of them= have to leave home, Each time a subway train rolled into it is greatly to the credit of Olt the station across the field, hundreds hurried toward the gates. Men and When you do the rumba and the carioca you think you are being bang it �> boys were assembled, in groups on the bluffs, and the surrounding house. - aP to date. But you're nut. You are j imitating a ceremonial dance r s •. tops were already black with people " probably invented by Negroes more than 3,300 } who couldn't or would'n't pay the price of admistiion, but still • wanted Y� ag°so the members of the Robert Mond Expedition of the Egypt Ri i� l II li 9 to see the game. In the clubhouse Pop Clark was Lorin tell us. At Armant . Exploring g Society they have excavated and brought to radio and telephone, and if the' talking to his men. light huge slabs of stone which once the "There's a great crowd out there, formed the entrance to the Temple of _ boys, and it's up to us -to come through for them and for ourselves. Thotmes III, one .of the best of the • We've worked hard and I know we have a team and I'm sure .we Pharaohs On these atones. are carved columns _RL good will come through this year if not at of Negroes doing intricate ceremonial which when closely 1 � wrappiwill the top, at least so close to it that we lot_ of dancing steps, studied prove to be nothing more th3in progressive farmers who are to 'be pull good gates, make a -money and be all set for thg pennant jazi as we dance it today. the next year. Of course," there was a ear after year at the beginning of Y other challenge' to race for the 'to -produce far more of them. -Saint John Tele twinkle in his eye as he said it, "I ~ ' AIR -TIGHT won't be too sore at you if we should DOES HIGHLAND 1:, hit the pennant this year. Yon never excitement they expected. Sports that there was "The educated person must be able himself to whatever condi- _ know what will happen in baseball. FLING', AT 7 2 strength and greater ease laying. ` A genuine economy; too, for our . Haman Eyes aheeta lay inches to the weather. I have confidence in every one of you +Cool 1n Council Standard and n and I want you to work together. I! and invented some new ones, but he - there ROYAL YEAST CAKES_ In times past, and It may true have to some extent, some farmers not made life -at home as at: tractive as they might have done for their children. The latter have had an eye to the city." Naturally some of them= have to leave home, and it is greatly to the credit of parents that they have always striven '. to give a bright boy or girl eduga= tion, often at no little sacrifice on the _ part of other memberb of the family. former sufferer writes t•r tell others how she obtRined -_ relief through Now, however, the farm can be - made more' attractive. There are :. x good' schools, good roads, motor cars, the radio and telephone, and if the' farmer is progressive' and profits by, the advice of experts in the employ ' of the government, if he is willing to co-operate and make the best of his opportunities, he can get -albng when = _ times are at their worst. _ a ... The proof of this statement is found in the experience of those games, his teams lost and lost until _,just when relations between they finally sank into the cellar and Great Bl tain and the United States progressive farmers who are to 'be found in every country distriet, and ., the pity of it is that there are not ear after year at the beginning of Y other challenge' to race for the 'to -produce far more of them. -Saint John Tele graph -Journal - there ROYAL YEAST CAKES_ _are any personal quarrels which I don't know about, Old LAdy Tells Secret .Df Her � - a practical and smart �(�� Ftl�l $T19Agff! I among. you, want you to forget them while you __ Vigor_.dress for growing daughter. dregs fo This dress buttons right and ctlg trim made the original. • • ' tri are out there. You are playing ball for. me, and the Blues, and just re- The writer of the - following letter once suffered from rheumatism, princess down the front. It makes daughter ' member there are. ,thousands of loyal headaches and depression. Then one. lady told her the quite an independent individual. She can slip it on and fasten it un - ladder fans waiting ,to see us climb up the to the place the Blues deserve day a vigorous old secret of .good health. And now that aided by mummy or nurse. The I in the -league. Give them their money's former sufferer writes t•r tell others how she obtRined -_ relief through Peter Pan collar has a dainty scal- loped edge. The scallops are re - - worth•„ Pop knew what the loyalty of the Kruschen:-; "Krawhen ' +vas recommended to peated on. the cuffs of the brief aged bleeves. Or it may have na res. Po -thought he could build mineral salts which assist in stimulat- manage ma g , ive P ;^eat ge a and d i o it liver, kidney ng y fans meant. He oras one of the last t.b ball me .by as old lady of . seventy=two P long sleeves with sort of "paged - COME RING o! the old-timern w o ew ase who can dance the Highland Fang- and baseball audiences. He was a thanks to Kruschen, whit: she has tip" shoulders. French pantees complete and make it perfect for - canny manager and a keen judge of used for thirty years. She told human nature. Ten years before, his me to take Kruschen Salta to try and t oL kindergarten and with Navy nth white collar Fire-eaters were the talk -of the na- relieve s -dull heavy headache from and ctlg trim made the original. • • ' tri tion and were winning everything in which I suffered nearly every morn- sight. Pop realized that the fans were Ing on wakening. I r as also troubl- The pantees are navy. le ease booktee ala sea- _ growing a little tired of the invincible ed with rheumatism in both should- Kruschen "turned the trick. plaided ging- ups► Pin dotted percale, ny t3oadmaa torf ham, checked wool -finished cottons bis Ideas w ..�. X9111 team which wore his colors.. It was ars, at that time that he made his greatest The headache disapperred and so did and wool crepe are other nice me- how nm We � �haf ` mistake in all his years of baseball the rheumatism. I have, continued diuma for this simple to sew pan- ldaa of Ufa i po b• ' saes sad 14ts importune 4 management He disbanded the' faro- taking Kruschen and intend to keep It up." -(Mm) F.B. �'. P. tee dress. t3oodman ,,cords Sana Style No. 3156 is designed for po card or teeter toe tta. ous .Blue Fite -eaters, scattered them Kruhen is a c3mbir"tion of to the wind' and the greed of other sc sizes 4, 6, 8, and 10 years. Size free bookiet: V"tion ir- eerrnmaat you play V na res. Po -thought he could build mineral salts which assist in stimulat- manage ma g , ive P ;^eat ge a and d i o it liver, kidney ng y e- g requires 2% yards of 35 -inch me- with and of 35-inch con _ tenni 'e y Y, up another team just as. good. if not .tract' to healthy, rtgu'ar activity: t, sea treating for dress with 1 yard of �e1'' WHITE BREAD better than the Fere-Eaters. He tried, They ensnn internal cleanliness, and tried hard, but he had lost his magic thus help to ken the blood -stream P_tee tore" 35 -inch material for separate pan- Ynt touch and miracle refused to happen. .pure.' ' He bought and traded good men, gave them all he had; but each year, after. HOW T -O -ORDER PA17ERIVS a ... a short whirl of winning a few - ,: "PeSsilniStlC Write your name and address plainly, giving number and sine of ' - . - games, his teams lost and lost until _,just when relations between they finally sank into the cellar and Great Bl tain and the United States pattern wanted. Enclose 15c in stayed there. are beginning to look pretty good, The fans were loyal" and carne back' an English yachtsman sends in an- stamps or coin. (coin preferr i wrap it carefully and address your Bib 7 ear after year at the beginning of Y other challenge' to race for the 'to -produce ordeto Wilson Pattern Service, i3 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BOO the season expecting Popto America's cup. -Chicago News - a winning team ' or at least a team which would give them the thrill and _ oti Aegi�eae`'eu ore Rib Roofing a ' excitement they expected. Sports that there was "The educated person must be able himself to whatever condi- ► t Your im to every ay. ue !t to the original seven -rib roofing the !n Ne Spectacles '-ttra riba giving you increasedlaying. t FILLED SUNS { jinx on Pop and the :fans believed it. adjust tions he finds -around him." Pop knew all the tricks of the game strength and greater ease laying. ` A genuine economy; too, for our . Haman Eyes aheeta lay inches to the weather. +Cool 1n Council Standard and n and invented some new ones, but he treaty quality. )rdinXvallary = : ' had not been able to crash through. Po had never been kknown to say - Television Coming Pop write ua now for literature area prices. "enough" and even when he was incl.- Le nses Perform Duty By ROOFERS SUPPLY CO, Royal Yeast Cakes and Royal ed he didn't know it. This opening was a gala da>, for '•. London Times Absorbing Heat That Goes _. LIMITED - = Sponge Recipes main perfed . Pop andthe Blues. He really be- An' interesting announcement was Through Them . • ... Toronto London Montreal ...breads lube these.:. lieved that at last he had assembled trade by Sir Stephen Taperers, ,the organa Quebec _ , - a good team, but the sports writers controller of public relations to the Use' Royal Yeast Cakes and you'il be were not inclined to believe in him British Broadcasting Corporation in 'an Chicago --A pair of spectacles de- . sure of perfect leavening. That's be cause each cake comes individually by its own air -tight wrapper. n or the team. The genellaT 'opinion address at- the Empire- Society's was that Pop had a better team than Summer school at Bristol, notes the London Times. scribed by the inventors as the most efficient refrigerating unit yet de- ppr�otected i No other dry yeast a such protection.., �_ You bake with Royal Yeast Cakes usual but that it would be nothing more than a flash in the pan -a few While the .difficulties of television vised to . cool the human eye was on yD �" -t1 display recently at the annual meet- -� } -- - can - the day you buy them -or weeks later games wGn end then another dismal have not all been solved he said, it �a• - ti Academy of Op- tometrists. • -and count on the same fixe results -and failure. The fans were willing to be is hoped to give the pu c e ",j thio -.- 'each time. the. odd were 200 to3 sight of television programs shown, but s against the Blues and there was no autumn. Sir Stephen urged the Im- ' . - The lenses were designed to prevent ' ^" FREE- A Booklet fan money being bet on them before portant, of improving empire pro- fa- cataracts, a frequent cause' of, blind- `�a , Xi - Yott'l! Want •!The an transmitting the opening game. grams d empire ansmi Frances Clark; Pops daughter, was cilities, and said that there is much office and mess: - performed eir nc- They serf th coohng fu ` AF - Royal YeW s Bake Book•' sties tested Roy ■ t sitting m the box waiting anxiously , to be done by the colonial to the field. colonial governments in improving tion in the same neral way as a y �� refrigerating by absorbing heat Spon .. ire; _ tot al 'rite shown .bore and for the team come out on FrIrlce»' IYas our red extr rdin- empire, broadcasting. }� hip Q ACCO di r, d rr¢6l- ftetty. op Ca ed er 8 ` .unit which passed through them.' y T -he invention was based on the t� - mea ott,are. maul Y F R R • Mar 1 arily i diacretipn atter forty and he said it dent o thevera o"f To�`blltb; in has done more .. that invisible infra -red light too con Don' nothing recent years with 6, Warm light in his eyes. Pop to bind together the !lar portions of ;theory rays are eo hot they cook the albu- ltAIX.;- SUT MAD! -IR- CXNADA GOODS rt9 had married at thi -eight and for the, e i to hear the Sym- >p rg t min of the eyeball into thick opacity ~ bee - a few short years had` n happy, pathetic and loving voice of King like a gas flame cooks the white of ' :,z.? • _ . .. arAriuwRni`>lxAaiDs wtrtrrsn yrawrAre.aeA4bwtsae..To.e.aaoae:. with 1>`ia wife. Then ]+fiances came, after four yFttrs, and his wife died. George. The empire may .perhaps his look forward to seeing the present an :,er' ��O ` The development was announced by PleaA was sue tare free Rent Tees. 'sop neve';!-married again, because King, " well as hearing him, before Dr. E. Leroy Ryer and Dr. Ehnen E- - D.kesoolt+ •Y^ = ail; only interests were the team and the my long. baby girl She had, been'' travelling iiotaling of New York, who had been for ten years with dif- with him since she finished college and he found her a keen judge of meat jrutie �IO. 38 — ,t _ experimenting terent types of krises which would absorb the intra -red light and pre- - - - fe■a.= .,���. sad sa excellent adviser. He had tried. C--! - vent the formation' o! oatsxsels. to. keep bar away from the. team as • 4- 1 .. k , - - �'.. .,:• = tea. ,* aA wereused to adore the victim, the STAR AND WIFE SAIL altar. and the Priests at a heathen sacrifice. Though the apostles did' not _ UNDAY know what these people were saying, they realized what was in their minds s - when they saw what they were dding, and at once protested with all their SSON . Power against such a �misinterpretat,� tion of themselves, } "But there came Jew& thither froml Antioch and Iconium: and having per• suaded the multitudes, they stoned LESSON X,-8 tember ll;, and the Spirit within the apostle re - Paul, and dragged him out of the city, TURNING TO THE GENTILES. cognized that was a fit object to be supposing that he was dead,„ a Some ti k ti Acts Mr. 13-14: 28; made by his cure a alga onto the of these Jewa,came_a distance of one men of ,Lystra. Romans 10 5-16, hundred and thirty miles to harm the �.s a : Printed "Said with a loud voice, Stand up d Romans 104: •5-133, 19• �� right on thy � feet. And he leaped up change ?ostles�theirwenthusiasms! fickle people/ q r six , and walked, Cf, the healing of theky ` GOLDEN TEXT.—I have set thea for lame man at, the Gate Beautiful (Acts "But as the disciples stood round x w a Ilght of the Gentiles, that thou about him he 'rose up, and entered R shouldest be for salvation unto the into the city:, and on the morrow he ;.And when the multitude saw what uttermost part of the earth. nets 13 : pain had done, they lifted up their went forth with Barnabas to Derbe;' 47, The narrative undoubtedly leads us voice, saying in the speech of Lyca- THE f,ESSONAN ITS SETTING oats, The gods are .come down to as to recognize in St.. Paul's speedy re - THE -Time,—The visit of the apostles to in the likeness of men:' Heathen covery from such an outrage, and his Antioch in Ptsidia took place in 43 stories of descents of the 'gods to the ability to resume his journey, the good A.D., while the work in Iconium and earth were common enough, but it hand of God, upon him. We may well at Lystra•occarred the following year, was •only among barbarous people St, Luke's reserve, not dwel- _ !►.D, 49. The Epistle o the Romans- like the. Lycaonians that men were ling. upon the apostle's sufferings and ~ was written in A,D, still prepared to believe them. The 'his carefulness in refraining from Place.—Antioch in Pisidia was about old descent of Zeus and Hermes, and magnifying the incident. one hundred miles from Perga, ►o• how they were hospitably entertain- "But what saith it? The word is cated near the river Anthios, in the ed by Baucis and Philemon,, belong. night thee, in thy mouth, and in thy district of Galatia called •Pbrygia. ed to this region' and thus the people heart: that is, the word of faith, , iconb%m was about nicety miles south- believed that the gods' had again de- which we preach.” This statement of i{ east of Antioch, while Lystra was.'&cended. - Of course Paul and Barna- Paul's is a continuation of the argu- about thirty miles further southeast has did not know what these, people ment of the preceding verses. The of Iconium, and Derbe about twenty righteousness which is offered in f were saying, '•j smiles still further to the east, "And they called. Barnabas, Jupiter." Christ does not demand our ascend- ' "And at Lystra then$ sat a cerra�n This was the Greek god Zeus, the Ing to heaven to get it or descend l;a,il Ruthbone, stage and motion picture star, and Mrs. Rathbone man, impotent In 'his' et, a cripple king of the gods, of stately and com• Ing into the abyss to . obtain it, but sho�7n as they sailed for Europe on liner Normandie., from his mother's womb, who. never maading presence, .,And Paul, Mer- it is immediatelf at hand. j -' had walked." The details of this man's curt', because be was the chief speak- "Because it thou _shalt confess with •� condition are characteristic of Luke's er," Mercury was the Greek god thy month Jesus as Lord," Confessing interest an a physician in the diseas- Hermes, the chief attendant of Zeus Christ. as Lord to publicly acknow• cordial receiving and resting On eight pictures. The classiifications od condition of these whom he des- and the god of eloquence: ledging his Lull and final authority Christ alone for salvation, respect of suitability for children a cribes, "And the priest of Jupiter whose 'over us. "And shalt believe, in thy "For with the heart man believeth as follows: "Doubtful value," 1; "Na "The same heard Paul speaking: temple was before the city,• brought heart that God raised him from the unto righteousness." Thin may be value," 2; Hardly," 1; "No," 4t' t _`I who, fastening his eyes upon him:' dead. be The word' 'paraphrased as for when a roan be' oxen and garlands unto the gates, dea, tou se sThe chairman, Mr. O.. J. Silver - The same verb is used of Paul in and would have done sacrifice with heart here means the whole soul, the lleves to the Lord Jesus Christ with thorne observes: "Recent study shows' Acts 13 : 9; 23 : 1, "And seeing that the multitudes." The garlands here Inner man. including the understasnd- all his heart he to accepted by (rod that sound pictures, as a supplamen- lie had faith to be made whole." The spoken of were made of wool with tug and the affections. Saving faith as righteous, .I.e., he has been justf- acquisition of scientific knowledge man's heart shone out in his face, leaves and flowers . interwoven, and is not mere intellectual assent, but a fled, "Aad' with the mouth confession tary aid to instruction, increase thel is made unto salvation," The coniesfrom 25 to 50 per cent, We have is ston 7with the mouth represents the motion pictures a social force of the - - wbc!e process by which the Christian stent ' consequence. They ase a.I .r in his ife on earth owns and obeys tiensivel reco d as a medium of CHIEFS RIDE AT CELEBRATION y - '`� Christ ea his Lord; ft thus stands for instruction, as indicated by the eves \ the narrow path along which the jus• increasing number of films being sub' tifled move to their promised and as. mitted by industrial and commercial cured Dome. and final ealvatioa, concerns, educational societies and 'For the scripture saith, Whosoever scientific organizations." believeth on him shall not be put to The chief reasons for the cuts and •� " « f" 1, shame," No Christian -by believing alterations are the possibility of give s t , 3•. in Christ ever has anything to be ing offence on religiotu grounds; the' ! , ashamed of. Christ never disappoints. board's determination to discoussge� "For there Is no distinction be- the showing of crime picttures; im- �, tween Jew and Greek; for the. same morality and intoxication are aLoi ' r Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto frequent causes for objection; cruelty all that call upon him:' To call upon animals, the exaltation of the gang dancing, suggestive spirit, indecorum the Lord is to warship "him, to be• p �� � - of dress or behavior are other have in him, to accept his offer in 1 fnds for the intervention of the Christ. grou ` - Censors "The board is Judged by "For, Whoaever shall call upon the what is seen in the cinemas through. ' 'Q name of the Lord shall be saved -"'The r. out the country, says the report, ,Y 4!_ quotation Is from Joel 8:38 (Acta 8: it is a little unfortunate .that it. ' «F 21). The availability of salvation in-� s E ti Jesus Christ to all mea everywhere cannot also be judged by what it saver 1 ' ? the public from seeing. could not be more emphatically stat - N by ed than in these verses Twice do we _ T_ find the word whosoever. Once do e d the word all. Pat and Mike stood before a rho w And p f,; x window, wherein were pieced trunks on sale. Eight �� aMike, why n Onlyays trutfYS"'M r .r .. y s do'L you b"What for?" 4 y ■ "To put your clothes in." •. n - a_q.� -. � "W at! ..A go -naked � n x w az sisal i ra 0 -N Ill".:gid .i - Indian chiefs, whose ancestors wiped,out the Whitman Medical Mission in historic Whitman massacre In 1847, picturedhfull-mgalia-. as they- rode in Whitman cent-enni-al, parade in, Walla Walla, Wash. ' A Compared With 36- Last Year --442 Passed For Children The motion picture censor board"of e- Ontario reports only eight films re- jectedyear, with36 {the last - • _ ... in year, the p previous observe ._ . .,: .: - , ,: •-:• ;: -, - SULLIVAN FROM THE WATER oodatocic Sentinel -Review.` Looking back over the reports, one finds that " 96 were -rejected in 1931 and 65 the `- " -- year before. There has been, a similar . decrease in the number of films in >s 'which deletions or . revisions were re - quired-415 last year compared with w 816 in 1934 and 701 in 1931. ri ' In other - words, the total of reject- < : hree-quart- ed films was reducedby three-quart- ersin one year, and the number of ers in f A" films altered• was less li y about one- ", .. half. Evidently there' has been a marked improvement 'recently in' the character of the pictures or else a . view of the surface plant at Sullivan Consolidated Mines Limited taken from the water during the id* of members of the Montreal Board of Trade to the property a few weeks age (Photo. CN,R.) modification of censorship. - A corresponding increase is shown in the number of feature films passed "Universal" -142. compared with 94 in the preceding year. • These certifi- cates, are granted to films "which cannot have any pernicious effect upon the child mind'." There were 2,178 films approved, with or without revision, so the 142 O.K'd for chiil- dren constitute only six per cent. of those released for exhibition in this province. One film in about eight is guaranteed against pernicious effect upon the child mind, and that, -of course, 'is no assurance that it has any positive value. It is an amazing statement to. come from an official source, but it checks with the finilingi of +he National Film Estimates Service' in Chicago. 'Its latest list, as it happens, reviews STRIKINGLY LIKE HIS FATHER' Sura to follow in fife footstels - of • his father, ,Jimmy Foxx, ` Jr.... son -of the heavy hitting first base• ^zZa man of the Boston Red Sox, 4 al- ready noted for his ability to give' the ball a long ride when he plays with his camp team at Camp gobs - kis, ,Bridegton, Me. (right). '; h p. x � v 71, 04F �, �C;,, ...._ _�.• .••. :. � ,:. '":^ t�'< ;gym' : z tiC, .. .. '.1 ".... ,. ..,., .. .. ...'„ ^. ...r: '.L - "�., •, .S � ..{ 7.� GitKge FACILITIES P al -. ditto, 2 tto 19 _� . �. 31a le L� nt 5 - Booth, 00 G, Trap, di . •- � Y` 95. R Stover, cut weeds, 6.25. W. F ^,' for placbg _ x- ertilizer �' _ iasaraat XL75 per year; $1.50 paid in advance' Slack, ditto, 5.80. County Oat:arto, 4 s •. Subacril4io" to the UJted' Statss.: calcium .cbloridg, 60.74. ': $n(� INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS � WAWANESA INS. t70. ' ''t, , ;litnd Gt. Britain i?»fl0 tit advalaae. '' The. Cumhiittee 'ori Relict paid the Cheap Rates for Farm and Cel r -- --�-- !0l(11oAir}g for supplies: goy Morr- .', .; Fe>rtilators in your choice of Fifteen Canadiu �ildin� ish, 15.87, W. W. Sadler, 15.75. - Windstorm Inauranee os MIiRKAR..'Prconat4r. ng I• and British Companies'of Sound Baildb>w r The Committee on Conti e: ne- e ------ 2' t%e following: D, • R. Beaton, Wind Shoe etc. Fertilizer is no tenger an expert nth :-No rEG AND 100,1411 NTi Waryt 125.0.0• J. Murkar, station- Financial Standing Aptomobile Insurance' et { —• e • 8.25. G. L. bifddleton Relief meet. it pays to sow with. all All Hinds j Ten year• experience in Banking i 1 There is 'quite a strong friendly Officer expenses, 2.55. tind2rw:odI your gram►, , Gets you a better p k 7rva between -England t' p, Write or Phone' '1,.' lry England and France Elliott Fisher Ltd., stationery, , 25, sample, more of it and it stands and Insurance. Now serving cSent• '. ''in which each strives to hold the Wm. Chester, salary, 25.00. W. S. v bitter. BOWMAN &' ROWE record for having the fastest pass- Croxall' S. O. P. A. rant .25:00. p tri Thirteen Different Townships sad _ g WHITBY ONT ' eager steamship e'rossing the At- Canada Packers' Fertilizer is best " with an office system to take care tFo Norrpii ak year,, held the i ch '— ' Tire new Preston "Ftrlilator is a lantic. For the .past fife French m' -SALE ReG►aTER" box made to fit your old-drill---and—oE-doubleAhe-voiu+ue-efficiently.-- -You C8n Buy at Hobe aginary blue ribbon and for a year TIRES. BA T f E RI ES. -� ---„ sows fertilizer exact, 'Ask about Your enquiries are invited and yens or two previous to' that the tan r s _ SATURDAY, SEPT. 12th.' "Ant We have the agency for them �. ACCE:igultlES, ship, the -Rex, held -the record, and tion gale of farm stock and imu T twenty-two years belore that, the dements and fiousehold furniture and keep ahem ra hand, '.Aatronage appreciated, At as low Laud totter prices'' '.' auretania, a Britiss ship belong- at lots 7 and 8. con. 8, Pickerin,, - Costs Little, eH Ing the fastest ship,- her record g miles east of Claremont, the D �'78 M R , card. The Queen Mary, of the Cun- property of Harry Hortop. Sale Fertilizer drills for hire", or "For Brougham Ont. Pbone'S16 y"u eau in Tpconto. and Line, is naw recognized as be= at 11.30 (standard time). Ted sale," ing the the fastest ship,'her record Jackson, auctioneer. threshing, Plowing, Cultivating, Let ni repiir th-tt It•taky top „fir the last trip going west was 4 SATURDAY, Sept. 12th' = Auctior Sawing etc. BROCK - -days, 7 hours and 12 minute;, tvh'ch +wits- •t hours and 30 minutes less sale of house ail lot, and house - hours Skillet 11Itr.Rrp,ire: %t' the former fastest time. The hold furniture in the village of Service and Satisfaction has al' THEATRE ianCsordon J. Law w Cunard line has taken steps toward Claremont, the property of the es- ways been our.Motte W�3T2'B'Y' building a larder, faster and more tate of the late Sara Ann I�arbror•. Phunt• 2W8 g ROY c,�.rER & soxs Sale at one o'clock, standard time, - • -costly ship than the queen Mary, All 3huwP UayliRht SavinQTimt PI(;gltililNG. -.,,� nNTAR10 which will take about four years to Terms, Cash. See bills. Wm. bra« teen River auctioneer. F, tatty and Saturday build, and, will cost .527,500,000. ....1 Locust Hill Ph. Mark 863 mh 4 - and 5 - T, ships provide comforts and r i R P Srpte er meals that will equal that of the _ Two 9hotcP, at 7.�i0 and 9 30 ' best .ho'his in the world. One won MARLEN.E DIETRICH ders 'shat is the object of sue' and t ;speed. When. one is. wanting a boat GARY COOPER trip frith all modern comforts, ` we I v would think that•he would want the t trip prolonged instead ,of ruyhin¢ ' t� }'` "1lES1RE" The Best that SCitSriCW t6mut h 6Q tiuiekly a. possible. y _�- and artistry call give. But. 't is to kep ,nom with t'r, mod- ,.,,` _fisc r? ---^--r-- ern Graz fn pExamination$rviee •need, even iv' er. ^ ` ' 4 -. e e t ~ = - �'�• = Ui/ A Monday, Tne:uitay sand Wedn'.day Quality= Satisfaction. ' there -4a noAinw.to he cainerl..by it. 'If a trip acrn#c the Atlantic were Sept t3'' rad 0 C. H. Tuck, Opt. .. t;kF that esperiPnced by our grand- Holtday Matinee. Mon. at 2 o'clock Eyesight Specialist _ parents ,hen the wual period of ;„ "� �. r LA#t CutupleteShow Mon. at 9,30 �? Bidg- OPP• P'od� ern,sin, aQ .tis wppka,. with. no _ ►'`` + Thea. and Wed. at 8.50 Oshawa Phone Ibli comfortr wha*`ever. p:wr beds. poor. Torootu`e Own Star ttne,+ and ill r4. odors. and , _.. veru poor �'or�ilation.: The ships. fy'%) `� - BOBBY BREEN (� - driven • by Win'i, were smiall and not i �� 1[larry Hull - - iteady _like the uodorn leviathans.. ` IN 7.n suet a shin we do not wonder � �,��`� } .tLetlB�t • Builder tlild (iOI16rSat0! ".that 'the passengers would. like as F�1i`1► �'Again" . _. ^�«�, ,or nd dtuuework pinch epee.) as 'pa rs'Ve. Steam nav- _. ,. .a 'With W e Specialty 'trtiation.. has revoluti—ized wa`er Brickwork o Thos'C'Who Use Arohiteot'e Servi0e �i F Y R. Y AR11IETTA - ViV1ENNE OSBORNg = $�e 1'e. c. w p reg U OW'. R N iN .. - - .' Aleo - ..- . NE The. township. council met on The Highways C GR�Y 4-29 � bt.ak Rd. and Kingston Rd. - ZSiecday of this week. - Phone Pick 5M file claim with the 1N . J. C. Baker d a c township for the sum of $612.50 for ENCS" -At Ni t _ . damages, represented - by . .injuries."DRIFT F sustained by tics. Baker, when she Notice to YOU fell on the ice itt Brougham during With the past winter. The -claim was ref- LARRY "BUSTER" CRABBE 3'm or tither drsvtng or walking NE DeMILLE We do Building,if all hinds, ',erred to the Insurance Co. _ KATHERINE A donation of '$2a was made to �", TOM KEENE the South Ontario' i',ouing- Match. I APPEAL to the motorists of Ontario to make night �Caii•PENTERING, A by law was passed authorizing tfrivisrg (and night walking) as safe and enjioyable as CEJigNTINO►,. the closing of t'.,e' road on. the north .driving (or walking) by da I believe it can be done ATT$NMN FARMERS -hair of the original allowance for y' ; + _ LU1Hfi1NG —by the simple expedient of applying the principles the load between lots 14 and' 15 in of COURTESY. -— and `-- the 5th concession GENERAL REPAIR WORK Let us make it an infallible rule to di or dim our I�OOI?'(NQ An application for an •Asnuseraent p Weare prepared 1�0 repair -Hall license, in the, north-east part :> � when meeting other• cars. It will soon become P P P We eE so'sell Brantford Ruuflog almost automatic for us to do so. Oncoming drivers LTIIoke, tractors and all t tr t2 of the township- was turned dvwri. omrn 4 M at•�rials,'Eni'pire I;t►tirruom' • Its V Vpmlu­ UZI L1V.Ub -ani idges paid the foliuw•ing accounts. Can,. Oil, -Cot, 47.73, St'ouffville Pl- aning Mills, 60.45. Pickering Ltttnb- er, 11.41. B •:ngton Steel, 104.40. A. "�_ �liitct,ell, cement and hauling, 4782., : A. Btishby, lanterns, picks etc., 5.54. J: Balsdon, nails, wire etc., 13.44. J. '.McGlaslian,• Ba` aHd repairs, 9.41. L. Lye, repairs, 3.20. Roy' Ward, rep- airs, oil and salary,. 157.40. A. Lee, hauling, •59.25. C. , Schwalm, ditto, 107.00. F. Barclay, `98.35. F. Carter, :ditto, 83.00. =1•:., Hilts, shovel 'gravel, '2.00. E. Marko, ditto, 5.00. J. And- ..erson, haul scone, 7.00. W. Ward: planing, -6.M Walt. - Carter, cutting ."..-•weeds, 9.60. V. Jamieson, cut weeds; 6,25: L. Wilson, ditto, 6.00. F. Coal-. tree, ditto, 3.85, L Jones, cut weeds, 19.60,L. Hill ditto, 5.00. Walt, Har-' =t+ly, cut weeds; 12.00. • G. • Mc-I1roy, • cut weeds and drag, 4.Q0. A. Hastings, operating crusher, 23.50. E. Schwalm haul g'ra�el, 5.00, P. Clark, sand and -at-one for bridges, 56.20, 51. Gauslin, team• plow, 6.00. J. Chapman, ditto,. 4.00. A. Ba'dgeroiv, team scraping, ,;;6.00. R. Lynn, labor on bridges, 33. .50. -W. Birkett, ditto, 26.50. C. Coo - 'per, gas oil, repairs etc., 62:10. J. ` 1ditchgl?, cut 'weeds, 6.25. L. White„ ditto, 3.25. W. Grey, ditto, '2.50. T. * `Holtby; 2.00. R: Madill, ditto, 1,100. J. Keeler, ditto, 2.00. J: Riddle, 1.50. G. Duncan,ditto, • 3.50. A. Matthews, ditto, 3.75. D. Spencer, ditto, 2.00. 1F Gostick, ditto, 2.00. M. Patterson., .ditto, 2.50. G: Winters, haul grovel, ..4.70. J. Pallister cut -wec ds, 5,75, D. Dawson, ditto, 1.50. J. 'Howland,• cut weeds, .3.00. C. Hrod, drag con 4. 9. 50, A. White, cut weeds, 11.09. L. White, ditto, 10.00. G Pugh, ditto, A. Moore, ditto, A-00. S. Pug;i, .ditto, 2.00. H. Stover, ditto, 1.00. W. -- hort time this delrber- macnin r ate gesture" of Courtesy (as it now is) will become a tire -setting, wood -work And I Sy14tem4,' Beatty i4` _.fixed habit. wood turning of all kinds, Sttable Egnionteot Do not cro ^' / Plane your �rde -- - 'and r.ther R►itldinR 1(eaferia passintt. If he._is inclined to -be 3 i~:-tll11»LP.P Free ..may easily -misjudge distance at night. We don't know. wood working and turning.. 001W Phone or Oook Guaranteed Arid it costs us nothing to give him several feet of clearance. - A. I RO 1If!�} E f• , F. J P K O TT Let us give pedestrians MORE than ample space for (;rock Road S4oreand Blacksmith. walking. We have all the advantage when we are Shoo , . Pbunr t;;; (Successor to W. H. Jackson) 0'L driving and the other, fellow is afoot. Let us not use (;, ` H I \ that advantage in a bullying way. Phhoe Pick 2729. 1.2g PICK H; U:TTA On the other hand, when we are walking, .let us show - - true courtesy to those who are driving. When we walk TFIF WITH traffic, we place 'ALL the responsibility upon ' a RES the motorist. Always walk facing -'oncoming -traffic, and wear or carry something light that' the lights of. oncoming cars will pick up, even if you carry only aFINEST BULK partly opened newspaper. -- -- - �- - These are a few instances only, to der$oristrate' the Soap f. hip;, '3 lbs. for • t 25e• , ` SPI:RI•T of Courtesy' which I am suggesting and ORANGE, �• recommending to the people of Ontario. — - t 'r ad — " large ' ' "Show. to others the same courtesy that you would PLAIN OR IODIZED j like to have showm. to you".. - :. Salt, fr :-Sincerely yours, ee . runningf 2 pkgs.; 5c. : �FI EINZ - -Pork and Beans, 2 tins for a 20ce L MINISTER OF SLICED H.1 c-I+w A r s TRY Pineapple, -2 tkns for ., ` 22c. PROVINCE OF O N T A R 1 O CLARK'S _ [OUR-TESY ,. Vegetable Soups,-_` 3 for .,' _ 25c. YOU'LL IXYZ ..N '6I NC RlNG4 XXX Spacial, O t.h & Carry ".... ENJOY IT - I n')Z(r,v RUNRER RINGS GR 1,vUL-ATED SLJGAa All for 28c. 100 )b. Bag tor 411510 selooloilej 8007H & MURISON ; 0 Many of our citizens are takiMf in the Exhibition.. Mrs. amen", is spe'A'aing a fe weeko W116ts her daughter in Toron- to. Miss June Forsyth is attending .-..business college in Toronto this term. Miss Luella ''Canon spent the -:Past---vmek with Mr. and Mrs. F. Carson. H. G. McIntyre has returned to Claremdut from his trip, to West am Canada. Miss Bernice McAvoy, MisiF-Ruth and Lorne Carson spent the past week with the Misses Forgie. Coggratulationg to;-- Mr.- and- -Mrs. Cuff. Pilkey on the arrival of,a ..-Young, daughter this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Cottrell, of Toron- to, spent the past week -end with and Mrs. B. F. Kilpatrick. Mrs. James and . son, and Mr. of Goodwood called on Mrs. H. - H. Thomson on Sunday. Mr. Seger Augustine 'and bliss Vena Chalk, of Kingsville, spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs. Aug- aistine here. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Irave return- -,-...,ed from an enjoyable three week vacation. Three weeks is a very -short , period when on vacation. Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Rich- ardson attended the Ladies' Aid tea of the Whitevale Baptist Church, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Miss Anne Lehman, of Stouff- Ville, will resume her music teach- ing if the home of Mrs. C. A. Ov: 4 erland, Clarimoxit", 'on Wednesday, .Sept. 9th. Sorry to hear -of Mr. T: C. Gos- tick ' has biqn' confined to hi. - bed with a heart attack. During th, first of the *eek soiree improve - went was observed. Glad tv see Mr. Caster able to be dh-xm street again . after having been confined 'to the house for some time as a result of an injury sustained in a fall from the side' walk. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. R. 12.1exton anti daughter, Margaret, also Mr. Toz y- 4a!W on Mrs er, all of As tit CharIdler "and other Claretriow, friends during. the past week, whilt, ?on a two-week vacation. Rev. J.. I. and Mrs. Glover and -family returned -from their vacat- ion this week. Mr. Glover will re - ,4 sunte his work in the pulpit thiF Tiext Sunday, and the fbrmer ord er of church service will be estah- The regular meeting of the W U. S. of the -United.Church will -be held on Thursday, Sept. 10th. at :2J30 p. m., in the basement of the church. A wood program has beer prevared• and is in chgW of Mn. Luther Pilkey's group. A good 'att- .:--tudshce is hoped for. A Mixed Fours Tournament i;,. being staged on the local green on this Friday evening. With the app- roach of tar cooler weatlier, .bowling will soon be brought .: to a close. A very intereisting. sum - imer has been spent on our green have very credit - and our members -7 ably established their names on the greens of neighboring clubs - The ladies of the Baptist church --.. are planning to have an exhibition f. qnfi Iff.lav- Sent. i2th from A--" b ­k 3 to 9 o'clock, at the Parsonage -in aid of our Repair Fund. There :will be exhibits .'of quilts, rugs, reed -work, - art goods and antiques. -A musical program )As$ also been included,in the after- rtoon's program. A. fish -pond is be - Jug prepared as one of the featuie for grown-ups and children' alike. .,.,..-&Ive-r collection. Dunbarton Bailey Campbell, of Detroit called old friends and acquaintances on Sunday last. Mrs. Cunningham, of Scrantcin Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John is visiting .witty Hopkin for A few weeks.' Constable Albert Hull visited Call - week -end. Miss Jean Annan. Is having a Kell earned holiday at Centre Island." Mr. Geo. and Bill flull have - re- turned home after a few week.; hol- iday at Muskoka. On Sunday Sept. 6th, the Dunbar - ton Y. �P. will take Charge of the :,,,:service at-Gentennial. Mrs. G. White is visiting,with her ....'dauglTter, Mrs. John Mills in Toron- "Quintuplet. Land" seems to be quite a favorite visiting place for the folks of our village. Mr. and .,Mrq. Austin Wood accompanied S. G., and Mrs. Morrish and &lane, a .few %%eeks ago to Callender. Townsend, of Harold and Mrs F'Onelon Falls visited with Mr. ant Mrs. John Taylor on Sunday. . Township wish Decision when , , Cou,ft orders p&~nl of Permits About two -years ago this town- ship passed their '-W!ding by -la -m. with the object of controlling the bQvildiing of summer horns in the new sub -divisions and p1sewhere in the towushiP6 Fear was maintaiijed that this municipality would •be faced with the same 'difficulties as stime of t,) -.e adjoining municipalit- ies if the exodus from the urbad centres- should be directed to this, il,ywnship- For some time we have been re ' minded of the possible iA ' - f3didity of the by-law, and only re- cently the council have ,been assur- ed ,of that validity._- oprttil then piro4eeded to enforce the by -Law. and as a result, Inspector Chester laid charges against six owners a- long 4';e lake frcint, who have ig- iored the by-law, and on `lvesdiiy were ordeted by the Court to eom.- DIV with the reqWrements at once.' and ohtain building permits. $10.00 REWARD for any torn or callous; which can- not be removed by the new scient- ific LLOYD'S., THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, in' 3 to 5 days. This - new salve de -sensitises corns and callouses with the first applicatiow Call your druggtot today. -and order a jar of this WONDERFUL SALVE. Callouses of long standing. will re- quire slightly longer treatment. For gale at Jones' Drug Store WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARIES are in use by busi- rim men, engineers; bankers, judgeo.' architects, physicians, farmfarmers,tenctenches,librarians, -cler- gymen, er-eyincri, by successful nion and womer"he world over. An You Equipped to TO The New International provides the memo to success. It is an all- knowing teacher, a universal ques- tion answerer. - If you seek efficlency and ad- vancement why not make dally use of this vast fund of Inform- ation? 4WWV*mba1&ryTW`n& Gm truarrations. cW*ZVrftN= 34.060 Gecamphical Suhjectr. 'IXNS Biatraphical Encries. Regular oW ladies-Fapw EAdws. Writeforepse-. I I I witrsttanA6 see- of Pick Map$ it VOW nam. 11itin ps", G. & C- MERRIAM Drive within the R -on' CARPENTER. & BUILDER Vteratiorn, Sasb,'oo-oIrs and .-Screens rniide to order, Pians and Esti J. Estimates give* on General Repair Work. J. POYNTER, LAND SURVEYOR F. J. DONLI'AN B. A., B. Sc., 0 L. S. On file are . the . records of sul- rnyon and Yarnold, 365 King East, Oshawa. Phone 198L Ey e Care And yam. ..Strain' Near Sight •Myopia 114s condition generally becomes noticeable before tA4i age of twenty and is seldom notied in children un - school age. Myopia may be consid- ered* due to t;ivirization. It is prac- tically unknown among the savages and rarely in people of no educa- Li9n. A jrnall pei:centa�ge i--�ticed in.pupils in the primary classes -but increased number 61 cp.'ses . are. to be found in more - advance * d ciases in the later school life and a much ;;rester humber of cases is found in the larger centres than iri Cie ,inall, , country' places. As cpmpareu with other cuticlitions, Myopia is. riiA -always hereditary ry but 6 -found aanongst 'people who.e vision: -is re- stricted -by their surroundings, pro- ducing a short. sighted class of peo- ple . more - content to follow indoor -vork and such work . as required vision at close ,points. Myopic pec- pie have poor distant vision,and ir !0 reat,I]f han5licupped,in tolow- Rg the games and -sports their less afflicted companions may ,enjoy. .40 -those w14D follow similar ocrups- tions and enjoyment will -seek the* company of those who have , _thing" - in common with them.: The German people ha -t e been referred to by many writers. and at. one time they` took t'* lead "in educlition and re - .search. The Myopic .eye, in * shape, is longer than the normal' eye, but 0-e condition is t!"Ot solely depend- ent -upon the -length of the eyeball. The condition 'exists because the power of the eye is excessive for the length of the eye. Oircle- Of Security Dunlop Forts,, - M P 8 ge.Stjo& where, be willremain until the fn1lowing Tuesday morning. FTICKORY (iiit5) the Hand --and Electric -ip� Sour StotWh or ithii ailments Ion, the Propertyn ' of.Alla ' Reesor, caused by excess -.acid in the ;s6z4- will make. the season of 1936, at Sold and Repaired, ach, iset a box of G.- A H. boi-o. Ter',iis: $10. payable .March Powder. It willgive;' 1enrolment No. 945. ELECTRIC WIRING r C. W. PILKEY PICKERING Jones *usxm In* Percheron horse of high Phone Pick. 2116 Barc. tay-Transninirt pren-dum cprtif-rl-te, the proper. Farm M a c h i n e r y ty of E. 'Somerville. WiR stand for t" season 'ot 9 betwiin Claremont, Brougham Frost Wood, COcksbutt,. J- 1-1 Greenwood, WhItevale . and - Toronla Case, De Laval 1937. All accidentair Frost Wood Cernbinder near --new- -My­dAYmn, ,ire -trained to -be care""... Footlift riding, 2-furrowplow Two-way M. H. courteous and reltAble. riding plbw Oliver 2 -furrow' Tipetoir plow Special Rat" on lug�,: Distance Fordson tractor aAd J. Deere plow 4 Tractor Double Disc Bindier twm*'e and Plow points Nb order too small, None, Uio larga All shipments Insured and protedW W. F. DISNEY, -Greenwood from the weather PELONX PICK 231441tf 'TeL Clare. 311 P. a T. Dinty's Garage Class,. IL and Q owned and operated by Frank & BardoW Calling All Car Owners W -irack.. Chapman Let us give .you your money's worth in New or Used Cars .. Represents the Prices are Right and Work in Ganada Life Assurance CdT guaranteed on Re -pairing. Your Old Canada's oldest Car Life Insurance Agent For ONTARIO MOTORSALES Oshawa in ...WHITBY. PICKERING Milton Steep. Prop, And via if.io. The Canada -Life has served Canadians for 98 years! During the past five years this Company paid to p(6cy owners and beneficiaries over $131.000,MG, It has • as�ets for the protection of policy owners..,Madeline $242,000.000. of over . Beauty Phone Pick .5232 R R -L Whitby Salon N Radio Service E13I.R cU r.rl %;G. SEI $1P CF('711 N G. Eipert service and re- F-INGE-RING, pairs. toall lijakea. Beall- 31-ARGELLING Spec . ialize--Hot Oil Treatment onable. chargeo - W ork, and Permanent Wave Ruaraiatced Reasonable Prices ".MRS. ARTHUR f 1EL-D M. MUNDELL • !-Phone IWO -CLAREMON Graduate Radi P and Television Instituto Member Official Radio Seivice Meo's N ow Open Association' 3 4.6 fhotir 5201. 11ICK. RI, t1 N0, "-.-Ior business FIRESTONE and Gum -di ''Lad Tires Pp ..,.WooDWOR, Shop is. mtuate , d behind the Complete 'Lines ive shell geryStation. Open every day except Tuesday -o all sizes each week, which is reserved for outside work. I'-. T. 'VV0Cod-1678..rd at, PICKKRING ALPS PLACE I U LP " 1 1, 1%. 1 .1N In I he World a inert tires. L EJ [Vit—ft 1 - :Lowest Prices in history. :FUNERAL- DIRECTOR AND RAI MICH :-- ...,Fnll Tire an,i 'rube qpck on'' band. Atimessor to W, J. Mather, Gasoline, Oils Ete, Night and Day Service J)=13te L,ib. and Or ink Clea Sefvice Busineva Phone ..Residence Pbon# Geuersi- Repairs &ud Accessories, 1411�� Road Service Batteriesand Charigib7g# -;Old -Church Service -Station.. row rF 0.'-L. THOMPSON,, Drop. C. B. SPEN.�')ER Mech Phone 000 Pickering,. Oat -Exh'*ibit.gio'nz"-..Spec,ia'ls- Uafly except Sunday, Aug. 29 to Sep. 1.2 REDUCED Real qualiclty, stands TRTP .90C. FARE the test of the centur , I N 11JUDE-3 ADA[S-HON To EXR131TION fesand when you sel- ect a memorial here, -AND GOA011 TI:t-kX-0?0RTAC102V':T0 AND FROM you are - assured that - I T R 4 1 V ATA I N31 D E Tr RLTE, GOSDS your taste for the K i �-Good returning 'urptil4e�tember 14th beautiful will' be sane- tioned.by those in the -;LFlar off years to come. AVR PICKERING 1,E:.AVE FORON,ro (Eastern House) [Bay at Dundas] N. W. STAFFORD Monumental Highway 'Regul.ar Coaches Regular Coacheog Works ,daily except Sunday .:,:until Septeipber 44th Ph. 462 Whitby Ont. Kingston Road West CPRAY COACH 'LINES &%neru R01.9,0 — F 10KRaING — Phone 45(0. Phone CLOIs., am Alease Res KILMEI-N (21346) 25419. Pure Bred r—", Impoited Clydesdale 'Stallion. The property of Oscii:r WilsQA. B" aiham,. Qnt. Wilf make the .of 1936 at his owh stable $13,00, payableFeb. Enpolmeh't, No. . 0243.' COMMODORE AGAIN Choicely - bred - Clycler property of R. Dafo er- will 'make thia season as follows: Tuesday,. May -i9r- leave his own stable for Hl--.,.,, Pugh`s 'for 'noon; thence to 0 job*. Barnes, * Cherrywood, for night; Wednesday,, proceeds to McGrfq* in Bros. Altona Rd.- For-noon;-._1mq. thence 6 his own stable f6r nightI -A' Thursday, proceeds to Fred for noon; thence, to .his own stable. , where, be willremain until the fn1lowing Tuesday morning. FTICKORY (iiit5) the Pure Bred Black Perchers Ion, the Propertyn ' of.Alla ' Reesor, will make. the season of 1936, at his :iwn stable, lot 3, con, 4. Scars - boi-o. Ter',iis: $10. payable .March 1enrolment No. 945. DOLL, (2386), 1292, Imp. French' Peron Stallion. An outstand- In* Percheron horse of high q.uality,..cqrrying a. first-class pren-dum cprtif-rl-te, the proper. ty of E. 'Somerville. WiR stand for t" season 'ot 9 hia' own P.. ie, lot NIqlarkha ry germs: Toal, 3'. t. 1937. All accidentair l h to �•, ..� �. _ } • ., .. t. , .nom .- � .. ... , � a '.;. � _. ..x: .. ..._' .... , 'Lf'4W � � S' , .y,Y ' b'. qa� ..,. ! �✓ a sa.Sbl?r .• yp_ ec V y - . , - �• • ... «. .. a ell A be advantageously adopted by many the soldier about them except the ell custom of primitive man to A. *, other plata besides Scotland. medals they all wore —1 saw rev- a coed and bind it around Scotland. however, has been sui eral with sin—and the took of mea of the woman hi wanted, is the belief facing economically as a whole and who had roans through a Sot. that her spirit entered his body whey the Highlands and Western isles are One remembered that it was the the rite was performed. �� ��� described by one authority as a "tru• Canadians who withstood the first om When 'the hilarious friends of a de- _ ly distressed area:' The population to glee attack in the war and how their parting bride and grodrab after to statutory at approximately 4.909 Wu heroism thriled England at the time. them with rice, they copya custom of .. EDITORtal. COMMENT F1tOY pereou being threatened at the same . Many of them had a puzzled iaok primitive peoples to whom the grain )�, THERE AND time with decline. in their eyes as they went about the wad a token . of. productiveness and :� _. The new campaign is intended to new monumental London that had who, showered it on a newly married y create a desire to develop the coon• replaced so. much of the homely Lon- ii on a newly married pair a : aymbo3s' try's great resources in coal and iron don that was in their memories. of fruitfulness for the union.' as well as, sbipping and agriculture.; Some of them were taking their The reason for throwing old shoes If the slogan is taken up seriously sons to hotels' and restaurants that C ♦ �A�}A there would be less speechmaking beneficial results should' be obtained, 'have long since disappeared, such .utter the bride and l:et n@a,. husband 1�►i� and more time to view the scenery of - � this- beavuitzt country:' 'Kingston ABOARD FOR THE SEE Inose ons - Firit we have the drought and we Whig -Standard. Ori tRld it is going to cost the conn• . ' . Our Language tr>I millions of dollars. We do not bother to hold conver- Then we have a shower and it Is satioas•aay longer, ,but we do maae described as worth a million dollars certain animal sounds in our throats --a shower is never worth two mll- which we can interpret and which' - tions nor even half s million.• it is lei• can communicate simple ideas, white i ways an even million. we reserve our better notions for pot - Then we have a rain, and it is itical speeches, lettere to the editor -,.;Worth a million, too,or for ale; By this means, we have = Then there L another dry spell reduced communication of .thought to that Is to coat millions, which are a remarkably brief and compact pro- _ partisdlx wiped out by another mil- cess. Mon -dollar rain.Where a man like Br. Johnson What we want to know is: • What. would require several hours and prob- becomes of all these millions, and ably twenty -pints of tea and several who keeps tabs' on them?—Windsor loaves of bread and a couple of cheese to . convey a thought to his companions of the coffee shop, a mod- `T'.aey Cao" ern young person can do the whole The estate of 'the late Arthur W. job is a word or two. M in - •�Gattea, former .Guelph boy, who -died "Zat you, baby"' "Yeah." "iiow•. _ is Chicago, is estimated at 4340,000. ya?" "Okay:' --avows ever'thing?'• Considering the fact that at one time.. "Swell.". "Ugh.'• '-Hush?" Whatcha Eleanor l3uenther riding one o! the new paddleboards, equsppea with gloss • =' -when the late Mr,� Cuttea was a sea Join' t'atght?" "N,othingl _ "HQW 'bout �� a peek at King Neptune's domain and view the wonders of the submarine gardens at Ssnta Catalina while-akimisling over the. waters. Gonial operator in the stoc kmarket, " .. „ ....Island, 'Cal., :. . -•�- • . a show? Oily. About 8." IIh huh: •.._. - Ise was reputed to be worth a hun- --Okyy, • '-Okay." � ` ;dyed millloa, the old adage "Come This Sa what we call s coaversa• as there to nothing like getting 811 as the Tavistock Hotel in Covent is more obscure; many think it algal• easy—eems go easy,". sstill, to express tion. -13.H. in Victorla "Timies, , classes aroused with• the need of pro-_ Garden and the Golden Cross at flee a change of authority. a great truth.--Ctntham News. gresa.-9t. Thomas Times -Journal. Charing Cross. They were relieved It is generally conceded that the Honey Been on Strike when they could show their sons St, misty tulles and =filmy laces used to - they Strange Casa The peculiar type of .weather that _ ' Paul's - aiid the Cheshire Cheese. day for the bridal veil hark back is A strange quirk iii the taw of Cin- has been characteristic in Ontario THE EMPIRE Now the Canadians have vanish- the custom of bride ua ancient peopler tsda is revealed in a speeding came this summer has produced quite a ed, too, ,baek to the land whence to keep life bride hidden from tM_ dismissed by an Ottawa Return of Canadraas . they had come so manfully and magistrate, few abnormalities, including water bridegroom's sight until the. wedding J soldier of the Permanent Force was shortage, bad' crops. forest fires and ''The sight of these men. in their. hopefully in 1914. The .thing that day. arrested for driving a truck at an ex• rulned pasturage. From Wnday crowds in the .London streets re- 'many of them took back in their Oran a Blossoms Good Luck bessive speed; Who abrought before comm a report of a strike among the called vividly the war London, with minds was that the mea here. still S - - mho court. the magistrate found that honey bees - [smed .tor devotion to its darkness An rumgra,• They are take oft their hats as they .pass the The orange blossoms twined in so Guardian. many veils are considered a portent the so2ler had been driving too fast industry ahaof • thrift exem- middle-aged nos and had little of Cenotaph.—Manchester ne: bits. and in a manner dangerous to the plan for human beings- of good luck and happiness. .jpublic. Yet- because the driver was a It seems that bees in that district- . 1 ed t Medieval custom is be rev o ins Willer and because the vehicle was a responsible 'fes the inclusion of the have not done. any . honey -gathering ient flower girls and their baskets o! ire - government track; floe 'magistratefor more than smooth, -They. quit BridalCustoms Sound that ' he had no jurisdiction their activities during that spell of Ant grant blossoms in the modern wit was f The case was dlsiaissed, That may terrific, heal s month ago and the pageant. In the middle ages it was sound law. but it is not found owners will have to provide sugar to e • customary for two ilius- procession to walk oommon sense. Supposing a soldier keep them from starving, in 1Vlo�ern Times 'n front of the bridal procession strew r in •a government truck killed some The reason seems to be that there follo- ed _ itzg in its path the grains which sym . e, It would be of little consolation is virtually a failure of flowers from bolized the wish that the union would 6e fruitful and the flower girl at - 90 - go to the bereaved and tell.. them which the bees gather honey. La a �i 11Zed I>d pres llCC of Many p _ e $ Capture Symbo tend' kgs -gradually evolved item 'It was all right, the slctim was killed tense heat and shortage of moisture Mama$ y P , by an army man in an army car. TQe 71 has practically. obliterated =wild and Attendants--NCsty Yells Chosen— ikourners would get no consolation cultivated blooms and consequently atom that.bridesmaids who will take part is the bees are without the raw mater- NEW YORK. The bridesmaids, Just because a man is in the Per- 1a1 for their' work, The net result will marriage rings and showers of rice weddings are believed to: be survivals Some •Cali ''Em Practical Fb neatForce, ke altould, •not. enjoy bethat there will be a considerable which mark the modern bride'swed- of the daps when the would-be bride- ;jotters But "lt Ain't ridled license to go careening shortage' of honey during the coming ding day originate is customs dating groom's lriends helped him make his NCCessallly $p;" r the highways to the peril of el wlnterSor it requires a'percentage of all the way item cave men to knights "getaway" with his prize and the. aRyona else.—Windsor Star, the crop to teed the Dees,=Sarnia of the middle ages.. , For years it's been apparent that - Canadian Observer, brides relatives tried to' prevent the Centuries ago marriage by capture theft: sornAtime we'd have -to hunt up Hugh IsrarLation of Houses- was the rule: hiimtive man stole his Troy, whose exploits include secreting The Sault Star argues that nae Of �ryyake Up, "' = Old Custom, too •10 -cent -store : ler Y tion ia_ al lhouses la northern Scotland. bride from a neighboring tribe andRin8 _ pearls in the oysters of .. •Itrt Scotland', the land of the hea- carried her off to his save, regarding The ,wedding ring tradtion is also fellow-dinnhr guests, and digging ftp eta should be made campulsorl: ther and thistle a new slogan is be- her as a trophy that attested to his credited to 'prehistoric -days. Though 54th street without a permit, com- t might be going a bit too, far. But Lug heard on every side. It is ' "Wake courage and prowess.. its real origin is unknown, many au- meats. the New Yorker. Not to Goat one who can possibly carry the Up, Scotland!" Such a slogan could 'rim suave best man and colorful thoritics believe it dates from the an fine a point on it, Mr. Troy is a initial expense would be foolish practical joker.- "People ought to be t to have' s new •home insulated, for ^ � - mystified more than they are" is an • saving in fuel would pay . Lor it By GLUY SUBURBAN HEIGHTS l►.R VViL.LlAM9 expression resaion of Mr. Troy's philosophy. ' thin ' a comparatively few years "Life goes along too regularly." Wit" ---7!M leaving is marked even i} it U an CepyrigLR 11Y. by The 11th hsdi . la•) He played a lot of practical jokes gidbonne that is insulated. -=Ed- in college (he's' Cornell, -127), of _ which we'll set down: only one. Then snontou Journal. was a professor noted�,piincipally for -eGAis Couaobadt 'm 'Ma his habit of constantly wearing tab-.' hers. One rainy day, while the pro - Heartening news comes from feasor was imthe classroom, Mr. Troy Gl11 University, got ahold of these, painted them to For the firat`time in -over a,decade, hl �'Auring_the peat financial year McGill ! resemble feet, and then covered them � L j „ ,i • ' . T` with lampblack. It was "still raining met its budget without dipping into V �"J'1 ;�1 when the professor left the build`rrtg ` capital Sunda, -The. annual . deficit was - , Hll �: • and the rain washed the lampblack cut from i303,00o to 4131,000, and \pis off in no time, leaving the educator, `remaining deficit was met by the gov to his pained bewilderment and.the cruors out of their own private funds. .._ .-- students' general amusement, walk - That. shows both generosity by the `r ing ilorig 'apgaiently in his bare and governors and real co-operation be ,,. "''r' very large feet. _ tween the. university staff and the - Once Mr. Troy and two friends hoard. For note that the deficit was �' sneaked into Central ,Park with a cut by $122,000, involving the strict-- ' ` bench they -had purchased. •They car- _ -est economies, in which the •staff loy - ried it about -until they. met a cop. He -ally co -operated, --Montreal Star, 3LIested them, -Of Smart �Pa$ = park property, and took them to the The Canadtau­-W�Ztt •, 'ale for Arsenal ' police station, 'where they - -- _ot, Montreal, one of Cinsda's oldestprod�ced the bill of sale fo the be exporters of ladies' dresses of all ' y kept showing • . , - .� a were released. :. - finds, bas introduced• a new idea In r ups ins the elArsena] station all, day, to the packing of goods for export _ had trade. Their new shipping container • each' time with a different .cop, until the sergeant got mad and d therm i embodies to a packing case the pCl¢ s ,. escorted out of the•-park. elplea of the wardrobe trunk, the ler- Mr. Troy is a bad man to have as �titles beteg hang inside inetead� of an enemy. He used to go to Loew's ` packed, as is usual, thus eliminating Sheridan theatre a• lot and sit in the creasing and damage, and, landing the - - balcony; being six 'feet five inches 4 goods -ready for the show room or TR}D P£ UY. WHO LAST YEAR' CALLED ?FII: POLICE 'o INVW16RTE tall, he would get in the way of the w `> wtndow; Canada's Weekly.' light beam from the projection booth 4 116NT$ IN ET W PLOMEWS SOPPOSPLY EMP'r1t• HDPE NOT when he stood up, and people world Too . M1nc6 Speech -Malting KNOWING TOAT ER>'11E HAD UMEXPfCTED1,Y RMR 61 POrOT boo at him.. _ _ EVE 1N MAKIN(o '1 SAME MISTAKE 'TWICE . 50 MT EEK Telling of the visit of the motor - Flattery corrupts both the receiver forty of English tourists to Gaul WEN LOS WM'SAN DUR196 T14E PLOMEW ABSENCE r.BE� and the giver; and iidtilatidit is riot of lee and .the Thousand Islands, einr PaUAV1D '1fIF NE16t1i30R5 !•{Off TO DO AN1�`ft�1N6e1e►8.t01i11Y� more service to the people than to "; ns correspondent writes flat A`�u1F t7tNIE�S► kings—Burke: of the guests "stated that they - � 'f t1E1%t:5 MADE ` �� t future partles tram 3� land 501096 "AD ASO" 1T ' . " Y'jiTKmngs their visit leo that B-4 .,yo, : *i ` ��,•„ ',; r -_-INI€ - YOU can cut Dixie "conte - .NEWS or Hakey just as you like '* : It. His economical, too, for you cur it onlyca you Bilmac ' Gold Mines has appointed :. vw It — there's no waste. : Mark C. Little, ALE., as consulting an- gineer, to take complete charge of de- _ - . e velopriieat ' *ork. - Operations are pro- 4 r ceeding on the Saville vein on the 410 -ft. level with drifting advancing' 1 both north and south from the cross- - _ • cut. At last report the vein had been drifted on for 75 ft. to the south and z _ 85 it. to the north, and showed a _ • ' 1 ' width of 4 ft. with free gold in. evi- -Fatm values at no era I-V � + `tea cost ...that is youlc dente. A crew of 32 men. are -em- ployed on the property. l(`�!_��► A��iI/i, -y4 positive guarantee whew 1 you buy Freestone rVes.Development work at the Faulken Among these ,are 8 bam Lake Gold Mines property, • 1"a'estone s 2 Extra Cord which adjoins Madsen Red Lake Gold i l l Plies under the tread that Mines on the south, is proving highly bind the tread and body, favorable. A new vein showing values into anble has been discovered between the No.elastic insepara '`�� iyj • unit —w- it cafe at any 1 and No. 2 veins on the company's' speed. You pay nothing Faulkenham Lake group, according to I _ for this carouse feature that advices to the head. office from T. W. �� �1, you eldsa safety and Dean, vice-president and managing f, �� y director, who is now at the property ''glee •4, extra mileage. Ge1f11.pipp� Cords in the Red Lake area: Get the most for your ` 58% Stronger The number one vein, which is in money. Firestone Tires a feldspar porphyry dyke, has been do not cost one cent more sampled for a ,length of 760 feet: _ �� tires and Charles Walters, in charge of i evel- an ordinary Designed opmint work at the property, gave an ' your nearest average Tread average value of $21 over an average a Dealer has a tire to suit width of 36. inches. The sesay ranged sec; - - every parSee bim ' . from a trace to 'as high as $219. The �� New Estte dyke, which is from 10 to 16 feet in _ a� Ride. Strias width, and well mineralized, has beenXkA traced for 1,600 feet. ' Underground development at Clark y Gold Mipes.'ia making good progress A Banknotes be the name of >bW - 1 and showings equally as goon as at Very Prominent Physician �g the shaft are being' obtained 1,600 ft -of London, England, 1,alads bans, date o! issue and s! serial noml, • from the shm aft. Extensive diamond Dr. bet, were first printed in China drilling is being continued to • deter-• Rett >t Se><tua four Cance!• mine conditions at greater depth. Of- ficials are planning the early instal- In 'Letter Which Appeared In Mail WAKE UP YOUR ` ration of largely increased power fa- and Empire, August 20th, 1986 - - dlittes and also a completely equipped _ i �t E R B 1 L E - assay office Drillirig-resatts are ex-' Re6air Gold petted shortly. Deepening of the shaft is progressing to the second level .at 250.. ft. Following a meeting of directors of Hudson Patricia Gold Miner held recently it was announced that the various technical adjustments notes - am to the . mill machinery, following To the Editor of The ]fail and Empire : Sir.=-Baving 'been engaged as in electro -therapeutist for some time in London, England, and -bearing while in Toronto of the remarkable results obtained" by Dr.. Hent, of this city, with serum injection* for cancer, I naturally desired to investigate -ana. Add You'll Jump out of Sed to the mora;" iRaria' to Go 'Hs Now sb=W peas out two It aoefd b!M nee ram bowels daft. t3 this We leastaawiWKtaay:sous toeddoesn'tdlaset. H iost deans• In thbeeebs rales. Gas boats Y.U. tb bodria,t son ! aQei ao4 tLe wasom nd fsoii posit; ♦ sea. boor mswmMt do.eU'tatway� � ss tee Musa !os Used nowthlt>g chat waels obtain some• first hand. information. C �e s t -i ti w`LL to eehet tho, ofd Work on this property is progres- installation and initial operation, an tyrt r. I ittld Lvwr lelns is net UNIDO sw :. ns rapidly and important do- underway at the property ill the 'I examined many of his scientific wmR* ofSed� a.� cns�� a� a � ...FREE FREE FREE d Clearwater Lake 'section, Patricia dim- records gad also saw a number of meso. tie bw sew rowdy. They tithe Now list of pianos. chesterfields,•lMtoaedbuthavesesalsaroraddeuess sewing machines, dieing room suites, vlopmeats are now taking piste. tract. The mill has been ranging on his eased, pstienia, who have amused than Asti for � e Usk UZ ptaehd► Simmons beds, mattresses, springs, Permanent Buiidiags are erected lowgrsde ore to date and the brick me with the wonderful ,results earl Stabbemy Masa• aayebtse etch ■s. j' and everything for the home. tt'urut- _-Over 1,000 feet of trenching �o y poured had a value of ap. achieved. tore oats Dept WL it Chestnut tuts, has been. completed and sinfdng These cases which had been given proximately ng -o. Milling .Pill Classified Advertising i. now under way. shortly be s•vtlag"over to mane run rep Sot hopeless are now. quite- well .. of ore. and have remained so for a consider- _ CHT. A iimited offering able length of time and with no re- a>�o acaiossos�sa _ ? of units is beinsr The main shaft at Morris Eiritland currenes- rUKW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK _ g Gold Mines has now reached its ob-. I have ,indeed no hesitation in ad- parts shipped everymbers, bassi - C C 6 B. Tonle Tablets are really 1 1<nade At factift av tend a or money refnaded. assent tonics - Cstolam Carbonate to _ jective of 1,250 ft. and development wising the medical profession here Prompt attention to enauirtu: away parity ch• blood, Danish pimples of the new levels at 87b and 1,250 and elsewhere, to examine his results Auto tarts, gran Office. 735 Queen st biaC To t. sad blotches — sad Brew- PF -R $7o, 50 UNIT ft. are to be started immediately. as I have done, 'as I understand they. West, Toronto. ;se's Yeast, B1sud's Iron and Extract o of Cod liver to build you ap. nourish Officials report that indications ob. know practically nothing about his the blood, steady the nerves and out tained from drilla below the 750 -ft. research work- so inconse uetee are A><TI�t81AL nesse ppoonada of solid flesh on thin people. (Each unit exchangeable for 100 � � � start co enjoy lila to toot and tees dares in a Company to be level point strongly to the proving of not -giving him -the encouragement HANGER STANDARD t.I]cB C0. ;soar beat today.— all dray stores formed) new important ore -on these new he deserves. 126 Wellington West_ Toronto, Em. 8100.00 FREE In cash prises horizons. Construction of the mill . 'I.understand that Dr. Hatt'has not Limbs Iwithout shoulder serape. Ask your daaggist for o. a i IL At present price of units, Shane building is, steadily proceeding with Baled -his formula to the pro- Coatest Mises. will cost 7i{ic. Per Share. the frame wor g tom- fession, but after` a very reasonable avaarsas osrrosrvafsssss -` etel ai - utg ova ata ear y, in Sep- P y' ded It is expected that pro- explanation from him I consider he s s l Plate', lember,'the Syndicate having pur- , duction will be underway by , Oct. has at present acted most -wisely, GUARwNTEED BUSINESSES - .Con-' leeitoneriea, • pias Stations, Groeert chased its own drilling equipment. 16th• and I feel that be should be given Delicatessens, Tobacco shops. • Au i every assistance possible as he does Bargain Prices. Write. for .partirulara You wile want to ked In touch'notInv'estmtnt • Bureau, 166 Ybage et.. a a g wwith hich twooffeis new and attrratio, was shut down active ' McMillan Gold jllines 12b -toe mill' acientifte 3ieIdto bof work foie in this Toronto ' will be re -opened within the next I am quite certain that no work investment opportunity. _ Sol30 days, according to G• A. Foot, on this dread 'disease can show .4ucb e �• .i Write for full pirtieulari manager and director. • The vein on. positive results, or given such a vivid ,,,.. the 750 -ft. level shows an average demonstration as his patients have Q uMINN.... s without obligatiot%. value of $9.50 in gold per ton which done. continues . down , to the bottom level, tp .to the -present time he is'. not l ed esatUsaeistr" According to, Mr. Foot the mill can RO yttal itsAa apyn sl�IOAT1, permitted either to read a paper, be. • Yap be' re -opened on the ore available on 400 mss` s aa.lata• ss. seat, Toronto, Oaaaaa. fore the medical societies or 'publish `)� � • ;,; sawthe bottom l KLad' his results in a medical journal. Kindly forward prospectus ' - t � Ouse H say- full information on Rebair Gold reg4lres Undoubtedly,the time ie .not ;far r.. wb•ee.Noptpn Syndicate "Surely Americanization distant hb oq r eoasse• , the exposure of the wolf"ot oollectiv- r will be tiooa w n the doctor Warranted Name" ....... assn now recognized and Y shall have no hesi- e lagbts instant. in the ghee 's }*tion in recommend; LOW Af pantdm8 P CouncilStandard _ i rmor aeras o ore• clothing of pretended liberalism." se -patients in C,boon •,�" COUNCIL aTANU- a hornet- Mandela �Addreee .... England to take his serum. Ass !oneasaloa°tsoif -Herbert Hoover. HOWARD COULTEARD M.D. ass Eoonaa for economy roarer ffpprce'r ... esl•ror write fns fuel operates :•• , dnQ Dermdaened Hearily coated fftS MUZRi • • • • . • • • • • • • Toronto, Aug. 19th, 1936. wlw aarnbie wetter--ornewly "soot- both barn•rsill The man who. does his level beat to- 4 to 7o hoard taw" for eu• lty — this rooting awe' i is t.. sec day always does better tomorrow. The .eiafnase• entero Cost-ratft wear " constant ~r is a tremendous w- We will gladly e uta It now on your e_000roMng requlrementa _ Washington.—The Bureau of Labor ROOFERS SUPPLY }..» = Statistics reported ' last week that CO. lnyp'1'Ep ''nearly 1,000,000 workers" have re- TORONTO LONDON, MONTREA--L �`� craved' new employment. in. the -last OTTAWA QUEBEC year and that payrolls have increased : °+ almost $42,000,000 during that inter- .Graphochart nal. .. In his - regular report to ..Frances RHEUMATISM Shows' how to read character Perkins, Labor Secretary, Isador Tu- bin, Bureau Commissioner, said that pour Minaed's into a warm from handwriting, at a glance. approximately '2,000 moredish. Rub liniment sendy la, jobs had teen apply it oeeoedins to loo PREPAID been filled during July. 8e stated:'—.. and soon Graplwb i.t Room' 421 "The gain, 'while small, continues 19 Y001 got r"Oft " the expansion which has been - shown 73 Adelaide Us- W. each month since March and is par- Torosato titularly significant when contrasted a / • t ~-�` with tri al ah ssi hich NEWMJ'employment e nen arp.rete ons w Aaricterise In July. • "AvaMOle. remr4o for. the iadugtries OF = i covered by the bureau show that dur- . ing the past 17 years inersa ws have �� Wei al►own t0r fIIh ret: on]y three tn- c ,� '� "� ',. -'e' ,� s. '.�a¢.'...a, c'^..,ae„y' j:c «� •r; . : "� '.,'aTo tu.. :.�.F', d .''1. .t ? T 'P'� , i•. r�,,ytns •^ .. �..;'S «.; r'-,,. +?':: .'v3+'. ,y rt� -r .w -?r,,•h"Y`. .R+." ,•^T�,:.. •!-:`: !t�:+'.. •`S - .«uR r:..': �, ^,`N w�;4'. .'>r r -may ,.�''S'��'.✓( d,•y^ C "•.' """ , .. w c„ yl" -T :. ^'-c•�^ , "'. �••w'3a�'Y,- •': ,�J, `A �j''f5• ''TE•M''j' ''�+�'4'�-• ''F ''e '. `�'^� 41 1' 7:1,...i�.(M�rS., Y -x:`- ,•.i.HY r++a e•i w ..••.+. ..a.'. -s- 4 ..il i. ,r I .. _....�, ...,. '!ta!�6,•. S'_ ., - �..,- ', �•:;�5� .::.•-"s,•y+a'y�"^'�4••.�...,�'"Y�'---c?rk.:. 5 � ;r> . moo.; + �. •n``;=: , r, . ; : _ :� : • .. -,r: -:� • • R,;:�.` ,, - �' i..;• - d l � ' _ aocom- Fafinbitioa authorities are iho - t v r 1.V �l�ii, P- -•F4 T. -sad Mrs: Bun -, ` r<: pained by -their, uncle, sun , ing, for finer wmtfher :to bring uT s - ' W. H. sad Mrs. Bun ' ,; of is Pas, e - - •-- Monde. b44 l.4 bo>- Day ting the attendance second. _ Places Man., left on .Monday on a weeks _Odra. W. J. Clark is _s iLdiri� ant laces of'' :be clod motor tri in which the will take , as 1tsuaL - P y. a -couple of days with relatives'in in, Miss -'Syly in Callender, ' Naith, Bay, OttaW8, the, city. _ _ -• _ anifs•'• L,eaveus and y ,brother, Will, of Clevel>jupd have bfpllbreal and other places of inc «Pjckering's Leader Store" - brother, been visiting' friends - in Pickering crest.' :and Bowmanville distict. -� sad 8ecidQnt occurred on the GOOD _ 1Mrs Arthur B4yes returned highway near N " ewcastle on Sun - home .on SAParday atter &wa week, day morning about 10.:30, when an - -Hosier by. Roleproof a holiday at Wasaga 'Beach, one of American car, driven by ThcIG.Bot _ Ontario's moat -popular' suawmer re- �� aged of 'Rochester, :`. Y. WHEAT 'Famous for color and style and containing his wife, dauSa"i er _ =The cou�uaition- ` anis Folie I and two solis collided with_ a Colon= .Anot�ler large shipment arrived—Full length and Knee- pesgd"._4n Tuesday, when Lal bels.. A 'long•- line- of cars were FSR " SALE 1-Whools re -Q _ y, _ _ gh, ip chiffon, crepe .and service weight. t9llere was a falx attendance, incl- Lgoing west, $nd for some unknosn -- -�i p tidings number who pagan their r .reason the first car slowed down - • - gives -49c., 75c, 95c. and $1.00 a pair. educational career ;n ' the primary and the Boging . car moved to the Dawson Golden - class, whom we .wish success. I left to pass the other, when it met ` ::--{rhle Womea'a Missionary Sot:-. a Colonia] bus going west. They Chaff iety of the Presbyterian Church i collided with great force, and the .will :hold their regular meeting on' ocl'upants of the car were' injured $1.35 per bushel Wednesday, ' Septa 9th, at 3 p. in., I so badly that the parents and' dau- _ st thehole of MTs. R4bt. Crock. ghter died, the- mot -..*r, almost abin- ARNOLD / D -•+112rs. Geo. Hawks and sister,' sttly and •t]Le other two within , /`1 I L� Mise Myrtle Robins— of Vasey, � a few hours in the Bawmanville PICKERZN6 FAl3MS - - . returmed home on Monday atter' Hospital: The- boys, aged 19 and 16 - =: spending a couple of weeks with years, werg painfully injured, the PICKERING, ONT, a.- Dry •• elder' receiving a broken hip -and.- - Hot Weather . D Goods n their cousin, Mss. W G Mnrkar. the yotta8sr alight head injuries. � Q Stephen Cafik, who has oc�up Furnaces _i3athing Suits, _ $each holes, Shorts, led W. J. Gordon's residence for The accident shaves the. necessity of . - Sla:.ks, Skirts, Rennin Shaes, Scampers, '+the past year or two, has moved in- delvers being -certain that- they g have 'a clear road ahead of them. - FaC1 Or Gam les, Ilew Ankle Books, Light Underwear, Straw. to the brick residencb at the east Y p - - when they contemplate passing th-a end of- the village, belonging to the Installed " free during 'August Hats, Fibre Helmets. -Polo, Shirts, Ties. - >.eetate of the late Richard' Puckrin. tarn front of them. It also shows _117he September meeting of the t?,e necessity of widening the pave- Easy•tertns, if desired, cOkB etc, Vornan's 'Association' of the united ment on roads -on which- there is 'Also new and used Electric Wash. Church will be held on Tuesday, � so touch traffic ars ,there is on the ers and-_Refrigeraior• Kingston road, the road -on which M-41'.Se CHAPMAN:: SBPt 8th; at the home of Mrs. GeoU91roy. A good attendance of mem- this- acrrident occurred. Anothe- GILSON PRODUCTS _ _..rL bars and friends is requested. sccident, somewhat similar to this Ph -me Pink 161'2 50=10 'lie, Presbyterian -Sunday school � occurred on the same 'day on the "TWO STANDOUT VALUES which. was closed for the past two ! Danforth, but not with suet. ser - - . _ months will ie -open next. Sunday at"t loua results; and are occurring The Pickering the usual hour, 2 • m• (D. S. T.i. f �reelf�y in s°mg part of the- prov- . 1 P. MEAT MARKS' Tip Top Tailored Suits or Coats frit The Bible Class will also restlma ince. their- seas ni- "A good attendance -About noon on Saturday last _ : • - - !is requested. Fred Annan, who is in the "emplo} . - -men or women --New Spring and -of W. --C. Thomson, whose farm -is Our Motto-- (iiu$litf 1St- Service -Thls is tie time - of the ,�_ Summer woollens, direct - from the :' in which eo Horticultural Soviet- a mile east of the village. taw four S eeial•-COuntY - iea, of which there are many in the rssers asleep on the side of the road, P Britlsll Isle8 $24.75. - - - about half a ' mile ' south of tffe ••� • - Province, are holding their annual ws. _.St le Sausage 'Summer S`bBut this years Highway, As t ce men were very Y number of Societies. decided -to .can- rough -looking, it aroused Mr. An- � �c per lb.Gordon, Maid. Full-fashioned Hosiery, 1 reel their showi, an account of the can's :stlspicii,ns, he artrnmunicate<I �wr _ with Constable" R' O. Crumme-, Service weight Chiffon and Crepe. - .....dry season, flowers were a failure. - 2 lbs. for 25e. _ ,,-'The care_ and proteetion of trees who got in -touch with 'Provincial will be the subject o! a highly in- Officer Arthur. Runc4mah. and the CLARENCE SILK. ITEW SiPRSNC� SIX.E&=TS-7°50. Shuck $1 "- teresting and informative talk oy levo officers made an investigation. 'Q9_S1 _ t On arrivirzt;• on the scene, foun.I _.. ' Mr. &. a. Ric.%Ardson of the Qnt• .. ' • aria Forestry Branch, in Dumbarton the' two anen still asleep under 'Phone us for delivery .- �'rlBd T. Blllllting,: .-PlekeriIIg :.United Church, on. Tuesday, Sept- some tires by the side of the road. Phone 11320 Eatabliehed 185? - They examined t`� men`s car wht'cl1 • at 8.30 p.. m., under the: ausp-' •, - ices of the Pickleri ng Horticultural was 'standing close by, and found - . DON'T'—' an g gallcni • milk: calf nearly filled Society. if you have any tree'tron- with gasrAine .and several cirrart TAKE CHANCES - bies, come and find out how to c�rLc of motor. oil. Lit artavver to a t: -have thenf salved. - .. _ _ MEATS .n question, one of the mensaid that p c Rudolph Berlia, of 1+ ox they had been to the Toronto F.x- Pla.7 Sale Presbyterian Church.. Oshawa, oc h7bition and were -resting. Constab- capied the pulpit in the Presbyter- le Runcirnan made the man rise to Consult your Drug'giPt - FOR SUMMER DAYS ion {T�tlrch .here an Sunday after his feet, and found a" revelcer un: Remeinbei - noon,.. when. he preeached pn.. excel!- _ ent sermon:' Rev. Dr. Carmichael, der his head; one of ole' other wren YOUR DRUGGIST Isi MORII:.'' who has returned basun from his `was pulled to }is feet and a revol r�lan �We have a complete. line of Cooked Meats. ` vacation in the Eastern Provinces, ver was found under his Ileac, both revmlvers' beim � full loaded. These - Cooked Ham A- MERCHANT 1 two men were handcuffed together. - - Chicken RoII 'fie' As one of ..the other men started to -H. V. R. MOORE. DRUGGIST I a -- 4Tlt►e class -rooms of the"school ron'a�ray he waabrought back and DUNBARI'ON, ONTARIO .'�. have received a thorough re -decors he was 'handcuffed to the fourth '--- -- - _ -- --- -:�elljed Veal tion_ at the hands of. Messrs .Mar- tin and. Dwyer, and are now much man: 'ant all ;four were taker` +� : - 'Read Roofing Whitby jail. After'rettlrninR frtxn; y- ... _ _ Variety Loaf brighter, aiding the natural "light- Whitby, they searched the vicinity. • Ing of the rooms. Tile walls, and Just received, a shipment " Macaroni and Cheese. .Oaf • They Toned a match box in the h,. 44elings are :naw' in .0 cream an . Ivory .iinieh with the w*oactwosk •a d't�'' wtich contained twenty of plain'roofing that' wee are Ught buff. The rest of the wood- mul�ds of- arianuhition.' Ori search- 8ellin • at special .rices. ;Dutch Loaf and Bologna _ work and' desks, tw+o' coal of varn- Ing the crar they found a c}duel g p p iah. A very complete and aataafact- and apiece of .car spring, which Red .Top Insulating wool --_ _ - - Headcheese �e _ o b. has bees colic and we now it is suprwised was used to 'break „ ry job. acct' to 'comfort Ill sum- . . - • into buildings. The milk can upas e interiors ' second . to none. 14 _•Zhe heaviest rainfall since picked up from the side of the leer and Winter. Saves . >.onear St. r,'a, at 11 if .. 0 R R EA. - Dade occurred on Friday afternoon iltin.-The car was reigisrered in talefrleland t�he�epos�t is low.z and '» ,vtrhesl Arent an inch -of r,arrLe of Barnstable, ..iLittlt ;8 the .•.. PICK:ERING -•- Buteh:er:.. (phone 3000) ,Pickering f�{•�'" rain fell. The rain was general • • th'rougbout the ',whole 'province. In name of one df the four men. The p" acme parts of Northern Ontario. had leas that! half a dollar, LUMBER Y/`11VJ • } over two inches fall; while -in some and ;n the ear was some' bread andckering lardware Store___L�psrta'of tike province a little less abd Thee were eiLargerl with vag- Psoxls 5100 't>,sn one inch fell. It has proved rancy,. anti appeared before ... Maes-.. - trate Ebbs Tb ince as it' •will • help the late potat- when they were remanded till ATTFNTION . further investigation had ' been WANTED - Experienced y,luoa- oes, turnips, corn, pasture etc_,.;and - woman for general houseworlt, 2 adttlu, hal to extinguish the forest- - - lady ill $12 monthly. Box 237. Markham, 2 ,... -_-,-' p - . -Potato Grower fires, which' have been doing so a + T R'A Y E D- Oe to tee premises of - h damage in many parts of the In Melfaoriaaal �D. S. Annie. lot 31, cob S. Pickering* a .. .. :. yearling heifer. uer may have sem. y prov _ try 1n property and payies expenses, D. B. Annis BUG KILLER ,.� �..--*-nvng the visitors to the Tor -'i H�AIGHT-.In loving memory. ole �t w�1;:este. az3 4*iW -Exhibition is a.man 'flim dear" father, Henry Allen Haight, PO-4ITION WANTED -, Married Q Williamsburg, Virginia. His naane I who passed away, Sept. 3rd, 1934 man, 3{, lire time experience in general - F Sudden Death. _- farming. industrious. capable of taking. full is "$ill" Becker, and besides being i'lle flowing stream o! life rolls on; Large, desires' empl•lyment on farm by day TO`THE l3UG a visitor he is also an exhibitor of But still the vacant chair cmonthfr year. -Phone Pick 3906, John L - i' Hobbs. R R 2, Pickering; 2 poultry. His shipment comprises Recalls the love, 'the wick, the smile New Life Of him -who once sat` there. E [N[Tl Pf NDE'�lT=3ef1'chP'pro 165 biiMs -0T about 40 varieties $rid ducts of anational.ly-known firm; big pro -TO THE •PLANT- big' gllipmezLt was t'i'le -first to- art- His life wag one long sacrifice, fits and steady repeat orders, Others are making iv the Exhibition Ater the } His heart was - true and , tender, big money seFhna our goods, - whq'cah't San - '- �''iOOPER° S DRI-KIL fol Lice On Wrstetodayt-Faintlex Products Co., 570 St l xhibition he is going to tloile-d so' bora for those he loved' clement st.-1Noncre'ai z Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Hens. ) etric s p� g ; ,, to exh}bit at the Western TSwen left us to remember. FOR SALE-Qnpnriry of secs tail SPECIALS THIS WEEK , >r Et trit: his first visit to Can- -Ever reritembered by his daughters FOR No. 6 Junior White winter wheat _ _ t ' { Mrs. J. Ste enson and bTis: James second crop grown from Reg No. 96. Also he ti8� a i�psired and 1 pure bred duel pyrpow short bpfn bull- eight _ _111Olid x. Copper Rollers at U to enjoy the "Arctic weather Greenlaw. months old• "Roan,' govt T: B tested' Chat, , gra, an(I skiing or tAbOgann- Hutchi"V. R R 1, Pickering. 2 ctisl�an32ed Bolli" ata$1.00. -red. He says tihat they, In Memorise %( t��ZE:-'LdTK UdW3-Fre is: - >Jtered anal gM9da .voles, -Government B ,Agent for McCormick-DeeriogFRrtorDdaehinery to angor down in Vi'rglnl5, -"' tested, Fresh and close spiioQQersalwsyon , '. cts to see a real snow- honor •331ood veate�,4 desires. Pres delivery era - and Repairs - LA.W-•-Jn loving rnlernory of a dW chases of 7 or more, Sstiaigciionguara:,tee(% r t6r�411W aT6 --• oa -it, 01 L o icltile attending the Fair'af husband and father, Thos. Lag, a,, 1. Murphv, f usual- Ontario. Telephone �� D -��- , oronto alto London, but- the cfian- who paa9ed away. August 25th, 1136 it is not modes• ccs are that he will have to send 1932• i.t wort KENT -12(1 acre td. ,�t�. _ home far sumer •elothi , if the - L',worksrle, sort other pangs land. Good Telephone 8A00 ,. reg 'Sadly sLiaied by • }iia wife and hip roof barn Nuo, other buildings good, Good Exhibition has tlla hot WbatheT that sena, rough cast house, ro•s1 193 to plough at o•,ee, *• Se ���N, PICIF�.ERING � ,,u•� aoutb of tai a on tilt 1937. For par straight J J j, • j� t it ashen experiences.lull ly a atsbt j pp t0 ]atl,la -KDiaw milts tit