HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1938_09_02 • f rt •�'�• ' � u+t",� 7:`1 £K " :Sq,.,.. N.t,ina, _.,�:,, •.... „ •.: .', t )^ - c._,i.E-,,,� ,�+R•�z`s•.N� •�� •^x",nr }t' .»" ' TIT 7w a 'c"n _�•W .... 0.y,.',.*i.� - .� r.. `� .+.w ,r -wa .. ,._ . w:-..w "` •c 3:� .0 .�.:. p,,� �*�+ w� � - Deb ,• .. .. � .'�'„I"" avrM. . ..:. ._ .. ..a. :;.,,. ••t �4 it to Yl�'''c VOL. LV111 -;_:PIC K ERING, O NT.. FRIDAY . SEPT. 2, t P 38. lfraT>esstossal �ateaw. Aud[ey Brock Road GREENWOOD Xert4ca! NOTICE School re-opens next week with School, opens on Tuesday, Sept. Q R. H EARSON-Physici4n ,, bit• Innis in charge. 6th and will be on standard tittle. " MI+t/LS - iJeodSorgeon, Dunbatton. logy Uur trttcke prleH yotat way _ Winters Bros. attended the Ex- 3Ir. Wf: .J. White, of Brantford every day." kYi ition as f' (S86--1936 S` b part of the March Pas. _ �p E. FORSYTH, Oph. D., Director spent a few days this, week holid- ReOptome'rical Aaociattonol ont..to ,res. on Saturday last. CHOPPING COAL 'COKE, _eying at the home of Chas. Fuller. Stared :ate amber of the American appointment. t ' hiss Margaret puckiin and W. e j p e g "' attoustaao4. Eyes examined by appolntmeat. very en o a'bl evening was ;. psoas A801.Claremont.Ont, WIIUD,. CE'lTENT, Bentley, leave for their respective Monday, Wednesday. and Friday, spent on Saturday, Aug. 27, at the schools on hlunday: home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fuller WE GRIND FINE togas. ..'SAN D, (}K A V E L, p M. Yeates has a new tobacco when friendsand relatives gathered Bran, • Shorts and Feed a ' at] on the market that promises there to �j DUiYdLU RUDDY t3arrluter � and - congratulate them on-then 1r•Solicitor,Notary r'ubhe. 1.lu,.,eyW'Loan. , to interest smokers generally. 25th anniversary of their 'weddin kinds, also minerals and otber adiceformerly occupied by tnetateA.zi.t;hns• BUILDERS SUPPLIES Mrs. Harris of Whitby visited.her . Gifts were presented after which eoncentrafes for prof itable:'feeding ...`. �@ t�sa.aouth wing of Uourt Hours.worthy. toy parents, ,T-atnd Mrs. Annan this BEATON, BELE (f ROSS ''also local cartage work week. appropriate speeches of thanks kept on band were given by the "Mr. and Mrs." We$srrf rs o lel orsThurston, - ancln was t e or er o e even- as ou ry line of Maple Lre�.f Milltng, ford, were callers at Grasmere- on. .ing, the music .-ably. supplied by Feeds and Supplies. -,--- ,iLLIAM 1.BEATON. K:C. - Monday. _ fi.►B9WKE BELL,K.C. J.H.F.ROSS a.o's Feeds. Messrs White and Hiltz. Fw � GFREEN Remember the Women's Institute --- --- • JA'v1ES'A WRIGHT A. W• MITCHELL meetinga t 2.30 o'clock, standard �citerrywood 1 Many Sweet, Toronto. Adelaide 1838 ' time .on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, to TTA 1�1�**�♦ /� Pickering, Ont. be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mr's. Roach of St. Mary's is vis- �jiiNO`i Y i\iN1d' C. KICHARDSON& Co.. Barrie- g, ry V•term,Sohcttors. Notaries etc., shite sea, Guthrie Whid:oy, Twp. iting with her 'cousins here. AND _ sscefteor Lif Btuldin8.36 Toronto St. Toronto. Office phone 7400 Residence 0520 ' Ts"phone Ad. 1688; Pickerina Phw 6813. St.f The apple orchards here, have �ex- George and Mrs. Todd spent Stuff= ceptionally good loadsof apples. day with friends at Bolton. All kindg of repair Work tic11ILLAN-Barr immont a across recti n to' bliss N. Gollan of Toronto, is All Tuning itor, Notary Public. 1 C+Mef t Serest Toronto. Teledh�>ne Elgin.5303. 29tf PHON9 Wl the south of the fourth isquite sev- holidaying at hiss E. Gates.ME - t ere on the fruit. Ruth Taylor .is holi0aying at her. L• S. M&cDONALD Ueyetat FURNITURE Tomato growers-have just start- home here. 209 CLOSE AVE.;'10RONTO ERBERT T. FALLAISE, L. D S.. We ttre displaying ata attractive ed to market their products, alth- Master Bill 3lorrish has return- Phone Lakeside 1502 D.D.S. Graduate-if un Royat Colhge of variety of- ough many rotted on the vines be= ed dome after spending a week !Orders taken at NEWS'Off= )eoW Sur¢eons and tate University of Toronto. Aluminum and Granitewsre Etc: fore the factories opened. •- it is, a with Donald Stewart of'Bolton. 01kria residence second door east of St. And- mor'sChurctt, Pickertn¢•ont. office houcti: 9- Furniture anrl.Furniture good cash crop. Our Young People all reported a s.m. M 0 P.a or by appoint meot. (X-ray ___ INoeeltree. - The Club Corn' rr.w). Phone tack azou. Roast as usual good time at the-corn roast on Sat- —. �"UEL Prices low.in keeping with times: brings rain, and Monday was no urday evening. exception But after the first show- Sorry-to hear`that Harold Fenney * :�sns d��'f• er, President Neal and his Execut- is in Oshawa Hospital. We wish a RADIO SERVICE : we got together and a goodly crowd speedy. recovery. Builders' Supplies'li , A. BEATON. TOWNSHIP turned out to enjoy the corn and The ' ainters ,have been bus re- uilde upp is �' Ds Clerk. Con vsyaneer.Commissioner for A Graduate of Radio College �.y - � y K les. taltiac affidavits, Accountant, fire. Inner of with p decorating Our church, making a ..11'stristigLatenses. whitevale,Oat. _ Frank H. Westney has a sign on great improvement. Lumber and Lath A. E. R[CHARD�GN Up-to-the-minute training, his. Sudan -G3•ass field explaining. airs. Wesley Petty and children, B. C. Shin 188 and what the crop is, as so many peo- spent a few days with E. W. Pet- • g t3ENL+}EiAL It FINEST EC1UtPMENT� pie enquirq as to the name. of the ty's, at Centre Islariti. a Coal' REAL ESTATE for crop a 1s growth on . Mr. and Mrs, Geo Hodgson, - - There a dense r� "Guaranfeed Satisfaction the plot. Alberta- Goal -CONPEYANGIN.a and daughter and 'friend, of Lon- : don, Ont., spent a couple of days" DoILe6tic (�'oge ..As oY eatabflshed agmey, ready AT -' Broughafa -- with George and Mrs.'Todd: (;p ' Retsaonable Pricey ment. Lime Plast 8t to serve. The ��'omaiv's As=ociation will Tabes and Batteries always sa 1 .sd Mr. and Mrs. ,�. Mai'fat, who'are :u a le Body World :Phone, Pick. 6009 hold their monthly meeting in -the P p H`ROY. :HILLER, moving frof Toronto to London, church un Thursday. Sept. r.h at WMWt='' visited hiss Brown .9n Sunday.. Agents for L,I�ndy Fence YY y�( $.touRham, Ontario 2.30 p. ni., Word for Roll Call- . Phone %ILrk iti(Ig Ir, and Sirs. George Smith and Faith.' Mrs: L. Hollinger's group in arltl Metal &oohnp LICENSED AO(`TIONEER AND daughter, Jean,.wese Sunday guests' charge. A cordial invi(ation is er- end ALL'ATUR of 'Mrs. George Philip: tended to alt. Sdeo'csaducted -Anywhere IB E E .R Callers at the T. Robe' "home _ Cgc :;batt LulplemAnte =-�- tlshooe or write. Address 611 DundaM were:.Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox and ot- . 3eevre Prices Before Boyles Street, l tat, her friends, from Oshawa. .Whitby-. Ontario., ` InsurAQce of All Hibds'; '' John Cowie is•slowly .improving lira. Jim Griffin has'returned' frunl his accident, btit has failed to from ail en joyaHe holiday �A�West. Y V 1,LS-, r! B R O Sa �— Bent RateN A v'ai.lff hie with get in touch with,the driver of the. Hiss dice-.Turner is leaving to Shingles For Sal( :ar which hit him. Information giv- commence training at St. Mictlael',a Locust Hill, Onto 1.S'ecrlrit' RDd Service. . en ou't pro,4d incorrect. Hospital. rhnnF tf.rl.;_x to _ blx. E. Buzess and bliss Wideman lir, and IIr--. Bertram 'Meek.' of Tisk Galvanized Steel Shingles, of Gormley and- L. and firs. -Hatt Buitaiu,� on thrir ieturn from a `��. /�I A L Bird'E Felt SINre Shingles. S�dress Phone ►7"PECIAL " hews t �it,'I friends in.Toronto• on vacation at, SuAlbury, visited with t ,Also.'re-ruhhe'ring huggy wheels. BROUGHAM PICK 5t'6 Sunday last. their aunt, Mrs.. D. S. Turner. Lawn mn.vPre sharpened.' Warren Wil,!,on had thea riicfor- What a din the• nun I in. Maple Lumber--S20 T. PATERSON S - PLAREMO tune: to have is shoulder 3' a People per � Call and get prices. Phone 261 GARDEN CROPS put out 1.,att, .rh^ , they _charivaried Giles in 500 ft. iota or more. of'joint joint by a .pull from a horse he Tran and his bride, and off they was him(linv. h' l to I?. ti's are'.:•' Gb£ o.ur pricey on Reddy Rooftwg :`W Til Pay Profits =` y If you knew you WERE NEXT T. C. and Mrs. Brown entertain- en the spoil,. and Asphalt Shingles, Prices will If You'Use enjoy ? you would hustle in afttr that In- ed the W. J. Brawn and the H. 3. - Dr. Madill, of the. Normal Schon be higher in the Spring. - *. surance Protection we've been N AT U R AL DN IN L RA L col m. families on Sunday to cele- Peterbot'o,'and daughter, 'Virginia, g �L. talkingabout _ - brats Mrs. Brown's birthda She.. visited with. Mrs. D. 5• Turner. on Phosphates received: man felicitation. y' ,.- PCKIERI�fi A YOU MAY BE NEXT p =. Y Sunday last; also �7rs. George Hod- (� To it crease Yields and Im rout Members of the W. Knox family gson;,of Londoki, Ont., was a. vis- v • p Quality '- UMBER YARD CYRIL E. aIORLE'Y ' of all crops narrowly escaped. . .sexiuus .injury, itor.when a Lire blew' out, cauting their Our hogs aid girls are.makinh RD OH.NERAL INSURANCE �T T �! Otsr2liotto-Service an- Protection D. 1Y . Lockwood car.to take to the ditch, one •night the very most of this week, btiijv. F _PHO\h: 34goo r,'cently. No serious.injury was re- the last of the holidays Oh YcE' Phone Plcloet�ng 6700 ceived by any- of the occupants of I suppose we start school 'on the .Pickering Mills the car, but the car was damaged, 6th, they- say-, appearing rather At Claremont Church Service on Sunda ; pIC'KF.RT\G, O\T Y was bored when stating the farts. mer Furniture— WE DELIVER conducted by Rcv. ' :,I r. Augustine Bobby Phillips stet with a painful- Sum' i y" and `.Ir,' I:d• Lewis, of Clare:+tolit• accident on Saturday last: With ot- Ernest Co Fetzer ' ;• PHONE 53I7 duet was also sung by Cl'areiiiont ' her boys was playing' -4ith a =100 up--Money required. (', visit ors. The congregation of St. cider press, he cut off part of 'the , First IKortgagea. + Lawn Chair - John's appreciate the kindness of index finger of hi; left hand. Dr. LAWYER `. these visitors in curving to us. Houghton rendered first aid and >b yurs eiperietroa folds very cvesR. G. CLENDENINGily From the T Callers at the Bert Harvey home sent Bdbby to the hospital.,at. Os- FUNERAL DIRECTOR p front. Natural, varnished bard on Sunday were: Vit. and 1'IrS. (rill- h wa w h w rn wood frame, with reinforced Private Ambulance espie and daughters, of Toronto, days. is seat,in a heavy striped awn• • Day and Night Service' the former, 'a representative of a The young people certainly know Canadian Agricultural concern for how to handle the question when it fug duck,.-X1.49, Phone 9006 many years in both � France and comes to putting on the evening DISCOVERY Malvern 5A00 Northern Africa. church service. A ver>-fine turnout EE�` 1 Deck Chairs 3 Nr i! Markham w , Ont Mr. Herbert Bentley, of Vancou- of young people, and of course, the MEDICATED Complete with canopy -+and f • Ver, son of the late Louis Bentley., most sedate.and aider folks occup- INSOLES one of Brougham's pioneer resid- ied the pews at the United Church a foot .rest. Sturdy hardwood :Ends Foot Torture Quicker ents, and his sister, Mrs.,Roney, of on Sunday evening last. Mr. Will frames in natural hardwood, Trenton, called on old time friends Sloan led' a' splendid service of Comfortable to Wear coverin in a heavy 'stripedOt Weather on -Monday. They were both -native song. Elmer Pherrill'and Bill Sloan „Q ern $raug#a}miter .t, + Stops dwning-•-�2.I0. talung_Lvart in the W_o1_h-ip seryjce_ _ . - May mean Cool Day8 in living in the residence now the Mr: Calder Gilfillian, of Uxbridge,, SORE BUIIlQh`G ACHING SWEAT; SIMMONS' WALNUT STEEL _ e interest FEET the-kitchen... if you Vase P, hom�' of ow]Mrs, accompanied her vis- tad—evvby ion. spoke of Ilse peoplework nd in Christ an Removes Callouses Destro a r� t ys Baw' Complete with felt mattrrssa' Coleman Instant Ligl, ter, Mrs, E. C. Thornton, of•Wood •. work today. Odors spring-616.50 ,q� BtOVA Or lint laid. stock, Mrs. B. A. Linder, of Florida What `with we'iners, '.corir and i p and Carmen Thornton and sons, of marshmallows, toasted by a glor-. BEST for 'Athletes- 'Foot, afd r Swipe;Anbulance, Day w Night Quick, Clean and Safe. Galt, on a'trip io Woodstock,'visit- ious• camp fire' at McKay''s Park, Dancing Feet. Easily Applied Ve hese Coleman irons 'to'o ing while away were also at Galt what' a fine time the young people SWTHWG-SANITARY E Phaea 1'00 �►bitt4 make ironing day a and Oakvlle and Toronto, coming had on Thursday evening last, over , per , home on Saturday. forty being present. You could hear atr"ls G,-�esurt. Call and see them, Mrs. Brown has received word the community singing at the store pmdop-R�Oft r "� C. A. STERR��r h ALVIBU�HBY of the admission to the Chatham if you listened hard enough.' -They Funeral.D3r80t0! hospital, of her niece's (Mrs. Resta did not wish to 'b� annoyed by-.the N • Hardwar Tinsmith Betts,' of Cleveland husband suf- O' •�1� younger fol>c�,.s6'arranged an ice . + PICKERING N W FIIIIIltIItB DeSlerTering seriov" f injhries received in cream social at Mrs. Hilts' and PTC E�it1XG The RBY a motor accident, which took place sent out invitations. You may guess Piakerwa. Qnti1t10 »We 4W 1 on Thursdax, near his home In Blen- the gun the kiddies had. Everybody heim. I satisfied. Pie�erfas . .,r .,: .:'.c•�c;r,+'^,- , �T,:, -.-•.m, �; t .e::.., ,,�„-- .:.r" _. "R;'k:.r - - - .�:. '''�7"?,S`" M,- -+ e ,.: ':4,. .G ..._:��,• .mei .F 4a. ,.•.. ,o,M d #-'. ....;.e, ..:. ,•:,^.•.y,,-'v:: :z.+ .s^ .ax �' .ti'r• - ... S!f''t• ,t -e„.t`-''�'�':.,.,,..,'.: {....-,.. r..:...:., .....,,:'moi'.`""$'y., ..: ... ' -,. r_ 'tY'' - M �. 7'i i•",. . '.. .: .'i r. "" is ., r' .S 71, • t� - .Household Hints Had 3 Children .l _ Adopted 8 More I , _ tad of sewing.shields into,° cC's : ,.� Instead B _ �omena your summer frocks and blouses, ' �. it is quicker to sew snap fasteners French-Canadian Wortian' Ob- A _ : • - - •• to the armpits and the correspond- t+a'ves Golden Wedding At �► in g half to the shield. In this way, - Age of Sixty-Two by U6e1 Ross the shield, can easily be clipped ifi ■ e dress and taken out again , — The •� J the Que. Dick ■ to E .. .. 1 '�DVILL DRU -LIIL. . Q - for washing. Also, .one pair of golden wedding anniversary w'as �1 shields does for several dresses. celebrated here of a charming lit- it �( �• XXI Spanisshawl to her stewardess. — ��--� �•� CHAPTERtie French-Canadian woman who in ]plias Mudge was seeing things as All of her vanities had been laid To save•a lot of hard scrubbing her half-century of married,life has Instant Lighting • Quick Heating they were, and she felt alone and aside, for her mind worked clearly :when, a man's,shirt cuffs get very raised mother love to a new peak. save 1;3 Irgninn time with this iron "afraid, in a vast hall4at stretcthed now; with everything out in the Soiled, try dipping them in made Mrs. Daniel Lamothe, bright-eyed that makes and burns its own nae. open. After her tips had been Nb.corda or connections. Can be used to infinity, hall lined with flash- starch before soaking the shirt. and active 'at 62, has borne 28 anywhere. See the Coleman Dealer ing mirrors that reflected over and paid, she had eight'dollars'left and The dirt comes out quite easily children and adopted eight other .,near you or write for detailst after this treatment and the cuffs 7h•Coleman Lamp and Stove Company,Ltd. _aver again the cheapness of all her her railway ticket to Ohonto. That from time to time, Dept.wL325 Toronto,oat. belongings. A week ago she had was thatl -She had travelled forty aren't weakened by constant „ s3ssr I love children," she said;simply telt so chic. And the-kiss from Mr. thousand miles but had failed to scrubbing.- in an interview. -just 50 years ago coieman HEAT. Iron ; : Charlton—an act of pity! That had seethe world. She had spent titer today, a child bride of 12 knelt u ,.y been cheap, too. Her face was life's savings and would have to Store pickles in 'small jars in- before the altar with strapping 19- y ,drained of life. For hours-she lay begin all over again. Another twen- stead of in a few large ones. 'If year-old DAniel Lamothe to the pair- -.. on her bed without moving. ty years with Agatha before it was you use big ones, you may find ish church at near-by St. Germain. Then again, in the early 1900 The cocktail party went on, with time for them to retire on their that the solid pickles rise above Many Have Died it was fashionable to-wear a sto& the guests making feverish effort's pensions. Her dull life lay over her the vinegar and go musty. Try At 14 she was the mother of a Ing made up of silk' to the,'knee. to cover ug the disappearance of like a shade. Bravely she stepped fastening down your jam pot cov- baby girl, Marie Rose, and the ba- From the knee to_the garter line, k irnnwing that Miss Mudge and Joan. n Y c , ers with a strip of we agdliesive bies kept arriving - `lsti -- word. cotton was use went out, after catching the eye of glamour was .only an empty _tape instead of string— it,makes vals for the ensuing quarter cen- now: .t_-o[ the manufacturers show whether this as by rea- _ Rhe captain. Angela shook herself She was sure at last that there was the jars absolutely air-tight. The tury: -"Baby" o[ the. family son-- t-ying to clear of the horror she had gone only one sphere in which she could bottled fruit will have corks in-. H'erve, a grinning youth of 22 who be fair to both the silk worm and through. move. Hereafter she tiould'keep'" stead of covers.. Boil those corks was married on July 9. •Herve and the boll weevil: The heavier the. Captain Baring took out his via her wings clipped to her surround- and press them into the bottle "four others are the only survivors' silk, the more expensive the stock- Un and settled it tenderly under.his Ings, and her thoughts close to the while'-they are still hot. f4hcn - of the Lamothe brood: 'The others ing, ,Today it is exactly the re- chin. He played for them, softly, ground. they cool, they will Ewell a little tiled, some in infancy and the re- verse, we Today told. Sheerness is Grieg and Bach-. Angela sat. .en. Among The Swimmer's and become really tight. mainder in.adolescence. indicative of quality, tranced=not so much by the music She had avoided Dick since the Baby la-u_ affil , echoes Some Strange Custor-s as by the strange man who spent cocktail party., He had sent her a Coffee . stains e e boiling through the modest little upper flat onely—nig to on the bridge' and note, kind and detached, telling he'r do colonial times, did yon know water poured through them, also of fhe•Lamothe'. to this mill town, the well-dressed woman decorated ' could wring such feeling--from his that•she. must forget every word „t_anee so do fruit stains 5 mites east of Kontreal, for little her tette. .silk hosiery_with fresh f• t violin. When he had finished, he Miss Foster had said. It was now HenriGodin,'aged five, Is the'iatest roses every 'day psi was still remote, as it his playing among her' souvenirs--a red bah- Cocoa stains.liice to be washed adopted child, and he played with made from the skin of unborn was a form of self-indulgence that loon, a swizzle-stick, a cheap little grandchildren: Four calves was very, popular in France he did not care to, share.with oth- Tanagra from Athens.a small car:- in cold water first and the �bui!- flue Lamothe. �i ed god', her Jordan water, some gar Ing water poured .through them. of the adopted child ren;have mar, during the reign of Louis XVL In - . yrs: He- listened to their compll another away ments absent-mindedly and lett la favours,her autographed menus Man people .have furniture n e' meal times, _ •tied one is dead and Ano era a at college i Quebe them without a word." a snapshot of him'at Kandy. That Y P R __- __... _ -. __ - —__ b You'd al- Miss -Mudge left the Marenia at was all. It was good-bye. made, of the new woods'—Iinied;-- uta sleeprwith tthemaon s The people with whom she had or Pickled—and quite a number Q�•t most think they ate with their feet, -_N':san Francisco. She was pale and Silk Stockings lvore,her glasses. 'Her fringe was chatted on deck and it table, ex ruin it by not knowing how to.' Superstitious maidens of Scot- wore.ht and she had given? her clean A. Both 1:med an l pickled land believe that placing a yellow -s raichanging addresses and promising woods do- not require mar•: than .Comparatively a plow lifelong friendship. had been too, r knitted stocking under t11,._ dusting and rubbing with dry,, on.which the:-sleep herpa thein to busy with their own affairs to no-' clean cloths. Ik there is a mark New Departure Prophetic of Tailored ,Tice her undistinguished departure. find a husband. _how you know - or a stain, it can be rern6. with Trends There were two exceptions. Mrs. -- a cloth w0l Wrungout of soapy what to do Wynant.had been cordial, inviting water. As Short A Time Ago As 1900, home in England, in 0, o and Miss Atindel had kissed her onZY One 2,00 W tan o her to visit her. ' If Yuri lave a door. m a -dark Wore Them H Remove . warmly, profnl4ing to send her ----- Wt side pa.4�aga and-find dnlicuity in �. wedding cake. Miss Mudge some //^'�+ �` a Buttered along''the pier, She had finding the keyhole when the:moon liesearch :sbows that 'in 1900, Grit From Fye fl get through-:the err. She but is not•shitting, buy a tiny ,tot of only one of every 2.000 women on ee -; phospho:•°s�•ent paint and...dab a this continent wore silk hose.'They v i pain was togging her vision, and little' roc nd the keyhole. Try Inserting Soaked Flax Seed = the dragging.weight deep In her In- paid from S5 to x25 a pair for them. n Lt v side, .was getting worse each min- day manufacturers efer Under the �d' (No wonder r ute, For twenty years she had ,. -"them.] To - York, doesn't.she. You may run - port that most- women in the Unit- Ever had grit in your a}e? Well, looked forward to her trip around tato her some time." the world. ;Vow-It was over. and s ed State and Canada buy approxi- there is a man a ho ,apecialtzes in -, "Angela," litacduff beat over, mately 20 pairs of silk stockings removing obstacles from t'.te eye. y— -- she had. nothing. She 'atumbted „:would you.-ever. want to live in ' against_d. nokand_w�ped ch�ceat3 _ annually, paying from 5.o cents a is Dr. -Joseph- Minton. who' - _ ` - 1Vew.York?" = 5•a pair or them. Thts•includes states that of' the 10,000 ey iajur _ from her eyi-s. •Never." -}ms +rho aretreadtng this curled up ies suffered by iniustrial wor:,:ers, It was too late for her to see that comfortably. rQ ge_� on the chesterfield! 80 per cent are preventable He - Dick was watching her as she wan- was resident surgeon•of the Royal dered with uncertain steps`'among Eye Hospital, London, England, fn i a' the packing-cases on the wharf. His 1935 and' is now pressing unions glance'was kind: but he was think- � a .,in to • Ing ,than it was.far. far better for, t (G(/.� and warkltien.to take c'' a Making Coffee That's Mood » safeguard their sight. _ hiss Mudge to be stepping back ', .A talking of grit, another Doc y w into her lustreless frame at Ohonto, IN£ BAKER j Wisconsin, lie had avoided Nils% y - . ` And to :8 KATHAR for J F-'itcKenna, trainer of•tbe Mudge since the cocktail party, but Canadian Ice Hotkey team, always , �i Prevalent as is the use of cof-. none of the unpleasant ones are carries about a,few figs seeds.:in.sn only because she seemed to be y, it is surprising i fee in this count; prisin brought cut:. envelope: .If a person gets a tiny keeping deliberately out of bis ♦tiny. how seldom one is served 'a really and he had taken his.cue from her. - ..,' .DRIP COFFEE bit' of steel or grit in an eye; he delicious cup'of coffee eith�t in Tri coffee is xractically fool'' soaks a couple .of flax _se ds. in 4 ^ "s There w'as-notlting he could say to. P T her, 'nothing at alt. - � homes or restaurants. If-you get proof but a few .pointers should water for a few minutes and icserts Poo coffee in a restaurant you be noted in preparing it.. Use, an them under the eyelid. Then he ?i The orchestra was playing. its. feel that your. looney' has -been• all-purpose or drip .-rind. Use ,1 advises the patient to lie down for ? languid notes came drifting up from, wasted and though one never heaping tablespoon coffee for 15 minutes, and at the end of that , the ballroom. Patty's hand stole criticizes 'hospitality, it is di:ap each: cup -of boiling water. Pre- a�'•, through J.ohnny''s arm. Ile; squeez- time the flax seeds swell and 0.oli 4a pointing' to, find a hostess who heat drip coffee pot. Put coffee their way to one corner o[ the eye, ed it hard. serves pale, wispy-washy tas`.t less. in u per-compartmenF of pot. Pour ' 3 ;r. Life Just Opening Up , liquid and calls it.coffee.coffee. P P taking the grit with them, 'idnld in q fresh briskly boiling water ever the article is actually embect3.d in "'Good kir]:" he whispered, and The question of, coffee-making P s hod tnva.in sun kissed the tip of her ear: and in wartn it:_'Cover and ]et �t is important because it is made place until all water has dripped the eye, this met ''.b}i 'Patty, sighed. "I love the- swish as often .if not oftener than any of the sea in my ears. .Life will through once.. Remove upper com- ceeds. : . other drink. And it's just as easy Tai tment and corer pot. Keep hot. - - seem so quiet, Johnny, when we're Poo cof- , _ to make good coffee's. P until served by placing:in Tran of dr cR on lan Ii again. : Behind ro erl' made coffee, tiestos . fee. i p .p Y bailing water or on ^n a. �7 "Life is just opening up.f. Pat-' whether it's boiled, drip or perco- _m:t. over a low.flalrie. • ty, said Angela, watching her of latech here are certain fundamen- PATTER\ 4 4'i• fectionately. tai rules. -you.must have a goolh PEEtCO.L•ATED COFFEE Ey ANNE ADAMS ='1 hope _there's something in blend of coffee; it,must be fresh, Percolated . coffee is probably Makes you think of First Fall Johnny; far fatty is a fine girl," the grind must"be right and then the most generally made because ' pays, doesn't it" -- thi. young I\Lacduff declared. it' should be carefully' 'measured it's so easy; but.the richt met►tod - "i think there is. llacduCf. ionic is apt to' be'neglected.� The start- ehirt-waister, by Anne Adams, and properly brewed. it point, is to have till parts "of -• that's a fashion tr"cat!, Pattern a'little hard on the young." Coffee made-any old way clay g P +' * "Intalerable. :puppies, all cheek. ass but to get'a fragrant, steam- the coffee pot spotless and shin- > :d74J is cause for c•omplimen.< on . P b in Use 1 -hen in, tablespoon and i.,norance." in cu of rich and satisf •ing cof- S r P p boasts the new ".oft" tailoring. An e a ail ie ve ,o rattler fee,'it trust a.ma a according o r- Just imagine it made un in a lass- fond of those two. I shall,.always t int of cold tivater. Pour cold — a recipe.. For those who feel t.�.re pint), nel wool flannel for cciuntry week- wonder about them. When you're is room for improvement in the water into pot. Set percolator -bas- u' bas- ends, and in a dark sheer wool for throiti•n together on a trip like this, coffee they erve, we are giring kat in pot and put coffee in it. the campus: it will be a treat and share the sort of things that we the rules for making boiled, dii)i' Cover. Let percolate slowly and have shared, ou• et more attached ' and percolated..co'ffee., gently 1'0 to 15 minutes. once you flatterer in-these fabrics, an,l in y g Whenever are have tasted a-cup gay tie silks too, that you'll wear to people than you would in thirty _ BOILED COFFEE endlessly. Hage the puff sleeves years at,home." of perfect coffee, no matter what sweeten your Use� 1 heaping tablespoon the method of making it wa., we short .or long, and the collar in "I wonder what's happened to ground coffee and ?,t tablespoon know that behind it is n history morning cereal �antrast. A Sewing the Langford woman," said Mac-' beaten egg fo} each cup (ta pint) duff, irrelevantly• of a,good blend; freshness; prop- u r Instructor is included to help you' cold water. 'Combine coffee and er preparatign and an immaculate- with BEE HIVE over difficult:e., so you'll z•`itch "She's probably not with' Rum- ford by now, but she did all the egg in pot and mix thoroughly. 1y clean coffee pot. That's why Syrup ou'll up that eirlrt-r�ore skirt and but- Pour in water and brine slowly to it's impossible to say which of the .y toned-front bodice in 'a 'flash! Or- damage she could white she was .on a boil,stirring coffee down occa-, the boat. She comes from New n let stand 'ih three methods is best—they're all der your pattern today' — mediately ae ove from 'fire im- best when •properly inatle. know how -- — Patter--- 73T3—is avat a e to warm --- --^- good cereal misses' and wromen's sizes 14, 16, place 3 to 5 minutes. Pour ?u cup 38, 20, 32, 34, 36, 39, 40 and 42. cold water into pot- to settle: g m' can taste. i>r 6 takes 3"'s yards 39 inch Strain from grounds through a '�m to-Type at Home �' �,� -' REMEMBER . . a tic. -•'`+s' fine «ii e- strainer, 'muslin;' or 1' ping i., a valuable I' Send twenty cents (20c) in •+'%- �- y coins (.lamas cannot be accept- to got your copy t t , cheesecloth. (Boiled ,coffee may $'1' Weekly hoy.9 ne 81 weekly Buys a buys s 'ne}t Corona, • p- *f this 'week': ,� also be prepared without.egg but tivorld's most popular ed) for this Anne Adams pattern. 7oronro S f s r CORONA portable typewriter, in Write plainly size, name, address W cy' while in it is less clear.):..To get. the bash cluding Carrying Case and style number. boiled coffee, it- shouldn't --be and T--yping Instructor. Write a ,#Issue No. " Send your `order to,. Anne town. boiled. 'By keeping-it under boil- r, 'fur►,detaiis..- Adams, Room 425, ^r3 West Ade- t, O satt6 a Corona TSpewrtfer•' of C ]aide St., Toronto. - ing point all the'good flavors and cw.oi■ t,ta.. a: Front at, r:., Tor•■t• - - - _.. ,. �. • Tic - d, - ALAk _ mah,where his influence was great- were gathered together to Mizpah, <" " est, he raised an altar and per- the lords of the Philistines went ?' formed the'worship of Jehovah up against Israel. And when the Sunday School with such faithful Israelites as he children of Israel. heard it, they Uni ersity Head could• find to join him. Steadily were afraid of the Philistines. 8. 1 -- and warily he won his way Into the And tl�o children of Israel said to 110RMNTAL Ammer to previous Puzzle colleges. X .lesson y_:._ hearts of itis' couatrpmen. With Samuel, Cease not to cry onto Je• --1. 8 The new 14 Railwayt unwearied zeal he went up •and hovah our, God for us, that he will L 19 Honey , president of down among them from one end of save'us out of the hand of the Yale T E R A VEMLLE QS E S gatherer. q, LESSON X the land to the other reproving. Philistines. 9. And Samuel took a University. O E P i PAGE T E A 21 He was a SAMUE-L: SPIRITUAL REVIVAL rebuking, exhorting. He recalled sucking lamb, and offered it for a ,15.To paint again FED P A A R C at Yale. ' ~ i•Samuel 7:1.17 to mind their ancient glory, infused whole burnt-offering unto Jehovah: 16 Inexpensively, 1 D F A S T T S 'R 22 Compact. Printed Text—t Samuel 7:3.13 'into their hearts the long-forgotten and Samuel cried unto Jehovah for 1?Tardy. R E N T S S T 0 W E 24 He was ; Golden Teat.-Direct your hearts ideas so familiar to their fore- Israel; and Jehovah g4swered him. 18 Striped fabric. S O R T B M P E R A formerly-tel e unto Jehovah, and serve him only, fathers—the special providence How altogether'different is the .20 Local•- " TEL A T A PER ITE at Yale. 4t 1 Samuel 7:3. that watched over them, the guld• condition of Israel now from what position... - T L O U D TALC V 26 Employs. THE LESSON IN-__ITS SETTING once exercised, the prosperity con- it was twenty.years before this 21 Male ancestor. S A G H E 29 Walks through Timg--1121.1101 B.C. Sequent• upon obedience, the .pun-, when they suffered defeat at the 22 To expend O S C A E `. water " * 'Place.-Kiriath-jearim was -to-' ishment'that followed the infringe- hands of the Philistines'. Then, money. R K L I A ALG 3`I Father. , . called about seven and one-half went of divine'commands. they had only.the symbol of God's' 23 Lacking N T 32 He specialized >. racious presence, now they had stiffness. i>Jt miles fyom Jerusalem; Mizpah was Paganism Put Awa g `~ 9 y 25 Child. 42 Satiates. 2 The sun god. 33 To glow. ,.;... In the tribe' o[ Benjamin, and may !l. Then,the elrildren o! Israel did the reality. Then their ;spiritual 2g Cavity."• • 45 Float: . 8 Aside. 35 To bewitch. '_ be what is now known as Mount put away Baalim and the Ashtar- guides were the wicked Hophnt and 46 Doctor.' To value: Phinehas; now their nide was 27 Auto' 14 37 A coming Oa. Scopus, immediately north'of Jeru- oth and served Jehovah-only. It g 28 You and me. 47 Dethroned 5 Falsehood. . 'p9 Soft food.' Salem; Ebenezer was also a few is a great day for any family,, for holy Samuel. "'29 Artifice. ..49 Mamma. 6 Half an em. 42 Prophet. miles north of Jerusalem, between any man, for any nation, when 10. And as Samuel was offering 30 In that 50 Hawaiian bird ?Chief 43 Electric unit' the cities of Mizpah and Shen strange gods, false deities; idols up the 'burnt-offering, the Philia- Manner.' 5I•To woo.- commodities. 44 Slender though we do not know its enact: of every kind, are definitely put tines drew near•to battle against 31 Church•$roup.52 Also. 8 To scrutinize. prickle. " 54 Musical note. 9 Sound of 47 Duet. jocalinn away. Israel• but Jehovah thundered •34 Eluded. . njry 48 T 5. And Samuel said, Gather all Is-, with a great thunder on that day Card game. — -- ptA on. 3. And Samuel: Where had 38 Short letters. - —s degree. ,1�Affirmative. 50 Natural power -Samuel been all of these years, rael to Mizpah, and I will pray for upGn the Philistines and discomfit- 57 He succeeds 11 Correspond- 51 Street. -- and what had he been doing? .How you unto Jehovah. "Mizpah"-means ed them;. and they'•were smitten 39 Postscript Po watch-tower, and was,the meeting- down.before Israel: The word here 40 Being. - Dr. —' ence- 53 King of "a e should like to know definitely. 41 Digits of the VEBTICAL 12 Ocular. 33ashan. Alread his fame as a ro het had place of the national assembly. It translated "discomfited" expresses -� Y P P foot. 1 Credit. 13 Turkisb 55 Dye. spiead throughout the land, and the was located in the tribe,of Beaja- the idea at a confusion resulting Israelites, though depressed, were min. from sudden panic. I 2 3 6 7 to I 2 3- Inclined to listen to his.words more 8•;And they gathered together to 11. And the'men of Isratl went than to. the words of any other Mizpah. And drew.water, and pour- out of Mizpah,' and pursued the :leader of their day. ed it out before Jeohvah, and fast- Philistines, and smote thew, until Levife, Nazirite, prophet, he pos. ed on that day, and said there;We they came under Beth-ca'r. - 7 sessed every qualification for at- have sinner against Jehovah: And 'Stone of Help" 1 23 j tractiog respect. and acting •as Samuel judged the,children of Is- 12. Then Samuel took a stone, holinests, and'". rael in Mizpah.' and set it between Mizpah 'and self-denial, consistent in every-par-. The pouring or Shen,-and-._c"edL.-the name of iE 7 ° .ocular, well known .to all Israel, have ,implied that they poured I;ben-ezer, saying, -Hitherto hath d 29 with it an authority that from their'full hearts fruits of pent- Jehovah helped us: The exact IG- carried could not be acknowledged by ev- teince and tears; that they desired cation of Ebenezer, the word mean• I 32 3 ! Ing."the stone of heap," -as -not � - ery real:Israelite. Spoke unto all sash'their land tree Brom grief aco aced`a, few It'm a north b n situ- usa-- the house of Israel, saying, If ye 33 6 'do 'return :unto Jehovah with all cumulated evil of the past years. yotir' heart, then put away the for- Here Is probably the first time in lem between the cities of Mlzpah s - -eign gods and the Ashtaroth from twenty years that Israel made' a and Shen. Ebenezer`was`th4 exactL, hearts: iia"114' Confpqqlon Of 38 Y D �.-�__, place, where, twenty years before, unto Jehovah and serve him.only; Defeat of the Philistines Israel had suffered -defeat at the and he will-deliver you'out of the 7. And when the Philistines loss of the ark. 6 hand of the Philistines. At Ra- heard that the children, of Israel 13. ,So the.Philistines were sub- dued, and they came-no more with- 2 he border of I�ael: and 'the _ - , hand �' Jehovah 'aas'agai�nst the- 7 .� 6 7 B From Philistines this time eSamuel days f was car- TRIS CURIOUS WORLD Ferguson tatnl without an y y question the au- - -- - `e ledder Israel. - • r me i d of Is el so P eoatinued fo be 'down oto the time of his death. There is a lesson Claims Creme Negroes Propose here for every child of God;• when r ]�j /(/ �• we really turn to God'in confession; I$ i61\ece$sary�� African-Homeland 1 willing to yield to him,and he wine - �� a victory s. Psyeholo ist Says t eepa The absolutely can on every occasion, g Y Would Ask Gifts of TerritoelF j.�, we not only recover all the terr4- World Away From Savagery Frota Franceand England— { __,,,� tory in our life which had been lost . —Moral Acts Those in 'Ac- Liberia as Nucleus • • /—�� �. :7L/• .5 1, to the enemy, but we gain even cord With Public Welfare more. A Wonde,ful Leader. A prominent psychologist as- A demand that the British Gov- _ Samuel is worthy to stand at the serted last week if there were no ernme4t act to Improve the social ; side of bioses. If is not without law breakers and all,laws -were and economic lot oC the negroes o! reason that he 'has been regarded 0eyed the world would.revert to the West Indles.was'contained in a as is dignity and•impartance occu- savagery. resolution passed at the final sea- -� HAVE NO MAC PV CA"/ piing the position of •a second In the lawn-breaking class he put slon of the convention of the Uni- HAVING NO KCAL COROS Moses in relation to the people. In the Christian marytrs. versa! Negro Improsemeat Associa 7HEJR ONLY VOICE is his e%horfations and warnings the The psychologist — Dr. Knight tion.la Toronto-last week. _ HISS, CAUSED BY AIFZ Deuteronomic 'discourses ob Moses Dunlap, professor of psychology The resolution pointed oftt that RLJSHIf�1G 1=�Y�fv1 THE are refected.arA repeated. - He de- at the University of California at 1933 las the 100th anniversary of ' THRC7AT Whit=lV THE ''livers the nation from the band-of Los Angeles — championed the the West'Indian negroes, and call- ?. iT IS ' the Philistines, as Moses from-Pha-' "necessity" of crime, in an article ed on British authorities to rescue YV07� LUNGS ARE DE>=L'A73ED. raoh and the Egyptians, and opens for the forthcoming (September) them from what it termed wretched UNLAM OW&IL u issue of the California Monthly, _ . fill p.for them- new national era of economic conditions. '>'L� WRITE 1 6 '` '; progress and order'und'er the rule Publication -of the University of Would Im rove Race , CHECKS ' �"' Californ'ia's alumni. P • -,� of the kings whom they have de- RDR L THAN i Some Laws Are Wrong The 180 men and women dele• sired.. Dr. Dunlap argued that there gates, who represent a 4,000,000 was nothing really wrong about membership scattered all over the o { violating a "bad" law and that the world, were in session for eleven Divorce �Prtcession g _ _ o "crime" involved might even bene days, and considered mainly the r� byA.tyoung woman friends accompanied the end b o ibut- position of he race and the means fit society in y c ntr s t Ing to the elimination of the•im- at hand to improve it. They re- CHAR2ACTERS proper-statute. elected Marcus Garvey of London. ,. •='- through Indianapolis, '.Minn., trail'- „ Oro NOTE IN STUCWJNG TEES ' - ing tin cans, old shoes, and ribbon If we assume_..that-it is one's Eng., President-General_, and,Mlas ARE: LEAVES, AZ4X+ZRS,AXV/Z%; I streamers from her car. A large duty to promote public welfare Ethel Collins of New. York City. 4W e<, BULQS, BUO ' notice read: "JUST DIVORCED", and to avoid acts against public Secretary. Thomas Harvey' of AS' , .ARS A.V,0 'roc � FORM. welfare, he said, we can hardly Philadelphia, was elected Chancel- avoid the conclusion that under lor. w- cov0.1sz ecru comet.wc tv7R-1-4 -" .w All woollen goods manufactured - in Japan for domestic consump- certain circumstances-it is ones Ultimate objectives of the asso- duty to commit crime. This situa- ciation is the setting up of a home- CONTRARY to fanciful !ales of snakes that bleat like deer, or— tion must be part fibrous material, tion,arises because there are laws : lead for the.negroes of the world purr like kittens, no species is-known that can utter more than -- which real! are detrimental to -the cornmenly•known hissing sound. Of course, rattlers can rattle Y _ in Africa, with the present negro their tail rattles, and some species cue swiihin sound Chinese investments in 15 of the public.welfare." State of Liberia forming the rep- 8 28 provinces of 'the Philippines clews to which would be added ter- with their scales, ha, just been found to total $27,- Northern Ireland has.started ritorial gifts from France and Eng- ,f —� s 796,000,.while those by Filipinos ' _.. t . develop theo o urt: only flat. POP—A Static Condition ,• - By J. MUI AR WATT AND IF -YOU DON'T. .. THE 8164 WILL BE RIGHEF.1 `rHE`f,Lh VOTE FOR THE COLONEL AND THE POOR BE HOW BE - NE11 HERER _.,..; THAT +i ARS` _ _ _ NEITHgR u i N •5 s*,,itiaa<,:: arM}V�,�:4��^p: }£ w:w' T3"":'t a �OW:'- tx. �yb'Y ra a c.. n 1 '.fy�.• ,:`1 .... .,....•: . ... ,9,}patgawr+r,:,�,.._..r,ty.�.,: -w _ -,.`a:o ..w.,r " .,..,..�,fz.,. ,,;.,... .,,, t �•._... - - -x.-..-.+.z�'ez .s c• • r 'r..'^.Y'R:J' .k,. �. '^�^�•'. +., ..'7Y...: ..r`v`: w...v 4 1 •;ce - ':ZC d,::-r. �.'.`.amu... r,?iS•�i...-yha, ,1..�... �:h+,.. _ _ __ : : • 1 ; Q/1t)O were served by hostess, asslat- d I� o, + 7 ed by Mrs. B. Carr and Mrs. A. Learn to Play L. *� •O Nr' / ,v — Gibson and members of the Junior` Tscatr FUNERAL DIaEOTOR D f. iLZb 'per you; �� advance Institute. NOTTER H?1WAlIAN GUITAR, SP71NfSt9 subscriytiow to the United Statsa EMBALMER Sale Register GUITAR and UKELELE ` Successor to W.J. Matlor. and (It. Britt $2-00 is advaneo. _ Individual balf-bour Seasons Scostiville �' FRIDAY, SEPT. 9th — Auctior s sale. of farm stock implements, usi t u D Residence on Mona Kea Studios Ni b n rvi ,. .:JOHN MURKAR. Proorieter � e g Day 8 _ stack of timothyhay, oats, mixed ,',r� Clarcmont. Markham, Unionville, B ° 8 Phon• encs Yh t Np[E8 AND COMNENTB grain, sheep, harness etc. The l Nj !B� U<bridge. StouffvWe, N8U1 9890 cattle are mostly Jerseys and (J rCj� Instruments supplied on request, The refusal of Premier Mitchell Holsteins and many are fresh. _ _I -Hepburn, to attend the opening of Sale at lot 34, rear of con. 5, To convince you as to the merits of our tKe new bridge across the St. Law- Pickering, at Green River. Prop-. ystem you will receive FREE of charge rence River over a week ago- when erty of Estate of late Fred Yost- In simple but rich de one lessou on any' one of the above :'he would meet President Roosevelt, ill. Sale at 1 p. m. S: T. No. re- instruments. T serve. Farm•rented. Prentice and sign we car. furnish of the Unite States, and his friend memorials that will Hon. W. L. M. King, Premier of Prentice, auctioneers. �'' please from every �Vh><tevale PERMANENT NAGGING PAIN .the Dominion of Canada, is receiv- - standpoint.. In dignity THAT FRAYS -THE TEMPER- ing a great deal of adverse critic- LAND SURVEYOR of appearr.nce our r ism. He defends his action by say- work will stand oat General Agency A N D. NERVES,S. I T MAY B ing that he was prevented from do- I A. B. Sc., . ' through the ages. M1 YOUR EYES. F. J. DON EVAN B. ing so, ,.y the kress of business to t • 5 On file a:e th. records of au s'':': Na Great, -Tribute ' MCC C.C. H. TUCK, OPT. D. =Toronto. !�u:ely he could have,tak- � N. W. STAFFORD DEctILER en a day off from his official dut- :ppors Gipson and Yarnola; n'; 'f .,� Ea4t 7•h�xa t'hrne t9„ 1 Highway Monumental Disney Block, opp. P. 0. ies to 'attend this important;event., ..] Works ALSO phone 1516 fie went off V11 week's holiday, and the business at Education �a y ON FLEUSY&TUDHOPE ANDERSON OSHAWA' Eyesight �' Kln¢aton Road Wit HACHINERY 8r REPAIRS .:.Queen's Park went on as usual, so - why should it suffer if he had tak- - — Steel Wasen Wheels. Pedlar Roof. why one day off to attend the cere- and r Ing. Frost or Lundy Fence 1 monies at the opening of the new Goodyear Tires Natico-e LO YO 'bridge. Mr. Hepburn has many ad- EFFIaENCY Red Indian Gasoline and Oils mirable qualities, but he does so C. T. C. AUTO PARTS many childish things which cause L GENERAL HARDWARE _ by we do Building of all kind!, him .to Jose many friend$, who for- _ =, Farm Machinery Frank Wright . merly had nothing but admiration (` a (` '_,.CARPENTERING, - !or him. G. H. TUCK WlI TEVALE ONT. — CEJIENTIN(I "^ Cockshutt Tillers—a size to snit �►. Highland Creek Women's Institute 'opt, Floras or Tractor You can plow - eLUSiBING faster, The KID GANG is still the and -: The monthly meeting of the High- leader In a two' Horne P[ow. 'Law Motor Sales `land' Creek Women's Institute was Eyesight specialist Tlhe No. 8 Tractor Plows reduce ft0010INti held on Thursday afternoon at the _:Disney Bldg. (opp. P. O.) plowing Hours. We have Plows for Chrysler-Plymouth We a iso sell Brantford RRooAog home of Mrs. 0. Orviss. The prog- .__Oshawa. Phone 1518 _ _ 1 nearly. newer-13 _ ram was in charge' of Mrs. R. Hoe Fertilizers—Grain Drill, gears . •'Dealer IIE>tit•riats,-Empire Bathroom 'Sleightholme, Convener of the Com- The standards and -ideals of the run 1n oi1, nearly all steel Zen- Egnipmect, Duro Water mittee .on Education. Following a nation are the standards and ideals oiled•,• ,; ••• •,•• GOOD USED CARS 9 stemq, Beatty Of its citizens. The thought of the GOODYEAR TIRES 90able Egliiornent short business session, Mr. A. Jack- R We ll Cream Separators, Eleo- son, Principal of the Highland nation,Is the thought of its citizens frit BeFeneera and Fertilizers eta WILLARD BATTERIES an other Building Material .q Creek School, gave an interesting expressed as a single aim; the sing- GENERAL BLACKS�]ITHING E.tiwates Free and extensive surrey of !fie new le aim of man.-The child is father, Frost & ,Wood _ Cockshutt SKILLED morE)R REPAIRS Work Guaranteed q school curriculum. He stressed the of the man. When I said that,vision eL al Pedlar Products the ! D av to Mewl fnt• un;t.y in the training • of is the strongest . bulwark in the Grose Fertilizers_ _ —- G - J. P TTSE ' us a tris' on a'�1ew or a Used 24 Hours Towing_Service the child at home and at school a- world's foundation,-I averely-rriearrt " . * long the lines best suited to his that as, a factor contributing to the - -Gordon- aJa Law Phone f,502; capabilities. He pointed out.the :welfare of the child is the man and W. F. D1q. Er[, f'TrP.f?t1KOOd PICKERING, f)NrAFti0 ways. in which the new course of the nation it woul be -well to give pfitt�F Pir t; �•;14 1Lti Phone L90R study erdeavored to fit the educa- it the consideration and the respect PICKERING, � f)NTA'R10 tion to the child, and not the•child it -demanded' just as we would give _ - R to 'the education. A t3,scu:,sion ' of consideration to the foundation in-a- ;1'Q(1�]r - .*1A1K� t school prable:ns in the district fol- wall.to be erected, lest 'we have.a BRO a� � Service Sowed the address and it vas dee nFat looking structure merely due •THEATRE Radio ided to ascertain the probable cost to fail overnight, enduring only for P _ o -denfar-irlSPection and-neces lifer-impropelly ptoport W�7 ZrZ _. _ .treatment for school pupils' in . the ioned, improperly equipped, imp- Healthfu _Moled .> our_m Expert _ ---_'district. Mrs. A. Gibson and 'Mrs. 0. roperly created or developed. This conditioning 'plant. ode rn air ser-vice an re. Orviss assisted by Margaret and thought no 'doubt leads to the ,exp= _..._. to. all makes• Rene -01-d -- --� _ .,June Gibson, entertained with a cession very.often quoted, 'a A per- who er OII8 e 0 >irgde. O[ i ` "pleasing musical novelty." Arrange- son and`a nation who make for guaranteed. ° A.WAIT HIM.1 ments were made for a Garden Tea progress must be able to see". The - FR11DwY and SATURDAY to be held at the home of Mrs. C. protection .and correction of vision SEPTEMBER 2 and 3 ARTHUR FIELD Pickering 'Wallace, Old Danforth Road, on is important, touching health upon wand "'Two Shows. at 7.30 and 930 �ft ;September 22nd, when the„speaker era vital to business, �kotr Offal � �� On W1 be. from the Toronto House- home. Too vital W be neglected or Saturday Matinee at 1.30 �'•t• ~Wives Association.- Refreshments- overlooked. GINGER ROGERSme° IA ;Phone S A 201GI, PICKSRIN JAMES STEWART ;IN .7 When you come to Toronto ': "Vivacious Lady" - With for the Exhibition 1' �`, l al �ei3 ��te JAMES ELLISON._ BEtiLAH BONDI - - — :BE ;SURE To VISIT THE a alv t MONDAY, Sell your C es a Dome. Y, TUESDAY, WEDN'SDAY e Shaw School s Exhibit SEPTFNIBEtt'5. 6 and 7 - Save` time and moue Two Shows Monday at 7,00 and 9.00 -. (Booth No. •127 General'Eahibits Bldg) , •-Tuesday and Wednesday We have a buyer at the farm First Show at 7.30 ,Shaw Vooational Gnidan'ce Directors Last Complete Show .t s.so MOnday, Tuesday and be in attendance °to give you advice and Holiday Matinee, Monday at 2.00 {�, ; '`•' JANE DITHERS , intelligent guidance ae to your •choice of Saday' 'Wedn career, No obligation, RASCALS • CKER�N© • MITED Shaw Business Schools-1130 Bay Street, Toronto With&JI T )SONTIQ.><PEION>< 6tR _ RO.:ERT WILCOX tnG0..fft"1%G 6100 BORRAH MINEVITCH And HIS GANG _ A� :: r006 10ry Set-up is COM- - Ou ' "' A: EXHIBITION : SPECIALS «Cassidy of Bar 20" • Daily except Sunday, August 27th to' w'"' :.plete. Compare our prises. WILLIAM BOYD Fuel Pump exchange, $2.956 „ `' September 10th � �• - -.NORA LANE universal Coils, ROUND IREDLICED Headlight Bulb, 29c. each TRIP •9OC. FARE I - -liners, all eines._ Sac, each - I POACH UDE8 ADMISSION TO EXHIBITION AND 4 TRANSPORTATION TO AND eAOlft : , BUSINESS COURSES _.Hesse Lamps, 25, 40 snd 60 w.. 2 for 250. DAY TERMINAL INSIDE THE GROUNDS — _ guaranteed _ . MIGH Oood.returninSuntil September 12th CORRESPONDENCE _ 1 ,LEANS PICKERING LEAVE TORONTO andw'�•Woeo`n2-10= preeeypmarareftrial Cable9 Gasket Batteries _ ,> e.amrnatwrm for all tl�. �_(Baetern How) (Bay St.Dundas) �,.�r Bmplo,aaant tBaee.n .a. .. LA a _ A S CE _ �( ""Im to e�'nwnrr. �0idi.�idn.i fav Rogalar Coaches _ Regular Coaches roti o LF' P Daily szcept Sunday UOtil September lZth Qoaraaa abolaaal Esranraadlr« Cath aw Sehoelr. >>vo (Alfred Mole)• _ ._ • GRAY COACH LINES ` OLA REF MONT P ONTARIO F Phone 3201 Reatara Hoare -- PICKSRING Ptmm 4" _ .i, - '• >> {z r`id•-�.' 'ped;""-.�'•t e. "'S'f�'v'c6as�...E > - dsww.••,r ,5V _. 9 . .M..ol•• . .. ..� ,-. .,.... ..... ... ,,� - nx,'Z_ +.T a� •`ate '''i. �•R1 a•' "�i ra:�?2" ,.,7- .:.. _ Ilm" y 1. ,,.'. .._ .. . .. .. ., - .. . . everdng and delivered a very help- Claremont The Women's Missionary Society The W. M. S. will meet at Mrs. of the Claremont United Church Phone 28 Brooklin' BROOKLIN ful address. Men's Fours were played on the will hold its regular monthly meet- FLOUR MILLS. A special service will be held in F. Stevi's on Sept. 6ih, with Mrs. 8u y r W- local in local on Wednesday night' i Misses Mildred and Gertrude Cor- Greenwood United Church on Sun- group charge. green y igh ng in the school room on Saturday da evening, Sept. 4th at 7. 30 P. The' combined service was held is The Roy Ward family spent the Sept. loth instead of Thursday, 8th. belt are visiting friends in Picker y Kinsale Church with Mr. Gerald : weekEend in the north count in m. when Cyrus Galea and hie radio a country. at 2.30 p. m. Plea$e note change of g� friends will take charge. Don't miss Mutton in charge-of the service. s Misses Ruby Annie, Edna Green ,!G — birs. W.- Miller is spending s date, Mrs. Luther Pilkey's Group and Zorah Gee were in Honeywood this treat for children. as well as The Foursquare Class meeting couple of weeks with friends on will be in charge of the,••program. adults. Mr. Gates and his radio will be held on the evening of Sep :Manitoulin Island, bliss Stella McCullou h will add- over the week-end. g 6th in the Hall. Miss Alice Sten y Mr. Ira Boyer is carrying out a ress the meeting and there will be The W A. will hold their regal- friends are fine. Y 8 g ..� - will have charge of the program. ti monthly re-decorating scheme on his house special music: It is hoped that a ar mony meeng•next Thursday, I Kinsale Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and on the back street. full attendance of members will be at 2.30 p• m. :. family of Markham, have been sp- Lester McCullough is reported to Mrs. Walls visited her sister g present. All women of the congreg- Mrs. M, Harbron and Miss Mab- ending several days with Mr. 'and have purchased the Borland farm of ation are cordiallyinvited to be Mrs. Levi Linton, of Balsam this week. el, spent one day last v,eek with Mrs. M: Gormley. Y X25 acres west of the village. present at this meeting and also on Mr. and Mrs. Higgs, at Manilla. Sunday School next Sunday at , We regret reporting Miss Effie Sunday, Sept. 11th, when the W On Tuesday next well hear tee, `« +" Miller not improving in health as M. S. are boldin their Missionary welcome school bell, again and,wel- Mrs. Hooker and sons have been 1Q o'clock and church at 11, with P g 8 y spending a few days last ween with the Mission Band in charge. Mrs. 1 come '£he new teacher. g Y g her friends would like. Sunday. Mrs. E. C. Murray, of Tor- relatives in Bowmanville. T. C. Brown as guest speaker. Miss Daisy Duerden, of -Toronto, onto, will be the guest speaker on hire. W. W. Gee is attending the has been spendinga few da a'at. this occasion. Will all ' members school for leaders, at the Ladies' M3•bses Doreen, Betty and Ruth Several of our young fellows ) y College, Whitby,.this week. Bals4n, .from Hampton, spent last journeyed to Peterboro last Friday her home here. please make a special effort to be WiWwith Mrs. V. Parkin. evening to cheer for ,the Brooklin Lyman Pilke and bliss Florence Barry, of P.t. Elgin Miss Marion Stevenson, of Osh- lacrosse team who played Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. L y present at this service at it a. m. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleming spent Sunda Sept. 11th. is visiting her many friends in this _ t Thursday last with. Arch. F1em- The of the prizes at* C. district. We are pleased to see Fl- awa, has been spending several The August meeting of the Wom- y days with her parents here. en's Institute was held at-the home orence again. r iris, north. of Unionville: Coopers Annual Demonstration in Miss Ella Elson, of Uxbridge, of Mrs. J. Wagg, with Pickering' r Several from the congregation of June last, were taken on their trip Mr. Gerald Mutton took charge spent last week with Miss Roxena Branch as guests: A very enjoyable ; _. • Baptist Church. attended the over the week-end of the '27th. They of the service at Kinsale on Sunday Led tt. afternoon was spent. Tea was ser• a' funeral of the late Henry Biilling- were Fred •assie, of roug am; — ved on a awn. # er, of Stouffville, on Saturday last. Gordon Borland, of Claremont and s.. A trousseau tea was given bliss Mr. Hosenpod, of Toronto93r, Hoa- STANLEY THEATRE ATTENTION , Bertha Bacon `on Saturdaylast at enpod not being able to o, sent a Barclay-Transport -'her home here. Her msrrriage to friend., They left Claremont Satur- STUUFFV[LLE - take Place-shorfiy. day morning enrout' north. They Phone 1001 ..Daft 8ftvies - Rev.* P. D.-and Mrs. Augustine `had lunch at Gravenhurst, visited Brock Road rave` between Claremont, Brougham And family have been in Mt. Bryd- the quints at Calla r in the aft- Greenwood, Whitevale and Toie Me -� ,t ges•over the week-end, Mr. Augus-- ernoon and then along the beaut- .,Showing Pit - tine assisting in •anniversary ser- iful shores of Lake- Nipresing to ' My drivers are trained to be carsdd. rices there. W North Bay.. From there, they trav Week bights-8.15, Standard Time f r S Pit Run COt�eOn' and reliable. Church services on Sunday-neap elled east -to Camp Champlain, sit- Sat.&Holidays-2 Shows, 7 and 9 p.m ��✓✓ sena �a , +: will revert to the-usual order. Mr: uated on Trout Lake. This lake TH�teSuAl• F'RIU..Y&SATURDAY Gravel sp.aai Rates on Long ulaea■e. Glover will have. completed his vac- joins with six other lakes by nar- SEPTEMBER 1 2 and 3 bsdia� ation and will be back to take his rows. These takes are pacrt of the Sand d services. Mattawa River System. They are it f and Graded, No -- ' A Handsome Prize will. begiven bound by high bills covered, with Sez O Reilly order tees a:ll. xone foe Imsa . the holder of the Lucky Number at beech, .birch, with pines high above „ Stone All shipments insured and nroteets� to McNab fr.. th. weather Overland'& on Saturday of this the others. Numerous islands dot De�tverei OC I,Oidei la Pit week. Each sale will be numbered. the lakes. All kinds of fish abound Starring_ PHONE: Plant,-Pick 1026 TsL Llan, ,11 t.G b 'You made hold the, lucky number: in these waters, the chief being Toronto office Howard 6471 I J41 c Mrs. Heustead, of Vassar, Mich. trout, bass, pid5erel, pike and some WILL M PHONY Class, S..sad G OwsoduW operated by and Mr. and Mrs. Beal Heustead, lunge. They caught several black _WILL 'FYFFE 'JOHN BOURNE & SON Feaalt of Midland, Mich• were visitors -bass, the largest being four pounds. SHORT SUdJE15 COMEDY Bard" with the former's .sister, Mrs. M. Of course a larger one got away in Chandler, last week. landing, because of s weak line. 00�. ICH OIL 'PRODUCTS --- -' Thirteen members of the Bowling They left North Ba} at midnight MONDAY.TUf�UAY. WEDN'SDAY Club attended the ,Jitney" Tourn- Sunday arriving back in the early SEPTEMBER 5, 6 and 7 l 'M-onday ev- morning hours. The biggest thrill Two Shows Monday Nite. 7&9 o'clock ament at Markham on ' a e ening and brought. home some of was not found'in , fishing•,' but in f! •�,, west .Who IF 8le Prices the fancy .priz 'D es. Mr. R. D. Mill- running out of gas one and one- True Confession er's rink captured '2nd awards. half miles frons camp. But luck ya9 - Gasoline, Kerosene, Fuel Oil - _ :fir. and bIrs. Dixon, of Long Is- with them-and their thumbed a ride A Starring p� f land were Kuests of M'r's. di. Thom- with a motor boat which happened C4ROL LOMBARD : Blue Star Oil, 100 percent son recently and*on their return on to 4be passing by. — FRED hleMURRAY �anied by Pennsylvania I•Ieavy Tractor Oil Thursday last,were accarrTgreenwood _ Mrs. -Reynolds, as they travel Shorts Color Cartoon gray of Quebec, back to the. States. Mrs. F. L. Green is spe;id ng the Complete line Seiberling Tires & Tubes Football _xotes — Saturday.,_.Sep• week with cis friends, EPThMB!*R 8 9 a SATURDAY . :..-FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE WHITBY 984 3rd. 6 P. m. standard Lime..Caurtice y rmURSDAY, FRIDAY&SA, _ _.._. of Eastern Group) vs• Wanted good millingFall wheat. c and. 10 . �.L. C. RACSER, t'Yoprietor. Claremont (winners of Western <;�' Way Please" group) in Memorial Park, Clare-: Annual Fall imont. The canningf factory : ai Nort7t Starring Claremont has. :commenced operat- DANCE ,,BUDDY ROGERS STOUFFPILLE -- -. .. . one again for this fall. Tomatoes BETTY GRABLE t.eare being brought in slowly-. Some NED SPARKS ':WATC d, C omplaints of the tomatoes ripen- ng very slow, are being heard. "Texas Trailsf! - .'Cricket& or other pests are report= J Y NIOR FAR940RS =,ed to be bothering others.The Rural Mail Couriers' Con ' W I or .our _ . Starting a WILLIAM 130YD ion at Whitby on Monday and Tues WINDY HA.YES day, Sept. 5th and 6th, will be alt ended by the. drivers • from this CEDAR BEACH district. They will be tendered a GARDENS , le Leaf D�ntnal Fu e a l l ,��l 1 P Il 'banquet by the Globe and Mail, and map ie an inspection trip through (North side of 14dusselman's Lake) �tl3llTaiiCB CO. the paper's new Toronto plant. .FRIDAY, SEPT, 9TH' _ and WAWANESA INS. 00. ALKIN 4 PICTURES Chas Harrington and His Mout- Ciesp rate, for Fara& mad Cssafj : Buildup Vader the auspices of the -ADMISSION. ;. P SIOI`. 35 Cents W Wstorm Insurance ea HdWko "I usiness Mone Association .. Windmills. Slier etc. B dlayll. fovea Farr'& Elevator Aaasmebil. I"°r.a" .� .:SWISS FILM SERVICE � �a�• Pressirts Claremont, Ont. ; - rvrlte K tiro.. . ?� DOUBLE BILL'. BOWMAN SOWS CHAS. COOPER "— C orf Is Res. Pboae Sal Office SSW. %1UM ONTARIO siRiders" Rainbow . Coal, W.bod, Building swell" • 7 itiid jj V X X 0 +&.1615 JW Vkho&A& V ah" ft7ixg and '`<POlice Calif' - •. . . .. - Sepia:, - '• All loads of Gras. CLEARANCE SALE "ADDED ATTRACTIONS _ Piteate and �.t sur •.. ; COOK STOVES -RADIOS ALL-TALKING COMEDY :.BAR WN - __ ELECTRIC wide Variety of Cook °; New and used radios--battFres Lucky Draws FENCERS Stoves--coal and wood & -fiery & electric models, with. — Putl si:.,Screen—Tneatre Brilliance coal oil-new and recondit. and without short wave.. u 1] SIMPLE-ECONOMICAL : ionto at specially reduced mantle & fl' rmodels,Caen- -Coml'nunity K 9411,11A Holds Live Stock SafsIy with on ue - — - prices to make way-f or eT4Y-Electri ov--Stromb+� 9 .Claremont Six Years Use Carlson-Ro ers-Victor-Phil- :fall merchandise, S ti " SATUifDAY, SEPT. 3RD have proved ibeir'worth as 100, From $9.95 Lip Co-Sparton etc. Specially At 8.30 P.M, 000 farms in U. S.A. The 20th - __ Oonit Early - ;Don't Miss It century way to bold live stock ::reduced. From, $9.95 lip• guaranteed units as low as$20. REE OIIti DIBPLSY AT THE 08HAWA FAIR -Adults 25o� "'Children 15c, For full particulars write ("Clods for this show may be Pur- _FARM ELECTRIC DON '&ssft In&ssed from aa, one o! cot mer- 183 KinY St.East. Toronto, er C RISTIAN ELECI1�I G t Via' -HOWARD E. TURNER, Local Agent. Whiteva;e On Tale hone 934' ud 744 . �' W 81mceeSt., N. .1KAWA, open Evenia� P .� J. LIFERS LIKE THAT -t By Fred Nbw Canada s Navy hies - - - - - - ICE OF VO _�C�rows Larger THE PRESS Four Destroyers And As Man; Parade Mine Sweepers Being Added By Elizabeth Eedy - CANADA - RIDING Launching at Quebec In August t ACAD>=MX r' \ MEN AND HATS w the third WO of R.M C S Gaspe sa HOLLOW VICTORIES—The Jap- of Canada's four mine--sweepers. } anese armies appear to have con- Women without hats were bar- built to replace the ancient trawl- quered approximately a third o[ red from a Quebec court. Women era which had served in that ca- China (the provinces o1 Shansi, •---�— ""��i a who don't take them off should be pacity since the war; take the wa- Hopei, Shantung and Sufyuan) and barred from theatres.—St. Thomas ter. The fourth, H.M.C.S. Nootka, are getting ready to take even lar Times-Journal. will be launched at. North `-ancou- ger bites of Chinese territory. ver later this month. But what is actually happening in . •,) WAR NOT YET OVER The Fundy and the Comox have the t what i areas? Are the Jap- b' For t.iousands of Canadians the -been sent down the ways and all the bitten-off the, victors? Cap- \ war is not yet over.. A Stratford four will likely be in commission entirely ex-service-man .has just diea from tain E. F. Carlson o1 the United M A s before the'end of the year. -States marine corps who has frau / •R�' injuries teceived in France twen- Soon In Commission Chinese soldiers 2,000 _ - t ty years ago.—Peterborough F%x- About the "last week in August elled with Chinaa conquered terrf- ~ •r aminer. the Royal Canadian Navy w miles through e ? Tory," supplies the answer. Estt•- - - `_�!� - strengthened further when the two �� NICE TJME FOR A RIDE destroyers, Restigouche and Otta- mating that at least, 600,000 Chi- It is nice to go riding in the nese soldiers operate in the occu- � e• �� wa, arrived from England. They fed areae he declares the Japs evenings, if it is not too hot, or will be stationed at Esquimau. P too dusty, or the road is not.torn _ road is or you The new destroyers are of the "C" class and .6te on the Ro�ftl way linea and main highways. Cap- have no fiat tires or motor trou- tain Carlson tells how Chinese - --dL' ble.—Brandon Sun. Navy establishment as met. . Cru- bands cross Japanese - lines with • seder and H.SLS. Comet. The ease, raid Japanese bases to get may, THE ANSWER Comet which has been serving on l supplies. Chinese guerrillas have An eastern newspaper asks why the Mediterranean anti-piracy pa- supplies. was returned to AL set-up well-functioning administra- — it is that with a 300,000,000 bushel Chatham, � �' England, three months-'ago, for re- tions, he says, which do everything a wheat crop in the west there is fitting. . At that -base she joined from harrying the Japanese to /� S_z � no call for eastern farm help. The -the Crusader. . Both were taken keeping schools open. Able-bodied .. , HansT bought this ear just to use from here, home." answer lies in the tractor and con- over by the Canadian Naval Depart- mea are being constantly trained bine.—Calgary Herald. _for the guerilla armies, whose mor- meat in June. e t ale is high. Climaxing what was undoubted- FIND WORK FOR OUR OWN r, Under such circumstances it �/� ly the greatest open tournament Fitting our own people into the Prairies Many on Pra �, a►ould seem that the Chinese are N A -Irl E S ever staged by the Royal Cana• available employment of all kinL not capable of being defeated. - jtl the than Golf Asso-dation, Snead and —helping them to fit in must be a Never Held Jobs. . - Cooper went twenty-seven hales part of the policy -of .preventing ANOTHER DEPRPESSION? —The NEWS before'a winner and new champion unemployment. It comes before was declared. Originally ached- the encouragement of immi a _ recession which struck the United g Y gF - McGill Investigator Finds Ser- States in the fall of 1937 soon had used as an eighteen-hole* playoff, tion. But after it is done, it ious '---Situation in Canadian it had to be len hened nine more Its effect .on Canadian business, should be possible to welcome a West because the two starry shotmakers Produced here what amounted at- considerable number of people of. } most to a major depression, dight finished the first eighteen holes the right type from the preferred upswings, however, were felt in the . tied with scores of 6-7, five under countries, including as many as Twenty thousand young'men sell u women in the Prairie 'Provinces par. 04k the extra nine holes, fuel'come from Great Britain. — late spring of.this year and during. Snead shared four birdies for a have never been employed at f the summer. Rapes rose. � � Winnipeg Free Press. :you• the sad prediction rose. comes score of 34, two below par, defeat- steady work, Albert S. Duncan; a Do- ing Cooper by alive-stroke mar- member of the Social Research De- e from England (made. by Sir Willi- n, MARRIED TOO`NOISILY partment' of McGill University, =am Beveridge, prominent lawyer, It was an old-.ashioned custom Snead, a 26-year-old profess Montreal, found during a two-year economist and head of the-London for weddfn� parties to rush up and sional, said to be the, longest-bit- survey of the West's unetnploy- School of Economics)- that another down streets in cabs with-tin cans ting golfer on this .continent, re-. - In situation. depression will soon• be smother- and old shoes flying. But present- .. ceived the $1,000 first-prize cheque The Nest's greatest problem. fie ing business in the United King- a y traffic conditions have .m de d, was the need of permanent • and the Seagram gold cup. a fouti 1 tom. Says Sir William: "The hie- that sorttcof thin - ridiculous as tory of the first stages of the last The crowd, too, got their mon- jobs for 200,000'employable but un- g I ey'a worth._watchin the brilliant _ - well as highly dangerous. The depretsion -(1929) is being repeat- - spectacle of four or five cars-rac - era. g employed wage earn - playoff. Most Are Young People ed today. In ligirres for 94. Indus- - Ing through traffic at 40 to 50 Forty thousand of them are un tries a comparison-between the on- miles an hour. as we have seen it employed but employable wage set of'ihe last depression and the a few' times lately, is one that - x } Horse Traders earners who. are at present recely ' sl s• or Lce" intervention. — « present slump pp beginning of of the ing rel•#ef, he said in 'an interview- ahoves a'.`strikiag measure of agiee- * • St.l Marys Journal-Argus. - In Convention _._ Another 40,QOO are uneamployed but mea,, subject to minor differences r BEAUTIFUL e f F L G2RLS y persons net receiving arising from armament expends- ffi live by part • time :. ;• OUR mplo hie ' • s - O a • •„ w •. - � Eta-Lehman in town or bush e T - n a _ Can our bumper.wheat crop save ALiV10\D,-N.Y. -- Old fashioned Hess recently was impressed with earnings, savings r Y The'remaining and other ateans • Canada from following In the Old . • SAM SNEAD tobacco-cliewing horse traders- the profusion of beautiful-girls in g '0. 00 unemployed 0 Country's wake° descended on this village by the Toronto so many more and are young'mea and women. „yr In a thrilling exhibition of sub- - Mr. Muncan, en route east after 1' - But cheer up—predictions don't score this week. to. the annual more beautiful than the girls in par golf the battle for the Cana- «world's horsetraders" -convention: England. He 'did hint thltt the spending a holiday in Banff, sail! • always come true. g than Open Golf Championship that the total of 100,000 does not came to a close at Mississauga Early arrivals peered Into' the beauties in Toronto were a bit ' 7W0 ASSURANCES— Canadians mouths of each other's.horses`%and' uniform, adapting the 'same hair- inchfde 45,000 farmers who, have course last week with Sam Snead, been on relief In the Prairie Pro- were thrilled, the rest of the world with faint sneers `allowed" that dress and make-up, but neverthe super-slugger of White Sulphur they .. rn't.interested in•any hors less attractive. All this has been einces. Feat up and took notice last week Springs, W. Va., victor oyer Harry lir. Duncan urged a long-range wchen President Roosevelt, in his' Cooper, 'of Chicago, defending old enough to vote... said before, but here is something fpisen address at.Queen's IIniver- titleholder. Few of the amateur"David Har- new. The hectic,lives of Canadian planning program for the care of sits, Kings tan, gave to Canada the ums" got up to trading until the meat, engrossed in business, made. the jobless, the Dominion Govern- the and last day a[ the convex• it liecessary,'he thought, for the meat to assume responsibirity for pssurance 'that "the people of the relief and Introduce a system of never cross this country by land, tion. They spend the first three women to concentrate on their ap- XTaited States will not 'stand idly sea or air to stack the United days t1belittlin"' the horses they pearance in order to "get" their uncmploymenL.insuraace. States. wish to own •and bragging about- man. This didn't hold is the leis- - by if domination of Canadian soft t is threatened" by any foreign urel lives of the English. — To- power. "We are. good neighbors i Something concrete, there. their own fleet steeds. j y. them the knowledge that every Traders came from all over the ronto Star. time the eri the are liable to :,and good friends. 1 Y Y By way of reciprocating the Pre- THE WEEK'S QUESTION — east with horses ranging In -age he severely punished; at present eidenCs Good a ghbor po icy; What part of Canada gets longer from.two to 30 years old. About The EMPIRE they have no such fear. The mat- Prime Minister Mackenkie King and shorter successively, as the '500 horses were auctioned off dur- ter, in view of the number of ac- Proclaimed Canada's aceeptanee of years go on? ing the convention, convention Pre- THEYHAVE THEM IN INDIA cidents in the city; is one which r responsibility for her own protec- Answer 'Point Pelee—Lake Erie sident George Kame said. It is painfully clear that no intimately, effects the safety and •ition. Canada intends, he declared, is continually building up and tear- "Everything goes," at the con- amount of advice and propaganda lives 'of the citizens, and deserves •to"keep on going forward" in pre- ing down this southernmost tip, of vention,"-he continued,'except '`the will influence traffic hogs,in Boin- the attention of the.Bombay Gov. :. parations for her national defense, Canada as the water- level rises auto swapping" such as took;place bay. The only way to bring them erntnent.—Times of India, Bom- and will see'to it that enemy.forces and falls. two years ago. to their senses is to impress on bay. THE WONDERLAND OF DZ 2hA �r �• S�ouf� oifWghtod t932,R&011,♦tuo Ce. When Aunt ,Em and Uncle "Good morning, Dorothy," call- "Then they are Secy lucky neo- Dorothy wanted to stay and Henry were all dressed, Dorothy ed Billina, from her perch on the ple," declared Billina: "But come, play with the little chickens for — — took_them_thro tell the beautiful -railing around the_fron_t porch. I _ dear, I must show you all my Dor- a while, but Uncle Henry and _.P___ - rooms of the' palace. She also was expecting you to call on me (Ally's. Nine are' ltvm"-'- gran Tuve ? Em -"-not- Aunt seen-tire showed them her own pretty for-I heard, you had come back "grown up to be very respectable grounds and were eager to get rooms, Then they went into the and brought your uncle and aunt hens, but one took cold..and died better acquaintbd with the marvel back yard and after walking along with you." "We are here for of the pip and the., other two ous land in which they were t. A winding path for some distance .good and alt this time, Billina," turned out to be horrid, roosters live, So they left for a walk. Dora through the beltutiful garden, they cried Dorothy, happy to see the iristead of hens, so I had to (thy set her foot on the steps o-f came to an attractive liftle house. hen once more: "And Uncle Hen- change their names to Daniel the hen's cottage and immediately where a Yellow Hen sat on the ry and Aunt Em belong in Oz as They all have gold lockets with became small efiough to enter the ouricture inside." little door. - - ;ittont porch sunning herself. :much now as I do." Y P „ : �r _ w � r ' i K --- - - - - - - _ - microscopeinvented by two Geo- " •-�� � _ �--- - I man scientists, according to re- having e- • •' I ports from Berlin. The inventors, 3s� �ry�%^ 0' 'Classified Advertising Dr. Bodo von Borriea and Ik. `' I _ - - - _ Ernst Rurka, utilize electron rays , ^ _•� ' _ I -- - _ I = :: having a 100,000 voltage current" 1 -- in their instrument. 4 c AGENTA WASTED �7UIN►h'It1.F:ss TOILE:1'!t u- _ 1 SELLING WATFRPRO OFINGS, — YOU CAN HAVE CITY t'UNVENI- INSECTS COLOR-MINDED paints, roof• and fluor mastics, di• ences In your village or farm hume tact to lar(e consumers, part or without water supply or sewers Insects are attracted by lights, write.for Iree Information un our but have preferences in 'colors. If BC full time. The t'rescu Company, modet•n, self-emptying, odourlees Tot onto. Toilets from $35.410 up slid leave lights .of a variety -of colors are behind for ever the dread out- exposed at night, insects o. par- • : hbeek Abwurberr hyuse with AtTt»Iu►t17.F1 Rr•.rAlRs its riles, cold and un- healthy discomforts• Kaustine 6n• ticular kinds will be found in - !Street. Company.' 164 Portland greatest numbers flitting around BALES AND SERVit,'E.ALL MAKE`. gtreet. Toronto• clot. wAverley the light which has the greatest ti'l'e specialize. Jared Stratford, 8985. Limited. 35 Gerrard went, Tor- color appeal for them. General // A bigger plug--, onto. I'HWrouRAPHY Electric engineers observing the DF;!rlt;\1\t. sCllool. FOR ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EV- new sodium lights installed Ona \ , CLOTHING ery 25c order. Roll him developed bridge at Clinton, 'Iowa, noted and Sweet and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c: that the shad flies of that neigh- // _ BALASSO'S PRACTICAL neigh- SCHOOL Established over 16 years. Bright aS• a Nhit at De.�ibnlug and Pa gar- ling Studio, .29 Richmond-Street boyhood did not like the brilliant 1 for ladies' and gentlemen's gar- East, Toronto. pure yellow o-f the sodium lamps menta• dressmaking, and fur de- •signing. Correspondence courses PERSONAL nearly sff well as,the almost Wh%te e If 'necessary. i,ay and evening and equally brilliant incandescent ' B classes. Iidividuu'l instruction. MARRY—\VUCLD YOU :MARRY 'IF lamps used on the bridgehead. The Write for information. 65 Avenue suited' Hundreds to choose from. Road. Toronto. Some with means. Many farmers' insects acre recently found piled - daughters and widows with pro- six inches deep under the incan ;x r•CntNrrLRIt3 , Darty. 1'articulara..l41c. Confiden- descent lamps, but only one inch tlal. Canadian Corresponderrce r r MID-SUMMER SALE Club• er the sodium Iarrips The Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. deep und _.... - re end�frtfitiTsp — 11UUL'rltY ANDthan the 14►L'1lrRY, —less attractive to insects deconditioned Furniture — F:kcl��InFrr blue end. Insects apparently have This is a splendid opportunity to Jeb—"I've an invention at last DROUGHT RESISTANT „ buy really Ingh class, reconditioned ' COCKERELS, cUCKEJtELS, �ut'K- a wider range of vision than hu- that will mean a fortune! Truly drought-resistarrt. plants erels. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- ear to see ?" j furniture at a fraction of the real man beings, as they < vslue. Every article thoroughly shire Reds B week old' i-3.95, 4 Zed-"What is it this time?" always are welcome tri regions 1� weaue.cleaned, very l artncle any sola thoroughly Week 20',ic. 3 week 15�c, 2 week the ultra-violet light, which is in- Jeb-"Why,.it's an extra key where summer is sure to be'hot der.a positive money back guaran 11iSc. Large Egg Quality add le. visible t0 IIS but t0 which many tee of satisfaction. All goods carve-, Top Notch Chicken s, Guelph, On- for a typewriter. When you dont and dry. While there are many fully packed for safe shipment on tarto. insects are strongly attracted. know how to spell a word you hit good plants that have this quality, receipt of money order. Special at- that key and it makes a blur that several species of Rudbeckia ac -- that given,to mail orders- PULLETS ALL AGE` FROM 4 S' \SahuganY bed room suite, weeks to 32 weeks,- Barred �•� mi ht b 8'n `e' 8n 'a' OI almost tuslly seem to flourish under such - 5 chiffonier, triple mirror van- Rocks. White Leghorns- Also Freckle-Faced Entrant anything an you like." conditions. Perhaps the most - Sty and tui$ eine bed with sagiess started chickens and cockerels y showy of them is Rudbeckia bi- s y ar and new mattress. three weeks to seven weeks. Send, , !� for our catalogue. Tweddle Chick In man ways, what with the color superba, a hardy annus..of �Ps+9 \\'alnut finish.' bed roon►'sulte,. Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,. Un- y _ •P•+ dresser, chlffon3er, full' size ratio. - international otxlook, and -the- easiest culture with flowers that bed and aweless spring price of haircuts, weire just, is measure up to three inches in' $47 Beautiful ,four piece suite in STARTED BARRED RUCK CHICKS •Ps rich walnut finish, dresser. 3 week $17.45. 4 week $22.45• 5 well pleased that We aren't twenty diameter. vanity.'full size bed, chiffonier and 'week _$27.45. Big Egg duality add pears younger. �agirss spring. 1%c. Baden Electric Chick Hatch- 9Large walnut finish suite, ery Limited, Baden, Ontario. . drasser; chiffonier, full sizes -- • Ja er stand on bed, sagiess spring and new all tett Sp "CaII ,yon a _ TRACTOR MAGNETO AND Hidden Waters mattrrss. GENERATOR REPAIRS your head, Peter?" Large suite in two tone wal- Peter—"Nope;'it's too high!" - - The Desert v nut nnish,dresser, large triple SEND CS YOUR TAACTOR 31AGN•E- mirau; vanity, chiffrobt, full size tyoun Generator Repairs. We save ' :A bad. 'eugless' npring' and .broad neN n Armature r,. .x +„►-0'4fi-0'4Gr0' �f�f4"6444�yy4"$'q'� maattreas. Mantr., 855 Bay St.. Toronto. • x7s Solid walnut•, modern suite. ¢ British Engineers Have Borea targe dresser vanity, chiffon- .• ' ;ler• full size bed and sugleas spring-• Gardening Down Into Jordan Valley's $19.NUak dining .room suite. Arid Land and Found Oases. buffet; extension table, i ^ and a: Ivuther seat chairs. c suite, lar quarter cut oak W�at 1QnCe ` N .' ' ����� $24.50 - suite, large burtec, exten- r The arid desert of Palestine has Mon table, and 6 leather upholstered `, �, _._=_ btindance. This ehalrs. 9 Vine piece English oak suite. * Doing � " r+�S'fi9 pq p'�i'y"p'4rS�i4�¢�D04 x4'0'6 $ y amazing news w_as brought by Brit- Is k buffet• chica-cabinet, exten- t. )' Rion table and 6 leather seat-ctsirs. EVERGREEN PLANTING fah Government engineers who boy=` Perfect. ' Taking everything into conaid-' ed the parched Negeb Desert=and $49 l eautirtri 9 piece suite, rich -.. walnut finish, buffet, .exten- SEARCH FOR "SNIFF-METER" eration, late August or early Sep- struck water in profuse streams. stun t.rble, china cabinet and 6 lea- On Children's Day, August 26, tefnber is the best time to trans- _If this water is found-on analysis "thrr upholstered chairs., Invention of f "sniff-meter" , _ at the Canadian national Exhibi- English oak suite•'buftec, ex= still baffles the best inventive tion, the "King and Queen of Plant coniferous (cone-bearing) to be pure, it will be t:3ed for tension table, china cabibet genius of the world, it was dis- evergreens. While' spring trans- large-scale artificial irrigation in and 6 iHather upholstered chairs. , -Fr .were Crowned In Solid 'walnut suite, buffet, closed at McGill University, Mont- elaborate ceremony and awarded Planting et the time new growth the dry Beersheba and Gaza regi- closed,'nbinet. exte,nslon-table and 5 real, last week.. begins is feasible, the plants oft- ons. rrhn,rs in blue leather, complete new school, outfits. En- LiArge solid walnut suite, but- Science has accomplished mar. en suffer due to the fact that new Eleven boring plant are hard at.; trance sent in their applicationswork X89 fat, cabinet, extension table,. vela in the accurate measurefrrent slow-growing roots are,not mOis- Valle'on desert_land in the domino' and c icath.'r upholstered chairs• from all parts Of the country. the mots- Valley ueighbourhuod, and altogeth- iPerfe,'t, of most things 'Which register on Proud of his facial adornment•'is dant enough to supply - _ - 1� Iif-autiful gulte, solid walnut the various human senses, but iQ David David (ABOVE) of Toronto tore demand of the new' top er 30 deep wells have yielded water._ (,,oat new over $300) large • still cannot produce anything , growth. Fall planting'does not in The results of analytical tests 0n buff-t, hf:na calilrtec, e:cenSi°n who was entered in the boys div$- a table and 6 leather seat chairs. Per which measures smells. Rio cur.these conseyuencea, for very' such water are not yet known. It feet condition The detect-ton and elimination o! little or no top growth is'formed they prone favorable; the farmiftg $129 JicLax4n -uite (cbgt approx•1--- 'odors constitutes a practical prob- at this season, while the roots are problems of Arabs and Jews in Pal- mately $350) large buffet••, cabirtt, ,'xtenston table.and 6 beau- feat. For instanee, in schools, it particularly active. This gives the eatiae may be greatly reduced. llful 1:•athes seat clidirs.. is found necessary to .circulate IV E roots a good, chance to become $19''hestertleld shite. 3 pieces, up- thoroughly established by the time _ h„Istgred In tapestry. Marshall some 30 cubic feet of air per f rani n�, _ student through classroomgthough heavy demands are made upon 3 piece chesterfield suite• up- 9 all that is necessary to eliminate HA them to support new growing tips. h,lste,rd In hard-wearing repo' materi-al, mnrshall *pring carbon dioxide and supply ade- 013 The exception to this rule is curhion�, quite oxygen is four cubic feet. hemlocks, which do best if trans- - 2 Beautifut 3 piece 'softy, up- ,�.�� planted in' the spring. Late fall 6 dster,ed in French jacquard, •]Nar•hnll', sprinreversible cushi„ 'N ns. . INE•D'AY CHICK CRO . _ _ planting. always is followed by a _ ,l29 smart 3 Mere suite, bphol. Transformation of a baby chick H�� high mortality rate, as under this T sre-red in brown novelty repp. reversible Marshall spring cushions, into. a synthetic rooster with a condition the.•plants enter the chow-wood front•. robust crow in a period of nine freemng•periods of the-year with- 3 piece-Butte, upholstered in mood repp material, rui•_t days was accomplished in .expert- STANDARDS: Hold yourself out new roots having a chance to ULU I!•inr+hall spocondition. reversible menta announced at Leland Stan- responsible"for a higher standard develop and become, thoroughly - t►hads`, perfect nes ruahlons. * than anybody else pects of you I:r;tutitul•3 pierp Mohair •trite ford Lniversity, Ps}lo, Alto, CaliT. gg�� settled in.-their new position. .' (,apt new about 322a) revers- Dr. Calvin P. Stoney psychology , Nev'er excuc�5ourself; nev- Warm Soil Stimulates Roots a tblp \far4hall cuahlona• walnut show professor, said the- chick was -in- er pity yourself . . . . Be a 'hard Early autumn planting, further- wood facintts. i'prfert condition., ; '=)Carey- fall- assortment.er =tncon, ion,kitchen- jetted daily with a synthetic male master to yourself-and•be lenient more, has the advantage of fall- . eahinetP, sewing machines, dressers, hormone substance that effected to everybody else . . . . Then you ing into a period when the soil . ehiffnnle'rs, beds.. Ire b'oxps, studio The Exhibition i8 a . courhe ruc�, pts at atnazinfitp precocity and developed'the crow, :give the world value received for. still is quite warm and this factor s! dream of marvels. Here - "low price. Epactal actyntion Riven a mature comb and a•strut: living in it. as well as an abundance of soil r are gathered some of ?�• to mail orders. Every article tbnr- moisture'.stimulates vigoYous root `oughly rernnditlnned, carefully, the continent's finest , par- packed for -hinmrnt on receipt SPASM PREVENTS i;.''SUSCITA- , , action. Under no circumstances livestock. See them or mnne�, ord Mrs. Toots {in t;tore] --- '1 ve should t e plants be placed in dry, �' ?loney hark �,.araaeee et -: TION - waited since 5 o'clock'fol' my hos- p judged, discussed, par- •• oro medical r hot-soil, and excavation -of the' aded. Wander through WHIP for frfP l',- r revs cacs>ro�Ne. an an now it Y Ianting hole .should take place : the stalls and inipect LYONS orfe 'of then$ Sir Frederick Bant- Clerk-"And when were-you to F then'}closely.Thrill to the ° .ing, are reported to have' discov- meet him?" shortly after an abundant rain. ---.-TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT ered a new physiological fact in' • Mrs. Toots-"At 4 o'clock." music of England's Royal Artillery Band. Watch.the excitement of the 478 Yonge St., Toronto their of artificial respiration - COLDFRAME HELPS harness races. Examine the huge _.. — for drowning persons: BIENNIALS farm-implement displays.' See the — NEDICAI, Sus icious Wife-,-"Let me see The Health League of Canada P • 1PILF:S. BOLDER'S ,,ECTAL SUP- $2.75 >?- announces that an article in the that letter you've just opened. I The. time has arrived to think °EuropetaTake the rr ` �► " FORT, S"-75 rom'plete.' Amazing' September issue of the Journal• of can see from the handwriting it of sowing seed of some of th'e youngsters it new disc;0tery. Ponstantly medi- dical Association is from a woman and.you-turned quicker-growing biennials such as in stare at "l, play y” the strangely - - _ \ intelligent owl, play is Frolexland', Itely prevents protrtrsiori. write states that. in a large proportion _pa e a res n for booklet. I_ree trial of Bolaer's. Husband (calmly) "You can (Bellis) and Forget-me-nots (11y- T In ora Herbal Ointment. Polder Mfg., of drowning cases ' a laryngeal „ There are a million things to see and sat Durryrin Street: Toronto, spasm develops which prevents air have it. It is from your milliner. osotis). The coldframe is a mbst something of interest for everyo>e. en with useful adjunct to give the plants getting into the lungs ev 4 NF:W�1'11'I:R t►1'1'ttRTl•\I'rY artificial respiration. .Professor-"I forgot, rrly 'um special care, since regular water'- °soPresident G ne°ralManaaer vitom-irrri a.%N,ri D ing and shading are essential .tb ti It has already been observed in brella'this morning. develop a satisfactory stand of p U GRZ a ��•�O Alt\'I-J.T1Sk It IS INTKIIESTED IN post-mortem examination of His Wife—"How did you re- purchasing Ontario Weekly News drowned, persons that frequently •member ou forgot it?" sturdy seedlings. b. I� Paper. scan make reasonable b down payment in c•,sh and month- no.water was found in the lungs, Professor-"Well, I missed it i bi- paymcnts 'for bnl•ince. 51ust in- the article states. The explana- when I raised my hand to. close 1 I 1 t elude good .i„h,butines and well t -,1 established newspaper in growing; tion of this fact was learned to it after it had stopphd raining.” THE FAMOUS e district, G. Emerson, 9 Delaware be the action of the body's nor- RUBBING Ave., Toronto. L _ LINIMENT _- may protective machinery which, It was Rochefou'cauld'who sa:d, NI'R!�I•:RY' `Tlll'l` - prevents access of water or food' Rub On—pain gond "Small minds,are the'first to con- Get the new large aeon- - RAR.•' tNf) I1.\F:n1' ORNAMENT- to'the lungs during swallowing. damn large- ideas." == omy size—Also avail- A s-•end Tm war bytes able Orf smaller.reguier - Ing; cataloguer Full descriptions - •` , `o[ •a wide zv sortment of lili,:s, mechanism was said 'to operate size, n " rockery plants and uther peren- and may persist as a spasm after A man walked into a grocery 'nial flowers, the butt for the the victim has been taken from' store: B t° Sp colder parts, ecial offers; pre- mium with em,h , order. Only the water. Thus artificial respir- Man-"I want all the rotten ' strum: roots and sturdy trees, ation is rendered ineffective. eggs you have." 6 `•g11G �F �' 1879 .193$ rt<hipped. Delivery in good conal- Grocer-"What do you want tion guarante,•d. The bfanitob t •'Hardy Plant N,irscrg, Dropmure, GERMAN SUPER-MICROSCOPE with rotten eggs?" -- hfan. , DIAmo'no ••Ju9.i'lFE - Magnification up to 30,000 times Man' (nervously•-"Sh-sh-sh-sh. Issue NO. 3G-- 38 is matte possible by a new' super I am the new comedian." i•'4b ,3,, 'a '.. •.. ^amu ad. ,«•..,... Y./ » `ti y�;�.: a l.r,+: a :.� •r"ra.a;'a'pr'. moi::. ❑.x '.y.,f- .: .a,y:•;,i;.. t, .yv. 4,y',""°'r=�.r' TL -,�o r:. -i.� ,�•,;c z, a. .f. a, � .-,. .�I .. •> .. �..,: «K - '�':'. Lia.. ., 'R ., ,�.. 4 ` L\J Q A.V 18]dab Mr. and Mrs. Goosee, ok Toronto )Dim>bsrbm spent Bundy with Mr. and Kra. G. Elliott. last Friday evening, we Iistened •-•••Work on the now highway has -.Mr. and Mrs. Alen. Crockett, to a real treat, in our newly decor- :.•:coeron + to tho Mouth of us. of Ldndon, spent the week-end In ated church. Mrs. , Warren's solos �-•Mr. VW lifts. John Draper of the village. were just wonderful, also all the � � , �► Xonaolaa. Vieltad 14M James .And- -Mr. and Mrs, C. A.� Sterritt other numbers. Miss. McJanet gave C U o 1 "' 'O' Pens - ;,"w oft FtundaX. spent a couple of days with friends four delightful violin selections; bibs, H, V%rtaw'a father - and in St. Mary's last week. Miss Sisley, a young 'elocutionist, - mother arra spemiting a few weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, and was vera fine, and Mr. Patullo, ' - -with. her olid her family. children, of North Toronto' spent surely did justice to his native - ••' ---%nklay evening service here the week-end with Mr.. and Mrs. J- Scoth tongue. May we have another " in' the United Churvh will be res- Crockett. such treat in the near future and vtned ort Sunday, Sept. 11th. -Mrs. Conway, ' Mr. and- Mm., don't'miss it...:Com.• � � 4Se pte -.Next Monday beilsg Labor Day Kaiser, and four sons, of Jacksorl'm - Tue, 6th the laces of business in the vill- Point were with Mr and Mrs, Call _ p LESLIE SMITH will be closed as usual: agham on Sunday. ._ Huge quantities of materials -Rev. J. F. and Mrs, Pickar)i-of and machinery have been placed in Jacksonville, Fla., the former a res position to commence the work of ident of Pickering, many years ago, Expert KrORE gtading for the new highway. are visiting with Mrs. James And TBIG -Mrs. HE H. Mechin and Mr. W. H: rew. Radio Service ` Bray, are improving the appearan-• --Kay-Dee Exhibitors- present 'on,' , - ce of their residences by a fresh Monday night .next in the Town DIXIE R.OAD cost of paint. Hall, Robt. Taylor and Irene Dunne 1 -The Misses Henderson, of Se- in "Magnificent 06session" with R. R. 2, Picketing 19 8rboro,' are spending a couple of Chas• Butterworth ,snd'Betty Furn- Classified Advertisements14 t� wee theft`-sunt » qow - ',. _ Palmer. Comedy Cartoon Hit. FOR SALE - Reg. Jersey heifers, --- - --Eve in is read for the -'Iwo ixrge Bran: ort trucks. op- > g y P due Sep. 9th• and 15th. =Herd fully Tennis Club.Dance in the Park this crated by the--Husbad Transport; accredited. M. B. Burk. Pickering. _ _ Friday evening. It will be under the of London, and Blake & Sharnbleau phone 1031. 2-3 ' :_ stars and a moon... nearly full. Wholesale Fruit, of St. Catharines :_ _ -Monthly meeting of the Town- "sideswiped'' at 5' a. m. Tuesday GOOD FARM-FOR SALE--or rent: - �� - ship Council will be held on Tues- morning just east of the.four corn- 3=4. mile from Claremont. Lots of day next, in the Hail, Brougham, ers here, causing considerable dam- water 'and good buildings. Apply. School •7 st 1 p. m. standard time. age to both trucks. Neither of the to F. L. Button, K. C. Stouffville.A large number from 'Pickering drivers was injured. 1 e 9 and vicinityhave'-• been taking in =Would •the person who borrow= FOR SALE-Clover Honey,, from p. *ho' Q; ht at the Toronto Exhibi ed the long ladder from the News capping melter, at ac• per Tb. , �-- g Bring your container. R. J. Fuller. tion this week. Off:ce., kindly return same as it is-Mr. and and Mrs. W. H. Banks and wanted. WORK WANTED' - young man, - s1 *� -:tar. John Glaik and Mrs. Robt. experienced farm 'hand, strong and `1 eon, of ,Weston.,and Mrs. Albert Banks, of blaivern, visited Mr: and Gordon spent Sunday at Cameron willing, wants work immediately. • • CHAPMAN ''Mrs. &iurray Barrett on Sunday. Lake with �Ir. and Mrs. Elson. Box A„ Pickering -News. r.✓J - -Mr. -and bars. Dixon-, who have- -Mr. E. C•--clones has returned been living in the Bly,residence on from .the Toronto East General FOR,SALE-Pure bred Shorthorn` Church Str. the past few months; Hospital where he underwent.a ser- bull, 14 months. Don. Pugh,.Lot 27, } t moved back to their -Parry Sound ious operatiop- We are glad "to Con. 4, Pickering. - -- :home'on Wednesday. know that he is making a Rood re PIGS FOR SAL0-6 shoats, about ' The W, M. $. of the. United �i'Pry 100 pounds. bi, F. Tomkins, Lot 21, 4 Church will commence their Fall _ -"�'- `"` eon. 4. Pickering. ".'I�u'rera1e activities. on Wednesday, Sept. nth, :Letters to the Editor `at the home of Mrs. W. Ci Murkar. .� DAWSON'S Golden Chaff O, A. C. _ A11 members are urged to be out. Dear Sir: No, 61 Wheat Registered, Grade , _... _ -Mr. Fred Roffey met with an The nights grow cool, the dawn s o. 1, Third generation, $1.15 bus; isecident a' few days ago, when he breaks- with that faint haze that unsealea, 90c. bus. F. H. Westney, p f A- FIRTH RO . fell, cutting his head and severely spells the fall of the year, and the Pickering. Phone Pick 1413. ' 1-2 - - ` injuring his knee, resulting in that time draws near wren inhabitants dreaded affliction "water-on-the• of farm and village must say good- WA\TED - old horses for which TAILORED CL 1 E �g :knee. bye to the summer visitor. Speak- good prices will be offered. Gar- 0 HES Mr. and Mrs. Mattingsl'ey and ing as one who has tried to absorb shield Fur Farm, Danbarton, family have returned o .their dome a little of the countryside spirit, i - July. 15th to August 5th In the West, motoring by way of should think that the farewells will FOR SALEmerson tenth h. p t the Border State, After..spending a not be entirely regretful. I know i electric motor. 3450' r. p m. double- per Cent-Reduction On all tailor- ended shaft, 2•in. pulley and grind- p _;happy, but short •holiday with their �l Auld object strenuously to having ing wheel. 60 cycle, May be seen relatives here and in Tbronto. cars full of people parking gaily on at :\ews Office. d 1 th d i " this i -(1ur sincere npot•a{ie: '.Tc th::' my fi•orit lawn, lighting' a fire per- e' c o es ur ng s per od. Pickenng Dairy tor negie•tug „ ilously near my favorite tree, and _ mention their nit-,e . among those Icaving as a 'memento, .a scattering We Have Placed Fred T. BUIn 11 ,f " • �1('kerin q who so. kindly'donated to the Ten' of egg shells, corn husks and candy. ' •'ars Club-The O ice - s. which Alight just.as wail ck FoLablisL'ed 1857, , -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bromwich, have feet. the blaze. I would live in ''of New Yot•k City; who have just continual terror of motors flying ft1ive a sG received a Oar Of returned fror: Havana, Cuda, are past my quiet dJor at a highway IIhIi1IOc'k Slahs fOr Summer visiting with the latter's parents, rate, regardless of the local -speed F s e SPECIALS J. C. and Mrs. Bryant.' Limit' and of my family's safety'and :A. W. MITCHELL -The Piiblic and Continuation peace'of mind: But speaking 'as a -: ry Schools .will re-open on Tuesday b•'sitor, I should like to express my `Pickering,Ont. A9tf --Breakfast• Bacon, ..."� 5C• a !b. +tlext, after teachers and pupils hac4 appreciation of_..the hospitable all. , '� been enjoying a_,;ooPd,_ long z acs itud^ of the.long-suffering dwellers NOTICE Minced �Leak, �2c• a lb• Con. The Public School will be in of this pleasant neighborhood. Any charge of Mr. L. Wilson, Principal, one is.ready, to give advice and dir- ,;Pork Liver, .:.12c• a The .:.'and.Miss V. Wice, Ass,stant; and ections (even to get out of his car The shell Service Station i 9 • the Continuation,School in charge oil a rainy day and help the inexp- ',:-Stewing Beef • 12C. a lb of Mr. G. 1'•' Coates, Principal, and erienced driver to re-arrange a load now prepared t0 make mechaII- f • ical re' airs to all kinds of auto- q -.' i$s St. Jehfi, .assistant. of lumber):: This' locality offers'a 1' ..Jewel Shortening, 15C• a lb _• -Rev. lair. O'Brien,'af-the Whit- wide choice to the :holiday-seeker. _...mobiles and tractors. . by Unite Church, who has . been You may stop by the: roadside to H. FARROW. Proprietor �assi—'c Cleanser, 3 tins, 13e. i ,occupying the pulpit in the. Presby. watch •the most.interesting process- t. ferias Church,• so acceptably, dor es of fanning the fertile soil, ' and' 4S•SF C. B. SPENCER, Meohtle _ aU . ins, 25c .� . Ing the_n«ionth of August., while ftev exchan$e friendly words with' the ; ID Dr. Carmichael was on his vacation workers, You may•drive a.fe'« miles LILLIAN'S a , R E preached a very impressive sernio.n nQrth:.to find yourself in a wild ro- i T on "Prayer" last Sunday. -Next mantic part of bush filled-with ced BEAUTY QHOP L_ l .� II�� ,) Sunday 'Rev. Dr. Carmichael will,re- ars and ferns like those�sof )tus- Butc!><er phone JUCJ�) C1iL'IJ'eriln'g. sume his work in the church and o,i koka. 'You may ' stroll arowg the Three doors east of the Old Church ` the following Sunday, +Sept••ilth; 'shore of the lake, from rugged bluff Garage, Mr. O. Crumraer's 1 _- the Sunday School-also will resume to sandy shore, of a winding fi� creek )f;esidence. P1C`ker1l� Hardware Store o .their Work., where boys.and old tiles fish in the Shampoo and Fingerwave bec. . -The, work' carried out -by .the quiet companionship of the ancient g Fingerwave- .. .-..� •:abs Hydro Dept. through the Oshawa and dignified' sport of Isaac Wal- V Public Utilfties- Co. during the past "ton. Beautiful 'as are the:-northern •Oil Shampoo Fingerwave TSL. fakes, s , Arelling very nolkeahle change in the power .grandeur, abort. Lake. Ontario, , a), -Manicure -- >RCisr service in this village. We hear of uninterrupted sweep of water-clean PacisQs Sec. the toasters working'so much bet- air, that invigorates one as-no oth- HAIRCUTTING �• 1 Kills Instantly \ -� ter, the irons heating' up nicely, er surroundings can do. One could Thermique Heaterless OU Perman- •the ranges and hot-plates working travel far to_find a rriore pleasant est Waves 1r� ' much qui'ker, and the -radios-per- holiday-ground. Thank you, Picker- :2 Prevents Bji ht E1.95 $2.90 $3.50 $6,00 forming a lot better; and- the mot- ing. nhnne Pick, 220-- ors running cool; all due to the line Nemo. 4 . 3 Does not burn the leaves lac voltage being' brought..' ,up by the :•'.•�— • installation of new, capable trans Pickering Township' Horticultural The �iekering 4- Gives longer lifeato the plant - formers and some new lines. In,all, Society Fall Flower Show. _ a decided improvement. MEAT MARKET -The focal owner; of fruit trees Pickering Township H'orticnitural .5 For potato plants, cabbage plants _ Arm -a loss'as .to what to d�with Society's___An_n_tlaL those. who freely help themselves be held in fit, 'Aixlrew's United We carry full line of T ToIYlatO lents, Cucumber vines to their fruit. One case is that of Church, 'Picklering, Wed. Sept. 7th. - . p y fine being watched until the The special attractions of the show �"resh - occupants legis, and then come a- will be two classes for school child- FOr grubs and Cut WOrmS• long with their baskets and strip ren, Public and Continuation. These _ the trees. Why do people do',this?- classes are: Beat Living-room bou- and r stn n [ .Agentifo McCormick-D 'ng arm Machl try and - they know that the owners have duet; Best Collection of Herbs. The � nursed along 'and protected these prizes for these have been donated Cured - - : Repairs. trees so that they can collect the ?by those interested in Juvenile fruit;' and they cannot be blamed Horticulture. Back them up boys Meats "� Motto--14'e>s..c k Caa_get if, for getting worked up into an al- and girla and show them what you Fkoas.i> most "murderous"' state. But what can, do. In the epvening•Albert De f • S. B!'1►1�7I �e Pl �ja�� i can you do about it-pick them Valder, of Dunlop's, Toronto wI"ll Our delivery is at your ae>vise J' when they are green, before the !;peak on Floral Arrsngemeat. Phone Pick 16120 neighbors can get at them. A%V1L-W-_ ._ . . _-. .._.. _. CLARENCE SILK -