HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1943_10_011 ;I '0L*LX111-­ DICKERING }, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 1 1943 - ,Addresses ".of Pick ering Village, Service. .-Men drgentfr , .�; ' -l- Cross 1equired h 7he ed please Sa=d theme in At Once' N T' V y. Scrap paper -is once again in Local .ladies, -thriough their or- m mand. Newspaperi are e8peciall mizationi-are— sending ChrWigmas r requasl*t --and magaiinee are n ,reel to Pickering Village and w wanted (as scrap). If putting cart: ties to Pickering Village and tin- b board, see that it is properly flat ediate vicinity, 'boys, but their add- e ened and tied. Tie newspapers fi: uses having' changed in so many I IV and in- bundles of about -50. Whe see Since the-, Original list was y you have your paper ready,'• C elpared, they are asking for the P Pick. 108, for particulars as N 0 7 where, and when to leave it. wing the new and correct address-7 submitted — at once.' 11he haste C Cormack—Bunker ,Addresses ".of Pick ering Village, Service. .-Men drgentfr , .�; ' -l- Cross 1equired h 7he ed please Sa=d theme in At Once' N Newspapers Wanted Pickering _ Red Cress Scrap paper -is once again in Local .ladies, -thriough their or- m mand. Newspaperi are e8peciall mizationi-are— sending ChrWigmas r requasl*t --and magaiinee are n ,reel to Pickering Village and w wanted (as scrap). If putting cart: ties to Pickering Village and tin- b board, see that it is properly flat ediate vicinity, 'boys, but their add- e ened and tied. Tie newspapers fi: uses having' changed in so many I IV and in- bundles of about -50. Whe see Since the-, Original list was y you have your paper ready,'• C elpared, they are asking for the P Pick. 108, for particulars as mist hoe of parents or frierida, by w where, and when to leave it. wing the new and correct address-7 submitted — at once.' 11he haste C Cormack—Bunker obviousf — to PW&a the boys in me the boxes must be sent off ;thin a few days.At the irequest C C* Saturday, September 4th, the ladies, the News Office will 7 730 o'clock, p• m, at the UlnitA cept these addresses and prepare M Church -Parsonage, Pickering, Re e mailing list for them the M. R. Jenkinson united in mania at Is up to you. E Eva Asnells. Bunker, only daugh A number of names are presented, o of. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunke r witleh addresses must be brought w with Albert ' Edward Cormack, so i 'to' date. There are many more o of Mrs. Cormack, and the ' late M be added, we know — let's have G George Cormack, of. Whitby, - ont; eft all — all Pickdring boy with ty one of the Services, but harry. W Wilfred & Roae,'fatally injured ern Martin B64069,. Alex. D. Allan a at London, Ontam. ISM,-R. W. Fowler B67675, V. McCarthy 878195, K. -W. Reid W Wilfred S. Rose, who had recen MM, Walter Reid, Rose Heron l ly resided in Toronto., met with WW4, Bob -Scott BM55, Don. f fatal accident -last Thursday ' * odrew B131480, -C. A. -Pattei L London, by coming . into rollizi( "", Ivan Baker VWM, C. S. w with a truck, snid died in the Lo i Lkft.B246, John Cook b247, J, D. d don Hospital three hours later. T) raughan B250, H. E. Straughain f funeral service -was -held in the U 119, W.. R• Dewar B6-IM, D&v. I Ited Church in Wallaceburg, ( Ruth A8375, Harola Barlow S Sunday afternoon, and was-con& 4", Stephen Calk B7703% A. t ted by the Masonic Ordes. of Wal )binson B241, W. D. Johng 833062, a aeburCL 'With intermepl in that C Craig Murkar V36W I. H. Shes, c cupsetery. 4M,-Ken MacRae B131U4, jh%7 S Sir. Rose, who was the fourth wMae B6423, Fred Robinson, o of Um late . Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Ro fay Robinson, W. E. DOknaV _ _w*r for many yearif a resident M, Basil Bye BM", Walter W WaHaceburg, where he nad been R employed a oyd Courtice, Don ScGtt, Win. o of the Canada and Domwon-'Su :Lead, John Walsh. Don. Sprsgge C Company, retiring aboat three yes n. Pearson, Cinton Pro-use, 'George a age. He may be remembered by adley', Ross Burets, Carl Burns, r rider residents of DunbarEbn '0, Burns, Pearson. Baker, . Jack h having attended the D.-AartA odwin, Jack 'Wheeler, Jack Chap- S School seine 66 years ago. Thr ►n, Gord. Andrew, Jack Andrew, W Waters and three brothers survi-9 .y Andrew, - Sam - Kaiser, - Ernie M Mr. Rom waar 79 years of age. Ifey, Jack Boy", Stan. Baludon, 1dred Mooney, Eric Bradley, Ar- M MM Elks Story, Claremont arrow, - Bill - Kemp, Harold Scott, a ath" Passes-' of Ayia. Not all of the above' hive yet � �Oft - Thuroday• Sept 29, at, I ,n news service, but send their E Evelyn Ave, Toronto, occurred tl **am anyway — these and any l death of Ellen Stary, widow of le" that should - be included. 7%im late Andrew stOry.- after an ill t it Compiled largely from the o of eleven Aim Story wl qoories of two or three b barb two miles wag of Clarein t, act at once. Write the =61;: on which''her to on a sheet of. note-p4pat-and b bet_-Joseph Gregg, b.&4 tame - A In to the News Office, P - a snaved to the Stli concussion of th isten to "Mirth t tOWWbM where she resided urd -BY daily Crazy and clever - -WM.. Sinoe_'�that time .-ahe lu ..... l lived with in Toro Illustrated Lecture on -ruesday t to. The funeral service which wi of nezt WOOL L Lead on Sunday,..Sept• 26th was co Audad by Mr. Apaldlng,'of Oakvill OCtobe* i intermeyt-in-Claremant-11rik P. m., in the Pickering united C CameWY, where the0e afte a ah urch, a Lecture, illustrated' *tkb'-8er1rift.:MrL S Story wee, a ham ) beautifuF -'views of "The Peace l loving wornsa of biO i0lugrity Am ,er District- will be given - by - -will be deepiy-anisand by ides faviij v. T. F. McGregor, ender the a and friend- n6ces of the W. X. S. Tidtaft now on ask. -Aduiu: 25c. child- H Highland Creek Landmark, Falcon under 12, 15c. Get your, ticksW I Ian destroyed 67 IM. The ' Falidon Inn, -it High lan Pickering- Red Crues C Creek, the scene of many loci feactiona'w" totally destroyed d Cross 'monthly rxecutive f fm On Saturday afternoon Iasi ting — Monday afternoon, Oct,. s started, it is thought, firam . spark at 3 P. "m."in the 'Red f frmm 4L chininiy,• Wling'oh the r6oj s. All members of the C The building, was along the line , E of the older English architect urev and had been remodelled b 4eaa Boxes for Local Boys i it's present owner,. Mrs. Acklari4 not forget the auction sale to I It was erected many years ago,-.th4 e funds -to supply- - Christmas. h homestead of the Aitide fatInny es for the boys overseas, living D During the past, few yqLaxa.. it }mod •Motion Pictures LOCALISMS der = St. Paul's Church, DunUrtoN on '(sound Mine) October 8, at & -p. m. - Har- Mrs. Walter White and daughteg' y Sunday OcW of ;will be shown in nurs-! HALL vest Thanksgiving. Guest preacher, Gracie,. were in Toronto on THE COMMUNITY RA C. I. B. Johnson, M. day evening, attending a shower be.' Rev. A.,� of Pickering Toronto. All are cordially invited lag given the fOvner'$ WkD14ESM, OCT. 6., at 8.15 to this- service. Sunday School as Marion Kenn Under the auspices of. St. George's 'usual, at 2 p. in. L. A. C. Spears, R. C. A. 1P 7- Vancouver, has returned, after all Church, Pickering, Out, Pickering Man Seriously Injured week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W., ;0, -IT STARTED WITH .EVE" In Whitby on Saturday evening. White, here. with Dianna ,-Dur-bin,-and Mr. Conway, Toronto, was a Sun- Charles Laughton -Stepping off the cur% between day visitor with Mrs. Conway, of, -Comedy and Shorts parked Red care in front of the R Church Str. -Adults, 25C. _,Children'loc. Cap restaurant, last Saturday night, - Mrs. W. J. Clark entertained the, at Ernest E. Ward, of Pickering, , was members of her family over the etruck - by an eastbound car, driven past week-end. V. Harvest Koine Services Held in by Clarence Thorndyker of Whitby. James King, Verdun, Quo., was re St. George's Anglican Church ftL_1 .. ... . The right fender of the car struck town over - the week-end. ;i Br on Sunday- Last. the -man, who fell to the pavement. Walter Ried, Halifax, is at hain.*, Dr. G. L. MacDougall was called to on a b4ay leave. n Services were well attended in St. the scene, when the injured man was The October meeting of St. Geor-' George's Anglican Church last. Sun- rushed to the Oshawa Hospital, ge's Guild will be.held at the home day,. when the parish observed the. it discovered he had of Mrs. Roffey, on October M, 40 wheri was Annual Harvest Rome dervices. received . fractured skull. Police a p• in. a - Rector" Gordon Channan, B. A., and Chief Elliott, who was near the '' The regular meeting Wom- Rector" of All Saint& ChUich, in secene of the accident, at the time, an's Missionary Society of the Un- Whitb was the guest speaker _VA at ststed, that so .far as Thorndyke ited Church will be held st the ham* the morning sprvice. He urged the % t- was concerned, the accident was un- of Mrs. M. S. Chapman, on Wladala� people, to the duty of thanksgiv, avoidable, and witnesses -were of day afterinoon, October 6, at 2.30. a. lhg• Rev. E. -G. Robinson, -the � paa- the same e opinion. Thornd)ke's- car, A in 11 ladies are cordially invited to tor, conducted the evening service, the Chief stated, stopped in quick attend this meeting. n with Mrs. Clement as guest soloist. time — it was going not more than George Burns, who was on a two- te-n miles per hour as the street week leave has left for his post in n- -Rev. Fred Joblin, Bowmanville, was -filled with traffic. -the West. The News had a welemne visitor n United Church, 'addressed the Sun- On Monday evening Ward was re- - day School And congregation of the parted to be, still unconscious and in County Warden Reesor this week., I- United Church; on Sunday morning is a serious condition. ­00 kast, the occasion . of the Sunday (aince'writing. the death of Ward In the absence of their regular ry and Rally Day. has been . announced, on Tuesday. wmid School Anniversary y column. St. Francis de Saes son -The service was under the direction the funeral, to take place at Bethel Church,. submits the following. Be of ieslie M. Morley, S.'S. S ' upt. Cemetery, Greenbank, _ Thursday. -be;en employed at the. Sonny-." mused old man storts- of .-Mr. Joblin. was accompanie4i. by his Mr. Ward had n -his father, - who recently retired Plant.) from %be active ministry, through 91,e ten thousand years ago, #Odd you know that if the sun stopped sr illneit. Dept, of'Agriculture to hold "Home- shining, or the rain stopped failing. Making Cour-.e in October. or the soil stop gTovftng thin stopped 2e Women's. InatAtute, sponsoring. or the animafs stopped breeding, it 7 as - �14f Icebergs at me time would be just too bad for you and n The local branch of the Women's -ime and every other living creature.'' Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevenson re- Institute Ere calling attention to a '�Righto­ agreed the boy. "What gently :tecived a letter zro *in 'Mrs. • Home-making Course, being con- a break that everything is as it Allan Miller (formerly. Dorothy ducted by the Dept. of- Agriculture, in!". short f Baker, Pickering)., who only a "Break• retortea the Par- at 'Uxbridge, on Wednesday and while ago left for the extreme Thursday, October �6 and 7. from 10 ent. "Such things can't hap by pen north country, following their marr s. In. td 4' p. m. daily, slid will be chance. The gods made them that rage. Mr. Miller, with the Air Force, k7iown as "The Leaders' Training we might live." TO is engaged in meteorlogical work School"• "Being well dressed -arid `The gods! How do you know?' with that service, and is posted to e the isolated - are&. Well Groomed" is one of the'attrac- •"That's easy, sonny—if the gods tiN% and popular projects. All phas- di&'t, who did?" the - We quote from her letter ' "To- day,­we are heading south from D4r- en of good grooming are studied and . it a" 2�f& 1and For two days we ftth 'club member constructs. a slip History' record; that Iron, the eaA- fer herself. Club membership is iest times every rations! being has Mt were andiored at Dorset, unloading qpen to all rural girWbitween the been by nature and intellect a be- cargo. Soon we will have been an a board five weeks (this - letter writ- ilk- ages of 12 and 26 years. liever in a mprelme being Or beings. it A leader and an assistant leader of some kind. To disavow any Crea- tm After a delay axe asked to attend the training for would have been at Quebec, we sailed out U* -7St-.- -M7aWVl__7from__jWrev_tOA le t a to 'eliminate a __b Fin G use wW tlaai has never best%• Lawrence and up the coast of Lab- 1or a local club of rural girls. Any- in accord with man's intellect, To, rader. One day I.wsa able to count 40 icebergs at once. Some would be one desirous df taking this Course, deny a personal Maker or Kakerm jLre asked to conimurticate, at once, '(continued on page 4) nearly 50 feet high and for every -with the local institute Secretary, fact above water there are 9 below. n- -Xvif N. E. Mc.Ewen. FLASH — a mechanic was required We have had only two rough days e. and I was lucky anid enjoyed. m to release the arm of the 2-year OK Liatov,__Stickwood son of Bernard Burnell, Claremont; _-iusaW The rocky hills of Labrador rt were pakhied ------ with snow At all I from between the rollers of a Wash- tbses • 7hr nearly four days we drift - A Ing-machine wringer, Wednesday- in -pretty-wedding was solemnized-2 After-noom- ed around in the fog of livasQn Bay the home 'of the bride's parents, Strait trying to reach Cape Hope'# OrL FTiday afternoon, when Miss Advance- One hour it would be i ERZabeth Linton, R. N., daughter of . Pickering Rotary -cleart Alie_ next foggy. Finally we 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Linton, b&- Club arrived and an Eskimo and his I came the bride of Mr. . Raymond family plus dogs, -Much is being heard and 'came on board.- ?Oscar Stickwood, son Of Mr, and of the Proposed "Compulsory Heal* The other day I spent all morning Mrs Oscar Stickwood of Sharon. Insurance Plan- and ' "Associated at the bow of the Watv�tchfiuj -her t ., Rev. I. & Kennedy officiated and Medical Services" during the past ynclh, I cut her" through lee pans and The wedding music was played by two. years. Dr,. L of the_ out a 20 -raile fiord like tW one pic- the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Stew- L. Medical S tared (enclosed). We had been � at aft Stickwood. tafft on Tueboay even. in . g,'when PMsented 'by Or. C Lake Harbor and were xwdng our Given in marriagi by her father Wright, to the Rotary art- y. Club, gave way fo Hiiiisiort'Strait. Some of the the bride wore a gown of,-white the "attitude" of the medical pros - es pans were blue, and when " the iheir and lace with finger-tip veil, ession toward -suggested legislation tido went Out, these big b)ue beaut- and, carried a bouquet of pink glad- on this .'subject, and from his add-, ioli and roses. The bridennaid,.'Xilk tea, maybe 15 feet high were left On y - a reso we quote the following -obssre' formed & pretty Eileen Linton, sister of _M6 bride, the shore. They vatidns• picture against the orangy:-brown wore Pale green sheer and lace, IS.A In improvement in rocks. We we arrive at post, the carrying a bouquet of yelloW glad- of our People should Commence vrfth' Eskimos come out to greet us in ioli. Donnie ' ,Fairborn, nephew of an. impro-vemerif In our ftandad a# f kayaks, -jiyw bo"ats, canoes, or- even —the grocnn • was Page boy. Mr. Pon- scho6heris.- Thdy old Sti, clamber on board ckwood, brother -of -the groom ith the Privilege Ing such -a plan and stay for' some -time. The Esk- 'Was the groomarnan. 9 accompartre imo kayak is. a "skin" b*at.: It is Daring•the signing -of the-rejoste (a selvice,.at r, cost of a fe* cent'' ' Per month)i 7 very streamlined. Allan has for- Miss Idildred Linton, youngest sir- Tnedical'service would cost -so little, to get in one. bidden ane- They are ter of the bride sang, "Beeause". there would not be enough doctors the easiest, fastest and most dung- The bride's mother ' recehred, in the. country, to handle the prat. ero'4, may to -travel, I ever saw. P wear- tice, the doctor's office would bi' !iressed, in., green silk crepe, +hin.�the most interesting piece of in 'a corsage of gladioli. full of Patillntg, and he--would not the Esk&iU�a For travelling, the bride wore -a have the time to devote "the requir- They are sea']-skin books, made rMas findi InAZY blue As newy patient". rubber-boot style. The sole is a piece coat with black -accessories. After heretofore of unable to tougher skin than the aides. The a wedding trip to London, the bridal Pay for "luxury" service, Bid e couple Will live at Claremont. woom ii is scraPed at the top below th benefit--other classes would guffery .(Continued one n page s) .(continued an Pao 4y A •i'.r� - - ^� !I` _ - • .. ..T- -n ...- ._.� -„z. r .r • •, 'rrti+ Te•._ - s�•p'.-. -'. —_. ;, •�., ,�,'w. 'r __. •-_ - - z.►' ` iF a• . a' -rj. '� . .-.a, .r. a .,3 ...s.. �" _ .. < ,yi•-s. e a • .V .'A,•.: •:rYr N:', 'e'-,•r.•sr %,w '.'., r. es .+',.+.. T..'. c, n, `N r y; • +� �'.w ;Z. ,;yrf :, • a., yr - w . r.. ^ ' M `,'ice• ;.rF. / y " aa'1" .' �• x �C ,; r.�.,✓ -. - ` E°_''°..`<'' •; ,3 S 7.i , !•• ,r<_ l � ',.t• - r' i_'�'" a .: . '>' ¢;. kri t A ..bx, v,•-.4 , ^'•✓ 4' ,.; ' 'v -r" • : Y ., w+cr: ' ,.t4.�/'•:. g'i, .'.+' ,' y ,;•s'. ''e: •• t•_ r - ..wr . , .p,:: � p .,�' • •�fy', , _ ' 'fir".', �.r, >"' - .�;.✓ ''Y;• •:,4: ;�"• •i, ..$,.', .`�a: ,h.. ` to . rc°z•... •s .t 'i y,�. r •pr eo.• ,a .f Jr,..• ,ryy , w ,{� •M - n.�xssJ :u5' .+a..'~ t3'� •w- e. : s�rr" ,:w• - � n i ,d. . •yfa''a'.v ^-'• 1••C`L. yy � +�` Y'1 cM... C{r� (}. }I n _.. .. .`'" .rte J/7 �' w,K.• .,u., ITALIAN CIVILIANS IN FOXHOLES Gold Mines Must A '�' ey ::- — - -;Be Kept Operating .Y ^w .2 .. ' M.r' ° '" y7 '»r'3, % y�' �" _ Gwei1d01In0 P. tillrke N ���� �O ' One o! the remarkable develop - manta of the Aar has been the -. " ability of Canada to 'finance its w f LnK 9qq•^[/ y,�y _ � • - -- ""� ;zr YFeet! F -e -e -t -yea, that's what over the corns and callouses, and own magnificent war eftort. It w was, made possible by a.flaaacial we pre going to talk about- hoday! finally each foot is massaged with -After.aII, -it is a subject in which - something so cool -and soothing condition 'in- 'Which the production moat of. us are interested, isn't it makes you feel like a million of gold had a large and important it? Not all in the same way, of dollars. part. {% course, but still interested. And Then you put u your shoes kar ,� ,� No less Important will be the ' I wouldn't mind betting, that if and socks a our mono and e r . pay Y Y 'contribution of the mines to the - G, ? = there were figures :o grove it, walk out, with more com fort •than, post war problems. They will be nine out of every ten adult people you ever thought possible. expected to help by producing would admit to having some kind However, this treatment isn't more -gold and especially in giving of foot trouble. There is hardly a cure -all. At least our foot spa- employment to returning soldiers a person who hasn ' a ' favorite cialist made no Maim to cure our corn that must be'-treated with and others released from various , respect, or. a bunion that diwith troubles. -only to relieve them. war. industries. Under these con- 1i `;•N A friend of mine tills me that she ditions the necessity for keeping .,. ,. ureaevery shoe she wears. I say finds it necessary tq have her feet them going should not be over- "she" . in this casc because most ,. _-a,. s; - T women. And there are months. And who can grumble every- --looked; - Port Arthur - News- _ - - - hundreds of fallen arches wend- 41 • • s Chronicle. r! . countless at that? - ing their weary way through life, J And Ill tell you something mation along o you in the ho and an equal number of short else. Even to sit in the doctor's g Y hope - *�'" d` tempers and frazzled'nerves as a that it will be of service. You :•` . rr . it office is a revelation, for people don't need the. name of the doe- r�„ result. are coming and going all the time for whom we visited because if And what do we -do about it. • h and'.it is interesting to note their you want similar- treatment all - . Mostly in and bear it I guess- „- . y gr > reactions. -While we were wait have o do i 'look up the with more emphasis on the bear in our turn an oldish man came you h t s o �-, •. w 8 telephone directory of your near- than the. grin. in-fact- we prop= out - presumably after a treat- est city and you will surely 'find - .. When war came to the beaches of Italy, civilians in the area had ,.bly look on foot trouble as one ment. His face vc�`�iterally beam- one or more chiropodists listed, to be protected from the shells and bullets flying around them. So of the many ills to which the flesh ing. He looked down at his feet all of whom will doubtless 'be these Italians were sheltered in foxholes In the sand near a coil, of is heir, to. Oh, we may pare that and he stamped them. He went - barbed wire that failed to halt Allied advance inland. corn, or stick a olaster on it, and p qualified to give you just as good co may get an arch support or a few steps and 'stamped' them a treatment and equally as much AA a metatarsal gad. If they help us, again. In fact he just kept look- relief 'as we received at so small S U N D �"1 Y being in regard to that which' is ing at his feet as if he couldn't ' . evil. He that makes and worships that's fine. If they don't, well,. believe they belonged to him, a cSotnow I've told you, and' if ^ L] O O / an idol has 1Qst the knowledge of we just go , on suffering, that's That was surely a story without you go on suffering you will be.. a7 {„� L j L the true God. all• s words, wasn't it ?. just as foolish as we were -and L �+ Cr O N This iniquity Is called the in- - 'Well, I •have passed this infor- that's saying a lot. G +J iquity of the fathers, inasmuch as Generally, from time to time,, it originates with them, and is we hear o! some person who has only perpetuated is the sons who been to somebody or other, and REVERENCOctober FOR GOD.- Exodus adhere to 11. The fathers will b%ve from ell accounts you would think 20• 3-7• Matthew 4.10; 8.9• to account ,for their own iniquity, they had had some sort of miracle 13TH CENTURY ADYENTURR - -. not 'only, as men, but. as fathers worked on their feet. But most • John 4:'23, 24. of as are sceptical of such stories' s GOLDEN' TEXT - God Is a setting' a bad example to their and pay little attention to them. HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 25 Doctor of Spirit: and they that worship him household.' But the sons who, on Partner and I have both been . 1 Toward. A L I i C' IN1 4J('3,t3.L i Science must worship In spirit and truth. arriving at the exercise of a na- doubting Thomas in that-respect. 3 Pictured 13th E I`11 • i iV PIA AIR (abbr )• _ - turai judgment, walk in the same But not any more -no indeed, cent L U R T E NI N T IEt A P Newspaper .John 4:24. j g traveler, ----• 28 News a c Memory Verse:. I was glad when iniquity will bb treated as Weapons- vas have both reformed, and are CIA 5 E D O Sl T' O R�E chief. ` they said unto met Let us go unto able beings. and visited for the now ready and anxious to spread 0::: 1E 'EA! TA R E R OIS 29 Iridium o iniquity which they have made 10 Neat•. _ the house of Jehovah. Psalm 1.2: 1. the glad news abroac.. that you 12 Formerly. h1D 5 i 'p,s AIri.E R 19 (symbol). THE LESSON IN ITS BETTING their own. The comforting prom. and I don't need to. go limping Ri Time. -The commandments were Ise is that God will never fat? to p g 14 One who eats. E 32 Upon. _ - ou: way through life. 15-Write on a A A S 35 Exist. given in 1445 B.C.; our Lord's show mercy to all successive gen- You see, in desperation, we at typewriter. E IR 5'E It9i1UlC ��5L 38 Cereal temptation took place !ii January, orations that humbly and thanY last took our sceptical minds and 17 Wine vessel. A XiE S 5 R T grain. -A.D. 27; the Sermon on the Mount fully own Him for their God: tortured feet to a. foot spekalist 19 Exclamation. E R I iA 5 E C T S I E S 37 Raced. was delivered in the summer of Use of God's --Name -sad we each came out with a 21 Make a 38 Scar. A.D. 28; our Lord's words ivith `Thou shalt not take the name pair a€ feet that ere now ready mistake. E T 5 N 1 5 G A E S S 38 Transgression. the womi a at the well took Olace of Jehovah thy .God in vain, for tog places and do things. And 22 P istake. 40 Y- shaped In December, A.D. 27. Jehovah will not hold hits guilt- all for the price of a dollar a (abbr.). 48 Within. 5 Civil _ . track socti Place. - T h e •commandments less that taketh: his name in vain." toot 23 Observe. 59 Music note. This commandment forbids n !F 52 Lod Aeronautics - 46 Yale. were given on Mount Sinai; our Is And what does the doctor ­&? 25 Female de6r. Lodgings. Authority ,Ig Writing fluid; Lord's temptation in the wilder- reverence toward God; not only Welt, he first prepares' the corns 27 Whirlwind. 58 Half an em. (abbe.), - uses near the Jordan- the Sermon the highest act of irreverence In. and cailuusea, by placing a cotton 28 Stew. „58 lie traveled to- 49 Aviator. calling on Him to bear .witness to g 30 Sherry," 8 Different, 31 Collection of 7 - on The Mount was given some- pad over them soaked' with some �- where on 'a mountain is northern falsehood, but, ' also the irreverant sort o! softening solution. Then 31 Do not i61 Owed. 4 Vegetable. Palestine; the discourse with the rce of His name; all careless, un- he pares them - and you don't • - (contr.). 162 Prods. • -.:8Either. 33 Lyric poem. { _> woman of Samaria was at Sychar. necessary reference. to Him or feel a thing! Did I say "pares" 33 Vegetable. 84 Electrical 8 Old Testament 54 Belonging i Our Only God His attributes; all indecorous con-, them' Carve would be a better 34 Wash. • engineer. (abbr.). to us. "Thou shalt have no other duct is His worship. 35 Spanish dance (abbr.). 10 Protective 55 Encounter ed. gads word, ..for as you watch Min you 3 Covered. with 65 Find out cover (pl.). 56 Age... 'before me.' This commandment God Rebukes Satan wonder if he is slicing oft your 8 mess, 86 Perform. 11 Cylindrical. b7 United forbids the recognition of any oth- ''Then sattb Jesus unto him, Get foot. Little pads, kept ir. place 41 Each abbr.). VERTICAL 13 S bol for Service - -- -,or than Jehovah as 'God. This in- thee hence, Satan: for it is writ- with plaster, are afterwards put '. cludes the prohibition ' of ascrib ten,. Thou shalt worship the Lord 42 Sailor. 1 Vessel for samarium. Organizations - thy God, and him only, shalt thou 43 Measure of serving tea. 18 You. (abbr.). ing to say other bgiag divine at- area. 2 Ground gold 18 Myself. '59 Him. - - tributes; rendering to any crea- serve." Whenever we do what Sat- of more Importance than we think. 44- Exists. for gilding. 20 Proceed. 60 Like. tare the homage or obedience due an wants us to do, then Satan has In true worship the Father must Type of .poem. 823.1410. taken the place' of Cod for us. and be first, must be all. The sooner F 45 Symbol for 3 Mountain i,A3 to God 'alone; or exercising toward tellurium. = (abbr0, 24 He 'was a 63 Nickname 14. any other person or object those w0 have put Satan's will before we learn to forget ourselves In 47 Compass point 4 Music note. famous Edward. ..feelings of love, confidence, •and God's Will. the desire that' He may be glori- submission which belong of right Hallowing of God's _Name t{ a 'the rich ill � b;caolus —F' -- �`— 3 4 S 6 7 6 1 9 10 IL only to God," - - - -- " } 1tzc , tGxs Eanner therefore be. that prayer ,will bring,to us. No Idolatrous Worship pray ye: Our. Father, who art in one ever loses by what he sacri- I2, 13 r4 15 r6 "Thou shalt not make -unto thee heaven, Hallowed be thy name." fices. for the Father." ' a graven imager nor any likeness Of the petitions which are, taclnd- "But . the liour cometh, and how 17 18 19 20 21 .of any' thing that is in heaven ed in this prayer, none has been ' is, w•ben the true worshippers above, or that is in the earth be- less prayed than this which our shall worship the Father in spirit Z2 23 24 25 26 neath, or that is in the water un- Lord sets first. Many a man has and truth: for such .doth the •Fath- der the darth: thou shalt not bow cried earnestly and sincerely en- er seek to be his , worshippers. fig 30 31 32 -down thyself unto them, uWt� serve ough, 'Give me this day my daily God is a Spirit: and they that _ them; for I Jehovah thy God am bread'; many with deeper earnest. worship him must worship in spirit 33 3,4 T 's a jealous God, visiting the iniquity ness, and out of a more appalling and truth." No other worship 'than ' - -of the fathers upon the children, helplessness, have -cried, 'Deliver that which is offered in, spirit and ss` :upon the third and upon the fourth us from evil'; but few jtave learn- truth can possibly be ' actual" wor• _ generation of them that hate me, ed to have this petition deepest !n' ship of God. . , . Not the outward 35 36 37 ' ' 38 39 40 -and showing loving kindness unto the heart and readiest on the lip, action' of the worshiper, not the thousands of them that love me 'Hallowed be thy name.' There is forms he uses or the gifts he 41' , 42 43 44 and keep my commandments." something here that strikes us -at brings, but his spirit alone can be y, This com.,.a.3.>a „t- opposes 1d- •' - While -we -ordinarily - first -- Lwughu ro meet the spiritual Ares- 45 46 47 48 ` olatry, that is, the worship of an bring our own needs to God in ence of God. Where this is Hone, t•; _ - idol or image of God,. or of .God prayer, and then think of what be. God Himself meets the, spirit 49 50 51 52 5'3 54 55, 56 57 through an idol. We are not to longs to God and His interests, which He has sought and prepar- ''taake, worship or serve an idol, the Lord reverses the order.. First, ed, and to which He has made 59 6O ( 62 I b3 Anger, jealousy, hatred and re Thy. name, Thy kingdom, Thy known the truth lying st the foun- venge are ascribed to God, not as will; then, give u's, forgive. us, dation of all worship, tire truth 65 66 passions, but as feelings of a holy lead us, deliver us. The lesson Is wblch reveals Himself. - 9 n ,POP— Busman's 'Holiday ; . y - y - � ' - .. - -• _ By J. MILLAR 'WATT ' YOU'VE JUST -WW RE ALL GOING ON _ w COME HOME ON A ,HIKING TOUR! LEAVE ti iwi�.V2�” rir i. iN aarilws, ie� �"�,i wl,�' a•�a;,, a - a. - _ ".* • "u'•.. - °'','+ - - x ?'.+.%��o,�., -fir -�,v. �'..•�•y'.. -.�•ry` '-""T "..: ?w',s - SIX -FOOT SOLDIERS MAKE UP THIS CANADIAN GUARD Modern Etiquette�� �* ri o By: Roberta Lee 5 ;, 1. When one is helping himself from a dish that is . passed at din- ner, which contains both, a fork �,� ; >� f • and a spoon, which does he take in his right hand? - ,.' y 2. How should a divorcee sign w her name --if she retains her ex- _ '�� �, � f ,�, 9 f it ti„ � '� — r9r. '.i .•. b. , x 3. Is- it permissible for one to tilt or rock a. straight chair at the 211 dinner table? 4. When asked to autograph a MACDONALDS .: •• > �, x •,. -,,, � ' photog rap h what k in d o f senti- ment should be added to the Big- __ nature? 6. What is the correct ,way to eat a banana at the table? ut 6. If- one feels that a question "• that is asked is too personal, is it necessary.te answer it? W 9a Answers •` M y'' y ;. ! /,t 1. The fork should be taken in .r�. !i the right hand, the spoon in the- left. 2. -She oaho ld - use the sur - - -- - rnls guard of -a Canadian infantry brigade, lined up. for inspection In one of the Mediterranean - — — -- ... •. _ wilt- theatTos-where-"-eanadian troops are serving,-is no small affair as anyone can see. All its mem-• name of her former husband, , I bers stand six feet tall or over. On extreme right oofA#e, party is the Brigade Sergeant Major, W. R. prefixing her maiden name. 9. : Armstrong of Toronto. _ No; this is in extremely bad a - " taste.' 4. Do not do so unless ask- erward be regretted-4. The ba- ; n� - nana should be peeled into a ed by some very intimate friend. n figure out w at else saves plate, then eaten with a fork. ,6. Have You Heard?. g � Q. How can I get rood_ results It might be that some sentiment -- , . her. , when using paraffin? as "With all my love' would aft- No; there' is .always -some way in - - A. Paraffin that is too hot will • which one can avoid answering. In New York, an Italain was Then there's the rookie who have a tendency to separate - being-exsmh ed -in -court after ap= took the sergeant's advice and from the jelly .glass.- :Heat- slewlg - plying for citizenship. put on, a clean pair of socks every and carefully - and do not let it New York New Haven '& Hartford He answered correctly ques- day. ,A week passed by. ."Where reach the smoking stage. tiona as to the name of the pres.;' . are your shoes ?" snarled the Q. How can I remove _ peach • Railroad -- Ident and the capital of the Unit- sergeant. • 0I can't get them on stains, from linen? ed States. Thin came this: over seven pairs of socks," re- A. By first soaking in glycerin 31 2 and 4% Debentures "Could you become president plied toe rookie. and then washing in hot soap- With the final reorganization plan approved by the of the United States ?" ands. Interstate Commerce Commission these debentures have "No," was the reply. = Wife— "Isn't this a ducky attrtietive appreciation possibilities at current prices. "Why not ?" persisted the of- frock?" Husband — "I'd call it a CAS .Write for our "value" analysis of this company's obligations. _ "You please excuse," begged pelican, judging by the bill." .t. the Italian. "I very busy right _ For Your Car or light Truck Standard. Securities Company now sella de peanuts. " -, No Waiting . , 306 C.P.R. Building ti ,.'.' HOtu act 1' ? ; TRAIN MOTOR CO. Aunt: "What a baauttifal $77 Yonge St. 'Toronto , ' 69 Yonge Street " - A_Delafide 6441 Toronto _ By: Anne Ashley eomptexion you have, my dear —Ic'e a gift of Hea..n" Q. How can I remove grease Niece: "Don't you believe from stoves? CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED k, auntie —it's, nothing but a A. Dip a cloth in vinegar and ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS oteady expenae!" rub over the surface of the kitch- en range and It will remove the LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A traveler just home from grease. AUTUMUB1LES -Gt/ED 10 1'Of'1(; MILK COWS AND BEV- A BEAtiTIF'lL FARM OF 150 _ abroad was describing an earth - Q. How can I thoroughly cleat! USED CARS WITEi tiUUD TIRFtl oral . young horses "and colts, acres, all tillable land, well under. Hake, - spinach? See us first. Yount Pleasant Me- Madawaska Farm, Box 339, Arn- drained, situated- an Prov. High- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at prior, Ont. 'way, lour miles from town of "Most amazing thing I ever A. Place the spinael in the wire 2040 Yonge Street; deed Ottice, hapanea. Two good houses, with saw." he said dramatically. "The dish drainer and hold under the 139 Yount Pleasant Road. To- WANTED RELIABLE FARMERS modern conveniences. bank barn, --- ronta Telephone HY. 3131. who have ample pasture, feed and 104 x 40, a large silo, up=to -data lintel rocked. Cups• and saucers eoldn water faucet. Then soak in •stable accommodation to rough machinery, several from Quebec were flung over the room, and -- salted cold water. This treatment BABY CHICKS winter feed and pasture number buying here. Possession October of young cattle far eight to I plowla8 done. W. G. Pratte. _ His meek- looking companion will clean it thorotrghty. twelve months for agrees ptgrthc2 . Niapanee, A R. No. S, Ont 'turned suddenly white. Q. How can I easily remove all �ablee food Cs plies- nd wu Afoorr �1irltpo nd of increased lw4l hit . is -' "Great Seat," p g + 'WORK IS UN£I(CF1.1.ED he cried. That small feces of broken lass. some time. It a desirable to sett : rooto. reminds me. "I forgot to _post a A. 'Wet a piece of .absorbent that all available space Is com- SAYS BRITISH AI VAM fortably filled with productive MEDICAL- " latter my wife gave me two.days cotton and pat around the place stock. Your orders for October- "Your wont is unexcelled by say, November (or laces) chicks app," where the glass has scattered, should November placed ,now. STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF 1 have yet tried, and before the at " The small pieces will readily . leas ready- tnterestia and la- eczema psoriaale, tingworm, nth- war I toured quits a tot lh Great 1 letin ea Bray Hatchery, 130 )ete's toot and other skin lrrits- Britafa and on the Continent Your ' Said the man la to cha' area adhere to the cotton. tions with Elik's Ointment No. 5.' value, too, to unbeatable. This f Doha N., Hamlitoa, Oat. prescription- of noted akin spec- complimentary letter to star sea y Whose (topes had almost Q• Sow can I 'cut hard - boiled Vrilat. Itch relleved promptly. abet service comes from a .Brltli b sons eggs without breaking the, yolk? BARRELS FOR SALE akin healed quickly or money re- Airman training to Canada. - "Your -life will be much A. They can be cut without .funded. $1,00, $2.00. .Mail orders Any Size Roll -4 or t Exposures, � APPLE BARRELS. USED, IN GOOD trilled promptly. Order today from DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e- breaking breaking the yolks if the knife IS condition, SOc each F.O.H. S Bar- EIlk's Medicine Co., Dept. 36, Box Boy s . and girls _ on active- service ,( " di a her # Bona, 4000 Dundas Street 034. Saskatoon. _ If you'll keep pressing on. PP d In water. West. Toronto. Saint tatters so much more wDea - - - -,� DON'T DELAY: EVERY SUFFERER °seeps" are enclosed A railroad agent in Africa had- WF- REPAIR ALi. MAKE% OF BOLBS of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis You will get snapshots that will MAGNETOS no's,. try Store. Remedy. Mun- please you better--at lowest coat - Teen "bawled out" for doing LrIRGE BULBS FOR FALL PLAN- ro'a Drug score, nab Eigia, Ot- -if you mall your film rolls to • to . • Rainbow Collection Tull taw Postpaid $1.00. star snapshot service for develop- things without orders from' head- 3 dos 31.10. Mtzed Daffodil Bulbs tag and printing. And you will get And Supply Now gaper -,yard. TO SECURE QUICK, SPEEDY RE- the prompteat service obtainable in quarters. One day his boss re- FAIRBANKS -MORSE 3 doe 3atzi Delivered Kuypehe solved the following startling MAGNETOS beat Hatzlc, H.C. Ws grow the Ice[ from Asthma and Bronchial keeping with. quality' work. Send g g beat only. 'affections usually toUowtng HAY- your next roll to -ftar snapshot telegram: For all types of Tractors and fever, use the famous LInirliph service for a trial. Engines DOMESTIC HELP RANTED ALO Tablets, proven beneficial s MOUNTED ENLARGEJ�gENTS Zee "Tiger on platform eating can- for many many years and recom- Size 4 z 6" In Beautiful Easel y • " - •- Distributor for Ontarlor r ded a 1000 E llsh tiaeiOT. Wire instructl0na. Omhm conditions. ADD1Y Box 62 di3uyi -pi gitorr or money back guarantee. •' by hand lOoantia1a11 17 dditional AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICI6 COOK GENERAL TO WORK 1N doctors. by Tablets are cold by _ rt, . , C>v-bl i.ev - -- - S'' ns;-_S:[..11 ,5�. .., IJ d v,. U.- ed - -- - -- - - !rf you do not believe la ' 14190 -1017 Bey st. Toronto. L • , Ialde pt. W., Toronto. ISend $1.00 to John 'Campbell Co., charge. Providence, watch the aver - BrtaWs s Straiten Gan Eas•ines 331 Bays St„ Toronto. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE age lady driver and try to Parts and Service' DYEING i CLEANING Box 129, Postal Terminal A. To reaie - LEARN SHORTHAND Print your name and- address plainly, ' SQUARE -HOLE DRILL HAVE Yor A.V cleaning? w NEEDS s ao all orders. dyeing or cleanlbg7 Write to us SHORTHAND WRITERS ALWAYS for Information. We are ``lad to In demand. RABBITS F�� answer your questions.. De art < LEARN GREGG meat Fi,. Parkes'• Dye works ANGORA RABBITS. FROM idd- - 1.1mited 791 Yoags, Stress Te- votes e ron to. peatgreea - bon- matting PATENTS nglish stock. Pairs 6 months I $8.00, adults $10.00. Sadie Allison, _ FARM FOR SALE FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY _ _2514 Turner Rood:- 3VLndsar -Ar.: t Patent' Solicitors. Established for common FIFTY ACRE FARM. GOOD LAND, - 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS ; 61rdi S /// " seven room brick house, bank Booklet of Information on re- y �f barn, all electric lights installed, quest. PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUF- ;` tr'J :rM throat on good road, seven miles from ferer of Rheumatic pains or ` Vs` Orillia. Apply to Chas; Mawdsley, PHOTOGRAPHY Neuritis should t r y Dixon's 1'J IuSY RV + * Bellalre, diichigan. Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 935 DAIRY FARM. 100 ACRES. AIL DON'T 'TRUDGE, THROUGH 1~lgiri Ottawa.. Postpaid $1.00: cultivated, good - trick butldtt5gO aw The Heat, Bala or Hall - SACKS y, 1t miles from Ottawa. - - __ Mrs. E. Mulligan, City View, one. _HAVE YOUR SNAPS ATTENTION FARMERS: WE CAN' suPPiY -S'on- with real good potato - ja _ Delf,%4red by Mail backs,. -onion sacks, FRUIT Any 6 or 8 exposure, film perfectly - etc =We also Day highests cash - `J U N I P E R 13ERRIES, ' LARG,E developed sand printed for only 25c; prices.- for any reed sacks, fer- quantities required for _ export:- - Supreme quality, and fast service tilizer sacks, - mash sacks, you yleked October to November, guaranteed. have for sale. Write immediately. ' High prices paid. Write Crude London Bag Co., London, Ont: ors Drug Supplies, Hepworth, Ont IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE - Station J. Toronto STAMPS GOVERNMENT POUT BALI( CASH FOR STAMPS AND ACCCSI- PERSONAL ulations old documents frgm at- t aAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys tic and ahedl Send samples, don't -" offenalvs_ -adur tnataatlY.. _!6c iAMA'LiNG PREDICTIONS, PROF H- remo`•e sta'mpa from envelopes. sj bottle. Uttawa agent, Utamfln ecies, .rhilosopnies pre-i6 E "ice" Ered Jarrett, 30 Cloo _lves Drug Store, ottaww sanity, hate, crime, accidents, ronL6 broken marriages, worry. (Price - tte :less). U-dcr now, send one dollar g t" HAIR GOODS OUTHDOWNS to P.U. Box 801; Ottawa, Can'ad'a. " -- . FUR SALE, SUUTHDOI,� ` RAMS, ' iii I 0 S. TUUPES, TRANSFORM-1 ANYONE KNOWING THE WHERE- # Whether you area mild, me. * •atlons,- -Switches, Curls and all Ewes. C. L Coleman, 16 Slain about of Fred J. Kemp, last S., Weston. diumorseverecan...whether t Des of lineal quality Hair # * Goods. Write for illustrated cat- knntcn u[ in Toronto, Ontario,. rAPEWORM 1012 use a bearing aid or not alogue. Toronto Human Hair AD0r to Boa 3, Sprucedale, Ont. STLAIACH, ANU IHHEAD WOH-MS 1"$ # ... important discoveries make * Supply Co., 52'8• Bathurst Street' often are the cause of 111,health Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY In humans alt ages.. No one im- r # possible the greatest help ever *` - 'munel 'Why ,hot find out if tbie HAIRUIti�:SSING 5CHI)UL # e6ersd to the hard of hearing. * MODERNE SNAMHOTS . 'is Your trouble? Interesting Par. " `• :. titulars -„Free! Write Mulveney's ■+++■ ■ ■ ■ + ■ ■ ■ ■ + +■■a ■ ■ +e ■ ■ + ■■ Llii'A H N - HAif(UKESS1NO THA YOUR FILSIS RECEIVE CAREFUL Remedies, SPectafiats. Toronto. 3, * ACOUSMCON INSTITUTE * Robertson method. Information attention. Our up -to- the - minute Unt, on request regarding classes. equipment enables us to give you 330 Bay-Street Torunto Robertson's Hairdressing Acad. the best possible print' from each 'r-HF P,% n'ANTEI) '1'h6 left - handed' monk ey wrench Iw ,sfaet►ys /[isFLtBE�slisn /1■U.A emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. negative. Fifteen years of ranking WANTED 41l_'ANTI.TV OF LAW ... _>yls't In It compared to -General # # �eiwwr+nswr National DM / w»Se+rn. satisfied customers has taught us willow' trees. Hanger Company; trio's new' square -bole drill It FELP WAVED there js no agbs itute rnr ¢•nnd. .era isyracuse, ir. I. AL top you MAR- orte8ulr printsA�25coi1Largeluaize ,_ I' vi- _,,,,,,,,* EXl'ERIENt'Ei) Y'ARSili12 - TR.1I "i'OR R'FEELR R- ANTF,D • `Ma h' In action, the blade{ vi- ried -- familiar with Beef Cattle prints 30c. Three enlargements WAN'1.1•:1i,' PAilt HEAR STEEP, s -»••..r^-- a- s•---- :••- ..- .._,- ..- • °• °•* and Sheep. Modern house. all n folders YSo. Your films are «hpol9 with lull's for 'Ca•kOmtt itfating' irottsid COr,IIETt, and convenieneee. (;old tvrig'rs: "Yel- jmf'e with us. Modcnie Snnpahote,' oril lvtr 74 trnott�r. (toy ;BcL►.'• ;tz. t lower, a sample of I work. 11'.G, low' Briar ",'Mono ]`fills, Ulltarin.' Boa 34t�, Rpnidton. OnL ier,. Newloa, Unts.rla - : •• f: ki MG{r _.•5w `� wrr, tee..:+..',..= rte`*•,` - �...r ,n•'S.`.«�'%. �. s -.� f'S� _.: �e fir' .�.t -n.m ar S, e;•- a •i �• ,•,..t. . ,'ns,.X .vi°,n..:. _.- '..,*.aeT..'_;+Y�'r.: .. w.,cv+e.`�._.,:" •,.a.i' .'It , }{•,` s -� Wf3" 9 • ,j'' f - *..' +r?,� *s..' y,`ytil;?�'�i.7t '; i.'S.� ';'t _ .. '•.d'... ,.rte ;.f , �,pn:..:, .. < `f"Sc n K��. .. . •.. 9 *' ...} . . , r- ... - . _ .,� . t♦� ... _ .. . .... . y 4, .: on Sunday. .. _ :' noise was heard and s r#bbit and•. - rierbush 8ospiW aW . Flevatior Lieut. Jack Chapman called on his ebmlr killed (fit what kind of a p z �� �e _ .uncle and other friends while on .party was this *anyway? Ed.) on ; Government Licensed Res. 88J - �Ofilee 8e'll leave. the route of march of the invaders. •M.AIN Stir. — STOUFFVILLE � rWe are pleased to hear chat Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bea Lotton, with F. M. Chapman is judging Jet - }+hone X91SPECLi1L e - b improving alter .his see. man Somerville, of Cherrywood, $eye and Guernseys • at. Markham - _ J$etson ant operation. �oalied on friends here on Sunday. 'Fair this week. - - - -- -- -- _ Maternity. Medical and S vital - 1 • 01•� per tan - Warimen are finding to -difficult Fried from Cherrywood char- - Caeee Takes 16?0, Protein So get men for alto - filling, ivsried ldr° and l[rs. Fred Puckrin Rem the News 4 tie M7 overseas Maternity Semi -Roost Last yeuti binder twine at tin •. - V `� - on Friday last. A great deal of s old prise. Several from here attended the —" Registered Nurses in Attendance Grata and Chops of W B4d6 ._ -- - - .•, O:dc. 7..■r —chick—starter early Rev.' Mr. Jobini, of Bovrmanville, Ambulance Service Laying Mashes wad Daiq Fesda fspent a part of Sunday -with his Fair MRS. E. R. G0913, Tale care of bags became they as ..;fir, Mrs. Henry Westney. - hard to replace. -- _ t 4 1 George and Mrs. Todd of Cher- Cjsw� Out, �i lyw i ood were visitors at Cvrasmere Y aa+ - = - =- Sept., 30, Oct. 1 and 2 - _TAN LEY Take Notice Please WANTED Cantu Bog Friday, Oct. '1 Black & White Sh0 ;DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE y Theatr For tree plcg up phone - Special Class Judgring by Jr Farmers t3ROOl�LIN ..................Ill _ CLAREMONT Orchestra -Dancing � Stottf !villa � PICxERIrrG ............. • 9L : Modern and Old Time Dancing Trotting Races Horse Shoei & ontest - *�� Phone StouffTnie loo PICKERINi� .. . ............ 81 (Toes. 10 Lansdowne ave. (at Queen) - Sat■ Oct. 2 Red &White ShO,ry THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AGINCOURT. . , zone S1M �� We pay the •phone - ebargei �Parkdale Assembly Judging Horses,'Cattle, Sheep Pigs, ect. Sept.aber 30, October i and 2 -GORDON YOUNG LTD - -- - - - _ • It Ain' Hay sToronto Phone Ad. 3636 Horse Races Pony Races Abbot and Costello G 1 Wed. •Fd and Sat. Nights ' = The . Farmers'- _ overei ►n Hall - Old -Tyme Dance In Art na Sat. Night - _ New' Reel and Cartoon — AuConee $06 1>�rcourt Rd. (North of Bloor) Adm. 85a Cars 85a Children Free , MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNISDY `ewti.aien sae .. R.© Crosby sea. John Scott Pros. RR.s ward Treas. i , _ Alvin". Farmer -- Oetsbor AL 5 and 6 - - -- - ' Farm Stock — Furniture ad" Meet the Ste N�arts A apedait, :- vAHI m Holders and France. Dee Years rspelieaaes. )!Te 9ado _ .a.o Tee Large er Too Bma11 � Gss saky, Oat. R. R. 1, or Parachute Nurse : as�f 1% 7M Plione - - - - .. - • _ THURSDAY FRIDA Y SATURDAY w 8B M 3M NE 1111 SCHEDULE - _ - : ` October 7.8 and .9 _ =� . • _ Men Of Texas Insurance of A-11 Hinds' ,.. Beat - Rateo. Available With - WANTED - Beenrity. and Service. ..-.--PRESERVES .RATIONING -- _- — 4 EFFEMYE SEPTEAABER 30, 1943 - Good Alfalfa Hay - A ldr. : 'Phone Preserves rationing gives the consumer a number.of choices both of products and BROUGti?11„t PICK 313 sizes of containers. Because of the wide range of container sizes and the variation Reeetror Marta Ltd. Clarke Prentice In buying habits across the country N was necessary to put the system Into opera - # -don and then nuske adjudmeads on the basis.• of experience. -Phone 98 Markham Now that preserves rationing has been in eHee! for several weeks, It 1_s possible to - - - - -- LICENSED AUCTIONEER shade some increases M coupon values, The new schedule. Is announced below and (Pickering Rotary, Contbsssed) is effective September 8<i1h. For the Counties, of York wad The new doubled fallen allewi mees for molasses. extracted and comb hen wilt - "Medicil anew would lose the' is aria; successor to Corp. Hen e1► tics of C. A. S. F and of the dependence of their protesdon." '' ertobie consumers M areas when consumption of These predveb is heavy, to buy J. H., Prentice (formerly soon and still have enough for didricts wham the total demand is light. "Last year in Tor onto, without and Prentice) . Farm ar>R! compulsory - insurance, three cosec . - The hmeased nation allowances for corm, cane and blended table syrups and maple • of diptheria in the City of Lon,- stock Sales a Specialty; at Fair 44 _ syvsrp are adjusted to bring coupon values men closely into lino with Me greet Reasonable Rates ' - _don, Eng., with this legislation, 13, _ variety of container sizes now In use. Opp cases were reported." -- - . PHONE AGIN. ti8 W it, MI . - . "Oltisens paying into " compulsory insurance" (to get their inoney'a - ONE "D" COUPON IS GOOD FOR worth) would call the doctor on the _�, CLEN�ENINa _ the -meet _fit_- jdnsig4'Afiea'iRt cviaipcLR?� - iMk fEtiif'i! i�Iw it clinics were set up (as sugg- FtiNBRAL DIRECTOR .. : ested-) the "wise" doctors would - jam, jellies, Marma]absl, Maple B sit back (and get paid for it) .while . , Private Ambulaaw - - E - FI ILID -OZ. t the "green" fi= would do all the work." Yuen -(ArL sc Only a few of - his statements Lay be' Ntjhf Co". Honey (,a Squares) • . • One Standard Section are given, but sufficient _ to cause : ' us to feel the medical anen are not �v� • gains to be too enthused over "Com- T tit Comb Hem ■ - i I.B. NET . pnisory Health Insurance ". • larkham; Ont. SAmeW Bogey of Maple Sy=ap • ■ ■ 12 FLUID OL y _ (et. ,Francis de ,Sales Qsarch) . - - : - -= - - 0 Am F J. Donovan T Whom man must seek and worship Maple Saga :. .. . ■ . 14 I.B. NET would have been to choke . the desire 8. A.; ;8. Be. for God which He implants in the .Ostbtrto '� Mola::e: ■ F. • 20 FLUID OL minds and hearts of every man: To. berg a --sincere, Atheist a man wa If mu be wrenched from this plumb,, Str East; He must believe in a great •Nothing = _gphone 1981 Oahe .. 86b� - -- -Fora $ Cane - Sy>cap, o>< a>e- Bleeped -14 FLUID OL news without any sound or scientific - T=ip - " reason for. such a belief. Or .his _ -- - ' reason must be overpowered by the RADIO --S E R V I C _ flamed gam. .' . 10. FLUID OZ. to of one whose prestige attracts - to himself blind followers: Or he. �4 imust be emotionally drawn to any- . _ saga ■ . - � • . - . . •. • - � 3•(j L6. NET • ' - �g that fs ballyhooed to relieve . the world of misery and pereeew _ tion. Or finally, having sought for - . ��and .. _ _.: . ' , . .. ...... • .. � - religions, be i- � rap in diemnay, be.. - Ieving that all creeds are myths, Quaranteed Repair Service NOW BECOME VALM SEPTEMBER 30th shams and - opiates. Thus he arrives Any .zee or 1101141 at such unintellectual • and • unecien- :. A RT u-R P'I L ...The validity date of these coupons has been moved forward from the tifict philosophise as that the Uni- PHONE a8 r . 8 y original October 14th to September 30th. • created :- - - sa t it m P[CSBRINQ - .. ' .verse always w itself----that life from alter This has been done to accommodate purchasers of some items which at ^_ : _.that man is a mere animal whose = - '�,� - -- 'this season of the year are normally bought in large units: destiny is here and now. "In the beginning was the Word,,' L, E. 0 "M I L Coupons D-6 and D-7 will become valid on November 11th and the writes St, John, "and the Word was t> vinal schedule will be continued from then. on,. with two coupons. . ' ;.- . with. God, 'and the Word was God FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND - -- , - — - - -bdt r weeks _ — thin were made b' Him snd _ BMBALMRR _ omina valid every fou eek - _ - su that was.. without Him wan nothing NATION I r made ft4gesaor to W. J. OdwtlterSl ' " eronRville This inspired statement is simple,.. OAR definite and entirely reasonable. Night mid Day Service states every believer in God, and 1i ". Jam•: •.tom _ Pw:w to those who may disagree, he Peop,r four 4ow.1pd.-rn ��,•,,�.,..,,... — r - merely asks: "It God didn't, who ' did?" ' �• s.R `Crain g ?1 �•. •� ' `•�' %.e. e .,. 0 our public col. of ,.. a prope y ;•. enjoyed : Dan. Gannon ron n of To to -- _ a holiday with -slier sister,' Mrs, A,. = _ u r� a r on, -- - Lot 20, Con. 5, Pickering Township _ Fleming. :We welcome Mr. and Mrs.- Marsh- : {'half pnile west' of Brock Road) - _._ -. -- - man-- and -- family.. to--our. _cotmmunity.._ ... fie- Woman$- 1�ssociation -= of the= � F a - $• "• -- - -, October also Mr. and Mrs, Smith and famirl ` :.. Miss L�gdia .MaJor spent the week United Church will meet in the end, with the . ad Major's: Sunday . School room on Thursday, ` Horses Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barclay: and I October 7th', at 2.45, The East Group Good roan mare, G'r. P. _family visited with Jack and Mrs. will have c har g of the worship. a Blak mare " . _ Tweedie on Sunday. -. Subject for Roll, -Call - — "Thanks- _. j_ - - .. • : . _ . : .Trooper Orval ,Wilson spent the giving". - Cattle : 1 e�has et hamae Holstein cow, milking breQ - June. 5 • , •.. .Kenneth Anthony , w returned the of .CA. G`. Annis on Red cow, milking bred about Jun: 2 home afte workir� '.... R.. r ". g ...oi; the lake Tuesday, October 5. ` , Reo and white ..heifer brea relay 13..., oats for-- a few - weeks. - - : and Mrs.-E. Craved are tag= Guernsey cow bred last of March Clarke Major is out West helping ' n ing up residence in the house sec- 2 Good veal eavles „ harvesting. ° ° :.... g. .. _ .. . entl vadated _b �. Mr. - and Mrs. Y. Y Good Hereford heifer and r - - ._Don't forget" the Alka Seltzer Harry Wood and family. _ -2 steers, weighing" 8 -850- each - - . _ progrEun "Did I Say. that" to be • Several families have recently' Angus heifer _ - ........ _ - p resented in the, I. O. O. P'. Hall on �' P left the c6n*ft nity .for Ajax,, includ- Hereford heifer Friday, October 1st at 8.3Q�_�._ m, F ing, ' the -Kennedy's, _McGriskin's, - - Roan Shorthorn t heifer type to be followed by .progressive euc- Graham's . and Simpson's, Red Shorthorn type heifer hre: . Thorp'. will • also -be crokinole _ We are pleased to report Mrs. { " above four 5 -600. each •° and Chinese checkers. Proceeds for Madden, Mrs._ Conner and Mrs.. ", .. ,' `' - • Community, *work and Soldiers' Box- BankB' improved after their _recent _ ' : Hay and Grain e .for local boys overseas.' Under s Ines illnesses. - - .._ - Quantit y good mixed fii(mothy hay - the -auspices of the Women's Inst. Harold St.. John is- ground again,, Quantity good Red C1Qve1. A good attendance marked the after having been confined, to . the - _ About .40 bush, good wheat = ` - annual Rally Day Service in the house- -with an infected 1 eB• : - - About 30 -4p ..bush ...mixed grain, United Church Sunday' School. Bea - Mr. Ewart Madden arrived home - ' - 4-.� utiful autumn. - _ - flowers and -ferns this week after four rdontW9 preach- Set Olsen farm work harness + _ •. .•tastefully arranged by Mrs. Rand- ing on a 'Western Circuit.. all -with a miniature church.- gravel Mrs. Thos. McGlashan spent a I1°plements - path and cobblestones, made an day -this week with her arster at an -d'6 Frost d' Woo ft, grain binder ., ._ -. -.. .. ­:attractive., service for a lovely ser• Highland Creek. - - - :. 10 ft. M.-H. rake vice: A uartet of young. ne 'nners 9_ g ... _. 8'1 _ M -H. 6 fork hay tedder �. Pam Parks, Nancy Hamlin, Bar- bara White and Walter SiT%ythe, acc- _ - Man: 13 -tooth spring. cultivator. :. Hoe drill - - - �l. - ... runnpanied on the piano by Barbara insale''. Bu m-on ggy and a� Detmocrat wu ,:JBuckles, sang "God sees the little � Scuffles sparrows fall" very sweetly. Con - ::.... : . .:. ::. :. :. - Bissell 14- plate - inthrow disc- harrow- ' stance Randall gave a delightfuln escaped German prisoner from ,• Set drag. harrows .._: reading entitled "A tittle old 1Rdy the Bowlmanville carhp. a as seen No. 7 Walking plow' - and her apple tree ". Merle Robin- several times walking along our No. Good farm farm wagon dear. :.... and Clare • Johnson favoured 7 Highway between here and Brook: Flat rack : with a duet, accompanied by Mary ' lin on Saturday and Sunday last. One -horse bob- sleighs -. ,, - •.. Burwash. Miss Stokes; of "Toronto, Quite a number from here attend- Pressure Coleman lam p keeder, 40 - • _ . talented vocalist, assisted with the -ed -the 50th. Anniversary of Mount.' lbs, cap. Number of other articles ' program. Mrs: Jones, of Markham, Zion Church on Sunday •last. Two such as forks, shovels, hoes, pails. as guest, speaker, gave a aeligbtful former ministers of -our Circuit open steel drurms, etc. _ message, -more especially -to the -- vounsrer people,. her._ tbqm-.e_ .,doin preached in the morning and - even- - Terms=Cash- $--sham Rev. Smart- and Rev. Ho r on= - 1 ..: our best . ' e correspondent was surprised No reserve as farm leased. :Included . in a list of P romotions :.Th to hear of the sudden death, at her _I - - recently published-'was- the name of home, in Dunbai•ton, of Mrs. Death' _ - == CLARKE PRENTICE• Sgt. Pilot Robt , ,J. Buckles, who-- _ _ Sr., Mr: and Mrs. Death lived for a auctioneer, Milliken, Phone Agin- - ar In the R - - r O.�� with t #eir -adzT GGrd,�^*, 52 W 3. C. A. IF. Born iA Middleton, Ohio, P. O, Buckles moved to Whitevale, and daughter -in=law, on the . farm --- Maple _'.0 _ -. -'now occupied by -Mrs. Ste war. Mr. Leaf ' Fire Ont., with his parents at. an early and Mrs. Death lived in Whitby. last :.-age. He received his education to winter. They had just settlEd in I nsuranceCo hitevale public school- and-Park- their' new , home at Du- nbarton last - . dale public school and Collegiate. spring.. - 'He won -his _ wings at' Camp Borden - ... °spring: Sympathy is extencs�d to Mr. Cheap Rates for Farm, and .,Country ; • in October 1942, and went overseas Death and 'family; ' Buildings the saime month. This 2r -year old' ,Mr, and 'M,rs. R. V. Mowbray Nand Windstorm Insurance -on Buildings: young pilot is attached 'to a Spit- Mre, A Hadley have returned ho`rne Windmills, Silos etc. squadron in Britain. Bob ff- ` .fire c! a _ after spending the . suun: mer at their. A -.. utomobil 'Insurance a surance of 1 ectionately known to all his, friends cottage at $eaverton... ..All Itinds - -: - - - :: was a member of the United Church 1 Church service will be' field at the - .Write Or Phone `. <: Sunday School, Trooper fihoinas - Youn ne hew ual time, :.. - Bowman & Rowe,- - g� PT r Bob Gibsona•a former Kinsale. .... of Mr, and Mrs. W. Fitch, acted' as bodyguard to General Montgomery boyp who'. is spending two week's - - W 711. TBY, ONTA RIO. when he entered Italy, aceordin to g leave $t his home in Brooklin, was a recent visitor with, local relatides .-- Bought and Sold— - J - word received from Trooper Young, :.. ;. and friends. - Used Clothith - = Sterilized, clean- g . He was wounded in Sicily, but re- The Frours4uare Class meets at and pressed like new, l Carry 8 - - • ' : • covered solme tirne ago. He writes the homed Mrs. Lloyd 1VloI in large stock. , of sigh class suits, - :. that he -is quite well, ,and 'the men- Oshawa, on Wednesday a ening of overcoats and pants. Also . a ' good - 'get plenty bf nuts andfruits which . this - vaeek. - stoclt of hew leather. coats. ' and .- : were_unobtainable in EnW,,;.nd. He ' ' ' -- - windbreakers, and gents' furnish -. was. seventeen .month$ in England - _. ink at- very reasonaLle prices, Call - ".•`'before. - he went to Sicily , with a Renew' your Subscription now and be convinced. ..';Tank Corps. He is now 22' years of - U3e the --t .ckering- News " hlassified ' Sam Schwartz �*: tee- enlisted- in- 19,40- Be #ore en- ;- : .Ads, they bring results. - , '. 21 Band atr. West, :09h8aa` - T I; a q. � � .6 ., - -. T. -.` , ,:N y- �''" - '" - 'p �..r:..,• rs.y...' •<C :�,v,.*''°a. ctn'K.'. it .r '. s''�.:'.,°:: -9i%`r •�«: ^'Y'ia`s' +^" _xc ',�' ..�'.!. � :4�r.1 �' n, ~ � • {. k �, `;�;.. 1 - -,u ,' _ . • � - � :,, •C,,• •=d : - �k_Pr'° *�' „",�'� ' :•+= ' ° -" u' '� ilb �"�'t' �., � r _ •+. *� -. ... . .. :.. �� . _^� 'it' '. ''$4:�: . ,^. Auction Sale �,•.•. -,r; .-t- ------ -�,"�- wM. ^ ` '.# ,5cbod arp world Z. ,'. ` �'� M 'An " +•j7 u ih rvice Sunda y Part in the program: Rev. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas �► 'delivered the address, bay left im- W ' of 8014ton Ws week. !�` ext, October 8rd. me�diately after to asshm at the Mr. Ivan Hadwih fddWhirter- family 6e leav- Memorial has kindly nk T1>s Y Ser++fce st the 6th Line neaten! to took -attar ttse .� s away I HeCracbaia, of Mci[ aster U'. J, �;.� ing next week for Milliinsa, raid 'G'innrch, Uxbrldlle, is ' aeamory► of care tslor►g. since 1[r: Kkbz Iias r Ill . be th4 speaker at. both sesvic- will be greatly _missed froth our Corp. - Norton; who gave nb Ufa in moved away. for •,-few' _ ` ^-ml Quartet will - be is •villake'- life, after ionrtem year's the battle fair sicily. Mr. anti' -Mrs. Robt. Preaell and :. Mine Shirley Silpata'ick pole t�ii es. -Thg �w.� of will , residence. Ms: McWhirter haa' the � _ _ � -- ' Mr. Wm, ey, Ali, CA T0911*to, ?wesh`'te - coaao �ne -the attendance at tf a d►0n - - - - - t�8 „.tsnctian of having rested the dslle+d on • •r -anany fY3endr '� 6roato East Ho i ilfisses Thelma and Donna Crosier — c — longest ternrt 6f any teacher of the - - - - on Sunday. f port Perry, spent the meek -end Brougham seehool .-• 12 years, Their Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor have ­ -of R° - - - five - ebiidren Save. bean born =apd _ —� r4elwoof moved 'to Aiax therefore Mr. Robs. —� -__ >dr,: Earl ' -� -$� ght m The dance held last Saturday ev- �, grown up in Brougham, from Wilma Pretegli's eorrifortabte: hozAC tai up' -a g the hall, was again Pat- r -now-- almost a- young lady to baby for rent again. •promised by s large crowd. Elisabeth, really belong. to Brough- k�- Frank Hayward's abler and A number of ours people stUnded ' Mn. Gordon, of . Toronto, -spent .Sad Mrs. Alen .>Sl ofi'st of am. 'husband of 'Toronto; spent the Week the Anniversary Services at Mouid the n. Cord with Mrs. Conner. _ I°ndon, called on Brougham friends Best wishes are extended to Robt. end 'with them here. Zion on Sunday. on Saturday ° Willson and bride, of Toronto, who Rev. 'F, and Mrs. Horton and Miss- Mrs. McVey has opened the ' lfiss- Rev. Walter and Mss. Daniel left a,� - marriod last. week. Hobert le ion Band for the coming year, after ,. The Robert 'Malcolm fssnily, of Davis of P'eterboso, called on many on Monday. evening for Toronto, to. Quesnsville, were at the old home old 'friends here on Sunday .after- _: •' :. ,spend a day. with, their son, ' Elltner the son of Donald and Mrs. Will- noon. Rev, Horton � the euanrher vacation. Will the mot* F apondl, prior to his leaving for on 8-un ate►. 'son and was well -knwn here. had -charge of here of the children• try' and intal Mr. Dan. GAImOn . is WrAng up • Rally Day Service on Sunday was � evening service at Mt, pion. eat the little ones in the good work ``.x British Coimibia. fanning ! and is having a sale on Well attended. Supt; Warren Will- On October 3rd, at 11 a. m. the and have them 'attend. They meet Mn. Mitchell and son, of Toronto the 8th. son wa$ in charge. A mixed choir - Sunday School atnd Church Service every two weeks at the Parsonage �! Spent a few days of last week with The- C. G: I. T. are holding a bus- of Sunday School-and Church] eon- will unite in the regular Sunday at 4 o'clock, ]liars, Conner, " � meeting on Friday 'evening at School Rally Service. Cos?se out and -on. a Monday. Ms. and Mss. Douglas are away � tributed the speadal music. Mrs. • Agriculture cannot be drained of on holidays this week. the Ritchie home for the Election Norton, Beulah- Hamilton, • Mildred encourage the S. S• worker's. The more men- if production is to beep ho and Mss. Floyd Goatee, of of Officers. Woodward and, Francis Willson took service will be helpful. - up- ` Toronto, spent the week -end with Rev, Kennedy urged iris coagreg- b; 'the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. - � remember the Claremont TmfBE'B0A1JV6 'boys overseas, and when in the Post .Office, drop some change in the jar, ',placed there for this purpose. This !Honey will be used to purchase cig- - aretbes for the boys for unnsmuis. There %ill be s Sociaa Evening. aNnder the auspices of the United _ Ohamgta war. Unit, in the SundaS - I e we re nn , School room on Wednesday, Octob- - , - � � _ � W _ - or 6fit. A goof program ' of pfpreq contests etc. The ladies� an - _ : a Xr ..;• �,.. , asbed to bring pies. These will be - , saki sad the prooseds used to seed deal - R 41rLasse Bones to our boys over- - • Everybody is t A. �t east. - Come and sUPPort a g� . about the future these days ... planning sansw arsd enjoy the evening *►��► .. getting ready far the period to follow- that sr. - the oats. All jestii>De that the war may :.. Next Sunday morning, is �W�orld ' ��}��{�� 1.� the tide is turning - - Cq>aasunson Sunday. the VMi ..' °-r i.• _".�' bY` ..., �� Chureh, the Sacrament of the Lonfa , ,d s ezz.,/ in our favour. Queer will be administ�erad }t the d' e r • thingb lose horning Service, These Cherniats end engiaee;s, producing G =� e of the a Unity of Fellowship among ;.� �} . ,�.,��;,� needed far. war, are ,tag discoveries .' ';r•;'. ,.,5��''' � �;,; ., � � Ohristiaaa the world over. We real- - '. _ which will mean cmeorts and Con- be that fellowship as we gather at - • ¢ � � veniences for all of us when, peace comes. � _ 4 4 - the Lord's Tbbie, for all c:hristiaass,!` +w� m - - observe this Sacrament in remunn- _ !rte $`�1'ew af' making things, new �f brace of Christ. bet every Christ- processes', new materials, now being • :1an4 if it be possible.- observe the filed away in blue prints and formulae, sacrament of the Lord's Supper. on - will bring us many new and useful _ Sunday next •— 'World Cormnunwn - - - • .armory. , articie-99. Many things not available now For the tenth year Mrs. H. Chalr will be replaced by better models, } -yarn, of Aasroray And hr. D. W. is and designs. - . Salton, of Oshawa, celebrated their - - ;t bdrtidays at tfre loans of tar. Sad �� � � Yea may have plans fan•. a new hamot, dA of ` d' remodelling yaw present home, new r. • iKrf. Wtilliam Psafit, u8h#ts - g MM Chapman. The fa mill" gstb- -� � ha>nse furnishings. If you are a fanner ' erect, w.xne a happy re- .mica. . • _ ; � : t you will need new and . , ... eQ�p- 'isbN as Attractively 'aeem'a m' sad s birthday aria, ser.ed as a-pw - ment and machinery. bE ;A :;. �' served. and speeches esaoe�+ dinner ,` , jhTowa While X , R ^~ do something •hag which was the PEI 0 tation of & Y� plans carried to imlimift, Our. y !be gifts, Mr, and Urn. Damon pre- _ -that yam' Lc _ 1 died Aar. and Mm profit with a 'Victory Bonds -`e Wch ran be ,)lovely fern for opening 'ber home - ,' On COtivensent usstalments, with mosiey for these birthday PartYe for so �-- you g it— provide a means of keep - ,a.,,y J�a. litre: -$.- wards, - of ;, ing your savings intact; earmarked for Dshawa, , read the presentation. " . - - ,Guests were from Toronto, Clare- things you want. y : mont, Showball, 'Markhean, - Stouff- villa, Oshawa and AurwiL., After Most' - Canadians are saving money. I the in Victory ,•, spending a pleasant evening, Most of us are buying -' A,. Party eaane to a closefor another ;;" Bonds and when we buy Victory -year. , : l' Bonds we are helping to win • the war. r x OFAreWells Again ~Ta.i.:" .3 Rt<� .` ; •. wVtCetary 8 helping we &M tat'C SOS31eth ._ sPeed the arnd Mss. Waiter Dasieh'. s, i - - A large number of the Baptist that will benefit ourselves. - ��1tlr gathered at the chweh last E :+ ?hursday evening to wanner a fare- .wen to Rev. Walter and Mrs. Dan- 'WHAT �t UL Mr. G. M. Forsyth presided �v a r BON . _ •what r rs •vim _ xs rev the evening's Prograrn,:which was anode up of psusical nuzmbers. There` A VICTORY BOND is the psoanise of the ; f A`wese appropriate addresses, made =a Dominions of Canada to repay in cash' the face — by Mr. Edgar ward, of the Sunday , value of the *Bond on the date of *maturity with ` School, plsul .Wellman, of the P:�� ° > :•' half- yearly interest until that' time. A Victory .�. - U� Mr. Evans Ward, on behalf of {« > Bond is the safest investment in Canada backed the congregation, -and Rev. I. E. by the entire resources of the Dominion. Canada ' bonds for ?5 years► and has _ ,Kennedy, on behalf of "tae United has beesi issuing. - Church. Mr. Evans Ward' and Mrs, - y, never failed to pay every dopes of priadpad' and - -• Morgan Pugh, on -behalf of the con -^ "w interest, when due. A Victory Bond is an arse! gre6stion, presented Mr, and Mrs. is ° xi readily marketable at my tams. Daniel with a well-filled. pause. Fol- Itowing the presentation, a social ° • A3 r w - _ . _ _ _ - ` . Md .hour was held is the Sundt' �� r _. - - 4cbool room. Y f timserlal services for Late'Corp. _7 J. 8 Norton, - an Sawa Last: •Memorial were held in :!)lIt btis Lane Charrhh last Sunday ' firs the late Corp. J. S. Norton ` ;,� / r to ea church was tilled paucity, ._ and esrtla chairs to be brought in t4 handle Ilse congregation. The servim_were in.: charge of Rev. -Nannedy. Miss Kathleen Wilson, -of Ashbw%, sang s solo. : 9*v.. S. J. Farmer.. to Speak here ' Nett Sunday, Oetobar 8. _ Rev. S. J, 1<armer . will speak at the Baptist Church on Sai,uay next. - y ; Well -known Iyk Claremont, it is to LE. bs=hoped_a_ wood numt;� r will . turn •.fut to i"r him. The, follow•rug -wed,. be Auniv• _ n lValror• .aertfid es�ary SLrv4ces, ... P. -AW 77 4 v % b 44 % Z-r 3 P Homer. He Crabbed Ackley; by -&�s,, when tea must the lapel and pulled him on the porch. - "I suppose you couldn't have sent it lb the other tole. utmost in graph company. I, ought to grvie YOU A .0 of supreme impoftame.. Ask for, lump an the head---& lam Me" tj the one. And I would toot but I'm civilized." Ackley. blinked. His half smile was sincere. "I didn't think you'd get sore Romer. I guess I wasn't so clever." He rushed on in coo - _ -_ fession -is- good - for - the -saul man-m :7 ner. "And to be honest I was try- ALh A.. Ing to get even. It was tough to 7', 'lose that race. You made me Vw A% look Oretty,silly In front of Helen or even though she did leave the track meet with me.! It took all the steam out of AAE HUM Homer. How could he be sore at a guy who was really sorry? "Oh AN COMEDY well, don't worry about that. I hate her. I've. got no time for owl girls. I've got work to do." Ackley . extended his hand. ."Homer, I feel bad about every- thing. I'd like to be friends." Homer hesitated. Then he took the proffered hand. "Aw, that's all right." His eyes twinkler"But no more shenanigans. So long." "Good luck," Hubert called. On the way back, Homer thought about Ackley. Funny how one minute you could be enemies and the next, friends. He wonder - -_ __ P• ed about the, enemies Marcus would fight. How did he feel about 'that? Killing guys,--maybe get- " ` ting killed himself. As the thought hit him, he felt sick inside. Back 7: In the office he spoke to Grogan haltingly. 00241ty thought we less would liruokte .under him as be took this "Gee Mr. Grogan, if, a fellow hurdles. But he was determined to wiql dies that way—well, does it make SYNOPSIS: there. He recpgnized her—Diana anything better! They don't just Oier the MAcauley house in the Steed, from that rich family on die for nothing, do they?" — watched his young face, .all town of Ithaca, California, the hill. She was talking to Tom Grogan bin contorted now with old sorrows. hovers the protective spirit of Spangler, telling him someC g 31attliew, the father who t. died about being at her house for din- My boy,"-he said softly, "in war two years before. He loves *tbem, ner at seven sharp. I And Tom WSS and peacie, things aren't for noth- -,a%- five year old Ulysses, his saying not to rush him because he Ing, least of all dying. The old eldest son, Mu man dying, the child, the soldier cus, in 'am army. never did anything sharp. die for something. They have got camp, his young daughter, Bess,. something planned, something his beloved wife, Xatey. Then'- She looked up at Mr. Spangler eat. Wen there is warin the there's sixteen year old Romer, 'with big, soulful eyes. It gave gr world that h in when they are try- -who has's job after school as a -Homer , the queerest feeling. Ing hardest' to achieve their plan." messenger boy. Already the bov "To— dwli— lease be there 151- has seen - sorrow, death and do- Because I do love you darling and Very simply, he finished, "Men die to move the world closer to spair through his work. He won. You love me* too, You do- don't grace so that the living can live- JIFFY_DR0P_D0UAGHAWM* -den why life is so difficult. But you? Yen, you d0000n-" 'Spangler zeally live. And "L L�*w today Is crucial for him in a per laughed and shoo k -L.- comes this poor old -wonderful 2 sups Jemima Ready cup milk sonal way. The snobbish- coach her a little. "You're wonderful world shall be a place of comfort ix for Pancakes. teaspoon vanilla ­ -1314ntan has permitted Ackley. a but you're different. Your people and case among men. 'A cup sugar Pat for deep-frying 'and well-to-do- boy, Lo participate in are different. But especially you. Homer swallowed hard. "There's g eggs Sugar spice, for cooling Delicious enough for the most special these the track zfiest though he, as Well as Homer is being punished You're so spoiled, We wonder- ful•" , _.a lot to think about, isn't there?" guests, easy-to-make hyt too,-for the children—take up so little fat in by the teacher, Miss Hicks. But "You'll" like mother and father He turned as the door opened coo" that they remain so digestible you can Include them in the Ides Hicks, is democratic soul, -toc4l, she trilled. -111)6tet forget to 'wear and Spangler stepped in, grinning from ear to. ear. "Willie," he lunch-box of even the youngest Ige To Aunt ;emima Ready Mix, add U cup sugar. Beat eggs, until sends Homer to the track imms- diately afterwards. Now he a tie." She tweaked- the sh" ted to Grogan. "What would jq ht, add milk and vanilla; add to dry mixture, and combine well. iM must point of his open collar fondly. you U ink If I told you that Diana in a little additional milk if required —the batter should be of win the race for, her--and for his '..I don't like ties," Spangler loves me and I love her?" rather thick "drop" consistency. Have deep fat at, 36.5" (hot- enough girl friend, Helen Elliot. -h -returned. "I feel all right wit gall Gro smiled. "I'd think it to brown a cube of bread in .60 seconds). Drop batter by small spoon- out a tie, •. I feel fine." was about time. Where did you fuls, into the fat. To make- shaping easier, di spoon In fat before a using to shape the doughnuts' Fry until �Men­brown. Drain on CHAPTER THREE They talked about that a little get thart tie?" crumpled absorbent paper, and coat with a mixture of sifted 'Twice, Homer thought his legs and then she left in a whirl. Ho mer felt - baffled. , She was Spa Spangler touched the striped .icing sugar and ground cinnamon. (Keep doughnuts rather small, to give thin, Twenty would buckle under him as he took the hurdles. Thou each time pretty all right. And smelled tie- dreamily. She put it on me with her own two hands. You a generous proportion of crisp, to twenty-four small doughnuts. golden-brown crust.) he found he had cloiared them. It sweet from perfume too. But was Its as & this lov, ? W, girl trying to know Willie, I didn't mind wear- stirred occasionally while beat- World Needs Six wave him courage. Courage and strength. On and on -he went. make you do things you didn't t In it after I met her folio and friends. They're really nice peo. Ing. The milk will separate when It More Inventions `Re was suiv he could bear Miss *ant to d-o--ldve? How could you tell what love was anyway? ple. I just didn't understand. them. That"s the trouble in reaches a temperature between Hick's voice. Helen's too. Yap. mistake. Both of 'em.' He thought of other 'love he this world. Nobody understanda any- .100 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit— a drop of milk placed an the wrist Dr. Colin Garfield Fink of Co- - _ "Come On" Hirrier. C-o--m-a o-n, _had seen- _-His -tiny- brv�herUl -__ ys - —bady-enough. —Wetre_gGing-to-he -will feel 1 W-ewarm at this- tent-- lumbis. Univer ity, lists these six i R-;o-m-e-r ses and the rest of the small fry iiiarried Willie. " ove is such a --- perature. When the milk has needed ttiventlena, His eyes seemed to be popping. stealing green apricots off Old Man Henderson's tree. And wonderful thing." separated, place a double layer (1) An electric light ten times It felt like his heart would burst •-cut all the time Old Man Henderson hid- Grogan got up, stretched and yawned. He smiled fondly at sf the cheesecloth in a strainer as efficient as any we have. (2) An Improved, automobile" of his chest. And then sud- ­denly there he was, itear the and ing, watching and laughing to Spangler. "Guess I'll go over to and strain off the whey. Wash-the cheese under running gas engine three or four times as of the lane, over the last hurdle, - himself because they were.- so Corbetts and get me a drink—if cold water and squeeze -dry. Put efficient as the present type. -RIGHT THROUGH THE FIN- cute. And there was his mother, who I'm going to have to listen to that love stuff all night." the curd in a bowl, mi : well with (3) A rainproof and sunproof. paint for wooden structures. TAPE. He had won! Ob gosh, it was terrific the way would go on loving Pa 'till the The office was quiet as Span- • a fork, season with salt and pep- per and moister, with a little top _(4) An alloy of aluminum as 7 _ "that crowd was cheeringl But the end of her days even thou gh he'd. never be with her again. Often, filer read a magazine and Homer milk--or t-ream-- resistant to fatigue as steel. :fun was 8� little dimmed whin he ''itouldn't find Helen. It H�zne'r had s' seen the shining light went over the files. Homer had been ' *atching The whey, syas Miss" Pepper, (5) A metal -or other material to take the place of our rapidly was a she had left so quickly. ly. of memory in her, eyes, He had looked away with.. the feeling that Spangler, marveling inwardly. It contains valuable food elements, and can be combined with fruit �r dwindling resources of copper. . At the office he burst in and ` the low swinging ate. he . wcs- prying' -into `$omething was certainly strange what a woman did to a man in a short vegetable juice to make a satin- and lead. (6) A. material- as good as -Jumped won, Mr. -Spangler and Mr. Gro- sacred'. Diana, while- First, Tom Spangler wasn't fying, nutritious cold drink. leather for shoes. —Nev York 'he yelled to the manager Ulysses, Ma-Lall of them meant love. But which kind of-- going to wear a tie for nothing -no?'nobody. Times. -and the telegrapher. "Look what A got. A medal." love was the.most important, the And now here he was, not only with the tie but say- Gormank Is Told There were congratuliti ohs all most lasting in the world.? Which Was the most human? It ing he was nuts about the idea Hitler Must Go. I '-­aiound. Then H6mer got a little was a knotty problem and be decided to as well. . . '. .:� .. . OVERSEAS' embarrassed when he realized drop it for the moment. Homer shook,his head. It look- that* beautiful girl was standing ed mighty, bad for Mr' Spangler. The Free Gernaii National 'The telegraph box,was rattling. Before he knew it Diana would -looked VM111 . i . t . tee, recently formed • in Homer brightened. Good. Business .-get him to the altar. It like a big mistake- he Me scow, broadcast to the German "Improve You_r Health was picking up. But as he looked was step- ping. into.. people today a declaration that "Hitler must- to." Co Sluggish at the telegram he was to deliver his jaw drop"ped. (Homer has seen trouble and "There is only one way to s.%Ye-. ' -by ng "Horsefeathers!" he said an sori�ow. Now, in the process of growing' he's Germany," said the broadcast grily. "'This is for Helen Elliot. up, puzzling about love. Which kind is Is he over -the -official Soviet Radio., -Zt "Hitler K I D N EY'S But I can't- sing a -birthday tele, real? 'iright about Diania and 'how'will must be forced to resign. and make %vav for a new German • IM Way is Sw gram to. her—from- Hubert Ack- ley the, Third." it affect. Homer's life? Don't miss the.: next Government.' _... $2.L0S1NDSt0*0 Few conditions can wreck -your' health Grogan c1fudkled. !'In line of amazing installment.) Chaos threatens' Germany', the 7 lester than disordered kidneys and duty 'Service with a smile. (Continued Next Week). ,Committee added, and the only i "WISN4001SOLS", "MON"t hdlamed bladder. Your back aches 77 miserably. You have restless nights. You Homer made a throaty noise way to avert it is' for Gegman., "NLACWHAIn 1AINTHOL"' ."offer leg cramps and rheumatic pains. Wben theme things happen kidneys and departed., He careened madly ­Cottage Cheese' -*-rces to withdraw to the Reich. fr6ihtier. 9 'ICOTCN 1UNDS" or NOW your and bell) in. filtering out acids and down the, road on his bike. The 'of cigarefts poisonous wastes that are undermining door Helen's house opened to 3: health. help—quickly--with his ring and he saw that At was Delicious cheese c so •your 10 Health Rules low y Military AM= O"rm _Give them this a birthday party. There was his good with salads and a grand base IsWhon In ft Canodim Army 2W GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. hand rival-, too, -Hubert Ackley, for lunch box sandwiiheA, — can oWCAMOIANSM UNMXMWJh- -GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accarately measured amounts of- the A deep hurt went- through him.-. easily 'be made at home from �The Canadian Doctor gives the' PMES Podpala 106111 OWN *�W*ww"Mft 1006P --.-mAv1n&Iaud& =nine Haarlem Oil (Dutch -Y 'lly Helen had invited Hubert and not freshly" soured milk. following ten rules for the en- 'heakh. QV ZMAS VILPAPrTMCKT be surprised they kidneys him. His eyes stung- Uura. C. 'Pepper of -the Agri-- joyment"of good Eitt mesa, W. M - MACONALD INM way god Irritated bladder. -with- everyone gathered culture Department's consumer chew mire, ride less� walk_moi4,�* —bathe self use �"Anass: Go to your- druggist now and get a 40c around he sang out the telegram section tells how it's done: clothe less , morei worry Aleraftel, ben. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL through a ferocious grin. There Only freshly soured, clean - flay - - less, work more; idle 1;;8, pliky" conede 7 Ilawlen 00 Capsules. were some gay rernark3 and, ored milk should be Used, The milk more; talk less, think more; OW noun ISSUE No. 40 43 laughter. Helen and Ael, -ley turn- -is placed in the ton - of a double less, sleep more; waste less, gitesi ed to go in with the others. A boiler and heniedLirfitil it:ieparaies more; scold less, ' laugh rhorw# surge of anger went through into curds and whey. It should be preach less, practice more. tier L =� ic�.ti ,.. .. . r . ,. - _, .. _. . — ..<n 'r: w:'.- •o:^+�" v '_ ""^ w f _ 4i r- . ]H, ck +- ..3n•"s.Ti'h a . - .. , aS-•w. .. ..as,: <... a 'ryJ _.'' \, +.; �+{'w�✓AV '•PLC.. s•� (�• F,•}J.iP.e'�+vn."GVY'Ya. B'wCV- •4.iA•a J'nl ,',S , 5. Y +,r +P'v ' Zu n e�"5Y � r6 ")• S"•i • C+•. _'S. A• ti k+ E.- ';i' +' -"P° ••9" •, i .✓••' • ?t :ati. ,,mo�tt ;�'t' . .i' "F& •. .J; �"• ''• ?'"��''S.;.:. "°�'r':, "x.:_- '�. ,- ��f•. r 'a °• +..,�� .r,f r'• a,'7.m^c*•'�5'd•,..�.•w �zj_ '-� ^ •a. •�• � '•r ,. .M .ts n,•`y,. ;•,r .r.^ . #'•r'. -J•` <r+�q^.,•. -✓Y• RUSSIAN RELIGIOUS LEADERS MEET TO RESTORE CHURCH OTTAWI!' NWONTS :SCOUT tN s� ' • y F A recent census of the Boy That thr Need Is Ur gent toe .^ r More Women War Workara BCOttt Movement in Great Britain f shows an increase to membership of 81 per cent over pre war ''More and more Canada is com- urea. : f ing to lean on the women of the . • ,. ' nation. ta_- her ou the me P -_- -Fifteen blind boys 3n Cyprus, -'y '� 74Yk' -. •, 'I� �� • -- present sirnggle. Gradually wom- -- , y en are being drawn out from their British Mediterranean believed island, be- ' � , •- � � long to what is believed to be the .f G . ...,.. ;. traditional place in the kitchen to .only Boy Scout. Troop composed.� y �.. step into line at factory. beaches, entirely of sightless boys in the " `,. climb over the growing hulls o! world. They are under the leader. , V slops, •work inaid9 the shells of ship of a lady Scoutmaster and ; r future aeroplanes, or, to pass the >' ammunition. Now the appeal has during the past year have learned h to swim, to strike a tent without ' become 'stronger, the Government -help, and to pitch a tent with s ' "• through its Department of•.Labor minimum of supervision. is asking 'every woman who can . • :•' to give or part e o war Despite the facx that he has`been � •• f full -tam' t D • work. motionless on a spinal frame for ;f s • g x 4 four years, Scout Leslie Caley, 13, Canada is now entering the of Nottingham, England has made fifth year of war and a period and sold articles for Chinese re- -Orthodox Following Soviet - sanctioned restoration of the Church in Russia, these religious leaders when the manpower situation has lief. In recognition of his fortitude met to elect the Patriarch of Moscow and to form a Holy Synod. Pictured,' left to right, are Bishop reached a critical stage. The and courage, Lord Somers, Chief Alexis, ,Metropolitan of Leningrad; Rev. Nikolai Koltitsky, administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate; armed services, war industries Scout of the British Empire, has sad Metropolitan Sergius, who was named Patriarch. of ZKoscow, and essential civilian industry- awarded him the highest . Scout: have already absorbed all avail- award, The Cornwell. Decoration. (] J !. %r able manpower. The National • ± • i'k�E WAR .WEEK - Commentary on Current Events � v • v Selective Service has" found it - ;So that blind people at Gates = OF T N E necessary to transfer 9,275 men head, England, could follow the • from non - essential work to essen- war more easily, Patrol Leader Prun+t •, , ter Chttrehill Reports P R E S S tial jobs and the cases of another Bernard Carr of the 20th Gates- 28,236 men are being reviewed head Boy Scout Troop has made' To The Naidon On PCoffre" O War WRITING OVERSEAS to decide whether they can do several maps in Braille. He first The real danger is from well- more important work than they drew the map, and then with the - intentioned letters which' impose are doing now, aid of a sharp point pricked the • Prime Minister Churphill, op- must be wiped out completely and anxieties upon the men in the . coastline and then the towns. " pearing before Commons in his finally. Canadian services, especially when Nowhere has the manpower first full -scale report on the He termed the Naples. invasion these are sent to men overseas. shortage been more evident than In the-nursing services - the _ course of the world -wid_e struggle the "most daring. amphibious op- Home is such a long way off; on the land, In many ways there ~Royal Canadian Army Medical / since his historic conference with oration we have yet launched ' or they feel so helpless whoa home have been attempts to relieve thin Corps, the Royal Canadian Navy President Roosevelt at Quebec, which I think ever has been problems are presented to them. shortage, but harvesting' time nursing service and the- R.C.A.F::- surveyed the- whole sweep of the. launched on a similar scale in _ It' is a kindness to write chatty, means a headache for every -women at Canada are sharing war with serene confidence. the war." newsy letters which put the best farmer now. -Many women of the - the burden- of battle. The first - µ Calling the Mediterranean- bat - He explained - that the Allies face upon everything and present land did and are still ' doing qeo- ' women to reach Sicily after the tlefteld the "third front," the could not-have gone farther north ' no family difficulties for the man man work in the place of their invasion of the island on July 10 Frame Minister told the House of unless they had dispensed with in uniform to solve. men -folk, and in innumerable in Were a group of Canadian nursing Commons that the 'second front aid' from abore -based aircratt- - Toronto Star. stances it was their effort alone sisters who attended the wounded "already exists potentially" and a fact which the Germans must --a- that kept the farm running. The behind the front line.. There. are _ `-already is rapidly gathering Have known. . • STILL A G60D IDEA work these women are doing also 260 Canadian nurses serving weight... , The second front ex- Even- in landing -at Naples, :h* "Keep your mouth closed when could not be more valuable. They with the South African military ists and is a main preoccupation said, Allied forces were depend- angry," advises a health expert. are keeping the supplies of- food nursing service. Forty women already with the enemy." ent "to an important extent" Very good Idea; unless you thbik flowing across the Atlantic to our doctcre are workin;, with the "It has not yet been thrown upon carrier-borne- - aircraft. in - you can lick everybody. And then fighting men and to our Allie Canadian Armed* Services. into play," he continued. "That which the Allies are becoming it's still a good idea, unlesa you _ • s. • • - • ' ' time m coming. - -- - stronger_snd• stronger. want to be disillusioned. Then U,o.o .o voluntary work "At what we and our American Is.asioa Minutely Planned -0- Wbig- Standard. The record of Canadian women being done. The. -contribuaw.ka lilies judge to • be the right time Mr. Churchill's calm descrip- -O- in this war m a great one. In fee- of time and effort to the carious this front will be thrown open and ti on of the. minute and exact NO MORE WORRY toner and in iniustrial work the activities requiring help have been a mass invasion of the Continent planning that had gone into the One important problem has mbar of women workers has valuable and there is always more from the west will begin." Italian campaign -it was a com- been solved by the :Army and Air increased from 144,000 is 1989' work to be done. But the time . The British Government, lie de- plate answer to cri it was the same Force. Thousands of women no to 419,000 at the present time. has now come when every woman eiared, "will never be swayed or forum- where he - had met and longer have to worry about what More than half of this number is must review her present work and overborne by any uninstructed mastered as many previous crib• g' to wear. - Gualph Mercury. _ _ engaged directly or indirectly in decide whether it- is essential or -o- war industry. So far, more than not. - The Government is asking agitation, however naim%l, or clams. ;STILL: "UNSEEN" �_ 88,091 women . have enlisted in every woman to -make an extra - - pressure, however well meant,"• The Prime • Minister told the and "will not be forced or cajoled Commons that the Mediterranean New Yot•k says that .television the armed aetwieei r.nd -twice this' effort to ensure that edge is sere- into undertaking vast operations campaign is not "a subatitate• for is not yet 'ready for the market. number, about - 64,000 mori, are - fag where her aid will be most Irgainst our better judgment in a direct attack across the Chan- the we can still viva and answer needed. beneficial. order to gain political unanimity nel oil the Germans in - France the telephone is am underwear or a cheer from any quarter.'_' and the Low Countries" -that he or Pa7amaa. � - - St. Thomas Timesaonrnal. Saturation Point 1944 never has regarded it as such. ; !LIFE S LIKE THAN By Fred Neher - .60, - the contrary, he - said, „ For such an undertaking, he SUGAR FOR SOVIET W the opening of this new front % -warned, will be the beginning of Great Britain and the United -. in the Mediterranean was a1- the "bloodiest portion of this war States have jointly sent Russia /MIiZS, PIPS - _ P ways intended` to be an essential "that still lies ahead for Great preliminary to the main attack -a million tons of sugar. That / /��� /; / %�� / /�� / /�/ Britain and the United • States. upon Germany and her ring at Partly explains why we have sugar .- f�f -And if these statements suggest subjugated and satellite states." rationing.-Kitchener Record. -delay n opening another- land y front. that impression is further Elimination of Italy BAD SMELL - heightened by-his emphasis on the - 'He'disclosed, however, that -he -The Danes obviously are com continuation of the air war to the and President Roosevelt set Italy's pletely convinced that the "some- -- - . "saturation point" in 1944, and. elimination. from the war. as their .-thing" rotten in .Denmark is the : -Te - by his coupling of the ndw front principal objective whe.. they Nazis.= Edmonton Journal. j with the Impending conference of met in Washington Fast :fay and the Foreign Secretaries of' Greet added that no one "would have R.A.F. Planes Fitted - y - ,Britain, Russia and the United, expected it to have been so rapid- (States, and -with the hope of ' a ly, achieved." With Cable Cutters � �z (meeting between President Roose- Turning to the air •wars• the - o sSl 4� welt, Marshal Stalin and himself Prime Minister announced that The Air Ministry disclosed re- g� - __'"before- the end-of this year." weight -of- -bombs dropped on Ger- cen - omber Surrender A Windfall many in the past year Was three plane is fitted With 16 cable -cut- - U times that of the'- preceding 12 - ting. devices, - which are so pow - 'The date on which the Italian - invasion originally had been months and that the -United erful that they--can cut through _ States and British aircraft sup- the heaviest cable in • one-thou- ,.Planned, 'he told the House, was ply now exceeds that of Germany sandth of a second. September lb, but it was moved by more than four to one. The devices weigh only few +• t np to September 9, "as the re- Saying that the ` almost total pounds• and are about the size of "' Butt of decisions taken before the fall of Mussolini." destruction• of German' war cen- a brick. They enable bombers to tres was continuing on a great sweep a fidld of opetations clear • , ;,g "The Italian surrender was a scale, Mr. "Churchill disclosed - • of enemy, barrage balloons before �������� " • . �, .. windfall," he said, "but it had that the percentage of plane 8tait'ing lbw =leWr attacks. v i nothing to do with the date of losses to the R.A.F. in the first " - -- harvesting the orchard." _ Mr. Churchill drew careful dis- Unction between the German and the Italian people with respect to postwar settlement, and made It clear that Prussian militarism L ' A eight months of 1943 was less than the same period last year. He announced also that during the four months ending Septemr�_ ber 18 not a' single merchant vessel way lost 'by enemy action REG'LAR FELLERS—The Lost Chord OKAY, GENRIL' STRIKE UP THAT THE BAND .' WE'LL BEGIN W THE PARADE 1 f _ ,,A in the North atlantic and that ' enemy U -boats hie not sunk one Allied ship anywhere in--the world during the first two weeks o!L•- -- September. �I I - t,.aa "It drizzled today, so.I bought it with some of the money we were' saving fora rainy day." ,x By GENE BYRNES NOW, MRS. DUM,, tN A CLSAR, 'A CALM V VKH DESCRIBE THE Z5 }' PORTABLE PHON06W 14 AHD WHEN DID YOU FIND IT MI551N49 -, ..y •`lit •�^fr` . - SM �� "' _ .•• - - . ry,y.r,s "m .�a --'. ;. _�ie"'�� x4 .s !� '•n' ''r. a >a:•[S T'!vC „5a c. -; ^;e,I = .rx "E+: ^'/'4- - 7,• "r� ' re- :u3',r x: ..`^'•.." - y "'�ItY -. y•, +r¢, J+ a' .•'. '%. :..{i•,�.: e .1�: - �sr, _ s1!�is.`"��.. a... -Jed•, e+ w'n�'r� .u.Z�"a,�..` x^ rr:2' n *. P y,;,-A .r'e> :y,`y""•.,'.ej+f?•?!,' ^ ",.s,,J n,: p�• ;7+e.' +'. .+i ...F• . r..' si}: y�S] �•IV -^t �r',a .c .•�',..•, .,e... yc. °•�„- y ij`".'l:O a.' n. r:. ». '°r,'�-^_-_".'.."._ ,.�+.•,_: �C 4or.'r re..xiTW:� y .k ••+.' -4. -IT y' .r'ai'•,,"; t'. +. ' ""•'.i 'a„�,: .ti',tN•' °r•"`- .' ..tp w,a4r. "'� ...,.�„ ;,t;.x•' -... :•c ?r :+•�., or.� :.¢ "`a, : :F. :r - '�q.r°�`•, `Ae ,srC- +' ,. 'T: r . '`ny}','•.!y.~.: NCY r'n °2' � r. !ice •w+ +s~ 5r` `. 7's f r.,n., .� .•1�'✓. ' .E: ^ rr, VSy:. f.•^'�" ,r°.a. .y t� sit '�,n.. _ °W�ri jaw. 1_p ?.�j 1'. , ', 51 / •!'� ,,,,,y_ c:, '•w" ,. :Z; :.�. 'm-rw y'f4.. rr u� ...� .• - .� �..�. .. ... �_ .- �_- iheitFT Lid. •.�sv f^,Fia �Cassnfied Advt s 'llho mday ' October T extensive y "' �•� 11�eat1 hag stoves -. to; Bala +��� • 1 Jesse'!' hood. also F coed or food. Dyson Cewsa, Bose- pw 7 7► foul mne ' of � isrm implements, -in- ti 4 day eluding Case Tractor and albs Bale 00100 4-yr. old Jersey OOAL, O©BE, menu, the r ., ;,� of Ralph H. cow, i Good Imil>ber and galew Make ]ItowbraT, at Golden - Silver ]I'agms, - T w O - - - - - cccel mt fjonny adw. •Dr; x. &- --W00D,'-OZMZNTj d.asiile north of Nbaale, just off No. - -- - ' - - - - - ' - -: Na waft, Pickering. BEND (�Re oBIti T Highway. Township of Pickering. I. lost - black and white bfuste: fez ' tested bad and and�alw�wny free � b$aln�gs Xmas Cards are now on d�la�r - 4 . :." ` hatoL Phone. A. E, Hedge, Plch. and e a ' ` • . , disease. Lunch for those irosn s die - BUILDRE'S SUPPLIES tanee. Terms cash- Sale at ama A. := ; 8 Get your overseas mail away early Rent s **ter . cottages, 2 S. Farmer, sudLioneer. 1 aiad 4 furnished or wafwra- also 100al;oilrtbge..w4rk•. _ —• ".,­'Overseas �Zb J�C 8C 1� I 3s>tied. and - to sell. some ebild:en'e- We havealso plaeed in stock a full T.aeaday, October 12 -- auction sale • • dotlw, boys' winter oveetwat and of Pure-bred . ' and Grade Holstein '• Bulks winter, ove*eoat; and. other Lh11TE of MAPLE uw, mnam61 cattle, horses, swine, hay grain, • articles. Apply lot, house south of OGIU I J?y FEEM 'roots, imflexnents, furniture, the Rnght Novo- i -Coonp Osansm, Elizabeth str. Pick- property of Wesley Thompson, will A. '�iV�. MITCHELL be sold it 'Lot 6, Con. %'Scott Twp. ,� haY splendid i...,. VW Bale — Rode rug, 11 x 12, a = Piok9ring, Ont. half Mile west of Sandford. Sale e e a sp end d BssO�' asaaeiit O Wilton. Livit►g -roapn table with at one Terms cash, Ted Jackson, �Les �n sets 0� 32 3 daMer, oa% 27 in. x 42 in. Wicker .." Yards T4: Res. 66W auctioneer. Dicta y 8 and fernery, 88 in. long. Wicker flower- i s��► hv. Mahogany flower- stand, PICnRING ]TILLS , rgeOctober l ,T Whitby, three- feces' - Glassware Galore. atdgh. Living - room chair_ Apply 13ox ." . p 8S1 News OdSce. quarter mBee east of Whitby Town- . _ Htmw wanted 20 tons, baled. L GRGIWING MASH on No. 2 Eighway, all his farm stock, implements, grain, roots, har. : Wood ( Marshall ' Farm ), Dunbarton. uses and a quantity of .good horse- - e Have - - - -- i' Phone Pick. 18 R 2. '-_- , - - Star -t -the Pig hold erte�ta. Eoeryt>aing in first- _Just what-the- working nmm is ' $lrr Bate �-- reasonable; scene- home= - - g - -� -- condition Sale at 12.80 Temps - _ hold elfecte. Phone 3carboro 7181, cash, Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer, • er evenings at Scar. 628. S 27 • - on .Road. ti' : � A. E. RICHARDSON looking for now Big 88 Overalls, - � sale . Quebec, coal and wood P Starter ..'Smocks �C Sisman work boots cook stove. ice box. Table.. 4 Chairs. ORN BR A L I N S U R A N GCE Baby's CaU. Washtub and boiler. REAL ESTATE DRum aten. Bennington, fine Ridge, De N e LO C K W OO D OON V 14Y A N C I N G -Howe for Rent - East end ,yak 'MCXZR M X OHT. An old esta ashed agency, ready M CHARMAN it Bring Village. 9 Bocsas. Burrell Es- we DELIVER - ' .to serve. Late, Apply 1816 - Palten Ave. Toron- /'� �Q+- '��+ �p pp *� - - fie. Pickering a a br Rent - furnished or'unfarnisb. \✓. A. VTI:+atitj - ����ering . Nardware housekeeping roacn►a. laeate�a. . - WE SERVE -. Ceaftal location in No%*ing via- _ _ AND ALSO GIVE _ age. Apply Box 39a Nets Office. Funeral Director Despite ;] • Restrictions 9 P Sale - e pigs, recap to wean. • INSURANCE to iVartime Restrictions s Pigs}, 12 week. old. 2 Cover, milk- - _ lug, Goad. 800 ejtickens, Furniture e ' _ mixed. Stan. Fairbahm, Lot 21, Con _ are able to meet 2, Pickering - - - -' -- 7­8 -- __Dealer = SERVICE _ -- - - l - - -- - CY]RI L Uh I EY Most (continued tram front pager " GENERAL INSURANCE Imes is a small piece of clot)} or fur _ SERVICE PROTECTION _ to draw then in tight. 1 hey wear i _ r +� - oba lle socks inside thusn. Duffle is - ni ouY Demands _ hike a. blanket cloth. The 'shoes are Motet Aftbelence, Day or Night Now In Stock t et attvs. ep whole existence of PRONE, 18 ! ys� y the aativa, depends on the number eel' fox he can trap. At the posts, _ tie white people have comfortable - .. - . Re ao. have- en hand a Supply of • . i flame dwqltings. They ,re :urnish- _ . ' ad quite modwn, ; and often the yes rsv.ntirite I+TottialRhi _ wQoran is the only white person to- f Ont. : English Style t auks Isar husband at the post. They On irett. - We Have It, Can Get It or le >d Net Mode snake s small greenhouse, using F'e+ait Sahit e - their atoms Fittuce, and in ;t, an a , 16 oz. 49c J. S. BALSIDON, : PICKERING� to grow lettuce, radisl!me ands W M . MAW - fiw Urrem, Oft" Oat flowers. The rock hills are very LJOBNA RD .A UOnON IC A NL" our Prescription Service i. �� lichen i+- VALUATOR Accurate and Efnddtt fgrowing. I have seen any Sale. coaduet.d Anywhere THE REXALL STORE ,' one- 'bone or write. Address q! Dund" Ones a few rock plants are found „. :FARRIERS © Mrs, liiilea, daoghter o: Mr, sad Street. e..t. J. a Beyes Pbm S �= -:-31M -Chas. Baiter, here taught wbitby. Ontario.. P -P�eb p ' who*) in Toronto prior to her. mar. PAT TORONTO !lpi�8 AS ..s..�.,., YOUR Z MSc' - --, a'Iag+e, early this rMnmer. M. Miller TWONU AD 00 - Pict. -68 R 12 � - -- lfPOBI9 HQVR3 ` aid tie am of 11r. and Mrs. Jobe a a. f am. i M p,as. Sa. _ Brougham *ar y A bmwa�rt U ' - i - CALVES LAM N-S - _ IRON GISSON G�ARDEIVS AM alas.` il�I+rns o� 1 R -- .:'TRANSPORT - 00K ' TUN PORT _. _Now wm-mw Pais amm '- ,Poultry, both live and' dressed AIL "RTAGZ et item er •. : MOVING - leg ag l Get our prices on Live Ducks HAND GRAVEL STONE. ,`,We have a fen s6sch _ Qw P�i.�K � R I-N G ' FA R M� Healthfully Air- Conditioned tees, Game° Teel, Wiaiew TJ<iiIRSDAY, FRL, SATURDAY Notice 8er«a Dews arl $eeeasdeg LIMITED ITED x90, OCTOBER 1, 8. lMee Year $sriware Nevis tkp Oa GRADING R i TWO- S..r.. -, '7 and 9 Siturday Matinee at 1.39 p.'06 Ceniiusties Sterne Doeri ad ALVIN SU$$B.T : ;•� a11R. pHOPR wH>!B'!'! >w 8fors lamb -Made to Orit - - ' Casablanca H.rdwe,re Tinsmith also PHONE 46 z1 i J. 1 Starring Air6phi�ey Bogart, Ingrid Asphalt Sltingl F Bergn<sn, Paul HenreW, and SM . Roofings `'PT QR R RT N Gf L M R' E U M E R SSdney Greenatreet _ Aspbait Sidings TI>le C� C� . Wall Boards eta `� L��iITED 3WNDAY, TUESDAY; WEDN'SDY PILES OCTOBER 4 6 and 6. 'No M. Gordon : $offerers of bleeding or prawading Scarboio --Junction : Last Complete Show at 8” piles should know Btmkw% Herbst _ ON>s3 Henry Fonda, in' Pins theut the cause at its soaass: • - .. Bd88E9 -� for horse meat wanted llderney tacit if the first bottle foes '� -•' �PB1L.1 M Howard Iii"l and Scarboso 'Yi .. ''Tl a °BOW Prevail prices 1 mia. Phone Pkk• not. sa11dy. : i8 r Y8. Apr. 1 - V At Betted Drag .810r s ne a •. � and Dreesad ember• Sub ' Boom Trbn MouldingInbesi11Cldnt Attractio (l uality M ee t' Soft and Hardwood lnoorbW 4 r _ ..... r ` I Barlelr Ia�l ding Cedargrain ale > ni ':Tuxedo Junction - s:• - lwauboards Rock Lath Cedar Shingles with Weaver Brothers and Elviry _ Poultry Asphalt Roll Roafing _- - - - -- And :. - - ; Rock Wool pan Clement andTj'�e e _ 1 '• WDAY, FRL, SATURDAY �' Weeping Tile Server Pips ` (K3Ta8!! . 8 and 9.. _ Fish 1Ii Beason MARTIN- SENOUR 100 p. b: PU;R.E PAINT Th'iys La"s Mine we Laagbtoe and - 11 KPS ENTEAR SOME% KET ~" Maureen O'Hare - _