HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1932_09_09 "- ..3,,.-'. 9�.-.--. ti, ,«,yt;' 'fit: ,.. •J•ti d_ J,r_. ;arcs.r•A":'.i;^�...xk;..*, �r N :_,s-Y�,r� ..._-„a ;2`.rar;: 7,' r-�a•.",^,"X'"._' - - , K.. �'.••_'- e _ ��F. J•i4 � ... �"'y i_ _- tea'`, r' - .i„ _'°•. PICKER[' .. `•v'T•'�a�.'^j= °�,'�`�:'♦ _ ! �,'•4.-a••.y`y+4'°;F J.y-;' ,yam , � - ^i •_ is'�."'4..vT."•L'."'F . WOL. L1I. : ICAJIMN 9 �'�i:.=1' Ate, -' _ - +�. r Vl*e**f'tM0tL 49alrbo. - y� _ DUMBARTON C. O L' Dunbarton Anglican Mission, Sun- Gardiner Winters way indisposed GREENWOOD, • ,day_ Sept.' lists, 16th Sunday after fug. a fewdays but is now' ilnprov ,�R. H. C; -FHAR8ON--:Ph?siclan A good supply of Hard and Soft Trinity. Sunday -School, 2.30. Ewen- Walter Mercer was called away andSsKSaoat, Dmbartow. 10ty OOal•OnhaDd. Also a supply ing Prayer, 3.30 Address by YV H.. , R $:>ro Y Cuttle, Finance Conrrnisidoner of the last week owing to the illness_of his • BS ?S. aOph.oD., �r of Xi Wood, Diocese of Toronto. o stove length. Much skmi�thy is felt, far Mrs. J. Established 1898. 1�t.�pd�1 oft the Aaretiean Optvmettical W ti 1 T E V A L E. G. B 1 y_ _ _ - : " ryant in the death of Peter B l000e° °sros° f�amoat.oat. 12tf Phone Pick.1709, Elea etsmint<6 by appo,otmeat _ The Woman's Association of the ce' of B. C. He was her only broth- The and was fprmerly well known f eocrs. DONALD MUNRO, PICKERING Whitevale United C6rch intend to sere iJNOAI� B. McINTYRIB-Barris- - hold a pumpkin pie social and games Mr^and Mrs. R. D. Keefe, B. A., THI'S I8 THE err Solicitor. 'Notary. . t)tLcr-Bro!k St.. D ' A B E E R on Friday evening, Sept 16th,-in the of Penetang, called on his Varsity Opposite Bell Telephone wh;tby. GENERAL IIrSURANCEC school-room of life church. Admi8s- , ,y scol-mateF. M. s receany one FARMERS? MILL. AGENCY , ion=-�0-cents. Everybody welcome. . day recently. Dan was recentl Dist. i DONRLD RUDDY Barrister. —BROUGHAM, - ONTARIO Deputy in the Masonic -Fr'aterniy. i.Solicitor, Notary Public.,MoaeytD Loan. GREEN RIVER. _.. O!$ce.formeriy oecap�d by the late A.E.C)xta -` Xiss Jean Annan has recovered Patronize 011r $Onle - fiaa,.omit wins of Court.House,wbitby. ray. Facilities for placing anv kind of In- Mr. Percy attended the Ex- from her recent attack of quinsy y eurance at best rates �- and is prepai-inR to make a bid for Mill BEATON. BELL & ROSS, Bsrrist- available. hibit--)n on Labor Day. Miss June White spout Sunday a win at the Exhibition where she :For Paper a era, Sot;c;tors. 9tlg Northern Ontar;o Security and Service my Motto. � goes as a' member of the County y and Cakes use - �* Bt8lding 3308ary Street.Toronto.; 43iy} Phone Pick. 515 •,with Mrs. George Gray. , _ W.J Beaton, girls judging team.• RiBelri]i Brand, H.B.Bell, r -' -- - Do not fo;rt�e, to.come to Sunday J.D.F. Rose- Adelaide 8^838-9 School on Sunday at '1A.15.a. m., No better flour on the market. -r A number from here.attended the BROCK ROAD• IMIORARU80N. PIOKERING I H, Beal, - Claremont -=- Barle Feed, mixed- 22,00 per ton x 11`` Phone 91,4 field day at Wnitevale on Saturday p hdULVEY—Barristers,Solicitors,Notaries W. A. Jackson and family, of Tor- Peas and Barley, PuWk, 913-214 Confed:ration Life Building, All report a good time y 26.40 " �cotter of YOOre and Richmond Sta. Toronto, F U R 11�I T U R E Mr. Gibson Brown will take part onto,, visited his parents on Monday' Corn and Barley, 26,00 " - Phown Adelaide 4489 and 448(1, By eppoigt.,- last. mentsata,day evtaltip, Picker;,tg residence NEW, USED AND ANTI in the service as teacher of the Sr. .John Anderson is putting in the superior Quality K 1Pborrelxitit•Se13, srL -BihhClass. There will also be_ spec doors and windows sf W. H. Jack' Ground Corn, --�E 'E?- 6' IN Tiers, SSd+ccors, Notary' Public. 605R yal Simmon'R Bede, Mareh�T Mat. ial music oGREENWOOD..' son's corn roaspwss'this heldweek. at_the home 'Cra kedFCorn5henl size z 1.40 a 190__ Resi gilds"wwr Toronto g Phone Elgin 6303 as 5304. tresses, Dressers, Tables and ._,_. of R.:C..Reesor on Tuesday evening, chick size 1.50 a 108 �Staaid•srae.P;ckerioi, Ont..or by appointment. Fine Oatmeal 2.00 a.144' CMce.Gordon House, Thursdays and Chairs, Picture Frames. Mr. and Mrs. Tyriel.and baby�sp- AH hands enjoyed themselves imm from-7.W p. m to 9:OQ p m..or , Moore 20A. a7ty Our pricer are the lowest. ant the week-end with Mrs. Tyriel s -ensely. _ parents, Jas, and •Firs. Raine. A miniature field day was-held.,,on _. Lktiatal 1 ` - Mr. -and Mrs. Annis, and family the lawn of Walter Carlton on Mon-. ' '�7BIL C.BMITH. D. D. 9., L D.8,. • and B. Gibson and L. Ormerod are day iast.'A game of softball was-p) _ ri• ��`` holidayink at OriIlia this week. ayed between Brougham and Brock All accounts are 'now due to Dr.3-N.Dales), Graduate of ^- -''- college or toll surgeons and Town- Rand 5 X.B.C. Shingles,natural Walter and Ms. Green and family Road male teams, Brougham wine and prompt settlement �,�trsty At t�asoout odke over D. A and stained colors. of Buffalo, spent a few days this ing quite easily. The near'profess- _ ie regaired. - liaost'sltrxfe.sry ltteadsI and Frida Phone ional etcher did the trick. Then -- *'hose 21st TORONTO ABPH'dLT ROOFiN Q week' with F. L. and Mrs. Green. --'• In shingles, sidings and Rev• and airs. Horton and dauxh- came the Pickering vs. Brock Road cannot continue to { u>81 $RT T. PALLAI88, L D 9„ ters arrived home on Frida `eveitlig teams of the-ftir sex, which was an- give - :l D. 3,. Grraduate of tie Royal College of roll roofingr. Y and the University of Toronto, f after a delightful holiday spent at other walk-over for " the Pickering credit'aaless accountA tw r .et setcood door east of St. And- Qa1'v, ima shingles and roofings - their sumfnei home near. Kingston. Ary paid when �s Cbrred. P�� cwt• OQise lour 9 K girls. Oh. What luck• The surprise __. '•.' a... to s sL, or by appdatmbt _r,y We can suppip the material only, or The Worilen's-Association met at of the day came when the married -. - n{tad.service). Pick Stop 4my give pool a price on the complete fhe home of Mrs. Milton Pegg on men came out victorious over the 9 _. job,as we lave secured the Thursday afternoon for the purpose bachelors, ',and such a score. services of a first rclaw of arranging for the holding of a •,----- - • • �'. ?.a,. C��3�2+T'" !1a �tgs{ass N Lasb*. roofing man. - '- picnic. Every body welcome: - O U N B n R T O 1,1, RLIZABETH RICHARDSO>\- All Wart 6uarsnteed� The Sunday school a=e:holding — -L SURNINGHAM A•lrlrrardanto ox belt-insuranceoran kinds, their annual picnic on Saturday, Sep: Born, on, 'Aionday. Sept. 5th, to • r° IvIlf sest mg camyaam al solid baane stand_ _;_ PI�K:ERIN� :■ 10th; aL l p. m.,. in the F.,I.. Green'Joseph an'i Mrs. Allison, a daughter. Building and General Park. The Sports Committee has•p v On .Tue=day, school reopened slid Contracting- -0 POSTILI., Licensed u near �D A pared a Rood protcram.of sporti and the scholars are glad.to get back,t Estimates furnished on all classes. L` . tee counties of iorr and ace �UMBi:al\ YARD games for all. Everybody come and -work. 01 work-Interior aril Fzterior. Noasdas af sit kinds attaon•d to on sboriaet - - - -- larSng y'uur lunch bs�ket and hate Frank and :13rs. Courtier, of \pve j noses• Addreaa arsao atsr P.o„ oat. - Alterations and repairs, - Blacksmithin , S Woodwork su e p Cbimreya Built Concrete Work. � pp i end he; make this a rec•.rii York. visited Trigs. and Airs.. Anna:i, DS.BEATON TOWNBSIPOLEpE at right ht ri^es picnic. A' ieir'-shment booth for th.? a__coupie of days last weak. . oou+ R p Phone Pickerin osguise Osmmsatrwonfor saklne 1►.c 4 ice-cream etc.,,will be on the We are pit.,ased t, have''I'rs. Mc- g' ioeoaat►ae, Dfa, ■coq b )oast Now istbe LI¢r to lace those repair - °laanss of Ifassaw Ias. jobs attended t:•, Harrows repaired, €roue ds. Ganochie h•�me again after vision. FAIRPORT, ONTARIO Y ' wv •. o" . f.v . _ ._ _ _ Far acre tar on, in ,Regina and al- `-_- ---- - ___ _ also new se_tioas on hand. The fam- o,.e Flewy Plows alwHCs on_h.tpd. - A�otrPi -,) friends in the 'States. Shiingtes For Sale �M. MAW", LICENSED A'CC' Also de.tier in t' roQ Create $eparP.- f — le.�t Saturday, Sept. 10th, the ra- FiONEER•tor York.Quuu1c a d Durham Mr. Murray Thorne' V iaits-d 31i5 ltd 5x tic, B.C. Counttrea, Ali kaods o[ salsa Promptly attanded tors 4c'ff E tilt WaFbere,` - Florence Tindall on Sunh:+v :'tilar meeting of-the Mission Band. Zr clear a ghingles. sa Testa.rmom Datmfor sales may be If thinking of haying an electriicadio well be held 7n the basement and -on -salt Galvanized Steil Shingles, at NEWS,Omev, Beg and ladspeo- ask for a demonstration of the New Mr, and 31rs: Atkin-son-were Sun Thursday Sept. 15th, the regular Bird'•Felt Slate Sbingier. *ttao Whit out- sly day visitors -with F. and Mrs, John- _ Rogers,Majestic models... __ meeting at the home, of Miss A. Also, re•rubbering htiggy wheels. CARNET ROBERTSON The prices are right. n- Thom. _ Lawn mowers sharpened. --- - '- J �'. T. "Vr-rcod-vv'a,rd :lira. W. Tindall is spenlint a few There passed to his rest at hid T. PATERSON S CLAREMONT days with 3Ir. and Airs. B. Gower, of _h,mP at Markham-on Sept. 2nd. Wm Call sad get prices.' Phone 2812 Electrical Contractor GREE-NW OOD 491y Toronto. Tom,-peon, f him 84th"year. He was _ ?Wirier and Re - - - -``- '-� 'firs. V1'. Andrews; of Brsm ton - g pairing for Ligbt . • p a resident of this vicinity till a year ft „ :r - -_ of power. ��ekerin ]j��_ _ is at present..with her father, Mr. T You Can BI1y at Home �u- 1,o,. ago: a mister, Isabella. survives. The } 11 kin electrical goods Alr.' $aster Bartholomew, of St funeral took place on A4uttli+ay after'- -- TIRES, -BATTERIES. Lori l.r wwo. k• - - noin to Erskine Cemetery, _ •X i7 Phone 17tlii. Pickerin 1Ha" you tried L_A_X0,'tire -oafviltp, visited -Miss Hilda. Madill _ _ . - ACCK5SORIli9. R sew Cereal Food and Wif- an Sunday. ; _ esr,coucicnni. �� Y fin Meal ? .It contains the Mr. and Mrs. Murrav Dunkeld, of At as low and better prices ] - --kern-of the wheat and other Atha, visited with Mr. and sirs. F. - Mrs. A. Moffat is a Toronto viz- parts of the cereal. gralus. W'agg on Sunday. for •this* week. <- A9 Whitievale •;- Mills f, -An old fashioned health Mr• O. Zellersrand family wear Mrs. Lemmon was is Toropto ov- = 'a Soli can in To*onto. = -promoting food modern•. guests at title home of Mr. and Mrs, er the week-end. _ Oboppiageverp day ized. For sale at O• Madill on Sundav'last, The A.. Love family- returned to t Let ns r NI hat leak — - - your grucier'a.- VFe -=v=orry to report that '1St, their Tolonto home last week. Y to[� except Wednesday _' T. Burnham is confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs; Brien were holiday Vv' 4RA1N—FLOIIR—FEED a hol1. he may soon be out tq:\n. visitors with the John 'Miller family, Skitle Motor R-ep!,rs, �Tust arrived a carload of -- We are sorry to report that-- A r, Mrs. ._Lea,liey_ and little -daughter - - mill sachange _ _,__ Western Uate. `[F. Niarshman of Atha, i, in vet; w'erF with their people fog asolid- (`!Ole On * _ p roi-health. We hope lot a speedy ay. -LS J. aw FICUr for Wheat We have moet any Feed yon . recovery. bIrs. Tum:nnnds,` of :lfanilla, i� a Phone :' �NTHONY WILSON may need. 11 r. and lira. LeClair, W. and Mrs, '�� at the '1lc�i'hirter home at pre ! - Proprietor' Fall line of Poultry Feeds l:apeer end family of Tnmttttt, war,: sent. PICIiERING, ONTARIO elf Phone Mark. 550: - Sunday visitors uifh Mr. J. Bentlec Albert Narvey and friend were - D. lr . Lockwood awl• Mrs. W. Lapeer• with the .former's parents .here- on Airs, 'J. Boadway. spent a•'c,�uple Sunday. PICKERING, ONT: _of days last week wifh Air, and Sirs. A very severe'rain and wind storns � �oo � � I ° - : --------- L. Barkey, blaster Clifford -Barkey passe f over this district on Satur- t,--" k' p• a return visit to his home in day night. p s. it • a LIN St6ufnKille over the week-end. V1rss t,tanys . Gannon silent ii'te s t Mrs. R. `ighswander, with her week-end with• the• White family at � - - FAr °.AL UR430Ton ' h n R� r 1:uaLartd :lull ls.culy crlucncal w L� Rai-:.�:. :d. 1 1 _ +'�' S �, ■e ia�lrB-l. t�in-S --- ckport N. Y., on Tuesday, after mp-` Miss Graham, of Toronto was a Pfivate Atnbulanee _endi�_a.short time with her moth- -recent visitor at the hb�ne__of Dean _ - ` Dsp and Nis. 9erviee err the late Mrs,.J. Hill, prios to cr an`3c Its:Nlairs. a e� We are offering good 4a�tle Pbone 9004 ' death. W.'J. Brown and family, of Toros- - Those o atte d h Cam t r spent, the week-end at the home e Malvern 5r)04. - meetin s here on Sunday enjoyed of the former's parents here. - 1fl a walnut 8toel bed R /'��- the selections, rendered.by_the Lad-- Mrs. George Philip visited her 6 • e Markham, \Jilts ies Quintet of Kitchener. They were Toronto relatives during the week- a' ub�lla paler - zeta good fejt' _.. _ entertained at the home of Mrs. B• end and took in the ExhibWon.. _... - o e c Rees r after the afternoon session. ASr. and sirs. Bert : Harvey and Relieves the severe 8 a$>1748 `'' -' lIIt$ttre88 iII - Mr. and Mrs. A. Davis, LizziQ; Es- Master Lloyd, Hicks were Exhibit- p _s D B1 iii D E R -erg ':~ ther and Ernie had diviner on- Sun- ion visitors on Thursday of last tr0 g tick, day of last week with Mrs, T. Lew- week. ' ' "' '�• is, it being the-occasion of her 86th Mrs. Sylvannus Phillips, 'of Mind• Read what one mother Walilliut'dresser and ehiffonicr.- -g birthday. Mrs. Lewis had many oth- en, and daughter, Mrs., Gardiner, of . „ has to say TWINE .er visitors during the day to cfrwr- Saskatoon, have been guests of-Mr. ,i _ r I`had four-children down'with• : all for $88 00 _ atulate her. She is en oying very John Phillips, Mr: George Phillips, whooping cough (nearly choking). _ - We have Brantford Twine. R°Od health and is wouderfully'act- and the Willson family and' Gannon your medicine relieved.it so' much• -'A ive for her great age, family during the week. that the children were not Pick at Inner 6priDg mAttrles 600 ft.� at lOWeB�, The Altona'Women's Institute will Miss Kate Brodila who had been .� CaBh r1Ce8. meet ;t the home-of Mrs. E. H6w- visiting relatives . in Beaverton re- all, never_ in bed a single day. fipm $14.00 np - •- - p - sam on Wednesday, Sept. 14h. Roll turned home on Thursday afternoon Their, cough was as 'loose as��if - . • - . Arsenate" of Lead, Arsenate of Call "Corn Recipes;" -Paper ='What accompanied by her sister. Mrs, W. they had an ordinary .cough. --I�9owerle for all `Ord _.. Lime and Paris Green. pur school owes us:' Mrs. Parker., Dobson, Mr. D.gbson and Mrs. Smith Mrs. A'' H• _ M.'.,;;_�• _ -- - = Paper-"What-we owe our school." and Jean who scent the tfternocti at a ..Berry bozos, Crates and Mrs, E, Drewery. Community Sing-' the`home of 'Mrs, George Philip. _ r �•f c���flpt�+.�+ irait'.bsekete. - The Price ie On{ �•- `�.+ tJ rluV 1 1 ing. Reading-Mrs. M. Ilarris. FIoW-- .The Women s Institute vriU meet y •• All at lowest pcieee. er Show - 5 each of Dahlias, Glad- -at the home o€ Mrs: Wm. H. Ellie- __ li0 Cereal. - : iolas and-Asters and a Mixed Bou- ott on the afternoon , of Ttleedav, ''�+'Daiaral Dlleotor wet of 12 varieties. 1st and 2nd pr- Sept. 13th. The ro am will include f -- ,An,�,os Bervios A:LVII+�� ' USSBY : lies to be Riven. Music - 'Mrs. 8, a " p .Jones ' Drug Store paper on 3torinR Winter Veget- •:.:��- Lewis.' ahles," by Mrs. Dunn: and a paper x I P�lolin 18UOi Hardware �Phond46W - on "Agriculture," by Miss -Casmils. Pbono 6800 „ - �p�� r Osl fsa Fsair-fdonday�,y�Tlaesdsy �Rollll�Cali, "What I Lihed-- of at the -.. `-.i.,� •.�. .�•e� IL�,. - ..'Rx�T�. '+G'n t, j y ♦,�- M..tiY� � s' 'Ti '"1JJi7�iJ� ` P' _..w .. .•ors.-_.. �.+..+..r,'.f.,, r. .;sir,. v, - F7 'If.-.1---k- " - - - � . . - , -. I . - . ,. I- � . . I M - , -­A4� . . I . .- - - -:-�, . -- *-­ I . .� ­ . ...I . 1, . � 1.�,--1 . I.. . . � . � , - , ,- I I .1 � .,--.:.-','.- ` I " * ��e-f"­;, " `��.'� -7 ., . -�-. ..�* ,;;-1.,.-.�'1�11'. . , � , .-�'�' ) , . . . .11� � ... iK, - . E �� �:,,i ,,7, . .­, ,� ­ ,.?�, -- .. , . -, ­ - - -, ­11��. ­ . -4 7 1 3P ltt, J - -, - ",-"Z -­� -,��.iz .-- -- z��-7�4 -57%, * . .--, :* - F .. ...­, ­ � .. I .., I . -.1-1. ". -..14�� W,�'­ �:­�. , " - - I . , I . I . 1-1 ,*"I' . 'a: .- k'.-s- , -­ . " - . .�. - - `� 1*1 - . . "':�, - � - . . . . . . �­ , - � . ­ � , I I . - �- . .P�� I 'A - I �,� 1%...4 ... . � �,� .." I . .; At"-1 -;� 1�,-.!�". ­- ". I . . 1��� . '111�' ; ­ '.� ", . . :"�� ."7. , ­. � .. t . ;e ,ITI�l Z . --Ig�-- ,:,.,f � I 7-- . I I ..�. - . �­ . ­i - , .:.. . ��.I . . �, - �'! If, I-, - I: � ., I . . ­ -- � - I - . I I I . -/ .'.­ �. , - ­.­ ., . ., , � :,-,;� ''.,*" '. . I � I .1- � .. ­ . .;444iiie a �� � - . . ­ .., , . .. � " .---� - - 15 .� - - - 0710.4 0.0-0. r.'. Stratosphere'Scientist Dislikes Photographers I I I''.O � . - � . I .. -A . .. ftp--w___--o Market .- . .* ."I .I- - '- - .Y� , . . .. :e . :j�":L:­.��..'��-'-,�, L - � . . . :. . 2creased . - ­--, .: . ., .. - "7 I.. I ­ . . ­...� 1. '. ,, ,,,,, 11�: , . . � .7 .­ . ­ , , 1, - . I ------I-' , �-�, �, � , :1 I . - _7 ­� �, ; - . . I ,. , W., I t � ­ .1 ... .?�::. , .-4 � � .. ­% . , �.� :. � . , 1- ,� . I Irbice of ' he 'Press - - �-- . , '! I ^� �,�,,,,,,, For Farm Ok . .- , , .1,�.- - .,! . - . . . . ­ -:7 -t.I I'll ��- .�.� la��;�, , - ,::,���.:,­,R I .. � - ,.�".:,�'.:. , I 11��," ­­........ - . - ��, �11 I'' . �- . .�,� ­4`*' 1.­ !,..::.��';�) \ I ­ . t...W11.1 ... ::� ,, - ­ - ,� ­­. ­ ,.: ..::­­ � - � " - ­ " , -�;;­.... ­­ .111. i ­­ , . - ��-- . , - . - ­- - . . ..�,<.i:,I��.7','�,:�17�:,i :" '�*. .., . . - :��,�.:: � I-— ... ::!�.;; me .., , .j:.::,-�::;:,P.�:.:,: 1;��!!� -1W .&6...,an i"Wor1d at La .�� .:;'. 1.*::�:::- , "..� , , ­:�­.*­ I�- k- -- : ­� J - - ': : .. T t-:;;,.:::. -w,�--S *`,, - - , ; ­-a . %.; �.i­.":­t:,.i7.:� . :�; . n�­:�� ,; 'r.�' 1, - --&=&, e-C.--­ i Cd The ,� ,�i:�; , ..'.:!�,�;, : .. , ;-�V.`, :­ ".., . .PIP , , 11 rge . l�,:,:;�:,���','.���.:��....,::"�,�..,��:.,�: . �,­.­ : Agree nt Made 'aijm* 10t I 11 . , 11 -, - - -", _0 - ­� � -�, . .-JO-10.4" .k..111-:1.1 . :. perial . .. . � . .,J .--3.6-0-0.0-O." � 0.0 , ':.I, '. :'.I �!!�;:: I � : ", ­, - .. . . - ,,-�,'�i�.� .�!�­": :%x.,i 01��'.,�;:,4,i�,:�, . I � ,,.A`,'.:�i&��:- ; i Cbnference Ofilers. Wider . -:�-:7':. ..i - . pp�t- ,-- . ,.. , .. 'I.: I. .. -',,., '. , .:,I I I * -�'. - . . I ,,,,��" 2 " '..:-,;; �iv. ...,�-:­ 19 - - �; - "��` .::.:,�j:,�.,;::fr:Mi. ,: ..."i I :..::,�:,;,0A.,,.. -1 . ., . .� AP I . '. . . . . P;, , .�,., . ; , . *::;,:�.; ­�,!�,�,��!,,A - � 11�­ 4AN'ADA -- -- ­ It may be argued that their place is I X ,� ..., .:� I , ,i:; 1� .1- I I - . - :�., , I... . ,I .� ,,,:�:�­ ,�,.'' .. 11.X, .r. ., ,,�.,.­x"I"', . �. f . ., , : " . %�;, ,�;", I ;. ,T. , " . �.� , -:-.,-:,1;­­�,:!..'��­'... -�; , . � - , .."..�, . ­­�,.:-�­:�::,��;. , . , ; ...I � � .4..:. . � I �­­.-; '. ­. , ` '' � 'i , .:......,'-��.,,,�," . , . " d .� . I ­:­...� '' -,r�,� ;_1 . , � -1 ."Id :..:­- "",­,, � �, .. -� - - - , . ­­j V E,2..�....:...� .� . -, - . - Scope, Says Toronto . - , 7: -- 7.1 . d . ­. � .: , ". '. -" . , , ----�-z �. , , - 440904ne*th* Road ---7- not in crowded cities where they'are ... , :: * , d,;: , - ­ 7 '. 7;,,;:1�.-," � i I , : 'I" ,, ..�,�J�. I.��x.,,�.- �, ,��­ ..I � :: :- . , . ::",�� ,,,4�' d d: : .;:�;;:�:,��.�,:��,;�,,"�,7�::�!.,..,..i! Da.ily - .. - - ---' I �I compelled to come Into contact with . , , , �:. I ­ , * In automobile driveir at a fast rate �.n­:, �­ ,��l :: �:,,, , : . . . .d . �, .: ,%,zd I . .- ,"�,..:...� �. I ., I . .d. , I .t I .. L' ..�.���; , ,-,�, ­'�'-11':., ,, . �; .d ,��. .1. . . " , ,., 'e. ",i. , , ;., ;,: ­ :.::,!:, Canada's agricultural products will .1 . � . :�,',, �-' and "hogging" the centre of the road "agers all the time. But the same. .��,�,,, - � .f;... , ..� . ; ,:, .I . I I. , 11:-14'..I thing holds true ,of any, large dog . '�­.5­.:, . .:�"..,, : .I'd",1. I , . . , �d.. . ' ; , - ,��,;,�,V. .::I.��,­�: d 'd I ­>'d �',,,�,v� . -. � -:­­ . .�j,:,:,.,,­� ..', 1 ;.: , : .,I, ..;­ .en a 0, . , ;,�­7 d.,was responsiblok.for a car containing - 4,;­ �� � ., :d ..." JOY much wider market In th ..; � , . '::�.d;�d.:e�'d. . ? a which needs much exercise and air to -. ";.;de,.,".1�, ,� ; " I I , .,.:, ..i­ '4 � -: , Ir- �- ve persons taking to the ditch on the : V;'.';'L­L ­,.�' : . d X.* .. :1 I* ' . , 't:.,:i:.,: - ... �. I . . " Old Country as a resuli of the agree.� .� V,I.T;�� -.: . .. I I . . , d �e. . I. highway near St. Placide. all the je- .. ..:­ , � �.��",.i,;::: ment made at,the Impbrial Confer- �� , uWatalti his health and equanimity. I !,4,.�-: , ; d, d - .' -.. - ' . 1, !:�;,, , - , , , . ::,!:�;,, ,.... , .: L. -_'7: �., ,: It looks as though the police dog has 1;,::A-,,��I-,f4l. . ,, -..'­:�,.- I - d , , � . '�� -"".:: '. ` d..: - I . :,::,'��-.` ence, according to the Toronto Is . . . --- I .,i:,".­�.,� ..,d ; M 11, * �­ , � ­ I ... -.1 cupants being injured. This offence Is - ., ��i:!�::.-.'] . .. . ., :. , . -- --4- ':�- :­ - -altogether too common. some motor. got-a bad name which he may not &I- .1%-1 j�-,:,.:!�:,". . . .�.,;� :�:,:!­ , i I � I ': . ,, I 'r. . :,,�I .�: , �:, and Empire. We read: Agrictu!ur�' :':'�.". I .I .:. :,I ": : i�­ , . , 11 �, . . - . , together deserve. And we know what .! "7 �, , . :--�, �� , late will find a � . --' ., '' , -I - .., ,.. . : : . rd.. . : . . ­I,.. .data even Ignoring the dividing white I 1 d.::�"I�1;., I d . ,. ..'.'.ld;� d � ! ----- - --g -ahL � I - .- , I reat-dea"f­v �.11. d .�.­1 ­...­ happens to the dog--or the human- ': ,�.., . -:";.:, dd.. � ....I . .�� ,.,.�. I �, �­­ I -.1 - Isnarks at curves and On hills, appar- -1 . -: ­ .I.�..­�r, � . ::� ­:. .,.d.... ',� able infoxmation In three pamphlets' .. -11 . I . , who falls under that -ban --AnyLwsy-. --7. �, d.:: i :-., 7.1, .� : : ;,!�..� v��.­ . . ., . � ­: ,.1. .� I ';jL;.:' .:::;d;l 7-- ­­­ .., . - * . '':31- ,..::-..., .,. " recently prepared by the ' Empire. . ". ­, . ­Atly confident that they will be per -ra to Mail and "- � "I .. 11 '­­,�, ' . , ,:. �:. - . . d I I ! .,. d" ' F 11* � d:: !.::;.:!,,:..�:,, .:. . �-- d .. ,.!,­. �, , rr - - ,�::*:: !i�.-,- Marketing Board.bringing togeth,er the . ��J?-..L�'.'�-'�'d witted to�outtnue�on their,,aelfish-and shlois change. - Torou 11 if.;:. ,, AF ..,:,:, , � �. _,. dr.. � ­. - I � ..,,:.,.".'� � .11 .. .. Empire. . . .. 0 !��,,.:�:,'i. -�;:.%Y: . W ' .. . ....:, .:,, . , �-� Perilous Course by other drivers Who ­ .1 :I- .. . . I �,,'. r' d: .. ,­, ..'..-... I- ... �� , I:i�-z7 " ., : .1 I . .;. . , . I d Id.. 1111::­;,.�e � d - significant data of production and I . . - . , :. ,. - �, . . r. . � . - - . - ::4,;"&�.�'..:... -�::��`,r�,d 1 .4 . �:: . . :­ I.- . I '. .!are fearful of risking their llres,by . ,i'd ­ :. , .:4 trade for the different groups of al- ­ , :d:d,: ".. . . ­ I d , d dd, . . :1- ,.: Id " THE EMPIRE . . . . , - ..".. � t. . . , -`�: ':'" - �>�,:�1�4:�.i` :�,.: ... . ;.1; . - �I . 1:1i 1:.. ,I . '. .. . ,.d,.,:�.. -- 11- ,. I, :!�� - I -.': ,�,:,' . - ! d.. ::.­,�-asserting their right .to tyeir side of . . I.. '... ­�.: I d �:� !:. � ricultural products.' These pamphlets 1:.> , .;;!, .: *-- -�. 11�, 1,.d-,,,�:::I .I I,;:,- -�,I d:I,,'d. .the highway. Traps for these offend- . . r: . , �!�:�`� '��r Ave been Issued by His - ., - � .,: d ..;-, ,:,: .- � I. 11; The Finest Hospital.Ity ­ .. , , , I .J, , i . I . . zx- " , 'I'd .,d M lbsty's , .Pd, .. . "I ' . ��,;,r; ,�_-�. . ' - : ., .1 I:'.: � I" 4 d .-:;�, .�..I.i­- ­,�. ... ore should be In order, and drastic There are, Indeed, many kinds of ' I :::.. - . Stationery Office, London; price six . I .� . � ' I. .d .....d I punishment upon conviction of driving hospitality, yet how rare ate all-good - � ::r..... ......"d � pence each. * . . ...d . �, . ­'.�� . ,. I - ,:."I'�.di I !- 1. I .. , . I . d�'..I :.'' .;:I to the danger of others. - Montreal things, how rare Is the true Simple I �. 1. The unique size-and importance of . � �� - ­­ d dd....�,­I I . . . I I* - . . ; ­..­ :.��- Gazette. , .. , ,- .1 . 'Hospitality. Simple Hospitality-you . ,'%. - \ d� .,;:,:.. �thi United Kingdom as a market for . .., ­ . :�rr I � * ..I I ,: . . . I . . ,�;::�... t t" I :;�.d . � , .. I , . - . � I . .­ .. d 11 t ­ , ,, I . '. - .. know It and feel 1�-liastinctively when- ,�::''::].�d�:,;�. I ,ddd 11..,�rr ': . , - meat products, and the small share of � , � 11 , �d -� .. ­ , . . , , I I '.,11, �X' I...I 1: I'A ... . - -­ ,, - �.. . .- - I Food-First - - - --- 11 !:�3:�,*,..,.%, . "I i!�:�:`,.�-. , " ,, . -: � d ddddddd d - � , : , . . . I . ­L� - ­ �, �. . '. � . - . - ever its presence,Is near. It pervades ,::, "1 "'. "i . , ��.,,�Z;`�, the total Imports at pres6nt enjoyed d , , , � I d . � d - �,::�:,: I I d . ":. ' Id - - - . ,, , d 11 d 1, 1 ..1 b the Empire . , I d 7, . 0 --.'.!X, Y countries are brought . - I - . r 1,� I �; �-.. i 4' I - ." -1,:.. . We can do without automobiles. the whole-atmosphere, for It'breathes . , ��­i �.� :"d, ,.' I 4 .. . !�� " . ... ' :,,-;.d..":;::�t � �­ ddd� , ` - ' . � .: ,�, ,, I dd . -- ,� . ' � . t�d - radios,� trips I.;I. , :."dd .. - . 1 . .- to the beach. and,fas- in all the hundred and one little-things � ; ,� I,.:�d" 1. , ­'­ �.,.' .-��,. out.in the pamphlet "Meat.'� It gives . -. I'� .. , . �. i I d: Id ,: .. :,�.".,- . I . , I., d . - . - - to d ­­�,�:;' , r'd i" - I.�d, ...;. d ­ 'I . ' , ''� � ___ .L%,. _ hlons.. On. bread -comes us not which thoughtful and loving hearts ! I i;q;!1�. w"...1: ;., , I t, I �­::d , I i� ... i:�,,�r!", the figures of world production. as - . I _ _ , :. ,-�- , I f i!' ,:�'. I ::i:I :, d ., :.,,:. ,�".:"� , I ,� ��!. I. ­,� ,. ;;.��!,-..,­-.�­;* ,'�f. L, . 'r I .�,�:,�, .,�: :" far as they cp'be ascertaitied. and �! . . trom, 'the forest, nor from pulp and have arranged for your comfort. Artl- ��,,��i��; :�,-d'r .-:!'�; ;I:I,Id.::� .: �11 : , ��,� , ;� ` '"' : . " " I r 'd: 1: I ­.­I � I �,,,,:r,,. ,�, d .r,"d..-: 1,.'�`­ :, I : I 11 .? ,%4�,,,,�4 ' distribution of exports and imports of , . - -:",- - , .11 I'll, .11 , , 0� . I -� " -.4% , - -�-lia" -,��:, d I , ���.. ­�-: , r nor the--mine. No more doe& ficiality cannot live in its - ­ I I . ...� presence .,�. � ; �d:-, . ; , I , d , 1�I , ' -, , �.: - � �� ..�:, ,',��,i,,�',;,- . ; all the principal countries. deaU g I , � 1. I .� - , :�:: ! I -, � I --­ ". �,, I . � 11 - ... .1 I ,..... ;�4, �.,. .1 Jit come.from manufacturing or trade. thus you are not for ever pretending- . - ,d " . , ,:,:, I . 11 d , ,, :.�,� � "1, : �,� , I n u '''''' ' , . . . ":��", , ,I!;: � t . 1�1 :%I , ... d I ,;, .. . '.1 . : ���... : if - -turn with beef.., Mutton and lamb. ba- � : � : : : - . to be somebody else. *You know you .,,�: �I I : d : 11 ., .�, ,A�, .. ':I 4.1; ­ 1, - , We have , : "",il I : . , * , , , , I . . L � : , , , . .Our values have been upset. . : , :: r "I ,�:, � : " , '' .- ": ­ ­ , I I . - . i I �1�1 :, "': ­ ,::::, .111, ,," I I I ,-�,�. . 1, �d 11 . , � ,; ,. thought too much of pulp and paper are welcome for yourself alone. Sim- -. W*11 , and hams, pork.' cattle. sheep, : --" ..I.- . . .I �Ii-, dd.. 7 '." con 1... �WIN I. , I % "I . ", , - " I . . .I . . 1,I"� �,,�:- ----� "I'll, "I'll,',I . I , 1 t", - 'i- " *­- and too little of our bread. We have ple Hospitality sets you at your ease I'll, �� ­-1 - --Pigs and canned'ineat. A particular- ... t, , -7---- d , .-- . � .. - - ----We much importaav*-ta-In- and* makes you -feel at home. You - . t , . . ��. T. attiehed Prof. Auguste Piccard. Belgian scle1itist, discovered he could ly useful part of each section is tha' I I � ,-,�- -. , ' - . , - - �, .:'' �, � �, -.�Mdustry and not enough to agriculture. thus think naturally­, act naturally- ' . ' . . 1 . -analyzing the position *of the-Empire ' �. . ': . ­.. . . ' Iles - 0 Upon. He 'also discovered, - . I ­ - get ten in av� I! e strat sphere-An-A-hA . ., I . - � . . -Le Errolt, Ottawa: I . Therefore .you. are happy.-Mrs. Hew, ; I I . - -c0naideredl-as--a unk 1mporttW-tr9m . �--*.* � "'i-.��`­- '. *.1 : � . Wardrop in bliamber's Journal. that.his picture would be shown even though he shyly covered his or exporting to the rest, of the wor1dL -.:- - * - . . . . - . :.... Possible Now Industry ' . - , . � . . .­! d d I face. .. . . � � .:1 . . . . . . . . . I I . The .pamphlet ­G�atn Crops" deals , I - . Whales are entiful wherever there ... . Civic Pride .. dL, ' :, ! with.wheat, wheat Bohr, barley, oats, - "- --:�-.------'7 _R�_ - . . .� � , . ---. .. .- - - ­ .I- . - - ' � : . � , U open water In the Hudson Bay dis- San Francisco has.set a new pace pleasant episode might have been th -maize, rice and rye. It 4xplains that -, .. . I . d.. .:-.I.-....� -� ' -Viet. ,Inquiries are being made to see for- civic enterprise. She is laying e .1.... �� . - I consequence of trying. to' control the Duty May Re' Raised �most of. the grain In the world is I I , �r,� I , If it would be-worth while to develop_ plans to build. for future greatness. disorder and eject the men by force. i,onsumed in the coun!xy which grows .� �- -.'- - ,".,. the whaling Industry. Some white Citles and towns where the people as, The gas did it with Pase.- The. mill- . -" 0 � -'.,- - ` ' - On Anthracite Coal it so that the proportion 6f world - � I �. .. . -� ,whales are to be taken-to Winnipeg a whole-show Interest In clvio affatr9i taiy had the' Lipper hand at once. ' - . I � I . - crops wb4cb enters the International 11 . ' I . , � , -. .. . 'for sampling., -Under the auspices of eipecially those Jm0rovemetrits which -, Market Is not large. 0 i , i * .. � I . aly . bo , � ,.- ..I Cliernicals- can be .sed to 9-abdue 60 Cent"s -a- Ton on U.S. Piod� -per cent. of the world's wheat Is ship- ' � - , ­.: . I-- , Ithe Manitoba Industrial Development affect the general appearance of their American citizens, but .Internitional � ­ - �.. I.: �. Zoard a.movernent Is being pushed to city for all time to comai*moie ahead ajreemeni-ie�eks to bar-the use of gas . _ ,ped either. as grain or as flour and . . . I., . ., I ,­ - . uict Predicted-AiJ.'to --- . �11.I�. .-.... . bee It i market.for whad e oil. meat and fast. It Is one thing for-a city to talk on enemies. sentimentalizing on cate- - �-*'.,. ., Welsh- Coal .._ . . Ile proportion, for other :grains are ,7., . . 7 - - . .. I- - r - ­ ­: :­ . leather can be cultivated, It is als6 . . even smaller. The Empire consider- . ' I . �. ., progressiveness and another to be pro- tive weapons as hu- 6ttawa.-WeIsh coai- �wltl ge�- a ed- as a unit."exports more wheat than ­* . - . , I . -thought there is a possibility of ex- gressive. ExVerlence ha.i proved that man's and anofher as unspe ' � � ­ - ­ - �. :, '. . .,. . . porting the oil and leather to overseas cities which reall.7 do WOTthwhilel ­skably bar" greater prefere"e If -the'duty On It Imports. contributing nearly �hree 4. . �I . . ' i barte.-Chicago Tribune. . : .: . -markets. When tests have been com- things are the cities whose citizens i . . 1. ,. Pennsylvania anthracite is raised,from million tend annually to the world -. . ­ . . " ' . 0 .- ---_:� 1. �,­ -.-. .W to -60-cents 'pe � .1 � . -- I pleted. a survey Is to be made of the-pr .r ton during the markets�. Before the war tfie Empire . . � . each co-operation and practise wh . . - � . . � ..­.� ­ - at . . I � . .. . . English and European markets. It the they preach.-Trinid'ad Guardian. t ' �� tariff revision to be made at the Was 02 balance an importer of wheat. .. - . . ' . . . �.. . . . . - D* '- - corning session of Parliament. d I . . . - :hopes of the Interested parties are ful- 1. ­I . - . Aged Farmer ies I .. Thit tariff . ' . 'Prices add their declines In the last. .- � ­.., - .-..:- ­21led, It-means a new-industrir for The Pioneer Spirit - change will be one of three years are .Illustrated In tab - . .� - - . .. .. . . . a � . � . . d, . alteriLtions-which" must be lar form. On the ave-rage'during the � � - - . -1,7 jt.. .. . Idanitobs, and the. West..- Border "I would like to invoke the enter.IlAfter Saving Horses t 5- '2v I . �::- .. I . effected In'compliance with the terms ­ , � I i. ` �-_:� �.-�ZlUee Star. I . .4 i -1 -- .- . prsing spirit of our forefathers and 11 - , - - - d. period 1926-30. United Ktngdom sup- I . .� : - . . - ".� . ­. . .I .. I - of the Carrada-UnIted Kingdom trade plies of wheat alone, apart from-wheat . � � I . . od of, � ­ I. .- , ­ . . � would like to say that at no'peri Collapses After Freeing Ani- -agreement made at ther recent Im- flour, were made up as tiolldws: Home - 4- . � � . - . -�.. - - � � ,I . . , Too Common . ,. - . tie world's history have rewards been' . . a � .. 1,d.,.. - .. -� . ,mals in Blazing Stable portal Conference. Other changes :; . ., Ths camper who is careless about greater than tbciy are to-day. . . . . . . -production,.26 per cent.; imports from, - - . ... . . � ,It may - -- - . . . . � . . , � - - to be made, it-Is' rumored, 'will in- Empire--countries. 36 per cent.: I=. - : , . � . . . his Are. the picnic party. wbich atrews be true that so far as the world Is con% Perth.-Andrew H�ntex. an elderly % I I �' ' - "'ithe ground --with empty bott,Is d sud- cludd the- placing of certain luxury ports from foreign countries. 44 per '-,. .. . . ---..0 - ,.,L ­- , _a. tin� cerned. thoev who hold-lu their hand:1 Bathurst Township farmer. die textiles. such is .higli-priced linens. cent. On the-whole, however. a small- .:.-. .. I , .�.: ,:� itans and' the debris of the picnic the ,fortune& of these great denly from heart failure Immediately I d- .. I . ; ; . - . schemes on the free.list. In fact. It Is free- er proporilon of the home-crop. than ­ ­- �, - �­-- -d . lunch. the vandal who tosses broken may not achieve such. personal d4s. after saving his horses from Are w1ren 1. I . ..­ � I. - d. .I ., * . I �.Ir .stated that: halt-of'the V-0 Items -,of Imported wheat.Is used for mill- - .- ' . , - . -glass and sharp tins.lato lake or river tinction as the forcer of the North-West the barn was Atruck by lightning %nd to be changed ,-will be, put On ths Ing. and a larger proportion' goes for Ilk � - .� :�-a­ - ­ . where they Ile in waiting for some un- Passage, oj tbos I . - .. ­, I .... e who extend the ter. completely destroyed during one of free list.- . seed or for feeding to live stock-on- - " Id , I I­ �:d�,.. .­ .9ortunate bather, the army of people ritary of the British Empire; their ser- the most %evere electr1eal. storms of In the *cqtton schedules. the pro. - 7 L. .- I ' - farms. Hence United Kingdom wheat -­ d .: -.­ ,who make no attempt to clean up af- vice to humanity. their induence. upon the year.- - * . . -- , ... � ... .- poseid changes are sirld to be numer, In the .broad,supply to appreciably --d .-..-.. -: � .-..-I._*:.1..�,� . . 7­ ' - ' . � ... . .ter a meal In the open air are all too our dafly'llfer-and7well tietrig, is not �Mr. Hunter ruatied-to the barn and OuO -In woollens, specific dudes are less than 20 per cont. of the whole. . - . .: - i . . � . ,��' � '. -- -'If they base th4fli Ideas of our house- one whit the le'iii'.- 1we need constant,, outbuildings, immediately after the to be rpodilled. But the 220 items, Canada.In now definitely the most Ira- I , d . . ---- . �. . I ­ -. ,-Common. our.ri3eii&i-i-n�itii�i-oun-try.--I��-fd remind oiii-elve--s-'-t-hl-r't'he-'f-u-ture bolt had struck the root, arid ord re, largely speaking, come under the - � ., . ; � :.'. - , Akeeping on our behaviour on these Via. ' . � . . . - - . . ,, prosperity of our Empire. depends on leasing the horses, ran 'the portent source of supply, providing - ­1 I � � . �. . toward iron- and steet add chemical class!- over the.period 39 per cent. of the . I ... - � :.:At* Janata, most have's decided poor our maintaining w virile spirit of En- farm'house.to summon aid, but before fle-etiong. In- iron and steel 'the tot' � . . - . I I il .,-.1-..- -opinion of our homes.-Peterborough terprise. It Is the only policy which he had completed the short-ifistance al imports. or 25 pier ceut.�of the d * ' � .-.."t- - , Xxorniner; , - - � will ensure success�, -­ Sir Edwa�d- w" overcome W-a heart attack and .changes are said to 'reffect pre" total .supply. . . . -�. wk, ---�-­ �­- ­d­ ------..­ , - w-PJI �the agreements made between A number' of striking comparisons,---1-.-..- . . . - - ... , . - . . .. - I . Stockton in the Merchant Adventurer'�succumbed almost insiantl , I�,-�;.' ., ­ -. � I- � . - -.. : Y. Canadian and 'British manufacturers. showing the importancOt of dairy pro- � :, I � .. . - � I - Worn Tires Extra Hazard - I . . . %�". ­,11 � . -. .. . Neighbors sueceeded..in saving the Tableware. porcelaln­ cutlery and duce to the different countries ol. the .- -,. r - � . - . . .I.T.0 ­..2. �..-%­ AJp to.the People ­ .---.:.. dwelling. but were unable to save f . , . .;. "- , Mriving at'high rates of speed.when . .. .. he .electrical goods are also Bald to world. are given in I pamphlet-"Dairy :n.1.Z­.. I . . % , .. I. - .. .'the car Is shod with badly worn tires- - Governments are human. Minor barn and sheds, damage to wh!cb figure to -a good degree - in the ... estimated at about- $2,500. ' . Produce--a Summary of Figures of -%' '"i 'I . � ::,­--.I '. ,$a often attended Tith fatal results. faults can alwa.#s be found. The ques- . . Is 'parUy changes,' It is reported, however, Production -and Trade." It is stated I�. . . .� . A blowout o, the front tire of an auto- t1on is, can we do tretter than we are covered by Insurance. _7.. 1 - . -... , .,- .I . . .. that the British delegation were op- that,, taking the world as a whole. - ..; . .� . I . .mobile on the Kingstou Road iecently daiing now? Are any of the common- . .-� .-.-..2--' ':. .:.-. p;osed7 to puttiig certain-Ii,nee�of . . -�­ : .i . I resulted in one person - ,� 1. mfik is a more im portent contributor � , I . �. 1. being killed ly suggested mprovements really like- 'One Lawyer--in Dominion - . cutlery on the tree-list--beeau.s" than any other single product to the ­: .14 . - . , I , � . -Ae effeets. upon, existing trade.'.alli- - . - :. I .... and six Injured. For economic rea- ly to add to ciur Welfare'. Or Is It bet-. - For Every 1,600 People - farmer's Income, and:then eggs ,prob- - I :--- . ' . . - .., . sons many 'car owners Are endeavor- .ter fo leave things as they are? T-he , - - ances 'with the German Ind.u.s.te.k.- - rably rank'fiefore wheat'and Immedl- -�'I .. I - . - - . ­­ .- " . . - - -If nk K ng-- Calga.y-.�A%'.---,e,L- there is- 0111Y utner tiran' the halt R the -220 ately after inlik. The United -�[tng. :-...--.� � �-1 ! drig toget alipossiblewear outof answer miiit depend upbff 6 .o . . . - I I their tires. Apparently they give too People themselveg'. ' Are the * 1W .. - �- - ­­ % , best of -one .lawyer in)'Canada 'for eyery I,- items which are said to be headed dom,Is easily the world's largest I . "-. .. .little consideration to the risk in- thenr.ready to take; up public work 600 people, tbe,re is ,one lawyer 'in for the freei list, preferential duti - , -,�:.,. .. of each of the live products-- i4.1 �I -- .�.I..­volved. In the Aaal analysis this dan- as in the Home manner? Experts the. House' 'of Commons' for every on items are 'to be reduced or the butt,er,--�heese,' preserved milk, eggs ' '.- - , . . .. -.. .-gerous-practice, is actually faise, econ- have their disadvantage's but they are four-members of other callings. The -general orintetmedtite-firiff ls.fb bi and .egg products. dealt with tn. the - - ;46 .... . . : . OMY. An accident ciused .by. a, blow- Infinitely to be preferred to profes- ratio in the Seifits is slightly high- Increased. , I .i pamphlet,.and the mag.uitude of that ,. -' - . - I balks of this Ir A m- �f. slonal politle-Aguh � . �. -cut-and nals ,-ho4e Arst 1, er. and' In,the provincial legislature It.is antleip4ted '�hat what:6-ver-thi botintry's Imports from foreign hour�. � �-' : --- - - In . - -- - . . .-.'- ton occur with worn tires-may prove to feather their own nests. 0 it is about the-same. .. . date of the- QjiRuian Parliament's - . ' . . nly the ces makes ,the Empire, taken as a � .. : very costly.-Kitchener Record. ,willing services of the leaders in core- These, figures were worked Out. DY, opening, the agr�eem' ents will be unit, a net Importer, on a consider- ��..`­'' . �. , .. .1 I I ­ 1� .. ...I- . ­ . ­­ . . . .. . .� morcg and i�e'p'rofessons can keep the Mr. Justice- A. F. Ewing -of'­the ratified and in 'effect by Nov. 15, the able scale, of' each of the Ave pm ­­. ­ .� . - . I- .. ' � --.*1orest ConservatiorL - � undesirables.out of's democratic' gov. Supreme Court of Alberta-and pre- date on -whiLb Great'.-Ertilp's %exist- d06 "' ' 1. . I . . -. I ­ :.� , . . . -ts. �: L ' � I . . I . .. --- --11������ zeztal to tho Can � Bar A.;.;,,J- 111g Empire preieretic�is e-xp-- I � . - .. Many thousands at Canadians earn _ago&��,_�- ­ __ ire. ! . � .r. �,ddgar ­­_ . --- - - .1 #b4-ir liviry fr-- b-ber ,4:! tha k- . place of fher IaCWyer In.the pu.bile life .- . ­ . .. I . .w. � . . .. ;� I . . .I. - - . ..... . ,Oustries 'w'blch are derived from it a L - , . . � ,:.1-'. . � . ' ' - : -f . - - OTHE ! - . � ­ .. I .11 For thls'reaso �N�16NS .� '.� ' of' the c,ountry,' .. . . . Bees'Kill Two H6rses '. '-. � . . . .... , ' * , - - -- . .. . .. -" - - - .:.� . .. . I/ . . . . . � ..1. .. ­ . .. - . ' . , Poverty In Japan . .. I .. ....................40,� ..- � . . - ­ . , . . � 7 &nee, If we want to asstire the well- � . - , - ... . Two Farmers Fall .. I MvelnClose to Hives . . .. . being of a large par.I of our population, The food their cattle need Japanese 4 0, ' Bellevi'lle.-A matched team of .. �.�.�'.- to prevent forest fires., Rallw* far � 30 Millons 4 Year Alimony* - - ­ ;Victims to Heaf ---' � ., � Aye ind' mers themselves, their wives and i - . � horses owned by Robert Pringle, re. . '�-. ' � . children ire eating, because they have I Paid in Great Britain - . ' ­ .'. .- I� - I I compantes Interested in the expIolta. ' . .- Fsiding�-two miles-north-Zaf-Shannoum-- , . - ... , 1.tion of forests do all that they can do UO other sustenance. In one-time pros� 1,6ndon.-The ex-wtvos of Btiton� Fati-I --P-rosir-at-i-ofi-s-Reporteil' . . ­ . . . . . ­ .. . . I ville, are dead and one horse of an- , - . . . . I .1 .to safeguard them, but the immense perous communities official Irvestiga. take nearly $,30,000,006 annual�y out of . I . . other team is not expected to live. - ,.,,� .�., .. . It siums which they spend annually for roU&ht to light he fact�Ihe..p"ket4 of,busbauds id, alimony --� ,.Neai Sarnia, New, . 4-.,�.,! . ­ �-`- - I I I .� . the result of bee stings, while the ."!40 - . 1.�his purpose cannot, preserve our that 17s than 10 per cent. of to fami- and inaint.e.nince' a Iiiwyer here.calcu- I. . .. :. ., Dundee . . .. .,1 helpless animals were being u'sed to .�'.:,"�`' . .I . � . ' � . - �r woods fro�a destruction if the general -Iles living there possess more th-an, lates. More than 45,000 British men I Sarn.la.-.At .lea�st one fat.ality.­*1s,­eUlttvAte, a -field. " Mr. PrUngle had- . -.�­ . , .� I . _.-1. public does not realize the seriousness ten Yen in cash. And when It Is r6., are paying either alimony of mainten- �ttributed last�week to the heat wave 'set fctrty hives near the fence, and ". . -- . . membered that a yen Is worth about� a4ce and more than 20,000 of the' wo. ,� . �t .of these losses, and does not do its I ­1� when tlie-death of Hfram-Shuart, 78, --hon the horses approached 'roo .1 ­ %1- . I . In th 27% cents in "American money, one�jZan�Tecelving It are childless.� of Euphemla T.owaship, oceorred fol- close to the htves,'tho'bees attacked- -'��.. -. I.I. 0. Part In aiding and sharing e96 � 1.- . 1. . . . .. . --measures of conservation.-La Tri- Can .Understand something 6f the ' ,Sonte_�ot. the women are Bald to low .strokes blame ... t ., �..-� .. ­ . - . poverty' of Japan's farming class. But --Over-t Ing a series of d on t'hem. . .. 1� . 1. ­ .�1�1 . *� .. I trayei n he world ;on 'alimony the extreme- weather. ' . I . , . .*... �,F­* ; : bune, Sherbrooke. , . '. - . � ; 1 . . 'what Is worse, say Japanese ' - . !. . -- - , * ** . - paid Y their 'husban . I . . -­:-,, ,- '7� . I . . ­ ,­� I , 1I.- . :.. . I*form b ds, ,turning up Mr. Shuart is survived by'one'a6)n,' ­ I . .* I" . I 0 ­. I . '. .. ants, more than 50 Per cent. of the at Cannei �Ve'nice, Cairo or otiier cOs- Alfred Shuart, and one daughter. Mrs. .'. . 11 - -, "Give a Dog a Bad Name". ! . - .Columbia Ice-Field I.%,-.:- -i�: -.-.- � I ...� $ ' farmers have no Cash whatever and mopo;tan cities to collect the sums Horatio Kenney, bbth of -Euphemia . . - '� � .1 . I , � ..- "., -They are, having something Of i are reverting-to the primitive practice I from their banks. . The Columbia Ice-field In .­� � . . 'scare in Ontario, especially.In Toron- I ..- I...� . I Ottawa.---� , , . - . . I 6 o4 barter.-Literary Digest Township, and zne sister, Mrs. George , �`�, ­ -1 , f he - - .;1­7 . . . the*Canadian Rockies is one*o I . . to, over the police dog. It appears . . ,,­...­:�I I t.. Perritt of Tupperville, Oat. . , ", ..., Most remarkable alpine Of . 1.­ . - � - . .- . .features '. . I ' . .1 1. - . '. that tn Toronto this particular' breed -.Humano Warfare . �'Re� Stain in Jack Pine t ----- Seco�d Deith ,. . . . . . . that great region., It Is .It..,.J 1. '- -- . - --.--I- In the fighting with the police one Ottawa.-Tesifs-at the ' ' - - - - . 4)f diW has bittezi 84 persons so far ' Fore5t Pro,' Klichen'eir.-itio first death eiusi-- ­�IAULU ZiASYM Kilo normern isanz I I 'this year, and one of the city news- man was,kille'd'and many Injured be- ducts Laboratories of Canada, Deiiart- 4y-the 'recent heat wav'e here bag b66n 'National Parks, Alberta and, covers 4-- q'ir � papirF_t Is hilitinF abOut-the complete cause guns, clubs and brickbat's were ment of the Interior, have shown that reported.,�, t1enry Beckdr, .farmer 6n an-approximate -area oi 110 square - . �., . - ' .. .-. �-�t�oltlon V,.the police dog from the use�L When the Infantry moved In to red stain in Jack little does not at- th Huron Road'nar New Dundee, was miles. It Iter upon the crest 'of_the ' .,il':�,...: -- .."I ' .j61 -take possession tear'gas wa feet the strength of the wo d. Whore prostrated at' his"home, and sue, "main Divide and represents 'the cul. - .. - . ....­...,.,. i. itowns and ell . of Poutbern Ontario a employ. .0, . . . . -'as pbselb I ly neciisary In'the Ou"bHe ed. It did' the work* which' -might this stain', however, has developed to- ou-nilted. - . - - -. ," - , . ' ' I,� -- t, safety, There to surely no reason for otherwise havaF .i�squlred bayonets, visible decompositleif of the woqd ,-1;11 mination.of the immense snow lmf,A - �,.�i i,:. � . ,. Ile ti survived by two sons and a Ice deposits whicit'crow' 'n the crests . . I - :- - .'� -Mile- butts or gunshbfiL - Most an-I the strength Is, of course, affected. daugliter, os'New Dundee, - . I of these-ranges. -- , , . I . .. . , � .: �I . - . �, panic where,these dogs are concerned. I ..I- , .,: . .. .. . - . - "� '. . . - . . . * ..- I .. I .- . , . I , .. . � , . , 's - .-I". . . �. . I - -, ,-, ,1, * - - -I. .. . ,. .. - - " ,* "!. :,.: 'i . , . . . ... .. .. " I �. ­. . I I --- , ..­ , I" - - - -- , ­ - , , - - , , , 1 , - "' , " ' ' � � ' , - 0!% I I , .- : - .. . �1. ­ . � ..I - .1 . . . . . . .­ . . � . . . - .. . - _;: . . . 4 . . . . . I , ,: I ( � . .­1 . ;.. � . 1. .. �.. . . . , . .7 - . , � .� . I � . *.*. ,L .. .. ..k.� . . . ­, , , ., . L . I.. I . . . I .. . ..". .. . .. I— .. I . 1­ -. . . . . k . ; .. . . I.. . ,.. 1:..I� .�. ­­--.,.,-. I . . .: . I I ­ . - .. - . . I . I . � I 1 . . I . . I . . . . .. '. . 11 . . . I i . I . . I.1 . . .,. I . . . - . . . � . . . . . :. ". . . . . . . '. . . . . - . . � . . .. .1 ... . .. .. . . -- . .. . 1. I .. I . . I . I . . - .- I I � I . . . . . - , . . . I '' . .. I I I . . I ...., . I. . I 1. I . I . . 11 . . I � I - . - . .­­ . . � . . .... INg" . �i��� ., , -* I- . , . . . I . " , ..'r­ ­*--,­-��­�I- � I .1 --i� , - �� .: -�a I � - - fvw*-�--, - . -4.,;, - - ­ ­ , -- - - , , � ­ . ... .. . .. I - ­ . I., ­ . . . .. � -­ -1-1. ­2�-­­-- ... - ..... -­:­ -'..Zm,ft.�� I "WO.M.&Niftswilim "o -- ­�. . I jr �� 1 ALF Oulu-, �t s goat teat Uffs That "tee early Died cache. the worm,"g . ( SMOKING PLUG TOBACCO SAVES l 1 t ! _ Is sometbin we've often been taught. MOMEY WITHOUT %ti ••t .� . "' :: ;i And ,yet we may state, If the worm �_►� _ ;�' : i;" " Red Rose e" bad slept late, ANY S A C R 1 f 1 C E - -• : L� surely would not have been caught. --- OF ENJOYMENT, RED LABEL - ..• jasper--"You say•you are_going to �•. , marry a woman mouth 1100,000, and WHEN USING you try Le, make me believe it's a love : - match?,. h ' 25c. �'lbo Casper-"It certainly is-I love move -` E ' :1 .*.- _Harold-__!�Let's see, you'r2 an�We say it's the greatest value you can buy Oat, aren't yqa? -= THE -B Q U A L 1 T Y Gerald-"Somewhat. 1' believe the - ----- - -- - - - -— -- -- --=- - -' - -- -- world is getting better.very day; but U C - each>tng q}•O LD I•am not so sure about the nights." '"` 2 A it your hand beer his jaws and with the Dog thumb on one side and fingers on the _ `I'o C Things other, press his.a lips against his teeth. about youraffa!you a back little home, John - arty. 1 13J<Ilg This wi1M open his mouth, and you - . s'.ould be ready with the other hand Are you sure-that new clerk you hirgd Classified Advertising ` L. E. Eubanks in "Animal Life," o place the glove in it. Now slip is trustworthy?" Carrying is one of the xtosL popular your hand under his jaw and hold ttir. He-'•I'm not in the least worried -� ��_ ��ipx W� a• `; 1 accomplishments of. the trained .dog. mouth shut while you stroke his head about him. 1 always know what he Is ♦ bi LUOKING FOR WEEKLY NEWS- And it is useful too; -:nine messen- with the other hand and speak kindly going to do neat" lease for s term with purchase is .few. gers were invaluable during the war, to him. Repeat the lesson two or three She-"And what's that?" _ b send particulars C ,tT Box i witson Putt. and every years many lives are saved times, but do not tiro him. Conclude He---"Nothing." b remote sections by dogs that have by giving him a bite of somethitg hr, SOSOSt Boas ros saLB been taught to carry letters, objects, likes. Back Cashier="This check has your - husbaad'•s name signed to lt, but he t C a A R D SON DOU13LE CABIN ate, Not infrequently we see logs After two or three days trot leadlr-g � R cruiser, about mirty feet. in ass ' helping in various kinds of work; I a few steps, still holding his mouth has not filled in the amount wanted." aiwgether oaf, four or are months in Mrs. New Bride-"01a, that's all *T' two seasons: compl®a equipment ineiu�l. 'lc>2ew s shoemaker who had but to closed. From daq to_ day work your . ing carpets, bed and table. linen, china„ - speak to his spaniel to have an able hand gradually back: until it is.,n his right. You just all It in and give me glassware and silver as well as all mas+.__-. ._- t- + equipment and many extras. This "slid filing assistant. The.old gentle- neck instead of his jaw;then yott :an all that he has to his credit." cruise: with its two cabins and its self man would say, "Rex, get the broom," transfer it to his shoulder and a lit- _ equipped galley is an tnusually comforu and the dog would, bring it in a tie later walk at his side without_ -fhinys t'It Never Understand - -- able boat for week-ends or totter ? cruises for tour to �is.DeoDia it is ex- r. touching him. Why anyone rides in a rumble seat. cepttonally seaworthy and has cruised He knew just where4o-taiw._h .to _ Your talk to the dog while he is why they tali Mom --per[uauc4A all over the Great Laken, it has a sign YnrY onomleal 60 }horsepower, balance it in his motth. Ills master .learning is iml/ortanC.-When you he- waves. What a_woman driver mesas( � six-ayllader po�r piani w,t„ ".elate told we that more than once tha spfin- gin to use various,articles he must when she holds out her hand. How a 1 electrio lighting throuthout and ,'peed iel bad done his best to awes he understand ci li to l� mites per hour. it to a �pe- p; your caution. of Gently, centipede keeps its C•aet from getting She-"Yea, ! was sinking for the cial paint fob and +fir attractive to :p- .'. knew the broom's use perteclty, but boy," etc. I read of a dog's bringing tangled up. Time tablet Greek'wait- third time when be rescued we and Pewsnce. Owner will?sacrifice for malt M was a little fellow and found the a freshly aundered collar to his mas ers. Chinese laundry marks. Musical= brought me to land." its original St cost H. wackma 7a W. y r'y Adelaide 8t.. Toronto. '• , necessary manipulation a prysical im- ter without soiling it. It had fallen terms. How sailors get into those He-"And then I supose you Gems f101n Life's �i�' n possibility. The old man wd"s par- from a desk into a .waste-basket, and tight pants; How they get out of 'landed' him." _ tially paralyzed, ant that animal<s this observant dog knew that it did them- Screen grid tubes. And'wo- Y e'"+ s ability to bring things to hips was of. not belong there, and that it was men. WISTFULNESS Eternity great practical value. something he should handle with dare. �" - If in these days of storm and :trees "The truest end of life•'is to know I think, it is generally understood Any--reasonably-apt dog will earn - Hubby--"What.in the world do you we might the,life that never ends."-'•tn. Penn. -.-- that puppies learn most anything taws to discriminate-more qulck'.y call that? A vase,or a bwfor waatr`- -The source of rest and peace and "Life iB but thought."-more readily than mature dogs; but than you may believe. Wifey-•"I don't know'. The sales= -comfort see, s In teaching this work of carrying, . The only way--at any rate, the best man just called It-a bridge plaza." - Rua by the guidance of an inNard _t:ere is another reasc•, one we migbt way-to train a dog to go after light" "He lives long that live:, welt."'" term physiological, why you will sue- things alone, or do any tricks without John-',Do you know the difference As joyona brooks'to their own mel- Thomas Fuller. ,eeed more qu•vkly wi-h the youngster. your 'supervision, is to to tlfiough the between a woman-and a telephoner' ody Begin when he is teething; his gums performance exactly with him man,: Jack No •If simple joys around the @coning flee, "That life is long whica answers, " are sore and he gets.considerable re- many times, always using the tame John-"Well, both repeat w$at they Sweet childhood's prattle . and a. fifes great end."-Young. -lief front'holding things in his mouth. words to start the thing. In this way, hear, but the telephone repeats it ex- • mother's .smile, "Eternity, not time, eapresdes the At this period .of life he will often with patience oa the trainer's part, a actly as It hears it." Could, once again the old, aid glow thought of Life, and time Is no part _ mouth' hard objects for no other smart dog`may be taught to take a inspire, of eternity."-Mary Baker Echo _pnrpoae than to help: nature in de- basket and_go after some article. Gen- Asked for a definition of the word_ Once more the'.heart of heaviness reloping',his teeth, - It is InstineL erhlly, too, he will know whether he futile, a youth said,: "Well, }t would beguile, Remembee:-Chef t Jesus proved - Certainly, dogs will terra carrying at is being given tf a usual thing. though be something like trying to p ek up a-Then we sbould ask no meretricious y pair of bortnb,gloves-" aid - Life to be deathless.. _ any age, but it is.far easier to teach. of course he cannot ask for it. If you flea with a � _ • . then when they are -eething. t ave the merchant instructed to put --- From outward things, for in the Perhaps a glove is the best object what you-want in the basket, the dog, Barker (at the fair)-"blow, ladies soul, yea, there _ Famous Mine to Reopen , -- to start with. Drawing it,through his if well taught, will-do the rest, and and gentlemen, I've sold this tonic for At beings centre were the`anisrf al Brisbane, Queensl.-An attempt !s , mouth makes his guns feel better, bring the basket to you. 25 years, and never once heard a word lays being made'to reopen Mt. Morgan, and secondly the scent of his master You sh,ruld teach the carrier dog of complaint. What does that prove?" And, like surcease of pain, all un• which, at Its peak: was one of the ' on the glove makes it more•interesting, nct to giv3 •p his packsge or message Skeptical Listener•-"That dead meV aware, richest gold mines In the world. The fitter a dog bsa his teeth,' eeth, too much to any st nger, Have some pe-s•)n tell no tales:" Wraithlike would'vanish' quite this reopening is with th@'idea of work- tarrging of particularly hard objects, with pet is not acquainted a present Borrow, - fag the mine on- a low-grade basis. like stones, will injure them,and matte start to tai►e the 4-ject from the dog's If you feel wicked and @:amine the And leave sweet joy to dap, sweet teat Already •B6 men have 'started stork. him "hard moutLed,"'that is, careless.mouth then change his .mind. Let this tea commandmetita, you'll fled that to-morrow. - -•A, B_ Cooper, As the work progresses more will "ibout biting too bard on delicate pack- be, repeated a few tiines; khen come Moses In those few short paragraphs -0' be absorbed. seen. Slxirtstren, in training of re- up yourself, take ' the ,object, and succeeded in working everything in. - 'NOTHING OF THE SORT The work bag ,neaatj the salva- trievers, have to guard .particularly praise thd-dog. This meth-A was first lion of the town of bit. Morgan. shyi.:si �'r.t mouth An elderly woman rushed up to a _ __recommended by Sruette, one Qf-the Before they were•+inarried be whta• which, since the mine, closed soma Movement interests animals of all best "dog-ologisis" of this country, railway porter, and slapping him (not years ago has been gradually de- 21,t: �rWere I d'-- :oo lightly) on the shoulder demand- kinds more than anything else. Even and I have never known it to fail. A Were I drowning !a the middle of c!lnfag. - _ . an object unattractive in itself will dog, like a person, dislikes being fool-1 life Atlanilc,cean-gofag down for th@ ed to know if he had seen her husband t _ _ secure a dog's notice i' thrown a lit'.le rd,and clip to•the . come oft the platform, l[ loco makes the world ga round, gs person wh.,)seem_ third time-you would be the last per- It Scott!" exclaimed life salon• distance, with a gesture for him to go tdwapprrriate his -tfforts. 'son I would think' of." fi had.man. it to no wonder t�iat lovers act dizzily. - get it,_ Sometimes a pretence to race Do' not ask im-possibilit:ea"af..the ' It made.her feel very happy. ,. „ with him for the ob' t wall awaken � No, be isn't," replied the'agitated 1,eC dog- Let there be a definite end a After m had been married several " ��'����� ' life desired response; and it `s very i.it search t•�r as object. Some fine w•.ts;an. He is an 'Englishman and _ j years, he made the same speech. rather.small." natural when he reaches the object to dogs hltve been injured by staying in It didn't setm to have the same grab it rip in his mou.h. water too long searching for ,a duck meaning then. Besides, she didn't like b• tY,aai..i sec self If the run-after-it method fa•'la,-you -their master had'draught down:Never the way he said it. Truth is a"good dog; bat beware *wee:rhea Yob is of barking too,close to the heels of 'ilea" of Missed'. "A _',lost open his mouth forcibly. Pass send Tour puppy into dangerous cur- _Sri she hit him.• � " -�•�' _ - as error, lest oii'fl hN bNhr! ------- —_ ---r kicked out.--C ry i gees your brains r -- a . . o s �ole ' ALARMING • g a e , _ ' COST 52 LBS.- UGLY : AT She sat the beach at l3rtgh bourne, watching the sea swell, to ;....Y "KING OF PAIN" _ _ and fro. Something of-its grandeur .,. ... . .., N, db4 a -abed Its light upon her soul. AMd.A,pE,ro..r,,Z.«.,.... ... _ •r,. Nb d S Moe, n«wu,Y. 1M..rrN7 So Fat that People Stared .....�.........«..,.,, ..�.. "Oh, George she exclaimed to s..�N. n.«,a.W la tw t m.1luwr►ta rasa. sours, ar.t wi Wuftl,. _ the young man -by her aide, "Isn't it ►e el Mws�Co..1dl.,.ue.OWL V-AEW" to Walk 10 Yards sn.igndid? I feel as it I could open my mouth and take It-all In: _ -'•---- I Some people suppose that fatness 1a ' r�inse by tier was a small boy. Het4maeh Sufferers necessarily constitutional---a natural' turned to her, a startled look on nIS state•against whicb struggle is in vain, face. Have you indications of _Gas i -This man's experience disproves that - ' •"I say," .he remarked, Ulcers, Gastritis, Nauseous Condi- j a - "you wont tions, Nausea of Pregnancy, Bad �,OL�ONS --and on his own description he was �,� do it really, will you? I only came a��l^.` Breath. Indigestion,or.other Stom- an extreme case.. _- �r. Clown here yesterday.' Bch Disorders? I!. so send right "I was 220 lbs. two years ago. -1 am away for lionly' 6 ft. high and I looked awful! s;A y.: DIGEST-O-LAX '' Through,diet and Kruscben, I am now„ _: USELESS Antacid Digestive Laxative. It Ts�� �ti`y :`'• 1f;g'lbs., and as nimble as a two-year A raw country fad w as c on a visit reaches right to the -cause and old. I am well-known as a fat man to a town friend: i prevents unnecessary sutYpring. '? - f and people always stopped to look at Thinking he would like to attend 61.00 per bottle. 'igSIST - e.' I could not go anywhere without some social function, his friend bug. E. H. NUTTING LABORATORY, `• :a,Stare. And after walking 10 yards Bested a visit to a large haIi where 58 Wellington_ St. E_.,'Toronto, Ont. Cti T ,r J puffed awful. Life was a misery'to a whist drive was to be held, h me. Now I am all right. There never — "I'm sure you'd be• interested," ` Bad Constipation And 1 was such a difference in a man."- Salts is a glass of hot water before said hfs friend. "You play ,whist, blot X W.,R. breakfast every morning. There will don't you? And there's a £10 top Sick Headaches Ended Kruscben is's scientific blend of be no rapid and alarming loss of -the prize, you know?" .�� Healthy ~Y' xarioua mineral salts found In the weight, but -just steady decrease of "Oh, aye,"-replied the other. "But By Vegetable rugs, complexions .waters of those-European spas which that flabby fat which Is as unhealthy if of won It. Ol could never spin the- Formerly a wreck From Constipation, come 'from healthy systems. have been used by generations of over- as it is unsightly. You will also'find r•� Sick Headaches and Indigestion, Mr. darned thing V. H. writ : "It Free the body of poisons with ' afoot people t0 TeQaCe w6lgat. 14t 8^—LASE nrascnba Utivaes up reurnrAnVic for me .w en a friend reconuneided Feen-a-mint. mecttve IN then combats the cause of fat,by as- new strength and energy wake r'""rents-and whirlpools-and da not per- Carters Little Liver Pills, Results smaller doses. All druggists w slatiatL_the internal organs to perform are training yourself down to a point mit him to wade the marshes too long. -�e� marvellous." -��, - �hissafe,scientificlaxative. 3 their functions properly-ta throve oft of normal weight Its tonic influence A dog is naturally so faithful and per- TABLE, eY PURELY VEGE- t each day those waste products and reaches every organ, gland and- fibre; severing That ha will we.] nigh k°]I gentle,effectivetonictoboth =�� liver and bowels Dr. Carter's Little yotsons which, if allowed to accumu- in the body, bringing good health to ',himself t- obey oiders but his innsfer t e ' - late, will be converted by fhe body's all who ut theca' faith in 'it: Lech Act are wrthoat Moat.for cot• a -' D � should not ?eimit this: L •.rectingAcidity,Biliousness,Poor Com- chemistry into, fatty tissue, Rrnaehen Salts is obtainable-at all plexioti and Indi�geatloo• 25c &75c.red Take a half teaspoonful of Kruscben Drug Stores at 46c and 76c per bottle: ISSUE Na. 37--32 ,. lam oak for Carter's by xAME. FOR CQNSTIPIATION. ••'�•.'r.' N MON. ' s:" - �''. ate.fits_lgr 1a►'totWge and haui gravel .at' work alnd soon a new drama will all are sisters of the deceased. while ' s, � .* y The and 15 coats r the grandstand for Roseba ak Rd. aad con S, 8 l5; J ble ,rnnouneed y funeral was held or, Thursday after- it lash. Children's tickets are lA ens. !rodeo.coma 5 and S. 36 50;U P gray nopn to Churchill cemetery. The:se*- each. The Fair promises a fund of for Roaebant ad, 30 7U; Stoutiville vice, which'was largely attended was .information and education for its Death of Mrs. Joseph' Hill TERMS _ Planimg3lLile,lumber,300;7 B4t�deo, conducted in thg church at Altona guests and entertainment and pleas- � . :.,... tll_nva-sat: 61.30 it paid ' wire and mails,387:Dept, f j3ighways �. .. .._' - • ° The death occurred on Tuesday o' by Rev. E. Morton. ure for all. There will no doubt be 1Wbeedptld= to sire Unit— Stases and Great 'testing cewent, 1.93: 13urlingtum Steel -- .:.. Bricaiais.00 in advance. Co:, bat of steel,25 62;The Pedlar Peo- last week of Mrs_ Joseph Hill, re- a large attendance--and all who are f 41e, culy pipes,6l 44;Municipal World sident of Altona for' 25 yep rs. �uha - --- 45HAWA FAIR _ present will find it worth while. �uppliee, 1385; Rop Wxrd,'cnacetof was 71 years of age, and-aithoug+h a _-- IOH,kI NIURKAR, Proprietor. , s,aiarp, 15!1(!4: 0-Co. oper. gas and cil sufferer from diabgtes for some tirre The South Ontario Agricultural y�r fur tttuck and gas, oil, wire and nails was active right up to' the time of Society holds' its Fair at ,Oshawa on" 'iekelaal 'tor Yugh'a bridge, 89 94; Ont. Motor her death. Mr$. Hill was a kind mot- Ylonday, Tuesday and S Wednesday PICKEi1tNG COU' CIL. p her, and a woman of sterling.qual- next., .'Ylonday is preparation pay. - ,..s°.,. �,.. � •. Sa'e re to truck. 1585; W Ellicott, • !r: - ;rev cur con 5. 1 80; J Bayles' bridge ity, beloved not only by h#;r own ch-- Tuesday and Wednesday are show The above council met pursuant t *ad pile 22 W; W yadler, Rae. 6,413; ildren but by a circle of intimate da-s.'On Tuesday,. Hot. G. H. Fer .adjournment on Tuesday, the 6th inst 3 ylcoord &Co, gravel and'sand for y g `members all present excepting Mr friends. Only -last February_she su:f uson, Canadian High Commissioner B�ylPS bridge, 53 70; Cleo Pegg, drag may` ._:'.Mowbray, the reeve in the chair. ons 6 and 7, 4 W: A PeKg. piles f ,r fered the loss of her husband who at London, England, will open the The minutes of the last meetinj 3,yrea' bridge, ills W; aad Ravie, cdi Passed away at that time. A family Fair at L:u. The cezetriany will take C were read and.approved: - --- , Hard Coal of beat quality. w e is, cons 4 and 5, '1F,70; J PalliA w c' - three cTiildreti survive,-:beis, *z^ plac�in f-*^nt of .the_-_grandstand. e - Very little correspondence was re iraK and cur weeds, n t 1,3 W; F bar- sons, Iohn, Qf Toronto, and Los;, at Tuesday is also aCnovi Children's Hard and Soft Woods, ~ ",r quired to be dealt with, the most par o ty,haul grav Rosebank Rd. planing home; 'and one ,daughter, Mrs. Reg. Day, and a large turnout of school ticular of which pertained to hoapitah a as 7 and 8, Bay Rd. Rusebank Rd. Nighswander, of .Lockpprt, N. Y'• children is lo,aked for. The Public Opon for• Business as Usual. .local medical association etc.. as rt a c.,54 75; F Cooper,cut weedF cons 8 p Mrs. Hill's maide$h nary was Matil- School' children are �rriting essays �Y-grade local services: F rd P. 5.WX H Pilhey,cut weeds, cofl N- Mr, Lacey, Dumbarton, was heart spent Schn'theL girlhood days_ being on the Fair and so will be on hand pickerin garir�essiuLT re his sideroad, requesting repair 2 0; W; �" Baker, cut weeds, con 9, spent on the 9th of k;iL:'^u-rch: in to get their points. Mr-.R. 'S. Me- 80; W crap. cut weeds. tom B, 1.80: which tawnshiP she was born. Mrs Laughlin work. This was awhorized. has arranged to give an ex- - 13 Turner ditto,con 5,8.60:N Randall, Marcel, . Finger-wave. W. H.Chester, building inspector. C. Hackney, ditto,'1 90; F Badgerow, W. Lapeer, of Altona, Mrs. S• Farr- hibition of his horses on Tuesday af= was instructed to proceed with tut lino,6.W: L(!ales, dra cone 1 and 2, ow, of Toronto, and Mrs. Umphrey, ternoon,,in front-of the grandstand. Hair Cutting, B- Permanent Waving -: carrying out of instructions contained ___ __ entry of exhibits. ' 300; J Haywood. driving piles at — There is a large ent We a eeWize to the New "Zenith In the building by-law. Bayles' briage, 83.70; O Hood cut There 'will be two big race events " p eeds. coos 3, 4.3 40; O Carleton, dit• SPECIAL Maorma ese Method".of The county and township conatableE � each day. The Midw will be most � urged the immeliate notifying of th. y Permanent Waving, authorities of the theft of poultry etc to, 12.W; W Chester, clear) ditch, R complete. Special. 4tractions mP Hours i-9 a. nt. to 8 p. m. every day line 1.W. rise a horseshoe . pitching contest, . A by-law was passed appointing L. The council now adjourned-•to.'meet except Monday, and evenings by , .Johnston tax collector for 1932. COACH SERVICE free acts in front of the grandstand, appointment. again on Monday, 9«Qt. 18th. pp ` - • , . Thestanding comagitcee on Conlin• - and many other special features. The gentles reported• and recommended Night Shows on both nights will in- - G. S• Cilan idis • . the following Payments: D. R. Beat- AUDLEY. _ N LI E elude fireworks, free acts, and othei Next'to E. C.'Jooes, Druggist. 491y on.on acct. of aalaiy. 125 00; H. Pugh, - V novel features. The exhibits will be fi --treas.,for stamps. 10 00: E. L. Chap Exhibition 'visitors have been fre- War),att'g MUD. Ase'm. 2 days, 10.00; quent the past two weeks. on display Tuesday night in the main , ��/� ti iPY. Cheater, salary as eonatable, for A- .S. Thurston, of Thornbury, g t i buildings. Horses will be judged on L. E. O I�G I LL - dust., 25.00; J. Murkar, on acct. of called at Grasmere one day recently.. �� the greed in froth of the grandstand gUNBRAL DIRECTOR AND ;.' Voters'list,and stationery,30100: R. A.--Lohman, of Toronto, has mov- V _ p -each afternoon. The ,Directors have Orawford. cut weeds. Potters' Field, ed into the residence lately vacated worked hard all year to make a big Ri1i"LMBR Pickering. 8.00; Obartered Truest and by Fred Annati. Fair. They•have succeeded.and now stiocaessor to W. J. Mather, ' Executor-Ga.�arrears of taxes for 199 John Fidler and family, of Toron- 'Return $1.15 Tare await the support of the people. A ;'. f 8touitty . .oa lot 1. Plan zm tsou e 14;13-strb•du. Mrs - - r Q the Oshawa'Dat19 4 60; W;H.CroxWl,' irec'y South Out. � R. sad Wint (TAX EXTRA) - �i��be ors one day recently. . . ° .- rwi eadeoraet this a lIs � plowmen*a Assn.,23 W. INCLUDING ADMISSION k. The auction sale held b George story the air an oho Businesspbons Ramon"Phone �'1re standing committee on Relief West was fairly well attended, but TO TRACK be read thoroughly. The 1932 Fair owl g� . tie led aad recommended pavmer)t. -• fo mow. halt sm,t prices reflected the times, for good and coach tranoter both ways is the biggest and most complete ev as Ilowe : flo Of hospital bills.94.03. cows of the Shorthorn type sold for between Pape end Danforth er attempted by the Board Admias- `+ e a d The standing ceammurittee on Roads $35.00 to $55.00, while pigs brought and Thorucliffe Park. ion Fee is 25 cents to the grounds d���+�� l and Bridges reported and recommend. 4 cents apound. _ ed the following Payments:: W Carson The school here opened on Tues- LEAVl4 li'I BERING = door out weeds con 8. 2.10:-H Laying. day, the trustees having decided not Tfl ' R ED $col cot weeds,e t b 3 W; C Lawton, ditto. to open until that date. The interior 12 55 p. m. and 1.55 p. m: IL00; B Farodale, drag coma 8 and 7, has been re-decorated and support- Coaches returning to Pepe and - 10.00; W Carlton,cut weeds and haul lag rods have been put in to hold- _ j gravel cons 4,5 12 80; M Elircntt.haul the walls more secure. 15tiuf�#rth after the feat race. >, gravel. con 4.6.00: A Beer, cut weeds.. The Ladies, Aid of the .local chur- metre direct conaectioas ,. We Offer the following Extra Specials for nos 5, 5.90; R C.,It,,.,CUt weeds and with return coaches ch enjoyed a corn-'roast on Charles Thursday, Friday and Seataurday �. shoo gray, cone 4 and 3,-4 Otii: F 8xr• Puckrin's fish preserve on Monday, fur Pickering and - - _ clay, haul gravel for Claremont. 44 45: � intet'mediate - . p • ♦-t� - D Redshaw, gear for Claremont.11 80: E. and Mrs. Dyer• o€ Bettie Creek poihts. Sardines Brunswick for « 1G�C y,..' Mich.. were callers in this vicinity a ! - - t' l�Jdorgsn'.right-of. to pit. 1:47:A. y .. _ .. .— _. _ - :- _ __.. _ Uray. cut atsedr, cori'7.3 X- F Riddle; few days ago. Mrs.Dyer was former= TICKETS SOLD AT GENCIE9 Jar Robbers Vinegar Javel Water ditto.3.00; R Lister, ditto con S+, 3 40t ly Sliss mate Bray, a farmer resid - W Pegg team at Bayles' bridge. 3 60: en here. - Her many friends a*eze ONLY 2 pkgs lac z_ ;Per gal 39c 3 for 250 A Gray, labor, Bayles' bridge.S u0; F glad to see her looking so well. •: L _ . _ -Byers.teary, Bayles' bridge, Id-W; 'G The Club corn roast carne off sue- - Flour, 7 lb. bag u « 7C Mad Ill.labor. Bayles'bridge, 8 7a; W cessfuLly when about 100 were pre G I vtL 1 " '.Norton. ditto, 36.11,); R Lynn. ditto, sent and enjoyed - the everting in - - y = Blue Rose Rice Peanut Butter Floor Wax 45.00; W Birkett. ditto,42.30; Lir tor.ditto,2.0ar;�Y Beaton, ditto,l4 W; games as well. A. decided treat was Li 3 lbs 19c. Large jar 32c. ` .. 1 fib.tin 2$e. F Hilts,ditto.38 4er: Win Hark.ditto, t a pies _t consumed ; ire ppie that were c r� ' " Riley, after toll justice had been given t4 O aC n e s Fort Bran, fr 'p�$S : yard shoo gravel R Irne, 7;'A:-W li .ahoy gray. Rosebank Rd., 4'00; Olrvpr the, sweet corn. The Committee are iCrarnmer, haul gray .Rosebank Rd., at'ranging for the.September meet- '.'20.ft A Lee._haul atone,aand, lumber ing. The drama committee are also .eastern House, Pickering Sugar h9ur)light Soap I.az Soap 1C ltw�51c 4 bars'23c -8 for 280 +Little Chip blarmaltid-a and - _ Little Silver Spoon, ' • . Y TRIED - = n, both or - 'YOU'VE „Li I B h i'39C • Brooms, 5 string, red handle - IR P N or _ - _ - - •--: --• ._ 'Shop the Tbri fty : HYDROPLANING WITH Way N = _ BOOTH & MUrLSOl�, PICKERINE - - ;-,•o AQ U A P LAN 1 G _ - : -' - You order PHONE' PICSERING A00 : 'We deliver - y - .. -�il!011Y TRY �!r _ Pickering Hardware Store - -• - ' _ _..Binder Twine _ _ - > -� McCormick-De erihg sld Brantford. - _ f~� aeweirphysical sensation in motoring="power oft` _ ­'Plow Shares to fit near[ all mattes of plow. — : - : , - = ee"—s=Vf! s>lx-cy ere pneumounte power-- -- - - c r h al.Cll 1»C un the are , r;� •���Y : - . _ . ,itetvinator Electri �Rerrige atom boards of the industry for months pet,but•is offered - -- and Electric Rangettea at Too law at a Prime that s a y own _ . specis prtcm. - aT1VDER the former lowest-priced Three, in the new Agent for McCoernick-Deering Farm Machinery thud RsprAw. Our Motto,-,•We have it, Can get it,.Or it is not made." - - - S BALE - �PICKERING i . I . -_ TERRAPLANING _ _ SPECIALS R TWO VVE�_ ERR ; a•Cam!-and!h•lowest- : . _ . 'Men's Overalls, black and blue, 1.19 a pair up – -- priced Six in Canadat -- - -M& a Work Shirts;-Wc, and 89ro. . 1 _ Men's Work Boots, 1.99, 3190 and up Men's Blue Combinations, 1.19, 010aring _ ,' • - _, . Little Boyyss' Overalls_. 590 and 690 r j 'T to.h. Tilbury, Out, _ -- _ _.Men's AlI•wool Boa, 250 a pair Be ><aodests..Arrange wfth your nearest Hudeon�. – Men's Fine Box, 250, X60 and 600 a pair a - d Men's Khaki Pants, 1.00, 1.19 an 1 75 pair &sex Dealer for a TERRAPLANE -ride today! Wo>netl s Silk Hose, 490 and up . Y`Mw b*mode,by Gomm"1sYsw.M err-Cmsr alndery,•dewy,ooh � Phone;2900 ., - - . :Rosa, Amen d�.Ciartshore Co'., Ltd., Oshawa,' Ontario _ CEC I L B RAL : E ruse--use.110602-fine N C.24"4u e.a.rm=7,Oros. 1�1s o K 302% .% 29 C*.. ^;11 • 4�,; 5-'� i"'"Fy •+F , .'9` j... - � -- ,s.', _ iF-_' _ -- - fr - .. - -•y� ay - -a- � - «.�✓-.'_'^lCjl� 'N1✓'n��„•.�,� �.u:.+YfC•.5+., ♦.{$ayY•�uES.I 4_. .w.�-.' . Li_' �5.-.f_r-�._••e�.:• -L i k T - and Mrs. Forsyth ,_ ..• '. .-. . . . • .�. r ... - _ - - ,,�� •_ tJLfllli�iliONT Abijsh rater• The foundation far the .new .Rev. H. 'R. and ffica. Stepbeas. -' tamed friends from Michigan 'on Breen-house at North Clsreaiont of Stouffville. called on'Clarea►onb � ~ re. A. I. Chandler a �i pent Tees- Labor Day. was built this week. -p friends on Monday, .Afro Toronto. We. 'Nichols. of Tomato, ie . r:. Labor Day was observed very Mr. Moire, of Mad E. and Mrs. Bryan, Mr.and lire. : z3uawTOI�€ ; •;° .< quietly on Monday. visiting Miss MargEatet Graham, here on Saturday and spent Sub. Lye sad Mrs. Burton wotored to of South Olaremont, this week. day and Monday with t,i's daught Niagara Falls, where they spent �T TTY' �� ~ _ Mies Mabel ( ibeoa s ent,a cos- Mr. and-Mrs..Martin and family, ere Mrs. Casks and,on his returu Sande and Monde viewing the I lY S•U R A ti C �ple of days with relatives in of Cobourg, visited Thomas and y' y y g i3carboro, wasaccbmpanied by Mrs. Mairs. ' eights. ' Mies Joan Stewart, of Markham. Mrs. Staubury over the holiday. AUTOMOBILE, Walter and Mrs, Bushby of spent a few days last week w_ith Oshawa, spent Wednesday 'and FIRE Claremont-friends.. Thursday last with the €urmer's URGLARY It J. Bundy, of Toronto, was in mother hEre. _ Od►6IIA�LTY itown last week, when he 6"ed on - • L1FE INSgSANOE� o'nam9'er of old friends. .. SALE REGISTE° - >} Mrs,. .Miehell and son, Frank,of -' Phone Pickering 79W 901y • .''Toraato, spent- Sunday and Mon. SAT1eTRDA'Y, SEPT 10th.- at the i day with Ed. and Mrs. Gibson. Stock Yards. Stouffville,'•Import- BONDS-Government, Muoieipal and Leonard Pilkey has been laid o$• --ant-eredit-sale: of--Fresh._Milch- -.1CrauPl-the, ttitg'er glahmag _ Mortgage i3onds. Also,Industrials. !~ duty for several. days suffering Cows and Springers, also..a Few _ - _._ _ vestments at from 6 to 7 per 'from an attack of summer flu. Young, Cattle. Ayrshires, Jerseys, _-- cent. - - Miss Bowen, of Richmond Hilt, xolstein cows, hi h- --EXHIBITION SPECIALS g grade. Sale INSURANCE-All classes written in.. has been spending a few days with at one:'`5 months credit. J. A. Haw- August 280h tr;September 100h eluding Fire, Automobile, Wind• leer sister, Mrs.Robert McLeod. tin, prop: F. W: Silversides, auct- etor= Accident and Sickness. 9.F. and Mrs. Robins, of Dnr ioneer. REDUCED Q ROUND " _ . Phone or write "'ham, spent a few days last week MO. SEPT._12th - Credit FARE 85e• TRIP 43tf, ED. J3OWMAN.'4bitby ' s` with Thomas.and Miss Graham. .4uation -sale oof 50•-acre farm, .Tickets good returning until Septem 2th _ Thomas and'Mrs.-'Paterson spent young horses, milch cows, young DIN�'Y'S GARAGE "Y • Labor Day in Isrooklin with their cattle and pigs, the'property of Including Exhibition Admission and Coach Transfer daughter, Mrs. Clarence Peagelly, John. A. White, at his,premises pear direct to and from Terminal Car. Brock and.8iagston Rds. A number from Claremont and Green River. Sale at i'p, `m. (st- . inside the Grounds _ �'.r _vicinity' attended the Canadian andard.time) rain or shine. Fred { Pro ortionatel Reduced Faroe From All - - -National Exhibition. on Monde Postill, auctioneer. I p y � General Repair Work all core, -� (Labor Day). y - Points on Gray Coach Lines Routes ggranteed at reasonable, Dr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and Common Table Salt_Often t eaire Pickering ' (Standard Time) Leave Toronto prices. -d ._. . A. M. P. M A. M. P. M. family returned hone on Sunday. Acetylene Welding. ,Helps Stomach a 8,10 -b 2.55 ad 30 2.80 . alter,their motor trip to North p -'a 8.55 8.55 q,� $•� ,Batteries ropaired end charged, era Ontario. Drink plenty of water with pinch •- _ Firestone and Dunlop Tires,t ' Miss Ambnret, of Toronto, re- of salt. If bloated with gas adds .7.55 b 4.56 8:80 4.30 - Gasoline and Oils: t M turned home on Sunday, after spoon of Adlerr7ca• This washes out 8.55 5.55 - b 9.80 680 p 9.55 b 8.55 = 10.80 Refreshment Booth in oonneation s diaR a couple of weeks with BOTH stomach and booiels and rids 10,55 7.56 b 11.90 b 7.30 Mrs. Watford. yon of all gee. E. C. Jones, drgggd$t. 11.56 b 855 ' ' P. M. b 8.30. Phone Pick.7600' Several from. pedal oaE >Itsve . SALE REGISTER. P. M. 9.55 19,. (ntghtor davt_ attended the special tinge ­ -14,_ SATURDAY, SWr. 10th - Auction d 10.45 1.80 10:3o M/LT�V SLEEP Sarkis Ressor's on the 9th eosr: sate of farm stock, implements,, ^' airs. Ed. Gibson has returned furniture, hay, rants etc., at Scar- a Daily except.aiunday. b Saturday, Sunday and 'may PROPAIHTOR `home, after spending three weeks born Viler, the property of the �- Holidays only. d Sunday only. - * tih relatives and friends in estate of the late Wm. A. Kennedy. Coaches from terminaI ;inside the Grounds make di• r,- +Orillta, Moonstone and other .. _oale-at one o'clock, standard tune. sect connections at Bay and Dundas with return towns.-e see bills. K. Prentice, auctioneer. coaches for Pickering and intermediate points. � Same of our farmers have start- ----- ed their fall plowing. The land s w 1 had been very d and hard, but, Eye Grr�yCoach Lines ithe rood candttioap night pat it ` - r ome rttt y x' '- Hiss Doughty,of:Windsor,spenF t Care Lyesig_s! Specialist � over Sunday with Mies S. E. u,.... ., ... iL,a.. .. ... a....- a Evans. tithes Doughty lea former - .,and � _. �,y 6t teacher of Ciareinent and was on '' rim- ber way to Peterboro. to resume a : .L'.;N>rY bLocy., Thar duties as teacher in thateity. - .. �. :..._....._ L Mr., sod Mrs. Caskey, accom- � r` Y � - - pht►;`t•u•i office l� tsie Vanied by the tatter's mother, ��. � Strain � returned to Claremont last week, ✓ _ rafter spending, their summer 7aca- tion at Madoc . Mr. Caskey is now by C. H. Tuck,"� D. Baby ' -the proud possessor of an 8,cylin (copyright 1928):der Ford car.- wf . Misr McDonald and Miss Jessie Lewis spent the week end in To. Part 28 - ronto with the former's sister, Reading, to be of velar, must be e,r1 at i, Mira. Watterson. Mr. and Mrs. interpreted and in this we must have Lewis-went into the city on .Mon- -a retentative mind. Our memory - _ _ day oftarnoon, and on their return must function-or we can not concen- r r• 1 were accompanied by Miss Mc trate. It should not be necessary for i : Gzver�aslrn�' botsald and their daughters, Irene a growing, developing child to so ov- - f• •� _ : p gh'this effort as- to be putting F> , , land Jeanie ercvei hays s �►very h4Vy rainstorm passed more effort into the develoomeat o° .r•.,. river this 18rality on Saturday his mind than .a full-gtoavn adult �►it is to have s►en hevf. - r - pight. Farmers who had not would expend upon his, day's work •� geolemnights,whether due to hairy - . their harvesting finished have Don't lsiitirely blame the 'thild. The �-^� _'ills.vt tendlsto Ikw,i!a werdeeraf iedlk - __ .been delayed in the work. The metho used may not apply to that and so en 1 _ 16in. however, will benefit the particular child. The reason this is 1Nhsaher no wood a ova# men �e aPP h' * hoot crop and -the fall wheat true, is obvious if you compare the -- \ - you es its final hour the .which has been sown, and will work in the school for the bUnd with y` 'roe Oan go "'o"' satisfying and Cos. memorials we exeeab also help the fall plowing• the work of other 9turents. These _ wotwas �W th a-- will be standing in a , On aecoant..of illness Mies Don students with no sight compete suc- mate tribute to the cell. of Keswick, was unable-to cessfully with those who 'see, -in. ac' S RL�NG : . persons they have been ireeurne her duties as principal of ademic and music etc. If it were poss- ^ ST �����` e�� to honor. � - the public school here until Tues ible for tae school room to be more creative skill secures ,_..day. Unfortunately Miae Denael) A an opportunity room, his child sh- Cbsvpet too, and with so odes,, dfrt, the best recta' ' was confined to her bed the errw►t paid be atllowed to learn at his own work or other ineosvenienoss to pet rep i "No Greater TrIbute" er part of her vacation. Wb are speed and a standard se't, sccordinir- with• - N. W. STAFFORD .glad to know that she is now ly, with the teachers free, to aid each : recovering rapidly. according to his speed. •A full rec- • Imagine, twsntj40W or mom hoses of Kingston Road ognition given, for the cap •vas,dependable heat on two gallons onto tbyitby ' - It to hoped that the�,canoinR gv . -- •factory will boRto operations at-the­individual extended a-nd t e sup- 1"of 3g der scums 041 8 _._ the end-of this-week or the begin. erior }ntelligence given an opportun• 4.. on thsda of the b,,, W"Mulmd•-and - �2 ping.of next week. ThA tomatoes, try Oo raise tl}e standard and- vice scums Off is obta+ablis v ighich are not a beau crop, e versa : _ day. _'- t ripening very slowly,y The crop to be continued °"y""M'�`f -was injured in some places by the Come In and lot us I the tasy-- -po THE M,ADELINE fectura of theft fanous Oil Bweear•- tato• halt, dad 'now the tar a /iW green worm is apingcoaeiderab EA�'1"-Y- : SALO1V and,oafs*eyroarvr;. damage, men being employed in ' 3 K Job* Morgan-and Mies alas' - No oW", , :'oil we,expect yd.? Iasnraace co ?� 'Found, of Toronto, motored ,out Fioger•Waving, on Frioay sna spent tae cgay with : scalp 'ft eatmeot, t Cbesp,rat"for farm and oountt7 s Q. H. and Mrs. Found. On their Haircutting. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, return that evening- they were permanent Waving a specialty Claremont wind-mills,8iloe etc. ._ •-accompanied by Mrs. Found, who :Auto�obtle Insurance . et t the week end with them. ' ��- �"�• 3�2uadSell.. of all kinds. '..)![r. Found also went into the city Phone 1906 _CLAftEMONT FARMS FOR SALE ' on 8aturdav and he and Mrs. - - ® - -+Found returned home, the begin es phone : - ••slag of the week. - - Notice to Creditors i _ T� bWrite o�r7��h Dr. Donald S. Rawson and bride. T • D. O 7111 M Ci N . +S (N THE MA•T�'ER of the FrstAte, of� were in town for a few days last 1 20 WHITBY, ONT. ±; Week visiting the former's mother, Elias-Bice, late of the Township of Pickering, in the County of • _ 'Mrs. Reuben Rawson. prior to _Ontario,--Gentleman, deceased. .'--- 7eaving for Saskatoon,Seek,where - • - - NOTICE i- hereby given . . . ' :�Dr��ia�vson is pro#seeps in Sae- a pKw�t. • -katchewan 'University. They :to Revised.Statutea of Ontario, Chap:_ - -- --- _ y%u• o,{, 150 that 1 persons having claims - t� - left on Saturday and will make a -• g LOOK' . THESE OVER sYSr _ rthe •trip by motor. The 'best against the saYd estate o! Elias Bice, �',.• wishes o€ their many Claremont avho• died on 'or about the 14th day t - friends accomoanv them to their of June, 1932, are required to send -_ new home. �= 1�hCa. r o e,un' eraign- S A En ` _ While going afong'the atreete'�id Executors on or before the 8th Men's, per pair :„ 1.95 Ladies', per pair... 85 I Toronto a few days ago. Mrs.Ner• ay of October, 1932, particulars of Boys', per pair 1.7,9 - Girls', per pair• .. 1.49 ° y their. claims, dully, verified; and not- - " .'Itch saw a woman wearing one of ice is further,.kiven that' after'-the Also' Canvas-Boots at�reasonable' prices. w: firs dresses which had been stolen; last mentioned date the Executors For the potato bnRe we'have-Araeriste of-Lead 23c Ib. Puri Greece 'The Toronto police were notified will proceed-to distribute, the said 856.16, Climax Bug Killer 10 lbs 40c.i.King Bug killer 20 We 85c. 'f' e _ and they "arched two tionilee,- estate, -having regard only to the `oeettpted by former employees of cI&l&s of which they shall then have Boys'•Straw Hate 15c., Men's Straw Hate 15c and 20c..' - 21r. Nerlich on his farm on the notice, _ seventh coneeeston. In one of the DATED pt Toronto,,Ontario, the Pink $r►lrsion, 2 tine... 25c Seedless I�aieinN, 2 1'bs 27c ,htiuseb wao.found.a bronze image 26th day of A __ Tiger Salmon,4 tin • .. •25c Lmindr _ August, 1932.-- '- - p Spas, 12 bare,..,. 47c ` -of a bull made by 'a noted scalp Thomas Forsyth, 90 Falcon St. Tor. Good Nippy Chei+se,-per 1.8. ;., -'20c Chipso-or Oxydol, ping 23c to in Germany and valued at onto and Chas. A. White, Green Rio- Pear and Corn,8 tine 'loc Castile Soap,8 bare .. 2bo '>aZ00. The sftict�pe were taken out �� Out., _ Executors. Phone Markhami X402;' We Deliver • Bold and Inatalle by�$ : of Mr.''_V'ertich's . ouse-previous to Beaton, Bell and Ross, 330 Bay St., ��J�Ng PR V .;a;.. the floe which destroyed it a year Toronto, Solicitors for the said Est- Wm. M. D,-M�n Genera[ �'t!��n ��^ �O�A� � or two a +%+a+j t Merchant" G µ` ^ , w• , ��' , -- ,,: L i .. • - � _ __ - 8—__--1 -r ••.,,•;�". ' . .`.'`. � !1 dRt. a>t•sight. It.'wAatd ]Yset � bit chame for her to apw _ ' • I� C eodd- act. . . Well, I eoald .es'n. Lowest Pries in 15 Years + - t as a dangerobs business, and that 7 = ` - - _ ..., . . .,*. ,... .. •. ., . ..,...,, - e "—and smiled jerkily at the gt he • 4 the tense women'is� the living room— -_ u rte e r at •1B rid ge' - "were getting pretty wrought np over ; the way Nita waa behaving,. All'em cept Mrs. Dunlap," he added. "She By ANNE AUSTIN. - - didnit want to act in the Picture, and Nita didn't make any headway at with Peter Dunlap." - t "Thanks,'Mr. Spiague," Zola Dun- f -_ t lap drawled, with an amused q•:irk of - _ -� ass a `r++.+-r«e« _ • her broad mouth. t SYNOPSii3. "may, OMy plans, naturally, call for "Get yl sn; wit!,,the row, s1kaguN:" •_ p r_ 'o mvesatl Aa bTgtehpamyrJe�nnle'uDuna a great deal of research work s'large Dundee commanded Impatiently. , �rttS� From the GardClls' else orders the replaying c= the °scalp expenditure of money, a very careful As I said, it wasn't really a raw, l=and." Penny Crain, Karen Marshall selection of `stars'—" I just pleaded with Nita•last night to - a' , Carobn Drake pia the hand. $ Clive Hammond and his fiancee, roily "I see,"'-Duiidee interrupted. Then'•imooth. Ij)wn the girls'-rymnied feath- �e Menace of conditions,, may devout' wool fur, and ,,Beale, in the solarium at the tme of the era, and to make it clear to-their that his tone changed, became, slow and " �mhrdgr, admit having shall-with Ralph. , - other animal fibers equal tb bbout 12 �iaramoad Judge Marshall says i e �'ras menacing in its terrible-emphasis. she aids t want the star ,part in`the �riSeC#S times the yr ght-of the miller: driven over by s lawyer friend. Drat;e "And you really couldn't let even a Picture any more than she wanted any �i..' walked over from he Country Club. Den- other woman's husband or sweetheart, ' Bedbugs carry dysentery,-smallpox, ter Sprague walk d to a house from good friend- like- Nita Selim upse4 typhus, anthrax, infantile .paxalysis. the bus. Janet Rltymon! stationed on those fine plans of yours, could you, Just a friehdly warning--"Spra= (Seft,ntiHc American) ` the front Porch, came.in with,him, are S ra a?'- gue drew a 'e " + that's' Scientists have recently�drawn up .Jeprosy Their pafnful�bitespv a odors they went to the dining room where' P f3u d. p breath. Anc, that s _ —1 were Tracey Mies ant Lots Dunlap. Even as he put tI a sinister ues-' all the note meant—absolutely!" new and severe indictments ;'•.rx'.' ' Jane. accuses Data, the main, of the P q "I see," Dundee said• household insect against and menace as disease spreaders make i mtrrcer• because Lois had to ring twice tion, the detective' was exulting to quiet_y, then pests, ' "Be Particularly them especially obnoxious and dan. tor her, himself: "Light at last Now I know -quoted: hood, 113bY, and you _against the seven principal "Public -" why this Broadway bounder was re--won't be sorry!•"' enemies"—fifes, mosquitoes; roaches hat bird Bedbugs at9u h them,melling CHAPTER RV. ceived into an exclusive crowd like "That meant, of rout=e," Sprague 'moths, Seas, bedbugs, and ante, Ants and Seas are l 'For first time during the difficult, this! Every last female in the bunch took him up eagerly,;"that I'd see she Known for with the other properly eleassed - luterview Dundee was sure that Z din got a real part in a reguier movie filthiest thin years as one of the . "public enemies' as Y. hoped to be the =tax.in Sprague's mo-' things alive, the fl has been devourers of materials and spreaders Carr was lying. For a fraction of a lion picture!" after I'd' made my hit with the Ham- convicted as the carrier of at least 300 of disease. Fleas have been assocf- Xeaecoad herjsin;le eye wavered, the lid „ itton picture." diseases. - It contributes directly to sled. with animal diseases and with ckezed, then cares her harsh, flat I don't know, what You're driving' Very plausible, vet , at, Dundee!" Sprague was on his feet, „ Y P Y. plau able in the death of at least 75,000 bubonic Dl ague.- de^d, Dundee re8etec. "And yet_,' asnua:'y b s reading disease. Flfea ague. -There are 6000 dit - "I didn't see ziobody•" . his black eyes blazing out f s chalky "All of you have stated separately are Y v ferent kinds of ante but four of them _ face. If you're accusing. me of-= + P y e#t} responsible for 85 per cent, do the most damage--th€-Mv red "i presume yyu- basemen; room and collectively, that you heard„no -Of the typhod cases in titles and 95 variety; the sm%li black ans, the car• lass a window IgQking "nt ,tn(in• the shot fired in Nita Selim's-bedro m this per cent In rural districts. They venter,,and-the pavement ant. "Yes It has Eut I didn't waste no asked lazily.s "Oh, no! Npt-- e', "'`e e ' sr'ai , G back garden!!-Rlndee per3 steel. -- I Aiili„ I:: --Sriisx9' I'-__de Y `' true?„ fs flint- Y-a'ltb-t. ll,l"e e%u►�ill,. 1 Interesting research lies back at the- ' „ Sprague! I was just remembering a' • ' - ' one season., from Way jai to Septem- development f the "chemical war- ed grimly. out of la ,Lydia answer- rather puzzling note.of of yours I hap - He was anew•red by weary nods nr her 30th, a female Hy, and her progeny fare" against Insect peatb. Scientists eel grimly. `•I was laying down, with sullen affirmations. might produce nearly 5,587,720,000,000 discovered a vulnerable spot in the ex. . 1� „ peued to read this afternoon.•. , That ,. „ an ice cap against my jaw. note was sent by,spacial messenger to Then' he continued, "I must con- offspring, The 8Y's body and even its Posed Pores on,each side of'the in-' She had seen someone, Dundee toll Breakaway Inn this noon, you know.'T elude that you are all lying or that Wings, apparently smodth and shining, sect's body. The chemical sprays himself. But the rush w�isld be Ile had little interest for the sudde•i Nita Selim was killed with a gun are Covered with small 'halrs and used, while harmless to man. and af,i- L Atder to .extract from_that stern,.,,'umpling of Dexter Sprague into the ;equipped with a Maxim silencer,'r bristles which offer excellent rod in pecuitar mall, pare the chair from which he had risen. In- p lodging' property r. star-twisted mo;,th, than the abscess- N:ver was a detective more un re- Places roc germs as it crawls over Paralyzing the insect's breathing-or. - ed tooth bad beet,. stead as he drew he note from his ' R' for,the efiect,cf his words upon filth. sans Finally, when lei lens eye did no; -'eyes a group of possible sus An essential ingredient in the most _ again waver .under his steady gaze, coat pocket,°the room, noted the undist S'�lai-•Investi�tor Dundee-�&n,�s every h s'ea of hatita sad, 4n fact, efficient sprays is the salv=er of a cer, be.dismissed her, or. rather,,zettirned y phase of its conduct are dlrtp lain species of dried ch ised relief on ever L Ta continued. her to Captain Strawn's custody. Y -ace, the almost 1 and disgusting In the extreme. To rysaltihemum g oafish satisfaction with which that $often its food sQ that it can be swal. sowers. The substance was discovered "Well. JaneL,'I hope you're saris- WHAT'S THE USE?* lowed, the fly vomits uvoa it, leaving by, acefdeat. Near a bunch o[ wild •' !1+•u!"•Penny Crain said oitttsgly, as close-knit iy►toup of friends seized Tbg;neighbour of a man noted for bests of dangerous germs n upon an outsider as the probable mur- g g flowers which had become withered ' sh dashed unashamed tears tram'her his extreme thrift saw him on a week sumed von uncon- were observed many dead Insects, P.,e ' deter of that other outsider whom partiona of its meal.- Flfea will brown epee. "If ever a maid waa tia dressed in his Sunda clothes, travel from one to 30 miles for food. matter was Investigated by scientists absolutely crazy they had rashly taken into their sae- r p azy about her '.mil- - what's up' P, Am?" he called out. At one feeds tress—". red circle.` Even Penny Crain;thorny mho discovered the effect of this now. little stickler for fair la -that she, Am?" the lad rags us• they will gong It their er extrael oa the insect's breathing play g g weight in food and will gorge them- "I to Not souly. "S Janet the Raymond R,as s sigh. .��Haven't You the news?", selves In half a minute Ot even less' relaxed with a tremulous apparatus. _ retorted furiously. "$he's dust the sort „ - ewe'! at news?• The ba=ils}s far.from$van. It !s esti- ..that would harkur a rud !cr ;ear. You admit that this note, signed time!f tioCtlisturbed. g t` by what I take to be your.'pet name,• uTrfpiets." :,» '• Sirs kinds of mos u}toes are found mated that there are from $44,400 to ar d then. all 'ho f lip-with d Y q `' °pt` was written b �, �h• so that accounts for—" be- In' the L''afted States: They are con- 1,000000. kinds of inaeels In the •'Stay It Janet"'_Lois Dunlap-eom- Y Your hand, Sprague. ' gas the neighbour, when Ehe fru ?world, thousands of them harmful to ma.nc'ed with a curtness that sat oddly- Dundee asked.matter-of-factly, as he p gal demned chie8q as carriers at-malaria extended the -sheet of bluish note_ °Oe iaterru led him, and,dengue'or breakbonii fever wblch man. The World's Insects far out. upon. her kind pleasant face. _$per• 'Yee, that accounts for my wear- sometimes becomes epidemic in the aweigh all.the human beings, animals,, - Listen hers Dundee," '.Tracey "I—no—yes, I wrote it," Sprague Qigrtbese clothes. ?M'at's the use southern, states: The mosquita'a prin--reptiles,and birds phi together.. the Miles broke in, almost humbly. "My faltered. 'But it doesn't mean-a YlIIB to'be; econdmica7•" cipal menace lies in'the fact that it is war between mss and insect-will be a._ �v:fe is getting pretty anxious about thing-trot a damned thing! .rust a - likely to inject germs direc�ly into the long one but for the time being, the the kiddies- The twrs-e quit on ns little private matter between of and- IH OTHER WORDS blood of its victim. The itching a -home; at leapt, has been made re�oa- F yeaterday, and—": ably myself— A Chinese landed fn.Ensland for swelling ceased.by its attack are, Y thanks to the work wbeh • "Ann my.3vife '.is warrling her- - "Rather nest wording for an unim-i the first time. At ,Dover an ofllcial �$e1y due to a poison substance re-;has shown the way to direct the terror P,-I, sick over our boy=just three portant message, Sprague," Dundee'asked hftri"his name.' leased during tbla biting to .hill the-of the st th field—"chemical warfare" months old," Judge Marshall joined interrupted, Sneeze',"' replied the Orientai, • 'blood so that the liquid can easily be,- against age insect armies.. tt. protest. "I'm all fcriLssisting jtia-, "Lret me fresh your " v memory:.''Nita' m '" sir, 'having served on the beach to r a h cue_ and s - , Y =Wee he began., The toms officer stared h at swallowed by the mosquito•_ _ 1 e d'slowly, "Forgive your bad boy htai: = -`- Cockroaches are the "Methuaelaha" :Ile lied s ,self, as you doubtless knouq; but—" - fifned very well iend *as for last night's row but I must w�tn r Is that your native•- game?" he of the insect world as they frequently doing hfs,best to fit his key into the. "I'm all right,real Y. Hugo," Karen g ! p you again to watch your step. You've;asked' live to be tour years old.- These filthy lock, singing a fit h song metal' ;Mlarshall faltered,laying a very white a-ready gone too far. Of course I love `NO•" The Chinese shook his head. Insects carry the terms or diphtheria, white. 'After- g time a head looked little hand against her elderly hus- you and understand but— Be I bad }t translated Into Engleesh." :tgphoid, Iysentery, toasilitfs, leprosi, band's cheek. . B� nut of the window above, "Go's.wa - " -Please Raby, -and you- won%- be -sorry!--,( "Then let's have .•your -native and malignant tumors. N you fool!" q• e be patients .ettle_Ieager eat to the Qy cried the man upstairs; + =Dexy.- `F •+ name," persisted -the officer. the cockroach is the most dapgerous "You're trying to et into the wrong ")Dundee urged °Z✓,�s�T�i$i:� 3 ra 4C w. c/' l+t� il�/!, +roe -AI••M6 , , p K r „ , r ah chat-is ' .�az1°a + as a carrier of disease. hose" "Fool yourself.' shouted _ fall, only one-.of these people ro:Id bt - MnFlhtt_ rievaut+ on his handkerchief. "I know it sound; - el 1; =• ty of Nita Selim's murder, and i+. —aid, under the circumstances," he He--"Last night I wandered.in my worth of textiles and ether-DMaterials 1 -cmt of she wrong*indoor?" `= was beastly to-have to hold them like admitted desperately,' ,="but listen,t mind She -- "'fell, you -lvouldn't annually, sad'are•the housewife's con- i khis, . . . But one was guilt r n+i - g Y' .Dundee, and I11• try to make that stray far."` staat enemy. Kdilling the miller moths Peter (saying his prayers), "Aad� - -• - "You. knew-'Ars. Selim- in, New .damned note as clear as possible to-a _a_s the e a usuall' - 'York, Sprague?" he asked; whirling It's strange, but well water has been y Please make Cyril give up throwing man who doesn't know his Broadway, , have been.•Ia_id be fore•the moth Hies.' etviies, ai me. 19y 'the way, I've men- Suddenly upon the man with.-the.-Why, man, it isn't even a lose letter? known to make people III. The larvae, under favorable th files [toned this before." Broadway :stamp. -- "I met Nita Leigh, as I •rlwa s Everybody on Broadway talks - Y writes to each other like''hat, with - jdeard her called,when I was assistant mea As I told-you, ning a thing! , . - • . '•_.: ` director in the Altamont Studios, out. Nita Leigh, or.. Mrs. Selim, remember- ' ___---- ---•- Y—� ^- - --- ------ - •_ - - - ` ' Mots Long Islam," Sprag:ie answered, ed some tittle kindnesses, I had do„e P :.. _ jau black eyes d," g to meet Dundee's CC 'that p rain clear. W, her ors the Altamont lot when 3he ryo, `= _ --- --with an air of complete he - `'_- `� • - "Wondertwf little here to take up that Little Theatre _ •girl,. and. a great work Mrs. Dunlap is interested in, and ' dt.ncer. . : , Scree ec, damned wel., ,ousel that the Cham r• ' — `'too. I had h t be of Ccmm,ar�P - . . optd to give her a break. •` >:�: "`'tie:" 'was interested in uttln Hamill r name-d&7_--ax--something better than P t3 0 � �this .-r'aS w ♦ a into the movies, e .+P} ra �£ Y Y ` 9t.tl s/ kr +1 I �.LV" 1ewh J ��. pnit5[l. []Ile wc�ic ll,c oa, ,,, , '� ' i pened that Ni.ta,'who never forgot it looked good enough. to drop ever a "�'•£,id'** � ° `' _- _tl„ Come. L1T (OnrCP til "•:^1\V} � h��k�\\�';'::'':';'i'f:' give - ,,., to� - �. �� - - i ..::,:.�.:.r.:.: n��� [ � •. ve me a boost Herself—a'r once to P y . and I got to be closer friends, o}it 1 show what I can really dq with a. camera: swear we were just friends—" � • "And what was the `friendly' row a, ` ��` *` ' "I knew 1'd seen your name some- gg g grease an about last night, Sirra:,ue?" � \4w Cl� Zn where!" Dundee exclaimed. "So you're - �' tLe man the Chamfer o' Commerce i "There wasn't a row ;.�a,ly," Sprs- �`O•::� `.' °<„ �w 'dickering with. Going to make an- gue protested with despera'e earnest. never /` ne.". •' it was-merely that'Nita insist "`' arms enamel historical in 'of the foundin •; " ;!< ;x'"" >' - ` ax growth and beauties of the City f ed•on my casting her%for the her,ino -> - .$amilton aren't . ou"' the movie—a thing i kno•v w-i:lt+ S Klirnata the whole erog[? that 's beta �� ON'T run up a plumber's bill everjr "If get the,:ontract, _yes," Sprague ., D so kind. to u.— ! ,w•:::::;:<> an.�1 steel with palpably �sr time our drain a umed mod- "Wh• - ace she Y pipes clog. Fix J—^ was a nf ession_, �em yourself...thiseas y ,workless way.Dundee acrorl.de:l• ----- .•t� "Because- she isn t a Hamilton girl, p J list sprinkle 7 1'r Gillett's htiie Flake Lye °, e hambez - down _our._ _ 1 ,�: ._ drains and. d _ t `�>'iF•.'. Oil Lot c bo w 1 - lr — fl etc M ants the cast to pe al 1 1 aca11i, week. Use it full _ _ strength, for . 13rth� Gill I1 taI n eft s et Sprague -t;: ' sue as , n �Vr BYWAW P S e eel� •1 s'P g •Pure Flak `e nresent tense. ' • • �; '' : : _, e'Lye will not in any way into the •:'::;...,:-,, ;.;,'>'^:::a:,>>:;:;::: ,;.>;: >:,;�. v; iarirt_tfie finish_JI t.,4... kd-sisllfs-' i "And just what were,}ou.garnjng �' FREE BOOKLET: rhe, oit. bathtubs. hot against?" i �. ant}Lye Booklet tells many ways to "I'd told her before to watch her - wkctan yc� cleaning easier. diva Grease'and dirt dissolve like magic.- ! .; comp etc instru`Uons for scay.makia" gi - .. ()WN Gei n Bare killed.Odgrs banished.Your ` ! 'j"1'ou see, Dundee, Nita Leigh 5s—was *sxu'I:YxH=< M'' other uses on the farm.Write to Stand. t a first class little vamp. And I could Y r pn�run and clear. And.•.there's - �nddss-Imited, Fraser Ave. 3 OA see she_was playing her cards with fhe _ t Toronto,_Ontario. Il - - .. � .L _ T Data `4 t..en here"-he indicated'10ur•of Ham- _ , {�f,E llton's most p'roMinent Chamber of- -•- _ T I L LETT'S LyE Commerce �mem'je'rs with a wave-of - TeII your grocer it's •Gillett'= Pure hand— to t em all so crazy Neer dissolve lye in hoc Flake Lye you .want: This powerful JSSUE No. 37--'32 - about her that they'd vote fo'r her as r.cer. the.ctiert of the lie EA ',g.DIRT C; 'sc`t` and disiilfectaflt' saves-hours \ the star of the picture. I could see her N ' itself bean the'wateer, Of scrubbing. Try 1A ry a tin. ..� • ".� .- 'r�"-�"�'�Ivwz.S�`l�t,� a.`"":sat, :. s.r '-.-. > -- __ " . ... . I � s. y - N '� '.w-� 'i.';r+•.,• ->..-F,•) .ron• `'e...'$.,. �.".+_. .-- ::'xr�ae.�r..+.v-'. :nom •. - w. .:`S-1: !4. _Z Y s. ..,,,.., vat--_ ; �"'• �.•'.V_!'..au:6',C - -,� --- � ftt New York F atography By,. :' yy , Is �1Vearing - o11't ttr't�S 11 }aping: Pv :: ,� hY ANNEBELLE WO:tTHINGTdN-Ripl-Developme w thptl rt _ nt of New Me of- - h� �'� �� Mustrated Dress»tairty Lesson Fur. Topographical Survey, Dcp$rtinent oft the Interior. _Illy MAIR M. MORGAN ` = d With Every Pattern+ Ottawa.-It #s ust 'ten - tt • � 9 - years since csi 1Suryey lira been• figs_•; oentrsl•� � -� .. _ _ the new tnethod of mapping by means d8 cy fox Lhq cIptrol of aft the semi If M,VKoman's Place !s In the Home.'' of aerial photographs was commenced photograph:required;py the various - lipderai sersices. This control pro- , - - --J �� - In Canada, but the progrdss made has video for the issue of technical In ^" been almost unbelievably rapid. In structioan for the,photographic opera- - Buttered Eggs I this sort of cookery. Combined with 40 - - 1922 the Topographical Survey, DO- tions, the indexing and filing of all The prevaWn partment of the--Interior, arranged'photographic prints, and the plotting , g price.of fides allows a strong flavd6d vegetable, the,result one much freedom to test out new re- w a pleasant and out otatoes, are a ' wth the Royal Canadian Air Force to and compilation of maps from &.he ` c#pea calling for five or six. Here are whole. Turnips and potatoes, are a �' take aerial photographs over a few ex- photographs: `s time-honqred example'of such-a com= _ stew "fresh" ideas=alwayg welcome -perimental areas. •A few rolls of The methods used in plotting the biaation. Ineipensive vegetables com; in the egg line. obtftlue Photographs. were taken in mapping information from the photo- "Buttered Eggs,"-are not very dif• boned with expensive ones frequently' 75 northern Manitoba and a small area to graphs have for the 'most part been ferent from many egg concoctions.you make it possible to economize without - Saskatchewan was photographed ver developed in this country. In par brave aften tasted, ubt are just differ- sacrific'ing palatability. tically. During that winter original ticular the oblique method is known ent enough to remember with plea- Summer squash is a splendid vege-• plotting methods were worked out and as the Canadian method and it has sure. table, but it is often criticized as taste- sure. ?, the follo'w'ing year several areas were been adopted for use in other coup- Whip whites and yolks of eggs separ- less because it is thoughtlessly pre covered by oblique photography. With tries - where conditions are similar-` °- ately .and thoroughiy, Td yoiksof 5 eggs -pared and served. , It-is especially the experience gained to that season's This method, because of its -low coat, ' l add 1 cup milk and % cup grated good in combinations on account of its i work a quite extensive'program was flexibility and the• small amount of .Ax cheese, then fold, all carefully into bland flavor. Combined with tomatoes - - launched in 1924. From that year on- ground surveys required, #a very ap• whipped whites. In the meantime �/* and cheese it offers a.well-flavored ward the.work has steadily progresA- plicahle to much of Canada and by Its cup.butter is melting in the top part dish of high-food value. ed. Each year has seen, a deeper_in.- use the geographical knowledge of of the double_boiler over hot water. road into the practically unmarked ex- northern Canada has been extended-In When butter is melted add egg and +� Summer Varieties Good pauses of our northern territory, the last'ten years in a way that would --^ cheese- mixture and stir all gently ud •There are several varieties of "sum- - while at the same time accurate maps have been quite impossible by former -tit it is thick and smooth. mer" squash, and they• are good. were produced of those• specs] areas., Of course, this constant stirrizi wilt- sources of vitamins. Cyml#ng or ground methods. g where important industrial or mining During that period forty map sheets � rows. n„r *^urh � tho air bait. gnod "patty Ilan," nrnnknnrk an marrow - - developments'we fakir .. ' deal of it i$ left in and 'with the large all appear in market about the same j T, g place k.' on the scale of tour miles•to one inch, amount of butter a particularly smooth tizus and are all delicately flavored. ' L p to the present time a total area each covering re area of between 5,000 map and rich egg dish iesul"ts. - - These varieties, vrhich are very neiy V _ er d with a aerial. Ah been cov- and 6,600 square mites, and three map y '-' ered with serial,photography compriw n:-e6L*_pn the scale of eight miles,to tiave You Left-Over Whites or Yolks? grained and tender, are seldom peeled ing 125,000 square miles by vertical one faoh, each coveii,.o-Q^ area 'of Very. often a favorite recipe will and the seeds'are not removed. it is Gam.5 5 3 photographs and 277,000 square miles, roughly four titnes that of a four-mite leave us- with a few egg whites or at this stage of their-development that - by oblique - yolks on our hands, and You will and they are rich sources of vitamins. photographs. Vertical map, have been compiled from oblique' It helpful in avoiding' aste to keep "Instead of mashing or'frpizig' aum- - Photographs are axed for mapping on. photographs and published. These g" ]nifty large acmes or where the coon maps are'units of the National Topo- the following suggestions handy: mer squash, Cry-steaming- iL and ,etv- try is rough or mountainous, while-graphic- series which Is designed to One Yolk:-For Itinding croquettes, ing it with a white sauce -to which_ oblique. photographs are especially cover,eventually the •whole area of • or meat loaf , oar hell plat mayoa- cheese has 'bees added. This dish is •- well adapted for the exploratory maps Canada. In tl_e same time twenty-one 42- ]noise; cream Httrig for cake. quite as desirable for children as for ' ping of those extensive areas of forest sheets of the sam�series,compiled to Two Yolks: Foi' mayonnaise: egg adults, Serve it drith' a crisp vege and.lake of fairly uniform elevation whole or fn part from vsrtleal photo- - imixture: for dipping croquettea,chops, table salad; brown bread and butter• which constitute such a large propor- graphs, have been-published on the etc., before frying In deep fat; for hot- sandwiches and a LrutL dessert. tlon of-Northern Canada. The.photo• scales of one-mile'pr two-mile to the s landalae sauce; for whfpping'with 'a A squash salad Is unusual and sun graphy has been• done through a-co- .inch. In' addition seven other ma ]ittle orange juice as a dressing for priaingly. tasty. boll cr steam squash operative arrangement with the,Royal sheets compiled from 'vertical photo- cabbage salad, or.for use in place,--,f until- tender. . Drain if necessary and Flere's a charming 'black velvet Canadian Air Force. The Topograph#- graphs have been issued. - -cream over, stewed prun'eq, - cools Reject seeds and 'cut the,firm 'dress with lace trim, . ' - - _ -. '`Z Three Yolks: Soft custard; -bray:on--part to neat cubes. -Combins- with Its wearable sophisticated simpiic• � nalse; pineapple or cocoa-egg jogs. - shreds of sweet green pepper and ity.makes it an economical, choice. Written in Devonshire Retired Four Yolks: For individual baked ,serve with sliced tomatoes on a bed of The neckline is-particularly becoin- Here all the summer I could stay, .,custards for two people`; for pint tray- lettuce. ir_g and slimming. AnO don't you like .b-or there's a Bishop's Teign, Back to the homely rhythms t Alternate'layers of saluted squash a Of needle and washboard and broom, _ 4,onnatae; or beaten with milk for, 9 ,the modified putTPd sleeves.'fhe'cnrv- ..And King'a•Tetgn, � Making whole and. making fair, _ iscrambled eggs. - and tomatoes are sea,oned with c hip seaming is slenderizing. The And coomb at the clear Teign's head' And coaxing the crosapatch room. Eight-Yolks; -minced onion-an celery, topped with g For 'snnshlne Bake; paneled front and bark o1 the skirt - Where, class by the stream, Lord Baltimore cake; frozen custard. grated'ch-eese and baked. to a modes eves the figure elegant height. You may have your cream, 1i One White: BUSY beaten. for #u• ate oveii for .20 minutes.to make an And ift's as simple as A, B. C to-And spread•upors barley.bread. Lrito a smiling ordermother's dividual toping for dessert peaches or appetizing baked dish.• _ in this model to Cther. Such were her mother's days, p 8 St:6 the tasks of her mother's! 'prunes; fruit whip; boiled frosting ` Canton-faille crepe is effective in _There's ]Arch Brook. F �, -Two Whites; Merin Vegetable Colors mother. _ due for pie or- g black with Persian green trim. And there's Larch Brook,- She had returned to their ways; .puddini. lemon snow; fruit whips, or When. you are serving repatables,' Style No.'2553 is designed for sties Both turning many a mill; - - Seilo.whips, try to have a.color-contrast 'Never 16 18 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 And coodlag the drrouth ' } Finding `!ii these aid motions Three Whites:'Divinity fudge; mer= -serve all - green vegetables. Peas, inches bast. 'Of the salmon's mouth, _ - Something-that clears the mind, 3agues; amp eake, sptnach.'and beans make an unatt me- ' gize 36 requires 4 yards 39-inch, And fattening his silver t ill, „ Making smooth and--making sweet, Four' Whites,: Plain Iight. white tive combination. Carrots relieve it. with % yard 35-inch contrasting. Like linen dried. in the wind - cake; cocoanut-or almond macaroons,. _ :1OW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Theses$ wild.wood, Eight Whites: Angel food cake. --Do Yew Walk Weill _ A mild, hood, It seems quiet without the clatter A alke of French toast on which It is 'gurprisittg how many •people Write your raise and address plain- To the sheep on the lea o' thq down; Of -typists and adding machines, mts a perfectly poached egg, flanked don't know�2vo to walk. Their weight ly, giving number• and size of au^h • Where the golden furze. Sewing alone, and cocking slaw, ---on either side with a strip of crisp rests on their heels, and their feet patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in Wth its green, thin spurs, And thinking on..ways and means. -•- bacon, is always appetizing. 'weave fadtastic patterns They $row 'i.stamps'or coiet (coin preferred; wrap Wth catch at the maiden's gown-- --.Egg Pyramid tired and don't know the reason why 1 it carefully) for itch rsumber, and =John Keats, lrr "Poem fine chintz. is faded; the.,needle- • .A-slight variation on the :baye is they do. _ address your or&e to Wilson-Pattern point She add'itIon of tomato. A.few suggestions would help to Service, 73 West Adelaide St.,,Toronto, - -- And tapestry grow bare an a very ,large thick slice ot?, to- send them along the right path, y On the round footstool-and the sofa Take your position against the wail %We may say of angling as Dr: Bole snato place a poached egg. Off.either g -And the cagglag. easy-chair. side place a halt slice of toast cut Remember that your heels, thighs, it's good for a niaa to be contented, ter said of strawberries, "Doubtless ; diagonally on which is around of ahoulder•blades and the back of your but no good for the place be lives in. God could have made a better berry, �ese have weathered the human — =.ismoked back bacon. head level with your nose should Contented people never stir hp things, but doubtless God-never did% and so, turmoil, - touch the wall. Now imagine that a or throw light into dark corners,,or let if I might be judge, ".God never did Thoagh the geaerattoa !e gone Buttered Eggs With Tomatae: air Into stuffy places.-Eden Phtll make a more calm, t nU Cut firm tomatoes in 1 3 inch slices, pulley is raising your hear•.•Then'step quiet, innocent Thai chose them, It'.ds strange Potts, recreation than 'an lin nut. When you do it keep slightly g S•"-I. Walton. _ sprinkle .with' salt d pepper and ° -`--- How tables and chairs ]Iva on � _ forward with your shoulders. Forget - `dredge-with flour and saute gently on them. Let them &o. They'll do the « �„ R'heiu all who were gay. nisi tender, -. -butter. Serve a poacheu egg-=o i� forwatdact-unconscious:y, ' - u_11i1 c/` Have a Bouquet � Or passionate and bold slice of tomato. Now pretend that you have-t new - Have vanished into the silence, Epos Baked in Cream pair of rubber heels-and can't afford : 1 And become a.tale that is cold. - , <. When the oven is hot-this'method another pair of them for a year, Na- t bt cooking eggs is both fast and spe- turally you'will warm-to'says them, so '.f f¢ z. I ,----M-W,A,•J.. CLOSSER. •rcial. 1 egg, 1% tablespoons heary You will-let most otyouur weight go rcream, t tablespoons fine dry bread forward: Never let your heels Come 1 ` crumtSs, ' teaspoon calk .(Individual loin first. Japanese Barberry Rated rule) Mrs vree.,r !>std crumbs and - With Most Useful Plants sait. Eas to Practice 7 w�- Although not as famous as the rose ture in egg shlrrer or individual bak- If this doesn't het ', �"ent'i``ka%L yqt ' �; ' I r lilac, the Japanese barberry ranks - t^g dish. Slip in eggs and cover with are wearing a pair of new shoes which �,.• , remaining a.4L vou 'may decide not tQ keep. Since one r he most useful garden p a R. The minutes in' 'atoderate oven 350 deg. you don't want iu g th them con crud - _ common or European barberry is the _. b'ahr. _ walk lightly, easing the Heels. + "' - , only other one wlil known to gar- Eggs a la-sulsse Walk across the floor several times. ' • 1�-••. a Foue eggs, . cup table cream, 1 Keep this exercise in mind whenever deners. This other species is notorl- iauicoy„Y:. butter;---2--tablespoalt_•s_pou are walking. It is,pract3cal and :'. ofs to a Pro 4 and the-cQni<at _ `», r i t -grated cheese, or crumbled Roquefort, can be;done anywhere, �y the heat rust o w a _ drastic means to eradicate it from skillet,put.in butter; when-melted ddd you ;re sittin is arrother important K` r :ire nsverai$ea.t.. ..salt, pepper, cayenne. Heat small Keeping a graceful position when armtanas y cream. Slip in..eggs one at a time, g " ° _ • Berberis Avulgarts has longer, less p part of tha program. :Choose a chair sprinkle with - salt, t • *' persistent fruits•in,drooping racemes. pepper, and that is. comfortable, Make sure that "< •>y` . ',„ ;:;+, • =r.„s• The flowers and fruits of the Papa- cayenne. When whites are nearly it has a back that will support you. °. �.._;: ;::>: ' *••v•' "' --�7lrm, sprinkle with :cheese. When Now•sit back. Let the blades of 34 ; v uese species are usually in' clusters o[ .. 1 two to four, the -fruit persistent and.' finished cooking and serve on butter- your shoulders touch the back of the , w �'� f with the yellow pendant Sowers in ed toast. Strain cream over coast, chair, Don't slide down on your spina;♦ early spring and the showy scarlet i~;ges a la Suisse may be baked if-pre- Stay erect. Let your feet rest on the k tarred. Sour.- stitL ` fruit staying on all winter. It is a " ++� .f•' valued standby for doorva_-_r_ds hedges but It It comfortable: ,' � f' �! y - and many other garden dies. -,.Vegetable C6mbinatiorius. The correct way to walk or_ sit is ? ' As each vegetable -co ea into 'sea- -Th_8_i;rewis, named is honor of m usually --the easiest_way. It ,Lq as- Nehemiah Grew, an Eogiisb-plrysf _ _son and becomes �leatliizla poss3= tounding how difficult we.make life K s bilitfes must'lie.studied and carefully clan and vegetable pirysiologtst, eon. taons about seventy. species of worked out if the homeni�ker'receives - .:_ - _ .- .• shrubs, mostly found in warm edi- o "Dabbling in the Dew” ` tall value sad benefit from it. ,Vega- g fables prvide au abundant, 'varied Ttey say--it's "dabbling to the,devv" t- • a s have been tried under cultivation in S' i►nd altoge her satisfactory diet at low that makes ,milkmaids fair. ]lain w temperate zone gardens and found~"'- - $ost• this time of letir, it time and water has just the same effect. - �., ' ,,; to be reasonably hardy. - thought are spent In'their preparation. -- So, if your-skin-4s a trifle burnt up fitre oobking of vegetables itt com- from summer suns, make amends. •_ „,,� ; .. . " A champion is s [allow who gets,- " . binations is a worth-while way./to save Wash your face In rain water night - - - - beaten to o or three times in a week *ork and fUoL Mild savoreid vege• and morning and-you will soon notice .. ' "Spanky" juvenile Romeo of Hollywood trys his wiles on Jacquie and keeps-on-calling himself a chain• Ubleg 1epe0144 lend themselves to how soft and silky it has became. Lyn, who looks like she'll-accept_the, floral offering. pion. r IF' ��., ,e..+a..c,r•?,;.... Y7'a'r+. .. ..i$,b++ , .:'I•• ..,,x'.'.,'. , ✓.-,., "?u,.W.,_„ -•'..'`,�,°"'+t%t^"-' t :✓^ - ..,-._. + �.KS- . .:, m _ }.'.-a r_:_..�. .�.., —r.-^x,1�,<'.... - �;- - - ,,._: ,.,,. - nW µ t rr. .ij c�N k7 .6�mer' bells `bift. -$obert Somerville has had a ,'Yx°�. aawel to hid bbd dsldo6 the past nest deter put is at his residence. - � '•x" �. "• waeit through illsi�. We 6opis -Willard Uronk, of Datroit, '. for a speedy recovery. even few days with his parents, 1 - i. •,», .-.~--lr . (Dr.)From wens' he'010 -The rieei in the price of coal _R. H. and litre. Cronk: 'In Toronto will not--tyke place on -Rev. H. G. Crozier resumed ' ' . -Min Lan Clark was'the west - . Sept. 1st, as is usual on that date. his work in St. Paul's Church on U611 ,of Toronfio,-- - - - _ This is owing., a�rs. While and onllltsnd: vacation. > el��,�. his ur, who has heel! -Harvesting o The LeaAer Chain Grote : OsB1t*&, viSi ed---with g peratione are _ ���Mrs.l last wash. speeding his ed to bummer at hie home now shoat over and threshing -1Lies]carte $sue aoeomp.nisd here h.e returned to Lenno:villa. Is now in full swing, and mod ,by several friGM14 spent the hell- Bishop's Bolleu ell his duties at yields are reported generally. Io a motoring trip to lHiftts• _ g -It is probable that the Domin• 4roQery Specials for Bept. 8, 9 and 10 The regular monthly messing too Parliamel" may most during vile: of the Woman's Association will the last week in October,alt hough ' -Bert and Mrs. K&ttbewe, of be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, at not deliaite has been decided "Falcon" 4 "Millionaire" w Beoa ham, visited with H. and 3 o'clock(D S. T:). at the -home of upon. - Rice Oriapiee ' Moe. �echio on Thursday of last Mrs. Walter Br9 -Bartlett Pears --=:'Vegetable and 2 for 28c week. y• -lilies E. A. Croak, who has No.2 size, 3for 25c Tomato Soup -John S.*and Mrs. Balsdon, ac been visiting her sister, Mibs •. -James Heoned7, of 3curday, compacted by W. L and Mrs. Ale ra Choak in California for a -'.'You'll like it." . ®^' .81nffd, wall in town on Saturday. Courtice, motored to Bracebridge few months,-`reflirned home on Gold Medal 3 for 25c Ready cant 1Maearoai when he Called on s few old one day last week and took a• Sunday. — friends. Pumpkin - — --in...pkg� - - ---- -^- cruise in one of the Itizarions -Dr. Goo. and YM.rs Field'and 2 for .. 23C "The Leader" 3 for 28c -Grant Law, of Lefrny, has excursion steanters through the daughter, Georgia, of Des Muines, Leads been spending s few days during Muskoka Lykes. The trip to the Iowa, are spending a vouplN of ` Yoa'!1 enjoy "Fxrk's'` _ the past week with relatives in takes lasted fur over 12 hours, and weeks with the 'former's brother, "Goldetl Spray" ;,Picketing. - IC took Lhem through some of the Claude, and Mrs. Field. Shopping Catsup -Mies Eva Pilkey, of Toronto, Loaf Cheese the Flavoring most delightfulscenery in Canada, -1QrN. Thomvs all Lqw, whnw "Leader"repent s few days this iveek wt the and was thoroughly enjoyed by prostrated by the death of her. J's - ••• •14c Leader FVay, g home of her parents, C. H. and Per bottle ... 33c them. husband, 11tts been under the'enrt• Mrs. Pilkey, -The partial eclipse which-of a trained narbe. We are glad . "Wonderful" Javel Water -It is reported that the recent spurred on Wed nesdaAafternoon to know that' she ,ill gradually: Gran. Sugar rains have caused many potatoes last,was witveaxed by quite a large recovering. -Laundry Soap : ,per qt.' - -- : ' to rot.which will affect the yield number of our residents. Unring -The regular meeting of the " bare `25c only 9c 101bs. 52c considerably, the period in which the sun was Women's MibFiunary Society, of -Mies Dorothy Andrew, whb partially. obscured, - a certain 'St. ADdrew's church. will be held clerks. in M. S. Chapman's "Big atnount of darkness of a- peculiar at the home of Mrs. John Murkar _ More and more The Public are realizing "It Pays" to Store," has been enjoying a two character o.curred. IE'reaetnbied on Wednesday, Sept. 14th, at 3.30 shop the "Le-des" way. •� - . ..week's vacation. somewhat the effect of the light o'clock (D. S.-T.) . -Misses Ida and Bert Bunting caue+ed by a smoky sky It is said -Rev.H. G. Consist will preach _ - • returned home last week, after that astronomers made an error next-Siibbatb morning and even- GOODS ndIng several weeks with rata• in calculating' the time Fit which i++p I., rh - t --at ��W ' !��! ! E DRY t1vaiii in "l the ecupsey would begin. It is said Tuence a series of sermons on -Hon. G. Howard Fed from that they were out about a second, •'Home Life." Toe,subject of the ; :_ .+ DEPT. who has recently returned from which we believe is a pretty-close first sermon will be The ln$nence Ragland, is convinced that there : -is clear evidence of a retort) to calculation when it is made years of Home.' All are welcome. " before the event occurs. -Robert and Mrs.,Gormley and W e are placing On our Sale$+. Tables n immense lot of better times. We 'hope he is not -The most of the scientists who son. Wm., and daughter, Mrs. Lip- stock at prices that are ridiculously ' 1laietaket). went down to Quebec Province pert, of Barberton. Ohio, who had - -Quite a large number from last cheap. .. Wednesday w take photo been ettendit;.It the funeral of a _ the village and-vicinity have been graphs of the total eclipse met relative in Oshawa, visited Win. Youtha' end Boyb', values regular 2.15 to 3.75, taking In the sights at the Cana• with great-disc disappointment as a and Mrs. A. Goriple9 last weer. . -disc National Exhibition during ven going out at ... ... 1.49 • cloudy sky prevented many of They returned -to their home on - -- ' .the past two weeks. them from getting a view of the Sunday. _ Bbys' Gape, fine for school .. .. We y Wm. ost a valuable p� -St. George's Chnrch, Sunday " 24-2 .. ... 1.2U '. Riley y eclipse. Rev. Dr. harsh, however, *$ soileh cow one dap last week. It Boye' Tweed Longo, struck better luck, as he located Sep 11th. 16th Sunday after Is believed that the animal was at a point where there were no Trial Stloday School, 10 a. m.; li Doz �'•aeck Sweaters, values up to 2,a0 and - = - - M>. " killed by a stray shot fired by rlondsto obstruct the view. He Holy' tnunioa, 11 a. in., @peak• 5.00, going out at ... ... 1.19 ~ <, some careless person. succeeded in getting about a dozen er, A. uttle,- Finance, Cum- Mr. Parsons. of Windsor, mo splendid photographs of the.pbe- missioner. Diocese of Toronto: + ='children's Sand Ribbed Hoge, sizes 6 to S l` toted to Pickering on. Saturday nomena, which will prove of great Evening Prayer, T, 00, address by per pair ... _ ... ... 23c _ and will @peed a couple of weeks value to the bcieatists in determ• Mr. Cuttle. Bo 9' Stuc•kiD a beau black cotton. ribbed, with Dr. and Mrs. Cartwright, iniaR certain fact* that can be -The pnb}ic and coatinnatian _ _. ._ y,. R'' y . - 2 with whom Mr Parsons and little Rough and Tumble", _izes r and•,3 9c = -. R, t daughter have been visiting the determined only during ti total schools reopened on Tuesday. -:- size9 Sl toll :. .... .89c t u two weeks. eclipse. As a result of the failure after 'being closed hetween two - Mrs. James Sonier�itle ah,; of a number to secure the m'�ch and three months fttr the etlm.,ner iMany other line@,just in'time fat school opening has been spending a couple of coveted pone. many thousands of vakeatiOn. The continuation achocil dollars slab been spent in vain, Hs'1RSt year, will be in c- Wit cf — me —S. -GHAPMAN - months in Kingston with her -The local- Patrol of : Lone R. H, Ripley and Mk,; �`ilkie.and niece, Ales Rnd Mfr Svoutd be1-d it very9pecesefulcamp Mr -W alla a and Mi�q Myrtle Fleet, returned horr�on Saturday. - ' fire and cure roavl tin Tuesday Lo:kwood will have charge of the l - She was accompanied by Mr. and evening, Ang: 30th. Parents and public ta(-&- i, the latter.qnR-ce'ediog ---�- -- — g ,Mrs. Flett who rebide-with ftieudi� were the guests of the :41ies Beare, who had resigned. - _ her for a Lime, hope, and a great time w'Rp lied by -Max S�luvittb, of Purt Col 7 y4 : The 'Marathon 0twiros at the o pe r E'� pecial s rill, Song' . FkiCQ, rhoiuyee and rcrre, hp Rred -.in the.Pickeriog o Canadian National , Exhibition ''ronnd5' composed the program, pt,/ice Court an Tuesday c,f last - lor•iDg n1UCtY of their interest. wliirh w'aa fullowed Ily refrerh- 'week charged with selling liquor : The float few years they attracted mente. Two honored gueNt9 of illegally. Stveral wltues"�es fro© a large' number of visitor@, but the boys fcr the-ot'easiun were S Clareulont appeared for the pro?e• E their novelty i4 gradually wearing H. Reg. Terrett, of Fiftli Drhawa :n;iun who testified that the Black- t. 1 ou althongb there are still many Troop, and S. ! Harry lugs. of putchRs-ed lignor from hilt). He Dutch Open and jar `of Crosse �� v+ho would not niiss the accost Eighth-Oshawa Sea Scoutb` Four wRs found gouty and Wft%sentenc' a. vino, boys from Pickering Patrol .at- ed to two month@ in -jail. Judge Vell's 'Relish regular 1.85 '-American tourists are ' very tended Fifosh Scout Camp, near ttted,t was reserved on a second i °tntsmwmna on our highways, these y winning :- t =days, but. many are heading awaoaea tab boys n 1 nth Redal until the 13th special tl]18 week '9'9G. 1-- homeward@. as-the - ----' - _ Is coming to an end. Many have p Grandfather's Clock To Be Gwen A , ' discovered that no better place greatest number of prutirienry way. at Oshawa Fair. Walnuts, halves, 43c,• per lb. Sunlight Soap, 4 bars, 230► r duo be found for speatter their test@, while the other three were summer vacation than Amon g the close in the rnnaing in the award The Retail Merchants' Association Benson'$ Corn Starcb., 3 for 35C'. Clover , given to the-boy who ci&t nearly of Oshawa are giving away a Grand ` "lakes of Ontario, where the- beet lived tip to the Stont laws. fathers Clock at Oshawa Fair. Every _ , "sieaf Salmon, 3 for 1.00. l_ - °fish abound. . . -Muth interest was manifested womc:l attending the Fair and pur- - -Hay fever, addicte are now in in toe Harm@wortb Trogby races chasing' an 'admission ticket to the $ONEY, fi LB. PAIL, ONLY 60 CENTS the beigbt of their season. When which took Mace on Saturday and vround4 or to the grandstand at acv 1 A vietlm.walkP up.6treet yon can Monday on Lake St. Clair between time during the Fair, will receive a ` hardly tell them from a steam coupon from 'the.Retail Merchants engine with their kochoo,11achoo. the British rpeed boat, M198 F.og-' _ land 11I, ;Piloted by Kaye Don. •4ssoclation on which Kill be scum - In some cafes bay fever clubs ber. The lucky number will be anu- Me s Overalls 1.50 1.757 and 1.95 and the AcueriQan speed boat, - f -have been .organized,- and are ounced at the Wednesday night per- Mi-le America X. piloted by Gar known aP choo shoo chibs. There Rormance in front of the grandstand. WotA Great disappointment-woe - ranges to choose from . should be a sufficient ntuilber in It will be a worthwhile Rift Jo re,- _ 1>fi felt at the failure of the a'ri'tislr 1Picketing who could qualify for sire. Every woman is eligible .y:hc - boat to capture the coveted trophy, -membership in-€1'ch a _• nb. ann,rruc the' c4llpOn, and a_cQUIl^`n y l' M Tbe.tomato crap is considerably to wrist:: which •tw'o wins cut of can'be zeeured after the purchase of 1fTen s DI e. . hir�ts 985, sp el3l� � thrree races were neces9ary. Two Wet:@ r-11111 lighter than iaet year, hnt the any ticket. duality ill excelient. Altbough --- '- - - Radio Licenaes leaned. .h_ w:_ta i3st heavy-, nice. American won, The general opirl °° r a ion Iy chat the British boat i� tut m have .difficnhy in diGposing of faster of the two, but the races Fred T. 13 luting) - .Pickering " aheir stock at g freer ante, 0 erets `FOOD - QnM summer wand for p were lost on account of defer!tQ in S tale,12 inch lengths. Apply F.L.Green, y the machinery, Rs Force strall parch `�cticd'' " broke dowa Rt R critical point 111 many people in the cities find the race, While British snbiects OR SALE-2 vPnr4Aq JPrsev Bull. themselves .unable. to buy the were deeply disR uinted RL the Apply to Gs noncan, R R 1,Locust i necessities of life, let alone the p y pp H111; Phone Itlark 1t 21. 2. _i_- - — Di1LCtlrrie r,f rhP r•w�P there wrP _ luxuries. TOR SALF-A t iantity of mixed ►nary Americans who world have 1 � -- -War 1199 been declared On the wo•.d,in stove )er.gthc and dry. Apply to • ' OiICe dog in Toronto and London been delighted to see Gar ,Wood ,lox.Cowan,Pic kgring. Phone Pick 1009 1.4 JL p lose, Rs be made himself very nn on Recount of the very large o tiler on account of the tricker OR SALE-1924 Star tourin%cRr. .' p_ - number of persons, mOPLIy Child- p y y y y li;n.gvoti cundnwn;motor tab red,tires good. :-__ pedal Service Tires - be played on Kaye Don last ear, will It bbeapr 'Wellington Reid, highland ;. .` � rep, who have been bitten -by which showed that he lacks true Creek' r-z _ - them. It is said that they cannot sportsmanebip. He is bound to i be trusted, all they sometimes win h fair tneans or foul. Honor Fj OR SALE-Low 16 year old.), due µ 1' attack those-who have been on y i' to calve Dec, 1 : Two pigs-(3 rnocfier. r. a-,A$ thQu$ajld$ of drivers now 1{nOW, are _ is C& LO the winds tD an event of ducks,3 geese Apply ,. is S. eying. acliencor. L the best of terms with'thew. A this kind by men of this starnp. Brock road and 41h con„Pickering. 2 -- — - - : ;tat-ate number defend the police bzlllt stronger and 'wear longer. than "T _ - — OR RENT-Farm of 60 Rcrtss. con- --+" 1 j dog very strongly, but their ece- I' veniently loeated on main highway in Ooh- _ - _-_ _ A Pony is Being Given to Boys and -wa C1i♦water ample building: all under tire even Seiberline scold ever b�>rld C ' • era aaio +rcv�rrta —s:r -- - --- - --- - -'. " _. . .• g } Girls at Usi18w8 Fair. cultivation, G.b.Conant,Oshawa, 2 5 then their friends. - -Eddie McDonald, who has OR 8•ALE-25 young pigs, 7 weeks before. ' _. --___ -._• _ — _ .... _. been so prominent in labor eirclee ,A public-.spirited citizen of Osh- F old t also Yorkshire boar for service. Ap- i iD Obhaws for several years, and a`v°' who IN IaUr"ted in boys and piy to r,;nartes nutcmnggs,tot its. eon z,rleser- : girls is giving away .a pony at the -ng(Brock road)R R No 1,Pickering 2-3 kvae mayor of the town for several t Come in and ask to see thane world�fel0a- ` ,minutes a year or two ago, ill Ushawa Fair. Every bov and�girl tjito T-T0RSES FDR BALE - Choice - likely Lo be deported along with purchases a ticket of admission to Pickering as thcA ply at lot ls, con. z, y _.. s �.A.Banks farm)last 0>,8 tires. the grounds or to the grandstand at north of Pickering Village.1 A.Picov, Piokerin� bis wife and children. He is now any time daring the Fair, will roc- z7u —'�et+rvtng a -t`errrr-.i>r tire-L<ie€erma- f five-a coupon on which there is a. AUCTION 9ALS-Mrs, A. White, 'Be �. not for doing something beshould number. The title which will be Ci t. _'C$ARLES � ter have dune. He' has always Elizabeth St.,Pickerin is positively sell- choset•t will entitle the holder of that ing out everything before le'sv;nt for Ent and, been s .dietnrbit)g. element in number to'the pony. The number, 'I] I Drop 1,at the sale on weAneaday, Sept. 14th, IOshawa and no doubt will not be be announced in front of the grand- at z o'clok rD.S.T.) z ^ greatly missed. He labs,ao doubt, stand on Wednesday e'veni4lR before I L`ORBALE-Seed Wheat. e. A. C. General Repairs, Oils-sad. at.' spate good ggoAtisa�klie tcake the close of the Fair. Some boy or i� lo•l variety; aim Fire and Automobile to- atlleee suraatz aed all classes. Perth Mutual aW S.m • t+n, hint he is (fir/ef,/eMS girl who walked the Fair can ride w ra °r vart + r tO - Pic6kering! w Oj� q he Is at"Ira �. n._ ,.. _•' r'-,'. - --; .,,._ .s.tl....y.. - .. a•...tai`'' A:F :, - _x w r'•Y JY'..uc--p...,..r,.•-.u„ _-l'e_ .'. yblar- .g- uu