HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1931_05_15 -7 o". '77`- *e74�"3"-,'!` -q, 7W W-11-RA,%,IM-1.,RP, 7.; 7,r:!7 VOL. Le ., PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931. No. 3T .40TV060tastal. garb*. WHITEVALE. SCARBORO. Relief-for the Vast two weeks hes-A -tea. and concert under the aus- 'WOOD Ated4"4 Wbi Mill GREEN pices of the Women's 'Mission Circle, cost Scarboro-township $7,144. au- PEARSON—Pbyslcian will be held in the Baptist Church on rording to a statement issued by W. M�T_T, an- S. O. 2%J ac- DR. Surgeon. Dunbarton. lay the evening of May 22nd. Tea will W. Twigg, relief officer. B- FORSYTH. 0 -tor Is running full blast sawing lum. be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after ...Some . of the ratepayers of the w�ich a splendid program of instr- tomiship are requesting the council ,Sb.D., Director L�,Reo ra omietrical Asocida on of Ontario. Reg. ber, reaches, doubletre"I umental and vocal music will be giv- to have the treasurer's books audit- :.2stablished 1888 ,= ember of the American Optaimetrical tongues etc. led by an independent f of tion' 8 examined by appointment. en by several blind boys from Torom- Vbme gs".Clayreeniont. Ont. Open to buy a quantity.of good to. Come and hear them and you -Hill ountants. Reeve G. B. Little, ho, is IWARL A6.GRUBIN.R.O.—Eyesiaht basswood and elm not be sorry. Admission, to tea and* suppert6d -by -the members of the There is no better Pastry Specialist- Honour graduate of the College logs. I council, refuses to grant the request, ometry of Canada; Gold medalist and concert, 35 and 20 cents. Flour made than as they are perfectly satisfied with O.Nerman, Grain Chopping Tuesdays d prize winner in 192s. At Markham y f in 9 a,rn. to p.m,.in Dr. ALTONA. the.xork of the-present auditors, and dente] 01W ce. At Stouffvilla from Wed: and Fridays. W.NOO any private clique wants.a de s�Y8 :12tial to Saturday of each week. Eyes examin- Miss Evelyn Reesor spent the -reek - if G fitted and repaired. Highest quality Manufacturing Baskets of all special investigation, let them pay K I SSIMI 11 at L..est Prices. Phone Stouff 2405. 461y descriptions. end with her parents here. illy for it. Mr. and.Mrs. F. McKay and B But there are a lot of bra Pi ice reductions at the' visited Mrs. Fuller of Green River brands WHITBY. of pastry flour on the market factory. on Sunday afternoon. Banister azd We that kae v6iy A.stit�or—.N-o------­blic' Etc. Money to Phone Markham 6405 or 4420 or write' are glad to know thai Mr. Much interest is- being taken in asia. South wing r..rPtUHouse, Whitby. My Chas. White,Locust Hill. Ont. Floyd McKay is improving from.his the vote on the gas franchise by- to KISSIMI. recent attack of quinsy. law, which Will be taken tomorrow These cheap brands are cheap RRDONALD RUDDY Barrister. on a 'similiar Solicitor,Notary Public. Of5ce over Al- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill and son of (Saturday). The vote in quality. . Toronto, visited the former's parents by-law in the town of Boxmmanville .A.'s Drug Store,(�ppoeite Post Office. money J. H. Beall Claremont to Loan. Phone M3. . Whitby, Onte sly one evening of last week. where it was carried by a large Phone 924 Mrs. Reginald Nighawander, :-of majority created much interest here. -KISSIMI WALTER C. THOMSON—Barrie. 11 ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. 606 Royal FURNITURE Lockport N. Y. is spending a few Miss Mary Hamar Greenwood, of Bank Bldg. Toronto Phone Elgin 5303 or 6304. days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. London Eng.,.wbo is a sister of Lord Is the very cream of the best win. T Residence,tcieriag. Oat.,or by appointment. NEW, USED AND ANTIQUE J. Hill.' Greenwood, and a native of Whitby, ter wheat and is equally as 371y IN GREAT VARIETY visited a number of old friends here good for fine cake bak. EATON. BELL & ROSS, Barriat AUDLEY. last. week. On Wednesday, Miss E. ing as for pas". Simmon's Beds, Marshall Mat. -Bers. Solicitors. 904 Northern Ontario Bedding.330 Bay Street,Toronto, tresses, Dressers, Tables 'Ltkd Nice showers have helped all crops I. Macdonnell, Clerk of the Pivision exorbitant price for W.i.Beaton, Chairs, Picture Frames. The drama is to be- given. in E�i_ Court, gaffe a luncheon in her honor Why pay an H. sell. ift Spruce Villa Inn, at which a few &mall package of cake flour ? J.D.F. Ross. Adelaide 208-17 Our prices are the lowest. killers on the 25th. Try KISSIMI. The Club drama was given in the intimate friends were present Miss Greenwood Lc blind, and holds an im- RICHARESON, PICKERING Goodwood hall on Tuesday evening. MULVEY — Barristers, Solicitors etc.. We are sorry to hear that_W_ H. ,Portant position at Pearson Hall, the SM214 Confederation Life Building, Co,ntr if BAKER'S JOY .. and Richmond Sts Toronto. Phones Bell has not been in best of heal- noted Blind Iiistitute-in London. I=de "89 and"80. Pickering office Irn c th lately. Wed Just Arriving for Bread and Saturday evenings. Phone ck Everybody who attended service in OUNBARTON. he United hunch on Sunday last was Bo-rn, on Ma 5th to Ed. and Mrs. By pstroiizing your home mill eistal I you help keep up the price of Choice 2X' aX aIle 6X B. C. the ower the young people who Schwalm, a son. Cedar Hiingles. joined the church. our local wheat. 'BLL C.SMITH. D. D. S.. L. D. S.. The Club met at the home of Ev. B-. W; and Mrs. Lotton -spent last ,Sacceesor to Dr.J N Dales,. Graduate Sunday at Trenton. f of - and Mrs. Bryant on Monday evening. 4be Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Tor Also, a large quantit'T Mr, and Mr,;. Hammond are work- t; 7. At Claremont e dver D. A. and spent a most enjoyable evening. USE SCOTCH BARLEY very Tuesday and Frid ing the Ryan farm. iff , e - Phone Miss Bradd spent the week-end at FOR BREAKFAST a .-7.�-raugb and,dregsed After a contest, a new game called Court Whist was played, it being her home in Brigthon. HERRRRT T. FA LLA ISE, L. D'S., new to most members. The -next D D.S.Graduate of I be Royal College of Jack Pine, Spruce and Mrs. Cz. W, Holmes is visiting ber 71. 1." 0�2%30=2147 Dental Surgeons and the University of Tororto meeting takes place at F. H. Puck- friends in this locality. rin's, while the regular picnic. in Dice in residence second door east of St And- Elemlock Lumber, Bruce and Mrs. Conner and family bas's Church. Pickering,Ont. office hours. 9 Chapman's woods takes place. in the • a.as to Opp in. or b rx- June. The thanks of all are living in the Sullivan home. 1W t�oae I Www1r), Pick 7orpointgoant. 431y r*y month of Mn. W. J. Taylor visited Mrs. O. M:0 PICKERING '-:- were extended to the host and host- Stevenson in Oshawa Last week . Building and Qeceral fou0tva*0 4;a!wb*. eq"L Mothers' Day was celebrated last Contracting. Estimates furnished on &H chase; LUMBER YARD BROUGHAM. , Sunday' and much interest taken in of work—Interior and Exterior. AELIZABETH RICHARDSON— the service; A Iterations and re I pairs. *Fire and automobile insurance of all kinds. Mr. Beattie, of Toronto, visited, James and Mrs. Mitchell enter- ------ me 1-ting comPonmol wild&MOCi&I stand. friends hire on Saturday. Cblwneys Built Concrete Work. as. Miss Jennie Duncan spent the week tained visitors from Stoney Creek . C1 and Toronto last Sunday. Pbous Pickering 5712 GRORG E K HAY—Licenoed auction. Coal, ''.i . oal .1 end with her relatives here, Thos. arid Miss Ella Annan. :Alen, PAJRPORT,' • ONTARIO- m.Altons Live stock and general oaks Mr Grant MaIdDhnn36 of Galt, was and Miss A, B. Thom and Harold ridedta. Terme reasonable R e L -sclaff"I'dele. Phone st"4 9M. 61-4 her with his -people on, Sunday. W. J Bro,irn and family, of Toron- Mitchell visited friends at Dixie me Shingles For Sale Hard and Soft goal of th a Bright over the week-end. FPOSTI" Licensed Auctioneer, Oi to, spent Sunday with his parents s fair ow"Iftes of York and ousaria, Aso., best quahty on here. _ :.- 5z clear and St No. B.C. Shingles. Use selm of all k1sids slasewd so an dh, COLUMBUS- Galt Galvanized Sterel sailess. Address Orsom Irtior F 0., Oult, The E. Crocker family, of,Toroix- Shin lee, . hand. Bird's Felt Slate Sbiagles. B.NZATON TOWNBEIP to, were with the Matthews famill A.high tribute was paid to the late Also. re-rubbering buggy wheels. "king on Saturday. Hon. WIm. Smith, on Sunday last, Lawn mowers eb%rpened. Ges, WrW"W. 0 OLRRE THOS. A. LAW The sons and grandsons Of-Mr. when a stained Aosanxissals, Ran. Illinois? to Long glass window was T. PATERSON'S - -CLAREMONT as ftims , and Mrs. Ed. Willson sp�z, :1others' "In am of Los- unveiled in the United Church to his aftc3cerl=ff, Q=t. a �Call and get prices. Phone 2W8 Dav with them. memory, and ?which rvas presented Oscar Wilson shipped one-of h* TLVM. MAW. LICENSED Al!� V, t the Church by the Diri?ctor% of TT valuable horse� to, Forest on )Ion*. t�e e LOOS, ION to and Durtu -Pickering MR Maple Lzaf Farmers' Mutual In- C EER for York,Qats; Itl D day of this week. Co., in reco ition of his 36 es. All kinds of *elm ompd attended suranc� gn -sonabk may be Mr. McBride, of Whitby, and Jack ;ear�; service as president i ,ot only 606 Terms )f -that kt Managed at NEWS'Of5cv. Bea and Lodwen. The unveiling ceremony Ndest Obaties. Whitby,Oct. 517 We have a full line of Poultry Geraw and liho friend4 of Toronto, ompam. ew Chevrole Feeds, good�as the best, spent Sunday at the-Gerow hoin('.' was perfo.rrKo-d by the 'Right' Hon. NOTICE - A. Gra} visited his son, Russell ilt, •Arthur MeiZhen, fonnery premier 19 HERE Try our Frout Rank Layhrig-Mash, the Toronto Ge.reral Hoipital on 'Fri- of the DimLiion. He paid a vert' - Growing Mash and day and he, i,, beiny deceased Alae high tribute to the Whitevale ■ Mills Chick Starter. fitted tl� the treatment. ferred to-ths? great part he had play- Slanv new features and a new I P AnOwner Service Polio Mr. Hector Ba%ter, of Minneapolis, ed in the interests, of the - country,'Chopping ever* il,�y 4We make these Feed@ right here and our prices will allow Pre.-�.id-?nt rif the Minnesota and Man- for agriculture and eve hing for aseur.1112 owner the host in GRA1N— FLOUR —FEED you a protit on your, itoba Pa'ilway,' spent the .reek-en(i tlie. .�ubfic welfare. W.T. Sili- service and satisfaction. Gristing Every- 'Meek Day. Poultry. ---With T. C.-and Mrs. Biown,"and call- clair, M. P..P., who has been the G.aa,'Otlp, Assessories. Goo ear, ed on many old friends and.'visited colyipany'"111 solic'iti3r for �ntany �ears, Tires at'new low prices!y .tik.. exChan When you want Flour ask for the school where he was a most POP characterized Mr. Smith as a'-ki 9-e— ndly Flour for Wheat _r0t, -uhai-and S___essAi4 teacher in the servant Repairs on all makes of cars. for local wheat. 70's. and a friend of all. The dedication ANTHONY WILSON The W, M. S. of St. John's Church ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Ptoprietor, The more flour we sell the more will meet on Wednesday afternoon, G. R. Cborier, minister-of the church Gordon- J. Law 46tf Phone Mark. 5502 wheat we can buy. May 20th, instead of Thursday, the of which Mr. Smith was a regular Phone 2WS p, PICKBRING regular daj of meeting, on account attendant acrd—a member for manj We will exchange flour for of...extra business to transact, Group years. Among those present were any kind of grain. A comprise Mesdames Malcom, the directors who thus desired to "Your' Pickefing Killing Coulvaim Philip, Perryman, Gannon and; 'Miss honor him. Special Cassels. Roll Call, a Command. The meeting-will be held at the home of boii-t forget the Standard Training R. Go • CL—M–ENING Mrs. George, Philip, who will be School, Brougham May 18th to 22nill. Dru- ist pleased to receive a large number of 99 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR members and friends on that..occas- STOUFFVILLE. Bdrg' abls' I iwn Is more h wi. Private Ambulance On Sunday evening our village Several residences in under con- A.- on in town at Present. a- merchant." Day and Night Service might have been called "T Desert- structi ed. Village", as our peoplo motored . Stouftville Citizens' Band will play We are offering some special -bar. Phone 9" to Claremont where our young people at Richmonil Hill on Ahe 23rd of -7 Raine in Furniture that were in charge of the evening service May. Years.of Traininitand edneational. Malvern 5000 will brighten up in the United Church. We are proud The Can .Collection Day was held preparati6n have qualified him to own our young people who'cam so on Saturday last when a general to advise yon on any messes- your Rome. Markham, an -'Onto efficiently lead in a service like this. clean-up of garbage was made. nal preparation, Its action, FOR YOUR BETROOM And we are appreciative of the spir- !A number of free picture shows method of use and merit—also it of helpfulness and harmony exist• have been held in'the Auditorium un- to dispense your A walnut dresser with shaped in .among our young people. We are der the auspices of various tractor mirror siad LISTEN' IN Simmons bed— looking forward to a live church in companies. good cable spring and felt future, led' by these young en- A meeting of the council wfil be 'Doctor's Prescriptim the mattress, price$48.00. ToC F R B every Saturday at thusiasts. held this week to award the con- Axminster mate, 27x54, good qual- 7.15 P. m, to the B. E. pro. Mothers' Day service on. Sunday tract of building the' tower,for'ttie ...- Family Recipes ity, price$3.85, grams they will was a splendid service. The author- new town clock. interest you. ized program Aas closely adhered to, The Stouffville public school-with Your local druggist had five"are Conguleiim rugs and linoleum, in the primary children singing their Mr. Arthur Lynde as Supervisor of experience In Toronto's. lead- all widths, always 1i y. Miss Elsie Music, will put on a concert on Tues- Ing, dispensing drug store and n stock. We have now our i2e* supply of responses very sweet]. In this Matthews told the story of the cap day evening next. solicits your bnainess X.H. Paints, Stains, that mother made. Mrs-. W. J. Browb A very heavy transmission line-is most Important ' phase of Let tie supply your household Enamels Etc. drug store service. .needs in the home f urn- of Toronto, sang a solo appropriate being installed this week between Stouffville.isbing line. for the day. The ,time allotted for Toronto and. Stouffv upply the power shortage -o1iei.'.th0 T)ruggist.* guarantees- tage foe a J for pure fresh drugs, acenrate Call and ask a demonstration an address was taken by Mr. Baxter q of the new Vacuum Cleaner, who, with the old-time earnestness number of years. -At 6 meeting of the York Bas dispentiag and reas- i"r and force of over fift5 years ago, Cok St guaranteed for one at Aurora last onable prices. e- year, at$15-00. sent the ringing challenge to the ball Association held youth of today, to choose the best week th- following officers were el- Phone 1300: things in life. The Young People's ected: President, Dr. Vandervort, of • choir led in the service of song. The Newmalrket; Vice-Pres., Dr. Neil E* Co' J ON E S PICKERING, NE Furniture Dealer andl -ALVIN BUSHBY 4.Fnneral Directorcongregation was larger than usual Smith, of Stouffville; SecretaryTreas Druggist ssdCphemist. Also Ambulance Service $.Hardware Phone'46M as many old-tirm pupils of the E. C. Duncan, of Newn*rket. The public school came to meet again Stouffville Club will enter a strong bone Pickerlit Piakerba, • ;Ontwda PICKWUNG Atheir old teacher, Mr. Baxter. tem.in.1he. League. „•,� _ ..- .. ..�, .. 1. : .. - .r' -fit,.q , • `.••x 477. r+Ft 3• ... ...qy� y ,. •e1' y,;,.a%av ., ':•a`�,si tfl,;, yS .'`.•'�+ .' y4 ;.r•. - �'v.^-w”` .a..'-3k .:"_,:.r ri.. .+ `''� . .,a, .*. , i ... 7. ...: . .:s: r 4A 7 • _Za a resounding gasp of excitement as he Q� Of $�� Grew tea ned Against the,wall, staring in9* p horrified fascination. No human eyes ro�� ' . s vigorates Sid refreshes ever possessed-that ghastly,Ziabolicat - gleam. MY SALAD?i But-- any terr,,r-is preferable.to that , of utter uncerta`nty. Stooping swift- of anu'l�lO og' SWTTIIr- — ly he s^arched for and found a st»ne - w;•ieh he h_urled i;h all his force vasa, came b•fore:•Captain Jimmy rL Loose stones began rollin., and across the ravine. -A moment later Scurtie became lost in the darkness wbite he burros instead. of walking .on.. _ ti i'ng over the Chinese war zone, in -- - above the roar of the swirling venter landing...they are captured by Chln,se their tip toes, see,ned to stamp -- bandits. Captain Jimmy escapes and there burst open-thei>rears a cry so_ along on.--tbgiF_ heels. lou know.__ pea ns--t6-set"-fret'"'flee-retna finder-xot-ttts - - .-infinitely _awful that Flack, sweat party, how loud everything sounds when lye upon his forehead.and h5-face almost -- !you wint'to be quiet,'and'it carttitn- black-with terfor-, ell upon his knees, Cautiously I moved tow di•d ' the ly seemed as if the 'noise we ,Were EA - hugging his head in his crooked arms. �camir, The fires had'burned to era- making must wake the whole camp. T lose to him hers and now and theft flamed up Finall• we cams to the uarro•w - -- Blind patiic was very c _ - that, moment.- fitfully, Certainly the outlatrs wouldn't defile. }Beyond that notch there urns'Fh �i'olll the ga1't'lelss �at The c:y swelied out into the black- be 'looking Por an escaped prisoner a bit of a plateau. It was here that T r.ess,-suul" shattering scream obscene, prowling around 'heir tents at that the bandit guard would be. bestial in its savageness. Pyecioft'§ hour. The uandits had lust risen to their ,. feet at the sound of our burros cont. trembling fingers searched with-fran-' Roll•�d near the largest of the fires; ins thr;ugh the pass. ' Plainly they tic hast: for another-stone, the larp'- lay the figure of a craw: Careful' were puzzled• Had we come riding eat he, could find.,.but when'••he,drew „ Y back his arm to throw the thing had I crawled nearer. out foto tte,nl like a whirlwind, they i vanished. .)ie snatchc+d the torch from small twig would have understood, and ,Farted 1 his pocket and shon: its powerful broke under my firing cn us. But here was string i the ru - knee and I stop- of burros peacefully wendaig their i ged wails stared back at him. Pe mo : u Flack struggled- to his, feet and ' not even. breath- Leaning forward from the neck o! ' MYSTERY stood beside him, his sallow face dead- Ing for a minute' my burro, I pricked the last of the 1 white and-drawn. Though every or two. string with my jack-knife. With a nerve in his body was quivering he A I wiggled closer'I could make shrill cry he' jumped against the As w c 1 j � n forced an apulosetic grin. Pyecroft, out his features—Sure enough, it neat one ahead, who in turn rushed By T. C. H. JACOBS , with a hand none too steady, -patted was'poor old Fu Hsu (Foo 'Soo)'the the nest. In a moment they were Interpreter, He was cramped and in headlong,flight. -d lett �� r�.'�r'►�� '"�►,�� "�',/r/-,/%/J his shoulder 'and smiled in return: so cold and scared. I held up a They scattered right a - _ .. "They've got % hound loose over finger in a warning, and worked my among-the bandits, and wlienna burro. _ SYNOPSIS. fingers he worked the tool until the there," he said in a low voice, but Henry Holt and .his „ward, Muriel bolt was drawn. Flack shook his head emphatically. self along to a point where I could failed to bowl one over, the rope m. M-inwaring. are staying at a Dartmoor +There y'are, goy-nor," he grinned, , " ho cut his bonds with a Lack knife. caught his feet and tripped , we farm. Holt has a friend, Molneau, uv- That wasn't no dews, goo nor, "All asleep?" I whispered. Then, in the`midst of the uproar, we - fns•at Kestrel.House• and is desirous as he repacked the bag,"nice little j'ib ,declared positively, Perhaps that He nodded. *Quietly we crept dashed out yelling. The rout was that iluriel marry Moineau's nephew, that was." village flattie ain't such a ruddy idiot ia3den Mercer. whom ]Muriel dislikes. � pushed open the after away, toward the cool spring. The complete: We just waited long ea. A series of mysterious disappearances Pyecroft gently p fresh, cold water revived him won- ough to grab a rifle ,and went on a ha,e been alarming the neighborhood, door and steppes inside, flashing b's «Good Lora!" expostulated Pye- 3lona Page, the ulcera daughter, being torch around. As he had anticipates, croft,."you don't mean to say �� �derfully. He drank as thorgh he mad scramble down the mountain the Latest victim. never Intended to stop. Then • I side. ` 4natest boarder at the farm is Percl= a iarge car was standing immediate- "Yes, I do, goy no.. Perhaps I m �Itle after m11e ywe rode at break• vat Pyecroft. who is 'murderously ax- 1 inside, and occuying most of tie questioned him, '' ta�iceu while walking o' the moor. then y superstitious, but if that wasn't the "chat happened to Scottie? The neck pare. Far back up the Galley he and hia valet, Finck• set out to dis- low ehainber Hell Hound wot he yapped about,well, eocer the mystery or Ke,trel iiou,e. "Put our gloves on before you , dog. Bow-wow?"hi �the whole bandit camp were in hot. e*%e r,t finds s ,locket belonging to Y I'll eat m'hat, swelp m bob, I will. glandit hit-him an the head—! ➢trrsplt: 3L'heti my burro showed Mona Page, and also a secret under- touch anything, Flack," he warned, at Did''ever•hear such a blasted row,in - rrnund Daesage- the same time drawing on 'a pair of life is that was?" dog ha bite blandit. Tie deg to signs of slackening speed, I thump•- y' tree. `�o idea where doggie." ed hfm in' the ribs and off he went rubber gloves himself. Turning the n. "And the Colonel• . I asked. again amid a shower of dn�t and CHAPTER 1 IIL—(Cont'd.) - handle of the car door, he flashed his yeas smiled a tittle uncertainly. �•� He was more tha'.l half, inclined +•o 'Colonel• he blandit, now, He, loose atones. ;Flack extracted a bunch of skeleton light over he cushions,• and smiled' agree, but-he- had no intention of '+t-f Cook." -whispered the interpreter. ( -Ro'.rri:lirg a corner we came sud- - - keys'from the bag, selected one and as he noted one button wax missing. m.itting it• 4 "He'll proba'jly make a •better �3enly to-arail- •inserted it. Pyecroft heard the grat-' A,thorough examination of the ve- I Suddenly Flack gripped his arm f•ir j bandit than a Colonel." r o a d 'racli. Ing of metal as the tock turned, fol- h;cle fa,.'-ad to teveal anything of in-! the second time. pointing across `lie ; `Ieanwhile• a plan hae been form- where f ve or lowed by a muttered•oath from Flack, tertst, and.Fvecroft turned his atter gorge; someone .�r something was ling in my mind, Quietly we picked+ six decrepit old tuba.g!sn•_en arqund: L't n to the cavern. He noted that the _ owing in the tunnel opposite, !refight c a r-s our way to where the Burros were There's a blasted bolt," he explain- wells were of un'•,ewit rock, and con- Flattening themselves against the hitched. We tied a dozen of them' stood, and- a led,"and it's at the bottom. Still,that :'udett that they were standing in the wall, they watched with bated breaath ` together so they would lead In a line. j`� ricket}, old en- gtir.'t going•tastop us Por long.,. ' bed of some ancient subterranean1 as-anoti•er figure revealed itself, and The other burros we cut loose. so 1t f + , d',te. .�t? could From the tool bag ox took out a'river which had tong ceased to exist. I dark as it war they recognized the 1 wou-id take time for the bandits to ';,� •par tae hoofs re roid features' 04 Darks 3fu l'en catch ,hem.and get on our trail 'bradawl and set to work a, the pla'e In the rear of the car stood-a stack}' g y - nt the` nutlains' ` aut•ere he had located the bolt, boring of petrol sr,s otherwise the place was peering from the gloomy depth . Fur Taking the halter of the lead bur-I burros i ' ,:. ! ng down fife valley a9 a hale until the iron was reached, Next!empty. -tie directed his light down,the some momenta he remained motion-! ro. I hea led down the valley that we reached the cars i lean?d over ale .nserted the nozzle of a glass sy- tunner snd commenced to walk slow:y�less, then-they naw him unfastening, led through the cleft !n the moun•i and iiabbed' Fu by trie 'slack' of singe loaded with acid and deftly �forward, Flack following. guiding�the tackle, and the bridge crept ,low- ts4tiK. Fu brought up the rear with. his' pant-4.- A9 I heaved to- pull e'E,ted a small quantity. While'the himself by means of a bottle contai•,-' ly across the gorge. When the plank; two more burros=tbeir lead ropes him tn. a dark body ease hurover &,.;d was burning its way' into tfe ing phosphorus, a method of ilivmina• touched the rock .Pyecroft nudged j tied around his waist for tear he in, caiirlit me amidships, and over ;metal, he took up s tiny brace and bit tion which he preferred 'to a lamp• Flack, and they began to retreat, !might drop it! Fie was the most I we all w-it in a pile on the woof•• wr.3 proceeded to give the hobs a belt- Several times their legit slipped on the keeping well aga•ina't the wall, At an) F hopelesa Chinese I ever saw, ( (To be contlnuedi xriouh. Carefully inserting the brad- .limy surface, sinliost bringing them moment a.torch inight be brought into — - - awl again, he pushed it into the acid- down, and the roar of the water in the action,and.he had no wish to be seen.I e !hole in the iron, and-geatly turned the gncge increased-in volume as-they pro- When they Rained the bend in th^ - 41 k barrel until the head of the bolt wan 'greased, artil it was almost deafening. tunne..box threw caution to the wind � �/'� chocolataii malted �1 11 �n the correct position; with dexterous Pre>e'.ttly Pyecroft snapped. of! the j and comniienced to move as fast as the{{ �r torch. hos phosphorus out of the unable slippery rock would permit. Flack,i 'The health-giving, delicious drink for children and grown- ,'Keep •that p p _ . unable to keep. u with him in the I g way," he commanded, speaking'clase darkness,took he bottle-of phosphorus, .. -- FREE ound tins a! your grocers. _ �u Flack's �•ar. "We are near. the from 'his p , UPS. d Ralf Y : 'i8 I pocket, shielding it as much� Pound an - 1.ars• ';toasts;. end:' las possible. ed catsiogu• of In total darkness they crept for-, Stumbling against the walls,,slip• --- new snd.reou0' ward until they felt the -cold in and sliding on the slim floor, against him spotting tdsiit back en- ed there. and he was sent to discover_ D:ci'oles f r o 1' ping g y , the cause but on the other hand it is slo.up. Aotor blowin- in from the ravine, and th_ he had almost -reached the stack of trances+.' + fycies, . Boos. y y petrol can when he fell. His elbow Flack's eyes narrowed es he began probable that- he was simply coming ;sosr,. 'Motors Raa1�,, etc Tran+Dor• ink blackness vias relieved b. a tati,n pa!d, Write to `sombre grey. In the diin light they struek a-projectink stone, half para. 'to understand. down to the car for something and D nee a;r>D aeosOst lo" were able to discern two iron posts lysing his arm and the bottle erkei "Ah, sort 'of drawing 'em off, eh, pure coincidence that he arrived eo U5 @a•ea street sn_ sotwaw. Oat• p° y g j soon after the rumpus. But whatever standing against the sides of the tun- from his numbed fingers to shatter gov'noc? Barnard goes in at the front the•cause the.fire would _, nel and fitted with pulley blocks and itself among the cans. door and we nips tri at the back. All prevent hien . I 1Atackle., Along the floor lay a single Pyecroft dragged him to his feet getting very far. The thing"nen is to : _ _ yea ori-the coppers and nix on us, _ _T --- : e f] a uprights at either end, to form a ing sheat of flame shot up and with a that it. v +� '� as. -that we shall eet�an•= quickly e suppose ) I - "Mor-: or less,. agi-eed Pyecroft,`171. body n thevillageat.his hour. Thu hand-rail. It was s bridge. which terrific roar the whole stack ignited. is by no means'ce 'ain that we were honest, law abiding yokel retires `o HTERA LIGcould be swung out to span the gorlee, T they the raced down the li I snd reaching to the continuation o ; towards the river. So great was their .lieve that the accident of firin the - the tunnel on the other side. haste that neither noticed the figure petrol was really s stroke of luck. In "There'll be a duplicate of thisbe continued.) (To p jW- wb'ch stole s:.:althily from behind a - aSt1 zL r rangement opposite," thought Pye• f;otsc bush and :cllow•ed swiftly and any case they've lost their car and ' S 1 - the flareup covered• our retreat very Friend:- -Congratulations! -1 hear • croft as he examined the working of silently after them. nicely." that you've already gott-a case t• de• f j0>Et�Ser than -.- the tackle and found that everything 4`Wot made Darkey Mullen come• fend." Budding Young Barrister: was well oiled and noiseless in move- Iron Mowers. meat. .:CHAPTER Ia. out, d'think,tGov'r_or?"y r 1 "Yes, It's my tailor • who has sum-' Suddenly Flack n "Possibly that ghastly uproar ous-� mons me." Eiv1ARKABLY light _ gripped his urn:j The church clock ioas,'anncun :`g' , because of its Alumi- with unpleasant force;-and he'lookad the hour of eleven when they came. num parts, remarkably " ' down to-see him bulging-eyed and with over the hill ab village anti = - --- - durable because of itr rem ing ,laws, staring looked down upon the cluster of�, � ��� barium metal bearings, ,_ aghast at the opposite bank. His qui,-I thatched :outages .which formed the! a '1't �'� ~ steel drive wheel axles ering lips framed some words, but he -main habitations. ��~' ' and steel drive wheel could not,hear them. • He turned As if by mutual consent they halted; ! i bushings. Your Hardware swiftly fro discover the cause of the 1 and survey(-d the scene of slumbering i _ Power Lawn Mower. - dealer has it. cther's•fraght, Ind almost cried out.! peace for some minutes in silence - - 30 Inch Cut CANADA FOUNDRIES himself as he-saw it. .Immediately op-I broken at last by Flack, whose mi?id JA FORGINGS LIMITED posits where- the deeper shadows i Was agitated by what he considered # 'µ ,Manufactured and serviced by James Sm.t Plant marked`the cave,•tw'o baleful, gleam-!to be a piece of sheer folly. jI' Brockville - Ontario • • =- ing-.eyes. cleft the blackness, twin "AJaht that locket, gov'nor, s'ain't H. W. P'ETRIE, LIMITED points Of.green, which flashed"like! really going to give it to the busy,' 147 FRONT STREET WEST evil Stars. I he. pleaded. "Gosh, no, don't do A, Pyeeroft's first thought was of sonic,gov'nor, you'll put ser foot right in it TORONTO 2 _ huge hound, but as he stared at the I playing with that bloke. He ain't no _ Phone apparition he became aware of a dim loot, y'taka it T in me"wot knows." F,I. 1 1271 ,:,ape behind those ter,ri6le eyes. The Pyecroft glanced at the leathery lit- t $ 1 : uncanny luminosity of live flesh in ! tle face upturned towards him and Write or phone for darkness revealed the outlipes ,of n i;siniled reassuringly. - a descriptive folder face. '. a frightful, distorted, half- "It's all right, old scout, I know snd price. l t'' human;fialf-hound-like face. what I'm doing," he said, � � e " � - , He' ' But Flack was not convinced. � .•.He drew in his breath with a deep, , shook his head doubtfully, Its a daft thing to do, goo nor. I T-- reckon we-got enough trouble with �' -.• ` - t - WOOL that busy comic to us without-look- Ing ;,, <•r•: _- 4y g `ing for it. • Soon's he knows he'll be HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALUMINUM -p -at that bou-se nosing around and s "•`x''`�' - MOWER - queering our pitch, good and plenty, • _ _The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. • •Ree if'-he d-on't•" _ �< --- '2 CHURCH ST.. TORONTO "Quite." replied Pyecroft. "I want ISSUE NQ. 20---'31 -- 1,1111 to nose around, but it's long odds w } •.3.� ;p,i ..: ;,S,+ti�,� •..,may...:�.+,.��C'.. x bt a.i;� +�h�-+ _ yq. �.T,.:• �.�9 '�is. 4;M..ofrr!•- ,'��'� u•._•�. . . •mow Yys�.r ar".'-.°Ro r+w...,.-. .,., ',.FM•.• o, r.. .._�..ti �-,.. r.`.....--r ._,...T,/,__. _ - • -}w • k w . • • , _ absorbing almost unlimited Quantities .• '� •• g, 6 of metallic salts,. but there is treat difference -ln the saibuht of metal „L present In different pieces of silk. To ' detect how great is the metal adulter- ation, burn a sample of the silk goods. susl4u�ey� - Silk will crumble and leave a soft __ fw y"a - � y p�Y :• ash; but the heavily weighted Piece Y. will retain its shape, as the metal does t eo►vsuo►.ram not burn. Silk bleaches 'and dyes beautifully -THE-DOCTBR--P0*-•H£ALTH porches. It the chairs have becoms and combines' well with .other_..ma- Our long practice has been 'to tun faded and shabby looking, freshen terials,, The pongee, rajah and tussah them with a can of bright paint, or silks on the •markef'are made from to the family doctor or to cal{ him at paint them black and have gay col• '" _ -- midnight when we are in pain, but we the cocoon of the uncultivated silk a 'give liim""a wide berth" as'long as ored cushions and slip covers for Rork. These silks are strong and L �s �►e are not ill. This will be changed them. Carriage or automobile paint is wear well, but they do not have ,the r In the future. More and more we are waterproof and excellent for this pur• luster usually to silk . - pose. i realizing that the doctors examine- Have magazine stands and potted FLOOR WAX tions and advice can keep. us well x i and help us to avoid the pain. Planta to .make the place .attractive, The housewife may make her own The time will come when we shall but, do not clutter it with so much _ - floor wax by either of these two , furniture that it amms crowded. '- - go to'cur family physician regularly receipts: for ,the once over." Some people Space gives a feeling of coolness. Be (1) Mix one pint of turpentine and _ Lore you start in with your porch, ' - advocate the annual health•examine• four ounces of beeswax sad heat 'in choose a color scheme and adhere to . teen on one's- birthday, since one is a vessel set over•hot water, until the ,,. O • ' •z� likely to put it or unless a definite It if you want it to look harmonious wax is melted. Remove from the heatn of the and planned, and not haphazard. and, add re ounces of ten-percent The physiel&_ future will probably send you a notice aqua ammonia and about one pint of to come in for your inspection, as WINDOW BOXES water. Stir vigorously until the mass rrowroots up•to-date dentists now do. Such ea• 'A window-box cools the room, by is creamy. aminationa can detect in theirbegin- breaking the' direct rays oL the sun (2) In a vessel set in hot water, - bing, in their curable state, most of and by the evaporation of moisture. melt a quarter of a pound of bee _ our serious diseases. It screens the room from the gaze of and one pound of paraffin. Add a For nearly 80 Tema preferred by the mothers of Canada , r When the doctor gives You this ad- the curious, Yet permits a view of the quarter of a pint of raw linseed oil 'because of their proven purity and high quality. vice,pointing the way to the avoidance outside. One naturally turns his eyes and one and one-fourth Pints of tur- = (may Christie's cas make' Christie's Artowtooa, of disease or the cure,of one which toward the window, the centre of light pentane sad stir vigorously. ._�. is beginning, the wise health-seeker and air, and to rest'it upon beauty When making both polishes, there will obey it, even if it means an oiler• there Is a delight. must be no open flame in the room, ' A BEAR-OF A STORY came out smiling and said: "Math ation, a change of residence from city The outside window box should be as turpentine is very inflammable. Little Mary, given to excessive it's all right; God said he thoug)tt to country or long days of golf in ' calf was a bear,.too, the first time rt'' lower than 'the .window, that the imagination, seeing a red calf !n the saw it."—"Animal Life." the sunshine.' It is so much happier flowers and not the box may be seen Strawberry Shortcake . orchard, told her mother that there " to be doing these things above ground from the inside. The box may appro- Sift together two and -two-thirds was a big red bear out is the orchard. thea, in's year from now, to be push- priately be made of the same material cups of flour,five tablespoons of sugar, .The mother, aware of Mary's besetting "But I thought you said Joan m� - 'ing up he daisies. as the house. It of wood, use red six teaspoons of baking powder and `'• sin, said: ":pow, :Vary, you know reed a man who made a model hta� s< cedar, white pine or cypress, as these one teaspoon of salt. Into this, with well enough there is no bear out there, band." said Mrs. H• "So sats THE ATTRACTIVE PORCH woods are least injured by water. knives ,or a cookie cutter, cut seven and you had better go right into the thought at the time." sighed Mrs, -The porch is more than.an entrance Drooping or trailing vines .end l tablespoons of fat. Add gradually one closet and ask God to forgive you." "but he turned out to b.e a apo to.the Louse. It should be a pleasant sprays-and Very short-stemmed flowers 'cup of milk and mix to a soft, light Mary did as she was told and soon model." 4 , room in which to enjoy spare hours I are most satisfactory. For shady dough. Roll or pat the dough out to of the summer. 'It should not be a II places, use such .non-flowering plants about three-fourths of an inch thick — -- - -- " - _ hodgepodge of old furnishings which as ferns, palms, English Ivy, begonia• and cut the desired shape. Butter the are not fit to remain longer Inside 'the trailing -evonymus and asparagus top and Sake in two layers in a hot 'house and ad may be exposed to the sprengert. For halt shaded windows, oven. weather. It should be a -planned use fuchsias wttk marguerites and vin-l The strawberries should be sweet- weather. outdoor room, with the cas: or petunias with cobae scaudes. 1f ened and crushed and put between the same dignity and charm as any room For sunny locations, use nastur 4 two layers . and on top. Whipped inside the house, tiums, verbena, sweet alyssum• pe• cream is a delightful addition but not tn, a To pallit the door and varnish 1t tunic, pansy, cornflower, snapdragon necessary. _ afterward with waterproof paint will and marguerites, save much work and make It good to -'_,MRS. SOLOMON SAYS: "look at, There are many inexpensive -IHOUSECLEANIKO HINTS Some people spend their days in a fibre and graa,. raga which wear like When the closet shelves are clean, mental rocking chair. Brain calibre r - " trotu These are appropriate for the dresser drawers cleared-out and {grows flabby unless exercised., the hat boxes have been inspected, 4 _ visit the fancy pa per.section -of a department store to see what they Slg�gam► - 1 PBOPBRTI BIGIM GIs :- a i have to offer. You will find them gay i stn a common vine; ` - For a satisfactory exchange.of Your ` € (colored papers to line your'dressers This Is a common year: ` farm; busine-s, city or town property write or fes Ii ii Davidson. and cupboards, and tissue in which to The usual .sun hangs clear i fes tEelafds se e►e+e• - To"Sto nest your bonnets, besides papers for Above my neighboring pine. "( £ 40 every other conceivable use. It is a And beauty comes. drays near. _ joy to have fresh papers and find them so cheerful.. - It cannot pass me by: To renew curtains you will find 1 IL threads sheer elegance ., .� lovely pictured cretonnes and chintzes, ,and charm along MY lance. ° ti and fresh, crisp organdies to rose. And breaks a bud on high. - :SCIATICA? green and orchid. And bide me to a dance • For' housecleaninc be,sure to wear It lures a jocund air ; Here is a never•failing - - form of roGef front arge, comfortable, low•heeled shoes. a Thla will save much fatigue• To curve me sa I grog aC1atie pains There's dew upon my bow, Assemble the cleaning tools before I And clusters full and talc you begin cleaning a room. Resp I As rarer vines might know. *r, .r R theme together in a basket throughout a .. the annual housecleaning debacle.._ i I am a Common vine. How rich the. common _ -SILK re That clamber block andbars L luxury," Is made V�`lth, beauty's fair design: e, o use flbr Y. _ . _ :4': "the _ S ilk e _ le are. ' Take Aspirin tedtitats esus yai'� avoid ;Cram- the cocoon of the Bilk worm. Hoa• blest the step _. , ; ueedlm suffering how eeiatica—hum• `` bago—and ei>� mag Its cost.-In the..raw- about =Martha Webster .Merriehew., � _ 'They eb"Bem.dsey doaY do any hart-• thirty times that of-raw cotton, and .r _— h - .. A' dust make sine k he;etinine. .• _ the waste in weaving is 'about five times that of cotton—and' yet thSs is _I'hC E31g�1ll�l WOOClf mime TMOSNam RLQ �' Thera is practically no Pure silk lfl the pllf!$tlll<1C - on the market. Silk has a faculty of I like the English woods in spring- the ui �'•w�ua _ - t1me, 'for-then the earth is carpeted �--- - with fern and velvet moss and' In its l softness grow -clusters of primroses scenting all the air. I love the springy softness of the turf as I kneel to pick • r the,dainty yellow flowers one by one. --= I love to lie and dream, just in .this he secret .. _ ' '•'' woodsy things! From where I lie, just..through she. IMPORTANT/ trees I see a peep of meadow land. Have OY seen-the.now-MtQary Gal and We" Something stirs. Ah! . 'Tis a lark! Y See how she soars—up and up and Ranges 7 Nowt different, beautifYli of ciente i. : to Fly _ - ever higher. Have,you ever seenan Learn - they represent the finest value ever offered English lark rising from meadow In y p VOW! The greatest thrill the • the spring, warbling-all her love for Canadian women. ,fr world has ever known is yours. England to the skies? I love tits• English wood because —_ _ ���,�•4 a At moderate cost you miry receive -Sere;amraag-its thousand hidden'joys, -- instructions, fully qualifying you you can forget the world. Here where for private or commercial licenses, all Its fairy nature fills' your heart . at the hands'of the skilled pilots with tender love for all mankind, yon High-e�ass Decorative of Ontario's oldest and largest can make big resolvgs. . . . - commercial operators. Flying re- See• how the sunbeams flicker Medium . �fr2l3enta the acme Of outdoor through the'leafy glades . . . a beg } pleasure today and one of the drones from Bower to flower gathering Mixes in hot or cold WSW( „ greatest fields of commerce of the honey . . , a butterfly flutters over a. near future. Write for pahticulara wood violet .'. ..the leaves begin to Free'stencil emitm Jebel on esprit rustle with a breeze a chestnut package. Send for Decorator's C,utde today. , Learn, at no obligation, falls• , • , . I love the English woods in and Stencil Catalogue the pleasure and profit that lies in. springtime.—M.S.T., in "The Christian, `04 - -store for you: avpsrnc.LIAM Arra ALASASTIPM Y Science Monitor." CANADA,LIMITED Ary Ont Brie I Dept. s , - - , . ��NATIO N AL AIR • -- Phonograph Dltptacet cutt� _4, Visitors at a German art museum i TRANSPORT) may listen to a description r the paintings and other objects from a , 'Ob4 _ LIMITED phonograph which serves as a sub• ` .- Harker •Field, Dufferin St., Toronto 10 statute for a human guide.—Popular M9ehasies Magazine.. 7. r 18,&n inborn streak of 'As that some of the prepared break.. foods humannature.. fast would place on the raw • TERM material. ssbslc,� the U -ited suites and Crest Them Are only a few Illustrations, $L76paryaw.; S1.501f paidinadv-nca -The showers tha t canoe .1 S H R Y .0 R R riud me-last but the c r* 6$2.00nla advance. credit and debit side of the week. while nuthedvY, was a great farmer's accounts, would prove tht: -K LF RING` benefit to,.-Negetatioa. The trees PI 0 are rapidly bursting otit facts, as conditions are at present. JPHR. MURKAR, Proptlte�tor- beautiful. Our s�mpathy goes out to the b green fuliag,�. ro- ther'farmers in more isolated sect' ions, •where the transportion rate; 0 RE �-S AVIN 9 S' LtrTERG TO THE-7EDITOR, Often amount to more than the p NOTES AND COMMENTS. ro- Dear Sir- T duct sells for, at its des�tffiation, and -the long hauls in make the pric4 of F 0 R Y 0 U The. Niagrra peninsula is the In, lrsla� ist issue' of �Oar 'w'orthy the goods that they need to purchase paper, I notice in your "Localisms" almost p- It -pays' to shop here, saving' Akleces of many tourist nud sight, a comi.'ne.nt on .the P ice of fn�, prohibitive.. under, the cit s are effective every day. 'seers-these-days,-as the fruit trees- ducts-;-and-i-t is endouraging j.*9a',•e It,would'be to the rAutual advan- Look at the savings here. are bedecked with the beauty of sOnTe--me aim to make the fa r.9 tage of the consumer JAM Your choice of position f tion brighter,.- .:-. their blossom and leaf.. - Still the er ar�d -producer For a acts re- -f theyunderstood each others prob RASPBERRIES I country better.. STRAWBERRY CQuploof weeks the c try Will less' than 20 cents per doz.,. that However, Mr. Editor, the farmer is main and while you �Iuote -eggs'.at 1.1ems beauty of same per jar, ea h be painted with all the b week the farmers received 16 an oPtomistic fellow. He plants and CHERRY 85 ounce .BLACK CURRANV c 35C can faith. cents per doz. and that'repre6ented sows and expects a hardest. He is nature, which no artist the- price he received for his grain still - "fully duplicate. The air is laden vorking on his first million, but through source. Truly, sugar as he has his home and does his bit and from the peach' cherry, plum the price,to the producer of the raw to the country. with the perfume -as the blossom you say, is.thata reasonable 'price, and is still indispensible m and M MIM a Thanking you for the space in apple 'trees 'burst forth. . These material, after the refineries and the your valuable Paper.' Further Values Here, -days the W912w%ys.la the vicinity must be correspondingly low. A. . I remain. of our noted fruit land are .1. . Imp.-Leam1bg crowd- , The Price received for a whole beer A Producer. Wis. No. 7 -ed with motor care containing hide will not more than pay for half. Sft�d Cdrn Gold Glow 1.75 bush, $011n a pair of to. Ir-e leeal ?nan- wmte U&P ZRIVU Mau wuWau Who the beautiful, sight. ,in a few makes the statement that he paid ews Bailey $9.00' for two pairs of boots, and for sore throats, quinsy, coughs, months they will return to secure that was the Price that he received colds,-bronchi 'Turnip Seedi all klinds, the fruit from for-seven beef hides, thesetonsil tis, criOup, laryngitis, 45c lb, these same orch. es at same hid- and ton sufferers. Use Sybilla Manael Seed, 350 lb ards, fruit that has no superior in : the peak of prices would have Spahes remedy. Good and quick re- brought from $125. to $150. There sults, try. it. E. C. Jones, druggist. the world. These sights are some really must be some juggling here "The Home of Every Day Low Prices."' ,thing of which Canadians are for both leather and boots, with mod- NOTICE" justly proud, and visitors from ern equipment and methods of man- ufacture, probably never cost any A meeting of all those interested . CHERRYWOOD AND PICKERING lands hre amazed to see such beau. less to in .Brougham' Christian Cemetery are Phone Mark. 5020 produce than-they. do Aoday, requested to meet at the cemetery tiful sights in a land that they The summer price to the produce;: Phone Pick.600 were led to believe was a land of for 'milk delivered, in Toronto izi at 2 O'clock, on Saturday, May 23rd, $1.85 �er cwt. or �l to formulate plans to clean -up the snow and ice. .53 per can, paid gr6unds. .Sorne interestinw features for, the foliowinz month. This..same wili -be ftisclos�d for Your consider- can sold i� quarts for each in ad- anon. Come ard help us. The people of this and all other ~'ante, brings $3.52, or-sol4i in pints, I pleker�ng Hardware Store -nations are to-day being advised $4.26. Does'producer or distributorJohn Phillips, sec• and lectured on the have the better chance of makinj? a - : social and profit. • -Jeconomical conditions 6f the With bran. the cheapest by 0 A LOur. stoc k ofSeed Corn has arrived : Longfellow,:tornpton's Early, -civilized pormlationp of the world, uct of the wheat, costing about 2& : . . . North Dakota White, White Cap, Goldon Glow, ffroat Platforms, radio and news cents per cw,t. more than the price A stood supply of Hard and Soft Wi9c. 'No. 7. Improved Leamln received for a cwt. of whole wheat, Coal do hand. Also a supply 'Rennie's and Steele-Briggs' Mangel Seed and g� all kinds of papers to such an extent that the oil cake and cotton seed 'meal, about of Kindling Wood. Garden Seed by bulk and"package. "world at large has during the past $2.10 per cwt., and feeding one pd. near come to realize that our of concentrates to 3 or 4 - lbs. of stove length. present system is unsatisfactory, milk You can easily see that the pro- 12See our Kelvinators' Electric.Revigerators and the new .tf fila, if any, will be very small. I Phone Pick. 1709, Beatty Electric Waj4hers. 'it Dot all wrong. A despatch would not like to figure out the val- DONALD MUNRO, PICKERINd from Ruroj�e last week advises ;the warning issued by prominent Agent for McCormick.Doering, Parm Machinery and Repairs. �Ibsnkers and financial institutions Frost Wire Pence and Pleary Plows. ion the Russian menace. The Oin- Our Motto:-"We have It. Can got it. Or 4&Dci&l institutions of America and it bo oot made." 'Murope. In an effort to "obtain 'Ibusiness." are negotiating (with Rust-Is. by Way of haste inane, J. S. BALSDON --which of coarse will. if satisfac- PICKERING ---------- Itoryl"provide the desired Interest - ". --- ,Can -you, -afford r0tuetks to the shareholders of bese institutions. However.- in '9 ADOLLAR -STRETCHERS She granting and providing theseIth 0 to be 'Wea y loans we have made it possible for .2 Look over our lines before deciding. We feel con .7_ fid-ent the goods on Soviet Russia to organize a4d ditplay-bo our counters are'real money and increase' 'her industrial, agri. LAM,-like many other -things...a saving valuen., cultural and minim inda"triei and resources to that degree where W house, a car, a suit of clothes...id _We feature Goodrich Canvas Footwear for the. entire family, --something that must be famous leadero fur yeare.- See these pow. they are able to flood our markets -paid for Men's Fine Find Wark Shire-Special ! Meas' Fine Press Shirt, collar attached 98 cents. with the very same articles, the -Sometimes -it- can be bought at bargain q' .... - - manufacture of which we'have Mea'A Odd Panvi, flue mixtures and khaki. Boys' Khaki considered necessary ,to amp] prices 1,00,per pair. Boys' Tweed Longs, various prices L6ngs at oy -and maintain in employment the But if you haven't-the price to pay, for It, Special Main's Wo-rklSox, r 1.00. Men's Well Constructed Work -Population of this country. The ",YOU Miss the opportunity of acquiring the lpair at 2.69 and up. "J'act Oi the Soviet Republic is prize cheaply. Phone 2W4 'to export to all nations this out It is a confession _ : 4put lit extremely low cost. the n f failure to be so POW Sea afford to be wealthy. Is 013 which they propose to (that YOU cannot a 0 CEC I L iB R A D-LE Y' manufacture being so great as to Your @a the au your In .. 2a X 0 3C X ­Oftlbbls this to be done. The whole _Tlus of 990% V!T stored in a branch of The ­Rwtter c6n be described' by stat. "WAMAId IVY ing that the' capital of this C--adisn Bank of Commerce Will build a P a fund for acquiring Wealth at a bargafm -country, is through its efforts, increasing unemployment, _y prim when the opportunity offers.Offe funds necessary to Ii YOU Will be welcomed as a do , IRQ8111s, to Produce those commodi. ..r --'MS Of the 800 branches of posiur at my -ties which, we require, and which Wv4vft ths Sing'* Vi nr - _=bad formerly been produced fn Lift Isis .enr own cour try. it wo' uld be a1 _ . --:a,tep In the right direction, if ""capital"On this Continent could -THE CANADIAN BANK Daily Coach Service ... d -realize the-Position, .Von Was I M9 er, To% dition and requirementi of ibe=maeseri here F CO and toloperate in their interests. -.Single 60c. -Refurn 900. An internationally Capital Paid Up 30 Million DollarsLeave P ' known orgatlizittlon,- operating in Pickering (Standard Time) Leave Toronto Toronto, who recently. included a Reserve Fund 30 Million Dollars A M. - P. M. A. M. P. M. -Z- Ve per cent bonus with their.la9A t CAB 16 !%,e 10 . a 255 . 1% 6.30 2.30 a 6.55. 13.55 7.30 ':1 8.30 -dividend, advised the nhole ( .7.55 4.55 8.30 4.30 8.55 5.55 9.3o 5.go epart- 9.55 'b 6.55 lo,30--their employees in -one d b 6.30 went a few days ago that their 7.55 -:-.-11.3 1 0 7.80 -services would not be reqnred 11.55 b 8 55 :- P b 8.30 .,4%fter the 21st day of May. -We P. M. 9.55 1230 9.30 NEW 12.55 d 10.45 A%ve here a tremendously wealthy 1,55 1,30 .10.30 ;Arm who were making so Much E DM U 4W ODeY they w I ere able to hand a N H I N-D LUMBE R Daily except Sunday. b Saturday, Sunday'and present to their sharerholde'r9and COMPANY, LIMITED. - Holidays only. d Sunday only. 4n an attempt to Coaches sto at any point to pick up passen' Rom Sign% plainly by Increase the size LUMBER AND MILL F hand to the driver. -of that present dispensed,with the WORK Coach connections at Toronto for Baff&lo, Niagara �Ssrvlcft Of a large number of men ....FOR EVERY TY-PE OF.CONSTRUCTIONS Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, London, St, .Thowas �-�Qne Of Whom- had been on the Detroit, Schomberg, Brampton, Berrie, Orillia, Mid' payroll 20 'years, and are having Masonite for the Modern land, Jack-on',,Point and intermediate points. '.'that work done"outside." Ordin. be • Coach connection-at Buffalo and Detroit arily this Practice could' not ..,Home and Farm r all U.i9. A. points. criticized, the effort for Summer Cottages, rt to save and Prompt Deliveries.1 0 cut costs Is not unwise, but to-day WRITZ US FOR LITER kTURE AND SAMPLE'S ray when the needs of the human race (Mention this paper when writing). G ` C��,Ch' Lm e' s ­ ­ 9F must be considered and despera. Alon ra w ps,u t, we cannot but think DANFORTH AND WAIN St., TORONTO - Grover 11334-5 , A: 9 .' �. ,.-. .. -.:..•-" ,ca., :::..r .,;,,�/ r:" :. ..+•-,y - w o _,r• r S:i - '•C• •r-"v .V •"ro. -.t. ••:-'►. -t,,;> .T.x'.:, .+�. .."P -a ,r...r °ia.. .- .. s_ .• +.K^�,ti �,` •.. .t.`. ::�... ^. ,+ ^.!S. ,,. i -:+• .r zxs.-a+-+,M'.tt , - - .^ Y .p, ,.-. 1. :{ " a.� • , �K � ��. ',. l: CLAREMONT. Thom. Spencer,of Brooklia, call a =-- A. D. Peters, of Port Per 9d on friends here on Tuesday K. �Fa1" Thcese �NDBxON ry-,was Isst. - , S.- here on Sunday. James Underhill has baled a Monday to officiate Rev. A. McLellan went to Drea ]UNBARTON of funeral of a " large quantity of hay and straw, den oil ofnat the. Mrs. friendd Mrs, Perrin, of Toronto, visited R J. and reMann and Lyman =1 N SU R ONCE —fes+' H. G. and Mre. McIntyre on and Mts.'Pilkey were laRitchener ,• Monday: fur a fen• days last week. "_: _.... _._.. : L .. A.UTUMOB ILE, =' Mrs. Ed. Gibson has been con- Mrs. J. . Selman and daughter, _ FIRE Grace ' fined to her bed for the past week, use 1 " owing to illness. , spent a couple of daps this '. BURGLARY week with Toronto friends. The Park Board are holditng this ton Mills,anspent 9tchaettweek-end evening. : —GY p RO C W�erL S INSURANCE Hat — with the formers parents W. G. Gardenias and house cleaning and Mr�..Scott. Phone Pickering 7920 - 801y is keeping many of our residents A miatber of our local Masons • • busy and out of mischief. attended the official visit of the �uilYl yr BONDS—Government, Municipal sad The Stouffville school ball team p D. G. M. at Stouffville on . Mortgage Bonds; Also, Industrials, (� of boys defeated.our boys here on Friday night last. Safe,investments at from 6 to 7 percen ; Saturday by the score of 18 9. Frank and Mrs.. Allaway, Frank ° Lieut•Colonel Michell and sister, Jr.. and Madeline, and Mrs. John 19 ca]Mng 1NSURANCE—Allelemes written in- ; blies Catherine, of Toronto, called Mackenzie, of Detroit, visited J, cluding Fire, Automobile, Wind , on Mrs. Ed. Gibeoa on Sunday. H. Beal on Sunday. storm, Accident and Sickness, . Mies Mary Wagg, who is a Mr. and Mrs Dennison and eon, t YPROC is a fire-resistant wallboard used for Phone or write nurse in training in the Isolation Foster, of Toronto, spent the 48 tf ED. BOWMAN Whitby V pe making inside walls,ceilings and artitioaa. • Hospital, Toronto, was`home over week end with Mrs. Dennison's g g P M Sunday. parents, It and ills. Bryan, It is made from gypsum rockand comes in sheets $ X1 3M R ` Rev, H. R. Stephens was in Walter and Mr. Thomaoa, who 4 to 10' feet long, 4 feel wide and h of 8a 14Ch Security and service In the Convocation at McMaster %hick. s' Low rates or Auto kind ^} _ University. Gerrard and Greenwood etreetef 1. It does not burn. I tes f A Insnraace sad Our girls softball, players were Toronto. spent Mothers Day with Fire Insurance, y the former's -mother, Mrs. Harry •x. It is inexpensive. Also,representative of in Stouffville one day last week, Thomson. #i. Its ivory colour requires. no. 'decoration The Canada Life Assurance Co. when they defeated their oppon- Rev. Mr, Schutt, superintendent when panelled. 421y Phone Pick.516 Address ants there. of the Home Missions Board of the -`� S. and Mre. Stephenson, of Oah- ;4. It is as excellent base for Alabastine, BROUGHAM, ONTARIO Baptist Church, Rave.an illetetrat i G tea or wallpaper.' - awn. Mr. and Mrs. Crowson and ed•addreas on Monday night to a � yP � '• ' family, of Toronto, and Adam large crowd in the Baptist Church. a. Lt is structurally strong. - Blacksmlthing t and Mrs. Spears, of Whitevale, Hie address covered his recent • - ,spent Sunday with Mrs, Gibbons. 'G. It has insulation valve. The Young with Peola's Club, of tour of the Holy Land. Horse-shoeinga Specialty. ` p Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Toronto �. It is draught and vermis-proof. All General Work, including Wood Claremont, gave a delightful dance spent Sunday with the latter's t It is easy to install. Work promptly to their frier s in the Community parem to, Wm.and Mrs.Thompson. *attended to. •. Hall on Friday evening. There Mrs. Thompson, who has been in 9. It saves time in new construction. � Also, was not so large a crowd as usual, poor health for some time. ie not y but those present bad a very en progre-ging as fast as her friends For further information ask your nearest dealer, Agent Farm r Joyable time, for a direction sheet or write us for FREE book- _ y would like.to see her: .. On Saturday night:. and Sunday let, Building and Remodelling with Gyproc . F. S. WOOd -vvar& Amuog those who attended the morning a most welcome rain ass visited these arts. Cisterns dance in the hall on Friday night Gyps �MgsadALABABTIfdE, CANAd)A.LIMITED GREENWOOD !®ly 1 that had gone dr were re len were (liford and Mrs. Pilkey Paris Ontario. y P and M. J. and Mrs. Wilker, of _ Ished and all kinds of vegetation Toroav) ; Thos. and Mrs. Scott, of Is looking fresh and grass and Iaamtrtoo Mill@, and Miss Merle �Wen%, MOM VL�3 U • are growing nicely. Stophon•on, of Oshawa, i C. A Overland Is observing, L. Fineold, who anderwaat a i It this week, the first anniversary of critical operation to a Toronto his new store by giving great hospital aefew weeks ago, is not BARR bargains to his customers. no is improving as fast as be would like. - +0180 giving a prize of half a dozen It is hoped that with warmer silver spoons to the customer who weather his progress toward@ Purchases the most goods during complete recovery will be more the week. + Mother's Day Service will be rapid. • _ observed In the Baptist Church next Sunday at the morning ser. Don't forget the Standard TrainingfllJ!! vice. The children of the Sunday ScbmL Brougham May 18th to 22nFor Sale by N. M. Gordon, Pickering School will Rive the pro Rrsm of music. Avery cordial welcome is a E ak of artisde extended to all the mothers of the CARO OF THANtKd. that an • -district to be present. We wish to thank our many f=iends not arttstia D M. Morgan was in Columbus for their acts of kindness and WordsFIELD CORNI designs that would be ` :.on Sunday attending the anvail of sympathy in our recent bereave- inapproPrlate for thm tog of the stained glass window ment, in the death of our beloved purpose r fid-Is T� ; presented to the C aited-Chnrch father. one illustrated-Is sdm- 16 , y the directors of the Maple Leaf W. and Mrs. Swift. pie' yet has artistry. � Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance _ and Other Seeds No Greater Tribute' +Company in memory of Che late Ate, Hon, Wm. Smith. N. W. STAFFORD, A number of our football on • Ki too Road, .;thusiasts were in Brooklin om BLUE and WHITE We hati a`on hand a large shipment of °Whltbp Monday evening attending a meet- ing of the South Ontario Football STORE 'Phone Whltby ' Association, when they organised _ 'Field Corn Of all varieties, at ria r Qa for the season, I. F. Dolphin was appointed secretary of the Clare Peas, 3 cane for,,. .. 25c . �a reasonable price. ' -motif Clsrb and Leonard Pilkey Jelly Powders, 4 pkga for �•� 'L5c - ana0agt+r. It is hoped that the Pork and Beans, 3 cave for .< 259 - boys will sign up as 9000 99 pox Black Tea, per lb... 88C sible in order that practice should P &G Soap, 6 bare for • Me See our complete stock of Garden meed. �ap� Yntn begin at once and kept u with l Lb, tin Cocoa, 25c � �' the object of winning the cup Prones, 2 Ibe. for .. • • 28c G � ur Flower and Garden Planta again. Salt, 2 pkga for... . .. 28cThe _ - eneett atWomen's home of Miss O.Uo Corn, per can Io. "will be in shortl • Cheap rates�or�ings. oonatry Tomataem, per can siss ... 100 _. y - .,' --_ Ryer=member is asked to be pras. save your con pone for Rogen' wind-mills.Silos etc. a+n0 as tFe64161 np-oma MITerwarw_=the he child's -- _ AutomobiL Itnuraeos to transact. The election of savings scrip. FOR QUIOR SALg - of all kinds. *Meer will be hold and the various FARM@ FOR SAI+R - s•, reports for the year will be re. C. A. OVERLAID 5 Used Electric Washerry •ceived. There will be a talk on 1 10-20 McCormick-Deertug Tractor Wrin°r phone .Health. Roll Oall, pay your fee. 871y Phone 2501 1 15-80 McOormick•Deering Tractor ED. BOW M A K Arrangements for the District 1 Fordson Tractor '+ A sinal Meeting, which will be r 1 IM Ford Track(with damp,or stake body) 20 WHITBY, ONT. bald is Olarmoot in Jaae, will be �apped 1 1928 Oakland Sedanmade. 1 1929 Durant Coupe tai reen ]River The Mothers Day Service is yt y� 1 4 year old Horse Basket Factory-1 the United Cm r morning g was School Toronto Bread J 1 PotatCulti o PlanPerke cod as sew) rhes � on Sunda moraiag IsToronto , (R p Manufacturers of attended and mach en o ed b 1 Potato Digger All kinds of Fruit Basket@, Berm all. This service was followed b 'A number of repossessed%ad reconditioned the service in the c are w c _ ream spars WAS appropriate to Mothers' Day< A number of Riding and Tractor Plows Baskets, Clothes Baskets. , The Sacrament of Baptism was (good Dairy Butter administered to several infante O� Charles Cooper Claremont Frank Pennock, and several adults. ' In the even .� c. pe , _� Proprietor ing the young people'of St. John's Maker of the well known Church, Brougham, conducted Large tin Tigar Salmon, 25c --'--- r Barnes' Baekete, the service in a most creditable Fancy Pink Salmon, large Is Your Pickerin News aid for 7 ' Phone Markham 8409 manner. and was much appreci y g 150 PickeringNews P • ated by the large congregation, 5 Lb. Pail Syrup .. $5c the church being wellled, These SPR/NGUS 1COM/NQ •1 vy;u cervices by the youngting people dose 10 Lb. Pail Honey .., 85c •- a great deal towards fitting them `'` ' ` for their duties in later life. Tea i> Biscuit@, per lb.. .., 150 V , 1;1 rsr After a lengthy illaeae_ from 15c Bee our Wall Paper samplea before buying elsewhere. Pricea from l00 heart" trouble, Rice, sibs. .. »• a sin per Thomas Dehaney, 1A single roll to 1<00 r roil. Order your Sher win•Williame Paiute died on Friday last In his 78th Oranges, per dozen.. 20c here. Turpentine,Rase and Boiled Oil is stock. year. He had been in his usual F Gl or Yearl Soap, elbars... 25c Quicker Quaker Oats, pkR ... 25c ealth a Lemons, per dozen to Tuesday when pneu• Comfort or Gold Soap, 5 bars 25c Quick Quaker Oats, china, 85c monis developed, mud he passed Macaroni, 8 The ., 25c Soap Flakes, large pXg ,<< 25o Seedless Raisin&8 iba '29c away at 2 o'clock on Friday morn Bulk Soap Flakes, 2 lbs 25c Icing 9agar, 8 ibA 280 . ing. The funeral took lace on Coffee, Multipliers, 1 YOc 8 bare.., 25c,Corn Flakes, 3 .. p per lb. ... ' • a„ :y29c Castile Soap, .:•• i pkga... lac Monday when interment was made Fels"Naptha Soap, 2 bare 15c,Shredded Wheat, 2 pkga 250 in Prospect Cemeteryy, Toronto, ltipli s, per b. • Toilet Soaps, 3 bare... .. 25c' Rolled C�*. 7 lbs- .<. 25c Deceased, who was "fa his 78th Dutch Setts, per Ib. year. has been residing is Clare- .140 Men's Work Boots ' ' Goodyear Tires ' ride Batteries' mont for nine months at the homeBattery Charging FINGOLD' S of his daughter, Mrs. W. Swift. t Call and1see na'or; -His wife predeceased him seven. , , < -teen years, He is survived bya Phone yoiir order, We deliver. _ three daughters, Mrs. g�ift of Lower Price Store Phone7Markham'6402. gold and Installed by ;;- Claremont, Mias We Doli4npy of Phone 8801 _ *� Dt Careen It�vei FRANK J PROUSE .Toronto, and Mrs. Artbar Swift[CLAREMONT ONTOWnl M JJLL11Can GeDeMerahaatf !i[Qg19RlINA -- ON?A>QO .�► of Stouffville. l • • , - ..... ._ _ _.. im KIM.N M 'i.,v `_f �„ ,. a.. .m.• :..„ e2,.rM .. w,y ,yy.r4+ .I.,ro.' . / +... qn+ '..y _ �_ a',•,'H' _ ( ... sr-.. x,.c... �:7`fi:' , ..-'.'"{,•.s•Yal-. S',. si4...-E#' BAq Tv+ t' •F . .4k":� .N.Y''� ..0 ?S .-5r ....5-•��• .�,•.—•f4v .a--.,,, • ,r. -} ,�.?'• .✓s� „wr'.as, ®^w %xx,• =' e;•m,::y«,•' r 'a^ +^ ,r +e •a-.,. "ny,a �• se a. F "•a ."F�+. .r.. ;i-." ,',fir.- .ym �x;:• '^Z".,: 'a -'.., s..- '�� .r .T✓., a..,.k�. isG,,. n.,.. ',r;r ±..' �"'"•�:f'+-� ? r•e .,«, a :.,,..a.. 'f^.r„•y.-» ^t :•eu•• ^x�r•^•'a.�i z�'�`•' ri.,r �,� s "3'R& :..a. e. �m�ra .•. ?.Lcaw<,rvat�sr.:sJF✓.s•.•r r.ewr.2S`,bw ,.y,M...,.yr{F. .rf1;.,.«?' ya::c'�xw•:•_ r..a.: .:..,dx...'SL.•'.�... ... ._ .. b, ., .E^t ......• ,..h0.:. -. :: -. .. ..>b�R-. ,. .. •,,._..yam... ♦ rk 2 v.. ! 4- w•w:aB+fF\ -+"amu.-. ^wYn, t J-, mq • •is 1. • , AN OPPORTUNITY TO HOLDERS OF EARLY MATURING CANADIAN GOVERNMENT BONDS . E INVESTMENT IN ?O EXTEND THE TERM OF THEIR IN EST• ENT ' • THE PREMIER SECURITY IN CANADA - - _. - • 1� a .• _. .. .. • - , • - - GOVERNMENT OF THE - - DOMINION OF CANADA * , ,.- . . 1931 CCJNVERSION LOAN ;.._.. The Ml+etrter of F/nawcr of the Doaeialant of Canada offers to holders of the m demoted Dominion isswet tlbe triwlege of exchanging their bonds into longer dated issres, in the following terms and wader the following condition: m\ This offer affords to holders of bonds eligible for conversion. - the same interest payment and tax-free privileges,for the life of and as contained in the present bonds.and the opportunity - -- of extending the term of the investment at 414o per annum. WAR LOAN Q7a BONDS MATURING 1st OGTO- VICTORY LOA. St's re BONDS 11fATL'RIIYQ "„ - •' -- ' � -' - —Holders f these bonds 1_Holders of these bonds have the ist NOVEMBER, 1933BER 193 . i _ g privilege privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing 1st .have the rivile a of exchangiag into bonds j 1 - ' November. 1956, bearing interest from 1st April, maturing 1st November, 1958, bearing 4 4i% R _ 1931. The first coupon will be for six months' interest payable half-yearly from 1st May. 19311 tax-free interest at the rate of 5% per annum pay. The first five interest coupons, being those to and - able 13t October. 1931; the second coupon will including-1st November; 193Y, will be tax-free. , be for seven months' interest at therate of 4 t';o There will also be,attached to these bonds five ` -per annum payable 1st May, 1932; thereafter to tax-free adjustment-coupoai payable respectively maturity interest will be payable half•yeaily at on 1st November. 1931,and lst May and Novem• _ 4 x;°'o per annum. ber, 1932 and 1933, for additional interest at the rate of 1�oper asa um RENEWAL LOAN S 2'70 BONDS MATL'RD;G _ 1st NOVEMBER, 1932—Holders of.these bonds .1VICTORY LOAN 3 120o7o BONDS MATURING 1st _ - 'have the privilege of exchanging into bonds ma- - NO VEMBER, 193.1-Holders of these bonds have .. 1st November, l•957,beanng 4/,oo s tPwile a of exchanging in gt into bonds maturing -'e payable half-yearly from 1st May, 1931. There 1st November, 1959, bearing 4! o interest pay- _ -- will also be attachedable-half-yearly from loMay,19-31 There-11-aho adjuument-coupons payable respectively on 1st ibe attached to these bonds seven adjustment-coo- November,. 1931, and 1st May and, November, .;pons payable respectively on 1st November, 1931. 1932, for.additional interest at the rate of .t°'o and 1st May and November,1932, 1933 and 1934, _ r anattm. ;for additional interest at the rate of 1%per anatitnr 1 .� e version applications in the terms of the foregoing-are invited-to-a total-of-S210,000,0ft The-Minister 0/ — Finance reserves, bou'et'er, the right to increase or decrease this amov i at his discretion. nbscri!limo will be received and receipts issaed by any branch in Canada ol`'any Chartered'Banti and by rtcogniud Canadian Bond Dealers and Stocb Bm4irs, from whore may be obtained��tication - - - forms and cojries-of the official prospectus contair�ffng complete details of the loan. - dppli- - -- i cations will not be valid on forms other than thou printed by'the King's Printer. — The srbscription lists to the foregoing,will open on 11th May, 1931, and will close on or before 23rd,Mar,.1931, j - at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. , _ .:DXPAILTWWT t)l.FINANCR, r`. i Ottawa. lith May, 193ts J a 1 ry``y w k .i. !s- f " '• • . .'f r.GLGe'@� ye(•M.'M+.. ,.y'-N.•ti_V". '.L" •!IL's S1P 'InR•�- �'�',4•y ,yam,. �.�ry ,.Lt� ,ecu} .,., •. _ _ _ _ _ {¢av . ,i,•. �, :i. '"r o ,6`a . ...',: ;r r F,,,, ... x .an,. �w �,.t - '* •'^ - ,m, ,.-9. r•M- y.., u .so- -;• ,{:.v n.. wi-0 - . ..7-'a`7at.n�,3�...... ':W,.•. -u.. _.ws a:+(.sort.v....._'�,,.....vw.. .�r�,::.d^tr•. .-,..�.w .;.wz:�.i+�a'i,.-... .� ':�,.� ,... _ -.._ ._ .. .Fees,y �:!a.3;.;a! -n w�•' .. s .,,w yz:,.�:: t. ,.�.4-, ..•err,y ,.'i. y l' : .,_ n_,_. ,. a ,. ..-.r•.i x. r�.' .. .. _. r ' - �. great for ailAs - - ■ . ■ a Every member of the family tan enjoy Vclviceta at any meal. . . _ h - - It's 'digestible as milk itself:" 1 Save it spread on : N eta •� ._bread or crackers. j sliced, sn coo P w E>J j • dishes:)r toasted. .0 ' rl .�� K 600'D _ . .. KRAFT — - - - • -------- STRENGTH Clasalfied Advertising s± Of it is escelIant — sasY G113CK9 To have a giant's '§trength; -but it is BABY tHWKS—iN SIX PAR• Lcwla • „(Dana up. ataloguas e tyrannous. 1 IETIEJ. Deputy Fire JIarshal of Ontario, I To use It like a giant, tree. A. 1L Switzer. Granton Ontario C Canadian Director of the National —Shakespeare. TYP>QWMITPSsI� Made oy the makers of Kraft Cheese and Kraft Salad Dressing Fire Protection Association and Chairman of the File Marshal's Sec- BARGAIN IN REBUILT EMP11M f typewriters, guaranteed same ail y+ tion, headed the Toronto committee new, $25 cash with order. Satisfactioa enee Dors Solid Pine who were hosts to the members and or money refunded. Twice for Type- z - Gum and Walnut. Fir and Chestnut delegates to the Associaan's 35th writers, 759 St Peter St., Sfontreal anirual convention held at the Royal sEPZZ5Z39TAT=yE WA2tT1BD _ at hed� OULD YOU '.1KE TO BE THS Qtd. and Plain Oaks FIQOr` Side and Endm C York Hotel, Toronto, May a-14. Y �' Maple Birch and Beech Fl Mg Kiln Dried local epreaentativa for test Belle Ing household necessities. Write qac+• in the older deposits, which, Dr. Li he-! ecce Cameron. 39 Wellington 9t >Os be—SEE YOUR DEALER OR WRITE DIRECT • lieves, indicates that pottery was ginning to be replaced by more mod-I MmZMANTS !T>.e Kll�ght Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaf ord ern arts which were ushered in with D EJL\A.\TS-3 LSS• PRINTS, tone the discovery of bronze. 1L s lbs. Silk, Velvet or Cretonn1. e ,. $1.50. Agents. dealers wanted• A. a The activities of the National Re- ` Fireproof Document Box Creery Co.. Chatham. Ontario. • search Institute of History and Philol- R'liy RISK A 3ERiOC8 LOSS when ------�r�sd - ?% ' ,Archeologists Unearth Relics ogy represent the first systematic un- for only $ectio you can secure cpm- pieta protection for insurance Doli- pE\AL SET TO JiC 3I C. SON _ of Prehistoric Chinese Cit dertakings in the field of archaeology cies, other valuable papers, Incl ewe!- publtahc ' Howard Doody r Coiiraio Y in China under Chinese auspices. Spc- private correspondence; also Jewel- Dar.y, ((unit 'Publiaheje, Cobourg. OiS• _ = i radic investigations have been made leuleis, ASents Circulars lull par- _Canada ratio p y a few individuals, but no system- FIREPAOOF CABINETS e4. SAFES "Children can be trained to lou 9` Scientists Discover Cultural Evidences Below City of Tan,` atic efforts have been undertaken on , a LIMITEC instead of cry when they J1 down ani I Which Flourished T arae Thousand Years Ago; r scientific basis. During the two 355 Greenwood Ave., Toronto h themselves" — Rupert H.ehe� Knowledge of Bronze Casting Shown years in which the institute has been in the field many discoveries of scien- tific import have been made. : $y Victor.Keen in The N.Y. Herald Tribune.. ACHIEVEMENTS OF INSTITUTE: Shanghai.—Chinese archaeologists civilization just predating the dawn In summarizing the more important f « of Chintse Eastern culture. j}l f iba-ve unearthed beneath the ruins of Last :all, a survey art headed by achievements of the institute Dr, J.i y P y I in a recent interview said, "Our finds a city, which flourished in Shantung Dr. Li Chi, director (,f the archaeol- f'om Anyang Honan province), large- + _ province three thousand years ego, oigcal section of the National Researchly of the Shang dynasty. approxima'e- 1 ;! 'the pottery evidences of what is he• Institute of History and Philology, ly corresponding to 1500 to 1200 B.C.. Beved to be a transitional stage of Academia Siniea. discovered interest- revealed the facts that China at that ' ing ;-:ecimiens of black pottery embed-i time had alrea.ly dev_toped a highly ded in strata exposed by the exeava- ' perfected technique of bronze casting, ' Kennedy & tions for a new motor road. -Two I and•a decorative art. fully maturad. +.:• Menton n•onth3 of sy3u.matic_excavation dry- which. has -been questioned by soma - I 421 Couepa Bt-. closed the ruins of the ancient city of ��y estern sinologuea. The inscription Tan,. which was an important city from the oracle acnes moxtly refer to \ Toronto some thousand years before the birth I the social, political an.: religious hab ' 7iarieY tandson Oistrlbucon Cf Christ. The site of this long dead! its of,.the people at that time which « - write at once for our oarrain list of city is near the modern city of T`;in•#one could find. in no other historical used motercyclea. Terms arranlrsd ocu. erts. It is. therefore, possible capital Of Shantung Province. {da 1 F BUND BENEATH-CITY OF TAN.! to reconstruct a great deal of the his - ti 3— i tory of this period from these finds; Digging.,beneath the -ruins of the s and on the basis of such finds it is also ' J [ city of Tan, the excavators found stir? possible to say that historical Chinese "I uu,nic Lydia E. yinkl am•-s an earner.geologicalstrata separated culture cannot be traced entirely iroin I %. I from the buried city by a layer of foreign sources. WHEN CHILDREN Venerable eampouad is wonderful! sand deposits: This earlier stra•.a con- "In Shantung we discovered a new 1 have tied six r.hildren of which tout THERE are times. tained thousarids of specimens of type of Neolithic culture character � R E� when a child is too are hvina and env youmest b s bon' I k v broke• bits of jars, pitchers and other ized by beautiful black-pottery essen- fretful or feverish to nie baby boy now etaht months old utensils fashioned from black pottery tially different from the Yangshno be sung to sleep. There are some who wencher 23 pounds.I have caked / of remarkable lustre and polish. Th,,!, type, first discovered by Dr. J. G. An- pains a mother cannotpat away.But F=medicine before each of chem signifkant feature of the discoveries Berson. Com arias the neral state there's quick comfort m Castonal ' -Comparing general was born and have certainly m r f ;as that while the pottery of the i,of the Shang culture as represented in upper strata was decorated with sym- bols, For diarrhea, and other infantile cefved great txtiefic frons tL 1 urge PPe the Anyang site with Yangshao,. �n ins give this tine vegetable K ara- ' boll of the simplest description.I the one hand, and the `black pottery' P p s '•my.will receive ti cake h e l p I nae the black pottery of the lower tion. Whenever coated tongues tell + they will tame help 1s _ 1 culture, on:the other, one finds that of constipation:whenever there's any and earlier strati contained _no!this earliest known historical ChineseI —Mn. Mho^ McMiElkn, Vanessa, such symbols. From this discrepancy sign of sluggishness. Casioria has a Oivario • the investigators infer that the two culture is nearer to the Eastern type � usste: children love to take it. ;H1r' strata represent a transitional stage (black pottery) This is no doubt a Buy the genuine—w'ith Chas. H. very important conclusion reached Fletchees signature on wrapper'• Lydia E. 1 _Home-n ash just preceding the beginnings of an only on the basis of a series of im- tient Chinese cultur,. l _ The pottery found in the upper or portant discoveries.' A clean scalp is a healthy one. TORTOISE SHELLS FOUND. t 1 t'as t i s 9 Avoid distresslna lose of hair. . . . �, more recent strata was inferior' in u at ter and :alp Cleaner, made of abso- many respects to the specimens fourir. • a I lutely pure ingredients. Removes _ and bone inscriptions unearthed by dirt and dandruff. successive --_ �! _ natural erosion or indiscriminately. ! washings prove lte worth. At your I dug up by farmers have found their druggfat hoc. or send loc for - sample. wa into the 'shops of curio dealers or 1 When In Toronto private collections, but the bone in- Seyea Surlierland Sisters PSEA AGAIN scriptions excavated by Dr. Li's parlay HAD TO- GO 10 D R91 193 an. Toroi.to { Make Your Home at are the first fruits of scientific fie'_d t HOTEL FORD work offering possibility for aster- _ - BLACN EARS taining the geological Tatum from :-Rheumatism or No Rheumatism M Bay St., at Dundas St. which they cam . These bone inscrip- .. —Don't .suffer any longer ,from these, _ tions are .the most primitive known n fitly blemishes. Overcome casein et, T[p p gg @gg nn , evidence of Chinese writing and have BUT KRUSCNEKEPT NiM home! Get 2 OX. Peroxine Powder from R I C3-•ip� �U �� +pL �J S�1g�e opened up a new field of endeavor in your druggist. Sprinkle a little on +.he • i' FREE FROM PAIN h lace cloth. apply with a circular motion' Every hotel servitu In a Clean, the study of the earliest developments and the blackheads will be all WatEED' of Chinese characters. rrI awl:. Satisfaction or money returned.I I _ ' quiet, fireproof building. Thin skipper of a steam trawler was According to Dr. Li, many of the_e - T ..- �1 $olo Rashes Do Itch l 750 rooms. bone inscriptions previously unearthed up against it" He had Rlienmatism, and his doctor said he must not go ?. Bath*1FealY with _ are now in the London and•Paris inti- to Bea, But times were hard, and lie `Q Ci'17CUiiA SOAP scums. In the same steatum in whicit was forced to-go afloat again, That Anoint rot!!. i they were found were discovered was two years ago. Now see what he- CUTICURA 011% -iE\-T I MOURNING WARDROBE bronze vessels of ancient shapes, saws:— • go to sea and two years ago 1 was. RErnEF A.vn 13EALING FOLLOty which should conclusively disprove the "j -` 8oa9'�e.Ointmmt:Se.andb0e.9onDlarrce. laid up for six months with very much opinion expressed in some quarters _ - y' Addraw:J.z.Balt 0om7.a7•'Lt+•.y+T••i "A- iii-eu�fa-miJ-y-an suffering from rheumatism and general a - -bronze .cu ore breakdown, and was forbidden by my I had to go in mourning. I c-Aild I known previous to the Tsin and Har doctor to go to sea,or to touch water. hardly afford to buy all black dynasties, i. But it was 'Hobson's Choice' ,v;ith Kruschen is a powerful solvent of B 1 T E S clothes, so decided to dye what I _ y, me. There was so much unemploy- these torturing crystals. It swift had. I consulted our druggist and I Little Betty (reading adverbs I tnent I was forced to get somewhere. dulls their sharp edges, then expos IInsemb seake, or animal he 'advised using Diamond Dyes. ment): '•Jiummy, why do boarding! go I am still here weathering the them from the system. Tour pains the best erestm.at,is plenty ease;swellings subside knotted joints ,u of Minard'a at once. It Everything came out beautifully; house proprietors object to child- storms es the last two winters, and I g + .cern honestly say I have never felt the become loose. Afterwards.the••tittle 50 soothes, heals and cleanses• coats, wool, dresses, stockings and ren'" "I don't know, and I can't daily dose"so stimulates the liver and j !lightest pain from my old complaints, Draws out the polson I all. I have since learned to appreciate be bothered with such things now, since I started two years ago to take kidneys that regular and complete the excellence of the black Diamond Go and see *bat.baby Is crying about, Kruschen Salts. I wish Kruschen elimination is ensured. Your inside • , Dyes. I tried another black dye and tell Gerald to stop shooting•rpegs at every success. and you may make is kept clean. Mischievous uric acid ; the results were impossible. I had to people In the stret, make Cyril and whatever use you think St of this never gets the chance to accumulate i get Diamond Dyes and do the work Dick stop quarrelling, and tell Tom- .letter•"—Skipper. J. J. start Kruschen to-morrow. Keep « n It is common knowledge that rhea- D KING OF PAIN over. Recently I have tinted my .my that it he doesn't stop blowing matism is associated with an excess of up "the little daily dose"and you' curtains a beautiful raspberry shade that trumpet I shall take it away uric acid in the system. Uric acid is soon joytully agree with thousands of and dyed a rug a lovely garnet with from him!"-=Pearson's. composed of needle-like crystals, and others that rheumatism meets its Diamond Dyes- They are real money +r the pain of rheumatism is•caused by,master in Kruschen. ; humsavers—the finest dyes money can Good company and good discourse those '•!needles" settling down in the Kruse ben labs is obtainable st �p buy—I truly believe." are the very sinews of virtue.—Izask joints, museks and tendons. I)rug Stores at 45c.and 75c.per boug ISSUE No. 20—'31 Sirs. G.K.L., lfontreal. (Calton. r --•.... :s a- F .• .:.d: .' ,n„ N 7c r- t;�, .i^ r �. �oa.J' ° _ f :•:. ��' 4ti> ,.J: ':r'rnc^ •nlv. r „: .�.r'J. ^i.. .. .....�-. -- .,r; dy' - rce. 1:., `:or.•r -. .a•. J ••}:wY,'r- 1 ,�.i.....1.�"',.+'...•' :P7„"^-ya..•.'. y., •... '.. r,,:.`�:..A .:•�-•-,4,*.,- .. `»w:re.. ..':,s-,a�r,x'e .Gy ^-v^+t •':w ,r`mv,•'• -�.' j .xd :ea—• r+�r. r efiLs''--•.axis ��5.4 f -a•,�• �,....r'A.••..�''.S- w . -,.F/.-...' �°-�fL�:• ��.5_•.-.- .,a. sE. .Sv� 1.:. j '+ .3t�y.: �'•t•�v bt� '•'l. / �'. -iM w?��d 4� n- _,� .a,;:r•�-. .a. ...,..,e; ..r4,. .,. ,...o. � —u8;c._y. .r,.{:. .-e �:..... .� �,xx..tJ,'.... :.. '� ,�'''.�e. .�': •..� �'-a .'�S-.�.d�ecd,.�' ,c��-qr-q+.m. .:1 ,,s::..• . y, V I/ • .J • -r T.AO��I ,�� rQ -F. N. Machin and family. of -Dancing every. Saturday at Dew - - iJiJ • Oshawa, an L. H. and Mrs. De_v- Drop Inni • • ` itt and daughter,of Oshawa, spent -Radio Licenaea may be obtained Mrs. W. G. Reid eppetitthe week. Sunday with their parents, Hugh from W. C. Murkar, at the Nerve. e end with friends in Mimico. and Mrs. Meehln. _ Office. -Born, on Wednesday,May 8th, -Dr. H. T. Fallaise, 'Resident There appears on another page the Dominion Government adv -t.- P. and Mrs. Sproule, a eon. Dentist. Office- in residence, twadv-t.- re-the _ doors east of i3t. Andrew'Jt church, Dominion of Canada Conversion -Fred and Mrs. Rowe, of Whit - - - . , spent Sunday with Mrs. John Pickering. Office hours, 9 a. m. to Loan. There is a great rush for the ' y 6 to Daily, and Evenings by ap- bonds�asr-it is roported, the .loan is Draper. P' already taken up. There is also a -fire. WsRice's patents, from po1¢ltment. (X-ray service)• rumor that it has been over-subscrib- Tewcaatle,spent 8nadsy with her -On Sunday, May 10th, there ed. Evidently there 3s an abundance - Grocery a This - erg.lips isle for T Week . —A*ap4ly, were two special services in the of moue _in the country. The trouble • _ -Mise -Sproule, of—Toroa o, d-Church: AttheMoth is that rt is not--put into circulation, ^ Borden's , pp Da service in the morning the n Quaker Corn Flakes;2 for..- ... Ise ' e nt Sunday with W. V.� and y so that all might enjoy' it. ��! � • - _ �ppee minister baptized five children s Mrs. Redditt. -All Sunday School workers -The new Home Teleph6ne and one adult, and in the evening Fresh F Chocolate Buda.lb. -.-. ... "25c - Dr Langford. of Toronto,preach- are requested nc to remember the _ 4 y office is progressing rapidly to- ed the confirmation. sermon, fol Standard Training School at "Prize Winner"Sliced Pineapple, reg. 140 _wards completion. Brougham, May 18th to22Dd,from Mrs. ' Jones, of Whitby, was lowing which the session and 7,45 to 9 30 each evening. There Cherry Jam; pure fruit,- and - - minister received 92 people the guest of Rev. JH.and Mrs. will be two splendid lenders iroin 40 canes jar age .. .. . into the fellowship of the Church. Stainton on Sunday. the 0. IL B. C., Mrs. Norman -Dr.V. E. Cartwright is having -On Tuesday evening, May the White and Mise Evelyn Craw. Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs, . -.. 25C his residence re painted, the work 12th, the congregation of the Let, all Sqnday School workers being done by Thos. Dwyer. United Church met to receive the plan to co-operate to make our -Relatives of Mrs. Johns, from report of the commission, consist school this year a suceees. Toronto, spent Sunday with theming of Drs. Soland, Moore, Me. Stainton, Deal);Burnett Jamieson, at their home on Church St. Lachlil) and Creighton. . The Secretary. ,� -John Annan has had painted 'congregatien by ballot decided to -The regular monthly meeting �p�a7ial. Price ,on 2-yard Linoleum the exterior of his residence,which receive the decision of the Com• of the Horne and School Club win ' l "" i greatly improves its appearance. mission as floral. The Commission be held on Friday evening, May -F. F. and -Mrs. Balsdon and decided in favor of St. Paul's the 15th. in the school house As Very prettg block design with buff colors predominant., -family, of Burford, spent the Church as a place of worship and this is the annual meeting and - .. .:.- _. ,per square yard, 69 cents. week-end with their relatives in St. Andrew's as a church recre- election of officers we would like - - - Pickering. ation hall. After the report of every member present if possible 1 only,,Borderless-Congoleum Rug, 42x9: k..3.09. -During a rain shower on Sun. the Commission was read two of and any others_who.are intereated t' 1 7.29 da afternoon a quantity of hail the former members of St. An- in school work. There will be a 1 o�yr 9x102 fell. In some parts of Toronto it drew'@ Church moved to make the speaker-and a gcod program. This p •Feltol Mats, 14x27, 3 for 25 cents. _ was�gnits heavy. approval of the congregation Will be the last meeting of the -- -- -Dr. and Mrs. Me(>}eagh, of unanimous. Home and School Club until Detroit, Mich., spent Tuesday and -In the Pickering Police .Court September. Everybody. made NOW ON SALE Wednesday in Pickering renewing on Monday evening Mike Cullen welcome, ;old acquaintances. and James Hing, of Toronto, sp -The new Hymnary of, The. United-Church in -Robert C. Stork ie in very peared before Magistrate Clark Now Ldvsr948e1'naa9r, poor health at present. It is hoped charged with being intoxicated in Canada. ; with the finer weather he wllr a public place. 'There were others CIDER'(MILL FOR BALE--Apply The .prices ar'e the same at stores everywhere. 71 show an improvement. in the, party, including a *Oman, CIDER, C.W.Petty,Cnerry,rood 36.37 _ -The Dominion of Canada Con- and they were conducting t-bem ABTLTRE TO LET-Will take cat- Buy at Home. version Issue will soon be avail- selves in a most disorderly, man Pe to pasture, Wm,Lacey,Duabarton,36-38 able to holders of D. of C. Securi- oer on Sunday afternoon in Joh_ n �'1T'�1T�'C1Q • 1 planting. any .quan!!y. Wm.Lacey for L117.�3.L►7 tine maturing up to 1934• Graham's $ata at the Rouge. RITES FOR SALE-Cedars -Dr. McEwen had the misfor• Constable Chester arrested the Dtsn- tnne to run a nail into big foot on bar ton, 36-38_ party and took them before the - The new "Cherry" design is here in- open sock. :Tow is Sunday, but he is ably to get maRistrate that evening when all. Obi'• SALE-0 head of young cattle, around with the asf+i@tal)ee of a Fgearlings. Pb°n-e Clare 1603. Arthur Car- the time to start purclhasing the new of Dinner including the women, became very rutbers. 37.38 Dishes. Just buy in quantities to Bait cane. abusive. When they appeared in -Mr. and ]tire. Bly and Miss G. court the two men pleaded guilty Aa3TCRAdE=(}cod paetnr L. G eeie D. BI of TO[ODCO, spent the •pr 20 or mere cattle. F. L. Green. _ you, either ono piece a wholo set ' y. pe to the charge and were firred 81v Greenrood. 34•as weekend %t. their summer home and costs, amounting to 81.:.50 Cups;and Saucer@, ... 5e each Isere getting it read for the 'APABLE VYVCTMAti-g r n ee eork 15c each g y each, � Plates, ... ... .. daily.housecleaning.washing or needlework season, Boa 4o. white vale so Fruits, ... ... 15c each—it has been the custom for ••• ••'• -On Saturday night and Sun. Bowls. ... years to wear flowers on Mothers' �L:1t1sd1P'R WOOD FOR SALE 12 ' _ - .•• • .-• 15c each day morning the country was Da to honor the greatest woman ri�1t Jengtbs i5.00per load Delivrr out. Creams. -• ... .. .. 15C each " treated to a line rain which wa@ ,plive. It ie a beautiful tbuagbt, vdGia village extra F.L Green. r3 n Special rice on fair tea or dinner set. lmuch needed. Aa a result growth but in a certain town in the proood — P p .__els now very rapid. vises the people have dispensed WANTED. TO RENT - Pasture -A very large Dumber attended with the flowers and sabetitvtad farm• loo acres or mare, with'.shade and " C HAPMAN the suetioD sale of the household water Apply to G.w.Hodgson. R.3 lyo:a. a bag of flour This.may not have Claremont 3x37 iefltects of the estate of the late such an attractive apppearance, e • I;•. ,Richard Barrett on $atnrday but in many s home, it fe, in these TO RENT—On Church ec Pickering laftar000n Lad prises Were. very 1 tial!of brick house,including blinds and 8a- _ i a6or0000ry. days of unemployment, more Lure. As G D B17. 210lndien Road. To- satisfactory. At this eegeon of rnnt°• or +rte's oma« 6cr Linemen from the Hydro have -the, year flowers era very ex�n• RAIN FOR BALE-several bun- - -- -:" begun work this week extending '��,� g g e spent In Chem v dred Dwbela of barley and tni:ed gran. Also ., _ sive and the many pe s, k n their nine north as tar as Donald antic of past are,good grass mad water. Price 7500.38 ���� ������ Maaro'e, and they"will probably will purchase quite s- quantity with the times, £ w,sleep. ProneR . flour or other necessary. Itwould extend it still fnrihe'r as far as OR SALE-.;-Air compressor• tank not be a good thing for gardeners, and motor, Alemite grease n. all in A 1 the third codecesion. on gu In Khaki, Chambray and' Navy Blues, Prices-co' -The Women's Ioetitate will but it would be -a Mood thing for condition. Marvelube motor oil, s gallons or - - hold their annual @tl t te. on those homes where there is great more at 76 cents per gal A.T.Law+ Flicker- - lower. Try a big roomy shirt. want. - .. Tuesday next, May 19th. at theUR SALE-3 young sows. color canal hoar, at the home of Mrs. -A serious motor accident oe S � whire,'good qushty weight abeu! 300 lbs _ ~ John Murkar. It is eiveMed that carred on Wednesday night, dun!_,farrow before ,lune 1st Pnce$40 each shout 11:30, two miles east of the Apply to W.J.Taylor. Pic4er,ng and Nlarkham Norge Electric Refrigerators _ Mise Margaret Pennell will give village ,3 which nee man we!, to.A,ase: 37.38 ' a abort tack. - -The services of the United seriously `injured A truck be ! 't'RTOMIRATCHINC AND BABY _Anotber fLDe product,of Deforest-Croaley. longing to the. Toronto•Peterb000 ` CH1CK.1 FOR ';ALE—Rocks, Rhode Ii- i Church -sill be held next Sunday lands and Leahorns, hatched tmcer Jamesway ' 1l) St. Andrew's Church at I1 a, m Transport CO. was going east rr.ethods. Pates reasonable. Phone Pick ,u:. : and D. m. 8nnday School at en by Capt. Palmer, of Pictnnf -atiTEDn Bterdan tf ^ H when it met a De Soto corrpe,driv -IO a. m. The pew ymnary hill d Arcomincda- - The coupe crashed into the ride ion on a farm• month or july, o!i high. Connors Electric Was be used for the tirst time at way ut conter,ient,Icr 1 adults and 2 children, - - morning service,' In. the evening 011e tt't1Ck, then skidded 8bO11[ 75 Cleanliness and comfort a Ae-r,ei. Waste H L. the minister will preach on the feet when it up-et and cotnple acy,361 university Ave_Ktngston.Orit:34•:ib have led the field for, ears. We will be pleased sa Iect oma r• almer was injured bed• 1 in the arab b ra n Lias - D Oil 9•tI er 3'OUT wants. the second sermon in the aeries of y y g DRY .4mi firti®h}—Let our driver call and sermons on modern eine. basilar sustaining other lUjllrlee. explain our-l.'#hour- service. J_5t leave Your - EBBS terms. name with mr.S.W.Davis, barber shoo. 14e _ Dr. Cartwright was e00n (1n the, will pick up and deliver each.Monday,-•Wednes guile spent SWC here with the -scene and bade man rasen to Gay _ former's parents. W. J. and Mrs. the Osbaws Hospital. Constable ,ARM FOR SA-LE-60 acres of`ex• i Crum mer found in'tbe err a bottle reliant farm land,situated north of Pickering 7 Clark. Bines the H.S. HUwland Village.about a 1 from the Provincial High• Special • of whiskey, unopened.. and a gin R r�i r ,Hardware Co. went out of buss. way. Good brick house, large ravine. DuflSn's t _ ]Radio,, p _ bottle near) empty. Traffic-Offi Creek passes through farm. would make•good DelOTQBt-CTOBley Batter 11ad10 ,nese. Mr. Clark has entered the. gentleman's estate. About 16 miles from Toron- f- employ of the Cities .Service Co., car Ruhciman'wae oleo summoned. l). For full particulars apply to Dr McGee h, r land Barrie to now hie head•qua Aleharge will be ]aid against Pel 12"37 yVooQward Ave..Detroit,Mich. 37-3� :, COns'Ole model, ` 7. Mere. He was with the Howland •mer. The truck, driven by'Dong. - - Irvea of Toronto, was only slight $1600 people for s number of years. i damaged CioIIVer131oII of liadio Licenses leased most of the time as trsvell-er, _ -- Y-- __-- - ,----... _ — _. - - -di.o. -.• - -- -- -The price of butter has been -During the past few yearA--a your taking a gradual drop during the great .change has taken place in Fred Ta Bnntlj]g, _ _ Pickering -post few days. It is claimed that the class of school buildings DomOn of Caaa�a the price is the lowest in the bis- throughout the province. '•The Vatabliahed 1867. tDIF o e dairy industry with little red scbooh" familiar all over SoDdB the exception of 1914. In•Toronto the country, served its purpose `- it is •elliag at 29 sod 80 cents per well and produced many noble ,. carefully. nd apromptly ENTP �TT11G"AGIF pound which is several cents lower men and women. It was simple, handledE L than it was daring April of last Lhotfgh substantial, in construe. ' ]Free of Charge year, and to not expected to go up, Lion, and comfortable in every r ae Canada has a surpins. A large way, but according to modern �e 'W BA7.R=ER - ' .importation of New Zealand but ideas, lackedmany essentials andM ter during the past winter bas ha was behind the times. In later PICKERJNG Telephone 4900• + an effect on the local market` years the Department of Educe* Eggs are also cheaper than they tion has insisted on a type of " have been for a number of years. building that measures asp to Notice to CreCiltori - The consumer does not object to certain standards, and In the -Cha the lowering of these prices, bnt it event of their failure to comply R. S• 'O. -Chap. 150-Sec. 51 Auto Re airs,- Accessories; 18.aad Is hard on the farmer. with these demands the school ESTATE OF RICHARD' WARD p -On account of the lose sustain• trustees would be informed that Yeoman Deceased - ins Acetylene Welding -- = ed by the competition of motor the government grants would be All persons having claims against Gasoline, � ) el, basses, rootor cars and trucks, witheld, They were thus forced the Estate of Richard Ward, late of G railways have been compelled to to build a much more expensive - Charging* ~ P the Township pf-•Plcldering, - 1n- the' '•- -' • Batter " - Jeconomize by entting out a nuts• building than they otherwise County of Ontario, Yeoman, deceased bar of passenger trains which would have done. The school ,who died on or about the 27th der of v „i means throwing a number of men inspectors in many eases have March, A. D. 1931,_are hereby_notif- Repairs-made on all makes out of employment. So far as come in for considerable criticism ied to file--with the undersigned, on -• - - _ Pickering is concerned there will for insisting on the better type of or before the 20th day.of Mas, A. D. of cars. =' y now be only two trains @top at school, lint they were simply 1931, full particulars of their claims. Pickering each way instead of carrying out the orders from the immediately after said date, the as- three an formerly, and there, will Department, Asa result a great sets of the diseased 'will be distribut- be no Snnday train. The mail many sections have been burden- ed amongst those entitled -thereto, train from the west now arrive@ at ed with a heavy debt. This year having regard only to claims so fil-8 49 a. las., which it+ nearly an'bour the Department. on account of edC ARiLES �s SIPMENCER later than formerly. In the other the great business depression, has Dated at Oshawa, the 28th, day of trains there is not mach change. asked the inspectors not to nee April, A. D. 1931. •� • s • - ' The®OW timetables may be seen any undue presenre toward the W I. N. Simlair, R.C. A .0 roprietor, Pickennga ,;";.in wllwther column. erection of new school buildings. Os[slawa, Ontario. � 3, r''a�'�' �e 9 `�i �.: _ � `+x�r �pc�' "f;;�a�,k�.�r* 'w t-�"�'•s''2 ,� X�y. • •