HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1929_11_15% Ae M Nos 11. PICEE"EARING9 ONT..,-,- FRIDAY. -�NOVA -- 4 .NOL. XLIX. GREENWOOD. AUDLFY The anniversary services of thv The - Audiey - Community. Club are �,�hlte s _- - -' AM holding their November meetbTg. GREENWOOD United -church AtGreenwood.zitili bw held on Sunday, Nov. 17th. Rev. J. hext-Monday evening. Nov. 18th, at S C. PEARSON-Physician -icitta R- Fraser, D.' D. of Dumbarton, t DaRH. C*T00= 2 he home of D. and Mrs. W�nters. and Surgeon, Dumbarton. 10ly 'preach at' 11 a. m. when -music will., Everlodyi come, LL 10 B. FORSYTH. Oph. D., Dinwtor Sawing Lumber, Chopping AM-. Is running again after the Rood. be supplied by the'Greerfwoo'd choir. BALSAM. A% a0atometrical Association of-Ontario. Reg. In the evening at 7 v. im Rev. R. Established IW ISIsLA 4tAember of the American Optome*ical Grain, summer months, yro -kistion.. Eyes examined by appointment, H. Rickard B. A. of St. Paul's church `ss Hall spent the - holiday with o.on Tuesdays and Fridays. M i 11%amelftft Claremont. Out. Pickering, �iffll preach, and music will her parents in Lindsay. - I _M. t '-VARL A.GRUBIN. R. 0. t c -eat, Whea -Eyegiab Manufacturing Batakets of all be supplied by a double male quAX.. Mrs. Victor, Jamieson' visited rel- Buckwheat, .'I g kinds, including, tette, of the Claremont Baptist church, atives in Uxbridge last week. , ciabst. Honour graduate of the College ,ofo%owetry of Canada: Gold medalist and On Friday. evenirrz, . Nov.- 22nd. a The Ladies Aid intend' holding a and Bariey Wanted rat erman prize winner in 1929. At Markham Bushel, 11 Quarts, 6 Quarts, Pint chicken supper will be served in the =X-Monday •from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m..jn Dr. Quart Boxes, Berry e _me�etipg at Mrs. Harbron's on Wed- a a dentcl office. • At St,ouffville from Wed- Crates- basement of the church. which -will Highest prices paid. nesda�'of this, week. need to Saturdayof each week. Eyesexarnin- A large stock on hand at bi� followed by an , interesting pro- Lorne and Mrs.. Jones attended the VdG 7�ws fitted and repaired. Highest quality gram, when the Greenwood 'Dramatic t Lowest Prices. Phone Stouff 2405. 461y reasonable prices. Bryan-Dennison - wedding . at, ClAre- Club will present airs. Clara Roth- mont on Monday evening. Special Price'_ .,;gas - Flies reductions at the Well Anderson's latest interesting factory. play entitled "Marrying Anne", a- , Several . young- people from here ON CHRISTIAN, Barristerand motored,to Oshawa on.Satur6Y n;g- AiiSosbc-itor. Notary Public Etc. M to 20 or write drama in three acts proving that the lit and enjoyed ;i few'hours sksting .PhdDe M&rkhara 640 orr 84 1 :-.Barley Feed oan. South WingCourt-House, Whitby. l01*2571y Chas. White, Lpcust Hill. Ont. young people. of today are as cap-- in the rink. 101HATON & ROSS - Barristers. So- able, fearless and wholesome as those Misses Norrine and Leona Wilson -until Nov. 8th only, $3700 _13iieitors. Northern Ontario Building, a3 of. their. grandfathers' days. Supper of Toronto, visited over the- week- per ton,: Cash. 7 DayStreet Toronto, served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Ad- end. at the home of their parents, R. mission 50 cents, children W. and Mrs Wilson. J. Beaton, Adelaide 2707 ildren' 30 cents. V. F. Ross. I e B arreis -'Poultry Feeds 10ICEIARESON & PICKERING- SCHOOL REPORTS. OU1413ARTON. XtBarristers, Solicitors etc,, 213-214 Confed- ..CRACKED CORN, *rat Life Building. Corner Yonge and Rich- FOR SALE 'is visiting Cherrywood qcbool report. Senior Miss Annie Brander osesO Six. Toronto, Pbones Adelaide "89 and room. --V- Gordon Petty. Harold Fe- friends in this community. SCRATCH FEED, Pickering otfice, Wednesday and _Phog�egckw 66W. j 7 evenings tf nny. Sr.IV-Arthur -Petty, Ray Pil- Born, on Monday Nov. 11th to T. In large DRY MILSH. key,, Ruth Hollinger, Lloyd Petty, and Mrs. Annan, a daughter. 7 . - Denta4 Bertha Smith, .Earl Taylor, James Miss Bernice Eddy spent the hol- Prices right. C or Dixon. Jr. IV -Hazel Petty, John idAv under the parental roof. BIL 0. SMITH. D, D. 9.. L. D.'R.. Teefy,, Frank Sobol. Sr. III-Mary - Robt, Annan, of Mount Uope is 2P. Z. 0M3S=2.*T eesor to Dr J. N. Dales), Graduate of sma MacRae. Jr.* III-Mildred Hollinger, visiting friends and relatives here. &I College of Dental Surgeons and Toroo. the 9cc w, Alvin Pilkev. Norfnan - Isaac Pizer, aml son Lloyd, vis At Claremont office D. A, Phyllis Grew, store every Tuesday and FridS;,, Phone 'titieS Petty, Peggy Stone, Charles Cuilad- itPd his mother over the week-end. Btmu lo-I I., quan Wz y.,, ersity. ine, Hugh Teefy. Mr. Jonathan Lotton we are soT- C 0 A in health ". L7 E3RBERT T FALLAISF_ L D_14.. Junior Room. Sr. 11-Clayton Grew,- ry to say is not improving D D. S ,Graduate of the Royal I Bob- and is . very weak. of o ss:w Esther Barkey. ltu-.eil Perks, Dental Surgeons and the Univervity f Toronto. PICKERING I Miss A good supply of Hard and Soft Coke in residence second door east of St. And. by Torrance. Jr 11.-Florqij�e Mitch- We are pleased to report that. M few's Courch, lltcke Office hour% : 9 elL Alan Petty, Nornian Flett, Mar Afeia Allison. who has been under the Coal on hand. Alan a supply or, nag`Ont. 1. L -7eefy. Earl Dixon. Jaints MLkv- Doctar's care, is imip'roving. a. m. toep in., by appointment. (X.r y UMBEEd i R Y %J W_ garct servift), Phone Pick 37030. 431y thur Annis and Mr. Cragg, both of Kindling Wood, Rueiabsent) Sr. I.-Muriel Torrancu !kr, the hol- stove length. vuotmioo garb*.. THE RURAL Daphane Stone. Jr I.-Normaii of Victoria University spent Thomas. Sr. Pr.-Ito,,- Flett, Ray id.kv at the former's home here. ELIZ , A . BETH RICH .. ARDSOs- SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. Taylor, Leonard Hollinger. J-r. Pr.-'- 'Mr A10x.' Dingwall who has been 12tt �Pboue Pick. 1`709. As Fire and anitomcb,'le Insurince of ail kinds. JanYe.A Armstrong, Margaret Somer- i1i poor health for atime was taken to Mproseoung companmol Solid financial stand. 0, ta Wednesday. DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKING ville, Anna Teefy, Emily Petty, Leon Oshawa hospi I on age Real Estate and Insurance. • and Grew. Bobby Morrish, Kenneth- Harry and Mrs. Gourlie and two spent the holiday L. SURNINGHAM' CTRORGENHAY-Liceneed auction. Farm Properties & Specialty. Mae Rae (absent). G. M. Ung, tea- children of Selby ear. Aitona Live stock and general sales . . cher• with the former's parents, 1, and Building and General Tesnirreasonable. R. '6Dnfede'raUon Mr%. Nobes a Stoneville. Phone Stauff 9W3 51-4 Head Office; 213 214 and other friends. Contractivs. Life Building. Toronto. Fowl Stippor and DrRma. Green. Mi.;s Chase, one of the Ukranian Estimates furnished an all class" ffPOSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer. Phone Main 1390. Frid.ayl.Nov. -22nd- Mission workerq in Alberta, gave a of work-Interior and Exterior. o Sw 00=1146 Of York Lad 009SCIC, A Mo. wonderfully instructive and interest- *be @Slaa of all higii, argalso4d So on b,, Alterations and repairs. Aranch-GIfice: Gordon Building, iw church on Sun-- Gab". Address a ivalls Juvw P 0., fti. MROUGHAM. ... Ing Wk in the U. n Pickering Ontario. day morning, it being thankoffering Chimneys Built Concrete Work. B-DRATON TOWNSHIPOLERE Phone NW. 2811 ting of the WPM. S. Phone Pickering 5712 cociverazoor, 0006s;Asisinisir tan T. C. and Mrs. Brown had a �amily meeting. A•souniftal ask Idon4y In gathering on Monday, 'VALE.' FAIRPORT. ONTARIO WHITE Maleness THE. CLOTHES LIVE LONGER Miss Bate M be us LOWDE is visiting friends in, rw= 0 as. 1-T G WASHED OUR WAY. Western Ontario at present. M Iss . May Seebeck has gone to S 1E1 I N L E.S. ID R. GRANT-Lot 1. concession 4. -Edtward and Mrq. Willson had a Brooklin for the wintev. Scarboro., Telephone Markham 7 sog We have made a business of family gathering on Monday.. Mrs, Nevin. and daughter Accountant Business and Munics• Chas and Nova Scotia Shingles wash day. Here each color family. of Toronto, 00 �AIA=.: The Flewellyn t-,GRANT GODFRE Y &CO.. 81 spent Thanksgiv 1G41t Galvanized Steel Shi gles St. East. Toronto, Canada. Adelaide all fabric isigivea the ac4enti- . were gue - sts .. of the I Sheppard family &nd, miss L. Nevin 151Y fiae formula that beet meets its Ing with A. and Mrs.- Fleming. Bird's Felt Slate Shingluesi needs. For each class we use for-Thankwiving. for sale at -Mr and Mrs. R. Rawson were with mAW* L'CENSZ nee from nice to twelve cbrajy. Fou-rteen of the. members of the B. gas of filtered rainsoft water. Mn;. Rawsori�v p6oiple 'in Stouffville Y. P U. attended the rally at Whit- T. PATERSON`8 - CLAREMONT' Ss An averag . e of sl . it hundred *4- over- Thanksgiving. n Thanksgiving day. All report Call and get prices. Phone 2811 loner for your family waabFIX. The Robrtson family, of Toronto, by ble'time.' a moat enjoyable and profits 6 S -5mS were with Alf. ani Mrs. Lernmon, on No wonder clothes 6underld The Bdpttqt Mis4iory Circle are hol here art cleaner and Thanksgiving Day. LAW S. di a bazaar and- tea on Friday. Nov. last longer. The 'Davis family,. of Toronto, spent ding 2th, in the basement - of the church. Sun 4ay here with Arthur and Mrs, The gale of aprons. towels. baking 9 E f .-Coal, ..CoAl .1 0shawi laundry Dr7_ Carlton and 'family. m. and G A F? A Mrs Reuben Rawson, of Claremont and randy will start at 3 u sec- AND SERVICE STATION all ' have been Cleazing Ca., We' spent Thanksgiving Day. with her will continue,uritil ved. In the evening a drama will be Hard and Soft goal of the' All el6thes ned frequent dry_ cleaning daughter, Mrs. Shaver. en entitled "The Singing School". We are prepared -to do all kinds. Peter and Mrs Brown, and family iv folk. but qua-hilm on d to keep tb6m eKnitary. Our cleaving of Toronto, were with E. Perryman, -a number odf old-fashioned of, repairing of cars, slog ba department turns old clothes given hamd out like now, and family over the week-end. Admission to corr-ert, 26 cents, iind tery charging, electric children 10 cents welding and in fact Russell and Mrs. Brodie, and fam WE, CALL AND DELIVER The November' meeting of the everything I-a ro Phone OW ily, of. Toronto, had their Thanksgiv Womens' Institute will be held at the nection with IMOS. A. LAW in dinner with Mrs. Geo. Philip. X C. Jones, LAm4 Representative. Miss Ji�nnie Duncan and Miss Jean home of Mrs. Brownridge n3xt Wed car work. WICIC&rL=41e. C=t- were w nesday afternoon, the 20th.-and'-will Gas, Oil@, Grease and Accessorise kli the TIME TA8LJr,-Piaksr1nx listiou Stewart, ..of Toronto, week -cull begin at 2.30. It is expected that always on hand. Taxi Service. T. S. Trains going East anie sa 10110,111,02 Duncan' family over the w two papers will be given on subjects No. 10•Mail 7.W A M. The friends of Mrs,Purdv. -of Tor- SPRING : • •4 12M P. JL onto, were very sorry to hear of her that should be of interest to all wom- Agent for Chevrolet Car*. 28 IA"I breaking her en* Miss Fawkes of Pickering will Local -5.24-P. X W accident. in falling and bre will give a'reading. Sunday train, 8.38 A. M. arm. be present and Gordon Jo, LAW Mrs. Ly- An interestir�T program should dray FILLED Z= going west due as follows-- Mrs (Col) Hume• and be a a- an good audience, d there twill No. 29 Local 9.23 A. M. mons, %of Toronto, were visitors at of the cont- wlilcome fof every woman 27 Laos] ;?-19 P,9., the.'home of T. C. and Mrs. Brown on 0 Ill ail 9 03 P. M, Saturday.' 10 Sunday train, P. M. ... fREE Harold Mrs. Wright. of Stout- See the drama, "Marrying Anne," d ;MATTRESSES ,Foregoing -is -accotding-lo _Standard i7ville, and Mrs. and Misi Hutchison, Greenwood, Nov. 22nd. time. of Toronto,• holidayed with Carl and Mrs. Devitt. STOUFFVILLE. -11,eslie and Mrs. Devitt and dough- Let sf GOLD -FISH ter of Toronto, and' Mrs. H. M(t2hin, our winter Chautauqua will be Let u6 convince you friends held here in February. of Pickering, ��called on old that the i3pring•filled Horse shoeing a Specialty. here on Saturday. -- - Mr. Schell, is moving this week were with in Wit shop on Main Two live. Gold Fish in -Mattress is the irlost All Geuiral Work. including Wood Bert and Mrs. Harvey, to his recently b Street. a glass Work, promptly city friends on S47nday, and on Mon globe.. 00nomical mattress attended to. day (Thanksgiving). thiey. pntertajne(.l An Armistice service, ioined in by ree to buy. Almn, a number of city relatives. all thechurches ' of the toWn. was held Absolutely F' A Toronto driver running with- in the Christian Church on Monday at Agent for Taco Farm out lights on Monday evening hall a 10.30 a. m ase of-. ovie .'with Lb a purch Frioe a 23 00, 25 00) Machinery. when h4; A number of our sporting fratern- 28.00 damaged car as a ,result. .50c. Tube of ;)N, VV CCA-Ward went into tfie ditch --bv Robt. Dev- ity. attended the -rugby match at Tor- Acoordilig to cover. itt's. onto', on SaturdAy, between Varsity GREENWOOD 491y The annual Thankofferinv of the W and Queen's. N Dental M. S. of -St. John's' Church, held at , An' airplane from Toro visits yis o Toronto; 'Felt Mattresses, and is 'taking a L. Johnston, was a here on Saturdays (SOME IN .,,the home of, Mrs citizens for a'ride in `To'oth 7.50, 8. 509,' meeting of. more than usual interest, number of our• cit being privileged to have with them as the air. The fare is $4.0 fora -five 4ND SEE - guests, and"Mrs. Levi Annis and minutes ride.' gulps q Mrs. Kerr, of, Washington Church, David Watson, north of here and- Paste Our now stock of residlent Fix-Reeve of Urbridge, died suddenly Scarboro, .the latter being p nd- was buried on ILad a package of N.yal of the W. M. S. of that place, and of heart-failure •a Ylowers, to move to Stouffville this 'Good Cheer Ran-ges He had made all arrange- brought greetings from her auxiliary. Saturday. Fish Food. Mr, Anni& gave a very interesting and ments e potted- pi"� You can't do better for Mer. -helpful address . along missionary month* quality nor pries. This week only Bulbs. lines, which was very much apprec- A very serious accident and one iated. Avery YOU will 8,180 aee our pleasing part of the which may prove fatal, happened to J. Eagleson, who teaches music While They Last afternoon's program. was the pres- Mr. `Nev, Furnace- intation of a-life membership to Misis her4'on"Saturd"s and who lives u %:it a on display Margaret Miller, one of their most short distance from here. It appears Get Yours Now -Am rrift faithful workers in every that he went to the barn to do some C LU Give us a trial. � We guarantee earnest and faith and when entering a stall to branch of the church activities. The on him satisfaction. Phobe 1800" -Thankoffering was a liberal one, and tie a cow, the animal turned THE- KERING NEWS D. 111111111611iffts an Was F red him in the stomach, rend- Jones' Drug Store the officers thanked all who helped and go Furniture Dealer andl Phone 4800 to make the meeting so successful. ering him Into an almost unconscious Satisfaction or money back. I 'Funeral Directot' . ALVIN BUSHBY Mrs, Gannon sang "My Task" which condition. He was immediately Also Ambulance Service was very appropriate .for the rest cl�f 1rushed to the hospital where he He.% Phone 6800 -.Pickering, Piskeaftg, Ontuio PICKERING the program. in •a, crftical condition b 7. PIZ, world—with a tbomughly m0d0rTi_.V,1191 a certain number -of Vathelors h" thft M--balazeed equi .:No fta t--that doesn't annually. it -car of mine. 31mce. every bull'haa a harem of then added,.11�4t; f rom, five, to' sixtk females, *aid about hug the road like old flavour FAelopt,"l- he d, pn&ljse lihe *has ihe' h beirfvid WWllgence, the equal numbers of each sex are born It each ypar, killing of a cer�tain.propQr, intuition, the instinct of woman in a A the ages The real question As tion'of the' our plus males was a posi What will she do with. it?" a tive benefit to the herd.– It no pped They7 'Swung 'off at last on another undue fight�ng, 0 IL females -in which both. females 4"_k, concreted road and finally nosed down and young are frequently done to the middle-of the San(! heck that hook' 'death. The old bulls do not intention- id about Mck Harbor. As thvy drew ally kill their lady friene.s and off� Y 't in iite'heat of combat they (GREEN) p, off the road, in a clump of- stunted spring, bu Long Island"beach plums, they were. cant watch carefully where they step. :P astounded to see, a couple of yards 'So"metimes they sit',on -the babi , es 'U ahead on the sort of corduroy road of a#oidably' boar& to-the beach, Ruth's racer. She Everything on the islands now is had taken a short cut and beaten them under governrn�nt supervision. The 'by 4nar�y mi ..&Fresh from the fgardens' nutes. number of unattached bachelors is ac- ..(.To be continlie(l.) Icurately known and the proportion that shoild be killed is carefully esti- Seals Taught, to mated. When the time comeis these are ro.�rided up, driven slowly to the killing grounds and there mercifully N Swim by Mothers, knocke(i on the head. - Each ikin'i lagged and.sold at,. government auc- . ...... Explorer Reports tion. AI j4UP, Pt E v Every skin. must be plucked. The OWN, ZT Young Afraid of Water, Roy long, coarse outer hair is pulled' leav- ing. only the soft under-fur. This Is. CHAPTER 1.—(Cont'd.) shore covered an area of ten a Chapman Anctrews Says; brown and the skins must be dyed.- Rugs �'So . here You ate. Beern look- miles' 'with twelve ro-ws o f 1 0�`f` . r.t .,Bulls Fight -Frequently ing all over Suffolk County for you, towers radiating for a mile and a half Roy Chapman Andrews, Wiriting -in :-Guy." It was Dick Defoe. "Suppose from the -central station, witht>ut a "The Saturday' Evening Post," says: You've Leakd this new tale of Dame doubt the "largest radio -plant of the "I nevei knew seals h9d to be taught e great lifference between art RUMGr ... about the Radio Dance last kind in the world. Ito swim. I thought they knew how. to exhibitions and dances is that the might?" "But you haven't told me"yet wh'e- paddli instli N ictively, like a duck. Not Paintings at art exhibitions don't Oarr'ck nodded but did not commit ther , ju were at this Radio Dance last at all. I .used to watch the mothers dance., himself, This was an ideal chance. night," recalled Garrick. (on the Pribyloff Islands in Bering 0 He wanted to see'h6w much DiCk "Of cOur-se not. You 'don't think �Sea), giving swimming les-=s in the A doctor says" there Is no special laww and whether he could add any- they'd invite me,-do jou? MY tastes �tide-pools. The babi2s were afraid of vJrtue in eaxly rising. Almost any. t1hing. Perhaps some fresh angle are just a trifl.? too quiet for that !the water. Slaps and vigorous cuffing 'body would have. faith in a doctor like '..would offer a new attack on #he case. speedy set." lw*re required before they would even Dick knew less than Mrs. Walden, but "But you do go )ui with Rut� a get their flipper wet. Sometimes the delt as much. great deal, don't you?" 1,nother had to throw them bodily into I "What, do you do when you go home Recent activities in Wall Street "Guy," he pleaded, "you must "Not as much as I'd like. But, as th!e pools.' But once' in, they learned late and Ind your wife waiting up for, Prove. It Is safer for lambs to, gambol .. you must help me save Ruth ii-om he-r- for th,-. dance they "dr.'t want YOU than to- gamble. 'the motions quickly enough. self . . . and her friends." me there any more than they'd invite � Although the old bulls never left Wish. sho was In bed fast asleep." Cur,wsly, here -was -Defoe appeal- me to Dick cut short. Itheir harems, tile females and bache- lucidentaty one of th b eat ways in to do'what he had already to put an end to all wars 13 not to t4- ,f�g to hii "Wner ?" '11110, 'llaTs went out daily to-fish. Bachelors Mtrinici's Liniment for Coughs. gin any. agreed to do. Garrick wws used to Diek shrugged- and was silent. are those seals that have not yet such coincidences. "Come, now, If you want he to;reached mans estate and the dignity "We%, , then,. tell me something belp you, play fair, Dick You Cali it 1 pf a h: rem. They are thaL one or two- hold back little things--and expect me �year-old males, and theoretically are about those friends. What about the radio kid, Glenn Buckley? r;ck was an Garrick to be o: any help." Gar the onl3 ones to kill for fur. The skin electroseope1or disco!erl of an old bull is valueless. It is too '-watched with concer.led amusement the �:reaction,on Dick's-faci. rents of facts.' I thick and beaTy and too scarred by "Oh. he's like a great many people "Well, then," unwillingly. "on the fighting. today. It isn't the scientific �nterest 'Sea Varnp'." Unfortudately the female produces in radio that Glenn feels. It's the "Tha 'Sea Vamp'? What's that!" i fur as fine as that of the �iachelor. . ..... ... . ni' "A houseboat—down Duck H- ,Pntertain ent value in it—it any- arbor 1 That is what has caused much of the thing—that appeals to him. waY—anchoTed off one of the beat I International troublia. Pelagic sealing- As a bathing beaches to the west. wientific study, I suppose, miction pie. between —that is, killing the F anim:l:; out in tuiiv�a were interesting to people who us and the 6ity. A lot of the yourg1the open sea—meant irimcable ruin , .:were following what Edison and oth Sapanese, era folks chartere' it and chose that spot �to the seal herd. Russian. Sapanese, Is we.e doing. BLt when they became a because it was not far from the Clul t ) British and.American vessels. hung e of entertainment, pictures- be- it -the islands beyond the three so are and yet not too far out from the city. I abot: three- It's Er bit odt of the way, but that! nule limit and shot the animals when came That's the the fifth industry. way it is w4h-radio today. with Glen,. makes them practically own -the beach Ithey -were feeding. As many females and that eitid of the harbor for their as bachelo-i would b Besides, just now radlo is fashionable. e killed that way, smart... Like the autom6bile swimn-ung TaCeS 'Land water lipcirt�k. and each dead mother meant a starv- was :,twenty years ago. I imagine. Glelan Some of the sportier older folks go ing pup on land wants to be sn4srt, So he has ask -;-Qnce 1-n a while." It took years of diplomatic negotia- pIN ed with them "Well what of it"' :the advice and assistance of Professor tions to end pelagic sealing. �Then a !'1ust this, There's more devittry closed season was put on the islands -Varlo ovw at Rock Ledge. The rest of th.) crowd, I guesSLyou know—that co6ked up on the upper deck or in the i for five years. No seals at all were L.'.-. Jack Curtis. You've seen-him around saloon of the 'Sea.Vamp, than Ailled. When the herd had begun -to thq Club. To me, th Pugh, Ruth is the than will ever get into Town Topics." Increase the government killed and. %: Centre- of everything. But then, Garrick turned -toward the steps. U theres Viri; Gerard . . . . and that ou're Jump into my racer, Dick. Y Larue girl. Of course, Glenn hits taken going to take me to look over this 'Sea quite a fancy to this wireles's craze of Vamp. 04 UNT ROY41s AVe e dill hiia, to Professor Vario at -the 'Radio *40TE L —CHAPTER 11. _Central." 'k crated Gar- SE (Mil. ­Wbat'about h im ?" reit N1,111 " :: PainT The Popularity of this hostelry in evidenced ill With a siren blast and a swish. of the fact that guests in. "Oh-, nothing. guess * rm dusty �ir a . Yellow Tacer shot past Som folks take pain for granted. varlaft r:turD to the thinking too much abcut Glenn! Any- Garrick and Dick before they were a They let a cold "run its course."! blount oy bow, it just shows how foolisliness ra, mile do'Wn the-turfi-pike, leaving only'a -A courteous 'diates and hits ever :nd cheerY hospLta They wait for their headaches ybody—liklii Hertz- kale id osco -.-j-c impriission of.. a girl at lvaj ts Y)U. to "wm aiff.,! If sufferig from iieuralgia or from IWWJItK Agn *aves." the nheel 'And a feflow lolling back VERNON G. CARY they dge t?r.F:4F'y in the other bucket Seat. rely on feeling better in the morning. The Radio Central it Rock TA Managin some ten miles east along the Sound "RLth!" w-claimed Dick as Ga Q-Director- rrick The Largest Meantithe, they suffer unnecessary pain. 7 mechanica9y threw Ir more pow�r.. Hotel in the Unnecessary, because there is an antidote. "Who was with- hs�r?`_ Aspirin tablets always offer immediate relief British "'Pehn. Bucklek." from various aches and pains we once had to Empire. lendure. If pain persists, comsult your doctor as t- uUbilked Goirrick's motor leaped Aead .e &arm Month stepped on it. Straight4way dowil to its CRUM -iced. gave yourself a lot of 'pain and discoinfort the turn pike.they i Garrick was tM the many proven US& Of J . just about, holding his own. But Ruth P. D is safe. Always the ame., All arug- had the'jump and there was not, a chance to pagi I,er. 'She ivas t�)o wi-se with complete d1reedons. a i er. Having shot ahead of a car ri %he did not.slacken a frac-tiori and she 30 *1 knew that that always makes it nearly impossible to catch one_ 0 A bend in the turnpike toward the SP1R1N._­1_..­­,. South and' a.dirt road forked off. Ruth slowed _Upjust a bit, turned her head with a pearly shifle. "I've a hunch," Per Year she called back I teasingly, "you can't follow me, Dick." _913ritoon Lnte�restinx panes showina With a wave of her hand-suddenly 199 now and xtLrsctiv6 Embmidery Ruth shot away On :he !�We road to desis * for Ilet-Iron transfer imt- t Ld stamped goods. the ri rusn paper of Its Mud 'llar of WATER 'ICE The most valuable i ght. to the north, in a P,, for all the latest Ideas on Embroid- dust cloud. V,",xnd otiter )kinds (FancyWork, Garrick.had._no desire for a wild �WAFE R Embroide" lessam.Cooldui recIP" :ad other instructive informstlion goose.quest. He stuck to the concret- :7.1, :oot Interesting to tbo proeit" ed turnpike. housewife. "What's the matter, old man? Why There a" in any valaubu things for e the qIft season. sQ silentl" queried Dick a mile furthei R"ODY an over CAMWO on, "Suppose ypu're wondenrig like Ir 'copies "BulwAy. I I - me, ho'w Ruth could Alave got meshed. EVE Wh of Remember It costs only 12t�paryow in the wheels this gang, i�r that,s 20 get your copy each naoutill. what it is, eh?" Dick gazed ho . pelessly With a cup of tea % cut your coupon and send off at'the* hill an orest no'r1fi of' theni as a deskii—or, In your 12c to-dayl :7 with their maze of sidd roads. "I wish, 'just by themselves., 7 by gad, a girl -was'like a car or a boat GORCY EMNOWERY JOLMNAL —something you could steer—right!" In t1pe store or on thle 'Phone, dways ask for 67, 2-H - St- C4,11`110wils"I St-w IL9 Mostit"a 64,ime enough to worry when we i o"ekes, 12 canits fair ow Aver's know more'than we think we know," returned Guy,, negotiating'a left turn that -equired some skill to make the L succeeding hill on- hi;Ch. "A;ter all, I Ruth's Just'a %tunning little flapper —facing a very cold and calculath.g '29 _XW as ISSUE No. 40-- M d's Liniment relieves stiffnes& S�ALADA less re nin ptsm .­7 •v '» :: .:i• r;. ° >,.. ...n y. ;,a;.�.. ,. ,^ ..e�, .. : ... ... .... ..., .yw. -. v : , .. .. ems, ,�.T .ir, '.;q, ^+;r.,� rev •' m t;.:r -. .. __�'e5 �':ie `A.4 s.ry:. : '_,• .,.: .. . .',: "....,.,2...� -. . •. -•, . :... ... ...;: ,r. .4.,... , �> 7"", , r - - .+ - . • Ambitious Aborigine Prince Addresses µ James A• Robb, meter of Foance, Hon. Dies-of Apoplectic Stroke on Monday _ , f :� h _ A . V.. Heroes Vo - - - q Popular Heir to Throne En- Canatdas' 'Thanksgiving Holiday Marred by Death of Eminent : ,' F Y �, x f dears Himself Still Further and Successful and Popular Minister -at Wonderful Dinner to -- _ of the Crown ,. r � �' � r ' ,x, ,�, Warrior 7 ,Nations Heros ILL FOR WEEKS °> - _ THE ADDRESS : Hon James A. Robb, dominion min- L j is wishes, could he have expressed I feel probably as uncomfortable later of flaaace since 1925 and a cot. I any. net member since 1921, died in To- Mr. Robb was one of the beat ; an you do, because it is not our na- ;. .t ;Tonto at 4.05 Monday afternoon; from known and respected public' men to tional custom to invite men to dinner an apoplectic stroke. Canada, and one of the most success- ministers the Dominion. ,v in order to tell them how brave 'they Death came unexpectedly just as ful' he was. starting. to recover from the finance' has had, in the opinion of the scores r�•� -y w a r , are. But I will assume that whatever " lobar pneumonia which had kept him of prominent men who hastened Mon �s x >; 'y '�•� `amaIl deed of arms,' as the knights of seriously ill at the -Royal York Hotel day to ex press their sympathy and , — old used to call it, stands to the.credit for the past two and a hall :weeks. triutes. the He worked his way up from very bottom, having 'entered pub- " -' •• of each one of you, you perpetrated - He was 70 years of age last August. four lic life a a school trustee of Valley- INDIAN BOY WINNER Of PLOWING CHAMPIONSHiP it from motives of self - preservation or His passing, which ended boars of coma into which he lapsed field In 1997. ..George Garlow, seveiiteen- year =old Indian boy, winner of International because you happened to notice ' that •rafter his stroke at noon, came. as a He became successively, member of championship plowing. -match at Kingston, OpL, seen .as he was finiahlug •his someone on the -staff was watching shock and a surprise to his family, city council, mayor, member of par- last furrow.. and,admiring you. ' friends and his physicians. ltament in 1908, minister of trade "I suggest this because every V.C. I Dr. D'Arcy, Prendergast of Toronto; adn commerce, minister of immigra• of finance !n The Markets Philadelphia Gives have ever talked to always likes to who was in charge of his case, an- tion, acting. minister dish up some explanation of this sort uonced Sunday night that the mihia- 1923, and Sr_aily minister of finance - - for Boys Dogs to account for his peculiar conduct, ter was "out of danger, barring com- in 1925. LIVESTOCK QUOTATION'S. Show Y g whether by land or sea, by air or plications;' and could find. no reason In private life he was president of McDonald and Robb, Valiayfleld mill- v beef steers, 50 - Hea to to $9 a0 , $ , 'Plain underground. and gr to change his opinion when he exam - _ g butcher heat Bruneaa. Currie •S. steers choice �9 to $9.50• do ��Mutt" Barred at "There are those of r on whom the toed Mr. Robb 'about 10 o'clock Mon- ing firm, and of corn ! ( ogre, ry of Ain ...who.ca•�Se $5.50 to $?.b0; butcher heifers, $9.25 �Og Show, but the Dif- Sovereign has conferred the Most day morning. an .;:ci choice, to $9.50; do, fair to good, Honorable Order of-the Bath, the Most ' Body -Taken Home flour mer +pants. $8 to $8,75; do, com., $5.50 to $7.50; ference Is Onl y a Name Exalted Order of the Star of India, The statesman's body was taken Mr. Robb came to Tc.rs ;.to ou' t:io butcher fit! $7,20; cows, good' to choice, $6.50 to do, corn. med., $5 to $6; do, A dog, no matter how lowly his the Most Distinguished Order of .St. l from Toronto at 11.30 o'clock "Ionday night aboard -a special car' placed it evening ct'itursday, Oct. .Y.4. to u. day engagement he had for -the next canners -to and cutters , $3.50 to $4.50;. origin 'or .now far he mabe from dis- y Michael and 'St. George, or the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire. the disposal of members of the ism- to speak at the opening of the Nn $7.25; butcher bulls, good to choice, $6.50 to do. coed., $6 to $6.25 do, ttnguished lineage, is not a "mutt" But tonight I speak, if I may call'it lly through' the efforts- of Sir Henry tional Life Assurance company's new . bologna $5.25 to $0,75; baby beef, $lU and the officers and agents of the Philadelphia' Society for the Preven• so, of the Most Enviable Order of the . ..'Thornton, president of the Canadian building on University Avenue iv corn- to Lemieux. $14; feeders, good, $8 to $8.59; do, lion of Cruelty to Animals are anxious Victoria Cross, the most democratic National Railways, and Hon. Charles .;Dunning, minister .of. railways. pang with Hon. Rodolphe fan the way down in the train he suf. fair, $7 to x7.75; stockers, good; $7.50 to $8; do, fair, $6 to $7; calves, good, to make this plain. If a canine hap- and at the.same time the most ezclu live order of chivalry. Accompanied by relatives and assn tered from a slight stomach indispoai- $15 to $15.50;; do,-med„ $10 to $14; pens to belong to that class of ineligt- ciates in public and private life,, -!t� tion, which became. distressing en- 6D, grassers, $6 to $?; sprin,tErs, $110 hies for blue ribbon honors, he is just A DEMOCRATIC DECORATION �. "was being taken to Valleyfleid, P.Q., ough by Friday morning to cause him to $125; milkers, $75 to $100; lambs, choice, $11.25; do, bucks, $8,25;- sheep, a "plain dog." But he Is never a mutt. "It is democratic because it takes where fir, Robb was born and nrstI 1 to cancel his speaking engagemeni% Placed In Bed choice, $6 to $6.50; do, ined., $5 to This was made manifest when the aoclety, held its annual . "Plain Dog I not the least heed of social rank or— because it is the entered public life as a member of .-the town council. He went to bed in the care of a but his condition did not 65.50; hot per cog cremi, ; do,; do, ; • lefts, $1 per hog premium; do, but- Show," which had been exploited -by '� facetious newspaper - writers variously status, exclusive sim- pie insignia of all the honors which a Tentative arrangements made here physician, Cher. 7:ic per hog discounts do, f.o.b., grateful country can bestow and gives Monday night were for a. private and become serious enough. to warrant price $1.2o cwt under. u,o.c ; do, as "a pooch ezhibitton," a show of un•' th a right of entry to what is generally . simple funeral ceremony to De held; alarm. Several 4aya later he was dis- trucked in, 50c cwt. under w.ox,- lonely pups," and a "mutt bench." � considered the most select corps !n at Valleyfleld at 2 o'clock Wednesday I covered to have contracted _lobes GRAIN QUOTATIONS. The term mutt. although approbtoua i the world. it to recruited from that afternoon. Those close to him la his pneumonia: Grain dealers on the Toronto board to the S.P.C.A., has a diSereat mean- l very limited circle of men who we lifetime did not consider, seriously NI r. Robb had been declared "oat of of trade are making tire. following Ing to the urchin who, perhaps, has. what. is needed and do it at once at the possibility of s stale funeral aer- danger" when he was stricken by the _quo- tations for car lots: found his pet lunching around an ash their own peril, and, having done it, M vice. saying that they were aura such apoplectic seizure. which - ,resulted Mar. wheat —No. 1 port,:.. $1.8R; ea n. When a very freckled and very ,shut up like an. oyster. This is a wise an elaborate ritual would be against fatally. No. 2 north., $1.33: No. 3. $1.29; No, 4, $L2fl; No: 5, ?,1.16_ No. G. 9fic; red headed boy leading a yellow' provision of nature, for if the men li • �+ —" —j, Manitoba, but nowhere else. Hon. Mennonites for. feed 9'2c .(c.i ;f. Goderich : nd -bay ports) P a sari dog." a hopelessly plain one, by � a string, applied for admission to the Rho did things talked half as much as the mete who know how things, �7�cl� Mary Eilea Smith's same is put ' ;fan. oats—NQ. 1 feed, ..66,4 c; No. show,, he asked: I ought to be done, life wduld not be • ward, but she is from British Colum- in Canada .2 feed, 64?f�c. "Say. lady. is dis de place where de worth living. .,,Homes 4 bin, where there is no vacancy. American corn —No. 2 yellow, $1 Oa mutt show to going on." "Gentlemen, you are recipients of an _ I i Mrs. Edith Rogers. M'L.A.. of Win- (all- rail, delivered, Toronto freight). Tye attendant eyed, him' with as ez•" honor which can only won In time at eg, may have.a.chance. Many here -- ';Dominion Considers Proposal Q Millfeed, del., Montreal freights, 135.25; preeaion that may have meant nay• wise of war and there ra no wise man today to Admit 5,000 from think that Mra. 1�forman Wilson. of �abgs She fa the Included —Bran, per ton, shorts, per ton, $37.25 ; - middlings, thing, but she replied: who, having earned what war means, g Otiaw, a, moil be selected, ..This Is the place where we're hold nu'. pray it may never a age r Moscow _ - millionaire, daughter of the late Sen- 444,25• Ont. grain—= Wheaf, $1.25 tQ $4.28; ing s 'Main dog''show. Wa don't know itrcehia lifetime.' But that tact only Ottawa. It is learned that the de- i ator MacKay, of Montreal, very pro in the Liberal women's organt- oats, SS to 60c; arley, 74 to 7(k: rye, Sac,- anything about 'mutts'." "Well, dis dog is dog alt! enhances the value of the Victoria' for it is a symbol partmeat of immigration and colon!- mipent nation, a fine speaker and 'a, personal $i to $1 05; buckwheat: 82 to HAY AND STRAW PRICES: a plain right, lady, but he's one of de best Cross a cert.3cate, of the poasesaion of thosu qualities •zatton is confronted with a proposal friend 'of the Prime Minister. 'Wholesale dealers in hay and straw mutts you exer seen, Can I bring him 1 which, though war call them forth. „to admit_ approximately 1,00i! 1<fen- Jo are quoting to shippers the following far cariots delivered or track, in'" And when permission was given are really the foundations of peace,; agricultural families, represent• • prices Toronto: the freckled lad and his pet appeared before the judges. the qualities of a cool head and an un- daunted heart, a feariess disregard of ' - - -- __.._._tag about 6A00 souls ,who have sr- Moose Stories Now No. Timothy, baled, ton, 3.50, t; 2 No. � Tinwthp, 'baled, ton. $13.50 to The show was not limited to doge:, self —alt these qualities ettmraed up in+ - •" rived la Moscow after having been p Replaces Fish Tales s15: wheat straw, baled, ton.- $10 to There were cats, a turtle; a goose, ! t of legend engraved on the cross dispossessed of their farms in Siberia, C $10.50; oat straw, per ton, $10 to parrots, rabbits, white mice and a eslf. iteslf. "•Bo far as is known these families are { } 410.50. No. 1 Timothy, loose, is duot- few pigeons. There were no - fancy. "And- if any .nary thinks that 'valor' without funds or friends In Russia. yarn Sent to Mail and Empire ed trt $19 to $20 per ton, delivered: names like c'Longshore's Royal Fang," is only called forth in fighting ant They have heard of the opportunities is Good But Would Bear " RODUCE QUOTATIONS, or, " Skyland Rose of Monthaven2" enemies on the actual field of battle, awaiting agricultural settlers in Can - Backing U _ Toronto wholesale . _al o er: . re the' the for ' which one might hear about the up- he must, I think, have s�very aistorted life. nda and are a eager to And refuge in ,_ _ $ p ing from country shippers at stage shows where the. dogs are not and n.ean view of , this country. ( The following tale appeared in the lowing prices: Eggs Ungraded., uses returned, plain. at the 125 dogs benched (beg r ....TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD. It is understood that the depart- Mail. and Empire recently and. $e — IfrPeh extras, 52 to i3c; fresh frats,.±cordon, that's s professioaai term), "Glad as'I am to be with you to meat has been asked. to allow these to join allow Mennonites serves mention as a . true moose Ash 1 46c ; seconds, 32 to 33r, that 4s- to say exhibited, a score. were "Spot," were mere have the rivile a of ro pain this P g P p 8 people prtn- i tipsily In Western Canada. who may story: - Butter —No. 1, 39� to 79%c; .No. 38 to 34c. called some called ly "Hare, Pupeie." toast, there is one thought that must _ be willing to open their homes and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,— Somewhere i Churning cream — Special, 43c ; No. "- Prizes were awarded for the grand I be in our minds, namely, that many of, our contemporaries who might have sire them refuge' ` until next spring back on the tVarta lake trite road, 68, }� 42c; Nu. 2, 39c. 1 largefl colored, par- champion, dog of the show, whose been with us lost their lives in the when they will be able to find employ - ahtch. leads from Panglab,..Mile meat on the land: This action Is on the A.C.R., back for unknown miles Cheese —No. affined and government graded," 19 �: name,- by the way, happened to be 'Quper ie," and who was adjudged the, very act of valor which won them the urged not only on humanitarian ' into an area, once lumbered but now to 20 ,c. most typical mongrel of all entries. { Victoria Cross or have died since. May , v grounds but because the families con -' deserted,. a big bull moose Is going to PROVISION RTES. _ -As 'far .as the youngster with the .reds 1, on behalf of all of us, express this . cerned are bona fide agriculturists, ' be shot at lose range by a hunter one Toronto wholesale , ealers are quot- i message to the friends of these men — shock and freckled face moss concern - law- abiding, well - behaved, al• 1 days. The moose is reported) in Smoked following pprice t the tradto ed, he was unconvinced ( and as , he. that we remember them and honor ...and „al .these — s though disposed io settle in groups to be of, ugly temper and Is not hand• r 37 ;cooked loins, b0 to ,,3�: smoked departed, he said affecticna'ely to the i thei -r memory. "A last thought. You, our guests, are by no means, communists. The I some, as he has but one horn —the.' �°lls, 28c; breakfast bacon, _6 to 37c; little tousled bundle under his arm: have known of men who,.but for the good record of the great majority of `1dennonlies other was lost 1n a fight when his ant- i back, peamealed, 38 to 40-:; do smoked, The” "Come on, mutt, let's go out and git ; . except 'the of any witnt already settled in Canada lers were still in the velvet -stage. i 45 to 47c. some eats."— C.hristtan Science Mon! - of dead or by the accident of wounds that dead or ds urged in their behalf. moose disputes the right of the road I Cured meats —Long clear bacon, 50 Immigration officials - interviewed and trail. with_ all motto saint. into his Ito 70 lbs„ 24c; 70 to 90 lbs., 22c; 90 tor, j � �` hurry a man into hospital where he for months, " admitted that a proposal to bring i east domain. i to 110 lbs., 21c. Heavyweight rolls, 3,000. Mennonite families I have seen him declare , 40c; lightweight rolls, 25.. -. indsor'DetrOlt - I:c s lost to the records would be of our select company. to- - to Canada Those who from Mosbow -his been presented- to the beast an outcast, a surly temper- Isard —Pure, tierces. 16ci tubs. 17c; I `. night. - but they would not state wheth• ed bull, shunned by his kind. But Bob ails, 17 %e; prints. 18 -o 19c. Short- p P 6es, to 14r4c;:.tubs, • • • Lin :Bridge „ You know, too, how a .'good man's _ahem, er. or not the proposed movement l�Beck, Searchmont-trapper, knows bet; could be-authorized. It is understood ter. The moose, Bob -knows, seeks enjng— Tierces, -131 14c; pails, ; .tins, 1(i c; prints, O ened M onde Monday Y'must nerves may crack past recovery under the terrible_ strain so that those met 4hat much depends upon the assur -! human 'companionship.,. All summer t5'�e rark— Loins, 28c; New York shout- - p live on, externally sound maybe, the mind and spirit crippled antes which can be given • that the! he followed Beck around like a dog.' q)ers, 18c; pork butts, 23c; pork hams, 24c. Largest Suspension Bridge gut with for their natural lives. They, too, .a: families will be given shelter and The flies were very bad and his grow - maintenance in Canada by ing horn ripped from -the bone of the I -- ----+� Span in the World Ope n migh� have been with us: Let us re- fellow P :'Mennonites 'until suh time as they head tiled and became an open sore: Roads and the Motorists pa for Traffic member them all. are able to establish themselves. Beck eased the animal's distress by fanning the !lies from the sore and Auckland, (N. Z.) Weekly News: Windsor.— Described as a monu- - pleased !t by scratching the pests I yigtorists,'wh-0 are not exempt from 'taxation, to heavy ex ment to the 114 years of uninterrupt• ! ed and of the ever-increasing Britain to Return from its ears. The two were.insgpar• her submitted peace Chinese Concession Women Work><n9 able back in the bush where Beck I tra taxation for the special purpose of l friendship between the two nations, London, Nov..11. —Great Britain has k- For Senate Seat sought wolves and got them. i The time came. for •the moose. to do I improvement of the Wghways under clearly defined contract that the pro a ! the Amtbassador bridge, arching the agreed to return to China the British Detroit river between Canada and the Crinkiang, Kiagsu Oro-. 'ifs lovemaking and he wandered 30 ceeds would be Inviolate. ' The recent United States, was formally dedicated concession of miles away to the .scene of annual !proposals of the Government to use on Monday afternoon. I wince, on November 15. The British � government ]eased the concession per No Appointment Likely Be- trysts with his mate. Now he haunts this Road Fund for other purposes {constitutes The dedication of the huge span; bridge in the Petualiy in 13668. The concession is fore Christmas —Names the tote road craving, the arrival of who his •a delibarate breach of I faith, which can be repaired only by the largest suspension I world, was the; climax of the Aimis I not far from Kanking. a4 ;1 Already MentlOned a good samaritan will scratch adherence to the terms of tics Day observance, the parades of fA ears, Thus he remains on the road - unqualified To describe a man as the biggest - `Ottawa.— Plenty of women are writ- way and approaches ' all humans who the contract and an explicit recognt- tion that the proceeds of the special a veterans on both, aides of the border having the bridge as their goal. I fool on earth is to forget oneself. ing to Ottawa these days seeking a. pass.. Neat !n the Senate. If they are not Beck says the moose. is as tame I taxation wit not be diverted to any Detroiters and 'residents of the Bor• 4 study I doing it themselves, others are put- ! and as harmless as a barnyard. cow. �. He to hear of its death: other purpose. _ :` der Cities, more than 150,000 of them, helped officialdom o[ Canada and the To be a chemist you must chemistry; to be a lawyer or a piine Ling forth their names. No appoint• will regret to the Senate is likely before; Some day the moose expectantly will Eventually, we imagine, television i United States and officers of the AM- clan you must study law or medicine,' Iment Christmas and, of course, one can be' approach a hunter With a rifle and wi11 make !t possible for spectators in assador bridge tb dedicate the great{ but.. to be.a politician you need only linking to own Interests. —Max Wade only' where there is a vacancy. i trill pass to the happy hunting ground a modern stadium to aaually see the i 1,3b0•toot suspension span study your Detroit and the Border Cities. I O'Rell. These exist In Ontario, Quebec and where there are no flies, • football games. i o _..;•x!"'�:aC- m-:z. 5::7:. ,a- '.��"- ,,.�e._a__...,,,,�_? - .fP"�+'P�••"•� {!µ ,, , ^ ..i � - *. e: - .zrimcw 4"a lN;',v..,p,v yA�w•g•^r -;a4 r .,p. 3l, e,KS.!M1Y^ :. .:T+y +�•}y r w r-� K C.' \fY,•iw •4h8Y'; "T"Y,�J -.,.wi -..tl -. <. 1,: •M.v+{"n,: •"f . n �Q41 ,?� +.•S' t%, ger steamers The tratnsportation rAALE RttitST11R charge from Montreal and Queba Saturday, 1�%v. 23rd- Auction Sale o3 up to November 28th or from Seine d0 wood lots, (beech, maple, oak $3.149" year... s1.b91t'onwinadvance. John N. B. and Halitait N. S. there ash, and basswood), at wst half of subsc ;lytiom ro the united State. and Guest after, by direct steamer' to pouts lot 13, •Con. 4, Urbridire, the prop- Bdtaia 82.00 in advance. Great Britain, Ireland and Channel Is _ erty of J. E Kidd. Sale at 2 lands is $3.00 per standard box and sharp. F, W. Siiversides, Auct- J O HN M U R KAR, Proprietor. $6.0f1 per standard barrel, include na ioneer. = refrigeration. For rates to Canad- ian ports, 'through rates -to Contin- Saturday, Nov.30th- Auction Sale en poirrGS and. other particulars, . of about 7 1 -2 acres of standing Report of Road and Bridge Commit- consult any Canadian National Ex. timber (beech and maple) to' be tee concluded from last week: press Agent. sold in about 1 -4 acre lots at lot 12 �. j D Pugh, grav for con 9 0 75; J Coats. - Con., 8, Pickering, the property of ditto 1.40; R Birrell, haul gray can 7 W G. Scott. Sale at 1.30 o'clock. :26,00; Wm Green, ditto 27.50; Miller Do you dread the fall and winter See Bills. F. W. Silversides, Auct- ;Bro�. ditto cut weeds 11.75: O Burton, months because you are subject to ioneer. cut weeds con 6 1.35; F Byera. ditto colds or kindred ailmeuts? You may Saturday, Nov. 30th- Administrator's a 00; J Middleton, 611 washout con 7 escape these by beginning right no.w 15,00; J Bayles, out weeds con 7 3 75: to take Gallagher Indian Herbal sale of land, at the North East G Hodgson, haul gran con 733 00; J Remedy. It will build up your resist. Corner of lot 31, con. 6, Pickering, Wilton, cut weeds con 7 2 50; Walton ante against attacks of this kind. 23 1 -2 acres composed of the nor - Holmes. haul grav r 120 00: I White, This Remedy ss well, as all the other therly part of said lot, will be of- drag from lake to con 2 18 75• J 9teph- Galldfber Herhal Preparations Is sold fered for sale by public auction to snaon. fill washout con 8 11 UU; Ni R by E. C. Jones, Pickering, close the estate of the late Nicol Parks, wire, nails and gas for %V'vale - _ McIntyre. SaJe at 2 o'clock. Fred bridge light lights 28:78; Watt Milling Postill, AuVtioneer. A Feed Co, lumber for W'vale bridge She Fired Two Boilers 410.79; Wilson Bros, lumber, cement .She waa a heavy job taking care of BONDS - Government, Municipal and :,:'for 'W'vale bridge 1184 39; W Waad rep the apartment house because she had ,Mortgage Brands, Also. Industrials. mixer en ine 15.00; -W A Hiltz. -re to to ,tire two boilers" as well as do all g p the sweeping and cleaning, for her Safe investments at ft'oui 5 to 7 per opmpsW 1,30; G Hamlin. hat cement to husband is permanently disabled. A cent. 'bridge and grav to W'vale streets bad cold was the last straw that `91.89; K Hastings, pump rep 1.OU; broke down her weakened constitu- INSURANCE -All clan =ec written in. Miller light lantern etc W'yale bridge Cho Toronto Her doctor helpedurher C,get into eluding Fire, Automobile, Wind. 18 00: Burlington Steel Co. reinforcing tives,- for tuberculosis was note her storm. Accident and Sickness. steel for W'vale bridge 1075:1.5; i3iains trouble. Then ensued the long strug- Phone or write David, reluforcio steel W'vale and . gill back to health. g Not an easy one for an elderiy wo- 43tf ED. BOW14fA>r,Whitby '',Fitzppatrick bridges 114 05. also rein- man weakened with years, of hard - -- - - - -- forciog steel fort. I bridge Ux to pay work, but it is just such tasks that Ever Try This -half 140 23; Domiaion Timber Co., for the skllla s d doctors and nurses art) o bridge timber 333.(15; Geo Pugh, rep often called upon to do. Ae;er some washout Clark's Hollow 20.oU; C Hood months she was dia harged, pmeti- remedy, for hroncbltis, cough, sore tally herself again, able to take up throat, whooping cough, head colds rep washout con 4 5.25: A Ackford, the burden of her husband's support and tonsil troubles, ' 51rs Sybilla clean ditch con 4 4,00; Roy Ward, re once more. to ay salary 150.00; D Nighswander, drag This hospital to greatly in need of Spohn's Tonsilitis. „ Good results or cut weeds n t l Flit half 7 10; $ funds. will you help by sending % money back. You can't lose. Try it. p subscription to W. A. Charlton and Mclotosh. Rpread grav n t 1 Ux to pay A. E. Ames, &as College Street. To- half 1 75;11? Nichswander, rep washout ronto 2. s s n t l Ux ,to pay hale 5,09; W Slack, _J - ditto L50; H Atclntosh, spread Stay B U I I L L R 5 P i c k e r I n con 9 2 50; D Niabswander: drag cut weedy con 9 14 75. Mr Waning, cut -weeds can 7 2 25; J Harlock, ditto 3.00; %VN are now reIdy to 'd le. ha rut weeds con 6 `? 5U; S Farn- rtiilply Yun v% tiff Taxi ' 'dale, haul gr:.v e t 1 SS'hitbv to pay half 3t1, A1; also dike eon 7 5 W; W BRICKS, , CONCRETE 'Sadler, grav e t i Whitby to pay half 2 80; A Mitchell, haul grav c,-n 1 11.50; BLOCKS, INTERLOCK- 0 Tudd, drag con 23 rep culvert ran 2 Calls by day or night promptly 870: J Todd, Cep culvt con z 4 50: ING PIPE, DRAIN TILE, attended to, A Petty. r. p washout con 2 i 50; Reif Comfortable cars. t Somerville, drag con 2 3 9 35; 6 G rtes, S ND AND GRAVEL. :.ditto and- gtRdinf d 25; A Maxwell, !Prices reasonable. -labor gradiugcon 1 3 50; LGsates, drag -con 5 2 325; J B.owp, draw Rrav con Perry Cement Phone_ )0 - .5 222 50; W Gee, dittoand ,iravei289:l, 1P'1'OdL1Ct8 Cei R eedle. Conner. haul fora coo 5 15 es Robs T+tteedle, board for air compressor fcr 4 ''W'vale bridge 750; C Cooper, calla, 371 Bay St.; Toronto As o LAW wire, gas, oil. tools, tar paper, engine - for slush pump 153::9: John Saiman PLXNT -1 mire north Of points for ties etc 10.20; I Lehmno, Pickering, Ontario Highland Cre drag cons 7 8 1125-. J Byer, plow and ek. w: grading con 8 cut weeds con 6 change i creek at Liebman bridge drag con a W'v. J l•: Hinan, haul steel etc el S PECIAL ►, I CES' W'v.ale bridge 7.'..l,, H E Holtit�v, level t gray Bruughkns streets 5 SO: 0Cooper. _; .`haulgrav Claremont streets Claremnnt to pay 4 5ft: J Baladn a dens. for Pal FOR TEAM HARNESS tmer bridals 1 7:; J Sander ®, cleaning _ r ditch con 2 10 20: Fr.-d H Ricb ardson rav for c_oo 2 5 15; J L Dw9er, I&borrea 9 8 76; M Hickey, haul grav e.lean out BraRR- mounted Team Backbend He+roess, 1 rditch con 3 and con „ 101 5t't; W' Dersb- 2 inch iN er trace with heel chains. $42.00 . �ka, grav con 3'13 75: O Crammer, haul •- - Y ,grav con 1 177'00, With 5 ring Breeching. instead of back- The Council now adjourned to meet band, 1849,00 again on Mnr.day. Dec. 2nd, for the •` transaction of general busiaes§. Blscrk mounted Team Backhand Harness, $38.50 5jring Breeching $44 25 Ruddy Canadian Apples for ,Over - a, Tin.l ia'not a factory harness, bur ctistom made in our ".WHAT SHALL I Si'ND THE own shop at Markham. ]FOLKS' 1N THE OLD COUNTRY' "" «'e RpeciHlire on repairs to harness and collar. Is the query heard as the Christmas 4' Season approaches, but if the average { .Canadian realized how much our big 1- -0 D D juicy, red apple,am appreciate(i and g t , enjoyed by people overseas, the pro- -blem would be immediately solved. H find nd Collar Manufacturer _ Canada's lu,cious Cosy' apples are re- i. _lished by young and old dike. They Honie Phare 3400 symbolize our brilliant sunshine 'and MARKHA1�lC. 0Z-TT. warm summer days and they do look _- Christmasy and cheerful. Northern --.Spies, McIntosh Reds and Baldwint, 1 ` are the best arts the most popula, to carry your kind thoughts and good wishes across the sea, and standard boxes and barrels of choice hand pick - -ed and hand packed iruit, Goven,- ment inspected, are procurable at gravoL the ejtt9•'s Vighwag - reasonable prices from any grocer, while the matter of shipment is 's s simple a rriailinr a card. The Cifor .D adly' 'Co a� h S e r v c e-8 adian National 1•ixpress •.viii call fur y9ur apple, transport and delivcr them by quick service, to any station in Great Britain, -Irelanu and most European Countries; staving their :.-ROYAL WINTER FAIR refrigeration service on last passes- __ BRING IT HERE 1. TORONTO -Now is the time to get a new SPt (-;f November 20th to November 28th ' 2;irness, or get the old say repaired. > I have in stock sample. of Sam.iei -Trees and Jeffrey's hit ne:s. 'The ordei Fare 50 Cents y furms•t mt<y he ed through cat.:,• logue at prices quoted. Catalogue free, Leave Pickering (Standard Time) Leave \Toronto I also carry collars, collar pads, sweat A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. ;,pads, harness oil by -hulk, harness d 7.25 3.55 d 7.30 3.30 dressing, also silver polish d 4.55 • 4.55 8.30 4.30 _ and 'other parts. •. 8.55 5.55 = 9.30 5.30 Repairs promptly done. L. W, PILHEF, - c)LAttF�tONT V. 8.56 10,30 8.30 _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.55 P. 55 11.30 7.30 '11.55 8.55 �P, W 8,30 1'.H. l,1p . Gallaugher P. lK, 9.55 v,_12.30 030 1�• l,5 10,55 1.30 10,30 +Grain Merchant 1.55 c 11.40 2130 `'11.30 q. d Daily except Sunday c 'Sunday only ' •: ' Is in the market to purchase Hay, Straw, Graff and Potatoes, - For quotations apply'' :. _ 5 A GrA' Coad Liries R, R. No. 1, Y • * Phone Pickering 1712 .15tf Reference Bank bf Montreal A CHANGE FC CAD K Try Fish t' instead of meat MORE HEALTHY " MORE ECONOMICAL , •-BEACON BRAND HADDIES, .. .. - _-18c lb. ' BEACON BRAND FILLETS, ... .. :... 20c lb. .BONELESS COD FISH, 18c lb. •,�. D-IGBY HERRING (boneloss), ... 25c lb ! ,CISCOES, ... .. 28c lb. SALMON SNACKS, .. ,.' 40c lb. DIGBY CHICKS, 25c' per box OYSTERS. 40c a jar. ` R -1 H. R D S 0. N'S ,..."Pickering • Hardware Store We have the Black Diamond Plow Points to -fit nearly all make of plows. We supply repairs for fili Stovps and Rauges and if yqu are in need of a New Range or Heat+ -r be sure and See our varied line; No trouble to show' the goods. Electric Washers all good as any -rove better- others just as good. Atrial any time given Free. « Agent for the McCormi, k-Deeri.ng Farm Machinery and Repairs. Our Motto: We have it, can get it, or it is not made. J. S. EALSDC)N, -' = : PICKERING BRADLEY'S BRADLEY'S - Special prices on these ;- Lovely little garments to complete the Baby's Wardrobe. Children'. Clothes a specialty. Under. wsar of seasonabie weights f,:r Womenand Children, verT� reasonably priced. Flannelette Gowri4,:heavyquality al! sizes. 98c and 1.49. Allover aprons and House dresses, 79e and 98e Cbildren'e party dreseea, clearing at 49c. Ladies' Hosiery, from 49e up. Cbildren's Lisle and Silk Hose, special 19c. To%eig- linen, hoick and cottou towels. JI MEN'S FURNISHINGS Heavy Footwestr for.the wet Reason, our rubber goods are better than ever and surprisingly low in price. Carhartt's Gloves and Overalls always on hand: Wit)dbreakers, Trousers, Smocks, Sae.ter -. Every' _ thing for Dad and ti:e Boys. CECIL'.'i-I... B R A D LE Y r P=cx- TrTC} f I'I J • 1a, 1 +GYPRM Makes --Old Homes Youag , B nailin the Booth, rigid, fire roof 6y WC By 8 , View right over the faded walls and ceilings sod - ithen decorating, you can ' make the oldest homer took new and handsome. seal Fpar For Sale By N. M. Gordon = - Pickering, OnL. E R W E A-R-E With a full line 6r Pickling S.picee ' Lapps' Cider Vinegar, 40 cents a gallon XXX White Wine Vinegar, 45 " ..Heinz Pickling Vinegar, 80 Fruit Jars, all sizes :..i "bers and Metal Rings - Black. Diamond Plow Points Brantford Binder Twine _ ; esh Groceries at lowest prices. Highest prices paid for farm produce. ` "Batteries Re•chiwrged. ` one your order, We deliver. Phone Markham 6402. Genera W l ' Green River Wm. M. Duncan, Merchant r I nr•t, .�,. a.. y ,m.: •:y,i; ` r. �eai ,,, �a;. ff;.t,., d sr*t 4,�KR- ts+..�t';s"��.. �:.*-*� _....:.- _-,.. .s e:s.#"t, e,_•,... .' ,.- .,.....'_,1', Y. +...:,._,:........,:........... n,.,...�.... .... ...,:. �.._ti.:. *. ,. _.. _- ..u, ..- �.._,..r:..x . -.._:L :._..., a.- ...rake -_ .._..,_.r��.i+'.. _.... .. ..n�..a.......r ti... 1_._ -. W:- °R.+5.x� a »r._..:...r,. .2. �i ,. i:,�...�u.�... - ed to Brooklin on Sunday to visit antes and Accident'Company of Can- Two Featnres Service car always may, � Tonto. spent Friday with James ghei.c dxnghter, Mrs. Penn @lly. 'of The Western iPisanrance Company night servks, Evans. They rewained over for the Arm. 'of Canada„ and The Mutual LWA& "MAKING THE GRADE" Phone Clare. 6105; Pickering stiff. ; R. J. sod Mrs. Mann and J. H. istive service in bhe evening. surance Company of Qan�tda: " Fox Gasoline, Oil, SeiberHng Tires. _ - Bea) were in 9touffville on Wed. quotations apply to - and gip, A. L, pILKEY. xeeda A. M. GIBSON - L. and Mrs. Fiogold and family , 'Don't miss the fowl supper Phone Pickering 1712. ...','JUST TONY" sppeent the holiday with friends in at Greenwood, (Tom Ml:) The Pickering the city. on Friday, NopetLber the 22nd. Tailoring and Dressmaking ' Mrs F. Chidlow and Miss Daisy -- TueadayWednesday, 19 and '?A �%1�atnce Committee Daerden were in' the city on •- DEtiNISON— BRYAN' - Ladies' and gents'fur coats re- model- Thuraday. _ _ led into new ones, at moderate ".� MAN'S PAST" The object of this Association is too Mies McDonald, of Toronto, A very pretty wedding 'was solemn- terms to suit all. lessen stealing and prosecute spent the holiday with Mr. and ized in the united Church, Claremont, >a - Work may be done at own home or Comedies. the felons. • at Mrs. Gibbons' home Mrs. Levrh. on Moncia . , .�iov, 11th, at 8 o'clock p. -•— Mrs. Stephens; Sr., of Toronto, m. "when Marjorie Mabel, only dough- at Claremont. Members having properly stolen oommatalj ad iECi Ste. 0 O�G�@ Friday and Saturday, 22 28 onto immediately with any member 'spent Sunday here with her son, ter of Ernest and Mrs. Bryan, of of Executive Committee. Rev. H. R. Stephens. Clarerrwnr , became the b *de of Mr. CLAREMONT, a ONTARIO ''ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" , p Membership fee 01.00. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Hamilton; Eber Dennison, of Toronto. The Rev.. Tickets may be bad from the President at - A. INIhLe!1•an officiated. The wedding, visited the tatters mother, Mrs. � Beorasry on application. - party entered the church to the �\ 0.8. Palm.. " "Thos. Wilson, on Monday. $xsc. Com. —L. D. Banks, Mrs. G. M. Forsyth, we are sorry tra,ir..i of the • -xeddin>z march play - \` CHRISTMAS ''��.` ere, M. S. Chapman, Pickering. to report, is seriously ill and is _tics Walter. Ward, organist of ' under Lhe' doctor's ¢are,,at Ares• the l:r.iti °d Church. The-bride was _ given in marriage by her father, and `�' "D. Murwo' Jas, Richardson. was-charmingly attired in a gown of will soon be here and with' Christmas We .think giftf3, " President, _secretary Mrs.. Stubbs and Miss Jessie ivory satin, with wreath and fall ' gathering where we meet 'our friends, and stuff Paterson, of Toronto, spent a few caught up with orange blossoms. She days with Thos. and Mrs. Pater- carried ophelia roses, orchids and _ - - .ourselves with the good •things that 1113 a. some one goes to the lilies -of- the - valley- The brides at- $' Henry Proctor, of Thornbury, tendants were Miss Evelyn McCul- spent Thursday and Friday of lough of Claremont• wearing pale pains and trouble to prepare. - last week with friends. in Clare•_ green moire 4ith hat t- match, and Y - xnont. Miss Jean Wright, of Green River, We will be able to.. supply you with the BARR. Men are now busy ponthe Brock wearing r ::ile yellow, with hat to raft- gifts for young and old, : -road with road drags putting the th.- Little Master Foster Dennison, - goad in good condition for the acted xs ring- bearer. The RToom was man or women. winter. ably supported by his brother, T. H. _ James and Mrs. Coates and Mor- Denni on and O. lbavis, of Toronto. gas and Mrs. Pugh were in Toron- While the register was being signed, -to on Tuesday attending the wed- Mr. :filbert Harvey, of the Battery From uow until Christmas we will ,/ � -,ding of Robert Willisoo. Boys, Toronto, sang "Dawning" ac- /C Mies Edoa Tarr and gentleman companied by M=. Musgrave, of Tor- - -- Give - :friend, of Toronto spent the boll onto. after the ceremony some six- day with her uncle and anUt, ty invited guests reuaired to the _ � iL /E speak of artistic � Luther nod Mrs, Pilkey. Comm- wity Halt where a reception `*?, rr designs that are wa, li-A.. The eveningwas spent in dignified. not artistic Ivan Purdy, who has been con- fined with every New Radio, Stove, Furnace, and L+ leetrle to his bed for the past three Sian -inx. 1;d by Musgrave's orchestra designs that would he °weak & "snfferin from an attack of of Tor mt �, after which a buffet NIL- = Washing Machine, provided thera is no trade -in, inappropriate for the g ch n.14 st rved. 'The hanuy couple purpose in view, The p & lac a "and beautiful rheumatic fever, is now improving. left a end ;havers of confetti on a = one illustrated is aim- Hugh and Mrs. Mechin and L. tor trip tiro h Northern OnRarim _ _ pie, yet has artistry, K. and Mrs. Devitt and little Tian The bride travelled in a brown suit. p s ghter, Isobel, of Toronto, visited On t' return thev will reside in O V "No greater Tribute' r!� with J. H. and Mrs. Beal on Sun- Toronto. N. W. S'I= AFFORD, day. ' By request of some of the tadiea -- - - - -- Price Tbis will be be delivered on Christmas eve. i�et it early s0 Ringatoo Road, hitbp of our village, J. McGrath has de- ••,you will not be disappointed. sided to . have his billiard parlor ®��% - a'''; 1Pboae �Vhltby reserved on Friday, from 1 to 6 p: • • We have some very special deals in Durant Cars for a short 0)8 r Q'A m., for ladies with a lady attend ant. * ' $N" ::. . time which drill pay you to investigate. A otimber from her went to ' - " a -" the n u erand evening for Winter Overcoats Charles Cooper, - i. ,� Clareruont the fowl supper and concert in the �e � -- i h h Th t Un led C ure . ey repor an 'excellent supper and a moeten ' -_ - joyable program. This season's modelg and Lost, at the Community Hall, styles, imported cloths, in "I Claremont. at Mrs. Bryan's re" ichinchllas. caption, on the night of Nov, 11th, A few are looking for a gold back bair comb. Anyone values and maximum fit, finding it please return to Mrs. and quality and service Bryan, or at the post office. at very moderate price. - Our village was very aniet Cotne and see our well daring the holiday. There were :tailored coats, made by # a number of visitors. in town for the Oxford Clothing Co., family reunions, while a number price $21.50. 'wentelsewhere to spend the day and take part in family reunionp. A oft assortment of men's suite Mr. Yeates, who has been serf- from $12.50 up. oosly ill for the past few months, I,, FINGOLD, ' still continues in a critical condi- : Lion. He did show some sign of Improvement. but during the pAAt CLAREMONT, ONT. few days he has gist been so well. Clifford and Mrs. Pilkey and .. •children, of . TWuto, spent the •� holiday in Clarethont with their RO :�pp�rents.— 'I'ey were accompanied 'by Mrs. J. H. Evans, who had been mending a week with them. Lue and Mrs Overland of Erin Lorne and Mre. Overland, of To- ronto, Wm, and Mrs. Parker, of -Hastings, and Gordon -and Mrs. - Overland, of Detroit, spent Sun day and Monday with C. A and Mrs, Overlaind. Claremont School. Junior Room. Honor Roll for October: Sr. 11- i - Jessie Lewis *, Anna Forsyth *, MarRaret Jobnson". Jr. II —Betty .Pretty *, Alan Tomlinson *, Clifford ,:Bassett *. Jr. I— Marion Tomlin. son *, Law;ccce Mordau* Jean -Ward *. Sr. Pr.— Bernice Linton* Irene Lewis* and Murray Morgan* equal. Jr. Pr. —Mabel Johnson *, -Gordon 1Ibrley* Rendell Loyst*. ' A. V. Spoffard, Teacher. . The regular meeting, of the Claremont Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at the home of Mrs. Jobn Gregg. A paper on "The Origin of Christ mas Music" will be given, and on "The, Eitrly fifties in Ontario County." The roll "call will be be answered by a thanksgiving qkiotation. The motto for the month of November is "In love "i 'home the love•of country has its rise." h The :pause, Claremont,' was the scene of a quiet but pretty event on Saturday afternoon, when Selena, dangbter of Geo. and Mrs. Todd, of Yorkshire, England, was united in marriage to, Albprt E. ,1- Pettitt, of Hamilton. Ont.,' with Rev. A. McLellan. officiating, The /bride looker] charming in A gown of satin back crepe with -nn ton lace trimmings. The couple weie attended by Nhgq Anna Chepsrwin and Geo. Rogerq, of Hamilton. " ".After the ceremony a reception was held At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Raymond Pilkey, of Claremont. The young couple "Will reside-in Hamilton. TORONTO,CANADA The "show window" of Agricul- tural Canada National in spirit uniquely Canadian. Suppported by every Department of .Agricul- ture and Live Stock Breeding Association. Come early and ace exhibit& from every Province and many States. World's greatest annual indoor exhibition:, .. over 20 acres under cover. A Thema" Things To See Each Province has its own day ,.each day its special appeal... North America's Premier Horse Show.... S p e c to ml a r live stock parades... Five- gaited Horse Com. petitions fcaLured first time in Carada... Continent's largest display of dairy products-... Won- derful flower show... Silver and Black Fox Exhibit... 9,000 head of poultry ... Fruit, vegetables and seed display... Honey and maple products ... Canadian Champion- ship Horseshoe Pitching Contest. ROYAL COLISEUM, TORONTO AEDVCZD RAILWAY VA>glca WINTER' FAIR 'pintail O. Bull - President" A. P. Westervelt - Manager l 146 King St. W., Toronto E :.General Merchant, +CLAREMONT, .(Successor to D. A. Scott) " .GROCERY SPECIALS 10 bars of Laundry Soap, .. .. 89c Al Soap Flakes, per box .: ••. ' IOc. L On Spi-eiAI Blend Tear per lb. .. 59c Sherriff'N .relliry with fruit nappie Binger Sorips, 2 lbq. for ... :.; :,25C DRY GOODS SPECIALS Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose ,,. '79c Fancy Flannelette, yard wide, per yard • .. '125c Fancy Cretonnes, pe•r,y.ard . 23c Plannelette Blankets ... ... ... $2.39 .,We are having splendid success with . r qu.r line of Special ' Ordered Clothing Suits and Overcoats, Guaranteed fit. One price $24.00 ;. W R1 PAY MORE When'- Your Money Travels by Mail SEND your. remittances 'by Canadian Bank of Commerce lMtouey Orders, Thev are conveni• ent,"efficieut-,•aud ecuuomie'al. The muneyis fully insured against loss or theft in transit... It can I leach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and; are accepted anywhere in C %nada. ,.THE CANADWT BANK OF COMMERCE with WAfcA is 0- alyomnted Q -rHB STANDARD BANK OF "CANADA „te r r.•.•��tl, `ti: ; ;:..'{,..t..•u :..i.:i. .:: e- ..s`. -�_. �•,<c•..; ,. :._ • - _.,... ,..a�.4:.... s, :..�. ' .a_ .: ,w.• ..-- :,�.i..•.e. r-.e. ,. .. m..:..' -xr 1C?.._.,.. ....sa.. ��-,. .. .._ : �'W.:.( .... -... -. < ...., :«•;•; Maple Leaf Mutual Firs Insurance Co. - Cheap rates for farm and country buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, wind- mills. Silos etc. Automobile Insurance of all kinds. 'FARMS FOR BALE - Write or phone E D. B O W -_M AL Ili 20 -W <31TBY, ONT, Farmers, Attention I have secured the-agency for the Frost A Wood and Cuckshntt "Farm Impte- ments. And will keep constantly on band repairs for these popular implements. - ..Also, Loudon's barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for paintlog barns and houses by a new process, by spraying. Estimates cheerfoliv given Phone IMC 27.52 R. J. Mann, - Claremont Green River - Basket Factory I Manufacturers of All kinds of Frnit Baskets, Berry Crates, FArmerq, Bushel Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pennock, Proprietor ';Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BEATT Y STANDS FOR THE BEST �•.. A "Litter Carrier9, Hay Carriers Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Preganre 9ygternq Etc. it will pay lcrni to get mr prices on above before buying e: ­ewhere, PRANK P PROUSE T'TCR(?tiNci•, O`1ArIQ ;r ITT•,' 9 .�• •.; `, ,�: .- ;', • ... :. :.. .;_. ! M Found, near -the United Church z zy=yTBMG g a� K s • . Mrs. Richard Ward is again b at Clareruont, on Nov. 11th, a � If you require anything in the � M■ --- - :minder the d have same by applying to Mrs. o of insurance lot us ve you our prloi� g s _ 4 4 and M Bryan. I It pays to insure in strong IInanAA t Friday Satnrday,15- a to give service in ' Y spent S ThoA. and Dire. Paterson motor c companies such as the Impsrial Guar F and 1 as in Claremont. has. A. and M Un led C ure . ey repor an 'excellent supper and a moeten ' -_ - joyable program. This season's modelg and Lost, at the Community Hall, styles, imported cloths, in "I Claremont. at Mrs. Bryan's re" ichinchllas. caption, on the night of Nov, 11th, A few are looking for a gold back bair comb. Anyone values and maximum fit, finding it please return to Mrs. and quality and service Bryan, or at the post office. at very moderate price. - Our village was very aniet Cotne and see our well daring the holiday. There were :tailored coats, made by # a number of visitors. in town for the Oxford Clothing Co., family reunions, while a number price $21.50. 'wentelsewhere to spend the day and take part in family reunionp. A oft assortment of men's suite Mr. Yeates, who has been serf- from $12.50 up. oosly ill for the past few months, I,, FINGOLD, ' still continues in a critical condi- : Lion. He did show some sign of Improvement. but during the pAAt CLAREMONT, ONT. few days he has gist been so well. Clifford and Mrs. Pilkey and .. •children, of . TWuto, spent the •� holiday in Clarethont with their RO :�pp�rents.— 'I'ey were accompanied 'by Mrs. J. H. Evans, who had been mending a week with them. Lue and Mrs Overland of Erin Lorne and Mre. Overland, of To- ronto, Wm, and Mrs. Parker, of -Hastings, and Gordon -and Mrs. - Overland, of Detroit, spent Sun day and Monday with C. A and Mrs, Overlaind. Claremont School. Junior Room. Honor Roll for October: Sr. 11- i - Jessie Lewis *, Anna Forsyth *, MarRaret Jobnson". Jr. II —Betty .Pretty *, Alan Tomlinson *, Clifford ,:Bassett *. Jr. I— Marion Tomlin. son *, Law;ccce Mordau* Jean -Ward *. Sr. Pr.— Bernice Linton* Irene Lewis* and Murray Morgan* equal. Jr. Pr. —Mabel Johnson *, -Gordon 1Ibrley* Rendell Loyst*. ' A. V. Spoffard, Teacher. . The regular meeting, of the Claremont Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at the home of Mrs. Jobn Gregg. A paper on "The Origin of Christ mas Music" will be given, and on "The, Eitrly fifties in Ontario County." The roll "call will be be answered by a thanksgiving qkiotation. The motto for the month of November is "In love "i 'home the love•of country has its rise." h The :pause, Claremont,' was the scene of a quiet but pretty event on Saturday afternoon, when Selena, dangbter of Geo. and Mrs. Todd, of Yorkshire, England, was united in marriage to, Albprt E. ,1- Pettitt, of Hamilton. Ont.,' with Rev. A. McLellan. officiating, The /bride looker] charming in A gown of satin back crepe with -nn ton lace trimmings. The couple weie attended by Nhgq Anna Chepsrwin and Geo. Rogerq, of Hamilton. " ".After the ceremony a reception was held At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Raymond Pilkey, of Claremont. The young couple "Will reside-in Hamilton. TORONTO,CANADA The "show window" of Agricul- tural Canada National in spirit uniquely Canadian. Suppported by every Department of .Agricul- ture and Live Stock Breeding Association. Come early and ace exhibit& from every Province and many States. World's greatest annual indoor exhibition:, .. over 20 acres under cover. A Thema" Things To See Each Province has its own day ,.each day its special appeal... North America's Premier Horse Show.... S p e c to ml a r live stock parades... Five- gaited Horse Com. petitions fcaLured first time in Carada... Continent's largest display of dairy products-... Won- derful flower show... Silver and Black Fox Exhibit... 9,000 head of poultry ... Fruit, vegetables and seed display... Honey and maple products ... Canadian Champion- ship Horseshoe Pitching Contest. ROYAL COLISEUM, TORONTO AEDVCZD RAILWAY VA>glca WINTER' FAIR 'pintail O. Bull - President" A. P. Westervelt - Manager l 146 King St. W., Toronto E :.General Merchant, +CLAREMONT, .(Successor to D. A. Scott) " .GROCERY SPECIALS 10 bars of Laundry Soap, .. .. 89c Al Soap Flakes, per box .: ••. ' IOc. L On Spi-eiAI Blend Tear per lb. .. 59c Sherriff'N .relliry with fruit nappie Binger Sorips, 2 lbq. for ... :.; :,25C DRY GOODS SPECIALS Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose ,,. '79c Fancy Flannelette, yard wide, per yard • .. '125c Fancy Cretonnes, pe•r,y.ard . 23c Plannelette Blankets ... ... ... $2.39 .,We are having splendid success with . r qu.r line of Special ' Ordered Clothing Suits and Overcoats, Guaranteed fit. One price $24.00 ;. W R1 PAY MORE When'- Your Money Travels by Mail SEND your. remittances 'by Canadian Bank of Commerce lMtouey Orders, Thev are conveni• ent,"efficieut-,•aud ecuuomie'al. The muneyis fully insured against loss or theft in transit... It can I leach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and; are accepted anywhere in C %nada. ,.THE CANADWT BANK OF COMMERCE with WAfcA is 0- alyomnted Q -rHB STANDARD BANK OF "CANADA „te r r.•.•��tl, `ti: ; ;:..'{,..t..•u :..i.:i. .:: e- ..s`. -�_. �•,<c•..; ,. :._ • - _.,... ,..a�.4:.... s, :..�. ' .a_ .: ,w.• ..-- :,�.i..•.e. r-.e. ,. .. m..:..' -xr 1C?.._.,.. ....sa.. ��-,. .. .._ : �'W.:.( .... -... -. < ...., :«•;•; Maple Leaf Mutual Firs Insurance Co. - Cheap rates for farm and country buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, wind- mills. Silos etc. Automobile Insurance of all kinds. 'FARMS FOR BALE - Write or phone E D. B O W -_M AL Ili 20 -W <31TBY, ONT, Farmers, Attention I have secured the-agency for the Frost A Wood and Cuckshntt "Farm Impte- ments. And will keep constantly on band repairs for these popular implements. - ..Also, Loudon's barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for paintlog barns and houses by a new process, by spraying. Estimates cheerfoliv given Phone IMC 27.52 R. J. Mann, - Claremont Green River - Basket Factory I Manufacturers of All kinds of Frnit Baskets, Berry Crates, FArmerq, Bushel Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pennock, Proprietor ';Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BEATT Y STANDS FOR THE BEST �•.. A "Litter Carrier9, Hay Carriers Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Preganre 9ygternq Etc. it will pay lcrni to get mr prices on above before buying e: ­ewhere, PRANK P PROUSE T'TCR(?tiNci•, O`1ArIQ ;r Lorne and Mre. Overland, of To- ronto, Wm, and Mrs. Parker, of -Hastings, and Gordon -and Mrs. - Overland, of Detroit, spent Sun day and Monday with C. A and Mrs, Overlaind. Claremont School. Junior Room. Honor Roll for October: Sr. 11- i - Jessie Lewis *, Anna Forsyth *, MarRaret Jobnson". Jr. II —Betty .Pretty *, Alan Tomlinson *, Clifford ,:Bassett *. Jr. I— Marion Tomlin. son *, Law;ccce Mordau* Jean -Ward *. Sr. Pr.— Bernice Linton* Irene Lewis* and Murray Morgan* equal. Jr. Pr. —Mabel Johnson *, -Gordon 1Ibrley* Rendell Loyst*. ' A. V. Spoffard, Teacher. . The regular meeting, of the Claremont Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at the home of Mrs. Jobn Gregg. A paper on "The Origin of Christ mas Music" will be given, and on "The, Eitrly fifties in Ontario County." The roll "call will be be answered by a thanksgiving qkiotation. The motto for the month of November is "In love "i 'home the love•of country has its rise." h The :pause, Claremont,' was the scene of a quiet but pretty event on Saturday afternoon, when Selena, dangbter of Geo. and Mrs. Todd, of Yorkshire, England, was united in marriage to, Albprt E. ,1- Pettitt, of Hamilton. Ont.,' with Rev. A. McLellan. officiating, The /bride looker] charming in A gown of satin back crepe with -nn ton lace trimmings. The couple weie attended by Nhgq Anna Chepsrwin and Geo. Rogerq, of Hamilton. " ".After the ceremony a reception was held At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Raymond Pilkey, of Claremont. The young couple "Will reside-in Hamilton. TORONTO,CANADA The "show window" of Agricul- tural Canada National in spirit uniquely Canadian. Suppported by every Department of .Agricul- ture and Live Stock Breeding Association. Come early and ace exhibit& from every Province and many States. World's greatest annual indoor exhibition:, .. over 20 acres under cover. A Thema" Things To See Each Province has its own day ,.each day its special appeal... North America's Premier Horse Show.... S p e c to ml a r live stock parades... Five- gaited Horse Com. petitions fcaLured first time in Carada... Continent's largest display of dairy products-... Won- derful flower show... Silver and Black Fox Exhibit... 9,000 head of poultry ... Fruit, vegetables and seed display... Honey and maple products ... Canadian Champion- ship Horseshoe Pitching Contest. ROYAL COLISEUM, TORONTO AEDVCZD RAILWAY VA>glca WINTER' FAIR 'pintail O. Bull - President" A. P. Westervelt - Manager l 146 King St. W., Toronto E :.General Merchant, +CLAREMONT, .(Successor to D. A. Scott) " .GROCERY SPECIALS 10 bars of Laundry Soap, .. .. 89c Al Soap Flakes, per box .: ••. ' IOc. L On Spi-eiAI Blend Tear per lb. .. 59c Sherriff'N .relliry with fruit nappie Binger Sorips, 2 lbq. for ... :.; :,25C DRY GOODS SPECIALS Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose ,,. '79c Fancy Flannelette, yard wide, per yard • .. '125c Fancy Cretonnes, pe•r,y.ard . 23c Plannelette Blankets ... ... ... $2.39 .,We are having splendid success with . r qu.r line of Special ' Ordered Clothing Suits and Overcoats, Guaranteed fit. One price $24.00 ;. W R1 PAY MORE When'- Your Money Travels by Mail SEND your. remittances 'by Canadian Bank of Commerce lMtouey Orders, Thev are conveni• ent,"efficieut-,•aud ecuuomie'al. The muneyis fully insured against loss or theft in transit... It can I leach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and; are accepted anywhere in C %nada. ,.THE CANADWT BANK OF COMMERCE with WAfcA is 0- alyomnted Q -rHB STANDARD BANK OF "CANADA „te r r.•.•��tl, `ti: ; ;:..'{,..t..•u :..i.:i. .:: e- ..s`. -�_. �•,<c•..; ,. :._ • - _.,... ,..a�.4:.... s, :..�. ' .a_ .: ,w.• ..-- :,�.i..•.e. r-.e. ,. .. m..:..' -xr 1C?.._.,.. ....sa.. ��-,. .. .._ : �'W.:.( .... -... -. < ...., :«•;•; Maple Leaf Mutual Firs Insurance Co. - Cheap rates for farm and country buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, wind- mills. Silos etc. Automobile Insurance of all kinds. 'FARMS FOR BALE - Write or phone E D. B O W -_M AL Ili 20 -W <31TBY, ONT, Farmers, Attention I have secured the-agency for the Frost A Wood and Cuckshntt "Farm Impte- ments. And will keep constantly on band repairs for these popular implements. - ..Also, Loudon's barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for paintlog barns and houses by a new process, by spraying. Estimates cheerfoliv given Phone IMC 27.52 R. J. Mann, - Claremont Green River - Basket Factory I Manufacturers of All kinds of Frnit Baskets, Berry Crates, FArmerq, Bushel Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pennock, Proprietor ';Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BEATT Y STANDS FOR THE BEST �•.. A "Litter Carrier9, Hay Carriers Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Preganre 9ygternq Etc. it will pay lcrni to get mr prices on above before buying e: ­ewhere, PRANK P PROUSE T'TCR(?tiNci•, O`1ArIQ ;r „te r r.•.•��tl, `ti: ; ;:..'{,..t..•u :..i.:i. .:: e- ..s`. -�_. �•,<c•..; ,. :._ • - _.,... ,..a�.4:.... s, :..�. ' .a_ .: ,w.• ..-- :,�.i..•.e. r-.e. ,. .. m..:..' -xr 1C?.._.,.. ....sa.. ��-,. .. .._ : �'W.:.( .... -... -. < ...., :«•;•; Maple Leaf Mutual Firs Insurance Co. - Cheap rates for farm and country buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, wind- mills. Silos etc. Automobile Insurance of all kinds. 'FARMS FOR BALE - Write or phone E D. B O W -_M AL Ili 20 -W <31TBY, ONT, Farmers, Attention I have secured the-agency for the Frost A Wood and Cuckshntt "Farm Impte- ments. And will keep constantly on band repairs for these popular implements. - ..Also, Loudon's barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for paintlog barns and houses by a new process, by spraying. Estimates cheerfoliv given Phone IMC 27.52 R. J. Mann, - Claremont Green River - Basket Factory I Manufacturers of All kinds of Frnit Baskets, Berry Crates, FArmerq, Bushel Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pennock, Proprietor ';Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BEATT Y STANDS FOR THE BEST �•.. A "Litter Carrier9, Hay Carriers Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Preganre 9ygternq Etc. it will pay lcrni to get mr prices on above before buying e: ­ewhere, PRANK P PROUSE T'TCR(?tiNci•, O`1ArIQ ;r - y, •..... , -.-, y,... „,.- n.«v..,s.+,-1 .nA: f!q:. h;._ u"+•+•S/'i Y,�Sa+. --. - "�+..y ,N ✓".ry �w ,U aY 9.Yti!- w��i -. r"P.•. ir•.Ni•: ..,•y: .yy(H ... -,�c .I, ....�4 �` _ -.r.., _ ... W -- Japanese Diplomats Land 505 Story WHAT The rain was driving down in tor- , tip gouts as the tazlcab drove up to Pic- torla Station. ih London.. Ten yards ' behind it another cab halted, says / x ii./' WEARING ' EdwIR L. James i a wireless dfa- s ` Patch to fife Ne men. Froti► f �' - ls>rsJti'Qred D�'e.SSfltak' g :SSO Fur711S %tP.L� — Abe first cab a tail dark man and a "d loads woman in a ' `With Eve attern ` ,gray fur coat. And from the see. �! ,followed and watched the first pair 1 ti� By Annebelle `VOrthlrl�tOn and cab emerged two quiet men who ` 'until they had boarded the train for A cute raglan sleeve bloom7r otrt• it Paris via Newhaven and Dieppe, and 4. St for wee tuts of 1, 3, 5, G and 8 were on their way. Scotland Yard ".,cars that combines plain and printed ;batiste. was on the job again for, who read. As a matter of fact, this little out. "the woman was the sop who stole .�: fit was made frota pieces of ma1�• the secret code from the Italian Em- 4r fiat that ".ens left over free of therY basey in Berlin, ruining the careers ntcw summer outfits. 'of half a score of diplomats. The 'man with her posed as a friend." It is shirred a�tither side of front ` t l and back at neekliue which is gath- Continuing Mr. James's exciting nar- crrd into narrow band, allowing all native of intrigue: tile fulness to fall front the should- Six hours before the woman had ar- ors and neckline, "..hick is such • ,rived from Paris, only to be told the 01 -comfortable smart fashioa for small' British Government did not wish her folk who spend most of their time In London, and 90 she was on her • in romp and 'play. "way back to Paris, whence she had The sleeves ere gathered into nar- row cuts bands. Pockets at either Meamw•hile her chief victim, the side of front useful and decorative. former secretary of the Italian Em- baggy in Berlin, pines on a lonely fa- The into .knee bands to show Nand In the Mediterranean, where he i t k�1 the contrasting colours. was banished by the Italian Gov - Style No. C-2931 is made its as Gov- ernment. f •. hour or two. The thrifty mother The brain of the most imagtnat[ve � ��' - will choose now. It is equally at• • tiction writer could spin no more lurid 'The destinies of Canada and Japan - ceatly. With him is photographed P I , tractive, made of contrasting fabrics 4 'tale than that In which the chief role fie together in the great Pacific Togo Fukuma, Japanese' Corisui -Goa- as linen with pritned dimity or ba- _. was played by the little blonde wo- Ocean," declared Hon. Iyemasa Toku- eral. Mr. Takugawa is the son o! _ tits. Taaro tones of linen, as one iii man who was driven away by the gawa, K.C.V.O., first minister to re- Prince lyesato Tokugawa and a man C 2`9`i1, blue and one in white, or one in ]British Government- in a London present the Emperor of Japan in Can- of long experience in diplomacy. lie green and one in dotted- green and ads, when he reached the, Doiminion was on his way to Ottawa .to present white arc smart. 'downpour. • • - . Early last spring, Madame N— P —, on board . the Canadian Pacific liner his credentials to the Canadian Gov- Checked and plain girgham, cot-- for such are the Initials of this na- Empress of France at Vancouver re- ernment from the Japanese Emperor. ton broadcloth in plain and print, - tfve of Jugoslavia, went to Berlin. - - _-- ._.___.___ -.___ ___ —. -- ._ __ __.`.._ ___ __., - -_ _ „- _ - ' chambra-v in one colour, plain and s I printed dimity, striped percale with --:She took an expensive apartment � • • plain and tub silks are adorable. overlooking the Tiergarten. In a, Old Order Changeth Even in Fair Venice few weeks she was moving in the I After a gay s,ummgr of cotton fab- best Berlin society. I _ rics in the adult mode, there must ........................: It was noticed her favors s i be any number of left -oven to make ppeared Stu pin Tourist- Traffic and Frozen Lagoons of Last Two to go to a handsome young man who Pro. C-21931. 5!ze..... .............• this cute outfit that is practical at Winters Rout Protesting Artists; Subway Into same time. was one of the secretaries in the its City to Lift Burden From Gondolas " "' ' " " " " " " " " "' Ian Embassy. It. wag presumed by ._ - Y •.Same Pattern price 15 seta. Be sure to his friends that they were In love. N N`�:�`".''` `��`�'�° fill in size of pattern. Address Pat- "S'enice, the city of splendid facia -r came t® be out of the beaten !rack. ............................ I fern Department. The New lull and They frequently were rent together tion, soon will be joiners to the main- But there was a more important rea- Street Address - at the opera, In restaurants, and at � - - 1L" Fashion 'Magazine � 15 _ inter as lion � age is a is theatres. Madar-.e P— became a reg- � land by a wee on which• tramcars and son whir the bridge w•as necessary, cents but only 10 coots when ot- ular guest at Italian Embassy eater•: motor car traffic will be allowed, This The last two winters have born ex Cif, .................. State tiered with a pattern tremenly hard: the cold was so in -� �tainments. i will run parallel to a railway bridge, tense teat the lagoons were froien I HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. 'stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap h In June came the loss of the secret' the bulding of which has caused sad inllk boats art , food ba -,� were I t carefully) for each number, and code by which the Italian Government) III . iNrite your name and,ad irons plain - l' y comtniaicated with its Berlin Am- each an outcry from artiste of all na -{ enable w reach the city, csualn>! I address your ,rder to Wilson Patters „ tious." says New York Herald -Tri -1 great suffering. With the -bridge, ly, gtv:ng number and size of such I Service, '78 WestAdeh+ide St., Toronto. baseador: It was said Madame P— bune in a copyrighted article food supplies would come b • camion, patterns as yoe want. Enclose 20c in, Patterns sent b • an earl mail. 'had persuaded her friend to lead it - y S y +to her, The article proceeds, "F"or ten "The people *rumbled and blamed Promising to return h. But years the people of Venice have. t §e artists. Pressure wds br w4lit to theft was _ she did no; return lt. Deeptte all the proved to, the satisfaction +efforts and entreaties of her sccre+ l been divided Into two $rwpa —'brld bear so that the bridge n as lannea. I :. Stolen (sOOd! - .. t% of the Cleveland museum. All that ` ?lacy friend, the code could not be; Bites' and ' 'pontiatt' Veneti¢ns say it is all vary well to-1 Detrolt Free Press, The Cleveland the museum could 'do was to return brought back a the embassy. ''' and 'anti- poatisti,' the former pro- artiste and foreigners to r.two abort Museum of Art has returned to the this treasure, For, three weeks the secretary was t testing that ' they wanted communi -I the picturesque a !Ptness of tb,t city Jugoslavian Government a rare panel' - able 16 conceal the loss of the cipher -! cation with the mainland not only by ,away from the hustle of modern of ivory, which it had purchased from Five 'Monterey convicts escaped by book from his chief. Ambassador! train. but by tramcar and toot. For life. but they must suffer ilncomfort. - a dealer without knowing that it had sawing their jail bars with razor- 31arescotti. but finally a message sr, r years tfie and -ponttatt have seared "Several projects ha,a be -r. rust been stolen from the Cathedral of Ag- blades. Quite a lot of shavers will I although they are in the minority, as gested. it Is now plannod that the ram. At least four dealers had bought recognize 'those blades. lived for the Ambassador personally, t j and when he demanded the code book, i each succeeding administration post- bridge be btrllt In the sontlt. from tile+ and sold the panel in good faith The 4 •the secret was out,' pored the question of bulldtn� the new Bridge bfestre acroa+ the lagoon 1 identity of'the thief has not been es- When a hen cackles it is laying, o_ r I` bridge. parallel to the railway bridge. On tablished, although the fact of the lying. _H ' The secretary la said to have cos- I - ' `leased. The Italian Government na• "Then -came the administration of t1lis will be suficlent space far two! rally made no complaint to the Ben• I Dr. Giordano, celebrated surgeon, !s an� lines of tram care and also for motor —`- '` tin pollee, but the secretary was sent did so mach !n tearing down :tisafil- traffic arid. spare for pedestriaur• !i back to R ' tart' houses and building new ones. He "It will be built hi such a. wsi that secret service men. t Rome in cn. It is said he with three was called a vandal by art!sty. a+ it will not,mar the beauty of 'he city, many picturesque corners were clear• yet be of great use, Wh -n the - w►aa secretly tiled by the Italian Fore• i lgn Office and received a sentence of! ed oat. He was determined to have --tramway reaches Venice it Nil! be- "Ile to the Island of ljsti'ca In the' a bridge, but once- again t'••e plan suw , come a bay under the city, so Mediterranean. Other officials or was thwarted, that pcop:e will reach the centnrwith.. 'the embassy also lost their posts, and "Recently visitors to- Venice' have out ,having to go in gondolas or Want- ­It is reported Premier 'Musaolint in -t diminished. as modern tourist.-, ro boats. This subway will extend .ive-r .tends to reylse the whole embassy with the motor traffic. Hence Venice to the Lido," staff. I — Two Italian agents keep Aladame i ' I !P— under constant surveillance in as effort to recover the stolen code book.] Big British Prison ' to Be Sold at A tion London —Sir Kynaston Stu Lord Mayor, presiding at the annual meet- Ing of the London Court Wssl.,n, at the Mansion House, declared pris:3n °s terrible punishment." Hen prais- -ed the wurk of the police court mis• ,atrnaries in saving men and women from prison "If 'we can effect the The Future of Cotton The Fortnightly Review: Valuable I.as are the various forms o� relief which the industry has recently re- cetved, and those which At is hoped - - may possibly accue as the result of the impending commtsi`on, they will not be able to restore much of Lan- cashire's lost trade. They. should rather he regarded as helping us to re tain the trade. Moreover. when we are successful in underselling 'the home industries of Japan, India. and China a - in coarse goods, we should probably reform of the wrongda by other. "I think I'll go call on Smith- I well- have high, tariffs raised against us. ;. Jsacrns," said th3 Lord Mayer, "the 'j der if he's in.' � • These countries are keen to protect ti a.;e•; vr�g : - ' twain is great. This is the police I "Yes, but it will be useless to call-•, their own industries, even at'the ex- court mission's work, and it does I: he's in for. bootlegging." pease of the consumers. In short. •jvery effectively." I -__ —=r one can hardly believe that the old- Last year, he said, the magistrates fashioned c-lotbs which are lost, of requested the missionaries to assist I fer much prospect for the future, and y" f' as k ' Sn no fewer than 17,000 cases in the probably too much attention is being London court!!. IP that policy was get- ^ > y • devoted to the discovery of means for �,z '' .• oral, it must make clear. the extent �� reviving this trade. Leaving aside, of the effect, namely, that since 1914_ however, the question of coarse goods, TORONTO Mothei's 'no fewer than 24 prisons, in Engta�nd ', the gradual reducing , f costs will be bad been closed. very valuable.. Even if we don't re- r _ In this connetidn it is announced cover any of that which has been lost, ` e ;that the empty county prison of - ( our cotton trade remains a very large — - » 7 ;.1 1M is succeeding . , s► +Knutiford In Cheshire will be sold one. To say that the whole trade Is V at auction early in December some of doomed is ridiculous. To talk in WHEN your child is headachy, cloggedsystem;make a child happy. iihe buildings, which will be offered generalities at all about the cotton vv bilious, feverish, half -stek, TThhere isn't a child who doesn't tin 2'f lots, being over 200 years old, trade is ridiculous. It is far too with no appetite or energy, nine love its rich, fruity flavor. Improved -�~ ' Has she a good line?" varied. There are plenty of units times out of ten, just one thing is to appetite, digestion and assimilation Hopeful "For a feline, yes:' who have succeeded in doing well all stipi I! hild'sen�tiresystem e; co on! fo ow its use. A c problem boy was boarded with through the bad years. Cleanse the little digestive tract is toned and strengthen t --,'t with California Fig Syrup and see Mrs. Charles Kelly, 91 Carlane a woman in the country who under- _ ;►_ 'took to train him out of several bad how h' ' sweeten • Ave, Toronto, Ontario, says: Since i�reat is sweetened; welted Av T { For Foreign Missions Jane Cowl takes the gloomy view tongue` cleared; eyes brightened. I found out how good California F`ig faults. Writing about his progress More than two doses are seldom Syrup is I have kept acme in the + Houston Post Dispatch: Eighteen that the theatre is on its last legs;' P pia this foster home be says: "I ain't I million but Jane probably doesn't realize the mceeeary to drive away allsignsofa house. it never fails to help my much better about lying but I have , Pairs of cotton stockings were P children. I give it at the first reported manufactured in this coon - I resourcefulness of Flo Ziegfeld and C A L I F O It N I A sign of upsets or molds. 'Their tot over the stealing, and perhaps+ try last ear. From all we can see 1 Earl Carroll. wonderful condition proves this some day I'll be all right." . s good plan." Caution: The FAG SYRUP they were made for export. s New speed Cars have two horns on 4 pin nine always bests the name A committee is a perfect device' for THS RICH. FRUITY LAXATIVE California• them. Probably one for Gabriel to The modern young man shows too postponing 'action and dividing re- AND TONIC FOR CHILDREN blow muh devoiton to beauty, sponsibility. z r's,. ..Y- .. >_'v:.t's- •,.._.... -.... ,- ....•.._�. x,r..,.amW.x:"�S'F'�.'_..._.. ••,.._..�wwxS.•..._._..,. ....- 1_.a.. .: ..... -.. s..._..._ -, ... .. ..a__. _.r - .. -. - - _ _ -.... __. � - - r _ -.,_. . - - rr••- : -r—.w. - _ .,_....._ -.. _ -• ._..,'n<, -t- - . <.. ►- ,. -:.. .-�ci-°n•,_. -..,. sb•'c+c q A Government's Duty. Mora'cupla to the pound, more flavor' in the cup, Mort Does ribeumat ni .Dept.-of Health Ceylon Times; So long as people tan to the taste. What's what 3rnakes Rlt:d Rase Ilea r have few outside social Interests_ and g w hinder ►011r recreations, the liability to bicker and so pO a every package guaranteed, ea •�I~ The autumn has arrived,.and.we an -Wcw� ter Into the season of the common gall too, ! will b qu re-el and Ui . Ceylon all , often quarrelling is synony- - -' cold; unfortunately this season As mous with the Use of the knife. If the � - - - -- - -- - -_ long and will be with -us .until the ice assotation- just tormed,=-while promot- 1a: s _ melts and the Sowers bloom again in Ing the crusade against crime, will ` the'sprtng. not neglect to encourage all sorts of '< The Toti of the Common Cold recreational activities, ten -fold better 11E0110SE 99WHILE working. in a �/ The common cold costs the people i results will be produced. Most Gov- quarry as a driller," of Ontario a heavy gum every winter. ernments nowadays recognize their ob- writes Mr. John J. Hogan First,' too many winter deaths can be ligations in this respect and strive to of South March, Ont., "I traced to the simple beginning of a `promote lntelectual and recreational •i odd-tea was seized with rheuma -' common cold: no cold is so simple pursuits. We have now left behind tiara in the left shoulder. that It can afford to be neglected, par- ( the narrow conception of the State's I followed treatments for titularly In small children and older function as confined to securing order some time sn:z:aut relief. people. and liberty for persons and property, ED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good I had hearer so much con- The Goat of the Common Cold and every Goveramen +, her asocial program, to promote moral and bodily. eeruing Dr. Williams' The number of persons suffering - Pink Pills t-t:at I decided from colds on "any one day during the health. i "Tiger" Refuses Classified Advertisements season of the common cold 1s enor n SITUATIONS VACANT M . _ to give them a trial. They . + were certain) the medi. mous. Every second man working in I To See Doctors tine that. I Herded for it Oatario's industries is sits with a BABY'S S OWN TAUETS ��ORE M4N WANTED QuIl"lc, mo cold some time during the winter. 4 pay, easy work warn while learn- was not long before I wan ,�� GA T PRAISE y i ., barber an. under famous liable Women workers sager to the aslant Clemenceau • Bus Correctin barber s plan. world's most reliable as well as ever. Now I of three out of every four. For the barber school system Write nr rail _ # take them every Spring as Proofs of Book 1-Ie 18 immediately, e, 121 free catalogue. linter � `, balance of the population — children, _ _ - Barber ,College, t.1 Qusen't�'eet. Toronto a tonic." and those who. work at 'home —we i Dian Mothers Always Kee Writing _ Y Y P - �afozss waaTxD. .. This u one of hundreds of have no staiist!cs, but feel sure their I Paris -- Georges Clemencaau, with i cases 3n which these blood. Them in the House. - bill for sickness due to colds is just i muck ferocity; forbade his doctur'a to 1DIF.8 WANTED To DO PLAIN enriching pills have proved as heavy, - ivisit him 'recently. and light sewing at horue, whole or effective in eradicating rhea- j Thousands of mothers state that pare time: good pa> ; Stork sent any matism. Buy Dr. Williams' Cause of the Common Cotd j tbey know of no other medicine for a consequen ., neither 'Dr. I divtance; •charges paid. Send stamp for - • Pink Pills now at your d,ug. A person suffering from a cold can ; little ones to equal Baby's Own- Tab- Laubry not Dr. Degennes went to see +p rtiears. Natiooai Manufacturing Co., gist's or any dealer in medi. pass it on to others. The infectious `lets —tbat they always keep the Tab - "m.- "Ttie Tiger" received friends, _- tine, or by mail, 50 cents, i lets In the home as a preventive of I Including. Pierre Pons, musical come m from The Dr. W31- material is present in the discharges i poser, and Eliime ,sure, jonrnaYst: The Flexible Tariff postpaid, of the nose and throat; it can be ! childhood ailments, or if - sickness liams Medirins Co., Bradt- does suddenly grip theft little ones i M. Cleamenceau is busy correcting Philadelphia Ledger: The fiexibla transferred to others by coughing and vials, Oat. ( the proofs of the book he is writing provision Is a sound, essential adjunct sneezing. A person suffering from a they teel sate with such `a remedy at ;. s•ss 'rn reply to '.harsh: 1 i� och's -utterance to a protective tariff, But its merits cold will carry infection on his hands; !hand. to the book by - Raymond -Recoury. have been obscured by the 'welter of Concerning the use of the Tablets ' „ he should therefore -wash his hands � The doctors have made a big mis- politics into which this tor>lrerly•non- before eating, and especially before :1ia -s' Donat Ploudre, Tingwtck, 'Que., writes:—"I have nothing but praise take," Clemenceau said humorously,) partisan question 'ban been plunged - • -" . handling milk or food to be used by "[ am not a sick man." -. Then, after i others, He will also infect the cups, for Baby's Own Tablets. They are 1iy' legislators piaying' the old familiar i lases, dishes, 'etc., from which lie ; the only medicine I have -erer given l 1, - ,houghs, concluded, as cold sal• game. _ - my two little ones and I am glad to llcquy, "I am simply a dying old man soN drinks and eats; his dishes should be 1 trying to finish this task." t carefully washed. I state that the Tablets have always I It may be the fault of progress, bat i[a soot Children, and adults f'oo,:often take kept them 1n perfect health I feet I ti „ It does deem as though they're trying ` -- cold .as a result of over exposure to rorays keep with to Woe he set �� I the London Observer the horsels are farm Industry niter Jun and His Job"- cold. getting feet wet: chilling after i ; J, L. Garvin !n tl gone- Baby's - - - - -- Own Tablets are s mild but ' s�'llllst?ai8' leaving a �pt school, house, etc. Dress; (Ind,): There' !s a general impTes 0. �j�� PILLS In the col or wet weather so as to thorough laxative. They regulate the lion, even In his own party, that air. It takes a brave man to be a burg - protect the body from chill and. the bowels, sweeten the stomach and thus J. H. Thomas is "up against -'1: " far, for he never knows when some _. "a HOUSEHOLD Nara feet from getting wet. ; banish constipation and indigestion; Like a born comedian exaggerating tr •• •ouwTr,•s•• f woman will mistake ]rim for her hua- Those who have "bad throats " —dis- break up colds and simple fever and 4 a pessimistic role, the devoted victim band and shoot, eased or enlarged tonsils— suffer more make the cutting of ,teeth painless. enjoys himaelf is this big political) Youth frequently from voids than those j The Tablets are absolutely safe. being drama. now in Its first act, which has Delinquent i Q(i h -with healthy threats. Repeated colds guaranteed free from all Injurious %been popularly called "Jim and his loner one's resistance; children and E drd". They are sold by all - medicine Job." His -opirafng'methods are quite j ki dealers or by malt. at 25c a box from colculated. As regards his gorgeous' adults who have one cold after an- jDther Ways of Correcting H18 The Dr. Williams' 4Medtclne Co., ! official title,' he mimics Poor Jo. and _- y g otDFr all through. the winter are In a I • Faults Than the Prison weakened condition by the beginning Brockville, Out. protests that "my name fa egin me of spring .q. Labor at large is apt to imagine the' - � or Reformatory � _ _ -. Treatment of Colds Lord Prlsy Seal as a personage who It la related that a teacher on be• `The Power of the Movies dines in gold - lace at ' the expense of _- Ing asked.how he got along with tise TDe best thing to do for a cold is the unemployed. When be minimizes F: J, P. �'eale in the Nineteenth ! - -- - - -- --- - - -- - - - -- lbad boys, replied that he got along to ;o to bed, go early enough and Century (London): Mr. Baldwin has 1 his promises and confesses his dl! �� 'wltb them all right, for, he added, "I i stay long enough. It is much simpler drawn attention to one aspect of the I ticulties.' he means to 'enbanee' any Jus expel their," There will prob -I to prevent pneumonia than to cure ft, ! effects be may achieve. He eneour- ` ably be a consensus of opinion .that in' and most eases of pneumonia have as it film's influence —the evil effect f13m !` and of nn•sntat o Re C nn•"' view of his candid admission !t want a beginning the neglected common i plays deslgled to suit Western tastes ages the Oppositlana.at thin stage t0 and b'ufi Information Aetna Free, make a low estimate of his. chances. on Reuue•e - -- '• -:, + have upon Oriental audiences, with � � saNtsaY CO.. llfi•ti�1r. ' the teacher and not the scholar who cold. b Naas St., ttawa. t. - their entirely different standards aid ! ' ahotfid be expelled. Write for health terature to 1�e- - And yet, says J,. J. Kelso, there Is par•tment of - Health, Ontario. Par"- I outlook' There Is. bokaver, 1 Feet Sore? Use Minard's Liniment. _ la moral contained in this incident Mani Buildings, Toronto. another aspect of the problem with 1 results at least equally serious. but : There !s big money 1n -R all Street s `that is applicable to the work of child-) _Q,-_T -_ 'k . far less easy to remedy. At the pre-, for any one who knows how to play lsavtng. There are many good pea ` � � ' ° i3gAD1�!Ot pie, who, unwilling to be patient. and Gabby Gertle _- sent time a great film- producing State ,ha_areritpt,_siiai_Beetho4en'• s s iscw faithful with bays who have goner The Horse Show Girl boa nn8mited Dower, not enly to mag -' ,;; on the piano if you just happen s.wu.sner astray, consider their whole- duty There are girls who swirl in a wild nlfy Its own achievements, but to hold � to_.hit the right •notes. tNS,osva,►s "' EAR OIIL (performed when they succeed to have Waltz whirl, ( up to universal contempt the char = � � - ' — 1223 en on"Ists o«o,stna +sew an "sent � Ing the lad seat .off to a reform There are lovely girls, both on land attar and misdeeds of its rivals. Thus Another thing that we fina It hard l A. -O. LEONARD, Inc. Uchool. This readiness to throw oft and sea; we owe to the American film industry to understand is why young Edison, +'o F+nn w ».. yew Ya•tc' cte 3 _ ttesponsibflity is. greatly to be depteci- There are girls prettier than a' pearl, the all but universal belief that the (•µ•hen 'he was train-butcher, didn't in- ated and It was on this account that But the Horse Shaw Girl Is the one American Army soon the. Great War..1 vent an electric car-window opener. Asthma ithe executive officer of the Children's for me. The pgint Is perhaps of little praetl- I , A 1.�1ma � Aid Society was given extensive , cal tmportance, .although It does less is relieved by Minard's. Spread (rights in the disposal of venue of -' Oh, the Horse Show Girl wears the than justice to the tens of thousands , ' informatloa Bureau was asked how to ship lobsters. Amidships: say we. on brown paper and apply to tenders. latest style, of men who laid down their Iives in throat. Also Inhale. ' Wayward -boys, If taken at the rig!it And she shows forth fashion's lat- 'France and Flanders during the - . time and in the right Ray, can be I eat wblrl; period when Presldent Wilson 'was too - - converted into first -class men. Bays But when she beams with her bright- Proud to tight. It furnishes, however, `� X O -of sanguine temperament furnish the j ' est smile, a good example of the enormous a good boys and the bad boys of the There is no lass ..like the Horse i power of the. ctnema. Compared to � • 'world, not the pious and vicious. Show- Girl! the multitudes who derive their Ideas FOR- THE HAIR se C Or Ns. They are as the name implies, full of on the Great War from the films, the blood, full of life, activity, mischief {people who seek the real facts from your Barber—He Knows and fight. Yet, for the same reason, The predicted ankle- length skirt I authoritative books on the subject are they are lull of tenderness, sympatby coming In style will be another factor but en insignificant minority. ° and loving kindness. What shameful against the freedom of the see Ignorance to be at war with such a I ,,. - _ d Th Perfaemed Toeecb thaS )boy! Let him know that you are Employment Agency Needed.' •gales ('our Toilet Complete!EIGHED.1630S.- that yon] It is hard -to lope a goal friend, and • bas friend, that, you like ]aim, (�11i 'wish him well, and you have at once i harder stfll.to lose a bid one: Cleveland P1aIn Dealer: Some of an empire for good, movie Itself and the college graduates ad iced. b the NOW 140 IBS. r g I - -~ - Boston professor tai be snobs are find I T'alCiltll Powder �� ethers on the nay to righteousness. Use Minard's Liniment in the Stables. Ing it bard even to get a boss, to say_ ] Delicately 'xtd/raecdaai.*xf1•treie nothing of marrying his daughter. Now one woman -lost 'fat A record' number of seals were 41madrenCry and gained health .. - •- 'I-taken this summer, which may cause a slump in the demand .for.. rabbit- rmsasss�tw Many pebble whe are fully aware of the skins. A dt'nv +ae Saltslha not properties ccard of the wo der pHil1JP3 bit Every householder knows that he ful effects these Salta have in seducing 1 lives in an over -rated place. T unhealthy, excess fat; By their gentle �d �4 ■ ORIA action on the lhe'r, kidneys and bowels e ® A gAj� � jam► they urge these organs to throw off the rer'n�� Deaf Hear Again APPUMD BY`DOCTORt3 poisonous waste matters, which, if to Acid allowed to accumulate, form fatty "77. ,Nweas*+aN Through New Ai A" soot eottsTtonrtow,twntentw deposits in the bod . ' Read tiow' this .r,o e,ow�cN y R„ woman lost fat and gained health Henr*w i?arpieee No Bigger Than Dime 1Vins ., s Enthusiastic Folfotcitrg. Teri -Day I have taken Kruselien Salta every wane n1uD�- _ �� 1 t day for nearly i year, and I )rive not Free Trial Offer, E ( I I l 1 ' 1 felt so well for many years. My weight After twenty -five years devoted esclu- has dropped from 163 lbw, to 140 ]bs. sively to the manufaetttre of scientific All 'my acquaintances say how mui t What most people call Indigestion One tasteless spoonful in water nail hearing-aide, the Canadian Aeountioon Every day 10,000 women buy a younger and better I took. I feel bright, Its usually excess acid in their stomach. tTalizes many times its volume In Ltd•, Dept. 47o, 45 sichmond St. West, . Toronto, oat., has lust p•rf•at•d a new bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhant s Vege- and well, whereas before I was always 'The food has soured. The instant re- acid. The results are immediate, with model Aeoustleoa that represents the table Compound. They know that nervous and tired." Dies. B. lief is an alkali which neutralizes no bad after -effects. Once you learn o"atiot f h aoaryet the ftlr• rte•- there is no better remedy for their Try taking Kruschen Ssitsxvery morn- or•atioa of he iin in a lass of hot water before .acids. But don't use crude helps. Use this fact, you will never deal with Az- :latest aooustioon is featured by a tiny troublesome ailments with their breakfast. glass of little theunhealth what your doctor would advise. cess acid in the crude ways. Go learn i sar -pi•c• no bigQ•r than a dime Through accompanying nervousness, back, y y this device. sounds are clearly a dis- P ymg accumulations of fat will slowly but r• The best help its Phillips' Milk of — now —why thin method is suprgme. I ductly transmitted to subnorm! •.r. ache, headache, "blue" spells. and surely disappear. A new feeling of -Magnesia. For the 50 years since Its Be sure to go'. the genuine Phillips' 'rite wonderful benefit to h•aria b one mudown condition.' health and vitality will follow —the _ health Dui•. The maker* oiler an abso- _ S' Invention it has remained standard Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ( Maly fro* trial for to days to any one years will fall away as your--form ttllket/ with physicians. You will find -moth- clans for 50 years in correcting excess tier WUI who may be of the" i•s and lWiar bi duder lines of youth. 'fng-eise-so quick In its effeot, so harm- acids. Each bottle contains full di- aids to yoar home for a thorough sad less, so efficient rections —any drugstore. I oonviscing test. Nod them your 2 Fa III ISSUE No. 46—'29 sad address toda71 - 'r .3ma�,r. -., .. ,_...r: Y . .:....... ..: „- `.':;'.... :. :. ... - ... `.x 1 ter. T.. �.. :, u.: i. �!,,.,., 7. aaa•::*. �+. r.', �" o-i* aa, �,.< �� 's'�.a...,•r"�`�a..."'� >�...0 's'_ _... .a�_x. ._. r..-.. ._- -;' _'.... ': - __ "_. _- ..,g.. .:: :_ •. ....,... '- ..• -_'; . -.. ..... _.. �-'C _. _... - � ai•r�•' -.. x .. .. .- .±.' -s!`•• �'..t::.. n! ..3.n,..n.._%`.__ nT� 717-;­f1 F1 �7, ;41 7 7 N le, %: p 4di8s Myra Croak, of Toronto, -..!Wm. and -Mrs. Cullis spent a Clark spent ever —Dr. H. T. Falalise,.Re4&nt De wo doors LOCALISM& was heme over thvhalldi�y' fe -days%%ith Orono 'ieuds. w fr 'Miss Jean �Miss Atmie Keighley, of To. Suuday in -Stroud. with H, J. and ist, Office in residence, t -�mv iq a .."ronto, @pent the holiday with Quis arid family.' -�p Mrs. Mar east-6f St. Andrews Cliurch, Pick- C and Km'Haight. —W. C. and Mr.4. Muikar and ering. Office hours 9 a.tb. 0, 6. p.m. d -Mrs. - J., Murkar visited daily, and evening by appointment. -Frank and Mrs. Hall left la6t 150ns We@k for Toronto, where the Sunderland frieudo.on Sunday. 0 -�:ay §ervice).-* Rev. F. A. rind Mrs. Lawson vul spend a few months. CENTENNIAL CORNERS. i. and and famlly­ -spept Thanksgiving AGIENTS FOR -Fred F. and Mrs. Balsdor blaNdrea, of Burford, spent over Day in Toronto attending a family The annual Chrisemas tree and en-, the holisay w1th their relatives reuDion. ieitairime'nt* of the Centennial United 0 n y -R bi L'Gordon . returned last Church Sianda"' School will 16�'held o 0 here. Ing -A. T. Law is offering for sale week from a successful hunt Thursday, Dec. 19th. Further pwt- his neat arame residence situated trip.. having secured a beautiful- iculars later. Please remember the rown opmmen of deer. date. ION N on King St., opposite the -Albert Bell, of Wilkie, Sask,, DUNBARTON John O'Connor'. of Bellevill is spending a few days with J. D. e, int Saturday with his mother, and Mrs, ftemmer and' other fri At the Dunbarton Anglican kiss- CLO one ends in Pickering township. the Jeremiah O'Connor, Church ion 'Rev. E. G. Robinson, B.'D. street. _On Sund ' ay Fin Armistice Day new rector, will 'assume charge of -St. George's Women's Guild celebration as well as a thanks. the Parish on Friday, the i5th., inst. W.R.JOHNST014 &CO3a4jyd&d.T0R0W= ;will hold their annual ba'zaar on giving service was conducted in and wIII take'llis first sei�viv� in the. Saturday, Dec. 7tb. Eurtheir h6t­ 'the.var!Dns churches in the villa ge Community Hall. as rector on Sunday -lee later. as well as throughout the whole next at 3 p. m. Sunday School will -ld Eit 2 p �Lynden- Cronk, of Pickering empire. be he -Tom McDuff Copeland, 1ate of College. Newmarket, spent the holiday with his iparentr, R. H." Queen'i Hall, London,Eng.,.now D. & A. Now Adver"semmts. and Mrs. Cronk. making a world- tour, *ill give a R. A. and Mrs. Douglas and concert in St. Paul's Chardh OR SALE-D Laval power milker, -Corselettes,' the Friday, Nov. 29bb. -at. 8 00 -p. mon FAPply to Gerald Cplark, Dunbarton, 8- 11 i4an I Bert, of Toronto, spent good holiday with Mrs. Douglab'sitAers, under the auspices' of the Beaver 'FOR RALE-1 heavy truck tire and Boys' Trial., Rangers' Camp. tube. 32 a 4 1-2, good as new. A. Wood, the Misses Bunting. -Mauri,2e L-Awson, of Belleville, Watch for further particulars in Dunbarton- quality, regard to this 'splendid en�teruiin-. VOR SALE-One set Triledo.Flpring and Lewis Lawson, of Toronto, S tit the holiday at the home of went. L' scales, good is new. Apply H H. Bush, -Th High'and Creek. iftf treir parents here e-U. Y. P. S. held a very in. -Tboo. Jobost�u,.wbo is now teresting meeting in St. Andrew's WANMECD-Girl, triassistin 6tore Girdles, ­7 S. S. room last Tnesday niRbt un. and in houaev A. W, M. I>uncan, Green section foreman. on the C. N, R. at W,cr. PhoneMark06402. 1W Bellevillej spent Sunday . with der the leadefthip of Kenneth "Irelativeo and friends in Pickering. Morley. The topic was on Citizen rPO LET-5-room frame, ' house with @hip apd the delegate to the X age. both in Kood condition, Apply to H. Corsett. -L. K. and Mrs. Devitt and H. Bffrh. Highland Creek, 101f littJe daughter, of Toronto. ajpent Young POOPIe'll convention at 'Price report. 1,Vessot Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Peterboro 'gave a splendid SALE-One 8-inch Devitt's parents, Hugh and NrjL Therewsaagood attendance and FGOrRain Grinder," inpoodcondItion. George T. Todd; R. R. 2, Pickering. gilo Nechin. 1100 up. the evening was brought to a clo8 4 'DOTATOES FOR SALE-Potat000. V -The services in St. Paul's by %social half hour. The next L either large or snialL The small ones 91 00 United Cburch 'next Sunday will meeting will be held next Mondny , b suitable for seed, R. I . Fuller. Phone 7. be as follows: 10.30 a. m , morning evening in St. Patil's S. S. room, Pi.:gj0331 - -21-12 ). w., under the leadership of Miss Je&D OR SA LE-6 roomed frame house-. woreb4p and S 8 Classes 7 ; Clark. A cordial invitation is ex- F situated in the Vil.age of Ladies-'-XoDae in 'and' see our new eyening service. ir itood condition -A number (if our residents sue. tended to all young people ax Fickerin ,& For full particulars apply to A. T. La*. Pi ering; lit - f ran ceeded in getting o' these meetings are too good to ge of silk and wool hosiery. ut of bed tit . , , 1. 1 411 ORONTO WET-WASH LAUN- .5.80 an M.)nday morning to hear 113180. wa TD R Y � Sern; finish- Let out dri ver c2d I a nd y d- the Armittice Service broadcasted -The traffic over the high expla,n c),jr 24 hour Just leave your o% from London. England. over the vve.ek-eu-d was, exceeding- name with Mr S. W. Davis. barb" shop� , We ly heavy owing to the holida'y. will pick tip and deliver 3 times a week. -The Misoiori Band of St. I -United Church will 'Meet to the Althonob ther o accidents w e were n UOR or feeding Gents—No 'is the time to get your S. S. Sall 66 Monday afternoon. to report in this immediate vicin. 1' trough, it ft long 30m. w,de and 24 inches Nov. 18tb, at 4.15, deep. made of 2-in. dressed piank, tongue and scarf. -Just arrived, Wood 8 Lantern slides ity there were a niimbAr through =. and well braced, cost $35 00 a few out the province. Among thern go, lf"dstonte,315.DO. Applyat will be a part of the prog rain. News offiot or Frank McConvey. Lake Front 9t wool Tartan Scarfs, all -W.C. -and Mm.Mnrkaropent was that of a Whitby lady. Nis@ pure Friday litat in VaseA with the, Mari] Fraser. wao was almost NOTWE shades, splendid value, Gul IlAtter's father, Wm. rowu who instantly killed in a mowracci- y expects to cume down in � few dent near Cobourg. Miss Frazer, Having in my employment a man jweeks to spend the winter with who w%s an employee of the Wbit, experienced in bl"suilibing. Vorse- j them. by Hospital. wag 50 y"re of agp. being and generid repairwork. I am -Tbanksoriving Day was ob- There were four others in the Par. opening our shop for busibe" on served very- quietly in the village. all of whom were more or'less Now. 12'tb. GiTe us a call. �M,.,As usual there were a large unm seriously injured. Harry Sinith. JAS. W, MELTON. HAPMAN of Mount Dennis, who was driver Whitevale. Ont. ber of fa m14 reunions. and the -sr. was arrested on a charge day spent in feasting and social ofthec MUSICAL Intercouree. of manslaughter. It -is alleged St. p&al,p that he was driving at an exces. C -The W, M.L S. of Edythe Howitt-Soden A. T M United Church will hold their sive rate of speed and in p"stag �pialno, former bas") on S ear Store another car be lost control of bip sannal Thank offering meeting on Brougham Out. car . and ran Into the ditch and into Wednesday, Nov. 2910th. at 3 p. m. ry. In the church.' Miss Garrett, � a hydro pole. The car rose to is P�apils accepted in Piano and Theo "retarned missionary will give &a perpendicular position then turned Regular Conseivatory Course taught. 'Is prepared far exaniination in 'ants a first- `Iaddrewou bar work in China. on its side s, mass of wreckage. Pup, cater to the man who w -e "Introchwtory, Elementary iarr, -ft George's Church on Sun. -An interesting polic court Prin came up in the Pickerine po- Junior,- Intermediate and the newly �day : Rev.'.E. G. Robinson. B D., case class article when he purchases. Atall r will conduct his first service ae lice court on Tuesday evening formed Associateship. for. Terms, $1.00 per hour in both piano times you simply get whatr You Pay Rector of the Pariah of- Pickering when 0. M. Whitton. of the Roy - ...aad Dwitibirton at 10.30 a. m.. and &I Theatre, Long Branch. came up and Tl�eory- be- y pay *one $1.00 for an will also be the preacher at the for trial, charged with reckless Phone Pick. 539 B-17 kno.w w n ou evening service at 7 p. in. - Sun. driving. The came was the retanit. axticle you are not geting a $1.60 V&lUe- -day School will meet at, 9. 80 a. m. ofs, collision which took place COUNTY CouNCIL The recent rain@ have p, ed about W 30. p. m . on Satn rd&y- County' of Ontario r07 Nov. 2od, on the Kingston Road of much benefit to the f rWIDg colinmunity. The rains came too near the intersection of the Brock A meeting of the -County Council JB late to he of much use for the root road. Whitton, with th"e com- of the Co ration of the County of Our HeAdlin rs 7. erop"d patiture, but fall wheat panions, was driving east on a Ontario �31`obe held pursuant to.Ad- has assumed a healthy appearance hnnting trip. when be inet Mrs. journment in the Council Chamber in harts Overalls, Smocks, Headlights and Car siod the farmers b a ve been enabled Bum@ides, of Toronto. who was the Town 'of Whitby on Monday, the to proceed with their fall' plow. accompanied by a lady friend- 18th day of No-vember, 1929,-at the and Gloves aTe the cream of them all. Evidently, either one or the other hour of two o'clor-k In the afternoon. Ing. -The St. George's A. Y. P. A. was not keeping to th-m right eide All accounts to be laid before the Wilbame"and Slate'r's for Boots" aaA Shoes �­JtOd their opening -meeting at the of the road, as the two care collid- Counicit should be forwarded to the .'.-now clab rooms on Thursday, ed damaging them both. Mr. Clerk, piroperiv certified. at least e wear .-Nov. 7tb. which was very well Wbitton and one of his compan. three days before the meeting of the -Stauffield's for your UnJ r attended with several new mem- 11008, a doctor, were ivjorpd in the Council. bars. The Rev. Mr. Roach, of the crash. but both were sufficiently Dated at Whitby, this 5th da y of luterwoven for your.Socks Church of the Epiphany, Mr. recovered to attend the trial.. Mrs. November, 1929 Clark. of Scarboro' andthe*Rev; Burn sides testified that she was A. E. Christian. ..:-Mir. Langford.gave very inspir. driving within one foot of the side Countv -Clerk, Lowmdes', Semi. Ready an& Tip Tops fdr your Ing and helpful addresses. after of the pavement, and her compan- ing, Notice t6 Creditors Cloth' ..Which o0cers were elected. We lanandamotor cyclist followi allwatitto thank Mrs.Davisand herstib-statitiated her Statement. AND OTHERS. .110hrin Fair for their wonderful Mr. Whitton also swore thikt be work- in beautifying the new was also driving within a foot of In the Estate of. Markaret Littlejohn Fred T. Bun-ting, rooms. mud Filso Miss Gordon and tbe' side of Cie pFLvement, and his late Of the Township of Pickeringg Established 1857. n the County of Ontario, Widow, Chris-Fair for their gift of the A. evIdence was supported by bib P, A. Shield, of which we are Companions and by another motor- decensed. all very proud: The next meeting ict. On account of the conflicting Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 5.1 of th-6 Trustee- Act, t�at will be a social evening held on cbftracter of, the. evidence Police 7 THE* -"CENTRAL ..GARAGE Magi@trate Clark dismif'sed -the all persons having claims avainst the Wednesday, Nov. 20tb &II mern Fstate of the late 41argaret Littlen ben are requested to be present. Case. jolin, who died on or About the 25th -The impressive celebratiob's of day of October, 1928, at the village of the signing of the-armisti6e which Pickering 11filin Brougham, in -the' Township of Pick- -,-.Telephone 4900 begin. g Co. ed to send by post, have been tak. iDlace the ering, are requir ning of this kogeek recails tbos� 'Have on band a the prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the 2 7 :.-awfnl days which preceded the usual lines or feed un&Ysigned Administrator oi his gol- signing of that document on the Crnsbed Oat-@. Oat Chop, icitors,.on or before the fourth day 11tb day of November, 1918, Mixed Cb,)p,- Barley Chop, of December_ 1929, their christian. nd Never in We world's bistory wma Mill-Feeds, Poultry Feediai names and surnarnes. Address Arod Auto Repairs, Accessories, Oils than, on Welding' there gr"ter relief and rejoicing Corn, whole,gracked descriptions, full particulars of ibeir atu're of the morning of that mem :nd claim or interest, and the n Gasoline, Acetylene S ro those short Me amble day. eleven Oileak d' -�6ciiritkes� lf- any'held bv the in. ger. Immediately, after the 4th day of arging Battery (In' re siticsthat day great ch of Molasses Feed December, 1929, the estate af the said Kave taken place. Feelingain Just arr�ived a car of Cotton Seed Margaket Littlejohn, deceased, Will 7' hatred have almost disappeared. --Meal at car lot prices- gee be diistributed among the parties en- so deeply Repairs niade on all makep who were us for any feed you want. titled thereto, having , regard only bated by the British and other We can save you rests of which to the claims or iate money. the Administrator' . shall then have o cars, Wed nations, are now being treat '-ed &a broiheis as a being of our We have a new Chopping Plant. notice, and all others will be, exclud- own flesh and blood. Many Ger faStL .. - 'L man@ have come to Canada the Work done and fine. ed from the distribution. We handle Five Roses Floor. .... Dated at Toronto this 4th (fay of 'I"t few years and have taken the November, 1921). "o 10! Nina. and they and their children bread and -Royal" for pastry. 10 Howie Avenue. Toronto. PEN bath of allegiance to the British Royal Household and Pority for John Littlejultn. "I become loyal Canadianp, and Try a aRck of this flonr Administrator Ont Be S CER will help to strengthen our conn. from yonr grocer. Waton and Ros,%, -66 trv. i-dristrially, uationally and 330 Bay Str. Toronto. OrIt Pickedno 3mentally, Pickering Killing Company Proprietor, Solicitors,for the said Admin.