HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1929_08_30_21 T'HEI� VOL. XLV111. MEdaeat DR. H. C. PEARSON-Physician and Surgeon, Dumbarton. loly R E. FORSYTH. Oph. D., Director jOrui Qetrical Association of Ontario. Reg. We& Member of the American Optomeftical Clje.s examined by appointment. ont. Ont. -VARL A. GRUBIN, R. O.-Eyegigbt JUISpecialist. Honour graduate of the College c(Optometry of Canada: Gold medalist and first Herman prize winner in 1928, At Markham etvery Monday from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m.. in Dr. Batter's dentcl office. At Stouffville from Wed- X=turdayof each week. Eyesexamin- tted and repaired. Highest quality at Lowest Prices. Phone Stouff 2465. 461y L,eqa4. AE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and *Soficitor, Notary Public Etc. Money to has. South Wing Court House, Whitby. 251y BEATON & ROSS- Barristers. So- lieftors. •Northern Ontario Building.230 SayStreet Toronto. W. Beaton, J. 0. F. Ross. Adelaide 2767 -RICHARCSON & PICKERING- 4 i ters, Solicitors etc.. 213-214 Conled- =Li'l'.' Building. Corner Yonge and Rich- awmd Sts, Toronto, Phones Adelaide 4489 and Pickering officr open and 8attirday evenings. Phone Way . file al College of Dental Surgeons and Toron- to tiitiversity, At Claremont of9ce over D. A. Scott's store every Tuesday and Fnd�y� Phone ]HERBERT? FALLAISE.L D,9.. D. D. 5 . Graduate of the Royal Coll ge of Daital Surgeons and the University of Toronto. Oflice in residence second door east of St. And. row's Church. Pi;kering, Ont. ogee hour, : 9 a. in. to 8p. in., or by appointment. !X-rsy service). Phone Pick 3700. 431y outing" garbs. ELIZABETH R ICH A R D96N_ Aeflreandautomcbilcin.uranc, of all kinds Prftcntwg companies of solid financial stand- off. at CEOROE KEAY-Licensed auction. T ear. Astons. Live stock and general sales 93=78attended to. Terms reasonable R 011 1edle. Phone Staub 9003, 31-4 FPOSTIL Licensed Auctioneer, `6 few 0dansted J_ of Tor! and ftlacla. Ana. . -11, at -13 itlisda ansianod to on mborNo sea". Lddro" Green River P o.. _082, RR. GRANT -Lot 1. concession 4. e Sciorboro. Telephone Markham -5os C41ft0rild Accountant, Business and Munkci- 09 /Rudfters GRANT, GODFRE Y &Co,. 31 "Xisir St. East, Toronto, Canada. Adelaide Isly M. MAW, LICENSED AUO- a= ONEE,Rjor York.Qnuio a and Durham An kinds of salsa rom, attended 00. Terms reasonable, Data form; may be /eat ,"iodNEWS' Off wv. I" mad todepeD. Wbitloy. Out. 517 BONDS-Governmerit, Muoicipal and Mortgage Bonds, Also. Industrials. 'fWe ICTeStments at from 5 to 7 per ' scot INSURANCE-All class" written in-' eluding Fire. Automobile, Wind- 410M. Accident and Sickness. Phone or write Old BD- BOWMAN, Whitby .Coal, • -.Coal Hard and Soft BOLI Of the: best quality on hand THOS. A. LAW, 2*1cacer1=4re, cmt. COMPLETE .BED-ROOM OUTFIT 7. Musisting of walnut finished Semi Vanity of P-Lx drawers. larg6 mirror, with bench to match Walnut Steel Bed, with link &_A_ lay e r- f__ spring, elt mattress. Pair of duck feather filled pil. lows, also good chintz covered 'Cloniforter. All for $67,00. GliierConch in sun fast colors,' just the thing for your-verandah or sun porch.. $36.00. Also Foildina lawn chairs and CILMP stools from 900 to $4.50. A. 'Sterritt .1farbiture Dealer andl Funeral Direct*4q Phone ISDO; . Piakwing, - - •Ontezic • PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 30, 1929 No. 52. VNIIIARTON. SOUTH ONTARIO FOOTBALL. ASSOCIATION Whitds- Mill The Anglican service at 3 p. m. GREENW00D next Sunday will be taken by Rev.. H. The following is the League stand- ing to date: C. Lewis Hooper, for the last time de fore 'undertaking his new charge at Team Won Draw Lost Points Is running: again after the flood, the Six Nation Reserve at Brant- Cberrywood, 6 2 2 14 SILLS 0" Sawing Lumber, Chopping ford. The service will be,preceded Claremont, 0 1 2 months, by Sunday School at 2 1D. in. Good d I is RatabUshed 1838 Grain, summer tw'V, 2 '5- 4 9 �-ou Tuesdays and Fridays. P.UDLMY Whitby 'own, Brooklin. 1 5 4 7 Manufacturing BaRkets of all The Hydro . are running over the Wbithv Hosp'l, 1 .4 5 kinds, including: Green River. 1 :�'-2 5 4 crops putting up their wires. Special Notice`­. Bushel, 11 Quarter 6 Quartz, Pint Mr. and Mrs. Hansford are visiting Quart Boxes, Berry Crates. their daughters here. They have just OSHAWA FAIR. from A trip overseas. returned, After a very heavy expense, the- A large stock on hand at Several from here attended the op- Oshawa, Tuesday Aug. 27th-Chas. will dam is re-built. amiounced this morning after 7 reasonable prices. ening of the Kinsale new Church the P. Davis first of the week. They are to be a conference with the President J. S. CHOPPIN Q .Price reductions at the congratulated upon their enterprise Kyle that preperations were nearly factorv. in erecting so beautiful a structure. completed for the local exhibition to Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Phone Markham 6406 or 8420 or write be held at Alexandra Park September Sc per 2 bushel bag. Chas. White, Locust Hill. Ont. GREENWOOD. 1,0, 11, 12. Feed ofMerentkindR alW "The entries are coming in fast" &yj& UST .:. RRIVE3) miss M. Paine, spent Saturday. in said Mr. Davis and"I can promise on ha". Oshawa. you �hat this year's fair will surpass 3,A I Ralph Smith, of Toronto, was in the all other years'-It is our ambition to .,Scratch Feed for hens: One Carload of village over Sunday. make this year's Fair one that will Mrs. Fred Bush, is spending a few be outstanding and one that will make feel io ys-in St. John's N. B. the citizens of South Ontario ACCOUNTS Plastering and Fin- daWes. Smart is holidaying at the prouti. Now due. I reqd1re settlement of home of his parents, Rev. Mr. and Every department is working et- all accounts by August lot- ishin-d Lime and M`r's. Smart. ficiently and we hope to Add the fin- `,do riot wait for further notice. Chris. and Mrs. Witheridge, of Tor- ishing touches' next week. Tbis applies to small as well to, , called to see Mrs. Tremble one the as large accounts. , Gyprock on The prograinme in front of t day last -meek. grand stand this year will be except- Misses Mildred and Gertrude Cor- tonally good. In the following sizes bett spent the week-end with their The grand stand will be equipped aunt 'In Whitby. with amplifiers enabling everyone to 82 inches by 6, 7, 9 and 9 feet Quite a number from here attended lwar and understand the entenain- aud 4 inches by .8 feet. the opening of the new church at ment that ;4• provided. 10 0 A L Kinsale on Sunuay. F reworks display will be another 3. and Mrs. Lusty, ant] Mn:. Long- outstanding attraction this year - A PICKERING bottom, of Toronto, spent Sunday large eNpenditure has, been made for with James Paine and family. fireworks and this entertainment will A good supply of Hard and Soft LUMBrV..j1% YARD Mr. and Mr%. Halliday, of Mount he. di:zplayed on both Wednesday and Coal on baud. Also a supply Forest, called on the latter's brother Thursday nights Sept. 11. and 12.'. of Kindling Wood, Frank, and Mrs. Wall on Sunday. - Use Fraser 's Scaly Tolue Mr. and Mrs. Clark, -pent Sunday BROUGHAM. stove leowth., in the neighborhood of Brighton. 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. C. and Mrs. Cavers, of Ottawa spent Mrs. Brown was a city visitor last d a few days with friends in the village week-end• DONALD MUNRO. PICKEKING Relieves itchiog scalp last week. A number of city frien(ts spent Sunday with the Sheppard family. BURNINGHAW immediately. ' P ro- STOUFFVILLE. Harry and Mrq. Moore welcomed a Building and General motes healthy growth Quite a number in little -on to their home on Friday, thi`q v'c'r'ty. August, 23rd. Contracting. hair. Tones up the have completed their harvest. The W. Cameron family of Osh- Estimites furnished on ail elapsi;i scalp. banishes dared- Hector Poi rd, of Markham, ha.,t awal acomPan:ed by Mr,;. Hogle, caJ- of work-Interior and Exterior. Purchased the jewellery business of ruff. Restores hair, the late Alen. Grubin. led on friends here on Saturday. Alterstioell and repalm not over 50 per cent Isaac Broadway has disposed of his Quite a number of our residents Cblmneys Built Concrete Work. gray, to natural color, residence w David Snider, of Beth- took in the Toronto Exhibition during Pbove Pickering 5712 the past week, and many more par- PAIRPORT. ONTARIO Sold on absolute money esda' who will retire here. dung the coming A. J. Ward, of "Bnerbush" car- pose attending during back guarantee to give ried off a number of firat prizes in week, satisfaction. the flower show at the Toronto Ex- Jos. Boyer, of Detroit, accompan- S H I hibition. led by his daughter aria grand -son, Miss Maud MacKay, of Toronto, "UnAe" Dave Stouffer and his also Nova Scotia Shlogles .,Sold in called on Thos. and Mrs. Philip orv-- Gait Galvanized Steel Shingles wife are spending their holidays )n our town, where Mr, Stouffer spent day last we ek, Bird's Felt Slate Shlogleel the most of his life. On Tuesday afternoon, August 20th for sale at Poker Barber Shp- Mr Ben Madill, and Mrs. Lloyd, a goodly number of the members of were married here last week. Both the Wornen'q Institute visited the T. PATERSOrS - CLAREMONT are in Lhe vicinity of fourscore years. Whitevale Institute at the home of Call and get prices. Phone 2812 THE RURAL They leave this week for their hoine Mrs. Geo. Burkholder. There was a large number of the Whitevale lad- PS in the West. ­ . I AW SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. . The Stouffvllle Horticultural Soc- ies'present, who with their. president iety's.annual flower show took place welcomed the Brougham ladies. A as enjoy-r= A R A G El, Real Betate and Insuranoe. on Tuesday of this week, and in their very pleasant afternoon w display of flowers was well up to ed by all• former year,;. Farm Properties a Specialty. fl On Thursday afternoon a largely We are prepared to do all kinds, R . "A Offict - 213 214 Confederation The National Meter Co. of Tor- attended meeting o f the W. M. S. of repairing of cars, also b&tr Life Building. Toronto), onto, to the number of 500, came to of St. John's United church was held tery charging, electric Phone Main ISO. Memorial Park here and held their. at the home of Mrs. John Phillips. -welding and in fact Dr. and Mrs. Sparling of China, and everything in con- annual picnic. They corr-luded the eve Branch Office: Gordon Building, day's outing with a dance in katclirrs Mrs. Mina McMaster, of Toronto, DOCtiOn With s of the afternoon. Mrs. Pickering Ontario, hall. were gu&t . • par work. Sparling gave a very interesting ac- OOM. 28:1 Mr. and Mrs. Waddell, 11, living in Gas, Oil*, Grease and Accesso'cles, town, and formerly of Claremont, count of their work in that field of Clare on hand constantly, labors, where they return TIME TABLE - Pickering Sistioa left for an extended trip to the coast Missionary T. A. Trains going Ems$ due r lallo rs as and from there, will take a steamer Lo this fall. Mrs. McMaster sang two Oall and see our Catalogues of No. 10 Mail "ABA X. California where they will spend the selections for her appreciative friends Dodge and- Star Cars.: 28 Loml 12M P. X winter. Visitors to Brougham during th • so Local 6.24 P. K week included Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock LAW'S G A R A (3XIE Sunday train, 8.38 A. M. CHERRYWOOO = of Toronto, with Bert and Mrs. Hai • AND SERVICE STATION vey; Albert Harvey with his parents; Tmins going West do* as follows- No. 29 Local 9.23 A. M. Merle Hollinger spent Sunda at Earl and Mrs. Jones, of Toronto, with 27 Local •19 P. X. Robert Wm. Judds'. Mrs. Philip; Robe Anthony and . Miss Effie Milne, has secured a M Norris of La-mbton, arid Miss 9 Id a.1.1 9 08 F. M, rs. No school Anthony, of Michigan, with Mrs. Sunday train. 7.32 P. M. hool neajr Orillia. Sunday ShO ingh The Maxwell family spent of Detroit, Mrs; tForegoing is according to Standard Philip Miss Chalmers P P 9 'time. with Nelson Gates. W. Wallace and (laughter, of Toronto, Dr Perry, of Clev eland, Ohio. spent Mr. Dail Betts, of Buffalo,- and W; J. with family, of Toronto, wi a few-Jay.s at A. O. Flett's Brown and -c �CLAREMONT -ind Mrs. Brown. Mr. an,] Mrs. J. Todd are visiting T. C. their daughter in Toronto. The family of the late Mrs. James CREAMERY Miss Alice Warling of Cobourg, is Madill, have the heartfelt sympathy With each purchase amounting to visiting her sister Mrs. J. Crowther. of the community in their bereave- -1 $1.00orover, onTlitirsday, Fri- ment, in the death of Mrs. M Dr. R. M. Clarke of Cleveland e dc' adill, '-Highest price paid for, visiting her sister, Mrs: A. O. Flett. orr'Monday in a Toronto hospital day and Saturday, we will Cream at the Miss Ruth Taylor, took in a corn where she had gone about a week be- Shopping Bag ever- fore-for treatment. Although her give roast at Pickering on Tuesday one and a ing. illness had been prolonged it was hop- Claremon t. Creamer. Mrs. Hodgson, of Winnipeg, is via- ood assortment of useful J M, ed she would eventually recover, un- 9 iting at her mother's Mrs. til a week ago when she was taken to samples free, as a special in- Give no a trial and..- be convinced Laughlin. the hospital for the best medical Miss Emily Gates has returned from help available. Being a lifelong mem- ducemen*t to wit our store. A ID at Bowmanville her of this neighborhood her death is .offer the her vacation n t felt keenly by her many friends, This week end we .0 H A V E �';"emdnrd!oniand Mrs. of Harrow- following bargains smith, were here for a few days. LOW TOURIST FARES WELP YOU Glad to see their. smiling faces again. SEE CANADA Bayer's .896- A. O. and Mrs. Flett, and children in Atopern. res * t25c. 2 for with re, Of c' Id like to visit reg 50c. for ii spent part of their holidays course you would Y 0 U Andrew's Liver Bait, reg 00c. for 49a latives at Fenelon YAIWISI and the'coast and see all thb places you Italian Balm. reg 30c, for 24a Been the now Ooleman Airo• Bobcaygeon. have dreamed of,- busy growing cit- Italian Balm, reg 60c. for 48, Regina, The ver ies like Winnipeg, 40 e electric storm that pased, Gillette Blades, reg 50c, for Cap d Calgary, Brandon, Regi O-Gas Stove T Just the our vicinity on Friday morning, did Saskatoon, Edmonton, an Ingram's Baby Tale. rag 25e. for IOL- .Ahing for hot weather. considerable damage, burning a barn Vancouver, and Victoria -the spread_ Todcurn In Jars, reg 50c. for 33e Castile Soap. 8 for � 25e on Miss A. Brander's place and kil- ing prairies, Jasper -N ational Park Vinolls, Also, the American KAMP ling three horses of Mr. J. Barnes. in all its mountain splendor, the-som- Baby's Rubber Pants, reg We, for 190' -,:7: Our boys journeyed to Whitby on bre Skeena, River,, the famousShelt- Kook. Call and see Phone orders delivered In Tuesday evening, and defeated Whit- ered Scenic Seas, perhaps even Alaska them demonstrated. now vicinity. PIC-KERI G NEWS by town 1 - 0 in soccer. This make., the alluring land of the midnight sun. Clierrywood ahead of the league. Good Low tourist fares help you see the Berry Boxes and Crates in luck to the boys, here's hoping they ' ey utmoqt at the least possible expense. good supply. p Canadian Nation- Jones. Dm Win the cup. Don't forget the Ramc Ask your nearest Canad g' Store ALVIN BUSHBY here on Saturday nightp when Good- al agent, he will give you rate-, and wood comes down. It should be An in- help you in making your trip absol- Satisfaction or money back. teresting game and well worth utely worth while. ,PICKERING ing 'W see. TASTE THE JOY OF LIFE IN -PhOU6 6800 Fliokeria& Z P:... . �'. ,s,itihi;� 'a' .. ..., - �, � :: .. ::.. ,; ,.. -.,N •r.:1. � :: a-;s[. • �t... �,,y„ Aa,�'i"4 � _ �.Yr;" We ate not here to drag acid to in the form of painting at east once a d drift. We are here to do, and dare. year is important it screens are not to be removed often. L Lady of the House. (Interviewing a x new maid)- "And now, Nora, are'"you ` but they also'add to the-well -kept ap• e i pearanee of the whole -housr and are N Nora- "Indade. I am that, mum. In mulch easier on the curtain-; that will m my last place !very marnin' I got up probably blow against them many a at tour, made me fire, put teb kettle times before tall comes zgain. o on. prepared the breakfast an' made all the beds before iveryone was up in the house." Suit Life Head . Most persons have come to Helps Old Home i - 'erajevo Fifteen Canada'& Advance As a Lead Producer cloth after the netting to dry helps to preserve it °Owl Lana Years After By dIDNILY SRAOSMAW FAY June 28th N St. f'oul's Day, or "Yidoi Den. as .it -Is celled in Serb lands Five hundred and forty -years ago, at h0e84VO In 13%1'. Lhe an rushin Turks defeated and mall. t ° yugAled rte great Serbian etupire of :the later Middle A03: but . at the close of the battle, according) to Herb legend. a Serb hero penetrated into - the victor's tent and s'eR the Snl• tan. Hence SL, Vints'e Dav was file chief Serh - anniversary --a day or Mourning for defeat ou the field of 'battle, but at tho same time a dny 'of rejoicing for the gl• „clous assassina- tion of- an oppressor "nf Serb people-4. Fifteen years ago.. on June 28th, 1914. Princip a Bosnian Youth and Austrian subject, who was fired with t! naltsm and who had e entl to Ive a re• a Serbian na o sets a ere r c Y g just come from the erblau capital . The rise. of Canana's _lead output Copper and lead are the two cheiP at Belgrade. fired the fatal shots at furnishes one of ilia outatandiitg fee- items in the world's consumption t t ception to T. B. Macaulay, of Mont- She came into the police station. Sarajevo which killed the .Archduke nonferrous metals. On a tonnage real. with a photograph in her hand. tures of 'ire Dominion's progress in basis lead runs copper a close race. "My husband has disappeared," she yranz Ferdinand and his wife.. Thus Mr, Macaulay discussed his schemes another oppressor of the Serbs, as mineral development during recent World's Production of lead in .1928 said. "This is his. photo." And she for improving the conditions of the he heir to the Hapsburg throne. was years. Lead has been mined In -Can- re, but 1,883000, tons of copper, According to an• amounted to 1,846,000 tens as against crofters, and said he had arranged to handed Exhibit A to the inspector. t popularly but Hapsburg supposed ada for forty years or more, endow the experimental farm near "I want him found at one," she add. 'to be, was assassinated, and the spark I within the past decade production has the figures of the Americar Bureau Stornoway to the extent of £500 year. ed. vas kindled which . started the gen- increased at a 'remarkable rate- of 9Ietal Statistics, upon which the I ly. Ills primary interest, he -said, was The inspector bolted hp from 'the srral conflagration of Europe. rising from about '15,000 -tons fu 19181I accompanying chart is baser, Can photograph. "Why?” he asked. to over 170,000 tons last .year. The + ada took fourth place am, ng the lead- agricultural development a the near. _ - Ten years ago, on June 28th, 1919, land, The experimental farm near. fuss signed theme Treaty of Versailles great Canadian sc ure@ is British Col - 1 producing countries. "Australia held Ahout the best way for a young [to Stornoway a as working out remark umbta which possesses, in the 5u1 only .a slight margin of leadership tow to stand in with his girl is to which ended the World War with ably well; "and the results were in livan mine, the largest lead and zinc over Canada -a margin wtijch in I stand out with her .ma. Germany, established the League of every way encouraging. Nations, and laid the foundatlos f ; mine in tbe4worid. Quebec, Ontario, -view of the prospects for further Already they had made an epoch resent�day Europe. and Yukon Territory also contribute growth in the Oanadtan output, may Why Cain Kills,! Abel making discovery with regard to the o Adam and Eve's On this anniversary «ay it is worth to the output. shortly disappear, I reclamation, of peat namely, the tre- . "1'm going t E while to glance back. in the light I '- mendous importance of phosphate, place." of revelations which ten years have. was done so that they should be un• I which, in the form of basic slag. was . "Adam. and F.ve'a place2 1 never brought forth, at the chain at events ,able to reveal their Belgrade accom• I Hot Weather ,heard of that. Wbere Is it?" a comparatively inexpensive fertilizer. 281 ApDle." which led to the Serajevo assas ;Ina• places. . Thus equipped they set out The piece of land chosen for the farm' tioa. I from - Belgrade secretly at the end of I Window Hints eras. he continued, not one of the best, isn't It aggravating the way you can In September, 1913, Franz Ferdl - flay. after having got into to ncU R tth -- - but one of the worst. and if they could I sleep late every morning except Sun-. pond, as inspectcr aC the Austrian Inch, an- ex- schoolmaster. who hadl Spotless windows and curtains play make a success there they could any day when you don't have to get u8 troops, decided to pay a visit with . agreed to recruit some fellow cou,'an Important part in the well kept np- l,whe.re All kinds rf problems regard- , his wife to the - Austrian Province o[ spfrators in Serajevo: i pearanee of a home. In the summer.', tug cultivation, fertilization and costs early : 4 Bosnia during the following June to, Early on the morning of June 28tb, however, a good breeze through the would have to be worked out on the The new baby had extraordinary g observe the regular summer manoeu- when Franz. Ferdinand and his wife. house Is essential to physical comfort. farm. and his endowment of £5000 al',lung power. One day- the baby's - Hers of the two army corps t'Tdinarily were to make their formal visit to!This means open windows, and open year was given on condition that It stationed there. He felt t:"at the I Serajevc,, Princip and Chabrinovtcb l brother: tittle Johnny, said to his windows are hard au curtains, ' far 'would be continued as a demonstra•. +vl�tt would serve a two [old p.:rpose. I met Ilich at the back of the Vi4*i`nieh dust collects oa the screens and the I mother tion farm. It would be run !o co ( ••Ma, little brother came from. Hear - First. wind whips the delicate fabric against operation with the Macaulay Soil Re ten. didn't be?" ' First, from the political point of j pastry shop and received again from " wfew, !t was highly desirable that a I him some of the weapons t!'ey had them. Fortunately, there are simple I search Institute in Aberdeenshire, to ! . - 6 member of the imperial famil3 should i brought from Belgrade- Princip took means of minimizing these dtmcuities, !•a•blcb he bad given an endowment of for ,minute. "Yea, dear" g and they contribute to the usefulness 1;10.000, in putting to practical use "Johnny was silent a - •eh,a• himself In the recently annex• one of the L#TOa•nin revolvers. �ha- ' !and then he went on: - "ed provinces brinovich a -bomb, and Grabez% both the knowledge already gained and the "Mom. [don't blame the angels for of both curtains and shades The second and male , object of the a revolver and a bomb. 'Then they � ` trip however, was that that the arCU disDeraed to take the4r stand at places Lowering the windows from the top additional knowledge that would be getEing rid of him, do you ? ". hand so letting out the hot-air that col• gained through tie experimental farm " duke might attend the manoeuvres of agreed upon along the route which -.its in the upper part of the rooms, Referring to the question of how to some women seem to believe they ' the Xvth and :CVIt Army Corps the. Archduke was to pacts. A is one of the best means of cooling I improve the oundkions of the crofters, Until the opening of the twentieth ! Franz' Ferdinand and his party Land ventilating the house: It is not i Mr. Macaulay said h4 believed they ihave_aufficlent will power to gossip of century, the two countries had gee• I reached Serajevo from tlidze about - leave It alone. " as hard . on the curtains, either, as'. were suffering .from ea excess of the " *rally been on friendly'. terms and 10 a.m. After reviewing local troops. ! opening the window at the bottom. I with a ! they " started In autos t•)wards the communal system, but thought !t had I A girl can stand for a man w f ---. oven In alliance. the Hapsburgs. act- because not so much of -the material!its, drawbacks. Wben he first came 1 ling as protectcTS of the herbs ggalrtsL Town Hall for the formal reception. can be forced out to the screen It Is bast !C be has good presents. to the island he bad an idea of Inclosed f _ the Turks and the Bulgarians. Bn.t in accordance with the announced more weartnx on the shades._ thpugb cammunai pastures for eacb-townshlp.I June, 1903, the brutal assassins. program. Just as they were gel -and $omettmes annoying. toogun• The honeymoon is over when she but the more he bad. seen of It the ttlon of King Alczander of Serbia and proaucing the Cumurja Bridge Cba looks s1oDDY an un•. the house end hi Leas 'some provision fs -made to keep more he aas convinced that there was his mistress by a conspiracy among hrinovich knocked o!! the cap of his these from flopptag back and forth rdoesn't give a darn; bomb against a p(st. stepped tor- abetter way, and that was that each iris own subjects, brought a change. ward, and hulled !t at the Archduke's when the draft is strong _ crofter should have a certain area of The meek HftEe mac was walking The assassinations were enthuslastf• secure Ind in the vlctafty of his vil• tally welcomed by patriotic Serbians I car. The chauffeur, observing him. I AnchorMy the Shade P from the funeral of his big and mss- as a puwlflcatlon of theft country ( put on speed. so that the miAile fell •One excellent way to accomplish Ige for his own exclusive use, while tertul wife. Suddenly a dislodged on to the folded hood of the uncov•'thfs when there are full- length screens the moo, rand hill grazings would con slate whirled down and landed with a !r ant a corrupt and inefficient gov- ! eyed car and ounced off. It explod• ! on the windows is to put two extra time to be held in' common tls at pre resounding crack on his head. ernment and as the inauguration of -i „ ' a new era of Serbian power and I ed with a heavy det.•nstion. partly pairs of brackets for holding the roll- sent' _ � Gosh!" ne murmured, looking up. prestige. wrecking the following auto. ' er .en the Inside casements of win• I In order to show what could be ! 'Sa.rah must have reached Heaven al- Austrian statesmen, -on fife other General Potiorek and the chief of dows that are to be. lowered from theidooe In this say he was willing. In' Austrian' „ hand, viewed with increasing alarm Police thought it very unllkEly that top. One pair should be about eight the case of taro typical villages, one this Serbian rev!val, which is suc• any second at at murder wonid incites lower on the casement than on the east and one on the west side Crops are so good _this yehtr. the ceasful !a its ultimate aims, meant be made on the same day. But as those at the top, and a second pair of the island. to supply all the fencing farmers may make nearly enough to the risduptten and Jownfall of the I a punishment for the first, and for • about'siz Inches below these By such material required to enclose 30 to 50 pay the interest on shat they owe. Austro-Hungarian. monarchy. They the sake of safety, it was decided that means the shade may be adjusted acres for each crofter,' He would also I therefore sought to weaken Serbia the autos should not follow the pre- quickly and easily according to the I give the use of a suitable plow to turn Does your son Josh ever come back - by' a hostile tariff, which led to the arranged route through the narrow; the Inclosed land. and Rould supply to visit you since he'got in the mov- open space desired above, leaving a so-called "Pig War" and merely In. Franz Joseph Street. but should free opening to rthe exit of hot air each man with fertilizers sufficient for ies at Ilollywood ?" creased Perbiaa indignation -ad bit- reach the hospital and Museum by from the• room, five scree. What might be done in 1 _ _ I driving rapidly straight along the ap-I the future would depend entirely on ',Every sutnmer," answered Tuttte, ..:teress for her big neighbor to the Lacking such brackets,.' next pal QupY• On reaching the Franz costs end the success of the evpert- proudly; "every summer of the. three _ - north. Then came the Young Wurk beat device is a small .cup hook Joseph Street the mayor's cat;, to the ment. His underlying idea was that; ears he's ben gone." l' $revolution of 1908, which made the screwed into the casement to Buell a Y ;Austrians [ear that the Young Turks lead,' turned to the right Into it, ac•; position as to meet air eye in one end individual reward for-lndividual effort "And did he bring his wife with imlght soon try to exercise increased cordidg to the original pr gram. The of the 'stick at the bottom of the was going to have more effect than him,' Archdu'ke's chauffeur started to fol• I angtbing else. - Christian Science ­Each time," she answered, "And 1cr ntroi over Bosnia, a province which shade, and hold it fast when desired. I low it, but Potiorek called out: "'That's Monitor. �- they were three as purty girls as you Austria- Hungary had been permitted the wrc ng way! Drive straight down I This eliminates much of the noise, but by treaty, in 1878, to. occupy and ad unless the hook is quite high on the ever .laid eyes on." the Appel Quay -" The. chauffeur Put' the shade prevents tree "- iiinister, but which for thirty years casement„ - , on the brakes in order to back up.j Cr'aftsmeri Called "Here's something queer,' said the had still remained .legally a part o_ passage of the air and so retards the It happened that it was precisely at, dentist. "You say this tooth has th'e Turkish Empire. To forestall cooling of the roam, From Soldier Roll complications with the Young Turks, this corns; where the car paused for never been worked nn' before, but I Austria-Hungary suddenly announced a fatal moment that Princip was now' Dainty Curtains All Summer find small flakes of gold on my !a- `.an October, 1908, that she had "an standing having crossed over from One of the greatest conveniences istrument." -• n Oct 3 October. 1, Chas putting an end to his original position on the river side for keep' "g the curtains clean when London.- Careful arrangements' are ,.1 think you have struck my back all Turkisk claims -which were liquid- of the Quay. These chance occur- windows.- must be opened at the bot• made by the British War Office to I collar button," moaned the victim. all a little later by a money gratuity: rences gave him the best possible op'; tom, is the spring clothespin.. Enamel• train time expired soldiers for civil i - This Austrian annexation of Bos- portunity. He stepped forward :and ed to match the woodwork in color I life to avoid their being thrown into i PERSEVERANCE nia roused Serbian indignation f Bel- fired two shots point - blank, I and fastened to one edge of the case- the labor market Without. preparation I All the performances of human art, The Archduke's last words 'to his -ment l y an upholstering cord of the for their livelihood. grade to a high pitch. Serbian na• 'wife were : "Sophie, Sophie, do not game color, it may be made as orna• Accordingly, some Gears Ago, army at which we look with praise or won tionalists saw in it a disastrous blow die. Live for our children." But mental as !t is useful. By clamping vocational training centers were set der, are instances of the* resistless to their hopes of a "Greater Serbia.' death overtock them both: it was this on the curtain at the proper place up in various parts of Great Britain, force of perseverance. It .is by this .'It must -.not be 'forgotten that it was about 11.30 a.m., June 28th, 1914„ - the materials will be beld- away from and every soldier during the last six I that the quarry becomes a pyramid. easy for Serbia to stir up agitation in �a "Tb'e Living Age." the opening, allowing tree passage of months,.of his -service has opportunity and that distant countries are united _ Bosnia, because the Austrians had ruled with a heavy band and done coot air into the room without in ,any of acquiring knowledge of a number by canals. It a man were'o compare way impairing the freshness or wear• of trades. the effect of a single stroke of the tittle to improve the economic condi- in$ qualities of the curtain. This lit- Engineering and allied trades are pickaxe or of one impression of the - tion, o fthe peasants or to grant de Aired political reforms. Thus in the c Ile device is especially needed In taught at Hounslow, ope of the outer !spade with the general design and spring of political there were a number of sleeping rooms where fresh air as well suburbs of London. Gardening and last result he would be overwhelmed spring s !o Bosnia who ware stirred as dainty appointments are the rule. agriculture are taught at Chiseldon by the sense of their disportion. Yet to agitation against Hapsburg rule Unless the window screens are kept and building construction and deco'ra- those petty operations, - incessantly by a variety of influences. Three of clean, the first driving rain will force tion at Aldershot. Only men of eatis• I continued, In time surmount the great- these youth, Princip,. Chabrinovich, ) - the dirt and duet onto the outside win- factory character are allowed to apply hest difflcultiea; and thus 'mountains Grabezh, happened to be in Belgrade ��� -��' dow panes. So one of the secrets of for permission to take up'courses. In are levelled and ocbuminounded by moon after Easter wren they learned -_- having attractive windows always is many cases it is found thrt. a man the slender force of! huhian beings. the Wawa that Franz Ferdinand was - keeping: the screens clean. Thgs is who starts on one trade is better +i•a�- coming. to Bosnia the following buns. not difficult if three or four times dur. adapted to another and is then ad- A WEAVING They at cnoz decided to use this op ing the season, according to the vised to. change. My life is but a' weaving between m� portunity to asaassinate him. Being 1st Hobo: Bill sez tho' he does amount of dust raised in the locality, At the building center at Aldershot God and tne- ;without funds they got into touch nothtn' but roam lie expects some the windows are 'cl'osed and plenty of there are now 346 men under training. I may but choose the colors, He work- " with ut fun Black Hand secret mem- day to be rich and happy and live at ' water fro mthe hose Is thrown on the One proof of the excellence of the 1n- eth steadily, bars and were supplied with money, ease. Iser6ens-previoui to washing the win• struction is that the center succeeds Full. oft he weaveth sorrow, and I in '..,railroad passes, maps, tour revolvers, 2nd Hobo: Val, all I gotta say is dows on the outside, As this is hard in finding employment for 80 per cent. l foolish pride ^ Biz bombe -and poison which they l his mind's wandering ai well as his on the thin layer of paint on the lot the students within two mon>tha of Forget He sees the upper, and I chi *ore to swallow the moment the deed feet. ! screens, a good wiping with an oiled the completion of the course. ( under side. -Anon. j ' •, _a,... i:.e: ., - ,..: :... .'.. ' . :� ._ - .. .., . « . -. -.-_ _ C.� - ..-r ....';. .'ye.- l _ nR_a.K < ri. :,£�.c�n.l .. . _ .r.....iz _ .. _ : __ f.+ea -'e w'E y.. , n}ti! It Is as the .paint wears off that the - -1- - wires rust, so an ounce of prevention W We ate not here to drag acid to in the form of painting at east once a d drift. We are here to do, and dare. year is important it screens are not to be removed often. L Lady of the House. (Interviewing a So, they are not only an economy n new maid)- "And now, Nora, are'"you ` but they also'add to the-well -kept ap• e e�cientr' pearanee of the whole -housr and are N Nora- "Indade. I am that, mum. In mulch easier on the curtain-; that will m my last place !very marnin' I got up probably blow against them many a at tour, made me fire, put teb kettle times before tall comes zgain. o on. prepared the breakfast an' made all the beds before iveryone was up in the house." Suit Life Head . Most persons have come to Helps Old Home i poverty as a handicap instead of aft incentive. Canadian •• Endows Experi G Gary- "what would l have to give mental Farm for Crofters y you fora h hold k �� � F • The friend if need turns up more Stornoway, Scot. -A large crowd as. T often than the fried i.t deed. b d h e a Serbian na o sets a ere r c Y g just come from the erblau capital . The rise. of Canana's _lead output Copper and lead are the two cheiP at Belgrade. fired the fatal shots at furnishes one of ilia outatandiitg fee- items in the world's consumption t t ception to T. B. Macaulay, of Mont- She came into the police station. Sarajevo which killed the .Archduke nonferrous metals. On a tonnage real. with a photograph in her hand. tures of 'ire Dominion's progress in basis lead runs copper a close race. "My husband has disappeared," she yranz Ferdinand and his wife.. Thus Mr, Macaulay discussed his schemes another oppressor of the Serbs, as mineral development during recent World's Production of lead in .1928 said. "This is his. photo." And she for improving the conditions of the he heir to the Hapsburg throne. was years. Lead has been mined In -Can- re, but 1,883000, tons of copper, According to an• amounted to 1,846,000 tens as against crofters, and said he had arranged to handed Exhibit A to the inspector. t popularly but Hapsburg supposed ada for forty years or more, endow the experimental farm near "I want him found at one," she add. 'to be, was assassinated, and the spark I within the past decade production has the figures of the Americar Bureau Stornoway to the extent of £500 year. ed. vas kindled which . started the gen- increased at a 'remarkable rate- of 9Ietal Statistics, upon which the I ly. Ills primary interest, he -said, was The inspector bolted hp from 'the srral conflagration of Europe. rising from about '15,000 -tons fu 19181I accompanying chart is baser, Can photograph. "Why?” he asked. to over 170,000 tons last .year. The + ada took fourth place am, ng the lead- agricultural development a the near. _ - Ten years ago, on June 28th, 1919, land, The experimental farm near. fuss signed theme Treaty of Versailles great Canadian sc ure@ is British Col - 1 producing countries. "Australia held Ahout the best way for a young [to Stornoway a as working out remark umbta which possesses, in the 5u1 only .a slight margin of leadership tow to stand in with his girl is to which ended the World War with ably well; "and the results were in livan mine, the largest lead and zinc over Canada -a margin wtijch in I stand out with her .ma. Germany, established the League of every way encouraging. Nations, and laid the foundatlos f ; mine in tbe4worid. Quebec, Ontario, -view of the prospects for further Already they had made an epoch resent�day Europe. and Yukon Territory also contribute growth in the Oanadtan output, may Why Cain Kills,! Abel making discovery with regard to the o Adam and Eve's On this anniversary «ay it is worth to the output. shortly disappear, I reclamation, of peat namely, the tre- . "1'm going t E while to glance back. in the light I '- mendous importance of phosphate, place." of revelations which ten years have. was done so that they should be un• I which, in the form of basic slag. was . "Adam. and F.ve'a place2 1 never brought forth, at the chain at events ,able to reveal their Belgrade accom• I Hot Weather ,heard of that. Wbere Is it?" a comparatively inexpensive fertilizer. 281 ApDle." which led to the Serajevo assas ;Ina• places. . Thus equipped they set out The piece of land chosen for the farm' tioa. I from - Belgrade secretly at the end of I Window Hints eras. he continued, not one of the best, isn't It aggravating the way you can In September, 1913, Franz Ferdl - flay. after having got into to ncU R tth -- - but one of the worst. and if they could I sleep late every morning except Sun-. pond, as inspectcr aC the Austrian Inch, an- ex- schoolmaster. who hadl Spotless windows and curtains play make a success there they could any day when you don't have to get u8 troops, decided to pay a visit with . agreed to recruit some fellow cou,'an Important part in the well kept np- l,whe.re All kinds rf problems regard- , his wife to the - Austrian Province o[ spfrators in Serajevo: i pearanee of a home. In the summer.', tug cultivation, fertilization and costs early : 4 Bosnia during the following June to, Early on the morning of June 28tb, however, a good breeze through the would have to be worked out on the The new baby had extraordinary g observe the regular summer manoeu- when Franz. Ferdinand and his wife. house Is essential to physical comfort. farm. and his endowment of £5000 al',lung power. One day- the baby's - Hers of the two army corps t'Tdinarily were to make their formal visit to!This means open windows, and open year was given on condition that It stationed there. He felt t:"at the I Serajevc,, Princip and Chabrinovtcb l brother: tittle Johnny, said to his windows are hard au curtains, ' far 'would be continued as a demonstra•. +vl�tt would serve a two [old p.:rpose. I met Ilich at the back of the Vi4*i`nieh dust collects oa the screens and the I mother tion farm. It would be run !o co ( ••Ma, little brother came from. Hear - First. wind whips the delicate fabric against operation with the Macaulay Soil Re ten. didn't be?" ' First, from the political point of j pastry shop and received again from " wfew, !t was highly desirable that a I him some of the weapons t!'ey had them. Fortunately, there are simple I search Institute in Aberdeenshire, to ! . - 6 member of the imperial famil3 should i brought from Belgrade- Princip took means of minimizing these dtmcuities, !•a•blcb he bad given an endowment of for ,minute. "Yea, dear" g and they contribute to the usefulness 1;10.000, in putting to practical use "Johnny was silent a - •eh,a• himself In the recently annex• one of the L#TOa•nin revolvers. �ha- ' !and then he went on: - "ed provinces brinovich a -bomb, and Grabez% both the knowledge already gained and the "Mom. [don't blame the angels for of both curtains and shades The second and male , object of the a revolver and a bomb. 'Then they � ` trip however, was that that the arCU disDeraed to take the4r stand at places Lowering the windows from the top additional knowledge that would be getEing rid of him, do you ? ". hand so letting out the hot-air that col• gained through tie experimental farm " duke might attend the manoeuvres of agreed upon along the route which -.its in the upper part of the rooms, Referring to the question of how to some women seem to believe they ' the Xvth and :CVIt Army Corps the. Archduke was to pacts. A is one of the best means of cooling I improve the oundkions of the crofters, Until the opening of the twentieth ! Franz' Ferdinand and his party Land ventilating the house: It is not i Mr. Macaulay said h4 believed they ihave_aufficlent will power to gossip of century, the two countries had gee• I reached Serajevo from tlidze about - leave It alone. " as hard . on the curtains, either, as'. were suffering .from ea excess of the " *rally been on friendly'. terms and 10 a.m. After reviewing local troops. ! opening the window at the bottom. I with a ! they " started In autos t•)wards the communal system, but thought !t had I A girl can stand for a man w f ---. oven In alliance. the Hapsburgs. act- because not so much of -the material!its, drawbacks. Wben he first came 1 ling as protectcTS of the herbs ggalrtsL Town Hall for the formal reception. can be forced out to the screen It Is bast !C be has good presents. to the island he bad an idea of Inclosed f _ the Turks and the Bulgarians. Bn.t in accordance with the announced more weartnx on the shades._ thpugb cammunai pastures for eacb-townshlp.I June, 1903, the brutal assassins. program. Just as they were gel -and $omettmes annoying. toogun• The honeymoon is over when she but the more he bad. seen of It the ttlon of King Alczander of Serbia and proaucing the Cumurja Bridge Cba looks s1oDDY an un•. the house end hi Leas 'some provision fs -made to keep more he aas convinced that there was his mistress by a conspiracy among hrinovich knocked o!! the cap of his these from flopptag back and forth rdoesn't give a darn; bomb against a p(st. stepped tor- abetter way, and that was that each iris own subjects, brought a change. ward, and hulled !t at the Archduke's when the draft is strong _ crofter should have a certain area of The meek HftEe mac was walking The assassinations were enthuslastf• secure Ind in the vlctafty of his vil• tally welcomed by patriotic Serbians I car. The chauffeur, observing him. I AnchorMy the Shade P from the funeral of his big and mss- as a puwlflcatlon of theft country ( put on speed. so that the miAile fell •One excellent way to accomplish Ige for his own exclusive use, while tertul wife. Suddenly a dislodged on to the folded hood of the uncov•'thfs when there are full- length screens the moo, rand hill grazings would con slate whirled down and landed with a !r ant a corrupt and inefficient gov- ! eyed car and ounced off. It explod• ! on the windows is to put two extra time to be held in' common tls at pre resounding crack on his head. ernment and as the inauguration of -i „ ' a new era of Serbian power and I ed with a heavy det.•nstion. partly pairs of brackets for holding the roll- sent' _ � Gosh!" ne murmured, looking up. prestige. wrecking the following auto. ' er .en the Inside casements of win• I In order to show what could be ! 'Sa.rah must have reached Heaven al- Austrian statesmen, -on fife other General Potiorek and the chief of dows that are to be. lowered from theidooe In this say he was willing. In' Austrian' „ hand, viewed with increasing alarm Police thought it very unllkEly that top. One pair should be about eight the case of taro typical villages, one this Serbian rev!val, which is suc• any second at at murder wonid incites lower on the casement than on the east and one on the west side Crops are so good _this yehtr. the ceasful !a its ultimate aims, meant be made on the same day. But as those at the top, and a second pair of the island. to supply all the fencing farmers may make nearly enough to the risduptten and Jownfall of the I a punishment for the first, and for • about'siz Inches below these By such material required to enclose 30 to 50 pay the interest on shat they owe. Austro-Hungarian. monarchy. They the sake of safety, it was decided that means the shade may be adjusted acres for each crofter,' He would also I therefore sought to weaken Serbia the autos should not follow the pre- quickly and easily according to the I give the use of a suitable plow to turn Does your son Josh ever come back - by' a hostile tariff, which led to the arranged route through the narrow; the Inclosed land. and Rould supply to visit you since he'got in the mov- open space desired above, leaving a so-called "Pig War" and merely In. Franz Joseph Street. but should free opening to rthe exit of hot air each man with fertilizers sufficient for ies at Ilollywood ?" creased Perbiaa indignation -ad bit- reach the hospital and Museum by from the• room, five scree. What might be done in 1 _ _ I driving rapidly straight along the ap-I the future would depend entirely on ',Every sutnmer," answered Tuttte, ..:teress for her big neighbor to the Lacking such brackets,.' next pal QupY• On reaching the Franz costs end the success of the evpert- proudly; "every summer of the. three _ - north. Then came the Young Wurk beat device is a small .cup hook Joseph Street the mayor's cat;, to the ment. His underlying idea was that; ears he's ben gone." l' $revolution of 1908, which made the screwed into the casement to Buell a Y ;Austrians [ear that the Young Turks lead,' turned to the right Into it, ac•; position as to meet air eye in one end individual reward for-lndividual effort "And did he bring his wife with imlght soon try to exercise increased cordidg to the original pr gram. The of the 'stick at the bottom of the was going to have more effect than him,' Archdu'ke's chauffeur started to fol• I angtbing else. - Christian Science ­Each time," she answered, "And 1cr ntroi over Bosnia, a province which shade, and hold it fast when desired. I low it, but Potiorek called out: "'That's Monitor. �- they were three as purty girls as you Austria- Hungary had been permitted the wrc ng way! Drive straight down I This eliminates much of the noise, but by treaty, in 1878, to. occupy and ad unless the hook is quite high on the ever .laid eyes on." the Appel Quay -" The. chauffeur Put' the shade prevents tree "- iiinister, but which for thirty years casement„ - , on the brakes in order to back up.j Cr'aftsmeri Called "Here's something queer,' said the had still remained .legally a part o_ passage of the air and so retards the It happened that it was precisely at, dentist. "You say this tooth has th'e Turkish Empire. To forestall cooling of the roam, From Soldier Roll complications with the Young Turks, this corns; where the car paused for never been worked nn' before, but I Austria-Hungary suddenly announced a fatal moment that Princip was now' Dainty Curtains All Summer find small flakes of gold on my !a- `.an October, 1908, that she had "an standing having crossed over from One of the greatest conveniences istrument." -• n Oct 3 October. 1, Chas putting an end to his original position on the river side for keep' "g the curtains clean when London.- Careful arrangements' are ,.1 think you have struck my back all Turkisk claims -which were liquid- of the Quay. These chance occur- windows.- must be opened at the bot• made by the British War Office to I collar button," moaned the victim. all a little later by a money gratuity: rences gave him the best possible op'; tom, is the spring clothespin.. Enamel• train time expired soldiers for civil i - This Austrian annexation of Bos- portunity. He stepped forward :and ed to match the woodwork in color I life to avoid their being thrown into i PERSEVERANCE nia roused Serbian indignation f Bel- fired two shots point - blank, I and fastened to one edge of the case- the labor market Without. preparation I All the performances of human art, The Archduke's last words 'to his -ment l y an upholstering cord of the for their livelihood. grade to a high pitch. Serbian na• 'wife were : "Sophie, Sophie, do not game color, it may be made as orna• Accordingly, some Gears Ago, army at which we look with praise or won tionalists saw in it a disastrous blow die. Live for our children." But mental as !t is useful. By clamping vocational training centers were set der, are instances of the* resistless to their hopes of a "Greater Serbia.' death overtock them both: it was this on the curtain at the proper place up in various parts of Great Britain, force of perseverance. It .is by this .'It must -.not be 'forgotten that it was about 11.30 a.m., June 28th, 1914„ - the materials will be beld- away from and every soldier during the last six I that the quarry becomes a pyramid. easy for Serbia to stir up agitation in �a "Tb'e Living Age." the opening, allowing tree passage of months,.of his -service has opportunity and that distant countries are united _ Bosnia, because the Austrians had ruled with a heavy band and done coot air into the room without in ,any of acquiring knowledge of a number by canals. It a man were'o compare way impairing the freshness or wear• of trades. the effect of a single stroke of the tittle to improve the economic condi- in$ qualities of the curtain. This lit- Engineering and allied trades are pickaxe or of one impression of the - tion, o fthe peasants or to grant de Aired political reforms. Thus in the c Ile device is especially needed In taught at Hounslow, ope of the outer !spade with the general design and spring of political there were a number of sleeping rooms where fresh air as well suburbs of London. Gardening and last result he would be overwhelmed spring s !o Bosnia who ware stirred as dainty appointments are the rule. agriculture are taught at Chiseldon by the sense of their disportion. Yet to agitation against Hapsburg rule Unless the window screens are kept and building construction and deco'ra- those petty operations, - incessantly by a variety of influences. Three of clean, the first driving rain will force tion at Aldershot. Only men of eatis• I continued, In time surmount the great- these youth, Princip,. Chabrinovich, ) - the dirt and duet onto the outside win- factory character are allowed to apply hest difflcultiea; and thus 'mountains Grabezh, happened to be in Belgrade ��� -��' dow panes. So one of the secrets of for permission to take up'courses. In are levelled and ocbuminounded by moon after Easter wren they learned -_- having attractive windows always is many cases it is found thrt. a man the slender force of! huhian beings. the Wawa that Franz Ferdinand was - keeping: the screens clean. Thgs is who starts on one trade is better +i•a�- coming. to Bosnia the following buns. not difficult if three or four times dur. adapted to another and is then ad- A WEAVING They at cnoz decided to use this op ing the season, according to the vised to. change. My life is but a' weaving between m� portunity to asaassinate him. Being 1st Hobo: Bill sez tho' he does amount of dust raised in the locality, At the building center at Aldershot God and tne- ;without funds they got into touch nothtn' but roam lie expects some the windows are 'cl'osed and plenty of there are now 346 men under training. I may but choose the colors, He work- " with ut fun Black Hand secret mem- day to be rich and happy and live at ' water fro mthe hose Is thrown on the One proof of the excellence of the 1n- eth steadily, bars and were supplied with money, ease. Iser6ens-previoui to washing the win• struction is that the center succeeds Full. oft he weaveth sorrow, and I in '..,railroad passes, maps, tour revolvers, 2nd Hobo: Val, all I gotta say is dows on the outside, As this is hard in finding employment for 80 per cent. l foolish pride ^ Biz bombe -and poison which they l his mind's wandering ai well as his on the thin layer of paint on the lot the students within two mon>tha of Forget He sees the upper, and I chi *ore to swallow the moment the deed feet. ! screens, a good wiping with an oiled the completion of the course. ( under side. -Anon. j ' •, _a,... i:.e: ., - ,..: :... .'.. ' . :� ._ - .. .., . « . -. -.-_ _ C.� - ..-r ....';. .'ye.- l _ nR_a.K < ri. :,£�.c�n.l .. . _ .r.....iz _ .. _ : __ f.+ea -'e w'E y.. , n}ti! 7— 7,b.ow .7 7 . Y Red Rose Te! comtd direct to us from 0 finest tel Win Scholarships brimful of hardens, then straight to your grocer flavor and freshness. Every, package guaranteed -70 # 7. 0 'XI od.-tea is 0 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good rA Clusified Advertisements AmIAVP Wild Birds Return GENTS WANTED TO SELL FRUIT Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubs. Roses. • To Parks in London: ing and a complete line of Nursery Q �' _ ! Stock for old established ftrai. )utlit furnished .odCash commission mild every 7- G ter, uarles, • estabr week. tory still Witte London.—Bird sanct five ye pears' tuition at lished during the last seven years, to lay. staple Prove Nurseries. Winona. WHAT does '"after Canadian Pacile Railway scholarships, covering Ontario, forty" mean to you? McGill University have been awarded to ,C,' P. Sturdee. (left), son. of E. F. L. have Induced large numbers of birds STEAM PUMPS, IN PERFECT which were tending to disappear Watkins. of 'T 'c'oondon. large capacity. Are you It" Capable than Sturdee, assistant general passenger agent; and William P, Dunlop son men from the London area, to nest once Room 421, 73 Adelaide St West Toronto.. you used to be? Nervous?- . John Dunlop, In the pension department of the railway, These young more In the e royal parks. EINE STEA'-%l BOILER, 150 H.P., careers and closed apply Watkins, Room have both done brilliant work in thejr respective school In Hyde Park and Kensington Gar- H very cheap, Emily tired? Run down? 3 Adelaide Street West Toronto. them by making the highest average In the matriculation examination for dens, situated in the heart of an en- 421. Try the effect Of two or entrance to the university. As minor sons of C.P.R. employees they won ormous urban area, and frequented ••MFIAS - CArn"Dan three boxes of Dr. Wil- the right to the scholarships awarded them. Idally by a large number of people, Buts Cheaper or liamso pink Pills, the took no fewer ths.4 17 'species of wild Wri"forcaW09" T. W. BOYD & SON that has made hundreds birds now nest there. GUNS N6111011811101314 W. 111111111114 Of middle -aged W en Appetising Dishes KEEP CMDRE1 WELL Though seldom or never seen' followl�g— are feel ten years youngerl there for years, the "Business before pleasure." "Where Ice-Box. Pudding D RUNG HOT WEITHER wood pigeon, mallard,* moorhen It will nourish and inviIlff- one scant . ant cup- great crested grebe, goldfinch, green : do you place golf?" orate the blood, so often one cupful of sugar ifinch, tufted duck, pochard, common Iful of butter; three whole eggs; one- Every mother knows now fatal the thinned and devitalized Small gull ' spotted flycatcher, wood Warb- half capful of chopped pecans; one-' hot summer months are to enCry by advancing years, Uwe small can of grated pineapple, well children, Cholera tufalValli. Zrr• lei-, goosander, smew, scoter, scaup it up to better service, �drained; one dozen macaroons. I hoes. dysentry, colic and stomach duck and redwing.' for this time and I Birds of commoner varieties. which make you feel strong Cream together the butter and the troubles are rife at lost have never completely deserted Hyde eggs, one at a time, oft6n a precious little llf8 is 10 again,' eager for Iffe sugar; add the few hour; illness. The Park and Kensington Gardens, are stirring continuously,. add the pine- after only a f Tab now found In everincreasing numbers, who keeps Baby's Own T Buy Dr. Williams' Pink apple and nuts, still stirring: lastly, mother states the report of the committee on C"TORIA p, now at your dirup. macaroons. Pour lets in the house feels safe.1 The de- anctuaries. ills theh finely crumbled ma, has been lined with caslonal use of the Tablets prevent bird 6 A BABY REMEEPY gist's or any dealer in into a mold which ;lady lingers. Set away to the Ice box stomach and bowel troubles. or It{ APPROM BY D0C=RJl medicine, or by mail, 50 1 1 —as it gener, I MR C" CoNsroonk.0111WUNEA cents, postpaid, f. The "from 12 to .04 hours. Serve in slices., trouble comes suddenly , Keep Minard's Liniment ilways handy topped with whipped cream. ally does—the Tablets will bring the Dr. Williams Medicine -Butterscotch Cookie: baby safely through They are sold A Lovely Thought mail at 25 CO, Brockville, Oat. by medicine dealers or by - The Camper's Fist Aid Three cupfuls of flour: 2 cupfuls of I a a flow- sugar; 1 level teaspoonful of cents a box from, The Dr,- Williams' 11. Instead of a gem, or eve Minard's Is good for b-,2rns. brown Medicine Co.. Brockville. Out. er, we could cast the gift of a lovely isoda: I level teaspoonful of cream of thought into the heart of a friend. bruises, sprains, •oundeg and 0 tartar, That would be "giving as the angels insect bites. VqNs pill& Nfix well together, and add % cupful I Know a Bird must give. WE !of butter. working it in as with pie- -George MacDonald AFJL i 11 know a bird that sings at twilight. IP • "A K&%,#9NCj.O MAK9 Add 2 eggs. well beaten; 2 tea- qrust. A Sings oh sweet? when dusk is tall- In 64 col.WTV116211 j spoonfuls 6f -vanilla. 1 Mold In rolls, leave overnight In t he Ing. , SELF Capital. tee box. Slice and bake. ISings from the . shadowy wy deep green Nothing can work me damage ex. i 06 RING OF .00AU Does Wales Want a Capi cover fself: the harin that I sustain I i cev m Ice -Bole Roll* k clh- to the southward. Vf n Welsh outlook- (London. Edln• Over a tall der carry about- with me, and never am One cupful of lard'. 1 cupful of boil-:, know the song of a bird. but by my Own fault X11gh. D011n and Belfast are capital -;Ing water: % cupful of sugar, areal su fterer St. Bernard :itAes; but what of Wales?) We have Cream the lard and sugar, then add Always the sun Is sloping westward a national museum, a national lib-01 the boiling water and cool. t Cooler the air on the coal blue rary, a national University. a national One cupful of cold water-, 2 cakes of water�,; elsteddtod, national organtzaticils, of OUR, A111111611WANVIddifth, a Intermediate' compressed yeast: 2 teaspoonfuls of; Over the river silverly singing FAT GIRLS Is BERES religious bodies and of .: salt: 2 eggs; 6 cupfuls. Of. unsifted I low, singing clear, sing. education. . a, national orchestra - a ua--i High, singing lonal i flour. Ing sweetly E tional agricultural society, a natl Al When the first mixture is cool, Ewld Comes the song of a bir4L -A TIP fOR YOU Insltitution to combat tuberculosis. the yeast cakes dissolved in the cold 7ddh% A611 very large pertio.n of our so al life Is water, then the eggs, well beaten. ten. a bird ken the All organized an a mational-15'Er-li. I know rd that sings w over the world KnIQ41en Salts ill e a natiorial capital 'Finally, sift In the flour and salt. Beat clover appealing to girts, an& women Who Ought we to have i thoroughly, and put in the Ice boa Sweeter smells from the dew's moist strive for an attractive, free from fat. as well! . . . We, have never had a I JhelftoneyE er i figure that cannot fail to Win admiration. tional capital In the whole of our overnight. . Mold in any preferred falling, Must Do Your Bit Here's the recipe that banishes fat and 1 shape and let rise two hours lyetore OU As our institutions show. Perfume and melody softly c war agaimt tie fly brings into. bictssom all the natural history. - A . is very nxucb' baking. Bake in a hdt oven for 20! Plaintively calling over the water. �i- it. carrier every woman Poll--- our national feelingL rolls, made by lof -terms and breeder of disease. attractiveness that 'itive to-daf. We have got on ptetty using muffin tins and filling each ring, s~s. well without a capital. Would we —Erica7 Selt'l-idge. It is proven that AEROXON n am Every morning take one quaTter tea- with It? Does with three tiny rolls, are in high favor. 'of the inost convenient and most spoon of, Krugehen Salts Ire R glass of have done better keep perfectly I Wales really want a capital, and need This mixture will *fficiens ineans of combating this hot water before breakfast -fly evil. It is convenient. because for for several days and furnish several -Be sure and do this every morning, lit? The Gold Dmin lof the p-h-puL It is hygienic, 1t*9 the little daily dose that takes bakings• "For some time flies never get away when once off the fat." Don't raise a MGM' Truth (London): Each spiral gives three. FORTUNE. Baked Cucumbers With Lobster past British gold has been flowing to N wooks' perfect service. The KrUschen habit means that matter and harmfut o md�b Peet a sufficlent number of curum* France in :alarming quantities." As REWARL OF INUTATIONS poisonous waste '..Fortune, -men say, doth give to and gases are-expelled from the to many. I bers, allowing one to each person; to the gold drain. that Is now going Sold at drug. S—ery ..d h-d.— aystem. net -gave enough to cut them into halves lengthwise, re- on, nobody appears to know why ;But yet she ne ton, then France Is taking gold, Or, rather. At the same time the stomach, liver. e seeds and soft port L& Cie- C. 0. Gesest & Fils, LAmitte kidne'vs, and bowels are toned up and any. move the has fallen mZ"NoOKc. QVL —Sir John Harrington. place them in a kettle and cover with why the French exchange the pure, fresh blood containing Nature's boiling water. Leave to stand five to a point at which it Is highly pro six life-giving salts is carried to every, from this side organ, gland, nerve, and fibre of the minutes. then drain the cucumbers, fitable to ship gold in France' body, and this is followed by 'that L rty blanch In cold water and dry on a Evidently money is dearer Kruschen feeling " of energetic health suggested by the level of the right cloth. Have ready a stuffing made by than tuld activity that is reflected in bright There Is no true liberty, nor joy, but.in the fear of God with a good ; meltiijg 2 tablespoonfuls of butter and Bank rate (2 per ceni. below 14ou- eyes, clear skin, cheerful Vivacity, and to conscience.—Thomas a Kempts, blending with it the same amount of don), and it has suited France a charming ►i►UrC. "our, then adding a grating of nutmeg withdraw part of her sterling credits and U of P. teaspoonful each of papri- I in the form of gold. while the Distributor for Ontario ka and salt. Stir until frothy, tbeli drawals are going•on there must NEWTON A. HILL inr the future. 56 rrout 111t E. Toronto add 1 cupful of milk or cream, stir- be anxiety regard ring constantly until the mixture boils. Add 11,1 cupfuls of lobster meat FOR THE HAIR �cut'lnto small pieces and A� of a cup. Iful of salted mushroom ' s. also cut In- Ask Your Barber—He Kflows !to small pieces. Fill the cucumbers with the mixture, place In a buttered baking dish and bake until the stuff- ing is hot. e OUT p. 4 L4 IMM I i -re I i T I 101000111MM 101, TA I I On Writing as a Trade ot "M)V4 "Speedh=4­ simplified Hilaire Belloc In the New States- (London): Belzac said a very I For oules! tl6mac hand —and typing ma3l man true thing when he iriaintained , that due to Acid ION I feted 1n spare time at home. Easier the writing man gives mere of him- ^Cl STO to learn and write. Typewriter sup- Write for Free Lesson TODAY. self than any other kind of worker. the H V" a Dominion School Telegraphy JAd• He Is the pious pelican; be feeds I ."Ausr^ populace upon his own flesh. T)epL WJ�. 1 Toronto I doubt whether there Is any Interval I GIRLS. WANTED I more dispiriting than that between the moment when a man sets out In. Jus t a tasteless dose of F hilliPs' 'Magnesta In That Is the pain departs. You' are happy again in five minutes. I his fatigue to attempt some •writing, Milk of water. Don't depend cn crude methods. HAIRDRESSING AITD BEAUTY jutterly Indisposed as he Is, because " I his miserable task, hardly evens an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It Employ the best way yet evolved In That is CULTURE a duty, certainly net a natural activity, has been the 'standard antacid for 50 all tbeyears. of searching. C�, slon Is the most remuserative Pr es today. but a bitter slavish compulsion and years among physicians everywhere. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. genuine Phillips' Be to get the gen Will OrrZA T= XOsT 1"-TO- 3DATS COVS11111 Is CANADA. that at when, perhaps an hour later, he Otis spoonful will neutralise at once times Its volume In acid. It sure Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pbysl- Hundreds ofosatinfled graduates. has screwed himself up to the Ditch! many is the right way, the quick, pleasant clans for 50 years In correcting excess write rot free booklet. Toronto Hairdressing Academy `and efficient way to kill the excess acids. Each bottle contains. full directions —any drugstore. 197 Awfalle I", Toron", 3)sVL W Minard's Liniment for Neumilgla. acid. The stomach becomes sweet, Lydia E. Pinkham's Yegetable Gomfpund LYDIA IL PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. L Main., U.B.A. and 91;;urg, Out., Consist& ISSUE No. 35—'29 I is r=j nt e­ -I--- X, flu fickalrdiff 40m comfortable hotel by any one of three of farm stock, implements et, 130 -con. 8, Pickering. Alsoatthestime -to -H A D S 0 S 0 _W .2�w entrances,- Muskokoa Wharf, BalA lodging W 0. Scott, at 1 12: 1 N Park, or Lake Joseph Wharf -� all titAo and 'place 2 parcels of land be- R I within a.few. hours run from almost ARE HKADQUARTERS FOR 81.7 per yeat.; 61.bo it paid in advaom. longing to [fie estate of the lute Thoo. ; -subscriptions ra the United Sum and Chat any part of Ontario. Ask your near E. Pugh. Sale at u clock tharp. Britain $2.00 in. advance. eat Canadian National agent - for in- -Mi 110deer; -0 KOO L --S U P P L formation and. literature on Muskoka gee bills. . Wm.' . Lw,' iiuc S John Scott, clel 1L. -7 7_ JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. and its various resorts, hotels, etc. AND TEXT BOOKS A WORLD APART �lOTEB The Air. is different ANa GQMM"T�& When you leave the steamer "Belle '::School Reopens on Tuesday, September 8rd. of Terriagami" you are in a quiet re- Lake of Bays is one thousand or tre�f seemingly thousands of mites mare - feet above se - the About one hundred y"rs -ago a a level, and of -PENCILS—The Velvet; Vulcan, Technical and Dixon 5 -great, change-- in the method of from the noisy workday world. Peace altitude of this, sequestered group cents, Faber,' took place -when and -quiet are the chief la-Ns of this lakes combines with the fragrance of 2 for 5 cents, and a le line, 10e per doz. trausporta.tion the Pines to give the visitor a new CRAYONS-Crayola 10c, Rnheas 25c-a dandy . forest kingdom, twenty miles from :` the locornotive was invented by 0 enjoy- PAINTS -Rena 25c, Reeves 50c the nearest automobile and one h,n- vigour in life. You hate real c y -fleorge Stephenson; and nd�r the ffient--:-kolf or paddling all day long -RUBBERS-Art glini soap, swanedown and ink. which dreg from a street car. 1: n P without tiring: ' You eat"heartily and EXERCISE BOOKS-5c, 10c and Me, the favorite re� covers.` -displaced the stage coach -which lordly trees of Tempgami, black bass w sleep like A log. INKS -Waterman's 15c, India 15c, glue Bird. and niaskinonge lie in -had been iu use for centuries. It , lake trout Select your own type of accommodat- wait for the fisherman in the innum . -9CRIBBLERS-5 cents and 10 cents. ion, for here' have them all from was a great invention and was the erable . lakes. The quaint Indian Loose Leaf Note Book@. 920c and 25c. rustic cottage to'the most pretentious the-ma seen- Re-fill, cross and plain, 10c. wonder of the age. It was small' settlements, f hotels. Canadian National Rgil- other attractions 0 Blank Drawing and Writifilt Books, 5c.' but could attain as speed of nearly cry and the man,, Is comfortable trains connect at simply can not be appreciated until IaY A fuH line of Readers, Arithin6ti�s, Spellers, thirty miles . an hour.* ' As *time you see them. Ask your' Canadian tsville­wifh-the -_ steamer for W Hun Geographies, Histories etc. ' assed on they increased ill size National agent for literature on s ints on the L any Canadian ak6s. National .,'Agen 't'RICHARDSON'S FORA BANNER SCHOOL YEAR . until they reached the dimensions Temagami for information and literature on this -of the giant mogul engines capable SALE REGISTER. attractive country. ;,-,.of hauling one hundred freight Augu_t 31si'Dispersion g'he-r -care, and which. .have been in use of herd of choipe, Dairy -cattle" sale -Mod. and brood sows and litters, at -Lots H R G ad Ia'u' P1Gerin g * Hardware Store SAturday, d -ing the past few years. at 17 and 18, Con, 1, Searboro, (one era locomotives, besides, beitig mile south of Malvern on, Markham Grain Merchant marvels of power, can attain' a Rd. the property of Stewart Baird, .!speed of over sixty miles an hour. The cows.are an excepPnally good o Toronto We have Arsenate of Lead. .Paris Green, Arsenate of Lime, Climax But it looks as if they Y611 soon be lot, nearly all b•ol apil raised by Is in the niarket to purehase Hay, Bug Killer and Bordeaux Mixture for th'e potato crop. Mr. Baird, and then- butter-fat tpst ..;,things of the past. A problem will be time �f safe. Strqw, Grain and Potatoes. Dr. Williams' Fly Oil for Cattle.-spray to keep theffies announced at ;Chat has•beed laciug the railways Twelve months credit will be given off your itock. , Fur quotktions apply . ..during the past few yeirs is that on the cattle ' on aptProved -notes, • ..'Hof. reducing .the cost of tnotive bearing 6 per cent interest. 1--;. Screen Doors,• Screen-• Windows . an - d Wire Cloth to keep out the flies. Swine, cash. ' Sale -,At ' 1 p. in. R. R. No. 1, power which has been increasing Beatty Electric Washers and 1900 Gravity Washers.' (staniard tirr Prentice and Phone Pickering '1"12 "a - auctioneers. A,free, trial any time. jors,)iae time owing to the i - Prentice, sale, 15tf Referen e Rank of Montreal Vreasing cost of coal. The engin• SATURDAY. SEPT. -Elaying and Harvesting Tools of all kinds *era of the Canadian -National -7--- -.4R*il way r, have been experimenting along this line fur several years -Agent-for the McCormick•De'ering Farm ,and they are very optimistic a.% to MAcbi.nery and Repairs. .7. 'the result of their labors, aq they lbelieve that they have solved this , ,'I - . -. ' - I - Our Motto :We havii it, can get it, or it is not made., great problem. The fruits of their, .1 een on Monday even• labors were r J. S. BALSDON PICKORM iing ..-.A hien a section of the Inter- ,national Limited passed through rawn by an oil. real to Toronto, d TV Pickering on its way from Mont- _E E R E -W r eleettic locomotive of giant pro. .:iportiuns_. being over Q4 fee-t- in �-,With a tull line ot Pickling Spices dleopth and weighing 310 tons when Lapps' Cider Vinegar. .10 cents a gallon ifully equipped, and is geared to XXX White Wine Vinegar, 45 W - make 70 miles and over per hour Heinz Pickling Vinegar, 1t can carry enough of oil fuel to make a trans continental- trip, Fruit Jam all sizes Rubbers and Metal Wait@ ,rich there w- b§_no delays to re -Black Diamond Plow - will ow Points 4nel. As ti cam power is dispeneed Come In--See and He4XL Brantford Binder rvtioe *ith,expenslve water. tanks will be monecessary, which will be a great New Kolster 'Fresh Groceries at lowest pricey. Bigheit prices pald•for saving lulex rjeuse, It is claimed farra produce.' top 11-Ekdyk Radio �that- the new locomotive can -harged.. much shorter and can regain itA A - : Batteries Re-c mailmnai speed much morequick. . 1, ne new Kolster All - Electric establishes a new Phune your order. We deliver. ly than-the present steam locoujo. long trips there %will tive. Tbug in lung in radio value. You realize Its superiority. Phone Markham 0402 be a great saving in time. Blit of pert mmiance and appearance immediately, leoer,,l ',the great advantage % ill be in the C4=e in and bear the Kolater. Prove its vsko K -Duncan, Green River Wm. -rrhan, er matter of uuitIa, It i-- ciqiijaed that for yourselL M the operating cost -.rill be only ne third oi- one fourth. of chRt of 11.11FAM C. MURKAR the steam engine, this sAvidg be PICKERING ONTARIO ing c1liefly'due to the lower co.,t of The oil t7har it uses come Us W ed ace from the Albertfi. bead•4. I.f the new motive 'powei- proves tobe. C The success th it is auticipateJ it You wilt tee a ten't1er in the ca-p of the - Catiadian itiventor. We tinder PtAnd that this new! locomotive will be on exhibition at the Tot on that you-seek in Raclin to Fair, atld'wilLno doubt attract many might beers.. i WHLTEVALE. 'The' . Women's institute of White-- wale ,Unite(r Church will meet 071' Thursday, Septembeir 5t parl. il at at the home of Mrs. Rackham, "Seek' is the word for roll call. This rneet- Ang will take the form of a rniscellan- -At trivW expense Gyproc-wW convert space hewer for the bazaar to be held itr_avel, the t�inp'* �_C)ishtvau *011s a about the middle of November, in the now wasted into, one or more extra rooms. Unted E-j-p 4ky Scho9l. toom. . EveZy iss -member come an, I spend -i wonhwhi.le. afternoon. xh - SP E ibitiorf. e n-s' 'The marry friends of Mrs Lucia Ward, wift, of Thos. SVard, o,' Re,_,*:"G!; August 24th to Setptemberl.th.r i •11eirned *ith'dieep regret of 'ner.dern- js-,� at that place on );he. 18th inst.', *.'ettr an illness of several - month.. - Return Fare $1.60- Fire boo _._Deceased was a daughter. of.the late Henry Major, and was born at the Iricludes txhihition Admission Ticket and, For Sale.By .4)1(1 homesteaj here. She is sur- froul terrainal N. M. Gordon Pickering; Ont. 7 �6ach tiahsfer t6' dn(I -vived by her husband, anti one son Ru��;ell Taber, of Condie, Sask. Two ft;side the Exhibition Oroiindg. .1rothers, A. E. Major, and H. H. Maj- or, of this place 4ml sister Nlrs. Elin- I�Pturn"ti6kel.g good until Septeinber 9th. ..:Sley, of Oshawa. Interment was andard Time) -rnade in the family plot in. the,,cQmet-� j,eave Pickering (Eastern St BRADLEY S: BRADLEYPS t :.,ery here on Friday, and a - great 6•25 a. in. and 6.55 A. ni, d-tily except Sunday inumbei of the old friends were in at t ' :�tendarce to pay their lAst tribute of .5-7) a.-m. stud ev'ery hoo r a t 5 -m inntes -to the hour Children's yWin English broadcloth pauty dresses, nice rangeofcolors ) p. ter. :Tesoecl.. The' sympathy of the 'com ilutil 9.5- ageg 2,-4 and 6 years, at•1.30. 7-munW, is extended to the bereaved 10.25 p. in. Stiudays only. re broadcloth and figured cotton panty dresses, zhildren,s fign cl. -relatives. ages xip to 6 years, special 1.19. Return coaches leave direct from Exhibition Children's black sateen, red trimni-ed- play -iinitLa, embroidered figuresp• regular -coache' s'�, 3 and 4, special 100, MUSKOKA -Ground% to--conneet with r a- age. - in red, tfie exMlent Khaki coveralls and.6veealls,.trimmed to Pickering at Bay and Dundas. wewr%ng kitrd, R-t 1.25, You enjoy every mornent of a'Nluq� ou Women's and Children's summer underwear in cotton and silk. ...koka. holiday, be it week -end ;or mo-n c 'Du Women's and. Children's hosiery, splendid . - sh . ade& tb, Such an enticing array of pleas- Regu) ar coa 'I-fes -leave Bay at -ndas 7 MEN'S WEAR gyres that bring the joy of living to all golf on. six fine,courses, tennis every- eVery hour on the half-hour niatil :Men's light work boots, panto soles of the splendid wearing 10�80-p. m., Standard Time. lAwnbowling, hikes through quality, 9 ecially priced $2.85. avenues of fragrant pines, canoe, or Goods- Tennis wear, balls and bats. canoe or steamer trips among the Sporting Goods We still use the same-high grade leather and give you the same good clustered islands of this Lakeland p r service in our Shoe Repairing Department, a,lise, sailing, motorboating and ba%t- ing, then dancing in the cool of the ev- Gt oach 'Lines KOL-S E Gr 1 rye VPJ POb board By ening under ideal corwlitions. B E ing Canadian National Railways you, CEC I L' B RA D L E • reach your chosen spot in this realm of pleasu re, whether cosy cottage or 20 X 0 K 3M 1% X N' Q- 7 A �r CLARK11101014111 - The Women's, Institute open . t a Clifford and Mrs. Plikey and son, W., G. Scott, who is about to Mrs. ChIdlow was in very delightftl and profitable of Grant, of Toronto, returcked to*tbe retire from.farming, will hold an , the. city ter000u with their guests (a on Tuesday, after' spending a auction sale of his farm stock and -obe day last week. t the city fftad Filkey is erecting a now home of Mrs. Boy Morgan) the tewydaye with their relatives in implements on Saturday, Sept. members of -the Pickering -Branch, Claremont. -7th. At the same time there will earage on his property. whogaves worthwhile &II Cana• !mm, be. oRered for sale two .parcels of Richard How had it business di an rogram, • The president, to the estate :trip to the city on Monday. Powell, was ideal to that Blac'k smit land bel6agin of the Charles Cooper had a business Mrs. hing I late Thos. E. Egli. See bills for trip to the -city on Tueqday. capacity. The readings given by -f all Particulars. Miss Clark, "The Need" and•1 have Miss Jane Ward visited thii to live with myself," by Edgar Horse shoefi2g'a Specialty. -Canadian National Exhibition On Guest, and those b prise Pilkey,. AII,General Work, includin'g Wood Monday. y ­:ioo Theatre I David Hopper, of West Toronto, "The Cattle Thief," and "Casa- -Work,. promptly- -.Auditorium Spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. d1an- Born," by Patiline Johnson. attended to. stouffv&, Onto Piano solo. Miss Wiman. Piano Also, .4. Read man. Agent for Taco Farm - duets Mrs. W. Murkar- and Miss Mna. E. Fingold, of New York, Bly• Paper, prepared by Miss Machinery. Friday Saturday, 30 and 31 spent Monday with her n p e", Richardson. read by Mrs. Cronk, -L. Fingold and family, "Canadian Poets." some of which Two Features Jame,3 and Mrs. Hortop, of Port were Cbaq. Roberts, Archibald GREENWOOD 491y L "PREP AND PEP" •Perry, spent Sunday with Thomas Lampman.Bliss Carman, Pauline and Mrs. Paterson. Johnson. Robert Serviee, Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Slack and two child- Druninjund, Marjorie Pickthall, ATTENTION • .-ren have been visiting friends in Mrs. John Garvin, Wilson. Mc "ROUGH. RIDING ROMANCE" ,".the-city for a week. Donald. After tnis most splendid, I have taken over the Agency (Tom Mix)' E. E. and Mrs. -Kilpatrick, of program we were again glad that for': B , rampton, spent Sunday with.'B, we were part of the greatest Renfrew Cream Separa'iors, Scales I Tuesday, Wednesday, 9ept. 3 4 F. and Mrs. Kilpatrick. women's organiz%tiba in the world Stoves. Fleury's Famous —The Heart of a Nation" - James Briscoe completed the today All then moved to the Plows. Points, painting of the Interior of the vergndiths and lawn and asocial Scuffiers and Wheelbarrows. Comedies Baptist Church last week. time was spent and refreehmen:to Phone 505 Pick. Mrs. Tho6. Gibbons is• spending* were served to about,75. a week in Oshawa with her dau M023W. Friday, Saturday, 0 and 7 - ghter.. Mrs.- Sam Stephenson. AGENT .(48) BROUGHAM A Fox Special Wilfred and Mrs. Sadler. of VARIETY IN THE KA•WARTHA `Kiosalej were the guests of D.'B. DISTRICT and Mrs. Taylor on Stindav, Mr. and Mrs. Combs, of Toros Whether you seek 'companionAble * -to, spent $naday with the Intter's ople in comfortable hotels, or a see 4 1,ded cottage in the back woods, brother, David and Mrs. Taylor. you will find both amongst the Kew- . J• R. and Mrs. Tbexton, M m. Our ���­ L4d A. artha Lakes. From well - appointed J. Chandler and Mrs.' Smith, of resorts there offers tennis, dancing OF Toronto, spent Sunday with J. H. lawn-bowling, bathing and the jolliest and Mrs. Beal sort of a crowd to the fishing waters -MoCormick - Deering Tractors have Miss Evelyn 81liott,of BtookliD, of the hinterland; there are surround- returned -home on Saturday, after ings to suit every taste. - No matter arrived direct from Chicago'. Zending some holidays with Mips vhat your choice may be, fish , and rion Kilpatrick •ere. plenty of them, are not far away. Mrs. Heusted, of Vassai, Mich, The nearest Canadian Natio nal Rail- Come and look them over. .,.sceompanied by her son and daii ways azent can give you complete -in- 1-3 speodiog a week with formation and literature on this eas- ily cessibl playground. ­ ­ her Dareats, J. H. and Mrs. Beal. W e We also have a number of John Mundell, who has givan up work. horses -,,farmiog, has purchased the Me to, sell at a right price. 'Glaahan milk route, and comment- ed his new duties on Monday last - Leonard Pilkey and Edgar 7 One 8-16 Tractor Shirk left on Saturday to enjoy a erVice idtation 1 -much needed holiday In Muskoka. Fhone• 78W One 10--W Titan Tractor We hope they may return with it One perfectly new Massey Cultivator the blush ofhea hontheircheek8 A. T. Law & Son Richard and Mrs.Williartig.of One perfectly new land packer .,Battle Creek, Mich.. accompanied Pickering, — Ontario A number of.G&6oline Engines by their two daughter@ and their -basbancip, also their grand-son, Imperial Gas and Oils. One Star Sedan -spent Friday with James Evans One Ford Sedan land daughters. Tires and Accesories Rev, A. McLellan has returned Two Ford Coupes 'home, after spending his holidays 'TAXI SERVICE A number of Trucks • at his old home,•. Dresden. and To and from all places at other western points. He will reasonable 'Prices. oeoupy his own pulpit in the Confectibnery sod Tobacco@.-­ Binder'Twine 13.80 per hundred Church on Sunday next. Our public and continuation Garage space may be rented See our stock of Radios before you bay, schools will re open on Tuesday next for the fall term. It Is hoped that there will be a good attend. :BACK TO CLAREMONT 77 Are'only too glad to do`mon�strate them., once from the first so that the Dear Friend: work will not be hindered by the dilatory pupils. Here I-am back In Claremont at my Charles C06per., -:Clarenidnt old stand, ready -to jerve you with a Mrs. Fred Cowie, who., recently well assorted stock of goods at prices returned horne from a Toronto that you will Bad attractive. 'hospital. where she noderwent a It is my hope that the friendabips very ,4er►ons operation, Is making established during my. previous four- progress toward -recovery, al• teen years among you may- berenewed. SPECIAL PR IC though not so rapidly as her You may be sure that I 6ba,11 do ■ 'friends would tike to see her. everything -possible to make my re. truadvantagebus to o inabusi. Woodburn and Mrs. Jarvis, of I I o. ness way. HARNESS Nelson and Mri. Sanderson, Mrs. FOR TEAM Since resuming ownership of this routo, spent Sunday with their St,ri I hire Out in stock a large ss- parents, Albert and Mrs. Mantle. sartment of new merchandise, bought .-Brnss•movinted Team Backband Harness,. -On their return they were i%ecorki• at right prit-es ; EL, d I am prepared 2 inch layer trace with heel chains, 842.00 .%­-panied by. Mrs. Mantle, who will sell it to FOU AT EtIGHT*PRICES, as YOU 'With"5- Hug breeching. ins' spend a few days in the city with -1.11 readily see when you come in, as instead of track- spend . op'por- $40,00' them. I hope you will do at the rer, band _Wm. and d Mrs. Walker, of Union tunity. ­Rlac . k mounted Team Backbao(t Harries '888,50. It is going to be a pleasure to see so. ville, Miss Lillie Varizant, of To U. Come in and let us renew our rou to, Miss Lydia 'Walker and rroiendshlp. Hiring Breeching 1144.25- Miss Emma Reed. of Uxbridge, Yours slo'cerely, mad4 in our Mrs. fake, of Capuou,' Alberta,- ,This is not a factory harness, but ciistom Mrs. Nunn Find son, Stanley, L. FINGOLD own sh6p at Markham. P of Oyen, Alberta; spent -Sunday Claremont, May 20. 1929. .'- We specialize - on repa I ir% to . harness and collars. with Misses Hattie and Rae Walker. Story Remember the Claremo'ntl cultural Society's Fall Show to be Ot S. .0 F a -T D D's lorti. held in the Masonic Hall on Sat' Harnesi and Collar Manufacturer• -urday, Aug. 31st, from 2 to 9 p. m. Claremont Afternoon tea will be served. Ad ember IL me'Phore 3400 mission 10.cents., . Every m 0 -%TrZ. Ho -is urged to exhibit. 'Everybody -'come -As 'asplendid diepla of flowers will be.•maide. A full line- of Mr. Dickinson, teacher in the When Your -.Money have left- for their home in Buffalo„ Loudon public Pchools, who has 'been- Travels by Mail spending the summer at his SEND remittaoce's", by Catiat),I.An, Bank of EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE cottage in Muskokif, spent tb" Commer'Ce Moniy Orders. They are conveni- ' 4 • we'ek-en'd with I his brother, Win. ent,,effieient, and economical. The. rucaney !a fully pried It pays to insure in strong - Anmurks Dickenson, and also made a hur• • tied call on a few aid, friends: . 'He insured against loss or theft -in transit. It can P aDtoe and Accident Company of Ca*. _Wait on his wAy. back to London to ada The Western Assurance Company banadiaa Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as ,be ready for the re-opening of the surance Company of 404nj6da. Fm p,ers quotations apply to -schools on Tuesday next. C%na 'd a. f 7 Mrs. Thomas Oliver and 94� —Ready—trimmed 5.cents.-to'- NOTICE and-Ahe latter's daughter, of ronto, motored to Claremont on 1.25 per royll, -also . 'Sunday' and • spent the day witW riendq-. On their return t&r Sher Win.William s to give service in Brougham 83 well were accompanied by Masters 191, and Tim Oliver, who had -been ' -Slid spending their ..holidays with friends here. Joe -Ward also ac- '."Varnishes •night service. companied them and- will spend a Phone Clare, 5105; Pickering aft Jew days in the city with them. Call slid see tbam Goods 251y. A. I" PILKEY. Rev. John Ward, w4o conducts Mission n riiong the Indians In and you will be delighted Manitoulin If-land as-well as teach with them -ing them during the week dpiyq, Recomparied by his mother, Mrs George Ward, and the latter 'ssts. Do As -S OO T T ter, Miss McGrevor, also MisA Bea sie Ward, teacher in Uxbridge, -and Thomas Ward, of Uxbridgi, . Phone 1401 -visited, with Luther' and Nlrq. , PtIkey and -also called on other! 0 -3 CLAREMUNT �-.-Ariends on an sy. "BAR WE speak of artistic' designs that are dignified. not artistic designs that would be inappropriate for the purpose to view. The one illustrated is aim. ple, yet ham artistry.- - "No Greater Tribute' r r r t t t Id artistic' artistic I C r tic be the The aim. 'ry.-- �bute STAFFORD, Xia too Road, Whitby )y Phone Whitby IV 9 llSllCl Maple Leaf Mutual -pi—ft- 06ap rates for farm and oountry buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings. wind•mWe. Milos etc. Automobile Insurance 7, ol all kinds. :7 FARMS FOR SALE Write or phone ED,BOWMAN 20 WHITBY, ONT, Parmerai. Attention I haveF seeured'tbe agency for the Frost & Wood and Cuckshutt Farm lmple- .Meats. and will keep constantly on hand repairs for these popular implements. Alsb, Loudon'a barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for painting b&ron and houses by new process, by spraying. -Estimates cheerfully given. Phone IM. 27 -52 R. J.-Maim, - Claremont Green -River Basket Factory I- MAnufacturers of All kinds of Frnit• Basket?, Berry •Crates, Farmers, BU8h.01 Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pe'n"nockll. Proprietor ,-.-.,Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BTATT :; STANDS FOR THE BEST Litter Carriers, Hay; Carriers Punip,;,- Door Trwkp. Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc. a will pay F(lu to get m0pricesoli above before buying elsewhere. FRANK J1 PROUSE ?l r'*; F R I XG: 0N.-I A RIO by i % When Your -.Money have left- for their home in Buffalo„ Travels by Mail her mother, Mrs. Harry Thomeop.. SEND remittaoce's", by Catiat),I.An, Bank of EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE Commer'Ce Moniy Orders. They are conveni- ' 4 If you require mythink in'tliz of insurance let us give you our ent,,effieient, and economical. The. rucaney !a fully pried It pays to insure in strong - Anmurks insured against loss or theft -in transit. It can aDtoe and Accident Company of Ca*. �reach only the person to whom it is addressed. ada The Western Assurance Company banadiaa Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as surance Company of 404nj6da. Fm good as cash and arell accepted anywhere in quotations apply to C%na 'd a. f 7 Phone Pickering 1712. THE CANADIAN BANK NOTICE = - - OF COMMERCE � . garage, Brougham, we are now ready, .� to give service in Brougham 83 well if-h -hich a THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA) JL_ "BAR WE speak of artistic' designs that are dignified. not artistic designs that would be inappropriate for the purpose to view. The one illustrated is aim. ple, yet ham artistry.- - "No Greater Tribute' r r r t t t Id artistic' artistic I C r tic be the The aim. 'ry.-- �bute STAFFORD, Xia too Road, Whitby )y Phone Whitby IV 9 llSllCl Maple Leaf Mutual -pi—ft- 06ap rates for farm and oountry buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings. wind•mWe. Milos etc. Automobile Insurance 7, ol all kinds. :7 FARMS FOR SALE Write or phone ED,BOWMAN 20 WHITBY, ONT, Parmerai. Attention I haveF seeured'tbe agency for the Frost & Wood and Cuckshutt Farm lmple- .Meats. and will keep constantly on hand repairs for these popular implements. Alsb, Loudon'a barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for painting b&ron and houses by new process, by spraying. -Estimates cheerfully given. Phone IM. 27 -52 R. J.-Maim, - Claremont Green -River Basket Factory I- MAnufacturers of All kinds of Frnit• Basket?, Berry •Crates, Farmers, BU8h.01 Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pe'n"nockll. Proprietor ,-.-.,Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BTATT :; STANDS FOR THE BEST Litter Carriers, Hay; Carriers Punip,;,- Door Trwkp. Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc. a will pay F(lu to get m0pricesoli above before buying elsewhere. FRANK J1 PROUSE ?l r'*; F R I XG: 0N.-I A RIO by i % Mrs.' L. T. Dixon and faaflly- have left- for their home in Buffalo„ after spending their holidays with her mother, Mrs. Harry Thomeop.. - EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE ' 4 If you require mythink in'tliz of insurance let us give you our pried It pays to insure in strong - Anmurks companies such as the Imperial Guar. aDtoe and Accident Company of Ca*. ada The Western Assurance Company of Canada„ and The Mutual surance Company of 404nj6da. Fm quotations apply to A. M. GIBBON f 7 Phone Pickering 1712. NOTICE Having taken over Robt. Feaswx garage, Brougham, we are now ready, to give service in Brougham 83 well as in Claremont. Service ear always ready, day ag •night service. Phone Clare, 5105; Pickering aft Gasolizie, Oil, Seiberling Tires.' 251y. A. I" PILKEY. "BAR WE speak of artistic' designs that are dignified. not artistic designs that would be inappropriate for the purpose to view. The one illustrated is aim. ple, yet ham artistry.- - "No Greater Tribute' r r r t t t Id artistic' artistic I C r tic be the The aim. 'ry.-- �bute STAFFORD, Xia too Road, Whitby )y Phone Whitby IV 9 llSllCl Maple Leaf Mutual -pi—ft- 06ap rates for farm and oountry buildings. Windstorm Insurance on buildings. wind•mWe. Milos etc. Automobile Insurance 7, ol all kinds. :7 FARMS FOR SALE Write or phone ED,BOWMAN 20 WHITBY, ONT, Parmerai. Attention I haveF seeured'tbe agency for the Frost & Wood and Cuckshutt Farm lmple- .Meats. and will keep constantly on hand repairs for these popular implements. Alsb, Loudon'a barn and stable fittings. I will also take contracts for painting b&ron and houses by new process, by spraying. -Estimates cheerfully given. Phone IM. 27 -52 R. J.-Maim, - Claremont Green -River Basket Factory I- MAnufacturers of All kinds of Frnit• Basket?, Berry •Crates, Farmers, BU8h.01 Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Frank Pe'n"nockll. Proprietor ,-.-.,Maker of the well known Barnes' Baskets. Phone Markham 6409 BTATT :; STANDS FOR THE BEST Litter Carriers, Hay; Carriers Punip,;,- Door Trwkp. Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc. a will pay F(lu to get m0pricesoli above before buying elsewhere. FRANK J1 PROUSE ?l r'*; F R I XG: 0N.-I A RIO by i % r- , ` f word was the master word of life, and SALADA quaUty never changes wA the wi:d thatsotbed unhaPPq se- The-Graf Zeppelin • crets as it swept his cabin roof. while cheap brands eonstalntly r and the Future XXI vary with itaarle'st prices Thus began a week of trial for N'zd. Two -day dirigible service behveen: For the first time in his life he ;was .the. United bta.es and Germany is pre. — thrown wholl feted by Uermaby's representative of - — y eon his own resources d —`� standing or falling by his owu worth. the Ministry of Transportation, as' a Should he fall _inselisiuh: in,the snow o result Zeppelin's success - s f the Graf L t there were none to seek him anJ bring ful '5,60d-mile flight from Friedrich- Save the Price 07 Your him into shelter. 1'f he shout, .go a shafei5 to Lakehurst, New Jersey, In m _ .Fare to Toronto stray and. inisi the cabins- there was less than Your days. This 'was the ' no on to set him :. on ` the right path great airship's second voyage to these Pernent Waving again He was mee ting t h e wilder- shores s and ' th a re t urn trip last year By Experts $5•5O. d8>I ness alone, and facti to fates. cues made in less than seventy hours. He crossed the divide to the Forks A larger diriglble, ,we are told, not only ,W .,• cabin, followed a springs to Thirty d',edrry,x greater number of Das alleto h ve'onesl our fain doer. visit c !lowed th Cotil a of r to us P Mile cabin, descended to the -.ea, and sengers and more mail and express, manent Waves at the - Reduced Rate �Feesh from the gardens' "along the shore to ,he home cabin, but it could make the westward of With or without appointment. just :3s he- had been told to do. He crossing in less than sixty hours. Al - r 1� put ,ut his teas as he went in what. ready, says a writer in the Baltimore Specialists In the, Shur Wave Method � -p of Permanent Waving. (For ladies , seemed to him the most likely places, Sun, plans have been made for the who care.) It 14 ir T- using every wile ' Doomsaori had construction , of two American pas• r 1� L - *.aught him • to increase his chances senger dirigibles, each twice the size ROBERTSON'S s for a trtch. In spite of the fact, that of the Graf • Zeppelin; and in Great • 288 YONGE STREET, TORONTO.. 1 �I v� 4 - ' he went alone. the second day Wa8 Britain the giant British airship R•100 Write for Booklet "W2" on the cars V ever so much easirr .than the first; Is nearing completion.. But the Graf of a Shur, Wave Permanent Wave. LtlISCtN tM t�N�1t -L and tie came into the home cabin only Zeppelin, we are reminded by the St. oainfuliy tired, but not absolutely Joseph News= Press, "is the first rep exhausted on the fifth resentattve of that mighty argosy of smoke of b,�the, or even to open a —'� All throe window to get a breath of fresh air through the five days he had air•linera wilt which the human im• f Add to this the pleasure of being ,SALIDA iuusrawsso ay strengthened• himse :i with the agintalon has .for generations been II ht that pitched and rolled over God's heavens R.w, TTeRT.�ec .. a' him as :.. o Lenore awaited him at paihttng the skies." ' and it will not take such horse -sense _ t ug t the journeys •.rid ;• and she had Germany's "mere > BEGIN -HERE TU -DAY timbei r;elt, over the ridge to the boatman of the out that while such ocean travel may seemed so level to h Y Fors cagin. Dcoms:irvl entered, y air felt Friedrlchshaten at 9. 9 p.m., ; be good enough for baboons, gorillas Ned Cornet, his fiancee, Lenore, when, returning in the gray twilight, + Eaatein Standard Time, Wednesday. then ir, the half -light stool regard- he saw her rtandin pigeons,- canaries,, and grand .pianos. • : 4: and Bess, a seamstress, are sue- ir_l, the younger :•non wliv had fo'.- g framed in the, July 31. She carried, besides twenty it is far from attractive for individ- vivors of a shipwreck, They take g lighted doorwap of the horse cabin. ' lowed' blm in. _ passengers, a stowaway, and a crew uals going aboard for ur es other r refuge on an island inhabited by a Doubtless it was his own ea erness g. P P Ned tried to stand ere-:t. He must 1 that made her seem so slow in com- °f forty, ;11,387 letters and 31,499 post- than publicity." :man named Dcomsdorf and his In- not yield to the almost irreaistibie cards• some blyda and animals, and In the final analysis, avers the Nor- not wife. The master of the island , -ti :g into his' arms; and his own. great te'.ls Ne and the girls that they impG'se to throw hinisel. down on fire that caused her to seem to lack miscellaneous trieght items, including folk Cirginian -Pijo. "it can not he �j _ the,floor.and rest. i-ia - dared not warmth. Ile �ia,. been boyishly an- a Diann. A similar trip, attempted said that the Graf Zeppelin's flight =must be his slaves. risk Doomsdorf's anger; how did he last May, failed through defective en, from Friedrichshafen to the United � fief ator � - Lenore is too weak to do any work p y, foolis;:iy - exultant, Yet it know what instruments of torture etas all sweet" enough. The girl flut- sine shaftings,- recalls the New York States advances the development of sc the burden falls entirely on the the latter's satanic Ingenuity might tered a single instant in his arias, Times, The voyage which began. on !lighter- than -air. craft beyond th'e ex- -' &i ruldeis of Bess and Ned. r g ueriniental eta contrive in this lonely cabin. Nor and he felt repaid for ever July 31, we are toid,: "was a shake- ge. For example: The prisoners build a cabin and P everything, „ was his mood to be trusted tonight. " down for the new equipment and a Airship disasters, such as the " hoomsdort gives thei an old stove. Let me go,' she whispered tense - His gray eyes shone with suppressed I when his arms tried to hold hen training trip for the' crew 1n prepara- Roma. the Shenandoah, the R -38 In As soon as the cabin is completed y' g P England. : excitement; and likely enough � he "Don't let Doomsdorf see. He might pion for the dirigible's trip around the the tos of the Dixmude, and - Ned and Bess are informed that they g England, the loss et the Dixmude, and would . be glad of an excuse for some kill you world•" At 10 p.m., August 2, the n are to learn to be trappers. .Lenore diversion to pass the hopes pleasant- But it came about that she didn't- Graf Zeppelin passed over Gibraltar, Graf Zeppelin on an Ittempt to fly to N allowed to remain with the squaw I It was very lonely and strange and at 7.05 America .earlier this and help her with the housework. y' Y y 8e finish the wa�nitg� - Presently- she 'and p.m. the following day she year, all attest - Bess and Ned are given separate rout- out here, in the o n itr the full sweep was nlnety miles south of Plco, the the degree to which the dirigible is de- Pe Pelt his arms. turn to steel She felt I i � of the wind over the barren lands. herself thrust back until her eyes 'Azores. At 9 p.m.; Saturday; August .pendent upon favorable weather for ea The squaw starts Bess on her 3, her its success. The resent voyage, way and Doomsdorf instructs Ned. But Ned wasn't aware of Donnie- looked straight into his. Position was given as 1,035 P parrs, dor['s plans. The great blond man She had never seen. -tied in this miles southeast of the Navy's hangar which was made under most favorable- SNOW GO. ON WiTH THE STORY. stretched his arms, yawning, buttoned m,� before. - Indeed, she couldn't at Lakeburst, which she reached at. weather canditicns, and which seems his coat tighter about him, and turn- ever remember experiencing the , 6.99 the following evening, exactly 'to have been uneventful, does not ap- ed to go. "I'll s,e you in- .about five sensation that swept her now: ,e. 'ninety -three hours out, She came, itlpear to have done more than call at-' The dam itself didn't appe.ir to be days," he remarked laconically. cretly appalled at him, burnt with is estimated, 5,331 land miles. Mention' to the deairability of further is natural formation of rock. It Ned wakened abruptly from his re- + lexpe•riments with this form of air - looked more like driftwood, but it was very. You mean Pon aren't in his fire, wavering beneath his will. i As a result of the Graf Zeppelins craft." Y g - that. Hie face when she tried to meet jvival of -visii we are The airplane-dirigible rsh u ontro- I a Y• Y going She didn't know he had arms like Inconceivable that more drift could to show me an thin mono "' be piled in this ordered way, "I've shown you how to set your it, hardly seemed his own, The flesh' y ip enthusiats are ,Minard's Liniment for ■chtn0 joints "It must be a beaver dam," he said. traps, for every kind of an animal," was like gray iron, the eyes cold as loud in their praise of the potentialit- :.�¢ - ` "Yoa're right for once," Doomsdord Doomsdorf said. "You Ought to be Britain and p{ • g• fl: stones. - - ies and capabilities of the dirigible, 'we af,re�• able to do the rest. • By the time you "What has Doomsdorf to- do with while the su London Daily Ch•ronlele (Lib.). We s "A big eaver weighs about 50 come around, we'll likely have freez- ?" porters of the airplane have some reason to believe -that _ 8 g Y t. he ,demanded, "Has he any insist that the airship is cumbersome, pounds —and he's about the handiest ing weather —that means you'll have claim on you?" uneconomical, and neral im racfi- y gtven'the right man in. Calro to carry - boy to trap purpose of these dams skin them. t your animals before you oEYi' sours s__t t," s me as wed -.to cable. from hfi The oudunpre udiced (ones are I sot for British policy, the apptian s tale- " I what the uc " ripe for a real Anglo-Egyptian settle As far as I *can make out simply to "Here and here and here"—he could be expected. But you know— the Washington post, "ot the round- I °lent, That settlement Is long over- keep the water at one level. You paused-, to put in Ned's hands a he makes claims on us all," the -world flight is varied -out success. + due. In. any rase•- it can only be. r _ _ know these little streams rise and clasp hunting knife, razor sharp, a The fact could not -be deriied. Ned lfully. Dr. Fekener and his Graf Zep• ratified by an Egyptian Par'iament fall like the tides. They've learned. !shall pocket hone to whet his tools, turned from, her, nestling to the fire 1pelin will have convinced, many that I Properly constituted and fully re. An a few hundred thousand years of and a light axe that had been hang- for warmth. � the dirigible is not the ungainly thing . sp( risible to' the Egyptian - people. their development, that it doesn't pay I. g back of the stove — "are some -Ti, happines he had expected In it is so frequently painted." T,1 O _ 'to build a nice house- and then have i things you'll need. The time will this long- awaited night had failed to�- quote the 'Philadelphia, Evening pirb- ! A Scottish clergyman had a pariah the creek come up and wash it away come when- you'll need snowshoes, materialize. He ate his great meai, lice Ledger. Itoner who was a r8bid goltttetaa wlf8 ' and drown them out." too. There's a pair on the rafters. sat awhile in sporadic conversati6n 1 distinct democratic leanings. One I P "There is solid siirtitficance to this parson called, ace was Doomsdorf explained that a trap Now I'm going to tramp back to the with the girt in the snug cabin then day when the set on the house itself so Alarmed cabin to spend the night —in more went wearily to his-blankets -� second triumph of German ingenuity, told of a new litter of �Ittens, "And n et k ' the animals that the entire colony eeable company." Often in the little hour after sup- h do and enterprise. o age P + "Those nations a h y n think they'll be interested re - t p T s hie Carr the' 9" Has likely - to desert the dam. Instead l For a moment the two men stood per about the stove, he wakened from Y Politics. ' 'Deed yes; air, They're • the trap was set just below the sue - I regarding each other, in absolute thinking about Bes §. She had- corns world's fr _Ade have. their minds turn. Conservatives." The parson was our s face of the water at a landing —a ;silence'. Then Doomsdorf's keen led to the air as the next field of com• prised, and even more se t ey sere his 'revery to find that he had been _ place where the beaver -went in and ears, eager for such sounds, caught in from her line.•the previous day etition for supremacy in transports- visit, for he was this change, they were out of the water in the course of the whisper of Ned's troubled breath- ' P y Lion and communication. Liberals. •'�'hy this change, John Y' • p - and had gone out..a sin; and he had - .their daily work. ing Presently a leering smile flash- not dreamed that her absence could `Big airsh'.ps are building in Eng- "Dch," Wd '.he old- fellow, with. a - - iloorrlydorf still marched in his hand and America, and others are con• wink. "They've had their eyes open ed- through the blond beard. leave such a gap in their little circle'templated elsewhere. The air -liner since you were here last." easy, swinging gait and ever it was ".You mean —you and Lenore will He had hardly regarded her at all, a harder fight to keg ace. Yet Ned °+ lwiil have many opportunities during P P be alone -- Ned asked. yet he found 'himself missin hec. g ` red not -la behind. His master's "You raw the squaw start out with g lthe,coming years to. prose its possib- $ , q Site was always so high - spirited' en- ' ++ _ '• temper was 'over, uneeetain in these Bess ?" was the triumphant answer. couraging him i,th her own high iilities. long, tired hours of afternoon. "But why. should you care? It was heart. A large number of newspapers. on ) the other hand, are convinced that i Tired out, weakeried, Pching in Lenore's own wish to stay. She'd But his blankets gave- him slum! j h e dirigible is till in the esperimen- every muscle and not far from the take me and comfort any time, Aggrier her, and he rose in the early hours, tai stage; I .absomte, -limit of exhaustion Nevi than ,endure the cold, with you. Of breakfasted, and started out on- his g ,that the dirigibles margin staggered to the cal.in door at last, such stuff, my boy, are women made." of time advantage over the ocean -tin- • :'.ile Lars ut out aH the tea s he ha.i lonely trap line. He ass not a little P. P Ned's face, excited as to the resu.t of this morn- er is r.ot su#Ticientl lifeless and white as a r e great n attract brought from the ii ir.,c cabin; ':hence stone, was no longer loose with ter- in g's :ram Ever passengers. In the opinion of the , •Iris course lay- aloq,c -a -blazed trail for. A desperate fur had brought s, p' s ow he took was New. Haven Register, "the Graf Zep- " pe a itg his, it protect his own body front pelin's usefuleness will..-be seriously - •� that 'skirted the edge of the narrow him 'to' the-verge of madness. the bitter, impending cold. to "That's a four lie!" he shouted reek- restricted until she can develop much ies of Doomsdorf's detaliation.. "She The first few traps had .rot been ;greater speed. "If she is to compeEe i sprung. Outwitting the wild crea- didn't dream 'that yoti would ilo the-,easy I with the passenger - varying liner, she tures was seemingly • not :`Chew and that —" thing he'had anticipated. must function.as regularly and be as k g Far a moment he couldn't locate safe," pints out the New York Times l Doomsdorf struck him off, hurlin ' A. criticism -of -the New York World • him againts the wall; but it was not the beaver 'tra•.' Then 'he saw that : Grow Thin with the idea of inflicting punish the wire, fastened securely to the is that "the Zeppelin type e, airship tent. - bank had become mysteriously taut. ae y costly build, house, and op- is rt Ned could 'not s oak but- Dooms- Y Y a i proportion to the useful load - Yon know that certain foods P , Not daring to hope he began to tug ..,�' x it can carry. Then there is the time dorf looked at him with the fire of a it in.: furnish body energy without which- such a leviathan of the skies e� zealot in his eyes. _ At the end of the - wire he found loses through being compelled by un a addMtli uncomfortable tat. "I don't want anything that's .that his trap, and in the trap was a large favorable weather, to take a longer ` easy," he sail with infinite contempt. g Y, P beaver, drowned and in prime condi- „ Sugar Is one of these foods: doube. Writing of the commercial -' "Sometimes the game is harder. I Lion. - supplying needed energy in take back some brag i inferred a disadvantages" o! the Zeppelin type of MOST people rely on Aspirin (Continued in Our Next Issue) airship, Willian. L. Laurence sa -s in jri concentrated form. moment ago -that all women would y to make short work of their --- the. New York World: - -_ do the seine. The best of them, the- ' ' I Headaches, but did, you know it't! Mi�ard's Liniment for Summer Colds "First, are the enormous diacom- • - WRIGLEY'S tilVes You autaar most . of them, still will go through . � just as effective in the worse pains ` and flavor. hell for an idea; and that's the kind forts of this mode of travel During These if gredtents '' from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu : dISS01Ve In YOnr tlfotttb. whose spirit is forth while to break. these early stages when the newspap- matic Gins, too. Don't suffer whet! - Do you know any one who right now, Canadian Trade ehs., trill give Ze g P _ ppeIin flights front - What pleasanter Way Of likely enough, is' trudging along London - Times Trrde Supplement page publicity willing to pay $2,000 Aspirin can bring such complete iaWh iOPlea through this rellish snow with forty (Ind.) : There would seem to be lit. for the privilege of being coped up comfort without delay, and without `. pounds of traps over her back ?" its to dim the prospect which the Do- like hens for. three days or more, eat- harm; it does not affect the heart. _ minion offers to the capitalist, the ing mostly canned foods unable to In eve package of Aspirin Ott Ned shuddered, hurling off his + every P g P Y 'F doubt, belietiair .yet in the findelity of the exporter, and the settler, and it will find - proven dir.ctions with his star. "I don't know, and I don't 1s Possible to attach too m ich signi• ' M care," he answered fleance to the agitatloh caused by the REED 6 a _ '!That's -what Bess Gilbert i doing, American proposals to impose higher t"•QE and you know it. There young man, duties on Canadian prod ice. The rtelsh the trial with is a woman worthy of my - steel!" . market for foodstuffs is world -wide, WRIOLMS and my "ft He turned and strode out the door and ft obstacles are placed in the way CJ43 Ned was left to his thoughts and the of the sale of her commodities in the + still, small voices of the . watte places, United States the Dominion will and •th r outl t which everyone should be familiar, for they, can spare much needlestl suffering. PIRIN-Y.i N0. 35— 29 alone with the wilder •r•ss night whose .c e e s. V a w • siaWnoaelt sglsOKSi r Oases '.isc., _ : • -: - .as::3+lA •�r.? ^,a..:c- •�'.,��.,� •¢- .!uv,:... -w, e..,•^..+..'CS,.,m..L+G,+.• -- t'. o-..+,...._.S.a.'.;, n'.' - ... cry,... ,.,.�.•... ... - . .t,. -o. ..,a.._. —... «.. :'s^ :..7. __ ... .,, `.wc ^s y 'Y,R:w"�+. � _ ........ ....... _ _. <___...,..... r•,..• , �._._ }r- g,•,,..,,....... r.'..'. _+•_•... ..rzr.<.:,.ic emu- xrc �- p .. r : _ . ". .. e r qN ... .. ,.. O .' .. . , i -. r �.. �,. j PICTURESQ CONTENDERS FOR WORLD'S SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP wl Rum Boats Stage `�, _ - . - Show :' 11 y qy r '•-'Gallery of Spectators on Near= - ' " by Bridge Applauds Act .. _ . . 11 1 - Detroit. —The Detroit river . rum �' A '' smnggling industry tensed a traffic ti Y. - LI !blockade on the West Fort street s ~'` bridge over the River Rouge recent• ,� . s ly. according to reports -from motorists ;who attempted to cross the bridge at l That hour. • In 4 ` Two fast motor boats, deep is the "vim "wafer with 100 bags of whiskey each. ' s swung into the river and brought uC . :.l �.. _ . __'` against the bank. Four autos and a a craw of a dozen men awaited their ' arrival �` - f For ten minutes there was feverish f,} . activity as• the hard-working shore "' {,i crew swung the whiskey out of the I ;k boats and carried it to the automo blles. They paid :no attention to; i s'` the cheers of 200 motorists and pedes -) ��' k tMans who � watched them from the bridge. - - When the work was done the "tong = I ' " :: shoremen" left; the cars whirled, ::1 away, the two boats headed back out , ; s,' fi - into the river, the spectators sighed ! ' and went 'about ' their business and , 2 " f +. !' traffic was resumed. I/, `'�'' L' , ., . 11 • - The federal government's war on 1 F ; . 11 rt:m- runuers, prosecuted by hundreds ` ��I s -• beenagreamtly int nsifled of latealn con "! ` . b _ .. formation with policy o cre sed "/,1 , i kh a c t In a g D J g > �:. _ . . vigilance promulgated from Washing— :' ton. =DIati and Empire.` %' y . _ 1. 4, ,Graf Zeppelin '° M ,; - Crosses Pacific �. w� �- V,x rs Sixty -Seven Hours and Forty - '; N - . --Nine Minutes Taken from _ _ Tokio to San Francisco - . San Franctsco —Tbe Graf Zeppelin .. - ... entered the Golden (late at 6.25 p.m. . - Sixty-seven hours forty -nine minutes ' _. _. elapsed between the departure of the Between 350 and 400 grease- covered swimmers plunged into the waters of Lake Ontario on Wednesday, August 28, In frcnt of the Canadian National airship from Kasamigaur Air Base, I Exhibition Qrounds -at Toronto, In the men'a section of the fourth Wrigley Marathon: The course was approximately 15 miles, and the cash prizes near Tokio, Japan, and her sighting' totalled $35,000. ,tin, 1 In the layout is George Young of Toronto, winner of the first �%rlgley lIarathon, who has beets to constant tralning since last Pf oft the California coast. This Is the summer for this event; No, 2 is Mendell Burditt of Toronto, who made a splendid showing lastr year, when no one finished because of tie ccid vrater; . fastest passage between the two points No. 'L is Ernst 1'lerkotter of Germany In his coat of black grease; No. 4 Eddie Keatlag of New York; No. 5 is Alaurfce Hume of Seattle, WashfnB�n. _ on record — faster than the voyage of . ----,---- - _. _, -- _ — __ _ . . the US. Army airmen la 1923, • . • Newspaper planes speeded out of Ontario's New - Soviets Sound - • Canadian HeadsAdvertising Swells . I the Golden Gate and Sew like insects _ ' ��0�'�a�'�O� Ca g Sale of Fish - . - .. -around the big dirigible. . • Road Hers � - - New Warning to . -- Skirting the Presidlo without return. ' d 1j',. t ing to the Golden Gate, the airship Tra�lc ,Tat�3 Pekin Officials a. —A to long. ardtw a wort Stores Merger j tondo f r u headed southwest for the coast, which . . - _ - - - inn the .part of enterprising trawler ' . -- she apparently intended to follow i...Tboutaa.- Ontario fa forced" to ' t owners. It was recently decided to col- - ' ' . �- southward to Los Angeles. Her vleir Alarming Reports Continue to I American Deal by George K. . ' take new steps to provide accommo- lect a fund to be used in an "eat more to San Francisco Bay and City had I Reach Moscow of Mis- I Morrow Group Hailed . - occupied Ieas than an hour• datlon for the increasing streams of ! fish" advertising. campaign. ' After tourist tt�tvel, as Net! as tha growlag trsatitiont of Russia'1 Largest in Retail only tour months' activity, sales of Dr. Hugo Eckener has stated that m or ira!!ic within the Province. Hon fish !n Great 8rttala sow show an in -. he will .sot attempt s iaading_ before I N3tto11a13 : iI = Field ' euarlae. Such was the article In the' S. Hers ' said !u c pa:Nng n crease of more than 8 per cent . stretch of paved highway here. Moscow— Alarming reports_ con. ij New York, -- George K. Morrow, Since the start of the campaign. . daily papers. A short time ago such -Mr. Henry cut the ribbons which I anus to reach Moscow of preetstent 'chairman of the Gold Dust Corporav sales of deep-sea fish have' increased -" . an event would be heralded with full ,,.permitted travel on the through I mietceatment and additional arrestsItlQn, and new head of the - United by more than 520,000 cat, and,_whlle page streamers and red talc head stretch of 238 miles of pavement be- ' of Russian Nationals In Manchuria Cigar. Stores Company, has become a the trawler - owners have lecelved ' ' . lines. . tween the Ambassador Bridge at and of the raid on frontier villages is merchandising magnate. Acquisition £°28,242 more than they did in the VPindsor and the Peace Bridge at Siberia by Chinese bandits. lot United Cigars gave the group same period last year, the prices of 0 Fort Erie. This pavement 'of No. 31 The .reports also said that new which Mr.'Morrow beads control over many varieties to the consuafer have ' • : Highway has been completed, and Czarf-st Russian detachments were be•' a $200,000,000 organization, which, ' been reduced. . Another Nhlling there are now all -paved highways' ing formed in Manchuria• IvUh its associated companies, manu -( The most encouraging aspect of the • . t The�loviet press again rang a, t _ _ j1,e�.4Ve p From Windsor to the Niagara border. 'i' factures and sells a wide variety of movement 1s that the public !a ac- 0 Lrisc ry D• • I The Government• said Mr, Henry, Is warn ng to the C- binese Government, products, including tobacco, packed 'qulrfng a taste for many varieties of apprising them of the fact that the + _ Ito assume control of the county road I goods, chewing gum, candles, eatery fish which were formerT' almost en• _ _ vanecaver, B.0 — Recent angoun.ce• from Belle River, near- Windsor. to I Ned Far-Eastern Army was ready to razors and numerous other Items of tirely a loss to fisbe'rtd@,n. '. Small - eat� that the Consolidated Mining Tilbury, and will pave it as another punish anyone attacking the Sovietl''Merchandise. ,fresh haddocks, eodlfn'g' and whiting boundaries. The newspaper Prsada Mr..Morrow, a Canadian, made hie are now being esketi 'for at'bah deal- ,and Smelting Company Limited con. avenue for incoming fourtat travel. C .-_'template building a huge- copper re- The Government has also arranged tarridd a three column editorial ,cap- first important business sucees !n this Hers, while a large -trade has been built Amery on the Pacific coast have re- for the widening of Talbot Street, the Honed: I country with the Quaker Oats Com- � up in the once' despised hake. 'The Soviet Government will be Halted in one of the most valuable, nighway that . parallels No, 3 along parry. Six years ago he reorganized I Heretofore the fish industry's main _: minis discoveries reccorded for the north shore of Lake Erie. `' ab9kanghat bfarahallgChang Hsueh the Gold Duet Corporation. ,d!fficutty has been irregularity of de. g many .years, according to government —, i Transfer of control of United Cigars mand, with consequent inability on reports. • is regarded as the largest transaction the part 'of trawler ownerp ,and whole- In a report Geo. E. Clothier, real- - : Ltang of Manchuria• has ordered the Big Discovery ever made in the chain store field: Balers to estimate- probable sales. mobilization ct 20,000 troops to guard dent mining engineer, states that the The exact amount involved was not There are few industries where the outstanding discovery • this year ,has +'• the Chinese Eastern railway. The. price received by the' producer (ia . :IOf Iron Ore disclosed, but it was estimated that t been in the Nim kiah Lake area on regular troops of the Mukden gar' p George J. Whelan and assolates re- t this case the fisherman) and that paid Vancouver Island where two hundred rison are now stationed on the' Pelp I ce the equivalent of $100,000 from b the retall buyer are so far apart. - ;elaims were'.ttaked recently on a belt Base Metal Discovered in Gold ing- Mukden railway below Chin, y chowtu: . -�ld Dust group. r `This margin can be greatly narrowed.: 1' fahowtng very promising copper cut- Area by Accidental Through the United Cigar Stores it has bein shown, it the public will _ crop, . Some or them have been ordered to on Island ' preceed to Hallar and another por -' the Gold Dust Company ,acquires 'co-operate in buying regularly. Most of these properties have been thoidings in th@ Schulte Retail Stores I 'Dealers in other commodities are ' brought under control o1 the Conso- Sioux Lookout. —A discovery which tfon to Kirin. Chang Tso Lin," gov -, may be•rf utmost im artance to they ernor of Kirin, has taken command Corporation, Phillip Morris & Co., watching with' interest the progress . ' lidated Company, but a few remain in p I Ltd., the Beech-Nut Packing Company, of the fish induct 'a project. It . - .. private hands. iron and steel industry of Canada of both bodies of troops, r9 p je has been just made by-George Watts) the American Safety Razor Company, seem' eems to presage the rehabilitation of The ore unecvere - d b stri ing, J PD and R. A. Jennings. After prospect- the Gillette Safety Razor Company the fisheries. I'i e�ttkends two hundred feet or more to _ . -% anr' other -concerns, = -places and , four outcrops lie within ing the. Cat and Pickle Crow areas, to i _ th Patricia District, they moved to Dress Reformer Distribution and sale of many of a length of three thousand feet. He Lake St. Joseph. Driven ashore ittI • the food and household products con•, . ' states that it the ore maintains Its _ :'Quits Crusading trolled by the Gold Dust Company 'Canadian Envoy surface proportions and mineraliza- a high wind, Watts, one of the North's through the United •Cigar chain is ea- tion it will produce an immerse tin- best -known prospectors, wltti expert• I Off For Japan page for every hundred feet of depth ence in the Mlchipfc( ten area, recog• "Toronto Man Admits That petted to be one of the important re-• nized one of the islands in the south suits of the transfer. secured. A party from the Dominion His Efforts AIe Futile I The United Cigar Stores Company' Geological Survey !s making a recon. east side of the lake f.o be composed p Vattcouver, B.C.— Herbert AI. Mar-' slaissance of the area. mainly of hematite. Further dlscov. Toronto. —Tbe great male dress re- operates 3200 cigar -stores, 20 drug ler, Canada's first ambassador to C. ery revealed an ore body about a mile form. wave came to an abrupt stop stores ,and has large real 'estate hold- Japan, speaking herb on the eve of a . 0 ._ wide and almost four miles Ion The when Edward Kahrns, Ontario's lead•Iings. ' ,- g• � tour of the province 'o1'British CQium• enciraing rocks are greenstone, with ing retoriner, tied up with the head �" bfa before sailing 'for 1�okyo; stressed '--Week -End Traffic granite, two miles to the south, and' Walter of a leading Note.. I - the fact that his mission has a com- Cl• gabbro and diabase to the north. The Kahrns -presented himself at the • � merclal -as well as a political objet• auns Four surface does not show moth oxidiza• i door of the main dining room in his' Bee Swarm K�ils tive,. . __ tion. The ore body ties north or the new outfit. He was dressed partly I • Mr. 'Marler expressed the convie- Canadian Nactrnal Railways at a like a big game hunter and partly like I ' • 13 Silver Foxes tion that Canada's step in establishing Motor care claimed four ]Ives over I g ' point named Fowler 12 miles west of the week end on the highways o[ On- a child• at the beach.. a representative at the court of the Savant ake Station. , Samples have ; "We do not admit persons 'without Chicoutimi. —Ana bees attacked ' Nippon emperors must lead to the de. tario. George W. Holmes, and his been forwarded to the Consolidated D °ry `` wife, Jennie Holmes, of 16 Rowntree I coats," said Henri Maillard, while I valuable foxes on the farm of Joseph ; relopment of trade between "the two , Avenue, Toronto, were killed in a Smelters.' Considerable interest has several of the largest bus -boys sidled Gobeil here recently and stung the countries: " , ' crash near Barrie and bliss Vera arisen since tits discovery was made i innocently close.- "Much less do we animals •so badly that 13 of them died. I He believed there wa$ ,aq market of knows in Sioux Lookout. The re- Gobeti.'s loss !s. approximately $3.000. greater potential value for "Canadians •English, 189 Dnnraveu Rrad, Toronto, admit persons without collars, flea, cording has .been done at Tashota. socks or trousers. I am very sorry. Gobeil was working arc and his a far 'than the Orient and promised that seriously injured Mrs. Alfred Lang- I I p y ford of Marcus Hook, Penn., died in _.p. You may go away somewhere and tale when the bees swarmed out of • the every facility would be placed at the .an ambulance while being rushed to Grieving one's self to death may be phone:" , hives and attacked him, stinging him ' disposal of Canadian manufacturers, .­-London J. C. English, 67, of Stoney la luxury for the rich. a washerwoman I Seen later, Kabrns said, "Dress re. severely, .and then flew into the fox farmers and bankers to end'ble theta Creek, was fatally injured when struck with -Ptght children to support cannot form is futile. I am through crusad•, ranch nearby. Hundreds settled on to secure a larger share of Japan's down while trying to cross the road. afford such a luxury. ing." each foe.. _ I trade. 4 . • . . v _,.... .. _. .. °Y._._._,:. w _,.,. _.- �.._, =p..,......,.�..,.,.�- a'd+..F., s_:..i '.......,.� ,..,,, ......:...:.a...�..... ::w __ .. y ate,. 'z.;:. _. _ _ _ , _. ��.— .x+Wa.-.:." -21="r L J a %: 4 41 M -4- —Frank Greenlaw, of St. Oaths. —Miss Parkin, of Kinsale, '1�at been spending a few days here at —Joseph Cowan is steadily lim. —L Johns, who has occupied H. and Mrs. Pilkey. - e l �. '� Anglican rectory for the p&,,Lf —Mrs. J. Fawcett and vihildre' -attack of ty• the A James and Mrs, Greenlaw. the home of her grand parents, - C.' fir, st -LOCALISMS, rifles, spent a few days last week be pro—,!ug, after his 1phbld fever, year or two, has moved into the left on Siinday for their, home i o •C. C. Trott, of Seafortb, visits Rankin residence. Rennie, Mauituba, after spending —Mrs. J. Hilts. of Chatham. ac- the summer with her parents, W. ed with L: L. and Mrs. Banks for compauied by Howard and Mrs. J. and Mrs. Stanley, a few dags last week. spending a few del 'Beneville, aLft spend ist, Office In residence, two doors —Mr and Mrs. Clench and dau. east of St. Andrew's Church, Pick- hore with his mother, —Dr. H. T. Falalise, Resident Dent', 00'1 John O'Gc�nnor and family. of Wise, of Toronto, visited Picker log friends on Friday evening. 9 S ch .:-Ba'c.k To* —Miss Edith Law, of Toronto, ghter. Miss Millie Clench. of St. ering. Office hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. t al ....ipent Saturday here with her Catharines spent the week-end daily, and evening by appointment. New "Shoe', New ants, the Misses Law. with James- and Mrs. Greenlaw. (X-ray service)'.—* Means Hosiery, Ne s w —Frank and Mrs. Leavens, of X;-S. O'Brien, of FaIrport, spent wfew days this week With Bolton, while on their way from HAM—TREMAIN Peterboro, called on - W. J. and Clothing, New School or niece, Kra. Guthrie. —L D. and Mrs. Banks were in Mrs. Clark on Sunday. Mr. Lea A quiet but very pretty wedding Ven@, who ><s editor anti Oshawa on Saturday attending proprietor took place on Monday, August, 12th, �,Supplies etc. t of the Bolton Renter rise, learnt- at 9.30 a he ThorninR—Shirley wedding. m. in St. Andrews United a* Church, when Isabel Kathleen, eldest —J. B. and Mrs. Horn and few. the newspaper bn iness in the fly and W. G. Hom,.of Peterboro, office of the Pickering News claughter of Mr. and - Mrs. Herbert —The union services spent over Suniiali, in the villa of St. Tremain, became the bride of Gor- 'ge*� Paul's and St. Andrew's churches don Arthur Haim, Honolulu, Ha —Shoes—Girls black patent tie, "'The Queensdale," .—G. R. Wbltby has re painted I-Saa, bis.services'tatiou. outside Pall I with gun metal trim. All sizes. Special ad . will be hold on Sunday next in St. The ceremony was performedby & 'which adds much*to iteappear. Andrew's Church, and will be the v. Charles V.' McLean. The bride School price, last of these services which he entered.the church on the arm of her ainee. have Same shoe in dark tan, with brown trim '-3.04 —Miss Norrine McGinty spent been held for eight weeks while father, and looked very charming in the pastors were on their'bolidayp. a gown of beige silk lace, with moire Shiniday and Monday with her Boys' School Boots, the "Si6man" line. Areal have been well attended )-rother, Leo, sod other friends tied a shower bouquet of Butterfly leader (it ends in They ended and hat, -shoes and bose to match and car- Mach enjoyed by all. Rev. Mr. Toronto. roses arid lily of the valley. The bride —Mrs. Walter Shepherd and Ferguson will officiate on Sunday. e 'daughter, He etrolt. are ter of the bride, wore a Nile green "'.'Bova 'khaki and dark shirts, made !a Boy Helen, of St. George's Church On San. 'maid, Helen Elizabeth Tremain, sis open Ing d a few 'days with eels day: Rev. H. C. Lewis 'Hooper, georg,-tte ensemble and carried a -Scout style who is leaving to take charge of hives here. bouquet of Templar roses. Roy —Mr. olind Mrs. Richards and the Six Nation Indian Reserve Lewis of Peterboro assisted the bride- Boys bow ties in newest shades', daughter, of Toronto, visited with Parish, near Brantford, Will take groom and John Crane played the Mrs Richard's sister, Mrs. Smith, his farewell service at 10.80 a. m,, wedding larch. Mr. Ham and hit, in Boys' Cotton Jerseys, going at special "clean-up this week. on Sunday, when. by special re- bride left later by motor to spend —L F. and Mrs. Pagp, of Bur• quest, the Holy Communion will their honeymoon at Rideau Lake, after I 'e. Practically all sizes. Regularly 506 ' L bank, California, visited last week be celebrated. Sunday School at which they will reside at Smiths' Firmes for 9.80 a. m. Th friends of Rev. W. Falls. w4th their sister, Mrs. F. Lawson, e M land family. R. Sproule will be glad to see and Boys' sad Girls Play Suits in khaki, navy etc. —Meliville and hear again at the evening Mr8. Smith and .. . DUNBARTON. Specially priced to, clean up the line .99 family and Mrs. W. J. J. Butler service at 7.00 o'clock. These ser- vices, which were discontinued Miss Blaker, of Toronto, is a guest and family spent Sunday with L. .. Long Lead Pencils, real good quality, per doz. ''.10 D. and Mrs. Banks. during August, will now be resum• of 'Miss Jean Anderson. —Herbert White has purchased ed. D. Hennick, of N. Tonawanda, is the —On Saturday evening a motor now spending a week with relatives. Regular 5 cent Scribblers, School price, per doz. .60 Fawcett dwelling on Church Collision occurred on the highway 1• and Mrs. Nobes, , entertained street, at present occupied by Mrs. -IMcGinty and family. about a mile and a half east of the guests from Kingston, who enjoyed W. C. and Mrs. Marker and village, which resulted in the Com- the G. N. E. 00011 were plate destruction of o and Oliver and Mrs. Annan, and family in Blat-ketoex on Sun. one cA r considerable damage to the other. of Hamilton, spent, the week-end with day visiting friends and attend Wrn. Thom. And when the kiddies come home for 'the decoration servicee. Dian, Mrs. A. S, C'of Kankakee, is attending Anthony Boujack. a Ukra —The W. M. S. of St Andrew's who resides at 91 St Patrick St. visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. White and supper they would enjoy a big plate- Church will meet at the home of Toronto, was returning from 0sh- other relatives. _7 -full of steaming hot Toasted Beans Mrs. M. S. Chapman on Wedues. awn and met an American car, WIP are orry to hear of the loss by day. Sept. 4th, at 3p. In. forcing both into the ditch. The fire of Miss Annie Brander's barn, —Mrs. Lorne Ravin and son, Ukranisni'o car, a Studebaker. Lightning was the cause. with tomato sauce, the "Crease -end Kenneth. of Toronto, are wending g immediately burst into flames and J. and Mrs. Palmer, of Omemee a few days with the former's per. in 15 very short time nothing re visited a -few days with J. and Mrs 0 4113ta. James and Mrp. White. mained but a mass of iron, The Taylor, and also visited the Exhibit- Blackwell" kind. Two large —A number of the, tnembere of American ear sustained damage ion. tills for 2goents. ths WOMOn's Institute Visited the to the extent of about r5 Two Would it not be conducive to hear d Claremont branch on Wedseed ladlee in the American car, who Ith if -we had a sidewalk on the high- y were on their way to visit friends -way for pedestrians Walking is 'afternoon of last 'Week. when :11 report a most a in Port Perry, were slightly injur. such good exercise. - his time. —Thos and enjoyable Scott, of To• aceseary o a ad. but It was not n t Two W accidents occurred East of CHAPMAN Tmto. who were spending a few take them to the hospital. S. A. the village on Sunday afternoon. ..... ARYS with the former's Hilliard. Traffic Officer, was soon Several of the occupants of the cars or Cren ta were taken away in an ambulance, W. G. and Mrs. Scott,, lare: on the scene and after inventigat ["at, visited W' J'raod Mrq. Wil. log the accident. laid a ebarge..of and some were badly cut vdth with glaozo. ler last week. reckleasdriving against Houjac k. Alex. and Leonard Dixon met - RADIO'YEAR -Joe b O'Reilly has pureleased and his case came up on Monday a severe accident at Birch Cliff on 'lire. WIFIett's'reside nee on Church evening, and pleading guilty he Saturday afternoon while bringing hL load of brick home. In putting on the street. and will take pow4mios in was fined $10 and costs. -On Thursday evening last a brakes the wheels locked. Load and shops a month. The residence at drivers were hurled headlong. The This season i . a recognized by .all leading Radio manufactur- zwe"nt to Deco lea by Wm. and serious motor accident occurred on, o suffered ra re Y.- s ered f ctu d rib,;, anc the highway in front of the Print. Mrs. Thom a. -ere otherwise bruised and shaken as being the outstanding year of f _Mrs. Tme-orroll has returned eras Guild, about a mile West 0 up. the village. A motor bidil was -hiMe. after spendimir several the T2di0 industry. WAIAs in St. Charles. Saginaw Co. 901DR es"t and had otopped to take 'Mich . with her sister. hjrs� WM: ona'passenwer. Tbebn1Wa8f0r:__ Now are �Slrnona, who bad been mriously, lowed by F& Graham-Page sedan Here a fewof-tbe lWing features clharaeA469190 -All, but who 18 DOW full ' driven by &Toronto man. Behind ANCING-Ever• Saturday nilrbt Dot Dew Drop Inc. Kingston Road. East of of this year's sets this car was a Hupw"ile sod -Rev. W. EL SpreuZopf *Ind 40 Rous. lidl. sou leer, WAD is now taking his boll• owned sod driven by R. Mead, of '!days, WM in town one day last Toronto. Mr. Mead was visiting WANTED-Used tractor. must he Greater selectivity, Purer Tone. Decreased. Battery in first-class condition. Fdrdscoymfe�. Week, Me"Panied by hia mother at the home of JO8ePb' O'Reilly, Apply NEW& Office. Pickenog, from Toronto, and visited Mrs, n accompanied b Mr. O'Riley. — ..:� ... I.. a . . .1 .- d y . Consumption and Lower Prio". SALE OR TO RENT-Form nf iand Miss Fa Wks@ and other friends. h @ter, min Rosie O*Riley, and F700 scr".;ot 35, con. S. Piekerinc. Apply to 52!1 —Rev. J. M. Crimall. the rector Miss Mary Dwyer, had gone out owner. 160 Elgin St. East, Oshawa, ­df All Saints' Church. Wbigby for a drive. It is rum It yowhahve'"Id. set fo turn in we'll gladly rumored that OST-In the vicinity of Highland en- 'w yotL a liberal allowance on will kindly attend to b somewhat end LCrftk. a black sad white wire�hairedl fox allo IC DL top Emobile to Col- teener Rmard. FboneW,J.Mcerish. 7 be e alle, if hay, on week days 44"Ma can .1 High- wtt n R land Creek, 52-1 a new set. the absence on vacation of ht h G rage. which in the Row, D. B Langford. . from turn eollided with the bus. As a o EEE) WHEAT FOR SALE- SeptoodUr A `god to the 10th inclusive. result of the impact Miss O*Riley OQuantity beat. 99 of Fall or 9 UR"T = f U Carl Devitt, R, TIE -Robert and Mrs. Fitzsimons and Miss Dwyer each had their c"', pur'. 509, 5 Phone Pick 2 ad two dauirbters and son, of arms broken. They were both This year we are featuring Hamilton, visited W. J. and Ure. taken to the Oshawa General Hoe- 11 RUCK ING- Local and 1,oaff Dist- L ance hauling, also sand and gravel hauled having Ulark on Friday afternoon' ha pital. Mr. Riley d also his knee Prices reasonable, L A. W. Mitchell. Pickering' and chin ininZy . Mr. Mead's car Phone Pick 5720. 37-32 New Everefilay and De Forest- Crossley gone to Oshawa to witness the softball game between Hamilton was badly damaged, tut the ether OTICE-Having secured the servi. and Oshawa, which' was won scaped with little damage. Nces of a first-class hay baler I am in the =or• n by ket for hay and straw. has. Goodwin Picker. "CANADA'S FINEST PAIR rs the latter. -The town hall w^R the scene ing. Phone Pick 1907• 52-1 -Mrs. Elvin McLennan and two of s very large gathering on Mon. little daughters spent a couple of 'day night, many being unable YRSHIRE BULL, Registered. For le to Ing, sin on ASaIL-Raised at Experimental Farm, Otta. Fred To Bund - -Pickermg days in Hamilton ]%at week with gain admittance, every available wa. Also, Holstein dairy cows. Maple Hill sot f ROY f1bd Mrs. Powell. space, incinding the windows, b?• Form (con. 7), Claremont. Established 1857. On their return they were accompanied by inR occupied. The reabon for the rrO RENT=Farm cif 125 Acres. close Powell and family, wh6are gathering was the trial of several _JL to Oshawa, all under cultivation, good build, lags and land. Immediate possession to pl -spending a week or two with rela• persons charged with various Full ­2"'tives in Pick b Possession Aprii 1st, 1930 Apply to G, D. Pickering. offences. The chief was that of Conant. Oshawa; Ont. 48-3 THE ■ CENTRAL .,GAR.&GE -All Public and Continuation Wm. Clayton, Jr, of Marklian, ORONTO WET•WASH LAUN. School@ Will re open on . Tuesday charged with chicken. stealin g: T DRY (Semi finish) —Let our driver call and -next, after theirsummor vacation. This was the aftermath of the in name with Mr. S. W. Davis, barber shop. we 'The former staff here have been vasion of John Barnes' chieken explain our 24 hour service. just leave your 'Telephone 4900' • 11 pick up and deliver 3 times a week. "re engaged except Mi,48 Robertson, bonne several weeks agoi when 7 getting *ho is being succeeded by Miss the operator@ succeeded in g OR 50 ACRE FARM F SAL Talk, as assistant teacher of the a otimber of fowl into bags, but half of lot 34. concresion S. Pickering, half mile from Whitevele and one and oft half runes .:..:,continuation Sehool. their operations were Interrupted from Locust Hill. For further particulars apply -Repairs, Accessories, Oils ajid -We DOW in Monday's dailies before getting away with their to owner, John Harris, R. R. I Locu t fill]. 2 Auto that Rev-Father John 0,4mlne spoil. The thieves hurried away SALE -Ford ton truck, stake has been -appointed AsakUbit &S faPt as possible, and in their Fbody and cob, i condition. This truck 'rylYself. Re S"PeriOr of Assumption Colleirs, speeding their car, a Studebaker, has b— driven only awn for W)- :iGasoline, Acetylene Welding, too large ;or Ch, oo,7glpresent.need. cash sale Sandwich. Pa"erO'Loaoeis well was badly wrecked in turnings in- dl aremont Phone 3701. 5itf h only. F. .known in the - township where he corner. The car proved to be the -POR SALE OR TO RENT-1D Bro. Battery Charging, May spent his onjemors with Property of•Clayton, and the re -P OR seven-room house, garden jar- his uncle on the for". m an was a charge wFis laid against age. ]so, pony, bugg and harness, :V mat Andley. It -Alf. opd Xw..q 9C for good work mop and cow. Apply to e on all makes Met with him. The magistrate expressed Q "' app - Jill& ' rs.J. H. Madill. Claremont R. R, 2, Repairs niad Saturd 50- n7p but so the evidence was not sum 10108 Whet #Ailumber of fri a lewDt gprjpr* on big firm belief that he was guilty, Claremont 3,31, ARM TO RENT-174 W). e .01 cars.1 to celebrate the latter'@ cieDt to convict the charge ring towns acres In Pick rge was F h* 1 1-2 miles north of King- acres good dismissed. Dr. Oscar Ranta, the stan Highway on F.. ]WIlock road. 120 :tkh 9y. Among those. present lay loom under cnItivation. 54 a ere* pasture, .�.,..'Anom a distance were Alias Ola Pittsburg doctor, who we@ ebarg c,,,, 6 acres apple orchard and W! "..Draper, Miss Freda Morc 5&bj, ed - Ign and ed with mainolanobter in Connee buildings. Lot is. concewon 3. Tinoo bridge: din. rp. J. T. Evans, of'Wood a Lion with the death of Mr. Jame Wade and Aire. -Rns@ell and Mrs. in a motor accident west of Dnn- SALE-Brown mare. 8 yenta Morden, of Toronto, and others. bartou several wt ago, Came old, quiet for woman or child to drive. suit- -SPENCER, 7 .,5;3 I ed for gardener or milk man. 1 covered buggy CHARLES Be -Mrs Clark received a number of 111P for preliminary hearing, but I %?t single harnes, having now no use for the .4- rroapnto (-r najsting of cut glo.1w the case wap dismissed. Several outfit. AZly to-eworge Janes. on farm of Wil _�ond silverware, minor 0 1 ism Peng 17, 1.2 mile west of Greenwood, 1st ickering cases were also dispostd of, farm on south aide. 50-1 Proprietor, -P _A --o