HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1928_02_03• s..4:r w, . 1. z@, 4r #¢ y`y,:v w «.�, : ,. ♦�� 7 _ .. .s•:, .+r• " "xt, M. hL.. .. p,y.. 2., k, ��-- WD-1-1-n" r r d' •,; r�a1a•}r :.ct...,:+ \t M^ i "6rq-+. S ,•w-•^,rt:.f,�+ .,. •,•,.'�5' eP ,. ?" .av '.x,N.,a�y,,.,.+er ",.gr5- .,,, �r v`,:w „,tom},.._ 'r rte.,,,7 .4 •,i:. \.F,tn•. »..,.,t.:..ar.r o+svr ".,.a4-^< T:.:;+n s: 5 ., .h.r,"u. .:,..:::.:�'�,-•..a • ,..:+n•-,.',n-'^• •-s:. r...,,,. r. .�"'.... '"�,:. ".:"'i : ' •. ,;S,.C."` .A+S -V^a "',1PS• '.ti: b - ,.v; p^}� ... +M. .-.,' ^ •. - - s.♦ .-..,..,-:. ., .. .-sees _r... R'I` - - .. my,. r. .. .' �". -...•:.� -,sees.: .. .... .,; .d.. .. sees sesta..,4 :t'�r _ .,' .'�{'�' ��:�'ryr? ''•..' �`1r-•.:g .. ,•. ..j,.y. -ro.: ....":".. .. .a._.::-, sees, .. .:..'. .... .. ,::. ire's* �,:,-L,., `F: - ti 3,-L• :;,,, -:, c^ { sees 1 �. '.i: '.ti � 'L "`r.. ..,Yr'• sees '. e. • — ..... sees.JT sees.. ♦ M-' .y .,_. .. .- .-,.ter--�.r...,.._--• _...,: :., !� s .. _. _ _ t�r N. ,. Y , Hfi PICKERING NEWI- S Ja seer '• - ;'. OL. ALV 11. -PICKERIN(�, ONTa, FRIDAY, FEB.A, 1928 _ 140. 2 :4�t3slFto>1ttsL i�lsl�s>tra►. j - :-• C#=OOn Ri'vOr ,.;::,a ,' :_... DUBARTNONI . . .. , , : BROUGHAM. . __``��.. -Mrs. Ed. Willson spent a day this �Ri:l OOD - �°& Sari �� '�raa 8fli At the Community Hall on Sunday, Sunday School will be held at 2 p.m., week with D. Gannon and family. We ID B. FORSYTH, Oph.D., Director /s and church'service at 3 p.m. Mr. W. are glad to Imo he is somewhat tries Association of Ontario.Ree. Far R. Sproule will be in charge. improved 'again. w s t c..: of the Ametleaa oytosetrioal Mrs. B wick Miss Jennie_ MLLS lS�ea eaaaaiad by appoin:meat. Born, on Sunday,.Jan. 29th, at the C M C1s*eaaont.Ont: " private Ifo ital, Pickering, to Reg Allan, also Miss .Jean Burt, of Acton, _ ep have returned home after spending _ � inald and Mrs. Somerville, a dough- -,'- 8etab1lehed 1888 ,. Leg" a week with their sister, Mrs. E. E. Baskets or all sizes ter. , ` w E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and While walking along the Kingston Perryman. . AsSdieitar.NotaryPublic Etc, one toHighway o nFliday ' evening,' Miss The Citizens League will give a i ..a South Wing,Co.=House, w>,;tby. iy and descriptions Dorothy Swan had'the misfortune to concert in the Town Hall on the even- 0.BROWNINU. $. C.. Barrie- be knocked•down by a car near Rose- mg of Feb. 23rd. The program will A'ter,Solicitor.Nosey Public. Agnes'Blk., of lowest prices- bank Corners and dragged several be of a general character and will Bar' �A V 7 . l a deIiaWy west of Poet Office.Dundas Stmt, feet, She was accompanied by three be, followed by a social dance. The v 1 wt itby. House phone nae, Office pbout 392, nct receipts will be devoted to•the VV Q other friends as she was on her way p '�EATON ek ROSS-Barristers. So- '"'alt for sale spend the week-end with her friend, Fire Company. - and licitote, Nextbera Ontario 13ttilding,iso Miss Marie Dixon. Althou b she t W tend to you agreeting hearty, l 'Stz Toronto. g a e x our se was badly bruised,.._n_o_bon-a were @ Birthday party. r J t7HAS, A. WSiT$. o attend o Gond rt a I w •gin• on the find a nod lunch spread out �T t•D.'F•Ro••• Adelaide 2767 broken. The driver of the car w �- p �l �f �Vi l ' Sueeeseor to late W. G. Haynes a Mr,. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, who on the table and we ask you to eat - l -V�IOHARDSON ds PI08SRING- Phone Mark 8420 was driving to Toronto; He claimed all you are able. Then after the Barristers. Solicitors ell.. 213-214 Coated_ lunch is over and done we'll have two erationf.11e Bwlding, Corner Yooge and Rich_ that the snow blinded him and he or three hours of the jollfeat fun. si asamd Sts.,Toronto. Mein 13N and blain Roofing Material 1 could not see the people walking a- long the side of the road. After lurch le measure edfie. Piekerine oma open Wednesdaysad you around 115"awsy evenings, Phone Pick.Betio, atf the waist, please give us a coppeYanted Ir Z)on al TM 5 x British Columbia Shingles DUNBARTON for each inch we state. We hope you 3 Z .. �. will come, please remember the date, • �R J.R. FOWLIS. Dentist. Cor. No. 2 $and 6Z " :..' Miss Minnie,Bennett is holidayir and do not let anything keep you ".' Highest Ki t .and victoria Park Ave, To- In the city. past eight. At Mrs. Will Ellicott's sa r oa R� IKoae (Bar afters at door). opeA Eveatne• TORONTO ASPHALT Miss Hilda Mackey,of Myrtle,spent on Monday even. Everybody come -- a ard7112. 19ty T the week-end with Miss -Elva Mi- and you'll be glad I ween. Brougham prices LAKE B. BEAT-ON, D. D. S., ROOFING - chell. Y. P. S. Graduatetof the RoyalCo of Dental Murray's 1S in.. 32 in. and 36 inch Geo. Toyne had the misfortune to DEATH OR GEORGE DAVIDSON - SeQgeoas and University of Toronto, ot8oa fall on the ice and has now a- dis- old �r Murd.ck% confectio store, whit widths. 4 in i Shingles ; also P " tla5�e hours 9 to 12,Vte s 80. tad.�t nae e; Metal Valle anabled hand. After a lingering illness in which i ifiw phone 220. 4417 y Barry Gourlie and Ross Dyson, of g g ., • Ridge ROIL he endured much pain, there paGsed 3'• Z. C#'3%��+. Selby, motored up on Monday and awn in the General H a ital To- : ATE1L C.SMITH. D. D. 9„ L. D.9., Ya'r P . NLS Mateiial or will give price on spent the night with the former'. (oral Coll to f j-7G�ale o Grad rate of ' Tonto, on Thursday, January 19th, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Torun. finished job, mother, Mrs. I. Nobles, ..5 to Vnivef„ty. At Claremont orate over D. A Quite a number enjoyed themsel- George Davidson, at the age of 79 SeouR half every Taeadaysad Friday.f Phone �•� PIC EpING �•� ves at tb2 sleigh-ride last Monday Fears. Mr. Davidson underwent an 2 t , j1 j�,Lt\ • evening under the auspices of the operation from which he never cal- — SRSERT T. FALLAISE.. L D S.. A a v Young People's Association., Lunch lied until death relieved him of his A ' D D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of Lt.,JMB� 1 � was served in the basement of the suffering. Deceased had lived nearly Rood supply of Hard and Soft yteI Surgeons and the Uni'verwt of Toronto. all his life in Pickering Township, Coal on hoed. Also a supply above l S.Baladon's store.lakkering,Oat, -- church afterwards. pp y Mice boon 9 a to to bp.W., or by a fat- but about five years ago moved to of Kindling seen:. rho"Pick 3700. toy THEMINING HARRIET T Communion service will be held in g Wood, u ' - the United Church,'Dumbarton, next Toronto, where he has since resided. stove length. Sunday morning and at Centennial He was widely known throughout the ' township and was held in very high 12tf ;Phone Pick, 1709. We buv and sell, furnish quotations in the afternoon.- ".There will be ABLIZABUT13 RICHARDSOV and information on, all Listed and preparatory--service in the Dunbarton esteem by all who knew him. He was *Me&ad automobile insurance of all kind Unlisted Mining Stocks. Church o Friday evening at eight a great lover of sports, and took a DONALD MIINRO. f ICl3Eli;IPiC>fr ' ir4soveessingcompantaof solid 6aancial seaad` We will be pleased to advise what o'clock. � Sunday evening the sub- great interest in the breeding of stocks to bu or to hold.or " horses.. being a large exhibitor at all L ®'l R } be "Portraits of Christ Ili GA l� - what stock to salt. the local faire as well as the Toronto lustrated by lantern:-views of pictures Building aad General - GSOR{;IEHSAY-Llcensedauotioa• Exhibition. In politics he was an _ . ser,Ahtoaa. Live-stock and general.ales' il7lieota are making monq by of Jesus by the worlds greatest art- Contiacting. t� y attenAed to. Terme reasonable. R. following our advice. icts, ardent Liberal, and was a reader of Estimates furnished on all ciamee, 2,s�tot9= Pease stouff awn. alis the Globe all his life. He was also f Our long experience In mining. ex- of work-Interior and Exterior. handl over s rind of !went Don't miss seeing U otic Silas and a Justice of the Peace, for a number POSTILL. Licensed Auedoneee ng p° y Alterations and repairs., F. hr o..ashs et test a Osasd. est years.allows us CO give sound adolce J3i11 in "Tho Prairie Rose"at of years. He is survived by his wid- - p - Atfss antis of an Maas awraa0 to an dors.w on the investment feature of a mine the Aadley School. ow,five sons and one daughter,James, Chimneys Built Concrete Work:: " sal" aaaress Grease Siver:,0.. nes, or the speculative feature of a .pros- .�.,�. George, and Russell, of Cherry-wood; Phone Pickering 5712 D.2.22ATON TOWN111NIPOL>d8I teetive mining venture. GREENWOOD Robert, of Markham; John, of Prov- FAIRPORT, - ONTARIO O.a•.rswsr, ase minomem ter tatty SULLO W AY, HILLS ,k CO. idence, Rhode Island; and Lucille, ofstess" QQ ss 'g w,'�sea�`'��tiseRir ed _� Members of Standard Chas, Ledgett will hold an auction Toronto; also several grand children: S H I N �\ L � foss• wlttt.wla, Oat g_v Stock Exchange. sale of his farm stock and imple- After service in the United Church 9fembers of the Montreal ments at his premises, lot, 9, con, 6, at Cherrywood, on Monday, the 23rd Nova$cotta Sh1nR}ee W M, MA W. LIONN"D AUO- Mining Exchange. on Wednesday. Feb.. 15th. Included inst., his remains were laid to rest Gait Galvanized Steel Shingles TtoxEERU FW for salla Oew10 aad t tended Office and Hoard Room,(bound Floor, in the stock is a number of choice in Erskine Cemetery, being followed g Ceaatiee. All�.of sai.i attended � Bird's Felt State Sbiaglesl - b. Tares bie. Dow°sur sats asay be Metropolitan Building, Clydesdale and Percheron horses. to the grave by a vast number of A.= acv. eel and tad•pew TORONTO. - ONTARIO " The Greenwood Dramatic Club pre- friends and neighbors, which showed for sale at ` wniear,oats sly Adelaide 8871 and Q8TZ sented the drama entitled "Eyes ole the- high esteem in which he was T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMON- Phoaes Love" .in the .Greenwood United held. We Jain with the community Call and get prices. Phone 281te ` - THE RURAL Church on Friday evening last. The in expressing our sincere s th - — - __- eiSf We ; church was nicely filled not withstand- to the widow and family in thheeirasad • LAWS s� SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. ing the stormy night. Tthere is a bereavement. good mora} it this play and it wan Have Them ! — enthusiastically received by the acid- Fermate, don't mise Cooper's Trac- Real Estate and Insurance. i fence. Manry said that it was the best the had ever heard. Each actor for 9th id ala. 10th. , o0 .Farm Propeetiee i 8picialty. y Friday, Feb. 10th. seemed to have the part especially We are prepared to do all kinds, Head Office:$18 914 Confederation fitted for him or her,-and without an of re sairin of cars, also bat- Life Building.Toronto. exception rendered WEST HILL.— Most - Meat Sersp. Oyster shell, - Pboae Pain oro Elle part perfectly. .--- tory c argium. electric Mica Grit. The writer has seen many plays in welding and in fact i The soloist for nett Sunday morn- Office: Gordon Build,n the larger Toronto theatres that were Ing in Melville Church will be Miss everything in coo " �. Building. not so interesting, and no better pre- section with Y -S"s- and _ _ _Pickering Ontario. ��, Greenwood may feetproud 6f Jean Little, who will sing for u,9 n- car work. i.Tube Phone 8860. �� having such talent and of having eeLlier �armin�and sympathetic man- t s�ate8. - ected such a splendid play. Between net.' Gas, Oil@, Grease and Accessories- ' The Skatng Rink, under the sus- TIME TABLJ -Piekerfag Station the acts Mr. Matthews gave several on hand constantly. � splendid line Heaters,\ T.R. Trains picas of Melville Young People's 30-- _ , gig East das w follows tenor solos 44m -were heartily -en- ciet is now ready to receive those. y, tinges and, Xa .111 Hail' - Tb6<7d. cored -and .Will Pe y' Call and see out tar Cars: of 0 98 Local 1144 P.M. audience with his bass solo. The is a enjoy this outdoor exercise.There Dodge and Star Cars.' + . General T3ardwsre, s Local, 6.25 P.M drama was is a fall=sized hockey cushion with �t GARAGE^�. Sunday�iGrain, =B:Se A.M. previously presented at the most modern equipment such as LAW'S GARAGIE ` : aLQIN B�:SHBY Kinsale and Pickering, and received li hti ressin rooms and-ail that Trains West due as follows- g � g No. 2 Local 9,22 A.M. great praise at each place. We #set goes to make.a successful playground. ' ., 27 Local • 2.44 P.H. sure that any place wanting a first-- Hockey is played on Friday evening AND SERVICE STATION -. PICKERING 9 mail 9,08P,H. class entertainment will make no his- of each week. Public skating is per- Su er- — Sands traig. take in securing the Greenwood Dra- M'. ' -F -� 8 3.�E._bi , g _ - itteti on .all other evenings of the - iFo oto is according reg ' g aR to Sta$dard week. Last Saturday flight the crowdGet the' : O st time. _ almost taxed the capacity of the rink A HIGHLAND CREEK T and a very,pleasant evening was spent t'he're lar month] meetingof the by the young people. All who love CLAREIIONT The Choir of Centennial skating and hockey are cordially in- FRO:H• Church held a social eveningin the vited. A FancyDress Carnival will 0`2 EAMERY basement of the church on the even- be held on thirink on Saturday GY �� 1 Your Sl�epuig `ing of Thur day Jan. °6th. A good evening, Feb. 4th. There will be program was river, by.'the young Prizes,for the, ft�wing costumes:= � � Yy -j ©u�• - gighesi•price paid for people•, assisted by friends of Zion Best costumes, ladles; best costumes, • Cream at the Church,. Markham. Lunch was pro men; best comic costumes, ladies; vided by the'ladies, and a real good best comic costumes, m¢n; best cos-40 •.�.,; i'` ' y ase aareh��1 Claremaa Creameg . time was enjoyed by all. tumes, boys under 12 years;best cos- The attendarre of Centennial Sun• tumes, girls under 12.years., -- day School has y s`4 • gradua2l but surely The annual meeting aP the Mel- . :Mattress. ;' Give no a trial and be convinced increased for the past year,and broke Ville Church, West Hill, revealed a *�� *� ��++ the record of, a numbgr of years on flourishing condition in alt depart- ; " ELM ALE M1Lim7 Sunday, Jan. 8th, when the attend- meats.' During the year 66 new mem- Foir`Crowieg B -a,;a-� Daring February only. once was over 100. This is very en. bers have been added to the roll,being Feeble Old P 1�IOSZIR?.�TO eople aad Foe' # .Free Slip Covers are given with-.all couraging to the workers and friends, an increase of'87 per cent. The tin- Slipand we hope the good work will antes are in good condition, each or- s grades of Marshall's Iaaer steadily grow, The young men have 'ganization reporting a surplus. The WAMPOLE'S' Spring Mattresses.. y h Lad _ organized aoung�Young-Men' C1 which Sunday chool raised $205 the - ' 1lareheal "special" Mattress, dor. For F'ae r$6-`' is increasing every Sunday.- We wish ies' Aid $846, W. M. S. $432, Young " TA_STMBS EXTMC'T j fele bed size,;28.00. t� every' success. People's Society $721x, for budget OF COD Bed Outfit, walnut steel bed, Our Ro_yal Brand wa8�}d at homeofWomen's Low congre. This added to the + w ,.• r congregational expenses makes a °°a c"a`•"•°1 ftr•'ed'm an•"d ramex-' sagless spring, all felt - • e �' toR;ty+ng the sym+n spirit a"acYs fiom.eros ` at your Grocer a. ry, o! Rouge Hi}l. Kra. Graves, the total o $61?9. Till Y. P. S. started ai.ea,s ..ch.orippE,lnstia,p,rneusooaia mattress. $21.08. District President for East York,gave last March and had a very satisfac- coughs Collo Pe•a•sa Farmers who have wheat our an address on "Peace'," which wab to year. The developed `m;""and dewy ft of Cod Liver dy,•� e L4�y tory. Y y ped an a th- prompt and thndy for pak,giddy.theMa ; Ste' rrift' fi°ar made from yourowu very'interesting and helpful. A.paper letic field on two acres of the manse t k gin, big y,e,,.e,no,i„sed if wheat. We can on "Hosiery and their Care" was glebe, on which they have tennis ana a�•*�rle.ell,np oveshe .p-g8 grind it. given by Mrs. C]eghorne. Member- baseball in the summer alxi a full = °`tits"Oe°V"Cee1•"°"'x"or hrwtq ret(pte AWthy color to Iles and dr.loa ship .for one year to the Society of sized skating rink in the winter. The "'■+► ,Furniture Dealer and. Feed of all kinds-Chickto Ifeed. the League of Nations was given to total enrolled membership of this Price a rtl Q� Funeral Director ben feed, chop, millfebd• Mrs. Cleghorne, and a short talk society has reached 72 and is still _~+ Phone 18001 _ Chopping eye weep ds from the News Journal will be gives growing. Meetings are well attend- E C .]Ones B --- - pP S y •- at each meeting. The next meeting ed. The minister in charge, Rev, J. • C. f • e- ' will be held in the Hall in the after- C. McConachie, is greatly encouraged ~. s� �a fi �1 Z,OG�CWOO� AL Druggist P�tkering moon and euchre in the evening, over the results of the year's work. P M;15N 1 N "i �­­ . . -7- W-P,17 ­= I .., , I�t - Z.T 11*19 40� N. .... ...... ' P" Niany Meetings Da Wes V, ()PENS FebruarYi Jrks Junkers -operation r M. ALL OLJD..T-M POMP Co 5. a:n Choo's'e Eve of Wilherm's See Growers. Stock Men d ne: d Quekec Develope Ontario an4 WiU',Gaiher-, Leg Power at Chat Falls Birthd islation Forcast in Speech Frorn� the Thro ay- for Enthronement Horticulturists- Mi reto' Japan-and France M 1�&ding niste Quebec, Que�Detaila of the firstl of S. Parker Gilbert as E During 'Mouth The most important announcements the Provincial. governments in land devslo�pmeut of a water power om an- peror Who Rules With - Vebruarr will be a busy month for made 4y,.�� IF.illingdon, governor- settiamefit, placement and,#YlpervisOKY -interprovincial river by the provinces 'Stove-Pi 'e Hat"iaid,Bind� the farmer; and still buster for the work- Several provincial centres have be pub- P .will be about two Avv of QWbec and Ontario wi reporter. ��ral 'and pjj�l repreeentat lished officially. 'The propot;6d deftl- Cutting Sdissors, score agricultural meetings held % the crown, in-4ha speech from t1le already been established for the ril I I on of British Pment is at Chat Falls, on the Ot-I I T<�ront,'(Iiaring that period. These �throps �rhich he read at the opening ception and distribud �erlfl%MeZilnors awoke Thursday breeders' meet- W. 4 pof parliament Thursday were: Youths for Agricultural work� and a o river, and the work, for whith include the- regular taws the street& plastered with Ger- constructive -settlemept scheme plans for the Quebec portion.have al- to find tugs, 'practically #At of whiob will be 1. Canadian ministers planipoten settleim of ter�s ironically pro- I 1lary.are to be sent to Paris and been Put Into force for ready been prepared,will be under the man., Fascist pos, held In Toronto this year. after Air n rl th W this class. control of Jhe Chat. Falls Power Co. clalming S. Parker Gilbert, Axa;neican o e t P to e est In 1927, as well of the horticulturists, Le0slation &rising from the r, agent s.I Harbor cor0missions bAve' been �The Ontario side plan has not yet for the Dawes plan,emperor of as.gatherings cent confbrence betvreen the dominion established at St. John and galifax. sanction of the Ontario exhibitions. In detsil the To& -and the provinces vrzill be introduced. This, it Is expected, will facilitiLte and received the mead growers and"ofticials of the faft government, although it is expected Germany. 'was the six I tY-.nii1th an muing S. Negotiations are couti with expand the movement of truffic'that this will be given In the near The occasion rontd meetings Under the vartolao the prairie provinces for return of.through Atlantic seaports. The vol- future. The ciap'ac:ty of the develop- birth;day (Jan. 27� of the former dates are as follows: dian ports, ment Is-about 150,WO )��rsepower an4 ',41telr natural resources. lurne of trade at other Cans kaiser. Vetall of Meetings In the work will be comrented to facil- appar- Wednesday, Fib.7 i--Outario AS- 4. The government is considering during the past season increased* "Silrice the German people grain shipmen ontreal itate the full development being madv restoration to British Columbia of the is the port of M ently 'ar4 IrRmpable of wieUhng the soclation of Fairs and 'Exhlbitioni a pre-eminent Position am' although at first only arouild 40,000 )tre,,, the four-foot Placards said, -annual. convention. railway belt Ian&. and Peace River ttai ng horsepower will be developed on the acel .the 32-year-old bloeL ong world ocean ports 11ww have elevated 't, Thusday, Feb. 2--Ontarlu AssOcig- 6. Railway problems of several pro.; An organization has been establish- Quebec side of the river. Parker' Gilbert to the ka"ership. g Is n, tion of Fairs and Exhibitions annual 7, "The former kaiser ruled with' ��,7 vinces, as outlined at the recent con� ed for the administration of civil avi8 There is not expected to be any i I tion, distinct froal that of the air question of provincial and federal conventlo'n. the new one rules Friday Feb. 3.--�Outvmlo ee fereace, are under consideration. crown and 9 d 6. Contract has been.let for grad fofce. In the post�j__servjce the year rights in this. matter as there' is no, sci sors with a stove- ipe h t and a auguration navigation Zanal I' 'the Chat"Falli Growers' Association annual meeting. tU and-brtidging Hudson Bay Railway,has been marked by.the in n with which he cuts bond couPqns."- I Club. an"air Mail service een Rim- region, and the difference at. prese-at Canadian Kenne Tain extension to Fort Churebill, which has'Of betw Id The placards announced that "to- Feb'. G—Outarlo existing between the provincial an Mondayo 'boen,-choxen as the terminus' of-the ouski and bfontreal. there would be a mass- morrow wortli Club. al authorities with respect to the meeting In Gilbert's hoTror "at which lime. CUSTOMS REPORT COMING. feder due to there being a Dual Purpose Shorthorn Breeders' unempolyed war cripples, trench swine 4.- 7. An airship mooring tower It to SatisfacUry progremi has been made Carillon Falls is Club. a l6n of the department .1aAgation canal there. .. A and othei.victims would express theii Ontario Berkshire Club. ke erected on an airship base near in the organiz ti The final re-, gratituide f in- ge Torkshire Club. Montreal and-a public air tarrainal for of rational revenue. or the whippin X which Ontario La�r nission on cus- r I Ontario Swine Breeders' Assocla- 1W nj� Airplanes provided. port of the royal comi ?lane Presented -ternational capital has administe'ed to Departments of health and--sol-, ram ad excise will-be presented to onto Club to them since 1918." tion. .4pA- or The placard was-signed 'Reich- m e Tuesday, Feb. 7-13omlnion Short-'. 'diiiirs' civil re-establishment are to be�parliament I mediat Ay and I gisla- To T by amalgamated in a single department i tion based upon the report will be stag Deputy Wilhelm Kube, amon ihorn Breediers' Association- of rational health And veterans' Charles' others, on behalf of the lei n an as- we- introduced. Canadian Jersey Cattle Club. i cist party. fare. His' ted thq Gift is Made by Sir excellency con&*tula kF. ", %V-Vr6-1A 11art Canadian Hackney Horse Society 9. Trade treaties between Canada members on the nation's"market pros- IOzkdon.—,Sir Canadian Pony Society. mtries" andl tharles Wakefield, -Bred Horse. As- an perity." "The Canadian F d "certain foreign con volume of trade and of Standard for"substantial assistance to, and lrn�Lbuilding construction, the growth In Bart, is presenting a' Motb airpla, s6clation. b. '=hEscaped Political proved facilities for, industrial an employment, 'the increased railway to the. Toronto Flying Clu A Canadian Swine Breeders' Assoda. scientific research" are to be submit- feceipts, the expanding revenues, and costs in the neighborhood of $7,OW,: Caught tion. i . _Prisoner ted t parliament ally, all bear so Sj Wednesday, 0 business conditions generi ly Charles' gift is a handsome one. Feb. 8--C,anadian Slitre testimony to a sound eCOTIOM Sir Charles Is Horse. Association. without doubt the' 10. A ppointment to Canada of a re- ic deval V, efactor of flying. Irish Rtpublican is Recaptur-' ntative of the Brhish govern- t which promiso much-in the. W�Orld?s reatest ben Ontario Sheep Breeders' AssOcti- preee opmarn 9 abs' ment 'in Great Britain is being dij- of substantial progvess," he He has presented planer to flying cl led at-Callan, Kilkenny tion. As- d between Hon. L. C. M. S. way to piomotei eusse -.stated. throughout Great Brit&i Canadian Percheron Breeders kmery., secretary of state for domin-j He referred to the dominion's Jub- the interests of Vying- Dublin. Irish Free State.—James sociation. OAFi :n-:. 1;.. ;egs a Sir N -.Breeders' Asso- Ion affal rs.in Great Britain. who is at ilee last year;to,the visit of the Prince Sir Alan Cobliam is a Prot . . ugent. a wounded political-prisoner Ontario -Hereford ert in Canada, and members of of Wales, Prince Geolge'and Premier Charles. Sir Alan is no- mapping,who made a dramatic escape from St. Prea ciatton. i C South Africa. W-will. m- Ontario Rr9neh tional the anadian government, in order to Baldwin of Great Britain and to Can st a fortune,� Bricin's military �,kospital, was re- Canadian Na !bring the two governments into more adn's election to the LeIgne Of Na' which Sir Charles is giving as his!captured 12.ho'urs la'*r at Callan. Kil- Empire kenny 20 miles froit� his birthplace. Silver Fez Association. contribution to strengthen Associa- direct perscmal contact, Lord Willing tion, council. Inter.provincial bond,, lonm'el. Olktarjo Aberdeen-Angus 'Am annour xed. Last November's Peech presented C 1CO OPERATE ON SETTLEMENT conference was described-In the,s rr- Charles Wakefield -Nugent was Rssisted in his flight by S Canadian Her:-ford Breeders' Ass- WORK. as being "of the utmost value" to the the Mace to the CAnaduan Parliament two armed men who -crept into the j elation. the war. For two year,, dimly lighted hospital ward on band.41 - otitario Vege'table Growers' Amool- A nubstantial increase in the num- provinces and the dominion. shortly after stredt ade of the devel- during the war he was Lerd Mayor and knees and bundled him into bar of British lmTr igranti as well as I' No mention was In ation ..In the number of Immigrants of a'opm,�mt of the St. Lawrence water- of London.during which time he earn clothes. A guard who was aroused by Thursda y Feb. 9__-Ontarlo Horti- This mny develop later as it- ed the unayi-ng-gratitude of tens of, the noise interrupted the men, who annual couvefi. cultural A"octat.100 suitAble type from the Continent of,waYs, Rurope was reported. Steps have been'is the most popular matter before the Lhousan�s Of soldiers. He Is a great opened fire on him with revolvers. The tion. taken towards closer co-operation with'Ganadian public at present. educat alist and is the author of , guard threw himself on the floor and Canadian ��rrstlre Cattle -Aisocia- received world-wide re- ree men h returned the fire but the th book tha *s -1 tion. 'n ..On l",ea"in6e School Tunnel and also was an advimq�r of eonunendati(L - - 11 Red. Canadian WROOD&I Poultry Asso- eX the Port Authority in its other pro- and the Choice Of a Career. Nugent was one of a ndmber of Panama Build p�isoneri w ciation. of including the bridges now behm 0-m Republican be escaPedl �:lyde�dale .11orse Association Germany'n innovatlo% spairtmen. 'k I and New Mount Toy prboon in.1925-And -Passes in New Y Or built between Staten Islam for houtielteeVing bachelors, recalls fr`om Canada. Jersey, and the proposed bridge across -lonmel, Dqc. 21, Cana4lan-9heeP one bjwhelbr's reelpe 'for toast' care. w4s recaptured in C Breeders', Assoc after a struggle in which he was shot Major General Georg� Wash- the Hudson to Fort Lee. fully burn a slice_.of bread, then tion. Feb. - 1"utarla Cattle ing Goethals Greatest of all DECISION OF CONGRESS.' scrape it. in the hip.7 Friday. Breeders' Association,< Arnericah- Engineers In 19-03 Congress. finally decided to TT=X��� Ontario Horse Steeders Assocla- -provide funds for the United-States to Our Irish Guest two. Great. joins take over the Panarna.Can projecL Majority Three French companies had been un- successful in their efforts to build the Le n Spurns due to the e4lL % Cfucagop ' May '.SEVFNTY )(EAJLS OLD canaL -Their failure was fact that they did not appreciate the or Buria.I According to Wish at;necessity of making the country a *fit white laborers to live i place ror the The Asso6ated Press report4! that West Point. Where H e Also because they could not find a sea rom Clinton, Mass.,to Mayor a letter f -Was Trained ',level canal possible and were unable I n-of Chicago. William Hale Thompeo New Y-orrk.—Major. Gen. . George I to solve the problem of an adequate his asso-, Washington Goethals, officially recag- Lesseps, builder of the Suez canal, ciation with silly,patriotic progTam lock*-syst.�m.- Even the famed De in which it was Stated that ,distracts from. and does not add to,its nized as the man who accom �one of the greatest en—gimeering fe2ts iffectivinew P lished isbandoned the task. ga been- framed- here In 1907 President Roosevelt A�P- ty the delegates t&lil"Onfpmence of since the Egyptians built the pyra-I pointed GelL Goethals Chief Engineer the State Department, Ameiican Le- inide—the Panama Canal—died on,of the canal project. Onil� . .. gion Wnrday-last in New York after -a" Tlia*letb�r v�is ili reply tO Gen. Goethals gathered about him received b,'y the State Department His wife and two—7=5 the ablest men-in his profession and . M thompson, in which the were at his bedside when he'-ded. from &yOr to Panama, but when re- pport of the Massa- latter asked the su He was.burie4 "with fun military ports shrmFed little progress was being husetts- LegiOn in h rogjam to ...... honms, at Wed Point, whire he was made there was a storm of,Protwts. Anjoricanize" American nod and where he was an.inattw. But Goothals had a definite r1an delegates represented 79 Legion pasts tar at one time. t was found his firvt step' in the State. The k�tter_ssid, in'part. Signal achievements marked f upon arrival on the Isthmus was to -you ask our suport. ' You, who, .._eju-cer of C -Gen. William C. Ger- rep. Goethals. scores of appoint Major your actions vmuld,. in itary Engine4L-r of the -ift 1918r by tlem, uAeard of until he literally gas_Chief San FUP -moved mountains to,- l5ring true the orne. It was Gen. Gorga's duty to political glee. have seen the I safe for'workers. Gor- ler3 and defender of*aur rations. in men,ngly 'hopeless dream—the Pan- make the Zone tegrity li�-4d out into slavery.'- You, U am& Canal. It was this stupendous gas cleaned up the Isthm. s, drove out n -1918 by your.actiom gave, whD, i 4;-- --r sup- test, the separating of -the American the fever, 1-rovided a pure wat vent and leadership- 't6 that 9-Pinion fame to the' and when the place was made \_mwtimenta, that brought ply, which would have put a.crepe on our, ran who for more than 30 years had habitable workmen wei*e brought in r heads In chonor door' and hung OU rrents in and the real -work of digging the bi tides and cu L9 you, a defender of American The s==;`fhc nation. He was 57 ditch ,as on inatitutoils?, ',kou-n-patriot:7 - Yolr-a whint ho.completed the Panama Canal Per" ven'yoars Geri, Goethals drovel defender of the America of yes�erday, #nd be was 22 when he entered upon himself recklessly in the undertaking. to-day or to�niorrow? You--:—You who "hie oAaver as an engineer. But he met'and'conquered almost un- had a -great chance in the world's a les of nature and Gen. Goethals continued hie work believable ob9t c and who failed." Isis greatest cr undil two manths ago, although he sciento. Then when everything was T he letter was signed by John W. q Army at bpm retired frorn th in readiness for ships to pass through Rech, Department Comi�nand*r. tblm.own rectuest almest*13 years, and the canal Gen. Goethals reyorted to ',613 rugged health seemed impregnable Congress that his life work was com- J The Swedish-Yachf May -Be, Which time the to the -ad-mtclug years. He was TID pleted and that'for the first d by won the scandinavian Gold Cup froin V�Mn be cil4d, but until two months American continent was. sepRrate the United Statem last fall, has been One a naN-jg-jh14,waterway- snkq"d exception&I health Purchased by -Sanrcandsco-interesta. 'dxy.he was taken JU_in hiet off" and ning the, _�nJ)t(t t4ey� have an eye Oil win home,,but only his family and may Be?* --cup, back it—I.- to'be hoped th I enym Z" intirantes knew ot it- The fdct that rs have learned that, it 7— American rule he frequar%tlY, was called out of.town It to best they must go up in the air 'When did the robbery occai?" the any SU9066,n of ,-illneS6 His do so with I.Indbergb. to. inj lawyei asked :the Wit -eross-exav lie. stall came as a great shock. b nesp. 1'k­wo wallt 1929 Gorr. Goethela was drafted don't CATO what you thu -by Gov. Smith"to seTve as State Fuel other thing which Col. ma An mArkeA A. Lthdborigit accomplished was,., to to know what you kunw," re . Aftirladvaor anid his service in that the lawyer. ­wpli.-I way as Well get make it very simple for the lnterna� HON. WILLIAM T Post vrq�n the approvar Of-the Staft tional AerPu&uttcaI Federation do- C08G*AVE. off the ftand, then," said the wifn me one of %to Its meut,of, t�' Irish Free without.tl.ilukln& 11it land rAVyk- HO'th*n bees I pkt of cide what avlAtorwas antil-_ Pres(dent of the executive council of the govern f-L can't t,al k the prkdw advisors of tb the con- 192-, medal for the greatest acbfevb- State at present ho4ored guest,of banada's Government. no lawyer." jqsw York Authority during Mont in aviation last year. &I I STA Vehicular of 'dw .. z _ v< b ....w ... t ? ffll;l �:. .E v+-fe +'Ss.v..,m S:E• .'i'W _? i,..r .i. w,Fwj. ri t�, •, 'it+ws•. w... .... �. -- ., ys.. :,�.�,•" mr+-'r r h*.^;w ,r�:,•h+t 3. `- •.. ro-.-. _,.,. ...< •,c-:... .:sass a .,:sass., ,... ?rt R"w.. _.. :.y 7'M..•.e�..•..r.,�7n:a. v. ^Naas-es '+n.c, .•�. r r,.,xz•+., :.s .aa.. r. � ., .- .. ... :v. ..._..sass,.,•. i.,.,._, ... � w...a, ,,,... "•___— •. .,:.Maus. '" - ..-„ ,...e. - Y T -,.. .�. . , .•..�': +r' p,.,,..,• + .� L.,•,:, -g_ c,, ossa sass. .. ,.;; 'R � _ _ �,, sass :. ”.. ,.:.�. ,r. ..•�: � _ ---r. _ - g ;f. _ -, _ 1 ., R Y THAT Gem Ate AM 'Strongly.Adverse kt MOIL - Report Listing I mpbrt >. People Who 13a}ue Used Dr. Wil- . ante ' of $i,000,004;000 " Business Hams' Pink PHIS Speak of -Stirs Berlin_ t raise. Oo Circ Them With Ples � tea i w 1St •'Goin into a decline' is an expres- ^D IN DECEMBER7. g sion that has come to be known as one of the most difficult 'coaditiions --Consternation has been c - _ with which physicians have to:deal. c. . re in business and financial -(ted Rose 'Orange Pekoe It often describes an alarming cpndt circles by the official.trade statistics J' for 1927, just published, showing an tion because it dons not yield to or• r _ �op Quality w dinary treatment tad the debility con- adverse balance for (3eru of 'iln- ib a tinues with loss of flesh and strength ports over exports aggreg ung about /� i[1i ClEQfi, brig A1ttR1�nt1M Until the patient feels hopeless. In '$1,000,000,000. - the majority of such cases the victim Whereas the total value of imports suffers from lack of good,.red blood, into the country last.year was14,381; 1 �W1If{Cr l�lgl2t—^l�111d3nte � Advertisements , and if the blood can be restored to 432,0marks :(about 43,5Q0.000,000), To-night 'I want the splendor of ofd 00 8►OtT?.TSY normal no other medical treatment is exports totalled on1 10,240,578,000 things— REM-•-A NEW BOOK OF POULTRY necessary. .Proper food and sunshine marks, or-about 00 ,000. % The scent of summer fn olil Rhenish Lesaatfs• L. R. guild A Bona. Boz will do the rest. There was a slight decrease in De- wine; Rockwood, Oat Every man, woman'and child who cember in the imports of foodatufl's The soft, slow sobbing of some muted ARRY—JOIN CANADIAN COIL. lacks health and stt'eagth should at and beverages; but on the other hand I strings, M. RESPONDENCE CLUB Aadrestl F once take 1]r. Williams' Pink Pijis to And long-lost books, 'that were old -Bos itis, Calgary. Alberta _ the value of imports of raw materials I Sir Thames Beecham - build up their blood supply, The mis• and parly manufacured goods inereas-,Conductor. and director of-the Im- friends of mine. Mr. Cannibal: Do you mind it I sion of this medieine is to make ne_w, ed in the same month by y more than'perial Opera League of London, visit- --' bring a friend home los dinner? + -rich red blood,'. which speedily re- $3,000,000. Ing the United .States to conduct the To-night I want a road that turns 4o I tED stores,health_ and strength. "� am i. Imports of textile raw materials r orchestras of the New York Philhar-, home I `� writing to tell you what Dr, Williams' also increased last month, likewise Beale Society, the Boston And Philo And distant empires where old Time ' A T E N T s 4 Pink Pills have -done for tae," says imports of copper, mineral oils, to- delphia Symphorties. has trod; ltlrs, J. H. Oultoa, P'irdale, Sian. A bacco and lead and Isfnc ores. Im- � - To-night the tramp of armies coming Lint of Wanted IaveatlFree few years ago I was is a badly ran- and Fust information Beat Fru ,,: porta manufactured -goods decreased, BURY'S � ,` � t r home on Request. down condition, so much so that I wasiN' i++�1J TM s�lseAT Co.. >�t p, c: those of textiles by nearly $2,000:000, With incense burning to;a Dawn 273 Bank St- o"%W% ret. subject to fainting spells which would of iron wares at tbe'same ratio and god! I s leave me 3n anti} a cuadi hen thai'I of machinery by about $750,000. A vQ t� HOME�i could hardly go about. Then I was' A I J IN t►3E r'• � Exports of manufactured goods in- To-night I sail with Cortes out of The-New Freely-Lathering - stricken with influenza and this fur ,creased generally in December, but Spain. C�#1 C u ra thcr weakened me, and throughout there was a decrease in exports of R'!ih epee that gaze beyond the set },�tfw- ��cc♦• the winter-1 remained In this,condi-, ting sun; Shriving Stiocli -'Uou. I was taking doctor's medicine, i furs. toys and shoes. Among the In- Once a mother has used Baby's Own a,,. Creased 'exports were those of iron Tablets for her little ones she always opo aigbt I want a world grown AugyoForTendei'Faces but as it dill not seem to help me, my i products. ' machines• books, electro- keeps a supply on hand, for--the first again (mother advised me to try Dr. Wit-,D trial convinces her there to nothing When gamblers gambled all, and EtA(ZIUENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC =L 'Yams' Pink Pills, and I got a couple technical products, films and paper: - _ + An Important role 1s played fin (3er- to equal them in keeping children lost, and won., at boxes to start on. When these! p° well. The Tablets ate a mild but were done : I seemed to feel an im-' man exports by deliveries in kind, —N-S.W.. J. T. Henry, _ thorough laxative which regulate the Nothulig Like provement and I got a further supply ,which must be made by Germany on bowels and'sweeten the stomach, thus It to Relieve Colds to cotittnne the treatment, I tock:In the account of war reparations ander the Dawes Plan. The value of such driving out constipation and indigos- Minard's Liniment for sick animals is formals sad acts-n Baakia>re all about a dozen bonen, and by that tion, colds and simple fevers, grid -- 'e Khtar• is dlSanat from a}I ewer �. time I was d the best , health and�exports in 1921 totalled 678,432,000 runedir It literally rete tl3• • had gained 1n weight. o faith in and marks, or about $133,080.000. They�making teething easier, Concerning 'EmPi1'C Settlement east,' to eonaeertnx coughs rad Dr. them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St. Du hallus the laesmea parts- The ta- Wllliama' Pink Pills fs now unbound-'.Included coal, coke, -Iron products, Bas, Qrs.. writer:—"I have need Ottawa Citizen (Ind. Llb.): The Em- etatu relsef that folicve the 6101 rolling mill products, gaper, coloring pine Settlement plan Is something big amdow is ple, 13 IL times to should to ed, and I keep a supply on hand and Baby's Own Tablete for the,past tea °� bO 't SOC `" ~ ,take them occasionally If I am not materials and Taiahea. years and am never without them in ger than the mere transportation of tit arses hems Your dross+K sem' fe®Ifag quite wall. t .often .recom u vaeW.sr • mBuck ir. �em.ra� the 1puse They have always given to pr h men away from the rotaHomiced s ly el mt-,Tomato ass -mend them to others, and cannot the greatest satisfaction and I can to precarious existence 1n uninhabited x19 mutual fit. Terata a praise them enough for restoring my gladly recommend them to all mothers regions, It is intended to open up op- x health." of 1lttle ones." The. Tablets are sold portunities for steady workers to $� tx is from as b mall make homes for themselves and win Aces iiie o it c et these Y eaters or direct y You tea g D b medicine d It Y a medicine deader or by mail at SUc a � •w at 26 cents a hoz f�i The Dr, W1]- economic independence fa a Young style dv Meese box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ,, liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. country• it should be mutually bene- Co., Brockville, Ont. Aclal to Canada and to the Brftiah na- tion to bring more of the landless mea - Joints-�� Matin%► Sports Kn+D� By of the British isles to cultivate the Swollen Joints "We- Sung-R " Number of Players mauless land of the Canadian Watt.�r � Sure mubcles aaQ strained Us- -port-Pwuug Word To the occasional reader of sport^ meats quickly relieved b,. aADlf• gerfia—A message to the Commun• ing events the numevral terms used *r �attrr, ai M�na.d's L��tm,►,.t. fat International, purported to have in headlines for the nkmes of sportsMining �I1V+@8tOr$ atl' are often confusing and at times been signed by Leon Trotzky and Intrinele .values govern market a cause him Lo go on to the opening Hees eventually. We shall'be glad others of the..recently exiled oppoai= paragraph of the story to discover p ' tion leaders in° Soviet Russia, w•as what kind of game has been played. to analyze your holdings from that �5�was he Socialist nevvspsper ''lF+, gut to the regular reader of sports angle wllhout obl+yatlan. rs 00 Ar rMNThe }taper says that neves the numerical term is a familiar ,LYM BELL & Co. Y {ff Ili!not permitted pub- n"� and accepted part of spoit,s tenn;n- lication in Russia, j elegy. Stock Brokers, Mall Bldg., Toronto "We submit to force and we leave Name your game and nitre Times out ELyln 21367 Writs, Wire or Phone your party.work for a purposeless exile,,_ of ten the-follower of sports will give but we are confident.that we shall re- - - „ you the numerical synonym for it. A �.--- —----. - appear for the coming great battle, basketball. team, on which there are the statement says, ( r five positions, is.a five or a quintet. A The signatories, who are stated to football team, because it has eleven . include Christian Rako6sky and Karl HAD NEVER TRIED tT ' positions.is an eleven; a baseball timm 1 ail Radek, also demand a full investiga- Shes I don't Oprove of„ pts. nine; a hockey, a six or sextet; aft y ? FOR tion by thb Communist InternationAl ntftetaew kissing. outdoor polo team, a four or quartet; FNEURALG,1'a *` of the banishments, Het I'va Rover trled that ki" an indoor polo team, a three or a trio. '"We_are being persecuted for our « �` How doss It sof and A drew is an eight opinions which we cannot relinquish," In other sports, in which, the num- « the pager adds, declaring that the ber'ot al=iens is not standardized, t Comtaunist International is not aware Little Tommy had been sighing over go, employ the nutrieTical term cannot,be a loy- "p of the fight which is going on behind I his home-vrork anon and suddenly he �� but there is always some sort of 4 t4 its+ back. exclaimed: Oh. how I wish I was a t rat! "A rat, my boy!" as:id his moth- stynonyru to take its place. Members because the corn- -- era "Why on earth do you want to be of a wrestling team, y _ Ruch a horrible thing'" "Because;' Pete orti mats, are called' inatxnen, of ' NURSESsaid Tommy, "I ,heard the inspector t ometimes are called grapplers Swim- The Toronto Hoxpitsl or n u fiad--the©tber day that rats multi- niers arel►atmrtora,fers.are swords+- { s' In afnitati*n with Bellevue and'rated r plied by hundreds and I' can't even men and a member of a rifle team.is _ Hospital P, New York city, offers a a marksman:' t a, three year Contras oLTratnIng to (multiply by 13!t' vauttg women, having the required I Frequently, ta+0; the name Of the ;> 3 editcatlon, and desirous of txoomirsR �•Me great to'behold," sighed Mark phare on which the game is Played is ` �•#'A'"""" nurse4. This+'ItosDital has adopted the used as a means to convey the real eight-hour systeta. The DuP11+ receive I Antony, he viewed the pylamidA. uniforms of the school; a monthly Wherett Cleo snuggled cxpeer and name of the sport The most eom- allowance and traveling expenses to i.beld." whisge d in hie ear; "T1s great to beand from. New fork, r further moa terms Irl this dgwialOn are: D;a-tnrortnacionwrite the .%uderintendent mond for baseball, grid TO;l for foot- -- �___---------- - bell, ice-for hockey, court for basket- squash, ; x - . all, tennis, squash, and squash s, r ry _. r b racqut:fW; pool fo outdoor for crew a _ . track.• Woodsmen—Keep Minard's handy. hl'. Coolidge's Speech - + • b. In the ad- l • 1 Quebec Soleil (Ll ) dress with which Mr. Coolidge opened - tiis conference at Havana he de t • Glared that on this hemieph-ere n-0 iia drys �' - tion -;bad the least intention of build yeti doubtless depend on Aspirin to make short work of head- aav Ing up any important mllitary system: + that no nattdn had �eslred to impose ::fiches, but remember that its Mist as dependable an antidote for ` iia will on tiny others by force of n?an alll5er pains Neuralgia? Many!rave found real relief is tan - arms, Whatever emphasis 'Sir. ---.Aspirin tablet. Or for toothache; an effective way to relieve if, -- " e gut on this vara and the one thing doctors axe yyjlinga ou.•should-gihe.a_chf 'ld f t�oolidt4e maty-hay - 4. , or relieve the serious pain What most people call iiidigeattvn 'Otte tasteless spoonful. in water' neu- graph—and the rest of the a&real -- azTa a-.-whether--to.break up a fUj trite-ltk�_ js usually e:cesa acid in the stomach. Itralizes many times its volume in acid. was no mora tfian a par of this from neuritis or deep-seated rheums isr�r,-tit trinst9#a ll Aspirin. -Just make certain it's-genuine; it mast have Bayer on "rho to<>dr him rsoured: The instant The resultc are immediate, with no declaration of princlples—it.}s cPitain the boX and on every tablet. AN druggists with proven directions. remedy to .an alkali whlch nbutralizes bad nfter•effects, once yoii' leaiit t5at he coitroinced Ro one. On the t - aci taut don't use crude hcIpa. Use'this tact, you will never deal with ex- l©est pretext the Govern at Wash $ preSCte Aspirin; ;what �'nur doctor would adblce. ;cess acid in tiro crude waysi0o learn tngton will send battleships, troops, _ h IJ 4 Thr' beat help is Phillips' Mi19F .of -stow--why ibis method is Fupreme. gtirplanes, and when the ultimatum illleCt the heart - kin usla. Far the 50 years since its Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' has barely been delivered, fire will be :� -fly, NOT Ri ��Yll NOT Invention it. has remained r4tandard Milk of Aiagnesla prescribed by physio opened with guns, rifles and Yankee with physt<fanr.. You will find nothing cians,tor 50 years In correcting excPss bombs. rytrtn to the erase msrti srogtxtrrr.l to OenaJel lndlcao a Bn?er a Pub)aciaga While tf -- else so quick in its effect, eo`ISarmless,'ao.tdst. k v bot rte contains full di=sc• sell known tLLt AaDlrin mva:se Rarer manufacture. to assure the Peti}1` afaloat imtti• boas—nay Iruitle c• ISSUE trio. 6—'29 glans, t!w rebteta will be stami"al with their 'BaYar Crua' tndemarL • - - _ , XF -e. 7 07 -f -.7 _7 ,to although the- t*o- cases were Both kasei the matter had ' It all goes. to prov with the reipgasibility of the ow4o 'identical. X. IS' Iry Win-ter will be here Very soon SU4 Ik,-V-,th tog-t6go to a peisbil. that if-you have any-notio%qf- C 0 C,.'- ����. ev�aadojr.�hat had l4ties: Ti t justice is flot always His- purchasing a--new 7, t., 11i both cases It *as the first time law, fbi t 1;76 per year.. $L in advance; sleigh, lease is which the dogs- were known to' PeUi6d' in cbhrts of liw. At; a. Hard and Bofi (3o&l of th6. Q the Unked StaLes and Cry your, ord "' .:- . .-1- er now so that it Twuseripums M - eiiiii, which i beat quality' on - - _ . Britaw 82.00 In advance. bite'*'&litiman b mplies rule it is far more profitable to re 4 *h6a the will W ready thsAaw' for even if-#, that the dogs lAad not established Main Out Of . . I . hand- first sndw appears: the 'chances are the turvicto u'snese where, person win,& D Proprietor. a reputation AOHN MURKAR, de. lawers will get good ills.'re of LO RNE -]Pj I by they could be ordered to be THOS. A. -LAW, In one case the owner of the winning. stroyed. CLA.RBMONT _tWTESAND COMMENTS. -i the dog had to pay damages to - Brand- Groceries In years gone by it was the the anuunt of between two .and, If von want.x laugh, see Rose to ' Gold Medal work of the physiciaii to heal three hundred dollars. while, the •'The Prairie Rose" at Audley week Gold Medal Brands and recommemd.and "Abose suffering from disease. His other m.an was not',,held liable; : — School, Feb. 10th. We are featurLwk this guarantee any goods carrying this label. Work did not begin until the pati- S Gold Medal,-Golden Bantam Carty, 2 for .,eat had become'greatly weakened ..In this Gold Medal Toruaf6es, large tin.��by the ravages of disease.9 Ise -&i ; of theMedal SweerCcrrn, re one of thek chief dutie, S PLC � l) I A L P]�ICE Gold Medal Pea-,. 15C vhysician is -to ward off diie&se Gold Medal Sardines, 2 for 17 destroy it-before-it gets a Gold Medal Shaker Salt (iodized' 2 for 25c Joe `foothold on its victim. Many 7,.-FOR TEAM HARNESS, �Qold.Kedal Shaker*Salt, Gold Medal Peanut Butter, 1 1b. tit,, .25C tons, especially those who have135c ' Gol'd'Medal Coffee., J lb. tin, '"Ached middle age, undergo, Brasa-mounted Tefim B4ckband Harness, *untially, a medical examination, 2 inch layer trace with heel chaing, $42-00 . . . . .1., , Make your Fier? Lay With 5 Ling breechitig. instead 6f back- and if he shows any sigus of -7 band, $10,00 Royal Put ple Spectic,PClc and.. Royal Purple L disease the phybician it in a pose 11, 1 1 La Meal pier lb. 5c tion tostat-up it out at a tirue when Black-mounted Team Backband Harries�, $38.5C .,r ... Big 60 Heat Scrap, I lbs i it is easily conquered. The ttiedi- fit 5 ring Breeching $4-4.25 -Grit, 15 lbs fur 25c, Shell. 1016a for 25e - q `.,aal man is in'a position to give. ex Royal Purple-Calf Meal, 5 lbs for 1.25. veit advice whereby his patient This is not-a-factory harness; but custow made in our - . own shopOur universities are carrying on a We specialize on repairs to harness and collars. , RICHARDSO� 'GROCER 0 at Markham. g?,W may add many years t hii life. it. J - '* very valuable research work in resfard to the cure and prevention _ - _ - of disease which, is doing much 7 0 D _D 'S Pickering Hardware More ok Aoward the prolonging of human life. Harn . Bat the individual can do eaq and Collar Manubteturer 7 unuch towarJ this end by umiler' Home Pbore 21400 as .01 ngfreti,ient medical e'xaimi' PrAtt's Laking Meal Beef Scrap. .4t A Poultry Food and F4rg Producers5, ....................... . ionsOyster Shell. -Mica Grit. - Blatchford's Egg Ma&h and Calf. Meal are -%w,cGtii t i fur the purpose of get� worthgivit3g es trial.When peraoii appealt' to the 10 U R L 'I N E S ting justice he fhay buvce ed, but -ibe runs a great chance, as his u want a Wheelbarrow or & -Spell Repeat C us,-t omer's'-. 0 �apponent may get the decision in Circular Saw, we have them. bis favor. but ut)iu&tLy Different _V_1 ­.:judges' way interpret certain Essy-Electric Washer@ and 1900 Gravity Washer are wood.waahem, A free tri%ki given nt any time elaas&; of the law in different -Overcoats, Overalls and SmockF. SwetLters, Shirts, s. or & jury may view a cer. etala clause differently frum a Trousers, Underwear, Neckwear. Agent for McCormick-Deer&ag Farm Machinery These lines are the best mikes obtainable, -in or an*y one else well versed and Repairs in the lair. " Two decisions were .............................. Footwear, both leath-er:and rubber. Fine. Work and .rwently,given in Toronto which o We have it, can get it, or it not madek shows , huw iincertain it. is how a Heavy Sox, Caps, Mitts, Gloves and Tb--ues, _,Our Mott .deekija may be. gi'ven. In one Ask for profit-sharing coupons.` J. S. BALSDON PICKERING �Iease it was being tried by a judge _EY s" in the other by 'a jury. In _-_ _ C EC1L `­-. .BRADL• ,• _ AUCTIOS'-SALE OF UNIVERSAL MOTORS MEWARSES AND CATTLE E&T HILL Xigs, Poultry, Lcuplemente, W Et( 11ky, Grain, Roo Complete' Quality Funerals STAR AND FLINT SA ' 'Ttihe property ui�. SOLID OAK LES CASKET FUSE $709 $100p - $125 RAL $145 •At Le,t I", f-or. I" k "halt M41t:norib of aightr.y.%n M A T H E W S' SURIAL 00# :T:?_� 3M ID -A 1. RS Brock Poati,.z:a Wednesday, February 6th; 1928 219 Dantorth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 3300 If guaranteed P e ai r jab at a re"' on' ibd6 y0a" want a g P The RHowiag property; Hearse, "Casket. price, Our Funeral---, e a4e, Lumt. h 4, T year* cid-. Bay tj,Are', Electric Fixturei., Qhairrq, 'Our Per�(lnal Seryice. Fu oucomplete.dC '�'K makes, nera d Mhchimici. ReDftir9on 9 eAtv old; Bar gelding. h d. 9 No Extras. perience vear.s old; Sortel gelding, h d, loyvars Visit our e;.talAi-hnieut and prove the troth t'f theie-t--%tement= Ph one 5cprbc.r-(. 71231. :41d; Black.tuare, in fGa". Agedi Grey for you r4eives. ;Belding, riting 3 years;2 Say,4 TheiL prprices �taud gyt�d withion a radius of 44i miles froru Toronto �idings, risislg2 years;-13 Bay geldings, risiag REMEMBER Clip this ad,-for reference. altf year: r:;j7r=j r=j mi r=3 F=77=3 Mi r=r= 7=3 Orm 'Halt-teln--ioyr. 'due Jag &)tb. Holstein -COW.reg., dleFeb.Trd. Holstein cow, FOna re - HoJstein cog;. due % -)lstelc cow. due Feb-Stb, SPECIAL SIX due FO). 3rd., (iib; H� -Red cow due March 2nd: Red and 4. 7 white cow.. fresh. Jersey cow, fresh: 'Holstein tow,i ea, bred 0 c. Itsth Hof- 'stetr. _,ow. bred D-�c. 27ch: Hj;tteitr bred D�.-c_S.h;EI, stein W,' bred 'It b; -Re 9r.212nd. Dec. 12 - JBIackon". Lied Nay. 6-,h: Ho7,,ein RoIE -eow,-bred Jan. 3rd; tein b--ifers, bred in Dec.,2 yrs,; 2) Black heifer`, 2 -veAts old: Holttvir�beifer. �;years old: Avr,hire heifer. 2-r(-arz­;,1d_f)Yc-ar. Zing heifers. 3Yem ling s'tet��, The i cow.34h foreg(jing lint,al e 4H CIA's. T, the *ILSMitkc arch 7th: 2 rt,h. Sow. due M. :� Yorkshire 'aoR?, dike Nlar,�.h IKL; Days Yorkshire sow-, due, •Apvil 4ft 13 01 on h 1275 1 bs,; 25 Shn�,,, L12 Rhode. e d "Tke sweetest to�# Part ka"may 1 Island pulle.r�, UMPL EMEN*Tz� AND HAIINFSS ever known- -P. H. seeder. 13 spouts: M, Ei. (-ulti. IFIL a d t o ..Holestead levet --wator.12 tootb; P. H. mower. 5-ft.cut: WHEN "mother's was ie work tr 13et of harr.ows,'4 •P,!d(;n,: Set t4barr. W done`' there was only time for bak- -Twohands are than one. Ing'once or, at the most, twice a weekl .� ,ows,-5 .iectinn�; ­�4i�t of 'Milk wagon 'ways retained Its -8,-t of i4rin trucks. Horse -FADA sets ' are two dial . -Yet her bread a, 12 ft,; NVi!'6in.F,,n plow, N'0 7; -doubles the number-of stations. M.-H,single fut i f!k% riding plow, Tur- FLAVOR and FRkSHNESS; Refines reception. T6st it at IL I. -mip drill, Oliver 2-furrow plow, 2 Mo ther's secret lay in using itiat the 'ScUfflem Fanning mill, ChaEha - your dealer's or your home. -J' proportion of, fine, n2ashed, meal M, 40Krpper. - Gilson enginp, 3 p.:' Em- Tnak tatoes added.to her Wheat flour, in Ligterf to tone . . . clear. clean Iq err stone, T, B. separator, Pm. separ. rn; her bread. �or. 2 Sets of team harness, Set of ringmg...resonant...FADA 60 Ingle harness. superl& -4 soothes the son HAY, ORAIN; AND R06TA 7 appea qual. 1%Tons of good bay, 12 Bushels of _mnm �O .r AtT '--mad;sIn Reapty ppaq-25-Busheis of La $95 to $55a Puckwbeat, 806 Bushels of mixed 'v*ritin, 250 Bqohels of urnics and num- r erntiq o cles.. That's what be sold. made that wa too. Everything will positively Its wonderful MVOR'and KEEPING ROBT. jW. FEASBY,'... n107 it I sharp Sale begins at 12.00 o'clock, ...�QUALITIES. YoAU_e_ TERMS:—Hags, poulkrv, bay, grain, .'Agent A&*Oe�r Exclusive "Community"Product Sold b3P roots-and all sums of$20 and tinder, . .,Cash ; above that amount 8 months JAMES RICH.XRDSON, GROCER 7. L L IL IL U ILI 'LL ti crecittwIllTegiven to,pactiesfurn- On isbing approved joint noted`. 0 per �Brougham, (,Pnt, ppr Fti�nuni,off for cAsh tp Jtcu Pickerin,F, Ont. of notes, FRED POST]LL, Clerk Auctioneerr=j r;;;A.r=j Mirm M_i;n rM PUT ?r.' a§. »` r _ r .ty_ r°w,r a .h + 4x n eT +� ,..:y �.+. f ».• ,, }m ww' w.a :.r.,r". v' ,4`...q,,. °» ti•. .t'' ...-7—• . L ,•-.. _ �,,::: . •ac+TY'..`.+e•%'M! ..n vzY•.+. ,.. Y.. {2 r ..-. .^w., ..a•.; ^'•",a. Kuds•.9'-,"�..R a. «,..e, ,.. �• -,,. :k•.J•• .,.„•<r.-- ... ..y •.a,,..'. .::'. :..,r --•`•a. >a• : ;.:' .'a•::a.,, .Ca_e �u.. 1 . @ . 'b _ ,y,.tt f. ;. ,, ..-3:t ^r,,.,>.. •....... ., •'.w•..r:L. -., , f ,;T.•a•'”. '�'. .:2.�. 1,•JY: "i... ti: Z' n'a!in.3..n.a : •.s.'..^s .."n. .. ix'" -:. :,:m..s:.• r ,..•,• y.. / N ' '. .,.rte,.' - ' ! _ •. .. 0 . l _...4LA1 MM.WVT: .. Qecil Black Is`able.to be out it again, after his recent severe ill.. m Saturday evening the annual ,,:SARNESS SHOP .�aple Leaf Nutual Fun- 8. G. McIntyre,vas.' in- in Toronto R ting of the Public Library, was _ Hess. ostponeil till next Saturday 'even 4Q T o"� 41organ Pugh is spending a few �g, Feb. 4th, when, it ie hopeel, more Having moved'ioco ®y�new premises ]1$ '06 Ciol.• - y MreF J. H. 13ea1 is safferiag fro 8 days in Lakefield with David A. of the patrons will show their inter- opposite Reid a Blachamtth shay:. Chea rates for farm and count: ver severe cold. and Mrs. Pugh. est b bein t am prepared to do all repair p 7 gg B Y g Present. buildings. as L. Fiagold had--a business .trip David A. and Mrs. Pa h, of At the ears meetin of the Mis- work.and I will hewate all Windstortp Insuraco buiidin '? to the cit on Tuesday. R Y Y & kinds of nen' heroes. 4 8rb . • Lakefield, who were in Toronto cion Band the fd1lowing o`tiicerswere vrD€ch I w.IO keep constantly wind-mills,Silos ate. - F'raak and Sirs. Allawa of 'Whitby, visited J. H. and list's. last week'a ndisi$- a meet inf;of elected for the, ensuing year: Hon. on hand, or vrI11 secure duromobtle Insneance creamery men, called at Olare- Presidents-Miss M. Duncan and same on shortest notice. of all kinds. 7,r Beal on Monday evening. wont on their return and spent Mrs.F.Casale; President-Miss Mar .-.Two rinks of our- curlers left the weekend with relatives and whhe-; Vice-President Mins Dora Z" _ _' �w FAAI[8 FOR BALE sari io:the week to Lakepart in, Johnston; Secretary- Miss" Glad s 9.12 CLAREMONT Writeor phone the Unspiel at Barrie. We wish friends. _ . - Gannon; Treasurer — Miss Mur el __� them success. - __. -- Miles Rowena Cooper is home at BROUGHAlYf. . 20 $ITBY ONT. A �T ! iM _ One evening last we 1; while G. YP11..P �l �p 'preaettt suffering, from a -veryy h 'Club. L Middleton and family were all ab- 1 = , severe cold and sore thrl�t but 3s The Club is still t e sent from the home, some person en- ✓ 8eL?u� r —� J. Gerow attended a party in, To- ` 'Always .an Hand t TO- now improving. tared the house and succeeded in'to- : ronto on Friday evening. Thoe. and Mrs.Paterson, aceom- rating a small sum of money which e The Smith family, of Toronto, have Panted by Clarence and Mrs. Yen- they appropriated to their own use. ..]Fresh Stock of Groceries, j i taken Hos eaassion of the A. Gray resi- The overlooked .a much lar golly, of Brooklin, motored to tits y ger sum Fruits and city on Tuesday, dance• -whichuse .was e' another c roue • bIr_, Sheppard has been under the part of the D. A. Scott entertained his ge`n weather for a couple of weeks, but house. There is no clue whatever a COa#e C ry. to who the guilty party is. tlemen friends to a social a ening is mw recovering. _ .. A few eats to go at cost price 1 one night last week. Needless to - Mrs. .Shaver visited her brother in _.--. while, they last. A say all repprt a thoroughly good Toronto Hospital a few days ago and Be sura to see Rose and a real Cow - Give us an Early Call- time, was pleased to find that he was get Giro et Audley School, ` We have been ea-perieneing soeue" tihq'alrn;; nicely after his operation. Feb. 10th. i. real winter weather during the On rcec„nt of the smdll at­- past week. with the thermometer � � �e several degrees below the.. zero The -P1Ckermg ^rested out of en- 30. BROUGHAM w.tnark. Notice to Creditors ry d V during atone and A heav fall of snow Occurred r la,n(,8 lj�mmltt�� fashoined into Time de- y Eying designs, This is Dressed Poultry Wanted on Friday last and as a result we Io the Estate--of Lafayette Gordon. the story of-our mesa- . are now enjoying eS[cellent sleigh' All persons having claims against The object of this Association is to. oriels. If you are in- flood prices paid for poultry. Ing. The roads are,also in cod the Estate of Lafayette Gordon,of the terested consult us.to- Township 4 y lessen eteeal€n and prosecute condition for motoring. Township of Pickering in the County. day. Birds must be ro el bled and dress- The Claremont hockey team of Ontario, farmer,deceased,who died ` • the cions. _ cleanP Pef Y on or about the 22nd da of Nowem• "No OeeaterTribute" ed o feathers. n will cone here this (Thursday) Y Member@ having props stolen oommuni her,A. D. 197 are hereby notified to ray --+e+--- �^ to play the Oiaremont boys. This Date immediately with an member „• will be the first game of the sea ®end to George W. Clprdoa, the vote N. W. STAFFORD, Executor of the Estate herein, on or of Essontivt Oom flee' �' SIng,ton Road, t Bon to be played on the Claremont before the 4th day of February, IMS, Membership .tet 91.00• Whitby '�e have the OrI�1IIa1 -rink. full articulare of their claims. Imme- 2tetsea mat be had t<•om Prwldons or e secretary oaapptissttoa. Phone Whitby Bridal,-Rose China Fred Cowie,of the eighth con- diately after the said 4th day of Feb• gg r z�' cession,.having Riven up farming, ruary, 1928, the :wets of the Estate Exec. Qom.—L. D. Ba"s,0.8.Palm- has moved into the village to re wilt he distributed among the persons erg M.8.Chapman, Pickerjng. OII Band, open stock. entitfifd hereto,.having regard only to ca=ds,and has le3aaedrLhe residence y . .' the claims of which the Executor will Richardson. i • sold -in any formerly owned by the, late Mrs. D. iVlurtrO� ...JiB. than have notice. B. S. Palmer. > ..ieitnel, eeorttay uantiti . A fast apse of hockey was lay- Dated at Oshawa thin 13th day of _ � y � g p Januarb, 1988. ed on Thursday night on the SW,sysox, OWMAN A McCKZI;Z s. c / I / FRANK :� CLOW and school rink between Claremont Solicitors for the Bessie of REMARKABLE VALUES S • � sand Myrtle hocteams. The ��e Lafayette Gordon _ Swre wag 5 to-8-fa .favorPf the - -.- 6tf Claremont, O-nt. Claremont boys. AND WONDERFUL SAVINGS - — Aflue rink has beet-coastmeted "` y In the school-yard, and Frank Men's and Young Men's Navy 'Blae Chinchilla.O'coats, reg. M20. 14.95 s 'Ward hoe been engaged to take Tractor i c rRe.,of lr SM 1CO5 p In Rood court tton and the boys and "' Men's All-wool Vents, Coats,Sweaters,fawn Pnd leather,reg 4 50. 2.75 Igiris are enjoying some real sport. -� • Oharids ElliottEEand wife and We have a full line of Men's and Boys' Heavy l3uL aorta, daughter. of Braoklin. spent Sun - Men's from 2.50 to 3.50, Boys' from 1.85 to 2.50.- day with Airs. Elliott's parents, Hush and Mrs. Gregg. both of Id 15 inch Leather Tope as's't, reg, 6.50. special 4.05. o� d1rR whom have been confined to their Fi''� home suffering from a very severe J.are having a :,Call at J. FINGOLD"S Phone 8800 _ coW, Tractor ' school of The Women's Missius Circle of the MoCormiek QZAR��dONZ'. QNTARIO Hovis ��`the'Baptist Church L*t on sues= I-j�ering o� Friday; des ead afternoon at the ho Mrs, C. H. Found, when there Feb. 10th, in A. L. was a good attendance sad-a very ' ,. Pilkey's Garage. The Bread of -profitable and. enjoyable time, _ : spent by all. Theca will be different On the evening of Tuesday, parts on exhibition. 9grq Character and : Health 14th, the Women's Institute lantern slides and o ` will hold a social evening when speakers -to explain Individuality in Banks Try a Loaf each member will •e qme with so each part. Every one ' escort. A good program of music, is invited: y • INTHE course of developrneat of a frames and other amusements will Ce1`� banking business policies are form be provided: Come and bring your troubles, as ed, habits maintained and methods Mr. tatty, a student from i�sc- there will be an expert `1 practiced which are peculiarlyand Master University, occupied the on the job. ;; p ' ."palpit in the Baptist Church on - - - - intimately connected with the ioati• •° .v Sunday last, when he preached Remember the date and it will.be tut€on that gave them birth. Itis at 1 o'clock sharp. tilers things 'that Rive :,bank iadi• ' two excellent sermon's. Mr. Bat" y;dual chatacter that infiuencee a t H4N£90 ty, who is in his .final year at Cob 'COOPER man iA waking his fivaoc€'al affilivi ` TICKEFtN'�d " _legs, isan excelle6t speaker, and C A tir:nR. In offering 'ouc services, we " '''' a bright future awaits him. R<rlicit your enquiries regarding - -The Choral Claes is progressing - ,CLAREMONT standard Bank policies a&.affecling Farmers, Attention - and are having- -soma--'Splendid _..._ : •„ a n us Hess. � Inevery Wednesday even. A$e'at for Acicermsa' fin unite gallbeI have the agency for the Famous r roiag at 7.45 o'clock.- It is not yet $arnees, - Ask the user. T Renfrew"Machleerf. Beparatoere, a too late for any, who may be desir• i 11 ilE., SllllrDV ttx 1i�>t? Braise, and the high quality w row ons of joining the Claes tea do eo * '�','1 �F ,C��►NAi . ,a a - pared tocor agi7e sheet nd erpme. now. They -will receive mach Mid-Whiter, 'benefit from the practice•as well EST♦BustiED Ib1� Give mea tail when wanting eoaee. Rt8 receiving much enjoyment. t 1 thing in these lines Phone Pick 007 See any member,of the committee Sal Q ' O. �'�. SHARPS �P• C, WILLSON,and hand in your name. V Manager, Pickcrc.�:g .Brdnr>z R: R. No. 1, LOCrST HILL w :' Chas. Cooper has arranged fo s.., ..�.u : tractor school to be conducted by the McCormick-Deering Co., on � Green River Friday, Feb. loth, -in A:L. Pil- - _ _ Ikey's garage. There will be diff :ee Basket Factory Clearing out some ',event parts on exbibition, ales __ - - -ManufacGuFars-of___ _ lantern slides and speaker•, to ex- ofeach part Every one is of our ' lines , All kinds of Fruit Basketes, invited. Colne and bring your B��y bMali + Berri Crates, troubles as there will be an expert at great. K y on the job. �Reroember the date, a Bask6te._. • el Friday, Feb. 10th, ancl<.at one � �'reductions. � •.. � ! ' : . . '- - 'Clothes Baskets. _ F :mer o'clock. The annaul curling tournament "' .between the two sides of the curl- Kenya Wool Underwear, ;t is COnVenierlt and Frank Pennock$ ):,ing slab, led by the president and reg. 1.85, for. 1:59 mAy SdVe you to Proprietor vice-7^esident respectively, which men's Fleeces Underwear, p Phone Markham 1804 r has been in progress during the reg. 1.00, for .79 _ to to%m. , past been weeks, was concluded Men's Wool Sox, reg. 50c, 39 _ Men's Overalls, re 2.50, .: 2.19 • _last week with the vice-president's 11en's,Smoeks, reg. 2,I9 - Your bank book with BEA �� - side the w,imner b�if shots. Much Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose.. .. interest wA.: manifested in the reg, 1.00, for .79 the deposit enteree3, STANDS FOR THE BEST contest. The chicken supper, Ladies' Col. Cashmere Hose which is to be provided, by,the reg, 1.25, for ,89 -� be promptly re• losing side, will be held at an ' ' .r -� Ladies Underwear, reg 1,00 tumed t0 Oil. - '* The d� M. S. o the United per garment, for .. ,79 y -�ltorch are pratlsing-their pag• Heavy Flannelette, colored, _ "India's Quest." The are reg. $0c and 35c, for .2 -- sant, They Dark Flannelette, rex. 25c, - iving it at Ashburn this(Friday) veniog and is the United Church, Flannelette Blankets, reg. Claremont, on Monday evening 2.75, for 2:39 - aext. About thirty-five of the A few broken lines of Men'ea >�n young people,in Oriental costume, Rubbers greatly reduced _ - - - 4. s Z. will take art to this beautiful Ladies'Overshoes, zipper, Fsttabllsit,ed 1871 t« '�•:�__ ` p a reg. 4,00, for 8.85. r ' Litter Carriers, Hay Carrieree pageant, A gnartette and eOloi..ts peltrrpq, Door Tracks, Cow will Ring between acts. It is tno t. Bowls. Presspre 9ystero+Etc- : Cpod and instructive to miss• Do Lowe and show your appreciation �e C O + It wibove efou to get my rices oaof their efforts. The admission "r above before buying elsewhere. L Whitby Br. J. H. Perry, Man T. PROIISE will be M cents and 20 cents fair Phone-1402. ' �, �` �� '` mss'•. ebildren cinder 12 years. P A #! r! _ t'•. ti •-- `' h dPcot d to mi+gO na� R .l, '-Ni T eeeed9 will e e ,pip Z. IF .e<.....,.: „-' ,. '..,r.,✓as..k+•,'ns,E;-.i5.-. ..+.,�:.+-'au,.••�nd„�',w,,:,...„.*:!t•r,.W�w..3...>.�..A✓>.w..n„;,,-,'mok:�i"�.v,-��@•«.,i,�.+ .::,,•°;'..,-t-'`,>r:,,.....cr-.'..^.fi..,...x w a6c....-.•....S"�..-''7`F�5'.,t�S:-',Xn,Cina o '�c.,«,...r!s,�.W'.!�.a-vk'�."hh...c,n.v!1."a..w-,.<:..a,..4-.v•.«Y.'Yfai",".',.cY;,+";.,x`y�a•,+-fY«"�-r.rv,s,i.,a,+..••"z.:-r'.,,:,"^5.e'xL rx.�r-.5^a'•:r��'•.d,^•,. , j ,'?hn,.Y -ar^;,...;...i-ry.,*1 4 ,,••S.a- .m .R-, c .^'k''w..'"c...r'-•.✓*.,4.' '`33 €Y'..oz:+ •• w 'z •..t...pati-,a.::n^j. eta.F-...: IN z~ ti. yS.•” a^. ..o-. .r�,. .tea..",.nr'..•,...,.. .. .. l=. - A . i turned to the shop that night, I saidi^The program Stone had suggested �■■�er�e , �4 Rn 99 �s tM nam* gi1feM t0 tl `fes no." was carrbed out, and. as i result. QgAge Pokees.• "g'zII," Fleming Stone looked at was late in the evening heists the I Sonn. :i Ay. �fOOP! t�'fe finest ' his friend with a glance of affection conference took glace. _ sped--res most emnown and In and tru*. Not for a moment did he In the mes=time the detective had! jivoWed ��dA 01ftr se �� question the good faith of Sears to- observed .the principals .af, the- case, "•- - ---"' r ' ward hiniself, whatever he might have as pointed oat' fo him by Sears aS cone on the'witness stand.. dinne3 .time, and•also had gathered "I'did it," Scare went on;"'because sidelights from the remiarka and coni- ?" if I had said I *ent back there, they ments'of the rest of their immediate 1 ! would have at once as#nmed that 'it I party. - _QRANGE _ of my, daggeXs that killed The Barrens liked Stone at once, — A PE O `Folsom, sub it wasn't" r-no.one c ld do-otherwise:- "And to have the matter brought Fleming S e f hewas of a p chase i into question would have wrought could oommand interest +aavam u,mw harm to someone else," Stone said, or if it better suited his purpose,he, he L understandingly, could make himself so inconspicuous,i "Exactly. A harm and a someone so insignificant, that he attracted no s r ii8o else that I couldn't allow." attention whatever. I. r • r "No. Well, it got you into a srarl?" On this occasion he was charming, a "It has begun to look that way. a man of the world, a good talker, a' - -- - Here's the truth You listen in, Riggs polite guest, and both receptive and - Garret,,•Folsom had a pleasant little responsive to the moods of the others.,, t '+� capital out of other Barron, at first ezt>3iar wayof ma kin ea Madeline people's secrets." s o ° �'a p rammed at thon'ght of meeting the cele- ' It has been done, I've heard," re- braked detective, soon found herself ,�'�'w�ja , , ' t'`'_ _ . - ' ,' � marked Stone, at ease in his .presence and meeting "Yes, Well, he didn't snake a big his chaff with a gayety of her own. business of thin; he only used a few Angel, tdo, was fascinated by the', , WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. own personal and individual eannec-i choice secreta belonging to a few newcomer, and Rabin declared she had riends, or mics ,of his. And forgotten his very'existence in her 1 Garrett Folsom is stabbed to death tion with the mattes, and thorn Riggs choice w s of with a place among attention to this new rival. --� !while swimming at Ocean Town, N.J., will tell you what he knows or thinks i g h The Pope's Encyclical J Folrom's bathing companions had about other people•" these. The secret of mine that he Ned Barron, n his big, catty way, ' been Roger Neville, n business part- ++you have a personal and indi-i knew had to do with my.family tree. amiled genially on them all. But Bar- New York Sun: Many earnest aeeit- sq� ner; Mrs, Helen Barnby and Car-I vidual connection with it, then?"' It is not of a disgraceful nature, but ron took little part in the light banter. ers for a united church have cherish- melita Valdoa. Stone s}�d I it is unfortunate. It is a blot on �.}.e _ _•,(To be continued.) ed Ilopo that a way might be found Anastasia Folsom, eccentric and Seals' name which, if left alone, will -p'i for rapprochement with Rome through masterful sister of the dead man, ar- "Yes, or I shouldn't have called you Canadian Indians rives and taken command. Althe in-,down here in such haste I've no de never be brought into the limelight some such conferences were the M y the ;r-Quest it is learned that the Beth wen + and can harm no one. If exposed and �__w conversatfona, which were led by the sire to be arrested, and it's a thing misunderstood, as it would be,it would Desert. Chase t0 greatly loved and trusted Cardinal pan was a pichaq, an Oriental knife, that may easily come about. UD-less Mercier on the one side and by such ;<and it had been bought on the board- mean a shadow, not deep, bac int of Take Up Farming I we head off the energetic and truth seeking policemen." its very vagueness, but a hint of leaders of the Angio-Cathbiic fraction walk { Itis learned that one Croydon Sears �N r blackness that would mar.the future of the Church of England 'aa Lord $s a fancies of curious weapons. Hui They are after you. of my boy—that would perhaps stand Ilialffns and Bishop Gore, Since the admits buying two knives but not the, "Very much after me. You see, t ndling n encyclical letter defending the un- y g in the way of the happiness of my son, Race, �Fas Dwi TL pichaq• Fleming, I lie�" Robin. I am willltiR to bell you the Years Ago, Begins to. Mul- yielding position of Rome was pub- Anastasia engages Titus Riggs an "Did iS pav whole story, but not at this moment" tipsy as Noble Red Man linked Lord FialSfaz has disclosed architect, to work on the case, ban "It begins to look as if it didn't, ++ F— - .ton,--the dead ran's nephew, ar-' Nor ever, said Fleming Stone, some halt' dozen points in which Lt but•that s for you to ss opinion on. TUrIR8 to Agriculture n ' ri�'es and'is intrigued b some curious � while Riggs nodded in aaarnt. "Go g was found in the >yialines converal- You see, the inquiry naturally hinges' on �y you felt that if you w•eze Ottawa.—The noble red man has at(tions that Anglican and Roman CatL- Frertch Boils in Folsom s room. ! on the question of the wen- clic doctrines were not 1n serious con- _ Cro don Sears' initials are discov- largely Q uestioned at all thin thing would come Last become a farmer. Divorced from . r .•red n a notebook of Folsom's and son." �„ out ,. the chase, he has taken to the plea, I filet. In the light of the pope's pre- Pelton thinks his uncle had been do- They know about that,dont they. ..ys, just that, .I knew I was inno- after many miaglvings, end what con sent declaration, however, it is by no ing some blackmailing. Robin Sears, '•yam; that is, they assume, and!cunt of Falsam's death, but those years ago was a fast-dwindling race means clear that even with substan Croydon' son, is worried now that doubtless truly, that the pichaq found i hounds of the law would think, and is once more commencing to utultlpiy. 'tial agreement•on those ria subsuspicion iss resting jects n his father, • #hi ocean is the ane that killed F(>!-;with reason, that as I had bought more in Ontario, in the West and in Que rtbere to substantial `sound for hoping Riggs tells him he has lea lhat sort Now, they know also that I'd aggers that night, I must of neces- bee, where virtually all the k05.000,that a rapprochement will soon be r Croydon Sears had purchased a third bought two daggers that night in the found. Sge city be the one who had made the Iudlans, warlu of the Canadian gov- The eider Scare aezeda for Fleming I --dagger ernmgnt, reside, there has been aarrives _ _ steady increase in the cultivation of Nave"competition Stone, famous detective, who-a --• • U, soon after. the reserves until now the tribesman New York World. it is with a sense NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY is commencing to take a real interest 1`- ,�, In agriculture. Am Indian was the of horror that one realizes that after CHAPTER XXXVII. runner-up in the proENE- vincial plowing I all they 'have suffered and after all _. match in Ontario c year, holds an I they have professed the two English' . ma 1 las S I -. With Croydon Sears and Fleming � .atone carni also Tite Riggs, who was executive office in Atte Ontario Plow as king nations are repeatingfhe ante dere ly {m a also d with Stone's charm, man's Aaseclation Tend may be e 1 again the tragic errors c the past p + provincial champion neat year. iii Can ft be that these two civilized IIs• ' having expected a much more prosaic _ it Is lust forty three years stnce the tions are fatally doomed to forget all , and business-like Personage. ' ; - - Far Fleming Stone was ere v hri. to Indiana of the West entered Into a I the lessons of use not t b it cannot treaty with the government and start- For be. And it moat not be. Within a marked degree, took color from his ed to lay aside the tomahawk Last I these two nations there are quailtlea rAtrruundin , And r_ow, at ai}tltt of the res anti year they raised 1,d 64,0 bushels of lot mind and soul anf8clont d avert e grain. They, needed 84 534 acre of tragedy, it they a aroused is time the inteneeting boardwalk with its s wheat. an increase of 2,385 acres, Six to the danger which impend 4. blare of color and sound, as well as '� F thousand acres of new land was i'fhouimay's t b and complacently Deo- the gay bustle of the immediate crow d .", broken and 30,000-acres wet a suminer pie may sit back compFacently be th un,the hotel deck; Stone's rathfr carr- �'- r � ... � cause the dar_gEr of collision between I failowed. The Indiana also are going worn air dropped from him, and he` i `' r' - 1 roiled with the delight of a child at i I in for mixed farming. Two carloads the.L'nter:d States and Great Driteln i; I of sleets from the llnck Lake reaPrve 'is not a matter of w��ks. or moatbs, the.spectacle. ,� won the first prize at the Moose Jaw or even a few yoars. In these mat- "Never been here bc•foro," he ex-_ �'�' w ;show last fall -in open competit!!on cera one has to think in Lerma at da- he �. ':piained, taking it all in rapidly, as t @ with the rent of Saskatchewan. .From`cadea,-and to time of tranquility pre he seated himself. "I've been w the ��� _ New England coast resorts and they a`4,`. their cattle saleenalone the 35,000 I n .vent what will Otherwise become'un N >' Wit' diene in the West pealized 1100,000 in I preventable. southern and western once• But �''' L ^" 1 > 19.4: Rur-AL Credits never before chanced on New Jersey's kf Schools for teaching the young.In i &.bores. Most attractive, too. Well, I� }�I dIan how to farm are thought to be Three Ricers Bien Public Cons, s suppose that•athe spot where the twdy: w larg ly responsible for the change and`The Ontario Government Commission k i .�. found," and he'swept his arm jo , ^ r r the introduction of modern methods will tend up to 60 per cent of the paguely toward the Wide expanse of� ! sty ii �, �_J. , on reservations. The young Indian, guaranteed value.- The sutra lent at not only is modernizing farming but 5% per cent, is reps?able yearly over "'Thai's about it," agreed Croydon � is learning sanitation, nand mortality� a period of• years. As the Govern --ars. but I say, old man, if you � -��� _��� from a loris 1 meet have no profit in view, but only --rath:r take holiday to-clay an4 not,, ' , is dropping.- the welfare of the .agricultural even consider the case until tomorrow,, H '; „cr` 4 class, they do not take estates for i just say so," f c Man's Death Bears Out non-payment of debts: they take steps "Oh no, I'd rather hear the details i N Su Eifion oil the contrary to safeguard the right oft. Then we. can have a seal _ +, r ra , ICatiYes of West Africa are super•,farmer on his land; they voluntaril7 _- -:• } dinner, and 'that: we can have a stitioua and a recent incident la wla er an extension to the debtor to . o-n, Y . lwu#; it .bright lights or Whatever i � �•??v�. their liredictions were borne out has arrears, and they will wait one, £w� :hey offer by tvaS of everia>; cute' r x' sets ed to_contorts tl et'3n their be- or three years until better farmiuS tainment. Then we can come bnck l r ;i � �,£.. •fettle dean to th� real work ? ,pr lief. Thirteen ratite women were conditions 'Permit him to meet 61tt here and - �. � �. struck and killed by lightning while anneal payments and Interest, in hand-" -'� F under a galvanized iron shelter. The ---0-- _ _ Stvna'a pleasant smile ...rested -on _ natives, including the driver •of a ParWma �� Peac� Robin, and all at once Lite boy felt __"THEY ARE AFTER .YOU?" STONE ASKED. "VERY MUCH motor truck sent to remove the bodies` New fork Times: (The tr fife :ronRdence and surety that there was AFTER ME. YUL' SEE, FLEMIN G, I LIED." to a,mortuary. firmly refused to_enter through the Panama Canal was Brea:• no further trouble in store for his• the shelter, because of a belie! that I er in 1924 than ever before): The faet father with a man like that at the fatal •Lab, So I denied having return- anyone removing the bodies before is particularly worthy of notice at this helm.. same place that the deadly weapon ed and let my&sae fret on the daggers the "lu-iu" had beep appeased bY� time, when America's "Imperialistic" So with a light heart he went off�wan, presumably, bought They know I had bought while with Meeker, who I ceremony of purification by the "thuu•!designs in Central America are being ir; s•Ierell of his Angel. and the three',that I have these two daggers,here in I could vouch for the truth of my I der women" would die within a.w eek.I�so vehemently, condemned as utterly led Bonn to .consideration of my posseion, and they have no fur- the European manager of story." However, selfish and brutal. Just twenty-five' !heir case. `thtr intcirest in them: Buttheyhave 1 - 5. t Years ago an act of America's "im. "Don't tieing I'm n.indanR n de`e'p iziterest in the man rvhv bou}Lht "Why _didn't they know you when the, local transport company took the ka if T gazF about„" Stone said, smiling-J. what is called a bundle at the same you went back and bought'the lastIwarns to the mortuary despite the perialiatic" policy was being &veer „ lots,. I warnings he received. Three days more vehemently denounced—the re• ,I love to 'absorb these sights and•shop later the same evening. deter he was admitted to the European r.oitinds, and instead of distracting my They don't know vi ho he was?" "I don't know. I•.chanced to buy hospital at Accra and died from yel• cognition of the independence, of the but Panama Republic. And yet that re- `, `•attention they help to concentrate it." ":r'o; and of late they have come to them from a man I didn't know, i low. fever after three clays' illness. ,You know, of course, the main de- the conclution that it was I✓" the other clerks stood about. It's a cognition made possible the rapid tails of the Folsom' murder?" said "If warn big b{g shop. But the point is that some- - construction of the canal, which,whits Mlnard's Liniment relieves pain. of vital importani!e to the interests of SearR "No, it wasn't, I mean the murderer body did go'there•about the same time I _ the United Stat- has brought in) yes -t-was in the p'apera, wasn't. But I did return to that shop I did and buy the bundle that held „you know, Robert, I'm a woman 01)creasing bene,Ats , Latin-Americana. - and all that I could piece out myself later in the evening, and I did buy a the dagger that lolled Garrett Folsom..'few words." "Yes, my dear, but You and the world at large. ' - -from the -newspaper reports. .That'.a'.bundle that contained two odd, litsig- That's the man we're,to And." keep them very busy." What else frau Soca tell me"' j nificant daRlCero- And, when they l 'That's the man ,we''re to find," ____ __ _ —___.-- Sears said, "will tell you ms.1 asked the at the inquest,if I had re- said Fleming Stout. 188Ug No. 5--'28 Minard's. t niment for asthma. i GJ ING B ig $T' !�R ALL SOUR BAKING --= Pies, Cakes, Burls and Brestd•-- DOES ALL YOUR BAK ; , �' 1. OF ;F �, t i 4. 'Ari;-*•r, fi'�,�L 'y, y saF. :^ .J"�•�+'+ fiG.n'�`�s• y'"h x -i'�k�a:.w `� ~b J"r, ..s'•r ,�:' i ' } ;:,.. '' •"•f"`.SY,•'. '^! y rot•... r, wy?-v-,..,..am, _wf +*. - rI�R . �..: �Tw x + y, ,il- „ . :r ,W •''�he.;.�•R.y.•,....�., .L:+,a., m.. :F.,Ti -. 77.:.u.'., q..:' ., n..y- --.._ J. :^v' m j • +.. {., +. ` .. . ,- ... - - ..., - ;” 'V ,t . :... ' ... _ T -- .. A St. Andrew's Day Stalwart • _ s �` 'eat ' - Hotel Guests _ ' 1 ;. audio -Equipped _ _ -- -- - r�, ,(C reen Beryl - - Tell y They Tune-in _ . - _ _:. . ,r ' Acquim Feld :Museum " With 1-loover`..Second 4 r '' ewes of "Coolidlge,Mostopnlar Radio Speaker, _ __ -_-.Tran par rat J ,� Qinly, 124 Out of 2210 Enjoy S.ermona _: _ rM y �, 4,770 Carats ' - --,Jazz le Not f avored � x' x,� .`� Y'` - a t "�: '�`;«�•'�.n y K'. HY `,c. .,:;,G`�',: A Piece Of Transparent ber�l, ' T ., . ! _ white. . i Lor The ih'at time; the Sweat has the t„ s �� Y ,; `. y yh weighing 4,?7-0 carate, one of the Radio taste of Che traveling P s 11 r r - �J vastee greatly according to statistics selection of prWams•of three radio' :ry w , ;+ g �, * a largest- specimens o[ this preciow r ac . r.s y k 'i gatherrd nee Marsh. 1926 among networks .the' ted chain to which atone ever obtained, was placed oa sweats to thq 13pbert Morris Hotel to W10" is the Primary Station, the � '� � `�' � � � "�� exhibft#oa' recently !n H. N. H4gin• yg" `' �hiladeTphis, the rooms of wlifeh are blue chain of �J2�snd' the Columbia 's�wa,. � " a s ` Botham Hali of the Field Dauaeuta of �� tradio equipped. `pn p: „<� �,- i. _ chain o[ OR � BY this.sew instaAa ` � r ��3�w�.s Natural History at Chicagp. _' tion the guest can select anY one of ¢�� �' z Asaf % The stone, w>itCh Zi o! tTta squama- ; The meL�tod of stjcuring this opinion x11, V by plaMaB a card in each room, to the .three programs at any. hour the w;, ° , .11. ,�ei,�" rine variety ..ot beryl, oras brought w day or night these stations are oiler , x '` from 'Madagsacas..by Dr. Ralph 'Lin11 I - ' be filled out by the street end on aced In the origit>sl installation «; ; a►hich preLereuce may t>e ezpreased ,X Lon, assistance curator of Oceanic aril for any particular style of entertain- there oras only a e1n81e pair of wires . + r 11, �,.n"r Malayan Ethnology, who returned toM Tnaeat. This was ne' in order ta• to sash guest room. However, there "y�'^ x t> Chicago atter more than two lean r was an arrangement by which any one i ,�, in that country as leader of the Ca p• zQ3t' make sure that the eat selection. ' of the three local programs could be �,'�< ''� * `' . , fain Marshall Field Madagascar Ex• ; -from the various radio programa y . - was being sent into the guest rooms.;Put at'Lhe disposal 01 the sweat. The r pedition; -11 1. `,Ont of 8210 ceras which expressed a main objection to this,Lrom the stand• p'Yw 'Ii r ` ,i y r To Beryl were attributed maa7A. �referetke !t was found that 1,962 per point of both the guest and the hotel, k � Y;; xs magical Powers by people is the T', ? s; eons (or nearly 90 per cent:) prefer- was that only one program could•be Y Middle Ages, according to Dr. `liter .: ' red ntnaic. Of the various types oL;sent thrpngh at ens time, the hotel C. Farrington, Curator of Geology. IY �1 being forced to select from one of the i "e, r• was believed to give its wearer in- . t, music the vocal selections were the three local stations that program r ` most popular, and the ? oat popular . , singht, second eight and foresight to ':; which !t believed wolild be acceptable I x ri d �; lnducealeep and compose the heart � dingle vocal feature was the At*a stet to the tnajorit7 of !ta patrons. ., drµ „< x `'y Kent concert on Bunchy eveninj, x and mind. .It was called the "sweet• The radio control room is locateda3ry�� '::� tempered atoIIe." it was especially + Following vocal selections in papu-i an the top door of the hotel, and the - larity were the orchestral features in used in the seventeenth century for li which the Gypsy Btring IIasembte and' equipment is all controlled is the , . • dlvtnaeion, by suapend!ng and aw'.with ,r the Silverio Orchestra ted. Opera, main office on the Brat floor by a sys ing a beryl ring in a bowl filled with ,Nn Item of,distant control, The .radio- •TME 8TANES AN` SESOM AN' BOTTLE symphony and .alaesicaI music gee• • I water. The edges of the boort were ,receiving apparatus eonsfats of four An ancient player.of the game on Stormont Loch near Blairgowria,'Perih- marked with letters, and questions �� '•orally were third in the list, and jazz f the r, :music peeved to be the least enjoy ,standard sets and one amptider, all shire. I4ir• James Gordon of the Strathardie Club in the bonspiet g were answered UY tY.e beryl's stop- „<iI. able to patrons la the.hotel. Oniy operated py socket-power equig�ent. Strathmore Curling province when 48 rinks played off for tie Stth,time ia '4 ping before certain letters. It' was All.the hotel rooms are wired through, also suppo.ed to possess special pow- 239 out of 1,962 peraons who preferred years. • music enjoyed jazz. rad almost ae the distribution panel. located to the ___ _ ___ _ �+r over evl: sEirtt: , and was' said �. control room. The equipment is r,'tP- - - that by holding a baryl in one's-mouth many people expressed a-decided dis- plied by three separate antennae $PAIN C�.11`�GS TO OLD one -could summer a devil from like to hearing jazz as there were wpich are connected to three of the Origin a� ��rm those who preferred-It. One hundred four receivers. The fourth receiver ti ROYAL COACHES AND hell" and receive answers W quos• • and twenty-four out of 2,210-enjoyed Orange Pekoe" PURE-BRED HORSES tions. t sermons and church music hest of all. . is parallet with the third set and is The new specimen, at the museum cross-conne4ted through relays in was found in the-bed of a ritier by a . and.241 expressed a preference for the 'sueb a manner that either t.hg third Thousands of people every day read Madrid--Cinderella, 1t`.4he came to roapector, from whom Dr. Union special features. Of these special or fourth receiver may be thrown on.;of and ask fur "Orange Pekoe" tea, Madrid to search of a coach aauld P tvaturee sports were mast-pnpulax• presented to obtained !t. ]t has a rtl:h Breen to the !Tawas-eleeult by*a control Yvt rarelX know what this term means.` be dazzird by the choicN color. if cut for jewelry it• wall Id divided almost equally between prize switch fu the main o�cN to this!!Mr. Spaidinv Black, of the Salads Tea�ter in the royal coach houses nest malee 260 average settings for rings fights. baseball and footbal,. I way there are arranged tyo fixed pro-I Ca., gives the following luformation f to the King's palace. i{ The court of Spain always hsa keen and ills after allortng for, 1 :osa ut Of the individuals who spoke on the gra ma, and the third program can be' on the aublect: , about one-halt in cutting. air Coolidge led in popularity with chtit]Bed at will Constant volume: "At one time China ptaluced pracrl- distinguished by the sD,endor of !ra Hoover a close second. F.zpregsed Lepel throughout the entire rouse is�tally all the tea -used to the arorid-;horsed equipages and, in spite of the i _ —_-�-- ----preference for veifous instruments maintained h the use of compensat•;']'here the tip leaves °f the tea barb ,sutomoblle, fuss r of these have been , ••Digi that patent medicine you abpwed that the organ was the ma.,+t ing and repeating coils• By group•I looked silvery in colour and when retained-for nae 3t royni '��addt»gsr}b° ht -Eur--war-aunt'•_-- rcY• popular single instrument, followed ing the jacks !n the various rooms to cured were wiry in shape. These tip visits of foreign sovereigns the open- !no' on reading the citrllar that was by the violin. The saxophone holds parallel series it is ales possible fo`!saves wore called by the Chinese lttg of. Partlsmentsad [nnerala ut wrapped around the bottle she got third place. * maintain radio reception throughout I.pak•ho" Imeautug silver hair). Ia which the King to rep scented rim• two more diseases." it to pointed out by the manage the rest of the house should any trou- the latter part of the, nineteenth cen• baaaadcrs from foreign countries are • meat that one of the greatemt advan. ble develop in anv particular room..fury, when tea growing had spread ez i suppttzsi. too, wlt� a go�geoua train of ; Friend-"Sou bave had your pocket stages to a hotel having radio in the 'Tbo power equipment fa balanced,'i tenstvelp to- Ceylon an_d India, tea ,carriages. draws. by U.dodzi horses 'Plc , Best didn't you feel auybodT -rooms is that it tnskea the guest feel'and t3:e charge rates are adjusted so growers discovered that the colour of when they present thole ciedentla.s(put a hand to your pocket?" Absent• less lonely or, as expressed on.the that the equipment will nen for i the tip leaves on the Ceylon and India i at the palace i minded friend--"Yes-but .I thought cards, !t tastes him feet "at home.",months without the necessity of add tea _bushes was changed by the ril- Until a very ew years Ago the royal it was my own hand." ° It has been found that the radio 1s ''Ing water to the main filament bat• mate to a alightly more orange shade, atabtea contained about 409 para-bred -,:used more on rainy nights than oa ' es, so the Ceylon_ apd Indian rip leaves hackneys, but the number has been to- clear nights, and that the time when teOtitalde of the installation coat, came to be called "Orange Pak•ho." ducat} to about ninety. Tho automo most People ]!sten in is between 8I there la Drscticaity nn pzpease of op- This was soca Angttclised to the term l bile has supplanted the teat. The � � - . and 11 at night. leratlon, and It has been found a most i we now have-"Orange,Pekoe," fvbich coach houses now form a sort of ma Novel Radio Installation "' satisfactory method of provtdiag the;Should b© pronounced "Pecks." ,scum, visited by ,tourlSts !n consider' - i I The ordlnar buyer of tea, when'able numbers, .There 'are to be found .. doted guest with entertalalmeut in Ieted The nose!bert natx].atloa byrris bas swhieh, the privet? of his room. for "Ora Pekoe" experts to coaches in which many monarchs !p receive s Ceylon or Inalan Black Tea. have ridden and these aro maiata!n• inch material; �4 yard Q7-inch con- However, there are so many qualities ed !n such a state of perfcheon that . Wilson Publishing Company I of "Orange Pekoe" offered to the pub- they could be ,sent out °n the streets I - trasting, and I tis yards 27-inch lining. lie, and frequently at bargain prices, 'at a moment's notice, ,,,�., ,' . Price 2Qc the pattern. that a word of warning to necessary. ]n glass fronted cabinets arc+ kept+ , 'aw„ 1: ' � - Our Fashion Book, illustrating the ._ r Everyone fe familiar with the mer• pompous liverte,s, periwigs for' foot 7. i I i�� jOI newest and most practical style, client who fres periahablo fruit and ' men. brakes, bridles and whips. all be of interest to every home dress- - who sells for very low prices the last beantfinlfy ornamented. Then there � .,. makrr. Puce of the book lOc the copy. of the shipment which has lost its are the saddles of all the twenty nine , � HQW TO ORDER PATTERNS. 'freshness, which the merchant wants cavalry regiments of which the 1{!ng +w , w .� �... - . Write your name and address plain• to be rid of to avoid loss. The same is an active orhonorar; officer,.with z + ti - ly, giving Sumter and size o! d=b thing appligs to tea, which also is other saddles 'of wonderful construe- *, •.. {X.� x i Patterns as yon want. Enc'osra YOc !o I°-ory Perishable`!f exposed to the air. 'tion and arnatnenlat!on presented to. $ ! As. stamps or cotta (coin preferred; wrap i When you see cheap tea, it is either the kings by•sultans of bloroceo, x.' '4 . ad; it Carefully) for tach number a cry poor quality or else 1t hsa lost j _A,_ : I'll , I • cddress.your order to Pattern Dept.,I its freshness and-,most of.its strength, � )' �� ;y W[laoa �ublishing Ca, 73 West Ada• whether chis cen to �auea. "orange British Golfers Ask Freedam _ de 3j, Toronto. Patteers tent by pekoe„ or not. -° For the "Nineteenth Hole” I -� rK mail. , In this age- of well-edited news• i ",` The Tree "I,pOtT Papers,• radios, automobiles and fast Loudon--A meeting pt the Ezecu- IX �� •; i trains„ accurate kno�eledge on a creat tive Council of.the Gol( Clubs'ProteC•I + '° It.you love a tree, we are brothers! host of subjects Is transmitted rapid- five Assoalatioa_Itere decided unset- Alt over the world, there are others ly. The advance_of science has no measly, to petition the Government to Who love many things: azure sea, where' been more valuable to Sian• remove re on the "nineteenth i. .i f Or a robtn-redbreatst, or a bee _ kind„ except perhaps in preventive hole" enforced since the war under No mother in I.Ula enlightened age -:,' • iThat's drowsing above the white medicine, than in the means of pm the Defense of the Realm Act, limit-I would give her baby something she clover. . tenting the purity and goodness of ing the hours wherein intoxicants can did not know was perfectly harmless, -,,, There are'-?overs always; the world food stuffs. . be sold. . especially when a few drops•of plain . over To-day, in accord with enlightened i : The•'Golfers' -Association follows 1 Cestoda will right a baby's stomach knowledge, the beat tea is always sold numerous others in attacking con and end almost any little til. Fretful- ' i artime restriction, j news and fever, too; it seems�no time „ But lovers of trues stand apart, n sealed air-tight packttgea, presery tinuation, o[ tUe w _ For trees strike down deep in the ing it from deterioration in flavour I' The Daily Express began recently;until everything is serene. heart, and contamination from any 'outside to display a aerie i of trifle comments! That's the, beauty of Castorfa; its A man or a dog, we may,help without source. Canadian tea-drinkers are to- on 'thc absurdities of the law', which i gentle influence seems just what !s F - - a sad, day getting better and Parer tea than . is nicknamed Dora. It giv` this in heeded.. It does all that castor oil / 16 but a tree, living Beauty, to ours to ,ever before. The sales of well•Ulend• stance: - might' accomplish, without shock to defend, ed and carefully packed.package teas I "You can buy soda water up to 10 i the system.' Without tete evil taste. If you love a trey, in your heart is a are constantly fncreaain�' as a result 1), -day 'and 9.80 p.m. on oEher Its dellcicws! Being purely' vege- - shrine, tilt the purity and superiority of these week-days, bat' you cannot buy•milk I table, you can give 1t as often as , For the love of a tree Is a love half teas being advertised to the public." I after 9 p.m. today or 8 p.m. ou other:there's a sign of colic; constipation; .' `. I divine, % 1 . , —�- - week-days" I. . diarrhea; or. need to aid sound,'aaettr -Katfua tcurtz Gushing, linprove Highways �iVe 2S ___ _ al sleep. j' Just one warnitltg� it is genuine -- --- Per Cent. Operating dost ,Appeal 'Dog's Cate Fletcheri+ Castorla that phystcf'ans • I 1.1. - 'Studies conducted by various high-I recommend. Other preparations may . _ •nr7/ice t Sita Sterltrg, Ky,-sentenced to I fi I way riepartments prove in a atrihing ;be just as free from all doubtful fashion the difference in motor vehicle; death for "s't:eep {cillin�," Kaiser Bill,1 drugs, hilt no child of this writer's !s t operation costs over improved and un-, police flag, enjoyed a new lease of solos to test them! Besides, the I . . life recently as a result of as appeal Uook on care and feeding of. babies Improved roads, according to-the t Court. toMa .-. . American Automobile Assocfat�h#. xfrgnid!ed some .time l is�°crib is weightIngolds of his case to t costes Cas :l tie was to r. i - - - - - It is shown that th coat f opera e ° ago, but last minute moves prevent-I AST AMTRACTIME.-NES FROM tion for all types of motor vehicles _a execut-io_n-earl, rime. .Nits- _ The charming frock pictured here over hard-surfaced' roads • Is 25 per Nannie Gay, his owner., said recently • -pis an unusually smart style. The r,�/ cent. leas than,the cost of operation she tioaacased new oc'Idance which Children Cry for .,�_- - front of the: aklrt'dips at the lower over dirt, rends, while'the operating rhe will turn over to Kaiser Bill's law• , edge and is shirred across the top cast on gravel roads is 10 Per cent. ger in the appeal !fearing. I 4; ' :and joined to a camisoti body. The !@sa than on dirt' roe is: These aro t 'Almost every Those exaebt "in• /I t t waist has a deep open front gathered average edononties and apply t6'tires sanity" has h^en a sYd to pr long the,I' . at the lower end of the opening and and other cquIpmeat. � dog's' lite. �' f3nlshed with an ornament, and the � j \ These .studies ar,p now being effw,, ___---_-?v_� ' a: sleevc+s gra gathered into wristbands. lively need b,; t Bureau of Public; '� s * ' Ivo. 1728 is for Ladies and 3tisPea, CL08[ FtRlt[l4D8 BUAt Hosda and >*arious -highway depart-, Fven rata and chuckholes have Y and is in sizes 18 years 3(3, 38, 40, .i2 "Why do you think these pfrU rgents to determine on a scientific their uses. A stolen truckload of ales- "-� - ` _ ; pre close friends?" hams which roach should have.prerce- T 1 was seized recently when 6tte T' aril inches bust. Size 38 requires »They're qusrrslin8 all the tiwt�" - 8iy anis 38-inch, or 2tQ yards 54- dente In improvement. ! wheel hogged doles into a hn]e) t I88UE No, 6r--'2s t, . ' 1. . ` '..•.� .>"+ :, ,o.y.f F•:s tG {.W'Ca v'.'.e..'S.•"�,aa'.r?r'.te.'rA,-r:'.�3,.-s.u^�+tcs,cyFK��.5a,...stn,....2.s;.�F.^n , •r'..,r'4:<..,:7:. .�a.::.o:,.,+..eaar.,µs.d,,+S'... ' �;U.- 7114 ;r r ' : 6•..?'.W,,'✓.x+•v_-^.�&+s:.,.J_'M.:_::r'.'+..„:......'yY;;. -..c.�'r'T._.''.•sh'k.a,:,�_•?v,&.._...a,'1h=R*”-^'.=.+:'-�Y� PM -William •' nr,%tr.r''.• v'"•., y,' 'r,':a-+:'•ar+ 'r,.'.:„."; Jz.r.+-f'a.m.:.'^�k ',J".+t.:r;`.r.r., _ a'^a•.N' •Ct�;:,.,;•.s¢i^- Jr,p .3�.1�.e .•R': -�oc, a•w '.ta'. •na-,��' �. t r:. ,y^ •.o fly:•.y" .. .. .. . ., • ..:. ..'....... .,'-.....: ..:, , _ .:'S ,'X �tw • ' , r✓.J ;;cmc.-.:';z,,,... ,.J::x-. o�.. a. •-+,,.^...�• _ - .,,.. .. ._ _. r. .. - ..., :'... ,... —-_ - _..,„ '� , T ISM A� William and Mrs. Peablee -of W. M. Flainerfelt, of Toronto, l -_ ISMS. ' Whitevale, spent Thursday with spent Saturday -h-ere with his sis• • J. C. and Mrs.Philip ter. Mr . W: A. Henderson. ' -. at Renniey'Manitoba,on :..�•::-There area number of'case4 of -St- PKuI's IIuit2� Cpureli:Slln= _ da servioes : 3080 ,•a:' m., " Jana 21st, to J. M. and i Tire 9aturda - -A R Ba e rirumpaldio r e in the, vicinity of the ail- y ' ago - Cotnpaseton of Jostle followed by Mrs. Favrcett, & son (Wm. John). f — g the �3xerameat 'of the Lords Sup- -Dr.H-T. Falla]se,Resident Dent- �+ _ c _- -E. L` Ohapman was in Whit- per ;'7.00 p. in , "Me Still 8ma11 ist. Office over 13alsdon's hardware A Six 1 u De &rest Cro=�ey +Jet x x by last week attending the Con Vtrtce." The Minister' Good gym• Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and Council - music. evenings by appointment.* -Mie. (Dr.)Fallsase:.in.,conSoed ,_,James and Mis. Andrew were -The Ladies' Aid of St. An to her h+>1ne an$eriag from:a very ,in St on Wednesday of drew'8 Ohnrch will ,meet kgi the fevere cold. last week attending the funeral of home of Mrs. John M -Miss Helen Burling spent over Wednesday, Feb. 8tht at 8. . W. the latter'ecou�in, Juhn Marquis, y p g y here with her sister, Mrs. who died ver' sadden! from a All members are requested to be pig $paring. Mr. end Mrs: Ah ndrew re present. Nuclading -Dire. EL Machin spent•Tuesda p leay. y knoiged a few days viaiSing r@1a• •-�rvey and Mrs. Barrett, of -,an Toronto with her, daa$hLeT, twee before returning h6ma. Toronto, visited Pickering rola-' 5-201 A Westinghouse Tubes :mL $Devitt. -Gain ` ta-llloses within the tives on Sunday. They were ac- 1-W X C 25 Power Tube --Mrs. E. Weller.entertained a k� cast. the Y. P. S. of Bt. Andrew a Companied by Sam and- Mrs. Lin- ; .,few friends from Oshawa, oa Church have found it necessary Lo ton, of Arcola. Bask„ who came 3-Layerbilt Eveready B Batteries i Thursday of last we stpons° the play, "Wanted, A down to Ontario to attend the 2-Eveready C Batteries --Maas Ruth Gulliver spent s �s -- Wife," which was to have been funeral of the farmer's brother, 1-85 Amp. Wet Battery week with her grand-mother, given in the Town Hall, on Feb• Isaac Linton, o; St. George, and Mrs. W A: Henderson. rusty 14th. A definite date will who are cost spending a few 3-Complete Aerial Kit - -Mi+•s Helen Douglas, of Toron- be announced later,in the columns weeks here before returning to to. is Improving nicely, after her of T>� NRwa. Watch for it. their home in the west. 1-DeForest Crowley Musicone Mode B recent operation for appendicitis. d --Mrs.' W. E. Yanstone died -0n Monday evening, Jan. 30th Regular price $�45 00 W. A. Reid, who has - �� --been very ill for several weeks. suddenly on Friday test in Toron- the annual Vestry Meeting of the `,. , •:with the flu, is now gradually re• to, at the age of 80 veers, Her Church of St. George's, Pickering. !* coverirtsr. funeral took place on Monday together with the Dnnbartou Mis- This set is a wonder. We will be pleased to demon- k3 .-vVtn, Mann was on the sick from the residence of her sister•in• sion, was Geld in the church, with strata it for you. Personally, we think ` law, Mrs. T. G. COIWUI. interment a fairly representative gathering. it is'Lhe finest thing we've list last week and was under the being made in the Union Come- The Rector, Rev. D. B. Langford, handled. ' - doctor's care, but ie now improv- ever tery. Deceased, who formerly of Port Whitby, occupied the . Ing nicely. rived io Pickering was held in chair. The following members '4 -The township council will very high esteem. Besides her were elected to office for the ensu- Fred Tg Bunting, Pickering afaeet on Monday next at Hro- husband she is survived by a den- ing year: Pickering - Rector's ]2atabliehed 1857. ham for the transaction of • ghter, Vera. Warden, Alex, Annan, People's _- ,general business. -A recent fracas of an Owen Warden, Ed. Weiler ; Rector's -Mrs, (Dr.) V. E. Cartwright Sound newspaper contained the Sidemen,J. Dr•sper, A. Cryer, C. Im nrned home ba Thursday,after followlog item : "On Saturday Haight, Peoale'e Sidemen, G. W. 'I ependiag a week in ,Brantford afternoon a number of the box- Barker,T. Mansfield, L. Burning frith her mother. holders of R. R•. No. 3. Owen ham ; DunbartoD Rector'sBide -W. G. and-Mrs. Reid and fam- sere. To ne sad Foston, 0 ffice men Meto ,e y �ads 3onnd, gathered aL the po � �. . iffy were in Toronto on Monday and presented their courier, L. Peoples Sidemen, Messrs. 'Swan evening attending the wedding of Boyd, with a purse of mosey, and Percival; Vestry Clerk, (`has. r» the former's niece, along with a letter expressing Haight. In addition to the ex- -Mr. Robson. who is,in the @m• their appreciation of his services officio officers the following were Iffy of W, G. Reid. is in the ho'spi- ti and many arta of kindness to them elected to Executive Committee al.- amara, andergning an open- J. Draper, C. :' T whale performing hie duties as A: Cryer, C. Fair, k soon on his tonsils. ., ► ' -Mr•, Margaret F]ammerfelt mail-carrier. The position a aight, L. Burniagham. Geo. W. mall-carrier in rural sections of Toyne, G. W.Barker,H. NeWW&D. hue returned home from having the country is not the most deeir- lire. Mansfield, Mrs. O'Brien. MISS rtpent a week with Ger daughter, able one,. The remuneration is en. Swan. Mies Bleakin. Cemetery ;brie W. A. Henderson• tire! too small, especially when Committee Messrs. Draper and ` it ' -W. G Reid has men busy this y January� �p � � ���5 one considers the reasonable ealar- Haig t. Envelope Secretary C �J week storinit his seatoa s eapply tee aid in in other branches Fair. Representatives to Lay• of ice, which is of good quality. to the civil rervice. They have to man's Deanery Association.Messrs a�t#c°ugh sot very, thick' go oat on their routes no matter Barker and Newman ; substitutes. e -Mrs. James Somerville. Nor -L,Qo fQ -man Gordon and Richard Guthrie bow atormy or wet it ma be. or Messrr: Weiler and Annan. bow bad the roads stay be. No � - motored to Toronto on Sunday other class of employees are more IN MEMORIA:►i / afternoon and visited roto. Is e. faithful in the performance of -Mlsa King. of Toronto. ac+com FULLED,-In loving memory of our Boys; Felt ,!inners,felt and leather soles.one.hackle, paaied her friend,Miss Meryl Hall, theirduties than they. Should dear husband -and father, Wnt. A. sizes 18, 1 and 2, reg. 1.50, !oc 98c. - and spent over,the week-sad with the roads be impassable and they Fuller, who passed away Feb. 1st, P f ! tatter's parewts. F. H. and unable to deliver the mail as they ist, 192? Child's Felt Lace Boot&, with black lace foxing.sizes. ore expected to do. they are liable Mr'r': Hall. to be censured by hoz holders for- to T day brings back sad me>,lgrles 6, 4, ?, reg,1.95, for 98e. f3sor ,e's C`% rah on Of a dear one laid to rest. - _ i Sunday, W. R. 9psoui• will be in neglect in (be performance of their -Wife sad family. duties. Many a time they do Misses Red Felt 8lippees, leather soles, sizes 12 and 2, _ rhaf�ttoe at 18.80 a, m, and 7.qp� W. favors, for which they receive , , SALE RZ018TER. reg 1.50, for Me. 19unday school waste regaiarly at meagre thanks. The action of N.aO a. W. Wednesday, Feb. lith-Aurtion sale of -Mrs. McLean, of Cleveland, is those is the Osten Sound .rural farm stock, implements&. hay, grain, Women's Hones Slippers, cat. as with leather toles, « ; a rants is one which might be txr• roots, etc-. including 11 horses, tizee 5, d and ?,elastic !roar.reg 1.25,RdOsg at 98c. !here at present. owing to the iii- 44 _ _. _... _ aegis of leer mother, firs. Hodson, formAd by hundreds of others. head of cattle and 45 lunvs, at lot An expression of appreciation • ' who has been confined to her bed each as they gave is one which 19, con. 2. Fickerine (half mile , � _-,Women's 4-bnekle Overahoee, tlzae � to 7, peg.8 5Q. -fear several weeps. north of Highway on Bin.k Rosd), going at 1.85. Don't miss this-away below cost. would make the lot of the rural -Mrs. Geo. Leon and C. S. Pal• the property of Hutichino Bros. gale .. - weer visited Mr. and Mrs. Stafford, mail carrier mach brighter, An act at 12 o'clock sharp. See hills. Fred or word of appreciation will not Infante', nae of Whitb on Sunday when they Posatill, auctioneer. Child's and Misses Underwear, all one It y hurt any one and it will help the Wednesday, reduced 20 per cent. enjoyed listening to the address laitMFul courier wonderfully IAA Feb. 15th. - Important over the radio of Mr. Churchill, of tem realize that Santa Claus is auction sale of horses (Clydes and iBuffalo. - Percherons), cattle. pigs, imple- Boys'V neck pull-over Sweaters. sizes 24 to 89, saints t merely a myth. re with purple, purple with orange, green with -Dins Evangeline Gowan, who menta, harness, etc., et lot 9, con. grey 2 r. has been confined to the house -An interesting meeting of the 6, Pickering, the Property of Chas sand etc, ireg 25, now 1.d9. with an attack of scarlet fever. In Women's Inetitate was held on Ledgett, gale at one o'clock sharp. making rapid progress toward Tuseday afternoon at the Lome of See bills. Wm. Maw,auctioneer. Disn'e(}zyy Woeetsd Overcoats, well made, good Baal- recovery and ezpwU t0 be able to D[rs- V. E. OsrtwrisLt, 'with a sty, reg 20 00, now 15.75, reg 29.50. now 24.50. s 'leave the house in a few days. good attendance. Mies White,of NOWd vorka• Asog&m -J. C. Campbell, W. Anderson, the staff of thea Mail and Empire. den's 4-hackle Overshoes, good quality, felt-lined, 'Mrs. Geo. Lang and C. S. Palmer gave a talk on 4 tLe-Car School in O RENT-Oa coo.2. Pickering. a _ "reg 4.00, las-&29. snoLQred W Toronto on TLnrsday the north., &bowing. pbatositraphs T4-roomed cottage, Applyto Tboa, Wotan. ; �. Jae t to the home of ilii. and Dice. of the same. She made very real R.R.4,Pkteriae,, "`t Yea's Placa Blue and Plain Black Oi►erills, all sizes, '.Walker to see Mrs.Campbell,who. indeed the weed and the barren, 109 -Gond quality. For -. r a'are pleased.to-report, is mneL )lonely lives, .devoid of comfort, 1 �,a to T.G.Maasaserd Fairport, worth 5,00, for 1.69. - red In health. man lead in some sections of the or phosae Plek 8�`i�. �a a+ A Bamber of those interested north country. The Dept.of Eda• OR SALE-s parr of light 1•borse A great lice of Mena Auto Knit Socks In brown. grey In school rink have been busy cation and the railways are ca s) SM.is good coaditim.t''Apply to Franc and heather-six different shades value at. ,daria the past week-t-ylaR to Operating And the-'csr-i vquiP Chidlow.clarearont. - xaf 50 cents per pair. et it i to shape for skating and for school ark and a rreesall3rome, ORSdL�•udor Wan.19M a6od _ ocikey. The winter ie pseslag with the real eornforte of life for Fel,in soon condition praet;call sew. Wil. 4 ,. ra)idly so that the skating season the teacher sod his wife. All this. sell at a sacnfiee. Apply Donala�eer.srorrtnl will now be very short. is something new to the children 'm• 21 22 -We understand thitt the Tm- of these parts and is of rnpROYTO WET-WASH LAIIN• _ naris!Oil Company who purehsaw value in many ways. Miss White 1 DRY(semi finish;-Let our ariver call and esplain our 24 hoar service. Just leave your ed Joseph Cowan's garage at the said school is so wouderfnl to name with Mr.S.W,) avis, barber shop, We west end ui the village some rim them that it Rae held even on will puitupand deliver 3times a weal: ag8o���. intend to make cca4iderable Xmas day. She pointed oat that ARM FOR SALE;OR RE.�TT-Sb � . additions and alterations- in Lbe all do not live near a railway line Facrea of land in lit 12 con.5,Pickering,lots -CHAPMAN of stat-at both laces and good buildings and • • nearfuttire a d convert it into w and two boys walked forty miles >i t0 a car school, making a ca Di in medium fences. amforced s N4,.I rent on R. 1, , r' first class garage. p count of poorhealth.'lJameg N,.lig k.R.R.1, — _ -Hutchings Bros. will bol jar which they lived, wi-th.,the tem. Locust ilia r 44tf ' suction sale of farm stock, ample perature far below zero: The car ]�T OTTCE-we have just purchased ��T(n �T I, AGE ;meats etc., Fit their premises, lot remain at a tiding eight-days-, 1\a Chester white boar fit for young sows, T � Cl� i L j,, 19, con. 2. Pickering, (Brock road, then Moves on to another and also old Tamworth for large sows. These pigs are,* ones. Service fee gl.l)0 lease y ;]half mile north of the Provincial again returns. This novel school at time of servcae, 1, other service p1P2ase, ria Telephone 9©� Highway), On Wednesday, Feb. iA proving snob a success and won- Lacey,lot 35.B.F;con., Pickering. 19-�3 _ 8tb. See bills or adgt. in another derful help to the people of these OR BALE, OREAP-tJutting•bo:, _ - 3 -column for particulars, isolated sections of Northern On, Fplow;heayywagonbox, �ooagvringwagoe, -The annual meeting of the tarlo, that more, ears are being tongue. *'rang dna pig rack is excellent.shape, - - - • Pickering Public Libre large cook'raoge,complete pzhis►e lithtingsys Q ry, which equipped and will be sent out. tem,lot.of, .pipe and brackets, Bifem and wood 'aiaee White drew att4ntlOD t0 the .ash allaiaes Con Saturday aftertaoonor any was advertised to be held on Tose cveaiag. J.1;uekles,tWhitevale. 21•23 • day night, hs+e been postponed to fact that at the Canadian Feder&- - d y night, t,night of nest stern, as a tion of Institutes Convention held CARD OF THANKS •AutolRepalrs, AceessorleB,OilBjand ' number of those who have been in Nova Scotia last year, is was We wish through �e columns of active is the work of the library COD The that the most import- Wine, Acetylene Welding, were unable to be present on the ant work was to helpreduce ma. The Nesta to thank our many friends y and neighbors, also the members of ��11, } 4ormer night. __ _— Carnal -mQ><td►�y�which is alarm- g of...Cher'ry"od`1'or 9stffierV V118fr>�y�n ` -A certain Frenchman is an In high irrCanads. Ta tSTeea a- w+ e deavoria to establish are uta- their many acts of kindness shown g p some o!the provinces are doing and words of sympathy extended to • on for bimeel[sea weather pro. aggressive edncn►tional work an in the lose of our dear father. ®palr8 mate on all.,,znake8 He is prediotiag that all this line and she Loped the ineti• -M � Davidsontam _ i totes of Ontario would be allvp to -' 1 ' :+Lhe.Rreat tense n Canter. will be of nate: frozen over firm one side to the cbe need. Miss White has been BONDS-Government. Municipal and k to the other. and that the river in close roach with the Women's Mortgage Bonds, also.Industeials. _ f Thames in Euirlsod and the Saint Institute many years and of all cafe invtestmeots at from;6 to 7 per in France will also be frozen over the women's organizations the W. cent. ( solid. It is to be one of the sever. I. Is undoubtedly the greatest,• INgURANCE-All classes written in- ; eat winters in btstory. People. t1rA says. but she- gave a timely cTidlog Fire, Automobile, Wind• Be 0 however, need not get worried w&rnlDpr to beware of the shoals storm. Accident and8lckntaas. HAR,LES i+rll�� over the matter, for eye year and not lose the present prestige. r d its Mar Gordon added' the pro Phone or write wbe hAVe R crop of tbepe calamity y P1Ck�erlYl p r$ sal w a howlers, whose redactions never cram with pleasing inst men 48tf RD. BOWMAN, Whitby r7 •e,ecfioCs. � � r ropr�e a come true.