HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_11_04.. .,.,, a qr,1, ,le 5, ?, y ",,. x: y:v ^yu np.y �.a•;4,T ..tx... G:✓"+1Ya -von• ^i?;;; +- w.{,:5e :u - ,:v+^^• ) ,y... m.+rA .ar:. � �r• ,;';�''j ; °•:+.��lr t�t'�,«'�'k.�' k. �,. .y.,, :l� .� ;,.�?�•."2e! - k- :r.':. a•, d F'i:. �l+n.. , ,t� :rtc: - , -eim•v s.. _ � c .! r, 6 c ' . „ , � M. '., ' ' , ;, fi - sdr, ' • shl.; � ` '' , ...,. v _„ ."ba �. `°l�. Pi .is�"°r . r�' ac{r .:� ---+. Y�" Yr, .ir . � ?r.�'^�,'• '�' ".• -.c• +c- ^y�* -,' ,....,q- rv� --;j> .. . Lu•'" .r... . • 1 , +n' ..o,- a r$ b :x+ n n,.. . } j; i .b • " :T �.:S�.,, ., � " , Jn� t•1.,'. . '9�,i ,• ' y w...A•..a�.- . � h xn im,n`i p.*} �`r�; '� rc •„ '•.• b C,.,`y., ; >, v. :� , .a . y , :.. .. " . „• . , An-�., n., . x ,5 -. ,.w+ •. , .,. T T { b � i : ., '.•'*.. i,ce�.. . r. • ?, , ..a�. . � 7 .-. •., .'. . yY:.! S, '3 .mY, . ree.; 'M .- � . w � , .r,, w .s,. .ueF .. .:�.•. .i ..' ,-". ..; . ' u �,re ,:v.. a.a n,T+, `,wiL'....v-aw „ `'ib . :""�''n,".ul: ': xr•+.w•F ` : . a•_, � w r - V„ . rc. , . ••sat t to � f n - s �m3 `"y a '^^^±"*�,"',� '• v y e VOL. Xi1ti' 11. - PICKERING 9 ONTe, FRIDAY, NOV. =4, 1927 _ . y _ ` _ . - No #slvfi�artossat 6sasDa. _ (:*Too= lti"r 1"IIGHIrAND CREEK. _ AVDLEY GREENWOOD Oshor;>°'Bros., who have been help - ■(aA]T U Saw Mill and Basket 71 sn Centennial - Services Church he Feld ' in Centennial" i::.itai Church next mg their cousins, Messrs. Winter Sunday at 2 P -m, Bros., here, for some time, spent the - -: SILLS FOR9YTA. pp��h. D., Dire��tor week -end in Toronto. meal Assooatioo, of Ontario. Rea. , � � GREEN R 1 V E R. Dr. Shirley; of Oshawa, made a of the American Optometricnl professional call here this week. EYea e:amised by appointment — = C1aremoat, Ont, The Green ]fiver union Sunday Vic. Clark met with an accident Itstablished 18% �►�. Baskets o2 all sizes school are holding their annual oval- with his Ford on • Sunday. ,Be was ; Hess meeting on Friday evening, .?�lov- driving east over the bridge apposite x 8. CHRISTIAN, BarrCster and 11th., all members are cordially in lot 9, when the bump made him lose '•' �� AeSoli6tor,NotaryPublic Etc, Money to and descriptions �111ti to attend.__ control, and he gyrated far a while a: calf. South wing,Cout House. Whitby, 281y ASHBURN.� and then landed in the north wire r a BROWNING. K. C.. Barris i fence. The car was a wreck and Bar � e , a ter;Solicitor,Nota ?ublic. Annec'Blk., at lowest prices Edgar Smith- spent Sunday with Vic. got a black eye and some other L tel vest of Post OSice. Dundas Street, ga bruises. This bridge should be dis• v phone ass, c>ffike phone 392 friends in Agincourt. carded and a n:�w cement one built. - d John C. Compton of the townline, -Salt for sale The Club had- a most successful ,•;and ��EATON & ROSS— Barristers. So- produced a bumper crop ' of . turnips -- lidtors, Northern Ontario Building, 8a0 and potatoes, the best , in the .corn- Hallowe'en at J. C. Bryant's on Mon- _ !Bay suet. Toronto. day evening. - Fuily seventy people t U. Beaton OHAB. A. WHITE. - munity, they say. were resent and the costumes were t• D, F: Roes, Adelaide 2707 The hot supper was a big success. so nod in general that few eo le Wheid Successor to late W. G. Barnes The concert was good and the crowd g people '1FICHARLSON A PlOBERING— PbondMark 6420 were able to\recogrrize that It was Barristers. Solicitor. etc.. 213 -214 Coated- great. ���� the old crowd. Walter and Mrs. aratioaL;fe Building. Corner Yoaae and Ricb• MOUNT ZION. Pratt were_ awarded the best couple, ImoAd Sts..Toronto. Phones' Main 1880 and Main �_ but was-har 4—tA PhAese as a! 8atatdaY evenings. Phone Pick. ti800. Stf - Remember ! e anniversary sPn;ces ood. A vote of thanks at the close ud K WS AT BOTTOM PRICES and drams, uWer the auspices of the was tendered the host and hostess for Deattal Ladies' Aid Society, in the Mount their cordial entertainment. The en - On R. FeWLIE.^ Dentist Oor. �• I3-- $ E A L Zion United Church On Surrlay, trance of the guests was made - ' Highest DKlogrton Rd. and Victoria Park Ave, .To- CLAREMONT, ONT. Nov. 6th., Rev. W. 13. Mitchell. of through a long line of spooky pump - + Mato. 1:: stops at door). Open Evenings Dressers $12 up, Wasllsta ads Ashburn, -will COi1dUCL ttervlC�R at 2. i0 clammy han3 -shake in a dark cellar - Phone Hrd T712. lgty m. anti ? m. 'rho Greeiiwo� :l choir funs, via the cellar where a cold, prices x34 rip. Chiffoaere, 5 drawers p p' '��'��R. D. C. Smith, Dentist, SGouS• -and hood sized mirrors, will render 'suitable music at both made the proceedings of an interest - vi16e, HoaorGradnh, of Chicago tilt, and To- half price. It will services. On Friday evening, NOv, ing nature. 8 Hat b Universities and the Royal College of 11th., a fowl ,'.trlper will be served y _ psi -- y paid talSargeoas. Phone office 1011. Residence. pay yon to call. - . from 5 to 8 o'e! ,.k; $ r h a OPD, Pin aataid: appointments. 2617 rte_ vchSC _ drama ,entitled "•Deacon, Dubbs" will �- IDUNBARTON. . �■ � ���� `_=; ,BLAKE B. BEATON, D. D. 8., RUUf1C]g Material 1 be given by home tq;ent. This drl:ma - Fi Gradusuiot the Royal Colell�ge of Dental is in three ac.t., and i.i full of u••it On Sunday Last Alban and Mrs. Bnrgeom and L'niveruty of Tor3nto. Of m andhumor, Carte anu enjoy a gao,i Swan, accompanied by Misses Dorothy a arsT Murdock's Goalect,onery stone Whitby. laugh. Mrs. D. A. :icori, of (Tare- and Pearl, motored to Peterboro and hour@ to 12 : 1 to 3.80. Lad. 'pi a 6. 5 z British Oolumbfh Shingles -mont, will sinrx between act,- A,, _ attended, St. John's Church on the S = mission: 50 ce•i:'; children, un:ier ja Hill, and returned early in the even- A -TEIL C. SMITH. D. D. 4„ L. D. 9,. No. 2• Salad 5z " in, 25 Scents. ing accompanied by their daughter, • a� (Succcesar le Dr J. !� Dales], Graduate of Violet, who had been attending the A Rood supply cf Hard and Soft •tae Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron- -- Daininion A.Y.P,A. Conference there. • Coal on hand. Alpo a supply w Udverarty. At Claremont office over D. A. TORONTO A8PHALT The regular meetirsr of the Ladies On ' Friday, evening -Mr. and Mra. Scott's store every Tuesday and Friday Phone of Kindling Woody Stoufd 10.11 27t! ROOFING Aid Society will be held on Thursday, H. Newman entertained the A.Y.P.A. SiiBERT T, FALLAI9$ L D B.. Murray's IS in., 3'2 in. and 86 inch Nov. 10th, at the- home of Mrs. Fermi and members of the. St. George's stove length, D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of ' widths, 4-in 1 Shingles ; also aver. Roll call to be answered ". Mission to a progressive so s euchre and 12tf .—Phone Pick. 1709. ' i Surgeons an4 the Universit of Toronto. Metal galley and averse containing ins word. "Come ". danx. :after, a sociable game of Odke above J S. Batason's store. P�ckenng• Out. All Lhe ladies of the community are euchre and dining the intermission a cruse boon 9 a m t, a p. m., or by appoint• Ridge Roll. DON ALD - ML':'f RO, PICHE$IN(i saaot Pboeu Peek 3700, ay cordially . invited to attend. solo was . rendered by Miss Violet Material, or will give price on The anniversary her ices of the Swan, also recitations by Miss Doro- �ststssess disiP�l, finished job. United Church, of Cherrywood, will thy Swan. Mr. Sproule then thanked La SURN1 N HA ..�. be held on Sunday,, Nov. 13th. The Mr -and Mrs. Newman on behalf of Butldingt and Geaeral r - BLIZABEME RICHARDSON— • PhvJL1Li�131�3 .•. morning service, .at 10.30 a.m., will their guests for their hosoitslity upon Contracting. •Ftreandaatonob k,naarance o! all kinds. �•s■' iv • be conducted by the pastor. Rev. Xr this and' many other occasions. The regireaestug compammof solid financial stand- Raekham, wail the home choir assist- Ig4timates faialshed on all classes L� j prizes for the euchre were won by of work— Interior and Exterior. VE 'ing. This will be a service especially Miss Nellie Thom. Mr, Leonard Dix- Alterations and repairs. 1� POSTILI, Licensed Auctioneer, for the young le. At 2.,30 pan.. Yo S PAP on, Miss Jean Anderson and Master X s ass osansus of'rark am osfado. la. p� vlall Chimneys Built Concrete Work. , SimsNn at all kfmds asaw"d to se sborlaos �y w; �I1�I iG RBET son Humphrey, of d Clio rb features Stroud. Ore of the main versa ,►sera orsao IUva r O out IM& preach. with the United C muss choir features b the evening was a ores- Phone Pictertag 5712 of C aremont leading the magic. At entation by Mr. Newman to Miss FAIRPORT; ONTARIO - - &DRATOA Tuwl�sZIPOLZIM We btuv and wit• furnish quotations 7.80, Rev. A- R. Sanderson, of Pick - Ethel Blenkin for her untiring and osov"an•w' osvWsesr im takes sad information on •11 Listed and ering, will 'conduct the service, as- faithful services as organist, : Miss. ��� -- — 7096AMssa, asaoaaasrs, E6L Kos" ao lse� -� � � - � Gf L �i ssrs -Imam so laserlys IA*- Unlisted Mining Stocks. listed by the Milliken Church choir. Violet Swan was also awarded the t�. a, oas i -r -Everybody is cordially invited to at- We will be pleased to ad •tab what .prise fan• arsllisXt the most tickets for Nova Scotia -going =1Aa 7 MAW. LICENSED AVC- stocks to buv v-or to bold.'or tend these services. the Harvest Home supper. _After_ x*_- atr-G4Tvanized Steel Sbingles, r'f TtONEER for York. and Darba: - what stock to sell. reahmen yrere served_ dancing was + Countsas. All Co-& of salsa proopeb attmdad Bird's Felt slate BhinRlesl Tarar rasaoabia Deus isr my piiaota are tnaFing moa�•y by Meet "Dear ae Dubbs" at M L• Zion indulged in to the accompaniment of for sale at ,anaegul a NEWS•O&cv. $ell and lod•pes following oar advice, tau Friday evenin(;, Nov. iltli. , the, Deer Park Troubadours. ident pbw.n_ wbitby, Oct. my Our long experience in mining. ea - � +• T. PATERSO'\ S CZAR &MONT _ -� -- tending over a period of ..twenty MILLS= WHITE. g3ROUiiiFiAM. Call and get prices; Phone 3612 years• allows us to give sound advice _ L��'V'8 oa the investmeat feature of a mine Amid a pretty settinz of .autumn Miss .Bate spent last week in- the or the specul•tivt feature of a pros• foliage and floral decorations on Wed- city. pective mining venture. nesday afternoon at Sprinfrside, Dun- Miss M,. Feasby visited friends in Q e Is the time shave our' -BOLLOWAY, MILLS � CO. barton, Ont., Gertrude Roaina, dough- Oshawa this vreek: G A i� -A G G / y ter of Mrs. White and the late George The children, as usual, enjoyed the iwt'g1A£O installed for win- ][embers of Standard ter, or your old one Stock Exchange. White, became the bride of and John Hallowe'en frolics: Members of the Mootnal Watson Mills; son . of Mr: and Mrs. -Miss L. Stevenson• has been visit- We are. prepared to do all kiada repaired. - Mining; re&I ge. Robert Mills, Craighurst Avenue, Tor ing relatives• bere fqr several weeks. of repairing of Isis, also bat- Mining and Board Room. Ground Floor. onto. The ceremony w•as conducted The Newton family of Toronto, tery charging. electric We can Rive you the hest iYetrol>olttaD Building, by Rev. J. R. Fraser, M.A., of Dun- spent Iast Saturday with the Gerow welding and in fact _ line of Furnaces. Ranges TORONTO, - ONTARIO United Church. the bride be- family. everything in cos- and Heaters oa the Pb4oee :Adelaide 8871 and 09711 mg -given in marriage by her br, ther, Mr. Woodward has opened ablack- n Lion witty - market. Mr• Iving White. Miss Helen' hour smithin¢ shop - at Kinsale. We are �' car wore s ,s, acted as bridesmaid; while the groom sorry to lose good citizens. ccessanes AW THE was a8 - - - , -Oirs; Grea€e -at. r Olie and Hardware at Crimmon. The 'weddine -music was Soccer at Brougham on Saturday, on hand -constantly. lowest prices, SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. provided by Miss -Mary Pearce, anll Nov. 6th., at 3 o'clock share. between - during the - s'gning of the , register Oshawa General_ Motors and Brous- Call and see our CatsloRnee of $'hone 4dOP Real.Iistates,ad Iasursiace: Mr. John R. Kenctedy, cousin of the ham. This will be a splendid game. Dodge,and 8tat• Care, - Farm Properties a Specialty, bride, sang. Later Mr. and Mrs. The Women's Institute will hold a LL1�yJ �� Mille deft an a motor trip to Quebec clinic on Saturday afternoon in the B�SgBY Head Office: 213 214 Con fedayation City and other Eastern points Upon Temperance hall for another treat - LifeBuilding. Toronvd., their return they will reside in. their ment of toxoid for the prevention of • AND SERVICE STATION r, Phone Main 1990. home, Manor Avenue. diphtheria. As the Provincial Board PIOSERIN( sTOU- FFVfLLE. of Health deems it wise to administer Briinch'Offloe : Gordon Building, •-•= - the treatment three, .Limes,.onig those Prote's't' Yourself t WE ARE Pickering Ontario. Our-merchants have decided to close already treated rived attend. ' Phone. WOO. 28t•f every eyeing except Saturdays during Anniversary Services will be held the winter months. in St. John's United -Church here on Ag afnet ✓ t George McKuen's --ale, near here, .Sunday, Nov.- 13th., at '11 a.hi. and H 0 W I N,CT CLAREMONT � netted for him the sum of $5,400, a 7 p.m. On Monday or Tuesday-even- ing ( jj' EAMEiF?i# nice sum 'for one day: _ ' following a grand concert will COUghsy CVldsf OR The breach of cortract case of be given. Arrangements are nit yet Stonehouse versus Servis, has beet, complete sb as to make a definite an- Den or Living Roon- - - _ . -- -- decided- in favor -ef-the latter no.uncoment at the time of printing ' • • R A nuiriber oP bl2so7is from-here at- but all particulars will be 'given out �POAGh tisf Suite lII ml6slOn design, tgllest prlce'pald for Wade in inured oat The -- p tended the Masonic Church services on Sunday next. The co-operation g. C_ ream at the at Brougham or, Sunday-last. all the people • who live in the Brous Immeis are sOhdlj OOII- The veterans of the County will ham community is asked for to make Etas, stmeted and the Chairs tlaremo t Creamery march for their annual services to this Anniversary asuccess. - sae upholstered in brown the United Church next' Sunday, A large -number attended the Mas- By ,axing _ • p Mr. Fletcher, of Toronto, who con- onic Service on Sunday afternoon in Give us a trial and be convinced _ - leather. ducts, a choral class at Claremont, is St. John's Church. It truly was an Tits set consists o four pieces also endeavouring o oaRanlze a• a ass mspiring s1g t to see so marry men t irseiizdiag Arm Rxkiog Chair. �� here come marching into the church ter' Co Li%- r Arm Chair, Reception The finishing touches are now be vice, and when the congregation sang - > d =�TQ, ing made on our High School, and so _earnestly, !'Faith of our Fathers, _ Chair and Table. L e school is ex to be occupied in the grand old hymn. We could 'par price on this Suitacan be most -= next week. - not help thinking Would the next gen- Keeps the system F Bee e `:. favorably compi►rs�d to soy - .The `veterans of our town.will hold oration have the same,Love.flnd rev- -built a and en -, X n: For Pastry use s dip py Day" as usual, on Satur- erence for the church of the%r fathers? soles yon to with - catalogue pries. p Our price. - 41.50 Our R,Oyal Bl'aDd day' Nov. 6th., to raise funds for We need the fathers to-dav as never stone to attacks t disabled veterans. before. of, these common . alt Fglt aDd $prip Wlttcesees - Chicken- stealing is still extensively The W.M.S. of St, Johns Unitsit winter ailatente. in stock. «t your Grocer's. carried on in the neighbourhood, and Church held their regular meeting at _, . Ape= Records sold hero: i Constable, Kirk and others are in he home of Mrs. John Miller on the Especially effective with Farmers who have wheat get: your 20th tall. A large number were pre- children. _ search.of the thieves flour made from your own sots George Thomas, who met with sent and a most enjoyable and- wheat. - - All s. s t A. Sterrit wh R� We a motor accident and who has been ful meeting was-held. The W.M.S. - . rAllgiade. Size Tittle it., in the .hospital during the past few of St .Andrew's, Pickering, have sir- ,: months, is not improving as well as tended an invitation to 'our auxiliary ^ T ' Furnitture. Dealer and Feed, of all kinds— Ohicken Efeed, expected, to attend their thankoffering on the l,hiuneral Director hen feed, chop, millfe/d. Miss Lillian Brown, while hanging afternoon of Nov. 16th. It is to be Phone 1800 on to a wagon loaded with turnips, hoped that m many as .possible will ,TQtzeS �Jru; Story a ) — Chopping every week -day. — in some way slipped and fell under avail themselves of the invitation and = q��'1Dg, DIIt�10 �, ', 1, V7 the wagon wheels. Hopes are enter -hear the speaker, Miss Chace, on at PICKERI.NG, - - ONT, tained for her recovery. occasion. , «: - d.. .. . .'�. :,: ..: ,i. s :' ':.;,... .., :; .'. '.. r�• ,µ ` -z •T' R'u °�4n 11`�ii: s� �s t o-, ar• , : w .. ^ ._.r'd* 7w_.{ few».,• ?tom i , '•k sr J� 'tx *,W .Fs,¢ .x, "A ,•'„ w•y'�,,,s, •+°,,+ �. '�' col ..,e' „t h4�., L'"'""� r�;"y'�r�,',a,,�, :yr.�. .ayrR .•@„rte..,,. ':F;;. •p, ..:pa:•TFIk t+ 5= "�.s°•v S3 •ks . ,,,; --u�un ., _ _ a - a .. a. cY :v'^•Z': . �.., , .Y ^'ryY,, Y.'1`#e _.. .::•. ,;.. -• ro�� g.C,is•�:a,5.� -. ,�` a. ..n� ',•� -zy a•,�;,•. ,,./"+r ::wn..,',.. .5?t Y;. �rt.'w, ,rv•an+'.pz �...• ,, a�'+.:. �'4�i•""^r.+. r:c'- dN?t�r «. :u :',.>''- a, ,>+,n. .,.s w ,.,, o.. h.. . �... �, >... .ry�l. 3i ,..+','L,R 4., . • :W >.,7r:. n 'F'S k• -. hk :+^� -wl .. .dr!f?5y•;a a'xc"q�^3F`'!"Y •fe.;Yh :++:- c r+nSF' �-.rt `�i ',,y.�. *+.> '. • Y ..ran a•'. "yti it'.ati 'r' , 5.. �i IEe+ .n'�', h•:� arxaw''x41 -. ;,"Fi'd�„' °"�kc„r.,•. ::z"'4„ x_�+ 'a+��i•+,n. ' �«''.3a4: N��' "'.`.r �y"!.� `�c• .''._ . z�v* �;It '.ar r . r. of u .•«._ - .+{' ,, �,'.d" . a^ - }pax.. -+rs mac., • ?r: a. n,v�+, _ d`, a:'i,na,a'�h�.r"' lm:�c+ �t7 r f•:W -"V n ' .,fit, ��r �•,>. ,�r . asr •._ �sw -,`uw. ,a q .,i - �"' ^' v^ ;v'+" e "'<�`_ •�.. -'A- . .+n'a.3•.�.��.m•.. . x .,,a. :w�. n:,e ......,�,,,.s.a rt ,� +L. .'� " ' ^°+�' :.i ; ""�, • 7 +r :a , � ••C`:, a :ti +S 4 r. 5``,r<..': �. N .,�,,,,r w'�. .a' rt, - .yt , . .� _f .>.v,�� S "a .: '••n. «:`. ,,,,,.:' ,•�..,.�.,,„w ..: •e^...�. .YS'S'�, '�.• ?1tr�;;,,;, d'... .+.• •d. _r„ r . .:ti� / F�` a rt-r-'" :e... :7�w ";^xr*,a 3�.t'•': �• ^r .tl "',•. v... ,. ..� •• ..,:..a.. ,F.. ....•. u..'. -.,i, :.' :' '� Ve, �yi.' r' p� s'. '.e .w+•>~ -.r - W - • „ - yet, my. bea . Tll have yon again a cragsaw t w anT t , pushing T ubby thiou gh sh talkie' to his sweetia!" followed and ipcked the, d9or )th ier Ild s th . Tubby honored the doll with a short pass key. t La 4'.. t scrlitmY• . Myrtle suss one .of the' moat trust - "Looks like somebody Itive' seen,' but iheir worth chambermaids on the etas I d•unno who. Say, Myrt, I wish I and ever had the been falpe to the - dart go thro Mr. Peiton's quit- , p � trust nor- entered a room sees t on ca "No, Tub, don't do it. Don'tmake' legitimate errands, until she had - : fallen under the spell of the wonder- k - me sorry I let you in here. You said ''ful dolls. Why they fascinated her t a you wanted to see the dolls." + _ - "Huh, I only said that to make you s°' she canldn t have told', but she was - let mein! .I don't want to see those. far from being alone in her adoration • >.•' td11 Th6y ma ick! „_.. of an wi g g r tt the siren Paces d_be "ichin a b t "• "Then we've 'got tokgeteout. I'll ° he puppets. t M r She had almost made up her mind ata never believe you again! But I m F a _ ,. afraid to come in here alone, and, of to ask Mr. Folsom for one, for he had ere is far lijol'e► to �� course, if anyone is here, I can t touch smiled on Myrtle :n a way that she A►ayOlDe CaeL s�12 p001!'e! tC>s C�C.ajiQlr- the dolls. Oh, you iovely`l You understood to imply his' favor; Then �� came s Y ca - s atchedhis an sudden rtuait rl she dcould ' She +$+erred and patted the dolls, and from that time on the rl had =' beaut and arranged them in•coquettish atti- Y PPo Y , r/A I �O Y� ,i*► tudes on the sofa and chairs. get to hang eves. and fuss with the "�Q IR tlR(]a t a •' ;;, ”' . , - O] "Does Mr. Pelton fall far 'em the Balls. 1Df Vii ®f er b ' tt {' �„ Yet she was too afraid of the vagas ' way Mr. Folsom did. askd Tubby. „ , honor that seemed to hang round i r�t+G11g No; he seems to like them a little, Cam ne ° Garrett Folsom s rooms to venture in K PA DA. he acted like .the MADE J KA q but Mr. Folsom, Y ! there alone. True, she had. done so . NO ALUM were real " f WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. eyes watching out for spies, slipped ] "Then I bet Mr. Pelton would give i the time that Carmelita caught her , C.W (if LLE CO. LTA Death strikes Garrett Folsom while quietly along the corridor -and one of you one: Or ask the old girl. She'd hid7ng tl;ere. But the inLruaion of roftot+TO, ,pat+. " ''_ bathing at Ocean Town, N.J. After them, the girl, produced a key and do it." that lady had so'scared Myrtle that - being Perfunctarit examined b a never a ain had _ she_ gone_.into. the.;. - .- N yy y quickly gained entrance t othe locked : I dwrio. Maas Fnlscim- ianice saute g dactos, -_the Ifody - -is brought to-- the - rooms. ways; then again she's a terror." rooms alone. Ona-Sided. o�Majusaca, where an inquiry it +Here we are, Tubb ," Myrtle said,' And now she vowed never a ain to� y (starter. Y Taking advantage of Myrtle's ab- g !!! A movement is on toot to bring the Folaom's bathing compantans bad as they reached their goal and locked sorption is the dolls, Tubby. had open- take Tubby In there, or anybody else. , Scotch and the Canadian closer. All bee s Roger Neville, Mrs. Iielen Bar• the door behind them. ed a s.uitcas'e of Dan Pelton s and was! People were too curious, too, snoopy* the work will have to be done on the,' ZAby and CarmeIita Valdon. It is But after all their errand was of No, she would ask either Miss Folsom Y established that Folsom, ust before no more sinister intent than to look rummaging among its contents. They { Canadians. =• I or Mr. Pelton for a doll whichever - I" dais death, had been stand)g next to at the French Balls which still sat in were almost all papers and letters, oP the two seemed mare amenable. - Ned Barron, known as the. capper. and as she heard the rustle, myrtle' Annoying. v'< Stine a gorgeous row on the sofa, turned oft the daring bellboy. Also, there were Parton and Rosa Ii 'must worry Mussolini, s' lot to n> Then the startling announcement! At least, that was what Myrtle, the "Here you! Stop that! I told you Perhaps she could get -at the matter ; think that Alexander and Julius Caen made tNa> Folsom h. ^. i been stabbed t throuh one of those. . Well, she would Sg�k _ sar didn't live long enough to envy, ° 'to death in the water. Rgss, his valet, 1 i think it over. - him ds questioned, as are Barr on and his I king of those gloriods r And still thin " "tsife, but no light is shed on the mys- " - human-looking fauies, she went about ' Lady (to tramp who has solicited __rY•. r her regular routine of work. Anastasia Folsom, eccentric and a pair of boats) ; .•What size do you masterful sistea of the dead man, ar _ Later, s,he .was startled to receive_i take ?' = .-- Tramper-- "Duano, Mum. .1 — ,y �r r rives and takes command At the in- i sum ns fro a e ton himself. ain' neve 'ad boots that way. I ;quest it is established that the death f % a "Well Myrtle," that i gentleman can teither rget my feet into 'em —or I weq on was _a lets an Orental /' :. y,. pent ( can 't." p q, % ( aid $ little aharpl "ao you s y .. ife, and that it ai.d its scabbard a in her while I was st had been urchased on the boardwalk. your tim a my } lt la a so established •.hat Croydon r' uncle's funeral." Minard's Llnimetn for Chilblains- _ ,•.16ears is a fancier c P ciirioc kr.vea. - "No, sir," she said, glibly. "Not y Anastasia engages Titus r�gs�s to '� @ !' that, Mr. Pelton. i came in here with nAITS Afts" r. 'work on the case. -Ile asks Iermissiou 1 c� the fresh towels, ' but I didn't spend a .� ;to go through the dead mans eRe ts. _- l" ` ; my time here." 1 NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY �'W i z'✓ � y" ' � f �- "Didn't hang round a bit°" ' 5y "a r "Onl "p to look at the dolls ;' she 0�Xe t _CIIAPTER- �i�IIV. t , : said; thinking it might be her oppor- ,� unit "Oh, Mr. Pelton, aren't the rs besot y ✓ 1r tll Set" Daful? Oh. I do love 'em so! ) ' '['here were but. fc-c .. funeral y (If r.iur�e, Miss FalsY.zi and Ilan you, Well, .well. perhaps I'll ._ rervrce of Ganett Folsom. - / I j have to give you one, But someone , Pelton were the !ef ln( o. � w They I l j� i �I Y ; I L — bias been meddling with my belong- were attended b Paxtnr. and Ross, ings_._my� suitcase. Was it you? An- i who behaved as proper servant}. sorer me. � 'should aril watched for any oppor -� �� � Pr�.,� •� � (T'o be continued.) - - tunity of ministerng to the wants of sat ti , their emp•cyers. 7. 'rite Riggs and Robin Scary attend -�° - e i 17 zn Fi -arid; ;: d now, and Riggs, like n hunter keen for prey, lost fro possible chance W o _ �glecin any scarce IiaFrd to p'�•k up and at the, O tC the .funeral, brut there might be some , � _ * y hie. ur suggestion in the attitudes a, ✓.sue of the dead man's raii:t�vea that would be enlighteaiag. Arid tyre wee: aamc wh-k dro i PFe r In out of mere idle .curiosity, and ] �,� • • - others . who were there bxaure they; - ` it �S WE�1�r + chance•d to be in the neiRlSorh.ol. .Pelton had locked the door of his � O suite end thrown the key on file ofRco' �IM� desk as he came downstairs. E _. , • Ih ' But that did not keep intruders ' "' • -from his`rcoma. z Vl% _ :a IpP:oRat•.a Scarcely had he left the hotel, in company with 'h'is aunt, than two I smiling young people, with shrewd i '"HERE, YOU! STOP THATI I 'M IN CHARGE OF THESE ROOMS iVot An Artist,' But Drew. �.•� - AND i'M RESPONSIBLE." — "He draws wonderfully." 7 Tilbby, the be:!- !-woulldn't allow the.! Vin in ehar— - "Rist Aetar, dear." -� -- a rmam, £i g bat " Ho looks like t bo his ffiert mind loo n for some - of these rooms; I'm Chambermaid, and i2i Itiditl$► thing more exciting, was opening and I'm responsible —" - shuttin the -drawers of the chiffon- *Isfaken Valuation . g. "You rea nai�ble! That's a ! Po good i The plrohibition agent who said lie ) ;,� ier. _ ��� one! • Don't be sill Myrt, I'll bet had seized liquor worth =00,000 had ��@ t :J''�, `'Hey, Tubby" don't you do that. I could find sampiaa In those papers the_girl cried out. "It's no harm for probably .sot tasted any of ft when You really enter sunny Cal%• that might help solve the -big mys- he made life- report. flDrnia the mom�at me to feast my eyes on these dolly- to ++ you dtlp ;ro' babies, but I won't stand for' our' �• r I 'MInard's Liniment for Neuritis. aboardoneoftilefivefmotls Y Oho. Yoa a detective? Mello •Mr. snooping around -in" any of the rooms , Picklock Holmes! Now if that's p Sants' Fe CrOas.COII)1lIIe>pt that I have.charge of.'' !your lay, here's. where you get of[l . F�ultfui srformanee trains. 'PY "Gee,'Myrt don't be a lemon. I arch l,+ First Actor: "Your efforts to win .ar over your Gdience 1 Coldtowii, were, Tlie, Chief— elrtra fare —is i �+: I ain't doing a bit of harm You play j _ Tubby s rotund form was propelled g >l j the finest and fastest of the vith your dolls and .lemme. alone. I toward the door by the agile and via- not entirely fruitless, I understand ?" I S2tnta Fe California 'They're not my' dolls; I wish they Second Actor: "Alas; no. Nor vege- were! Oh, if Mr. Pelton would only orous Myrtk.. Itable- less.^ { ' fly TWO busifats6 traintat days ? give me one of them I" I Tubby was loth to go, but he had I I 'on a Way. SPEARIM4T lhas a tuna "Pinch St I don't believe he'd ever to do so or make a scene, which might' , and zest to brighten, pons call the attention of the chief. of the' Now who will produce the. fuelless . No extra fare on the four other i , tmhe one dwant— furnace? 1 dally tniass The California Lint• ` Whole day. „ , chambermaids and t a sound beret• j` 1\o I m seared "to do xhat And ing for Myrtle, i4 for himself. ltsd,Nsv:�jo Sco!itandMssi It kcc�s teeth whit f �at9• soothes the titrost,aiatI ♦e, He made one last lea. One thing about these highways of : Fred Harvey ' dining -car and din. ` x aids di =tioa. � Which bne do you want . P ing- station servicesetathestandard l ai , r _ g Ts+a "This. This dark - haired beauty. i , "Aw, lemme stay here a little mitt- the sir —there won't be any detours 1 in the . i - for repairs. transporation world. . Oh, my, brit she s a peach Nct the ute more, 114yrt,�and I'll 'tell you what , II prettiest of 'sll, maybe' " I'll do. III ask the old girl myself /� p �p cc 1 Enjoy oua•of -doors this _ winta — _ t a t 3 "Not miich, shc- isn't! That yellow- to give you' one of _ the _ dolle. Or I!lL` E Jet R N -MONEY , � an f sip r Cad�a �i- x s Itop.. puts_ it &11 oyei_hez!''— - - - -- Task -Mr: Pelton. He carter likes me. "I Learn marcel waving. permanent war - ! "Well, I don't know, : This was Mr. ! ' "He won't like you if' he hears•; Ing and. beauty culture at �Ca.nada's most l�•desNe -orsae Correa iL1as A tFolsom "s favorite. He used to talk you've been digging into. his luggage! i entuSgof models and -no waste outline. Mo7.Iareadsesew►f�t rslaids•yt ; E Meal to this .one." - And I'll tell him, it -you don't clear i Positions guaranteed. 'Iltg demand for t "llid he? What would he say ?" `-outa here! Wait till I see if the way 's, ainedg- FareeB Dooklefe t ey are well \ „ y, „ !. T. 8eadry, den. A ntn Santa re �sr_sr♦sl� - —ti Wh he talked to it almost as if safe. Lnci71. 7srfchots Esadt Cdltnrs falzool W& Transportatton 321 :, Defrott, r ISSUE No. 40 —'27 it was alive! He'd` say, 'I'll, have . you Cautiously Myrtle opened the door 1 *1 moor s reot went, Toroato i'aoao: Baadolph 8748 LT ''3 Y —BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING --= Pie% ake%' Buns' rand Bread -- DOES ALL YOUR BAKING BEST s , w a • ,..ier". .,•a -{!�.' :. ..' ,. ..,,�,..: ,.. .. .. .. ^ .. .• .. ro, `G 7 "�li, .!�,'+i` ^'• `-y ' l, G w•� ' i 'd �%+n v ',"j ^' •rM ^� 'G' st - ' 0' i' Me'4.� _..A.x v4' M.k7� • ,.�•i. :iM'.rd. 'a 4...��^+Y��i XQ v 4 _41. nwl ; , ol , , - e: , �illirr, "' � 4' -VW %v'`' Ot n 4 "r.r. . .:,,. �_ x ^-,41P� � Im nal-r- 10TE 4 N .1"N '.7 0. 4, �4 ­a A�.ee ­6 a-ja a..& fiihma a ­dI 7 42" irstliffiff from scj -00 ASUPRIZ $.59000 ad C__ FOR -YOU1-' .00 �A FORTUNE. -A ND • ' �MFIRE -MAIL ,--:Offers this tremendous Fortune to any Man, Woman or Child. -­Find the Words Hidd en in the Letters of the Word _C 0 N ST A N T I N 0 P L E t 1 illil 7here is nothing hard to do. And is Twollous Dil ars. 4 win. All you need is paper and pencil, It easy to understand and play IT'S TASY this game. Just sit down and see how many 'words you can make from the ton in the word Con 8 le- ' 'You will find all sorts o& words that can be mane out of these letters. etc. it is, as easy as that. It is 'a e f For example, cat is one, pie is one, p=t is another, and alit, etc. d -All you have to do to a fortune is to play the game win the whole family. No expert knowledge is nee all according to'dw rules announced to-day. IT COSTS NOTH ING TO TRY. having the 7 - the 50 best Hats of words submitted. The answer Primes will be given for j.. FIFTY * - niside out of the letters in the word Constantinople will largest and nearest correct list of words % be awarded first prize; second best, second prime, etc. Observe These Easy Rules $5 000.0® in Ca P Cash ri' zes. 9 and (1) Any man man or child who lives In Canada n a resident Ill 19 is at nt of the City of Toronto and who Is not : I ... I prime OM In the employ of The Mail I and Empire may suli an Here you are fold ZJ frize it fis its) answer. GRAN'lo PRI subscriptions I =41ptlon of which pallet are sent. one ords as possible from the letters In --rthe Will cash Go&$ I* sent M Make as many w A" be Is now tinaple. You M:! use the letters over !,�-b- . . the word Constan aww&l 4 -66- riber and over again in different word but each word must - ----- nintil - ' First Prize ...... 10.01 .00 $;,000.00. not contain a letter more times than It appears In the Win - Answimis -1 receive gash Second Prime 00 '700*00 wor4 Constantinople. For example, you may use the win 25. SW-00 -il 00 1632 letter 11si just once in • oh word, the letter 1101, just once 1350.00 In each word and the letter 4" twice in each word. priscis according to Third Prize 2011l Fourth Prime 1000 100-00 7.1 (3) Write Your words plainly on one side of t the Us her*. -10:56 ]1 .00 200-00 per 'a - and in alphabetical order; numbering thorn 1. Z. t, Fifth Prime 0, 100.00 Remembill Sixth Prime 5.00 Write your full name and address an each page In the Seventh Prix*- 5-00 .100.000 upper right . hand corner. it you desire to write anything A fully qualified F.Ighth Prime 5.00 .00 1011l else use a separate sheet. L 00 -in$ the ,h 5.00 ..100.00 A (4) Do not wee proper nouns proper adjactNes. preftea. answer % Prize 'YOKES ARE MODISH THIS i5.00 ...-50:00 200.00 suffixes, aboreviatione. contractions, foreign worda. larger atniomts. Tenth Prior obsolete words. combined forma. Scot or dia:o-tla words. SEASON. b FJeventb Priv Words spollad at.ke but w!th different mian;nr. w01 with 11 E. countaiiii as one word. " Word% tocled diffelrntl> but w th 50th P,`%i 'a remely attractive is this dainty the means meaning will be counted #-a separate war" Al f r tho Bit elusive ........ .2.00 5.00 11D.00 nightgown having a shaped �oke with h the singular and tn# plural may be used. and ji Both tn 000 TOTAL ....... 11S,000.00 :�square neck, band sleeves, and groups will be counted, provided both forms are listed in J0 Award Prize- _Wfli -bo dictionary ) f Of tucks at the front. No. 1632 is in tie I., .Y ii ffmi the - full- ;Mount ;i _7 (3) The judges will use Webster's i International lit a event of a 0.'Zes 34 to 44 inches bust. Size 38 Dictionary, the latest ectliam• as authtr.ty, and th"4 largest paid to each tied. Partlic"Stilt • d r correct If* of words ma a from the letters in Conat A irvquires 2% yards 89-inch plain ma- nople will be awarded first prize. aerial; % yard yard allover lace and (6) one correct word will be deducted for each ri and (7) in the event of a tie for any prize offered. the full 2 . ����es'w`ill Be ba yard insertion for View A; 8% aiislied or Incorrect word. IN in yards 36 or 39-inch plain material c rded -.3% yards inner amount of mush prime will be awarded to each tied flow" the $5,000 11 Aion for View B. Pili partocioafti. 0 *1 your I�fs to what The Mail and Ifirnialre is offer,eig you In (8) only are prim• will be awarded to any one hoossh*?d T'ma opoor!,un,t) you ca?inot help but : , and learn" while earning • li cash larlsi Let's all i0lin .20 cents the pattern. :r group of persons. Every I.st must represent your a this word game, Play oti Home sewing brings nice clothes C *r words in-this I;Arrfi, All you "*cc$ is an ng a ffort. and must be prepared by the person subm�ttingwr` enjoy tea hunt .111 -he family, in this same. aPfvq rj:�y a pencil. and within the reach of all, and to follow 0:13 submitted which cause the judgea, to believe ii and have a jolly good titer. Put bar$ of the family. parents take a pencil. and any Other m*m Both I they have been complied. Sy one and the same parse" robby a piriv. Ind the most words from the. letter* in the word C*11� the triode is delightful when It Can will be rejected. IiJaka It a QAMC 840 w"Q can 0 11 li It'is szey to do. tti educational, and It --you"n be diona so easily and- econonticaft-i-by- -(5y-TW*-rINqjfiAW*_Zs"*ci of-wa,49--il"ps ed-ave"id' ho'�j DOLLARS. 4 may be worth TWO THOLIZAND following the styles pictured in our to those rules -0I win first prize. The next largest 'new Fashion Book. A chart acconi have been awarded (subject to rule 111). 11 DID F prim: Ill JF 4% Be I correct flat will win second prize. and so on until 56 Pi -panying each pattern Shows the in&. (to) A cash Iia-ze of WOO will be awarded the f1rat 50 CAS IZES to- ift Away I winner It no subscriptions to The Mail and flimpirs or increase the popularity of TH9t MAIL AP40 EMPIRK * It terial as It appears when cut out &*-1 1"• However. the first prize winner will race IV* Tn:$ game 18 a cAn'02:111n to do not h2vel,to send 1n • subscription to wino Prize. 7. 7 7� Every detail is explained so that the $1,000.00 Instead of liffifil provided ano, now ae renewal costs nothing to take li and you However. Is by the judges, y will win, $50 00. Sent in 11 your flat of words is awarded 'i PP11 a. w c arty subscription to The Mad and fill is hereby you an will greater aash prize's by inexperienced sewer can make with- Cj%or 91,11. If TWO subscriptions to The 1110 941 and Empire we are making fills, foillawIng gi offer out difficulty an attractive dress. .0ttars. falther one now and one renewal. or both now, at $6.00 sending in one or two yearly Nuoscr Price of the book 10 cents the copy. per year by mail. or $91.00 per year delivered by carrier I the first prime PAzes, WID Be Awa In Hamilton or London), are sent In by j"- HOW TO ORDER PATrEHNS. winner he or she will be awarded $2,000.00 Instead of. Here's HOW the Big Cash $60.00. rew plain- (11) Renewal subscriptions will Piet be accepted that .00 will he awarded Ig, the.aftewer wlminlnq first Write your name and eidd. 9000 instead of $50 to The Mail and extend any sutaorption beyond January lot. 1931. provided two Yealift subscriPt'a" of which must be ly. giving number and site Of 1111111iti (12) All answers will pgcolve the same consideration ii been sent in, one sUbseriP&IOU (See Patterns as you want. Enclose 20C ill regardless of whether or not A subscription to The Mali $2 n". Second prize. $11.000-111 third prize, $700.00 istamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap and smil is sent tn. ..,third column figurgm in prime list.) 'it carefully) for -.each number and (1$) Three prominent, Toronto citizens.. having no con- first jnectic",with The Mal one Empire, will be selected t; instead of 1;:;0.00 will be awarded to &- answer wino act &a wdgep to decide the winnors;cand.partiolparits. b provided In. address your order{ to Pattern Dep'..� c op the decision of Ili Ided one yearty suharriplion hso been scat Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West All*. sanding to their amewers. agree to a -000 It third. *3MOO. and so on. the Judger as final and conclusive. $ gecoind prime. $5".00 laids, St., Toronto. Pattern* sent by (14) Prime winners in former cents 11ts conducted by The • mail. JWAII and Empire who Piave won $M.00 or more are not r eligible to participate lit this contest. (96) Lots of words must be matted and postmarked on or before midnight of S&tU"I*Y. December 3rd, 1927. -Big Cash Prize Qualifying Blank Case ike Solomon's Lesue, E. .3doote, Puzzle mLuagev; Room SUBSCRIPTION RATES kintily-sand The Mail and Empire Cash Awaids in 111113AW-00 IT IN ch wM clusill me for U335 019 11 o French Judge v for valfed 1111tatp. and the W the foucivingspersions. whi Up t -44mmosxtoaw-. er Possessions: constantipopt -or�d same. IS 11117-64 12 Months ....... 6 Months ......... 4 a Months .... rindly send -Mo Well end Empire t4 1 Meath ........ heath' .... RefJ Mother Demands Foster Jo, Klildly -li 1rhe Mail imd E�2p]Xi Sat rday rAttlau. Satorday Edition. Back Child . ......... ......... : fie Mother Give Si per ircar by carrier Is lioadnit or namisliten. ....... .................... ............................. Sold into Adoption .... . ....... Pall problem comparable to AD= ............................. ADDREW the famous-one solved. by Ktng Solo. Interesting, . . ................................ ........... ..... I ......... i. ,non must be decided by Judge Vallee evii 'To qualify fcr highest %WWd )a the small town of Aurersurclse; not Educational, and ; ?A 1.1143 subscription now or ran from Paris, when be determines 'I .................. subs6riptloxii must be new. far Tooill of two French women is legal-' Mighty Profitable, 'MY. NAM39 IS ......................... other" of Emilienne Desen- 3 .1y the I'm ...... .... ........ .. Il trios, a pretty Id now nearly "Ote Of French chi Ch- tie. Do not Wri li unre-.1-der d. It emit by Money Order. Post,311 N 91d. -'-two years is Elvire Gla- The actual mother ..'-dieux whose husband to 'a gardenei, and she is the mother of two other -children. At the time Emiliense was Spithickd- Prize UNA .,expected to be -born Mme. Gladieux's f $2,000.0Q,4#­*he subscrip- $100.0 will be added to the first Prize of S2,000.100 if the sub strip husband wasi and out of work and S200.00-will be added to the first prize o Vons to qualify the list winning First Prize iii received In Till inning First 'Prize aFre received In The she was desperately poor. tions to qualify thei vir Mail and Empire ollee between November 16th and mildrilight, lot and .midnight, ne Mail and Empire office between November 30th, 1927. November Meeting a friend of here, Emilien Tuesday, November 15th, 1927. �Desenclos. all agreed to sell the child for the -sum of 300, f ral 'and bring It into the world under the latter's name. . The money was paid and the as being most. favorill The Commonwealth. Government Is _.,,.Not An Error regarded I .topographical survey carried out apparently to la is re- undertaking a topogra 'Starting 9 the nirniturs As Canada Does- but in Tasman ifficulty, of'Tasmania. and the work will in it * rt, - Orebestra will pire- /* the satisfaction of both.-part - les. garded as presenting some d . . . Company: A short while ago, however, Mme, Having a volve the'emploYment of an airplaile. vent an hour of dance Music.- the mountainous country wanted the to Gladieux decided that she want Tasmania Now Proposes bank up the clouds, and if will be the first time that an air • 'o tendency to Radio and s' been VmPIOY h ci back.. Mine. Desenclos refused Follow Our' Lead a' at certain times fog to the to plane ha. employed in such Those who heard it. claim_ that's I exactly what happened.--New York- to give her up, saying that she paid would have to e work tn Au tralta. Tasmania coveri; money in 'good faith, had -cared Island, Quickly From Air Pflift Of The state 1 11 - lea, and is I reckoned with: However, the miss' an area of 128,0,00 squai7e ml ! er. jor the clttid for more than a year and thoroulill Hobert, Tasmania The British Victort 1"fegarded aff the 17103t F 'riagardii a seTvIce between that fibe now loves it as her own. So -within I quite alrill tritaill which bas been visit- and Tasmania as being mountainous ccuntry In the world. ;Unprepared -Mme. Gladleux instituted suit. -Is 180 vealth the bounds of practicability. Its greatest length 'is CommOT. . I- Inig the A 0 miles.1 Jl,'1fttjc girl heard with amazement with the view of mapping out emplr�i • A math smaller type-of airship tban. its greatest breadth 19 'all Of course, you want fresh, d gatherilng Information, tte ones being built for thd London- Cyclonic depressions follow one' an- that she was to start sohool this air routes an I I the Great ku.s. I ,,Wby,­ Mother," she protestsd, y fragrant tea. Then see that uiX4er various heads in connection Australia trade would suffice, and other so rapidly Scross 't even know that every variety of calf t go don -71t, i put up in Aluminum- service they would make the Journ-7 RL a trallan Bight read o' ,,itlk the projected airship ' a orado lnclud-' ap :dampness, hours, lastead of 17 to 18 hours, varies - from level to' --;f In u m does not absorb four tfier is 0 ­jIll r write. " -El D -Alurn from London to Australia, has eed �f- 60 mIleq an hour in wea., or cause loss of ad Tasmania In its Itinerary. the in a peilc'd three or four days The T im.).S. and pungency. 116d According to the mission, the air- time taken by steamer. ' it, is prob- altitude sea le flavor lvil 6,000 feet. cited in �Alfdmi- ship service between Londin end able that within a comparatively rill an hose Tea Is pa anticipated that the tOP40- "History repeatu Iltself, You know,." for It Is anticip olull will occupy about �"Tb MUM and every package Antralla will be inaugurated An Ill short time an airplane service at's right! We read �llat C rs' time. The meteorological passengers and mails wW-b* ingugur- graphical survey dry lel -wl- carries a "money-back" two yel [six monthil !bus sighted Sucrante• of satisfaction. ST condWons [or . r fly Ing in Australia are ated. Z_ • q .>. gg 7, V, 3W W 1.7 -A day at Ers- his loss a bride of two months. The Us ld *W 'A ROd -C&MO Of Paden" funeral took place on Sun 44' ­ - --- - I soe"ad kine Cemetery. Winter will be here very f , .. .­ . o al, .'�.Qaf �9T TXRMS Have you ever played a gime called Thanksgiving Servctm, under the If you have any notion of -PSUOUCO"? It Whiled 4*4Y an idle auspices of the Lad i'. Aki Society 61.76 poiyear.'. SIAO if paid in sdvac=6 - ]purchasing a now h hour very pleasantly and. of cents of the Dumbarton United Church will Hard ajid j36ft ISoal of the., you can throw down the cards an sleigh, leave and Crut quit any time you please. be held on Sunday, Nov. (ith. The Lq Sub"ptiow to the United States as your order now so thabit advance. e 11 be ready when the is. a place. however, pastor, Rev. J. R. Fraser, will preach Britain &2.00 in There where best quality on will they'ptay another kind of 'Tationce," they can't leave off when they a t'11 a.m. and Rev. W. M. Mustard, snow appears. W%41b. of Scarboro Bluffs, will conduct the, JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor* Geoixe is at it-he In an inmate of service at.? pan, and Mrs. Michael, of a the Toronto kiospital for Consump- THOS. A. LAW, LORNE R E I D Whitby, will sing. . On Thursday, it APPLES tives at Weston -has been here for RUDDY OANADIAN AP three years now. For a chap who Nov. 10th., a chicken pie supper will imc3ceri=ar. C=t. ..CLAREMONT 14 FOR OVERSEAS used to lead an &ctIY4 outdoor life be served in the basement from 5.3(J this is hard. A few rqoaths ago, his wife and her mother 410d leaving his to 7.$0 o'clock,'p.m., after which an "What shall I send the folks in the little Ave-year-old eon to the care of excellent program consisting of quar- IDId Country?" is a query heard as the relatives_ tettes, duets, solos, .- r'eadings, etc., J- RINCESS SOAP FLAKES Christmas--season approaches, but if . How Gearge does wish he could got will-be rendered by the -fcrflowing-abk� talent: Ladies' Quartette, of Oshawa; ------- AND a h the average Canadian realized haw _1A health back quicker so that h4b' much our big, juicy. red apples are can look after hiebby.1,, It has-been a long fight, but e even he will Miss Clarice Spencer, elocutionist; appreciaCod and enjoyed by people win -and so do the kindly nurses and of Toronto; and Mr. Thompson', basso, PALM OLIVE S 0 A P -overseas the problem would brim- doctors who are helping him. inediately* solved. this of Brooklin. A sale of work will be Wouldn't you like to helpA Canada's 10scious rosy apples are kind of work throuB h your subscrip- conducted in the basement durin• A special deal for every customer in these two splendid id op- tiou to the HospIta supper. This will be a splend relished by young and old alike, The it to Mon. Contributions -may-be se ortunity to buy Christmas presents. ;lines. You will receive in your mail a letter contain Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. n: 50 cents; children, under symbolize our bi illiant stinshirie an� W. A. Charlton, Pre-sident, 2123-Collogs' 11P warns summer days and they do look ;Admission: 4ng 2 aluminum tokens which are each good for a cake Ohristmasy and 6heerful. Northern 12- years, 25 cents. wing Spies, McIntosh Reds and Bald of Palm Olive Soap at our store. Droalt throw -them are the best and the most popular to BROCK a Ire away carry your" kind thoughts and ROAD. _bring them along and get a cake of 8oap free. and Maple-1eaf Mutual Fi wishes across the sea standard Oscar Neal is home at present. being boxes and-barrels of choice hand pick- See our window fur-the advt. -ed and hand packed fruit. Govern- on the sick list. Win, Whita, of Brantford"' is with meat inspected, are procurable at friends in this locality, Chehp rates for farm and country reasonable prices from any grocer, A slow order prevails at, the R. R. buildings. L 2- while the matter of shipment is as crossing here. Why not have the windstorm Insurance on buildings, Finnan Haddle 16c lb. -`-Eaddie Fillets 20e lb. fw simple as the mailing of a, card. wind' - mills, Silos etc. autos slow down some as well? �XS The Canadian National Express will A Hallowe'en concert' was given Automobile Insurance Salmon Snacks 38 cents lb. call for your apples. transport last FridKy afternoon by the children of all kindsi -e to any of the school, Everyone'was delighted deliver them by cWtck -servi, I Wi station in Great ritain. Ireland and with the performance. .FARMS FOR SALE MOO boys parad- Write or phome f row -b6rt tirnew4Lf �Llse faces an4 R t European countries. * On NL)nday evenir.,z our - The transportation charge . I CH AR D SO N 'Montreal and Quebec up to Novew her cbvr,.Aju* no daniage was done-to ED. BOWMA N ed for a tor -from Saint John and Halifax loth, or pro which op.,aks volumes for St in Great Britain, Ireland BON D'S -Govern men t Municipal and 6 Hardware ore N". I., ---thereafter. by direct steamier to points our 20 W`HFTBY, ONT. and the Channel I-lands Is 83 10 per standard Pi kering box and $d 20 per Standard barrel, in- Mortpge Bondp, Also, Industrials.• DUNBARTON. -eluding refrigeration. Safe investments at from 5 to 7 per For rates t,) Canadian ports, through Snday morning at can t., Now is the time W iook over that old Range or Heater and if you rates to Continental stations and all Church service a very interesting and INSTRANCE-All claase' need a new one call and nee ours. the Happy Thought On the United other partictil,4rs. cons ill any Cana- beautiful ceremony of baptism was 8 written in- than Nationm] Exprt*s Agent. eluding Fire. Automobile. •-Wind- and McClary Stoves and Ranges. 7 performed. tomm. Accident and Sickness. a I -L6wee t priced. quality considered. On Friday, Oct. 28th., there passed I away at his home, Toronto, John Mcr- Phone or write ri Notice to Creditors son. son of Amelia and the late aching Machines. Wringers, Wash Boards, Roofing Hog Troughs, David Morrison. He leaves to mourn 143.f ED. BOWMAN, Whitby Colernam Lampe and Lanterns, Paints, Marasco etc. 10 the Matter of the Estate of Vag - nun Henderson, late of the Vil. there i 8 anything in Hardware you want give us a call. Tice a ;fie of Claremont, In the Co.joty r chances are we will have it in stock. r. Notice Is berecy given that all Cre- We sell the old reliable and famous Fleur* Plows. 'Shares of Oataxio, Shoemaker, deceased. ,M­ Aitory and-otbers having claims or do- ..E N 0 to fit nearly all makes of plows., -'fn&n quality do against the Estate of the above Areamed Magnus Henderson, who died That you- will be satisfied with both q and I -Doering Farm Machinery Agent for McCormick 1' 28Lh day of October, price in these lines Repairs. on or abut th and 4921, at the said Village of Claremont, S are required to send or deliver their -claims, duly proven. to the understgn• Furnis biDg Our at W e ha ve i t. can ge t I t,. or it is not made. wd Executors cr. their solicitors on or before the 18th day of Novembei. 1327. OVERCOATS-Beat materials used, style sod price right, after which date the said Executors BOOTS AND SHOES-For all occasions and for dad and his lad. J. S. BAILSLIX10W TICKERING 0_4 •,wfll distribute the aa•etj of -the baid -deceased among the persons entitled UNDERWEAR -These lines are priced to sell, thereto, having regard only to the SHIRTS-Both dress and work, Yon should see these. u PecW watch itiven 7 "OTORS Ja4rol'of -theT jsball, thea-have • bad notice, sad all other&will be ex LINED SMOCKS Als;b OVERALLS 'See cues ws�UNIVRRSAL -eluded from the said distribution, with thebe. Dated this 31•t day of October. 192''. SGARFS, Gloves, Ties and other accessories. - . -WEST Richard J How, Ezecutort, HILL Donald Sutherland _Our Repairing Service Lg stiiI unexcelled Claremont. Ask for silverware coupons.. McCullough & Button. STAR AND FLINT SALES Solicitors for Executors. 9:>1 Siouff Ville. Oat. - � � :._ -. � AFL._ 0 T 10 E CECIL -BRADLEY :::- _- •-; � - -. - - �. N MI A I M S 0 :E M I IT <31 We have taken- over the Agency for Y w Fleury Plowb and Plow Nrto, OU ant a guaranteed I epair job at a reaqonable which we will keep con. .st&nt!y on btnd. pnee? EE US. Fresh Fruits. Cakes' Confection. anced Mechanics. Repairs on all makm ery always on hand. Expevie 31 Phone carboro Highest prices paid for good butter and fresh eegs. N ADaii6l v FUn - N- ete lit eralls W BROUGHAM SOLID OAK 41 .$709 $10% $125 CASKET FUNERAL '181 Zmsed Poultry Wanted DI 4WD -Good prices paid for poultry. M A T T HE W S"' BURIAL 00. -Birds must be properly6--bled and dress- ed clean of feathers, -Phone Gerrard 38W 2f9 Dsworth Ave., Toronto -.Sere are also a few items that should interest the thrifty shopper. Our Funerals ineltide: Embalming, Hearse, Gasket, Outside Case, Prices good for two week� Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Service. Funeral complete. -- ----- Kellogge's All Binh, plig, 20C No Extras. 5 Bare P. G, Soap 25c Visit our establishment and prove the truth of these statements & Thlimpsom's Seedless Raisiae. • lb. 28c for you rw i veto. These prices stand good within a radius of 46'ruileafrom Toronto Men's Work Shirts. goud value �)8 c Clip tf reference. 81 Men's all-wool Sox. 8 pair 1.(K) Cosy Home REMEMBER: this ad. for refer' Handy Ammonia, 3pkgi We We also have the 'original Bridal "bee Rose Dinnerware. Any y Appointment 'd • qii�Lntfty sold. U4th A wonded4l StOVe, 0". F%;r prices on poultry phone 3701 'FO R SSTC all the aa*�fttazes of a ROSLEY .)FRANK -40- CHIDLOW both range" nd heate 6tf Claremont, Ont. AAD10 HE Cosy Home Quebec is -Tctice C1 Ta powerful heater. It will: ikeep you-,� hoinib warm �nd cosy The Cosy Ho"w Iezistratiwon of By-Law five things 'during the cold winter months. ;does Notice is hereby. given that a. By- -----The large roomy cooking Sur- law was pa 1. It heate your home- .7 �sed (and" numbered 1288) a boon to the busy house- faceis ..by the Council of the Municipal Cor- wife. It lightens her work. It 2. It cooks yourmeals r ro ation of the Township of Picker- 'cooks and bakes to perfection easily on the large Ing oil the 16th day of September, at the same time keeping a roomy cooking sue` 1927, to authorize a contract with plentiful supply of hot water face. 'the Hydro - Electric Power Oommission J. of Ontario for lighting of the high- on banc• 3. It bakes evenly. -ways In the Police Village of Clare- You must see this Combined Supplies plenty of :rnont, and to authorize the borrow- ing of $269.00 upon debentures, to -range and -heater to fully ap- hot water. assist in defraying the cost of pro- preciate all it&._Qutstan&ng F). Burns any kind of -7 -curing and installing such service fael, qualities. registered ..and that such By -law was register; In the Registry Office of the Registry — ------------------------ 'Division of the County of Ontario, on the 80th day of September, Sold in Pickering by 1927, U Number 365. Any motion to quash J. S. BALSDON or set aside the same or pay -thereof must be made- within three ----------------------------------- t J, 8 U N T4 N .:months after the first publication of F R ED T. -this notice and cannot be made there`- - After. .... Dated this 7th day of October, 1927. .......... I)ONALD R., BEATON, Tickeri Dgj A 3 «... yt a+ab�a•. c.�t �r. � w M. V Ksy 'M id ,. J $"✓^�" J ti� •r,•�J". ry '� ; ,.. t , r ,, ?'„ ti ee V- ' �n,. +•<4 ev � : • . �Ja T � .Y N s„ -� t. - -• rrz N t. '• ',5.. ' r r;r'?.�. ; 5,%w `r , «7v1 Ix �' G`f•.'•i„a . '� 1 x e 6''� a. 9'r'Y , r,v x ar -a45 . � , ,J..,m^ �[ r ` at+.. x 'fl... to..:onr v -- . j , ":;se, - '.: ,,;� , ._ ^w:-•r c� ' rxG•c,z -:.„ . - -�. m c> c s .k w•. n a +3 r •,....J vr , �.,y�, , a , q �f, '-�• ..•» ,.a� �ea,ry °';kua t .t •a•:. r. 1iw�'. .a'.• :. ei?'aN• ,w'..;,, , ... ^. " ,�.,. '.. ,M:LNh, -: ,� a � ..�_.- -,'"^V ",,. Tc ••yr,s �., C"* ' ^J•+- .....„ �.. J. 4 '- b •may P ,'1 C ,. .y T..a.R 'r!'w',r • . ,...1,..J. "'•, ..r _•.... -. 3.,.• -.. .. �..' :..,,�; ".- •"•'C,' -' tl - 4y.' - i�rAi• !?�, r •rte. �. '. T ... u x 4 l� MEN C_LARtMONT Next Monday a number- of the A. J $teveaeoo spent- the-weele- nr.- at �+c 24. Con. 4, Whitby. a -U, � I � O � I 'Q Baptilt young people plan a trip end wit friends in the city.. Sale at one o dTocTt' etsara: - -$e r Frank Chidlow was to Toronto to Lindsay to attend the 4nnua1 L r and Mrs. Pilkey were in large posters. Wm. Maw, auction- f*f��T� on Monday. Thanksgiving Rally of the B. V. Port Perry on Saturday when Mr. ear- �i ++ f" i Cecil Black is off duty at preeeot p• U,, of the Whitby. Lindsay As- Pilkey brought back with hint' a '�'oi T�i �i VI� , ` :.owinit to illness. sociation. Cara will leave the quantity of nets harness and re- aRs SHOP �/ ." Mrs. Lyman Pilkey - is spending church at 12 o.'clo.ek soon. pair material. _ --A-few days in the city. Next Sunday at the Baptist gaving moved into m new premises F ►� McIntyre had a business FRIDAY and SATURDAY Church the.polpit will be occupied BALE REG78TE °. opposite Raid's Blacksmith shop, NOV. 4 and 5 � trip to "'the city on Tuesday. by the Rev. G. R. Welch, B. A.. _ . I am prepared to do ell repair D. A. Scott had a business trip of Toronto. The hydro has been MONDAY NOV. 7th.— Auction sale work, pad I will handle all 'THE NIG. T OF LOVE" to the city on Thursday laet. linked rip with the church so that of 55 registered and high grade kinds of new harness} Starring 3 David Hopper, oP Toronto; was it was possible to use the new Jerseys, also Clydesdales and im- .'which I will keep eonst•intly a Claremont visitor last week. lights last Monday evening. All plements, the property of Frank on hand, or will secure Ronald Coleman Vilma Bankg Born, on Saturday, Oct. 29tb. the lights worked well and Oro- ' ,Richardson, Columbus, Ont. No earns on shortest notice. `'Paramount News Reel" s r'to Fred and Mrs. Morley, a eon. vide splendid illuminaC on for the reserve, Sale at eleven o'clock. See 21. - •- '� _ _, -IC -p Tuee, Wed. Nov. 8 Roy Ward is confined to his bed entire building. bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. _•. 9'12 CLAREMONT � "Stolen Ranch "' ~-through illness and is under the TUESDAY, NOV. 8th.- Auction sale (t'red'Humee) doctor's care. -� of Fresh Coww and Springers, the j r (� b - Comedies L. and Mrs. Fingold and family properly of 0. Denny and J. Vin J A��� i were in the city on Sunday visit- ing Friends. "McFadden'e Flats" D. A. Scott is patting down _._ •-•► Pa a -- hardwood floors and - otherwise ✓ �Cxuy =^ "Paramount News Reel" JimD` Good _ d Coniodie -renovating his residence. Mrs. Frank Cunliffe and daci. f k caxanA Prices -A a `? ghter, Eleen, of Windsor, spent children, under 14 the week -end at the manse. ._ years, 1� cents Miss Bessie Taun, of Stouffville, lWaining to Users . of Radio has been spending a couple of S. G. Schmidt, Proprietor .:.weeks with friends in Claremont. Mr. Selman and family will TS move shortly into the Edwards' - 'ALL RADIO RECEIVING SE 1 �s 'house which is being newly decor LICENSED -- - MU ST Sted John Gregg ie able to be down ; town .after being confined to his Created ou' c f en- Penalty oti summary, conviction i`s a fine not exceeding $50.00 ; bed for several weeks through ill during stone an3 Hens, fashioned into Time de- n The Anchors Society had a very fyiog designs, This. is �.1Ceni! �+ee1.Q� per anLilaa OuR�A® merry Hallowe'en party and social the story of uur metre- trials. If you are in- os► ;evening'in the church on Monday tereeted consult us to- P,45T�Ly evening:3ast. day. Licenses, valid to 31st Mareb, 1928, maybe obtained from Nicholas Burton line' returned to Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from his borne in Woodstock, after "No (3reaterTribute Department of Marine and Fisheries Ottawa. Hovis Bread spending a couple of weeks with N W. STAFFORD, Radio Bunch, ;� Claremont old boys. - Mrs. Robert Young of Uxbridge gtnRwh6bR°ad, A. 7UHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries p y _ spent Saturday with Miss Janet ' 'Young, before leaving for Calgary Phone Whlthy - �___�� -- _. The Bread of ` - �wr� " - -�w �� .Where, she will reside in future. LIGHTING EQUIPMENT W. T. Wilson and son, Roy. and ut z Lyman Pilkey left on Monday �l F motor to bunt deer in I We have a stock of. fixtures in all the newest designs and finishes. and morning by In great variance of prices. ithe distri, t north of North Bay. ` Thos. and Mrs. Paterson spent LIi[TCHEN -The Day' -Light Kitchen Unit, a, deep shade white enamel T 'a-Lod' a.Lod l� _ the week end with their dauirbt, __ finish with Rign receptacle and 8 Inch unit in white glass, suitable Mrs. Clarence Pengelly, of Brook - -' for 75 or loo watt lamp. Wired and installed for $1.50.. Ilin, and with friends ,in Port LIVING ROOM OR DEN -Two light fixture. brushed brass or black. - !Perry. complete with fancy shades. Wired and installed 8.95 A number from Claremont and Three - ligbt ball lamp shower, browntone and gilt finish. Wired i a` 'vicinity attended the fowl eupper Li and installed 4 75 and 5.75. and concert given in the Ashburn - Presbyterian Church on Monday �� Candle Bracket, finished in polychrome 4.75. - HON'E1 eveoing. 9 ht DINING ROOM -Four light ball shower, Tudor design. finished in �' ' r I M l c A number of the Masonic broth bronze. Wired and installed 7.95. ren of Claremont attended the Call at ��•+�9 ;Phone 3800 c. services In the Brougham Masonic LiJ S e to J. FINGO -United Church on Sunday after. Be sure and Co The P1Ck8rIII$ _ -- CZ,AREadON''T. OlV''T.�RIC - . - • noon last. -town the night _ - Howard Dolphin, of Weston, _ . e _ �1g11&i1C8 Committee ' eon of the late Charles Dolphin, the Hydro �ppaid a flying visit to his uncle, Duncan Dolphin, and his stint, 1B turned on. + $aa spy} - "ki�s. M. Brown. t. The object of this Association is toM The Busy Bees were very active And be sure to Call On US, �' �' A Dollar is Saved lessen rtehe and prosecute •on Moods, night until midnight are showing � H Z';A the felons. Mach of their energy was expend- because We g rt sloleo oocomm! expend- 4d around the four corners where ,a big display of ! j when it 19 in ills 0[emhers m*dj prep° y } Dale imn»d,aieiy with any member much movable material was it, _ 113aIIk of zZeooti-re Oommittse. -evidence. f _ Membership fee 61.00. Electrical foods A number from here attended 7•tet,1. ou, be bad tram w. Predden/ of the anaivergary services in the STD the sooneE`i6 is deposited in. sear ern OD•ppll0�i,on. Baptist Church at Uxbridge on and ►StnVeB ;Monday evening. They report a the Bank the greater the aasur. S=ac• 0°m•' -L. D. n. Pic C. B. Palma or, M. S. Chapman. Pickering. - good'crowd and an excellent pro - :gram, which was given by the Eia1T and Bee us, whether you B once of its being saved. 0. Munro, Jas. Richardson. - "choir of the Fist Avenue Baptist need anything A Savings Bank Account is a magnet Fresidsnt, T a •Church, of Toronto. Or not. FQ'Ti A most enjoyable time was for the money that ordinarily slips Farmers, Attention % gTr1Y�at at the Com•munitv.Octo all ber j S +�OOPE the evening of Thursday, t►irongh Doe's fingers, and an income- _ 7th, when the Literary Society paying guarantee for the future. - I have the agency for the Famow of the C. C. C. had their Hallow- CLA.REMONT Renfrew Machinery. Separators, e'en party. quite it number were Scales, and the high quality L Acorn Range, and am pre - present, including pupils and ex- Agent for Ackerman's Qgallty '�`tlL pared m give beet terms, 'pupils. Three prizes were given Harneee. Ask the user. STANDARD ; ANK (}ive me a call when wanting some,. for the best costumes, which were -- Elizabeth thing in these lines. Phone Pick 1007 won by Lillian Dawson, The Boots that OF c,,eivwnA - W. C. WILLSON, _ Ward and Jack 9 ncely, J Luther Pilkey has now opened PICKERING BRANCH =-O- A. Sharpe; Manager R. No 1 Lb0II8T HILL T up for business at his new stand, make �.neh••.i,a at arooklin, Wc sun. whisbr which was, for many years, owned �Valliing Easy and occupied by the late Thomas _ --_ teen River :.., Gibbons as a grocery store, and - p later. by the late J. S. Farmer. He B dY hue re- modelled and renovated the P aYl c �D '«. Factory ,• et a r - shop and is ready for business and All kind f Fruit Basket Manufacturers of salicita a contiaaace of the liberal s p 6/ patronage of the farmers of the p r We Sell surrounding district, If yon hate 4 Ali O t1 1 Berry Crates, any repair work to be done biiag - 'Travellers' y e it along, or if you wish new har �� �. ', LieB Farmers $ushel Baskets. ' Hess he will be able to sappl you. '? y A full line at low clothes Baskets. Magnus Henderson, an o]d and - t c,t - respected citizen of Claremont, ez- rlee8 � .'I'hey , assure safety pined suddenly on Friday last p _ Frank Pennock , while attending to his ordinary Also den's Black and Tan aril convenience in Proprietor duties and in his usual apparent Phone Markham 1804 health. He was born in Edin- Shoes, regular 6.00, - carrying money boroygh, Scotland, seventy-eight for 4.85 "° While tmve�ling and ., years ago,•and -came to Claremdtit _ - SEATTY fifty five years ago, where he has htlssas' and Children' - - ---- -a _ _ e_ erg' 'A _ :_been engaged as a shoemaker re t2egotiable ti - D 'FOR-- THE_l_E✓ST__� tactically ever since. He was read reduced whets., �k pp -ST for many• years in . partnership " .,with the late J. S. Farmer,' but Ginghams, Rayons ]For sale at any .since the death of his wife a few - years ago, he conducted a repair and Broadcloth's ;Branch. .:shop to the east of D. A. Scott's for 'dresses `•••. . store. He has no near relatives in this country and is survived by J i i J :. s brother and a sister in Scotland. '.reduoed to clear THE Mr. Henderson was of a quiet, un- - i y� �N assuming nature, with a rugged . Fresh Groceries always !! Nor ' " haneaty that detected sham or r presumption, an ardent bowler on hand and at }+ Hay Carrlai% y►nd spent many pleasant hours lowest prices J,;;;;, °:;;' )Established 1871 Litter Carriers, f s, +. +t t v upon the green, where he will he ;, ,., •i ,. Pnmps, Door Tracks, Cow' on Etc- greatly missed by his old friends Bocdls. greasare gystemaEte. and companions. In politira be t prices arbove afore buying elsewbere. was a Liberal and in religion a D. .SCOTT -I Presbyterian- Unionist. The re �,;� ' r'BANR J, PROIISE "I _ mains were laid to rest on Monday Phone 1402 4+ t`' Whitby 'Branch • ".J. H. Perry, Manager r,Tr`R cRl vr�, o TTARIQ last in St. John's Cemetery, To eLARii:>,TuNT - Mc .i ' : ;.. . • . \ - . •r , s J ' �, v �9.•+. ,n '' +9 "'kn i a °�''•"i!f •'+ r. ' 'ti"w'J^ ��' ' ' .,..:' µr.....•9. , J v- ♦ ..�.. ��,. +x+yi. } .Y ,, Y:•. `hh.,V+l..,p..SJ:, - 9a :..9'. ur , ' ✓.p ^.a � < . t n : ::mow' --, »r ' ':< .�' S, ` : a1 fi r*„[ T^°.' `-"�• "�'•' ..( .9� it . f`$ti ..{ "Vi ✓{k'+,'. a }^`Y�. *?. °„}.,. ti?ti`- •'Ya- �•,5�., "-'� ^t ."K •0.'%'. +.,'4aeH•'' n w"u . ;yS?9iPdy'�',t✓,fi'.rr= .'"�ssi'? Ri..:.-..'v'*'.''.t'�'.' '#•m,. $ "Mr:. ... , :M{,.•. ,• .w arm; ., ,•? •a`rn�.y�{ ,d s+7`''W » . a+ Kg ,,:x'... . sr.. {+`•wry, s:�,. ,� �'•�, yvi; +':4n ^:Xn ^, •.w �yG;Ynd- ,'u.. L'`v' -. .�'�t�f.S,R�\+^. {iw� •"'.a'^ -iS :sy. .i ^t>• s+.. .... `�., ^k` `- h+f•3�' N.'9C. 'fir ''Lru ✓''. ^"4•, - aS't .^KI". q ✓. :q G .n4'T' +'°,"`. '," , "''i�;S..'d'L.'i ' "a�,rN•. ..✓ -. °e•H M roi7ar„.��i,. '-,n'- -5^'.• '�.'+S'.. wi9'.. 'r��a+i '`�p"b.- 04 "-.5� «:?.Y y ^!a•: ;.•rt} ('' .+. J"rw9er... sl. ,t'J,'". t ...,. ..t ,...,t3. '�'".A•,, .rx.,w... . #.�:, om'., s9,#,,.5"`�;a< '°,+[ ^pr'ta" rO a.' ..? c. -r .v " • .-,,. .' .. .:•.. ....' ,.+•., -n .a.. ... .r, , .w ^W" :U..A _M...:. f<:S' ....5 '^it- ,,.,:g.,; 'S., •.� ..-+r. a r"r'.,} '.:ii• _ {, .. • PAI:ATIAL . IT LINER �. Cheering to France TORONTO BANDITS LOOT A WHIPPING SHAFT CAMPBELLVII.1 BANK -; French Flier Wiens Stunt Duel - Y roan erman; -: Ships of Aft Nations Answer SOS and Stand B Bank- Cleaned Oitt Frida and Bandits in Toilq Safaris By 60;000 Berliners. With, Y Y - :His 'Pests Making Hold -up Business Unprofitable ' Zhtps-ofAll Nations Answer SOS and Stand By But Death .Toll- Believed-to Reach High Mark _ Berlin. —A Frenchman, Marcel Dar. _ ::' POLICE WORK QUICKLY g. et won an air duel, over the German Q GREAT BRAVERY SHOWN flier, Gerhard Fieseler,•at the Tempel- CampbelHviile, Oct. 28.— Threegun- county constables, from one of whom' - l ' hof Flying Field- recently. The eon-'Men entered the branch of the Bank of they took a revolver. -The names and . ships The cane of the disaster was a - . YI g y� y $able, Briail. —The French steamer likewise, went-down-with the talda was unique in that soli ptlat fiova Scotia e-h re s tF —ortiy afiei dos- a resaea of those held "ale: + lldosella, first of the eh1 whose her �� performed the scheduled acrobatic ing time this afternoon, and, while f Arthur Williams, aged 19, single, 4t" bee "Sorb !areal the sinking of ti►Q, breicen propeller abaft. Its flailing' feats first with his own and later with three others stood guard beside their Sydhnham Street, charged with the Italian liner PrincipeBaa biafalds into tore a hole in the ship's hull. his opponent's plane. niotor� car outside, they held up the.-robbery of the Campbellville. Bank of h triumph of man over the sea, ar -' " Herr Fieseler recently set a new manager, W. D. Stewart, and Teller Nova Scotia and the holding-up and tdv�d here with 24 members of the' Water rushed into the ehip'sa "if record for upside -down flying, remain R. K. Martin, scooped about $1,9401 robbing of the 'stores at St. Clair r° Rafaida's crew and a graphic story a live enemy' ing its this position more than -a guar - out of the cash daawer, "aq then the Avenue west and Danforth Avenue, bf their rescue. I -"The boiler room was flooded. The ter of an hour, between Cologne and six sped away in a high- powered of theft of t-yvo autoa. "I cannot believe that less than 600 ; boilers exploded. Bonn. motor -car, followed by a volley of. in Clarence Luke, aged 22, single, of x appalling. M. Durst was crowned European effectual ,shot from the mane r s Nha*a but ten �reopie perished," the commander o! «The scene was a ng. p B^e temporarily staying at 3 r the Mosella told the United Press just "Many' persons left the Mafalda King ot.*ie Air. automatic pistol the $ydenham Street address, charged ter the Momlla dropped anchor— safely in lifeboats. But the panic I Among the 60,400 persons braving So reads the story of the robbery. with housebreaking 'and theft of �+ "thOugh I do not know how many pea-' was indescribable. Many people leap. the wintry blasts to see the competi- autos. THE CAPTURE. 4 lots other ships rescued. I ed from the doomed ship's deck into I tions was the ex -Crown Prince, who William Duncan, aged 23, married, er "I believe from 10 to 12 members of the "sea, as warmly greeted on his arrival and Quiet, persistent plodding on the Kintyre. Avenue, charged with the .;�blafalda'a engine room crew were "Even for me, who has seen the who remained a centre of interest. part of Detectives Whitelaw and Mc- Campbellville hold -tip and the St. by the explosion of her boilers." sea at its worst, the scene was terrify- Berlin.—In the stunt flying contest 1 Cread.v, of the headquarters staff, Clair and Danforth Avenue robberies. " - {Radio reports from other ships at fng. I have seen many other disas- the jury as a jury made 'up of Dutch,! brought about the arrest on Saturday Clarence. Thoms, aged 18, single, *a scene apparently make it impos- tars at sea; but none like, that.. Swiss and Czecho- olovak judges. The 'afternoon afternoon of four men who are charg- Claremont Street, charged with the Jule'that so many people could have ( "We did all we could. German flier, Fieseler, lost several ed with the robbery of the Bank of : Campbellville -bank robbery, the two abed. The number missing is put' "The greatest number of victims points through his failure to.land at, Nova Scotia, Campbellville, Ont.', last local hold-ups and theft of motor kt 6&' The Dutch steamer AIhena l were first and second class passen- a given rAece. - Friday; the holding -up.. of Omar M. cars. carrying 580 to !Rio do Jan -! gers•" The principal stunts comprised fig -I Mitchell's drug store, 1732 St. Clair IT CAN'T BE DONE. The Formosa', reported to haver The Butch . steamer AIbans; the ores of eight, loops, rollings, upside- Avenue west. and, James Bradshaw s That is not regularly sooner or ' rescued aboard, as due at Rio,, French Fo ! s , d, Ftaose; the British, Em- down Eying, abrupt glides and al mgr store 2175 Danforth Avenue later "rough work"-receives its re- rescued her Ships have reported carrying pfre Star; the British, Aveioma; the most perpendicular ascents. Them: last .Monday eight, and numerous ward. Ontario has a long way to go litaal'ler numbers.) Italian. Rosettf,- and others joined In were carried out at a height of from: thefl'ts from summer .cottages in which ; before major crimes of violence ors 'We used all the teases at our cont-' taking the despairing passengers from 60o to 6o0 feet. a variety of articles were stolen at i altogethe done away with, but such tmand to save them. their perilous locations, and not until The thrilling feats were often per - , Crescent Beach, Jackson's Point and work on t e part of our pollee will "The Mafalda's captain, Simon all these report their rescue lists will forme& amid the hysterical screams Sutton, and the assaulting of two make bindiff?y unpopular. Gulf, a veteran like myself, remained the truth be known as to who was of frightened women spectators. at his post until all the passengers lost and who was saved. True to; The victor was immediately chal- and crew had left the ship. ,I under- R their. trust, the Captain of the III-, by the German ace Udet to a Roumania Fears Revolt stand that he was not saved. I fated liner and his' first Radio Oper- contest. The date will be fixed later. • y yam. "The radio operator remained, too, &tor are knows to have For Prince Carol as K" pe gone down -- - - US "such men must. I understand be, 1 with their ship. i �—^ - Brlt81i1 Building The Discovery of the Carol Plot Causes Turmoil in Govern- ` A VET HARVEST SEAS►OPV "Secret Airplane" meat Circles While The Baby King CAPPED BY DISASTROUS STORM Caleb rates Sixth Birthday •.:..- . Capable of Carrying Fie Tons ,Wide Spread Havoc Causing Death, Drownings and Injuries of Bombs, is Report ;SITUATION PERILOUS London.—A r'strictly secret" air- Events in the situation created by of Carol's aspirations. This step has Fills Britain's Weather Cap to.Over9owing P porte`a largest j the discovery off a plot to bring about p lane, re to be the far st in been taken as the result of the res- c� the world, is under construction at she return of former Crown Prince ent uncertain situation, and also be-, IRISH FISHERS GONE Martlesham airdrome by Air Minis- ; cause of a declaration of open war. try experts. Carol of Rumania moves rapidly. fare upon the Bratiano regime by. M.' 1London. Oct. 90.— Violent westerly ,hour, as officially reported at Hot According to Bucharest and Vienna w Y po y- Newspapers declare that the plane M�chalache, leader of the National t gales which have been sweeping Great' head. despatches martial law has been de- was designed os#ginally to carry 30 to Peasants' party. Britain over the week -end have re-1" A sanatariu.n at Lancaster' was clared throughout the country, anJ, 30 passengers and than it is Meanwhile Manollescue, in whose, " suited in 21 deaths and the injv'ry of I flooded and three patients drowned, of carrying from four to five tons of troop" sent to guard the frontier ry g possession were found the comprom- " " scores of persons, its addition to heavy I the othres being rescued with diffi- bombs. I against a possible attempt by Carol isifg letters, will be tried by court gsroperty loves, traffic delays andicutty in small boats. Most of them It is said that the 'plane will be a to enter- Rumania. A tight censor. - , martial. broken communications. The effect were suffering from 'exposure. sWp on news is also said to have been t of the storms was felt in South E i four- motored one, developing 2A00 Paris.— Former Crown Prince Carol - trg• The collapse of a tenement' house horsepower I jammed down by the Government. of Rumania, who is at present at St s land. but was worse in the north coup - I with the serionsinjury of many per- It-was the Air Ministry that ap- Bucharest declares the Government Malo, confirms that M. Manailescu, " I . -ties, while Ireland last night was cut'sons and narrow escapes from death ply the "strictly secret" term to the to be master of the situation as the former Rumanian Under - Secretary of 'off from England "by interrupted was reported in Manchester lane, in refusing Asti to discuss it. nation celebrates the sixth birthday. `` `l► g y Finance, arrested at Bucharest was cables. I Belfast, Ireland, Oct. 30.- .- Thirty - of King Michael. the bearer of kttere from him to the ' ti The fatalities were widely scatter- I eight fishermen are missing and 15 The plot td restore Carol to the -Industrial Warfare - .leaders of the political parties in .Ru- ed, largely being the result of the col - I are known to have been drowned from i London spectator, industry, If ft Is ! throne was discovered. in letters in mania, Including Premier Bratiano. r' lapse of walls and small builds small boats during Friday i the possession of M. Manoiaescu ;i « provoca= " ' i y to succeed, requires collaboration, not, P His arrest was a direct ' „ ,while others were due to strong winds , gale, says a message from Cleggan. enmity. "lealonay" and suspicion. The F Under- Secretary of Finance in the 'don lion to public opinion," said Carol. that blew pedestrians and cyclists, into in the northeast corner of Connemara. late Avereacu cabinet, who was ar „ _ interests of both sides are identical. and an infringement on liberty. the paths of heavy vehicles. Most of the missing men were na- Everybody loses by war, even the N Roofs, chimneys and . telephone tives of Inishbofin, which is located a I Following a heavy crop of rumors 4 �' - --' -_ t poles were razed in the blow, which few miles off Cleggan. Five bodies nominal victor who site with wre k- the Government issued an official) New Canadian Stations auhveytng a field covered with wreck• y� reached a maximum of 75 miles an have been washed ashore.. atsirment in which it was admitted ! s and filled wtten Two of the three radio stations be- ae h suffering. Even � - - - .. - - - -- - . -- -. -- - -- -- - that Carol "attempted to send an in- + i from the point of view at a Socialist vitation to the heads- of the various ing erected by the Canadian Govern - 'o Exp>ropr>�ate Learning Tower Getting More who confidently believes that "so- parties, including the Premier, with went in the Hudson Straits for com - Italy's famous waning tower at ciallam in our time" to a possibility, the object of, inducing the Rumanian munication with Ottawa are complete, ia :.OttaWR Property ! the pollq" of warfare is sheer mad - people to give up their decision )n according to a dispatch from the Hu* ness. Socialists could convetvably re son Straits through Port Nelson and Pisa is leasing a little harder. For construct into the Socialist model c go- the question of his recall to the g RIn throne." One letter purported to be Winnipeg. Daily communication on ussell House Will Be Razed centuries the fatuous tower has shift• fng concern, but they, could make no p the progress of the Hudson Straits r t a proclamation addressed •to the Ru- ' p �' in Beautifying lan ed only a millimeter a year. fa the thing of a heap of ruins. Su Expedition is now being bad f ing 1 4 manian people at large. � t`'�' g g Ottawa` =Tice Morning Journal, in ast nine years the rate has increased. Euphetnletic ezpreasion of polite Premier Bratiano proposes to sek with Ottawa through Port Nelson and o- its news column says.- Scientists tear it will tall and are de- flation Is that the college boys and all Opposition and Government par-; Winnipeg, according to C. P. Ed- "Parliament will meet early in the viaiag ways to save 1t. wards, director of radio in the Do- girt& have returned to their efudiee. I ties to declare their attitudes in face , minion. apew year and it to more than likely The first station was erected at Big that the Government will ask for an The Grim Gaunt Reminder Island, 200 miles west from the appropriation of approximately $I, - 000,000 for the expropriation of the _ straits, and is already in commission. •Russell House Block, according to ,� • _ Another station, on. Not Is -, well- informed sources on Parliament , land, 200 miles. west of Big Island, is nearly ready. The 'station at Big Island is .being t ' ' Certain criticisms about the mil- w ui� d -with, short-wave radio for -Mona spent in beautifying the capital - eq PPe E : have not disturbed members oi' the . ;. night -time communication with Ot- Government who feel that Ottawa as `"^• ,,. <, taws direct, while the other apparatus; at the station will be used to com -1 'the national capital- should be worthy ____� municate with Belle Isle, on the east; `pf the Dominion." �, Presept plans of the Federal Dis- and Port Nelson on the west. trict Commission for the beautifying a Two airplanes and eleven men will, • Ot the national capital, call for the be placed at each of the three bsaes. demolition o[ a group of buildings l x F Housing and comforts for the coining'; stsndfug In'the northeast approach winter are now being made ready, the `. to the Parliament Buildings, and the I - expedition having arrived at Port ;eying of a central park in their stead r {q A , ' Burrell, at the- eastern end of ;the — `' The Russell House block, which was y, straits, on July 27, having left Hall- - ltormetly a leading hostelry of the k 'v ' fax the middle of the month. - -city, is one of this" group of buildings. The expedition is surveying and taking aerial photographs of the dis-. trict for the purposy.of reporting on ` IDN7 ARIO CHEESEMAKER ,? navigation' avig ti he Hudson SeP fin- connection - ln'th * e_p � -- � conditions nosed plan to run a *a Tway to Fort M. C. Taylor. Berridge, Churchill on the Hudson Bay, and thus make this point available for Stands Second Only t0 ocean freit;htera to carry Canadian N f New Zealand wheat to Europe with a considerable saving in freight costs. The expedi- Kingston. —W. C. Taylor, of Bur - '-.1- X lion will return. to Quebec in October ` ridge b'tonteaac County, who has aisle a of 1928. sle Dominion -wide reputation by ;> the fact that his cheese In Empire`' at did father say when you toil eompetitlou hoe on more than one oo him -you were poise to take me away "easton wort the first prise, has been c:w�w 4 �•• -• - with you:?" "He seemed to feel his "WdrAe& that he has received the fol• Ioss keenly at first bat "T sgnated. - ' owing saaouaoement from the Bri- sw things with a' goof cigar." fish Dairy Kfarmers' Ai ooiation Dairy SAY WATERS qe w, London, first England; third third; Ontario The ehtrred remnant of the in the burning of three young men recently loot their lives In True 1ov rises ealaad, rn ers may be few, but never = o. 0. Taylor, Burridge), second. Georgian Bay, near Victoria Harbor. � tar between. - ,,. .;:.: .✓:. ..; � Y ,.. ;.. ^� i::: •.." ' „r ",” . ' -. ,.... .,�. •w_ rr.: r_. r. ss� ....,...•,.'�.i..Yd.c:.i.�! ..y .,. x:..- .n ^�.� afi .x'..✓.•t � *_ s<..:.?.3Gs',.snm:....nsro. �..ny.0 ,. '.i. • S: 4 f t %M. + r Vi.u.:�. Sv k: 4. ":. - v gtz g "IMP .......... obtained $7,00,000 In profits --a 0104r rrU HVIA112- Levine E g;tln of. that amount. MAN "Mr. Levine is entitled to all the in New Light -credit In the world for baying tulti- rr &Ted --imurs thing ,Zo;� A - _Which People Fall rrans-Atlantic -Flyer Usually through which even the Governmeat experts themselves had not thought Many people so far misunderstand. Considered a Cross Be- of, As banker and friend I wtnt this -_'the digestive system as to treat It tween a Jew Peddler and city to know in what esteem I hold like until it titni. Mr. Levine to 8. Pioneer, and a Clown Really a Hero works sluggishly, then irritating It pioneers do not always get all this 0 1ata -wor"gain by--the- Use7Ot_PUTg.V credit--that Is due them." Mr. tives. the stomach needs help at. till SAVED U-5_17,600,0 U Mr. Jonas also revealed that go log Ai times, but a study of the process of Nathaii S. Jonae, President Of the Levine was the donor of $100,000 to the Jewish - Hospital of Brooklyn for digestion will show that purgatives, Manjlfactnrer-s� Trust COmP&UY, Ou MU I st try R ROSE ORANGE- as commonly taken, kre seldonl'utace& its building purposes in a recent. gal& �,T nary and often harmful. speaking recently 61: tea ntly at a dlnngr given paign. PEKOE. A little higher price than To safeguard your digestion the to Charles & Levine, the first tiitnte "It was 'an auO.nTM0u* gift. real difference in quality. NOW. but a r % diet must be controlled. Over-eating - p - didn't want It known; that tYPifleN r1tantic all amenger, by the direo ie always harmful, but one mast as- his modesty," he said, "but I unaer- ked in Aluminum. alrallate enough food tars of the Jewlrh Hospital of stand it has already been reported." pac to supply the needs of the blood. Remember, the Brooklyn at Sherry 'r Restaurant. an- NO WON Classed Advertisements 1loys $2*00 Gi en wr ru i blood has to carry nourishment to all nounteed that as President of the bank Oxam IV JV parts of the body and find fuel for Its A PERFECT MEDIa simply sell 6o sets of our INSTAIrMMITT1111- with which Mr. Levine had had con- or 10C a met onergy. Hence when the blood 'be- Christmas Seals S Z 8 1 ULTR GRAXOPHONIL nble business he wanted all New E03 sold send us $3.0 and keep �2.00. , APHONIC when Nicholas *at comes weak and fails to do Its work, l.loer trust you till Xmas. St. selections $165,00T for $66-00. GUM -B000klyn. N.Y., U-S-A- anteed. PoInson. �Indigestion arises. Therefore the sure York to know that there was not "the FOR UM 0 Co.. Dept. 6o4w7,. Montreal. remedy for indigestion Is to build up blemish or strain", on his the blood. It you suffer from any A well-known writer says that XUXzNzss CRANCES orl,ifiet as EL business MAU. Baby's Own Tablets Should be in every person has one book in him. c START YOU dorm of Indigestion choose your diet AN IN 11ROFITABLM Denouncin-9 "innuendos" about Mr. Every Home Where There Well, an appendix, anyway. C business making unbreakable gl�a kArefully and take wholesome nour- cts with the substitute on wire bass for porcheA Contra Sample, 112fOrk aliment. Above all, start building up i Liuv'uF,'* post was tretrihouses. henhouses. -Federal Government, Mr. Jonas gave Are Children Durham laborer accused of assault oration sent. ,ox 26t, Exeter, O our nt. blood by taking a course of Dr. —"He bit me on the mouth, and LheD- rWilliams' Pink Pills. Then under the the details of those arrangements, The perfect medicine for little ones -4 F said. "Let bygones be bygones." ORSES AND HAR. SS. WRIT% ' ,influence of the new blood supply, owing that Mr. Levine would Prob- is found in Baby's Own Tablets, They for Harness catalogue, The Ras ot h To our. digestive system will respond "kn are a gentle but thorough laxatl Utory, io Nelson Street, Toronto. your appetite improve and not wish to have them dlschs,. For all pains-Minardls Liniment. MACHINE & HAND aturally, ably n which regulatb the bowels, sweeten X7. A R N S—, Tyrne our food will do you good. So begin —"Old sed, but In simple Juwce to him the stomach*, drive out constipation Donald proposed - to me he ooll�I�ITTING Itt'When I Silk and Wool." 85c a pound UP. 0 Improve your digestion by starting "When be was 25 years old he be- olds and delivered. samplea free. Stocking 84 and Indigestion; break up c Tarn Shops. Department Oat. take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. acted Uk6 a flu hoot of water." -"Of E, Orillia Igan doing ITualness with the Govern • simple fevers and promote healthful a comae. He knew he was caught" You can got these pills from your .1H '. meat," the banker said. e c 13' refreshing sleep. it to Impossible for con ldruggist or by mall at 60 cents a box celved Elie Idea Of preventing e Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the • .�rom 1.'h�e Dr_-Wi►ilazas' Medicine Co, from throwIng away (guaranteed babe, as they are absolutely :7 rockville, Ont. Gov e x mment r RESTORED TO 11 of the mstal it had secured guaranteed free from opiates or any Some to take It away. ;other Injurious drug• the war. He ofrered salvage. it and give the Govern- I Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Ale!-. The Compliment HEALTH the prof1ii. HE j J. Perry, Atlantic. N.S., writes: — "I 49 per cent. of "Would you believe that this car went got 60 per cent., ,always keep Baby's own Tablets in .'Mother of Eleven Children Ills second hand "' and his 0 associates means. the house for the children, as I have It which was not all net by any "No; I thouelit you made Under this contract the Government found them a perfect medicine for 10 lisl Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's [yourself." little ones." P1 'Yegetable Compound by Baby's own Tablets are sold I Ago -Her Interesting Experience medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' t MR ■ ,'TR A PPER Buckingham, Quebec.-"I am the Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. 4 other of eleven living childrpn, A* =d my baby' -ia-rmy I am only 38 years Join tie Ever 'Increasing A of Why-- We Cafl—'Em live months o!d. When you want the most Sa * fied Raw Fur Shippers 6C tt economical & satisfactory I and I liz-ve Lydia E. fops akcn lumber cutters, write us Pin,,:ham s V(ge for information & prices. table <'om WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU FOR London' Ex- Inspector of Police for weakness and !r SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LM my nervvs. ricnvw PROMPT Turns Etymologist and NiontrMl Ttwwsto of it from '---w t4sw, Dar T '-HONEST, 18t. John 2-27 in 7 le FW .,acrd BeiltAemile YMENT 1 Copper Vat ; ­ Digs Up Tale About I CRADIN 'PA o f- Ramsey,. ille. PRICES London—Why is a policeman known For fire years I was in misery and was always ready' Ex- to cry. Noxv I am tto hapTy t6 have Profif by the Experience of Others as a "cop" or a "copper;" as'b�e to nick- C TARRH ria-med in EazIand. when be Irn't call- A hoalth. My danghter, who is mod r 'n the NE N th fo RAW FURS and are pay- ed a "bobby"? The origin of Ifeat Minard's and inhale rz cel YJ cz:n old, Itas Llso tckcn it and. MAKE MORE MONEY. - we need the mists of olds in head, throat urfl�l In REAL HIGH PRICES for them. term had been, lost in lent for c be hnppy to recommend it to all you;n- vals. "- Dame W.LUAM r"­� Your neighbour Is one of our many thousands of satisfied shIPPePs, who antiquity, until an ex•laspector. of the' end chest city of Lon-don Police, George F. ,I I Raw Fu". when shipped ENT knows. through actual experiences, that It Why rr for-years with back� direct to us, bring PROMPT' AND SATISFAqTORY RETURNS. We Allen, revealed It, as he bas just done, ache, nc rvoamnesa and other ailment pay Hi s London Star. hest possible prftoea. give you honest grading and send you :n a letter to the Lando a IP -co-rrmn t.) vmmeri frcin early life to your money the "me day as your shipment arrives. I The 'policeman, he tells an anxious 1 rniJd1c, a7ewbon Lydia E. Pinicham"s w,R give world taken hia nickname from .4111 Veiretabr� Cmmpound you kitchen copper, the huge laundry Vat rb V1 relief? without which no Eagilall kitchen 11UNG OF MAN" i In a recent cowitry-wide canvass used to ba complete. of )urc1.aq,croofrLyd!a E. Pinkham's' stable, Compound, over 2550,: received, an 98 out replies were courting a 1�� they were r 1 certain policeman was reported he 1 Ages ago, according to tbo inor7. a Vc cook in her ml3treas'e kitchen. Just i a fitted by 'We. as he weeks devouring a rabbit pie the mistress was haari%approacMug and "Robert," in dismay, was hidden ln� the ,copper." Thp.mtstresa gave Im- FOR P. mediate orders' that the fire under the . yr TISSUE seeking agood tissue at a moderate price. ®arm -14 U LL, C^ N ^D^ W2 RH T EjPRS Our Free Price Ost of Raw Furs and Traps Is now Complete. If YOU have not been trading with us, Z write 1444jtfv_r a COPY to Rosenthal & Shapiro Ltd. 143-145 King St. F-11 0: Toronto 2 The House That Guarantees i Aspirin tablet. To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try an e And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in .cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago! And there's no after, effect; doctors give Aspiriii to children--often -infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Aspirin has Biyer. ofi-the box and on every tablet. All dnWisis ts •Xifh proven directions. :Physi i reiciibe Aspirin; cans p does 141nTuffArt Ap hest Satisfaction Aspirin is the tfatte murk (realstpred In C"noda I indlesting Bayer Manfaeturo. Ww% it Is well known that Aspirin means li:iyer matiufacture, to Assure the public against LMIW , _Q1 bons, the Tablets wul be stamDed VPI',h their Caws" %M4Q9Wk- 1198UE7�0. 4&--J2? flaviz Y6ur Name Added. to Oqr Mailing List Today copper. be lighted for the week's wa&h, lively consternation. ULDS which caused. I From that day until this, Mr. Allen LEVI N FURftCOMPANY contends, the word "copper" and Its "'cop" have been as- LIMITED abbreviation sociated with the idea �of policemen. i Mr. Allen supports his story by 172 King Street East, Dept. "W', TORONTO 2, Canada Pointing out that until a few years ago South London had a public house called "The Joe In the Copper," over X: the door of which was an oil painting depicting the alleged historic inci, dent. St Jbr Minard's. Liniment for Distempe -Australia n Eagles 7 `D14 sue IcAdno Tis' Southern districts of Australia are by to such an 9 plagued eagles being Pla mpalt n of- extermina- tion had been 'undertaken by the In- !.,A most satisfactory roll. for -bathroom Ell habitants, accordiiig to.a report from 14 11C _L�& bent tissue ma soft absorbent de, like all Eddy, Adelaide. . The eagles, It I s eaM, In groups of fifteen or twenty, frequent, i34YE Toilet Rolls under thet most exacting sani- water- holes and swoop, down on stray So. lambs have been , tary conditions. = lambs, many carried -off that the Government has -.'Big value for put . a premium of a half crown on. .,p.agles' heads, and stootilng parties -tne nousewl e -are the order of the d&7. yr TISSUE seeking agood tissue at a moderate price. ®arm -14 U LL, C^ N ^D^ W2 RH T EjPRS Our Free Price Ost of Raw Furs and Traps Is now Complete. If YOU have not been trading with us, Z write 1444jtfv_r a COPY to Rosenthal & Shapiro Ltd. 143-145 King St. F-11 0: Toronto 2 The House That Guarantees i Aspirin tablet. To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try an e And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in .cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago! And there's no after, effect; doctors give Aspiriii to children--often -infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Aspirin has Biyer. ofi-the box and on every tablet. All dnWisis ts •Xifh proven directions. :Physi i reiciibe Aspirin; cans p does 141nTuffArt Ap hest Satisfaction Aspirin is the tfatte murk (realstpred In C"noda I indlesting Bayer Manfaeturo. Ww% it Is well known that Aspirin means li:iyer matiufacture, to Assure the public against LMIW , _Q1 bons, the Tablets wul be stamDed VPI',h their Caws" %M4Q9Wk- 1198UE7�0. 4&--J2? 75�-Ml T. --71V�-, I , " 7�-, g, IN "I � 111� 4., "M is -Nd. and Mrs. W eilir are spend-. -Mrs. Walter, White leaves to- LOCALISMS. -for Se(Aland 6wink to -the -kagiviag with relatives day iniz Than in Baden. serious illness of her mother. V- --+-....-A Tew --tail -S n 1 q2e-,v-tD-1; Fallaiiii, Resid.:Z " eciat I - Mrs. J. m ' jr1lugers is " 1, Exeter,- spent Tuesday ;Ifjh. Pick' ist, -Office ever Balsdon's-h--a-rd-w-a-re iden" re-abi a gled. -er ering friends. store. Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and L:. Pollee illas sold a Pado radio to M C. Goden, of White; Lewis and Mrs. Elsesoer and evenings by appointlnent.* fornily. of Toronto, spent Sunday -The Markham Drug Co's (Us- vats. Noy'�mber -Monday -next being Thanks- with James and Mrs. Rose. son's) One Cent Stile, ."Panco".. -Soled.Boots 3.00, 4.0%.-4.50 -A number from .he purpose 3rd, 4th and 5th. All new. fresh giving Day, all places of business attending the chicken pie supper goods direct from the factory. 7 will be closed. All-Wool Underwear' -Will jm�d-Mrs. Hall. of Sunder- Slldc[OUCert at Dumbarton on the -L. B. Tap8on, piano-tuner, of Rowmanville', expects to be in'this of Thursday, Nov. 11th. land, visited with L. � D. and Mrs. 07eclog -On account of Monday next neigbor-h-oo-4--next- week.-­T-hose 'All-Wool Cardigan Jackets Banks for a few days.. being Thaskeging Z*y, and a wishing thr pianos tuned will -Loo McGinty, of Toronto, general holiday, thi -township Please their order -At the t Sunday here with his sister, council will meet nest Tuesday, Ni cws OFmcE and. they will re- 7. Noreen ReGint Nov. Otb, instead of Monday, the calve prompt and careful atten- -Mrs. H. R. Monney, we are 7th. tion. im- 3PECIAL' pleased to report, is somewhat EXTRA 7' _Chicken thieves have been after her illness. A e. e6-BilaenL Wiman. of feterboro, active egain in this locality, so GREEN RIVER. 'Is visiting at the home of her well as in other parts of the die- JV t they an- The Bach anniversary of the . Green At- grandmother, Mrs. Burrell. tract On Tuesday nigh -Cal Riser Baptist 'Church will be held on inter ercoats -M Mrs. Alex , Wilson, of Whitby.. tered the p"remisse of A' E. Sunday N v. 8th. r. Wesley Gee Linton vert, Hatching Bros. and Willift , N 7 m B. A of McMaster University, will spent. Friday with Mrs. Lit Tailor Made and Thos. and Mrs. Andrew. Gore and made a big haul of m. The White- at 2.30 and 7 p chickens and geese. The author4- Pr?a'U Rev� P. F. G i diner, of Spring. VILle l2aptlat ehoir.will in the­--at- ties are investigating the case,'but ternoon and the Locust Ifill United W24--0 U brook, was in town oh Thursday so far they have no clue to.the Church choir in the evening. lost and gave THz News a pleas. Ant call. criminalp. by Tip Top Tailors -A large n , number of or sub- -Keep in mind and come to the scribers are in arrears. 'We ask Bazaar, given by the Ladiee'Aid -BROUGHAM. all such to renew at the earliest of St. Paul's United Church. on J. Greig is sufferine from a severe A hundred patterns to. select from —gee them. possible moment, as We Deed the Nov. 11th, Armistice Day, at 2.00 attack of rheumatisfii. money. p. m., in the school roora of the The Women's I4stitute - will hold -Mrs. F. H. Doyle and Mrq. H. Church. A fine array of articles their--•regular meetin-a at the home of Fred T.. Bunting, Picken A. Matchett, of Toronto, were in will be for sale, aprons, towels, Mrs. Sheppard on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, Established 1857. - -town one day last week on busi• miscelianeons articles and home at 2.30 p.m. The ladies of the Brook- be t Take home a loaf lin b will he ruests for the me" ranch wi and also called on a few.of made baking. of bread Fike your mother. used to afternoon. Everybody come and have K -their friends. -W. H. "d Mrs. Crunimer and m - ake. Afternoon tea will be an enjoyable time. Pleas ' e note chan ge and hire. Weiler motored to served any time for tan cents and of- place of meeting. Greenwood on Spuday, when t a good lunch with it they Come and -!spent the day -with OUNBARTON. Mrs: Crum- have a good time buy yonr he I q or gg. ilsor's brother. Christmas presents. Mr. Hewitt spent the week-end in -Mrs. W. J. Grabam, accom -H. R. Monney has leased. a the city with his daughter. lrDied by her daughter, Mrs. store at 34 King St. West, Oshawa We are sorry to report.C. Holmes ill awlnson and children, of To- for a term . of years, and will to- with heart trouble. He was taken bad -.,ronto, visited with L. D. and Mrs. morrow (Saturday) open it for the Sunday night. pg. Wilson, of Highland S Banks recently. sale of cakes and confectionery. Mr. and l; I -., -Men's Cold Weather Good • Don't forget the concert to be W. J Monney has been at Oshawa Creek. spent the week-end with John R end Mrs. Taylor. given by Beach Avenue Choir in for some days erecting obalves a Mrs. Leo White and Mrs Leslie t. Paul's United Church, under and renovating the premises. In --Predictions are' that "Blues" will bo very strong White, of Toronto. visited with Mrs. Overcoats IL the angpices of the home choir, Oshawa Mr. Monney will find Alex Thom last week. - this (Friday) evening, market for high class- baking for A number of out men have gone this seaeon. A natural swing from the -high colors to a. -Pound, in St. Andrew's Unit- which there is only a limited ruar- hooting. We wish them pleasure- „ - -red Cho rh -on-ttra-eveninir -of Tnes­­ ket - in- 4%ekerimg, - The Oshawa health and their allowance of game. do*. Oct. 250, the night of the store will be in charg'e I- of -Pr&nX Underwood had the mlafor- neat dressy looking Coat. We have two exceptional values kE �0 � - v C ho k i 13 1Z tune to lose a Rupper, a ebild's ring. Loser call Florence Down, whom Mr. Mon- 0 rect from Montreal to offer you at 22.50 and 25.00.' at Mrs Jas. Andrew's. nay is fortunate in securing His on a turnip. While Mr. Un4`erFW-7Uo*- -St. Andreir's Ladies' Aid will many Pickering friends wish kim was stterupting to remove the turnip the cow fell, fracturing his arm, wbii:h Also, two lines of grey 0 rose t at the home of Mrs. E. C every success in his now venture. makes the misfortune' much more Joses (Church 9W. on Wedoes -A very enjoyable time was severe. --heavy collars, very dressy looking at 20.00 and 29.50. day, Nov. 9th, at 8 o'clock- &11 spent in the school on Thursday Mr and Mrs. Bradley and Mr. and evening last when the teachers See these lines before buying. #1� i the ladies of the congregation, are Mrs. Terry. of Lock rt. N. Y. were guests of -Mrs . Goo. 9bite last week. invited and pupils held a Babowe'en -Mrs. (Dr.) Batsmen. of Torun• motored over to attend the masquerade. Every one Appeared I ad around =& the chief porticipacts of Men's Norfolk Jackets-Thp famous "Carhartt" line. 'to, accompanied ter. in co"ume end all war whieb. r. and Mrs. hills. am *IW cm Booting, b bar us eh Wes Ida t, g, w10 is spending while the members of the oebool, their wedding trip. •The name alone is a guarantee of excellence. Splen is r weeks in the 'did values in all-wool at 6.50 and 7.50. eity.L open few t bmrd acted judges. prizes be- 'Tuesday with R Jm", lag awarded A and to the bestdressed, and Keys" Trousers ad. 'Bunting. also to the roost comical boy kN MEMOR shi pmed t of the n bm arrived. Mrs. Boyes, of Belle. And girl. Miss Phyllis Pilkey won -Will and Sea our !,Grey Be"init•boue" at 7.50' Hard to have been spendian• a few the first prize for the beat drewmad- -SMITH­-I n Inving memo --ettmlitlas of Smith, who passed away Oct. 29th, bear- tim Wearing villa, with relatives in Pickering, girl and Sydney' Bears was Ad. Other lines from 250 bp. Mr. Boyes has been compelled to judged the best dressed boy. The Not dead to. those who loved him, take a few days' vacation 00 Ac. prize for the most comically dress- Of course when you think d by Miss Dorothy Not lost, but gone bef re: want of being indisposed. e Stanfield" Underwear. girl 'was won He lives with us in -memory, of Underwear you naturally.think of "Stanfield's. -In St. Paul's United Church on Andrew, while 5dar1® Stephen' A,d will for evermore. There's simply nothing to beat the. "Red Label" Sunday marmin I a Reception Ber. son was awarded first prize for missed by wife and family. all•wool line. vice will be hell after the address• the njoetcomically dressed boy. followed by the Sacrament of the After the awarding of the prizes a- &a'd Boy's Sweeter Coats 1jord's Supper. 700 p. m­ "God's lunch was served. ANNAN-In loving memory , y iif ilea's and Wind Breakers.' Xead Letter Offic-s. The pea _The The Department of Agricnl- - dear son and brother, William Never had a more complete and attractive Hoe. Kiev. A. R. - Sanclerson, will preach. tore of Ottawa has issued a circu. Walter, -who was killed in s,�C-ofi, Call in and examine them. Special Thftnkpgiving music by lar Warning against purchasing it Nov. 2nd, 1918. are paVirm swiftly by, 'the choir. Come and worship. The years -Will the donors of preserved variety of wheat, wbkh has a And still we don't forret, Sick number of aliases Including Egy? And in the hearts that loved- him fruit for the Hospital for -beadea.' best, LADIES' DEPARTMENT tia Ellorado, Many Obtildren please leave jars at Mr. Mirricle; M-ammy, Seven- headed His memory lingers vat; .8berritt's any time in the Dear Lad Alaska. Unscrupulous men -Mother, Father and Sister. In our Ladies' Department wo;have many new lines 1ature. Fruit i recTized as a fly - Wrap v t to 4m are trying to palm this variety an of Dress Goods, Flannels, Yam& Cloths .',Very necemary do of the to farmers at exorbitant Prices. NOW A&wor"sonwats, verettes etc. Also Fancy Buckles and Buttons •hospital diet, therefore, remember They claim that the original "ad 4for trimming -and don't forget the full line Of tM little ones and set aside a gut 'Boleproof, Hosioily," -silk and wool, at -1-26 9 taken from "King Tut'-q per jar to help hasten thecure of these we EP.RBTS FOR SA LE-Good work. tomb in 19= and is a most mag little sufferers. nifleent producer. Feri. ApWyta Cecil SdWR.R.1.Pkkering. The Depart- -On Thursday evening last IL m6nt of Agriculture at Ottawa Ai RENT-On con; 2. Pickerinot, a Depart- very pleasant gathering took place T04 roomed cottaire, AvVy to Thos, Watsm. 'ths� bomb o well as that of the United States, f John and a in America R' R, 2, Pickerft, -And we mention just one Stephenson, of the Kingston clai.n that it has bee road for over a century. appearion first FERRETS MR SALE - Goo;d east, when the members of their L' h Apply Jotmb'Brien. Wrench- 's ..; ; .2 ­ �'— GROCERY SPECIAL family, including'. thiir [807, and appearing periodically U grind "a' . oce, and as a means of de- say, llpirpw .7 ever since, Half lb. tine of British Columbia Pink children. met to celebrate the 7 . , i -hensoo. A ceiving people. They claini thitt OTICH-HiLving purebooed's, vew Salmon de- birthday ()f Mrs. Eltep Nawing machine. I am prepared to do custom it is not a good producer, and that Virg at reduced rates. Elmer Toms, Picker- 1 very enjoyable evening was spent n 9-12 intercourse. - it.isnQta good ipi)liogwhel%t. It- ia.g. at 10 cents per can In games and social intere has branched bead-R, but never. .-A quiet wedding took place at OR SALE -At Locust Hill sieve- Saturday tbelees, acre for acre, it does not man,sboTts, ground and cracked corn. Meld en meg�ind M Ofg C."'d in. E. A, deeds. 9-10 �morning, October. 29th, Rev. r -in common usi-. :Perxn8ou officiating, when John e H APMAN St. Andrew's maL93 on Sat so well as the varieties that other feeds. -We alip buy alt J. S. -yiel ALE-Shearling Shropshire Dols 071yur, Barrister. of 'Delle- -A very pretty autamn wed=. T� ram from im rted sire. Alw, ville, was married to Miss Mabel ding took place on Oct. 15th, i - in Whit, Pekin d wm.drayir.,R.R.�4o. Cliremont, Phone Clare 2213. 9.10 The happy couple left for a motor when Jean Madeline, second dau. EORGE KEAY-Licensed auction. Winnif red Cox, also of Belleville 'St. J01111'8 Church, St. e Thoma eer, Altons. Live stock and . general . neral sales "ENTRAL' GARAGE, trip to ppials -west. . After their Rhter of E. H. Smith. 15'efitme. the G . I'- ended to. Tefts reasonable. R. THE C they will reside inBello- bride 6f Grenville R. Whitby, VOmPt y 8tt FhorieStouff 9003. 51-4 ville. fofmerl`�, of Paris, 'out now of , 3, Stouffyille, Telephone 4900 RENT -Being lot 15'. con. -Mrs. (Dr.) Field reports to no Pickering. The church was beau. ?ARMTORENT I Scarboro, comprising 130 acres 'It • that they have in their garden tifully decorated with palms and we... good Voildings. Tor further tbe ordinary raspberry busheR oat ferns, with. chryp-inthemunw, apply to s. Fawcett, R. R- 2, West Hilt, 7-9 dahlias and gladioli banked on In bloom ready for another crop, D- ARM PQR SALE OR TO RENT- eel steps. -F 159 acres, lots 2 and 3, con. -5. Uzbn*dte T .,and' would like to know if any either side of the chancel The ceremony was performed by The best of land. Plent f waler.. Windii2i- 0 others have a similar experience. Terms reasonable. Apply Ot Robert T to,]Re airs, Accessories, Oils and Mann, s-9 Mrs. Murker' also 'on Saturday the rector, J-. A. Davis. The Claremont. 0W., ,Au. p picked about a quart of ripe rasp- bride, who was given in marriage LAUN- WET-WASH, ow drivercall and -father, was beautifully TORONTO --berries of the ever-bearing variety by her lfinisb It line, Aoetylene Weldipgf They were of large size' and of X DRY =. just leave f dressed in a gown of grey geor • etplain our 24 shop. "IF. pod quality. Bette over orchid trimmed with name with Mt. S. W,] avis, barber rd, • 19 -The month of October this vilver)om Herhatwas-of- bla r�U. le!jll pick up and deliver 3 tium a Week. Battery FOR SALWOR RENT-96 has been one of the most velvet and silver and gold modal. VARM deli -year 'Etepain lions, and she carried a shower X acres of land in lot 22, C*21- 6, Pickering, late :f al in insiny years. it hap nnAe on iLll makes mauve chry. a. water at, both r1aces and good bvAklings and bouquet of pink and man wediumfences. lam forced to sell or reatce be Irene wild and them have beau hewth.qpJaines W. Hick. R. R. 1, N Very few days Without sunshine. Anthemurne. After the ceremony. =h1r, 7 44tf of eArg' bose weather prophets wbo pre- a reception was hold at the bride's FARM TOIREN being dieted that the year 1927 would home which was beautifully deeo T-190 acres. die ul be rated. The happy couple left later -V lot, 9 and 10. con 9. Pkkeri:& Good clay aw; plenty of 1. year without sunshine will have loam soil, A I for FrJl wbeat and I in the afternoon on a wedding running water. Good frame house. 10 rMERS; lunch trouble in restoring oopp trip to Montreal and Ottawa end ffd barn and stable* Am% to D. A. Pa dories In their prophetic ability. e C There are &I ways a . few. people in othtr eastern points. Mr, and k field, or D.'M, Morgan, Claremont, 75h the country who are rood to be- Mrs. Whitby ill make their home FOR SALE-A number of Plymouth -in JL' Rock cockerels, direct from a penof first- Ifeve ADYWOx in the Pickering and, now reside ­CHARLES Be SPENCER W - ready of In Pi bred to-lay lane eggs, March hatched _prophecy, whether it comes from Mrs. Rorke's cottage. The NEws class bred from the Fedigr" butcheries. Now is the APPlY James Richardson, Grocer, Pickering. Pbone Proprietor,— 4, Pickering the live of some - fake prophet or extericip Its best wishes for their time collet your pick of the lot at $2,50. from Ayer's alm.ansic. future happiness and prosperity. Pick 2000,