HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_06_03R- 7:, W q-4 RU_ T -OIL. -XLV1. ICKRIEUING ONT - FRIDAY, 4U NE -3-i 1927- I - i . >eo'fttfltstottal 49asrb*. C*ree= mu'ver I DUNDARTO N. Chicken Tbieves Sentenced � . . -,,, 1 .'�- 7. are Saw MiU -and Basket. Xt ire There wive) 'bles the gular WhWS,un. The three Stouftyllie men'who we re charged with stealing chickens came O�ENWOOD IL FORSYTH, 0 D.. Director Ontario. Rot. day celebration of the HoI Commun- v ion As 3 p. in. All members of the p for trial in the Pickering Police Court T T optomevicil examined by appointment. congregation are earnestly requested held on Friday evening last at Whitby. All three and Claremont. Out. to be present. The Rev. D. B. rAng- pleaded guilty were sentenced by Magistrate Clark 1.49" Baskets of all sizes ford will be the preacher. CM.,ERRYWOOD, as f ollowe : Harvey Bison to one year, Harry Kirk to nine months. and How. Established 1891i 41 5, 'A R. ORRISTIAN, Barrister and ii = !=%M;�nuftzt MwEteW Moore to and descriptions at. lowest Last Saturday evening our football team went to Goodwood land played yed an exeeptionallZ f fast game, the score be- ing a draw. 1-1. This Silf-a-rasy the and Longfleld to six months and in each case with an indeterminate sea- tence o f two years less one day. Elson and Kirk also received similar sente - ..n ceefolt theft -,-,Th ;znzi Headquarters r r r -nA- A G.B ROWNING. —Barria. :L-3k 9 ter. Solicitor. Notary L *Ublk. Armes' Bik., Street, tr'�� Vrby. 1d==3 e 392. prices team play at Brooklin. The members of the softball club to run concur w tu the h other sentences. In our last Issue we stated r v n r r. E u BEATON & ROSS — Barristers,- Ontario Building, 33o for sale held their first practice on Monday evi eating, After the game a meeting that Constable Cookman, coup made an Investigation and conclu ded CORN OATS whole or xroand 0=�ern was held and the followl officers officers that there was not evidence to bring R= Adelaide 2747 ---VHAS. A. WHIT were elected'� Hon. Pres., John Barnes; Pres., Mrs, A. 0. Flett4 See.- about is conviction. Constable Cook- man states that this statement to BARLEY FEED BRAN - R.ICHAR13,8011 PlOKBRING— Stiocessor to late W, G. Barnes Phone Mark 642D Treas., Miss Emily Manager, Mrs. Roy Morrish; Captain, Miss en. tirely eironeous. We were evidently misinformed and regret placing him SHORTS SCRATCH FEED cars Solicitors etc.. 213-214 cAmied. Life Building, Corner Yom gle and Rich- saund Sts..Toconto. Phones Main I go and Main Merle Hollinger. There will be prat- lice Monday, Wednesday and Fri. in &'wrotig light. for poultry C Rk ag". - Pic:kerinx offre open Monday and Wed- 24111111MYCTemilipandalld Satutday. including Ratarday FURNITU RE day evenings of each week. Every. body is cordially invited to DUNNA RTON. CKED CORW for poultry eveoint. Phone Pick. 6600. Stf AT BOTTOM PRICES come out topractice. Our aim to to another .. . I It Born, Lo Mr. and Mrs. Reading, ng. a ...... . . . . . . I have a C" Cereal Feed which il JET, :B :0 CLAREMONT, ONT. winn ng team. Any team wishing an exhibition game kindly commupi- cats with the secretary. daughter. N. Fraser and Arthur Annip spent the ,week with their parents here. consider the best value for feed I have seen for &•Ioug time. It will pay ECL.t& POWLIE, Dentist. Cor. Rd. Victoria on and Park Ave - note. .To A= at door). Pismo, 12. aaAIT Dressers $12 Up, Washstands GREENBURN Miss Margaret Allln. of Toronto. visited with Miss A. B. Thom. this to try it. 64 up. Chiffoners, 5 drawers and good sized mirrors, On Thursday, May 26th, a fatal week. The Annual meeting At Erskine eem• WHEAT and BARLEY Wanted. R. D. 0. Smith, Dentist, Stouff. ville. Honor Graduate of Chicago " To- see" niversities and the Ro ol, Cc of =uce half price. It will to accident oec'urred on the old C, N. R. tracks here, in John Hem- etery will be held on Junel2th, atS o'clock. 'Chopping Mondays, Wednw leis, ra. Phone office V No outaid.* appointment*. 261y, pay you call. near which lock, aged 42. an Indian whose home A very I a terestlog baptismal service days and Fridays. LASE B. BEATON. D. GraduatAbf the Royal Coielge is "ar Montreal, was instantly killed. Ho was one of a gang otmen was conubted during the morning ser. vice last Sunday. Roofing Material or Dental EuXeow and University of Toronto. onice slew Murdeck's Gonfection stAxe• wbkby. to 12: 1 -phone who were employed taking down a bridge on the 0. N. R. line. when & David and Mrs. Hemmick. of North Tonawanda, spent the week-end with ae L to 4. . Ind. 6. 18611 prose 8611 pbose Ne. — 4417 51 British Columbia Shingles . 6 o A 3X derrick toppled over; causing a num- ber of heavy steel railroad rails, the letter's sister. Miss V. Allison. Mrs. Oweneth. of Niagara Falls, N- C 0 A L N EIL 0. SMITH. D. D. 9., L. D. S.. N No. 2 3 and 5x w which were used for ballast for the, Y.. visited her sister. w accomp&n- L" (Su",eescit to Dr. 1. .1c Dales,. Graduate of he Royal Coil" a Of Dental Surgeons and Toron• 't derrick, to be thrown on 'top of the unfortunate man, resulting in his led her home to see peach blossoms, Mrs. Isaac King, of Maidstone, Sask, ­,;g as ni U vem 7 At Claremant'office over D. A. Seat stam ry Vs ery Tuesday and Fnd Phone tome to- 1 -TORONTO ASPHALT instant death. For over an hour the other members the to visiting her father, Sam. Nicholson, also brothers, sisters and A mood supply of Hard and Soft ROOFING of ang worked hard before the body could be remov. numerous friends. - Coal on hand. Also a supply A 8 L. D D, S,. Graduate of t Co=tof Reyalof Murray's 18 in., 82 in. and 80 inch ed. Coroner Dr. C^rtvfright was noti• Miss Elva Annia. of Niagara Falls. N. Y., of Kindling Wood, Sur t U v t U 0. T abov!,110154 B ing, Out_ at.;ZZ, widths, 4 in I Shingles; also Metal Valley and fied. but on- investigating the eircum.- stances decided that an was visited her parents last week, and on her return was accomp _anied by xV4 stove length. houn � 9 a ion to s V. appoint- CM of by amt Phone 4My Ridge Roll. unnecessary. The bod was ens on Thursday ei!e U to Z home where her sister. Min Marjorie Annie 1Ztf ;Phone Pick. 1709 Material, or will give price on finished job. he has a wife (amity. Deceased has also a sister living in Toronto. 42REENWOOIL DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKINQ ]&LIZABETH RICHARDSON—Sue. assur to the late W V. %chardson. revue- PICKERING WHITEVALE. L., Ewers.3a OrmerW is now working iu Oshawa. L. SURNINGHAU. well-known fire insurance Coo =--I standing pant"i of 34t UP Did bird- Albert Harvey spent Sunday with Building and General POSTILE. Licensed Auctioneer, L" n LUMBra% you notice many now. houses In our vale. We welcome Mr. Mrs. Sloan his parents here. Norman Wilson expects toraise his Contracting. Estimates furnished on all classes and ot•resv, was. "W"Weelan Its& atwo 1110 on Oka~ V. _ and to our village for the summer. barn on Thursday, Mrs. S. Stewart is visiting with bar of work—Interior and Exterior. Afteratione . SNOW &"rawls Game stvas" o.. out. TES MINING MANIEFET 11 Wilbert Broorlarldge and son r1rotalting daugb tars in Toronto. and repairs. Chimneys 3.211ATON TOWNS Cum D' Client ,a in the city for a week. Lawrence Hilts and friends from Mn- Bush mad family • spent Sunday In the Niagara district. Built Concrete Work ilk" Phone Pickering 5712 aw• 00gamilisseellaw Im A 61 ask 'Imam of We bov and sell, furnish quotations and information on all Listed and Detroit are visiting William and Mrs. BlIts, Russell Philip. of Detrolt� was in the village on Sunday. FAIRPORT, ONTARIO OUL Unlisted Mining Stocks. Lost week at car cemetery there were 150 E and Mrs. Disney. Whitby, were 8 H I N G L R WM. MAW, LICENSED AUC­ . TIONEER for York. Qataric and pwbm WrAxill be pleased to advise what stocks to buy or to hold, or about plants put in & large flower bed and the fence was painted in the villageon Saturday. A missionary meeting was held at cq COMIlles. AD 6;& of wim to. Terms reasonabie. DgUWM"= f. aso be -..wd NEWS- what stock to sell. Clients are making money by green' The-District mseting,of the Wom. the home of Mrs. Gen, Middleton on Tuesday afternoon, Nova Scotia Sbintle• Galt Galvanized Steel OJIL, � Sea end Indepele. 'last ptsoeea. Wbitb7. Out. 517 following our advice. en's Institute will be hold in Pickering on Wed nesday. June 8th. at 10 a. m. Bring our watches or clocks for re- pairs to 5. Broadbent at Pickering on Bird's Felt Slate Shingles)L Time Our long experience in miltilmg. ex. tending over a Period of twenty 7"M allows us to give sound advice and 2 p. in. Every member of the W. I. will be pleased to bear Mrs. Purser (Home-maker Globe), Tuesdays from 12 to 3 90 W. Min Laura Morgan. of"Cla"Wout. for Mae at T. PATERSON"S • OLAREMOlf'r ring on the investment feature of Ina of the who will speak, Mrs. E. Berry Is District Is spending a week or two -with her Call tad got prices. ; Phone 2811 or the speculative feature of mining rebture. Director. and the District. Del!Fates @later, Mrs. Emerson Ormerod. Mrs. T. C. Robisette and family and — tit its Painting Time pective SOLLOWAY, HILLS are Mrs. E. Goodies Mrs Gen. rugb, MM Pasks, Mrs. Tran, Mrs. H. Mrs. T. Worthington, of Toroutc. & CO. Pugh. spent Sunday with Min M. Wood, If YOU You Would have the - best Members of standard Stock Exchange. , ­ - Mrs. Brow J bridge, Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. ;Pug . Mrs. Babjert, Rains, Oily Mary. of Brampton also Mr. Andrews Lea* Go& 3 ars t a W— use Maimberloof the Montres.1 mining Exch ange- HIGHLAND CREEK and Miss Grey. of Acton. @pent Sun- day with James Raine and family. HARNUA 2 ABrandram, Offlc-e and Board Room, Ground Floor. Metropolitan Building, Tice T re-opening anniversary and con. r. Johnson. of Wbitbyi; was here on Mon day helping Mr. Willows erect Our supply of quality Harness and Parts is now complete. Henderson's TORONTO, ONTARIO oert-. under the auspices Of the Ladies' Aid Society of Centennial -United PLO fee ream booth so that he will not b ye to open the store on Sundays or 'BOOTS—GREB SHOR 4 Paints and Varnishes—We Pbon.ft : Adelaide 071 and W72 rcb. will be beldonflunde. Chu y and Monday, June 6th 8th. 0 a sun- hILliday& In order to serve big many We bay" large stock of this ftmew J HE RUR1kL have them. Also, day. at &30 p. is. (standard time). Rev. customers. A few from here attended the fuse- Boot on hand—unbeatable for hard wear and tear. OWN, Shellac and Polishes. SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. J. W. McIntosh. of Richmond Hill, will Preach and the Choir of St. F&ullp ral of the late William Wilson on Saturday afternoon. He was a son of REPAIRING --"Tires and Tubes for your auto or bicycle:, % - . .- I _ — Uv cited Church, Scarborin BlUffs, will lead In the service of praise. At 700 Thom" and Nancy Wilson and lived in this neighborhood We maintain our established utw. _.Phone Real Estate and Laurance. p. m. (standard time), the speChun er will 'I. pFactically all his life.. Besides a widow he leaves tton:for repaW, nwy nal all kinds M human boots. 4000 - - Farm Properties a Specialty. be Rev. D. Gordon. of AcourU and the Choir of Zion United ch, two brothers, Thomas of Freeman,.and Bruce of Whitby. CECIL BRAD ALVIN BUSHBY Hsad Office: 213 214-Confederation Grove, will lead in the singing. PICKERING Life Building. Toronto: ]data 1390. On Monday evening supper will be -se rued from - 8 to 8•o'clock (standard GREEN RIVER. hy 'Phone Branch Office: Gordon Building, Pickering Ontario, time), after which a high-clan pro- gram will be rendered by the follow- ing artists: Miss Erma gold medalist. elocutionist. of Toronto Mr. Sheard is here from the States visiting life sister, Mn. Cowie. We are sorry to report that-M-r. Pur- —PICKERING, ONTARIa' a �Homes Phone MOO. -28tf Win. Dickson pupil of Broadue Farnol"er, violinist, iorclinto; cell'and are on the sick i;! Miss Flora Mackie, soprano, list. will require a Mattress doring the follow few CLAREMONT of Green River; and the Reza) Male Qu,,ttt,. of Toronto. The chair will Fortunately, no one shot the stork as he headed for the residence of Alf. A6 weeks. e OREAMERY1 be occupied by the. pastor. Rev I Et Fraser. Everybody come Mitchell recently, He left a fine baby boy, j7 Sell the Marshal I and enjoy this treat. Admission to concert and the many friends of Mrs. G. Smith bear supper. 00 centif; ebildrer), under 12 are sorry to of her departure for -Prices *25 t $75 price paid for years, 25 cents., Rochester. where she expects to make her future home. brw We gwwtee our $15 Mat Cream at the STOUFFVILLE. Many city visitors are about, As the look in tress to be are Cre=e-yv,, Our bowlers have chosen their rinks in country particularly vice, and Wilson's Park is catering to In- 40 layer felt Give ne is trial be and are practice for the big tourna• we creasing numbers. The boys played a splendid football Ow 8 50 and 7.50 Mattresses and convinced Harry Brillingerpresented Richard• loon Lodge A. F. & A. M. a game with the team from Oshawa last Fate - ELM DALE MILLS in grey felt and very with pact wastWe regalia mounted with silver. week. was not with them as they played against the wind and sun, serviceable Dr. Smith gave as illustrated ad• dress to the five divisions of our pub. lie school on Friday last "Disleases but they steadily wore down the re- slatence of the visiting team. Had the OU may attribute that Y Favor" feeling Couch, in a pretty on and Care of the Teeth." games lasted longor results would an- doubtedly have been different. We Spring to ;h*e weather but nine fi end cret6nne and A baseball league has been organized with Aurora. Richmond Hill expect the boys will-be on their to" at don't forget times out of ten it will be nod mattress 12.W 'For Pastry use and Stouffville As members. Stouffrille the next game, so Satur. day night—you will got the value of our system crying for Kelp, ,instead. See us about 'Also, some new d designs in Our Royal Brand e gicts to again win the league. T Gaymon. while eugagled on one your money. Since the recent rains Old Ned and atonic that will give you "pep' generally. Silmons Walnut Beds tat your Grocer's. e Commies on roads near ofew moot electrocuted al Tbife Dobbin have been casting reflective ev" over tbr promising bay-fields. Come here and be pleased. at right prio" Farmers who have wheat got your I f mounting a water tank to insert an Iron rod in the tank. Another heavy amp, "Dobbin" Is board to groan as no rube a tender E. C. Jones, Phu, B. -Ce t a rrdftt made from your own land wheat. �We egia Fortunately he lost his grip and fell thereby was saved from death. The spot 9n his shoulder against a t Old Ned says. "The b lay crop re "I Druggist and Dispensing Chemist. . glind it. chicken stealing so extensively right, we'll need It next winter. but I carried on during the past two years do hope the boss keeps our shoulder@ S PICKERING, ONT. Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director (tbrouJi Feed of all kinds—Chicken Ifised, hen feed, chop, millfeed. hard work on the part of in Claremont constAblea) bas been traced to shape to harvest it. We hope so as a sore shoulder to a horse is Phone law Chopping every week -day. and some of the guilty parties, viz: Harvey Bison, Harry Kirk and flow. a worse than a raw and blistered heel to human. Besides, we don't have to ­4 and Longfield each received Jail terms pull a load with that heel. .0utmia last 3DI Mq. Xa0CrJC"VV00= find Friday. Be sure your nine will oat, Got In the game; plant a tree; every. you body's doing it. • Aj-p �w j� W W R ft 7,W We, Tbeai�`!iwlo WeV.0 r�y jjc;rW, we got, -Wonx on the beach, you cis Won the doorman had been, * the see."_ "Yes, yes, go on. laormatSou that the body they bore I atiO64f to tits. A", was one of thoi'hoti3l's guests and must Leave your narnes,with Mr. Dixon, in. FOR ALL receive UumWifite attention. case be wants to me you again." .4::::. it V 1. bakinktim w7ae is it rt. asked the flabbergasted He rang a bell for the rborn clerk. rt room olerk. losing for once his Imperial "Tuttle," the manager said to him, US = air. "yras no one with Mr. Folsom here?", "Garrett Folsom." he was told and "Only his valet, a man named Ross." "Aral • thereupon lost his last remnant of "Send for him. Who were Air. Fol- C self-possession. som's fri4nds or associates?" "Youll have to take film away," he "Mr. Neville and two ladies wer"e, BAKING ailm"t screamed. "We can't have any- with him lust OvOulug- He on Came thing like that here! The guests won't yesterday afternoon." stand for It! The hotel can't .have it! thought he wan new. NOVI'le's P43WDER Taktjdni to the morgue or the under. been-here Aonger?­ Nde,in Canada - No Alum I --or--scmewhere! "Oh, yes, a week or more, . the t"er's - TE A "Wait a minute," said the hotel ladies, a few day*--nearly a V11" detective, who was named "I. see. Get the man, Ross, 3s, but don't I as "What has bappejed?,, disturb Mr. Folsom's friends just fie -d you win new it an One of the life guards answered him. Were. they Iii the water with him ?" ---------- _4 "Mr. Folsom had a stroke or a fit of "Yee," said Dixon, "the guard some sort, and died in thw Ocean or MO Y show - up just after.bli be�ng brought to the soon. "They'll have to. We must I beach-1 don't know which, Where's learn Mr. Pelham, the manager?" from them as to Mr. Folsom's home it M41 "Mr. P01128,111 is at his lunch ; he'll and people," 7 minute. I've o%fla-boy ebt- be here In . mi i A clerk appeared then, bringing a for him." Dixon returned, keeping hit quiet-mannered, middle-aged man with head, as the room clerk grew more and him. WHAT BAB GONE BEFORE "Theire are lots of worse people than more excited, "This Is Roar, the valet," he said, fs the Hotel that man." And then Pelham came, and though and giving the man an introductory From the veranda of "Oh, not that, but I object to Pub- greatly perturbed, lost none of his cus• push into the room , he went out and "Majusace, at Ocean Town . NJ., Titus llclty, and I won't be Interviewed -" tomary zalm as he heard the scant de- closed the door behind him. A depu,tatlon visited a jeweller's, RIM. a guest, sees a man taken from "Don't worry," Neville said. "Fol- talds of the tragedy. (To be coutlnlued), shop. "We want to buy a solid silver- the ocean and laid on the beech m's an important man in some ways, "I Pee" he said, using his 'favorite coffe4 pot for presentation to our mem- a crowd gathers to. stare. I but his death won't make a, dent down expression of acceptance of a situa• Campers--Take Minard's with you. ber of Parliament," said the spokes - The reader has been introduced to hem What does Ocean Town care for Lion. "Now, will you men please take man. "in that case, sir," suggested bathers: a sudden death more or less?" the* body to .Room J, next my oinoe the Jeweller, "you want something with Ned Barron. the copper king, and his suppose that's so," the Duchess • over there?" D DISASTER Fair and her I wife, Madeline; Angelica said, with a relieved air. "WeR. I'll ' He indicated a room-across the job- BEATTYS FAULT a Tong spout ftnance. Robin Sears; Robin's father, get dressed anyhow. Cknoo along, by". He beckoned to the hotel detective Joroydon Sears; Carmelite, Valdon and - Carmy. It's spoiled our swim for to- and called a clerk to his aid, then fol. -Rear Admiral Harper DOCK l !her companions, Rober NevWe, Gar- 'day.,, lowed the men who bore the gruesome Not Hesitate to' Score rest Folsom and Mrs. Barnabiy, whom "Don't be so beartle�s," said the burden. Idol. everyone calls the Dutcbese. other. I*lm al�l Upset. I think a sudden , As they turned back the covering From the shocked expression on the , death to tearful. And we vrW be in the "blanket, Pelham saw the ­okl-formed London-"The Truth About Jut. • toe" of the throng, Riggs surmises limelight, I don't care what Rogers figure in its bathing suit of gray jersey, land." Rear - Admiral John Ernest Har- that the man is dead and, putting down says. I think ru so straight back i with three black stripes across the per 's book, just published, of course his Said glasses, he hastens down to home. Do you suppose his sisteor will; famous the beach. i chest and a belt striped black and is nit Rear•Admiral Harper's En us come hen?" whiter offlcl&I report of 1919 on the Battle NOW Go ON WITH THE STORY Didn't know he had a sister- eU, he hae, A Tartar. One of The face was calm and lifelike, the of Jutland, which the eyes of the public cH"TER n Ithose strong-minded persons. hair, though touseled by the man has not yet seen, but which W. C. I They disappeared imto their res- was orderly enough. and the In n look - , Bridgeman. First Lord of the Ad- Added to the greater value built Into', w near the crowd � ed as If merely unconscious rather miralty, promised the House of Cam - 'a' As titus Riggs drew pective bathhouses and dressed as than dead. the 1997 Twin*-- an the beach, he found himself re. mono last night sha,11 be published as g47LjMed-by a stalwart policeman who rapidly as they could In the cramped But Pelham 's' Qiesting hand told originally compiled and without Added to the Improvements that every him to gd-vancennother'step. and uncomfortable quirters. him the heart had ceased to beat, and amendment. rider srill wolcome-Prieft Lro lower ,forbade .1 AIthgUgh_jh2);iathb*uses belonging than. evir-before. Harley- Davidson "Wbo is k?" lie w5ked, and I the briefest examination was enough The most arresting of many arrest- Motorcycle stand* without a rival per- 1� to the Hotel MaJusaes. were roomy , sent was Riggs' .manner that the to show that life had gone. Ing passages in Read-Admiral Harper's form-anm One ride In our 1527 e440. compared with some. they w "Stroke, of course." the t and you w$11 do strong arm o the law unbent enough co were not , car outfit luxurious dregoing-rooms. and when I . man book is the follow1bg -Wm- _ YOU -to answer. saildl.looking at Dixon. "But we must 'Earl -Beatty had made a fatal never d -a fortable rid- 11--s"est Folsom. they soy . be _.� the two women at last emerged they I mentary mistake In dividing his -forces '29 eom-bivation could be bullt. ftllr piled, sad Tate RIM ejaculated, "Good both expre"s a sire to reach their I "One looked at him down an the so that he could engage or I part guarentao& Lord!" though whether the words were own bedrooms unnoticed. beach." the guard volunteered, . "Doe. of them. This produced a result which WALTER ANDRIKWS. Ltd. This they accomplished and set to, for Manning. he was; he's in the hotel can only be termed disastrous, It 1, S" YONGS ST . R - I . t9T -.-- TORONTO . . an expression of pioiis gratitude or work to repair the ravages t an ocean Woredy an exelamatl�o an unpalatable---extremoli uups!lat!L- n of utouisbment bath, ;here. and he said as how Mr. Folsom was not obviousr was dead." bLe-L.-but neoertheleGe indisputable fact ; But though they had reached a quiet 'Ila, he dead?" Riggs pursued- haven, there was anything but quiet, Dead? Of course he's dead. But that the British squadron, which wan a doornail!" e must have a Oe-rtJflcate and a•11 that. U As down in the hotel lobby, several floors greatly euporloi in numbers 'and g n •'Cramp? Stroke?" beneath them. Has Doctor Manning come up from the power, not only Palled to defeat the -.f'.How do I. know!" returned the otb- The suave and Impassive gentlemen i beach yet?" weaker enemy, who made no effort to or "Anyway, they gotta get him off vk ho had the weft -being of the hotel In' Inquiry proved he had not, and say- avoid action, but In the space of 50 the beach!" their charge were'upset one after an- tag "Thai can watt, then," Pelham minutes suffered whil can only be "I should think so. Is that a doctor other with terrific suddenness and turned his ndud to more Immediate described as partial defeat." bending over him?" swiftness. errands. Read- Admiral Harper, describing the "Guess "Wbo's in this man's paity?" he ask- German battle fleet's arrival on the j so. He seems to be giving The pompous doorman A-as the first i W orders. Though It ain't up to him to to be affected, and he was minded at' ed Dixon. scene after preliminary operations, first to refuse admittance to the sinis- I say what to, do." ' i "Nobody. He's alone-or, I believe discusses Earl Jollicoe's deployment. is It up to?" he has a valet--out no one else In his "Hampered by inaccurate information ter looking procession that carried a, I "I don't rightly know. But I s'p . ose covered, still form on a stretcher, suite." and poor visibility," Rear-Admiral "Hai be a sake? -A good one ?" Harper finds the deployment to have 7. the life guards will take him to his But his half - hearted objections were ; "Out of the best. Two rooms and been admirably conceived and execut- hotel and they'll see, to him there.". promptly ove"uled. and the ghastly bath. His valet sleeps an the same The life guards bore the body burden was carried to the office of the ed, and he quotes German official his . . . . . . . . . . . . . . floor, but not In a connecting room." tort' `through the crowds, two or three uni- hotel and the mama ger was 'called for. Y In support thereof. formed officers making a way, and The manager not being present for 1 smee.- Send for the valet. Wny The indecielve-n-es-8--o-f--tb-e-r-e-a-ul-tlng 'thou o followed by a horde of curiosity the moment, the room clerk stopped isn't he already here?" engagement iii attributed to poor visi- seekers, most of the beach population fom-ard. closely followed by the vigil- ,We,ve.Ou1Y Just come In., Mr. P81- bility, the whole area being shrouded -'Went back to the surf or the sands. ,ant hotel -dectectives. ham•" said the life guard, "Will you by sea mist and funnel and cordite take the matter In charge now? Dealers Roger Neville and the two women Can smoke. —Nevertheless. from the mo- who bad been the bathing compan. ment the Grand Fleet Intervened," the -of the dead man conferred. quicklAILI's Rear-Admtrat states, "the situation :U"Y stood on the beach. turned in our favor,' only a series of "You'd better go straight to. your hazardous manoeuvres saving the Ger- ...�Zxtm Value 7 man's encirclement -and destruction." bathhouses and dress," he told the --others, "and I'll do the same. Then : There Is also some blame for the Ad- The Firestone Dealer in your burry to the hotel; we'll all be asked' miralty for the German fleet's escape. locality will gladly explain to 7 for.­ Attention to drawn to an Important '� "Why?" inquired the Duchess. wireless message from the German ad-! you the extra value of Gum- beri "We had eyes wide with amazement. miral, which was Intercepted and de Di He is prepared to was not 1 Dipping.' coded by the Admiralty, but Zkoth-Ing to do with his stroke, or what- demonstrate how the cords of the was '01"T it ', was. I'm not going to get Into. conveyed to Earl Jelite" until it the papers " a friend of Garrett. Fol- too late for him to alter hie plans dur- carcass are saturated in a rubber tug the night, wfilch otherwise he cer- solution, insulating every fibre MOM S. "Why -not?" asked Mrs. Valdon. tainly would have done. Of every cord with rubber, which minimises friction.' Naturally. The Small Speculator. tires built of Gum - Dipped cords New York Journal of Commerce: think havc'extra carcass strength and The disposition of AmerioaDs to in terms of capital values instead of stamina insuring longer wear. from •In- In terms of current returns VMMTONZ TIRE & RU138SR CO. -t affords a vestmen fertile field tar the OF CANADA LIMITED i encouragement of the small speculator Flandhou, ontsm in stocks who would rather buy and MOST MILS PER DOLLAR sell than hold. e nt. • Ease sunburn with Minard's, Unim You 11 17TI yes to Visiting '.%lInjster_-"Ah, my 4oar un- Ile just love fortunate 'friend, this world is full of "it ain't the trials trials," Hard Case- Firestone Builds the OulyGurn-Dipped TWM 'i Wrigley's Now DOUBLE that worry me, sir, it's the verdict:." MINT - Real Peppermint Flavor-it's so wonderfully pig comforting. coating 4. and delicious. Its superior strength makes Puri ty go farther than o ordinary flours. It Is perfect for all your baking— cakes, pies, buns and bread — so the one flour sack only Is necessary. After Try Purity Flour to- day - it is certain to only you. AFM Zh AL --- -1 UR ITY FLOUR cm? Send 30c is owmpfir oar 700-wips Awrity Plour Ceoi Book. M "I BEE, " SAID PL Lila r,,N D butt i Ilk, 'v ALET. WHY ISN'T HIS S.- HERE ALREADY?" Westem C4esda Blow MUk Co. L"AA*L Te"aw Mostrask Otto**. sehal" 129 Ftv%n-�,qq;;Wgr. g +, 'I 1'r, F 7 1 NZ :,11 im V., 7, 5 �7: t nzlc' vc OR :7! 7 N Y' jF1 T -PRIZE ESSAY MD ALWAYS TO NEED Ur HU " COLONIES 't �,,L SEA 5 Mabel Shaw, Kinburn, Ont., • Aged Sixteen Years. A: -L t­the pmewt time, *hen-91*borate British Columbia was made a Oro" Sir Sanii Hoare Speaks on preparations are under way for the 00116117. Civil Aviation Develo went. • ftlebration of that momentous event -It- became Increasing apparent to Landon — "If we are to succeed in the �Iu C-arradian. history, the pawing of the each of these widely separated attempt to build an Empire airways, .British North Amrica Act, w - colonies that some form of co -opera attempt link and eliminate the time and distance sli oin-a What the Red Cross �'*s a ed together and co-ordinated the des- Lion or unity was absolutely essential. now separating us, we need the help of tines of the several British Dominion if really satisfactory progress was to —for G- the oolonles, and dependencies as much- -the ood. of Canada .4n the North America continent. It be made. According a conference was as the co-operation of the Dominions," most litting that we, as young Cans. held in the City of Quebec tn. 1864 fol- seld Sir Samuel Hoare, Air Miriiste, .,diaus, should give more than a passing lowed by one in Loudon In 1866, the addressing the governors of colonies .-Por the Veteran thought to what -we may justly claim dellberstious, of those two conferences and mandated territories wh6 are con BeIftlends 5,500 iddlen still In h(npltd as our common heritage. Tenny crystalized Into law by the Pam- 5�0=n ng crye -ferring here. .. relieves I sidmen and need In their families cs= for tilt has said, •"Lot the dead past bury ing of-the British North America Act The oonference, devoted much time soldier settla . . . provides sheltered employment OXAbo' dead?* -% But 4 • little retrospect can In 1867, which united' the provinces of to a discussion, of how the colonies U w and - Lower Canada (which dinbled. in thm Vitetam' Woduhoj* do then changed - to 0 nvinfinm --- _ --- - —so -much as the progress we., have am we n ar o and Sdr Samuel suggested that costs of For the �Iea in the past, furnishes us a yard stick Quebec), Nova Scotia and Now civil avl4tlon might be lessened by 11tough Juniot Red Cross, his aided 5,000 by which, we may measure what the Brunswick under the name of the Do- crippled future may reasonably be expected,to. minion of Canada. in 1868 the using the aeroplane for many kinds of A He admitted that substantial _.&HdrIM and has pledged over 137 000 school childtiE to No sad to serve ochem hold in store for us. West Territorries were added, In 1870 work I=cti— U-1th ha who-- Manitoba. in 1871 British Columbia and subsidies for regular air services were Was- Island joined still needed. He suggested that the Tor the Pioneer .first European to set foot on Canadian In 1878 Prince Edward Isla conference. investigate in London the soil, but the first successful effort at the Confederation making Canaids► a t to Possibilities of aeroplanes, not only for Arings nummg Service to those In frontier districts dmugh permanent settlement was made In solid block 'of tarTitory from co" transport, but also in connection with Outpost Hospitals and Nuning StLitions. 1603 by Samuel de Champlain, when coast. 'he established a- settlement at what to Since Confederation Canada's PVO- surrey work; spraying of insecticides; For the New Canadian now the town of Annapolis in Nova grew has been phenomenal. Her mil- bringing doctors, and teachers within soil history of the colony lions of acres of firtil Sootl rea a. oo oil has attract- ch of scattered families, and Pro. Watcomes'sad gives needed attention to Immignint mothen from this data was one of almost c6n• ad a very desirable t vd4ime spoirt., aad children it three Sespon Nurseries. type of agricul tinual warfare, between this 71reneb tural Immigrant, and to-day Canada is . . . . . . . Tor the Mothers and Daughters :oettlers and the Indiana, and also be- j1h referred to as the granary of the Bm tween the French and the English set, Pire, and takes first place amongst the Golf—the Rich Man's Game. In Home Nursing Clawes, has taught principles of nuning- diet and home hySiene to ovet 12 women dare In the New England States. wheat exporting nations of the world, 000 and Ottaws, Droit (Ind. Lib.): (By all At the -conclusion of way between while Canadian cheese, butter, bao= 'the tariff on golf balls.) means raise 1, Zngland and France in 1713 Emglazd and applee are held In high esteem in for the Disaster Victim the markets, of the world. There is Only One CAA&dlLn company, Iroacelved by ' the Treaty of Utrecht, Is omanized to tifficird Pt tdief to sw1ittm fiva in._ Toronto, which makes golf balls. 1111 - $(-swfoundlaud and Acadia, which Is Industrial develomeat ban kept Them muet be at least 100,000 golfers fires flood and qi&ml#- Iftow the provinces of New Brunswick pace with agricultural devslo;ment. In the country, and golf balls should ,N*va Scotia azd Prince Edward Island. We have now the greatest publicly be tmpoTted to the number of some Nation.-Wide Appeal 1%e, Seven Year War between Englarid owned transportation system in the 60,000 dozen. Yet In this case it and France brought about s, renewal world. Canadian electrical develop- seems that the tariff could never be too of hostilities in Canada, culuminatlng manta exceed in horsepower those of high. because gold balls are only .-Canadian Red Cross Sock.U., In the memorable combat on the any other nation while the as Yet of use to the favorites of fortune. Plains of Abraham on September 13th, I unld*vOIOPed Power resources are prac- � Everything, In the game of golf, con- so" Contributions tof Ontario Dsion. Cana&an arid the surrender of Vaudreull at ticallY unHmked. While the value of I Rod Cross Itribute4 to the multiplication of ex. Montreal. By the Treaty of, Paris "our annual production Of pulp wood, i penses—ctlubs, clubhouses, and cad. 410 Shorbourvis Iltmet, Toronto S. ontarw which closed this war England secured lumber and minerals almost equals the dies, who are tipped so lavishly. It g possession of practically the entire value of our agriculture production, M sTrael thtou:.-North Anwican Confident. lour resources are estimated to be thal j nt 8h4DUld seek to extract as much oDe's usual Pam thm*fore this gle COnsiderable difficulty was at first largept In the world All public ser. posalblo from these m0lonalre per- WS DF"D must be to the best of condition. '-1vxp6rWUced-tu-­try4ng to adapt British vices formers if they are determined to go "Although it is not gen*mUy so ro. fo imatoma to the now col�)nSea. By the busineft or the pleasures of life, arelabroad for the appurt*nsuees--of-thetr SAFM IN CAR'garded, the engine is one of the car's Quirb*c Act of 1774 the French Cana- as thoroughly developed and M I dtans were given as a ";I sport' . mast important safety features, it en the freedom to enjoy eat as are to be found in any part. o be pectormfns at Its beet to 60. o!ikn mvij the world. while our educational must laws In 1791 Quebec was divided into factil unsurpassed It ci;_& Cir�e Gives Advice on How the *Vn W-ar n4waossiry -for 'Upper and Lower- Canada, the name One of the greater advantages o Prepare Machine for long trtps at hdgh speed if one is mr- es which Canada being derived from the Indian Canada possesses is the type of Cana- Fire. Summer Tol tain of the carburedon and timing. one A word Canatha, meaning a collection than citizenship There is a respect NN'bat would you think if.you picked I WaahhMVAm,—Wlth the time p� wUl have little trouble under ordinary oondition of huts. Each province was given a for law and order a seourity of life and up the paper some m*vul'ng and read annual summer trips- drawing amr. Separate parliament but th4s arrange- property which to the envy of many where a great wreck caused the lose when the automobile must "One thing to be remembered Is that perform its meat proved unsatisfactory, fin&lly re- less fortunate people. - In no other !of 800 carloads' of tai cattle, 600 Cgr3lbeat with especial dependence 012 driving consistently at a reasonable will cover many more miles h ),xm nutting In the Rebellion of 1937 and place Is better provision made for the 1 A hogs. 400 cars of wheat. 400 cars of brakes and stowing gesr. the Amorl- speed JLS88 following which the two Provinces' care of the afflicted. corn, 400 cars. of Ford automobl.1m, 500 can Automobile Association has issued a day than driving at a tam sad lyre• Union of 7, Llet conta gular &peed, woris reuWted by the Act of There is a most commendable spirit I cars of binders and 600 care of thresh- & bu. In _!Ainc helpful counsels of National pride coupled with un. Ing machines? U40 on the, preparation of the car for the Bri At - this time Upper Canada had a swerving loyalty to the British Crown. Th&t'wovld be over 100 solid train- jaunt. The car must be greased, the tish Prestige. ;a Singapore Free Pro" To-day Sm- population of four hundred, and Any desire to -be In the rorefiout of the loads. of property destroyed *very oil changed, all loose Joints must be thousand. mostly English speaking, i commonwealth of nations forming the year We lose that amount every year tightened, the tires, if any of them, am! tiih prr"tigo �s#tanda higher In- China while Lower Canada had a population British Empire. In all..peacetul pur• I through fires. Our annual fire 1066 1 worn to any extent, should be replaoced. ' than that Of any Other nation on the of six hundred and fifty thousand, "suits of life, Canada's sons uphold her , would pay the complete .operating to be Rg Oz* for starting out on weak tires may In earth, policy has turned out mainly French-Canadians, honor, while when Put to the supreme penses of two Provinces like Manitoba: some C&S" prove very unwise. a correct estimation of the probable While the foregoing event were test on the blood stained field* of and Ontario and bays a nice sum left "No tour should be undertaken un- i course of events and the measures we transpiring In Upper and Lower Can-' Flanders they won undying fame, to build roads. til the car has been thoroughly. in- !'have taken, when others bold bacit. "ada. the mlon-les on the Atlantic Coait } There to every reason to believe We are burning up, wasting and des- spected," Thomas P. Henry, president have alone saved the situation. The (now known as the Maritime Prov. that the coming year's wI44 demonstrate troying yuck an immense amount of of the A. A. A. to quoted as saying resin of all of which is that there wIX qu Inceg), were -rapidly growing in lm- -to the world the truth of Sir Wilfred I property every year because most of --particular attention should be con- soon Pass all through the bazaars of portance. The tillcovery of gold on Laurter's famous' utterance "The with fire. tered upon its safety features. Brakes the East the news that Great Britain us are eweless, the Pacific Coast led to a rapid In. Twentieth Century belongs- to Can- 6 adequate for normal driving may prove is still the mightiest power in tbe, i. A 1, 31152 ads J OR A, WIWI -be Stu_'-nt` -h. .44nift incapable of Performing up to the world. --med in eamr-t d on the tour. An last week that he had drunk two standard demands Why some• wives. don't complain of of mpakns i specialbanw other feature that frequently escapes -Wilson Pub lis&�ij�omp�an and 14 years. View A, size'10 re- qu their husbands is because-they're not y -9 the steering mechanism. quires 2% yards -39-inch, or 2 �ards In fizziology. worth 'mentioning. 64-inch material. 'View B, size 10. requires 1 yard 39-inch plain ma- terial, and 16 yards figured; % yard ADAMSON'S ADVENWRES —By O. Jacobsson. 4. address your order to Pattern Dept�, W ilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- + ai e oiron o. a erne sent, y return mail. less 39-inch material is required for ILL PUT HIM UP OVER (Z� E 7. short sleeves. Price 26c the pattern. jf 1 WHERE IS HE, Wi N DOW! Home sewing brings nice cloth es 0 AOAMSON HELL within the reach of all, and to follow YO 00 ME COU LD A U 9 the mode Is delightful when it can be to establish a Canadian airdrome and 7� done so easily and economically by stst In the expeMments which the Brl- following the styles pictured in our ­1594 tish Government Is now making. new Fashion Book. A chart accom- Britain is now In the process of build- parrying - each pattern shows the ma- . -SEASON. mence to operate next fall: Their first terial as it appears when cut out. - q trip will be to India. This will be a Every detail Js explained so that the 'This charm'ifig little frock - 9 suit- less dangerous trip, as the flight will inexperienced sewer can make with- skirt is tucked to the bodice having 4L i In the spring or 1929 they will make an out difficulty an , attractive. dress. scalloped lower edge. The f mcit is attempt to come to Canada. And It Price 'of the book 10c the copy. pbown in View A with a round neck' is In orer to allow them to bb brought View B has and to be moored out In safety HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. T-i Write your name and address plain- ain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and' I I 7 4. address your order to Pattern Dept�, W ilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- + ai e oiron o. a erne sent, y return mail. N ILL PUT HIM UP OVER (Z� E k FOR THE WEEK! , jf WHERE IS HE, Wi N DOW! Aviation in Canada. t>owN STAIRS? Le. Devoir (Ind.): Canada has agr6ed to establish a Canadian airdrome and A a special mooring-mast in order to as- stst In the expeMments which the Brl- ­1594 tish Government Is now making. Britain is now In the process of build- �.TUCKS ARE SMART THIS Ing giant dirigibles which will com- . -SEASON. mence to operate next fall: Their first - q trip will be to India. This will be a 'This charm'ifig little frock - 9 suit- less dangerous trip, as the flight will "le for school or party wear. The be overland from start to finish. But skirt is tucked to the bodice having 4L i In the spring or 1929 they will make an scalloped lower edge. The f mcit is attempt to come to Canada. And It pbown in View A with a round neck' is In orer to allow them to bb brought View B has and to be moored out In safety mind short sleeves, w1ifle a to earth high neck, round collar, and long! that the'-;Canadian Government' has .4. -1hmves gathered to narrow w-;st- 11 consented 'io make Certain disburse. I Lengthy Louis. -N, bands. No. 1594 is in sizes 8, 10, 2 ment*. Y"J . , „.I, - , - . , , d ­ �. 11 . - . '. � .,Ukr, :_ 0 . 07 _ J. v- IAJ7 7 -7 e- b; Uses HORSE REGISTER. 'D"A N C IN G I Pudal 5 IT 0 W PBZLUDz [24=1 (20960). the well brad 4*tbPe-tJma_to_b6ng in your barrows imp. Premium Clydesdale Stallion, --l-idph"p"to that The. Glen Avis Pavilion, Pre Coal, Coal Deb- or any other the property of Oscar Wilson. Bro. need repalrin lothat-- ug am. will make the season of 927 ;1TPZthISj h man's Bay, will open for the they will all as follows: Monday leaves his own season on Saturday, Hard and IL76 per YM&; SL50 U paid In advance. stable to Wm. Ormerad's. Green- May the 21st. Soft Ooal of they ready best quality on the spring wolk. rr wood. night; Tuesday. H Wilson's, -96becriPtions'Zo the United States and Crest edues. Dancing every Saturday Evening. Britain $2.00 in advance. ban line. noon and night, W 7 hand A special reduction during the da , VV. J. Miller's, Pickering. noon. next few weeks. C. k1wer's. Liverpool. night; Thurs- Free picnic grounds, Boats, R, Pri�rletors day, G. Cowan* Brock road, soon. MURKA 87-89 Batbiiag and Fishing. 'JOHN - I THOS. A. LAW, L.ORNE REID p his own stable night; Friday, John Scott's, 8th eon., night; Saturday W. H. Avis, Proprietor CLAREMONT S.D. -football Association morning, to his own stable ulNi following Monday afternoon. -_Following are the score for gameG ECSTASY. L23381](20019). the superior Maple Leaflutu"in .played last week :,at Brougham— lion. imp. Premium Clydesdale St Cougham 4, Brooklin 0.; at Clare- the property of Oscar Wilson, will the "-F-.-A-R.M RS -1 moot 4; Green River 3; at Goodwood. Insurance Co. make season of 1927 as follows. Green TRY RICHA Goodwood 1.0herrywood 1, In the Monday, leaves his own-stable -Cheal? rates for farm and country Ontario Cup schedule — A Ora. At ham's Hotel, Brooklin, to Mr. book's buildings. RDSON'S. FOR River.Green River 2,0ahawa Motors 4. Windstorm "Insurasee on buitdioge Myrtle, Tuesday, J.Th6mp. Games this week —June 4th at Clare- son's, con. 2, Reach, night; Wed nes- wind-mills, Silos etc. SEED CORN AND MANGEL-SZ-50--4-7 refe- -d-8---Tempe - :mont, Claremont vs. Brougham, anceHotel. Ashburn. [Itarrilli! -a:ree_Xw:LkIn&___xt_GraPn Ri-gy! n g t; of all kinds. vs. Goodwooa, referee Stelle,;at Bro Wm. Bradley's, Whitby lin.Cherrywood vs. Brooklin, referee FARMS FOR SALJ� night; Saturday, own stable untii, You can depend on our Corn' and Mengel Seed being the .611pin. the following Monday afternoon.' Write or phone p -�:,best obtainable. All the different varieties are now in -Series M In the Ontario Cup 31st a. "al 'Germination Test high. Prices -low for good seed. at Claremonti Claremont v Oshawa Leave NOTICE your order early and. have your Corn delivered. McLean. ED.;BOWM MAN City, referee M irbe Connaucht Cup final will be 20 WHITBY, ONT Council of the Tow played at Oshawa Park between the The Municipal shawaclty and the Oshawa General ship of Pickering hereby requests that Motors team@ on Jane 4th. The game all ratepayers- In a position to draw The Pickering gravel on the township roads within The beat of Good Groceries, Fruits and will commence at 4 p. m. (daylight saving time) an referee Eccles, of -To- the next three weeks, get I touch Vegetables. Leave your ne=t -y our ronto� will hange the game. with the CommLesionare In tWearariou. Vigfi.ance Committee with and tr divisions. ice G. M. FORSYTH. Reeve, BROCK ROAD. D. R. BEATON, Clerk. The object of this Association Is t< g T. A. Knox Is enjoying good health lessen stealing and prosecute COURT OF R the felons. JAS.'l RICHARDSON Talit Peter- r .e. Leigh I isiced friends in :boro on May 24th. Public Notic® is hereby given that John Fitzpatrick is building a new the drat of he Court of Revis- Member& having firoperly Store veranna to his house. t sornmant oats lmmedi&iely-with any member Win. Badgerow visited friends in ton of the-Mwicipality of the Town- Piokering Hardware ship of Pickering. for the revision of WhItbT. on Tbursday. of Executive Committee. the assessment roll for 19*27, will be Mr. Caurchill, of Toronto, visited at held at the Township Hall. Brougham, Membership fee 11.00. A. Ackford's last week, Tickets may be had from Sao President at Several good trout catches are re- on Moodav-, the­I&Ii day of June, 1927, bearatery on application. 'We ha vs them sported. but none over 2 lbs. at the hour of one o'clock in the after. Now is the time for Garden and Field Seeds. CityL soon. Exec. Oota.—L. D. Banks, C. S. Palm. by the bulk or package. W. H. and Mrs. Jackson visited .1riands on Sunday. May 22nd. - Of which all persons interested will er, M. S. Chapman. Pickering. please take notice and govern them. Our stock of Seed -Corn In complete acid guaranteed 95 p. c. germina. Wm. Neal is rushing to completion selves accordingly,. tiou. 3ive us your order early and get the kind you want. his saw house at Claremont. D. Munro, Jas. Richardson. Dated the 25tb day of May, I927. Some from here took in the Confer Dated sessions at Oshawa this week. DONALD R. Bs:AToq, President, Secretary We have a complete line of Garden -Toole —hoes, rakes shovels ate. Walter Jackson ban returned home 38-40 Clark of the said MunicipalIty Screen Doors Window Screens, Wire Cloth by the yard, 7 drow school in the city to enjoy a well Red and White black or galvanized. lip, .0amed bolid,ay. COUNTY COUNCIL Wm. EladgBrow 'entertittued a num- bar of Whitby friends recently. when COUNTY OF ONTARIO Lowe Bros' Paints and Varnishes to Brighten Up the-Rome,- be celebrated his 04th birthday. Long wad Mure,966-tot the wall that you do not paint. ay he live. A meeting of the County Council oi-"C H A I N STO R E the Corporation of the County of On- tario will be held pursuant to ad fours= Agent for McCormick -Dearing Farm Machinery BROUGHAM. meat In the 06uDed Chamber In the Court Houma In the T,wn huspent the week-end at his home here on Tuesday, the 7th day of J. I at the hour of two o'clock in the a!ter- Our Motto : 'We have it, can get it, or it Is not Mrs, Harris and daughters, of Brook -L '00'. made. 119. visited the former's mother, Mrs. S. G. Morrish all b 'o g 3ef'ree 8 FOR 8�ALJ�� t' of y FARM All accounts to be laid before the PICKERING Littlejohn. on Saturday. Council should be forwarded to the J. S. BAI.ZLOWK, least three Peter and Mrs. Brown and other Clark. properly cettified. at City friends paid a visit to the Perry- days before the weetiog of the said D"UNBARTON !=&a family on Sunday last. Council. The football game between Brook. Dated at Whitby.'- this 23 rd day of v. iE 'Its and Brougham Thursday evening May, lW7. UNTVERSAL-:- MOTORS resulted In &win for Brougham by AaTsva E. CuiusTrA.%-, Buy for cash and 4 to 0. County Clerk A number of our sports attended Q a WAM I" .'WFqT TT TT, the football mat,!h at Claremont be- 'tw"n 'NhAwa and Claremont on Tuesday evening. A little bay arrived at the.home of :.,..Oscar and Mrs. Wilson on Saturday, Id a 24th. Best wishes and a hearty welcome to the new stranger. Alex and Mrs. Milrov and daught- .am accompanied by L" former's As. ter, Mrs. Jones, of Toronto, visited ...Mrs. Philip Monday evening. A. Lemmon and T. Gammage have added to the improvement of their remises, having placed new wire flences-In front of their properties. The friends here of Mrs. Ellis, of Detroit.- hiiirned with regret of the zoodden death of her husband, Frank '733111s. which took place while at work _.;3a his garden, two weeks ago. CARD OF THANKS. Wedealre to thank our many friends -for their many expresasiona of sympa- thy and kindness during our rece6t —Thos. and E. J. Wsish. IN MEMORIAM. .813AW—In loving memory of my dear mother, RUILlY Shaw; who passed away June 2nd, 1918, Belfast, Ireland, In my heart.your memory lingers. I miss"MY mother, kind and true, There is not a day that passes In which I do not think of you. —Ever remembered by son, Ernest. SALE REGISTER. <_WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15TEE Auction sale of standing bay crop, belonging to the estate of the late R. J. Flem. 'Jug, Kingston Rd- Wm. Haw, auc- tioneer. BEATRICE TABER • ..ELOCUTIONIST' Open for Engagements' Phone 1130, BROOKLIN SAN F N G __ Dance Hall AT- Mnov XXr11T Every Tuesday, Saturday and Holidays. Five-piece orchestra Oome. Rain or Shine, .,Kingston Road, half mile east of Rouge Bridge, 'Good prizes for lady and gent V-2 • every Saturday. Whenever In need of Electrical y Repairs or Wiring -Phone Hudson 6582J Kraft Cheeoe , per lb, .38c W.A.YAK EL.E Y n Serve-Us Cor Flakes, Whitevale Flour, 0c 96C ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Cooked Haw, Fork Sausage, 65c '24c 82 Deloraine Avenue, North Toronto 7 All kinds of Electrical Work Special for Friday and Saturday Executed. May 27 and 28 CASKET FUNERAL Electric Fixtures Supplied Coffee, per lb, sic and Installed. Tea, per lb, 63c Our Expert and Prompt Service Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 for 25c .1 at your disposal, Seedless Raisins, 2 for 25C . Phone direct or in care of News. Flexo, large, rY _----Dunlop Offid&1-Service-­D-ep-oU-'..,,,, C. B. Spencer, Pickering R. Feasby, Brougham J. McGlashan, Dunbarton' • ST.-kR AND FLINT SALES 50 ­S If yon want a guaranteed Repair job at a reasonable price, SEE US. • Experienced Mechanics. Repair@ op all makes. Phone Scarboro 52-81. Complete Quality Funerals SOLID O AK $70v $1 010f $125 $145 CASKET FUNERAL MATTHEWS" 13URIAL 0 0' 219 Danforth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 33W 00 Our Funerals include: Embalming, Hearse,. Casket, Outside Csse$ 'Service. Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Funeral complete. No Extras. Visit our establishment and prove the truth of these statements for yourselves. These prices stand good within a radius of 40 miles from Toronto REMEMBER: Clip this ad. for reference.' 31tf 4" ... Le;dire ic k �� Th ne,s r. n ce Beauty, strength, fire- resistance :or d you get all 'these in Brantford I's Super-Tite Slates, besides Double ness a over 19 too an Triple Thickness over 48% of the roof. Special Lock Butt prevents bulging and curling. 2L r�►� or Above is straight view of Brantford Super -Tito Slates, showing triple thickness in shaded area. Made in four fade. Ins color $ and -when- laid-I so appealing "keystone" effect, Brantford Roofing Co. Limited Brantford, Out. to Q. Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by F. J. Prouse, W - Pickering -77 -:t- � I mr, IrT, V, P 7 k� .7 :7 C-L^R19114ONT. Decoration DI at. the Vni6n FULL IMB OF film Cemetery *ill be observed on Sun to July 8rd. Full particulace Pol Varnishes el for I t Mrs. Real is spendlum 11 day, J M"TIN - SENIONt A U(D I T 0 RIU X week in, Toronto. later. or&nd, Mrs. IL Gibson has been on the exterior wol Now it the Um to use THEATRE Born, t Oshawa Hospital, on it. Give t= & call and reeeiv: satils. -Mrs. Me. nick list for the peat week, May 17th,. to Irving and ftiction. prit Mrs. Girvin - is visiting relatives Avoy,' a son (John Peiton), still- Fresh Fruits. ()akes right. STOUFFVILLE �1. InTlint, H "ail this week. and 0onfection. born. ery always on hand. A. D. and Mrs. Peters. of POyt Dick and Mrs. Johnston and two oult ND FRIDAY and SATURDAY Perry, were here on Handayll. Shoat' prices paid for good butter daughters and hire. Fred Fairmer, and fresh eggs. Jack McLellsl of Detroit, Mich., of Toronto, spent -Sunday with I - y Xtine 3 and 4 spent the week-end at the manse friends in Claremont. 0. G A N N 0 N Jolla Caster, of Toronto, spent Friday, the 40th of June, will REGINALD DIL NNY . . . . . . . Sunday at the home of his parents so _BROUGHAM remind the friends of Bethel com- re. IN etery,'east of Claremont. to come Mrs. C. 8 rkball, of Sol, and clean up the grounds" ROLLING ROHN' -visited R. Fsand -Mrs. Mann, last D. A.- and. Mrs. Scott: MISS M. Hovis, Bre* ad t ; (Riotous Fun from Star w k. Ank Gleescin and Fred--Livaus, motored- ..to Finish) J, McGrath has installed tayner on Sunday and a t new to 8 Of Also, Goq7d omedlik %Any PeerleI tan er with In and �rej �o wiffio is re. Bessie, Tuesday and Wednesday 7 and �,�j George and Mrs. Ben tiley- Of Mrs. W. G. Bingham, who in. 'Trenton, spent Sunday , vilth the tends to move td Tercynto shortl "4W 1lTHB DEMON" Jack Hoxie. Lynn family. y is offering. fol sale or rent -her -Next Fri. and Sat. 1041. Oscar Barber has been appoint. residence in Claremont. She is "The Bat," A Mystery P16turi. of the'Co ad caretaker 'Haltand the park. of furniture. -Try a mmunity also offering for sale several pieces BREEN Adults 25c c John and Mrs. Forgle, of Rose- Prices ents, visited the former's -sisters chfldren, 14 years Remember the Bible Soc ... ... ��:t �S. G. Bohm N", i c e idt, - Proprietor here on Thursday last. and 'under, 15 'cents 3iet meeting at the Baptist Church oyn 0 0 establish &lasting Wednesday, June 15th.-- -AMO Ttribut.e to the mem- K. and Mrs. Tarr, R. Taun and Miss Bessie,l Stouffville, spet We have secured the or-y of the departed. one Victoria Day was observed very wellas beauty of de- Wh .43unday with friends here. agency for. must secure in a mem- orial lasting quality as. HONE' lqtLietty in Claremont. On account Dbidge and I sign. We can fil OTICK. Here ere of the rain the sport lovinit people your desires for such. ' i_,44 werennable, to indulge intheir TIMB TABLB—Fickel 846%lon "No Greater Tribute" You. Get, a Real favorite pastimes. star Cai T, B. Trains going East Ame be follows Mrs. T;,Caster,-who was in a very No. 10 ULU 7.W A M. FFORD, id, 28' Local critical condition a week ago, is -and also keep 'Constantly 1159 P. BE. Kingiston Blood, 30 Local 5.26 P. X on hand N.� W. STA -B 'Inew -much improved, although IV = a - Whitby 'S.88 A. M. Her f riends h tha Sunday train, 9 6 very weak. t .�'thojmprovemenl 0 by Tiroillas soing West duo as follows.- Phone Whitby may contZilue. AL A viirylatemating game of foot- Goodyearl Tlir" No. 9.22 A. M. 27 Local 2.44 p. X. ball Was played here on Saturday -AW 1 9 man 9.16 P. M., -evening between Green River and G. & A. T. L t unday train, 8 32 P. M. -40laremon t. The Same. w h ich was Foregoing is according to Standard rather ronith, was witnessed by a 811Y PICKERING, ONT. time. karge number. Claremont won by Next Monday evening a 'picture topic" will be presented a the B. t -WATCH .-H E R'E TO.0 AREI _y. e. U. One of the areat paint logo will be discussed as to Its his. tory. Its originator. and its mess- ilovited, & .r_ 70 Kenis, Young Mel an 78 uits—Navy -Blue, Dark Brown and Pathfindeve isge. Young people are cordially r Sullivan's famous opera I'M M. K Light and Dark Grey— with I or 2 Pairs of Pants. OPVALK about tin valuml Pinafore." in the Community Hall. Ranging from $6.50 to $17.40. ito-nigbt. It is being presented by JL Here's the biftest, best- Whitby talent who are receiving Men's Oxfords—Oz-blood, Tan. Brown slid Blaek-4;oodyear Welt, lool full-oversize cord few r work. - Ger knUch praise for thei Rubber Heel, Good Fitters, regular 6. 60, at 4.50. - light can on the ma kelt at a your ticket at D.A. Scotes store. -Display Men's Khaki Pants, heavy twill, sizw82-40, Special 81.75. low Price. Made by Goodyear. Five carloads of young I ST cord& at 7 no 88M B"oons" too. - Big,- a 9 'Ur cph' Pho Made of WMRTWI to from St. Columbo United I Toronto, visited the Claremont 0 f all— United Church, on Monday even- tMed.. L1001,01 ing lost and gave a splendid p P 0xrrA:msxc bal1oon condort. erfection lZral of music, addresses &c. A lunch was served and dainty 1 7- I ed which made a very and enjoyable evening. The young people of the United POM ving par Igi Church. Claremont. Tloren'ce The Sister. heirdrams, entitilea- Independence bood of Bridget," in the Common- -loth. Admission, adults 25 cents; Coal Oil Stoves G.&A-7 ity Hall, on Friday evening, June Law The best, way to Proceeds in assure m children, 15 cents. 'Pickering slid of the piano f and of the Sun- I'de Onto Watch out for bills. Full stock of School. da Luer in giss Doris, the 9-year old dough - is to Vca ter of Levi and Mrs. Linton, was Wi&s and S nn1iAA 0- th . � .. For soMes Bill km at hol ta 00 vim it now. was im on for '08 Monday. Medical aid nediately summoned, when it wasT. 31 :C 0 0 P E I 'found that she was on ffering from be. Farmers, Atten Regular savm an attack of appendicitis.- Dr. CLAREMONT tion son conveyed her to Toron- 121i:11i-A11 comes� a h it.. Tomlini and a successful operation was Agent for Aokerman's Quality Hill] -to which once formed I am agent for It e World's Greatest at night The little Harness. Ask the user. "rformed tb Separator. *The Renfrew," Stoves, tient to now doing as well as can affords. pleasure and 8calse and Oil Bngines. FlourvIs C eirpected. famous Plows. Points. Grain G satisfaction. Next Sunday is Communion Sun - Wheel Barrowesta. The Brantford binder twine and second- day at the Bsptlst.'Church. 'pastor's subject in the morning Sprillig Js hand separators for sale. J TM -Same Jesus Cometh Ill be ROBT. DEVITTI Again. In the evening the p"tor Be-, ill'begin a' series of sermons un- Pbone W5 Pick.. BROUGHAM zi der the genera I theme of "Dare ject for MwiNNIK, Devil Daniel., -sub Green River The Imext Sunday evening will be 'Dare We-have a full line Established- 1871 ISO D evil Daniel at- School." - Young Basket -Factory I ,,-folk will find this sermon of partic- of the renowned them. Manufacturers of ular interest to Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Boxer Wall Papers 7 Whftby—J. H. Perry, Half. AU kinds of Fru-t Baskets, June 7th and Sth, the Wh thy. all pTices, from Lindsay Association of Baptist 'Berry Crates, will hold its annual Churches .1 10C to 1.00 Meeting at Stouff ville. An exce Farmers"Bushel Basketis, Itionally fine group of speakem per �roll ,.,,.Clothes 1iss been secured, any o6e or all of Trank Pennock ..",lihom are well worth hearing. Tuesday afternoon is set a rt.e@- Women's Vission A full line pt Sher- Markham 180t -pecially f or the, Orclea and the - Mission, Boards. win-WiHiams Wednesday. evening, the closing __-I ;e8ion of the conventio1q, is set 7 Paints, -.STANDS FOR THE REST apart for Y�onftx-people. Dr. A. L B(clOrimmon will give. an address some especially foz young people. Plan ..to be present at Stouff ville. next ..,Also, nice Ginghams and .-Tuesday and Wednesday. The following is the report of tor. tbel.Jdnior Roombf the Clarem6nt �'.7ftblic School for the month of -3kayons. spring- . May. Names given are those who c4l.' The money is fully.';Jnsured- received honours. 11 Clam—June -Forsyth and Margaret Dopking. Give. us a - 00 and be Lens Slack, May Derush&, Jean oonvinoed. Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete. ��.Grl I Class—Fern Taylor, Der Evelyn Taylor, How. it -is addressed. Standard Bank J_. -U Linton and ardSpenceley, Adelaide Johnson, Fresh Grooenes always FRANK J. PROUSE Gordon Birkett and Dorothy Mill, on hand. or, Robert Johnson, Harold Mor. Canada. Iran. Billie Wagir. Sr. Pr—Edna �..Taylor, Jack MorgAn, Gordon 'Taylor, Ivan Purdy, Gordon Spen-Do A SCOTT I. celey, Charles John-ion, Annal For eyth, Margaret Johnson. Number Phone 1402, on roll, 50. A. V. Spoff ard, teach- CLAREMONT, er. Baskets. ,.,,.Clothes Trank Pennock Proprietor �Phone 0, W% -You 'M Whel; r oney,. - Markham 180t z .13EATTY by Mal -.STANDS FOR THE REST -Travels SEND kour remit tan cii§�' by Stand- ard Back MoneyOrders. They are convenient, efficient and economl- c4l.' The money is fully.';Jnsured- BAWNG against -losi'oe - theft in., trAnsit..,Jt Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow canreach only the persoutowhom Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete. it -is addressed. Standard Bank ve beTore buying elliew ere. -Money Orders are, as good. as cash 'in FRANK J. PROUSE YM and are acceptable anywhere Canada. STANDARD 'BANK PICKERING BRANCH--O. A. Sharpe; Manager Branches also at Drookli*n, Wolit Hill. Whitby Baskets. ,.,,.Clothes Trank Pennock Proprietor �Phone Markham 180t .13EATTY -.STANDS FOR THE REST J Litter Carriers, Hay Carrieris' Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete. It will pay on to Iget my Vices on labo ve beTore buying elliew ere. FRANK J. PROUSE 0 N'T A 310 A- 11WHAIN BRIM - W I TI NU UMIA it D Two MMIATELY ruLLOw" SUIT �tesult t ckf "Al rcos" Raid CUN Canada who came u• from -Montreal Wodn"da* - Premier King .y evenin _g. of the British, fps in Severed Relations. said Prime M14Uter .left no. doubt that BRITAIN TO STAND NO propaganda against the British Em- ONSENS pire had been conducted from Arcos NE. * . - House, the Soviet headquarters In London. 'The agreement contained a Canada Stands - Shoulder to provision. that the Soviet must re- Shoulder With Mother frain from hostile action or propa- - ganda against Britain and this had Country. been infringed. Th" had been some doubt whether the agreement With possibly -T--The past week _has pos y awn - events which will write history In Canada terminated automatically -daphal letters within the British Em- when relations were severed by Brl- First came the report from the twin Or whether Canada would have of- t2*-Empirs that a rupture to take. - specific action to cancel the had A In any eyent the Can- � "1:4 d fimP .terminated agreement. �.s r=tiona with Russia, both adian. Government would take what- SIR JOHN Xrti r -One -of - Ca' nada's Leading TORONTO. zens Passes to Great Beyond. tan. wheat-No.. I North. $1.69%1 NO. 2'North.,"$1.e5%;, No- T North, EMINENT JOURNALIST. $1-58%, c1f. the bay. Xon- Oats--NO. 1 feed, 2,, c1f. One of the best known, Journalists the boy; No. 2 fed, not quoted. in'- Canada, -Sir John Stephen Willi- ATIL cOrn-No. 2 yellow, track, To- son, K.B., LL.B., of 10 Elmsle3� Place, ronto 41-06%; NO. a yellow, $LIM$ _71 both 'grass-kilh dried. publisher of Willtionla Monthly, died Ma' n. flour-First pate., $8.95, Mon- at the Toronto General , Hospital tr6al freights; do, 2nd pats., Friday afternoon. - He had been XI1fC111Ot,, delivered �'100-n- III but a comparatively. short time. treal: Bran, per ton $32.25; shorts, He was In Iiis 71st year, . 146,0r.21,*np $34-26; middlings, per ton, John Stephen Willison, the son of 1 9 screenings, standard reclean - Stephen of Eng- e( Stephen Willison, a native 1, c1f. the bay, jer ton $26 Ont- Oats---Goo soun� hen Oita, land, but of Scotch descent, was born. in car l9ts, 58c, f.o.b. outside points. at Hill's Green, Huron Coulity, On-1 ont_wheat_�j�, 'Alf milling quality, tario, November 9, 1856. He was, carlots, $1.85, f.c.b. outride gints• - educated at the local schools and Barley- Malting, 73C per u&, f.o.b. -thereafter in roar-1 . Ontario Points, in earlots spent some years candle pursuits. His journalistic Rye- -Per bus•, $1.06, in carlots out- side over action was necessary. Canada, career commenced In the office of the Plematia and commerciaL however would continue to trade with Late Sir John Willison Landon Advertiser in November -Buckwheat-Per bus., IrOUSA BREATHLESS. S. Sir'John Willison will be greatly 1882, whence he proceeded to the T;: in tarlots. outside, Russhi 'and' would maintain trade To- missed. He *ai a man 6f outstanding P96DUCIL well .onto JOUrnaldWo and literary talent The members of the House were commissioners In that country. Pri- Globe In September of the fol- vate trade would not be Interfered Eggs--Fresh extras, 29c; fresh k brissaililess with suspense as and accurately Informed upon all mat. lowing year. . While - still &. Junior The situation In this country t,3,re of poll I member of the staff , be wrote a ser- firsts, 27c; seconds, 24c• Baldwin - in made his'statemaht. His with. ical'and public interest. lea of articles on current topics and Butter-Cre*meri" are sellint Wh1l" have always regarded him as Canada's Solids, NO-11, -83% to. 38%c; No. & Mont of the Soviet Government differs from that in Britain. Its agents here, delivered in tows BrMin severs diplomatic and com- foremost writer of English prose In o"n-4.- fighing , them ','Observer." 82% to 88%c; do creameries are sell. #nust4y loud and clear, dMped m0rcW relations, Canada merely the PuTe classical style, These brought him under the favor- Ing prints to J;a4�s at: No. -4 void of silence severs trade relations " she has never, be w in private life 38 to 840. 1, 84 %' *ord by word into LS of a most kindly and lovable able notice of the reading public.. He to- sr>c; No. 2, Churning Mpled only once or twics, by Labor had diplomatic epresented the Globe in the Parlia. cream -- "S ial," 86 to 87c; vea In disposition and a hoet fbf friends will drstg Ing d mourn se ntary. Press Gallery at Ottawa for 85c; seconrenc. A ughtw cc CORAerT&tIvl8 cheering- Russia, Premier K stated that the mou his loss. A true Canadian and me either eL was elected -Poultry, live-Spring chickens 85*r az accidental or situation so far as Canada was con- . & most loyal citizen of, th9Aim91r4-b"- -A- veral sessions, and _as - - do, 4 to day is known in the eernid��niuch the same _,M hens, 5 to 6 lbs.. 211c. lbs. passed -away. Thomas White. president of the gallery In 1890. 126c; do, 8 to 5 lbs., 24c; do, under V 94suW as Empire Day. the United States, Referring to the In July of the same year decoased I lbs., 18c; ducklings, 26c; roosters, 16e. seemed to be a certain fitness allegation that the Soviet has agents 0 was appointed editor-in-chief of the Poultry, dreased-Spring chickens !4t; he", 5 "to 6 lbs.. 28c; do, 4 to choosing U as the occasion of on this continent the Prime Minister Toronto Globe, a position 'he filled off relations with & nation said the evidence received In Canada SCUWNG EVER with great credit to himself and ad- lbs., 26c - do, a to 6 lbs., 24c; do, under ,� 0 1 activities, as recited by the do" not - disclose any espionage or vantage to the Liberal party until, a lbs., i0lc; ducklings, 32c; roosters. C Atialater, seemed to be directed subversive propaganda so far as the November, 1902. He later became,20c. persistently Britaln's Em- Montreal office of the Soviet is con- e Beans-Can. hand-picked, S3.60 to. ,K editor -in- chief of the Toronto News. corned. On leaving the Globe, he O pie�: $8.90 bushel; primeu, $8.45 to 43.60. Maple products--Syrup, per imp. According to Mr. Baldwin, the go- SITUATION FULLY DISCUSSED. Toronto Boy Shows That rented with a service of plate by the gal., $2.25 to $2.aO: per 5 gal.. $2.15 -wist- with singular audacity and cynic- directors and staff of that paper. In' 4i. Canada is Home' to $2.26 per gal.: map had selected the Capital of the The Premier declared that this ac- of Real 1910 he was appointed correspondent in sugar, lb., i 25 to 26c . tion had •been decided upon after a Athletes. In Canada for the London Times. He ritish Commonwealth itself as the full discussion of the situation ereat- Honey---0071b: tIns, 13 to 13%c; io- headquarters of Its propaganda a was a promoter of the Canadian As-! lb. tins, 18% to 13%c: 6-lb. tins, 14 t ed through the decision of the British -SF Press Assciation In 1%04 'to 14%c. 2%4U. tina, I Moonage designed to destroy that Government to sever relations with NED: HANLAN*S -COUR 5'oci 6c. sovereignty, 1president of the Canadian Press As- Comb honey-44 to $5 per dozen. , Soviet Russia. Evidence In the hands, Philadelphia, Pm.-Joe Wright, Jr., sociati6n In 1900. Deceased POLICE DISCOVEPIE9. I sed was of the Canadian Government made it I of the Argonaut Rowing Club, To- _. . PIROVISIONS. d from his c n elected president of the Doadnion Wholesalers are quoting It was to be inferred clear, the Premier said, that certain ronto, sculled. his way to the 0--ling �In 1909 F!M to the statement that the results. Of the of _?dr-w9ter­CWveer here Set- I the years 1888 and 1889 he was pre *I- I Smoked meats -Hama, mod.. $o to 6�� On. Canad and Risals. had been violated urday afternoon on the Schuylkill' dent of the Young Men's Liberal 11 82c; cooked *m not entirely the cause of the rup- by the Russian Government- River, when he bams 49c smoked -romped home in front Club. In religion he was an Anxii-'ron, 9.5�-- breakfast bacon, 28 to Lit; Ni �,Vrla of relations. He mentioned p6-- Premier King pointed out that the I In the senior championship mingles in can. He w3s strongly opposed to � backs, boneless, 32 to 42c. %ee discoveries antecedent to the raid agreemeot was subject to terynination!the American Henley regatta. Not Taft-Fielding reciprocity compact of Cured meats -I.Ans clear bacon, telspecting Soviet activities in China unlest certain conditions were ful-'! only did the twenty-year-Old Tor6rlio 1 1911. 60 to 70 lbs. 21; 70 to 90 lbs.. $19; A espionage in London. filled. He specificallyL youth take glory for Canada over the Deceased' was 90 to 100 10 quoted a pro.1 .,b and p. $18; light. It! British Government'apparent- Inlihted by H. M weight roll arrelau $11.60, beavy. vision that the parties to the agree- same course the Ned Hinlan startled King George V. in 1913. the first'voight rolls, $38.50 per bbl. d a" been for some time anticipat- meet agreed to refrain "from hostile the world with fifty years ago. but working Canadian journalist to be so! Lard-Purs Ostees, 14 to 14%c; the necessity-of breaking off rela- action or undertakiap against the he smashed the record for the Henley honored. 14e was a Fellow of tho� tabs. Lb to 15%c; pails, 16% to 16c; tions, and it to understood that the other and from conducting outsidt of distance--one mile :660 yards ----of i Royal Society of Canada; chairman-priots. 16% to 17c; shortening tierces. Dominions had been consulted about its own borders any official props- 7.52 2-4, made in 1915 by Jack Kelly, 1 of the Ontario Commission on Un- 13%c; tubs. 13%c; palls, 143Ac; blocks a step. Your correspondent also g-and, direct or Indirect against the l former American champion. Wright's,' employment,- 1914-1916: chairman of and tins. ld%c. mulerstands that the discoveries made institutions of ih® British Empire or ONS. dine to-day was 7.39 44% nearly the Ontario Housing Committee, 191 S- TOReilfTo un grocK QVoTATt by the British police regarding anti- the Russian Soviet Republic reSplee. I tWeIVOL second, - faster. - ,American p nda carried out tivel X tement 1919; Governor of Upper Canada Heavy export steers. $9.10 to $9.50; props here have in the British House of Commons and It headquarter Y. Pre" Baldwin's at& - DEFEATED BEiT, College, 15 years, and Bon. LLD. heavy steers, good. $9 to $9.60; but- con, ika and trustee of Queen's Univgrsity, Cher steers, choice, $9 to $9M; do, Munk& to WashingtocL ' evidence before the Canadian Govern- Behind him in order at the finish. -clear, the premier, carne a field'of three of The only qualification of the com- meet had made it 1 1 Kingston, Ontario. fair to good, $8 to $8.80: do, com., the b4st.Am- $6.60 to $7.15,0- butcher heifers, choice, -plota severance of relations sariounc- said, that this agreement'had been I erican.scuilm, Robert Agnew, of the A PLEASING WRITER. $8.75 to $9; do, fair to good, $6.60 to -.led by the Premier was his statement violated. Undine Barge Club, who handed 1 Appearing occasionally on the pub- $7; do,* com„ $5.50 to W butcher, the legitimate OWL of for half , to' the Arcos The names of those Canadians Wright a gruelling struggle lie platform as a lecturer, Sir John cows, good - do. choice, $7 to 117.50, Business would be allowed to continue, found and rn heard to much advantage on such corn. to med., $6 to $6.75; do, canners- forwarded fro London the distance, was second, beaten- by [ was Itnd that the Government was prepar- were made public and interviews ap- subjects as "Canadian- Jaurnalism. and cutters; $2.W to $8; butcher b 4d to make all arrangements naves- five lengths; Ken. Myers, Bachelor� and "Canada's Problems." good to choice, $6.50 to $7.50; do, com. peared In the daily press. � Law- Barge Club, was two lengths behind a S." On'h13 for ordinary trade facilities.be- abiding, true British subjects can- Agnew, while Paul Costello, former return from England in 1897 he I to mod., $5 to $6.25; do, bolognas, $4 Ympic $4.26; baby beef, $10.50 to $11.50., a the two countries. The VIOW� not but be gratified that the Secret iartrii�ij, if liiii;l; Iii-=_ . 1 urrntP fin able aeries of letters' for! to bee -S&;Feacan and does assure us that -champion, trailed ­t.hJe' afnieledx a ,,,'the Globe, entitled "Lessons from the $7.25 to $7.35; do, fair to med., $4.65 zclee that Russia must continue to they have the matter well In hand. last -Wright drew the sheltered sde with 19ritain" whether- Ae'wish- tuck to it as he was - in Old World." He was the author Of Ito $15; stockers, choice, $6.50 to $7.10-, course, and a The Railway Question in Canada " `do, fair to med., $4.50 to $5.75; milch to to or not, since she can find no other (1897) ; "Sir Wilfrid Laurier and'the cows, choice, $90 to $110; springer strutted by. his father, Joe Wright. market ad' gwd. JUBILEE MARATHON Sr., 'who knows the course backwards. Liberal Party-a -Political . History" choice, $90 to $110; calves, cho Ice CANADA AFFECTED. At the- gun, all four got away to a, (1903); "Anglo-Saxon Amity" $11 to $12; do, med., $9 to $10; do� v" List` of addresses discovered in raid 'good, start.. while the youthful (1906) ; "United States 'and Canada com-, $6 to $8-r>o; lambs, choice, $14.25 '6howed means of communicating to $15*; do, spring, each,- choice, $14 with Toronto Pie for Big Wright, facing veterans, _ nipped (1908); "The New Canada (1912), to $15; do, spring, mod., $12 to E23; M, Communist parties In Canada, the Sportin -Event for Ganadas' ii�ray to it slight advantage. and "Reminiscences, Political and do, spring, com., $7_ to $8; United-State, Mexico, South America, . 9 A crowd of 15,000 let up a mighty Personal" (1910). choice, $6 to $7; do, heavier, $5 to 5i Birthday. . --� r., Sir John was twice married. In $5.50; do, culls, $3 to $4; hogs, thick Australia, New Zealand and South cheer " Wright swept over -the line Africa: Toronto. -Aid. Claude Pearie, in easy winner. They had hoped Ag. June; �1885, -he married- 'Miss Rae smooth (w.o.c.), $10;-hogs,'select (w. Documents read show that Sor- chairman of the city of Toronto sports now or Myers would give the young Wood Turner, president of the Can- O.C.), $10.50; do, fed and watered, "n, in China, despite Soviet din- committee for the Confede adian National* Ladies' Guild for $10.20+-rogs, thick smooth fed, $9.711- -ration vale- Canadian a better race. Wright never ...Olaimers, was under orders from oration on Dominion day, is going to rowed better. He had good water and Sailors, daughter of Mrs.' Margaret do, SeLect, f.o.b., $9.60; hogs, thick. Moscow. Turner,, Tiverton, -Ont. He had two smooth, f.o.b., $9.10. Regular dis- Buffalo on Mohday in an effort to -steered a perfect eourw� In_ the last so counts on Inferior. grades. "The House will observe that the secure the first six runners to finish 220 yards Wright looked O#er hi a (twins), William, killed In ac- Roviet, representative was soliciting In the Decoration diy marathon for shoulder just once to get his bearin tion at Courcelette, 'September 15, PRI $SUB, information for purposes of a politi- the Toronto marathon Walter A. Willison, 1916, 50 to be run on At that time be had the race won. d gIv- cal campaign in this country an July. i.. -rarnham. - Ave.-,- Tofonto. The first- drug the substance of messages which Last summer' young Joe represented. Lady'Willison died January 19, 1925. 41 1 Special efforts -will be made to get the Penn.' A. C. ofthis city. In April of last year, Sir John mar- a and - Wright's time of 7.39 4-5 not only Government Control Commis; a from China." Queanneau, the Hopi Indian sets anew record for the Henley r twdesired to we retransmitted as Johnny Miles, Clarence Demir, Chief led Miss Marjorie Jardine Ramsay Police investigated formanymonths MacMurchy, n Announceli. Prices for ,prominent newspaper ry runner, t9 compete- Harry Wend- course on 'the Schuylkill; :but also -1tetivities of group of secret agents ling and C. Michelson of Port Ches- shatters Jack Kelly's long ,standing woman and authoress, of this city, Various Liquors and Beers. aged in endeavoring to otbain ter, N.Y., who ran second to Quean- mark of 7..523-5, which the former who survives him. Three grand- y -confidential documents relat- neau, have already entered as well Olympic .and national champion made children in Toronto, Betty; Billy and to the armed forces of Britain, as all the prominent Ontario runners. over the same course in 1916. Kelly Raebael Willison, ,and a sister in the LOWER THAN QUEBEC. One document of highly confiden United States also survive. The marathon will be''held at 2 was the bolder of the Henley record. Hal character recently found to be Toronto.-Prices of liquor and beer p.m., July 1, starting from Richmond -- to eb sold by the Ontario liquor con- 66ains,'and from Information "cur- Hill.. dpwn.Yopge street with the last '7%e_Slump in Japan. trol-board were issued by Chairman— led, -supported -by documentary evi- three miles and the finish at Varsity Brantford Affected donee, an to D-.' B. Hanna Saturday, and they it became clear it was taken Stadium. School relay races and By RussiaA Situi rtion Kobe Herald: The existing financial indicate about the same rates in the rotated Soviet House and there rep duced other 'events* will be put on while depression here, which we -fear may main that the Ontario citizens have ,.�y means of photostat apparatus. waiting for the marathoners, Brantford, Ont-7-Witli_ four local become acute as,time Subterranean. photostat room found is to been paying the dispensaries ander, Diamond-studded mediils,4�:Vill * be firvis, Cockibutt, and Verity Plow a great extent due to the prevailing the O.T.A. In raid answered description previ- -presented to the first six runnerr. to Company, Massey-Harris and Brant- 'State of ohaos In 1he nelglibdring coun- Beer is to be sold at fixed prices by pally given police. finish in • the m*hrathon. Th.3 first ford Cordage all working on Russia ni try. Until a settlement of some sort Is the stores and also by the, breweries Investigation showed offices of prize Is valued at $W. orders, heads of these firms, and the effected In China easier discount rates when they deliver direct I Arco@ and Trade, Delegation dealt w n order This will be the city of T6ronto's city Ns a whole are deeply torceehod- herb.' lower Index figures' and favor- from the government stores . vith correspondence in' "Hands Off to e Chi special - sporting contribution to the in the poasibrilities following the can- -able exchange rates will not avail- The beer is 17 cents a pint or 'six Chins calilpaign. Confederation celebration,*and every- collation -of the trade t.reaty b�twoen re-establieb 'Japan's Industrial and *for a dollar. Six quarts may be bought financial IntiFeks on a sound basis. CANADIAN GOVT. ACTS. body Is urged to get behind It to make Britain and the Soviets, and adoption for $1.76. A dozen pints delivered of such action by the Dominion. The 0 Premier Xing announced Wedno6- it a success, by the brewery Is $1.90 with 96 cents day- night that the Government had orders In question have been of con- FRANCE AND ITALY. allowed for bottles returned. fe!ldod to cancel the trade agreement siderable size and have had consider- 'Me Conquest of the Air�- Rome IAvoro d'Ital4a: (Casciot cir- The prices quoted-In the new price *lt Russia. The decision was reach- able affect In putting Brantford back San rrandsoo Chronicle: The bard cles blame, the French for creating dif- list are reputed quart rates, and It an the industrial map. -The hope -.0d at 8 meeting of the cabinet this f1mItles for Italy to the Adriatic.). If later price lint n y be Issued bas" thing about conquering the -air is that hold locally, though even the t'*Iiy they conotinue to toKow this policy cer• on the Imperial quart. The reputed afternoon and Premier King stated that the agreement would be tormin• you must do It again every' yo'* Is- suspended, the two counrtles can tainky Me Adriatic wIll become a grave quart Is' the measure used by the akt*4 forthwith on the ground that its go U9. continue to, do business through pri- It of good relationship between the two manufacturers. vistons had been violated by agents Watles"s, Wife - "Of eourse I tell vats sources. countries. . . . To be quite sincere, It is stipulated by the control board the Soviet. The Canadian Prime my husband what I think of him, and 0 we are beginning to. losa.ho" of any that each purchaser ordering by man 13 rig ;or rolated I-Astai me advised L, F. Gerus, offl- I I suppose jsu seen viould cal it nag. Why to a bold'sincer like a forger? possibil•ty of agreement between must send his permit with his order, ag4mt of the 116vf@6 Ropublis In gin&'* Because he Is as utterer of bad notes. trance and oareelvae-... It Will be returned with the order. rl. N ZIVI 7 W, r. N A- 11WHAIN BRIM - W I TI NU UMIA it D Two MMIATELY ruLLOw" SUIT �tesult t ckf "Al rcos" Raid CUN Canada who came u• from -Montreal Wodn"da* - Premier King .y evenin _g. of the British, fps in Severed Relations. said Prime M14Uter .left no. doubt that BRITAIN TO STAND NO propaganda against the British Em- ONSENS pire had been conducted from Arcos NE. * . - House, the Soviet headquarters In London. 'The agreement contained a Canada Stands - Shoulder to provision. that the Soviet must re- Shoulder With Mother frain from hostile action or propa- - ganda against Britain and this had Country. been infringed. Th" had been some doubt whether the agreement With possibly -T--The past week _has pos y awn - events which will write history In Canada terminated automatically -daphal letters within the British Em- when relations were severed by Brl- First came the report from the twin Or whether Canada would have of- t2*-Empirs that a rupture to take. - specific action to cancel the had A In any eyent the Can- � "1:4 d fimP .terminated agreement. �.s r=tiona with Russia, both adian. Government would take what- SIR JOHN Xrti r -One -of - Ca' nada's Leading TORONTO. zens Passes to Great Beyond. tan. wheat-No.. I North. $1.69%1 NO. 2'North.,"$1.e5%;, No- T North, EMINENT JOURNALIST. $1-58%, c1f. the bay. Xon- Oats--NO. 1 feed, 2,, c1f. One of the best known, Journalists the boy; No. 2 fed, not quoted. in'- Canada, -Sir John Stephen Willi- ATIL cOrn-No. 2 yellow, track, To- son, K.B., LL.B., of 10 Elmsle3� Place, ronto 41-06%; NO. a yellow, $LIM$ _71 both 'grass-kilh dried. publisher of Willtionla Monthly, died Ma' n. flour-First pate., $8.95, Mon- at the Toronto General , Hospital tr6al freights; do, 2nd pats., Friday afternoon. - He had been XI1fC111Ot,, delivered �'100-n- III but a comparatively. short time. treal: Bran, per ton $32.25; shorts, He was In Iiis 71st year, . 146,0r.21,*np $34-26; middlings, per ton, John Stephen Willison, the son of 1 9 screenings, standard reclean - Stephen of Eng- e( Stephen Willison, a native 1, c1f. the bay, jer ton $26 Ont- Oats---Goo soun� hen Oita, land, but of Scotch descent, was born. in car l9ts, 58c, f.o.b. outside points. at Hill's Green, Huron Coulity, On-1 ont_wheat_�j�, 'Alf milling quality, tario, November 9, 1856. He was, carlots, $1.85, f.c.b. outride gints• - educated at the local schools and Barley- Malting, 73C per u&, f.o.b. -thereafter in roar-1 . Ontario Points, in earlots spent some years candle pursuits. His journalistic Rye- -Per bus•, $1.06, in carlots out- side over action was necessary. Canada, career commenced In the office of the Plematia and commerciaL however would continue to trade with Late Sir John Willison Landon Advertiser in November -Buckwheat-Per bus., IrOUSA BREATHLESS. S. Sir'John Willison will be greatly 1882, whence he proceeded to the T;: in tarlots. outside, Russhi 'and' would maintain trade To- missed. He *ai a man 6f outstanding P96DUCIL well .onto JOUrnaldWo and literary talent The members of the House were commissioners In that country. Pri- Globe In September of the fol- vate trade would not be Interfered Eggs--Fresh extras, 29c; fresh k brissaililess with suspense as and accurately Informed upon all mat. lowing year. . While - still &. Junior The situation In this country t,3,re of poll I member of the staff , be wrote a ser- firsts, 27c; seconds, 24c• Baldwin - in made his'statemaht. His with. ical'and public interest. lea of articles on current topics and Butter-Cre*meri" are sellint Wh1l" have always regarded him as Canada's Solids, NO-11, -83% to. 38%c; No. & Mont of the Soviet Government differs from that in Britain. Its agents here, delivered in tows BrMin severs diplomatic and com- foremost writer of English prose In o"n-4.- fighing , them ','Observer." 82% to 88%c; do creameries are sell. #nust4y loud and clear, dMped m0rcW relations, Canada merely the PuTe classical style, These brought him under the favor- Ing prints to J;a4�s at: No. -4 void of silence severs trade relations " she has never, be w in private life 38 to 840. 1, 84 %' *ord by word into LS of a most kindly and lovable able notice of the reading public.. He to- sr>c; No. 2, Churning Mpled only once or twics, by Labor had diplomatic epresented the Globe in the Parlia. cream -- "S ial," 86 to 87c; vea In disposition and a hoet fbf friends will drstg Ing d mourn se ntary. Press Gallery at Ottawa for 85c; seconrenc. A ughtw cc CORAerT&tIvl8 cheering- Russia, Premier K stated that the mou his loss. A true Canadian and me either eL was elected -Poultry, live-Spring chickens 85*r az accidental or situation so far as Canada was con- . & most loyal citizen of, th9Aim91r4-b"- -A- veral sessions, and _as - - do, 4 to day is known in the eernid��niuch the same _,M hens, 5 to 6 lbs.. 211c. lbs. passed -away. Thomas White. president of the gallery In 1890. 126c; do, 8 to 5 lbs., 24c; do, under V 94suW as Empire Day. the United States, Referring to the In July of the same year decoased I lbs., 18c; ducklings, 26c; roosters, 16e. seemed to be a certain fitness allegation that the Soviet has agents 0 was appointed editor-in-chief of the Poultry, dreased-Spring chickens !4t; he", 5 "to 6 lbs.. 28c; do, 4 to choosing U as the occasion of on this continent the Prime Minister Toronto Globe, a position 'he filled off relations with & nation said the evidence received In Canada SCUWNG EVER with great credit to himself and ad- lbs., 26c - do, a to 6 lbs., 24c; do, under ,� 0 1 activities, as recited by the do" not - disclose any espionage or vantage to the Liberal party until, a lbs., i0lc; ducklings, 32c; roosters. C Atialater, seemed to be directed subversive propaganda so far as the November, 1902. He later became,20c. persistently Britaln's Em- Montreal office of the Soviet is con- e Beans-Can. hand-picked, S3.60 to. ,K editor -in- chief of the Toronto News. corned. On leaving the Globe, he O pie�: $8.90 bushel; primeu, $8.45 to 43.60. Maple products--Syrup, per imp. According to Mr. Baldwin, the go- SITUATION FULLY DISCUSSED. Toronto Boy Shows That rented with a service of plate by the gal., $2.25 to $2.aO: per 5 gal.. $2.15 -wist- with singular audacity and cynic- directors and staff of that paper. In' 4i. Canada is Home' to $2.26 per gal.: map had selected the Capital of the The Premier declared that this ac- of Real 1910 he was appointed correspondent in sugar, lb., i 25 to 26c . tion had •been decided upon after a Athletes. In Canada for the London Times. He ritish Commonwealth itself as the full discussion of the situation ereat- Honey---0071b: tIns, 13 to 13%c; io- headquarters of Its propaganda a was a promoter of the Canadian As-! lb. tins, 18% to 13%c: 6-lb. tins, 14 t ed through the decision of the British -SF Press Assciation In 1%04 'to 14%c. 2%4U. tina, I Moonage designed to destroy that Government to sever relations with NED: HANLAN*S -COUR 5'oci 6c. sovereignty, 1president of the Canadian Press As- Comb honey-44 to $5 per dozen. , Soviet Russia. Evidence In the hands, Philadelphia, Pm.-Joe Wright, Jr., sociati6n In 1900. Deceased POLICE DISCOVEPIE9. I sed was of the Canadian Government made it I of the Argonaut Rowing Club, To- _. . PIROVISIONS. d from his c n elected president of the Doadnion Wholesalers are quoting It was to be inferred clear, the Premier said, that certain ronto, sculled. his way to the 0--ling �In 1909 F!M to the statement that the results. Of the of _?dr-w9ter­CWveer here Set- I the years 1888 and 1889 he was pre *I- I Smoked meats -Hama, mod.. $o to 6�� On. Canad and Risals. had been violated urday afternoon on the Schuylkill' dent of the Young Men's Liberal 11 82c; cooked *m not entirely the cause of the rup- by the Russian Government- River, when he bams 49c smoked -romped home in front Club. In religion he was an Anxii-'ron, 9.5�-- breakfast bacon, 28 to Lit; Ni �,Vrla of relations. He mentioned p6-- Premier King pointed out that the I In the senior championship mingles in can. He w3s strongly opposed to � backs, boneless, 32 to 42c. %ee discoveries antecedent to the raid agreemeot was subject to terynination!the American Henley regatta. Not Taft-Fielding reciprocity compact of Cured meats -I.Ans clear bacon, telspecting Soviet activities in China unlest certain conditions were ful-'! only did the twenty-year-Old Tor6rlio 1 1911. 60 to 70 lbs. 21; 70 to 90 lbs.. $19; A espionage in London. filled. He specificallyL youth take glory for Canada over the Deceased' was 90 to 100 10 quoted a pro.1 .,b and p. $18; light. It! British Government'apparent- Inlihted by H. M weight roll arrelau $11.60, beavy. vision that the parties to the agree- same course the Ned Hinlan startled King George V. in 1913. the first'voight rolls, $38.50 per bbl. d a" been for some time anticipat- meet agreed to refrain "from hostile the world with fifty years ago. but working Canadian journalist to be so! Lard-Purs Ostees, 14 to 14%c; the necessity-of breaking off rela- action or undertakiap against the he smashed the record for the Henley honored. 14e was a Fellow of tho� tabs. Lb to 15%c; pails, 16% to 16c; tions, and it to understood that the other and from conducting outsidt of distance--one mile :660 yards ----of i Royal Society of Canada; chairman-priots. 16% to 17c; shortening tierces. Dominions had been consulted about its own borders any official props- 7.52 2-4, made in 1915 by Jack Kelly, 1 of the Ontario Commission on Un- 13%c; tubs. 13%c; palls, 143Ac; blocks a step. Your correspondent also g-and, direct or Indirect against the l former American champion. Wright's,' employment,- 1914-1916: chairman of and tins. ld%c. mulerstands that the discoveries made institutions of ih® British Empire or ONS. dine to-day was 7.39 44% nearly the Ontario Housing Committee, 191 S- TOReilfTo un grocK QVoTATt by the British police regarding anti- the Russian Soviet Republic reSplee. I tWeIVOL second, - faster. - ,American p nda carried out tivel X tement 1919; Governor of Upper Canada Heavy export steers. $9.10 to $9.50; props here have in the British House of Commons and It headquarter Y. Pre" Baldwin's at& - DEFEATED BEiT, College, 15 years, and Bon. LLD. heavy steers, good. $9 to $9.60; but- con, ika and trustee of Queen's Univgrsity, Cher steers, choice, $9 to $9M; do, Munk& to WashingtocL ' evidence before the Canadian Govern- Behind him in order at the finish. -clear, the premier, carne a field'of three of The only qualification of the com- meet had made it 1 1 Kingston, Ontario. fair to good, $8 to $8.80: do, com., the b4st.Am- $6.60 to $7.15,0- butcher heifers, choice, -plota severance of relations sariounc- said, that this agreement'had been I erican.scuilm, Robert Agnew, of the A PLEASING WRITER. $8.75 to $9; do, fair to good, $6.60 to -.led by the Premier was his statement violated. Undine Barge Club, who handed 1 Appearing occasionally on the pub- $7; do,* com„ $5.50 to W butcher, the legitimate OWL of for half , to' the Arcos The names of those Canadians Wright a gruelling struggle lie platform as a lecturer, Sir John cows, good - do. choice, $7 to 117.50, Business would be allowed to continue, found and rn heard to much advantage on such corn. to med., $6 to $6.75; do, canners- forwarded fro London the distance, was second, beaten- by [ was Itnd that the Government was prepar- were made public and interviews ap- subjects as "Canadian- Jaurnalism. and cutters; $2.W to $8; butcher b 4d to make all arrangements naves- five lengths; Ken. Myers, Bachelor� and "Canada's Problems." good to choice, $6.50 to $7.50; do, com. peared In the daily press. � Law- Barge Club, was two lengths behind a S." On'h13 for ordinary trade facilities.be- abiding, true British subjects can- Agnew, while Paul Costello, former return from England in 1897 he I to mod., $5 to $6.25; do, bolognas, $4 Ympic $4.26; baby beef, $10.50 to $11.50., a the two countries. The VIOW� not but be gratified that the Secret iartrii�ij, if liiii;l; Iii-=_ . 1 urrntP fin able aeries of letters' for! to bee -S&;Feacan and does assure us that -champion, trailed ­t.hJe' afnieledx a ,,,'the Globe, entitled "Lessons from the $7.25 to $7.35; do, fair to med., $4.65 zclee that Russia must continue to they have the matter well In hand. last -Wright drew the sheltered sde with 19ritain" whether- Ae'wish- tuck to it as he was - in Old World." He was the author Of Ito $15; stockers, choice, $6.50 to $7.10-, course, and a The Railway Question in Canada " `do, fair to med., $4.50 to $5.75; milch to to or not, since she can find no other (1897) ; "Sir Wilfrid Laurier and'the cows, choice, $90 to $110; springer strutted by. his father, Joe Wright. market ad' gwd. JUBILEE MARATHON Sr., 'who knows the course backwards. Liberal Party-a -Political . History" choice, $90 to $110; calves, cho Ice CANADA AFFECTED. At the- gun, all four got away to a, (1903); "Anglo-Saxon Amity" $11 to $12; do, med., $9 to $10; do� v" List` of addresses discovered in raid 'good, start.. while the youthful (1906) ; "United States 'and Canada com-, $6 to $8-r>o; lambs, choice, $14.25 '6howed means of communicating to $15*; do, spring, each,- choice, $14 with Toronto Pie for Big Wright, facing veterans, _ nipped (1908); "The New Canada (1912), to $15; do, spring, mod., $12 to E23; M, Communist parties In Canada, the Sportin -Event for Ganadas' ii�ray to it slight advantage. and "Reminiscences, Political and do, spring, com., $7_ to $8; United-State, Mexico, South America, . 9 A crowd of 15,000 let up a mighty Personal" (1910). choice, $6 to $7; do, heavier, $5 to 5i Birthday. . --� r., Sir John was twice married. In $5.50; do, culls, $3 to $4; hogs, thick Australia, New Zealand and South cheer " Wright swept over -the line Africa: Toronto. -Aid. Claude Pearie, in easy winner. They had hoped Ag. June; �1885, -he married- 'Miss Rae smooth (w.o.c.), $10;-hogs,'select (w. Documents read show that Sor- chairman of the city of Toronto sports now or Myers would give the young Wood Turner, president of the Can- O.C.), $10.50; do, fed and watered, "n, in China, despite Soviet din- committee for the Confede adian National* Ladies' Guild for $10.20+-rogs, thick smooth fed, $9.711- -ration vale- Canadian a better race. Wright never ...Olaimers, was under orders from oration on Dominion day, is going to rowed better. He had good water and Sailors, daughter of Mrs.' Margaret do, SeLect, f.o.b., $9.60; hogs, thick. Moscow. Turner,, Tiverton, -Ont. He had two smooth, f.o.b., $9.10. Regular dis- Buffalo on Mohday in an effort to -steered a perfect eourw� In_ the last so counts on Inferior. grades. "The House will observe that the secure the first six runners to finish 220 yards Wright looked O#er hi a (twins), William, killed In ac- Roviet, representative was soliciting In the Decoration diy marathon for shoulder just once to get his bearin tion at Courcelette, 'September 15, PRI $SUB, information for purposes of a politi- the Toronto marathon Walter A. Willison, 1916, 50 to be run on At that time be had the race won. d gIv- cal campaign in this country an July. i.. -rarnham. - Ave.-,- Tofonto. The first- drug the substance of messages which Last summer' young Joe represented. Lady'Willison died January 19, 1925. 41 1 Special efforts -will be made to get the Penn.' A. C. ofthis city. In April of last year, Sir John mar- a and - Wright's time of 7.39 4-5 not only Government Control Commis; a from China." Queanneau, the Hopi Indian sets anew record for the Henley r twdesired to we retransmitted as Johnny Miles, Clarence Demir, Chief led Miss Marjorie Jardine Ramsay Police investigated formanymonths MacMurchy, n Announceli. Prices for ,prominent newspaper ry runner, t9 compete- Harry Wend- course on 'the Schuylkill; :but also -1tetivities of group of secret agents ling and C. Michelson of Port Ches- shatters Jack Kelly's long ,standing woman and authoress, of this city, Various Liquors and Beers. aged in endeavoring to otbain ter, N.Y., who ran second to Quean- mark of 7..523-5, which the former who survives him. Three grand- y -confidential documents relat- neau, have already entered as well Olympic .and national champion made children in Toronto, Betty; Billy and to the armed forces of Britain, as all the prominent Ontario runners. over the same course in 1916. Kelly Raebael Willison, ,and a sister in the LOWER THAN QUEBEC. One document of highly confiden United States also survive. The marathon will be''held at 2 was the bolder of the Henley record. Hal character recently found to be Toronto.-Prices of liquor and beer p.m., July 1, starting from Richmond -- to eb sold by the Ontario liquor con- 66ains,'and from Information "cur- Hill.. dpwn.Yopge street with the last '7%e_Slump in Japan. trol-board were issued by Chairman— led, -supported -by documentary evi- three miles and the finish at Varsity Brantford Affected donee, an to D-.' B. Hanna Saturday, and they it became clear it was taken Stadium. School relay races and By RussiaA Situi rtion Kobe Herald: The existing financial indicate about the same rates in the rotated Soviet House and there rep duced other 'events* will be put on while depression here, which we -fear may main that the Ontario citizens have ,.�y means of photostat apparatus. waiting for the marathoners, Brantford, Ont-7-Witli_ four local become acute as,time Subterranean. photostat room found is to been paying the dispensaries ander, Diamond-studded mediils,4�:Vill * be firvis, Cockibutt, and Verity Plow a great extent due to the prevailing the O.T.A. In raid answered description previ- -presented to the first six runnerr. to Company, Massey-Harris and Brant- 'State of ohaos In 1he nelglibdring coun- Beer is to be sold at fixed prices by pally given police. finish in • the m*hrathon. Th.3 first ford Cordage all working on Russia ni try. Until a settlement of some sort Is the stores and also by the, breweries Investigation showed offices of prize Is valued at $W. orders, heads of these firms, and the effected In China easier discount rates when they deliver direct I Arco@ and Trade, Delegation dealt w n order This will be the city of T6ronto's city Ns a whole are deeply torceehod- herb.' lower Index figures' and favor- from the government stores . vith correspondence in' "Hands Off to e Chi special - sporting contribution to the in the poasibrilities following the can- -able exchange rates will not avail- The beer is 17 cents a pint or 'six Chins calilpaign. Confederation celebration,*and every- collation -of the trade t.reaty b�twoen re-establieb 'Japan's Industrial and *for a dollar. Six quarts may be bought financial IntiFeks on a sound basis. CANADIAN GOVT. ACTS. body Is urged to get behind It to make Britain and the Soviets, and adoption for $1.76. A dozen pints delivered of such action by the Dominion. The 0 Premier Xing announced Wedno6- it a success, by the brewery Is $1.90 with 96 cents day- night that the Government had orders In question have been of con- FRANCE AND ITALY. allowed for bottles returned. fe!ldod to cancel the trade agreement siderable size and have had consider- 'Me Conquest of the Air�- Rome IAvoro d'Ital4a: (Casciot cir- The prices quoted-In the new price *lt Russia. The decision was reach- able affect In putting Brantford back San rrandsoo Chronicle: The bard cles blame, the French for creating dif- list are reputed quart rates, and It an the industrial map. -The hope -.0d at 8 meeting of the cabinet this f1mItles for Italy to the Adriatic.). If later price lint n y be Issued bas" thing about conquering the -air is that hold locally, though even the t'*Iiy they conotinue to toKow this policy cer• on the Imperial quart. The reputed afternoon and Premier King stated that the agreement would be tormin• you must do It again every' yo'* Is- suspended, the two counrtles can tainky Me Adriatic wIll become a grave quart Is' the measure used by the akt*4 forthwith on the ground that its go U9. continue to, do business through pri- It of good relationship between the two manufacturers. vistons had been violated by agents Watles"s, Wife - "Of eourse I tell vats sources. countries. . . . To be quite sincere, It is stipulated by the control board the Soviet. The Canadian Prime my husband what I think of him, and 0 we are beginning to. losa.ho" of any that each purchaser ordering by man 13 rig ;or rolated I-Astai me advised L, F. Gerus, offl- I I suppose jsu seen viould cal it nag. Why to a bold'sincer like a forger? possibil•ty of agreement between must send his permit with his order, ag4mt of the 116vf@6 Ropublis In gin&'* Because he Is as utterer of bad notes. trance and oareelvae-... It Will be returned with the order. g V j 7 N7 a. Polonlus. giving counsel to' his "a. of the present' p"Siv-4t �he skuation :-;C0]ELXS 'it You take half a crown from -a It lar as weal to -co"enuime ft 1Z iol. 30 yewmtbe same good: tm men.4. poctet, It to ptea-iag, and. that's lowint;4wideratloaa: tendar to" a"nd Comet rime. It YOU win L half-drown bet� "I. Th-i un"Wid' awlis o Italtai Now. packed in* Aluminamo _Zweeme of tight abosa that is gambIlug, and & f64(!Y. 'Buit if resIdents- In Turtle. you kmve something - worth 'half. A -2. The geperaf feeling. in'-Ita4y th#A crown and sell it for fivs OhIHIAV,'France stands In tbe.way of Italian."- OWA2 that is busluess, simply business, and pausion. most commendable." 1I.-The growth of the Frencb.Navy, "41. The anti-Ifseclat activities on fj*Rch toil. GIRLS I F1 Rol jWMILISTIBS "6. The feeling In certain circles In R*me thw, FTan-ce in some way stands �*Whet- wonderful taaes of -true love Need Such a Tonk as Dr. Wil- behind Jugoslavia in her antagonism In the Adriatic, "Oh, I 4on't know--those harps were* an 119 that the kyres. Health. d tetf the harps of the old poets told." to Italian expansion liants' Pink Pills to RAsttiIlre d ule6 the feell An Fr�=-�4 Italo-German rapprochement might-be-1 s 1Uo 0 A'. When a girl in her te'eu beo6mef Intended as a rejoindeT." T When N*&,h Balled Ahe­ooe" blue' vale and sallow, sepeciaBy if at tb(e A suTierficial attitude of conefflado I i 7 He had. his'trouble same as you. some time she shows inclination to tire toward Italy "combined with a marked RE EKOE is e b For days ind days he drove the Ark easily; a liateseriess and Inattention to feeling of intolerartce toward the .-Before he found a pl ce to park. her work or stuilles, she needs Dr- Fluclat regime are points of danger In British Foreign PoUcy. Classified Adifertisemelft iWilliams',Pink Pills a tonic which di- Fran4ce,s official attitude, according to Wickham Steed In the London Its- dl OOD nmov= ME Main c�. Has the wm�any you work for any I rectly and specifically corrects the Major Newman, who asisuree us, at the bw val Yarts retun" It report Is- V_ reserve funds?" the utmost R.L 1. NN, -condition from which she is suffering. iafii -time, that 'the pyerich yore%Z 'I view of Reviews: It is of Mad. Raw luvar vatter. "Well, our money is, rather shy, if A chemical analysis of the blood of office Impwtanoe that British foreign PoUcy sincerely desires'peAU. ,that's what you mean?' such, a girl would show it to 'be de. should be so clear as -to be above awi- TW'rQ M ficient In Just the elements Dr. WU- p4clon. British luftence lu the world Alt (as Pussyfoot lecturer departs): Ilams' Pink Pills can supply. But an is moral rather than material, and "'E's,queer card Bill! Do you think W A-NT= ELEAS FROM OvrNXR GOOD analysis of the blood is'not nesaed-' those who seek to undermine it alt- 'Ca4b prica, Farticulaft Yam for SAIL be's all there?" the physical signs are plain. Among tempt persistently to cast doubt upon D. F: Such. Adian"WIll; vion- BIB: - "WeRFIf what's not them is these signs are a pallor of the cheeks the purity ot.BrItish motives. Our what is there It'a just as well 'e's' and lips, dark circles under the eyes, ulretgn policy needs to be such that Trachoma Germ Isolated not &11�there!" It - mn command, in say emergency, easily tired and breathless after slight '� 0. . . e by Jap. - exertion. Poor appetite, headaches, the bistinctive and whole-hearted sup- of the British Waahingto-a-loolation. of the germ A schoole-rl was required to wnte,and soroetImes fainting spells follow; port nation and of all uly off which caused tr-achoma, the -eye dio ofte the peoples of the Emplm 0 ---An essay of two hundred and tweuty� -n-th-6--pati-ent-la nervous and is words about a motor car. She submit-, startled at the least nqise.. In all run- x '-this condition will Sir Autten Chem- ease, has been announced to_th* Amerts ns there is no other tdrite lain be -able to pass scathless an ted the following: dovin. conditle ber C Medical Astoclation convention by "My uncle bought a motor car. He -111 build- you up so quickly and so Alizoufai the lions that beset US path. Dr. Hidayo Noguolitiapanese member was riding in the country when it surel-/ 49 Dr. Williams"Pink Pills. The 1Broke down going uphill. -I think this statement of Visa Dorothy Lumblin, 'Minard's Liniment for trisect bites. of the Rockefeller lustitues, far Medl. W about twenty words. Th;e� oth-er 'two Bush Island, N.S., willibrIng b;�pe to dal 'Research. hundred are what my uncle said when other weak girls. She says: 'I -wish 7%e Way It Happened. was walking back. to �town. but. I from my h1eart I could persuade every "Well, this is a fine time BICYCLE BARGAINS don't remember what they were." Person wtio is In a run-down condition Mother: to'corne home daughter. See the time? to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After 1 o'clock! Ne- and slight17 tiod� Us The costernionger stnUed happily at About a year ago I was a weak girl Wifey-"I haven't a thing to wear Daughter: "'I couldn't help It, moth- uPw.ardL Tratissortation the thought that his donkey was en- suffering tiom impoverished blood -and arepaid. Witu for far spring." -w -you see Jack's auto turned tvirtle." L Paying a free feed. "You're a good a run-down system,. With many-of the Price UaL -"Why not wait and be sure Mother: "Well, did you ride home PEERLESS kiftle girl to be. so kfnd to a dumb'attendant symptoms. I had often read Hubby BICYCLE WORKS whether they.'re going ��q y�eax say- on the back at a turtle?" friend." b:e, said. "But who gave -you of Dr. Williams' Pink PIRS and decided thing." 193 Dead" ML W. to take them, and after using six boxes Toroato del. 190 those carrots?" A woman always does as she pleas- The little girl also sm3led happ*y.'I feel as well and strong as ever. Dr. -'Me Way to Wednesday. es-and'it is up to the man to please FREE BOOK ''"I took them from tLe back of your Williams' Pink Pills will be my stand- h, 4 "Is thIS the way to Wednesday? her. barrow," she sail by In the future if ever my blood ties" CANCERSENTonREQUEST lbuilding up aga.1n. and I shall &I1%Bys And how f&r to Iteplease? Tells cause of cancer and what to do 1 !;4 the road. for pain, bleeding, odor. etc. Write foir to And IS, It straight along AUTO PARTS heeds� A find pleasure In recommending t 4 ­W15--the fleldst t' aing-this paper. Ad. V1.4 It to-day. men Tol V=rt follow riding thiat way, Called -a - -1 oc Hospital You can get these pills from your; And how long does the journey take st k of slightly used parts for moot MA, with an Insolent a4r: "Well. hon- druggis4, or by mail at 60'cents a box A little, ehap Ifte me-9 makes of cars, Batteries. Ca, bursters. Indfarapolis, Ind. -. 'tis your business to saw, I eat fello from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. I'd like to know, for that is when Calls Springs, Wheels. TIT68. RE I but we reap the fruits of your labors, My- birthday comed, you seel portion of original cost. Your money I Brockville, Out, "Maybap Bud ytou may," Wd the back If wanted. -dk- -is this the way 'to Wednesday? - 927-- D . UFFE.RIN. ST. TORONTO countrymman, turning roqiid and )c YOUNG WOMEN "Ing full at Win, "tor I be Bowing FRANCE AND ITALY. A,4 how far Is K, PImM? T44 CAW" of A Vdvw Shb And IS-It stratgbt WIoug UR) road. --dxd Ad rwe Blood vxddr if Situation May be More Serious, or through the fields and I - . UFFER MOST g 0, fix flo Remember." said the modern -Alfred I Than We Suppose. These Two Found Relief by- Mutual resentment axid distrust be. tween Prance and-ItaiT are sat4-1-o- AR Taking Lydia E.'Pinkham's Ladies Wanted too deep-rooted to be'removed by any M'S OWN-TABLETS Vegetable Compound What is more. To Address *Ad mail card* at hows. Care superlitial treatment ED 1; S Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. � ',I have 011114w"do *1 $is %makiy, Whole 6r 6WO British oUservers some pessimistic ,LLP A PRIZE WINNL.11 time. sor4 so for particulars. %I " fill A ,� I— AL 4& ___J� IL been teaching for three years, and n ima 7 e ­vments W- Ladies'Agency Service the two countries are much more serf- -Tablets are w- ithout an i, Baby's Own" TORONTO, 3 ous than to generally supposed. Thus i equal ter little ones. Prom the new- In the 1.,orldon "OutlooW.' Maj. E. W� born babt, to the -growing Alld they Poison Newman caHs attornion to the are an absolutb safeguard to heafth. 49, fact that although tb* Floreign Office once a mother has used them she will of Franc* ce, of th, and the Foreign OIR In" n I, Italy to all outward appewance make. hand. FARMERS I a ng else. Thousands of moth- sr, MInard's is good far Colic Little of such differenoe� as k-xist, the �Jways keep them on Amqng the mothers who state that Age and youth men, Z well a4- wajns and collar boils. truth of the matter is that the bad Keep a bottle handy. f-11­ beltween thA tw I Baby*s Own Tablets kre the best medl. women, are beriefitted by the safe, a- t .#i� t Is the-result of natural racial develop- clue --proven $pring Blood Tonic and Puri- rs Mrs. Russell Hill, of Norwood, Out. fier, TRU-BL41)OD. It is remarkably went and a fa long series of historical Her experience with the Tablets should effective for ".thu tired. feeling " so at the end of the DOES, -NOT- AFFECT THE HEART year I always feel Make a blunder Is bikil enough, but tired and have no appetite. was awful sick each cover we are so unimport"t that iro month,too,havin pains in my ba until sometimes I was'oblged to Stop workink. A friena recommended Zant "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also ttles of 24.and 100-Druggists. Lydia E. Pink- makes neighbors smash-A - Jug the piano. ham's Vegetable Compound to me Ahat Aspirin means J%yer manufacture, to assifft the public against ImItaUms. tb* Ta ot ava oQuavally w1u be At"Wed with their Pascal us" inark, W "Itayer a- 7omen how events, which together have produoed P t, UU11ag apring. -to any "her -bo u lit it wv�_11 hel loeest Ilk- , be of,great bene4t A good. it was so I iho I an impasse calling for the 46 has not already given the Tablets a ! while It is an me. And it did. %w I take six tention of ail who have at heart the bottles every year and recommen4ut trial. Mrs. Hill says: -"I have five" future peace of Europe. Major New- .- . � ..blocd dworders-of whkh to others. DONALDA FANTEux, 0MA 0 F fine healthy children, and from the dhdguring razlies. eczema man goes on to say: and painful bogs we the Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "If on youngest to the oldest ihey got no outward tvkieuces - T R U. e c6ild attribute the 911 cither medicine but Baby's Own Tab- BE,00Drsyyz a dear "Unable to WaIrk v, :Canning, Nova Scotia--"I had ir. delicat9 position, to the action of either lets. When our baby girl was eleven or both Governments, the matter would months. old she won second prize at Sold by Drualsta regular periods and.great suffering not De quite so serious, but in . my the Norwood Flair, and when she was a 01.ftwaft where. Price $060 a at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach. opinion. the grave asp�eA of It lies in yew older she won first prize In Coal- 991 in every /000 a Ped i ing school and often for some hours the fact that its development Is tak- I would be' unable to attend to inj place in spite pf goveruments and petition- with 1wenty-eight- other babies. It was the Tablets that gave Work. Thlough an advertisement in not bemuse of them. There are few - health lopment to RU-BLOOD the Rap men in Europe to-day more tied to the her the and deve _era I �new of Lydia E. Pink carryoff t1vese prizes. .1 L17 ham a Vegetable Compound, and it Interests of *aye delight DeMONDS peace than Dr. BrIand, and In telling other motherawhat the Tab- has been of great benefit to me, the al thO p�eeent stage of Italy'i develop- have done for my children." 'troubleii be completely relieved. -mout It Is clearly 14 the Interests of - -LAmu J.11 ToN Canning, Kingrg lets I A `SAWS Baby's Own Tablets are ecld by Ckluntyj Nova Swila: Mr. Mussolini to pursue - a pacIfte medicine dealers, or by mail at 26 BECAUSE guaranteed to policY. :Yet the attitude.of the two cents a box from The Dr. Williams' cut 10% more timber in peoples is very'-different from- that' same time with liess labor Moricine Co., Brockville, Ont. 7.� ,than any Mer saw. protest by their respective Ministers of. Foreign Affairs.' UR) 111MONO3 CANADA SAW= LM. Con,fidence'Men'Get Faime?s /A-\ PAOKTRE&L The causes offriction may be-cla"_ VANOCKIVIER. ST. JOM4. N.1k, Money for Seized Liquor ed under two headings: those which To"QKrO -war origin and those which have a pro Store. are of more recent date. In a study New York-Even Barnum'' might have been surprised at the guilLibility of the New Jersey famerwho has pur- chased all liquor stores In the federall SHARPENS RAZOR BLADES LIKE NEW 11 for 1,1,900 cash. "ae4zure room Five reary too I bousht on@ dozenirift Razor. Blades and a 1,1'"0" Sharpener, and I have sh%ved 1�vwoaiit eve" day vince, resharpen no I do1l ascerciinil to the . @imp## directions. attar having Und Major Cheater Millis smilingly tells JF 'Use a lootind time. tba, a _pair, of "cou" men. had &potted Them bledol are stving-ma Juit as "lee A"d smooth a shave as the first time I und thafe. d - an agrarian when' he arrived In the 7 sand $2.75 for thle rterline offer tD-daY :5 be.8onviflood. Your woney wilt be prompfly refunded "a am not qatiefled alter a ten days, tri 1. SALFHNINN WANT=. city: reoently. After Introducing them- Proved safe b millions. and prescribed by physicians fox. FRANK WOLk, 70 MILTON AVP-., TO selves as federal men In need of a RONTO car little mall, they took him to the .'Colds Headache Neuritis umbago seizure room and bmmiW over. &.deed ;of ownerebip.. The farmer has not re- thache Rheumatislft Covered the $1,HO. Pain %'Neuralgia :,Too K-M Insec Pests :1'MI..,d!s_,I_l,lrl1ent Is reliable. Po- Kim Mes-,Mosqui ftachm -De-dRuOk -FI&W .616 . — --ar, - '7� DOES, -NOT- AFFECT THE HEART Make a blunder Is bikil enough, but it really peeves us more when. we die.. cover we are so unimport"t that iro Accept only ayer packagd one has taken the trouble to notice it. which contains proven directions. Practice makes perfect-arld It a ften the feel Idke Zant "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also ttles of 24.and 100-Druggists. makes neighbors smash-A - Jug the piano. . A is tho trade mark (registered In 011130da) of Dam Manufacture of Iff"Olteirtle- of Salleyllesteld (Aeptyl Salleylle A6d, "A. 13. A."). WbIle it Is well knows ISSUE No. gA­27. -1 Ahat Aspirin means J%yer manufacture, to assifft the public against ImItaUms. tb* Ta ot ava oQuavally w1u be At"Wed with their Pascal us" inark, W "Itayer a- KV I , 01 y „ 77- -Dr. Robt. McQuay and family.- ---Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A.. B. D., of TorQnto, visited hie-aunts. Mrs. will preach in St. Paul's United �.X AIR LOOALISMS.' W. D. GQ -Church End Audley on Sunday. • 8 merville, on.Saturday if �er rdoa and Mrs. James' 0 .0 -Mr. Morrisb, of Western gi- -Dr. E. A. Sailleiri Dentist, prac- visiting his auiint, Mrs noon. tarlo, is tiWng in Toronto, Willi be here in his -Don 'tforget the District An. office from Lao p, m. to 6 p. = as as It q ore Burrell. Mine Margaret arpe'return. nual convention of the Women's u&l on Thuroa.*. - Institute of South Ontario,. to be ed home on Sunday, after visiting -Dr. H. T. F&II&W, Resident Dent- _____ friends in Lindsay, held St.' Andrew's United ist. ' Office over Baladan's hardware -7 Church on:Wednesday,' June 8th. store., Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and -Mrs. Lorne Kemp. of Whitby at 10 a. m.. standard time. Both evenings Tp., spent the week-end with bar egibes by appointmento, parents, Arthur and Mis. Boyes sessions will be very interesting. _J. Broadbent, watch repairer, Confederation _W. H. Peak sod daughter, Among other things as in the village on Tuesday of Miss Rots, of'Torouto, were In the is to be 'given a place der the this week, and will be in the vil- village on Monday on business. Program. During the afternoon lags every Tuesday from 12.90 to -1. and B. Bunting Spent session, which opens at 2 o'clock, ;8 80 p. W. _�-MANY INTEREST" The Homemaker." of the Globe solody afternoon of last week staff, will address the meeting. -All `Misses Ethel and JessiwGrao -ING UNFS 9th O. and Mrs. Clifford, of -Oshawa. ladies are cordially- invited. ham and Miss Swale, of Toronto, -Morman and Mrs. Somerville -Sunday being a fine day, &I also John Swale, of Lindsay, were THAT t guests of O. A. and -Mrs. Sharp, 0, "n Sunday with Robt. A. and Mrs riding In open cars. there was a though somewhat cool for those "WORTH and lady friend, of Toron t on Sunday. -AnL rr heavy traffic on the Provin- The annual meeting of the :80=44ville. To HOLLERING -Mrs. Arthur Boyes is able to cra7HIghway, so heavy at times Women's Institute was held on be up, after being confined to her that a person wishing to cross the uesday last at the home of Mrs- 'bed for si couple of Weeks on ac- street would have to stand and Norman Bank@. The secretary's All ABOUT -:count of Illness. wait for several minutes before report for the year showed an -Kenneth and Mrs.,Goidogi and the road would bo clear. There creased membership and much were several accidents in which work accomplished. The officers :.7. daughter, of Toronto, spent over Our new line of Men's and B "Sisson" Boots w for the ensuing year were elected :-. I ­ A3unday with the former 's mother, as killed or severely 0 11 President !ojeetin a follows: , Mrs, Croak; and Oxfoads is certainly g with approval Mrs. James Gordon. care IL though some re were -William and I aged. let Vice Pres., Mrs. W. B. Powell; especially the Work Boof with the "Panto" Sole M". Boyes, of : 1 at $4.00 per pair. -The tramp nuisance which tad Vice Pre@., Mrs. J. E. Andrew'- Belleville. motored to Pickering on Friday and spent the weekend was so great some years ago, but Directors. Mrs. (Dr.) Cartwright: r -:'with relatives here. which almost entirely disappeared Mrs. C. E. Sterritt, Mrs. W. H. 'A great line of Men's Fine Summer Shirts in -Walter and Mrs. Shepherd during the warand for some years Bra, v , Mrs. W. J. Clark, Mrs. N. Broad-clothe and Silks, from 1.50 to 4.50. The and family, of Detroit motored afterwards, ier -again reviving Banks. Mrs. J. Draper, Mrs. Jag. "Arrow" Shirt is smart, well made and of pent the week- thing -ew. Mrs. G Law, Mrs Mechin 7. fast colors. here Friday and e Some of them will accept no And. fa but money, and of course have a and Mrs. Fallaise, District Dells. end with .Pickering relatives and friends. pitiful tale about their inability gate, Mrs. J. Cowan. Summer Footwear for the whole family. The N5 raps -Sunday next (Whi"unday) to secure Lehsn "Kaufman" cluality, Boots, Oxfords and st wt St. George's Church, people will. refuse appeals of Dr. James Walsh took place at Ed snd orn evening services at tfe U= theft knights of road, If they mouton on May 25th. Deceased Ladies and Girls' Gingham' and Linen 'Dresses- hours. Preacher at both services, are convinced that they are was the eldest son of the late % Mr. W. R Sproule. worth a complete range in new patterns and colors, very are not deserving of assistance ot Manchester, Ontario Co. He at- rth cases. But many of them Mathew Walsh, and was born at nicely made, 98c, 1.29 and 1.79. -The many friends of Mrs. Bar- rell are pleased to see ner able t 0 any kind, as their trouble is aim. tended the pablic school at- Man- be around town again, after being Ply laziness, and By can make cheater, and afterwards attended confined to ber bed for a number more money by begging than by De La Salle Institute and St. Mich - '' of weeks as the result of injuries honest toil eel's College, Toronto. He prac. 4ustalued in a fall down cellar. At the meeting of all those Used his profession for two years -The annual church service interested in tennis called for Fri at Fargo, N. D., going thence to 'at the White Church will be held day evening last at C. A. Sterritt's Edmonton. He retired from prac• store, only two or three attended, tice some years ago, and since has -on Sunday, June 12tb, at 8 P. ga., Just placed in stock two now lines of Ladies' and in consequence nothing could been engaged in real estate and nd will be conducted by PLev J. Strap Shoes - Patents -one with low heel R. Fraser. A collection will be be done in the way of organizes- speculation His funeral took tion. People are beginning to place on Tueeda_v from the home nice for growing girls. The other 16 • taken in aid of the Cemetery Fand. wonder what is wrong with the of his brother, Thomas, here, and with Cuban heel, nicely finished. 2.75 and 8.85 -The monthly meeting of the YOUng men and young women of interment in the R. C. cemetery. Woman's Missionary Societ of St. Pickering. A few years ago we -blany now dress lengths in the leading 1;ew Fabrics, o Paul's United Church will L held ad footb baseball, tonnis and NOW Advors"On"lls". -1 a two &like, Broad•, d cloths, Silks. Fancy Prints etc. 'Thursday, Jane 9th. at 8 A w., at other athletic sports into which 4behowe of Mrs. Arnold. The our young people entered with so. ill 111 51 Ple 5 !I'll 111 Ill all thasisam. But now we have no F OR SALE CHEAP-Dablis, bulbor at Fencers, Clierr"ood. Phone Mark 60015 aknoitusr assortment of Grey Graniteware is A abarg;.of G"rou'p B 0 -rg-s- w � �op 0 r� &31]d in -F10"s, JAMIN;-eovered .. 1. - . . -Thii oympatb -of the com our village We have ac�ne B,uox WHEAT YOR SALE-Silver Ban=@, tals, pots ate-. ate., park, TA varsity. C . Head. W 23. con. 9. Picker bonnie is � extenleIii to Donald the chief object Of will Ms. at IN cents each. h of furnish -some place where oar ,Munro and family in the death Ibis brother and the latter's wife young people could go to engage UOR SALE-A frame ham. Sft40ft. in their athletic sports. Why FOR good condition, Apply to Mrs. G. PhWp. The former was killed Instantly exercise? Is' It on account of 1r)OTATOES r FOR 'CHAPMAN cello an outo accident in Scotland. this spatby towards healthy Brougham ad land his wife lived only a Short PLANTING - 11�! a So time. laziness or is It on account of their' JL 12-23 per bm, "Hustlan W Carocn.Clare- -The price of gasoline has daily vocations taking up all their moot: Ph*' ` 5", 39 dropped two cents, which is the time, than depriving them of any L`OR SALE-2 Berkabirtand 2 York. F isnc7. Greenwood. None Pick 2al4. aftf -For about & year past It has Is & drop of four cents since March. W y ®� cents in To- been stated in the press that it PASTURE, TO LET-Will take Hotrong re F thii4 drop in two months, which time for healthy bodily exercise. L'4hire boars. registered and Young stock. ronto, which is the lowest A tam -ould bt-Rnt. into force cow- about 16 head of cattle e Abundance of water shade, J., O'Reilly. lot 19, can. 3. Pickenrit two yeare. Thid price will cow- polling all auto drivers to- procure Come in and try your strength on a pair of �pare favorably , with that in the a license. Such a law will come ORGANIST WANTED-For- at. Andrew's U ted Church. Pwkenn&. For full into force on July let. The license tscuj&rs apply ..,Headlight famous United states. par y to M. S, Chapman. Pickering. 4 -Mr- and Mrs. Hommick, of will cost $1 K and every person who has driven a car for at TV, A TI ON WANTED-BV a Buffalo. spent & few days' last least six months may procure the said S Y, girl. 17 years of aire, as mother's help. week at the home of her brothers. Apply s- Gore. Brock road, R R 1. Pickgrutig. Bros., of license on payment of that -fee -Dunbaxton. Ac- pig- _115 Per . ...... license andergoing any test or "POR SALE-20 young S, compalmled by her sister, Miss 2 goats: I stock bear 2 examination. But those who have called on Pickering friends on MRIV W7 'RHA Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmick F�� 147 F. eon., Picker; ' re .1d. not driven for that length of time R1 PANTS Saturday. must pass the necessary test be- "NOR SALE- Chevrolet car. runnier -'Straw hate are still -allowed to fore being allowed a license. Media L 9. You take one lot, I'll take t'other. We both pull hard as we can. V newt cite.. $30. Aloo.a Ford touri rest in their winter quarters, as eel doctors Will be able to procure condition: ' and light trailer. G. & 7- Tin Cowd If the pants split you'll got a pair of the" famous 38-n FOR SALE-A quantity of clean. -the weather continues cool and 6 special license w" Pants for exactly nothing showery. There Is a good steady tact them from prosecution wjge y A� dry seed b4ackwbeet. at lot 27. con. 7, P*k_ :No. 58 Pants an sold under following guarantee prrowtb of vegetation and fruit answering an emergency call, bat Allel Gray, R R 2, Claremont. Ph. blossom t &ban - they will not he allowed to abuse MA &20 W40 1. If garment rips at waistband, we will pay You fifty cents. -&aos. The pnowe f the farm• the privilege thus giyan them. It ii or to very bright at present. will be well for ever WANTED -Rosen and board with 2. If garment ri you it private family for the ottioneer me nth a. sea y autoist to pill at mat, crotch or log seams, we will pay -On accent of the many at- secure & license not later then bathing beach prefer. . Answer, Mrs. Landow trsetions July 1st, for after that date every 574 Dundee St.. Essit, Toronto. Try a pair at- these pants this summer and you'll agree with a hundred in all the neighboring of our other customers that they are the towns' on Dominion Day it has person who in unable to produce W IRE FBNOB-Oar .of Frost Tight best you ever wore. 7--be-m-Ascided not-to hoWthe usual big license will be subject to a Lock fencing just arrived. Also 3 used dt celebration in Pickering on that heavy fitm binders, 3-* and 2 buV for We' W. F. at Disney, Greenwood, ph. _ ck:4. 36tf Asy this year, but it is proposed -- George Jamele, who is in the 'BOYS I :BOYS I BOYS I to holdit on Civic Holiday, that Is employ of Frank Maddaford, Of FOR SALE-A 500-gal. gas tank and . . .... 17 a I Conk pump. rood as newi, ill loell f�r r he Kingston road east. 0 can give you now a pair of Headlight Overalls the first Monday in August, in. was in the $100, at�XmpX now at grenchmass Is village on business on Friday even. Bay. Apply E Cr r, 110 Blan Ave. "Just Like Dad's." *tend. rest -The members of St. Georg,_-'e Ing last and when returning home TO to- Church are making extensive im at a somewhat late hour, an auto rVORONTO WET-WASH LAUN. `D;ekeking 46 A Fnents to their church-yard. cowing np behind him struck his _L DRY (Semi finiob)--W our driver call and Fred To Bunting, rove explain our 24 hour service. just leave your or years it has been very"badly buggy with great force, in front epl "'Established 1857. We me with Mr. S. W. I avis, barber shop. m.neglected. Tombstones were fall of F. W. Hobbs,',tbrowing buggy, name pick up and deliver 3 times a.week log down and weeds and grass horse find driver into the ditch, I MPLEMENTS FOR BALE- Single lmade the place have a neglected The buggy was smashed beyond kplow, Cockshutt, No 21 nearly McCor- mick mower and n 7-ft. cut appearance. The tombstones are BIG horse badly both in good repair Terms, cash or-credit A doubtful if it ply to L Middleton, Brougham. Phone * Picts, 6 injured that it is don 'w� ENTRAL :GARAGE being straightened and th ground repair, the VP 068 MaSSWAarri. binder. E "o levelled up so that It will now be will be of any further use, and 528. 36-39 Ignore easy to keep -it- in proper Mr. Janes was badly shaken up. ARM MACHINERY -Frost & The car, Telephone' 4900 Anderson John oMer, which is owned and FARM Cocksbutt, Tudhope, Ande *Muir, Fleury, -On Saturday last W. 'G. Reid driven by a Mr. Walton, of To. Deere, Bissell. Gould. Shepley Wilkinson. Order your repairing passed through an experience routo, was also forced into the W Also BUZZ0.2"t -radios. F. Disney, damaged, no which he would not like to repeat ditch, and wag badly Greenwood. 27tf having one wheel torn on and HANKS-I wish to thank ,very often. He was delivering my Ms- -meat on his usual route in tbe other damage sustained. Mr. Wal- Tny customers for their liberal patronage dur- con .-Dumbarton district and when ton assumed-Ml responsibility for ing the post year, and wflcit a of .,Auto Repairs, Accessories,, Ofls he some during the coming year. I would alm crowing the C. N. P. tracks on the accident and offered to recom- like to hear from any who were not satisfied. Edl- stony, R. R, , Stoud'ville. 39 ng, Gerald Clark's oideroad just Psose Jones for all damage @US- X Gasoline, Acetylene Wel West of Dunbarton. big delivery tained by him. Mr. Walton states FOR SALE-7460med 0. 7:­­ truck stalled directl on the track. that he never saw the bug g7 in Hbrukk8hRouse in Pickering Village, (W • t= . . . �-Quickaotion was Temanded as a front of him until he struck it, way opposite E L. Ruddy's groperty. Ir .., ].. . about 1 1-2 acm of Istecl, wit =gable suit- Battery as he was half blinded by the are able for garage. Large and to. Hard train w" seen to be approI a very rapidly. Be jumped but of from an auto which he as about and sort WSW. Apply NEWS Office. 9"1 w pairs made on all makes we mat and succeeded in getting to meet. This accident furnishes -Start your chicks OTICE riht another strong argument in favor Nwith Sterling Chick Starter in 10 and 281b. his car off the track@ just as the lots. ioo vehicles carrying lights at and Ster13 Growing Marti is 10 and 23 or ` y M._,. train whizzed past. In his hprry to of all v 15 4�- night. Every person who drives rat out on his mute, the sees@ er an auto knows bow dialcult it In to .. . .. iy .. requirement of "Waring a an clout on of S" was neglected "s a horm-drawn vale In f rout of him, especially if autos are FOR SALE-To the Village of Pick- by Mr. d, and this was the _L' ering. ad*uing Ruddy's Park a 9-roomed cause of the stalling of the car. coming from the opposite direc- house, with pantry and wash-room, each con- Needim to say the excitement of Lion. it is thus advisable, both T US taining soft water pump end sink, Woodshed with hard water pump. Large cellar with brick told on Mr for the motori@t's protection and cemented: good furnace. Large driying CRuw B.:-8PENCER the few moments III cc 4, Reid the remainder of the day: for the protection of the driver of booure orrgarage� o'nd stables- ben house; garden He can congratulate himself on the horse driven vehicle that the fruit trees; hedges; shrub6ry.&c. - 3-8 acre oi land, A to Mrs. J. N. Ricb;;�iaciu, care of • T. Reazin. eftwell, Qnt. 33-tf his Darrow OW0104 latter be equipped with lights. !Per .,Proprietor, Pickering 7, �'Z 4, _:1 g, g ;7 a 0 _kt. r. ­,��",I .., 1 C __ . _i -�, 'In. _; •Na+ :