HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_04_29Oar A I It 4- 7. Z1. 31, ­7, f A- -:7 VOL. XLV1e PICKERING, ONT, FRIDAY, APR. 29.1927 No'.34 $01490L RKPORTO GREENWOOD. CKERING- NIEWS The Women's Missionary Auxiliary Report of S. 8. No. 4. Uxbridge, for GREENWOOD Saw MM aced :Basket will meet at the home of Mrs. Victor the term. Xmas to Master. Honors. sr. IV-Joe-Symee. Jr. IV-Jim Ev- on Thursday. May -5tb. The D Director Perkins, 1 anp*, Robert Dawson% Mary Jones. IL FORSTTJH3. Oph. gr&mwill be In charge of Mrs. Greta Hardy, Elva Redsh&w, Sr, III • as .al Asnadation of D. Raff• -All- the ladies. are Barnes' of the American p -Reuben Maye*. Gladys Bvsms•, Ed- SILLS 2 axac:�!� by cordially 190"INd. Ith Dawson, Joan Symes. Jr. III C= M re. Green. Mrs. Tremble, Mrs. Mable Collins*. Gordon Wilson. Am- Established 1888 Bush Mrs., O. J. Stevenson . Mrs. Gee Hardy. oroult old Hard Sr. II-Harold Nt. Lao" - Baskets or all sizes and king" May Brown. Alice Pegg. 4, Florence Duerdeu% Blanche De Ru- -Headquarter. Edith Ormerod and Margaret {fee GWISTIAN. Barrister ancr weminBowmanville on Tuesday at. ,h,*. Ethel Cotlins*. Victor Symes, 4 es"citor. r4ots" Pubtic Etc. to Mary Wilson. Sr. I-Eddie Pilkey. Ts: 'A �and deseriPtl'OnS - tending the Presbyterial. am south wing, Court House. Wititbrul '. -,;", .; :j, -don Jones% Jr. _W. Collins*. Gor V, 0 BROWNING, K. C.. Barris 10W lie Roacb4. Sr. Pr.-Johnie Mayes, el� A. A9,Z.Solicitor,NoaZ, Public. Aunft'B*,- ,CHERRYWOOD Evelyn Symes*, Betty Lickorish. FOR fEE D Post - - at lowest prices g�e hogs6natel west of Post Ifice. Dundas Street, Stevenson, Teacher. lWousephone ase. Offcepbone392. entertainment, A, grand supper and enter CORN S under the auspices of the Ladies" whole or ground OATS licitors. Northern Ontario Building, 3W Spelety of the Cherrywood Church, BARLEY FEED Salt for sale IDUN13ARTON. BBATON & ROSS- Barristers, So-. 7' C of Friday. w1kI be held on the evening -,:W. I. Beat*&, CHAS. A. WHITE. may 13th. Supper will be served An Old rime Dance will be held In BRAN the 13th 1. D. F. Ross, Adelaide 276 c --A will-be-follow:_ -t- the Community Hall on ­--$SORTS 7 from 8 to 8-o'clock. Sucoessor to late W. G. Barnes ease K ed by the drams. entitled "As 75 cents per couple. SCRATCH FEED' 10HARLSON PTOKERING_ Phone Mark-6420 Early Bird." to be presented by the provide. f poultry i� tern, Solicitors etc.. 213-214 Confed• At the Community Hall next Sun. ...endloaLife Building. Corner Yonge and Rich. Ste.. Toronto. Phone* Main 1390 and Main 'sNada9 evenings aced all day •Satntday, iaclndiag t 19ataeday evening, Phone Pick. 6600. f Dental F X J. R. POWLIE, Dentist. Car. F,-4k�-D-KELington Rd. and Victoria Park Ave, To- VQ@bC6 ut a top& at doorr), Evenings 7112. OP&ny fkNI­V%R.D. q Smith. De6tist, Stouff. JOville, Horror Graduate of Chicago and To- seem, Universities and'the :et%al. Cg= Akretal SurgeonAL Phone aft 1 11 M16 No outside appointments. my Jr)DLAKB B. BEATON.'D. D. S., > GraduatAol the Royal I at Dental Sargeone WW unive ty QfCCToronto. Ofike .,avra Murdock's Goofecuoner7 store. Whitby, hours 9 to 12: 1 to 6.30. Ind. 'jEW pbone 220. BIL C. SMITH, D. D. 9., L. D. S. , 11A Searle 1011. 27tf -WERBERT T. FALLA ISE. L D S. _..D. S, Graduate of the Royal C4&V o Stugeoas and the Uruverarty of Toronto Balsdon's store. Pickering. out bours : 9 a Is. to 5 p. to . or by appoint f• I jimrat. Pbone FUJI 3700. -VUZABETEI BICHAELDSON-Suc 41A. . It. late W V. RwJzardsod, repre veil -known Fore larnzace Cow standseg, 01342'Id" a =TrIL14 Licensed Auctiouser 00antles at Lori and onissia. Alm soft of all kis" evesexto to an *or k softes, Addeo" orson RITM, 7 0 . Ons. D • A.BZATON T0WN8MP0LZ2j 0 44010762", Oeundatcamfor 10:20 i"ViNs. Aosomaboub. 111616 Unsay to We 0 M sign Isman 44 Marriage YA %f=;. QL WTIM. MA.W, LICENSED AU IOWR for- York. Qataril and Dwwbw i cards k Is. V=rtte0& Taraso remoomble. Daum for ant aged at NIM'OWv. Bell and &M 16=M ww". 0" ft Ti M Spring,,' ...,xs Painting Time If you you would have the best use -Brandram -,Henderson' Paints and Varnishes -We have them. Also, Oils, Shellao and Polishes. -Tim and Tubes for your auto or bicycle. Ph6ne 4WO ALVIN AUSHBY FICRERING 'CONG-OLEUM -At �,u g r s Brighten Your Rooms, ,Lighten Your Work, Save Your Mone ..:by using GOLD SEAL OONGOLEUM ART RUGS -FURNITURE AT BOTTOM PRICES 1-1. :B M &Z CLARHMONT,ONT. Dressers $12 up, Washstand$ 64 up. Chiffocers, 5 drawers and good sized mirrors, I It will half Noce. pay U Roofing Material I 5 X British Columbia Shingles' a X to No. 2 Sand 5z Audley Dramauc Club. This Is au CRkC ED CO N excellent drams and has been present- day: Sunday School meets at a P. in. y for poultr ed several times by the Audley people and afternoon service stSp. m. A. S. McDonnell, of Trinity College, will be to delighted audiences. You should I have a car of Cereal Feed which not miss it. Admission 50c., children" the preacher. I consider the beat value for Last Friday ej�enjing_a_number of under 12 years, 26c. g folks, as well as old folks, gath- feed I have seen for a long youn red at the Community Hall and en. time. It will pay t to try It. WEST HILL. ;eyed a good old line dance. The Mucky number waltz waa won by Miss The Choir of Melville Presbyterian Evelyn Mansfield And Edward Walsh, WHEAT and BARLEY Wanted. Church held their sun oal banquet and Mrs. Mansfield. with Miss Thelma election of officers on Thursday night Mansfield acting as bar partner. won Chopping Mondays, Wednes. of last week. Fifty-six members and the booby prize. days and- Fridays. friends mat down to a very elaborate supper, under the direction of Mrs. Bear the Audley Dramatic X.J. 10�2qjm=lq 'N. Arthur Little. The Rev, Mr. Me- Conacble and family were the guests at Claremont, April 80. i. of honor and in a very happily word • ed after supper speech Me, McCons- Markham Poultry As3dciation ebie expressed his appreciation at the _C 0 A L'- whole-hearted support he has received The regular monthly meeting was Prom the chair and congregation. held in the Orange Hall. Markham, on Amon other speakers of the evening April2let. The speaker of theeven- were Amon Little and Pet cy Booth. V f. was J. W , Clark. of 0airnsville, the A good supply of Hard and Sof Percy L. Scott assumed the duty of well known government judge and Coal on hand. Also a supply entertainer. for the evening, assisted lecturer. Mr. Clark spoke on In Sub- by Mrs. J R. Kennedy, The follow. . of Kindling Wood, ing are the officers for the year : Ron. Ject I -Incubation sad Brooding" stnd McConochie -, Presi. ira*a much useful Information on the stove length. Pres.. Rev. Mr. Katcbing and rearing of chicks The e dent. J. R. Kennedy ; 1st Vice-Pres., U Association now has some W m;mbere 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. Mrs. Arthur Little. Sec'y. Allister aad is planning for culling demonstra- Neilson. Treas.. Clarence Bartiam ; tions, vialt@ to Boma of bbe large poui- DONALD-mrNRo. PICKEKING Convenor of Sick Committee. Miss to a ultry show and other a u" activities. arely���� Kennedy. On Sunday morningnex Vti­vi"t1eZ_ v­ay' the musical selection will be a d met by altry should Join. H. G� Michell, Mine Belte Kennedy and Mrs. James V. -ST 9t1aremont. in President. and. IL H. 4, Scott. and in the evening A. H. Mc- tkoeby.,Markham. Sec'V-Treaa. Curdy will sing. A cordial Invitation Marble and Granite Dealer. is ex tended to All f riends to woreb.p OUNBARTON. Cemetery Lettering etc. with us. Mrs Pizer has returned to home First- class work Hear the drams "An Early Bird., bere and is accompanied by her dan. guaranteed. at Comnitnity HSI). Clare. ghter. Mrs. Caleb Rosc of Brantford, rnout, April 80th. Mrs. G. Cowan and Mrs. J. Allison Kingston Road and Picks 09 p meeting at Bowma ville on Tuesday atteaded the W. X 8. Presbyterial East Towallue. AUDLEY. last. Pheone Whitby aS R 82 On Tuesday of this week Mine Irene - P. O.-WbItbv R. R.2 Plant a tree on Arbor Day. Dunbar and brother, Gardner, attend- 7-40 Mrs. Robert Hedge fwid a visit to ed the funeral of their cousin. Mrs. V. Oakville friends recent y. Dr. Stoddard. formerly Min Elizabeth Mrs. (Jeo. Went, who has been under Dunbar. who" seed away at her home the doctor's care. is recovering, we In Buffalo at% Sunday. am glad to reporL Next Sunday, May I at. at the close Coal and Feed The draw&. "An Early Bird," Is of the morning service in the United being presented at Claremont next Obuich the Sacrament of the Lord's 9--turdity 09`001119. supper will be dispensed. Every one im Fred Ward And dauxbtsr. of to invited to Sunday School and Bible Claremont. visited with Urban Bud Class at a quarter to ton. F.. A. REESOR,. Ms 9 Blake last week. A large number attended the drams Richard Winter in engaged In build. In the 0ammunity Hall lost Monday ingastone basement for BertHar- nlght. iven by the Wbitevals preople. ve;lg now house at Brougham. under ttlie" &u-pr of the Duabartion Coal red Crewford has planted 5= Young People's Society. Much endit oung pin" on his north puture is due the performers. At the close Nut and Stove Tar M. It to a good idea and future lunch was served the vieltom and Coke, also citizens will bleas any one who covers waste plaeft with tress. D6tftmiss the -Early BW," at Kinds of Feed. Rev. Mr. Sanderson presided at a Clowemont, Saturday, Apr. SO. AR congregational meeting bore last week which considered the question of Im- proving the church property. The 'PROUGHAN. old church needs re-roofing. re-dwor- sting. re-si&Ling and general over- Fresh groceries and fruit at The Cement, Lumber, hauling. Sometavoreds, newchureb Store. Lath claiming the members could easily Mrs. T. C. Brown is visiting in put up a $3 000 building without very Woodstock and Blenheim. 23,; in assist liberally. Canvassers were ap- week-end with his parents here. 'Terms • uch trouble it everybody would Russell Philip, of Buffalo, spent the pointed to secure the necessary finan- Eimer and Donald Willson and fami- cial information to guide futore oper- ties, of Toronto. spent Sutday at the -8trictly Cash ations. It would be a good thing if a old home. really serviceable buildiagcould be School re-opened on Monday with a erected in the co&munity. large. attendance. Ancluding several Smsonable new pupils. ]or and family Archie and Mrs. TAY STOUFFVILLE. Suggestion& and Dan Taylor,of Little Britain. The Bowlers have organized with 1). spent Sunday with D. and Mrs. Gan- non. --TO 13. Russell is@ president. Football is the whole topic of con. Our basketball club has re-organizbd am has for 1927 and will enier a team in the. vereation these days. ' Brough got the team. If iou don't believe It. 0. H. A. t watch our smoke. armers. Miss Lena Spnders. of Toronto.1's Jus ne to F Mr Shaver had the misfortu training the school children I e have one of his fingers come In contact �4 re-union celebration. A nice surplus of $W,000 in the oper. wit12 a circular saw which he Was To insure harvesting of clean graint operating In his bee bive factory. stion of Hydro-Blectrte system for free from smut treat vern. Elmer Smith. a mepbew of Mrs. T. IM which will be invested In go 0. Brown, who In motoring from Flori-' your seed with ment bonds. Mr. Stocker. the now leader and da to Minneapolis with his familYN called at T. 0. Brown's last week. FORMALDEHYDE organist of the United Church. was in his place on Sunday last and mades. Mrs. Edward Aillson met with Also recommended for potato scale, quite a rkqus socidento on atu y )ad impression. 16 oz. bottle (enough to The new patterns are out now. See gt last. in which she dislocated a couple - MWXC= 1­2 E%3=0� The Claremont Choral Union gave's, make 86 gallons) cuts of them in our window. concert in Ratollfre Hall here on of ribs, which In causing considerable 50 Ceuta. Prices Thursday evening of thin week and trouble. Don'tail"hearing thedr&=S.L"An.. - -9111-groirud bop- With__7 5.50 ' 916 ft. _7. 50 was well pstroolzed. Early Blvd." at the- Claremont Oom- f For Pastry use R. Brillialter lost a good bores In a 111111131ty Hall to-momw evening. It 9.25 gig ft. 11-25 yery peculiar way this week. He got soy" times to do- OYA RNOGA ha@ been given I&0Q 942 ft. 15.00 Our' Royal Brand his nind foot caught In the balter and lichted audiences. A tablespoonful In eaeb burrow ft, f 141,75 ft= ft. 18.75 In big efforts to extricate himself be Nre John "on, &aegmpanled b 5k I gnamuts" 100 P. C, kill. broke his neck. your Grocer's. some of her pupils to Toronto, atten" I lb. tin 80Q. Mats 40 cients-to 4.25 Mr. Woodhouse, of the Standard ed Assamciatea ArtlWe Concert at MW Bank staff, was taken to the General • soy Hall on Tuesday evening and m Farmirs who have wheat got your It it&I and underwent An operation Safe audL essy to use, St flour made from your own port a wonderful p am. 'He did not our- 101% a being prepared n * mastoid bons. wheat. We can A special program, IF, Ask for patughlet. r �C. grind it. vive the opomtion and death ensued for next Monday evening by each con- A err ft in about a week's time. The Old Boys' Reunion committee venor d to be held intho C 'e" r E C Jones, Phm. B Furniture Dealer an Feed of all kinds-Chicken tfeed, and others motored Into T to and Young PeopfNIIA11. which has been oron n1cely decorated and furnished for the hen feed, chop, millfeed., Funeral Director eu,oyed a. evenIng an guests of the gist and Dispensing StouffvIlleOld Boys Society recently I Oce"inn. Besidesa, choice program Drug, Phone IWO Chopping every week-day. - we there will be games and refresbmeats� Chemist. formed there. About 400 old ho Everybody welcome, Silver colloc- ont&rie ad girlis Are expected here at the Ist a - tion. PICKERING, ONTARJO, of July celebration. - io i% ­101 Z�l 0M, '3W p ic r. t'V 1. M q. e. .7r o� F aCh round game at a big table and Dy the that thing to., do Is to separate the, light of i solitary candle. Jaws--by, placing a piece of wood or The Rabbit- row to deal and against cork be the teeth. A y the candlelight his skimpy figure Then put the body, face down- showed cruelly. He was a short man ward, on something, like a tightly I A of slight frame. He tried to dress,rolled bundle of clothing, and prom IT= nattily, but bg never appeared any- hsavlly� on the back to expel water thing but Insignificant. from the lungs. He didn't count, as a man. He was 9. After the water is expelled, put a the the body on its back. Clear Joke, the butt of his more robust companions, a foolish,* ladylike figure mouth and free the tongue. Then 311 7 only fit for handling teacups. He swing the patientfis arms back and 7 1-" SALAD was, in fact, the Rabbit. forth so as to produce artificial re- Helen Lennanik an out-of-door girl spiration. Work fast and carefully ---and don't stop for at least two herself, a sportswoman who could ........ .. . hold her own in any game, who could -hours. a -shotgun through do her tramp with T58 the 'heat-sticky hunter trails of the EA­_.. Auri Sacra Fames. jungle with most men, who valued Business _5 businessl a commercial A manhood, strength, grit and courage s- free from dust a tea can bee age, in a man, looked at the Rabbit and Worships the worker, worthy of his shuddered again. Was that what she was doomed to, n i Prosperity is judged by what we ga if she clung to her ideals? Val Grim- O'f this world's goods, and if we mond, reading her thoughts; looked Would attain from her to the Rabbit's meager fig- Success, and live, "without oi 11 1 oe anx- ure and back, grinning maliciously. ious sigh But Helen was leaning forward, Forever In our Banker's watchful, i RELIABLE ­_4 looking -hard. eye The RahWt was dealing now and Dollars are needful and a bank ac-; E WGILLETT C 0.- LT D. -r o 14 • his face was concentrated and serious. count o It vcas generally smiling, a diffident, . PART L "But—I say you've got to treat nervous smile, that- seemed to be per- I as ImEwr 6 I. an - Mount". There was somithing in Helen Len. these lazy beggars rough or. you don't petoally apologizing for his presence. A man, in these progressive, busy j at work out of them." A smile that made one think him A Last WorcL Dane's ton*, a coolness behind the, 9 times, "That won't do," she said. "My weak and foolish. But he wasn't formal language of rejection, thiLt! It Might Just as well try writing silly Here 'a my last word; that still I do R, •80arned to tell Val Grinimond'that she, brother doesn't treat them rough. smiling now, and he was quite dif- rhymes, -not kne* "Oh, your As try to live by that exploded code— If I am all or nothing to your heart, felt his proposaFhad been.unwarrant- brother," he had only ferent. just time to bite back his opinion of A good profile against the candle- 7able, an impertinence. Business will take us by another road, Not as the past went, so will the fu- Maurice Lennane, manager at Chir- light. A good nose, a firm chin, the "What have you against MO, To pinnacles where, under tribute ture go, ipa. He and his type thought that mouth clean and resolute, and the ]Helen?" T, "Does it matter?" she said In her Maurice Lennane coddled the hands. head. Yes, he had a really fine head laid. And must we die as we now live, 491, IF Helen went on. —strong, clever, thoughtful. The kingdoms of the earth are seen apart? soft, line voice. In sorry, Val— She began to feel that, after all he displayed. "Nor does Calvin Boldre." then your But this is sure; though you love not "It matters a lot to me. I thought 'ical Bow d t, ible for his physical down and worship, YOU liked me, Helen." Oh, the Rabbit," he' cried, almost wasn't responsible pockets fill, at all be 1; laughing out loud. To compare him, frame, that he could be a man despite It shall not make " sorry to "Yes," she said, "I like you." The w-qrJA_4a­-­yours to do with what "And isn't that enough? I've got a Val Grimnlond, with that little worm the weakness of his-build. And Val you will. Sun, moon, the'stuff 'of stars, I havi as rather thick. "Oh, the Rabbit Grimmond ■saw what she was think- at call pretty good position, and, well. I've w scared." Ing. Moneyl 0, Money!—get enough to Simply in loving you. Till death, daren't be rough. He's _1got a reputation -for being a good spend, Mabe, but I suppose you've notic- His own face became ugly, he No matter what the means, this is the good-bye. isort." ed that bi gets results." sneered. And then he hissed. "I'm sorry, Val. I can't any 'Yes'." So had all the other real (To be continued.) end; "But if I waited? You haven't been, Val bad. Then take your fill of Pleasure, Pride the Concession. That was one 9 s and Lust- iout here so very long. If you know men an reason for the Rabbit's lack of popu- Knowledge of Life Saving There are the modern "Ethics of the hs imi better—" It's because I know you. too Wtll.*g larity. One glance at his insignificant YwOw'LA figure was enough to prove that his Simple But Essential. Dust" I —C. E. Benedict. ight said quietly. is unexcelled for Dyeing "You have got something against rather brilliant results must be ob With all of the strides we have taints That Are Not Discolored me then." he cried. "Do be honest twined by some low form of trick taken forward in a mechanical way, by Smoke Gait". sad,: T'Lating. Professional beat in Dyers use the 1111010&* !and tell me straight." unknown and, probably beneath the the human hand Is still the Smoke Is the enemy of a white Same r"ndofDYr.* "It's just that I can't marry contempt of tine, upstanding, muscu- strument with which to resuscitate a bow . Look at the homes In your Val, not ever." she answered, lar males. "drowned" person, writes Aaron neighborhood that once were white. -Ing under his curtness. "Sorry I don't come up 'to the scan- Hardy Ulm, in "Field and Stream." I Smoke had a lot to do with their pres- of the Rabbit." Val said with Mr. Ulm believes that with as many "And that's not the Is 1.,, 1 dard out appearance. There are specially Z "Is -AM -you- h a me -people--d7ing-Avery year from palmtx yh cause of "vAcn% irony. -that hw-shld� anavily "Can't monies red I against me? a bit, don't I?" Ing as from typhoid fever. a their chemical composition, are not] be candid?" AA 11 she said quietly. "You see edge of rescue work is essen Is] darkened by smoke game. If "Very well, have It straight." she Ye's said slowly. "I couldn't possibly don't like that I suppose, And— everyone, your horse Is white make inquiry re- -,"bring myself to marry your type of and that isn't all. Perhaps you can He says: "The bulk of lives lost ng these paints, I OF by drowning are lost needlcissly. They gardi num. guess the other, worst thing. too." "Well, what is It?" be said harshly can be charged up-iii the main to QoIng fishing--t0ke Minard0a Liniment, "My type of man!" He was really hint ---and as she paused he said dellber- carelessness and Ignorance — to the litaggered. If there was anything The time Is at ban when eager ately. "Am I loo muck of a lady's antics of fools like the arch one who 7 Val Grimmond prided himself on, It e7us should watch for, and a willing„ cmiermy a, 13 4 pie man?" rocks the boat; to misjudging one's I ­ . . 'o 0 was that he was a very fine exarn 0 she said as though forcing swimming ability, and especially, to hand should be ready to swat the first of what a real man should be. "Yes, Grimmond was really aghast. That herself to speak. "Particularly too widely prevalent ignorance as to the fly, thus. destroying the possibility of lather the lady named making of rescues and r usettLting Its multiplying to billions of progeny Baf for and Baby foot she should find something to condemn much man of one In that genial. jolly, good-fellow meet- Tula?, apparently drowitod." before full. Ing between the he&# of floe staff and "Who blabbed?" he said on the Mr. Ulm's best rule Is to follow he supposed, the the famous advice given -"darling "Last night I landed Madrid," said thaw chaps hungry for a little gayety snarl. Maurice, -after the loneliness of their distant I priggish brother warning his sister, daughter"; that is, don't go near the the angler who bud taken to wireless,_ stations almost shocked him. Cer- i "Not Maurice," she said reading his water. but you should have heard the sta- GUM tainly most of them bad been a little' thoughts- "There was no need, the However, as no one follows this. tions that got Away." talked of rule, he continues that once in danger lit up but surely among men, real native women, my servants, it as a commonplace. I suppose that both the rescuer and the drowning DIPPING Mn "You—you take exception to that sort of thing is, out here." person should 'keep their heads' d 1mild fling?" he gasped. "In a way you've right," he began, "conserve their strength", and in the Ruil s Extra Wes "Your mild flings happen every two then choked. "But—but I've given up ease of the latter remain passive.' or three weeks, Val. And I don't I Tula, Helen," ' . . Other rules to be followed in rvs- �� .m�� j ,That isn't it. She, she happened, cuing are: think them mild." I I. if the tirne permits r4arnome all. - "But, my dear girl, don't you me she and the others. I cant get past clothing, and In any case the nether among men. -r—e&-T Men— "That is what I am Saying," she "Im sorry about Tula," he said, but garments. 2. Don't said. "If that to what you think a. angrily, he was only really sorry he'd take hold of a person "But she doesn't, she struggling in the water. Keep off real man Is, then I'm not going to'been found out. .7 I never really did mean anything, Helen, and give him a chance to become -man type. But marry that real an She wall Just—Just a sort of custom quiet 4don't agree that it to the real -man posed th4e of the country. It's not a think I like 8. Got hold of him if ble by to t "You're wrong, Helen," he said as: _ alk about to, you, but, well, you hat*, turn him quickly on his back, • can get over the fact that it's- the give the body a sudden pull, whI6 though instructing,a child. "Won't you give me my chance to usual thing here. - And not unnatural will cause it to float, and then throw HE Firestone process —when you look at it. You've got to yourself on your back- Hold hair reform Into a real man?" he said, so! with the victim's of Cmn-Dipphw is .savagely that she stiffened and said:. take the conditions into consideration with both hands, one of the most important "I don't think you can, but—well, —you really have, you know, to be back to your stomach, and paddle, the ftfostoy F. Being In the tropics, and lone- with your feet In swimming to safety. there's your treatment of the Indiana fair. and Negroes." ly, cut off from home and all that, and 4. Don't. try to swim to shore un- contrilmllions to More living a bard life. And It being the less sure that you can make it or 'econornical highway usual thing, why, hang it all, Helen, that no assistance can °come to you. portation. I don't pretend to be a paragon. I'm 5. Remember that the "three times By this process, —rr film it and I've only behaved as up and then down forever" rule Is a of every card is &*roughly r. only a man, —eaturated and maulalad with other men do." myth. A drowning person may or tQ rubber, mizing friction may not rise to the top. "I don 't believe that, " she said and beat so destructive to tire sharply. "Not all men." 6, In bringing a body to the - sur- life. on- the am% of hundreds of "All real men," he said angrily. face, hold .on to the hair, If any. on shore the -thoueande,of motorists, In 7. When the body is strong the "There may be some exceptions, near Here's a washboard so as men like the Rabbit, but all real men that a big, 165 pound man can day-lis and day-, service the largest truck, bus and t fall into it as a matter of course, and that on it without damaging it cab fleets, in the battle of tires think no harm of it." in the slightest wa y. race tracks, Firestone Gum- on ra "I won't believe you, " she said. That tough S2dP Pearl Enameled �'.t)ippod Tires,, because of their "In that case," he - said bitterly, mighty near ever- stamina, are delivfIring "there's nothing more to be said, rubbing surface is n ter lasting, and the rest of the board is• ranger' mileage with added A Pebble was the though I wish you success in the long built in the same way. The remark- safety and comfort. The Firestone dealer in able .Cave Mans CandYf and difficult search for your gars- e wearing qualities of this sturdy gon washboard demonstrate the lifeloul --your It kept his mouth mold mid klity tires. LA* and I'll find wear you get from all SUP Ename - the" extra qw "There are such men book- on his hot, rocky, road. ed Ware utensils. Made by the old ­..Lim tell you of the trouble- one," she said 'coldly. bl6bed Canadian company. i;;e service that the Gum- I Calling on his sweetie. he took "You'll find—rabbits," he sneered. The 1927 Twin 74J.D. Model' Dip irisures, and bar .* smooth, white *to Go. Ot CKI; ADA, _ping_ process lie can "I suggest th7at you take the specimen The greatest LIMITZXI how you Today, to make a I-stine at hand. Behold the perfect type of at new aid Iowa pilces—Improved— MONTRIAL TORONTO and save you money. See satisfying impression, take your chevadier, pure and beyond re- refined in many details—but no radical EDMONTON Vk%-00VVn CALAr."T to-day. bar Wrigley' proach." departures from the time-tried Harley- FIRESTONE TIRE & RUSHER CO- L OF CANADA, LIMITRD ad along the Davidson design. Old timers and-be- S IMP Helen Lennane look here ginners alike will recognize In these 280 Itatuatm. Out. I verandah of the barracao to w 11927 Twins the last word In engineer- MOST MILES PER DOLLAR the man they called the Rabbit was, —speedy— playing cards with the others and she I Ing achievement. Powerful —the most depend. E eled .9 the road n IS" sort 1 built to III shuddered a little. 'Was that the able and sailefactory mount that ever -Afftr Smair of man her passion for fineness con - the wind. -WAR restone CHM demned her to? .' Waiter Andrews, Limited They were playing .some sort of rdefta" Dun& the only Chtm.D%V" Tbal *,age St. Toronto 346 Y who Is t4 ta ISSUE No Minar d's Liniment soothes tired fact. • 7 W v„ ,. ..,.. .r. ,w.. -... v. ,. w x:e;; - ;... ". ;Y',..a•...c- •. :n:v: z'- a^r.. ..,�„n..n: r .a.: ...., .4. ra. .'!. ��"7 ?i x r �' -r.�.: :4 :� -,. s n r4 .,s° i �-r° -ra r'rw ,. ,: •; rh a-x r.= t=, . •,"tkb''.•rKx•,'*.t'!" '� z . • -✓a ..a'J i.� . , ;•'a' ;w.'w M -• P,7=3±r, ' � .....i. mn t' b»4 +. . : -.f .r ..a•.,. .4, . !, {v... _ .sf w'7 -a^.'u.f.. �a+-z, ; .,.rihv'rs: G -.s +x w tr r'" f"` ° �e� l v.T. r,^v "r�.4a;s, ,a T. r: »-° _ •: y r,.• . '�r rt ^ �. a ,•, r•r, w.Y•.x.�.,. rti n. a ;'.. :-' C ' •.,°�r' '� . .x rva,nf r s.� ^ w .....v - °� , .'•c . sc.r . s„- v, .a. - <,., T,r .3 L.i v . .r1N;Z �- �«'- " r a a ;�.. S. ,s,wmsnM•:+ . = •'vc • :* •2:a.v'r`+ea°..•y;+„w; � = w y,+i�,+ Fa.^ v a.:rr.v ;< " r ': •,. . x6 . �e rt.,,w"�- .•., � ;:.v�r.�Y .;a,.'�' Y Y^Wr,, v:P"''"'+'a. .: y,. ?. ,.C•s."'". .:G p: ';'• _,'•" :.5`, h•.,. '' ..1. b` y�u4;j, o- ;a' -r,: ..,`a,'..*-.- t'.:.'tiM: .r..`.. ?.. 'S. .a .. � ?. .- .a•, r'a•.r s'xva'• n� '. .r.•'r a.. -. '*"- r; r:. s'. it^•,^ C'"w :. `'�. ^ .. .,. .. ';r � ... , «. N,('•, sal :. .. �. r , , L .i Pubu�n,cot►n, l _ you - ZyW)c)Dr These tours are so varied in itineraries, in interest, in duration and in coat, that you Way ebooee one 'that 4 particularly meets yourarequirements and purse. White Stan Standard ot,Service is seamed in each per• - ' . ­Sons Of $�!011and to Gletagc#W • actors fan. F party third clsss.wnally $x.55 rho.. MEOWS !o x5 ��y Go home with your own home folic, personally eom• + conducted by Rev. W: O. Walsh. Reruns dire optimal with- = — y ht. Ste art T Y� ducted b Mr. Ro w of oronto o m: ata! one y _ _ - - - ,Megan - s >!a ear, ceding to Liverpool oa ma�aificent Niesantic. -May 21it! 1�0and Trip . C, May , -� __ . _ O X55 T'� 4 :' 3rd Old Londoner:' Ile- Union loyal National Eisteddfod � r �� Personall conducted. An excellent opportunity to _ Holyhead, Angiesea, North Wales. Aug. 1st to 6th. 8ailtag , n Whites i cross with home ilks on the magnificent o superb Star Liner 1s Megantle May 2 t - Doric, July- °+�• - -- 2nd Northern Ontario B,xc>vsalolu ` *A70 Manx Society ExcnrSlon , „ 1 70 to England and �etmrn Maas Homecoming Tour 1927. Lands at Douglas rx i ' direct. Answer the call to all Manzmen from their Ellen Tourist Third Cabin, under the direction of Mr. T. Moseley Vannin. Coosa with brother Maa:saen on the magnificent Williams. New Liakeard, Oat. _ 3rd- - — h A1bertic, June Regina, July Ttla 31i 8oale rotors Calm Legion Tour $267 Tourist ?bis!d cabin a laeass, 57 days 1875, Cabin class all Including SU measasasy 0XVim� UP es y ezpeases include Visiting p;MC..I t cities seven European countries, " panes Ira esi Under the auspices of the Canadian Legion (British Empk+d _ Tours o(stt f reach w e touring Europe) $260 it;e� vice League). Visiting Canadian Cemeteries and Battle• -- Ayb t or 52 days, depending on 1 gelds is Belgium and France. The most important points cos visited. All necessary ezpeases __- de, Lill Ypres Arras, T Le i included. Both Home Tours sail from New Yoric on famous Red Star Liner The So nd� x �°� _ a.+atie. July 7th e8A -�� ,++o it � ties sailing on c lVt T+Hc, July 18th _ ate Treawre TOUM A SMART TWO -PIECE SUIT. lath International Rotary 6315 E oi� ' Y 4 id This smart two -piece single - breast- Cable 0 ToutUt'11s1eA Cablts °# suit is made with or without plaits Convention " " 3Q Days Holland, BeW �J England Scotland back of the coat and has a notched Ostend .suns 5th to 10tDh. Optional extension tours in 'Vol Sw*�tze�rla� Italy, Conductod� ours.' ' a Ilar, two-piece sleeves and patch England, Holland, Belgium, France, witzerland, and I_t_a�ly many, France, ta. while the aocompaaying trou- of 8044 -5a or 55 days with costa ran ag from =425 to iE50. 7 days 31S and up. according a' o eature t 50°J$ caslty� am are of the straight type. NO. Leaving Montreal on magrsificeat _ 77 nt tours all tic, May 21st balance 20 rot s�aft�� yoII letasai� 1b68 is fa sizes 4, 6, 8 end 10 ;pears. MEN or, if paid is f less. 5%. Every week owl JI►ogmst ZO�e �j _. Rise 6 requires a yards 36 -Inch mar - - first sailing oa superb Steamer N Wal, or 1 % yards 64 -inch, and left SpeeW TOW �� land . 3Z days Dories +' +�7 86 -inch lining for coat. Price '��5 By popular request. Under auspices of the Daught- �ts the pattern. erg of Isabella and the spiritual direction of Rover- v Every woman's deadre is to achieve nh -end Father Thomas 1. Heffernan. Choke of Tour- + 5 Popular Frenah Tous • 37 id s :"fit smart, different appearance ist Third Cabin for :375 or of Cabin for 6300 to >{450 so- $ personally conducted. Vial 5 countries,y� dti wrhlah draws favorable comment from tordisd to accommodations occupied. All, necessary end• g,ng�d� Franca, Belgium�Sgwitzerland _ observing public The designs pauses included Sailing oa beautiful White Star Liner p Choice of Tourist Third Class for I3�i ocatO Gabhl : " ted in our new Fashion Book July 'Jim. - _ for- $500. All necessary expenses includ" Sailing oe1 � lime originated In the heart of the r superb White �� J x la centres and will help n to . c, my 3rd §equirs that much desired a&IT o! in- Tours da3►� _ �viduality. Price of the hook loc *3" :°°'Vt Third CabLi 'Thos. Cook sit Son's To$Irt 4 .' the copy. ^ To England, Scotland Ireland, Holland. Betgiam, France. aitatN TO ORDER PATTSSNS Gey. Personally conducted —all necessary aspensea. Variety of tours to Ea from !)rt95 for 39 days, r Sailing on beautiful What, Stas Liners n to ;725 for 62 days. onale of tout UP and places visited. Tourist ird Cab all oe¢ j f ' 'W rite your name and address plait~ Regina - Doric - Megantio _ - es expenses included. Sailing from Montreal as beast;• + AJ . giving attssber and .ia. of suet June 11.18 -25. July Z. = full White Star Lines ' tteras as you avant. Enclose 20c is Doric, June 25 -July 23. - Alb�'tic, JUIT A ° " ps or sofa (coin preferred; wrap Hubbell College Tours 3'7 days ' Regina, , ?th carefully) for seen number and gina, my, . ens your order to Patters Depty Ses:srlst Third � Also Cabin Class Tour "Albertic" July 2—England, HolLadt �r Publishing Co, 7S West Ad► _ _._The Rhine, German land Italy and France. Re• ,i y a To England, Ireland. Scotland. Holland, Belgium, Germany, y, Swrtxer JW& St, Tororto. Patterns seat by France. Two different itineraries to choose from. Under turning Aug. 30. Inclusive fare, $940. - 1 lofrn MAIL the direction of Earl B. Hubbell, and personally conducted. - 4 )price iadndes all necessary ezpeases. .Sasliag on beautiful p r eom�pbst , imfacrostion and - 'booklet, phone, the Toy SIfGp. vftits Star 8te:mess. - nvrfts or call Pera117 at our nearest oltloa r +++.► • _ ti Entering the little toy shop with its June 11- 18 -25. J 2 -7 -18 -23-30 Aug. 8 little summer sailing craft, its `: Building, Montreal „ ps glittering seaside treasures, d pails and Epadea in their Bandy King St. E'� Toronto J' lore, is like pushing open the door summer. How they anticipate the Largest Steamers, from Montreal i Aisles and aisles of them! tmters filled with shining summer ythings. In the galaxy are little birch can- __ wooden pirogues with tiny In- _ -tern chieftains and broad flat padd:os, ents alive with signiflcanca to a -` ed to exist anew on stream and _ _ - -�' --' - - 4444 - '--- toward the light, without seeing a T Telling Names. - - 4444 - -�; there mey be drea`me of faro; - - -- ...., T I! the floor is in excellent condition I It sometimes gives an added in-�. ea by fot�nnate children who can I a and has been revamisbed frequently, r resent to a favorite fruit to know , matter i The Right Way to-Perform This Task. - o one coat will be suffltient; however, w what its name means. -Take the apri- , _ n nce. -< :. t two e. c cot, for instance, The word has the ` .- • In a thousand brilliant hoes, = 'BY BERTON ELLIOT. - e especially on floom subjected to un- same derivation as our familiar word k smokestacks, white bulwarks a Sounds simple, doesn't it--the re- the bare wood, with a paste wood � arg ay hard wear. - d red keels, the mechanism of a v varnishing: of a' floor? Just pout some filler. The use of filler is necessary f for drying if possible, especially in ' son. In• its native climate the apricot _ _ imrhaculate white sails that b varnish into a receptacle, .dip the on oak, chestnut, ash and other Open- d damp weather or -if the room is co d'tree buds very early in the spring with i brush in and ahead. grain woods. Maple and ne, which go P p� o overnight; than sandpaper the first and has flowers before it has leaves. parks. What captains will be nam- But that's not the way to do it if a are close -grain woods, do not require c coat lightly and apply the second T The fruit follows rapidly, and, In in the nett few weeks, what sail- w want t I n f coat, ; -„ t this early and rapid d and mitten made to - age oak floor that has not been re- form, to be reduced with turpentine A A Banker's Ten Rules for " "edrly'ripe.it a to distant_ places, and bring back a finished for a year or more, in a or benzine to the consistency of thick S SuCCen T The familiar green' plum, so well All daring the warm golden T house with a couple of husky young- c hiked for preserving purposes, ' , : t Will these chi be sailed on un- s to it that so a of the varnish has been and then wiped off, across the grain, m eminent banker, Otto H. Kahn. says a waters, until summer wanes s scuffed off in doorways and other with a piegie of cloth or burlap. Na- b men " , " s short afternoons again, It is as a favorite routes of traveh and there rural or transparent filler should be i about to enter - business, appear in a veil shad been lifted is the toyehop. f will be some places worn clear down .used on natural or light floors; and a• I recent interview: ' ail t into the wood and weatherbeaten to a colored filler such as dark or golden I I i, Eliminate from your vocabulary �. of summer are calling through t dirty, the .word '•'perf�ronctom" E Y mass of toys. Chubby fingers d �rayieh C 8 Think— exerclee your' brain as E p bright new pails and little c condition again : y you do your muscles. _ I bean used as the first syllable ai' es, walking off in a daze to a t First scrub the floor as it has eel- 8 8. Ths most serviceable of all assets - fairylatsd, castles not in the air, p dom been scrubbed before, using one off the worn and filled spots. Brush i is reputation' The coconut (often spelled cocoa - tit on shifting sands, in keeping 4 of the grit cleansing preparations, up the Loose sand particles immedi- n 4. Use your tmagination. Remember that an dirt remaining on 6 persons v*o, think it must have some _ _ o or in.- the..ssirface- -will get varnished t connection with the cocoa bean, - z, Jim rise, their quaint architecture re I under, cause o y acted in rare facade and gratesque t that have been worn down to a dirty, th-e varnish. The room should be downing. others. coro palm was always spelled corn � �s Or b geathezlzeateli�app-earance should be_ ood -and_w or.-- the - varnish -will 7 ere- wiil�be-maate; f a • e a .. _, .. .. ._..., . :.. , ,... . , ,., • ,., ..:< : ,; - y�. .: cif ; �° r3+.ft' R`'`r'D�'ii""' , a °wry a..r�•,ye sa,g,yyq, � -•*�, yy �y,•• ,� f , �.,y„ .: i .w' 4' .IN.a N Y.i.F'YX,. 1"'135.>TM 1.+1�":A F4'� q. +.rw. v.,cl+P.' "F. ve•A{ YX. '�•ru a #, aY�. ;, :,,�'•„ ..,,�; r - . �a�- . 11115 �V` - : w: ' Of a•�si- . d i. +,+"iR �... .64f 4.. ..a "'•a. .r,y . „ ti „ ,,,s ,-..,. ' . � ... �" :`'..+G'F. t�: . v,}:'0.r a • w , .. b,.• ^'F. • .. , - .. f'� - ,�, y, 3,�, ,,r . " «' ^�s�+`���,.' °a • af�::a✓..,. •s ..,�:' � - 3sr, -.' 4�. ri ",'_` x le�,.:, +a.. S` °: -r:R; �'ti,., .: "e.. ....._.r >.,�. , . „;arh',. >:.�': •."•' ., ..a.. .:°7. .q. �'. ..w ^6? °. -i ..rr• ".o ;• �� t3A�e f:eiilBT'ER. � Notice to Creditors _ RQYAI, 1�UR�'L:E STA�'TIA1C'i MAS�Y ill=d, 0t2%0rf® THURSDAY, MAY 11TH— Auction sale > -- of entire household eftee��te,, pr s- — FOR DAY OLD CHICiJ L Tt°7A11aS In the Matter of of -William Alpheus 'Ing walnut, oak and cherry furni- '" s 11.76 per year,; $1.60 if paid to advance. � Start your young chicks rigght, tbe- Same as yon did• Bast year. You iinbacxfyti the United Sates and Cceat Fuller. late of the Township of Lure, some please 80 to I00 years old. will not be troubled with disease. pall and get a ?� i2.00 advance- :_ Pickering, of the County of On- Also beds, bedding, mattreeeea, dish- - circular telling how to feed. terio, Merchant. deceased. es, carpets. linoleums etc., the pro- 7� Notice is 5ereby given that all per - ppaerty of Mrs. J. N. Richardson, at ROYAL @ALF MEAL always on *' JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, sons haying claims era.' demands her residence, Pickering (next to the PIIRPLI� 'band ' . against the late William Alpheus Fuf• Ruddy property). Terms cash. Pale , _ AIR - ter, who died on or-about the first day at one o clack sharp. ~ See dodgers. „' NOTES AND COMMENTS. of February. 1927, at the Township of W. B. Powell, auctioneer. gave you tried VI •TONF the malt chocolate drink. Y}„ - Picker ing: -in the County of Ontaiio. - - - Canada is-not a country of small are.required to send by' poet preppaaid Call at our s ore a t�dap; April -18th; -- :t1p -hob or to deliver to the undersigned Exe- (� �Wett EO ei or cold, free of charge. bingo. The country is still young cutors under the Will of the said Wit- and only a Small fraction of its Liam Alpheus Fuller. or their Solici- - '� - area is inhabited, and only a small tore, their names and addressee and reed. River ins o GROCERIES, always fresh and good _ full particulars in writing of• their .. _A complete•1' f draction of its resources is being claims. and statements of their ac R(,� - developed. Notwithstanding this counts and the natureof thesecuritiea, PURE. MAPLE S1/ P A f -Stay, held by them. Basket Factory .1. .,Iinperial Gallon Tins $2.50 per gallon. Ieads tha world -in- ruany re- And take notice that after the 20th - spoets. Canada is the world's day of May, 1927, the said Executors Manufacturers of eC greatest •wheat exporter and in will proceed to distribute the meets of A11 kinds of Fru't Baskets said deceased among the peraone en= ' R- I HARD80^N 1928 harvested her greatest crop, titled thereto, having regard billy'to AS • Barr Crates, and yet has five tithes as much the claims of which they, shell then y have had notice, and that tbe'said + N arable land as she has under culti- Fariners Bushel: Baskets, Executors will not be liable for the1ekerin Hardware Store vation: Sher has. -in proportion to said assets or any part thereof to airy Clothes Baskets. population, the largest railway person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. W rank Penn 4nileage in the. world, and site has 1 — - -I the greatest system of publicly Dated at Toronto this 14th day of proprietor g Y P y April, 1927. Phone Markham 1604 ". owned railways in the world is W. M. Duncan, (been River, Ont. Farmers —Now is the time to get your Seed for the Spring Crop. We , the Canadian National Railway, Gertrude Maud Duncan, - have a complete stock on hand. - } Green River, Ont. a Timothy, Alfalf that in a few years will be a large �.. . _ h �. Mary Violet Trewartha. - Eed C1OV r Tim hy, al revenue 4aprodacing . institution. Green River, Out., Executors -- e ` - She has the greatest asbestos, co- gttaTO:v Roas, —Sweet Closer and Aleike : halt and nickel deposits in the 880 Bap St., Toronto. € d ` M world, and she ie the third great- Solicitors for the Executors 1 i" i All No. 1 Tested geed. t" esb gold, producer in the world, ° �. C R � A 11�, �.. Leave or phone your order and we will fill it promptly. •• . '� �� the Hollinger mine in Northern n hardware r Ontario being the largest producer SWIFT'S SERVICE SATISFIES , Anything i from a;nail to a wheel•ba cow. g` In the world. Her fisheries are - Hundreds of Shippers know this from surpassed only by these of the experience. Atrial shipment Agent. #or McCormick•Deeritig Farm Machinery North Sea. Her soft wood re- will convince you. and Repairs. Payments Made Daily.�I sources ranks, second or • third in 7 5 * On a have it, can get it, or it is not made. .�,;_ the world. and she leads the world Swift /�1 � 1 Co., it A - V _ .__. p Ilidtto ' W &s a producer of neyrsprint. Can- ( i('' M! J,da leads the world in the public AM- WEST TORONTO ' TOT a big variety of J. S. BIPLISM y +v `i ,. p - per capita distribution of electri- makes of tires, but - , -city from . central electric power Red and White S• real assortment of } stations. The hydro electric pow Complete Quality Funerals a er development at Niagara is the CNHAIN Goodyear types, sizes SOLID OAS i t �+ < cicreatest in the world. She has and - .tread designs. $ 9 � 009 a�a� more fresh water; lakes than any STORE: '4tw�® �`�"��5 CA9HET FLNEitAL k other country in the world. She M A T T H F_ .W S' BURIAL 0 +porsesses the largest lift lock in No matter when your the world, which is located &t -' car was made — there's a 219 Danforth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 3804 Peterbor•o. In anufacturing in. ort�Sh tire here to fit it. And ' ! Our Funerals include: Embalming.. Hearse, Casket, Outside Case. dnstries the Dominion is rapidly you'll like the price, Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Ser'gice. Funeral complets. 'taping a foremost position; ere she ��� BARTON + No Extras. }h has also all the natural resources because there,* variety Visit our establishment and prove the truth Of these statements taeeeesarp for ouch. hn- bee►utiful there, too. _ for ourselves. QIItarl© prices stand good within a radius of 40 miles from Toronto •Scenery she is surpassed by no _ wee° REMEMBER Clip this ad, for reference. Sit# other country, In education, - :. a Save time and trouble! -- music, literature and the arts she Buy for ca ®h and can frock _ µ occupies a very high place. There Buy C,00dy people le ride on Is also being installed this year in ithe parliament buildings at Ott& save Money them than on any other t _ 'wa the largest - carillon.- or chime -` kind. of bells, in the world, It consists Week -end Specials—Friday of 58 hells, the larltest of which y M� weighs five toad. An effort is be and Saturday : A Law iug made t o have the music from Apr1120th and 30th . . . alt Tadlocted this broadcasted on Jul p lyt. at °a Pickering, ' O. _Von tsltda't make 1t as the celebration of Confederation. Matched. 8 for � C &nadlans have good reason for P be G Soap, 4 for Mn� � `,✓ at r ' ;- is feeling proud of their country, and Soap Chips. 2 The for`�`t?~° tough and strong as Brantford p as the -country- farther devi-lo s r kg .14c Arro- Locks. Brantford Arco- : P Beaded Raisins.. per p For eeMce eke. isy at 660 ,_ they will have still greater reason Seedless Raisins, per lb 14c Locks are locked on. Severest for - {[ride is their -land of �9c vends, st ,-rm and frost caaaa►t j06 birth or adoption as the case Bulk Tea, per lb budge theca. Brantford Arro -Locks are ,- 8, O. FOOTBALL A3300IATInN - r " n- .- :UNIVERSAL = - MOTORS aaucal. R ' - - -The South Ontario Football Ascoci• - ' Brantford Roo in Ce.Llasitel a _ation held a meeting in Brooklin on ... Brantfori, OWL tot ''Wednesday evening. - Jae. L, Palmer _ was appointed amember to the Ooun. WEST HILL , -cal And W. J.- Turner was appointed a 'en delegate ced o the o: F: A. Six teams - R ANl? FLINT SALES a Q� _ ....`entered for the season and only one STAR r ..division will comprise the district. It was decided that the first and second ItRO�LOC teams play off for the championship SED CAR BARGAINS - • of the Association at the end of the II season home and boas games total l� e� - - count The entries for the ;Ford Truck, 1 ton, 1923 Ford Track, half ton, 19'Z2 > Bogle to co " ;Connaught Cup, the Ontario Cup and :- 'These trucks completely overhauled and guaranteed - the Sinclair Cup must be in by Uap jn A 1 condition. Stock Carried• Information 1= ��nldered by �« ' 14th. The application cif the. South on Brantford Roofing ' Ontario Football Referee Association _ All Work Guaranteed. Pickering _ salting recognition by this Association Experienced Mechanics. F'. J. Pl'OLl8e, ' - was granted. Phone Searboro 52 Following is the schedule for 19*2 ' May 21 Claremont at Brooklin Goodwood at Brougham /et'>•ue.rero.t T„c..f.q.er.e _ 4 _ _ _ ' Green River at Cberrywood May 2s Cherrywood at Goodwood • ~ _ " _ - - Green River at Claremont May 26 Brooklin at Brougham June 4 Brougham atalaremont _ r ^ r •• � ��.-- -��+ Ter Goodwood at (been River` Cherrywood at Brooklin ' ..June .11 Claremont at Goodwood - -• _ Brooklin at Green Riser Brougham atCherrywood . - _ -F '• - r_June li Goodwood at Brooklin e4uty. - Green River ht Brougham -•- - Cberrywood at Claremont + - -- — -- - — O�i�r11C� June 29 Brooklin at Claremont � oug am a oo woo June 26 Cherrywood. at Green River july •- 9 Brougham at Brooklin Gppciwood at Cherrywood Tgg refinements which distinguish the design, finish and ap- Olaremont at Green River intments of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet have their counter -l¢. July 18 Claremont at Brougham �° many advances in pngineerang: Features which you �� ��� Vart Green River at Goodwood would [only in "cars at hundreds of dollars above Chevrolet - $rooklin at Cberrywood - price -,ABC oil - filter, AC air- cleaner, new, improved transmission, �] ` x July 29 Goodwood at Claremont smooth d� autch, ndc and scores of others give evrvkt- Hit#o.7f t -7 Green River at Brooklin ` a . - Cherrywood at Brougham - �' .a unique- ' of power, smoothness and rugged °July 90 Brooklin at Goodwood """« Brougham nt Green River ' 'i he - Most Beautiful Chevrolet fa Chevrolet Sadorq is at Claremont at Cherrywood �, sold in C PRICES, the I:ovvest 0 �' ` - li VROLET fs OLSMOBIL F 37ta c- The first game of the unfinished Sin- ° sOM m �E Maw LOWER r - DEALERS..FOR CHEVROLET E L � clear Cup games from last rear will be Itn.data _ _ s6SS.00 cm" - - - - played at Brougham on \fay Tth be. So.r;�4 bps oo Co.cb - - - 760-00 Cabrialet - - _ �`t�, 01L 31��OtOt'A tween Claremont and Cherrywood and��- - ie3o•oo tto.+t.+.7 > - 6SS1)0 _ - arson PiC3ic ® =131$'s -the final game will be played at Green - wOm Uttiib"' u ,River. May I4tb. ., Saud.,, reset ama * ..,. ,: .: '. - '•..." ..:.'......,. .'. .� .'� to .�,� '�"ML° -� ''' Q�y.(�!rt•� s�.•e � ;�`� �•'C+si.�'k z�. �'. : - .,. .,. .:. .... •_ .. : ,; :, ... ... ..:.., .s N. i3: FUwr.n- AM` .:.. an *'nr,s�w': :A'�- ,;it>Zr... Sara; x..iF.+. "`�. �,=,•f ^;•icr "` - .c,.. v: -�..i:.: /. .. m_�5.: _"^':' _- ,:.'.: %: x..- ..1°,,.w. sv .�, .. ti�°.ri...G,,,..;ss:�. °iA�„'.r �. �a' T�. �!+` ��'. �`' �. �+ 5* S; a�"', �.,• ' �i•�ii""- '.�u..R�i3,�::.r;3. ;) sd L Y2•§ : <,.... 2 J a x:.w .. ;w.. M �yvy : t34X rn myT " , a .. .' .,, - - . . , ,.. "n. "ri"' 't w'�,^•iR�s""'• +"1. 4e. 'S` :SMW yy�y,,,rr,r••y,nn'�lSu ' e. , !_ : e. 6e.6 -✓,% :�'.. a,1`'�'.. ,.. .:', „4 'r , .., .. , t •rc T^' �NMS . `' F. 4 , { "�'• -� ' ,� E',: "%}Pl: ^.'1".E',. �,y.y .r,`•' �.. y.F 4 1 , i+...': a, .• gb •.e.. x:..,.. .e.. . °-:,u... •tlt. { > :' '•'"+,r.� .•+e ..>.:•.: .ra.� ••r-. .: +.,`• ''F e.. "� iwv a:�_' ;'''Y 'mYS..:'k.'^',� ..y..,._rs hint s_-r' „a• A'- ,i:m?t �•'...8.- ',`bi,c't &:.•^:�- .;•m3: ,.�f•?e,s -�� °-R �.�.ii"!� L ,r r ,,• a '� k�, '4r'f a.3e z.,y+x�,'ai� *X xa!'" .d,7a _�',u,, r.�' ,. x. -� ,Ki •b 7 ., _. �'��` �, .••y- tt+n.�as. = ur.•ca.. St - q. • L*. • .. 4. . •° rv: �: ,,,.i . � ,,v ... .., , ; r . • -.•, ,. ...° :+ r - ^✓a-. r. r,. � ,.+a' •.'^^•ate . -'ri' r ' :, ui• '" a; ti"• ;r�w. t...,�.,,'a4 a.• >L, .r , ,, i,rOLY YYut&�s`�w�,;;;,,.: . , . _, .�t t'' .. -r T .x�r '�,^ •.c. N,z •N... .• ,."i° t . .?' « ?� �rpy„ r �; .•.•, -• ',. .. w '1�4'? .'�i .- M,'.j .3:as�'o+...a � . ,i ^^q•F -^ :+. r, :k, r •+'iF•a• .'i 9• tgsu l:' ri:v^+C •.�"n. "rh ,.ter ."Q.�..._• ,..• ".-••+r, y . i - r s,. 1` w I v"1 ' III CLAREMONT. Jai. and Mix: 'Evans celebrated the 56th annive'reary of their wed- / Q The p1Ck8Z1II� D. A. and Mrs. Scott spent Ban • ding on Wednesday of last week. N.ati. V -V day in the city. 1. M. Forsyth recentlyy Bold hie i _. C�l�iYII188 ' R. J Diann and J. H.- Beal were valuable driver to Mr, Graham, of in Whitby on Saturday. Peterboro, the well known breed L ' H. G. McIntyre had a- business er of light' horses. We have secured the The object of thin 4noclation is WN �. k. ' trip to the city on Saturday. Robert and Mrs. Worthy, of __ agency for lessen stealin sad prosecute F. M- Cooper has Bold his fine Brampton., spent a couple of days AD theons. ?�� black team to the Orillia •Fire De. last week with the latter's mother, - Dodge" and o�... y r. - partment. Mrs. Thos. Gibbous. b y The U. F. O. shipped a carload Will the person who took the Q Members haying propert etoieaoomoval) of cattle, from Claremont station robe, from Wm. Hill's baggy. `Star Cars safe immediately with .a mempes -- -on Tuesday. when he was attending the annual of Bzsonfi�s OommlyNes. _ -_ . Mr.. and Mrs. Balsdon. of Oak meeting at the . United Church and also keep constantly s Membership !w Ville, were the guests of R. J: and please return ash and save fur- on hand ° 14" 614 m�hbad tram the Paa.ident or Lowis a . "Mrs. Mann on Sunday. ther trouble. food ear Tire onappuestioo. Charles Williamson. of Toronto, p shipped a carload of horses from - Exec. Oom. -L. D. Banks C. B. Palm shipped on carload a of er, M. 19. Chapman, Pickering. Mrs. Geo. Lee, of 9touffville, AUDITORIUM G. & A. T. LAW _The •Bread :of - spear the past week with her par. D. Munro, : :las..Richardson. Buts, THEATRE - SI PICKERING, ONT. President, 6eorefsre'a J. B. an Mrs. Madill. y M. J. and. Mrs, Wilker and C. A. Health and Mrs. Overland anent Sunday STOUP FBI L L E S IT Y N C L E Farmers, Attention .with friends in Inglewood: '�' a George Story, manager of the f am agent for the World's Greatest " 8taadard'Bank here, has been off •''Nova Scotia Shingles "The Renfrew," Stoves, FRIDAY end SATURDAY Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles Scales and oil Engines. Fleur 's duty for several days' owing to y -'� illness. ___gyp ?il �g and 30 Bird's Felt Slate Shingles, famous Plows. Pointe. Grain. Grinders, Leslie and MTB. Fessby, of $and- for eels at - ?, Wheel Barroweetb.' ford, spent Sunday with the let- THE MAN IN THE SADDLE'.' T. PATERSON'S . CLAREMONT Brantford binder twine. and second Pe y ® > hand separators for sale. ter 's parents, Duncan 'and Mrs. HOOT 3IBSON Call and get prices. Phone 2812 ���a :_:­:Morgan. Comedies, THE GUMPS l'1i1,1G t RGBT- DEVITT�' A nu�6r -of- our farmers have "And 'e Lion Tale" Notice re y n n ^ c�HONEV Phone 506 Pick.; BROVGHSZ�t �.. . completed their seeding operations = '•HEARTS FOR SALE" TAGGING OF DOGS ! t h, ?r IE�+ t L`t, ;last yeareeve;•a! weeks earlier than �pirthur Lake _ _ _ New Blacsinith t U Mrs. D. A. Scott, Miss Margaret Next Tues. and Wed. Owners or harborere of doge in the � & 'Mscnsb and Mrs. C. A. Overland ,vrgE HOMEMAKER" s,leo Township of Pickering will please u Having taken over the Blacksmithlag mpent Friday to Whitby with S. F. Comedies take notice that the Dog Tax Act re- Spring 18 Y sere Business o! John McGrath, I affi` qwires them to procure a tag for each prepared to do ail kinds of and Mrs. Robins. — Fri. and Sat. 6 and 7 Harold Lloyd dog and tee such securely fixed We have just received a stock of Beneral blacksmith and : Several members of the Wom- p tag liungg d in �'or Heaven's Sake. to the animal at all times, under pan• New oxo scetyleaeiweldfapt. en's Missionary Society of the &Ityy of $lo and costs. Silks and Broadcloths, Horee•ehoein a Specialty, United Church attended the Prey Also that the provisions of said Act Prints and Giaghame. B P „3 byterial at Bowosanville on Taea- jPrices -15c for children 14 as to assessment and tagging of a Also, a full stock of Spring Millin JOHN SE l{ AN dayy and "Under will in future be strictly enforced�n er and 8unworth Cecil Slack was confined to his 25c for adult® this ta�nehtp. y y 85 CLAREMONT 4° _.bed for several days last week G. M. FORBYTH, Reeve• Wall Paper., ti suffering from an attack of pleur- S. G. Schmidt, •' lsrppfrietor D. "RA.TON. Clerk Lay, but is. able th be around Dated Feb. 11th, 1987. 23tf �• i CNN 110141 �M" 'again. So BROUGHAM � The weather of the past week FENCE �, B�t N/N ©HAEI/ hue been somewhat bar ward and Tda[L TdBLE— Piokart3og 91aA1onCoal, ��'s on Sunday a slight snow -fall took Building and General T. R. Trains going Baas doe an follows )race. However, warmer weather Contracting. No. 10 Hall 7.68 A 1L F.' Estimates furnished on all classes �� 28 Local 12.59 P. M. + is prorrllsed. '''fie will have a barlosd of work — Interior and Exterior. s0 Local - 5.25 P. M qi The bowling green is the object Alterations and repairs. Suoaiap train. 836 A. R. Hard and Soft goal Of iih ®' r of considerable attention tbeee of Q s , days. A few games have already Chimneys Built Concrete Work. 'Ytrain going west due . as follows— bmt quality on Po. 29 Local 9,22 A.. H. been pplayyed and the season will Frost Fence Phone Pickering 5712 ., 27 Lan.l x44 P.M. 'hand r} soon Carlo fail swing. FAIRPORT. ONTARIO 9 Mail 9.16P. M. ti sirs. A. Forsyth returned home to arrive about April 15th.t snadsy train, s 38 P. M. 'THOS A LAW on Saturday after Bpeoding a U� pri0ee Will be C�� +tea Foregoing is according to Standard a A. y week with her daughter n Detroit, time. �10]zM3'4Z3�'. also with her mother who is spend- right. dog the winter with relatives to O -- westera Ontario. David Pugh. of Lakefield, mot we have B fIIll tine Of .;H E R E YOU A R E G the time to bring in your harrow � > gored to Claremont on Friday and other imp meo f +oo his return on Sunday was se- Rennie's Quality lsv24�MR .9L0•AtN _; �eiherepairing, ill be all that � or as _ &Ompanied by Mrs. Pugh. who had v'__ f been visiting her parents, D. M. , ..Tested Seeds . aM . . _ _ or the spring work a and Mrs. Morgans Mena, Young Men'e and Ho e' Snits -Nav Blae. u4 special reduction " "The Beau�ty sad Power of God _ p _ y Dark Brown and P� - - - otioo derJag the fidevealatd is Natnrs" is the to is at Rock Bottom -- Llant -s■asi -ffark Grey -with 1 or 2 Pairs of Pants. : next few weeks for the B. Y. P. U. east Monday Prices. Ranging from $8.50 to $17.50. L 4 R N E R E I ii '. A ` "eveniog There will also be a - Men's Oxfords -Ox- blood, Tan. Brown and Black- Goodyear 'Welt, , s: brief eaiaoational topic. All young Rubber Heel, (food Fitters; regular 5, 50, at 4,50. CLAREMONT people will find a welcome at this -All kinds Of meeting. y Maple Leaf Mutual Fire Richard Ward has discarded : �ry c Men's Khaki Pants, heavy twill, sizes 82 40, Special $1,75 a ; his cane, which he ham sported ardeII Seeds place he received the injury to his balk and package. Call st J. FINGiOLD'S Phone 8800_ ia$iLrancB -Vo• r knee early in the winter as the 1� a8 Cheap rates for farm and country result of a fall, and is now in train- Call and et Our rifles, Q2�ARE�.dON2'. ON' =0 Winds dings. d bull iaR for the bowling season which g p Windstorm Insurance on buildings, + has now opened. wind-mills, Stloo eta. Next Sunday morning at the �1 �p Automoab�ila i nsuee w Baptist church the ordinance of the F• M . I,J o i -- - of kinds. - - -- - - - as I,oraf'e Sapper will be administer- ed. There will also be a reception (dLAREMONT o FARMS FOR SALE �— of new members In the evening, - - - - -� 'Foundation R its or phone _. J A Kies is the Dark' will be the Agent for Aekerman's Quality" .. ED. BOWMAN _ ... _ ' _>!a ec . ou user. yourfrieoda. E V ortune a •T, __ ,y. The Andley Community Club a Every foundation, in the first instance, will present their popular drama. is laid. with the first few dollars saved. ' ;entitled "An Early Bird, fr, the s r i n Is 1(Iommu.nit Hall to morrow (gat- Start to save now and lay your foundation. BEATTNf F, y L - unday) evening, under the anspie- - Save seriously -save consistently. For money STANDS FOR THE BEST �. of tt &rlt�mmittee. This is A e •, in the Bank is the buffer against misfortunh 4:'' a splendid°play; well presen y j g and the • irrdineter of future - prosperity. this Audley Dramatic Club. ; Our continuotiob and public - u schools re- opened on Monday mor- We have a full line ning to begin the•last term before of the renowned , the mid - summer examinations. Mies Brock, of Waterloo, has b n Boxer Wall Papers 'vkDm BRANCJEI, J. K PMYI Ma�gsa' : appointed principal of the public P `' - .. mchool a-s Bucceaisar to Mies Camer. :all prices, from BROOKLIN BRANCH, F. A BURT, Manages: •on, who resigned before Easter. i A great many people in the our i0c to 1.00 _ - ` ronnding district are not aware of ,isf the fact that a manufacturing in- per rail. Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow dhstry is 'being . built tip in our _ ° •iliage: H. Q. McIntyre, who has r A full line of S er- above i'eforebuying elsewhere. - now three men steadily employed With Your trying to keep clp with the large win - Williams Victory Loan number of orders for bath -room ­.-Coupons - annplies. has just completed .a Paints. t' large addition to his factory,. and - .K ,is now busy installing a large -. amount of new and expensive ma- g Also,' somey Parts is now complete. chinery. We congratulate Mr. v�> �* rpriee._aad nice _Ginghams _and hope t at, his business may prove - a very profitable one for him. Ray0II8 tor J Boot • on hand - unbeatable Quite a large number from Clare. will in turn be earnidg. ' - Mont and vicinity attended the ;.spring. We m'eiintain our established tion;for repairing all kinds of -harn`esm and boots. $r .funeral of the late L. C. Wilkins "* �r= at Broo)riin on Saturday last. De reamed, who had met an untimely �xive ne a Call and 'be Harness- maker,' ° death in a. train wreck on the C. convinced. , N. R., near Hornepsyne, while he .was in charge of a valuable • ship went of thoroughbred horses and Freiih GFrOOeries alWb s y purebred bulls, was well and fav on hand. 9l - drably known in this locality, as • he was born and brought tip near BsIsarn, wheyy6alivegantilabout -eight Aars' when be De L'S C O T T . or nine ago eight or . fmorved oat to Kaut•, Man. He was unmarried. His sudden death has Phone 1402, cast a d gloom over the entire - CLAREMONT +coramun I.Y. Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers, Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow ,Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete ° It will pay you to get my pricer on Creme an Account above i'eforebuying elsewhere. With Your PICKERING, - - ;ONTABI® Victory Loan ­.-Coupons - Leatb er Goods Stogie Z _ ,VICTORY Loan_Coupons will ma B I ture on the 1st day of next month. .K Our supply of quality Harness ainil - Olip your coupons and use them to Parts is now complete. s' Y open a Savings Accoiint -with ux. VV6 have a large stock of this Famauj YM Then the money your Bonds eArned Boot • on hand - unbeatable will in turn be earnidg. ' REPAIRING *^ •reputa- STANDARD BANK We m'eiintain our established tion;for repairing all kinds of -harn`esm and boots. OF CANADA �r= P'ICKERING BRANCH -O. A. Sharpe,' Managir Harness- maker,' ; u' Branch.* also at Brooklin. West Hill, Whitby , Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers, Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow ,Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete ° It will pay you to get my pricer on above i'eforebuying elsewhere. FRANK 11ROUSE,' PICKERING, - - ;ONTABI® ..Pickering - Leatb er Goods Stogie Z -` a HARNE$$ .K Our supply of quality Harness ainil - Parts is now complete. s' BOOTS -GREB. SHOE VV6 have a large stock of this Famauj Boot • on hand - unbeatable for hard wear and tear. REPAIRING *^ •reputa- We m'eiintain our established tion;for repairing all kinds of -harn`esm and boots. CECIL BRADLEY �r= i� Harness- maker,' ; u' (INTARI0 , , .,x $ , ..... ,. .,.. ,.. .. ' _' �. ....,+:a4F, ... , ..: ;=ire' t ::.s r,...d.o,•,,�isa' -w s.» °r.�'�'7�5� tw. w:.. .Y n...:!T ma:. t7 �`.i.:n:,, , -,.._. 41Y i.!L;o'4, „i+1{ ep.;,»..nL'• 1 +'ci; *,5: :k`` t:".: �.K!C�'. .,�„... 4'.a..+a "`.h+ h�!5..- .rr•yge.,- g•'R..::.-.r - ...,..:. +�..:, •',e• r '. ;.�..�:, �°�f :tt'r�i,.. 2,,,,..yy �, '�''ity''b 'f',..�. ,. :.., .,�$Y'r'L.N.�.. .u$,•K «th 'd:'ay;'M+..•s aw:aw'fp•••+. +i�', tas-.. rm:.- 'b'�. .sv+t+ -�.. - -•�^:^ ,,�.,�.r .. -... v;:•; s' ^.,;. �'..., `- s:.- °�',., 3. :;G. �" +� ,'�:: �w' w.�'+tts.rc �::a, ;�zi - .�strt.:::�"'ir �mn'� i.:.... �g,r�ro -v ...,..:.�+v.a .as.'�� ^c:. zt,.. ,�d••.ax .s.+a+a,. :..mss. -.T� r�-. -. �'�'.v'�w., °� .tcw.+�aiwn:�^' c; o"r'�" .�°�ii,;':ri -�` .tea a'Y. +'�'' : r ,r r ' - p -- - _ . r: TORONTO BANK.. ROB BED fir $17p� ef National Hy� �- L�III'�AA�ON PLAN pww Expires May First• d BANDITS ' FORCE STAFF fl TO FAULT Ottawa.-Tbe- Government will not ^r V BE PROF AT �11 M` y • , .T_ '. . approve the plans of the National .- •�. ---- Hydro Co. for the Carillon Power ----- �: ;{;allllon DeiAelO ment 'Plans square ftst.' It is rated at a high Development, and this is equivalent to Britain's First Lord, of • the which it was stolen were futile, • p ! real eatiiW value, Out' diplomatia eancelling the lease, which expires but it is expected 'than a 1928 Not Approved by Govern Admiralty to Submit Seriza quarters baWg„ immune from taxation May 1st. There remains after this _ license marker found beneath the went- •Ontario and Quebec' when owned - .%aright, there wM' be: ao but a small 250 - horsepower concession Proposals to Reduce Size }tack seat may lead to the determia 'Agree on Rouyn Extension bin for taxes. at Carillon , which will be expropriat l of Capital Ships. Ing of these facts. --: ad, thus leaving a clear field for Fed - We sterii Can- Windso;c Inives ' tion Reveals eral, Provincial -or. joint Federal and.; _ r London, April 24. -It is - learned Presence of -Mind' Saved' IOda. Provincial power development on the Many Liquor Irregularities wawa. k that when the . Three -Power Naval �e of British Airman In the meantime the engineers of Conference convenes at Geneva June d`r r i I Y SUMMARY OF Windaor.-The Royal Commission the Dept. o! Railways end Canals 12, W. C. Bridgeman, First Lord of tendon. -A sears 'oval sacs from Vf%01;U .D'S J%MWS• given some inkling the British Admiralty, will submit a , = to -day o! why the Port of Windsor are investigating the power develop -I ' the epidemic of Royal Air Force acct y ---- -- y meat possibilities at Carillon% The series of British proposals for the fur- i dents occurred at Kenle when Xi Its the greatest liquor exporting point ther limitation of naval armaments : y' = 'Toronto. -In the second largest to the United States in .Canada. From Government has made no decision, Flight- Lieutenant David Greig of the ' r which will embrace a change of gun *_ bank robbery in the history of To-; two members of' the Royal Canadian nor will any be made, until the juris- I power on future warships and revert - Central Flying School made a thrill- r, -'!onto, three .iron - nerved' gunmen, with Mounted police, who patrol the bor- diction of the Federal and Provincial in to smaller cruisers, and a fixed' Ing life leap during secret testa over revolvers drawn, walked into the Bank Covernr. +eats on the Ottawa River is g (.the Surrey Hills Not losing his ,... der, and have been doing so since the Lonna for submarines. of Toronto branch at the northeast definitely dt-fined. This question is presence of mind ,when he lost con - anmmer of 1926, the commissioner re- The proposals-will urge- the reduc- corner of King and Bathurst streets ceived some; arresting information. now before the law officers. In any trol of his machine, the filer para- - Boats from the United States coming Lion from 35,000 tons to 20,000 tons chuted 8,000 feet, and escaped with - `�ibout 12.20 noon, herded: the manager development at Carillon the canal ,and • lour members o!_ his staff into will bd. incrt ased in 'size and also in for capital ships meaning a saving out a scratch while his lane crashed x into outports under the jurisdiction o! 2000,000 undo sterling about P ` $he vault, stole $17 841 !n cash, and of Windsor without supervision or depth from nine to fourteen feet. Ile g 1 to earth at a speed of 150 miles an • Y ' ' There is no immediate prospect of $10 000 000) in the coat of future Pes examination; vessels loading liquor p p -hoar, bursting into flames, and was a While the building is egni-tped with "after poufs "; dearancea of liquor- any arrangement being ade for this battleships -and reverting to smaller i y destroyed. 8 totally r A burglar alarm, the members of the laden vessels issued before the boats power development A conference g cruisers not exceeding 6, tons. staff were, taken unawares, and found were actually loaded; vessels `loaded between R stedch rovinces .indtlthe I`elernl fi submarines, it t iaeinro check, ddestroyers to -fix the Ives confronted with long` liquor ou Sunday; boats cleared with- i' y -- + sled, black revolvers before they' out sworn declarations Government will be called some time proposed •�+ by their cap- this summer to discuss the problem. maximum, roughly, at 1,000 tons for � 4`l d time to sound any warning. ��; an these entered into the teats- p each craft. Alter plactag all live into the vault mony o e mounted policemen and -- _ -_ rw `itnd ciosia the door oa them, the trio; other witnesses examined. the:monay to a white bag, lest U.S: Embargo is Lifted . ToI3ol4TO. ?� from Ontario Points Canada Requests Man wheat -No. 1 North, $1.61; tote bank and escaped in : motor car I One�Typhoid- Carrier in Dairy More Wavo-Lengths No. 2 North., $1.471. ; No. 8 North., ' y had left parked on the east' side rq Bathurst street, some fifty feet Cause of Montreal Epidemic Washington, April 24.- Inatrnc- 24.-Consi�ers -� Man. oats, No. 2 CW, nominal; Washington, April No. Itbovs King street bona have gone out to remo•, a the am- tion of the request of Canada that it 8, not quoted; No. 1 feed, 57%v, No, No member of the staff was able) Montreal. A man who had typhoid bargo against milk and cream from be given a larger number of exclusive 2 feed, nominal; western grain quota• get to the button to ring the burg- fever 20 years ago and remained a any Ontario points. The embargo was wave - lengths than now allocated to' Lions in c.i.f. ports, a alarm until the ,robbers had left. carrier, ls the only sonrca uncovered placed a month ago on u radius o! 2(10 its use will be resumed by the Federal Ant, corn, Toronto Fre�igghts -No, ?` The whole affair took place so to account for the typhoid fever epi- I miles from Montreal, where a typhoid Radio Commission as soon as it has yellow, kiln dried, 86c; No. d yellow, pi y and quietly that no one on the demie which started in Montreal oa I cpidemic existed. The Canadian Lega- kiln dried, 880. t " „s anything hap-; March 4, and carried on for more than'tion has been promised* that the em- cleared the air situation on this side 'I Millfeed -Del. Montreal fret hts,. "°' of the border incident to the consid- bags included, Bran, per ton, $ .254 r No shots were fired, and a month before being - brought under bargo now will be Iifted insofar as it eration of applications for licenses shorts, per ton, $34,26; middlin when the burglar alarm did " control. Some 2,436 cam developed effects Ontario points. All the Pro- �+ d persons near by thought it was' and over 180 victit3us died. Thin man i An of uebec afiicted: will remain Sled by American broadcasters. $40 215. Q Canada is not content with the six's Ont. Data, 60c f.o.b. shipping porn sprinkler system alarm and ,paid i unsuspectingly applied for and got under the ban meantime, but it is ,exclusive" wave - lengths and the % out ¢cod milling wheat - 1.28 to _ t' attention to iti Tbi bin�victitms, work to a local dairy. He was fits - I hoped that most o! Eastern Quebec " 12to ffr .b. tshipping points, accarl. twelve others that it shares with M g themselves from the vault,! missed as soon as it was learned hat will be released also at a very early this country, and its demands In this'' y`` gr to the polite, be was a carrier. arle altin 68c. I for a workman seeing what �� ---�� respect will be pressed at the proper j Buckwheat -70c, nominal. s pt y Rome Celebrates 2 (81st time. The attitude of the Dominion Rye -No. 2, 98c. - + arentl were the robbers See awn , Gueph Celebrated Centennial In the matter of broadcast is concili- I Man. Sour -First pat, $8.00; To- p the motor car, no trace of the Birthday and Labor Da ronto • do, second t. $7,50. _ .:.. t sits has been ioand, Y of Founding by John Galt I story, but the Ottawa Government,.' Ps according to information just obtain- Ont. Sour. - Toronto, % per cent„ 0 A careful survey had been made i Rome, -fibs 2.681st birthday Of ed, still feels that it must have more patent, per barrel, in carrots, Toronto, i the robbers of the time when the Guelph, Ont., April 4 - Citizens $b.2b • raaboard in bulk, $b.SO. Iweat number of persons would be•; Rome was celebrated throughout Italy! of Guelph honored the memory of wave- lengths to satisfy the needs of --New, large, 18%c: twins, {(7t the bans A constable had jest on Thursday as a national holiday, In; John Galt, the founder of the city on • the broadcasters and listeners -in on 181'4 to 19c; triplets 18% to 19c. Stil - ' ' Billed the box," constable reporting. I conjunction with the Fascist Labor Saturday, the 100th anniversary oft its side of the boundary, tons, 21 to 22c. 013, large 21 to 22e{ thereby im i Day, which was featured by parades a ttwins, 2114 to 22c: Old Stilton, 28 its' race Lion, when a maple. tree who s to headquarters at King and Bathurst p p 243 I Ave o minutes before the bank was of black- shirted workmen belonging planted in his name In Priory Park, i Shakespeare -Honored on Butter- Finest creamer prints, to the Fascist syndicates. I within a few yards of the spot where I . 363M Anniversary y p ' iintaredt Several members of the o!'ltee _ _- ry mf Birth 44c; No. 2, 62 to 48e. Dairy prints, istafi were at lunch in a room above -¢ the intrepid colonizer's a :men, a con- - -- 35 to 87c. the bank Princess Ehzabeth Honored the ago. felled the first tree oa the I Stratford -on -Avon, Eng:• April I eggs- -Frue6 estira. M cartons, 5 on Her First Birthday site of what is now a prosperaus city. ! 24•-- Sbakespeare's grave was beau -! 35 to 36c; 'fresh extras, loose, 84c; _ mace W1l Units With _ A bronze tablet was alsa._erected as tifully decorated Saturday morning.- firsts, 32c; fresh seconds, 280. a memorial to the illustrious founder pilgrims visited It in Poultry, dressed- Spring chickens, t - - Poem in H�ox Affair London-The Iittie Princess Eliza- ; in the City Hall, which was unveiled ;when about 1,000 it gOc; chickens, b Ibs, UP, 40c; do, 4 to beth, daughter of the Duke and Duch- y connetion with the celebration of his 6 lbs., 88c ; do 8 to 4 lbs., do 214 _ 'a r b Mr. Samuel McKee Guel h's oldest . 86c; , - Parts,-The rrmeh Government is, am of York, was an important person resident. p 63rd birthday anniversary. Flags of to B ic, 84c; �rE.ilars, 1 to Zia lhs I f ,quits derided to make common tense' in the British Empire on April 21. many countries were unfurled. These 88c; hene, over 5 lbs., 82c• do, 4 to d ' with the ocher powers in any mess -I On the other side o! thi world war- iacladed Germany and China, but not lbe., 80c; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 24; roostets� 41St d 'tree agreed upon in regard to the ships of the Australian naval aqua- Youth Completes Hike of 500 Soviet Russia 25c; turkeys, 48 to 47c; ducklings, 6 pantonose Governni m Hankow drop which are escorting to Mel- - _:._ p 86 to 880. !Et is announced bm. _� bourne the battle erdiser Renown with Miles, Hungry and Footsore Britain WM Await lb a up, hand - lit -ek«i, $3.6o to r ° Dart these (diners negotiations ! the Duke and Duchess aboard fired a �.__w I$8 90 basher; primes 86 p to $8.60. -' same of 21 ns in honor of Princess Guelph.-Wan and emaciated from *-•+ fang s Threat ; Maple roducts -�yrnp per imp Trance !s also requesting Great Brt gal. 12.26 to $2.30; per �i Kai, $2 115 ,. - -:'ta, to use her ialtuence to settle dif- Elisabeth's first birthday'. lack of food, with tattered shoes al- _ L . lb. 2$'' most falling off blistered feet, Andrew London, April 24. -The British , w 2.l6 per ga.. , maple sugar, , to 6c- noes between Italy and Jngo- I Lamont, aged 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Government is now content to await cusp , tins, c,, to t 131,1► to 13 Iii c ; b-lb. tins, h is undere Active es- 'I'h msands of War Medals I James Lamont ang K!a lb. Line, change of views are slrwdy taking as teat ed home site a Mt of Shek's quarrel with his former Rath- 141,4c• 21,4 -115, tins 180. : • ace a n a or n an 1500 miles from Chicago, Ill. a over cal associates to China and to post - I (�mb honey ---;< to $6 per doinn. the British Ambassador is understood Ottawa�Some 108,000 medals, in A little over a month ago the youth pone all question of sanctions for the Smoked meats -Hams, mod, 80 to ,'- to have had a long conversation on Mussolini. On with g conversation the sub had addition to decorations, are unclaim- left the city with just $20 in his jeans Nanking riots. 82c; cooked hams 48e; smoked declaration rolls, 25c; breakfast bacon, 28 to 88a; ad by men and women' who 6erved -�.. with the Canadian . Expeditionary ship oChica , where �nh* intended freighter. m dear Soviet out o � China backs, bonolcsa, 82 to 42c. Cnr+d man Long clear bacon, . "Q 1 Force in the Great War; accordin to. =" otlnd of a Face Sent t g by the De- He arrived in the Mid -West metropolis and march on Nankow headquarters, of the Cantonese Government, has 60 to 70 iba. $21; 70 to 90 lbs., ;19; an order published -Across A artment of National Defence. These safely, but found that without the 90 to 1.00 16. and a , $18; light- secured him the good wishes of the in barrels, 11.50; heavy- P ' "London. -The latest acoomPush.I awards are in stock at the headquar- ters office here, and. are made up as necessary papers he was unable to secure a berth on a boat. He made British. gong Kong advices through the weight rolls, weight rolls, $38.50 per bbl. Lard -Pare tierces, 14 to 14%ci Went in the progress of science to- i follows: 1,916 unclaimed 1914 -115 maidng an the world a mirror., several unsuccessful attempts o so- �s care ohs, and then started home, same agency say "Communists" at ( tubs, 15 to 15%c; pails, 15% to 160; ward gam, 67,636 British War Medals, - -` "•157 p° sans of televh�don is just an-! and 40,890 Victory' Medals,' together d, padding �� padding the pool. $e didn't t have two dimes Samshut, a British border station 80 �� from Hoag Kong, drove off two�l8�c• prints, 16% to' 17c; shortening tierces, g tuba, 13lic; pail, 141,(tc; blocks „ M aounced. The sound .ot a faces,, it the Distinguished Conduct Me- ne to rub against one another ga when he started. railway engines, presumably toward and export 25 to was declared, : had been transasitted _ dals, Military Medals, Medals of the at Although he was given one or two g � Hea y steers, $a $8.75; Canton, thus severing communications Heavy do tdr, $'1.60 to . $8; . butches ' • ior of the television Was sub-' Order o Empire, Mert- ' tdrious Service Medals and French He before the short rides on trucks, Ste walked aI- atoet all the way, g" y, `bummin what with Hong King. - steers, choice, $8,215 to $8.75 do, fair 0 760 to $8 batch beif- tO g°°d $ 'o of the test sat ,medals. Eevisor little food he did Mrs. Slichter, Wife of era, choke, 8.25 to 8.50, do,• m, in London and the sound a ____ produced by his iirta' was recorded T1Cntiirl COI1CCSSiOli get at farmhouses and sleeting at night in roadside and barns. He had only about three to Murdered Misio $6,75 , $ to butcher cows, good d ��' choice, $8 to $6.75; do, fair good, Wounded. "to ' - In New- York. The receiver reported . "sound to Chinese by British Consent 5 meals in two week=. The 500- Reported d. $6.25 to $5.60; do, corn. rued., d.b0 that receipt of the face flash -! p square . :,_ . „ _ _ _ :to $5; do canners and cutters, $2.60 to ed like a, scr4dch" and that was a11' London.-N for the re- to It. ! mile hike took the pouch r•rcr a Reek. Toronto, April 26.- Information 4• butcho;; bulls, d to choice, $6 P $ boo 'the Department of Ex =Ito $8.60; do, roes., ;5.26 to $5.76 dqq • ttherh was storation to the Chinese of the Brit - T which reached ternal Affairs . Ottawa bolognas, $4.50 to $5; baby beef, is.60 ish concession at Tientsin have been � i • �fada t0 tion at yesterday , stated that Mrs. Morris Slichter, wife i tO $11.00; feeders, choice; $7.00 t6 satisfactorily concluded under the HOIDe iu Was terms referred to the res Live Gov- P� � of the Toronto missionar killed in $7'60; do, •air, $6,25 to $8.76; stock- y fair to err, choice, $8.50 to $?; do, • � erntnente fora royal, as pp ys a Pekin � China, was at Shihtsv , wounded. � I rued., $6.M to $6; springers, $80 to Washin n. -An imposIr -9 9My' despatch to The Westminster Gazette. - �� V, Misa 'Mary Craig, th e Philadelphia $100} mirth sows, $ ?b to' $100; plain Slichter hone buil ng in the diplomatic giro - I The concession• mill be controlled by x e '' nurse who had been with the I to roes, cows, $415 to $66; calves, family, declared to be to $18; do mod., $8.50 to' $et• N to be Canada'i p"rnianent home a Council made up of five British Wttih3ngtan- l ` was still miss - i eboice $11 ing and her whereabouts not to have' $10; ao, com., $4 to ; �; lambs, choice; n members and five Chinese membersa It is a five storey 40 -room house, Frith the Chinese chairman possessing d� peen traced. No reference wan made $13.60 to E14; bucks, $10 to $11.25; T. at 1746• Massachusetts Avenue, built the deciding vote. to the six- pear -old Slichter boy, but i a Pp choice, $8' to $9; do, heavies; $6 to $7.60; do, culls, $4 to $6; hogs, &bout 90 years ago as a private reel- • previous cable received at the Depart- thick smooths, fed and watered, denre, but equipped with such mod- Man and Woman Drown in mer.t of External Affatra had eta � $10.25; do, f.o.b., ;9.76; do, .coon �r things as telephone exchange and • Tb�ea When Boat_ Capsized ;• that he was his mother. q points, $9.50; do, off care, $10.65; 6lvator, so that the- bustness -offices'_ - -with - -J select'premium, per hog, $2• `� 41d the• legation can be opened at once. London, Ont. -Miss Annie Wright- �. Car Found Near Ottawa May MONTREAL. ` No remodelling or refurnishing is man a 18, and Harold Williams g� R to accommodate either the aged 19, were victims of a double " �, Oats, CW, No. 2; 75%C' ; do, No. 8, Have Carried Bili]k Bandits 661�4c. Flour, Man. apnn wheat !. 1ecessary floes or residence quarters, so that drowning in a treacherous stretch of pats., firsts, $8; do, seconds, $7.50; i cent Massey, his family and his water in the River Thames at Middle- Ottawa. -A sedan, which, it is strong bakers', $7.30; winter ppa�t - retariat probably will move In miss, a few miles southwest of here, thought, may possibly ' be the car of eats, choice, $5.90 to $6. RM :. a; week or two about 9 o'clock Friday night.. The ? x*' °, :. the three robbers who on Thursday oats, ba 90 lbs., $3.80 to $8 40. Bran82.2b; !.' purchase price of 'the how le- two young people, together with Lorne got away with nearly $20;000 from s shorts, . $84.26; miss {fags, $40.26. Hay, No. 2, pea Lion ls understood to have been Liny, wore crossing the river in a r _ and $470,000, ineluding furniture rowboat from the farm of Harry Toronto bank, was discovered on the ton car lots, $14.50. ; Prescott highway, abandoned, fours �be�, fist weals , 161,4 to 17c. -Gower. Heads tsrent; -•The transaction was Lill brother of Lorne and brother- P y' between Education Association. Charles Kelly, of Hamilton miles south of North The, carried no license mark - :Butter, No. 1, ppasteurized, 38c. Ewa, ncludid in Ngw,yerk reP- to -law of Miss Wriglitman, when the principal automobile irosh extras, 86e• fresh firsts 880. "= �ssentatives of the C`ranadian Govern- boat capsized, plunging the three oc- - Miemorrial School• who was elected era, which leads the police to believe I Com, quality dairy type bulls, $4.50 aid the owners ou ants into the is water. Ull P y y' president of the Ontario Educational that the automobile was stolen. B( to $4,86 • cows, mad. $b • better qual- ' t't The'area of Liss lot on which Liu an dycpert awimtrnr, was successful Association at its anuual session in orts to locate the owner of t e auto- ity calves, h $7; do, poorer, $8; hogs. slaw Canada house stands is 20,800 in reseWS land. Toronto. mobile and to establish the point from,$11.bo. y ♦ r �J� .. ... `,: ; _•, .. � :' ,. .. .. •. 6 ' "S . r y .y,� L'•i'�, .a �,4Rtr..- s- ^�,•,» ed13.b��.0 -Without Medical Examination Select Male Risks, ages IS .'to 45, may obtain insur- ance up to $2-Wo without Medical Examination. a. Mae I" Castel; today wamn=omm eave- W.Vasenw.-Sam- ExctLsion Liva INSURANC9 CO.. water-rower SitualLion m Canada The water -power situation in Can- ads 1:6--day is one of a record kevel*p- ment per capita of total population, of-Ancrea,aing construction work, and of -large development in view for I many years to come. The continu- I ray out statistics, compiled by the Do- minion Water Power and Reclama- e during the ti*n S rvice show that good t► �A�Ja {. past ten years the developed water- i power has increased at an annuall toe average rate of nearly " AM three- ou must try RED ROSE ORANGE .quarter per cent—this, however, in- cludes the war period, when Ms.-, I . ..... PEKOE., A little higher price 'than other projects were in abeyance. During N 1924.the increase was over twelve perl-� icas, but a real difference in quality. NoW cent. and during 1926 over 20 per cent. packed lit .7 7 111�ENTERESTSHOWW ChmifiedAdvertisementiie PLAJN 4UNU) as WA10= TO DO A V E_R Y REM IN ESSAY CONTEST L'v Whak- or open Usw% WINtas &I homs. Pay: Troll um aw duua**. chars" Paid. unuip TDIVITUM Q--_A sump for VuUoolave, Xadag&l U&SUIUVAKUS Co.. on 17-- E. Y. .7 -Without Medical Examination Select Male Risks, ages IS .'to 45, may obtain insur- ance up to $2-Wo without Medical Examination. a. Mae I" Castel; today wamn=omm eave- W.Vasenw.-Sam- ExctLsion Liva INSURANC9 CO.. water-rower SitualLion m Canada The water -power situation in Can- ads 1:6--day is one of a record kevel*p- ment per capita of total population, of-Ancrea,aing construction work, and of -large development in view for I many years to come. The continu- I ray out statistics, compiled by the Do- minion Water Power and Reclama- e during the ti*n S rvice show that good t► �A�Ja {. past ten years the developed water- i power has increased at an annuall toe average rate of nearly " AM three- ou must try RED ROSE ORANGE .quarter per cent—this, however, in- cludes the war period, when Ms.-, I . ..... PEKOE., A little higher price 'than other projects were in abeyance. During N 1924.the increase was over twelve perl-� icas, but a real difference in quality. NoW cent. and during 1926 over 20 per cent. packed lit .7 7 111�ENTERESTSHOWW ChmifiedAdvertisementiie PLAJN 4UNU) as WA10= TO DO A V E_R Y REM IN ESSAY CONTEST L'v Whak- or open Usw% WINtas &I homs. Pay: Troll um aw duua**. chars" Paid. unuip TDIVITUM Q--_A sump for VuUoolave, Xadag&l U&SUIUVAKUS Co.. Content. ..a box from The Dr. Williams 24ecu- clue Co., Brockvtno, Out. age. : - . . A "midshipmen" for ca- A census -of the buffalo herds in 0 - The name the various national parks of Canada' -- - .1. 1.. 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup relieves all it diets originated in the navy about 200 taken on March 1, 1927, shows that There is gold In sea water, but it d indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by . The men who were going in Buffalo park, Wainwright, Alberta, will never make anyone rich. , The nce you have tried it. Any drug atom, years ago. through a course of training to be- there were 6,640 buffalo; in Elk Is- average concentration of the precious Motoring In Rockies. come officers were assigned quarters ' land park, Alberta, 480; and in ' Banff metal in 5,000 samples analyzed was The journey by motor car over the amidships on the lower deck. Hence s park, Alberta, 20. There are also over only about one one - hundredth of a entire length of the Banff - Windermere three one - millionths of they came to be called midshipmen. 1,000 m gram, highway through the heart. of the burralo In The Vveou Buffalo park near Fort Smith, N.W.T. an ounce, to the ton. Canadian Rockies can be Vwde ' com- Spring Time is fortably In one, day. The route -Re- TIRE) IrEET through virgin Wilderness, but 'rest KING Time -Minard's soothes sore and • CELERY 1 4,11 009 44 camps, automobile camping ground; brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. and service station, I spring medicine you need. feet. Bathe-then rub well A bungalow camps It Is all the s Minard's. are located along the way in arch It drives out winter's poisons, improves numbers as to guarantee accommoda the appetite and makes you feel'better tion for those who wish to make R -right away. CELERY KING is good for '0 an Its superior strength makes Purity g farther than ordinary flours. It is perfect for all your baking- cakes, pies, more leisurely survey of the road. the whole family. At druggists, 30c & . 60c. - :--buns and bread — so the one flour sack only is necessary. Treatment for HInges _d Better Chicks VA 0 only you. Try Purity Flour to-day it is certain It oiling of hinges an Occasional that will pay you. Bred to lay. OF from be- will prevent doors Parred Plyrnowl Rocks S Q W Corning stiff and rattly. Keeping om@,Bmzm andW;i�f1s;J oiled not only 'makes them' F.As , 1 5-11 - CUT, W hitl latches W"adou_n Pure•bred, hoelthl prevents their rapid' vigorous. Agpit Hoicbed P U R '�� ��o U A work easier, but prev Smod for cb%%dw a" V. Ow Wear. Send I&SUIE No. 18-7111. 30c in aampffir our 700-MOO Parity Plour C004 POOL HATCBMT ceawn Flow 100114 CO. L1111241L, Tocoat44-blantrash Otftvv% lielot Job- For distemPOr-Minard's Liniment. 04 ciallimic" at.a wantI&Wd. ontar" W Ex siot Life Banding, Twmt* n1i UPLIS from Many ocavoig Plan wad = Particulars yaw IDZAL Policy The Dearest One on Earth- in Entries—Examiners Harld rlxr= rn=ND** To rITHES .91 By Pete P. Duffy. at Work. G Is 01" 40TCWPL Pwrl.s 0a (Dedicated to Mother's Day —, How -Weak, Run-Down Peopiel cwty C&. Montreal. 'Q'­— Sunday, May 9th.) Can Obtain Relief. That the pupils of our public schools SEMOR BABY CH C Boy; did -you ever put your arms take a real interest In their oountrT Is LC BMW$ ---TO-"Y BA Addna w Around your dear old mother! Among the many remedies offered j ev1dent from 6* number of easaYs re- fta Barran Vadu Leowes'. Our Harrel Boom of W� desir The one who, cherished you through for the maintenance or restoration of I lii:ilty cedved In We contest. Promptly otter is O.A.C. "a. " doots an hakdW with pefterved I oftlo • life Far more then any other, health and strengthohere Is none can compare with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. the closing date the examiners began tron heavy their work and will be busy bor some tred blood-tated daox sad have be= 'V) 4 tat' ass Proauctifta. U YOU we= 190*4 r�­ an for ate„ "A &be have the 11u. One Minute Churn And tell her that you love her And are grateful for the tears Most -&V­menu--Wr-9--dUW-W -poor, thin, days reading and marking the contri tram butiOns to them. It is isapossible 14shorm& U& pria"; Saab for U" &W�00. SUM "CORL May 118.40. JUns 916-00 Pat hunLIP a,--. blood. Dr. Williams? Pink Pills have a sent go"" PS14. 160 Per As demozistrated sucossefullY at Toronto X. Ottawa, London- She shed far you and prayers she breathed specific action on the blood, making It Through this I to Bay, as t h1a 10 written, wtLen the final results will be ready for publka. fWa.& U pos awL owA Vith order, balsa 0 4!,O.D, All, IM Kingston, and twelve other fail For you through childhood years ? rich, red and pure. 101 richer blood the tissues of the body are flan, but a real effort Is being made to fairs. Sold on free trial basis, 719 well who knows you'love her, bed ter nourished, and the functions of announce the prize winners next week. BT CMcxB rzold rMloiLEM B%ow 11took Q�LQ Barren Zocl-,' Too 'A V with absolute guarantee to make' i good butter In from on to three e Yet assure her that you do; It will cost you little effort; the body better performed. Ansemic weak, languid and nervous Astronon3en ng New 082 aim asch 0"`A4Jsmft"aM %Lb"u year our minutes from sour or sweet : Does she keep her love from you? sufferers, find health wdftdh'"ovc1m1zrX#. = froan sto* tha have bow bioad tanqd 1, 1 *ream. Write for conip 14to asits-, locus. She has been your loving Vigil people speedily Dew and strength through the use of this meth- Source of Energy. White diarrhoea a" au docks -lave been culled :,a 1 d= Prim; it- ka. for Us; 'r,10,40. . M Agents wanted. From the dawning light of birth, clue. This was the experience of Mrs. Mankind in this industrial &go to Im""a 11"ImU7 MAY 118.00, Jose 81 01 Pal ­One Minute Churn A Freezer Co.. Ltd. Wb" will you find her equal I John Armour, South Monoghan. Out, deponStent in a large degree upon the' hoadrod-enron vaiii. 106 on �42L U-- �WQ roarsaued. Tam$ U w "&L &A viit, �W*6 1271/2 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont. -She the dearest one on earth. who says: -"I am one of the many mineral resources of coal and oil,' bsl&ws C O.D No d1nPP0bLL=4W& Atl 1MV ­" 0 Consider, boy, thousands who have regained health which represent the energy of the sun Shly -d 'rhas Pe-al"t : 0 Twed" Farc.A!Z t .. Who Ultimately Pays the the troubles That have brought her sHTw h94T-. tbkrough the use of Dr. Williams' Pink y of Pills, I take thj�i opportunity stored up over millions of years. NX rR.OrM T= bedw wt1h I That these resources are finite and C-&11 7- bw-Wb7 Taxes? Note the mother -light -light &-ohining In the eyes dimmed by cam and saying a word In prLise of this splea- *Waka whalk ran an bor our -Quaki:71, -&*at Azru and siLoo are comparatively rapidly reaching a c vsr� "C. Boa 100, Leah— 114,50 per too AIM wrisdQual 1, Aw" Prizes amounting in all to $1500.00 now Each look from your dear mother did medicine. Before beginning the use of this medicine I was pale and point wbero they can no longer be ad go" ow tob tbmaW4 40uW Messer keedw car eocnonilcally mined, is universally tarry to upermad to bread caslIV late thIcill, JM.M being offered again this year by � Bonn the tiddngs to you, boy, badly run down. I found It d1flicult to &,4=Jtt*& Accordingly the problem we Pew 4&m7 ""s" "d ffawsaM to per Ml a-us`e R."a"' saw. =-I' - ,Alvan T. Stmoade. PrQ`B16Wnt Of the Of & loving heart's pU19&tI1O114, do my housework and was tired and of finding new sources of energy =7 I" de'll- eq do Saw & Steel Company, for the best eseay on "Who Uld tely Now of tears. and now of joy. She Implants a k1se upon you, breathless at the lesst exartion. I bad bons- be regarded &a the most important WILP WAXT90. VVITA CAR Pays the Taxes?" Aj,.�J And her blessings with - you go tried several medicines without fit. and finally decided to try Dr. wil� and urgent which tat" modern ap- plied science. and it Is interesting to A_1%TZD---a&LX§3=tXX gmatry distribUdalL AIM mechaw, rat twow. osgable of talda$ *­W was% itamuwa This to the sixth of a series Inaugurated by Mr. Al- As you face the daily battle Usme, Pink Pills, Soon I began to fool note the bearing upon this of astro- %& ta %"a- PQWd bo =111",p anal Contacts I Of your life-your row to hoe, better, sleep better and eat better. Bud er physical researches such Bs an ca.- fta "TwismAnu 1" 14 Men I It. Xuansde. OUL 'van T. Blm*n4x with the Idea of You MAY search the wide world over, found my weight increasing. In a word rued On in the DoalluiM Ajitr wwasIng a mss general Interest In the subject of economics. as related to boy. And you will find a dearth I felt WM & new PWSOIL I have since Cal Observatory at VJAWJ&, BAtWh BRAY'S. fl[TTIM BRMTO-LAY _4 Individual and gameral welfare, and to lacrosse economic Intelligence of lore such as your mother's recommended the pill to other* who have taken them with eqilally good re. Columbia. "BY 0HICK8 The ultimate solution of this prob- w Produced n 1111h general knowledge who in the the dearest one on earth, salts." APka "Ili and vearsaiss&U Ism to one wbkb will be reached if i aa,,. 0:6" Lad a of Pays, -end for governmental protection and controL Mothor-11whme, shall we bids W& 11o's his Try Dr. WtMamo! Pink P218 for aemia, rUbmatiam, seuralg%, Oct'- at an by the road of astrophysics. .84 RLSis 0 ablain 100 82LOL So 1110.04. Ana rasa fie From investiestiono of the past his-Prices re, ohiek* rMea wood-tasted awl a" ' present until btrtbd&yr, - vousne". Take them as a tou$c if you tort' of our sun, in the light of studies par &toL cataisru, rm Bray chk* ustsbacr. JAI $1.000.00 will be awarded to the, beat i Father - 'I think the bathroom- am not In the best physical condition OT146ont rlar%ars A.Q., at Catharbles. OUL Order on other stars, it has become 'duo easay and $60 to the Boom& I would be the safest piece, and cultivate a reslotanee that will ad erm only so"" onca that the source of onerrY of all tb4mie This contest. which In open to every- body, everimbdr% alaose on December fuwtions you At moat Society will keep ycm well and strong. Got a box suns is sub-atomic. As the sun grows A, _0 $1, 1927, and fun PutICUII&M can be -secured And tho, women out in fordo --aged the from the nearest drug store and begin this treatment now. older it lateen me", and for each pound of Iteolf, which in annihilated Z by addressing Contest Edidtor, Simonds Saw & Steel Co.. 470 Neft. men by force, The pills are sold by &lI'uXXWaa dealers be by 60c by the union of a hydrogen nuel eus 2-ke CA" at A Velvet Skhs-� 01 Street. Fitchburg. Mass. Dick-"But wtLy wv You going to or will sent mail at a box by writing The Dr. Wil-ULms' and a free electron, them Is set free Pups Blood Vxder Is as much energy as would be liberated In Conaaction With this oOmV6dtI0n be that volky old pilace for your vaca- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .. by burning over a million tons of r. It to stated that the essays a" to brist and wTttten for the parposo of tion ?- 1 j&Ok__v-Wn, I have Ojay IL week and • Tile Plowman. the best anthracite coal. If this on- in readdu the average man rather that I want it to Boom like a month." orgy, however, were set free only brofessons and LdTAZ094 students Of The delicate cate green trees stand a the far interior of the sun, where -3 000noulica-4nd this In conjunction a There by the fenced ways the temperature Is measured in mil- .*Ith the liberal prizes offered, make - One or two are crtmaon-tipped bons o f degrees, there would not be the competWon one in which many WW want to U&6 part. TUT BABY OF YOURS o blax4. And soon will start ton follows, much hope of either obtaining or con- trolling this very powerful source of No Jhe plowman as of yore, wab-atomdaseer". Fortunately, how- 10 Ekny FArffi- Keep Him Well With the Aid of Along the furrows cold, Homeric shape against the boughal ever, recent astrophysical invest of indicate that twat of And do you think the birds . that sing Baby's Own Tablets. Sharp Is the air with mold. . . . Lions some at this energy Is released near the on Their marry melodies N o matter how strong and rO&7 Your Oh, new &LYS, Yet long known and face of the Fun at comparatively low It is then The, effectiveness of flka z. Fly here and there on futile -wing And lime in I t1hpierl, P -me? a —I&WITO m1W old I temperatures. no chimert- cal dream to anticipate this use of *pular -touch of "make-W I �M be enhanced if the Tbay build their nests,,they find their- I,. so that the stomach sometimes, be kept sweet and -the system 0101& too, as w* look about, This immemodal act of faith, this fundamental source of energy, greatly skin has the velvety smooth- food, Torms rly the laxative m6dic!1111100 That takes the heart r, r rn 6=bt I upon the earth, perhaps almost In the ness and clearnen that result 'Ironl .1v They do their work, they raise their to children were disax, b7a lifetime of some now living. When the use of TRU-BLQOD- 4 �41 brood- their hours isivan ones - canton' oil. Bonn& tea, powders Kingdom* decay and creeds are note Yet still the goes this takes place mankind will, thanks I This much-prescrIbed Plc�� to Investiga-'' Their little taskii em- and so on. But aow Baby's Own Tub- p1dwman fields, be purely astrophysical Industrial Tonic corrects the coarslening 11complexion'sids" ploy, lets, "Buy administered, and pleasant Down the spring so may tiong, enter upon a now tendency, of And yet they find the world a joy. to take, have superseded :.them Tim make Ready for him that sows. era, in which we will be independent of our rapidly disappearing- vilneral and makes the skin clear, smooth and cololful. The earth Is not an idle earth, w, clisdren like Baby's Own Tablets, Not only as a laxative but in many -Lizetto Woodworth Row, in "The fuels. Your Draggist now has TRV- But busy all the day, other ways those Tablets ors, an ideal Wayside Lute." BLOOD. Tat 114 lasalth4o"GazOv, Got a botdo today. -':'The only happiness of worth, remedy for LKUG On*& They qu"DW Pebblee Land to Mighty Rips. Kill warts with MInardle Liniment. I $wing qmallitles. The Joy that Poems to stay, Comes not from seeking very far, reduce feverishness, relie" inftw I Small pebbles In th4 roadway often Thermom hIng. tidn, ooMe and *omItins, prevent eon- Is found where all our labors "91- stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teeth- lead to mighty rips In tires. After a . The discovery that cod and b&& 991 irz ioOO The song that fills the robin's Ing pains end promote healthful,. as- run it is a good plan to look over the dock are found in the greatest nurri. TRU—BLOOD �1 breast errated surface of the tread and m be in waters where the temperature 1 ­-1;A Awakened by a builded rest. rural sleep. It you can get Baby's Own Tableft at move say small. objects which have to betweezi 40 and 50 degrees Fahron- I A PRODUCT , , - 1 Mallocb, in ""The Heaft'Lny dealer In medicine or at 25 cents lodged them Then they cannot be helt has led to the, extensive use of .;__Douclas forced farther Inward and cause dent- thermoinientors by fishing Joeta. Content. ..a box from The Dr. Williams 24ecu- clue Co., Brockvtno, Out. age. : - . . A "midshipmen" for ca- A census -of the buffalo herds in 0 - The name the various national parks of Canada' -- - .1. 1.. 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup relieves all it diets originated in the navy about 200 taken on March 1, 1927, shows that There is gold In sea water, but it d indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by . The men who were going in Buffalo park, Wainwright, Alberta, will never make anyone rich. , The nce you have tried it. Any drug atom, years ago. through a course of training to be- there were 6,640 buffalo; in Elk Is- average concentration of the precious Motoring In Rockies. come officers were assigned quarters ' land park, Alberta, 480; and in ' Banff metal in 5,000 samples analyzed was The journey by motor car over the amidships on the lower deck. Hence s park, Alberta, 20. There are also over only about one one - hundredth of a entire length of the Banff - Windermere three one - millionths of they came to be called midshipmen. 1,000 m gram, highway through the heart. of the burralo In The Vveou Buffalo park near Fort Smith, N.W.T. an ounce, to the ton. Canadian Rockies can be Vwde ' com- Spring Time is fortably In one, day. The route -Re- TIRE) IrEET through virgin Wilderness, but 'rest KING Time -Minard's soothes sore and • CELERY 1 4,11 009 44 camps, automobile camping ground; brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. and service station, I spring medicine you need. feet. Bathe-then rub well A bungalow camps It Is all the s Minard's. are located along the way in arch It drives out winter's poisons, improves numbers as to guarantee accommoda the appetite and makes you feel'better tion for those who wish to make R -right away. CELERY KING is good for '0 an Its superior strength makes Purity g farther than ordinary flours. It is perfect for all your baking- cakes, pies, more leisurely survey of the road. the whole family. At druggists, 30c & . 60c. - :--buns and bread — so the one flour sack only is necessary. Treatment for HInges _d Better Chicks VA 0 only you. Try Purity Flour to-day it is certain It oiling of hinges an Occasional that will pay you. Bred to lay. OF from be- will prevent doors Parred Plyrnowl Rocks S Q W Corning stiff and rattly. Keeping om@,Bmzm andW;i�f1s;J oiled not only 'makes them' F.As , 1 5-11 - CUT, W hitl latches W"adou_n Pure•bred, hoelthl prevents their rapid' vigorous. Agpit Hoicbed P U R '�� ��o U A work easier, but prev Smod for cb%%dw a" V. Ow Wear. Send I&SUIE No. 18-7111. 30c in aampffir our 700-MOO Parity Plour C004 POOL HATCBMT ceawn Flow 100114 CO. L1111241L, Tocoat44-blantrash Otftvv% lielot Job- For distemPOr-Minard's Liniment. 04 ciallimic" at.a wantI&Wd. ontar" W , m5: _ 4, �7�p.l )., - -*w !9­.ff,�­,W�e -�,,"' -�Sl .. .W" , __ , , vi�! m 5114*:",--Y`71�1 _­­,.-P..,L, , -",n,�-­f.,;W"t.i-�� ,,;�r- -­�$�­"&kv. �,�­,Z­I.V",V­'�� - --- __ � -��,,i4r�-­i.��-.� , M ,�p R�!'.- 1?!rA4,V- , "'aif,", - 4- �NW.". -a", - - ;� �, . -, � V - - V­ ;��,p .. I "� , - FZ� zi 1-14�_.­ 1 - _ ,.. .4 _ " . I �T;��.", ',­o.�,W_ 7­$.�-,!, 'n. "e.-r�,­ ., " ,,�. r.111 I ­ ,-w ., , ­T . -J� " - . j'A., , - �:- .�7.' , -­I.. r� '� , : , , - 7... . - . ­ .- - I " I .� 4I . J. - , - � ... � � ­ . � - .� . . . , �1. -4 - -��!% •4 . . �,:-. 4 � ". , , ,,, ,-: ".� ., - . 11 . I . �' - '� -,-.. -!' �. 7 . . _N , X. - -V -�, -1: ..­* " - - I : ,, "" 'a _. - ' � ;Q 14 . , , E� . '71i , . 4 P .. . I , , . 0, . '34, 1.'7_1�4,a �_; -. y: , '�'V'g'�PV44R'�'�"' ""�­"t�;.I;a;�'�',% '!!, �1- I;- • ,,­;;_"...:_�-�, " - " � ., , � ... �, ­K��­TL�Z­o _ - , , 1.111 - M, , 'R� P . " ,',- �, ! , - - - ,­ /'NO - 1 17 �4 -" � - � . , :k,%" , Z ;e,��-.­ _ � �_;,*, �� � - -: �, ; 0,'Nl��V�,D` �,�W.'�71_)`11�1.11-!�;,r e . ,4;. �, " Z , Z.. 11 I '. . . . 'i, � , ,�_ 7; �.�. ,��'. " � �i�- �*�ti-�- .,,,';�,:�t-' � h , �_31 ��_ . , ��f:W7�&�',,­ , - , I , , . �, - , I ., � � JiTF � . - . , , , 7 " � I ­ , ­, � - ... �.;� . .11 I......- I .. •I , , - . _� . , .. I , I ... .". . , ,� , . . I I , , � . 11, �. .. ���:� .l;W , , :- , !7 . ,�: ­.�� .W4 .1 .,.% '. " � %_ , � - . � . . _�' ,fs .� "I, , i� � ­ - .. . �-: "". ,'_!*�' ....... , . 4 -,',4�­,,i1;,^, - , " ,?. ": , , . .. - � .le- . . . . . . . . ...... . . - ., . :�-�-.',':,, �- - :' - 1 '::�: , I p '' ,� - t. �'­ � �, : .g'A'. - . • , , '1� �­ � , � , � 1 - , ,e - � . ., . iv, .. � .;�.. In . .1 ­�:p4t ��,;; ��,; ��,; �.e , i ; , , 1, - . - - _ - I , I � � � � I . - �. 1, � . � , . .. 1. *:7� p �, : - � ` .. ,:�� I I I., I I . � � , .1 . . . . ..r i I . � , I I .�� - �_ �. , , , 1. , I . I I I ,� ,_� . . . . �� I �', , I - , , � . - -, . , �1� , � :­� ,� � 7 . .: .; � , ".. . �4 , * 11 . . , . , � � , I , , - - - , , . I � ` .r � � : , , . , 1. � - :, % , , � * , , • - . .. ,* - I . �! �� - . I , , -_ - . .; . , . �. , ,.: . : . � _� . I . .14. .. . -.. -. -, .. . . , I - � . , . . , 1 : � . , , ,, . .., . , �`�.. .. - . . - ,;-, - I .1 , , , . . � . I . - - . ; �. . � . L � . - -, . � , " I . I , , I -11, .1 �% - �. �, V .,rr. � . , : � , .1 11. - �.� � . ,�, . I I "k ", - - �,,, , I . 7 , - - : � ., �'. .. ..�. . , � I , .. - . - , . �. ",:" ; , I 14 ..,�. ., .� * � .. . ,. ,� , % 1. . . 7 . :. - - ,.. - -_� - � , 1, �., .. . `.­�. . . � . .. . . I ,, ". , , I 1� I ., . . :: ,4 � � � � I � .. . ., . , I " ; - I - , ,4 " . . , . . ... I � . . , . . - , . .4� � . � - � " .. .. . � . , ... - � _­ - - . I I - . . � I � ... - -.:. �1­ 4� . . 4� 1, ".. . . - � I . � ,, . .. � . , ,-w . . I , , - -1 I - I : • - . .. , :. I . .: . , .1. I .. .. . . I . . . - � .. - . .� , ,�, 1. - :7.. . . -1 . . --- _,-_.,� - ': : 1. � . I - .. I - . ... � . - . . :,.;�c.:, . �. . �W., ­ '. � � : , ...". I . , _. , . - - .1. ,� .. 2� 4-u- ,, �, . . .1 I � ---- - - I 1 I., 17; 1. - . . ., . . . � � . . . . I . . . .. - .. ­.. � . I 11�.. . I. �. -Mrs. John Donlil hqs been cos- -Born'. on Saturday, April 23rd. 1. , I � . .. � I :,.. � � . t 0 ".�, I ,­­�-_ _ �.� "llm 0 it -, I * . , '­�-7':, - � - o' ' . •. . .. . 11�1. -,��..". ...,.,.It . p­ . I , , - �11 . :1... W" - "�,-- - , ,,��g I . 19- � I 1. . -1,1, _. ,� I ... � ", - _: � _11q Y. Pqueber. ' of Torout,�, ­The monthly meeting of St. -Frank-Clark, of -Toronto, spent e � , " , *.'-; - �­­ ,: . 1, . : • , � . - . . - ., , . .. . . . ". � with bitt sister, Mrs. .;� C - -� q c . - ,,,%:..,-`. i,­* a very severe o . . ek-end v e- I * re I : _` 1. . �. -I.., _,.;'. .-LOOALISMS z fined.to har,hobse for several days to Percy and Mrs. Neale, a daugh- 1. � �" . 1: . , I 1�f . . - sufferiag f r_0 in , " ,, cold. ter. ' ,_ .. . . . . I . I Paul's Ladies' Aid kill be held on the we' .. :1 . :: 11 I . spout Sunday with Ruch and Mrs. Widnesday, May 4th, at 8 P. m . Match. �__,, . iQ _. . - -:1 ;� i . _. - ­___._._­__.. " � �.. 11 , , ' . 1 �r4;_ 11 M b* . � ­..- ": '-., _.." �� ; , . . : , . _­ . - -M OC 10. . , - . . � - . - . . - . . , ,.e. Milton, at the home of, Mrs. H. G. Calvert. -The report of the annual most. . : -� . �. , . � 1,�. . I., . - . I . f= -Clament of Milt4 _. - I ­. . � . -.� -2 -Mrs _ -, � . .4. , , . �.��. . - _1 I:- - � .-,.--.., ...... . .1 . I . � -_ r�_­ the week. end here with her sister, -Brown RWbie, of Clark town- ing of St. Andrew's Church to hold I . � .. ... I . - , . . . .11 , ...�� '; � � I,_ � ,� 4' _­ ,; 11 . _�. ... __ . ��:.-,�:­- , ."...... '- .. ­,-­­'­, -, � ova r ... � Bunting. ship. has purchased from Edward r for want of space. ' . ... ..�7­ ­.. - :.,� �. ..I., ­ . �. . .. . �. .. . I. , 1. ­ I- - . ' , f : . ;1. .:. .. im ews -1tain . . : ..*­."�!:1,7-Se&46nable N' '" -Chas. and Mrs. Law, of Oah- Cammack the 50 acre farm on the -Mrs. M. C. Zimmerman, of To- � - . � k2. urtheoncession, known as "the routo. has been spending a few ... . -as . 3 -!away, spent the week A with 0. to 1 . '. W and Mrs. elikey. . . . , ­ L . ., .� , .%;_. Boone and has taken pan- days with Mrs. W. J. Miller. � . .. � . ._�.. . � �:, ... ­�.:,, "!, . ,� . -Dr. E. A. Sadleir, Dentist, pm- - :' "STAUNTON" Wall Papers are now in full swing. ; :� I .. 1'z iM ;;,�: � � I -Mrs. Thos. Douglas, of Torun 80861,00- : - :,.: :::, �_- .� I... - � � � li� -- , - --.t -' Under 'Using in Toronto, wiM be here in his "�. � ' . I. � 4 ... . .. �. � I* ,a, spent the past week with her the auspices of the Wo- � , , -:. .- _ � - .. I � E. , , men's Guild of SL George's Church, ofike from LN p. In. to 6 p. ni. an as- I . A price for every *ket and a color and v" ,:i­ mother, Mrs. Burrell. -�;��.­ . . q .,� - - _..', -,. ... � a . I . ." __ . ... I . considerable amount of fan a -drawn, entitled "The Man from ual on Thursday. I .. ...., -A Co � . ' - � I . . ..; , � '' , . �.. I I :...". . , ..., .., �: . !'�_;.;:,wheat has been winter-killed and Toronto " will be given in the -Dr. H. T. Pallaissi, Resident Dent- .''. " - ...: .. , ��..:.. - design for every taste. �4 , �... I �­ I I L 1. , �, . . , . .. " � t' Town Hall, on the evening of Fri- ist Off" over BaWaWs ' hardware , . - .1 111%�-rr­ ' � ,' has to be plowed up. , , ._�.. 1% ..,::� I day, May 8th. This drama, is be- 310re, Office kouis. 9 to 6 daily and ,� ,il;_, -.1.., I . . , . * , .�M_ -, - 1 -7%e weather of the past week . evenings by appointment.* . _.,66RLASTICIA)`� Paint, the quality kind at a * reason ' . � .:.. �:_, " ...", . - - .. . ... .. , .1, �El. -'--�--'-.,'hss been very coal, and on Stinday 109 presented by the Dramatic - I �� � I ,:­ .". ". � __.. -, . - , . � � ".. _ I " Mips Florence Mutch spent the � 7' . & few-snom-flurries occ 'rred.- Club of St. John's Church, Norway. - . � U .. - I * - , . . -like it. . " _ : . , weekend In the city, and while , -.,able prfm That why the people . .. � , .--M- 0 Britton, editor aticulars see post- . .1 - I . . ... . I , i . � there visited her sister, Mrs.-AV& _...." . I , , ... ­�; �, W-e": , Gaqahoque Reporter. gave TEM ers. ­ . . .1 1.11'. , - , I . � ­'7 - -­­. ­ . 1. I.. I ��, � ,., 46 -+� --, �XBWS a brief call on * Monday. I-Oa Saturday evening, April lis, who Is still in the hospital. . . .�.'.;;.%�� ::�,�We've added a new line, "Rogers" ­,z'Ir - . . - _. ,., 3Z I . . - - ... . � . . . . W.��.;� �, I . . . I I''.. . .�., ... � , 1 ... �.- .. . ... . . . - '. I '-Harold and Mrs. Southern, of . o:. " . L . I , .. , -.,'- •- .5 . i -JEL W. Pearaoin.DominlonSead 16th, 8, mix up took Piece On the __ .., �. . ". . . .:, -,, -, '... , ��:"' . re. .. . � .: . brushing Lacque-Ask.for it 1, ;J_: nepec seorge Alabama, called on Rev. J. S. and �­ . ,�� .'- ­ i .. �� _ Mrs. Ferguson on Sunday last, r.� I .., . . "a , . I - .1. �. 7­ - _.- ,� "t 6n farmers In this district this . . � � " I I.- I tor. of Belleville, is Calling Highway in front; of Mrs. r . . I I " - is Mutch,s, just east of the village . . . � . . I.. " � " . ..� , . . --- - ;,� 57'. " !: � -. , , ;w in which cooRlderable damage was when returning home from Otta- W . ­ - _ - _ . � 1. .1 1-10 I - ask. I . � e have' 60-yard Linoleum right in stock. We deliver to your .,­ ­­ : .. � -M . Mr. Kidd, of Cob6arg, was w&. I ' . , ;, .. , .-I, re. H. A. Matchett and dsu. done � -The 'Monthly meeting . � driving east at a pretty fair rate of the .... ..'Ithter, JUiss Bolen, mQ"d last 7 , '. ..: -­ home, no matter where you live. _ .., .: I : I " Women's Guild of St. George's I . .. city whers7lb�wii of speed and did not notleb a . �: 1q, ­. . * . '19 . ��, week to the I ' - , riven by . * ' I ,V-­- , , , 'bmko their home in futu him, d " . - �v , I � . to. buggy ahead of Church will be held at the home of . - I .1.1 .__ - __ - --- . -------p . � . . . � . _..., I ... ,.�_. �� ,� 11 �1 - . . . .. � . I _ - ". -Misses Dorothy and Wail. Clark, of Greenwood, who Mrs. Alex Gordon on Wednesday - �. . , . .. 1. I .. .� . Mildred I .. . " .. � . � I . ­ - ".. .1. . .1 . . .1 ­ . afternoon, May 4th, at 2:60. . . I K�l "Afechin, of Oshawa, spent Friday had been visiting his sister. Mrs. * I , .- I . I - . ., . . . '- " last week with their grand. Match. until he was close to the -V. K. Croxford, teacher at L. . . , I . . . .1 . . � . . . . .. . 11- . I I - . 4�*, - 1. - 1.106ilren . ing to the glare Wolfe Island, visited his frtuffd, - ` . . ,. , The new hues .. "., ..... .J "I I I . ''. . - , .�. _��.;i , . I . . . baggy, Ow I I . I.." . . .. . �,� - -to. H. and Mrs. Mechlin., bu . , . "I .. .- ,. il , e . .1 . � I other car which he was about to Wilfred Mooney, after attending , I . - I .. .1 :,. .. ?iL ,­ -Hro.W.B. Powellwasin To- So . , ­ � :m,-n-:�­vouto for several days represent- meet. He turned sharply to the the Ontario Educational Associa- ­:. , * r, � I .. . I : I . � '. .1 1. � . ! , 1 �­ I . -Holeproof Hos* , I I 11a ­,�,,'� fiat the F left striking thebuggy a glancing tion held in Toronto. beink sent ., I � . . '�' ., - , ;1' - , - Worsted Women's Insti- blow and ran into the north diteb, there as a delegate f rom. Front . . . : � .11 . Dory � -� - �­:,�Autdis at the Social Service council. . ellac .:�__I* 1. . . . . . I " -' , . . Ft, -F. " . . - . , '. . F. and Mrs. Balsdon and but Immediately turned on to the Connt7. , �. .1. - 1. : - � -.1. .,. ... , � I , , .. " 7� 1 1 1, � -After a lingering Illness from . . , . At 1.00, 1.60 I . - J .kZl�t.161 - _.; J I �:k ..", I ,returned to their home in road again, with the result that I � . .. �, I . I I � . . L I' * 50- .1 I ,..,.. .... ., I . � 0* the infirmities of old age, Thomas . ,�, . I . .. I . 1f.?t-, . . L .. . . . - , - ;�,r " , Saw ! � . M. .7 - . : - - ­ I.. . A 14, , , .TL - . - - I , _1_ - I I . am ..'P. �' _r urfo, on Monday, after spend. he came in contact with the other . . .. . , , Field, one of the oldest residents I . I , I � I . . I , V-i- a week with their relatives in auto, all three vehicles sustaining 11 ! i . .� .1 , -1 , more or less damage. Traffic offs- of the township, died on Wednes- � , I . -.7. : ... - d 2.00 *'.,,",.:.. Fkkerin g. . � . . .- � . . . . � I � I.. . .. � ... I . . . , ­1 I I ...' -At St. George's Church neat car Reid laid an information dayt April 27th, to his 92nd year. . � k .7 . . 1. . I _'3 . . �, ..... '. , - xt :less driv- His raveral will take place this . I I . - ' 1. Z . . .4 , (­ -Sunday, services will be held at against Mr. Kidd for reek . - . 0 . ­.,Z�,,,i, I A - .. _. . �., . tr r .. I .In e - .1 : I . .. . � ." % I Ing. The on Satur- (Friday) afternoon from his late all th - '­ ' 1 - ­_1 ­ 1080a,mand7p.w. Mr. A.S. __ 11 il . I . - , � - v . . W, . residence, Kingston road east, and .. • . .. .11M I WM Pi - ,McCoanell, of Trinity College 0hmft��El . - M I �i ,�t , will day evening before Police Magis- ad to Groveside Cemetery - ..... ". . � � be'lut charge at both services. trate Clark, but Mr. Kidd admit, proceed . � . , Fg- - ,,, , . 9 new "Parl's''alkad'es, - .. ILL-, , ,2:,,� 1 -Mrs. Burrell. who has been ted that he was in fault and wil for interment. He is survived by � �'-.-_.'-�;Mme' I ' . . . 1. i 111- �.. L. - which his two son@, Dr. George Field , of )YO1190mbf ffamllwq . ; . 1. . L I. . ", '. �­ _ tangoed to her bed for several ROOT paid oil damages . I ­ '.. : - -, .. . . . I . ­ ..F. . i I I 6 I I Des Moines, Iowa, &ad Claude on .-,. L; . 1. .. -1. . .. 'r. . .11 I , . . . I 414: _�-:vroeks on account of vainfni injur. amounted to over $92M I . � , ' . �, , t" IL ". � � ,J . , ,,'. . 1. . . . - ­% � I ,. I . ... !. � . - %% :_ 169 sustained when falling -The drama, entitled "Ain Far- the homestead. His wife pre- L .- We are specializing-on a line of artificial Bilk Hosiery . . .%% , � I , " in the Town Hall deceased him several years. I.. .­ for everyday wear at 49 cents . I - - . -the cellar stairs, is now able to ly Bird," given . - per pair. Nice new . ba I. I ., _1 �, , . , U . on Friday evening under the aus. , . . shades such as atmosphere, almond, peach .. . a I 11 i - " - ' * - . t i Re Dramatic Club of St. gices of the Ladies' Aid of St. An Now Adkw"slowmass. � . I .. #_ blossom, follow, moonlight ate. .... � I I 1� ­_ ­­ 1 , Taul's Church went to Mount Zion draw's Church by the Audley Com- . � I t ... � , - � I . -class, . . . I 11 tll W,*- � � .,on Friday evening of last week munity Club was well attended ASTURE TO LET-Will take cat., - I We are not forgetting the Men- -a real sale of Men's first ... I - .,�� ... " �ew. land wanted their drama antit. the hall being , Work Boots, regular 4.00 and 4.50 goods. per pair a 29. 1 - � . � ­ ­�. t% , 9 comfortably fill�;i Ptle to Pasture Win. Lacey, Dunbarton'31-34 ; . I . �' . �,Y.�.. �i, , : . .­, I .. . .- . I . I .. I I ov led ''The Path Across the Hill.,, by a most & ' .. - 1. . . - .. ,� "'t; , � ve audience, - � � ­ , r . . . � - . . : , I .') %7co'Artd's revailed LET - Pasture. Oan take in 10 - - �. .. ­.. - 1 �,.��'I� 0 . � �. . ,�. � 5- .- ,to a good audience. and the best To 2 head of cattle. For partictila i7l . qr .. �1� , I -Quite &Iarge number at farm- throughouL Each member the curell'oop's, Who" :. : - Week-end Specials in Grocerm . .. . � .., I .. - _� " . ere their sending opera. cast or bar parts a I y . .:: 7. ! - , , ARTURE TO LET-45 acres. wat. _. ­ - - I . - . a Pk gs Quaker Corn Flakes, - - - .. . 28c. - - - . ­ i .. . ....'.. ;A t�- - linos last week. The long period glad held the mpt attention of : Pered. no pumpn required. . . . 4 r * ' T R G F. Jackson, .L 8 Lbo Cat Macaroni. , 25C. , , M., " . - I , - � of dry weather allowed them to audience from first to last. R 1. Locust H1. - 3"Al . � . . ... ' - ! .. � - - . ' -- 11, ­ tend with the work without drama has a good moral when it .., .... . W. 4 " SALE-5W bushels of grain, ­� . . 8 Lbs Bulk Cocos, ... . I. � . - )10 . . F0wtRV0,Vnd barley. Manscheurim variety. . . __. . 25c. __�...''.- I �... I . I . . - " Interruption. it shown that a greedy and dishion. - 4 Pkge A & H Sal Soda.... ' �­ I - : . . - . ,�', . , I . 10 . likely L-.,. .. I I 1. -A number of the members of set man is to get him Just Apply . , Sleep, R. R, 1, Pickering. 33-H . .... . 1,3: ­ L- . __ . . . . r... ' ' �A . !il.:, - .- - the Women's Mipslonary Societies desert@. It pays to be honest I. .. ' ., ". - I .�41 � - , � 1. I . I . 1. 11 - . I.. -1. � I . . - I ­ . � I I t extra Pasture at 9 W, Sleep'* Ranch I -, " �� -t of gross and wow, Prices moderste. 3"4 I .. I .. I : . I I I :. . :. . I i ' United Churches attended the several piano duets which were B a ' " " Y% "L. - of St. Paul's and St. Andrew' MisseaGessolli Puckrin rendered PASTURE-Partners secure your -, . .`S. , , rMbyterial meeting at 130%ruilan. l3dOTHY SEED FOR SALE-We . I I , Y� " ­ ip- much enjoyed. The Wbitevale .. � ,-, .. I 'L "twiville on Tuesday. Male Qnartette, composed of Mens- Thave an hand a quantity of timothy wed. .-S. J.,.Coilacutt has just porch- rq. Hugh Pugh, Adam Spears. 0 guaranteed cl-, Miller Brea. R R 2. Clare- L' Beet, mont . 31-34 . - -1 I 0 �. . ­ .Q , , , . 1� - "' ",_ , 1, . � FOR SALE-Bred-to-lay - . .1 - 1: I .- -1 .1 � .:which will be run between Bella- lighted audience with their Barred .: - - . '� 41 1 * .- I ,...v - ._�.. rr' ' '' Snirt's. � ---:�. * �: - seed five now busses to his H. Pugh and W. J. Turner. de- - , , , -: AL Rock and Leghorn day old bs6y cbtckx, $20 - - - .. - A o i V�l ­ . �, ills and Toronto. The Dow line humorous selections. Miss Gladys 00. Phone .Mrs. J. W. Plimips. 9920 or 11 3 . . . . P r . � started last week -end. and it is Pugh and Mrs. Adam Spears act­ W."kham. 34 . . I I I I " - ' �. ,expected will be well patronized ad as accompanists. To the no. _, .. . We are showing-the Spring and Summer Lines of We famous brand. ' ��.�­� �..,.,' " 0 R S A LE-400 fence posts. %I I sizes L . . � � ' big sence of the pastor, Rev, J. S. For- Fstretcbers and anchors. Flefnish giant ralb- I . , -0. C Ravin is in Montreal t , ­ - - ­� . - In plain colors with collars to match . ­ - .. -, I. ..-. ,, "A I - . bits, all ages. Jas. Carter R. R, 4, Uxbridge, and in fancy stripes. . k. I-. . .. , . �_ L 7 " '� r . week on business. He IS &CCOM. gl2gon, W. J. Clark filled, the chair. 32-33 1 L . . !� . . I Dramatic Club (Glen M**' . . I - . .:- . . I I . -_ , " . - �711'ricod'from, $1.95 to $3.50. 1 . I I panted by Mrs. Ravin and dan- Should the Audley Drain I . . . L . ­ 3L. � � '.�, ---..----. - . . .1, , L - - __77 �__ ­ - . �-_ ­_ _­ ­ " ' - .. ­.­­ - .. I— . . - -4 � ,gbtere who are spending a pleas- appear in Pickering again they POTATOES FOR 8ALE-Irish . ... _. I . _� : * . , I .­ - . - hurt.. I I ... ­ _� ,%: . .. . . . f. . r- I I , ant. holiday. be sato red- Qf a full bou qe. Cobblem suitable for table use or wed. A - ' . . . .� .:,. - - . �.�. .- .. �, . DL - - - . . ­ .. 11 - I , Stover, R. R. No. 1. Picken or :­ . P " I - L I - V I... I - I en � - an duty. at the station hem a n ------------- : ---- : ------------ __ 4 . -----------�'. 'L *r Ravin absence Fred Star,, 40 �A member of the Executive of R, =, 2M. 2% .1 the )Motor League, through the 0 LET-Posture. 100 acres of good I .. - lInterwo _� . . , , ...._-_11 . I . -The speed limit on one high- pre", is strongly advising motor TO lead. Plenty of shade and water. ' ... . .1. . r liltin Pickerin%,tl An to M. o The now 8 rin Lines are now in and this firm certainly are upholi- " �', 4,0 . . ways is tow 85 miles per hour, late to give no one I's lift�" no tuat- .r , �. - .4 1. . R. No. 1. Locust C their reputation for being Canada's foremost . : , � , V. of can 4. . 4 34 - .. 1 but a number of motorists are ter who he or she way be; while - - I I X I- � ,r, I . - L I., , . � I . agitating to abolish the speed driving along the highway. If AND- ,� ..- I . _ I fancy hosiery leaders. ,. - . . :­. ....-. .. . .. . I --limit altogether, as they have the pedestrian happens to Far sale at reut,, near paved �. I I � ..­­ _. .. Insist on Interwoven Socks. , . � r ...1. % be a Hi b ta . . .r . ..., I . � ians, c " factories. Harto, wafy:=Iti . . : � . t � . I.' . 't 127 1 . I ..�, � �:t, I 1. - .. I., . r, .11, .4. - i . - - . - .. , r . . done in Michigan and other states, stronger it will be much =far to Ave.. =111to 3, Phone 8160F 31,36 . . � . . . . I I ", - ' 'r. .. .1 . ., 4 . but this will not likely take place lot him remain being a pedestrian. - - .__ - - .. . . I . I .- 4 - I. - ..- - ­ ­ : .� ..... Z.'� . . . � . ' '� ": ... 11 - . 'in Ontario for some years. We have read how, in olden times, VOR SALE -1 Dominion organ. 6 .., Seidl -Ready Clothing "' .7 ... , . - , - - ­­ .. I .., . 1: octave, high back. Circassian walnut case. in . -; �:• i .. . .� . . -, ­ � 1.�, �. I . - • . -The public and continuation people entertained angels on& beat condition. suitable for church =W I . : . - . I .. - . 9 :. '. � , , , , . ; , . . i __ wage. .. . . r - schools reopened on Monday after wares, but It may happen that the P5-00- Can at, C. A. Sterritt•s Ms. 33-34 For a New Line this certainly has taken strong. In the short time , �- � the Fisetier vacation and for two stronger may be the very opposite we bav a had their samples we have doubled our, ; . .. . :, :. ! ,; '.. : �Vaootbe both teacheroi and pupils of an angel, so it may a danger. ?R SALE-A SW gal. �gas tank and -output over any other "awn. . . . � :�,. � .: . , . , .. I F I "Bon pump. good as new, will w1l for - . . - � . -7. .. ...: - . . � � . . . I , - �. INUFF SAID I .. - , will put in the hardest work of one thing to allow him in your car. $100, Tank and in at Frenchnian's . L . . . . . ?* .. I E p - . I . � I . I the year ring hereyejouley But an acquaintance or 00 110 Blantp A . :..-- I . - - t Bay, y MW . .I..." - � . . - . , ­ .1 I . .1 . - _... ......... ­ ... . ­7examg. r' for may glad to accept an invita- E. Wfu I . . f riend A , z=Dow k preparing who T.to. , : . starting school for the first time tion to ride in your ear, or he _' � ' -­ - !�A . we . - -Lot S. con. 8. - . , . DASTURE TO RENT 11 � . : "....., I . I . Mm's ,Words I .7 thould enter at once with the new even ask for a ride, and in suX L Pickering. about 65 scrn, mell. fenced. good , . �.. -1 ':'� . hi am, creek and loft of shade, Apply to Arthur . . . . . I � I ,. . , ,,..:._! _'�­_. ­ ..damsen that are being organized. . .. . I . _ ­�';­ . . .: I I . - . . - �,�. � ... --':T. �,. � I cases it is very hard to refuse in ZP= Pickering, or Mn. J• A. O'Connor, � ' ! ��.. .. . ,. � , We are stocking a nice range with almost ailif .. � ��.� ,-.. 4- � �­�U -It is said that the new Pull- and he may consider yon mean- Box . ,IloWr* b,tb,. 33-34 �:: _. q I ... . _� " . . .. .� . . I I . I ... - last yon way wish. v I - ".1. :. -, - _,_ - ... -, . � - . .i _1 .�. .: ., .. � -, I .- ...... .� , .. I I I.... . , , . . � :". .. . L* , % .van care are furnished with beds nee@ personified. But should ou VORSA -200busbelgof seed bar- �:, ... .� ". : , I � ..7 . : . .. ... - _ . LE . I I . ** � tastes,d, of the berths that have have an accident and the person , ­1 � . . _�!.,�. - - '': �.' . � :_�,� - L' ley� Manscheurian variety. Hadovex-30bus. . . - I - � _.. , ... - . . __ 7� I I . 1. . Miller, R, R. 2, (mt. 28t . . . .." . ­_�:_'__`_Pi0kefi1ftg . . been In use for over half a can- whom you have favored with it to the acre last y ' " _ , � 4grr,em6l.00 per bushel., John Lary. This will be welcome Dews ride be injured or killed to the Re- a - Fred T. Bunting, �`., . ' to those who have to do much cident, the law will bold you re. FOR SALE-1 ' I 'Established 1857. I ­_ie�.:"*i.e . . 6-b. p. engine, for gas - : I - - - .... .� . % %­�. � . L I -.travelling at night. and liable for beavy JU or oil, Goold, Sbapley & Muir I foot power .. ', L. .. .,�. .. . . 0 .. : . .. 1: � . � To many it sponsible . - ­,..­,� ,�L . milking machine, I milk wagon. I Premier 21 - I - . .,_,_­_-��'r_, I I was Xconundrum how to beele- damages. A number of such cases riding Win. Gray jr., R, R. 2, Claremont. I .. - , Plow. . . . .: -voted to the upper berth. In fact, have appeared in our ]a* courts, Phone Clare 2213. 1 . 34-35 ' ­ ' . � - :- L .'� , . . ­ . - - - - je perform this stunt, it was ne- and it is only recently where a FOR SALE-Cmkobutt riding plow �il Pl , I., - L - I . . ':cessary fore, person to be quite suit was entered in- one of our 1' single furrow, nearly new, Will sell fora .1un ,.!;: d� � - . : , -.'. .. ... t , .. I . THE In'UTRAL �GrYritlrAG I E ­­: '­., 1 1 ball-gain, Also duck eggs for setting, 75 cents per .� I . ­;, . an acrobat. courts in which a woman sued bar setting. Apply Geo, town, lot 15, con. 7, Pick - 1. -.4 . , . . . . . :'. - ­­­. ­ho --- * 490 L -Charles and Mrs. 8 hone Clare 308 31-34 ,. :� ­L'�.' _pencer and sister for heavy damages as a re,- ering, P , 4 LL'� p ne ,� Milton Sleep were in - ­- - Tale 0 -, ,.� I Brooklin on snit of injuries sustained In a mol . - .. .1 �­,� _�.­,�._ . ­. . i - i. :�._!.­_ .11, . , . : .. ,: . . ­ '­.. - � , . I . * I., . . .1 . . .. , . fanerall toiaccident. Another case appear - , i. 1. � . .. .'. .� . .Saturday attending the �.. 1. . ..� . . ._:: . _.L�... . . . I . . ..i . ­ 1 of the late L. C. Wilkin, who was ad in &-Toronto court some time .- ­ - �:.­ ..,.. .. , : " . �-, . .. . a .. ,�_, .. - ,.. .: - , �,.­ - I - I .� � ;_ - . .. . 11 I.. � . . . . "killed in the railway accident near no in which a young lady urged � " . . _:., . . . ,.: I p , - . - a T .. . I .. I , Hornspayne. The funeral wee friend to take her and another .. �. I . . . .. . - I.. 1. • . . . . . .. I .. . one of the largest ever held at, lady friend out fora motor drive 1[�IOR SALE-Holstein heifer, due .1. . I . - ! I— -, -;,'_�:--t` w_ ..:.,. .1 . t.: ". ­ . t.: , . _ . X' April 28th making a good show. Also a g, Oils and ­- .'' ., . Brookfin, and was conduct evening, and while driving rubber. tired, arched axle top buggy, newt and Auto Repairs, Accessorise, q ...I.-O.- �:. . 0 �:-�',: . never been used since Painted. M. B. - ' . � " ' ... 11, - _�. " , ,". ­ - , the Masonic order, of which the along one of the streets collided r.0k,'R11. I , Locust Hill. Phone Pick 1031. 3# � , • , - -*:: �,, ,.; ,;� ; : ., � I . . .: ,a. *dicessei'l �ras a member, man with a man driving P. team of bar- . . I � .. '. , ` " .. !. �.. .� w . 1. ­­- . . I , �`. " : 1 , "I � � y in _., .'Gasoline, Acetylene Welding ' �� _��. :�, �,.� � 11 .1. I . lodges from the surrounding dis. @as and wagon and she was serf FARM MACHINERY-Frost & . , 1, .. I nderson, John . . .,. - triet being represented. 01191Y injured. She sued and won , Wood_Cock%h,11,Tudbar,jA � . .� ; . - ,:, � :�; - ". � ;_.... - Deere. Bissell. Gould. Shepley Muir, Fleury, .. ..:. Z�1. . ,� . �, � 1. . . . .- . R. �. " -1 .". h �b . . Wilkinson. es ':ea. Order your rin . ., I . . -In St. Patiff's church on Son. heavy dawn gee against her friend. r .. ,,, ,Battery Charging :,�: � ­.; . ' , .., - ..__ that this is a law that now. Also Delr.cAt radius. W. F. ­.- .. . , ., . . _: . - ': IF. - �­. ... 1. ' . .' - ,, ­ . . .day next the pastor's subjects will it seems t . � . - ' .. ` .. ' ` : I Greenwood. tf .: , I - . � .. I � ' : 10.80 a. w.. "The Double Par. should never have been placed on - I. n alt makes " 1110 - Aepairs made o . . .. - . , I:. Van." followed by the Sacrament our statute books, but so long as SALE-1 . '. I 1: have yet about forty . Urd's Supper." FOR bushels of Colorado spring wheat contai � I �% " �: �..�.... -1, ­ . I I - . 1. , .1 . . . I . I , ..:,. �. - . ­� , - _� 1�;. ­11 I � � ­�� t We want it is there a motorist should E'esi- I "117. I - �. . . �, �-ot cars' ,� '. .� � . '­ ��, . ��� , a lea mount of barley, very suitable fair 'beer 0 I . .1 ift" ing wi oats, superior to Marquis or any other "� 01' � - . - .'.." I I . � . . I- �� I . - - -.�� efory member out. 2 30 p. m., tote before giving a person I,& I .:. , ­'. . .. . .� . f I . r. - ­�� � 11 � . ri .. . . , �,.. � I... ; 4i,1 • at Andley. the j%stor will preacb, along the road. Even a perso variety of ignil, w i; i i i , i f f hea S .33 wh te t lasts, the . ,.. . .- . - I I � �, �..., D r liand w ea . Phose Mark 1617. r . . .: , , r ��. � , , .1 ,..'�j . . '! ;, r. v'�- *. - -,- ;,:', I . . . .. I 1. . �1. . sign Kil- . . � . I . : . . � .". - 0.� .. followed by the reception of a whom you may consider a bosom rip.. R R 1. Locust Hill. ; �.- r . . number of boys and girls into the friend way take advantage of :.7,:- : -I - .,.�� .-- , - , . I I � r , . . � . . : . " ;, : . ��',* , �. . . . q - ' -;" r. , . I . . . .� . . . , , , _ I .:0burch, who wH recite the Ten your misfortune for which youmay 8A LE -lo the Village of Pick- � . . � . I . . . e I r , . '. - .1 ..; � adjoining Ruddy's Park a 9-roomed ' each con- . - - . t�l I X)omwaadments. the Aposdeo' not in the )east be responsible, and E,!,Alh pantry and wash-room, e - . O . Greed, the Books of the Bible and endeavor to get heavy damages raining soft water pump and sink. Woodshed . 4 . . . 1-1. � with hard water pump. Large cellar with � _ I I Ir I 11 . . I I . . 1. �.`1' , Lord's Prayer. Sacramental Ser- for injuries received in an acct- floor cemented; a good furnace. L.arge driying , �, . : , "i tb brick I 'SPENCER ��.i.siiVLE 0 Be— .2, :.:" . - hen house, garden . _r ;,.I.., - vice at the close. 7 p. m., ',The dent It is base iugmtitudev but house or garage and stables . ,�. I fruit trees; hedges: shrub6ry,&c,; 3-9 acre 0 * • 4 ', I . . '. I �Ii , r, ,�. � . 'i Chriptia,in as a Citizen." Come there are many who will stoop to � • . .. . . land. Apply to Mrs. J, N. Richardson, care of I ,_ � I -, ._. . and worship. -pouf. I such meanness. T. Rc=in. Cresswell, Qnt. 93-95 1 1 Proprietor, Pickerings, -. , . �. , ..'r - � 0 . . . . r 11 . t­ :.1 ­�: I . I . I .. � I _:__ ., � �.,.,�, '' . � . - . I .... I . 11 � , " : ��j� �' 7 , ��, � . ". � � . .. . � ...�� �_.�.W_Itw -2�".-,."">,"�-,,,,,--.�4-�,-i-,=�,�i.-"--A.�.-,,,��a ��_-�,,�;;:--;�,.��,_z,�'':_." ,'_,._,',-,; ,-,:....,.,..�,.,"�"--_.,:.�..:"�, ,.W ;_,­q, ,,,,, " 1". - _t �?.;;.. � I , "... .;,r . "�� .. ,� ".. � me_,. z �.R#4�.�_'_,t,�-it:L-c - . � •.1 - - - - - ... '� 1� ­-, - - _� , ­ - ., _ : . �:,. � % .11. I I _,* ,A��e_.';4,g�r;,rq__ .W_=,1,,.;;A,!-, - ­1 ,