HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_04_08..�•. . A . ,s,.. *. ", . *�•; : -�,.y. , . , . . . ar. ''- e, '.':,. .�r•* s a r� .a�.. w. , r •xA'.m„r %G,. ;°, ;" .. •e .. '.,,. 'ti<. : opk. -... ... ": ,L . '7F`�''''4d. . . ,,w � 'F• TN✓ EE '; .a• , ''w. 'a'R k•y :.y.: .t�•; 4:.:u iL.. .*e". i - !ji, f:.ln +3 ? i .'?.?; �. ;.,GUC,,;k". ,rr rtr.5',w.' � _ 'f - y, t S°' ; . roe . "�.• > ,t -cf _.i„ - is y;. ,' d. 1. - „°'.?' �� �,.. ,. '. re � ..f;w - D:is., .. erns, .1• -ur'. , , r >. rte. -� nx - •ysL''mx. • ",..... •-.. ' ' : w.. ' :� ' , :. •: ;n .:� ,: s: +x . : n �• - ". . s... a, ., s, r -.- ., °s,'�!".. ,i. ,,// +_ - „.s,. _.x, z: ^• ":sr _� _.s - ..EO....- - ;,d.. ,,,,a,. .�...5,, ...p. .�.n• .�d �. - R, • 'We - .i'. .'.. w- �.... -.. ,._ , •• .' . :. ^> t -.i' •Y •pZ r+'S'°, ..�:`•J•S.n. �.+ -�, :,: '. .. -. .:r ^n.:.:,. . :.�" ,. ., :..wa°" -r,.. - : - ., ._ ra °a' ,y "B -.ds. a. •r wi q,� �.z e. r"�r ...r x • 1 _.,�• _ tee. VOL. XLV 1. - _ PICS°ERING, ONT., F, RIDGY, APR. 8. 1927 No.. '3 [ CHERRYWOOD. GREENWOOD The Ladies' Ald, of Cherrppwood, A primary class for sew pupils will Y' i[edfeai - Saw iii aid 8uket. will meet at the home of Mrs. woo be started in Greenwood school, after - R. Petty on- Thumday. April 14tb, at. Easter bolidays. ' Parents who wish B. FORSYTH. O h. D. Director GIs �w� 2 o'clock. Roll call, to be answered to send their 'children for this clan �� t Anods of i sUVYV with a verse containing the word will please eater them at that time, as w` of the American Op"na byes saamined b1 appoiatmmt. - -Peace." Ali the ladles of the cow- there will not be a primary class Claremont. Out. munity are cordially Invited. started this year after midsummer. BstablLh•d 1886"' b B t� B1ZeB- , : DUNdARTON. •• Letv+�. . agketB Ot Atli " '.'CENTENNIAL CORNERS. Headquarters • AA13. OHRUMAN, . Barrister and •Solicitor NotaryPubli Sic. Money to and descriptions An Old Time D <nce will be heid�in Centennial Men's Soft Ball Team . Sontb'fl�gataourtilowe, Whitby. 2bly , p. the Community Hall on Fliday even• organized Saturday sight for the com- Ing 0. BROWNING. B. O.. Barris. ing, Gan 22nd. Good orchestra in we season. The following officers FO � f E E D �� • , L ter, Solicitor, No Public. Btk., _ attendance. 75 cents a couple. Ladies were unanimously urke ; elected: President. try Ate' at lowest 'prices- please provide. All welcome. 6 �y west of Po.t Office. Dundas Stieec, Bomar Burke; Vice-pres., Charlie a, � hitby. isouae phone 388, ' Office phone 392. At the Community Hall nest Sun- Closson; Seerdtaryy Brock Bradley; ° _ " ' ervice ov Li man • Oa twin, CORN whole or ground will be conducted by the Rev. D. • Brock Bradley; Field Com., BalVe ton tvortbra= t3acario Building, 330 Langford at 3 p. m. On Good Friday Bradley, Murray Morrieb, Clare Anais. BARLEY FEED 0t' �OfOetO' it 15th service will be conducted 1P. J. Eeatoe, , CHAS. A. WHITE. (April ) Wellington Reid- and captain. As BRAN - , 2. D. F. Ross, Adelaide 2787 by Mr. Langford at 2 p, m. we have not had any defl'nite inform- SHORTS Successor to late W. G. ation as to whether or not the South SCRATCH FEED l IOHSRDSON A PICKERING- - MoUNT ztor+l , ,� j• Phone Mark 84E0 , _ - Ontario League will reorganize. we for oaltry sters. Solicitors etc...-213-214 Conted- p s eta&=Life BuAdiag, Corner Yoaga and Rich- are uncertain which league to enter. CR 3CKED COW: awed Sts., Toronto. Phones Main 1390 and Main The Pickering Dramatle �Ciub will R+ MO. Pickering officeopen Monday and Wed - present the drama,'eat{tled The Path for poultry aesda evenings and all day Satutday. Including FURNITURE Across the Hill." in the Mount Zion �. o. Football Association I have a car of Cereal •� ° '1paturday evening. Phone Pick. 8800, stn United Church, under the auspices of - - AT BOTTOM PRILE9 1-consider the beet value for the Ladies Aid Society. on the even- The South Ontario Football Ass AT feed I have seen for a loo _ J� �', B �"� �• � in$ of Friday, Apri122nd. This drama anon will hold their spring meeting g ` r R. J. R. FOWLIE. Dentist. Oor, is in three acts and throughout the in the Township Hall at Brooklin at time. It will pay `� 'ngston Rd. and V'inoria Park Ave, To- CLAREMONT, ONT. whole program the rapid action brings 8,00 p, m, on Monday. April the 11th. to try lt. 1roaSs� (Sus stn at door). Open Evenings Dressers $12 up, Washstands about one situation after another, {a when all interested in football is re- ff'fasae Flossed �12. l9ly $4 tip. Chiffoners. 5 drawere which are mingled, thrills, laughs and quested to be resent. It Is the inten- WHEAT mud BARLEY 9Panted. �R. D. O. Smith. Dentist, Stouff- and good'sized tnirrors, surprises. The comedy is natural, Dot tiou of the Association to have two tip. clue xomeGraduate of Chicago and To- days price. It will forced, the characters have the little divisions this year. a senior and a Chopping Mondays,, Wednee- �.t. Wr .( snit. Uirivcrsitln and the Royal ,owe of you to call mannerisms we see about is in every junior. It would be appreciated if days cad Fridays. � llientaiSurgeom Phone office 1011. Residence pay y day life and the interest 1s well sue- these intending to eater either a 3e1i3. No ont.id: appointments. 20iy - - ' tamed until the 11oal curtain. The senior or a junior team would make It 'DLAKE B. BEATON. D. D. S., Roofing Material i drama begins at 8 o'clock, Admis- a point to be present at this meeting. �' z• � *' b. Graduate of the Royal Colelge of Do�cd eion 85 cents. children, under 12 year 1•oe• cad Gonfsiti of Toronto. Whitby. _ 25 centevBCHOOL REPORTS. George Burnett, U-N of TON.. Detroit. Is here f c"•er Murdoei's Goafeetwn .tore, Whitby• r Office i onto 12:1. to ate. Ind- 'p s. 5 z British Columba► Shingles 3z ° ., g . - -' ., spending a week with his parents at the �REsoyc CssorgtoDJ D. DMA, No. 2 Sand 5z '- Rrd, A 11 �s-R. likey. A. Mayo. ID. - --- , Graduate of Room: l I' Glass R. Pilkey, A Ma a• On Thursday afternoon of last week - to University, At Claremont offi y e, a Dumber of ladies assembled in the A good supply of Hard and Soft h sa•tt's store every,Tnesday and Friday. Phone TORONTO ASPHALT R. Maynard, F. 8obol, J. Teefy, D. basement of the United Church and Coal on bend. Alpo a supply st•,ett �a11. ct ROOFING. Laurie. Sr I -•V, Drinkwater. E. made quilts for the Mission Society. it ' RSERT T. FALLAISH. L D S., Murray's 18 in., 82 in. and 86 Inch Berkey, P, Tasty. Jr I -H. Testy, C. Monday evening, the 28tb inst., of Kindling Wood, fir" I D. s., Graduate of the Royal College of - Hodgson. C. Oalladine. N. Putty. B. the Young Pe la's meeting will be stove length,' yy , Surgeons and the Univerut of Toronto widths, 4 in 1 Shingles , also Torrance. Pr -•A. Pilkey, ' W. Mc- People's , `l- I ce zbov. 3 s. Salsdo•'sstore. P ckerms, ont: Metal Valle sad favored by a drama. y Ilroy, H. Hodgson. No. on roll 20, y „ 'The Mystery 12tf Phone Pick. 1109.,. Lad presented by the Wbitevale v e•at �fle u Pkk 3700ap` m., or by aDOOtnt- . Ridge Roil. average attendance 17. *These were Youn Pro le in the Comm it Ha11. 43ty neither lets nor absent during the ?t p y DONALD MUNRO PICKEKING Material, or will give price. on everyhody made welcome. a „ @:a4t:ittesw �d'si. finished job. month. N. A Gallen. Teacher. y Oherrvtlood public school, Senior On Thursday afternoon at the home s^. of Charles and Mrs. Aonis, at the close LiZABETH RICHARDSON -Bue- Room . V -Laura Petty, Walter Fen- of the Ladies' aid meeting. the ladles �� sMess" to the tats w. V. Richardson. repre- s :• PICKE�1G s•r Day, John Garland. Sr IV- Beatrice ,f eraw �� Insuranc•CommMnow • • entertained the ladies of Centennial ttj Sins, Mary Testy. Annie Rittenhouse* Church together with all other ladies i li i�j� �% Jr IV- Ja ®eswrie. Pater Sobel. �!,,,,, j,ri„i a�a, i of the Uo {tsd Oharch here. Ip was a Ile Swvi; a G" age t 10 P08TI11. Licensed Auctdoaew. George Mellroy° Leo McGriskin. Sr very enjoyable hour that was spent. tae Owaslas of fork and oaaado. An& III -Anois Petty. Winnitred Barnes. ` tilde sales of all kilo ast°.anO to no ab•rteal Leslie Beare. $trtba Smith. (Evelyn Motor overhauling. top and side odes• r- a.r». "'grese9r..a slyer o°..Oa4 �g� MINING �� i taia rapairla 1 " Dribs Bear Harold Penney, Vincent BROUGHAM. ` l Lloyd Battery Service- CtargingS.SBATON TO"lIMP 3B Teef Y Jr 111-Gordon Petty. „ a Gaa,,,eyu aw. O•saslsronstoe >atms We buy sad sell, furnish quotations Petty, Murray Hollinger. Earl Taylor. Mrs, Ensign Is very ill at present and overhauling. siasass. seematars aft. slasaq 0 bmA and information on all Listed and Ruth Hollinger, Alias Rittenhouse. with a heart attack. All work guaranteed. Flat rob sasses °lease led ILaszrsea f/► Unlisted Mining Stocks. Hazel Petty. Marion Ferguson. E. L. Mission Band as usual on Saturday service charge Dennir, Te^cber. afternoon at 2 o'clock. Phone 5610 Mark. Central. We will be leased to advise what - jAj M. MAW, LICENSED AIIO• stocks to buy or to bold, or Mrs. R. Miller is still confined to the 7 v r10N8BR for Ywi.Qnrarw and Duelyas what stock to sell. AUOLXV house. but Improving slowly. W. E. B E R R Y : Caaauea All klab. of •else �y atteod•d Mrs. A. Boyer. of Greenwood. visit - =t so, Tessae�s�os�ble. Ihtsfar rslas atq be Clients are making money by Miss Gee at the week -sad is the ! • arraayed at lIYWS' odcv. " and Iedepea spent ed Mn Brows during the past want. , following our advice. k° aMat piiooaa. dikes, Oct. Illy, g. city. The Y. P. S. meet at the home of T.? Our long experience in mining, ex- Mrs. Douafas. of Galt, bas been O, and Mrs. Brown on Moods, avea- Coal an ' F�� s s tending over a period of twenty spending a few days with bar daugh- in April 11th. '� ri n Time years. allows ua to give sound advice er. Mre. Wsiter Pratt. No service uses held o0 Sundae, sus Pic--KER NG- NEWS on the investment feature of a mine Chas. Puckrin bas urehased the 50 most of the congregation attended the or the speculative feature of a pros- acres of the Flaming Estate adjoining funeral of 1N, Milne's son.. ` pecttTo mining venture. his farm. we understand. A rest deal of concern is felt for iB Painting'- Time SOLLOWAY, MILLS sit CO. The Club meets at the home of g o F A R E E S O Rf Mrs. W. Knox, who is not rogress- F. A. , Messrs. Winter Bros. an Monday even• lag In hospital as bar friends would as won have e g next w on • aoc avea MCewr Stock Exchange. lined. prove is the hope of all. best aN .[embers of the Montreal The drama will be put on at Green- • - - Mining 8zchatoge. It was with great sorrow Lilac the wood this (Friday) evening and at community learned of the death of �{ 4 . Brandram -: cace•and Board Room. Ground Floor, Pickering on the 21st. They will go the little son of Wm. and Vr's. Milne Nut and Stove Voa� aeriuerl'luLl Is TORONTO. - ONTARIO monta. .All Phones_ : Adelaide 9871 and W8 J Engineers have been busy anrvey- ingg the country between the 8rd and : - lP'ainte and Varnishes -We have them. Also. THE RURAL 4th lines for some reason or other,' - Oils Shellac and Polishes. _ SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. during the past week. Rumor has it that a h dro•etectric line is In view. -our _.' Tires and Tubes for your auto - citizens eve returned from oharoh Sunday, evening to fled his arc o or bicycle. Real Bstats and Insurance. x + boots stolen. The tbieves were evi- - Phone 4000 ,Farm Properties a Specialty. deftly in need for they took a roast Plymouth Rock to satiety their -� ALVIN B1TSHBY Head Offlpa :213 214 Confederation hunger. _ PICKERINGF __ Life Building. Toronto. Phone Main 130. - STOUFFVILLIL _ Razor and Blade abso- . Branch Office: Gordon Building. Pickering Ontario. ,. Allan and- Mrs. ourlie moved to �HarryGilroykhas -� *� CONGOLEUM - Phone 8809. disposed of his - _ .28tf dairy business to Joan A. Lewis' Klearoids. S - J BROA D B E N T J. Tha Women's' Institute will hater to to the refreshment end of the Old With each purchase of rRu.g gay Dental Prepasatioa Boye' reunion. ' . WATCHMAKER Rev. Mr. Warren has accepted of A limited quantity of free Roodes : so get yonr<early. the invitation to remain another year E. C. Jones, Phm. $. 2{ gain street, Tbronto 13 as pastor of the United Church. ` > Brighten Your Rooms, - Late of Greenwood, will be at the shop Little Betty 51ti4ton, 4J years of age, wax fAken , to 'the hospital, Toronto . opposite the Post, Office, and operated on for appendicitis. Lighten Your Work P/ C K E R/ N G Miss Gladys HQisey, being puebed Save �Yons Money against the radiator while playing 'an Every Tue•da3 afternoon from with her girl chums. received ugly b using y 12.dO to 6.00 o'clock. YBRINt* gash in her head, which was relieved ".: ►-- (OLD SEAL 26tf YOUR REPARS _ byjsm�eecM al. florist and gardener . _ CONGIOLEUM ART RUGS ELM DALE MILLS here, attended the recent Continental Flower Show at Detroit, where Can. ads was well represented- and taking The, new patterns are out now. See 3FX wQ first prize in the rose class. cote of them in our window. - Passion Week will be observed at - -' Prices the United Church here, be �{nning on : __ : Sunday nest, and will continue every - -sg�} ft. -5.50 ' Os0 ft. 7.�0 -File Paetry'tiee evening throughout the week,'with O-Al it• 1.26 9s9 ft. 11.26 t. morning services on Good Fridsy. ' ff •- -' !al ft. 18.00 9x12 15.00 /� Our ]Royal .Brand The Ladles' Ald Society of the Unit. ed Church have had a series of "pot lz18a ft. 18.0 9215 ft. 18.75 luck" suppers during the winter at' Mate So eeati to 4.26 at your Glrocer'@. - private oosse and winding with their annual the at meeting arch _ - Firmere who have wheat get your Test week• g C/' A Ste relit tour made from your own whet. We can Le•1!e Boyer', who has been com- pisining severely of pain is the region rind it. of the sar. no tsulted a medical mac here and on tizamsnation some was Furniture Dealer and Feed of. all kinds- Chicken (feed, was found and taken out of the ez- ternal ear, and on further examine. Funeral Director hen feed, chop, millfsed. Lion. with s concentrated electric - - Phone 1800 -- Chopping every week -day. - light. a kernel of oats, beginning to sprout, was found and extracted. The phajttig, 4nterie as �', �Q$w'dO1^ patient is now recovering nicely from .• theshock. �af.r: .i +_,z�: �.r•• ."•;. r � � ,.. ..: -,... s , :'�. ... .� _'' ,a, ,., -. . :...c+.`°` t't' �„ a .. -. ...- r3'.. - �--ri_ .. r_ �5°.w � - - _x..__ z ,.. illness. Mueb •ympatby M feet for the parents and friends. SCHOOL REPORTS. Claremont Junior Room, (names given of all who obtained honor stand- log for March) t II -Jean Gregg, June Forsyth. Given Parry, Wilmot Hill and Stewart Oliver. Margaret Dop• king. I- Evelyn Taylor; Doris Lin- ton. Isabel Johnson, Adelaide Johnson, Mille Wafrg, Gordon Birkett. Joyce McCullough. Robert Johnson, Stanley Hardy. Sr Pr-- oordoa Taylor, (ior-• don Spedceley, Edna Taylor, Billie Oliver, Jack Morgan. Jr Pr- Anns -Forsyth; Obariie- Johnson, Margaret Johnson. Number on roll 35. Annie V. Spoffsrd,'Teacber. Report of S. S. No. 11 Scarboro and 4 Pickering for March, names in order of merit: Sr IV -Erma whale (hot), Mary Tredway•, Jeanne Bramwell. Jr 1V -Hon. Irene Bradley, pass Mur• iel Brumwe)1' Evelyn Graham, James Hulmes•. Sr III -Pass, Minnie Tred. way. Jr III -Pass, HarryTredway% James" White, Sylvia Beck'. Elmore Williamson,- Herbert Tredway•, Clare Bradley% Harold Graham, . John White. Jr II -Pass, sertba Rates, Grace Wiseman% Harold White, Laura Grabam, Jack seek* fail Tom Rates. Jr I- Emma White„ Marl Wayne. Ethel Tredws_y, Mae Beck. Alfred Wayne, Willie Rate, Sr Pr- Dsrothy sradley, Verna Beck. Willie Wayyne. Dorothy Carson, Nellle Rate. Jr Pr George Graham Tom White: Per attendance for the Alionth - Erma Aunts. Harold Graham, Grace Wiseman, Bgrma White, Tom White. No.-on colt , yerage attendance M. Those whose n as are marked with an asterisk. a more exams. Edith McDonald, sr, - Troupen of gypsies passed through the village one day last week, which is a sure sign of spring As usual, the specialty of the wo. men is telling fortunes. Those who wish to see into the future as revealed by these gaily garbed nomads, should remove all vale• ablee'before appsgaching them' tbLIU %JUiiiU, 0115111 Binds of Feed .All Cement, Lumber, : =Lath : h - Terms :.s. Strictly. Cash FIR --With each•large tube EVER READY - - SHAVLNG CREAM You. get an Ever Ready Safety Razor and Blade abso- . Eutisely free.' With each 25c purchase of ANY NALCO - HOUSEHOLD DRUGS q° You get .a free sample ofI Tooth- Paste, Mouth. Wa9ligand Klearoids. With each purchase of gay Dental Prepasatioa ` A free sample of Hibbs' Pam•tl one English Dentrifloe and 1' a free fairy story.' A limited quantity of free Roodes : so get yonr<early. . E. C. Jones, Phm. $. 2{ Druggist and Dispenging { `'- Chemist. .• fit: ' PIdKtRING, iONTARIO , _,... «....... _.:...... .... ,• .....a,m,�..w,..,i:3's. y :ixi +• L_ r_.. �-:':.. �s�,•,. w�. c.w9uu,•?,a:s._w. :si..d:.&:�ue: .M .. +tn N• ��'. .., .. „,,. ;� .yX,u �.. -.., -. �- .R•G X�.,J. � ':tn 1, . •: ..a•' +:n �� ^ivf^„(...- '.:.ivtNiL. uw'-.. h Yls\eb ,,.. t;3u .. , A' � S, :n-', o. ':.. .,•.. - -.: " .. � :'b, _. .. a![. '': �;A;.. w. a •r _ 'T.. VdI�'^'., A�.,f�., a5S 'P �,F «i•.c h.. .,'.` �'. .•T'Kn. t.. .''K14- nC�'+. ..�" - n. b a^l v, axe 4:. )?YT.. b . ^-�" . ',i.'^C d S. ? ��. it - .°� ,"y.' M�'f+F..'..r...Tr .,c v'x•", Yr: .I 4..,- ", f�d.Y.. �9 '•:yf,. .-j. haw :�. >n , ✓,y,, �. � bi.,... 7.. .... .k'. a.. anca' ,- :' ,W -. ,.: s. -..�: s . ,. :,r .. '.�.� eGkM w. ....r r � ?'! ., '.. .. ".,.. : ♦. r/, ,.. -•k,.- .• -. . ,.... a �' ..:. i ,. rte .. 7+. •�. ,:tr.2 :.. : sc-'� t '•Sa..•...a.'"Y. .,-^�...,•w.,- ..ri., a; : a a.,, . ,, d "4F.•' ;e •,•..,:re.�. ;., , .n .,,y,. r •�^- '., r..T ,. .,.,Pi.... 4A� :.r .7- .. si'• ^T Y+ ,...•a, +1F. :,...;.: •r '". :� e ' .. �.. <v34. � o'^!" yy,, a. i,;�,'Rd' :m! -•T —L w i'.T 4 • :. ,.,, '.{• ky y. ..r-'- �..•. ,a, rc•,,.�nc t. ,6:.. s':9;: /.I. � . 7 ,' .. ..' -. ;..,naM'u�• .. ,...;,. ,.� w' r .. ..k.., ..:.. '.y •., -n,... ,, :., ,,,.: ri :' Also SO 36- ,: See :'6i -.;^ C'� •,1 y. ..� walat requires 1% yards tion to any library. kino t Inch material, or 1% yards 89-inch; _ band was able to evoke from that a 1% yards wide lace, or 3 yards nar- Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives. roar lace for trimming. Price 20 cents :. the pattern- j A Tonic is All You Need. ti The secret of distinctive dress ties Pro "ick -but not feeling quite well - aq to good taste rather than a lavish ex. That Is the way most people feel in side only. Neatness will be considered in making awards, Pendjture of money. Every woman should want to make her own clothes, the spring. Easily tired. appetite "fiddlers, ". even in the lumber -camps a and the home dressmaker will find the tickle, sometimes headaches and a feel • erup )t �+ 'designs illustrated in our new Fashion ins of depression Pimples c tions may appear on the skin, or there -a 41.1 All, may be, twinges of rheumatism or "I hereby certify that this eeaay Is the sole work of, (name of scholar) and that the or she) is not over seventeen (17) years of age," maintai ning the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book Ift neuralgia. Any of these Indicate that worr a copy the -blood is out of order -that the in• Biggest Steamer to Montreal -�i� TWO - . 'ii -1 ._ ,. t�.= ��.�.��i?,n..= _ y.,e�e _�,..:�a!�,�TM':. ;n�.�; °w.�•a.�w�°^ +rte - - Another page in steamship history i She was formerly known as the Ohio, ELL- _ will be written this season when the one of the world - famous °Q" liners, Albertic, of the White Star Line Cans.- ghe will join the St. Lawrence, fleet §rj0 111 than Service (shown above) docks at� with a reputation equal to her size - Montreal at the end of April, as this and, in addition to being the biggest - will be the biggest steamer ever to,i steamer ever to sail up the St. Law - sail u the river St. Lawrence as far r p' rence to Montreal, will he one of the THA NE�V UNDER - GARMENTS Montreal. most luxurious to make Montreal. her C - GIVE SLbNDERIZiNG LINES: Previous to this season the Doris' terminal. and Regina, slater ships in the White The Albertic will be used on the dl- The woman or girt who delights in �` :•; Si g Star Line Canadian Service, held the rect service to Liverpool eastbound, • !staking her own lingerie will find these record for being the largest steamers while on the westbound route she will ttsactive drawers quite easy to'fash- to t the port of Montreal, The f a enter y call at Queenstown. She will leave .; -- on and a `style that does away with ate 16,500 tons each, but the Albertic - r-nsedless mpteriai at the waist and is (9,000 tons-and, therefore, 2,500 tons (Liverpool on 'her first westbound l 22 age under the new name on April 22 i 1� owing to the well- fitted shaped larger than the Doric and Regina. let and will steam out of Montreal on'fier !Tent yoke which fastens at the sides, The Albertic Is an R.M.S.P. steamer. first eastbound voyage on 14iap 7. ry while the back is slightly gathered to r _F a.. band View. A_ ed sh_o_ ws the straight 11 oweY edge trimmed with wide race, A ' Buckram binding, will be presented to the school from and View B has the sides rounded and which the largest number of scholars win cash prizes. warnings'. A { i n cl ed with 8 narrow lace. No. 1540 is - $n ales 28, 80. 32, 84, 86 inches waist. �aia�sajta FOR SPRING TIME 3t Also SO 36- 1�111$L1�i work of Canadian history which will prove a real addi. walat requires 1% yards tion to any library. kino t Inch material, or 1% yards 89-inch; _ band was able to evoke from that a 1% yards wide lace, or 3 yards nar- Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives. roar lace for trimming. Price 20 cents :. the pattern- j A Tonic is All You Need. ti The secret of distinctive dress ties Pro "ick -but not feeling quite well - aq to good taste rather than a lavish ex. That Is the way most people feel in side only. Neatness will be considered in making awards, Pendjture of money. Every woman should want to make her own clothes, the spring. Easily tired. appetite "fiddlers, ". even in the lumber -camps a and the home dressmaker will find the tickle, sometimes headaches and a feel • erup )t �+ 'designs illustrated in our new Fashion ins of depression Pimples c tions may appear on the skin, or there -a 41.1 ?Book t be practical and simple, yet may be, twinges of rheumatism or "I hereby certify that this eeaay Is the sole work of, (name of scholar) and that the or she) is not over seventeen (17) years of age," maintai ning the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book Ift neuralgia. Any of these Indicate that worr a copy the -blood is out of order -that the in• more' like David McLane than: a black-; P Ple." _ door life of winter has left its mark ' N W TO ORDER PATTE13N8.. upon you and may easily develop In- _ y Write your name and address plain. to more serious trouble. ored custom, .ly, giving number and size of suet Do not dose yourself with purge stenographer, it may not indicate - pataerns •s y� went. Enclose 20e in lives, as many people do, in the hope stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap, that you can put your blood right. it earsfully) for esca number and Purgatives gallop through the system address your order to Pattern Dept•, sad weaken instead of giving strength. Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ads- Any doctor will tell you this is jtrue, F, 1dile St, 'I'ororto. Patterns sent by What you need to the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up - - T6e Settlement Violin. the nerves'. Dr. Williams' Pink very do this speedily and surely. Ever? David's vlohn was his dearest poi dose of this medlcihe helps to enrich j r rmrw which the blood* which clears the skin, j owL =LAPPS 41190 O.W.L !wo w) "Hello, my dear- fellow, how dif- ferent you look without a beard or mustache. I - wouldn't have recog- nized you if you hadn't had my um -- brella." People who have no rheumatism in their bones have to depend on unrea- 1.00.00 • -.1 "Cash -Prizes - To . Boq`s afid GirlisJor .:Essays : on, Canada OPEN TO SCHOLARS IN PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOLS AND. COLLEGIATES —'NO EN- TRANCE FEE—NOTHING TO SELL —RULES OF - CO 'PEST SIMPLE. Thy ,publisher of this paper, in co-operation with a number of other -publishers 6f weekly newspapers, will distribute thirty-six (36) cash prizes to boys and girls' for-the best essays on Canada. -The object of this con - test is to stimulate interest in this wonderful country of ours, and to help the boys, and girls of to -day, the citizens mendous potentialities of Canada and to get some vision of that fttltire greatness which fortune has undoubtedly marked out for. this the -most important dominion in the British Empire. The Prizes will be as follows . - First Prize $20.00. Next Three $5.00 each. Second Prize,. $15.00. Next Ten $2.00 each: 'Third Prize $10.00. Next Twenty $1.00 each. = !Every boy and girl who reads this paper has. .a chance to win one of these prizes. Read all you can about Canada, her early history, both French and Bri- tish ; study her progress from a Crown colony to her Ed position of political equality with the Mother- d; visualize her future. Then decide from Mother- what angle you will deal with your. subject and tvzite your essay in 1,000 words or less. SPECIAL SCHOOL PRIZE $80.00 strengthens the appetite an s A corrlplete set of "Makers of Canada," in Royal ' Buckram binding, will be presented to the school from =' which the largest number of scholars win cash prizes. warnings'. A There are ten volumes in the set containing 10,000 _. images illustrated by 1-25 rare historical reproductions. g !t is a wonderfully comprehensive, vitally interesting eMes -has marked a considerable num• b work of Canadian history which will prove a real addi. bead heard the angel voices whioh his w tion to any library. kino t (Contest Closes April 16, 1927). _ band was able to evoke from that a and appetite poor.. My blood seemed B - T' CONTEST' OF C .RULES Jill scholars act over seventeen (17) years of age whose ;,-.rents or guardians subscribe to this paper may enter the contestS -.smaN Lad fragile instrument..- t Essays may deal with the subject from any point of view, but must "Howzatr' p not exceed 1.000 words III length. - aq Paper of foolscap size must be used, a&d writing appear on one Williams' Pink - Pills, and after taking " side only. Neatness will be considered in making awards, ,r All manuscripts submitted become the property of the publtsbon "fiddlers, ". even in the lumber -camps a _, IBend essays to Canada Essay Editor, in care of this paper. ,The following information must accompany each entry- - "Name tramps are known in Australia, This , of conteetant, Age. Address, Name of school, Name of Teacher. and must bear the following ceit.Mcate signed by parent. -a 41.1 each essay guardian. or school teacher:—___ _ "I hereby certify that this eeaay Is the sole work of, (name of scholar) and that the or she) is not over seventeen (17) years of age," q recommend the pills to run -down pea S worr a Scotia, on the 11th of June, was killed x be lavished on his• violin would have s strengthens the appetite an s sons a wen ere urea o Mrnl A Fish's Travels. f flab took the most d rect roue ra- ' yarn comical to his fellows had it not t tired, depressed sea, women and w warnings'. A The Department of Marine and Fish- y yelled in the vicinity of S00 miles', him all his solicitude after they D Dickson, Westneath, Oat., says: - "I D Dal-win's e eMes -has marked a considerable num• b but if it followed the .larger lndenta- bead heard the angel voices whioh his w was quite badly run down, easily tired, " kino t bar of Atlantic salmon, by attaching _ band was able to evoke from that a and appetite poor.. My blood seemed B a friend. - s silver tags to their dorsal fins; for the -.smaN Lad fragile instrument..- t thin and watery. I decided to try Dr. " "Howzatr' p purpose of tracing the movements of A Australia Tramps. ' ?Ovary village of that dap 'had its W Williams' Pink - Pills, and after taking " "She makes monkeys out of men. "' t these itsh. A salmon that was marked S Sundowners is the ,name by which "fiddlers, ". even in the lumber -camps a a few boxes I felt myself thoroughly a and liberated 'off Burns Point, Port t tramps are known in Australia, This , ' svoh performers `were plentiful, but b bailt up and as stt&g as ever. I can M The only thing to worry about to - Maitland, Tarmouth county, Nova + + the moot ektHful of them were no r recommend the pills to run -down pea S worr a Scotia, on the 11th of June, was killed x x more' like David McLane than: a black-; P Ple." _ :' i in tfie Molsie River, Quebec, in the r ri) bird 1s like a thrush. They mostly per. Y _ y When a mane wife chooses his o early part of the next month. If this f ored custom, formed with a mad -scramble of fingers m medicine deals! or by mail at 50 cents W stenographer, it may not indicate - - - -- —_ —.. _ .------ - -.__. . - -• - -- ^ - - - -- - - - - - - - a n c er ng o e own, jealousy so much as. a wish for him _- _wheaeas- I2avio._ a-Xh' lodg, graceful Co., Brockville, Out. to succeed in business. strokes, drew from his instrument ---d• -�- ,- tones, of such sweetness that his hear• ' ' "' A man was charged with having ere marvelled- How had he learned stolen a ton of lead. 'this method? Richard never knew, r -"Have you anything to say, in' your but he recognized the difference. t_VOae defense ?" Basked the judge. ' -bf the mechanical, scraping noises "Yes. I did it inf .moment of ..which aocompahied the playing of weakness." ' - other fiddlers could be heard when j 4 `,, "Did you give the mangy the third' �32avid's bow was in action, and at. . ,' thougli he good naturally played jigs - ; �' d decree?'' asked~ the police officer. and reels for dance%, lits beat beloved f -1 "Tee• We browbeat and badgered rtunes" were strange and beautiful � � 0 him with every question -we could ,•melodlee. His adoration was Ole Bull, think -of." _ "tome toy I'm going to hear him b•.w "What' did he do ?„' •' play," he vowed, and treasured every "He dozed off and merely said now !word which came -'to him descriptive c& She Crave it to Adam. and then, 'Yes, my. dear, you are - the great Norwegian's art. Some of , perfectly right. "' "Why have ,women no Adam's ap -• the tunes he played were those Ole pie,.. "Heard about the big accident ?" 8uH was reported to use. ' "Because Eve only bit the apple and "No, what ?" In spite of his • wondrous gift, David j gave It to Adam." "Car just ran over a peanut and took a hand In all the forma of work, crushed two kernels." - ' . ,sow swinging a scythe 'against the ` _ -- Canada's copper. r Brim. now. tjia cradle against the "'wheat and in these tasks Richard The production of copper in Canada Sounds Unsatisfactory. - f Canadian ores in recent years 4 German scientist predicts the �tF Sc r . �i 'lovsd to have him for aTsa&ir, To x'm r ranks' and bind attar him was consider- has varied between 50,000 and 60,000 time when, attar reading your morn- TAKE A "RUBBER" AT THIS. ' {d -led a teat of any man's ability. How h , { tons annually, mostly in the form of Ing paper: you can soak It in acids that From goloshes to tires and 16 a, thousand ways between the two, the 1 blister copper and copper matte, •part. will bring out the food value of the a key product tha could play the violin after such labor, modern world would be entirely lost without rubber. It is t " y " was a mystery,- but he often did,- of which is being refined in Canada, wood pulp, and eat it for breakfast., � {iiamlin Garland. fn "Trail-Makers. of Due tO the steady demand for the But we hope you will be able to af'.- In -every sense makes the wheels of progress go rqunq. But common Is metal and the slight increase to the ford something more appetizing. the knowledge of if�0 finished product so that there is' not s man, woman or the 'Mid'dle Border. unit price, 'the production in 1928 _ —{ child who has not seen it In some form or other, there are a few of vs wha "� —�- amounted to nearly.70,000 tone. Bri- To clean painted walls,, make a have never seen a ntbber plantation is, full bloom and on its native heath, , :Longer Span of Life. tish Columbia and Ontario are the • starch as for laundry purposes, but 'so to speak. Rubber Is a dingy- Iookiug product, but its trees of origin area • , Every child born in England has an Drlactpal producers although a small somewhat thinner, and apply to the light and beautiful spectacle, resembling nothing 8o much as a sugar -maple ' peotation of twelve years longer life amount is shipped from the province walls with a whitewash brush. After 1� [n early spring. This photograph was taken recently at Singapore during - taaa its grandfather, says Sir George of Quebec. the starch is thoroughly dry, wash ewmea, chief medical officer of Bri- a the round the world cruise of the Canadian Pacific Empress of Scotland. The - ," a!a Do pruning during mild da Off' using soft cloths and changing plantation here shown has reached its present growth, within the last 25 years nR g Ys- the water frequently. °-` •'•" -" "' . .,..•,✓.: .._.... :.:.. _. .... ... . -, ... .... .. _ -. _ :<+„d'. '.:... .. _ .. ..- ,., .,....; . -<:: ...,�:..,, _.., -. m _ �.. „a,.i ••a :...... ..nti. .;a`;, .. ".3r..,,.e'.. .-.; i�u .._« -.. ... ... s'r.- +.•= a.�r, :.e�•.,. .,.se.�sk�+i- ,�- .�'..'..:r- .... s.,: �: e;.. ..,<,�^3r.r's.",:X'S'�rµr�'"a�Y �reee.��i.- ,.'t..4'•.:� :r�2�`•� �tF Sc r . �i 'lovsd to have him for aTsa&ir, To x'm r ranks' and bind attar him was consider- has varied between 50,000 and 60,000 time when, attar reading your morn- TAKE A "RUBBER" AT THIS. ' {d -led a teat of any man's ability. How h , { tons annually, mostly in the form of Ing paper: you can soak It in acids that From goloshes to tires and 16 a, thousand ways between the two, the 1 blister copper and copper matte, •part. will bring out the food value of the a key product tha could play the violin after such labor, modern world would be entirely lost without rubber. It is t " y " was a mystery,- but he often did,- of which is being refined in Canada, wood pulp, and eat it for breakfast., � {iiamlin Garland. fn "Trail-Makers. of Due tO the steady demand for the But we hope you will be able to af'.- In -every sense makes the wheels of progress go rqunq. But common Is metal and the slight increase to the ford something more appetizing. the knowledge of if�0 finished product so that there is' not s man, woman or the 'Mid'dle Border. unit price, 'the production in 1928 _ —{ child who has not seen it In some form or other, there are a few of vs wha "� —�- amounted to nearly.70,000 tone. Bri- To clean painted walls,, make a have never seen a ntbber plantation is, full bloom and on its native heath, , :Longer Span of Life. tish Columbia and Ontario are the • starch as for laundry purposes, but 'so to speak. Rubber Is a dingy- Iookiug product, but its trees of origin area • , Every child born in England has an Drlactpal producers although a small somewhat thinner, and apply to the light and beautiful spectacle, resembling nothing 8o much as a sugar -maple ' peotation of twelve years longer life amount is shipped from the province walls with a whitewash brush. After 1� [n early spring. This photograph was taken recently at Singapore during - taaa its grandfather, says Sir George of Quebec. the starch is thoroughly dry, wash ewmea, chief medical officer of Bri- a the round the world cruise of the Canadian Pacific Empress of Scotland. The - ," a!a Do pruning during mild da Off' using soft cloths and changing plantation here shown has reached its present growth, within the last 25 years nR g Ys- the water frequently. °-` •'•" -" "' . .,..•,✓.: .._.... :.:.. _. .... ... . -, ... .... .. _ -. _ :<+„d'. '.:... .. _ .. ..- ,., .,....; . -<:: ...,�:..,, _.., -. m _ �.. „a,.i ••a :...... ..nti. .;a`;, .. ".3r..,,.e'.. .-.; i�u .._« -.. ... ... s'r.- +.•= a.�r, :.e�•.,. .,.se.�sk�+i- ,�- .�'..'..:r- .... s.,: �: e;.. ..,<,�^3r.r's.",:X'S'�rµr�'"a�Y �reee.��i.- ,.'t..4'•.:� :r�2�`•� r • .,,;, a .: r , her :., d' . � .,,,:;,� : �> ' � ..... :, .: ;,- '�v.' r'„ • : ,_� : F .ze,,. �. w .r, ,� " ..r�.."�s*� �`: �="'. ',:,�"a"�e.++s`'l�,awrr�e�,icit v �•y �,h r•i• �.. ., ..ark -� .Ga�y�' •..,.�s'•s'�. ,�.,,. .._�i;,.e .",.;w:... xSR 'I•'� u � .., 6r°�- •.:40" . -r� �.• .,� +%t t( �,' "" ',y w ,pp a R. . brf. -M1: .• •q- -.. ., #- ,. w -. r. •....: � .,- .. i , .lq Pr, y: .- �,. .n. :.... ._. S:_: •• iB . A� _ .. .+"�..1";,,,fi , ...., .•,>y,. ., . "r r vc. a• t- n:,rtra•. .: •!facts ... , ,.. ,.. .- •,�.. - s ^^z ,r. •, S ?. r.�t,.;• .. .cynic .,.,• ii•+ .. .. ,. , ...- ).-. ., ... ....�... .,m..•w -,,., ,_;. of .r. .':. ^J. .. 'i 7 , _ , lied direct >ai the Orient Pays 20,000 Francs BABY'S WEALTH Qassified Advertisementsv � Nr PO t=M for New Finger• FRENCH $ELF•TAUYH7. 4, in metal lined chests. Blended A fl'nger ready for grafting is worth �j f Htl ]IIUaT aIISPI r nrsTSSld 1±1 ]al7v t► 4 - up to 20,000 francs in Parts. The fig I - iN TH1� {�i gtjtf{� w"�' W°a"a'lauoa sr very word A pits of d and packed into 1 lb. ?yi lb. % lb. - Y 1� — - - - -- w0aleds « t>w Iaaaay. Ia per aid,. w, row _ y ttTe was BEL b a noted pianist who $Or' 1 plete elota ad.. ass.; .heldsed to b,. Sac. toss a affil finger in an accident and de- "- I paid Warld'e Subscription ASUto7 BAid. P.O. AM bright Aluminum packages. tided that a new one would save his "JIBS. Uapl P. Montreal. 1'. Q. Cut Best be Guarded Wi ' - large-box o19Ce receipt.. Baby's Qyyn Tablets. I P wl:YARD 'P—m RINGS m i sa 'w D cu,aa s. k orR; Lt worn �'7lfaden wftllpW rearfaNns. The musician feared that the de- 1•e rD■cialiw un Farm k:aAnlea And Trartote. ran ~ formed finger would injure. If'not 'des- The is a time of sailer} to r+rd rtetoo lung companl. 23 4 lhdat, street wes✓<', i Toronto. . troy his popularity, and felt that a mothers who have little ones in the JMI clu-ur: . (shoos, 19c AND UP new one, even if it never touched a home. Conditions make it necessary [ CUcular. William Pletach, straitord Bs. Ont. _,• ` i key, could at least be bent out of sight. to keep the baby indoors- He' fa often I• f i lldaru'r. RIlD l,'l OV l R AND Arius So he offered and paid -the 20,Q40 •for confined to overheated,. badly vend. 1 send for "Mot" lrar#ban 8athwdl �. anew one. fated rooms and catches c,olds which IN—an. Out T i t.'AWA Faoid 46 TO 60 BOxlta IN r''8 # The poor of Parts, as in many other rack his whole' system. To guard s to a wedY time. Can teach yy reader z . cities -and countries, often sell their against this a box bf Baby's Own T.ab t ,a+aaaisa 11011 to sat them. For ant- bodies to medical schools "for future lets should be kept in the house and re, ueula W. A. Hadley. atmeead. • delivery, ",and surgeons. frequently buy an occasional dose given tht baby to. E A �� godd �� blood for transfusion and skin for ! keep his stomach and bowels working : Spring Time is .w, prevent colds, I CELERY KING Time grafting. Henri Danjou, an tnvestigat- regularly. This will 10S•R Ing writer, declares that flesh is often constipation or colic and keep baby : Brew a Cup of this line ofd vegetable r . ;_A sold now to make women beautiful as well. The Tablets are sold by medi. tonic. it is ali the spring.medtcine you RED ROSE ORANGE• PEKOE is extra good. well as to give new fingers to pfanfsts. , tine dealers or by mail at `� i cents a need. - It drives out winter's pa,sons s - box from The Dr. Williams' Mediclns improves the appetite and rilakes you ; febl better right away. CELERY KING -- - - - - -- - – - -- — Sinus Disease. Co., Brockville, Ont. t_ is good for the wh'olepfaniiiy. At drug•. .What are the sinuses? The s4nusea Scenic •,Park*. gtaia, 30c &.8tk. ;f airs e cavities in the skull, lined Of k n- • J-�s V . J iS for with a delicate living mom i rye der Dominion control, !n the Rockies Deafness— ea 0311 @8 is twntinuous witdl the lining of the and Selkirk., three s.re in Alberta, and RELIEVED BY o - throat and nose; the cavity ltcated�in !d the top of the cheek bone 19 known as four in British Columbia. R aterton LZON �,A ®u, Drcadnoul��lle Lakes, Rocky liountalns, and Jasper «fib giey gars' " �* the antrum, while the frontal sinuses national parka are in Alberta, and Ix I&T IN osrRILS are found immediately above the eyes. its All Drruuc�pttty. Prim i�. s`.� ' These cavities have a structure like -a Yo-ho, Glacier, Kootenay,•and l/ount Folder .cwt"MP111VES3'# pa »t• a' Revelstoke "parks are In British Co- A- !. LEONARD, Int., 70 Fitts Ata, des York `, " ,a. honey-comb, which makes it very dif- lumbfa, - - to dislodge the infecting germs. f • � A most satisfactory roll for the' bathroom.• - . And germs do gala entrance to the For distemper— Mlnard's Liniment. e -- A `soft absorbent tissue made like all Eddy sinuses with romparatfve ease, since r h he for Buaineas G!rla. 7 ;, ,, the lining of the nose' leads into them. �Lunc s Toilet'Rolls, under the most exacting Sani- In the last red' years sinus disease hps � ..£gQN salads, Cheese brown bread,' u every common: If you "'ant to a frnitg are the R!IRFCStl "114 made i " Cary conditlotiS.;- �' - t how- common, juror visit the I bndd ueli hp rnn ihn'rrr to nusinere become-very find ou Big value for office of a node specialist any day of � R{r!a V. ho.. w1mf1 tn•..C•tlon-e a•ononlfca! iI �, year, but particularly durinc the 1 , dishes, i r i Ater and spring. tiand see the steady - :.�,�.:._ .. -- . � •.•.- - . ^:the housewife � tee: ,tnt►,�t.t ; 1 y, stream of sinus -patients wafting -tot' ' seekin a cod - NAUE Cii�. ®�lf i��i1R !C is easy to ar4clire and j • :% ���� y3,� tr eat ;ease is Wnard's, %111 -make your lialr #loft _. � - ,• - t 1 S S u a very difficult to cure: one point to. re- Ed Holtiin Sows ai cf hlstrv.ue Silnnllatem growth.' IIl O d e r a t member th regard to sinus di S to prevent it. This. means that , +x' Fast Easti- Cuttin U,4, its a tonic. — Creme care must be taken to comp!eta� c? "( T� U E la dlrunn running c old. tre'at'tohPer) 'is °Stir �A f: S S TNL t.0 cue affairs cam e�enliatfl full bodily Guaranteeui,euu tri _ rat f wpm 3lescence p Y born our Hart. eels g�r� �1 a• t'j strength fa regained. It also means 4� lU1 a OF tu t �+ EVE � keeping away from people calla aVe i L s'"1O1"D°�`"'^O" sA.v co fro �f MON'wLtl �u:•I'' ICO.Z A .-rAro sneezing and coughing: it means kaap• vAwcowca<.e *,o,w.N.e.. TOwON�O r' A � I MULL#CANADA fag teeth throat a by t the upper ; ' row) and throat to a healthy condition ; �+;. W2 sp l your cod in cod condition 1 -� that no Infection from them will i i- ,,_- -- spread into the noses. It means .'... Kee ng 3 g , ==- — - e so that you will not catch cords and I _ In th No Ultimo Thule. llooae the chains of things and the tether diseases of the nose and threat a psi shall be-no Ultima Thule in the world). even are athetoymP oms of sinus � 1 ruighty earth shall lie open and there • ' c ® �$ - tl,:t world of the Romana•Uitl- I ; and Thule ttas the lass te:and,.the end J After ail, nineteen centuries Is not of the known world. No navigator was, disease. The infection sets up In d"1:1 r Isu intrepid that he- even thought of so long a time to wait for the fulflil- maticn, creating an accumulation of j went of such a wonderful prophecy. I mate•r4l which should be- discharged � "Illug beyond Thufe. SAYER - Lucius Seneca, the'wist oetothe _ through the Galles trnwever, thr t •ny gl 91r t centnl ,mast have been the re passage leading' to the nose beCOnlea p y p 1 Cassowary Kin to Ostrich. 1clggg� up, the material cannot d.alh si,trnt of the original Optimist Club, I t The cassowary finds its closest re- ; away, belt increasing continlioll , No doubt his prophecy drew sarcastic G2 i reiuntkz' from many gloomy 'pedants j laktives - among. the ostriches. •There exerts 'pressure upoD the nerves - an�i ght .,when he ar4tet are upward of twea2y different forma, you have very severe pals, often tot - r all Snbabitants of New Guinea and - -cer- lowed by nausea and diarrhoea, Re• ; Vr•nirat annla saecula aerie gniblia Cain of the adjacent is-lands. Ifef is impossible until the pa .isago is ii f)ceaaur 'vinclrla rerun laxert et In- Cleared and free discharge through iha ! ( 4 - Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physician for patelt tellus -sea -aft terns ultl- nose 'Is Secured. No rernedy but in- I Wry rhule. _ `Women Farmers In Canada. s -- ma. - ha�tioa 1s of use, and frequently rP• (The time will come to the tat die. Canada has 17,912 women - farmers, -Colds, - Headache ' Neuritis- .- Lumbago i lief can be bad only from treatment by f Rant dears when' the.great- -ocean will according to as official statement. a nose specialist. - - I 'Don't neglect sinus diocese `rt is :.]Pain .- :'Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism one of the conditions that you h€ar, so mudh abort these days- focal inlet- - GOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART lion. From an infected sinus may fo t low a diseased heart, damaged kidneys, rheumatism, and (many doctors.think) _ goitre may be influenced by it. not to ~ Accept O r'Ba}'er" pac�k�ag0ri mention the chronic "half -sick". reel - which contains proven directions. fn you have most of the time, parttcu -, ' "Bayer" boxes of 1'2 tablet 8 Y Handy y larly early in the morning. _. Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. 'D -- Aspirin 1s the trade mart (re=tstered to panada) of Baler Manufacture of 1loaoaoetle- a "Lady" or "Woman ?" , tedeatar of Sallcyliescid (Acetyl Salle711e Acid, "'A. S. A. "). Willie It I. well knows The word "I.atic" has been Cll IllnCll'' that Aspirin -means Sala manufacture, to awlat the paelle apltut imitations, the Tabteta , abused, both fi England and in the of Bayer company will he .tamped with their sen•ral trade mart# the "Bayer Ocws." _ a W ' United States, the it has lost its frig• , Fr� 'Treatments For tnai meaning, and heretore fhb 1>E'n -', � Y ]: dulum is swinging back toward the _ 0' older and more democratic wont —WO- man." The American Folk Dance Society long since decided to use only }` and "women" in its directions for dances, and that is also the prac- tice of the National Archery Assm-ta• - + .$:. want to help" tion -of- the, United States in its tnur•i e%a+ � ®fees from �1asai Catarrh J. .� -- nament programs. Now the liritisb Lawn Te ;#ifs Association has dectdeil : !Hearing Restored This aid FRED �� BOLldla. I have an original home I feel so sure that �a in favor of "women" 115 against treatment deafnbas and this treatment w" r t at or a ire nt Ill e- 'ladies. it-is a sensible change. ]lead noises from nasal car ` store hearing and end f Toils facts from oum,experienee to help others. Almost . j tarrh which -I want every he.14 noises from nasal t ' ,.£rt " °• i. n, dy's% ^nary ti sufferer to try free -with- catarrh that I want wild avith pain, weak and rundown, he 4t1ottl ! „yot: ynL 1''P" out oblig tion. For many; every'sufiererto try it . ti tP .:7 WY .�.. n•... rti nrr. r i-� neav health and strength through Tanlalc years q suffered from ca- free. 1 want to }trove Allen Boudria, engineer, of 432 St. tai deafness and heHd at m} expense tbatthe Patrick fit., is one of Ottawa's beet fie Decisive -But Not Hasty noises. Iperfectedatreat_ results are quick and It 1s better to make hasty declslons a` .lmown citizens. "My purpose in tell- meat which completely re- �,," convincing. fag the facts of m . ex Hence, he than to make none at all. 'A fellow stored m =hearin I eve It is the "beat treat- than q pe J g• g a� d, "is to help others who suffer as who never derides anything is its it to others and they were. ment that I have found f Sai I did, worthless as, a clothesline in Timhuc- !~ able to head again. Since - -.. =in 42 y ears' practice as "For five- years T was in misery.11iy. too. But one mricluslon,reaclled after that time, hundreds have - . eye,car,nosc and throat - - -- ¢hole system seemed out of gear, but _ looking on all sides is ,.worth.a- elozrn . -used it successfully. or_ W. o. Coffee specialist. as my stomach troubled most. Even a snap judgments. ' '.'j drink of cold water wu l q _ _. rev .— 2.5,000 Treatments To Be . stomach to bloat and Swell abnor- 'I'nall . Cas would prevent me from r;,`: • Kill warts with. Min ard'e Liniment. GIVEN AWAY This Monti • iaee In at night so that I had to et p g g R These treatments cost you nothing- The re- of other instances similar to these have told ms e up and walk the Boor for hours. Yio- Nothing Else. suluarequklt andconvincins.Youwillfeelthe of the treatment's success, +; lent stomach pairs nearly drove me difference the first day. I have found that f J �tikl. I've seen times when I -;, ; Teacher- the. [111«11(,11 pilzzle. TRY IT FREE per cent of the caeca of deaf ertd hrnd doubled over, unable to straighten trp. - y0i1 noises are caused primarily by nasal catarrh, In addition, I will send you absolutely free oaa " IVs~ La 'ate told me 111 til - "i\qt at all. -lt'S [he answer. i ItoftPrysrcetstbestnmach ,causesrhenmatiam ! my new book on rleafnese, Hoed Noieee and My friend p0 1 and many other troubles. Usually one ear is I Catarrh. it ei r deafn(ully the curable and in t I'm d a n ae owe worse with curable kind how Tarlac had helped him out of else, made this great change. I m fns - - - arTected first, the e f e ar e verysevera cold untiI the other eariaa [reefed. Write today for this free tat treatment. + similar trouble, so I got some and used ,Tarlac." London stores Pepper. - Myorkonal home treatment will stop all thie. IStateif You are draf.hove bead ndsesoriust 9 bottles in all. It just made me over. If overwork or neglect have won] Allvnt 16,000,00t) pounds of pepller I bave restored hearina in many extremo nasal catarrh or head catarrh. Wr1te or print r ilacel30 years younger than I am, and you down get Tanlac, the gTest nat -' cases; one womnn hnd been arowina deaf for 48 "or rising plainly. Do not delay Thls notice • yrciQh 21411.. My appetite and sleep trial tonic made from roots, herbs and are stored in London. - ears; a men Qs years old who find been asst I may not appear again. For 30 trays t aria Are Utrth fine. I eat what I like and barks. Your druggist has it. Over ba -- �-or many scare can now hear .¢sin. Hundreds going to give swap ^Fi.f1f10'froe treatments, 4 Xeep like a top. eat what and nothing ziWlionbottlessf d. �� ISSUE No. 1f5 -'27. DR.W. 0. COFFEE, Suite 2 111, St. Jam®s Hotel Bldg., Davenport, Is. ti; 'r ,n .'. '. ♦, , .: w '. ,';• •'. -' '... .:. .. ..:.•.• ... -. - .'v'.. mt. I � v'" -1_ . ,C. r. -!+.. "�t.••1•. -'.yn� t.el"'it+~'L '..r,w�,i+`Les1�3t�5 Rf m,�.... � ,. C.w+°..i -.,,, .,'7 a.::� ;,w.•- _.:..: '..m...:.d.? ...,.�,:_',s.,.���_.,._.d,.... �L.,.•__.:..:..*_.,.w_y.::.. '..•, _y..., �... ,. ..- Via'•.. ..- ___..�.•....•,..�. .....rr... .. tr."+s:....., -._rod _ti. -,., v�..sr_,....�. -._... ,,..i..�......., _. _..- .�'[..� e, . .... �,�._,._. "ri- _n.:.,._,.,...,, .•...�._,- .....:x'.: a::.�,- ,:r -i°a.� Rfi .°1'i«.r�>�^."�`.w .. 44L. �,.,yn._� �.'4s-F.�au Elt f .7 40-0 �^Llll R19016TIVt TU=DAY, Apiam Iftit-Auction. 9 a �: in Strepai of property known as Tv RDAY.. APRIL-9=��AUCUGM sale SATU" �p896osores, arm. ts 29 and 90. con. 3, Whitby P,U�RE MAPLE SYRbP of borses, cattle, Leicester sheep, . and extensive farm Gus toed Pure Eastern To*w'uship Syrup. ran T MRMS uildjugs., S&lest,2.45p�w. See pigs. iwplemeots� hay, grain and 61 toots, at lot 80 B, F. con­ Pickering 2, $1.76 per year.*; 01.50 U paid in advama. bills. Wm, Maw, auctioneer. I g"on tine 2.50 I lb. 4tlass jars 85e Subacriptiono!ro the United States and Crest (Kingston ;Q. Rosebazit Corners SATURDAY, APRIL Ifta-Auction sale In bulk, bring your MwA $2.00 in advame• the property of Wm, Thom. Sue own jar, 85e per pint. allo'cock. Bee bills. W.B.Pow. of horses, cows. implements, harness etc., at lot 16. con. B, Searboro (on Fx ell, auctioneer. JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. Kingston road, opposite Halfway xr TUESDAY, APRIL 12Ta-Auction sale House). the property of Jack Leslie. A& SALE OF NICE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS of Holateins. Yorkshire@. Oxford Sale at one. See bills. -J. H. Pren- F14CKKRING COUNCIL. Down@. farm machinery etc., at tire, auctioneer. These are-real oo gd China ware-Ker Ines shape, with gol d hand. E Twin Stream Farm, lots 29 and 30, THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH-Auction sale miss this, they are going fast. The above Council met pursuant to con. 3. Whitby T Sale at one p. of farm stock Implements, hay. 5 cups and saucers for $1 -..adjourn went On Monday, the 4th inst. in See bills. Wm. Maw, auction. grain. furniture etc.. at lot 1. con. 4. -7- --Vxbrtdge�_(IJ miles north of-Clare- -Members all present, the-reevo-in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were wont), the property of D. M. Mori- Prime Old Cheese, per lb. 32c Nice-Fr and approved. 2 lbs for Wo gan. Sale at one. See bills. Ww- Sherriff's Jelly Pdrs, 4 foi A number of accounts were present- 25c Good Fresh Prunes, 2 The for 25e Change of Bus'.ness Maw. auctionkier. ed for payment and referred to the f " Pure Leaf Lard, per lb. ... 19c Quart Bottle Catsup, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13TH-AUCtiOD various standing committees. Quart Bottle Sweet Mixed Pickles 50e. As I have rented my blacksmith • sale of household effects, Ford truck, Mr. Rossiter, mail carrier, was heard shop to John Selmen , of Barrie, who a engine. Ford engine &c., at lot r6 bad condition of the 5th concession' �ly recommended with comes here big con. 1, Pickering, the property of 7 t 1.30. See James Todd sons heard re bad con • ake this Opportunity of thanking the I CHARDSON . . g� toad; east of the Greenwood road. 16 years experience at the trade. I Alfred J. Gillard. , Sale a dodgers. W. B. Powell auctioneer. JAS e"., dition of the Altook road, and a peti- the tle. U6TP U ay wy ae p 0 0 M 2% ofte usehol furnitur,incl d ayere dealing with the same matter. me during 16 yeVe in which I have Jim. W. Hick w4s beard re rebate Of been in business. I assure you that I ing 3 chests o4 drawers. some wal- tax, nut. some oak etc., belonging to the have done my beat to secure for you al estate of the late Mrs. George M. r clog real up•to•date mechanic to take my. Mr. Risebrougbiwas heard re turning water from the roads to his land. Palmer. Church St.. Pickering. Sale Eardware, Store place. Pickering at I o'clock. See dodgers. W. B. ve him s. trial and Powell, auctioneer. ------ 2T Fred Wright was beard re bad con • I will ask you to tion of the sideline alongside his h PA that in the tialit man _J di -C: q. property. in the right place. M R. Miller, Brougham. was heard ask- Dg 0 L JOHN McGRATH, See "An Early Bird" Town Hall, Farmers-Now is the time to get your Seed for the Spring Crop I W f rgrantfor grayel for roadad- olning his premises. Would 60 50 50. Claremont, Oct. Pi kering, April 21st. j have a, complete stock on hand. Coma. were read from R. . Clark .. ..... .. .... ..... . . and H� W. Ralston re the bad condi- Timothy, Alfalfa 'Jou 0 the roads leading -'from their Complete Quality Funerals* Red Clover, -1 -premises on the lake shore. Thestandiagcommitteeon Contin SOLID OAK % geacies repor Sweet Clover and Alsike led and recommended $709 $100t $125 CASKET FUNERAL $145 sect of salary 12500. John Murkar. All No. I Tested Seed. payment as follows: D R Beaton, on P t auditor's report 76 ft Thos Birk: M A T T HEW S'BURIAL 006 S Leave or phone your order and we will fill it promptly. et14 prom on insurance in Globe In- demoity Co.. against damage by bad 219 Daworth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 3300 Anything in hardware from a nail to a wheel-barrow. `, roads 211.50. The standing committee on Trans. Our Funerals include: Embalming. Hoarse. Ca,8ket, Outside Case, portatiou. Power and Light reported Agent for McCormick-Doering Farm Machinery and recommended the following pay. Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Service. Funeral edinplete. eats; Hydro-Electric Power Cow. No Extras. and Repairs. In lesion. for Greenwood lights 58 60. Visit our establishment and prove the truth of these statements The standing committee on Bonuses for yourselves. -for Wire Fences. Drainage bilatters, These prices r-tand good w to within a radius of 40 miles from Toronto. Our Motto We have it, can got it,'or it is not made. Onow SbovelliDg etc., reported cadre- REMEMBER: Clip this ad. for reference. Sitf Commended payment as follows i 8 J. S. BA I Qr%^ Parcdale. breaking road# lots I to 6 ..PICKERING J�'P. con 15,80; Kirk Beelby, ditto op F 10 n and 1I con 5 3 50, J ob a Beel by. ditto lot 2 coin 8 1.00; A Matthews ditto 8.40; r A Pegg, ditto lots IU and 11 coo 62.50. mmk=* % can" 0 b)= The standing committee on Roads ay and Bridges "ported and recommend. Send Your ' DeMs�ts 'by M A re ed the following payments: J Beelby. "Volible 000 ,drag con 6 Opp lots 19 to 25 3 12-. A Gf C1 Tr ip It? 71ickn".7 AP"rHOSE who find it more convenient to Trtrable.drag elean culverts bet 10-11 -Coca 4 3 and Greenwood road coca 4 5 JL do their banking by mail. will find that -600. J C Bryant, drag con 3 Opp lots the co-operative services of this Bank meet 8 to 12 and bet 10 and 11 cons 2 and 3 Beauty, strength, fmi-,resistance all requirements. Write our nearest branch baul grav bet 10 11 con 8 21 -you get all these in Brantford 9 00-. �to-day and arrange to do your banking by 127. E A Bryant. haul grav bet 10 11 con 8 9 06. Super-Tile Stakes, besides Double W F Crawford. ditto 7.0o. Winter mail. You will save the trouble of frequatnt Bros. M rds grav for 10 11 con 3 6.50.. Thickne4s all over the root and -trips to town. 4 of the Ferndale, rep Opp 8 con 7 1.50-� Triple Thickness over 4996' Turner, rep culvert w t I Opp con 6. roof. Special Lock Butt prevents ]itarkham to pay half 3 00: too drug bet 32 33 can 0 rep hole and 1: bulging and curling. labor con 8 # F 7 6 87. 3 D Remmer, drag o&p 12 to 17 'coo 3bet 14.15 coos 2 acd bet I3.13 cons 2 and 3 baul grov bet 14. 15 con 2 J. FL Pmy, 1981111110M abov v bet 14 15 con 2 and 15 yde rav .7 J Qidnlan, draF bet 12 13 IWHnW BRAtCK 7 . - grav bet con 2250. D Munro. baul ', Bilranff, ord BVMKUN BRAHM DOAUNM F. A. BURT. Masam 14-15 con 2 5,00; F Wright. drag Al- tons, road cobs 6 sod 7 Opp 25 to 31 con Above is straight view of a 7 937• . U Tran drag Altona road coo. 4 'Brantford Smper-rite Slates, an d 31 t 35 and haul grav Opp 04 OU 0 Our Opportunities showing triple thickness- in Made W four fade. ... 75; . .coo 5 also drag . t I oSp con a shaded a. m Your Problems Markham to pay half 5 00; Annie, less colors and when laid give If) yda grav for Altoca road con 5 and ,:OT-R local mottiager is ready to dia, an appealing "keystone" effect. • rep walk in Whitev&le 2,25: W Light- Brantford Roofing Co. and render any service compatible, body, rep bole Alton road coo 5 1 00; Limited B Annie, haul grav Altona, road con 5 M)0; A E Major, drag Alton& portunities to render financial service Brantford, Out. of road con 5 and 25 to SU co n and bet %; Stock CatrieJ, Information Furnished and Service to approach us. The Standard Bank WT7 con 4 W J Petty, . haul grav on Brantford Roofing renderod by -..Altona road con 2 4 00; J McGriskin, which is organized to especially deal F. J. Prouse, Pickering ditto 4 00. Jas Todd, ditto 4.00; Edgar particular commercial commullit & Pilliev. ditto 2.00; J Burkholder, ditto call and see the MaRager of e 4,oO; 1? Bark'ditto 3 %: A Petty, Standard- Bank. ditto If) 50; F MacRae, baul grav atid drag Altona, road and con 8 Opp 80-: sl �UNIVERSAL MOTORS 5.45: J Tweedie drag Whitevale eta 200; J Be miltoii, cut weedo Opp lots STANDARD 'BANK, 24-2Z con 6 and )opp 22,23 con 4 7.50, WEST HILL The council passed the third reading of the 6y-law to close a portion of ori- PICKERING BRANCH-O. A. Sharpov- Manager ginal allowance for road bet cons I and lot 20. in lieu AND FLINT SALES 2, Opp of a. portion being "STAR given by J C Richardson, and also to close as a public highway the north bhlf of the original allowance for, road USED CAR BARGAINS *,',between lots 26 and 27•in con 8. A b7•law was passed appointing Ford Truck, I ton, 1923 Ford Truck, half ton, 1922 road superintendent for the ensuing year. These trucks completely overhanled and guaranteed A plan of sub-division of lots pre. in A I condition. sented by Rouge Hills, Limited, was approved by the council, Experienced Mechanics, All Woik Guaranteed. The council now adjourned to meet -,again on Monday-, May 2nd, for the _ Phone -Scarboro 52 -31. k1_1 Al !�* I IN, transaction o general usiness, S, -DELAY IS DANGEROUS 0 ceived for the Kerr-Bryson Tours and theavailable accommodation is being ew Reservations are I being steadily re ��� .:rapidly booked up. The Kerr-Bryson Western four which will travel to the .''Pagific Coast via the Canadian Na- i y ational Railways. returning through the United States, , includes in Its ow • os itinerary the outstanding scenic at U At C i 7=3 ED ES EE tractions of the continent, such as M I - :. J Jasper National Park, Mount Rob-ion, 0.1 EVER before, rnazinsd low 7,: 0, the Itibide Passage of the North Paci. at such a the Lowmt for which Chevrolet h&3 ever been -fic Coast, Yellowstone National Park, prices, bits any n=%uftaurer i. C.".1. FOTZ A and Pike's Peak, sentinel of the Colo- fwe car features, so many marks of Come in and arrange for R demonstration. distinction and so many mechanical improve LOWER PRICES redo Rockies. The Kerr - Bryson East- El ents. use we typified by new bodies by Roadster - - $655.00 Coach - $760.00 ern Tour will inclode visits to many 7. imber, finbhed in new Duco colors new Touring - - 655.00 Sedan - 965�00 M I cb figured 1-crolm fenders, new, bullet t of theiateresting spots wbi let-type bead lamps Cabriole 83900:0000 0 prominently In the struggle be- dew AC oll4ilter, new AC str-cleaner, new =. id-.n '"'oo . . . . 9 (arm radWw, new sliding - in the crach Roadster 2e�r 611.00 tween France and Britain for Me pos- f.= *W numerous 490499 Model, and many other Commercial .:session of the new empire, Montreal t4 twain. - - - - - 645:00 Utility Express Chmb tu Fedory, orkew. -Joiiginally the Indian village of Roche. The Mace Dow" Cbevrdet In Chevrelet Price leg&), Quebec City, with Its vivid 1Q.7 T' Dow "Im at New, Lower Price. Govowma" Taxes FAird. yy and Montealm, CV-3410 0 memories of -Wolfe -Cape Breton, Annapolisand Bostnn. I you wish to make sure of your Vlace In one of these tours, you will be 41 well advised to make your reserve, Mon now. Send for handsomely illue- tit traced descriptive booklets to H. 0, WATSON MOTORS, Sourlier, General Passenger Agent, evrvkt Hi#ory Uanadian National Rail-ways. Toronto Pickering Ontario -or to Martin Kerr, 4 Beulah Avenue, Hamilton, or A. E. Bryson, 44 Silver. -:born Avenue, Toronto. Our Opportunities z Are 0f Foun Your Problems ,:OT-R local mottiager is ready to dia, cuss your financial requirements and render any service compatible, :with good business practice. Ourop- portunities to render financial service can only be restricted by your failure BANKING to approach us. The Standard Bank maintaine a staff to your locality MY I which is organized to especially deal YM with the financial problems of your particular commercial commullit & call and see the MaRager of e Standard- Bank. STANDARD 'BANK, 01F PICKERING BRANCH-O. A. Sharpov- Manager Branches also at llrook;lin. Went Hill. Whitby k1_1 Al !�* I IN, transaction o general usiness, S, -DELAY IS DANGEROUS 0 ceived for the Kerr-Bryson Tours and theavailable accommodation is being ew Reservations are I being steadily re ��� .:rapidly booked up. The Kerr-Bryson Western four which will travel to the .''Pagific Coast via the Canadian Na- i y ational Railways. returning through the United States, , includes in Its ow • os itinerary the outstanding scenic at U At C i 7=3 ED ES EE tractions of the continent, such as M I - :. J Jasper National Park, Mount Rob-ion, 0.1 EVER before, rnazinsd low 7,: 0, the Itibide Passage of the North Paci. at such a the Lowmt for which Chevrolet h&3 ever been -fic Coast, Yellowstone National Park, prices, bits any n=%uftaurer i. C.".1. FOTZ A and Pike's Peak, sentinel of the Colo- fwe car features, so many marks of Come in and arrange for R demonstration. distinction and so many mechanical improve LOWER PRICES redo Rockies. The Kerr - Bryson East- El ents. use we typified by new bodies by Roadster - - $655.00 Coach - $760.00 ern Tour will inclode visits to many 7. imber, finbhed in new Duco colors new Touring - - 655.00 Sedan - 965�00 M I cb figured 1-crolm fenders, new, bullet t of theiateresting spots wbi let-type bead lamps Cabriole 83900:0000 0 prominently In the struggle be- dew AC oll4ilter, new AC str-cleaner, new =. id-.n '"'oo . . . . 9 (arm radWw, new sliding - in the crach Roadster 2e�r 611.00 tween France and Britain for Me pos- f.= *W numerous 490499 Model, and many other Commercial .:session of the new empire, Montreal t4 twain. - - - - - 645:00 Utility Express Chmb tu Fedory, orkew. -Joiiginally the Indian village of Roche. The Mace Dow" Cbevrdet In Chevrelet Price leg&), Quebec City, with Its vivid 1Q.7 T' Dow "Im at New, Lower Price. Govowma" Taxes FAird. yy and Montealm, CV-3410 0 memories of -Wolfe -Cape Breton, Annapolisand Bostnn. I you wish to make sure of your Vlace In one of these tours, you will be 41 well advised to make your reserve, Mon now. Send for handsomely illue- tit traced descriptive booklets to H. 0, WATSON MOTORS, Sourlier, General Passenger Agent, evrvkt Hi#ory Uanadian National Rail-ways. Toronto Pickering Ontario -or to Martin Kerr, 4 Beulah Avenue, Hamilton, or A. E. Bryson, 44 Silver. -:born Avenue, Toronto. 411? 01 7., i7 L:T 'X7, d a. OLARUMONT� A now sign now &dome the k 14 front of the CommunIty Hall. 1 -Tha Rokaing D. A. Scott motors& to thei-city in the handiwork of J. ff. Beal. - ve —91 1 0-t '6­1 t N. 1. C ( on Friday. Mrs. W. F. R. Jones, of Balsam, iguance committee C. Johnston.-bAs engaged with Cecil Black for the season. spent Sunday here with her Oar- onto. Richard and Mrs. Ward. Reuben Bew of Staymor spent -'?Fe have secured the The object of this Assoclation. to too J R. Parry, our shoe-repairer, v the week agency lessen stealing and prosecute -end with 991ves In moved to Whitby on Moaday last, fqr Olaremont. the where he has secured a good posit- a felo" E. W. Evans, of Whitby. RPOut ion. Dodge and Ahe. week end with relitives in Claremont. The sympathy of the. commas- Goo., and Mrs. Members having pro stoim 13101:1101"T Warren and Mrs. Brown- Of ity is extended to bis immediately Wi any manibeir te-w-art1d the death of their in- k S' Star Cars zroaa Oshawa, spent 8 f Bugs, Cakes of Executive oammitus. Pant child. Everybody is winter Most and also keep tly --Membwehil? fee Clarence and Mrs. Pengeli y. of on hand and Pastry of all de of our surplus winter labor are Tickets mav be bad from the President or &I sumz Brooklin, spent Sunday with the now engaged at their usa delivered at your. on applioadon. -tatter's parents. Goodyear Ti t mer occupations. res door. Ezic. Com.-L. D. Banks, C.-S. Palm. The annual meeting of the Unit- er, M.S. -Chapman, Pickering. ed Church will be held an the ev- Our deliveries are regwlar and de. eningof Friday, April 15th. G. & A. TAAW pendable, winter's cold blasts D. Munro, lag. Richa-rds-oN Quite a large number of farmers ...C.LAREMONT do not chill our ardent President, secretary 7 from this district attended the at 317 PICKERING, ONT. enthusiasm. sale of the R. J. Fleming estate CREAMERY Chocolates in 'boxes and bulk Farmers, Attention Pickering on Saturday. The B. Y. P. U. are putting on a Highest pr-We paid for S H I N G L E 5 at an pnees. Cregm at the missionary program next Monday 'Wedding:Cakes a Specialty. I am agent for the World's Greatest evening, to which all young pea Nova Scotia shingles Separator, •,The Renfrew," Stoves, p Galt Galvanized Steel'Shingles Scales and Oil Engines. Fleary'v Is are cordially invited. Claremont Cream'ex'7 Bird's Felt State Shingles, famous Plows. Points, Grain Grinder#, Ar erson and aut: for sale at daug ter, of Ric and Hill. spent Wheel Barroweetc. 0, IS �t �rlsa, Sunday here with Mrs. Anderson's T. A rantford binder twine and second.. -Ho Call and get prim. Thbris 2812 an separs, rs a e. 3�To tic49T:rtb -parents, R. J. and Mrs. W. Mr. &nd, Mrs. KlIpatrick. of -ROBT. DEVITT, in Claremont Brampton, arrived UGGING OF DOGS r 1:p 0 M S.& Mi M HONE:90 "I Phone* W6 Pick.*. BROUGHAM on Saturday to spend a few days E C with . th their son, lien, and wife and Saturday at Gannon's Store, ;'TICKE Owners Dr harborers of dogs in the Brougham-, Out. Tamil Township of Pickering will please Women's and Children's Hate, clear. W A N T E 0 Miss Margaret Macnab, who has take notice that' the Dog Tax Act re- ' been sp quires them to procure a tag for each endini the winter months Green Itiver DRESSED POULTRY 1.25 to 2.98 in California n company with Mrs• aog and keep such tag ecurely fixed Sam Sharpe, of Uxbridge, return to the animal at all tFakes, under pen- Alec; full fine of Men's 'Furnishings- all kinds. Sweaters, Caps, Ovemlls. Smocks, Basket Factory I ad home on Friday. ally of $10 and costs. ocks, g Also that the provisions of said Aot Box Etc.. all ing at Good prices paid for good quality; Several farmers from this local- as to assessment and togging of dogs half price. Manufacturers of k and ity went to the city last wee Phone Clare 2700. brought back with them English will in future be strictly enforced in Full line of Fresh Groceries on hand All kinds of Fruit Baskets, this township. at all times. FRANK CHIDLOW !7 511 Immigrants who are desirous of G, M. FORSYTH. Reeve 80 Watch forwour advt each week. Berry Crates, learning Canadian farming. D. F_-BBATON. Clerk CLAREMONT, ONTARIO Mrs. Macklem. of Winnipeg. ac- 23tf Farmers'Bushel Baskets. -compsniedby her and daugh. Dated Feb. Ilth, 1927. L. SURNINGHAM Clothes Baskets. C W" is ter, arrived here on Satia-rday to Building and General a" - A Frank Pennock, -visit her daughter, Mrs. Evans Contracting. Ward. who continues in a -very Estimates furnished on all clons Proprietor iwe&k condition. F N C E of work-Interior and Exterior. "Ptione Markham 11" Coal, Coal The Dulpt b of the United Church Alterations and repaim _® will be occupied on Sunday morn- -of We will have a carload Chimneys Built Concrete Work. -trig by Rev. R. S&Dderson, Lueb 5 C Sod 01 bt. A. A4 Pickering. while 1dr. HcLel• Phone Pickering 5712 ACN*"d1M0L FAIRPORT. ONTARIO Hard.and Soft @oal of the; -11&a will couddCt services inst. Paul's Chnrcb. Pi beat quality on au Pickering. Frost Fence Duncan M. Morgan, of the 4th hand dine of Uxbridge, has said his farm ito his son. Roy, and will hold an to arrive about April 16th. Special Clearance of -LAW' fill, THOS. A. is farm stock, im - Our prices will be auction sale of h plements etc., on Thursdvy. A il 14th. See bills for full partfc.. right. Rubbersd 'A4 �' tars. W 'IT 0 A D. an& Mrs. Peters. of Port "we have a full line of Is the time to bring in your harrows' Parry. are spending a few days 15 inch leather top, snack proo'f, white' sole, or any other Implawests chaff with their daughter. Mrs. George need repairing. so that t. ]Rennie's Quality regalar*'6.50, now 5.76 Beverley. They have just recen they will be all d f rom spendi a the Tested 8 8 ly returns eeds Men' 4 eyelet, red or black sole, snack proof, ready winter with their son in mi, . .. ... . ' : for the spring woz k. regular 3.60, now 2.75 Florida 010, 1.36 A spacial reduction during the Robert and Mrs. Worthy, of Boys%. 1 to 5, 2.25 Child's, 6 t next few weeks. Rat week -sod at Itock Bottom Brampton, spent the w Ladies 4- buckle- Overshoes, Jersey top. 2.50 with tbelatter'q mother, Mrs. T. Prices. L 0 'p with R E ID z Gibbons They remained -here un- Call at phone 8W A JAI Wednesday in order to attend J. FINGOLD'S CLAREMONT1 the funeral of the late Mrs. James All kinds of Fire pro' pea. Maple 14d Mutual Rev. E. Oraborn was at 3reeu. Garden Seeds back one day last week officiating at the funeral of Mr. A. Baldwin. 'in bulk and package. The service was held in the Bap Cheap rotes for farm and o0antry Gist Church where Mr. Oreborn A HIGH QUALITY buildings. ''was formerly the pastor. Alarge Call and get our prices. Windstorm Insur"ce on buildings. .,.number of friends from Toroalbo wind-milti. 81106 etc. '-were in attendance. Automobile Insurance of all kinds. C 0 0 PRICED SD( A de6�� d ly Community Hall, Claremont, on -._FARMS FOR SALE the evening of Tuesday, April 12th ....CLAREMON or phone -. If' between the Pickering Continua- WITH 7 Agent for Ackerman 's Quality ED. BOW M A tion, School and the Claremont N V 'Coatinuation School. The subject Harness. Ask the user, E BRAM 2D WHITBY, O.N.T. of the debate Is "Resolved, that it �sV%uEL to in the best interests of Canada • to control her own foreign policy." n V The Pickering Continuation School pr Is Sg will take' the affirmative. Admis• B EATTY -,Koll, 15 cents. STANDS FOR THE REST The box social and concert, un- der the auspices of the Football ere A 4 Club, which was to be given on the Ifth, has been again postpon- , ed to TueTuesday. y, April 19th, owing We have full lin A. .7' to other attractions about the same time. A good mixed pro. of the renowned 7 gram is being prepared a good 7 Doer Wall Papers time is assured to all who attend. All those interested in the football all prices, es, fro ,club are urged to be present to tF ;.help the boys along. 10c to 1.00 The announcement of Four-Vheel Braltes a standard equip-9 morning at the -,Next Sunday the Oldsmobile Six---together with a number of other im- Baptist Church the pastor-9 sub- per ro.11. portent advances in jest will be "Christ's Mark on Me. .:wmaxement at the value offered by this low-priced, h44-qualit7 Wis. Pressure Systems EtiL The evening subject will be the WIS. question, "Is it Necessary to Join A fu•11 line of Sher- No otoo automobile on the Canadian market today presents, d It:wlill pay you to et tees on I my I a Church, and Does it Matter each modest cost, the 'remarkable cotabination. of advanced above before buying elsewVere. _gWilliams . . 1. features which What Church I Join?" Thisiethi --win tures which distinguish Oldsmobile Six third of a series of questions which bwItide, in addition to the Four-wheel Brakes, new, Urger, balh3as FRANK 14ROUSE -es, ONTARTe' Paints. VU . crankcase ventilation, oil filter, dual air Cleaner, .,have been dealt with on successive i .. PICKERING. am:- -h2riting control and hosti; of others. Sunday evenings. A keen interest --de" quality features inc-­- V#I!ben you co,..:.;.t c:t, As being taken in these discussions. -Also some :7i.: C"amobik six-you w ucncnx� I will be able to Pickering' It will do you no 'harm, and it wally low prices at which Oldsmobile can now be bouggt. O.Ir bus purchasing manufacturinS cc nowits Motors make possible such striking value. or. Goods Stan I -might.be of some help to you, to nice Ginghams and the enorm 0 of Giw- attend the Baptist Church ni t, •,Sunday evening. Rayons for Before you decide on *ny car you owe it to ym to inspect 7-- yourself HARNESS Mrs. Jas. Spears, of Atba, who the new Oldsmobile Six at our showrooms. OF-1710 Ours supply of quality Harries and ber of years from heart -spring has been in poor health for a num. trouble, 7%m are a few good territories still available few responsible dealem 7Zrtals now complete. Wofte Oils Motor Works of Ca"ada, Limited, Oshawa, Ontario took a turn for the worse about Give no i call and be BOOTS-GREB SHOE n two weeks ago and gradually eank We have a large stock of this In until Monday morning when she Convinced. 0 Fa Boot on hand - unbeatable passed peacefully away in her 79th for hard weer and tear. 0, year, at the home of her son, - Ad- Wabon Moto "Lim ited rs;, 1 1. . �l' 71FP 7 �O am Shears. Her funeral took Fresh Groceries a1w REPAIRING V' -, maintain our established r on hand. ta * .. .1 ..place on Wednesday afternoon, 7 Pkkering, On' no We Mal tion for repairing all kinds when interment was made in the 0 V family plot in the Claremont Un. harness and boots. 15 1 ��$ �.that followed her remainq to their SC 0 T CECIL BRADLEY ion Cemete. The large num T) 1 T OLD last resting place showed the high B vateem in which she was held in Phone 1402, Harness. maker, I Rro the community. Her husband PTCRERIN ONTA predeceaped her several years. CLAREMONT R. Mi. �4r. _4. '7 was, the reply. "But he is a nkurderer L in hia'own right too. - He is th)a man Waterloo SO Attracts. Virtue who killed that promising young anis- By of Merit I ' ' lt 10%�&)`% mleum a curious act that tant of yours whom you installed In In aptte of over a century's lapse, the, fighting of many sreatef battles- and, Lathrop Grange on the poor lad's un- lucky night. You will find, I think, above all, the existen(��_in aIttlei Bel. GILLEX fflum of warld-sigii1ficetit butue that tbA marks on Mr.-James Honey- groUn& SOFTENS WATER bun's throat tally with the photo- of more rec-ent date, Waterloo Use it for all -11 ha-s its daily strea. taken of those on ord in of tourists graphs you had 'LCANING your assistant's,. - Butyou can cut out from ala over the world. Some of C; AND am Nk all that lordship-stuft, Roake. A those who vWt are from Australitt, WASHING SAL -X just Adrian Klyne, pure and simple. South Africa, E1191find, F'rance, Ger. AD many and, Of Course, Many from 0 Roake's- jaw sagged. Fir a few moments he America. was bereft of speech. The- disclosure of the ideAtIty of the-=a Now ass T he had regarded as a rival was a blow Tas 'Apples-In con-.4- that knockeA --Win % EjL­ __&ILof -a-be"— Apples may be grown.over a great 4 You may be. pure, but I'm dashed Part of Canada, so great in fact that if lathe outstandi nig leader in Canadas, if you're simple," he spluttered at )U iast. ty. "You said=you said-,' it were &II Planted the crop would be IV I . The dut of man im not a wNer- R , "I know 7. KlYpe helped him out sufftclent to supply the markets of the ..�r n 3 of turnpike gatesa throuo whieb' es pleasantly, "I said that I didn't want world. In point of flavor, high ^-qlor- he is to pass by tickets fr6in one to to rob Scotland Yard of any credit. ing, and long-keeping qualities, the I the other. It is plain and �sintple, and Nor do 1: You are -welcome to all my Dominion produces the best grades consists but of two points,. His duty' # A/10 discoveries, iAcluding the signed, coi,P� Land the demand for Canadian app4es to God, which every man ninamt feel;. fessi6n." from other countries Is steadily grow- and with respect to his neiihbor,- to 'they become b4tter knowi. KlYne stopped and looked critically Ing as do as he would be done by. If those down at the chalk-wbite face of the to whord power is delegated do well, 7. ustrally florid James Honeybun. The tbey will be respected; if not, they great criminologist drew the Inspec- At Saint John, New Brunswick, the t 'd and teonti will be despised -, and with regard to cr asi -p pued: compass has changed its direction' those to whom no power is delegated, "There lies the actual murderer of more than nine degTees since 1750. L 0 it, the-rationat-world 13EGIN HERE TO Fir Francis Lathrop.' 0 - -DAY. leading him farther and farther from can know nothing of them.-Thonias 46 am "I do not think that you would S uel Honeybun, his son, James, his marked-down quarry, but he drew Going fishing--take Minard's LInImeni. Paine, in "The Rights of Man.11 d 1 11 eVEr have brought him to the gal- An Wilmot, a chauffeur, known as consolation from "his lordship a "I Morik- lows. There are extenuad,, ­11 J ace, are suspected of Tau promise that his should De the ere t a .murder of- stances which would have weighed 4 And there ww still the chance that with the Secretary, if not with the Sir Francis' Lathrop by Adrian this wild story of an accessory and a V0, Xlyne, who poses -a-s-Zo-r-d _BL ul Irter If lodge. captured maiden was all bunkum. And see! He would not even rr -and obtains evide mot it proved so the night was still young. have gone up for trial. I Wilmot revenze-- hirnse!f by impris-' oning- Lathrop Grange could be combed out Honeybun is on the point k ela That black-avised brute will ha;�e two a Larkin, sweetheart of Klyne. after the ground had been cleared of -He forces. Adela to write a decoy let- fancy trimmings. murders to his count,' and you have ter to Klyne. Klyne escapes the trap Piloted by Mr. Larkin, - the party caught him in the act of one of them,; and calls upon Ad*-la's father, Rev. came to the door in the kitchen-gar- Roake. What more. do you want for Septimus Larkin. Rev. Larkin de- d6n ,all the moonlight allowing up a feather in your cap?" fiphers a code in the letter. Supported in the arAs of one of the shelter in the grAvel-pit beyond the C. 1. D. men, the younger Honey- NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY, the waste space. -U­" Przil in -the Recvr bent his dis- bun signed to them to approach. As they peered at the decrepit .Mr. -:1 head over Me rlinisY sheet- 1: structure from the open doorway a panted painfully. "J killed'Sir Fran- ho"6! Xlyne -is quite right," he Presenly. h,- 4.oked up with the ghost scream rose from bebind the rottin- of a aickly' %mile. woodwork-the scream of a lost sou-I cis Lathrop on my own. Let my old "I have got it," he said. "No ere-, in mortal agony. dad down easy! What he did be did "ifit lo m4-, sinr*�'niy daughter and I 9i "Not- much girl about that!" ex- communicated by the same me-: claimed Roake, plunging forward f, thod. She has underlined the most "That Is a man being done in. C 71: important wnrdK. which in the text on! Rush to it!" onte are not in juxtaposition. They are' _"Adela must have scored again," ',14;nT and 'come.'-meuning. no doubt.' muttered the Rector's late �iisftor as f that you. are to disregard the openly. he joined in the rush. expre"�ed request to seek her on � When Mr. James floneybun. march- Ifarygman's ITeath. But there is' a ing across the waste gTound to the ftirther rnessigp, indicated by faulty ;rmvel-pii, heard a woman sobbing in elLaracters, al�,) at considerable inter- the 'shelter. he started to, run. He i, vals. in the writing. It resdi 'Gravel was not whollf bad.- There was in- Pit R-ctory.' ideod a vei . n of sentiment in his char- _.,Gravel Pit Rectory," repeated the i -cter which had impelled him to the "oth er Rathe,r "cryptic, isn't it?" I 1-wiess- doed he had. such reason to "N ot to me," replied Mr.' Larkin. del5lore. ' Anyhow, a woman who had "I expect she is alludini: to a disused cause to sob lik�5 that should not ap- vrn,�el *t behind the Iiitchen-garden peal to him in vain. -waH. Thp-e is an old ihf-cl.in it, where' The interior of the shed was dark, :'she mighl Nvry well be kept a pri- 1.6 fumes of oil telling him that a lamp 'had been recently overturned, -Show me' the 'Tay, at once, said but he had an electric torch on him -My eall on you, air, has: with which he quickly sprayed the tN-, v1sitor been a dispensation of Providence � scen�. Literally fighting tooth and nd Vour- interpretation. of that message- nail, Adela wa3 struggling in the if I can work lt,� shall atone for your, clutch of the man Honeybun had previous conduct In thil difficult come to kill. With no thought of his case." vengeance, but mly of rescue, the new arri *door. opened it and was confronted would-be. ravishe and dragged him The Rector 1�d the way to the front' val flung himself on the ML Is prey. he torch fell from �y Inspector Reinke and three of his from h 'TMU. his hand, but the light not having been The landlord told"me where to find switched off, it continued to illuminate you. What's up, my lord?" the In- the scene from where.it had rolled. spector inquired of his volunteer Adela staggered to her feet, only easwistant- "Plenty," was the curt reply. "The, to collapse in a half-faint against the ace so— Of Wl-- T - I­ — I wall of the shelter, and it was *ell I­ -y­ that she was gone too far to visualize �over the 'phone- and from whom 1 � what was happening. The last, of 'obtained a state;1ent about the Lath-: Adela leaned faintingly against -rop, murder. Isholding Mr. Larkin I a . blood ruled both combatants. On;e wa's tho;' wall. balked of his desires, the other had . -..c daughter prisoner in a gravel pit' plose by, threatening -her with the found the tmitcr'he was looking for. to save me, you khoww-tfie red rain The fight, or rather, carnage, on the stunt Klyne has spotted everything,' -worst sort of frightfulness. . She has ground was bestial in its violence, from quite early in the game, I can', It is the selection 'of rich, westernwheats, the finest nmuAced to get word to me, and we �ut the issue was not long in doubt. see. H6 will turn on the limelight,for! are grown an the prair s - that gives extri flavour to bread and ust going to rescue her. Will Wilmot was the stronger and soon you, Inspector, and=maybe-it-will ------ you come along? The statement' and gained the mastery. His c6rving�lbe kind to me." `Jbuns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from the evidence I can supply will justify an arrest." fingers, more like predatory talons, "I will try to make it'so' Klyne % !began to choke the life out of Mr. bent kindly over the dying man. "And "Of course we will come 810119," James Honeybun. if it will soften your last moments-- snapped Roa.ke. He was not too well The latter never bad a look in. *The no, but it wouldn't," hot broke off sud- PURITY-FLOUR pleased, since the chase seemed A dehly. to be bear's hug of his adversary prevento Send 3oc in stamps for our 700-mi pe Purity Flour Cook Book. -266 him from drawing the pistol he had "What were you going to tell him?" I 11waira Canada Flow'MiUs Co. Limited. Toropto. Jolmuvid. Onaws. Batigai jo brought. His eyes bulged and his[ asked Roake a moment later, is tbe cheeks grew purple under the pres- assistant detective reverently covered� 40 sure on his throat. His legs flailed the congested features. With a groan helplessly on the ground and his James Honeybun had passed away. f 440W*00 breath labored in heaving gusts from "I was going to Administer coin- nearly in-,potent lungs. fort which would reglly have been Such was the situation upon which torture," -was Klyne's reply. IiI was' NTICC" the C. 1. D. men, hea#ed by Roake, about to inform him that the late Sir burst like a whirlwind. Things ved Francis Lathrop had mafried his si mo s sharply backed orders. One of tbe would 4ve been too cruel, and I am detectives picked up and ht the over- never that if I can help' it. It would YOU I'll _�) clockwork,under the Inspector's ter-made- her his lawful wife. I ?* 1�a turned latnp; two others dragged Wil- have been as good as telling him that 4 4 Just love . mot from his moribund victim and he had had no reason whatever. for 09 7-- snapped the handcuffs on him. A killing Sir Francis Lathrop." Wrigley's Now DOUBLE glance at Adela informed Roake that For the first time since the hand- MINT-Real Peppermint she was slowly recovering and that cuffs were snapped on his wrist,,� Wil- Flavor-it's so wailk4torfully she had suffered no serious injury. mot asserted himself, visitor "N_ -_ cruel- mi �candarting, cooling Mr. Lzcrkin And his Tifle ever I ster?" he iauziled N%d delicious. brought uk, the mar. inspertm- oa e, librribly. 'VFh-n-t--a56-u-t-fne—an--J-y,6ur flushed with the excitement of a cap- third degree? If I could only get ture that would mean a big advertise- MY hands on yer!" ?0 ment !or him,/bowed to, them. (To be tontinuel.) .44 "Seems as if you were right about SkECIAL RMES N IFEATUPLES -ti-15 the kidnapping, my lord," he said ob- LOW ..TEA PRICE USUALLY -THE BOARDWALKS MOST ALLURING SEAW After sequicously. And pointing to the rnan-� DECEPTION. oncohindr. VISIT THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL -at the too acled Wilmoti'be added: "Is tb A Inw price rol ten to-day rneqns 0CM y 0 — GARAGE- 120 CARS FIREPQ0010' — AOACIT 70 accessory of Sir Fr#ncis Lathrop's I on4v on(, t.'Jillg­ 1�001* quality. A lot of CCNCEIZT ORGIESTRA - OCrAN PORCli AMD SVN DECK your Ivas ale now b�in murder, about whom lorrlsh�p I - 'imy , I ,A, -AMERtCAN ANO CUROFFAN PLA149 OWNCRAM10 M^NA6GM1t,11 quill : fN vsluabl,� in form n- Of MANAGING C1 Q ECTOFt. phoned me such t, ilw Public shwild be adviqe(l VVILt-lArOM M. CM^V18 CMT on?" "He is the accessory ISSUE No. 15-27. ata�ement I hold, I I nsIiector Roake," rAs i r a i'd's Lln'iment soothes tired feet. A"v '''^ • :i .. A . ..w''e!"' . , yV ,9 °f'l, 4,.. '�yyTi a .I' +?.,' Vp•!:. ;1' :Ay Fi S: ,yi. ,� c •. �... 44. . w'.7' t"v. q•• P UM" -P ! . i„ .ti+a;: u. ^+ 't . P�.� "�"° - .. »,Kk•:•k• , G.. ±,,:. + •. w. r° ,,� 5i°4•g' '; L - �!rg" +. ;`t -: �Y +`h„' `fir - t�fas:.��.,. .k4u e.?G S , Gw. c,..,s't_ ?v. r w • Y w _. ». �.s• .Ito- ''�.w- ..•...a. T. 's• ? '.. sue' >G" a •-, - d -. a r �.' y. �.� ?-:• .... �.. '. 't s,•, .t ;�, r.. :a�..-J•, .t :.;:..' :1;� x'p a.. w '� �. •.'F- ,fir''.. c , ;y - ti ' • 7. SWAIN SENDS TR40PS TO r, C �° _ • ¢t Synopsis of Proceedings of AUGMENT SHANGHAI DEF ENCE . _ - roe nc al Leg�slat.nrc i r Nation ist's Commander -in- shek's tr&ps, proceeding hither from ` r Chief to. be Dismissed; for Narilcing'Fo -day, u Whethervthey have • Ntn PIZOGRF$$ . pAY BY--DAY Fai[Ua to. Obey Committee a-- defected Chiang Kai -shek or were de- ' �`" MARCH 28TH. Zrel`reat of Chang- Tso -lin spatched by him to augment hie affil- �* Pored till 1928_ Northern roads -anal; r - -- Ta rot' ns amt e�strategica ancient' ar-- thir-Ii successive session was the -work t�reon was discussed by . Capital is questioned. - discussed the estabiishment of Town Minister Finlayson. There is only 26 x ' -- shi School Boards. ' The Premier miles of the *Forth Bay- Timiskaming,r Meanwhile the Southerners ara ad- (Minister of Education) did not press motor road to be finished, and this PEK4 IMPERILLED BY y ±° CANTONESE ONE3E FORCES. vancing by three routes to the North w , the bill, but intimated the bill was will be completed by' September 1SL ' without oppositipn, and* therefore are .,,, - proposed ' to 'assist ' rural schools. Speaking a for n 'hour 'and a he "< -. moving comparatively rapidly_. One Nine members spoke to the bill. To inister of Agriculture Martin show- r Lon+ion, April' 3. -The War Office army is, going' by the Grand Canal, eliminate the weak school, attempt (ed how ,important agriculture really j y annouttcee that another brigade of having crossed the Yangtse River to foster. rural high - schools were is to Ontario' lour brit iolts, totalling approxi- from Chinkiang to Yangehow. The the main points. Private Bill I MARCH 31ST- matelY 4, .04q 'hen, had been ordered second, moving along the Pukow- t to give certain to continu- i to China, - Tientsin Railway, is reported n The business of the session was con- nearing ing Presbyterians of Beaverton re- ` Decisloh tq augment the Shanghai Suchow -fu. The third is advancing j ceived second reading. Annual re. eluded at a late. hour_ and many of the ° defence fQfb4 tame as a surprise, even -above Anking. port of Hydro tabled; the revenues rural members left for home not do- to to wait for the formal to those in clo touch with events, but In military matters. therefore, in- from customers• reached over twenty- prom - military @xp s at home and in China terest is now transferred from Shang and a half million.' upon which will take place'on. Tue's- �. have maint 'red that it is essential, hai to Pekin, which is the next great MARCH 29th. The Hon. Chas. McCrae, Minister 5 when the, ands are mode, on the objective of the Nationalists. That A wordy battle, over who was to I ,a ' iQhineee0 t $t there be an adequate they will capture the Northern Cap!- blame over not calling Committee of of Mines, eontina red -Fi s statement 10Droe on t spot to back up threats tal is regarded now as a foregone con- ;Public Accounts. Hon Wm. Finlay -! about his ' department. A' custom ; of poaaiblo o3ion. 1 elusion. Indeed, it .is reported that son (Minister of. Lands and Forests) , smelter is to be established at a con- ? �k It is sated that the bri ads will Marshal .Chan Tao -fin Tho'mas W. Goodwin venient location for use by small min- the g personally has F'armhiind !a the village. of Berdea, is introduced a bill to provide $5,000,000 in companies. be rue t9 Hong Kong, relieving retired already' to Manchuria beyond g for north country developments also g panies, The discovery of lead, �a. 1 the troops tj*re for duty in Shanghai.' the Great- Wall. While this report is Essex, said to be the last descendant a bill respecting municipal taxation, zinc and copper in Sudbury' district ^ In direct line through 900 years- o! 11 urgent] necessary they will be regarded as premature, its circulation be discussed by Municipal �r•e in a new era in Ontario- assets -+_ rent di +'Earl Godwin, father of King Harold. ' and a at future is antic$ ted. r rec$1, tQ the Yangtae. indicates the Chinese belief that the I Committee and read for next ses- Pa sheingiraT, April 3.- Chinese `re-! Nationalists will be victorious. His lineage !s vouched: for by DOmes- y i Last readings were given to some 42+ Sion... The Liquor Bill received its j w s ports irbm'iankow assert that the! Forei ers who have had;an o day book and a faultless pedigree measures and a unanimous resolution third and last reading, heir amend - passed urging the garticipatiou in the i . ga ppor- proven by the clergyman of his parish. ed onl g, g dismissal of General Chiang KaishQk, tunity_ to observe the immature and y se tar as to penalties for [Diamond Jubilee of all atilt and ^{;amm�an -18 -chief of the National undisciplined character of the South - I poison areohol vendors. The Royal municipal bodies, The Premier re- r fete, promulgated, the reason 'ern armies have wondered at the consent is all that is- needed to make , rte`' Olsen being th%t he did not obey the Northern forces' unwillingness NORWAY AGAINST ferred to the .eeaion as the most � 5: � guess to ze= the bill ls}v. The details are, it is t Pleasant in his E6 ' 1' Nationalist Committees authority, understood, well along P year experience. �N ty, , slat them. The- explanation -lies is the trg with the 'Cam -' �' and attempted to set up an indepehd- propagantia which recedes the Na- mission to make the Act operative at L He further stated that a trip to . thet art Adminlattation. P PROHIBITION LAS i or near, Ms great Northern mining areas of the " tionalist advance. Plain - clothes agents y lst. ' It is here -reported that Chang Kai - � circulate reports that the Northern _ _ MARCH 30TH. Province would be Arran - ged for the shek conferred from I o'clock yester- armies are militarists and in lea 1 whole Legislature during the coming a day afternoon until 10 o'clock this'with the fore$ Im rialiata while L. %ling Adopts Measure Fol- Mare argaa�ent about not calling season. The T. N, and N. 0. would R gn Imperialists, the Public Accounts Committee. The undoubtedly be extended to the Rouyn a -. morning with his leading Genemis,'the Nationalists are the people's lowing Recent Referendum Government wanted Liberal Leader area at an early date. The session y!'' 'considering' his future action, after! ariny. Such arguments invariably `tote. Sinclair to proceed, but the calling �oncluded its labors for the year in , Bch he went to sleep, with his usual! appeal to the people and the soldiers -- of the committee was definitely post- 159 days. bodyguard, Maulers is hand because of the long suffering to which Oslo, Norway. --,The Lagting pass - Fifteen hundred of Chiang 8ai- the militarists have subjected them.! the bill abolishing prohibition to - -- - - - -- I Norway, Pursuant to the vote record DISTRICT ALES TUPPLin _ $40 to 60• calves, choice, $12 to $18; led in the recent referendum. + +�' do, me .110 to $11; do, COB_, $7 to; The bill provides for certain re- tY $8' lambs, Choice, $13.50- to $1A; strictions•itr the -sale of Uquor and the LAND DI CO IgIm i bucks, $10 to $10.50; sheep, choice, i new regulations are expected to be- ** ++++++���••• ; y _ J $7 to $8; dS, heavies, $4.50 to $5; do, come effective next month. fed and watered, $10.50; do, f.o.b., culls, $3 to $3.50; ho thick smooths, � . TORONTO. .. .. �' � Towns having a population of a,000 Old Mill, Military Hospital In Veteran Politician and Cabinet -- _ Man. wheat -No. 1 North., $1.,55 • or less will vote on the sale of liquor 1812, Contained Wooden Minister of Thin Years Ago � r No. 2 North., $10; do, country points, $9.?b do oil $1.50; No. 8 North -„ cars, $10.90; select preminats, per in 1928 and will -hold referendums on Thirty $ ` - $1.43 hog, $205. the subject every six years thereafter. Machinery. Succumbs to Pneumonia. P,$ Man. oats. No. 2 CW, nominal; Rio: Liquor,. under the bill, may not be St, Catharines. -An old landmark Vancouver, B.C. -Hon. Sir Ctnrlea l :, not quoted; No. 1 Teed, 683X; No. sold or served ; to minors and . will be near Nia ara -0n - the -Lake is being de- -Hibbert Tupper, K.0 LG -K.C., LL. 2, feed nominal; western grain quota- - MONTREAL g - _' `lions, is c.r,f. available to adults only from 3 o'clock �molished, because of its unsafe condl- B., died at his home bare following an ports Oata -Can. west.. No. 2, 73%c; do, in the afternoon until 11 o'clock at ( tion owing to age. It is the old grist attack of pneumonia which bad con- Am, corn. track Toronto -No. Y Pro. 3, 64%c. Flour, Man. spring; yeIlow, kiln dried, 84tfic; No. 8 yellow. night. The sale of liquor will be pro- mill on the Chaplin Meadowbrook fined him to his home here for nearly' y� y pats.. firsts, $8; do; seconds, hibited on im kiln dried, 82%c• $;,50; -trong bakers', $7.30; winter) pottant holidays and the Farm, just west of Nlagara -on -the•• two weeks Mlllfeed -Del. >ytorrtreal freights, pats., choice, $5.90 to $6. Rolled. oats, day More and the day alter. Lake. Sir Charles was a member of a faro- lugs included: Bran, Per ton, $82.25•; l bag, 90 lbs., $3.30 to $8.40. Bran. I -During the War of 1812 the old ily which had been conspicuous in the h' aborts, Per. ton, $94.25; middlings, 32.26. Shorts, $84.25, - Middlings, . mill was used as a hospital, both Brit- " $40.25 40.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, { Scrap -Book for Royal Child sP political life of Canada even before Out. cats. 66c, f.o.b. shipping points. i $14.50• Sent b Brantford Woman lsh and American wounded soldiers Confederation. His father, Sir Charles 8l Out good milling wheat1.23 to i - Cheese, finest westa, 1644 to 18�4C. l y.. being treated in it When the ancient Tupper, was Prima 'Minister of the $1.24, f.o.b. shipping points. accord - l Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 4814 to ! mill was in nee, the ground wheat Dom$ -'ton in - 1896, - Ing to freights. 48%c, E Brantford, April � 3. -Mrs. M. A. was carried to the to of the mill b B M Eggs, fresh extras, 87c; fresh' Hughes, 27 Mohawk Street, sent Sat- p 7 As his interests were -Dominion- � II arley- Malting, M. firsts, 86c. the miller, and was poured in a cooler, wide, co had he lived for, born in Nova Buckwheat -75c, nominal Good steers $7.1g to $8;60; good urday to the little daughter of the and from there ,was run into the. bolt; Scotia,- his youth win vent there, ni Duchess of York a beautiful sera Sy < -No. 2, Sze. COWS, 3S.b0 to-J8; tom, cows, $4 to $5; p- for separating the flour, bran and during his political- life he was at Man. Boar -First pat., $8, Toronto; med, calves, $7,50; do, better, $8 to book contain_ng Canadian views Of Shorts, there bein do, second pat., 7.50. g ' in those days no ( Ottawa and after his retirement _he $8.25 per cwt;' hogs, $11 to $11.50. l ditiersifled interest, There are 822 elevator for the ur Oat. flour - Toronto, 99 P Pie• took up residence in Vancouver. k per onto,, q pictures in it. The scrapbook has The machinery was all made of Born at Amherst in lSbB, a son of '�ppaabaat, per barrel, in carrots, Toronto. been sent in _care of the baby's Royal wood, including the wheels and shaft- the I$b 26; seaboard, in bulk. $5.80. TYPHOID EPIDEMIC- great Tupper,_ it was- considered Cheese--New large, 2034 to 21e; grandrno her• Queen Mary, at- Buck- ins. There was not an iron wheel in Ingham Palace. ,almost from his Lpfancy nevitable _ (twins, 21 to 21%c; tri lets,. 21.% to g the whole •mill;�ich is built of very that he should turn to poli9cs. A. 22%c. Stiltons 2&. �Iid -7 2be heavy timber,' wiV all He was first elected to the H ' fete � , C,VIcM(C A y poste and beams, , 28c, trip , 27c. Id tiYtons, ATING girths, studding and braces are all' through n1any -political- storms- until ' 'timber, -and' Butter- Fine6t creamery prints,.50 to 51c; No. 1 creamery, 48 to 49c; No. Only Sixty -Nine New Cases mss, 2. 46 to 47c. Dairy prints, 86 to 38c. Eggs -Freah extras, In cartons, Reported in Montreal in . are of white oak, and all the other, Cabinet in 1888, 'he became the - 17 to _38c; fresh extras, loose, 36c, One Day. young-, eat Cabinet Minister . in the history h firsts, 83c; fresh seconds, 30c: o' Patients Removed as of Carisda. He sat in five Federal Administrations and was, In turn,' Poultry,.. dreaaed-- Chicksns 6 lbs. dad up, 40c; do, 4 to b lbs., Sic; do, Montreal, Que. -Only sixty -nin Minister of Marine and Fisheries in .8 $0 4 lbs., 36c; do, 2% to 3% lbs., 34c; new cases of typhoid• were-reported in Montreal on Thursday, and for the ' broilers, 1® to 2 % lbs. 88e • hens, do, 6 lbs. Bbs. do, 4 to 6 lbs., 30c; first time. since the -epidemic broke out when his father was Prime Mini r oof of the public hospital here caused ster. to, 8 to. 6 lbs., 280 • roosters, 26c; tarlueys, 46 to 47c; ducklings, 5 lbs. it has in the last two' da s shown in- dieations of decreasing. The number B• I He held Cabinet rank until 1896. One of the • outstanding achieve- • and up, 35 to 88c, of cases now total 1,664. �?? ' Seam -Can, hand- icked, $8.60 to Dr. S. Boucher, director of the City any ill- effects -from- the excitement. i was in connection with this .Commis - The origin of "the fire has not yet' S"O basher; primes 8.45 to $8.80, ! liapIs products- 9yrap, per imp, pL, 12 26 to $2.80; per 5 gal.,. -$2.16 health 'Department was reticent about expressing any confident opin- _ }� ' g _$o $2.25 per sal.; maple sugar, lb., 25 ion that the worst is over. He de- clared, however, that the turn of af- presented 8on ongy- 60 -1b. tins, 18 to 1834c; 10- e fairs in th smaller- number of cases it 16, tins, 1334 to .13%c; •6 -lb. tins, 14 to for a period of two days was encour= -everal places and the flag tower- oni _. I 14%r4� v--lb. tirm, -Jove. aging. wiltingd0nts His Vote Comb honey -$4 to $5 per dozen. All of the hospitals also report a As Victoria's.Firet FreCmllit 'Smoked meats -Hams, med., 28 to gradually diminishing waiting list. - � _ _ 30c; cooked hams, 42 to 44c; smoked same amount of damage was done. Victoria, B.C.- Exercising the priv -; rolls, 25c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 35c;. ' ilege granted him as Victoria's first ' backs, Cur boneless, 8- n 40c. l Cared mesas =Long clear bacon, ,NOVA NOVA SCOTIA COAL freeman, Viscount Willingdon cast a 110 to 70 lbs.; $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; �0 to 100 lbs. ___- pointed to Supreme ' Court . on a civic by- law'here'on:Thurs clay, said to be the first time in the and up, $18; light- rtrelght _rolls, in'barrela, 11.50; heavy- �j history of CiilA4a that aGovernors- SETTLED I I Ottawa, April 3. -Mr. Justice J. H. Lamont wreight rolls, $38.b0 per bbl. ; of the Saskatghewan Court ha of Appeal s been appointed to the affairs. - s - �Swp : ' '• Lard -Pure tierces, 14 to 14 35 c ; " + tubs, 15 to 15%c; pails, 15% to 16c; prints, 16% to 17c; shortening tierces, O perators Grant Closed Shop - -'18 to 181he; tubs 18%to -14c; pails, ....and Men Return -to the _ �'. .ems... -Y. 'J'5+,+_+. '�i1"•'. .. 1434• to 15c; blocks and tins, 16 to Mines. Heav3+ export steers, $8 to 8,40 • Inverness, N.S., April 3. The diffi- between fair, $7.50 to $7.85; butcher tarty the United Brine Wo'rk- Ouse at least fourteen inches square. The of Commons for Pictou 1n 1882 and ., girths, studding and braces are all' through n1any -political- storms- until ' 'timber, -and' Supreme Court of Canada. Mr. Jus- tice•Lamont fills the additional Judge-1 hewn out of- one pi@ce of 1904 he continued to represent his the frame is mss, sawn. The sills and posts' coriatituency. On his elevation to the lieries here, has been settled; and the . are of white oak, and all the other, Cabinet in 1888, 'he became the chi of the flu genie Court of Canada P P amber is of white wood, young-, eat Cabinet Minister . in the history good go choice to $6.75; do com. to med. $4.50 to fair fo o' Patients Removed as of Carisda. He sat in five Federal Administrations and was, In turn,' created by recent ]i geslation. Mr. Justime P. E. MacKenzie, new > Smith's Fella Hospital Burns Minister of Marine and Fisheries in ado, good, $6.65 to $8; canners and cutters, $2.50 to the Macdonald, ,Abbott and Thompson'' i Cabinets, Minister ' Smith's Falls, Apioil 1-Fire which of Justice in the yesterday afternoon broke out in the Bowell_Ministry and Solicitor- General,- treaty between France and Germany -was when his father was Prime Mini r oof of the public hospital here caused ster. considerable damage. All patients on `the''second I He held Cabinet rank until 1896. One of the • outstanding achieve- v floor- were safely removed I . to a win of the building nients of his political career was his g ng and to-nnight' �?? work as British Agent at the Bering were declared not to have suffered! Sea Arbitration to Paris in 1893. It ' M any ill- effects -from- the excitement. i was in connection with this .Commis - The origin of "the fire has not yet' to replace Mr. Justice Lamont. sion that he was awarded a knight peen determined. It was first noticed. hood in the same year. _ }� ' ,y nurses. who were fighting a small grass fire in front of the building. j He retired from political life, with: i presented Before -it could be-brought _ under -con ` almost 24 .years of unbroker. service' trol,-the roof was burned through in -' clause in their agreement, This has -everal places and the flag tower- oni _. # the fore part of the building was corn wiltingd0nts His Vote to mod.,'$b� �. $5.75; springers, $k to $96;; much pletelp destroyed: A similar.fire broke out in the hos -_I' As Victoria's.Firet FreCmllit - pital eight years ago; and about the - � _ flows, $66 to $80; plain to med. cows, same amount of damage was done. Victoria, B.C.- Exercising the priv -; 1 chgwan, to replace Mr. Justice Mac- -, ilege granted him as Victoria's first ' i Mr: Justice Lamont Ap- -!.vote freeman, Viscount Willingdon cast a y ___- pointed to Supreme ' Court . on a civic by- law'here'on:Thurs clay, said to be the first time in the ' history of CiilA4a that aGovernors- - I I Ottawa, April 3. -Mr. Justice J. H. Lamont General has cast a ballot in municipal. of the Saskatghewan Court ha of Appeal s been appointed to the affairs. - s - �Swp : ' '• bteers, choice, $7.50 to $8; do, fair by good, $6.60 to $?.2b; butcher he:f- ers of America and the Eastern Trust Co., owners and operators of the col- P Mrs. Mary Companion Supreme Court of Canada. Mr. Jus- tice•Lamont fills the additional Judge-1 France and German j' errs choice, $7 to $7.75; do, com., $6 Ira �6.2£; butcher cows, to lieries here, has been settled; and the AN'ho_ ha$ bass awarded the bronze medal *of chi of the flu genie Court of Canada P P Sig" n Economic Treaty good go choice to $6.75; do com. to med. $4.50 to fair fo mines will r reopen on Wednesday, Work was suspended, and the mines tire° Canadian Humane 90- clety• and has also been mentioned to created by recent ]i geslation. Mr. Justime P. E. MacKenzie, new -' - Paris. -A provisional economic ado, good, $6.65 to $8; canners and cutters, $2.50 to placed on a maintenance basis a few weeks ago, when; the U,M,W. e Carnegie F Commission for Fund rescuing Harry Billings, aged Judge of the King's 'Bench of Sas- katchewan, has been treaty between France and Germany -was .60; butcher balls, 4.5 to choice, $6. ?6; do. mad., 4.50 to do, miners, numbering 'about half of the total-of six, from drowning in the West End creek appointed Judge of -the' Saskatchewan'• Court bf Appeal, 1?p signed here after - extended ne- gotiationa. It farms the basis s $5; o IF to as, $4 to $4.25- baby beef, $8 feeders, 600 employed, refused to continue the Inclusion at Brockville. Mrs, Companion is 77 years of age and is being to replace Mr. Justice Lamont. of final treaty which Is expected to bs- _ }� ' $10.50; c�iroice, $6.50 to pending of a closed -shop presented W. E. Knowles, K.C., of Moose Jaw, come effective before June 3o, For- ! 76; do, fair, $6 to $6.25!stockers ice $6 to $6.26• do fair clause in their agreement, This has With a substantial purse by the citt- Brockville has been appointed Judge of the ' eign Minister - Briand and Minister of to mod.,'$b� �. $5.75; springers, $k to $96;; much now been conceded by the company, but bo lack zens of in appreciation of her bravery. She Into Kin I g s Bench Division for Saskat- Commerce Bokanowsk! Signed the - � _ flows, $66 to $80; plain to med. cows, owing of orders work Will plunged a creek 1 chgwan, to replace Mr. Justice Mac- treaty for France. Ambassador Von t, i not be renewed until Wednesday. fully dressed after the boy. Kenzie. Hoesch signed for Germany. #F Y.,.. A e:4 . <rT! -$. .. __......_.- -.. � -.... .. -....� _u�._'•.�::�.n -_. ,t _.s' ^- 'Cn°L•,,... a (L::... .•. _.. _ �'. .ems... -Y. 'J'5+,+_+. '�i1"•'. .. :.1 r__ _ -_. 1l. ...� -w� .- :..e...: SV. ...t:s, :_..,..- !.__.n._ia^"W�a4: rrr•. - -�,.An ✓ ji.'._' r°: �i'+ rr°'• 5Nnr<" �•. �. tAr:^_ m'_ sl+ '1!.FfNn'wa^.3)L^'!CYC__'�.�. .Fd°'r" .^ _ ^- 'Y roc _ ... , ."":q' _9'^i!:d... l,.r. _ . `n - ; - G +: F9•' "LrY' PY F•'.' :1- .W .+- .{:r,:(.. 6Sd' 3 . ^•rw.rifC� ,,. ry'. e �.rs^.:'. a, t r,+TU , . ,�. .••we; , t.', .� -,,.�, �+,; ..r .�.. � C � ::mss -^z. , rtr,^' yt ,.n. ,"d' . r.v' , nr ,.;� .�: 1. Tom' y , . +4,., r awn Js` -,,.. 4r Gs 7' +^ u: :f {" Cl., it1� cs• ;wp F S..ri, i •p5, wb ?&' :'•r 2 xae" ryv "x1�1"`ft N '1a Y : +: ,, fc • ,s. y ,.,,, . . .,3'.�' ��"^- Y,, '_,. v.- . ,fix a �, .+c ,a� � p, ? pd a'3w . ��C' � r'�u"�.' s: fr �, . � � '^'y'tr , f g$.• rT: ,...''`'.. *YV .m�!•'.: ,rx.d. �: 8a- •.+C"'�z»a:,il`� ....,jo. .xp'".>$,�,,.r'+. . a�4tr .sYU.,.!....:s•z� „ :`i+.M -.... 3'4.7•.. r'- ^ySw••.dr :ia'« any,' :7 -r,. ..e•z.a .- l�•'i¢.• .�.r. •�ue,.+sw :.C•a ..r.,;:,;e; xcp r- ^•w...ra•.'1•%, .."C.z,:. ., :a•'' n•••••+• -.y.'� y ..t da• �,.k, .,Y.�k",.,+,. .i!�v,,«�, ...., , _ 'o. -.. 'ir ? Ra,wm ,,. •s•. sp•'• - _ �: .•. .•Y. w �. ..r- •a- , ,:. . ..c -_. -, . t'x. .fir••' .. ,,. .., a. ,^ ,7•J'.::..µ .,,.''��' 'sw.:.:1. s "•t.' 8'M "rY'�°J`•.. - J r a� X*d , ♦.. -.. ..... 1 1' 9,'e - .G��' :' - •'i'r•51• .,_, .. .. . .... .... .. ,, ,,,. , •.,.:. � � ^• x4 �'. - ": .r' '"'fir 'ts°4 —Dr. E- A. Sadleir, Dentist, prat -' ­ le -. —Frank Hall has now read a ti • Toronto, wllll be here in his �jQC H ■ ljSMQ' number of Saeter lilies. Urder �►S i - �, earl - _ -' office from 1.80 p. m. to 6 p. m. as als- k, ua3-�on- ihm'sday. _ { -Mrs. Ed. Balsdon has been on -rs. J. Roster Ward returned - * iq. } the -sick list Satin$ the pRet week. to her home in Hagerstown, Mary. -Dr. H. T. Fallaise. Resident Dent- � to re -Dr. and Mrs Fallaise spent land, after spending a few weeks 1st. Office over hours, 9 to hardware. _. Sunday with relatives in the cit with her parents, J, C. slid Mrs, store. Office hours, a to 6' daily and y• p evenings by anointment*'� -Mies Phyllis Pilkey is confined Bryant. - Thomae Kompthorn, who was to' her hones with an attack of the -The monthly meetioR of the a resident of Pickering about Lhir- :. :3DUin s. ' Women's. Missionary Society of t ears ago, - -Miss Maud Fraser and friend, - St. Paul's United Church will be o y and a well known to many in the village, Bled at his of Toronto, called on Gordon Bros. hoid.oa Thursday, April _14th, at home in Penkill,'Sask., on March N O� �O� �e� - -fit Wee -.- - -._ - -- -. - - -- tho -: home --of . 211ra.-- [4ordoo -LaW, IOth, "hie 78th bit thday. Before 1 W. D. Ro re, of Toronto, vie The Easter program will be.in _ is i 3a leaving Pickering, deceased owned iced his mother, Mrs. J. H. Rogers. Charge.oi Group 0. and lived in the house now owned • 4 a on Wednesday. -One of the largest- and occupied by Wm. Oullis, on 4 ,� _Dr. Myers and brother, of To- sales ever held in- the Township of y p Church St, b neighbor of his in spruag...DreSLS '=onto, visited with Fysak and Mrs Pickering ions that o! Saturday writing to the News ea a '•he was ' " i Hall oo Sunday. last when • the farm implements, one of the most upright and bon - -Thos. Ware, of Campbellville farm stock etc., belonging to the orable of men. Deceased was a • . ,spent a few days with' his olf estate of the late R: J. 1?'lemiag eabscriber to the Nliws ever -since ,friend, Thas. Juniper were put up by auction at the pre• leaving Pickering and for many a a ��� -Mrs. W. G. Scott, of Clare. tnises. about two and a half miles years before. .. anoat, event Friday with her cis- east of Pickering Village. The M.,.ter, Mrs. W. J. Miller. sale was made with the view of 28 inch Gin hams, cheeks and -G. W. and Mrs. Barker and winding up the estate. As -this . Now A.4"s, etooments. $ plaids; splendid for children are spending a few days farm consists of about 12M acres. _. children's wear, per yard... 22cs with friends in Coboarg. it will be seen that it, was one of OR BALE- 100•chick brooder. F, } Hall, Pickering 31' -J. H. Bundy, of Toronto, was more than ordinary interest, %nd 82 inch Ginghame, in all new shadee, checks, plaids, " in town on. Tuesday when he call- attracted a crowd estimated to be FOR SALE -6 good sized - -piste: her- stripes etc., fast colors for tub dresses .. 27e - ed on a Dumber of friends. about two thousand. The town- aid Clark. Dunbarton. 30.31 s r -Mrs. F. H. Doyle, of Toronto. ships of Pickering, Whitby and ASTURE TO LET -Will talcs oak. �� inch Gingham% in quiet colors, specially suitable ;lie 4 spent a few days last week. with Scarboro were largely represented' ID to paSlure Wm: Laney. Dunbarton 31.34 for .elderly ladies, per yard .. 820 F her sister, liars. H. A. Matchett. but there were also prospective - : - who has boyars from many parts of the OR !SALE -1918 Ford touring car, "Loraine” been 'eeriousl ill for the past royines.. from lie far west lie Fe t "'1' Thos. Juniper. at E L Ruddy's " 8g3 inch Loraine prints in fancy tterne, in bias, yy p_ farm, g, 31 pa 3^ three weeks, ie recovering favor Hamilton and east as far as Belle- green and sand grounds, per yard .. 820 c' ''' „bly; Ville: About 300 care were parked - ° y pa FOR SALE -=Seed drill, disc harrow, _ 17. d M De ' d in the lane sad b the side of the wa oa boa plow and other artie Wm • i >r -L. an r@. Vitt an :aittledaughtes, of Toronto, spent y highway, as well an in the fields . Lacey. Dunbarton- 27 =ao the week -end with Hugh and Mrs. and in the approaches to the farm OR SALE -Seed drill, disc harrow, F d ity. Thegg waste to see the big "'; llleehin. buildinsts. ft was quite evident q wagon box. plow and other articles. like r"+ -Miss C. MCN1veD, of Toronto that a l percentageltof thosee ;w W•in Lacey Dunbarton, alai blue and peach, suitable for dresses, underwear 4 age a ndiag the winter months is p� • i >r or as School. spent the weal:- end with Miss Phoebe Juniper, of present not come w a v e to buying bat simply from curios- TORS HORSE FOR SALE -Geld- WORK 7 years old, cheap for cash. Phone Pick 528, L, Middleton, Brougham 31 shipped from Pickering station on f Greenwood Road. d ity. Thegg waste to see the big - '-M inch Broadclothe in white. black, rose, orange, t l .. r -Mrs. J. Arnot, who has been crowd, ishich had the appearance POTATOES FOR SALE —Both ear blue and peach, suitable for dresses, underwear 4 ! a ndiag the winter months is p� of a country fair. The implements ly and tatr. Apply F.d ar Storry. R. R. No, St 7603 28tf ate., rare value at ... 45e 1`''' the city has returned to her home had all been cleaned and repainted 3. StouHviIle: Phone . -: - - _ AY FOR SALE - Quantity of tim• Hothy hay at lot 24, rear of eon, r. Pickering. t here for the summer. ' -Mrs. David Aanaa ''of Dun- and made to look lie attractive as po eaible. There were all kinds of Fancy y Cotton Crepe In figured designs, specially ' 4` has sold her property just labor - saving devices, but man of y Frank CYaptick, R;R 2• Claremont a1 82 suitable for underwear in white, maize, ash and Pe k` MANGELS FOR SALE - Quantity _lwton. east of St. Andrew's manse to Joe- them were suitable for only large light blue grounds, 28 inch. at 30C ' , ,t epb Fisher, of Toronto. farms, and did not appeal to the pI� i of good, mac e{a.Apply at lot, con-'. 4, Scar• boro, B. Diller. ne Mark 2624 31-32 >� W -John and Mrs. Dunn have re ordinary farmer. Io consequence _ Fancy Silk Crepes in drm lengths -ao two alike- �/•� ANTED- Youn%goslingta in quao turned bolus after spending two of this many of the implements newest color combinations, 36 inch, very dainty Ak V -weeks in Whitby township with brought only a small fraction of 7 1 tity or .man lots. State price. and broad it bie. I A Pickering News or phone Pick and smart, per yard ... - : -their daairbter, Mrs. O. Denny. their original cost. So far as good a1 as i „ -Miss Lilian Wiman had the miefortuneon Sunday to sustain a prices are concerned the sale was not a great success. The sale was -- -- — +'309 FORttHATOHING -Hen wi.ter laying strain white Wyandotte agp. Fi9mis�28 Inch, tootle, rose, blue and white, lead- or sport wear, launders beautifully, t+ T_ were sprain to her ankle. and an conducted b the well known ane- 7bcents per setimg. Mrs. Wm. . Riley. Pick• nett per yard... ,. 1.45 3 `. a result she in now confined to the tioneers of Searboro, Meseta. Pren -sung IdiOTHY SEED FOR SALE -We house. tics A Prentice. who had a diffi - _ .. '• -- - �,� -Mrs, A. Burrell, who met with winning class in which the late Ma1v bin: 28 -33 a serious accident nearly two Mr. Fleming took to mach pride, II[OTHY BAY FORS SALE- -weeks 4 weeks ago. is gradually improving and which won for him so man T1bout 20 tons or good t.mo0 hey, Appt � s lbat is still confined-to yher bed and first prizes. As the sale began at u to B. con, 18, lPickertn`. zsao. 'Me S • ,- -C H A P M A N r Claremont, PhoneiClare 806 31� a suffers much palm. ton o clock leach had to be pro. . t4 -St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid will vided for those who came at an OR SALE- Cypber•s 144 egg loon. a, imeet at the home of Mrs. C. H. early hour. When lunch time ar bator m perfect condition sic-" 12 Wb.ite Le lets, tdi Lay. splendid layers. i9 00 o won' Cold lPilkey on Wednesday afternoon, rived all made a scramble for a sac ,�° RR, white, con. 1. Dnnbarton. ao-32 A,pril 18th, at 8 o'clock A good pointof vantage. but the crowd ®Atli AND GARDEN LAND- a$tendance is requested. was so dense that many could not FI Fu..a.m - i _. •- -Beginning with Tharsda raise their arms to reach for the ions, canning factories. curl, 27 yndatl ® Ave., Toronto 3, Phone Lakeside 516o F ai.86 and how t0 prevent it. .April 21st, the merchants of the victuals which were being handed p village will observetha usual cam- out from the windows of the real- MARRIED MAN- Wishes a posi• - �, 7. anor half holiday, each Thursday dance. The sale was managed by lion at once, looting after a farm, taking y y fall charge, stock farm preferred; 6rstdow wit - :Wear a pair of Gutta Pereha ! : when they will close at 12.80. Mr. Russell Flemings, but several Mess etc. Apply Boa D`Pickering News 81-3, ^ -The Sacrament of the Lord's members of the family from the / C "1 ISapper bill be administered in $t. City were also preeiat. FOR SALE —A 500 gal. gals tank and R V B B G R S t . a 1 ganon pomp. good as new. will sell for .Andrews Church on Sunday at too. Tank and pump an now at Franchsaan's 1 isle morning sisrviee. and prepsrs- - - • - y. Apply s. M. Croke. 130 Slant Ave. every -time you step out into the wet and slash. a+ Itory services will be held this IN MEMORIAM. roro.fo. _tt _ t (Thursday) evening- at-7 :36. Sm,", In loving memory of our uncle FOR SALE -200 bushels of seed bar o ag a spleodid tins of Knee Boots is Mane, - Services is St. Paul's United and brother, Pte. Leonard Swan, to � ,cm leaf m`i'n s variety. b over . a John' : 'Ladies' and Children's, also the ordinary Over. Rubbers. � -+ iChareh will be held on Sunda at M. AL. ag M 26, who was killed at Mier. R. R. 2, Car t-. 2sef 'These are made of the finest No: l Rubber@ and marketed '10.80 a. m., when Rev. A. McLel- 'Vimy Piano while wins a wound- - - ' -- b a firm who ranks as Canada's leader - - ed comrade. April 9tb, 191& also PIANO LESSONS -Mia Aldine y flan, of Claremont, will preach. At p Pward, Claremont K prep.red to .take a lim- in Rubber Footwear. '7 p. m. there will be a song service am brother. Ralph. aged 17. oaise- lied number o/ pa its oa the piano, at 23 cts. Ing b1 a ladies' ohoir. Subject, Fanny In a fardand April ba.tUe&ld. Matt > r 1e..ons� hone 9oa. 38 atp•r - - -- by, and some of bar hymms. FOR 9ALR-100 plan. all Sze.. from ` The pastor will have charge of Where the trees their branches bent. O 5o try sows ere in May Salad hay, the glervice. noon maeic.. All are �'"' a loving uncle and brother. seed oab end a attaatte! of Irish SPRING CLOTHING one of the'best that God could lend. mar Atruls 9. A. White Green Riven wet gm8t. George's Church nest "Gar love bath no man than this Mark 6408 31-32' Juet a word about our Semi -Ready Clothing. Don't let - �• that belay down his life for his friend." OR SALE- Oooksbutt riding-plow :' Sunday (Palm Sunday) there will Fsiagle rttrrow, treaty new, win sea rot a the name confuse you into thinking that these clothes ace, Sadly misst�ii �y Alban. ba n Also dtsekeggs ra aettin�, 75 elate per you be a celebration of the Holy Com- Margarei and Nieces. ssta`a"ng,' ApplY G�en, eggs for, lot 1b, con, 7, Pick. �,y made. Each and every article* we weasare a for >rninaion at 10.80 a. m.; followed by -sting, Fiscus Clare 809 s134 is Bally tailored to St you and snit your require- ` a Baptismal service, Evenin You are not forgotten, Wade dear. — "men e. The prices are very reasonable, being about the R Nor shall you ever be. ORONTO WET -WASH LAUN• prayer and sermon at 7 p, m. As lostgg as life and memory lasts, - WRY (S�rni lisish} -.Les a»r Driver e�11 and _ asuisrrun'of better class ready - made @, but the tailoring is Rev. D. B. Langford will reach I'sball remember thee. ezplain our 24 hour service. Just leave your shove repro ach- It is a pleasure for a@ a let both services. On Good Pride name with Mr. S. W,) avis, barber shop. we to show these goods.' , y Faithful and honest in all your ways, will pick up and deliver 8 times a week. _ (April 15th), at 10.80 a. m., service Devoted and true to the -end of your ARM MACHINERY-Frost A - Will be conducted by the Rev. Syd- days; • ' d 'tile Heath Of Oshawa, AloviD uncle, gentleaod kind, FWt>od Cock,hutt,Tndhope Andereon,John Fred Ts Lu1i�lIIg� "• P1Ck�rYnb -£ y g i Deere. $issell, Gould. Shepley Moir, Fleury, a -The owners of gasoline tanks What a beaus tut memory you have Wilkinson. Best es. order your 7pa trine Established 1867. �ry are naturally none too pleased at left behind. now. Also De Forest radios. W. F. Disney, y Greenwood: 27tf , a recent regulation of the High Sadly missed by loving niece, - _ -: ways Department, by which gas Dorothy. FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, lot _. .._ r 27�coa S..Pickering._1_mileeast of .whittl._ - tanks whif:h are within- eight feet vale. ossession.win be - give. i. time for spring gE-- -.CENTRE - GARA-GE � Of the highway are subject ton p�JBL/C NOT /CE ­4i°x' Will sell ,nth etocir and full equipment as a 9039 concern, if desiied J. W. Brownridge, tax of $25, and all other tanks to — list inn. 30 81 • MM _ 6 tax of $5. As a large number of To the Ratepayers of Sclio6l Section , _ Tale hone 4e7V0 y garage owners and others who sell No, 7, Pickering : OR BALE -New house in the Vil- p de have two tanks, and most of On account of the small attendance loge of Claremont.- ,cotta, pantry and fur` 4' g .ace, also Rasage�� Newly decorated. Reasonable _ - - them within eight feet of the pays- of the ratepayers at the meeting tba caiih deposit. Balancdearried at' a low tau of meat, these persons will have to was called for .April .Atb. the meeting interest. A ply W. M• Palmer, Claremont; or A, ' has been postponed until Monday C: Elliott, Brooklin. 29 1a1 -pay a tat of 860, and before they •: '- evening, April lltb, at 7.90. to the IMOTHY SEED FOR SALE— can make their bneinese pay they T will have to sell a large amount of School. when therelection of a trustee (with: small amount elf Altalta), td'.� per Auto Repairs Accessories, ils, and to SIl the vacancy mad the reslgna= bushel'. O. A. C. No. 144 oats, No. 1 Govern- ! - % : _ dAt'ln the year. mentStandard, 99per_cemtgermination 111.15 • 3 g y tion of A. Hodgson will late place, b„0, at the farm. F. H. Westney, hcki> - • - lunch dissatisfaction is being also other important bwioess. Phone Piek;141a. 29 a1 +Gasoline, Acetylene Wialdln9, _ voiced by the residents of the viii- Signed by the Trustees, _. -- - cgs at the action of the Bromle OR BAY.E -I have "yet about forty (� g B. R. PUXBT. FbttsbelsotGoloradoapringwheat coataini� $attery Vliarding 1 tlt.Setton bus line discontinuing gi A. H. BrrrsxsO4ea • • amount of barley, very suitable for mi - • their service between Pickering ;wi o y g ,_ iety of palr8 Illade OII Rli IYlakeB end Toronto on Sands evemiagts /�/ Q T / C E r i,l.on, . t HIU ;An arrangtement bad been made . between Mr. CoDacntt and Pipber A meeting will be bold in the Town- t w o Bros., whereby it was agreed to ship Hall. Bronabam, on Tueday N. We STAFFO�tD of -cars. ran a special bus between Picker. evening nest, April 12th. of the milk � ing and Toronto; and starting and cream producers of the township Marble and Granite Dealer. W _ from Pickerinq. to accommodate t°disemn problems confronting the Cemetery Lettering etc. - the heavy week -sad traffic Before dairymen of the township : also to this bus was brought into service bear a report of the recent Convention First-class work „' R and to organize a township Milk: Pro- guaranteed. s- . 4nany persons wishing to return to ducers' Association. All dairymen of Kingston B CHARLES Be SPENCER HAD ton Road and Pickering ' the city were compelled to wait the township o respectfully, request- East Townline. until Monday morning and that ed to be prmm ? 213eant that many were late for W. H. Moons Pbeone Whitby 88 R 32 �uaine@e. B L O#ArcA Proprietor Pickering. 4 P. . y . . , "4 .�.-.+.?,a.r. ,t"-0Ytxo.'.. rm :.>t, mn ' :...,'. .... •w, •a' �.- .. ... n. «...Ali.. .,,.. •cw... <.,r :. .. s._.. .. ,,:..�,:,M -. :i'4.'di.r.:,:s.!�taa -.e. ._ .n.✓.'s._7 ..- ...tta.� :�'.+�• .t. �.i�'.... •zf•,...�i:. n.. �. .... -.. ..r- ,a.r.- _ n ... =s�iY.'• ".^.� ''."3?t4�4r.fi5". Sys' �.. K1ls�t�.. �r:-.:• w- w• �t4Cm .�4.e.•4�r�dY�'�34F7:,.u.x. �'wr!, �e4ftt .7�'':,76ia�":< -John Miller, of Brougham, cult task to perform, as the bid- 1 have on hand. quantity or timothy seed. sal shipped from Pickering station on ding at no. tine was very brisk. guaranteed clean, Miller Bros. 34 Tuesday a carload of Shropshire There were a few horses and cows l .. r . she@ to a purchaser in the State .-of Vermont. - offered for sale which were �f a good type, but not of the prize- OR SALE- Pure -bred Avrsbirs FDoll -salves rro tshea pr -sows 5 Laurie Agiacotart 'dos or 1s�' -Mrs, A. Burrell, who met with winning class in which the late Ma1v bin: 28 -33 a serious accident nearly two Mr. Fleming took to mach pride, II[OTHY BAY FORS SALE- -weeks 4 weeks ago. is gradually improving and which won for him so man T1bout 20 tons or good t.mo0 hey, Appt � s lbat is still confined-to yher bed and first prizes. As the sale began at u to B. con, 18, lPickertn`. zsao. 'Me S • ,- -C H A P M A N r Claremont, PhoneiClare 806 31� a suffers much palm. ton o clock leach had to be pro. . t4 -St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid will vided for those who came at an OR SALE- Cypber•s 144 egg loon. a, imeet at the home of Mrs. C. H. early hour. When lunch time ar bator m perfect condition sic-" 12 Wb.ite Le lets, tdi Lay. splendid layers. i9 00 o won' Cold lPilkey on Wednesday afternoon, rived all made a scramble for a sac ,�° RR, white, con. 1. Dnnbarton. ao-32 A,pril 18th, at 8 o'clock A good pointof vantage. but the crowd ®Atli AND GARDEN LAND- a$tendance is requested. was so dense that many could not FI Fu..a.m - i _. •- -Beginning with Tharsda raise their arms to reach for the ions, canning factories. curl, 27 yndatl ® Ave., Toronto 3, Phone Lakeside 516o F ai.86 and how t0 prevent it. .April 21st, the merchants of the victuals which were being handed p village will observetha usual cam- out from the windows of the real- MARRIED MAN- Wishes a posi• - �, 7. anor half holiday, each Thursday dance. The sale was managed by lion at once, looting after a farm, taking y y fall charge, stock farm preferred; 6rstdow wit - :Wear a pair of Gutta Pereha ! : when they will close at 12.80. Mr. Russell Flemings, but several Mess etc. Apply Boa D`Pickering News 81-3, ^ -The Sacrament of the Lord's members of the family from the / C "1 ISapper bill be administered in $t. City were also preeiat. FOR SALE —A 500 gal. gals tank and R V B B G R S t . a 1 ganon pomp. good as new. will sell for .Andrews Church on Sunday at too. Tank and pump an now at Franchsaan's 1 isle morning sisrviee. and prepsrs- - - • - y. Apply s. M. Croke. 130 Slant Ave. every -time you step out into the wet and slash. a+ Itory services will be held this IN MEMORIAM. roro.fo. _tt _ t (Thursday) evening- at-7 :36. Sm,", In loving memory of our uncle FOR SALE -200 bushels of seed bar o ag a spleodid tins of Knee Boots is Mane, - Services is St. Paul's United and brother, Pte. Leonard Swan, to � ,cm leaf m`i'n s variety. b over . a John' : 'Ladies' and Children's, also the ordinary Over. Rubbers. � -+ iChareh will be held on Sunda at M. AL. ag M 26, who was killed at Mier. R. R. 2, Car t-. 2sef 'These are made of the finest No: l Rubber@ and marketed '10.80 a. m., when Rev. A. McLel- 'Vimy Piano while wins a wound- - - ' -- b a firm who ranks as Canada's leader - - ed comrade. April 9tb, 191& also PIANO LESSONS -Mia Aldine y flan, of Claremont, will preach. At p Pward, Claremont K prep.red to .take a lim- in Rubber Footwear. '7 p. m. there will be a song service am brother. Ralph. aged 17. oaise- lied number o/ pa its oa the piano, at 23 cts. Ing b1 a ladies' ohoir. Subject, Fanny In a fardand April ba.tUe&ld. Matt > r 1e..ons� hone 9oa. 38 atp•r - - -- by, and some of bar hymms. FOR 9ALR-100 plan. all Sze.. from ` The pastor will have charge of Where the trees their branches bent. O 5o try sows ere in May Salad hay, the glervice. noon maeic.. All are �'"' a loving uncle and brother. seed oab end a attaatte! of Irish SPRING CLOTHING one of the'best that God could lend. mar Atruls 9. A. White Green Riven wet gm8t. George's Church nest "Gar love bath no man than this Mark 6408 31-32' Juet a word about our Semi -Ready Clothing. Don't let - �• that belay down his life for his friend." OR SALE- Oooksbutt riding-plow :' Sunday (Palm Sunday) there will Fsiagle rttrrow, treaty new, win sea rot a the name confuse you into thinking that these clothes ace, Sadly misst�ii �y Alban. ba n Also dtsekeggs ra aettin�, 75 elate per you be a celebration of the Holy Com- Margarei and Nieces. ssta`a"ng,' ApplY G�en, eggs for, lot 1b, con, 7, Pick. �,y made. Each and every article* we weasare a for >rninaion at 10.80 a. m.; followed by -sting, Fiscus Clare 809 s134 is Bally tailored to St you and snit your require- ` a Baptismal service, Evenin You are not forgotten, Wade dear. — "men e. The prices are very reasonable, being about the R Nor shall you ever be. ORONTO WET -WASH LAUN• prayer and sermon at 7 p, m. As lostgg as life and memory lasts, - WRY (S�rni lisish} -.Les a»r Driver e�11 and _ asuisrrun'of better class ready - made @, but the tailoring is Rev. D. B. Langford will reach I'sball remember thee. ezplain our 24 hour service. Just leave your shove repro ach- It is a pleasure for a@ a let both services. On Good Pride name with Mr. S. W,) avis, barber shop. we to show these goods.' , y Faithful and honest in all your ways, will pick up and deliver 8 times a week. _ (April 15th), at 10.80 a. m., service Devoted and true to the -end of your ARM MACHINERY-Frost A - Will be conducted by the Rev. Syd- days; • ' d 'tile Heath Of Oshawa, AloviD uncle, gentleaod kind, FWt>od Cock,hutt,Tndhope Andereon,John Fred Ts Lu1i�lIIg� "• P1Ck�rYnb -£ y g i Deere. $issell, Gould. Shepley Moir, Fleury, a -The owners of gasoline tanks What a beaus tut memory you have Wilkinson. Best es. order your 7pa trine Established 1867. �ry are naturally none too pleased at left behind. now. Also De Forest radios. W. F. Disney, y Greenwood: 27tf , a recent regulation of the High Sadly missed by loving niece, - _ -: ways Department, by which gas Dorothy. FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, lot _. .._ r 27�coa S..Pickering._1_mileeast of .whittl._ - tanks whif:h are within- eight feet vale. ossession.win be - give. i. time for spring gE-- -.CENTRE - GARA-GE � Of the highway are subject ton p�JBL/C NOT /CE ­4i°x' Will sell ,nth etocir and full equipment as a 9039 concern, if desiied J. W. Brownridge, tax of $25, and all other tanks to — list inn. 30 81 • MM _ 6 tax of $5. As a large number of To the Ratepayers of Sclio6l Section , _ Tale hone 4e7V0 y garage owners and others who sell No, 7, Pickering : OR BALE -New house in the Vil- p de have two tanks, and most of On account of the small attendance loge of Claremont.- ,cotta, pantry and fur` 4' g .ace, also Rasage�� Newly decorated. Reasonable _ - - them within eight feet of the pays- of the ratepayers at the meeting tba caiih deposit. Balancdearried at' a low tau of meat, these persons will have to was called for .April .Atb. the meeting interest. A ply W. M• Palmer, Claremont; or A, ' has been postponed until Monday C: Elliott, Brooklin. 29 1a1 -pay a tat of 860, and before they •: '- evening, April lltb, at 7.90. to the IMOTHY SEED FOR SALE— can make their bneinese pay they T will have to sell a large amount of School. when therelection of a trustee (with: small amount elf Altalta), td'.� per Auto Repairs Accessories, ils, and to SIl the vacancy mad the reslgna= bushel'. O. A. C. No. 144 oats, No. 1 Govern- ! - % : _ dAt'ln the year. mentStandard, 99per_cemtgermination 111.15 • 3 g y tion of A. Hodgson will late place, b„0, at the farm. F. H. Westney, hcki> - • - lunch dissatisfaction is being also other important bwioess. Phone Piek;141a. 29 a1 +Gasoline, Acetylene Wialdln9, _ voiced by the residents of the viii- Signed by the Trustees, _. -- - cgs at the action of the Bromle OR BAY.E -I have "yet about forty (� g B. R. PUXBT. FbttsbelsotGoloradoapringwheat coataini� $attery Vliarding 1 tlt.Setton bus line discontinuing gi A. H. BrrrsxsO4ea • • amount of barley, very suitable for mi - • their service between Pickering ;wi o y g ,_ iety of palr8 Illade OII Rli IYlakeB end Toronto on Sands evemiagts /�/ Q T / C E r i,l.on, . t HIU ;An arrangtement bad been made . between Mr. CoDacntt and Pipber A meeting will be bold in the Town- t w o Bros., whereby it was agreed to ship Hall. Bronabam, on Tueday N. We STAFFO�tD of -cars. ran a special bus between Picker. evening nest, April 12th. of the milk � ing and Toronto; and starting and cream producers of the township Marble and Granite Dealer. W _ from Pickerinq. to accommodate t°disemn problems confronting the Cemetery Lettering etc. - the heavy week -sad traffic Before dairymen of the township : also to this bus was brought into service bear a report of the recent Convention First-class work „' R and to organize a township Milk: Pro- guaranteed. s- . 4nany persons wishing to return to ducers' Association. All dairymen of Kingston B CHARLES Be SPENCER HAD ton Road and Pickering ' the city were compelled to wait the township o respectfully, request- East Townline. until Monday morning and that ed to be prmm ? 213eant that many were late for W. H. Moons Pbeone Whitby 88 R 32 �uaine@e. B L O#ArcA Proprietor Pickering. 4 P. . y . . , "4 .�.-.+.?,a.r. ,t"-0Ytxo.'.. rm :.>t, mn ' :...,'. .... •w, •a' �.- .. ... n. «...Ali.. .,,.. •cw... <.,r :. .. s._.. .. ,,:..�,:,M -. :i'4.'di.r.:,:s.!�taa -.e. ._ .n.✓.'s._7 ..- ...tta.� :�'.+�• .t. �.i�'.... •zf•,...�i:. n.. �. .... -.. ..r- ,a.r.- _ n ... =s�iY.'• ".^.� ''."3?t4�4r.fi5". Sys' �.. K1ls�t�.. �r:-.:• w- w• �t4Cm .�4.e.•4�r�dY�'�34F7:,.u.x. �'wr!, �e4ftt .7�'':,76ia�":<