HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1925_12_11 , ism .: THE ERING NEWS moRb SOL. Xi.Ve " PICE ERING, ONT., FRIDAY, DEQ'. 11. 1925 No. �4 Y Mxof>rs,fHossal sser>:w. cft ■xe''= muv,�� HILLSIDE WEST HILL- The Saw bili and $ � H[Uside School. S. S. +No. 4, Asocial eveoio was GREENWOOD i* 4�ostlg pent at the `• Scarboro,will hoEd their annual Xmas homp of Mr. atad Mrs, Sunt, who � concert on the evening of Frida graciously opened Chair home to the R E. P'OIiSYTH, Oh.D.; Diret�tor' F y' CW �a.oeia December the 18th. A program it A.Y.P.A. the other evening. A good bt.nd M.,aber of the am ascan optem j being prepared of recitations, dialo. time is reported by all. : w x . at+soefakloa. Eras examined by appointment. gues,songs,dramas and drills. 8oarboro A, Y. P. A. weekly meetIMT - �'°°°tleo4, Claremont. oat• s tog was held.on Dec. 7th. After the LOIS WANTED WEST HILL ' usual business, the program for the Eatablished 1838 «t O. MogINNON, M.D., L.R.O.S., evening was-Poetical,"each member N. gdtaha member of the Oou•g• er Oat Rolling The seventh series of famous any Cuatom'eawin done, Try Scotch Berle " Ph7fielaas sad 9'pens of Ontario,li•mtLN• R pant. preeuot aseiatiog in the program. •? e! Bo Ootlep of eurneons, Zdiabuth, and Cho Wood loge depicting '•The Life of Chriati, St. Margaret's held their annual A. awefai att•agon to dolasses of women and PPtag, tr .taids•n, Otit••andrisweaoe,Bronaham by that famous artist. Wm. Bole, will Y. P. A.Sunday, on Nov.89th. The fs' Repairing, be need to illustrate the sermon given service was suttees and largely at. for Breakfast AR. DURIN IN E. STECKLEY, by the Rev. Gardiner Dickey on Sun- ended by members. A splendid ser- Honor Graduate of Toronto College of Chi. -�$haping and, Turning. day evening in Melville Church. These man was Riven bg a layman from fit, -It is cooked in 6 minutes and ;. ropractic, Will make residential calls to Picker• aintIn s have been re r John's. Norway. He s oke oa the is more nutritious and the ;. Jos•Claremont and surrounding districts.Tues• Kiddie Sacs, Sleighs, Office Sto018 p g p�uc� he work of the A.Y.P.A. �Ieitora from y digested � mays,Thursdays and Saturdays. . For ap fat- g ' lantern slides and 'are threwa an the most eaeil di • ascot tali 141 J BowmanviJle or write. Gonani screen during the sermon. The ser- Toronto Branches were welcomed breakfast food `' Salt For Sale tea°°is free. sty vice commences at tea minutes to after the service to the basement of made. - ' Ch{ropvacHo OHdB, A. WHITB. seven, the first fifteen minutes being the church.where refreshments were 3 lbs. in a paeltlage given up to an old•faahioned singsong. provided by the Scarboro Branch. a: Successor to late W. G. Barnes You are cordially invited to see these Children are especially fond of it, l�Mdtb Phone SIM or write Locust Hill, Oct. pictures. aTOUFFVILLE: Doctors recommend it e S. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and and its ii•So+ieitor, Nota"Public Etc, W}IITEYALE. There Is a well founded rumo r that, D E L I C I O U 8 sen South wingt'r'Court xoua , vtbli�Qae t' - the Sutton train to Toronto Is to be �' a� HRml Dick and Jim Tweedie spent Sunday discontinued. '•' �IOHARDSON A PICKERING— ' • at their home here. It is expected that the Board of Barristers. Sol' etc.. 317-W9 Coaled Harold Burgess had the misfortuaP Baking Bran Funerag Director Trade will head over Memorial Park "M41 St lie suiidin • corner inoa�e and Rie2ss to have his hand jammed one day last to the town in the near future. asdad Sts.,Torr>ato. txs Main 1390 aadiMaia 4ttfrid week. U. Ault for m Bak•io Bran 8 • stf The L. F. O. Co. are chip in a g Lkemeed BmbaZin-er — Reg and Mrs. Dickson of Toronto, large number of cartoade of pturnips sill' made from choicest Otstarlo BiIrATON do ROSS-78arriaters,-So. HtOTOR HEARSE spent Sunday with the latter's mother and realizing40 cents a bushel. wheat, sterilized and pelt, n ifs tieit—T X6t1bem Ontario Building, 330 hire. Griffin. ¢ packages. s Harold Burgess and Miss Mary See* The Board of Trade and Women's 1 ib. gess P W- Suet,Toronto. CLAR.�MONT QHt Institute have sent communications Try spreading a table spoonful on W J. Ro", s • heck spent Wednesday evetning witb asking for w clock and tower on our _ I. D.F.Ross, ` Adelaide 2787 Plicae 93'1' Claremont friends. your porridge—it is healthgnl s new post office. _ �DentaL The dance given in.the hall on Fri- and volt will like it. k_ day evening was a success. EveryThe United Church Sunday School 5 f-• one hada nod time. members ate practicing for their annual anocert.imll Xmas tree to be T1 R. D.^O. Smith, Deotiat, Rtnuff. _ APPLE Neil and Mrs. Stewart spent the held on Det.23rd. y." vine, Honor Graduate of Chicago and To- weekend the guests of the latter'# !° mato Universities and the Royal Colic¢a of Out new post office has the brick +, ?r!7n' Phone office 1011. Residence parents, Mr, and Mrs. Burgess. work completed and the roof le now 1L�Fb, _No outstd: appointments. 281y ( Jack Tweedie, Misa Nettie Tweedie, 1 6 A R R E L S Mies 'Mary Seebeck and Harold Bur- sing placed, It is expected Lo be tri D LAKE B. BEATON, D. D. B., gees motored to Agincourt and at. flnlahed (o J ssuary, Grsdtandate the Royal Colelge of Dental leaded the old time dance, The had Reports are current ' that sneak Surgeons and and Univerailq of Toronto. ofrxe y thieves are operating on motors and °•',, ntke eer bfurra 9 t 12-1 o 6.30nery store, Whitby, a grand time. carriages in church sheds, It!a e:- A good supply of Hard aaa Soft BOeil phone 220to 12:7 to 830. Imd.'phone 8. 4+1y pt cted the thieves will be apprehended (t;pal on hand. Also a supply 'f Apple Barrels For w bite's Sale, Saturday, n the near future. N. DALES. L. D. 8 , D. D. 9„ Kindling 7 t .Graduate of Royai College of Dental Syr ] 1 Wapti, reams and the Uorveruty of Toronto. Otfiee Sale III large BROUGHAM. WHITEVALE. atoveldagth. of above hours.A Scott's stare. Claremont. Ont. i 12tf ` Phone PiClr. 170. `" (Vice hours,9 a m to S p, m. Saturda 9 s. Mr. and Mrs. Carltun had a business I Mre. Margaret Reesor. visited -ray : ins.to!p.m. i hone Clare tans, spy' pr 8�al trip to the city on Saturday, friends recently. ERSERT T. FALLAISE. L D 8. * * Mrs. Milton Burk has been#pending G. A, and Mrs. Clarrv, of Toronto, DONALD MUNRO, PIOHEBIN$ a ', D, D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of quantities t fes a few days in the city with relatives, were the guests of R. C4.Tweedis over Dental Surgeons and the Unt�tT utll Opo On account of the heavy rain on the weekend, • i Oaiec above J 5 Balsdo3P. Saturda Robert Devitt e'"ned his Our youth and adults are now work. _Whatevale A"Ot Phone Pick s pm87s P.m., or by a int • �1�� ,�Ed�.il ii I is to make the Christmas concert in po 4°i�t'y .•i • sale unt 1 Thursday of this week. g o•w Miss Kathleen Clews has returned the near future a success, • " to her home, afters R. G. Tweedle is of the The �ie�'wlce C r fptssfstsss 41;Arbw. pending the sum- opinion that ^~^^ Llr>�MB Y�� mer with her sister, Mrs. M.Burk, our town has come to life sgaiII these '! Miss Bate eatertalned on Sunda� last few day• and therefore not so V RIOHARDSON — Real 13s Motor overhauling, to and side cum-. IF 7 . race, Insurance.Ccaveyaoe;ai, Notary last her nephew, WU] Bata Mre. W, moot tonous as it has been. ,�• JPubNe,F-ac.,pteteetaa,one, 3We Are 'Ready Bate. Miss Oertle Bate and their A number of the youth from the Batts"1,°�rv�repairing. ' mother. vifags and neighboring district report and overbwuli_Cag. Bj POSTTLL, Licensed Auctioneer Miss Phvliis (Jerow attended the aver'eojoysWe evening at the dance All work guaranteed. .Flat rate a ter oesssu« of Tort sad 01161rfa AING. ooacert and dsaes at the Student's in the 1 'O.O. F. Hall here on Friday service charge - •� bas eel«of nit also• ata••see w os shor#ss. to supply yonr fall requiremonte Night at'1'oronco University on Tues- eveatoa la.c, ge ■sass+, Address arms elver P o., ono in Hardware dayy the 1st of Dec. Tbo Women's Iostltute will meet Phone 5510 2lark, trW. L and Mrs. Denny and- family were at the hr•me of Mrs. W. S. Major on ' s.H>3ATO . TOWNBHIPOLEI3H Also co make your home moat W. S. �• Osavyaa•sr, Oeomtsd•aae ray Sunday questa wt C. E Perma•�man's. Wednesday. Dec. 19th, at 8p. m. Miss e�aso� A00040"al s.a rrooq In loan comfurtable by lnatalliag the This esteemed family are a6w,uc to Underh{il, lbs preeideat of Olasemoot ., �rr•�r, �t�n� Myryy� L,, beat furnat ebn the market 1•ave ou! midac. Best niches follow brancb,will be present and given talkt e v THE HECLA tt em to their new home. on her trip to Europe ,Also, the Bele- I ' �AVJD A. PLTOH—Live stock auc- the furnace that saves one T. C. and Mrs. Brown took to the Rata' to the Provincial Convection Lumber- toner Graduate of C. M Jones' School, p+ ly. ••Bardell va Pickwick,"present• -111 Rive her report at this meeting. N a IC'bwago Ltfeame ezpenence will, ton in seven. Will members 1 snort. Bloch and ri pedigreed ed by the Men's Club of Alhambra pease bring t heir Anna- as work. All kinds orsatee Call and see as before buying United Church. Tororift. on Friday tions of caadv for the Obildr#&'sShel• " • re attended to. Terms rea.onable: Phone y g y ter on the above date. to C aremoat. lay elsewhere. eveninig last and enjoyed it im- it WM, MAW. LICENSED AUC ISold and properly The 1Vowen's Institute and W. M. r T,; •� T1ONEER,forYork, installed b AUOLEY. 'We have lumber Coantim Au kinds of sales pro and Dutbsm y 8, are iO:h•week ahead this month promptly 'mea on account of Christmas,the lnstitu a The trustees of S. S. No,5, Whitby to. Ted at NEWS' O. D. Bell and may tx Phone ifs boldin a sewing g p, �f all kinds arranged at NEWS ORkv. Bell and lirdepen- g R meetlo a t Mre. Township,have been headed the keys f dant phones. Whitby,Oat. rsly ATT T TT�'1 v Beer's on Tuesda last and the W. M of t he new school by the architect. �?+' �L�iN BUSgBY Q.at Mrs. Fred C�assie's on Thursday. John T. Hornsby. of Liodeay. The , A Reminder Ren. Mr. Gardiner preached hie r•^ootractor.T. G.Morrow, of Wood. on hand PICKERING farewell sermon to the congregations ville,has yet a few finishing touches Before Christmas - of the Unift Church last Sunda to put on but nothing to hinder the DO ��� A large number were- present. We school work. which is going along A proof that furniture ie more WANT trust that he may have much fruit for nicely, and the pupils are thoroughly reasonable b his labor in his new field. and that his enjoying it. after the old school wan ,, - Cpopular than ever as agift is shown your house heated for half successor may have a sincere and destroyed by fire in Februar last, iII y il p � y tb a fact that our December yhe cost of coal? sympathetic reception when he aryl- order to erecta modern building k prices ea es are exceeding those va here to take up the work, was impossible to et a satisfactory ` of last year. TY so, in one of the Instant Sas drainag8 on the old site. and after a „ - -Ste cutis display of Xseas Furciture Oil Burners in your range, or DUNDARTON. great deal of discussion, it was decide an International Oil Burger ed by arbitration to choose a etre 80 :. Kindergarten Tables and Chairs is Your furnace, h[tas Mujorie Atltson, we are sorry �•to ebur west.on choose a hsite H• D DD red color, Rockers. High Chairs, to report, is ill. Tray farm.now owned by W. Guth- • • ' �R E E S O RI " Call aad'see them, Cuthbert and hies. Holmes spent fie• Atter visiting many schools the ' White Enamel Iron Cribs, Doll �T a h Carriers, Kiddy Hers, Sleighs, Sunday in the city. trustees en ed the serviced of an X o0C r1=8 M W.J. GORDON'S, Tho Silesian Band meets next Sat. architect, and the Wilding, as it *. Express WaRgase. - Obumb Street, orday at the home of Airs.Jea.Swale@ stands.is evidence of the board's judg- P of A, Give the Howe a Bedrootu Suitt Agents wanted My Pickering at 3 o'clock. ment.as to the needs of the section. ICk� 1 � We are lad to see Mr.and Mrs. The building to one-roomed with a We have florae attractive Suites , Hisey able o be otic again liter their basement,wp&mted b s cement wail, and not expensive. Flava .Bread Flour recent jilaess, providing playrooms or the children, d We are sort to report in each of which is a bubbler. The � :•° Dioina•Rool» 3vitu s port that John Toms is laid off duty 'with blood water supply for the lavatories is , TWO new Suits have just been pla• and Marvel poisoning In his arm. pumped by a 1i borse power engine ced in stock. Both Gerald and Mrs, Cowan left Bator- into a 5W gallon compressed air tank. attractive suites. dry day to motor to fit. Petersburg, Flor• The furnace and fuel bin are to a sap.�as ,� Flour ida tospend the winter. &rate room, practically fire-proof. - +` Sff�ail Gifts May be obtained from you Grocer. Madame Brawn and her mother, cement on floors and walla, and press. �tO�e Pictures, End Tables, Ferneries, 1 Mrs. Wallace,have sold, their stock ed steel on the ceiling. In the rear of vases, Table Scarfs and . e and are moving to the city for the the class room,and above the furnace " Brooklin Flour Mills winter, room, is a teacher's room, with an s+ Smoking Beta. Mrs, Thos.Cheater and Mrs. Scott, elerated floor of 20 inches, separated CHAS. WILSON, Prop. of New Liskeard, are visiting the from the close room by folding doors. At New Quarters Cif A. Stertitt otherformer's mother; Mre. Alex Tllom,and The iridividuai desks, teacher a desk Em DA MIT i Q other relatives. and chairs are all quarter-cut oak with •vs +rir.7 Oliver and Mrs. Annan sad family Duco finish and by folding the doors The old Rod Mrs. Low, of Hamilton visited and reversing the desks. it can, in a F � PIOKERINC' with relative• and friends here over few minutes, he turned into a Com. pp Furniture Dealer and the week-end, munity 1101. which will . be greatly 'Shirley �7tand 1 Funeral Director Mies Florence Aunis, we are pleased appreciated as the years go by. The Government Standard to see, is convalescing at her home windows are all to the left of the u ils, and el All ready for Xmas. �* Phone 1300 Recleaned here,she having been in hospital At P rte blackboards are the - Port Arthur, following a motor acct• full length of the front, and on one dent, side. The building is solid brick, on a Fail assortment of Xmas (Iifts— Piekering, Ontario Sereenin 8 Wlll fad'- On Friday, Dec. 18, the Dunbarton cement foundation, and.stands on the Ohinw. Cameras, Stationery, Sunday School will hold a Christmas left band corner of &a acre and one Tobacco and Cigars. 2�E TABLE—Piokerfng station tree, and in connection Mr. Honnisett half of the best of land, and when T.R. Trains going East Ane aa follows ten your.hogs at dill give lantern views and a talk on completed will provide ample room Tops , No. 10 Mail ;.31 A M. his trip around the world,- Admission for lawns,gardens etc, A lawn ser- 30 Local 335 P.M. a profit 2.) cents, Children of the S. S., free: vice Is on each side of the school, and Special price on Dressed Dolle .. ° 90 Local f1.23 P.M ' ", Entertainmennt begins at 8 o'clock, circular walks to the Rtreet line, and Sunday train, S•38 A.M. "Ne have this Feed at Dunhnrton Community Hall, Sttn- cement foundation for flag-pole, The Trains going Wesi due to follows— day Dec. 18th, Church of EnglRod doots are fitted with Yale locks, and No. 29 Local 10,50 A.M. right prices. service at 3 p. m. Come early And join the basement windows with strong 27 Local 2.44 P.M. y in the hymn singing. Preacher, the I wire screens. it is intended to put In �i , McEWEN, " •" 9 !Nail 9•08P,M. ,We carryall the different Rector, Friday, Dec. 11th, Onngre• Pipe and¢rade the ditches in the near Sunday train, . .42 P. M. Mill Feeds. gational Social to inaugurate women's;future. The trustees have had R busy a '" 1Fore�oing is according to Standard " and young people's organizations, at I summer, hutnre receiving congratu. Veterinary Surgeon ` w ` time.1 N. ZCx==-v •DO= 7.30 p, m. Special speakers from Tn lotions for thesplendid Addition of n i ronin. Make a point of attending. ,fine building in the neighborhood; �Y Cn r -... ,sr�Yi..k.��,""'. ..w.:..;;,a; A„ ... e•,. ,.,Me,r .. '..�� .....<&.::E:k...:..:�.:� :_.t.�. .4.�wad` ''•lb..at' '-�.� _re+• 5.:.'#tnw-w i v.:r,m-' "� c.:� ti-;. " And striding from door to door flashing !aceta of the Four grocer _ sells. round the yardheanon found the sea. restless winter � �� black mare,-and began ovith the-strong There was haae'to seav¢ard,like the assured fingers of an expert to bar- moonlight which dwells ins targe - i ,m Hess her. opal when jyou -hold dt so that the The Toes ts IteaaNal for laaan �qIs The dogeart was she'tered in the prismatic•colors are not seen, ThedewMa sea llation. eshaaales e.aad ArNewils^ - - wide bare house which in its time was blue and calm beneath, the wives Naw York city, atom a three leasee• owns had held many s snowed-up coach-with the merest danelng.dimplings. But .a -Training to "Gas wean, liarrng the required adaaattsa. and dodrow d baeeales His Majesty's royal red and gold on an intermittent heave and growl told the Du adoaRM.w stat6 the panels. Walter Mac Walter drew that a swell was running far irrto the Mur 4'•4� Tke gagaa res, r.tr raI r it out by -the -shafts,.and. had the. caves which undermined the huge the,shoe' a eaatlry allowanee sad traaarh� a ? r yhele-turnout rno�utaread�as lesslonaly ard- headland shivred Baxter's H little. She put awaae. to .ad M,r Now Torn. For taeaar 8d'1f1as neatly y p Y p laroraatlen saner-to the sererenbrtert - GREEN TEA y man. the shawl, which she carried across i - - "Get in!" The order to his wife her -arm,' about her shoulders. She - -- came like a rililitary command. felt somehow that the sea looked - tried it? ' The ti>n•T rich• But this was toe much`-for. one of. chill . - � He almost dragged Lilias to a lower ��• �tave of Otl< t f .,� - ,; .jutting pinliiacle. "See," he said, the watching contingent behind the es the view'is fine said her Ilevored Beeves .alfa tips are seeded blinds o! Baxter's Inn." Mra. con-1 husband, looking out underneath his pointing downwards lath the gulf with ` ais•ti ►t. Fisfer thea any Jdp Bra O! achar came out at the back door, a I hand, "but I know a- spot where you lie finger, they are itsflyio out and in silver latter in her hand and a paper .can see the mouth of the Guillemots' tike'spirits—Uke ghosts of the dead, 'Gtssf owdor. Insist- tl4 Off v�ALADA. P ; while the sea' calls beneath. Four p p folded upon it Cave, with the sea runnin straight hundred feet! '-ook—look! They'are g "Will ye be pleased to look at this, into it. I have not seen a for twenty,�k;.ning us! sir, before ye gang out o' my yaird years But I think I can find the His voice rose t a shriek and he A It"What the custom of the hoose!" place. It should be just by that little(compelled her to look over the verge. What is,.this: The words came pinnacle oa which.the raven is sit-` 1 gruffly .as Walter Mac Walter'tied ting!" As he did' so he loosened his hold on her arm, and appeared to stumble Lw • a new knot upon his whiplash; Lilias shrank back a little, as if with all his weight against her. She - The account, sir; if your honor unwilling to go any nearer the ver i - leases!"a "I am-tired,'! she said "I think eI fell forward�utward downward— ,. !p Waiter Mac Walter erected his would like to go back to the inn." and knew no"more. ; V. aur- "Nonsense," (To be roncluded.) he pp :y prisedwcontempt. without,however,looking a t her.u"It syr f he hoarse s Liniment. "I a ter" a ard's L i Te o I? L Ile Qi00MrM m not a tris g g going W n M h said, very is a glorious morning, and I am in i � rah e u e in nim n6 proud and high. to show you all the places I knew as' -aY' .• .- "It is a custom o' the hoose, air;' -a boy. I remember walking here - repeated Mistress .Conachar, fearless with y� t CHAPTER LII.—(Cont'd.) 1 And Lilias lay thus hour after hour, and implacable where money was con- He broke o$ short -Presently Llllas moved in her sleep staring at the blank black-oblong of I cerned. Babble Mac Gregor said "Give me. your hand," he said, 0 o .� and moaned restlessly. The watcher the door through whlc:i her husband afterwards that she was `fair feared abruptly,with a quick change of voice. ) ) y by the bedside drew back a little into had disappeared, her b-a and throat to hear her mistress speakin'that gate And he seized her fingers in a grip .the shadow of the curtain. Then% as not only parched but desiccated, her to him, and the -muckle ,black hyeny like a vice. ' hed brain almost paralyzed, her soul under lookin' as if he,wad hae etten her, There was a noise near him a stone she became still, he again approse p y + and, swiftly stooping, glided his hand the influence of such deadly fear that' Oh, if I had only jaloused!" dislodged itself from a crevice and under the pil!ow. 1 she could not even pray the prayer so "I am going for a little drive with trickled, slowly down the bald grey t He brought out in his hand a with- familiar to her—the eternal appeal of my wife, said Mac Walter. To look slope. Then with a quickening leap ered spray,of heather which once had;the sufferer to Him.who, sitting at at the view from the cliffs. I am not it sped over the utmost cliff ed and( - 'g the beim of the Universe, yet permits going to run away!" fel)—fell—fell=far out of Big and been white. At the sight of it a kind ' of fur took possession of him. He the sufferingto.continue. "How long, "Na, but I dinna ken but your hearing into the deep gulf below. Z stamped his stockinged foot on the O Lord, holongVt horse micht!" said the stout=hearted , Walter Mac Walter held up his left threadbare carpet, and gnashed his But now it was not to be so very landlady, still extending the sliver hand and inclined his ear to listen. teeth as he to the ,dried fibres apart long. salver. He listened in vain. No.splash came y ,a and scattered the duet-like leaf meat The light came clearer. The day Babble remarked that a "resale- up; nor any sound save the low boom- ' :.upon the floor. broke. It was Lilias Mac Wa!ter's resale ran up her back like pittin' a Ing from the caverna under. x Liaas Mac Walter turned over at Christmas morning. clean Sark on" at her mistress' words. "Four hundred feet," he said, with -. the sound, and opened her eyes upon . . e * She "couidr.a describe it itherwise,but a kind of mounting exultation, "four f. the startlingapparition o! the anger - Only Seems That Way. PP The morning was Christmas morn- qts, iKenned it was a warnin'1" hundred feet—and then!" ,.Irk seem always to give your esti, of her husband. ing over all the world. With the dawn Walter Mac Waster.pulled a thick They went on, Lilies with her fine "Walter!" she gasped, not yet fully the air-had grown keen. The soft wad of bank notes out of his pocket. boots growing wet and discomfort- her wag In everything." awaked from sleep. "Walter!" And breath of the cyclone had quite,passed. He*selected a couple, throwing them able as the shay slats cut them and "It only seems that w•a,y, my Wend— ., pp ` And still the men at the window Glittering frost had fallen with the I to Mrs. Conachgr with scorn, and the snow sifted in. Aterwards it ap- Oe takes it,"- _ watched with their hands Dense upon dropping of the wind upon the hardy crying, "There, woman, will that cos- peered to her strange that at the mo- p hollies and stunted lauieis around i tent you?" he helped his wife into ment her chief thought was a feeling. 4. ;5 the chill wood of the window lranie. Baxter's Folly. The snow had not the dogcart. of regret that she had not put on a - I The Classical Master put his hand be- drifted deeply, and especially on a l For the present, sir, . thank you!" stronger pair.. The diatanee takes the rKx ring train. :hind him to feel his revolves easy in;slope so wind-swept as that of Bax- replied the landlady,with strictly non- The edge of the cliff was thrown up The platform sleeps In peace again, Me hip-pocket But without a word, tee's Nees it was nowhere more than I commitaI curtsey. in a sort of bluff like the creat of ahush y or once removing the terrible fixity of!a crust; while save for a wreath or "I'll gie him 'Spread the cloth and breaking wave. A little wind-worn And t the s the sudden small is basad ' his gaze from that of the woman, Wal-;two behind dykeg, the edge of the. done'! Na, na—the black-a-vised gallery ran beneath, sided in the task The utile song of some etnail bird tier Mac Walter backed to the door and great el!$s which stand out into the gornia doesna breathe that can say of keeping its position by the original doesn't know of London Town - " so disappeared (German %ea3i all the way to Sand- the like o' that to Elspeth Conachar, backward thrust of the strata. And has no emote upon his,gown, r haven were blown wholly cleag. Ithouiph her Jeems, pair man, is dead .Walter Mac Walter had been hold- And Chelstield spire.at evening's edge It was twelve of the clock on as fine and in his restin grave thae fourteen ing his wife by the arm as they went Gathers the country; nel+d and hedge. t ■-�-= a December day as ever "lighted up years come Martinmas!" up the last steep ascent Now they Farmhouse and lane and tree and sod ; i � T� the white lace of this northern land paused on the very edge. The world And points:them ateadfaaUy to God. i efore life or sound appeared in the 'CHAPTER LIII•, seemed suddenly to w hollow be- _X R. Betts. Heath them. And the heart of Lllias— roome o¢cuppfed by Walter Mac Waiter 1BAx7"1Sa't5 BEttCs9. - RAPID and his wife. Breakfast had been ,7,-all her body seemed holiew also. - served at nia6 but at eleven the dishes During their short drive to thus Her i rstinct was to clutch the arm of Mtinard a Liniment for suit muscles The world's best had not been touched. For Babbie heights of Baxter's Heuchs Walter her companion, and only an intense _ .rZ�e hair tint. Will rs Mac Gregor.the maid-of-ail-work, had Mae Walter talked to his wife as-he personal loathing kept bier from yield- . store hair to its natossl I Optimism is a tine thing except ro - . gt�y given nog terrifying an account o! the�bad dorso during the first months of inR to it - Color in 16 minutes, g " when it takes the form that t'rovi- - dark-faced man who sat at'the table-1 their married life. He even pointed Coale here and I will show you the deuce will cut the kindlingfor the Small size, IL30 by. mail snd crumbling the "dottle"of his pipe out places of interest familiar to-him month of the Guillemots' Cavel" he wife. Double else, 16.80 by nail upon the tablecloth and among the from boyhood. There was Sandhaven cried, in an excited-tone. ' ldl W. T. PBII1blT$>fOr!• very diet s, and had growled at her itse:f, g.ittering in the morning light, Limited to -"let the fire alone for a meddle-(a water-to in white and red as the some fool" when she went near to wet tiles took the sun and the warmth 122 Yonas lit. Toronto weep up the scattered ashes, that it I beneath melted the thin snow. The, was thought best to leave everything smoke was blowing blue and gossamer! w0�d@V� ®�pQ�t�l�l, yfor Cna�'���� a:one for the present. . {fine from I -He showed her. the-flab- Hoggie, who did not seem to have ing boats bending their sai:s to fare' _ _ anything to do on Christmas morning.!forth from the harbor mouth, and the g . wandered to anJ,fro near the windows distant li hthouse, s Illar of cloud ' ;,. of the New House. He was prepared by day, of fire by.nint, rising from •; ' !' M to assert that_he was pruning -the the sea as the low sun of winter shone, yy rosebushes, that is, tzf any one had down on the myriad glasses of .its asked him what he was finding to do crystal crown. _. H • there. But no one took any particluar) "Now-we will go across the fields to y apparently had a holiday like this for a lora +r +" a notice of Hoggle. the finest view of all. We have not ;■ The "Auld Hoose" ]s a � +• g , . , '•; �' untenanted, save for a pew of reel time!'. he said,, cheerfully,• leaping vhich rose straight up-into the wind- down and-tying the reins W.a stone CANADIAN$ have tiow for the firet time a w�ondertul opgo�rtanki of less air. It was so still that when te- oat gab P becoming experts in one of the highest paid and rapddYp growing Mrs. Conachar's Brahma rooster Though the snare had scarcely eigne gocupations in Canada today, Mechanical Dentistry. Under the care- crowed suddenly in the yard it brought half a mile, he stung the bag of oats tat personal Instruction of Prof.'J, p. KTitzer,'Cansda:e moet.ln`eafCUB ' a • s '. a trickle of snow sliding dowV the roof over her nose, and left her to feed and original Mechaaldal Dentist, yon eat of the stable. Only a low grawlitig I at the entering m of life bare field 1 sough very far away could be heard, which divides the high road to Sand- which SHORT was the sea rest:essly at the haven from the yet more bald and MECHANICAL DENTISTRY foot of Baxter's Heuchs. t windswept- stiff-edge. Punctually at twelve the door of "This way, Lilias," he said, reach- W[ h of he tradELYe GUARANTEE to make you eagerness !a every • bleach of the cradle u You have only the desire and eageraese to learn. the New House opened, and a little ing his wife t hand to help ht'F over No age Umk—mo �p�rali minarf edtca•tfo�l r'equlremeaRa are neoeseary. 60 anle�t wreath o! snow with a wavy crest; a grbgt wreath of snow which und�- which had been making a Cambridge lated behind the dyke and rose into a 1!s WDOW 1s eathrely Individual you need not leave your pras6nt i blue shadow upon itse:f, collapsed in- final swirl that.pushed a white nose t+rioT but tea,bet the traJninc In our it*bt courses. wards on the mat. Walter Mac Walter a yard or two through the gate itself. Write for bather laforniatich, and about our plea to EARN WHILE l • held the door open for his wife to pass. It was the first time he had spoken YOU LILA RN. . tram for And Lilias came out, looking slender her Christian name in kindnegh for The Ontario �e$e of Mechanical Dentistry ' and even girlish in her plain black ten ears. dress outlines -against. the •spotless She did not reply, but gave-him a 208 K1 NG ST. W" COR. -SIMCOE. ST. -._ _. TORONTO _ - snow. gloved hand, and they went up .theAMR _ The pair turned into the high road .field without a word. A curious kind _..._._ _ ---• -• s together, watched, however, from of amazed apathy had com- over her. ` every window of the inn. The "Auld She even smiled to think how little she eonHoose" stood blank and silent with- cared what should happen to her. ONTARIO AGRIC�•' URAL COLIEGE_ out apparent observer. Only a black They reached the highest part of - IV26 Sunl lump sped seaward behind a dykeback Baxter's Heuchs, from which the cliff SHORT COUR$t8 IN AGRICULTURE. where the snow was lying thickest, It. began to drop, first in a little short l� S0 consisted of the hunched shoulders of 1 slope of bare re turfs to the e3ocx Am alsaD cava"Ott-- ` Ho a Haugh. grey Be Two woolits wrs iteb aaa�an gars - ggi gh. I brink and then in a four hundred foot' `-r■ottLTRY IWSINti-- �� This way!" said Walter Mac Wal- fail, sheer down `upon the myriad roar walk,�t.antr utn-FeDiv.rr 6th. red ter, cheerfully. I - s:ssLrrsNo-' • • And his wife turned obediently at`i lei oat Week ma*iiw-liar i� �� linin .service• his word. PRAJ.iecta axn DILAJNAas ernvETJNG- e " They had not proceeded far, how- Mother's Co hs and Tt'e welt,-Jaanan iaeD• Jaan.r, ard. ever, when the snow grew deeper in I )Rl1trIMLTMUL c0VV1Ba- - - _ �� l-' - " Olds X30 �lIC�'i� (a) Floriculture and Laadwalx Oardebrust" Stb- bruaryebruat7 6th. r"Mthe hollows, and the progress of Lilies i s of Fru1t anab vegetable Orowins-FeDman 8th- FeDraaq gOth: became so painful that her husband,I She cannot afford to bcaick JDAIST cot:asss- !r ` .aee����a who strode on before, waxed irritable • and neglect .her household (a).Course for Parton.. Cheese and Bnttermakers--January 4th-March •10th, - �� • t{ssea•{q "� duties. At the first IbYCow-Testing=Jaauery 11th-January and impatient. 65'mP' tc) Farm Dalry--Jamtary 45th-robrunry sth. „ �„ toms she prepares the way i ! t� Cannot you go faster than that. ldl Factors lfFe and Cream Testing, tndudtna Fartorf Atanagentent and Ac � for quick recovery by the counts--February Btb•Februars lath. . l! be, growled. "Here, take my handl r immediate use of Gray's 4e) Condensed and Powdered %tllk-Febriau Ssnd-\lirch 5th. - 7 But she shrank from the touch of . a household r Market Milk, melu ing sreahanieat neris"ation-mitrch 8th-lurch 101h. _ � Syrup— 1 ) D k d bowlhis fingers and struggled on, sinking tab) lee Cream, including Uochanical •rltMscntlon-March ltod-April 2nd. .. to the knees at ever rte .. preparation of sixty,- _. (D) Crsrmery_and,Crtum.nradiaa Coarse. togelhn gtth_Cheosamaking.ard Ye- .. ��e rewmal" y P• sato Standing. raaifte IiNr'.tractom naeoli aard•1105. 10th. •: "This will never do," he said; "turn r mefhKstw4ebete FARM pOa�g, tncludlns traotora gsaoltne enatnea. etc.- back and we will get the,mare and iAeLer•eatae Two Weeke--January Loth-rabruary eth, alloy l sesid�r our pkii lre folders? trap" I THE COLLEGE CAN-SERVE YOU WELL. _ - p, tl, Robertson, Tray. Pass, Agent _ "Here—fellow,". he shouted at the girtesn larN butldirya ua used for lecture sad laboratory rraMltr. _ 'S F. T. Hendry; Ueneral hgent .. 4ant0 Fe Ry. entrance of the yard, where is ths;t a e - --!arse r.rm, and D.ta.. Full farm eauipjnent. Fine Held. and }Etta . 101 TrdnepOrtatton slant. drunken scoundrel Of an ostler"' Large orcharGs. gardens and campus Iargs and well enuipped dormitories, dlniaf Dan jly Detroit. Aitch., Phone Main 6847 But Hoggie was far out 'of Sight and ayd aatum. A stag of endaAM-nn Dro7eyors. lectttrare sad detannateetora - - ��'.�'if Wrsreated ask for Conga• Calendar. or hearing. l L B. itETNOLDa, M.A.. .•• . . -A. U. POSTNrI- B.9.A., I will put the beast is myself"' he s a Pnisident. . Befsletrar. i SALIBli _ .. , ISSUE No 60—'2b. said, angrily. ( - _ - _ ,+.s.�,=3 r'�.l�k ,�,,. .'•,r. ',do- ., •s + 'n ... ,... t:^. „a.. Y .. . ... ,.,...:•" •.+,�.: a+. ,v'-' �i rb= -r ;vi. �a;, ::,-s.t .p ,.a.,. wa-a',,., ,n o� we..�sr ,.... ,.,,. •.,�,;a.'�..q.{-,^ ,s.a-,..• .. �:...,'. '" � - .. .; _r+.. .. t•+,s� - i .0 �' `�•-b`. r a:`� i,� a: -.,.p. . ... 1++!' J!3 rex Ole d`•r, ..-�.1<..sE' �Y�',F�• .a 12'�u..k2.sla:�r.','4 -,lfE�. a 3wa.syCau,�it.k 'S,ebJ JW �... ,fir �: ,�'..¢k3�'F�w'"v,aC1.s�seaH��,..�"�-'�".sr�vy.:...1..,. sit^„ .f? .. ,.��;, -. �` m.T _ __'�:icy.��__�_�r>��:�"�-er. �,._.�t'�f„�ti's�".":ut5a,e:r.,,,.r.�ww.u.::l ✓���'r�. m..u�.x�..i .:.;.....- ,-•.._ �:r :'• vrs•':".5r'"` "�` n..t'.aF.....,c "`,w."q" �.,v'x-, s -ar.:{':s M*.:w•w+^ stir.. „y,,,,,.-�,�.,: ,b... p-. , -•, 4.» _.. NIC:. .. �1i +,.. ... -s..'.53 m.,., ;rn�'"�' "ti_.. w.P'S•?"'_'w''1'.'"".Gt'.. a.. a'_1-;x'. fie S !!'T""r . N+• .,..tuY;'+1':, q r. -;d„+�q:erns.n.--ycv.:c,c+� ..,idh.'.Y.a� w,it . 7. r' r1 r WE WANT CHURNING L"BEARS LOSE FEAR OF MAN „ S t PER' y��a PKO. VAIC4lUM SAla-TIGHT) REA We sapDty _tans ,and pay .expreaf chargee. We pay daily by express - - phoney orders, which can be casrhed• .; :.r' - •. .- r '` �• 1 '"°" r knyvbeee..w.4ho-ut.any charge. " 1 To obtain the -top -price, -Cream s must be free from bad Savors and -.contain not less than 80,per coat ,. Butter Pak _ :y ` r t ,/� Bowes Company Limited, - Toronto y For references--Head Office, Toronto, Hank of Montreal,or your local L:.i:ker. :�.. �•,��/ _ Established for over thirty years, �� ���!t1�"� '� ,.., y < > •�'��f � '. {lllt'lllllil►IIIIN� �,�. : 5 : • r. ty - BLACK and brown bears at Jas- come so bold that they break into s �; per National Park have become I cottages and camps for food and Thelobac�'�(� f1 �� so tame that they frequently.visit bane to be destroyed. Photographs �+ V , 1 show black and brown bears at one Jasper Park Lodge grounds In of the construction amps c at Jae- ,fQua ��+- K} search of food, and, according to per, where they 'have learned to the report Rogers, Park of be--�than their enemy.—man as friend rather g y.—C.N.R. Photos. �. - - ke chances tiny more, ]Ovary six'showed that children with diseased, v 42 inches bust only. Size 38 brat months by arrangameart nttat to EXtI'SCtit)Ils � � Ve more likely to be wader- wires 5�, calls me hp and Igo ave hJm'wed >�ThY •��.: �1 Yards 36-inch, or_ 834 the t3iaa are chtldrea with yards b4-inch material. Price 20c. "'This business of getting everybody look over my Leet! If necessary he teeth. TE ,rural children also had � G. i i Many styles of smart apparel may to have their•'teeth examined beeme to removes tartar deposits. Each vUdt1moss diseased teeth than town Child- be found in our Fashion Book. Our 1 pe all bunk, said an acquaintance on costs me about three dollar@. Sia dol-'tea." designers originato.their patterns in I the opposite ..sat of the train as he lata a year for ineanaaee of my teeth I "I attppose you consider that to be looked.up!tram bit-paper. "Don't you Is moderate encu h. Nat � the heart of fire style centres, and, 8 bins can gel due to medtc�al tnarpection and sooes- their creations are those of tested i think It is just propaganda to give away on me now, as tar as teeth we�sitHity to denafsts." / 4 dentSste work?" concerned at Least" "Yea, the general standard of heaJt3i 4A I popu_atity, brought within the means I I studied my interlocutor for a mo- "Then You thlDk that thft talk about 1 La the children od this Dundas, pnbHa 1 of the average woman. Price of the meat or two and then replied "I was regular attanrtion of deaiiaats to toeth School, where medical is book 10 cents the copy. inspection has rr< -HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. In bed once for six tao the with acute is a Lhlntt" been carried on for eve ears was 44' J Waste your name and address plain. �a�rttls f the joints a It sometimes "Absol"_1 corrected myself in found to be nafthly* better then that T took me half an hour to turn over In time-"Yea, I believe n is an exc_1- i in the rural schools, This. Ls a prao- �a 1239 1y, giving number and size of such I bed. Then I Insisted on having my lent Idea Tyke these facts for ta-r tical demonstration of the value of A I tonal removed, I immediately bo- stance, Lea year to Duades Count medical ins patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in i y, inspection hr scbools It to stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap gas to Improve bwL only to a limited In Ontario a very elaborate _medlral�dlstreasing to record that in one rural N tj SATIN LENDS ITSELF TO THE ;it carefully) for each number, and.�exteut,- I waited a month and then I examd�nation was made-of 1,392 Child- district over forty•twe per cent of !Le TIERED MODE. address your order to Pattern Dept., lnelsted on being taken to a dentist to ren from toirn and country,,- cb.lidren showed dUmae of permanent ;. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- have my teeth X-rayed. The X-ray "What far," asked my acquaintance, teeth and that lege thin on&thiri 3f Perfectly. straight of line is the: iaide St. Toronto. Patterns sent by Alms did not show anything w'ronS. I "To find physical aatl medical de• 'these had received dental treatment," foundation of this crepe-satin dress, return mail. �*at•ted a *eek and then sent for a tecta, 7 perttcxrlarIp tuberculosis, sof "Th" it simply mea,na that dent" � ,with a little softening fulness gather- dentist. 'Pull this one," I told him, that the Information thus obtained in ;treatment must be.made available to 'ed in•on the shoulders, where the back) Connse] to Versemakers. putting my finger on a tooth which I as average dietrict would serve for children attending schools at a dig- 41 comes over to meet the front- The I Seek a grove maturely tall— hast long suspected because It did not the-province as a whose" _ Cance from demists or school dental triple flounces9fashioned from thel Northern elopes have proven good; feel quite the eame'as the others._ He "I see." services." dull aide of the material--are slightly Build a camp to last, and haul Dulled it. It hada pus Sac on tt jtret "Of the child eza.mt�ed 360 i20 That 1a ezaotLy the conclusion tuner at the aides and back than in below the margin of the QuanEitt of wood. td Sums. I per cent) had disease of w:+ the front, where they are split allow- � e'dx+yi�ar mo-i r9ac,)sed by,those wiho made the sur• r3 began to make further Improvement lars." vey. "You used almpst '4hetr very ;Ing the shiny side to allow through. Tap the trees on Leel of frost, from that day and my-arthritis tis- "W'hat are mis•year molars? words. Because teeth are so easily 'Phe narrow belt has an interestingCatch the sap in shining palls, e " i Let no Tour of It lost appeared Two years In bed and on Six-year moUro are-the, most Sm-'ta-ken Oars of and repaired; because a t' kie arrangement fastening to one crutches fen the penally.I paid for that portant of all the permanent teeth in diseased -teeth, are a menace to health side, The round neck and front open- Whilst the ran prevails. diseased tooth and one diseased ton- determining the shape of and are - �•; bpth ,the i reeponsfbie for poor nutr3ttoa; Citi, Y Ing is bound with the dull aide of Boil it, teat and boll again all." upper and tower jaws. (underweight and a poorer quality of I6r. the satin- Narrow bands extending, Till the sweet be clear and strong,, My acqua•lntance was s11ent. "You "They are also moat necessaryin childhood T into tabs, hold the gathered fu:ness of,Nature fused to crystal—then are sure," he asked. "that you located the process of.mas�tication,upon which I be-emu" dia�ea�t� mentally,equently �,S`s the long s:eeves Snugly to the wrists.l Sell it tor.a song. the cause?" the heal.h Of 1 growipg children .de. responsible for heart dt6eatfe, arthr}is No,. 1239 is in sizes,34, 36, 38, 40 and t —T, Morrie Longetreth. "Positive, I replied. "But i do not pends." and other Ills, one would think It 1 -- --- -- - - - -- _- -- • aso o ' ' woubd and be neCeasary to have the• ADAMON'S ADVENTURES •Inaddi ion 69other children (6 a"eation daewn to the" facts to bava peT cent.) had disease of. permanent the remedy applied.." teeth. other' than six-year molars. i "Well." said _ a q ua m9 c intancls, au.I, DOt1T (;E gfl1;1o�5 �� _ almost forgot, to add that 146 children Showed aq further inclination to`-tal>r, !T S 011 l?' r. r (11 per cent.�;had.previously hed'die. "I 1n 6nd to have my teeth gone.over T CML01A0 R 1, - east of Elx•year molars; but at the as soon as I Set he { me i this tri . time of examination the teeth were 1 Also, ae I happen t e boathe school Now come the regrettable part. t board, I am going to boost for.meds filled.. ty six cHild'r n (3 cent.) al- cal and d". pect-op In our town ready Tt it e r 1 i'After all, our gn r ! t Y 1 { tractedhad their six-year molars e= etas Ge the quality of our people,i and . e "'That-was a' .. z. ._ great'pity," burst forth by,spsnddng a little money we•can im :.e -' my acquaintance. "The Door little Prove the qualihy, We Snorease 'our a a► - -_ - beggars,wti start out in life with a wealth. Isn't that •true?" _.. real handicap, won't they?" I nodded thea as the train pulled ' "A•bsol—yee,"' I replied. "It is ap• 11lt0'my station, gahered up my traps parent that risers la still much to be and bade my convert said attieraoo1L done from the standPetfut of eJu ation —(}•C1:N. r - t to enable'e-hildren, an'd especially rural — ,- -, children, to a Preserve these first per. Why ie a poor.singer like a counter manent teeth. Tables prepared by falter? 'Because he is an utterer of i e experts in charge of thin survey bad notes. - O _ — --- � "1:111 N11 Fill 9 U414 ILA L, Have Success . s - with Tur' ke' ys . F� ` - ET the FREE Government Bulletin on 'e kX Turkey Farming. Showa how Simple it is to i - raise turkeys successfully when you know how, d =' - _ - Gives complete expert information on housing, 'feeding,breeding, dressing,conquering disease, - etc, _ ' - gfor starting your r NOW is the e n :i flock for next ymarket. Lo notime in , t sending for this bulletin, together with the Iia! giving the names of Sive hundred other free government publications on farm problems. Fill.in and mail this advertisement post free to z The Publications Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. < (Cnpy,ilh,.1944,by Th.Belt lyndicste.I-) - [Va7n•e.. 1 ............................................. - .................................R.Jr.No............... .Some People Have post o ........... ...»�. .Pxoviz ..................... ,. to be Shown. .�..... .................. ...... .�.,, u' •"° ' ',pr:.. ti. ,, ,..:..,'.call - � - y' Y ♦- . .. .': a'. _ .p -«o..- . C -d�-cv• r'+.'a. .:, ,..,,' 7r.'' .Y" u w..t''-'�+i•n..us.: •¢ , `a,... .« 3 ,..,:..:,—...a..ss"2,:u �, _..�: .. mr � m:,,a...,:.._ot �+ � ::r.�. -& •n. •s..-3::'t �- ..s...�...y ,n.ii�t�iv. .�3 ..wyu 50,. `a,.:�vr, w �':4.-',.x.c.+,s-. rt. ;t� u �t O Burton,75 yds Rrav coo 11185" R iceaery to the world• thin on to the 'The hokering ` 8 a phi. • � $ Devitt,86 yds gray coo 6 6,25,Gleo'rge Pacific Coast through no ever-chang• 9 Hodgson, haul gray drag can 7 22 87: Ing panorama of magnificoat soda,t�!8r Gooch1tf Z py1S A Trimble, drag haul Rrav cons 4.5 stupendous scenic effects. The Cana- },p - and Greenwood rd 6800; W Johnston, than National line through the moue- ]�1Ee �QInitt88' ;J:•`:11.76 per year.; $1.ao U paid in advaac4. ispeedptipas to the United States and Creat Ian drag and haul grav 18 to 26 non 6 Was skirts Cuanda s higbee-ta peaks at 'HARNESS x_00 advance. 84.371 Geo Phillipa. clean ditch haul the easiest gradient and lowest alti- Sdtain Our Harness an grav coo 6 9,60: O Carter,haul grav tude of any transcontinental route, r'sirpply of quality q i y H sr a W� con b 21.00;M Burk,ditto 9.0D; Lester the bighest point reached in crossing The object of thb Association le to Parts V now complete. s fOHN -MU RKARr Proprietor. Broa,crag. con.o 4 00; A Matthews, the-Great Divide" being 8,712 teat. lssssn abseils and Prosecute BpOTg-GREB SHOE dreg to 25 8.75; A You will consult your own interests If the teloos• cut weeds can 7 18 We have a large stock of tbjs Fametts + a f or,drag can 5 opp 18 to 25 8 l�; A you make pour next,trip west• by the , , PICKERING COUNCIL. Carruthers.drag.w tl Markham to pay Canadian National way. You have Boot on hand-unbeatable tear. members bawl rt► etolsn�m mteni for hard wear and tsar. d' -- bolt 682;also drag coo 8 rep bridge your choice of various coulee, sial- ` _ -"PAs above conned mat ursuant to bet 3193 coo 8 tf.T6:J A White lbb yds bound or westbound: you also Ifave REPAIRING -— pp sale immediiNoly�wiz an Des adjoorament on Mooday. the 7th init. Rrav cons �4 5 23 25, Whitby Tp bal the option of making the journey in a ' i ;Kembersall present. the..reeve in the due on townitoe acets28 73:D J Kean, splendid tourist car at minimum coat, of Eaoative Oommi't+sss. We maintain our established refuta r� B engioeering work on bridues 10'100; or, if taste dictates,the more luxurious Membership tis 61.00. tion•for repp►lrinR-alt triode o chair. Minutes of last meeting waste harness and boots. Bead and approved. Reach Tp, woi k on townline 10.60;L standard sleeping care .or compart- Tietasa may be had tram sae Preddens or: A number of accotants were presetrt• Pilkey: storage of rock-crusher and meat-library-observation care are at 8e•vetrr7 osappliwelon. _ GGIL BRADLEY ed-and referred to the respective stand- timber 6.1,0; Adam Spears Inspecting, your disposal. All-steel equipment ,Exact Com.-L. D. Banks,O.S.Palm. --ing oommittees. bridges 16.00:0 M Forsyth. ditto ib 00; and Canadian National.character .set- or, M. S.Chapman,Pickering. . Mr. Reid, of Fairport, wall heard obs. G}L Middleton,ditto 15.00;J A White vice insure maximum of travel cow- $erases maker, .,,jecting to the closing of Bay street. ditto 16 00; E L ChnRmap,,ditto t5 00; tort. D Munro Jail. Richardson. ONTARIO J.C. Bryant was heard complaining � Burk. grad and gran on a 50 50 Any Canadian National Agent win D. 1 PICBERINQ, of the action of the road sups. in dii- ba6ie 45 00;T E,Hn1, right-of-way to be glad to help you.plan your trip. psasideat. Bsose4ary missing a number of teams engaged it 5.00. •�i haulin�Tgravel, on the grounds that pit was Introduced and passed B1'JAUTIFIIL CHINA -the loads did not come up to the re• through its various readings appoint- " Listen quired measurement. tug a place and hoar for receiving Mr. Turnbull was heard re st ated etc, ad pia for the nig the el reeve 0 CHRISTMAS GIFTS road scraper,which he demonstrated etc,and places for holding the election at lenggth. thereof and persons to'preside thereat _ B. Burk was heard re bad con- deputy returning officers and IF' N ote the fe�llowing ° clition of road in front of his place. clerks. • See our display of Berry 9ets,•Satad and Pickle Dishes, John Phillipe presented his report all The council now adjourned to'meet 21bs,-beat seedless raisins 252 Cups and Peppers t Porridge bets,_ owe Plates, Halt Fancy web •'attendance officer for the year and Peppers Etc. Prices much lower than usual. 1922 a aiu on Tuesday. Dec. 16th, for the F 21by. best dates,. -._. . 262 E Toe clerk was instructed to write purpose of preparing a financial state- 2 lbs. beat figs, - 260 _ • the©, N. R. in regard to the bad'�on• went. `2 Corn Flakes, C . 22 , FANCY WRITING PAPERS clition of the approach to the railway 2Shvedded wheat, 282 A nice display ranging _. south of Kinsale. T 16 Bare Soap.- I-Q0 from 25c to 1.00. The standing committee on Contin- THE MOUNT ROBSON ROUTE 4 lbs. Hand Picked Beans, '25c R - x?ir codes reported and recommended ACROSS CANADA Beat Clover Leaf Cups "XM,S CARDS, SEALS, CARDS, CURD payment as follows: J Murkar, ptgti ;and TISSUE WRAPPING PAPER. _ " aotices of meeting 810; Hugh Pugh, The delights of a trip across Caned+► and Saucers, per doz., 2.15 never fade in memory, the interest Cluver Leaf Dinner Plates �' exciee and postage 15 00;C Bradley, never wanes,and the ecstasy of a day's, per doz. .2.25 . _rent of Pickering town hall re Magis- p, travel through the Canadian Rockies White Cn and Saucers, Xl4[A9 CANDY, NUTS, DATES, FIGS. a trate's Court,1925 15.00: J R Phillips, is an experience of a lifetime, The � o salary as school atteneance officer and route o[the Continental Limited wh[ch per doz., 1.75 ORANGES, BANANAS. GRAPES Etc., �: •postage55,11; D R Beaton,on account White Dinner Plates, .. in larger variety than ever. *. - salary 126.00: Hugh t?u h.salary all runs daily between Montreal and Van per treasurer a 300 00:T C Brown,salary as rouver, with direct connection from pec doz., 2.05 B®xT��B �ROC YY B$op Toronto. via The National. traverses All Kinds of Candies, Oran e:•. earetaker of hall 80 00: A Spears. cal- the beautiful lake country of North• $ .art am reeve 160.00: 0 M Forsyth, e- Lemons. Bananas and Nnta JAMES s RWHARDSON fist deputy-reeve 100 00; G L Middle• ern Ontario.and passna through ec)meon sale to Dee. 19th.' . of the most fertile lands and proper- "e- e . ton, as 2nd depute reeve 100 00' J A oua titles of the great Prair le Provio- �7�� �1 s 'White,as conacillor 100 00: E L Chap tea. A night's run from Edmonton ry . J. H L :1�1'J Si r mean, all councillor 100 00: A Spears, and you are iu J:asper National Park _ - e: Settling Leets with Whitby and Us- and the glorloua Canadian Rockies, General Merchant, bridge 800; (3 M Forsyth. settling Kc- embracing some of the finest mountain T ?ickering* �ar � ore (count&with Uxbridge 3,00; 0 L Mid• BROLGHAsi, ONTARIO dw dleton,settling accounts with Whit- by 800; T Gregg. att div court as n clerk Sept.and Nov.8 00; Ed Uleeson. t ditto all bailiff 8 00; D R Beaton, post- r uRe for 19Z 31100 _ The standing committee on Relief �Chr�st�asRen' ittanC�es _ :POULTRY VV� $ (� EVti -' reported and reenmmended the follow. jag payment: Muskoka Hospital for _- Oonsumptives, maintenance of R H Z. We sell Drafts, Money - 'Bowen from Nov 23 19.36 to Jan 1 1928 w • _ PRODUCERS . . . Orders and Cable Re-The standing committee on Bonuses _ l'rllttanCe3 on all parts )Oyster Shell and Mica Grit. . Laying Ideal �. for Wire Fences, Drainage Matters etc. repo eted and recommended the �o£ the World at lowest - __ and Bees Destr following payment : Adam Spears. t. - Sure'Death Louse and 1111 D troyer e r w • rates. ::.-._: _. convince you that these are the t } 8 l�e+a al 111 . alt watercovrae meeting bet Iota.80 - _ ar e� - and 81 con 8 3.00. Quick ,�1'!liC4f O The standing committee on Roods - ' :. _ beet n the m k � ' • . _. ,. . :M s Hardware. have eo stock. and Bridges reported and recommend- _. m is If}t} H � e we h It--& mplete ed payment as follows: The Pedlar ; t} not mads►.•' People,steel cutwert 8600: H White. - _ j �Optr Motto: 'We hive t, can Re t, or it ' Clean ditch Opp 12 con 5 haul gravel. W Conner.clean ditches ' ton 43760: _. . abov gran cons 4-5 26 00; F Hami-Icon. Q. P. #.1fNflL + yNlzi'81t BiR.AtMCH. lot 7 coo 4 6 2 W Mali M r bawl grow BROOK L C. CRs, Manspw ' �1i6 17 eons 4 b 27 W. 9 Murdoch. show L.�' BR.�.t11.'!�. -• - ... _ _ ;. _ ,•:i _ grev 1617 cone 4 5 11.25; Chas Puller, _ -.-r......-••...- - - -• JI ��,��Jima� t' Ihmal gray ppias and out weeds bet 18.17 is S• J�+�+DO 261 W Carlton, haul gray plow 16 IT cone 4 5 9D W. Mrs H Ellicott. 333 pda grav 15 17 cons 4 8 48."-. Mrs W Sadler 190 yds gray 4-5 con d 1Steve Forsch e fi COLOUHOUN'S FURSdrag coon 8 728 OD W Steveowa.haul Rrav 4 5 cos 6 ib 00; J WairY,ditto important ° ��_W 15 00; C Richardson,ditto lb 00;John Dunn,ditto 10 00; H Ma•tyn, haul andr e 'ehov grav bet 45 con 6 bet2.8.con 5 ab -out • Furs Remodled FU R lined 40 00;L Bell, show grow 4 5 coo 8 7 50: 7` AR Malar, haul grav drag cone 4 6r•� urs Repaired 58.82;0 Mackay. bout grav Opp 27 con • a b bA0 Hugh fPugb, sites con 617.00: - .-W Booth, ditto cons 4 5 22.60; Ray 8 made or er 12086 e Randall, show grav con 6 326:T thirst, iCoat f,o d P - Reasouabl haat and show grav con 6 110 yds grav go 00-. A Conner,clean ditch haul grow What .Lt/ 'U a ' • �, cons 3 4 5 48 78;U O Latton. ban grav O H O _:. _ think about eon 6 16 00; W J Bell, haus and spread - Manufacturing FIIrriers �- straw rep culvt cut weed@ cons 4 and b 94 00;J Oadden,dyynamite and labor in CHE"01= 18291 Danforth Ave., (near Broadview ave ); Taront# JLwbmaa' It it b0; B Appleby. haul I - ed in tie �tCres e t Whitby to pa 00;ball 9, W _ $arbroo,ditto 7.00; R Day. ditto 2 75: A E Jones,ditto. 26;J A Jones.ditto number Cai'� ...PI K E R i 110 25:B W 3wnea,haul grav drag e t 1 tit NG -Whitby to pay halt 13 70; D Jones, PriT BUT -abovRra v Whitby to pay bait IA; , Wm Dune,ban[ grow e t l Whitby to Fbey half 26.00: M Hickey.haul grav -. ARKET t 14.15 con 9 and bet I6 17 b 1 and het MEAT _ 1028 son 2 65 00: F H Richardson.98 ds Rrav bet 22 28 con 2 4.95: T Law. '20at per ib loads gravel 18.17 con L 3 46; R 61 - L _ '... Round Roast or 8tsak, •.• „ - - Brown, drag bet 2 wad S'cons 2 and 8as ... , drag 8arloio RodeL or Steak. X60;h Salter. dg cat weeds range t Sana base linea Iota 18 to 23 15 60; R4•y �U RING the' past Six months Porterhouse Roes or steak, .. •Ward•salary Oct 31 to Dec 7 171 10; CANADIAhIS have bought over 1mP �• •• Po also freight on grader repalm and on •• cable for railing telephone to Hamil- lb Rose •• •_ _. .. 15,000 New Chevrolets—approxi- t Fine R- t, - Rib ilon 7 80;F Cowie,drag bF t 27.11 can 7 Heat/ Roas 8 00;?J o Spann,spread grav drag an '' . mately 100.Canadian-built Cars every Shoulder Roast. _ god lAu •' _..__ d-rat1m her bet 8D 81 con 9 8?6;cam w - '• Frets,baut grav bet 90 81 con 9 7.50: P working day. •• '• , .. ' Pot Rose(, l . bighswander.ditto 7 50: E Lewis. 12' ... ••• .. ,,,. ._ '. • ' cis , ket,�to bail � . ds grav bet 90 81 con 9 180; 111 Pugh. - .. _ 1B 250 ,• 1 �sul Rrav 52 yda grav Ines 12 and is pwner8,everywhere are telling their Leg'of , Pork,_ eon 911 80:E Ward, ehov grav con 9 Loin of Pork. .. •� .. ' 200;C Armstrong, haul grav 12 Is ears % -friends about Chevrolet performance oa tet Roast o or ... E 'ti 00.J Coates. ditto and clean ditch h .. .. ... g 1 L f P k ,• + ` 20.28;T Annan, haul grav 1011 cons "and Chevrolet quality.-11119 ,13 the :. Pork Choos. _ Po � . .. Y reason- for this phenomenal sales - Pure Pork Sausage, . . 282 _ 9.00;M Br Cant, ditto 8,00•F Crawford, "' •- 26e ditto 8 00;C Bryant. ditto 9 60;R Bre• . . •• sot. ditto 7.b0;J C Bryant, .drag bet SUCCesS. F`tneet Breakfast Bacon, Piece, •. $5c �. F 20 11 cons 2 3 opp ? to l2 coo 3 and Zi r ,. �• alt ... J '1.-a 352 clean out culvs 8 75; 0 Burkholder,68 _ `ced•. ' yds grav Markham t 1 con 6 Markham - - 1 r whole), �• • -to pay'halt 8:70: also 116 yds grav lots A •'• ' Mild Cured Cottage Rolls(half o eA � 27 to 83 cons 4 5 17,25; G Tran, drag �•• & A. Te LAW, ••• • • •• " . . : � Back Bacon. 50 d' - ... ., 4 haul grav cons 4 560 41i; G Tran, drag Cooked Ham,... 5515 w t l Mark- baol grav Instal pipe on _ 250 _•' ' • ham to pay hal[ 2826: 14 Anthony, .Ontario 'Weiner@,-. hanlgravoppcon 5 w t 1 Markbam to Picki6 U]gy • :Read-Uheeee,. • .•• pay hatf 40 00; D Aunts,74 yde grav t Shorten ink. 90 and het 32 88 con 4 and shoe a re and Domestic . �„t be bs 55 cencents' -- - - - - - Ley d D °Sh itlp•6 1 90 Ell . r• straw can 618 10; F Turner. clean Leb- - _ _ -- -. _ _. ,, +� � lb grime 18 Cent67 man's pit haat grav rnin 7 78 82: Chas CRCCPr, haul Rrav ery Friday: 2080 con 7 10 00:F - ._ - ` Fresh Trout and'White Fish Ev Wright, haul grav drape r.,ns67 20'26: Michell, abov grav 2930con 7 700: DICKERING F Seebeck, haul grav coo 5 31.011;J 0 W. ` fj REID7 � � DCM4M0N -y"IT�Fff�in, 1ti-ml qr,•- �•r.., R7 nn: S.Rnr• !DI gess. rep iron p,w,.. '�i�,;ncalr iiUc; .l i �'hP�r.: - .. :.. -:,... :., .c. �, ,. . -...., ,`. .- . :rs•:;�'�• ' nx'- s.f' -sc.1 ^_:.�+ sL .r..^'i .d.,,. � o. a� < .. ., s lr - .... :_ ,•.. ::: -.. '.;.. . ,,,,r;,- ac .f. 2" .:,,°F 'St/;. ,� -r ..ate-w'••r r'�a yY- _..a..:H.. e. .. ..a..a <t,-. _c, _i.. .:.:.+...:, .... .. '_- _ ». ._:..._ -r. ' -5 .wdu' + -,.t�4: � ,. .. d c.,ate: •. - _ �''`i a�, '^ii".. 't ...:� syv �a+ -.....m..w•:i.c.r, ,-p ..;d+�a y-. ,+e-�c� y�L'�t - ny,. :.. :y,".:a..We' ... "�'.. •.: .-. ... .'..:':4.,, .�.. .�. ..-+ily,. - ' •Ypy..{`.JGFu Pw�" �a .yl• Z fi„�''a -.�f1�uLN: r"4,A N. .->%A:.n1{ ++4 K .WY'S :'� f _-1ClAR�MONT. Jae. Underhill will hold an anc- Led _ tion sale of standinirtim ber at lot 8, � a Bonus , I Maple Leaf Mutual k{ A 'good variety of fresh Sell con, 6, Uxbridge, ca Friday next. But It Dido t Pa3 Far FALL&WINTER Months ` always on hand during the winter �TiB�!'aaCe Co. ilnoothe at J. Pin uld'p. + The house and lot,also furniture lie had a fob with a big Trans rt +ate V helonginit to the estate of the late compear, driveng a team and b'a°n- WHY NOT Mies Charlotte Johnston. of To duns big cases In all kinds"of weath- Gib `ionto; has been spending s few Miss R. Underhill will be sold by era His mother was a widow and 'rake out a t«xw erg stock Cheap rates for farm and country � ? auction on Dec. 19th. there were ave to be tea. I made with ' building@. days with Mrs. Thos. Coady, y. 111.60 a week and a bonus of ii.00 s You cam maim good money lie�d bd Mrs. Readman, no her•wa from Mise Robinson, a missionary month for extra loads. I used to et maeeriasy to yarn n. • Ia�ma . y y wet through but If I didn't stick I lndetorm Insurance on buildings, �e :_Toronto, stayed off one day-last from India, who is home on fur- didn't get the bonus. We Pay Our Agents �Wwind-mills,silos etc. . ` :- - week with friends in Claremont. lough,spoke in the Baptist Church nae may r fell Ott my to and welb w moately,sopvy g the said I had tainted,and the doctor oaest ■ad cassy the t atoear a -- -- Jack Brillinger began last weep on Sunday morning to an appreci- said my chest was weak. I had to go cae.al�-,scam a,��ree..ehe,>m., --•- •Automobiis Insurance :_� ,�,•, his a rentieeship to the black- ative audience. Mies Robinson's so work la the tnoruing when my ate. wsitm for y�iedsn of all kinds, pppp suit wouldn't be dry. A tow weeks , aseithing business with Lorne home le•in Bobceygeou. While in more or work and I got another spell Pf .LHAM NURORRY 00. "FARMS FOR SALE f" "Reid. Claremont Miss Robinson was the and they sent me n� here•' TORONTO s, OMT. ; Ili the Muskoka osp ttal for Con- tw4ti Miss Merle Stephenson has re. itues"f Mise S. E. Evans, sumpt,ves, Herb is anding,rest. care >� r+• go .briobee 4o yeao acres Write or phone Ka .signed as assistant teacher in the and goon rood beyond anything he ever ez enced. The Doctors and continuation school.havibg eccep- xnrees thin Quiet helpful chap , ted.similarpositionlnBirehcliff, Farmers Attention and have hopes that health mac — ED. -B O W M A N stfbn th w[Il come back to him be- where her parents are now reaid- f fore Fongg, i A S K E T S Coatrlbntions may be seat to Hon. saga I'am agent for the World's Oreateet W A. Charlton, Pr"dont. 89i col- � WHITBY, ONT. � James Alloway, who has been Separator• °"rhe Renfrew," Stoves, Is" Street. Toronto f, Ontario, Having purchased the stock from. � in Bowmenville during the past ,Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's the Estate ofCLAREMONT �� few months making apple barrels, famous Plows,Pointe.Grain Grinders, W. G. BARNES and the entire i returned to Claremont on Friday Wheel Barroweetc. Are e �/feat to resume hie work ae mann- Brantford binder twine and second- g��� � I business of JOS. W. DOTEN �,;,%REAMG R J l pier of the 1•rooro. hand separators for sale. 1 Am prepared tp supply all sizes Clark and Mrs. Rawson'. of To- from Berry Boxes to Three Ilighest price paid for ronto, accompanied by the tatter's r �RIOBT. DEVITT, ettiC]€; T�ttdy tOr and Half Bushel• lOream at the pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Phone 606 Pict.; BROUGHAM »- ° motored out from the citylast _ 4, - Arleen River Basket Works ` ' Sunday and spent the day witty :Snothf�r XmaB Phone Mark.6409 ClaremOtat Creamed "F. M. and Mrs. Cooper. , r Give as a trial and be convinced • Clarence Wilson, who has been + � —.�.-- FRAAIi PENNOCK• a resident of Claremont for some -The Man that made the Barnes' time but in his hasty departure he a " neglected to leave his new add rees. Nice Plum Pudding, any size, Basket. BEATTY He hass, large number of friends � Ii0 cauls per Ib. °_. .. sass• - �,{ in Claremont who a regret his OROCg12lF-5 Xmas Cakes, decorated and iced � 11 1 N G L 19 S STANDS FOR THE BEST-de rimes from their midst. with Almond paste, at$2.50 It is now nearing Christmas ptR and is looking forprer. and 51.25 each. 1 �'owLAR T onto. No better one can be secured �9 Short Bread at'15cr cake than a.Westinghouse Radiola for Nova scolia Shingles � w the famil The may be secured ''�— •Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles - ?` yy. y -iso Fried Cakes at ZOc doFen Bird's Felt State Shingles . from F. Al. per, who will be and many other good things, . for sale at only too gletd to give a detnonj *� T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT %�' , stration. ' XMAS t .XMAS 1 Christmas Confectionory,Candies, �• ' Fred Evans had a ver narrow Nutp, Grapes and Oranges Gall and get prices. y Cornea but once a year and with Pe escape from injury on Saturday some housewives it IA a source Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Wt. He was coming along the of trouble just where to p y' .'"�`• ~ ' ninth concession in hie truck, and buy their Fruits etc., - - Fruit Rrees, Shrubs Etc• �, �, when in frontof Mr. McCullongh'p for their Cakes and Puddings. — — "` r where the road is in bad contition Having secured the agency for T. W. Litter Carrier9, Hay Carriers* - something went arroeg with the The quality of our goods la the Bowman A S,In• Star Nurseries, Pumps. Door Tracks. Cow xr steering gear and the track went very beet and if you feet dispos- RtAgetown, Ont. Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc. ; ed to tet as fill our Order your ,{�� I amprepared to rate orders for all It will a you to et ® rices on plunging into the ditch. Forton- y y 17j p y y g y w„ troubles will be all over ►� tindN of Ptuit'14ee«, Small Fruits, above be �rebuyingelsew ere. ;. misty Mr. Evans escaped injury, in that -'expect. w�t+ i Ornamental Shrubs Rtc.. at r� but the truck received consider- JKi1ri I loaeec plrls•inle prtcea. 'FRANK T. PROUSE :able damage. You can send your children to i (shopp) with absolute confidence,els HONE.9W Special rater for large quantities. PIOBLR1NO, - ONTARIO On Sunday, December 18th, at we do not charge anything extra ► 1 c0 �btr - � - the Baptist Church. the paster Iw,, l. ur S 3 will preach morning and evenin¢ Rhea the kiddies come, N T. (:]]stpiIlan Picketing I7��/ s FF�rr A L 14 �n,k The morning su 'ect will be "If r Our stock is complete. Ye Break Faith and the evening Guaranteed, or your money back Electrical Ountraot4r ik''$teli lion tirade to Your Measure." if not sstlaSed. RubbersRUBBERS Rubbers fifth in the series entitled '•Stud- ise In Temptations." Come to both FRANK -CNIDLOW, At thw.vPry"nlnment when th-y are Mo J04fL needed. I am prepared to accept oen. Vii or anther of these services. Tbe» how about Thursday night? Ask CLAREMU:uIT, ONTARIO tracts for eleatri0 u _ those'wbo come to pre er most >Jvinnq in fag R itis worth while. Then comeThexs+.srw:of w very high grade and Psi watataisdiltst value. They will PICBERlNi.4 VILLAOB ` yourself and prove the trach of ke••p y.ttt worm and dryrtu ea fit evry ne. I rwtsat they tell you. V ( ►� - . aIId vicinity. r, F - rXm * Men's-husbmun rnhhrr•. 7 eyelets. rasp P-hro, white 'PA)IPs a 18.00 Estimates given free Very seldom h+rve the ro4dp Y t H ii[ mak;. -"been in worse condition than they - Prires reasonable - _ areat present. The heavyrains _ Men'o rnhh6wQ. I..tnor tap+. white oi,le. +nNkr ur,,.,�f. white foxing, �. of last week and a laar�¢e aount - - ler 15 614--h •+1.5.00, 12 in. 4 50, 9 in _8.75. 7 in. 8.50. Phone atpmlOy expense to Gerrard -" w or write to 8 5 of traffic resulted in their being ant up badly. As the rains were A full line of Xmas Child'•and Royce' •nhh.•r, 4 PyelPts, Trilled edit.• -,anti pnlid heel, sizes b "1< followed by .severe frosts the to 10. 185, 11 to 18 At f.60, -4 1 to 5+u t 1.90. . .roads ars now in a ver bad c-)n. 46 Franklin Ave. {' y IGOOdB 110W On - ' .-Gntrihrrmer.•.• 1tYllt prsx, 100 p..r w•la,l–Hen •t it 1.00 and 75c; ditioo on accona of the deep rnts. Rr►y'p at 554-., W. Nnd 75r•. $. which extend from one gide of the Tf)kONTO EAST toad to the other, and many being exhibit about a foot dee The Brock t ,411 +c f 1Phode 8800 rn� ,y+. '. -' read between Claremont and the 1DCIUdlilg �• FINGIOLD S � H. „` �J �'� {U y seventh concession is in a depinr- - I 'l�! ON T C N T rs TIO ' it t✓Z TZ Do nest neglect putting your oa- able roodittoa and the sideroadAy are even worse. OY ti shiner ander <Y,vrr, as win- p Considerable excitement was 1 t _ ter in here, and then you T created to our village on FMdRy *t can get your rPpraiae Ir evening of last weep, when some dune isp cog time person conceived the idea that It I�A DhO S for the spring work. - -`•-- =would be a bulla joke to ring the t� .. .; �.et Your Banker He Bre4darm. The night was dark E 1 C., ETC. ..to Bind Your Success L O K N E K E I m►and very foggy and the readsra ,. fr - '• +were simply a maiWof mud. Ina ' CLAREMONT y .dew minutes after the ringing of Fe Me C O O P ER the bell the firemen were all on n baud ready to do their ditty, and .-GLAREMONT '=' �` ' ""'"""" Grain ' every other person was out on the -_ " AND F'L' kHINi3, street to see where the fire was, while the operator at the tele- HE Farmer who t am prepared to do Obopping'sad ' phone central had a busy time 'ab a acquirersRJ Oat IMahi�ng-o"rt Monday, tolling sit:toms that beTrelies upon his Wedtr. dRy and Friday $� t dM not know where the fire was. "The report was eirenlated that the Al most'Mire 1 Stooetsosu For Sale ' Are was at the C. P. R. station ( ' banker for advice and asslstanci� i Jahr F. Bayles. Claremont' to that point the engine wap ' : In matter of fnaII is free t0 gurltllg„ute No. S - driven but only at a very slow sate, as the wheels sank a foot or gee the big Christmas sseort- &-vote 'all his attention to the �A more into the mad. Joe kisop fol- No We STAFFORD lowed with his car loaded with meat of Goods—some. willing fire-fighters When half actual problems of faiming Marble and Granite Dealer. way to the stege of the eoneagra_ tb g for both old CPmet.ery LetterihK etc. tion, which was not, yet visible, : ' his Car ran into the ditch as the _ i�'ir1•c-clava work # donee fog made it almost irupogo- and young. . - Enlist the assistance of by araaranteed. ibis to keep on the read. Tbw rR- ":`the Standard Bank of Canada Kingston R;md and Pickering ding rode were badly bent and the •��-- , - Fart Townline, oar had'to be abandoned. When the station was reached the menClaus '1 which, for fifty'two years, has PbPooe Whitby 88 R sa realized that they were the victimP. SalI1 tS �Vl l l "br zr 40 P.O.-Wbicby R. >s. 'ef a cruel joke as the alarm was here On Saturday faithfully served the Agricultural Only a false one. To say that there were some angry people in the - afternoon aft -:interests. in this muuOn. -village that night is putting the •natter very mildly. Had the per. December 19, 192b Consult our loco�r k Vetmter of the joke been identified ttiftlf le�� a that night he would have had the from 1 .00 to 4.00 ".Panlager, pkRyN� time of his life to epcape being t Dlll�nilt lynched. When the fire-engine n clock. was taken from the fire-ball ' IIIIIIN IIIIIII•IIt111111111111111I111t1111tl11111Yt.Iltlllllll•1111111•NIIII{IIIIIItNIq Iia 111111111 IIIIIWIa , fit was spotlesslyclenn but whenYM- I of rssrtals and aelnRa It was taken back it cmild hardly Dont m1t•s him boys and girls It will ay you to call at 1•ur Works. 1 r.1f111J �► be seen for the rand. It may not he wants to see to inspect our stock land • ' be generally known that there is _ obtain prices - y011 all. All nrders left with out- alrent,A. T ' townphip by-law by which R STANDARD BANK Law. Pickerin will rpr•ive our 1person MAY bp,henaily flneri for - s ; prompt and careful at-i-itioa . Ri g - OF CANADA ca n ringing a false flee-alarm. CORPCA- t• � _ ,� 11 s lieitPri lois Wid Miller rltarlarev�hRt tf he D C T T TWO HUNDRED AND-THIRTY-ONE BRANCHES lover finds not the Ilei tm,tclr Ilf a A. - THROUGHOUT CANADA mot J T. MATHESON the diabolical ripe ill d h t, w - r, 1 ,r it. n,rtl.e' CLAREII(1N T' .. , •tiv t: khem , r1Pnr•v for +••� 1•' _ a. ... t ...... :9 sass: ..:: '• „o... ;T '..�,- •`5r.. N6_ ...e.... • ...,+tea'•";' ":r'T •,e,hh, .: mf•r..,, .:..,"„§.. r sass ,.,..Y._ -_ •.- -:.. — -.�' .:C., a:a.:,,g. sir „ocr F'�y .. ...-x.s S'i�r,'.e"'. r. .`ks ac,c;�-u;.,,ar& .v... : af'ai.. .. -a-. �4-a..... _. _.,,;` a:_.ctv^vkre.,..,•�a'�•,y-ey.+..+.ea 3y,..�:.>- -�'(�,..;a'.tin- r1'�_ � .y <'t bast., .,,, ��u,hr � a,,..;r-F.aa„iy'._..•. _".' ,.�•'`•�*'� "•.�'''�' -eat + : - ± ia. v " dR.. .t :'vt"..' ' . .i.J4'6'meq. .y.�:ps•A,n.^*w•I•R *a'.,w-•4` `.,.,,�,�.es^•;*'�r✓•7:a!A , { 3,r; - _ SPECULATORS CAUSE ,5., i_-�_p�.iT p� ` LOCAR, O TREATIES SIGHED IN LONDON +FLURRY IN WHEAT' INTERVENTION OF LEAGUE PREYENTS a USHERING ' GOLDEN AGE OF PEACE Excited Public Trafficking , : VAR BE LEEN GREECE AND •BULGARIA - i _ Futures in Winnipeg Pit. - A •despatch from London says:- of Nation,representing Italy;.Signor A despatch from Winnipeg says:--j A 'despatch from Geneva says:-A designates the refugees situation as nder the gorgeous ceiling of the P1lotti and Marquis Medici, members It begins to look as if the wheat mar= bare margin,of two and one-ha:f hours!one of the major contributing factors. _ of the Italian delegation; Dr ,.Luther, ket was off on another mad ride. In ' It-finds Greece almost entirely to great hall in the Foreign Office, the I the German Chancellor; ,Dr.. Stress- -the last four days, since the opening stood between warfare on an extensive'blame and has assessed damages total- p.enipotentiaries of seven European marina, the German Foreign Minister, on Monday morning, the price has sea's in the Balkans when the League Iing $0,000,000 :suss, about $249,000., nations signed with golden pens the and Herr von. Schub6it of the German jumped ahead 18 cents. ' The advance of Nations intervened in the Greco-' Of this amount $146,006 is assessed Treaty of Locarno and its subsidiary i Foreign Office. on Thursday atone was 7 cents.' Bulgar dispute, according to revels.,as reparation for material and moral treaties, which optimists believe, will At the end of the table, facing Sir Speeu:ators are curia into the mar- tions made in the Rumbo'd Investiga-•damage,P g Idame which includes the toss of,the bring to Europe a golden age of peace.4 Austen Chamberlain; sat Herr Kemp- ket, and it is apparent that a:most tion Commission report. I life of one lieutenant, four soldiers, Long before 11 o'clock, the time set ner of the German Foreign Office, and every town and village in the country When the Briand utimatum i two children, five civilians-.the wound- �.-for the ceremony, those bidden to at-i M. Rolin of the Belgian delegation. has its group of citizens taking a flyer reached the capitals Athens had ord-I ins of nineteen persons the loss of -tend began to enter the beautiful Far-!On the side of the table at Sir Aus- in wheat. I Bred 'a mass attack upon Petrich by I working days by 3;500 peasants forced s sign Office hall. They included j ten's left sat Mr. Lampson of the Last year an orgy of buying by the 1,000 men and three batteries of artil- from their homes, three cases of rape statesmen, diplomats, the wives and!British Foreign Office: the French public shot the price up until early in lery, while Bulgaria had issued orders and the extortion of money-from the s, daughters of the signatories, and Premier; M. Briand; M. Berthelot, February it had reached the record to a defensive contingent of one bat-'peasants by the Greeks." acorea of newspapermen. In fact,! Permanent Secretary of the French of $2.21. This was followed by a!to:ion of regular troops with twelve! Both Greece and Bulgaria are send- arrangements for giving the press a�Foreign Office; -Foreign Minister break that took it back to $2, then cannon and hundreds of irregulars to I ins delegations to the December Coun- good view of the proceedings vied:Bones of Czechoslovakia: ' Foreign down to $1.70, and later to as low as;contest tke advance. -cil. Sofia will accept unequivocally, with those made' for.,the movie men. Minister Skrzyrski of Poland; M.,$1.45. i The message from Athens to the but Greece is expected to ask ame',i- Almost all the seats on one side of the Przedsiecki, his fellow-delegate from The price of December wheat on, commanding officer to halt the ad-; oration of the conditions, which the hall were reserved for British and, Poland, and Premier Vandervelde of Thursday was higher than cn the same, vane arrived at 6 a.m.; 8.30 had been League is not expected to grant. The foreign newspapermen, who totalled' Belgium. date a year ago. December closed at fixed as zero hour. Had Petrich been!commission recommends that the fron. _ more than 160. Ranged before them I In a long row behind the side of $1.60 5-8, compared with $1.58 34 a 1 attacked the losses certainly would tier guard system be reorganized by An two rows of seats were the official the table where the Germans were year ago. The May and July options,I have reached hundreds, lighting a commission of the League consisting stenographers. ,seated a number of diplomats and at- however, are not quite as high as a flames of a war which coeld not easilyof frontier officials of the same na- The signatgries entered with others.taches year ado, bein ( g ,• - -, grouped themselves, Behind y g $1.61� and $1.59 3-8 have been ektin dished. The Rum- tiona.tt who will work in close co- who were to sit at the green table in Premier Baldwin and Foreign Secre-+respectively, compared with $1.65 an� bold report is an extensive document,o y ' I gra I po ! peration with each other on opposite +the,centre of the room. First of these�tary Chamberlain the distinguished!$1.63 a on Dec. 3 0! last year. which reveals as causes of the con-; sides of the border. It also urges to appear was Foreign Secretary men who took seats included Lord Thursday bewas highly eat pit at xciting. No�on filet the inherent defects in the Pron-i immediate adjustment of the minor- -Chamberlain, now Sir Austen Cham- Balfour, Chancellor of the Exchequer one appeared to know what was going!tier guard system in the Balkans and its and refugee questions. berlain, with the German Chancellor, Winston Churchill, and the •other oto happen next. Buying of options t Luther, and French Premier, Briand,!members of the British Cabinet and KITCHENER CHILD CANADA'S NET DEBT - ;q I by the local public, higher cables from ..� . on either side of him. The distin- numerous ladies. Liverpool, and sews of bad crop con-group seated themselves ati Proceedings were opened by S_r p p SWALLOWS POISON HIGHER IN NOVEMBER dt the table in the following order: a Austen Chamberlain who rd a tions in the Argentine all combined i read to send prices soaring. Although I Dies from Burns Caused b i Interest Charges Foran the p Mr. Chamberlain took the head of;message from King George welcoming I mat has -shot ahead y oats barley,! ithe table. On his right sat Premier j the delegates, expressing satisfaction flax and rye are all considerably lower Drinking Cresoline, Twice ;Largest Item of Ex. p " ;Baldwin, and on his left Sir Cecil because London was chosen as the i than a year ago. as Sbrong as Carbolic. penditure, Hurst, legal adviser to the British' place for signing the Locarno Treaty, Wheat marketed to date In theWest j ideloegation at Locarno. Ranged on and regretting that the death of a totals 265,000, Kitchener, Ont., Dec. 6.-Gloria A despatch from Ottawa says:- 000 bushels. the side of the table to Chamberlains; Queen Alexandra prevented celebra-+ „ Sather.and, the one-year-and-ten- Canadaa net debt increased by $22,- -. J right were Signor Scialoja, head of ting the occasion by special functions, Rich Asbestos Find'is months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1594.074 during the month of Novem- , the Italian delegation to the League as had been originally intended. . . Allister Sutherland, 38 Courtland �+ according to figures issued by the Made in British Columbia , Finance Department. - - --- - Ave., died in St. Mary's Hospital yes-i The net debt of T $11.76; do, country pointe, $11.50; do, terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Dominion now stands at $2,382,- M MARKETSoff cars, $12.75; select premium, $2.42. A despatch from Vancouver, B.C., terrible burns sustained when the child 1616,883, as compared with $2,360,022,- S� MONTREAL says:-Asbestos nearly equal in goal-: swallowed a quntity of cresoline, a i 809 on the 31st of last October. Dur- Oats, CW, No. 8, 59%,e; extra No. 1 ity to that of the famous deposits poison twice as strong as carbolic ins the month of November of last from which Quebec supplies the world TORONTO. • • •�'"' teed, 56%c; No. 2 local white, 53�§c. acid., year the net debt showed an increase, y Man. wheat-No. 1 North., $1.67;, Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., firsts, has been found at thq head waters of The child was downstairs playing, of $35,405,272 at the end of Novem- �" J 7No. 2 North., $1.63'x; No. 8 North., $8,90 to $9.10; seconds, $8.40 to $8.60; �Quoicek Creek, off the Fraser River,' and her mother being upstairs, when ber as compared with October. The $1 60 strong bakers', $8.20 to $8.40; winter f near Lytton, it was learned at the she crawled up and got the cresoline I net debt of Canada on November 30, Man. oats, No. 2, CW,, nominal. pats., choice, $7.50. Rolled oats, bags, British Columbia Chamber of Mines from a shelf. A few' minutes later; 1924, was $2,411,754,80, so that there No. 3, 61c: Na 1 feed, 49c; No. 2' 90 lbs., $3.50. Bran $29.25 to $30.25. 'on Friday, she was frothing at the mouth and has been a decrease in the year am- ' Teed, 46%c. j Shorts, $31.28 to $42.26. Middlings, A box of the asbestos fibre sent in was rushed to the hospital, where she ounting to $29,137,464. 4w � Am. corn track. Toronto No. 2� $38.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, I yellow, 93c. 1S14. by one of the owners of the property;soon lapsed tato unconsciousness and The pe largest item on the exnds Mfllleed-Del., Montreal freights,! Cheese-Ftneat westa, 21'd to 22c. is admitted by-mining men to be one died 2% hours after taking the poison. ture side of the sheet is that covering !' 15ags included Bran, per ton, $28:' Butter-No 1 pasteurized, 44c; do, of the best that has ever been shown The child was terribly burned about!,payments of interest on- the public ' f ahorts, per ton, $30; middlings, per No. 1 creamery, 48 to 43 tic; do, sec- �in Vancouver from a British Columbia the mouth and lips, while apparently debt. For the eight months it amount. I r: ton, $86; good feed flour, per bag, onds, 42 to 42%c. Eggs storage ex- property. some of the poison had spilled from, ed .to $101,917,554 as against $108,- $2.30. tras, 46; do, storage rsts, 41c; do, The fibre is long; and the material, the container, for her.breast was bad-�548,509 In the eight months of the Ont oats--40 to 43c, f.o.b. shipping storage seconds, 86c; do,-fresh spe- although soft, is strong. ly burned. last fiscal year. The second item in points. cials, 76 to 80e; do,fresh extras, 70t: The vein has been traced for sev- the expenditure column Is that of$21,- � Ont. good milling wheat-41.30 to; do, fresh firsts, 65c. Potatoes, per eral mires, it is stated, and has been $30,642 for pensions which is some- --$133, _ f.o.b. shipping points, according bag, car lots, Quebec, $2.75. found to be of considerable width. what higher than in the eight months '. to freights. flood veals, $11; medium ones, $10 Marshal Joffre Has Written of feat year when the eight t oaths Barley-=ldalting. 67 to 69c. and $10.50; grassers, $4,75 -to $6; pe - Suck-hest-No. 3, nominal hogs, mixed lots, $12.715� do, selects, StrikingMiners Sentenced Memoirs of Great.War $20,064,144. Ont door--Toronto,Toronto. 90 per tet. $13 to $13.25; sows, $10. to Year in Prison at„ r barrel, in Carlota, Toronto, A despatch from Paris say$:-I POPULARITY BRINGS A despatch from Calgary; Aha., Marshal Joffre has admitted that he I DOWN PRICE OF BULL. r 8.20; seaboard, in bulk, $6.20. MATTAWA FIRE LOSS sa s:=Three Drumheller miners,con_I has written his memoir9 of.the World Straw-Carlots, per ton,$9 to$9.50. y War, but ea s.that. the time has not -- Scneenin TOTAIS X150,000 victed b a s on a char o!unlaw- y i n ga•-Stan$ard, reckoned, I y j rY ge i yet come to publish them. `King of the Fairies, from f.o,b, bay porta, per ton, $20. iful assembly, were sentenced to a! "I am still in active service," he Royal Ranch, Lamed and Cheese-New, large, 24 to 241ic.,Several Families Homeless, year's imprisonment by Mr. Justice twins, 245 to 29c: triplets, 26c;l. J explains, alluding to the fact that Exhausted b Admirers. Boyle. A fourth, in .whose case the $tiltons 27c. Old. lar , 28c; twins, F1VC Stores Destroyed in jury y there is no retiring age for marshals y F 29c. tri} ` ur recommended youth, on the; A despatch from Chicago says:- pkta, SOC. f Blaze Start In I of France, who, therefore, are sub- _ Butter-Ftnest creamery prints, ground of extreme youth, was given The champion Shorthorn bu11, "King Grocery. sip months' suspended sentence. jest technically during their lifetime of the Fairies,". b 'H.R.H, the 48c• No. 1 creamery, 47c; No. 2, 45 f "` Y to 48c. Dai prints, 41 to 42c. ! A despatch from North Bay says:- to the reRu:atioas which forbid army , r Dairy Every time it rains the real opti- officers in active service to publish Vince of Wales which was also grand ! ' Hggs-Fresh extra's, in cartons Seven families are home:ess, four champion at the Royal Winter Show 78 to 80c; fresh extras, Ioose, 75c, mist consoles himself with the thought anything connected with array mat at Toronto this ear, is now the ro fresh firsts, 60 to 65c; storage extras, dwellings and five stores are burned that the sun is shining somewhere. tern. y p p- 45 to 46ec storage firsts, 42 to 43c; to the ground,while a number of other �_ ,I erty of Frank C. Baker, Kansas City, g stbrage seconds, 86 to 37c. buildings are damaged, according to - - ! Mo. This famous bull was sold for Dressed poultry-Chickens, spring, reports received here of the fire which WIFE OF FOREIGN SECRETARY H O N C R E D BY THE KING I the astonishingly low price of $1,050 ---- -- at the auction sale of Shorthorn cattle 1' .1b., 80c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 24 to broke.oat in Mattawa early Wednes- e 28c• do, 8 to 4 lbs., 22c•: ro' ra.Ise; day morning. The total damage is S 'at the Exposition. i ducUinga, b lbs. and up, 23 to 26c; approximately $150,000. The blaze . Mr. Baker admitted after "Ring turkeys+ 3$c. started in the grocery store of R. C. °^,= of the Fairies" had become hie prop-. Beans, Can, handpicked, lb., dc; McDonald, who was in North Bay at erty that he had come to the sale pre- primes, 5 to 5%c. the time, and when it was noticed pared to pay a much higher price, if Hone -50-lb. tins, 11% to 12C per at 3.45 in the morning it had gained necessary, to secure the bull for hiss 'lb.; 10-15. tins, 11% to 12c; 5-Ib. tins, (farm near Kansas City. 22 to l c; 21h:b. tins, 14 to 14%c, I too much headway to be checked. Prior to the bull being put up for' The flames spread to a fruit store a , : liRape produce-Synp, per imP• 'a sale, Professor,W. L. Car- le. -Man-1 - gal., $2.40; per 5-Iqbal till, $2.80 per owned by N. Karan, an Assyrian, to I y gal.; maple sugar, 25 to 26c. !a hardware store owned by J. A. Fink, .I . i ager of the Princes ranch at Pekisko,j a Smoked meats--Harps, mod 06 to!'to the drygooda store of Mr. Monsoon Alberta, announced to the crowd inj -28c; cooked hams, 40 to 42c; smoked j and to the customs office. An apart- a„ the sales building that the reason fors rolls, 22c; cottage, 23 to 25c; break- ;ment building tenanted by H. E. Gil-I G the "King.of the Fairies going on haat bacon, 82 to-86c; special brand beau and Mr. Gi ac the C.P.R. the auction block was that the Prince -• ` ��eaak]�fast bacon, 88 to 89¢; ;backs, agent,was destroyed, as was the rest- :,'?`R ';. of Wales intends to bring out another, benelem, So to 87c. I pure-bred Shorthorn bull from Britain. Bence of L. Mosaeau. The Gignac, Cured meats-Long clear bacon, 60, early in the new year. Monsour, Guilbeau and Sarazin faro- to 70 lbs., $22; 70 to 90 lbs. $20.60; !flies, who lost everything, were saved • The price of popularity was the 20 lbs, and u $19.50• li lowed t: �e g gh � principal cause for the low price, for •; rolls, in barrels, $43.50;heavyweight'in their night attire by the fire fight- f „ tolls, $39.50 per barrel. I ers.-They had slept through the early }: since the arrival o! King o! the+ Lard-Pure tierces 18 to 1835.c; portion of the fire. Fairies from Toronto last week thou-' .tube 18x,5 to 19c; pails, 19 to 19%c; To the fact that there was no wind � � � sande have inspected the animal, pprima, 20 to 20sc; shortening tierces, the people attribute the fact that the causing it to stand up continuously, _ 13ri5c; tubs, 14c; pails, 14%c; blocks, flames' did not sweep through the ; and therefore when it entered the is to 15%_c. g y posed I sales ring on Thursday the bull limp whole town, which is lar el com ed and showed every sign of exhaus- Heavy steers, choice, $7.75 to $8.50; I of frame buildings. do, good, $7 to $7.60; butcher Following the alarm nearly all the tion. _ steers, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; do,good, reale residents of the town turned �! t - : $6 to $6.50; do, mad., $4.75 to $5.50; out to fight the fire. So intense was London Buys Heavily do, com., $4 to $4.50; butcher heifers, the heat that the fronts of buildings of Canadian Wheat! choice, $6.50 to $7.25; do, good, $5.75 across the street were badly scorched. to $6.25; do, med., $4.50 to $5; do, b " com., $3.75 to $4.60• butcher cows, Mattawa is a town of about two A despatch from London says:- tholes. $b to $5.26; AO, fair toggood, thousand people, situated about fifty The London wheat market -has been . $4 to $4.50; butcher bulls, good, $4 50 miles east of North Bay, at the junc- very active during the last few days to $5.75; bolognas, $3.25 to $3.50; tion of the Mattawa and Ottawa and large purchases of Canadian 'canners and cutters, $2.60 to $3.15• Rivers.' It is in the heart of the lum- wheat have been made. As many as springers, choice, $90 to $110; good bering district and loge floated down 16 cargoes,' mostly of Canadian and 5 , tnilch cows, $75 to $85; medium cows, the two rivers are ordinarily held Australian grain were bought at 5 to $60; feeders, good, $6.75 to over f there. ;, prices which represented advances of 6.60; do, fair, $4.50 to $6; stockers,good _ - $4.75 to $5.50 do fair 4 to �--� from one shilling to one shilling and ++; calves, choice, $12 to $3.50; The Incomplete Bible. ------ "�"" six Wee per quarter over the closing, do, , $9 to $10; do, grassers $5 ,Is any of the Bible lost to tits quotations of Wednesday. The Lon-, gid The wits of Sir Austen Chambe•rlsin was signally honored when the King 'tic $6; good light sheep, $6.60 to :�_5�0�j• parydT" yes, n1n book � one conferred on her the title of Dame of Grand Cross of the Order of the Brf- on market is still waiting definibs vies and bucks, ;4.50 to$5.50; Itt ps dm are msntionsd is the BtbLe, news of the crop conditions in Arphh+ bs, $14 to $14.25; do, me $12.50 tiah Empire, recognizing the important part she played in the Locarno con- tins and in the meantime, millers are bucks, 10.78 to $11 deo, sd we bave no trace of them. These $ do, $ er daughter �ealls, $11 to $12; ho thick smoaFbs, securing supplies chiefly from North 18; , Terence. The above photopaph shows Dame Chamberlain with b ggss are boat to the wor+ld�--wltkle many of acid and watered, $1�.8b; do, f o.b., the other books we Wet on the world) and two aoos� America. C a,:. q�..,. ,»...':.,. ,• ;: ,:•.. .. .: s:•.e.;.. £` ., „.. -z..w.e.,..�.(y..a.�, `•....,..>_g. ."w--�w.7-w:?+".�...c s... ,,.�+,+Fs y..,''..�. ,' _....,t.•" .:•...:..,:.r-'r. "4.r...S+Sas....,,�re�-'+,.e,te *.'e�-+w a �,a, ^a.'s:nwFym..,;,., r..-.t,.5:` ,ee n.�'- r;�u�.. ' �, :gs. G.,.d.s.'" - "�.' �xr;R�'•'.%.aan, ;•:�a,rj xs.= ' -A 42 ''� :yf , 4 �7 tea. 100AM TLAWS It's You. . STRIENM FOR Mn.ES HIGH You say the wor.d looks g1ooW. your grocer recommends is Tbe okles are grim it nd gToy, IlLlre F rth Froan- usually good tea !They - 0 T6t The night hav�Ioet Ita quiet. YOU fear the tomthg day?' Seething Furnace, the Sum Number Four. . '..'Indisrestion Di rs .7� sappea . --When The world Is-what you make ft; Secrets, of Science. - . �,S, , The-sky Is gre7 or blue jhe JBIDed is.EnrJche& By David Diets. Just as your soul may paint -ii The urgent need of all I who suffer Despite the fact that the sun is mll- It fsn3 the world—it's. You, Of Miles away from us, astrono- ..frpm' indigestion is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress aher eat- mers have""sembled a remarkable Clear up the cloudea vision, knowledge about the structure of the Clean,out the-totgw,�Mlud; inels the"way the,vtomach shows. that gun through the use Of IWgoLte4es<*pes The cloado are al*&y* &iaing, 7. '­�It Is too week to perform.the work and delicate astronomical Instruments. Food te'd of digesting the food tiken. In this And each Is silver Ilhed-;..� The first fact of Interest is that the 4xW.1tion a9me'l)"le fdoliably resort s= Is not a stationary, body as many The world is what you make it And most gnmers r==iiii2mid to'puftatives, but these only further on Then make It bright and true; aggravate theltrouble. New strength Is given weak Morn- rushing through apaos at the And when you say It's glooi4y Mte of 12%imiles a second. Lt isn't the world—ita yqu. Prince's Motto Mystery. C3assified AdveMsements M� ache by Dr. WUH-rnal Pink Pills be- That means that eince the astrono. came these'pills enrich and purify the l0ew emblems have aroused"more AX=r OTWM wz= "a CArLLQQoj mere of ancient Egypt began obsi -d 1W or watt on" aw*wd,One Cain. I controversy than the,Prince of Waleal blood. This It the natwul process Of vIng the,stars 5000 y ago, the sun MOTHERS WHO HAVE USED "M. M 111316 WOOL TOM" ean giving streng+h and tone to the &to=- h" moved two tril crest and motto—three feathers and wch, and It accounts for the speedy re- 1-ion miles. the words "Ich Dion." The usual story Dea&Y.Tuberculosis. Of course the sun carries the earth BIBY'S OWN TABLETS is that wben the Black Prince killed lief in stomach dlaord6m that follow and the other Planets along with it in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink rlllx. this Journey through The Public Health Service says that j . - — ." I John of Auwtris. at Cre<.7 he assumed The appetite revives, food can, be th ky� the latter's crest and motto, but a no NM Is immunoagainBt tube�culosla. taken without discomfort and the but- Secondly, the sun itself rotates on 'Always Strongly Recommend Welah traditibn Indicates that Whit, 'YOUAg infOlnits succumb rapidly to It don and palas of Indigestion are dis. It' axis Just-as the earth dose. Cdward I. promised the people of and. cOlitroxy to the general belief, Them to Other Motkers. It takes the sun 26 Of our days to Wales a prince who could not Speak a POrWAS *Tor fifty years of age are by polled. The following statement from complete tine� revolution. Once a mother has used Baby's Own word of English, he Presented to them Mr. Donald-L. IALtter, lAkeville, N.S., uO means exempt, sad deaths occur proves the value of theier6 pWA In cases It Is IMPoesible, of course. to )mow TabletA for her Ifte opee'she will use his infant son, with the remark. miah from It in a considerable percontage lot this kind. He says;—"A couple of anything about the Centre or inner nothing alse—actual experience teach- lyn, which means "Behold the man!,, Of the fatalities occurring in old age. Ddi- Core Of th's sun. though there Is great no other medicine It is further said that the feathers years ago I ha-6 a bad.attack,of I reason to believe that because of the es, her that there Is Ab011t ten Per cen� of all, diseases gestion. I had little oi; no appetite, to-equal them fol-any of the minor all. formed to rebus of Queen,Philippa, among children under fifteenyears of int6a" beat of the sun. it is liquid. I -Inml what I did eat did not-agrVe with. We ow, h ments from -which her baby or little moother of the Black Prince, 190 Are due to various forms of the kn owever, that represent� me and caused me much pain. As a the surface ones suffer. HaTITW found the value Ing her hereditary title, Countess of 41064se, and about one-third of all, .,result of this trouble my general Of the BALD Is a great white luminous of the Tablets�in her owp home, she Ostre-vant (ostrich feather). doe,.ths between twenty and forty are molten sea. health broke down..and I finally had Is always anxious that'other mothers 'Now we are told that ths giant. re. due, to it—chlefty the pulnjonary. This fact. and the time which It GhOUld Silare her knowledge. That to p1lea of lhe Prince's crest, made of variety. to give up =7 work. .I had taken doc- take, the'sun to revolv,6 upon its why Mrs. Creighton White, North�Xoel splendid ostrich plumes, that was seen ...tor's medicine but R did not give me _wlers axis both obtLLned by the observation R06d. NA., writes the following,—"I at Wembley, 13 quite wrong, because any rellef. Then a Mend advised me. of dark spots on the cAirnpanionship. 7.,�o give Dr. W111i Pink Pills a sun's gurORC* have a baby seventeen months old and the real crest Is not m&do of ostri h knowii as sunapot& C I count the shadows on the gram . ....—1 trial, and I got ift boxes; Before The fact that these jpots have given him nothbig but Baby,% feathers, and never waal Beyond remembering, _had comPleited the third box.�l found aem" the disk of the sun.prov Move Own Tablets ever since he was a week The truth Is that the real crest is I catch the moonbeams as they paAs, that they were helping me and by the the sun is rot&tIng. that Old. I know of no other medicino, to made from the feathers of the forlwah. And hear when wild birds sing. time I had taken the six boxes every equal them, and It to cortaWLY a ples- a bird found in the denser Jungles of The equatorial regions of th symptom of indigestion had disappear. sure to recommend them to other Bengal. MOvs Witt, greater speed r I A light I come. a wind I go. ad. MY general health had improved than do the mothers," 4-b Polar region$. This Provee the our. and I have since been In the very best Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but In the Pearl lelsherle Yet I am not alone: of health. I look upon Dr. Williams, face Of the sun is liquid. If It wer thorough laxative that regulate the IL CompanionoLip in mine who know There are more than 10,000 People That beauty is my own. solid. like the earth. &I parts-would stomach and bowel%; banish conatip Pink Pills as & wonderful medicine for rotate wi the same a,., A th ed. emplo7ed In the Pearl fisheriae of the 911 who a" ruu-down." tIOR and indigestion; break up colds --George Elliaton, warid. Above the SUlk'a surface Is a layer and sim-ple fevers and make the sickly 7 YOU Can get these Pills from any a;eacder gases about 500 to 1000 miles baby web, and Medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents Ili thjOkn,9s. happy again. They a" a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Above this is sold by mediclue dealers or by 11 our 'water wer* as dirty jks our mail Co., Brockville, OnL third layer of red at 25 cents a box rrom The Dr. Wil. air we should either have a revolution awging are composed ofa 'mm NIGHT& llama' Medicine Co,, Brockville. oat. or eease,to exist.—D. R. Veitch ClarlL This layer is from 6000 to 10,000 miles MQRN ING A Cautious Owner. in thickness. A Penns7lvania tamer was the own. It to Invioible to us because of the The village doctor has Juik bough 3KATZ81 SIX IKEEP YOUR E t AN CLZAR AND HIAM5 of a good Alderney cow, A stranger, Intense white light radiated fmm the himself a new car. Joe. Malsilka Tv�r FL2 It is to be feared having men the anInW. asked the *un-@ surface which "drowns out," so that all his Interes t in the machine farmer "What will You take for your to speak. wan not solely ,due to the fact that. 10I An 04W own 7 Cam"Emw% eow?­ From thU layer.,great red tongues With its aid, he would be able to reach The farmer scratched his be" for-a Of Sam* shoot Out In 911 directiOnS. his ti more ulc Pa en"ta Q 1127 Truth to 0,ear adatpsm ad Yom immment. then said "Look a-here, be sOmelmes for a distance,of more than tell. the meddad man W in brlm A Inn the tax assessor or 100,000 milles, the has abe been Instincts of a "mad bog" soon he 1killed by the raJbva4? This layer of red fire with its Oigam- decided that the'car was not poweyful T t3C tOM41UeS Of red Same becomes Vill. Take the pep frm Your 79".Wth*to 30 E:N ady employment and pay , Ible during & total eclipse of the pan enough to satisfy his craving for speed SALESM 7-o in a aim of wate* =: a and he advertised It for sa�e. In due We offer ate r timpe of Sewers s NO when the In body of the am Is ob. idlirected an the battia.Aay drug stem course 9 Prospective Purchaser turned w`eekly to 681: our Complete and excla Pruners scured from our itow. p and was taken for a tri five lines of guaranteed quality, whole LI run. root� fresb-tfug-to-order' treat and 1 ftr every purpose in the' During an eclipse. a fourth lay I What Is the difference between a er They whirled along at a fur 000 Pace. round thd 8011, is a1so visibloo—a Plants AttractivL, Illustrated-samples orchard,cinting )Imbe*up Seamstress and a groom? One mends : '0IV ' go" "I say- look Out-" COutl0ced the Pa*-I and fWl co-operation, a the tear, the other tends the mare. f ery halo. Astronomers believe sengw, "You're doing money mak- to 1i Inches. Handles�_ this Is composed'of Pa�ticl`ad Of Matter miles an bour." over sixty'Ing opportunity, Luke Brothers Nurseries Montreal 4,6,8,10 and 112 feet. shot out fro In the LiOndon area there are sow, to the sun which are' kept "Don't w0ry about thAt!" chuckled from falling back into the Aun by the TW anebrine"Me"nift about 466.000 telephones. Now Su b- repelling force of-the saws rays. the doetw. "I've -got the Village PO- S"10 (j.S YOUR seribers are being enrolled at the rate 11coman In bed with rheiumatkw­ GGS, '''of about 900.per week. The" TLAOus layers on the sun are POULTRY.GAME.E Out descriptive circular sent, $0 any address on request. given names by the asuonower. The Not Ignorant. BUTTER-c,FEATHERS surface of the pun in called the photo. we BUY A Lit YEAR /?OUvo- "D; YOU know who I am, my'little TAYLOR-FORBES sphere. The next layer of gases is k"W.apace man?" asked the now minister. thimn fibi-a;*vak aNead COMPAWY, LIMITED *A \mXed tft chromosphere, Called the reversing layer. The layer "Yes, I do,"said Billy. "Dont you?" A PO IN&%Ijpq GUELPK ONT. of red tire in 4, A 4. V"-WFV 0 - I -Liniment -very halo in Called the Keep MInards And ,the at] handy. Corona. Next article: The sua-spots, 0 14 D Imw I PPE, I -Longer Life for S Stop It with t0linard's, Fo m GR Winter weather to with.ug, and the g r e t pr veutati've. aft7s sharp longer. a e .I shoes are going'to suffer. Stitches will Beat and inhale. Also 01100HUS CAMWA 6AW M LM rub on throat and chost. 1400 Owns"WT.W..110,000TO rot; welts will open; leather win NON"CAL perish—unless preventive measures Ilk TANCOUV T XJL are taken. To keep wet from penetrating soles, give the latter, when quite dry, two Df Oak Copat vWnjah. no OF !soles of n!sw shoes, by the way, must fimt be roughened with 018ndpaper, ithat , varnish may Penetrate. Vol% S.Oto I,, destructive to stitches, It St ME will penetrate between ttie Uppers 831d the soles of shoes. Then, in due course, when the stitches rot and break, the welt opens. i.- To prevent that, prepare in advance 11 MID CUTICURA-VALS MA One dose of Buckley's a Pot of mutton fat,made by melting Mbcture bringa­imme. down tho trimmings frour an unowked 'diate relief and #I WOROL Mix with the fat & tin Of black "ILD'S ECZE eep or brown pollsb�according to the color ed P. returns., Keep it handy of your shoes. . Then, with a Piece of On Face in R Im es, —ects like a flash on --stick, or a small stiff bm", pointed Itched and Burned Tier- 'Coughs, bronchitis and work a Jittle of the tat (YOU May have t first) between the uppera ribly. Lost Rest. *11 throat and khest irri- to warm I :tations. stops coughing and the soles. ,V4= my niece was fix Uppers can be preserved If now and -spells as soon as taken. then you wash off the coating of bliLek. wonths old eczema broke am am her face in small, red pimples. It "Wards off the more dan. Ing and oil them *Ith a little pgraftin. They will shine perfe ly at t Itched and burned terribly causing Ct ter W%O bet to scratch,and she was very proV gerous diseases—pneu- ed safe by millions and prescritled by physicians for applications of polish. Cross- She lost her rest at night. monia, flu, etc. ery the.shape of boots 'or and her face was,disfigured. To pres , e Neuritis I sent for a ftee ample of Cuti- shoes that have sot wet, cut off the ,Lurnbago '01dS Neural a ,�u 11�ggl3ts sell Buck Core.Soap end Ointment and par- -.Pain chased more, and after using two ey's Mixture---�'Strong of a pair of old.stockingis, insert them Toothache �Rheumatism feet, 4 inches or so above the ankles, "or"Modified"on a money in-the &hoeeh and then fill with oats calres of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticurs Ointment she was The oats will ab- refunded guarantee. well premed down. HEART completely healed." (Signed)Miss DOES NOT AFxvxv;#CT THE sorb the wet and keep the shoes In Mary Maml=d, Box 12, Arichat, 75c-40 doses .;1 t I.I shape. Nova Scotia. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Accep onl "Bayer" pa6aga Talcum am all you need for all taf- A Gentleman. I let uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe lKL S "Sadie, what is a gentleman?" whi ch coffia n proven directions. wit , ...Bug h Ointment, dust with Talcum. ell. Hand 'Bayer" boxes of 12 'STOONW opt FM law "Please, ma'am," answ4red the w tablets ftevile 1"k Yroe by MOD, A bred child, "a gentleman's a man you W. K. Bucklisy, Limited; Also lee of 24 find 100—Druggists. M_"121 ift.Tai , 2k. 142 Mutual St.,Taranto 2 205 don't know very well." Is the tratis mark (metruftil to opeol) of Sam usnuft4t. of X060seme- 1W1C%._'191kavlw stick 25c. r ot Sanayucadd (Aakyj salatic Acid, ,A. a. A.,,). vnab it is well kimown Mt AsphU tamms dunafa"dm to Me against ladtatims, the Tablets minardle Liniment for Chilblains. of saw ompany be stsaW wfth —rlh%fA# "Ilkyer :7 0"Mm" -ISSUE No 60-125. �,7 R ED R SE .:7 te C T.&I, —.d z i �,r a j WR a Sj, 7 -Dr. Hoary will be here %s non. W C -A:. T. Low has on baud another AJUSMS bat,01 Of Apple batter atio jelly. .�..;,Rubber -D. E. Pugh. of Toronto, was I next Tuesday to attend to his professional duties. in the village on Yuesday. -Dr. IL A. Sadleir, Dentist, -Mrs. H. A. Matchott spent a practising in Toronto, will be here few days-this week with relatives In Toronto. In his office on Thursday from 10 Besides our re' qular stock Rubbers. we am Miss Florence McLain, of To- offerim as a a. In. to,5 c. m.. ao.usnal. route, spent Sunday with Miss -St. George's(Anglican)Church Sunday, Doe, 18th: "Sacred Min Marjorie Clark. XMAS SPECIAL -Mrs. Oreen. of Agincourt, via,- latry" Sunday-10 a. w., Sunday School ; 11 a. m., 13oly Commun- ited with W. J. and Mrs. Monney Welling Ser. Men's 2-buckle Overshoes, regular 2.81 , -,on Thursday list. Ion Service ; 7 p. m., L 3.75,for r SALE RIEGISTBR. Men's 9 inch Curler�-This is the felt boot with the rubb un%y with hWr Charles Emery's many frie do V1411 Mrs. Goo. 8! Ar., of Bell. vice- Preacher, the Rector. M wood spent 9 or Uncle: Wal. Dickle. be glad to know that he is to tak SATURniLY. Dzc. 12TH-Auction sale sole which is so popular,reg. 4.70, for 3.63. Ile We are sorry to report that the Service on Christmas Day at of 60 choice Yorkshire sows and pigs. 10.80 a. m _106o. W. Barker Is confined to his fseding cattle and springers, also a We have only al"limited number of these, -The rato which fell on Satur. ivantity of v so don't hesitate. bed through Illness. trrd., the xroperty of -Mrs. Enos Remmer Is ding day night and Sunday morning ohn A. Whit , to be soi at the W TNT her and followed by frost, caused the G.B&rnes'farm, near Green RIOer: few days in the village payed roads to become very icy 154le tit one,under cover. siate re and brother. auctioneer. -Mr. and Mrs. Sargent snd Miss and. dangerous, and as & result Evelyn Walker, of Toronto, event zn�py care were ditched along the FRIDAY, Dzc.ISTH-Auction sale of XMAS GROCERIES e acres of standing timber, mostly Kingston road. At the Rouge hardwood. at west half of lot 8. con. Our' stock of Groceries is alll fresh and of the ver' 19anday vvith Joe.and Mrs. Cowan, -Donald Munro and daughter, Hill on Sunday night three cars 0. Uxbridge, the property of James y -Miss Chrisay, returned home on were in the ditch at the same time. Underhill. Sale at 1.30 o'clock. See choicest we can buy. Monday, of ter visiting friends In While some of the cars were badly bills. Rush Pugh, auctioneer. damaged, no person was iD4ured. SATURDAY. Dicc. sale On our Aelves and counters you will see suitable/Gifts for Detroit. IDTH-Auction -Mrs. F.H. Doyle, of Toronto, :;-The Ile for the new hydro- of brick house and lot� also house. sdl the family that will be useful as ek electric Iffel' have all been erected bold furniture etc.. belonglu o the spent a couple of days this we ell as ornamental. w and the wen are cow busy put- estate of the late Rebecca Uln'%etrbill, withher mother, Mrs. George*. :­- !Palmer. ting on the cro&-,-arms. The work In the Village of Claremorrt. sale a,. will- be completed early in the at One o'clock. -See bills. F. Postill, -Keep in mind the date of JIM an lag �st_ flaw ear, We think that, when auctioneer. Fred T. Bunting, --.-Pickeri Andrew's Sunday School Chri dig,hts are ready. to be turned SATURDAY, Dzic. lom-Credit sale of FAtablished 1857. Ansia tree and entertainment, Man- stapdIngtimber.about 15 acres. of on, the event should be celebrated 'day, Dee. 219t. 1. in Some fitting manner,as the peo- cedar and bILrdwood.at north half -Miss Alfreds, Jephson, who I of lot 11. con 7. Picked tb: pro. employed In the office of the,T;' ple of Pickerlog have secured this perty of& A.Birrell. naltie t 1.00 .Special Atwater-Kent Radiogram �ronto Daily Star, a at Sunday great is boon only by years of strug. o'clock. Seebills. W. B. Powell. gle with the Hydro-Electric Cow. auctioneer. Just Received at Itb Pickering friengs, -The township council eqnclud- misason, who all along did not ed its business of the year on Mon. neem inclined to grant them this New Advort4somonts. 'day, but will meet again Tuesday great modern conveniencie. 'VOR SALE-White' and brown Price reaso ble. Apply to Cecil Ing was 0 ere on Sunday even. Ju ferrets. Pickering. 14-15 oj ore -Mr. and Mrs. Manson, of To- f a high musical order, mez t to prepare the financial atate- -The Song Service in theU,nit ed Church h Salter.R.R No. 1, as -gD it and many expressed their heart ronto, visited with Rev. P F. and Y P.IGS FOR SALE-About 2 months appreciation of the Symphon Id. A Mrs. Gardiner this week. prior to y ?ply at I t 31 con. 2,Pickering. Win. 'FROM the latter's departure for their Quartettee of Sinicoe St. United Mitchell, R.NoD2.Pickenng. 14 Church, 08hawa. It is true to its' mew home In Springbrook. POR SALE-A IM assey-Harris cut. 0 -Robt. Gormley is again on name, and the large congregation �L box and 11 inch feed box., AAP Ir toR 'Ing d A. B rre 1.Claremont. Phone Clare 3 .4-ti were elighted with the harmony 1 3 q duty. After being-laid off work for F-; . - S a-n' t a Claus" several weeks owing to injuries and fine sbading evidenced in the R SALE-A number of a. c. An- timberio they rendered. It FO seven a cone cockerels fro 100-t A yto isustalued when a team he was G,een=d, R.".resp-ic driving on Elmer Tom@' farm ran is hoped they will come again. W,G Ormerod. nw is awai,is any Through the kindness of E. R. DOULTRY WANTED-Blitbestpri- Picke"ring friends find Mrs. Monney, the choir kindly J1. ces-paidforlfve poultry� also feath and frl "Expect me at your served light refreshments after in hides-Ben Razlin.Stouffville.Phone 7521. 13-23 ON. J, Morrissey will regret to bear of his critical illness in the their Tea Rootu. SALE-Freab cows and spring- FeOrsRa few Cotswold rams and two 9hro We store Saturday af Toronto General Hospital, which rams.elilpoic to reg3ster, A y at .,X.. la the canes of deep anxiety to GREEN R1V9R. ftkering Ww.Gray, R 1. , Claremont. ternoon, December his 2 Phone Clare 22 13. 14-16 -Mrs. (DrL) Cartwright return. The Green S. S. In end holding*b,,,Ir RUCKING-1 am prepared to do 19th, at 2.80 o'clock. 1home on Sunday. after spending anniversary services on Dee. the 27t Tall kinds of tnickung to or from the city Full particulars will be given later Those wisk hogs or other stacit delivered to a week in Gravenhurst with bia-r -the city wi ceive prompt attention. itissies Be sure and have ainot. Mrs. Fielding, who Is serl- Farley.Px- ins Phone Pick 2709. 16 outly ill and is now unable to -BROUGHAM. TRAY STEER-Came to the M every little boy and 4 P."lleave her bed. Sion of the undersigned. lot 6.0010 3 er' d ins.about Nov 27th, a while steer Owner may "I -The young people*@ Union will The Brougham U. S.S. will hold =p;q aVF=mAr ex- - rl on hand to see have some proving their annual Christmas tree and enter. penses. W ter J Fo k bold their missionary meeting this trl Ing 0 the talument on Friday evening. Dec. 18, me. (Pi iday)evening at 8 o'clock in United Church. The subject in A 117ASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY iVJL-And repairs. Now is the time to look Santa Claus after your spring needs. cultivators. drills and �"Mlaplon work in Angola, West SCHOOL REPORTS. Africa" Every one is welcome. harrows.sprayers foi the orchard. One 3 1-2 try 11 wagon gear.cheap. D.J.Gormky.MD7nbar- -Mrs. McGuire. an _Ww. and who The following Is the report of bave been spending the sum Cberrywood public school for the wer mouth of November. N ARGAIN-Beds. good @prince, months with their son@ in Mar. awes are In order of merit. Those B and double�kitchen chairs. small Is- marked(*j were Yes' Boys and Girls, Santa will somechMa bedroom wt. Perfection t Man., returned home on abwotforoneor more examinations. oil, kitchen and two-in-ane stioves. all in good Friday last They report the V-Goorgina Garland. condition.cheap. R. White. con.2.Pickering. Sydney Beare, be here and Oh what a wonder- weather this fall as being the Walter Fentley% Ere yn Beare-. Sr. Dunbartan. 24,14 voldest and wettest In their ex- IV-Laura Petty.Dorothy Swao,Elsie OR SALE-Cheap. all kinds of Drinkwater. Donald Milne. John . .1ul lot of Toys and Games and perience in the went. Gar. Fwagons.harness.and all kinds of farm im- -Re'. A. R. Sanderson will con land. Jr. IV-Pearl Sw&ID*. LAO MC. taingoodorder Alsose�erajbeavy and v - - ight scalelli and cook stoves and beaters. High- tinne his addresses on 0. T. GriskiD. 8r. III-Beatzice Kiqgp�ar rien"o pretty things for Xmas he has Cbar te est price=bides and wool. also live DOW - ry Teefy. Annie Rittenhouse. try. H. Stoultville, none low lur -acters Sunday morning fit 10.80. 8obol, deorge McIllroy. Mervin Our. Jeft at "The Big Store.." Subject, "Jacob," the thoroughly rah, John Hood', Vincent Te fy*. Jr. FIARM WANTED-Brick house and oonvprted man. Second sermon. Ill-Winnifred,iBarneb, MaryeSwitzer sh in exchange for farm of dbout 100acres. At 7 p. m., "Noah. and the Tragic Annie Petty, LoSena Curreb, Le s 9 ca We never had such a great bi House has 12 rootas,centrally located in Toronto. ell No encumtrance. Rented.at $45 per month. t . Givt all rilculars of farm. Ap- Wary of the Man Who Built the Beare. Ev I n Drinkwater*. Harold Never e!�?Iter ortment, and weJust want 7 L. bencia, teacher. ass Ark." Fburth in series of "Great Fenney'. A.F a R.R. 1.Claremoo Phone The following is the re 811re 816. lo$ft jBinners of the Bible." Cherport of the After tieing pa9tor of St. An. Junior room of the rywofd pub- :_,everyone to come and see the drew Church for five yearx 11,!school for Nov-ember. Names are Oreenwood Barber Shop and 7. d& in order of merit. Class If-Murray nice thinL two months, Rev. P. F. Gardiner Adjoining Harvey's Store Rollin r. Earl Taylor, Ruth' Rollin- terminated his ministry in Picker er, A Iran Rittenhouse, Walter Wad. Post on Sunday last, when he lell. Lloyd Petty. Hazel Petty. Gor. Something for�little U zeached his farewell sermon. don Petty, Albert Maynard, Marion girls a' ' d ine erin F M r. Ferguson. Sr. I-John Teefy. Ronald bo5 s, big girls and boys, tather e; coming to Pick Opeviag Tuesday evenings .-Gardiner has won many friends Maynwd, Frank Sobol. Pat Testy. and Saturdays', by his sincerity in. his preaching Jr. I-RILV Pilkty. Arthur Petty,KeIth and mother graudma and gra'ad sad In his daily life. While -- Currah. Bill Peters. MACY MCRIA. Ads. -afternoon-and evening. ting his departure from Pi�j Ila Sargent. Sr. Primer-Vers Drink- trot e dad, uncles, aunts, verybod 0 water, Rather sarkey. Babby Tor. -MILTON -:- ORKEROD Y.- diner success sad happiness in Obarlie Rodgles. Kenneth Currab, can't commence to tell you evion. we wish him and Mrs. 1 ar. rance. Jr. Primer-Bdgb I00ty- 17 GREENWOOD brook, to which field-'he bas been all about it here--come sud see. Qeir now field of labor in Spring. Willie Mellroy. Norman Petty. N Gollan,teacher. imsigned by the Settlement Cow. A APPRONE RIS MAS Gardiner will take charge of his Girr inlittee of the Conference. Mr. SANT A CH T 01 F A G A N 'CHAPMAN' -04OW field on Sunday next. He 1cowed Electrical Santa Claus has be�n d,qvn a Itreat will be succeeded in Piqkering by manychimneys since be started busi- Colitnetw Rev. Mr. Forguoion, of Baltimore, ness. and he Is Intimately acquainted who will oocupy the pulpit of St. with a large number of people, He Estitmates for all kinds of wiring Andrew"a for the first time on SlIn. knows that the beat kinds of gifts Akre iday next. as stated supply until those which pleaae the whole family, cheerfully given. the end of Conference year. and whicb bring the excitement and ' 15 There is a strong feeling in enjoyment of Christmas every week. Phone Scarboro 85. This in why be looks so jully when be the COnDtry that it is now time to receives hundreds of Subscriptions to dispense with the cent POStAge Tbt%Youtb's Gompanion with which C. B. De GUERRE GOSK Tftstg_s TiEk.LV04JP_ ( AL�JQHTTLL war tax on letters:nd post cards, to fill his pack. And. being wise from I 1ELEP1401411 7: T14E CONST,WLL F-XCt)SE S To reducing th former from long experience, he knows that people Electrical Contractor THE JUDOE --%t H I M three to two cents and the latter are likely to overdo things around Eitimatee cheerfully given. Work from two to one cent. The post Christmas, so he chuckles when he guaranteed, Amy person de- office department at Ottaw is sticks a Companion Into the to of a p0ring informatiou way 18 stocking. "Be as gr "a ou ke," ke be thitiks,',the more get It by phon. quite willing and anxions to ma, e better -for Ing at the reductiqu but the ;uli4tter is you,,i ..tny expense, 1116t under iheir control, ,but 11MI The 52 issues of The Youth's Com. '0 been Imposed by the Finance Mii n- panion for 19,26 will be crowded with '�Phone M ser, ister's depfirtment, who were al stories,sbort stories, editorials, ONTARIO Anxions to increase the reVenue of poetry. facts and fun Jtist send your OSHAWA, the country, made necessary by order to the addreaq below and Santa :the huge cost of the war. It is will take care of delivering the pi thought, however, by many that to your home or to the home friend. Subscribers will receive: 'Per Coal, - Coal ,the reduction of postage wotild of,, 1. The Youth's Companion-52 Issues increaqe the amortut -of bus'ness in 1926, and to such an extent that the de- 2. The remaining issues of 1925, Hard and Soft 0 oal of the: crease in revenne .wonld not be All for $2. son great. Such a decrease in postage 3, Or Include McCall's AlAgAZinP. the best quality on gel would be greatly appreciated. not monthly withoiRyonfasbions. Botb hand only by the public in general. btit publications. only$2.50. by the busine!as honses, whoae THE YOUTH'S COMPANION THOS.' A. LAW, poetaRe will amorint to a large V Dept., Bcston. Masp. a Im in a year. Subscri tions received at this Office, =:11Q1C191,1=ff, C nt. p .0 6, Q 6, 1 IS _'3 2, 'it 6, �1 i IS _'3 2, 'it 6, �1 i IS _'3 2, 'it 6, �1 i IS _'3 2, 'it L w,� g