HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1922_02_03 J gg 7777;;­ .77 W ru T�4_• 7 0 7 I 7 '74 -0y As, No. 142� X-ERING, ONT.,' FRIDAY' 'FEBRUARY 3, 19,21. NOIL. xx;-Li., GREEN RIVER. LOCUST HILL Established IM -Club Mrs. jeho Bell. one ef the Med"I will present the drainis, -The Way- of Markham township.who died on -day of last week, swan buried Geo, Be Baker The Green River Dramatic ����D Parer," the latter part of February. Wednesday B. FORSYTH, Oph.D..'Direetor This is an entirely now play,full of here-on Friday. Mrs. Bell was born We are offering three prizes in Markham Watch for bills. in 1828 and had lived 41W Me optometrical::Association of Ontario,Reg• huni6r,and pathos .ered.*Memberof,the American Optometrical to boys and girls: towtisbip practically all her life.* Her PAsociation. 'Eyes'examined by appointment. maiden name was Ferrier, and she prize,'20 cash tick :t CENTENNIAL CORNERS* had many relatives throughout the Phone 2804, Claremont. Ont. let p tickets 7 MILLS .4 2nd prize, 12 cash tickets Glad to'bear Miss H. Annis has re� township. Mrs. Bell was a very fine F. TOMLINSON. M. B., Member needlewoman, and for years carried 8rd ptize,8 cash.tickets covered,-sician, rd surgeons No.ofltl:e Co:!t,&e of Ph) with J. off many prizes at all the York fairs of Ontario. Ofrce: that formerly occupied by Reid Brumwell is visiting w 'the late Dr, R.Frodie.and iattefly by Dr,,,Cald- .:.to apply on school phonograpb. Bruwwell, for fancywork exhibits. Mr.Bell died well. Phone. Claremont,,Qnt. 231Y organ or piano, Church a number of rear's ago. ' One brother, Grand concert at Centennial-(. Obadiah Ferrier.of Green River, Sur-ot Thtirsday, Feb. 9th, 'Feed prices have struck bottom;--_N E ICARTWRIGET, M. D.. -1. for the best story about Bakers t N1 16s viveg her. We are very sorry to hear Lba V. .C..YP-.& 14.'.Ont. A cccner for tf,t Coun- Music Store, Stouffyille. is u good time to get your ty of On tario, Office hours : 12-2 and 6�6 p.m.. Eliz thetb Chapman is ill. or at other by appo�tment Plione Btll Conditions We are pleased to bavo Mrs. South- CHERRYWOOD. stock of Feed. No.24. Lid.phone No,40 com be in our midst tigain., as been 33 1 `'inlet Swan, S. .S. No.7. b Ist-not more than 05 words Valley Hall seems to be prospering I have'a large.stock Of BRAN, SHORTS, • pretty well with the frequent parties,,?kwarded a,certificate of honor for ba,v-' BARLEY FFED, Conti and,WESTERN cKINNON, INI.D., L.R.G.S., 2nd- pointy OATS at right rives. lately. N E.dM and-neatness ing won the greatest number of abnyBb,member of tbq Co;',ege of 9rd-to be written with ink on in that section at the annual School Physicians and surgeons of Ontario.lieenti4Lta ',Of Royal College of Suritsone, Ediubtirgli. one side of paper only BROCK ROAD. Fair held at Pickering. She was,high• I especially recommend BARLEY -ispettial attection to daiessee of women and Contest closes Jan. 14th ly contiminded by the judges for her FEED for pigs. 01.1dren. Office and residence,Rrougk_. needle'le work and poultry exhibits. The ice harvest has started-on the -Cherry- A feted_W_Iaey_&le',1 I am now-etrry-Ing a stock Of PURIT-Y ---1-p-ohd here goon sampie is using to 3 on Saturday last in ten minutes FLOUR for those who prefer secured. 6re being a tie at the that well-known brand. James Farley has sold his ferret to over time. the e Stouffville, 'Ont, G end of the last-period. Whitevale WU.'KENNEDY. Barrister. Sol Hilts. James is going out of tbe No better pastry flour made than 'tary Public."Conveyancer &c. played good clean hockey, but Cherry- e;titor,l*w L rabbit business, _wood_we�elinedL_tct__rongh, it at Kissini. nor better bread flour Whitby,Opt. 41, _____ -._ -Master Gordon Young. pf-dhhawa Bargains in Dining Room Chairs. went the week-end with his cousin. times. . Mr. Randall was very'satis- than BAKERS'JOY. and F. OPERIS,TIAN, Barrister Oak. real leaiher seats, ieg. $80 factory as referee. and thanks are due Prices away.down-Quality A sclicStor.NotarT Publto.Ete"'Mor alter Jiickson. to Mr.Reesor for the use of the ice. away up, it -G&D.aoffiee Stock St.North,WbitbT. down 5, set ct six. Avery pleasant party was held at Parlor Suite. bigb-grade, 5 pieces. the, home of W.J. and Mrs. SicDonald DALES & JOHN8TOIN-Barri-pro last Thursday evening. About ninety WHITBY. I�:,., �., Reg.W), cu- t-) $48. JL.-Fttc,,1229.D'ar,1,or!h Ave. d guests were prevent and all enjoyed An extensive road program for 1922 Toronto.•.Plhcne•Gtrra.d 4411. Satu.eL y9l M ernselve., immensely. virm 1720. ilnd.) +011.1y was adopted last FridAy by the On- tario County Council. This venr the WILLIA31 J. BEATON.B. A..Brig- 1-8 rr T He B EAL t' Z:NIONVILLE Council will sutend SS8_04)." This said to be-the l4gect soad app�ctppla- k ar, Dtr;on,Fo-,ter z!ne Lem T-r,�v CLAREMONT tbel��cal sutn m III he borne dirPCLly by. A. Cwntiail.usO. Bay�.,trt*tt,T,:r;.,*,?..- T;,P,:,)njmun1ty­c3rniv�%I held Thtirs. tion yet made by theewinty. Of this 'M a­. 9t'I and Itt;2. dvi n._,,,bt of last week L the count), and the residue paid by �;::k.provpd a great sqcre:jq. The rink w 4 jamajed with skittert and the Provincial Government.. Th.fl -BARNES IF than 75 persons a-ppeared1uL,66stume. 1110144.1" Win be spent cLiefly in gravel. \ / -"P of %N hit some water- Miss HA7-1 Birtile. I evale. won ling the ioads,and lavink J. H U D S O.N. D. D. S;, I.. D. -!c,44tutne, bfi�u n CHOPPING MILL d mn6dam on flip mare travelled= I _-C rr�za for the Best Ildy,s. Chopping had Oat Rollirg avery week And Mixis Helen Stiver;t of Unionville. tbotOM&bfareif. Traffic 6h Ontario -does not demand the in1vrr;.*,!on or N•,rtt. 4•lu for the best lady skater. Miss Vera cOmOtY rbads. diy of construction necessary xcepting 'Momday. na n. veers and Miss Carrol Braithwaite high type 'DLAKE B. BTLAT N_ we - in York. Strenuouazz.0sit4on was o 0_ re awarded the prize for coru A-.p sc..;ate at Inc --o'k,ge W Z­­ R"gl-v­ r,;,4 Pop Rol E binatiou costume. 'i'tie prize for ine smade by Wit! n:! "I'lle U Surgeons and VnivoTsuy of Toronto. Ofhce Soft Elm. Basswood, beat gentleman's costume went to other township members of the Conn. hardwaire %tort, Whitby, Suer W N1. Pringle's e. cif to the customary grant of one-hair 6e6-w­JP=ff Occe Soar,9 to 12 : I to.!W,: Ire:'phene 6. White Ash and other kinds, of logo. Clifford West.and for the best gentle- "I phone 220. man skater to Earl M. Braithwaite. will to Whitby.Oshawa and other ur. (One of Our Productions) • Stephenson won the meats ban municipalities for road Lm rove. W.-G.-Bames,--Green River Wyatt meat purposes. After a warm rove. We sell Sill's Rite-Lite Lens;lot' #netnews 49arbo. race. 11 makes of cars-the beat' * Or address R. R. No. I.Locust Hill. the grant carried. a GLEN MAJOR. • in the warketfor -VETA E.STEPHENSON-.A,TLC.M.' LAKE R i0all the price. teacher of piano and theory. PI-Are 1803. my +Ctartmv et, W-10 PICKERING 9411 Win and Mrs. Piss were at Chalk Lake on Sunday. The. Bazaar held In No.'2 school' Tires for all cars, Emery Wheels I Real Es James C^rter. of the fourth line was house an Tuesday was a decided stic. Savr and Emery Mandri1% :votary Eel% YARD cess. It served to bring tomether the % Lad- Public,Etc.,-.Pickennz,br--. A. and•Mrs. Weliq And Richard And people of the section to bid farewell tiers. etc. Mrs. Day..were at Chas. HopkIds od to Miss Nickle,aliio to welcome at the Woodwbrking and Geaeray. B,BEATON TOWNSHIPCLERK --Sunday. same time our new teacher-.- bligit Gooveyanear, Canuntselozeitar ­Jft We have a large and w*11 ai�,,o�rted _n1;rnhPr.froMJh&rP attended-['evil -Standing, Joseph Gormley qkley acted at; 40davite. Accountant. Etc. Money to .10" stwk of the fulI]wIng mate.rri-l­ ck Raeid­- 0c fartit vroy". 1*1sazw at Jdarriase, I.Aa- Sit r-k'q 9&Li--. Tbpy report good prices dhairman 1-a-i after*FL few reinArksiYt JACKSON. Rro W: H. J AIC Pickering, Oat., tsticef' WbAt•vado, Or.*, _­Ubi it large crowd. called on Mr. Hutchison, P. S. L. vh Nla!,.:hed B.- C.-Fir. Fl-joiing.- VI M!.-aIJ,, Hardy, ofthwfiftblina.har. gicvea spliendid address, which wal, -Live ittork a-io,-- "u6cle. much entoyed lLy all. An�ad a ][)AVID A. PL*GB, N1 i t�-h ed B. C. Fir Sheeting. And �)#,Pn rta-ying w I,h her ivint and -d= qW 0 C, C '.NY le ntb' Men i ead A rid And a preqo-ritsktio Id F&R.Ci!,taco. L-titwrx A,tIi ;�, ­� Xlri t✓-.-h e d B. C. Hernlu�.!r to,?, Fred ;tcd,.Mrq, Itedshaw. �sto•.k. Block und'rini; Ar.rk. A:l K.nds ';' ; inclit V NLttehed Fir­Cv-11ng. 4 in. 1,�e is being b,trveAtp,l hpre, theca purse Of money'ruAde to MiPoR kle. try attended to. 7 eirre rt3vonable. Phone. daTot, th,­i­� heing ithotit. tixrpen to which she replied and spoke 11" _e!artrront. !,;Iy -hes Phi.` and Here"Yo ' Are :r,cut' and ', in. H. C. Ceda.r'S"dir-r f U in( the quality unsure stay here Ac; a i3lea-mut one an -g!et- 'GH S. P117GR. -,J B­tyer Board, Plaeter Board pasi.0, ted very ninch the nece6sity o eav;tIg L Licens A I;(�. A'- AL: -the comnatinity. A- social onr was k,t,c:, ,I wdei concucted cri reamra:L:t and Apple Bari GREENWOOD. tben spent and lunch and t served A4+, ',receer of pare-bred Shorthorn cait.1t: to all present. The School Boar take, -.Ceihent, ­I? I'd A. :Pp*;z vi-iti-I ri*h ft�pk4n it If,.. G:tm%litior P.O. ly V W. 11�- wrdan-&Som it" d as� An e n mak- Tnrorto for a few days. their n -ist : 1 0 FPOSTIT.L. Licensed Auctianeer, W. G. and Mrs. Perkin, Or Wallace, i niq the afternoon.a Success. Proceeds C a]) for OctunUee fit Tork acd Ovtatria. Aro• PICKERING art-visiting Mrs. A. Boyer and other S.U-83. y lifte mite of all kinds artenudd to on abortem relatives. Lum er, -A CCU". Address Otago Blvor P.0., Oz%, Sell and Independent phone. The-very mild and spring-likp west. H ITEVALE. D X- tber has been enjoyed by everyone -W.M. MAW, 'SE AL X- the last few days. Wha�lbont organizing it Ratepay- TIONEER,for York.Qrtario anciDurbarm Next Sunday. Feb.5th. the regular ers' Association:, Whitevaje district �-Ishingles ,Ceuntieot, All kinds of sales promptly-attended .-to. Term re-6sonble. Dates for sake may be 'l.uarterl meeting will be held in the vianLs a lot of improvements. L arranged at NEWS'Officv, Bell and Indepm. D A N -CIN -G I kk -.--'dent phones. Wh4tby,Ont, . 51Y Greenwood church at-10 90 a. m. Reeaor Bros. recently shipped a car- Ready Robfing . The 0, G. M. C. held a social at the load of fine beef cattle to the city, and At Valley Hall, Highland home of Miss -Mary Rains recently. sect' ed a car of feeders to fili their A . N. E. McEwen, B.V. Be. D1'. Veterinar 'Surgeon. treek, on A very enjoyable evening was spent place. Prices are uDt what they ivere --and. Lath Y. by all Thp girls appreciate the. kind- once, though. of VU;VCT�!Ly 4 T3V3=1G. W redueschly Nigh,LTeL Rift Iv int;r!pst shown by the community A meeting of the Whitevale FArm- in their PtTorts along social ana mi- er'ii Club will he held on Tuesday.'rel3; -YorniarVeterinarian-to Itia dkp Gents .5 ci-rts lines. 'Onde"--F. A. -R EESOJR Agiicultural College, Qliebec. 7th,in the 1. 0. O. F. Hall. taken fdr feed corn,.salt-etc.* Flettion L3dies, pleaee provide Prompt attention to �tll cliell's. HIGHLAND CREEK. of officer~ will take place. TT Bell and Ind.•PhrneF. The Mission Circle of the RipfiRt 'PICKERING, ONTAP,10. 7. M. I-IT-im�al=x M=,T. 1-.e b. tirgis all the rage here Church will meet on Tuesday, Feb. t. the hoine of Mrs. F. thpce dRys. at 2,30 p: rn.. itt .�-BIGELAND CREEK_ Program Misr Ciosson is. er.jnying a McKay. Roll foie Do." F IF few holidAvs and refreshments,are provided. cr A-1 M dh- CV Rr-�_ on Monday. Jan. Ord, to Will A movement is on foot to have nur • R E I D plCker111 g The Ch��rcret (4arage an-1 ser..-ice and Nlrs. Heron. a son. school take tip fifth cla!;s work in this ling MO! - is near f lure. We believe this is a step Has a full line of trer!h .and cur- St,,ti,, Brongham___is_.FtW- se'. rish , qhle to he around il ur. �-.r."A Chevrolet a t- . . injured ankle baving much%J meats ee r+�y e.. cars and 11 Ir"IriOg all make again, his,in in tbertght direction, as it will enable lim, UN CU. many of our young n ientis t.9 -e oi cars. Agent for en raw Machin recvi� Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacc n ery, Cream Separators and Willard We are glad to hear that little Miss a little extra education that may he JL_U Batteries. Also rental batteries and Annie Milroy iq im roving, after be- useful to them in after life, Ham, Bologna, Weiners, ctt�c Highest prices paid for convinced that we handle the most, WP are glad to bear that Mies Isabel_ HAM.' BROUG again, economical car on the road, and the Stanley is Able to be around Goodyear tires Give us a call and be iniz injured at schM. ��0�� Butipher's cattle, lowest priced car for the service you having recovered from a badly sprain- Mr. Mrs. Axford visited else and get. Equipped the same as the high ed ankle. where on Saturday. Get one before A couple of gentlemen bad a fine Ross Middleton returned to Brou. Grain-Chopping priced,8-cylinder cars, e in prices. time making their way home a week 9 the spring raise on Sundoy, after being In the city for C -N _Your' Stock ago Saturday night on account of the a short time. AND FL M. Gerow'g Garage, Brougham deep ditches: Quite a number of our citizen's are eeda I am prepared to do C6opping and wishing for'sleighing no as to get their Morida.y t and other teaming done. Oat' Flaking every I to Oil Attention - GREENWOOD. GREENWOOD. and Friday. T17 gisS Gammage will conduct the sere Ross Raine took it load of voting vice in the Method tat church on Sun _Stoneboats For Fale This time.ol the year. = to' Whitby Skating rink on day evening, Feb. 4b, at 7 o'clock.. y evening., Mrs. R. Devitt will entertain the ni�nt yongeL& , They cannot do well Joh-o F. Bayles, Clare Charle;; Sts,Toronto Mrs. James R,�xine and Oscar fare members of the. Ladies' Aid and their Rural Route No.2 gending a few days in and around husbands and friends an 'Wednesday Ii strictly first-class in all Depart- evening at 7,30. Everybody come and while infested with Bramr,ton. their former home. FL ments ard inexcelled in-the Domin- Lloyd 'Wilson, who has peen worK- ion _-HARNESS SHOP 7th enncess school, hockey -_pftrasites.- n- Toronto during iT_ieLp�st few The y ing i ion. A sound bi��Iness P3­catik n !d A friendly game with the home for it short vacation teftn' PlAY( Wekeep the best pre- months. is is a Sure z,epping-stone to success. I - r) has been -migharn school boys nn Saturday Now is the time to get your Nvint- firs. John Adamson, who _Us ]:i-3'?. st_o,n_Smith�&pnnd.ti •_ in 2Christmaa.�s radirull_011 in and ]Oak zz,� invac-6�_ 118 8 1] PV4)�Ali g I be neiLitil and exp"Vs.to We will g!ttdly i-end our larg,�cara- 4 St, John's Church held their anneal over, our. stock Of Horse *- lice on cAtt16. Blankets at right prices. around Rgain soon. League congt----tion- ega FLI meeting last FtidaV logl.ip which rontaing crmpl,'e- in. The Greenwood Fpworth Good heavv Halter@ in stock, alEO' spent a social evening with Mt. Zion afternoon. The varimisorgrinizations Suit Castes, tion. For e Bend progress. Membership roll es, Robes, Whips- iorma your sake League evening, wbqn an reported t;,l tboronahly enjoyed the hospitality of 7 on eys -received during year everything for t6 horse. for'for it to-day. Stwidents admit- of the•Mount Zion members. Oscar Balance from 19-20, W.15 . collection No E. McEWEN, FV -PICK hoe.repairing in.connection. ted At anytime. Our graduates are Rains toqk most of the Greenwood and contributions. 5W46: concert, members-out iij the- truck-and-after 149-05;-inter e t-.--101,97--, budget envel-- eminently successful. ; Woman's Missionary Veterina_ry Surgeon collecting a sm0l fee for same handed oyes, 166.10 Cecil Bradle ort ty.K58, Ladies' Aid, 11.16. A back to the treasurer of the League Y W. T. Elliott, Principal I pal it of 103x1,47,# JElarness Maker, Pickering here. aw r{,' '« r•p '.R �fi#.: .,'b*,rr '.•F- r >ti"rr'.' �. a. _ <. ' k•;nR '.. ..�°'.�._ :-•n, ;,{: .,rs,--i; `;,,z•., , ,,.q'- ' ' ,k,y,.T •yc ns -r••"t:' ;...�,rRr-w, :,..wrY-.�•s?-, w :��;- ;:+i,:'ki,^��'!.-=•-i•�:..�:!--�• ,+�., - :AA-.' - ..�.�:.�� _ .7-se.,.- 'fir fir•°.. -5,-".,x'_:r s. ..-.hv. i' �' 'n,v ,3 :C�i� .:.� �"r. ''�'=r �ate* -� ra,..-*r.."^'tw...•,., �ni4,,•,�:�.->• Z .. "�:,_ ,�,. rw� •• ,,.,,ayxei'!� y;•,' :v:, ..�..4.r'r!, ,n ^'d .,ry '73'f�`^ .r - ..'„ - ..t -'`,'i'::. •L '�..,;;;e. .-..r. -•,.,,ww.ea'- .vr:;x: .�t:.• .:}+, - .�-,;'.'.,_ "�..s ai' ..-..r.,� • v pr^y'tx' ...c^ AFi '+n .L.;,v era'- +^., ,.:.��,.- ^x,,' x.,x+.' - •�Y_ 'Vr.• :Tt>ri •'+rtT t '�. x ,n. yti,, �• "y+r' .t < cM,. �_. .:- .'�":._%� s.� `ems..�..i •.�i;:c. L.. s... """.- ,e%�- .rt( vp+,tY'f.. q • "f.Cb..•N .+.,.'Cl rAE%.. ks�� .°i+'Ja.e.0 v ��r '.N n'b� ' T• 30 ��• ,'• `d` _ r, �:eqn; � _ a.,�',. - -.e-a''j' �='; 6". _-'"�a..Y�,.,.:.=+.c r .:�.n a.-.±*+�•e y sly'- Mw. .•LYi rAt .. 1.'.,. r ^1.`•. ^S .�. w'..S3.VS:is.N,..+_^V.s:t."'Pt1,j,Mf:&'^ ^"L'_. �; •ieq?-1`+._ . -'k."wi•_ , ._' _ . �e..::A~ .. ._ r ._ _ .. .•sr . 1. ._.:e_a._ _ `�X- :tl.:r,.a-,.;'''•ter.. eta should fall at it if she woke in The Braklmak's sad Areak. �+ �• -BURS •S tbe-i' t. It seemed loo her the spat- One of the dirlsiofi mffway supesin:ht" Nory- : . - I 'The Toronto Hospital for Ineue± sacred happhi+eea her-� life. tem3lenta, an eoter;etio,iete4lDaWie 1: 40 _ able• in affiliation with Bellevue and � e Erid.) man, recently received numerous eost- Allied Lr^• ,p_•=• New YorY Cllr. Notate• theA freight LtainB wwo in the , y. B AGATES and EGERT017 CASTLE. _ .h *sera a three(rears' course of Train. t Y 1ag to young women, baring cbs re- 'Wood in Demagd. habit of stopping on a grade crossing ;� { quired education, and desirous of bet- in a certain•main town in New HaIIi 4:+ I coming 'nuren. This Hospital has � 8h �Y s9lbatituLee for Rood p- PART III. toward her. His ehatrti irregtilar adopted the eight-hour system. The have beers'devised, the grail demand shire land of blocking travel for long _ ^.; �g pupils receive uniforms of the School, for 'tinlbeT continues to grow, end perfads. He leered strict orders ' Tllely like Estella Vanderdeek at the troyiah late was suffused with ohang- a monthly allowance and travelling llorlat a in"E`l ttty street, and when any ivg colors. His voice shook, but he' expenses to and from New York, For more wood is, used in buildtins ooar- against it,, but still the eom�plainks !one came to see her, which was very spoke with a dignity no one had et further Information apply to 'the _ seldom. ah s, freely tziven the use,known in him. y superintendent. sfiructivn today than before the die- .��e la. Finally he deckled to fa'veati- e ws __ I • cove+ry of concrete, and in the con-`-$'ate the matter in person. OJ' the room�Ahe bt.ck of the snot.; 3i'iSa�Ctareuercieex, rem 12108E awlu➢1y atmettan ref clans than jtltl YrtJWa 4Vna. uv.,alao aawncue, oleo! She was sitting o:1 the corner oP sorry--test year re going to give u b8--_ • UP see there on the writing table never the steel oar wan developed.—Col, W. there he saw a long freight train her narrow bed, dreamily at at your work for me: I must ask you to was mine. It belonged to ,Miss Van- B. , Greeley, IIn;ted Staten Chief standing square across, it,. A brake- her wthite muslin blouse which she accept a little gift in memory of our pleasant hours. I Have got out the derdeek. You may well Iook amazed. Forested', man was sitting on top of a car. would wear to-morrow,in the country, little angel, you see. e g I was myself taken in when Benjamin "Move that train on!" sputtered the- she ~when'she was summoned to a visitor. you take`Bell brought it back to me, but in his "We've 'shown him into the back it---" he broke o$.— His gaze had A California Maid. little man. "Get Wolf the crewing so plunged into here. zeal for honesty he omitted to notice - r" room, Miss Vanderdeek, and. missis P g Ithat the attitude of the angel is're- A lardy stopping at 'a hotel on the people can passe Move it on, I say. �'bopes you don't mind if the lilies are To Benjamin Bell her eyes had al- versed." Pacific coast raeg die bell the first The brakeman looked the temptuous ' rather also the shop being so hot ways been baffling. but Oliver Mae- Is ng'er over, "Go on, you little op niichael read into her very soul. He Julius Vane took a stride to the morning of her arrival, and was very with•the sun on it table and bent over the statuette. much surprised when a dapanelsoe boy shrimp; he replied, "You're stnall Putting down her we Estella rose snow how innocent,it was, how hoaeet; g '*it, When,he looked up,again his counters- opened the door and cams in'. enough to crawl under." - without a word. A tinge, the merest how pure, how untouched `with the ante had rest im !a I, shadow of a blush spread-over -the w'orld's-wickedrrem. "I-pusho -the-button-theee-ttmestgr :- t er ch its. With a greak cry he fell at her feet: "It see7rts uncommonly as if Master'a maid," she said sternly, as she ddved e ai�baster paleness of h c'Yau Bever did it! Oh ou never Benjamin Bell were a bit of a rogue, under the covers. y Garment 11 Oliver Machmichael must just have t„ ' Y he exclaimed, with the most agreeable I or Old had her letter. Rich and important did it. he was embracing her knees. lightness. "Clevez chap, but ascorn- "Yes, the little fellow replied, "me 7Lp� y as he was; poor and obscure as she He bowed his forehead an her shoe tip. drel! I always said so, didn't I?" she." In Dininond Dyes, must ever remain, she nevertheless If an angel from heaven came to tell "If, you happen to see hi'm," .said 'ttauglrt she could guess the identity of me y D had'done it, I would not be= Oliver grimly, "you,.can tell him for Buy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the her visitor. But it was the hated lieve rt," A Safeguard. countena Ace of Benjamin Bell, his "Oh, you are good," said Estella, me that I have no intention of com- simple directions in every package ' and `he next nwmen't the were la's' pounding a felony"' Mrs. Smith-was astolais'hed'to find Don't wonder whether you can dye or odious smile, his grasping band, which a y p. Julius Vane laughed and disclaimed. that the new cook, who had already tint aucceeafully, because perfect h.)me- ' greeted her as she -stepped over the ed and their tears mingled. Then he seized Oliver by both. hands shown more skill than the Smith threshold. , Presently she put him from her, and effusive] con dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond and taking his hand,--trcuid: Come, 1 Y '�� h' 1 household had known fh many moons, Dyes even it you have never 'dyed be _ ,`t,Y !„ I want to show you somdthing." g- teIla,anil'bowed low-with I was illiterate. fore. Worn, faded dra'ses, skirts, To s'h'ow flurry, to speak in haste, She brought him' to the table and a deferential admiration. wbieh wiped "And so you can. road, Mary? said waists; costa, sweaters, stockings, wen not in her nature; the slow drop- g away from her guileless lavers mind' ped word carried all the tl "° e,,,•piy took up the f:Vsgel. }}„ a€ l:i- r the mistress. "Gracious, how did you .,i,,a„p;tt, 1,a,•gi�, ' hh q evervthinrt, be- ' "Now look. s e said, took closely. ever,learn to cook so well?" the weight of her antagon`lam. u notice noth'ino9" Inane upon t scene, come like. new again. Just tell your BOU:. Yes,I.-(-Do-yo —f9 wwo very taztfui-to-hurry-away--"Shore, mum,"reP`ided-Meat , "g�--;<=�--druggist—:whether--the—material yvu He we'n't to the door, opened it'to; He glanced from her to the statu- az>rd leave the betrothed to themselves. it to not bein' able to read thim cook _ make•sure there were no listeners,I ette and back again, in silence. I But Julius Vane seemed to have im- books." wish to.dye is wool or silk, or whether shut it again, came back, and spoke,.J "Open your uncle's catalogue," she. it is liken, cotton, or mixed good's. l ,portent business o! brie own He bending close to her and ever closer; bade him. Her voice, grave and rich!rushed• to the nearest telephone and Diamond Dyes never streak,.spoil fade as she retreated. as an organ note, was full of such Mlnatrd's Liniment top Colds; stn or run. .. I wonderful o that he had no fear o[Irang lip, the' private number of Des- '_ Estella; miserable girl, what have; JOY cloches & Co. The result of his cons- you ,lone? All is known. All is dis-;obeying- munication was the instant disappear- Only that love that seeks no pea'- A rough, rude, coarse manlier cm covered. The theft of the loos atatu- Read what. is written there about. y I „ . erne and ultimate flight of Beajatnin i sonal gratification or reward; ..that•-taxes an instantaneous prejudice,cloQe'i ette from'that grassgreen young fool I the' ivory angel. I Bell abroad; admirably disguised as`does not make dis�tinctianls, and that hea t&,arrd'bars doors egain'st us. lies been traced tq you. All is known,+ Fourteenth century statuette,' - • ° t boa rt;at P3•a u Ian agent in chemistry; .Oliver Mac-' leaven behind alto heartaches, can be I say..Estenla. Poor Creature, It was: e. g e, July, 1914. NUTem-I m•i•chael's ivory statuette lying lost in a sudden ke tatiat. I know, " under- burg work. Probably a.procetssional called divine. C3earing away s fog by meads of - approximately y a huge bottle g crystals an electric machine is one of the pot" . - stand. And you'cotmted---oh, Estella!�ft�re• Date a xrrrratel fixed b EstelLa's atsgel was never girt back Esttella!—you counted on your em- musical instrument, clarion, .hebd in the Macmicbael collodion. Whey- Grows are a peat in Vancouver, B: sibilities of the futu'r`e. One of these plvyer'e iniatvation; it was rrmdnesa,j angel s riflit hand. Best bit in my ever she went she took it with her,i C.r and a bounty of twenty cents i.� iirventiora has been useJ with success fie is—he is furious,not to be held. 1 collection..' " on.' aced in her own room at Eaton place!placed on their-he.Rdo. In four mon.ns- to clear the atmosphere of a room.. _ have just-come from him. One one Lorrk at the-angel again." paid _ y - �titti:,t: wan a(irlitastr rlieYilrOl,}TOr IC, wltn' LrSP YTOVt11C1aI �ilrVet'ttment has- — Ufitverr iooxed; et without under- u ;Can gave Sou—I!" y a Iamp beneath. placed so that her• out'!607.60 for hearts. ktlnard's Liniment Used by Veterinarles He stood away from her to gla:•e standitig. Then Estella, with a &mille --- ---- upon her, and though his-words were that transFgured her strange beauty --- ---- •------- --_- w+orda of power there was- a ferocity to something, Oliver thought, beyond. ---cif deebt ir. 1'xr_ vj_. 1 the �$rtl'lb'�r �lPat�+rl fho wn .. .- "I will be your friend. I loved you " `The muAcal instrument which ' owe. I love you shill. God of my I the angel holds in its right hand.' In r fathers! I knew the day would come lrhich haric3 loco this angel hold the ' .•when you would have to turn to Ben- clarion?` - jamin Bell! Did I' not tell you that "Dear 'heaven!" cried Oliver. * "In `` one day you would turn to me? Es-1 the left!" - I j 1 _ teRa, put your two hands in mine. I, Then he remembered the postscript r t l do not dare what you have stolen. I to her letter, "The ivory statuette 1.i do -not care how you have sinned. I not unique." ! MA I. "There were two:'There were ",o .� lave you. 'I wine lave my bride.' }low Universal) Popular Are the Movie Stars? >'t NE two— She Find listened with a marble com- a pair•"' he cried. i y ff!! ARE T Few ., „ ThM i• tier vaeersno wretch the, aloe Enlist of �'• C.t�ADidr1 posture, drawn from his 'touch'to t*e Ah• said Estella. You klww FAatrtta u ,nuns ,o solve, We ,»:tle.r that tin !fast. ikon are l'nt1t3 of the tram. The greet shealrs,nolvv,'but you believe in me without art ae we tellers m .less tow*• ..na•e and r.,a,ross ,aamusiEt 4 or the Damtnlna as to the btls'.'lure as i just to yrwe St, wr artist '�a oil' lilies in their buckets on the win: that. And that is why I love you."' I has devised thin yuale, ��1 �u�n►Q� 1 ,. ` stow, feat were not mare white and ben bur. Julius Vane httrrted ir,•to ; How To Solve The Pusale '�/v R 15 NO &W(6)MD ( gallery- h to this piews the true- has d•pl,ten. ,he 'n" o • Ys"s ao�d and niotioaless_t'harr she. Into r. B$ y e fot>etrd Mr. Ijicmicllsel` Th.atm she._ eta of the Mat" mourn la tat,• Lau* de- �� sea�,�a� ke! eye's only, widen*tip; and darken-ralna his lecretary bending together nets 0 4RT a .:x a„ 6L su,tlem-e eo tc ,.nw tae»*.re arneiied '2BU AKUr( / J =HAI per inrg; did life corsceitrate, and for once!aver the case- which had held the, inane wven n•xun a, the e,•,cea ra ant.» ,h"'Dour,, .0 rats' `�� eMJS•IL •- an n�Urrd w do is to sovrrenp the lerun w she shay inl11 �� � �, � 'tTae inscrutdbi2 Qt12e Spr71Ce-6cOTti. angel. ,The smooth Julius-was unusu- ! *pelt ,ae •orn,•, artn", n- a,:tressw rttt:,e, fi+r Cxateplet- No - 1 :3 A Chmilio'Charnn Can Tau auere the Mt•rrtt" if 7eu Can. CA The perspiration was l;eadknit on his ally perturbed, not to eery agitated:: n »,a a one -, Ash or i4o_ s:,I.,..: 11wrintd Tourins t•.r ferehead as he waited for her reply. and, at eight of Est�ila, in c'oae con- j -'t'-' -ooa otn mi- roe rw ii,ut:. nen,t d.e up too .aaus p��+ "What! You think T took Mi. 31ac- slave with her employer, 'could not: at Snt you aaa :: a rule b•tti m r&e. ate, aht win tan � ID r VRI.RICE WOW fit V'15 >{/1r P lost w.se. t+.e the tail net 1/�L%: 11V 1 michael's S ory e'.atuette?•" conceal. a sharp movement' of din-i ' at A.-uo below. ���A�� �n � --- The*e tva9 a Iittle urd+trtrurrent of pleasure. 1 } IVIL y III 1, l / HICJ K 1 V!W f dA,CHIM l�augh2rr in the ccntempt of her ac-; "My dear fellow!" ho exclaitred, "1 NQe 1 !KNOW ' cents, He fl+tree'out his area; have just heanT of the_.horrihle bus!-, TJan't hc+ a foe!, Estella!" he!ress. Of course I quite un.ierstand; r,�,,� M2 s mare-1. "Unh~zppy child, you never' sou don't urea-t to make a i'gso.. ou c3F ur KsC-lZaT t, f'c 0TM SURE thougi:t cC looking at the markings it IcA D ., lulu l:s Can7ertlePl.. H 1 your grandfather's hana:Rerhjrf. You 0'• �q C ARL N „!• "_'com,^ i'i sme *elf-cordemned! I to`!1 yau•I hasc "n^net say_a word more;Mr. S'9ne. ? s►� r ��QQ _sly just come from JTacrliichael'% galhery," said Oliver, '`�ili you hear ny news.; ''p� °� "You halve, t' we fromi .his gallery 11 ss •Vancler!crk has ;content] tn; s �` rind you say the statuette is stolen?" marry me." "Estella, what is the use of this? jnhT-s fell beck a step with a snrAer . - � � � 41• Pallaw! If you hzdn't been so clpmsy! ,which gave his 'itandsome face for one: * tab, - 'Wh my sweetheart the statuette is:moment, Est,-lla thought, a horrible known to be!on'g'to� ;.he- Macmichael;likenes�to that of Benjamin Bell. -roiaectien by Autry art r?eajer in F.pr-! Yes; pursued Jlacmichael, stead-' - ope. It's beck in ills hands already, 1 ilp. `A}td you found us in the 'very - tell you, and I tell you he!s on yourIthrili c a nits# inferesting discovery. A Track_=.. You've a chance. Just one I.havt, been -very cleverly robbed A' 1 1 a chance. I can hush it up.. I'll do it,,whole pane of glass had been cut II I I ! if :mu intake ;t t,vxy ,,:� ;d"le." 'wwnv from this cupboard and replaced If you touch me, Mr. -Benjamin'by a new one, And the statuette you I - - y Bell," said Estella,-"I call for 'help., a Stand out of my.way. Take your hand. 1 t- :from the door. Do.not dense to stop, CORNS me. 1 have nothing to say to you. Can You 9otw this Puzzle? Anyone UV4Ag outside or Tnronto'iR privileged to take part. Estella Went--swiftly up 'lntA beef' �! Prime �f! Put on your thinklnR cap and solve life Puzzle.and send In your answer. Probably Fittle bedroom, aril having watched; ? (� M you know the-names of most of the famous stars, but just to refresh Your memory we Benjamin Bell, ivith the face of a! .'iZt�.W im all give below a few of the most popular ones. „ Chance Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Charles Ray, Fatty Arbuckle, Norma Talmap•, devil,jump her b t a and drive away;!' Lift Off with Fingers ! 1at Prise "spe. Wallace Reid, Beverly Wayne, Thomas Melphen, Mabel Normand, Dorothy Glsh, Pauline - t she put on her hat and very deliber- cial" $1,112.00 Frederick, Gloria Swanson, Douglas Fairbanks, Alice Brady, Dustin Farnum, Pearl White, ately directed her steps to Eaton place. _ _ -Overland Auto Blanche Sweet, Theda Barar p: , } - —Costs Nothing to Try - Oliver Macmich&el s servant re- h or $1,1ti00.00 Wouldq't you be the happiest person hi the world it you were the winner of the eeiven Lire secretary a, a xtta tva 1 - 1 r,• $1,000 in aL contest like this which took only a feu: minutes of your time? Well I should rourse and ushered her into the small sad " 250.00 tea> ,vu ...u:d Lc L,,,,,,•,: A.,d 1. l_ is IE:; 1: a anteroom where' she was wont to di- '- as tills that hundredd acid'thousands of common folks have.obtained their start and have vest herself of her otitt100T garments. 4th " : 100.00 risen to be the great men of today. You prohabh• know of some such cases yourself if - loth " 50,00 you think. This is the CANADIAN FARMER'S otter to YOU to give you a like chance. Estella hesitated, then followed the ! And It won't cost you one cent. - pointing Of fate. She took 'off her; sth $5.00 Only 185 Points Wins $1,000.00 ^-td�lave9 aril entered urian- ( �h �� The answer.gaining.I8S points (which Iq the maximum) will win the $1,000 to cash Into the pre4erne of her late: 8th '720.00 for the beautiful."Special" Overland). Second highest will receive $500.00 and so on down 9th the list of 25 prizes. !yes. i For each Movie 'Name that you correctly arrange you will receive 10 points, or 100 sitting in her place before i rah Pointe in an if you arrange all ten names correctly. the 'writing table, his face-buried in 11th 15.00 Then you can get $0 more points by !'nunllfying" your answer. That Is, by proving - 15.00 that you have shown a'oopy of tke CANADIAN* FARMER to three people during this his hands. Befode him stood the ivory; - 13th 15,00 ' Big. Publicity & Booster Citrnpaign. A qualification blank win be mailed you on recelpt• µr el where Benjamin had left it, the' 14th " - 15,00 of your he final 25 points will be awarded by three prominent and Independent Judges wt little figure of, purity and pity! ' I O '� . 15th 15.00 the neatness, style, handwriting and spelling of your answer. In Oliver s brain word's were ringing Strike while the iron is hot, and send In your answer toda s as with'the tol] of a great bell., 1 lath " :: 1500 y ' Rules of Contest `°'• '"'•' - ,..'�4 "Young. beautiful, penniless. Young.t 17th 10.00 '1. Write all ten Movie lames on one side of a sheet of-paper. besutiftrl, pettni'lesa." ATxI each time loth 10.00 '2. write your name and address plainly in the upper right band aerator of t1.e the beV tolied a wave of compassion- 19th " to.00 ame sheet. ate love went through h him. A sudden >:oth " 1000 S. If you wish to write anytking else. use a separate sheet of paper and own your g name and complete address on It algo. " tgmDteCYOn. 11P'ho was he to'judge her? gist " 10.00 4. Three prominent Judges, having no connection with the CANADIAN rARMER, Her ate on the carpet' made rno Tend T.1.00 wl" juuga 111. 'Iu I;f-J n and award the prizes. p { s. The answer galning 185 points, which le the highest number obtainable, wins - *: sound. The movement of her thin t�oesn t-hurt a •loll! Drop a 11tti9 23rd TO,oe- First Prize. Ten iiointa will be given. for each correct name you send, or 100 black dress did not as much as whi3-! "Sressone" on an aching own, Instant 24th " 10.00 .,,points if you get all ten names correct. Sixty additional points are gained by _ ]�eL_t�_a�,.ei+ -$ACl 1 _-nth 11LOR ctuwllfy_in� our answer, and 25 points will be given for neatness, style, hand- kttd This was so poip; - a ., ---- --- cenb�e of h3tu thtwghts that he felt no I ly you lift it right of! sell'.% -Qnsers. a When the Movie Editor receives your solution,-be wni eettd yon a-'fetter- - Trn1yl f All Tries Receive you just exactly hoer many points your' anlntlnn earned and also send you i surprise; nor did he potiss'to queot'ion Ytxir druggist sells a tiny bottle of Duplicate Prizes sample copy of the CANA IAX FARMER to help you in "qualifying." tivhy skte whould present herse)•f bare- '7. The Content cloaca on baurodn5, March lie 1922 and announcement of Prise ' !bead, as if thin letter of resignation "Freesons" for a few cents, sufficient ! Winners will be made in the CANADIAN FARxEn shortly after. ^'7 )red iutrt been written. io `remove every bard corn, soft corn i Cor. Richmond&Sheppard Sts. 9lre stood stiA, half w,sy across the or corn between the to". and the cal I R. R►. HAl1+IILTDN,�Me�ie Editor, CANADIAN FARMER Toronto, Canada moon. reheat, very quickly, he came ;loses, wftbout soreness or irritation.d ` W.. f s✓'t.i3`,..•:a',.':{•t'.t} "•Ci••. r•�,yd.'�•4vn Txu' - >v .v .,�,.:-.:,�F....,� ''' ti•;;;..'..N;:M:.•;o., -r•-n,w r°• r�'x..•-,`"�v •r.h.s r�1'V 'w4sa:• n'* ,.d '$i''' ,,qq,,,,',` r. RE -,,.e •✓=.�+•' .•� - .•�'c �' ;.f- ,.s.,...et?'+r,..ti,.,`t;,:j7';,,,:,, ti...•.•w.. - ,s" iii-><„3ry ..m, ,.� �,.,+ .. �n. � ••,r,,i .,jx-.z„ . .*.,;p.✓':. .:oa� 7: 3c.< v^::}°ji ""' .c ,,�_. !"'.R .•-s4 "'d., 1.,....A^r,,,.'�,�`.� ..� x.. �"•'�+i•.. ''w"r +.. ,,a; ,,;f.... .�:ea• _ _7..,,,;y--..'.'�' f. -^. .,r{,,.,. ':" t,...- ^" mc 5, w ,Y ^`�+ • " .i J+' ...� ,A+,axls:•'.,*. �-•'-L.,.'�,: ,r'C�`"`'�'..•"'.l%....;•,s.>.S..:w ..�. ..u;.c:!. �.. .k. .,r✓°y, i.u.��ix-' f+� .'`,�a,;»-so a..'....:ti�vxol`.x,- �1- m':a-....2.o- ''��.�„�3",• 'Fq�v:•.'�i::.v�+,v-%� ��;'"''Y <i'_ 4�=y� 'ft'''' .., ,. i'. _r. .e: •r. .,.� ../r .., r._ „,• iG.- .•., :r�,:-: ,. �e ,, r.a iffy' ;.,iro.:M° •`r"":•' _ '`%'_ �4a+ ws' '"�X`a '..°� .p,.• .,,, ate• .�'-a "t, .r..,,. .,.-�::..r. ".e.,,:., .�.:,�' «�'"�.• �%r,..r,,«.i,�`.*`*-'•'. rfi' s�.':'.c *a• .w; +'�, v ;ja;'' -,W�'r�+ :il,^"^•@�. .'•Sy-•Mgr•; .u•, „-x .•"`� r'.`,.a;•.'M�Zi 4°:_ '"•,b•'7a"ar .'-"'' 'a J •,•' fi;. �t_ ,, , ,1+.°,. ,y '',.p:P; •s» j;: y' »'. r:,4,�,��' ti:M �r�. ,.' s+t k.. .•p''i'"3'' .v, 'ja.•_ ?i.! •,t.' ' ";a'^ "�? ... r,S, „r• _ 1<� y£b F1tIrIEST SHACKLETOH DIES - io7 KILLED WHEN BRITAIN STATES TERMS FOR ESTAB - THEA'M ROOF FALLS . :w ON EXPLORING SIP "TBE QhST'' iHotioA Picture House_in I�ISHMEIT OF EGYPTtAH PARLIAMEH ~ : = Washington Collapsed Un- - = ;L Leader of Expedition to Antarctic Regions Had Already --�Ier Weight of Snow. ---lord Allenby, High Commissioner_in_Egypt, Made Three Trips to Discover South Pole. __ �Yashingt 29.-one humored EngbmA to Advise Government-Protectorate to u.• - a�ni seven es have ' n �,,A ermina on ee n bons.- - Elcnt�.:dr,n Uruguay-3an: 29--Sii ui-to te-ni a rrns ^_ ''Ernest-Shackleton,'the British explar-! Knickerbocker Matron Pictueel-watre, en,&,ed January 5 onboard the sta:am-.1 located in the heart of Washington's London$ .Jan. 29.-T1 a basis on "W'hile urrwiILing to cede to disorder Y , which the Britsh Government wouuld I or,violence what they were prepared . ship Quest, cn which he was making northwest section. Rescue 'workers,, ' -another expedition into the An•tarctis }(;: ^,:; fighting a desperate battle ,Through be wilding 'to terminate the Egyptian to grant on its own merits, His Ma- 8 85 Pt I iesWa Government have expbicitly - regions. dark and daylight, have re:overed I prctectomate, reec zing E , as a• A, that number. It is 'believed there are soverei state and ee I, the estab-! stated their readiness to invite Par- Death was due to angina pect-iris ' ldamen't to terminate the protectorate -and occurred when the Quest was off still eight or ten 'bodies in the ruins.I lishment of an Egyptann -Par iament,l which was declared in 1914, to tecog- the Gritvimken 'Station 'The rocf of the theatre co11an3ed last to sutnotutced in a statement officially 1 nize the existence of Egypt as a saver- * night under the weight of two feet of circulated this evening by the Foreign : The body was bmdg4tt to Monte- % ,eign state and to agree to the consti-• :Y Video ou-board- Nonve °*+ RtP3m r, -.-- w - anon. Office. - - kution of an Egyptian Parliament soul The theatre, which accomrnodat��cl "The Hi Carivmissioner in Egypt," a'nd wild be taken by another steamer the re-establas�hment of an Egyptian close to 2,000 persons, was said to be says the statement "has 'been, sum- Ito,Europe. I Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon arl Captain L. Huss£ of the nest wild two-thirds filled at the time, and the maned to England to give fu'ld infor- they were satisfied'as' to the fozowing Y Q roof, as it fell, imprisoned many under mation and advice to His Majesty's� condition which the re rd as vital - accompany the.body 'home. Y g� Sir Ernest died on bears! the Quest, -,the mass of wreckage, the balcony Government as to the resent "tl- rolla, si also. while concrete' illars' P to'the interests both of Egypt amd t2te which was anchored•ofY South Georgia p P lion in Egypt, acrd as to the commumi-i Empire: ` fell over to add their weight 'to the .cations that have• been passing be-I "They .must have full and effective =l a debris under which the wounded la Y t:ween Lion'and the fornner.Egyptian antees, first, that the I ial The p2•eviona•might`he had been Hit' miper . , groaning. , Ministers with regard to the future' communications ` sa:)ght.z indisp_.e-. but no uneasiness The r}isas�ter occurred without the , to which Egypt is es- vms felt,fur hiLm. His medicir.�al needs ° Government of the country. _ , se2iti•al are aszuredi second that Great. 'y si ghtest warning, the root buckling + lavers attended to by, Capt. Hussey. i There appears to be an impression Britain retann both the right and po}v- . rFrrres?'A_a klel`ort, in the middle and falling practically�in some uarters that Great Britain L er to afford that rotection to t1w At 3.30 o'clock on the morning of intact to the floor below, where the q P rY g '':hip, Sir Ernest s sail from England audience iwas match' a reel of Get has &abandoned or is aabout to•abandon foreign coanmurrities is E t, which Jatvua b Sir Ernest be in to sink ,� gyp _*t pi�?y, and dPxni 1'' of orrc by �-� •---r Se er on-what• was to have Rich Quick Wallingford." h � attitude toward Egypti t the Governments of these peoples in -- attert ants 'he died wi' ' - been a two-year voyage:----1;arge e-roof crashec}�as one woman de- piraticns, and desires to make use the existing condlt.i2ns_LQQk_to_her-to - crowds gathered on the docks in Lon- scribed it with a acund like thunder }of her ecial gypt pply, and, third., that Egypt is safe- arcs. ,► ap position in E to su Gaverr menta3 and militar honors masntaiin a political and administrative guazded agai'n>s't all foreign interfer- . Y don to wish the party a successful and in falling, sheered the walla clean i system there incom tible with the'ence or a 'were paH'the body. 'The Government voyage. and carried with it to the floor the pe 88ceS-ion.direct or ixrdirect. , will rebw`n custody cf t'he'body until- The voyaoge had as its objective not cement and steel balcony. Under the+freedom which she has declared her "As soon as an agreement satisfy- It is' embarked for England, which on:- ocean carrrpres$ion cf'air.many of those near willingness to recognize. frog these condWons has been drawn r 3 ographic research bu't. the • 4. probably will be on•board the ste:im.er exploration .of a petrified forest and the exits were thrown forcibly to the "This is not the case. The policy txp between the Egypbiao-n Governmedrt .Asr'?'es, Fe'bru'ary 11. the location of a "lost island-Tuan-� I of His Majesty's Government, both and the British Government,there wjX street, but scores were pinned, udder during and since the Adly Mission to be no hesitation on the part of tine )Nat- - Sir Ernest Shackleton was born in ski-the adjsacerrt waters of which had the�-reckage, not to be extricated for 1674. He was s Third Lieutenant in not n sailed for more than ninet England, has been founded on the rod-I ter in irrviting Parliamentary sanction b� Y many hours. lowin rincr les: to such an accord." - the British Antarctic expedition in years. In addition, soundings were to +,s -- - is 8 P P 1901, and in 1907-09 commanded an have been teen of the ocean plateau HEROIC ACTION OF -�- -- --- -� - -expedition which got to within 97 surrounding Gough's Island, in air ef- Universit Finances,. . Horses Dis laced _INDIAN 14 YEARS OLD. �' p - _- miles of the South Pole. He made his fort to determine the truth regarding e9� - _. -third quest of the'Pole in 1914. a supposed under-water continent's! - _ The expedition in.which-he was en- eonpection between Africa a}ud Am- Boy Defies Bitter Cold and The autharities of the pxoYia w Saves Orphaned Brothers. y Ades itch from London sa ®: gaged when he died was to have cen erica: unrversit went before the (lntaria P y Bred 30,000 miles oil!uncharted sections .F.rnaee £nr h .; + ;, ail; �,�,.. -- t1overnment last week with the build- -j he London Daily iV�ews u71- t, A despatch from Fort William o for the next three ears. derstands'that the War Office 18 y of the South Atlantic and tht Pacific vices, was made a Knight in 1909. I g pr gT'aTtt Y _,and the Antarctic Seas. Various societies through#-th 'e3 Fvre ,children, ranging •in age .,vna from less than a Year--to--1?r�avp!Four buildings it was stated,are long{subs'tltuting motor traCY�or/e for l,ad honored him for his work. ,,_. uve.iiun NLAId alw,.f.�i l,v a�;lavac•eo aa. cr ci,y lsaaua IA tnl LIM - _ reached Watcomb, on the C�=a......• once. These are a forestry and botany! Gover•mnent Railwa saved b their Royal Artillery. The ctl8nge will " BULLOCK FREE r `' young black whose case has stirred the 14-y eanold brother after enduring building, a women's building for fe-fk enable the Government to make UNDER BRITISH LAW male students' residences and gymn-.I : whole continent, relsrted in a cool aTtd terribDe hardships in the wilderneea. a ten per cent. reduaetion in the collected manner how the purchase of With Ms wife acrd himself dying as to either an iversi t Coll build- pers�oi<l *L , 10 cents' worth b his ing to relieve University College of _ off apples' y young i i , Atehimo Nan Tucheea, � execs Live des or an extension .Set Free But His Whereabouts b er, Plummer, Precipitated the an Indian tra er, called his eldest One Member More T - , �ne 'ot which resulted in Plummer son Atchimo 14, to his bedside acrd t° pI°vide the necessary clmrsr�cnom ac- is Kept Secret. � ' commodation for University College. for Coast Province I'and another negro,'named Ail Wil- gave him $1,200 the fruits of his ,and a w' 1 A despatch from Hamilton•says:- liam&, being murdered and he himself,trapping, and bade him- care for the• P'P ementary heating plant. A des teh from Ottawa. Ont. British ustice has decreed that, if it One and a }calf million dollars assured + j being stmt at and forced to flee north children. !says:-Census returns for British ' +can prevent it, Matthew Bal'lock, the;to ewes . a almilar fate. The same day January 13, both now but spread over three years, Norlfna negro, shall not be the victim _ would �enable the University of To-1 Columbia show a population of 6ldy tt parents died. Unable to blur$ fire will vs an hrerease o!old? rJ of mob vergeanre in Nora► Carolina. Tonto to connmerrce these tour urgently i on9 - Signed by the Deputy MiniaCeT of W11�h AnnouilCef -- - , the l�o3r_.1�ft_them froaen soind rag �i. i�rgs at once. one in the parlieanenbary ., in the shack w th the five ot... d,11- :S . - im�nigra'tton�--an order for Bullock's y as >ioaa ail` use provide. ns intnse reached Immi New German Taxes dren,and set out on snowshoes to fetch - Vancouver constituencies have an ag- ' gration Inspector his nearest neighbor, 30 miles away- Saar valley Trouble gregate population of 176,447, the aa& Hugh l3weeney Friday afternoon at 4 A despatch from Berlin'says: Where he returned with John Hin- _... caused bj► Berlin d'itional member will probably se 's]- ., o'clock. A few minutes before 6 -The German Chancellor Dr. g�h, two days later, the five chil- o'clock Bullock walked out of the city lotted to drat city. . 3af1-tea free man He tban]ced Gad, Wirth, announced in the Reich- dren, including the baby, were,gnaw- A despatch from London says:- • the said, for hhe aey)Rmt of the Brutish 91Sg on Thursday the GOYern- ing raw moose-flesh, the only food in Word has been received by London. Pearson Estate Left t �� menu s new taxation proposals. the shack, and had burned every scrap friends of R. D. Waugh, ex-Mayor of En�ly to Family Met !tg his father. Reg. F..Bublock, They of furniture to keep from freezing. Winnipeg, who is the Canadian mem-1 aand Rev. J. D. Howell, pastor of the First, a compulsory loan a Hingoo&h and young Atchimo packed ter od the Saar Valley Commission, . A deapattch from London says:-The , em and mushed on that the Lesgue of Nations has ex- >: kcal A.M.E. Chute; F. F. Treieav_ ,,old; -bearing in- to Watcomb, where all obtained food tended his app f ftment for another �' of .the_lobe Sir Arthur Pearsoni, _- i -Ells able coun,46 -Inspector Sweeney, tearst only alter three years, in- and medb ail attention. The infant, it year. Mr. Waugh says that all the founder of St. Dunatxn'e Inatitutioa and a few other friends,he was driven tended to ov the t,^,T.,e ^ 1:�, iea�e., -V ' ^ Valli �for the B'luid,here been probated. The Ito Mr. Howells home oti John street av #- :° foci, ...� i L„ ..� :.. w.� ; lam !penditure for 1922, not relating J been caused by propaganda engineered)estate m � at £94 000 and m Ieflt ..trorth. pos yrs' second INSANE -POILUS from Berlin. entirely to the family. There am no , �to t8. and ralwwa , . ' charitable bequests. _ - Shortlry after 6 o clock Friday night abandonment of the tax on post- MAY DIE UNKNOWN Matthew Bullock left Hamilton.Where war rofits; this, & two - - -- my 'his intimate friends P Per r-_''' M_ -'mo*. So long as he conducts himself I'cent. business tax; fourth, the Six French Soldiers Found' - ` . � Ht�rket Re� = - , in an upright manner, tine permit he l duty on coal raised to 40 per Wandering Between. Lines - -- _ possesses will allow him to remain in cent., duty on sugar to be fifty N . I I ..Are Still Unidentified. -- Toronto. gal., $2.50; per 5. imp. gals; $2.35; �. Canada for three-months. This per-;marks per 100 kilogrammes. Ma le su r, Ib., 19 to 22c. !� snit can be renewed from time to time. The taxation ro A despatch from Paris says:-• 'yanitoba, w'r>zat-No. 1 Northern,' Followed. to'the minister's home, P Pula of Dr. AmotXg the mast pathetic sequels of $13336. one$-60-30�1b. tins, 14e to 16c Wirth will increase the property war is the condition of six French ' Man'itoba oasts--Na 2 CW, 67iyc; Per 1b.; ,b-'l -lb. tins, '17 to 1& per _ -Matthew Bullocx told-the sto cf his lb.; Ontario comb honey, per. doz., ,* rY tax'by 200 per cent. prisoners who were returned to France extra No. 1 feed$ 58%c; No. 1 feed, $6 Southern adventure, which resulted in tat iynehing of his brvihe,�- { -� from Germany after the armistice and Manitoba barley-Nomintal. Smoked meats-'Hanna, Me&, 25 bo ` -'!;' Own arrest there. That a colored'fam- Warships Supply f"sermatli---moo-are still--unklertified-They are insane acrd were fround wanders be- orn y`�rarri.s. _ . lily in Hamilitogt betrayed him, was the .With Raw Material � Ameaican corn`-No. 2 yellow,69�{ic;I rolls, 23 to 24c; cottage m hs, 26 to � •, assertion of Bullock..He carried a pie- tween the lines. The Germans did not No• 3 yellow. 6834c; o, 4 yellow„27c;Ebreakfast bacon,25 to 80c;special turn,giving his name,age and addsew A despatch from Berlin says:-A identify them, bat kept them in a 67%c; tftck, Toronto. brand breakfaat bacon,. 30 to 85 - on the•baek, and it is&fought the fam-' big German firm, according to the hospital until after ,ne armistice was Ontario oe,2s•-Na 2 white,•nominal.I backs, boneless, 82 to 36c. �;�1 signed, when th sent them home. Ontario wheat--Nominal. - Cured meats-Long clear bacon, la Py sea► this acrd' oomntuntcated the Acht UbrabenilbIatt; he9 pinchased . Barley-No..8 extra, test 47 ills:or.to 20c; cb�rr bellies, 1835 to 203�c. ea The men never recovered their-reason, "ease. A photio ie n+�w nAssing from about thirty British warships for de. however, and all efforts to identify better, 57 to 60c, according to freights Lard-Pure tierces, 13% to 14c; a drawer in his bedroom, aTrd this was molition. its object is to provide raw outside. tube, 14 to 14%c; pail&, 14% to 15c; - - - them have failed 'although the Minis- sbolen while he was away at work, and material for German iTxius4rica The Buckwheat-No. 2, 78 to 80c. prints, 1636.to 17c. Shvrtenine tieuu=es, ,. Bent to Norlina, it is thou ght price is reported to have been about try of Pensions has done everything ,R•ye-No. 2, 86 to Sac. =' 13c; tabs. 13%c; Pails, 14c; prints, r possible in this conr.:,ction. Manitoba floti'r-First pats., $7.40;'15%c., -" 4 At the home of Mr. Howell, the,£500,000 sterling. The next stop will be to publish!seoond pats, $6.90, Toronto. Choice heavy steers, $7.b0 to $8; do, eir p p fn e -Manii'd�ivur-90 -P com. ,pal:, '�,0vd-, , CHINESE DELEGATION ACCEPT COMT _ • .to France and ti have their pictures bulk, seaboard'. per barrel, $6. Ito$6.2 ;do, to ,$5 to 45. good, com shown in every cinema theatre to this M)14feed-Del. Montreal freights,.'to$6.2b;do,dell,$b to$b.50;db,coT, PROMISE PROPOSALS AT ARMS PARLEI� country. Even this, however, s t con- i begs included: Bran, per ton•, $28;1$4 to $6; butcher heifers$-choice; sideared doubtful of results as it is shorts, per ton, $30; good feed flour,!to $7; do. med,, $5.50 to $6.50; do, bite ible the are forei ers ivho $1.70 to 51.80: �con., $4.5 ; do, butcher cows,choice, 9 P Y Bn Ba'led hay=Z`aack, ToromtQ,per ton, $5 to $6.50; dn; dell, $3.60 to,$4.60; ;,.,,. volunteered to fight for France. There- No. 2, $21.50 to 322; mixed', $18. !canners and cutters, $2.50 to $3; but- fore the most robabI will remain Straw-Car lots, per ton $12. Cher bulls d com. A despatch from Washington'Japan by money to file furnished by Y, P Y , good, $4.'00 to $6; o, , _,�• says:-The Shantung problem, which,.Chinese bankers, to'be paid within 15."unknown Soldiers" until death, re- Cheese-New, large, 20 to 20%c; $3 to $4; feeders, good, $5 to $6;' do, has been holding up the Washington years,with the rivil a of ng the leases them. twins, 2036 to 2)c; triplets, 21 bo fair, $4 to-$5'; stockers,good,$4 to P �� 121%c. Old, large, 26, to 26c; twins, do, fair, $3 to $4; milkers, $6 to $80; Conference, practically' is settled. whale sum within five years 25% to 26%c; triplets, 26 to 27c; springers $70 to $90 calves choi�ee, . From an r'tthoritative Chinese In the meantime the.general director. Advocates Aid for Stilton&,-new, 2b to 26c. $12 to$12.50;do,Tned..$9.50 to$10.50; :`Al source it wa's learned on Friday n'igh't of the Shantung Railroad shall be! Manitoba Farmers Butter-Fresh dairy, choice, 28 to do, com., $6.50 to $7.50; lambs, choice; °' that the Chinese delegation is ready'named by the Chinese, but the traffic' 35c; areamer7 prints, fresh, 36 to 88e; $11 to$12.50;do, com., 6 to$7- sheep, : to accept compromise proposals that'management'and gerteral accounting A des tch from Winni N4, 2, 84� to 32�c co�kit�y�g, 25 26c.�c1,�oice, $b.b0 to $6.b0; 1o, good, $4 to OYA. } y y pauses Pa Pe8 - Dreamed poul;ti'y--bprmq chickens,!$5• do com., $1.50 to $3• hogs, fed have been made for the return of will be shared 'oihtl b the Ja Estafblisb,me-nt of a ]roan, fund by the ~' Shantung Province to China. anti forta'nd Chinese. The,text of this 80 to 38c• roasters, 20 o 4c; fowl, 28,and watered, $12.25 to ,$12,b0; d0, ,. rile purchase from Ja. an of the Shan-'of the a p°'rt1On P'rovin'cial Government, to prevent p greement is now'bein worked to 32c; dvrkl'ie. 32 to 84c; turkeys, Point $11.60 to $11.-r6; de, eaantry r,y -tang Railroad. {out, it was stated on Frid•a �i ht. mortgage compasiies from foreeIasnrug b0c; geese, $Oc. I pbint4, 511.20 to $11.00. t Y ;5 on needy farmers of the province is Live poultry-S ring, chickens, 1;21 _ .liontrttai., Targotiationa between the` tnese an overnmen as n een recel • on -- _ _ the Legislature by George Palmer, M. d�uclCPnga, R'lc; nr ey-s, to- c;y -t3afs;-lien-Weal. Pv 2; os to b9c; 'Japanese delegates will be concluded.�this, proposal, the C'hAnese delegates P•ls• gm. Dauphin. Mr. Palmer• saaid he geese, 20a do, No. 8, 57 to 58c. Flour, Maur. " Preparations already are being made have received enough information to A-as in favor od creating a• fund of at Margarine-20 to 23c. �Spri�q wbeskpati. firs x7.50.Rolied t0r sending the snnouncemenk of the warrant them in proceeding to a con- least 000 000 for the ua Egg's-No. 1 storauge,35 to 38c new oats, bag ad 90 I�bs., 415 to $2.96. $1, p „pose of ad- laid straights$ b2 to b4C new lead, fn Bran, $28.28. Sdtorts$ 02b. dfpbomatic acltieyement throughout clvsion with the negotiations. vancinng small sums to farmers which ,F�... China. This done the Wash' cartons, 64 to 56c. No. 2, per toil, ear lots, X27 to �I► , Washington Confer-,would ernable.them to meet small pap- Beans-Can. hand-Picked, bushel, Butter,choicart creamier$,88 to 34e The railway settlement is said to once, it is expected, will conclude its ments by way of interest on Moans and $3.30 ra$3.50: prunes, $2.80 th$3.1t):-DRgs, mlected, 35 to 360. Pots" provide for purahaee by China from !stars in a rush. prevent fareclbsure. Maple products--Syrup, per imp, per bang, oar lots, $1.21 to $136. �,f7 d0 'o a•�,i f < 'arc ,+ '... - _ ad - y. 'G T +;�I•',s v*-,-r'" .y. '• , :+a' •.'� y •yt` .ate%°'f. ,•':'-'•`7' ,::i•:aa..,• -., '"+'�'.� dB`d»+:47�" j0 d,,'. :"�'i. + •,•,• j-" �..A, ,_ i•,,.,-.r,•^�".c if, .i•' • K%•7• *• i°• ,.av^-, .•u ,• yam' •"^n.'.,.s; �$ '�••`�,,,�,'�•r: -•-+„• .w� v�z-� `.r.;y zk.g'M."C` � Nr. +�''w�-,.:as�q�'1+�'• .��•� :�is,•aeanrR'.:•'�""atis..' .°?'<'�.••" ';"��,+.�; a,�,•. ,=`.3, •t�'r,' `��.,,sn 1 r'.r ..u.f. a_,._� u >� •hL'cr.: Cs' Hr;" 'a�''aw'1` - �-.sue„ • 'se:z.^�.�i€�"•` ..-;+�,U"•„w -,.,�►;� ar •t _ �- `'.�' '� _. 4[� M Y `c w � i 1tl�u S .. Y AI: LY RES . U OUR GI�OCE I '^ p 4:;ublial -:everyy Friday morainQ �t..o��e Q i s p•e r s o n A u ct E o,n Sale , , y .t?ick r9:yg. Otrt.l 1 - AT T HL TMRMS z, -+A year,i iI.GU if. -pa,id'in advance. " ROC E R —�- $WIN MURK�AR, Proprietor. ..- - a --. -- - — - ----- - __ _ ---NOTES AND COMMENTS. t - =N.�'..Zt'LTI7INC>♦' m«� The unit of the rhippawa Canal �8$Igtetgd-C1y&_S ales 'and 'ether Draft Horse;;. Registered W a a,sk c, you Vi, k F. *llieh is now in operation is prov- Holstein and other good blilch Covl s, Young Cattle, Our entire time it taken up looking ng a great inveetmeot. tVhile it Implements Etc tc at the residence of. is supposed to fnt•nish 55,000 horse- atter your Grocery needs. Make ) power, it was actually furnishing ]� �f T T T ]� Worth 'our while by ,60,000 horse powegduring the past 1�/1 L. �.•J j-f " week when some of the other- 1 `aending us your order ^ 'great power houses iu Niagara (Old`Pickering College Ground's), ` were in diflinulty, owing to tl)e ' �Ve will deliver promptly PIC_KE . ING VILLAGE -_dce, and called upon the Chippawa - - - •Best Groceries, Fish, ''Fruit, ' -Pro�3sions po,,ver house to come to their Hid. ON " Indt)stries in Ontario will not j� 1k0.v be at the rnercy of the coal J f`'�, I HA D3 ON, .•Ope:•ators• of the Cuited .States �r�da ��. 1 0th 1922 =' .' '•: When "a coal strike is ou,.tis wits -- ---- ------ ---- -------'---- ---_ -- the case a few yens-s ago, wtieti ,i ' "+ many fNCtories in Ontario had to Conirnencing at 1 a C10Ck, slturp. 'ic errng ar ware More shut down art acc'otint of the lack - of coal. , :\either «ilIotu'railwa3 = - - bein theytitue A tr: Ruddy is giving up fariuin;, everything advertised r, predicantent ivlleo 55'ill I)OSltl�'eIy 11E' SOl,(1. Just the place- t'o 'the Chipp:►%va Canal is cutn[rlete, _ ,` r; •whi•u millions of dollars ..ill be Mlle-tkeill IlnCler'C05-er if weather is utif.; ,�Tftl!.C'. _-- /,'�f�� :''?� buy-e1r---- aavea ttunuatkyjn;voEiriu. --- ---- - �e }tills fur conihlete Iiyt of rzrtieles• -( One 1.1 alt -,Tile leerson who' watc•hea elo�ely � the career:: of .riti+inai�; nrn;t - >� IM /4 Get a Cotetnan 1iRnlp for the awtice hoe• very seldotu they •'get house and a:Culecnan aw>iy" with their ri,i� dvedc+. Nt� Auctioneer, Wlkitb%, .Out. Ltntern for the barn. ' 13riHtter h(iw vitrerally they plan -----.--_-..._ __.._.__ _. ------, - .__.-- ----..__..-- _. The safett. iJeFt a.nd cheapest . their operatlo a, they- will. leit.vP ' '-Best Atneriean Coal-Oil for , e)rue mark behind tlretn th•>tt +till 119 _ i `� your oil ]tzcnpe, aln•ey� .-'prove their undoing.- .They tuxF - on hued. f -'congratulate themselves that they ` have let t no elite that Brill roan^ci �---- IT A good supply [)f Calf ideal now on hand them with the crime. The eric:,c �• �a swims if►u .0 !{+�« ..-c a.•u- Y — . winced that their ~work hEts been _ pThe Ro�+yal Purple line-Once tried-always used. well planned and suecep':futly - J. S. BALSDON, PICKERINGI carried out. But the limbs of the _ lace a.a put to -work-and-little by =----Round R.w.y;:,x 8t�..�', ... - ... C0. t,�. ll, ---- -- - •little a net is being woven around Sarloia Roast or Steak. ... ._. 25c J wherr t i t late he liar re is n Porterhouse Roast pr 8tet)k, • , 1Ise `• iJ i` ` �� 1 aL�e when it is ton late that there is au Rump Roast;'•,. .� . . ... y eweuue-_uf escape. -He then .real- _.._ I•'icre Rite Rua4.t, � - -�• -`• .. e' fee+ the' truthfulness of the old l3eavy Rib iit33at. .i T .:: ]tc '• - - - - - - :t' : saying '•be sure ytxur sin wi°I1 Bud ,Shrnilder Rua=-t: ... 11 and 100, .: Fo+t +•tit," Nearly' ever* vewF. tR,rest. •• ... .. l.4( •. - - - - - -- - - - , Pu pailrr one pick- tip. cuntaina -otut• Brisket. to boil. .. _ _ ... .. 9c � It tlAs 1S w'hRt ou lceed , example that beara otit the state. Lc•R -I'orl:., half ur cthule: with toot riff•+ ?:3c " :;. went., A (•a,e wlti,:h has b Loin of Pork. ... 25c " g•e havo. :. .. een so ' _ much in the public r;•N diiriti� the.. _ '-fihoulder of PrH•ir. - .:- ..-._-1 :.. _ ... - - 1:�e _ _ �' � t�}teal •. :past fNw day. is the Bifi•hanan •Shouldei Ituq-t of Y:)rk, .. `_U and 22c - - {'1' '-v � ,. a� ca in Ttlrorir(t. Arr.,rdity to 25` OyS.t `'shell.- aticl G iL ft)'r � {)ttl l)nultI y. R tore Pork San-.tbc, ., the public verdict aad.that of the Finel+t �3alt Pork..,. "2 A. l t 1 "Court%. Jatt,es Buchanan had de. )'inest Breakfast Bat-6n, piper{ .. . . '30c ." i1C'lleb()re, and :�llil)[1i11' tr[) iil�l •termined to get a'Way' tvith•his •+ " EIICPd, .,: 32C '• - , - wifr.by means of a "beauty post`- Mild Cured Cottage R,olly(half or wbole),- 30C the L•E't'Cnt ile otl a�011l' _ _-der,•' which proved to be a dune of Back Bacon, - 40c r•. _ - StOCh. atryrhnine, sufficient to kill a Coked Harty,... .. 4"c iscorp or more of uten. This-crag � '4f�einert+,.. _ - ... .: 2ue •' .. ,• - '.. _ ti ;mailed to his wife, and in the Head-Cheese,.. _ ... 94c " tills% 7cU1tg t, ... package was a circular containing _. Fany Final Opel 1).%itipstio Chnrtpnintr a lha rn r;Pntr ' instructions, and telling bow it �r 5 The .80 cents would change her complexion and 1b prints 1K cents .-A NNI - -- -'�sleo• telling her that Fhe wits to - ..wit It in water and drink it just EPC`•C7 'F 4�„� a�NZ'AR7��? .before retiring. Had she follow. 'the instruction t, she would have W.. G. RE I D, V IC KE R I N G been found dead in bed and the. verdict wottid probably be ��a case ; — -, The Investor's Safeguard - of suicide." That was no doubt_ AFETY is the first consideration in ev has ' "thl� expectation of the mnederer. . ' - _ II S eTY P - Bat the wife did not fall into the of this Bank's business — and we are in a ".New Low Prices on All i'ord position to render a mptete investment servrlce• snare; but their only son iostead. Our nearest Manage scan give you information "a becmtne the vfctim•. The c•aee was Models effective at once regarding any securities you may contemplate • deep nyystery, but not fur long. J f . .- ash °9' 8urhanan, to snake sore that tits 1i Runabout $530,25 Chassis : 419.01 III L-a srANDARD sBRv/CBie rem leoeartitretint Safeguard - priu tiulr-of tbii circulars would I _ not iucrin)inatehim, went to Hero- _--. starter 81+.38 stat'ter 386.12 Tlit �t — - Wilton to secure them at a printing Touri�ig _ - b71.2#' .'Tench 612.23 °STANDAR BHl\ K • office, thinking that the distance - or ewty I(II 4. starter 638.35 sta rtes 899.34 I i� TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS �� ' !was great*enough for big 'safety. I That printing office supplied the Cuupe� 591.79 .•'.,Run. Lt. Det'. 558 94 Pickering Branch, - - W. F. Law, ]danger ri ' >oeeessar - __- , _,._.__,-„ Whitby Branch, - - C. A. McClellan, lfanaget _ e y proof to convict the-- Sedan 98#.02 starter 646 05 E tt.. F, O. B. Pickering Ontarin r. by romrnitting suicide. This rase, , e ii i _ +•a 81It as hundreds of others, ' prove sufficient to deter y . 'icke�ri:n Bake ry should An of these models gray be purchased with a ' tholes, who contemplate leading a small cash payment, balance to be paid in _ lice of crime, from wandering 4$y 1l8ing NO. 1 ingredients in our Broad we are from the paths of rectitude. A` twelve equal monthly instalments. ' loran Way appa rent]y succeed in a I , V re arec'.to ve ou a loaf of unlit -Kee ' e now re ared to re•ohar a all makes and p p y g y' 4ife of crime for a time, bat tbei;e we p p g is a day of reckoning coming, aizAS of batteries on our own premises, �..fresh anal nice till the last crumb is used. If not when the misguided man trill ain- 4, : icerely regret taking the einfal • ' 4ive us a trial and be oonvittced a Customer, try a loaf and be one the icourse in life. I II - - { 'Imany we have satisfied. FIRST-CLASS 1 Be•11 phone' Ind phone • - ...... C. .. �- - -- t - ----- - _ --Cone on shortest notice by Gleorge A. Lilley SherwoQdl Col lacutt Choc later in bulk and boxes,gffo .`•.'Wall• Paper Pattern Books, aelecttons • eddied Cakes due specialty. >•'a�►- of Siuipsobs and the famous • g Empire Wall Papers. �_ Ford Sales and Sel'4i0e Station. All orders for work received b W,ti.; ���,►i�n _ R Alfoniiley - 9 Y: '° P.ei•t,'fitetrh^•'. P(ckerin H. • 1 ,.*.'° ,L. ,• .:+`k'.�v`•.Vic.,,.•• .,a-.Y �"�?.w, ,y�: :iSX,•F :i;,�•,,, * -�'�Y �. -s....�':.....,...: �m.i""'•-°•,f4iY Y' '.:.. .°S'att'�;+.;,&;,. .n - 4r .fin;- - i. w 'r '-.�oti,.„.�. h.n G.�'. e .a`'F. •� �� :,'-x^" a _ .�^•w S Z,S'k, r„-� „,t.u',f-� ' ,�o� =•�,�,; .d ,s t .�• ,L-•} ! �._ ...a• '.• `C ,.rS. .�eiM!''.', �' e,' .»• �' .. .��'.±r ,. :g'.,,,'Y?„'.'�"'.�,1�N��•,'+,s.'+• -:?+�.„,:S..r. rs�i, '�•,i);a - � � �y yIC �^�;'=. , - :Y ..1. '7 ef_•.4° p,f.,�.,Rt.ta,J'4 ri .. _ •a1.: . . _ .roya-•. �.. �':. .,. � ..acs.;°t"'..4�t � ,%,CLAREMONT. G M. Forsyth was in' Stouffviile - •,Thomas Birkett motored to To on Mt�nday: b�, "°:�,:;The Pickering ronto on business on• Tuesday Miss Jane Pilkey was in the city' �SUPERIORART �� 4RKJ g•y on Setarday, ' • Vigilance Committee . ;last. Mice Na.rgtlret Macuab was in y.. a Mt-8. A. J. Chandler, of Sudbury Toronto on Munda � � iK G ,le visiting her palente, J. A. and ChHS. A. Grant, of Toronto, two- - The object of this Association is to -`Mrs:-Real. - ---- lessen stealing and prosecute W 4 - -kited i)-d­ Tuesday apd :spent a g J. R. and Mr•4. Theaton, of Pi( , , ' the felons, „ ".ring, visited with J. H. and Sirs. day «.ith James and Mrs. Evans. SPECIAL FISH .WEEK -- SeverKt curlers froin Pickering Membershavlogpropert stolenoommnnl +' To introduce our.reliable line of Fresh Frozen y . •;- Beal, on Sunday. Fihh, I' will sell this o.tte immedutgIy with anyy metpber « •`• G. Jl-vk'4 k,..lo 6.. D.ld.a- 1, ,-,t came tip oil Tuesday afternoon week at the following profit eaeriflce h 15e. of EtLeaative Dommittea rtnu Qnloyea a: game on toe Iits1 prices : White Fig a solos Wilson,ealized. lets oilRaddle i0c. a Scotch -Kippers pair,z pairs for 25c. �1gts way b,fnaa rrom-t Sl.o0. era well attended e p llet'n 11 rLh UUC CtU.CCS. g,� Titers >vas quite a.latrge attend -the*rteaaeni-4; 1` ck we are sorry nndance at Cecil Slack's sale of Our deliciously cured Ham and Bacous will please yon, Old country. eOOteary oaapplioattoa, to report, is .ill at present and zac.Dom.-L. 17, Banks, stork ou Fi iday last and good av- style of curing, close not need par boiling. Ham 38c, Back C•S.Palm rtt der the doctor a care, erage prices were realized. Bacon 38c anti 4Qe, Breakfast Bacotr 32c at)d Silt. Cut• Eer, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. Geo. Cooper, treasurer 'of the to a Rolle(sugar cured 28e, :Bible Society branch, made nnoth g S Dry Salt Pork J R. Thexto. ._A J. Clark. ..�' SALE 'REGISTER. boneless 23c Pure Pork Sausages 26c. President, er remittance this week to the 1' b ktteotroiest %- ahead office, making a total of FRIDAY. FEB. 1sT-Dispersion sale F8E6H MEATS of farm stuck and implements, reg. Q �t 18 M Buairiesa ~ A number of our people purpose elydesdales and' other draft horses, Choice quality of Young Beef and Pork at lowest possible prices'. Y going to Mount Zion this Friday reg. Hul;teins and otlier good milch Phone orders taken and delivered free. Cash on delivery. To help you run part of yours. evgning' to attend the box.sociai cows. young cattle..etc., at the rest- _ �'T Gfve us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. to be Riven in the Methoarst dance of E. L. Ruddy (old Pickering _blotto,.Quality: with service. Nee door tu�Post Office. $ye of Whitevale Ism afire in ared to do church. Ocitege firounds), Pickering Village. all kinds of repair work, including Don't miss .the Public Library sale at t o'clock cover i f %ir Seer wilt be �T taps and aide Curtains, also makin Feb. urable. See bills. W mtbia��tauct. Fe V . Coldham, ',' �r your o}d=car look and run like new by Benefit Concert on b't iday, oprie o giv' it a Rood coat of new paint. 10th, at 8 p. n). Excellent •pro- 'WEDNESDAY; MARCEL IST--Auction g'ranitUe, Admission, .25 cents; sale OI fart[] Blocks implements, c}o'- —------ -----______-_ _ __ Agent for Toronto rtiachinery,.includ• ° ' :ehildreu, 15.ceuts. ver sped. furniture etc., at lnt' 26, ing' amps,.R'indmills, Silos, . Library concert, Friday, . 10[01 con. 4. Pickering, the property of -GLEN 'VWILLOW MILLS ;. andiGasoline Engines, insi, in the Masonic hall, bide fair ChandlYr.k. Stute. 8aleitt one. See CHARLES M. RICE, to be all interesting event: De- hills, FL-ed P6stiil,auctioneer. Home.Tel, 6621. Whitevale, (tat. 's bating coi)test between the ladies CEDAR GROG CARD OF THANKS. _ �t u ;p ' and gents, roasir, readint, etc. y .,.•- - _ �7MAS:C7 ,=L l.� ,Ztr�- •i k� Corn. S�'esterti Oats. Nixed Chon. ' over to Stou on AtturdFiy 1>rn•s to cm,vey tuy heartTolt g0ti• Oil Cake, Grouud Sc•r:eenings s '� astr its .... j� last and played a L'tten6ly.Rnme tune u1 Lite many friends for their +.s.. ” with the curlers of that villa Rp, expres5lons 0-.4yinprathy and kindness +ones �o ar Y'iCea I t .defeating them by a good margir', dnr'ipg tine illness and de:ttb of my m� , • Mr. Kilpatrick, of Brampton, dear tuother•. the late Mrs, Little. our nets bntelier, arrived in town alts. C.'A.Overland. LOCUST .HILL on Tupsdkiy, and took possession - - '- Cotton' Seed', Distiller's Grains,- Give L ve pis your of Tit•. Ramohr's business which Al-l;110N SALLY OF , - c- Shumackerb.Feed, Tankage Ste, 5Y!iMzea° C1'd8T r.GW P I F.re.entlypnrehased. 'We Wish �/OUSEAND LOT it7 We are making up an order now Richard and Mr Ward enter The uit�ier�igned hag received in- for a car of Swift's Red Steer - j"�- -j tained the member'* of the orches•' struetiunsfrom the Executors of A car of .Seed Wheat to ari lve Fertilizers. �O�QZ' a� Light Phdrttit tlra on Friday'evening last. After the Estate of the this Week. Ferdlizelg6toaovemeat makes it their nyual rattles a Very advisa5le to get your order is � , ;� p y plea. � ILaT� JAl'�s TOOL - - _ . . Sant time was spent in various ! o 'e�ty. is one of the best improvements, t 1 genies followed by refresbutents. 'bo sell try publicimrtion-ttt the A car of No.2 C. W.Old Ost:u.t�' �ce�=h*weS���_ , -You can put on yourfarnr. i A rink of out curlers., cornpersed Village nt Mount Joy,on arrive about Feb. lyt. atbet atsalyaiayvnwu,t,.:.: Thinly- of the comfort-apd-zaa-- ` of R E. Forsyth, D.-A. Scott, T. Wednesday, February 15th, 1922 � ;venience of Electric Light and l' Birkett and R. Besse went to Peter- the following aluable ro er A E �'. � A D Power to drive the qe arator and horn on Tuesday to take part in g p la Z9: , CEDAR GLOVE g , pump bor on Toes On Tuesday the The house and lot on Wales Avenue, A._E. �_ - - churn. washing wachine y in the.Villago of Mount Joy, in t/hJe - - - - - water and other back- were yuL:v"af'ul iu ►riuulug r,l,n 101 Ubbil,tot' :l,u�wl.ww,"(01JUL.U.U_I CIL ". - breaking lobs. three games they vlayed. acre of Nod, Ax roomed frame house; n", lock We are pleased to report that good cellar•, hard and soft water. Pos- fVj Com lobe Outfit-Eu i Mrs. Widmer Miller, who under- session given on May let, 10d.' - P g ne, Generator and . 3. Went a serious operation at Wel• Sale begins at 2.$0 o'clock,sharp. - - a 1• - _, �attYriPA. ' cUy Hospital, Toronto. on Tueq• Tlsxx4: Fifteen per cent.: on Achy of `',LYll d Jewelry a W�rl� � sa56• day of last week, Is making rapid axle, 16 per cent. In thirty'days, and ±: progress toward recovery and ea• the balance on possession given. - See us today. q =perta to return home in about two The property is sold subject to re- so •MF Wk, served NT Baptist church Sunday gerviceg F. P09T[LL,Auctioneer our r(`pair departnaetlt is e' qn' ; ip- Frank Cooper, -Claremont --930. S.3. Bible etndy "A:tijah'e? t4ita�T�nl, R, R,•1, Locust Hill.Ont„ pad () i�'t� ()ll pI'()T]]pt tiilCl -•��S�- /-�- �•,��- `Trart-latiam"; 10.30, theme, "k WilLarst A. Richard-on.18 Balliol St.. ti v 13•I rX.M� Still Small Voice." Lord's Supper Toronto.-Ont., Ezecutors. .satisf a(;tory sort ice at, 1�E'i°#.son- i at the elope. 7�p.m.-•'ElijRh's Ryckman, Daniaon,F.tater Beatot. Poultry (if all kinilQ. Bent prices *=" -' lv�lrerr.-, IfAYCL' 1[..,er.�-`fhese Bof3.gr;r-.-' ., e... •t•,. - - - " . !1�'l�f� flt:!f�l•}y_ paid for Anality stuff. yuhj,letq are full-of interest and Executors. 10.26 — - .. L • _ - . : _' i) PhZue 2819. - -- iampiration, F. CHI11i,4W, CLaREMONT " Wrn, 'Thoo, and David Graham, Notice to Creditors 7�T t * T and 1V, S. Look atteuried.the fun - 4 C i].tVf' C�tt`(3 ��' AT('tlmAKERS' "eral of the late Senator •Beith, at �a� Oth�_s FARMERS ATTENTION Baumauville on 9atarday, The a�,tid� all lepail'h �ll'N d(lIle r : 'fate- Senator was a well•knOw_a In ttrE 1?„raft+of Sattnt3el H.Stevenson, ()[i tllL' Ct'I11i`t' Weare now h„okiug order':+ for Con- , 'hor-o breeder and his funeral way 10 the Tow' of Pickering, P • tract Peas for the yem-I=and will be ” one of the largest ever, held in �° the County of Ontario, (iantte• - - man, deceased glad to have nrdene from a 'limited man, &)ltruanviile. A11 reeairiog ;iitil-ailteed. number of good, careful FNr-netrs. r What little sleighing Re 1 Notice is hereby given, puteuant having good soil prepared for the com- g g to section 38. R. S. O„ 1814• Chap. ___ _.___ _ _ ing crop, We believe the price we e has all disappeared owing to the 121, that all creditors and others hav- � �ar•e able to offer will compare favor- i •.a:.,, _�. • . ., ably with any crop grown ova the farm.- `yy' Tho•.e Rise weather prophets who Estate of the sold Samuel H. Steven• I r 1 , 'predicted a very severe winter son, who died on or about the 13th e Lot?[ PYvur Waal r vc.l da of June, IU21, at the Township of and WatCblriakel will be found cgmplete ' •."- And it hard to explain our mild y '_ - - - _ • �. ' at sii times. winter as the signs oa wbteb they 'oft beforegtbe t26thddareofe tebruar f " - : .+aNTARI�J ]Phone 209-Use It. . based their prediction, have never y WHITBY - 19`1'1. to Bend by post, prepaid or de- Limited (Successor tp R. N. Bassett) $ogg Lyt e, , -beeri known to fail. liver to the Executors of the said de- : 18tt 0913AV/A ' A One programme of vocal and ceased, fntl particulars of their claims _ -'- -- - instrumental 'music, readings and and the nature of the security, if any. ; a debate on "Resolved that We held by them, s reading of Fiction ism re bene And after such leer mentioned data • • • Coal, .Cos1 iaf titan thereadintitof$istory," the said Executots will proceed to �BVing Iilapu'ea Confidence ladies vs, aentlemon, Friday at'8 distribute the assets of the deceased 1 p.m,, Feb. 10th, In the Masonic among the partles entitled jthereto, HE feeling of independence and self-respect which ` hall. This under the patronage of and they will not b e liable to any � cornea to one who has money in the bank is more than Bard and Soft Coal of rile the Women's Instituls, as za begs;, person nr persons of whose claim not. Forth all the effort involved in accumulating the-sav- them of the trhrue of each dietrtbution9 g p0 sp growing best quality Oil igt for the Public Library will be lugs. It is reassuring to sse a rowin bank account . Q [events of the season; of interest .'.Which will enable you to meet the emergencies as well as the hand Dated the kith day f January, . q ortunities of to-morrow. . THOS A LAW to everybody, both because of the D. 1022. o ' ' pP excellent character of the pro- You are invited-to - t gramme and because of the firmn- Annie M. Miller, Clareabont, Ont., open a savings account at our neargat branch. • • f ire cial objective, namely: to improve and Cbarlea J. Stevenson,R. R.No. 1, THE ,1R1C3iCe=1ni'. GSlt. -the Claremont library. Admission Brooklin, Ont.. Executors. 25 cents, children 15c. Everybody By ARTHLTR S Cxtor. V, Whitby, � DOMMON BANK' - Ontario, their Solicitor. 18-20 p V i teri There ought ca �e a "' ADAM R. MAKE packed house. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine wH17AY BRANCH, a P. L1fPtD, We regret to report the death BROOKLIN BRANCK L C. �. Manseer. .Registered Optomettist • e( Mrs. Margaret Ann Li le,relict Now. - — - —- ----mud 8p l.4iau � 4 of the late Edward Little, which and boots and shoes put ° shape for Will-be at Mr. Palmer's 3ootsnd took place on Saturday, at the the spring. Handmade harness made Shoo Lome of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. to Your order. Work guaranteed. Store,Claremont,on Tuesday P. M.o! Overland, after several weeks Prices right. (live us a trial and be m each week,tar Testing Byes -ad FW i illness. The deceased, who was convinced. re a iii f th 1./ W e�fiJ Rog Masses.and W take in A.H. STROUD, Olosk and Jewelry Repairdog it,r . !! years old,'has been sabering 1&� let 90, con,8, Take, Jeweler, dtouksville. • Any re- for several years-from hardening pram° or order ma be left`with Mr. }r' of the arteries, but her illness did Nefir C:N.R. C`berrywood station _;- ; ,For Bread -:- : Palmer or at `Ys. Poster's li3arit es not become serious until a few• Shop, Clarmoot. • a - weeks agcy when she was compei1• LU'ds 5 C $Meat f :Monarc Flour fqr Pastry ed to take to,ber bed. She had ilfAwll�h been A life long member of the ' e'ree4yteriapcbnrchand her fun. A Special Lot Brao, Shorts and Feed Flour " ;r-al service was conducted by Rev. A. McLellan.at the 'home of Of Men's blue serge and striped ��j . j F her son•in-law, Mr. Overland, at 3 Slits at almost give -American Corn—ground,'cracked and wholel p,m. on Sunday, On Sunday < • • .. evening her body was conveyed away prices. - If your hens'are not producing eggq in paying gnantities, try our celebrated Laying Mash and Scratch Feed. via C. P. R. to Ingiewood and on $25010 to $35.00 Snits for $12.00 y` g Monday afternoon was laid to rest Sizes 80 to 42. ;%.HiQhest price paid for FHII;;Wheat, Marqnls Wheat, Barley, X . 1D � Of ail mQterials sad assign � .• : survived by five daughters and •There is only a-Bruited nuntbeE` -- : ter., y -- Y i It will y you l:�rheat� Inge-ttnd-Oats. _ ..;,two sons These are-Mrs John and the stock cannot _-Chopping and Oat Crushing Wednesdays and Saturdays. obis3n �� �- • ' Morrison, of Vegreville, Alberta; be replaced. prices. Don't lea tais 4° ,Mts. James Tilley, London, Ont.; 00,11Mweao not impioy them.oonsegewh : ]lisp Jose ppine, of London; Mrs. Call eacly and yet your The Carri bell' Flour Mills Co.* '' "' °a°' and ae throw off the eysatf `;, f p e* s commission of 10 esaL,wbioh you we + Rev.)G. S.Lloyd. Ver no, Mao.;--__— choke.__ rp. C. A. Overland, Claremont -- - m -- r osrNinly save by )► w>� lanes fns._ 5 Thomna of Point Claire. Que.and J••Fwgoid. CmMt -- Mlle at --w � of BelwoW, Unt. Her d J.T. MATRUOP ,�... jnabaud predeeeased ber 15 Teats, Ilan. Pion*� Toronto Pe ro Pickering Olfss srtti Weeks. _ fix; IM R ,•n- .x ta' -w X jn,' r ?;r ,..,,xi%,+ .a,- ✓ �, o. ,,,. .w:L_rt,�5w- 'n'i ., r,r° .: •,'-y: ,w: y-. ir-•',-rSa :.'i -w-���>., - ^> • n Y,3:,;. a jt., tr,�,•... .*,r, :".ti..• - 'J<... ,.w _ cw tN=- Q?y�' . ,,.C:s :4nt•'Y',f'"° .•"T" n K .:. p r�!ir,•l ...•:v .�"'•, _ i+'F`":...:,•='C'•i + s..6 .,X'.. r-r 1: ar- .,•.-:v �,•� ,,n', s�,tr•�,. tltt� 4,.,,a >t;^;r9• %3,�f,�.! {� _ .� •',x x AF "A w ,.s,.n .:�'r^,'-i.'• •4. "=4r w,•,..^+v..- _ +az,•-r -.�•,,.q:r,+"' :-•a.'. r,� �° �.. :�. y, -T �'1 .,�t'!�,' .� °S .t^Y ry:.. 'S., .1^ye"•, N, •1 - '+3Se°' ":!k .�.. t F•. ".�' N"h_ x d.'',� Y••"'4 �h•. wA(I""''Y`' q• •.kM•"�'t,. ..S',*"' .1 ,"V'•{N \ .Fn• e, '.n..` 'S xC .< `i•'' '"d'TY•Y«'C^im,. 3•r.a.. ^'•+"�� "'t�.nYe° , ' "�>, ^•��. ,:,ay. 4" •ti.v g-'-'Pt :e.+` ..,F✓":;GJ�'•..s. -;'�F:-v+'' ;�:=-,w. s�• '•"�RL3,??. ,�S,q•��•r'''�,• 'w• ..'i�.•` +... 3.•u'�[A• "fS _ p.rD.r' •q;.-i,, ••�"e.' '•. hAy .,.`'•;"* ..a.:i y,`-k' • `:;•�iA v_.c .J•' .'' �.0. t"'..,,r S' at ..."`•r: '�r.��' .�-}':-a�"" :'t,.:s .'"1 "i'�'�..j ..rt'�L.."'M..u.., +r:_�``s.. r,'.'r',aW.,. �' - 'f A,'�'�d--ta �+�,4L � x^ a; �... -e k ..is.�' .�.nr�t. ,.- .4, ».�w4+w.r��' `s ,.+'E _ L� •''�.;Y�'� o Yo-"„" .-•_-- - 'a4 ' and .the worst is yet to icome CcXRS—fly ' � �� ,�b�o t the". .se r - ou ;. .�'.. ,fi•' The L solution to problem No. 18 is as follows. _ r-'�'.::,r: ..,yiw -''• ., - 1 - -�s-$o 4 26-22 -2-6 ,... ..floss and Their Care. Son's standings have been worse - .mac 2 18-i4 16-20 1` 6 la-? 80-26 'Gtaa+� online wtia wa ul -t.er✓ ney IF aiva--me--flue g lately and I care not who chooses the os the oya stag-varlet they have more nearly approached the 1 No. 14-Black to move; Wlii;- to :furniture, might be s good incitto serf known techarically as goose eggs. / win. for the interior decorator, Dines so t solve P - Ps mig rob- i f much of the good effect of a room Perna teacher h the 4.. Bean i. j .. depends puon the floors. Add to the d r `O ' "The whale trouble is that your boy � ,. '' '• aeleatiom of rugs, the finish of Soars, -o }� leant yet learned 'how to, pick out and yore have s good foundation upon , essentials, said the teacher. He (� _ vehicle to build up a satisfactory finish. _ FA rd ors To begin with, floors should never his seat with the laudable idea Nj of studying and getting a good r 1 o U a N " have 'a shiny tindah. For one thing, O �,/ ,gyp, r y But all.of a sudden hie happens to o � f� such floors show the slightest mark, O think of something the wants to.say to l'. q � i . and.if they are so highly polished that the chap 'across the aisle. He begins : ® � they reflect objects the effect is die- to talk his mind is diverted from his .:: aetiotss. A waxed finial, applied so work, there is a break, and a new to bbriag out the natural grain of the•wcod is beat, not only for the start, all of wbdeh has consumed s portion of the study period. When W greater ease in taking came of it, but for trine general effect'of the room. he learns 'that , can ones do one thing at a time, and comes to the Solution of this position will appear �• ZVsen in choosing the rug, select one l' ' of a color which will contrast with conclusion that brie essential thing is /�i next week. v to study in the study period and to the Dolor of the Boor. Avoid garish talk at recess time his marks will )� )� `.� - .: coyote which distract, but look fora t �� -�'� Grasshoppers' "Safety-First'.' ; touch of some hue which will give go �. So far he hasn't learned how to judge values." r - The air-cusl%oeofc hlch we hear so If r,... w„s :d o...d11, All very pedalgogical and essentially. _ -- uluu - > nut a large rue R^hi-h will cover the true, but so far it hasttrt..hel� bring. la lu all thuds of u,echanicai-de- *'. Saar with the exception of a small bor- _up �ma�' -�e�-l-�h he - -- vices and, nstruments. not to mPntinn might go back- to the- good old days the cushion••in our robber heels, is by der around the walls. Instead select : . _ no means a new or an original inveR _ g when the tingle of a hickory, stick ----— stt mH rugs,s, placed some ' distance tion. t helped the youngsters to judge valuers.This will give as effect of• hinny`insects have them, and. es• . neater size. If the room is long and These new ideas of managing children _ i g (reed welly but they take so much peclally the grasshopper, which was in resaK+ow, place small rugs crosswiao I - - i existence during th•, carboniferous of file Soar. Raga with larga pat- longer to bring results, and are so rmweii lean ears than the old ones: CAI wG�llrl9fok I period when coal was formed. -terns or deep 'bos+deis belong only But the idea of judging values-and l All softer parts-0of an insect are ea- sledge room. °----- I closed in a:aiore or leas hardened _ picking out essentials was aN right Having selected the rugs the rte�tt wanga'a by the dozen. He was never covering, which is commonly. celled for me; I am old enough to see how T6 Congom n s Menu. _important thing is to keep them in ' without ogle. He even ate while he the outer skeleton: Within this skele- - to work it. So many things to Sid am la the Congo the traveller will Sad good oomdztian An in pllrtant point drays; so many things to give up or to chicken always on the bill of tare. I washed my' clobhea: The elsikwange;' ton all muscles and meaty parts are ;- in badr care is to clean them daily though filling is mot fattening, and the ! formed and; when the 'grasshopper - hold Haw are we to decide to which know a.-ores, says, fiir, lease F. filar iv'it�s a good carpet sweeper. ,and at�,� cling? A goad way is to cook' ocs's+oa in whin book,"Aa African Advea- natives die young because they are fa-i lands alter tamping; it woliid re'oela::; - " least once a week with the vacuum] sufficiently nourished. Meat is a ! a slight tar, it no mean, ut ab4orbing -- — cleasrer, or sweep with al broom. In- ahead a year, five years, ten years. ture," who spent six years in the Con• , Ask yourself wham will be th*V result go and kept a record bf every fowl he luxury. toe although, as I have atild, It were provided. L..•, :.:...:..:1 housekeepers are ire-, the natives have chickens in abund Of r•auree, the joints take care-of quenrtly distressed by the amount of of following this coursel—Ten. ye— ate Men he started for home he had I noes they seldom eat theiiIit is more I part of the shock, and the few bristt& fi hence will I wish I had taken a differ- eaten exactly three thousand chickens. ` Sul' and loose wool wench sweeps off ant ionic I y� �y wonder perhaps, Mr. filar- .profitable to sell them to the.-white `like hairs 'found on the extremity also .per Via, es l�, Awminirtar. Thie' I*'4$a+ do.thf= But aven theyw'axeJ.lBnP eldLnf . ,r I 'Inere`s trle matter of Qurnnttre Or ooeson coullause, twat to a country ----need not cause alarm, however, as it I - a• - - I to. absorb the entire tar. Therefore is only the loose lint which rerrains 1 boys. So far I know of but one way' urhers cIbicbsna so abound eggs should "sheered" to keep boys and u'nscratehed furniture be scarce.' It seems ]what, though is I France Restores Her Forests. Ihatnre went to work and evolved as when the rugs are sheered when !air•cushlon (in the same family. Drive the boys' the last few years the natives have }Lacy of the forests of France were ` ' they a" fink d)04 . This air-cushion- is situated at the I outdoors as soon as meals are over. acquired a sudden taste far them. they• 1Y� 7. If knots or tri"tss stick up on the badly shot to pieces In the war and extreme tip of the tarsus, and ,just be-. • I{r rise. out them oR with shears. and dO riot let them in'until bedtime. were formerly afraid to eat them. others were cut down to provide war sharp I Fond the two,claws of each foot.' The Make the sit down shoeless every Cannibalism has ceased in the Coo- To, pdn them out means to start s material. The people of France in the claws help to keep the lesser in era break in the rug. Dragging'heavy minute they are tie the house, This is go, but some of the tribes still regard years since the armistice have boldly carious pcaitktna where, without them, not conducive to happy boyhood, or the flesh of their own kind as the last attacked these forest problems and are ftrrgiture across your rug is apt to ,it would Inevitably slip. By their at all likely o produce the beet word in edibles There seems to be a y Ft'mw type rapidly getting' the forests back into, particular attraction'for the native in means it can and lodgment on smooth' P�cot �' , of im:ats, but at least the furniture is Pari' ahi.pe to again begin to grow timber, ' $ng`ebamkl be washed at!east once I what he designates "food that once a yew. To do this use a mild soap'fie• Iu addition to salvaging damaged tim-1 g Thesair-cus'bion of the grasshopper I I have often sighed for good looking talked• ber, the workinvolved removal of barb- with warm eater and a little ammonia. p a round bth filled with air, and also _ ltarriture but an the whole I think I The Coto native Is always hungry. '� Wire entanglements. tilling !n Th%ammonis restores the color It is ' p,. radar B'�'Od loodtg boys;In this,case _Noovhera__th• the-world have I seen_a� e and miss orsEere, Al isco4ery rOV[ded with a few hairs, These, is ' a'good Qtan to have two J."111 ,wit.,, tl iariie lueaau,c,--'65a'OTtr Cue - ens $fled wd'th a rtrerg suds and one i the essential seems to be v ; people'that eats no much. I have of-! when, the teaser laacia on some rock cry plain. and removal of tore:eroded shells, and r with clean water for rinsing. Do only It is almost as marked in other things.j fared a savage the leavings of a meal I the re•openigg of roads: In the case.i jttst after he had apparently gorged or boulder, a swAs spot at a time. "Ing only, a Temperance in eating, or indigestion; I o tbese forests it will taste at least! _- s spotless hoarse and a mouser too himself to repletion, aald he has aeyenty-five-years to restore'them to i �:littl� water. �° .. � Persons.most deeply cwmcerned with Y• Tutee the rugs about every month tired to be good natured, or a little °wolfed them as it h,) were•famished. I the state of productiveness they'were were I the problems of the poor-are cosi- fi. dust and-a. happy Mother. The'Invariable cus�t'om, in the Congo 'in when war broke out. oe six weeks. In every bome certain �tinua:ly calling*attention to the fac! Learn to judge values and to pick t have on huge meal a day. On portions o! the room are used more -p I that occasion the family eats all the ! 4 that a }arras proportion of those in i- bias others, and.unle:+a -the rugs are the eseentiade if you avant a success- ttaa:l noed would not�be in serious food In sight; then, unless some one - i tatted about worn spots appear. ful life. 1 -Ready to Substitute. cant if they only knew bow tb'utilize _ offers them food In the meantime,they rest.until the follows Sbe—"I'm lust going to hug the fire the resources within their remelt. And _ us* Judging raiase:-- day'- — - `} $ g . • place•when we get In the gaTlaa'`"-- sic ether this is not an. Dave_y!va viaited_Xo1$ bool lately?—�zapsry „ w °eRampsaa eater of cniswanga, r•' grown-up to learn :: s..ic He N'.; 90 that' for g i' If you haven't, better make the effort pop!:n for drrepes, not only in living- a glutinous dough made from the #this conning week; you'll cetrtaiiay be rooms,and dens, bat in bedrooms an _-- i,,, .. pounded toot of the maatoc plant. It repadd if only in the pleasure you give wed]. As it to net absolutely stn:-fast, !e the principal food of the natives i the teacher, and the added zest the it should be lined with cream satin. and is rolled,and cut up in pieces and ; HEALTH EDUCATIU�V . childreen take in their work. •Undotsbt- This will prevent fading and give body �an wrapped in green leaves. The tbere'll be more than that to to the drapes as wall. All drapes not favorite way of preja ring it is to heat J '.issake you think the time wdl spent.'am-fast should be lined. it in palm oil: Nelson bought chtk- ' BY DR. I I MIDDLETON ! ---Provincial Board of Health. Ontario I,, a., Baez: a... .:,. ... IIIItoe.so: -��-. Dr. Middleton will be stud t0 answer questions on Pabtl-'Elealth mat• " term through this column. address hint at Spadlaa House. 8psdina t' a fl. C Toronto. Ide wt_w L -�.vitality ef—._. �. — wot� I .. —the 1Caa S 411 hl preciated it often is. Salesmen have 1 must have been Lowered-it .could not me that by putting a _ . Do you get your slaters? ` : tort] cheap price i be otherwise, to else for an adequate supply p on a line of goods they were unable of oxygen is needed for aliriost weir • fnrlction of the body. _ effect a sale,' but on rearranging i -The most important period in the ' results in insomnia, d., •.• ., alai a the goods and raising the price they) When summer comes,many of these •.process of applying fiutrition to the weakened iiervons system• were qutekly disposed of, The Public people with lowered health :nd vitality go - =7r of the hod is while u are have strange and almost freal•-ish in-`through lack of fresh ge in winter,summer -repair y you clination .-at times, often the 'result to seek rest artd change at a summer You can easily oveicome these I hotel in the mountains or at a lake 'asleep. For the most favorable trans- of prejudice. Sea-wateir is a plentiful, :.: troubles by drinking Postum instead of __ commodity,but very little used•except resort, Dr.George Porter,until lately ; formation of digested food into nerve •. --- ie_. v• talfe�TO�;:m-ia-a delicious, swim in ar to-sail sfi xners ov er-.the_.secretazy of-the_Ganadian_& i0tn J cell tissue so doctors tell tea;sleep- ----- -- ' satisfying cereal beverage, a-hd it is A new use was found for it during for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, ' =is absolutely essential Ymg- - - 'describes the net result of such a absolutely free from caffeine, or any the war when several surgeorra treated holiday In many cases b sa-i ''The Sept wounds with sea-water 1, great Y Y S ng: ;.. Is it any wonder thki those who other harmful substance. advantage• Being so muck in evidence hotels usually .take the change,' and _ the* tae the.rest.•' +suffer from lack of proper sleep are Ask your grocer for.Postum. Drink over, the surface of the earth, there is,tk k i (• _ `'weak, pale and lacking in energy or : . little hope of its being cornered and! People who stay all day in close, ambition? delicious, refreshing beverage for offered for sale in attractive'ja'u lots. stuffy rooms, or who work under con- this ten clays. Then see if you do not feel As a result, fliers is little hope of its ditions of poor ventilation,'must have 'One of the causes of insomnia is ful antiseptic solution b"ause ` a gaining universal pularity as a use-!an abundance of fresh air at tldgttt'and . better and more clear headed and if it can-r during hours of recreation if they are - nerve-irritation from.tea and coffee you do not sleep better at night—as so not be'disposed of at-bargain sales. going to keep their bodies strong and ,� drinking. Tea and many other people have proved for G The same is true of fresh air. White healthy. _ fresh air is the cheapest and perhaps Fresh a-ir is absolutely necessary to coffee both contain a emsmves. - - �- ,'. '•� .; � - the mast beneRciai of aI1 'medicineas i human life. You may live,for some .:," _:'•.,�- -_ ► Caffeine, which has poatam comesin two forms:Instant Poatnm that a person may use, many people time without food, or without drink; ' c• 'r t� Y a tendency to Cause (in tins) made instantly in the cop by the refuse to use it as a medicine and'you may go without sleep, or you may { Via,; POSTUM� undue stimulation. addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in. seem to try to get as little as pos-:phere a mother and several children pacYages of larger bulk, for those who prefer edble in order to keep alive. I have i.,pent most of-very day; and the num- ' ;••�a The irritating effect to"take th•drink while the meal is being pre- been in houses in the winter-time endure alI sorts o{'pain and torture; —of-Carftine often pared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. heated by water or air an the am-{but stop breathing for 6vp or three cunt of oxygen in these houses wasLminutes and life leaves the body. ~ - }x ��� �tpfciert the n,nment alt A�vQll-knfltin authority sa a at a `' --- • ' " !"Datum for 11�'G`e�th entered the door. In such an atmos-Loran out-of-doors is exposed to one _ .p,o ••. bier of people in this stuffy room was hundred times more fresh air than he ry There s a Remo" Increased' at meal times an i ntilat d•in the I could possibly get in the best ve ' W evenings by the addition of the hue-i ed room in the same period oaf time. ~'Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co.,Limited,Windsor,Ont. band. 'How any family ^!mid live and 1 To,maintain good health it is there- thaive in stuff an atmosphere of poor i fore imperative to sleep and live out - as possible, air is one of nature's wonders. The of doork ass,much } �' x _a ;- ,✓. ! ,. •ti' .S'S_', 1 >4i, a..7'4, •ir ,, ...�..Z-� -5%ti.r '--ins'."'•'"x ..p., VIM _"�"`';., r „�•e"-'_ k .J>.r.K'"" "{+'et`.;:. ''.y.,•, a-. `•�.L,':'°••,'tc"'�c, '•=M• '',^.,tfi�" .,,,, .';�!�+ •"'.. �,t,�. - .,�, �7iCr:'�� r.`• ,'c, _ '+� r r^• ;,G, yti� fir,. - .i - :'n •�':"b.i` ..fy,,: `=?.Ye- ^y!-: 'P:+: arw:".. - ,.R•7 :s` ¢•.r .:°S .e?' d• ."S,. '+. _ ':r f, '�k ' .'• o- .✓•;��",..,,""� ..�... '-tom_ :� .... _ .. .. _ _ �"�"e. .r 31-..- +=5.�Y+.._w.Y.'�.,y;� •:L.,.G¢r` ".;�x.+:C!!'�:s>;-�: :•si'.rgea;•�`,'. ..5 :.�, 3' .w4 st. :r' 1'. fir`:' . r _ ,c n'•,_. :' .-s ' L eye shitinber ;�. 1 ri k ItHB ( I B�$� _ 16 IL U Ste. Ani>md WeMhW Prophets. ,•. . � � Wide malls ih shadow mdtri before ills Before a rainstorm a cat ilsnaliy r. ? =w moon weahes its face. Why? Some claim p �by a[ g,the ivtt far-off harbors where the The winter seaaoa is s herd ore oa that the atmosphere excites thus else- From, � the baby. He k more or lees confined frilly in.the cat's fur, aid to- Can And fragrance floods white beach and to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. it come the tingling sensailoa she sets r: H�OOd Rich Lind Red. is ao often stormy-that the mother . blue Iagoon,. w'waahiIIg herself. ONLY WEIGHED NINETY It is useless to tell a hard working Where all is as God made it long ago. does not get him out is the fresh air One need seldom fear getting wet .'woman to take life easily and not to These are the slumber ships that once as often as she should. He catches in the country. ' Horses, cows, sheep, POUNDS WHEN SHE B& •r- .--_Worry. Every woman at the head of were ours colds which rack his little system; his bogs. 'dom-all evince., certain pe. GAN TAKING TANI.AC. home; every girl In offices, shops When we were little children, and stomach and bowels get out of order culiarities before a storm. Dogs bury " and factories Is subj@cted to more or from tar and he becomes peevish and cross. To bones; horses fidget and neigh; cows f leaa orry, These worries cannot be They brought us,, dreams like opened guard against this the mother should lie dawn; hogs grunt. Was WlAI[ slid IIIJ frOdl vo1u ut it is the duty of every bales of flowers- keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in Some dap you may walk into a field ,. •woman and every girl to, save her Each ship whose mast-light was an the house. They regulate the stomach and see a flock of sheep in a comer, Stomach Trouble Life Was and bowels; and break-up colds. They a Burden. =fib r $trettgth ea much as possible, and to early star. all with their backs turned to the -build up her system to meet unusual are sold by medicine dealers or by north-west, If you wait long .enough ; ,demands. . Her future health depends Oh,have ycu bowed above a'child that mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. you will feel a wind blow up from that Tanlae has built me up from a more - sleep� direction. frame weighing only ninety pounds, to. • upon it, Ts, guard against a break- Williams' Medicine' Co., Brockville, "' down the blood must be kept rich, red' And caught the sweetness of those Ont. .Q - a strong woman weighing one hundred ' _•,.. and pure. To keep the blood in this cargoes sent - -"" r "John and twenty-five pounds, and my graft- r�, Teache - ny, you may name condition Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will, With shadowed salls moved on the Tett:__ lime. eve animals that live in the polar re- P de Is unbounded," said Mrs. Lydia '':' ;`. •'. be found most tr_efhl. They strength starry deeps? i°+'a „ „ p, 12 Ramsay Lane,Toronto,'Onx. :5 'sn the nerves,restore ttte appetite and if so, carne back th3 olden wonder- The Time of Day I do not tell, giona. Johnny-"Three polar bears ..My stomach troubled me so -much bring the glow of health to pallid and two seals." meat As some do,by the clock; during the past these years that my ; cheeks,and renewed energy to listless And you have whispered, '"May the Or by the distant chiming bell; life was a perfect burden. My appetite people. Women .cannot always rest dreai>1s Dome true:' Set on some steeple rock; �DANDERINE was gone entirely, gas would foam and when they should, but they can keep Even as some one whispered over you. But by the progress that I gee, nearly-set me wild with pain In tihe bit .". {- ;:p their strength through the "ca- —;,-- In what I have to do; of my stomach. The gas nearly amoth- sional use of Dr. Williams' Pink PRI!. Automatic Window. It's either Done o'clock to md, ered me and my heart acted so queerly This is shown b the case of Mrs. Min- Or only Half-past Th ugh. that it alarmed me. I could et .:� Y LO scarce- In B ciate the ad- ale Swick, residing near Simcoe, Oat., In these days we appreciate 1 Stops Hair Coining Cut g vantage of ventilation. We are care, ly any sleep and was tired and dull and ':x Who says: "A few years ago I was in Thickens Beautifies. worn out all the time. I often turned `. ful to open the window before we go Mlnard's Liniment for Gs, et In Cowl ' 3. r-, .p: deplorable state of t�alth. My blood r0 so dizzy I could hardly stead np. and to bed, having no fear of'the " on- Was weak and wAtea'y and the circula- Y - at ti it ous night air" which our grandpa-parents „ • � �d •.;�, on poor. My appetite was poor and. it is eno6nifortable ca Ladies All Looked. buret open. I klet weight until mF dreaded. True, what food I did take distressed me. clothes were entirely'too large and I ;•;.•: winter mornings to get up and dress A licent-"l see you advertise for ' I, was not able to do my housewerk,.�A ,,hilly hedroom On mAY step pP ,. was so weak I could x- hardly ent move, "'{ "and.often my afgbts were sleep ens, -u window dresser. -"One•day I sex-a statement allout q� out of bed, shut the window and hud- 'Merchant-"Yes, , Have you had and headache and backache added to Tanlac and I determined to try it. I Ale back under the bedclothes again much experience?" my misery. I was finally persuaded' have now taken ten. bottles is all and to drop other me anfi-take-Dr while waiting far ,the room to warm .. I arranged the windows in the leaf my appetite has come bads, I eat j up, but that is a bore. How desirable — _ 3' - Williams' Pink Pitts. This I did, and shop I was employees St, and every �anything after taki the Ells Lor a couple of It would be if the window could be a I want and as.ut p as I , p woman who passed slapped and looked 4,x" ' wart at every meal without path or months I could-do my housework with made to shut itself at the proper time ta„ r-�- any uncomfortable feeling afterwards. ease, eat well, slept'well and had gain- without demanding one's personal at- "That's something like. You're just I do not have beadtic5hes or dizzy spells 'ed in weight. From my own ezperi• tendon. A New York man has studied any more, I sleep soundly every r, the roan we want. By the 'way, what cry sight out fhis important problem, and as a line was your firm !a?" - mace I cannot praise these' pills too _ and get up feeling fine and strong in •'r result he offers a contrivance. which "biirrors!" he calls an automat'_c window closer. the morning,' You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Taalac is sold by all good drugglaW. It works while you sleep. [roe any dealer in medicine, or by Mother! iOYe -AdTt. -mail at 60 cents a box, or sir boxes for Beside the window on a shelf is 35-cents buys s bottle of"Danderiae" `-= - '► it from The Dr. Williams' s for placed an alarm clock, which one seta Child's Bowels With at.any drug store. After one applica- We am sing away our cares ealeies ' ;" to go oft an hour or so L Gore getting- = EaMornia Frig Syrup tion you can not fln: a particle of p. tine Co., Brockville, Ont. than we can reason them awls r-no noise,. y 1 releases a we ise takes pulls' the hitch to a "fruity" taste of "Cak chid dandruff y harmsho color w life, vigor. Beecher, � _ - • '• I�BWaIIaTf ISialrld�FO�ed. Hurry mother. Even a sick child eve hair shows new life, vigor,loves th Y, . brightness. ]f there were no islands in the Pa- shut You continue to anore peace" FU Syrup" and it never fails to open ciflc there would urobably be no Pa, fully ta,a rnnta—warlr,nn ,,,, n 4 -11hq _ prsT-ent a sick.child to-morrow, It con-' ♦ �'�_ j 1� k'i�I'$ s ct2ic problem,but in an immense ocean you arise you can do so and put on • rt +� coaling points for ships and relay star your clothes without ghtttering. stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, he$ - actim Seiters Se>mp has been the tione for telegraphic communicatioins - Doll, colic, oa >1 a2omach is sour, - world's rcmed1T. io digestion. beeome of .the utmost importance. . Making Tommy Attractive. '* tongue coated breath bad,remember a " and it is still the best and cheap. i3trategieally Hawaii Is the recognized 1UAG OF M� eat of stomach and liver tonics. r' Ethel, the twelve-year-old daughter good cleansing of the little bowels is ;i • key to supremacy in those waters. It of a family that-resides in an uptown often all that Is necessary. The medicinal extracts leaves of varlet! is difficult to cross the Pacific'without apartment house, recently said to her Ask your druggist,[or genuine !'Cali- theta, barks and leaves restore the natural efficient of the dig. ,, ages _ p Anding it convenient to touch at Hono- mother:_ forma Fig Syrup" which'as directions estive organs and it has banished - - 'lulu. Far from being unprotected, as Mother, .I wren you'd wash°Tom- for babies and children Of all- ltater•4 Y•et, sore root. 1Sr•d s'••t, numberless cases of pain after - -- many people seem yet to believe, the my's face." printed on bottle. Mother' You must XtrWnc �md Aohlas =••t• eating, headaches, flatuleace, c , After a hard ,lay r work or n long tramp add! biliousness and eonsti ' Islands since 1914 have had at Pearl . Now Tommy was he soar•of the man say "California' or you may get an and-your feet are completely used up. �Y. Pa• ' Harbor a naval bags second to none Whose apartment adjoined theirs. Bo SmitatiOA fig syrup. bathe them In hot wnter. then rub them tion- Sold in Slk. and sl.� well with 3111-NARD'S LINIMENT. It bottles at drug•storea. in the world. and one fairly to be con- mother was both' alarmed and w- will relieve you and you will never be � s aidered as impregnable. - -.toAlshed. without a bottle. he's "The chtld ] hsve >zath (MONEY ORDERS. T -A Dominion Express Money Order ing to do with hiss." i LAN D S A L� i , � -tor live dollars costs three cents. But i have," explained Ethel. we Htilj[ G8ri0 �- have become engaged, and I want to TORONTO &ALT WORKS o f t' Nev Touched The e ITZ CAR�TOtt • e m. kiss him. f ! ,1- l Two wives were holding forth about G J. CLIRP TORONTO l tl o f 7t ATLANTIC CITY,N.J. i ! t 4: -N I lt�ItIfr#eA 01 �r%� THF. NEWEST HOTEL Go an inch temptation, t e s ,.oa-and a their hnaband'a nteannesses with slid .:money.. it will lea a ! tsitit !' t �i�' AT THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS RESORT F� . P Yard toward you. i ��^t�L. - I t i✓� 1 i o --- � -. Am slca•s ,►losses Dos• >ssmalasa i � European plan.f30ve1 Ritz innovation;unique t a s humiIiai-1 sal - , done 60 •. _ ' ..� --- 1 t4 ng. 4 .. - Book o0 t r � .,. echrme'throughout;Reaaurent overlooking 13eelt 1 � Bh have to a into ttlr► cknts an � ! t B d et M g Do x: - _ ,r t,. I t and Ocean. Denun 1 n Trellis R , -sc � Dom a Rstx ' s R nd Grill. wane a _ iT �+ �n A� c . �y I� �( _ _ y USE SL11111�-J T� DOG DISEASE; .+N.�� N P'(9 '��� 1� �,t� �Jt7f�+lt ROCln.S p5.00 LLP , '"I think that is underhanded," re- and How to Feed �.tJ N, q a �f�. Doublc Rooms $8.00 up _ ' 4 -'-plied the other, -1 w•ouie t _ �i - go into Mress b t t° a- - i All rooms with Prkale Both and all Ocean View x _' AU OFF PAN dress by the Author, f any mina puckers, let alone my hue- N. CJla Glover Co,sac. 6 t �a � �"1 ��,,.��'T, "� ALBERT REELER Gt�779�T•AVE 1'O'IT lla eat alit Street ..�' taansongDtrmt" ltrddeatleabsowr band's." ll h �.; '" r^. . - L U.S.A. ` �- ITT E has w ' • ac tnt o bi ins w Yo BTO 8 N• York 9•, "How do you, do it,then'? asked the I Y unless warded off as a lice- flraf. tion of Sloan a, Rheumatism, - .. neural ' won't, -� __ - - '-- -....- ._ .. .. .. .. ._ - __- -- - -- - -•-- -- -- -- I lust turn his trousers downside eta:stiff joints,lame back '- •"�x, fight long against Sloan's Liniment. pp and over the bed and help myself," g S gm said the ether. For more than forty years Sloan's ��__' 'Liniment has helped thousands, the - - '— - .. f Minard's Liniment for distemper. = world over. You won't be an exce lion. It certainly does produce results, it OR Advertisemer�t. !t penetrates without r'ubbtng. Keep 4 A\AVIAN MATlti]IONIAL PAPER. this old family friend always handy - i °• 7. 25c. ,a other ree. A. Mcereery. for instant use. Ask our neighbor. i,•,:.thain. ont. y At all druggists-3Sc, 70c, ii.40. .-• '(y Elts. a'Li LLt:2:. sae In Gnhatla, rzj $3 to $5.Cockerels,ru, o i6. .1 H. SiSers.. 0a.. �_bux art, 4u•a[toru, Unt. � � _AGENTS WANTED • � • .• ';� • ' rte. N .�r EL 1 w Vjr\T5 T � n m n P 1 ! s. eft , household aster t e •k s ilia a B tticl>eat orders aseurrd. Write for par-; i �' - � '' •• P`' "Ytculgs�rs for mole 'agency in your town to PatriY-la Products, b6s Broadview Avc.,} �-- - - ---- - — s� Toronto. I -# BELTING FOR SALE TROUBLED WITH o ALL 1;1ND8 OF 2:CW AND VSEU i _ ti belUng•pulleys,saws,cable,hose,packtnlr, ghipReed subiect to approval at lowest -- -- prices in Canaan avxtc nsra.a'axu ay.� ♦ _ .vi •11 i YORK. STREET. TORONTO. I i -- -- • _ •' ��'a�_ '-`If Headachy, Bilious or Stomach is Bad, bRashNFaceAndL'unbs. Take `rCascarets" curs Hea]� - . Get a 10-cent box now. i �► i t 't d n troubled witheezems, •'Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Ird gas- � I had been �� ' � .• - •- '. tion, Sallow Skin and miserable.Head- on may face which took the form of a aches come from s torpid liver and I nab. Later it broke Out on my ,;-WARNING ! '.;Always say *'Bayer" when you buy' Aspirin. ` ,clogged bowels, which cause your limbs and they itched very mttreh, musing me to scratch them until stomach to become Oiled with undi- I may,were bleeding: The rush would , Bested food, which sours and ferments ' often keep ax awake at night. Unless you *see name "Bayer"' on tablets,'you are not getting '.'tike garbage in .a-barrel. That's the I "I' tried some remedies, which -Aspirin at all Why take chances? •:first step to untold misery-indiges• ; failed,and then thought I wou.0 :ry - tiom, ,foul gases, bad breath, yellow!-CuticLxa Soap and-Vintment. It - skin, everything that is sickening. A was"long till the rash began to Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains directions and dose '- basearet to-night will give your con- csPPcs+�and I used three cakes of istipated bowels a thoTOUgh cleansing Soap and four boxes of Olntment, worked out by physicians during 22 years and pr oWed safe by millions for . and straighten you out by mornin which healed me." iS Sept. /W.M. ;« g H mere,Paris, tot., t. 11, ]919, 'Colds -,Headache - Neuralgia 'Rheumatism s ' They work while you sleep. Millions � Cuticura Soap to cleanse,Cuticura :f- - - _� --Y, ,eve e - -.-._.. _ .. - -- l.• rlq - �to'aoethe-sad-is;r now'and they to keep th.elr stomach, SOm ale O��,t 25 and M. Sold �l le ��`lil'll[J Lll11IVCt�V �Ctlil� ��1I1 liver and bowels regulated, and never throughouttheDominion.CanadisaDepot: ismlal st Paul st..Montreal Handy`Bayer"boxes of 12 tablets-also bottles of o_4 and 100--All druggists. , y •::� t:now a miserable moment. Dos,t for ( •bean p above.without sasm >w i;; et the eh}idten- -their little insides Aspirin in the trade mark (registered to Canada) of Baycr aSonulacturo of lionoscoticscldpter of Ealleyticaoid. While it to F;. -.ig well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to ■sett t he publlc against Imitations, the Tablets of Sayer Compss> r ''`,'Deed a good,gentle cleansing, too. ISSUE No. 6-'22. will be ■tamped with their paaral trade murk, the -Bayer Cross." -- - } J"aft -S•' r c _ _ .nib-+ v_s.^+•o' 9 .t':Y:�P. ,Ci3F• �'^ .ir�r" er'°.i-+e ia0• �r +."�'••'aW .f,•:u� �' .ic6iq •'pt;. Sr' :.f,;_ 'J d 4 rt .acs•' .k' r a3, •°J'.• 'c- .Y�'•.•,• ,-Na•r tiC:.i -•',�~'`,•. .�«,, y,q.,' '°�" '>r^. S.+err-lcf-. "tP .>� k�?•-...' G. �K'I'•: .' �;;�-{-•..y"z"'. ;lr�";xw .�. ..'.c •�t"3'S�"'�•: :n m - � - .».:ice: :�4. .�'.- •,� .• uv. _ R�`..•.t 'f�l ,. _*..,�•:/ '.�' •��"�,5�•Sl> -r as+ :.r:-y a w.;,�;•,.•';y; ",36' .,va:o°.i,. ..•v4 ':,t.° F. •,.• .:e' '8za:' rrm: :«r ,�+�.'aw. .i.:, .,a.»;: ., „r ..F ,».r '•�'. t- Vii s° �•'` ..•... H....7•!:`°'^;n'q' r.T.t'=:°•„".'.t`.R,wB'�'.••:'- :st '„ 4',t^£!. +,�,.. '•�:�3• 1'. '� •'='t;d.,. i�-*-', J' P w'• ''y'.rt•If,'..s R' �. .;'•lv �'i Y �i ",:I,Y � ^..�'�S, � ".,'..,. .y •,'•'. i. `F'a'°. �. ,e:Sa�;nCi' ,,.:y. ' .- .`:�. .sH"k'`-tSsi-M,.:. - � •'yi'1`t`'j.'c e:"'tc•., -,. .C;.;. :-�. :..h: .,•j y'S;a. m�u, ,,w,,.,,,,,,.•y�:... S:Y.F::..�:.:::'aee.�',..a.e_ S•e�.,iirvw,•. .,'.vqk! , =,�., ru?•�. ,.,a.a»'`3u.'a�,., ��- e' i 'r<'` t.r %"�•5 ,^:..•. .rfi,: :.�• ...... .. •. ' '`,L.••�..._ .--.',..��. ..u.�.... �.:: �. :. •'' t'�•'.*^'iu•'...�^ .-.- .. :'.::,�-'.t4�a25,,3d' ly:^..;ic�+r.. s t,• � :. ..Y^ ,�"3rz _ Gei..a�_ ... =.•.;'!- •r � .✓.• .:.s6r.;aGia'�•w��d.�-.1.ti,.::^.'ir.'�'-'^i:.:' w.<.:.oe:e:.t: ,`.,� -� 'w.;'�•yr; t*»�"`�'�r,'�,;�'t.,.:,•-. ...... ..�.....,'... .' d'• -.:.'•".-" ..: - � .p p �''�, ' Dr.-HeWT..will be hereas usual '>ae 'uiicegTrunteee will h91d a ' tT iD iT.` nert Traesda to'attead to his pro- Zhetr regular tuonthl ►nesting ie ., • . '':' fessionat duties. * J R. Thezton'e office on Monday BUNDY'S :- 1ARDWARE 4,'z'. ' -W. and 'Jars. Boyer, of Belle- evening next, commencing at 6 " Friday, Feb.24tb.'is the date ville, are spendine a' few days va- o'clock. ,set for the play, ` 'The Brown. cation 1vith relatives in Pickering. -.i,Youse." have been enjoying some Now Adasreisemsnts. - ' - -Tire hockey Club will give s� real April weather during the past - dance in the Town Hall nest Tues= �w'eek. but we hope that the Janu- and Mid-Winte r 'ale F __ ;, s►y eight. ary weather will not; come to us OFFIOE ROOM TO LET-Apply to Isloyd Shirley blas..lzeen spend- in A IL 's 1.S.Bundy.Claramoat. LOU ---- -a-everal days at the home of - t.Andrew Ladies' Aid will AIR GUTTING-For 20 cents at _ -Of Stoves * and Heaters ' H the Church St. barber shop. W. J. Gore " parents here. meet in the basement of the don. 18-21 -Mrs. Savage has been confin- 'church on Wednesday,.Feb. 8th, - . }pd Wthe house for the past week, at 3 o'clock, Let every member UTTERS FOR SALE-Two stood �ur Loss ! :Your Gain ! - - �sufferiDg from a severe cold, be resent. eutten,nearly sew. Apply to L.D.Banks, p Pickering. 18tf -S. J. Collacntt has installed -Tbe committee appointed by an electric light plant in his gar- the Pickering Vigilance Associa• 'FARM WANTED AT ONCE- , y•r Around 100 acres. H.T.Love, 165 Carlton age, which be can also use fur re- tion to make arrangements for St„Toronto. Phone Main 978. 1 Only Royal Oak, regular $2,00, for 27.50 _ charging batteries. holding an oyster supper, have - '- DOTS REPAIRED-Boots and 7. -John S. Balsdon has had the fined the date for Thursday. Feb. (� 1 Only Orford Oak, regular$0:00, for 25.00 Interior of his residence renovated. IBth. a shoes repaired neatly and quickly. Thos. Y p ' VI'atsoa,church St..Pickering. 11-2:3 '.1 QII1 RO al Quebec,•regular 40.00' for 34.00 - -the work being done b . W. G. -The township council will y y S Ein hl gham, of Claremont. west on ouday next far. the ECOti D-HAND MACHINERY for sale. Goad buggy, Manure spreader.-2' 2'0b'y Perfection Oil Heaters, regular 9,00, for.7,00 -Chas. P. and hers. Davis and trans tetion of general business fur.uw riding plow. J.. .Thexton,Pickering.7tf ;., the latter's souther, Mrs. D. Pick- All those hxviuR account$ con'- --- =- � .1 Only_Second hand Parlor Cook, in good shape, 7,00�' 'Fell, and W. and bl4s. McLaughlin, tructed during 192'2 are re nested �O�VS FOR SALE fresh cows, q C-excellent milkers. Apply to James White,lot of Osbawn, visited with John and to present them at this meeting. 1:a.con.2,Pickering(Brock road) Piclteria'g P. - These are esee tionall ood bar aine 'Rll being of the �! Mrs. Murkar on Sunday. -Chas. and bars. Duan.,Mordecai 0.,Box 20. 19-z0. p y g g , -Four of our enthusiastic cur- and Mrs. Starr and their daugh• OR GALE-2ti.scree of land beiost Garney Oxford line.. lers went out to Claremont on ter-in-law,i11rs: Elma Starr and .Fthe south-east corner of Lot.19, con.'3. Pick. Tuesday and played a friendly son, all of Newmarket, were here er g. o'pgarticllllarrs+apply to W, V.Richard- ' game with a rink of Claremont over the week end atteudlug the .;We need the money t curlers, belt lost by seven shots. Four-months' meeting of 'Friends. IKATING-The open rink. Church : The report a good time and ►rest,�outli,Pickering,win in open for skating you need the stoves They p g -lire.L. K. Devitt, of Toronto, every n: t,weather permitting. Ad:nisyioa', 15 _:greatly enjoyed the game. spent.a few days last week at the cents. tV.J.Gordon. 19-21 -Gec1l CI. Richardson has open- home of her parents, H. and L� Mrp. OR SALE-Heavy timbers, frames --- - -- - -- ed up a law office in rooms 321 and Mechin, and Mr. Devitt also spent of two barns,in good condition, 45 x25 and •n • Confederation Life Bldg,corn- the week-end' with them. Both plyj eo can be Whites Dunbarton[olndaphonea�Ia3p. His Bqn' dy ' P1Cke�'ll1:er of Richmond and Young streets, returned to the city. `@@-�}tti]dap 1721'• 19.20 !: � y-s T oronto. His many Pickering evening. ' . friends rush him every success, OR SALE-High-Rrsde double _ -A hockey match will be play: Fbarfelshot-gun, 12 bore. hammerless: also a which he will no.donbt achieve, as ed between Brou hate and Pick• ,22 target rifle, fitted with B.S.A. peep-sights, - =i--iYe is'a you ng-a an-of--p71 chablllty__ R spe_ialiy designed for target shooting. .3 lay be and ambition. snug-this.(Thursday) afternoon seen at\E1vSofFce. EMPIRE .WALL I -E. L. Ruddy has decided ,to at 3 o'clock. on Pickering Rink; FOR SALE-Chen , aft kinds of give up farming operations, Sontb Church St. Also, on Satur- It have wagon..l:araess,and a1l kinds o'. :eras plrr irn• iDg tented 1119 farm to Murray urray day between East: Pickering and nentsin good order. Also se-•eralheav), and file Base Line. i s-a es c,nd cook eo•:es and heaters. ' H, }' ]Barrett, best will continue his px=-- "carman,Claremont. Phrase XI. - 17tr. tensive poultry business. He will.. . -Rev. H. S.. Clug�tnn, of To-r. Our new Samples are in,, = Buy early a'nd p 5 OR' ALE-1 shorthorn hull, 1 in consequence.of giving nit farm• out ). iy it r11d9LPr 1R Celi'tlig the. F''.e :; We:•`., l s •.! ::ea:y ,'r.g::+. 1cu:• ing, 'hull an .a+ictinn sale o€ his -tors- of •lean ti':el Jean, the helu l :::or ,, iesanecouaip,p,. A Py t,>r. bet your choice of the choicest "+ LBCey•.lot V,.B F con.. Pieken-ill. phony _ r fariii 'titUCk, implements' etc., on in.Les biiyeryblea, a trig?91r: by a `.1aly •,U7; HiAhtandCrttk,P'U i7t2u ` paper on t)lP.e nlc�,rts Friday, Feb. 10tb. See bills f•.tr crest E'renc h author. nainely, �'ic' p p --- = - - [ lull particular°s: =dY' RnRo. In$t Andrew's t hurt h FOR SALE-A qu,+otity of. rlean f vrl 4:aa R'`.te Wl,-.'e', wt e•rig.371bs. .O /t ,r� 3 + -Two interesting hockey gymeQ on Tuesday eveninst. Feb. 14th. :e�aht,aiw c go[,dc.;yrte*.or.t. and I sane The prices are doW D but the quality is'. here played bn Gordon's flak here - FartnerQ and builders. Atten- der. Apt yy ioS.C.Burkrr.let!. iiings:on Rd: p y R,R. 1,1V r by. Ind phone Pick 21fat 19-24 , V., .=='nom afternoon The first •hit:by Brick a1i*i� _unchanged.. - Place _-our order to--day ' was played befit eeD ;��.�itbJt Alt(3 Pre i ] •rf, Consr"n3r is ,� �.,�-�aver.n-F'nn.,, rt,n T,r•nniicna LQ . ►_1,(-, a G-ti:,.Rowe H,11,a d-4P c r:.. ,y,.-., ys Ylc;tering in which the latter WAS orders for spt'iog and B[2mmei'de'-- weal bred. hat bobtail. yellow col,.,-. ."h what guarantee ri Q + victorious by the' score of a to 2 livery of-Brick, Field Tile, sizes :4R r:ni; around her neck. Any .person detaini� and the latter game was a match to 15 inches, Roofing, Tile, Flour this dig after this advt wal bee osecntea. le--$ trin East and Tile and Ruilding Tile. Send for H ELP WANTED-Men and Wow- between,/Pick Wjlllams' Shoes for middles `. - ''Base Line, which Was won by the prices. Win. Haines, Superinten- to:o sill to women ,n Homes rubber-lined. - water•proof G,naham Aprons for use [n.the ' latter by 3 to 2. The games were dent. Phone 143, Wbitby. kitchen. Can eeady earn 814. daily and more witnessed b a goodly number of - Rapid seller and ready demand. Send 15 cents y g y for sample apron and fua W.I.particul asoonneeyy FVe are glad to see the public has appreciated our sG�ekiog tip' areetators. efuac•ed if mus a returned BRITISIt RUS• ICI a"Ptyw000 33ER COMPANY. 282 11ftGsn Street, 1tON- -The annual Vestry meeting of `Y with Natural Tread Shoes for the youngsters. f 8t. George's Church, the sixth !lira•J. Todd is Visiting in Toronto TREAL, 14-20 Eresided over by the Rev. A. E. this weik. - Everyone'recognizes the fact that Bruce, was held on 'Monday, Jan. Miss-B, Petty spent S'Aday with " $®th, and it was the best attended 'Mrn. A. Lang, these shoes are the real thing. Vestry since s t Bruce became The many friends of Mrs, -John y solicit We humbl your, patronage along tbese•lines..- y Sraraee are sorry to know of her illness •• •. - .Incumbent. -- Messrs HArdin'g--'Tan--bot a1J bT&f,,. L, .,iP ?eAy rrcuverr, - : trey and Elliott were elected drle• Th,�r.noiv•rY...y serricert in canaec• C .1 �L'atch for.oiir announcement re Lowndes' Clothing at a later date. gates to the Synod of Toronto l►nd Linn ttith.tbp Moib)dist Cb'.,rch will N Fyi ILS+�w S the Church Wardens were re-elect, he held an S.today, Feb. I3th. -Tbete � Hold off buying fora'while. It will save you rrlouey: nd. The financial natement was w31:he three Fr:sirs A• 4i,30 a. tit. axtiafactory. the stipend anti all 00, rm.the ;rviceq %iilll Ue Con. .� d' ft - other bil1A being paid in fall. hr. R-s. fr. Hari hr, of Fred T. Buutitig Pickerin 1' Our attention has been cailecl Va:nrvilt- insi''�� 3 Swp. in, by R-v, - t7 ' J. F. C"ustcr,w. of Duubart,n• The - " 1 `Establiebed 1857. i�- to an error iR the la=t is-Ue u€ .errs ref ei;ae trill['P l.•cl by:ix«Ilriane •" -- ___r._ _ _ THE N Ew c in which we Stated that_E:i,rir in the inn:nine, the Pick,-.-;r-9 _ the work of renovations the. base'_ Me.hedlet'Cbo;r .n !4,e afternaoa And Eskimo j Q went of St. _flndrew'- v-Lit ch wa-, 'he L•ar,vA, Hall C'ts A in the 191 niag. ie being done by the Ladies'Aid Sowi Eerrybodv w.e:.ciu,e. ety. The work is really being&rue f -: --�T a number of men of the con ltre- - - - - - gatiom but the ilea originated A PUBLIC MEETING with the Ladies' Aid Society, who of Liherals wife be held in the thought it was their duty to find Council Chamber, _ ` work for the unemployed. We Whitby, on • - i. easy say that the.work done '.is a Wednesday,, February Sih, 1922 F A R M E R S c"dit to those Nbo have assisted at THEXTON'S• ' At 2 p. m. to select delegates In the renovation. to the We.have just received a new consignment of very successful concert Find GREAT LIBERAL CONVENTION - -- lay was given in the Town hall - ----- -- I at Toronto, at w'b•ich a'Leader - - _ - - - is in 1- , -- last Thursday,January 26th under tole.the Liberal Party in 1 'tile auspices of St Georges chdreb Ontario-ill be selec>ed.. JL _ The short program was greatly li.adies aye 1111 bially,iavited. = .:appreciated by a large audience We're �readv for you, whether voii want 15 lbs. or'15 tons. which comiortawy nuea the ball. GOp ff.Tii►ieSS Mr. McWhinaey again gave lunch W. A. DRYDE`(. :J. C. MC'GJLL, pleasure as a comedian, exhibiting President Secretary School- here's ashy ` L- -~ ADIES ` , `a ' .coneiderableoriginal talent. 'Vise _ q over twenty thousand yor:ng � ' ' LADIES . Fawkes recited very effectively, • ssesawusnnetssuuaer.� ,i rnen and women have learned " always p p ti,orth.nd, typewriting and-brit;- . We have nst laced in stock our' ' .r. She is o filar with a'local �. J p audience and her efforts were f�G -t ness methods in the Shaw Business much appreciated. We are proud �ool� Every iomkpd dM "Cei" - New 5 ring Ginghams and Prints 'to number amongst our local al'- -^ • ti vsdhai d,•seersetofairdiuc4es5Eleven Lists, Mrs. Tanner, R.A.M., who Hen is your opportunity to insure `- Ulywpusppedschools.We have aches displayed exceptional ability as a agaustembarrasasngerrcrs sp in cllmg, and a desk for you. sort at any nine. We are ready, for you a_lso,'w'hether.y ou want 1 yd or 1000-y cis. vocalist, and we look foeward to words. Know thed poor choice o[ Write now for 11-9-0111. _ .y heaitog her whenever she can de $ ww terms: Increnee your re `- light as as she did on Thursday iewCh results ia power andeacCew, BUSMSSSOM _GROCERY BARGAINS • night with her sweet voice. Miss - WEBSTER'S 5UWTORONT -'•- • Eva Murphy, accompanied b' - -theau Murphy g NEW INTERNATIONAL = ELM DALE MILLS p y -again ht- eheaudience with her beautiful - - violin playing. 'Pickering should DICTIONARY is an all-know- be proud of these two most talent- lag teacher,a,universal question PICKER2NCF i T A` s ed young ladies, and great things = answerer made to meet your can be expected of them on the = n It. is in daily use by f' - • - ° = hundreds of thousands of sue- Having taken over the ) l'indale : concert platform in the future. U less ful men and womentbe world'over. Mills froth b'. �V. .ti�'eel:�. I At the close of the concert, the �eo,000 words. 7700 rages. beeo ii- s - =?w well-known Adelphi farce, the lwtradon•.11o00Bioptaphiealen- wish to aunonncethat the �> „ . fries.30,060GeographicslSubjecU. t �t do "Area Bell" was .presented. It is sstiuvsrRtze rHi he•tAwara) r : Rosiness .teller be cat'• ; for Morle not t00 much t0 say that during w Panama-PariScxpositioa. tied on lie rite f ^' ro�• the presentation there was not ►► REGUAR and LNIIIA-PAPER edlflons. - - _ WRITE for c % t�tinAl ct'tly. dull moment, The Cast was as tv cimen Faaa s. FREE 7. y. .� Pocket Maps if you name this paper. :: . :Roil ell l 11ts, fl lbs for _.� cents. • Pure Lard 20.cents per ib follows -Mrs. Gatward. as Mrs. -Q.A C.MERRIAM CO.. ­3 _ 'We_tvill-keep on hand all -.-- -_ i - _ l --• Cr of Mr. Coldham, as Tosser Springfield,Mass.,U.S.A. 1 _ kind- of l sere, Fresh Prunes,*15) rents per 1b. 'Prime Cheese, 25c leer lb. C _ of the Grenadiers; Mr. G. Elliott, z� We have at resent;: :as Pitcher of the Police: -Mr. Gat i P 0 cents. ward, as Walker Chalks the milk Sar(liilvs, •1 for 2..i cents. Salmon, 1 1b,, -2 u. Cyr Bran and 4iim t - M -- moo; and the star part erns pre- Mrs -. - -LI Car Barlev aild U,tt Food ------- -- -- t as wis • I Car Western Oats le' big Store"tore Guarantee-"Sat'isfaction Satisfaction. refunded Belle." he play was splendidly, y acted and reflected great credit to ) - Also Corn. f all the members of th'e cast, The . Phone or leave your order rector desires to take thin oppor Ogilvie's Royal Honsehold'Flour - - tunityy of thanking all the kind Pastry Flour • "We deliver the goods promptly friends who in various ways con. LlloppiDR done every day tributed to IUent making ntertain- so gr eat s Aieethis-Co+. C H A P M A N -- ., -. .-�u - .- -- - . __- , _ - _ - - � _...._...,.... r: s:t.,�.a•..._°•.�.,-�e::_,:ar�'F1 '��''e?+-�`$�y2:•:��,�4"•st, ,'it° IYirb.s'r'�'is'�'`� '1��4'•L"•�.�k'"t��`'-.1�'-W.� r'