HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1921_10_21 vg "Mr�-7 2 '.*Q­­­�`-M7- ,` W:�i- 1��,­­�-�W'­1�"1-1;MRA'-�-WAII R Q, k, SIG 2 �,�WWIRIE­� 7 1�1 M, 'N -4 AIF Wo*. -5 ICK v6L. XI-1411. F ERING, ONT., FRIDA.Y. -OC170BER TIEVALE.' Established IM CHERRYWOOD. wf4l N- Geo,. :, E,,! -Baker , MissRoxans. Currab sp�iit.Sariday. The 50th-kkuniFerearyof the White2 Medkal at her'b6in'e here, vale Baptist Church 'will be h elU fl n Born, on Wednesday, d Aid. Oret. 12th.,to Sunday and Mobday. OcE. 243 E.,FORSYTH. Opb.D., Dir..Lieto.r MI 7a James and Mrs.Sargent. a son,, 24th. 1. Eberley, B. A., of McMaste U,"EENWOOD r 'k Ro Ovtometrical':Association of Ontario. Reg. Saturday and Monday o ly, we will -a Russnell and Xxvive n family spent the L rsity. will preach, at 2.30 and istered.. emberof Ithe American Optometrical allow $5 on any full cabinet -week-end at James Ferguson's. - 8 p. in., and the service of song will be Association. Eye's examined,by appointment. ve O.or 0 p'h'in store ; afid We will give MisrL 'Agnes-Petty entertained the led by the Baptiat and tncus� Hill Phone 2804,.Claremont. Out. Ph ti gra members of her S. S. cla uday-even- 0 MILLS c;r allow$10 on any Piano instore. We ss to a birth- Methodist Choirs. On Mo are doing this to find out the extent of day party at her home "Chestnut Ing supper will be served from 6.00 to TOMLINSON. M, B., Member �7.45 o'clock, followed- b,� a hiih.class N 'ofithe C Ile uradvertising. Villa." The many. friends' of. .Mrs.Joseph +rogratn otmix'�d and 6ale quaftettes� to that formerly occupied by Von have to do is to Opatrbo. R.Brodie,and latterty by'Dr,!Cald- Laughlin will be pleased tor know that dtlets. �plos and rea4ings by the Jorieq ce�e of Physicians and Surgeons ConditionR: All advt.�ut nd cut this of the,paper a we Phone. Claremont.Qnt. -231y show it to tis and we will aellver or she is able to be avound again, after Avenue Baptist Choir ot 40 voices. -in­ Ontario, her recemt adeldent, ren under 12 ship to' Any addre'ss Admision 40 cents, child' T E.I CARTWRIGHT­ 0 to-the­,tnnfversa;�7 acr-A-aes -ye��- T,igbe*t-p ' V C freight prepind to your nearest.sta- rlees paid far !�tyo(%6niario. Officehours: 12�2and64p.rn WHj3AT 1P. Out. A toroner for the Coun- at Whitevale,the service in the Meth- tion. or at iDthe hours by appointment Phone Bell odist church here will be held at 7.00 Jones Ave; Choi-v of 40 voices.at `L-LL--�­BARLEY, testing 45-lbs. No 24 Td.phone No,400 Picktri;ag. On -New�Reenrch New Sheet Music in, on Su oday in�teaa of 11.W a,.bi., Whitev'ale, Oct., 24th. XTiAmping Rose. Emaline P. or over the usual hour. T Dixie Varuping Rose BK CKWHEAT T 0 MCK -Tippv Capoe 4�-;D&ddV INNON,-M-D., BROCK ROAD. y n`g Cqz-cert and siippet% Whitvale I ha've A�t:04 Qf .-No Ediziourlb, member-of the College ct, Mother of 15eazi � :'L6rdB Physicians and burgeons of Ontario,licentiate of Royal College -of Snilgoofis, Edinburgh --Ain't X%e Got Fun Baptist Chure,h, Oct.24th. 'Clayton'Aiford has cold his farni'to Corn. Western Oats, Barley Fe�'d special Ntention-to ddesses.of women saa FArmer.s Pride Catalina a' gentleman from Eastern Ontario Bran and Shorts, abildren. Office and residence.Brougham. 0 Floral Dance I'd Faqhllon�d and will sell his stock in a few dare. Garden HIGHLAND CREEK. The road grader is at..work o:6 the .8pecial Mixed Grain for heus, -e-"r --co7.­af7- All­t iowe8r. prices Brock i�d a ;,Coat. onvert,uEdep-the soft�e Ac ausgice will grvatly rove the Chopping Mo' nday,Veidniesdav 11 � r .en in pre eht and Ladies' Aid Society, wi ,v -Stouffville, Ont Ld by adding to its w1dr, W.,H.'KFNNEDY`. Barrist�r' 8 1 Centennial Church on tbp e roa J. H. Conner. of Pickering, ve�mlng of Lnd F�fday. '%N ednesdav, Oct. 26th. The prograin ieitor.iNdwry Public.lConveyanctr &c. W.hitby,Oq�. .41 old friends here recently and lool�ls The light grain this year req 11 be gl�in by the inembers of the hole and,hearty for a map of-hisyeqrs. uire§ to E. CHRLST1,,0,N,' Barrister and T Contrit�ting Co., who are now He expresses his' desire to return to be ground finer than us.ual: ASolicitor.Note r-rPublie.Etc, bloceyto atworkon the,"Kingstem road near Godson 0612* He,. B EA L wi his farm next year,as therels no place I grind it fine. lKOf0ce.I3rrck St,North,WhitbT. goly I Pickering Vilfage.. and, includes Bud - - Wilson, tenor, Jack McWhinney, like home. .3. Word has been received .by.W. H, -LES & JOHNSTON-Barzisfer,%. PA -CLAREMONT baritone,�'Albert Gatward, violinist. etc..1229tDanforth Ave. (Woolworth�Bldg', Don Sommers 'rilo4ufst. assiited J*ckgon.of. the deathof hisbrothei, oforkLo.%Phone Gerrard 4411. Saturda)9. '.%Iw X"C= :F1aX3:1itUX0 Thomas. of Ca�s' City Micb., whi?h -itone.ad1l Mrs. Dare, 7"vern 1720. (Ind.) . 401y by Mr. Dare. bai occurred on Monday iaj6t (tbel7th). Ch-Airs,Tables, Buffets etc. uiezz i-tiopvauo. of-Toronto. and Miss q- Deceased was born at, Brock Road and =j. Q�MVP.= Deab and.0sterraoor. Westgate.accompa st,ofDunbartori, WILLIAMJ. BEATON,B. A...Bar. ristcr. Solicitor, member of the firm of Mnaressee. ni, - went to Mich. about 10 Years ago, Ry�.kman,Denison.Foster and Beaton. Toronto This company-bave given-several cou- -where he ehgagisd -in 'faf rbing.- Hi� -General Trvots Budding.85 Bay Street, -Priceq always right. certs in Pickering and' DunbartoD and- mar I- door*- _T ried 511 M. Fe OD, who wIs Teleph. Delivery.free. the progrems rendered aze s f one Main Emu and 962. TZ T ose whoi in the very higbe�t teims. gk" '- also a Pickering girl. ne daughter -.,#end one-son suirive. his wife having attend may._be assured of a *most en die about 7 years ago. d Delital -joyabte evenfbg. Doors open at,7.30,, BARNES -cbairtekenat8--o'0ock­ Admission. ][jJ. HI:DSON, D. D. S.. L. D. S., adults 25 cents,children under ITTears -BROUGHAM. t o 133 Carl ten St..Toronto, 'Hudson�s.New S)st*m of �ormfortable plate work NVntelor CHOPPING MILL .5 cents- ibv has instslled. a ph6ne' In R,,Fea Wformation or phone North 5316. 4-16 Don'� forget Axfurd's sale, on. hilystrage. Will be closed down.for­--­­-. L�&KE B. BEATON. D. D. S.. Mr. and Mrs. Warriner and famil-f :.,-B Fridajj Oct., '28. - Sundity repairs ou vWted friends in Oiha*a on roduate of the Royal Colelge of Dental uatens and Unive Toronto. 'Office The Universal S Y JkXl) SATURUAY ver W.M. Pnrirje's� e ogog� WhiLb FRIDA GREENWOOD. Mrs. Howard Malcolm and children Office hours 9 to 12 1 to 6.30.C. pl�.one were In Torouto for a few days I#mt October 11th and 150h Bell phone 220. "y Randal Brown spent �Sunday with week. jOne of Our Productions). The Misses Sbaaigbn;e of Toron. -Chopping and Oat Rolling every.week hisiparents. Ikohert and�hlrs.Biown.. -Lite Lens'for As M as Gladys Trimble spent a couple to. spent the week-end Mrs;Goo. -OW44"W" (SaT 0. W t Wesell Sill't Rite day except!ng Monday. of days laitt week with friends In To- Phil* All malies of ecars' the best" .1; 4 1p. e and Mrs. Devitt, of Toronto in the market for 'VETA E.STEPHENSON,A.T.G.M., W. Go Barnes, Green River rbuto. -Wilson Is-sibbind again. after visited vvith-the former's,parents over teacher, of piano and.1heory. Phone IS03. PerrV the price. 30-10 - Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Bill. being confined to the house with ned- Sund*y. - v4s Tires-for all cartie, Emery Wheelel ralgia In his face. William Smith, of Palmerston, M-Issuer. 6f X Bert and Mrs Harvey and Albert, ited his brother-in-law. Gen. Duncan. Saw and Emery Mandrils, ar= James and birs. Gibson spent Sunday. iast wepk. Circular Saw% Lad- W Li in. this County of on Gwain Chopping Mka;tcjg with friends In Toronto. Mrs. Byron Feasby and da�iight6r.' ders, etc. Village. rny ..AND FLIKING.- Mrs. HosUns wis called home ta-of Osha�va,-visited with her people Wiv.'RICHARDSON- Real v­6 . .'tote. In5urnnce.Conveyancing. Notary I am'. prepared -to,do Chopping-and Moritreal suddenly.oning to the serl.-here for a few daya.ditring �he..past -Woodworking and Gameral jl�ublic.Etcl.,.Fickefing.Out. 311y ois illness of her mother. week. B.Iackfmitling. Pat Flaking every Monday James and Mrs. R*ine attended Mrs. Win. NortopArrired home*'-'3n- W. EL JACKSOV. Brock Road! and Friday. Woodbrid W 'HALL-Howe carpenter; :Em- ge Fair on SaturdjV And Friday last itfti�r a two months' visff oel pairs cc PiAeriiig,Oat. timates,siven for neo work. re 8 toneboats For F�Aie also visited friends in Brampton. with her daughters- In Manitoba and a siltiration". Ind.phone 2913. Pickering.. 23ty, The-Ladiea,7 Aid inet at the homeof Saekatebewan. 23rd ont Jo�n* Bro-n on Thursday, last. - It 'Commencing on Sunday, Oct. decided tohold.-s Thatritsgivirg Atli a. m-sharp, qwlal evangelistic Do commissloperfoT tawng Rural Route No.2 SjciaI1ttb,6rtI�. Mrs. Harvev, Mrs. N. Ae:rvices will be hold- the Chr6tian Eto. Vqno7 to loan Aceountact. Bie and Miss May Brown �re-on the Church here. The I-Ptingm during Here' You.-Are Clarem 8 BEATON TdWNSMF0LERR J c h,un F. Bayles, was on term Issuer of Wwrioge Uo- program W m mittie.- so no'doubt we the week ivII4 bffin at 8 o'clock,sharp. ...... 0-0. - It is M y Busmiess will ha,�e ,oaietbing special.- Everybody will he made welcrme .11UGH S. PUGH. Lieeased -Atic. .,To help you run part of yours.' and are -cordially invited to attend No reserve at Micholsoi the4e meetiaga. Evangelist John Cement, t-fleprforthe Province of Ontario -All, n s sale od -kind f sales comIucted on reasonable terms. By opening R-New..Garage in the Vil- Tedder will.condart these services. A49os oreeecr di -r6 do -Wedoetiday, Oct. 20th. --of Wbitevtte-kam­prepared '94. puie-bied Shorthorn cWtIc-LIage nwic ar ca". And, 3hone. Claiemont� --` ` - " . -- -- . .1. . . - - , ��.­ Coal, . 21i'6"'6lenMajor P.M 'my all kinds 'of repRir work. including .:7 GREEN RIVER. tops and side curtains. also making CEDAR GROVE. your old car look and run like new by Me. ancl Me;. liu-te)iinson, ofToren- Lumber POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, giving It a good cont'bf mew paint. Jose ;gb Lapp, known- th.rougbout vvj�h F.,and for Owmit" of Ifork and Ontario. Ace v to, 8 ent.the, &at-.:wqek 'it."sales of ail kififfs-atteami d to on aboresst Agent for Toronto-machibery. Includ- the p ince for hio skill as a produce'r and KIrs. Wri -�It A.' toUcee. Address Orwo Riveef-P.0., Oct, Ing: Pumos,'.Windmills,'Silos of new varieties of krnin, died at his Fi f Arkansas. After: Shingleg' Thoinas Cb nV,n andlGasollnellEaglacia. home, near here. on Thursday, Oct., an absewe of eighteen, years, visited MAW. LICENSED AX7C- 13th. - He was born 87 years ago on with F. and Mrs. Wiight. CHARLES 31, RIGE. Right - Mr.-and Mrs.Spears and N W M, h the bonaestead where be died. H5,Muriel Read Roofro TIONEER.for York,Qntario and Dw am 4 omptly attended Counties. All kinds of sales pr- be Home Tel.-5321. Whitevale, Ont to the last he retained all his faculties,' accompanied by P.And Mrs. Reynolds y 9 7 to. Terms,reasonable. Dertes,for miles gTy and ten daya before his death was 'EWS'Officv. Bell and pe n-- i I e --arrangid at I spent Sunday at Aurora. Whitby,Ont, 31y oI Ing a Oil dent phones. YIKIF TABLE-Pickering Station w kI b C. 'the farni as Mrs. Booth and Wm. and -And-Lath- F. Find T.R. Trains going East3ne-&s follows Over a long period of years-Mr, Lapp Mrs. 'returna, aft�i an 7%wr Hoover have ,crmowom-5�, mcl-T=z No- 6 'Mail 7.01 A M ciaiiied in giain growing'. He was enjoyable tuotor trip through Western '28 Local 2- P X odurer of ­Irish- White" crats, a Ontario. 28 t epr ;Bought and sold. 36 Local A-25 P.X variety which he sold to rear!y every Miss Gertie Wiliglit has returned F A.- R E E-S 0 Rt '00ve'romint, Muoicipal and Cor. Dotninior;. Sunday trainj 825 A.M. Agticultural College in the' home from a vi.-it to Toronto'friends Trains going West due ail follows- Be gieativ improved the Wild Goose vd *hile there atteoded the wedding ration Bonds For Sale. Zj00T-T6:= No. 35 Lo,�al 10.45 A. M. 'Wheat. aLd introductions of severpl 4 P0 ot Dr. G. R. Agnew. 27' Local 2.35 P other new varietteg are 'cr M. edited to The"meniberr of the7' Union S.-S. ,ililel) Phone 103 -7z 1 'S.55 P. M. Iij n). His farm.is orip of the cleanest gavr a unisepilaneous 9bower to F. in Markham township. As a young VILLIAM D-DYKES, WHITAY Sunday train.. 7,40 P, M. and Mrs. Booth on Wednesday even- 0 man, Mr. Lapp was it ckrpenter,by Forego;ng, is aceording to Standard ing'last and -all repert an onjoys;ble 't 'a 9-awmills in this md condu I time, trade., c e Picke"" tinle. viciuit'y.. He took an.active interest Misses Mildred Palmer,., e Anni� Mc- in municipal affArs and wits an ardent da C611ins, Bessie Hoov- C ell. Freil -by one erAnd HarrV Atkirs.,Arthur Collins K A N C E. BroughAm Liberal. Mr.Lapp is survived onn 0 And Howard Hoover c. ed, and one Nellie. -)over's for the week-erid. -thur, B. S. A�', Ti the home ion, At ni 'llor to Writ. Cartage - Evnmress Dru' 'g' ' The Green River Baptist Cbur ch will e iversary on Allkh)ds.of Truckin toai�d-fronr 'fth Ben Hokea's Hawaii ian Or(!he,-tr' guld the fRrni, Cl Rn Sweep at hold their thirtyAhird ann 9 Axford's--�-alp, Oft. �28. Sui)dny, Nov. Services aC2 30 -Town-Hall, Whitby' the City or other points, Hnrry Webb, 6f Toronto. -iday, October the l4th, 102i Also,' Touring Car for hire will psea.. .--W . Ft 7. DUNBARTON. night or day. later. �,,Dancit3g frow 8.30 to 1 The Green River Ladies' Aid will p Ind plione 509 A ly 33-'s Be sure to attend Win. Nicholson's PP sale on Oct.26tb. hold their, monthly-mcwting at the. 30 cents. Dancing Mrs. Herbert P�ercy on Wed- B. H. Ardagh�And'family visited at home of 10 cents a dance, BROUGITAM HbTEL Word Take Wff wpole's Allison Bros. this week. nesda v, Oct, 26th. at 2.30 P. in, We ace pleased to report the im- for roll call ­Resi." Everybody wel. JOHN BOLTON, Manager Tasteless 'Cod Liver provement--iq health of Mrs, Win. come. Increase your Ernint Power ­Sunny Lodge,"the home, of Chas. Lotton and hope she will soon be out by a Dr. N. E. McEwen, B-V.Be. ttending t e in, was again. J. and Mrs. Spencer, Brookl Extract, after that very quietbutpretty Miss 3lary Anderson spent the week- the scene of a 1 Veterinary'Surgeon. . '. I -JELLIOT T,,,5-'7 end at borile find was accompanied by Autumn wedding on Sept. 28th at cold-;� ' It will- build Graduate of University of Toron�,to� her:cousin. Miss Elizabeth And."son, high noon,when their daugbter, Nei- Former Veterinaflan to Macdonald of Toronto. lie, was united in the bolv bonds of 4% Agricultural College, quebec. to -)ny to J. 11'rr,&k1in 13ootb,-son you.UP! Haig, of rnatrirn� YoDge& Charles Stu,Toron On Sunday last Rev. Mi. Prompt attL-ution,to all clients. Ashburn. occupied the pulpit, his ad. of Win,and Mrs. B(Yotb, Whitevale. Only ihe immediatire relatives were is C r es 'stoch Condition Bell and Ind. Phones, Th' S hool is strictly first clags in die� in the morning on -Religious The ceremony was Education"being both interesting and present. perform- PtCKERINGI an on offr. ed by the Rev. Mr. White, of Whitby. -Powd6rs are the all depa�lm ents d,enjoys a wide, instructive. Rev, Mr. Clugs�l wedding march was played by riated at Claremoiht. And the spread patranage. IT IS TIME. bride- Last Thursday beiq Convention -Miss Lens Booth, sister of the day Dunbart6u was fill astir. 14rs.' groom. The bride, who was given- best. TRIED AND TRULX-TESTED AND YUC W 4 iy her f atber. looked charlming RE I D Walker, Pres. of the W. M. S. of On- Away I and even- in her gown of crepe-de-chene, tulle RISK NOTHING RV COXINO HERR, tario, sToke,in the afternoon Has a full line ot tresh anod our Ing an was much appreciated: Dr. veil and orange blossomb and carried a wayer hook. After the w white 1 ed- -�d meats constantly on linrid. Our graduates are eminently sue- Murdock McKenzie. of Honan,China, ding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Booth left *afe a stirring address In the evening. N. E. McEWENI Spice ROIL, Breakfast Bsc0i� cessfni. Enter any time. Write he missionary needs are appalling for a motor trip tcr different points In P I C K RING Nh-"W Ramp Bologna,Weiners, etc', and our ignorancewof the needs stir- Western Ontario. the bride wearing for c^tAlow- travelling suit with sand. Veterinary-Sitrgi6n' prising. Any who missed hearing her blue It fars. On their Highest prices paid for Elliott, Principal these two very fluent speakers may colored bat and min Butchee s cattle well regret it. retnrn they will live at Wbitevale. 25103cier1=61 C=t&=q ?N", k ,4 N7 Aw, 7. •-Wvm 4 A WO PS HEALTH and .the w6rst- is yet to. co M , -W *t Whvkx-tbeiaood Becomes Watery 57 ..a. Breakdown.-Folieww- .7 Every-woman's healthAs dependent 110W to Keep Daugitter." the Farm.- se4ves any more; theme an alms" upon the condition of her blood. How A famses wee wkites the follow. some YOUM people beakies our own many women suffer- -with IieadfichG, �C��rft VW aa, there--­scmet1*es the boug"s lhlkl)7 pain-in the back. poo7 appetite, weak . . . . t: Y at wathen towand Lir� mnzffi* Over with them. -Them am digestion, a constant feeling of wea' hm rt- times wben I wouildl like to ft Sway ness, palpitation of the,heart, short- -Mudh, bas been amid and wrib from ihm"WaUdbG by M7881, but uses of. breath. Wloi and nervous- Edfth a)myo wants me to visit with noes? Of course all these symptoms .1sephig vur bo" an*9 farnt, her girl friends and shore in their may not be present—the more there b3i hDow ow girls? Is ft not Y It about aniumanente','and she laughluglY add- are the worse the 'condition of the lit" ;P z'f,IN, ti:bwortant*M ow girlb should ed, 'I in" lihte� to'to senile' acrd blood, and the more necessary that Irk the, fc=? , How long she iaWl until I nearly crazy, You should begin to enrich It'without 41 taket" *V MW tam Won- 0 90 but,l 87A she said this Wft P&Zld<>n- delay. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are-a able pri&6 'Ed alwave talks to me splendid blood-building'tonic. Every if i1bere we're no Voum an she mouM­to. a giA of,ber. QWu dose helps to,make better blood which gem., goes to every part of the body and "Wives mpotdred'J 'Do ksik of''yod brings new health to weak, deepen- r` llsivre a wife, 9mid who is beter lilt pro- mothers think the sacrifice she is dent people. Dr. Williams' PWk'Pins 5, that PositionAblLn the Sirl making to too great? J.donot. - Does are vaitta"ble to all women but they are 06ho h0W-b%d1dg=training? Not that your daughter taft to yen as e1he -particularly werful to girls of scho- ICE -ke'900d wovd4 to -a S*1 of her own age'? If e who become pal , languid and OWID do not Oftell M& age d. WATM. M*nY Of them ib)-, not, why doeent alre? h it a lack of nervous. Thbre-can be i1either It a t �4* df*,er nwaV faitirw, hssr�'sympathy on your part? Too often nor beauty without red blood which UM discouragiemm* and the that is the.case., Of oaurse,.the chat- -giveibrightness to the eyes and '661or ftiner*line ter of a.girl in her teens often sounds to the cheeks And,lips.. Dr..Williams' -has missed the help -needed at74he rather sMy tb.ft-b$(ler fo1%9'bdt ftet -Pink-Pills-buUd--!iD-the blood-a-d--Eq 1,, td.hiie -career. we put on our backward-looking epee. shown by the experience of Mrs.Joe. SUV 5- e VowN bmed In a dty unW tsc%se sxd gee ona-selveo as we wer U:Venlotte,West Northfield, NA3.,who =irriA4 I.1mow wheieof I at that..age? We were all . alike, says: For several-years I'was in a ;4, and if my.bay is to 'become a moitheft:' but t many.of us forget bad state of health. I was pale and = I 11T fft=10,, (and I 'hope"he w-M-) I truA th,6 time that we were at the she said' nervous,-mi appetite was poor, and I !11VI "writ choose a firm-• rainied girl. emd 'she saW age suffered from weakness. -headaches tbove days wbazi'tbere are so Another problemth&t must be taken and-a feeling of oppression.- I got so 4:11whV6 :to Y in gW&. it gr*Nqs in- hft considerstion is nervous that I was afraid to sta. money. -ZfiW1r1iiitd-t6 keep, them A, A -respect the house alone... All this Until was in law thd 94 cannot keep her seff *qntry. Our boyW &nd g" dubs and never have a cent of money that taking medicine, bat it only did not &diw wandei% but they-do not but I was growing fveaker. 'k'.,q=WW to really her own; and-it fs not r"ft help-me- so much to the girl In bar her own when she vvnt go to Father Finally I decided to try'Dr. Williams' and ask for oath small Pink Pills, sla after tieing six box She firrIshes the grades Ja the or HEALTHEDUCATION . _t S Modw I felt much better. I had a better ap- *&64 and'then.'Iet us-say, she amotint as she usecis iL to t110 mist town or city to ' She should be given some of petite, slept better and felt stronger. BY DR. J. I MIDDLETON W�Ly schad Here her Interests a" earning money that However, I continued taking the pills Provincial Board of Health, Ontario will'inake her feel d ; and- the mom' a couple of months longer and wmt ; Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Publi.! Health it'. i1%­,*Ww is able to keep, her, girt at home "The best way I know of to do this I now I am feeling its well as ever I did. after high school Is a very wdso and In to start her VM� stock-of &,(�me I give all the credit to Dr. Williams' tors t.hrough thin column. Address him at the Parliament Blfts. Pink Pills, and hope that my expert- Toronto. tiloserstan&ng rnothw,'firXised. kind wban she is small. Then she k,O,, ease may.be.of benefit to some other 6 -011f the gIA goes from a borne where doesWt feel the need of spending in none too pbm&A she finds nx=sY at heir own, and by the time weak woman." You c"set Dr. Williams' Pink Pill$ One of the needs ad the day--cd am contained in,- frosh. foods, bunt it a proMent. to keep up with the girls she bees reached the 'teen' a bw 09 It Is the need of which axe absent in foods W11040 qual- '�v( her set, for iibnost*avariably cirle stock, be it sheep, cattle, bogg, or through any dealer In medicine. or by every day, is food. "ki to" have more opending mocM7 whatever it * vrM he" made her a mail at 50 cents i1box or six boxes for the future, and from the beginning Woo have been changed or impaired has been through bolling beating or preserv- Of the'world,food 1.6 Ithan'do, ouiltiT gir➢ik DuTh4 -�aca- respectable bank accovist. $2.50 from The Dr. Wild bled?.:�learly` ' Cine Co.. Brockville-, Ont. the most iraportant of the activities ine, as.in canned goods. A diet that- 5�&15I.R. some -animal on the 0' 'the 'tcli7i girl IS 7 0 of man.- No n2atter what may hap--contains W Vitamiewe '—As to-ceTtain- ,ft,, ww3 at mam money that the corms- farm that the girl oldie hem But alit armt Foe Of OMhai&. pea, the"deam3d for nwriWAyw foods deficiency diseases such as scurvy, ��r.-OrrgM&M cwt baft; and the couno- too 9fteN wdrae the pig .fin hem 8311 �6�4�ta 9M In priced azd .9ansitim 41- right,by moos-A7WWe metamor 3 - e codling moth Is the parent of is sum to gro., so long " the pope- rklw*and in the east where polished vwa rf she spenae-low satindsys which she in nowise the the appleworms, &'Y-sry.unpopular In- lation irwreases. Raffivads, steam. rice Is Largely: as an 'article -of understands, 1 a at home,sbe bring%home hog bw become Daft Thst jast sect. To W a line on the habits and electricity--all are recent develop- food, and the vitarnine abeeirt,' beri- tok-ck bw and it Mwtdiem hdr. It to abq" for an life history of the tweet, experts have meats, now of them Indispensable to bezi. T94 404 CACPA- got the extra quick to Sense an tnJusties, constructed"cocooning ticks"of w mankind.-But ­!.A­.. itself Butter, fresh milk, am, freeh� wood Dwaghbw nee*she usuot be a - "I know-a mm Wbo started his tm $trips so pul togethef'se ti� form rows on noorb*dne food. fruits and vegetables should be mom' ssrooid of compartments or cells, each go. Setienc• is going further these days or law a stable part of any diet for '11,11110 and nothen lode gkb With, a dollar an&; or, to eat they the Precious vitLanines D=qgbtW 14 weam' to s&ccJ , W,in, the Z&OM WW g1v1M them oommodatingOne caterpillar. than mersly to 1public good and ru jll�!c C *Wk:ft she bow by a mlatv% and J�ur the two aggars The rows of calls are covered *tth M r food. It in tell. that we Offilen*W to health. boolad baft and sold tbmkn ths7',owned strips of transparent celluloid,through should the People wbot kinds of food they 00 vN bogtn what a 5dr. Two which the trawformations of the cat. should Get SW why; it to telling What W.J. R.asks: Is lime Juice talum. win In .1p Until tt was fully L reducing agent effective, and Is ilk do 6*s� money 'Just as l in as she grow% fattened, and marketed. The ervillars Into pupae and finally moths to uVoid *ad why; it to even tealm 1 Z=f In IN$ fthhed who&' If she ever &­ expense of raising it was allamed by can be watched. A record of observe- them how much food Is to hs - ul any way? Answer- 1An Juice is jiWasolia fvA" *at a*dtuds it is. 'good,4,,7W the father. Tire M* Ct tiona for each caterpillar is-kept by malAtakh good heap mid keep It up !;1% f4a, girls were then the help Of a reference number at the to the nmmal ttan&wd. For instilnes but ineffective an a reducing aigent. a hwm &I of her Bla--if about three and five years- of age, top of Its compartment The mothIs bow much does the average man The ady way to to set less faworm. her Illi1irlIish beartv When, the bog wm add rolativ In foods.mid t4oss a, vtxl intervat in sH her the money wws used to buy & beifer, browish Stay, with a wing-spread I%f woman know about the a nutri- 9 end dowlre% abe can&-won- from, whichs for a. number of yew,&, three-quarters of an inch. At rest on ment of an egg, anil how It compares fbe bark of an apple tree, It Is hardly with other food*? A simsto ws Coll- During- the V a good many' �J­ 1. out the 1821404n. the fatIter kept noising the male cwv inquiries came, in about the kinds at "At t2a and of her fow yeacer and keeping the beffem distinguishable to the eye. The fe. tarns as mach netrimant go two Om eaulise Im bigh 0*104 the g" ratus. e lays her eggs on apples, one here of beect, and four eggs *.retofs are food one AWuM eat- PS6r itls� "Ant at theA time theme w. male one person asks what effect cucumbers t��,-hwft, and beve anxisaments to in need of rew)Y money, VA and another dierb, and tiv-calieroillari equivalent to bsM a 11b.'at bed. Eggs batched-from, them boire'Into the fruit, oorstain all that is for the I and oniors-aNced with vineger W1% 111lika the Place'Of *ieo ebb has bad of going.to the bank for it, be box- fa bl*k school; tt is righf anif propir rowed it from his two &ntgibters,pay- eating It an they grow and defiling it young animal except oxygen, which 'have &i thi� stomach, irben eaten- asp -that she dweld have. And Mother ins them the same rote o�bterwt he ill a mariner unhappily too familiar, is idxwrbed from the air. Light�y boil- a meal with no other ingredient He In late summer.or early fall the full; ed efts at"more easily digest6d than also want& to know if these me hard_ must assume tl�ft responsib0ty. wOuid bm" 1214.1to pay at the bank. or may to digest and. If they contain "Kiiiie'let me otTer a suggestion: If Later the grown worms leave the apples and either raw or when hard-boiled. Milk money was inmested in red seek concealment In holes or cracks In is one of the best and most nourishing much nutriment `' 7 4 ­7OUT, ­ ,­ ,m-7,.i (11006 not- have a eStft* wA made 'a7 nice little profit. V the trees, or under the bark, spinning Answer- Oucumbers arid onions -youne nanp&* social cKA When these foods to be had, but an ad%ilt could girls were young ladfieo tough silken cocoons In which to pass not very-well live-6n milk only. To eaten with vinegar wouldbe bard on 'am It how much they did not hale to ask_Fathm or the winter. Many of them, *Liii resi- do--this--and-keep, up his bodily effi- the storn� and pro0abiy lead- to A' and amusement a club other for every Penny tbeY wanted. lea in the Severe indigestion. This combination )apples, are carried with deny a man would require eight or A 'find--bow many, good times it qm 71hey were irKlependent,AM no hard­ twent four eo is ines .-k , *. Make your ship thei latter to storage houses, where ten pints in y-f r bmirs, but Of vWet&bl al t without food im-As for its mernbem iP' h0d been in on sTwone in they spin their cocoons In boxes, bar- this would give his eyakent too­mueh Ilues• Onion eatell'818 a small P&A' hdrne'a pkyoe of welcome for all your acemphshing that errs, ''Cho-ghter's friends. Me will be, far "If you want your Shi .to stay-at rels or bins. In spring they transform water and fat, which to disadvanta- of a me*1 furnish vitamines and mib:- -7. into moths, which fly to the orchards, .genus to grown-ups, but *speckilly Oral salts, and are beneficial in ihid fair with her. Do not ex- thus completing the cycle.. suitable for young persons. Meat U respect- CucumberM may y heater satialled to' have plenty o2-boons, bsL yatirg (iompany ut bome than to have peat her to 9 little of-vitamines, too but they a" not 04 slay 'nerety 4b 'a duty, . Elderly people can to-day remember a staple article of food 110(it I I JO -0 alsowbere for bar An vskyrnent for what aye owes; You• a time when nearly every apple offer- it is needed in.hot.weather• An ordi- nutritious an onions Frankly, ! do not t" One modes said, to be not long ago: our children ed 'for sal • had one-or more worm nary diet which contains an adequate 'We never hwvs a SwAsy to Our- owe as nearly so mu&­as 'ke to 4 we h holes. Usuilly' if'was the caterpillar amount of all the ingredients necim- end-*my- do' We, and we alone, of the codling r pretend _g moth that was respons- nary for maintaining health and vigor SPEAKS IRGHLY OF are • K le 'for thei• coming Into ible for the miseblef. Nowadays de- can be arranged,as follows: Meat, t7 Of cent apples rarely exhibit such unpleas- to 16 om; bread, 12 to 18 ozs.; 1 9, Mont Young Moni 7the. world, and the reePOnsibili Po. BABY'S OWN TABLETS 'giv'ng *Mm a fair Show rests with ant imperfection, for the reason that taboes,-6 ozs.; milk, 3 oz&; butter, I In V'VD9 them IL Nbut In life, aspray of arsenate of lead applied to oz.; auger, 1,.2 Ora.; mat, .25 oz.• tea, RusbAnds I until thoey am Ubte to & for 0� the-trees-is-death-to the'inset- -25 07 4-,coffee er as used Bab have 1 061*1686 we are giving them Only what .33-oz. Tablet er 111,64. s al- Wbon-An. cities where we' ha. Malnutrition in ch l qii�ood. branches do not fail Ae Piece your is *air due.,, is gener- -ways pleased to �peak highly of them rd for-.your Full and Winter A cherry tree, at Sittingborne, 1111Y clue to- �� ignorance, or to other mothers." She knows the good .......... at one of the stores Of the Kent,-whichr--abli -.Nears fruit, was poverty; and well-planned meals are they have' done her children and 1 ft6;g%,FO0LLEN planted in the reign of Henry VIII. 17 Too Much followed by a satisfactory rate of realizes that her experience should be ar, —TI-HOV ;—Ve ei-r, growth, incremie-d physical vigor,.and of beriefit. to others. Concerning the COMPANY the i jeit v;6e service In Canada for men's,gar- A young man from Sunny Italy was more 'efficient, education. For &!I- T ren a light, nutrit,,Dus diet BhOuld ablets Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte• menu, open to the Canadian testifying. In the Assize Court in a Your Opportu-nity town, P.E.I. writes: "L-boye---used, PubRe at wbo�seali prices. . ease In-which he was plaintiff, and, comprise brexa- an%�'-wk—k, -Baby's Own Tablets for the past e,814-- ---Large Canadlari Institution estab- Store addresses as follo*s: Mont- true to his race,was very excited and vith milk and sugai;, wholemeal bread months for my' baby.. I-cannoi,,speak real Branches--361 St. Catherine excess of 415 St Catherine Street *1edge of the Street West; talked fast as his kn6 lished 1887 with assets In with butter, dripping, or bacop f4, too highly of them for they have been $35,000,000, which are rapidly ki- Street East; 'toazt"and' plain`'biscuits, eggs, Rah, of great assistance to me In my first East; SU St. Catherine 4744 Euglish-language would permit. Look- creasing, desire* a local represents- 904 Mount Royal Avenue ]Mat; Notre Dam Street West. Ontario tag dowli at the stenographer, he no- tIve, In this.district. Only men of chicken, peas, boans, bread and butter eiperfencie of motherhood." Baby's' Branches-- routo, 282.Yonne Street; tired for the first. time that his teett• character and ability, however, wfil Pudding, rice with treacle or honey, Own Tablet's are a mild but thoroulgh Ottawa. 20tarks Street; Hamilton, mony was being reduced to writing be co-nioldered. If you feel you -are cheese , (for older- children),, green laxative which are ' 121 King Street' t St•. Marie, absolutely harmless 484 Qlqean Viti 19 11,&,,�ttoed. (the reporter was tryIng"*hIs beat to 'competent to.place ot&r proposition vegetables, dates,, figs, nuts, apples and may be given to even the tLe*b6r1k 1.94r 11 keep up), A;id thereupoi2 began to talk the best people In-your MownI6 Street; ridon, 480 munity, we can offer you a contract I'l- Colborp atf before -com-, and, stewed fruit. -Cocoa with�milk babe with perfect safety. They. are Opundas faster thanliver, until finally he burst; and sugar, and chocolate are nourish- sold by medicine der-lers or direct at street; Windsor, 101-108 Lqndon remunerative.Street 70 Princons street; forth at the re'iI;i6iter.` '5onit wrIt.'a which will be very rem ing beverages. Children should be 25 cts. a box from The-Dr. Williams' Fort 11 rest, -Pqm 1.1 or N St Previous selling experience desir• so fas'; I can'ta keep up with you." trained into right babdt,9, namely, Medictne'Co., Brockville, Ont. "t 'a right kind, energetic, ambitious and able but not essential If you are the t; 4 ph, 104 up- regularity of meats, the avoidance of dham arrest; St.iiUaLtit Paul- Str erines, healthy state Maritime progressive, we will develop you eating between m", modleration In 1tings in a perfectly or r, perfe mnq allhainkobte Lifeboat. _r lines of salesmanship. ko6d, go rn ura '40h along proper good mastication an regu- are very rail,according to thec tor 7�. Barr rater -i'ncc, staflAg st-ge, 'jar cuetion of bowels. of a Parisian medical institute., nrton Street'. H&M I -- Apply 1 In coMId eva the str•etl Now tango 171.. olroot That it is not only unsinkable, but past experience and length of real. Street: A=h4 21 1 trot : An finportant'considemtion in. de- Charlottsto 90 oftn� bo ups4i, Is the claim Of dence to A .' 'termin�fiq 'nut�ritiojjij v�.uss' IS the; -A ritirsinj bottle has been patented 8t John fe C lotto I enter 0 lifeboat with an air ADVERTISER monotori, its X r s tinder the or absence of vitamines in that Is made of a collapsible material mho Qu"n W11010 184 Day St. Toronto Presence which can be folded from the bot ton. d' , the food. These are substances that to m, an an unusually heavy, heel. i V11cacid• �A: `R .e ice... ..,� al:y � �;, �„� r T��A wr :S+• a..;r�r4- a" Yea-�;, �'�-T�y,.�����;g",;,j�+.. d 'f ♦� *• ., d w° �i, c' n '� -•+�'�'m' .'�, 'd^�t%wT^ eti,ifi1:'.t%'.yr w._.�' .7 ..+1--',,or;s.,`*t+:adi d'�' •;.� �}c. `� YS.^�,'4V,'('Ya�fR. S°i a Tv. +.' 5.1?., t y..,."'�.,i,�`•`•w' -r„;'%" 4 w;k +:,k " ^_PS�„a. ww"'f L , "�'r:fy' a.P m' s.-a9WIN"Y e .v w�l+y• u -.le.'*t��;3'f'h'•M°+',k ,.aFis.«F e y sq.fxr.&'ar• s1a 5 y L, r5 ,,, i�„ y j !.•,.,i{/,jL.�'i•,'Y "�+ic'P.. ..••�•'F,. ,..dRy�.,N•+. �w5.r ! „+.'sE.:y",c •� :v'`-' �t"•rl-r.::za!.:fir:r:. 4{"+t^'{>�r`-�i •+,t�y."�'.h.. , - :s• , � r ?+i .^�`1s,^ R'•�.','• M' N w,Y.',. J y .. • ,'Y _ ,/ -' ."vt��$ b:W.m.':.'a1w •l'"' • °{};. V�'��•�+,';r .�."� - '. 't TM's' , .I _ _�,• .,.*. dF'.t.- A�r,r.` * .; .+yy;.,•°, ,Tanlac Aao 1 An,arm Would you.like to ]avow.bow]urge :• ° W " .x ��� the stellar universe is! Ill,the apiallon �-. ,�,� ,. '•:z..r-•-- J%" ., . .. - _i?`':'.,'•:�r�tr, , soli?• of astronomers it is one aiiilllpn tight • �+-�Q ma iakAb �years in in diameter, and, :'since light w -'F _ R Sloaa'e Liniment travels-186,000 miles #n a second, that _ - " Yes'- FIl011.II�E 6 #E •' has been the quickest relief for means that it is about 6,868,718.600,- �_` �� �Y _ neural sciatica and' rheuma• iz uinti3lion— _ i �. Ofi4.000.0g4-61moeL _4 _ .. - _ ueo. -I. Nicl �1's +Casa. - I milea�me aide out thenve sewther— -*ad strains,ach and tion niux _. . - e o er. ore the a on o All for Nothing. ^� Skaii's handy Bad pp y y. -eyetems the.size.of our own cciild-be "lrve tried ae hard•to make -�'>'. :cep - - - U40AOW rubbing, at ilia lust twinge. you a good child, Margaret,and yet in ~ pissed end to end withoutbridgfng,the PrOAtiIICrit i$CO><381I1 Man A :r It eaves and bruise comfort cur nid space. How many such systems the spite of all my efforts you are: still sad readily. 'll find it dean and rude 'and asni;hty." Says-I-a'nlac Promptly Re-- , universe could contain -we refuse to' K._^.`•_,.''• _ )— t`w Goa-akin-etain2t>g. , calculate. • _ Margaret (deeply "What a -si Ctl TTO biC OE ,;, ~•: Skcan's Liniment �s s enemy* failure you are, mother'. ,Ask your neighbor. ;- A Real,Sky-Scraper. - -- -- --. At all ,?0c,VA0 Months'.. Standing—G!tina + The conversation had changed from ,: 8kelstleaf Tommy: ' one thing to another, finishing up with. "But, Tommy," . said his mother, 27 Pounds and Feels Fil1C' high,buildings. - "didn't your conscience tell you that " As A Fiddle'. " � . h them the had w 16a The American though You were doing moron ent all beaten when he said there•was a "Yes;' replied Tommy: "but,I don't It is an unquestionable fact that ` building in-New York so high that it believe everything I hear." Tanlac is now being more widely en- took - a person at least twenty-tour _ _ � known men and women :` sours to geti o Lhe io , TRe A e or Worr y , • domed by moat than any other medicine ou the Amer!- Amestevs Honest Door ssaasdl i "Sure," said Pat, there's a Iittle _-There#s_a_tiraq in,the.life of'.every � market. One of.the latest to.tea• _ Hook on building I was work on some time girl when—but this illustrates it. iffy is George H. Nickels, well known R . ,� DUG DISEASES ago in,good ould•Dublin, when one •+"How'old is Gladys now?" Mrs. lecturer, residing at 227 Wells St., 4 and How to Feld Saturday morning about 11 o'clock I Davis asked of Gladys' grandmother. Mailed Free to-any A3•• Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Gladys `Tanlac has no only mpl_at_el re- dress by the Author. dropped my hammer from the top, and dye is-just at the age where her '_ 1L �y Olovsr �»�• sure and'begorro, when•I went to work mother is afraid she will get married t y C � ;.- 11g V17eat 81st Street stored my health, but I have actually New York, U.B.A on Monday morning the thing hit me and Gladys is afraid she will not." gained 27 pounds in weight;' said Mr. '„ _ on the top of the head." Nickels in referring to'the remarkable Mitrard a Liniment Lumberman's Friend ---- —^He Knew. benefits he had derived from the meth• ` < ' Melons were first found in Asia: The hump shambled after the tine smartly-dressed man carrying a pros- "For something over six months,my k &mam. ore a,,;,,,;,. peroas-looking bag, stomach was.very badly disordered. I ad- L �l//���� _ "Give us a couple of coppers, guv'- suffered terribly from Indigestion and Q, Y " ' _nor!" he pleaded. "Just somethin' to Dyspepsia. At times I would, be fa ti SHAW So. if you,bear any'-of'the family get some bread. Think wot it is ter great distress and I would-,invartably "§_ names in this group you may be rea• be friendless, despised" 'ated by all—" experience an uncomfortable bloated, hy� 7: Raelai Orlpie�-Seottisfi. aonebly sere that in the dim'distant `Shut up, you fool!" said the man feeling for hours after eating. I had 8ouree—A gi n name.' the "I'm-an Income tax col no appetite scarcely and the lit --- ------- - ---mst one-or--more-ot-your-_anceatora__with bag• > y tie 1 .: Shaw does not look like a Highland lector!" ste d•often make me deathly sio>t. ' flied a position In the economic life w �e. ' or Gaelic family-name. Not' many' of the Community a.a bearer of bur- y Tlfy head ached until I felt like it people realize that it is, for,strangely dens, a tesmater and drayman of to- He Could See. would burst.and I was so nervous enough, It is not met with it any com- "No!.You like a leaf. When I got up GEORGE H. NICKELS . �. day. He may have been either a bear. 'No.,You cannot expect the jury to - •;;�� paratively modern date with the prefix er of loads himself,-or an employer of believe that," said the lawyer. . "Do the mornings; I was so weak and ' . of either'Mac" or"O' ." dizzy, I touIdn't trust myself to walk inch men, and more than likely spe• you really mean (o say that although It Is the name born originally by'a cWized in the serice of-some particu• the aiglit.was pitch dark,and you were around and I just hurt all over. aches and dizzy spells are ail gone and` ,. eertain Sept,of the Clan MacKintosh, lar mercantile trade. i at the end of the train, you saw de- "Tanlac hag brought about a .won- I:never have an ache or pain.. I am'_ .. " which later divided info two sep1s, the ceased tall from the other.? Now tell derful change in my condition for I am only too glad to tell others about the first or senior line eventually losing CHICHESTER } _._- 'me, how far do you really think youlaow enjoying'tbe very best of health. wonderful good Taalae has dolts. It _ ownership of the lands originally oc- ,'' can see at atghtY' My appetite is splendid. I relish my has no equal." r� copied by the organisation. Raeldl Origin-Enplhh. " mesh. Everything agrees with me 'Tanlac is sold by teading'druggists . Source—A locality. y Oh; about a million mites,l reckon; The Highland records show that the rot-`orted the witness. "I can see the perfectly" The nervousness, head- everywhere. Adv. , t sixth- chief of the Clan Mackintosh The use 'of Chichester as a family - Was named .Angus. He had a-son name is a matter easily and obviously moon—how tar's that'" Trying to Oblige. Twenty-four hundred gallons of. ,a.. named John" whose son was Gilchrist. explained. In.its first use'" such it Miter was teschfhg five-year-old mink were supplied by ,,..I fq Making Matters Worse. who in turn had a son named Shaw, was descriptive of the locality In Hobby geography. She had come to the Toronto district to children at.&, . . z who'was enzaennad "Corr Flaehlach," which the individual lived. There is "I can't keep visitors from coming the Sahara Desert. "Now, say it— tending the Canadian National Exhi. 1 a1LL1 LMs-chieflain was--the-founder of-i-p ew-thtw�namw ie__-.te„ „d� s uR"_said-the office-boy,__de�eotediy_ Q ham, -- --- - tion - - ------ Canada's Day. --- : and prompted bi on Young C .. naturally persons migrating "When I say you're out-they won't be- ibe Sept line of Shawn, Having acs ig ind from Chi• -- ••Nara.•• replied Bobby. ---- --� �- - :' _ gttirsd the lands about"Loch-4 n-eillan" e1 other sections Dame to be cove me. They an say they must see 'No" not Hara-8akara; don't you just prior to 1400 A.D. - • known in their now,neighborhoods as you see?" said mother patiently.- "Now ' For several centuries the castle of "John of Chichester" or "Robert of "Well, put them off somehow;' said say it!- Chichester," as the case might be. the editor, with a worried look. "What- Again Bobby replied, "Nara." PKVD- h an-ean wan the etron hold o[ ig y p Loch $ Then; in the course of time, nei aver. they -Say_just tell-them, 'That's That kept tip for some'. time .until Trul ` his descendants and the breach of'the gh= what they all say.' Be firm. Bee?•, � �� °'�—"� dCtan adaclfintosh-which they fed. bore would Dome to regard the name finally, Bobby, warn out, exclaimed, n�;]„ UW m wf as merely distinguish-ing the Individ• That afternoon a lady called. She -Well, other, didn't I say Hare?" . 6r"'s"! �J • a : vain edits b b Indicating thb'. hj d.ba d features and ded an acid t xp 3a- ORDERS. •ILEEDER - " µ pla m Which ad come veal eon, an she demon to se e 4 MONEY - Var}ations— Leader, Laelers. Loder. years before would not be foremost in for at once. it !s always eats to vend a Dominion ` Lederer. their minds. Hence the "of," or.Me "Impossible," said Willfani. Make Cuticura Soap _.. ,Racial Oripin—Enallah. equivalent to the Norman tangos, But I'm bJs wife;' persisied the 'Express Money Order Five dollars and Ointment � Source-An occupation. would bedropped, sad the iadi.ldyal lady. eoata three cents. _ y every-day prop : • _ "That's what they all say,'" sald the You need more than throe guesses -or.his'song would bear as their sue. h aratims. Bathe with ce tm ° - .-._,to pick thus occapatign from which name simply Chichester. boy._ T6e Best Servants. the Soap and hot this group of family names has been The place name, however, is a com I keep six honest aervtng met), water on rising.and_ developid. The reason' is that the binatioa of the Saxon given name of /or& of Wisdom• (They taught me all Iknow.) - . retiritag,using platy �u •. - Meaning of the word itself has changed •"Cissa," and the Latin word ..cas: Their names are What and Why and af3oap.best applied '� . �stnce the medieval period which it tram,"'-which means "-ctm The bigger the bubble, the louder �h p" or "mill the bang. When• with the hands. - became a surname. tary station." The Romaine.. in the, -Concentration should be a part of And How and Where and Who.. Smear any signs of It's not exactly a piece of practical period before the Saxon in*asion pimples, redness or the.curriculum of every college. roughness with the knowledge_to know that•originally the built their camps in England, as they � tO The fluent-Iteaple in tae world are / OinttaenE and let it remain five 40 - words "toad" and "load" had very did elsewhere, as virtual fortresses: / I e a I t h Sid V n y a , those we,knnw least abort. _, minutes before bathing. Finally similar meanings. We use the verb They were stri'tctures which lasted, - Be aura your bravery la not mere °'lead" io•day In the' sense of "show- and which remained In existence,long foolishness. REMINDER: dust on a few grains of the eat _ ,ing the way."' But In medieval times after.the Romans had withdrawn. Don't wait until• oar idbel Cuticm'a Tai- ~ Man {e'�Itke a fountain- pea; useful, Y get sick—USE � y P�� its most usual meaning tuna that of "Class" was the son oC"Aella,"•who as long as there is something in him. °' t to the place of offset ry perfames for the skin. jpailing or carrying a load; as often founded the kingdom of the South It we always said what we meant, - -carrying as palling. Saxons. • a.g25.,Obtee.t2sssi3aa Takeaur- Sold wouldn't may anyih 'see woo i .. � th thel7aalmioa.CaaadiaaDeDot: Put. yourself on a paying business- IJaad,33"3t.paw 3t„w M..tl.d. �WWCatleaesv �o�.aas. _— r / ; It you've last got over some sick- KMG ig8�t — - -- r~ \ , • gees,.glue the details to the squirrels H, I� In•the woods and get it oft your chest, Y . "• ��/� If your feet are-act�'strong enough to carry you—ride. , „�., ,., , Wishes wear out with your clothes. PAIN ' " '*` `� af': ;rlr./�y i Fame oftimes goes shabby. COARSE, SALT The greatest, faith is faith is yoar= LAN D 'S A LT - • �,< u",, `'self. This Onw Tells .How She "° •�' ���, :D'eed- your body, your soul 'will 1, $�[ Cai'ZOti _ ;a fl thrive on it. Wm Renefited by TORONTO SALT WORKS = '= - = Study characterryour own first. C; J. CLIFF' TOhONTO - Lydia E. pinjCh8lt!]hi Vey- Before reforming the community, _ _... __ return-yourself. 4ta��OTnPOQltla._ y z b urself.--bey PI RI N ury ,v Jul,r u are Don't vo „ -' -- -, - — Regina,Sask.—„For two years I ant- • k y � dead ..4. Lo yourself when oar swear.. �_ .. -' --feted from 1leriodic pains and Hausa _ This is the sta: ` you wont be'faittle t in s�Bayer" is only Genuine mother had me hake Lydia E.Pinkham'a yr ;.. � - If you let the little things worry you, r what are you going to do with the big . Vegetable Compov� it a better day _ _things _ _;,1 Rd about an the time,, �., which u d not before. I•reeo ` Tell your"friend you haven't got it— s u n 'There's satisfying comfort and cheer in a ; you'll be doing him a M i•mend Vegetable Compound to my friends good tarn, a �1 0 i if I know they suffer the same w , said -, breakfast cup of Posium, and there's no disturb- Put your troubles on the dumb. _ �[ _ youmay_publkh lettetft:it a� '" ^ing element-to irritate nerves or digestion and _ waiter. _ any one, as I h twill."-DSisa lZh.�Gp.- r . Ieave-mental energy- before the day is You can't win • unless you -take a done. chance. Bask. If every.glrl whosuffers as Miss Black- r%i Thousands of former tea and coffee users Worry is a cloud that darkens .your 1.well did, or from irre�nlaritie painful r 'day; a bright thought is the sunshine , a, •- havo found,that ,Posturn meets every demand: Warning. ft's criminal to take a periods. backache, sideache, dragging ^ ' that drives It away, dawn Y. for a delicious table beverage,and brings steadier chance on any substitute -for' genuine pains, inflammation or ulcers . nerves, clearer mind better health. - "Sayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed would only give this famous root and Y _ Old Theatres In London. herb remedy a_trial they would soon by physiciaa;s for twenty-one years And relief from such suf i - � As many Cups as you like with any meal-- - London •still contains two,buildings and, proved safe by millions. Unless It hardly seems possible that there fa no after-regrem that witnessed the perforssance 'of you see the name 'Bayer" on package a woman in this country,who�wOI cop:­.- Post um comes in two forms:Itistaht Poatam(in tins) Shakespearea plays during Shake• qr on tablets you are.,not getting As- I time to suffer without saving Lydia a vs' made instantly In the cup by the addition of boiling water. speare's life—the Middle Temple Hall Pirin at all. In evety.Bayer package Pinkham's Vegetable Qom and \:? : Poetum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk,for those who and the hall of Gray's Inn . are directions for Colds, Headache, after all the evidence that is continually- prefer to make tber Crip][white the meal is being prepared) Neuralgia, Rheumatism, 'E s r a c h e, being published,proving beyond contra made by boiling for 20 minutes 4 I diction that this grand old medicine has Toothache immha¢o _aad__fnr Pair aVlleve„ u1NLb Oyli+etLlai allwll WllHMEL �M y, Iand, Sc �,.�jc Ireland is 48,000,- Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost than anq'other medicine in the world. 1 few cents. ru "'here s a Reason fQr Posttlill 000; an army of 8,000,- l? ggists also sell larger For special advice worrieltare asked tQ z ia ls, soldiers, Packages. Made in Canada. 'Aspirin ' Write the Lydia E, Pinitham Medicine _ _.. 9tglcl b�all grrocera —_: �_ - - _ ig the trade mark (registered in Cana. Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of forty, dit da), of Bayer Manufacture of Mono• years experierce is at.your service, €' �i.lager. I Tic Nati.:al'a•aceticacidester of Salk licacid. ' Y 1681': No.43'--121. ""�rf� �.' ��. .'^•wy. -+�i,:;.!�..*;P a�a• ..�- ,r'... +„• +' .3Nti...cn ::7„.:,t: .?'.'hi s ,4r ,+ n nww� -:57 ..Z.•9 4� Z, SHOP'. E SS' .0 - 0 a.,4., ��f 111,11dbii� d R. ri" "111 hem C ER VE Y M 04,49t W good feed is at A premium 14s. 't on 'to the Grocer. 0" Q9P .1 having yours-properly . -If a -in line !..Send your.Grocery Order. ground or crushed. a �,U"l are h.a We new & give us a' call. We don't , for, your -other business. swyev.; $1.30 if.. Having Installed extra power.. I am second-hand in.stock.' I'aw in advanc*_ pri New=ba ad harness ft u g p SPLENDID BLENDED BLACK TEA �pared to handle I our work quickly Lind satisfactorily. Br Carry Pombo.everything far the horse. per lb--:-8 lb@. for$1.00. . .National A trial will convince you.- Trunks. Suit Casep, Lunch Boxes 40 cents Shoe r;epa*in'g prompt] dome. Rub- 7� -d Pro"&T, paive Party Open every day'(hollakys etbipti 1) her heels-put on while you wait,.. inuab addies 16 dents per lb. .,,The-Altona.Grist Mills. Bonelbse' Fill'ats of Ha'ddie 22 cents 70sr lb.• .-I" WCHAPMAN, Port Perry Creamery Butter 45 cents per lb. - Cecil Biadley 7.- -7, Pickering Harness Maker, Toronto Bread -Brown's and Chimillir',if 2.4 PROPRIETOR, EEOIL T. Ai Crerar, leader of the National Progressive Party has issued Prime Cheese 28c lb. 'Cooked Ham 70c lb. ii-hill Manifeeto to electors of Canada. —Pure Lard_ -Shortening Breakfast and Back Bacon r `Suer person In this riding, whether --towniiiian for countryman. should Bologna Salt Pork ,_'read it. It is a masterpiece., Ce- tr,al, ' Garag n fact,lays down a new bill of Rights I ; I �'. All kinds of Fresh.Canned Goods—Peagll.Corn, Tomitoes, Salmo .'-for the people of Canada, wbo are fmt gov. Lobster, Her-ring, Sardines etc. 7- !, losing their hold on responsible B R 0 Z G H A H- iTiomelpt by reason of the tyranny and Photie or aend your order. and autocracy of the few. Give It a We do thedelivering. header H d t hits the I oti the avii:tg se''an-red "whanic with JAMno _ RIC A, My Msinifestw to the electors of 7 South'Ontwrlb will appear next week----- and therein-I will outline the general . :'*' vast experience in motor over- principles which shall guide my course are: ore ­Jpielient yon. F. Pi ckermg �Wrd* ;-t-a LLa.M.ahvUld I lie-cuubwto-mw- hadlhig­and- -machine- work- I -hold independent views on the ve are preparbd1b'repadror'over- questions of the day. I hQld that the rgi party adhes e ace of yesterday.has 'haul anything from th-a allest' bot 'given us the good government In TLe.Canadian winter home needs this age demands, and I solicit the -.ope ;gas plenty o€.beat and light "mindof-all'.voters upon the real engine to the laigest and- uesoonp of citizenship confronting' Us to-Oay. and it ii time­a.Pickering representatite had' some voice In, finest wit'Omobi le. B UY $oufh Ontario's affitirs. ► Gasoline and Motor Grease's, sho fill A PUBLIC-AMIRTING Happy. Thought .�FOR ORGAINIZATION, 7 auto accessories.- Is being beld't6iF; (Thursday) event nil -Range and a tb'e To'wij Hall In Pickering. foir tad. Phone 506, Pickering divisions Nos. 2 and 3. All .people In nit t *Vil as well. who are in.sym- Coleman Lanip '. he IAI;e pathy with Mr. Chapman's candida. --ture. ate invited to be present. Laltes PrQ�r�etor Meeting at 8 o'clock. R. Fe'asbYou ill alivays be satisfied are welcomed. Come out and help us. _N a d before w 14 the time•to get your stoves- W. J. TURNER, slid ftiruacee repairs re Township Organizer the cold weather eomes. FIRE SALE BY. PLTBLIC AUCTION It is a pleasure to show our goods 88UOO worth of hardware and farm AISDON PICKERING chinery, slightly soiled by smoke J.- S. B and-water. on Saturday,October 22od, at 10 a. M. *harp, bait block weitt of Four Cotn;"on Main St., -%Vhitby. Orr over$8000 worth of plow potnt-g. land PUMPING NINES sides. soles and repairs for most every 7 7- 7,7 make of plow; also seven cream s,!p�. -C B Ake' r•ranges, rk fiird,- running, -2 wAter 7 ratorq. fdiir walking pluwa.-' palper, grinder. gas en lass. shelf hardware. paints, tools. 'YOU can. have. ruiihi-n-gwater in the house,in the bar!,-- Yorks, blmek-4tnith's forge. hatmem whereverybuN-,pptit­v16itft aTorqnto Plumping Fngine. a a. overalls, y usi ingie an a t er4lls, smocks. .nuitts and B - ing N o. di* tsin61r-Bre-'aA-w6 ai%' Kandreds of other lines too numerous Think-of ihe labor savc"d—thil conveniences obtained. Th! J' t Aoihance7cifa life time. Keeps ='On,.. -rigir=%with direct-connected Jack am' prepa-ree.-to give IOSf.-. Tcronto.L geared to the pump. of q�igity. and share in the bar Specially desigotd for pumping service.- Smooth-running and almost ZVERYTHING- MUST bargain. -'SOLD.- -is-u§e& If not Aoiseless_ .,Easily.-a_dkdstcd',..to any-heigtt of pump. Opemte :.Jresh'and nice till the laet crumb Bert L--Bar. Lycelt&Mavr' - -economically on g�isolin.e. Owner'. Atictlonee:rs. An indepchdent pull�y it rrGmaed-on'the, craxt!L-�i for 6 &istoiner, try. a loaf and-be one the -7 cpiratil�g the e.uni,' setamtoi; was_ r=12i;1C. cutting REGISTER.' SALE box.fanning MM and oth(..-S. A many we have satisfied. Toronw Water-Syitetn, indud!tig s'direct tonnected Y. Qc-r ?1$T7-,nAuVtipn sale of gngine and Pump Jack, will give-you-all the advantages of :_J '40 ebo6e dalry cows (1161vteins and city Service. c--� Durham grades), at W. A. ,Kn�x's Bread, Buns' and Cakes always on -hand, 4 farm, Wbitevale.the property of 0. Denny. Sale at, 1.30 o'clock, bbarp. ey. , -Seebille.- Win. Xaw.' auctioneer. ..C. Wi. Filk Pickeiing :-:'Qhocolates-ill bulk a_ nd boxes.• 7,: MONWAY,OCT. BITS—Auction bale of Of 45 head of citttle, at lot O. con.9, r Pickering(half mile west of Balsam). -Wedding Cakes oHr specialty. yti the property of Cooper'&Jonei. Sale at 1.30 o'clock, sharp. See bills. Wm. Maw. auctioneer. TuZsDAy,'OcT--'2,&rm—Auctlon We of 1H. R. Monney, 9 farm stock and implermeats. the pro- Al 0 SAe at one o'clock, ,party of A. Stitsel, lot 10, con. C pkeriag. iibarp' See bills. W.Ma*.auctloeer., T T -E N T.'] " N W- EIDN-918DAT, OCT. 2ftH—Extensive " A auction tildeof 29 head of Scolcb. Shorthorn cattle, rev`4 < Clydesdale 'hornesand registered Yorkshire . a pigs, 1,;L.hL grade- shOrthor-us-, Yarn, d icuplemeut-9 etc. the roperty of Os�- New supply of Almiraya' Y, re car H.Downev.MvrtFe Station,Ont. Implement safe at'l I.o'clock. Cattle and LAac .? Also le at 1.30 o'clock. ,Catalogue will :i N 'be mailed op request. G Lunch served rey Findering .Yarli ata, 77 to those from a,distance. Keepost- -era. Genuine:-XvAd_ Par s Wm. Maw. and Geb. and Fred -lower price. -Jackson, auctioneers. OCT.' 28TH—Auction For Sale Here 'New. Sisrg s at prices sure to please. sale of -choice dairy cows, young horses, Implements. roots, �7 7:... cattle. bay,ete.,at-lot 25. con. 1. Pickering Wool, Readers• LOOK-FOR THIS SIGN :....j,_ Dnnbarton). the pro ert of Wm, Nicholson.. 341eat 121 o'clock,sburp. .7 -e.er. TH TII--Auction sale OCT.CT bee . . 1- - - :­`­�_',�� ­­: . i - ­E A N N I S .: ee bills. W. B, Powell nuctiqt.. 7- 7 of farm stock, implements, autof, bay, grain, furniture etc., at lot-21, %W]: KEEP your car ou the ron d. Prompt con. 6. Pickering(half mile west of Htteution to repiiirs as swu w, needed Brougham). the property of. W..O. Brillinger. Sale at 12.30 '0'400 saves further e4ense. Wm: Maw, -let us keep your Ford tip to 100.• per cent 1 II 0 r auc efficiency—it will save you money. o Creami- f the' .�-Vst 7 FRIDAY, OCT. 26TH_1�`xlinsive sale of equipped w'th approved horse!, cattle. poultry, first-class Our repair shop is 1.UrIlMulre tMe.,,ftr Upt Z49 work. We have the mechanics to gi*e� asum—pt od affk4ent rear of con.3. Pick�rin the proper you a first class job. 0 - Monarc t f Claytoii Axfor Sale at 1i ur �:�,o Flo for 'Pastry 0,. clock, sharp. See bills. W. B. We sell Genuine Ford Parts at prices fixed Powell,auctioneer.' ..by the Company. RDN'WENAT, NOV. 2,-4301--�Oredit-salis-- of horses.cattle, implements, roots, Bring your Ford to; us and thus be sure of Shorts Bran .W. and Feed Flour the gennine. ' rain etc.. the property of George N oyne, lot 182, B. F. con., Pickering We will quote you exact cost of repairs or whole -one o'clock. .,American Corn—ground,:cracked and (Bouge Hill). Sale at pa rts-before you buy. See b,115. Haw. ane_ sharp. i hens:are not,producing eggs in paying quantities, our ti If you autities,try oneer. Feed.celebrated Laying Mash and•Scratch Y" Bell phone In phone BEAVER ,HiRliest price paid for Fall Wheat, Marquis Wheat,-Barley, 2q _, 200 aye and-Oats, VULOAN u MING WORKS ! :Chop6ing'sid Oat Crushing Wednesdays and Saturdayi.: we guarantee our ire repairs to last as long as the tire. --your old tires repaired bT us can h erYlbod J. Ca llPiO-&ff The Campbell Flotit . Mills Co be depended upon for r ng trouble•fret service. \ - -'Mills at Ford., dales and selv`_ I-c . ! 1. C) Peterb Pickering 0 Oro k iVEPX, '-M M �P EWE,, R-,W";1 Ni i r 0 -I ME I�X�. C41vin Gopitick left on Friday of A uumber fromC1 rem t at; von n la axab McCullough.is laid Lyman and Mrs low 01� - - -n gt 1:3." ,6-Vadill is last.week to &tt#ud the Baptist' tended 4e Ila COM, Gh WiU4DW NW,,I Whitby an Tues a ventig at,S.t'Thomas. H. and Mr., Free Vith Alk *Ixed'Feefib Mrs. Beal- were in off duty with a severe attack of to Aurora where the pent the 411 Oat Chop J. 't.A*4� Whitby on Sunday... .7 ddliage an Sduiaokiir rhetumatism, week-end with friends. Bran',001 Misi;Mabel Edwards, of Toron- Zara ana, soft Coal,of t1le""' .1flaq Peuyes, of Sackett's ,Har- 'Pied in stock to, spent, Sunday at . her ho..�8 bor. I- visiting her sister, Alre. best 'ilUality on 3 Cracked Corn for ch tokens Just in at Locust Hill a car of Bran and Mrs.D.-A..Scott and Miss Im Joshua Bundy. The Pickering iiand Effie The chair of the Union Church Middlings and Shumackir Feed. .7--:-*_-.Miller were�in the cif on Tues- iAw A carol bT6. 2 Yellow Corn expected sang In the Presbyterian Chuith vidilLuce C THOS. A at Locust Hill first of next-week.. _d ominifte at Brougham on Sunday after- A, car of Oil Oake and Cotton Seed'tr. Robert Carruthers of Band C3C0ZJ= Q=t.. M94 43 per cent expected in a The object of this Assoclatt�u-is to ford, is seriously ill at the home D. P. and Mrs. Macfarlane and week or ten,d aye. of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Jones. lesson stealing and prosecute 600,Scott. of Harriston, who have Peas wanted in any quantity, Mr. Robert,Whitsou'and sisters, the felons. Write call or hone for prices., been spending 4 few months at Automobile Repairing _k 2W. of the eighth concession moved to Bell SORS Home the home of Mrs. Maefarlane'8 Members bxvi'29 PEOPOrty stolen*=Muni e Mar their now home in Markham this parents,P.and Mrs. Macuab,have 044 immediately w sn any mmbw The Ohevtolet Service Station and -A. 3M• 3M 33 30 93 0 i% week. 'of Executive Gommi". •AV returned home. The many friends Qare at Brougham is open for all W. M. and Mrit Palmer and the f Mr. Macfarlane will be pleased bership fes 91.00c CLARIMMO"S NEW 0 ML kfud.of repairs and ovei haute. xpert workmanship guaranteed. tatter's mother, Mrs.•Hugh Gregg. motored to know that be is much improved Tickets may be bad ft=thaPneid•at or tored to Stouff ville on Tuesday in health after ter his prolonged,holi- E G 'A R A a -' afternoon. Agent for Chevrolet Can. Goodyesv� day. goo. Dom.--L. D. Banks,C.S.Palm Her, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. Tires and Willjlrd Batteries. undersigned' having putohwed*_--:_11 '7- :;�.:­Qnebec City, on Tuesday, Oct. longing to the organized Bible J,R,. Thexton" --W. J. Clark is Born, at Jeffrey Hill Hospital, 'About fifty young people be. Batteries exchanged. The 70 Tu the garage business of Fi M.Cooper. tx 18th, to K. A. and Mrs. Renfrew, Class of the Union Church Bath- President• Becretary Gerold prepared to do all general repair- 'daughter. ow's Garage, Brougham are a ered in the b&83MeUt on Tuesday FZ of core of all makes. evening wee 11 acobasories for care kept coust Miss. Verna Evaris. of Grace ening of last - k', to 'enj-oy a A Hospital, Toronto, is Spending a antly on hand, 7 Weiner roast." William 9tan-' ew.days with her parents, J. and Motor oil alwayson hand bury and 'Thomas Hortop were "iF guaranteed Prices right Mrs. Evans. Wor Give us a trial -Mrs. Lyman Reynolds, of To- llv��iners" tasted good.- A.11 report the chef,- and, needless to say, the it over Sunday at -the o-f her parents, rson & Pilkey 'Claremolit Or ou Ands' fhe_. Thomson. -tr2m.:L— .7 P. Macnab sr. 16f ton Friday last Fir-Qt.(-Iass Stock and Impleirreais at Axford's sale, Oct. '28th. 49 0 Makes yop think of these. -spend a' few triouthe at the Bargains home of his dauahter, Mrs. K. A. Ritif rew''of Quebec City. Miss Ethil, McGee, Elocutionist, at Clearance of Gloves. The Citizens Blind purpose igiv.- Nation r��l� Whitevale on Oct. 24th: Good plowing goods at half price. We, Ing a band concert on W. bl, Pal- raUst have room for new stock, 50c gloves 30c. 75c gloves 60c.'.,85c mar's lawn to-morrow (Saturday) Attena Nicholaun's sale, Wedues- evening, if the.weather is favor- Q, day, Oct, 26th. My appeal is to the whole.people to gloves 75c etc. able. Take the chill off the room with a roll. Rev.C. W.King left on Monday efvery man and woman who wants to do _._:__for:tbe St. Thom" V ed iron beater,Japanned cane right by this country; to everyone whe trimmings$7,50. 2;(�)1�111 VE170-MMORS A report* of this notable gither- . breathes the spirit of our fathers who ins will be given at the Sunday Frank Cooper, Claremont founded this British Dominion." services !Messrs. Cooper & -Jones wh6 16 tb'4 Estate of Elfzabeth'Arib Reesor —ARTHUR mEirHEN A Cm*Ilmd Lu" have secured a choice lot of cattle, i Deceased, siet - swftt to Ed . 11 W s c including cows and young cattle. The Creditors of Elizabeth Ann will in Eastern Ontario, dispose of Riesor. Inte of the Village of VrAbite- them b)r auction at lot 6. con,9, vale, in the Township of Pickering HE'Election to be held December 6th (half -mile west of Balsam), on and County of Ontario, Widow, de- Concrete i Monday next. ceased. who died on about the First Quite day of July, 1921, are hereby noilfle4 Twill be the m o-s t momentous in a severe thunder-storm to send by poet prepaid or otherwise .,Canadian history.; for as men and w'��' Eeaced over the district north of to undersigned Execu- reon: Tuesday afternoon and Products. tors or their solicitors on or before women vote will depend the economic wfka quite. heavy in Stouffvill the 8rd day of November. A. D. 1921, according to the old weather pro-- es at)d description. foil particulars of ity " Field Tile during the short period it lasted. their Christian and surnames, address- stabili the political stability and, indeed, the national stability of this phets this indicates an open win. their claim or interest and the nature ter. Still there are othere"who of becurities. -if any. held by them. :-and Brick point to infallible signs. of a 'Immediately after the 3rd day of No. country. Cat, Po vember, A. D. 1921.the estate of the Qavair�e winter_ Ann Ropwar will hA 4 happy- event took group, Tile 3, 4 -6, Place 00 Wt,ibtited among the partlen thereto Tofty-we find group ,s&ving'-against --an d- Wednesday afternoon at the rest having regard only to the'clalm or -deuce of Mrs. M. E.. Brodie, when interest of which the,Executors shall clam' against class., theindustrial and financial ...inch Rev. C. W. King, of the Baptist then have notice strid all others will be structure of the country assailed by- false and Concrete,Blocks Church, united in -vedlock Mr, excluded from the'sald distribution. Samuel Sever, of Toronto. and 'Dated at Toronto this dthday6f unsound doctrines and theories, while" 'Ou-r. Get my �rides. Oetober, A. D. 1021. -ir adop�ed a ]!lies' Edna Dora. Muriel Brodie. eat net to, the south hi Ind. Phone.27W Pick. ,After the weddla breakfast. the DSnald R. Beaton'. Wbitevale• On- 9T bridal pair-motored. to Toronto, barlo,and DiAna, Hattie Wilbur. -48 -trade exclusion policy directed against Canada's , -Clarence Simpson where they will reside. They are Warwick Ave.. Rochester. New.Yot-k, -vast agricultural interests. Ppeuding a brief honeymoon evot. U. S. A.. Executors. C. N. R. -Station, Brock Road DE. ms6-4. bring in the Muskoka district. -Ryi�x. -The currencies of nearly every country in the-world X The puloft of the Union Church Solicitors for the Executo7re. 4.6 -are depreciated. The Canadian dollar in-the United 'was very ably filled on Sunday "..:'morning last by -the Rev. J. F. States is subject to a heaVy discount causing a loss Cluttston, oLDuubarton, and on ­Ship Your OWZI HIV ';.of over one hundred million' dollars in exchange Sunday evinlug by M re. (Rev.)H. S. Graham, of Markham, the pres. Get y6ur bay pressed then phone &31114uy- ident of the Women's Missionary or write as and we will come out Europe is overwhelmed with war d6ti—unemploy-_ Society of Toronto, Both -ser- and,give yon prices delivered an vices were well attended and the the cars at your station. raent is acuLe—and the restoration to rce-war addresses were very highly ap- We can pay highest prim go- Rev. A. McLellan ing. Get into communication with voliditions is ROW-. precasted. Of all nuvisdab and ded" �offlci^ted in the Presbyterian as by phone, Main 885, or write am ss�ub:r I to 6604L It will Pay you Church at Part Perry that day. at 23 Scott St. While Canada,is in a much more favorable condition 01 our works a=d in prat oar m000k The annual LiMak-offering meet- than many c6untries, yet there is evidence of stag- obtain prices D=11 be m1dW t G. T. HARRINGTON & Go. pubs we do not vmpl"I irix'of the W-6man's Missionary nation, unemployment and lack of con- '14Y we "a, and do throw all 1141111111111111 'Society of the Union Church was 12 TORONTO, ONT. of 10 per ons.,W1 fide� achysis wfJ -held on Friday 0111111 by rivehadhe Lem =41 7- evening last. FIRST-CLASS :7 UWY The address of the evening was Tam are heavy Because of the �odu­tWs efforts in delivered by the Rev. B. S. Swill. ensome J.T. M ATHZSON a-1vtUrned missionory from, Paintine and DewraWar Ihe Great War, but have become burd India. His review of the situa- Lone on shortest notice by, account of the n2laccinoeived policie's and blunders Offics'snd Works, Whitby,ontariO tiouWas interesting and optim18 Governments that directed Canada'is affairs prior tic, they Ping much light on India 7.-1 ,sad beilproblems. Thechoir and George A. Lille to 1911. -7 Lao& 5 C 3"to 11* -J 'Uiiision Band tendered- splendid Wall Paper-Pattern Books, selections evening, and pf Simpsons and the famous These Conditions am largely the dir&-t aftermath of ..-service during the-ev4 I by the Sunday" Enip a pantomime- ire Wall Papers. e war, but they must be dealt with fearlessly and PICKERING girls was very appropri. -All orders for work received by W.G.. tonstructively. This i& no tirne to consider exPen- Reid.Burcher, Pickering. LU MEER% YARD :mental changes, or the theories of visionaries. This is no time for Crerar and his Free Trade policy. We have a large and well assorted 'Courteous Service tock of the'following material e 9 V ,..This is no time for King and his wobbling Matched B. C. Fir Flooring. THE courteous attention extended by members policies, varying with each provincial boundary. Matched B. C. Fir Sheeting, and of the bank's staff where you keep your Matched B. C. Hemlock flooring. . CQU316,CL satisfaction in con It is the time to cline to orderly, stable Government V Mateliect Fir veiiing,4 tn. .1 ducting your bang businem ;rfti the interest of all the people; to be guided by the and 6 in. B. C. Cedar Sliding. Also, Beaver Board,Plaster Bqard Standard Service is n courteous service experience of the past, proceeding upon lines that 0 and App .'rendwed.by every =ran this Bank, from have bee:d proven'sound. the, -on the stafE Mammiar to the!stmt reailft 4% THE It is the time toplacie i the destinies of Canada ajidn MN. .11 ."Mordoi & in the hands of ji Government led by a sane, cour&- PICKBAING ST4NDARW�K or -genus Canadian who has sareiy bixvua(IIL Lhe wu.,Lry TOTAL ASSM OVER NINETY MILLIONS 'through the trying years of reconstruction, and upon EWI and Independent phone fickering Branch. W.F. 'Aw.Manage'. whom we can rely to retain and initiate poligies li� C.A.McClellan,Manager* 'Whitby Branch: Not for some years have we been abtetd .,.,the interest, not of a group or class but of all the offer such a Aoise of designs and people. Patterns as we have now. :It is the time to support Arthur Meighen*and hU '. Gingbame, Galatea@ In Prints, And Flannel Shaker., Nictory Bond Interest Candidates. -X Strife,navy blue War Loan Coupons and Interest Cheques may be Men's-and Boys Su zpsAed or deposited at any of our branche& tweeds, at Ulf-' Deposk' your Victory Bond interest in our serge and • usually,low prices. Savings DeWtment aftd earn inxerezi. —Tull utivice —BA W at VIMM BRANCK­w a P. L"D, Manam. BROOKLM M BRAN CK J. ftgoldl E. C. CROSS, Manager. -.2.1 Libera' ative Party VIC Natiz.; !t�d Consery Publics Commfttoo Ind. Phone 28i}' 41- r 2; W "tF"•? • ; x ° a x4 *khr + ,,•,•`._:,v L.,3��:r, y+.e:t P.r••^r n� .w_r..YA' s � 4 . i� . �u x '>{, '•R -V' Z'. T;b✓,.. '°4ror :.rf�.;��.�- '��>"�Y.u.+' •.P' -9 r•Se. .. .r .�. :.. -�'�"�� „ __. .-..--._- _^__"�.__. ... _ -r....---.-_ � , � ,�-3� is -.him fai been 4me .ttiwt ni l tLeg► an,,�a.,pimp a31 table fr .t ✓ r arc p•t f' - ` " N�OQ I't 1M1V11 �3y he!�. Wasnat- ou ed of l* the .�° . • b ? , .�. A W.the whole.ale thv iA dine for her,rafted hbrosif a fact i soul,has said p oiaril W"d and-rocLra sari took,i sandwich ileo }', Q I rr to'ms--ai'nce you belt. .I just couldn't from the plate. � �` stand it any booger. I packed this -"Now tell me,"he began,as soon as s% morning and I Come aevaty without Jarvis had disappeared,"What h them _ � Gs soying a word-to any one.' at the back or your Wised about my. A new oil Lamy that gives an sines Grant glanced at the cloek. It was presersoe there at Market Bnrnbam - �e«�*al+,, a ter ten. {hpt nj ?tt is>gly brliliaat. soft, white 11gt►t,.Biers e: - � pmt better than sm or electricity,has been Weffi, the first thing to. do is to Sbe�d down her sandwich. For d got yin >m g bo eat", he said, the first time bar voice trembled. tested by the U. 9, (lo�essataeat and 8b riagineg the 4se11. "Do You mind hav- Grawet realas.ed that beneath all this leading universities apd found to be a =• `b' - s '<•;% sutperior to 10'ordinary oil lamps. It' I' ty., _ ; . .a•,, :',. frig ttomeEhing here. or would you Pike etrreee of demeanor a volcano Was lures without odor smoits or eroise- f to go to a r eatatir�ant?" ' ' .4 yi. ', ,.M•,r .,•,�.'"°,_. - "I should much prefer having it you that I rib not want no pumping n .b simple.,-Olean. Safe. here," she,declared.. "I am not fit to to think of that night," she said firm- Barns Y�9i, air and e�, common Ttaro- :T- _, d trice (goaloii). go aaywlsereR'and I ant tired:' 1'y "I simply do not wad i." 1 y - -— the :.. •- He rear . 'bell and gave You have Dametrls3rtig in yapgrP The Inventor, F ' Johnson, E a few ordem The 1 stood ebbe--'mind?" he sited. "You don% be- das�lamp' 10 s�N'R1�1D rim fare the took f her. �have, reanyp�at.-that tnaa Collins ,i oa smoothed- er pair with her bands. 8he'Vho was found shot-"' o? even Co giYe one FRPIE to the first . had the air of being abecigtelyt-at She at the door. is each'locality who will help ry ' home. " ;,' him introduce it. Write him to=day s "Did you come up without any lug- fatesnr �tI sleep' that yrougW CaT he for full particulars. Also ask him to. ' � � O enllaia how you can get the agency. The-' gage at all?" he asked. rive, I saw you both together,you and and without experience or money `.F She shook her head. --- -- - the man who waa sot. I saw-mare make $250 to j6ao per month. . "I have a dressing-bag and a. few than that. I hadn't meant to tell you f • _ --, thing's-downstairs on a taxii ab;' she this but perhaps it is beet. I ask you. ' The number of persons pmeeeded �. e �1 aaemd. "I told the Wren to stop his ea. for no explanation. You Des, I am ainst ;..< pine and wait for atime--nartil I had`something of an inddvidualiet. I jnet uatlzr the Defence of the Realm Acts during the years of the seen you, she added;tinning around 'want one thing, and about the teat I war was 265,0781 - Ther+e was a very alight ample upon abarply don't care. To me, to m'yseld, ,a gy g,pgl ,Ipa;3�ppENgE� her lips; the glimmer of something 1� my own fut�, to my own brappi- Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. _ that Was 'almost, append' g, in her!ness the rest is very slight, and I ; ..-A eyes. Grant took hen' hand and pat- never pretend to be anything else but fed'it kindly. Her response wary al- 'a very selfish Pe'"Otn. Only you know y, „ 11 come hysterical. now that I have lied badly." ! Byaopsis of Later Chapters. Ma ar Ttnamscn, he corsclnded; come „ , leaning }�.t::. •,... Its sweet of you to trust! me "I " " -.7 Yy Gzuast is commissioned by his av give us a call. Good morning! he said.- Finish ;.. 16ke this," a said. "Jarvis will.bring yriur des and, I'wt)l take yoau v_.iltecIn Sir Allred a detecto to destroy you in something to eat, then I'll bake to Your. aunt's. To=morrow I wi11 ' s the new submarine detector; made by CHAPTER xxIX.. $ your aarrbt s. Where is'write to your fabheai'. Me ou round to - . I�7 yvilIs.Worth of Norfolk. When it she fives- somewhere in Kensing- She drew a little sigh. h tc ,.'!ttllfn8 vpoa Isabel Worth he is min- A lady to see you, sue,. Jarvis an- ton'. isn't itf'' •To-morrow we must "I will-do whatever,you Be-," she HS mottam and expressman will x: t shen the inventor for the captain noun+ced discreetly. talk things over." � - _ the Sward sari shown the marvel- Granet turned quickly around in his eSreed. Y--tP 'look at m e." bring Parkes service sight to your s v i with,his chair. Almost instinctively he pulled She threw herself back caste more He atoaped down a little. She seized home. We pay carriage one-way, -" rt .z tss invention. At midnight, in the easycbar� astir glanced around'has wrists her voice was snxldenlg ;� recces lies, Collins, he lights a flare down the roll top'of the desk before boaree. 1�4'batever you send-whether it be fir: ,guide a Zeppelin. Neat day he L which he was seabed. Then he rose "I should like" shP decided "to_talkYpr wea+em't alto haasehold dra es or the roost dell. „ ; sammoaeci to the Hall and questioned to Iris feet and held out his bawd. „ ' �ng gam- P - °u Thomson. Isabel Worth.tomes to He amnaged with an effort to conceal them over ea?'' she Plead "Do make me cite fabrics-will be speedily returned , �svtn planed towards the door. feel a perfect beast. Yo�did bare a to then original freshness. When " et'spresence amt Bar ka�m�Ha1L ad his first imptrlDe of surprise. "Just as you pleaae,"-he said, "only lRttte? You Weren't just talking o .YO° '•Qeraldfne refuses to-consider Grant's�-- "Mice Wftbh!" he, exeialmed. Jar is will be in with your sand- ?" tbiait of cleaning os dyeing. '. "ps oral until the end of the war. She i She esme towards him confidently, w�i�ches dizectly (To be continued think of PARKBR's. �p 'She bntaht aside his 4� _ da�e�eists Thomson when Us is fired upon,her hands outstretched slim dressed «I was ob ' " protest, ,., ilFem a grey' racing car. Thoasson in- in Bober black, tier cheeks a8 pale as she coyrtinued, Parker's slats t$et Anselman's corraap �'eves her eyes a little more bfitffiart my that I was engaged to you, to Dyed Her wisp $itiC She threw her muff' into a chair and You frrom aomethin q and a Skirt Brown `• ire eerseored, but Is Warble to decode. know what. The more I hav a Ithano l-A 1 Dye Works'the first letter he opens. A Cabinet'a moment aftsrwsadra Dank into it about it, the more tgrrible it bts all I Each package of "Diamond Dyes' •r %.. 1llinisietr calls to remonstrate. herself. Undited "You have been expecting me:'" ��' I am not going-to even ask contains directions so simple any wo- you for any explanation I-I daaens t. man can dye or tint her worn,shabby Cleaners and D nta "1g4.. .. CHAPTER xxvin.-(Cont'd.) she asked-eagerly. y - . i -"None whstevdr" Major Thomson Grant was a little oaken eback. Grayret looked.at refs cigarette !or a dresses, skirts, waists, costa, stock- . •791 Yon a St. 2. g �» scoff .. ng I ,• hoping to, bear from-moment hefiretfully. Then he threw mgr. sweaters coverings, draperies,: steed y. "Without wishi to I have been - - u" he maid. "You told- me, rt into the fines ` �' TOTOntO. ga -". be bl any way personal, I might say Yo if,"You "Perhaps you are wise" he said, hanglitgm, everything, even if she has 1but thesis we statesmen In your Gov-�remember, not to write." �,ly. ���-the same, when tine never dyed before. Buy "Diamond aµ fit, for whom you must accept,,� It was better sot," she assented. time there is an ex �ination."` Dyes"-no other triad-then perfect a certain amount of responsibility, Even l"�lit I had a great deal It is the present which hats become I home dyeing is sure because Diamond Wbo•have been)asg+ely Wrtrumental in of trouble. That odious morn, Major such a probiera," she on "I was' Dyes are'guaranteed not to spot, fade, Have it always : bVingfaS thins h eotra dsrager upon the There, lrut me through a.regular were :=aon:tday. As a company of law- cross-examination again, and I read driven to leave home and I don't think� streak, or run. Tall your druggist ' i to tell }rim at bwtt—" I can go back atgairi. Father is aim- whether the material you wish to dye in the house maskers you my.or you mag..�uoat--be _ " ,r ' . 'excellent people-thLt is, I ,j. w���? �� ��'�d' anti- * °n is woo or silly,or whether it Is linen, - p a lay or' SE mothers tree e�p�oee about the phrce seems to have an idea cotton or mixed goods, a tube of"Vaseline"White according to one's pol3tiorl opinions.!!°�ITlsst we were that I am somehow to blame for what �Y Petroleum ell . An a ao n y of men com;neient to F " - - part engaged - - . the direction-of a coaatty•ried, she confessed. •There mar- �,�� � other. night.•• j y in the House for - #t war. Yana must t ma to say ra�ati . no other way out .of it. That seems to me a little unjust," I many childish ills,such as bumps,' pe�-n� nE y he protested. :- flabys ftfl _ .�•+, that I consider t�ve dome well in1 "Trier we Were engaged," Grant bruises,chafed skin,trellis cap. - #� piliecing certain matters in our hands, � kly. _ t "It isn't unjust to all," she replied �, It is soothing healiagandgrate- .. and that you wtill do better still not to e 1 brusquely. "I've told them all lies - - fu1 to the-most irritated skin. ° -interfere.' "He pressed me hard," she and I've got to pay for theta. I came Be Prepared for winter colds, Mr. Gordon Jones sa't quite still for went on, "and I am&6d I made 1b you--well, there really'wasn't.any- I _ aF - r several moments. N some adm4saionD-well, they weie I there?etas I+elt for me to do,' Was ..� too. "Vaaciine"Capsicum jelly' b' Major Thomson, he said at Iris!, nary w'h�, to say the least of- I hope you don't think -that - ' P rubbed on the chest,and Vase. rv: "I have never heard of you before, and' it, were comprwn3sing. TRnere was I am horribly forward. I am quirts line"" Eucalyptol jelly anufTey� "'• I arc � f E willing to admit that like u ��' �• Prepared or a moment to,only one way out of it duly for g you, that � � � into the sostrrTe will check Lhem . asy that I �thize with your point'me, acrd I took ft. You don't mind?" I Liked you from the first moment we I-' ' td view. But it is at least refreshi "O! course not," lee replied. met at Lady Anseh an's- luncheon quickly. _ ng At the Dame time it that awful night w d. .to Bear any one speak hds mini] =I "There was father. to be consWer- gh r �au CREMBOM YMi. C0113PA" i such frankness. I must now ask you ad," she went on, "He was furious At changed eveiytFring,'I aleauid 1 (coaoa.oaeaced).• ,: : one question, whether you choose to at first-" have behaved Just-like any other Btu- a saes Chabot Ave.,Dlmtrwt.P.O. anlswer it or not. The letter which 1 "You told your father?" he intee-' Ply and properly brought-up young �+ i , a a woman-waited and hoped and made - - y*ou lave coed, . iddaaeaaed to Sir r,,m.�,� an idiot of myself whenever von were- `n�,q� Alfred-- oouidrs't possikly find any!--f I-lied to,' she expkined, smooth- race, you ?" Vas erne - : :-fault wit2ert. }'i'ng her mull. "He was t2iere all the around, and in the and,- suppose, .� . . "'It was a iparen2ly a quite b+drinlese time that Thomson mom 'was,cross-(been disappointed. You see, fate has -. lrnodttetion, ajor Thomson earifese- examinfing me. 1 rather changed that I had to invent --_ . s - T c, ed. "Then our engagement to save you-arid : :t 'Do y'at propose to o your father believes i:e our here I am," she added..with a little L ire iilhnr any enga�emeet, too. ��5ppo "He does," she answered drily, "or nervous lauirh, turning her head as the �itel}►we�h Bab 0 Map door opened. � Tbomson d: I am afraid you would.halve heard a P ,. ..,_,.,,,._. ..�....., :PETR4LEUMeIEIIY Jarvis entered with the sandwiches -"T#sat is within our d'iacretion,•sali�." iiittle more from Major Thorreaaays be iir: Gordon Jones stye - - - `�'•`'.lefs obvious �. �� with fore now. Ever since that sight, t father tray been quite-ft'rrptossible to -"Look here," said, wi�h an at-:live witdi. He says he has to be "4 - -- - tempt at humor, "Ytou can at a part of his work all over again.' least the official attitude for I "The bombs really did.do some dam. s. - a moment with me. Tell me wthy, of age, then?." he asked. an men in the world, you have chosen I .She nodded, looking at )ifrn-fora � ■ _ ® _ --� - •. to suspect Sir ANred Anselmam T'• moment curiously. - v "i an eaar,y," Thomson replied stiff- "Yes," she a�cknowledied, "they did r '- Iy, "but this m not a matter which I more harm than any one knows. The ears dimuss in any: other way except place is like a fortress now.'They say officially!, and I do not recognize you .that if they can Rod the other man ` as, having any special claims for in- who helped to ligtrt tFrat flare, hs will _ - formation." be shot in five minutes." The Minister rose to his feet. Those; Granet, who had been standing with few minutes marked to hips an era �. � ® � ® _ ��•`' his elbow upon • the marntetbpiece, 'fin his official life. 'leaned over-.and took a cigarette from "You are adopting an attitude, air" a box. be said, "which, however much'I may; "Then, for hir sake, let us hope that _ admire it from one-point of• view,'they do not find him," he remarked. -seems to me warcely to take into a_-I "And ou�tt � �d softly. - ;l oo'uzrt the facts of the situation." I Granet stood and looked at her nil Thomson made no reply. He had steadfastly, the match burning in his +�"� _ risen to has feet. His manner clearly,Rogers. Ten he threw it away and lit 1-,Ik..L Z U.L 1M kV,L:,«:ered the--inter- another. The interval had-been full k► view ai am end. Mr. Gordon Jones ;of uhadmitted tension, which suddenly Stands Strenuous wear. �?r choked down his discleasvre: ' "When you are vvarting a civil job, � you think I am horribly greedy," she asked, "if I say that I I 1111 uld like something to eat? I am dyin of Gra'net fora moment was startled. , Then tine m - oved w . to a r+de the 'bell. atmkud-of-$!e-l"—he-eiyelai'rnedc--� -T��_.d,Na,'so it�-18 made of the best materials--and knitted^b r , y = "Of course, you have just Dome up, Canadian Climate ttincl knout Elie - : 3: haven't you?" erstand the "I have came strfilg'ltt from the at&. needs of the Canadian people, l t t ion hems," she regli+ed. "I - '° He pauetexi. It is the underwear known wherever quality is apptecisted, { y' "Wtsere are you staying; they,I" You will find it at all good dealers. i She shook her head. .• •- ' "I don't know yet," she admitsedt "You don't know?" he repeated. Mods M cornk"au" Stan$eld's Adfratable - ,'•�► She meat his. gaze without flinching. and Two-A'ece Sues, M s Combtnatbna acrd Slespen T W" a little t og oalar to h�@� ,fulllmol,,knee andelbow Stanfle]d B Limifed, fm; gmwbs Children I el�s,ho�vw2� d�r Iipa quivered Ieewlen,for T1t>QRO.N S (Paterded). Wrlb far ti l You see, sfiae exp, ryeed, "things _::! Men and en. boat}. a w b @ aljoltrLety 39ibk for file Sample book showing different weights and tezkm mailed five. - > r i at Market Burnham, I won't say that at arty ut he seems to think tht it was somehow'my fault-that ISSUE No. 43-'2f. lAtlnard's LlrrinreM used by Physlelana, 'i .;.Uw^.�+ax 's`y.+- ,"'��t,pyr:. . .•"'Itsoatw�: .a.ao:.. ..a+r•,.+en+c.�. .>xr',..�•'a • ' , _ M — ,,• �stLt a:• .,A; ;�,,. :f"� .,-- M ��, ;s,,• .�' r� .:y� .�„�',r. 9 c. ,�.�.° "F_"`',:,-s':�„ R.,y,,,b,°• �'a„�,•�• �`+at .n S"3"s''+,, m: ��y +ny !.. .';"�.r° - .a ;.3n. r;:.' .,.• o.:'':ads': '�,�E,.,' - J,- •""4"" '°"•'.” ''j5C`„� � ,�t y"A.*y� i' 4 rya •.f�,jy,,Lf':' `t�n ,5r+'� �f r - 't�•'"'�y�:'_'.,r`s3+"' �., - ;^a �w .,'�',-_ � �". -w•^^ - ^7A n -•a.. �'.s-�A �'t•%`s' :2 ..�'> °^r.s„.T-5.. ;c.. � .NR ��,�.*ygr...�yv,-:..,i,N:, .-a'.,,L' �p�.F�*�'•;�- ^�,,t4. -s•. •�', r,Y„r, yr•..,.,��v. �.' ..",+s r' ac.,%rs""rya^•s`'.'r,` .•,,,W"�r'.'"! `1,.:'�•.`. :•� -'• e.:, w3 "y s:°r yard•• x* . • .A,��''• ,u".' Xr- ` .:^+.• Qi r^ z , Wrtr '.A, •.v-. w ,star-a^v• 3i;;x ti" ds1�w� •. "` :!.•.'� tr�w !`....» LL r,i..-•�.. A _ �s .r.`t, �.�•w:.,i _ --.fa.Y w"'i" 'a,y"• :ter• •5wi .L ._r.• 3,.X s '�' ..C�,•:.. •y::.Fr °!i: •':.HV �"'%'�•• "!L-t.�7E.: -:emu.'K.:a✓w*.«o'°sx:F" r''•'C.4 G1tF.AF"IS'T T O RTES RAILROAD - , f f! N„ N ACCOMPLSN -..,-r•,. " e;�,,;;;.;:`'�' '�f,.n! ',•�•' f �' y Y' t .�•.'4Y`% ,•• } ;`•k .e2 r r.!'S �.;!.,•3,?'>",'"r,' �.f''•.r.. .W ,.i�` ''a%4i,ey ', n�' :y,f-ro...• sf xf w '+7`i:Y.^`"• .�--�.r, . RIKE - r:,'r,'#°.;'~•%•'•��' !."Yr.�:?.,•'�.•!r.:::u5> 'p':. to; 7 '<� -..:SF:'/l.;;ap>ilaS,:;•.�;!* • �"` :half Million't6 Quit Work on October 30--Other.Unions r `°, <�t , < f f . ,41111ry tin" • .Will Increase the Number of S�rSCess ,� �"�;�d°�'� �L_099nell at_to Two Millions: has reached d final declsiai on"°. f Upper 096ddn question, and h1s�t 3 • Chiea9% Opct..16r-More .than half reduction authorized by the United accomplished the geealtleK � +�► million'United 13tsfes railroad men, Railroad Labor Board on July tank yet set for its consIdention FI'i�t �.. • . 'were Saturday night ordered to in- 1st, and after 'it was declared by the '^ Association of Railroad Executives in "¢' ' .:,,; greater despatch than many expeMiel:; The solution reached by the Cvuaic�ti' $tiate a strike on October 30; while session here yesterday that a furthe r ;: ;.;.«:;y!;>.•:;rrY.::;:'>:::>:::>:.<;..> involves a new frontier In tog ei Mlle tall'. ..�M :':::::'����^'ti"."'•�,i''f;Gil:,J,.:<`1,M::::::�:.:'i,.i:i'r,:;':;,? e, ^'��. , e�J �gbher unions whose memberships reduction would be sought by :>: with certain measures providtkf fm:_, the total,to about 2,000,000 an. roads. It was said that the strike .. .;;': a. ;.'^"��:;X �.,:�'". :�: ea t the Aklocati0nt "nouneed that thus men' were preparing decision was made-before the an- <:< ,;.;.., <; ,. : w,� -Y~- to tonow� suit. nouncement of this-further intended existing economic conditions. Details of Iran announced for y > The members of the Couu�l a : _ cut:_ Printed instructions as to con- ' ;•>, ` progressive na banal e�tr:ke gave duct of the strike, issued in Chica", �� '�' confiNe De this solution it i9 i ns o ,<;;yg ;s°':.; p�orsihie'one and that it will -1kt t1k � AV Eastern States'-at ]'east two days were.dated yesterday, October 14th. same.time roll away one of the drank _ of grace before the proposed walk-out fl fear it will be one of the most clouds bov'ering over Europe 'fir 'would become effective in that region. serious strikes in American trans- - firmly establish the Prestige' of 4. , � Pennsr;lvaaia and the Erie roads, portation liistory," said W. G. Lee, ;„: " itbe]uded originally in the 8'not gz+aup president of the Railroad Trainmen. - league. MONTREAL HUNT CLUB, ANNUAL MEET The text the decision will r on which the strike was ordered, Washington, October 16.-The Gov- This pretty picture was taken at the Fall Meet. It'chows.Mr. Gavin L. Published simultaneously at Paris, :' :.`were reasoved'from the list, thus ea- ernment is prepared to man and run »* London, Rome and Geneva, as 'soon, - • . chiding at the start all states. east the railroads if the nation-wide strike Ogilvie and Master Hugh Ogilvie, the youngest huntsman of the Meet:` « of Chicago pad north of the Ohio set for October 30th ties up the coun- - - _ as notified to the Berlin and Warsaw tor - River. try's transportation s rstem.' UNITED STATES ARRANGING LONG Governments. A courier lost flat . . '. Faris at.once,conveying the document .• ?• The etrike orders,were issued to the ' The use of the army ant navy to M. Briafnd, president of the Sur ? ' Big ive'Brotherhoods oldest and Protect those operating the roads in f g 'TERM PAYMENT OF �f.LIES WAR DEBT : Mme caul. ,.-'.; • �. most papweadul of the railway;uniotvs, the emergency is certain to'be evoked'. • �:-' PEACE CONfF'ERF.NCE` and they speci$aitly includjed mail Any malestation of the, property• or �- ----- - traini,in the-walisout. Their Iprovi- personnel of the railways while the HQ],D� SESSIONS � sloe instructed strikers to keep'away strike crisis lasts will be dealt with Statement of Amounts Due. the Unit States Includes Un- ' :. from railroad ' it:was learned to-day. property, with worst• unhesitaftingly, .:pond In#crest Live Question at Washington -A ing that "vdolenee of any nature will Adniiitisltrato�n leaders are understood _ - -: .: Great Secrecy 1s Observed but � not be tolerated by,the organizartioms." to be of the oppWon that drastic mess- ' Conference. Result Appears HopefuL The strike wan announced- following urea of this tort will.be warranted by . - era overw+hsltning vote, said to be upp- the citnat4oa caused by.. a general A despatch from Washington,, A tabulation of the allied debts to A ,despatch from'London says:- w4Tds of 90 per cent., favoring a'strike and will have the endorsement says:-When the Washington COTfer- eUnited-States, Pollovvs: - The third session of the Irian Peace r..- strike becanise of a 12 per ceigt, wage',of-the People• sate convenes, the American Govern- Armenia .....: ......f$ 12,969,786 CGonferenm was held on Thursday at — -' —'- meat will.have defined a policy can- B . '6 6 6 6••...` 24,777,880 10 Downing street Thetis tba ezteni- United 409,2004 698 of information officiadlY rd svaileood COMPENSATION FOR Freight Surcharge templatin>g the payment of the $11; Cuba 6 6 6 6. :•6 6 6 6.... 9205,900 u universally regarded as good E DAMAGE BY IRISH to be 6 Per Cent- 000,000,000 alined debt to the II Czecho-Siov'aki:' 6 6 6 6.. 99,8 ewe. If the some can be said a he States with full interest and providing Esthonia' 6666..... - 16,38$,813 sad zt week a :ouceeaefiil iasu4 y ".. Lord Castlemaine Gets 9101,- A despatch'from Ottawa says:- for the refu2:diang of the whole debt France .................66 •. 8684'880,201 the Conference is pe+suctiaal]y c ez- Into definite long-term obligations. The Board of Railway Commissioners, 359 for Castle Destroyed has issued the following statement- With increasing persistency come Great Britain 4,578 621842''TR:e whole British delegetion was y �, 6 6 6 6...... 15,000,000 rese Chamberlain having recover- b Sinn Fein. "In accordance with the judgment reports from allied . Cagitala that Greece .. p art, z+ European delegates to the Conference Hungary ... ...::.::.. 1,738,410 ed from his inners, aid the boor and ;4= Landon, Oct. 16�It was announced and order of the board, dated Janu- ' IzAtAd ...to-night that the Athlone Aimizes has cry 14, 1921, the rate-ef exchange ;n will bring forward the proposal of Italy ........::....... 1',809,112,931 a ] during which be session - enra¢+ded Lord CastLsmaitne £101,869 connection with shipipemta of freight reciprocal csaceIlation of war loans Latvia _..:6666'...:.::. 6,619,249 was devoted to discussion of the auk among the allies, or will use the Liberia ......... ..... 27.688 of the committee appointed at the Iasi "4 compensation for the destruction between points in Geasds and the'question of the-payment of the debt Lithuania 6,479,790 td his residence, Moydrum Castle, by United States from October 15 to Ge- qu session ba discuss breaches of truce. Ginn Feinera on July toter 31, inclusive will be 9�1-82 per to the United States as a pawn in Poland 66 6 6.�...�...... ., 145,499,103 The queettmrof the treatment of Iffsh Other awards am £10,000 for the oevL and the surcharge on the said the negotiations on the limitation of Roumacia .............. 89,606,029 interned in prison and the Irish de- asiaow of Idaf or Compton Smith, who traffic will be six per cent The rake.tea Rnsia _6 6 6 6 .. 6 6 66... 218,721,867 mend for theft release wears abo die• t: ... 66,981,968 +paa_a asCed by Sinn Feiaers in Aprl4 of surcYazrge on international Ipassem- With a view to getting the debt- Serbia cursed. but so � no decision was rye �G - - on a sbetdnizg expedition ger business will be based am nine refut,ding legi®lation throw ' Con rearmed. There has savor been aPenes great before the Conference meets, Total ...........'..$11.084,8A2;882-Conference at which greater seesa w ,r.. Hlwzm�ey ddeth~!et and Was sa>rb4e P� cent..81�6v Provident gmdy� } accepted the The Wand War Foreign Debt Com- was observed than at this 0046 ` Y, qtbently*t Brie�'°t' i,�°t°°f ,,�t,`�'ho Trotsky as a Name - proper amendtme'ats to the bill com- mission,as proposed under the amend-_ �l :•g ••. :# seas shoe wer- neral.IA from s�ten- is unbearable milting the refumdinc to a cotmuis- meat ouggeetsd by the Wayne and Off„a Silo 4ion and requiring the consent of Con- Means Committee. would bb made up J' i pasty on June 20.. on Armisti�CO Day T . A dearpatxh from Passaic, N.J. g to the sulhetitntion of German of Five members, one-of whom would _ or Austrian indemi ity bonds for the be the Secretary of the Treasury. The Will Test RemedlM oe":-Tbe name of Trotsky is a bonds of of gray of the allies. The Alt- 'othw four members would be appoint- Oct. 16. 11he Gorammeet In, Brims Co h'a no United State4 citizen mirsistra wn approval will be convey- ed by the President, and say appoint- � a celebration ,of A�aats•' should be compelled to labor a sa•, tics Day are similar'lies to 'fast yaw, -_ ; ,.# ,• � ea to the Ways and Mesas Committee meat other than that of a Oslb3mei Berlin, Oct. 16.-,A scientific saps- Om" Judge Watson said recently- in a letter from Secretary of the officer waAd requtm the oomflrmatlon Tae prinaiipad :... WE be bem *§ g led by I-- gleine, is He 'permitted Benjamin Trotahy to Treasury Melba to-momrow. of the Senate. �'d the cono� is Wldtaha avian dbr Africa foe the at cbange his name to Benjamin Tmver4. w'6" wreerths will be del m 1114 do ng new rrm3edies for o� "I be" bom 8ghtiag against that "Broadening. �t►r � His Bookmark. behalf of the X*4, the C,. : 6:666 ,. ,.1i I.:...:.,.... glaiae is the first name of Trotsky ever ohm-that tool . "How far have yon. studied, Joan- the Dominions and of Ind" as srs0 4 to tsnmefes the gerars of tOxia dts- in m'op'e o�� ��+" the ap'pli-: �niverilty. nyT" lnQnired the teacher. 4satloig the G. . ­_ . . , of the EM., 1 , cant--a batcher�told Judge Watson. phe. Taro minutes;atbea+s will!ss eb-�4 ease to moubm" from flies. A notable ''last an'far sa the boot la dirty, feature 0f tCba expedition of German "Customers come to,my place of buss- Jong the p� week the provincissl Wrved at 11 o'QJWk in the MOMIng ' secs, look at university hoe undertake n to provide ma am." : ,t rcim�tista is that they will work in witmibw and them Y - throughout the United Kingdom. ILChodeais +sea other British Cabthdes Peas on because of the name. lira study classes is accordance with re- - - - - -- - -i _-- '. with lice well-wiechss sad fall Co-op- s� and tired .of it and want it quests received from Jminor F`sririrrs One prick from tlxs poisoned darts, � ' +• Institutes' and Junior Women's Insti- i Bible ward `father" ap as o in ` . station of the British Governmmrnt. c�ang'� tutee in Cheltenham, Streetsvilie, and w used e' t t ia bkl Malayan Archipelago, Bible nearly five times as often as; will canoe death la bflf an hour. " Brampton respectively. In each can "mother." - y Mies y 1brket Report - _ _ – — �� personnel � the claea�ee will �- NEW A REGARDING REPAR►A- - • sled of young men and young women iron the farms in the vicinity and in -z : - Toronto. gal, $2.60; pal b imp. gala., $2.3Ti. each case n English request is for in- ONS �nrMt �A����n �L�sp� M e sugar, ib., 19 to 22c. atruction' in E i'iah literature. Be• f �!J S INTERESTS MareitQbs wheat--No. 1 Northern. —40-30-1b, tins, 14% to 15c lieving that such a movement towarda ' 0.28%; No. 2 Morlhern, $1.26',1: No. eY . - 6 $1.28. -per 1'b•_5-2%-1b. tins, 16 to 17c per higiher education is one of the frost ' �.Manitoba_mta=No: 2 CW; 49c; No ; antarrio Comb honey, get doz., .encouraging srigrrs of this new era, Franco-German Arrangement to Pay War Claims in Kind i>o , $3 7b to $4.50. - " 18 CW, 46%c; eocta+a Na.r feed, 46 ac; the University of Toronto is endea4- Pace of Gold Will Aker the Entire Situation—Britain .$3.75 SmoL--eel meats-Hams, mad: 31 to t - 'Ja,.• Nat 2 feed, 48c oring to provide itietrurtion in a.H it Manitobs borley-No. 8:CW, 66c. $L` ]Heavy,-24 to--26c; cooks' 13 ro cases of this kind so far as the.-Aze - . . May Follow the Lead of France But Will First All floe above track, Bsy ports 2c• rolls, 27 to 2?c• cottage rolls, 30 V. lb to plc breakf�sc bacon, 33 t� 37r; of its staff will permit. In this Consult Interests of the Dominions. _ AzaerLoasn Cosso--No. 2 W, b9c, special brand breakfast bacon, 42 t "broa<dening out" policy the univereity il,omi3314 bay pOrt4' 45c; backs boneless 42 to 47c. has the cordial support of the peer 1. OrAark g A despatch from Lon&n says:- first a on the re ration coon 41i Qatar-Na 2 white, 40 to f Cured meat@-I eng clear bacon, ]3 publ:: because i" everywhere recog- The conclusion of the now agreement and have,been disc�h�ed. �� to 31.c; clear bellies, 18% to 201,lia nized that the r.}',:..-:.yl university :a where Under file Paa'ie Catnsaal nntario wryest-=-Na 2 Winter, per between France and Germany, ,66:::66.::. , .10 to $1.15; No. 3 Witmer, Lard-Pure, tierces, 18 tp 18%c; in this way serving the :interests of by the letter coutry is to 'be allowed is not due to obese again in the in- tubs, 18% to 19c; pails, 19 to 19%c• ' .0? .12; Na. 1 `:�.1,$1 to' ' the province 'to make reparations.in kind,,instead dem'nity payments until the a-ttleaaent'__ �z " 05• NNN000000...... 2 Spring, $1.03 to $1.08; 14ctu�bs, 14�ato 14ictlpaila, •_. of in gold,promises to alter the whole of many other claims, w3,doh o. Spring, nominal. 14'A to 14,,%c, prints; 18,1,4 to 16a14c. *':':`'"' '';' � � aituat3atn aB it affects Canada's share given priority. The ooncluslon $: rlsry►-No. 3, extra; 60 to 6bc. ac- O $6 to $7.25 >: ;'cording to freights oatsdde. � � �'�;� � of the_German indemnity.. The Do- new Franco-German agreement, Buckwheat-No. 70 to fifc butcher steers, choice, $5:75 to $6.50, � �; minion has within the past few ever, creates an entirely now .Y. f 1E;Y Na 2 95c.� `.�do, guo;, A5.to. $5.76; do, med., $4 to :;:;r".> `"" months received one million pounds tion, and it is said to be adtoQpetber, Manitoba Naar-First pats., $8.10;'$€'' �, tom., $$.b�f`w $a;._butchers' r`•:::':::>"''<"' a'`` as its first and possibly its last, probable that Britain will follow the "z eeoond parts., $7.60, Toronto. i leas 4.2 pan. handpicked; T?uarn,, :;' money payment from Germany. This lead of France and a13ow ftrtu+e pays ~'�, Ontario flour-$5.60,bulk, seaboard.i •to #4.25; primes, $3.50 to $3.75. '':;' >:: heifers, choice, $5.50 to $6; butehera was the sum owing Canada because. manta to be made some other r l±diA]1f8ed�De1., Toronto freight, ':':;3't:a:'^::: :;>::.; ^^ {ar+ned of the allied medium than ,•this ,x cows choice $4.50 to $5.50• do reed: he_r fi.x� P g"o � halga iz�aed: Bran, per ton, $23;, , ' *!'° " ~ v nA attar be done, this carts per tan, $26; good.teed floor, $3 to $4; .canners and cutters, $1, to r army of oce'uppation on'Tinrc .. +} ' svio lbo $1.80. $2; butchers hullo, good, $3.50 to $4, the Armistice, Germany being obffiRr �,n vi i-w dominio s mast be oonsult•, ` Baled -Track Te!•anto per tan, do, com., $2 to $2.75• feeders, good, > :a'. :>• ' _ goo Nba 5 to 6.76• c�o fair i<6 to z R =• >: ;3 y>> >.�,,:;;:;,;,;! b the terms of the aa•mistioe to having a ptajm Jq.' r1b. 1, $28 .Na. 2, $ill; mdxec, a18. + $ $ , $3 ,,:. . Y pay eel, Canada, alone ha , - - II - casts of that army's udoeefa. Ex- the present repoiz+wtioa az4hattQeen ,. _ Ssaw ,, $;1, ll�fc,<, Tom` ;�.,,• : •:;:<:::::..: _'<;:!' penddtures under this head were a od some three haxnrh+ed million 1$80 to $100; carves, choice, $11.50 to :;':" rorYto. I 13• $ , d0, mad, $9 to $1Oi do, COtTh., ^°•° >:�:' ''' ?°:?� '�: :ji:;:;, 7 - Cheese,New,large,�l0 to 21c;twins,r . <; •. :>; ��:�:;� - • to 21 c• tri le to + 3 to $5; lam-be, good, $8.60 to $8.76; i`: ¢ r;; x , , J 1,4 � 34 - , P' th, _ $4 tarns, $5 to $b.b0 ekes choice, f A EMBARGO ON CANADIAN CATTLE. 1, 25 to 280; twins, 2611 to I P « : 3 - 26%c• tadpliets, 26•to 27c; 'Stilt:ons,r he v $and , do, gam, $2 to $3.50; d� ' ', � "''p ;:::s #, Bow, ill to 24a heavy and bucks, $1 to $2; hogs, •fed }'•,'; '< Butter-Fresh'dais choice, 33 to, metered, $10 to $10.26• do, off cars, ;ski;''' > ' -TO BE ABOLISHED.,, SAYS LONDON PAPER y' 10.26 to $10.60• do L o.b.. $9.25 to ' "'" �mmerY, Prints, fresh, No. 1, $ o Q.ic No. 2 39 to 40c• cook: $9.50; do, country points, $9 to $9.25. A des-patch from London says:- * v+ � ', Montreal. P gs: breeders of Grist Brta3rM,whose inter, :1:'' Dreswd poultry-Spring chickens Oats-0an. West No. 2 5b tb The London Standsad orE Thursday Bats 1 vemen protected by-the ehn� '-« r0osbes 20 ; owl 8c; duck- 551X; do No. 3, 64 to 641, r- Flour, soya: t`It.is the iTrtention of the Gov ba for �ire.�eat thiz►,�.y�� , Second 'Homan M.P. in England ernment to act on the rec'otnmet atian a anise paper is authori for ` : 90 to'3�c; taukeys, 60 to 60c. Spring wheat ate., firsts, $8.10.-Roll- ti tY tie poultry-SpTing chickens, 19 ed oats, bag 90 lbs., $3 to $3.10. Bran, bars. Tom Wintringham, who, 'was, of.the Finlay Commission in favor of, statement that,danadia n and U"- �p 21c; raootems, 16c; fowl, 16 to 20c; $23.25. Shorts, $25.25, R'ay, No. 2, elected in' the Louth byrelection on ,abolishing the embargo on Canadian�States ranchers arts flooding the � dncklin 28c• turkeys, 60c. per ton, cart lots 27 to 28. Ss, , , $ $ Sept. 23rd., joins Lady Astor in the 'stock cattle, althougih the Cabinet has(lish market with cantle w must Marg+arineti42 to 24c. Cheese-Finest easterns, 14 to 15c. �use_of Commons as the second wo- not yet formally considered it. The killed bn arrive During the past Kne. -fora i suorto ; new lac- . , . 3o>ge. man Member of Parliament. Louth is feeling in Canada on the subject is, months oven• 86000 hepad have b singe, 60 to �2c; new lai� Eggs Selected, 47j�ac. 'the seat that was render d vacant by, ihtensel afro t, 57 to 58c; new laid, in car- Cam. ,bulther cattle, $2.60 to $4• t3 y nog anti Ahe commis-{•imported' it" �& Mersey olaugh oe: calves, $3'to $16; Ie tbs, $?.60 to'$8; the death of Mrs. Winttingha:n's hus- skiff's ccuclusionns will be &ld•to out-:yards alone, whereas before . Maro�k -4 Maple products-Syrup, per -imp. sheep, $4.50; 'hag's, $10. band. Nreiigh the arguments of the ea•ttle;.the number was negligible. Y. ,�1 I A. R ;i "Y�\' r,tSp• ud-u '� •l•, +'� 4r Z-t--.• .p �• •e ��{ Mr � • r .. .•• :}i � �`+"A:• •S"�i•:a• •1h} ^�:.w.'••,5 •�-yZ a•-/'�ye^ wP.;G.:a 1.Y �'R ,�,�: �. ec 4��"„�,iy,"".1'r°'tL«'a xi`:�li` �k„M,-'}�• .'�ti': `d4Ai) '+t+::•' :.:r:. ,�c.';;'A'' •T b t�.`1''" �.. ;y'8„?';� �, ,s v' 4�lr"''Pv ,.:,,mss..,"..,:, jy s1f ',•`Ain+,. .,,*x,+ �!�°;c,:tl'"�`,gry;w.�Fi,` �'. .�, fn•-' .�•'=„S - •.».,^- • `:('*. "�vim:=«P;. „'e'"�.'it,'..t''f1�3�i.t e.,se�• .'•:W^•�'..'� ",.I til ". �'•n'.• :7, 1''k l` : ., -:^ '. "'�' :r:• 5..�-W,w.,,.i r.,•�•YT.• "9'"'•5.+x.-z ;i-T" "i `:..' ' _ .�,:w r.ad:,�C:+.r. N"" -•''p�_g,,.'` zi_..._ _ , ,,,,ee '7:ar / •a. ;'.� -'�' .,/, +".. ' � ±•l•+ ..irk. <"f a ••��� ��'��.��ry•'� aa'-����•• --A number of our sports spent -The foundation- for W. G. ^" ': +�,1�7Vt �RJ�i. • "1` Sunday in Pclrt berry, _ eid'e new butcher shop is now gvVnue rGi111 Egli, stove and ehestntiti l' ompleted and the carpenters r y. e ran. ° rat rt a a t Campbell- Flour .Mills;.$ , _ ave begun work. The building -,$ti t, �Ilatv�t . of Whitby,- 'her tr p. Rill be rushed tow-ards cowletion 1 " 8�1efit:Stx 'With_�,.R.a �11'S: �CtsiI at.aichardson'es and buy• as quickly as poseible. GLtii•. 6Ur b0 _� tai101'-IY18de SUIt for t11?® �.r .Tileztai�: a 5.pound ppail of that pure clover -We regret to report the death . ' --Mrs. John'Murkar is spending honey at 90 cent° ' of Aire. ,Chas. S. Paltrier, which• - ? rt week,with her,son,'W. C: �tur= --=:Dr.B.7#.'At ore, of`''Sarnia, took place this._FThtt.rsday) morn- _ - `pr1Ce Q1 �+ xeady -Y11adC Ol1.e► - .0 w� :iglu, of Brblatfard. ' is spending a how daps this week ins. The funeral will take place —W. F. Law iu ored to Wood- in town on buslnese, - , on Sunday at 2 'O'clock. service NN bare samples and styles for fifty Suits and'Overcoats'at !-°yule on Taesd afternoon to -W,^ H: and L. D. and.'14irs.twill be belci at the 1}ottse at 1 30. rock bottom prices. Pick the cloth and style you = ` tt d a masonic funeral, - 13anks motored-to Weston_cid Mize= interriieut in,Erskine Cemetery. - � y' --'want and-we do the rest. - : C,-13. Burling spent a couple, day to attend the fnneral of their - ?+.:=:r.;'. - VlifliTEVALE. - t, of days last week with. bis dau- uncle. the late Ultebell Bankp. - • 1 t, �t Mrs' Clement, of Milton. =The Young-People's Society of Avenue '�1"all� C1Othe-s, best 10 Canada rY Come to the 1Vhitevale M@thodist_ ; s.- -L. K. and Hire. Devitt, of To- -St. Andrew's Church purpose hav Ladies'.Aid Bazaar and save yourself ronto,,visited the latter's parents, intZ a concert on the evening of that tiresome week's shopping for -.. _ ~~ `$ugh'apd Mrs. Mechin on Sunday. -Nov.'4th: See'particulars later, - I hristmas, .You will find there arti: �'- = Ladies 'Cashmere Hose 100 p. Co `wool -Robert Go don, who was con- --Mi.s Alnta Lgtsvan, of Torontoi cles -to please each' member of the fined to_ his bed for some tine is spending a fear days •here witli' family at prices lower than quoted in - - -"" • the 1 oronto catalo tries. There will- for 1 00 also• Underwear �`s,•-� .throttgh illness, is able to be about, her parents, Jcrseph'Knd�lsrs.Cow. a • y 'again. an; having:coriie dowa to attend, be obliging salesladies at each pt et- - - - - • aF v, : =--Stanley W. Davis moped-this the funeral of, belt grandmother tilt' decorated booth to display the at 1.00, a piece " );Dods to you All-•kinds of dainty n ,• week into'his'new,giittir tees in the=and cousin: handkerchiefs and aprons, delicious = - µ - ',:'Dale block which he recently par- -Thomas Stewart returned candies, luscious home-fnade _cooking.Don't forget 'Low' 'odes' Clothes when Ordering:'your Thanks-" }' Abased. home last .week, after spending and anything else you want,such•as ivin Strit or Overcoat. The are recognized all --MrEf. Smith has. leased the several mouths in the hltrvest -children's clothing, fancy goods etc„ afr - ;,i•, . .house just vacated by b1re. Ii irch- fields of the North-west. He ex- you will find at the =miecetlageous o 'er Canada'a-, the Very lest. . FL " ,, aer and will take possession im• presses himself as being well pleas. booth. -Thcsre is also a rummage corn- y -- k 5% :lmediately. ed 4th his trip. . er where you will Sod all kinds of par fall Stll?ply Of William 'Booth i$. CO1Tlplet2 tend we, are _ y .it'': goods that did not suit somebody r. -Mrs. John Rankin returned -he Whitby Atnateuc Athlet• g y 7 •' else's taste or di'd' not blend with the_ sho' w a fine Variety in any grade^of footwear in -home on Saturday, after spending ie-Association Minstrels have _ar-. color scheme of the .homme:brit which " . : a wee In Trenton with her dau- ranked to uton-a' erforwance of Williams"lliam$ The Boot for all occasions. k.- $ P P neap be just what you are looking for.,, k ,"Rhter Mrs.Frank Sarles. their minstrel show in the Town And kiddies! There. is a< Bah pond "' ^�• " . -A number of the ardent Liber- Hall, Pickering, on Tuesday even- where sou. care. get all manner of �1 '° m '* ' &Is of Pickering attended the Lib inR, Nov. 1st, at 8 p. tu. Ticket funny fi h. Finally there is-a little: 1' Y ed 1. -A untlngi " �ieli�rin� "� seal'_convention at Whitby on 50 cent.; on'sale at 7.15 p. w. This lunch room wbef•e you can rest, bear Established,1831. `• ° ',l'aesday afternoon Nhen Mr. show' is bigger and -better than Pleasing music and be served with a `Phattani, of Oshawa, received ever.- -Don't ini=;it. Fuller par- fail satisfactory luncheon. Don't • ., * fail to come and enjoy your=elf and' - the nomination as Liberal stand- ticulars next week. _.- �.: obtain real bargains. Commdnity _ acrd bearer for Sotath Ontario. -A benefit �onc8it In aid of gall will be open to visitors at--4 p.rn - 19. -There wall a general exchange Iiolief t 1lrNeil; who was so see- Friday, Nov. lth. 6t re a;� - iousl injured of pul its iu Whitby Presbytery y j red when knocked down. t ! ±a .,. p _ s of West Hill'. oc spied t the pulpit ante n goof ged a a everal sv el es a� ' New ldvertil'oemen 0. in front e on I30i1H 4,. in $t. Andrew's church, both- sror. ' will 'N----,Ping and evenin , when he preach- .be giyPp io St• Audree y's Ghlui;;, nRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES t _ A t:'�0 6aeelIel7 sermons. Rev. heat Monday evening, Oct. 24th, i7 for sale at!vyvot possibly Drite• by'Thbnaas UI } 'Mr. Gardiner officiated in the by the employees of the Godson Paceraon ctarrmonc.; 35c{. WE are becoming settled in our new and large , y,;a: - Contrfrctin Corn an b -whom; •7- churches at Ashburn and-Utiea, R l? y, Y OR'SALF.-New'Farmers' Friend + Mr. McNeil way employed. A first Ran sulk plow,chea Also second-hand )remises and althou h ic=e ha�_e been somewhat g Y Q I g- - D1rs: Kirehnei"e sale of house B:izsard, j.CZ.Thelctga,�tckrring, 3Stt _ t rt Mold effects on Saturday last'tyKS claGs programme is being prepared _ _- ._. __. _— - y inconvenienced during the movie process et our ' and number of-nesv fetrttreey will BLANCHE 31. RA.1tER-Tpacber of p 3 wQli attended Find itnOd pt;1Ce8 t 7 Piano Stu4w at Mm L. lidos roan's,. ' -•.• be added. Mr. and Mrs. Dare, of Sirr.hner and Toronto,• will again asaiat in the rr,, re realized, 1Mr?. , White ale.on Saturdays. Phone Mark 1332. s �` fanrilyLefton Monday afternoon — _— — BLrBINESS SO FAR HAS. EtiCEEDED " +►for Chica o,where the will reside prograroine which will be certain To OR etxLE -One DeLnval cream �, r �7 , g y. to please the audience. This is a j vector•500 The capacity new. Also a 2 1-2. :-- _ _ OUR EXPECTATIONS _ iin futrRe. In leaving Pickering most deserving case. and should"ngp'gasottae�engine, Walter `btrephrrd. Poker- a .- 5 ,q'~:she will be greatly missed in St. _ �_ ____ . , _ - N,_P __kndrew'3 Sabbath School, where:meet with the most liberal Aup- OR SALE-Several-yearling sort:,,' ` e rzention here a few specials in the "Grocery." Mi r.her services a�,�.. eaeher have been port of t}re community. Mr. c �1 w,th titters. also sows due to farrow ,n cart °� ., > 66 1�ell had been out of work for fall. Akpply to Thea.Hetherington, Rouge P.Off. -Fresh Tomato Soup-large sized t ins. 4 for 2a`o t .highly appreciated. many month4,,and was delighted:1kltphone. 3-6 _ - -A bazatsr under the auapic�es to again secure etnplopmetrt iu or- EDAR WANTED-Gireea cedar Lombard Plams,,,2 lb nice, .., ._ _ 15c per.tin V7 .::of the Women's Institute will be der to support his wife and family-_bole hs for decoratinii r wane 3 or 4 toads. R -,held In the Red CroA9 rooms on youngpchildren in Toronto, and=�•f rt ,Papei r n�"ave Toeagbto`se-s'cb Pork and Beam, 2 lb size, ... 12 for lac Tuesday next, the=5th.inst.. corn had just entered upon his new gun-gist Seeded Raisins. 12 oz' 9?c - " menciag at 3 p. mt.and coutinninit duties when the unfortunate acct-._ OST-On $aturdav__atternnorLOn - _ daring the everting,. AJI wishing dent occurred which-has tncapaci-=P he Kingston la Q:ahiienf Rouge Hiltll an Pure Slaple Syrup; qE bott7ep, '- ti +:n c_o_rrrilsute clothing or fancy gated him•fro•rl work for roan :lame.^ t rr," Reward. Phone Main 4335. _ - ' months. Admit+Sion, �a cents 9 s� ' p pt bottles. .. ,"`� 3a"c - _ _ ►aa mayy leave their _donations_ or wr,to•is nn St.,Toronto a _Pare Maple Syrn , the Iodeplendeet Telephone of• children under 12 years, 15 cents.` OR SALE-Cbea all kinds of �ee by SatuMay night. Tea will Larger amounts*viii be acceptable. F,.agons.harr,e•s. end pall kinds of tacfd im -Stuart's St i�Iarrr/alade, 4 lb tinQ, be served;nod there will a1sAo be a i-ments Sn good order.-Alw seserRl heavy and Prime Cheese;'Cho-ice-Cook- �. -After several years of illness PBhtrcalrsand groupie al light horst-powers• Choic4l White Beans. ; -, Palo of -home=trade baking. - A,from_old age another of the oldest .If..Berman.Claremont.Phone 201. iru _ _ -1ZOOd ptto>tramme by, local talent .reaidente of rkle township passed „-ing Onions, Potatoes, size and quality . 'will be given. Everybody welt an,M TRAYED-On to the premises of- _ pun Snttlt dtiy morning IRSt �;h, unuer,igned. tote s asd a, con, 3, Scar• A-1, $2.00,10r lja come. - in tho ppr4on of 1lrs. Geo. COR'an. htirv,about,1 1st, -a yearling stoer. Owner g• --(alts Monday-evening Samuel S. .vht, bRd rearhi-d-the•ripe_ old-Rite �"ya see�Robtt.V.roon:'u,P¢hlandCreek.p'4 wt's Our yet:• eelf-rueasuring tank assures no COAL-OIL Youner. of Trenton, appeared he- of 80 % Fare, Thu iutetwent took. -- , - -"_'. rrristakey in m'etlsnring-Right Quality. .1 7;fore Police,Magistrate �V, J. Clark .place onlJionday,nornirig in the R. -,Notice to Creditors _ �?'�at the Court House,. Tyhitby, tti. C. �c-we:t rp., nt the eatrle tune Ry - - `'; g Injuring grArd son In the matter o!the Estate of Sidney MonneY�s-Bread alwa S oil habd -:- a wer to two char p..a : in urin her ,:Ureter John Conan_ Bennett.-late of the Township,t,f - 5 _ yyftee .t'tvo employees of the Godson Con• who died about- the game hoar ae Pickering. in the Counry of Onta-. _ - �. "- - � home pr,oduct- ..;: tracting .Co. on the Provincial sloe_ Tl,e d.ecea'secl. wl►osp nlaid�.-1,;, ;�rmer,-arcpaaed _ - - - �.- Ilway near -Liv*rPuvl--nrStrn= tiainP—TVA-Z.-Mary ,.ill, was burn �;otfee i3 hereh given, purs6ant to . 40, Oct. 2nd, and neglecting-to in Limerick Count Ireland but � 1N BOOTS AND SHOES-We would mention the �Gracit�-_ - 3 , section oe oLthe rustees?lot, R. 9. O. • Rive his name and address after emigrated to Capacltt, with- her igit, Chap. 121, and amendments line fire ladies, and the '$Aden City' Boot for rums x ' the accident 'as regnired, by law, widomEed• mother about seventy thereto, that'all creditors and others heavy wear. Don't fail to see these befere pur- He pleaded RniItyy to botb chkr�i ears ago and settled in lr r'ia-g h7«ing claims or demands agninst the chasing• - "' As he had paid all1costs. iuclptling township,-where she has ever since estate of thesaird $idneyBen.nett, who tti►nrk Shirts and Overalls, x` damages to the glen, the cWtor s wesided. About the year_1865 she .died on or about the 28�h'day of Janu ' Great assortment in :Men's Cap?. wry, 021,at the Township -of Picker- Sol, Tweed'Pants: Boys' Knickers. Etc. -~''charges and other eapenaP4, he married George Cowan, who pre- ;, inR,are i et7aired on rye before the 1(.h was let off orrsuopended sentence. deceased her three- years, and, day of;�ovemt>er. 1921, to send by Linoleum, and Oilcloths-:Many new patterns to choose'fmm. -A `Bloom was cast over the shortly 'afterwards moved on to ost, prepaid, or deliver To Joseph O, We are note carrying a 4 yard linoleum community on Saturday lost when the fHrnr en the Brock road, where Borland, Claremont, Ontario, the Ad-. _ stociL-lseautifnl pattern. the nears of the death of tiiaster, she lived until 'she retired to the ministrator of the Estate of the said -- -John Cowan, youngest son of Gen. village five years ago. - She bRd-a deceased,their Cbristian rumps; Sur- _Conguteutzl Ru sin e$tttifal ttg PattPrnQ- -,'Cowan, of the Brock road, had family of era sons and t,ro davgh• name*.-sMresse3 and descriptttsxl�e Sizes in stock 4 kx9, 9a10k and 10g1?. died, after only a few days' illness te•rs of whom -all survive •her ea•_ full Particulars in- writing of EhHir - - - from diabetes. He had been at eepCing one daughter. These are ms,'a statement of their accounts, 'tending school until a week before George of the Brock road, Th7Fs.,. and the nature of the security, if any .:�'- _ ' held by them. '--�/- *' :::death. He complained of feeling Joseph Find John of Pie1kerink-V1!- Ar,,ttake notice that after such last a S a - CHAPMAN -.• �.-"`. "unwell. but the seriousness of his lage, Harry and Jame.-of Toledo,. nlentibnedd:tite Llt7'i said.Adnztnisth - condition was not realized until Ohio. and Mvz. Jobn Garland of for will proceed to distribute the assets .boat a dap_liefore he died, as he Cherry,wood. The sec9ad=dough=' of the t:atd deceased`among the parties } .. had been -going around until the ter, Elizabeth, died in 1887 at the enti led'theleto, bavirrR regard only : �N�y \ �•� HARDWA __ t Whiirsdtiy previous. , He nRS in sae of five yeRr�. to the claims of which he ,ball then • this 14th year,-was very bright and Have notice,xnd 2.h;at the Aaministra - tor will not be liable for the said assetq a general favorite: His funeral :FARM FOR SALE or Inv part tliereof to any person 6t- took _ -- -- --=";- �' _ •- place on Monday morning to per-,o>r of whose claim' notice shall --- -fr ' "• -r" the R C. cemetery. The synipk- not have been received by him at the 1 J pA`' $ to BZTy at BUndy7 g t'ny oftl,a��,�.,°.,..�, .e extended The Soldier. Settlement Boa_r(1, tune of such distribution., .7 JJ to his bereaved father, his two. of Gran&d:;' offer for"sal' Joseph•0.Borlan•i •- - - "=:5• brothers,yYicholas and James, and _ Administrator tfi the said Estate. T. 7•, - 13 Public Tender - Do,.t=Yla'i"ClKremont this 13th dayof sister, �ecllia. _.- y --One of t)se oldest reaidentc of Acres,-Part Lot 3,`,Cohcessi� 2; October, 1931. p rbe person of Sca rboro Tp., York Co., A mile -- Wnl. Sbe hP' �•..-�.._ �P•..� - - _ .rd, died at tY if a` F __. _F Eligliland C--reek P:'O: ELI DALE MILLS - of his son,Charles, 39 Park Road, The terms of sale are 20° purchase Tl]ese Chill ' nights remind 11$ that COld - :`O�hawa, on Friday, Oct. 7th, in price in cash on the acceptance of P=CJ�TGRIN 3 6' - , his 93rd pear. His funeral took tender. The balance in notmoreahs+n VnMno, i1� yf fi�yrt,oi,o:,,Rt ° n,r.,u i ,ua�+slweu4s .✓i,lr _-_ ? S^1 wiIlLer is-coming, Nothing-is more neces- ��Y ttacb un &inday afternoon, neat.. •"`•° `i` toba Fionr made from \o. 1. , interest at 6% per annum. ' Qtb, from the home of his son %n The highest or any tender not necea4• a .Manitoba Wheat. ; 'hart' 111 trOtlr home-than a goad Heater. -+Oshawa and his body laid to rest sarily accepted. Royal Household and Glenorfi' for in Erskine Ceme'ery. The funer- Tenderere,desiring to view the pro;­ • Bread. Try aba'g. -al services were conducted by perty will apply to.A. E, J. Clarke, Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats Our Gurni -Oxtord -acid 21 1 , Quebec. Diessre. Nugent and Gillespie, resident caretaker. BRAN, SHORTS.- `r l ` :evangelists, of Toronto. The de- Each tender trust be accompanied _ _ .MIX F'E , S - - :',ceased was born in Scotland in by an accepted.Cheque' for 10% of Ahe ,OAT CHOP: - ' Heaters do this properly':' 1829 and came to Canada --ben-24 tender offered. This Rtnount will be _ .-CRUSHED'OATS- -= 7 gears of age. For,many years he applied on the.20y, if the-tender-is ac.° - BARLEY CHOP cepted. 4 =' engaged in farming on the lake In the event of tender.of a returned - tiVHEAT• There are hundreds in il$e in Pickering C1. •• sbore.jngt . east of Frenchman's Soldier being accepted no advances !CRACKED COFtti Bay. This farm be, sold a few will be granted him under the 5oldief -" -•MIXED HEN 1~'EED- anCl $rirY011nd1rig COtlntry,• and, every- and ,years ago to W. H. Moore, after Settlement Act; 1918. - Caldwell's Ct7eaul substitute which he came into the village to Tenders will he opened on October C31f ,Meal. Ong a s'llcces§- reside. He remained here until a 31st, 19.21. _ Nialasses Meal few months ago when he 'moved Tenders stiould he in plain envelopes CHOPPING AND- OAT p Tt: to Oshawa. He is fnirvived by _and marked "Telider for the nrebase _ TT ' `. ~: a Sons and one daughter of (.boos described property)"_ and RUSHING iJVFcRYDAY _ If Hardware .l OU �a'nt� �e�lVe lt.three g ehonld be addressed ct, (Set prices-on feed in ton lots. Frank of Port Perry, Walter of • DISrmc-r SUPERiNTPINDYNT, AELL PHONE.' Piekerinit, and Charles and Willa ! P1Ckerlrlg Tom'. 'of'Oshawst. His wife predeceased eoLnl>tR TOROVTO Eo,tRri �'r. T, Wee�td I I - kim a number of years, Dated at Toronto Sept, 18, 1921, Chopping every day-1 ``* -+ .{_ n •' ✓ .,'v w.' ,cas.+y .^•' .ally' v. " iC z � � � 64,,'4.4•'•-,r%••+ 'e ,t.= �� �,en' q�§ Y,• ' `"9'_�"o?y.' "`r ' .'.d. `^-` _ ' , '.i`' y •€Ta' .may.;,.,` _ !` -°"`r� M'y :of ti