HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1917_11_02t>- y ,,. ...,� .k, ', f -':.a-: •.n .' si`t.''i :': .. 4s.t.� :�+^�-�k. ..�. . »•f#+� .�. .:� ..'..M �;r-.^✓"'�`� :.a F._..- ti.it. •'1., •,iR?"�+.p'"� .`�"�•'� .sem ,.� ..t•: • :�. ,.; .... . "' h�. ..' fi.--.. i tom. , r^ .. ";,-, ��"i'�E• - •. f�., •"rF..?-..-. ♦ . i . «;� _. �, , .� ?,' . V, .: -.... :-� ... C �. . ,s •meq •- • �'r.+! "1. t t F. IL NG NEWS KERI C. VOL. 'XX.XV•I1. 1'ICKERIN(3r9 ONT., FRED NO `EMBER ?. 1917 No. 4 � �so�rsifliltrseetlllllalbs. irfWeal L CALDAf/XLL. M. D., Successor r Is *a I&:sLVr. A, BrodteAL Pone OOi DIR!• B. V. IL OARmen , P- or madly of slilOnir. 'quoeess" to bB! ]I.Tw rfw•rlwa Out. office bean aner. m My R. B. FORS"N. D. of O., Regis- asemobI�yresty�sl. s�..�id two don to +�est� sissies. myM bAed blew- ) rol tAlslt. H. FAREWELL. K.O., BARRIS- (t s Ceaatr Oeo.a Atasra.s. and Wow Boas.. %Lith.. le B. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and • Reafeitor. ltolar7 Pabb 81,& Stone? b sea. Caw 13reea et X,::th, Whithv. sei7 WILLIAM J. BEATON, B. A,. Bar - risk.., IsKaft .NetQrPublia,.aweiated !• Fenella• with useens. Beekman. Denison & Faster. Not users. Tv"stioo General Trusts s/pa >saldiaa N Bay Street. Toronto. Tel5eeae .slats fall. 11 Dental BLASE B. BEATON. D. D. S., Grsdu&ti of the Royal Collects of Dental Ounoone and University of Totonto. Om" .v W, K. Priaale's hardware store. Whitby, Dmw Loves 9 tole, 1 to 5.50. Ind phone 16. Hail phone no. 1117 TariDr Seaton s &been" ovemas. Dr Ito• Sowell, of Toronto. will be to charas, • liguotness garbs. G. HAM—Issuer of MarrlaRe `�► . Lteensee in the ooeaty oe oil Pickering Vales*, my- TPOUCHER, Real l>staae Auo- . tloneer. wtor and issiase . esneottsr of starrisee lives ess. HreSAN of '\ HOPP7R Issuer of Marriage dJ. ydasaees is M ewsq of Onwfa was at store and bb deetdea••. Olatemon= DB.BEATON TOWNSHIP CLERK e oonveganew. Oom+misolon•r for tatoas II<i41arr1so, l eeoan"as. ata. wassy to loan on laves ��yer�tt•yy "laser of Marrisse IA& Wffite�ah♦. Oat f -v UQH S. PIIQH, Qleo Me' a jar, Ot. Inoen•rd Aaationeer• Ext�nelvr 11i rlease is!_pod thcrooitbbred lMlas oodesd 1ten,Writsforsdpure I17 .'V POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, &j' fns counties of York and Ontario, Ace. . !JIM. of all lines attended to on shortest settee, Address Gross River P. o., oat, 3:)R.:3- I ZiOV:M Vetorioary Surgeon Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vete- rinary College , land Graduate of the Veterinary Science. Association. Phone—offlee 1608, residence 2W2 CLAREMONT, ONTARIO Zi'r. 8- R; ALrX -%C Veterinary Surgeon Amor Gradaateof Ontario Veterinary College. All calls day or night promptly attended to. Bell and Independent Phones DICKERING, - ONTARIO JOHNF ILIP Has a full line of tresh and ed =.&%te constantly on hand. Spice Roll, Breakfast Bao• Elan, Bologna, Wailers, etc. Highest priors paid for Butchers cattle 9`iekering liverq First-olaee rigs for hire Day or night Bus meets. all trains Teaming promptly attended 'to. Agent for Canada Carriage Co. We He Peak, picw4wi 1f. 1 t 1 4 SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto, prepare for every known Canadian Commercial Diploma or Certificate. Need We high for our grade of work. free catalogue. Eater any tima, W. H. Shaw, Pres. P. Meltateeb, Prin. Head Offices, Yonge and Gerard streets, Toronto. Baker •& Heise ,-w have fifteen manure carrier outfits in stock and on order to sell .at the "old" prices. We Can save YOU money. A post • card - oi telephone call will a1WaYe _get ee. ' Don't forget our tele- phone number • .Phones 2700 Stouffville,Ont, CM91tRYWCOo The service next Sunday. Nov. Ath. In Oherrywood Methodist Church will i be at 9.80 p. m. instead of, 11 a• m, The Sunday School will convene at 1.80 P. m. MIOMLAAID CRRRK The monthly meeting of the High! it Creek Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm, Obester on Tuesday afternoon. Nov. fth, at 9.80. DUNisARTON The appearance of the church has been greatly improved by a coat of new shingles. The assay friends of Ernest Walton were delighted to welcome him is their midst during the weeti-sod. The Ladies' Aid ,Society met in the m t of the church on Tuesday anernoon and filled stockiags for the bo overseas. A largo number attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Dixon on Mon- day. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. The Literary and Mutual Improve- ment Society and their friends intend entertaining a number of the soldiers from the Whitby Hospital on the evening of Friday. Nov. 6th. Miss Lillian Melville, entertainer of Toron- to, and, Mr. McCormack and others will assist in the entertainment. ORURN RIvRR The 00en River Red Cross Auxili- ary will meet at the home of Mrs. B. Carter on Tuesday evening, Nov. 8th, at 0 o'clock. All ladies are cordially Invited to attend. i Ch b FRUIT BASKETS �_•. a The Green River "apt at urc ay on th. On will hold theirNov.4th and Monday. Nov. 4th sad 6th. On GREENWOOD- and Sunday the services will be conducted 11 and a quirts, with covers any color b the Rev. H. E. Stillwell. B. A., of oronto. The Wbltevale Methodist 1 quart berry boxes Choir will lead In the service of praise 24 and 27 quart crates, made of ve In the afternoon and the Brougham Presbyterian Choir in the evening;. thin boards. Strong and very light On Monday evening, the Rev. C. H. Order earl , as if there is a good crop fru?l be half Schutt, of Toronto, will give his lea "The of there will not enough packages for ture entitled, Great Reformer, or the Monk that Shook the World." the demand. Music will be furnished by the Locust need of a Cream Separator. Try Hill Quartette, and Mrs. Reevely, of Oh pin and oat ronin aver da as op g B y p Locust Hill. will recite. Admission usual, commencing on Monday 25 cents. children 13 teats, ' the 23rd of July, N 3 W. %�; Barnes, Green Ri*er oRR:NWOOo - Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. Harry Lewle, the section foreman on the O. N. R. at Greenburm is leav- _ R.EAL ESTATE ..... lag this week for Grafton. Lester McKay has rented the Turtf My brands of Flour for either farm on the 8th can. Mr. and Mrs. bread or pastry are un- Turff will still remain on the farm. excelled for quality F. L. Green has about completed �g� « S the new house on the Teefy lot and HANDBAGS ! H. Duckett expects to take possession shortly, Five Agree of Land For Bale, The Greenwood bridge is being all planted With good treated to a coat of paint this week by a couple of Toronto men, Doyle and AlIIte2 fruit, Bryan. The many friends of Richard Wilson just coming into will be sorry to bear that be is not bearing. - improving. but gradually getting _ weaker, V. Richardson. The Epworth League will re-open on Wednesday evening next. The 1.50 to 5.50. We can offer them program to be furnished b the Christ - Notary Public, Pickering. fan Endeavor. Since the evenings are getting longer it is hoped that the — young people will take advantage of The Pickering. them meetings which will be made both interesting sed Instructive, Vigu' anee Committee The Rad Cross Society purpose hav- In a shower in the church here on Friday to boxes for Druggist—Graduate Optician evening preparo The object of this A.asociation is to the boys overseas, who have one from this neighborhood, or whose lessen stealing and prosecute the felons, parents or friends live hers. Every person who feels like helping with K mbus having propaet at" 00 Muni oats immediately wi may member this cause will be made= welcome. An interesting program w '1 also be given of $xeoathe Committee. by home talent. Membership IN #1.00. •ROUOMAM :. Tieksts may be had from ma president as, D. Dafoe is moving his household saws" on oppliwaon. effects to Green River, this week. Exec. Oom.—L. D. Banks, 0. S. Palm- er, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. Miss Aida Austin,, of Uxbridge, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. (leo. Philip. 1. R. Thextoe: W. J. Clark. Mrs. . A. Barclay visiting her daughterer. Mn, Haywood. in Toronto. Pr�sidoat; 88aretsry Born—In Toronto, on Friday, ,Act. 20th, to Les, and Mrs. Haywood, . a , daughter. Increase Wm. and Mrs. Cassie were in B.rook- lin on Sunday visiting the tatter's dot - Your Earning Power ! er, Mies Milne, J. L. Cowie apent''bver Sunday cal - Your services will be in demand ling on relatives and friends in and If you are tr4ined here. around Brougham. Mrs. W. B. Robson and daughter, LLIOTT Miss Mildred, have returned from a visit to Detroit, Mich. Miss E. Brodie has returned to the Yon e b Charles Sb, Toronto, g city, after 'a two months' visit with her sister, Mrs. George Philip. was rassntly asked to fill positions Mrs, Harold Ferguson and soil, of at faces SM to $I00 per month and at from $1500 to $2000 Toronto, sppeent over Sunday with her Wm, Mrs, Norton, •three per session. It pays to get a Business Bdueation if THS RIGHT parents, and The anniversary servicep of the Methodist beheld Sunday, you gget KIND such as may be had AT ALL church will Nov. 25tb, afternoon and evening. TIRES in this school. Right now is Watch for particulars later. an excellent time to commence a On account of the quarterly meeting course. Our Catalogue is free. Get in the Methodist Church on Sunday one.; next, the Sabbath School will open at .SHE OUR NEW SAW, NG MACHINE i We can supply Emery Wbeels :and :Circular Saws. All sises kept in stock. Also Emery and Saw Mandrels, if you with to build your own frame. 'VCT_ H. T.A.�19CN BROCB ROAD W. J. Elliott, 'PrinciI 6.80 a. m. instead of 10 a clock. Pa A beef -ring meeting will beheld on Saturday evening, Nov. 3rd. All the members are requested to be present TOOLS SHARPENED to finish up the business of the season. The Presbyterian Ladies' Ald will We make a special ry of crosscut saws, meet in the church on Wednsaday Tools of all kinds. Locks.repaired. afternoon, Nov. 7th, at 8 o'clock. All Razor -boning a specialty. For a first- the ladies of the congregation are In. m clabair trim or an easy shave call 'he to attend. at the East -end Barber Shop. Quarterly Service and Sacrameni See our House Furnishings of; all will be observed in the Metbodiel kinds. Slightly used OararpCarpetschurch next Sunday, Nov. dtb, at 10.X Strom 1l crab a yard a m. Every one welcome. The even. W. J. GORDON 7PIOBERING dateervice will he withdrawn on kbit iTOUffrI/ILLR Thomas Paterson. of Claremont, ipent Monday in town. Percy Brillinger. gardener, who has nought the old Percy property, is :reciting a greenhouse on the adjoin - ng lot. Mrs. Palmer. of New 'Yorks former - y of Pickering, is making an extend - A Malt to friends here and in this ricinity. The new electric light plant does not pye the satisfaction the people looked ror. owing to its unsteadiness and lack �t power Pickering township lost one of its Widest citizens in the person of Christ- tian Nisthswander, wbo was buried on rriday,_ His death was followed on Sunday 'bi the death of his wife. who was laid to rest on Tuesday. The annual meeting of the Bible Society of StoufMile distriot took � in the Methodist church on Sun. da' evening last. when Rev. Jam Gib - von gave a splendid address to a wow house. Dr. D. Smith, the President of Stouffville branch, oecu- ppied the chair. Mr. Gibson gave the Btoufiville branch the unique co It - )m stating that the. Stouff%1e branch in proportion to population, was the best branch In the British Empire to -day. WMITI;VALR - Miss White. of Pickering, spent a few days with Mrs. G. Hodgson. Mrs. W. S. Maor le spending a few weeks with relatives in Western On- lario, A large number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Dixon on Mondry, W. H. lliajor, sold a carload of fat cattle to Hairy Wade, of Pickering, one day receady Mr. Annadale and son and Mr.' Mead, of Toronto. spent the week -end with Major Bros. Weeley Petty and Wm. Sinclair. wife and daughter motored to Ux- bridge on Sunday. George Pugb ban just sold $1000.00 worth of pure-bred Shropshire sheep to John Miller, of Ashburn. Rev. H. E. Stillwell: of Toronto. will preach in the Baptist Oburcb here on Sundav morning at 11 o'clock. S. R. Pennock a sale was a great suc- cess. He and his two daughters left on Tuesday for East Toronto, where they will in future reside. Service next Sunday, Nov, 4tb, at Wbitevals Methodist Church will be be at 11 a. m. instead of 7 p. In. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is to administered. We wish to make this a'epecial devotional gathering. Sam Baker, of Locust Hill, was mar- ried on Wednesday to Miss Mary Brown. of Ballantras. The happy couple left on the evening train for Buffalo. After their return they will reside at Chereywood. ss Mr. Baker bas rented Wm. Dixon's farm. Suss cess to them. W hitevale Club, U. F. O:, will meet on Tuesday. Nov. 8th. Come prepared to order cotton seed. oil cake, . coal, etc. Those having. empty coal oil bar- rels arrels will deliver them at Locust Hill, Nov. fith, before noon. Those having empty cement sacks deliver at same time. We aspect to have with us Mr. Orchard. a director of the Saakatcb- ewan Grain Growers, Come early. ft. Pugh, Sect etary. W-14 The roads are in very bad condition since the almost continuous rain of the past week. The Ontario Ladies' College are celebrating Hallowe'en by an enter - meat Wednesday evening with Owen Study 1w reader, assisted by College talent. Brilliant speakers occupied the pul- pits of the Tabernacle and St. An- drew's churches Sunday. They were representatives of different branches of church work. James Bishop, auctioneer, of Osha- wa, is seriously ill at present rind Is unable to attend his sales, and in con- sequence has engaged our popular auctioneer, Wm. Maw, to conduct them for him. The autumn assiaes are in session with Chief Justice Falconbridge pre- siding. There is no criminal busi- ness and the grand jury were not re- quisioned to attend. Four civil cases are on the docket. One of these is an action for damages by one Oshawa Alderman against another for allen- atingg his wife's affections. The hear- ing is In camera obscure, A new publication is on the streets of the town this ' week. It is "Soft Diet" published by the returned sol• diers in the'militsry convalescent hos. pital. It is to be issued fortniggbtlyy and sells for five cents. It iss, hand• comely gotten up and illustrated folic Of sixteen pages. N. L. Burnette is editor and there is a large staff of writers, The matter would do credit to a much more pretentious public&• tion. Local tradesmen and several Toronto business houses are generous advertisers. The byy law for siding the United Rubber Oo to establish its factory at Wbitby is to be put through its sec• and reading at a special meeting of the town council this (Wednesday ) evening, and submitted to the vote o! the property owner? at the earllest date possible, three weeks from its first publication. There is the utmoel unanimity for it. The industry that will thus be secured promises to be a splendid one, employing 1500 bands &t quick! as accommodation can los provided for them. .. , .. •. �� . .. � yt x -.r> ..4,.n:.:.i «,sG+r.��...�.,:..xf:.•::. - . _ .1s,.t:. �,wv i:4.`ld•: az%5....... e•�: �.... v......m . .. .. .... a -.x .u... e'_.:. s. �:m,:s•,.:.e.ua.�•c11 Lt� -Betabiiied " years rx GREENWOOD- MLLS -• "EASTLAKE" ;« , 4 + F %hent and Barley :. Wanted • f 2 in. cbrrugstion, see it be ore yds- = ----fit Prices Paid =fi need of a Cream Separator. Try :r I am not baying Buckwheat •. � this year A large stook of Bran and Short N of superior quality on hand -, - at right prices' 9iekering garage - My brands of Flour for either 44 bread or pastry are un- �+ excelled for quality Real Bargains in 0 0 ia rx F. Ste. cw."R SN Tires, Oils, Urease and repairs -• "EASTLAKE" ;« , The shingle that has given satin- r4 faction for over 30 years. Empire Corrugated Icon with a in. byF, stj 2 in. cbrrugstion, see it be ore yds- = buy, other makes. It you are In - - need of a Cream Separator. Try :r a Premier for 80 days. Also q gasoline engines from $89.00 up. " See or write me before buying. N Bell Phone. -, - F. J.- Prowse, - Pickering • 9iekering garage - All automobile and Bicycle repairing promptly -q attended to. Tires, Oils, Urease and repairs -• always on hand. ;« , -Potter & Andrew, r4 PICKERING. Ont.` writes stj _A • =•for prices - on Sarnia _ q - Fence• N I can save :Y you money Aa C. REESOR, 44 zoovsT HILL Real Bargains in HANDBAGS ! :- r LADIES . . . . . . . . . . . . We have just reet -, ceived a shipment - ofenuine_leather ladies' handbagse hregular prices from 1.50 to 5.50. We can offer them Jo you for .75o, 1.00 and 1.25 = C. W4 ,/Addle, a i a Druggist—Graduate Optician 0. N. R. Ti", A Agent. Pio1'cerisz� : oa.ts>tsso `:;, v r , THE WEEKLY RAR PICTURE :VISAS_ TER CONFRONTS ITALIAN TROOPS 00 000 HAVING BEEN CA a ' ��rURED neto-German Forces Occupy Gorizia and Town of CIvidale, l Five Miles Within Italian Territory. London Oct. 28. -The Austro -Ger- i ing that cowardice was exhibits by 6! « ratan armies under the command of units of the army in the face o the E71lpror Charles, who has as his chief foe, the Italiana surrendering or re - s eatin Lt, assistant Field Marshal von Maekeri- j mi ttin gthe �breakithout ni of the left wing, L 4 sen, are shaking the entire Italian line and thereby offering easy access to f ! from the Julian . Alps. region to the: the town of Cividale. Prior to falling Adriatic Sea. Having pressed back! back, however, the Italians. destroyed. V r ±'l the Italians at. several points upon ; all their depots and stores and Civi- Italian soil, the combined enemy! dale was on fire when the Austro- 4 .forces have -?rCw pushed, forward. on; Germans entered it. • - the Italian left wing and captured j The situation is so grave 'that a Cividale; lying to the northeast of 'special meeting of the French Cabinet:''`s Udine, and are nearing the plains has been held for the purpose of de - beyond. In addition the Austrian � tiding upon the'question of Allies' co- ='town of Gorizia, a point of great' operation on the I*.alian front. , ... �x:r> strategic value on the Isonzo River, has A feature of the Austro -German at- �been retaken from the .Italians. tacks has been the use of gas on a According to the latest Berlin offs- large scale. It is a type of gas War roblems of Canadian wool trade and how they are met. The view w tial communication, 100,000 Italians hich causes a terrible itching on the p have been made prisoners and in ex-' soldiers' faces, even through masks, w re experts grading the When the Australian section of the great wool cess of 700 guns have fallen into Aus- the -hope apparently being that they. warehouse at Toronto. When war broke out the Canadian manufacturers were faced with an increased demand and decreased supplies. War orders •tro-German hand*. The second and will remove their masks and then suc- have been piling in ever since, while facilities' for. import, and distribution third Italian armies are declared to I cumb to the gas. Details of this new have declined rapidly. To meet the problems of distribution this warehouse be 1n retreat. Rome admits the fall- ; ".torment" gas, as it, is called, are not p y' .fag back of the second army, assert-' yet available. was established and has proved an important link between Canadian and Australian producer and the Canadian manufacturer; - ..ARIES CONTINUE ADVANCE IN FRENCH AGAIN DEFEAT GERMANS V - ..BELGIUM ; MANY VILLAGES CAPTURED - AND ESTABLISH NEW LINES - Entire Merckeni Peninsula Captured by Entente -French Attack petain's Troops Occupy .Additional Villages and Add Sevc-al on Ypres-Dixmude Road Successful. Hundred Prif hers to Large Total. -'� London, Oct: 28. -The entire Mere - success on" both sides of the road be- A -des etch from Paris se, s: -With one .of the moat difficult tasks of the - ken,peninsula near Dixmude has been tween Ypres and Dixmude. All the p y - Germafr positions were captured on a the important junction of Loon on i war. This is the opinion of not captured by the Entente forces, ac-;'2�-mile front despite desperate en- their objective the French troops are only their immediate' chief, but of all cording to' the British official tom- emy resistance. Four villages on the continuing their press against the who have seen them at work. Front- forces of the German Crown Prince, ing them were the finest divisions of municativn issued this evening, and outskirts of Houtholat forest were oc- is now inossession of the Belgians, cu ed, as well as a great number of north of the Aisne River. . In another the German Crown Prince's army, oc- P g attack on the right the village of copying positions that were strongly who attacked in conjunction with the' strongly fortified farms. Two __hun- French. The British have improved' sired prisoners were taken. - Filain has been captured, a footing fortified, and having the keenest ap- their positions near'' the Ypres,Rdu* ! Another advance was made on the � has been gained on the plateau north predation of their value. lery railway, Aisne front also, whish ended in the of Epine Lechevrigny, and the enemy Notwithstanding this the French - . The French attack met with full ;capture of Froidmont farm. has been forced to give ground north not only succeeded in attaining every of La Chapelle Saint Berthe. These i. objective set them, but exceeded the - --- successes, while not as great in, im- !hopes of the most sanguine, and ad - REPRISAL _ BRAZIL DECLARES WAR pe stance as those of previous days on 1 vanced beyond the appointed Olaces. AIRBY VOTE OF 149 TO I[ the centre and west flank of the at- More than 12.000 prisoners already _ tacking line, serve materially to bring I have . been counted and sen: to the the right wing to alignment witli the rear. Others are coming in and the AGAINST HUNS A despatch " from Rio de Janeiro remainder of the front and place the large group still are hiding in aubter- soya:-The Chamber o! Deputies on I entire line in a better position for an-ranean shelters and their late- can LFriday by an almost unanimous vote h r smash northward toward Laon. only capture. be ca . .'Tons of Explosives Dropped on declared that a state of war existed f P - Factories, Railway Stations (between Germany and Brazil. .The However great may be the praise Fite French line now runs along the I, bestowed on the French troops for the southern side of the Aisne -Oise cans. a - vote was 149 to 1. and Junctions. _, brilliance of their victory over the without a break from westward to the The president sit the diplomatic A despatch from London says: Germans north a the Aisne this week, Auxaillon. to Pargny-i~'ilain, while the P y commission spoke in favor o! a law ? • An official statement on aerial opera -}worded as follows': it is too small an appreciation. of, town of Fihtin has been completely W, itions issued on Thursday night reads:, "A state -o! war between Brazil and their herculean efforts in the lace of i dominr;ted. On Wednesday night factories and: Germany is , hereby _acknowledged - - - - - 1, ---- --- railway communications In the vicinity: and proclaimed. The President of the WIRELESS TELEPHONY I lulu. The result was achieved by the of SaarbruedRen were attacked by our i Republic is . authorized to adopt the b aeroplane sqaadrons with excellent 1 measures enunciated in his measa a AROUND THE WQRLD.+' attachment of telephones all wireless • .'.results. Over three and a half tons k 'the world and speech to all parts of � o! the 25th of October, and to take 'the world with neither wires nor brt- _ : - of explosives were dropped on the, all steps tending to ensure- national' A despatch from. Brantford. says:; teries, is looked forward to in the ve {Burbach works, ju-t west of Saar- „ , I Wireless telephony to till parts of the ry defence and public security. near future by Professor Bell. ! brueby naval - machines. The i The virtually unauimoua vote of 'world, more than a possibility, is peas- cken �. v Pro - damage caused was considerable; the deputies was received with gen- teslfy Alexander Grahan achieved am Bell,declareepeak- U. S. Coal For Canada. inany fires were observed. I eral acclamation. or "Three thousand three hundred; president Braz has sanctioned the! ing $$t a mass meeting held here, ter- A despatch from Washington says: and thirty-five pound. of explosives proclamation of a state of war with minsiting the ceremonies of the unveil- Under - a deftnite allotment of Ameri- were dropped on railway stations, Ing of the .Bell Memorial. can coal for Canada, announced by Germany. _.-_."" The eminent- inventor told . of recent the fuel administration, Itout 2.000,- pi:unetiouls, goods sidings in and around -- Saarbruecken by another squadron. experiments whereby scientists spoke 000 tons of bituminous and 700,000 `11dany direct bits sere obtained, re- MONTH'S EXTENSION from Washington, D.C., to Paris, i tons of anthracite will be permitted sulting in numerous exQlosions- One ON SMALL PACKAGES. i France, by word of 'mouth, the con-' to-. move across the Canadian border ltrain proceeding to Saarbruecken re- ' • i versation being overheard in Hono- i during the next two months. 4eefved a direct hit from a big bomb A despatch from Ottawa says: The and was destroyed. A total of five Food,Contraller has extended by one I -ions of explosives, was dropped by us. month the periods during which mans - THE BEST CARTOON OF THE WEEK - P facturers and wholesalers, and re hl- + TURKS RETREAT ' era, respectively, are to be permi*d 1 BEFORE BRITISH' to sell small packages of cereals, 4fbr'e- al products, flour, or other foods that° ' London; Oct. 28•• -"On Tuesday are the product of wheat, oats, bar- Turkish columna, moving on both ley, Fye, rice, peas, beans, buckwheat, banks of the Tigris from Terkit, ap- Indian corn or lentils. Manufactur- - preached our positions at Samara (on ers and wholesalers are now to cease % _ the Tigris above Bagdad)," says an selling original packages containing { I official report from the Mesopotamian less than twenty pounds net, on and front. "The Turks retreated up the after December 1, 1917. For retail river during the night without fight- merchants the order become effective WOW er on and after January 1. 1919. , E Ing, on the advance of the British. -� CANADIANS CAPTURE BELLEVUE SPUR, - AN IM PORTANT EMINENCE , - - Considered One of the Most .Brilliant Strokes in Recent Days and Involved . Bitter Struggle. British Front in Belgium, Oct. 28.' yesterday'morning after battling' --Canadians Saturday morning were across the marshy ground' in the face` i digging themselves in across the neck of a terrific hail of machine-gun fire 1 spur, west owhen the Germans counter -attacked of the Bellevue srtf Pass- in force along the crest of the spur shendaele, having maintained • them- from the east. Ives on this newly -acquired height A sanguinary struggle followed at ' o� til ihi the face of another tierce German close' quarters and - the men from • counter-attack last night. overseas were -compelled to give _ This was the most important news ground a little. They fought their way ti from'the front of yesterday's offen-',' back, however, and regained their i sive, for by securing a footing on this former vantage ground, rr: spur the British gained a dominating: • Last night the enemy again rushed and vital position to which the- Ger- forward en masse in -an attempt to l"•: mans had clung tenaciously. dislodge the British. Heavy fighting The capture of this territory was ; ensued and the Germans were gradu- one of the most brilliant strokes in, ally forced to withdraw, leaving the M recent days, and involved some of, Canadians in possession. During the the bitterest fighting seen along the night the latter readjusted their line - 4 -.Cracking - nder the Strain. -Darling in New York Tribune. '� .s: ec'�u �w sem^ � .%'.,w.��3 °;3�r-✓ ��� Markeft 0fffie Wo& Toronto, Oct. 30 -Manitoba wheat= No, 1 Northern,2.23); No. 8 do., {8.80 : No. S do., $2.1T Ao. { wheal 18.09 in store Fort William, Including 2 0 _ t Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 671c; No. �. a C.W., 641c; extra No. 1 feed, 8410; No, 1 feed, 63ic, in store Fort William. American torts -No. 3 yellow, udmia- al.Ontario oats -No. 2 white. 64 to 450 nominal; No. 3, do., 63 to 64c, nominpl. according to freights outside. Ontario wheat -New. No. 2 Winter, $2.22; basis, in store, Montreal. Peas -No. 3, .$3.35 to $3.60, nominal. according to' freights outside, Barley -Malting. $1.16 to $1.18, ac- cording to freights outside. Rye -No. 2, $1.76, .. according td freights outside. Manitoba flour -First patents, in Jute bags, $11.50; 2nd, do., $11; strong bak- ers', do.. $10.60, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter. accordingto _ sample, $9.50, in bags, Montreal; $9.60. Tgrnnto, prompt shipment. K7111feed-Car lots -Delivered Mont- real freights, bags 'included -Bran, per ton, $35; shorts, do. $42; middlings, do. $45 to $46; good feed tiour, per bug, E3Hay-No. 1, new, per ton. $12.56 to $23.50; mixed, do., $10 to $12. track Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, $7 to $7.50 track Toronto. Country Produce-Wholesale - ' ButterCreamery, solids, per lb- 421} to 43c; prints, per lb., 43b to 44c; dairy, per lb., 35 to 36c. Eggs -Per doz., 39 to 40c. ' Wholesalers are selling to Ah -s retail trade at the following prices :- Cheese --New. large, 23 to 23he: twins, , 231 to 231c:triplets. 23j -to 24c: old; large, 30c; twins, 3uic; triplets, 30je. Batter -Fresh dairy, choice, 40 to 41e: creamery prints. 45 to 46c; sulids, 44 to 45c._ . Eggs -New laid; in cartons, 51' to 63c: out of cartons. 45c. Dressed poultry -Spring, chickens, 25 to 36c; fowl. 29 to 22c; squabs, per doz.. _ $4 to $4.60; turkeys, 23 to 32c; ducks, Spring, 22c; geese, a6c. Live poultry -Turkeys. 22c. Spring chickens, lb., 20c; hens: 13 to 18c; ducks. Spring. rbc; geese, 12c. Honey--Comb-Extra fiVie, le os., $3.60; 12 oz.. -33,00; No. 7 $2.40 to $2.50. Strained, tins.' 21's and L's.'19 to 1066 per lb; 10's. 183 tn 19c: GO's, 18 to lebe. Beans -No Canadian beans on market until last of October: imported, hand- picked, 57.60 per bush; Limas, per lb., 17jc. Potatoes. on track - Ontario, bag. $1.66 to 8175. - .8!rovlsioas-Wliol•ttaie .. 48111 Smoked r.+: is -Hams, medium. SO to 31c; elo., heavy, 26 to 27c•. cooked, 41 to 42c:' rolls. 21 to the; breakfast bacon, 36 to 40c, backs, plain, 89 to 4.0c; bone- - "lesN. 43 to 44c. Cured meats -Loner clear bacon, 271 -to 28c lb; clear bellies 2Gj to 270. Lard -Pura lard, tierces 27 to 271c - tubs. 271 to 271c; palls, 276 to 280 comppoound, tierces, 22 to 2Ebc, tube. 221 to 2210: palls, 226 to 230. _ Montreal 8[arkets .Montreal. C pct 30 - Oat. -Canadian western, No 2. 78c: do:, No. 3, 76jc; extra No 1 feed, 761e, No. 2 local white, 'Ji -2c, No. 3 do., 718 Barley -]fan feed $126; malting. $1,31.Flour-clan Springq wheat patents. . firsts, $11 60; seconds. 81'1.20;' strong bakers', 811),90, " Winter patents. choice. 11125; straight rollers, $10,70 to $11; do., bags 36,20 to $6.33. Rolled oats-Barrelri. $8,30 to $8 44: do., bags, 90 lbs.. $4 u4 to $4.10.- 1 ran. $35.00. Shorts, $40 to $12. Middl ,nx,;IS to $50. � Mouillle. 866 to 360. - Hay -N -2, per ton, car lots, $12.00 to $12.60 Cheese- Finest westerns. 211c; do., easterns. 211c. Butter--Cholcest ^reamery. 46 to 4616; seconds, 45be. Eggs -Fresh. 58 'to '66c: seler.ted, 47 to 48c; No, 1 stock, 43 to 44c, No. $ stock, 40 to 410. ' Potatoes -Per bag, car lots $2.10 to $2.26, _ !wiaaiver arFla Winnipeg, Oct. 80 --Cash prices Wheat-tio• 1 Northern, 12.21; No. 8 Northern 82 18; No. 3 Northern, 12.15; No. 4. 82.07; No. 5, $1.94; No, 6. $1,87 feed, 11.80. Oats -No 2 C.W.. 67W No 8 C.W., 651c; extra No. 1 feed. 651c: No ` 1 feed, 634c; No. 2 feed. $84c_ Barley- , 8; $1.21: No. 4, 81.16; rejected and teed, 81,1ub Flax -No, 1 N.Nt'.C„ I&IOJ: No. 2 C -W., '43.071; No, 3 C.'%., 32.4% mead states Karkets i Minneapolis, Oct. 80 -Corn -No. 8 yel- low. 81,98 to $2. Oats -No. 3 white. 68 to Me_ Flax -83,22 to $3..24, Flour - Unchanged. Bran -881..50 to ;88, puluth, Oct So -Linseed -$8,20 to $3.236: arrive. $8.21; October, $8.816 asked; November, $8.20: December, 88.16 bid; May, $5.181 bid.* . Jdvs 11tock 88urksts Toronto, Oct, SO -Extra choiceheavy steers, $11,50 to $12; do., Rood heavy, ;, j 110.76 to 11.86; butchers' cattle, choice 10 to $10,26; do., good, $9.86 to $9.66 do., medlum, 18.50 to 8.75; do., com• mon, $7.60 to $8. bUtchers' bulls choice, $8.80 to $8,75: do•,1�ood bulls " $7.40 to $7.86; do, medium bulls, $6.Bd to 17,10; do., rough bulls $6 to $6; butchers' cows, choice, 18,k6 to $8.76: do., good 87,60 to $8; do., medium, $6.80 to 16.75; stockers, $7.50 to $8.50; feeders, $8.50 to $9,25; canners and cut - term, $5 to $6; milkers, good to choice I90 to $225; do, com, and med., $76 to 63: a ringers,'690 to $125; light ewes 'll to $13; bucks and culls, $9 to 810,50; Sheep, heavy, $5.76 to $7.50; yoiarlinits, $12 to $18; calves good to choice, Ifs to $15.50; Spring iambs $16 to $16.40: ho s, fed- and watsreA, $18.76' do. wvt ed off cars. $17; do•, f. o. b., 110. Montreal, Oct 30 -Choice steers, 9.75 to 110;rrood, $8.25 to $9.86• cows, 16.25 to $8: bulls, $6,60 to /8.136; canners' Win, $6.60 to $6.75; canners' cows, 6.86 to $5.50; Ontario Iambs, $16,60 to 16:Quebec lambs, $14.60 to $16• sheep 9 to $10.50; choice milk fed calvse, $14 to $15;• rasa ted, $8 to 11• selected hOCR, $17 to $17.50 per 100 pounds weighed off cars. - ALLIES WILL STAND' BY THE RUSSIANS. A despatch from London says: ' In the House of Commons on Thursday z Lord 'Robert Cecil categorically denied rumors that the Western powers were contemplating a separate peace at the expense of Russia and Rumanik.L.,,.'He said the rumors were spread by enemy agents in Russia, with the hope of dis- couTaging Russia, Great Britain was determined, he I said, to abide by its Russian ally and, assist ber to consolidate her new- found liberty, He paid tribute to the valiant resistance of Rumania in a period of exceptional difficulty and trial, and assured the Rumanian peo. ple that Great Britain would not de. sert them in the present eriais. ftKV t i b % S QeZ� —. To the children fairies etsnd for on be the !oreirullintt o! Domfllon Cerealist Will Distribute the wonderful and unpredictable pea- .o .bronchitis or a bad Cold. It Samples , From the Ottawa ZZ- it, i is c r life, for all the ess, Sof e it, its charm of unexpectedness, says is nature's warning that your perimental Farm. the Atlantic Monthly. A child is a bit - - body is in a receptive Con- . By instructions of the Hoa. Mini- I puzzled by the inevitable; in -the fairy - Magic $akina Powder eoatt diion for germs. The way star of Agriculture a free distribution world it does not exist. In that world ' against of superior sorts of grain t0 fortify yourself and potatoes he slips _away from the world of no more than the ordinary glant will be made during the coming win- grown-ups, with its endless conte- kinds. For economy, buy t' 'cold is to Increase Warmth ter and spring to Canadian farmers.. quartan remorselessly hounding the ?dADL' IN _ and vitality "by eating The samples of grain for distribu- gay, irresponsible little child doings. ' CANADA _ the one pound Lina. Shredded Wheats a food tion will consist of spring wheat He loves Lite, grownups and it is not 3r (about 6 lbs.), white oats (about 4 from them that he wishes to escape, EW:GllJZf COMPANl LIMITED "•"�"� ;7 i' that builds healthy jFnuSCle lbs.), barley (about b lbs.), and field ;but from their world, their difficult, • - ,,„,p *�«�• �*• ., ,,,.,. .., ...�....,,.. ; and red blood. For break- peas (about •b lbs.). These will be unyielding world. —_— -fast with milk Or cream, Or sent out from the Central Expert-. A recent report of the United I Colored handkerchiefs require care mental Farm, Ottawa, by the Domin- D/x& Granulated Eyllida, I States Department of Agriculture • in washing, and should first be soaked rainy meal with fresh fruits. ion Cerealist, who will furnish the ne- Sore F.yes. Ey Inflamed by shows a decrease ' of 9,000,000 sheep for ten minutes to a basin of tepid wa- cessary application forms. dam. Daetanddddqulckly f turpen- relieved by blurine. T It in I in the United States from 1900 to! ter to' which a teaspoonful o A distribution of potatoes in sam- your Eyes and InHaby S Eyes•• l pies of about 3 lbs. will be carried on �R 1910, and a further decrease of 7 per .tine has been added. This will in- posmartias,Just eCesaisrt 'cent. from 1910 to 1914. sure them retaining their color.-, _ from most of the Experimental i es Yoar Dru� s or by ' li�lgrltle '�'e ae,dedycoo bo. IL' Maraca Farms, the Central Farm supplying'daolw a" salve. in Tubas rbc Par fiaaard's Liniment otues Dlat•mpnr. only the province of Ontario. AskustrineBye meaaedy Co.. Chicaio+; listaard's Liniment Cares Colas, ao. All samples grill be sent free by - : G mail. Only one sample grain (and - Kindness is not thrown away even i It is a good plan to get bulbs in the ` y ' t P That Held Him. though shown towards the membels !ground without further delay and in Y •': one of potatoes) can be sent to each "Dear Clara," wrote the young man, is for window culture. �7 applicant. As the supply of seed is „ of one's own family, Po . '. p pardon me, but I m getting so for- limited, farmers are advised to apply getful. I proposed to you last night, ,�, •,, j `'` L Made in Canada, very early. but really forgot�Whether you said yes jT A N T E:IJ, — BLACKSMITH TO - Q-„ ! ❑harper tante: also Granite Pelisher, Write Geozfe M. Paul , f' Quite Candid "Dear, Will," she replied by note, Shrnia, Ont- _ Q THE.. FALL WEATHER �'saglad to hear from you. I know I; j ,kDIES WANTED TO DO -PLAIN r}� Tedd had been invited out to tea.- _HARD ON LITTLE ONES said `no' to some one last nights.l�ut i tare ti e. g sewing pay, at home, whole or He wanted to have the afternoon off n I *,apace time, Rood pay, work sent any din- from school, but his mother would not I had forgotten just who it was. t r tante, chargee paid. Bend 'stamp for f hear of it. As his bedtime was 7 i ,it�/�/� fl particulars. National Manufacturing Canadian fall weather to extremely Iginerd's Liniment oases Gsrstat In cows I i' N Company, AiontreaL o'clock he had rather, a shbrt visit, hard on little ones. One day it is �-•� A:`Csa." TUlldol8, 1-UMPS, XTC- - and as he was Ieaving his hostess warm and bright and the next wet and Not Quite Certain. I I ou painInteat and external ant rite said cordially: MIN , out Data by our home treatment - ; cold. These sudden changes bring on Six-year-old Phyllis 'was s lively c Co..beige leo lay. Dr. Neuman iisdtcai "I'm so sorry you've been able to r iL CLimited. Colllnswood_._ 011`;1 stay such a little while, dear." colds, cramps and colic, and unless youngster who brought a note from, Ah I That a the S� Teddy remembered hi dear." is in- baby's little stomach is kept right the mamma to grandmother one day. Sloaa'a Liniment floes rigitt to it. result' may be serious. There is 'Will you"come over this afternoon, When buying your Piano 3 junctions to be polite on all occasions, nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets dear?" asked grandma ' Have You s rheumatic ache ora hifslst On Navin SII and answered, sweetly: "Oh, it's quite I dullthrol5bing neuralgic pais?You T S 'long enough, thank you." in keeping the little ones well. They The little one stopped to think a , can find a quick and effective relief s6 OTTO O H 1 G L " _ sweeten the stomach, regulate .the moment, then answered: in Sloan's Liniment. Thousands of bowels, break up colds and make baby "Well! don't you 'spect me and; homes have this remedy.handy for +- Buy potato seed now for next springlthrive. The Tablets are sold by meds• dolt you unapect me; I may turn up' all external pains because time and PIANO AOTION planting or save • the seed from this cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a f and I may not," And away she. flew • time yatait has proem the °uuka.t r". season's crop. Regardless of predic- hoz from The Dr. wtriiams' Medicine bl� ;ti ny�o;�Ya„ " is tb• tions of a large crop, it will be well Co., Brockville, Out. MONEY ORDERS I easewit6Fl"tan orointments. if you ono. WOMAN SICK to secure seed at present prices for"'eslo`a.iaa;m.ae.youwill a.ve:beWidb Dominion Express Money Orders I + " next spring planting. Will the Earth StopT p4t1 _ pr g, are on safe 4n five thousand offices ! 5 laottl.e..t .II d+ws�t+. ` -1Old Mother Earth is evidently find- throughout Canada _ ,TWO YEARS w ing. the pace too hot. Astronomers have discovered that it takes her three Ah eady in many regions timber ! v' ' r seconds longer to revolve once than shortage and high prices have follow- it did s hundred years ago. And ed the exhaustiDn of the local timber I • every hundred years will add three supply. From the public standpoint Could Do HO Wore. seconds more to the length of the day there is a real need . for growing ,,. till the world stops. spinning alto- i forests vastly' larger than are now Now Sing as a • gather. planned forHEALS 8>D. • If this theory is correct some of our � Cncum forbears must have been pressed for' LEMONS WHITEN AND time. Shakespeare, through being ; BEAUTIFY THE SKIN S ; 4 barn in the sixteenth century, was de- ' — - Chicago, Ill. — "For abort two yes"I prived of almost ten secords every ;Make this beauty. lotion chewas unable to walk 7. aply for , BAD DISRGUREMENT i aufferrd tram n female trouble ao I twenty-four hours; whileJultsa Caner your face, neck, arms and hands. i i ! or do l ai of my own 1 was a whole minute to the bad.—"—'�"—' i �!; work. I read about- ' The earliest men, say, in the year I At the cost of a small far of ordinary L diaE. Pinkham's " rIH�` p 100,000 B.C., would be obliged to cram ! cold cream one can prepare s full Very 1tChyr .Burned at N lght. t V e g e to b i e Com- their work _ and recreation into 'a' quarter plat of the meet wonderful ` �ould Scarcely Sleep, ! pound in the nowwr- and would die lemon Akin softener and complexion I I papers twenty-three hour day. n One Week. mined w it. It 4 Y - : Healed I of old age, fondly imagining they beautifier, by squeezing the juice of �! j brought almost im- J A j were ninety, wherf all the time they i two fresh lemoae into a bottle con- .,M face became very red and mediate relief My were only eighty-six. fairing three ounces at or ld white. Y Or weakness has enI Care should be taken }}ma�y train. the swollen and broke out in watery blisters, tire!y dies aced Will redact inflamed. Strained juice through a fine cloth:o no lemon' Then it got very itchy and I and I u Swollen Tendons, Ligamenta, used to bum so that at never 15 or Muscles. Stop�s the tamenessand pulp gets in• then this lotion will keep ' night Icould scarcelysleep. ter health. I weigh " pain from a Splint, Side Bose of I A' druggist can obtain an imitation fresh for . motttlis. • Every , woman ! Later the blisters broke out 1186 pounds and am as strong as a rano. Bone o via. No blideq'no hair ! of MINAKD'$ LINIMENT from a knows that lemon juice is used to forming hard scales and 1 think money is well spent which l» . w pa my face was bad disci I chases Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable gone and hone can be used =2 a Toronto house at a very low price, bleach and remove such blemishes as i i5' $- x „ bottle at druggists or delivered. De. 1 and have it labeled his own product. I freckles, sallowIIesa and tan and is the I ured. Then I used Cutt- Compound. —Mrs, Jos. O'BsYwlv.17b6 seri ur tax for a acini insrcue- tura Soap and Ointment Newport Ave., Chicago, Ill.; " p i This greasy imitation is the poorest , ideal skin softener, whitener and and in about a week's time The success of Lydis E. Pinkhanre ' tions and interesting horse Book 2 M Frea one are have yet seen of the many that ' beautifier. I was completely healed." Vegetable Compound made from roots i= MZiQR INE, JR., the antisepptic liniment for I (Signed) Lloyd Brady, Breckenridge, and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be --°"" Moan reduces Strained, Torn LiQa- every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried Just try it ! (let three ounces of used with perfect confidence women t pee t�wott•a Glenda• veins or Muscles` to introduce. orchard white at any drug store and Que., May 25, 1917. Pe � p1•a� Cutts. secs., [1Le rs. Alhwe pain• prim ask for MINARD'S and you dill get .two emons from the grocer and make Skin troubles are quickly relieved by who suffer from displacements, inflam- { ■ esaboateet deerersordeu.er" book "E tdemr, area ftp -a quarter pint of this sweetly 1,ag. Cuticura. The Soap cleanses and pun- mation, ulceration, irregularities. pelf- 1 V F, IOM. P. D. F„ 616 Lymrans 8141, MaMrp1, Cas lt. ries the Ointment soothes and heals. odic pains, backache, bearing-down feel- abssriWe sed Alssrbha k- sn awe 1r CMssi► j - - rant lemon lotion and massage it daily ?or Free Sammi &ch by Mail ad- isgg flatulency, indigestion. dizziness. } dress postcard: ��Caticura, Debt. A. (andaervonepswtntioa. LpdiaEPink- into the face, neck, arms and hands. t It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red I Hostpa. U. S. A. Sold everywhere. ham's Vegetable Compoundis the stab- PAIN f NOT A SIT t t I lard remedy for female ills. ' LIFT YOUR CORN; The Future Wood Supply. hands. OR CALLN694 OFF -James White, deputy head of the a - s No humbug,l Apply few Conservation Commission, recently Cto Eye ,Specialists Tell flow . o thM jlaast [1tft,tiaesa :paid s visit to Victoria, S.C., .and, Eyesight %�j - �- ngom after a tour of the Pacific Coast pro- 5 n hen it ass ht 5V /v In a ts'fth * vincP, stated that he believed the pulp Etre ; Wood resources•were in the neighbor-', > ✓ r- • This new drug V as ether coo• I hood of 2b0,000,000 cords. e said ' Wee%2 S Time In Man j:' ' InsDoak dtscotered fry a Ctodaastt that the situation was, however, ser'tm -..� T Ac ahdtsmist. It it called ous throughout Canada, -especially in dseesoas, sad can now I the far east, Where the extent of pulp ion Yon Can Have junctivitis -and ephlyhors. Ha -lr2es etrafn artefng from Tr-C microd 'be obtained III Lia bot• wood had been rose] overestimated, A FIree wheff not 'congested had the dul sur ecoplcal research work Bon-Opfo Used c �P. 7 grossly Filled Use at $�� fused ezprestitort common to such oases. according to directions rendered a sur- ' ties R here Shown At I Cruisers in Eastern Canada and the I Boston, brass.—Victims Of eye strain Havin¢ run cut ' of her medicine a prleia` service. I found. say eyes re- '0411111 _ very little cost from any United States had in some cases re- and other eye weakneseeK and those friend suggested Bon t only five used macho ly strengthened, so much' dim- who L / drug afore JOS` ask wear glasses, will be glad to know this treatment and not only overcame have put aside my glasses without ported that there was enough mater= that Doctors sad Eye Specia.11eta now her distressing condition, but atraaga comfort. Several of my a af6 ood have �• `ppb a jai to last fifty years. .Later invest;- agree there Is real hope and help for and amazing as !t may seem, so also used it and we are aurun r to drOD Or LWO Q1reCtly gaffer had proved that about thirteen, them. Many whose eyes were Iallin¢ strengthened her eyeelght that she was its results. In a few days, under mF _, for sap they have had their eyes restored able to dispense with her distance observation, the eyes of an aattgtniatio Y-moi It a fender earn or or fourteen years would be nearer the and many who once wore glasses Bay glasses and her headache and neuralgia case were so Improved that glasses callus sad instantly the ;limit. Mr. White said that the result they have thrown them away. One lett her. In this snatapr I Fhould say i haEyebtroubles discarded bythe descriptt ns man says, after using it: I was al- her eyesight was he saved 10o f I aOreLl•ae disappears. I was that America must rioW look to most blind. Could not see to read at have since verified the etflaacy of thle may be wonderfully benefited by the : �x Shortly you will end all. Now I can read- everything with treatment in a number of asses and use of Boa-Opto and If you dr want to - the COTII or Cajltta so the west for its supply of pulp wood. out my glasses, and mY a es do not have Been the a es re ar rove from strengthen Your eyes to of Boa ODto' h y yn a remarkably With the. east facing exhaustion, Brit- hurt any more. At ai t they would 2b to 7S per Dent 1 k Aly short store and iS Ill that you Gia lift It pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all time. I can say it works more quickly tablets: Drop ``lass of. water tablet in ish Coh@mbia's pulp making-woods I the ttme. It was like a m�racIs to me." than any other remedy I have pre- taliao lve.'oWithl this liQuidrb theetlie �' root and �' with were destined to meet a large part of A lady who used-!i says: The atmos- scribed for the eyes:' a ea two to Lour times daily. You ,. Satfr/ phere seemed haay with or without Dr. Smith, as oculist o! wide expert- should notice, your eyes clear up per- the Continental requirements. Soon' Can- glasses, but atter using this preacrip- once, says: I have treated in private ceptibly right from the start, and tn. Not a twinge of pain, I ads would be the world's greatest `ton for Riteen days! ever) seems practice a number of serious opthalmio flammation and redness will quickly j g clear. I can read even fine print with- diseases with Bon-Opto and,am able to disappear• If your eyes bother you «` { 1i 80reaess Or irritation; source--of pulp and paper. If regulat- out glasses." Another who used it report ultimate recovery in both acute even a little it is your duty, to take _ •; not even the slightest I ed the forests Of British Columbia Bays: "t was bothered with eye strain and chronic caeca: Mr. B. came to my steDa to save them now before !t Is snarling, he B when I caused by overworked, tired eyes which office Bufferin¢ with an infected eye. too late. Many hopelessly blind might l could Continue t0 give six million induced fierce headaches. I have worn The condition was so serious that an have saved their sight it they had-cared, applying lreezone Or Cords of pulpwood T alitlUm for an lasses for several years, both for dia- cperation fpr enucleation seemed im- for their eyes in time. }a p p Pe ance and work, and without them I perative. Before resorting to the Note: A city pbyeicisa to whom the above "-av IN afterwards. could not read my own name on an operative treatment I prescribed Bon- article was submitted, said: "Yes, Bon•Optc is z ill almost indefinite period, envelope or the typewritinS on the Opto and in 24 hours the secretion had PP This drug doesn't eat F machine before cob. I can do both now, lessened, inflammatory symptoms be- a remarkabto eye remedy. Ibt rnnetitneac in- uD the Corn Or Callus, Ontario's Timber. and have discarded my long distpnce Baa to subside and !n seven data the gredlenU are welt known to 4mtoent era ape- but shrivels them no , slasass altogether. I can count the eye was curet and retained} its nor- Matista'and widely prescribed by them. I Ansa Ontario s timber production last Eutterin>: leaves oa the trees across the ;nal vision. Another case o extreme seed it fiery sneceasfaity in aur own practice da 'they loosen and come right out. It Is year valued at $26 774 937 or 40 er street now whtch for several yearn convergent strabismus (cross crew patients whose cyte were strained tbreco o.eA j Y Y p have looked like a dim green blur to escag ed the surgeon's knife by the wort or mladt glasses. I can highly aeeommenb no humbug ! It works like a charm. cent. of Canada's total output. me. I cannot expre9s my joy at what timely use of your collyrium. The it in case of wear, watery, ablurreching, smarting; r 74.0 19'Or 6' few Cants you CaII set rid Of it has done for me.' tightened external mantles yielded t0 itching, burning eyes, red lids, blurred Yiaioa oa ;' Pine production, 905,442,000 ft. B.M.; It is believed that thousands who the . Boothia and anodyne effects of, for eyes inaamed from exposers to 81110118, sea, every hard corn, soft cora or eortt be. pulpwood, 246,282 cords; railway ties, wear glasses can now discard them In Bon-Opto. always instil Bon-Opto dust or wind. It !s one of the vers Lew pre)taa tween the toes, ea wail as painful 5,704,469. ' Ontario's Woodworking in- a reasonable time, and multitudes more after removal of is bodies and dons I feel sbould be kept on band for regular ��-ti Calluses On bottom Of your teat. It will by able to strengthen their eyes apply it locally to all burns ulcers use n almost every family." remedy. to >. not n °' f dustries using 34 different kinds of no as to be spared the trouble and ex- and spots on the eyeball or the lids patent medicine or secret remedy Tt Tt as never disappoints and never. burns, pense of ever getting glasses. for its therapeutic effect. By cleans- ethical preparation, the formula being printed ea b16es Or Inflames. If your druggist wood, provide a ready market for the Dr. Beck, an eye specialist of, nearly Ing the lids of secretions and acting the package The manufacturers gaaranGe it to lumberman. Eighty-two per cent. of twenty years practice, says: "A patient as a tonic fat the eyeball itself the strenstben eyedght 30 per cent In one week's time basalt any freezone yet, tell him to , vision is rendered more acute, hence in many inmtancea, or retrad the money. It Ls dL- 3 get a little bottle for roll from ,his lumber used in Ontario's industries is came to me who was suffering from the number of cases of discarded penned t-v an good druggists, rncLudfng purchased within the province. Blepharltis Warginalfs with all the glasses." seneral stores; also by 0. Tamblya and wholesale house. concomitant symptofds, as morning Dr. Conner says: "My, eyes were tri T• 8laton • Co., Toroata, 1 ISSUE 44—'17 agglutination o1 Lha 11dii, chrcalo aoa- Odd candltloa owing to the severe EI/. 7. S[laard'a Liniment Cares niphtheria. a.,T,, _...... _.: ..c+ -r .:_...:..�z._ ;.............. __ cz..:.v•rs.+_... .?�'<..;w.N:,.f..la.�.•_ :�9...�,,ai._z:iJFs+'"..:. b?��i...,_:.-vY?a...cS�,•_.�-_..'�".,.:'1....,,3a'::.....3'a„yc.:,.�,'..rr..:........�'�'��!x._:y'.:.�`^u,..�•�`i"�:;�`'��',..r �s�u,.�l �'"���'7,*�^*' � rc i• �«sit •� sDAT, � a US` .0 s... tllas'v240.' am-•Angpoa Wm cab v� ' at ; g' e= idssp. - est asesi of>f0 well -bifid brood saws and 60 8a Wm. i1Lsw, anetiower. t' shoats. the propertyof IL J. Fleas- r !!{3 ion, as lot 7. eon. & ieria (Min f _ R A ll.if pea yeas , 11.)8 B paid if sAvaass.. Ston road) l: miles east of Pickerinog�- Q0 List C�. • +91� - y VlliaSe.. See advt. m anotbe: sol- 1 -You are pail Lg at Ieaet - vii Sale ai 1 orelock. J. H.- Pren- 'rl;i• zOw>tssiRs ofr rsosrl■snea ties, 5.5c..per pound for Hanan ip hereby given %bat.a Coati -JOHN MURKAR, Propa$etar- - si. NOV,- &M-B:Leadve- nue• will be Geld pursuant to The Ontario �piAlCl�ags Teas• tion sale of registered horses, high- Voters' List Act, bj Ella -Honour the . 3 - - - NOTta -AND eoRtMaNT. grade cattle. sheep, pigs. Implo- Judge of the County Ooeeet of tlge u • T A f roots, bay, eta. the Countof Ontario, at the Town Hall _ " Don .t ego meats. grata, _ property of H. T. 'i.ove; ai lot 30. in the #111aga of Brop0mis, on Wed- _ When a mans house is burning, con. i, Pick (old Greenwood nesday, the ms day of November, 1911, while be with his wife and family ! Q y road). Sale at 18.80. @has*._ . S@e at the_honro[ one o'clock in the after. We is sitting quietly by watching the bills. W. B. Powell, auetlensdir. noon, to hear and- determine com- - _ - - straRRlea of his neighbors in their THoae..Ai, Nov.. 8TH—Important rtant sale ptatnts of errors and omissions in the g D po Voters' Llst for all the Polling Sub- - will 8811 of farm stook. implements, grain, efforts to save the . building, his hs ,roots. etc., at rear of lot S, con, Divisions in the Municipality of the - - Township of Pickering for 1617. actiome as well as those of his 1, IIzbridge (Altona), the property p in the said You iIIueh superior - r �. o! Joseph Mowder. Sate at 18 noon, Dated at Wh[tev - family are treated with the great char See bills. F, W, Silver- Township of Pickering, the filth day bulk Tea green,black or set contempt. We find a great sides, auctioneer. of October. 1917. -many people during this war in a pltmAz, Nov. ftn-duction ale of . 6•8 OerkNof the said MunR. icipality m;!�df a!t 45 cents per• pound. Similar position. They take their f ease while othek are fighting in defence of their hfimee and free- - don. They do not seem to know - ,R / C H AR D SO N ' S '•what this war means to them, 11ahence their apathy. The Military . "Bay all your Groceries at the Grocer's." Service Act simply forces -people to talcs a part in delendinft their PickeringHardW�re Sore ! - own property. _ 0# the Electors of South Ontario who are _' favorable to - General Smuts, the famous Boer -�:Union Government in Canada THE BEST x General and now one of the most t loyal of British subject@. has stat -Is hereby call by Wm. Bluth,; ex -M• P. ed that he considered the war won, • 1� at Whitby, at 2.30 p. its., oa as sa. . and Admiral Jellicoe -bid that _ � _ ') It was all but won. This may be-Sat"day, November 3rd, 1917 • 7_ the case, but the events of the past week or two can hardly be used to for the purpose of formally placing- a Candidate of their choice in the - N substantiate the statements. 'The . field for the -forthcoming $lection. z desastrous defeat of the Italians 0-07D 8A.vim T:&Ilm g=NO- gom to show that there- is still a 4 great deal of fight in the Teutonic ' '. tortes. It is true that the -Germ .._ ons mast be greatly weakened ish e.' e o i eStore. p men and economically, but It is The Pandora u a sine that their enemies are also greatly weakened and are unable, - .. ON EARTH w, to exert the force they were able ilyLi _ The Happy Thought to do a couple of years ago. On prices will appeal to you.. You will often find them very sashPl('']�FRIN..i _There was a time when the Ras- .below what equal value coat@ elsewhere. So that on the Boat JOHN S. B A-1 DO v! ` + `"tee cion army was very powerful and alone our Millinery should appeal to every lady who is a careful spender. _ -inflicted terrible punishment aponSM - the Germans, and there was a - - v S _ time in the early history of the - war when -it wj s predicted'that Two pieces of Drass Goode marked specially low for this week, -reg: s weeWEST �Ithe Russian ar y would be in Ber• price 85c and 50c yd. thik's price 19c and 80c yd. CREAM OF THE UR Din in a few mon e. Bnt what do Two pieces of Flannelette. regular 25 cents per yard, this week's - we And now ? very large army price 19 cents per pard. O ' Wholesome ole�Oi�e Bread 'with scarcely a pa cle of fight - For �+ � rj - i Deft is them. dermad a®ts have C 3E R 137 8 Ibsen busy all through is de• pick and Span. Cleanser. regular 10 cents, t for 15 cents moralizing the whole nation. Lennox Soap, specially Priced 'at & for 25 tents Its the Flour that makes- the Bread, therefore, you can't get best tsuite from wy wenfreom end _ T t o ha. 'Ther inR them to number or for peace. • ' 'There are s number o! patriotic N : '� C. � li;i nnti eir.who sre beha fof d d• :Be .-T `CREAM OE THE- WEST _:. is their snorts on behalf s de- _ P I C K E R I.N Gi - , tmocracy, but their efforts are _ aeatralized by the machinations of T N E The best Broad, on the maritet. _ : �iet•spaa agents and pro -Germans, - - so that gnosia is now almost a Monarch PalAry -ween Cu. ��eIId negligible quantity in the great 'STAN D - Floam. T them. war. The great German victory t".►DA _ are splendid f'y over the Italian@ will have the _ effect o! patting heart- into the �"" °�°' ' COMIC ' 'The Campbell Flour Mills Co., Lida Berman nation and will reconcile FARMS ;; theca to another winter of war ipate all dreams nf an 11 LLLLL.LLI . early peace.' It looks now thatdo 1 . ithe brunt i)f the fightiba for civi• .� b r dation &VA. freedom will have to B 8pim 'y - U borne by the British and the ss�ro tsss ,Americans. Italy will be crip- PIO�Rilr G BRANCH, ��� pled considerably by their defeat. R- W. GORDON, Manager' M in ri , - . and France, while still doing great r ' work, is becoming greatly ex. bausted. While the United States - are doing woAerfal things, is - O� their preparation for the wai', it :a - .AUCTION SALE .OF �r�f_ L_ -will not b_e until next summer that - Get the C;Cimine - ' they will be able to strike power- $ SOW$d Shoats _ till blows. They have fully real- - - Ised that they are now at war, a 1 buve received ructions frees point at which Canada has yet_. R. T. F?.�>i7Il�TG � rafonola �'esehed. - - .. .?o sell by public noetic at his --' farm premises Avoid disappointment.. Refuse imitations. Only Wow AdwrNaewsewa. - Lot 7, conessi09 2,-PickiritK . _J (g road, twe miles east Seal (Kingston nine WIumbiB �T! afQT10�8S aiP Records bear IRBDALB PUPS FOR SALB- of Piekering Village), on - _ y y. n°r°'sa °r`� W. c"'k"'s 191? °this trade ffiark. Look for it before you bu : - Saturday, November 3rd, _ - FOil SALE -A oumbeeot registered - At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: 1' sero�pEire rax bmba asd alesrNse. Aka. olw3bici 6rq, H. R, Nie. s, Clareaoat. s y ,ltbout 8o first Blass, well bred sows_ITOVE FOR SALE—Parlor cook,;n piK, ��r with litteraby Bide. ` 1.7 rood o new. Havinginstalled a furnace, _ 60 Showts, about eight weeks. old, " aave no further me for same. For particular. all 'of Rood stock. apply at News Oma. stf• Thisis an opportunity for farmers to AY GELDING -3 off, 16� hands, _ get-bome well-bred stock of this kind. - - JPwell bred. sound good looker, not broken Gralondla __: grill sell right, should make beautiful driver. 1& . -:. TzRals—All sums of $20 and under to _ be paid in cash. Over that amount [ o • Gleeson, Greenwood. 64tf _ . ._ "VOR SALE —One registered Sbro four month credit will be given to - _ ; 1 P- 'purchasers on furnishing approved : shire rarre�, aged, and six lambs ready for use. notee� A discount at the rate Of six Almtr reecc lie PC Amos Brlg"H lot Ser' r cent r annum will be allowed - : :•eon. 4, Pickering. Ind phone 27fe 4 e per per a on all cash payments over SM. FOIL SALE -(food serviceable horse ' "ad 11 years, will sell cheap, Also a nem- -. J -H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer _ .. bar of cak barrels, two suitable for vinegar Dar• .. - - • - Pickering Farms, Pickering. • - - - - �. Apply at the Fiekering Bakery 47ti Oct. 22nd. 1917. [�j Y, MAW, LIORNSED AUC- _ - ✓� _ - - - 4. _ IAQIt fill.! BY _ _ - 1 • TIONEER ,for York, Qntarb and Dvr� -ink bounties, Aa kinds of teles prompty attended . J • • qV!,.; tea Tersrreatoaahk Dates for asks raj h• - - -- _ - -Ce We Iaddle, Agen� Pick , ' arraaged at NEw3' Ofazv. BA and ladepoe- eVsat Muer• whith7, out. Ay o 7 �:.•al "t'wes ,. . � ... �'•.+. ..., w 'r _,w •. ":: .,.. �. •+"6- vx _ Y ... ¢«;,ii :,C.: .. - w�,r•�,,t moo momr 0000 Of '11oeorllo,. spent �" x • �� , � aaday oelO wit1L 6•! Y►Otlr- ��� lit •- _ f " 4'•t"'« •. Thk, . L�U� YARD.. a ti Thomas Birkstt ' hi�i riturned - • M oM moo - `from a ten days business trip, to tfLY _ the States. _ . HARDWOOD FLOORING red s► �� - - Fred and -Mrs. Madill'. of Stoaff- villa, _sppeent Sunday tore with We can supply hardwood flooring is _ � �� �� � � This is just the thing to rst on jour 'stock to keep the lies ,their eeptnves. 'in beecb, birch. maple, P d ' a Mrs. Thoa. Birkett spent a few quartered. White and red ioai is �� away:- fief a supply ani shwa iaersase 51 days during the ' pest week with all Hyades, widths and thickness r g. s „ .... Jas O - _ the supply of milk. •_ friends and relatives in Aurora. _ _- — - Miss Mary Morgan returned to ROOFING •� -~ M ?eb .-the city on Moods sitar a rad- a 1< •..... �.. b►00 ty- y Bu Rubi'oid Read Roodag, the gg Ing several weeks _at her home first read roofing, in 1891 ss -' : _ Ing • _ y g w>. a PLOW: SHA-RE,S Thos. E. and Mrs. Stephenson SHINGLES "• sae 000 `. and .daughters, liiaeea Vets and l: � C s �' �« July ' � ' For all kinds o! Plows on baso and they are Bold at � Choice B. C. -red cedar shingles Merle, spent Sunday with friends-. the lowest possible prides at' ' -.. Oen. � in Glbsgow' W D Gordon & Son',' a ■ oa se. J. H. Beal has a stalk of corn . r .: which was grown in his garden Dee v and which measures 16leet, 8 in- PICKERING, _ aaary int-wns�by s o bawa o,Hsow�hamCHASs 'S.AR G ENT" . .ehee in length. s, eorf P•ery q, vsb:iass• u. o.nasaa+ea�w, B••irwa 9, IIpt•rero�• e W.' A. Forgis, of the Standard Bell and Independent phone. Band, Beaverton, spent Sunday In Unit there is Strength _ : rCLARF SON T, .Ont• at the home of his parents. John The , Fruit Store - s7 : and Mrs. Forgie. Wm. reports HAS THE QUALITY •Beaverton s fine place. There iss, great movement at res- The patty who borrowed an ex., .; ,, eat for co-operation among the farm - tension ladder from Charles Sar- Melons, Peaches, : erg of Ontario and every farmer t. Seal„ and forgot to return it, will invited to join the good work. •eoofer-s favor on him by return Phs� Attend the meetings to the u n O. ing it at the earliest opportunity, and all Other Fraise Club and become better acquainted .- ea he wishes to use it. with your neighbor and mutual re- epect and eonSence will develop. 0 U. Remember Andrew and Cecil In Bea80 .0 Room for a few orders of twine yet, 9}tory's sale which takes place this -- place them with the secretary. and all (friday) afternoon. Those wha - - ars desirous of securing good hor.--NEILSON s I-OlA CREAM those getting twine through fhb slab Plain in •ones, sradass or to are asked to get it emmptly from Mr. see or registered or high-grade ><ee-•re.aa .oche- ,alw,ys Send, t[arquis or Lorne Pnekria.. A. full lwe A Gf'reen's and Leary' Bread -�w antis should . not fail to attend �4 shie sale. H. �., MARQUIS United Farmers' and Pastry Flours, also The coal situation still remains 4st�io Club, Pickering. - very unsatisfactory. Two ear- s S ; . 6 Varity Bread Flour Loads have -been received here re- z. sen sly, but that disappeared in a �e � � NOW Don't miss my Gigantic- Bale -ver short time. Most of our 0 = Z Q I Z fV sesIdents have none or very little dating from October , e►n hand and the recent anew- A reliable Agent in Ontario Count 19tk to 27th. • storms are .. matin them �� to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit ani (IaeQhn6 and Motor oils. Axle Grease s". S q..• Ornamental Tress during Fall and anxious. Winter months. Good pay, exclusive 800 palm Yen's Military Boos; Pte. Iii. B. Petery, eon of A. D. territory, free selling equipment. regular i.bli, going at s1b86 j�9ohlne 0118 Of VarlOtiS hinds. Peters, of this village, has, been Over 800 Acres of the choicest Nare• 100 pairs Men's Fine Boots, awarded the military medal for ezy Stock, includingxsw varieties, . regular 6.00, going at 8-i0 -- 'A fall line of Barnes' Baskets always bravery in the field In a recent controlled by us. adsome up -to- 100 Pis Ladles' Fine Hoots, engagement, We congratulate him date selling equipment and a splendid regular 6.00. going at 8.60 y canaidian-grown stock to offer custom- On hand. w en the honor than conferred upon ers• We are not jobbers. Write now many other bargains. but space >cim. He }sae been transferred for agency terms to will not admit mention. � s ' �' A N N I S _ to- the band of which he was P$yHAM NURSERY C6., - • .._ : w s member. Toronto. Ont. _ j , �� D --.E# The Sacrament of the Lord's a+ • - Su per will be administered in the B.-Catalogueoragencies sent r request to Methodist church next Bund applicaa ;o s�genciss or pu i1ba gra NORTH CLAREMONT 4y o Nurse k i` _ :morniog at 10.80 o'clock. The business meeting will be held on _ - %': Monday night; Nov. 6th. at 7.80 - Choir practice will be held this _ week on Saturday Di ht at B - Mr. - - o'clock, at the home of Mr. Ward. -. _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ The union services on�Sunday_ last were well attended. In .the R �MO'ney_ . w evening the Preybpterian churchhy oeSja,na�, +was filled to the door to hetir Rev. _ Mr. McLellan preach his excellent, _ isermonon "Coosersption . It was �one of Mr. McLellan's beat efforts, Sell ngBo • _ bnds and wpe listened to with rapt at - Excellent music was fur- sished the choir, under the able - by ONDS are issued payable. 1n ten or twenty years, a _ -leadership o! W. M. Palmer. s e case may The first regi snow -storm of the ' season took place on Thursday of +++��B-"' ` It means that repayment of . the money will- be spread over ten of twenty w ?set week when snow to the depth . of about three inebes fell. It did - - -years instead of being raised by taxation t0 3neet Current expenditures. not, however, remain long, but 'I'o raise by'taxation all the money as fast as It is needed to carry on - soon diesppeered. On Monday of �'. this week one of the heaviest Canada's share in winning the_ * war, would be an unbearable burden upon tainfalls of . the year took place. and in consequence farmers are .the people. - . - • . _ 4 delayed' considerably in their lowing operations and in getting It would mean that more than'a million dollars a day would hie to be In their roots. rai-sed right now.- _ - John Sullivan of the 6th con. of .. ' �. -- Uxbridge, died eliddG01Y on Isatur,- day night at the home of his �brother-in-law. Jacob Brillinger. / two mile east of Claremont. The B t to raise movY e by selling Canada's you gives personal Pl that are ,deceased, who was 60 years of age. has been poorly for some time �suffertnqr from heart trouble, and his death though sudden, was not oaszpected. His funeral took place on Monday to Quaker Hill Cemetery in Uxbridge township. He in survived by one son who lives in Uxbridge. Wm. Graham returned home on Monday afters three weeks' trip cot west on business, going a$ far as Vancouver. He reports the es a farmers in the western provinc as being very prosperous. There has been a fairly good crop and she abnormally high orices more - than Compensate them for any deficiency in the yield that ma be found in some parte. The v&T. ,oe of this year's crop is estimated at $160,000,000 more than in •any former year. The fall plowing and threshing are now far advanced but there has been snow for over two weeks and sleighs are now ruenina: _ Remember the drama and con - 0 vert to be given in the Masonic . Hall thia.(Friday) evening in aid of tine sock fund *of the 'Women's Institute. The drama which is entitled "The Fruit of His Folly", Will be given by the Markham Dramatic Club. This drama has already been given twice in Mask - ham and they ba been asked to ,wgain repeat it. In addition to the drama, - a first-class musical .programme consisting of solos, duets and violin 961ba will be given by R. E. Forsyth, Mrs. Hoover _ . Aod-fors: Cowie, Miss Brown and iflvans Ward and M. J. Wilker Sverybod some and help .a Hood _.. Agmisdon 80 cants. ... u Victory Bonds means .. that . those of the by the - going to help to win the war. Every man and woman in Canada can hext generation who will benefit _ sacrifices, this generation is -.making; - -'help to win the war by buying Canada's - - -- —who will share in the freedom this Victory Bonds. And Canada wants the . ,n genertioa is fighting for and largely pain g' .:' Pets°nal , individual interest - and co -opera- the 'for—will also pay their share.. tion of ever► man and woman in - .... _ _ The buying of Victory Bonds. by the And when you 'buy Canada's Vict Y Y' :. whole people unites them in adetermination t Bonds you make a first. -class business 'ia- - : to will the. war, - vestment ins security that is absolutely. , Every p of Canada's Victory =: safe, likely -to -enhance is value after the Bonds is- a 'blow for freedom against the - r war, and bearing a good rate of interest. . 'tyranny of German Kultur. k You help the country by keeping open --- - - Every bond sold is a new guarantee V' - . i products ' • the British market for Canadian p that Canada is in the war to the `finish, and this helps the general welfare in which until victory is with the Allies and the - y�>u-world ]zas been made safe to in. - - _: ...Every bond you buy is a new pledge I And.again every Canadian who buys that Canada will ..remain, true to herself, the 8 Victory Bond becomes a financial partner Empire,Ahe Allies and to freedom's cause. or backer of Canada in 'the war. ` = ' So it is both patriotic and good busi- _ Whenyou buy a Canada Victory Bond tress. ,to f ... ' -.• -- •. , .. - :.•- ... • ,. .., � Buy Canada s on Victory . - Issued by Canada's Victory LoadCommittee ; is co-operation with the I1ISaister of Piaaace of the Dominica of Canada • 72 Aw .....�..si/�.h..,.M:d•�Y'd:Ew'.....�..,rt•.-rvenS _+a, .. nG_a_w,. na.,.em.mm:•,d!'I'iM.:�. w'.'"�.,iii'>L:. �iC`,z.�r�YL.L�C$.i'�^'lti.'. M '44 '19 M? TS -many ttutalnd ber , . ids her .... .... _ �. attsntions iathei_ Feneda fret,' x We 10 +taas+I oaf •s by fnwanssrabl* small sagas, by count. , WHOLESALE . PRICES �' unspoken words, knew that he � Worth P�r�otecting � i was n ungratiilul. , . :. And�*+gt, tie Ry, as she walked up the hawth�n-scented glen, where the burns, swollen by yesterday's rain, A g article is worthy. of a good package. � seemed, as they leapt down the hilt- A rich, trong, delicious -tea like Red Rose is , aide, to be' shouting to, the bawling worth uttln into a scaled package lase it • " t rivet below: "We comet we camel"— and p g � � p • and where the sbeep grazed among fresh and good. the boLlders with their noses as yer- r. sistentdy close to the ground as though A cheap, co mmm Raga to `R� CM they had been great white._ leeches tea is hardly worth �t (To be continued.) ' taking care of. aqd in ,. n An exceptional' opportunity' to Ret a first- f usually fold, in bulk. class machine ata bar galry Equipped with A.1 Motor, Universal Tone Arm chat plays always all makes of records and Tone Cont of for Red ROfC la NEW USES FOR WOOD. sold in the sealed t ' • e -� .full or modulated. ,volutes. Fjaa, Sr� fact, - ._._ y •• _ all the features found on the higher tae of the - finLatest Products is Artipackage which keeps • '•priced' mactrinee. The case 1s in mahogany Ne finish, 41 In. high. it gpod. One year guarantee with each inchina. it 'Silk Stockings. if not as represented return within '10 Silk stockings; phonograph records f' days ck and get your. money ba vNow and sausage casings are .all' being _ ^ _ 'Price while they last i86 cash with _ order or c:o.D. m'ade.of one material to-day—wood. What --Keeps Us Warm? ' D. ROBERTSON' Silk is largely composed of cellulose, An Insult To Royalty. ( We are accustomed to thick that the . and as wood is composed chiefly of I The ideas of the world change;, sun warms the air, but it doesn't to E9SiOe�' ig.as, cellulose it has. been found possible to an reef extent -at all "events, not 7? BAY ST. - TORONTO p what is unwelcome 'to -day becomes Y g I s, produce silk from wood, says the Ilius- i welcome to -morrow. There is an in- directly. . --- li< trated' World: The cellulose of thef I _ teresting bit of evidence of that in an " -4 d' fl t' rt d t b-' hi h woo !a rs cone e m o s su musing' complaint, long. forgotten A delightful lrienda p is t at which . stance• known. as viscose, which great- 4d now brought to light • by the exists between the Royal House of ly resembles celluloid and- is often, Manchester Guardian, Britain and the ill-starred Empress used as a substitute for. it; also as I When postage stamps first came i Eugenie. Queen Victoria was very casing for sausages. + into use in England, some persons de- ' fond of the -Empress; and very recent - In the production of silk the viscose dared that the effigy o! majesty wasly the King and Princess Mary. paid is dissolved in water, forced through too sacred to nerve as a label for let-' her an intimate little visit. lite capillary tubes of a spinning ma- i ters. chine and the fine threads produced "gave you seen' the stamps ' yet?" are hung up to dry and -to be convert- wrote' one ardent loyalist in 1840. EAPTER IX.—(Cont'd.) p ed into cellulose by warm currents of „ Send Them TO time to keep things as straight as he This is the greatest. insult the pre- FARKER does." air. The threads -,are then "woven into sent Ministry could have offered the! Upon the bank might well serve as a , .$He?" repeated Fenella, astonished "silk" cloth wit)z s cotton warp. Queen." Pretext for business.. The look in his at the use of the pronoun. This artificial silk is very difficult. to ' scornful black eyes had spoken plainly � King Ferdinand o! Sicily took the ' Anything ail the nature Of the . enough. And net as his first plainly my I ,Duncan, to be sure! And the trop- distinguish from the original .product matter 'so seriously - that - he had a j cleaning and dyeing Of fabric!! had began to melt; it was a pity, ble he takes over it!—more trouble and is offering keen competition in the special postmark made in the shape than it.'s worth added Adam w:th market. CaSI be entrusted to Parkers really, and would make her visits to r of a frame so that the . officials could. ..Dye Works -with the full assur. .Adam so much more t:ifficult. They a conviction w ich was proof even cancel the stamps without striking,hia against unit What do you think ». ante of prompt, efficient, and lied grown so pleasant, these ;faits;' g y - - portrait - �� i and, with Yncreasing •familiarity, , the, he does wben he conte home dog-tired p _ es+onomiCSi serviCe� rustic details had revealed such unex-; from the quarry? Take a rest, may- Ashamed Enough. ( - • - flakes parcel of goods YOU wish reno- be . Not Duncan It's down on his ; petted charms. She was quite intimate; Robert's mother was wont to close voted, attach Written in_ - 'now with the inside of that but which,i kr-ees he is, the moment hes swa-low- stracta In* to each ed his su er, scrubbing at th^ flag- her reproaches with "I'm ashamed of lam, ..at first sight, had given her such a pp g I ou as I can be," and the word salaam--perimental Arithmetie. and send to as by parcels shock of displeasure. Neither the stones as though he were bent on Y post, or exprese, We ' 'flagstones of the floor, nor the hang- I scrubbing the face oft them—or may- I ed, therefore, was constantly in his Schoolmiatreas--Well, what's the pay carriage we way _. ng platform which represented the be careering round with the bloom ears. ,'matter; has Johnny -got the tooth- Or, if on efer, send ceiling, nor even the underside of the after the cobwebs. . And it no that I One day, -after he had eaten up -his acbe ? for the you first, thatch, plainly visible above crossed alone; be's no content with having• little sister's candy, his mother said Angry Mother—No, Johnny hain't by birchen branches with the uric still things clean, he wants them ddress your smart) to him: got the toothache! ` He's suffering Sete dure art tete - . • on, any, longer offended :ier finer • too• Now, that paper edgi ig to the "Robert, did you eat Dorothy's can- from your fool teaching. You told sa dept.. y - sensibilities; and this principally for shelves; and . Adam waved a band- dy .when I distinctly told you not to "' I him he was to tell how long it would , ' the reason that, humble though it all aged hand in the direction In which PARKER S DYE WORKS' was6 she had gradually discovered that, he knew the latest ornament to be— Yes, ma'am, said Robert, in a take him to eat twenty apples, if itI it was yet absolutely free of that of- -,! "You'll maybe no believe mo when I tone of triumph, "and I'm just' as took him one and a half minutes to i lensisre "messiness" which too often ;tell you that he was up at lour thin i ashamed om myself as I can be, so eat one apple—and he's got. stuck or. T431 YONGE STREET �„ TORONTO ^ ,� is -the boon companion of such, morning to get them ready. —What's you needn't be ashamed of me at all. the fifteenth! - humility: The impression of cleanli-' that you're snippin ' at?' I asks him, ness and order which bad struck her when I heard the scissors go. `New — - --- - - -- — - -- — on the first day grew steadily with' fringes for the shelves, father,' he ~ ?.. each fresh visit, ''here were things says, 'the old ones are getting _ower a� that amused her—such as Cie display shabby.' 'Duncan' I whiles "says to } of empty -biscuit -tins upon the mantel-; him, you're as LZ as a woman, any + - fete— or the choice of prints upon day; if you don't look out you'll ' be + f ... •..... p p p the neatly papered walla Her favor-, growing as fussy as any old maid in iI Its among these was a certain very thepparish.' " well fed Joseph being sold. b hi&- - "IiOw strange—I never would have - u - brethren. one ofWhom was pchinsgithought that-of-Dune—d can. Hoesn't ina ,. the calves of his legs; something afters look. -like that, somehow." r the method of a farmer showing off-, Fenella glanced about her with t. il'*+:'� "'�" ' :ti : �': ; ;: ' S ,; +" n`• i _ _ _ -the "mints" of a prize; thou this ` - pq P though � frankly astonished eyes. Tl. a pink s • wan closely run by an imposing array paper -binges and the blindingly of gersonages in kilts, which, to judge bright biscuit -tine were far from be- I ° f':' ;; �• from the uniform loom of the wear-' ~! 'r 8 Ing isolated in their language, for in t ere countenances, must have been con- a of u w the window -sill something •' �: siderably too tight about the waist. a ."t• , Q µ seemed to be trying to grow—not S': b `"'� ; -But though some of the details made h _ S.• .%:' :' _ _ Fei.ella. smile, none of them made her on the fly—w ale in a mug up on the table a branch of !lowering .:..� •;: •� '1 ' % ':' discovery'that when Duncan had re- turned from tjle quarry that day she eould'not'forbear a half -quizzical com- pliment, destined, perhaps, to provoke some explanation of the phenomenon. But here she succeeded ill. 'I've just :Found -out that •it's you who act'the housemaid Here,"'she had ' said smilingly, though with that touch of condescension which still lingered in her bearing towards the son, though no -longer towards the father. "Do you know, -1 am quite astonished at your achievements!" Duncan flushed' hotly, more hotly than offended modesty seemed to de- mand.• "What is there to astonish you? A I man doesn't need to be a gentleman, does he, in order not to be fond of jiv- ing in a pig -sty . The brusqueness of the adswer-was so pronounced that Fenella 'hastily -dropped a subject';which, for some rea- son or other, seemed to be a sore ono. But he was not always so unfriendly as this; And though he had never, in {1 9 y. on V£ - oole"d into glnuatations'..."..�. tions ' only •genuine Victrolas and - 'Vidor Records `dear the Trade : Mark known the World over - - His :Masters Voice : tY P Lookfor it when buying and be sur_ a you get `: •`' the genuine article—the real thing costs no more •1�' - - Berliner Gram -o -phone Co. - fr !! MONTREAL - LIMITED _: Won Lenoir Street 7��• "� 1627-I0e S a budder. Whatever there was of metal shone ever with blinding brightness, hawthorn, evidently freshly gathered, what there was of crockery blinked Immaculate. That distressing lis-. mingled its scent with that of the hot oatmeal which, within these walls, Play of family linen which was the seemed perennial. The symptoms struck her all the more because of !rule elsewhere seemed here unknown. So abnormal, in fact, did1his state of their seeming incongruity with the al - things appear to Fenella --ail the more leged author of them. It was indeed , difficult to connect pedantry and fussi- ��_ • Abnormal in the absence of a house- wife—that on had Hess with the almost aggressive viri:i- ` _. one occasion she �nterrogsted Adam an the subject ty of Duncan's personality. Appar- discoveries be is it a neighbor who keeps our but .:a.. ,w__?,.. w.H j. eptly there were to made about this rustic cousin of hers. �tbe first of the discov a. her e e being c•lughf, by, some wonder- ful edging of pink rapei fringing the tries; !ora few days back, upon a he "-the crockery shelves, which had not been tie shelf in the darkest corner c room, she had come upon a small col - there at her lee► .*isii, Adam m Adam laughed--& laugh that . held a lection of well-worn books, and not ' !both gt and vanity: "Are exactly the ort of books she would I have expected to find quarryman � - any of the neighbors' huts kept like oars is ?" e - hut; for beside the inevitable "Scrip- _ From where he eat in the wooden tures" and a . volume of Sunday at Home, she had been rather taken armchair before the hearth he turned his still bandaged head from side toson aback to read such titles as "Emer- " "Paradise .side, as though with big Iost eyes he s Essays, Lost," .ab well' as "a condensed history of Eng- !' could see the familiar details, "Tell me truly, Miss Fenella: have land. and a third or fourth hand. copy ou seen an y anything as braw as this of a work entitled,' Ten- Years in Canada." here room in all Ardloch—barring the Rectory, of course," he deferentially "Duncan's bboks," Adain . had `ex - "He's adder plained when questioned. "No, indeed, I haven't; and that's " mighty fond o' reagin'." This, too, had been a revelation to whyI can't u "o more can I," chuckled Adam.. Fenella, and had 'he! ed to' explain the N "It won't enter into me how he fir_ds superior, quality his English com- pared to that of .his. father. So interested was she in her latest discovery'that when Duncan had re- turned from tjle quarry that day she eould'not'forbear a half -quizzical com- pliment, destined, perhaps, to provoke some explanation of the phenomenon. But here she succeeded ill. 'I've just :Found -out that •it's you who act'the housemaid Here,"'she had ' said smilingly, though with that touch of condescension which still lingered in her bearing towards the son, though no -longer towards the father. "Do you know, -1 am quite astonished at your achievements!" Duncan flushed' hotly, more hotly than offended modesty seemed to de- mand.• "What is there to astonish you? A I man doesn't need to be a gentleman, does he, in order not to be fond of jiv- ing in a pig -sty . The brusqueness of the adswer-was so pronounced that Fenella 'hastily -dropped a subject';which, for some rea- son or other, seemed to be a sore ono. But he was not always so unfriendly as this; And though he had never, in {1 9 y. on V£ - oole"d into glnuatations'..."..�. tions ' only •genuine Victrolas and - 'Vidor Records `dear the Trade : Mark known the World over - - His :Masters Voice : tY P Lookfor it when buying and be sur_ a you get `: •`' the genuine article—the real thing costs no more •1�' - - Berliner Gram -o -phone Co. - fr !! MONTREAL - LIMITED _: Won Lenoir Street 7��• "� 1627-I0e S a e 5_1 J ry in the Oven, to dry. Rub between the 0 YOU hands and -rub through a fine sieve to .�.AW cou r - SA cm remolver the course onion particleiL Place in a jolly glass or fruit Jar. Use buy cheaper teas but for seasoning meats, fish, vegetables, soyets, c. Add one teaspoonful of augur to the boiling water in the saucepan .vrhen cooking green vegetables. When baking beans add two large onLOUS r k and two green peppers chopped vary fine. VERDUN'S INTEREST TO US. ..49 ° undoubtedly the most eco6olnical and What' F,mdii, Fortre,o to Spot Witere Napo 4owears to be. 'cheap in price will prove to'be loon Imprisoned British Civilians.. in use. The fresh young leaves of v extravagarA erdunalways been looked upon 4Salada" will yi4d you generous value for with interest by the' British race, for our it was there that our Civilians were ymoney•. Your. imprisonedB lib at the time of the Napo - He'll !sonic war. For 6 time they enjoyed Appieciate their internment, and were allowed a V Good Judgment As Well good deal of liberty. Horse racing and kindred sports were permitted on ®� I those very plains where the -Germans. As Your Good Will have been attacking, but under WIr- egirne' those concessions were if for Christmas, 1911. im's r you sen withdrawn,' and the plight of the pris="him'a Gillette Safety Razor! That's in all that- melancholy period. They oners affords the most painful reading 'the gift that is valued Overseas for itself as well as for Were taxed out of all comparison -to the sake of the sender. Fe'w articles of personal DOMESTIC* SCIENCE AT HOMEtheir means, and those who were un- equipment are so welcome, for the Gillette is known I able io"pay were -often cast into dun- up and down 'the Allied lines, by Canadian, Briton Sixteenth Lesson. Rolls, Ten Biscuits and Buns. Igeons, where they lingered untjl, and Anzac, Frenchman, Italian and American, as the R9,11s and -L tea biscuits make a de-" each other. Set to rise as directed for death came as a release. For no ap- on to a clean and enjoyable shave. .1 ghtful addition to the daily bill of, bread for forty minutes. Bake in a, reason numbers of these unfor- e sure passport fare. The replar bread dough may moderate oven for twenty-five mi -.Parent te beings were marched barefoot- glaze. tuna Even if he has already had one, the man in whom be used in making them. Remove from oven and cupful of ed to the neighboring fortresses Parker' -souse ROJIS c only readL , with a syrup made of one f brown to be- ordered -to re . new th the journey your �hopes centre will be glad to get another Gillette 'molasses, one-half cupful 0 Safety Razor. For under active service Condition the recine for white bthe sugar, one tablespoonful of ��Inegar,'back some months later. sponge method. When the ­ad -is cne tablespoonful of butter. Place in I Verdun was the blackest :.ain on the equipment so sought after as the Gillette strays easily ready for 'the pan, roll on a sightly' a saucepan and boil to 220 degrees I Corsican's character, and the horr rs] ten, and he may now be trying . to worry along ",d pastry card one-quarter inch Fahrenheit using a candy thermorne-' 0 and of th.ck. Cut with a four -inch cookie a perpetrated there have only been eX again without one. So whatever else your box may 0 cutter, brush them with melted but-' ter. celled by the German treatment of the I yolks of two eggs be' t contain, don't forget a GILLETTE *AFETY-RAZOR The gs may Ier, ther'fold uver'in pocketbook style, added t� these doughs when starting, civil popqlation of Belgium and north-. pressing firmly. Set nos wel'-greased ern France. .,.-.=d a good'supply of blades. If a, richer quality is desired. -thirty inches apart. Set to rise for; Old Yorkshire Scones if you prefer, we. will take your order, through your dealer or thirty minutes. Then -brush with egg! ' and milk wash. Bake .for eighteen I Cook a'suff icient number of potatoes i -BIRDS GREAT TRAVELLERS. abred� and deliver the razor of your choice from our nearelik minutes in a hot oven. Quickly brush; -to measure one cupful when mashed, depot Overseas. Ask your dealer about this when he sham. you the tops of the rolls upon their ar-and while i. hot add two tablespoonfuls Swallow 'Marked In England Caught his Gillette assortment. Tival from the oven with melted but- of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, I -a of salt, one cup-: fn Africa, 6,000 Miles Away.. —Pocket ter. two tablespoonful Standard Sets and "Bulldogs" cost $5.00 Tea Biscults-- �-fol of scalded milk. Beat well to mix -1 A thrush was caught at Soutlip'orJ-1 Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets $6.50 Prepare the dough as for 'he Park.;- Let the mixture -cool to eighty degrees, recently with a ring on its leg'marked i up — at Drug, Jewelry and Hardware Stores - or House one-quarter Fahrenheit, then crumble in one yeast e rolls. Roll it one-, floor "Inform Witherby. High Holborn, inch thick, then brush with melted cake and a sufficient q"ntitY Of make a- stiff dough. about three London." Mr. H. E. Witherby, who Afaile are congested—ohiPments81060- 3andhisOlTaftsoaro? "butter. Fold w over the'doujh and beat', to in Turn on a pastry is the editor of British Birds, has, with a roiling pin for three minutes. and a, half cups I for twenty imi- since 1910,,bkd 75,000 birds so marked QUETU SAFM LAZOR CO. OF CANADA, UMUED, with two-inch cookie cutter. Set beard and knead well ..Cut In _wArm Place tor. rise for eighteen notes. Now break off pieces weigh- in the hope, of learning . something office &a Factery Gillette RdAhg, umtres, 274 Then brush with egg wash. ounces. Mold into about their travels. A swallow ring-, minutes, ' I one and a half Sprinkle "r and b, q. . Cover a troy with -a cloth d in Lancashire was found seven with granulated -su bake in a hot oven. for fifteen n unutes.' la the molded balls on the cloth! loth and, months later at Grahaistown, South 1 allow them to rise for ten minutes Cinnamon Cake I" Africa, 6.0ft miles away, A "lesser i Now flatten them out with the palm Use the recipe calling for straight in black -backed gull." ringed at the of the hand. Cover and let rise age F6 r dough 'method' in the bread recipe -s. for thirty minutes. - Lift with a. Farne Islands, -off - Nerthumberland. HIGHEST PRICES PAID When the dough is ready for the Pans, i spatula or cake turner and put them was found eight months lour at St. •roll it three-quarters of an.inch thick., orie inch spart_upon the u turned bot- � LOuij, SenegAl, and a blackbird, ring- For POULTRY, GAME. Cut the size of the pan. Place in a I torn of a baking pan. upturned a little i ed. London, was found in Moscow a EGGS & FEATHERS ITra'p I I . I.:Pieaso writ* for paxticulars. well -greased pan and set to rise for; gifted flqur to cover the top of the few. weeks -afterwards.. It.would seem brown sugar, one-half cupful of flour, I b, -it' mum INN, EN 7 thirty' minutes. Brush ''the top with cones. Bake in a moderate oven a co� that birds are greater- travellers than tg -wash a.:*,d cover one-quarter Of An:-f,r fifteen minutes. 20 Sonsecours Kwk*%. Woutreal inch deep with one-half cupful of I Do not grease the upturned surface most of us imagine. Of the baking pan eover c U OR= two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon. five a slight coating of sifted flour. • tablespoonfuls of lard. Mix the dry' -�IAKING MEDICINE ingredients Yell, then rub in the lard; Egg Glaze for Rollo.-' �BLOOD Design for Use one egg and four tablespoon Until crumbly. - Place on the dough; h u fuls of syrup. Beat well to thorog- It took centuries for medical science To Lia -in a moderate oven and bake for: Fall Suit twenty minutes. ly mix, then apply to. the. rolls with B'to-discover that the blood is the life. ghka IftProffto From Fwu Now, it is 'known that if the blood WegishttpPing to the brush. Cinnamon Buns The housewife will find that,. if she SISsed Fear mixLure. buys brushes were always abundant, rich and pure Tor L4 =21`8 4118" 01.1 Use the straight dough I two medium-sized paint brus very few- people would ever be Ill. 1; ®r. , '" 09 _TLke th dough is ready for the of fair quality, she will save material- RZ, �, —.. - = not until the end of the 19th cen- DeVewo tram pans and roll it on a slightly floured ly in greasingpans and in applying that an instrument was invented tury 04 tto P" ftpz=e Vastry board one-quarter of an inch glaze giving the food a better appear. we ------- -thick. Then spread it with brown ance. Treat the new brushes to a' ,for measuring . the red part' of She WRIM FOR FRM BOOK sugar, cinnamon a -d currants and one a bath in scalding water. Wash blood. Then doctors could tell-4ust OEO' ulot butter to eve 1, ther, rinse in ==J —... pound of I -how anaemic a patient had become, ja=p= 61 -f -r ounce of ��e i plenty of cold- rummm lia" a Go. - 'dough. Roll like. jelly roll, but. in. water. Now dry, and they are ready , and with medicine to make new blood PWION WNW ON) 86 &0d16 a& .1 14 A —half —hes tlk;pl, Ifor use Always wash the brushes , i . - of well [419 s tea one en e pat Place -an that the buns barely - touch i after using. I All the blood -in the body is noun- PLANN I XG THE BILL OF FARE !shed and kept rich and red by the Canada exported $77,997,000 worth ' food taken daily, but when, for any of wood and manufactures of wood The arranging of the daily bill of In order that we make ri��mistake reason, a person Is run down and can- for the year ending March $1, 1917. 3 ill ,class ''not require careful planning to in arranging our menus, I w not make sufficient blood from the avoid waste. The first essential to be certain groups of vegetables that will food*to keep�the body in health, then a ..... . ..... considered Is the season of the ,,ear. form good combinations., iblood-making medicine Is required. 1F 11 d tmenu will re uire a T �1. 4A4. -tatoes rice I 41 a an win .. 4 n e group r I I .-aubstantial protein, a generous por- hominy, peas (dried), beans (dried) I The simplest and very beat of blood - suitable, for home use by-arry- - Mon of carbohydrates and starches, beets,, The second group . contains., makers I or boiled fish with hare -boiled eggs, covered together with fats and mineral salts. tomatoes, string beans, celery, aspara-one,Is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When, I sliced or chopped fine in the dressing. Dr. Williams', Pink Pills. %`Protein is available in meats, fish, I kus, spinach, cabbage, parsnips, tur-'a. course of these pills is taken their cheese, milk, eggs,rains and legumes nips, eggplant, cucumbers, lettuce, wa-'good effect Is soon -shown In an im- '(dried peas and geans). Starches tercress, fresh peas. i appetite, stronger nerves, a i 0 XccLLL Jellies Imm proved Are found principally in vegetables, It is also desirable to use a salad in sound digestion and in ability to. maa- 1 .Toots and tubers, sugar, 96th cane din- .16 'IN some form with the luncheon and ter your work and enjoy leisure hours. The body requires one-tenth of, Cents L box or six -boxes for $2.50 total num er -of-c-a1bries In protein- The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., sand beet. Mineral salts are found vers, thus providing the necessary, For women there is a prompt relief of, in fresh vegetables and ' Principally vitamines that are absolutely neces- *,garden greens, sary to maintain our balance. I or prevention of ailments which make As value -round Do not serve meats and eggs or I cine & cu life a, burden. an' all meth-. . re of ailments due ', , Curraw as The suit of many pockets h a This ThereP S 0 %5u erlor a Fla"r .To POSTUM as a table beveiage q package from the grocer is we I I worth a trial, in place of tes—e-sp.ecially Wben'Tea Disagreesl V 0 4 SIS an eggs a . -weak, watery blood no medicine dis- 11or instance, bash with poached eggs by medical science can equal I or boiled fish with hare -boiled eggs, covered I sliced or chopped fine in the dressing. Dr. Williams', Pink Pills. t This supplies the body with a larger, You can get Lthese pills through any than in by at 50 0 XccLLL Jellies Imm proportion of protein necessary. dealer medicine, or 0140 1 the from 'IN The body requires one-tenth of, Cents L box or six -boxes for $2.50 total num er -of-c-a1bries In protein- The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., :highfoo protein taken in excess of this, 1 All Brockville, Ont. value amount is eliminated from the body, in the kid--_ as The suit of many pockets h a This and this way overwork-.; neys and liver. An abundant supply� The world's finest bronze statuary -sand found in France that cliarm all its own. coat may have four of them, what more could Make as many as you cam Theywill be worth a 1 of starches and fats are required dur-1 is cast in ing the for the reason contains about 80 per cent, silica and ybb want? McCall Pattern No. 8044. great de to you next winter. I' cold: weather at the heat radiates from the ex- 120 per cent. alumina. that Misses' Coat Suit. In 4. sizes; 14 to 20 ycari. Price, 20 cents. t_`Al posed surface of the body. No mistake will be made in inckeas- I 'ing This pattern may be obtained 'Ontario's flocks and herds. A Success in cooking and serving f 6od from your local McCall dealer, or depends entirely upon the seasoning, great mistake will be made if care is Good seasoning will i to breed I.from Bond St. the McCall Co., 70 Bo dP and garnishing. not taken quality as well as turn the plainest dish into a banqifeCriumbers".' I Toronto, Dept. W.. fit for,a, king. The epicure and food! connoisseur alike declare that the "A Nicely Chosen Word. delectable goodness of the highest- Ihm C HEMSTITCH111 Of ,Nijinski, the famous Russian ,priced food lies chiefly In the dell. dancer, who is himself a good mu - 1 tate flavoring and seasoning used on al'ou"s, Dresses, Table Unein, &c. I.during Yet many sician, the following story is told: "Pure and Uncolored" cooking. persons Accordion and Knife Pleating. believe that Worcestershire sauce and Covered At a reception the other day K Niiinski4istened without wincing to a makes clear, delicious, ap;y p ii catsup, pepper and salt are t-- only Buttons made -from youi flavorings required. The the own material, pianoforte performance, more vigpr- jellies. The purity and E makes success easy. housewife keeps a supply of delect- Braiding and Embroidery. Ous than skillful. on the part of the the house. granulation 2 and 5-1b 10, 20 and 100-1b prepares able seasoningg which she Our ,New' Illustrited Catalogue to herself, and. the herb garden supplies just in, and we want eVery lady in daughter of ,M. Nijin3ki, how do you like my cartons Sacks tic her with many varieties whichshe Ontario to have It, blends,Ask little girl's playing T" the hostess ask - honor. your Grocer for skillfully 0 It Is Free Onion Salt,Gratd one large iinloi� Write For It— ons ed her guest of "Ah, madam," M. Nijinaki replied LA.I%MC SUGARI and add one-half cupful of salt, teaspoonful of whits pepper. TORONTO PLEATING CO. tactfully, "I think your daughter haff well and place In an earthenware dish 14 Breadalbane St, Dept. W. Toronto a vairy firm trade.' -a 11111' ..'m ... . .4.., ,. ..+•+... .,.. , .,i'Y.Y,'a.:2...c. v.,a.�c [-Rs^rJLCa•t'y. $Z. . .V. w...,..;�u��•.fw.Ld- a. .e+k.-.. .,.+,,...+.•..y.S,�8.+.>.°k'...:..a...,,y, ..?.,',:.S�8.- .'• t..^ .'.: ..�`. '. +'r.'�iy°•-•'/-.%- •iYx �"44•u�`°'�—a+x-si-w'an:.. .oio. . .s8. x• f' +'�«S�°fv•'�t F:.Ly• 7Z.^vs✓r M„:P . .'F:YrJ.s-;Gi.>{'.-:"�,,:[e- C `'cS✓.wr ,e y,. !�• ....,.i. ..r,.,+ .,...s ,� •: :�^,,�- ;;_fir`!? .a�.. r, � � ... _:4�f LnQALISMB _ —Dr. Henry will be here as usual —N. J. Morrissey, S. W. Davis, I r � .. next Tuesday to attend to his pro- W. Shepherd and H. Weds. sure ' - .. / �� .. ,. •-' x . - fessional duties. * leaving to -day for the north on a s -Fred Bunting was in the city —W. V. Richardson returned deer -hunting expedition. on Moeda home last week: after spending a ,—The largest travelling moving "4 —Mrs. W. J. Reid "and daughter few days in Newmarket on Basi- picture show in Canada is booked - - !� nt a few days with relatives in nese• for one week in the Town Hall, _ j' Tprooto. —A number -of the young sea Pickering, beginning Oct. 30 and -- �` � Right Store for Mrs. W. H. Major, of Wliite- from the village and vicinity went continuing ever night unti Nov. • vale, spent Sunday with W. J. down to Oshawa on Tuesday even- 5, giving an ent re change of pro- Convenience. and Mrs. Monsey. Ing to be examined by the medi- gram each evening. The pictures -,, firs. Jamey , Potter, who was cal board. may continue all next week. Fur- Get everything you want at the one plane. ;-" V9—the dick list*' last week, is able —The regular monthly meeting Cher announcements made at each to be around d n. of the Methodist Ladies Aid Soct- entertainment. DO NOT MISS �+�( j�,•�'sts �1d Sh --Wm. J. Allan, of Hamilton, sty will be held on Wednesday, IT. * V><' i+= ,! spent Tuesday night here with his Nov. 7th, at La m. at the home of Tihl'B TABLF,—Piekarin Staton G. ; �a and Delphirare, Crockery >' mo W J. Clark. ter. Mrs. Mrs.' Cordon Law, 8 1 —Dr. Cartwright, F. B. Ross• —Continual heavy rains is cans - No. B. Trains Borns Basi dee w folloiws— g No. 8 Mai 8.08 A M. rise as ssell Andrew have each fug work o8. the farms to ie great- 98 Loos) 8.45 P. M. a new Ford auto. ly delayed. Very little pplowing „ 80 Lows 6.24 P. ilia { Wall -Paper, Etc., Etc. —Mies Lydta'Major, of Whitby has been done eo sur and it ie also Tram going weal age w follows— -~ € Iddies' College, spent the week- difficult to get in the root crop. No. 29 Looal 10.97 A. M. end with Silos Leila Monne —Masters Harold and Walter •� 27 Local 8.85 P.M. • • • —The township council will Richardson entertained a forge • 7 M+fl 7.40P. M. A Few Specials �e: • •.. Meet on Monday next for the number of young friends to a Hal- Sunday included _ tiv►asaotioa of general bneinees. lowe'en party on Wednesday AUCTION SALE OF Sweet Potatoes. .. �. ... 4 The foe So A large new drive belt was evening, when a most enjoyable Spanish Onions. ..: ,..: . ° ... 6o per 1b .. pbwed in position one day this time was spent by all. Stock, laments The exemption tribunals will kf p • • . Yellow Danver Onions, . , . -go lb�6 lbs for Igo _week at the Campbell Flour Mills. ' — P .'• . , '.. Edwin and Mrs. Balsdon have begin their sittings • on Thursday Hay, Roots, Grain, Sts. -- �_ , _ .. __ _ - - ` been spending a week with their nest, when they will hear those Prime Cheese+ pee ... ... .. foo ib •---••---� am, Fred F. and Mrs. Balsdon, of making for exemption. The flow- The property of ;Pare Honey. .. ... .: .. 06r�Ii ernment has a list of all those in � R. 3W— W.'Md O V' �7 Ise per 1!iIse Bort, of Toronto, has Class Lao that none will be over- At his premises looked. , An erroneous impression In �. s Q '.. been spendinga few days with Lot IO,Coocesaiea 4, Pickarteg .•. .•. her uncle anaunt, W. H. and seems to be prevalent among s • : • ; . Mro° per• number that if they do not regia At 1E.80, sharp, on —John T. Stephenson has rent- ter they may be overlooked and 'y'�gday� November 6th, 1917 ,Men's Sweater Coats, $1.50 to $5.00, high assortment of colors • ed William Gilchrists's house on thus escape military service. This The following and sizes' Church street, which 128.8 jadt been is rather a hazardous game to play HOMES Boys' Full -over Sweaters—all-wool—coloie, brown, wavy and vacated by J. H. Stubbs. as it is up to every one In that Bay mare 4 yrs old in foal to King's maroon, $1.00° ' Cablegrams have been receiv. class to register, sod their failure Courtship reg, Brown mare 4 yrs old 7 ed by their parents announcing to do so make3 them liable to is foal to Sir Edward Darnley reg'd, den's Rubber Boots, $4.50 their safe arrival in England of heavy punisbment. It will also Filly colt rising 1 yr sired by Lord Joe Claris and Thos. Harding. be necessary for them to produce Gleneffer, Bay horse 5 yrs old h d, Men's Hip Rubber Boots, $5.60 ' —R. J. Fleming will hold an the counterfoil when requested to Bav horse 9 yn old h d, Ba driving " g do sob the lice or an N. C. O. mare 7 yrs old standard bred, Driving ` auction axle of about eighty we ll• y y mare 9 yr old in foal to Peter Wilton, �•� �•� bred hogs- at his promisee on the officer. CATTLE In Crockery • Kingston road east to -morrow —An auto load of soldiers, who due Red heifer due time of sale, Red cow y (Saturda ). See'advt. in another bout time of scow. Holstein cow had been celebrating Sunday in a Flower'Pots, with saucer complete, from 4 cts to 25 Sts each manner that could not be consid- due J column. Jen 4th, Grey cow due Jan 8th, Fancy Hanging Pote, 10 inch. 25 cents each - —An aeroplane, one dayy last seed orthodox by the Puritans of Holstein cow due Feb 14th, Spotted week, alighted in Harry' Wade's earlier times, passed through the cow due Apr 25th, Red heifer due Apr Fancy Hangin-x Pots,, 12 inch, 35 cents each !geld on the station road, owing to village between three and four 1st. Spotted cow due Apr 10th. Red t engine trouble. After making o'clock on Monday morning. but heifer due May 15th, Red cow milking Butter and Cream Crocks, all sizes, from lb cents to 55 cents necessary adjustments he was were compelled to remain here for E steers 2 -yrs old,_ Durham steer 1 yr a time As their su I o! asoline old, i calves aisle to proceed to his base near l y saaaP, PIGS AND P017LTRY � � had become exhausted. They as- Come! • ;lI you can't, just hone or send Toronto. 40 registered Cotswold ewes and lamb fP —John R. Winter, formerly of cared five gallons of coal oil, but 3 ram lambs and 1 buck. 5 Yorkshire Pickering. and who has been man this failed to work and they de- white sows due in December, 1 sow our order. '/F a do file ' gager of the Maple Leaf Milling Co. Poaitf+d It on the rnad. They also witb 10 piga 4 wks old, Sow with l0 - Y _ at Honors for a Dumber of years, failed in their efforts to tap the ppigs 4 win cid• Berkshire boar reg'd. - _ hue severed f his connection with tank in another auto belonging to 30 page from 50 to 70 Me each. 50 Rock rest promptly ithat firm, having secured a good one of our residents. Finally they bens laying .7 • , . position is Winnipeg. Aroused one of our merchants who 13117 1,.331=711 711 rrc, _ t Shad;Stephenson had the min- good-naturedly forw*k the com- Ford to)trinx car to good condition, So fortune o! havin one of hie fin forte of a cosy bed and made the Deerialit binder 'trucks and carrier me CHAPMAN-g g complete naw, Seed drill 11 -spout ars badly smashed by baving a wayfarers bappPpp newly new. Spring tooth cultivator, ;heavy weight fall upon it when -T M. McFadden shipped his Coen cultivator, Horse rake, Hay - working at the Campbell Flour household 'effects to Durham on tedder, Iaternational mower good. Stover and Raugfo Mills one day last week. Aa a re Wednesday, and he left on the Disc harrow good, Set of 'diamond - snit he is now off duty. evening train for that town. Mrs. harrows, Riding plow Dd-H, Fleury Range —John S. and Mrs. Balsdon re- McFadden will not leave until plow No, 21. Wolkl°son plow No° 31 If you want a Heater, with wheels, Steel land roller, or Cooking Stove you will find turoed•home on Fridayfrom their next week. In the departure of Dav _ hon moon which sus spent in Mr. and Mrs. McFadden. Pick- enport wagon with roller bearings our stock complete in everT Bring sustains a decided loss. Mr. new, Bala wagon with box complete, �. line, and at prices that will Landon, Out.. and other western McFadden has built a an envi- Gravel: box, Set of bob deighs, Lorry be sure to please yon. ;n points. They are now stetting P top reek new. Top buggy rubber tire nicely settled in their residence able reputation for business integ °earl new, Open buggy, Road wag- 131oves and Mitts of all kind for -'3 "adjoining his hardware store. rity, and is highlv esteemed by all on,eLaugblia cutter, Set of scales, fall and winter wear. Call —J. H. Stubbs mewed hishones who have bad business or social re- 2000 lb. cap. also platform for weigh- C9 in and see them. hold effects on Thursday last to lations with him. St. Andrew's Ing stock, Turnip -drill. Pulper, Scuff- '' their new home in Waubanehene. church will also mise theta very ler, Spray pump and barrel for white- We make a specialty of G}ranite- dire. Stubbs end family left that much as Mrs. McFadden by her w"Ittnsg and spraying. Dinner bell, -• ware„and,Cutlery. y of Boa has contributed great- Cream se +►tor, Churn and butter .4evening for Whitby to spend a gift to the pleasure of the @ervioes. worter, milt can,. Rural mall box,. Call and see one fall steak. few days with the former's sister y P Steel barrel for gasoline. Ford pump, _ before proceeding to their new The best wishes of a host of Mexican saddle, Sidesaddle, 20 storm, B U N D Y� - home. friends will follow them wherever windows. Cider barrel, Stove night or J. —Mrs. H. A. Matehett and dau• -their lot may be cast. day range hi h oven new, A lot of +•-- shterand Mrs. H. R. Herron re- —The anniversary services is grain bags,i� cedar poen, 20 rod end turned last week after visiting St. Andrew's church on Sunday main of of ew wire aeacing in rolls, 6 - •- their sister, Mn. F. H, Doyle, and last were most. successful.- Fine coal oil barretr.-11 Backe of cement, A iBOOTS, SHOES AND. RUBBERS -� other friends is Toronto,, for a addresses were given b Rev. Dr. quantity of lumber, shingles and fire - re wood. Aquantity of sees potatoes, A Now is the season to be fitted with boot@ and shoes to protect your couple of weeks. )Sirs. Matchett R. P. McEy, of Toronto. Dr- quantity of 3-ipch tile, Wheelbarrow, health during the wet season. We have put in afrock—an Is - and daughter purpose leaving b- Mcgay, who is one of the beet 2 Georgia pine oat boles.' mew stock of everything in footwear for men, woe- ° day for their home in Moncton, preachers in the Presbyterian gas, CORN, GRAIN AND HAY N. B. C12areh, has charge of the Foreign About 10 acres of corn, ♦quantity of en aad-children.. Our rubbers once seen always worts. —B.. W. Gordon, formerly man- Mission work of the church, and turnips, A quantity of hay. A quanti- ager of the Standard Bank here in that capacity has visited all ty of mixed grain. Boots for fine and heavy wear at one-third less than you will pay to 660 tarp r moved his household effects to his the mission fields, with which he HARNESS WM. stores. 0^11. and be convinced. A pleasure to show goo". J new come in Parkhill. The new keeps in closest teach. 'Hie ad- .3 sets of single harness one new, 2 seta Flannelette Blankets, in grey and white, 10.4,11-4. 1" at 1.75, manager, who will move sato the dress was chiefly along missionary of double harness with breeebingg 2 residence jest vacated .by Mr, lines. At the evening service the sets of plow harness. Cow chains. Ifog- 3.00 and 88i per pair. Gordon, left on Saturdayfor Vic- church was comfortably -filled, ng.ehs C Double u d boiler, Horse �iankeb. Cement moulds, Iron pi to -torts Harbor for his household the Methodist church having dis- Neck ,ores, wbiflitree.. Hoes, Fete G. A. GILLESPIE, DUNBARTON service is ordersee effects. teased with theirShovels, Axes, Lanterns and aumer- -Chas. S. Palmer is purchasing that they might attend, and their ous other articles. LOOK sr large gasotit� of turnips for pastor, Rev. J. W. Down, assisted As Mr. Love has sold hiai farm end is TOUNG MEN' I shipment The crop ie &.good one in the devotional exercises. On moving to Toronto, everything and the quality in excellent, and Monday ovening the heavy down- will positively be sold. the price that to being paid is 84 pour of min prevented a large Inspection, invited bofore the sale. -"a conte per •hundred pounds. Lsst number from hearing Rev. -Dr. Tommi—Glrato, turnips and all sums W e have on has' now a splendid assortment of Cape, fast is from the year, when the crop was almost a Wm- Patterson deliver his great of $10 and under, cash; over that wbolesales,�ey are the latest in Cape and sure,are dandies•' complete failure, the price was $1 lecture on "The Origin and Des- amount 18 months' credit will be per haadi•ed. tiny of the British $m ire." The Ivan to parties furniahing�approved Our Fall and Winter Samples for the Lowndes Tailoring Co. are lose a pp Dint notes. 6 per cent oR for cash. The a les this season are exceptionably the coats t,epeclaUr. —Dr.- Marsh_a8ka. that R eY A.. L. P_ : ty V member and adherent of St. And. G oggie would give an illustrated Ind. phone. Pickering l! the best'—We have row's church be present at the and humorous talk, but'thenews W. B.. Powell, auctioneer. given you the best of satisfaction before, and can again. moraingg seevice on Svinday, Nov. of his son's death in action in * * c Call and see us when in town next and we will be glad to show you 4th, s8. he has a special matter France and the manner of hie EIrM DALE MIT Li�7 anything in the line of Men's Wear. with them. The subject of the death had so' unnerved him, that PICKER=NGSGo to the Men's Store for Men's Wear, sermon will be "The Lost Christ". he asked to be excused. This was Every one welcome. . The evening a great disappointment, and when You can always get the best Mani•PICKERING - 's service will be of much interest. Dr. Patterson was asked to take toba Flour made from No. 1. B• A• BUNTINGS —After a lingering illness, Mrs. his place, he unhesitatingly con- Manitoba Wheat. jEstablished 1867. Jacob Simondeen died in Toronto, sented to do so, and those who at- Royal Household and Gllenor& for i 1,w on Saturday evening, where she has been for the past few years. ' Million St. An raw c urc on Monday evening enjoyed one of lives. , Bread. Tryabag. Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats In May last she had a pamlytie the great treats of their BRAN, SHORTS ' stroke and has been confined to The argument that he took was MI% FEEDS her bed ever since. Her funeral that the Anglo-Saxon race, which UAT CHOP -- took place 'on Wednesday, when comprises the British Empire and CRUSHED OATS her body was laid to rest in the the United States, was the ten BARLEY CHOP Mimioo cemetery. lost tribes of Israel, and that the WHEAT —Mr, Rowe has resigned his promise made to Abraham, Isaac CRACKED CORN position as principal of the Pick. and Jacob, that through them the MI%ED HEN FEED '4 ening public school, to take effect world would be blessed, was be. Caldwell'@ Cream substitute at the New Year. Mr. Rowe has . jog fulfilled by the Englieh•speak- Calf Meal. been offered a good position,to•go Ing people, as 95 per cent. of into. Molasses Meal to the Pacific Coast with all ex- sionary work of the world was be. ' 'CHOPPING AND OAT pensee paid, hence his resigna- Ing carried on by them. He CRUSLINGI EVERYDAY tion. Mr. Rowe has been doing predicted that the Anglo-Saxon G O prices on feed in ton lots. excellent work since taking charge race would de victors in this war, BELL PHONE. 'h of the school here, and it is with as the fulfilment of (Sod's promise regret that his'resignation demanded it. The total receipts 1cep hbias beeu accepted at these services was about $138. Chopping every day. i 1,w