HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1916_06_02,.,; .. ,--i,.,asw .....,..,,. - w ;•we;t.. •a +��_' 'err _ ..r :_ti,..-! '^..,rqv„' - ,,.•:•sass > aw.... ... .•. � -.y � n• +`�. �-,: •t -d �w .. :..:y. ...•:-r ;- .e... : .� � .. ,.. ., �.�-'1._,,. - ... ._ seas ..,.� •'�s.� ::a.. . �v fix^. "�s. _ .,,.c last .! �!«u'^M' m: sass. _� :sass • �... .--. •. ,.. - �a,,.q ._sass ER .. N. TH . . . . . . . ... IC I`- VOL.xV. PICSERINC, ANT., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, '191 - No. 3 rofsf;iff,onal garb*. ""; — WEST HILL. DUNNARTON Established 75yyeare SP !ILL Tredway has gone bfick farm- • Miss Nellie Thom is visiting friends Medical in g• Rather lonely for him. in the city. k; Miss A. Ormerod. Highland- .Creek, Mr. and Mrs.- Washington are the GREENWOOD'.,f_,��Q E.-FORSYTH, D. of O., Regis- is now S resident of this place. guests of 'Waiton Annis. tj Rs"tered member of the Optometrical Asso• = Walter Maxwell, of Highland Creek Mrs. Gillespie has returned from,) elation of Ontario.. special attention given co FLOUR : - has his boat in running order this sea- visit with her mother in Coburg. � the fitting of glasses. Eyes tested free. Korth son, Miss Bate Smales, of New York is MIS Olaremonr` - 46ttr WHITE SATIN- $READ` The boys of Nest Hill are sorry to spending her vacation with her par. T' �T 0. '1IcKI NON, M,D., L.R.C.S. hear that Dan :1icDonalri is.leabin for enter here. Edinburgh, member of the College of. CREAAI BII\S-FA3l1LY the west, The annual -service will --be beld' at Physicians and surgeons of Ontario, licentiate Thomas : Lumley, our barber, has Erskine church on Sunday, June the of Royal College of surgeons, Edinbuxgh. iBl7eotal attention to dsie.sea of women and TEA BUNS -PASTRY moved to East Toronto and Robert 18th, at 3 o'clock. - ,? obildren, office and residence, Brougham, Rutledge is continuing thebusiness S. T. Badley, manager of The Steel "'WHEAT here. and Radiation Co. of Montreal, spent - 1ARLEY 'TED PiCKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL Bran," Shbrts Jumbo the holiday with his parents, James ' ' and Mrs. Hadley, of Fairport. =•'OATS and X-RAY INSTITUTE . _ _ MOUNT PLEASANT Hi many friends will be sorry to PICKERING, - ONTARIO Wheat Screening's, L wan in learn that Sergt. R. J. Hadley, of the et 1 before t. P G my prices b f selling - Lyman Barclay Oshawa on C. M. R., Hamilton, who as been - "fi. ELGIN TOWLE, X. B., X. D., C� M., I� - Monday. elsewhere. tidy Physician -in -charge A11 islnd6 O C O Mise Jessie Russell was home with takio a special trainingeourseofphy- er paten s over un" ay. eases of sten, Diseases of women, Cancers, up in the hospital with a severe attack Tumors. %-Ray examination, Diseases of* Dr, and Mrs. McDonald, of Toronto, of nine z ear, note, throat end lungs. Fitting glassee.ad - visited Richard Nuttall and family q y' . c.. BARLEY FEED - The closing meeting of the Literary •• •_ Omoe Hours 19 to 9 and 7 to 9 p, m. _ 691, SCRANTON COAL D. ..a Miers Blida Ham spent the week -end held on May 19th, when the followingBRANiP LepQ4. and over Sundav with Miss Mabel officers were elected for the ensuing .SHORTS STOVE, CHESTNUT, PE -A - Hamilton at 'Springdale Farm, Bro. R ugbam year : President, B, W. Lotton ; Vice- E. FAREWELL K.C„ BARRIS- Pres., hire. A. J. Annan : Treas., Miss 14IIDDLING T J. Little V e TED •ooang Crown ettorny,and ooaasy AND STEAM. -•, ---. john sad. H. Liecombe, of Ethel Somerville: Bec'p, Gere_. • --• solsdsor. Court Bowls, whishy, 14r _' Brou ham; have 'commenced their CRUSHED OATS - don Asst, Sec'p, Frank Nhite. draining contract on the farm occu- Ye udewives that b de ab 'iwE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and "_T g y ye s Soltnitor, Notary Public. Etc, Mone? to •r • L. SPINE, LIMITED, pied by Fred Bunker. towns of Dumbarton, y-clept ye SEED CORN / "- Can. Office Brock St. North, Wbitbv.' ta7,. Ladyes Aid, send ye greetynge and PICKERING. ONT. "' MONGOLIA begge ye honoure of youre' companye Bsst varieties, best qualities ane Y , Dental at 9e muckle Kyrk on ye sixteenth lowest rice. We wonder what Allan's attraction _ price. . BLAKE B. BEATON, D. D. 8„ day of June, atearliecandlelpghtynge Graduate of the Royal CoAega of Uenta2 G ' R . 8 R E W S T E R is Miss L. Bushnell spent the 24th at where they shall brew tea for olds and a? 8nrgeons and University of Totoac0. Office Veterinary Surgeon her home in Omemeep yong e. Busk thysel and sum richt - - - over W, st. Pringle'. hardwars store, Whitby. - gladlie. Brymge ane shyllyage in tby Once hours 9 to it; i to 0,80. rna Sbace 1s. Honor' Graduate of the Ontario Russell Albrigght took in Brooklin pouch Bell phone M. my Veterinary College and Honor- Fair on Wedapeday lase ary Associate of the Ontario Several from here took in the Fair fustnfa** gain:. Veterinary Colle e. at Uxbridge on the holiday, The beet need is the cheapest seed 4 E A TLA E _. .-- - Ind. phone -.. y, pent a _. i! V. J. Ramie of Aurora: s K �T G. HAM -Issuer of Marria e 1 few days last week with relatives. HTOUFFVILLg � I • License. is the Corral of on Claremont Ontario - . , John Tarr, of. Claremont, called on +-.- - The shingle that has given sari=- >piok.riag village, f7ly his brother. K. G. Tarr, on Saturday. Mr. Scott Is building a large rest• faction for over 30 ear ' NEW BUTCHER SHOP Clayton Tarr was under the doctor's dence on Main St. TPS2DOH RB- Real Estate Auc- ed lion R a in. by - ttoa•ar, •alaator, sonacsor and issuer care with an attack of gcliasy, but ie It is a:peete_d_ihsl: Damierlaa Day 2 in. corrugation, see it be ore Toa --.011210 arriasi• licenses. Brougham. t0, _ able to be about -again.- this year will be celebrated as usual A full line of Fresh Meats always Some of the farmers in this localityhere. buy other makes. if yott are'iisa -- - DHOPPER Issuer of Marriage on band at shop. Are -t_ Brough seeding while others will The Highway Commission- will Boon, need pf_a-Gr*sno--&paeator. Try . Lica.« !a she osaot, of Ontario, not be through for some time yet. begin Jaacadamizittg the road between a Premier for 30 days. Cmc. at store and his residence, Claremont. Wagon on road every dap - = George and -Mrs. Hewitt am MaRter here and Ringwood ---eilgit3es- B.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLERH Charlie motored out from Toronto on Charles Booker. Torobt�, was here ,See or write mQ before bu lin D • oonveyaaesr, Commisdon« tar takias Fresh Pork Sausage a epicialty y B- - Saturda and spent duaday .with Mre, ceeing hie father, Rev, Air. Booker, Bell Phone. a.mdavtas, Accounsaas. Jots, honer be lona Butcher's. cattle wanted George Bowes. wbo is in a very low condition. - :on farm pvrrrppseyb Issuer of Marriage Lie. William Rampey. of Toronto, spent A number of ladies from here at. . - PickeriII _ eases' Whies.`r r -r F• 3. Prouse, S -- JAS O'CONNOR, PICKERING the Loth with his _mother, Mrs. M. tended the -W. M, S. meetingattocust L7UGH S. PUGH. Glen MsiJnr. Oct. Corner King and Church Sts. Ramsey, and sisters, Mrs. R. Tarr and Hill. About two hundred att(-nded. +�+ ii3s Licensed Anctioo«r. Extensive expo• Mrs. T. Smales. B. Miller, goo of Robert M111er, who „C �i MEN 1 TILE L fence in mportod and therouiibbred stock. �.., has been in tiainiag for a -commission, Sales conducted an where, Write for terms EBI (1T ,TR �Trj] and particulars. Phone Ind. 9116. 8bly tJ i •• OUR ■ • t 1 aRZgNwooD _ ., has enlisted with the American Legion _ SAWING MACHINES 'Levi Macke of Toronto, was in he as Lieut. The undersigned has begun the meats•- •- � POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, y, The 220th Battalion. stationed here, facture of cement file from 3 to 12 -,1� . for Counties of York and Oatano. Ana village on Monday. wbich 'took part in the procession on inches. Call and ger quota- tion for of all kinds attenasd to on abortion We sell emery wheels, circular Mi s. Meen spent a few days this Empire Day. is gradually strengthen• tions at yards on Brock • notice. Addr«e Green River P.O.. out. paws, gasoline engines and week with F. L, and Mrs. Green. ing and will soot), be up to its require road, half mile west of I� �T B. PO`VELL, Licensed Auc- cutters and buggies. Tbomae Roper has been confined to ed number. _-.:• Spink Miile. 0'Y tioneer, valuator and collector for the house for a few* days with quinsy: The 220th Batt. 'York Rangers are ,Also. Cement kept. constantly ieoantie. of Ontario and Urk All kinds of Styles to suit everyone, circular Lawrence and Mrs. Dennv spent boldin a box social and dance in the on hand. Isal« conducted either privately or by. auction, saws, hammered and gummed. Sunda In Markham 'with Mr. and Liberal Club Hall, StouSville, on Wed ,Sot a, El or other particulare appp!, e, r«,. p . Frank Machell - ' 'deoee, Elisabeth ser. Pieks.•ia Phoas,ordars Prices reasonable. airs. attic. nestay, June 7th. Three- leve orch left as Nxws Office, Pickering. mm re i wive prompn acaasioa. SaNdaotloa /naraa• Mise Mlaggie array and Miss Hague entre in attendance. Admission tree. PICHERING! sees. Also Rai« aasssens tow Ford Cars. My �N' �' .TACrA'.�i. CN cf Toronto, spent a dsy last week with Empire Day was celebrated here by phase number bIndegadwt asci.-�.mROGI )OAi�, Alfred Trimble and family. StouffviAe and all the surrouadiHg - = Miss Alice Middleton is et[11 cinder schools, there being abodt a thousand J have a good stock -of .. PLANT BOXY' Q� ��TA 1 the doctor's care. His progress, while to fifteen hundred people present In- ..PLANT s'- i +, • j _1 .se„' slow, is we are glad to know favorable. �tor Jordan. Toronto; raised larpte - Rev. John O. Totten is attending flag presented by the Board to the 17 s.�J.L�6 .i..i3. = 7• At 80 cents per hundred-, SiMfl�>�11;>/ Conferomee this week, while Mrs. Tot. echooli. After a march to the hall s ten and Master Harold are visiting at splendid program was given by all the , if ordered right �������# her home in Stouffville. schools. Dr. D. 0. Smith, chairman Fencing Mrs. Fisher. owing to illness, has of the board, filled the duties of chair= _ - aWa - left the village and is staying witb man for the afternoon. - y� I have For Sale a House and Lot her dauebter, Mrs. H. M. Sadler. The ALSO -- t IChopping'snd Oat. Rolling in Pickering .Village. Large infirmities of old age has caused her Choice Bananas, Oranges', Lemons • garden, some young fruit to be practically helpless. and Pines at Philip's,. Brace Wire Staples s'8 usual. The boys' as gi a Bible Clasd in _... .. d girl BROUGHAM d' G B _ Green River Call and see as trio gis a bar- here Friday. social Lunch was served ser sed Do not sow feed Orn Go to Philip'sedQ�r POs�rB and trees. Everything to _ Slxle$, Y 4 gain for some one. consisting of ice creem• and 'cake pro- for seed corn. �. ♦ 7 ' Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. vided by the girls acid boys: Thos. Poucher bad a business 'trip Steel Poets. - to -Tor -onto on Wednesday. 'DP. 9. Richards�a• Nfan et, Turns Mr. and Mrs. Bhenlzerd returned Cosl, Luruber,Cement, Shingles.,JOHNPHILIP = 1 sea Corn, g p from Toronto on Saturday, a and Carr(A Seed at G. Philip's. W. J. Coakwell, of Pickering, was. - -Lath and Ready Roofing "Nota. "Public, Public, Pickering. • _ Here on business on Monday. always in stock. Has a full line of fresh and cur -__ wHITUVALt = h � _ _ .. Miss Blanche Alechin spent the week �t 'p ed.meats constantly qn hwnd. 'Water, -ur 1fi r Miser Ethel Wileoa• of Toronto spent end with Mrq. Gordon, of Oshawa. A V 11 E E SO R Sunday oriel her mother, Mrs. Joseph J. H. Todd; of "Stouilville, bad a A. • ! Spice Roll, - Breakfast Bacon, Wilson. business trip here on Tuesday. - Ham, Bolo Weiners, etc. if you are wise yon will use the only Percy Pennock and lady friend spent Miss, ?linty Barciay is visiting her -LOCUST HILL _ Ideal well, drilled by Chas. B. Rice, sister, Mrs. Haywood, of Toronto, — _' who is agent fo: Rind Mi11t+,.Gaeoline Sunday with the former's parents. y Highest prices paid for S. R. and _firs. Pennock. Chas, A. and Lyman Barclay had a Engines..all kinds of pipe and .fitting:; business tri to Oshawa on Monday.i', % '� Butcher?s cattle Mrs. M. Thornton has returned home p �e �ha�oW �e�t i for water works.. Also bath rooms fix• after spending the winter with her A number from here drove to Brook- tures, etc. Everything given careful lin last Thursday to see the soldiers. • • daughter, Mre. S. Bridgette, of Luck• ypy/�s attention. now. Ont. A. P. Mechin,.of the Molaon's Bao'k. eke/ inn live / u R?CE'S PUMP WORKS, Wm. Burton met with a bad.acct- Cbesterville, is home for a short-vaca• Hou'ie Tel 5521. White"vale, Out, den[ w•biie` engaged in shingling Air. tior.' I I AleRae's barn at Cherrywood. The 'hiss Marjorie McKinbon, of Good- 'I - First-class ilgB for hire fingers of -his- left hand;;were badly wood, spent over Sunday at her home v nulnl(Ifl�i��Il�i� ,z Day or night _ _ ''he Pickering crushed and it will be some weeks be- here. rpRumpDuncan and Mrs. Dolphin and dau- : D 111t70i.D riz>r �-r-wrao . . - . tern spent Sunday 'WithJ. and v The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist g • p y Teaming promptly attended to. • ig )nee OInYYllttee Cburcb will bold their monthly meet- Mrs. Cowen. f - in at the home of Mra ZZ'illiam J. Milton and hirer.' HRrris, of Stonff• 4 Agent for Canada Carriage Co. g villa; visited with William Michell cn Wednesday. June 7tb. . A W. �• Peak The object of this Assgciation is to • 10 cent tea well be served in the even• Cassie ori Sunday,': Peak, P4ckeri•rt lessen atealing'and prosecute in to. which ever hod will he made Miss M. Cassis visited witb her con- _ p� the felons, welcome. y y sin, Mrs. M. Harris, of Stouffvilie, for We Look Into The .EYE - Mesdames Griffin, Hindle and Ellis a few days last week, i Members having property stolen eoinmnni• were down at Whitby on T'hursdav The Union Sabbath School. was well . - Many Have Enlisted I ease immediately. with any member; _ last to see the, 118th Battalion march attended on Sunday, it being Mother's We wish the people of Pickering anc3— E _ of :Executive Committee. into Whitby. The husbands of rheas and Cradle Roil Day. vicinity to know that we have Many vacancies must be filled, three ladies are doing their "bit" is Earle - Hogle, accompanied by Miss adopted the advanced v Right now the demand Membership fes X1.00. Shadow Test System dhmonstrateci our county battalion in which there A. Hamilton, spent the 24th in Oshawa on the with the farmer's mother: recently by Mr. Graham. Tickets maybe bad from the President or are twelve men from our community.! �* * TO 8ecretery on application. Lieut. and Mrs. W, J. Beaton and George and Mrs. Philip were in Osh• By this method it is almost impossible i TT Exse. Com. I., D. Banks, C. S. Palm• Mrs• D. R, Beaton attended the Bard- awn- On Sundav bidding farewell to to make an error, as all work is done- er, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. en party given 'in • N hitby on Thurs- their nephews, Sergio; Dobson, of the by looking into the eye, thereby laeat- • day evening by the 182nd Battalion. ll6lh Battalion. Ing the defect right at Its source. f W J CI Lieut. Beaton also attended the M. B. Young and family, of Toronto• _ - TO$OI�T!?, oNT. J. A. O'Connor; ark. Weak mutcles strengthened, head - President; 8sorelery Masonic banquet given on Friday by Mored out one day last week an Robes voted. and cross eyes, in many? the lodge at Whitby in honor of the a nt a short time with Geo. and Mrs. is full five times our su al This g cases, Gtr htened, when lasses Ore• y p p' officers and men of the 116th and 182nd Philip• Marshal Is an old Wougbam, g hardly seems possible, but it is true. bo who doesn't believe is luck but bas acted by tbisadvanced system. r Business Mea Izrlow oast aduatea ,TOOLS SHARPENED Battalions. y = = Pte. Russell DeGeer, of the ItOth pproven that bard honest work with Examinations Free. Satisfaction • are first-class therefore they have We make a e ecialr of crosscut saws, handb, bead, and persuasive powers, Guaranteed. r the habit of applving to us when in p y Battallion now being raised in Haldi brings success. He has one of te beat mn Tools of all kinds.. Locks repaired. wand County, was in the vale renew - need of reliable office help. College Razor -boning a specialty. For a first- im old acquaintances. Russell left a boot and oboe stores in Toronto. He We have an extensive Optical open all year. Enter now, luta• g p y' g q Dark Room. y class hair trim or, an easy shave call successful business in Dunnville as is also in the manufacturing business j4► :, logos tree. and does considerable commercial _ at the East -end Barber Shop. well ser a wife and two small children pig__ T Moore �deFadde� y $ W_ . J. Elliott, Principal See our House Furnishings of; all to answer the call of hie ]sting and men work. s _— Cor. Yonge and Charles Stasi from lb cents g and u to theSii Druggist -Gra nate OpRbTaa y p. young men of ibis and other Seven German zeppelins have ; W. J. GORDON PICKERING communities. been destroyed this year. Pic]reriag, �Y]tAs1® '.;�5 's2.^•i�!.7<�tE6a�:awv.•..,L,s�.::.'�!.ssaK,.we�_..o-•,.. .�•irr=.t1.;.-:Lc.,a;.:..--_.-.. .-a-.-- ...;.z:..r..:+.,..,,-:ct„+.,,._ ,- .,,�.s:,. .-,._. „�,,.._-:.,..�.:.e:. ,..s.'nr�..rr.:.....�ic �za�a.,?�i:.�. ,U ;.�s��.,�,+i ,sew-.=•:.-�—.. r.FSi'iso,.:.x�.aero...:h,,..sS.,.:1r.�r.'3.s_1Zs•.everw,'•,hlr�'�#.ri+5,+a.•.z�aa�..r "f"�'�"asv. L,ar::�`iili .. r .....:. 'm'v:...:.. -. •, `.. �, .' .s• ..- '... ..r' .' ... ,,. ,te... .._-•. :.t. .fi.n,. .,yp.w+•�J,r-• 'qrM.^� y..�.•,r;"y: d. 1 except on the large picture hat of Not one ,of them was under twenty :. Leghorn, Grin, or hemp, which coin- or over thirty, and they were tall, M INr � pletes'the June. bridesmaid's costume, , ' brood -shouldered, blue-eyed and fair- E R" �!!., or the summer beauty's dainty frock 1 and quite willing to talk when This. season; however, there is a I a rddressed .them in ;It own - strong indication that flowers will I.EET". k • play more than their ordinary role in�!� �� language. A . .. � One of them, a man with a !rank - Summer Furs More Modiah. summer millinery. The medium and' intelligenb'faee, acting as spokes- brimmed, rather stili tailored hat, From Fashion's court• comes the Pexrolsum Jelly - man, said: - ,. with its upstanding bouquet of vari- "We all Peel 'that the end is a -'Word that summer furs will be more P - colored blossoms, so• popular some Ger- modish this year even than they were years back, is being noticed here and The reliable home remedy proaching, not so much because r last. The huge boa of white fox there one sees also, t number o! for cuts, burns, insect bites •_ many is short of men -there are still - held the favored lace last summer, and man other troubles. plenty of - reserves, I believe -but be- `FOR w, P flower • turban's; flower crowns are Y cause the sufferings of the people ` . but this season the shops are offering favored with certain costumes, and Sold in glass bottlev and �'P08 1: a varlet of furs for summer wear. at home are becoming unbearable "- Y wreaths' are quite popular. The handy tin tubes at chemists In spite o! the apparent absurdity, a flower -stenciled hats are very well and general stores every- and they do not understand what we• AND 'wide soft stole of mote, mink, seal or ;, ; are fighting for. RECRE�TIU liked indeed. Ribbon too, -;a smart where. Refuse substi- . 'ermine -often roves a ver • ,irrateful I "Ib is gradually beginning to` dawn: - P J r for trimming, and ostrich, in the I totes. • � (addition to the sheer sunimer dance upon them that all our victories are . form of fringe and fancies, is a pop- to count ,for nothing, ;faock on seaside porch',or ],o��rd walk. Illustrated. booklet free on S, and that we F ular- trimming. -'While the round, soft fox -boa will in request must not only give up what we have The Return of <Sstrich B6a's: : all probability rontinue to be popular. I won, but even more, in order to get I SOLD BY ALL C:OOD SHOE DEALERB - The revival of the' feather boa will I with tailored suits and dresses, the aseliae �, the peace fife whole German people WORN BY 1i1+ 1:R oF1HtiYAMl1,Y `. be welcomed b man as it lends a I - a -: !long, wide stole will be more used for soft, becoming fouc•h, to suit or gown, I is "Do ilio• for," � evening. •� � �� you think the erman people and in its new shades, a welcome bit are in a mood to give u an terri- • The 1 op{ilarity of Voile P y From the I�d�le West ... " - of contract. -, These boas, • as a rule, � CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. tory in order to get peace?" I asked , -Plain, striped, checked, dotted, and are short, finished at the ends with (consall4sud) "I am quite sure that the ,people Patterneeall law Cb&W Ave. ilentr•al combinations, are in demand for.. the up closely about the troat. - Maline ruches, and smart Tittle, every inch of foreign territory now BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI• occupied but Alsace -Lor + - - - lit at about an in emnity., A- are alsq-mgdish-fele--the-tailored suit "I do n - ot• see how Germany could or one-piece street frock. Quaint BELIEVE Ll\D OF Possibly pay an indemnity now. We buckles are often used effectively for are practically ruined, and the in- 1 Items From Provinces Where Many o'' n - closing . them. telli ent I ,, g part of the population all - q The quaint little capes, pelerines, p Ontario Boys and Girls Ale r and similak fancies of taffeta, faille, THE WAR NEAR p very letter I get from i -- home speaks of the misery our peo- - Living. know it. E or satin, now being offered' for sum pie are enduring. Our horses and jmer wear, are other attractive addi- _ _ cattle have been taken away, we are I Natural gas may be supplied is j dons to the summer frock; in all pro= GERMAN PEOPLE WILLING TO short of seed corn and food even Saskatoon by June. ` babilit these will be Hite as popular 1 1 Lieut Frank Lawson, Calgary, was Y q P p MAKE CONCESSIONS. i Potatoes are very scarce. That part fatally Injured in action. " 9 E' as the fur stole, or the feather boa, of German is 's counts of mourning 1 i ' _ Y Y g Calgary General Hospital is under or even a little more favored. The and despair. -"� are becoming,�, p quarantine for diphtheria. quite in keeping with I Prisoners" Say 'Sufferings of People All our able-bodied men have been A wildcat was stmt in Calgary; this the dresses of the moment, may easily I t$kerr, and from the beginning. of the Is the third, this spring, be fashioned at home, and -are of I at Home Are Becoming An old man of 83 leaded to be al - i9 to r -we have always been sent to the_' ,P course much -less expensive than fur.. Iinbearabte. most d Ruffles, cordings, and conventionaliz- - - -= casualties. prove this." A broken cable in Regina put sever - e tri ings quilled, le "How have you been treated while al hundred'telephonea out of order. y it pleated, pinked or The British have auccesafully ex- : - Y Edmonton is makinga shirred, areused another old-fashioned..' it ersvers- -�` -_._ ..great effort P bended their front toward -the south in bhe_army ----I-asked'• Is -rt -inie-%' getihe m2lRary camp for the Prov d tut 4) d g practically one-fourth :that your officers threaten to shoot ince. f- i-; -touch. An --organdy or voile frock i of the whole line from the North Sea ! you down if you refuse to go for --I E, W. Duval, popular superintend- _ d ei will receive: an added faintiness in one to Switzerland. An International ward ?" int of the C. P. R•, is to resume his -� of these taffeta capes. - of a shade News Service writer recent! made a sin Saskatoon. i 'rot Forced on Germany. dude ka f s fcorres ondin to or liarmoniousl con- tri of inspection. The vessel which There are indications that the early trasting with the dominant color of took us. across the Channel Was "No, I cannot complain of the way i Closing by -taw may be refected in Cati t we have been treated. German offi- gary this.aeason. -- f -d the dress. _ crowded with Red Cross nurses, army i cera have their "own wayof treating ! George McIver. Saskatoon. was ' i. These patterns may' be obtained officers and Tommies returning to the g _ I from your local McCall dealer or from front after a few days' home leave. their. Haan. They hardly look upon i ddiiedelater is the hosthe pital a horse and A The McCall Company, us as human beiliga, but I think they- - I had expected to see these men de-"' Red Deed College Las been pus p y, 0 Bond St., i have been less brutal during the war a� `e 0 ! d Toronto, Ont. Dept. W. pressed and downhearted at the ro- g chased by the Government to be used f i i 4 spect of going back to the dreary than in time of peace. i as a School for Feeble minded. i monotony of the trenches but on .not They demand obedience, and the , Sergt. W. T, Crummy, son of Dr. `- WTTirJ,r WDI1i1ia�IJ a single face did I see a trenches, of any -� who hesitates to obey orders Eber Crummy, principal Wesley Cot- - ' knows that he is liable to be shot! lege. Winnipeg, was killed In action. e such feelings. I asked several of N rank ar • - - - - - s, a soldier, of Edmoa- - = SIV THE H{I them about it, and the answer was in- Dana ever Nothing in our die regiment years is con. was sentenced to two variably the same. "Do you believe this war -was i the Edmonton Penitentiary for deser "Why should we feel. sorry? We forced upon Germany?rr tion. f _ - - T><;3 tt5� - Tt Is These That Bring Wrinkles looked are !niters in treated, well 'wa and and our -`No person ny � causes resumption -of demand f eratioaa • bor ey' intelligent n in Germs Y Y really .believes that, he said, with s the Great West Lumber Co, at Red The Spanish Flounce Dress I job is not finished yet. The trenches „ And Make Women Look Pre- smile. We knew that the war was Deer. are not half as bad as you think. We coming sooner or later. We have been A. F Carrotfiers, Edmonton, was corded, ruffled. fluffy lingerie !rock. - maturely Old.. are going to stick it, out until we for it for ears, and we seat up for trial charged with.secur- Of course there are voiles and voiles; ihave given the Boches such a licking prepared Y Ing money on fraudulent school bonds. thought we were sure of victory. Our ` =the true voile wears and washes well,= Almost every woman at the head of that they' ars�oTherer %fit for a hun- lint much fight „enemies themselves home.Ger- Pte. E. J, Brinsmead, Winnipeg, was sheer and dainty, quite as attractive a home meets dailyman little wvr- dred gquarrelling found dead in a vacant house, with a w as the more expensive cottons.. There rtes ih her household affairs. They left in them even now," tbullet through his brain and a revoly- i _ •is a hint here and there of the return 'may be too small to notice an hour Our first . morning in France was many .alone seemed to be strong. er by his side. Q of Hand -painted muslina !or blouses ' afterwards; -but it is these same "con- bright and sunny, though rather "But I suppose everything that has As the result of a shooting affray and dresses. Probably the stenciled , stant little worries t4iat affect the windy, Women everywhere are happened is for the be� We are all at Lethbridge, two Austrians, Loy 'bat suggested the idea, wbich is quaint blood and nerves and make women ploughing the fields or, puffin re glad we are going to England, where Lombardi and Mike Silvero, are in the g• we know we shall be treated well. hospital, near deaJ2, and pretty, if nat exactly practical. look prematurely old, Their, effect the seed, scattering it by hand in the 1 Fire which destroyed the_ home of All sorts of clever notions might be may be- noticed .in sick or nervous old-time manner. We pass through The Tommies are the most kind- Nathaniel 'Reynolds, four miles north g Y 'worked out by the woman with ingeni- headaches, fickle a pa g hearted men I ever met. They have ppetif e, in in"the villages lull of life and bustle, but been wonderfully good to us.." of hlargrave, near �'i• des, Man., caua- Vus brain and fingers, but if the ma- back or side, sallow complexion and the women and children, who are 3 ed the deatth of his brother John, who terial were to be purchased or order- the coming of wrinkles, which every nearly all in deep mourning, bear - was sleeping upstairs. ed, the fad might prove rather ex- woman dreads. To those thus afflict- silent testimony of "the sacrifices I 'Wasn't Calling Her Dear. ed Dr. Williams Pink Pills offer a Franco has made. (Forests of the Punjab. I Desirous of buying a camera a cer- speedy and certain cure; a restora- At Bethune we see the first sign of tai, fair young woman inspected the The jand forests of the Punjab are tion of color to the cheeks, brightness actual warfare. The town has been stock of a local shopkeeper: spread over the arid, alluvial plains, - - t to the eye, a hearty appetite and a shelled, and many houses are in "Is that a good 'one?" she asked, j where, as a rule, the - rainfall does - sense of freedom from weariness. ruins,. but the inhabitants go about as she picked up a dainty little mach- not exceed 10 inches. The area cov- Among' the thousands of Canadian their business as if nothing had- hap- .� ?" ered is 3,500 square miles. The tree women who have Pound new health lied. ine. What is it called . cN Pe "That's the Belvedere," said the is remarkabh owing to the length of through Dr. Williams Pink Pills is' The sound of firing increases, aero- handsome young shopman politely. its tap root, specimens having been Mrs. N•. Worrall, Broughdale, Ont., planes hovering above us, little clouds There was a chilly- silence. Then found with a tap root as much as 234 who says: -"After the birth of myi of fleecy white suddenly appear out .the young woman drew herself coldly i feet in length descending vertically _ second child I was so weak and run • of space all around them and drift fixed him with an icy stare; to a depth of 64 feet. This tap root -4 down that I was unable to do an erect, Y- 'away before the wind._`It is shrapnel and asked again: I enables the tree to- obtain its water bhing• The doctor said I had scarce- from the German anti-aircraft ns. "Er- can u recommend m he permanent water supply in r I and yo co mend the l. pp Y 1 a blood in m hod I could not ! exploding harmless! in the air. ?++ walk half a• block without beim com- We arrive at a'Vi21a a where we Belva . the subsoil. guns, Y any Y Y• P g Y g g �pletely exhausted and all the treat- have to leave our cars as it is not Not Ver Strong. i ment of the doctor did not seem to 1 safe to drive any further in broad !ills Reason. r y ---- I �� -Moved -to pity st "the -sight -of a- --Gerald-I•, wouldn't harm .a fly. 1p rife. I called -in another doctor, daylight. The German lines are not , but with no, better results. My' feet ! far away. The country here is bleak small boy lugging a monstrous bun- � Geraldine You ebuldn t i it were and legs became frightfully swollen, I and barren; everywhere are the die of newspapers, a man stopped and I an able-bodied fly. . suffered with severe pains in my back signs, of the devastation of war; fife Baked: "Don't all those papers make I / t ? gingand saroundlat my housework, and I teredaby hundreds, of shells and ou toped''►" Perhaps the beat hand a man can I' be all Y g Y Nope, the little' newaie ref lied hold in the ame of life is the hanj Pe habited -tiu� for a few ng is h cheerfully. "I can't read." -rof some good woman. = - - of recovery. I had been urged to try "soldiers. Dr. Williams link Pills, but like helke p , We find the "Tommies" Confident sfid the front - - _ ---_- '� others, "Doctor Fells How To Strengthen me when doctors had failed to do, so, trenches, almost within ha of the ! • but after much urging I decided to Germans, the most cheerful of ail. ,(Eyesight 50 per cent• In One ` - try them. To my surprise in a few. Not one among them who does not L - weeks ei Ifound myself getting better. feel firmly convinced that they are . Week's Time In Man Instances - _•"I tt gladly continued' their use and - y found myself constantly growing, able to finish off the Germans as _ soon as the signal is given to swarm - stronger, and eventually able to do A !nee Prescription You Can Havelsties trunbben their eyes so as to to spared out of the trenches.a and expense. of ever getting - my house work without fatigue. I F led and 'Use at Home. p • I notid5e that the English guns Classes. Eye troubles of many descriQ �• strongly advise ever weak• woman to; fired at least four shots to eve Philadelphi Pa. Do you wear glasses? done may be wonderfully beneilted by fol- . dluCatt g Y Y every lowin the simple rules. Here In the give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair Are you a Vic of eye strain or other eye +� p tore trial." German shot. stay script os. : Go to any active drug store :wealtnasaesl I� so, you will be* glad to g In a little village some miles be lino- that.aec9rding to Dr. Lewis there is and Bet a bottle of Bon•Opto tablets. Drop You can 'et these Pills through an teal hope for yon. Usay whose eyes were one ter an " tablet Inn solve. of a glass medicine dealer or by mail at 50 hind the fighting line, I came upon a failing say they have had their ayes re- of swat Baine ctieoe era dissolve. with this batch of prisoners captured by the a rod tbrouck the rincipler et" this won- q y two to tour times cents a bore or six boxes for $2.50 derfui tree prrac tion. One man says, daily. You should .notice your eyes clear 7tJ5-iI13 from The D , Williams Medicine Co., British two days before. I asked to .atter trying It: was almost blind; up perceptibly right from o the start and In.be allowed to speak to them. could not sre to read at all. Now F can quickly disappear. if your Jumper Frock of Taffeta Brockville,. Ont. _ I found them deeply, read everything without'antt glass" and eyes are bothering you, even a little, take p y " grateful to any eyes do not wgter any wore At nigh steRs to save them now before it is too 4 their captors, who, they said, had ! they would paltr dreadful%y new shy ler late. Haat' toopeleasly, nliuQ mish� barn -pensive. Sashes' and scarfs, however, The Heiress -",Have - tine ell the dins It wax lite aecle to be•ra tared if they bad cared fort " r eyes- * you seen, treated them with the most touching too A lady who used !t says: The at- in time. -will carry out the notion with voile -and 7+' + Note: Awthrr t papa . The Duke- Yes; its all off. kindness. They were greatly relieved mosphere seemed hazy with or without pr-. rhrslotm .hem the ah,..___ .organdy.frocks very effectively. The Heipea--`aYou don't mean because they .would now not have to gtaascz, but atter acing this prescription , m`eaar"Its nnodm;ut ulmA,i""'111• °'° e!, kms, t`�'�en Flower -Trimmed Hats. y give- + or fifteen days everything seems clear. I pre ewdar+M and wWrIT p�ribed by tneie Th. maaufac• to as that he refused to ve his con go 'back into he inferno to fight for can even reed fine print without Rlax•ex." turd% sn.ranat it to se eusth. en ht w per cent to o%• Summer would not be sumgter with -sent?" The Duke-"Uh, no; He said a cause they never looked ,upon as it to believed thnt . thousands who wearhom �NYro• a,uy amd rw.. a '.e."ma h• ; Rlssaca can now discard teem in a reason- p,ep♦ratln%. t reef %hc• o: be -'out the flower -decked hat, but the no- bed give his consent -but, not anoth- their own. '•they were from Danish able time and multitudes more will ba able ,iapa...,awrp nr..%ar.wa.vh,wm w.ne.a�e - as era ei Cefit:" speiL ing 3- rmtiny. — t -io In Toronto by-Vii1maa ins , . - - - rot w�.hR,' irHS k; .� rA ... : .. +..-_,r N.. s ..`i'•'"v .s' y;y�F .;^ i� ,r: :.w 7P �.T.. �drfvgn.+�+.d�r, ir_•�r:. ___�+d, _rte_. f+i�.�..���ia+�w��'.&=:�. ++.tidy+„•.. re•c;•-, _----�s-.�•.:..:.- ... _<_. ...v...�--•,�_..--�e-_ ..,..•.- _. �:..,- _ ._.z _._ _.. �?�:r'.r:-.*�t..._ew:_ .�; s�.t�•�_'xr l�vr.3n�-�•E'L^ `�.-_•+� .Y�t�'Ti.Li._:� _ _•'+�+'."�`-a�' 3s. 5`�_�..:._--�:�..6.r'4+r±:�zs7..F.61'_: 1' w A. ak r . � Went :Scored Air Service. . Spring House- SECRET OF SNAKES GLID& Yox;r ' , f: yClearing should not be Method of Contraction That Enables a Away Together confined to beating rugs and it to _Crawl and Climb: scrubbing floors. Clean out A snake moves along the ground by ` the accumulated "toxins"• eontracting the ribs on- one side of his P. A. BONNOT'l3 RHEUMATISM , ! - that Winter body. separating those on the v heavy other side, says the Philadelphia Re- _ CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS '" foods that clog the liver and cord. - This forms - one.. curve,.. An- lower the muscular tone and other contraction takes place at the ..• _ ' end of the expanded side, and bends And With It Went All Those S m vitality of the body. Eat Symp. p- the body in the opposite' direction. Shredded Wheat Biscuit Thus there is a aeries of alternate a toms Which Mark the Earlier y Stages of Kidney Trouble. r with fresh berries • or other constrictions 'and spreadings of the g y numerous ribs throughout the length fruits and green vegetables. Grand Clairiere Man. May 29th of the. reptile: as it lies on the , y' `'�`�'` G'et back to Nature. "-Shred- round. (Special.) --"A': persona who suffer g Classified, LL ; ded Wheat will bring the When the snake is in motion some Her old man -Wel ou wasn't no 7 from rheumatism should use Dodd's - l++q art of the -bd must" secure itself " ' bounding boil an of new p r'n therl chicken when oil merri�d me , -Sidney Pills. This is the statement g Y � Y � ,. against rough o projecting surfaces, volunteered b Mr. P. A. Bonnob a life and vigor. Contains all from which the forward art can i well-known resident of this lace. p Tier -Indeed not. I was a big p the goodness of the whole impelled. Then the forward part goose. ..Asked to give the reasons why Mr. .,' ,dim' v� Wheat grain made digestible takes hold and the hinder length. is. _ r Bonnot, said: The row SZZZ POTATOES " dragged to a new position. Th I suffered for three years from -, by steam -cooking, shredding of shields along the snake's bell is out main• I consulted a doctor with= and baking. Nothing so g y E POTATOES, ii cos. rheumatism , ED OTAT LRl$ P� g' g very quick in seizing upon the slight- S bless, Deleware, Carman. Or. getting' any results. Four boxes strengthening healthful and est projection, so that any rough Bur- ser at once supp1 timlted. Write for - of Dodds Kidney Pills fixed me up.Cd u; ' Quotations. H. -W. t. L'rampton. €. �faife affords a good track. ®� 4 `, n e tm ing a tree the snake uses kidneys failing to strain the uric acid i r, any meal. Easily prepared. the same process. It must find k.r'1STERED HOLSTEi.NS, ALL -out of the blood was again shown in x Made lil Canada. ' points of vantage for its Curti ee, ages. Some eery Ane bulla, Quebec 3, MKT. Bonnot's case. His earlier symp- _ _ _ a = -.prices• R. A. Gil e" Abbotsford. Que. 4 and unrefreshing sleep, fitful apps-'� urged to Keep Chickens. i BABY'S WELFARE.. ' >><P WAicTE 1 { '„ Householders throughout England I. Nf'EftlP.NCElt AND 1NENIII-NtI- fite, s tired nervous feeling, a heavi- are being urged to keep a few chick- The welfare of the baby is the fond' E .-need trirlts for Hoslery and Vnder- ' ness after mials, neuralgia. and back- !;FS..,. ens to increase the home production weat' "%"'I' nlso a few Yount, Men. ache. },� mother's greatest aim. ?No mother HtFheKt• wags paid. Vercury +tills; of eggs. Each year in normal . times wants to see her little ones suffering r.tinited. llamfiton. 'When he cured his kidneys with England imports 268 000 000 a it Dodd's Kid-rtey-Pills the rheumatism g p + + eggs. from colds, constipation, colic or any r and elight` sewing atThomew�whole or The woman's section of the National other of the many ills that so often L and all the other symptoms of kid- tante time, rgc , pa work cent stamp fo; Poultry Society, which is behind the ' afflict little ones. Thousands of mo-' sauce, charge paiyIc sena stamp for ares trouble disappeared, movement, declares that much waste .thers have learned that by giving an Particulars. National Manufacturing Company. Dfuntteal, s " cpuId be avoided if householders had occasional dose of Baby's Own Tab - PRINCESS LIKE PETER IAN. �' few chickens to throw scraps Pro;a i lets to their children they can keep `V'�NTFD-F\1•FIiIEN�IED I,!•Fri. � ,p LORD CH_• .RLES BJERESFORD. , ators on. Ladies Nash and Fanoy the table to. them well. ,Concerning the 'Tablets 1, -•Pe Permanent work. High It Mary Is Nineteen, But Very Girlish He recently made_R�ttrong allegations o•aae.. ideal factory conditions. 11 C. in the House of'Lords Against the Mrs. Richard Boston, Pembroke, Oht., Bouitrr.Co„ 1-ta., Sas King st."11',' near In Her Ways. efficency of the British air ser-' -Hopeful. gays: -"Baby's Own Tablets saved my Spadlnal, Toronto, "She'd just like one of our own vice, and later, before the in Parked -"How is your rheumatism little _ _ vestigating committee, ret_ract�get in on 9l• _" girl when nothing else appeared.. NEWBIDAZyas res XAZA. - - dA of Princess ar t -2e; -rhe was g arosrld" Pat 4; Y y _ _ butl'm ver hopeful along -slowly i gi 1sae-&1iaby- keeping tA� he��" otficr sfot ale in �lgoo n ario one of the party of wounded entertain- y p ul now. lets in the ' house. They are sold towns. The most useful and fnterenung ---ed by the King and Queen at Bucking- I __ONE -ROUND ANDERSON- Parker -''I'm glad to hear that." [Vy medicine dealers or by mail at�L0 applicatioaotos�iilsonlPubilshinir Coirra tithe Palace, and card proudly eisplayed British Batter Doing Effective Work '' lest has gradually wo ked u to menta-a-hoa�rom-fibs-Dr: Williams t3 tve,•c hoe}arde s -seer -T ,nae- palaceY g y P Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. which the Princess had autographed at the Front. ! my shoulders. I'm in hopes' that in q, uascnssArnovs ET - for him. _ about a week it will go off into my Reptiles as Pets. C' ANCER. 4117UXURS, LCUPS, 'ETC.. There is a battery of eighteen �+ I internal and external,. cured with It was only one of dozens of such hat." Singing insects and reptiles are cu'. pain by our home treafmant. Wwrits • pounders at the Front which is driv- �. us bero're too late. Dr, Bcllman Medical cards that she had good-naturedly'I in -the fear of death i great pets with the Jap nese and - signed. When she wasn_t pouring out' g gto the hearts many varieties are caged and trained'', Co., Limited Colllnswoad• Ont. 1 of the Huns. It is nos without pea- for the delight of their almond -eyed VIAte for tea she was surrounded by little son, for those six guns rarely speak masters, it being said that Crown ! - '-•!t- , rs' Special Ctffer i ;groups of soldiers and sailors who; without sendin a tale of woe which r'' Prince Hirohito himself keepsThis Larest Mod begged her to write her name on g At the. Yarmouth Y.M.C:A. Boys ! a prl- ' Hand C e m 0 n i "- their cards, too, and in each case the i finds an echo in many a German home,. , Camp, held at Ttrsket Falls in August, nate stock of kalika. or singing frogs. mixer pays for Coming to. France with a reputa- I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most ;The a species singing insect is the ken. Itself in , days. Princess smilingly agreed. Mixers in all sixes tion for deadly shooting gained in tan, s species of the aha which must # Princess Mazy has been aptly call- I beneficial for sun burn, an immediate !always be kept in the shade and never and atvles. write Many a hard-fought campaign against 1 relief for colic and toothache. t rc r �atalos rte { -- ed the _Peter Pan Princess, so ex. the wild tribesmen of the North-West 1 sprinkled with water if be is to vocal- I Mcsttlaufar Oros Ltd _ ltremely girlish and youthful is - she is ALFRED, STOKES, ize. .. _ I - s'ra a abatdiaa AT% i frontier of Inida, the battery speedily Toronto. her ways, so much so that it seems Gen• Secy. F hard to- believe that she recently cele- gained the affections of Atkins by assaara•s Liniment Lamb•rniaws lrisaf! LN M O ' -- effective work, and the fact that it Reek orated her nineteenth birthday, and rarely fires more than one- round. -The Khaki Shade, i �t that if there had been no war.. she "Blimme!" cried a Cockney, who if a thread, is pulled out of a khaki ' seat fex would have been one of teat season's �- - was quick to note this characteristic, :debutantes. "it's q coat, uniravalied and examined close- apA�' fon its a fair ,knock -out!" and there Struck to What She Said. But•she enjoyed the homely birth- ly, the khaki shade will be found to aastee. - da tea- art and then chzisttened the captain in In one of the English Courts a lady, be composed of threads of bronze, zoa>oarso'r woi�ss, _ x * y p y given to her own inti- char a be Anderson" ­ a; who hada p eo•on a`rvs. •t, =O3 %a. out- mate at mate little circle of girl friends who I g appeared more than once as light olive green, lavender and brown.' came to help her eat the wonderful i The captain,s aiborn s�ti istic out 1casion asked her e b the presiding I 6faf31F18ief� Eyelids.-'. '' ' 9 Y particular oe- three -tiered cake. the royal chef had.:;, L/ Mt ^„ Hoofing "fr=-earmotris de" eve search ,-�. 'l lhi-rty y! d' –fie –Ia�jg �aTe �oTrs� �TtT T1oii n g made for her, even so much more' �re Eyes inflamed by ex o - than she would have enjoyed are ] ing for columns on the march and ••Thirty!" said the judg®; "why I have r pa T •,• s ms pt res, direct from mill to you,. gu I sure to BsO, Dasl and' d - supply trains.. Once located, he has . heard you give the same a in this I tiave Roofings for every purpose -lation court ball given in her honor y uickiy relieved b Marine ,i n the guns speedily trained on a spot Court for the last three years." E�t'Si eRelasi NoSmartia Pte+ lees. Address with all its attendant trappings of y y g• ar.,aiteaA. state for like assn Ma they must pass, and the gun teams, responded the lady, but then, you see, lett Eye Comfort, At Halliday Co.,Ltd. Q Mary, the Prin- y r opt, cess has very simple tastes. She is eager as terriers on the leash, watch I'm not one of those persons who say . Your Druggist $. per Bottle. MtMne t s _ r= gifted with the sound common sense his every movement. lone thing to -day and another thing islrsinT%Aiis25c-ForBeekshtietyefmuk of her mother, too, and form's ver "Get ready, there!" finds every man Druggists orMarini Eye lileSedyCa.;idlcap I 6p -morrow. Y hiitheet in years. decided views. on the tip -toe of excitement, and the --- € �irnd your old 'x _ Once some of her friends were hay- rapped -out order "Fire!" is followed uses, atlaard•a L!n!m•at m tri• house Pants Warmed by Electricity.11,. or. Jewelry, etc„ to us to re - by. -the roar of the guns as they fol- The latest invention of war is ants Ana and x.t hlxt, -,L cash prfce. �- -ing s friendly little argument as to' I p low one another in rapid succession. warmed b electricity. Two German Canadian sea aless w v 'Co. Ltd; which profession produces the bran- „You've of 'em, bo s!" nonchalant- y y >istrsaxss, 8 y professors invented it, Professor 'Max ='1! eat men. Some said the army, othersWANTED _ the navy, others voted for the meth- ly observes the captain• and strolls Beek of Innsbruck and Dr. iron 195 Clint,.'n St.. Toronto, Ont... cal profession. away to his quarters as the gun teams Schrotter of .Vienna. The soldier pate The Pr'ncess listened very giiietl gaze after him with that look Atkins p p y g on a air of ants into which are rsAawasa+ NMr -.to what they all had to say, and then reserves for the offices who really woven extremely supple wires design- : srstahomra to t ., "counts." Help for Woolen Mill ed with a view to insulation. Each �F r remarked very 'deliberately, I think , Mru you're !ell wrong. To my mind air- - pair looks exactly like the ordinary fres �yf`ba" men are the bravest men that can be ROAD 1,400 MILES, LONG. Carders, Weavers, trousers of the khaki uniform a'nd can' 'aAt j found."'. = - Fullers, be connected and disconnected at will; FpgcBt L' She goes about a great deal with The World's Greatest Highway Is In to batteries. With each pair are 'a ! It CUTp� _Napper Tenders, _ 1liillMilllf her mother now, accompanying her India. couple of connecting wires a hundred roa► ytler• w 3o most social functions which have Good wages paid in all DTPartments, and: or more yards- long. which permit the deeds of leafltaeetats m fllc IM sp and hAi ra►t�st�, g Search where yeti will, you will find steady work assured. Nt a have several Ik, F. HARVEY ROOF C XDsre.A , W Eta. N. Nwlr1J 'r the helping of our soldiers and sail- j no highway in the whole world so so- oneninge for inexperienced help, where wearer to walk about with same free- , ors as their object. She works very f mantic aa'the Grand Trunk Road oP � energy and ability will bring promotion. (I 6m. Soldiers in the •trenches find ! s ! Wages paid to apnrentices while learn- � � � hard indeed for the Queen's Needle- India. - Ing weaving. special Inducement to j these garments very comfortable due- work Guild, and the table in her own I -A stately avenue of three roads in j Family workers, Write, stating full ing the winter -and it is suggested t ` experfenc•e, if an,.*, Age, Etc, to _ -little- sitting -room > at Buckingham one the centre of hard metal, the T� � �SY asst. COxerAxrs, Lta•, that aeroplanista will find in ' them' - Reduces Bursal Entargetpents, --Palace is always, covered with roads on each side ankle-deep.. in Brantford, oat. much relief from the chill air of theThickened,Swollen- -' gaF--;— merits she is making for. the soldiers silvery dust -fringed by double rows ! altitudes. Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore" of trees, it .runs for 1:400 miles ' Ws ness frotn Bruises or Strains{ and sailors and far "he children of -n w - --_ ' through the 'vast northern' plain which Y\t l'Aj as>< for -ansa L-- asags Spavin T,e.+.�net,, clavi Dain.. �^ "the poor. , skirts the 41knAlayas-trt3m-Calcu - ---r�� Dors not blister remove the hate or ti hat a pity it isn't Mary who's to far Peshawur, which keeps sentinel Off the Track. ++ lay up the horse. E2.00 a bottle 4 to be King," the Prince of Wales re- at the gate of Afghanistan. I at d itypsts or delivered. Book 1 M free, marked one da as a tin lad "she's From horizon to horizon it stretch. f We were bounding along," said a y y ` heelack En ins ..1-0 ABSORBINE, dR., for ruts, wounds 1:r • es like a broad white rib on, as seem• , recent traveler on a local South Afri= antiseptic liniment for bruises cute wounds so clever. and she s so g d at man- b � + ingly straight as if traced by a gigan• - .can Bingle line railway, "at the rate p aging us all " _ pp r : strains ainfitl swollen vein. or lands. I; And her broth ar anaged by tic ruler. And dotted along its entire L1. 10 X 42 � jth dollbii. of about seven miles an hour, and the.! heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- "Mary"' length -are hundreds of serats ..(way- whole train was shaking terribly. I i gists or st paid. Will tell you more If you 4' to this da g Y• l y' side rest houses), each with its arched I main driving belt 24 ihs. .ex ected ever moment to see my i write. Made in.the U. S. by ..- �_-_- _---y.---'" and turreted gateway, its • spacious bones protruding tiitough my skin. W. F. youA9, P. D, f.. 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Qtat I Words Your Vocabulary. enclosure -in which human's share 1 p 4bsarpme and Absmhfae, Jr.. ue made Ia'Canuft, -- wide, and Lynam 30 K, W . passengers were --selling from one end_ The vocabulary of a' rich -and long- shelter with oxen, .camels and goats cultivated language like the English -and its central well of sparkling}� of the car to the other—r.on K „_ may be roughly estimated at about water. Vclt driven. All- ill firs; firmly to the asters of the seat. Pres- f 100,009 -words (although this excludes For 3,000 years the Himalayas have +j� eptly we - Atled down a bit quieter; i i c` '+� QUEEN S f* a great deal which, if English were looked down on th:. road and have ck,zss con'litlon. 'anld be 1 at least I could keep my hat on ' f understood IR its widest sense, would seen it as they see it to -day. It was t or my teeth didn't chatter. ' UNIVERSITY have to be counted in) but 30,000 is a the world's greatest highway before sold to of sq:irate- "There was aquiet-looking man op �` very large estimate for the number 'Rome was cradled, when the abort - ever used, in writing or speaking,b l also a lot of s>Iaftin ppsite me. I looked _up with a h �i� -KINGSTON __�• y ginal Indians drove their cattle. over a Y ghastly smile: wishing to appear 1 ON?ARIA a well-educated than; 3,000 to 5,000, it the very spot where the 'motor -car } g y t t has been carefully estimated, cover dashes to -day. at a very great bargain aS 'cheerful, and said: .the ordinary needs of cultivated in- Alexander the Great led his Greeks " 'We are aping a bit smoother, I ARTS -EDUCsATION tFrcourse. along it to the conquest of Northern see.' APPLIED SCICCNCE fi i - - - India; and Buddha himself took his room is required immedi- „ , inetuding Atiniag, Chetnlanl, Ct.11 Meet deity walks along it centuries before Yes, he said, we re off.the track anieai d $lectrtcat $nglaeerla=• 9;�g . AItB CLL�IiN Christ was cradled. atelX. now.' " MLDICIN t ; *� - �•. Darius, the War trim will ceattso... NO M��a►,FSS It has seen a hundred generations , - a[tnsae+• Liaiateat saes bP Fhyaleiaas. sesdeau`ia Medlelae. �' ALL DCAL f18 of men Dome and go; a score of �, FrQt�k W�Ison & Sons -- HOME STUDY - t dynasties rise and fall' And yet to- ,. y w Father- When we're' young, my The Arts cour.e Inn b• takht Cerro t RCSdggS i Shits day, it is to the eye, exactly the -mule: 7$ Adelaide Street West, „ apo ndence, but atts3enls ag °e�ssaa.. j HAMILTON as in the long -gone years when Nine. TOI'OR1t0- . son, we think we know everything, a!e aawt attend one sesdon. - 1 veh was a proud city and our own Son -"And when we get older we *�, � dCM,OpL. sao.,r. antes ors gnawed bones In their eaves, n -'•-•• --`,. .� �...,.' .. - :.. .,•-...-_._• ._ ... :� .:. ... '. . �., _..., .,. �._ _ .�. .. _. .-.. .. -. ,. ..-__.. �._ ,o -._a ..-.__,. •..-+.�w�t.:.- �:.- �.•,--P.w.�•�u��T '_-.-:,:,ra,.a,;;.�.t:�.w.v�:'x»'�,a,.•6rGe. :3....,r.wn.-m..«Y:�::..x,-,. L;..,.-. 'Et Madill as owner of 40 HORSE BEGISTER not and S.8, -RDSONS- acres of s* of lot 19, con, 0. Lyman TRY IUCHA 'Pilkey, charged an tenant of 1/8 acre Kftau's .Courtship -'11115],. (147211). ipublishodev y=-worulag%9kWO0Oe, import d Clydeadile in Claremont. 03W. 'Roy -Morgan was Too Fuze -bred T. bander- Morgan on 0 b Out. 'be property of Omar Nyilson,- is fol owe: Monday, May 8th, will I' ROCERI!9�ered as joint tenant with Geo. G. Brougham. *ill make the season of 1916I t 17, con. 9. FOsS son *as entered as tenant In Clare - per year ; 01.00 it paid in advance. moat at $8W. Tilos, Sanderson. was 106YO his,own stave, Graham Johnstem's Subscriptions to the United States *J 50 )f lot Brougham, and proceed to W. J. NI ilit r's in advance d Provisions. relieted of "sesament 0D i acre Tuesda 24, con. 8, as the said property is now Pickering, lot night. yl pro. 7. 'Fruits an *code to Donald bdunro* baseline for assessed to Graham Bros. ichard Puckrim's, night. Wednesday, R JOHN MURKAR,Troprieto�- night, Thursday, Win, bliddleton'c our stock almost every . ' wood, noon,- N-ictor,:Parkinlr, Ki We. make a complete turnover of Green th, so when we say fresh we -are prelliared to back it PICKERING COUNCIL sale, night. Friday, A bert Jones, bit. We also claim the largest and best assorted stock for 11's. con. 7. Nick Ir . .: U OWE Zion, noon; Mr. Nuttal' "Onceit custoiju 'Tb*. above council met, pursuant to eriag, night. Setup&v, will -proceed to ..._.your choice. _pr, always a dustomer," is 7 .::gadjournment on Mond, his own stable wbe_ha will remain oar uiotto. Give.ii� a trial with your next order. %y. the 29th ult. �Xembers all present, the reeve in the until the following Monday. ..--MY HEALTH ­�'-chair. The minutes of the last meet- E(livard Darnlett- '9609:. JIng were read tend approved. The Fashionably Bre4 Imports I Clj des- We have just added ed to our stock a line of clover leaf and A -number of accounts wereresent- Tdale stallion. the property of Robt, Da lice - "ied for payment and referred the o Lydia E. Pinkham!s Veg. plain dishes.' These were ordered before the large advafoe. Green River, will mike the season in prices o? this class of goods. t* standing committees. of I-ilij as follows: Monday, will leave respective ive a etable Compound. _7 S CALL AND SEE THEM AND GET PRICE end from J. his own stable and proceed to W. H. A communication was r H, Kayes, declining to act as pound- Major's, cou. 5, P,ckeriug, for noon,, ikeeper....... Washington Park, Ilr-11I am the Graham :ohnstou'd, Bruagham, night, The council now resolved itself into mother of four children and have suf- Tueeday, W. J. McDonald's Brock fared with SOW SIMMMIR.,S" SIMMUMS a Court of Revision, when a number female [load, no n; S. Baths', Pickering, night. <-.of appeals were considered and die- Wedoeslay. Liverpool� noon andaight. trouble, backache, FOR SALE BY posed of, an account of which appears Thursday. John Baroe's, Cherrywood, -elsewhere. nervous spells and noon! his own stab e for n ght. Friday, On resuming the general business E. the blues. My chil- F W Silverthorn'si lot 21, con. 9, Slark. Q bpa i *forI A A Jar 'hb %-c - a to rerence to Rs- dren's loud talking g would his ow ,d at. F-% I now - - i sessinent on property a t Rouge Hill. and romping . i5ifle ei-, un - He considered assessment on land and make me so nervous til the following Monday morning, buildings was rated too high. I could just tear Aldort'- The Grand Trotting Bred stale "Buy Your Groceries at. the Grocers." A communication was read from everything to pieces lion, the property of H. S, Pagh, &act- 00_u1pI*1nlPJWf ditch L8011 - and I would ache all ioneer, Glen Major, will make the se bet lots 10 and 11 a co X- - of May St will leave hie �own stable Lad proceed to I Iso were in bad condition. that I would n a t con. 5, Uxbridge. noon; —8 A number of communications were overind el 90 BIC _W PEEL) S-- -:n:SH0K- 0 rp"D read from the See-Treas. of the Co- went -anyone to talk Walter Symes' thence own stable via Claremont until others coLu, to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Wednesday, to burg Motor'League and a Wednesday morning, piaiiiingof the disgraceful condition Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re- Mansion House, Uxbridge, noorij own I S of the roads throughout Pickering stored me to health and I want to thank etfi,bl-, night, Thursday, James White's -7 1 ; Brooklin night. -200 Pairs of Men's Military Boot township, particularly the Kingston you for the good they have done me. I 'con 7, Whitby, noon �xo&d, one- party, having referred d the have had -quite a bit of trouble and Friday. Thom Fuckrin'd, Audiey, noon; theice via W R.Jackson's, Brock Road _armerg'.and Ifeebanin imatter to the Aitoruey-General. worry but it d not affect my youth- The' best Boots' in the world for F does Lieuts. J. F. Dales and AV X. Bea- fol looksL Myfriend say.'Whydoyou to. Brougham for night. Saturday, ton were heaid'in reference to a grant e�,?, owe its, Greenwood, noon: thence c®own stable These shoes are the same as the Canadian to the 182nd Battalion. look so young and w till follow ing.11onday use. Lydia & Pinkham remedies, M. Chapman drew the artention to totLord Regent 1413 C.N,R-.-Th9-jtand Soldiers wear. Every pair fuhy guaran 40f the council to -the bad condition of -Mrs. ROBT. STOPIEL, Moore Avenue, and bred Trotting Stalliom, the property' teed. Sale price $4.00. khe 4th con, between lots 8 and 11. Washington Park, Illinois. of Thos Maddaford, PicLering, will 'Iowa; Monday, Two culverts should he constructed to make season of 1916 as fol We wish every woman who suffers Is put the road in proper contlition. . The . from female troubles, nervousness, avea his own at%�Iola and proceeds to ht. 1410Ck-Cru,-,hLr-sbould be used. -P E E L _�S Bandefs hotel, Whitby, for right 0 N The standing committee on Contin- -backaehe--or-thabluetli-xiiald-see the ' let --Cocomercial- Hotel, Orhaw�, ters written by women made well by e r "a — Y����ITA RIO singencies reported and recommended Vegetable Co night. Wednesday, e the- following payments: Municipal dia E. Pinkham's mpo Brookiin. might. Thursday, F G Mc Wold. supplies 3.t)G-.-J*ha Xurkar, If you have any symptom about which Carthy's. An 11ey. noon; own stable fdr irta and advt 12-50 -. S, H. Stevenson, you would like •to know wTite - to the for might. Friday, Bio am, night. _T H 9 bailiff, atteeilUrig Div Court, 2.04): M. Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine Co., Saturday, own , stable not . il following I L_Vnn1 -Noriday morving. Gleesoa. cle2k. ditto. 2.W; D. R. Bea - a., for helpful advice given. free of ton. on acct salary. 75.00. 2 days serv- Mae Bit ron. Lion. '1477, -,, -The Fare bred court of Revision.600, charge.- k.Iydeedale'stallion, ihe property Of Jas. Ing notices redisbursements for pobLage. 10.00; S XlacRaex :-,on. WhiteTal ,will makeDA 0 BANX Bath, rebate of taxes paid on bitch in Now Advertisemente. the season of EJ16'aa follows ►�- SlondaY. OF CANADA IL915, same having been poisoned. 3 00. wi I leave b a own stable. A. -E. Major a, 7 The standing committee on Relief 11-hiteva.'e an i proceed to J flood's, Con Haws orincs Tonowo reported amil recommended the fol- SEED BUCKNN-HEAT FOR SALE 9. mar.ham, noon; H. Percy's. con- K. payments : C., H. Hurling, for, —AbOUt 100 bushels at SLUO per Lu,,�,el, As--- Pickering. night Tuesday, Graham lowing pay i3• it ton's. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT A a .1uneral expenses re Mrs. Dunlop, who Ply W_ C� BAY106, BrOugh' Johna Btatigh&m. noon and eight, Wednesday, u Fitzpatrick's. con 4, died In 1914 9-5.00. SERVICE -A Polled Angus ..-TO CHEQUIL Fickenzig. nooti, Win. Smith's, con. 3, e om Dam. Foball.reatitered'.'at lot 7, , on, 03, Picleering, The standing -clommitte, mmended Foo Thos Philip, Iarowh c:- 32tt Pickering. night. Thursday, G. Toyne's. tages to Sheep by. Dogs reeo, L Ro%ge Hill, noom; L. Lewis'. I,t S, con. Saving Deposits bear interest at the following payments - J. H. Evans, 'first- Thom a Bank De SALE -A- few tons of 2, Sca,boco, might, . Friday. G. 1. 'to, inspecting sheep for John Scott in F0CI`ans_t,mothT1ohy Lad sonia good sod oats song. 'at 5. con 1. Scarboro, noon, _F. highest current WOO. j915, 1,o5, also slieep for W. J. Fins in APP F to b:sVenson Uros, half mile north of - 511TID 1673 same year. LSD: Jas. Stephenson: for t�Lvaghsm Ind phone PiakeriagXill M&cR&e'3, Cberrywoo.d. night, Satur day, his own. stable unlit %be following detecting dogs worrying sheep, 3 04), IKE CLOVER SEFD FOR monday morning. PICKERING BRANCH, Jan. Pitimer, for killing saiddog. Zoo. ALs -12800. P_ W. GORDON, Manager. Breach also at Whftbr. We at lot 13, con 7. Picke=t_ at'the farm Moncreiffe Albion, The standing committee an Bonuses axe Own price . Also young shortilarn bulls for for Wire Fences. Drainage 51attexi;. isle at reasonable prices. 9 E Pugh, Clare- The Part bred Import:, Ciyd*eds e sial 4 -etc.. reported as follows : Applications moattf lion, the prop rtv f John N*ipood, Brooklia, Will make the sesson of 1916, ..:were received from Thos A%'bite for TALL140.V FOR SALE—.Duke of fence on lot S Clyde, No. 14 V C 1. 2 1. C h B, 4 years Old as foLlowa� wouday - way 15th, will leave bonus an 40 rods of wive am B F'Zon. his -own stable Brocklim, for J. Corner' • M. con. 4. Mr. inspect and dark urown in CcAor Apply at lot 22. Ji,km no. or adapas Bea Fawcett, 2L B No. L Vanst'ne's Andle, Whitby. Hit earanc areport rb5teSrP);ko-..t0bo .;c Y–. Appv_c" -- --Everything 'TO a night. Tuesday, T C Bryant r on I rods on lot 12. con S. Mr, Mowbray to k ickering, noon; Pickering Inspect and report; Thomas Philip for Village. night. Wednesday, Liverpool, ,,EED BU-CKWHEAT-1 have far Abonus on 00 rods on lot 17. cou. 6. sale about IM bushels of good clean Suclf- But a well painted and dec6rated house adds value to your Ind 'Payment to A. B. Lehman. ol, R 116. line, noon; Bandel's Hotel, Whil "heat = at lot 23, con 4, Picken noon and night. Tbarsday E Philipp'a bonus on w Iy: . -asinK to the boas Pie us 1006, Amos brignall, bass ty, pre_set�ves the building and is pl. W rods fence on lot 85. con. 8, 9.00; T. f. Pickering, Friday: John Bonnetts, noon, iff -num an 40 r - =,_it sobinson, eon. 3, net y. .22 and $5, con S. 6.00; T. On' OR E—In the village of b Saturday own stab's 00411 She eye. We have - just opened out a large consignment o Dunkeld, oio' vale, an 0 roomed frame hones with Good sight. 40 rods -nn lots 90 and 31.'ron 7. 10-00 , ton* cellar and small stable two and a hall %be following woufty morning. a, varnishes, wool -lac, shellac and nolack of other 4. R. Ph,11HR!, on, 112 rods on lots 21 acres of land,including an acre of Road orchard "itegate ptmple, (3250) -The pain . u and 22. con 1680. . The council de- The house im useety surrounded with *bad* as, posaoss$oc may be given at am time, Handsome ]imported Haelmey Pony, .- Aecorating material.. 7 sires that all who are entitled to bon- " ma apply to PHILP & aATON rt of Edgar Shirk, Chalk For Vzice and ter Illott the =71 mike the seaeon of 19 1 0j, to uses for wire fences, report to L SLIPPIRS '7 council just as soon as the fence is a —1914 Ford Touring car, follows: Tuesday, may -16 h, will leave SHOES, 'AN�D completed. FOR SALE JL' newly painted and overhauled, now come- his own stable, mansion arouse, Stouff -on Roads Tho standing committee slid sires all round, extra mechanical starter: villa, tot C aremont. noon; Jae, Wilkin's Something to fit and please everyone, to - see them is to and Bridges reported and recomended preat-onto outat. tit* carrier, toot box and lot]. con. 8, Picks, ing� night. Wedn" fall speedometer, electric Kern;. :. are moderate. thw following payments: Canada In- tools robe rail Lay, back to Claremont for noon; his two want them, and prices run about M miles, guaranteed to be in first d scot Iron Co., Guelph, 2 iron culverts elsas shape; price 4456. 1913 Ford touring car stable until the following Tueed.y morn 08.40; J. Palmer, drawing iron culvert tires nearly new extra robe rail etc. as good asfag SUIT w; vrice 14W 1914 Ford touring car newly A acing same opposite lot 23, con. 00' F: (12598),,Tbe Each -and I Rioted and overhauled in first 10.911 condition Baron Elect—'5621 C :2. Calvert and others, re lot ofextras om it. 6375M WilUKE&SON' ion&blybred So6of barou'sP.ide,the `sand tf .-For-the boy, the young nian, or for father, ready - property of WL 11 Pagb, Caramiont, will 40.00, also rep race bridge and other make the season of lil •; as follows: Ston wade or made to measure. SAti9faction guaranteed. -'repaiips, 8, 50;.A. Forsyth, filling wAsh- day, will leave his own stable and 'Pro ,out bet lots 20 Find 21 in con 8, I.W F E E D teed to John Rcott'j, con. ii, Pickering, ;,Our Proceries are the ireiihest. Thos. Staribury, mp- road opp lots til for might. K Ttirr's, xongolia. noon; :And 11 in con 8, 0.00; E. Morgau, re- at C. N, R., Station F. neew.r's, Locust ui 1. night. Wedned ba.te on statute labor. performed, 3.25 Johnston, overseer, -rep culvert's in 0': Cherrywood day, it milroy's, Cedar Grove, noon: El mi se's, Clierrywdod- night. Thuradi. 76. to be charged to ens acct., 4.25 Geo. E. Pu-Ii'o.AN'bitevalle, noon: IV it ORGE P H I L+1 R ;a �onirnutftLitn account, -T2.00 Brewers' GrainF, )ilarton's, con-. 6, Pickering. night. Fri rale* overseer of Broxightm Malted Corn Feed 'IT RX0 NV. E. llolt=,ov Bran; Shorts, Flour, Corn, Oileake day. G. i,)hmstom's. BiouRhaw. noon; 01 -4&v, work V med- to bprh to Dr n qt�hllp_ night. Saturday. W. Gard 1 3 3 M-0 ;,commutation, 8,48, Meal', Cotton Seed Ilem, er?.. uer's. Ashburn. noon; own stable uvtil Council adjourned to meet on Mon- Or taken for Sv%TifL'.,,Red.SLeer the fullowing monday. for the transaction dav,.. June the 19th TIME TABLE—Pickering Station G Of general business. T. R. 1raine going East Ice all follows— Phone Home Markham 506. No. 6 INisil 8.08 A M. COURT OF REVISION ioN� 12 Local 2.45 P. M. Thomas Reactor ,• 14 Local 6.04. P. It lbe-Council met as a Court of ReVis- Trains going V, est due an follows-- i"ton on Monday, Xlay:�Pt nd dispos- No. 13 Lo -al -,.42 A.. M. -TILE , , . of the followiniz appeal 11 Local* 2.15 P. M. Pickering P.V. Trus, eshadtbe-fol. For sale at current prices 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 fail 7.40 P. Me dowing parties as for dogs : E. L,. 8 10, 12 and 15 inch cement Gla at the 'Sunday included ]Ruddy, two instead of one, F. B. N , hitevale Tile Vards, Ind. Tel. No. lHausser, two instead '�ef one, F. W. Mrs. S. M. Gordon, M. Dwyer, 5W4 Markham, am, 'fora bitch, NValter Shepherd, fora Lax-e}C 5 c,caiswytet to E&t bitch instead of a dog. Claremont P. V. Trustees had T. Sanderson assessed The Fruit - Store - -.,for a dog. John Fleming and W. A. kits were each assessed for a dog . .11AS, THE QUALITY 'These dog assessments were cancelled: CAR -11. Johnston, dog 0THE1XR%.0QM0T0R.____ _killed : J. T Hadley MELSON'S ICE CREAM DODGEBR -dog dead ; J. E, Wilton, bitch killed ; Arthur Prouse. dog dead' ; Geo, Wood, Nuw is the time to do uJor establishi4 a very notable record for lo�� cost of main It is PI dog killed; Mrs. Helen Reid, dog din- XEAPPLES appeared, R. A. Bunting was also e; and'freedom from repairs. tenants, a sensed for a dog. Radish, ine Strawberries, -Lettuce, Mrs. A. Putterbaugb had 1J acres tion. In and of on. 2, assessed , to self and Green Otions, Potatoe.s. We can give you Impressive facts and figures in this.'cormec qof' lot la. c e. ICE CREAM y strong incentive to ownership.' reduced $100. 8 J of lot 11, con 8, was Sundeas, Sodas or Ice Cream Cant themselves, they constitute a yer --changed to W. C, Ormerod as tenant, During the -heat of the day -let us IN t f lot 10, con 8, was assessed be beat when made with show you how to kcep cool. The Gasoline Consumption is unusually low, Neilson'* Ick Cream is unusually high. Ly, R F albite- 4 t nP ;sh 1$1 to OTT. Stanbury as tenant, and Neils The Tire mileage *$SW to J. Cochrane, as owner. Mrs. isnd Fruit. Ice Cream Sodas env flavor. Drinks I on over ebar 4e ice oold of all description.. -Examine this Car, Mao our la, ge stock of Carriages, Wagons; tj Try our Fresh Fruit Salad. Automobile Tires, Spoffard's appeal le ilres, Etc. ..Was not allowed, Two acres of lot tial Fre Home blade Bread Farm JkachinerT, Harness, Automob .con. 6, apsessed to J. J1 Harrte. Me, I like mother tried te mak i3rouoam hotel assessment was I He J. MARQUIS Both phones in shop. . e- tBell and Ind. W.- F.Disney, Wlitby cbajaired from R. Devttt to John M PkkWhS I ORU60 HERB MONNEY, PICKERING Phones 6J+ 4Gero*. -R,, Devitt wan placed as tan K a il-va I .�.,yp y, a :�, Asn N. -LY w,/... _ r+ -,n -•Y. ,A.. x -n. ...-y'!'.iF' .Y '4� 4. .-4 r'T!a r.�.�,. "¢.:. •PI -i 15.E 'e•..y _^. .9-r+�:n•� v11•r .K+" -+,y. F9PY '�'!P :.. -.'!. + .. ..:...: �...1y}ii .' .+. • Oji �7. y:..'?1.w'b :- ,•a'..,N .. w-.. .-„,... \.,; - ..aCrvdl Y ' h.%-- ' k .� :'S 8. .. y,, i_ '�.'.•._ :'i•+,K-.: F'�%- N -N.� -„•I ` r f•., �. .,,.�,. ..4cg ..:- ..,,k .. xe+t`.. .:+�- :..- ''��. rr4-"'•:..Y" e ni F.w'$�,- t -C -`e' •xE.'e•°4. :..�- !. :� g.. ••-,' ': +^. �.: r -_ ^at'.' r*, ” CLARSMONT- - J. B. Madill and James Larson Wellington real exhibited a Mise Rice spent Sunday at her spent the 24th with relatives in, mare and colt at the Uxbridge •home in Toronto. Stouffville. Fair on Victoria Day and succeed - Seeding operations are still_ Thos. -E. Stephenson was iq ed in winning first on his colt and dragging on very slowly King City on the • 24th of May seeond on the mate. We congrat- '► elate him on his success. Mr. Baker, our mail carrier, has shoeing horses in the stables of purchased a new Ford car. Sir Henry Pellatt. Mr. Stephen- Lieut. W. J. Beaton, of White - Thos. Birkett had a business son has w•on an enviable reputa vHle,-occupied the ppulpit in the trip to the city on Monday. tion as a first-class horse-shoer Pre-bytertan ch�ucli on Suad4y Rev. J. R. Real is in Peterboro He receives many calls from horse morning and in the Methodist -phis week attending conference. owners at distant points which he church in tke evening, when he The Methodist Sunday School is unable to answer owing to presspreached two excellent sermons, will hold -a-picnic, probably in duly. of work. which were much appreciated. : Mrs. S. Rumohr and daughter, - . Miss Leila, were in the city. on _ • ...Monday. - . Chas. Sargent and family and - Wm. Graham visited Uxbridge on the 24th. Chas. Sargent took an auto -_ __load to aconcert in Markham,on '-•tithe 24th. - John Stephenson; of Pickering, s tent Sunday here with his sou, homas. 0 Fred. C. Madill,» of the Stouff- _ ville Tribune, spent a day here with friends. _ Mr. Taylor, who, has been visit- , has left to friends in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Grant, of Pape "MADE IN CANADA~ . - ---_-Ave., Toronto, speat a week with - -James and Mrs. Evans.- - - Ernest Chamberlain, of Agin. --Price of the Nem Ford Touring Car - 'court, was renewing old acquaint- aaces-here-on-the-holidayu ,r e )lMdd witill, ello C N. and Mrs. Burton and Baugh - ter, Mies Ethel, spent Victoria and lights, electric horn, etc., 5640 ' Dav with friends In Brooklin. f. o. b. Ford. _ Sam. and Mrs. Stephenson and Wiu. Gibbons, of Toronto, spent Standard equipmenf, f. o. b. Ford, x530 :the holiday with the latter's par- =_ q 1ed, f.o.b. Eo1d 9 - runabout; felyqu10tints. Mrs. J. D. Johnston and Miss Runabout Standard, equipped, Eunice, of Toronto, spent the bol -S 180 iday with the former's parents, F. f. o: -b. Ford,- ; and Mrs. Farmer. W. Miller, out- enterprising gar- See the. new models at our dener, made a couple of visits to showrooms. Stouffviile recently to Feenre his supply of tomato plants. W. J. -LUKE & SON. Mrs. Tboa. Pearson, accompan- Ontarin WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TER-RY, Manager. SEEDS! -.'.I t 71A- j --Junto, Half Long uter►nedia Mangold Seed x x Giant Su Beet., All at twenty cents pound. TUrnl rSi--Jumbo Derby and p ems+ Canadian Gear. All at forty cents per pound. w' 'White Cap,, Yellow Dint, Seed Corn --seaming, cousin 'io �, Comet arly, r 'These are all fairst-clall. seeds. It will pay you, before purchasing, to see quality and get prices at CHAS,,*SARQENT'S­, - .CLARE ONT, Ont. Vets and Merle Stephenson, spent Victoria Dap with relatives in - t 7 moil � • vv ateia .'_ •Myr#le. - �._ _ _ Miss Annie Forgie left on Mon- - 'he ��C��1In� �ompany, IMid Battalion ` day to assume the -duties of her new position, that of Lady Super- s. ..Boost Four own. Polling Sub -Division, See what intendant of the Guelph General your Division has done. - Hoeppital. ; Tlie Dramatic Club purpose go- No. Other Ang to Bethesda on Monday night - ::Eligible 182nd Batt. -118th Batt. 'Battalions topresent "The Red Acre Fara," 1 Orange Hall, 71 0 2 0 under the auspices of the Method- ' ` N _ . 2 Pickeriug Village. ;106 !1 10 18 ist church. TULL _ "LINE l\ eS 1 g - ' Lieats. W. J.` Baton and J. F. 3 Dumbarton, - - Rouge AiI1� _ '• 20 - =- ,1 .... 0 1 - Dales have been in this locality 80 '2 1 6 ' daring the past few days in search -; - - i Cheirywo _ p - 6Iiinsalet _ ag - -+Q_ .. 3 i of recruit: for the 1811nd, and are T Brougham, .189 0 7 1 meeting with some degree of suc ' OF LUMBER LATH Ail D 8 Whitevale, "73- J -12- 'ceMorgan Fugh, who recently lost _ _: - - 19 h3alremonL -�g _. 2 his dwelling by fire, is making pre' - - I LE ►7 - -___ T partitions 10 for re -building a fine SH G - - - - new brick residence, 80x30, with T 11 Altuna, 8!8 14 - 43 - 84 a cottage roof. _ - _ - r Mr. and Mrs, Cook moved their i _ _ _ Unly 89 Pickering men have, enlisted to' date, 'We haven't done our householdits to the T was y, There are�till 828.. matt in o hip Monday, Mr. Cook having secured eligible for enlistment. Join to -day.; a good position with the John W. J. B"TON. L. H. LEWIS, J. F. DALES, Macdonald Co. » o Lieut.482nd nd Batt., Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Grant, of is Lieut. 182nd Batt., Lieut. 182nd Batt., --_' ICar load lot 1 -- __ Whithv__, �.,�►..�...,. t uto, - few days in Claremont renewing - - old _ acquaintances. They will `'`� .. GET OUR PRICES. MASSEY-H� High School Graduates always a made welcome in our /'r �+ _ village. _ Cream Separators A number of our Masonic broth- Are wanted Start train for a ready ren paid a fraternal visit to Doric position.. Start sow and a ready , , will assure you every he Sept. let. Commerce needs your cent of profit, u splendid Lodge, of Pickering, on Friday p r P night last when the D. P. G. __ - h ods usi make you fit. Cox t03* me b h made his official visit. All report Drills, Cultivators, Harrows, Shaw's.Business 8c Dols, Toronto. a good time. - 1�3TOVF'F'VIZ+?�B] Verity Plows, Wagons W. H. SHAW, Pre.,: L niou services will be held next and Buggies. Sunday between the 'Methodists + . D - and Presbyterian= as follows : In r ICKERIN� now -the PresbFteriau church 'at 11 a. AN IMPORTANT NOT/CE / J. R_ THETTON, Pickering,-0nt. iii•. and Methodist church at, p. m, Iµd. Phone I" , Rev. Mr. McLellan will preach at .UMBER YARD j both services. Having been notified that Mattresses are • advancin-g to price, I have C silt of The Whitby and Lindsay Bap- secured a good supply which. I will be able to offer ly " 5 A Cm*11Iove! ! , tilt Association meeting which -customers at the oldpricewhile they layt. In - tis was called for on the 13th and 14th fact I can save you mcnev on ever � Just arrived,a carlo,$d. of British _. ,e . pro Columbia fir lumber, com- has been postponed until the 20th thing we have in stock at o m o a b m m I sand 21st owing to the failure to t',e present time. I ;; ? v 2' d ;� E# make the necessary arrangements T ' - r.. _ v r � prising .the following _ for the former dates. C, $ BURLIN G `� -.DICKERING �� o A meeting o the rate-payer4 of 5$ - 7-16 v -matched. the Claremont school section was e = Qto Ie to B C o >R M Sheeting, .held in the school on Saturday g�+aQ2 abs, a" a �• d ��- flooring, evening when the question of re -ID ` q i o a8 � a g M o e st btu ing w • / • SII 9 ,y� e.� : ro y _ base casing, etc. lively discussion took lace as to • o n s P� p o'er O�°e �B So .i` ''` 0 0� what should be done, but it was14 decided to tear down the north M I Ij L I N E Y _ - g „ o r', Jan C W. D. Gordon Son, wing and rebuild along more �►; !'- Our Hats are all latest N ew Y ork add Paris styles and prices right. Fee -modern lines than the present M building. You can get a hat at your -own rice, made to suit ou b a War y - first-class artist. All work guaranteed• y y e Apr . i� = PIOKERINGar miss Laine, Eleme ary Secreta- ` ; e m o 'a m' may j �!! Bell and Independent phone. • ry o f School Association will hold a con- Come to our Sale of Boots and Shoes. We are offering great n m N a Jnt� a r ferettce with the elementary work- reductions. See bills and prices. o apt e ers of South Ontario in the Bap- . -� • b ;,� Ooh , h+~ - �i�r List church, Claremont, ou June S, Nall Paper Sale at about half price. Watch out for s8 B 4 ��j NOT, 4 - There will be forenoon and after bills and. prices• — . Deo c neon sessions. Teachers of the January reitz-rwhist, 9, net, w --elementary departments are urged _ __-.__ __� - ps y ria ia,aan'�`a¢ on 1� � U iN 1i11 attend and brie .their baskets, T , - seavez0On IV l ptergrode 9 � t�attP g _..BL0 SES - !1F the meeting will be of a picnic . L character. All the most up-to-date soft collars, sea pearl buttons, 81.23 to 81,50, C�raln Chopping : i The Ladies Aid of the Methodist silk, 82.95, seasonable goods arriving daily in all departments. _-.--- AND OAT FLAKING Of all materials and desiaa _ Church held a successful meeting -, See our new wlill paper, ;most beautiful ;designs. kept in stook. If will pay you -` >f at Mrs, Condy's beautiful home on The undersigned is prepared to do to W1 at our works acd inspect our stock Thursday afternoon. The day grain chopping and oat flaking and obtain prioes, Don't be misled bs t wgs beautiful and -the scenery was G R O C E R 119 S every day in the week agents we do not employ ahem, oonsegn magnificent which added much to ly we can, and do throw off the assn - the day's pleasure. After the ales- 'A full line always fresh and tip -to -date flour Cream and Tea Buns, ? excepton Saturday , commission of 10 per cent., whiob you wd J p tion of officers and other business cereals of all kinds, black qnd green mixed tea 85e. a 11b. Coffee, 80c. earlainly save by purobasiag from 11% b. Phone 2800. A quantity of slabs for sale, also etc aall els ed refreshments, after which sheon ITL -IA« h4 and Mr. Condy received, a hearty D. SIMPSON Co., - PICKERING1r John F. Bayles, Greenwood ° n» "cite,, °° � -,- 'vote of thanks. .,,{ r.-e,e_..:. x.�.�..-.: .x_c-......tem-.'.-, ...•..__.'... .. .. :_' n. _. - _. .._ r.__ -.r. .. ._ _. - .v_.__ � -_: t. -. _... � _ %. ""`�''• _ -_. _-. _..�.n: ._-._ ..r.. ..�F-_s �:..s'aa- .._y:.-.:.. s.. w�,-_.--. _•l _'$,...52L,sto-xx�<...»?-ss� en-e_r•�.ev?.b+4'�d3. }�'?•.'SMQ"��.8f: fi°I" 7X '•�'.M1'",r,}p'r. S .. ,.y,- Cu.i4.cn •�,.q Pte. .,'..;... .; . ay._�a- • „ ate..n,,.•s,`..r,•:qn. •h'.•r ...- .'.. .. ,..r : .- ,.,..,,; n wr,-.r+ �..� ."qN'�v-.q,.:- .x...,,.. .r`� .s +�.'t".A�a:- .c....�. .••iF.- '.•.w'3 -'. 5'l.. _'Rli' f t L ••F„ Si.:, -y.:,•-.. . : •iT,1K`R�. ':7r•"�'�y•7 `••' .. . �"i• .J. .;. ..:-..r. ., . . , f fair la is innate. Captain Von .,, - ,.,•,�..- .r. . Muller was a `sportsman:' His ex- 4 soil moisture is not quite so near the ? F ploits were rather akin to those of surface and the soil is warm a lit - spring ploughing is resorted to, it .1 the celebrated Lord Cochrane; and in tle further down; it -is often advisable _ A-TE ���� � � carrying on hii afar agairist British ! to plant one inch deep, mut never un-` commerce lie ran daily risks of being II der asi�r circumstances should beats be p. I. brought to action and destroyed bFa i plar.te$ more than 1 iF inches deep. At about 9.20 a.m. while this work ! Ocean under sail, the' schooner even- vice rendered to' the Allied causes and' • ly. In' addition to' this, it is much indhes across- The .second hoeing is- eareer he had behav in what, i'or spore than 20 tone r acre. Those want POO? better worcl�e may calla lanted e, inch dee yisIAL about 19 thorou gentleioan�y u Ater a o�5 ode planted one, and a halt never 141 unnecesiaxily Ina W2,d inches op yielded only 18 tons, and always courteous sad considerate to- that each half- inch added to the depth ward his victims; and when the Ad. of planting deducted very materially miralty gave. orders that he. and -his from the -crop, until the beets •planted off icere were to be accorded all the four inches deep yielded only' about -• - honors of war, and were to be allow- four tons per acre.* ed to retain their swords, their lord- We believe that early in the sea - ships only voiced the-sen-£imeiits'- of son while the soil moisture is close to to « t , e, y ey ren ere .a grew. ser- .done Immediately after t e secon ira in ridding the sen of ' P notorious PitItivs4tinn- At this tinie the Dl n s I . _ -� WM Do all rile cetioc 1Vr a ., little . . BIE-NsoN98 CORN STAR01 Chicken Croquettes—Creamed Begs. —Oraviea and Meat Sauces ga1r, a moaf delectablerichness and smooth- ness when made with BENSON'S O•'r recipe book is full of practical suggestions — lots of good things, easily prepared. Write for a copy to our Montreal Officd. THE CANADA STARCH CO., Llmr a k� _ the British public, in whom a lave of the surface that half inch is the best .the manure thoroughly through the i f fair la is innate. Captain Von depth. Later in the season when the- `' sage from the First Lord of the Ad 4If the tkirmrl3g is delaKed- Muller was a `sportsman:' His ex- 4 soil moisture is not quite so near the ? F ploits were rather akin to those of surface and the soil is warm a lit - spring ploughing is resorted to, it .1 the celebrated Lord Cochrane; and in tle further down; it -is often advisable _ A-TE ���� � � carrying on hii afar agairist British ! to plant one inch deep, mut never un-` commerce lie ran daily risks of being II der asi�r circumstances should beats be p. I. brought to action and destroyed bFa i plar.te$ more than 1 iF inches deep. At about 9.20 a.m. while this work ! Ocean under sail, the' schooner even- vice rendered to' the Allied causes and' • ly. In' addition to' this, it is much indhes across- The .second hoeing is- spring is just what would be consid- .; was still is progress the cruiser blew scally arrived at the Turkish port of " to peaceful commerce by the destruc- more difficult and expensive to -thin reco - _ superior force, while all along he must : In using a beet drill there is not like - 'r" will convince you of its sterling merit. -Let us send you a trial packet have realised that his eventual cap- i ly to- be much trouble, but with a at t same rice you now a for ordinary tea. Black, Mixed os n tare was only a matter of time. grain drill deep planting must con - He did his work well, too well from stantly be - 'guarded . against. The Green. Address 3you Toronto. 8 18y our -point of view; but, enemy though beets should be cultivated as soon as t _ solved itself into the Sydney, steam- Asia Minor, with many adventures, ' Australian seamen, who behaved mag- fill the -rows.- - Tf the rows are plant- gives to the .land. - The rows are he was, his *sporting beliaviobr rather ; the row=s can be followed; about' a . ing toward the island at twenty knots. including several attacks by bands of nifiicently under fire. ed about 20 inches apart. this should ordinarily planted about 20 inches appealedto the hearts of British pep- I week later, they should be cultivated Von Muller, leaving his party ashore, wandering Arabs, eventnallg arrived The news of the Emden -'s- destruc- be from 4 to 5 weeks after thinning, apart,. and, the plants left 10 to 12 - ple. I again,- and the -thinning should --be.! Th S do d d +h d to « t , e, y ey ren ere .a grew. ser- .done Immediately after t e secon ira in ridding the sen of ' P notorious PitItivs4tinn- At this tinie the Dl n s I . _ -� WM Do all rile cetioc 1Vr a ., little . . BIE-NsoN98 CORN STAR01 Chicken Croquettes—Creamed Begs. —Oraviea and Meat Sauces ga1r, a moaf delectablerichness and smooth- ness when made with BENSON'S O•'r recipe book is full of practical suggestions — lots of good things, easily prepared. Write for a copy to our Montreal Officd. THE CANADA STARCH CO., Llmr a k� ��°orked-several times to. mix j - raidtr, and the congratulatory mea-. I should stand about 1?i inches high. BRANTro Ro, 219 FOM; WILIIFM• I .the manure thoroughly through the i soil, an} get as much weed'seed ger- sage from the First Lord of the Ad 4If the tkirmrl3g is delaKed- urinated as possible: This should ? then be fall ploughed 'deeply,' of if Ij miraltq='Warmest congratulaticns on the growth goes into a great many spring ploughing is resorted to, it } - I the brilliant entry of the Australian,i beets, which' should'go into one, and should be done early enough to allow the •surface tobe frozen a little to in - (Concluded from last week.) book, for, after crossing the Indian ; navy into the war, and' the signal -ser -.I the crop is likely to suffer according- or when the plants are about 10 to 12 sure ins good seedbed. The ideal seed bed for beets in the At about 9.20 a.m. while this work ! Ocean under sail, the' schooner even- vice rendered to' the Allied causes and' • ly. In' addition to' this, it is much indhes across- The .second hoeing is- spring is just what would be consid- .; was still is progress the cruiser blew scally arrived at the Turkish port of " to peaceful commerce by the destruc- more difficult and expensive to -thin reco - _ ered an ideal bed for =wheat in --the 'r" ser siren to recall her men.' Soon ' , In t e e ea. ere er v men -was thoroughly j the crop when it gets larger. After 'are any weeds, and is practiced by a fall (t. e.) a solid bottom with a fine afterwards a cloud of smoke was -seen crew left her and went ashore, .and well deserved, more. so than ever be- I thinning, the beets should be cultivat- ,great marry good growers regardless: top. This is, best -obtained -by u3ing on the -horizon, and presently this re- ,' after an overland. journey thiough -cause many of the Sydney's men were i ed about once each week until they of weeks, for the .extra cultivation it ' sous' And light harrow, the only a a g , three or. ' Your times over -your t _ solved itself into the Sydney, steam- Asia Minor, with many adventures, ' Australian seamen, who behaved mag- fill the -rows.- - Tf the rows are plant- gives to the .land. - The rows are fleld_,which will tend to pack the bot- I . ing toward the island at twenty knots. including several attacks by bands of nifiicently under fire. ed about 20 inches apart. this should ordinarily planted about 20 inches tom and pulverize the top. Von Muller, leaving his party ashore, wandering Arabs, eventnallg arrived The news of the Emden -'s- destruc- be from 4 to 5 weeks after thinning, apart,. and, the plants left 10 to 12 PIanik and Thinning. ti at once proceeded to meet her, and ;-in Constantinople. tion was received t'vith great acel'arna- - 'tion Lloyd's by Cultivating. inches apart in the rows. In very 4 soon afterwards fired the first shat ! - Early on,10th November, the day at and shipowners gen- o! the engagement. The Sydney re- 'following the engegement, the Sydney erally, for her successful forays had ! .!rich, loamy soil, where the beets are. If, the crop does not come up' as . inclined -to grow out of the ground, wiveswhOU46tobuyinlargerquantitice is to use plenty of Beed, and the other to plant very shallow. .' In a .series of, -Plied, and to start with the firing on set about succouring the Emden's Put the premiums .up and had occa- quickly as ex PFeted it can often be they should be- left closer, so as to improved' by rolling with an ordinary 'compel the experiments covering 5 years, con- ducted at the Experimental Farm at { both sides was very accurate. The wounded. Captain Von Muller him- sioned no little concern 'on the insur- ance markets. Dudin her land roller, In cases where the crust the roots to go down, ins This only com- will not - Australian ship, however, being the set! was unhurt, and after receiving g sail -for room. faster vessel, armed with the heivier 'A promise from him to the effect that Paratively brief career she sank ces- is forming, the roller -_will help to make a heavier crop of better quality sols worth about six hundred and fift pulverize it and if the land is too loose aura, could chore her own range for 'the. Ge masa would not attempt to Y but will also eliminate a great deal 'of - it will the soil more closely thousand ounds car in cargoes to fighting, and steaming to and fro � damage his ship, Captain Glossop em- � P L TB g g pack the wase in topping. PP g' a ,'across the bows. of her opponent- barked all the survivors. _ The work the approximate value of three mil- � �Iminati'on. around the seed and assist the ger- ; y - fiarsestin •A ea...man growers p.�4nrett.ln ahesi r fir@�rlth Out TPCEi9_ I of tranann,•tinv rt,a 'wounded was s lions sterling; and this re uR__lt_nnly ing much punishment in return. The.;ver�dilicult task, for the heavy swell shows what an enoimous amount of i roll their field three or four times It is very important to harvest the P it is Too man - 3 ti effect o! her 6 -inch lyddite-shells must ve. been a a ing for :the raider's pp on the res ngerous for damage could have been done on our boats go the stranded arty methods l P crop. when ripe. will r n,eveerroda ages the � beets even farmers believe that- while- tht--ether � _ _to _alongside . - _fire slackened very rapidly, and before raider. 'Some of -the crew had man- ci dealing with'hosttle codimerce de- 'aged stroyers had not been and inches -high a I w arops.shan ho hnryew+ed when t almost invariably improves the con- are ripe, that the beets can b2 harvest - 1 long her foremost funnel and fore= so effective long to get ashore in spite o! the were dhot away. Then abaci � surf; and it was here, it is said, that , clition of the aoi'1. it is particularly Pa Y ed at dime. This idea is - !fire broke out in the sterni; and the 1 -several s fthe _more badly wou— named. `---lt is be fey tha�the common second and third funnels feiL But' unable to help themselves, were ab ; wealth Government has recently ac- necessary h. wrong. From our obse,ratio." -9 shower, so as to break the, surfact believe it to be just as important to. I ` :seven .then Von Muller did not intend. tacked by the enormous land -crabs cepted a tender for the salvage , of . and thus conserve the moisture. This harvest beets when they are ripe as Actsurrender his slip„ though, over- with which the islands abound. The the Emden and her removal to Aug_.,' question of conserving soil moisture is ; it is to harvest a crop of wheat, oats, for matched as he was, he certainly had a story has often been put down as un- tralia. If the venture is a success, a most important one every corn or any other. of .he farm crops. To the likely to . justifiable excuse for doing so; and at true; but from personal experience of Australia will have a monument of 1 -farmer to' understand. grow If not harvested they are re- - eleven o'clock, with his decks covered . Keeling Cocos, the writer can affirm ; which she may well be proud; for, it ordinary crop of roots or grain tape a second growth by which they _ with dead and wounded, and his vee-' that the crabs, ferocious -looking it does nothing else, it will'ahow. that ! 4uires from 1.8 to 22 inches of water. not only lose heavily in weight, but the eel little mor- than a floatingeek, creatures a foot to eighteen inches ' her home-bred seamen are as capable I Durins the growing season rain- also deteriorate considerably, in- sugar. -be turned for the beach at North'Reel- across, with large claws strong en- of giving as good an account of them- in her fail is usually about 10 to 12 inches. It is 'therefore, to have -ing Island. At about711.20 she struck ough, to break through the shell of a ; selves action as are gallant necessary, the coral -reef with a .crash, blazing ripe Coco=nut. are. quite capable of at- j troops note adding to their already in Gallipoli ( stored in the sub -.oil a large amount during the winter and early ` 1Sonzething Lovely. Rurioualy, but with her colors At .tacking a wounded man who is un-. i fine record the Peninsula, _ - 19ytng• The Sydney approached, $ave able to drive them off. of water spring for the use of the crop in the He -"Can't you find anything pleas r p The s#ate_oi some of the Emden's her a couple more broadsides to finish -- I. T `ao Any g may about j is�hard@ operparticul- to ut the members of my her off, and then steamed away in nr- wounded was deplorable. ' Already suit of a merchant -ship which had many of their hurts were gangrenous; which on family?"g it is incLned to crack will lose She --"Well, I. remember they were ----, i „ Drove in sight during the action. I but with infinite care and no little moisture very rapidly vhtte-fir a oppose This vessel was the collier Buresk, risk they were all -taken on board the .rhe !-CWM condition: The careful farmer must r which had been captured by the Em- Sydney,,- where the doctor, assisted keep a well cultivated mulch of three . • -' �At 2\.'VI. ' den at the and of September, and by the surgeon and some assistants or tour inches on the surface to pre-! - =° from which she had doubtless intended from the cable station, did all he could tint evaporation. This applies both Wife (sternly) -Henry Bibberly, to replenish her cool durine Over before the crop is planted as well as look me in the eye. e --their auf�'erings A"hich p'ticler eye _ at Keeling Cocoa. But when the - one hundred officers and men of the during the growing months. Bibberly - Sydney came up witb her it was found Emden had been killed during The Culture of the Sugar Beet. The second hoeing should be done m•dear. You neem to have more she had been badly damaged by I action, while fully fifty more had been It is rather difficult t Isolt t Iso y w'n�. s-�su�nt three weeks after the thinning eyes'n a poiafo. r Iter prize crew and was in a arcking •wounded, and of .these several died . best soil for the production of - the - "her -- j condition; so. Captain Glossop remov- ! subsequently. Sugnr Beet, since it seems to make it- 1 The ship herself was in a terrible � @ rYwa the men; fired a few shellb into Icer self at bra almost eve here when VITAL E s: T t ge N f THREEed al force. general tali torp., preaaice is hbo cit sea cheat ate- sabre srlab ceear;oatica, heednche dirai.:cea, art sure signs to expedite the foundering, and then state. All three funnels and the the soil is sufficiently .rich and sub- 'soil Are sea oleates •+tai sea e g sk > eheakh �%� sped that ' Paint iaeto . dy andtonic, her ewiiI care you�hr e,ea I e Indigestion. ` returned tb--the Emden and -asked by foremast had fallen while supers`,.ru- warm and dry. The least suit- "she 'No I ahle being the heavy ,,� ' MOTHER � `_ = A N D signal i! surrendered. reply class, boatg,d�eck fittings, and hull soil very clay A FT E A was tastantly _ forthcoming; but after were riddled through and through and even that can be made very. good 6 A t�I S � �another brief bombardment the Ger- with high -explosive aheH splinters, beet land by a generous application of MEALSmien SE' GELSJ��j StQY;;-GH hauled_ down her colors and The Sydney's casualties were' com- lime. .The safe rule is this -that any Il showed the white flag. She could paratively light, only three men be- ,land which is suitable for the pro- TAKE4 P t wir R U P. j19ijUOREs a do little else; her career was at an ing killed and -fifteen wounded, and duction of corn is suitable for the pro- g„e = � end.' ', hey all occurred at the start of the 'duction of beets. The better corn A1.11 D*aggiant. tx direct cm,OCCIp1 ofPr50e. and $1.00. The largo borle contains tbrec time•, as Craig st.eet West, Montreal- - - - -- - - Meanwhile the three German offic- , engagement. The ship was only hit land it is, the better beet land it is atm a ts..m ller. A. J. -Wu rs a Co• t.tXLTED, -- era and forty Hien who had landed em ten times, and was barely damaged. likely to prove -and whatever is the 1 the other island had seen .their ship I The details of the two vessels were - best -way to prepare it for beets. to the Sydney, We believe that the best PI>SiE EYE, E:IEoosso, - For Distemper a$IPE YE, FHYTs and. steam away engage very way as. follows: -Sydney-6440 tons, 25.6 ry OH Iy caxaasaaz and, after watching- the- preliminary knots, nine 6 -inch guns, four 3 -pound- ;to prepare a field for beets, is to be. PEvss �P S Burs cure and preventive, no matter how horses air stages of the action and guessing.; ers;. Emden -3544 tons. 24.5 knots, gin the previous season after a crop x X any age are afflicted or "exposed," Liduid, gicen on twelve 4.1 -inch of wheat oats,'barley or clover has what the result would be had seized gang, From that it y ¢ ' the tongue; acts on the blood and glands;• expels the G potsonous germs item the' body, Cures --Distemper- is "- 1, and privisioned the 70 -ton schooner. will be seen that the Sydney had a• • been harvested,, and plough about N sell - Dogs and Sheep and Cholera In Poultry. l.argv--* aril- J Ayeaha, belonging to Mr.. floss, the !great advents y three inches dee This is much bet- Bea particularly as her P• .1 R fns lice stock remedy. cures La crippo ..mong 11`oman O beings, and is a tine kjdney remedy. Ey the bottle or 3 owner of the islands They had with superior speed and heavier guns en- ; ter than -disc harrowing or other sur- Q dosaa Cut this out Keep !t Show to your druggist, -- them four ammuni- abled her to, keep off to a range at , face cultivating, as it is necessary to 6 the p who wt11 et lc for you. Free Booklet. "'Distemper, E'/� GO�-Causea an Cures." Speolai a encs wanted. , tion, and sailed at p m. while I turn the stubble in order to which the Germans weapons could in- get the sroaw actia:CAL co, Sydney was still absent at North flict little damage. - best results. Any manure which is - Chainists and Bacteriologists, Goshen, md., U." Reeling. The subsepuent adventures - But -Von Muller overmatched as be to 'be used should then be applied and of this party must have pro *-- ex- I was, -foul-Ort his ship very an y, ��°orked-several times to. mix t eeriest material for a most interesting ; and throughout the -whole of - his .the manure thoroughly through the i soil, an} get as much weed'seed ger- _ urinated as possible: This should then be fall ploughed 'deeply,' of if - spring ploughing is resorted to, it l _ will like- itS ' : Cane should be done early enough to allow the •surface tobe frozen a little to in - _lou _ _ . pure l Fine' Granulation sure ins good seedbed. The ideal seed bed for beets in the spring is just what would be consid- Buyy your Sugar in these neat 2 or � ered an ideal bed for =wheat in --the 5 -lb. cartons, which can • fall (t. e.) a solid bottom with a fine you place g directl on our an shelves. Y y P top. This is, best -obtained -by u3ing .%uaE Cut 6f the Coater .andur gasify' � '-last E.Mra sous' And light harrow, the only a a g , three or. ' Your times over -your - -out the 4agat as you need its_ -' y fleld_,which will tend to pack the bot- I . tom and pulverize the top. PIanik and Thinning. ". In planting there are two important there _ - epmes pin andMIb aggaf rrhoaae• points to -be remembered. The first wiveswhOU46tobuyinlargerquantitice is to use plenty of Beed, and the other to plant very shallow. .' In a .series of, wild b-itrf.'al'tOt18 - 'a' The -A-11-Pu -rpose Sugar" - 10 and Z0 -lb Bags experiments covering 5 years, con- ducted at the Experimental Farm at - Guelph, it was - found that beets nlwntpri half an inch deep averaged n--71 ' AL GROVES PALEAME _7 MACHED -'BY. SALVO OF SHEM VIP v3 • Wafer' Tanks and Drilling Plant of the Germans In Egypt M� VERM b . Ya --Destroyed by British: A- despAch from Londou- says; A.i. '_'It has.-now'been, learned that tbae British officiilion ommunieatA. issued 1 column of troops which suffered by Thursday night concerning the oper- our bombing attack on El Arish on . --atior* in, Egypt says: the 18th were Germans. This :prob-'! 4F ORAMASCUJ -J , "Since the enemy air attack on Portably explains their hasty retaliation % f 0 n A0 AWA Said, the Royal Flying Corps in by dropping bombs on Port Said civil J�-QVATI Ltsslftl N I -A P� d Egypt has given the enemy little rest. ians. Further details show that two o. Ar M Four British34 2 machines. have heivily-�. British monitors and a sloop fired bombarded the enemy advance posts. S. -heavy projectiles in the attack on El 1 o so "Forty bombs were dropped, resulting! Arish, causing the enemy to scatter Fames. ML;J in buildings and a plant at El Ham- in all directions among . the palm Beffincourf ma being. seriously damaged and the groves. near shore, which afterwards. -7. A4 water tanks At Rodhsalern being, were thoroughly searched rched by salvos Of smashed. This will upset the whole 'medium shells. The .. bombardmentof perhaps the greater part of the Ion the Italian front. Here, aeries -plan of the enemy, as, since the des- lasbed two hours, and the strong fort 265 slaughter. Brigade after brigade was ' of advances which began_ last e tr4ction of his drilling plant at Jif- in the town -was reduced to ruins. The Qws hill hurled at the French positions to east h d , - have now pressed the Italian iafF- b;, o�w P-trols, he had set great enemy, completely demer-alizid, mae umd -Lveqf QnIg to mplf nwny heforp thP "nt;1 thq enemy is eleven mil "- - v eng imm i 1 7 'store on the Rohds'alem water works. no reply to our fire." murderous machine gun', rifle, and Venetia. It is now reported that the oid shell fi. last the French, avItalians -have - stopped the Ausbrian ing -needless slaughter of their Own rush, and have -retaken a few of the troops, have abandoned the hill, which lost positions. The battle is proceed- -' Gsrtliere has become a sort of No -Man's -Land, i ing with a fury second only to that with neither combRtant anxious to ex- i of Verdun. ER • pose troops to the whirlwind of death - Two other events of the week a . re of D EEK FORTS MANS BACK GR which sweeps its summit. outstanding importance. 4 Meanwhile the French, taking mat- Voluntary service in England is now, DEVELOPMENTS OF. THE WEEK AA IN THE WAR. tars into their own hands, made an's thing of the past. From now until. ]Retake Part of Cumieres a' "'Gave the Garrisons Two Hours' unexpected advance against Fort the end of the Great Britain will What may.. prove to be the critical I p war Douaumont, across the Meuse. They call upon her citizens as they are Dead Man Hill in *hi& to Surrender. period of the whole war is the strug- succeeded in taking practically the 'needed for service. Trenches. 'A despatch from London sayt: A i,06 for Verdun which seems to have whole position, and permitted the Ger- iSinister, indeed, for Turkey is the Ireached its climax this week in a bat- mans to retake it only at horrible Bulgarian invasion of Greece, which it !- e cost junction which was reported this week, A despatch from Paris say%: In a tle wh1ch, in.poinb of sustained fero-. Of men and ammunition. Cu ji has often been stated would at) inflame ' mieres between a force of Russian cavalry Y ferocious battle in which the French the Hellenic nation that the latter's ; city and carnage, has not its equal in 1 also has fallen to the Germans, but and the British troops on the Tigris. took' the '• initiative Friday evening, the history of the world. After three 'as the French have withdrawn from Whence came the Russians, and by entry into the war would become in- :months of suitable, fruitless iiiitiative, and the more dangerous positions at Dead what route, is not known, but they and which lasted far into the night, -table, has taken place with the c when it seemed that the attack must ' Man's Hill, it is doubtful if this com-'are there, and _the defenders of Verdun succeeded In I sent of the Greek Government. In without doubt more are ,nin wresting from the Germans the east- I giving this consent and explai die of sheer weariness, the Germans 1 manding position is worth to the -an- to come. Contemporaneously J ern part of -Cumieres, the tactrica4 be e o press onward in a I emy what It cost them. -4 that the Turks P . 7 series of 'assaults beside which those I *'But while the slaughter has been had abandoned some of their advanced • a a A-thens,'King Con- 'this came the report wear, oany i of the Meuse. In addition to regain- stantine's government stated that no of the early Part of the struggle fade proceeding at Verdun, the ascendancy positions, and had lost a portion of other course was left open to Greece into ing this Portion of the village the -comparative oncessions of the Central , one of the rear positions ­­--1n-­a­B­r1-t�-��i Frencb-can tur*4--severat-trenchei - -co7 nce. scene rip after she had made- sUrnitir-c Dead Man's Hill Cance. the �ti�e­north-west of it. All subsequentto the Entente powers in the past. ng itself know, 'assault. J "Greeceno- option to*act ­`1•German' counter-attacks, violent as possesses they wer�. brqke own under t otherwise." a Greek statesman is D IT ]k -Ilu A Tel 190 IVERDITYL LAQT FFFORT 11TYd%TT%T1%IMT% T%T ANANIF GERMANS. I. —French defence -fire. quoted -as --staying, explaining the con -LAST HOPE OF G" Yyuuftuw Bce lum sent to the Bulgarian invasion. The of the tr 'o 'tier - --r- In this attack the French took about actuarcrossing oc I r141 nm ROAD ---- from-- Paris rL May 25 near Demir-Hissar, via 1 A prisoners. The French also made red o' 11ffJ1 says: some progress to the east of Hill 304 Georges Clemenceati, in an editorial ROAuS TO FROIN I 1 Rupeli pass. The Invaders, about 25,-1 land repulsed a second German attack headed "Err6rs In Optics," argues In near Fort Douauniont. The capture Wostrong, occupied. Demir-Hisaar connection with the Ger n an peace Com - of several trench elements south-west Rupeli and bridge, and also forts I -Not One of Those Fighting for verbosity and the violent attacks on Losses So Great That Col Spatovo.' It is Rupeli and Dragotina Empire a Conscript, Verdun, in which he says the cost � of munication With Interior 4. of Le Mort Homme netted the French stated that they are marching towards � 1 - .....about fifty prisoners. - Kavalla. X despatch from London says: The'life is Ott of proportion to any Pon-[ Delayed, A Ir ignature of King George was on - renewal by the Germans of the 9 sable result obtainable, that "it is eas. -oft-repeated efforts to break through Thursday affixed to the military ser-,-, fly seen that Verdun is the enemy's I A despatch from Rome says: Re - recently passed by -last effort." -He continues: If a 'tri. i Ports from the Trentino front says - the French lines in Champagne, near GERMAN CASUALTIES vice bill F--77- Tahure- and the Nak-arin farm, proved Parlia- umphal entry by some impossibilit, NOT UP TO DATE.; mbnt. In giving the Royal sanction to, r - the Alpine troops and B glieri are futile. While succeeding in the first Ithe bill, King George Issue Id bn made in the battered 'rem- decimating the Austriaerso' infantry a the fol- I cou onslaughtflowing 11 1 nants Verdun, the Wolff Agen4 whenever they try to attack outside In gaining a foothold in A despatch from British headquar. message to the nation: would nounce it as the final vic- the range of their guns. 'The An number of small French trench ele- tern in France says: Confirmation of I -"To. enable our country -td organize n2el the Teutons were completely tory," and Chancellor von Bethmann- trian losses are so numerous, it is do - 4 ejected by French cauxiter-drive reports that the German casualty lists more effectively its military resources Hollweg would proclaim tUt ruag. Glared, that they are causing delay in Z' jec are so far In arrears that their total in the present great struggle for the 'an issued from time to time is in no cause. of civilization I have, acting on naninious humanity inclined him t the Austrian action. Communication' I the advice of my Ministers, deemed it peace -to 7 ­ PRINCE OF WALES representative, is declared now I with the interior of Austria is blocked way represen to enroll eve by the -transport of wounded from the ON WESTERN FRONT. ito have been supplied. It is now,necessary every able-bodied front. man between the ages of eighteen and known that -the names of Germans forty-one. LIEUT.-GEN. BYNG TAKES 0 A despatch from London says: The 1 taken prisoner and left dead in the 1 "1 desire to take this opportunity COMMAND OF CANADIANS. PLAN REBUILDING Prince of Wales. has- returned from! trenches at the battles of Loos in. pportu y of Egypt to the British fighting line In i September last have only just been .1 expressing to my people my r - • the west. He recently. visited the: published as among the German- miss- nition and appreciation of the splen- A despatch from London says:; The -...OF RUINED DISTRICT. Italian front.I Inc. did patriotism and self-sacrifice they Daily Express announces that Lieut.. AiNnIsypel in raiming hy at julian Byng h- A despatch from Paris says -P.061� Ilistment since the commencement of command of the Canadian army in dent Poincare on Thursday iusugu- ATTPT TO REACM PETROGRAD the war war no less than 5,041,000 France. rated an exposition in the Tuileries EM men—an effect far surpassing that of Gardens it which methods of recon- um- Hamotstrutting the devastated village@ of any other: nation in similar circ stances recorded .in history, and . one Bad France are being demonstrated. Types TOBEMADE BY THEGERMANSJwhich will be'a lasting source of pride Btizz---.;Ho* old is that lamp? of reconstructed houses, with modern 'A to future generations. Fuzz—Three years. sanitary equipment and plans for "I am confident the' magnificefit Buzz—Well, turn it out; it's too laying out cities and towns are on el -Combined .and and Sea Attack From the 'Gulf of Riga and spirit which has hitherto sustained youngto smoke. hibitron, mad Across the Dvina. my people through the trials of ­ this terrible war will inspire them to en. dura the additional sacrifice im- BWAIN'S GUNS AND MUNITIQNS posed upon them, and that it will, -I�L despatch from London says: Ac- The newspaper says W is thought the with God's help, lead us and our allies 'German navy will attel to force ,,cording to advices reaching Basel the ` the Gulf of R* EQ A[ T(L 'Germans are Preparing for a strong kga.. to a victory which shall achieve -the naval -6f the • liberation of Europe." The corrispon8ent naval and military offensive in the Times asserts that the next great Itiffs, region of Russia.. The ports of German offensive Turnout at P u All probably will be resent Such as to Equip Eve of .tanzig and Koenigsberg are said to gun in northern Russia, taking the LLOYD GEORGE ve been closed to commerce and form of a combined land and. sea at- the Allied Armies. .ships are being used solely for trans -'tick from the Gulf Of Riga and porting artillery andammunitionun­ across the Dvina, heralded an en- 0 UNIFY IRISH der the protection of a, large German deavor to advancd'towird Petrograd. - --T A despatch from London says: 'authoritative source that immense fleet off Libau. ---In concert with this campaign - "someWhatever may have been Britain's do- Progress has been made as -regardi • The Berne Bund says it learns that I observers anticipate a simultaneous Task Committed, to Minister of f1ciencies with regard to the supply- of the manufacture of powerful guns - and -the Germans have recently completed blow at the British front in France high explosjves. Figures an to this new railway running from Libau,and Flanders, and her' Munitions by Unanimous munitions in the earlier stages of the e also, it is be- progress in' the equipment- of . the through Muraviel to Mitau and that lieved, an effoft may be made by nes Cabinet war there is every reason for assur-,British and allied armies, given to reinforeel are passing over it. as well as by land. ance tKat at present the turnout is: the correspondent in an authoritative 'A despatch. from London p" says�: 'One such as to equip the nation and its quarter are such as to dispel the most impressive scenes. ip the al simistic -statenients, which have..been• of the mo' lies against all emergencies. A news House of Commons since the begin- paper correspondent learns from ai�'made recently in some circles. ST..'ELOI AND YPRES'SAIJEWS n of the war took plgl-p nrl Thijru- afternoon, when Premier Asquith made his eagerly -awaited statement AGAIN HEAVILY S on Ireland. Many epeculations and BRITISH LOSS 5; ENEMY'S- 1,000 h es were built an the words which op were -expected. from the Premier, but 7 IN A BATTLE IN THE SUDAN lRecent German Attacks- on the British Lines Marked by those who believed that the situation would be completely clarified were Unusual Violence. doomed- to disappoifitment. Never. theless, the' Premier's few words were Even With World Conffict Raging, Britain Can Attend to delivered amid the most profoiind Her Little Wars. J5 2 .-_-,&_despatch from Londoix says: •The lar viole�ce. Many mines have been silence, the sole interruption coming Gel have been more active than i exploded, the crater caused by thqse when the sensational' announcement . . r udual against .the British lines the of the enemy being occupied by the was made that Mr. Lloyd George A despatch from London'say'­a: The given as Ave m­on'killed and 23 wound - British In every instance. would negotiate the settlement. This War Office on Friday night issued a ed while the losses to the Sultan's past few days, and their expenditure I The Germans attempted to. rald.the -announcement was greeted with war= report concerning fightizig on May I force are estimated at 1,000. '..'of ammunition has been lavish, Re- British trenches east of Calonne on approval from -all side s.28 -18ithe ---Ndan, which resulted in the The Sultan, whose attitude toward fording to Sir Douglas Haig's report I Saturday night, but. fahed. -Mines O, deleat -A some 8,000 troops of All the Sudanese Goternment for a long from headquarters in the field.. a and camoo4fietssouth of Loos and east -Sultan- of ---Darfur, - by Col. time -has beeh truculent, is -reported of Souchas damaged 'British trenches money left you, said Brown. Yes, Kelley's force. The light took place to have fled with a small number of In around Loos, St. loi an I "They tell me you have had som„ ­ =-Te-bftnAUJed wi but there were no casuall sk "It Uft, Me long. ago.- at — Faahsr- 13rhish losses are htw f6flowem I ropHid Smith, Ttar Pte' l '.+ H • .,_;s .. ♦ .•.*9 '.- - ' tri ti.'•_'. ! L.Y. _. iJ- 7' .f 'yam � � t /►�n � T� Q Q SIMMONS onommoomp�- WHITBY i�`1VhLik71[L17e -Harvey Edwards has• parchas' ed a new Qhedrolet' car, which The march through the town • was delivered to hire on Wednee- Thursday afternoon of the 116th Bat. day. talion created much exciterneot. and �' -Mrs. W. J. Monsey was in the Y Welty on Monday, -M-rs. Geo: M. Palmer has been at the civic �k the Mayor rese Qj iq '� -Frank Bundy. of Toronto, was spending a few days this week them with the freedom of the town.-+ -home over Sunday. with her daughter, Mrs. F. H. In the evening the 182nd gave a gard- en -Miss B. Kerr spent' Saturday Doyle, of Toronto. la party to them in Mayor Warren's and Sunda in Oshawa. -John Henderson, of Bethesda, lawn, and la Friday afternoon a re - and view took place in J. MitchelPe 50 -acre -E. Gormley, of Toronto, spent spent a couple of days this week field west of the town. This was the __.8unday at his home here. ' - with his boot nd sister, W. F. first time that Col. sharps had room —.�llSt to remand you of a few lines -Miss Larkin, of Toronto, is via, Henderson rs. Rankin. enough. to pro through .a shat -fight. iting her sister, Mrs. Housser. —Just received, a shipment' of Then followea a physical drill by the i -Mrs. Uriah Jones has- had her, running shoes, . white and navy. battalion. A march past took place - - .` barn on the Greenwood •road re- Also Swede turnip and mangel. in honor of Whitby, the mayor and . f. -good$ you nL'id• now the council receiving the honors. The shingled. _ seed, at 20c and 45c per lb. D• boy scouts took a very fine part in the Abe Simpson & Co. perfnrmnnce. Returnin to the town over Sunday at the home of his -On Friday evening last D, I?: the battalion were creat��to re nee - Nall seers=- uge a=sor teen s, rof- m -ren to $1..60- mother here. G. M., W. H. Legge, of Richwood, meats by the ladies of the town at -Mrs. W. J. Stank, of Stark- Hill,' paid his official visit to Doric Clover Knolls, the property of F. If. per toll. _ 'vide, is visiting with her mother, Lodge, A. F. & A. M., when a nuin- Annes, Col, Sharp-nrnde a speech. .. _. i Mrs. R. J. Davidson. her of brethren from -Markham, thanking the ladies or their hospital. Cretonnes and Art'Muslins-Very nice new patterns and -Mrs: COakwell, of Toronto. itiesand the sold Claremont and Toronto were pre colors; 15c, 20c and 25c yer yard. cheers. On Friday night the Masons ". _._�-_ .spent last week with her son, W. ent. of the battalion were entertained by { J. and Mrs. Coakwell: -Until farther notice the Drug the local lodge. On Saturday morn= Curtain Nett and Scritn-Colors, white, ivory andscream, ~i -Miss Irene Rogers .still. con. Store will. be closed- for business Ing they were'given a rousing send-off - rS tinues to improve slowly; ,after every Sunday, and will also close when leaving for Oshawa, Again on _10c. 15c, 25c atid 85c per yard. her recent severe illness. evenings of the week at the same Tuesday morning they returned to -George and Mrs, Philipp, Bra time as the other stores of the vii- take. the boat (Chippewa) for Niagara, Table Oilcloths, Floor Oilcloths and L' inoleume-Big ugh s nt Sunda with Russell la e,_ Entrance to telephone office and while passing through the town • „ , _ g pe y B P y assortment at. The, Big Store.' a And sirs Brodie and famil , by the side door. the ladies, again entertained them b - _ _ presentingeach man with an orange, e ton, spent Sunday wit"Iber from here w F rank h her sister- W'hi-tby on Tuesday morning to of A -act awn Owers- a or ere early. You get the benefit; in-law, Mrs. W. J. CoakwelL see the 110th Battalion make its Word has been received that Sir of the early price, $3.50 to $6.50. _ :.r -Mrs George M.'Palmer visited exit from Ontario County; when E. Shackleton, of whom much - '¢ - with her daughter, Mrs. Fred. H. they sailed b the Chippewa ', for anxiety was felt, is. safe. Garden' and Lawn Rakes -80 cents to 85 cents. y -. Doyle. of Toronto, this week. Niagara -on -the -Lake, their sum- -Quite a number from the vil- mer training quarters. COUNTY -. COUNCIL New Perfection Oil Stoves -$8.5o to 814.00. �• '' lags were in Whitby on Friday -Mrs. McGuire. who has resid- seeing the review of the 118th Bat- ed on Church.St. fora number of CUVNTY OI!' ONTARIO - ears, has moved to the home of Roofing Manufactured by F W Berd & Kon=1 ply 1.50, �.. ; talion, y . -E. L. and Mrs. Ruddy were leer daughter, Mrs. John Power, of The adjourned meetinj of the Coun- 2 ply 2,00, 8 ply 2.50: Fix that leaky roof NOW. cil of the Cir ration of the County here . a couple of days last week. the Kingston road, east. Her of Ontario, for the year 1918, will be ` ?, The are movie down this week Asad daughter, Miss McGuire, They B held pursuant fo t t Statute; in the Coun- 8hirwin-Williitms 'Paints Brighten up now before the F s . -: for the summer. has returned to -the home of her cit Chamber, at the Court —Mise M. E. Boone, Miss M. parents in Manitoba. the Town of Whitby, on Tuesday; the dust comes. Big brtment of rotors. ` Richardson and W. V. Richardson -The many friends of Frank 6th day of June, A. D. 1916. at the attended Friends' Quarterly Meet- Harvey,formerly of Pickering, and hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. `-Alabaatine-2a cenf and �40 cent packages: Don't put off. tog at Newarket on Sunday. Poo -of W. and Mrs Harvey, of All accounts to be laid before the -Miss Hofiand. of Toronto, and Brougham, will regret to hear Council should be forwarded to the W. H. and Mrs. Elvisa and son and that he has been wounded in act- Clerk, properly certified, atleast three 190G Gravity Washer -We guarantee it,'. Take one Biome days before the meeting of Council. and try it. Bring it back if you don't like` it. $15— daughter, of Brooklin, spent Sun- ion. He enlisted with a battalion Dated at Whitby, May 29, 1916. - - R� ; + day with W. H. and Mrs. Crum- in the north west and left last fall one price to all. ' mer. for England, and has been in the J. E. Fsaswsi i., - - -The Ladies' Aid Societyof St. trenchea for some -time. No r- County Clerk, County of Ontario _ � Remember f If pou'parchaae anything at our afore which t; -: Andrew's Church will meet on titulars have so far been received..g+O '�'i a Fariil$ is not satisfactory in every way, you can exchange the base• as to the.severit of his wounds. 1 n it or get your mosey refunded.. went of the church. A full attem ti i _ 9h a -lance is regnested, only slight and that he may soon - �, -A full attendance of the mem- recover• you era loosing by not having a De _ _.l.bers of th"et ist Ladies' Aid -Word has been received of the Laval separator. Now is the time to HAPMAN 1'<a requested on Wednesday, ime ea o rs. - .7th. at the home of Mrs. William Cass City, Mich., which took place call and give you prices on DeLnva] �T�1T7ERI1`�l G Vl'�l 1 'Wilson, at the usual hour. on Saturday, May 22nd, at the age separators, silos and engines, also for 1 K , T.. -- -The Pickering beef ring will of 47 years. The deceased, whose the best barn door trsek and hangers, - meet on Saturday evening in Gor, maiden name was Maggie Fergn• - -idon Law's blacksmith shop. Any son, was a former resident of Pick- Russell Andrew, GARDEN SEEDS and 'POOLS - person wishing a share, apply to ening, and was a niece of Mrs. W. PI�CKERING. Oat. - R. H. Cronk, or at the meeting. Varty. She is survived by a sor- Have you planted your garden yet ? If not we can supply .you with- r-31'siKerr, who has had charge rowing lsttband. one daughter, _ _ either Steel -Briggs' or Simmers' Seeds, Dnteh sets and of the intermediate department of Gladys, aged 16, who is a eopho- multipliers. Slmothy and Clover Seed. - -� the. public school since last mid- more in the local high school,. and summer, has resigned, the tesla• one son, Harold, aged 18 One We can also anpply you with with all necessary toolls you require—Ewes and ,,,.► Forks, Spades and Shovels, Chicken wire la 2, e, 4 and 5 feet. the nation to take effect at the sad of sister, flits. Tobias, of Toronto, new kind, to protect your garden from the little and big 'June, also survives: - t thing on the market. Chick feed grit an _ -Frank Maddi an, who enlisted -A favorite and eery remnaera• chicks. iris The newest h t . g t d shell. g The "ladies are busy house-cleaning and will require Wall Paper, Alabastine, a few weeks ago, fres been serious- tive occupation of t e farmers iAs'� Whiting. Vamish, Turps, Brushes, Liquid Veneer. Paints, etc: We a -I' ill in the Oshawa hospital oaf- along'the Kingston road is that of can su payy you with ever requisite-Otlelothi. Linoleum, Jap. tering from pneumonia. p We are assisting motorists to reach terra Our Stock of Matting, Bungalow Ifets, Scrims, Cretons, Art Sateen. pleased to state ;that he is now firma. To do this a team of -horses COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS pall and inspect our stock and satidy yourself that both goods mproving. to most frequently used, while at d prices are rigbtt. COLUMBIA an -The prospects are veryybr�L ogee times gpick ands _.. .------- - `_fo_r an abundance of fruit of all necessar�y It is reported that a Is all new, G. S GILLESPIE) �DUNBARTO 'kinds. The weather has been the man 90 4 along the road nearIL* - _ !very best for the blossom, and a Dumbarton a few days ago; saw It will give us pleasure _ '�;� n �1 �3 few days more-aIl danger iro�m something of the.roa a mat is to glay the records far_ .;M-armL3r17 � s sv Time' _root should be over. the centre of the roadway. His yon, whether you pun- - ?-Sergt. W., C. Muckar, of the efforts to remove it were inter- chase or not, and we. 116th Battalion, spent Sunday r+lpted by a voice coming from will gladly asaist yon 'We have a good night at a home o paten . nmderaeath. dem& ng o now king selections, Get your Seeds wheF The 216th left on Tuesday for -the if the man wiLs trying to take the Do matter how small reputation along this ine, and are out again to do busi- ' - Niagara Camp, basing sailed by top off the auto, in which the poo- the purchase. mess with on this year. We handle i �' ithe Chippewa from Whitby, seesor of the voice was sitting. * iSteele-ung Co'e Seed and also D. M. Ferry's. -The members of the township We cannot vouch for the truth- McFadden's ern Stcr% 'council were makin their anneal inlness-6f thiq story, but there is While seeing us place your order for Boots: We -handle the beat and g PICKERING _ can guarantee you the best of satisfaction and good wear. 'trip over the roads, particularly no denying the fact that the roads the Kingston road on Wednesday. are in a very' bad condition. and 60 TRARS' 'They found at several points some the frequent rains makes it im- EXPERIENCIL We are agents for' the Lowndes Tailoring Co: and guarantee per -sligbv-repairs , wilL have to. be possible to repair them. Of Course feet satisfaction with every garment. made, the members of the council are , -A. E. Crysler. who has been blamed for it all and with a cer- AA - In the boot and shoe businesq in twin class of people they have be- 4 � ri B V NTING s bt19 1CZLJLJ IRS t � ----Simcoe for some time,, visited with come very unpopular, Eta 857, -Pickering-friends a coupleof.days ___ _ •�• - - -_ _ last week. He 1]68 sold Otit 1119 HMHLAND CREEK BRAD! MARICB y DnIGPIS business and is taking a few days The open meeting of the Highland s - Co�wRraNTs ka - QaCatioa. Creek Women's Institute will be held ♦n7oae.endingasketebaaddeeergt=Uq -Oaicki7 aecertata Inv opinion fess whhetbe! an D e Invention nDrobaey n mmanterSPRING —Mrs. W. J. Stark, of Stark- on- Saturday, June the 18th, at i"he M �p tionestriet]T con L_ NDBOOICoaPatenti } villa, who had been spending a home of Mrs. Shelton Brumwell.._All eestttttree Olaeei seniors ARRIVIN-G DAILY few days at the home of her moth• friends of the Institute made welcome. e> Ana tasen b n� wotta..tthoae�a .*aep� i� er, Mrs.. R. J. Davidson, returned :Mrs. lady s, ea Brampton, one of rhe. N� home on Wednesday, accompan- ablest lady speakers in the work, will "dress the meeting. ♦bandsome>>-waecrat•dWeekLt.I•m.ccu- SHOVELS, FORSS -- led by Mrs. R. Deverell, w'ho will •,m �� - - attoa of any edenueo jouraai. Terme for . HOES, RAKES,. SPADES, _ reside with her. °' �' • i+ewisows prepata, sola by - SCHOOL 'REPORTS all new ere -Word liar been received b - - and alto Garden Tools. 15 parents- in rOtig am, t &t e o owing is t -e repot o >! 8t.waebinscoa -�1 r Walter Littlejohn, a member ft No, 5. Pickering. Result of. recent R E N N _ S E E s the 14th Battalion, had been examinations. Names is order of i Q - ed in action. He is survived by merit, Sr. IV. ;Ernest Smith, Jr. ELM DALE MILLS his widow who resides in Toronto, IV -Fred Smith, Gladys Holtby, Isaac ;;Base Balls and Bate. Fishing Tickle complete in all lines. but i had no children. Puckrin, Louie Puckrin, Hyman pICKERINQ� Sherman.' Sr. III -Gladys Puckrin, _ --: .._ Complete stock of General Hardware, -On account of Rev. J. Bedford Jr, TI=Willie Bell, Bert Smith, Gorm- You can always get the best Mani•, attending conference, the liiethod• ley•Crawford, Lorne Bell, Jr. I-Dor- to Ion -r -made from No ist9 smd Presbyterians will have o y ye es y, r o T. ---Pr—o- Manitoba Wheat. — — union services on Snndtty next, moted from Sr. Primer to First Class Royal Household and Glenora *for . the morningservice beim -Garnet Crawford. Sr. Primer: -Eu Bread. Try a bag. �• g in the nice Squire *absent for some examina-. Pregbyterian church and the even- Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled, Oats tions, Teacher -H. Long. Ong service in the Methodist: BRAN, SHORTS COLLA -E. L. Ruddy is erecting a fine WHITBY ' MIN FEEDS .,HARNESS,! fence in front of his property. At OAT CHOP ," the gateway. there are two was. The 162nd Battalion is arranging to CRUSHED OATS sive stone pillars inetea'd of the camp at Heydonsbore Park. Arrange- ;:' $ARLEY CHOP isod Farm HarIIess from $35.00 upwards, ordinary wooden posts. Just L=ents are being made for a service WHEAT within the Pence a hedge has been between the town and ,tbe park with CRACKED CORN ,� IIumber Of bargain Collars, f2 and $2.50 the .Grand Trunk. The band of the r planted, and the whole will pro- battalion will play every niFbt in the MINED HEN FEED duce a most beautiful effect pavilion for dancing, to which every. ---Caldwell's Cream substitute ,All horse goods at reseon> ble prices. Harness, -A meeting of the Girls' Red Molyy is] welcome. Calf Meal. Boot &nd Shoe repairing promptly Cross Society will be held at the ' The Ontario County Old Girls As _Molasses home of Miss Fanny Clark -on the dation are presenting a dining tent to CHOPPi. G AND OAT -attended t0. - ----- — efvenin of Monday, June 5th, at A Co. of the 182nd Batt. and for this CRUSHING EVERYDAY - g pur ose the are lulu a card art �`- X80 oclock. A fall attendance of in the Music Hall on Wednesday even Get prices on feed to ton lots. =-PICKERING HARNESS EMPORIUM Nromembers is requested, as im- BELL PHONE. rtnnt matters will be disposed ing, June 7th. For those who do not l Po play cards, there wifi be cosy corners, F. '�7CT, 'tAreelm, Home Phone 2501. W. J. COAKWELL — -on,-ii"luding that pertaining_ _to �-_-_refre*bmeets--�w+14- ' o to every—da-------------- the concert of the 24th ult, Everybody welcome. PP gy' t-. ,. ..,,,..u•c:':�'a: ..., __<... . , �.:,,,. _. _..., .�.- _�:..... www +..Gr� -._.. 5� , :... ...C: