HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1914_05_15 r ti�t-+r a. ai .—d ..4..i- r.xfr <#, 'M1 ey• 4i,�t 'K ;+'�•.'fn¢ .r,: --c-- 3 ar e.'svD^. .t•. •i -^a 'W. '"d.'�''+:.. .• , .' , ,eu `. .-a•, .-.-..,, ."•,.� , ,. .... 'k:G n - .�' � -;, :+•.. .�,<c:_,� �S'$-� ,•y�J r:, .aa ��,.R ,,•• .c�r.;td`,+- �+�_ �n.,; , 1IllII III G, „.... .. . '„ y..,•' •r„;'. d.'-.,' ,. ,..-,.,. .a'�?°'. ✓ .. .,: .f•'r.. n:-;,/" fi;:' 'y,��+-, s;.o's. Y• flw :,a.-„,, y, ? •r+. .,.x•.�-..?w„ ,:,,. yarn.” g x o-..y�`,S,:ef^ 4. 1574 �. H ti 7 r.� — PICKEWNCJI d.� NEWS VOL. XXXIII. PICKERIN(1 ONTO, .FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1914 1rTo. 3-� s wr �rafglhlit0ltal • �. - _ WHITBY _ DUNBARTON Established 75 years . lr !r c' 4EtdfPINK-� Donald McKay, the veteran trees- Isaac Pizer, of Toronto, spent s few w _ urer'of Ontario Count died at-his days here, the guest of his mother, ihome here at 8 o'clock Wednesda Mrs. G. A. Gles ie had the misfor-E. FORSYTH, D. of O., Regis- night, aftera lou illness.of cancer of tune to have a rusty nail run into her''pp _ g GREENWOOD _ -1i. tared member o!the Oytomstrioal esso- - the mouth. Mr. McKay had occupied foot on Friday. s atmtion of Oatsrio. Special attention given to the position of trea$urer of the count White Giant and Intermediate ` the fitting vt glasses, Eyes farted free. North P � plaremont. 46ti WHITE SATIN-l3REA Mr-the,past twenty years,and had fill-' mangold.seed,all kinds of turnip seed, MILLS O. McKI'VN0�1 with erat efflcienc corn, etc.,also seed potatoes at G. A. �T . N. , M.D., L,R.C,S., -FAM]LY Prior to. becoming treasurer, r, e- espies. .l'� . Edinburgb, member of the College of r - Two kinds of Flour only c< eicians and Surgeons of Ontario.licentiate TEA BL\S-PASTRY __ Kay was for years--a-merehant at Mrs. W, T. Dunbar and Miss Janet y oy.l college of 6nrfieon., Edinburgh. Y SaintSeld, in this county Deceased Allison have gone to Toronto this KISSIMI for PASTRY i attention to dsiesses of women ►ad leaves a widow and six children, three week-to-attend-the--1'P:F. and W. H. s drea, Office and residence,Bro igham.�• :BRAY sons and three daughters, all living. Mission meetings. - ---- BAKERS' JOY for BREAD - T _ �•, T1R. W. WILSON PORTER, Chiro --SHORTS aPresbyterian, and was held •�-� e was a rector—The cause of dieesse removed by - years o d esteem. He was about 75 I Q.. ppguarantee baking results , .-At adjustment of the, its. Con,ultation free, JUMBO SCARBORO JUNCTION or money back. C AtPickerin on Mondays, Wednesdays and SCREENINGS ROLLED OATS H R'ridays. o�ete-Qo Simcoe St.Sonne, Oshawa Frederick Hiltz, for i years known Egchan Ras A4 Orbarta - ----- _ _ -Exchanged for Oats. 0- -OATS C. W. _ ATHA throughout the Townships of Scar- WHEATLETS p ' PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL OAT CHOP It is-with regret that we report the boro and Pickering, as a successful _pULD DLTST CORN MEAL P = death of one of our oldest and most farmer, died on Saturday at Mr. and ROLLED WHEAT h ' -and X-RAY INSTITUTE CORN AN�CORN. CHOP Mrs. Robert Callender's residence. GRAHAM FLOUR N highly esteemed residents, Mrs. Peter 858 East Gerrard street Toronto,from r �ICHBRI.�iil, - = ONTARIO MIXED CHOP Stewart, which took place on Tuesday + The following Feeds kept on (i a . avenin at the age of &'1 pneumonia and heart disease, The hand - g g years, Tne p .tit. $Lo1x a•owLE, M. B., M. n., C. x„ ___- -. .• � ]ate Mr. Hiltz, Who had retired from -BRAN -=� - - —�� • - -; Physici in chat deceased had beewill for'quite a Inuit aQ FEED OF ALL KINDS farming, was in his 78rd year, and SHORTS Bpselalist it:Bic;a1 biseases. Prwtatic Drs- - time,but on Monday night was seized r O after leaving his farm near the Dan- OAT CHOP N : sass. of scan, Diseuu of wom.a, Cancers, with a paralytic stroke. Her funeral forth Post-office took up his residence Tumors.X.-Ray ezamiaatioa. Dimas" of eye PRIG Ef3 RIG will take lace today when her re- FLAKED OATS D ear.nose•throat and lungs. Fitttngglasees and p with his only datighter, Mrs. Callen- BARLEY FEED_ A aL acute and chronic diseases. Smains will be interred In the Markham der, in Toronto. The funeral took CORN CHOP Y -- Oesee Hours 12 to 3 mad 7 to 9 4917 cemetery. Her husband, died about : She is survived by place on Tuesday at 2. o'clock from MIXED CHOP R four years a o, y CORN-Best American W Legal. two sons, John and Peter. two ditugh- c-Fret Gerrard street to Norway _ cemetery. ,The late Mr. Hiltz is sur- OIL CAKE Et t - tars being dead for some years. The' vived by his widow and his daughter, COTTON SEED MEAL —D -. T E.-FAREWELL, K.C., BARRIS• J. 1a• -SPINK, LIMITED, sympathy of community is e:- hies, Callender. HIBBY'S CREAM EQLI= F h' S . TBB,Oona Crown Attorney,and oonaty tended to the two sons in their ber- '�----SOU41tw- Qoart Han".Whitbv, icer PICKERING. ONT. eavement. VALENT-for.calces R E E. CHRISTIAN BarristerA E all kinds of stock MOLASSINE-for -f S • o is tor,.otary ablic.Etc. Money to MARKHAtd loan. Office Brock St.North, whitbv. rely The annual meeting of the R'oman's SPECIALLY MIXED A A. LOOK HERE ! A number of important real estate Institute will be held on Wednesday, GRAIN for Chicken Feed. Y Y *^� Ifluetnew* aavbe. solea bice taken place in Mark-bam May 20tb,at the home of Mrs. O'\Ldly• F. Ts. QFr�'�'iZ`•T The Claremont Ftirni• within the last few days and the ten- It is hoped every member will be pres- h,�]` G. HAM-Issuer of linrriag e titre Store dency of prices is upwards. The ro- ent at this meeting. Licenses in the County of ontar7o, minion Government have concluded After a number of years of suffering BEST GRADE OF D. L.A W. Ptokering village, Y71 is the best Ipluce to get your y the purchase from Ca t. H. A. Adam from that insidious disease, consump- W)USE FURNISHINGS, we. have _- i� POUCHER, Real Estate- Auc- dressers, washstands, ron of some property on sin street for tion, Alber E. cash died at his home 1 e hooter, valuator, coll•ctor-ana issuer $1200, and which will be added to the here on Monday. aged 41 years and 8 - - - of marriage licensee.Brougham. and brass bedsteads, par- _ ba€ietta, and post office .site. The Metropolitan months. His funeral took place on Se, � � ��� � Ior suite, D HOPPER Issuer "of Marriage aide boards, mattresses and s rin Bank has- purcbased 45 feet of the Wednesday afternoon to Eisklne • Licensee la the County of Ontario, P g Jfairs property on Main _ street cemetery and was very largely at- couches, and all kinds of chairs from-Roy Warren and intends erect- tended. Mr. Roach had lived most of at&tore and his residence.Claremont. y i• - - -- always In stock, also many ing aJnew bank building on the site, his life at Cherrywood, where his - • B.BEATON,TOWNSHIPCLERK other articles too numerous the purchase price being $1100. S. father, Frederick Roach, Still lives. Conveyancer. Commissioner for sus to mention. Remember we Todd bas ed 55 feet free e, _ _ K` ammaHts• Aoeounsens. Bis., money so loan k the goods and de- purchased T tag About .three years ago be came to0al 'aa Earsn part . Iwosr of 1jt.rri•ge ]do- �D R adjoining the Treriont House, from Wrtiitevale to reside,having purchased : r azo .� liver them to your Robert Pringle, for.$500. for the ur- the marcautile business of Thos Beare. ssew While e, Ons. 1-y P �j POSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, home• at the very pose of building a store. He was a man highly respected by all �� lowest price. �.-- who knew him. Throughout his pro- EGG STOVE,CHEST_VLT A' a far Counties allkinds of Yore and ed to on res - GREENWOOD ' flan arise of•u kfads •tteaaee to oa ahosfssA/ Patronize our town merchants, - traded illness he exhibited great ppati- 7. Solum. Address Olson River_P.o„ Sas, don't send our-good dollars- ence and Christian fortitude. He is After about three months illness, ,'PEA AND STEAM COAL. B. POWELL, away to build up some other Rurvived by four brothers, Ezra and Licensed Auc- firs. RobertCrummer,ofNin ","►tan,, `,•' r'Y . tfoa«r, valuator and collector for place. ,Yours for business. formerly of this place, died at her Frank in the weal, W. J. and W. H. - ,4*rtfae of Oratorio and York, All rinds of at Cberrpwood, also by two sisters, we are noir c uoti stttnmer a w wu4u•tod aitber privmtely or by•action. home on Tuesday,- May 5th. in her 1 ug hale nota•const , Foe Oaten or other 71st year. She moved west with her 11rs. J. S. Beare and_hiss Roach, of 'Walare a ply at re•idenos.Int—betb st„t ehusband thirteen years a o• and a Cberrywnod.pNEWS is BE �. L . _atsaa• Phan•orders ore at arem Omoe,lick• R WHITBY - r -.- p ; short time afterwards the purchased - - earns,or Ifacn►b•s store. Ota:factio will ee h1eh they 9 P aesve prompt attensioa. Satisfaction s�.aaa- CL�iRE11tUti T. `---' - - feed. Iffy phontnumber inIndepsadaatl� resided. Her body wasconveyedto F the home of-her daughter; Men. H. The Parish .Guild _of All Saints' �^ P f? / N G McBrien, Kinsale. and on Sunda her church held their annual-bazaar in-the S. R. PENNOCK funeral took plaee to Salem cemetery ;lusic Hall on Tuesday afternoon and , 1WHITEVALE, ONT. t when it large number of friends follow. evening. The affair was very success J. L. � ! �� ;4 Ftmsral Director and Embalmer. LAZINESSthe remains to their last resting• fol, the proceeds amounting to over place. Besides her husband, she is $20). +urvi'ved'by three daughters,and ilve The new brick industry is now about E... . .r Any business entrusted to me will .r+rra, Jlra, .ycBrien. I{irrsale, .ilea. A, reidw to begin operations. The power be carefully handled. - -- Charges Moder to- - The vitality of four people out of five H. Medland, Ninga. Mrs. G. Reev,n, line has been"extended extended to the site by g- a Whawa, Joseph, J. I' , R, O.,and G. I, the 1Vater and Light Conimission and r Iadepeiident Phone tin. 1511. is slibtTp below par every seting. in the'wpst-anilll'. H., of-Piekertng. large Rung of .men are now i?usyat. If you want to get back the work. OK JOHN PHILIP v:m and spap you need to BROUGHAM -On Mondav afternoon- a number of feel, the best thing we C. P. R. officials from AlIontrexl pass- foil hhotiM hitte scimethin g handy know of is A. C. Hristincts had a business trip ed through here in a tour of inspec NYALS SPRING TONIC `°Toront°°" Satuid,ey last. tion. Several hundred of.our towns- to stop a leak on a horse pail, • Has a full line Or fresh and cur- Rev. J, B. Clugston, of Gable's, will peopia assembled at the station to occupy St. John's pulpit next Sunday witness the event. The line igsaid to water trough, eavetroug1l, >' +ed meats constantly on hnnd. This is a short to health -afternoon. y j he in first-rlai a condition and good 'metal 6r' roof , Spice Roll,. Breakfast Bacon, and vigor that you will Mrs. G. R. and William Brook, of time will be made when the service appreciate. Dollar, visit the foritier's father,Colin fie ins. A throw h frei ht train ass- in..fACtr an thin Sam, Bologna, We'iners, etc. _ g` g g P y g Philip, nn Sunda ed through last week. The Toronto Highest t•icQ9 aid for u r y A ineeting of he Broughafn beef World says that the passengEr service made of wood- ...... - g p e P I N E R I N G P R b R Irl b b 1 rir R ivies be field at the McLean house will begin on the last da of Ma metal off•cement. Butcher's cattle on Saturday (to-morrow) evening at g y y• -• 4 o'clock. A41 members are requested Ross Allen. son of Goo c Allen, , Oiekering - u �D. PE TTI T = - to attend. 4 wiio had his face pearl a71 cut oeY' Let me show yon what I have l� �s - a sawmill accident nearly three years . - Ve/ The regular meeting of the Brough• ago, is creating much- interest in the for"this'put•po�?e, anybody f �SCKERINC am Branch,of the Women s .Institute surgical world, having-been luau a. -will be held at the home of Mrs. E. g o Can apply it 4 •�-�2'8t-C1a88 rigs for hire ' • new Face at John Hopkins' Hospital a g ,EAL ESTATE Holtby on Tuesday next. May ]9th, - = •10.43 at the usilal hour. This meeting was Baltimore, did, The new akin ano?f' -_:Pay or night flesh was taken from his thigh, the Ae 'C•e 'RE E SO R announced for last Tuesday., but was _ ! :BIIB IlnfJetB all trains P operation being a great success. He 14f>7t�ii• *!�� [or obvious reasons osiponed until - the date given above. A fall attend- is expected Dome in the near future. LOCUST HILL Teaming promptly attended to. >tytttf�otrt=;1ia ance is requested. This hospital is in charge of Dr. Bar- - • . - kei, successor to Wm.Osier,the'noted Z+'LTM$T'R YARD'• Agent for Canada Carriage Co. •• surgeon. Dr..Barker's father was at Peak, Insurance'rates lower on farm'.'pro- CHERRYWOOD one time on the'•teaching staff of.Pick- ' P ering College. TIME TABLE-Pickering Station G' - , ri,kef;,Igo party and Village Dwellings, 3I iss Olive MacRae +pent the we-k•• 1Vork on the Toronto-Eastern T.B. Tralas going.East due as follows- in first-class Companies.: end at her home here, No. 8 Msil 8,08 A M. elect- ric.. railway has been resumed. On 13 Looa Miss 'Mary Calvert is visiting her Saturd v the_epgineet staked 'out the l ' 1'.50 P.X. u if you erect HioH GRADE ExPLOY- NO Premitl.m NOteis a sister, Mrs. Robt. Davidson, t'+ 1'4 Local 8.08 F. M. xzwT you must make HIGH GRADE work and on Monday afternoon Ewan Trains oin West dao as follows- r. Judd still continues in iU health. lg g PREPAReTTQN, One school that is ''if not insured with me,call and icKenzie, contractor, brother of Sir No. 3 Local 7.47 A.M. We Trope for his speedy recovery. William, started his an of work- well-known throughout Canada for - conipaF rates, Mrs. J.Timbers spent a few days of gang '2 P:M. P y men at` radin "liar street, a stretch 11 Local Strictly superior triniog is the _ last week visiting friends in Toronto. of three-quarters of a mile through . 7 Marl 750 P. M, - �ii•s. Smith, of Taronto, spent last the town. As soon as the grading Sunday included , W.r V. Richardson• week visitiiig,her parents, F. and fire, has been completed the steel will be Judd. laid, and continued .through to Pick- NEW . TINSKITH SIiOP : r � •_. e Miss Eniily Gates s tit last Sunday g Notary Public, Pickering. ppee also b The work of.-est of i sh has ���00� visiting her cousin, Mise Jessie Beare, also been commenced west of Oshawa, a at Hillside. It is the intention,we understand, to I have opened tip iii Greenwood a -Mrs.d-.-Laughli-n-was--in-Toronto-ore o rate the railway as soon as possible tinsmith shop and Rni r r__ Graduates of this school READILY et y p }l f Spa ' OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT because there -tP 0 P Pa N Tuesday attending the funeral of her between Bowman year. and Pickering. ed to do RH kinds of tin- .OBTAIN cousin, Mr. Hiltz, Later on.iti_the_year, when the flaan-• 9mithing, roofing-Rud are thousands of openings in this The inquest held on Saturday and ancial atmos here has cleared the furnace work. v city every year and we are called AND OAT FLAKING Tuesday last,caused considerable es- p � upon to fill more than we can. work west of Pickering will begin. work uaranteed and P citement in our little village. There is at present it great dearth of R prices' K Enter anytime. College open,,all The undersigned is prepared to do -Mother's Day" was observed in the of hotisee in town, there beingonly moderate. pear. Write for catalogue, rain chopping. and ,oat church here last Sunda Ap ro i- g p P Pr one vacant. As a result of this scai- ate music was, rendered for the ossa- Lawrence•,IW, J. Elliott, Principal flaking every day iu the city building operations are becoming week' except on s1oWe welcome Mr. and 111re."Scott, more active as the season advances. OREE•NWOOD or,YoaRe and Alexander Sts. Besides the government buildings Saturday. ^• who have recently moved on the farm which are in course of erection, the *��� formerly owned by .Mr. Barrett, and following will be erected during the -Farms and Fruit Lu John F. BayYes, Greenwood wisle them every success in their new year: the new Standard Bank build- _ NFW home. y We deeply regret to learn ofthe ing' bowling allev with IO foot front- BLACBQTAJITH SCOP 1 Haae ou lots of Water ? Nchis, 1 y E.whieh age by Messrs. Bell dt Emerson; B.C. 4 death of'Albert beet Roach, of White• resb terv, Ins Inspector Hutchison's W e sell all classes of suburban and �,. C. S. iUCL, OF WHiTLVALL, after a lingering illness.' The INT Pa- naw ren ence. eye arge.residence de es n very ay The undersigned has opened a new Graydon Goodfellow, also residences we have enquiries for some clasR is prepared to furnish o thy of the.community: is extended to blacksmith shop on the King- P Pa you anything the bereaved ones. far Messrs.' Underwood. James and of property in-Ontario slid. we- . stOn road o Otte the in the line of water supply such as Robt. Deverell,besides others. With may have the purchaser wbo can ' pPo PP y The Choir held their annual meet- the new Industries that are being es- y p Quaker church, two pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, ing on the evening of May 7th and app- tablished otrr town has evident) use what yon have to sell. miles east of plumbing, etc. pointed Ernest Petty as or aniat io entered an era of prosperity. g p. Pickering Village. place of Minn M. J.Roach, who wish- JOHN FISHER'& CD They are also expert well drillers ed to resign. Mr, Petty is a verry .` '� Work guaranteed, Chargee moderate The debate over C. N. R., iiid 'Real Estate and Farm Brokers, and respectfully solicit our patron capable young man and we feel sure � P� Y y P Lumsden Building, he will fill his position Ina very ac- is being debated in the Arntee of - ��• H = L- Z, age for the ,tune. 'Ind nhon• u521, eeptable manner. Commons thiq week. TORONTO, - ONTARI(b 1j. �"`l�: �``�. , .yir••'x4•=+•..,,• � .,,,. n, r1.. ., *.,:..•.. .. .:.. ., <,. -: . c.,;: .v •,^.. ,�,,. • -tet ..a, '-.+ ,a+. •.n''a,„..- .,.a ::+"a't.�°':: �..:r: ,,. .�• �• ¢•tr c'4*• ,n.W,.-- .-,. ,�^ti .•;„ :"•:n s t ,�.6_ .,�'. o�*"-.• r rho 4 ••x^ ,r�. cA;a F ,}*"y7 •.r*• � ;k, e. � v°.x,�;."'W?,1 =��e .r ...��. ..shy!.'{....`..j.",•i4j ..%.:. '��, �. �.f� .Ayr N• XY - ..+r+j. ..wu_ h,r5. .9 ¢,,. e"'iY/.. _v:.�- .ra...,-rt.3'Jr•-d•yw+ y. .+lit i. N,• 9. t; • kl �, 7 Jz., •a - .�.usa ,�,,,, - � ,w •err» �t - -- » -- '-.A MILLIONAIRE SOLDI Gtea, ln Eat �eand Geese ff _News •b� Vire _ - r Motes of. Interest as to What-1s Going _ _ . i� A Prices of These Products in the L.eadint - tin-W,".14 All Over •' �.,�. ,_. Markets are Here Recorded '- _ -- • r �- - '.4y f, 41! to 420- Barley, Dian. feed. 60 to 51c. L� `... -------- Canada. Grout Britain. � i >ar•sastnss. ,o "Toronto, May 12.--Ontario' wheat Flour, Dian sprin wheat patents. mets, PS+bBpects are for a busy year, in King George- and Qitoen Mary 35.so: eeconas. `5.10; strong bakers', the building trade in Toronto. ' Sours. 80 r cent, 33.80 to 33.86, sea- 34,90; Winter patents. choice, $6.26 to B opened the new wing of fle'British rollers, $4.70 to $4,p0; _ Gratia land' in the West has Museum. z' 3tallroba-First ppaatents, in jute base, do., bags, 32.20 to - sen ens to atom, for a $5.60; do., seeonds.,36.10; strong Usk- barrels, $4.50 to->34.66. Rolled oats. 1 Y Gun-running- haw s $ltpplanbed Cat- j. ere', in jute bags, $4. bags, 90 lbs., $2.124 to $2.15. Bran nominal sum according to s state- tie driving abst�le-n& 7VII-al partial' +� Manitoba wheat-Bay ports-No. 1 328. t3horte las. Middl)ngs 328. �Zoul- Northern, 970, and No. 2 at 95ic. lie $28 to $ae. Hay No. a, per tong dar �. mea'b by the Minister of Militia. of Inland. Ontario wheat-No. 2 at $1.02, out- lots, $14 to $15. • Chetse, finest west-, The yellow fish peaches,, such as The -British-'House 'of. Lords re- f1de, and 31.04, on track, Toronto. erns, 12ic: finest easterner. lac. Butter. Crawfords have been killed for Oats-No. 2 Ontario oats, 824 to 40e, choicest creamery, e.3 to 2Sic; seconds, , jected the woman's franchise bill by • .'outside, and at l2c, on Uau Toronto. 02 to 2210 fresh. 22 to He; se- this.season by the cold wing, in a, vote of ,104 to 60. k, 8 Western Canada oats 41c for No. Z. and lected, a c; No. 1 stock. 23n• Potatoes r at 8s4c for No 3, Bay ports per bag, car lots, $1 to $1.15. k the Niagara district. Johan 'Redmond opposes-any'oom _ peas-prices nominal. I.inus Woolverton,of Grimsby,one promise until -the Home Rule bi•11 ct Berle ood malting barley, 66 to 'Win2dVeg filrai of the most romineat fruit rowers la .� js' actor to Quality p g has passed the Londa. ye-No. 2 at se. to 64c, outside. Winnipeg, nsay 12.-cash-wheat- in Canada, died after only four Buckwheat-goo, outside. Sprtng wheat, No. 1 Northers. slit; No. I�r.._ Y A petition signed by 300 000 has Corn-No. 8 American• 744..to 76c, all 2 Northern, '901c; No. 3 Northern.-8811c; ` 's �� hours' illness; at'the age of bilty- been-sent 'asking the-King iiot•to + No. 4, 86c; No. 6, 79e; No, 8, 740; feed, r eight.•. B err-Manitoba An. $26 to $e.6 a 69c• No. 1 rejected seeds, 88c; No. 2 re- sigh the Home Rule bill until after -�. tong In bags. Toronto,fre4ht. Shorts. jected seeds, $So• No. 3 rejected seeds, ", .� Frank H8 -nes, under sentence Of an election, $26 to $29. 831c; No. 1 smutty, 88c; No. 2 smutty ikr death at Sydney,, N.S., for muL+der, ,- '• 86c; No. 3 smutty, Sue. Winter .wheat �, - - -xo. 1. saio; No. a 9o1c; xo, s, este., has confessed and John Donald and Unit States. Country Produce. oats-xo. s G.W., 37ic: extra No. 1 feed >• Mr®. Atkinson widow of the mur- d, Butter-Choice dairy, 18 to 20c; in- 86;c; No. 2 feed, 34c. Barley-No. S. y T ' + tenor, 16 to 164c; farmers' separator 47c: No. 4, 4$c:_rejected. 464c: seed 4sc, .� �' a dered man, have been arrested. Bishop Brent, formerly of the ppints, 21 to E8c; creamery prints. fresh. H'laz=No_1_ - W faint of the manages• of 'Philippines and a native of Ontario, 36 to 36c; do., storage prints, iS to 24c: 41-239- the the street railway company, t a tv solids, storage, 21 to tic. - Eggs-al to 22c per down, In case sysq, kK,, Albert Resume, hotelman of gaud- United _ w, LL Minneapolis, May l2.-Wheat=stay, `>m with, had sold liquor to a car crew General: lots. In tins, 104 to llc - ;., per lb. Combs. $a.Y6 to $2.50 per dos- 89je; July, 90 c; No, 1 hard, 941c: No. , .; .�#L s» y Resume waa fined $10 and Two British subjects were killed 1 Northern, 91 to 9ace: No. 2 North > e On duty, }e on for No. 1, and $2 for No. L aof to 811. Corn-No. 8 yellow, 843 to �� Cheese-New cheese 144 to 164 Lor gbc. OSts-No i whits, 863 to 86=c + l ��' 1)y a bomb during fighting on the large,-and 16 to 16jc for twin. ur and_bran unchanged.ed. J___ d 'i• The Princess Louise csblea the Pacific boast of Mexico_ -Scans=-Han&ptckas $s:t6 tc Ian_ ;t g P- Sweeping viotories _for the rebel Duluth, Minn..may I:Insee�cash, Duke of Connaught that she is dee 'per bushel; prince, $2.10 to 32.26. 31.671: July. 31.683. Wheat-Close, "^ Pig t Poultry-Foil 16 to 180 per lb•: No, 1 herd, 981c: No Northern, 8e.=c; ^• s '� +,s' ly touched by the marry cablegrams forces in different part® of Mexico -- ' chickens 18 to EOo; ducks. }7 to 180: No i Northern, 814c; 3uly, 9212 �" s .geese, 18� to I - turkeys, 20 to ass •" of condolences from Canada on the were reported to Carranza. Potatoes-Delawares at $1 to $1.06, death of her husband the Duke ofinternational k trade on track, here. Zdve stock m"aa'*+- Cornelius Vanderbilt, Argyll; Tp baro and Toronto, May 12.-Cattle-Choice but- r arts exposition was o g spm a paned &hers, 18.80 to $8.40: Rood. $7,90 to Inspector-General in the New York The Internationaf Joint Commis- at Leipsle.. It coverl'100 acres aa4 $8.25; cosuinon-saws. 36 tn_$5.26; can- State N$�� Guard. Mr, Vsn- Win, meeting at the Michigan Soo, includes twenty buildingg, one of Bacon-Long clear. 16 to Ito per lb:, ners and cutters. 33.60 to $4; choice fat -tin case Iota. Hams-Medium,. la to cows, $8.60 to 67.25: choice bulls, $7 derbilt has announced his readiness approved the application of the them with five acres of floor, i 18 c; a pts. ]7 to lac: roue 16 to to 37.60. t0 On Mexico. bliClllgan_.Nertlle?n Power-Co., and gp t 16 c: brealtfast bacon. 18 to 19c; backs. Calves--Good veal. sa.75 to $10: eom• go King Albert has accepted the i!2 e: 844. mon. $4.75 to $7. - the -Algoma, Steel Corporation of honorary membership of a dozen d-•-Tierces. 121c: tubs, 1st: _nU& Stockers and feeders�8teers, coo to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to erect -184 900 pounds. $1.25 to $7.60: stood dual- BILI. TO ABOLISH TIPPING. - different Belgian pipipe o r a $6.35 to $7.25. 7 to.$7.60: light compeRssating works at a point in clubs, and will give a pipe fors sty. 00 to 200 pounds, $ see". Sheep and lambs-Light ewes. se.Bo St. Mary's Rigs; betiveen__L►+�Lwo p smoking Senator Davis Seeks to Put an End prize in an inter-city pipe Wholesale.seeJ merchants are selling to 37; heavy, 36.75 to $6.26; bucks. Cltie4t, - - tournament. reoleahed.seeds to the trade. on the loo- 36.75 to $8 86; Spring lambs, each. $6, to "Demoralizing" System. y Ib, basis:-Red clover. No. 1. 819 to to 810; yearling lambs., 89 to $9.60. but �21; do., No. 2, 317.to $1T.60; alsike. No, with ?Sc per head deducted for all the A despatch from Ottawa says: , 320 60 to 821; do., No, a, fl? to 818; buck lambs dii�tLubance, towards the sea to trains, -.and was convicted an Timothy No. 1. $8.50 to $9.60; do.. No. Bogs-$8.65, fed-and watered. 38.90, Tips will :be abolished within s Acireale, which escaped damage. charges of defrauding passengers i. $7 to J7.26r alfalfa. No,1.-314 to $19; off earn, $9.30.3.e.b. month i! QCnaGOr Davin, Prince Al- da, No. A. 313 to $13.62 Montreal. May ?E.=Prima beeves. 72The area of.the zone is denbely out of X20 an eoUtikbOUIId Gratbd ti to 8;c; ffiedfum, 4 to 74c; milkmen's?bent, and a number of other Sena ulated, about-10,000 people-liv_ Trunk Railway North Bay-Toronto strippers. Si to 7o; common. 44 to Sic: tors and membons of Parliament pop 39butre" stark•ts. milch cows, $30 to $90 each: calves, a ing in a number of small-villages. train by the short.-change trick. He Hontreal. way ie.--Corn, American to 7c: sbeev. 5 to'Cc. Yearling' lambs, S have their way, and it looks as if ,p gof large bills for small ansa by f�� Iva a yellow. 761 to 77c- oats. Cana-. to 9c: s ring lambs, 14 to $6 each; hofs, they might, Senator Davis' bill, g y *' than Western. No, S. 424 to 430: No. X. about 91c AT McGILI. L iw SCHOOL. folding them so ingeniously as to 9ti which provides for 4t fide or impri- sppeas to be double their T sonment for tipping, and making yeoman Runk, Fourth .among amount. After landing a victim�hw,, ' C.!\.�D.4,'$ NETT�Gr.OVER\OR. _ ATO\ES FOR .MURDER. the employer, the employee and the would leave the train at the first' " a -- person offering the gratuity liable, Eighteen Getting Degree. stsion and flake the next -tnun i Queen Mary's -Brother io SimeeA Frank Haynes" Wal Hanged at Syd• was given second reading-,in the e, despatch from Montreal .sayers the opposite direction. The polioe1 the Duke of Connaught. ney-Frilled Hotel Proprietor. Sensate on. Wednesday. Final results posted on Wednesday authorities believe he baa been.' r _ In movingthe _reading Senator working trains for some time. Wit-1 A despatch- from London-says: A despatch' from Sydney, N.S., in the tacime n law i McGill he �. � enols said haat within recent years the first time in the history of the neseee against-him were the viol° - •-� Petince Alexander of Teck, third non says: Frank Hai ass expiated for ass intolerable system of -putty university contained the name of a and train crew, '. of the lata W, ke of Teck,. it to:sac_ -the murder of B. S. Atkinson on the bribery .had grown up all over the representative of the fair sex. Mrs. teed the Duke of Connaught as scaffold Friday afternoon-&t 5.41'• world, known as the tipping system. A. M. Langstaff, the first woman `Governor-General of C rads, Baynes made a full written con- It had become such a .nuisance that EXPRESS $TRl'Cli BY ROOF. His Serene Highness Prince Alex fession of his crime in the presence to present herself as. a oandidats sodBr Augustus Frederick George of Jaik,r barn and Captain Fuller: it was time it was grappled with by for the legal profession in this pro- Train Derailed ind Several of Din-' legislation,-.and he believed his bill vine, proved successful in all ex- fn Car Crew Injured. _ of Teck, G.C.B., G•C_V:O., was ton would have the support,,of niLlet P1� .Y aminations, and ranks- .fourth born April-14, 1874, married 1904, On the might of the 15th of Aug- A despatch from Vancouver, percent. of the people of the noun- among the 18 members of-the class _ ;Her Royal Highness Princess Alice fiat last the body of Benjamin S• B.C., says: A small rock elide , i t who -were now subject to' a who will be granted the degree of of Albany, daughter_ 0L the latee Atkinson, proprietor of the. Minto I 'wing scale of graft and tis in g struck the dining car of the 'Soo, Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, y y p B.C.L: at the u'niveraity up-to the p _ ,4' Hotel, S die and a well-known - _ es i•�s�a_Wedne+�da_�t�rning_at 7� order to obtain a000tZlmodation amd tion fillesdav, - wit be up-to the youngest son of Queen Victoria. horseman, was found on the road, o'clock, just after the train left ,. service. :l person on a tourney lied Quebec Bar Association to say Trhe-. .North Bend due•in'Vancouver at; 'Their children are: eight miles from the, city• - Atkin- to-constantly have his hand in his ' Jam. 23, 906 Helen Epnai , ;twin tth brig-anal suppositionalow twasi that he. tphroughauti his had p. b The Senaribe, his tor dractice, supposing sheghat several members bhe dinra, and noon. The train was ing and, Princ_ ng off desir - Pince Rupert Alexander George had been killed ae a result of his ° eO' crew were injured by scalds. The said that tipping had a de�loraliz- -- •� x Augustus, born Aug. 24, I907. horse having bolted. There were a: in effect on persons who received rear half of the train was cut off,' • Prince Arexandir "of-Teck is a number of sus icious circumstances g CROOK FLEECED PASS,ENb,ERS .while•the passengers were transfer +' p tips. It had a-tendency to pauper- - � brother of Queen Mary. - He will connected .with the- case, howeVer, red to tile•., front end., coming, into � • .Q ize waiters, porters and other per- take up his duties in October, at and the arrest of Haynes followed- �� who should'stand on a plane Worked the Short ...Change` Trick Vancouver a few minutes.lade. y -the' expiration.of •the-teem of the the investigation of these'. Haynes of •manhood, above the servile poli- Until Caught Near North Ba.y. -Duke of Connaught. The,Prince is who was supposed to have been a tion which they were laced .in . .A-66etch from Noith.Bay says: William Caven of Montreal waa 1 s keen soldier, but he has had little native of Nevada, only arrived in. through the accepf=ce of gratui- Charles Crooks, alias Hargraves, a appointed Inspector of Tobaoco . • administrative-experience. He is,. Sydney in the,early summOr of hist ties Employers should Em�pl pay their young American from' Iowa, was Factories for the.Dominion., however,-a hard worker and a good year, lie had been on intimate servants, and not expect public p - 'organizer, He h done uritch in- terms-with Mrs. Atkinson, the-wile ip P Bay' ave Judge Valin at North- . Fire Gutted the limn , lent of the the cause of chars •,,especially in of the murdered man• c to pay their-help. Tipping alsri eife- Bay to eeveu months in ' Central Canada Glue Company ti�ear Brant- the a spirit of arrogance on the Prison on fraud cha,rges.'Har 'raves ford, causinga loss of $123,000 and -behalf of. hospitals in.-the fur part of those serving'the public. worked ':passengers ,on . express thr+owi'IIg fifty men out of work. therance of cancer rch. AI,]10ST A WRECK.- Senator Ross of Middleton gym- ""' i The Princess' of eck is a •great aged with the object of the bill favorite, and' she is unanimously "Ocean Limited" Train Stopped and said, "Every man. shpuldpay i . voted the prettiest and the best Just In Time. once, but no law of God or man BRUTAL MURDER^AT QUEBEC dressed of the British Royal Prier- A despatch from Truro, N .S . should make hili pay twice." ceases' nays: , An attempt to wreck- 'the Senators Poirier,, Gordon and - - Priacg Alexander, who is a major 'Ocean Limited train from Montreal Cloran all spoke in favor of the bill /..•• in the Second Life Guards, served to Halifax was made at Bible Hill, and it was givep. a,secgnd reading,, Young .Gir.l...Beaten to Death Oil $tin(�ay MOrninj; in the Matabeleland campaign and about one mile west of Truro, ,on + - - - - in South Africe.for two ,years, and Tuesday night. The Liinited, 40 150-FILLED BY EARTHQUAKE. _ With. Friends Near-by _ to his other titles added that of the minutes late, was speeding about 50 - -• - - = Distinguished Service Order., which; next-to this -Victoria, Cross, is the miles an hour when the driver saw East Coast of Sicily Victim of Seis= a tie lying across the track:-Quickly ailio 1)isturbance. " ' uebec, Ma -10.-One of the.foul'- door landing to the store open. -She 'chief ambition of the military men -Q y entered the shop, but could not see in Great Britain. , applying the-air brakes-he stopped . Romp"May 10.-An earth uake cs�t and most brutal .murders ever n _ the train, but not until the tie was q her'-daughter' anywhere, and again. How Princess of Teck Rooks. which might have been equally as i ilebee was commit- : shoved ahead of the engine fora perpetratedcalled her. without receiving any The exact rank of the Princesses disastrous as ribs••one at 11Sessina in g answer, There she opened a goon - hundred feet. The matter ig being ted here this mornin in St. Salt- _ of Teck is rattier an. interesting 1908 but for the foot that a aeries investigated. veur Ward, .when Marie Blanche leading to a repair shop in the rear question, In England they rank in of slight shocks forewarned the peo- t� Dubois,, aged 19 years, was -beaten of the main store, andtoher horror _-Trac immediately immeddately atter the ple, visited the east coast of Sicily, . . daughters of the Duke of Fife, to HAD NARROW ESCAPE. �ti,Uh of Mount Etna, Friday night. to death with a hatnaiier.in the rear she saw her daughter lying in a pool - w}!om the late King Edward gave,& Mount Etas-was in eruption at the of the shoe'store which was conduct- of bk>tod..` definite precedanoe iminadiately af- Yoling-Man Hurled to Brink of 150- and the belching of the vol ed by her•brother and herself. Crazed with grief and ihoorror e.+1 ter those of the Royal Family, who Foot Fails. camo i-nc,reas,e;d in violence yester- This morning about half past 10 the awful spectacle which her mur bear the- title of.Royal Highness. bwen Sound, May io.=Yesterday day. o'clock somebody rang the bell at tiered -child Pi+eseated, she ran to 40W - y , mut. Teoks are merelya ducal afternoon Victor Inglis, eldest colt There are between one and two the private entrance' 'Wass Dubois the. vtreet 'wrsnging her ha•nda'a,nd y, although they bedthe title of W. A. 'Ing%, 'proprietor of In- hundired iiersbng dead as a result of answered the door and, coming up- crying hysterically for help. Some i i of Prince. . '116 late Duke,of Teck glis' mi'lla, shad a narrow escape the seismic disturbances and,over a stairs, 'she bold her miahish that pause to he attracted by her cries, these was a.arban who wished to carne to her aid, and an��earning of _ wan given the tible of "Highness" from death when he was hurled •thousand have been injured- ;{ ­_ , Mee from his motor-eyele ftwer 0, bridgein change a r of boots wsliilc+h did the crime immediately summoned ]e41r -af 1887, but apparently this a distance 'of 20 feet to the very the Chamber of Deputies last even= not fit. Sue t°°k fide key o fir'.- ,-;`oho title was a purely personal one and brink of the 150:feeat of cat•araot and ing that 150 p'er'sona were killed, and a door co.ninwnlcuutiizg from the pais- opposite, Dr. Leeslerc found e,o girl "did not descend to hie chsldresl• falla'vvvhich form piotureegwe I7igTL8 thutt two-t11ii`cls.of this number are age private'eatranae to the still breathing, but i,n 4t ®tate of un• The Alanwaaoh de C3okha- lie L�ecoB-. Fa116. Owing td the warier being mobil! bnrieci beaeat>ti the ruins. st"rie and evidently let the ma,n-in. consciousness.•. She was• babhed in r sized gnthoriby on such matters- low he was-We to get ashore-be- ` The-prelinii•nary shock& began at As she-had-not returned.in half an blood,, and the left side oil liar head �5m� �taces the Princes bath e{ Teck and fore be►ng swept over bhe falls to .fl o'clock Friday night- 'in a zone hour her mother became anxious behind the ear had`tielen 'crueshed'is k. gotsteeberg in its third part, along certain death. He sustained three from Zaffersna, which 'is 'about and called down to her, There ways with a e�hoeanaker's hammer, which a with the abler British sad_foreign broken ribo and.a severe shaking- 3,000 feet high, passing through no- reply, and the mothesr, on des- a••ae found clotted with b,lged and. idakes. up. Lenera, whish was the centre of the cent g the.*airway, Fouad the hair. , • w r {Ya. 3 ✓ f°'S.'"Yu�'•r+ ' n�• .:.` ''• ' '':: ... ,• ..' :' ...: r n ,...," ..,K,r x. •.5i �� .<F°„,yl,,; tiv�, ::�,.e:"y-Rh'y'.•�,an.6w L•gC"w' 7r ',i.'f.t',^,»- ank�m;'' 'y ` .e.�", ,Tc �A` :! � `"YC k,� ;`-�.}r.\Y F 6'�,y 1" 'er'-•Riju?C��".4"a5., ! ..'„�?,•��,a'y��L�''� Y 'Ys��Y - T.,i,e, �':.., ati9,yY �'.-7F^. ' c• :C'3 fist "�.�'' u , 'tS'1' ,c*r r ' ,.K •<:.c+sxm,ws .c-,.+1 •t ,. '•;;'''v"'...-.�.- ."- s•A`u':^�Trau-:zv"+4c--}.ra•+e kK:m.e;?s ter. ...�,=.vi ..j-: ,+, uE:. '�,• ;, � w¢: - ., ... ... ..., .'; .ter Y ' 4. 0. -. •y`ti- .:..,,:. .s' r-•.ate+'..a.+t,.. +r '.r.. w+c - .tia,z.::•9 .-i+ 'at4 '1.� ,,F. a6i . ?. ,�• .. J ,a; -:<t o•+. ., :.s•• .: _ *. .. ":.rr z ' c., - %•` ,a•.a-w s,z,�^ i'k:to Arz7v-a•+•^ �grr t•-,N%,s •,.•w�*' •u. r .4.»w1: qZ„ Y,CMw'<-.`v'k''�BCe.T.. -_. ... .. �.' .... .,. - •r ."`. e.a• ' AN AMERICAN PEERESS. M GLOWWORM'S FOStII IStT�SS 1S W WORM'S GLIMMEB. v ° SCE ITC' HED , -Quite Well Again Fifty Times as Strong as Illnmi. 2x nants of Mimkind. _ pi,_. lar s Th efficient a r y f a firefly's a tis Y baked ANO,4BURNED FOL1D COMPLETE CORE 1NY Sifttimes.the of lir r ' 1 -yt o ordina it u- Y 5. ---.�- , ty;whole, ? !�' PODD S KIDNEY PILL$. minants. This does not mean that `Rash on Legs gird.Batik, SCeatehin I _ it is fifty times brighter, but that mealy and Ezell Irritat : ,� , 13a Yred, ,Heating- ....cum ° - - for the s 8A upies it given fifty 1`S-Grr>I necessary. Rii11 $6R'n for' two:i'sars, 'Tells' �FLerba E Ives and.C. W Jor- tmea the li t. only is - -- - f, daze'relate in-.the-L' i. $eatvl]Ie,N. 4—For about five years ' IIOW She Found New Health. lglh�tia'g•Journal l� I-was bothered with a light rash which - how,:they .measurer} the light of a Tiohboi'ne l±ronfiena,o.Co. `Ont-, firefly. t -Would appear most heavily on my legs and + � y. They .' held glowworms, may back ,« Gra r ' f$reflies and latheaprtngotthe year. They 4 :' the- popular poAmistress here, is give a 6teady, unwinkiag light, said it was escema The s; telling, her friends of the great agaiiwat a disk of white blotting pa- eczema scratching Inftated r, �- benefit she-has received'from taking per under an illumination of 190- Park Dodds Kidney Pills. metre candles and b au ^ ' the breaking out. t obtain it r ” "For about two years," Mrs- into -which Will un,neyoes+saiy to go =----� broke out I could got obtata � ,�>' �;• ����a more-than three hours'sleep a >� Gray says, "I wag 'all run down. 1 s' hare, calculated{ ,that ,' the. ow- `• . each ntgh4 it pained meso. >� ?. g' .">' My'slee gas Broken and-unrefresh= - t >�; P worm s light was equivalent to .043 My legs and back were a ing, and I suffered from shortness wild mass of itching —_ candlepower per square-centimetre. :- of breath and heart,flutterings. 'I' Their conclusions are as follows: _ F wag vers some salve and aftor using this prepamlop about a week the disease finally decided that the Kidneys .. „� calculation is made on the ' became worse 1 coin b .. were the cause of m uble and and d not obtain an Y II _ _ y i'O_. basis of $he `I` ht fu,rndshed b" the Via- rest at night. I used all the patent preps- ' decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pi+1.5. glow warm under natural condi- rations • on the market but duty on)y seemed yw f I took four boxes in all and I feel • e " ' to Increase the suffering and afforded me no lifts strop and like myself again. trona. By various kind-s of stimu_ra- relief whatever. About this time a Elland - a j oert�a 111y think_-Do recommended Kidney tion its brighfiness may be much'in- recommended Cuticum ointment to me. - -The flash of the firefly- is 'Rowever,I had lost faith in all remedies and Pills are a good mesio oinfl. probably many' fold, p�r�h' ps fifty %"told him so,but he insisted that I try Cutf- S The experience of the postmistress or one hundred fold as bright ,as inlna Ointment so I.purchased a box. The is similar to that of thousands of the'nsteady glow of--thy-lava. Stich It's cheaper to raise tolls than to , 1,fm application gave relict and in about a other Canadian women. They were Pe week the sores were�aling and.I,was able ;'�� . conclusions as have been drawn btryhorses. But it'seosth'if you Lose k weak run down nervous and im with respect to the adequacy of the ecolts. Keepabottle<,f Fkendall's to obtgin a.good night's seat.the 11rst I had Sy bad health generally. They took th ealoyed for many months I continued the 4; , intriaeac brilliancy whaoh we mea- Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-fiN treatment for another month and by that l�dd s"Kidney ]?ills and are strong years has•proved it the safe;reliable "� sured bold of course for'the same , time all signs of the disease bad vanished.'! "s "ti and well again. - remedy for spavin,splint,curb,ring- s (Signed)Willard F.Atlee.May re,3913. ' , insect finder mire intense exerbi,on. The reason is that when the Kid bone, bony growths and lameness Gr "It appears, then, that the' lumi- from man causes. -- Bot more thea ageneratioa Cntfcura Soap r net's get out of order they feral to Pl?e y and Cutfcura ointment have afforded the strain the imrpurities out of the nous material of the glow worm, most economical treatment foraaecttonsof blood and general lassitude and .could it be reprb,riuced, would also the skin and scalp that torture,itch.burn, , • ;k. _ weakness ensues. The natural cure be a happy meas in inhainsic bright 4 ?�� • scale.and dortroy-afeep. soldeverywhera. news, Stir ]ower than the artificial js*a eampie'of each maned free,with 32-p,Skin _ . is.to cure the Kidneys. The experi- 1]ttook. Address postcard Potter Drug # Lady Newborough. enoe of•thousandi of others tells you light sources with which we now try is sold by situ./,,.+ts everywbrre at $ a bottle,6bottles for I& Get afree copy of Chem Corp„'bept.ti,soston, t).S.'A. $he wag Miser Cala, of Re'ntueky, that Dodd's Kidney Pt11s cure the our eyes; yet-high-enough to permit our book”ATreatise onthe Horse"at your its use without druggist's or write us, tib u out pre-em tin more and.married Lord Newborough Chir- Kidneys.* a. = wall a their we now g've to Dr.LJ.KWAI.L�NIhr Falft0.Vts -- (fIRAI;V9 OF GOLD. teen -years ago. A smart dresser - - ere rA� _ iner. windo .-Intense Cold iia }, ►ARtl! rod $ALL _ The wend & ght.-al, and.iconst will Without having gone any-where Pain In Back All Gone o• W DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Strew gi eospe-round aright.-Be:t,cionafield. It were eadleaa to disputa upon Lane back Strenwthene�, °'eBr -either Pole, writes a,Durres- rs.ente very-thiag that were. disputable,- poadent. of the Landon C]hrbnirlt, Gin P}}}s Gompletelq Cured. W.01 ,sea WANT To Iter OR t�Lt-A- - — St1�Qe�S ���QU Right Out I have had my experience of the fact Df r, E:f.-l3stvtQ.-o[ Cornwallis. N:II f`rnit ' tltock. Or/�in, or Datrf parol. William Pena. that intense cold outllide sto s the says: "About a year ago, I was_suf3eriax Cotte A. W. Dawson. 8ramptoa of � P Colborne at.. Toronto. i However mean your life its. meet cold in the head.. We were six so much with a dreadful Lame. Back i And Hips. that I,could "t1At stand up i M_ W DAWSON, Colborne St.. Teror.2s _ eft and live it; do not shun it and Was Relieved -in an Hour, and Cured nvi>n, easayiag the as+oei><t of the feall it he-)d names.--Thoreou, Over Ni ht. Graaid Combin, is the Ale (over 'tralght. I was Informed by a friend NlrwsrArrrll! rod TALE. u Si p about GIN PILLS- I got a box. It Riches are the baggage of virtue; ' A lame back! Quite unnecessary. 14,000 feet). From our.firSt attempt helped me immediately. 1,.have..taken � OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TUWN• 1N (+they cannot be spared mind left be- All you have.--to do to to rub'on 'cervi• we:were driven back by a-thunder-' about twelve-boxes and the pains in my I York County. Stationery and Soap �.}+ustnesa In connection. price only %ind, but they hinder the march.- line. It's simply a wonder for back• storm; and a stay of some hours to back and hips,ate -ail gone. 'I cannot $4.000, Terms liberal. Filson Publish ' ,pOn, ache—relieves after one rubbing, "No- dryr in the but with the stove going *teak too highly of your GIN PILLS." fort Company, 73 ';cut wd•laid• 8tr••t J o; thing possibly could cure an achingsec. a Boz; 6 for $2.60. Sample-tree if Toronto. Warabig is transcentiant wander; woke up a11, the microbes. ' V1-heu back faster than Nerrfiine, writes you write National Druk A Chemical jpn s wasfslea. !~confer for which there is now no -we returned to the-hut next Ay - �., Mrs. Arthur Kobar, of Lower Chel- Co. of Canada, Limited. Toronto. limit or measure; that is wombip:- ea, N. S. "I caught cold and was so from the va11ly there"were least ESiDENT AGENTS 1N EVERY iCerlyle. prostrated with Dain I could of fiend four severe oulds amdTl us,. with AZ town to introduce strictly lesttto- - home, and I had the painful region 3liatr�Osod�ou you 0}t`Vkmto•eotne mate, �tuarant r investment l propo re To sword an oecaarion f,ar our rir-. over: We always have Nerviltae at aaeezing, lore throats etc: On the tion, You can make:-86 n ho or more � g third day we traversed our peak, n spare time In >our own home town. a, lwea-i! a worm ree of failure One sateaman 1s actusuv averaging _ deg rubbed thoroughly with this grand on trial for a week: slowly Cutting snow and ire steps over 8100 each week. R-e guarantee ithan to push for;Aard pluckily and Liniment. •Ai race the Dain departed. in weather memorably bitter even Applicant- for Cook's '-Poditlon- satisfaction to you and your customers, ma�[e a fall.—R. L: Stevenson. The lameness was rapidly reduced and Y Address;—The Canadian btagasfne Pre- nt falls heavil u for that height On the otkher side $lire Oi can tell whether Oi will .miurn Department. Room- 302, 63 Yonffe in an hour'I was able,to be about my Disappointment y pen g loike yez- in S4 hours. St., Toronto. : ieldcrly people; inti- may ' Y upon housework. I was. rubbed again fust it suddenly oceurred to tae 'thati I before retiring. and awoke as usual.-fn had no "cold" left, and the others MISCELLANIOUL -Better than the young, but they do the morning without a sign of my made the same difsoove i .:not so m-Rily revive:-Mrs. Ewing,. back trouble." lv re _-- ry• ,� N GROWERS, GET LITERA- There fa no Bort of muscular gin 'E' - p1 naa ont.oafon weeders R t3. Bruner. Man's highest merit always its, as D - xP fs that Nerviliae won't cure quickly. I cured'a horse of the Mange with iimUCh Se possible, b0 Tole external Ladles First. MINARD's LI TO HET CEB TO O$ L Qircumt=tancee, avid as little as Thousands swear by it for rheums• t • C- nternal and es0ernal. ear*& witos. 1 tism. neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago. C RI8 Y R,SALADERS. I=est pain b7 our bon• treatment Wru Bible to let himself be ruled by Mother, pointing to an engaged- Dalhousie tql It sinks to the core of the Dain—right , I cured a horse, badly torn by a ver esters ttM lit• Dr 19ellmae tladfe•8 thein,—Goethe.' through.mtiseie, tisane and nerve—if couple- Sarah, they do be sayfn Dpitab fork. with MINARD s LlNI►I1c.:vT, c.+., l.Imlt.a. Mtlt.,ew.+�.t out aim- penetrates where no oily, greasy llnl- that him an' her ie going to be mat- et.'Peter'a, C. 9. ED\V. LINIlInx - _Natule, purity, perspicuity. rim �! I,cured a horse of a bad ewelling byPATENTS t 4. �piicity never walk is the clouds., went can go and invariably cures 1.itNARD 3 LI:v1:�iF�tT. quickly. If ybu have an-ache or a Daughter 'Don't gay 'trim-an' Taos, ter'.-PAYNE. " ;,They are obvious to all capacities, p� anywhere-use Nerviline-lt w111 her,' ma; say `her an' him.' Iia Bathurst, x,B. _ OF INVENTION$ 4sind where they are not evident they cure you. Family size bottle, very etiquel,te to put ladies first." _ s=OXON, FIGNO f 1r DAVIS. don't exist,-Voltaire. large 50c.; trial size 26c. at all dealers o' a• sg°ntred T1s /t. Jam RAIL�,AY EARNINGS. = Good-Prospect for Corn Crop writ• for =alorma oa. Many good sailor.. .lie been Every one with corns will be pleases peddler Posted. The. Star AttraetioD. ' to know.that ,Putnam's Corn Extractor Hostess-I am glad you children ';iwrecked on the sea of matrimony. And Value of the Land Owned By is guaranteed to cure '� hard, sore-or .- She-If you• don't go away at decided to collie for dinner. the C.P.R. bleeding corns in .twenty-tour 'hours. OIICe I shall call my husband. Little Josie--We didn't -tum- for. - Painless;and sure Is , Putnam-& Eft- Peddler-I called on frim first and ' _ The earnings on our • Canadian tractor, 26c. at an dealers. dinner; we tum to' hear «ilite's - • ,#; he threatened me with you. grandpa•eat his soup. $I �IIIe railways during 1913 amounted, )* P i broadly, to $90o,000�,W. These But a girl•who, is an -expert- at i figures include a,11 the subsidiary. Try Mttsfrlse awe F o,m* odf l stlsa:h•s ssaiment us" by -paysioians. 4 _ malriag angel cake may have a de- j • •:'Breakfast linea, and other affiliations of what- V ba-e Rad,Weak, y ever nature; but the- figures are mon.disposition. you W'� mad or Grenunlated 8 Doesn't Singer Blowing It. remarkable. Thirty -tiara ago kale Daus Daze r.asoggo atTAt=7f�^ "'$OOt� " DTtirft[ist' Set "When old Richleigh died fie left Make for good days' >t[ttlits. emed�, ><agnfd,_utr ao.. C.P.R., which now-shown!grow AAI- To et the .genuine, call' for Soft'natio, EMUr Ine $y a scattered Package Y9 881" tft nual earnings ' of '$140,000,0000, f r s natuEr Bof a W. a o >a orris Me, dke. Eye Books ribby & for the Well. hi�s s his From a cka a could hardl • bit axle to one Dar. !6ason is at- Col. a 3, grease. ItsP of freah','crisp 25,000,000 acres of land were worth= ` �a1tw lilt• fJhemeds Ce.. Catoaw tending to that 'al] right.',' 'r lees. The land now sells at the rate An ordiliary cold is one o3 the of from $5 to $35 per acre. That very few-ailments the In phyai- .4 Fanatic. lite. ottrsa fa,e to 14 Days Post orblileeis laird in ib® totality repre- cion has been willing to undertake They env that Briggs is a.tem- Vrw stn refund. moneytchinr. Btia4 Bents 4i caah value of nearly $350,- to Cure without a surgioal opera- perance crank of the extremist or Protruding rues. r�'trst wv+Icattos a 000;000.--r1U lands -atilt .to'be sold tion. kind." gives relief. soa-� . Toasties will-realize'$200;000,000. The Dem- I should flay he is. He' wouldn't 'I-fortunate Illustration. r m•issioner, w*ich the London paper >mu 's =.tplmgt zttmbs>emata+s lrieaa even buy stocks because they fre- a of Lord Northcliffe's called Answers _ uentl take a sire Figs-Do you,believe in metem- ! fill a bowl and add cream or ' sent out to inveastigate conditions Maligned. „ .. 9.. Y p psychosis Z _ .� milk. in the Dominion, regrets in ane of She hear that `our friend, Mr. =Ny .e yteDt ser sae hoasR Fogg-Come again, ease! 1' his letters that, the C.P.R. should Drinkleigh's habits are -very irre Figg-];t's like this. According. 11 . Then, with some fruit,.a have sold its•land-any {fart of it- gular.• Rubbing It In. to that doctrine, my soul, after I � cup of Instant Postum, and to speculators in the early days. He-Noasenae! Regular as It 1131 de&r," remarked Jones who get through with it; may inhabit The coin clock-he's never. sober after-din-. the body of a 'jackass. „ „ C Well I dont a poached egg or two if you. pang regrets tltiab policy to- had just filiielied readi>ag a book on know grip- •. ` like; ou have a simple day it elf; but at the moment there net• The Wonders of Nature, this F gg- �+ •.., Y P pla a tivhere it would feel more at ...✓1 breakfast that is wholesome did not seem any alternative. the really is a roiVa-rkable work. Na- h and satisfying: " ' people could not be.coaxed at the. The way to success is not a chute, ture is .marve'Tlous! Stupendous! Home. 4 time to settle iLn thi wilderness; but a ladder. When I read a work like this A Toasties are-bits of corn and. the company needed money; makes me think- how puerile, -how r -_� earefully.eooked, delicatel and the big parcels were parted insignificant is man," y Re alsYit�► g a�.aeoned, and feasted to an ; wi•th•=-parcels, which in their' unoc "l1uh'."•eniffed his better half. cu `ed e!tabe are the giftbelbowels is an absolute 1lD•t es+ apPetlzing"brown" without wonder of the g}ty for ;cod heath: Untless arta . "A. woman doesn't have _t_ w e _ 9PI iiig settles; --who has to go- .mete matter kaon the food whult through four hundred pages to•-Said Y��� ��In ZAW being touch T 'b hand. -T-Ards .lic idle tt 11, s'• . ' ,Crisis ` t dna and - oasol'atlon. tt s bleeds i'1f1d f` Y further back while the a lendid collects these a go! 86 rid of at out.the. same thin its .tbd 6tf1'rdfitg, and Of cour»e, not an acre,is sold-now Y calla 5ilioasness,insi}• Tic C �, PeTfaeYeranc�q W11�►. >tTd-• gestion anc� sick headaches Salta ` .a ++ excerpt to t1Je ,Tnuine settler, but fad other harsh miDeral pi ptivn -."There is one -consolation in be-. Buk,imnsCure. WhYNtPP . Toe Memory Lingers ff 11 =tau the delicate lining d the ing homely;" s•he said. ? and 6Rorts. I. t6•e �ain� o ver•zee is'that in• the _ - —'9old by' Grocers-- — course of a comparatively few years bowda Dr. -Morse's irgdlaa ,Root _ ''And what-that? _ I our Canadian railways, which be- Pills-entirely vegetable--regulate „ Everywhere 1 the bowels effectively without weak- Nearly aid the other 'women are _ gan.i-n.feehleness a.nd.doubt, with- enlagsickeniagorgriping.' U•i willing to concede that I am sen_ out .great faith in the future, and s p .si-ble and will make.a good wife for Canadian Postu't6 Cereal Oo., Ltd some man." �r . Wtodsor, Oatarte. mrtclred at by critics, can show the D!•,Mii!'80 enormous e4aralings, in a twelve- Indian -Resit Pille ` u}olith, of $200,000,000. Ask for 311nard's and tare no other. ED 7• I99L'B 20-'14. t+ r ,ATOi m• >'YDv .:'6.'. .y,,.. 'ti;Y" .3'd -,w+' ,.t....,.,p .«t:- r.+� 'r ..e iC ',i7 a.e>i�, ,;,: ,v: a' ,� C i `N.;= r. .;;•r, nr. x ,,,,." ,r'' �,"'. .a. M •✓n" •+,,. g. •,:, • ;�., ',":lu"t: ;: ,.,..`. .,", ,..ttl �. r .. „ ." i,a, '.�," ' .. :.F•. ..� a, Q0, c{ '`'�' :.Ft'd. ii.•k sG;. .. ........ _ _ _ .� " 1717, ..�.J u,� ,�� .l.` re%�a'�'a��"••6:.°� �-.u.+r a%+. _,+r�� _<su ,i�,,pzjP:y- :Y.�'-•. y .. y , � � ---�'--_a. .. ... t .[.^W. •''�" X11:�.' -.s'�' � � '".n.��''''�'.:i'{ • 1. n t - ti Y •�I. 3 _ aesday,T.A.Bnox's Brock road, noon, TjOUSE TO LET-On lot 19,•eon. 9, _ -• _ _ _ _ _ vivo t" D..Crawford's Audley night• Thureda H'Pickering. (loon wo:k�a m.n's Louse. � _ own stable for night. Friday Rangel i Plenty of work In the netghboshood. , pl to _ r y yobliahadever7Bsidaytparningatitsoldoa, " S E. PUGH.Claremont. et[ a piokering.Oat. hotul Wbitby night; Saturday, own 'S jer ee stable until Monday morning. L�OR SALE-Potatoes for table or 'PiRtsE Adwdrd Darnley [9609 :(19461).The Fooled. Barly Newmarket sad EmD ire fashionably bred imported Clydesdale st.te. Appt w A. P. SOMERe-OOCXfI, Dat• HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? -THEY-THEY .NEVER FAIL -61,35 per year: $1.00 if paid in advanos., stallion,the propel of R.Defoe.Green fin's valley arm Pioksring. s;t sa �s Subscriptions to the United States,81.50 River,:rill make she season of 1914 as WANTED TO RENT-Cottage A complete line of garden and flower seeds w in. All guamni in advance follows: Monday leaves his own stable with land for poultry and vegetables, - "for W. H. Major's con. '5;-Pickering close to town of Pickering, *ddress Gas O nese seeds.•--2 packages 5 cents- Atifi, peter. sweet - —•"t(}b lV IN U fi KA Rro fetor. NELSON,l5s Close Ave.Toronto, tat: noon. D.. .Dafcea Brougham.night._; __ _ --Proprietor. -- peas, nasturtium; yellow globe Danve'r Onioa:1Seeds ia.bulk. E Tuesday,Jos. Wideman's Greenwood q RENT-Two god frame houses, -' -- nbos S.--Bath's ria mightca; Kin (tel _.. '�j� FRIDAY; MAY 15th. 1914 Wednesday Liverpool house an• mad. Possession elven at once. Appy for =PE W R E V I I O N -CHIV 1'�O _ Thursday afternoon;Thatsday,Wm.- partfonlars as W.J.-MILLS-R, Pickerin48-tf. - - --- Teefy'o Cherrywood night-,Friday;Thos W Rg: XDTEa AND COMMENTS Reesor's.Zoarboro towpliate noon,,own pZANTS FOR. SALE-Tomatcee, - •The perfect food £or young.chicks. stable,night. Saturday,F.W. Silver- 1 cabbage, vauliftowc4 celery and_.garden A bulletin has just lee ll @n '1sSed dowers. Pansies a specialty. Wagon on the thorn's con. 9 Markham noon, own road during season. THOS, GAMMAIDGE.- ' 'by W: H. Day, Professor-of Phy stab e.antil Monday mu-mia¢. Brougham, is 3c T -sits of the Ontario'Agricultural Irvmy- [3761], (81217) The Import- - SLA\TS .. FOR EASTER. ed . Qraheroo stallion, Che property of (�REAbi SEPARATOR FOP. SALT:. Some very choice geraniums. Foliages etc. fur Easter Cheer. _-College, in which he advocates the T.H. Haeaard, Markham, will make l� slue Bou,large ca�oity,only in use a few _ - - �t. the season of 1914 as follows:—Honda months; Will=about ut hall price,Lad will >. ase of Iip�htning rods for the pro- allow onemontha tree t>iial. ureal; aril be - afternoon .p ocee a to aleadowbrook �iyea if dee:red.THOS. VEEVELEl', Broils Our'General-Grote Stock is, complete and fresh. Prices ri ht. ' ts�tition of buildings.. He has Rr- farm_ for_night_ Tuesday,... ohn -e-.- koaa, --- - - -- rived -' =-- -- �. —• -. _.._... 1'y.. __P $ rived at this conclusion ,after in- Corner's Kinsale night,; Wedaea'ay, -Lots of.good butter•and fresh eggs'for Ea9ter. Trade. ' vestigation covering a period -of Brooklin hotel, Brook'1n• night; There -At lot 21, coli. day Bandel's hotel,Whitby night; Fri Pickering,lt'eg.,Shorthorn-bull, bred by thirteen years, and, is based° On day, Commercial hotel, -Oshawa_ for G.M,Forsyth,terms$A.W;Beg.Ayrshire- bull, Phone or send your grocery order_to z' .records furnished b Dslirance night.Saturday,for noon Bandel's hotel bred by H:O.Hamill,boar-bScarbored terms n. O also - ]� y Y a reg. Tamworth boar bred •by Chao. Currie, Whitby,where he will r:main ti l the Morrietoa,terms*>,Dl JOHN SCOTT, Clare• xJ companies in Ontario 'as well as following Monday noon. moat. _ X40 JAMES :RICHARDSON a in the state of Michigan and Iowa. Baron Elect- 156291 (12?W) -The COMMUNICATE with Jack Murray, - 'These records-show an efficiency fashionably bred Clydeeds'e- atallian, Audrey, for a seven seated passenger acro- THE PICKERING GROCER. the property of W.H, Pugh,Claremont, mobile,with top car in prime condition, wear. 'varying from-941 to 99.9 per cent. will make the season of 1914 as follows: Ina the original tires .this-car is of -French -.-- -- � In Michigan where- a `company Monday leaves his own stable for John make=gi n o inclbmi913.its coo tile. insures one buildings which Scott's night; Tuesday R. Eagleson's, owner$7500 was taken out for debt. will sear ' y $ Mongolia, noon.- W. ,ArnpstronR's jr, for SM, demonstration arranged for. I ltavite - i' are protected, by lightning rods Loonat Hill, night; Wednesday, R. your inspection. 53-tf THE FST/1BV3i1l� ; Amer- and inspected,a risk $55.172.078 Milroy's Cedar (trove, noon;: G. D, 1673 Milnes,Cherry wood night. Thursday SIMPSON Agent-British Amer- was carried during four ears Geo a'White's Dunbsrton, noon ; G. D ice FizeAunrs00. Company, Imo t"; • $ y � sled 1819,Oil`5,000.000,no premium noses; H.Linton's base line night, and damage claims arising from g Friday, all premium notes are collectible at so nay. ______ T.A. $no='s Brock:road-noon.; Bert notice,one mutual company are collecting that time total- them now. Remember thew notes are (Oven AP ' lightning during t Matthews,Brougham nighty 8aturdas, for fiva times the amount of your early or ---sed onig_ S3Z Other sLatlst}Ce _ Irieown starts until Moeda morning. {hreeAsw�r:n hop, I thleHrie�Amu: ca Assurance Co Which eadiaa - were equally favorable to the use dna oar are protected from c �posttlons• of lightning rods. Man ears Wets A3vef�emetata. see lye• Sim n who oda sive you roll parte- rT''HE besinesa man who }las g g y y aulars. I�also• represent the London and j Lancashire ideas and all sickness Insur• C11StOme1>s .In YaIIOUS r.a�� v ago the lightning rod agent was ante. Don't be without a policy of this kind, [ r'"•"• Fir -considered the prime of fakirs: COW FOR SALE-Fresh milker, as we don't.know the der or hour we got into .of Canada or-elsewhere will.. • s yrs old. AP to J. W, HOGLE. lot 7, accident or sickness it will only cost you about i err f, �A�� _-` rdarof con,9,Pickerng,Ind. phone_Picki 1719 sg•00-a year for$10A U you want a oew find the services of this bank of Many people were taken in with y - , - khatplee Tublar Separator the best is tae 'his glib tall[, 'and were charged -- world. or yjur old one exchanged See D. c�D OPP ie invaluable_ assistance in collar orbitant [ices for rods. that EDAR POSTS--Any size delivered. SIHPSON,Pickering, to-so 110-X IC in drafts et-6. -exb t s GE O.� Pr;ces right. Writs.phone.or call. G O. ,. $ McLNIOSH,Cedar Grove,Ind.phone. Malvern _ proved to be entirely useless. It conn, TORONTO _ - consequeotly fell into disrepute j�OY WANTED At once to herd and no person would buy. Belt B ca:ei. Apply;ilot_g, coa._7• Ptakerto Hairfalling S - DICKERING BRANCH, or phone !Lark. 814, WALTER WRIGH� 4nen had faith in their ` efficiency Clardmont, -• 3b Thea stop it! Stop it now! You - R W. GORDON, Manager. ® fl Brasieh also when properly costa}led. Care can do It with Agees Hair Wgor. A:\TED-A clean [roman not poen not color the hair, fill experiments have proved that 'W over 55,-Eapable2f dotag plain cooking X d•,•e,:.o.v9rca., -- •mss •��{sad anoral hnnae work. Two n family. B, APIC Yow OOCfOr. /y R EN E i.,t i/ S themethod of installing that was EAsE,r:brwga,ont., sot 151. :91�VT1� .-S practised years ago was entirely -- wrong, and the modern 'metbod has rendered the lightning rod = an almost perfect protection from. STEEL BRIGGS, A-; `lightning. WM. RENNIE, CC'S, - a. ;HEALTHY HAIR.. , --`----- • - =- - D. M. -BERRIES, : The new townsite of the Canadian Not Rr,situated right on the three- - t. - a -. NO MORE Dutch Setts,. English M---ultiphe s, Sweet hold of Toronto-sl of Rosedale and Park just a DANDRUFF few minutes walk from the naw,(}overntutnt Rouse-Zltily 34 � y miles from the City Hall-nearer-to down town To- Corrs~, and Sto wells Evergreen USE PARISIAN SA4E. ions o than theWoodbineor High Park,where . Max's entire! needless m have un- residential property is selling as high Corn, �•-YFBeans, American y as. $1W per I • Closer in than T , ' sightly. matted, thin or faded hair. A many solidly built upp-seetloos-right in "" - - Wonder and � Utt S EXGe182®r • little care is-all that is needed to mak :, -the city.- Leaside is right in the heart of To •�-� it thick, soh.pretty, perfectly hen ronto's expansion, and is bound to come-to the front Peas, eind any other. -. Bees and free from danddruS -as one of Toronto's finest and beat residential districts. - Use Parisian Sage-it supplies hair _ Heade and is sbenlutely harmtese. [t The actual facts make LEASIDE thio BEST afid SAFEST Real :— - ;you may require. -quickly slope Itching head and falling Estate ievtatnfent to-day. : 'hair, and Leone-of the best tonics to Tea, Coffee, COCOA, and chocolate, the best IM ll,vigorate the scalp and make the Leaside is a complete townsitc magnificently laid out by a landscape artist, Can procure rc - hair grow long and beautiful. 400 feet&rave the lake level,with a dry bracing healthy atmosphere, nee - r ` Get a bottle of Parisian Sage today from the smoke and dampness of the City yet within easy access of Tongs at. groceries are the freshest. nom D. Pettit or any drug counter. t -Oat costs but So cents. Rub t into the The development of Leaside is proceeding rapidly-miles of wide beautiful soaJp-all dandruff disappean-your streets areraded-some of them paved. Already considerable building is In tr hpd feels fine-the hair is pretty and rroagg Work has commenced on the construction of sewers and water =.� E p R CA E PHILIP 'perfectly healthy- mainsaswhich are being layed behind the houses, and not under the streets,as v r is customary. This ensures permaneef pavements and clean streetp. Tenders �13ALE REGISTER. are also let for the installation of a water works plant. while one firm alone = has begun building 150 houses,which will bei completed this summer, _ MAY 21sT-Auction sale In view of Toronto's present congested state. Leaside by'reason;of its fartu'• or farm stock, implements, etc., the nate`situation and unique advantage is bound to become the natural outlet property of L. F. Northern, lot 30- for Toronto's expansion. _ _Whitby. -Sale at 1 o'clock,. con.4, ' .'sharp. Wm.bialy, auctioneer. From the invester's standpoint surely it is easy to Ree that t,easide is the most attractive of all Real Estate investments._,_ : We own and ofter't'he original and choicest selection of property in Pit : �� --: ..• - _ • _ y �' R'1'ite to-day for•plxns anidtcomplete Information. To Suffer, when you can get �. Tog's Home=made and ASTERN TERMINALS OF ..CANADA, Butternut Bread LIMITED delivered at-your door. 7 39 ADL �I LD S't'. EAST, TOT0, Ont. _ F # F R ` Ask your Grocer-for it. `` 1 v Ir 0 shawd el dhiKgks .. .-OSHAWA,• ONT. Are Firs Proof; Wind Proof, HORSE REGISTER s barn is covered with Brantford AspheltRoofing(SO lbs per square) ~ —=— Water Proof Lightning .Thi ' Sit•Alexander(12363)Vol.XXVI;The �' '� We stock this roofing in all grades, and can ship to any station is I' - imported Clydesdale stallion, the pro. - Pickering Township freight prepaid in 10 sqr lot.' Quality alerays - :petty of Ja,nee Eva•.i, wilf stand at his . - Pr00f null r08t Proof. •• rules the price. Let is quote you. Can ship to any place t - own stable,lot 4,con,-5, Uxbridge, dur• in Ontario for same rate. ; ink eheseasan of 1914: All good, up-to•date Canadian Prince Arundle(608) (49790). The ' American eproperty'of ingbter paging -" FarlYlerS Ude them: ISE �- stallion,theproperty of T,Caster,North /� _ . _ fJlaremant,will make the season of 1914 D M -� - CO sl -et the Simeoe Hotel Stables, Barrie, �....:..�� _ $acephalus Vnt:12 No, '[838 (I1228) See any of.the following Local Aagents�They will. gave, you best;'pricesl on Pedlar's 1►1eta,cof ng, Siding, Vents, Culverts Finials, ` The choicely bred imported 6lydesdale - " stallion,the property of i3, C. Bunker, y Terminals. Sheating and Ornaments. will mate the,si loon of 1914 he followe; il - -' --�`;-Pringle,Sawnel hiannlnlr, g PEEL'S -s SHOEeSTORE !donde leaveshie own stable,Kingston $rooklitl;.Ont. �Vhitb Opt road, W. H. Holtby's An4!ey night, G. M. Rice, Jacob McIntyre, s s Tuesday,Bandel's hotel, Whitby, for'night,Wedbeidav, CSmmeroial. hotel, Whitby,-OuC Whitby, Ont. - T - 4shawa,Lnoeff and n{glrc, Thursday, Lawrence Denny, _...•_ John Ashenhurst, _ H I T B Y' Bandel's hotel,Whitbylnoon; F.Madda• Greenwood, Ont Goodwood, Ont. `• -' - •, ...ford's ban live,Pin sting,night.Friday ` -to his own stable instil the following "' W• Henry, F:-BCrtOn, - Boz Grove,.Ont. Whitevale,-Ont,. _ �. Monday mor nio . - j. MorrisFi - — W_e haee_a-complete.-etock_of-.the..-ne-wt�t_atFle, footwear a ng's �ol1rtal� `141151;, 14712) _. --�V. W. 3Adler, The pure bred plmy q - p� 1 ]T p reepprroo ported Clydesdale Highland Creek Ont. GreeOn food, Oat. _ for men, women and children's wear. ._ stallion, the .rtof John Munro, Wm. Wilson, Pickering, : Piokerin wi make the season of 191a - - Call and see-ours lata In men s and bo s work boots as follows:Monday leaves own stable• No higher price, but better service and satisfaction. - - lot S, B.F.con.for Gen. White's Dns. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE • Limited - -phone151. - -- - �, �au solicited. barton, noon ; Appleby's hotel, west ' Hill,for night,Tosedsy,Liverpool hotel, ! �• ®�� street + WHITBY B L noon, S.Bath's Pickering, night; Wed. Read Office and works, OSHAWA, ONT. Established 1881•. J. PEEL, Br Wvyi, , .". '�'• r - .. .,- .,ry '. :.. .. ..J 6Lc4�Sif�,. ` "�,*a•.��.t�S�-,•tory n�r �,y�..- �.K.., Iy t{� w ,,...,,• ..,.; r: - . ,, ,a � n'�sar•+u.: � s�„j � a�;•s X„ar„� �w :;d ,.`•SL.�`.. . 'w'�r ., .., ;; .i1v .. ,. a .s''i.� ,:s.Ka.'.;c%. ... . ,. ',. ��• r+. ;xis". i.:` y;; ^�,, .. r. ,�,,; -. � .. 3.?'�'k-- +, ,r •wr �a�r.7: ;ti,+.-' yr�'. `qm'„`►I'�., �'v:`` :�.. ,; -�:,..'wi�... . -.,,..r:-.�n.-r ..5+•-:- i` :fir xx,x..•r"wr ':' •,c••',� w�gr+s. •, :'rf •' .+ c , ;'k' �•, e.. � v-.t yf°�' ... Y . I.,,.,+: y -- -,� v'-,,: +•rr+•.: ,•^•. ..z�. �, .raF.•. i� .. W+ i..v �'iv.AA '::: .. .e w�S. _. •;}.. �tM.6•k.' ,fin Y .h 'd.•. A w.. .,...::' 5:.,•Cc. ..w C: .f^':t"v^ 'v'1• '.: .'. a,�t7.rat :�: `%^,.,.:q.;br9• ,.. ,< 3.y..v- ...,•. ,.f... '_,» t �. iR;,- •w .,, ,:+..' .>. . n e' ..... ,. ... �..._ ...._.'.. :, :, ;w :•� t .+; �� fi. .A•<.. '+,N 3k'•? '�1� •{^ w • cLARSMONT The postal delivery in the. dif- Mise Bessie Macnab returned T. P. Srk is renovating therecent mail roatea from Claremont home last week,lifter a �ile!tsant �' �, , RICHARDSON'S Y .barber shopthis week. post-office will begin next week. two weeks visit with friends- in Dr. B. Love had a business trip J. H. Beal has been busy the London. - - to Greenbank on Friday. past few weeks delivering furni iaaportantehowiag of Saest display at' Thomas and Mrs. Stephenson tura to various rte of the wa- ___. WARNING .� a _ __._ -- pity 4hiaa. A /cry large ol1eTo'm,aa1 ' motored t, acing on dsbtiSunday. ship. ' Stationary. Boole D -.-_ye j -=-•-- --- It seems a tt - that the vQsitlta_ - _ t• welling enrson he►d a btt81 Miss Beatrice A1Rer and Mlss our village and neighborhood cannot noeived for the Holiday trade. Qall z `j Riese t�Myrtle on Mondasy. Blanche Mechin, ;of Brougham,' conduct themselves in a manner be- ad see fihem. • Lthy�a min :wi oronto friends on Sunday. Beal• the esteem o the people who they -Subsoriptions taken for all M'agasiie , ;r"+ 1 The Misses Morgan, of Toronto, Dick and Mrs. Johnston, of To.- seek to annoy, Be it known that the Weekly and Dail] Newspapetr� — visited with.Miss Evans on .Sun• pulling up of sidewalk', planks inter- _T_ _ ..dap. rnnta; spent Sunday with the � --�'^.•�•� erinq with traffic, meddling with . ' Tatter's parents, Fred .and Mrs. automobiles Telt oa the road aide or %T 13 R101-XA 1:Z:D8 Mrs. Combs of Toronto is visit Ing her mother, Mrs. A. �W. Me- Fat enet•. when using niab disturbing church ser- s John McGrath was at Ringwood_ Fires, using abusive language on•the ,G. -t Kay atresia etc.. are offences punishable $_�� $�204to ,t one day last week shoeing horses p Thomas Stephenson' was in by law, and unless these thoughtless Myrtle one day last week shoeing for the well known horseman, young men discontinue this course of FT $rod ie, — horses. annoyance,recourse to law will follow, WIRE JW ENCE W M ROYCE :n Young, of the Dominion James Lawson Tins. received-a- -The.-Hearse .--af-offenders-arE-.- Bank, Uxbridge, spent the week Iarize shipment of fruit trees, pected and they must accept this as a ---end at C. O. Bennett's. which are giving great-satisfaction .final warning to prevent seiious trou- Agency for Invincible wire fence A practical Shoemaker has The Misses Brown, of Toronto, to the purchasers. ble. opened a µ: # repent Sunday here with their Adam and Mrs.Spears,of Mount made by the Steel Co., of Shoe Repairing Shop eisjter, Mrs. (Rev.)H. Wood. , were the guests of the lot. FLOUR and FEED Neat door to W. J. Costkweli' ! The Misses Currie, of Toronto, ter's parents, Thomas and Mrs. Canada. harness}shop, where he is pre- - spent Sunday here with her par- Gibbons on Sunday. at Cherrgwood Station ,,., ro. pared to do all kinds of �ents, Thos. and Mrs. Gibbons. —1 '*4b'aw- �T• PM3CM - repairing work. - = James Lawson and David Tay- --- -Feed Wheat, Whole Corn, - r iri g Pe Y CARD OF 'PHA�I$3 Ind.Phone 1921 A call res tfull solicited fors spent Sunda in Green .River P� y as�the questa of the former'` dao. _ Malted Corn, Dried Brew- ' W, ROYCE, PICSERINf,E ghter, Mrs. Fred Wright. PICKERING, -ONTARIO _ y _ House-cleaning Fre is still the order I wish through the column's of the ers Grains,.Oil Cake Meal, , `- �•; g NEW`to express my sincere gratitud e. of the day among the fair sex. The an the numerous friends for the kind- Molaaeine, Bran, Shorts, �'e You Interested in C cold backward weather is making nese shown to my father, the late R. Arer's Pectoral .40- the process a rather tedious one. W. Ward,during his fatal illness, and Flour, Crushed Oats, Etc. • _ The many friends of Mrs.Tobias to myself and other relatives during Away back in 1841. Old enough to co- .` -.Caster, are pleased to know that the hours of our sorrow. For particulars Phone home 6030. Fehein member time days') Still used for g coughs and cold:. Sold for 70 yeam r .she is making steady progress to- MRS. H. WBI?B. ThOY7G18,B F„E!�®O= lttadebrJ.alrorOo, i ward recovery,and._is now able to risk Your Doctor. Ret out. --AND < Fred Ward shipped carload of BARGAINS IN BEAUTIFUL �. _ ' -cattle from Claremont,a carload of - tes Dago r-- -a . - _ «. :�A ttle_from. en .Meaday, - �- -- VW - also acarload of hogs on the same BLT]=fib €lpU G`HINA CABINETS -- day from these two stations. The undersigned is pprepared toren Reuben Besse has started to Beautiful design int-4' Oak and plain Oak, 52 in. Top,47 ba. British pair all makes of bicycles, etc._ _-ivake extensive improvements to - -:I have in stock 3000 rods of -.Lis already cosy residence. . . He bevel mirror, woddeo trimmings, special $27.00. - Also, agent for mill belts,maehi ' • will take down the present roof :''wire fencing made by the' belts of all kinds,automobiles,. -• .and re lace it by a cottage roof. China Cabinet to match, $17.00. - - motorcycles, etc. P Steel Couspany of Canada. F. N. Madill who has been at- _ _ �^tT? T�T1�T tending the Faculty of Education, C. H. BURLING = -PIV11�'111Lr G I also carry brace. wire, Ind phone 1913 Pick. _ has returned home after writing Russell Andrew, on his final examinations and will — coiled spring wire, wire ! snow take A few weeks' vacation. PICKERING, Out. Foster Hutehison and daughter, -staples. Steel posts'; and Miss Fostina;of Stouffville, called - cedar-posts. Picke"n Ing upon a Yew of their friends here o e �- on Saturday last. We are always pleased to see their familiar faces. The weather, of the past few Let me show you what.I have and m �] f� d has been unusually cold for . LU111bVr Yalyy" this time of the year. on Tues-, �: _ quote you prices. day a few flakes of'snow tell and E •L' overcoats and glovea_were favor itL manes and Mrs.. Pilke it- a " . C REESOR .,We of ppay s re prepared SuPPIy tend leaving on Monday to spend .' Everything is the t '.the summer months at Yorkton, Roofing Line: -- Sask. and other inti in the i1;y kingdom for a horse" proff.®r- :LOCUST HILL po • riortb-west. Luther Pilkey also will accompany them. ed a defeated monarch. But the . Now is the time to place you Charles Sargent and Thomas - r for Tongued-and Groyed +L +wR g _"'_modern man gets an infinitely bet- �AWENTION ! order • Birkett had a business trip to Port pine or hemlock silo ¢� Perry one day last week. Needless 'ter means of transportation—at - material. : y, to say the did not loiter on the D = New sad second cream eepart[= y lowest cost—when he buys a sturdy r, - •- .� way. When Charlie finds the tors Gasoline engines, ' 3 W. De Gordon � onto becomingtoo Blow he will Ford. The economical Ford has 4 invest in an arship. made the horse an extravagance-at A different isasskee, ppmping ou;t. A trunk or direct line has been g Y'eyetem'hed in between the Independent any price. - ate. Farm implements. _ ' M -PICKERING Cla -ta Claremonand t desiring nw. Peri g rties Six hundred dollars is the price of they Ford Gin Pa1czs. ti runabout• the touringcars six Lift the -. call direct sad vice versa. As town car nine hundred-f. o. b. Ford,Ont, 'd►result Brougham will be cut out `complete with equipment. Get catalog and b his a twitching station, o articulars from W.'J. Luke do Bon, or L. BROCK HARD, ONT, pp W. Dudley.We regret to report the illness - y. Whitby, Oat, •, of Mr. Ira Powell, having. on Fri- " day last received a paralytic ;f C Swtl� N'� Demos M stroke. We are pleased,however, ,C.S �d We. Cornaasars� s -to state that he is now gradually m Vwomet sekebebeeNt sslsl . r improvinir, and big many friends i"O."rp<''o�.ess "" lto that the improvement ma w -- g t,,I uooeurlet► conedeac ea Pe P y t I seas fro&01do.c for - ,continue.. P M ; �� w Pa�nu caaen i'�°°c'e 31[ana The attendance at the annual -- - - . .. __ q e a , �, •M� a.e�.,acboac in tea pond concert of the Baptist Z :� Al- •- C, Mission Bandon Friday evening Q . o o i ,, B y eb.aasooerrsnn,cr+ceawaetts Lr¢eet •last wise not so largely _attended anon a e4 , ]as-in former years.•but those who IHE DOMINION NK ; . S a 8 sa lc , >W .-K slttewelea,. attended were amply repaid by e�00 a'ea� g°� a °a 'qo y�ser.wi � the fine addresses'given..by, Revs. 'oIR EDMUND`09LER,M.P„PRESIDENT. Wr D.MATTHEWS.VICE-PREVOENT, g �w O•Q!M S' B i p, "� 7 Mr. licQtiarrie and Dr. Marvin, c.A.BOGERT.General Manager. —' I e.Oil EV bts f e 8v$ I :� - and also by Miss McLaurin, whose Do Your Banking By Mail, m��� ��r=w o �� addresa'on "India" was much ap 0 e o e U. o 1st ;preCiated.• if you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. r Deposits may be made—cash withdrawn—or any other Banking r m o mal Jan T. P. Shirk ha i sec,u ed the ser- Business may be transacted by mail;.just as easily as though one _ Fob .Vices of Edward Ward, of Toron- :made a special trip to town for,the purpose. •! In V y : �+ mar 4i to, to take charge of. big -barber c .,, Apr,p.o shop as succes for to Ross'Barkey, • : ' R -.who has moved into the`city. Mr. WHITBY BRANCH: A. A.'ATKWSON, Manager•. .m J noI -: . • - Ward has-had many years exper- ience .� Jail Ca ;.R in several of the best barber �- �. o ;. m a n d yb Of allmaterioU and design whops in the city and'perfecteatis- b naw pct �M -kept in stook. It will pay you ffaction is assured to those who .. r .. iD to Gall at oar works and iaepeot Gas patronize the Claremont shaping a S 1O e. so, V and obtain prices. Don't be misled. " - parlor. oN co Januaryly we we ado sof employ them;non 1016�Whibb z, Oshawa a Broagham co m Gan, and per throw oh ch 'The Women's Institute will • S • o Pod p�u, scbridlte te,s7anatasba ta, commission of 10 oeot.,whiob you -hold their May meeting on the y .. �.ay.orton lb vptergeo�e is _ owisinty save by p rurobasing tEo :afternoon of the 20th at the home CC - - aW soUolNd. of Mrs. D.. Forsyth, North Clare- e1J,00o STOCK "SALE Pickering T �mont. Topic :: `'What are youda a �C ering iwIII �T •NANITE`COs P V ne.. Waltbl, Oa -Ing to help Our Iuatitute. Every AT SLAUGHTER .PRI CES . . . member is urged to be present for iVance Committee , ,•� �T the election of the officers for the E. W. AVAlr St (coming year. - Roll call. Pay your tiVe have received notice to vacate store vre now occupy, there=. C quarter. Hour, of meeting 8 The,ob object of th'ls Association is to q fore stock must be slaughtered at cost and under. 3 Pnl D�anlfact r o'cloe'x. lessen stealin and prosecute P Ed. Linton had the:misfortune -- Bargains 1n.e�er department Milliner f $ 3 p (Millinery- . :' - f the felons, - shop and Resieleace;Dun a _ `'dti-Tuesdaq afternoon to fracture axepted). Sale Begins !,[embers Navin rt stolen WHITBi' ONT. both bones of his left leg below R props a the knee. He and James.Derusha MONDAY., MAY 4th, and continues for One Month. Date immediately wit any member Three doors west of WhitbyHo .were engaged sawingwood for : . -- Mrs. Price Pugh and while endea- No doubt long before end of sale canned goods will"be sold out, and �beMhip too a 61.00. !` _ voring to move a large longwith we cannot procure more at ,Oe wi rices we now offer them_ �° - We are prepared to instsd wood or a handspike which both ma were All Come-You will save money.. Tickebr'ma�be bad from the President or; Pumps on short notic0also�ttend:'.t using the handspike broke, strik- aeoreeert on appltoatioa. to all kinds of ra icing. • ing him on the leg. Dr. Brodie MILLINERY-This department never was in better shape than it is Exsc, Com,-L.D. Banks, C.8.Palin- Agent for the Qntane ev i�Dnes a-wind Mill; was immediately summoned and at resent. We areprepared to meet all wants and lease er,C. L. Morcombe, Pickering. Oat also gasoline etiginee and; M� P P g• he bad the fracture reduced. As the public in every way. the squre gear -: a a resuit of the accident Mr,Linton VH J Ci will be laid off duty for several J,VOIConnoF. a ark MAGNET CREAM SEPARATdB t�lrltly., • Co.: N Issd one e it 0 60L �. D SI1�.P�ON o IC' RI1"�1' Pho � iPrsiei I eer.f +i, "•^•.•rr ti lin .r_. : ,. r. v. , vt � :.,. , a.. .,y ,'%:;.. .^^i- .r �s ,. �k ib'+.r. 5 a .� � s,5 Sl, 4^n'. r r' .'+��� :•nr '..er-;.••w ,... ;°� d,.;°°�., - �,;r. - ,Fi,. ,rr :�. �`F q, ;:, ,t�- �,,..r ., ." a� ;' -' a 'a:�-�.K. r ., � -�^ .�v'+' °���'k''Via"�y'�•�2:.a' �:: ..,�., u,y "B ,',�{ .:�+.• ;� ��,r .r'��t,•�,,a,�,�'>•., •.':'_. ;;.. �{a�' , ,.� �• ,r S .-.:: e•' , --. ,.>- .:...:, .-uff�•'.. .,.._.z,.,i:..-s-x, .w'. .. :.�,z- - . _mn _ ,_ s, _ .;w"•`i:ae c,d' 'p'. «..,,,; f,._ _. ,,...,,. .t a ;.� ,,,. .� b,r +cc.. - - F.. -tt 9 s - { *--• ..11 ,,�, ., ... -..;..r,.c.. .:..• .' ,J.. -: '. ::* .:21r:- •r,. - 11 ,c , .b.. e•' .. - 'hep >, a i I T; �� Y - -. u -r,. M1 . '.'.. - '] �."..." '. random, Wrmy's voice broke the silence, .1 .. ■peaking 1n markedly mild and concili- ._r"�> a orny tones. c .• , , • - - I m really awfully sorry, Hervey, dd i n ��Eve. ; that I annoyed You by speaking out mY , � private opinion of your little protege.� '�� , _­-, - - I had no Idea that you would resent 1 what was, atter all• only gn Individual st expression of opinion. The fact Is, ' , �r you're so kind-hearted and high-minded, ,A r rc. I and so Inclined to see good in people . ' ;_ where !t really doesn't exist that you Stilt Tow 6"W ?nM. of do imam,a m, t ; 7� .,s ' run considerable danger of being de- it' ee qua graph. i. .' OT iriaCC�Rs t0 $ FA1Ty. - :p delved at every turn. Well. I won't nay isles pen�p►di, p{h{eaatt. �t�• t .___-_ say more on that subject. 1 don't want t rx c[ O7AU1, alt ". r to put your back up again. What I will shot a pa eResnlasgar, '� tea' y inn that$I know lust the place for lit- sCrsls(red b tl)t ptim ga�'••g _ —.... -' ea PLsWLs srrtl tie Miss Saxon-a. school near Clifton In eery s so�top1rR z« Suspension Bridge, kept lay-a distant to bottom i.shoo the size of analy ,Loo to iso$pats ? CHAPTER IX.-(Continued). But he'd never have let me come, and connection of mina whom I haven't seen s pla�o lst. The weleltl is i� as P - he'd nT-ave been sure to get drunk and for a ggood many years, Mrs. Stanhope Mleia•s (bloc label)- "But:w' Y ca before it was rland. Her husband. Captain Stan- Ltkea yearls,avtia well eaLLegMiRs. Old Lilfth. i can s1eeP as well as Poo- over, so ma be he's better w es, fi ops or an s eett ea signor -ibis 1n this lovely old armchair, and poor father!" one years, and•she has since then run sweetness• dslonsSlba,atibs. ,.,I d much rather be near You, Mr. Her- a sort of private finishing school for Corssa[$ata(green label) + , try. I don't want to meet any more about aciozen 3oung ladles of nr3tected Lilo small dia'a°nils sail iLLaruwStfttsrt011rM;Lkd1M, strange women who tell me I ought to .. . '.CHAPTER X- education. She's a very smart, clever • almost as brilliant, but 4 0 1 be a servant girl. and if I go away Your her quieklymelted. r 4 relations'may come: as Mrs. Nokes said "And what do You 'mean to do with beenaa great'sund I ccess. She Isclrelatehto = 111111111-- they would. and Persuade you to send her?" _ " " ,me away and never to see.mc agtafn, Let Sooner or later I knew !t would come, me on my mother's aide, and my mother __ ______ - '' only un- Inevitable question, wherever was very proud of being a Trevor Stan- --- --- - ttl I R° away to school. on se L11ith Saxons name c ---- to any more horrid women to take care was only waiting for.Nicholas Wray to care a twopenny hang for that. aorE ot- - MOIL pf me. I can't abide women-I do like ask it snobbish, double-bareled flummery, but. �Yd1 men so much better! Even that dis- The child had gone away at last, in of course, it-pays in that-sort of faahion- -- -- -- Q____ _.:- agreeable old gentleman. and yetis, tall Wrenshaw's care, after startling me, able school. Kate Morland, from what .I .friend who'drew me and called me an scandalizing him, and hugely amusing I remember of her, is a well-bred, well- animal, I'd rather have to do with nor Wray, by bestowing a frantic hug up- mannered, well-dressed woman, with a T ., .Women. Somehow. they never like me, on me as a parting salutation.'We had great deal of tact, and I believe she, futrtte a,,,ns Vhey never cared for my dancing when drawn our chairs forward on the guarantees to make any girl presentable - - I went about with father: and very com- mon and dreadful ones, drinkint Rin at hearth-rug before the Rower-filled grate, 1n a couple of years. Of course she has = the 'bar. would call mea vagrant' and and settled down to pipes and a talk to be exceedingly particular regarding _'scold their husbands for throwingt me At least, Wray wanted to talk-I did those she takes. I believe-they're most- `'Pence when I was Quite a little girl. If not. Never had the fellow appeared. ly the connections .of jumped-up manu- _ I had my way I'd never meet any women leas congenial to me than that night: what sort of thing, and `''any more. I should like the world to and although, as ]t happened, his acct- no doubt her chargee are pretty stili; - ., „_ be jusj the and all the rest men. Only dental presence in my studio had r of a for your but I opur uld say she She's juat the woman -l perhaps I'd have some women one didn't false p sit on with rega dat Lllith I four and thirty now, but Ibthinkout hI Haree ve - see do the sewing. Why do You laugh , ` so mush, is,. Wray? air. Hervey never was none the less angry with him-not an early portrait of her - somewhere loughs at-what I sap like_ that I don't so much on account of his words and which,will give you an idea of the wo- - ; like yyour laugh at all." manner toward her, which had been man. 1f you carr to see 1t." illy dear Ditas Saxon•" Wray aaid, well-nigh perfect in indulgent polite- "Thank you," I said. •'I should ltk� I - _ i • __ With a deep, ironical bow, "I laugh from nese• but because of a certain look 1n to ere the portrait." sheer delight and appreciation of the' his eyes as they fastened themselves. Wray rummaged among the sketches 1 " drat feminine person 1 have ever met upon her which had inbre than once and letters which filled an untidy parcel � that has told me the entire truth. Every during the evening tilled me with an behind a sofa In one corner of the - woman thinks as you do of the teat of studio, over which, with characteristic very dare ese res, insane to to strike him. slovenliness, he had flung a tapestry -- _ _ -hes_ but I_was up-in arms, therefore, almost corer trarra-�ttm2s- ' "Don't they. a a returned.-a ...g- before tits question-,A%V-Dur--at'-'-M- bear.--Prese :at him for a`moment with wide-open mouth. _ found the photograph, and brought It to �� it' bLue eyes_ Then she turned to me. "you have heard what I am going to me. It ons Inscribed, "From your,- 1'm so dreadfully hungry." she aaid. do with her." I answered Icily; "I am Cousin Kate," 1n large; feminine hand- for the third time, with a little break going to send her to school." writing, and 1t represented a comely - KITCHEN ECONOMY , . In her voice. . Yes: but when she comes out" youn6 woman, attired 1n the height of 'Wrenshaw," 1 said, •'go to Frees- •ryy hen she comes out, she will be the fashion of ten years ago, with a. teiil's and order a little dinner at once. eighteen and capable of planning her' round, pleasant face and a somewhat Then take a cab 4o Battersea and ask pwn course.in tile." overplump flgure. There wan an air of One burner, O[ foul—low flame or high—a slow our, sister to DUt'up this YottnR lady "phi (f she la to follow her own in- minvled good nature and good breeding fl[C OI a }lot OIIC. hl0 Coal soot O[ashes. _ . .. nIghvPd W sareastical-_ about her which suggested an amiable . .. "1•es, sir. How many •hall I say'the cifY. "It _f_S. D3etty clear where they w and-_1 - Ehe picture __ g__ dinner la for, sir?" lead her," decided that such a woman would pro- �� �� •Why. three of courao-- cried Lfilth. Whore?' bably be kind and patient with LSllth. growl lively at the notion of food "Into Your arms, of course, m dear and ready to make allowances for the .n "I - _;. ' t?!1lpptng of! her chair, she twirled You are not particularly vain, but girl's deficlences In education. t - about the .room, clapping her hands I presume you-cannot fail to see the "Would you like me to write to )ter?" i with delight: girl's In Ime with You?" naked Wray. . "Play, dear Mr, Hervey." she cried. -Nonsense! Lilith Is a child!"• "It you will glue me your cousin's aa- Q11 Qak-stove_ dress. I• will go down and-see her to-to the halt-grand.piano, !n_one' .1 Brant Lhat she fa child enough to ----. corner of the studio and ..opening[ I be incapable of concealing her feelings. morrow," I answered. "From what you - "Play, and let me dance to show how be I she La probably unga►are of their say, It seems just the sort of thing i means better cooking at less coat—and a COOL; • " 1. glad I am I-have come back.to You!" nature But she ta.ia lose with you, all am looking for." , clean kitchen. - - So I played, and for a few seconds the eame., Much better to see the school for -. she flitted about In that birdlike faahlon vovrselL and have a chat with Mrs ,lis-1, 2, 3 and burner- sizes, with cabinet top, - ,, You forget her age—" I' was be- hers. light and swift as a swallow, inning. when he cut me short tliorland. Her address fa_ Aiorland - - over the polished boards. It vexed me g Pahaw! Age has nothing to da with house. Clifton Downs. If you can tell drop shelves, towel racks, etc. Also a new - to know that Wray's eyes were-devour- me what train 3'oti 11 travel by, Fit send __ Ing all her movements, and that he was 1t. Besides, she Is sixteen, and among her a tine to keep her to to receive You. stove With Fireless Cooking Oven. trying to-jot down some of them.in his the vagratnt class from which she 1 shall be glad to do Kate a good turn." _ At all defilers and general morea. _ _ - :� , sketch-book. But most of all it anger- springs girls, are habitually wives and So It was settled, after a consultation - . .7 ''•-' '! _.ed me to see the evil smile upon his mothers at sixteen. It fs only among a . the professional and-what are called the °t time-tables, that I should go down Roysfits Oil Qiws Bast Results face. when, having danced to-her heart'sby an early afternoon train on the fol- p1 - �r i .. OIL1. 1 content, Lillth ran behind me, threw higher classes that the Intrego ays of lowing day; and a sense of relief stole - HE laL"ERIAL OIL CO., Limited ' w her arms round my neck. and Dressed Vasaiona 'has been made into a system over me at the thought that the, ntt0- -a species of religion. This little way- j Toronto t�eyea Halifax Montreal her Rushed cheek against. my own aide weed has grown apace, in septi-- blem of L1llth's education was nearing .Dear Air .Hervey," she cooed in mY Sts solution. . �� Wsttaxiliet ment at least. among her uncultivated vaaaoaysr ear, 'thank you so much for playing! For not emonR the feast of my anx- . , - - _ -- But I Naar the wafter on the stairs with surroundings. She never takes her oyes leties concerning her was the know- east+ u"ah . . the tray, and I'm too hungry to dance oft you• She talks to, listens lo, looks ledge of the passionate delight her pre- - •: , ., _ A any more. This !s the happiest and ,ac no one else. Shsts always wanting ., most-beautiful day of my life-like a to touch you, on any pretext, and pre- Bence in the studio see am d me. It was i - 4 L Rood dream come true. Hot tolled ferably to kiss 70M. She is anxtous to at * I had better see as little as nos- -_ slpls of the gtt 1,.and. I hardly .krtew _ beans and very good butter, ladies and 'be a ladyy,' as'shn calls !t.simply in or- whetAer i oughht, to teal pleagied or angry (gentlemen come to supper!' But I'm der'to please you. - She owns that her- when. before I- had finished my break- �I kj b OI' PRE9FRV1\G EGGS. eggs 'to keep by just placLn.g ealtrd , 'r t !deal of happiness fs to be your parlor- butter in the palms of the hands :� Filed there are no ladles, except me. MY• fast on the following morning a hurried pa' Fled this a re no feast. Let me take maid, your model, anything. so that she Lapping at the front door,•,followed by , that nice old eat in m lap-I'm awe may be near you. 1ve11, frankly, I've a spirited altercation and a scuffle in ` hint lilt HOUSPR'lfe Ill Da d elf and turning the eggs aboutsnn;dl ' -.be wants a bit, tool What a ity poor envied You before, pretty bitterly. as Lhe hall, preluded Lillth•s temDestwoua (O i'Ut 1!010 Praetlee. Beery bit of the surface Rag 0ovsr.- ��- pp ofd' kit. Wrenshaw's Rone to Battersea. you know. for 3'our mont3•, your artlo- entrance Into my studio, - ] dare say he was as hungry as any of tic.success:-but 1 never in my life en- ed, A cleanly method is t0 dap the us. What! Don't-he have his meals vied you as ardently as I do At this This work eggs of mine. which occu- The [fiOKltht) Of. April, May and eggs into liquid glass, -which can be with you? How should I know he ofd- moment." ed the whole of the first hoar, served June are the hen's busiest, and -„Y . - st't? You'll have a lot to do to teach "What In the world do psi mean” for such meals as I took In the house- bought at any drug store. Arto2her11 me to hx a lady. Myr- you're eating those •1 mean," he Bald, sprinting up-from seldom more than breakfast, which was their raduct is at the'low�stt price. supplied by the landlady, who, with hes p way is to dap the eggs into boiling ,little green plums, first of all: is that hG seal and planting himself before me Hence It would seem wise for those the right thing, to begin with unripe on the hearth-rug: 'that i would Rive' family, oaupied the basement and a room water for less than a minute-just plums'! I should have thought they'd 1 ten years of ,m worthless (Ste w have on the top floor, where also Wrenshaves who peep chickens for home con; long enough to form a thin CoA6ng - -13 '.r have made one ail first go off. Not room and that of another loo es, were p such s 6lrh as !11th Saxon cook at me 6uRLptlOn t0 preserve the surplus' plums, ain't they? What do you call as rhe looka at You! t'i'ny, you must situated. My bedrodm and dressing- of Slbtrmen 1¢1sK16 the Shell, and I I "them, then? 'olives'" I never heard be made of wood and stone not to feel room were Oil the ground Floor, and to during these months 5o that when ' 1 1 the letter Wray had made himself quite the hens, cease to lay the table can then put them through a very Chin -i mf them. Aren't they nast3, though. sit it when those sky-blue eyes, with the salt-like!...(• it the fashion to eat some-, lovely and wholly deceptive look of ut at home. and had apehis consreAutitutional the syrup made by dissolving sugar in � place to chaos with tats eoastttatfonal be supplied,just the same as usual. - .!thing nasty first, so as everything else ter babyllke Innocence in them, gaze uyy water. "'tastes nice afterward by comparison? Into yours with. that whole-souled- ad- untldlness. Ile was a marc addleted to Those arsons W{r-0 have t0 purchase y)' Well, fashionable ways are strange! miration 1n them. It would turn $t late hours and interminable aoselp over P A number of eggs can, be done &t 'And this sour stuff Is proper wine-but Anthon into flesh and blood to be my and whisky; and long after had -eggs alI the year around might also the same bale quite conveniently if y e my bath and braakLaat and aftbri e,. q 3 I do like ganger-hart much better. When tempted b such a witch (}teat Scott. morning stroll as well; and had Rot to lay down eggs for winter use, Bup t•he are u - I have soup I mostly take It In a bowl 1 what wouldn't I RL've to tie in your work, he would.still be sleeping the un- sin tihe have a 0001 place for y P t into a oatander or fry - 1 with a bit of bread, not ,with a spoon: shoes.' Her movements aro as full of posing y ing bftsket and then dipped lobo the but you must tell ate first where 1 am unrestrained grace as those of a young troubled slumber. of the lazy down- i:ee in them. The freezing point is kitten, and he; Lorm is as supple as a stairs, by which proceedfnR he' never p g liquids, but it should be seen-that �--• wrong. I want to please you and be a+ b ao mea•ns necessary. Any cool q lady. How funny to have different sets' failed fo mune my man Wo nahaw's ire ,'. 1 willow branch bending In the wind. Her This morning in question. Lllith, as 3' e�cry bili of the shell is-coverer-$. of knives and forks for fists lt_must coloring, too, Is delicious; one wonders cellar will answer. that constant exposure hasn't spoiled 1 said. swept h like a Q hair breeze, and, 13pille rasps do silt know that~ .make a deal of washingup"after the'( ��hen the eggs are bought they rushing fa behind h chair shore I eat meal Is over. TD that a bird, Why,it's ,It, instead of giving lust the touch of at breakfast. threw her arms round m eggs absorb odors, but they do quite no bigger than a, sparrow! I tasted 'golden-brown and red sunburn which chicken once=my! but 1t was good. ! neck and kis9ed me lovingly on each t�hould bg candled before bean$ pre- as len as butter does, so for tills What a lei of thick gravy all about Bets ot[ the yellow of her•hair and the 'cheek.-.- - ' served. A QandliII� chi®n'ney poets whiteness of her teeth. It I were only . "Isn't that splendid!" she exclaimed. reason they should be placed' by , everything: and i've never seen pots- in your place!" r toes in those thin little chips.. I ani.' "I'm Svat in time to have my breakfast very little. themselves uncal a sufficient gtlan- "`. _��: � He sighed heavily, and sank down in with you'. And I'm so hungry! I.really peon tit is gathered for preserving. S becoming fashionable all of a rush, am I his armchair again, burying his long A9 most le know, egg shells I not? In that champagne? Do let me-fingers in his Wavy hair. His enthu- think 1 always am hungry, T wouldn't y e p g• try it! Firs:' father called it . Poor I siaam concerning yy stay and have breakfast at Mrs. Jack- are notoria, the tiny holes admit#aag Otherwise they may have $ queer .;, g Lilith's charms an- eon's. Oh, she's abch-.an inquisitive per- father! , How he'd have enjoyed this! sir for the-Ohack to breatlhe. Also noyed me; but the subject had so evt- :on. and I had such fun with her! I flavor when Cooked, which the , i dently carried him away that it was- stuffed her hp with s lot of lies. I told the egg evaporates through the ', i impossible for me to resent IL her h was a granddaughter to an earl, housekeeper mai ahtrib.ute to items ^Well:' I Inquired, after a.pause. "if and that all my affairs had been left in �aine,means. and-this results in .an fault in preserving. :' you.were In my place.-what would you your hands, and that you were going to empty space, which fills with air. 'A wooden ail is hand • for do?" prove mY•clatm !o the family estates P y pack- `; This is always sit the broad end, and Whenthrough old' I He looked up suddenly. •' and the family diamonds. It all turned in'g the eggs away i11, using dry'bran +,•. on a'gill, L said..which was Ile.ea•to' for this reason the paint should be ; ► .- , '•Neta you aa:., 'he-aaid'scornfully. pe to prevent breakage , age the bodily be 1n an iron safe under the castle moat 'What would any man with one ounce downward when storing eggs. To �; ftulctionsbecomefstn r-1 of -feelfinR do? Any man, I mean, not -I read something like that !n an it- g lustrated supplement last' Christmas. test Eggs look through the instru O _y� S tied down to conventions. hidebound by social . bandages, decorops, and law- And she took it all 1n at first, and my! .ment• (after putting in the e'gg). If - -- Na•Dlll-CO Laxativ04 es abiding• and popular among his own yet, she did stare! But presently, when I give gentle, timely and such as you. I should not dream of began to lay it on a bit too thick, she not quite full ills egg is not perfect, :'' The Guilty One. Rot erose, and told mi--not to talk non- 1 fresh, and of course, the larger spoiling the girl's unique charm by, hay- sense; and this morning she wanted me 3' ' -John.-So, that's tour new' tie,, �I. Effective aid, Without Ing her educated out of her delicious Lo give the children their breakfasts. the empty space the .older the.egg. eh4 'Why. on earth did' .you sele0t 1 • frankness and originality; but I should But it I'm going to be an educated s discomfort Or distress,. ;take her abroad with me.and let travel- The yolk should be perfectly p young lady. !t sent to to go In for such aloud atternf C, a box at etas, +inti Rive her what polish might be ne- I nurse-maid's work. So, while her back round and ,glow perfectly clear. If - Joe—I didn't sales! it. My bro -5 y cessary. Think of the pictures such a `was turned, oft t attna and jumpts in a there is a haze or the white looks a •tiler did, and he's-slightly deaf. D.-tlgglSt S. 1?3 nersonallty would inspire one to paint, cats and away here. I hadn't any money And she arms a docile litt4e soul, too, left, so I told Mr. 1<'renahaw when he little.cloudy the egg as bad.' NsdingWnantfllelfed though even a virago might be pardon- opened the ddor. and asked him to Pay- The object to be obtained in pre-----. -- "^ C46dCsusia,LlaACL ed with such a face and figure." - 'the cabman, and he got that cross he "You would marry her. then?" made me nearly cry with laughing. Be- serving eggs, is, Of Course, to pre- -gweet Home. "My de.sr Hervev, why sho+rid I? 'Lien cause, you see, the cabman had to have vent evaporation. If the air is ex- 1 - don't marry girls Ilk's Lltlth. They his tr}open, and i! I hadn't any,-what "Did She make you feel ailrq. keep them until mutual boredom seta was to.be done. eluded eggs wall keep perfectly at home Z" In. and then the -pretty little birds fly She seated herself at table facing me: home for months. The prooess is `!No .but.she. made me wish I ANYONE off to seek some more congenial mate." after sZne had thrown her hat serosa the \ K "T.onk here, Wray." T exclatmrd an- room. Prettier than ever she looked 1n very simple. In fact, I have known was." erReticaily, "I can't insult a man in my the clear morning light, her blue eyes _ _ - - C/11� own house. I a 't ns soul, your way dapeinx with excitement and safety, as, _____-_____. ___ _ '1 fof talking sickens me. If you cannot Ifke a little hungry bird:she poised her- opeak decently about a modest and In self over the dishes, ilfting'covers and _, ' I. . -l. . By speak girl, l must ask you not n dia- examining them critically. with -her head submit to i headache is to waste energy, time and comfort. �. cuss her at fill. Lilith Saxon la my oft one side. -; - _., To 4%p It at�o*nce simply take ..s ', 'r friend and ward. Her childlike,purity (To.be cont.inued.) -_-"' �A DRV CO Deal�aehe Watf�rS 11 ' x. Is very far above your comprehension, • • :1 t THEIRCLOTH j but at least You might curb your loose - _ -- .. - . \. tongue for the sake of her youth and "-- 3' -Your Druegbt will confirm our statement that they do not contain ; W7T R_ - :her unprotected poefton." . _ harm heart or nervous sysie n. 25o. a-box. •„ _�_- "Do You mean to marry bar yourself, "i1. • anything that esti t tF-a. You a e so - r ilii-1�x Olt - - *ATIONAL..0111M0 ANO CtMtMt0AL CO. Of CANADA, 111N1Ttr0 14l naked; staring at me curiously. ' ^ I. trO-LA mean!to 1 almysher-shouted.- o S o�u are d quite o not "Why don't you- marry, old - � `.. - -:-aware- that.-,I-I to-.another chap-2'_' Catarrhal Fever, 1a I;tit i Witt not have r.ufin Salton "Do volt think a man 'could pro Pinkeye,Shipping r,I . , spoken of in terms which you would not p I L ZA Fever, EpizoetiC The Jys that colors ANY KIND ;dare to use if you were speaking of cure all the necessities of life on ,� Ar my sister!" 1 900 a earI And all diaeason of the harre sheeting his throat. •speedily of Cloth Perfectly,with the I ' 'Then I crossed (he room to the book- y' 8AM! DYfd. case, being wearied and dXaguated by "Of course; but not ' the lltXlt a cured: oo]fw and horettt in same etal,le k%gt tr6m hav,ng the NNe[trawiaof Hrmt.. Clstaaaa8le,pt•• I the man's, champ cynlcls,n, and some- >> }J neittj ltOMN'S Oi>iTEMPER ANO COUOli CURfi.- 3 to� 9 : Aak;ourDeeex>Rwrn.+l+r• sato.9oot.Me. what vexed that he had provoked me rips' 1% 14, doze. Onc b^ttic Aux^sprees tr rare one-case. 411 A n• o►e•oe- td•.eCo, .a,Muea..t into losing my temper. Well, I haven't decided yet whe• sate for brood to^res, baht' aolta, stallions-sit sans and opo• After a few minutes' pause, rioting p ditions. Ittosfl-ckillful sete,atific compound. Aar ddrrugg-at yI.. , which my hack wan turned toward him there a wife is,a necessity or a lux- ,, sPOHN MEDIDAL, Ct,,.troahen, Ind,.'U- i. Y• `, and I ofected to be absorbed In an old Ury . ♦rlvaw of Drinta T had taken out s1 s + taw: yP ,l s,e;d ,,g,.,, 1� S:1 ° "s. t a;..-7 -3•e r, r. ', .- r .� n . ' "4.j 'Y �p ° r h;E., v�m$ { p�sr ! •,"'•t,,. _ r ,tin-.°'P"• rd fi-,�,;, s .r 2iA;1,,e1T¢,r. ... s•m S '. ,.j..,'rFk '...,:ory.Sf"e '' 'S5'L+.'$ +. Nr` R.. i.yf d mi r w ' :. •. .. - - ,. :.,,..; - .,.,. „ - i •. -w ., '. '+56',3. :L., r�..�'S+�S'�'•+'s`,"w�. YY +r • fi. N _ �, 'y t:• me.a'u4a:.xmza••s-r� •,s' �.a;'`-i,'ry_.�.,,,>`.-•ms,m�.. ....i ^•+"' <�_.^ '!'tea'• - QJ TM }a^' ,wr.. f- a .F:+. 'r411J1!'Q0 ,q ,.cry •� ��,e:-..'.•, .'a•�,t. r" •;.,.,. ,p, .../' ':o . J. }.er.'p' /<;^!N• R+acJ - 'd%' _ _ 4-,G. .' ^R..."rwxltx. ^v:• I. ..� 3. .,. .;-..,, ..: .+'.,.,.:; .'e. ., ...• ,.... :.. .. _ .a.,. ...,, �..: ..... .. yy *. - ..rn.,;....•,.d-. :. ... .x..,.,. '; ...... ...,,..... -3.c .: .yy. .... .c-H." ',r'e.r ,r.-- .,,r•• c� $. r =�r..--i+"t,r_ .',,;,•'. V. witp Comment on Events NEW HOPE furni4ture, but by using pine and' .r 4-- spruce the present uses of exoel.6or X -. Can Regain Qealth .' . _"' :IFOR SUFFERERS might be extended. It is a great-gtft to be able to sift the In the little count. of Denmark IBES h wheat from the chaff. and it was a habit .FROM PARALYSIS there are 230 pulp or paper mills. ` <' 01 mind with uoldwln Smith always to P P P P i -' 'BREAD THIS VERY CAREFULLY. iet the mud settle. He wanted to see In Canada, according to the latest _ clear to the heart of a question after all available statistics of the Dominion 4 ."Far years I was thin and delicate. -hie Irrelevancies intellect which co a Pie Pierce There are cases of paralysis that Forestry Branch, there are only 48 lost color and 'was. ally tired; a through clouds of rhetoric and seize up- Cannot be cured. But that is far ' in actual operation. The ellow pallor, pimpjd blotches on on the one little central bit of fact or pulp-mills m theory over which rival writers or talk- different from saying that every Canadian mills are however, man y face' were only mortifying to era were beating the air. Bays Mr. Ar- case of err r b e. ' ' Y 't I paralysis is encu a 1 y [eelinga, b because I thought mq nold Haultain 1n hrs book on C}oldwin times larger than those of Den- ' There is abaM. olure• roof that man skin would n ver look nice again I smith: P Y mark. Numberless instances spring to my forma of this' ditseasa are curable. Large a p grew despondent. _hen my appetite mind of this his faculty n seeing g game reserves have re- WKK W ','Tailed. ..I grew very Weak. Various through layers upon layers of misty ar- Of the Canes'that cannot be`cured eerily been set aside in Somaliland, - ><emedlCa, pills, tonics, and tablets I gument and laying hold of the one small, many can be so beriefitted that the T ried without permanent 'benefit. A solid f cc beneath. was when he formerly hopeless sufferer will once Lganda, and other British protec- igit to my sister put into my handsWAPtorates in Africa, in 'which the hunt. 3% box of.Dr; Hamiltongs Plus. a had really solved the problem of strikes ing is prohibitedo elephants, gir- >h roRONTO.oNT' _-- ;placed reliance upon them and now by the-institution of arbitration courts Attention is called to the remark- aced Mtitaca Mom ,,, . which should fix the rates of wages, effected affes, rhinoceroses and, other Palo- „ that they haw made me well woman_ he able cures that have been e .quietly-usked: "Can any Court force anable, game in danger of extinction. would not be without them whatever employer to pay what he can't afford to in Cases of partial paralysis, and This policy has also proved success- ey might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- pay, or force an employee to accept a other severe nervous disorders, by Sul in perpetuating the game su on's Pills by their mild yet searching where?"w So twi h the canhan he obtain questionelse- the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills g g P MOST P E P F ECT MADE etion very suitable to the delicate 1 on.Certain Dominion Forest Re- a paper mons and he rl ht and ability hitlacter of 4% Minlan's Lint -1 i1ey o e stars a s o menu a ora o err a serves in Western G n�a a;-an as- THE INCREASED ,NUTRITI cures are so wonderful as to chill-once griped me, yet they estab ad libitum wt,t'Ch once so agitated the occasion demands the number of '� 'dished regularity. Mq appetite grew western continent of America. "People lenge. belief,• but in every ca®e the cue VALUE OF DREAD MADE do not see," he said, "that a dollar bill these reserves will be in eeII—my blood red and pure—heavy- is nor-money. It is a mere promise to statemients have been carefully g8 P 1N THE NOM[ WITH ROYAL creased. ngs under my eyes disappeared and pay, When it changes hands credit verified and may be investigaited by YEAST CAKES fNOULD 0[ s"c '4'►c passes at the bank of issue from the,giv- es >I' o-day my skin is as clear and un- 'er to the receiver." So with the whole anyone iait6re®ted. In this odi sec- SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE To - akled as when I was a girl. Dr. question of socialism. "socialists," tion the 0866 of Miss B. Millehan, .•:.Pur Debt to Others. _ THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE amilton's Pills did it all." over ua that be the of St. John, N.B., is worthy of the TO O1VE THIS IMPORTANT The above straightforward letter " It is a beautiful send salutary err- { Mille- sole owner, manufacturer, landlord and most careful attention. Miss Mille- FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION rom Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well. what-not. what Is 'the state'? Is 1t ,F rang+ement which we seldom reflect own miller in Rogersville, is proof not the people themselves? 'The state' hon says: Some three years ago I O WHICH IT 10 JUSTLY ICN- on as 'e ought that, as a rule, men , ufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are la not a person who can put his hand in was taken seriously ill--with di h- TiTLED. a mage evershedy-rich" can only become rich and grest by e se It Is well.perhaps now and again to el'ia. e1TF�doc�ta! brought ms HOMi43R[AD'8AKI'NO Re- . no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. recall these "small solid facti beneath" safely through- this drearled--trou- supplying some want of their fellow- per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- he surface of life. The world stilt goes ble, and I waa assumed'to be well. men, by doing work for others which DUCES THE. N1gH _C.OST-Ol- -- — ay ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. on the same old wily, establishing he- orles and mistaking thetas for practice. But two weeks later I took,e, re- others need and are 'filling to pay LIVING BY LEOfEii1N0 THE wheat Sarvsts of tba world. lapse, my throat and lambs beoom- foe', be that work moral guidance or AMOUNT Or EXPENSIVE sl bI'G GEORGE A BUST MAN. January=ChM. Australia, and New ing paralyzed. I could neither m'ateria'l provision. We,cannot rise MEATS REO•U111ED TO SUP. Zealand, and is the finishing up of har- vest er- s to command except by stooping to PLYTNE N[CEOSARY NOUR- r -- veFebruary andneMarch—Upper I!',gypt speak nor walk. I was umber the serve; we Cannot obtain conapicu- ISNM[NT TO THE BODY. Keeps Hilo Busy best of medical care, and after a I - dna soinhern India ous station .among men or power. r• ---$eYerat-Hourva-Day.--—- -. AprtY—hats---Asia----tnor,----t ower 'few-week-' was able to sit up in E. W. O I L L E TT CO. LTD. Egypt, and Mexico. bed, butt my throat was still nom- over them without in some way or T•he Ki has im ressed'eve May—Northern Africa (excepting y paralyzed and I could only g P ry Egypt), Central Acta, and Japan. May Pletel - other rendering ourselves useful or TORONTO, ONT at St. James Palace bothi by also ushers In the harvest roe the utter unintelligible ®curia. i 'EJ3 necessary to them.—Wr Rathbone WtNNIPEO MONTR[A6jhbOdy is induswtry and the bueiaieesli'k United s tis, in Texas. r Greg., � June southern Russia. Austria- treated by three of St. John's best g' jw'ay In which he is through h19 Hungar Roumania B igaria ser- ee ug physicians for this trouble and my work. The amount Of eor many, ranee. Southern ngland, and dense 'Moll hie Majesty must n Fsstern Canada In the L riled States Caere was given up as hopeless. A �yyAKEFUL. BABIES is applied in successive layor'a-and � y per- the harvest has worked northward, and friend asked me to try Dr. Wil- deal __ the "snow" abraded by the skates -- En81 ndge6tatearal tnantd 1n�Nebraasnkda New liams' Pink Pills, but I had spent ,�� be collected and melted with ierease, and though Lord Stamford- Iowa. The Pacific States, Oregon and so much on medicine without help If your herby'does not sleep, if be , 9+m relieves the Ki Washington, are harvesting. and even fresh material. The quantity re- a8 of as mach South Dakota le at work. 'July is the that I thou ht'it would be only a is cross, cries a great deal, and will ork as possible, there remains af- greatest harvest month of the year. g Y quires fora single, lager is about = P I further-waste of money. However, roti be comforted, that is the time one-fifth of a u August—Belgium, 1-iolland, round: pound ,per square foort, iter the most exhaustive sifting suf• Denmark, and creat Britain In the I felt myself growing daily weaker to give hiss�Baby's Own Tablets. A fresh layer applied twice a week ificient to keep the morsarch occupied United states. the North-west. west- apd .weaker, and I decided as a They promote sleep — not the r several hours a dray. It is poi am Canada. also is cutting. dru sufEicea to keep an ordinary rink in i. moble that the Ki September and October—Northern last chance that I would try the gged unnatural kind obtained repair- 1}g, if he liked, Russia, Norway. ' Sweden. scotland. Pills. By the time I had taken a through the use of "soothing" mac- 'could Western Canada. deputize most of his work, November—Peru, south Africa, to half-dozen boxes I could walk tures, but that refreshing natural .POINTED PARAGRAPHS. ;but, like his father, the late King fact. this month Is the beginning of the acPOe6 the floor, something doctors sleep oE' the healtffiy child. The w Fdwaprd, he takes the .testi Cpr. wheat harvest in the southern hemi- Tablets banish all- stomach and erfectly sphere. Argentina does a little in .this had told me could never happati The talar who hesitates may fiord rect view that it,would _ha injudi-. month. again, I still continued taking the bowel complaints—the direct cause late to set. December—Ar1rentIbA.- ThW country of CtQ93Ile8s and Slee leseness. Pious to put his name or give his finishes in January pills, my speech returned, and I P It's easy to be happy;all you have r wAsent to any document or plan By the distribution of the seasons Na- felt myself in perfect health. My Concerning diem 'Mrs. E. .Medras, to do is to be foolish hick he had not Himself carefully ture preserves a balance and prevents I r, - ► y the entire harvest from coming on the friends thought my restoration Grand.Bois, Que., says: When I Ignorance of the law excuses no tidied. Besides, to one of his MJi- market at one time. nothing short of a miracle, and I began using Baby's Own Tablets man—unless He haus a pull. .satyrs clearly defined views, tacit som.tnias to avvr.h•aa. _ _ :thbink myself that I have to thank baby wets so trot bled with om tipar Torsos ate inaoeeat birds; at- The a ed Emperor Francis Josef o tion he would not s1ee da Ys i' - -- eemeat om some matters would Austria-Hungary. efehty-four rears Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I.am P Y or most any woman can stuff them. ' +'be highly repugnant. The "Wake- old, may expire at any time. Iiia race living to-dray, and I feel oom8dent night. Now all ttids trouble has The world will forgive a man sit- „ is neartp mf%. what will happen to they can do cite as mush for vanished and he is a strong healthy �p Eabgland King bekevea in look- his conglOmergte empire when he passes q most an old thin ex faa,luZ. , " child The Tablets are sold by Y g except a IT into things for himself. away was tong been an anxious query others as flFiey did for ms. Exeopt for his big ears, a dronk-sy In the chancelleries of Europe. For the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effect medicine-sealers. or by mail at 2b. t 'HIS Maletty is an early riser• conviction has always -been held that could sot appreciate his own music. 17ally breakfast is served u the, unity or the Empire hung on the cures in cases of this kind because a-box from The Dr. Williams ; P Em eror s life and that when he should Occasionally a main wins a fight ; p the make sew, rich, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. „ �Eairs, a lighrt meal over which very ate it would fly apart. uerman and Y ch, red blood, because he hasn't the nerve to run ew moments are spent, Then, if R:syar, Hunsarian. Slav, Croat. Pole. which feeds and• strengthens the Italian and other races make up a pop nP•rVee, and tones u the whole s away. rhae Kung Ha asci a morni2lg -6e.- elation morn curlauatr mixed than any p ye- "SKATING RINK OF SALT. Our idea of a r excuse of a other in Europe, and no two that aro tem. If you are in need of a medi- y���eme•nt, he alienia to Elia private no e racially antagonistic. Emperor 3 - —" man is.one wbo solicits dirtylinen �roorrespotxtlence, which often Paeans .Franrls Josef has been reported iIf, and -cine giro these pills a trial. We >tio Costly Refrigerating Proceed 's wife e w i -�' ! y e for his f to sell and Pon. ldealiaig with a score of letters d:ail.y• newsofhis death.any moment vee t oc- are confident you will not be disap- �VaS Necessary. Borne Ietters he dictates, others'he curs Europe will have something to ap-I Painted. Sold by medicine dealers prehend or by, mail at 50.cents a box or adz A skating rink made of salt waa INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS �r 'writes himself, autographed letters Kum rdv,Up To Standard. I o, recently exhiba,fSd and skated u oatly- bring to royal relatives. 1 boxes for $. 50 from The Dr, Wil- Pon Jjmm Henry Ford's foreign-Dorn employees lianlS' Medncane Co., Srock��lle, at the Berlin Zoo.. It was pro- Pigeon, Pigeon dt: Davis, patent 'hen comes the busihc+ss of dealing are finding out that when the Detroit with State'correspondenee, -an vr- motorcar king practically doubled their'Omt, dosed by purely chemical means solicitors, Montr6ai, report 127 ! wares by his profit-sharing plan he did g. and without the employment of -a Canadian pateilrts issued for Lias �tleal which keeps Lord Stamfr rdbaFm not intend that all the extra money. coati Petri re. and his staff occupied_ the whole should go into the saving banks. Many FORESTRY FACTS. Y ge tang process. It re- week Balding April 21st, 1914, 84 of I - of these people in their native land* ex ; sembled ioe in every way, was odor- which were granted'to Americans) fisted in squalid hovels, bare, dirty and y unwholesome. at r. Ford:has s ea no Canada's Timber Wealth Com arcs .leets and proof against any heat bp-1.18 to Canadians, 14 to residents o 1 No letter d:•r6cted to the King, ex- p Lice upon them that they noel clean up - With'Other Countries.' low 88 degrees Fahrenheit. This foreign countries, and 11 to r6sa- Depting it-be-from-a crank or a. ea and .live clearly, decently ealt rink was made after a process dents of Great Britain and oolo- t ' .assn, who frequently pick out ra - slid crowding must be __err. An__� A`ernge_cost of less than I Y more crowding their abodes with board- invented and patented. It can be vies. Of the Cau,adiacl, who re- 061t es for their effusions, goes un. era of their own nationalities: no more one cent per square mile, 16,203'a ' lied over wood, cemealt nswered. It -ma be a mere for- bathtubs used as duck ponds. American miles of Dominion Crown timber- PP or as ceived patents; 12 were of Ontario, �i Y wages must mean American standards • phalt, or boards can be coated with 3 of Quebec 2 of Manitoba said 1 of `mal acknowledgement or it may can of acing. Lands in.the Northwest were exam- it and as6embled to form floors. It Saskatchewan. '' ;pain an expression of the King's ined last •summer by forest survey f , 'joebrigs. Whatever the case, the ARE PLANETS INHABITED. Parties sent-.out by the Forestry - •,Wlirtesy of an early reply.may- al- Branch of the Department of the. -.!pay's be expected'from the Palace. Scientist Se.;$ �cuss and liars Are Interior. T H IS INV EST M E DIT ,p The Philippine Islands,'which are —Seasons Like Ours. extremely heavily wooded, are sup- HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM _ CAUSE AND EFFECT That Venus and Mars, in our own posed, to contain 200,000,000,000 hair yearly since h• 'securities of this Copporation were p1Jlnehary system, are surely in- feet,' board measure of timber. placed on the market 10 years aQo. Bus ess established ` sod.Digestion Follows Right Food 78 years._ Investment may b withdr n Part-or whole "_IG habited by human beings of some This is about one-third 'the esti- any time after one year. Safe u m tgage. .Fun par Indigestion' and •the attendant kind is the a.ssertion'of T. T. J. See, mated timber wealth of Canada, titulars dna bookies gladly rurniahe on request - "dise+onn#orta of mind and body are who writes on-that subject in a re- not.including ,pulpwood,,,of. which NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED, his► certain to follow continued use of Cent issue of Leslie s Weekly. Con- 'there.area approximately 400,000,000 Improper food. tinuing, he says that observations cords. PP Yvoaraasaaszolr Lsls sitrra:i>ra - sososrro, o>,rr. i Those who are still young and show that Mars• has a rar6 atsms- With theopening of the Panama -- -- — --- '_", bust are likely to overlook the here a da thirty-seven minutes •. {fact that, as droppingrater will FY y Cana], the development of the for- . onger than ouis, seasons of the est resources of the near-by tropi _ e wear a stone away at last, so gill same type, but-no longer duration, cal countries 'should receive consid the use.of.Heavy, greasy, rich food, and snow caps at the poles, and erable-stimulus.- The wood of the hnaliy'- cause loss of appetite and thus waher vapor, though the mangrove tree, which grows along " jnctigestian. amount is sails-11. the ' low-lying• coasts of British Fortunately many are thoughtful The probability of Vellus being in- "M' 'Enrough to study themselves a:nd habited is much greater than that Guiana-and adjacent countries, .is -nate the principle of catso *nil- of Mars; 'for ,Venus rotates in said to be twice as strong as oak, . and, when stood on end, will sus- Y leffeat'in their dahily food. A young twenty-ono .minutes, and. in all re- tain without crushing aload of 8 Oman writes her experience thus: specie so closely resemblea the earth tons to;tho square inch, It is said Extra Granulated. S�l�Jar Sometime ago I- had. a lot of as to be called her twin sister. Ye 'grouble from imdigestion, caused by nus has an abundance of air, t11 be immune from•decay, which, : rich food. i gat so I was un Clouds, water and also mountains with its great strength, makes it an fa put up at the.Refinery lli > ' ideal wood for railway ties. e to digest' scarce•y anything, and thereSore eras, lakes and 1 O POUri you bu Five thousand cords of poplar are f y y .. end medicines seemed wse•less. rivera. The seasons are like ours ! 'A friend advised me to try except they are shorter-the used annually' in -Canada for the 20 Pound, ExtraGranulated ranulated S ar In an 06- i O yr manufacture of excelsior, .accord- e y t(,lrape-Nuts food, praaesdng it highly, being. ..2b days in. length. and as a last resort, I tried it. I _ ing to statistics recently gathered SO Pound of these original packages you Am thankful to say that Grape-Nota by the Dominion' Forestry Branch. �d ;cot only t'elieyed me of my trouble,' The maid-of-all-work in the ser- The wood must be clear of knots, are Sure 4f getting the genuine f but built m6-up and strengthened_ 'vice__of_.a_:_family, the members- peeled4, and cut into four-foot ;::.100 Pound � y digestive organo ®o that I can whereof are not:on the most lengths, to command the highest r Canada•s finest t�� - eat ani Hang `desire. tit a e'o terms, recently tendered her price from mann urer. n i sugar, pure � cFeeia as when. 'y tick to Grape-Nuts." real nation, much to-the distress of Switzerland excelsior • is chiefly. and Mi givers by Oasne fan Poston the lady of the house. "So-you are made from pine and fir and is used It left the Refiner;/. Winddor, Out. Read "The. going toAeave usl" asked the mis- largely for upholstering, for it re- :�i Pound ,�L. sad ,to Wblly Ka," in • pkgs. breis, Sadly, `What's the'matter, tains its elasticity longer than hair alzd 5 Pound #'6 worth illi8 t0 insist On ^� dere s a Reason, Mary 4. Haven't we always treated and the small percentage of resin in itvar s•ia hi *bon s.tt.rt A new you like one of the family f" "Yis, the wood is said to protect the fur- Sealed Cartons the �n� Packoses. .?, I' • •v>a••r• tsars to th"• 'Pixar mum," said Many; "an' I've stood niture from moths. The Canadian ' spa lertu of b"sa' it as long atom I'm goin' to;" roduot is used chiefly for packing CANADA SLIQAlt RSFTNIM CO, LJMIIIW6 •' c� 1 '�'y _ .• ..,..c1 -k - 'S:':' .,B' ,N''..e' f •. c..-* .;..s: A -..'-� ' :r.- :.i-.n h-'s£: 'b'i. ^l t` �a k, .sUi. '+p' .•,+� �,yR,, .;, `µ... '6S..xss;:•�; ,_.., -.�°r„, 4;G.. :u.;•,wr�i+�'f±'�- Ms• .,,�xr_.r<rFs"' ��i ;�'s,,v, 'l�•;•,�"> .�!' ''a.:•��?•, %'�>'.« ..;�,� "-r r"s.,a� `ib'' :.�' \,.;��ei'.,,a., +.ifv`�s�" }�+^r w�q, k"�t:ty' �,, ,,#.. ,�a� w •. . ,t..:t,�; .:r! +. :ei'`C., +.. } axsa'arsa ;•ec• :�•- -,a e.era,�c s s,.-•ys. of•:s ... ter: ..z .r. „ .•� •..r:.. -,y--any s..m. ,r... �� ' y,7�'; ....5"�. .•.,u:s-.t.jbY§+' y..-.`.�.T�i�C-o .c..,,,$.:,.✓':+ ...;:.�; .." ' •i�^.. -•+n`` v-'�. yf sr.:!�•:. 'f �.i: ..,. y;y.. -.� •_.•.. •ti•A" �, ,. -.-°y.'�':b :. ,;.. ... ,,. •... 4: :;,.•..• Yi :�. is '^� r�:. rad.,v,..r , ,,..•. „,atµ, .. a.,,. ''."rt.: ''° _ .; -L. D. Banka is painting his -Lewis Balsdon and friend, of ;LOCALISMS. verandah, thus improving its ap• Toronto, speer Sunday here with • , � � ' pearance. the former's parents. ri - - � -Mrs. W. J. 'Devitt, of Green- -Mr. Frederickson, who ha e iq --H. G Calvert is erecting his wood, spent Saturday with Mrs. been employed by Ewart Wright. 'stew stable this week. J. C. Philip. has left for New York, to meet -$. b Kerr, w Toronto, spent '--The plasterers have compple.ted his wife and child, who are com- 4 » :Sunday at his home here. their work on Mrs. John Dickie's Ing out from Denmark. -Now ZB the tim6" to i Brighten Up � -Miss Laura Banks spent a new residence. - - -- - week with her sister in Toronto. -Frank and Mrs. Reynolds, of PICKERING MARKETS your home. - _• -Arthur Rogers, of Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday with J. C. — - ', spent Sunday at his home here.. and Mrs. Philip. White Pinter Wheat............ .95 Red .. .. ..... .9S --Mrs. Ackerman, of Toronto, -The Independent Telephone Mixed •• '� .96 _We have a-fine_assortment=a� spent Sunday with Mrs. Findlay. Company have established a trunk Spring Wheat..,....,..... •� WALL PAPERS P -Miss Julia O'Leary, of Toron- line between Pickering and Clare= Goose "* . to, spaura few days with Picker- moat. ...,••••�• •.'• d LIN .86 Oats.. .......... .38 -J. C. Philip has repabited his s ing friends. OILCLOTHS an O.LEUMS, -Fred Bunting, of Toronto, butcher wagon, as well as other-' COURT OF REVISION n i which ives it .. mother tiara.. a decidedly improved appearance. — STAIR Municipality o the Township o BIII�(IALO NETS, = -Lord Somers , returned last -Get your corn from J. H: Bun• g y I p / Picker• week after spending the winter dy. He'has just received a ship- public Notice is hereby luau that - England. ment of ImprovedLeaniing, CURTAIN MIISLINS Etc. ;..in London, the-Court-of Revision-for-the --Dr. Henry will be here as usu- White Cap,' .Yellow Dent and the hCunici- ._ . _ t : c * alfry of the Township of Pickering, ptnr r his professional duties. * -Earl Hogle captured a few- sitting-in the ToXw4 ­_ WPM wn Hall, in the Vil- -James Cornell, of Lindsay, days ago, a monster snappy-u.Q lags of Brou ham, on Friday,chs 29th SPECIAL-50 Yards reversible wool Carpet, neat Brougham, .. spent over Sunday here with his turtle that measured 80 inches day of May, 1914;at the hour o! one pattern, reg. 800 per yd., on @Pole. at 490. .parents, Ed. and Mrs. Cornell. from tip of tail to nose. and 14 o clock in the afternoon. -Rev. J. B. Clugston, of Gobles, inches across the back, and weighs All persons interested will please twill ocenpy the pulpit in St. An- 20 pounds. take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Ducks Galateas, r drew's church on Sunday next. -Thos. Morrish is confined to Dated ac Whitevale, this 12th day Don t fail to see our Plain-and Figured'Crepes,' -Mr. -and Mrs. Ruddy and his bed, having had the misfor• of May, 1914. - Ginghams, _ children have arrived to spend tune to burst an artery in his nose DONALD R. BEATON• - .]the summer at their home here, on Monday. While still Very Clerk of the said - ~� -• :Checked tines an us tns. k dRa ' and 1 <" -Mrs. Selah Orvis, of Whitby, weak from loss of blood, he is is 3,� z' Municipality «. has been slsending a few days here gradually improving. with her sister, Mrs. John Boye_ss. -Our fishing experts are meet �XeC1�tOSB' B�I,le_ - -Mrs. G. L. Johnston, Miss ing with r sueme-e is spring Of, - - D-W A E y2 P , `Marjorie and Master Ronald, .are so far. The finny tribe seem to A R _ spending a few days in the city. have taken a strong dislike to the FARM.-BY TENDER ,. -John Teefy moved this week book, even if it noes contain 6 -=- "Sherwin William Paint Covers into the Dillingham block which tempting piece of bait. WRITTEN TENDERA3 will be received h -Fred. F. Balsdon has urebas• Ala' 30th, 1914 b the �sa just been vacated by Thos. • p up to Saturday, . y . Y --� e. . arch' - Law, __ ed a hardware business in Cargill, undersigned. one of the esecutors of - _ -Robin;Gordon ' returned to Bruce Cu., and has already-taken the estate of the late William Logan, - , V. the city on Monday uiurning to possession. There .is also a tin- 'late of the Village of Pickering, de- if yon wani-PKint, Varnish, Enariiel;'V arnish Stain,-Fiooilac{•. = resume work at his trade, that of smithing department in connee- ceased, for the purchase of farm .in plumber. tion with the store. Cargill is the township of Pickering.'containin� or soy such thing for making old furniture, etc., -Rev. Thop. -Nattress, of Am- situated in a flue agricultural dis- s4)acres more or less, -till uader.culti- ration, being composed of parts lot look new, be stirs you get the e` herstburg, preached in St.• An- tricE, And the people in the sur- No. 11 in the second and third conces- - -•� T T �T draw's church on 'undayin avery rounding district are progressive sioo in the Township of Pickering. - c`s , vv I Zi _ �i. 1.v E acceptable manner. 'arid well-to-do. Mr. Balsdun's One mile from the Village of Ticker• -Thos, Law. moved last week- many Pickering. friends wish hfm fog. three-quarters from the C. P, R. F1111 line of Garden Seeds, Garden Tools, from the Dillingham block into success in his new venture, station, one-half mile from the Toron- _ Miss Reddin's residence opposite -A very successful meeting of to-Eastern electric railway, and eight. I:awm Mowers, Poilltrr `ening, etc. .}., sen miles east of Toronto. Good frame the R. C. Church. Pickering Foot-ball Club was held �c -Mr. and Mrs. �i'm, Beardmore on Thursday evening, May ;th, house,containing seven rooms, bask See the Detroit Jewel Oil Stove" barn with stone stablin underneath oer of Toront , motored-dawn from 1914. S. T. Gormley filled the for 25 head,hen house and piggy, 2 _ - -•- qUw ?' the city and spent Sunday with chair and W. G. Spence acted as wells. ezcelient.black clay loam soil. ,before Using _ Lord and Lady Hyde., secretary. The following officers tile drained, Possession given in the - _ R. W. Gordon,manager of the were elected :- Bob.Pres.-W.E. fall of 1914. -Property may seen by - - - - 8tandard Bank and Mrs. Gurdon N. Sinclair.: Pres.-Rev. D. E. api+lying to Mr.O.Denny on premises. 1 are spending a coli le of weeks Joiraston; • V ice-Pre4. - M. S. Ter gs; S?5 g cash : balynce on ' ' a -. C H A P M A N ^"�- pe g p morta e. The-hi best or an tender - -- *; vacation in Atlantic City. Chapman -, Sec-Treas. - W. G. not necessarily accepted. _ -Thomas and Mrs. Stephenson Spence: Managing -Committee- Dated at Toronto, this 25th day of and family of Claremont. spent Hamilton Calvert ; S. W. Davis : April 1914. ai � `Y Sunday here with the former'@ Jas. Richardson. Membership fee F. G, Loowv, 11 l Kendal Ave. Time _. Qparents, John and Mrs. Stephen- was fixed'at$1.00. It was also 30- Toronto, Execre utor _ e d again enter the Midl.•tnd - fFly eon. decide co Q 38ARPENED =Mrs. J. H. Beal; of Claremont, League and defend the cup they. TOOLS .accomppaavied by her - daughter, won last year. They look forward ' Miss Maud, spent Thursday -last to a good day's sport on May 24th, We make a sp_ecialry of crosscut Saws. �e hand & �1IIe a98oxtment of eereen doors at the home of her father, A. Al- at their own grounds. Toole of all kinds. Locks repaired. from $1.00 up. r• The many Pickering friends Razor-honing a specialty. For a first- Iaway, - g class hair trim or an eaey-have call w screens sizes. - 4 been Master -JoReph Marquis has of Mrs. (Rev.)J. C. Bell, of Brook- at the East-end Barber Shop. ` Windo o hens all seriously ill withpneumomn, lin, - will regret to hear of her See-our House Furnishings of all _ during the past geek, ut we are death, which took place -suddenly kinds. Slightly used Carpets Fly BWatfers. Also , -.pple$secl to state that he-- is sow on Friday evening from heart.: - from l5 cents:a yard up. improving. failure. She had been a great W. J. GORDON PICKERING New Perfection oil stoves, four.three and two I -Rev. Father Cantillun, . who suffere-r for years frum rheurna _ p rners wl ovens - -. -Inas had charge of the R. C,ehurch' tism and it.i.. snppnaed that that SEED o •th e. here:for .over a- year has-.b@en disea;P had reached her heArt, CORN t _ - „_, transferred to Uxbridge and en-. Her =tidden death k parriculArly B �. tered npou.his duties last Reek.• gad stt this time as �Sr. Bell was to _ �t car of the • a _ D Y -Jeremiah O'COnilor, of Church retire trc�tii the.acu e work The very best obtainable�n hair], _ St: who has been contned .to the rhinistry next nit)q,th and'muve to _ _- - -- --------- - --- 13ouse the greater part of the Liuden, a-here their . daughter, -. - alio A.cArloa.d of HOUSE-CLEANING SEASON. . : _car _ . ,. .winter through illness , ee' slimed Mra.•(Dr.)•GMson,''An only child, -I his Varies aS section foreman on reside; And where Dir. Bell' ..had PORTLAND CLEMENT ^ the C_ R., last week. erected a cosy nesideace in which House-cleaning season is now on and we are supplied with ederything volt -The Pickering G,lin Club will they Iiad planned to spend their ,.��PP1Y LO _ will require-Wall papers, Martin pa:lnts, Raw and boiled oil, pups, ,'celebrate Cicturia-Dt haling a re ining days. -The sympathy blue rock cdntest for- which a of the community is extended to F. L. G R E F,.. N. Tarnish, stove and ecrlrb brushes, alabaE;tine and whiting.- rock of valuable prizes wilf ,be `JIr:.Bell iii lila berea�•ement. GR -WOOD, 4NT:i,RI(D Bungalow nets, s.cteeas,art sateen;sllkilinP,.cretons, Linoleum,. _ given. The prizes may 'be cpm- -The anatial c nvention of :the T4 aced for by-all::who cpre to, at- W. M'. S. of,Whitby District held - oil cloth, floor,and table, window shades crud curtain poles. . Garden seeds_ Wed- tend. Cump�titionstart's at 1 .ni, in'the Methodist cNarch' on Wed. EASTLABE SHINGLES -F. H. 111 is kept busy these negSgy was a''dehided,success. The timothy seed and rlfalfa. Aur groceries are always the best. days delivering. flowering plants reports frpm the different auxil- ___cigar$4.50 per 100 pounds. -• to customers. in ' Whitby town iariee =were encouraging. This and in different: par s cif: Picker- year-has been a financial •success, ,Fresh Tomatoes, Cuctimbers, Lettuce and Cabbage. ing township. 4he irpprove- the ladies.haviiig sent $931.46 to - r ' went@ which he made in his • hot_ the blanch treasurer an increase G, ' D A• GILLESPIE, .':. UMBARTON house, Lias enabled,him`to prdduce of 8141.71 over last year: One of 1 a great variety of' lams, alt,of the•, interesting' •features of the f which are in a veryealthy condi- morning session was the presents- ' tion. Now is the time to• place Con of the banner to `the seen- .`.COLLARS AND HARNESS- your order for flowers as well as wood Auxiliary. By th lute est �, 1 vegetable planta before it is too and,eitthueiasm'sliown in'the di-q- FOR SPRING )YORK ' late, as theyare'going fast.' gnss`wn during the afternoon, •it Are easily applied and have al- Bring your horse and get a goad flttin'g collar, Good team -The Ediiidnton Daily IBulletiln was plainly evident that the lad. ways giver the best o_f harness at reasontible prices. T', of May 7th 'says : The mara•iaRe ies•are•retilizfng tliat with oppor- Have bsati eennado129 �I Au Akins a , im took place last evening af, the 'tunity coniesrresponsibilfty.. The years _ SPECIAL . ;. brother-ifl-law.of the; pages rdhd werb.listened to with like etit.above. . home of the.b -:`: T bride, R Williams,,corner of$ti iateregt and":profit. Arid the solos TEAM HARNESS keen avenue' and 24th street,tiof ren'dered'by airs: Tiglc and,,Dire. Made,standard grade only. Corro- V trace, baekbAnds,Trooper and hip strap complete with 41Maver Hartri�k and Miss'Lila M. 'Hawley were much appreciated. gated Iron any gauge. "out collars,$29'4 a. Same harness with heel chain trace,$2B. 5. *,-,Deii6, both of,`, tettlee- Tie cet•e• -The waving picture entertain- Let we fignre for your next roof _Repairing neatly andpromptly attended to. 'inony *as peiformea byy Ite.v. D: ment given-on Saturday afternoon and save you money. ( . Canipliell, Dl. A., B:,D. After. And evenfngiuuder the auspices of Bell telephone. I(rg1i,RING HARNESS EMPORIUM v n brief liogemoon- :Il r. and -Mrs. the'Woumetx's,Inatitute-was' quite Haefrick'wilt-• makk'theirhom' in a sticeess.> In the afternoon, the F. J. Prouse, Pickering __. . W. J. COAKWELL ati Stetder.'_' The groom's numerous programme WA$ arranged spec- -- Phone Ind. 301. :. Eickering friend's join Tia$NES ially for the children, of whom ELM DALE MILLS �� f ti in wishing the )It}ppycquple every :there was quite a large number T's AN D SHO happiness. . present. In the evening,the hall p=C�ERSNC# G7 V V We wish to direct Vie atter- including the gallery was comfort- tion Of'the readers; of,TiaE N'ptvs ably filled by an,appreciative an. is the place to get your next r to the advertisement of tf�e East• dience. The pictrues were all of bag of Flour. . `Ye have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes we ever carried ern Terminals• of Canada] Ltd., .a very high Girder and brought '@nil boiight before the which a advance in Prices, and are ars in anotlie�•eohimn, forth much favorable ,'Comment. Ogilvie's Royal Household can't be ply. beat for Bread. prepared to give the public the benefit r r . Their reprekentative,A. �'P. Lync}e The selections by Mr Jules Brazil �Tothiiig but_flrst-class boots bees--iA-this-lcicalitg11 .RUOJLU ppaast:week or two •mppany. in the :•proved himself a high-class come• Graham Flour - - C L O THING y interestof the company. This diao�ttnd his selections `vera.en- Fresh Rolled Oats company -does not make a sale tire] free from that coarseness Bran and Shorts _ without the- purchaser seeing that is characteristic of many of Oats and Oat Chop whet he is getting. Many of the the humorous entertainers. The Barley and Barley Chop y p real estate aiRencies that handle proceeds' of the entertainment» "3lixed Feeds The noted 20th Center brand, hundreds of samples to select from. k ,yoiaasrne Jieal and Molasses Veal A perfect fit guaranteed or Ino sale. western property, dispose of their amounted to about $S1, which See thenew style in overcoats, goods voithont the purchaser hae- will leave a snbstantial balance•in Special prices in ton lots. - a .. Ing any' of'tvhat h e is gettinst,. favor of the Women's Institute �+• �T• •W eela.18 FICjaiU, 7F the raPn)t b?' ' "toh t5 lotR who are to. be congratulstted on �,• A. EJ NT.INGi a; tL::s eilld prop. +meleeLa. I the success of their ventnre. `Chopping every davl y:a �i n .. - •'• .e . r .. .Y r r ' � ,per� 'p$n '� r ;�.qi.r�,NM ''�77''," i .Cts¢..II'a^ ,:{ .i•s+,-' fL' 'J.:^ .'`.+^ •,r .kil.'�"-'�,�.`'�.e•`�"'�} 'w"` �+` v'�''r«• .K• �� S�Y.v .f e• ,�!i•".{L, s ' y.-. ;,}„., ,;e sC.., w, •x ." ''' i� i .W W"�rtr t' r,i.�T,ws9- '�,i.r4u .�7"•.�.w .,c'.