HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1912_11_01, yaw .:.... .• .,�. -:. , :•. , Y . -- '�.,,, i VOL. SXIh PICK.ERING,. ONT., I',I�AY, NOVEMB�,R 1, 191 X Vs01ftstal 6e:sD *. Si HIGHLAND CREEK the wh9 re 1e community. There a few - Eatabliehed 76 yeast SPINK-MILLS The next regular meeting of the left now of her day sad `eaaratIon.- Economist. GR N Highland Creek Branch of the 's InBtirlite will _be held at the2►omf? �? D MONGOLIA E. PO$SYTH, . of 0., Regis- of Mrs. G. Annie on Wednesday, Nov. S R. sexed member o! the aytom•lzieai Aaeo- FLOUR • eth, commencing at 2.30. .dubject : Wellington Wideman'8 new house elation of Ontario. B attention given to • ••Who is our Ne_}�hbor ?" to be;, taken is nearly_atl bricked. - " MILLS &the �04fng of glaasser testes free. North WHITE- SATIN b Mre. Heroes. Music by Miee Hazel Olanmoat. CREAM BUNS y Miss Lizzle Bailey spent Sunday at _ Annie. John Lehman's, of'gtouffvllle. I west a large .quantity of "f N0. MCRIN ON, M.D., L.R.C.S., TEA -BUNS William Itamsey, of Toronto, spent .q y '. Ediabazgh, member of the College of Bread and Cake Makers Free." 7 the holida with relatives and friends Barley; Buckwheat and Fail Wheat Physicians and Surgeoga o! Ontario, licentiate — BROCK ROAD y i+ of Royal College or Dumont. Edinburgh here, and will pay highest prig, 8vocial attention to dsiesses of women and ' Mrs. Wm. Bad crow visited is the George Hewitt, of Toronto, spent + ahildran, ome..na residence. Brougham. FEED . [3 , B pe Don't Fail to Buy city during the holidays. over Sunday, with relativeeand friends ; :. _BRAN _ KI'SSIMI, the best pastry flour„; PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL =SHORTS y Mrs. Jesse Badgerow, of Toronto, here. BAKERS' JOY, the beat bread flour visited friends here last week. Hello 1 Who is speaking? Richard • and X -RAY INSTITUTE WELLAND FEED FLOUR Mrs. John Percy visited friends in Tarr had the telephone installed in I also keep on head PrcKSlalxa, _ exsARlo JUMBO " Woodville during the Holidays: his house Iast week. Bran. _Shor.>;e, Midlings, - a RATS Miss Ella Robson, of Toronto, to Miss M'ay Bowers, of Toronto. spent -Low Grade Flour, Oats, + V6 RLGIN Tow L$ X. B., M. D., C. X., OAT CHOPS calling upon her - numerous friends in over the holiday with her parents, Oat Chop, Barley Feed. Physician'in -egg CORN - this locality. George and Mrs. Bowers, Pot and Pearl Barley ' Apeaialut in Rectal Diseases, prostatic Din. Work on the new C. P. R. line is Herbert Stover, of the ninth line, Molassine, Cotton Seed Meal, ame of Mon. Dimas" of Women, cancers, CORN CHOP) •; progressing• favorably. Two steam Markham, spent Sunday with his par. Stock 8 ice --best triads e'i'omors: x -a.y examination. Diseases or a CORN ORACHED„ P° oar. nose, sbroo and lziass. sling glasses aul shovels will soon be able to shake eats. Elias -and Mrs. Stover. CHOl"PIN [� au acute and chroala els•.aes, MIXED CHOP, hands. L. and Mrs. Vanzant, of Mussel- 0 Monday. Wednesday no. goose 19 a a and t to s ssly Arthur Badgerow* is nuieing a sore man's lAke ' hav'e moved into our y y sad Friday ' FEED WHOLESALE IN TON LOTS band at present. He injuredit during midst again.' We welcome them. Logos* tbreshing operations b a fork piere- Our public school teacher, Mr:• Robb, Rolled Oats sad Rolled Wheat, Flour, 4, week. Meal, Wheatiets, Graham Flour, Chopping every day in the T E. FAREWELL, K.U., BAR.RIS- ing -it. A mild -case o blood poison- attended . the--Teacher's s Convention Buckwheat - Flot*. 0osa•yf>:o�alittorney•�d��b $p/�Ci8,1 ing has developed. . held at Toronto on Thursday and Fri- "It. �a ,8alss•tor• Oo�t CALWELL'S MOLASSES Archie Jackson, who has recently day of last week. F. Z+. C*2T.MNrN' _ been transferrgd from the Bank of T. BARCLAY, Barrister -at -Law, MEAL Commerce. Port Perry, to the branch BROUGHAM gy �. soifciaor, Notary Public. special Exami. in -Galt, reports everything- satisfac- - `i , _tor ss#S 17oast. of Inailca, Bsooi. street - tort', and likes his new situation, H. A. Teesdale spent the holiday at�o�� ,. fGr "fi1a T Ct p T T r��4�1 CG�� Whitb7, fly - �• ►7��N31s it111�rLi ills home is Toronto. ,� E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and PICKER.ING. ONT. rIREEN RrvER - John Feasbv, of Uxbridge, -spent :t� A•solfcitor.Notary Public. Ste. Money to Sunday with friends here, loan• Omos 2021 boor to the standard Bank. Don't forget the anniversary here Miss A. Laciamiman spent- Sunday - Whiibv. welt' next Sunday and Monday. at her home in Woodstoc FOODS - • '. �'(' BEAL i?ercy Flanigan, es Toronto, spent ie L. Cowie and e o J. Price visited is I1M1 Sunday with relatives here. friends bete over the holiday, '+ • John Wilson, of Kenora. spent Sun. N. F. Tomlinaon, of Willowdale, WeG. HAM- Issuer of Marriage da with his granel,:parents here, visited friends here for a few days. ♦7 a Lio•uses in the County of Ontariio, CLARE'.1 O T' Miss Delis Barton. of Toronto, spent Miss Pugaley and Miss Norton spent •CA- LDWELL'S MOLASSES i iPiekertag Qtliag•, 471p the week -end with her parents here. a few daps with Ed, and Mrs. Willson. MEAL 'S1.90 for all styles of furniture. TPOUCHER. Real Estate Auc- A number from here attended the Miss Lena ffagerson,o! Newmarket; • - Mouser. .alu"ar, collector and issuer anniversary services at Zion on Sun- visited - Geo. D. and Mrs. Linton over IBLATCHFORD'S CALF - MEAL;' WVr of marrisiso "cocoa*. Brougham. coy dag last. Sunday. - $1.05 Gordon Booth and -Miss Nellie Gray Miss Alberta Marshall. of Toronto. HOPPER Iaener of M ROOM Mo„,� y visited her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Holtbp, e:rria�e ++t+ �+ a nt Sunda with relatives III Unio • Lieen•es in the county or onearla - $AGAR sad FLAX MEAL 'w Omar ere .Dore sad his r•sideaee. Claremont. vtlle. for few days.. $1.00 d Misses Gertie and Margaret Morgan, Mrs. Love and children. of Toronto. _ _ . 'g B.BEATOi1,TOWNSHIPOLESH of Toronto, spent Su day with Miss are vialtlog-_Mr. and Mrs. Perryman 1 D "Picture Praiilea G. Booth. - for a few days. POL LTRY TONIC - Ooai syaaasr. . aomiss•Mon fm salaag �pM�rss. Graham,, of 'Mount Albert. Is 70 cents -am farm _ M es•asatan Isaac Ora _1°i° ' i� �}W Shades A of Tor 011ie open Marguerite w Fuller, even G� Lfew days with- hei_slater " ��s.Oa! f -t Fuller. FPOSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Sir. and Mrs. Bice were in Uxbridge N, Y. Machin. of Oshawa. and F. C. ^ . for cosames of Tart bad oatario. Ase 'Saturday attending the funeral of and Archie Mechi°, of Toronto, spent L S �� Ltd 0. '' stoc salon or all Itinda &$Ieexed to on shorten tho former'& uncle. Thanksgiving with their parents.. • L. f • cosecs, Address (3rasa •lynx P. 0, out James - Dot:en hap r•eturnid to big Mr. and Mrs. Croker and Mr. and r' '[TNDERTASiN( he ®® is ai[uskoka, afters adia !1[n• Willer. of Toronto a�peat cba P1CKEi3Ii1tG _I " B. POWI3LL. Licensed Auc - 3 spending a elouser .alassor sad collector for in connection .. few days with relatives here. holiday with Albert and} li[rs. Mat- ' .00an,a.e of Ontario Lad York. All kinds of The stvie-of the llradies' bead gear thews. *3 isetos eonduossd either ��sslivaedy or by ao•tioa does not appear to improve an W Mrs.. Fo ie and daughter. Miss leaia'cosss eoilsesed. For date os Distance or her to a b' �par- 0 object. � y Florence, OA scalars a�pit' ere err otss. isii•ab•th sae Pia1i , note the latest styles la fall hair, I rence, of Claremont. spent Sunday artag. Phooe orders Isle ere saws oldie, Pick. some of which cover a good half acre and Monday with Wm. Oassie and lowing or itaenab•s seam. Claremont, will r• i Prices lnoclerate. of ground. an,d contain enou b foliage family. .-1, nova promp• asarnaioeo. Su+staetloo gnaraa. to feed a Texas Tench full of cattle all Mrs. Topping -and daughter. Miss - -y b0d: yy phow 2umbssia lad•p0adeat iBOI winter, Ma of West Toronto, and Mn, For - Best f lump steam coal. All coal u A Full Line of syta� visited Mrs. Robt. Greig over the Mader cover, full eight sad; � S. R. P�ENNOCK t _ WHITBw holiday. prompt service. l x' P Nyal 8 Family Ramed1 r John Pouches, Mr. and ors. FrPp- lt+YN/TiVALI, ONT, sing, of Toronto, and A. E. and Mrs. Mr. Dryden is building a fine new 0 rwwei ureemw sad Itmbabner. = AT - Major. of Wbitevale, • made Thomav - cement residence on King St. south. ., �. r- L an Mn, Pouches a ehoit call on gun. Any business entrusted to use will PickeM -i g Pk& ina,Cy All Saints Thanksgiving services on as — �Zi tTooieough and matched. _ as, Sunday were very successful and very t be carefully handled: lax a congregations attended. Imer Wilson, Edith McGregor, hemlock, also matched and dress- Here are a few you will need : May Linton, John Cochratie, William ed spruce and pine. -- Charges Moderate -= . e contract for building the C. P, Brown, Byron Feasbv, Misses Maud . t Independent Phone No, 1514. Syrup White Pine and Tar, R. for three miles east of the Grand and Mary Barclay and Minnie Haneo° 2x. 3x and 4z Ontario cedar shingles._ God Liver Compound. Trunk north crossing ham been let. 1Barcky t _ ,3z- and -4s. B. Cra>tiaglas: _ _. V,r. - roroaEte Cwitmia. tee- iirand - fttmiilc Rallwn- -bare -- __ _ the _ _ ..art.. l3e}r respective �� homes -here. Stomach and Liver Pills, completed laying the steel on the new Let me quote you prices on asy build. JOHN - •: Kidney PHIS. - switch leading to the asylum grounds. The thankoffering services in the ing material you may require. ne..,.s T Qhristian church on Sunday. and Mon- Has a full lice of mesh and cur- Royal Rose Talcum, O'Connor are arbitrating with the day were a huge success. n Sunday (dill stuff a specialty. Red Rose Cream, ' there was a large crowd •at both ter- independent hone 1504. ° led meeits constantly on, bind. they R. for the price of the right -of- vices, at which appropriate sermons p Face Cream. ° _ ` were preached. *The oial on Monday ,��-•�� CC A $ ice` Roll Breakfast Bacon Hiroutone, The were celebration it the A L - R E E SO R Spice ' N loll Perfume Cntario Ladies' College promises to °ening was also well attended. The A. C. f u Hans, Eologna, jVeiners, etc.' . y eclipse- anything held -in preyious program was good.and plea$ed every. _ r Ask for Nyals' Booklet, giving formu• veers body. Thy ladies wish to thank all LOCUST HILL , Highest prices paid for las and information about the. - those who contributecab' the success ;? ' Buteher'y cattle difiereat. 1 a2s'_ The Home Telephone Company are F Ae=4kdies. pa -t-he evening for their aseistance. - itf� fur er es- tending �r lines towards nie proceeds of the evening amount. TAME TABLE- LE 81ation G .�../ • . P.CfTT.LT Port Perry aed are iaetalliiig a large T. R. - Trains going-B"t Ina as follows - s o s number of phones. ed to the handsome sum ,of >I8l 60, No; 6 mail 8.08 A M. -- lekeiring rUeirr� PICSERING PHARMACY The steam shovel working on the " 12 Local 2.50 P, Ili: REAL S��T�j a n °movved Eastern, Laugmaiidyfarm at]a of-Mrs.-A. J. C. Monet: Trains 14 Local g Went due s '04 P. ws ' ' follows - F1ret•011i►sf� rigs for hire ..... o site Elmer ,Lick's. , The death occurred on 'i'huredsy No, 13 _ Local 8.27 A. M. DS Or lu �t J. B. Laidlaw, who purchased the October 17th pf_Rmma Helene Pauch• 11 Local 2.30 P. M. �t$�ir�titi! xiil� = .. = Deverell prooperty -a few -weeks -ago Er,- beioved wife of J. A. O,-Mullet, in 7- --Mail - 8.09 P. M. � - - - BIItt meets 8II tt8i1II8 _ from Me. Cohen for $4000, has resold the 29th yyear of tier age, at 'the Bing 'Sunday included. -- 1 it to. Mr. Gray, a horseman of Toronto Edward s3anitarium ,.a "n beaming promptly attended to. far the sum of i*CW. Mr. Gray will illness of about n months. C onvert the property into s stock Mrs. Mullet was the second daugh• - gent for Canada Carriage Co. Insurance rates lower on farm pro. farm, and will hAve 25 or 30 blood ter pf D. Poucher, of Plainfield, Out- W - perty and Village• Dwellings, • horseg, and a niece of Messrs. John Poacher. $, Peak., 1P>r�keri�o• in first-class Companies. Charles Cook; contractor on the To- of Toronto, and Thomas Poucher, of Brokin"" mium Otda roato- Eastern, has discontinped work Brougham; on the line here for the winter and The remains were accompanied to Get the Best! It Pays _If not insured with me, call and.. has moved to Western Ontario to one Belleville on Saturday at- P a, m. via _ Q n corpse b ick rates. _ Of McKenzie d+ Mann's , will G._T._Rother the deceased's husband Sp �ctbi►clVlJ .Among the many positions our coI• .One first -class Krick house and steam shovels, however, avill continue and• a brother, thence to Ilex father's leg e has recentlyy filled were two . stable for sale, work all winter, or at least as long as home in Plainfield. -4 _ worth $1100 and 2500. We are now the weather will permit. The funeral was held on Sunday forio g to fill one for $2080. Demand P Richardson. Oct. 20tb, at 1.90 p. m. 'After . the and graduates is fully five times • • • 7� our supply. MARKHAM singing at the house a" favorite hymn ' of the deceased, "Must Jesus bear the Leiis` - •'otary Public, Pickering. Jas. Boyd, of Cedar Grove, agent of th decea the funeral proceeded e s for the Steel - Briggs Seed Co., of To- a Plainfield Methodist church where tb S P E C I A L I T ronto, bought of! Alfred Pike. Box- Mre. Mullet was an active member + grove, the other day., aizty:eis and _t �rou out her Rirlhood.da,ys, the 6M �atin minister there t>akin for hie NEW-.S- 4MU ---.in &nYdio _ds of Tire Setting. - r text Isaiah ft -.8 "And we all do fade - - - one�aTf� bushel of uncleared- clove We do .not Is a Business College of the highest seed, the products of seven and one „ half acres, for which Mr. Pike receiv- a leaf. Also the hymns selected grade. Several former • student of Reaper and Mower Knives ground ad $11 a bushel, or $751.50 for the, lot. were "Asleep in Jesus," "There is no need your pres- _; f - other colleges re now in attend- This crop therefore aid Mr. Pike night in Heaven," and "Abide with cription to replace a broken L -: sacs. It pays to get a business edu — - Me." After, the service interment lens. Bring the pieces. We cation if slit fa the nearly one hundred dollars per acte T youE f•isbtse6coi. Woodworking and .. or about the market value of the land took place in Victoria cemetery. analyze-them and exactly'dupli- �I Wright for our-catalogue. Eater The floral tributes were both -nume- " sow. General Blacksmithing. it grew on. Farming can be made roue and beautiful, including a pillow date, Or we' can make up your ' - - pap in -this section. "W. J- Elliott; Priadipal. YY Q y Mre. Michael Speight one of the of, American Beauty rosesand chrys- present prescription in any of• Clot'• Y.Qnge and Alexander Ste. Wi t ��SOR - BROCX �D�p oldest residents, of Markham, died antbemums from' the Feeyseng Cork ou- popular style of mounts.' 1 suddenly of hea.. t failure early S'un- Co., for whom Mr. Mullet s chief ac- �q e countant. Also a magnificent form of We can also fit• you with per -_ Blacksnaithln Rave you lobs of mater ? desy morning se eke was getting out {i of bed. Mee. S eight had been unwell "The Gates Ajar" 20 inches -bigh built 'fectly • satisfactory 2 sigh epee,- N,.. of roses and carnations, pre anted. �y for some time, but not seriously so, tacles. C. $: lllClt, OF WHlTLVALit She was a daughter of the late James friends of 0. M. Poucher,odyile _ Chapman, one of the louses residents Ave., Toronto. - o Having rented the Dunbrton shop Is prepared to furnish you anything Besides a loving husband to mourn o! this village, who apt i butcher her loss, Mrs. Mollet leaves the child- r " and opened the same, I am'prepr- in the lime of water_ supply_ such as shop for man yearn on Main Street, Norm= Bassett . �s ed to do all work etl trusted- to many ren -Irene aged 7 and Milford aged 2 i pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, where Dr. Hassard a residence now g B me in the above line. stands. A brother. Ubarles Cha man years -and a father, three sisters and plumbing, etc, p Horeeshceing a specialty, of Temiecamiug, and two daughters, one brother. Mrs. H. Fier, of Halibut- LTEWELER AND OPTtGiAx} �-' Vall in and we the any time. They are also expert well drillers Mrs. P. C. Fleury and Emma both of ton, Mrs. E. Meynes, of Poucher Mills, �. DUi4BARTUN R and role ettfull icit/ our y y R Poucher, urns, of Toronto, and O. al. °row a' R� o f WHITBY p y y patron Markham. survive. Mrs. S ei bt was Mrs' R. Curtis. the' C. P. to West To- e for the future. *IL . obone 6621, to ma errs y o ronto. _ s c d highly thought of p 1 odi t char b as • �y.. 4 a '�Y. s�. ,s^'s ..: k— <:. s . .- .. r r'.. �, . .'., 'qty.., d. .: •.. 7i.6 ,, re A. , .r• x.J f 'Y .. .,,• v;At°' ?.+.. :�, y. 1 .h„.� • tC.^ 7��PD�vee. �' 0a' OSn .n.d.7.zr�..3.•�5!F:.....ra'... ...,:. ._..,...,. ,.r:: o., ,. .. !x ._ ,.. � '_ k:;.F,_,.:.. . x, _y. , .. ., _.r.'_....: • _. ,s.r, w.. .,.R. ".^ ,� d._. .,..r,R,.x..a ?'�.. ..�._K.: ..at ..,,.vtv :a•1 %xa..4.aa.`.a,.....�a wratiY ., �. y..,.,...#. �:. 1':�a"'k�..ta'.:e7,2':r+.f�ra s.�':.�?`.'���Wdv�:? �.i":, .._ua3l�r -�� r , f. rw• i4ain�hw .swrZea.- _.u,- r•..win'r�`. .. Y - � ... ._ - -- ,,�,.,,A. �.Y�.M.e/'' yN.,�•rr...wiw �'�''r�,yyuw.'r- w� -.�w •nFiw'+.•�- +•��.rM�F- /.•Y -- �ro+..: l�. �Rr .+ft+�•i,Wj:�.IK+:+:Y�.•••rpF a ".i�alM -,. �+.,.�..- +n.w.y. T .� -�-.. .rte,+,,:- %.r,'erss••'.+YFW..._ a..v�iCd,w�s-'•"s.+59°"•°,M.'- i ,�* �- +era,,,, .,y�, .,.,.-.r,» , . .r, �:�' "' � ''Gil.. -, .. a � .. '�";.�' • .r.�,, :& • AkAww, .. n,.j . ti,r. td� f ^w� - •,�•:.,.•.: . ,,yr,e,: , > .x:mn. ''e+.,y 3t u w' f'Is he!`life-aloo 6ivba up to _ tha4 _. era soaps 9„ W4y doesn't ails take v LO _ Ott - -- - thought y, despondent Y. N R Headaee Wafers -by the � � -D RU-CO - '� N L,Y NFU N T I i ' _ �HAPTER ggL 4 They stop a headache promptly, yet ac not lets. contain any d x the dangerous drugs common in headache tablets. Ask yow -_� r - '`. > During absorbed next ndeep calculations N�T%quAc ooue AAo awco Dal Co. Of CANADA. LrmlTCa 142 b Ir . -eYC u i - - 1a _ OR, A CURIOUS MYSTERY EXPLAINED. hild's small earnings, which would into a re nlar biouseke in ,. be absorbed by her education- and tic character that we shan't know B eP 8 ou," said Frithiof, laughin drudge." the few extras that might be need -, "What do you think we can s- "And when you want change or a their actual yearly income sibly furnish the rooms on ?" rest," said Mrs. Boniface, shaking CHAPTER gX.- (Cont'd) _ learning a useful profession into the Fuld be about £150. Frithiof 's ,Wait -a moment, and I'll add up his hand warmly. "you have only "My dear," sail Mme. Lecher- bargain." work for Herr Siversten, and what m list," she said, cheerfully. "I got to lock up your r nd come tier; "tt seems to me you have a She glanced at Frithiof and saw ever they might earn by evening never knew before how many things down here to us. T M always .:: very decided talent. You play quite glainly .that he shrunk from engagements could be laid aside to there were in a house that one can't be a welcome ready or the three No i dance music better than -any one I the idea, and that it would go hard ward' the fund for paying off the do well without. Now' that must of you. Don't forget that." - 7 ever Iseard, and that is saying a with his proud nature to accept debts, and she thought that they „ �! ,F1 good dead.' Why do you not turn such an offer. She glanced at Sig- Might perhaps manage to live on surely .be all. No,,o have forgotten Let it be your second home, 7 ' rid, and saw. that the sister was the rest. Mrs. Boniface seemed ra- brushes and brooms and such said Mr. Boniface. this to aewnnt?" things. brow, then, for the adding {To be continued.) "Do think I could?" asked ready to sacrifice anything for the ther aghast at the notion, 'and said up. You check me, (:evil, for fear Oigrid, Ire: eyes lighting up eager- sake of getting the little girl to* she thought it impossible. I make it too little -this is a ter ELECTRIC RATES $EDUCED. "De you really think I could England. Then, having as much "I don't suppose that we shall rible moineat." 3 tact as kindness, she rose to go. spend as little on food as Frithiof ,. 4arn >� living by it?" P "Twenty -eight pounds t" ex- The Hydro Commission Publish the i sure of it," said Mme. . "You will talk it over between did when he was alone, said Sig- claimed both girls in a breath. Lechertier. "And if You seriously you and let me know your de- rid, for he nearly tarved himself ; Old Bates and the New. j Y "You can surely never do it on think• the idea is good I will come cision," she said, pleasantly. "Con- and I don't mean to allow him to that?"' said Cecil. At Sub - stations. r's^ and disoase'the matter with you. I suit Mr. and Mrs. Boniface, and try that again. I see that the great "It seems a great deal' to' me," _Old Rate New Rate e shear yam are a friend of my old let me know in a day or two. Why difficulty will be rent,. for that said Sigrid; "still i have more ' pupil! Miss Boniface." should you not come in to after- seems so high in London. We were Toronto ... $18.50 $18.60 than that over from uncles fifty - - - =- styes, we are staying now at Ro- noon tea with me to-moriow, for I talking-about it this morning, and pound check even after Doctor Guelph .. .. . •. 25.00 23.50 r'. wan Tree House; they have been shall be at home for once, and can Frithiof had a bright idea. He t Morris is paid. No, on the whole, Seaforth .. .... 41.00 Unchanged r. . ,� g� to us•" show you my canaries? Cecil will says there are some very cheap I think we need not worry, but may St. Thomas .... 32.00 Unchanged r "They are delightful people -the bring you. She and I are old flats - workmen's model lodgings- Ingersoll .. .... 28.00 27,00 that might perhaps do.for us; only spend as much as that with a clear Norwich .. ... ... 80.00 Unchanged lather i one of nature's true gen- friends.''' conscience. The thing I am anxi- �lemea. shall come and see you, When she was gone Sigrid return- of course we must make sure that our about is my weekly bill. Look Berlin .. .. .... 25.00 24.00 --then, and talk thi over. To -mor- ed to the33oom with dancing eyes. they are quite healthy before we here, we must somehow manage to New Hambtrl g 32.00 Unchanged ' how morsiia6, i€ that will suit -you." "Is sbe not delightful," she take Swanhild there." g Preston .. .. .. 25.00 23.00 live on £145 a year, that will leave Sigrid went home in high spirits, cried., "For .myself, Frithiof, I "ore Clean to and be," said they are prat- five pounds in caseof Illness or any Dunn let... .... 26.00 25.W land the alext day, when as usual can't hesitate for a moment. The ty sure to be," said Mra. Boniface, great need. For charity it leaves Dundas .. .. .. 17.00 .16.06 --- labs and Frithiof were a-;oTra she-Will be `''but I fancy they have strict roles nothing, but we can't give while we Waterdown .... 37.50 30.00 ;morning -room after breakfast, she thoroughly kind." which might be rather irksome to are in debt. Two pounds, fifteen Weston .. .. .. 30.00 Unchanged told him Mine. Lecher pro "She has a bad temper," said you, $till, we car go and make in-, shillings a week for three of us' Mimico .. .. ... 30.74 30:00 t were still Frithiof, - quiries. After all, you would in Whv, r people live on far less." London .... .... 28.00 27,00 ' :. _ . �, iscuasing the matter the good lady "How do you know';" �- some ways be better than in or- "With clever- manager it will Stratford ...... 32.00 Unchanged ~'was aasasaced. "Because no sweet- tempered, wo- dinary lodgings, where you are at be possible," Frithiof said, "and , Mitchell .. .. .. 38.00 Unchanged Now, like, many people, Mme. man ever had such a straight,thin- the mercy of the landlady." 1 Woodstock .... 28.00 24.00 y+ou are no•novice, Sigrid, but-have Til[sonbur 32.00 Unchanged Lechestiec was .benevolent by im- lipped 'mouth." So that afternoon they went to been keeping house for the last _g pulse. Had Sigrid been less at- "I think you are very horrid to' an office where they could get in- eleven years." Beachvilie 33.89 32.00 a s tractive, else would not have gone pick boles in her when she has-been! formation as to model dwel.ings, "After a fashion," she replied, Waterloo .. ... 28.00 T`25.00 Cie cut of Isar wuy to help her � but the. so kind to us. For myself I must and found that four rooms could be ,but old Gro really managed 1 Baden - - 3'.nO Lnchanged Norwegian girl had somehow touch- accept. But how about Swan obtained in some of them at the 1 things. However, I know :that I I Galt 25-06 24'00 ` ed her heart. hild?" rate of seven and sixpence aFweek- shall really enjoy trying my ha d; St. Mary's .. .. as 00 =3500- i ' "It wits be a eaee of 'Colors seen "I hate the thought for either of To outward view the niude, dt' e i at anytMng so novel; and you will 'Hamilton 17.00 18.50 F by candle -light will not look the you," said Frithiof, moodily. line were certainly not attractive• have to come and see me very of- (Port Credit .,.. 38 .9 32.00 - - t same � a-- • s e a re ec 'Now, r.c to r, -don't g - >- and ire a teat high - horses wittl `heir Brampton .. .. 29.00 Unchanged , g ten, Cecil, to prevent my turning _ _ - -__ ea she walked to Rowan Tree a goose about It, said Sigrid, car I uniform ugly color, the end ass - _ - '� House, "I shall find my pretty essingly. "If we are ever to have rows of windows, all precisely alike, Norse girl quite commonplace and a vice cozy little home together we the asphalt court -yard in the can - Iuainter,asLinsr, and my castle in- must certainly work at something ter, though tidy nd clean, had a - bibs s'r- will fall in ruins."' and -we are not likely to get lighter, Jdesolate look: y i _THREE METHODS of HANDLING Your FU DS a, But oleo she was shown iflt4 the or more congenial, or better paid j "At present we have no rooms to I "� ,-saom where Sigsid sat at work, all work, than this. Come, dear, you Iet, sir," was the _ answer of the and what Each Represents her fears vanished "The girl hag have got, as Lance would say, -to superintendent -to Frithiof's in- $.I. l _ - r - 'bewitched me!" she thought to 'grin and bear it,' " quiry. think, though, we are 1. INVESTMENT-Safety with Pmt�t. Y -" herself "And the brother, what a "In any case, we must give Swan- almost certain W have a set; vacant t .. ,fine- lociitiag fellow; There is a his- hild herself a voice is the matter," before lon3 '' w' 2. SPECULATION - Profit(') Without C�'e�y, .,Cory beyind that face }f I'm not tie said at length. "Accept the of- •'Could we see over them?" they d a out Profit. aoista�ea " ? fer if you like, provisionally, and asked: .3. fI ARDINtr -S fat)'( ?) �ti'itll' $t the srt that -will most P ' - "We have just been talking over -let as write to her and tell her "N{eil; _ i (' what you said to me last night, about it." likely be vacant belongs to a north IF the First Method is yours you will be interested in dnr' Tn"iLrne " said Siari bri ht-'v. „ write a joint country family• and I dare say they ` six PER CE T. PROPRIETARY- BO \U�, secured by care - ,I '-The question is," said .Mme• letter and give her all sorts o R here is the Lechertiea, "whether you are really guardianly advice: But, all the of the children._ Here, Jesy_e, ask', u y selected ea s v in in earnest in _seeking work, and same, you know as well as I do that your mother if she would mind just Prudential Tres{ Company Lielited, Montreal, Trustee for thq, Sr nhild will not hesitate for a mo- showing her rooms,, will y< ?" Bondholders. A Safe Investment, properly safeguarded. with whether you will not object to my c child- gtRTr�g curies ail' _ -The fact,- men -t, Sim "Ia king come% En� v nrome aasu te0 e0;- X300 60, 1;$x•84 - -- - -_who for soi,Ie t;irne has planed. for land, and able is never so happy m, the visitors, led the way 'up flight the at my principal classes is going when she is dancing." after flight of clean stone stairs A + _ to be married. I should only . need v came home that even- pleasant - looking woman came for- 1 You can purchase our Bonds on the PERIODICAL PAF- ' you in the afternoon, an - uring ing the matter was practica y e- wales and as �El�T PLAL+; and make. _s�'an Sot +* FA r :fogs --- �the thre>r terms of the year: Each g Y "You'll excuse- the'.. place being a tided. Frithiof and Sigrid had had "You term is of twelve- weeks, and the a long' in the library with Mr. bit untidy," she said. "My man! wrtc0w.c000.rorpArttaO!Ar, ' Ralary 'I should offer you would be and Mrs. • Boniface, and by and by has lust got fresh work; and he has' R24 aL term -£2 a week, you see:" in the garden Sigrid told him glee - I but now told me we shall have to CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED LADS LIMITED "C+i, Frithiof !" cried Sigrid, in fully what she called the "good be flitting -in a - week's time, we Bastes Townships Bank Building. , MONTREAL .. .DI,e- excitement, "toe ahctvld 'be qF.a -" - going to Compton Buildings in able to keep Swanh_ ild, We could ' ,I can afford to laugh now at my the Goswell Road." -'': have titer over from Norway. Surely aluminum pencils and the embroi- "I wonder," said Sigrid, "if we your salary and mine together dery patterns, and the poodle- took them, whether I could pay one _ '_�loould beep us all?" shaving," she said, gayly. "Was of the neighbors to do my share of ►^�" "Who is Swanhild ?'r asked Mme. it not lucky that we happened to sweeping and scrubbing the stairs, lake A Seoe$iel ' Lechertier, go to Mrs. Horner's partv. and that and .whether I could get them to " _ "Sheri$ owr little sister, madame, everything • happened just as it scrub out these rooms once a week. . df Each 1&be is muoh younger -manly' eleven did ?" You see, I don't think I could man- Side By Side ears ofd, and as we are orphans, ,'Do you really like ._ the pros- age the scrubbing very well." yy r Frithiud and I are her guardfiana." pact?" asked Roy. "Oh, miss, there would be no dif- !rake "St. Lawrence" \ Mme. I,echertier looked "at the ''Indeed I do. I haven't felt so ficplty in that," said the. woman. Granulated in one �mr• two young faces, smiling to think happy for months. For now we "There's many that would ise scoop. -and any other need never. 'again be parted from thankful to earn a little that way, that _tI� should be already bard- ' ergs. in the other. •:•,:-:..• � _ � frith the cares of gusrdan- of. • It will be the best thing and the. same with laundry work. Law- ship. • it touched her, acid yet at 'in the..world for him to have a com- "Do you know, I begin said like this Look at St. law• t `- the saaw- time'it was- almost comical fortable little home, , and I shall great court - yard," she said to Ce- ranee" Sugar -its to bear these two young things -take-good' be doesn't work cil: "At first it looked to me .feet crystals -its ravel•, talking about their ward. too bard, Mr. Boniface has 'been dreary, but, now it looks to me like pure, white sparkle- i11� i3 "You see," said' Frithiof; "there so good. He-says that Frithiof can a great, orderly human hive; there is even grain. Test it 'point by point, and yon will see that -would be her education, one must have some extra work to do if he is something about it that makes riot forget that." ' ' . likes ; be can attend -some of your one feel industrious." Absolutely PJ Absolutely "But at the high- schools it is very concerts, and arrange . the platform "We will ,settle _ down here, Best Pure . cheap, is it not; madame?" said between the pieces ; and this will then," said Frithiof, smiling ; $Uge� Sigrid, add nicely to his salary.. And then, "and you shall be queen bee." "About ten pounds a year," said, too, when he heard that I had quite "You .think it would not hurt I. one of the choicest sugars ever refined -with a standard of purity •]drne, I,errhertier. "�6hat is 'your decided on accepting Madame Le- Swanhild ? ". asked Sigrid, turning _ that few sugars can boast. Try it is your home. little mater like, because 'if she is chertier's offer, he proposed some to Mrs. Bpi #are. T -ha dace - iysiash>w� "SE s,t�t�bKoranulAtes to he gg�nooto:c seems t0 me be airy." Pure'Gve Strgar with uo impun'hies.whntcver" at all like you -" thing else for us too." ,,. r „ '*'Most eve dealer' sells St.' Lawrence Sugar." 'Hem is her photograph," said "What was that' ?" said poor "Indeed; said Mrs. Boniface' I every g 8igriJ,,'unfastening *her writing Roy, think in many ways the place is ST. LLA%VRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED. 11IONTRFAI. _ case and taking out $+�anhild's "Why, he thinks that he might most comfortable, and certainly you N5 A, ,picture. "This is taken in her pea- get us engagements to play at chil- could not do better, unless you - sant costume which she used to dren's parties or smalL- dances. Fri- gave a very much higher rent. - pteb= sometimes for fun when we thiof's violin - playing is quite good "Beds are ruiroirsly dear," sibs were is $}Ise country. It suits her enough, he says. And don't you said, after making elaborate cal= -very weg, I think-" it ever think it would'be much bet Teallio comfortable1onesiasinceh we I $200 -00 IN GOLD' GIVEN AWAY 'FREE "gut she is -• -- charming, cried. ter for_ him ,than,. poring..so. -lopg y -. •- me: Lechertier. - "Such a dainty over that hateful work of Herr he n m must certamy be new'; the - iittle figure -guCh well- abaped legst Sivertsen'a ? "' Y LPADi. NR600A UPML AT6WRYRQBR 1 )illy Clear, I have a bright tliotlght- Roy was obliged to assent. th-- ree,of them with all tlietri belong CPAHt ItCYRr YDRAPRSRQ LRPA - an isepiration. , Send .for your lit- "Frithiof is, rather down in the ings will not leave very much out Can Sou tune¢• tTe >>E+n,•� tCJ of fur`+lel'ett," Info tht names of e1711t -11 knr�a &alts• Ift'lon a and CAN tje Swanhild, and when you Come depths about lt," said P $him a9 toechaiTOUS ntl table,, the$u might ht aTIAR IN 7 ii DISTRISI'TIU 1 uv TT;E ABUT' FBI. L'• I1 is no task u.k. SotMq• Ix afternoon bring her +cl `'And I do hope poll will the �' g aruer•ce yat can gmtabl ^male manor bat them. Tntie penan •a can as amrt the lur,lnsi somber re •ll1 - i _ me 8�L i•e the sum of floc tiundml Ibllan, To tt,e persen m.L 1nQ out tt,e ,' <ny 1a=¢ . , t her the tom 1 Filly #AJ L �cllbn• To the t`etwn aaY in4 t:u tSftd i.rGest oum:-a dot .um of T`•.iry fMllan. T.� the prts8n mak ln0 {j,a m this fascinating costume. She up. If you had known what it a' �`� 1 in fo ecanHli single lux e weit� will fourth lamest nnater the sum ,f Teat t' Dolran, Should two pp-nMf tend an+•en egnallk to axe, the 6n.l t.o 1 g to t.l,l oe dMdrA :vt >caa than, (cuh r.-M. 1-55 m) bl'rmfd th me ur.d Ia rquallp coaoct .ns•en,.W. sha11 be Inv little pupil - teacher, and to live in dependence• -on :relations lot,nree prises .rrlA.w to »di.l trd, rt..h retelSna let co). Sho„Id fret gnrtnnt send eQUaily correct anr�cn the +hob. assn of jnoo.ro a1.1 ho eTua�'♦ dtvidrd i -h � Mni i5" oe�• ..nd so na le litre pwpo.tlntta, ro•Id.t{ lthonay, of opurae• her earnin as for so long, yot} would understand look rather' bare, but then there qty rn,n�l, �(tn a ampp1. re.altl a rrb.t _n, .,+,.... nn .a tn.�rn to t«elved WB i�n NOT happy will he less trouble about cleaning wtANT t:EP7'C OF Yt?t'R )AUNF.Y wNLY YUI: AI—— THTA ADVERTiS1eNEYT. If you an make " 'w041d be but, smAll, vPf. then would how ha I 'am t41- light. I, too, t i .n to Stilnt Sfke a etatt:teq llat..tl» m ae cots tatlaNaQ v <ent sramo &.r our tayly. DO NOT DELAY. WAITB AT OvC& Addnaf, pAFJAiAN IdEDF.CIVE C0. Tlpt ai IIT1F'IRBIL T1$ .... `� efore "n cover her education at a %hall be able to help in paying off andY�tus wall become such adomes- t. sigh wdkialol and she would be #be debts . ' f ! a • '.. .. . .._ .; ., .. .. . , ., ..,.` ,, ,. t.' „ .,C. W y' �. ' {.y -:.,t ,:crgsyM Win: �±�"t� . - t &"f?I,; 'h l'•c"taw� q ?�2•.. u4 -,,,t. ...,.• .. .1•.t• +`•a.' _.- ...,.:r�:n•,• .. � - ...xn:,.,�?ah?� .,.�'2?w.^..v.., ,?:..:;n,P:•.,?..,...». �,n. .,..� -.:_ ....., -...- °..u.� A?�hsr��'''•.F�fika.•:M'=* r .56;:.�n- . -slr+a •^i•°.+r.,K:, <"•.Jf ['7..::>r. a. h�s' L•", "9a.�.:•;a'°ro'•7N13 ".i.,�sfi�=1 "' .:;'�.�L.,� .i'f�sLLt.�..a.. 1t3•,L;�! _ x.:, .I•: a .. :, "A.:..t'e '" • ' r .r ., .. , • ,�yFp,{u+WF:�i/ef "vn Ki- LF'�!. �...,S:f n. 'A .:• - -q. - - -- CRU811M U14D WARDROSE. BATTLES BECKERIS E 0 -U N D GUILT L L I o - _ Aentally Killed. A despatch from London, Utmost Bravery Displayed on Both Sides— Another nt. O, In the N York M gage : Annie Glavin, who for the Verdict aous New ourder Case Re-',"A: ' , "7 Bulgarian Army Invades Turkey By past fifteen years had been- an em- turned by Jury n W8 of Black Sea _, loy a of e T House ere, -� y was accidentally k was while at - E work in the hotel on Friday night. A despatch from.New York says: The convicted man bore up un- = • •rA de atch from London sa a : The y the Bul- Miss Slavin had approached a large "Guilt of murder in the first de- der the shock with the sp y prisoners taken b Y • grimness :.The news from the seat of war on garians say the vigorous offensive wardrobe that has occupied a pose- gree," was the verdict returned and resolution that had character- ' movement of the invaders took the tion in one of the corridors on the three minutes before midnight on ized him all through the trial. When ; Wednesday night tells of the con Turks by surprise. The Turks are second floor for many years, 8nd in Thursday night by the jury in the the momentous answer came to the :` .tinued sees of the allies. The demoralized, ill -fed and badly dia- some manner pulled . it over upon case of Lieutenant Becker, charg- question of the clerk -of the court, Berviane 'captured Novi Bazar ciplined. herself. She was crushed to the ed with killing Herman Rosenthal. "Gentlemen, have you agreed upon' h extricated by The . - and are the virtual masters of floor, and although g jury had been out exactly a verdictii" the Lieutenant turned • '$umaneva, The vietorieR, however, Varying Reports of Fight. the proprietor, within half a minute seven hours and 87 minutes. The calmly toward Harold B. Skinner, have been purchased at heavy sac= According to one reports a deci- she was already dead, 'her skull length of its deliberation, and the the foreman, and displayed no emo- lrificea. give movement against Kirk- Kilis- having been fractured. frequency of its. requests for exhi- tion whatever as Mr. Skinner pro- } The situation im Thrace is becom- seh began Monday evening, when - � - bits, together with an unmistakable nounced a few short words that ing clearer. A great battle is being cavalry and infantry, under cover 'NURSE GOES L \SAVE. sign of hot arguments in the jury- spelled his fate. The only sign of C' fought over a wide semi circular I of a heavy artillery fire, attacked '--- room; had led most of those who agitation, the only visible appear - front be°ore Adrianople, upon the town on two sides. The Bulgar- Attempts to Pour Carbolic Acid waited late at the Criminal Courts ante of shock, was a grayness that m4 inns have completely surrounded the nar- - which town the Bulgarians are gra- P Y .� Down Woman's Throat. building to believe that there would spread aver his dark face, y dually closing in. On the east they Kirk- Kilisaeh, which the tTurks re- ' be no agreement. So thai %when the rowing of the fierce eyes, and a have occupied Vasilika and Tirn- gard as of almost equal .importance A despatch from London, Ont., p blow finals fell on the defendant contraction of the muscles of the ovo, and are continuing their ad- with Adrianople. Its defence has say :Obsessed with the notion that ?' upon - • ': vanes southward, Mrs. William Ball- its force was all the more crushing. throat. Presently when he lifted been entrusted to Muktar Pasha, , of• 682 �'Y aterloo Becker's lawyers had grown more his right hand and _gave oath as to On the west the Bulgarians, ae- son of the Grand Vizier, and Hazim Street, had done her some imagin- confident as the hours s Beck- the facts of his age and circum- eording to official Sofia accounts, Pasha• ary injustice, Mrs. Rockford R. - =- - -- ='have reached the Ards, River, close Severe fighting is also reported in Nelson, her friend and neighbor, of er himself, chatting pleasantly with stances there was not a quiver o4 to Adrianople, which is being vin- the Strurna Valley. The Bulgarians 680 Waterloo Street, late on Fri- his wife, the Plitt brothers, and a the big arm, or a waver of a finger:: crously 'bombarded. Already the on Tuesday occupied impo day endeavored to force a dose of former reporter, Frederick H. Haw- He could answer the. formal ques- two outer forte have fallen. Some strategic points in Kresna Pass. carbolic ,acid down Mrs. Bali's ley, , who had testified in his behalf, tions put to him only in husky i* 'Positions to the north of Adrianople a Turks fled, abandoning muni- throat, and, failing, swallowed the was serenely confident that there tones, barely audible a few feet are also said to have been taken tions and'supplies. poison - herself.' Her death ensued could be no answer fro mthe jury- from where he stood- at the bar of after fighting of the severest char- - room save not guilty. the court. g 8 Servian Victories. - an hour later, while Mrs. Ball is in �r serer. a critical condition at Victoria Hog - ' It is significant that Wednesday A despatch from Belgrade says : ga pital to which she was removed. night's--Constantinople despatches lba. a yew bulk of butcher cows is claes Official announcement was made ... �pI�r QQ n� Q 45, but the bulk of she trade to thin crass Lave a lase confident tone than pre- here on Thursday night that the PIUU u V� �l�l1M PRODUCTS of stock was dons 'at 44 to 84.75, and the a { - ,-, lower grades at 83 to 83.75 per 100 lbs vious despatches from the Capital, Berviane have captured Novi Ba- """ Lambs sold at 46 to 46.25 and ewe sheep while then admit a heavy struggle, zar, Prestina, Kumanova, Kratova tls►oeTS FROM TNg Lil"ING TRAD4 at 83.75 per 100 ibe. Calves, 43 to 410 each, . in which both sides are showing the and Kotschana: Detachments of 66NTR4ta l AMLRICA. as to size and quality. Hogs. 49 per LOQ t lbs., weirbed o8 cars, •nd 4mill lots at utmost bravery. the Servian army entered Kumano- 89,25, while some very common stock only w Information concerning the Sion - va on Thursday afternoon after ►moss it oattle, oraln, ebaew •i-nit :lase brought 48.50• tenejgrin progress is meagre, but + annihilating the Turkish batteries. " Fmduoo as Nance and Abroad. '>f• - �� the Turkish authorities claim that The fighting around that town last ersaastutrs. KILLED DURING DEER HUNT. Scutari has been reinforced and is ed three days. Toronto, Oct. 29- Flour- Ontario wbeat safe. - The Turks Defeated. • grades, 90 er cent atents 4uated at 4 Farmer 'slain . When Companion Rift -in Balkan Concert. ,, to. $4.10. �oronw ' �tsni - acutr-"nn- _ P settled. Trips Over Stump. A t;alnnika despatch assgrts that- In an engagement Tuesday at n, Manitoba Wheat -No, i new Northern. 4 p sl! the Malissori tribes are offended be- ; Marasb, at the junction of the Mir- a 98c, Bay Ports; No. 2 at 96c•; and No. 3 at A despatch fetus Ottawa Bays : =4 -^+ + 94c. Bay ports. Feed wheat, 66 to 67" cause the Mon,tenegrin commanders itza and Arda Rivers, close to Ad ` Bay ports. Samuel Green, a farmer residing in 1. aov",,i p Y wheat, Ontario bea no. new w eproaanteddred j East Templeton. was accidentall . j are proclaiming the gnty of i nano le, the Bulgarians were at- � ..� P y Xing :Nicholas in the captured Al tacked b 3,000 Turks. After an ; to 850, de. shot and killed bn Arnold Frappier, r, hauls» t�wna. They demand that hour of heavy artillery and rifle fire 1' oats -No. 2 Ontario, 39 co coo. outside. �: clan of Templeton, a companion, �* a and 43 to 44c, on track. Toronto . -tin 3 while 'en a deer hunt near Ta: -Krug ?Nicholas give a guarantee the Turks were defeated and Pied in ! or Ontario$. 38 .to 370, outside. Western can - - that he evacuate Albanian territory disorder, leaving the field strewn y ada oats. 44 to 45a, on track, Toronto, for Lake, Gore Township, Wright and ape!irP autonomy fur Albania. with dead anal ounded.. The Bul- ! +: _ f No.e Nominal. morning. Q Acrdinq t Wednesday story ay p Y• Po tiozeaaquick-firers anted quantities of A� Corn-No. 8 gold a m rtcau,b 78112 -. vita or a P shooting, $o far they have received no sates' factory re i and 1t is re reed , ontstde. told Coroner Dr. Lester of Hull, that they are rPfuring to fight fur• I munitions. Man Turks drowned 1 �' I by eve tae s a of the e - y .p rail, Toronto, and �o. 3 at rat. - au•rajl, part' of five huntsmen were en- thar for the 3lonxenegrins, whose' No. 3. at Bay ports. 68c. P l themselves in the river because they t a Rye-76 to 77c for No. 8, onteide .. camped near Ta ae Lakr, Green and advance has been thereby checked believed the -Bulgarians massacred F '°� v e Buckwheat -66o, outside. About 1.000 Bulgarian prisoners g x max �r fix >' Bran = Manitoba -bran. 483, 1a -pass, To. Frappier, accompanied by the 0th - their prisoners �. ,� vy R ers, left cam early Wednegda 7�. ` of war have arrived in Constanti. "x _Drove Greeks Back. �� Bntee lD uy Country crohoce. 2e to 'rlo;' morP1<Q fiancee ai;P d of he others. flople, according . to a special des- .t,tn patch from the Turkish capital. ,1 deapatcii from Athens says : ew bakers , interior, za to zoo; choice daisy, Coming to a clearing, Green saw Greeks Capture Servia. Generai ?apountzakis, the Greek PRINT LESS JU TA. tube, 26c: creamery, z9 to 3oc for rolls. four deer and started to run, ealh- !' A despatch from Athens sacs command ®r, wires from Arta that and 2d to 280 for solids. in The Greeks have occupied the town throughout Wednesday from fighting at Crown Princess of Montenegro. Egg* -Case lots of now-laid, coo ,per K to Frappier to follow. The lat- iTi dosen": fresh, 27 to lac. ter started to ruia, but tripped over of Servia, and have also captured the Kamatsades defile was indeci- Cheese - 141.20 for large. and 14340 fir a stump, his term discharging as he f the bride over the River .�liak• - TORONTO MAN KILLED.. twins. a' R live, At night the Turks made a Bea ne -Hand• coked, "83 per bushel. fell. The bullet took effect in neon ale araaa , are y surer attack with s - —" primes. 42,90, in a jobbing way. Green's baokrkilling him instantly, loff the retreat of the''i'urks, Honey E:tracfed. In tins, a to 12c. Per - - perior forces and succeeded in driv- ._ o. Ib or .F •-- het�ala� Rubs- -i&6a- _ iagth`sf_- Bulgarian- bask two Greek battalions oc )),oak dear Cornwall: _ (43, wholesale. __�nL C_AII'Sgp DISASTES. A despatch from Sofia says: An cupying the defile, The engage- A despatch from Cornwall say- s:t'stock: rbiekens, 14 to 150 per lb.; fowl, '1 ment continued all night. Thrmas Knox, of Toranta, who lb. u to 12c: ducks a to' 151.20• geese, Fell From Ceiling Into Tray of r other Bulgarian army has invaded i 13c: turkeys, 21 to 24c, Livespoultry, about At Grimbovo the Turks were driv• joined the yacht Zara at Toronto' 2c Lower hat, the above. Sodium at Haile ba Platt. black time. along the shores jo y �. of the Black flea. After occupying en with great loss by a counter At on `t'edneeda • ' was electrocuted � �tswea- car lots. es to 9oa per bas, o0 file coast town of Vasilika the 5 u`ok' A despatch from Haile bur says y tack from the position they h,,rd rbest of the guard lock ast Mille Y y y a$? t • Ruches on Friday afternoon. The fProrrlslons. The cause of the explosion which captured Tirnovo, and are now ad- captured. The fighting t ontinilE•d P vancing southward upon the impor- on Turadav, during which the Turks voang•man climbed a pole in an ef- Bacon Long clear, is to 15 1.4c per lb., wrecked the Energite powder works killed. iri Ease lots. Pork -Abort cut,-$26 to 427 'on Wednesday was the dropping of ,'. tent town of Visa. lost seventy furl to ascertain "if the lock gates - � do., mere. 421.50 to 422. Home- Medium to g nail from the ceiling on to the 2 ever. that the _ y was instantly with the electric and he wiraess and roll Lard-Tierces, 111.20 tub 14b34ctn ails, y B P _.ABUSE OF COLD STORAGE. icipal Council. The found, how- backs. 21 to 211.20. b making a spark which flew from , = Hass Meeting to Be Held is Moat- t16e -municipality. They storm BRANTFORD PASSES B�- I,.I`V. <walsd hay and stray. p the �gamto a tray ng carried I o in try i car i teat Respecting Cost o[ Living. P by a boy and set it on fire: The clad , . Baled Hay -Noy 1 hay, 813 w 414, on ed the butchers'- st I alls, seized all track. Toronto; No. 2, 411 to $12. Mixed ; dropped the tray and ran, thereby - ;' _ despatch from Montreal says: the native- raised meat, trampled it A Majority ' of 236 Reeoraed In -hay is- quoted at 69-to $9.2& a ton on aaving his life, and the fire spread It was announced on Wednesday on the ground, and fought with the track. morning that plans are being pre -. butchers, who were trying to.pro• Favor of hydro. Baled Straw -Good— straw, 810 to 410.50 to a miring room adjoining and red for a mass meeting to be held �' g on track, Toronto. about five tons of• material was ex g tect it from destruction. The poi- A despatch from Brantford says: i zn the Monument, National or some ice were forced to close the market The ratepayers of this city on Fri- aAentroal Msrkets PI�� other large hall, the object of which to tit an end to the riot. Montreal, 0029 - Oats - Canadian west- } will be to draw the attention of the P day decided to adopt the Hydro- ern, No. z 541.2c: extra No. 1 feed, EMPIRE NATURALIZATION. Federal Government to the neees- Electric system of power,. the fin- a 1-2 to No, No. . local white, .4Msn oba city for immediate. action to reduce. FISHERY PROTECTION. al returns showing' a majority df fend, 61 to 62c; math • , 78 to 80c. Buck. Sir Edward Grey Plana to Make "'the cost of high living in the coon- 236 -in favor of .the scheme. wheat -No. 2,,74 to 75c. Flour - Manitoba g g Spring wheat patents, firsts. 85.80; sea 'New Canadian a Full Britisher. �try.generally, and in Montreal par- Government Has Ordered Two Fast 'l•- onds,-- 45.301 strong bakers', 8510: Winter ticularl Alderman Blumenthal Cruisers From Dublin Yard. OPENED NEW TROLLEY LI\E. patents, choice, a s, straight rollers, 4ed a despatch from London says: _ y• '3s to . ss: do., bates, 42.35 to $2 ao. Rolled The question . of the peculiar anom- _ declared on Wednesday that inves- A despatch from Ottawa says: In` Data- Barrel$,.,os; bass, 90 tba., 4 ?•�. a•lies of the naturalization laws was tigations which had been quietly 'Ciuiiskaminr Cofnlulscioners Rode Bran -ss3; shorts, 826 to 427; middlings. accordance with the Governments 428 to 430: mouillie, 430 to 535, Hay -No; raised in the Commons on Tuesday _ carried out lately by a 'number of lie of providing every necessary Over New Extension. - 2, per- ton, car lots, 413 to $ 23,50. ^nee$$ - those who are behind the proposi- means for P he protection q the fish- night, when sir F.dyvard Grey de- Finest s, 13 rto ?31.4 to 13.1.2 -: finest a P A despatch from Haileybur Eas ;erns, 13 to 131.2 -. Butter- pho�ceat I dared that persons naturalized in tion have disclosed extraordinary cries of Canada,' it is intended .1t'o P y eresmery, 291.2 to 293.4c; seconds, 281.4 to 'Canada did -1 of thus become -Bri-- t! says Chairman J, L'. E1iglehart., revelations in connection with the 281.2e. Eggs - Selected, 30 to .31c; 31e: No. z 'storage of food in the cad storage have constructed�at once two fast Commi:tsioner Fred Dane, T. and fish subjects in the strict sense of stock, 21 to 22c. ..Potatoes -Per bag, .oar plants of the city, "There d storage, vessels, to be used in the fishery N O: Railroad officials. -and guests .tots. 6s to 7oa the -term, they only being natural- he enough protection service. The contract from Haile •bury and New Liskeard, ized as within the limits of the Do- ~: food .in the co]d'storage houses and for these ships is believed to have 5 united_ states markets. minion.. Sir Edward said those in refrigerating plants of Montreal," P ran over the extension.of the Gnv Minneapolis, Oct. V9 Wheat: December, been awarded to the- �Duhlin Dork•, ernment trolls line on < <'ednesday s9c; 3ray, 943 -4c: Yn, d hard, 91t- ac;'vo. equalities had been recognized and :..-he said, "to feed the zchole Copula- yard Company of Dublin, at $261, from thin town to New Liskeard in 1 ti, r ?kern, 881.4 to 903.4c; No. ,2 do., st 14 � a measure will be introduced during �'. lion of Canada, for nix - months to 0Q0 • to 861.4c. Corn -No. 3 yellow 6s t, ts1.2c., s the first car operated over the •ex•. Oats -No, Z. whit4,. 30 to 31c.. Ry ?- INC. the present -session which will seek_I Come•'•' sF $13. I iorr- 1t. uniform lase for the whole. Em- - �_ _ tension. The completion of . this F to, at Bran- 81850 .o ; ' S:11iPhE First patetrts. 04.35 to 44.;5; second }at i i W'03[EN START FOOD RIOT: • GRAIN MARKrTS. line doubles the trolley system of cuts, $4,20 to 44.45; first clears, 83:0 is Pre _.._ _ themprth taken -over- soome- t-ilne 13 0 second aiea29= 1�atJ vo of hard BACK FROM THE tRETIC � - Tbev -Will Probably Be FstahlishPd by the Ontario Government. Duluth, Oct. _ - 90 3 4-: n. 1 Northern, 89 3.4c ; V o. 2 do., Requit 6 ,.German Butehers Re- Next d-- 873 -4c; October, 897Bc, nominal; i4 em- I - e` - Year at Two 1 oints, fusing to_Setl Imported'i[eat. A THREE - MILLION INDUSTRY her, 891.2c: May, 945.8c bid. Linseed, on Survey Partles Which Barked A despatch from Ottawa 'says : A track, 41.521 -2: -to arrive, 41.511 -2; Octo- alagka Boundary .I {efurn... A despatch from Berlin, V-ver ber, 41.511 -2 bid; November, 41.501.2; De- r - recommendation has been mnde to Welland the Location of Empire cemtier, 81.471.2; January, 31,473.4; May, many, says: Hundreds' o- � lin P A despatch from Ottawa says: t� l the Government by the Grain Com- 41so i•2. P housewives joined in a wild riot on Cotton Mills. The members of the Dominion Gov- , mission iior the establishment of the love Stook Market4. .Wednesday because the ou- tchers is ernment survey parties engaged all - sairlpe grain markets in the West, A despatch from Welland says: Toronto, Oct. 29,-- Cattle - Choice butcher, the municipal markets refused to summer between the Porcu•pine Riv- provided for under the .Grain Act Arrangements have been eomplet- $5.75 to 46,25; export, 46 to 46.25; goad ., handle meat imported• s4 as to re- of last session. The markets will medium, 45.40 to 45.60; common, 44 to 44.- er and 'the Arctic "Ocean, have' all ed for the location of the Empire duce the coat of living. The rya- 501 oowe, 43 to 45.25; bulls, 43 to 44,50: can. returned. It was stated, that the g• P be established at Fort William and Cotton mills here, which will be one hers, 41.60 to 42.00. Calves -Good veal, es cipal trouble oocurred in the Wed- work of determining the interns- , n. -.. .:: Winnipeg, probably in September of Welland's largest industries the- to 891 common, 83,50 to 46.00, stockers and ding District, which is entirely in- feeders- Steers, 350 to 1,050 lbe., at 83.25 to tional balindarp line' was dera •ed of next year. capital stock being three million Ilabited by working people, Hun- P g e5.7o; feeding buns, coo to 1,200 tbs„ at for several weeks by volcanic deist 'V dreds of women went to the Muni -. dollars. A site has been porches- Aso $2.75 to 4s0 HsQek -K90. fed rands waatterea from Mount Katmai. The eruption typal market there on Wednesday The Janes property, at King and ed in Ward One, the building p]hna Lambs -46,00 to 46.25 for the best. was also responsible fora five- P p' g p y g _._Toronto, was sold are being prepared, and a number Montreal, cots 2t.- choice steers cord at nlornln ha 1n to refit b the re- Yon a streets, g weeks delay of survey operntiona 86.25, good at 85.50 to 86, felt at 44,75 to duced rides settled on by the Mun• for a million and a quarter dollars. of contracts Lave already been let. $5.25, and common at $4 to laso per i6o engaged in at Glacier bay. .e� •Y.. .,s_:- ir.' .rF- ^,Y:_+ .. "�•,..,.,. a tr .�pr ,xa. a n�, :Yx> +a �'+3� -isle. M,w�:_�::. :wc -:�_,_ ,- :w,:- ww.,.s,.v .n,.�:.,! „__.. ~r,. >,- ..� -r.. a :w Y_.� .. _vr. ' & ..,n _... .,x,,�.�.1xk;,. a ..:.Eh -, x -. ! sir +d.�':...u..,_rc .- _.:fig?. -�L`: _ r• Lk..•. ktiyms <.sip:�.,t�F?rf!�5- _�i+a�"�:nS _...K?„1- 3ee?�*.,.v s_e'�.�t1ie9...".•�:'_4 „ ,,.mn+....,ie �..,. .. N. _ ..�,,�,� -a ,.+rr ^r^n- ... -s-,.a .-. ,., :¢�arxro .»;•=w .-'a, :',�,^-^ fr -s,..; P- .r;r„' -.�. ..moaF. <. a.c Wiz•',. ..x.,•wq;�v •rr•;.- .se ��•...'. d,. ^.s Prr�... ,�•e ,,.,.w..- ...•,,.» ,. �, ,, - ti:^. -. < `r :` .�,./.d -r :'?7.'s'p` »"tla,°!`” ;'`.. �..., '�s'�•'i;„, . S ,+"°„"'�. '4.�;d .,•�+. s- .. w'F,. „r, a"1.'.;�... `+ -.`,r. :'�✓"*w. .L. r,a.y ,.,y "'°.T''.'` ar x` .. . 1, ..... p. , _: .. ..'... -•.'2 •.. • :w: .... rA "..: - ' ♦ - .4. rt+ra .ii•."�s, " C'♦W , ,'.'.q `` tmY�' .tb^ F . �_, t. +4.. '- . " c y - • • . a r wr�� degree of fairness in this stigp�- FARM FOR BALE } + �swam.a...�rtia.7mosotns. tics as farmer can hardly be ask- — r r x rYlolusloa. oat. ed to build roads to be destroyed Tsavasas an invited by the under- 7, THANKSGIVING — siggnIIed up to one o'clock pp. m. on F�iTZS or AD V�TISMG : by the autoist. Thursdav, November Slat,191l. for the Firstimeation parting - 30 0=16 purchase of the north half of lot S in , �a•b aub•egaeat saerrt,on, or lire • a *eats the 4ch concession o! the Township o[ TLie use dc.. not inomds Ines l or Foreign A young man near Guelph had - -' _ advertir•m•nts. Pickering In the County of Ontario -, -. -- -- -- _ -- --- • --- Special terms given to partiea making eon- a narrow- escape from, death on excepting ppesrrt thereof to the extent - Fruits - `� Nuts : Groe�riee 1 raoa fox or a months or try the yew. 8aJ! Thanksgiving Day, and as a result of tweet five acres, and described ae T•arl7 air 7•orll oontraota payable gaarterl►. g y Badaew oa:de ,ten lines or nad•r, with pa lollovlb, commencing at the north NEW DATES, NEW FIGS, ' ens 7ear, sa 00. payable in advance. o escape he can poiat to one west angle of said lot, then north 74 41 stl2lottoein local oolamas ten cents per line, thing for which he should always degrees east live chains and 81 links, ; CRANBERRIVA, d five *ease per line *"a sub"vient insertion. s eonttaot rat" -ads known on applioa- feel extremely thankful. While then south la degrees east 47 chains tifoa, Ito t:w aarerts. ing, and 6 lialix then south 71 degrees west j li Advertisements wtthoat written instsaedons engaged plowing a stray bullet g chains and 81 links to the western Filberts A1mOIIde wW be inserted until forbidden and ebaraed ra ooediwly. ordsatos disooatioaingaavatise- passed throuph the rim of his hat, boundary of the said lot, then north i - mente must be in writing and seat to the pub- but other than a • slight hol ltl degrees west 47 chains 6 links to j the place of beginning. The lands on ,.Walnuts, _COO utsl 1 Job Work promptly attended ta,- through the hat no damage waa which there is a barn are of good - T>iraacs done. The incident does not quality, and nearly all cultivable. The 11.26 per year ; 61.00 if paid in advanos. prove that farming is a hazardous highest or any tender may not be 6nbaoripetoaetoth e'UnitedStates.i1.60 accepted. BaIISII81s, :,.Oranges, ''LBV10II8, vlow is adlaace _ occupationjor there is no more EDWIN R. ROGERS, • ' healthy occupation than that of Inspector of Prisons and • JOHN MURKAR, 1'iOpfl @tole tilling he soil and reaping the Public Charities :NeW Table Raisins. . g , p g Parliament Buildings, Toronto v harvest, and it is to be' regretted b T Toronto, Oct. 60th, 1911 NOT" AND COMMENTS that so many young men forsake CELERY, SPANISH ONIONS, CABBAGE. .The sanguinary war that is be- the farm to,enter.some other occu. Flour and Feed -The Best Groceries All .the Time ing waged is the Balkans is at- patios that is more congenial to :.. trg wag the attention of the them and in which they think at Cherr9W0od Station y ` they can make a living in some _ whole world. The reason of this Bran, Shorts, whole, crushed A chop- RICHARDSON'S � .• easier way than that followed by ped Oaf whole and chopped Wheat, interest that is being manifested their fathers. But the incident dried Brewers Grain, Colwell's Molas- kf _is partly due to the sympathy felt, sea Meal, Oil Cake, Hlachford's Call for the Balkan States, and for the proves thatallthefools is the world Meal, Bibby's Cream Equivalent, Stan- -.. baps not yet been killed off. One dard Chemical Charcoal, Cream of the - hatred that exists towards Turkey West and Monarch Flour, Crushed COLD WEATHER of the most dangerous characters _ whose ast_•ocities inflicted on Oyster Shell, etc. that a person can meet is the one � Christians has created such indig- T}�.O]"3'LtR,B R9l1130= . _ ' (�'� Q ��= C3- ttstion among other natioae. one who carries a fire-arm. which - - he takes for granted is not loaded, O _- .Another reason for the interest and handles in a most careless Stove pipes, elbows, stove pipe wire, stove: blacking, i. shown is the fact that the present manner. Or it may be a person Stove brushes, ash sifters, and coal bode. Floor oil- war may be the prelude to a en- BARD AND SOFT y p g tray go out hunting with a mod- cloth, oil cloth binding and.tacks, horse blankets, halt- Feral war throughout Europe i The Standard Fuel Co.. Ltd, Which all the great powers of ern tide which has the power to ere, and cow chains. carry a bullet for a mile or two Cherrywood Station C. N. R. Europe, including Britain, may 7 The nails any bite for 25c. participate. In the event of ing- with deadly effect, and such a rsoa may discharge a that fire- Mondays, Wednesdays and Our groceries are the freshest. l being forced into the conflict, iri Fridays only.. Canada also will become involved. arm at some bird or wild animal v ���. =�$orr GEORGE PHILIP, BROUGHAM This turn of events is not at all without taking even a moment's improbable as England is one of thought as to inhere the bullet Phone, Mark. 5020 '" 'the chief parties to the Berlin may light. A person may fire ten PEEL' t� HOE t STORE G thousand bullets at random, with- o You Realize s s treaty, in Beaconsfield's -time, and _ out causing the loss of any life, the mono you can make selling fruit as a result, Britain nay, in order y y q �T 1Q r m • to defend her honor, be compelled but he map lire only one shot cress Tile present demand for our- YW H 1 1 take part in which might accidentally strike a 8eiy ockb eineee greatest the revs B' to La Pa the conflict tore f the y person Should it reach thin stage, the war person a m11e distant. Too great who has land is planting or preparing - mould become one of the greatest care cannot be exercised in the to plant. } - in the bandling of a gun. Many a We Wa•t Now BOOt9 and Shoes of every description at the very low ®8� in history. - s for Fall and C4 inter months a reliable O Slble rites. boy may be seen carrying a gun P P " ' a•h0 should never be allowed to man to sell in Pickering and surround- Local option will be as live an ing district. Good pay. exclusive terra- ` issue at the forth - coming electiens have 'one, loaded or unloaded, in tory Fed all the advantages in repre• A Call 18 respectfully 901101ted his hands. The lave in this lnatter seating an old established firm. Over jt 1s a pleasure to shoal &ds. as ever. The probability is that am acres in cultivaticn. Established p g _ _..._. r voting on the question will take Ii very explicit and strict, but is 35 years. Write PELHAM , NUR- _ - _ - place in over seventy municipali. not enforced as it should be. Only EERY, CO., Toronto, Ontario, �t T r� D t' ties, including 1 city, 18 towns, 20 those of a certain age are allowed, ti . PEEL, - Brock Street, - ��l JL LT X villages and 54 townships. Among by law, to buy fire -arms and am- s' the larger places to vote are Peter mnnitioa, but very few are fame• G a A C7CT'hRi,t boro, Lindsay, Carleton Place, liar with that law, and as a result 0_ 33. 333V2 C3' r Clinton, Oshawa. Whitby, Pem- we believe that the sale of these - brooks, Petrolia and Sarnia. Moet goods are made indiscriminately. Hard and Threshing Coal, now is Hie to offer 5: ��,, lismd at yard at Greenburn A good assortment of Good Furni- of the places in which the contest station. Call and get * r"F'" cure, delivered promptIT and - - - - -- ill Lake a have voted u Ex.Lleut+- Becker was sentenced 1 -- - - -- - __ ie - -good eondisit" t - _ --the question before, bat -in a coati- todeath in conneetion with the prI s. - -- ; : See Gar Fumed Oak Suites murdeF of the gambler Rosenthal. W M -G I B S O N 1' 1 with brush brass trimmings, Sum- piderable number of places the - 1 r, y mer Furniture. Rattan Chairs, Y ---=- gnestion is up for .the first time. - _- 4REENBUR , ONT. _ f A striking feature of campaign lei =lvssa Ldnst�Ksselsettrte. Veranda Chairs and Tables, the fewness ik of•the o Is, Cam s'- and -Deli tzp tresee� -- ' peal contests. _ GRAND TRANS Last year, out of 178 places where OR SALE-Threshing outfit cheap. • : l repeal contests were able, not- F apply so ALBERT HAWKING, H;rl &ad Only line reaching all Summer t! 1 Resorts in Highlands, of Ontario Careful attention given to Embalming,and Funeral Work. - ing took place in only 15, and in SALE-Oze sow and seven including - Phone might or day -Bell or Independent. no case was tas repeal accomplish- X' yo ung pigs, a weeks old. apply to HEN ed. This year repeal is possible RHEA, lot 19. can . t. Pickering, Brougham P o. LAKE OF BAYS Flowers for Funeral Purposes at city prices. in 240 cases, but it is not likely HOUSE TO RENT -In- the village ALGONQUIN PARK lthat an attempt to repeal will be ct Ptokartni. Possession given on oat. MAGANETAWAN RIVER P pe late For t=.4 information apply at this made in more than 10 per cent. in. offi`e. - ma FRENCH RihV�ER CIS � , �' BURLING lcludiog Galt, Orangeville and L�OR SALE -House and lot situated TEMAGA ' 8trathroy. The contests promise 1 ou Brock et„ Claremont, opposite the KAWARTHA LAKES ;pICKERING, OI]ta' Methodist church. For particulars appl to Full Summer Service now in effect to be hot as both forces, profiting W, J, osEOO, North Claremont ale to, all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated fold- • WW . by past experience, have better FARM TO RENT -100 Acre Farm, `'organization than ever, just outside limits of Town of Oshawa, " Excellent soil. • Plowing after present crop, - full possession April rat, 1915, Apply to 0, D. The owners of autos have a CONANT.Oshawa, 314f great grievance against the farm- FOR SALE PRIVATELY- House - ers of this country. This grievance y g hold effects including, furniture, delfware. etoysa, bedding, ere„ also one-first class organ, ^ relates'to the bad condition of the ♦ ply immediately as we are vacating premises', county roads. The y present state s usesPickering. FINDLAY, Simcoe a tf Point of many Of these roads makes it - LOST -On Monday Thanksgiving impossible for them to make good Day, between Alba and Brougham. or be-' time when travelling from one tween Brougbam and Pickering, s brown lea ther suit case, coatateing some ladies' wearing town to another. In many cases appsael and towels marked "Cormack." . The Hader will be rewarded by leavingg the same the can make s,8 y y good time b at the post office, Brougham, or Newe office, Pickering. s taking a G. T. R. express, but of _ - - course this is inconvenient. -It is E ARM TO RENT -Being south . _ parts of lots Sand 6, B. F. cou., Pickering, a well-known fact that the coun- and consisting of 100 acres more or lose, On the promises are alargge brick house, fair sia8r try roads are worse now than they bsza *etch stone stabling, end driving sbea, have been for many years, and Soil a rich clay loam.io a good state of cultiva- Lion, Fs— adjoins Lake Ontario. For further one reaeoli fur this is rile presence _ innienfa ap ly to H. W, POWELL, .tbrae_h- rs er, Pickering, , O. 45.tf of so many autos. One auto go- _._. lug at the rate of 35 or 40 miles an 60 YEARS' fEXPER1ENCf8 hour can cause mush more wear --- �- '' and tear to a road than a ecore of farm vehicles. If autoists wish to ! • have better roads than we have at present let them build some for TRADC MARK* - - their own exclusive' use; or let DEsicns them by some means or other C rd de, i* f Ad Annen•sending a end man Resist the farmer to build and r opin free w et h gnlckl ascertain our oPlninn free w ether as favent3on to Probst,ly pstentah} mmanl°a. tionssuietl eoneet, -L NANDD�O onPstsnta maintain roads that are used more mom Tree. direst ncyL� for .ecnrin eta. 1by them thin by the farmer. It sp cueaA w0ltbout"arae°in the l� �'• llas been suggested that the gov- Q-� n�C��,ie " - ernment build and WILintain the a dsomelvtnustratedweetry Luvestcu- leading roads while the .feeders or utO° of inn ectenatao joaraAl. Teams roc a 7MG D�ae pe'eTV4 6okd br ere to any Grand Trunk Agent. Homeseekers' Excursions July 9 and 23 Augmt'6 to 30 ' September 3 and I? " Viii Sarnia or Cbicago. Winnipeg and return - $34.00 Edmonton and return - $42.00 Tickets good for 60 days. `NO CHANGE OF CARS S ecial train will leave Toronto at 10.30 p. m. on above dates, via Chi- cago and St. Paul•, carrying- through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing cars. The Grand Trunk Paciflc Railway Is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg-Saekatoon- Edmonton. New Feast Express Service between Winnipeg •tnd Regina. Smooth roadbed, Ele -tric_ lighted Sleeping Care, Superb Dining Car-Secvlc8- Lv. Winnipeg, 8.45 a:m. 8:00 p.m: Ar, Yorkton, • 7.10 p.m. 9.30 a,m. Ar. Canora, 8,30 p.m, 11.45 a.m. Ar. Reggina, •10.00 p,m. 7,00 a.m, Ar, Saskatoon, 8.18 a.m. Ar. Edmonton, "' 9.00 P.M. UPPER LAKE SAILING S .° Sailings from Sarnia for Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur 3.30 p.m., Monde,ys, Wednesdays and Satur- days. Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full information, or write A. E. DUFF, D•: P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Otit. FRED ALLEN, G.T.R. Agent, Pickering less important highways be looked seeee, ��w [A-CtS 5 C Sweet t0 Ira There is , a F, wadhmston, a. after by the firmer., _. T olawd �'�' T, nkdw., ?$¢:b:". "ti?x ..ern r�ia+ ''.Ht M;-::... : „n #r; i 3c•: e1S:e. i .+aE. vni... '.�.,_a..,. 1..: N.,: ,. - --- - , o... 7'.­ I - THE DOMINION BANK SIR somu"o 0. pale R, M.P., PRRSID[NT, W. D. MATTMLw*, VIOa.PItP*rngeT. C. A. e00ERT, General Manapr. Capital paid up, *4.700,000. Reserve Fund e6,Toopoo. Total Aseeq *70.000',000 •IsANKING BY MAIL is a great convenience to those living.at a distance. -' Deposits may be made, . money' withdrawn, and other banking business transacted, by mail without delay. Full information maybe obtaiued•by writing the Manager. WHITBY BRANCH; • • ' - ' A. A. ATKIN80N, Milm%W. 1 %�. /_\ I% I� .I� J i ( ” —An ,:- • OF]MIC4V TORONTO THE1 business man 'who has customers in various' parts of Canada of elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts,. etc. r,s PICKERING BRANCH, IL W. GORDON, Massager. ® Min Branch also at Whhb7. ' 1 � y.,c 7cYYa4:. m z'.:•y: .'•.' x,,,.: ra,ak^. :'.Y � �`• r..l' ". U.q!'[= ,i. F 1 .W . `$.v yj.. .'.R .. . ti[... .1'.. xr . F -1�MW + .vAki •1• leh' d . - ,.: .ti•.! ., _ :.r • ze� •.emu- .++7- h- ..w..,. r . -. e,,.o. c •s +.. ': � s. ?•;asr' '-i.. -n � u '- .�'TS,v'raeJ, ''"•"•,r��.'..,ys ... ' n .. m <r •.. ` :. � � .. .. -. �h.5., � 'L�; ?�c e. ''..�:;�'b„`"`.`,t�;+y'.• ;.��' .,'.� ��'"..' �.•.� r .... -. ^- ..:�`g'•, �' `.t' -. i . -,'�." �,,." ",v ,x "�d7;�'''- ,`Y"`r.� :" ^r, — "� -Y'`. :�. ' .2, . ,. ,; Y'h ., a.; .._.., �.'Y .., Y. ..,.,. :� .••�".. :. ..,.,,..,. r .>�t '. "..t�. `g Zv�' '?'� -o.. .9a. s- �.r- .a. �x'_..-- �++T..,�..° .,z+i i�`':�`} '£•a ���' <w^ a ...•b. .• ' : - ! -. . .. ro' ' : -. .a.l . a' .► -.'. : i � J'S, 'T' : �, .•/ "..+ W • »4. .. w-.-7 � �' 'II7^ ..•;.. -i.�*w . • i •. - y.. ,. ..� -- `� . -r+,!' "J�^Z ,.'fv ... :_'.',. ,, :+... J 4 i .. - J :;,1,^' •'FF, i +'..+ x' °'+"?. :.. ..x ,':: .,.q „�."', _ •r:. .!' v' ,'. ,.. .,.`.r:• dun.. _�.. .O,r •'� °Sea • , CLARe:MOMT. Mr. and litre. Strausser, of Sear- Mrs. Thomas Paterson hits been forth. spent Thanksgiving is Ohre- laid up during the past week with,,, ' ! 1 ICHARDSON Miss Morrison, of Toronto, ie,the , �; guest of Mies Sadler. mont with t6e>;r son, George. an attack of g ppe. Cleo.. H. and Mrs. Samis were is John Farmer, o! Toronto, spent Dr. C. J. Brodie spent the holy; _. _ Toronto over Sunday. Thanksgiving at the home of his day in Woodstock with his bra - ,Iasportaatebowing oEisaest display of Will J. Scott, of Richmond Hill, Parente, Fred and Mrs. Farmer. that, Dr. Gen. M. Brodie. - th1e1. s visited irien� ere last week. A few of our sports too; in the Miss Maud Beal, of Toronto, very �:e wsostment of �q games at Uxbridge on Thanks - e • Stationary. Books, Dolls, Toys, Jurti Charles HawYb, of Orono, spent giving Da g Pent Thanksgiving Dap at the Sunda with friends in Claremont. B 8 y and report a Rood time. home of her parents here. seoeieed toe the Holiday tirade. Gall . Dr. R. L. Graham, dentist, will Mrs. Wm. Walford. o Toronto, Dr. Ira Freel, of Stouffville, is -- -'sad sus; K be here as nenai on Wednesday is openeiin a fe-w da s with her at present in New York City, en : - -- SuNwiptione Taken for a[1 Kagaable s, - �^ next. * parents, Nomas and Mrs. Gibbons.- gaged dnrhw November, in elin- - J. R. and Mrs. Thexton, of To. Wellington Pearson, of the To• ical work at the Poet Graduate Weekly and Dally Newspspesel ronto,- visited J. H. and Mrs. Beal ronto Street Railway, spent one Hospital: The doctor expects to on Sunday. y again des last week at his home in Clare- be in his office a ain on December Albe, Mrs. Pugh visited at wont. first. Mrs. Borland Sr. of Toronto ac- Wm. a' re. Hill's on Thanks- 8=OC]dg 8t=oe� tb� i giving compaaie:d by her two rilughtera VIMY BADLY MOMD VP .. = `� Ray Rumo4r, of Bradford, spent spent the holiday with her eon, — r. the holidays at the. home of his J. G. . y J G Borland The make-9 man in a rural weekly P George egad . Mrs. ,Richardson a foetnRhtoagffioca aa� f min ed up items Nour U It! mate •Ch01ce K 1` spent Thanksgiving. wtth.relatives reporting an auction sale and a wed- in�Green River. gAYE� FRO ding ceremony, The description ran - »x• as follows : You may not buy an engine this year. You .may decide that your - Miss Emma Brodie, of Toronto, "William Blank, the only son of resent Se rator will do for another season. spent the holiday at the -home of y p her parents here. Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Blank, was _ Like many present owners of Misses McGlashan and Mr-P. AN PERATI ON disposed of at public auction to Mar- The <I� Lacks spent the week end with _ ret Dash, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. x �� Lackey pe - Theodore Asian, i the es lot 14, = a' ' 'the Misses Hamilton. sixth concession, in the reseace of . Miss Irene Forsyth of PeterboroI Ml's. Reed OE P� eighty guests, including two mules spent the holidays at the home of Escaped and nine head of horned cattle. Rev, ' , -.her grandinuther, _Mrs. D. For- - s � J. Binks tied the nuptial knot, averag- -CREAM SEPARATORS n - syth, of North Claremont. n tl Tr►lllfe, ing 1.200 lbs on the hoof, The beautiful home of the bride was Fred Madill returned the other You may be even be persuaded to try two or three other makes tae- ` -- �-- -- --- tastefully decorated with one _set oP -;day from the west and spent a few .. y fore you finally get an Empire, But the Empire is the U TIMAT'Z- - z,. Peoria, I1L- I wish to let every one double harness, nearly new : before -a,• 7. days at his home here before re- knowwh .tLyeiia&pinkham'sVegetsbte the ceremony Mendelsaohn'e Wedding machine. No other will fully satisfy you so long as you know there 06 auming his studies in Toronto. Compe,� has done March was given softly by twenty ia'a better machine -an Empire -on the market. Our sports who remained at home for me. Fortwoyeare one ffve- vase -oId mirii cows, looking Sooner or later you'll realize the truth of what we are tellingg you now. Per. on Monday enjoyed themselves on I suffered• The doe,, perfectly charming is a light spring haps you would realize it sooner if you were to read our booklet? Perhaps ' Mr. Lea is bowling J. J. tor wagon top buggy open buggy and 1� Pe R green, ,.,,` wbeelbarrow. you would like the Empire to demonstrate its superiority in your own home P .4 1 ' HarYey's side wiening by one shot. and the only remedy The groom is a well -known young a card orl lett�er.PrYouawill receive our booklet on your rofitable dairying by The Presbyterian pulpit will be was the surgeons man po ular to society circles of about oven fed nest 9flnda b Rev. W. '@s p return mail. Address , P yy yy knife- My moth" thirty eight Berkshire hogs, while the Rice, of Ashburn, Mr. �Yood tak• bought me Lydia E. bride is an accomplished and talent• ir® Cream Separator Co. Of Canada, ing his work on the Ashburn Pinkbam's VW*ta- ed teacher of a splendid drove of Po- p p sta Ltd, Toronto charg ®. We Compound, and land Chins shoats, pedigrees furnished ,$old in Pickering Township Luther Bowes, station agent on today 1 am a w9V and If desired. g P by - - the C. P. R., at Peterboro, is tak- y Among the man resents were ing a much needed rest at the m�n hs II �e� one hundred bushels of potatoes, one Howard E. Turner, Agent, Whitevale 4" home of his motherylirs. Joseph lrom inllammation, and your Sanative drag - harrow, hay fork, rope and pul- ;Readman. Wash relieved me. I am lad to tell toys, alto other articles too numerous � r- a Miss Gertie Wright and two 6 to mention. r r g anyone -what your medicines have done The bridaleouple left on yesterday Shorthand �dC�e FiaB� Y • brothers, Harold and Clifford, of for me. You can use my testimonial m morning's boat on an extended trip. Green River, spent Sunday with any way you wish, and I will be Sled six months on approved joint notes. BA IMMMl col! -' ltheir grand pore rats, James and to mower letters, " - Mrs. Cmun=A Four per cent, off for cast. If such evidence as the following ex. Tobaccos, pipes and smokers a tracts from letters and other equally "sundries. Central office Bell ; - M Allies Lawson. Pearson, of Toronto, �' 106 Mound St., Peoria, UL strong testimony contained in our , • Telephone Co, gency for $jam, Imicb Abo Av9u"^ _ booklet. is not suffice nt t aaY : Rolston %auAadrp.i rated by iser riend, 34i #ss: Operation. _ot: �dresse -s tuna= peseoo desirous oflei=nig e� bort -and. CLAREMONT. ONTARIO Crawford, spent the holiday here ., Jeeaa Pa - „Alter the birth eyt my star demonstration in Madison then there can be no merit in any buss -:; fat the home of her parents, Thos. p, pare Garden. mess under the sun and Mrs. Pearson. fourth child, I had severe organic lnflam- 11 OTERLAND PPe y' DEaR DtEA. Czax�t�- it Is a leg R- P. and Mrs. Ho r, of West that I . I world have sarh a gh I paid p that !t •did not seem as though I scald Rev. Dr. A. T. Sower$ declin• sure to write a. testimonial. endorsing Toronto, Robert Hopper and Ms- stand it This kept up for three long ed to reconsider his resignation as anything so much superior to other 'ter, of Victoria Square and Frank, man” until two doctors decided that pastor of College Street Bwptiet things used for the same -our se a8 -- - 'Williamson, Cashel, spentthe holi- church, Toronto. yyour system of Eclectic Shorthand is des with D. Hopper, an, operation was needed: to others I have examieed. I shall �+ y Thesnan*of my friendsreeommended The Bulgarians defeated the be leased to reply to an communi- Sam. and Mrs. Ste henson left p P F F. _���pp Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Turks after two days' fighting, cation that may be sent me with re. �+ oa Wednesday for West Toronto 3' ' g g• ~Junction, where Mr. Stephenson aftartaksm�lt for two moothe ca turins[ Lule Bur as. The Turks terence to the system; or to have rn p P g one Interested call to see me, " -L. K. has secured s pion at his trade, was •wail woman. -Mrs. Josses A. retreated in disorder. Fos' I'`ALLIH, 477 Parliament Sr., iteacber.l that of carriage inter. LxxCa. Jessup, Pa. OVCRWNO MOOLI,'y9 T „. g Women wbo suffer from female His Our Fall' ao3'1'Vinter Term com- The Thanksgiving Bible Stu- Little Girl from the City (seeing menced September 6th but students «i i should try Lydia E. Pinkham s V. *'&- 1p18 Module now on..view.. Better desnt's Cuovent oo st the home of wxi�. freckled country child for the flrdt map enroll, any day, as Instruction is bls Ceram one of the most sae:eees. -Miss Ruth Gregg during the pest time) -Oh, mamma, come quick strictly personal. than ever ini remedies the world has ewer known, week was well attended and much and look at the little boy. He'e Write en calf for tree booklet, .r 30 H. P., 5 Pass. $1850. 45 H. P., earnestness shown b thoseattend• before submitting to a sargieal open- all rusting!-Judge ' ap y :bra. Clarke a Shorthand' College tug- v. Caleb Harris, of Uxbridge, . - - 6e5 College St.. Oct. Manning Ave. 5 Paso• and g all fully equip- will conduct the anntversary set. TORONTO. pad and guaranteed. De- ia the Baptist ehtrre:h here - -livered Toronto. - -- w ion Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Grant F O R 00D.-SPORT g _ _ . ea .p .. w • will take Mr. Harris' services in' „ 3 Also Gramm Trucks. rford Motor i 'Uxbridge on that day. GO TO — — __._, _ - - - -_- _ - -. 'have returned home after spend. -- - -- ! i , ”" , 8W�98I an a e8 y 15u The Best Door Hunting aronads in Canada fn a week near BobcayReon, q , R R o d; 53 t0 68 Adelaide St.. West. where they had good success duck- Along the lines of the — $ , Z iR ,5 ea ii sy O • -e shooting. They report the -wear lg g+K+ogebee �m T O R ONTO ther as being very wet and die- Ontario ' Ra,�1Wa - '� �i 6 "M 0 �g : ° y" Nor-them 0 �� g . Mr. and Mrs. Combs, of Toronto, Single Fare for the Round Trip. o .. b ' O _ wotored to Claremont on Saturday _ evening nd spent Sunda with �p Bay, MaRanetewan River, Bolger Lake, Satines. Shawanaga River, - e !3 ; oa ago �e g y Deep Late and all the well know4 Northern hunting centres, 11 ° pi Feb „a All kinds► i t rough pine hemlock. k, 1 and S loyal They mother, re hart the ads W. - ° . �..I m r In sidin we -have Manitoba, ' drop. McKay, returnln home on •Mon- . _ : g e ' w runowtck and Inch the ress y, Ii' To Pointe on the M� ! N and feather edged. , bad CA]St2'A,1 C�3Zt8.S10 1?.l��l'DCT416 „ n In shingles -New B being very rr • ° la.yi hl a British Columbia. The usual union Thanksgiving North of Millbridge to Coe Hill, Devil's Lake, Gunter Lake and Papineau e' i Ins-0 e .^ In read roofing-Montreal and y 12 miles east of Maynooth Special Fa:rea g It .fl • 11. m a owl Jnlyl - ready make. • service was held in the .Preab ter- Lake, , . .. �x tan church on Monday niorniag GOOD GOING OCTOBER 17TH TO .NUVE�iF3Eft 9Te e C ° ��i saps '♦ ,. the • !g fl n .. �,� Oct. . w~ -.W. D. GORDON & SON, ar most acceptably. bout The e..l _ _ Pickering, Oat - .usual number. Rev. J. .A, Grant ,. _valid to return until the end of the hunting season. •- g ° � .. l 'preached P Special Seratce to All Hunting Camps on the collection amounting to $4.60 was - JannuT 1913 - Whitby 13, Oshawa It, Brougham 'Aevotedto the --Lord's Day -•Alli- s ts, sore Perq 17, Uxbridge 10, Oanaiaatoa 9, `1C8. ' Canadian •Northern Ontario Railway.. Sleeping ..•- • Bwverton e, vptergmve 7 The concert in the Masonic Hall and Dining Cara. 9 on Thanksgiving night Krwas- fairly Apply to the Sportema'n's Informalion Bureau of. the Canadian Northern Still in Busmen "- - well attended. The program was Ontario Railway, 88 King Street, East, Toronto, or to any, C. N, O, 1 - "weU receive d, each one doing liis Railway agent for booklets and all information. - And prepared to do all kinds of } - ,or her part well. The beau tifui- ;�: toned Dominion . piAno furnished Welodwork Repairing and by R: A. Fleming, of Markham, e _ Of all materials and design did much to enhance the pleasure Tire Setting. _ P iept in stock. It will pay yon of the program and elicited favor. 11 i m O� O to call at oar works std'inspeoi otir afoot able comment. a h.J bud obtain prioeu. Don't be misled by X71 The community received a very -' SPECIALTY IN HORSESHOEINe3 agents we do not employ them, oonttegnent■ e- during the -_ - - ly we can, and do $brow off the agent ti 2ry daysof this week 'when it , Ind. phone, No. 302, Claremont commission of 10 per oeut., which you Will +� LADY S APPE ARAN CE elert.inly save by purchasing from �., e known that Miss Ferguson n Q M' 'p had given up her-position in the tT�JHN �iCG.L1iATN ealleoliedted. �� .'-school. The trustees -should be Have you- ever rcreogsized how much righ appearance depends upon right WHITBY GRANITE CO., >' assured that Miss Ferguson's work Millinery ? As stated in our. opening advt., we nave never before gone to so CLAREMONT, ONT. nabs, Whitby, Ontario, has Raven such an ratified satin- true as we have this season. s4 — - - -- _faction_ n they ungratt that no , much trouble to have our statement because upon it largely depends g The hat is the first thin to be looked at, community v;,,- tether you shall be considered well dressed or not. • We say come and see E. w. EVANS, " effort should be spared to secure= -a _ r hate Every fiat wont suit you. We can orate the hat to become you. The Pickering •continuance of her services.. - - -- - - - - -- On Friday evening last, Rev. �iigilarice Committee Pump Manufacturer W. R. Wood gave his lecture on .. _ NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER Shop and Residence, Dundas $t -Pastor Russell and his Bible. The hall was crowded to the doors. D. & A. Corsets.50c, 75c and 1.00 Men a Sweater Coats, The ob act of this Association is to All who knew Mr. Wood expected y, Ri ate WHITBY, ONT:' Under Vesta. ` Bo s' Sweater Coats, g Hosier 1 en's Shirts and Drawers, t thenfelonePro lea doors wee of Whitby-House ten a sec that be would go into his subject _ _ Sweaters Boy 'a Shirts sad" Drawers - t thoroughly, which he card 1n a Ladies'. Men's, Boya', mbers having o ri: stolen QommaDi• ; . �'• Girl's Boats Shoes and Rubber Rubbers. g Pe `:•• m ;masterly manner whi h left no _ oats Immediately with any Member t room for criticism. • the lecture See the above values before purchasing. Our prices are always rock bottom. of Executive committee, We are prepared to instal wood or iron Ha*e you tried a pair of -our Overalls; the best for the pumps on short notice, alga attend. -, was a spplendid effort and was money in the country. Mombership fee - 11.00. to all kinds of repairing. V listened'to with rapt attention. T+tot tstmaT beh&d.br=Ahe_preataent His arguments, which were very Tobaccos,' Cigsws, 4 " Groceries -Beat in the market, 8�ytsrq on application. - -Agent for the Ontario -Wind Mill, - t` lucid, made a deep impression on Bull Durham Tobacco, I Always fresh and sanitary !also gasoline engines and his hearers. A volunteer choir Zig -ZRg Cigarette Pa r " Our 26c Brack and Mixed Blend Tea Exec. Cum• —L. O. Brinks, the agate gear ^T rendered soar selections daring The above linel are always frereah. f equal to any 40c package Tea. W, V. Richardson, Pickering, Ontl the evening.- The proceeds of the "��e 1 ,,t� y�-� 1 A Ot�ioeln0r: Arthur Jefl're-: M�p���T CREAM sEPAR.�TOI� ,VUver eollectlon amounted to $15. D. SIM ]?SON � resident. seeretary Phone PIC.L�I►-LJRI'1 (I p ho No 50 at :residence r, 7. s. �, �... "• ... '. '.. .:' ,'' -,. : .. _.-%s r:.•, -! F „a,�, 'i; nk” � r-F:� .�art�rgt'yrt, -,,. �:.�y � �. .n,�,... *. a, •' „'. •':'. ,..,.;: :.., �. -.... . 1. a .« ' r?. -..n ' .. Co., 9 .; .. v . -xl:- ! 'nNO.0 -fir xi1 m. 't?-i' ' :1+� $. ,9 +?`"�t� .�� •'!Ab.. �y�. N" �6a;'•'�• ". ,ad.4v_.n?e.d� $r,+.�- .asRt�'. ._.;:n.su. !a v.n.r,.�s.,^.p'b � ... .,,,. _. ,.:ry:.,.a.- .�:+,c•.,,....w,, .. u. . raF ,w.w,sN�7�.,.;r..r�.�w.` ,.v .w.c:..:,....e.._�ia.- ..., d7+.+., Lb?�+: �', t' �c�v. ,�,.tiXk.X�.Sa�a-�i�f3�,.nv:�'f 1a.. _.' �' S' a' 4- r,,, �..,-+.., wDSr,,, s:..>•:,; c, J". d- k' �- �r' �." �u;> �ri" v?" e.,°, a. �',+.�4,1!�•...,'.w±;:7d5.u., Ltd.. wok: .st._- .- .- .:'k.4�,.L�t6..„s t,„ ,. .- .. �'' n u• r... .& r.,�LW'KbF..si .. ,, K6M -, • W,w f,:.•.... .. ... ... - Y`1y "• w, �,•--, y. of .�acrY••rwe.;�sx'r..ww..cw,nvb .- rd.+►c^ .e, vacs..:;-,«• sr: �. a. r. r.,. aa..•..::.• s:; ra+ ANFa,.:,,: w. rA +�+.a.srwu.ACO,n,V.•s:.+ssY7o4 n.�:w.rr.,. ,w.,n,.�.ie,•.;,ciaar, •L,n•,.+epsn••...w+ _cdp�.3:K.' •us..ry -: +t,.. x•w•.t - ,w.•- "+rJtlo 'E'' TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE �. o _ fog Mist dw }AM tart k w OvWOOievsb , act: - INTEtsOaTJNa Obssl► FROM 0KIrAR10'� eiswrt. 1 O guard against alum IIS wr- h =: oA�1TAt.m Baking Powder ace that all ingre- ' di is a plainly printed on the .. ea ar 3 Some Mayor- lheCharacteristics 0 k st i►epulsir ty -NOW - label. The words "No Al=", - 1r tiiUNli• , ; ; awit�a,ie WlthOlIt the ingredients is not. Whenever yon sea a well Gloved air Thomas Lipton. na r +, Magic Ba Powder " hand think of A dozen years ago Horatio C. Hooken t` - to• sufficient. g1 king / was a reporter for a Toronto paper on cofi µoft t.OSta. IIO II10Ie than the ordinary the City Hall assignment. Today he Is • Tans r,o . _ P E= R R 11T LOVES Mqy °r of the town, with a salary of and kinds: Full. weight one it 50o a year and a position of power sod +� induenoe equalled by few men in. this 25c. country.' can -- - -' - journalist. Re 1 '�. a or Hooke" is a real j 1a, y � ■ . began "at the case " - and became a jour- j M e a o� old Globe ! under George Brown. as did his pz* e- I EV.GILL ETT COMPANY LM TED s in Orange i d 'n t `logo r , Sentinel an x he Mayor's the late E. F. Clarke. It ', 1 e NT.' now thirty years since he left the Globe ( ' NVINNIPEG• O MONTREAL Y s TTTO • �� for the News, where he became foreman, i l ` ' and ten years later; when a lot Of the MT Q X51 ! News staff went out on strike, owing to { r \ • +,- • I: the introduction of liaotypa machines. _ • Mr. $ockeD helped them' found the Star, of which he was the first business mess i. " of Sir Tho>88e, though: be situ t "IN CORRIGIBLE. 1+..s er. In a few months he retnrRed to the beaker QQ secure of election e, the Royal Yacht hew■, where he remained until 1902, when Squadron, the premier yachting club of Day by day, as Mrs. worth's L Solid for a year he edited the St. Thomas Jour- • + t the world. The King and Queen of Spain, household and kitchen furniture : pals after which he returned to the News the Empress Eugenie, the Queen of Nor- tit ii for a period and then purchased the and rooeries slowly disappeared, j Orange Sentinel, which he has sine• way and other royalties are all trienda, g y p� edited frequently accepting his hospitality and, she saw that the moment approach- -Co�ol't What is -the secret of his success in'' it is said. being sometimes associated wish ed when 'a final stand' must �e made• litics? For one he is an optimist. ,him in business ventures. x po This friend of Kings and Queen began One morning, When Jimmy, son of C Two year■ ago last January he was beat- life at the bottom as a grocer boy, but g en for the Mayoralty by a large major the bo> rower appeared at the back f �l major- ity by Mr. Geary. It had been a hard he never hesitates to talk' of his early r l struggles, or of his "trade." They say door with the statement, Ma fight and Mr. Hocken's friends had been b is attempt hide any. Wan the Wash - boiler," Mrs. to Old confident. Some soreness might have been e e too proud Dt thin He has, long held -the reputation WO M .✓ �. _ - forgiven. -Mr, $vckeu -. showed. -none. "Oh. -. ? -. ___ de !mined to - of being the- ioreiliost advertiser in' Eng• Worth it will do my business good to have me _ rr .� out of the Cit Hall for a year he said the money he has sunk . ya tie. Even MOi7 tell your ma that when she y land, and no doubt he is a gad cht.-races zc, �� People "And,- anyw.ay._-I'll be the..next Mayor." brings back what she has alread "r -- i eople = And true enough he le. As soon as Mr. has no doubt- 'returned° to him man Limes Geary steps_ out he steps in. He will be over in the form of tree publici•.y• A borrowed I will tend her the boy-` .r•t�� a can for re- election in January, certain' type of Englishman is oentemptu• e!, TIE E and with the odds in his favor. Tommy one of advertisers, and of trades people, In a little While Fimmy-3+eappear- ' Church says he• will run against him, but a tut which explains many of the rebuffs - C'�Io nobody knows what Tommy will do: Maybe Sir Thomas has received iv Eaglnlh, to ed. 'z C Jai osety "Ma wants to know what�6he has _ Hocken when he drips to line to succeed '� �MOKtI:aEli spa out. 44 NI■ First Employs. „ N: , talks o r Sir Thomas le • typical Irishman � who bee, � be- Typl6aNy Torontosaqus. a story n There is a quart of flour,' Ike Foouh. He always has sr Mr. Hooken is a clean, creditable type tap, Here is one he told to Toronto San MTS. ti'JOrth, a peck Of pots- + of nblic man, not particularly brilliant p In my first little 9NP I was so poor i toes, a cup of sugar, a can of cof- An winter long--m the Zero days and the perhaps, but k earnest student and cos- I could afford only one assistant, a boy i ,cientioue worker. Oa- he platform he t■ of fourteen, who was faithful, toneet and fee, a and pound of lard, some oII- - windy, blustering days —the Per'�ection Smoke- a ready speaker, and a Rebate puts his willing He complained that - -is clothes I lOIIB, and butter and spices; the less 01Y Heater gives them real solid comfort. case clearly and well He is not the were . wore so shabby he . as aRh+ned to to pulling type of ward politician who wiil to church. 'There's no chance of my get- �Tew driver, the }ru.�het, a pair Of `,0 It saved them man a cold and sickness for it easily sell his support in return for support for ting a Dew suit this year,' he told me. • scissors. "--she . .paused,. recollecfr I Y some et mesavre. Neverthele+se, be has f •work and it takes 'all .,my �' r+ of thread a warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat. eeveril times proved hie Popularity w.th wade" out o lug,— the electors by heading the poll for Board ,'wages q Pay the rent.' three spools ” , � - ' I .hryugbt.tLe matter c,ver t,nd took. p per of needles, and_ -- _ The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trtin- of Control And the Council unaolmoua mvereign from my carc•!utly hoarded tar. Y, $Lit Jimmy was Rone. Presently Y�fIIlflg9 (plain steel Or enameled turquoise drums). ly chose him for the N.ayor's chair. Ho is : in-gro and bought the boy a It ut, » al m - OrnarnentaL Inexpensive. Lasts for years. I:aS1i�► a strong chnrrh worker, temperance man. Ault tie way w, crateful I felt rewarded be rapped on the back door again. rz pe a Sonsi of England C-ruish di•ecentl, and. `text day hr didn't cnme.to w!+rk,_ I met "MA says for you to wTite 'em qt of course. an Orang -man. so. in many 'tits mother and asked her w.hy " f moved from place to place. down. I forgot some of ern. _ ; respects be is typicaily Toros ne+tae He ._ c.ur ' 4he ­Lid. cu ll Jimmy looks - - - L'D'Ar' h €rs of sat down with ncil - tg _.- .A�L��S'n.iErfasr+■!wn- - - .�la- .in�tin.a_tn- �_Ze9.ac.inae of enmities. I .J� ' r>o s asp re�ctable..thelk.a Lo � n THE IMPERIAL Oil, COMPANY, Limited I R. J Fleming ,t the street to ,was is -a* .Ir that I thought L would send h: n yon, and patiently jnade an alphabetical erwaal bet,! n.'tr of long standing, and town to see if be conlda t get a • e ui Inclined sometimes to embrace half - .be fiat of all the articles she COUld re-., TORONTO ST. O N � Tier lob. ' - i* Rem mbsrod Report r. member . + 14tC TREAt "HAI,IlzAX baked propo.tttone, aa, for example, hb ' . e mem er early advocacy of "tubes." But on the whole he will undoubtedly prove to be a Bic Ttromas demonstra'ed Die remark- } Jimmy took the list slid dime ■ ■ coedit to the 3f,; ores chats. able !acuity for remembering faFes dur• peBT�, A hal {.hour later he once The Duke Was Hearts. tug c v;81t. Uwe of the newspaper men w� more a tired at the 'bank door, T he Duke of Coonaugtit further' pope• on called on him had been i reporter p� on a *tea York paper Wins ye9ira ago• .and announced' ..ALL IN TAE FAMILY. Jonathan did not mind at all. The I larized himself on his latest visit to To- when Fir Thomas was ehailengiog for the -ma sayq if you'll lend. her -tile crops were good. and one day in the I ronto, though he stopped o8 only long j America Cup" Sir Thomas remembered , sa;*, enough to have luncheon with the Cana• him immediately, and recalled bow on WSRh- boiler to carry them ia, she'll r ' 'How the Farmer's Wife Got Even fall Mrs. Higgs and one of Lhe p�lrls than Club, It was not that be said'aay board the Erin be had spilled a cup of bring 'em home." went to- town to buy 'the ' Week a thing important, but rather his drlmocra tea over the reporters Knee a 'O'ith Her Husband. - 1 - tic demeanor that, pleased everyone. He _pr. srr Ise s6 wirallst.' au Plies. All the men' Were busy Something new in special tier P. intimated that he could not aped verp vices - "re• r' Perhaps Jonathan Higgs did not sowing wheat, Weil and excused himself accordingly. be nvale' they may be called in . otber places. WHEY BABY I9 ILL. )know he was a hard man With his The farmer wTote a cheque for a cause he had a bad cold and was there• and by other people--is -being tried by tore hoarse. He said it Just as would Rosedale and Westminster Presbytertan family. It is possible to took at hundred and sixty dollars, and gave any other ordinary mortal who tr called Churches attuated to one of the fashion• When baby is ill --Wben he is o� lIIga from a selfish angle 6o Tong it to 111" wife. ppon to mats a speech, and It amused able ree:dential districts. COnductia the .., ..._ :that you grow blind to 'everything "Maria," he said, "get this cash- immensely the four bundred members of services u+ Rev. W. T, Berridge, D,D. oC trout? led with COIIBtlpatlOn, COliO, the Canadian Club who were present 1' Ottawa, one of the most scholarly men worms or. cold; When his teeth are excpt your own wants. One day ed at the bank ; then go to the hard- Is the sympathy with the rest of mankind in the. Prte,byterian, or any other ahnrch, bothering im or when he is rest- -ear L ly in spring, when Jonathan Was ware store, pay them a hundred in little hi stand t so makes popular. �Tbe i in North a, The services aaad .how. less and cross and does not sleep seadp to drive into town, his wife dollars, and tell them to sand out Duke's •'cold" recalls the cheers that seed good is expected to result therefrom. well give blip Baby's Own Tablets. __- ke. ve him thirty five dollars that she that gasoline engine they were to greet a scene to the cisemstograph wr, Berridge bar been min,aier of Ft. g — g which elbowed his late brother. King eat ad been saviu, for months from showing me. It is too hard work far ward, on board _ably. ltae from his seat Aadrewse- Church. otte'Of for Assn - They arenthhemother's ttle ones �WelD htri sra_and to one of the diethngu• ' bar butter torthe [u e" money afore, she all the stock this wl ter. And stop anal Walk a few Awes Part ■h ova boa to- -' - -� y thousands- ?I�P� ._ water for f+ the rail to flick his CL 99T ash overboard. I iahed aTomai or- ra —on-w Tttiver■ny, of _ <, g which he was fo-r mazy rears a'Fenator. t110Ueands Of mot era g1Ve �1ell - -- •• said, "and 'get the new parlor car- at the clothing store and tell Mr. J J °° like ins ne luncheon. M J. S. wtilt.on He has numbered a among the me= be of babies no other medicine because hie church Lord and [tidy Aberdeen, while - - -- -- had to send me that suit I tried I ,poke. as always, .gracefully and acfceptab. Lord sad Lady pinto, shotxgh members they know the Tablets to be abao= ' :. them lay it away for ale a month on. (jet him t0 tae two dollars nailonal spirit ip Canada, but I attendants. attracted by his eloqueaoe, vol- • '1Fgp;" If 90u Can. And you can pay that out that -this growth was not resulttn thought and learning. Ten years ago he by i government s'n�lynt to be free "All day -Mrs. Higgs went about thirty - dollar account at the grocery in any weakening of the Imperial bona was called to Frognal, a - fashious,ie from opiates and Other harmful ° - 'bE" work singing. But when Jona- Store too." but rather the reverse. The function West End - London church, but declined, dru s found in eo- called "soothing" throughout, at his Royal Highnesk' special and other solicitations. from tba United g. than came there was no roll of Car- It was dark when Mrs.. Higgs and request.' thoroughly democratic. The States and elsewhere have not• shaken his mixtures. The Tablets are sold by .,pet is the wagon; instead, hitched Ma drove up 'that evening, and Canadian Club members attended, as i attachment to his church in Ottawa, medicine dealers or by mail at 26 out 119 Was as- usual. in their business dress, and abso- I which has been his 8017 charge since r Inte the back of the wag-, Wall Jonathan went ormalit Drevailed. As a matter rnduatiou. He to an :u'tbor of repute cents a box from The Dr. Williams ;sew enitivator.. tonished to see a new buggy tral - of tact~ however, ey t a- better aving writ en lcine f o -, Brockville, Oat. "I found just the cultivator I ing along behind the wagon,. And restaurant and -order f better luncheon Browning, Milton and ',Woman—Her Rork than sepal to honor or the oocasioa. and Place." He has recently been placed A. needed," he explained glibly. "I there were other things in the w ' air Thomas Liaton and Royalty. a to nomination for the position of ]i<naer- didn't think I could afford tq„get it Son t)1at 'gave. him a further shock. Sir Thomas Lipton was s finest at the "tor of the General Assembly, at whose jaatil you 'gave me that thirty -five "Maria," he asked sharply, "did luncheon to the Duke of Connaught, and deliberations .he tins wielded a Mrs. Exekee Mrs. M rs. Wye' a you order that engine 4" his presence was pails appropriate, for eating ir.t Wes . ns tur�the osedal • good housekeeper 4 Mra. Lisps =- dollars." the famous yachtsman. no matter how gation4 at Westminster a d at Rosedale Well when I dropped'in on .her she "But my Carpet 4" His '. wife's f CNo.II numerous are his enemies in high places, church, which is one of t e newest con• + ' sl fr he has not, in recent years: lacked for grejatione in the city, are greatly pleased trying - to make bread in a =Wit wet, and she bit her lip, to - _. Did you get my snit 4 was t , he ban among the Royal family. _ The gT having so distinguished a Drescher to chafing dish. - -' ltbeli it from trembling. "No." jibe handed the lines to late sing Edward was always a dtrona work among them. _ "Oh, the old one'll do !" he said, one of the boys Coolly. "you can't — - with light Contempt. "Wbat'a the eat a• suit or a gasoline engine nor - sae of spending money for a carpet a receipted bill,--and they don't - It ain't good, to seat, and it don't make you any money. -hake you any money. Now that, "I got a new buggy to saveweai cultivator will make me a hundred on the wagon, a new parlor carpet bushels more-corn:" that will save coal by keepin "But it was my money." . Tears floor warmer, and a new range Aft her disappointment an "d her hus- that'll cook food right. And I got TO THE band's injustice could not be kept a neW churn and, a lot of kitchen WHITE HOUSE M� ' "wwk longer, things to help me -and the girls do s 2 "O pshaw, "_ said Jonathan, light- the work —they will -keep us from ly, "it's .all in the family !" we out, -and save funeral ex- The old carpet waf full of holes, penses," _ J30 Mrs'. Higgs' tore - it up, and left "But it was my, Inon.ev, and.I, told Y�. j the floor bare ,all'sumdLer. But 'you =" gasped the amazed Jona- r p than. p0-050 "Oh, yes," said Maria, lightly, n "but it's all - -in the-- family. Take -- - _ _ �,a� �� hold here, stud you - •setts the boys get �K' •��;, `' - ,f II - - •bin s•tinIoaclttd, 1 these t r �•. , lute -peso me.thin so .. There was so g ,d 17 —4w in leer -tone that he took hold, and held his tongue. 1 Easy Road In Music. r - r`11i9 boy'Loule Is- in saitt - sly 3Z the musician, "but I must say he - is smart." "IB he going t0 fO110W - 1II youT'�'�'w� +, hc��'aw+l.a."�°a��..sr• �' _ �:, ''' footsteps 9" o ' "No. I learned to play the clari- ' net -and I've' got to march • st least Tjte BJltl Moose Part believes in roman's Suffrage and other meals to women. ---- -- ONE IYfAMIi NINDSM eight, miles ,every time there is a y 0 No hard work -Not a- powder or.. abboirt "13-laok leg the Cyr ,+.v",r,SiMMEST, and BEST HOME parade. Louie is learningthehaip; a hard cake - Kn� ., DYE, one an bur - -W'hy you don't ewes bevs to so that they will have to let him Sit .. �� ]night" . A few bew+'whet IfVO of Cloth your Goods ere Issde rr _ down. - but a soft paste, ' ..r ... - _..• 'OE --Se 1liisukw .rr Impo.dbb. • - - ... ... _ .. _ >. -_ .._.. i,,._ --.. .. _._._ - _._._ __. _ _ __ _ ins •.. ' rubs bring the - - SMa for Fr.,• C.M. stns, nooklvt. end ---- ready to Ilse. .10e.— STONE POLISH --10C. 1lookl.t shin} revert. of Dycin4 overorb"!store, In England, the first dock wale 44 The"d0"NsoV.j iCHAR6S0V CO., Uml" B f Monhoel. C.nsds. Constricted at Liverpool In 1709. .. _. .. ° . :• , w,r ✓�. :. .s.. ° •:h a a:r.'. ._ ., . r ' : : ..'i ,,s.., d,p,. riyt`axi`" ,f ',y" _, •«+�'.'' a= "eka+.,i1 _ •,- ,;•, .oa .? a. .sX ±!e .d�ur:i„• .-r ,.3._ .,,isTr _ - +, ' + � ,: ,, ... . • . ,i'�' ., ,ass .. ..� ., : . ' :..: ,;.. •,. ... .... .. .. - , .. : , : , ':. �, r "."a�,. ;."'. '-tea +�'dT &4'",t�." a �" 'tC`G'j`�' '.' '! �,ii' ;�•'X�^" �.e)o :',d`•`'1. F 7 P . , .a .:. ..+... :.. . «, -_ -. .a.:. >•. _,e. :. :�..' P.+.�...s._. :- ". �. <'..atin.,,w ..,., -.. ..,e��,Y. �..,w...�.i�..:ir_.ar..:;;zaF r_yw +�.`,4+F;...........Ai..�° Lek?: l" L`.'. r-. w=>. tt", 'i�i1++C`u'1_4'S'�:'��.::'�v. �.sA.°i•`:"'u :C�a,,.,.,...>,. `�e �•''' .x,• _ �, Fa .a�Fw•- t•.. "§;• .,w 'u .a 4r`.'•�•• .ai :p. 1 .u' . r' •.. '+ ",: n 1 - „- '1 -• -, r. +ur :'di +sr' . .. ^V r �..r.. - .. s.,• ,+ u', a -' , - , ov:.r, . .. j' Y . -' �w- y,•c.' +y i. yh i. `.'rtl"1'•.^F•,�•� •i°•.. Wiz.. Yaa^•. i 4-r .' 4.,. ,•a .a, . -..e vestry... .. . .. .�.' ... .. r, .. s... .. ._. . 'r=: r�,- x'�.�m +A�,w.a.w. . . .. .. y;.�. :;�., +Cr+. +�� e{w ._ .:_re•.w ....'. ...7:, � .�,,.: .. .- ,�' -�.. :,.in' rr - s_ r,,., {, .7•[�`''V 'r'•5.�.!' -rY • _� .,k' '�..*. ,»-' _ � .s=:s•,•.•y ew, k. s•' :�Sna.��.ho :.� -. „ —"=T�. •M'� .. ,: y,. ' ... w. .. W''" Ow l'ti ..fie-., � ' ' .... .. , '.� .. ,Y+ -•',r- V.�;• .'R.:, ....,. -: ° _ ,� •at .. t - ♦ � • S +5. �4- � .. -. r.. - .C° L :: ..... :., - . ..fir • -x” ... a yy.. •^;T sciatica m a nerve trouble; and if editorship "Punch" was fully 'main- the starved eves are properly' +AineA 4a rar;ntAt;nn Ana Ur RcA, keep children alive, but also to give every _child a chance of living a de- cent life, and becoming a decent F FARMS FOR •ALE. citizen. - General Bramwell Booth.., H _ There is no policy like politeness ; T Toronto. ' and a good manner is the best thing H - in the world, either to et one a A House; Buildings; orohar6 ? good name or to supply the want of E £Yx it.- Bulwer Lytton- ' S ENTY -SIX ACRES WIT `(i00a may be the causes un= e ' � ' - _.. ' ua.e - ..v. w, .•x �„ ' , ..c.,..., -, - u.aJUrt,- .:r..•+ta%- +•..,fit• -. - .0 .: -arcs. T'.w /^, .. - •,.,. - .. .'.S} :...a -'c•,c'*4+urc :�!'K. ••_'ir .r.+F" : �� •+a WLYI6N Huns FUNCH'S EDITOR. - - ON A 'RATTRE68-- When Sir Francis Burnand, dur- - 'Sufferer ing his editorship, was once asked $ow a from 801atica if he thought "Punch" was as good . ____ Found Permanent Relief. as it used to be he promptly re- Fierce darting pains, pains like plied, "It never was." This reply was both witty and true, and no red hot needles being driven doubt Mr. Owen Beaman is tempt= %hrollgIi the' legs to the ankles - ed to answer in the same strain that's sciatica. None but the vio- Wii can realize the torture of this when -those individuals who are al- trouble- •• many suffer from it ways glorifying the past are do- scanting on the present position of =` .. (hopelessly in the belief that it can- "Punch." It is hardly necessary -.not be cured. This is a mistake ; to state that under Mr. Beaman's sciatica m a nerve trouble; and if editorship "Punch" was fully 'main- the starved eves are properly' +AineA 4a rar;ntAt;nn Ana Ur RcA, •12ourished withJ%jeh, red blood the _ - trouble will soon disappear. Dr. �• K Williams' Pink. Pills make just the anew -,' pure blood needed- to feed the t , I viatica nerve • and -drive out -the � 4 Jacking pain. It has been proved "liver and over again that they yan, -_ - do this and we offer now the follow- -ing additional piece of evidence: " r Mr. E. H. Pastorious, Harrow, x x 'One., says: "Some years ago I was terribly afflicted with sciatica;i" starting just in my hip and then ex- j tending through the - leg to the foot. At the time I was attacked , I was away from home and had to 'r PEARLS OF TRUTH. _ _ The ,society of lead women lr .the J Just whit You weed after 4, ' most educative process through which .a man can pass. -Mrs J. W. - - hard day's wort -,A itefreabp E. Russell. _.. l lay cup of Barring spelling, there -is no red- son why English should not be- O �' come O Graham Bell. _ - • i,jr If everybody did their-share of t the work, the world would get " • i along 'very well with a three hours r �' working day. - Mr. Thorne, M.P. 0 0066 farthest for the hioliel Humanity had not.,only a-duty to keep children alive, but also to give every _child a chance of living a de- cent life, and becoming a decent F FARMS FOR •ALE. citizen. - General Bramwell Booth.., H H. W oAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, r^ There is no policy like politeness ; T Toronto. ' and a good manner is the best thing H HIINDRED ACRES--COUNTY HAIliOI(t in the world, either to et one a A House; Buildings; orohar6 ? good name or to supply the want of E £Yx it.- Bulwer Lytton- ' S ENTY -SIX ACRES WIT `(i00a may be the causes un= e eve miles from Hamilton. De brought home on a mattress in To xhe many who suffer from rheu- work and earn more money than �, nation a trial of Parmelee'e Ve a any other trade. We Quality or !< spring waggon, and the agony of �_ x'' "I g Canadian railways. Positions secure& table Pills is recommended. The Write- for -free book 15. Domiaioa School the trip was almost more than I ' o See How have a pronounced action upon the Raitroadtnlr. Toronto. could endure. Reaching home ` , Top Tub P Po the liver and kid>lT!vs and by regular- MISCELLANEOUS. Hues not able -to sit up and remain- ' Wenger ing the . action of these organs act ed in bed for six weeks. �1'he doc- Room -1 ANCE$. TCldo$s, Lt7MPa, ate. Is ' is as an alternative in reventin the � ta-al and e:ter°al.. cured witboat ' for did not help me and I tried a ' to Wor ch admixture of uric acid and blood pp•id :Jr ti on r home treatment. Write as - number of medicines recommended,. { bet°re too late. Dr. Bellman Madioal Oa... by neighbors. I paid $8.00 a bottle err r" that causes this painful .disorder, Liv,n.-rl. Celilnerwood, ont. .tor one preparation, but it was no They meat be taken 'according .�o EARN SILVER PLATING -PA$TI directions and used steadil and TJ Lars fr«.P, specialties Agency, Box ..better than the rest, and I began Mr. 0. S.. Beaman. then will 's eedily give evidence of lK6• winEijp. r. to think there was no cure fpr me, P' While suffering his untold miser their beneficial - effects.- - g y man is a worthy successor to the - CARPET 0 Y E._1 N Q Dr. Williams Pink Pills were re- and Cleaniam rbi, is a ep.o„lty eith ,y. illustriogs humorists who preceded t 9rittsh Arnarloaw oyelr, oe• ` commended, and my wife got me a _. fitot Always the Rule. il him in the ed3tAZ181 chair. I eea•i Pa.eiaulwe byir,at an4 v* are sun to "ts,Sy. supply. Icr the course of s few y y �Aduf Fri 9 "F, was late e weeks I began to feel better and Mr. Beaman iii -his youthful days wed " g ttng t© his nwn hied.i "t. Aadr.ae so: 43S Monerw - - had no intention of adopting alit- Better late than never, I su ((j}1en ties IT1 could get around with the aid of a cane. I kept on taking the Pills erary career, and after leaving' �•,I�GH SPEEd 1 �� buying Your Piatrw Cambridge, where he attained high 1 -, It until all the pain disappeared and honors, he- settled down as a master ] HAMPIQN "Oh,- I don't know. insist on hevtnt� al► = i -I felt as well as ever I did. I _have - It' wn w Board .lates aria am 4" , never had an attack of the trouble at Rossall School. Later he' acted' ,r,a tb..., ortn. Wear. tees .n..r ��TQ M "'�e� siocs, and although I am now 65 as Professor of Literature at Dur -1 sracuealiytu".10t..9.rtb.fabto nu - r r S ham College of Science, Neweaetle- I,_ m.aJ. it ...,,. Put In ne t.,t..atw aa.a -- ears of age I feel at3' vigo-rou -s as - , "A- W sue.Aa boa a, irra. -aa. _ _ /,- - - - -- "Punch," � i►i Mo ornn• uaaM.r ea.. !. rwbd tali suwb � - I did at 40, all of which I ascribe for Punch, g g �•�•zr.r,r,a.r,a..,yrw• „ y - Joining the eta- tpohlree,' . on- ae. In 1894 he began writ aCo Dr. Williams Pink I?ilis. oo yea w. MaFU.d1Y °s..Orw.� -•. L..� lY Q- Till Z3 =, r { ears later. In 1804 be was appoint- cb„r, Met moken •a.Lry better, We beile+e MI:�ARD'S LI`t23fE:tfT is tl;e i If you are suffering from aariatica beat cRalosoTH9 ed or any nerve or blood trouble, assistant editor, and in 19010 he Rnr- a•raraarlaaa.att,r.ar d..:.r a.« be- g great reputation So a' aosrauasate.a ea rathlam Foley. Oil City. Ont. T�gle� 11�Ca1mti � Agin to cure ourself to -day b the assumed full -a real . uta Beaman t t _ y , y 1189 gained a p nil /ISt14TJE11 arses. 1tT.91Aari,M ' +fiPrh snow' Norway„ �fP . _ protect -_ Pr.searve — Etesutitty _ ^: use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills harle. Wbnotrn. Nulp;rare N P. 3ataplp. and Booklets oa Applieatloa ' writer of satirical verse, and among 1 R,. v R. o. Armstron- s�uigrava, ' F - e. qF 'which will assuredly do for you 'what they have done for others, if 'his well -known efforts in this direct Thomas Waasso . Sheffield, N $ he' B' g JAMES LAttOMUi ft di C0 / l ltn!ted tion are The B'attl'e of the Bays, la9l, Harhurs• Street 'TORONTO ;goes give them a fair trial. Bold by i , ,� Aar Or Late. for That flatter. In Cap and Bel a, and -' �sil- medicine dealers or by mail post "What your opinion of the high - vest of Chaff , Art Owen Seaman - - _ 1;3 -Jppaid at 60 cents a box or six boxes , j price of goal this year Z" ALL- SIZES or 02.60 from The Dr. Williams' has lamented in verse the strain' of Well, for one thing, it's liable AND KINDS being funny once, a week, but he - TANKS Smoke "ka ldediciae Co., B3•oc]<ville, Ont. to pi event my wife doing her apparently bears -up well under this and Flues, Wa- si -Christmas shopping early, Not Merely a Game.. :strain, for his wit remains fresh and - t ter - I'tinnes, Engines - and Boilers ]Fractions. sparkling. he fall of on i rain Teo many view matrimcmy a a ON Is�� wosxs. T e" inch of n is Pell$ LIMITED TOR01iT0 ---Lodger -My brother is coming on equivalent to one hundred tone of game *hen they ought to consider n; P it their life work. — Trial is Inexpensive. those t s► visit; 'have you a couple of spare who suffer from dyspepsia,. indigene -'- water per acre: of land. a Dote? jI tion, rheumatism . or an ailment Stop-. the "lCou h.- Coughin is - J. Landlady Couple f Ia be so y M-lnard's Liniment Cures Colds, as P g g ELEGRAPH Y . - 1 a�lnvge?r0�te�a,- $ -trra} derangement OfF_ - -- Di4rlACement. tar Sedasaa resit and is rto _; tie a1.r '^ rk Aig as all thatt y P - . -- Lodger--.No, but, you e8a t e . y P �a- + lee a Vegetable Pills is reoomm,>nd- rr . na ad F to tit. - fact is he- really consists of two Do you think the autom, bile ? dislodge Gbstructions that- come, course 4 t ra niaz incinded in h. •half- brothers. ed, should the sufferer be unac- will displace the• horse 7" 1 from . inflammation of the mucous Centr.l T.l.,traph ntF. > +,i s o.r- cd uainted with- .them. The t -rlal will .rte -_ ++ t t rnrd �t X., 1,) • +'orrwa •nd- i membrano Treatment _ anon Far natgn, P °. be inexpensive and, the result will � �'}Y °he�aes dr }v w, Lt -n, «, 1 >re +5lrnt i ?rte er• W e can't eves p Tkomas' Ectertrie Oil wiI1 allay you mean, to say that such -a be another customer for this ex- „get the edce the inflammation and in conse- i hysical '% Eck sue he gave you that ceilent med.icinew . So ,effective, ..is trians off. the roads. , black eye t" asked the magistrate. their action that man cures can it, nc l the Dough will cease.. Try " y t it, and .you will u•se, no otker re- - ' "Sure, your honor, he wasn't a Do not ]eta cold si'tt.e oa your. p . • wreck till after he gave certainly be traced to their use lungs. - Resort to B'ickle's Anti- Paration for a cold. :. 'physical ga where other pills have proved in- Consumptive '- — _.-.me the black eye." replied the Dom- effective. ' ` ' Syrup at the first in- tti�h oil companies alone :have timation of irritation in the throat in- Scottish pa : plaining wife. 2 a a and prevent disease from lodging in contracted for 60,000 tons of oil -India has 147- vernacular lant{uag- the pulmonary organs. Neglected fuel: to. be, supplied to the Navy, e • es, the chief of which are Hindi, colds are, the cause of untold suf- =f Eight Years of Bad Ben alit Bihari; Marathi Pan' bi Minard's Liniment Cures' DMt•mpg. - , B .faring throughout the country, all th Thousand t� noyou? e t - Tamil, and Telugu. their Raw Fns. Why sot goal W �1-- Eezem a on Honda of which .could have been prevent-- • - ' - pay highest price, and espe charges, T_ . _ ed b the application p " A Talking Clock. ehareanocaeamiadon and send wan.y .am. Minard's. Liniment Wires Olphtherla. y PP cation Of Chia simple day goods we recrived. Kidiona,o! donor• A talking clock :has been placed art a a, e.ch year• DOW with a but powerful medicine. The, price, WLb11�4e°,.p'tjya an m, � m am 2 4 5 cents, brings it within the reach °a the market at Berlin. hnstead 1 _ LIVES WITHOUT AIR.' of striking periodically the clock �. _ — calls out t exact tithe vet quay- �Al. A o TRAPPERS GUIDE, of all. c l o he r e y FREE of Snails Can Exist' Indefinitely With- ter of an hour "in a clear human ,x Having 922 beds in constant use, voice," The mechanism can be-`so •tack of 90pagn,tsrailed FREE. out Inhaling It. write T to ohm FIanam, Mail the London . Hospital, in White- adjusted that � these •announoe- Dot. so - TORONITbVAITI trtontst.IL a' -- o While-the -snail has lungs, heart,. chapel, ds the largest general hos- ments cease.at a certain time and and a general circulation and is in pital in England. continue again automatically after- every - respect an air- breatbing crew- a stipulated interval, - tore it can nevertheless exist inde- Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cow>k - For the ^^ ^nth' of April ,-May, finitely without inhaling the least A Rebuke far Father. All mothers -cam put away anxi- end June of this. year the total breath of air, the element that is g births in England and Wales num- - =. � - ;;�• � sty regarding- their suffering chil- usually considered the essential in Little Mary's father had 'denied dren •'.wh ,n they have Mother tiered 216,096. - existence is all creatures supplied her a pleasure which she had sou• - with less Graves' Exterminator to �-- - use Wary r, lungs... "� ' fidently expected to enjoy. That give relief. Its effects are more The most obstinate' corns and A. Bentley To all or anized . creatures ni ht when she said her °pt atrall said Leppert, gthe' removal of ox�y_ g Prayers at aura and lasting. • warts fail to resist Holloway's Cora her mother's knee, $he concluded - Cure. Try it. ' 'baited by Claim" Soap and Ointment gen, water, nourishment and beat with this petition : That. Was, Ail. � causes death to.ensne. When that "And please d-on't give my palls „ " 11[is -Wary A. Bentley, 93 rnlversity 9t.; statement was made Leppert did Skill'ings, how came you to, qua What Costa. jftoatrW. writes, in a recent letter: "Some PP any more children. He. don't know ` eyears ago I noticed small pimples break. not appear to consider the strail as how to treat those he's zot now " -working for Bpotcash k i:o i'' rr - a out on the back or my liands. They. one. among the great -host of "or cull s e 9 expensive to send a boy to - e very irrltat and gradually became ,, We had a difference of. �piition g -ss /worse so that I soul 'not sleet at night. L ganized beings, for experiments as to the value of my services 'for rrNo," replied the- !ather, Nho consulted a r' lician woo treated me a ions by Spallanzani have proved that any. another year." `had just received aiiotber request ��, but 10 •,,. wome�, and I could not t "Was t r, �y hangs in aster. I was treate4d at t'e or all the usual life conditions can �i as that__ all for funds, '-but 1 find it's expen- -d loin ial, and aaa s ve just t e sae o�'eczerwanss be-removed in the case of the snail ~ o ' "Yes; I thought..I .waa worth $4,- rive to keep him there.." " Well jjustkeptonusingeverythingthati without terminating its existence 000 : 'to them, and" they thought I ? . eould for nearly eight years until I was . or in any way impairing its func- wasn't worth r1;0 cents.. ._ So- 1- quit. 'LUMBAGO advised to try Cuticura ointment., I.did.so. tions: - What else could a self- respecDiag � The -common snail retreats into „ I l E U f d I found star s few applications the firming sensations were disappearing, I could man do 4 poosuse He ^Took GIN PI LL3 GSiwall, and did net have any itchin6 his shell on the appr6a'ch of frosty the night. I began after a while to weather and the'o Qnin ,A Modest Order. _ ticum Boa . I stuck to the C iticurs p • g or mouth tment and thought if I could use other of its shell-is hermetically sealed by -• b medies For -over seven years with no result a secretion. which is of a silk d after only hartng a few applications and y tax Mr. Martin- "Now, then, Ben - n]e, What part drag ease tr'enn Cuticurs ointment It ture• and absolutely impervious to 1 p t of the chicken would ed a fair trial with a severe and slab. y p „ _. ✓j rp case. I used the Cuticura Ointment sic and water. In this condition it S you prefer l" end eo•p for neary six months. µid I am is plain that it is deprived of three _ Bennie (who. has been invited to to ea that T" have bands as clear as Sunday dinner)-"Why, I'll take a one It Is my wish that you publish hie of the four elements of life mention- r to all the woad, sad u aut'o's doubt` it. ed above - -stir, Water and nourish- _ drum atiok, a little -white meat off shem,wrtt. des' tt meat. - the bteast the gizzard, a wing, the Cutieura goap and Ointment areap]d-o Z P r 8 g tM and dealers everywhere For �► tF 3 THE neck and a spoonful of the etuffin'. free sample of each, with 81 . book +utter �Dru� CAlem. Dora, Ee Taxation of dogs was first levied 'Mom made me promise not to ask tbl/ )e.,•- naetaat, . & 4 iD,Great Britain in the year 1796. ED. 7• ISSUE "--112 for A second helping." 47�. . +x.f^.r a7 dh•. , • ..: ,... M -,' •' �C., ',', ._. . :., ''a1 1,1 /Je'4..�,,,y,, u`� t;. '.. ✓ 'G :.o3iS. 't,t r+.. tits ,(w!�.' �,.. ' fi t dyM a»Y;•,•..Y't�SS�..`.•.. cY�.- R....c. -_ :�'eMY.. %. Al. �... ..:- _. .. ,..rte...... _.?`, I,N.x.. it..... T' .- a - �. :`!> f -. _: _.i_- •nt..w...1:J' -C°�. re'�j. -, C;k'•. ,�•S - S!`..M1thf'i��v.-,,.. _.. 3...� -. _,,.'x}:......e, '•'^y,.vY.z . �• �`,+^ C•:-..... 5"+" Y. �e- Z�•A"�- �....- ..- .....- ,si;-dN - -.�.� Xr. H. A. Jukes of Winnipeg writes., "I have been a sufferer from Lumbaggo p for some years past. I met your Mr, • ,r� Hill and he advised• me to take GIN IrILLS,- I have:,. been taking. them _at ,9 ' Intervals during the eatly part of the su,; present winter, and up-to-date have had no- return of my old tioubT6 -in fact I feel better than I- have for years; and- think that my old enemy has vauisbed _ _._ __.. - .:r:; y for good an1,a1L" ri Soc. It box, 6 for $2.5o. Sainple free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited:, Toronto. 130 'b ..xs. .._r .n -t ,• -., ha.:b, .. ^r�[..1, �i .,__v:..sn•C�.wwditW�i�va,ne'� �� Xr. H. A. Jukes of Winnipeg writes., "I have been a sufferer from Lumbaggo p for some years past. I met your Mr, • ,r� Hill and he advised• me to take GIN IrILLS,- I have:,. been taking. them _at ,9 ' Intervals during the eatly part of the su,; present winter, and up-to-date have had no- return of my old tioubT6 -in fact I feel better than I- have for years; and- think that my old enemy has vauisbed _ _._ __.. - .:r:; y for good an1,a1L" ri Soc. It box, 6 for $2.5o. Sainple free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited:, Toronto. 130 'b ..xs. .._r .n -t ,• -., ha.:b, .. ^r�[..1, �i .,__v:..sn•C�.wwditW�i�va,ne'� �� :N i:::fi :. 5; ,� �'r•• "'=.' .. •.: ... s � . r .., '. . , _ . ,, .;^ _...:. _ -:. .. .a � ••= ,s.:.' .... . tea;..' 'y i y -Mrs. McKay is visiting friends -Mrs. J. B. Powell and dough- C; H I N A. C H / N A 1 TT /'•� T•���ppuQQ Mrs, E. Edmund Starr, of .- 1i�VA1i�Mf7. = in Toronto at present. ter, r 1• 2> .! - Reggie Shirley, of the Elliott Whitby, called on the dormer's We have a nice new sasortment of the foUowing cups and sauces . Business College, Toronto, , was niece, Mrs• L. D. Banks on ;Tues- � � Salad howls, and fruit sets l'A plates, pepper and salt jugs bread w - .._Mrs, J. H. Beady, �vae in the home for a few days. day and butter Elates. teapots, tollet seta, etc. These goods are dainty and �R� '`._city on Wednesday. --Dr. F_ L. Henry will bed here -The regular monthly meeting at very reasonable prices to suit alb. -Miss Myra Crook is visiting as usual on Tuesday to attend to of the Methodist Ladies' Aid will ,:Our dry goods dep't is brim full of seasonable Roods, Call and inspect ` , jErieads in �anningt y his professional duties. ; be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. our stock. We have l and rte overalls and y clot at and per pair. r-Miss Julia OO'' visited. -Mies Starling, of Toronto, Marquis on. Wednesday afternoon Good shirts for the tall and winter wear, army cloth an8 drill none ' friends this week. spent a few days here the guest of Nov. 0th, at 8 . m. better, GOc. 75c. SL00 and ><1.26 each. underwear that Penman's give you Pickering- Chas. p, contractor on the the beet aatiefactioa: Try atanflelda or Penman's -N. J. Chaapm&a is age on the James and Mrs Gordon. -Chas. Cook O boots and shoes are giving good satisfaction for all kinds of wear, siek list, bu -W DOW recovering. -A. N. Mullett returned home Toronto Eastern, shipped material also rubbers to fit, all boots. -John Hoar spent Thankagiv- lasq week, e�fter spending several to Western Datario on Monday We carry Barnes baskets J. 11. 2 bushel, also apple baskets, oval- ang at the home of -his parents in months in the North -west. having another'contmet on one of and round Myrtle. -Mrs. C. H. Burling, we regret Mackenzie &Mann's lines. m -L. and Mrs: Squires entertain - to report, is confined to her bed -H. E. and Mre. Race have A GILLE SPIE DUN B i ON e few friends on Thanksgiving through illness and is tinder the vacated the F. E. Gee dwelling on iIX-° ed. doctor's care: Church St. and are now nicely night. -. --Miss Irene Murkar spent- the -Mrs. (Capt.) Clements and settled in the east half of the 3 holidays with her brother in Sun- child, spent a few days here with Walsh tenement on King St. • 9 the former's parents, C. H. and -Miss Coils Every, teacher in Berland. Wellington, Prince Edward Co., _MiswMarjorie Clark spent the Mrs. Burling, I, " Thanksgiving holiday with friends -A carload of chestnut coal and Miss Mabel Calvert, of Bloom- " T Toronto. mill arrive at Spink's Mills this ingdale, Waterloo Co., spent the Y -Miss McGill s t the•holiday week, and more on the way. First holiday at their homes here. is Georgetown, the guest of A. G., come, first served. ' -Word has been received from y f and ere• Green. -Thos. B. Marquie has in his John and Mrs. Dickie stating that -Duck shooting was indulged garden a number of large well - they had arrived safely at their l in by a number of our sports on formed ripe strawberries. How is destination in California and had = A SACRIFICE IN Carpet all era >• ' Thanksgiving Day. that for November ?, enjoved their trip very much, but pp i •: rp Sweater Coats for BOMB Ladies and children's carpet siip- g -Frank and Mrs. Shepherd _W. V. Richardson and John find the climate very hot is that pars all leading sizes neat patterns spent the holiday at the home of Field are each putting down cam• state, with sunshine every day and Men worth 25 cents, for a center the former's father. ant sidewalks from their rest- and never of Bulgarians to 1 doz in all leading shades, raga . - Donald Siinpeon and laugh- dances to the street. ter, Miss C. B. Simpson spent the -Mrs. N. Dingman, who has the number of about tweety, who �r price 1.60 to 1.90 _ holiday with relatives in Toronto. been ill for some time is• now im- have been working on the C. P. R. going at $1.00 Men S x03 ` -- Gordon Found left in our of- proving nicely, and her friends and llateralef week their1onative Men's wool 8oz, a special line all flee on Tuesday a winter )radish hope for a speedy recovery. Only 10 Cents wool, first class is every way a -Mr. Hunter, of the Standard land to engage in the war. These p regular 25c line for 20 eta. measuring over s, foot in length, people are patriotic and feel it Just think of it -a job lot of men 'a ¢> and weighing 4 The 7 oz. Bank. who has been relieving at their Pa -Me. •Harding,' we re at to the Whitby branch for the past their duty to give up good pnor and boys' Caps, prices from t ietate, is again confined to his that week or two, returned on Toes- eions in order-to defend the honor 25 to 50c -10 cents. shaker Blankets - of their country. through illness. We hope t day. , +Shaker blankets These goods big illness may be of -short -dare• -John Hoar, who has been tel- Men's Tie Special I are considerably higher in rice 41tion. ler in the Standard Bank, Picker- The U. S. Vice- President died p _W. G. Ham -left last week to ing, for some time, has been trans- Four is =hand Ties, many very nice than last season, btrt we bought at r; afters, lingering illness. -visit his son, C. H., at Timigami ferred to the branch at Halbrite, W F Garland, of Ottawa, a shades in going at snuff, 2tic ; right time and right price. There - $1.50 $1.75 etc ,where he expects to enjoy himself - Sask., and left for his new posi- lines, going at 2 for 25 ate. ;fore going at $1.15, , for a few days shooting deer and tio on Wednesday. Conservative, sous elected to Par. bear. -Ho : for Xmas at home, En liament for Carleton by acclama- g- See.uur 25 cent heavy cotton long �'. Ladies work aprons Well made lion- sleeve vests for ladies, just the' o! lain and fancy ginghams, go- �. Robt. McBrady is having re- lead, Ireland, Scotland, •anywhere fourteen thing for fall wear ` p ing at 25c each. pairs made Co the residence he everywhere,. see or write Stephen - Robert Hendrickson, i j;✓' recently purchased from John son, Whitby, (Opposite Standard years of age was drowned in Lake low Dickie, and into which he ia.mov- Bank.) Choice o all best ocean 9t. Clair while hunting Burke with ing this week• steamship lines and Ry. Routes, another lad. =Miss Emma Mitchell accom- through one -way round trip or +- . -.-- -" ponied by the Misses Thompson prepaid, tickets, rates etc., guar- "FINEST HAIR - New Goods T11 An ived and Stanley Thom . n, of Toron- anteed right. Also Cheap Hunters 1 LiOi i u (jr it t as. xcursion Tickets nod going till T1RF• �a•3T�T - �i Mrs, White. Nov. 9th. G ti Dec. _ -- owe leaving for her new return. Try gtaphenson'sTickPts. FOR WOMEN and e in Brantford. Mrs. (Rev) W. Available at your lebure. ` -Rtes! _ Moore was presentdd with &.silver -Fred and Mrs. Pla'tten. of Galt,f+fullr gDhelli¢f Ladies fainter butter cooler, by the members of Thomas and Mrs. Stephenson. of R r"Mu 4" ' i Light and dark shakers, Loch Lomonde, wrapperetteF, - the Autumn Leaf Mission Band. Claremont. Samuel and ]sirs. Plat - . --$+�+ � i r'•' boots, sweater coats. See F A - -Mrs. W. T, HArtrick and dau- ten, of Whitby. James and Mrs. underwear, men's underwear. ceps, Intoo Hair '} liter. Miss S. Leavens, who have Stephenson and H. G. and lira _.• gg pp Use PARISIAN Sa a and your hair ,our $4.00 Sweater Coat, high priced but worth the Pricer :: : • been visiting relatives and friends Wilson, of Brougham, E. A.' and won't turn gray : woe c look faded or in Cleveland, Buffalo, and other Mrs. _Stephenson and George and . grow chin and seraggley. _ _ p- late®, spent Thanksgiving in Mrs. Stephenson, of Whitby, spent Dandruff will disappear. hair. stop - p p Pickering. Thanksgiving Day with John and falling; the scalp will become mama- -R, C. Stork returned hoate on Mrs. Stephenson. The gathering culately white. and all germ life will .1 E Friday slier spending a couple of was in the nature of a reception to be romptly destroyed. H A R W A ,G snoatha in the -'worth -west. He ;fir. Fred Platten and bride. the At dealers everywhere, 50 cents. thinks the western proVibees is latter being made the recepient of Sold by . D. -,Pettit who will refund i -- - LOW money if you are 'not satisfied. -`l ' Ahe place for young mss, but he several handsome and valuable The girl with the Auburn hair 1s on Perfection Oil Heaters, stove pipes galore, stove boards, lanterns, etc. r _.' Is satisfied with Ontario. gifts- from the relatives, present• every package of PARISIAN Sage. when buying a Range get a Pandora _ ± - -W. Spence, formerly jugior -Among the. holiday visitors y clerk, in tine Pickering branch of were : 3eorge A. and Mrs. Gordan _ itbe Standard Bank, has been and two sons Ewart and Carmen aiLE RE019TEIL transferred• back -to Pickering, to and Miss Noble, Henry and Mrs. -.-- �� -� the position of teller to suceed Coates and sun, Bruce and Mrs. Tr>:anAY, NOV, 5th- Auction sale of - • C H A j, --r week son and the former's mother, farm- stock. Implements, etc., the �Se 'John Hoar, who leaves this Simpson ro arc of Ctrs. Wm. Lee at lot i, for the north -west. Mrs. Simpson, sr., H. G. Kerr, J. p p y _ Mrs. Chap- con• 4. `zbridge. gale at 1 o'clock. _- - -- - tune to fall down the cellar stairs roan. Geo. Lan•, `Vm. Dickie, Ise auctioneer, e� ob Monday. While he was in a Gladys Bateman, Miss M. Rankin, S r WsnY>.goA1. Nuv: nth- Auction. Hale Bate- dazed condition for a time he was Miss. A. Thompson, Lloyd Bate- of 90 head of cattle in the village of 4 fortKna,te in escaping without sus- lean, M' ss Linton, all of Toronto• Whitevale, the property of H. - A. tainin an serious injury, : and W. D, Algiers, of Alton, Miss Kate - g y B Jifkins, Bale at one sharp: See bills. w !STO as soon able to be around as Kerr, of Oshawa, Win. and Mrs- Fred, Postill, auctioneer. ' , V E S aeval. p Boyes, of Belleville. Dr. and Mrs. TUESDAY, Nov. loth.' 1912 - Auction -- rewll s .*M. r Stre"hed Andrew's -On Sion Guelph. axle of farm, stock, implements, etc. - RANGE S9 day evenlug s leasant at lot 29, con. 1, Pickering, he pro- fa ' R ..church t s Sunday evening to a event took lace at the home of ert of Kerr. Sale atone. S, _ p p y ,.. -• .good congregation. His household, John and Mrs. Murkar, when over gee bills. W. B- Powell, auctioneer. - _ ',HEATERS effects were W. Brantford- sixty members and adherents of • � � - - -on Tuesday sand both he and Mrs. St: - Andrew'a church- met to say PEAS WANTED T .,Moore move to their, new home good -bye to Rev.. W. and Mrs. S E� 1. Ejtc- M V :'this week. Moore prior to their departure for — -The pulpit of St. Andrew's their new home in Brantford. Farmers baying Golden Vine. Can. church will 13e ocenpied on Saadoy The chief incident of the evading adian Beauty, Black Eyes-, or � •, . ����� next by Rev. A. L. Macfadyen, of was the reading of an address on aav other variety of Peas V Dnnbartoii, the interim moderator behalf of the congregation by Miss {or sale, please send V • _ whb will declare the pulpit vacant. Mabel Wright and the presents- sample and say what! For some time now the congrega- tion. to Mr. and Mrs. Moore of - you want for, _ yen .listen to candidates for puree of gold by Miss Laura An- them: the vacant pulp t. raw. IK&...- - - - - -= - 'Work olo r. Ruddy s beanti- completely by surprise having not 2-6 Whitby, Ont. ' fns residence is proRregsinpl saris- the alightest idea pp�reviously of ...- .IF YOU WILL 1�TEED factorily. The carpenter work is the presentation. Mr. Moore, in OE,T OUR CgTALOO7 UE Anew Set of Horness this fall. either single or double, now nearly completed -and the behalf of Mrs. Moore- and himself, - - pointers are now busy at the work replied in appropiate terms thank. - IT IS FREE - relit and see -us about them now. of decoration which will take them iug the donors for the handsome _ A good assortment of horse -and rig4urnishings A several weeks yet. Men are Also appreciation of their work among . • � "� s on hand, busy grading and sodding the lawn theta. Since coming to Pickering ay .. .:also and preparing the flower- laeds. both have -been ardent workers in - i I also have on hand one pair of second hand -The Ladies' Aid' of St. An- the various departments of work 5 ��Nr W. Top Collars for $5.00. ilrew's church will hdd a bazaar in the church: The titmost har- "' ! _ _ on the afternoon and evening of moo has prevailed durin the � r__All the_._ladies of the five years they have been in ick- T°•° ^pjQgF+,RivC HARNESS ' EMPORIUM v_.. �,....a - - - -- -- K congregation are asked to assist in Bring, and nothing fiat regret' is 40"A�: y - �' = making articles for sale. Kindly expressed on all sides at their de- - Phone Ind. 301, 'W. J. COAKWELL leave these with the President; parture from our village. At the y Mrs. Burling, or any member of same time the best wishes follow ELM DALE MILLS the Society before that date. As them to their new home and all .last year tilers will be a table -of hope that. they may be frequent )dome -made baking to which* the visitors to Pickering where a chopping our Specialty IVI E'N' S FURNISHINGS �a' ladies are also asked to contribute. hearty welcome will always await Ogllvie's . Household and Glenora - Refresbwents will be served. them in every home in St. An- Flours in 2s, b0 and ]00 p5und : i - occasions recently draw's congregation. Another sacks. Fresh Rolled; :Large assortment of Shirts in the new shades and styles with collar On several _ Mr. McGinty sustained consider- pleasing event dnrkiug the evening. Date, Etc.' to match.I,These are the best value we have had for, _r.1►ble damage to his new cement occurred when a number-of the Mi t nFCedwBrap ndrSQeQnable,the man a dayjat $1.00 And $1.25: sidewalks by some miscreant walk- members of the Brougham congre- _- _ y ing over it, every step making a Ration appeared to testify to their p Chopping every day. Working Shirts 50c., 75c., 80c. and 90c. ... _. deep impression in the eoftcement. a reciatioa of Mr. and Mrs.- x The damage was loot done through Moore's work by presenting them - PICKE ING MARKETS .: is 15c, 25c an accident or carelessness but•inten- with a parse and by their pres- Straw HA d 50c eacli. , tioneliy by some person with & ence to show the high esteem in — `: depraved mind. For such conduct which they are held by them. white Winter Wheat; old.::::: •9e 4 - no punishment is too severe and After short speeches by a number Red „ •' � New Hosiery, Hate and Caps and Underwear. should the guilty, party in these of those present the remainder of Mixed " •..... eases be apprenhended a ' charge the evening was "nt most pleas- Bering Wheat..; .......... `.. .� Goose ........... , .. wll]'be Inid tigainetJhem and they anr.ly in social intercourse and in i , 60' R. Oats ............,..• ............... .35 BUNT 1`I. Ao IN iT9 "��'+ ®ouch. Diarcy, na ic. i �1 ♦ ..: , :.. , . • ,. ,:5.x4. ,; • �, . �`•.'S_; .t. ,' c�.'ro`�iw _w_ _�., ��:,. _ , v;..` ->�, ,. ...... -.W, ..,::..,A,r.., .__..... m..... ..,�.- ...:y...�...ar,.,,..__• �•a� .z:...' '! s�. l�...,..,_..., t�,,, �t..-_, .,e__u.,..P,z- .,T7aes,r�a,?'�f _ ..,.Lnn..a :.��.33 �•�:ns�t�... Sk...1',.iM�•!� ;...:k^eua+n,'` �..._./i�s�"`caa:� -• a:. ah^ .4:#t��si.aaa".T;...ii�.t+"�;C _ ., -, c%'�' -". � an