HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1910_07_15 , ' , .. .., r,.» ,r _ ,. ,: .r �, a .• _ t �,. '� ,.,,W$'w:r ...{ .,,eT, -'C :<'Y; .. � -. <. ,. ..^"'.T' :.,. _...,:',-.... .•„'.:' '-s,^ .,x. {' ZC 'K -F`.-_q ','.'`r✓ ,,,,.y• y+c+ r .y..• •�. r reel 'J s• •�'' ar: ' PICKERING VOL. SIX. : _ ,...r. PICKERING, QNT., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1910 No. 41 AU DLEY MYRTLE ''PIT MILLS • home for party.un �P, J. Coale reel Mies Westney is visitin at Toronto. A edeaunder the suspiows g[ed{tai Miss Florence Pilkey of the Presb erian church 'will be yt .' her vacation. held this.(Friday) eveni on F.W. a McRINNON, M.D., L .C.$., Q= The recent improvements to the 's lawn,' :An ezcel,%t program Aarkas axd' 194ar-p�IrP n �3 f"i"idiabo ,—IDembir of-ibe L'oIl—isi o3 — eh37lCb add lilt3Ch#,E� to--which--Toronto, �-tJtltre — - —_. ___._. y.>mans.aa snresons of onario.ltosnei.te. A.W. Brown,of the Pittsburg Post wont and local talent will contribute Has on hand a complete stock of g f� os oollMs, of Hurgsoons, Edinburgh, staff,spent a few days looking u old �� au•asioa to dst•asse of womed aaa gP y g will be given'. Tea served from 6.90 harness goods, tneluding knee Omoe sad residence,Brougham, friends here during the past wee o'clock until all are served. Admin- dusters, rings, fly nets, sweat hide andL un 26 cents..Children 15 dents.PICKEBiNG MEDICAL SURGICAL eap oa vxiONVILLE English- holly,• trunks and suit- and X-RAY INSTITUTE - An interesting service will beheld WHITBY cases. - �= inCKWUNO, - - osrrexio here on Sunday at S. p. m.,when the An en uir was opened here Mon- �� are now booking orders q y >'� Repairing promptly Attendedato. , comer-stone o1 Bethesda .LutheranHast-wood, - _ B. ELGIN TOWLE, M. B.,,M. D., C. M., day.night before' Coroner . - r P• Church will be laid. The pastor will inBinder Pbyticl Din ases.g• - be assisted by the Rev. J. V. Sappen- hn B it y who died in the Toronto inq attention al od collars recelV i Y specialist of sM n Rectal Diseases. len, Can Dill.. -iit Summer Prioes field, o1 Sherwood, who will make the General Hospital on Sunda evening' eases o! Mea, Diseases of Women, cancer•, P Y sig •• . !tumors,a-say semination. Diseases of aye. principal address. Other speakers as the result of an accident on June 'Call and see me. sur.awe,tDsnat sad lanae. Bitifagglasees aaa - -- - -- - are expected to be present. The stone g5th. On that evening he was driving - :din to the ritual of �V when au oIDae soars 19 to a and 7 to 9 497). hitt as tomo- _ the Evangelical Lutheran u • bile frighten his orae. i e -- _ The Lutheran Church is among the (p� ��• oldest Christian churches in Markham thrown out and his neck bFol�ep. It is ' oaVJ.• L. SPINE; LIMITED, ToRnahip. 8t. John's, liuttoavwe, Is tr:pected that some important deuce will be produced at the Inquest. e' DICKERING. ONT, was.organized in 1793, and Bethesda, After the juryviewed the remains, an :. < T E. FAREWELL, S.C., BAR.RIS- � - Unionville, in 1794. tie TIM.001.12117 orownktiorney,and ooaasy adjournment was made till Wednes- - _sillslsar. CaortBoaM.Whttbv. lav MARKHAM day evening. T. BARCLAY,Barrister-It-Law, - Messrs. James Torrance and John - _ r - twr ion PASTeQ_ E Sigh court of Jess s, Sroci ems, -- - omni Iefi Wednesday fol M-4--ti Ie, *� 'Whitby, 71y whence they sailed on the Virginian - xm.. for Glasgow, Scotland. They expect this weekuiaa Hubbard is indisposed I have sufficient.pasture for three . J. G. DOW B. A., Barrister, to be gone about six weeks and intend or four young cattle and year Mrs. W. H. Jackson visited in the ''. - • Solioikrr,Notary Pnbllo,Ills Moneyto to Import a few cod Clydesdales. loan. Omos next door to the gtandard Bank, ;1B MY g city this week. ling colt. Plenty of water whlsbr. 9sly It is reported that Dr.Fierheller has A now staff of engineers has arrived v sold the Markham skating rink to a and lotsofshade. builder in Toronto, who intends to to surae for the ravel its•for the p � IND# TELEPHONE NUMBER take the. buildin down and sell the 8everal from here revelled in the - lumber. The rin� was offered to the cold breezes of. Lake Ontario last W WALTER L. HOWDEN, D. V. S. -' 1!1 1 t JACKSON oft'RW Graduate Ontario Vetenaary (lod7sRa. —CLAREMONT Agricultural Society at a very low Saturday. I ` -lWalubw Ontario veterinary Medical gooiat - --- figure, but they refused to buy.—Eco- $inclai%a camp has finished their Queo�sorr to Dr.1l.J. ebirl•y, 00ee King�l. Short, long and two short. nomist. - b Carr un a re►aiver is sometimes an work on the new railway here and is , y moving to Scarboro. : {' expsnslve luxury, es ciallf when the NO'W _ # pa Mrs. George Rodd, o! Mount Joy, ,,, . =3si{tte!!i ILcarnlf. carrier be ns to talk big and threat- and Amos Rodd, of Greenbank, willed - J, He BEAL ens what he will or can do with it, A on friends here last week. . G. HAM—Issuer of Marriage cage of this kind came before Mayor _ y�TS ei ht Lad E.H. Wilson this(Thurs- Is the time to place*our order for ,tt •tae vuia . 1n u'• °onnty of o�nit.rto. for house furnishings, carload dayylgevcning. Bert Evans was the ALTONA a monument. Being a slack time or single article at bottom detendant's name and it developed is g A ve successful meeting of the of the year in the shops betteria- POIICHER, Real Fatale Auc- the evidence that be had formerly g •. f�1 A.Ite w roach IN, e- Ladies' Iaahall ol- dueemeata can be lues. _ .1 • mons•:, nlaatoi,collector and bans: prices.. been in the[British Arffip—$e-•std bisas held - - g yd cf have HOPPER era o! Marriage Always open day or night. bhim�lama er a to use language Grove] art Saturday ratgernoo6,paper on h Fruit the stone erected the first. Miss Plate your order now thing y� D. Llama" in the Ocanty of Ousarto, : ._. p Canning and Preser ing.”: M R. in the spring. - O N as•sora and life rasideace.Marsmost. Boyd which led to the present action. White gave a realinR on "Summer $rams was fined $&00 and coats. the Boarders'. Miss Emma Roach and total bill being 810.86.—Sun. Mise Ethel Moakbouse gave recite- C. W. GIBBONS, Claremont An S.BEATON,TOWNSHIP OLERIE M , ' tions. all el which were higbl a re- ' .V. Ooae•tanoo, oommisstoner for takfas oRestvwoaD 7 pp w1sd.�, sesaaa•aa. Ste °fvoaw so logo Xcraddeu s Emulsins Sam. Trimble, of Toronto spent a ciated by those present. The Interest •,' taken is Institute work Is rapidly ia- �lJ ST REIiEI'4'ED aaiwr' p bi ..a�. Osis. lfarri1--g*a Lto , , • few days with his uncle, A.Trimble. creasing. Seven new members were �oPath Elmo* Miss Jessie Gilhu! of Pickerin added to the roll-call, thus making a POSTILL, 11cenaed Auctioneer, y' s' A Carload of Cement sad a Carload of 1` + for cannot" of York and oatbetc, aaa- is visiting her gra=ndfather, George membereb'rp of thirty-three The the best Spring Tania Youn regular month! meetings of the AI' British Columbia Shingles. _. tlea sales of an trade asteaa•a so an shorsSrs B• g y g - uaee, Address Green atvw P.O., Ons We congratulate Wes. Sadler on. tans Branch will be held in the village On sale now at our store whiffle the his success at the recent entrance ex- hall the 2nd Saturday of each month. All kinds o!rough and dressed lumber s+ B. POWELL, Licensed Auc• resent stock lasts amination. at 280 p. m.. sharp. The subject of B done•:for Ontario sad York aaa au - '� -' A. Trimble and family spell a day "Pickling" will be taken a at the lath and b' les. as well as bardf>, of Sales eondaebd •liber Privately p and soft coal alwa P vwty or by Regular OOc bottle for 99c. at the h.ke recently;--0. Wilson ac- next meeting. Aug. 8rd. All ladies ya g 6041408. sale noses oouaosed. dear dates or eompanied•them. are cordially invited to attend. in stock. ; Osla:__p�rpe •p�ly as redden«, tadtsabesh Six bottles for 8too ai`, P fgle dam. Orden lett as mews Ole••win F. M. and Mrs, Chapman, of Osha- �-so"pronsps asseatfos. 1Sy. wa, spent Sunday with the latter'• A e C. REE ®R t father, Judson Gibson. ■RotJ0 AM ! Bring your Prescriptions to va. Our r Mrs. E. Jackson, of Fort William. Mies Minnie Brown, is indisposed LOCUST HILL __.Wagner Q� Co. drugs-are always pure and fresh. is here on a visit with her parents, for a few daps. George and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Hilts. of Toronto, is Miss Hate Stewart wad gentleman visiting at E. Holtby'•. pe y ��LL TERM OPEMS dU6UST �9#I � - -Have s toll line of fresh and Cur- • Eyes, tested lIR1;S �' friend spears Sunday with her parents, Mee. dao. D. Linton spent Sunda a ed mn'te constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Samuel sad Mrs. Stewart. with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Fred. Willson, who has been Mrs, Wm. Cowie,of Toronto, spent This year the attendance bas been _ Spice Roll Breakfast Bacon spending the summer with bar father- a few days here this week. ]pi , the greatest in the history of the in-law, Eli Willson, will join her hue- Miss Carrie Phillips-left on Tuesday Sam, Bologna,Weinehg, etc. T. Me McFA DDEN sand in the west next week. ZQt�ttr ` ' _ _ for the home of berpnrenUt in Regin " Highest rlCee paid for DRU0018T AND GRADOeTE OPTICIAN Every man,woman and child to the George Philip sad R. J. Cowan had number of about two hundred and a business trip to Toronto-on Wed- ."Butcher-8 a cattle PICKERING, ONT. twentp-five attended the raisin of scads . + John Burton's barn on Thursdaylast. y ' James and Mrs. Dunkeld, of Atha, Nelson Lidgett and wife, of Cole- visited with Bennett Brothers oa ��Ds OFT• Pick zing Lumber Yard man, who has been spending a few Sunday. i�kertnglverr{ days with the latter'• mother and die- Mrs.-Harry Wright and Mrs. Thos. There is a reason for it. ,Day by ter,returned on Friday, taking Ran- Hubbard, of Nobleton, is visiting the day and year by year the eaperior A,11 kinds of,building material includ dal Brown with them. former's mother; Mrs. J. Beer. work of this scbcoi h reoosfb4i bell- .-First-elms rigsfor hire In rough and dressed lumber, g B The school board have engaged W. tar known. Our graduates readily Day or night lath, etc. WHITEVALE Jones, of Claremont, to put a new get choice positions. Catalogue is c i house. us J free. ?a _. lFNewbrunswick Shingles 83.60 We are pleased to report that A. E. Hoer in the s hoc 0� ' C The Ladies Aid o John's church BIIs me@td all tTa1i18 per M. Terme ash. Mw'or ie on the mend. 7 hPI a successful meeting at the bogie W. J. ELLIOT, Principal 1"eaaiinPromptly.attended Mrs. George Carter, of Toronto, of Mrs. Geo. Philip .on. Wednesday " !18 g to. W. D...GORDON & SON. visiting Mrs. James Thornton. y Cor. Yonge A Alexander Ste. Agent for Canada Carrie 6 Co. Miss Jennie Blair, o! Toronto is afternoon. g We are glad to state that all.tbe _ REAL E STATE•.... :Vengrwglad ith Mrs. e r Beaton. entrance upils, namely Miss MaggiePeak ae to see Fled $lover has Mi• • {cam{ Duncan, iso Libbie Farthing and.+secovered from his recent illness• Master Archie Meebin were success- r . . Two flfCyacre farms for sane cheap. Mrs. Elwood Lick, of Oshawa, is fel in their examination. The trustees • 'Good buildings, plenty of water, one- visiting with her slater, Mrs, Judson are also to be congratulated on secur- 8 Blacks mithin Pah. NOw is Half in cash, ,balance-on mortgage if Ing the services of such able teacher Will and Mrs. Shank, of Markham, required. spent Sunday with Thomas and Mrs, as Miss M. E. Walsh and Miss L. Rog-. -Hamlin. erson. Also a good -.tenement" dwelling i Having rented the'Dt nbarton shop Russel and Mrs. Cooper and family,V and'o ned the same,I am yielding 1Z%in the village of Picker- the time pe preps:- of Milton, are visiting the farmer's ed to do all work entrusted to Ing. sister, Mrs. D.R. Beaton. McLACHLAN HANGED me in the above line. Misses Ida and Berrie Turner, ac- y,a specialty, • �rMel� s i companied by Misses Terry and Maud; Arcbie McLachlan, who murdered To send us your name for. our ' - Call in and see me any time. of Toronto,motored out to the Vale his wife and two children at Vxbridge De�� s;fie � Yf � on Sunday.' in October last, paid the penalty for BIG XMAS - F+- T■ Z-+=N �' +, The Wbitevale Branch of the Wom- his crimes06 n Wednesday - DIINBARTUN en's Institute will meet at the home of Bing in the Whitby jail yard The =- -- --` Mrs. ' James. Taylor on Wednesday, doomed man slept well during the CATALOGUE July20th at 3 m. A good program previous night and in the morning .-We r . �ti�rd • _ , P.. g P g f light breakfast. He OF— is being prepared. All ladies cordially Partook o a g invited went to the scaffold with a firm ste� Watches �'ilOCk$ i - The _ and with no sign of fear, althoug Notary Public, Pickering. The annual picnic held at Roeebank DOMINION BANK �Y on July'9tb- was much enjoyed- b his face was pale. Shortly before .. f hose' resent.• i4 feature-was-��t wing-hie cell he spent a few min' JeWelery, Silverware p lRead Uffioe, Toronto Qe $ml I�� game between-the married and single utas reading a Toronto paper. He ; •. men. The game was called at the end h accompanied mpffianied to d b scaffold t _ . _._ ETC, " General BankingBusiness — of the third innings with three runs the jai officials an y is spiritual - zea A general blacjCr3initb btiaineea done. each, advisers, Dr. Abraham and Rev. W. transacted.• - Auk y a s- B.Tighe. Altogether, there were It will be out eaFIy•this fall. inds of repairing neatl nd The garden'party held on Wedntl� 9 - promptly executed. da might of thes week under the sus- only (teen persona present including i$ Dial attention V9n.t0 . _ P P y picas off the Baptist church was a• de- the newspaper representatives. .The $end in your naive now. Horwshoein g Specialty. crime for which he aid the natty g' - tided success. The evening being fine P I� was the poisoning of his wife the she colleotion- Of a large crowd assembled in the.s act hernia of his'-dwelling in which both' - C�JR�ON ♦ et.A'VCTe ous church lawn where an excellent g g i g. sale not _ PICRERINt3, ONT. - - program was rendered by the Whitby of his sons perished. a crime was orchestra, assisted by the male gqear- was prompted by his infatuation for a ,aADYPT4$ DEPARTMENT. tette and Mise Alice Newport, elocu- young.woman. During his trial and M PLANTS FOR.7SALE tionist. Large crowds were present also at the coroner's inquest he stout- 2De3pp�' 't8 received of $1. and _ 1 maintained his innocence, but be- fore Markham. Stouffville, Glare- y upwards, Totnatoee, Cal2bage; Cauliflower, Pickering,ginsale,Audley,sad fore his death be admitted his punish- U _ moat, went was k'net one thus'+idmittin Cele: and Garden Flowers. other neighboring villages. gg `�.tere®t allowed at -highest y bis guilt, Through his spiritual aol- opposr" NEW` POST Ormcs current rates. Wagon-will be on the road during viser be left the following message to About-thirty.Doukhobors atVe- . Dun then : "Be careful of the.co - the 9eal30D. y g CHAS. D. GOR•DOx, Manager renin are preparing to go on the )any you keep, and above all things R The Gammage Gardens, march again. They have burned keep-away from all forms of strong ' WHITBY BRANCH. BROUGHAM, ONT. .all-theirclotbing and money. drink- which tial been my undoing."- js�-v�ne���Arlo a' a/ S .+• ,t.:,.: der'"� p �n'C-,.,. .•.-.'... 1,,._. .; ' + . ". b'. •w+ .. . yf.. .... .c _ � ..r'w '�.! ,:..''/}Y .N J4,,+�.� j A•yi 4 +� r,.. w — :et ., .,, :r+�.,^wY.:wa. 't,.< ." :• .<,., „r.4:.FC9'.'`.%rice t^?:H. n +": .:� a, � .r e.2� nz�w :. •. Lkpy �. .,�el§-"•Y�„'�5.•. ? ..'• 'P.R�!yy�AY�3!„n.�'8.''°`=. -. ': ,. `• �,�„ ,�T �".�' '� ,ay '�yk°,�•D�.e� � ,ti P•r„a,, '• ``. Ytx. �.>„ y '•'.n ''t 'h% %° '1. "a °�Sti: .:#, °'i'< "ww:=.a �-."^,' M.A 'L-,.: , �hbl••'ar .'fir Q dv. W5 h /, y a L r' YM•r ., _4'� a� a s•i" ;.s 9 A'• ',�'y,� :�: 3"se .,'tS.v:• -r- •,h �+..,� a .,Q:' �' 4.�iaCl='�!/1 — gpr. ,fS...,.v -6.• Z y.7. .'}. n'li 2+" >- ''fir.. ;tee, ,.'Y�' wit _� F -'L:!'. �,... .+:...- •^'1- Ar .' "..• ,, .'.. Y .,-ai.. ti.e.... ..} ,. '.•L:, '''�..-�..... .. ,,'i.. ',�. ., rT.A. ... — fJ�Ff 4'^i�'S _.4 - .... qf, : "T `'' .. •• ,„. :Aril 4!' t?{`" 'h_y ,r. ;.sx.. '*3 r-, -_ % -an Mwal - ... toIm make, but Msximapainful h pedthaenough .. >' frank confession would not have the ' � effect of estranging him entirely r from his old comrade. He knew ' ithat good sense was his-.dominant i. quality; that he looked on life from Clears the Brain and Builds Up the 1 a practical point of view, and he _ counted oh Making-him see thatAn - Muscles. A Healthy, Economical-' > enforced marriage could not be Substitute for Meat Ql`..Egli , "- OR. -THE HERITAGE -OF MADAME a haply one, and' that instead of. _ ircurnng the risk, it would be bet For er, serve biscuit smothered'{n Creamed veg- - •`'YAL•TA. - j ter to renounce of his own-free will etables. For bresHisst-or luncheon,cover biscuit with _ the hand of Alica, and content him- seasonablefruit and add cresm and sugar. It's delicious. salt with being M. Dorgeres' e part- At 7oar is I3e. a carton, two for 83c. 8t:s ner. , Whilst revolving CHAPTER 'VIII:--•(Cont'd) them. Adieu, countess. I a a re- J,in his mind, he pursued his way to .` "I pictured to myself an insur-I gret 'you. 'You might-have have power- Euc d'Aguesseau. -" rection against the Russian govern fully aid�d '6u'r cauiie, and`you'will It was Sunday, and there were rut nt," replied the countess, proud- end like a traitor." chances that Yignory had not yet ly "I knew there had Peen mur- Having hurled this menacing gyne Dui. He had scarcely taken xlerers among you, but I believed farewell, Villagos. turned, on „his twenty. stepa when he perceived - these to .be .isolated acts to which heels toward the door. Hardiki, GForget coming toward him. have somewhere to go in the mean- Jules .Yignory had been guilty o! 1r those who committed them had, summoned by the stroke of the bell, He had some difficulty is recog- while." a base act. lien driven by despair. The news awaited him there. The :Nihilist nizing him, for in place of the of- "With pleasure, Monsieur Max,� . "Would you recognize thin letti- ,' *• `' ,from-St. Petersburg has opened my I Russian and thePole exchanged fire livery he wore as elegant par- ime," said the child. He did not ter that you wrote-­` eyes. You may kill me; you will I ort very amicable glances, and the kcT, velvet breeches and gray hat. inquire where he was to be taken, "Under.Vignory's dictatioi?.Per- _ not force me to remain one of you. ai u servant of *Madame Yalta He walked with his head high, and and followed willingly. fee -y. -e wog recognize i�too. 1 am the daughter of a man who followed him to prevent an aggres- hands in his pockets his eyes were Rue d'Aguesseau was not faro Iff didn't change a word in the copy- -sired, in Siberia, whither he hadl sive return, Scarcely - had they bright and his mouth smiling, ani they .were silent .during the Ling' " ' been sailed for taking up arms for d'^fappeared, when Maxime raised "You are cured, then?" said short walk. Oa arriving at`Vig- "Then Dome with me." * behind _ viae. tire-'independe e,e€ P•el�r . ey found here! kuµ; wa; to free my country that I con-I been concealed during this tragic "So entirely that I seem never tri in conversation with a tali "To M. Dorgeres', my uncle's serted to become your ally, and the conversation. The counteas ap-'to have been ill," replied Georget. young man who bowed to Maxime. He would like to -thank you." N brave men and women whom I have proached him and found Alice "1 have already played ball with E "You do not know me, he said. "I would ask -uothing better. -• - 'led into a complicity with you have standing behind her cousin. Alice, my right arm, and my memory has "Do you remember the cook of Rue Rc.wever,' if it would draw on we f had no other aim. Kardiki has pale and trembling, had not come back." Jcuffroy?" tire di'apleagure of Vignory-" served his country, and he believed st-rength to-speak, but -Maxime ex- Then I shall not leave you, my 1 "Very 'well,'' said Maxime,-Sur- "Come, monsieur, come. and do `e was serving her still in execut- claimed: boy, you can tell me many things. p-iFed at this meeting. a good act, I swear that you shall- �, ing my orders. Justine ia-Parisian, ''We have heard all. Where were you going at this "Agenor Galopardin, book-keep be rewarded" Luc her father and her husband are Then you know that I am to rate?" er• and 'merribcr of the society of - Galopardin suffered himself, to , : r „Polish. Georget, the - brave boy are, said the countess• with a sa o teII my .story to M. Dorger- i ants d'Apollon. I came to see be Ied off by-Ma2daW.-who had tak - = - lobo has risked his liberty and.his smile. ca " r^y.ex-comrade Yignory. I say ex, I en his arm. - ' life for me, is the grandson of a "To die ! it is this wretch who will "What story?" �because he has dropped me for the( Georget had listened without a i!renchman who died fighting' in the di I charge myself•with.sending "I am going to tell him that I ex- ,art two months. Only think he rd, but it could be read on his ranks of the Polish army, and she luiu into the other world with a piained to the Persons who carried kends this morning a messenger face that he understood all. wbo shared his dangers and .who -good. sword thrust." off M. Bonsoff's casket hcw to open'ba gging me to call at his lodging. l Two hundred steps from the house- i -- "married him.during the great iu "No. You will not play your t.,o safe." I sacrifice my fritters and run. No Maxime perceived Yignory ap- ' - - turret#log of 1833 was born .the' 1':fe against a murderer's. You ran " suspected as much. ' Was it Yignory. Monsieur is gone out." 'Preaching. He was hastening to- c: 'Cuuatesa Wielenska. She-has s&c-I no longer:doubt that. M. de.Car- your own idea to come and confess; "I came to see him also, and am ward him, but Vignory also perceiv- ' ytificed everything for her country- noel is innocent." to my uncle?" very much vexed at not -findin :ed Maxime and had recognized the name am$ fortune, an ur Alice dou telt no.more t at „ „ ------- gi> Ing the forte years in''which.she has And my uncle must yield to the evi- Maxime began .to understand, ; ."You_ too, he has set you down ate-ly and retraced his steps at full l been consigned to the humble poli- dtnee. The time for circumspection The countess must rave gone early tc o! Ah, fortune changes men. He speed. �� P lbrr a to her, she has foot ceased to �. c+ame Prni.n�riao the deliver M. - was not so_proud two. months_ ago.._ __ Ah, that i .too much ' exclaim- - tic a to which our misfortunes have _ this _ _ _ _ _ �r be rt$to the house from which h lame 1, land to announce roe her ins# de I%hen he came after me at the cafe Nd Galopardin. "Now tlus.monsieur mOtIIIII LO w(,rk day and night for .the -deliv- eame out or and Po proud. I wash g to ask me to do him a favor. He makes off when, he sees me. He is lerance of her country Do you think to have him re-enter it with ha tiuns in consequence. I hail confidence in me then, for it afraid of being obliged to confess _ .. F " 'ltl i"noble woman would consent to head erect. He is here, is he not l" And you are not afraid that! (ccnaerned a delicate- an�tbat he once frequented the society serve los er the coward artisans � �� r ehc murder? P arrested me I don'i know how y he anc nymous restitution." of a poor devil of my sort.. He is _ g 13' partisans Yes, replied the countess, ' but �-� patron t I claim the honor of presenting him l "What! what do you mean 4" ask- ashamed of me• Very well. I will / - "She has permitted her grandson to M. Dorgeres. It is for me to re- will take your confessions. Is it'to;ed Masrme, quickly,\ pky him back some day " soften him that you are-so dressed' "Oh, it was a ver simple thin "Yes," exclaimed Maxime, "he a IED aid them to steal," said the doe- parr the wrong that has been Oh no, Monsieur Maxime the I y P g 's IEC r, with a sarcastic anvils. done." up? Fifty thousand francs that a client wishes to avoid us; he has_guesiied "The permission was granted "But " said -Maxime, with a lit- " r i of the Dorgeres' house owed to a!nil• Let us hasten, I beg. I have A: tirith the sole purpose of destroying tle embarrassment; I,,'do not know countess brought me th-a costume. gentleman, and wished to return it' nt t a minute to lose in presenting papers which compromised hua- whether my uncle will consent-" Sh., is going to take me away and without giving his name. Between l You to my uncle." diads of her compatriots But it ''To receive us You will tell him does not wish me to*be groom any. c.urselves, I alwa a believed he had; 1 - P y „ Galopardin was net pleased with - Iwhom he obeyed; I who dedi- what you have just learned, I have longer." stolen them." �1'i-s ci-devant friend, and he follow'- Ira-4 - .eated myself to the accomplishment nothing now to conceal. It matters "To take you away' 'where?" "And-Yignory"charged youwiih ed Ma:drne without-further tbought of this act, which I regarded as a little that they sh.,uld know I have `'I don't know: I only know she remitting this aum?" of what unhappy_' � g ply oonaequencea the P sacred duty, and I do not need to dishonored myself by allying my- is going away this evening, and wef "Ma fci' yes. I am not 'rich, presentation might have for the Yremind you what it cost •" of if with rascalq, I forsvrear them arc going with her;=grandmother`but I am honest, and I delivered ungrateful Vigaory. "Yea, I know that you have been nr,al I brave their vengeance I' and 1. And I will be sorry, be- the y g package safety to 'the address Father Doulevant opened his eyes heroic," -said Villagos,- slowly;. deny them so utterly that °I shall cause I won't see you any more:" Iof the gentleman, Boulevard sea a ids at seeing Cleorget is his new "and I ask m self what mad in- +ask M. Dor ere- to "Come with me. ,My uncle is not y g publish every- Batignolles. I even wrote the let-! but his astonishment did s iration led at home. 'He will return soon, and s - p you to desert our Rbere their history and mine."' ter accompanying it It seemed they n• t prevent him , from informing tparty after having so bravely and "It would be a•grave imprudence are will _see-him together. But I debtor didn't want his creditor toi Maxime that M. Dorgeres had re- skilfuliy solved it. Not a trace re- ar,d I beg you not to dr, i t: Why krow where the bank-notes came.tr ' nd-was-awaiting him at his r - .mained .of an accident that might should you expose yourself to ter- from, and this creditor knew the office. .. - kave ruined us; when you suddenly rible dangers? .It is enough that. IS THINNESS .handwriting of the employes' of M. I At this moment a carriage stop- undertake to stir-up this affair, go Robert de Carnoel should be exon- EMBARASSING ? Ilnrgeres, and that was why he red before the gatedray, wind his as-, - - U,l r. -with- your ffriends, and, erated. I- shall hasten to my uncle plied to me. He even promised that,tonishment changed-to .stupefaction -{ seeking to-destroy your,own work, and announce your visit; but. .all — -_ his -patron would make'me a nice when he saw Robert de Carnoel de- launch all your auxiliaries into an will be between him and me.'.' Undoubtedly It is to Many a Maid- present, but it has never come." scrod from this coupe,'and•give his .ins _.. ane -enterpirse, which has sue- "Will. you pardon me'?" the . e.n and Youth-While Even.Those Maxime was pale with emotion. ,hand-to the Countess Yalta to aid ' ceeded only too well. -'Could you countess said, turning toward Mile.!, Well Along Iia Years Prefer Well .He learned all at once that Robert'' hii r to alight. . aexplain to me the cause of this sad- Lorgeres, "for hawing caused' you Rounded Figures. de Carnoel was-innocent, and that (To be continued.) Y -,;deo change?" se marsh suffering?" _ _ "The cause? There was no other. Alice did'nat reply.- She was Prescript{on Increases 1Fcight. Ltaa_the desire to�awe Why Have an Overheated =Cent; it-was'.that I swore to repair "Yea," she went on. "I was A scrawny, gangling youth or the wrong intentionally done to h- cruel. I should, when I first knew maiden is almost invariably slight- _ Kite, . n to Su -imer? - H, de Carnoel an 'to his betroth-"that your betrothed was accused, ed, overlooked or ridiculed in any ' cd " have said before you before your social g. When the sultry days come and the coal range "Ver •well. You confess that Y „ gathering. There is some- Y father, that I alone was the guilty' thing. about a'plrimp or-well pro-. -makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cookie a ..ycd have com;rromi ed us by your c''ne. My 'silence was a crime. And portioned figure which attracts not dreaded task g sentimental follies. It is an un-, this,crime I am ready to-expiate.- only- friendship, but. love and adu- ,`'huh Out the. Targe fire mild. try the ' :;pardonable crime. I may, howev- I consent' to declare publicly that lation as. well. IICWest• •method -o£ cooking -in hot-weather-nSC-a- _ cr, take on me''to pardon you on I have been the accomplice of these People with a' proper amount of- mm 9Fe tau conditions." wretches; that-to sate them I have flesh are 'favored -in' all walks of &� � 1 "Spare yourself the 'trouble of dishonored myself." life, while the thin are 'unblessed, ` naming them. I shall not submit "You, madame:" staminered.the unwelcome and .frequently unser- - 3o diem." able for life. The,d.ifference lies in e "'the first," 'renamed the im ei trembling. Alice. C60k-' P .11o }•ou doubt it? -You have not tl°.e power of the digestive functions _ .(���� ; turable doctoi, "is.that you leave heard, then, what I said to that and the ability of the blood and s rFrance sever to return. The sec nerves to•absorb-and�distfibute bveir' What a contrast! The kitchen n0 longer is n;rtn? You do not know at what ord-your protege, Carnoel-is here, price I paid for my stupid devotion th-j body the nutrition-extiacted Stifling hot, the work is now bone with comfort, sill .7 am Certain. It was to your hoose to an infamous cause? Well, look." from the food eaten. . that Justino and Kardiki brought She made three step's -and raised The thin person is abnormal and the IlOIISI°Wife i8 not worn Out With the heat. hini last night. If you wish the a black curtain which'masked a lacks-the power to absorb and re- She saves her str; tngth, keeps Committee to overlook your faults, niche in the wall. 'Alice uttered a tain the flesh and fat elements her health and is better able to -,if you desire to live, it is serer cr of horror and turned awn her, which the.gastric.juices in the sto oar• to deliver u this man-to de- eyes. y enjoy the Summer. ; S p eyes. She had already raised this mach and intestines should' extract liver him to me this day-instant- or separate from all kinds of fogd The Nes rstov c n does do - cu•:anis and knew what it-conceal- p 1 that szir oth-r stows can do-all the ism- ` a<l and drink. fly cooking, biking, washing and 'nor.- "Todeliver M. de Carnoel to iron- "It was you, then?" murmured A fteent 'd,ccidental discovery has ing. No'smoke,no dust,no odor. Heat you!"-said 'tLe roosters, with a raven that tincture cadomene in applied directly and not waated. AMaxime. proven'' P y contemptuous smile, "to be mur- when blended with certain other - turn;and the flame is out. - Have you not guessed iti" she d<'red, no doubt.. And it is to tna dru s will add from 011P to three Zbe _Ne-w Perfection stove hair a--- lie asked, showing her ]eft arm. g ,_. ii dare to•propose a Cowardice. Cabinet Top' with shelf for keeping ?„ Ae had not guessed it or rather, Pounds o#.Sesh per 'week during . . I '. D3-,qo•i refuse?" - ' treatment while the social health � ,plates and food hot, drop shelves for _ -• _ he had"not wished to guess, for the . g the coffeepot or sauce and nickeled The countess• diel not take the conversation he had just heard' and strength also improves won- towel racks. paw tri,ublo .to reply. She. pulled a should have le-ft him no doubt:, He derfully. It baa long turquoise-blue enamel - cc rd, and motioned the insolent understood all now; the sad history Get iii a'half pint bottle three chimneys. The rirkel tlnist4, with the doctor to the door. , ounces of essence of a ht „ ,; of the stranger contained no more pepsin and _ 'bright blue of the rhimneye,stakes the . Very well, he said, in a rating stove very attractive and invites clean ;Jbor:e;."you drive me away. I shall inysteries for him. -three ounces of syrup-of`Aiubarb; then add one ounce com.pourul ea- lfness. Made with r, 2 and 3 burners; t•.t return, and"you will not see Cantion.rYNete:-se sure. the 2 and 3-burner stovea can be had for forty-eight hours CHAPTER IX, genre cardiol; shake and let stand you get this -cove--see with or without Cabinet. 1ne again, - that the plane-ptat0 B - - testi hours; ten add one ounce reads"Now Perfection." A'Q7s«rw•trrwr,era.►a;itrwt•troara t�ltetor _ lle.mNlr•Crrcu .• firm now }•ran will be dead. One Their friendship had been less tincture cadomene compound- (not Ptto I:the near"t ajawy of 6La M word only. Rnc)w that all who have warm of late but it subsisted still, ci;rdamon). Shake well and take a The Queen city Oil Company, Limited, nieed' yore, all who' have received and Maxime could not work• de- teaspoonful before. and after meals Toronto. year ce;.ndence, will be pitilessly cidedly on. behalf of M. de Carnoel drinking plenty of water between struck. Your trea?on will not save without forewarning Vi nory• rn.als and when retiring. _ cc L N ti:, rf ,s;" tt b a+S� ^+t,f :e R- r'- :.-i• .1�.. :.,C � ,.,L rc�{',,` ,h r °,'"... } .y+. w"" _ ,� ,;;" ,`,,,n u :•.°,x; �,:.;fi.ac •i.-r , r. `><.^.p � :'fi.�' r- '.tkx- -�Iw,.^,.rr -Mi sd';,p w�` +,. _'a,f.�• a �, 'ai'r� y� a r„ ..,..•{• :r `.'1�,1. •;.• r °..•�c re �'.a..r., _ v 'kw'y ' .,_. ^�<•,. �.. w1'�.f v.41f'� � w Ga7o .�. - ., V' , "�'?,.. ,!xc, i� n 4;f�. gry„;. ''� •`./h ..� "M:.+4'... _ ;c . cNo 3 o- nr r' • �`'��,+.. .,;r..*a• ,. ....' i+; .�9. le z;,:'•.,.• ...gt .�- m .e••„d ',x,'.�kr :c•. e!" "�,� :1u= _.:{" <.y,r. r'.,y. ,+A-r;'r:,.9 .'i+." �M` =,s•n+ �ixr,'.s p M-w . - uSTOPPOISONING � �_ _ -- -JOURSELF -bout One.-Hundred Million Bushels is the - The Only Cloud on the Horizon is the ` ,M and Neoral t3 Estimated Field. V_ �ptly pared ---=shortage of Farm Laborers. Seadachea �.'aina "P'l'ait-a-tinea." .:: ' ._. •. - ,,�� "} "A despatch from Winnipeg says:-estimate of one hundred_ million have never seen the crops Qf farms is still their inefficiency. Re• y I ---- - -11�- u canvass o e leading u e s is conserve ive. an a p am .. a `e"ar€tie en ettae f tfre iovince is beth shape t this a ly, r. ut er and, acting up- , :grain meq and others peculiarly in- admission that great damage must =`neuralgia and Headaches, there is time of the year than they are pow. on a number of complaints on this rM In- have been done in many districts. always Constipation, Weakness of the Some of the grains were delayed score, sent out a circular letter to -. - - t T . tvrested in the- present condition general) realizes that Kidneys and Blood Poisoning. by the cool weather; but now every- a number of'farmers who had em- }b' Tb� public y of the crops throughout the three the damage ;n _Manitoba has been em- Non-action of the bowels compels thing is growing splendidly and played men through the depart- w western provinces shows that as a heavy, and that the straw is very the blood=to absorb foul matter which Brest crops are promised." went, asking for particulars about - +. light, but is rapsgupea hy the Fe4e ,t enthusiastic tht men. These Le1JOLt8 are-on t-'- experts, who have -covered the ntembrance -that some of the best Weak Weak Kidneys fall to filter from the of Mr. 'Donald Sutherland, Direc- whole far from complimentary. In whole country, leading operators erops ever reaped have been ,off blood the necessary amount of waste. for of Colonization for Ontario, one, the farmer, after stating that y now look for a crop totalling one very short, light straw. The what The blood thus becomes poisoner. a hO has just returned t4 Toronto the immigrant who had left him hundred- million bushels .ot wheat. is well headed' everywhere, and at and it is this poisoned blood which from a tour of the western coun- Ras not a competent man, made the 34ports show that the crop is present is looking very well, but hurts the nerves and causes :neural- ties of the Province, following reply to a question as to Y Patchy, some districts being almost mere rain will soon be needed. The gla and Headaches. "So confident are the farmers whether the man could milk: ruined, while others are rejoicingintense hot spell seems to have that` the crops are going to be "No " he wrote, "he can't milk,' .. Pe fruit-a-Lives,'• shade from fruit large, in the finest outlook-in many years, passed, and there is every prospect juices, acts on the bowels.and kidneys �g that they are becoming anxi- but that was the cow's fault. Th With close weight million acres of normal conditions for the im- and" is the greatest blood purifying uus about the prospects of securing cows he was used to in England -=-, Under crop it will be seen that the mediate future. medicine'in the world. help in the fall, said Mr. 6uther- were different. The- ' land. "The demand for farm hands plying to another uestion said` 'IF is sold by all dealers P Y 8 „ q „ y� . at Soc a box. 6 for i2.so, or trial size, is just as keen as ever and if we ad- that the alleged farm hand could -.SANE, 86BER, STRENUOUS• B&yEr1.LiE INCgEABEB. iced---that we bad Rte+ in ���<, harness a horse after he had fig. - -'- - - - 5d" rn��be vbTa7ned from ru t-a- ••,• would have that number of a li-,been taught b his employer. h- • - - -- i - - - fives, Limited, Ottawa. catPP g Y ;y�• :,Earl Grey Gives His Opinion of' on- frnm farmers in "I the head of "general Canadian People. Carrent Year. r. 11 +� Dp!!L twenty-four hours." marks" comes this illuminating A .de atch . from London says: : THE WORLD'S.7 ��A It11L l` Around Brantford the demand comment Y A despatch from. Ottawa says: V for farm help was so acute, he con- "I put him at hoeing the garden Earl Grey, in this weeks Standard ,Thc financial statement of the_Do- tirued, that Indians on the Brant- bur he said that the handle of the of Empire gives a statement of his minion for the first quarter of the - hopes and convictions regarding ' q tcrd reserve were being engaged hue was too short. It was just a present fiscal year shows an in- REPORTS FROM THE LEANNG at $45 a month and board. new one I bought." Canada, sad says: "Canadians are I erfased.revenue of $4,741,981, as is sane, sober, strenuous, earnest TRADE CENTRES. The chief di�culty with the im- This man was receiving '$20 s 4. compared with the torreaponrlin patriotic, invinciblyin'du's- g _ . migrants who have been placed on month and his board. �trious, a three months of last year. For the _ people. worshipping no -last month the increase was - s - . alga gods and fotl°wiQg no-will of 7;g, The quarter's revenue total- creamery, 21%c.' - STREET CARS RUN DOWN. A. "the wisps, but steadilyand sure) Other Dalry Produes at l:_fike8.of Cattle. Grata; Cheese as$ with their a es o y' $°6,334,853, and the revenue for Cheese-Western, 10/,c to lie; -- r y pen alike to op- June $9,612,677. Expenditure on $ane aid Abroad. eastern, 10/,c to 10%c. Train Crashes Into Pair at Wlani. F" ortunity and dangers,- are build- cc nsolulated fund account for the Eggs-Selected stock, tic dozen; peg Crossing. :t:g up between the Atlantic and three months was $8,883 107, an in- - BREADSTUFF'S. straight receipts, 17c to 18c dozen; Pacific the greatest-nation that has ( o second rade, I-/,c to 13c. A despatch from Winnipegsays. rq r 8 I crease of only $16,500. Expendi- 1 'Toronto, July L.-Loeal quota g 9` One of the most serious idets ever been within the greatest Em- tr.re on capital account for fhe tons are as follows:- Country Produce-Beans, three- -- - - plre That has ever been Canada's, quarter totalled 83,150,035, a de- -wOntario - Wheat-:--,No.---2-winter, and ickers, �f the 'kind in the history of the pc p $1.95 to $2 barbs}. W vder€ul inspirations to any right-i crease of 8864,263. Duriri June 9,c to•98c outside. per ba In car lots, 45e c'ty occurred at 4.45 on Friday af- tl�u g Potatoes, g, thinking man. No better fate could - I ternoon, when the Oak Point t°- befall an British bo the wet debt of the Dominion de- Manitoba Wheat-No. I north. to SOe. Maple syrup," in wood 6cF y y, girl, moa cr,.ased. by .82,333,46'&,_the debt at 'rrn, 81.09; No.•2 northern, $'1.06. pound- tins,-81,c. Sugar, 10c to cat, eastbound on the Canadian woman-tthan to�ecome a good the end of the month being' 8322, Ncrthern, crashed into two street _ Canadian and p la his or her \°• 3 northern, $1.04, at lake orta Ile. Honey dull; sloven, white, 14c p y part p r• care bound for River Park, at the 4ui,,328. for immediate shipment, to 15c; dark grades, ll�,c to 1_c; ' -in the Dominion's great forward a r_- ,__- __----- Fembi-na-at,reet_crossin:g -The -train-, g 1@;;rta r1c;$uclr� s`r h_ whic�is t11e alert wonder- ----- _.-..- - �„� nL$a its g yel}ov�, 7c to 7'/c. vas travelling fifteen miles an hour.. TRIED TO KILL FOREMAN. II No, 2 yellow, 67isc; Canadian 'Wheat, � Eul process is this wonderful age." arid hit fairly between the closed- cern, 62e to 63c, Torontofreights. Earl Grey strongly favors emigra- Discharged Stine Workmen— Re- Oats-Canada Western, -No 2, ear and the trailer, smashing both, tion of young children to Canada: "LIVE STOCK MAREETB. auo throwing the trailer into an ex- - " turned and Iladc ,ttaek. 38c; No. 3. C. W., 37c at lake its F p° ea`Iation for a subwav under the �- - - '�for Immediate shipment; Ontario Montreal, July 12.-Calves, 83 to STAGE RACES WITH FIRE.. Ades etch from Cobalt sa s I$10; live hogs, 8 50 per 100 tracks on Pembina street. Mrs. P Y i No_ 2 white, 33c to 34c outside; No, 8 P pounds; t is reported-that seven Finland .o �, I Ehr epi 4I:t'c to 5c per pound; lambs, Lawrence, ,wife of an employee of Ifoods in )lie 3?shite, 32c-to 33c outside, 36„c on the Street Railway Company, tiigen tblsze-pa$-i cis, who were discharged from the tracks Toronto. S3+ 50 to 85 each; steers, choice, 6/se y P 3'. sit- „_.seagen Narrow Escape. . . Quinlan property in. South Lor• o r to 6%c. good, Be to 6%c; middle, ting on the front seat of the trai- y-No, 2, 51c to 5_c; No. 3 , a,. , ralne, -returned on Thursday "and ' Barrie 5/c to 5%c* fair, 5c to 5/sc; com- Ier `was thrown from the car under y . A despatch from Sault Ste.! extra, 49c to 50c_; No. 3, 46c to 47c attacked the foreman with intent mon, 41,'c to 4�"c. the lot of the engine and Instant- _ Marie says: Forest fires continues outside:; Manitoba No. 4, 46 jIc on 3- Pl 8 to kill. .Constable McKay- and de-=. :. ' Toronto; July 12.--The range. for iy killed. The body was carried iu Northern Michigan and in the, track,- fake. - " pvties rushed to the. ,scene- in a T the best butcher cattle was on an u1le hundred feet, and the engine triciwty of the Soo Passengers on l • the o._2, 7.Oc to i l.c. eFYccial speed launch. ave-rage of from 85.75 to 86.35, with -had to be jacked 'up to release the 'the Soo-Pickford stage on V�'ednee- Rye-No. 2, 67c to 68c, day, night found themselves hem- Buckwheat-No. 2, 51c. Las medium "and common grades mangled remains. The escape of W. e° in on both sides of the road 70,000 QUIT WORK. - - Manitoba -Flour tr; ging from $•1.90 to $5.23 and the other passengers was nothing ��nn -Quotations at $5.40. Cows and - bulls ranged short of miraculous, as the trailer ' hy-nasalis of fire, and the driver was - Toronta are :=First eate-nts, $5,90;j was well loaded with a. obliged to'.race his horses throw h' )lig StHke of '.N -York' Garment s<cond widely, bringing fro-,n 53.75 to $5.- merry-makers 8 8 r•: patents, $5.30; strong bak- 3r, .according to weight and qua- bound for the park. s the burning district for ever a mile. Workers Is On. $3.10'; .90 per cent., Glasgow lay. 9[ilkers and springers were -�F-- - - freights 25s. e� HEA'FY HAILSTORM. A despatch from New Tvic says: Ontario Flour - Winter wheat fully.810 per head lower. Sheep Obeying the strike order7fssited by silo lambs firmer at $8.25 as. the F.NGINF SLID INTO LAKE. t : patents for export, $3.50 to $3.60, to ria for lambs. Ho their leaders thousands of women , Farmers in Vicinity of Portage 1a I in buyers bags, outside. P P Hogs were t Washout on the C. P. R. Weal Prairie Lose Their Crops. cloak .and garment workers in this j Alillfecd-Manitoba bran, 819 per 4uvted 10c higher at.$9:•75 to $9.. cit struck on Thursday afternoon of Lenora. 3 Y ton ; aborta, $20 per ton, track, To- L' TTED STATES MARTiETS. A .despatch from- stoma_ sacs: A despatch from Portage la ?oma higher wages and_ tnproved'•ronto. Ontario -bran, $19 per ton; lr Prairie, Manitoba, saws: A heavy working conditions. The strike oT- aborta 521 The C, F. R. main line Ia at pre" ' storm, with hail, did considerable der went into effect at 2 o'clock, per ton on track To• Buffalo, July12- Wheat-Spring g gent tied up, owing to a dump be- dsI to the crops in this istrict ar,� a ,hour later it was said at I runty _ _ __ .. Wheat easier; -N'. I Northern, car- - -nn Saturday, iri some.eases armors th:- union --headquarters that'the - load., ` store, $1.22',' ;' Wint.er- II:g washed out at a point_ eight a r" COUtiTRY PRODUCE, �' mi ea west o� lie re. This spot has yea "being hailed right out. The heavi- cal:. to walk out was being goner- steady. Corn Firm. Oats mi a gilen trouble est damage was south-and east of ally observed: :The_ predicti6n if - Eggs-19%c per dozen in case e • No. 2 white, 45%c; No. 3 white, , before. The duslp _J Oakville, fifteen npiles from here, rondo that 70,000 operators would lots. 43%c; No. 4. white, 42;"c. Barley- went out at 5 o'clock on Friday , where the ]isil lay on the ground have quit work. Butter-Creamery .paints, 23c to Malting, 63 to 68c. " morning under the weight of a five inches.and the grain was beat- •r .2-fe; separator prints 20c to 21c• Minr-eapolis, July 12.=Wheat thefrpc t train, ear boon down both - eo into the round. - dairy prints, choice, 19c. to 20c; "Jul `; 81.16 Se tealber, 11.'10%; fife east and west bound tracks to a , 13 Fcur employees . of the Govern- y p _ aw•l; Ment PrintingBureau at Ottawa'iso., tubs, 17c to 18c; inferior tubs, December, 81.08%; cash, Rfo. I depth of twenty,feet and for e en- The n- _ 5 lee hard, 83.19%: No. i Northern, $I•-" Lance li .one.hundred feet. Theis Winnipeg crew won the Ste- have been suspended for carrying - ins slid into the }oke, where it i9 - ''��•� wards' Challen e Cut at Henle. on .a mons lendin business. ''Cheese-Large, 11%c, with twins 17 to $1.19; No. 2 Northern, $1.15 g 8 ` money-lending at-11%c; per pound. Old cheese to $1.17• No. 3 Northern, $1.12 to .completely submerged. Engineer _ 'S ,I ' Penn and Brakeman Campbell to' 12Je per pound. $1.14. - Bran-$18.50., Flour-First 3 P - Beans-$2 to $2.10 for primes and patents, $5.30 to $5.50; second pat- were .carried ' dealt, but escaped T:1_15.to $2.25 per bushel' for hand- ents, $5.10 to $5.30•; vsltfi little injury. All westbound p first.clears, trains are being-held here and the picked. _ 84.15 to 4.2' • second ars U2.50- - - -- • __.._ n arI , 55G to 60c r to $3,20.. - ° ably last twelve hours. IRE bas out of store. American, $2.50 - - t; - _ r=: to $2.75 and $3 per barrel, -,• �,;;3 A Great -Celebration Is' Proposed for' the l PROVIS u IONS i Wholesalequotations:- Year 1914. WEST - h 'u 31 1. _. OF THE G NAW BEAT „ t _ pi' barrel;�mess,t$28�to $28.50. 50 - °- and-Firm; tierces, 15%c; tubs, A despatch from New York says: that 'has rcceliul' rnnsidc:rai'ion 15 c; pails, 15%c; stocks steady. Newoomers .Are Swallowed Up and Leave- The-movement for-a wcrld=w;dc ce- c-miempiates a n ro;;r,vnir� :r.,101t• Smoked and Dry Salted Meats- .. ... .. �T •Q Slebration in 1914 of the one bun- i:rg a day of core nori•,1 ,ihint,von L ng clear bacon, tons and cases, 1\o Trace �az]S Mr. Hays .-. _ _ __ • ferences in- Lo.,d.n I n,, 1a L'hnnm 15/c to 15%c;p asks ( join 21c to fi 1 dledth anniversary of *once sml r:g tcn, and the posj�a'e' G'r(`<1 21'jc; backs ea-meal , 21%0 to English-speaking :;eoplds +:,, k N''cw York of a ^r^at mcirlu::R: 2-2o:- shoulder hams;' 14c`to 14%c. form here on Weduc.,day with the building, which shall be fhb place Rolls, smoked, 15c to 15%c; me- `� de-patch from Montreal says: we could not get men at the money.,. I� Mi. C. Al. Hays, who is just back Thirty cents was the lowest they x. announcement of a -ommi•te� 'se of the holding during 19.14-of inter- dium and light hams, 18c to i8,�c; from the we discussed the con- would consider: L lected to organize the work of pia- national-conferences and wi:gresses heavy,- 16%Yc .to 17c; bacon, 19c to paration. The eomclaLes is. hd-_ for th ocorisideration .of irnp,rtaut 20c structian of, he Grand Trunk Pa- Mr. Chamberlain still thinks' hold-_ a cific and the scarcity of labor. "It that we will get the Grand Trunk ea by...Andrew_. Carsa;Ie_a-i ,,•I:r• subjects relating to the.wu ld'g Green meats out of pickle, le less .. man and announceme It of tlae •Ire, peace, with suitable exhibits by than sm-oked is a matter of astonishment,:,,. said Pacific constructed through tb 4 . bf r. Hays, "to see_bow quickly all Prince Rupert by 1912. It is, of .. _ :.-seat st�tu� of the .mgr.enie:lt- was tae, carious natior}s. Nothing in -- •-------- � ' - 1 " rmade by Chairman John .t. 9-civ- rho way of a world a fair is contem- MONTREAL MARKETS.. t, °'newcomers disappear. Train- course,' all a matter of labor. If art, of the Ex:Irnive C',»r:ni:t�e ,,{ plated,,•however, the_ committee.'s . Toad after trainload of immigrants we can get the labor it can be done, 1f , Mo' t-real, July. 12.-Millfeed - -are continually arriving in..Winni- but can we .get it'I -That is .the 's One Hundred, The tr:xt;, �,f Gheut' representatives state. Ontario bran, $18.50 to $19; On. peg, yet within -forty-eight flours question." a as signed on Des;uiber 24, lbl 1. I, is stated that the movement tario middlings, $:)I to $22. Mani- the "' • and it is prop)•eci to cyu►r:,wnonito has been President g , y ,are all swallowed up in the He denied the reports that the � _ fobs" bran, -$18; Manitoba aborts, wonderful west. `That is. more, company had. bought property for this event'thioi;I an invi-aiwn cifITaft, who has expcesserl a sympa- $21..- Pure -grain mouillie, $32 to their coming does not seem to af- terminals in Vancouver, saying all the United Sta.`es and Great 13ii-I tl;ctic interest in the committee's 03; mixed mouiliie, $25 to $28. feet the labor market' in the least. their energy was being coneentrat- tai,, to the wori•l at lauo tc.'ts -° cork- It .has been suggested that Flour-Prices are up 20c per bar-. This scarcity of labor is as bad now ed on getting Into Prince Rupert. " t part during 1111 in a cornmon ce.c•�a part of the celebration - pro- -Icl- again � to-day, making an ad- a, ever it was. When I, was in He stated however, that they were oration. The exact to,m which the gramme be the creation of a suit- 'vi•ree of 50e a barrel within the Vancouver we sent round to all the buildingnew wharves at SexttIe ` '',e,lebration shall take has been cnry I al:le monument such as a memorial last ten days. ''i Y labor bureaus for 100 laborers, of= and Victoria, to accommodate their wtotive,a discu,sed. A tugge-st'cn bridge on the Niagara border., gutter-Beat creamery, 82%c; faring them S7J cents an hour. Yet boats. r a >5 ...: .•'• .. .. .. ,. :. , .n ... "..w - ! .. ".'., . .t.- ... '.�1' 4 , \..,•,:'.., ,,ti u..Av .;1p: .,�,. �.rh:12•.'^.._.. Y'u2 �\.,. a�SF�,y�•d'Ku7'9.•^' ', . _,•.p, ,�•:-is'..' -- ,._, ,.: ...., _, ..: .,. ':.r ,..r.^+,:.... .. , ..:, '.:.•'.' ::;,= •ru .a�".a.... 4�. aN,n ,� � ,rr -',:,-.fro-. na,:�i" .h•�. ' ,I -, ,,�, ..... ✓ ��"'`�Y�'- 1 '�M;cri•?=!",'�'' fw• , �.e: " v;.� .�' ,'Lr ,�a �a" .r�• .t,.. lf'^ !' i`�` tc•.� x.`r�a•'f'.�H. . «,^r:. �"`.. .. •.. -,'.'.r, w.4.,. .":F. �.„tw? .x"-�'••. r•. ,'_�,•" " .± "F N;.. .I. � M°'�.yr••.- i'Z�`e+ r _ �+k'!i' ir' t YF b( 4 A � w•' Y •+' K VV6dy" Mrf^...,,I „ 4 ....... :. 7,.:^.h. __ .•'. . . . .... . . ?'S.M v 3r:._ �a ✓ ^•s-. '?4:='.. „'•�..`,. i•.., .. :... _ .:-:^.. ': .. ,. .. x .. .y -;' ., .:..,,,... . '-. - �W -. ,.. .. /. ti '..' ... .. .... .r.a. ✓ • .. -.. a-.s,c -.s .: .. ,f' v. sere .. • ..a' 1 ,Y � - r 1 1 : - w being thst which elevates i6 ati7eeado Jr. 853-The excellent road stronger in the present age than hone,the pro of Thos Severity lot g P g 2}, 8th cop Uxbridge, will make the C'H �dg -R it ever,waa before., The love of season of 1910 ss follows: Monday sport is as strong to-day as it ever afternoon proceeds to$Tsrr's Mongolia for n�gtit. Tuesday to Jacob Wideman'a -- was, but the 'world of sport aims ova 7 Markham noon, by of Cashel HERR/ES4Fi'E RIPE s no-at developing that which ito Unionville night. Wednesday to - - z t� ugsi Perkins Bros' non 4 Markham noon, r blest in man, a strong physique, Cosgrove'. Hotel Elgin Mills fill Than u�abli�aQaneyiras�ma:siaealte ae, self-control and a healthy mind, day afternoon. Tharda to Gormley ons. and to eliminate everything which ooraers night, Friday to Manston house T ••p -p ��-�-1 ••� ,PickeeiaR, 1'y g Stoaffville noon and night. Saturday 1 E= �.GVOC3D.LV1r t7.�.OMMI RATES of ADVERTISING: is degrading in character. The by way yf Alton to his own stable, D. _ p'in#inaetsien perlrae Is seats Sykes man sat�aeat_ Lon. ".9- cents scopes that were to be witnessed w. _�&8 hill cherries: - This rau dome nos a s Lep!or my-Crewetts-46706 d"'f i=TTA at Reno, Nevada, during the prize ' t1a.«tie.menta. standard bred registered sratsing stallion this year. They are now ready. Leave its your order early. ape" sernss Riven to parties malting eon- fight and for a week or two pre the pro at Dr. Joa, Moore, Brook. mesa for S or 6 months or by the year. Halt petty teat*or yrarl"Ye as payable quarterly. �1 ceding that event was not of an ha'and Tho'•Maddaford, Whitby, will aZviness ems,ten Hams or ander,with paper . make the season of 1010 as follows: Fresh Lemons, Bananas Oranges - �a _ •a 86 OO Z in payable in advance. inspiring character. The ga�tb- Idanday,Ka tad,leaves his own stable , i Ave Is law woe:n'bemq'cents SW a tasmwloi°a°' ling, the drinking, together with Queen's hotel, Whitby,pros 111 to Mr. me spiple. GoVd-a's bowl other yiees,_was not a condition r No l:me advertising. Piokeriag nigh . Tas•dsy so Tom's Aavmr`i"="Is without written instructions of affairs that one could Liverpool defend hotel Lil noon, Appleby's hots -- - - -for a picnic cup. will be inserted until forbiidan sad charged se- l — eordiariy. Orden for disconsatinaiw advertise•• with a clear conscience. The exhi- West Hier t. Wednesday to A 8 _ sam moat be in writing and put to the pub- Major's Whiteva'o might. Tbanday to All the latest breakfast foods fresh and clean. 'work promptly atseoded b, bition of these pictures would be Brougham hotel noon, Sebart's hotel ` as were TERMS to encourage scenes such Hrooklia night. Fr.day to Temperance witnessed at Reno. -house Columbus noon, Commercial Sugars in abundance and at the right price for the best goods only.. *1.35 per year; 01.00 it pail in advance. hoist Oshawa night, Saturday to his R _ UXBRIDGE 'Baron Elect (8629)-The imported w, JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. Clydesdale stallion the property of W 'Seven hundred people were at the H Pugh,Claremont,will make the seas RIC Hluts r Ashburn garden party on Walter on of 1910 as follows: Monday,May 9, - :. NOTE% AND COMMENTS Lapp's lawn on July let and the pro- pzooseds to T Smith's eon 9 Pickering noon,J Scott's Allis -- Over twenty deaths and a great Tuesday repoht. Ta ceeds were rt theut buildings tui r n etonnthe �$T�ne s Mongotis aeon-Wm C6ik- NI -Nir,ensu y well's eon 10 Muhham night. Wednes -- .,Irnv'e Codar [attics ne»e. -_ .,__ S r_ } the heat in American citi4o on been eatroped by Bre. Acuu. phone in- Wm Teefy's Cherrywcod night Thnn Sunday last. We often hear of quirt' of ]lir, Harwood, the tenant, day to Tom's bow Liverpool noon, _.. AND LABORERS ARE SCARCE elicited the assurance that'no serious Gordon's hotel Pickering night. Friday the extreme cold of Canadian to T A$non's Brock road noon,Brough dam a had been done, only a few .' ,►g am hotel night. Sataeday to Lathes winters, and Americana delight in shingles on the house bein burned. (r . Filkey s eon 7 flo#ering noon, ihemoe to making comparisons between the A very pretty event too place on his own stable. - - July lot, at the residence of Francis two countries, not to the advant- pQ, Heard, when their eldest dau ht- Dat4d G. (10941)-The pare trod Ciyd- _ Fg Do not bother with that old mower and rake. eedale stallion tired b Cairn aaa, the ' age of Canada. Were we to make err. Mary Ethel, was untied in marri- age y g , to Mr. George W. Slack, of To- property of J. MacRae d: Son, Cheery {` our choice between the two we rog wood will make the season of 1910 as We are headquarters for the famnas Frost & Wood Fra ronin, The-ceremony was performed � q would ca3rtainlw volare bra own stable, lot 34,con.2,Pickering, et-Canada ae by Rev. A. Bedford under an arch of and can have any article delivered to your farm kb- — more pleasant country in which evergreen and roses. The bride who Khavidrahar (10070) [14'21-•the im- was given away by her father, enter- ported Clydesdale stallion, the property on the shortest notice and at the is Prke. to live. Canada ,has .certainly the patine to the strains of Mendel- of Nelson Wagg. Claremont, will make Bf some very cold winters, and it fa Sohn'@ wedding march, played by Miss the season of 1910 se follows:-Monday Now iR the time to buy your twine and hayfork rope. Buy also true that deaths have occur. Gertrude Davidge of Toronto. She afternoon proceeds to Fonvth's hotel, v was attended b her sinter. Miss Bea- Goodwood till Tuesday afternoon thence the PLYMOUTH BRAND—it is the best—at iced through the freezing process. trice Heard. Mr. Wilmer Henderson, �®own stable. Wednesday afternoon +i -,We have been told by ole w u o Torontoac as groom - i happy eoupie left for an automobile day afternoon, thence to his own stable, _have been rescuscitated after be- Friday afternoon to Broa am.hotel sill ANSM trip to Niagara falls,SuRalo sad other ycoming unconscious by freezing, Arr.erican cities. On their return they eatnrda�a>ternoon,tb;nae to hL own ' that the sensation of freezing to will reaide at 40 Fermanagh Avenue, stable. Toronto.-Journal. Baron Forward 7881-The pare bred l` /� death is a most pleasant one. Clyde.dale seal ion.owned SII the Dna iso B ONTARIO Rr0 HIT Y. barson farm, known as the Parker farm - - be$eg the-ease vt�e would car- Xeaa ddvertlaemelat�s. will make the season of 1910 at his own 'tatnly prefer death by the Cans _ stable. Daabarton. dlan method of freezing than by B4s,ceyhulvaa 'a33x;. (11228) -The the American style of slowly barn- LOST-At Atha picnic on Saturday, choicely bred imported t dedrla stat - Juno With. a gm's fawn coat. Finder lion, the property of S C Banker. Pick ging to death by the sun's rays. please leave the same at Brougham P o to acing•will make the season of 1910 to =Two new baggies and a few second-hand ones to be ti NN7ANTED-To lease a farm of 110 or follows Monday May tad. proceeds to gold at a bargain. _ ss acerae et good'_toad with comfortable B Tom's Liverpool night Tnaday to _ The demand made by the train' Dulldioga Appiy to O. J' SYILLMAN High. Lorenzo Stots'&Roage Hill noon,- ApppIa :_ Repairs for all Implements. :. men of the G. T. R. and C. P. R. leas cheek lett by's hotel west 8111 night. Wdsesday - ' - _ 'that the wages paid them should SEED BUCKWHEAT-For sale at to 13 Tom's Liverpool noon. o his own toe s,con,t.Pickorug a quantity of-aunt stable night. Thursday to Bandel's be commensurate with the risks chair Backolo"S. Good clean seed. DONALD bolt! Whitby aiglet Friday to Com BURLING they run is a most reasonable one. zrr SBO,PtokeslaR P,o. cars to B&nl hotel's Oshawa sight. Saturday SEED FOR SALE-The uadersi n- t°Baadei's hotel VPhithy noon, thanos r There are few other employments g to his own stable. C• • ed has for sale• quaa$ity of nmoeh and H � (14845) [95981—The import that are were dangerous than that &lute etover seed.also a quantity of 31=rian a1�1 mill*$ Seed, apply on premi.em,lot ts,eon t ed lydeeda a st ion, the propeesy of is still in the old stand where he has a full line of furniture consisting of runnings "railway train. A mQekriag os sreisr ar phone s.e.ecu e W O Soots, Clanmoul, soft] make tba of window shades, curtain poles, house furnishings, floor oils an Large proportion of those who *$own of 19W as follows, Monday, f eater u WANTED-An experienced farm May tad•proceeds t° S Duneys' town linoleums, two and four yards wide. Come in and hear the Victor _ . upon that work and con• �� nae a ht. Tuesday so 8 Farndale'.ova Gramo hone. I ken In stock all the latest records and gramophoue band,middle aged,so work on fans by p p tinue at it meet with violent year is western Canada. would&wet to pea 8 Kinsale noon, W H Holtby'. Aadley needles. Call and get a catalogue of all the latest songs and baled deaths or are maimed For life, a"a«boueoo�rf r the�T willing w corns night. Wednesday to Joseph Grill's ices, Enirmvio dope on silverware of all kind s, Having boualtt Gasses C. eHF►w, P Not only this but it is frequently seO1''4a.k, wet iagetoa road noon, Gordon Kansa the patent right of one of the beat clothes tesla in Canada for Lhe y tequentl Pickering sill Friday morning. Friday townships of Pickering and.Whitby I am prepared to supply all in the case that railway corporations �'j OR SERVICE-The Holstein-Fri- to T A Hook's Brock road noon, need of a good reel. ea&n Bull"Lakeview, Heagerveld Fayne.- broacham hotel night, Saturday to - - ',dismiss their men after the have who has one of the best pedigrees known to the Y his own Noble Holeteta tinily for milk and bntcet prodgotloa IQot beyond the prime of life, be- .t lot s,,ova 1,Ptakartng owned at e6e Dan• Gallant C)tuttan(12123) [4223;—The cause 1116 *trios Farm. Terms s1 or reg cows 6!. Thos.. champion imported Clydeeda a stallion. .gent for Zerlin X otturnentd _ y prefer the services of IscGlashaa,maueger, !v s/ the property of R Dafoe, G esti R+ or, - -- . p =j younger men. When a man is will make the season of INS ae follows AJARBET GARDEN FOR SALE- Call and-gen prices and see cuts before placing your order. Rhus dismissed be is too old to 1� to the vwage of Pickering,ooaeaiai 9 Monday,May god, proceeds w Brough fi soomnd-n sm hotel ni ht. Taesdayto_ T A Hnoi s °� Tom's Livert;i$�J~'L�� tirl'TEI�T'I`IOl� 'I' - Learn any S�iT trade Or pro ,salon, end dei hones and plenty of hard Lad soft Brook road noon, water. On ebs prowls"are Lll kinds of lupe poo ♦vend is thus compelled to accept Wednesday afternoon to 8ne"11 Cartes'. p oharch sttreet.PickeriAn`Apply on N.DINN . Chsrrywood might. Thursday to P B - wages much below what a moa of EMBALMING AND FUNERAL WORD - i[ePt,pickarlaR 89.81 Reeaor's non 5 Soutioro noon, S C • • $hla age should earn. When till Hamill's MLrkbam and Scarboro town _ -�" the circumstances connected with HORSE REGISTER line night. Friday to J Balsdon's eon 9 Phone night or day, Bell or•IndependenG, - - - Markham noon, A Eagleson's eon 9 their case are taken into consider- Terringtoft Beflntaft (9097)-The Markham night. Saturday to his own ration, their demand for wages in imported backney stallion,the property stable. /S THE BEST to the risks the run of W H Pugh,Claremont,will make the Solstane (Chief--The choicely bred ]proportiony season of 1910 at big own stable 2}miles imported Clydesdale,stallion the proper can not reasonably be denied east of Claremont. ty of W P.Jones, W Yard and F Coop• i'sr_ t'f'- :•r:»..,r washing sioap ever offered to them. Seggerntan-The celebrated American• err will-make the season of 1910 as fol _ bred trotting stallion, better known as laws. Monday, May '9th, leaves his the public. A F Apple Jack,the property of'C E Hood, own stable,tot 5 eon 8 Pickering and � 1 The Ontario Government as well proceedo to galpb McInt 's towalime J SC. M BAK -= Brook road,will make tha'season of 1910 Reno sons hotel for as the authorities in many of the "follows: Monday,May 2nd,proceeds b noon, Wil e - y - -- _}o.jese• rwh, a Attea. noon. FOnight. Tuesday,proceeds so W White's a n t$�n�igl>�orina repn syth'a hotel Goodwood night. Tuesday eon W imy uUMS.— lie have forbidden the exhibition Mansion house Uxbridge night. Wed needs .Was 6iiddietoa's Greenwood .of movie pictures of noon, Jas.Lemon's non 6 right. Thnn B P prize-fights. l+l�le�night.Utica moon, Seberts bow day,to J Patterson's can 7 night. Ed . 'This action natural! arouses in. day,to Frank Boden's noon, themes to y Brook-in might, Friday, Brougham 7 tense feelings of indignation bola[night. Saturday to his own stable. �ora awbls. among those who favor this sport, Q .and the various churches Dome in A FEW HOT WEATHER ���E t 1?Zi&&-A-ten cent et►2te of Inlanta Delight — - --• for a good deal of severe criticism for a limited time only,. Ask for coupons. for meddling with things they For the GFentlemeii—Canvam,linen and straw halo; Foncy shirts, have no business to. But his not with or without attached cuffs; Collars. cuffs sad wash ties; Embroidered and plain sox; Patent leather or chocolate boots, shoes etc. GEORGE PHILIP,' BROUGHAM .• the churches that are to blame for • . = these laws that are about to be For the Ladies—White lawn blouses; IInderveata, drawers and cor- y Ise- enforced. It is due to a strop sot covers; Fancy embroidered and plain home; Corset coyer embroidery lac- g es and insertions; Fancy handkerchiefs, collars and belts; Boots and shoes feeling that exists throughout the in patent and chocolate, all prices, • country against those influences Choice groceries always in stock, also hardware of all kinds. Paris green `�J� STANDARDthat tend to degrade humanity. and a big consignment of good binder twine, 060 feet to the Will, We have _v :These moving pictures of prize- the lemons, bananas;strawberries, cherries, currants, gooseberries and . the seasons fruits. Terme cash. fights would be witnessed by a 1873 OF CANADA . great marry of the south of the GEO. A. GILLESPIE, - DunbartarI MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS land, so that the effect of the pie- f tures would be far from being elevating in character. A prizet Safety, convenieaee and, coot finite to `fusee fighter would be looked upon as a FOOD 1,011 1�e �IOUVIR� Money Orders itsned by this Bank a taost-satisfactory t - - 'hero, and in due time there would way of sending.smali sums to any part of Canada: be hundreds of nun If you are thinking of purchasing come in and look around before �� x5 . . . 3c. x10 to x30 . . . IOc. _ young men seeking buying elsewhere. Men's overalls, work shirts, fine-shirts, ties, socks : $5 to xl O . . . 6a x30 to x30 . . . ISA fame in the ring. Their highest and smocks. Boots and shoes for all. ,draftsy� for 1 ar amounts. ambition would be to batter the arg "heads of others whose ideals in Zoe cream (City Dairy)every Saturday night. 'life would be as low in character We also handle Samson's well-known a ades, shovels, hoe;, forks and er Bei>titk Department a# Every Static*. t7 v : as their own. The tendency to rakes. Always fresh glocerle l on hand. P I C K E R I N G BRANCH ' 1remove everything of a demoral- GO LEY D�nbarton C A,RILNC$ T. BATTY$ Manager acteri a9d tar hrinif it 9 • - ..`.+ '� .v .-, ^ti + ',. -. 'r. .•. -�+f;' ` ^a .., . -...:, ,- ,_. .•��=. n .:,,.. Y�°. - ns,�r: ,r.�a..! .•. .-;ex,y, '. "^ �. 'y�, ; St.. �4'iA"✓''��^�+S',^... r.:,�x'�' 7..,.'. '"^,�...^.�r"*.. � 'r"+ '.." �a,`S7 {o ,., +.! ,.� .�I:r.'Th�3,. s.�,�. °+'•h`it;n3�yr,F. ",> <°., ,A 'r:. :'�. :,,�,,... '�•• � 7,� +�°M.�. '"�:-Jr „u,q,. • -s"u,. .++ +a sem. 'Gs. - ..�.. -V _..,,yl''- }•i+:, G _ :, a :6'F a w a-:t n u s c v, u E r+ ' r «3+� c, *� u i + 4 C • 1 Y _ cu+waarorrr > . Martin Liston has been appoint- ed section foreman oa the eastern Robt. and Mrs. Bryan wets is The general el;owera of Tuesday -• the city. on TMesda section of the C.P.R. as successor have worked wonders out in the conn- • • . • • y . R. E.Fora th, o7Toronto,spent to Mr, Chisholm, who was trans- ty and the meadow lands and root Spring Call and see our New S Lines f __Sunda at his home here. ferred to the Myrtle section. crops already,show the effects of the _ A g o - �z• Wm. Coates had a business tri The Women's Institute will hold refreshing downfall. , , P Many farmers in York County have KZ'iN a, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN $. F:o0TWRA8 ,. to the city on Friday of last week. their July meeting on the 20th not yet sowed their turnips and this J. H. and Mrs. Beal had a bust Inst. at the home of Mrs. Wm• will now be done. Corn Is an especi- ___ at reasonable prices. :Imosa trip-to-Umbridxe- on-Satutt Evans. - The topic will be "Salads ally, cod crop sad oats and peas will may. day. and Cooling Drinks." All women bemelt largely by the rains. About 7B Rosea Flour and choice pastry flour always on hand. Mrs. Brodie, of Toronto,is visit- are specially invited to attend. one-half the hay crop has been safely lag her eons, Drs. R. and C. J. gathered and a few'days fine weather Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. ••�+•�;..-.--- _-. __. .._._ _ W8 cam+ ngratulate Miss Effie Gra- will complete the work. Many fields In, "au . and emirs. otfali-wheat-will-be-irr sbock-the-ear- Siete.- . , -—- .. M.-PALMER,--P-roPdetC i<' Ira Boyer intends holding a lawn Graham, of Toronto.and formerly ly part of next week. Altogether the _ social some evening in the near of Claremont, on her success in outlook is very fair. future. In the event of the Ontario Motor IL Besse purchased a fine new graduating with honors in Elocu- IAague joining forces with the Scar- driver from W. G. Scott one day tion from Moulton Ladies College. boro township council, it is possible J. a Mrs. Albert Pugh, Of Toronto, extended out beyond Birch 01111, the 'l'ds+ee-iowrihs pg a spa present terminus, to West Hill, the _ -wmt a few disys witir J. Fl. and end of the track. 'There is a great �porlael showing of lfneel display of _ r ffirs• Madill. The at at the Oanadian deal of complaint everyear from the Chia& A ge very larassortment of Peter Macnab Jr. was on the National Bxhibition last year was residents out there reive to the sick list for a day or two but to 782,690 people. This year with Brit- motor dust, and some action must M�nw. Boob.Doils, Toys. jab moi. wound a sin. gin's best military band, airships. an necessarilybe taken soon. !' g entirely new-s to view 8 moved for the Holiday trade. Galt Grain harvest will begin nest pec cls,Naval Review week, the warm weather hasten- at Spithead, and a bigger and more .: vhaqevor TIME TABLU--Pfokerin Station G. 8abaoriplsone taken for all Magaaiaee, nese-n Macsnab d Miss Mary fore, as well as enlarged and improv- T.B. Trains going Beat due sa follows- Weekly and Davy Newspapers- ed grounds and new buildings, and No. 6 Mail 8.05 A M. MacD&b spent a few days visiting more exhibits, it is believed that the ,. 13 Loo.l 2 43 P.Ma - ^iesds in Port Perry. million mark will be hit at last. �• 14 Local 8.04 P.M.. "W. %T3 .!' H� R=Q�=gRj�8O ai. S. Bundy and George Stokes Trains going west dae as follow attended the Orange celebration No. 13 Local 8.36 A.M. ST003C BtSNt, : . , �7CTbiCrlCf9' 'in Toronto on Tuesda The importance 11 Local 2.30 P.M. y portance of having two Albert Rawson has returned wstiie.58es to a will�sas_ 7 Mail 8.50 P.M. _ to the city after spending a cou re ty P apparent in a court at Toronto last map ia°iadsd -of weeks at his home here. week. Because the last will of the 1�T Mrs. F. S. Scott, of Brussels and late Edward Isaac Johnson,:mar- R.' B R Y A ill ARGENT _ SE <;Miss.M. Beans, of Ingersoll, are ket gardener of York. township, $,t LLS visiting G. H. and Mrs. Samis. was witnessed by only one person -Tobacco@, pi and smokers' Mrs. W. G. Bingham intends instead of two the law requires, Pure Paris Green Sprinkling cane and sprayers sundries. Central office Bell P g leaving on Monday next to Join the document is of no effect and Telephone Co, envy for c :her husband in Edmonton, Alr• the estate of$16,400 will be d] tri- Poultry netting Forks of all kinds _ Rolston Laun y, :. ::_ y r ta, - bated as if nq will existed. CLARRMONT, ONTARIO Hoes, rakes, ice cream freezers. V. Peter Mscaab Sr. was ander the . _ - d:- _ -wea6ber for a few days during the -- - - :. past week and under the doctor's JcaMiss Mabel Calvert, of Picker- a0 1• ` •' Ing, is visiting at the home of her Screen doors and screen windows. grass shears and lawn aiowere ;. aunt, Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, for a at - lowest - -few days. - - - - Mim S. E. Evans retter_urppneeed couple of weeksawithsfriends-in --- _ - CHARLES SARGENT, CLAREMONT Miss Harbrou have rem B aQe Mr. and SiLand in the famous `` _• '_ _' Mr, turned home after visiting the . farmer's daughter, Mrs. Ralph CANNONawns VALLEY .,'_White. of Alfons.Graham Hros. :hipped sixteen ' head of Clydesdale horses to the. tri Jk Winnipeg-Fair on Monday. We 'Hettinger County, N. h., for x81®. '� � a wish them success. Mrs. George Astridgte, of Toron- Invest, your idle money here and make „�� �' _M�' ,_. ;to, is visiting with -Thomas and Mrs. Gibbous and other Claremont big quick profits. Two build- friends for a few weeks. ! o railroads 4 �� i . David Peattie. who has 'been . I spending some time visitin� ing this summer. Flowing wells at a �� 1 «The old =m Z friends in Claremont. has return ��� l3 Pie xi _.'to his home to Torcula. depth of 130 feet. ,ill kinds -of coal Mrs, Wm Barrell returned to "her home in the city on. Sunday . - 't ' -'after spending a weer at the everywhere. - - _ - And knoweJust why"ENGLISH" ._,14 home o her father-in-law here. ' A number from here attended - Paint is so good. . John Barton's barn rai:iaR on the For full particulars, maps, etc., Write 7th concession on Thursday last- The The building is a good sized one, 131randrm s L L Genuine White We are glad to report that D. tgate + ' Fol�pth is gradually improving r� . ebead and 31% w}llte Zinc. i a•Q4 after his severe illness. It will be That's why "ENGLISH" Paint a• � some time, however, before he _ so well. _ de so Basil and covers will be able to be around. J'1/IOTT, NORTH DAKOTA Mr,and Mrs. Dick and child have y w ` ► returned to their home in High. And he kaow8-�i:g,,a mighty River, Alberta, after spending acomfortable feeling to bu few months with Mrs. Dick's par- - - _ 8 y Paint tents; Wm. and Mrx. Scott. • ON.�� g O. =#las a guarantee on the Rua, signed by The heavy rain-fall on- Sunday ��/ p and a sin on Tuesdaywas hearti- ly welcomed by the'farmers. Er- Dealers in-dry goods, boots and shoe:, hats and caps, men's firm:h- "� R erything had been suffering from ings, groceries+ crockery. Snits made to order. Remember we have ` the long 'period of dry warm always some live snaps is the abode linea. weather, but now things look re- Cha's S arg e n -C I a re m o n iesbed, Ld DIES' 9ILB TAMI8E dress ROods. Only otic suit length in a t , - Joshua and Mrs. Bandy return- piece. Every pattern different so that no two persons•will have a ed home last week from their sum. dress alike. With our experience in dry goods we learn this is most mer home in•.Maskoka. They in- desirable to the public. Silk tamise per yd. 60c, White dress mus- g Ci a tend to go back about the first of lies per yd. 10, 122, 13c. Printed organdie dress muslin per yd. 12c. 6 M �S LU-M 5 AtifyMNlLar:� -September, they having rented Black dress marline per yd. 18c. file. s OM both cottages for the months of GROCERIES.-Have,yo sampled oar black or July and August. ygreen mixed tea • 25c lb. Others sell the same tea for 30e lb. Ruy two tot three dollars a year or more. You know our coffee stands at t; C02 - team will play a match this Thurs- day g a tr 8 ci ag eErrtl felitY and Savor. Our groceries are perfectlysanitary, K rc rc _ afternoon at three o'clock on nothing exposed to dust or vermin. Ever bin and drawecontai ?• °g �'� • e� , • their�grounds here with the Brit- y i l L .o y•w 0��� Loh United team of Toronto. The sanitary covers. !;a ib� _ return.match will be played.'in -_ .�-.: � : �a �i �' � r0�=e1 -•'}"',�° Toronto on Saturday afternoon.- D. E PICBERING SIPSUN to - Yo �. _ The Citizens' Band went to "` Fab s( O!all materials and dedRn ' y Sunderland on-Tuesday_, the 12th _ —_-__ —_ �� --. w �. of July, totake part in tie Orange Ha�p`p ( L e $ Kar y_ kept in stook.It willou celebration. A number of the g fl .q Apr IS= to call at our works and isspwt our steak � .. residents of the village aecompan � t+ R g 1° v S a a. �tq and obtain priors. Don't be misled by ted them while others went to the - o o,. J as e N we do not employ them,oomitsgaeot- » !6 1B sa ly we oan, and do throw off the a�1ia city to tivstness the parade there. i$ •a, a .,e July ' y �A » a sir oommiedon of 10 ernt.,whiob oa wlr 1 We Are sorry to report the deathTHE ���� � • !8 g S m. eip4 certainly save, b , y PO cot. H!! certsolicited.iy P rarohasing from ..of Mrs.' Alex. Smith". of Sonya, P V m O m ce q Nov, Ze which took place at her home on s WHITBY GRANITE CG.,' Tuesday of last week. The deceas- Thousands of Canadian farmers have tested the •'BissELL" Disk Harrow iOm D°0 Omos, Whitby,Oneavle in the same field with other makes and found that.the '•BIgsELL" has the January 1911-Whitby 7, Oebawa 9, Brougham ; ed where midden name Was Miss 18,Port Perry 17,Uxbridge 13,canaington 19 --- } greatest capacity and lightest draft. Because of the special shape of "Bis- Baavrton 11,Upbergrove lA _ T �T'��C Bushby, was well known in this gBLL"plates they cut into the ground easier, They turn all the soil,whereas E. v A7, lneighborhood and very highly re- other Disks only s ^,rape.it•or set it on edge. The •'BISSELL" do" clean The Pickering spected. She leaves a sorrowing work wi�re other s make a ragged job of it. Steel acrapers meeting the p -_-Husband and a daughter, sateen edges 6f the plates "Chisel fashion" and "movable" clod irons keep the Vigilance Co�rlrrilttee P» Manufacturer i Y R 'dirt or trash, The"Bras'BLL"stays ears of age, who'have the Sym- machine free from ' paths of A host of friends 1n their right down to its work. It won't bind, hackie or Shop and Residence, Dundas SL bereavement. hump up in the centre, no matter The object of,this Association is to •re` It was the pleasure. of-11e late how:ilii or hard the soil may be. lessen stealing and prosecute WHITBY, ONT. f ,;*f Joseph Gregg,of North Claremont, It is built to withstand the hardest the 1,1012. Three doors west by Bou wage. A simple method of balane- o! Whit se to leave two acres of the wooded " Ing the driver'ii weight removes Members havingProPert Stolen oommmni- - -land at the rear of John Gregg's - - neck weight. It is the harrow you Date immediat•ly�with any member - _ residence to be reserved as a park of E:eoutive CommiHes. We are prepared to instal wood or Trott for the use of the people of all de- should know more about. So write qq Dept.2f for catalogue or see your )liombenhip fes 61.00. pampa on short notice,also attend , nominations and children of the �� local dealer. to all kinds of repairing. - 1 2Yek•t•mai be bad from the President or; ' ► home community to picnic in. It aaerer.ry an appiie►tioa. Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, ie given in loving regard for the T. " , BISSELL Co' Exec. Oom•—L• D. Banks, (leo, Lena, also gasoline engines and; late owner's wife and the wish has W. V. Richardson,Pickering, Ont the agars gear LIMITED, ELORA, ONT. R. MAGNET CREAM SEPARATO heed expressed that it bear jointly �} their names-The Gregg-Canning J.A. O'Connor, Arthur Jeffrey, Sold by HOW E. TURNER, 'tevale, out. at residence. '.: Per - paw ne Nnt idsnt. •taieT PhD , a. ;�, ; ,. ,.._, }�;, ,.. ,� .r .t,. &� i u ..,...'3 i, ter. :o.. .�s '�- .. •°a i"'� ++�.•,•, ro• -C s ;� .. y, �' •# a '�` le:w`� yhk ..,� ��' ,.sy�4:�'"h ="•ns. . .. ��d�'a'��d",. i��F �,;^.�(,.... ,..c Srw, '•, w1'�„ �'.!'?s4'�' °%r'vr�p. - •�- J�2qW "11 i I pip!PP 11101011 40001! Y, '7- W., -7' ,Z4., where the spirits of the dead are %THE SUNDAY SOHOOL Eaid to &wait the general resurrec- timon., It corresponds to the, Sheol of the Old Testament (Isa, 38. 10). 4 Shall not prevail agai t it - qTERNATIONA1 LESS-ON, Keeping in mind the metaphor of -JULY 17* Hides as a stronghold with mighty gates, the idea conveyed is, that ?A death, with &.11 its grim powers, XA,850111 IIL Peter's Confessions can never be a match for the church .-..X&tt- 16. 19-28. Golden Text, whose Builder is Christ, and whose membership consists of living souls, 16. is. of whom the-first At_k0tM__.__ Verse 13. The parts of Caesarea a of. the kingdom of 19. The key ...Philippi-It was a lovely district, hcaven-Auth-ority to admit into We know smA userig of Rwyaj Yeaet G�kq*_Jmow that them'- scenery, from its richness the church, or to reject. whomso-- are th 0 tke,idn ever they wi A�ft &*.Wad1L- BP=A. IF! and variety, has been compared to 11 as the vicars of JAM Irgm the Ltalia� Tivoli. Here, about a Uirist an earth. any other. Do not -w w ifteat dko is no i& dedicated by early Greek set- Whatsoever thou shalt bind-No IL W CMAAMT 90.11.76. ronftrto,"It. % or lust good.". .:.-tters to the worship of Pan, had reference to the forgiveness of sins. grown up a heathen colony, and The words, in the original, d Ife-red the Great had built a Win- Pfter's authori+­ 100 of white marble in _r W ii!� narial ugustus. As the place to the other apostles. The w 1,ii inc�eased into a city Philip the tet. rabbis were authorized to permit rarch had adorned it and given it a certain things as lawful and to SOME CAPRICIOUS WILLS following clause in a will preserv- Vanity appears to have been the name suggesting his own power and teach certain things as orthodox. ed at Somerset House: Having besetting sin of the wife of another ....,,..tbat of Caesar Augastus. 80, whatever the apostles should expiated the errors of a single life testator, who left her the sum o Z f bv the sorrows of a married one, 1 $60,000, to be increased to $io5,00t Who -do men say I-The question sanction in the faith &ad morals of WIVES PUN is D y may be regarded either as-prepars- the church would receive the in- HEN. now make my will in the full belief piovided that after his death she torY to the more incisive one to,doisement of heaven. Their con- PECKED HUSBAN that you will outlive me. The re wcro,a-widow's cap, :d D S. which in, his Jollow, or as a request for infor- P-ro widows, emnation of any practice or belief my lore, and there are lifetime she had stoutly declared Miation from those who, through would also meet with divine ap- widows. Some rejoice and some do sbe never would wear. "My wi- .7'ehiser intercourse with the P;eople, proval. There . is no i�tiQn. gjrnn�g pplTislons Whic not. Those that do a,re a discredit-,dow,'j _i I wrote the disingenuous hns- wbuld know thet-i-view-s. h Wid le, are mea -ban;d,- rwo"u-Td-please me gteati-Y ote that I however, that what is once sane- your -it is the People's and not the rulers' ti(ned in the church is sanctioned Were Compelled to Carry joining the;r ranks is so dista teful a by doing this, as I think it would which Jesus aesires, to forever, however changed condi- Out. that to damp any glee you may feel euit her.". The good lady, how- r since he Eve, began his:tions ma be. 'We must be careful i,' my death I leave you 210 a year ever, was as sharp-witted as she y PubFc career men had been discusa� nut to read into these verses any "This is where I get m7 ina-ead of the 9100 You'expected." was va. own in, for after wearing the o&_ ing his deeds and his teachings. of the false doctrines of priesteraft. back." One ea,Q almost imagine SMILES AND CARESSES. cu� cap for six Months she boldly The Son of man-Mark and Luke 20. Then-The word is emphatic tht4'henPecked husband, who has claimed the- in-creased legacy. The a touch, which carries so Having expressed his joy -� borne for years the lash of a matter was brought before & court emit thi, at their Jealousy has led to other strange much of our Lord's consciousness of i confession, and outlined the part sbrow's tongue, gleefully w making illsi. A short time &go a Mr. Wil., of law, and to the widow's delight his humiliation and glory. The!they were to play in the church he I this. remark, as, with the aid of a liam ClaghPrn died in America, i udgmellt was given in her favor marginal reading, "that 1, the Son war. to build, he charged them that lawyer, he cuts of his wife with ,he Possessed of about 03W,000 and a on the ground that the testator had of man, am," involves the --id asser- they should tell no man that rbial shilling. What reason it!pretty wife. Of her boe was inor- 011111t I to stipulate that the c he was piovei -Teft ler"-a-if b��-wo rn�-&Tw ..9-:-Me week % 'tion that he who speaks is the Son�the Christ, for he under&to!o�d-mhati-w�aa which-leda, ay �cf man, a a1serti=-w��"fxhw-00-fl_c_*_f2_oE_sJ_`the esman recently to leave his wife hi,4 money, however, but stipulated after this decision was given the ep functions'trad -hx4iin nothing else to Jewish ears"of the Messiah prevailed, and how 1('ut'Of his will altogether, and ur- tha I f that she should forfeit $1,00(i of the triumphant widow was once more a lt�er stipulate wife. n a cla,im to Messiaship. easy it would be for the people to� that any expenses;le�tate each time she appeared in 14. Others, Jeremiah-Though I misintergret h q elairng I 1he may incur ia- connection-with;Puhlic unvei IL q I be i r, r el'uml A EIN YEARS' PENANCE. diWsleem d`urini his life, he came 21. From that time-Even the dig- pa d ou of her own cach time she smiled at a man. -1 to be regarded as one of the noblest ciples had only a slight api do furthe-r orde , It is h,& ' )recia- pc�cket, and not be charged against r that for every-time PPLlY seldom that the re-' h) of the prophets. Ther 0 seems to ti n of what was involved in hi3'hii estate, is not known, says Loa-I' she dances with & man goes to an venge of a disappointed' husbarW y bave been a belief that be was to Mcssiaahip. Although he had gi,.JeOu Tit-Bits. gathering for entertainment. tr-kes quite such an extreme form Ireturn. to the earth I en intimations of the fact before, "As for thirty years my wife has amusement, or instruction with a si in the case bf the man whose 15 Who may ye 1---The Is. d is,(51 1 wi�l ran thus - "When I remembez at wo r att. 9. 15: 12. 40; John 2. 19; 3. ne'ver lost An opportunit) of lash- trian, that the same sum shall be --emphatie- Could, it-be-POSUble that-, 14n they -seem to have had Uttle 1119-Me-with her tongue---- Lforfefted,_a;nd�-fuTthe1­-t-hXt-- that--the o hap ran a a4Y- py- times they who had lived in such Inti-i idea that. as Messiah, he must gG!dicil in the will of a Liverpool mecor-1 do permit any caress or fashion of enjoyed were when my wife sulked 11113ACY with him shared these chance'unto Jerusalem, and suffer, and be Chant of endearment, $5,000 be forfeited with- me, and when I rem-ember generation ago, "arid at d uncertain guesses of the crowd I I k;lled. making me the butt' of her vulgar' As a contrast, one might men"tiorr tl�at my marri-ed life might, for this It was & crucial question, since the, re an,swer wou 22. Peter tock him-The chief,-its I bequeath to her an annuity! tke *_ ealthFy mari who 1. ason, 1�_- considered to have been Id indicate how deepljr� eftL not a ag e penny to his widow unless a fairly happy one becausc. she was apostle began to exercise his fresh-!01 2300 so long as she lives 'under! si. I the trairiiag of the past months had :y bets.owed prerogatives at once.41le same roof. with her mother,I within the apace of five years she nearly alw&v-s sulking. I am con- really taken hold of thern.' nous as her m n.ere is a mixture of officiousness;whose tongue is as poiso arried again, in which case he trained to forget the repulsion the 16. Peter &nswered-Unquestion-1 and ardent affectinn in the way he�own and whorn she hates as cordi.! bequeathed to her the sum of $5,- coi�wmplafion of her face in-pired 100(" ably he was Pre-eminent among the! begins to rebuke the Master for his'MiY as she does me; and so long as t -,,my object in me with, and leave her the Issulm of apostles, their spokesman, Mat-, asto"Ishing disclosure of his pur. mother and daughter together v4sit' pre making thi-a-1 - that she un- tDew not eal viso " continued the testator,' $3W.000 on condition -my grave on the first day -of each I "i, tba;�some other man may know hours a' day -thelist (Matt. 10. 2). as all do, but� .23. Get thee behind me, Satan- month, and in the presence.af e something f th fu my from experienc %t11mY graveside for the ten years ady he had.One of the fathers ingeniously tried 'sclicitor or his deputy, express, ffi ulties I have found from li owing -my -decoase, in company oulls him "first." Aire di C y places him first in�pose to die at Jerusalem, dertakei to pass two Messiaship of Jesus'to prove that what was meant was rs acepted the with her sister, whom I have rea- (John 1. 41). and more rec regret f�r the unhappiness they i Tj with her." -- -- - - ently had that Peter had been trying to "lead have caused me. snn.-to.,know she loathes woise than -7 given practical utterance to his be�.'b,-% Leader," and that he must re- LEFT HER .NOTHING. she.does, my"If." . �Lff (John 6. 69), But however'sume 'his Position as a f- flower be. RESULT OF JEALOUSY. 0 "During my married life," wrote' teutative these former convictions, hind Christ. But the "Satan" Probably, however. the meanest arother disillusioned husband, sems to make that idea imposs:ble. will on record was that of a Mac have always declared that my wife The Ma' n-Did yotr notice that we- there is now nothing but the hearti NEVER SAW HER. est full allegiance. In the suggestion of Peter Jesus,who left to his wife the.sum of one waii, the dearest woman in the man we just passed 16. Thou art the Christ-To A saw the return of the subtle tempta. farthing, with the direction that' it world, and I am convinced that The Woman-The one with -blond Jew tkis could mean nothing less, ton of the wilderness, to gain his sliculd be sent to her bY post in an shruld anyone be rash enough to puffs and a military cape, who was than the One in whom were fulfilled 1 dominion. over men in some other unstamped envelope, complaining marry her afte r my death he will drecuffully made up and had awful. way than by the way of the cross. that she had called him "an old finzi her so. To deter, as f�r ag:p?s-I ly soiled gloves on 7 all the expectations of the pro-I I , PP . . pliets, all the eager longings of, 24-26. Three things 'are necessary'Pm and other names sible. anyone making such a ruin-1 Tnen, All the Puposea of God for� `,) those who would follow in thel It was probablv jeal-ousy, rather c Th ii- experiment I' leave her 'no- e -Man-Yes. that one. of men. Under the train of Christ, the three things I than affection, ihai inspired"the thing." The, Woman-N.0, I didn't notice circumstances, it was an extremel 1 that made him her. Wh' 7 V a Saviour to thei y .6ign, ificant c6nfession. Jesus hadivrorld: (1) Self-denial-to renounce! ccitainly done nothing to encou,-I cne's own Pleasure for the welf- ap4� the prevailing conceptions of:being of others and the will of the essia--hip. On the other hand, He Father; (2) cross-bearing-t-6 make ]FA TR AIN ad oppo- ou r :e4 them. As a result, the saving of one's life secondary ven, the Baptist had cheTished &1�tv the fulfillment of one's mission; WORSE ubt. But now. in spite of all that (3) obe4ierrice-loyal acknowledg- 4eem' ed to contradict the Lord's ment of the supreme authority of GASOLINE ENGINES ­ . ._�;. 'M . ... .. according to Jewish Cbrist in'everything. There is no W 23L 40 40 3M 31. ar 3E* 4m wo 481 X- :E 3E" m 3L- 3mx 31-leals, this declaration from the other way to come after Christ, or :dtaciples comes forth clear and de. �q save one's life. calve. 27.. For-Introducing a reason"for 17,-Blessed art thou-THs is the the exhortation to a, life of self-de- crily case of the Master's calling an nial. Compare the words of Matt. 10., 33. 'dual blessed.- ItJs a k nd ---- It we deny him, and -n-ot- of cry of exultation, as if he were Felf. in this . life, then, when he relieved, by the answer of a great shall come in the glory of his Fa'- load of anxiety. The use of the,ori- ther. he will deny us. 9 nal name, Simon, adds'solemnity, 98. The Son of man coming'in his -especially as it is coupled with the k.ngdom-At the time Matthew 4 other name�. John, meaning "grace wrote the common belief was that or the Lord." The former Simon thrse who were then alive would had truly become a child of divine live until the return of Christ. This grace; for his confession surely may accoun for the difference in the �..,.Came not from any human instrue- earlier form of.Abis statement in r in Mark 9. 1 "'The kingdom of God ticn but directly from the Fathe beaven. -with power. anv ccme At event I also say unto thee-He too, some af them did live to see not Horizontal rvapuratorTank Engine, T�Tnnntedon Skids. Is well as the Father, has a revela- o r)ly the transfiguration, but also �S3zes 2,4 and 6 Horse Power. tion to make to Peter. It has to do the destruction of Jerusalem, and 7 -not with himself bilt with the fu. the pentecostal baptism, all of ture of his own work, and the rela- which were a coming of the king- X"CXm- Gl-4M3t3L6-_x-jEL3L ZI&&3L-3mm tiou which 'Peter is to sustain to dom in power. Our farm"engines have all the principal feature's of'tfie well-known Fairbanks-Mors,e Gas En- 4hat work. gine s, and are made in Vertical or Horiz 'ntal types to meet the va nt 'f the farm' er. Thou art P 0 .rious requireme a o eter, and upon this Their simplicity means long life and satisfactory service, do&. 1rock I will build my church-End- A BRIGHT BLACKSMITH. P313COX.A.3rs WM3E1L31K93 WC30 3Fs.A63EL3llK3E33ELM less controversy has arisen over this .03E Fairbanks-Morse factories produce the largest-line of internal combustion engines saying. Which'is, meant, that the The greatest improvement in ve- in the world. Hundreds of men in the engineering and experimental departments are employed on all problems reck is Peter, or Jesus. or the hicle construction was when some connected with Gas Engines. There is no company in the world that has spent as much,money as 'colifession of Peter,'or 'the other bT!gbt blacksmith thought of heat- the Fairbanks-Morse Co. on exp(,rimental and development work.' The name Vairbanks-Mor is -disciples- as well as Peter?- In ing the tires and shrinking them.,on synonymou's *ith 'Gbs Engine'P<-rfection'. Eph. 2. 20, Christ is called the the wheel. While many claim the it i "mirner stone" but, the- central honor, 8 not known to whom it us to this The Oanadian .F bamk - 00 -_ -Li Idei about him itere is that he is rightly belongs. Previo AW IS ed to be the Builder, and is, there- e,.ent tires were made in short see- fore, to be'the directing agency in tif.,na and held on the felloes with B re r.o h e s Toronv� -St. John, N.S. Winnipeg' Crelgar' Vsn" oouver a ed b y 'Oar'y G reek 8e e worship of pall, had I & heathen colony, and I Great had built a W in_ it'o marble in u'rust us. A. t�. .7._. t ill that !ias to do with the framing nails. When starting on a long 946nd-me your Free Catalogue, G.E. io2, showing fitil lines of Farm Engine% y tf the buildirig W. P. CO. 2 haul the driver always laid in a 0, to. The ge,11,es of Hades---..rA proverbial good supply of nail's to use on the Narne........................ ........................... Address............ ... ..... expreqsoior for the nether -world, ti ip. ..... ........ ............ rn;. S+•-,. : o -'�+- '7.:$'-""^ .� �� 'g* - -•*° ...� "�" -:.i »• �"� word".• .,/-h3•�^�s -•>,fi.�vir:-;,�,9'... .;p,:*':GS ??r•.. '•• r.. P .Any ' • v,_... ,• a .. v e. .. .. •'b% ..' _ -'i �",`y�' ae'L`R'"fi Th. Vs' 2 '':;��es•,left:.�.�:.coo,nw:�-•'�a?r:+'rtn4�+ago'ma•aucta+•aw.mss:-.cck+cW�•m-s;uswrxErae.+yvu: .vivo `.,., :'..: .'r ,.i,'Jh't '-` .. '.'.,t !., _ y�,;� },c✓ g ` .. ,�e.Rrdraa.oi:3d,*1i..i.. •^b�G a '• /.G',P6:eY W'-f*aa.:. .•..W'RMYY'rt�C .F�}c"A>r'f.SSM'.!Y"+NF*w15/+RflaiftHii•r`S,WN'h'Mp'4M,+�99OM•p:T'-?T' .^S.M.Y 4AiW - y �,i.�L. ,5.1l.OWf•AbV.�l1I�IgM• Wib.JY.�aI+ i .. . 'IM ..� �, .iN '•„,fir ' .:� �:>y,• .. - - _ .. _. • TEA AND COFFEE DurNHARDS NERVOUS SYSTEMS _ _11LISTERS AND SUNBUBNI FISH LINER: wax More Common Among Women than TRY ZAM-BUK. The herring is s funny fish, BERRY'S wAT x -' Men. Blisters from any cause, painful Of that be well assured INV - ' $O�lO1P8 8 -- Q� QQ]Z• -` :__.__ _ _._ sunburn patchra, stings of insects, to every cage it must be killed- PUTi �1 Moderation in tea and co$ee and chafed places, are all ea9ed in. Before it can be cured. d1�0II 0f t18 Blood. 6tantly by Zam-Buk. Don't have a dunking is as essential as modern- -- It is an old story now that nerv- tion in the drinkingof alcoholic yc ur vacation spoiled by pain from ass, Wss3Muri,sevs•7i wtcMs�•-ltil"•w�liquors,uora, if one wishes to kee bol any sore which Zam-Buk could fteliewoct By Murine 1, Remedy. Trp a our people tell of how the blood be- q p Y quick cure in , ick time! Murine For Your E e Troubles. ' You 6 � and nerves in good condition. As will Lake murine, lxt soothes. 60c At bomea poor and thin, and then the This wonderful balm is made from Your Lhvggtsta. Write For Eye Boosts. l0e rVOnB symptoms' followed, How a matter of fact, there are medical Free, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toren* POL18H ON MOTS AND NOES In reals k men who assert, that exeessive tea herbal juices and is 'highly.antisep• - --blood was responsible for the aero_ an coffeedrinking, as- same sing, +r+oNsr te►e�- a• -4Y effect upon women as is experienc- barbed wire scratch, or thorn prick Maud-"I got this no to send �. ur disorders 9 The nerves get ail ed by men who over-indulge.in in. is immediately rendered harmless tr• Mr. Baerdohm for his birth- £ a �', their nourishment from the blood as soon as Zam-Buk touches it, ds�." Ethel-"What's the title of ' an6 as thin blood is deficient in toxicants. , . vw, r Ing pain, tl — e O elr. vw saran caMe - -ws 'nerve- a nerves the psychopathic ward at Bellevue I[ethers with young balbies should Ethel-"Don't,do.,it. .He'.s .bald," Tka•am way to tits! filo come starved and pain and nerv- F y use it for chafing s .. .. y=. our breakdown is the result. Dr. Hospital, New York, advisee the ' g orae caused by _ , ' Al!RtC� brain worker, the r3lck mother, and Perspiration, clothes-rubbing, etc. Only 'a"""'•"'meows W illiams' pink Pills are a tonic for the laboring man to' be moderate Also good for piles, ulcers and fes- Y those who have had expert s the blood that suppI it with the ence can tell •the torture corns *••R '. ry a ements to nourish and ores. All druggists and tc ne up the nerves and, the cause cants .as stimulants. The i play- stores sell at 60c. x, but refuse Y P Y a harmful imitations. Pais with them off-pain night an d � being removed, nature does the most important part in the causing . _ day; but relief is sure-to -those who rest and health is fully restored of nervous diseases, he says: Tea I uite Holloway's Corn Cure. SLU Infra. Harry Patterson Dau his ano coffee tipplers are more coin- FLYINGI VELVET. �.� � ' �fgn P mon amongst women than men. Ff. Mem g OOme - START A TEA ROUTE TO-DAY, BEI D s tells how She was cured Of Cusick,." .called a postal for circulars, or loc. for Ask poor dealer or sone for saopi■and str.alat !cervouaneas algid general debility tEen per cent. of all who Clime un- 'wee lassie catching sight of a but. samp swd farms Alfred Tier, Lofidoa. go�onnadau�'MoriohMlso, Limit". - through tte use of_Dr. Williams' der observation at Bellevue can terfly for the first time; "here's a out. trace their trouble to the free use bus with win 1" IL'iirtk Pills. She says: "A few years of these stimulants. P Y wings CANCER, Tumors, Lamps, etc. Interna] Z�S Q� ��'Rl"•, ~ �p0 I Wi8 all ran 'dews, and myAl and external, cured without Dain by V i Iaervous system a In"50 per cent. of the cases that - Costiveness and-_Its'Cure. When our home treat-meat. write as before too Y pparently 8l1 bre- r'r lata, Dr. Bell medical Co, Limited, i {ter. up. I was weak, tired andgQrycome before me, says Dr. (Ire- the excretory organs refuse t"these stimidants are fan"Ao er- coninewood, out. - air unctions proper the _ - u- ire the contr-ibuting cause-of - - p la the morning I seemed to be in-testines becomes clogged This is R�vED FARM FOR 1- 4&LE, + - 3 their meatal illness. Not a few wo- acres heavy black loam (D2•trfet . DECREASE THE MILK YIELD.' h uncre tired than when I went to wen I have examined here from known as costiveness and it neg- Hargrave. flan.). 300 acres under, eulti- r.. _ bed. I could not walk up an or- time to time have admitted to lec.ted gives rise to dangerous coin- °.tion• loo acres fallow, souse t6:3o, 9 ° 1dit,ary flight of stairs without sit- plications, Parmelee', Vegetable io:6� Well d Pump inside stable. in Iftos fin down drinking ten or twelve cups of tea Pills g panting for breath, and or coffee a day. Many of them tell Pills wi21 eBect a speedy cure. At cludtne wtad,nttl and crusher. E:cellert ply nerves trembled like a leaf. I the first in-timatioa of this ailment paetarago. Buildings practtesaiv sew, got ao that it was almost impoa- me they just keep the coffee-pot on the sufferer should recurs a Tor° miles rrom market. Possession any tl a stove all day to have it handy. F Pack- down, Bargain aiao a lo- a�pu.-choser. sAppiy FLY KNOCKER gip. tibia to do any Housework, and so et Of the pills and put himself un- r . Such habits of course, must even- J. E. C. BILTON. arQraIe. Man. nervous that I wanted to cry about ' der a course`of treatment. The ;t'erything I did. I teak several tually spell ruin to e a pretty good effects of the pills will be al CO�ALT T/^1 different mtidieinea without the strong constitution. STOCKS y�j��' will keep sows fres from Ales at a asst al! `'?l least benefit; thea I read of _Dr meet immediately ,evident. Almost half of the 3,500 patients wortw,a cr,wa sank. l3oms sank ssoek less than one sent a slay eZan71II8$ lit eIICVtle teat yFBTfar --- _ Yawttn■catrsacs t;o, ymrmoss aaek. — d ' l'>]ltilt�a'P'salt Fits and decided to ti insanity were women. The num- — NEED TO-- °1°°r• °""r'at HLLa a neat�t T Seer- t try them. Alter taking two boxes Y , And All Unlisted i•toolss ��e1 ��`�®H '^'t I felt a little better and I got a tier of these mentally-deficient wo- Dont you hate the daily AUVORT AND SOLD BY QLART further supply whish I continued men have increased considerably in gl ins f" OREYtLLE i CO.,13 Soot!se..TORORTC Ani your Narttstars Dolor, or t _t _ i rh.. naafi ram n A+�•e;-• A w ' }age] Qdy- lae'a work Tel Malty 2fl�si liking•.. -.-- wen TearB. f it axe.beyLws pass Was as well-as -ever; could do all 'and coffee drinking, it is certain, on my ax. WM. COOPER di HE��Eolllj" li,y Housework without difficult has a tremendous ill-effect upon The fowl Ott A lefesno ietko TotaooeTo. difficulty, n -- itad could walk fora long distanced women possessing a neurotic Ac*ots, Insist on the taint, i viewwithoutof being au tired out. Ia b,, N.B. ••+C OTO MGEL" Proper Dine en view of the wonders Di Williams, " . MCo., lnara•t Liniment CLimited.e Gentlemen,-Last Aulust b7 hare* was Pinkilte Have dna• for Iloei I ern- pF A bad1T eat to eleven Paces try a .bashed. - }y reeammentl therm w all weak was te�ce-Tti,ee of-the cote (small ones; Means . :,nervous, run people.- "What led to the quarrel be- andled r goes, but the ethers became tont ProteotiQn p p and rotten,and though I tried assay etre. Y \: a Sold by all medicine dealers or tweea Tom and Lill" or madtc,nes they sad Do beneflc,.t re. F" Be- told her she was the most ■nit Al fast a doctor advised m. to see 1$ Your Hearing Oo®d I M�nc ,n�+•ted in a ":A• ` by tsbatl at Ct6 cents a bolt Or SIX I IdINARD'S LINIMENT sad la tour weeks Thr HZSSo PHO�18 will give roe the =1Neney LIFE Poon r3 ttA. hexes.for !4 SO from _The Dr: Wil- j pulchritudinous girl in the world, time every more was heated and the hair 77 llama' Medicine Co., Brockville anti she broke with him rather than has crown over each une to fin* condition. bs*ata or gaud has ring. Send for Irso tier the care of the furrow.- „ The Liniment 1s cortrinly wandertui to kat, e(Ttng partlews' and names lag Board of Directors a Oat. ask him what he meant by it. its worYlStg. ` of sauslsed users. Also _ *u8N 8. HOLDEN. 80"Lef •fray for a Month's None Trial. Elias Rogers, Pre4ldent. A Good Medicine requires -little Wit°"'' Perry Baker. - THE BRAND ELECTao 014*4 AtalfTlLO. Forney General 1. J. Foy and A CATCH. -. ass &Wire Avenue, To—to William .41 one. tee Praidensa advertising Dr, Thomas' Electric = - Geo. W, beardmoro. J. lY Shen- 'How did you and your wife•first Oil gained the good name it now .tone,J. L.Spink.T C ImngW. meet 1" enjoys. not. -through elaborate ad- THE FLAME OF FAME. R. Hobbs, Aures Rio ars. ' A. A. Macdonald MV.,, <dedieai � �a° "We didn't meet," repliedctor ..=eek little- man;-•"she osertook as a remedy for bodily pains and the fame of oxalic acid will continue "Frederick Sparitai, Seer*taro. aliments of the respiratory organs, to rest on-its usefulness in making Albert J. Ralston, Managing bir. r- miL�it -st 'year's' straw hat am good pro _ lief fes the Depressed.-Physi- �rizedvaL the antipodes as as new, w �� tsetse because of ouch g dire ' a mental depression usual[y. a • Unusual cuss. Write have their origin in a disordered at home. Dose small, effect sure EVERY "ONE NEEDS a remedy th�t-fs � dor information. state Of the stomach anal hoer, a8 odappted for use In case of sudden accident . os Illness. Such a one is "Paknkiller.'• Th* money-making possfbilitloa for .when these organa are deran ed in' And many'a man likes to go fish- LSe, a bottle. Avoid substitute■, there is ,,• iiaou tiff k Life agents q l� awsi' a y' Tng because hl8 wife doesn't care and Sea but one Palakillrr'" -Perry Daela'-rso writs for our Itberat airoo•y.enol- - their action the "whole s stem is o alon tea affected Try Parmelee', Vegetable tc g g' -.Fills. They relive the digestive --_ The average man is firmly cos- nw The NATIONAL LIFE i Mlnard's liniment Cures Diphtheria. ar'• r •{1)rocelsses, act beneficially on the vinced that he _does _seventeen Assurance Company Of Canada '-serves and restore' the Spirits ae Some men who think themselves times as much for others as others t HEAD OFFICE, •_ TORONTO Rio other pills.will. They are cheap, do for him. great sic- not even in the near- ► simple and suss, and the effects are great class. = - lasting. _. _ _ -= In the causes of infant mortal fie• aged m -- - - Ity cholera morbus figures-Prequent- ; , GRIEVOUS SWRORa made newadeys, Tv,..gni It ma a•yt� is Is - BAR£-KNEED BAIRNIES, For instance when a' son buys am tmi. y. be Asad that Dom- � r< saner or ' The D. �t Yenthor Ptaeter j plaints'of the bowels are great de- '`You don't do it ri hi,-mamma," asid to be the geaulne. Be careful sad see etre era of child' life. If. ' g that they are made by Davis A Lawrence Y a . ,said-little Stuart at•bed-time, on co, thers would avail tliemllelves of so the night be and his brother re- ! - effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Kel- •- • + Minis and Metall # -.turned from &-visit to their'graiid- Mane a stingy man will give you loggia Dysentery Cordial-many a School of llling Chemiatryand Mineb�- � mother's. "You should say, "Now, a piece,of his mind. little one could' 'be-•saved. - This Mineralogy and Geogy. 4 .bare knees, cuddle doon. Auntie .r_.__ Cordia] can be van with safet to A couzGe or APlt�tfeD sCENCE. Chemical Engineering. Itlay always said that." - - -' gl `daQ"`"�oUM iisl"' Civil Engineering. ilia smallest eh O , One of the greatest blessings to d, as there is tato 'KINGSTON -ONT.?' Mechanical Engineaeing, IAlnard's Liniment Cures Cotsts, Etc. parent's is Mother Graves' Worm �7urious substance in it. Electrical Engineedlig. ' For Caleniar of the School and fnrthsr infor• Exterminator. It'effectually expels motion,aptly to she Sscresary,Sekoa of iEb"& Biology and Public IieaLtlt. -THE HOPE THAT FAILED. worms and gives health in a marvel- FROM OMAN S VIEWPOINT. Kingston,O•L power Development. 41 - - n "But why in_the_world_"_.you lou* manner to the little one. Knicks-What is a self-made Rant to elope4 _ man4 "«Well, I was in hopes that her The Woman who puts on airs is Mrs. Hnicker-One whose wife' family .would never forgive us but -iPklined to blow about it. _.._: doesn't have to wear a self-made - G" they did.` Minard's Liniment Curbs Distemper. hat _ • , - IrMBARRASSINGI. Minard's Liniment Cures Carset In Cowl., "Dear me, Tommy," remarked - PROBABLY. the young Irian who had. been,cal-Y g "With you for my wife I am sure �- f `pY(R ling five years, ."this.is a fine thick that I could succeed in becoming a _ - !f rut in front of the sofa." 'new man." "Yea, pa gave it'tO sig," Confided "yes, and as soon as you Had be- - __.. _ - J Tommy. . .. t." „ come a new man you would pro- "Very nice of him, S am sure.", tabl'y think you were good enough (�*► f "Yes; he did it on our acount fr r some other woman.". .M O`�O' R CARRI A V ES Kill B0Ue'Sea*ft though." Ieleb v.i "My account 4" _ -- ''''A't''""901� ,,AWARDED DEWAR TROPHY. . ^z Ya.e>xd y*ti,et..ta ems for "I should say so. Pa said he was ,. - - .. • r. Ions Ifaeo asi woad set h.with*st It afraid you- wereg g ettin cold feet, Have kille s.nose fttavit by its gas," 01131testt oaat, lo. an The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded• yearly - by the That tell..we whose story, Asia But just then a• small boy was ROYAL AUTOM.033ILE CLUB for the most meritorious per-. < . haadnAs of thosmesie have sad the grabbed .by a blushing young lady formance of the year under the general regulations for certi- eameesyxrieneelathe past loyeardi. and locked in the basement. -r fled trials. e$ -- ` I0!' p,�y Il11rob0og;Cl�r►, -- The'Ne'w Daimler engin"aa�ow been in the hands of Epuld, swez* ad HIE TIME NOW. i the public for nearly 1S months, quite long.enough to prove its �* Imo ' It was moving day and the fam-~ merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and xesdati's Stavin care cares the _we_should like to •forward to an!, person or persona interest—' ' • •� trouble—s;ku the horse gonna as fly was getting settled down in the - d new home. Little Meribah aged ed a complete set of literatufully explaining this $•larval- well--asd maw money for the owner , g - re. y, became it rentoies the saw of the 3, after watching her father put sous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet, trouble. won,"' - r -dawn the `The Dewar Trophy and how it was won, a history•of tDe = a bottle always parlor carpet, went to , Mery r at'h•nd--iters him and said: Greatest Engine Teat on -Record. S& '- far Good for nana o ni boast. As - _ . your dealer for tree copy of our book "Papa won't you give me ther3 iF 1" ATreatise OaTbe.iiarse orwrite us. hammer when you et through with THE The Daimler Motor Co. 19oa Limited,Bit a.a.J.xexstitt CO,tiu.eborc iasis,Yt ;t, so's I can spank some nails, COV E NT'RY, ENGLAND. S too 71, T F U ISSUE NO. 29-10 f" .� .' .... ... ,. .:_.. -a.'. _:' ... ... ..:. ,_.: '. .......�:.' .. _'.. ';:. :'.. '�� s::.,.cin V�e„a: .•,, ,,�.:, �•�y ,,;^•.,, ..., .,.. .:,Y' ` �;..,,.v%,..a ,}'^•':: .,y r.`-^ 4' ,..:y..i K t'': 'y`"';a'.-.�.i�'p""` . *y',�c'�:a '" ' 'L_- ,., .:r -u .,t= ,.y d✓� .. 1"c.4.t•"i, �+ y .,>n n :cep;:,L.fi•-,..:^' ev. .'+'� �,• •�,..+._. .,n w ..,�'. _3.r ,h'�,p«-.. ;;a� ,� ' ,w`«'"" y�•'rtd,� .x ,:a.)� ".�'+. ry.,.is•.1�"';n ,� p' .#' ,.. :r "^ i sfi" .F :"X.' 'i1�, ;;••tea''. 4�!71w r P xM a, i w 5Q 1 w ,•"�^ `•i0 F;d vy7•r. :5:.' ti's -.V� ..p .Y, we? s :.s•r, irx:' • M v F- r - ..er^+x.. n,•. •k', •'-•- .a' r" „.. _ ,. - -. •- '��.. 'C+'is—'. .,�v -,. '`.'c. '�ti +i•• ,ti•' •ro. a.g c ..., .;;:. I : b• '.:.' '�t4:.t, •;2 - fo Y' •Lf :'Y f. -:.,,b'-' .✓ .J_ cM+afi 13''•• v' i'M .rr r :.:. .-. .. _. �'`s':' .. ',...�,...^ (.: .>:.. .•u.+i xA' >'r.x.•D, .rs.. ;,.:•.l„rr... ,;.. .,D.:i .. a'. � T�TQ —Mrs. W. T. Haetrick spent --Salt—sacks or barrels at Dick- LDCt!L�J.17�S� 'I'uesda in the city. ie do Chapman's. Tuesday S,UM.MER .­ SH.0.ES .. .,-­. ,'—C. F. 'Crysler spent a few days —Mise' A. Field is spending s - _ —Arthur N. Ridley was home in the city during the past week. few days with friends in Toronto. aver Sunday. —Mr. McClure, of Woodbridge, —A number from this locality Men's and boys-' Cool obinfortable cam, ., —Allen Clark, of Toronto, was ie•visiting hie daughter, Mrs.E.N. took in the excursion to Barrie . ;home on Sunday. Hicks. yeeterdaT. vas boots $1.15 and $ 1.25. ' Also .,tennis —Miss Simpson visited relatives Miss Clara Ham is in New. —Dickie& Chapman'9 for parts „� _ in the city ever Sunday. castle fora few .days vial 4in green_,. eureka ..sprayers;* hand' and I'tkltl}1#I -shoes, sizes afE[JE r1Ci8$. - 1[fiaaes Hattie and Sarah Law friends. sprayyers dtc. _. �` visited friends in Oshawa on Tues- —Robert Borne has returned —W. J. Clark took advantage home after spending a few weeks of the excursion to visit friends is �_ - ic - —Bwart Wright was 0 duty in'the city. Barrie ori Thursda . Ladies- patent leather and do' gola ox- few-days. su$erin$from_a sore .—A.number-of_7.onng_won are• --We ora foot, now camping at the mouth of Mr. Robt. Nftller is gradual<1 im- OrtiD ac —Mrs. Hannah McKay, of To- Duffin's Creek. �rovitig,and expects to be home 'nwto, ic visiting with Mrs. W. J. —Born—On July. 4th,.to H. A, in a few days. - ,r JOsle, and Mre. Donning, of Hartney, —M Hilda Grant, teacher-.of The most reliable and shoe store.for wear and satisfaction. h ' ' :r —Mise,O'Leary is spending a Man., a daughter. the base line school east of Whit-it the heme _ ,r smother a duty for a couple of days last C. and Mrs. gers. • _ - ' CKEUING b —Ben. Bolof Toronto, week through illneEe. —The Ladies' Aid of St. An. ._-- ` Balled on Pickerin friends_ on =Dr. Henry will be here as drew's church contemplate hold. 7 " nn y. usy�a sea es a on the even- =T- M. McFadden spent a few his professional duties. * ing of Tuesday, Angus _... da sat the 'home of his parents --Mrs, Percy Bretz and son, of —Roy Wagner spent Saturday HE " in Durham. Toronto, are spending a few days and Sunday with friends in•the x� ~ —Alex Flett, of Kingston, is with W. G. and Mrs. Ham. city. On Saturday be went out visiting at the home of his uncle, —W. Culiis is having a cement to Weston to the aviation meet. - -W. D. Gordon. foundation built under his large —'D. McFadden, of Toronto, was - —Mrs. Geo. Kerr and daughter, shed which is 100 feet by 80. here a few days tbis week attend- (�'� y ? Miss Kate, spent Sunday with —Owing to the lona continued ing the drugstore dui ing the ab- 18 lbs granum �"'"'� �B' relatives in Toronto, dry hot weather the outlook !fir senee of his brother, T. M., in • _ —D. Casey, of Toronto, was raspberries is not very bright. Durham. SACH OF " hereon Monday making arrange- —Mrs. W.B.Powell and daught- —I have just received a large laced' BUgar $1 'meets for his rT Mfes Glridy�, have return consignment of . binder twine. —Miss Jean Bateman, of Toron- from a visit to friends in IIs- Those desiring t e "same p ease to, is visiting at the home of her bridge.., call at my res --.- t�� '.grandmother, Mrs. B. Bunting. —Roy Burling, of the Metropoli• Marquis. ` 20 lbs.' ye ow 'SUGAR ' y —Rev. J. A. McCamus, we, are tan Bank. Toronto, spent Sunday —Chopping at the Spink" dills $ sorry to state; is not improving as with C. H. and Mrs. Burling and will be suspended from the 22nd of _ - p" his friends would like to see him. family, July till the lot of August owing sugar . c�1.00 $5.40 - �' —Mrs. A. Ridley and child, of —John Hawkins and son, Jesse, to repairs being made to the race The Maples, are visiting the form- of Cleveland, Obio, spent a day and water tube. ' er'a parents, A.hF, and Mrs. 'Rid- this week with W. T.'and Mrs. —The Ladies' Aid of the Meth. ley. Hartrick. udist church drove to Whitby on =A much•needed rain fell in —Mrs. and Miss Glide, of Port Wednesday afternoon to visit the / /'�/ !Q�KISSI.MI. CREAM BUNS, FIVE R08ES; TEA torrents for a while on Tuesday Per , apeat this week with John Deaconesses' Home. They report i�VV/ Bt'NS,.WHITE-SATIN. _ afbetaoo$,-hs€ueing saw . r'_Picker- a pleasant time. sL : vegetation. lag friends. -• Miss May Hiscock returned to James Gordon has char of a — vpgo — — � of tbb pant week or two fall wheat _ .. her home in Kingston on Saturday ggAang 8 men who are engaged rad dl barley fields are now ed tab000 e c . ... _ ....her spending a month here with buildio the new Greenwood eta- ��. i -her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Moore. tion on the.C.N.R. ready td be cut. - BUY THE ""B" 'E' —The Ladies' Aid of St. An- —Rate ere ' throughout the , 'drew's chrirch met at the home of country nclnding .towns and vil- —Capt. R. Clements, of Milton, Oh those "Arm and Hrmmer'"brand overalls. They're just $1.00 a s pent a Pew d s this week with Mrs. Arthur Boyes on Tuesday lager are anbject to at penalty of a' per pair. :Not made of leather but say they wear well. Now for " afternoon when a pleasant time from five to twenty dollars if the�y his wife at the latter's parents, C. those red.harvest boots. So cool, only-81.25. was Apeat by all. do not in due time cut down all H. and Mrs. Burling. - -We are pleased to report that noxious weeds on the made front- —A gasp of Italians have been - Robert Miller is now making satis- Ing on their respective holdings ; busy the past' week ling the - factory progress towards recovery or in case of neglect, the municipal second track on-the G: .R.-, with --and it is expected that he will be co+incil may perform the services benvy steel rails. The other track - BEST f �r able to return home any da now. and charggeinthe collector's bill. was laid some time ago. BUY THE BE X71• —W. J. and Mrs. Miller and two —Mr. Mellor preached two ex. —A meeting of the business men We are certainly rushing out those _. • children returned on Sunday from cellent sermons in the Methodist of the village will be held in' the '.. __.. . Scarboro where they had been for church on Sundayy last. In the NEWS office nest Tuesday evening _ the past two weeks owing to the evening he took 'for his subject, to discuss the ad-visability of holdNEW PERFECTION OIL ►�TOVIt.s v _ serious illnes of the former's fatly- Regeneration, from the text, "Ye ing a half holiday each week. _ .er, Robert Miller._ must be born again. Next Sun. _W• B. Powell is .having an Keeps liouse so cool and comfortable. - - Haying operations are now day evening he preaches on the Independent phone installed at - rett well advanced..:While some same subject from the same teat. pretty I his residence on Elizabeth St. H ._. _.- .. V report the crop to be somewhat Mr. Mellor has some bright ideas A. Haight,of the Greenwood road $ERGER'IS ENGLISH PARIS GREED i� light, some extra heavy yields are on the subject and is able to place also had one installed last week. - -kis rted and as a whole the crop them before his bearers in a very Harold Courtice and Fred never fails. _ yy _The second application of oil A meeting was held is the day witnessing the football is heavier than impressive manner. _ was made on our street on 9atur- Gordon House on Mondayevening m Claremont mate'- ' _ pester � - — b 79and sprayers--Latest on the market,,7fic each. _ day so that now the street was for the purposeof considering the between the Claremont Thistles - a and the British United of Tomn- _. never in better condition. Anoth- advisability of providing,&dap of - _: pr application will most probably sport on Civic Holiday (Aug. let). • have to be made in September. A committee was appointed to —A number of our young people in —Owingg to his greatly increased endeavor to secure teams of foot- secured John Calvert's team, wax- ` business E. N. Hi eke has found it ball and baseball for the day and on and hay rack on Friday even- *l jr�/ peeeeeary to instal a gasoline en- to reports at a later date. Anoth- ing last and took an outin g-as_far ` 'gine in his bakeshop. The pui- er meeting of those interested in as the county•town. Judging by. ` - -chase was made through the ag- the .matter will be held in the their appearance they thoroughly_ - --— - ' lent of the Gilson engineL Howard Gordon house to-night(Friday)at enjoyed themselves.M. Turner, ofWhitevals. 8 o'clock: Full particulars will be =The trustees of S.'9. No: 4 (�-There is quitea rivalry.,among given in our tie:tissue. - East have secured the services of Big ed, V�1lon-several residents of the viiLl�aage as —After about twelve months of John McCamus as teacher for the to who can produce the-largest suffering from cancer Mrs. Michael ensuing year. Owing to the ill- -- sunflower. Several whoppers were Shaughnessy died at her home nese of- his: father Mr. -McComus raised.raised last year but we ea- here at the age of 88 years. Her has decided to forego his college pact this year's product to eclipse funeral took place on Saturday course for next year, NOW 1S your chance. A big reduc� >.. ,.. - that of last year. Who will be when after service at St. Francis —We have again been disap- the laky one? - de Sales church her remains were pointed this week in securing the tion lil all 1 r1n11lledr�j J111� - -Those who were praying for conveyed to the R. C. cemetery returns from the entrance exam- !1 warmer weather several weeks forinterment. She had a family iriation although makitig several ago have had their prayers ans- of five sons and four danghters of trips to Whitby to _secure the =eery at wered duringthe past On .whom _two eons, Thomas and pa same. The delay is caused by the ._ ;' • _.. •_. ` . • . ..• Saturday the thermometer regia- Michael are dead, they having efforts of the examiners to pass ��' - - - •tered 92 degrees in the shade, but been killed on the G.T.R.- with several candidates' who showed MRS. LEIGH, - -- PICKERI,NG <? the heat was rendered. more op- whom- they were employed. To an exceptionally high standing in a ressive h by the great humidity of Mr. Shaughnessy and the remain- all-the subjects except arithmetic, . :Tt,Tie atmospher8.— em z. was an exceedingly hard —George Wilson, of Whitby, tend our sympathy- -eat AWAY -F _ met with a serious lose on- —It is w' a we re- Dr.-Waugh went 'to .the pity to 'by the death of a horse. -The'ani- port the death of a former and interview the Education Depart- 5 Ib. of.Lipton's to the one who eomes the nearest the number of l Dial which was a fine looking gen- highly respected resident of-Pick- meat regarding the matter. 'The beans in the bottle. Open to any one that bays a gounsl of tea inside t neral purpose horse, was bought iu ering, Mr. Cornelius Casey, which• examiners thought it better to de- o Toronto, and ,the former owner took place on Saturday, the 9th fer the:publication of the results the 30 days from date of adpt. So comp along ladies and see who will ' i brought it as far as West Hill on inst., at the home of his daughter, until the matter was 'settled so be the lucky one. - - Saturday where Mr. Wilson met Mrs. Donovan,of Ossington Ave- ..that_ complete returns might be -' him. On the way down Mr. Wil- uue, Toronto.. The deceased, who given., We also have in stock the best of, seed corn,•maBgel seed.An _ son noticed that the animal was was 79-years of'age, was a native turnip seed. , = -sick and was bloated. When he of County Kerry, Ireland, and Why so much labor twice daily arrived in Pickering be was taken emigrated to Canada when a washing about twenty-Sue pieces to the stables of the Gordon House yuung man. Shortly after com-. in the bowl cream separators. Get FARMERS SUPPLY STORL�`, < and the services of the veterinary ing to Canada he settled in Picker- a Sharples Dairy Tubular,' only PICHERING were secured. The animal, how- ing and entered the employ. of three ,pieces to wash, and will E. BRYAN PROP. : ::. . ever, was too far,gone and he died the Grand Trunk Railway with take more cream from your-milk - -_,' on Sunday morning. The cause whom-he worked for 85 years,- 27 than any other cream separator of death is attributed to indi es- of which he was section foremhn. e on the market. Repairs kept for tion and to the intense heat. Owing to advancing. age he,left sale. D. Simpson dt Co., agents, —There was left in our.office a the etpploy of the G.T.R. about 12 Pickering. " Jea3cna �� r few days ago a specimen of French -or 13 years ago and moved to To- �,: , weed(alsd Y. o known by the name of ronto where he has since lived re- Q T Stick weed)which was found in tired: His-wife predeeeised him PAPER HAl�( rI�TG one of the yards in the village. It 25 years, having died.on her 48th T. s quite Comm to different loeali birthday, He is survived by a �'he undereil{ned is prepared to take La�DYi. MOwerB :ties in the North-west. It is one family of'siz daughters .and two contracts 'for paper hanging" snd _ •gintin z `of-the worst weeds"with which sone. These •are Mrs. Donovan P B• Garden Shears:'• the farmer has to contend and is and Mrs. Malone, of Toront�, and Satisfaction guaranteed. Lawn Rakeg :;.. •>'eaid to be more difficult -to eradi- Mrs. O'Leary, � - of Fairbanks-and Prices reaaonabte. rate than any of the noxious weeds Misses Lizzie, Cecilia and Aggie, �gl M. ALLAWAY Screen Doors ' in this locality. It is supposed to who are in business in Toronto, - - e Manitoba wcome here beathtakentto the Stas of tlliam t oa,�Toronto,and Danerator at a travel- Red WbUnion CgEBIN(l MA8BET8"8 t� Window screens, screen wire, turn ip seed, man gel seed;-corn, etc i •: ' mills of Ontario. Farmers should ler for the Eby Blain .Co., of To. „ and general Hardware. ` make themselves familiar with costo. The funeral took place cin White """""""""""" 90 ., the appearance of this weed so Tuesday to the R. C. cemetery, Ci�aseed .. :;; ;;;: ;;;;;; .80 that they may Tooth d before Pickering, and wme ligh re at nate . • •• •••• 37 . �../ 1 \ �V Josq, 1`1 1it R'et!? loo firm a foothold in the tended, showing the high respectgamey. .. .... ..............:. 80sad here. s wa uckwbeat ....,. .,.,•., � , ., - ;r„ 4.atz."o ..,.; ,. '-,• ... ' �: • ; .•Ila � pp which s e B x ', at . �, a4Y w.y�,..A ..!aP ' Cnpi ✓! •.r. '-. JJ J s6'3 ' .G. �°*'tt :.� .y s.'.n t, Vmt. M H.,.,( M n.. d i J� J .� �,. 4, ' sJ4,�+K .. h ... . n4. n"e.r*.. y��Y+4,^. _'rr. ...ynpr 8yws]..hi.;+„c�K. !» .•' .0_' �, .«a. ,,. (yi ,*�.�M ;s`' ,v;d'S ...• i.','�". .a'," '.,C y 4.:r,"?'°tf•+.rogin.