HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1907_11_15Ale • • e'esee- VOL. XXVII. PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY. NOV 15, 1907. NO 6 SirDitefFIFiDital €arb. Denta?. R M STEWART-, Markham. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. • -- • OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE PQSTOFFICE. • • Open dolly 9 a. m. to 6 0. ra. Residence, Main St., North. • • AT USTIONV/LLE EVERY FRIDAY. a.m. to 4 p. m. 'Office over Summerfeldt Silver's Store. rrtf .1rerlicaE AM. BELL,. M. D.. C. M. • Late House Surgeon of the Eingston General Hospital. Successor ,to Dr. Bate- , man Office hours 6 to LUm,1to3pto end 6 to 8 p m. Pickering. Ont- ' 4d.ly • —. EO FIeFf D • • PHYSiCIAN AND SeLf.3E014 Member of College of Pbyzicians and -Surgeons. Ont. Asboeiate Coroner, County of Ontario. melee Hoare- 6 to 10 a.. m, and I co 3 and 6 to 8 • .p. m. Brougham. Ont. 1L—ly JrHER13ERT KIDD, M. D., CM. • Member College of Physicians and Sin, .e geons of Ontario. Late House Surgeon of Gen- ., wee Emergency and Barnside Lying-in Hospi.. .• . tale of Toronto. Office in Alexander Morgan's residence. opposite Methodist church, Clare- mont, Out. . 8.53y _ - Legal. :r B. PABEWELL, Q. 0., BA.E.BIS- III • TH.11;Oonnry Crown Attorn ." d Connil 00e/tor. Court Rause. 10-r . - DOW& McGILLIVRAY, BARBI& ers, Solicitors, Ms. °Mai opposite Post Mee Whitby, Ost Jae .Ball Dow, B.A.; Theo. LL .B Money to Loan. 8y Veterinary. s'irHOPKINS, VETERINARY SUB- • GEON. Graduate of the Ontario V. • erinero College. Toronto, registered member 01 the Ontario veterinary Modica' Association. Office and res.denc• one and one-otiarter miler eorth of Green River. Office and 'hoeing forge boors 8 to 11 „ and 1 to 4 p.m. Private telephone in my office P.O. eddrese. Bled"' • .Birer. One engine** ab*. D.HOPPER Issuer of Marriage • Licenses in the County of Ontario. Office at store and his residence. asestaciat. vp BUNTING, Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Ontario. Of. Ire at the store or at his mildewig. Pickering 1-y D B. BEATON, TOVVNSHIP CLERK . - • Conveyancer. Oommiseloner for taking • ,Iggdavits, Accountant, Eto. Money to 101i On farm property, "Issuer of Marriage Lie - oar' Wisitevale, Out.' f -v POSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, - • • for Countiee ofl'Ort and Onts.rio. sales of all kinds atlantic.' to on shortest notice. Address Green River P. 0., Ont, TPOUCTIER. Liceneed Aszetion- • iser. Valuator and Collector for the Conn ries o! York and Ontario An kinds of at:orlon -- • *ales conducted an,* Vale Itions made at tivid• - ' erste charge, Eelltea and consignments. c. p.. — sista:3:1y managed land soldby auction o. private SC.!. Mortgages, rents, notes and general acociunte promptly collected aol sans- ' • factory settlements guaranteed. Phone or • wilte for terms, mad Brougham. Ont. Dates 'mar" be -axed by phone Nr -we • • — 4 Furniture,.... full line of first- „ • • - 'lass furnitere now :••• . cc exhibition in . • - our ware room,. • Prioes right. R. S. Dillingham.. -. Pickering, Ons Fat Hogs, Wanted I have the contract with Wight & Co., Pork Packers, Toronto, to supply that firm with all the live hogs they require, and would like t,o have your hogs. I will pay • within 15e. of Toronto price until further notice. Write, phone or apply to John A. White BROUGHAM DOMINION BANK •, • 1 -lend CbflIce, 'Toronto ., Capital paid up • $ 3,600,000 Reserve fund and undi- ' vicled profits • 4,760,000 Deposited by the -public .36,000,000 Total sSets ' 51,000,000 ••••=de/IMMIO. WHITBY BRANCH. • General. Banking -Business - transacted. • -Special atTention given to the collet - tion of farmer's sale and other notes. - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. IDOPOSite received of $1. and upwards. Interest allowed at highest current rates. CO23:1.1)01.3.3adedt orpaid quar- ter Pall and, Winter Goods • Call and see our genuine -Saskatch- ewan Robes. We have a nice assoitneent of warm Woollen Blankets, Stable Blankets . A few fall Knee Robes left. • .., See our fall Knee Robes. • We have both simile strap and double and stitched Single Harness on • hand. .ti nd see thew. • • THOMPSON BRO "Only a few more weeks tillXnias." We are Peeparieg fey a large trade en• Nunes Gifts this s ear and have se- • lected •a large• aesortment of - choice gifts now arri•yin.g. „. . •• .• • NEWT JEWELRY • • Ladies'. Gold Watehes, reg. .815, now On sale at 812: Men's Watches, in all sizes. a great reduction in price. All -guaranteed. Brooches, Chains, Fobs, • . etc., all latest. ' CHOICE STATIONERY in fence boxes. special. :e- k SPECTACLES Have your eyes examined by us and secure an exact correction; - Ptetz DRUGS always on hand. Give iie a call - T. M. -McFadden, Dispensing Chemist. PICKERING, - .ONTARIb. Wagner & Co. Have a full line ox tresh and cur- ed meats constantly on hand. Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. Highest prices- paid for -Butcher s cattle. REAL :ESTATE Insurance and . _ - Conveyancing _Done • _ . House and Lot for sale or tn rent. . • Also Planing .Mill for,sale. 150 acre Farm for sale.. •- . — If you wen to bee' sell or i•eiet, call' • ateny office.. Bergains. W V. Richardson. Notary Public, Pickering. Vickering First-class rigs for hire Day or night • Bus meets all trains Teaming promptly attended to. Agent for Canada Carriage Co. W. H. Peak, • Central —. BUSINESS. COLLEGE of Toronto, hes eearted, thous- ands of eming men and women on the easy way to independ- ence and succees. Let ue give you the right etai.t. Write -for Catalogue and plan to spend the next six nionths with us. Enter any time. Address We H. gShaw, Principal, Yonge and gGerrard Sts., Toronto.' MO, 7111111' MM. 'SIMI? ....m. 6 ...1t3l2C., ..:1--,f9C1 &rnefiraa e Alitib BR I TI SH CANADIAN Business College Great training. Small cost, Good positions. Fees. Catalogue. Everybody welcome. . .... R. A. FARQUHARSON.—B. A. Corner Yonge and Rloor Streets. Torotito _Zlacksmitking 1 The undersigned havingbought out the hlacksmithing business of 0, Law, is prepared to do black- suaithing in all its lines. Horse -shoeing - a - Specialty. ClICR-IDON • PICKERING, ONT SCHOOL REPORTS The report of the pupils of 8. S. No 6, Pickering, with- the. names in order of merit, reads as follows, -V -Elmer Willson. Sr. IV --Donald Willson, Fannie Keyes, Hazel Kayes, Willie Percy, Archie Jackson, Florence Rob- son,. Jr., .IV7 Gertrude Humphrey, Kenneth McBrade. Sr. III -George Cowan. Jr. III -Lula Huruphi•ey, 'Nicholas Cowan, Olive Brignall, Lor- etto Goodwin: Nellie Lee. Eugene Lee, Frank ie Jackson. II -Donald David- son, Maggie Stewart. Pt. II -Le ena Ellicott. Lorene Gaseoyne., Oswald' Ga.oync;.-- Pt: 'Sr. Waiter Brignall, Wilmhit, Shea. .Pt. I Inter.- Wallace Ellicott. :i -ie Cowan, Esther Gas- (..oyne, Willie • Riley. • Pt. I Jr.-Clif-: fol• d • Hubbard, Johnny Brignall. Those on -the .report for. good con -- duct are -V. elass E. Willson. Si-. IV D. Willson. Jr. IV -4i, Mc - Brady, Cowan, Jr. III - L. liiimphrey. II -D. Davidson. Miss Fe • A. .:•Meek, •Teachere - WHITEY An important -c•hange in the profes- sional life of two of our leading resi- dents took place last week, when J. B. Dow, L. L. B.. gave up his extensive legal practice to assume the deities of - Local Registrar of the High Court of Justice, - Registrar of the Surrogate Court and Clerk of the County Court. a position just vacat- ed by Mr, L..T. Barclay, who in turn succeeds to Mr. Dove's lucrative legal practice. For about thirty years, )fr. Barclay has performed . the dutiesin- volved by the position in a most effi- cient manner. but always had a lunging for an active -legal practice, and on four or five different occasions handed in his reeignateon, which was not accepted until recently:. As a legal practitioner, he will no doubt make a success. Many will regret • the fact that Mr. Dow is retiring from the peo- fession for he has won a name for abil- ity and integrity throughout the county and enjoys the confidence of all classes and shades of politics. His extensive practice had necessarily kept him closely to his office and prevented him enjoying that degeee. of freedom which he will derive from this Pew. position, • • DUMBARTON Our busy apple pickers are enjoying well eared . .• We regret toreport that John Short has been seriously ill fair some time past. • .• Messrs.- -M. Gormley and W. Hole are with the deer -slayers in the Hali- barion region., are gad -to oft- that %li.s jt,,,,ebank. who, seriously irijured.her foot some time ngo..is pro,. ressing nicely. towards recovt ry. John Blue plaid a flying visit to- hie friends in this lecalite recently, He has cast in his lot with the Province of Alberta in the service of whose legislature he has been fey scene time. - A number uf our young peopaleae friends of L. L.' and Mrs. 'Rogers, gathered on Wednesday evening' te wish them Well before • their removal from our loctility.• Their 'poPulaiity. and the place they have won for them- selves in the esteemeof the consmunity during theie five years stay -among us were attested be the presentation of an address accompanied hy a hand- some tobacco pipe to- Mr. Rogers and a music cabinet to Mrs. Rogers. After spending the winter .at Mr. Rogers' home near Brook -lin, they will take up their rcaidence in Bayfield, Ont., where Mr. Rogers has .acquired the proprie- torship of a large summer hotel. _ •GREEN RIVER • Russ Barton is hOine' for a pvc days with his people. Arthur•Doten is in Toronto as clerk in.Fred Wilson's store. • We are pleased to report that San- ford Doten is improving. ' Mrs. Elias 'Bice is confined to the house with" an attack of toneilitise Miss Ruby Coleins, of.Toronto, spent Sunday with -Wm, and Mrs.-Hoovere Mies • Mand Doten, of Toronto, in- tends reinaining. With her mother for some time. Mrs. P. R. Hoover and Eli and Mrs. Nighswancler .attended the fteperel. on Friday of tbeir sister, Mrs. Reesor. A special sermon to young men and women will he preached in the Rep- tist church hy • Rev. Mr.•Trickeee All are invited to attend. A large load, numbering...seventeen, from Claremont -attended the lecture on Monday night. This is the kind of burnout we appreciate here. , The anniversary of the Baptist church hete was a grand success. Althrough the weather was very dis- agreeable large crowds tinned out on Sunday at all three services. Earnest and eloquent sermons were preached by the Revs. Grant and Dobson. The three different choirs 'furnished excel- lent music. Again on Monday night the church- wa' full to hear the lecture hy Dr. Sowerhy. which was 'enjoyed hy hoth old and young. The singing of Mrs. G. Stevenson and the Misses Trickey deserve the highest praise and the recitations of Misses Wilson and Banyard were very much appreciated. Spicy speeches were given by Revs. Reynolds, Grant and Trickey causing much laughter. After the lecture all those who took part and those from a distance were entertained to lunch. This brought one of the most pleasant and pvo ba 9acme. ' . • • ALTONA . . There will be a grand shooting match here on 'Wednesday, Nov 20th, commencing at one o'clock. Some 300 live pigeors have been secured for the occasion, and • every other arrange- ment will be made for the convenience 4d-pleasare'of those who attend this grand raily of eporte. The match will be eond ucted unuer the Toronto Gan Club rules. •The manager, H. Yake,- assures us that he will spare no effort in furnishing a gond day's sport for all who care to attend. Bring along your gun: No oiitside shooting wilrhe al- lowed. . .. GREENWOOD M.' Gleeson spent Sunday in the Comity Town. '— Arthur Johnston spent Monday and Tuesday 0-hawe. W. Fuller was here on Tiaesdae in the interests of the Independent Tele- phone Ce. • George Neal having left the ernplo' of F. L. Green will shortly locate neer Clarem on t. W. G. Barnes passed through here on Tuesday with a load of baskets. He left scene at the store. Rev. J. Bennett Anderson will hold another cottage meeting at the home of Miss Liscoinhe on Thursday, Nov. 21st. Everybody welcome. • . •- • ..CHERRYWOOD . . Anniversary services of the Cherry. wood Methodist church will beheld on Sunday, Nov.17th. Service will be con- ducted in the afternoon • at 2.30 by The -Rev-.-J. Trickey, of Whitevale, and in the evening at 7 by the pastor, C. W. Reynolds. Song service will he led by the house choir in the afternoon and by the Centennial Methodist choir in the evening. On Mondale even- ing, Nov. 18th there will 1* a tea and entertaintuent. 'Miss Mina Phillips,of Whitby, has been engaged for the occasion, also the Highland Creek Orchestra will provide instrumental music. Admission 25c; Children 15ce • • • • HIGHLAND, CREEK The followinL clipped from -the Orillia refers to a .- former teacher bere. "Mr, John A.. Bush, PrinciRd of West Ward School, left on Thursday to take a position with the Crown Bank of Canada, Toronto. Before leaving he was presented by his pl.pils with a beautiful fountain pen. and .the follow- ing acItirees: - DEAR TEACRER,— We. the pupils of West Graven - beret 'school, on the eve of your depareure, desire to express our re- _ gret. Although yoti have not. been with 05 very tong, :3. -on have won our e:-.teern and affection, .and we desire to express this esteem hy this small trr- ken. 'We hope yen will accept this in remembrance of Your pleasant_ stay riinng .11A. Wr hope -prosperity-inay attend you in your future career." • • • - • • • B ROL: OH AM • •- -•• lierFey Lieemnbe ie alt smiles. gitl. . 1Vin. andMr,. Mosgrove spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. W. T: Wilson is visiting friends in Pickering. Wm. Todd, of Stouffville; spent Tuesday in the village. • • D. H. Alger had a business. irip to 'Whitby on Tuesday. . • - Miss M. Stevenson and' Mrs: Geo. Stevenson are in Toronto. • Messrs. Boyd Burk and Ed. Willson went toSouth River last week. • . Jas. Feasby arrived ho the North-west looking .hale and hearty. i.7efrom _ J. W. Hogle is moving bis house- hold John Cowie's resi- dence. • W. E. Risenbrough and wife, of Claremont, spent Monday at R. J. Cowa ti's. Mr: and Mrs. Rountree, of 'Ux- bridge; spent Sunday at' GeorgeD. Linton'e. F. H. Cowie left on Monday for the city where he has secured a situation. ...J. C. Philip' is- having an inde- pendent phone installed in his residence. Mrs. James Paul is moving her houSehold effects to. Whitevale this week. • . • Thomas .Brown -arrived home from Greenbank; after vi -siting for a few days. • • .- Mrs. ';J. C. Philip spent -.a few days last week with friends at Highland Creek. , • Mrs. C: A. Barclay •is sonieWliat indisposed this week, but we are glad to hear she is improving. • . N. F. Tomlinson and F. C. Me- dlin attended the Teacher's Con- vention at Pickering Friday. and Saturday. .. Watch for the bills for the grand oyster supper and entertainment to be held in the town hall on Dec. 20th, under the anSpices of the Union Sunday Sebool. There will be a meeting of the Brougham hockey club on Satur- day night, Nov. 1dth, in the Bro- gham hotel for the purpose of organizing a team. All interested ar crdially 1 1 ADoctor's e lune eamenimousamon Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. " I bare nasi, groat deal of Ayer's Cherry il.cr.oral fir cceiglia and hard coIe"de ea IT — tlicuAzh J. Firseszsrm.iffedferd, grd-medU IS. J. Ayer ca., Lowe% Mass. nienufasetareess tiers' KAM MOB. SARSAPARILLA. 5 • You well ho8te-1i recovery by tak- ing one Of Ayer's Pills at bsdam.., NOT/CE •. Our shop will be closed every Saturday afternoon., Customers will please govern them selves accordinely. Good stock of ladders on hand from 11c to 12c per round according to size, etc. W. H. JACKSON. Brock Road. Western Bank or Canada. ' Pickering Branch. - - laeorporated by act of Parliament 1$60 • . Authorized Capital Subscribed - Paid up • • Rest Account • Assees. • - • • el.(100,000.00 - 533.000.00 553,000.00 300,000.00 0,000,000.00 Jens Cowa:s. Pea, T, R. atcatztaxs,Eso, - President Cashier, Special attention itiVell to Farmer's Wit Notes Collections solicited and promptly Made Farmer's Notes discouhted American and Fore.gri Exchange bought and sold Drafts lir lined, a yailable on all parts of the world Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed on deposits atehigh- es t current rates, and credited or paid half -yearly to -depositors; , • -:COAL OIL. Best America.nloil :nc, per gal., best • Canadian oil 16c gal. Our American . •• oil is the best money can • buy. Our • Canadian oil is • as good. as many are • selling at a higher price. Try it and be cenvinced. . • . -Get one of our 5 gallon cans. Try our home m,ade ,bread -It is fell weight. •. GEO. PHILIP, Grocer, Broughani r 1 Wedding Rings = = = = 41111111111 Th. .....• . . , ere are five things you should take note of in purchasing . A Wedding Ring 1st -, . t.t should he good *eight (to last a life time)) Our weddibnygNrvieniggshta.re all sold . 2nd. -It should be of good quality ' (so that it may wear well) • Our weddings are all 18k 3rci.-It should be good shape (to please the eye) - Oar wedding rings are -superb as to shape. 1 4th. -It should he good color (made and alloyed properly) oth.-Andlastly, it sheuld be the right price. We make a specialty sof Wed- ding Ring values. Norman Masesett, Jeweler and Optician, Brock St. S011tb, Whitby, Ont. FOR T:flpL9SIt1!I LEADING IAIaKETS PERISH IN FAI,LIA H ngineer .Bound and. Helpless in Hands of Burglars. despatch • from Vancouver, B. C., -says: S:_rprised by • four • burglars who 'held guns at his head and then bound • his hands Lokind his back and threw nim under a table, Walter Wittmeyer, engineer of the Vancouver breweries, waited far the boilers of the plant to eacplede and blow him. and llie nab- :.ber'e to pieces, en Tuesday night.. The night eugineer was just turning Water into the -Loiter after his lunch whoa four misted men covered him. They knocked him down, tied his hands behind his bock and carried him to the niain oflice 'of the brewery, where' he was thrown under a table. He watched the burglars prepare te blew the safe with nitro=glycerine, inen- Cally calculating that within a very few Minutes the lack of water in the boilers er the plant would. cause an expleeloa that would bring the building &owe about their ears. At the first attack oa the sate with explosives the police ar- rived and opened Ere on the gang, who escaped. The engineer rolled out to the boiler and was freed. HIe rashad In the engine -room, • and was just in time to save the plant. GOVERNMENT FOREST RESERVES. Many Square Mlles Set Apart by the Western. Provinces. By, the "Dominion Forest Reserves Act." of 1906, a number of trncts of 'wooded country throughout Manitoba, Seukatchewan and Alberta were set aside as permanent forest reserves. Ot these a number had previoa<ly been set aside by order -in -council the areas of some were however, lessened. while a ^iv BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Nov. 12 •—Ontario Wheat— No. 2 white or. red, .9ae: to t13;c; No. 2 mixed, Mc; goose wheat, Sac to 9Uc. Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 hard, $L.07; Ni. 1 northern, $1.05; M. 2, $1.03.. Barley—No. 1•, 84c; No. 2, 82c; No. 3 extra, 50e. Oats—No. 2 white, 53c to 54c, outside; !nixed, 53c outeidc. •- liye--Sec outside. Peas -80c. Cern--i'(a. 2 yellow, American, 6934c, Toronto freights; No. 3 yellow, G9yc. Burl wieat—TOe outside. than--d2t to $24 .511 iu hulk outside; sorts, lit to INI.59. Flour—Osear•io, 90 per cent. patents, about $S.M Lid, MI6 asked; Mendota pennons, special lorand. EG to $6.20; sec- ond patents, $$.10 to $6.68; strung Lak- er:', $5.30 t. $6.40. kenlii.h Forest i\erve, lying west of t.ake Niskonlith, with an area `of about V5 square miles; Trarquille Forest Re- zerve, an area of Lit square miles in the Tranquille Plateau. -north-east et Kam- loops Lake; Hat Creek Forest Reserve, •anaund the headwaters of Hat (.reek, with an area of 20G :square mars: Don- ald Forest Rrerve, adjoining the C. P. R. oa the north and east sides for some distance on each side of Donald, 7! square miles in extent, and the Larch Hills Forest Reserve, lying between Sat - few new ones were added. The total mon- Arm and Mara Lake and henna, areas now -ser reserved in the different an ,area of about 25. square miles. provinces are as follows:. Manitoba, 2.575 square rriileF;_Ses{catchevvan,• 740 square wiles; Alberta. 186 square miles; ••.British Columbia, 890 square. miles. • in Manitoba there have been set apart six reserves. The tartest Of these sets the Riding Mountain Forest Reserve, with an area of 1535 square miles. A _Short distance to the north is the Duck Mountain Forest Reserve, comprising some 1!50 square • miles; and to the northwest of the reserve .Is Porcupine • Forst Reserve No. 1. with an area of nearly 92.'i square miles. „West of Lake INtaa�t,ba is the Lake Manitoba West Fret Reserve,, the arca of which Ls ]tear, f square miles. Part of the, area covered by the Turtle \foreman!-= 1s inclusd,*d in the Turtle Mountain Re - Nerve, with an_area of nearly 110 square miles A part of the sand -hill country south-east of Brendan has also hears set tip:.rt as•a ((greet reserve, and within this expertrnental work in forest planting ' had been done: the area of the Spruce- woo4L- Forest Reserve, as -it •is called, s 11't square miles. -. - !a Saskatchewan there • are. four re- serves. Of these Porcupine Reserve Nn, lf. the •largest, adjoins Porcupine Resert'e • No. 1; it has an area of 360'stpiere• miles. s In the Mose, Mountain' district. north . of Arcola, the Moose Mountain Forest Reserve. of some 180 square !tiles in area, has Leen created, The Beaver• . Hills -Forest lierterve, in the .l3eav'.'r Hillis, welt .,t Yorkt4n,•^elvers two twee,. ships ,Ranges !1 and 10, Township 26i; •area, 7! square mile.:. South-east of Prince Albert is "The Pines" Forest Be - serve, covering 155 square miles. . • COUNTRY PROI3UCE. Butter—Market is • very strong but Quotations are unchanged. • t:retutery. do solid: .... .. do solid: A despatch frcrn Marseilles, France, says: A• hurrieano swept over thi; city on Friday night, causing intonate+, dam- age to ducks and 4,ther water front pro- perty. The ga.s works were flooded by the terrific d•sw+ipour that accompanied the storm. and th,+ ray wale Wird late daznesrs. A number of people were killed by collapeing houses, bort in the ecntusion and the darkness it is impoe- sable to determine the extent of the casualitiec. Alt of South France continues to sui- te. from the floods toiluwing the exeoa- sivc: rains. in many places the Monde - ',ions are wears+, teas the hormes wends The ea- f<Alowed the S tensive , coal'% stollen at Grassacsaic pas [been completely ilovded and all welit ha. been suspended. Their values ranged from $' to $2.60 FOUR MON SWEPT TO DEATH. per cwt. Distillery -feeders s.ile at 52.74 e, to $3.511 per cwt. and stock butte were Trying to Cross the St. Lawrence •Mar worth $'_ to $2.25 per .cwt.,. Montreal. . 23c to 30c Good mach caws were Fond at S!0 to A despatch from Montreal sass: De- • ,. 24atoilre-I 850 a eh. Common and fair cowl til-. ,.f a dr:wning 1rareal that. nc- Dairy pain!. .... .... . 24•c to `2.rw brought $+i) to 8:17.50 emelt. cured on Friday on (%pee St. iMIIIS, LetsWi•24c • Ch?exe—Snooty at 13%e and ttiviirs at 14e. Eggs -New laid rule firs! eit 30c; s&r- age, 25c. ' Poultry—Oily:leer.s, dreesed, 7r to .IOc; heels, 51 to 7e; • ducks, 7e to Oc; geese,' 7r to te: turkeys,- 12c to 14c. - - Potaees--O!ltaries ere firm at 75c to Sat in car lots as! track. lessons---Stea(y at $1.'111 t., aeon for primps and $1.00 to $2 for hew!wicke;l. }(oney—Strained steady at -tin to 12c Presented to King- Edwar-d . on Itis; tPoug+! the • weather Was still stormy,' per !b and .combsai $1.75 to $2;.50 per iii edge Geo" Vic cis telegraph operator at- the. -KILLED .i4 FAMILY FiGHT. - Wife and Stepson Said to Be Respon- sible tor Death of Indian. A despatch from Brantford says -V1brd was received to the city an Fri- day, that Richard Santee, an lndBn„ living on Lot 1, Con. 3, of the Six Na - ti as' Reserve. about four -miles from Flagersvllle, had met death at the hands of his wtfe and stepson. Battsco sold a load of hay In Hagersviile en. Saturday last. and upon returning home •becarne involved in a quarrel with hies wife and step -son named. Fred Scott or Fred Tay - beat the old man u nmeretfui- ly, breaking his 'arm and shoulder, blackening beth eyes and fracturing the base of the skull. it is -alleged. The Ccunty G*.wn Attorney of Brant County' has orderers a • thorough •investigation, and it is expected the arrest of the sus- pected parties will follow. t SHORT OF LABORERS. In Alberta Il -re -are but three reserves. .The largest is the Cooking Lake Forest - Reserve, eat of 'Edmonton; its area is __114 square miles. Right down' in !be south-east ceirr.'cr of the province; hav ing ttie International Boundary as its southern Iineit, while its western thitit - is three mites.easl of the,flfth Meridian a town:!tip and a hall of land has been . formed into the Koet-nay Lake's Forest Reserve. Another small • reserve, the Cypress Hills Forest Reserve, consists . 'r.f half a township (the south half. of -tre.wn,ship 3, Pange.3, west.of the fourth Meridian). All the ((rest reserves in Rritish Eo- . tumble are within the railway belt, i.e., the strip of country twenty miles on each side of, the C. Pe R., ceded by the tt revince to the - Derninion.• These re- -ave are eight in -number. The names w: d areas are as fo1M•,vs: Long Lake 1. Test Reserve. a shoe! distance south - Nee _' of Kamloops, • 190 square mites; \k e.• Bills Forest Reserve. a' few miles east .' the Long Lake reserve, area 1F>fi sc•uar: miles; Martin Mountain Forest Reser\ 1, a small tract of let square miles lying ;Let west of Bolean diver; Nis- • The prier's of calves ranged from ! to near lieauharnu, have heel! ra,•elvcd in F� per D. the city. On Thursday night three. Exporl ewe; said at .r,4 To $'r.':5; bucks F4,lIsh lmmikrent arrived at (:ascade and oils. Sc'..i o, +3.iA1: lambs, $4.50 $53,5 Pot!,t, opposite I;eauliamois• which is tq $5.tI for ct:•�ice, and $4 to for s tuut..•d about 20 !tile; fro2n. Montreal. Price inferior animal.;: The „! ht wee stOrrny, but the in!mi- .sel: continued ght iy at 6e, aper lb. ririi., ,aid t!:ey wished= tn'cross to :,f.! - for cele^t hogs. tight, tough hogs 013 k, hc'viUc, .sn. that t!,e'y could ttit<e the at :% to 5c per lb. . GREATEST OF DI MONDS. • ! train ut Peauharn ne for New 1=,r':, i\o one would lake the risk. and the men stayed all -night at 1he•, hetet kept by \lr. Arthur Perron. in the .morning: 'Report -of Work on Western Division Of Grand Trunk Pacific. A despatch from Ottawa. says:- The monthly'repart.ot proare=s.is•tele West- ern division of the Grand Trunk Peel- fic shows that up to the end of Ot•to- ter. 205 miles of track hod been laid from Winnipeg westward_ of which. 53. had been ballasted. The company -is still staote e:1 laborers. Two hundred track labeerers. were required for wart; sear Edmonton; and atter the nog. s!rttnuous work only 32 could be ob- tained. NE�V DIPIiTIIERIA CI IRE. dor,•!., r Y- . V ulargt's Canal. consented to fake tial* Il.iy—Timothy it Tinted at 817.- p� d-rcpairit. try m 1 ys r t t, e,n oleo P the hotel - nndaiA ;a : npu-.i is;. eind Mr. crron, keeper, a too decided' to •aerompan t 50 to $13.50•per ton in car huts on track tar interest a+t S'indringttie. on Seam., - tor•. day cen'red in the preseeitett.en t' 'h.' them \]'lien sheat two hundr.•d fee. p=Ie1-.tra�v=Fffn at 59.5* to $10.50 K.na of the• great.•st diamond. the Cu11i- from the shore atMelocheville a sud- per ton,on track. non• which will. so,n be added to the -Iden squall upset the •skiff. as it-enter- Itr fish crown; I xtranrdinary nroaui- lean the , - • rapid: oI the [„late Au. GILesent. turns were taken for snfPth:orcin) the, The three Poles. who could not swim, magnificent • jewel, which Sts• Rie:lral'd I were immediately drowned, and Mr. Sokeme,n, representing the Transvaal \ a,ois was swept to death by the cur, Government. look, with _him, tinder rent.. Mr._ Ferran clung :to the over - strong scot from land,)!. \Volver- ; turned skiff. 'until Nepoloon Frtier. • a . ton railway station, • the nearest to' f1.;herman, reached him and deagged Sandringham.. soak •Ck)Sed to te' - hien safely into. another boat. • lir when they train nrrry d at 12.55. The , . • �•! _• party drove to the royal residence ac' - ORDERS l_OR C0.11.. ccrnpanied by a dozen deteetiveg and were re e:vei by the -King immediately, -The torr; tnony of presenlattnn • was 'Pittsburg Concerns Decline- to Supply. a briet_ard almost in[irmal, and thee the Million Tons. A doe -tit -tell •-from Pittsburg says: Ore dors aggregating 500,G1t) tons were re-. ec:ved in Pittsburg -and refused l,y levet coal concerns in- the pant ween;; in shite •PROV1S1ONS. Smoked and Dry Setter]-Meats—Long clear bacon, 11c to 11;c for. tons -and rr,ses; hams, meeli1tm and light, 15c to 15yc:heavy, 14)g.) " to 15e•: harks. 16 eu' to 17c; sli•au'Jer., 10',t t•J 11e ;, rolls,, l lc to 11%e; breakfast bac n, 1,,c to 15' c. Green meats out of piekte, le less than ameked. D eese,1 flog:i-•.5,3.75 for lightweightsanw d 16°12:, fair henvs. ' Por's--Shat cut, $!!275 to $23 for bar- refs: mess, 320 t<t •$ -I•-• .:hole party, including two . King+,. Irani—.Firm; Tierces, 12;c; tubs, 12%c; those of Britain and Spain, and. three polis; 13c. - Queens, those . of Britain. Spain 'ane! NOrwee, inspected • and ilnered the •T+ aeuifirent stone. ing. •. rot d hied what coop tar prompt s.upm.ent, and it borer! Mentren#. Nov. Ida—There are ro new -of the diamond. It will be neces-a:tre known on Saturday that the amount nt fen lures in' the lo;•al flour- arid Ae.e1 mar- {,, cinsult fhe asst experts <,n Ibe gite� coal orders declined within the pant • ! I d that• Munich Professor Says Pyoryanase is Quirk and Sure.. despatch form Munich says: Prof. Rudolph Einmi'rich,•of the Univcrsi',v et Munich, 'announces that he has discov- ered o new rare for diphtheria which he considers effective in the most dan- gerou.s cases, • and which acts. quickly. "Pyoryanase" ts' the name of -the rem- ecla... It is pmduc•ed from the assi•mi- lation of pyocyanaete bacilii. devel.n- ed in .liquid • cultures. Application 1s reale by blowing it into the throat. - • YOUNG GIRL'S DISAPPOINTMENT. • h' D'dw and pas . • MONTITEAL M \RK1 TS oleic! to rrral<P of the fact that premiums were offered kens. Manitoba spring wheat patents, tion cit ..cut -ting. - It is unccryii('+ tea weeks have.* tt�'�rel^ated _p rh;ips e,t, 1r1 14 'E'l 31� second patents, sn. 4-) to Sii \\ elita:m nrooben 1 to f u% ee lona and sll #esae of - , hes will Fiancee of Arthur Russell, Dead Near (' ,halt, Sails to '11'et Bins. A despatch front Me:ntreal says : Ar- th'ur Russell, the unfortunate man whose naked body was found near (ojtalt, was well connecter! in Mgyale, England, and loft a good position in the C. P. 11. dere owing to ill-liealth, His fiancee is.now cii the ocean t.a meet him. WILL RESTRICT EMIGRATION a owes• - ;e tack 4:,,70; wuteer wheat patent;, S:,,7:, to reek+, certain te•;ts of t•he great jtivet of rami tot , teensy+, -erotic! facilities. til, straight rollers Visa to 5:, "e; in leilb radium and _electricity Ter :anon- T shone"+, of ears, which liaci iters. n brie.; 92.60'14 82.7!:,- extra.;, sgly, to :sell, tin purposes.. -with • the hest` r,,,„,1„ moose pronounced recently hes bect?nin. Ontartio hairs n hags. $2't to S25; D.scisile in tutting there woolen t,e a n•or,. Ft olio..., through heavy• deli anis; by • sh4,r•"s. to 111114s,•325 tel $26; \1an,t'abtl •-s:rigla stone '.if four or five ounr,es from the wth for cotton !loving, and ai ,- bran, in lags, $'2 t4 523; attorts. $', to the original seven. 'l'he Exp-e'Isior. tri., the• lake .eason3 ends Dec. 5,the'Fitts lt27. 1 g ! t burg 6-m1-kings.tic Newly -laid eGgs are quoted !bout 30c to 32e per. (Creel: 'n case lots. white sales 4t ..- kcted e'ock were made at Lri: 14 27': No. I, pec •to 23c; ere*:ind6, 1ti ;c to 17:. • The buster market Is quiet. Qivttntions tc-day in round lots ,quoted at 27 a to 2Se'. • aeeording to quantity and district, (:heese price: shove it wide -ranee, and Quebers-may LP quoted at 11,T.;e to 12e. Townships. 123„ c to 123; Onbtrios, ,1i'3ae to 12> c' for rurrerit receipts. Provisions—Barrels ' ,s rt -cut nws's. 522.50 to $43; half .barrels, $11.75 to $11.25: clear fat backs; $_''1.50 to $2.1,- 51); long -cut heavy raven:. 320.50 to 321.- 51:; halt barrels do.. $tt) 50 to 311.25; dry salt long clear harno, 10aee to 113;c; brie. plate beef, 313.5+) to 315; half bar- rels do.. 37.25 to 57.75: brls. heavy mess beef, $1i) to 311: •half Thar -rel.- do., $5.50 to 36; ronipound lard ..9�c to 11c; Inure lard. 11 4" 10 13e; kettle -rendered, 13;ec to 11^; hams. 133;e to 16c, accord - ink to size; breakfnst..bacon, 14c to lfc; .V ind&cr bacon, 15c to 16c; fresh -killed abattoir -dressed hags, $0; alive;. 36.10 t;, 36.25. • a • largest erevieats diamond, we"i_hs null , e<iuld not see thole tvny n.' none+, and three quarter:. Tog! l„ take on more coal order:, as it Is' thought they • have snore larders now than 'an he filled. The rer'eat bulls of the coal was ordered from' the Neale - west. Japan's Foreign Minister Says - 'He Will Control 'It. .7' A 'despatch from Tokio says: In an interview with the ns.'-ocialed • press on Thursday Minister of F'nreign. Affairs Ilayashl said that the relations between Japan and the United Spites were as smooth and rordial rus ever, .and the cause of civilization as well as commun- .. uy of interest demanded ,the lasting peace and friendship of the Iwo na'lions. Minister flayashi admitted that the immigreeli4n question was the nu.st serr- teas matter, end was uppermost in the ruhlic mind, Lot he wits pesilive• that. it Aienild be settled tr:'I:nn. AI - ready it practically has been decided. 'rbc• Japanese Government. p,•optear's to control emigration in such a rummer as were exiwx•ter;' rattle. These wild at te 'benefit Japan and at the salve time ei to '$4,25 };ler cwt. ci.nform to the wishes.of the ;tmeriran . The l r:ce; of i.4.,?ut, cait.ir rnnuel frim ti evi•rninetit, and is taking meet active se, to S4.5A, renal il:+'d la's ctm,ld l rine steps in this direction. `u4 to SS's;er cwt. Comneon and I ixeel The Foreign Minister believes that ;.leas weir nhuticlunt. and Uhler quote- ti 11 •tie blet I r tl quest'! t' of the _._ n_ of both countries ' Canner, rank d farm 5e to Rist) per -there is also a Tees:ability that the stone •ought fly into' fragments when euttirrg is 'attempted • •..GIRLS PLAYED FOOTPADS. One of Them Got a Black Eye and Now .BUFFALO `5 f.\RKET. • Reftnlo, Nev. 12.—Wheat—Spring, ttnsell.led; No. 2 red, 31.02; winter low- er. Cern—Frasier: No. 2 white, 66e, end No: 2 'yellow, •66t/.,et. Oats--Easi-or: No. 2 white, 533;e. Barley—$1 to $1.10. Rye—Na. 2, S9c on track. • NEW YORK WHEAT \IARKET. New York, N; -v. 12.--\hent—Snot• weak; N. 2- red. S1.02ae, elevator; NO. 1 northern Duluth, nominal f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 herd winter, •uatninat f.o.b. afloat. LIVE STOI:I-Z \T:\RICIiT. Toronto, Nov. 12.—Out of the large run were it few l•' ado, scarcely 'five Seeks Redress.. k despatch, from Montreal says:in the Recorder's. Court on Thursday a -r<,u>'rfi men named Hugh Reid was tried eii a charge of a saull. preferred against him by three young lady friends. On Thanksgiving night those three dressed in male attire, blackened their faces.. and started out for . a frolic. Seeing Reid dining up a dark street they de- cided ti make him believe they were. holding. hien 'up. They grabbed him. but he did not catch on to the joke. and started defending himself with his fists, endgave ne of the a. black eye. The girl: oe' gthen started to explain who they were, hut. the dantage was dyne. Reid pleaded mit guilty to the charge. Reid admits that the •girls were .^.c quain!ances of his. but claims that they- did heydid the hold-up business so well that 1r'; did not recognize them. +11 this manner, itregi ring only the pa- L1:ns yr+riexl fru+ 1 $'..fi!I Ilei $1."5 per cwt. fence; - • e „r chnirr were r'rr.ir,l- (irs tiling certain rtain is that the Japan{se � cwt. Sat,, ("Ws' (;<•vrrument is not •soliri.4.1,s for the emigration of its pcx,ple into any Coun- ty; -1-77.1.11 shu•kers made pru:r._; weak and Lusaa'�ss shit. $t00.O00 FiRE AT TORONTO. A Repetition of. the 1906 Holocaust %Vas - Averted. ' A despatch from Toronto S3yc: -••\ til e, which, for a time threatened to develop into' a repetition of t11,', di -as - trwus conflagration ref April 19th. which wiped ort •ncat•ly half of the d<ewn-town wholesale district. de'.-tr'ey- e 1 a wholesale house at 76 Bee Street nn 'Saturday evening. inflicting a iceee of $10t1,000 or more, on five whol-'sele ant' manufacturing tirnrs. The fire • broke out only a short distance fent the spot in which the big fire got it.; • start, and the fact that' its progress was checked is due to good work by the hri- ' • guile.. The building i.s five stories in height, and is one of those which was rebuilt' since the great, fire of three years ago. ERAGE THOUSAND A ate of :Immigration to Canada Since April Last. • A desp ta'h from Ottawa :says: For the first nine months. of the present year ending September 3Ist the total immigration to Ca'nada has been. 236,- 00,`;. an ine-reasc of 51.73u a. eo:uunn.d with the . corre..p4-eneling nine Months of It)1;6. The ince+,ase• •!rove is nearly double thy. total immigrate -in tor 1900. turd 1,r the nine: rn.<tt'ts the Mindere- tem ie nearly nine links. the t-e•el im- rue;rnti,::u 4,1 ihai yews. • ' I For the first .•'v nr^-nItt cf the !sent fiscal veer, lerginni'ig with .\ora, Hee heel i!ui4r;eli4•1) Inns Ice! 1":t.et:0, of. which the number cooling from the United' States was 35,092, and the num.. . her via ocean ports was 158,598. Ther betel increase as compared -with. the cerre;ponding- months' of last year St .45,930, or 31 per cent, The _percentage 4. f iuerease yia ocean, ports is 43. • Inv migration from the United Slates shows decrease of 2,801, or 3 per cent. Pot September the immigration • from tau Untied Slat's •was nearly 4,01)0. Thi nunileer of err:vale via ocean ports fol S1.'1" th:' 1..t. f �lmil li-st..imrnt h;rve leen arriving i • r:ana,la al ;averaging a i:ii; C, one Ile 1 per day. eti a1 53 1 e S3.aei 4 er i•wl. \ pl,•!: ;f 11 <!i ;ttv if • Pt 'ea -11111;14 h=. } • - 4 +++f -v++++4++++$ $♦++it Abe�' the House a . +++++4+4+4444+++++++44 TESTED RECIPES. Almond Salad.—Chop and stone fix _ olives, add half a cup blanched almonds "chopped, also half a cup of tender cet- era cut fine,' Mix with salad dressing e tl serve on lettuce leaves. Noodles for Two.—One egg.and water enough to fill half the shell, one -halt - teaspoon of salt and enough 21(our to make a stiff dough. Roll out titin, sprinkle with flour, roll and cut in fine .strips and boil about ten minutes. Serve iR mediately, Apple' Brener, --('gook two parts apple -and nne,part rhubarb until tender.•Run all through colander. 11 set in the oven .it will cook without spattering the stove. 'Sweeten with sugar and flavor with • cinnamon. For grape, butter 'Jake two parts seeded •grapes. and -one part ap- ple. Tun ihreugh colander. Apple gives a much better flavor to the grapes. • Fresh Cucumbers in Winter=Fill glass jars with cucumbers that. have been slightly seneoned with salt. Remove all bubbles by passing a fork through them. Put the tops on the jars, turn them upside down, and let. them ,stand kir awhile as a test that there is no leak- age. When put up in this manner cu- -.turnberi'taste as .fresh as if gathered right from the vines in summer time. Cern, string bons, and green peas are .put rip. With the same success, and esgle- rainy corn on the cob. It requires ne conking, and should be put up in cold will Tel under the- lowest shelf tel the water. In will. last all winter,. and be clothes clos,•t, corer with center' r' bat- -a surprise at the Christmas dinner. fling abeeit . three ur four thicknesses. Corn Cake—A Southern -corn cake i Igen with black cainriric and sew this -recipe is a valuable addition to one's , dawn tight; make- a loop en either end, tack tw,, leeks on shelf in closet, did stick.veli hang abut thrre e r four erieh- ee down: lipid rI(-I $ and boys' treucere le -y ereasws and they wilt look like new every time by hanging them eines the ceiveec•d .tifk. • • Keep Toblecicth Unmarkted,—The meet practical' way to prevent hot dlettere from marking your dining roue) table is t.,_get •i''pirer-r:f..table.eil r<-'oth,. cot tee sirs et your (able, either, r4eund or sauare. put Under your pad. and then Ceok cauliflower. corrots, beans, tittle onions until nearly done. Chop every- thing fine except the little pickles, little oniort:s, and hutted beans. Cook twenty minutes and can. This makes twelve quarts and the best mixed 'pickle you ever ate. •THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Extra Space fur Clothes.—Pull the bedstead out frorn the wall or set it rnr- nerwise and put heeks across the back of the headboard. Easily reached and does not show in the morn. Keep Shoelaces 'Pied.—To keep shoe faeces from tmtying, ]ass.: up the shoe ct oxford to the top, then take a damp cl tit and rub ovcr,the,ends of• the lutes es ribbon and tie in the usual bow, and they will ,stay tied all day. Wax to Keep Stove. Clean,—Save all pieces of beeswax. Atter doe's work is done rub a litUe wax on top 'ot•eteve with cleth. The heat will Drell wax end will remove stains, 'and leave the skive bright and clean. Most excellent .and simple. How to Clean Knives.—A cork is good for cleaning knives, but better is to take a piece of raw_ potato and use this dipped into the scouring material. The juice of the potato has splendid quali- ties for this•purpose liesides keeping the scouring material always moist, Trim Heels of New Shoes.—Tire sharp ecrnet's on the "heels of new shoes are constantly catching in the skirt binding rind tripping one.. This may he 'pre- vented by taking a •• sharp tante and slightly rounding off both corners. It is easily done and does not, affect the appearance of the heel. This nut only saves the skirt Larding -but may pre- vent a. serious- frail: For husband's Clothes; -To save men's trousers cut a hroo!nslirk so it -sera* Is:sik- Mix and -sift three-knretn -- of a'^cupkut of eo-n naval, one and ile»irth cupful!: et pastry Mein -rine -fourth • '0! a cure; of sugar, one -halt teasspoir- 1 e' salt and Ave (level) teaseceinfuls e 1 • beku!g pewder; add rine eileful ct'nett, o ne egg well beaten and one and one- ". tuff tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Brat thoreughty, turn ink `a shallow buttered pan, and bake twenty -save rntn• • uses in a but riven. Cut un squares and • arrange on • a bread plate. /La richer ---.corn take .is liked; two tablespoonfuls ., of Buller may be used.. • - -lee Creamone:: --One-fourth of a cCones of butter, •cute -hall of a cupful• o' powdered auga-r, cne jourth-of a ettPful y'e; ur •cketti en: Arid where a hot '-dist} placed on the tel•le, you aro sure• then...n.111 be no mark._ treat times you bsve to enlarge your !site haee the • ele,lh split thraigrh ttre 'eenll* and • c' milk, sevea-eighths of a cupful cif that maty it eau Le tilrn -ill •t*i the ends liver , one-half leasaioonfu! of .v-anil'a. rtpd afford protection where: riost need -- Cream the butler, add the Lugar, and cream there well. togettn:r;.then add the milk slowly'and-Jest add the flour and 11a%terehE'. Cp .ail thin with a broad bladed knife on the' baleen of a square ' o:' oblong -tin, Hake anti light brown, then cut in iiirc4• squares and rill up: beginning int f+;ii cornrr;:like-a rnriiu= 1' etpia. 11 the squares bi'e rtie tees ini- '1's• Iu po!Lee, place then In the oven 'ag-in to sateen..' The ;ewer. end must :Le eincbed. 1.gether. S o.up Cake Wittout Eggs.-Strnfn .._ soup, let it 'slant! 'five or .ern minutes, *:V\'elh a tablesl(.•ein remove • till --grease, put it in a syrup•er molasses can, next day rrntov-e `he ss Up theft mettles at the • -b.ttt m. put tier. in of grease hark on the stove, pair collo Rater ever 0. and =.let it Leese. next day pour off tete water. tend you have a clear shortening that -you cun use for i is kies and s:f,i..f. cafe', e :Keen if celery and tomatoes have been nookeri In • the soup }•ou nen en detect it RA the pie'es take that .taste away, •E:ggletss cake k, use soup• tat. -One cup "brown •sugur, dile•-half cup seem tat, one cup se - r treit+.,-une cup raisins. two cups ikur, one terrepunn soda. dissolv4 ti ,;the Jinilk, 'one tear.pre•n cinna:hon, one - teaspoon -loves,- alspice and mit- 7tieg, ' Seaport's End Pickles,—One , galjon ca• -bliage. c.ne gallon green tomatoes, one quart green beans. one head caulifkewer. one 'quart- hulled leans (linin., kidney. • or•cern beans), 100 small pickles or one ..,•quart canned pickles, twelve •large'en: ions. ine quart small onions, six car• rr:ts, lir rents celery, Ti cents white flus- lard seed, three pounds browrr sugar, two tahlespr,ons__biack pepper'• one gal - kin r•i41ar vinegar, salt to taste. Chop fine tomatoes. cabbage, large onion.. • Let remain in salt water over night. c1, -- • no: ePp ng Bag, --Take 'n - rarer hat ba •, "--i me ugh l••tpe- r d!lasedl or Berle •hr4f eantl'i,•, a dark' cotter c r •a lightelau; make ea bag a half inch nam- rower than the renter -1 ae; put - it in- sizie the paper tiag; lel 4t' collie within one -hell inch ea the-- lac:ttem and cite. rend one-half :nehea freer the t4ip paste tate ckah tr-g to etre• paper tag at the ion. Then carry it ui the heirid' the same es' on! would n new' hat. A bag `like the Ls notsn einspiei:ou'-as v bag t this site would .tee if made uf•any' other:e,rater.,,1. ••- FP ••. to \'. ;dish ltotiae+ Plants,—A neat honer,';e•per. ;always dreads to wash -her plants in the bath tub en account +f - (lie washing ef the earth •frnm the pals: Thi ail ran be averted by Liking a piece el r-xtc ir;t h -:square or- round , atie -tw ice th, size of lap of pct, cut a moan hell•, r centre. and kern one' edge cut the ✓ rihiretti 1-- the ti -erre, Then ora;, the cloth are,und stern of plant and 14;p over the edges that we'e cut and rest cloth on lop of pot. Then turn on,your spray and the leaves will 1•e beautifully sash - eel and no ,dirt removed ur even wet. Try' it. Hang up Shoes; -=A simple and- tetn- .nenie.nt artk;le dor footwear, especially• for these 'aho like lel have a place kor. everything. Toke carpet teinding, belt- ing, or old su.speirelers, tack on inside et- clothes closet. two feet. keen flou'r.- t;ix •and sine-bl1T inches apart,' with trine end one-half inches of • belting be- tween eee•h •space. This terms loops of the belting in which- to place the -shoe!, rubbers, and slippers with toe downy Avy •cenve:nient place can be used. This as convenient where therm, are -children and saves time and worry kir the tined mother. • • 4040444 0.0 , , 0004. jc Rapid changes or temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. - The conductor : passing from the heated' inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform—the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind—know the difficulty of avoiding cold. g ;Scvt•'.r Eniulrion• strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the - danger of cold from changes of temperature. :It will help you to avoid taking c,old. 0 ALL DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND 51.00. . A FMLMER'S ' TRIAL$. Weak and Worn Out Throutjib Over: work and Long Hours. The farmer's, life is always a hard one, but if he is weak or suffering it :s almost unbearable. The hours are king and the work so bard that none but the strongest can stand it. An iiiustratien ut the' fact d1 hard work on the system is given by Mr. Geo. Ftturtsberg, a farmer of Spry, Ont. He says:—"I have lived nearly all my life in the Bruce peninsula. 1 am a farmer and have always had my sham of hard work and like a rood' many other men I thought there was no weer - out to rny' system,• In this 1 was mis- tnhen, for about a year and a half ago I began to go gradually down hill. 1 mould tire at the leant exertion, my ap- petite failed me; I had a severe pain in my side and around my heart. The dot- ty: k,ld me I was suffering from perm clefts anaemia; that 1 was almost blood- less. 1 doctored for six menthe. but in- stead of improving 1 grew. so weak that I could hardly move'without as- sistance. I lost flesh till I was almost a skeleton. -A •lriei d from Stokes Bay told me of the. great ,k neflt eehe had de- rived fn -,m the use of Dr. Williams' Pink fills and advised me to try there. My sister-in-law had also received great benefit from their use, so 1 &eided to give them a trial. After tering the 'pill*. about n month 1 began to gain strength' end krotn that on 1 impreived rapidly. New blood seemed to eriurse •through my veins my appetite. improved. Oh, pain left my side and heart and I fettl- ed in weight. Alter using about a (Ica - re boxer of the piths 1 was again rn• jeying the hest of health. I have r.o- tt:ing but praise. kr Or. Williams' Pink Pills as They cured nee after medical Ire.atment had, failed --I-really behave they saved ray- life," Ccxd blood is the secret of hr,ilth.. Kt ep the blame pure and such dLseasss as anaemia, rheurtl::tism, eciataea, in• digestion. heart palpitaticn; eczema and the se, ret, elks of .weui4n will net cent. 'Tete n:cest'perfeet blood tonic ani nerve re'k rcr in the world is Dr. W'iilisons Pink Piite. Suki by all risedie:ne Berl. trs.or by rail-at750 cents amboni ov one bexes 'kr $2.50 from 'the Dr.. Williams Medicine Cu:, Brockville,- Ont. time; but soon his faculty for getting on asserted itself, He went to London, 'tied _asserted asscelated with a Holborn firm et jewellers, educated himself, and mas- tered every detail of his work. Even- tually he and hls brother established the btreinetss in Bond Street, which has be- came famous all over the world. As a rule when Queen Alexandra is In Denmark she' aid her sister, the Dow- ager -Empress of Russia, with Princess Victoria, all gra on great fishing expedi- terns• to Lake Esrom, The Queen alwayts races a email light rod and the smallest fly while Princess Victoria uses a heavier make. The more practical I'rin- cess lleyal uses a hickory -wood rod, and she has • designed •an -excellent fishing lure, which she has named the "Mar Ledge" fly. The Princess is the most expert , angler in the !loyal family-, and beats even her father, the King, and the Prince- ef. Wales 1n playing a salmon. 1 -kr favorite ground is just above the Lion of Dee, where she• lands salmon which usually weigh from 1011. to 1211: apiece: but her finest rersord was two or three years ape, when she erected twig lea ireen weighing together over 80b: His Highness ttie Khedive of Egypt, who is now making a eornewhat ex- tended tour on the (;cntinent, Eurole, possescses a; wonderful personality, and ti in many ways one of the• most re- markable -of living rulers. lit is a splen- did linguist, speaking every European language with ease end fluency, Ger- man, perhaps, best of ati,,since he wee educated at Vienna. At his re:•epliuns in Cairn it is nettling unusuai-fc,r him to convene alternately in. Gef-man, French, English,' Arabic• send 'Turkish. • One of Ile roost 'enraging characteristics of the Khedive is his wonderfully retentive memory. He never forgets a lore- 01 a fume, and is 'credited with having ad- raitted, only a short time ago, that tabu- lated on• his mind are the naivete, occu- pato:rie nat(inalitises, and circum- stances of the many tiundrrds Who have shaken bands with him In the reception - nom of the Ahdin F'atal'e, Air, that with - eat hee•iteetiem_he can greet each one by name and in his guests own language or, meeting him again. no matter how keg 'atter the filet ,ntreduCfion. - - It is difficult to tray lbw many thrones the Rustsiren Ernlseror has. The three beef (•r!.s are those at the Imperial t'alace and the \Vinier Italia* at St. Petersarg,.ond to ltu K1'etrain 'at Mf.ts- ecw. 'flus last war( a present tie the Cher Ate"t. en tette kepi the �t he Persia. It is entirely eo orad with thik -" plates air geld set with precious eter:ee PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ane' alternating with plaques 01 Ivory:. Doings of Some of the i rominent Prole d leotil int high i•rviief, Ttte• fast and P daft of flit prawntafien are recorded in On the W'orld's Stage. an inecrtpLien on the back of the throne. Qiii•len Alexandra no •taller than - king- -Net at.uve are gltstenitlg double-tweided oodles 4•f R,t-tisia` with angel. on either Edward: The •l:zar of Rus -ala lees matte smaller than his beautiful cun:lort.and Berrien Empresa has a greater height •tit: n .the Empener. -The Ktng.o' holy is known As one of the smallest rulers or hiss time, and tscareery te:a ries side supporting the imperual crown. In 4:s' imtpe ria{ F'ulari a at St.- Petersburg the throe e stands in an alenye of the marbte throne roam, -with a wore etrelehing-eaen;py. vvitli. thick geld carni: •arta deep fringes of bold embroidery, On .to the s -h alders of the truly regal Mon- 11.1' curtiiitts.1,e•hind ure embroidered the terrgrin Princess whom her ranted arms .if .the Roreanens surmounted t . nbiilt eleven years oho: The :Queen of ti.: eruviin,• wilt a curiuue star-shatetle Pt rtugal also is taller than King et:otos,. border alt ermine!, 1'hte?e wide steps lead up• to the throne.; : noel fHOUSAN•DS •TRY -' HOME-MADE MIXTURE SA1SAIDTO ),,Z CURING RHEUMATISM. • - The Philadelphia and New York News -- papers Print • Simple Prercrlptioa - Which Cures Thousands. Some - rernarkahle stories are being kid in the Large Eastern tailies of this simple home-made mixture curing Ttheuntatsui and Kidney trouble even after the noted health resort failed. Here is .the recipe and dlrec!ions•,- ler taking. Mix by stalking well in,' a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Ex- tract Dandelion, one Dune. Compound Kargon; three ounees Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. 'Fake as a diose one tea- spoonfut after meals and at .bedtime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty• of good water. This mixture, w•rlies ene authority in a • leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a peculiar, tonic effect upon the kidneys; chancing the ck)gged-up - pores el ,the el;minative tissues, forcing the kidneys le sift and strain trout' the blood the uric acid and other poisonous wants Matter, overcoming Rheumatism, Blad- der and •-L'rery troubles in a,short while, A Toronto druggist who has had bundreds of calls for theme ingredients since ;the first antiouncentent in 'the r wspapers last October slated that. the people who once try it, "swear by it," re-r•ecialiy _ fttose "-who have Primate and Kidney trouble and suffer with flheuma- tiwn- - - - • . Any druggist can supply the ingredl- ents,which ereeasily mixed at home.. 'There is said.. tee be no better blood - cleansing agent ir-systerir Ionic known, end certainly inane more harm eseeer • simple to use. • ZONES OF SILENCE. • Parts *el the ...Ocean Where- Ships Are Deal and Burnt). The news Lhat the tleutsebland, In. the course of a recent vdiya fir to New York, encountered aft 'the Banks of Newk;undi- :eind an, l rial "zone -of edence wherein euter'vesest's_ serer s were as ina-tdtble 14i her ;em were hers to them. tias served 1.: direet•-ai.tention anew to one of the meet puzzling probienrs et maritime ttt- CM2�1 icy. iiuxt Such 'zones exlat has -long been feta wn to scientists. rind the danger they eonstilute.tre navigation may be inferred ivttert it •-1s-underebect that their :erre-r:t i. to at once render dent apd cuntb any %4ecsol entering th1111. • - (re. -. th,its waymany-.goed--ships have tier s:rnt.,ii, The bctttorn.. The greet freed' liner Ln liourgeyrie kir'instance,• itnd this -British. strip Stella. The former e hided with the -British barque rise- nt.trt.strire.-•.-neither - fihip hearing the' ether's. syreu, ailhnugh loth were bcin) s,.undrd : ef-ntinue) usl with tile, r@:' It tent 515 ltveS. were ksl,_ . in the latter ease !lie unfortunate steamer ran full l °-e; O ar to the" drenil:et ('.au(iret n,14er1.3', 11111ott.tr Warnuig feigborns '.ire ki.u4lty_ sOundirtg clash t.1.her. Of the- lherewtic ahund:ir t evidence, as nes- there •alsei t:ra-t • tva ' rn' et beard heard '.heir- She lead run iinto-'a 'teens of A111'+14r, and she paid the penalty, ' Atternets t:a-ve beesi walk to sl+uw that ihes.e esithnt ernes renenii constant, buf this is dtubt.lti,,eitheeigh:they iinddoubte eine affect sun,."parts cit the' c,eeran more than others: Thus the fogi'•hrrn at IM Lizard has bei-n.,severel. times reported as being heard, and Ihen again unheard, l,y vessels apTroaching, the' land. al - Meal h 'ingatea has eut6cquelitly -clic Lied. That it hems all the whiletoren duly and mite -wetly sounded% ,And the phenome- r,on has even, ,upon or'ee ien.. been re-,• prated over and over r-griin. proving that • net only one silent zone. -but several, have fieen passed through tly the tncom- lag ship, each lying parallel to the other, and separated by belts of ordinary sound -carrying atmosphere. --Pea' Dn'e Weekly. - and likewise the Queer' of . De luuark: Qu;rn Louise "is a -Sv`'e•de: and telinigs to 0 Nation of big people. The Queen of Pa meanie and the Queen of-Snuttt_alse eele:ul; if they do nut exceed; -their con - eel le in height. St -r fleer•ge Clerk -ls ri'se. •leere alcnrr•. et Penitent: 11.4 -'e. 1'etinterg;h- As i.s the went :i1 Seoul I, renEts• he marred the daughirc of tinutber baronet--ttle •late Sir -Robert Napier—and he - licekix- fee lamb; Oen a curkins tenure. This clanger Urn to s=tand at the bend of a read near his_h4euae and blow three .hteeete en a tWien ef. the e'eret gn 'huts 'Aulturg;:t. And there are cater landevenere- with irnllar rights er otetig1twner. Mane Ie Mein-Craururd fields the lands cif. Rraehead ch the- nederstanding that if lh,e King should 'happen to cress- Cra- rrt4 rel Brig: at the gntrs of hie resederu r: l ' present him ' with a silver basin filled with water in, which to wash his_ hands. Them should the Govrretgn chance to visit Hnl>eknn Neuse. lord Linlithgow orders that the chains which alretc!t across the - pf111(.4 sl IOVefUr should be • e:wereil e) that His Majesty may drive up. the centre' appr•nach,• • The new. I.i,rd Dunmore is a keret sol- dier, • and,, with • the exception of. lord 1k berts, the only peer who holds the Victoria Crosse. He ivies wen fire in Egypt, Afghanistan, and $t)oth Africa. and won his badge of valor in 1807. At the time of 'the• Boer War•he raised a troop, known act Fineastle s Horse, and found a novel method to teach his men hersemartrship, lie conceived the plan of Making then) ride lip and down Arthur's • - A WARNING. TO MOTi1ERS: There are unscrtlpttl'ius dcoiers who for the, s.ke of- tr•iaing g e -in are willing sat rtfie•e• the hc•atlh— perhaps - Ile eves- of tittle otos. This is proved by 114- feet that their are' --a• timelier of in+i bait,tib' ..t-Itahy's (?von Tal lets entree!. •1 he mother can - protect her child by m4'(!ing that the full narrte Baby's ()Rn !'stL'.elr :.t,d the tour•eef ck.wer with (hi tits trail- on each leaf, is found an the outsrdr o. rapper arertnd every lox. Do 0401 take anything as you niay endauger y4:ur rhild! life. It you can- ilot giet-the 'genuine Tablets .from yeiur (teeter. ,send 25: cents • to, -The Dr, \Vil- tianis' klediktne Co., Brockville. Ont,, end get -a bbx by mail • potit pail, . - _-1t'EfY TRUE, IIUT— "Oh, •dearl" exclaimed • the seckty Voting: n, -"I feel so wreteh441 and this es my receiving dry, too. -1 do hope, nxl one will -call,. kir 111 be In. misery all the time." "Well," •remarked her. husband, face - " I. always understood that 'mis- ery loves centpatty,' " '!•- A DIG. Nieti-1 dent see why you call her Sect at. Fdinbur, h, and after a kw spiteful. I thought etre was paying you 8a e--m;•lirtient, weeks at this his troopers terrible iiinir• elle—Oh' you iton' Bt know ltcr? 1i4•d to scale the stiffest kopjes in South Netl—Why. (1dn't she tell you you Africa. Lord Dunmore is nqw they\l.ithingt tjuile yeiurseli 'gal."?ln? owner of South Harris, in the lrehrirlees. I vele • and he is. intensely Scotch, and can loth Belle ---She said quite :nly "01(1eve sett;" s\•ith the accent unelbe adjceli\c:- speak and write the Gaelic language. • his marriage in 1904 made - happy end to a romantic attachment, 11e had leen engaged for••ee-ght year's to the beautiful Mies. Kenlhle, Whose home :was in t110 ;IDEAL J'JSTCE.. "Sammy_" •aid a •mother recently to isle of Skye, .The island folk w^atclied her youngst born, "where Neu divided this engagement with deep interest, and those cm -rut pieces M Canal} with your brother, -did you glee him four?" "No, ma"uun," replied- Sammy- "I knew they wouldn't cs;rnc out even, su I ale one before I began., to divide." •::.'HARD FISTED, at the lime of the marriage their gift took the fora of a silver tripod, hearing the w•elrr,is,'"\\,'o wish good luck to yon, anal .n•) lead luck to' you." 'This inscrip- tion \vas in Gaelic. toed Dunmc,ri• is •a • hnnilsolne man, and lies been tersely deste riteel ns ., posses; irig "" grxed Ipoks , gnarl Tpanrlers, and n g- ' ed: heart." 1 . ; :\ striking romans* of 119tde is recoiled`_"ITe s. almost" as wealthy as you are, g leel't he?=' fished Jigiey. ''Yes,' replied n by, the nnouneenir,nt that n •marreig,'e is to lake p.lni�e 1)6(W -e'en' Miss -Ethel fta'ie 11°Y•"ittl hes nwfu!ly tight-chcsl- T.rwis and ATT, ,Telfer• 1) 11(CF see 'f ; ed-" -Why, he salt! he'd .give fifty dot - or. 11: 1,• Duvrn, e.seas p l jot the F 1;11.5 to 11111 charily it wolf would," "lax - f; nlnie firm of -art dealers. By the nctl.y; -thee i n -t i-tanrs that lie derisn'f w•ilel•,s•t stretch• of imagination one can expect 143 cilutrittleie pt ❑Il-'' scarcely pi •tart• a •hkrcksinith trcr,nling • --- (,pr of .Tho \vtirhl:5 greatest art conn'ets- sel+rs 4n(1 vol Nle. iL :1 T)tnreri wh-o • -. - . . • - THE 1IP,A1. 'flli?ir. not brie ngii paid over ater opeou foe : Linn:\V!Itr—"what is laughter, pn?" the' Minnie; Ruderlphielinen cullrrtion, Pa--"T,nu,.'•+. r"y son, e: the -4-111:1 te.g:nn life as a binekslnilh, u a • one 4)f a number en- young; taut. h Jews• wI n left their native land her Eng- ' l end, _ Emigrating to Hell. he folie+w•cd Clouds come htg;li, but We must have lin: trade that of a blacksmith tar sonic teem Alm. Dineen that nein Ile , ' 'n his hat blows off and rens u 1 .t,". ' • • ON 'i rtl:\L.- • • Mr. Wiggles, who has a polae way of being elide to persons 'w4xi 'deserve was paid a visit The other morning• by • Z1 undesirable, who usually broke in-.. • to \Viggless, privacy , regardless of all • e tiquette, This morning, however, owing to the mat being occupied by a large dolt. he paused and knot ked, "Walk, •right in,". called_ \Vigtgles, "Deut't mind the drag." - "Bur will bite?" \las asked cauti- o usly, 'That:s what 1 w•nnl to Tend Dirt," we.. • ihc -reply.' "1 only bought fieri yekter- day." - :':t SPLENDID I'RESCRIP'r1ON. An eminent phy-gician informs •us that he has used . lhr following pre- S).ription in his practice air a number CI Years. 'and 'Plural it very' sitccess!ul , in •the 'treatment of Keeley. Liver; "Bladder, and rill g?riTlnr) "aftectinns:'F1e• , e'a n4 tllnta veh•v few doses will re- • litre the most Fci'e'rr i,1ine, in the back, arising from disordered kidneys and inlpi-Ire blood: One ounce of sweat.. Spirits .if, nitre, ,one Dunne of Vernesa Cern peunde and • four ounces'of Syrup - di rhubarb, These ingredients ran he ohln;ned, at nny.-rclinelc 'drug store, It 4ritd ' uc taken •-in desserlapeonful ct••se; after meals and et' bedtime in eats 1 11 is nu passed for the cure re. 1 iiennfatiete. eennng the uric, acid .enin 1. frren the system. The inga-edi- rota mire incs:pen"ive nn:' harmless. and can lie given t;. children \i: -i, aetfety. CW.11— MG MOIL - ttOtios HILL - • • • sk• The above Council met pursuant to W. Hogle is absent in the north on 1 •-adjourrunent in "the Township hall.' a hunting tilt. .°41Ith. All anembers pteeent, Reeve guest of Thos. and Mrs. Laey recently. :Todd in the chair. I David Totten, of Mount Joy. spent s . Mutes of previous meeting were spelt the past week with the Totten. read and approved. . Bros. .• A number of communications were Mrs. J. Morgan , and childrOn, of • read and accounts presented and re- . Claremont, were guests.' of A. C. and • '-- •-•-oferred to the various standing cotti-IMrs Courtney on Sunday. mittees. A. Steers and wife, of Agincourt. F. . , •: James A. Love was heard ri,.. bonus:Inch and wife and two daughter,. of '• .on wire fence: 1Toronto, were guests of John and Mrs. David Defoe re support of Sophia Wright on the holiday. ▪ Ellis. The extensiva improvements on the The standing committee of Relief of :Gilmer property. which have been iu . the Poor reported and recommended i progress during the smuttier. are now . , fayment as follows.: S. R. Pennock, completed. G. Tracey, 'ferrhei-ly. of WOMAN'S ORDEAL :„.Brougham. on Monday; llovirmber Woodruff err, of Buffalo, was the DREADS DOCTOR'S QUESTIONS Thousands Write to Mrs. Pinithani, Lynn, Mass.. and Receive Valuable Advice Absolu- .tely Confidential and Fres. or coffin and funeral supplies-1;yr the 'rHigirizinti Creek.- is • comfortablysettl- .. N . .. - . late Peter Stoner, OO. .- • .. • Op motion of _Mr. tisisalie, chnir- : - Tratin, report was adopted. The committee on Sheep Killed by - " Dogs reported ;Ind recommended pay- - inent as follows : Geo. Pugh. 1 Shrop- . • - shire lamb killed, 80(36: Arthur- Jae -. • son, 1 ewe lamb killed, S.00 : E. Meek, --.- 2 Shropshire. ewes, 13.31. .Said sums • • . . are two-thirds sworn value. On motion of Mr. Wilsen, chairman, -•. - rlort was adopted. s . - 'he committee on Contingencies - -, ereported and recommended payment . . - as follows: D. R. Beaton, on account ,-;. - • . of salary, 62.50; James Cook, burying ...t -ea calf, B. of H. order. 50c ; John Mur - 'se' . • icar; printing:. and advertising, 9.25 ; J. Creighton. rebate un statute labor, • 50 cents. • - • On motion of Mi. McFarlane, chair- man, report was adopted. re - The committee on Roads and Brit'- .•' ges reported and recommended pay- ment as follows: Jetties Richards, rep culvert on Kingston road 75c; R. K. •Taun, rep bridge on 8th con., 2.40; R. _ . ...... Found, right of way during construe- ' ! -:-• tion of Palmer's bridge.. 5.00 ; John • • Taylor, drawing gravel on w t 1, Mark- ham to pay half, 51.58 ; A. Hamilton, rep race race bridge con 2, 18.00 ; also, ..•.o rep bridge on Brock road south of Brougham. 50e; Walter . Hamilton. ::- filling approaches, building bridges and cleaning out ditches as per con- - tract, 30.00; James Lore, bonu-s on 80 rods wire fence on lot 11, con, 4, 11.00: H. Liscombe and Lou Albright, rep . Dillinghaw's hill in 2nd con. rep two 'culverts on Brock id no: th of.Brough- - am, 4.10; M. Dewyr, completing railing i .. • and painting Palmer's bridge, 0.25 ; W. M. Palmer, work and teaming on Claremont sidewalk. 6.75: Mrs. tDr. Maybee, bonus on wire fence, 7.00: • ...... C. S. Palmer. men arid teams repair- ing culvert. bet lots 22 and 2:3: 8.02: J. '- e -•M. Palmer, for getting timber for race - . bridge, 1.25; John Scott, men and teams w t 1, 1S.00;R. Somerville. for . - cleaning ditch and drawing timber from -Claremont, 2.55: Wm. Fawcett, - ----50 yds gravel div 7, 3.5d; R. McBrady, • rep culvert on Brock road con 3, 5.00. On motion of Mr. Poucher, chair- . , Man, report was adopted, Mr. Osborne, seconded by Mr. Wil - Gra • son,moved that the Reeve grant his e- order on the Treasurer iii favor of the several parties recornnaendedfor pay- ment in the -reports of the standing s- committees as presented this day. Mr. Wilson, seconded :by Mr. Mc- . . Farlane, moves that the Choi: be in . , : structed to no-tify James Gibson to , :' ' removen.II timber belonging to'hirn on Lsideroad in fith .con. opposite hese and 7. ffitithin three months from this date. ...,..essif not removed the Couucil will take action as to having the said timber •-sold. • On motion of Messrs. Osborne and - ', Toucher. Mr. Wilson was instructed to procure a suitable place to pile the . -township timber. in Claremont. ' On Motion of Messrs. Osborne and Wilson, a by-law w as, introduced and e• finally passed appionting a place for ir. holding nomituattons for Reeve, First - deputy Reeve and three Councillors for 1907 : also appointing D. R. O's and plates for bolding municipal elec. thins for the said year. • The by-law is the same Rs that of . . last year with •the exeeptious that • Deo. Coal well was appointed poll cletk at Altona and W. J. Clark poll clerk •at Pickering. • ' Mr. Poucher, seconded by Mr. Mc- Farlane moves that, ' - Whereas the old time bread loaf in - '.• this township has from time to ' e been reduced from 4 lbs. to 3 lbs. an now in some cases to 24 lbs., but at the old time prices, and • Whereas it is is expedient th,at the bread prepared and offered for sale in township municipalities should be of standard weight, And whereas the councils of town- ship municipalities are not empowered as.are the councils of city, town and village municipalities, by the present law to regulate the weight of bread, Therefore, be it resolved that the Legislature of the Province of Ontario be memoralized to so amend the Mimi- - -• -eipal Act as to empower the councils of township municipalities topass by. laws regulating the weight of bread and toimpose penalties for light wet. ght„in bread, and for the seizure and ' ' forfeiture of bread- when of light weight and that the councils of adjoin- • ingt ownship municipalities he asked to naemoralize the Legislature to the • same effect ; and that the member of • - the Legislature for this riding, C'haries Calder, Esq., he requeeted to lend. his • .. aid in the Legislature 'lowards having the said amendments adopted. ' The Reeve and -Mr. Poucher report, ed,having, accompanied by the Clerk, • . ... visited the eottagers.en the Black side- • road at the Rouge. One of the parties was willing to lease the land and the „ others were likely to do the same, and • the Clerk • is -to prepare the leases. •i .. The ground rental was liked at S20.00 annally for each cottage. On motion of Messrs. Poucher and Osborne. the Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the required o •timber for the year,1908.- • . - Council adjourned to meet again on . Monday. Dec. 9th; at 10 a. troSfor the • transaction of general business. • ... ed uu the premises, having leased the farin fur a :lumber of years. , Gilmer having left a lorteiglic ago to :spend the winter in the south. . , Shake in a Bottle. Now • is the tinie when the (lector gets busy, and the 'patent medicine mantifactiiters reap the harvest, un- less great ca,..eis taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry. This is the advice of an old eminent au- thority who says that Rheumatism and • Kidney trouble weather is here, and also tells. what to do in case of an attack. Get from any good prescription phar- macy ona-half ounce -Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar - Ron, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla'. Mix by shaking in a bot- tle and take a spoonful after meals and at ,bed thne. Just try this simple home made mix- ture at the first sign of Rheumatism or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are- not acting rust right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator', and almost:certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home at a small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity when shown the prescription. stated that they can either supply these in- gredients. or,if our readers prefer. they will compound the mixture for them. • • "In Memorian. • There can be no more terrible ordeal inm' •a delicate. sensitve. rened woman „ than .to . be oblig0 to answer certain questions in regard to her private ills, even iv1.-'en those questions are asked by her family physician, and many In loving mernory. of Agnes H. Burk; whom God called home Nor. llth. 1906. At rest. A precious one from us has gone, '•• A voice we loved is stilled. A plar•e made vacant in our home Which never can be filled. Day Op day, Ob ' how we miss bet, Words would fail our loss to ten, /tut in Heaven we hope to meet her, Happy there with Rim to dwelt Seaters. • . PALE REGISTER. • Lets5 C Sweet to Eat ACeady lewd Lazsdaa . • , • "••••• &OM SATURDAY, N.ov.•• 1907. -Aur - tion sale of about seven acres of standing timber on lot 32. eon. •5: Pickering the Property of William Philip. Timber to be sold in quartet acre. lots, and comprises hard and soft wood. cedar, etc. Sale at 1 • o*cicick. See posters. Fred. -Postill. Auctioneer. • Weresreo*.Y. Nor. 26ete, 1007 -Credit sale of cows in full flow of rullk, steers, Leifer* and sheep, the proper- ty Of Henry Jifkins.- Sale at Gor- don's Hate. Pickering. '12 niontb's credit. Saie at one. D. Beldam, Aurtioneer. THURSDAN, Nov, 215T, Mi. -Auction sale of farm stock, implements. etc.. on lot f. eon. 4 mile north of Rouge P. O.) the property of 'Josiah Parsons; Sale at one o'clock sharp. See bills: Thos. Poucher. Auction- eer. • . New Advert taements. F-OUND.-A heavy. cape. Losticallat the NWS' OFFICE. 651 continue to suffer rather than to submit to.examinations wh-ich so many physi- cians propose 'in order to intelligently treat the disease; and this is the reason why so many physicians fail to cure female disease. This is also the reason why thousands upon thousands- of women are corre- sponding with Mrs. Pinkham, daughter- in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mase. To her they can confide every detail of their ilhaess, and from her great knowledge. obtained from years of experience in treating female ills, Mrs. Pinkham can advise sick women more wisely than thelocal physician. Read how Mrs:• Pihkhem helped Detre. Emetentienne Montreuil, of 114 Latourelle St, Quebec, Que. • Dear Mrs. Pinkham:- • - •'1 suffered for eight months with what the doctors.called prolapsus, Which caused great weakness all over my sYstern, with' faint dizzy spells. I 'kept growing weaker and weaker. I tried several medicines which they claimed would cure ruy.troubie, but nothing_ was of the lea,t benefit until I tried Lydia. E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Conipound, and this. helped me s'o rapidly that I could hardly believe my g'.ad fortune. 1 would gla.11y have paid V25.09. for that lint bottle, f,r it started me on theros.d to health, and live bf,ttles rured-rie. rarn sixost•grateful for my splendid, rohust health, -and shall certainly recemmerel the Vegetable Com- pound in glewing terms to ail my friends end actiumfnlam,..es, f,.kr deserving of all the prase I rive it.' Mountains of proof establish the fact that no •medicine in the World equals : Lydia F Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound. for restortng women's health. TrME T4 BLE -Pickering Station G T. R, Trains going East dues as follows - No. .6 114,11 , 8 26 A. M. • " -12 Local . " .2 43-P. M. **14 Local . • . . 6.04 P. M. itaitto going West does as follows - No. 13- Local . . 8 41 A. M. " 11 Local . . 2.18 P. M. • 7 Medi . ' 8.35 P. M. ''Sunday included. -- • Get the best. It parsAttend the, - popular and progressive - LL/OTT soo •••-.••:';". • The People's Cash Store. - _ Great i3argaIns' in Dreis Goods We have added s'eVeia1. hundred dollars worth of Dry Goods to our already large and well assorted general stock, hour:I-it at the • . great dry goods sale of John Kuox 4:- Co., Hamilton. • ThARO-AINSin Hentikeruhiefs le, 5c, -(3c, 8c, lOc. , • BARGAINS in Dross Goods.20c, 30e, 59c. per yaril BARGAINS in Ladies:Vcsts :35c, 50c, extra heavy 'BARGAINS in Hosier -1: 20c. :15c. We. 35c. 404-, 50c. per pait . BARG .UNS. i .Towels 5c, 10c,. 12c, 15t-. 20e.. 2oc, 50e •- BARGAINS in Men's heavy wool Underclothing 50c, riac, 75c 2• • • 'BARGAINS in Men's Mitts and (doves 25c. 50c..75e, S1.00 . --BARGAINS.in Mett's Overall and Pants 7, Sc, 05c A large assortment of shaker flamb-q, also shaker flAnnel _ Blankets by the yard. e - The above goods are not poor, cheap trsliy stuff. They are the best. values for the money ever shown in Pc&ering. Thousands of . _ 'other things for 'sale which his small space will not .. permit. to, mention. Conte to -day and save ,money D. Simpson & Co., Pickeling. 'Richardson's dpeeial 5ea le -Sod Aa." are, Fresh Groceries, Meats and Provisions, •. - Fruits -in Season. FRESH BREAKFAST FOODS -Toasted Cornflakes,. Malta Vita, Force, Grape Nuts, Puffed Rice. Pettijohn's Breakfast Food, • - Wheat-Oh's, Orange Meat, .9uaker Oats, Quaker Corn Meal,. Rolled Oats,, Rolled Whet,.a. • ' • PURE HONEY - - FLOUR - • — • . • MEATS -Salt Pork. Smoked:Ham; Smoked ShOulder,-Rolled SbOulder, Breakfast Bacon. Bologna, Cooked Ham. .Redpith Granulated -Sugar -cheap by the 106 lbs. •- _.-Eyerything in the Grocery line ft:L.4h and the best -brands.• JAMES RICHARDSON ' . BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT THE GROCERS. . ".' • ALE. -A few Leicester ram lambaew L Courtice, tot 17, B F Concise - sloe. 111 • THE IVERSAL BREAD MAKER A PPRENTICE WANTED. --A good C1 .. active boy to learn the isinsmithing busi- ness. Apply to Chas Sargent. Claremont. Stf PEAS.—To. let out to respensible farmer, Enquire at Post Office, Picker- ing, for samples and prioes. . Chas. 11, Willcox, Zia WOOD FOR SALE. -The under- signed bas for eels about 100 cords of cords of nardwoOd. Regular customers are ad- vised to get their wood as soon 66 possible so as nct to be dIseppointed. J Poynter Brock ' STRAYED. --tame to the premises- - of the unditrsigned at 101 2. con 4. Scarboro some time in July, a black face ewe shearling. Owner will prove property, Paying expenses and taking the animal sway. bin Beare Box Grove.. VARM FOR RENT. -Lot 30, Broken Jr Front, Whitby T(,wrshi.). base line west. 75 acres` brick. hotise, are barns, stone stabling. etc, 4 acres goodorchard. Possession at once: Apply to J L Farewell, or to Miss Smith, Certre, Street, V. hitby. •,• 1L-1ARM. TO RENT.-A,,goielfarrn to . L rept situated in the Township„of Picker - ink on Gieenwood;Road, 21-2 miles from Picker- ing Village. it it•in • a good state of cultivation, well watered, e. large orchard of the best fruit. Four bnildinst. Per further partictilessApply to W V Richardson, Pickering Village. 3811 goofings Leave your orders at the PICKERING LUMBER YARD . for Ontario and New Brunswick white cedar shingles. -Patent- Roofing and all kinds of building materiel. '• W. D. GORDON & SON. - TORONTO. ONT. and be rtiont“..-GrIL.T e•lucated for business life. . Ali graduntes of this s-chool. are alk'oltifi-ly sure of getting positions. The demand is consider- ably 'greater th2tri the z4pply. Now is an. excellendaime to enter. Write for ratalogue. - - . • • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yong -e and Alexander streets. A tickling coughfrom anv cause is prickly stopped by Dr Snoop's Cough Cure A:tad it' is so thoroughly harmless and safe. that Dr Shoop tells mothers every where to sive it without hesitation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tendcr sterna- of a lutighealing montainons shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr Sboop's Cough cure. It came the cough, rind heals the sore and reneitive bronchial onembrames. No opium, no chloroform nothing hsreh • used to injure or sup press. Simply a resinous p ant extract that helps to heal aching longs The Spaniards call tbit shrub which the Doo tor uses, "The Sacred Herb". Demand Dr Shoop's, Take no other. Sold by T M McFadden. • Whitby Steam Pump Works ! • . A good easy working pump is time saved. Time is money. We handle all kinds and gliar- tee satisfaction. Cistern tanks made to order -E. W. Evans, . • -Brot.;k, street Whitby. J. L. SPINK • • .T...X3IFTED • • ... • Our Fall Millinery Openin _October 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Come and inspect our Stock.. • Everbody Welcome. MRS. HEIIKS & DAUGHTER Is the time to do your fall Paporing and Paintitig: ' " • It you are doing any you had better have it done right - - at the right -price by • W. B. }<ESTER Painter and Decorator, Pickering, • Ontario J.- H. RICHARDSON'S •Importintelowing 6(finest'diiplay of! _ A_ yery large assortment_ of • Stationary. Books, Dolls, Toys, tart reoeived for the Holiday trade. Calf and see them. - • Solascriplioni taken for all Magisides, .• . Weekly 'and Daily Newspapers . • iw.T.- 13; RICH A.R3pscpisr, rock Street. - • -N7732..ttloi • .5S1u�="rid:�t .r""L.>y!�'•,'{,� Ku-;'-5:.`_Su-'"...�.i��Qw,o::"`i : _.•,_ct.AsEMariT •:41kbont " completed and the work Miss Hamilton was in the city iu . the Interior of the build- e .on Saturday. Chas. Sargent is installing a furnace in Zephyr this week. Rev. Mr. Brundell, of Stouffville was in lage on Saturday. • Renbeu.e has purchased the ' 'Cook fatty just west of Cla•renlout. David Taylor, of Toronto. \vas =;-the guest of Ira,,Boyer ou Friday ::last. • Mrs. Thos. Stephensou speut a couple of day, in the city last week. -Mrs. (Rev.-) Grant is visitiug for a few days with frieuch in Ux= bridge. .' Ralph • Es-aus- is- laid up these • days uursiug nue of "Job's Com- loiters." .. . Chas. Burton is learning the tiustnithitlg llusiuess with Chas. :.Sargent. • Born.—Ori Tuesday, 'Nov. .5th, ' • the wife of 'deurge Mutcli, of"a • daughter. Henry White was in the viciu-- 'ity of 'North Bay lookiug up a timber lituit. - The -Claremont Quartette sang in Uxbridge on Monday night at :: 'the Baptist anniversary. Mrs. Magnus Henderson return ed homer on Saturday after.visit- ing friesds in Markham. The hunters of this place have returned frons their trip north after securing a deer each. Misses Jennie and Maggie Gregg attended the funeral of their cousin in Reach on Monday. - Rev. Jas. Grant- was called to Toronto last Friday owing to the. -serious illness of his brother. Gregg & Coates shipped a car- lload of hogs from this station on .,-Monday,-for which they paid $5.70 The Masonic hall is now about completed and will prove -a' most ...comfortable place in which• to meet Will Jones, of Evansville, left .on Wednesday for Dryden, to • 'Work 'for F. T. Brignall iu his lum- _ b_er woods. Mrs Walker, of Brooklin, Was in the village ou Tuesday organiz- •ing a class in vocal and listen mental music: While shoeing a hose last week Thomas Stephenson'' received an injury in the eye giving it a very unpleasant color. Peter Mae -nab, jr.'ts gradnally recovering from his recent severe • illness. His gain in strength, al- though slow, is steady. The Masonic Lodge is adver- tising for two box stoves for use ' in their hall, also the sale of a quantity of timber. See advt: in another column. , onto, mana- ..gerof Chandler, Ingram & Belleo., __:`_dealers in physicaris' and dentists' • .supplies spent Monday- with his friend. Dr. Kidd. - • - Mrs. Harbron; whose accident �tvas reported in our last issue sod- , -.fors much from- the fracture in her thigh bone, the fracture proviug _quite a serious one. Rev. J. W. Totten preaches.an- ,piversary sermons next Sunday at �1V ra - of Mr. Totten's, and is the holue ,of his daughter, Mrs. Mix. - Special evangelistic services will • 'be. conducted every night next week in the Baptist church. alis- r.'Laura Smith, of -Dutton. and. Miss• • • Maud Mann, of Listowell, Will as- sist in the -singing. • Rev. J. W. 'rotten conducted .the services at Glen blajor.on Fri- - day evening last•.iu the absence of 'Rev. J. A. Grant,,Who WAS a rlled '`to Toronto owinto the serious .: •illness of his brother. . Mrs; H...Thotuson -and daughter ;M'iss Lillian, left on Tuesday for .Buffalo where they will remain during the winter.. We are'sorry to lose them and will be glad to see them back again. : The officers and members of the . A. O. U. W. are requested to meet .in the Lodge room on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 19th, as special • business will come up. By order of the Master Workman. • The first snow storm of the sea- son occurred on Weduesday. of 'last week, when about two inches - of the beautiful" decorated the landscape and reminded es that ' winter was fast approaching. The'Noveinber Quarterly Meet- . ing of the Methodist chi ich was held et Glasgow on the .first Sun- day in November. 'The official meeting was held at Clarewont . the day after and was a very sat- isfactory one in•everyrespcct. There will be u nion •services next -- `:Sunday of,the Baptist and -Met -110- o; - dist .congregations. The .service . in the morning will be held in the.. Baptist church at 10.30,and in the - evening in the Methodist church - at 7,00.o'clock. Rev. J.- A. Grant. will officiate at both of -these ser . Claremont Methodist Women's :Missionary Society Will bold their annual public meeting in the Meth- . odist church at the usual hour id worship'oiI Sunday' evening, -Nov. • -24th. A collection in behalf of the -work they represent will be taken 7A11 -invited who usually wotship here. Come and help us. The cement work of the new Sovereign Bank building is now • ing is being rushed with all possible speed.' When com- pleted the new building will add Much to the appearance of the locality iu which it is situated. It belougs to a class of. buildings which is rapidly- displac- ing =wood and brick, and a class which is not only- substantial but also attractive in appearance. At a uleetiug of Presbytery held at Pickering ou Friday last the call to Rev. Mi'. Brokeushire. of Buffalo which was very largely; signed, was .presented. However, a letter from Mr. Brokenshire stating that he did not wish the call to be cousid- ak Women To weak and ailing women. there I3 at least one way to help. But with that way. two treatments,, must be combined. One is local, one is constitu- tional. but both are important. both ea entiaL Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local: Dr. Shoop's Rest rative. the C'onstitgtionsl. The former—Dr. Shoop':?: ight Cure—is a topical mucous membrane suppository remedy. while Dr. Shoop's Restorative is wholly an. internal treat- ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve. all tutus. and all blood ailments. The "Night Cute", as its name implies, does Its -1 The Corner Store, work while you sleep. It Soothes sore and inflam- ed mucous surfaces. heal; local weaknesses and disc,hargcs, while tfic'lte.:orative, eases nervous Sr t-' FALL GOODS ARRIVED ::::A good supply of Meu's, Women's and Children's Mime 7 FOOTWEAR. 5 Roses Flour. - - --- - Choice Pastry Flour ' Mill Feed Kept C'onstantfy- on Hand. " , A trial of the above is to your 'satisfaction, e:c,tement, gtvis rune;r-.:d vitor and ambition builds up vast -d tssues, brtng,ng about renewal strength, vigor, and energy. Take 11r. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—ata general tonin to the system. For positive local help. use as well eyed, put an end to the g/natthis Dr. Shoop c To state that the readin -"of this `7 letter caused Much dissapoiiltlnent e otery and totheNeougregation is to to bothanenibers f the , Presby- Night Cure T. W. McFADGEN. put the matter in a very mild form especially in the face of the fact that he had previously written statiu_g that he would accept a call The Claremont Curling Club held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening when the foIlow- ing officer's were elected : Pres.— John M. Macnab; Vice -Pres.— Nicholas Burtou; Sec.-Treas.— Alex. Wilson; Committee of Man- agement—M.' S. Brodie, Judson Bundy, -Ww. Palmer, J. W. Lat- inser; Skips—C. J. Brodie, T. J. Wilson, Wen. Leaper; -J. C. Mac - nab, • Wm'. M. Leaper, Nicholas Burton. Prospects are very bright for a large membership this season, auy person wishing to join, will be made welcome, and assured of a good 'winter's sport. L'OR SALE.—One 40 H. P. steel boil - 1 er in eplendidcondition-carrying 120Ihao1; steam. one heevy base elide valve eogine 91.2z tg in. cylinder, this would make a splendid outfit for saw or chopping mill. Can sive prices for the complete machinery for chopping mill. Al- to one 10 El 1' gasoline engine, tuts engine is be- ing all thoroughly overhauled and can be guar• anted it as vood as new. Can easily be mounted . portable engine. Also a large -stock. of plow points for sale at W E Riaebron4h'e shop. CIare muni. For prices of the above machinery. wiits Robert W Currr. ra3lI.lppin.ott bt, Toronto 5tf .Farmers Attention. Having purchased a first-class outfit consisting of an Alamo twenty horse power gasoline engine. a Blizzard feed cutter -and Veesot feed grinder. for my own use. 1 am- also prepared to do business for the public. Cut vour corn, straw or hay.. and grind ynur grain at the barn. 1 will chop at home at home every Wednesday or oftener if required—first-class work. guaran- teed. . - A horse -power and cutting box for sale cheap... • - JAJf£4 ytcFABLANE, Claremont, Ont. STOVES WANTED. -Two - box stoves, "second hand. 25 and 30 inches for use, of Masonic Hall. Cerement, also.for title a quantity of pine timber Ox10 and 24 feet long. also 4x20 and 14 feet lone. Apply to Robt Wesel or .7 Bundy, Claremont. 6-7 To check a cold gniokly, get from your druggist some litt'e Candy Cold Tablets called Preventiea. Drnggiets everywhere are now dispensing Preventiea, for they are not only safe, but decidely certain and prompt. Preventiea contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing aareb nor sickening: Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Le Grippe, eta. Heuce the name, Preventics. Good for tever tab children, 48 Preventing. 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cents. Sold by .T M Mc Fadden. MACHINE SHOP ! The undersigned -having "purch- ed B. Wagner's Machine Shop in Kinsale, is prepared : to do 'all kinds 'of repair work and general blacksmithing. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Prices right. - Call and see us. JAMES'.PENGELLY. • Kinsale, Out. • When .the Stomach, Heart or Kidney nerves get weak, then these _organs always fail. Dont d ugtbeStonxach. nor stimulate the Heart nor Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to Druggists . -everywhere al- Dr Shoop's Restorative. The restorative is peeper ed expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen thea nervus. bni d them op With Dr Shoop's Restorative- tablets or liquid --mad see bow quickly help will come. . Free sample rest sent on request by Dr sboop, Racine, Wis Your health is stflsply worth thus simple test: Sold by T M McFadden,' LIgT, FORCE AND and SUCTION PUMPS Constantly on Hand. - • Prices Right. `wind—milts erected and Repaired, Direct tele. hone en • car oro, SVhitchurch, Uxbridge and Baughan townships, alu Stouff. vine, 4arkhatn and Pickering villages, over Independent system. Brantford Gasoline Engines aud'Windn- ills. • - • .Orders protltpiTy at:ended tu.. ' Repairing done. - John Gerow ....Successor so ••• • Gsrow' & Bon, Claremont. ES A •shipment of Fresh Fish will arrive at the branch of the e .Aber' Stores CLAREMONT About''Thursday of each week during the winter. Watch our window -Fresh-Oysters on hand - Our full stook of Boots and Shoes have, arrived at both Stores. ,Call -and 'see- them. ""Wo Sell For Zreee. W. M. PALMER, Proprietor Coal and Wood Ranges gauging from $80 to $50 Coal Heating Stoves ranging froin $5 to $16 • - 1 -Parlor Cooks ranging from $27 to $38 We sell all the, leading lines and make of Stove THE PEOPLE'S TINSMITH Charles Sargent, Claremont, Ont._ It does not take a wise man To tell a .good apple from a bad ode, but it takes a wise ntau now- adays to tell the _ Good 2�arrLes s front the bad unless he has had 'smile experience with its actual wearing qualities. Our Harness. arid- CoHara are as perfect • and up-to-date as good material,. • kiIled - workmen and modern methods an make 'them. and they have -'those •'wearing dualities. Also. castor. neat's fent and h41r= - • ness-oil on"hand. F. W.-Bodell, = 3Broug Lam rpm-. .vRr TIE LO • r f rn~ rascals ' -Pair FENCES IMO .1 OBI I;' lints_? Of all materials and design I - kepti tt stock. ft will pay yon - to mall el our t,3orks and inspect our stook and obtain primes. Don't be misled by agents we do not employ them, consequent- ly we can, and do throw off the agents dommiesion of 10 per cent., which you wilt oertalinly save Sy pnrohasing from se. call solicited. • WHITBY GRANITE 00, o n Ia. • Whitby; Oattarto • • e enees Wear the Zest - I am selling the Page and have a. proposition to submit to every fence user -one w.hicll will• cause your, to situp and take notice.= Why ? Because E can save you money. Page i- the strongest .and cheapest fence on the- market, and if you don't kuow it, find out Now. Drop a card, or call. A. ;N. R=n2jFY, 316n3 , Agent, Pickering • i et W .:< 4 e .4 e 44 3 R"a , "e "' i;ao Of7 iC.y.gF. ji ' R ar so s -q netI tit Q I s m e- gel 9 d art P4`J mu N ib Is a .e ..- p m 1 i IP elan r0 e • ' - -... ' Feb ►i Mto GO ▪ " a -e n "" Mar IS ci r aApr', Ole r • a a N ... pw May*O -'a, .7 1211 CG • y,• "''c m , .:,e July '. ."a ot ,',o e m o c; w Sept 1 r .e. Oat. I he 1 m ... a m -ore Nov L' .na Dec,d C January 1908 -Whitby 9, Oshawa 10. Pickering' 13, Port Perry 11, Uxbridge 17,Cannington 16, Beaverton 15,.Uptergrove 14 _ The best place to buy - Wall -gapers —IS AT Binghamk Over200 samples to choose, from- at 4c. per roll up. Mouldings to match all papers., ..Also, a full line of the'bestl Paints, Oils and Varnishes, always in stock. at lowest possihle prices. - Dolt forget the place. Wa: G; BINGHAM, - North Claremont Farmer's -Trucks Bring in your old wagon and get the wheels cut down. - Make good farm trucks, Buggies and other vehicles repainted at reasonable rates. Thomas Patterson, CLAREMONT (Doaswell's old stand.) Trial Catarrh treatments are being malt ed out free, on. request, by Dr Shoop, Eta oiae, Wis. These teats are proviug to the people—without a penny's cost— 11or -t great valve of this scientific prescription known to druggists. everywhere as Dr • Shoop's.Catarrh Remedy. Sold by T M McFadden. • :B AKIN to First-class bread constantly on hand at the shop. Wagon on the road every day in the week. Cakes of all ]rinds made to order shortest notice. Ice -Cream Parlor in connection. W. A. Thomson, - darensoet., Oat.. LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your spare time at home. or Take t —Personal Course at SehooL . To 'enable all to learn we, teach on cash or instalment plan. We also -teach a personal class at school once a month. t•lass commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches bow to cut, fit and put together any garment from the- plainest he plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress.. The whole family can learn from one •course. We have taught over seven thousand dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and• 4o. You cannot learn• dress -making as thorough .as this course teaches if you - ,k% ork ou_work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting.School in. Canadaand.excelled by none in any ether country. \Vrite at once for part icsilars,.as we have cut our rate one, . 'bird fur a short time. Address :— SANDERS' DRESS-CUTTIHS SCHOOL, 31 Edo St., Stratford, Ont , Canada • TO FARMERS 1 beg to call your attention to our new FROST & WOOD Mower - for 1907. See it at our showrooms. You should know by..this time -:that the Frost & Wood' is the ideal machine to buy and should insist on having no other: - • I also handle the celebrated Barrie Carriages, -Canada's best production. 'Call and see the new roller bearing springs, the nicest you ever road in and: fully_ guaranteed the -life •of -the vehicle. Agency tor the the. genuine Proven. hay fork and slings, also biader•twine. Trade with me and get honest value every time. R. J. Cowan, Brougham. a • • ss, so. - soos ••. 1KING AND SCHOOLBOY. • • . . ad Who Wrote to Ills Majesty About Attendance Medal. .s. --A touching little incident about a Lo.i.-cion schoolboy why wrote to the regarding his school attendance Ss/medal ,was related at n recent meeting • 6f the: London County Council. Trite Edifeation Committee had pros' ✓ io.seoss slocied lhat -the practise • of awarding medals for regular and punctual attend- ; orce should be discontinued but the Progrossives were. successful in moving. ,.."SoisSisil•that the proposal should be sent back, " end further, that tha committee should. iconsider. the possibility of extending the • -Inedat system. During the' debate it was pointed out. that these medals are an exceedingly .spepular institution in London schools. Si Queen Victoria allowed her effigy to rip- s" shear upon them, and quite reeently King Edward gave a special 'sitting for like purpose. Cansequent:y the award' is/ medals has the very highest appro. 'val. The system was started in 1SS8. and • • is • i. ' • in -that year 4.000 medals Were distribut- " • -, ed. Last. year no- fewer.than- 57.442 . ics• ..": . scholars earned them. Therefere. system ntost exersise a /Rallied ssis 'Influence upon the attendunce returns. •Mr. Hastings Jay mentioned a toy " - • whcj v& .t.`01111petillif14,,S'S.1-'1•011ili Ins slat, but lost it through ratline in the • , • 'so.- •Tisytrround and breaking his leg. The BEER*MAKES BLOOD! ‘. TOM TABLE OF ABUSE. Afalrinionfal Troubles of Mrs. Florence MALT has certain food - elements which the bodycan transform into healthy blood quicklyand with the least digest- ive effort. H OPS contain a medi- cal principle Which tones the nerves without reaction, and so supplies nervous energy and saves it as well. B EER* as brewed in Ontr-rio made from choicest Ontario barley malt, selected hops, and the serr- est of water, dealt 'with under condi- tiara which insure purity. and quality. sad lot it so - seenti,- .1hot lie a...Dial-Ty • abrint ..muy awl woolt • . • "Wrote to the King !fiat tie hail lOsthk :Yrs,11.4 Mods wadstwist zspfle,sus , *•tPsis 'ea • • xnedaL /Jr. Jay. apprehensive hist ci.lner ass Moils tlitt ortt*b wts1 • • little •boys might do the smne thisigs an- • • pealed. to tf 06=01 to:stop the system. • - • • • • • --• - IMED111.0. -A1"1-11011ITIES • Say that sight persons x•Ut• 4,f ten Pe- at ,sone time or othi.r from piles. 1A/tether the links are 'bleeding er pro-. truding. Or itching or "Li.rol."_Zani- . Esk giees immediate rose, sMrs Neil Devon, Wehwood, Ont., stir- . - • • , . • Sered with pites eight sears. A fete theblood better E the sounder the health, and the surer the body to combat disease effective- ly. Beer, by some counted an intox- iciat, is not 60- it is a blood -maker, with' barely enough alcohol in it to help ths stomach do its work far batter. Beer with meals Is good for 4197 people out of every !hollowed -and is specially good for women. Ask your ow* doctor about it - beer is probably good for you. • • , "..itores irf•Zain-Duk cured Nth. Fre- sincs • eays: "1 hbye had no return of the treu- . - ••• tie, so that .1 know I am permanently • 101 cured" • •_ • - ZarroBtik Sures ruts, 1:1-iaresed Ulcers-. Ed i us. lik•re 1.e0. Alscesses- • • Poisorred fic.its,...Eszeora an.1 • : all *kin troiThips. ffilLbed well in it• is .• . _ a splerstid etribrsoatisoi for ItheurnaSisons Neu.sCgia and Seiatien. ec. riO seals • 11 hex of all druggists. and shirts er • jx)s-f.pold on receipt of prier f'ri-)ru 1,11e-1 Zam•Buk Co. 3 fluxes for $1.25. • • or curse this world may be growing kititer, bur a toil of new jails are ere--.ited • THE CUsTux11:13 • A gcntleinan iiia restaurant the.otlier day thought he would hale a J,.k.e. %vitt) vl.:.•wai!cr., and asked Utah! hs had ever sex --a stir:sage-roll. •• -yes: replied the wailer. "1 have not. only seen a sausage rut]: but 1 hai-e seen -1./i5nsit tox. a_ talkie spoen. a tiey roe_ pump.. a .penny stamp. a .ebirriney csep. a chain lits!;"; a nose oily. a eamerii-si:de,. .a -arden fence: a sword a stsoke shase, si wall tlewer-----" ilut 'when -he sostoto . -ore ssisapp`...too Itiouelst it was time .he ts- cuj14d. L. • . _hoe he Sisrus•• je•ieg the 'winter . wont e- wittl--"a tap tuns a ii.She wail:. a Lain climb a sky_ hick:- a • tioney •• But Uy this time the . esistartier • Was -tit:Trying down the. "street • in dazed cc udt.oLi. • • . • • .e.. er): Year- ._ . • - .. A FIRE SPREADS -1 dn.' sitawy so does an t _ _ sOlizel tS.412 IN Fik• throsit snto frown int., the bangs Heal promptly with u cold so '. .ili a are, ad when you -bests to (mulct use Alien's Lion . .3,...hani.. . _______ -___._:_i_. - • _ .. , . • • . • Hostess: "And I olefins" von went up ••.• it-- ' Rt -ie -r' Ar•rel`lAr 1.4 )1.1ib r.l‘ iNi• ilAs ;IYNstl toil:tering, the i»mpnny wan his •travelling •experieneesh "Oh, 'yes, and • :: many ectser rneootairs.". • - b • • . - - • .. - • - • - .. . . A S.eall They that fudge (if the leiwers et a pill by -:"it• size. ossold _consicfor Parmelee's Vege t a itic•ISlis V ts.t, iiiesing. it is • • tie tiv'tri k -r axone pills. -Wrial. if ilickg size 11 _makes_ hip in. petelicy... The. •-.-ireriodies which. it carries are pal up in the'- Smell dosis.beeioo- they are so. opewertul that ;coils. small doses :HT CR- quitt.d.• This fill • streoglh ot ttie 'ex- ' traits is scoured in this form arid. .• ••• • their work thoroughly, • . ••"What • is the most aggravating theing. )Jr -f-? edIloret t•s!.• • • times," said the lacheler. friend. lei, the - • Isusban.l. end sonietiines it's the wilts" ---• • • • r NO SUBSTITL"TE fnr The I) L Ntetithnl •,ster, altft"ugh st,rne unscrupulouo dealitrs may there kr. Recoresseutled tioetor,, hospitals; , elergy crerybutly, fur st.iftntit5a, pherisy, *Lc. • 'IM: "1 1.1(1111 SPL`' why yosr. should ee! insulted loot losealise he said osire slats:: !Odle: •i). 11 don't? V.iivsts,:is keep Oinking at you all the • - Nothing looks isece ogiy than to "see rwrswinswletse Ve Fel over. with wnris. 1.Vti3' have lh41se di•figure-f sot••nts 011 person when 11.- sure re- , mover of f.CI..warls• ((vas's.. ct(s:: .I.2ap he • , " Sound in (Awn chre.. • - • . . . ' WISE. , -• --' • exclaimed otrariger. ' • • '• "Missetillo or mining siock?" queried tb, limn woo had soperieneol• )oth. . WC` fire in nets] of so.rter. \'trr r yt.:t! '1'1)1p141y{,1] ''1 a Iintt, NIt•rrtiattl: clean it ‘,111? Anciltcent: "No, • e "ass rwo.- . . ISt.-.1.1: SO. 46--07. • A Time for Everything.- -Tile ln fer Dr. -This-rims' Eciei•trie i••• • sshrn croiroy. symptomis ailPear siren; when rheernatic resiss '..essi the eld: when lumboests,. csoghs. -.Mo. oak"rrhc.r ciiiostte either • un,oot oiel: winos Limns. 4.-sit'ds„ abru• On.s. ill1- ns or sprains come to t..ay tisondivr if the,•fanilly. in any iI 141;.',-.S. --Sal Info Ists. ..11.-swilf: soh' e__ reilef work a 'cure. "" " . • Teennt: "Eut there are Soles • HT the reel?' Lassiter& "Well. I sart help. that. -11 ,,•11 can't afferil .a kw umbrellas. dOiet lake Ihe • •. '• • - - . - relF or Tue. BENT old time romee44e, for fl shin ,trfeetiotts, suit, Re -zeros, Eti rig scald. Atte ("or Liu...m.13.104 .oisitFurui tt bats broU4.14't rohof ti • jpoebs: "your Iseither k• 3ery sive. Ile threatens to kik rrie: tu V. hen ever ix Appears'. ' • • They _are 'rorceitly Preprired.-rills whichslims pate thensolves in the ste- mach. cannot be espected.ile Envie much thr intestinesand to over- come. SoistiVeness itlei riaslicine adrnin- istered must influence the rietion i1loess canals.. Parmelee's. isi,,relcitsle PilLs are s • mods, holier the so •ervisi•-.0 of ex. ttirif ttie sat's1:3711,-e in- them" iiS• tended ;to perate +in the intestines rrierfted in action unlit they pass through the skinifidi to ',Ile 1..owels. Clements Carefully Scheduled.. The matrimonial lroubles of Mrs. F;orence ClerneritS, who sunarno.ned her' h:bsband at Stratford Police Court, Lon- clon, England, for .persistent cruelty, may best be judged from thefollowing time table of the said husband's doings on Sept. 24, as related by the 'wiles - 1.30 a.m.-Caugh.t her by the neck and flung her to the floor. 10 a.m.-Thumped her on the hertil with his fists and threatened her with a saucepan. 11. a.m.-Scratched her and said, "Now Fll do you in." 11,10 -11.50 -Short' interval for sleep. 12 noon -Threw her down again and again; threatened her with a knife and again said, "I'll do you in." Previou,s to this the woman had had the following articles thrown at her: -- Pail of water. Chopper. Jug ditto, . • • - • Stones . Loaves of bread, COntiritling her. story, NIrs. Clements said she had botil assaulted fifty limos in the. last six monft.s. She hail 144111P av, ay from her husband once, lapt. h. teg.-ged her to return. • She dld sn,• and within twenty-four hours her had fell- ed her to the ground. 'rhe husband !lieu gave his versinn •,1 the family disagreement said he i1Tt1 his wife got es very well 'milli kther5came between them It was his wifo's mother and a young '(If 11 Whet come there as a servant; 'there had teen no Pruetty whatever; it was alt .a pack orf lies. He was quite willing to he Noma over for her. ' The.. bench sitijoarned the ease. for a' week le hear other witnesses.- •-• • • • If your chilli:eel noian and are rest- less during ..steep; coupled. when make. with a loss of appetite, pale esitOnteraro:e, p1 kr' of the ni.scs also you !nay depend upon it that the pri- mary cause •if She testilsle is worms. 'sfettier (hosts' Werm Esterminator efs feetoey retrieves !hese pests,: et Onc..., 'relieving. the 'little suffuses. ' , knew- the Bartonci kept n donkey. Hew kaig have they hail one 'Se:. ever sitiee. I tirs'.e.ibeen staying. with. them !" . • • A LITTLE QTTET is the best of all diet, yet it will out Make h mo -ami muscle but "Ferro -lint • istil Try., it. - AU drug wid general stores. $1 - • :"Mn ry !"yelled the Fort, 'why dsn't. you keep Shill kid quiet? ..SS•loiltsthe - matter with him. anyway ?" "I'm -sure 1 di, n't• knew: replied his patioot wife; "I'm singing 'one. of your lullabiesi to the little darllogol • • - Antiifor.sienptive. Svrop• agreeable to the ttl.Sfe..,-arld Ls n ostruri fer irritation of the threat that causes harking coughs:ft tisSif ac- crihrig li oliessit Sins it will. -break' the must /.4` r-istent find rostere the ir passagss to their 'riot -mai healthy condition. Thi re- is net. need- to room_ mend it to th ,Se. ratitiliar 11.1th It, but. those who see% a 'sure reinedji and n r th dult whitt to use, tho adsice --try II:chic's Syrup. •, • , • - ' • ...... . %That it is What it does • ' • • ' . , . • . • • -• ••••.' What we do BRICK'S TASTi:11LESS " _ .. • It is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of pure Cod Liver Oil without the nauseous grease, combined with Phosphorus in the form of the Compound Syrup of Hypophoa- phites, nutritious Extract of Malt and the Flta:id Extract of Wild Cherry Bark. • It will promptly relieve, and if its use is con- tinued, permanently cure chronic bronchitis, all pulmonary affections, croup, hoarseness, nerve:on disorders due to an exhausted condition of the system, prostration following fevers, debility at change of life, or constitutional weakness at any. age, and all blood disorders. REGISTrErD We positively guarantee "Prick's Tastelesti° to do exactly what we claim it will do as printed on the label of the bottle, or any advertising matter, and every druggist who sells "Brick's Tasteless" is authorized to refund to his custom- er the full purcha,e nriee ir ..ete. -bottle doe, not show a declieol iimpisoeosent, which improve- ment will result in.a complete cure if additional bottles are taken.- • .•• . . We therefore request • you to try a bottle of "Brick's Tasteiess" on our recommendation, and if no improvement is shown after taking jt, return the empty bottle to the druggist from whom you • . •• purchased it and he will refund your money. • Can we be fairer ? . . • Two Sizes -8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 Isoto • '' - • ,•-•-•"" , •-• 4.tst,t7.-• *WITH • Power,- --Heat, ,Electric to• Lease for a Tcrrn •of Years. Central location About ten thourand square feet in four floors and basement. Excellent chilli) n, facilities Standard Fire )prinkier System. Low insuranco rate., MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adolaido St. -Wort, Toronto • s• CISNITS WANTED.. MAKE MONLY.- t tilr!tt, so' ito2 s • 1h., ••••••II beLthoUt dipping in ink. Satspiet.iu cent.% sort Bit. 'r-'tls Vu.le pruraturai free, 11.j4PRELL t R Auburn, N.V. t).? -:7,1,.!% • 4 -CLEANING W"Ati LADIES' • --"` • kW ITS 0.°11.4. Ole b. 40,s porftbetty by ow Pr•ebab Prom* Try * seines AtilitiaAJI OVUM. CO. 111107CTRZ&J• 701uSTU. OTTAW• a quango, !Tory Wain tr:sisorosavt sad 1210G1•1 112w 11.bablib Ube isostlartztl • • • . A FEAT IN F. ASTIV:. • •• • • • ' ' . . .. . • . . .. . so ..• A - recent-iissim of the Aberdeen .Ev izig Gazette contains a.refereince to the reel- of endurance. Altofasting. man, .M.• V.clor fienute. was at that lime attempt - it and .n•pparently with Some.gedpro . sped of sureess.. The netiee iroadis: Al-. Inough he ffsl. Peaute) has now . LC' ill enele.sed in . his plass .pr.son. at 111171 - hr's ...Wit vo S-1, , Cooree St reel; •ifir--t% "dilys, M. Vic:or. Theauto is stiiialive and hearty. alth.tugh he Ints .sul•si.Sted the whole of this thne: on: ellier i.4tdawater (1t pia in .. wa ter • lo . the ;sNItql1 ',-f about one- pint, daily. and .a-.4., iiple of cigar- .ettes' per day: Throughoutthe ordeal M Wattle hasheersalwsys cheerful end ever ready to disress any-siihjeet. be: sicle_s trarel.acting :his -'icvn correspond- ence and keeping hiinself well •in time) witti thO various' • 'epics of the world. Naturally he has 'had .eurious expels- ei•ceS since-. he has -been coop(4iip in Aberdeen.. Audiences. which 'have aver- aged some 2800 dally,..have_differrnt nitectls: aitoording tn.. thi-r va vied. t elti- ;.,...raments. A fairly large prop,titli;_m of the visitors to the musymit have 1:3•.)t lfc'sitnted -to say that Lhe Whole thing s•.a efnke," and some of their argu- ments for ibis npinidii are to Soy the least, nrnits'ng..As. a- matt r •-tt fit -the rove wasting of a stroiv, toalin,s matt ..t.•4. fir CNIC1,1, of over two si olio in. fear weeks (night to Corivin;Fte' Iiiti iric.istscep- tical among .the audience that there is somethin;-.., in. it. If thi5 wer.t not re- ntiired, a ghinco _ et the . photographs v...uld tell .th(.. same , tali,: The frt..)S1 dangerous part. of 11' wirei1.-..1 perft.e.ro_ ;ince lakes pltate on N!.,tntley iik,tit id the Northe-n•i1;111,'wl.fen'ld. Ileaulo will break his fst in the prostmee of any vb..) carp t ...1 aill'ild. TS, bac: Tor:Seeds. oi cr. two ev..45. •t.ff N•aritons .51"ge's.'-i•••f ;int. nt. foodsand is, rather amused, at ele Inisli •-)f the merchants -.Pt ilio.sithe of tvivertiseirIPIVT His first, -meals how - over. v.111 ttikt; Ihr t:,rili or n nip ,nt 11' -i - \TN and a hissulli \Ir. James 7.1/4teern.s.• err lesal Swinnelpg.ellompiois, acced- -et! t•n Nt. Fleiiiiir's request to lie present 4t.1 iniiniii:s:er the stimulant:" . .• • . . • .._.._._„:, , . , .., •, • . "Torinny." .sniel llit.: ' .•-tting mrtn' to his r•rosnee'lve brother-in-11waged five, "-, 11! v•rtu Ise .5orry when 1 marry V!11r .:..:-!.1,;?" „ "Ye.- 111'.,.V.'el'eti. the little Id - low -"Lt to sorry for you!" it Virtor Beanie StilstS on Plain \cater and Cigarettes. "Listen • OS) 'this.. • Maria," 'ssid Mr Slulib, as 110 unfolded his scientific pa - tiers "This article slates' that in serne ell liornao prisainsthat have teen ...10- oSsisoithey found the petrified rereauts 'of the prisoners:- "Ciraciou.s: ROM.," re- plied 'Mrs.. Stublis. with a smile,. "I sup- pose • you.; would call them hardened critninols. . • • ITCH. Nlangs Prairie Scratches and (Very f••1 ni of to nagietis fish 4:01 human oi animals cured !n 30 minutes hy WOO. ferd".s Sanitary': Isstion. •It neer falls. Sete' by all druggists. . . •,'TAUGIIT HIM A LESSON. • •. Youngchm eist's assistant. Who had heard the story of thetnekno wlc iisked tiNh.err„riored court -pie stri• find was 071 tiazIt hy the olttervaril shopinan, itti,ced the incident a \vitv in Itis mental sie,reico,ist$ and decided 16 use it at th;'.•. first •" After nt ny itiontlic of \vrtitinitis ep- lososoly mons o'ilen it yeung negre:.:s 01.1:, 'day V.•1116:(1 itrtU `..ViliTU he vis eillilkiYod- • -. • . :• • .. coill-PlriAahi'! Mit? said.. • • . • '\V1 -rt einlor?" inquired the youtli. t"FleAt eolith. sail." • ltecr' hank I he -woman ri.•psaCket: somi...00sss \VW": a liofi flint .t.,oit•ctriitiloiN.- ,N,V+IS un- WIlt.'11 She 11<ttl• LI the cote- of the confer:1.A% guess y0' flitIS.•11 niiStinderstocal melt erdah. Ali asked fob fli•sh citlalt ail' .givou'rne.s.kin eolith." _ Ttif: y61111.11. man 15 still 1r little 4fazr•f*, fe...tit tile eller mrter. and Ito Ttri firmly In •:•111,11.......t. Vi•ry.JI itt trieS1 laberstery test, hereafter Lefore ANY STORE Th. right laysels Eire -risk. bssts;ti5ss •oy itissnor.. is &quits and lam altuom "forever. Such • mime is east;Y pia sp, and costs no more &an common kinds Leon' the hoz about . PEDLAR A STEEL .CEILINGS Mere thee 2.0CiMesigaa. suilabie for every Societwo41 in eocal varlet, to match. Let us seect p -is a bcok that telh the whole story of tea �iia that IFIOW1 DO mann. Achim.-- 211 The PEDLAR People ,fg Oshawa Ilortirssl Ottawa Tnrszto fortdotiNTinnipsg ---- • -- "I was going. to 'ask you for a. neW lonnet,- dear," said the loving wife.'"but• wolct because I see you cant afford it ". "Wee did you find outthat, dear?" a' -ked her 'husband. "Well."..lhe. lads. re- plied, "1 toek.a• look into your cheque- book this mot -1141.g. and I saw you had . only 4:41.! cheque left." - • •". " • .s -ssoo:Soossi :so We Guarantee to cure yovi cough or cold •.-:No "ifs" or "buts" a . • straight statement-Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough • • cr cold and do it quicker 'Chan anything you ever tried, or your druggist 'will return the purchase • price. Get a bottle to -day, .. • and cur,: that cough or cold. Shiloh's cures colds and coughs Alit icor d^errat for lr b eaunq aut;r:•., the . 111.• R V E 1., exeert no 'other, but send stamp for fliired 1,,0X.--ssiiled.. It (see ps.ruou'ors and dim:Cons in - volt -v.1.4 .1, ;tell,. wovoson orietsv CO. Windsor. Oat. (iesieral Pasoan; tor Canada INIACHINERC FOR ELLE, . I ' - DYNAMO .. ... 300 lights, first-class order. Will be sold ..... cheap and nmit be gotten out of the way owing to 600 -light mactihie taking, its' place. So Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, .Toronto. • •• _ -s- ... . FAN BLOWER .'. ...• Buffalo make, number t. ,or, 9 -inch siren tical discharge, 24 ne' .A high'', perfect condition. Superintendent, Truth •DiAlici• Wg, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. NEW YORK 51°P AT ... THE NEW FIREPROOF • • . • HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Ave. arii 31ih St. 300, FEET WEST OF •BROADWAY, Nlaximurn ut Lux.,iry at Minimum Cost • • -:Shiloh's Cure is.a safe and sure . cough and cold medicine for children: It has been effecting. • cures for 34 years. All drug- . 'gists -25c., 5oc., and Seco. sitoss-s•asoliteofi crtrtftiblo Qiiiet M11{1 re!: ant. Within Firs 1,7704: ,rrli'pt it !:11,111,4 nil,' clubs. Ncv Dutch 15 n- 1,,triis .1 In 1 ity. rable tars liotel 7 WI rt.iilroalg, Ettroperth• Plan, 01 per day withaut bath, day hatth. mitre $3.110 upward Solid. for Booklet. .5TEslesS Sc Elk"r4,•-ye . 6 - •1••••••Ii4 • IP **i++++++++++++.++ ++++++++++4-++++-+++44-1-+ + !dazed by his strange disreYrrY. "Yen have been staying at the Dorian Hotel?" "Yes." • "With your daughter, Mias Vivienne 6nunt Mr. Gaunt Warta(' to his feet. "Yes, but .good heavens;•what of her? where is she? What has happened to her?" "I must b.eg ycii to be calm," said Gor- den quickly, !lightened by the sudden change in his companion's face. • . Mr. Gaunt. with an effort., clenched his hands; which, indeed, had extended themselves perilo.sly near to (enic:at thrleat. but hia eyes remained fierce and. blaodshet. and 'he red Ilu.sh which hed risen to his brow at the mention cf li daughter's name still remained. • + + +-++++++++++ , 4+++++++++++++++++ "Be (Alm? I will be calnaa be ++ saido"but my daughter, for God's aake, •' . GHAPTEll XIII. -(Continued). taken all his titite• and some luck ta get telt me about ttly daughter !" the better of \alio had swung hi, a about "Year daughter Is safe " At the first cellar he lighted a match, 1).11 the unknown had alrendy 1 1- '•••;:,'-;--,:sont. At the worn 5 theough.- the archway, • aa a • te,4 g und warned hi 1ar the (same thing ocaurred again; Et I Ki a! the third. However quietly (tendon rThrtved, tha matches took, semi° tinted° 1..e.d light and to throw their light around: :•• •;:aend .although he sevei-al tcs altnost -7.2:ta1ght sight. of the figure he pursteal. :. .... either his vcsta went out in the swilt ' • rush he made, or the etfort.s he tise.1 to • keep • it, alight caused him lc be too slow ••••tc gain on his active gaarry. . "alias won't do,'' thought the hrro of ''-:'•'. Pothville, with a grim sinileal "1 must .try something a hale slimmer than •-.... • this. That fellow simply watches. for rne. .•-.. ,. Ic light up and then disapprars. .•• " • • • ' Ile Oansideied for a nc,ritent, and. .., ...„-•.: thoa teok half a dozen inale.11•.'s from lib . . pecket. Ile could hear a heavy. Meath - e' nig from the nexE eeller, and. /seemed de.... 'alniost to feel the tension et his hidden , 1e...quarry's ini.si.a. IS be st.w.d there in :.• • Ili-) darkliess, blowing quickly, but ,- , ;,•• probably on tip -toe to spring away at ttie . :see first faint glimmer. of Gordon's: match. a.:-.• - -.George made his way into the furthes ..• earner at the side of the archway,- and . as placed the six matshes in a chain -on ':„•.,• tr.e.graund, head ant tail together. Then • took off his aoois and tialtaned up his -7,.. Coat.- For ono manieue ho listened a .l.-segatn: hut it was evident that hat quarry .a... , had not snowed, and was waiting ex- .' aftly •around the corner at the apposre . - 7 - ..• Sid., of the wall -1,4‘the iri..enway. "fli. ... Axon t be able to seo rhe," thought Dor - ..dn. "but he'll see the•Ilarae." He struck a light and put it tai the head se .of the first match af. the chain. There _ :woe no drai-gbt its the cellar. and it Win; .e- • eenaeatly certain that the (theta 'would sa.:. 'turn ilself out, and give taudan lime L. carry out his plan. 1 hen..aoftly and - sitently .he stole from. the cellar, .teek e. • the way he had come, Creeping along by ...... i' the wall out of .sight of the unkreavne • d and leaving the ligta buraing calmly behind him. ' • , • .: .. "If 1, am not mistaken:hell watgla that ...a light Until I gectanind the other Waya" ..d' . thought Gordon, rubbing his bands as he -, 7 ."gio! safety through the tie,20 arciaway, - ..-"and then there'll bid a -.tti4de."-' .. a : a: - He was rght. He crept aoftty on hcs ale-. ney _ hock around tient:anti the base- . -.e. meta. until at la.at a ,glimint•r of „light in -e the distereo warned hilin that he was .. .• getting "warn." as the children. say. _ . • Creeping ,gently .on.- „heading bie breath. and with .a skill bern *if king , . practice, Gearge passed thniagh 'the last ' 4 arehway into the eettarealiere the an - known watehed. Before limialn the light , .4-r his:little( chain at matelea. which :dill - burned brightly.. he saw . the ari-bway tsrourtd the corner of whichtle i 1 N ti taken ' off hisboots, and near him', in the dark. eat shadow, yet still -plainly visilette new • that ha was between Goii•geeind the a light, .crOucheal the mysteriaus anhabi- • tont of the licaise., . .., ... ... • -7. Oe<irge braced his muscles far the • sewing.. yet even - while lie did •sa, he .could not help casting a ratheremaieua ' ' -glance atahis • future .Iv'Nary figure. Even in the darkness of -the cellar Ite eauld see that the -man %visa hug !ind. burly'. a fellow, probably if six feetaetie ce two. and broad in .pruportian; Hull • as he crouched there in silence.'motion- less, but. so evidently ready for a sat -r- eprise, •• George lett thal jib' ;11'lliggie. walk' be no child's play,. and that it NN'il '; 'quite possible that in. the .,-i•ntla the liallerman Might turn out ta lea the • belied. • • I .• • Ile 'stole reviver(' another .stop or two ( eted then, even whilea audiam slart an the wateher's pert. kail bira that he Was . 'heard. he spring kpen him mid .:seized hie) by 'the throat. . ' Gardoll .Wris'' as we 11 rly'' "a hi. pft.r- licularly strmg. but he \\ ir.•-: n•ithing like th). weigtn or size of the" in -4n he at- lacltedoimil for a moment he feund tam.- st'lf beteg flung -Italia the collar tie a hull de.g in the eld daye inlaid hate bt'ell thing alaut gripping tlit• nose (rl r. a, par- tietilurly fereoious bell: Aga like the bull dog, he had no idea •if letting pi. and a aet•y• good idea of what in do' a lien •his chntice came; and after asbart time the aspeset, at the sti•liggle commenced to I iord(111.8 spring had been a forlidiate .one. Ile had taken his after:eery by ale -prise; and in seizing tam. he Mid ctseded in getting au excellent grad one of hie lionds Nang inside the. strung -ea; cx.ilor. 11111.1. the other liol•ling fulfilv to if his lie. \\*hen the big num first 1-)tga11 p ilkeover.itiiii. he ,,,,i,id lint throw rk.1,- .30" n,,,,y, •he kik., .emoluenc,A1 iu Lind 0,71 11110 he a n s su fawa I in g. 1 IP 1'1,- il14411 J'iM ' his illorl,,' swligii4.! (tor -don •elifirmy : 11 Iti- le1,4. And hath'i-ifig the 11.., wah....itis sprawling lody. 4.411 .0\T" while •Ile )trtiggled. his trenla ' came itli,kei- rind mow •lien‘ily: he gleaned ne; pl), and okatidoniy, hi, li:g, gbilig s -n,\ iltHet: hill): . he :-.111T"11 14, OK' gron),I. I ;,•rdoli WI). '114,11 hhil .1,fie 0 iht•il iii_.,ii iiirig. pri,:i:. w en 'ow ii I eller. grip ,•• thi- time. and Making a.ftio,1- ..ilece-4.4fill te, •,.1 iii.,11100:., rind 111. hig 711877 !.;',1 - IV : .:-. c!1 iotupletely. -.) • i are I. good for me,- lie --•iid, 4 , 1.,4,11 11,..-inCed. lie- hail won his vi,i.y. \\ 1,)1 wa-4 li•- to 41.) with it. fle oii fes.11•1) 'rittlf silting in a dark' cellar m."111 1..), thes1 of a man whom It had as if he had bee; an Indian club, and "wheree" • who would doublicsa alo ao again, if he. Gordon hesitated. Where iedoed was Garden, let go for the time necessearY "a she and want could he ;say to her lind a match and strike it; for the little I. tether which mild eoinfort hirn ? chitin had long ago cone cut, or been "Where al; she? 'Where is Navies/net" reiterated' Gaunt. talinguishett by Gotsam's flying body. He posaleraal but even while he did et. his aill:ersary.catn-e to his assitatinee. "Do you me ind etting off my cheat," "Lit your. hotise?" . . ta• saHd. "11 yoa d'onl. I think I shall be "Yea, an my Mabee and perfectly safe, sick. .1 am not :ea young as I was. and a z she ia now in all probaaility-but-" Mb little rough •and tumble has made Mt' remember that feet; .1-ses.des your Lancia 'are a taifle sharp." .The tone wns that of a gentleman; and t[. or. it untia it .wlis toe:, Ulla: alte had gone. G: 1..len Saw ViS eilt1UCC: . I PI! Slily, I .bav.e 'ter letter here in iny a< cket." ceistitpuel . Gordon. suddenly "Cerlaitela it yau will give, your Word." . . • remembering, "Read a; •it will tell•you la. said quickly. • - • all that I know leytelf." • "I give ildwiti all the•.breath you hare Gaunt read tha !eller which Gordon ii;la. rue," ratutned las. adverattay • with a ' lagiihei to lian. •etel renialned for a 'sigh ad relief; and. Gordan, springing to triern•erat in thought. Then he •Lurned .ta.. hi a leet, lighted up the aeene. • . . 'There's a bit of car.dle Over thrre on ".Still. or (:etirs.e. I don't understimi," the barrel." • eardintatil the big man, he •stilq.• ---Nx..ill ..yri kindly ey;plain!" silting up caudously. "I bkav it out "I. niusl; I Supnose," °anion reaurned. when I heard you walking_ about •up- "My E.:14.11.y. is; 6 staangeaonta but you alairs.. - What. Ed roil I -was nat. to .lock na..-it. believe it ocieurred exnctly. AS 1 tell t that cellar dear. I IrKlygitt 1 could hid it. On Wednesday la.el, in the evening. 11" . - _ . I had been .dining with a friend. After "Sa did I for along time." returned, ittnitar I found tursell in. Regent Street Gardott. "but, thanks.; rit Certainly try ott illY wPY-tletne." . _ . . . that -candle; matches are Unsatisfactory •..:.Iglel,a1.1eglezele-!4paatree.d ril.'"eri' r a%certain 'Louse things at best." . . • • ta .strike a match. Aa I we -a doing „so. • ,Ite so.)n discovered the article he was - something fetron eity shoulder front 'a . In seareh of- dI was. stuck in an empaa. ter 1,4•!.c, le among theadebris of the I , faad; and. lighting it, he turned hack to ate stranger. .. , . "Till • this warning she was In my house."' .. • . . es., yes; go : "tail. to- he frank: •WiLh••yeei. she left thf•ls morning, early; we knew nothing this murder! You Wok surprised; if is in; daughter. I speak of, yes, but 1 am putting the matter ta you plainly;what were your reasons?" "I did nut think her guilty," said Gor- don. quickly, "1 did not believe that she bait anything to do with the crime. I could not believe her a inurdereas thoegh-though she called herself one." "Ab, site calted herself cne "In that tuo nent, yes. Sliattered in nerves, hysterical, frightened, she utter - el some wild words which I would not liaten to. I dal not believe them. • I do not believe them. I determined to save tar frant herself, from a possible -repeti- tion of an hystetical -outburst, and I will save her yet. I need not tell Ica how impossible I know the accusation 1.3 be. She) could not have committed that crime -she did not; and-" • • "She did," said Gaunt. "Good Ged ! What do you say?" • Gaunt bowed his laleal to his breast, awl far a moinent haVioiee trembled so that he could not utter the words he vas:lied. "Sae did it." ha said, at last. "My God, yes, she killed him I" (To bo cantinued). te 4. !•++++++++++++++++++.+++ Moat Ma Farm - tt++++++++++44++44'+++4+ WEEDS ON TfIE FARM. • In polluter language, any homely ptant wh.di is not noticoable ea- the haall'Y-91- its flowers, not entited to re• • &ain't ay a repulatam for medicinal or ether userul spailtlies is designaled by the eeithet weed. In an 'agricultural aertese the term is used with a more re- strieted meaning ard is -applied to those intru.eive e71,11 'unwelcome plants that will in gnawing where they are not weriled-in..short, the' best defini- lain. that has yet been naVen of a weed is th•rold lane, •"a plant -out -of place." ‘,..naloweatalee. It etas a- silver pin; the . Ntost <I the weeds traublesame in our aeritatautie are immigrants .either from ItInd- of ornament it lady wawa in her hair. • I guessed the aouae from viihich ' :•• ,)11 weld. or the wanner parhona the thine.) had tall(?n„ and w.ith the inten- 4inf..iti.lIgnocU'rlatift.einaiti.trIonheuni31.41)ymbrtliratc:tarienen4sl- otiltfr.neall4rloai 0.t..eninylesnresia. ,,Ip.arnictotta..- weeds 's ' As the aborigines (Iliappeared • wil'h i. For.a moment the two men rernairicd , tiw, of returning it. I went into tb, !louse tailent.• peering _at one.onotteer by' tad arid upstaira: ft lioppiwed that !tie iteetr flight lif the candle, which a as beltr• atone of Itie flats aboved-the one wheat... 'certainly, •than Gandonts veatns; hut 1. tmagine,d the lan ta 11aetaasena...‘ele openand half earelesaaty.. hardly think- the advance of !ha whits. so dO the- m:, what I did. I .walketi inside; I Taney r„itive..planta gerieraily-.yteld ther nos- --:-, I may be wrongaalhat you know what raesesem as cultivation extends. • and lie Winch.. • neverthelesio. did rot- rroke _a velar brilliant ahow in the gioont4of the - - Cordon looked at his tali- rOveriary with an eagerness and c-tirOsily which Hutt: worthy returned with Oersted. Ile WaS.as George had seen. a w•ry iiig.rnan ot elweedir,gly powerful phy•iiqi.e); but hi wii' probably -getting Oit for fOrly- five or forty-six; and the curve whi.re his waist fshould have been. V bile. 11, tOtti of woad living. and sease. al. i_exptauned te Gorden the reason kir W.4 .blidtl,'n rottap.se. Ile had a bend -erne,. goo+, humored face. • theugh( now ire •gaztal rat -he-. ruefully about him; and tioarge saidaletita; faragenue -uireapleincal cetiate tea tatnaelf •takingsquile a -feeley to hint. stroOk leis head as. Ce ergs( a•g.. pr9achtl.i..I., "1 don't. undersOand ir•'• lie .).!).id.- "Fought to hare. wiptd the. flo‘r willt .Y4[4. -Wh-Y., Yoll•anIt't watalb. niort than twelve sante, at most." . • e "Yon did wade the tier with said George: laughing, "and 1.4/1110 uf the a ;ills as. • • "Yes, hut ycar nearly chok..:•.I thait int/amid hold of yeurs; one of- yotir beastly politc tricks:, 1 suppease." : "Pot ice ?" • .... • 'Well, detective, if you are so. rar- ticultia. You're a -deka-bre, 1 &tiara -be, ar•en't you?". - Garden atnileil.. This enia Itte sea'atid 7yrei7s74,11,•within a t•ory stairwaia, he lind t,vfl talaert a member. tho lattice fon'et: and 111e .eoincidrn'ap, leading' him bort: •ta 'the liegent Street .111.1. -arid •the, beautiful girl futd first seen lherti; Made him 'star'', suddenly. and for a moment gasp in amazement sn.,.saeraligla and-an(I eacited. in the :a. he attired at the big man who sat up, end; in aoloa .ie 'what might watAied. hint_ from the t1 or. "Ian not a tietc•clive," tat seid nt last. must haw met my sight rs paased 'dawn the an..-aegeant that flat." . flaunt was staring nt Gordon with a terrible excitement- whitening hils face. !Go on." he said, thickly. "There was' ad'ad -h•dy upon the floor in one of the rooms, the body of a murdered -hien.. By it sat a young girl -a "By it sat a yatinr girl?" 'repeated . . :mako-rity,•of the plants to WWI iiking the -roadsides and upon farm; are miturafzeil strarigers,.atitielalaraleaar 1.e,•quite at hontr..nriti are Latta- undee cantrea. with -.difficulty, •• • -. ..• The lab. -the agriculturist are n constant struggle; on the hand, tg.. 'crop ling Die- miist • favorable conditions pi se blew h.• ralea teeee niake et.); talat pleats graw and. produce la. their- ut- raoet .cat)a.eity; wattle on the .athen hand - Doubt% ninazement and', horror.express- tie. has. -to.:preyeni if* grawth-'of certain. "ed tfieniseivea N ividly upon Mr. baunthe other pleats which . are _always. ready fere, and' he gassed his hand nenisa hie hi avail _themselves. of these -favocatile. 1( n•rietal as -if to. wipe away the. ' • •ittien which rathered. there "GoOd • 'I tie frriter. La friaeeested twa A A1 t11.% said. "And no 'one else ?•.- ••• • .tearteerniont !low they get intu • "No one, but the deed man. Whet ht 'butts and how la get them atit.• S -ho It Id • 11t1 -3.V.. been?"' • resat...abort' is. all - man) •• • art egig1.1. J. efeiniee ii.rteett on If the farmer know.s sa'rred . wi lama el the- nature and character of 'girl -Miss • Gaunt, .<,f 4aiursie-wa's •• • "ittlt."6-14 71.1;91:i 3."4irgthe..ird'.11.,inutcs:Celf..s.r. wi ty°1c11:,:ritrilei5len tI nerved, pc:isIrtited; overWItInted she• ((77 '1.1 and etaia PlItita from graying. t cell do so all the !setter if he kuutaa vvidowly 'been expecting every..mo- what are the...eseeillia.r . habits of panaa wawa coma and With he Ilea le oi,ntend. /mut- te, diesievered thrrT; that cyvry .diseov:er „body. She rnistwok one for alai i1 ellite insperlant to. be renal- 4eal of thern ;alien a came .strahgely me with the monner•of growth ' and the intO ro••111 'where she sat._ • I, wiLs, ant& `of peopagation.,af. a .weed as. it _niyeallatelon 'by .surprista and sttirtted; ia 'at le with Ihnt If •a useful Want. A lhe thine \vas: isa strange., so eafraardi- plant which spread:: Pala' entirely.by the iiiirea lea .1. strateeded• epnvincitig Thlfst,„.or differenly etas !humt that-tnett meent her well. treated •freni aitie !leaf rtairinlieS by the •Wsr.1.4. • tE,y4nrc..r, as 1 aaid, terribly mot eldie whether We waiild prodagite ed-dastray. 01., a re aintroduced Upon ft farrn in viiriety .of -ways. -Ninny head their at -ads With 11 P.SP. 4") r cro pa; this is pert!' -Marla the caw where .the seeds ▪ the weeds tual of the grain lire so n early :alike in sled- •Ihnle their saoarp- tinn is difficult. 'healer care in pronte- insa and pre:eery:11g el:elm...geed_ will erten' tiziN't,' 717 11C:1 !Wore trelible and VeXation. The abserving farmer will.notiee the Ittettlyi whlala rehiryl. tins provided far the seattering of setala aril he will fin& that the /east perniciotai weeds seem to nurse 14.. wnlell her.. She wasgetting have, Iseen"espeiiflv finnishZel Witl. nadrivetnees to fneitilate their diaper-. Tlie•burdeclea hounds-tongee ae.1 (aliens hate; barbs Or hooks .iey whieh they mithere le clothing and the ()eats or anima1s. end inc. widely distributed. by this agency. •Alt. of the thianos and ntany other..; of •the same •fnmily have. taft fin -e. hail- attached to [lie seed hy tvhlch lticy are buoyed _upon lin) 'air .11811 wafted (10771 place 14) place. Se, numerae te; ra 1110 -wnys by avaleh seals are dispereed that hoa•ever care- tul 1118y he :pan hisownalre- mises, n slovenly and negkettful neigh - bar 11113. cause him .anneynnee. by furni.shing him ...with an abun.drint supply. The vilty of seeds parlicultn•ly _if buried in the earth. batiow the reach of 10 itte..ne a's which•iprour.ole genuine t t 8, s4nne cases endiwes through many. yr nes; heeee. an old field after d.eap plawing lima fterra large erop of weeds frami the :twits Ihus brought to the sur- ayaats eallea -haveeaen eat. ,•1, pulled rifler they hew) flowered shauld ) enter 'h Lied he .1114-ov:i on the mamma heap, for (el•a•ouse; ynti and a:murdered 'ea \all Ireguently ripen Much of their men; there is a .girl sitting by the tardy. i a girl who. expects Ihnt Pvery moment, t he police wi" wriught. f 4n.t nothing: she1)85md moved, or scream, ed or called for help -yet aan Inee arta • gtil to your benne; you say 17j e erg:. Ity watt cizianal 8 141 perennial weeds. :44,wly. *Tin. hogiiing. at an. to do with .ila• police." • "Nol ?" ;seal the lag man quickly. "'Janet what the.devil were you kneel:- ing 1110 ttbant for? But you ineasame? .yeat' (.! it be,r,are? Therts'.-; siirn.etning 11. yoti know. or you wouldn't lie here." . • "1. b,as,erl'1, seen yea • beforean Id Girdotia at lest, amt. Ly heaven -1. I be- lieve SC.C7t stittexitan very like you. There's. a turnof the eyelid ne.od h. do, I. petal:acted; fianoet forced her te, c'•,(•In.141.);(). I 4.-11" nie to my 114tfusPs plad 113.-iin ce-chaege iny 0141 nurse. the lest ereelure in the world.. I truated :Ind she ttedial have. ,reeovered more or leas (rem the .fourful shock shis ni'tvts-experiolVS.,dily-tlie•timehiat I:wasting (nine, and that she could •then (-beetle what was lost for her to do. Utiforlimately,, sh..• witi taken serious!): jil .my doctor, wham... I sent for, onleeed ..her to keen to 11 tr bed -indeed. • -awl it was nee,e.ssary 1 tind a trained I.It'd . • et:atter . ... tier ... . oration -zed.' hotter; sale Would have peabably leen . "Caller ?. her? \\alai the deyn .414, you perfelly well by now; Ind .yestorday her Merin?" The hig man had struggle)]. to ea„ea,.eallea_a__,, .. his fael, and came to Gordon. • "\Ndial Niel. fiance at . e .. • ei.e.• ... e • .-. (141 y1)11 mean?" • "1 lim... flame, Me. L'ehei: he said he was, 91 yeally dont Ithow. what• 1, mean." a,... Ranee:, . said, (rdop, "unless your name is ."Uatter? Yes,. ofcobra(); he called,' (aunt." . did he?" "It Si Gaunt,. hilt. of inanao, you know Gordon's heart, which .had leaped an' it is. or you wouldn't be here." a menientasniik again. ' Garden located at him.. "What nn ex- ay, es b•s ['rime to 'my house,'' he con- „ traordinarf • thing," he said., slowlY• linuted. "Ilia 'visit did not have' the hi$t "hut 1 assure pot 1 had al, pas-ail:le' idea le-a:ea/a realm, se meet .61111,1 was r not 54.11 W01.0 or, until lu.st 1:111.s8econd, 'with afterwards, and this morning, that your name was Gnunt." •• early, ill as she stilt. was. she left my The, big man frowned anti looked an- hense auddenly; You see her note." grilly 'at hina for a. punnet)); then Ile Mr; Gaunt thought for a moment Or sl I rugged alas- shell lders 714.1 E,.nt dOWn tw.c), while needen •wareelea tarn aaanly, tiaairt on the gromell "Of catinse. "I had no dhouglit of this. no posail>le .thie un;fergreural existence is bad forsuspicion," murmured Gaunt, half to Itt wils.-lie amid. "I am a 'little dense, aansen, at ipngfh, ."whal Aid .h.jejnr, Then he turned •abrtipt!). lo Gordon. ".WIty did ycu lier to your raaise," he said . "Why didn't •you call. the' po- • "Gordon started. "Call the police?" Gaunt nodded. • "It would have been the most natural thing 16 do. snrPly. , (1471 ht but you must forgive me: tartlet -is 4iit wouldn't itand f.xplaining." lamaie iaok ne natic0. of the sarcasm underlying his Words. "First ofall let 111-) bee pea to helieve that Ina inten- tion -4' are nodling hut. friendly towards you.- he -Aid, ilount loc:4).11 al him keenI)) fer A moment, And then nodded. "I'll take your word.- he( ,aid.. resignedly. "I'm only too glad to. Eye given you mine, any case, .and so you can do what you ,like with ne." - "Then I will try to eXaplain," contin- ued Gordon, still feeling excessively S(4,4.1. Whlett Mil le nistrihuted when manueing the land. In all weeding it ie ea • theatereatest importenee that it should le tlene'ahefere the plants have re1 '''1. This sheath1 be regnraed fah-ectal;lakatda• -ree • • Je. The prolific' charaetea of some weed, ea' is astonishing; each head of an oraelaye daisy for instan.ce,, is net a sittple tatimaat but a collection of a great mew flowers, each one of which produces a seed; and as a .singie plant bears a great!' niany heads, the nuniter of seeds that; a single individual is capable _of sup -1 plying in a season is astonishing. Annual weeds are much more readily, kept in check than the perenials, which, eepetaally those multiplying extensiveir by their underground root stocks, often' become truly forinidable. In their casea not only has the propagation by seed; to be prevented, but the - underground shoots also, have to be 'kept down. it is very important that agriculturists should understand the way in which these plants grow that he may knew how to direct his efforts to control them. A perenaial weed like couch grass or tItt sow-thlatie is during th. early stage of its existence easily de- stroyed; but later in the season if makes sinang undergrourd stems and roots which have. greattenacity of life and .which have within them an aceurnulta lion of nourishment which enables theat tc, throw up 5.-•everal successive crop & of aerbaga; plowing such weeds generally. aggraaates the tremble, for, unless eiery fragment be removed from the ground, a thing very difficult to accomplish, each piece that is left' makes a separate plant. In the caee of weeds of,this de-. scription. the nece.ssily- for early cratti- rating theni is easily apparent, far if once well established, and an under- ereund prt)visian depot formed, the . farmer and the plant are in the' pc -st- abil of tesk.ger and Leastegted forces- ••• . as !nag as the piortsions hold out the latter 'cart maintain ita ground. It then becernes a question, af endurance. for _ the undergraitad supply must be even- tually exhauated in the attempt lo pro- duee new stems and Leaves. and if the farmer; by rz„,rsisiently cutting these • away. prevents any new actosion the s'oek <•f arayislans; the enemy must ••••:•-• at length stiecuinn: Iterated ceilings at sheet intervals,' will at length, ex- hateat the vitality of any plant. and eituse its death, The farmer wt11 do w..1/ to keep- In mind n.va ruloa.. •Do •not letaweeds, blas - sent ani do net •tet Mena breathe ;The leave; may be conaLlered the lungs 4-1 the plant- and' without "The cid of Lhasa it cannot long -maintain itself. J.:ea..: • CENTUI1V-LOMa TTIVIALRE ITENT . • Anolher Attrmpt -Mill Nla,te to Re- cover X1.875,008 from Hold of 'Ankle: • The news that. yo1 nnnthr alernpt is 11 be made to recover.the remainder of the gold from the held' afil.at.S. !Arline, re71111s. mernortes of one 411 1170 imst: trailed tt•tvasiire hunts of nwairrn times - •a leuell that has asset:ea-ea' on; - for - Cartatiterally over a ;hundred years. • .• .- 'The f.iLthe Sailed for. Ib,litvnd eta Oc- • ..loher Sib, 1799, liavl ! on hoard some Li.354),Oun in faith -on and, coined .trioney, : • • wherc.with., .1 pay the 11ngLh 1rbop.s ' then serving in the-"Lo*Countlies." and -a d- rat'. otber peep -nes. . sae had ,aeareely cliai•ett the lacawis when. a -ter•rific gale sprring. np,, and Iwonly-four atie foundered off .the island 4 1/ Terseliel- ling. Only, one rnerriter of the crew was saved, and he ilied.befora reaching Eng.. • altemptiaa authorizal, and unatithor- teed; were at once neade to get at Hie snnken treasure: -.tame of the' latter wore .undeubtedly -partially sticeeseful: :indeed, It was said • Ilial some .months .19e:swat-ea, English • guineas" were.: in eaaaele__. regular -eirculatian atrauntest the 'fisher- • _ men anil smugglers of .thal wild coast. . - There was ala a Sesdelt masteranarid„ 7)0!' 1171111,4 tiatred- aannderam.. who, unless - • .• rimer; _lies, sailed away watt C2a.000 weirth nf I•117'aga141,.1111er. a .5 bit I.k; the aerate <if tile wawa less 1177117'a week's . ,Iiiratien. lie cenaeeled an iron tatitir: lank luta 'a aiving-Liell, amIgutilizol. as • a. • ea air -pump a ainall hand flre-engine - he- hhti brought 'With lam • for • the nun, ." A Datch ealvage,eorapana. warleirig - . acientifie lines, alsei slaweeded in recov- ering .E10.aial. nI whieti sum 1:22,1112 wa.S handed over to. Lloyds. The der, .7.ovi•.».‘el1 1R59, was. likewise Sent le Lloyd's; and a table and a rhair. were fashioned from it for the uso of the ber.S: . since thtm several allempt),•have bezn made to salve the V,175.000 remaining, 1-t.t without sueee).444.- \k'helher the pre. sent one will fare better renins tO be seen. 13111. great conlIdenee.ia expres)rd •t itS•pre,1114.1i`r.S. Willi .artk relying plans cipally. on a navel kind of ,stalanerine bead, worked by coin-press:1'J air sidred itt lis in teriors • •. _ :" • . THE KILLEMS. . • 11 ltappene.1 that once a mtm ran past Socrates arnied wilia an axe. Ile was • 711 purauit. of anather who waa rtianiag • a. from hini at full si eod. • "Sroii him!. Slop lianathe pursuer ' • . creed. .,. --Plate's master did not mave. cried llte rtiail with tlie axe; ' • . ' ' ',es... • ise! a.: le • -a " "couldsa thou net have barred. his way? Ile is an "An assassin! \\hat man nst thou?" !!•I'lly not the , idiot! „All asatissin. Is iiruin. .what "A butchrr , adnirer' "Old foal! a num who "• • •• a;enoll hee manr "To he sue! A solde! al)omen wha aother 7)ne n times of Fne„ . • • • •"• sie)-the exenttianer." Mal east S. mart who kills an- et-- Other in his •home." 'Exactly -a •physiciena' - •-• ,• Upon which the mem with the nye •••'-'1: fled-nnd is running still. Bolter an ouhCa of oxample than a pound of advice. , LOCALISMS. !- =B, W. Wood was a city visit - or on Wednesday. —Miss Cornell is spending a week in. Toronto with her friend, ,Mrs. J. Kelly. —Mr. George Davidson, 'of Ash- -burn, visited with John and Mrs. Murkar on Sunday. — Dr. Henry will be here.as usu- • el next Tuesday' to attend to bis professional ditties. • —George Wilson has rented the Crawford dwelling recently vacat- ed bythe Misses Boone. —W. J. Reazin, we are pleased • to report, has greatly improved in health during the past weeks! — Misses Edna and Elma Smith, '. of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of their mother, here. i —W. acid Mrs. Boyes and -A. J. and Mrs. Boyes, of East Toronto, ' spent Sunday. with their relatives here. —The Ladies' Aid of St. And- rew's 'church met on Tuesday fternoon at the home of Mss. W. D. Gordon. —Miss. Lillian Hoar and Miss Maud..:; assin, of "lyrtl6, "spent • a • few days last week with Mrs. John Murkar. —W. Gordon has a gang of men busy this week putting a new roof on his factory and making other improvements. i'. —Mrs. B. W. Wood returned _ home on Wednesday last after spending a week with friends in :Toronto and -Hamilton. e. —Isaac Wise and son, Howard, • of Toronto, were here on Sunday attending the funeral of the forms :•er's sister, Mrs. Alex. Margach. _ .—Mr. M. G. Melvin, of Knox College. occupied- the pulpit in St. .Andrew's church on Sunday last and -preached two most forcible sermons. —The Misses Boone are tearing down their stable, north of D. Simpson and Co.'s store, and will erect a new and more convenient driving house, —George Richardson, who has been here fQr the past month vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Richard Parker, returned to his home in ..England on Wednesday last. —Miss Julia O'Leary, who has been visiting in Toronto - for sev- _ . eral weeks, spent a few days here 'during the past week, returning :to the city again on Tuesday. —In the last edition of the Sun- day World, a half -tone mut of Dr.' Field's beautiful residenee. in Neee Liskeard appears. The. ,urtrrr•e .1s .a beautiful . and reflects much crto the town. itis Reynolds, the Port ope barber, and his .Peterboro rival will engage in a 12 -hour .walking contest in - the Mutual street rink, Toronto. to -morrow. 'the winner to ' receive .. sixty • per '.cent of the _done receipts and the -loser forty er cent.. • —John Munroe, of W rodeo:, who sallow some thirty-five- years xi go. wa+j employed as a blacksmith with Jennings. then- conducting a • •-shop here, called on a. mintier of old friends on Saturday. He is _ now living retired in . Sarnia: where he owns eonsklerable real estate. —Mrs. Gee. A.' Gordon-, of-To- .ronto, and:nephew., nephew., Master. Gor- . don Ham, were in town a couple •cif days. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon are this week moving into their' own new house in thecity and are mov- ing the remainder of their _house- hold -effects from Pickering to their new quarters. , —On Saturday last while busily engaged getting- St: Andrew's' church ready for the Sunday ser- vice. Mrs. Rankin was startlers by the report of a gun, part of the contents of which passed through the door at the rear of the church as well as destroying the glass on the lamp ' in the church -yard. • Those handling firearms cannot exercise two fnuch care in their use. Mrs. Rankin had been at the said door only a, short time - pre- vious to the -shooting. • —It is with the deepest regret that we report the ddea tai of one of the oldest residents of the 'town- ship, Jane Wise, wife of Mr.'Alex.• -Margarch, at the age of 73 years .and 10 months. About' two weeks ago, -Mrs. Margalch went to To- ronto to undergo an' operation.. . but the shock was. greater than her -weakened condition could stand, • she gradually sank until death ended her sufferings on Thursday, Nov. i th, at the hone of her • friend,- Dr. Fraser. .Her funeral. which 'took place on Sunday at 2 p. me to the' Friends' cel aeteiy was • largely 'attended. The de- - was a life-long resident of - Pickering, having been born 'South of the village, near- the lake 'shore. For a number of •years she has been- in very poor health, and much of the time for • the past year has been confined to her bed. She had four of a fami- ly: Bain, wlro resides in the States Nelson Be at home, Etta (Mrs. McDonald), and Fred, the last two having died several years ago. • She is also survived by two brothers, Isaac Wise. of Toron- to and John, of .Fatal -ton. —Alex. Gormley, of Toronto, was home over Sunday. -W. J. Gordon, of Toronto, vis- ited his father here this week. — Miss Ethel -Gordon is suffering from a slightattack of tonsilitis. —Born. —On Mouday, Nov. 11th the wife of Wallace Hall. of a son. —Miss Charlotte Taylor spent Saturday with relatives in the city. - —Mrs. H. Savage has been vis- iting friends in Toronto during the past week. —IW. H. Field, of Toronto, spent Monday with his parents, Juhn and Mrs. Field. —G. and Mrs. Jones, of Balsam, spent Monday with W. H. and Mrs. Crummier.. • —N. F. Mechin, of Oshawa, has rented the rooms above. D. Simp- son & Co's store. — John Holt, of Darliogton,•vis- itsd• at the home of his parents here over Sunday. —There will be a meeting of the - Fire Co. this -(Friday) evening in the town -hall at >; o'clock- A full 1 attendance is requested as import- aut business will come up tor dis- cussion. —Rol for "Xmas at Hume," England, Ireland, Scotland. any- where, everywhere. Choice all ocean lines and railway routes. See Stephenson opposite • P. 0., Whitby-, before travelling any- where.- *' —In our last issue the reference to the incident at the bay has of- fended some the citizens of that burg. We may say that no stig- ma was cast on the law-abiding residents of that place by the said item. —lin Q recent letter from a form- er resident of Pickering. Thomas Kem thorn;, he- states that he has purchased a homestead north of Swift Current, Sask., and in the spring will settle thereon for. life. He intends spending the winter in British Columbia, where he is • at present. . —The many friends of Miss: Betha Palmer, of Toronto, will re- gret to hear that she was taken suddenly -ill on Saturday last. She was taken to the hospital and at noon ou Monday had to undergo an operation for appendicitis. At last accounts she was doing as well as could be expected. We all hope for her speedy recovery. - —As we go to press a large num- ber have gone to- Mr. Melds sale east of the Pillage. • Mr. Rodd re- cently -purchased the generaletore --business of L. L. Rogers, of Dunbarton, and will take charge of the same immediately. Mr. Rogers has purchased a - summer hotel at Hayfield a summer' re- sort on. Lake Hururt, near God- erich. BROCK ROAD - Frank 'Humphrey lost a vain - able mare with infligeetioit. The Misses Taylor. of Scarboro Junction, are visiting at John Pei•cy's.' James Keyes lost a valuable cosi- last week. She choked -to death. with: -an .apple in in her throat. - Rev. -Robeson, of Greenwood, held a cottage prayer -meeting' last Friday evening at the home of W. H.'Jackson. - Mrs: ClarenceYoung- met with an accident while driving down the Brock Road just north of here. The horse stumbled and fell broad side breaking the shaft of the buggy, throwing Mrs. Young and her baby out. They escaped with a severe shaking up. ' MONGOLIA Mrs. Shirk visited at Markham. Peter Shirk had dinner at W. G. Reesor's. James Hamilton has a smiling face. It's a girl, • John Madill spent Sunday with W. Wideman. • George and Mrs Hewitt, of Toronto, visited friends here: • - • Edgar Shirk, of Altona, spent Sun- day at M. Reesor's. • • $arses Baker moved to the Reman farm a few days ago. Pigs hasp dropped from 10c a dozen to 0e a hundred this week. Mrs. Darley has returned home after visiting friends here. J. B. and Melville Turner. •spent a day at Markham recently. Miss Ramer, of Stonffville, ..spent a few -days at Mrs. Rennie's. Richard and :Mr: Tarr spent a few days with Toronto friends, • Frank Turner, of Green River, call- ed on his brother here recently. W. G. and Mrs. Reesor visited Mr. and Mrs. Baker a few days ago. • • Isaacc-Biunan has moved to Stouft- ville. We wi.,h him and his well. Mr. Brown, of Uxbridge, has "rented the Reesor farm and takes possession at once. ' Wellington Wideman has bought the farm on which he .lives from C. Wideman. • ' Ludwick Vanzant, of Allendale, hes returned home after spendingamointh with his son here. The wires are up for the Independ: ent telephone line through our town. Hurry along with the phones. Arthur and Mrs. Carruthers, of Vic- toria Square, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wellington Wideman of this place. Some of the Toronto people like to call around at this season of the year when apple butter and apple sauce are in bloom. Come again. Teecbers'_Convention .I The Annual Convention of the teachers of South Ontario held in the Pickering public school on Friday and Saturday was an unqualified success considered either lroin the point of at- tendance, interest shown, or the char- acter of the program given. After opening exercises. led by Rev. Bell, the. ,minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Ad- dresses of welcome were then given by B. Bunting and J. Murkar and respon- ded to by Mr. G. Hogarth, Principal of Whitby- Collegiate Institute, and Dr. Waugh, P. S. 1. The President, L. C. Smith, of Osh- awa•, then delivered his address choos- ing as his subject "Poetry" and dealt with it in a masterful way, quoting many extracts during his remarks. It is safe to say that no person could hear hire and not take a deeper inter- est ever afterward in this branch of literature. Ls the afternoon Col. Farewell ad- dressed -the teachers ou the importance of.payingsnore attention to local his- tory and stated that if teachers• but fulfilled their duty .better in this re- spect much interesting material might be gathered which would facilitate the writing of a correct Canadian History, ,vhic•h has as vet never been done. Miss C. Black then ,read a paper on Pcstalozzi and Froebel dealing with their aims and ideals and the manner in which they endeavored to attain these. The whole characterofthe pap- er proved the -writer to be thoroughl-v ennversant with her subject. In the discussion that followed Dr. Waugh stated that as teachers we are too prone to forget our .masters. Prof. Bottienley, of Oshawa, then gave'tbe institute a short talk on the best methods of teaching music In the public schools, and. by means of dia- grams showed that it was not as diffi- cult as cornmonly supposed. Prof. Coleman, of the Faculty of Education. University, Toronto. then spoke on some of the chief aims in the teaching of Geography. and stated. -that the teaching of Geography was no longer confined to the memoriza- tion of lists of names, but dealt with the earth and the home of roan. The es -ening session was held in the town hall and was open to the public. Before the hour announced for com- mencing the hall was' crowded to the doors. John Murkar occupied the chair and with him on .the platform were Prof. Coleman.. Dr. Waugh, B. Bunting and F. M. Chapman. A liter- ary and musical program, consisting of addresses, music -and singing was then given. - • , Prof. Coleman gave- an address on "Three Tests of an. Educated Man," as -required by three of the grentest coun- tries of the world. 'The German asks •'W hgtdoes he know?" The Ameri- ran "-What can he do and the Eng- lishman "What sort. of fellow is her The conclusion arrived at -was that the best could only he reached by adeppt- ing the best points of all three. The meeting closed with h votes of thanks to those who had taken pert and -the singing of the National Anthem. Op Saturday morning •Prof. Parken- haw, Dean .of Faculty of Education, l ni : erf.ity, Toronto, delivered a Much appreciated address en "A•Citizen of London in 1681.1," in which much infer 'nation regarding the. domestic and social life of the. period was given. This f lIrea ed h i ^efully pre- pared paper on "•The lurportance of - Culture to the Teacher." hy.Miss E. G. Pringle. of Whit'In•1'ollegiate. • -The morning progr..tn was closed by a talk on "Aims, in Teaching Litera- ture," by Prof. Coleman, at the close of which be gaffe an example'as, to how he would teach the literature of a poem. . . The last sessionof the Convention wits opened by an address on "Chin- ese Education," by Prof. Pakenham, :Have You Seen . Our fine display of Parlor Cooks, ,Stoves, Ranges, ‘Co'aloil Heaters, Etc., Etc. in which a great deal . of information regarding the Flowery Kingdom was' given,, ,He stated that sone -of. the greatestobstacles to Chinese progress was their pride, their lack of alphabet, their religion (Confucianism), their reverence for the past and consequent hatred of anything new. their love of formalism. and their poor system'of education. - The Institute then proceeded with the -election of officers for the ensuing year which r•esu:ted as follows : Presi- dent, Mr. Green. Pickering ; Vice- Pres:, Mr. McEachern, Whitby; Sec- retary, Mr'. Brown, Whitby. Direc- tors : Mr. Hogarth, Whitby ; Miss Luke, Oshawa ; Miss Fraser, West Whitby;. Miss Foster, East Whitby; Mr. Asting, Reach. Auditors, Mr. Gale and Miss Pringle, Whitby. Br•ooklin was selected as • thenext plane of meeting. Dr. Waugh them spoke fpr a few minutes on "Traditions and Ideals" and gave the teachers , present many practical and valuable suggestions. . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Son, -Being one of those who have become interested in the welfare of• our town, I, wpuld esteem it a, favor by your giving me an answer,'orli get- ting •some one to do the sande, viz: What are they going to do with the sidewalk from the bridge tothe Spink Mills' As you are aware this is the first place a stranger hits, and I:might say 'very nice for a start. If the Committee • are not going to repair it,, well, take' the blooming thing up. Sonie one is sure to get their neck broken, then it will cost• more to repair that than the splendid sidewalk., Hoping jon yon will• excuse the trouble I am giving you. I am, yours truly, ONE WHO RUNS THE RICK. FOR SALE—Two houses and lots in the f'Illage of Claremont. One.& two storey. 6 roomed. roach -cast d,.ening with mod- ern conaeniencee and garden The otber a • frame dwelling .rite f. -e rooms and all ronvel% lenses. Possession as utas be &¢reed upon, Zbe location is nos of tna bast in the swage. TING, apply -to Foster Hutchison Claremont, II -18 A.. BUNTING, RUN , Stoves from $7 up to $50 •-Someting to suit %-eryone Svoves and Hardware BUN and Stove - We have a most complete line of Base -Burners and Heaters..• Have your seen our Oak Heaters with duplex grates, mica -door and :,all. latest intprovements, Now is the time. Come on. - - S. CHAPMAN • But you need not be in any way alarmed. Go to the Farmers' Supply Store anil buy yourselves Fur Coats, Fur Caperines, Flannel Underwear. Men's ' Lin mocks, Mitt's, Caps. Socks. LLsadies'.Weol Hose. Misses' Wool.' Underwear.'. You need not hesitate. Out prices are as low as the lowest and our goods as good as the best. . Call and see them. • Farmers' Supply Co., : Pickering ello There All :We just want to remindyou that we have the largest : •stock, the greatest assortment and the finest selection of goods in Town, and prices are always right. Gloves : ' and Mitts Socks and Overalls New Lenoleums, Floor Oils, Etc. Rugs, Mats, Carpets, Etc, We have a great many dozen of Gloves and Mitts that we are selling very cheap just to make room for the new nice canvas gloves and gauntlets at 10 and • 15c. Our fleece -lined asbestos..tan mule glove at 40 cents are a snap. Waterproof, Fleece -lined,- Moleskin, Drill, Duck, Etc:, and Overalls in all sizes and at pricescto suit everybody. ••\Ve are showing a brand new lot just arrived in two, four, six and eight quarter, beautiful inlaid and floral designs. • These'goods have all advanced, but our price is still the same. . tVe certainly have something special to show you in ince rugs. We have h large stock of carpets well assorted, cut and nulatched us ordered. - •Come and• take a look through our fine stock. You may see Something you need. We invite all.to come. Dickie NEW GOODS FOR FALL Our H. B. K. Brand of Underwear, Top Shirts, Socks and Storm Coats are guanteed to give satisfaction. ovERco.A. s Before buying call and see our special beaver cloth, Persian Lined with otter collar. Pickerin