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Participants were given a $25 Home Depot gift card in ex- change for the old units. The original goal of 250 units was shattered and represents an estimated electrical sav- ings of 680 kW in the area, which is enough to power approximately 200 homes. The only program of its kind in Canada, Keep Cool encourages people across Ontario to retire or recycle their old, inefficient room air conditioners. “Left running 24 hours a day, room air conditioners have the potential to double the electricity consumption in your home, resulting in large elec- tricity bills,” said Michael Angemeer, president and chief executive officer of Veridian Corporation, which serves Ajax and Pickering. Mr. Angemeer encourages people to adopt smart consumption tips such as: closing blinds and curtains on hot sunny days; using space and ceiling By Erin Hatfield Staff Writer DURHAM — Planning staff have been instructed to continue on with the Region’s official plan despite the provincial Places to Grow Act. The Province’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Regional Official Plan (ROP) don’t match up on all accounts when it comes to mapping out the future of Durham Region. But at the July 5 meeting of Re- gional council, a report was carried directing staff to continue with the proposed ROP review amendment for the consideration of the Region’s planning committee on Aug. 29. In the process of the review, staff will remove all policy and mapping revisions that do not conform with the approved provincial Places to Grow Act. Orono resident Linda Gasser made a presentation to regional council asking members not to fixate on mak- ing decisions on the ROP by Aug. 29. “Council’s battle with the Province seems to be based more on pique than any rational or defensible pol- icy basis, or vision,” Ms. Gasser said. “Before meeting with the Province, you would serve us well if you sup- ported your assertions with factual arguments.” She suggested that during the summer staff could work to identify issues the Region must be aware of before proceeding with the ROP re- view. “We in Durham must be confident that committee and council fully un- derstand the issues and implications of non-conformity to provincial leg- islation,” Ms. Gasser said. “We need a council that articulates an inclusive and comprehensive vision for the Region, and a chairman and coun- cil who develop and foster positive relationships with upper-tier govern- ments that could deliver much of the infrastructure essential to our future prosperity and well being.” Ajax Mayor Steve Parish made a HELPING HANDS Mike Pochwat / News Advertiser photo PICKERING — Wesley and his brother Garrett Lewis help their six-year-old cousin, Elijah Brand, cross a river that runs through the Seaton Hiking Trail. Three-year-old Micah Brand awaits his turn, while his brother, eight-year-old Josiah, makes his way off of the rock. Launched just two months ago, our Durham Daily News newscast and vid- eos have been named ‘Best Multi-Media Initiative’ by the Suburban Newspapers of America (SNA). Durham Daily News is a weekday video newscast produced by the editori- al staff of the Metroland Durham Region Media Group. Anchored by reporter Ste- fanie Swinson and updated every week- day by noon at durhamregion.com, the newscast features breaking news, sports and special features from across Dur- ham Region. “Our award-winning team of report- ers, photographers and editors are prov- en leaders in the newspaper industry and they have used that skill to excel in the production of video and online news,” says Editor-in-Chief Joanne Burghardt. “All of our print photogra- phers and reporters have embraced the ability to produce breaking news online, 24 hours a day seven days a week, and they have done an outstanding job in mastering video news production.” In addition to daily production of Dur- ham Daily News, the group also pro- duces the bi-weekly “Daytripper” series. Anchored by Whitby’s own Chris Glover, a first-year broadcast student at Ryerson University, new editions of Daytripper are uploaded Monday and Thursday af- ternoons. As the Daytripper, Mr. Glover provides a campy look at things-to-do around Durham Region. The video component of durhamre- gion.com was designed by Web develop- er Chris Creamer, a graduate of Durham College’s Web development program. The judges remarked, “The daily newscast, Daytripper and all the other video series such as Faces of the Future made for lots of video engagement at the site.” PC leader in Pickering By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — In the lead up to the October 2007 provincial election, Con- servative leader John Tory made stops in Pickering and Ajax – a riding he said his party needs to win to form the next government. The local appearances Monday were part of a summer tour for the Tory leader that began in Chatham and saw him move east through ridings the party doesn’t currently hold. Mr. Tory spoke at a mostly partisan lunch at a Pickering restaurant about the broken promises of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals, but he also spoke about Durham’s needs. He said roads and transportation infrastructure are one of the main con- cerns of people in the area. “Transportation is something very much on the minds of people who live in this area,” he said. “People are say- ing, everywhere we go we see all kinds of highway construction going on, and there is some here, but it is very slow in coming and it is well behind the expansion and construction we have seen to the west.” Mr. Tory cited the announcement of the extension of Toronto’s subway to York University and the continued delay of the extension of Hwy. 407 as two examples of the east GTA being ignored. While he is supportive of the subway expansion, he wondered where is the help to get east GTA residents moving. When it comes to Hwy. 407, Mr. Tory knows there is public consultation that must be completed as part of the envi- ronmental assessment, but he believes there is a way to get the process going more quickly and shave a year off the projected timeline. He said it would be a priority for his government if he is elected next year. “The notion that it’s going to take years to do it is just not in the public interest,” he said. Health care funding is another area Daily video newscast wins top North American award Keep your cool efficiently and cheaply ✦ See Status, Page A2✦ See Air, Page A2 Chrysler Pacifica Fresh Look for for 2007 Wheels pullout ✦ See Time, Page A2 [ Briefly ] Change not always good PICKERING — Lorraine Shrimpton was going to change the Lotto 6/49 numbers she usu- ally plays, but at the last minute decided against it. It was a good decision, as the Pickering resident won a second prize of $61,610.40 in the June 29 draw. Ms. Shrimpton hasn’t missed a draw in 10 years. Checking her numbers recently, she found out she had five of the six numbers, plus the bonus number. An administrative assistant, the 64-year-old and husband Ronald have three children and nine grandchildren. They plan to help their children with home renovations with their windfall. The winning ticket was bought at the Hasty Market on Whites Road in Pickering. [ What’s on ] G irls can get in gear this summer PICKERING — Tw o summer programs are designed to inspire girls. Girls Inc. is offering young women two summer programs, Gear Girls and Steppingstones. For ages nine to 12, Gear Girls is a ma- chining and engineering camp that, through hands-on activities, local field trips, and guest speakers, introduces girls to the world of an engineer and machining. The girls will develop their math and science skills, learn about the community, and explore their own creativity. Gear Girls is offered in Pickering. For the six-to-eight-year-old, Steppingstones is a fun-based program designed to improve skilful body movement and health- related fitness through excercise and activity. Steppingstones runs in Pickering. To r egister, or for more infor- mation, call Girls Inc. at 905-428- 8111 or visit www.girlsinc-durham. org. [ Index ] Editorial Page, A6 Sports, B1 Entertainment, B5 Classified, B6 [ Call us] General: 905 683 5110 Distribution: 905 683 5117 General Fax: 905 683 7363 Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 Pressrun 48,900 infodurhamregion.com DurhamDurham Daily News Every weekday at noon PA GE A2 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006P CORRECTION NOTICE We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Toshiba A100-CFI Laptop 10076185/10076186. This laptop does not have a 600GB Hard Drive as advertised on p. 1 of our July 7th flyer. In fact, it has a 60GB Hard Drive. • Exciting door prizes • Gift Bags • Special Displays For your FREE invitation or for exhibitor information please call: DIANE COUTURE Trustee in Bankruptcy Evening & Weekend Appointments FREE CONSULTATIONS Advice on proposals, bankruptcy and alternatives. Helping the people of Oshawa since 1986. 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I choose my songs according to the weather .com Welcome to the WORLD WIDE YOU $2495 1 From PER MONTH With our ad-free, personalized online radio station – LAUNCHcast plus – you can discover more of whatever music you’re into.It’s just one way RogersTM Yahoo!®Hi-Speed Internet helps you get the most out of the Internet. •30-day money back guarantee •24/7 technical support •Full suite of security features at no additional charge •Choice of speed tiers available TM fans; opening windows at night to pro- mote cool air circulation; using appli- ances early in the morning or late in the day when demand on the power system is lower; and purchasing new Energy Star room air conditioners, which use 30 to 70 percent less elec- tricity than older models. Ontario wide, Keep Cool saw the retirement and recycling of almost 15,000 old air conditioners. This repre- sents a 17,000-megawatt reduction in peak energy demand -- enough elec- tricity to power nearly 5,000 homes. Air conditioners retired, recycled ✦ Air from page A1 motion to have a paragraph of the report deleted that instructed staff to arrange a meeting with the Minis- ter of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the commissioner of Plan- ning, the Region’s planning commit- tee and the Regional Chairman to discuss the Region’s concerns with growth, jobs and urban boundary expansions. “Time has been wasted in fight- ing the Province on their initiatives,” Mayor Parish said. “There is a high degree of concern out there on the street with regard to where we are going with planning. What I hear on the street is there is a tremendous amount of concern about sprawl - there is a tremendous amount of con- cern about gobbling up farmland.” Mayor Parish said it was time to move on and get the ROP done. However, Whitby Councillor Jo- seph Drumm said he doesn’t believe the Region is wasting its time. “It is never a waste of time to sit across the table from the minister and say, ‘look there are some prob- lems,’” he said. Mayor Parish’s motion to have the paragraph deleted was lost, with only five councillors voting in favour. Kyle Macpherson/ News Advertiser photo Ontario Progressive Conservative leader John Tory was in Pickering to host a lunch and rally support in advance of next year’s election. where Mr. Tory said Durham has not been treated fairly. Hospitals in the GTA outside of Toronto receive less funding on a per capita basis than the rest of the province. Mr. Tory said he would address that. “The status quo is not acceptable to me,” he said. The party’s platform, which should be ready for release next spring, will contain suggestions on how to address that issue, he said. Mr. Tory’s visit to the area also in- cluded a meeting with municipal poli- ticians and greeting commuters at the Pickering GO station. ‘Status quo not acceptable’ ✦ Status from page A1 ✦ Time from page A1 ‘Time has been wasted in f ighting Province’ Tr ansit contract talks resume By Erin Hatfield Staff Writer DURHAM — Both sides in the Dur- ham Region Transit (DRT) contract talks are hopeful a deal will be reached by the end of this week. “We are willing to bargain for 24 hours a day to get a collective agreement done,” said John Johnson, chairman of the DRT branch of Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union local 222. Negotiations to create DRT’s first col- lective agreement began on May 23, but a scheduling conflict interrupted bar- gaining for one month. Discussions re- sumed on the morning of July 10. “Hopefully we can get a collective agreement by the end of the week,” Mr. Johnson said. A government-appointed conciliator was called in and a no-board report was requested on June 7. The request means workers could be locked out or go on strike as early as July 17, but Mr. Johnson said he is optimistic that won’t happen. “It doesn’t mean that we will be locked out for sure,” he explained. “I don’t think, if we were getting close to a collective agreement, (management) would lock us out.” As for transit workers striking, Mr. Johnson said, currently that isn’t in the plan. “We want to come to an agreement,” Mr. Johnson said. “We are willing to work into September to get one, that’s why I haven’t even taken a strike vote yet.” Garth Johns, the Region’s commis- sioner of human resources, shares Mr. Johnson’s optimism for successful nego- tiations. “I am hoping we get a settlement this week,” he said. “The last thing we need is a work disruption or a strike in the first year we are looking after transit and in an election year.” Both parties came to the bargaining table with extensive proposals after local transit systems merged to create DRT on Jan. 1. Whitby transit workers are not included in the negotiations as they are under a separate contract, which runs until November 2007. Meanwhile, regional councillors have been put on standby. At the last meeting of Durham Region- al Council before the summer, chairman Roger Anderson instructed councillors to be prepared to be called back to council chambers. If a deal is reached between DRT and the CAW, council would need the majority vote of at least 15 members to ratify the agreement. PA GE A3 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006 A/P Don’t Get CaughtDon’t Get Caught TOPLESS THIS SEASON!TOPLESS THIS SEASON! Custom upholstery, auto, marine, RVCustom upholstery, auto, marine, RV AUTO GLASS & CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY www.premiereautosalon.com Serving Durham Since 1985 1010 Brock Road South (Northwest corner at Bayly) 1-877-BOAT TOP(262-8867) ■ Custom Upholstery ■ Boat Tops ■ Mooring Covers ■Automotive & Marine Interiors ■ Convertible Tops 401 BaylyLiverpoolBrock Rd.WestneyHarwood975 Brock Rd., Unit 13 Pickering Te l: (905) 420-8183 Fax: (905) 420-6714 HARDWOOD SOLID FROM $299 SQ.FT. LAMINATE SQ.FT. BETTER OAK SELECT & $495 SQ.FT.2 1 /4” TA VERN GRADE BRUCE LARGE SELECTION UNFINISHED & PREFINISHED FLOORS FROM SQ.FT. All Hardwood Flooring Depot Ltd. All Hardwood Flooring Depot Ltd. Expert Your Hardwood Flooring Headquarters Installation Provided!!! $369$129FROM Ajax Nissan SEE OUR AD IN TODAY’S WHEELS PAGE 13 375 Bayly Street West, Ajax 1-800-565-6365 ON NOW NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS OAC. On pre-owned vehicles. ART in the PARK Markham FEATURING ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES 11th Annual Premiere Fine Art Show & Sale Rain or Shine Saturday, July 15 & Sunday, July 16 10:00am - 5:00pm • Markham museum Markham Museum (Hwy. 48 just north of 16th Ave.) Kreative Kids Create your own masterpiece! Over 100 artists, artisans, antique dealers & collectors SILENT AUCTION 11:00am - 3:00pm Saturday & Sunday Proceeds to support The Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Space still available. For information call Karen at 905-294-2200 produced by ADMISSION Adults $5.00 Seniors $3.00 Kids under 12 Free proceeds to support Sponsored by Mike Pochwat/ News Advertiser photo Off with their locks! AJAX — Oshawa resident Renee Shugg, Ajax resident Danielle Flear, and Pickering residents Jaclyn Holdsworth and mom Brenda, all had their hair cut for a good cause at Hair Fashion 3000. They are donating the hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children living with cancer. Durham OKs controversial compost contract Will press Province for action on Nitro-Sorb By Erin Hatfield Staff Writer DURHAM — The production of Nitro-Sorb will continue in Durham. Regional council passed a motion Wednesday to proceed with a one-year contract with Waste Management of Canada Corp. for the compost- ing of residential garden and yard waste. The decision came after presentations from residents asking the Region not to vote in favour of the con- tract, which would permit the waste to be used in the production of Nitro-Sorb. Councillor John Neal from Oshawa introduced an amendment to the staff-recommended con- tract with Waste Management, which would pro- hibit the leaf and yard waste from Whitby and Oshawa from being used in producing Nitro- Sorb. The option would have cost the Region an additional $150,000 for the otherwise $687,219 contract. “It does absolutely nothing to help grow our crops,” Coun. Neal said. “To spend a few more dollars is doing the right thing for the environ- ment.” “To use the excuse that it saves a little bit of money flies in the face of everything environmen- tal we do,” Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson added. Paper sludge is the material remaining after the processing of paper fibre at a mill. Currently, some paper sludge is mixed with yard and leaf compost to form Nitro-Sorb, which is spread on farm fields. The Nitro-Sorb issue is one that has been looked at by the Region’s department of health and social services for the past six years. “We have done a lot in that time,” health com- mittee chairwoman Pat Perkins said. “The issue isn’t a new one and the other thing that isn’t new is that the Province isn’t dealing with it.” Coun. Perkins said to pay the extra money to have the Region’s compost excluded from Nitro- Sorb is not a solution because Toronto’s leaf and yard waste will continue to come to Durham and be used to make Nitro-Sorb. “As much as it is well-intended it is not going to give us the end result we need,” Coun. Perkins said. She asked to have legal staff investigate what measures the Region can take to force the Prov- ince to get involved. Council approved the one-year contract, but agreed to press the Ministry of the Environment to take a position with respect to Nitro-Sorb. The motion also directed staff to investigate a ban on the spread of Nitro-Sorb in Durham. The use of Nitro-Sorb is not regulated. The min- istry is currently at the policy-discussion stage on the implementation of the recommendations of an Expert Scientific Panel. Cottagers returning home to Ajax, Pickering might be affected by east-west shutdown DURHAM -- All lanes of Hwy. 401 will close between Thickson Road and Park Road in the early morning hours later this month. The closure takes place on Sunday, July 23. The closure will affect both the east and westbound lanes of Hwy. 401 between 1 and 3 a.m. Wo rkers will be putting a steel girder in place for the new CPR bridge. It will span Hwy. 401 from Champlain Av- enue to Bloor Street. During the closure, all traffic will be de- toured on Victoria and Bloor streets. Hwy. 401 to close briefly www.sklargallery.com Exceptional Warranty Superior Construction Fast Delivery life • style • solutions OSHAWA 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa 905-723-4561 Hours: Mon.• Tues.• Wed. 10-6, Thurs.• Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun.11-5 Durham’s Newest & Largest Sklar Peppler Furnishings Store! MID-SUMMER SALE! THIS WEEKEND ONLY!! NO GST STOREWIDE! NO GST STOREWIDE! ** *Credit equal to the value of the GST will be applied. Does not apply to best value items, previous sales or purchases. NEWS ADVERTISER PA RTNERS WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES TO BRING YOU AMAZING DEALS ON SALE NOW Burbs Bistro & Bar is Pickering’s newest and most contemporary dining experience. Enjoy urban bistro cuisine and an extensive wine selection in a casually elegant atmosphere. This passport makes it tempting and simple to “sample the entire menu” FOR JUST 19.99 YOU WILL RECEIVE •1 - 50% FOOD BILL UP TO $50.00 IN SAVINGS • 4 - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE DINNERS • 5 - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE LUNCH ENTREES • 4 - BUY 1 GET 1 FREE DESSERTS See passport for additional savings and details MORE TO COME ... Look for a new Passport every 3 weeks. New businesses. New offers. New savings. REAL VALUE YOU CAN TRUST FROM THE HOW TO GET YOURS: call 905-426-4676 ext 222 or order online at www.passporttosavings.ca or drop in to the News Advertiser at 130 Commercial Avenue in Ajax. 1 S PVE4Q P OTPS  + TAX 59 P M YOUR TABLE’S WAITING 19 99$ Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Ad vertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS * Delivered to selected households only Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East Ajax and Pickering locations Derrianne We dnesday’s carrier of the week is Derrianne. She enjoys running & drawing. She will receive a dinner, pizza and movie voucher compliments of McDonald’s, Boston Pizza and Cineplex Odeon. Congratulations Derrianne for being our Carrier of the Week. Wednesday, July 12, 2006 News Advertiser * Furniture Direct Ajax/Pick. * Home Outfitters Ajax/Pick. * JYSK Ajax/Pick. * News Advertiser Flyer Pick. * Real Estate Ajax/Pick. * Sohil Bharde Century 21 Pick. * Sport Chek Ajax/Pick. * Sport Mart Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * XS Cargo Ajax/Pick. * Wheels Ajax/Pick. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between June 21 - June 25, 2006 fallregistration SHOW 2006 kids just wanna have fun! bring the whole family to the fall registration show… there’s something for everyone! Durham School of Music Limited Est. 1987 www.jacquelines-schoolofdance.com it’s that time of year again! August 24-26 www.jacquelines-schoolofdance.com Durham School of Music Limited Est. 1987 For vendor information call Cori-Ann at 905-683-5110 ext. 228 PA GE A4 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006A/P Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Shuffling along AJAX — Anne Sherran takes a shot on the shuffle board as Linda Adams waits her turn. The pair was playing shuffleboard with the Ajax Seniors’ Friendship Club at the St. Andrew’s Community Centre. New program for young scientists Durham university receives funding By Crystal Crimi Staff Writer DURHAM — Science-minded stu- dents are the focus of a new project aiming to inspire youth in their future careers. In partnership with the ministry of research and innovation, the Univer- sity of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) will soon be offering high school students a chance to conduct science projects with the mentorship of its re- searchers. For the Youth Science and Te chnology Outreach Program (YSTOP), the Province has provided UOIT with $126,655, matched by community spon- sors and donations for a total of $253,300 to be used over three years. “This YSTOP program is aimed at increasing the general awareness and importance of science,” said Dr. William Smith, dean of the faculty of science at UOIT and project leader. The goal of YSTOP is to increase the interest of youth pursuing careers in sci- ence to ensure Canada stays innovative in a global economy, said Dr. Smith. He said getting students engaged and helping develop their great minds could end up creating new technology-based companies in the future. “It’s going to be knowledge-based in- dustries that propel the economy of the future,” said Dr. Smith. “If you look back in history, the countries that have always had the best technologies have been the world leaders.” With a first-year theme of Energy and the Environment, UOIT’s program launches this fall and will run for three years with three stages in each. The first stage is a one-day event with 250 Dur- ham students visiting UOIT to be intro- duced to the theme. At the end of the first day, participants will compete in a proposal-writing contest and the best 25 will return to the university for stage two to work with mentors in developing their project. “Mentorship is a big deal part of this project,” said Dr. Smith. The third stage is the presentation of their project, in a public place and at the school. Although he can guess on what types of projects the students may pursue, the kids continue to surprise him, said Dr. Smith. At one science fair, a student ex- amined moss’s ability to absorb toxi- cants, he said. Dr. Smith said UOIT was interested in participating in the project for the same reasons as the government – to promote science and technology, but also to re- cruit students. PICKERING — By getting active, Ajax and Pickering elementary schools have some extra money for gym equipment. The Exceptional Learning Centre in Ajax and Gandatsetiagon Public School in Pickering, along with more than 150 others across Ontario, suc- cessfully completed the Go Active! Fit- ness Challenge and earned $400 and $500, respectively, in phys-ed credits toward new gym equipment. The pro- gram, presented by McDonald’s with support from the Canadian Olympic Committee, began in September and was designed to promote and improve physical fitness amongst students. With six classes and 110 students at Gandatsetiagon participating in the challenge, students were able to im- prove on all six compulsory exercises, including crunches, push-ups, 50- metre dash, shuttle run, standing long jump, and endurance run, by an aver- age of 11.01 per cent. The Exceptional Learning Centre had two classes and 20 students participate and improved by 7.67 per cent. Ajax and Pickering schools get active Gordon Crawford of Crawford & Sons has been successfully repairing leaking basements for over 30 years and although he says “I’m still learning,” he estimates he’s been in close to 15,000 homes and seen virtually every possible leaking situation one can imagine. “Basically the amount of years I’ve been in this business has forced me to develop hundreds of different techniques to successfully solve every situation I’ve encountered,” says Crawford. He prides his company on fast, neat and effi cient service. He also prides himself on his troubleshooting ability. “I like to professionally solve problems at the lowest, most reasonable cost to the customer,” he says. “Sometimes that may involve excavating the entire perimeter of the house and replacing the weeping tiles, but that’s because it’s absolutely necessary.” Gordon adds “An interior weeping tile system with drainage board can be extremly effi cient and cost effective by saving costly damages to exterior landscaping.” “Homeowners should invest in their foundations,” Gordons says “water corrodes and people tend to live with the problem until it escalates into a bigger one. Catch it early enough and you could possibly save yourself a fortune.” “No job is too big or small” he says, adding he will promise you a fair and objective evaluation of the problem. For a free professional evaluation call Gordon at (905) 686-6880. H O M E S W E E T H O M E HH OO MM EE SS WW EE EE TT HH OO MM EE ADVERTISING FEATURE Joe Beninato, President Superior Bath Reno Responsive, Reliable, Professional. Why it pays to choose Superior Bath Reno. The “big box” stores and chain outlets like to claim they are the best option for bathroom renovations. But it didn’t take long for Nancy and John Gutsell of Ajax to discover that they were far better off with Superior Bath Reno, located at 31 Barr Road, Unit #4, Ajax, Ontario. “Big is defi nitely not better,” notes John. “We went into one outlet and couldn’t fi nd anyone to help,” remembers John. “Even when we did fi nd someone, they didn’t appear particularly interested in our project or it was clear the company was more interested in doing kitchen renovations.” Late start dates and the demand for a $500 deposit were two more sour notes. Then the Gutsells found Superior Bath Reno. “They were polite and took the time to listen to what we needed,” remembers John. “We were also very impressed with the showroom. You could see in one place all the different bathroom designs.” Another big plus was the responsiveness of Superior’s president, Joe Beninato. “He understood what we wanted and took the time to visit our home before the job started,” notes John. “That impressed us.” The complete bathroom makeover, involving the replacement of the toilet, tub, tiling, sink, counter, fl ooring and electrical, was completed on time, on budget and to the complete satisfaction of the Gutsells. “The workmanship looks excellent,” adds John. The Gutsell’s experience with big box stores and chain outlets is all too common, notes Joe. “You can easily get lost or end up with an unmotivated junior person, and call backs can be a nightmare because you have to go through a middleman (the retailer).” Superior Bath Reno, in contrast, backs its work with an industry-leading, fi ve- year installation warranty and only employs proven installers with workman’s compensation and $2,000,000 liability insurance. “The job is not done until the customer is completely satisfi ed,” explains Joe. For more information, contact Joe Beninato, President – Superior Bath Reno, by phone (905-426-1714) or email info@superiorbath.ca. Basement waterproofi ng professionals INVEST IN YOUR FOUNDATION Our expert trouble shooting offers you the optimum repair at the best price with a 10 YEAR WARRANTY! FREE ESTIMATES! CALL THE BEST TODAY! 905-686-6880905-686-6880 LEAKING BASEMENT?LEAKING BASEMENT? Large Showroom with a HUGE SELECTION of ceramic, porcelain, slate tiles, tumble marble, limestone and granite to choose from and still great low prices. Come visit us at our new location 35 HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX 905-686-9666 Just South of Hwy #2 HAS MOVEDHAS MOVED to Serve YOU Better 4),%4),% *"/ *"// ° / ° 4HINKINGOF(ARDWOOD 'IVEYOURHOMEANEWLOOKTHIS3UMMER #ANADA(ARDWOOD&LOORING)NC "AYLY3T 0ICKERING    EST #ANADA(ARDWOOD&LOORING)NC "AYLY3T 0ICKERING    EST"!9,9 !,,)!.#%,)6%20//,"2/#+7EARE$URHAMS &LOORING%XPERTS $ONTWANTTO REPLACETHOSE OLDHARDWOOD FLOORSYET 7EREFINISH EXISTINGHARDWOOD FLOORSTOO s%XCEPTIONAL)NSTALLERS 2EFINISHERS s&REE)N (OME %STIMATES s1UALITY3ERVICE ARE s-OST)NSTALLATIONS $ONE)N$AY 6ISITOURSHOWROOMTODAYFORSHOWROOMTODAYFOR OURSPECIAL3UMMER3ALE0RICES 6ISITOURSHOWROOMTODAYFOR OURSPECIAL3UMMER3ALE0RICES Midway Carpet Ltd.Midway Carpet Ltd. 905-683-6126905-683-6126 We Specialize In:We Specialize In:We Specialize In: Carpets • Vinyl/Wood Flooring • Laminate FlooringCarpets • Vinyl/Wood Flooring • Laminate FlooringCarpets • Vinyl/Wood Flooring • Laminate Flooring Store Hours: Mon-Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-8 • Fri 9-4 • Sat 10-3Store Hours: Mon-Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-8 • Fri 9-4 • Sat 10-3Store Hours: Mon-Wed 9-5 • Thurs 9-8 • Fri 9-4 • Sat 10-3 HWY 401 BAYLY ST. HUNT ST.HARWOOD AVE.120 Hunt St. - Ajax (North Of Bayly - Off Harwood) FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • WE DO INSURANCE CLAIMSFREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • WE DO INSURANCE CLAIMS CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS • FREE ESTIMATESCUSTOM INSTALLATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES VISIT OUR SHOWROOMVISIT OUR SHOWROOM FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • WE DO INSURANCE CLAIMS CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Grand Opening Special from Durham’s #1 Bathroom Reno Specialist Fo rget the chain stores and big box outlets. Only Superior Bath Reno gives you this unbeatable package: gorgeous designs,featuring brand-name fixtures and faucets +expert installations + on-site project management + a 5-year installation warranty + up to $2,500 off your dream bathroom reno + a conveniently located showroom in Ajax,Ontario. Call now for a free estimate. Some conditions apply. 905 -426 -1714 31 Barr Rd. Unit #4 Ajax, Ontario Call me. Joe Beninato. I'm no ordinary Joe. 2500$0000 SAVE UP TO ON YOUR DREAM BATHROOM RENO PAGE A5 ◆ NEWS A DVERTISER ◆ July 12, 2006 A/P PAGE A6 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JULY 12, 2006P A week or so ago, Su- zanne, the boys and I went to Ward’s Island for a wedding party. It was as close to a perfect day as you could imagine. The weather was fantastic, the food and drink were fine and plentiful and the people were pleas- ant and infinitely interest- ing. We stayed well into the evening, catching the ferry back around 10:30. As the multitudes crowded off the boat and down through the terminal, we laughed and chatted, happily rehashing the day’s fun. Momentarily, the throng parted to walk around a scruffy looking pan- handler dancing a comically spastic jig; one hand prof- fering a filthy baseball cap to the passing crowds, the other holding a harmonica to his lips. He blew his non- sensical tune and pranced his pathetic two-step and we, like the hundreds around us, barely acknowledged him. It was not until we were almost at the car, when I no- ticed an 11-year-old, walk- ing beside me. He was cry- ing. I immediately halted and asked him what was the matter. The words that came out of that beautiful child’s mouth then, stopped the world for a moment and are ringing in my ears and in my heart, still. Like all the rest of us that night, he had seen the beg- gar in the terminal. But, un- like the rest of us, calloused and hardened to the pres- ence of street people in To- ronto, my son has not seen a great number of the lesser fortunate. His heart and soul are still soft and membra- nous. Things reach him. The way they used to reach all of us at one time. He looked into my eyes, his breath hitching, tears streaming down his cheeks and beseeched me to tell him how people could walk by another human being in that kind of situation and not want to stop and help him? I frantically searched my father’s database for an answer that would calm him and help him and in some way make sense of the thing for him, but came up want- ing. Besides, before I could an- swer him, I had to answer to myself. How could I, seeing another human being in that condition, not stop and help him? Not be plagued by his troubles? Not be incensed at the injustice of it. I had, after all, walked right on by with everyone else. How indeed? We spent the better part of the drive home discussing this ethical and moral di- lemma. But for all the socio- economic, geo-political and physiological excuses I could come up with to explain and pathetically justify the pres- ence of the displaced in our midst, none of it stood up to his simple, soul-piercing query. How can we walk past another human being and not stop and help? My son woke up the next day and was, thankfully, a child again, happy to play and laugh and beam his innocent joy out into the world. When I opened my eyes however, the question was still sitting there at the end of the bed, big and ugly and hairy and waiting for an answer. It followed me to breakfast and has been with me ever since. I’ve grown to like it. As hideous as it is, it speaks with the musical, guileless voice of a child. It keeps me company and helps me do the right thing. Sometimes it sounds like my son. But most times it sounds like some- one else, someone I vaguely and happily remember. Like a much younger...me. Follow Neil’s BLOG drinfo.ca/croneblog.html EDITORIAL Why do we pass by and not stop and help when we see a person in need? IN THE COMMUNITY CLICK AND SAY Do you have a photo to share with our readers? If you have an amusing, interesting, historic or scenic photo to share with the community we’d like to see it. Send your photo, along with a written description of the circumstances surrounding the photo (max. 80 words) identifying the people in the photo and when it was taken to: The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON, L1S 2H5. Or, e-mail photos to tdoyle@durhamregion.com. Neil Crone enter laughing EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com [ Proud Members Of ]-- ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker Publisher twhittaker@durhamregion.com Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief jburghardt@durhamregion.com Tony Doyle Managing Editor tdoyle@durhamregion.com Duncan Fletcher Director of Advertising dfletcher@durhamregion.com Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager amcfater@durhamregion.com Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising ekolo@durhamregion.com Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager afakhourie@durhamregion.com Lillian Hook Office Manager lhook@durhamregion.com Cheryl Haines Composing Manager chaines@durhamregion.com Janice O’Neil Composing Manager joneil@durhamregion.com [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 News Fax 905-683-0386 General Fax 905-683-7363 E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com Web address durhamregion.com Mailing Address 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 [ Hours ]-- General office: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Distribution: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Tr ade, Ontario Community Newspa- per Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Cana- dian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, To r onto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member news- papers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any ad- ver tisement. Credit for advertise- ment limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized repro- duction is prohibited. [ Letters Policy ]-- We w elcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer complaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e- mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been cho- sen for publication. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Questions raised about recycling To the editor: With the new recycling ini- tiative one has to wonder: is this yet another tax burden for the taxpayers? When ques- tioning local politicians about the true validity about such a program (heaven forbid) all I received was an exercise in finger-pointing. It’s been said this program will generate dollars in the long run. If this is the case then why not have the Region do the sorting? Other North American cities have done it. I find it ironic this program is patterned after Nova Scotia’s world-famous recycling en- deavour while our local pro- gram is much more restric- tive. Our neighborhood is talking about this issue while coming to the conclusion that our time and effort is worth something. Perhaps our local politicians should remember this while patting each other on the back (or spending tax dollars on beautifying high-traffic street corners) especially on the eve of an election. Russell Le Blanc Whitby Waste diversion starts at home To the Editor: Re: ‘It is your garbage- own it’, Erin Hatfield’s July 9 col- umn. I must say that when I got back from two weeks in Ire- land I was not initially pleased with the new garbage policy for the region. Then I took the time to read the material and review my new fridge magnet. I went out and bought a third blue box on Saturday. The fundamental purpose of the new policy is to get people to be better recyclers, and if you take a few minutes and read the material you will understand. It’s going to make me a much better recycler, and consequently it should make most Ajax residents better re- cyclers. It all starts in our own backyard. Excellent column. Mike Vanchu Ajax Cats shouldn’t have free rein To the editor: Why is it that cats can run free at all times? My dog is walked daily. He is tied up on a line that gives him the whole backyard to run around. When one of us is out my dog can be loose until a cat walks by then he runs away after it. There are at least three cats that walk around my street. They know how far my dog can go so they stay back about a foot from him. Or they sit on my front porch to tease him some more. It’s not fair to my dog who loves to play catch but we have to keep a very close eye out for these cats. I understood that cats were to be tied up like dogs not run- ning around free. What is a person to do, call animal control, try to catch them and take them to the humane society? Beth Bryan Oshawa submitted photo Let’s ride! Staff and members of Curves in Ajax set off on their big bike ride to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation recently. To see more photos from residents across Durham and to submit your own, visit citizenseye.com, the Metroland Durham Region Media Group’s citizen submission website. The page is dedicated to the submissions and photos of readers from around Durham. /4& Still slim hopes for no GM cuts The past 18 months have seen so many changes at General Mo- tors -- good and bad -- it makes one’s head spin. First the good: Consistent high placements in the Harbour and J.D. Power ratings for quality and productivity among North America’s more than 80 automotive plants by the No. 1 and No. 2 car plants in Oshawa. And, of course, the multi-billion dollar Beacon project that saw hundreds of millions in investment from the provincial and federal governments and billions from GM as well. Finally, the Region decided to cut its large industrial tax rate in 2007 instead of waiting until 2009, saving GM Canada millions in tax dollars and helping pave the way for hopes of new investment here in future. Now the bad: An announcement last fall that thousands of GM jobs in Oshawa would be cut by 2008 when a third shift is eliminated at Plant No. 1 and the No. 2 plant is closed completely. But there may be some light shining at the end of the proverbial tunnel that could eliminate at least some if not all of those job losses. An ambitious buyout plan offered by GM to its 113,000 auto workers in the United States saw a surprising 35,000 workers elect to take the package. That’s 5,000 more workers that GM will let go far earlier than was planned by GM Corporation president Rick Waggoner when he announced the company’s worldwide turnaround plan last fall. That was when Mr. Waggoner announced GM’s No. 2 plant would close in 2008 and that No. 1 would lose a shift later this year. The 3,700 employees who would lose their jobs here by 2008 may get a reprieve now because they were to be included in the original goal of cutting 30,000 GM workers in North America by 2008. However, Mr. Waggon- er’s target has since been surpassed. As well, it’s possible Nissan-Renault will buy 20 per cent of GM for $3 billion and have noted turnaround specialist Carlos Ghosn take a major role in fixing GM’s problems. That’s the push by financier Kirk Kerkorian, who holds nearly 10 per cent of GM’s shares. It’s hoped Mr. Ghosn’s analysis would include the revelation that production and quality in Durham is second-to-none for GM in North America and that he would see no sense in eliminating such a star performer. Times have been tough of late at GM, but there may just be better days ahead. This Week’s Question: Is it a good idea to treat drinking and boating like a highway traffic offence, or is it going too far? Good idea Goes too far Cast your vote online at infodurhamregion.com Last Week’s Question: With the moves they’ve made, how do you think the Maple Leafs will do next year? Total Votes: 174 About the same: 38.5 Better: 28.2 Wo rse: 28.2 Stanley Cup: 5.2 905.420.2222 cityofpickering.com 24 Hour Access 905.420.4660 City of Pickering Holiday Operating Hours CIVIC COMPLEX/CITY HALL 905.420.2222 Monday, August 7 – Closed RECREATION COMPLEX & POOL 905.683.6582 Monday, August 7 – Closed DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 Monday, August 7 – Closed PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE 905.683.8401 Monday, August 7 – Closed PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 Monday, August 7 – Closed DURHAM REGION TRANSIT AUTHORITY 905.683.4111 Saturday, August 5 – Regular Saturday Service Sunday, August 6 – Regular Sunday Service Monday, August 7 – Modified Sunday Service (9:00 am to 6:00 pm, service concludes at 6:30 pm). No Flag Bus Service. DRT Specialized Services: All Communities Holiday Service 8:00 am to 10:00 pm EMERGENCY SERVICES City of Pickering Emergency Telephone Number 905.683.4319 Municipal Operations is responsible for an exceptionally wide range of vital services that ensure a high quality of life and safety throughout Pickering. These responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of roads, curbs, sidewalks, streetlights and storm sewers. It also includes winter control operations, and the maintenance of playgrounds, parks and sports fields, boulevard and parkland grass cutting, the maintenance of street trees and managing the City’s municipal fleet. General inquiries please contact us by phone at 905.420.4660 ext. 5294 or by email:mpe@city.pickering.on.ca After hours: call 905.683.4319, to report dangerous conditions or any other Operations emergency. Municipal Operations - an integrated service We are here to Serve You - Whodunit? Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre @ Pickering Museum Village July 15 & 16 905.683.8401 ATTEND PUBLIC MEETINGS AT CITY HALL All meetings are open to the public. For meeting details call 905.420.2222 or visit our website DATE MEETING TIME July 19 Committee of Adjustment 7:00 pm July 24 Executive/Council Meeting 7:30 pm Aug 03 Statutory Public Information Meeting 7:00 pm Aug 09 Committee of Adjustment 7:00 pm Aug 30 Committee of Adjustment 7:00 pm July 13 Pickering Community Concert Band Great music with the Pickering Community Concert Band. July 20 The Benders A collection of contemporary classics & originals. Durham Region Transit has new, revised, modified and expanded services starting on June 26th and July 3rd. For more information call 1.866.247.0055 or check out our website at www.durhamregiontransit.com www.durhamregiontransit.com 1.866.247.0055 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Taxicab Licensing By-law TAKE NOTICE that the Executive Committee of Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering will hold a public meeting on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider a Taxicab Licensing by-law. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public generally about the proposed Taxicab Licensing by-law and to solicit public input. Any person wishing to address Council with respect to this matter must contact the undersigned on or before noon of Friday, July 21, 2006 to register as a delegation. The Council will also consider any written submissions. Copies of the report and proposed by-law will be available on or after July 19, 2006 during regular business hours. Any comments or requests for further information regarding the proposed Taxicab Licensing by-law may be directed to the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services at 905.420.4660, ext. 2187. Dated at the City of Pickering this 5th day of July, 2006. Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk City of Pickering facilities offer the variety, quality and dependability you are looking for! We have the space that is perfect for your needs; whether you are hosting an intimate gathering or corporate tradeshow. NOW! Information & Applications available online and in all City facilities Visit us at cityofpickering.com/facilitybooking or drop by any City facility to pick up your facility booking handbook today! GALA or gathering The right space for you. cityofpickering.com/facilitybooking 905.420.4623 Pickering Community Concert Band @ Millennium Square Thurs., July 13 @ 7 pm Call 905.420.4620 for details PUBLIC NOTICE A by-law will be considered by the Executive Committee on July 24, 2006 and if approved at that time, by Council at that same meeting, to stop-up, close and sell to the adjacent owner, part of the untravelled portion of Commerce Street legally described as Part of Commerce Street, Plan 65, being Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX. This notice is being given pursuant to the Municipal Act. The plan showing the lands affected may be viewed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pickering. Any person who claims his or her lands will be prejudicially af- fected by the by-law and who wishes to be heard, in person, or by his or her counsel, should contact the undersigned on or before noon on July 21, 2006. Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 905.420.4611 cityofpickering.com customercare@city.pickering.on.ca report online cityofpickering.com/eyesonthestreet • graffiti • litter • illegal dumping • vandalism email BE PART OF THE SOLUTION BE PART OF THE SOLUTION IF YOU SEE A PROBLEM... CALL 1.877.420.4666 IF YOU SEE A PROBLEM... CALL 1.877.420.4666 Free Teen Skateboard Competition For Pickering Residents 13 - 19 years of age 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Diana, Princess of Wales Park (behind Pickering Recreation Complex) Thursday, July 20, 2006 MUST have your City of Pickering FREE Photo ID. Call 905.420.6588 for more information. PAGE 7 ◆ NEWS A DVERTISER ◆ July 12, 2006 P Kingsway Arms at Clarington Centre 65 Clarington Blvd. • (905) 697-9992 www.kingswayarms.com • email: tbudden.kams@rogers.com A Smart Choice For Today’s Senior Retirement Suites with Amenities. Ask us about our Short Term and Trial Stays. “Your Family Matters” NOW OPEN! Call today for your personalized tour, Model Suites open for viewing.IT’S ALL ABOUT YOUR CHOICESSuites starting from $1900 Inquire today! Independant & Supportive Packages Kingsway Arms at Clarington Centre A New Choice in Retirement Living “SIZ Z LING S U MME R O P E N HO U S E ” Wed nesda y, July 19th, 1 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 p m J oin u s f or ho t d o g s & lemo n a d e by th e g a z e b o D oor p ri z es & ente rtain m e nt Now’s Your Chance Register early for Continuing Education courses at www.durhamcollege.ca/coned COLLEGE Watch for your copy of the Continuing Education Fall 2006 calendar coming in your local newspaper August 20. For more information call 905.721.3052 or 1.888.627.1191 Rossland R d . E Ki ngston R d . E R inger D r . Dundas S t . W Rossland R d Salem Rd .Westney Rd . NWestney Rd. SHarwood Ave. NLakeridge Rd . 401 Odds of winning 1 in 10! No purchase necessary. One key per person. Void where prohibited by law. Must be 18 years of age to play. 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Thursday, Friday & Saturday JULY 13, 14, 15 DID YOU KNOW? Va lue Village gladly accepts donations of good condition clothing, housewares and furniture - to benefit local non-profit organizations! Stop by our convenient donation drive-thru today! See store for details! 155 Harwood Ave. N. – Directly Behind Durham Centre (905) 427 9338 www.valuevillage.com Additional prizes include:Additional prizes include: TEN $50 Shopping SpreesTEN $50 Shopping Sprees FIVE-HUNDRED $5 Winner CertificatesFIVE-HUNDRED $5 Winner Certificates Over $3,000 in Prizes!Over $3,000 in Prizes! Possible 500 Winners in All!Possible 500 Winners in All! FREE gift for FREE gift for the first 5,000 the first 5,000 customers! HEY KIDS!HEY KIDS! Free facepainting and Free facepainting and balloons – all three days!balloons – all three days! UNLOCK THE CASH CUBECASH CUBE an and YOU MAY WINYOU MAY WIN a a $100 SHOPPING SPREE!100 SHOPPING SPREE! UNLOCK THE CASH CUBECASH CUBE an and YOU MAY WINYOU MAY WIN a a $100 SHOPPING SPREE!100 SHOPPING SPREE! Trafalgar Castle SchoolTrafalgar Castle School •Small school environment for girls, Grades 6-12 •University preparatory curriculum with Advanced Placement programme •Wireless laptop programme •Boundless opportunities available in the sciences, maths, arts, athletics, music, and extra-curricular 401 Reynolds Street, Whitby, ON L1N 3W9 ◆905.668.3358 ◆www.castle-ed.com Register Now. Limited placement available for September. Email Irene Talent at talenti@castle-ed.com Providing quality education for more than 130 years Trafalgar Castle School PA GE A8 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006A/P Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Proud Canadians PICKERING — Bayfair Daycare children showed their red and white Canada Day spirit. Pictured are, Alex- ander Holder, Angelique Powell-Jones, Jayden Lakeman, Sophia Soulis, Cameron Haydock, Brooke Vroda, Ta ylor Vroda, Bryanna Read and Georgia Bower. A wish come true for Y’s WISH DURHAM — The numbers are in and the third annual dinner and dance fundraiser for Y’s WISH shelter was a success. More than 200 community supporters attended the June 2 event at Trillium Trails Banquet Centre, raising $12,000 for the shelter run by YWCA Dur- ham. “We could never have accomplished this without the generosity of individuals and businesses across Durham Region, as well as national organizations that donated items to our live and silent auctions,” said Shelter Services Director Wendy Leeder. The YWCA Durham has been providing pro- grams and services to improve the lives of women, children and youth in the greater Oshawa area since 1945. Y’s WISH Shelter opened in May of 2003 in response to growing demand for emergency crisis shelter and support services for abused women in the region. Earlier this year Y’s WISH received additional funding to provide part-time outreach services to the rapidly growing area in north Durham. After only six months, the response has been so great that the service was expanded to a full-time position as of June 5. Women in need of more information about the counselling, transitional housing, advocacy, legal support and shelter services offered by Y’s WISH, are asked to call the 24-hour emergency crisis line at 906-576-2776. SUMMER SIZZLERSSUMMER SIZZLERS 637 Kingston Rd. Pickering Beside National Sports 905-839-8399 Monday to Friday 9:30 - 7:00, Saturday 9:00 - 5:00, Sunday 11:00 - 3:00 “Making your backyard dreams a reality” 2004 7 Time Readers Choice Award Winner www.diplomatpools.com 2006 PARAGON SPASPARAGON SPASPARAGON SPASPARAGON SPAS IN ADDITIONAL FEATURESIN ADDITIONAL FEATURES F R E E IN ADDITIONAL FEATURESIN ADDITIONAL FEATURES FREEFREE ON PARAGON SPASON PARAGON SPASON PARAGON SPASON PARAGON SPASX-400X-400X-400 ABOVE GROUND POOLSABOVE GROUND POOLS INSTOCK POOLS READYINSTOCK POOLS READY FOR INSTALLATION:FOR INSTALLATION: •12ft. Round• 12 ft. Round •18ft. Round• 18 ft. 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Sears Canada Inc. NE072H106 ©2006. Sears Canada Inc. save 10% Installed 25-year 3-tab and decorator shingles •choose from a wide selection of colours and styles •fully transferable warranty; details in store Bonus savings All installed replacement windows with energy-efficient low emissivity glass and argon gas •available in a wide assortment of styles and combinations Also, save $100 on installed Weatherbeater®Plus garage doors. save $150-250 Installed Carrier®13 & 14 S.E.E.R.† central air conditioning systems Also, save $50 on installed Carrier electronic air cleaner. †Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Put your whole home in our care, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Quality you can trust! Sears will arrange installation by qualified contractors. Installation of window fashions and carpeting is extra. Offers do not apply to previously signed contracts. Not valid in conjunction with any other discount or promotion. 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When billed. any unpaid portion of your Sears Card or Sears MasterCard account balance will attract credit charges, commencing on the billing date for such unpaid portion. Excludes Home Services. Ask for details. Payment options and plan details may be changed or discontinued at any time without notice. Ask about other payment options. Unless otherwise stated optional financing programs do not qualify for Sears Club Points or Colours Points. *Purchases made on the Sears Card will receive Sears Club Points and purchases made on the Sears MasterCard will receive Colours Points when finance option is not chosen. Sears Club Points do not apply to taxes, installation charges (where applicable) or maintenance agreement charges PA GE A10 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006A/P Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo And he’s off PICKERING — Dave Eades tees off during the Girls Incorporated sixth annual charity golf day held at the Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility. Crown seeks jail for two-time child porn offender By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM — A Crown prosecutor has called for jail time for a man who has been twice convicted on child pornogra- phy charges. Urging a Superior Court judge to send a strong message of condemnation, prosecutor JulieAnn Barrett said Rob- ert Horvat ought to spend two years in prison and be subjected to strict terms of probation when he completes his sen- tence. “He’s a repeat offender,” Ms. Barrett told Justice Myrna Lack Friday. “These offences and this offender call for a sig- nificant period of custody.” Mr. Horvat, 28, of Brantford, was busted in February 2005 when a com- puter technician in Whitby discovered images of child pornography on a laptop computer that had been dropped off for repairs and called Durham Regional Police. An examination of the comput- er and other materials seized during a search revealed hundreds of images depicting young children engaged in sex acts. After a trial Justice Lack found Mr. Horvat guilty of possession, and also ruled that in transferring images to CDs and discs that he had committed the of- fence of making child pornography. In calling for the stiff sentence, Ms. Barrett noted Mr. Horvat has served a five-month term of house arrest for a prior conviction on child porn charges. She added he’s been a long-time, habit- ual consumer, seeking out images online and downloading them. Justice Lack reserved judgment on the sentence. Durham cops draw first blood ‘Blood Hounds’ from north Durham help launch donation challenge By David Blumenfeld Staff Writer DURHAM — Two years ago, a head- on collision left Murray Handley with a crushed ankle, arm, some broken ribs and bleeding in the lungs. The accident also left Mr. Handley a widower. But more than anything, the retired General Motors employ- ee was in desperate need of blood. Thanks to the selflessness of donors, the 61-year-old lived to tell his tale. “I wouldn’t be here today sharing my story if it wasn’t for donors,” said the 61-year-old Brooklin resident. “I was a blood donor before the acci- dent, having donated 20 times. Who knew that one day I would be the one who needed blood?” On July 4, Mr. Handley was pres- ent at Westminster United Church in Whitby for the kickoff of the Sirens for Life campaign, an initiative that encourages all emergency services workers, including police, fire and ambulance, to donate blood during the summer months. On hand for the launch were the North Durham Blood Hounds, a group of officers from the North Dur- ham Community Police Office who have been regular donors during the campaign for the last two years. “Giving blood is one of the most noble and meaningful community services we can provide,” said Dur- ham Police Inspector Michael Ennis. “Policing and partnership with the community is important... and if there’s anything more meaningful than giving blood and saving a life, then I don’t know what is.” Since taking an active role in the program, the North Durham Com- munity Police Office gets about eight to 10 members out at every clinic to give blood, Insp. Ennis said. The goal of the Sirens to Life Chal- lenge is to collect 1,100 units of blood until Sept. 4. Members of the public are also encouraged to support their local police, fire and emergency medical services’s departments by donating blood on behalf of these groups. “They look to the police, and the fire and the ambulance (workers) for leadership in a sense; they’re looking for an example to follow. We see what it takes when people are off on the side of the road and they’re going off to hospital,” Insp. Ennis said. Canadian Blood Services will be holding a total of 23 blood donor clinics in Durham Region between July 4 and Sept. 4, clinic recruit- ment co-ordinator Sue Harris said. Ms. Harris said Durham Region is a fast-growing area and so the need for blood is also an increasing concern. “I’m just thrilled with the turnout,” she said of the show of support at the Whitby clinic. And now that Mr. Handley has recuperated, he’s also back giving blood. He made his first donation since the accident about a year ago. “I am forever grateful and thank donors with all my heart,” he said. “You never know when you might need it again.” PA GE B1 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006 A/P SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com INSIDE Ajax-Pickering Rock’s winning weekend means a first-round playoff bye for the senior ‘B’ lacrosse team. Page B2 Sports briefs JULY 12, 2006 [ Triathlon ] Kaye A-OK at Edmonton World Cup event PICKERING — A Pickering triath- lete acquitted herself well against the world’s top triathletes at the Edmonton BG World Cup event last Sunday. Alicia Kaye finished in 28th spot in the field of 47 athletes in the elite women’s event. The newly-crowned national under- 23 champion completed the 1,500-metre swim, 40-kilometre bike and 10k run in two hours, eight minutes and 15 sec- onds. The women’s race was won by Australian Emma Snowsill in a time of 1:56:49. [ Boxing ] ‘Killer Bee’ stings foe in Steeltown AJAX — An Ajax boxer showed his mettle in a recent Steeltown ring battle. Garrett ‘Killer Bee’ Killaby of Tiller’s Boxing Club entered the ring against Bramalea Boxing Club’s Tyler Gillers during a boxing card hosted by Hamilton’s Steeltown Boxing Club. In the Cadet ‘B’ 115-pound bout, Killaby defeated Gillers in a 2-1 split decision. In other boxing news, Chico Ca- racas, another Tiller’s fighter, earned an invite to join the provincial boxing team in an upcoming card against the Nova Scotia boxing team at St. Xavier University in Halifax from July 19 to 23. Chris Tiller, the head coach at Tiller’s Boxing Club, notes that although the invitation was unexpected, owing to another provincial team fighter being called up to the national team at an upcoming card in Germany, it was earned. “His hard work is beginning to pay off,” says Tiller. Caracas will fight in the senior 126- pound weight class in Nova Scotia. [ Golf ] Ajax teen fourth in Nike junior series event AJAX — An Ajax teen placed solidly in fourth place at the Nike Golf Junior Series stop at Angus Glen Golf Club in Markham on the weekend. Par ticipating in the boys’ 14-16 event, James Hoffman finished with an eight-over-par 152 (78, 74) over the two rounds. He finished seven strokes be- hind division winner Jonathan Kim-Moss of Mississauga, who shot a one-over-par 145 (67, 78). [ Hockey ] Provincials coming to Durham DURHAM — The Ontario Federa- tion of School Athletics Association (OFSAA) has chosen Durham Region’s bid to host the 2007 All-Ontario High School Hockey Championships next year. This is the first time in the event’s 60-year history that Durham will host the event, scheduled for March 21-24, 2007. “The hockey championships are one of the most high profile and pres- tigious events on the OFSAA calendar,” said Josh French, chairman of the OFSAA 2007 championships and a coach at Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa. “We are both proud and excited to be hosting the championships, and are committed to delivering an event that will bring honour and distinction to our region.” For ty teams, champions of every high school athletic association in On- tario at both the AAA and A/AA level, will attend the championships. The four- day event is expected to draw more than 1,200 participants to Durham. Durham has been home to one of the strongest and most competitive high school hockey leagues in Ontario and four local teams -- two at AAA and two at A/AA -- will be vying for OFSAA gold medals. All games will be played in Whitby at the Iroquois Park Sports Centre and McKinney Centre. “The OFSAA hockey championships will give us an opportunity to assert ourselves as a thriving and leading sup- porter of youth hockey and all of the benefits on and off the ice that are part of it,” French explained. “An event such as this will have far-reaching benefits for the whole region. We look forward to the local community supporting us in this venture.” Ajacians ascend to national team Gittens, Roberts on Canadian under-18 soccer squad, attend camp in Vaughan By Al Rivett Sports Editor AJAX — For one Ajax soccer player, it’s entirely new territory; for another, it’s more of the same success he’s enjoyed over the past several years. Geren Gittens, 17, is making his first foray into the national under-18 soc- cer team this week, and he’s joined by teammate Dane Roberts, also 17, who’s back with the national squad, adding to his impressive resume of national and international experience. Both will attend the team’s training camp at the Glen Shields Soccer Club in Vaughan. Under the direction of head coach Richard Bate, the camp involves about 16 under-18 players from a pool of approximately 20 players. Players will come from across Canada to attend the camp, which started Tuesday and con- tinues until July 16. Attending the camp and playing on the national team has long been a goal for Gittens, who’s currently playing as a centre back with Scarborough Olympic Flame under-18s in the Ontario Youth Soccer League. “I’m very excited,” says Gittens, who’ll attend Grade 12 at Ajax High School in the fall. “I’ve wanted to be on this team for a while now.” For Roberts, he’s been with the na- tional team on two occasions, most re- cently with the under-18s in the spring, when they travelled to Scotland to play a series of games against the Scottish under-18 side in April, losing both con- tests by identical 1-0 scores. Being a national team member, says Roberts, is all about being a profession- al. “They’re looking for players with de- termination, courage, confidence and composure,” explains Roberts, who will be in Grade 12 at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School in the fall. “Skills are a big part of it. They’re looking for profes- sionals on and off the field.” This summer, Roberts is a centre mid- fielder with the elite Toronto Lynx junior men’s team that competes in the U.S.- based Super Y League. So far, the team sits in second place in its division. Gittens notes landing on the national team has been a progression. Last sum- mer, he attended the National Training Centre for Ontario, which is a feeder system for the national development teams. He was eventually called up to play on Ontario’s under-16 boys’ team. He also attended a tryout in England for the Newcastle Soccer Club, attempting to catch on with the schoolboy team. The tryout, which was a one-week trial, ended up being extended to two-and-a- half weeks before he was released. He also had a tryout with the Hearts club of Scotland. Dave Nutt, an administrator with the national teams, says the current camp will further build on the skills of those in the under-18 development pool. He expects that following the camp there will be several exhibition matches, most likely against Toronto Lynx development teams. As well, another camp will likely be held in the fall, although no dates or location have yet been finalized. Nutt says that some of the players in the under-18 development team pool could represent Canada at the 2007 under-20 World Cup in Toronto. Mostly likely, however, the players currently in the under-18 program would play for Canada at the under-20 age group in 2009. Both Gittens and Roberts hope to eventually land an athletic scholarship in soccer in the U.S. Roberts says he’s had contact from two universities. He’s also exploring playing professionally overseas. Next month, Roberts will at- tend a tryout in France with the Auxerre youth team, a first division team in that country. Kyle Macpherson/ News Advertiser photo Geren Gittens, left, and Dane Roberts earned spots on Canada’s under-18 development team and will train with 16 other players from across the country at a national training camp in Vaughan this week. Owner cites lack of support behind relocation of elite women’s hockey team By Al Rivett Sports Editor DURHAM — After seven years of pro- viding elite women’s hockey in Durham Region, the Durham Lightning are no more. According to Brandon Smith, the team’s owner and general manager, the Lightning have folded, but the team will be resurrected as the Etobicoke Dol- phins, serving as a senior women’s team in that organization’s minor system, starting in the 2006-07 season. “We’re alive and in the best shape ever but, unfortunately, our relationship in Durham will end. We’re in Etobicoke now,” says Smith, who took over owner- ship of the National Women’s Hockey League team from the Durham West Girls’ Hockey Association last season. Smith says he’ll remain as a minor- ity partner with the Etobicoke Dolphins, while the new majority owner is Toronto businessman Domenic Serafino. Smith will also retain his roles as the team’s president and general manager. The move to Etobicoke is bittersweet for Smith, saying his intention all along was to remain in Durham Region. Early last season, however, the team was left in a financial vacuum as his former partner with the Lightning decided to withdraw as an owner. Despite an appeal to find local backers, none could be found. “It’s unfortunate. I would have liked to stay there, but we needed to go where the support is,” he says. Smith says he attempted to get the DWGHA to become a partner with the team, but president Richard Sabourin noted in a previous interview the as- sociation wasn’t interested in a financial partnership with the Lightning. “We’re not leaving on wonderful terms, but we’re not leaving on bad terms either,” Smith says. As well, Smith reports the Etobicoke Dolphins organization should be a good fit for the team. “They’ve wanted us really badly and they’ve been supportive and really ac- commodating,” he says. “They’re very proud to have us. It just made sense to go there. We feel we have an organization that does want us and we’re extremely excited to be part of their organization.” Smith notes that many of the last year’s Lightning players are willing to continue their careers in Etobicoke, al- though he expects to add at least seven new players to the Dolphins’ roster. The Ajax-based Lightning team came into the NWHL during the 1999-2000 season and struggled mightily from the outset. In fact, during its first six seasons in the league, the Lightning (formerly known as the Telus Lightning) finished in last place in each of those years. Last season, however, was a breakthrough campaign, finishing in first place in its division and making the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. Howev- er, the team was ousted by Brampton Thunder in the semifinal game. Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo C’mon ump, I’m safe! PICKERING — Pickering Pirates’ Dave Lewis looks to the third base umpire for help after sliding into third ahead of the tag of Mis- sisauga North Bengals third baseman Kevin O’Toole. The Pirates took the first game of the Ontario Senior Select Baseball Associa- tion doubleheader at Woodsmere Park 7-0, but lost the nightcap 9-5. Durham Lightning moves to Etobicoke for coming season VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.funbuscanada.com YOUR CASINO TOUR SPECIALISTS! 8 MIDTOWN DR., OSHAWA 905-576-1357 As Always, Please Call For More Details. 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SKU: 10073990 PA GE B2 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006A/P Senior B’s rattle off weekend lacrosse sweep of Mohawk, Ennismore to finish regular season By Al Rivett Sports Editor DURHAM — The Ajax-Pickering Rock won’t compete in the Ontario Lacrosse Association senior ‘B’ play- offs... at least not for a while. Following a two-game sweep of its final two league games on the week- end, the Rock (10-3-1) finished first in the league standings, thus earning a first-round playoff bye. The Rock got past the Ennismore SEL Shamrocks 7-5 at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Friday night. In its final regular-season match of the season in Brantford against the Mohawk Stars Saturday, the squad scored a 12-8 victory to put the fin- ishing touches on a 6-0 run to the end of the regular season. The two weekend wins allowed the Rock to finish one point ahead of sec- ond-place Wellington Aces (10-4). First place, says Rock head coach and general manager Paul St. John, has been the team’s stated priority since training camp. And, as a bonus, they’ll now get more than a week off to practise and nurse any lingering injuries. “It’s been a goal of ours; a goal from Day 1,” says St. John. “It looked for a while like we weren’t going to get it, but we recovered from a mid- season slump and went 6-0 in our last six games.” After the team hit a four-game win- less skid in late May and early June, St. John says the turnaround for the Rock came after a disappointing 10-4 loss to the Owen Sound Woodsmen in Owen Sound on June 9. “We had a couple of team meet- ings. We knew we had to get back to playing our game, which was run- and-gun and solid defensive play and we did,” says St. John. Most of all, in the past six g ames, the Rock regained their collective scoring touch, something that completely abandoned them through the win- less streak. Scoring an average of seven goals a game through that rough stretch, the Rock has ratcheted up their offence over their past six games to average almost 10 goals a game. In addition, the Rock has contin- ued to receive strong leadership and goaltending from Pat Campbell, who tended the net this past season for the National Lacrosse League’s Ed- monton Rush. “He’s been fantastic,” says St. John. “That’s why we brought him in and he’s done the job so far.” The two victories over the week- end, says St. John, were no sure thing. In Saturday’s game, the Rock needed a nine- goal second pe- riod to subdue the host Stars, who had built up a 3-0 first- period cushion. Meanwhile, in Friday’s win over Ennismore on their home floor, the Rock broke up a 4-4 second-period tie with a three-goal third period. “We struggled a bit in both games, but our hard work at practices paid off as we had extra legs in the third period to pull out the win (on Fri- day). In Saturday’s game, we turned it on in the second period to pull that one out.” The Rock also relied on the rule book in Saturday’s win over Mohawk. St. John asked the game officials to check the equipment of Stars’ start- ing goaltender Jake Henhawk for ille- gal equipment. The officials deemed the equipment illegal, earning Hen- hawk a game misconduct. Mohawk were forced to insert backup ball stopper Cody VanEvery in his stead, and the Rock responded with their nine-goal, second-period explosion. The Rock have added defensive specialist Joe Rosa for the playoff run. St. John says he didn’t know the veteran player was available until he was contacted by Rosa. “He gave us a call on Thursday and we had an opening in the lineup on Friday. He played well both nights.” The addition of Rosa, however, gives St. John an overabundance of players. But, he’s not complaining. “It’s a problem situating guys in the lineup in the playoffs, but it’s a good problem to have,” says St. John. www. 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With the game tied 4-4 after two periods, the Rock outscored the Shammies 3-1 in the final frame for the win... Craig, Jaime Lumsden, Todd Hollinshead, To ny Henderson, Bill McLean, Daley and O’Brien scored for Ajax-Pickering. Captain Jim Veltman added four assists... The Wellington Aces play the St. Clair Storm in the best-of-three quarter final series... Other series include the Owen Sound Woods- men against the Shamrocks, and the Brooklin Merchants facing the Stars...Fr ank Littlejohn may be recuperated in time for the playoffs after suffering a hand injury... SAVESAVE $$1010 WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING F BU T N SUN TAN STUDIOS ® Free TanFree TanClip to redeem your For new clients only, some restrictions apply. •Ajax 905-686-8187 •Pickering 905-839-8013 •Pickering 905-421-0111 Ample parking. Delivery Service Available. Payment: Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit. 10% Buyer’s Premium. Everyone Welcome! For more information call 519-821-9331 Please visit www.unclejoesauction.com for more information Saturday, July 15th, 2006 Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock St. N, Whitby, ON Preview 12pm / Auction 1pm Norm Webster,Auctioneer has been instructed to liquidate this superb collection of new furniture and accessories at a “NO RESERVE” auction. 3 piece sofa sets from traditional to contemporary to designer looks, from 100% Italian leather to the highest grade fabric on the market. Gorgeous Dining Room suites, hutches, and sideboards. Elegant bedroom outfits to include a stunning 8 PC. Queen Bedroom Suite, a fabulous 8 PC. Queen Sleigh Bedroom Suite and a Gigantic Cherry Finish Poster Bedroom Suite. Texas Holdem Poker Table, clay poker chips, home enter- tainment Slot Machines. Huge assortment of coffee, end tables, jam cupboards, gifts, entertainment units, and lamps. Selection of hand tools, 1/2” hammer drills. Many framed pieces of art, Limited Edition numbered “Group of Seven”. Bombay Chests. Quality Mattresses and box spring sets in single, double, queen and king from the highest quality pocket coil pillow top sets on the market. Laptop Computers,Tiffany Lamps. Vases, sign boards,Pots and pan sets from Germany, 65-98 piece China Dish sets. Cutlery and Knife sets. Tribal Art, Masks, Porcelain Dolls, 80’x11’ and 5’ x 8’ carpets. Unique furniture from Indonesia. Handmade 100% Persian Wool Carpets.This is partial listing. Many more stunning items not listed. Subject to additions and deletions. THIS MAY BE THE BEST AUCTION YOU HAVE EVER SEEN Millions in Inventory to Be Sold NEWS ADVERTISER PA RTNERS WITH LOCAL BUSINESSES TO BRING YOU AMAZING DEALS ON SALE NOW Burbs Bistro & Bar is Pickering’s newest and most contemporary dining experience. Enjoy urban bistro cuisine and an extensive wine selection in a casually elegant atmosphere. 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Offer is based on prices before taxes and service fees. Limit of one offer per booking. Coupon must be presented at time of booking to recieve the free luggage offer. Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or price. Free luggage style and colour may not be exactly as shown and may vary. Coupon to be redeemed at fi nal payment. Luggage is provided upon receipt of fi nal payment. This coupon has no cash value. Regular retail price of 3 piece set is $119.99. Ont. Reg. #50014517 CAA South Central Ontario 60 Commerce Valley Dr. E., Thornhill ON L1T 7P9 FREE Look for XS Cargo’s fl yer in Wednesday’s Ajax Pickering News (*Selected areas only) 1540 - Dundas Street East, Whitby 905-666-5743 PA GE B3 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006 A/P Lig htning strikes again for Strikers at Robbie Under-11 girls win prestigious crown for a second time AJAX — Who says Lightning can’t strike twice? Not the Ajax Strikers girls’ under- 11 rep soccer team, which repeated as champions of the prestigious Rob- bie International Soccer Tournament recently. Ironically, the repeat champion- ship came at the expense of an- other Ajax squad, the Ajax United Lightning. In the end, Colleen Milne scored the lone goal for the Strikers in the gold-medal game played at Scarborough’s Mowat Collegiate. Ta mara Brown was named as the most valuable player of the final. In the semifinal against a solid Wexford Wildcats squad, the Ajax Strikers recorded a 4-3 victory on penalty kicks to earn a berth in the final. Goalkeeper Darrian Capizzo pro- vided solid work to pull her team through to the final. The Ajax Soccer Club squad began its championship quest against a hungry Scarborough United Fury team and it proved to be the wake- up call for the girls, losing 3-1. Feeling the pressure, the Striker girls regrouped and played the rest of the day in typical fashion, beating West Rouge Storm 8–1 and finishing the day with a handy 2–1 victory over the Ajax United Lightning. In their final pool game, the Ajax Strikers scored a 4-1 victory over the Eastside Kickers Green squad to earn a playoff spot. Other team members are Char- maine Bosse, Bethany Coke, Mad- eline Iozzi, Jamie Laing, Mackenzie Langford, Sarah Liderri, Sarah Mag- alhaes, Allessia Marzilli, Carlie Stew- art and Sabrina Yusuf. Mario Campigotto, Bob Langford, and Mario Marzilli coach the team. The manager is Tracey Liderri. Submitted photo The Ajax Strikers girls’ under-11 rep soccer team emerged as champions from the prestigious Robbie International Soccer Tournament recently. The Strikers defeated another Ajax squad, the Ajax United Lightning, in the championship game. It was the second consecutive Robbie title for the Ajax Strikers. Submitted photo Eagles soar at Robbie AJAX — The Ajax Eagles boys’ under-11 rep soccer team emerged victorious from the recent Robbie International Soccer Tournament in Scarborough. The Eagles won their pool and then moved on to defeat the Brampton Battlecats 3-1 in the semifinal match. In the final, the Eagles played the West Rouge Storm to a 1-1 tie. In penalty kicks, the Eagles won the championship 4-2 on penalty kicks. Team members, back row, from left, are Rupert Greaves (coach), Nathan Hussey, Davon Greaves, Meschach Green, Brandon Hong, Jahlani Leslie, Lascelles Hussey (manager), Damon Johnson-Holder and Larilyn Do Nascimento (manager). In middle row are Cedric Dion, Torin Guest, Jason Akoa, Brandon John, Nathaniel Rodney-Scarlett and Nolyn Do Nascimento. In front is goalkeeper Lucas MacDonald. reverse AJAX 427-7708 282 Monarch Ave Mon-Fri 9:30-9, Sat 9:30-5:30, Sun 11-5 Items may not be exactly as shown. Supply and selection will vary by outlet. Shop early for best selection. STANDARD Bed Pillows 24 oz. fill. FORMAL DAMASK Tablecloths Assorted styles and sizes to choose from. Face Cloths $2.99 Compare at $10.99 Hand Towels $4.99 Compare at $14.99 Bath Towels $6.99 Compare at $19.99 TWIN SIZE … QUEEN SIZE … $999 $4988 Great value starting at … $199 Compare at $24.99 Compare at $135! Compare at $4.99!TWIN SIZE … $2999 Compare at $69.99! Compare at $799! Compare at $14.97 & $17.99 KING SIZE AVAILABLE TOO! Only…$59.88 RETAILER CANCELS ORDER! U.S. Retailer Discontinues Item! Bath Sheets Compare at $39.99! Matching Sets! Double/Full $34.99 Compare at $79.99 Queen $39.99 Compare at $89.99 King $44.99 Compare at $99.99 • 3” of 5+ pound visco elastic memory foam • 7” high density foam support base • Rubberized non-skid bottom • Zippered removable cover • Premium look and appeal Kitchen Linens Galore! Huge assortment of dish towels, tea towels, placemats and tablecloths. QUEEN $749 Compare at $999! KING Luxurious 10” mattress Soap Dispensing Dish Wand Includes replacement head. 99 ¢ $499$699 Compare at $7.96 $599 THE NEWEST MATTRESS INNOVATION! The Space Age Memory Foam that went to the moon, at a price that’s down to earth! 100% SUEDE Duvet Cover Sets Includes duvet cover and pillow shams. $999$999 DESIGNER Luxury Towels Huge assortment of colours available.$14.99 $19.99 $24.99 Double/Full Compare at $29.99 Queen Compare at $39.99 King Compare at $44.99 DAMASK 200 THREAD COUNT Sheet Sets Includes 1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet and 2 pillowcases. 7 PIECE JACQUARD Comforter Sets Includes Jacquard comforter, 2 pillow shams, 1 bedskirt and 3 toss cushions. TheGreat White Ev entEvent Gre at White Ev entEvent Gre at White Ev entEvent &ALL  ...Ajax & Pickering News Advertiser Magic Moments... to have and to hold Do you want to share your wedding story with future brides? Sally Smith and Jim Young shared their love and happiness with family and friends at their beautiful wedding on September 14, 2005 at St Andrew’s Church. Th e wedding cere- mony was followed by a reception celebrated at the We st Banquet Hall in Ajax. Th ank you to our Wedding Party, Family and Fr iends for sharing in our special day, fi lled with a lifetime of wonderful memories. We ’ll publish your favourite wedding photo and up to 150 word description in our Wedding Show feature, Sunday, September 10, 2006. Black & white photo & 150 words max $50 Full colour photo & 150 words max $75 Engagement Announcements For those just setting your date, we’ll publish your engagement announcement picture and up to 50 words in our September 10th feature also. Black & white photo & 50 words max $40 Full colour photo & 50 words max $60 Call 905.683.5110 ext. 230 or email lmccaig@durhamregion.com for more details. Drop in the mail to Wedding Picture Promotion, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON L1S 2H5 PA GE B4 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006A/P Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Gymnasts have rhythm AJAX — Durham Elite Rhythmic Gymnastics Club’s provincial-level and Interclub-level athletes earned medals at the recent Provincial Red Ribbon Competition in Markham. The provincial-level athletes won gold and the Interclub-level gymnasts earned silver. Pictured are Chantal Wall, Jessica Xavier, Melissa Morgan, Hannah Hayes, Sydney Savoie, Nelson Tremblay-Twinem, Keesha Nurse, Elena Rahman, Danika Wotten, Re- bekah Morgan and Jonathan Lefebvre.What’s going on in your community? Just click here PA GE B5 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006 A/P ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT durhamregion.com Entertainment briefs JULY 12, 2006 [ Art ] Pickering artist’s work at Ajax’s McLean Centre AJAX — Maureen Killam’s works have taken over the atrium at the McLean Community Centre in Ajax. Born in Belfast, she now resides in Pickering and works in all media and a variety of subject matter, even if her favourite medium and subjects are chalk pastels and animals, respective- ly. Killam is a member of the PineRidge Arts Council, Ajax Creative Arts and Visual Arts Ontario. The exhibition runs until Aug. 8 and the centre is at 95 Magill Dr. (at Westney Road North) and open to the public Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Koonstra latest cyber gallery artist DURHAM — The Durham West Arts Centre’s latest Cyber Gallery artist is Uxbridge resident Hanneke Koonstra. “Hanneke is the third artist DWAC has featured on the web gallery page and we are delighted to showcase her talent and vibrant watercolour images,” says Angie Littlefield, DWAC executive director. Koonstra came to Canada as a young girl from the Netherlands and images of return trips are featured in her art as well as her travels around Canada and the U.S. Art has always been an important part of her life. As an elementary school teacher for more than 20 years, she instilled an appreciation for the arts in her stu- dents, encouraging them to develop their own talents. “I work mainly in watercolours as I like their unpredictability,” says Koonstra. “I can plan my subject mat- ter but there is always that element of surprise -- especially when painting a sky.” A sample of her work and more information about Koonstra can be seen on the DWAC Cyber Gallery page, dwac.ca/cyberGallery/HannekeKoon- stra/HannakeKoonstra.html. Koonstra is a member of Pin- eRidge Arts Council, Ajax Creative Arts, Oshawa Art Association and participates in many art shows and festivals, including the Cobourg Water Festival; Art in the Park, Markham; OPG; and Art in the Park, Uxbridge. [ Music ] It’s madness at the Durham West Arts Centre PICKERING — Kids can go mad this Saturday in Pickering. The Durham West Arts Centre’s Kids’ Saturday Morning Music Mad- ness series, intended for children and youth, continues on July 15 with ‘Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen’, featur- ing music from the British Isles per- formed by teenage musicians from the Pickering Rotary Music Festival and local schools. The concerts are free and each begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday morn- ings in the Pickering Public Library’s central branch auditorium. Each con- cert runs 30 to 45 minutes. For more information and ad- ditional concerts in the series, e-mail info@dwac.ca or visit www.dwac.ca. Get rhythm at upcoming drum workshop DURHAM — Bang the drum loudly tonight as Ron Cross from ‘Random Acts of Rhythm’ leads a drumming workshop at WindReach Farm. All skill levels, including beginners, are welcome and the July 12 workshop is open to adults and youth (minimum five years old). The evening begins with a concert by Cross, followed by one hour of hands-on drumming for participants and refreshments. The session is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $10. There is a $3 charge for support staff if required by a participant. Future workshops are on July 27, Aug. 15 and 31. For more information or to register, call 905-655-5827, e-mail thefarm@windreach.org, or visit www. windreach.org. WindReach Farm is at 312 Townline Rd. in Ashburn, between Lakeridge Road and Brock Street. Here comes Shakespeare Plays by the bard brought to life this summer by Driftwood Theatre Group DURHAM — The season of outdoor theatre is here, with Driftwood The- atre Group about to launch its sum- mer productions in Durham Region and beyond. The Durham-based troupe will present two plays this summer, with opening night in the region on July 20 at Parkwood Estate in Oshawa. The first is Shakespeare’s ‘The Winter’s Tale’, the story of a 16-year journey of redemption and forgiveness, mixed with comedy, love and magic. ‘The Winter’s Tale’ tells the story of Leon- tes, king of Sicily, whose jealousy leads to the death of his wife and son. But this tragedy doesn’t end here. Instead it becomes a powerful romantic fable, leaping 16 years into the future where we find Leontes’s long-lost daughter, raised by a shepherd in Bohemia. The second is last year’s hit, ‘The Complete Works of William Shake- speare (abridged)’, by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield, a funny, condensed look at the bard’s works. It broke all of Driftwood’s at- tendance records, resulting in the highest-grossing season in the com- pany’s 11-year history. This play will be presented once in Durham this summer but four times elsewhere in southern Ontario. Reprising their roles in ‘The Com- plete Works’ are Steven Burley, a Drift- wood original, Christopher Darroch, two seasons with Driftwood, and Peter Nicol, six seasons with Driftwood. The cast of ‘The Winter’s Tale’ in- cludes Shannon Black, Burley, Dar- roch, Xuan Fraser, Robert Hamilton, Kevin Hammond, Bethany Jillard, one season with Driftwood, Christopher Kelk, Nicol and Amy Sellers. Opening night will take the form of a new, fundraising event at Parkwood Estate in Oshawa on July 19. This event, by ticket only, offers a chance of a “picnic under the stars” in front of the stage or a meal at the Parkwood Te a House catered by King’s Court Catering. This will be followed by the performance of ‘The Winter’s Tale’ and a chance to meet the actors at a reception. The schedule for ‘The Winter’s Tale’ in Durham beyond opening night is: July 20 -- Parkwood, Oshawa, 7:30 p.m. July 23 -- Palmer Park, Port Perry, 7:30 p.m. July 26 -- Esplanade Park, Pickering, 7:30 p.m. July 27 -- Greenwood Community Centre, Greenwood, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 2 -- Rotary Park, Ajax, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 -- Visual Arts Centre, Bow- manville, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 20 -- Trafalgar Castle, Whitby, 2 and 7:30 p.m. ‘The Complete Works’ will be pre- sented Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Trafal- gar Castle in Whitby. Driftwood is also presenting in Bur- lington, Toronto, Mississauga, Brant- ford, Niagara Falls, Bobcaygeon, Pe- terborough, Belleville, Kingston, Mar- mora and Cobourg. Apart from the opening night, ad- mission is pay-what-you-can, with a suggestion of $15 per person. For more information on the sea- son, locations and tickets for the opening night, call 905-576-2396 or visit www.driftwoodtheatre.com. The website include production images, company biographies, Driftwood his- tory and a full schedule, including maps. News Advertiser file photo The Driftwood Theatre Group will perform works from Shakespeare at a number of venues in Durham Region this summer, includ- ing at Esplanade Park in Pickering on July 26, the Greenwood Community Centre on July 27 and at Rotary Park in Ajax on Aug. 2. Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Jazz in the square PICKERING — Peter Smith of the Peter Smith Jazz Quartet pumps out a tune at Millennium Square in Pickering. The session was the first of the summer waterfront concert series every Thursday night. Jazz fans listened to rhythms of Latin-jazz and traditional South American melodies. Jamie Dart auditions for Rock Star: Supernova DURHAM — As she watches ‘Rock Star: Supernova’ this summer, Jamie Dart will be looking for familiar faces, people she spent time with in Los Ange- les in early June. The Oshawa rock musician was one of six Canadians who auditioned for the band, made up of Tommy Lee of Motley Crue, Jason Newsted of Metallica, and Gilby Clarke of Guns N’ Rose, in LA. And while she didn’t make it on to the show, she is proud of how well she did and happy about the experience she gained. “I wasn’t what they were looking for, I guess,” she said. “But it was a really excit- ing experience.” The singer/songwriter said she wasn’t surprised she wasn’t chosen for the show. “I saw a lot of the other contestants. Everyone was really great vocally. It was based on personality, stage presence, what you were prepared to do on stage,” she said. Dart said whoever wins will have to prove he or she can keep attention on themselves and away from Tommy Lee. “I’m not sure I can do that,” Dart said with a laugh, adding she lacked the loud personalities, tattoos and piercings some other contestants had. “I’m pretty laid-back so I think I faded into the background,” she said. Her journey to LA started in March, when she auditioned for the show at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto. She’d been asked to come play “through a friend of a friend,” she said. “We had no idea what band it was for.” She got called for the third and final day of auditions and then had to wait about a month before she learned she was headed for LA to try out for the new band. “They only took six Canadians,” she said. “I was pretty excited about that.” Global’s Entertainment Tonight Can- ada came out to her Oshawa home to do an interview and while they were there, she received the call telling her she was going to LA in early June, a call she wasn’t expecting to get. “I was a little skeptical about the while process,” she said. “I was still booking gigs and everything. I didn’t want to turn anything down.” So she was happy to learn she was going and had a chance at being one of the 16 finalists for the show. In LA, the 50 singers from around the world stayed at a “nice hotel” and played in front of the band and Burnett, a novel experience, Dart said. She was sent home in one of the final cuts, she said. “I wasn’t too disappointed because I was kind of expecting it,” she said. She’s been home a month now, but wasn’t able to say anything until the final 16 were announced, she said. Now she’s at home planning more gigs, trying to put a band of her own to- gether to work on original music, work- ing on new material for a new CD and trying to find backing for it. She’s hoping her experience with Rock Star: Super- nova will help her. “I just keep reminding myself I was top 50,” she said. “This is really good ex- posure, especially in Canada. This kind of gives me an edge. It’s definitely a confidence boost. I will never give up. I won’t let this discourage me.” Dart plays at the Portly Piper in Ajax on July 21. Yo u can find more about Dart at www. jamiedart.ca. Durham singer back from LA Ontario Trade Academy (Registered Career College) Is offering courses in: •Home Inspection Officer Diploma Course •Home Staging Certificate Course •Professional Organization/Decluttering Seminar Call Now To Register - Spaces Limited Grand Opening in Oshawa 1-877-585-5505 At Pitney Bowes, our unique knowledge of mail, facsimile, copier, software, financing and messaging, makes us singularly well positioned to provide integrated solutions to companies to meet their increasingly complex messaging needs. Our continued success and commitment to customer satisfaction, and the acquisition of Danka Canada has created excellent full-time, part-time and contract opportunities in our Ajax Call Centre location. •Bilingual Customer Contact Representatives (position #41923) •Bilingual Resolution Representatives (position #41924) •Bilingual Collections Representatives (position #38752) •Inbound Customer Contact Representatives (position #41920) •Order Creation Specialist (position #40994) As a valued member of our team, you will enjoy significant earning potential as well as the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive and flexible benefits program (available to regular full-time and part-time employees). If you are ready for a new and exciting challenge and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment with others who share your energy and passion, we would like to hear from you. To apply please visit our website at www.pitneybowes.ca and apply online. Select careers@pb and do a search for the appropriate position number. Alternatively, you may e-mail your résumé to pitneybowes@hirepower.on.ca indicating the position title in the subject line. While we wish to thank all applicants for their interest only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. At Pitney Bowes we value diversity in the workplace and are committed to the principles and practices of Employment Equity. Engineering the flow of communicationTM Looking for a more Challenging, rewarding career? One that makes use of your talents…. Rewards your efforts? Bennett's Home Furnishings of Pickering is growing and we are looking for the right people to grow along with us. Moving into the world of Furniture sales may be just the right niche for you. You are assertive, dedicated, and have strong interpersonal skills. You want those skills to be used in a creative and strong company devoted to their customers and their employees. You are able to work retail hours and have strong business and retail background. Compensation ranges from $35,000 to $60,000 per year plus health and dental plan. Send or drop resume to Bennett's Home Furnishings, 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit SB1, Pickering, L1V 1B5, 905-428-8083. No phone calls please. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted LEGAL R.E. SECRETARY ●Minimum 5-10 years Experience ●Excellent Communication/Computer Skills ●Positive Team Approach Email resume with references to Gillian Vanular at adresponse_@hotmail.com We W ill Amaze You! LAWN CARE TECHNICIANS Motivated People Needed Immediately to Join Our Winning Team! Scarborough Location (Morningside & 401) Applicants For This Outdoor Lawn Care Position Require Excellent Communication Skills, A Valid Driver’s License And Must Be At Least 19 Years Of Age. If You Have A Great Desire To Learn, And Can Work With Minimum Supervision, Give Us A Call! Weed Man Provides Full Training And A Chance To Grow With Our Company. CALL US NOW! 416-269-8333 Looking for SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Needed, Part time Positions available in Ajax/Pickering. FREE Training provided for suitable applicants. Laidlaw 225 MacKenzie, Ajax 905-683-2350 LOOKING FOR WORK? START HERE! Free 90-minute workshop Free one-on-one appointments Call and register TODAY! 905-426-8337 www.theemploymentadvantage.com Project funded by Looking for Work? Experiencing Barriers to Employment? Work Links For Women provides FREE employment support, workshops & links to programs for job search.Let us help! Call now 905-433-9539 1-866-375-9539 www.northernlightsosh.com Serving Durham Residents Whitevale Golf Club located in Pickering is accepting applications for: •Backshop (ideal for retirees) •Servers (must be available until mid-November) Please fax or email resume to info@whitevalegolfclub.com Fax:905-294-5115 NEW SALON & SPA Opening in Ajax/Pickering. Seeking experience Hair Stylists, Managers & Estheticians Business/Franchise opportunities available, minimum investment Call 905-686-4128 For more than a quarter century, LOVAT has specialized in the custom design and manufacture of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) utilized in the construction of metro, railway, road, sewer, water, penstock, mine access and telecable tunnels. We are currently recruiting for the following positions: ASSEMBLY TECHNICIANS Responsibilities will include the installation, testing and maintenance of hydraulic systems. Candidates must have experience in Heavy Hydraulics systems and Mechanical Assembly. ASSEMBLY ASSISTANTS Responsibilities will include assisting the assembly technicians as instructed as well as housekeeping duties. Candidates should have basic mechanical and hydraulic knowledge with some experience. WELDERS Candidates must be CWB Certified. CNC GENERAL MACHINIST Candidates must have Fanuc, Siemens, Heidenhain control experience. General machining experience, as well as experience using the following equipment: engine lathes, milling machines, and drill presses. VERTICAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Candidates must have experience on working on large components over 100" in diameter. Approximately 5 years of experience in vertical boring is able to read blue prints . CNC experience would be an asset. Successful candidates will be offered a 3-6 months contract with the opportunity of becoming permanent. Candidates will be required to work rotating shifts. All candidates must possess good communication skills. If you feel you have the qualifications and enjoy working in a fast paced environment, please respond by mail, email or fax to: Human Resources, Lovat Inc. 441 Carlingview Drive Etobicoke, ON M9W 5G7, humanresources@lovat.com, and Fax: (416) 675-6702. Thank you for your reply, only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. Howard MARTEN Company Ltd., a leader for over 50 years in the design and manufacture of fluid systems has openings for the following positions: Senior Designer,successful candidate will possess ✓Diploma or degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. ✓Minimum of 8 years experience in manufacturing environment ✓Solid understanding of piping design, structural steel construction, and hydraulic design practices for industrial applications. ✓Experience with SolidWorks 3D drawing package ✓Good working knowledge of AutoCAD and MS Office Junior Designer,successful candidate will possess ✓Diploma as a Drafting- or Engineering Technician. ✓Minimum of 2 years experience in manufacturing environment ✓Experience with SolidWorks 3D drawing package ✓Good working knowledge of AutoCAD and MS Office Welding and Assembly Technician, successful candidate will possess: ✓Qualifications to TSSA and proficiency in SMAW and GMAW for carbon and stainless steel pipe. ✓Minimum of 5 years experience with strong mechanical aptitude ✓Ability to interpret drawings and schematics. To apply, please: e-mail resume to eng@howardmarten.com or fax (905)831-5807 PA R TS PICKER/ASSEMBLER required for busy Hydraulic hose company. •Must be fluent in English •Forklift certification an asset •$11.00/hr. Please fax resume to: 905-686-4385 CASHIER / RECEPTIONIST Whitby Oshawa Honda has a permanent position for a customer service oriented person. Monday to Thursday 4 till 9 and Saturday 9 to 6. Pays $8.00 per hour. Duties to include: Switchboard, Cashier, as well as various office duties, opportunity for advancement for the right individual. Apply with resume and references: 300 Thickson Road South,Whitby or fax 905-665-1343 Ajax Mattress and Bedroom requires an Experienced Sales Clerk for days, evenings and weekends, Apply in person to 41 Harwood Ave S., Ajax (Harwood/Doric) Transport Training TM Centres of Canada Inc. DRIVER SAFETY AND TRADE SKILL DEVELOPMENT 1-866-966-0626 FORKLIFTSAFETY TRAINING 1818 Hopkins St. S 905-668-4211 NOW HIRING,two commissioned agents. Requirements: finan- cial/mortgage background pre- ferred for Mortgage Brokerage. Fax resume to 905-666-2367 PROGRESSIVE ONTARIO Insu- rance Service Provider is cur- rently recruiting for Phone Rep- resentatives in Pickering. Suc- cessful candidates will be respon- sible for day-to-day phone com- munications to Physicians/Medi- cal facilities across Canada. Requires excellent phone/com- munication skills. Medical termi- nology/medical office experi- ence/bilingual preferable, not mandatory. Call centre experi- ence would be beneficial. Com- puter literacy and working knowl- edge of applicable systems man- datory. Email resume to: pat.griffith@watermarkinsu- rance.com or mail resume to: Watermark Insurance Services Inc, 1020 Brock Road South,Suite 2005, Pickering, On- tario L1W 3H2. AZ DRIVER needed immediately. Oshawa to Windsor. Clean Ab- stract & clean drug test required. Call Dennis (905)438-8882 AZ DRIVER or Owner/Operator required for flatbed, to run U.S. (home on weekends). Min. 3 yrs. driving experience, clean ab- stract. Drivers: 47 cents per mile. Fax resume to 905-556-9949 or call 905-242-6756. AZ/DZ DRIVERS with clean ab- stract needed immediately. Full time. Must be able to lift & handle drywall. $20+ per hr. Benefit package. Call Ed 416-757-6248 DURHAM DESIGNATED Driver Service, requires driver teams and individuals 25 and over. Must have vehicle and cell phone. Cash paid nightly. Call 416-609- 0444. (between) 9-5. DZ DRIVER WANTED.Water truck driver for established sod in- stallation company in Oshawa. Responsibilities include watering sod and delivering sod/topsoil. Must have 1-year experience. Fax resume (905)263-2126. $15/HR. PART TIME help. Can- vassing for home renovations. Tr aining provided. Own vehicle. Call (905)686-2445 after 4pm. Ext. 306. 300 PEOPLE needed. New to Pickering. Distribution Co. is look- ing for fill new openings from of- fice to warehouse. Paid training. $500 to start. Call Lyn (905)420- 1042. ASSISTANT TEACHER,supply teachers and cook required, please fax resume to PRYDE Learning Centres Inc. at 905-725- 5499 AVON Is looking for you! $$ Earn Cash $$ No quotas. Sell at home or at work. Interested?? Call Pat 905-683-6032 905-626-9745 Free gift when you join! CAN YOU START IMMEDIATELY? No Exp. Necessary 18+ Full-time Customer Service Call Lisa 905-837-9555 COOK & WAIT STAFF F/T and P/T, pub style food, experience preferred, Ajax location, call 905-426-9692 fax 905-426-7607 DEBOERS FURNITURE re- quires an energetic full-time de- sign/sales professional. Please fax resume to 905-683-9908, or email to mamonteiro@deboers.com DO YOU HAVE 10 hours per week that you would like to make productive? Work from home earning $3000+ per month. www.miniofficeoutlets.com/deb DRIVER WANTED to drive salesperson around and also help in marketing and sales, $12/hr plus gas guaranteed, f/t and p/t, vehicle required, 905-477-5001 DRIVER/HIGHWAY traffic control personnel. To set up lane closures /drive 5ton truck. "G" License, clean abstract, days/nights, flexibility. Fax 905-761-0840, Concord. DRIVER/LABOURER WANTED by asphalt company. Must have DZ or AZ license. Call 905-728- 8101. DRIVERS WANTED Earn CASH DAILY! Full and part time shifts. We will train you. Call the office at 905-440-2011 or Roy at 905- 439-1111. Blue Line Taxi is now hiring in Oshawa & Ajax. DRIVEWAY SPRAYERS & SEALERS required. Must have drivers license. Truck & equip- ment provided. Please call 416- 688-1524 EXPERIENCED SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED Must have minimum 3yrs. Canadian security experience & access to vehicle. Fax or e-mail resume to: 905- 420-9957, kog.bill@bellnet.ca EXPERIENCED Duct Cleaner wanted. Driver's License re- quired. Clean Abstract. Must be able to drive standard transmis- sion and have own transportation. Excellent pay. Durham Region. Fax resume: 905-697-2959, or call 647-896-2447. EXPERIENCED PART-TIME COOK WANTED for retirement residence in Whitby. $13/hour to start. Fax Amy: 905-665-7018. FRAMER'S HELPER required, 6+ years experience. $20hour, Whitby area. Own car required. Call Tony 9am-4pm (905)706- 3923. FREE Telephone Service FREEDOM PHONE LINES Regardless of Credit No Deposit Required LOWEST PRICE Call now & receive 1 month FREE 1-866-884-7464 FRIENDLY PEOPLE to do tele- phone work for busy office, no selling. Monday to Friday 5-9 p.m., Saturday 10-1 p.m. Great employment for college students. Call between 9-9, Mon.-Fri. (905)655-9053. FULL TIME PARTS PERSON required for farm equipment dealership. Must be - computer literate, knowledge of farm machinery an asset, good customer skills, must be a team player. ALSO - Part Time Yard and Shop Help. Duties to include - tractor assembly, yard maintenance and clean-up, must be comfortable around farm machinery. Apply by fax to: 905-655-8772 or: valequip@xplornet.com FULL-TIME 35 - 40 HOURS - Far m/Store help. Egg Gathering and Sorting on Automatic System. Helping in Bakery, Helping Packing Frozen Food, Hardworker, team player, and willing to learn other procedures. Drop resume off at: White Feather Country Store, 15 Raglan Road East, Raglan. "NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE" HANDYMAN to work at my house, F/T in Whitby, Mon-Fri, painting, cleaning, etc, $10-15/hr cash depending on abilities, must be bondable, honest and reliable, 905-428-3446 J.I.L. JANITORIAL SERVICES cleaning company seeking experienced cleaner, licence and vehicle a must, call 905-837-1300 or 905-622-5299 RASPBERRY PICKERS wanted - $8.00 per flat, 398 Watson St. East, Whitby, (Brock/Victoria) (905)665-6047 SUPERINTENDENT required full- time for Oshawa apartment com- plex. Suitable for retired/semi re- tired couple. No pets. Fax resume 416-297-9499. Only those cho- sen for an interview will be con- tacted. REGISTRATION OFFICERS $25/hr.avg. Full-time, students welcome. Full training provided. Call 905.435.1052 "KIDS ON TV!" **Commercials,Film, Videos,Series & Print** Fr esh Faces ages 2 yrs- Seniors needed immed. No fee's, No courses. Top agency/Serious calls. We make $when you make $ Call Now... 416-221-3829 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - Apply in person to 1614 Dundas St. E., Suite 203. Whitby (Dundas / Thickson) on Monday to Thurs- day from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m ORDER TAKERS NEEDED $25/hr. avg. Full Time We Train You!! 905.435.0518 PRODUCTION WORKERS required in Pickering, small hand tool experience an asset, F/T, $10/hr plus benefits, fax resume to 905-683-1481 or email nikki.spiers@crossbydewar.com ROOFING-WANTED, RELIABLE shinglers. Minimum 5 years ex- perience. Willing to pay $25.00- $35.00/hr for shinglers. Call 905- 576-6723. SALES OPPORTUNITY If you are looking for something unique, we offer what we believe is the finest opportunity in Canada today. Call today for more information Richard Rainford 1-888-258-0816 SPA SUPERVISOR POSITION available immediately, must have transportation, work flexible hours, experience, please fax resume to Spa Carruthers Creek at 905-426-5153 SUPERINTENDENTS required full-time for Oshawa/Bowmanville apartment complexes. Suitable for retired/semi-retired couples. No pets. Fax resume (905)623- 2257. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. TAXI DRIVERS wanted for day and night shifts. Lowest rates and highest call counts. Why walk the line when you can drive for Taxi Taxi. Call 905-571-7951 ask for Dave or Trevor. Telemarketing Full and part time positions available Exp. an asset ALSO Supervisor / Manager positions available Up to $15 hour 905-426-4246 TELEMARKETING,Part time evenings, mature individuals with experience preferred. $10/hr. Call 905-686-2445, ext. 306 after 4pm. WE NEED HELP! 15 people needed immediately to fill open- ings from office to warehouse. $450 weekly, will train. Openings to be filled this week. Call Julie (905)420-1040. EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLISTS wanted for hi-end concept salon in Oshawa Centre. Salary plus commission. Contact L'Attitudes 905-723-5937 ask for Lynda or fax 1-905-947-8143. HAIR STYLIST required for up- scale Ajax Salon. Full and part time positions available. Please call (905)427-3811. HAIR STYLIST,ambitious and motivated person, for very busy salon, located in Oshawa. Full time or part time call 905-723- 5090 4TH OR 5TH TERM electrical ap- prentice require by Ajax Contrac- tor. Residential, commercial and service truck experience. Must be neat and tidy and have own tools. Call 905-683-8299 ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK company seeks fully experienced cabinet maker in Durham Region area. Please fax resume to 905- 433-1463 ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK company seeks fully experienced sliding bed table saw operator in Durham Region area. Please fax resume to 905-433-1463 BRAKE PRESS/SHEAR operator for F/T position, fork lift licence/fabrication experience an asset, apply in person at 963 Brock Rd or fax resume to 905-420-0641 attention Bill May CAD-CAM AUTOMOTIVE FIX- TURE DESIGNER WANTED. Ex- perience needed. Cimatron expe- rience an asset. Must be able to start immediately. Fax: 905-725- 1744, E-mail: 111lofth@bell- net.ca. EXPERIENCED GENERAL carpenter required. Clean drivers abstract and vehicle a must. Position available immediately. Fax resume today to: 905-728- 3179. Only the most qualified candidates will be contacted. EXPERIENCED INSTALLERS for Industrial Cladding/Roof Copings and Slashing's. Must have own transportation. Call 905-666-8594. FULL TIME POSITION for G3 gas fitter, drivers license required, 905-686-3666 or fax resume to 905-686-9028 LICENSED MECHANIC,experi- enced and own tools, needed im- mediately for busy Shop in Oshawa. Hourly wage paid straight time. Fax 905-576-8236 or call after 6pm. 905-245-0521 LICENSED OIL BURNER techni- cians/Gas technicians/Refrigera- tion mechanics required for busy HVAC Company. Full time em- ployment, competitive wages, and benefits available. Please fax resume to 905-377-0232. LONG TERM temp position Pick- ering area. Must have min. 4 years experience working on Counter Balance or Lindy Forklift. $12/hr. Please apply in person 9:30-2:30, Mon. - Thurs., at Staff Plus, 1614 Dundas St. E., Whit- by, Suite 203. TOOL MAKER,full apprentice- ship, 5 years experience, close tolerance fixture work, fully con- versant with all manual machines, self motivated, conscientious. Competitive rates and benefits. Clean, modern shop. Fax resume to 905-697-8826. TOP WAGES PAID.ROOFING CONTRACTORS. Must be inde- pendent with all necessary equip- ment, including own truck. Call Bill 905-686-2445, ext. 228 LAW OFFICE - Whitby. Recep- tionist/Secretary with Law Office experience and some Estate or Will Preparation experience es- sential. Multi-tasking, organiza- tional & interpersonal skills. Please fax resume to Jenkins & Newman 905-666-4873 MATURE PERSON required im- mediately for part time reception- ist position. Duties include an- swering phones and scheduling appointments. Must be computer literate, and have good communi- cation skills. Previous experience preferred. Please deliver (in per- son) a resume with covering letter to: 60 Liberty Street South, Suite 102, Bowmanville or fax 905-623- 0314. MATURE RECEPTIONIST for busy Optical Store. Some even- ings and Saturdays required. Op- tical Sales experience an asset. Please fax resume to 905-432- 6058. MODERN STRATEGIES INC. (Port Perry) is seeking a part-time Client Relationship Manager. Strong work ethic and customer service experience a must. Email/Fax resumes: paola@Pe- terLeeds.com; 905-982-1700; web: www.ModernStrategie- sInc.com MODERN STRATEGIES INC. (Port Perry) requires a part- time/contract Financial Writer to create articles, blogs and web content. All applicants must pro- vide a portfolio. Email/fax re- sumes: paola@PeterLeeds.com; 905-982-1700; web: www.Mod- ernStrategiesInc.com AUTO PA R TS SALES PERSON required immediately for busy auto recycling facility in Courtice. Phone sales using computer in- ventory system. Automotive back- ground preferred. Bilingual or second language an asset. $15- $20/hr based on experience. e- mail dom@domsauto.com or fax resume 905-434-7997 EXPERIENCED SALES PEO- PLE required for door to door sales for Morco Foundations. Ex- cellent earning potential. Call Ja- rett (905)442-9988 CHIROPRACTIC health assistant, P/T, send resume to 8 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax, L1T 2Z7 Full Time hygienist needed for general practice in Oshawa, Mon- Fri, includes 2 evenings per week, Ortho experience a definite asset. Please fax resume to 905- 435-0863. P/T DENTAL HYGIENIST req'd for Whitby office. Flexible hours, top wages, Tuesdays a.m. and/or Thursdays, some Mondays available. Professionals only. Se- rious inquiries only. Please call Dr. D'Souza for interview (905)430-0118 PROGRESSIVE ONTARIO Insu- rance Service Provider is cur- rently recruiting for entry level in- put/review clerk . Successful can- didates will be responsible for data input and document review as part of our quality control re- porting of medical reports. Posi- tion requires excellent attention to detail and accuracy. Medical ter- minology/medical office experi- ence/bilingual preferable,howev- er not mandatory. Computer lit- eracy and working knowledge of applicable systems mandatory. Email resume to: pat.grif- fith@watermarkinsurance.com or mail resume to Watermark Insu- rance Services Inc, 1020 Brock Road South, Suite 2005, Picker- ing, Ontario L1W 3H2 RMT AND NATUROPATH want- ed for wellness centre in Port Perry. Fax resume to: 905-985- 4414 Mon. Wed. - Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. RPT. GREAT HOURS! Great Pay! Great Incentives! Bowman- ville Private Practice is looking for a full-time Registered Physio- therapist. Send resume to: email: Debbie@GrantPhysiotherapy.com Fax: (905)623-9236 Phone: (905)623-2783 EXP. COOK WANTED, DAY/EVENING. Apply in person at Station Street Grill, 40 Station Street, Ajax, next to Shell station. *NO MONEY DOWN* New Home Ownership Program enables those with good credit to buy a home with "0% Down Payment" Free computerized list With pictures of available homes you can buy with no money down Free recorded Message. 1-800-417-7295 ID #8025 Visit: www. DurhamZeroDown .com ReMax Ability Real Estate Limited**\ 905-434-7777 Matt Cooper* AJAX , LOCATION! LOCATION! Lakeside 4 bedroom, granite/oak kitchen addition, new bathrooms, pool, air, vacuum, hot tub. Price: $475,000. OPEN HOUSE Sun. July 16, 2:00pm-4:00pm. www.ByTheOwner.com, #34202. 905-427-7190 CLEAN NEWER 3-bedroom brick 2-storey, quiet court. Garage, full basement, deck, 5 appliances, close to O.C., schools, 401 and all amenities. Asking $192,900. (905)576-7802 OPEN HOUSE 76 Whitburn St, Whitby Sat/Sun July 8/9 & 15/16 from 1-4pm, Somerset Estates, oversized lot, 4200+ sq living space, 5 bathrooms, 3 car garage, thousands spent in upgrades, new kitchen, hardwood flooring, $569 000, 905-767-5175 DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosures & Estate Sales Free computerized list with pictures of Foreclosure properties from $170,000. No Investors please Free recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#4042 Visit: www. Durham DistressSale.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905)434-7777 Matt Cooper* To Place an Ad in Ajax or Pickering Call 905-683-0707 or Tor. line 1-416-798-7259 Email: classifi eds@durhamregion.com Classifi eds On-Line Web Site: www.durhamregion.com ClassifiedsClassifiedsNews AdvertiserNews Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-5 Closed Saturday A/P PAGE B6 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 12, 2006 www.durhamregion.com Bank Foreclosures & Fixer Uppers These homes need work DurhamPowerOfSales.com COMMUNITY MORTGAGE SERVICES CORP. GOOD, BAD & UGLY CREDIT 1st & 2nd Mortgages & Debt Consolidation 100% Financing Call Anytime 905-668-6805 1-877-668-6588 ORDER YOUR ORDER YOUR NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER C LASSIFIED ADCLASSIFIED AD ON-LINEON-LINE 24 Hours a Day24 Hours a Day 7 Days A Week7 Days A Week www.durhamregion.com AveragingAveraging Over Over 138,000 138,000 unique use rs unique users and and 2 million 2 million page views page views per monthper month (January-(January- June 2006)June 2006) VisitVisit WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Realstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and town houses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! OSHAWA Carriage Hill - Townhouses 905-434-3972 122 Colborne Street (Simcoe St., N. Colborne St. E.) Ta unton Terrace - Townhouses 905-436-3346 100 Taunton Road, East (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St. ) UXBRIDGE Testa Heights 905-852-2534 Testa Heights (Reach St. & Testa Rd.) WHITBY 534 Mary Street Apartments 905-666-2450 534 Mary Street East (Mary St., & Hickory St. ) Regency Place Apartments 905-430-7397 15 Regency Crescent (Mary St. & Hickory St.) OPEN HOUSE DAILY from 8AM - 8PM Whitby Place 905-430-5420 900 Dundas Street, East (Dundas St. & Garden St.) Come See the Difference 1 Month Free Rent or up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa New State of the Art Balconies New Roof ✲New Corridor Carpeting Full Security System ✲ 24/7 on Site Staff Free Utilities ✲Free Parking SENIOR DISCOUNTS GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT Call for more information 905-728-4993 e & oe WWW.FIDELITYPM.COM What More Can We Do? ... Let Us Know 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com WELCOME TO HIGHLAND TOWERS We're better than ever ! Spacious, newly renovated 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms with stunning views. Conveniently located in a friendly, family community just steps to shopping, GO and 401. Park like setting. Affordably Priced from $870. Utilities included. (905)668-7844 **MOVE IN BONUS **Limited Time Only SPLENDOUR IN PICKERING !! Lovely 3 bedroom rental suites from $1100 Individually controlled a/c & heating.Washer and dryer in Suite! 2 bathrooms, fully carpeted. Steps to Town Centre. Close to GO/401, library and Community Centre.1865 Glenanna Rd. (905) 999-8700 www.caprent.com Own a home for Zero Down Free list of homes available ZeroDownDurham.ca Request for Tenders for General Contractors Resources for Exceptional Children - Durham Region 865 Westney Road South, Ajax, ON L1S 3M4 905-427-8862 Renovation to existing premises to provide a Child Care Centre for medically fragile children. Closing Time & Date: Wednesday July 19, 2006 9:00 a.m. Complete Bid documents for the interior renova- tion of the above location can be obtained from the address above with the payment of a re- fundable deposit of $100.00 payable by cheque to Resources for Exceptional Children. Bid security to accompany the Bid in the amount of 10% of the value of the Bid and per- for mances security for the successful Bidder in the amount of 100% of the contract value is re- quired in the form of a Letter of Credit or Bond. Completion Date for Project: August 20, 2006 The lowest or any Bid will not necessarily be considered. Are you a new business? Be included in either or all future Community Phone Books. (Pickering * Ajax * Whitby * Oshawa * Clarington) Please contact This Week Phone Directories @ 905-579-4400 or email: directories@durhamregion.com Qualified Craft Show Qualified Craft Show Exhibitors WantedExhibitors Wanted Oshawa Civic AuditoriumOshawa Civic Auditorium October 13-15, 2006 Distinct Designs from Premier Crafters, Artisans & Gift Suppliers C OUN T R Y T H E HE A R T O FCRAFT SHOW For more information call 905-426-4676 ext.257 or visit www.theheartofcountry.com FIXER UPPER "Bargains" These homes need work Free computerized list with pictures of proper ties from $170,000. No Investors Please Free recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#7048 Visit: www DurhamFixer Uppers.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905) 434-7777 Matt Cooper* HOME EVALUATION Find out what your home is worth On-Line Visit: www. DurhamOnLine Home Evaluation.com Remax Ability Real Estate Limited ** (905) 434-7777Matt Cooper* HOME SELLERS Find Out What Homes Down The Street Sold For! Free computerized list with pictures of area home sales & current listings Free recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#7041 Visit: www. DurhamArea HomeSales.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905) 434-7777Matt Cooper* PRIVATE SALE,661 Fraser Ave., Oshawa. 3+2 bdrm raised bungalow, 2,400-sq ft, neutral de- cor, fin. bsmt that can be used as a recroom or apt. New win- dows/doors, single garage w/loft, fenced backyard, c/a, 2 stoves/dishwashers/fridges, 1 over range microwave/garburator, near Stephen Saywell P.S. $275,000. Open House Sat. July 15 & Sun. July 16 11am-3pm. Call (905)438-9552 or email: kristanscarlett@hotmail.com To view: www.661fraser.com www.geocities.com/kro- bine337@rog- ers.com/For_sale_661FraserAve TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE, Brock/Kingston Rd Pickering 3 bdrm 2 bathroom, end unit, modern/neutral decor, 8 yrs old, needs no renovation, alarm, a/c, central vac, $209,900 negotiable, 905-428-9634 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE, Brock/Kingston Rd Pickering 3 bdrm 2 bathroom, end unit, modern/neutral decor, 8 yrs old, needs no renovation, alarm, a/c, central vac, $209,900 negotiable, 905-428-9634 PARK/BLOOR OSHAWA,indus- trial unit, available immediately, 1600 sq. ft. $6.00/sq. ft. net. 905- 579-5077 or 905-571-3281. KING/PARK,1,426-sq ft, newly renovated office space, new car- pet/paint, kitchenette w/granite counter, 4 offices + open clerical. $1300/mo + utilities. Call 905- 259-2020 $5K U.S.interim funds (FOR MILLION SELLER) doubled in 3 months. Guarantee. 416-763- 7964. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION- SHIP available for a new revolu- tionary product. Ecological fire- wood, possibility of 50k plus for 6 months work. Call JP (819)684- 1558 FASTWAY COURIERS new franchises to Pickering/Port Hope/Cobourg areas. All with ex- isting customers. Be your own boss, ground level opportunity www.fastway.ca or call (905) 720- 2816 PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertisement in over 80 Metroland community newspa- pers. 416-493-1300 ext. 288 WOMENS FITNESS franchise, Established Turn Key opportunity, Top location in Whitby. Ideal for Women with fitness and business background. $69K. Call 1-877- 428-1473. $$$100 % FINANCING oac. 5 yr. at 5.30% or variable at 4.95 % oac, cash take-outs, refinanc- es, self-employed, commercial, even poor credit. call Kevin, Mon. to Sat. at: 1-800-328-7887 ext. 366. $$MONEY$$Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 100%. No income, bad credit OK! ONTARIOWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1-888-307-7799 ELIMINATE DEBT NOW! CreditXpert can help with: Consolidation loans, Credit Re- building, Vehicle Financing, plus ... 1-888-271-7778 PAYDAY LOANS.Call 10am- 6pm, Mon-Fri. for 1/2 hour ser- vice. Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby call (905)430-8452. Out-of-town 1- 866-809-1201 or visit us at: www.alliedloanbrokers.com NO CREDIT REFUSED.$500.00 loan. Payable weekly. 1-877-776- 1660 From 5.1% for 5 years. lst. & 2nd Mortgages to 100% (OAC) Best Available Rates Private Mortgage Funds Arrears P.O.S Refinancing Debt Consolidation a Specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Call 905-666-4986 (2) OSHAWA bachelor $595, im- mediate, and 1 bed. $695. August 1, recently renovated, sep. kitch- en, own washer/dryer, sep. en- trance. Rents inclusive. Call (416)892-8864 1 & 2 BEDROOM main floor apartments, nicely decorated, own back yard, own laundry, own parking. No pets. Hwy#2/Har- wood. Near all amenities. $775/$1100 inclusive, (including cable). Aug. 1st. (905)427-9734 ask for Israel 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT Downtown Oshawa within walk- ing distance to bus, grocery, laun- dramat, no parking $650-inclu- sive. First/last. Avail July 15 (905)435-1091 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT on top floor of bright, clean house in Oshawa. Includes Satellite, wire- less internet. Near 401/transit. Separate entrance, parking, no pets/smoking. First/last/Referenc- es required. Available August 1st. $650/inclusive. 905-626-5418. 1&2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, very clean quiet family bldg., parking, newly renovated, available immediately Sim- coe/Rossland area. $750/$850 First/last. No dogs. 905-571- 6936 or 416-897-2610. 1-BDRM BACHELOR above ground basement apt. avail. Very clean, parking, separate en- trance. $725/mo inclusive. Avail. immediately. No pets. Oshawa. (905)999-9115 1-BDRM BSMT.Fresh & bright, laundry, fenced backyard. South of Bloor, East of Park Rd, Oshawa, $700/mo+ hydro. No smoking/pets. Avail. immediately. (905)442-6756 1-BEDROOM APT.nicely deco- rated, top floor of quiet house, sep. entrance. All inclusive, $695/first/last, no pets. Available immediately/Aug 1st. Central Oshawa, no smoking Call (905)884-6922. 1-BEDROOM, WOW--great deal!!Grandview/Olive, bright above ground walkout, clean, near all amenities, $695/inclusive. Laundry, parking, 1st and last/ref- erences required, available Au- gust 1st. (905)743-0859 172 DIVISION ST, OSHAWA. 3+2 bedroom, house $1500 plus utilities. 3 bedroom, upper level $995 plus utilities. 2 bedroom basement $795 plus utilities. Call (905)707-1473 or 416-995- 7894 2 BEDROOM basement apt. in Oshawa, close to 401. Parking for 2, heat/hydro included. Available August. 1st. $750/mo. Call Jack (905)576-1910 2 BEDROOM at 301 Cordova, Oshawa. Hardwood floors, clean, nice, bright. Available Aug. 1st. $765/mo. + hydro ($25-$30)- first/last. No pets. (905)668-1946 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment, separate entrance. close to schools/GO. $850/mo inclusive. Whites Rd, Pickering. No pets/smoking. Avail. August 1st. First/last. Call (905)831-2399 or (416)455-0910 2 BEDROOM basement apt for rent $900 all inclusive, Sa- lem/Bayly area. Sep entrance, laundry, no smoking, close to 401. Clean and bright, ready to go. Call 905-999-1050 2-BDRM. APT. -Bloor St., Oshawa, in 9-plex, $780/mo. all inclusive. Available immed. Also, North Oshawa 2-bdrm. apt, $795/mo. all inclusive, available immediately. No pets. Call: 905- 723-1647 or 905-720-9935. 2-BEDROOM Apt $865 monthly ($210 weekly) also furnished bachelor $585 monthly ($140 weekly) Clean, quiet, parking, ap- pliances, utilities included. De- posit negotiable (Simcoe/Mill) Call (905)579-2271 2-BEDROOM NORTH OSHAWA, Rossland/Ritson. Newer well maintained clean, quiet adult life- style building. Suits retired/ma- ture working adult. $900 incl. no pets. (905)720-2352 3-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., all inclusive, parking, no laundry, Westney/Hwy #2, close to all amenities. Available immediately. Call for details (905)426-5350 385 GIBB ST,Oshawa, 2-bdrm apts. Available immediately/Au- gust. Utilities included. No pets. Call 905-723-5434. 4-CORNERS WHITBY, Separate Entrance, 1 Bedroom BSMT, Heat, Utilities, Coin Laundry, 1 Parking included $800.00 per month. Available August 1. Phone 905.720.0453 or 647.668.4779 AJAX -2 bedroom legal base- ment apt. $750/inclusive, private entrance, parking, laundry, full bath, available September 1. Call Lidia for details. 905-683-7391. AJAX - 2 bedroom walkout. Bright roomy, 4pc. bath. Separate entrance and parking. $950 inclu- sive. Available Aug. 1st. or soon- er. Call 905-427-9944, AJAX -Large 2-bedroom base- ment apt. $850/inclusive. Private entrance, parking, laundry, full bath, available immediately. Call (416)616-7776. AJAX home to share in exchange for babysitting 9-year-old boy. (905)424-0154. (905)427-9591 AJAX opposite Wal-Mart, spa- cious, legal 2-bedroom walkout basement, 4 appliances, private laundry facilities, near schools, no pets/smoking. $849/mo. Available, private entrance 905- 686-5559, cell 416-895-4388 AJAX,1 bedroom basement apt., close to all amenities, sep en- trance. $750 month all inclusive (except cable). Avail. immediate- ly, call 416-937-4621. AJAX, COME HOME to com- fort!2 & 3 bdrms from $1025 util, incl. Full-time bldg rep. Close to shopping/parks. Ask about our Rental Rewards. Call 1-888-310- 7000. Any Space. Any time. www.GOtransglobe.com AJAX,Harwood/Hwy.#2, very clean 2 bed. basement apt. Sep. entrance, laundry, one-parking, cable, utilities. included. Near schools/bus/amenities. Avail. Nov 1st. No pets/smoking. First/last/references. $900/mo. 905-427-9758. After 5pm AJAX, SUNNY, ONE bedroom walk-out to garden. Large kitch- en, a/c. Clean, quiet. Single pro- fessional. $775/month inclusive. No pets/smoking. Available im- mediately. 905-435-4142, leave message or 905-434-3461. AJAX- OXFORD TOWERS.Spa- cious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 2-bed- room apt., $989, available August & Sept 1st. 905-683-8421 or 905-683-8571. AJAX-LARGE, 1 bdrm. bsmnt. Separate entrance. Clean, full bath, eat-in kitchen, living room, parking/cable. $775/includes utilities. August 1. First/last. No smoking/pets. Quiet single per- son/working couple. 905-686- 6610/905-706-0065. AJAX/WHITBY BORDER 2-bed- room spacious apt, ground level private entrance in home, park- ing, a/c, central vac, use of washer/dryer. $925 all inclusive, first/last. No Smoking/pets. (905)444-9871 ATTRACTIVE BRIGHT carpeted 2-bedroom above ground N.E. OSHAWA Separate entrance quiet residential, parking, cable, laundry, air, bus, shopping, no- smoking, first/last, $850-inclusive. Available August (905)723-2205 BIG, 1-BEDROOM Oshawa basement apt., near Civic no smoking/pets, large full bath, newly renovated, Air, avail Aug. 1, $750 inclusive, call (905)438- 1873. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m - 5 p.m Evenings by appt. only 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE,newly renovat- ed 2-bdrm, quiet bldg., in exclu- sive neighbourhood, parking, separate laundry room, large deck. Near 2 schools. $950/mo+ hydro. Available. First/last. (905)424-4201 BOWMANVILLE,one bedroom apt. available August 1st. Close to 401, satellite TV, laundry, park- ing, newly painted, $695+ 1/2 util. No smoking/pets. First/last. 905- 720-2435 BRIGHT 2-BDRM APT., North Oshawa. Separate entrance, laundry, parking, c/a. Avail. im- mediately. No smoking/pets. $995/mo inclusive. 905-433-1632 CLEAN 1 BDRM $720/mo, newly decorated. Utilities includ- ed. Simcoe/Mill area, small quiet apt. building. Call for appt. (905)579-9890. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Evening by appt. only 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. COME HOME TO OXFORD Oshawa Park/401 Completely renovated 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms from $725 hydro incl. New Management Well maintained, clean, quiet incredible security. Bus / GO 835 & 885 Oxford St. 905-622-0835 905-622-0885 COURTICE, NEW BRIGHT 1- bedroom apt., own entrance, parking, laundry, a/c, all utilities excluding phone. Near 401 & all amenities. Non-smoker, no pets. Furnished/non-furnished $850/month. (905)432-3688 DOWNTOWN WHITBY - very clean 2 bedroom, available imme- diately. $880 all included. Parking included, Near schools, Call (416) 520-6392 (905)669-4009. GARDEN/DUNDAS, WHITBY Clean, bright, 3 bedroom bunga- low. Available for rent August 1. $1050+utilities. Call 905-655- 9178 to view. LOVELY 1 BEDROOM lower apartment. $775/inclusive, Heat. Hydro. Parking and laundry. Non-smoking. Available August 1. Call Paul 905-483-0456. NORTH BOWMANVILLE spa- cious legal basement apartment, recently renovated, 5 rooms, laundry, gas fireplace, separate entrance, no smokers/pets. $745+utilities. first/last. Aug 1. (905)263-8441 NORTH Oshawa - 2 & 3 bed- room, Aug. and Sept. lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances included. Pay cable, parking and laundry fa- cilities. (905) 723-2094 ONE BEDROOM basement apt, just renovated. Pickering Beach & Bayly. No smoking/pets. Refer- ences. $850. Available Aug. 1st. 905-619-2281. OSHAWA Park/Adelaide (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Well maintained and newly renovated apts. Near all amenities. From $765/mo+ hydro. (905)723-0977 OSHAWA - Clean, new building, Tw o apts., 2-bedrooms $840, 2- bedroom plus den $945, avail Au- gust; Appliances, parking & utilities included. 905-438-9715. OSHAWA - 1-bedroom basement apt.. New carpet & ceramic tile. Sep. entrance, backyard, 4-appli- ances, air, 3pc. bath(shower). $625/mo.+hydro. Available immed. First/last/references. No smoking/pets. 905-571-0536. OSHAWA APTS.Clean quiet newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom includes utilities, park- ing, laundry on site, no dogs. 905-571-0425, 1-888-558-2622, 905-432-8914 OSHAWA AREA,Tw o 1 bed- room basement apartments. Well maintained, reasonably priced. All inclusive. No smoking. Call Robert Today. 416-402-3435. OSHAWA Dean/Ritson.1-bdrm bsmt $630/mo. Newly renovated, all inclusive, clean, quiet, laun- dry, near all amenities & 401. Available June/July. Call 289- 314-5555 OSHAWA Grandview/Bloor. New, spacious 1-bdrm, 2 levels. Par king for 1. Private entrance and patio. Jacuzzi tub. Non- smoker. Includes cable. first/last $650+1/2 utilities. (905)436-6849 OSHAWA HOSPITAL AREA, 2- bed. basement apt. in quiet adult lifestyle building at 385 Mary St. North. No pets, hydro extra, avail. Aug. 1st. $710/mo. (705)437- 2924 OSHAWA HOSPITAL, Mary north of Adelaide area, 2-bed- room main floor, laundry, park- ing, $850/mo inclusive. First/last. Call 905-668-8869 Mon-Fri 9-5pm, or 905-579-2350 OSHAWA Phillip Murray/Park. 2- bdrm basement apt, sep en- trance, laundry, near GM/401. Avail Aug 12. $750+gas/hydro. No pets/smoking. First/last. Call between 4:00pm-8:00pm (905)579-9714 OSHAWA,1 + 2 BDRMS. Avail July 1st. 2 locations: 350 Malaga and 946 Mason. $725 & $795/month. All inclusive. No pets. Call (905)576-6724 or 905- 242-4478 OSHAWA,Best Deals! Newly Renovated 1, 2 & 3 bdrm in sen- ior lifestyle bldg. Large units, new kitchens, carpeting, windows, se- curity. Near hospital, bus stop. Avail. July/August. Call 905-728- 4966 or 1-866-601-3083 www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA,Newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrms in senior lifestyle bldgs. Large units. New kitchens & ap- pliances, carpeting, windows, se- curity. Near schools/bus stop & amenities. Available July/Au- gust. 1-866-601-3083 or 905-432- 6912. www.apartmentsinonta- rio.com OSHAWA, UNDER NEW Man- agement. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms in adult lifestyle bldg. Large units, new windows, security. Near bus, shopping. Avail. July/Aug/Sept. Call 905-723-1009 or 1-866-601- 3083 or 905-728-3162 www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA- 2 BEDROOM $825 Renovated parking, laundry one bedroom $725, 3 bedroom $950. (905)922-6709, 905-429-2036 Whitby-1 bedroom $775, 2 bed- room $850 inclusive, laundry, parking, balcony. 905-430-7868. PICKERING - one bedroom basement apt. Kitchen plus 4 pc bath, sep. entrance to private patio, available immediately, 905-839-8520 PICKERING Bayly & Liverpool large 1 bdrm basement apartment, dishwasher, wash- er/dryer, fireplace, utilities and basic cable included, available Aug 1, after 6pm 905-420-2621, cell 416-268-5751 PICKERING HWY#2/BROCK, Large 2-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, large kitchen, appliances, cable, parking, no pets/smoking. available immediately. $850. 905-619-6822 or 416-520-7388. PICKERING UNIQUE Basement Apartment Two Separate, But To- gether 1-Bedroom Apartments. Each with own Living room, Kitch- en, Bathroom and Laundry. Suitable for 3 people. $1200/month. Call Nicole 905- 999-7368 PICKERING UPSCALE - 3-Bed- room Home. Hardwood Floors, Eat-in Kitchen, Stainless Steel Appliances, Large Deck & BBQ, Central Air/Vac $1450/mon + 60% utilities. Call Nicole 905-999- 7368 PICKERING VILLIAGE,huge walk-out 2 bedroom apartment. A/C, cable, parking, laundry, separate entrance, No smok- ing/pets. Available August 1st. $975 inclusive. (905)428-9981 PICKERING, Liverpool/Bayly, 2-bedroom basement apt., living room, kitchen, own entrance, bath w/shower. Avail. immediate- ly, $850/month, first/last. Call Bruce after 5-p.m. Mon-Friday, Sat/Sun anytime. (416)458-4944 PICKERING,beautiful 1 bdrm basement, fully furnished, large kitchen/living room, close to transit and amenities, private entrance, parking, cable/internet, no smoking/pets, $850/mo available immediately, 905-839-6750 PICKERING, LEGAL one bed- room basement apartment, utilities included. Separate en- trance, close to amenities, non smoking/pets. Immediately. lst/last required. References, Call (416)557-8516 PICKERING, Liverpool & Hwy 2 Large 1-bdrm apartment, sep- arate entrance, non-smoking, no pets, $750/mo all inclusive. (905)839-9551 PICKERING-one bedroom newly renovated ground floor, $700/incl. util. Also 2nd floor -1 1/2 bedroom $750, Both-1 parking. Available immediately. References req'd. no pets/smoking. (905)427-6282; (905)424-2604 PORT WHITBY 1722/1724 Duffe- rin St. Newly renovated spacious, 2-bedrooms. Available Aug/Sept. $835/mo. Laundry, parking, walk to GO, 401/Brock St. Near sports arena, shopping. 1-800-693-2778 SOUTH AJAX, large, clean 1 bdrm basement apartment plus storage, separate entrance, all utilities, parking, laundry, fireplace, available August 1, $875/mo, 905-231-9576 WESTNEY/HWY.#2/401, 2 BED- ROOM, LARGE/BRIGHT base- ment apartment, en suite laundry. Near bus. New appliances. Credit check a must. $900. First/last. August 1. Anna, 416-844-3224 for viewing. WHITBY, 1 & 3-BEDROOM units available in triplex, parking, laun- dry, walking distance to Go sta- tion. Shared yard. No pets/smok- ing. $750 & $850 plus utilities. (416)574-2621 WHITBY, BROCK/DUNDAS. Large 1-bdrm. basement, walk-in closets, hardwood/ceramic, bay window, separate entrance, walk- out, parking. New home. $850/in- clusive. no smoking. avail imme- diately 905-509-4006 or 416-877- 4543 WHITBY,quiet 4-plex. 2 bed- room, 2nd floor, no pets/smoking, coin laundry, near bus, GO, 401. Brock/Burns. $800/month. Available August 1st. 905-426- 3288. WHITES, SOUTH OF FINCH, walkout spacious 2 bedroom basement apt. Gas fireplace, very clean, quiet area. No pets/smok- ing, Available immediately. Ask- ing $950/includes utilities. Call or leave message 416-602-8736. WILLIAM PEAK CO-OP in Pick- ering has 1 and 2 bedroom sen- iors' apartments at $801 & $908, including utilities and cable; 3 bedroom townhouse at $1,057 plus utilities. First/last months deposit required. Call 905-837- 2920. www.ucpm.ca. NW OSHAWA - Furnished bachelor. Private entrance, fire- place, c/air, laundry, parking, bus at door. $625/mo. first/last. 905- 728-1007. PICKERING - Liverpool/Bayly. Large, furnished 2 bdrm. above ground bsmnt. apt. Laundry, exercise room, parking, air. Close to GO train, shopping. Utilities included. No smoking/ pets. $800/mo. 905-831-8434. 3-BEDROOM CONDO,Whitby, feels like a house, bedrooms up- stairs, 1.5 baths, balcony, laun- dry, 2 parking. Very clean & quiet. $1200/month. Avail. Sept. 1st. (905)668-4994 AJAX, ONE BEDROOM pent- house-$1150/month. Newly renovated. Available immediate- ly-includes everything. Quiet. Luxurious building. Sauna. In- ground pool. Squash. Tennis. Huge balcony;great view. Under- ground parking. David Beaton (905)683-5000. BOWMANVILLE/CLARINGTON - 2 bedroom condo- 3rd floor- ac/ensuite laundry & 2 parking spots. Available immed. $950 + utilities/month. Please call 416- 712-7130 BRAND NEW 2-bdrm condo for rent, Central Whitby. Civic/Dry- den. Second floor of 3-storey bldg., underground parking, $995/mo+ utilities. Call (905)430- 3358 or email: wpenn8964@rog- ers.com PICKERING - 2 bedroom Tridel Condo, 5 appliances, parking, 8th floor, available immediately. Paul 416-399-5377. $0 DOWN- AN UNBEATABLE DEAL! own your own home. Carries for less than rent. OAC. Minimum income required per household is $40,000. Please call Aurelia Cosma, Remax Spirit Inc. 1-888-732-1600 or (905)728- 1600, 24 hr. pager. -AA AWESOME OPPORTU- NITY!NO MONEY DOWN. Own your own home from $650/month. $40,000+ family income, Rea- sonable Credit - up to $20,000 cash back. Call Ken Collis, Coldwell Banker 2M Realty Brkr, Serving the public for 32 years. (905)576-5200 or 1-866-576- 5200, kencollis@sympatico.ca 2 BEDROOM,OSHAWA,Central location, dining room, living room, kitchen, parking for one, bus, ap- pliances, $1,000/mo. all inclusive, first/last, Avail. Aug. 1 (905)723- 1475. 3 BDRM APARTMENT centrally located at Harwood & Bayly, parking included, a/c, huge backyard, available Aug 1, $950/mo plus utilities, first/last, 905-686-8331 A ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month. Up to $15,000 cash back to you! Require $35,000 + up family income and reasonable credit. No down pay- ment required. Why Rent! Call Bill Roka, 25 years as top sales rep with world's leading realtor. Re- max Spirit (905) 728-1600, 1-888- 732-1600 A Great Move at a Great Price (Simcoe/401). Complete first floor of a century home, 2 bedrooms + extra room in basement, sun deck, new flooring, bright and spacious, park and public transit steps away. F/L, references, im- mediate possession. Only $999 all inclusive (and if your handy ask about our property mainte- nance option for further savings). No dogs please. Call Robert toll free at 1-866-588-8181. AAA1 MANY HOUSES,To wn- houses, semis & fully detached homes, also country property, from $1250 - $6000/month plus utilities. In Pickering, Ajax, Whit- by, Oshawa, Courtice & Bowman- ville Available Immediately, Call Garry Bolen, Broker of Record /Owner, C21 Netview Realty Inc. (905)404-2255. AJAX, 3 BEDROOM townhouse, yard and parking. Near park, school and shopping. One month free. $825 plus utilities. (905) 683-6203 AJAX - ON TAUNTON RD. 2-storey 4-bedroom century house on 2 acres. Large garage, $1350+ utilities. No smoking/pets. Available Sept. 1st. 905-438- 2280. AJAX 3 BED main floor, Tulloch Dr., 1,012 sq ft., bright, own laun- dry, hardwood, fenced yard, no smoking/subletting. Pets Ok. Ref- erences/credit check mandatory. No time wasters. $1025.00 per month. plus 60% utilities. call (604)609-9948. AJAX,main floor 2-bdrm + den walkout to deck and great back- yard. Upgrades everywhere, open concept kitchen & living- room w/own laundry. Nice street, close to schools & shopping. Avail. Aug 15, $1250 inclusive. 647-234-2435 BOWMANVILLE,immaculate 3- bedroom, 2-1/2 bathroom, de- tached house, quiet cul-de-sac. 5 brand new appliances, attached garage w/opener, extra-large pri- vate fenced yard, 24x18 raised deck, near all amenities/401. $1400+ utilities, First/last, refer- ences, no smoking. August 1st. (905)448-2895 COURTICE,3-bdrm bungalow, $1150/mo+ utilities. Garage, 2-parking, c/a, avail Sept 1st. Also large 2-bdrm bsmt apt, 4-appliances, 2-parking, $950/mo avail. Sept. 1st. Call Cindy (905)432-3222 leave msg DUNDAS/BROCK - 3-bedroom bungalow, near Go Train, schools and amenities. Fridge, stove. Large private backyard, garage, excellent condition, available Sept. 1st. $1400 +utilities. CAll 905-424-3733 or 416-817-1430. IN THE CORE of Bowmanville, spacious 3 bedroom with an in- closed sunroom, very clean, well maintained, hardwood through- out. No pets/smoking. All inclu- sive. $1300. (905)922-2990 LARGE HOME 4 plus bedroom, downtown Oshawa, parking for 4, garage and fenced yard. Avail immediately. $1500 per month. Please call (905)686-3283, or 905-903-0597. OSHAWA,clean 3-bdrm main floor of house. Parking, laundry, separate entrance. Avail. immedi- ately. No smoking/pets. $1000/mo + utilities. Call 905- 903-1872 OSHAWA, 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, extremely clean, located in quiet residential area. 5 appli- ances, air conditioning, ample parking, smokers & pet owners need not apply please. 1-905- 797-3339 PICKERING - CONVENIENT location 2 bedroom on main floor, rec-room in basement. Suitable for couple. Non-smoker, no pets. Available Sept. 1st. $850/mo. + 1/2 utilities. (905)839-7719 PICKERING,Liverpool/Bayly, Bachelor/1 bedroom basement apartment, $700 inclusive. Fully renovated, large, laundry, Near amenities/beach. Available imme- diately. After 4pm (905)509-2335, Cell 416-998-3758 PICKERING, NEAR GO,3-bed- room main-level bungalow, hard- wood floors, 5 appliances. Park- ing, no smoking/pets. Referenc- es, $1350/mo inclusive, Available immediately. 416-365- 8564 weekdays (647)388-7437 evening/weekends SPACIOUS 3 bedroom in triplex, oversized kitchen and backyard. Close to Rossland/Cochrane. $1075/mo. water & hydro includ- ed. Immediate possession. 905- 430-6229. Still Renting? Why? Owning is cheaper! First time buyers only free list of homes available with no money down! From $900/mth. 1-888-599-0098 and use ID# 8899 Dan Plowman, sales person, Remax Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage 1 YEAR NEW, AJAX!3 BED- ROOM townhouse. Free Hold. 9 ft. Ceiling (main floor). 5 applianc- es. Close to amenities & lake. $1350 + utilities. Call (905)433- 0443. BRAND NEW 3 bdrm townhouse, Shoalpoint/Bayly Ajax. Master with 2pc en suite, 5 appliances, single garage, available immedi- ately. $1450/mo. No smoking. (416)884-7379, anytime or 416- 284-7379. CENTRAL WHITBY,spacious 4-bedrooms, 3-baths, end-unit. Finished walk-out basement, 4-appliances (if required), main floor laundry. Newly renovated, very clean. Near schools/shop- ping. References/first/last. $1400/month+ gas/hydro. Avail. Sept. 1st. (905)260-3060 HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. MARY/TAUNTON RD.Oshawa, 2-bedroom townhouse, finished basement with bathroom, gas heating extra. All other util. in- cluded. $1050/mo. Immediate oc- cupancy. 905-243-3610 or 905- 983-6102. OSHAWA SOUTH 3-bedroom townhouse, close to schools, shopping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. 905-579-9956. PICKERING (580 Eyer Dr.)- beautiful 3 bedroom condo town- house. 5 appliances. Cable/Central vac. Fenced back- yard, 2-underground parking. Amenities. Available mid-August. $1450. 416-828-4914. PICKERING-ALTONA/HWY#2, bachelor basement apt.. Quiet home, no pets/smoking. $650/in- clusive. Private laundry, separate entrance, C/A, full bath, 1-park- ing, close to the Rouge. Available immediately. (905)509-4006 or 416-877-4543 AJAX, Westney & Rossland 3 rms sold together or separately, laundry, parking, utilities, no smoking/pets, $550/rm, first/last, available a.s.a.p 416-316-2867 CLEAN UNFURNISHED ROOM - Non-smoker, no pets. Own kitch- en and bath. $125/week heat, hy- dro & water included. Close to O.C/401. Call after 6 p.m. 905- 721-9249. LIVERPOOL & BAYLY,large room, separate entrance, laundry, cable internet, utilities included, steps to shopping, transit and Lake, no smoking or pets, 905- 837-0766. OSHAWA Ritson/Dean, Clean shared accommodations with two other people, 3 Bedrooms, 3 sto- rey, walkout to ravine. $450-inclu- sive, laundry facility included. Available August 1st. First/last. No pets/smokers. Jason 905-242- 6440 or 905-697-5962 evenings PICKERING - WHITES RD./401. Furnished or unfurnished. 1-bed- room, $450/ month. No pets or smoking. First/ last & references required. 416-917-4949. ROOM FOR RENT with shared use of bright, clean home and backyard oasis. $520 inclusive. 905-442-0997, Whitby. 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE near Oshawa Centre. Share large modern house with 3 others, ages 20-30. Free laundry. $400- $450/room inclusive. First/last. 905-718-5753. AJAX, AUDLEY/BAYLY room available. A kilometer from lake. Access to entire home. Quiet neighbourhood. $600/month. No pets/smoking. Student/Profes- sional preferred. Available Au- gust 1st. Call 905-686-1915. NICE PLACES, Clean, quiet house for mature person (male preferred). Ajax and Pickering houses. Rent from $465/inclu- sive, furnished, cable, internet, telephone, laundry, parking. Pri- vate residences in respectable neighbourhoods. 905-391-3809. PORT WHITBY bedroom w/private bath. Spacious town- house, balcony, all inclusive, share w/owner. Busroute, 2min to GOtrain, steps from waterfront. Laundry, parking, no-smok- ers/pets, $650/month first/last. (905)626-3300 SHARE BEAUTIFUL Oshawa house. Close to all amenities. $450/month inclusive. Avail. im- mediately. No pets. First/last. (905)432-5403 or (905)442-2064 I WANT TO RENT CABIN in ultra quiet location for the week of July 29 - Aug. 4th? 905-434-4648. CLEARWATER FLORIDA, 3- bedroom furnished, aircondi- tioned, manufactured homes. 85º pool, 104º hottub. Near beach- es/major attractions. Children welcome, $350/wk (less than motel). Photos shown in your home. (905)683-5503 CURVE LAKE,lakeside cottag- es avail. July 15, Aug. 26 & Sep- tember. $600/week or $450/weekend. Fully furnished, 2- bdrms, kitchen, electricity, hot/cold water, very private, pets welcomed. Call Dorothy (705)657-8045 or email: dorothy@curvelakefn.com EXCELLENT WATERFRONT View, Hastings, Viceroy cottage, 3+1 bdrms, sleeps 2 families, 3 bathrooms, c/a, trampoline. Also avail midweek, weekends & win- ter. Call 905-261-0771 or email angela@summersproperties.com for virtual tour SUMMER SPECIALS July & Au- gust. Pidgeon Lake, near Peter- boro, $300-$1350 per week Fishing, swimming, boat rentals, 1-705-292-9381 or view our web- site: www.ennismoreinn.com LAKE SIMCOE - near Orillia/Ca- sino Rama, clean & quaint reno 2-bedroom open-concept, large deck, beachfront, level fenced lot, all amenities, immediate, A-1- view $695-$795/week. (416)249- 7400 2004 37 FT. MALLARD,2 bed- room sleeps 8, built it stereo, air, furnace, microwave, awning, 14 ft. slide-out, patio doors, 4pc bath, shed, deck, bbq, many ex- tras, $15,900. 905-725-9301. 2001 PRINCE CRAFT Super Pro 186. 150 HP Evinrude, and Cruise Trailer. Full stand up top, extremely well made boat in ex- cellent condition. $28,000. (905)728-3925 FISHING BOAT - 14' fiberglass hull, back side bench & 2 middle seats, wired for lights & live well 20 hp. Evinrude, North trail trailer, tongue jack. New tank, hose, ropes, fenders. Boat runs well & is in great shape. $1,500 firm. 705-328-0402 after 6 p.m. PORTS CRUISING GUIDES is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edi- tion May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/retailers call 416-691-0488; email: orders@ports books.com. LOST July 9th-grey cockatiel with yellow head, orange cheeks, answers to "Jamie".. vicinity of Kings Crs. and Parry Rd Ajax. Seniors companion, deeply missed. Call 905-428-8700.. LONELY, NEED COMPANION. Cute blonde. 24/7. Discreet. In- dependent. Drug-free and hon- est. Healing massage. 905-441- 4415. SINCERE SINGLES Introduction Service specializing in long- term relationships since 1992. Toll free 1-866-719-9116 www.sinceresingles.ca LIVE-IN caregiver wanted for 9-yr-old boy. Homework, house- hold duties. Work permit okay. Ajax. 905-424-0154, (905)427- 9591 LIVE-IN NANNY $8.00/hour, 3 boys. October start. References + experience. 905-831-1129. Need Daycare? Wee Watch is a licensed agency which has full and part time spaces available in a home in your area. We offer: a small ratio of children per home, screened and trained Providers, unscheduled monthly inspections, educational materials, income tax receipts. For information call Ajax/ Pickering 905.686.2328 www.weewatch.com AFFORDABLE loving daycare, all ages, non-smoking, exp., steps Glengrove P.S., St. Antho- ny Daniels bus route. near PTC. Large fenced backyard. Play- room/crafts, Snacks, lunch. Ref- erences. (905)839-7237 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home. Experienced daycare pro- vider for all ages. Non-smoking, pet free, playroom, snacks & lunch provided. Contact Sheri (905)427-7350 QUALITY DAYCARE Westney & Delaney, excellent rates, now is the time to look for a good care- giver. All ages, full or part-time, days or Sat., homemade meals, large play area, fully fenced, happy environment, crafts, games etc. Receipts, refer- ences. (905)686-8719 Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca LIVE IT !New health & wellness magazine. 250, 000 copies. Cost- effective directory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the next is- sue. 416-493-1300 ext. 288 HANDSOME ARABIAN Stallion dark bay, farm sold, must sell, 15 hands, quiet with good back- ground. Asking $3000. Call 905- 213-9467 or 90-571-3852 $NEED CASH INSTANTLY$ WE BUY YOUR GOLD RINGLEADER FINE JEWELLERS 145 Kingston Rd., Ajax (McDonald's Plaza) 905-426-7464, $BUY $SELL $REPAIR$ 'EVENING SKATERS"BY Trish Romance. Signed and numbered. Professionally framed with den glass. Call 905-718-1838. Seri- ous offers only please. +CARPET CARPET CARPETS 3 rooms carpeted with Commer- cial carpet and premium pad from $289 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted with Berber carpet and premium pad from $389 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted with cut pile carpet and premium pad from $489 (30 yds). Free in-home quotes. SAILLIAN CARPETS 1-800-578-0497, 905- 242-3691 ; 905-373-2260. 10PC ANTIQUE DINER,Maytag washer/dryer, kitchen set, bed- room set, entertainment centre, canopy bed, air conditioner, ta- ble/buffet, hutch. Universal Gym, Freezer, 89 Cherokee. Everything must sell! (905)721-8009 1800-1900 RECLAIMED BARN / HOUSE MATERIAL Barnboard, Antique Flooring, Reclaimed Bricks, Steel Roofing, Doors/Win- dows, Barn Beams. vintages- tuff@rogers.com (905)987-4676 A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 647-271- 5483. Can deliver NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 12, 2006, PAGE B7 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com KAHN AUCTION CENTRE 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering (3 miles north of Hwy. 401 exit 399) www.kahnauctioncentre.com Thursday, July 13th Preview 5:00 pm. Sale begins at 6:30 pm If you are looking for one of a kind, Kahn's is the place for you. We have an authentic Turn style from Maple Leaf Gardens, a unique Marble Coffee Table, individually made Stacking Book Shelves, Antique Floor Model Radios, a Marble Top Vanity, a Teak Wall Unit, Oak Teachers Desk, Oak Harvest Table, six foot Cherry China Cabinet, a French Provincial Floral 3 piece Sofa Set and Framed Tapestries. We also carry a fine line of Dining Room Suites including an 8 seat set as well as 4 seat Press Back Table & Chairs, Maple Top & Cream Table & 6 Chairs. We have a Beautiful Acorn Design Fireplace Mantle, Cabinet Style Bar Unit, 3 new designs of Grandfather Clocks, Wing Back & Fireside Chairs, Drum Tables, Queen size Bed Suites, Mattresses of all sizes, Bombay & Console Tables, Desks including A Par tners desk, Ball & Clawfoot desk, Regular & Computer Roll Top Desks, China Cabinets, Leather Sofa Sets and a large selection of Framed Prints by such artists as Robert Bateman,Walter Campbell etc. Auctioneers Peter Raithby & Anthony Wagler Call 905-683-0041 "Want Excitement? Go to an Auction!" ESTATE AUCTION STAPLETON AUCTIONS, NEWTONVILLE FRIDAY, 5:00 P.M. July 14 Selling the contents from a Cobourg and Local home: 2 pc. Chesterfield suite c 1930; coffee/end tables: Occasional Tables: Occasional Chairs: Pr. Blue Tub Chairs: Drop Front Desk: Lamps: Nu- merous Antiques: Collectibles: Attractive China: Glassware: Pictures: Old Frames: Prints: Postcards: New Appliances--2 door Black G/E Fridge, New Black and Stainless G/E Profile Ceramic Stove, G/E Profile Ceramic Built In Stove, New G/E Pro- file washer& Dryer; New Samsung Washer & Dry- er; Used Maytag Gas Stove; Garden Cement Ac- cent pieces: etc etc. Durham Regional Police Auction, July 21st, 5:00p.m. Te rms: Cash, Approved cheque, visa, M/C, interac AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton, Newtonville (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com 'estate specialists since 1971' CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, July 14 th at 4:30 p.m. 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4 Malcolm 8pc walnut dining room set, Malcolm 3pc walnut bedroom set, glass top table and chairs, pb rocker, cedar chest, smokers stand, teak drop front desk, open face washstand, Coke cooler, parlour and 1/2 moon tables, 2 pine single beds, kids metal riding horse and cart, fishing reels, maple table and chairs, trunks, pine kitchen nook set, pine bunk beds, die cast cars, area rug, chest of silverware, chesterfield and chair, occasional chairs, elec hospital bed, GE apt size washer and dryer, Kenmore washer and dryer, Maytag air conditioner, Tools to be sold at 7pm Delta 10"table saw, Beaver table saw, PYH 14" bandsaw, Busy Bee 6" jointer, Delta 6" jointer, Makita miter saw, Delta dust collector, Dewalt 12-1/2" planer, elec cement mixer, ce- ment power trowel, 3HP rototiller, 22' Shasto house trailer, 14' molded plywood Peterborough boat with 18HP Evin- rude motor and trailer, 2 cedar strip canoes, 95 Ford F150 supercab (certified), Qty. of china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Corneil Auctioneers 1241 Salem Rd., R.R.#1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183 for more info. or pictures: www.corneil.theauctionadvertiser.com AU CTION SALE Sunday July 16th, 9:30 AM MacGregor Auctions, Located in ORONO.Take 115 Hwy. to Main St. Orono Exit & Follow Signs Auction features estate articles from 3 homes including antique & modern furniture, diningroom set, couch & chairs, tables, dressers, desks, large selection of collectables, glass & china, household effects, wood boxes, cedar chests, Nascar collectables, tools, table saw, ladders, etc. Something for One & All. Te r ms Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac See: (www.macgregor.theauctionadvetiser.com) MacGregor Auctions 1-800-363-6799 905-987-2112 Sat. July 15, at 10am Estate of Steve Patterson - Home Improvements,Custom painting & Architectural Res- toration in Lakefield.At McDonalds on Bridge St. (main street) go south 2 blocks on Clementi, Lt. on Nassau, Rt. on Caroline, Lt. on Katherine #15. Mr Pat- terson passed away recently at the age of 54 after a short illness. Industrial and Commercial Tools- All like New.Carftex ind. dust collector, smaller Delta dust collec- tor, Omega 5 hp. portable air compressor, Delta profes- sional jointer, complete set jointer bits, 12" planer on table, ind. Rockwell Beaver 10" table saw, Busy Bee steel router table, w/router, sm. router and table, Makita radial arm saw w/swivel table, lg. comm. table saw (no name evi- dent), H.D. table model drill press, laminating press-will take 8"-24". 1-2" thick by 8' long, Dimar 7710042 HW w/cutters, 3 air nailers, saw all, elec. drills and hand plan- er, socket sets, wrenches, screw cabinet w/contents, many wood clamps, lg. plywood table, qty. hand tools, ext. ladders, alum. step ladders, 7' stair ladder, blacksmith vice and 100lb. anvil, 1989 GMC 1 ton van, steel shelving and bench. qty's of good misc. items too numerous to list. Held inside, Lunch available, Id to register. Cash/Check only. MITCHELL AUCTIONS RR4 OMEMEE (705)799-6769 PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION RANDY POTTER ESTATE AUCTION Sat. JULY 15 START: 5 PM View: From 4 PM Day of Sale Randy Potter Estate Auction - 15 Cavan St. downtown Port Hope is holding an Oshawa & Bowmanville estate auction plus inclusions of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china & collectibles of approx. 300 pieces incl: numerous signed Norval Morrisseau acrylic on canvas; camera w/lg lenses etc. For info. & pics. go to: www.randypotterauctions.com Randy Potter Auctioneer Phone: 905-885-6336 MON. JULY 17 - 4.30PM at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - 2194 Little Britain Rd., LINDSAY estate auction of collectables, glass and china, antiques, mod- ern furniture, electric adjustable single bed, electric in- cline/decline recliner chair, don't miss this interesting sale, all furniture & items in excellent condition, Info 1- 800-461-6499 MCLEAN AUCTIONS or view at www.mcleanauctions.com WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th: 4:45 pm NO SALE Closed for Holidays SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 Auction Sale Sat. July 15 @ 4 pm Haydon Auction Barn 2498 Con Rd 8 Haydon.Coins/Currency-US $2 1/2 Gold Coin, Victorian dimes etc. Electric Stoves (GE, Admi- ral),Dressers, Qty of Good Glassware & Collectibles, Pic- tures, Lamps, Tools,Router, Table Saw Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 DISTRESS FREE!!!!! DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY!!! Let Perfect Maid take care of all your housekeeping needs. We do not cut corners $10.00 off this week FULLY BONDED Call 905-686-5424 We also do home renovations and landscaping PAVING CO. WILLING TO PAY Min.$1000 REWARD For referrals leading to signed commercial paving contracts Please Call 647-889-1717 www.apexpavingltd.com He's A Keeper!!! It's been a few months and it's now official - big sister Austyn has decided that her new baby brother, can stick around! Ewan Douglas Edward Huxter was born on January 18th, 2006 at the Northumberland Hills Hospital, weighing a whopping 9.2lbs. Thank you everyone for being there, to share in our beautiful surprise. Ewan, you are one lucky little boy - to be loved by so many, and to be the namesake of two amazing men. Your Great Uncle Ewan will watch over you always, and your Poppa is only a phone call away from being by your side. Little Ewan, you are the perfect addition, thank you for filling all of our lives with even more joy. We love you soooo much!! Momma, Dadda and especially Austyn. PS... The bears are waiting to be fed!!! HEARN, William Andrew Charles "Bill"- Passed away peacefully on Thursday July 6, 2006 at Sun- nybrook Health Sciences Centre in his 70th year. Loving husband and best friend of Mary Ann Eliza- beth (nee Denault) for 49 years. Cherished father of Bill (Sue), Brian and Darlene. Devoted grandfa- ther of Billy, Caroline, and Megan. Dear brother of Linda Watson and the late June Varey and Ruth McErlean. He will be deeply missed by many niec- es and nephews and other extended family mem- bers. Bill was very active in his community, he will be fondly remembered by his friends at Puckering Village United Church and Deer Creek Golf Club. He was the past President and Deputy Governor of Ajax Kinsmen Club and a former manager of local soccer and hockey teams in Ajax. Bill courageous- ly fought cancer for almost 18 years. His enthu- siastic and positive outlook as well as his zest for life inspired many family, friends and neighbors. The family received friends at the McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME,28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 from 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Sunday and Monday. Funeral Service was held on Tuesday July 11, 2006 at 11:30 am at Pickering Village United Church (300 Church St. N, Ajax) with visitation one hour prior to service. Should family and friends so desire, donations to the Pickering Village United Church General Fund, or the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated. CUNNINGHAM, Isobel - It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Isobel Bleasdell Saumier Cunningham on July 7th, 2006 in her 93rd year. Isobel was the beloved wife of "Pie" Cunningham, and the late Marcel Saumier. She leaves behind to mourn her passing her four daughters, Bernadette Berger, Eva-Marie Saumier, Connie Tyrer (Bryan), Diane Forster and the late Claudette. Isobel will be greatly missed by her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dear sister of Irene Roy and the late Helen Welch and Eva Bérubé. Isobel led a rich and full life. She was an athlete who represented Canada in the British Empire Games in Australia, in 1938. Isobel was also a world record holder in the Masters Track and Field Association and was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in 1972. She was also a teacher, an artist and world traveler. The family would like to extend their sincere appreciation for the care of Isobel at the Rouge Valley Hospital, Ajax Site, the doctors and nurses on the 4th Floor East, and Dr. Romas Stas. Visitation at the ACCETTONE FUNERAL HOME 384 Finley Ave., Ajax, (905-428-9090) will take place on Wednes- day July 12th, 2006 from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 pm, and Thursday July 13th, 2006 from 10 am until the time of service in the chapel at 11 am. In remembrance of Isobel, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 2003 SHOPRIDER SCOOTER, 3-wheeler with basket, brand new battery, cherry red, excellent con- dition, asking $1300. 905-432- 5332 or 905-666-2449. 5 PC. BLACK CB drumset for sale, with hardware. Few months old. Asking $550. 905-925-2760. A BEDROOM SET,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mir- ror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905-213-4669. A DINING ROOM,cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 647- 271-5483 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES. Stoves, $149/up, portable dishwashers $200/up, 18" dishwashers in stock, fridges $175/up. Washers $125/up. Dryers $149/up. Large selection of reconditioned & new scratch & dent appliances. Parts Specialist. 426 Simcoe St.S. (905)728-4043. AIR CONDITIONERS & dehu- midifiers $100 each. Call (905)420-6355 AIR CONDITIONERS - NEW DANBY window air conditioners, from 5,000 - 10,000 btu $135 and up. new Danby apt sized freezers $209. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Re-con- ditioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, wash- ers $199/up, new and coin oper- ated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide se- lection of other new and recondi- tioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress set, cost $1000, sacri- fice $250. Call 905-213-4669. BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 647-271- 5483.Will deliver BOWFLEX- including leg, squat and lat attachments, top of the line, $1500. KODAK SLIDE VIEWER- ektagraphic audio/slide viewer $100. POOL TABLE- turned legs, 1" slate, 4.5'x9', $2800. 905-433-0448, reteprd@hotmail.com CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet includ- ing premier underpad and instal- lation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431- 4040 COMPUTER FOR SALE - ONE gig processor 395 memory ram, 19" flatscreen monitor $500. plus office desk $500. Call 905-922- 7015. HARDEN solid cherrywood 11-pc dining rm $2750; queen bedroom set/box mattress $750; sofa & chair (6-mos new) $750; washer $225 dryer $175 or $350 both; dishwasher one-yr $250; stacked apt-sized washer & dryer $450; gas fireplace $350; 1985 Yamaha Venture 1200cc $3500-obo. (905)260-1123 HARDWOOD & CARPET FLOORING:Carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30-sq. yd.) includes: car- pet, pad and installation. Free estimates. Carpet repairs. Serv- ing Durham and surrounding are- as. Professional Painting also available. Call Sam (905)686- 1772 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safe- ty Covers - best quality, best pric- es, all colours, all sizes. Delivery included. PAUL'S HOME AND LEISURE 905-259-4514 or 866- 972-6837 www.homeandlei- sure.ca HOT TUB/SPA 2006 model, all options, cover, never used, still in wrapper, cost $8,900, sell $5,000. 647-271-5483 HOT TUB/SPA 5 person, lounger, 24 jets, 5HP, redwood cabinet, never used, warranty, retail $6995, asking $3995. Call 905-409-5285. INGLIS WASHER and dryer; Hot Point fridge and stove, all opera- tional, asking $500. Call 905-420- 8579 KENMORE STOVE,- $75., al- mond, HotPoint Dishwasher $50. white, All in good condition, re- modeling kitchen, call 905-342- 3863. KILN dry select butternut, birch, also 1" x 2" clear cedar, 613-473-1151 LIQUIDATION SALE! Thomas House of Music,1001 Burns St. E. Whitby 905-430-0815. EVERY- THING GOES! Organs, Pianos, Music, Office Stuff, Chairs & more. MAYTAG PORTABLE air condi- tioner, remote control with win- dow exhaust kit, still under war- ranty $475; Inglis apt. size stackable washer/dryer, $475 obo. (905)839-7785 Moving Sale -Hurry Up,Every- thing must go. Brand new dining room. Bedroom set. Beautiful Red. Leather chair. Paintings, rugs.. Great prices. Yelda 905- 925-9559 MOVING! Gas stove $300, Din- ing room table with 5 chairs and buffet/hutch $800, Executive desk drawer filing cabinet $375. Twin bed night table two dressers $800. Potato bin 3 levels $45, Chest freezer $200. Call Jennifer 655-9444 for more info OAK KITCHEN cabinet, 19" TV, fridge, stove, dishwasher, picnic table, chest of drawers, infant bed/storage, TV stand, table w/4 chairs, dryer, baby items, vinyl windows 4 @45"wide x 36 1/2 high, 2 @ 33" wide x 36 1/2" high; (416)858-4767 PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs & pre-purchase consultation. Used upright or grand acoustic pianos for sale. Moving, rentals available. Call 905-427-7631 or visit: www.barbhall.com PIANOS - AND - CLOCKS Check out our Home Show Spe- cials! (Call for details). Our best prices this week! Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons..try our unique rent-to-own system. 100% of all rental payments apply! Large selection of upright and electronic pianos and Howard Miller clocks. Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS XBOX MOD CHIPS installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. We buy used/work- ing consoles. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL TABLE, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, accessory package included. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. PORTABLE CARPET BINDING MACHINE and Vinyl/Carpet portable display rack on wheels. $1,200. 905-342-2455 or 1-877- 323-5601. RENT TO OWN - New and re- conditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast delivery. No credit applica- tion refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798- 5502. RUN your own Duct Cleaning business D McD POWER HOUSE AIR MOVER, portable model, how to book & set up owners manual, new $10,000 asking $3500. 905-342-2455 or 1-877-323-5601. SEARS 10,000-BTU PORTABLE Floor Air Conditioner, new $370. 8500-BTU portable new $270. Used Air conditioners from $45. 11.5' boat $235. 3.9 Mercury mo- tor $225. Aluminum truck ramp new $110. Dehumidifier, $55. 905-576-0132. SET UP & RUN your own custom WOOD MOULDING business, one model 712 WOOD MASTER PLAINER, still in crate, D.V.D. & video, paid $4,000 will sell for $2,800. 905-342-2455 or 1-877- 323-5601. SOLID WOOD CRIB, maple stain finish, Stork Craft, like new $175. 905-355-5975. SPECIAL Occasions Rentals. Party tent, Candy Floss, Snow Cone, Slushie, Pop-Corn ma- chines, BBQ, dunk tank, jumping castle, pinball, Crown & Anchor, Blackjack Tables, Slot machines & tables/chairs. Biggun Amuse- ment & Promotions. 905-429- 1013. TRAILER WANTED new or used dump trailer, double axle, min. 3-ton. 905-259-8526, 905-725- 9301 WANTED:Cash for good major appliances, fridge, stove etc. Full sets of furniture, diningroom, bed- room, livingroom and wood kitch- en table with chairs. (905)260- 1123 FREE FIREWOOD.905-922- 7015. AAA PUPPIES - available now, Poms, Shih-Tzu, Shi-Poms, Shi- Pug, Peka-Poms, Bichon-Poo, To y Shnauzer. Lhasa Apso's (non-shedding). All Breeds $395.00 Bill 905-355-5226 wedwards000@sympatico.ca BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES. Purebred $500. ready to go early August. Black and white and red and white, awesome litter of 13 pups. Great dogs that are very smart! 905-242-2855. DACHSHUNDS miniatures, long haired puppies, blacks or brin- dles, registered, vet checked, healthy and vaccinated. 905- 372-8116. JACK RUSSELL puppies,first shots, ready to go. (905)986- 5217 or (905)424-9411 PAPILLON PUPS, 8 WEEKS, M/$550 F/$650. Non-allergenic. Non-shedding. Call Jim evenings 905-986-9955. REGISTERED German Shep- herd puppies. 100% German im- port lines. Vet checked, first shots, health guaranteed, tat- tooed. World Class lines. Family raised. 705-786-0322. SHITZU puppies for sale. First shots, dewormed, home raised. non shedding. Great family pets. $550. Ready to go. Call (905)426-3143 WHEATENPOOS &Goldendoo- dles, ready, beautiful wavy coats & Chocolate Labradoodles ready July 22nd, M & F, 1st shots, guar- anteed. 705-437-2790, www.doodletreasures.com YOU COULD HAVE your dog under control and listening in 2 short weeks. TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905- 797-2855. CELL PHONE photo Trans- formation CD, DVD, or Prints. Call Taylor 905-922-7015. 1997 MONTANA EXTENDED Va n, loaded, 4dr, 340,000kms, runs great, certified $2,700. 1996 TRANSPORT VAN, loaded, 3dr., 245,000kms, clean, runs nice, certified $2,800. 1995 RANGER Extended Cab, 6 cyl., new transmission, needs engine work, excellent body & interior, $800. 1990 F150 LARIAT extend- ed cab, loaded, 260,000kms, body fair, runs well, great work truck, dual gas tanks, $1,700. (905)439-7435 1998 SUNFIRE $2,999.1997 Es- cort SW $2,999. 1994 Eagle Summit $1,999. 1992 Geo Track- er $2,690. 1997 Safari Panel van $2,699. Other from $1,699. Certi- fied & e-tested. LONG WEEK- END SPECIAL - NO GST!! (905)683-7301 or 905-424-9002. www.kellyandsonsauto.com NEED A CAR? 100% GUARANTEED You get Your Second Chance Now! APPLY ONLINE WWW.VILLAGE CHRYSLER.CA OR CALL 905-683-5358 OR 906-767-0951 ASK FOR EVERTON WE GET EVERYONE DRIVING! 2001 HYUNDAI ELANTRA VE, 4dr. burgundy, excellent vehicle, only 88,000 km. Must sell $9,995, $8,995.. 416-890-3020. 2004 HONDA ACCORD Coupe, silver, 2.4 ltr., 4 cyl., 5spd., leath- er interior, dual AC, anti-theft, sunroof, winter tires/rims, 55,000km. mint condition. $21,500. call (905)655-8935. $ $ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) 905-424-3508. $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all cash for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehi- cles. We buy all scrap metal, cop- per, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $ $ A & 1 AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week anytime. Pleas- es call 905-426-0357. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Pickering/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES 1992 CHEV. SILVERADO 4x4, 5-passenger crew-cab, auto, loaded, 350, 285,000km, E- tested. $2500; CANOE- 16ft.4"x 36", Cedarglas cedar, transparent fibreglass inside/out, Classic, $900, both good condition (905)983-5314 2001 FORD WINDSTAR SEL, 159+km, green met., cert. & e- tested $8500. 1997 Chev. Blazer LT, 137miles, white/brown, cert. & e-tested $5000. 1995 F150 LT, 225+km, white, great worker, $2500. 905-430-6623. VAN WANTED - late model 2002 or newer van, in good condition, reasonably priced..Will pay cash. Call 905-260-0172. 1999 HONDA AMERICAN Clas- sic 750cc, looks like Harley Cruis- er, saddle bags, windshield, en- gine protector, under 11,000km, mint condition, $5500 firm. Val (905)579-0307 CATERPILLAR FORKLIFT 6000 lb., 12 ft lift, power steering, 5495 hours, good working order $3,999. UTILITY TRAILER, rated 3500 lbs. 6 ft. x 10 ft., excellent shape $999. 905-396-0422, cell 905-396-0422. Asian Girls Best Service Best Price Best Quality Girls 19+, Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more 24hrs, Out Calls only 905-260-1238 416-833-3123 Durham's Classiest Ladies Little Darlings 905-426-0023 littledarlings4u.com 100% discretion assured always accepting new faces top $$$$ Oriental Lovely 905-619-9945 (Central Ajax) 905-429-2420 (N. Oshawa) S H A Y N A Sexy & strawberry blonde, curvaceous & all natural Discreet and Independent 7a.m -7 p.m. Whitby (416)880-6433 AJAX SPA BEST ASIAN CUTIES Head to Toes Care Shiatsu Back Walking (Optional) Deep - Relaxing FA NTASTIC MASSAGE (905)231-0092 GRAND OPENING! Ultimate Relaxing Massage Awesome Lady 4271 Sheppard Ave. E. Unit #19 Scarborough 416-293-5071 PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Need a Handyman? •Fire/Water Damage **Mould Specialist •Drywall Taping/Painting •Kitchens & Bathrooms •Full Basement Renos. Certified Technician Call Syntec No up front fees! (905)725-8485 905-409-9903 PHB RENOVATIONS ✑Kitchen, bathrooms, basements ✑Stucco ceiling removal ✑Plumbing/electrical ✑ Tiling, painting ✑ Schluter certified ✑ Metro licensed, fully insured, bondable ✑ 5 year guarantee For free estimate or consultation call Peter at 416-450-4434 REAL HANDYMAN For people with limited cash flow Garbage Removal Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Drywall etc Call Joseph cell - 905-626-6247 pgr- 416-246-4379 renovations4u.ca ✶F/B from $6500+ material ✶Decks/Fences & G/Sheds ✶Painting & Decorating ✶Electrical/Plumbing ✶Dry Walling/Taping ✶All Kitchens ✶Patios, Paths, Interlock & Steps ✶ Windows and Doors Call Abdul 905-444-9944 or 647-722-5354 STOTT CONSTRUCTION •Additions •Basement Renos •Bathroom Renos •Decks & Fences •Landscaping Low prices - High Quality Steve (905)424-1572 TBG Aluminum Siding ~ Soffit Facia ~ Eavestrough Free estimates Call Bruce 905-410-6947 PA UL'S HANDYMAN SERVICES Specializing in fences, decks, sheds, plumbing, electrical, drywall, storage shelving & general repairs Call Paul (905)683-7663 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Tor.Line 647-868-9669 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 ALL VILLAGE MOVERS DEPENDABLE EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS 24 hr. service (905)239-1263 (416)465-6859 CROSS MOVERS Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licenced/Insured (416)423-0239 (905)683-5342 HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED Immediately, Mon-Fri, North Ajax location, July-August, Call: Mr. Krista, 905-428-2738 SUPREME HOUSECLEANING BY LAURIE I work alone. 21 yrs. in business. I do everything AND I also bring my own cleaners.Weekly, Bi-Weekly & some Sat.'s (905) 426-3711 • Lawn Cutting • Spring Clean Up • Sodding/Landscaping • Seniors Discount • Gardening 416-410-9942 REMOVE YOUR CRIMINAL record FAST. We do Pardons and US Waivers. Don't be embar- rassed. Call 1-800-298-5520 governmentpardons.ca A/P PAGE B8 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 12, 2006 www.durhamregion.com AuctionsAuctionsAuctions Wa nt the PERFECT Employee? Take these quick steps to ensure you’re getting the right candidates! Employment Advertising Checklist Every ad should include: ❏ Prominent job title ❏ Company profi le and logo ❏ Advancement/Education opportunities ❏ Type of working environment ❏ Job description -skills required -experience necessary -education needed -duties to be performed -hours ❏ Remuneration -wages/salary -benefi ts -vacation ❏ Location ❏ Reply information ❏ Deadline ❏ Equal Opportunity Employer Confi rmation Let our Employment Specialists take care of all your recruitment needs. Classifi ed Department Phone: 905-683-5110 Death NoticesDeath NoticesDeath Notices Place your ad at 905-683-0707 To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 905-683-0707 (Ajax) and let one of our professional advisors help you. WANT A BETTER BEHAVED DOG? • Any Dog, Any Age, Any Problem • Dog Friendly Methods that are Easy to learn • Guaranteed for the Life of Your Dog Cindy Ford Behaviour Therapist & Trainer Email: cindy@barkbusters.ca 1-866-418-4584 Website: www.barkbusters.ca HOME DOG TRAINING ™Who ya gonna call ADVERTISING FEATURE To adopt one of these pets contact the Humane Society of Durham Region CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY SSERVICEERVICE Bayshore Division - Guiders and youth members,Bayshore Division - Guiders and youth members, proudly support the Humane Society of Durham Region.proudly support the Humane Society of Durham Region. Adopt a pet or make a donation!Adopt a pet or make a donation! 905-839-5263905-839-5263 GuidesGuides CanadaCanada Bayshore DivisionBayshore Division For Fun & Adventures Join us and create your Guiding memories. If you have an Animal related or Community Service Business you would like to advertise contact Michael Briggs at 905-683-5110 ext. 238 The Groomers WorkshopThe Groomers Workshop 905-831-3047 The GTA’S original DO-IT-YOURSELF Dog Grooming Shop Serving Thousands of Happy Pets & Owners in Durham Since 1990 Baywest Plaza - Bayly St. & Westshore Blvd. $$5.00 OFF YOUR NEXT VISIT5.00 OFF YOUR NEXT VISIT with this adwith this ad Humane SocietyHumane Society of Durham Regionof Durham Region “FIND A NEW BEST FRIEND” 905 433-2022 REG’D CHARITY #132562984RR0001 Serving all of Durham Region 199 Waterloo St. #2 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3W9 www.humanedurham.com Wentworth St. E. Waterloo St. Hwy 401 Nelson St.Ritson Rd. S.Si m c o e S t . S . OSHAWA & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY An Adventure in Every Hike! RATES: $20 per walk Phone:416.419.1250 (cell)www.thrutheruff.com • Minimum 1 hr. on & off leash hikes for dogs of all ages & sizes • Regular dog walking & training services available K9 HIKES! and dog walking! SERVING AJAX, PICKERING & WHITBY Roxy is a 3 and a half year old female Lab/Shepherd cross. She is very friendly and outgoing but will need someone with a large yard as she is very strong and likes lots of exercise. Pirhana is a very feisty little kitten. He was found in a boat in cottage country and was starving. He has a strong will for survival and has thrived with attention. He is probably too rough for kids even at his young age and doesn’t seem to like other cats. Nanook is a 9 year old male husky cross that came to us after being neglected by his owner. He loves attention and seems to get along with just about anything. He does have some arthritis in his joints but is responding well to medication. Darcy is a 2 year old male that was one of 29 cats brought into the shelter from one apartment ear- lier this years. He is a little shy but friendly. SPOTLIGHT on BUSINESSSPOTLIGHT on BUSINESS ADVERTISING FEATURE I’ll help fi nd the mortgage that is perfect for you at very competitive rates and service that will exceed your expectations. Robert Kavanagh 416-414-6815 robert.kavanagh@rbc.com • Refi nancing/equity take out • Resale • New construction • Switching your mortgage to RBC For valuable advice on rates, terms and options, please contact me, your RBC Mobile Mortgage Specialist. DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS Complete Selection Of Vinyl Window & Doors Durham’s First Mobile Window & Door Showroom MOBILE SHOWROOM 696 KING ST., W. 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At BathMart you can be assured your home renovation will be handled by the industry’s top professionals. BathMart’s services include all aspects of home renovations — from plumbing, carpentry and electrical to design and décor, it’s a total renovation makeover! A family owned and operated company, BathMart can offer what most franchises cannot — local, friendly and personalized service every time. Clients can always be assured of excellent customer service, and BathMart’s professionals always listen to what the customer wants. “Bring us your renovation dreams and we will make them a reality.” Because BathMart works with some of the industry’s leading Make your home renovation dreams an affordable reality! manufactures and suppliers, they are always able to offer the latest trends and most up-to-date styles in all renovations. BathMart has a team of highly skilled tradesmen, and all work is covered by a written warranty. “We see our role as consultants and facilitators for any renovation you have in mind. We fi nd this works for many people. We can demonstrate how a particular colour, tile, fl oor or wall fi nish will look right in the home, not in some out-of-the-way showroom. We have a gallery of samples, and a very wide range of products available. In fact, it is easier for our customers to make a decision right in the comfort of their own home and we can help them visualize the end result.” Visit BathMart’s website at www.bathmart.biz and take the fi rst step to creating the home renovation of your dreams! Or for more information please call 905- 831-0492. PA GE B9 NEWS A DVERTISER July 12, 2006 P Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Fiddle music PICKERING — Spencer Horemans wows the crowd with the violin during a perfor- mance at the Pickering Central Library Auditorium. The Kids Saturday Morning Music Madness series is presented by the Durham West Arts Centre. Author wishes to see his former home restored to its former glory By Blake Wolfe Special to the News Advertiser DURHAM — Rev. Stan Chu Ilo is a man with a mission. Since his childhood, Rev. Ilo has seen first-hand both the ravages of war and the devastating poverty which has af- fected his native country of Nigeria for several decades, which in turn has in- spired his drive to see the continent of Africa restored to its former glory. In addition to his work with the Cath- olic church both in Africa and Canada (he is a priest at St. Therese Catho- lic Church in Courtice), his numerous appearances on television and radio broadcasts in several African countries throughout the late 1990s, as well as newspaper and magazine articles, he has also written three books published in Nigeria, and has just completed his fourth. The local resident has spent the last 10 years researching and writing his new book titled ‘The Face of Africa: Looking Beyond The Shadows’, a look at the problems which the continent faces, as well as the potential solutions involv- ing both African and Western nations. “Since my university days in Nige- ria,” he said, “I’ve been very concerned about the African condition.” Rev. Ilo’s new book deals with the problems and potential solutions to Africa’s issues using what he calls the “total picture approach model,” a meth- od of looking at the continent and its problems as a whole and identifying the roots of the issue, as opposed to dealing with issues, such as the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, as isolated incidents that demand reactionary responses. “People would see this disaster in Darfur as isolated to Sudanese society,” he said, citing the racial, religious and social issues that the crisis resulted from - issues which can be seen in other conflicts throughout the continent, such as the massacre which took place in Rwanda in 1994. According to Rev. Ilo, part of the problem-solving begins with citizens of Western nations becoming educated about Africa and the issues, resulting in those root causes being addressed by both citizens and governments in a position to provide direct action against the roots of the continent’s problems. “Most of these (current relief) plans address specific problems,” he said, “but real problems re-emerge when they are left unaddressed. (We should be asking) ‘why are they killing each other? Why are they dying of HIV?’ Those are the real questions.” The book also addresses the respon- sibility of Africans to reject both corrupt governments and the “victim theory”, which Rev. Ilo sees as a big obstacle towards the rebuilding of the conti- nent. He described the theory as Afri- cans blaming their own poverty on the wealth of other nations. For Rev. Ilo, a few key experiences stand out as inspiration for his mission to see Africa rebuilt. Growing up in war- torn Nigeria, where a vicious civil war claimed the lives of millions between 1967 and 1970, he has carried several important memories with him over the years which have fuelled his vision of a peaceful world. “My memories of childhood are of war,” he said. “I remember playing with used artillery shells as a kid. Once, we were digging and we found a mass grave. That experience has never left me.” Durham resident’s new book addresses African social issues 401 KING S T O N R D BROCK RD.WESTNEY RD.SheridanSheridan CHEVROLET CADILLAC LTD. 1800 KINGSTON RD PICKERING 905-683-9333 www.sheridanchev@gmcanada.com CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET OPTIMUM Sheridanthetheall n e w all new • Manufacturer’s Warranty • 30 day/2500 km. no hassle exchange privilege • 150 + point inspection • 24 hour roadside assistance 30 years serving the community Prices are plus lic., taxes and admin.CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLACOVER 60 PRE-OWNED VEHICLES INSTOCK & ONLINE www.sheridangroup.ca SPECIAL FINANCE PROGRAMS. If you work you drive!* I have lease & purchase plans to suit your needs. 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Loaded, black on beige leather. 24,000kms. 2005Equinox LT $$25,99925,999 Auto, 4dr., white, sunroof, leather, power seats, air, AM/FM stereo, CD, power windows & more. 64,464kms. 2002Cadillac Deville DHS $$24,77724,777 PA GE B10 ◆ NEWS A DVERTISER ◆ July 12, 2006A/P Durham dinner theatre takes a dramatic turn Class Act puts aside comedic fare to stage psychological thriller WHITBY — And now for something completely different Class Act Dinner Theatre is tackling a new genre of theatre this summer with the staging of Ira Levin’s Death Trap, running July 12 through Aug. 26. “It’s a psychological thriller,” said di- rector and Class Act owner Rockford Va rcoe. “It’s the first time Class Act has ever diverted from its standard pants- around-the ankles farce.” Not that Death Trap is without laughs, he added. In fact, the play is known for its ability to make audiences gasp and laugh, he said. Va rcoe said with summer the audi- ences at Class Act change a bit, with more people bringing in visitors and with tourists attending. “We thought we would throw some- thing different at our audience and test the waters,” he said. “The reason I’ve chosen (Death Trap) ... is it is the longest-running thriller in Broadway history,” he said, adding it was also a movie starring Christopher Reeve and Michael Caine. The play centres around a popular playwright, Sidney Bruhl, who is one of the top writers on Broadway, except he hasn’t had a hit in 10 years. Along comes a script “to die for” from a young playwright, Clifford Anderson, Varcoe said. Or perhaps it’s a “script to kill for,” he added. Added into the mix are Bruhl’s wife, Myra, his lawyer, Porter, and a local psychic, Helen ten dorp. Va r coe said Bruhl is desperate in need of a new hit play and “is torn between a play murder and an actual murder.” The play has “more twists than a Twizzler,” he said. “When you think you have the answer, the play shocks you.” A veteran cast, well-known at Class Act, is busy rehearsing for opening night. Mike Woodbridge, of Toronto, stars as Bruhl, a character every actor wants to play, Varcoe said. Bruhl’s wife is played by Carole Laing, of Courtice. Ray Porrill, of Oshawa, is Anderson, the young playwright. Daryl Marks, of To ronto, plays the lawyer while Dianna Czortek, of Whitby, is the psychic. Va r coe added Mike Mandell, hypno- tist and mentalist, is coming to Class Act for shows July 15 and 19. For tickets for Death Trap and Man- dell, call Class Act at 905-668-2229. A.J. Groen /News Advertiser photo The Class Act Dinner Theatre presents the psychological thriller ‘Deathtrap’. The cast members are, from left, Ray Porrill as Clifford Anderson, Diana Czortek as Helga Ten Dorp, Carol Laing as Myra Bruhl and Mike Woodbridge, who plays Sidney.