HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2005_07_13 The Pickering 46 PA GES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 HI-SPEED INTERNET WIRELESS DIGITAL CABLE Come See Our New Look! PICKERING TOWN CENTRE UPPER LEVEL SEARS WING 905.420.0744 The Rogers Better Choice Bundle offer is available to new or existing customers and is subject to error, change or cancellation without notice. Offer available only within the territory served by Rogers Cable. Minimum 24-month commitment is required. Customer will be required to commit to a 24-month term for each of the qualifying service categories. Early termination fees apply. A one-time Activation fee, monthly $6.95 System Access and monthly 911 Emergency Service Access Fee also apply. Long distance charges, roaming, additional service options selected and applicable taxes are extra. Pricing is subject to change without notice. Offer expires July 31, 2005. TMRogers, Rogers Wireless, and the Mobius design are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc. Used under License. [ Briefly ]] Receive a hand with yard work PICKERING — Affordable lawn care is here for residents of Ajax and Pickering in need of a hand. Community Care Durham, Ajax- Pickering offers assistance through its home maintenance program, which is geared to adults and seniors who need help with their outdoor chores all seasons of the year. This could include raking leaves in the fall, cutting the grass or shov- elling snow. Par ticipants are matched with a student who would do the outdoor yard work for a fee of $7 to $10/ hour. For information, call Rachel O’Connor at 905-837-0017 ext. 239. Design Durham’s new transit logo PICKERING — The Region’s new regional transit system, set to be up and running January 1, is in need of an official logo. The Durham Region Transit Logo Contest is open to all individuals 18 years of age or older who live or work in Durham Region, including regional employees and employees of current transit agencies. The prize for the winning logo is $250 and a Durham Region Transit pass for a year. Deadline for submissions is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 29, 2005. For complete contest details, visit www.region.durham.on.ca/tran- sitlogocontest. Resume help in Pickering PICKERING — The Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre is offering assistance with resumes. On Friday, July 22 there is a resume workshop from 1 to 3 p.m., and on Friday, July 29 there is a resume critiquing session from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Workshops fill up quickly and pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call 905- 420-4010. The office is at 1400 Bayly St., Unit 12, in Pickering (beside the GO station). [ Index ] Editorial Page, 6 Sports, 8 Classified, 10 Entertainment, 13 [ Call us] General: 905 683 5110 Distribution: 905 683 5117 General Fax: 905 683 7363 Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 Pressrun 47,600 infodurhamregion.com SERVICE HOURS MON., WED., THURS., FRI. 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. TUES. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. SAT. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (905) 831-5400 www.p ickeringhonda.com 575 KINGSTON RD. Email: service@pickeringhonda.com VERSATILITY Town and Country offers plenty Wheels pullout ON THE BRINK Lacrosse club looks to wrap up series Page 8 PICKIN’ PALS New group brings enthusiasts together Page 13 No charges in DEU investigation Board refuses chief’s request for extension in probe that angered police rank and file By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM — Two and a half years after it began, an investigation into al- legations of wrongdoing by members of the Durham Regional Police Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) has concluded with no charges laid. Members of the Police Services Board wrote the final chapter to the saga Mon- day when they refused a request by Chief Kevin McAlpine for an extension that would have allowed the service to pur- sue a Police Services Act charge against a single officer. The board’s vote means the service will not be able to lay a charge of discred- itable conduct against the former DEU cop, Chief McAlpine confirmed Mon- day. The extension was necessary to pur- sue the charge because more than six months have passed since it was alleged to have occurred. The board’s move was hailed by the police union. “The Durham Regional Police As- sociation, since the beginning of this matter in February 2003, has taken the position that our officers would be vin- dicated and the result of the Police Ser- vices Board decision proves us right,” said union Vice-President Tom Bell in a written statement. The DEU and hundreds of busts made during a period that spanned 2001 and 2002 have been subjected to intense scrutiny, beginning in January of 2003 when Chief McAlpine received a letter from a former DEU cop alleging a host of improprieties, including theft, excessive use of force, and shoddy investigative techniques. New City clerk arrives to warm reception By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Debi Bentley feels right at home in Pickering. Ms. Bentley took over as City clerk May 30; she was previously deputy clerk at the Region of Durham. “I’ve been made to feel welcome from the day I stepped into Pickering,” she said. She took over for longtime clerk Bruce Taylor, who retired June 30. He spent his last month as deputy clerk. “I was fortunate to have Bruce to job shadow,” Ms. Bentley said. “That was such an opportunity.” Municipal clerks are responsible for assisting in the governing of council, helping prepare bylaws and in doing record keeping. “We’re basically ensuring the history of the municipality is maintained,” she said. Ms. Bentley began her career in Whitby, where she was born and still lives today, serving as supervisor of At home in Pickering Celia Klemenz / News Advertiser photo Ryan Williamson, right, offers Molly Russell his secrets to success in sand cake preparation. Molly and Ryan were at Picker- ing’s Millennium waterfront park this week, joining many other city residents in an attempt to beat the heat. Ministry extends ninth smog advisory of the season By Jillian Follert Staff Writer DURHAM — Less than a month into the summer, Durham residents continue to labour under record heat and smog conditions, with relief nowhere in sight. According Environment Canada, temperatures will remain hot and sticky in the mid-30s for the rest of this week and into next. The heat and humidity combined with a lack of rain and southerly winds blow- ing air pollution from the U.S. will continue to create an ideal staging ground for smog. As of Tuesday, Durham was in the midst of a smog advisory issued Sunday and expected to last at least a few more days. So far this summer, the region has seen nine such advi- sories, spanning 32 days. Dave Phillips, a climatologist with Environment Canada, said this week also marked the 20th day this year that temperatures have climbed above 30 degrees Celsius. The yearly average is 12 days and last summer there were only three. “We had a record warm June and it looks like we might have a record July as well,” he said. “Often weather is very persistent, what you see is what you get. It’s amazing because we haven’t even reached the real dog days of summer in the middle of July.” In To ronto, health officials have issued heat alerts to accompany the ongoing smog alerts that come from the Province. While Durham does not have a heat alert program, Envi- ronmental Health Manager Jacques Perrault said there are ongoing cam- paigns to encourage energy conser- vation, smog reduction and healthy Frenchman’s Bay could be coming clean By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — The time has finally come for action in the quest to clean up Frenchman’s Bay, says Maurice Brenner. The Ward 1 regional councillor is chairman of the Waterfront Co-ordinat- ing Committee (WCC), which made a presentation to council last month on a five-year implementation plan to clean up the Bay. “This is an action item, not a talk item,” Coun. Brenner said in an inter- view. “It has been talked about for over a decade and it’s time to stop the talk and start implementing.” The main component is a stormwater management plan to clean up the bay and ensure that it stays healthy. “Cleaning up the bay is the easy part, the hardest part is putting the stormwa- ter system in place,” Coun. Brenner said. The plan will be developed by the City and the Toronto and Region Conserva- tion (TRC) authority with advice from the WCC. “We have no choice but to clean the bay because it is critical to not only the Pickering waterfront but to the City and the Region as a whole,” said Larry Field, a waterfront specialist with the TRC. “It is not very healthy both from an aquatic and infrastructure standpoint. If there isn’t action taken at this time it will fur- ther degrade.” David Steele, a community member on the committee, said 100 tonnes of sediment from Hwy. 401, Bayly Street and the creeks flows into the bay each year. There are also problems with flood- ing. There have been studies and reports done about the problems with French- man’s Bay for years, but all involved with this plan say it is different. Mr. Field said it will integrate the work that has been done in the past and set out what to do in the long-term. ✦ See Frenchman’s, Page 4 ✦ See Durham, Page 5 Merle Robillard/ News Advertiser photo Now into her second month on the job, new Pickering clerk Debi Bentley says she’s felt welcome since Day 1.✦ See Bentley, Page 4 ✦ See Probe, Page 5 It’s hot — with dog days to come A/P PA GE 2 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 PUT PICKERING FIRST The Provincial Government is in the process of establishing a Development Plan for Central Pickering (Seaton and Cherrywood). It is being done outside the normal Planning Act process and against the wishes of elected Councils of the City of Pickering, the Region of Durham. The Province is conducting this process to plan for Seaton to facilitate their Land Swap Deal with developers from Richmond Hill, the details of which remain secret to this day. Since the Province only wants growth in Seaton and not Cherrywood, it has ignored the City of Pickering’s Growth Management Study and Plan which calls for growth in a portion of Cherrywood and Seaton. The City’s Plan also establishes a large countryside area around the hamlet of Whitevale, protects the area’s sensitive environmental features and provides a net benefit of 60 million dollars to the taxpayers of Pickering. RESIDENTS OF PICKERING •Pickering is unlike any other known city in the Province because NO WHERE ELSE HAS THE PROVINCE TAKEN OVER LOCAL LAND USE PLANNING. •Citizens of the City of Pickering and Region of Durham CANNOT appeal the plan the Province produces. •The Province’s plan includes too many people and not enough jobs. This will impact the financial health of the City & Region. •The Province will not release the background studies to support the planned growth for Seaton. •Both York and Durham Regions have expressed serious concern over the lack of services and the impact this much growth will have on roads, sewers and social services. •It could cost 200 million dollars for Seaton infrastructure and the Province has not agreed to pay this money. HOW WILL THIS AFFECT YOUR TAXES? •Seaton contains very sensitive cold-water streams and aquifers, is heavily forested with many ground water discharge and recharge areas, and contains significant First Nation cultural heritage areas. HOW CAN WE BE SURE THAT THESE RESOURCES WILL BE PROTECTED UNDER THE PROVINCE’S PLANNING PROCESS? HERE’S WHY YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED •Despite requests from thousands of residents and the City of Pickering itself, the Province has decided to plan Seaton without doing a Full Individual Environmental Assessment. •The Province has not adopted the City of Pickering’s objective of Environment First urban planning. •The Province has not quantified the impact that this Plan will have on the environmental, financial or cultural health of your municipality. •The Province refuses to follow accepted practices for meaningful public input accepted elsewhere and throughout the Province. Is this the best plan for the City of Pickering? Is this the best plan for our environment? Or is it simply a convenient plan for the Province and Developers to swap lands in Richmond Hill for lands in Seaton? The Province is holding an Open House on July 14th, 2005 to present their plan. Residents of Pickering should attend, question the Province’s motives and ask why planning control has been taken away from their elected Council. …THERE’S MORE TAKE ACTION GET INVOLVED IN PLANNING YOUR COMMUNITY. GET ANSWERS AND COMMITMENTS FROM THE PROVINCE. GET BACK PLANNING CONTROL FOR YOUR CITY FROM THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT. Endorsed by the West Duffins Landowners Group 905-760-7324 Open House on July 14, 2005 from 5 pm -10 pm at the Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering P PA GE 3 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 madnessMAKEOVERMAKEOVER GREAT GIVEAWAY CONTESTGREAT GIVEAWAY CONTEST $2000package valued up to featuring gift certifi cates and merchandise from local retailers. See contest details on Sunday, July 17th in the News Advertiser. WIN A SUMMER SHOPPING SPREE ® kimo limo Limousine Services DURHAM VACUUM PLUS LTD. "%!54930!42%!4-%.4#%.42%All Hardwood Flooring Depot Ltd.All Hardwood Flooring Depot Ltd. Sandra Dee’s Furniture Restoration Draw July 27. 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July 17 10am - 4pm $6 Admission Luther Vipond Memorial Arena 67 Winchester St., E. Brooklin, ON FREE Seminars and Workshops presented by: Visit www.theheartofcountry.com for your $1.00 off coupon! Dynamic Publishing and Events Management (905) 426-4676 ext. 257 COMING SOON To ronto International Centre Fall Show November 11, 12, 13 Oshawa Civic Auditorium Fall Show October 14, 15, 16 Richmond Green Sports Centre Fall Show October 22, 23 SILVANA BALDASSI muralist painter and faux-finishing furniture specialist. JANICE MURPHY specializing in celtic-inspired designs in watercolour and ink on wood and paper. PICKERING POTTERS STUDIO learn to be a potter and take a turn at the wheel. Enjoy entertainment by GARY BOYLE Canada’s country balladeer singing old country favourites WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING IT’S SALE TIMEIT’S SALE TIME genuine leather woven vamp perfect for the warm summer weather Comfort and We ll being with every step Available in Sizes 6-13 !.4)342%33 ¤ for all purposes from 4 passengers to 10 passengers with stretch limos and special weekday rates Monday to Friday kimo limo Limousine Services Ask for Berger 416-453-5696 • 905-839-0457 Limousine Services Rolls Royce for weddings or corporate functions – weekly /monthly Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. NEWS ADVERTISER Capital funding forecast drops for public schools By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM — The public board intends to approve its budget at the end of Au- gust, just before the start of the new school year. Durham District School Board chairman Michael Barrett says the general legislative grants from the Education Ministry, which contain formulae the board uses to calculate how much money it can expect for the coming school year, were late this year. As a result, the ministry has extended the deadline to Sept. 1 for boards to file their budgets. “We are taking advantage of that,” he says. As well, Trustee Barrett says there’s also a problem ensuring the 11-member board has a quorum. He noted that in the first week of July four trustees were on holidays. The budget is to be pre- sented to trustees’ educa- tion finance committee Aug. 18. Budget discussion and public deputations are set for Aug. 22, and two days later the budget could be ready for approval at a special board meeting, ac- cording to business super- intendent Ed Hodgins. The board received some “disappointing” news re- garding its capital fund- ing in the Good Places to Learn Grant, says Trustee Barrett. The first stage of the grant, intended to ad- dress urgent and high needs repairs at schools, was originally pegged at $2.5 million per year, which in turn could finance up to $34 million worth of work. But board officials from the start noted that the minis- try figure depended on the board being able to borrow at a very generous, and un- likely, interest rate of five- and-a-quarter per cent. As a result, the estimate was lowered to around $30 mil- lion. Now it appears the figure will be lower still. In identifying its first list of projects, the board in- cluded work it had already completed at schools. Trustee Barrett said the ministry responded by telling the board it would receive less funding since it had already addressed some projects. “We could be looking at a potential loss of around $4 million, which is disap- pointing,” he said. “We are appealing to the ministry, asking them to reconsider.” Two months ago, the board approved $12.4 mil- lion worth of work at 13 high schools and 17 ele- mentary schools. Trustees are to receive and likely ap- prove a second list of proj- ects at the Aug. 29 board meeting. Merle Robillard/ News Advertiser photo Drumming up support for Terry PICKERING — Major Bill Fodor of the Highland Creek Pipe and Drums band led the way Sunday as the City of Pickering held a rally to mark the 25th anniversary of Terry Fox’s run through Pickering. Approximately 30 people retraced a portion of Mr. Fox’s route, while more than 100 people were on hand at Esplanade Park for a ceremony. Board budget approval set for August Unit 5 now back online after planned maintenance PICKERING — After more than 16,000 tasks, Unit 5 at the Pickering nu- clear station is back gener- ating electricity. The reactor returned to service last week following a planned maintenance outage that began Feb. 10. With Unit 5 back online, all four reactors on the ‘B’ side of the Pickering plant are operating, while Unit 4 is the only ‘A’-side reactor generating power. Unit 1 is slated to be back online in the fall, while Unit 2 and 3 remain in a laid-up state. The Unit 5 outage is part of a program on the ‘B’ side to enhance the sta- tion’s safety and operating performance. Among the tasks working on were the reactor and heat transport systems, the control room and turbine generator. “Safely operating and m aintaining our equip- ment pays dividends in improved station perfor- mance, making mainte- nance and upgrades es- sential,” Pickering ‘B’ site vice-president Tom Mitch- ell said. “This outage was our station’s largest ever.” Other work done in- cluded boiler cleaning, inspection and mainte- nance of more than 300 fuel channels, installation of new equipment in the main control room, and inspecting and repacking a number of valves. On the non-nuclear side, work included inspection and repair to a number of valves, work on the turbine generator, a major over- haul of the cooling water pump and the overhaul of the low-pressure service water pumps. Prior to the outage, Unit 5 had been online for 96 continuous days, and last year it had the best record on the ‘B’ side with a capa- bility factor of 92 per cent. Pickering reactor restarts administration services before head- ing to the Region for seven years. Her move to clerk was a natural progres- sion, she said. “I was ready to move to that next level in my career,” she said. Ms. Bentley, a mom to two teenaged sons, is glad to be back at the munici- pal level. “I like the local level better, you have more contact with the public,” she said. Now that she is flying solo, Ms. Bent- ley is glad to have the summer to famil- iarize herself with issues, go through processes in the department and get to know the staff before having to start planning for the 2006 municipal elec- tion. “That’s certainly one of my summer tasks, to get myself up to speed on the issues,” she said. Some of her other tasks include enhancing the laser fiche program and hiring a new deputy clerk. Anne Greentree left the position in the win- ter but the City thought it would be best to find a replacement once it had a new clerk. “That was very good foresight on the management of Pickering,” Ms. Bent- ley said. “It’s always nice to pick your right hand.” Ms. Bentley not only brings with her experience from her previous posi- tions, but she was also involved with the Association of Municipal Manag- ers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario. She developed a ‘new municipal man- ager’ course offered through the as- sociation. She also does speaking on policy and procedural administration. P PA GE 4 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 WHITBY II 4160 Baldwin St. S. 905-655-4920 WHITBY I 1910 Dundas St. E. 905-436-3780PICKERING II 1235 Bayly St. LIVERPOOL & BAYLY 905-831-1280 PICKERING I 376 Kingston Rd. ROUGEMOUNT CENTRE 905-250-9741 CALL THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU TODAY! “Thanks Herbal Magic® for helping me achieve my life long goal of losing weight. I lost 80 lbs. and am maintaining that loss one year later. Jenn lost 80 lbs. and 80” After Before Lose 2-7 lbs. per week • controls appetite • increases energy • compliments weight management program 07.06.05 - Grand opening of First Durham Insurance and Financial in Pickering; owner Harry Yetman and Mayor Dave Ryan cut the ribbon. Photo by Ron Pietroniro */463"/$&'*/"/$*"- '*345%63)". 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering CORRECTION NOTICE We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Nordic 2-Way Communicating Car Security System 10050496 NTW-400. This product is advertised for $199.99 Installed, on p.4 of our July 8th flyer. The actual retail price is $299.99 Installed. Store • 905-686-2308 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 9:00; Sat 8:00 - 6:00; Sun. 9:00 - 6:00 Service • 905-686-2309 Mon. - Wed., Sat 7:30 - 6:00; Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 - 8:00; Sun 9:00 - 6:00 CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY 1735 Pickering Parkway (at Brock Road) CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY Hurry in for best selection. Sorry, no rainchecks or substitutions. While quantities last. Sale ends Mon, July 18/05. 999999 SALE Reg. 19.99 81-0106-6 AIR MATTRESS & BEACH BALL 4 piece set 774499 SALE Reg. 14.99 81-3404-8 POOL 3 piece set SAVE 50% SAVE 50% 999999 SALE Reg. 19.99 09-5036-8 AIR COMPRESSOR 250psi, 12V, with gauge SAVE 50% 999999 SALE Reg. 19.99 50-2580-6 BUCKET OF TOYS WITH BUBBLES SAVE 50% 12124499 SALE Reg. 24.99 32-0138-8 Grey, Ortho Advantage SEAT CUSHION SAVE 50% 449999 SALE Reg. 9.99 99-7728-4 COLEMAN COOLER 5qt. with tray lid SAVE 50% 999999 SALE Reg. 19.99 37-5301-8 North American ROAD ATLAS SAVE 50% 334499 SALE Reg. 6.99 59-6059-8 INCENSE STICKS Assorted scents SAVE 50% 11334499 SALE Reg. 26.99 39-8512-4 Simoniz, 3 stage TELESCOPIC BRUSH extends up to 52” SAVE 50% 999999 SALE Reg. 17.99 86-1659-4 Dunlop Spirit Distance GOLF BALLS 18 pack SAVE 40% 49499999 SALE Reg. 69.99 99-0815-8 AUTO COOLER 12V, 26qt. capacity SAVE $20 14149999 SALE Reg. 29.99 59-6658-2 Ya rdwo rksbypass Loppers 28” long SAVE 50% NEWS ADVERTISER There’s lots more news online at durhamregion.com ✦ Bentley from page 1 Bentley likes the contact at municipal level Mr. Steele said the project is estimated to cost $8 million, but the City isn’t going to be on the hook for the whole amount. The committee is going to work to get funding from the federal and provin- cial governments, as well as from grants through working with the University of To ronto. The plan also includes building a new harbour entrance, constructing a waterfront trail and signage, and provid- ing outreach, education and awareness. Scott Berry, a new member of the committee, presented some of the sug- gested roles of the group, including helping to secure funding, networking with the community and overseeing the implementation of the plan. “There is a great vision here and great opportunity,” he said. “We’re excited to get started.” ✦ Frenchman’s from page 1 Frenchman’s Bay group eyes funding assistance ways of dealing with the heat. For example, Durham residents can minimize smog by taking public transit, delaying the use of small engine tools like lawn mowers, and avoiding aerosol sprays, oil-based paints and other chemical products. When it comes to health, Mr. Perrault said com- mon sense is key. “Staying hydrated is very important, and so is avoiding exercise or outdoor work during the hotter parts of the day,” he said. “If you have to go for a jog or work out in the yard, do it first thing in the morn- ing or wait until evening.” While it might be tempting to water parched lawns and gardens, residents are reminded the Region is under a water ban to help relieve strain on the system. Dr. Phillips said this is not surpris- ing considering that Durham has seen less than 50 millimetres of rain since the beginning of May, and only four in the last month — barely enough to fill a thimble. Last year the GTA had about 158 mm in that same period. newsdurhamregion.com searchkeyword: staycool A/P PA GE 5 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 No payments until July 2006, only with your Sears Card, on approved credit. Minimum $200 purchase. $70 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges will be payable in July 2006. Offer ends Sunday, July 24, 2005. Ask for details and other payment options. Unless otherwise stated, optional financing programs do not qualify for Sears Club Points. Major Appliances Department excludes vacuums and sewing machines No Money Down When we say No... we mean it.when you use your Sears Card on all major appliances No Up-frontDeferral Fee No Up-front Taxes No Up-front Delivery Charges No Payments ’til July 2006 NE072M105 © 2005. Sears Canada Inc. QUALITY, VALUE, SERVICE, TRUST 99999BUY ALL 3 APPLIANCES FOR ONLY Offer applies to these appliances only 299 99 Built-in* dishwasher •2 wash levels •3 cycle options •heat/no heat option. #74002. *Installation extra. Ask in store about our guaranteed installation OFFER ENDS SUN., JULY 17, 2005 It’s like there’sNO GST ADDED** ON ALL NATIONAL BRAND MAJOR APPLIANCES **Sears will deduct from the item price an amount so that your total purchase, including taxes, will be no more than the item price plus PST where applicable. Offer does not apply to Kenmore items, deferral fees, maintenance agreement, delivery or installation charges. Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores, Catalogue and Website purchases. Offer ends Sunday, July 24, 2005. now 399 95 Clearance! Save 100.04 Kenmore®easy-clean coil range. •2 small appliance outlets #50202.Sears reg. 499.99. Also available in black-on-white. While quantities last 49999 16.5-cu. ft. fridge with top freezer. •2 full-width sliding shelves •3 full-width door shelves. #60712. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.funbuscanada.com YOUR CASINO TOUR SPECIALISTS! 8 MIDTOWN DR., OSHAWA 905-576-1357 As Always, Please Call For More Details. NO HIDDEN COST GST INCLUDED FALLSVIEW AND CASINO NIAGARA Your Choice...Plus Yo u will receive a $20.00 voucher with Niagara players card EVERY FRIDAY & SUNDAY $22.00 PER PERSON *All persons must be 19 years of age or older with valid Photo I.D. to board coach Departures from Whitby, Pickering, Bowmanville & Oshawa O/B Fun Time Travel Co. Ltd. TICO 50008767 3 LOCATIONS FOR QUALITY & CHOICE GLASSES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AJAX OPTICAL DURHAM CENTRE 135 Harwood Ave. N. Harwood & Hwy. 2 AJAX OPTICAL 56 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax Plaza PICKERING OPTICAL 1360 Kingston Rd. Pickering (Hub Plaza) 683-7235 683-2888 839-9244 2 for 1 Bill direct to Most Insurances and Social Services Flyer is valid until Sunday, August 7, 2005 Henry’s Summer Sales Event Flyer is in Selected Community Newspapers or online at www.henrys.com Sales Event Henry ’s Summer Beat the Heat with Cool Savings on Digital, Video and Photo! This unique ultra compact digicam features a big 2.5” LCD, handy album/calendar function and docking station for easy image transfer and battery charging. IR-500 $329 99 WEBCODE: 566CAR042 4 MegaPixel CCD Zoom2.8X Optical 25% Off Henry’s School of Imaging Workshops! Register online at www.henrys.com/school The chief called in Ontario Provincial Police in February of 2003. There followed 18 months of in- vestigation and acrimony, during which all 12 mem- bers of the DEU requested transfers to other duties. As the probe unfolded, three officers were charged with insubordination for refusing to take part in interviews with the OPP; they were punished for the infractions, even though they eventually agreed to the interviews. Also charged and docked pay was former DEU boss Detective Tom Andrews, who breached a direct order when he showed up at police headquarters in support of those officers during the interviews. Former DEU officers expressed rage over the investigation and the pall it had cast over their ca- reers. Even when the OPP announced it was laying no criminal charges last summer, the officers felt they had not been vindicated. An internal probe by Durham Regional Police looked into more than 50 DEU files in which it was alleged they had commit- ted infractions, including use of excessive force and other transgressions. On Monday Chief McAlpine told the services board the majority of those allegations had been found to be groundless, or that they could not be proven because the civilians involved in the busts — the drug dealers and marijuana growers arrested by the DEU — were unco-operative. “We looked at every single investigation they con- ducted at the time and more than three-quarters were proper police work,” he said in an interview. “A t the end of the day, there’s no doubt these guys worked hard. They were a valuable part of the ser- vice.” The internal review pointed to administrative is- sues, such as filing of use of force reports, officers’ notes on arrests and other matters, the chief said. The probe has resulted in a list of 37 recommenda- tions to be implemented by officers and supervi- sors. “They certainly needed to be investigated to clear the air, one way or another.” Meanwhile, the former DEU cop who launched the probe by levelling allegations of misconduct against his former colleagues awaits a hearing of his own on Police Services Act charges. Constable Bob Chopee is to appear at police headquarters in Oshawa next Wednesday. Const. Chopee faces two counts of insubordina- tion and two counts of discreditable conduct. The charges do not relate to allegations he made about the DEU. ✦ Probe from page 1 Probe of officers examined more than 50 files Monday, July 11 Tuesday, July 12 Wednesday, July 13 Thursday, July 14 Friday, July 15 32˚ 36˚ 33˚ 31˚ 34˚ Source: weatherdurhamregion.comApproximate highs for Durham Region this week. Rain a possibility Wednesday. Durham residents can follow a few steps to stay cool during hot spell ✦ Durham from page 1 A/P PA GE 6 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 Do you have a photo to share with our readers? If you have an amusing, interesting, historic or scenic photo to share with the community we’d like to see it. Send your photo, along with a written description of the circumstances surrounding the photo (max. 80 words) identifying the people in the photo and when it was taken to: The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON, L1S 2H5. Or, e-mail photos to dstell@durhamregion.com. EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com [ Proud Members Of ]-- ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker Publisher twhittaker@durhamregion.com Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief jburghardt@durhamregion.com Tony Doyle Managing Editor tdoyle@durhamregion.com Duncan Fletcher Director of Advertising dfletcher@durhamregion.com Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager amcfater@durhamregion.com Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising ekolo@durhamregion.com Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager afakhourie@durhamregion.com Lillian Hook Office Manager lhook@durhamregion.com Cheryl Haines Composing Manager chaines@durhamregion.com Janice O’Neil Composing Manager joneil@durhamregion.com [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 News Fax 905-683-0386 General Fax 905-683-7363 E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com Web address durhamregion.com Mailing Address 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 [ Hours ]-- General office: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5p.m. Distribution: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of news- papers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error oc- cupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized repro- duction is prohibited. [ Letters Policy ]-- We welcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer com- plaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e- mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been chosen for publication. EDITORIAL Seaton planning cannot be rushed To the editor: Re: ‘Developers insist without the permits, there’ll be no hos- pital funds’ and ‘Hospital re- ally needs this donation’, News Advertiser, June 29, July 3. I am disappointed with the developers’ efforts to rush the City’s subdivision plan approv- al process. We are committed to a comprehensive, transpar- ent and collaborative process in finalizing the Seaton plan, making it difficult to commit to a 16-month time frame. Why are we being so judi- cious? The future community of Seaton will be one of the premier communities not only in the GTA, but all of Canada. We are working in conjunction with the Region, the Province, the conservation authority and others to design a landmark community that will be in har- mony with its surroundings and the environment. We hope to create one of the country’s most innovative neighbour- hoods showcasing environ- mentally friendly and sustain- able technologies and design principles. The hospital is an integral part of our community and should never be used as a bargaining chip. True charity has no strings attached, and I sincerely believe that the de- velopers will do the right thing by honouring their pledge, re- gardless of when the subdivi- sion plans are approved. Until then, the City of Picker- ing will continue working dili- gently and efficiently to realize its vision of the future commu- nity of Seaton. David Ryan, Mayor City of Pickering Chairman doesn’t get it To the editor: I just don’t think that the Re- gional Chairman (an unelect- ed, overpaid position) gets it. He claims that it doesn’t make financial sense to build a facil- ity with extra space. Well you know what? It doesn’t make any financial sense at all when a high-priced council plans to build a new headquarters and then they discover, to their surprise, that they are approxi- mately 30 per cent above bud- get. I think that if you or I were planning to build our own home on a fixed budget and we were alerted to the possibil- ity that we would be exceed- ing this thoroughly planned budget by 30 per cent then certain items would just have to be delayed or completely deleted from our plans. The council just doesn’t get it ... the taxpayers are fed up with their reckless spending habits. Can’t they treat each tax dol- lar like it’s coming out of their own pockets? If you can’t, then please excuse yourself from the council and let someone more suitable take charge. The part about the parking garage is just unbelievable and all the comments about free parking, free bus passes etc. reads just like a comedy skit. So what’s next, valet parking? “Build it and they will come, free of charge of course” should be the mission statement for our illustrious council. Please, please stop wasting my tax dollars. L G Brindley, Whitby Firefighters don’t get enough credit To the editor: Recently, the Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary north of Brougham was hit by fire in the building that housed several hundred animals. When you survey the extent of the damage to the building you realize it is amazing that any animal survived. Due to the fire department, 200 cats and kittens were res- cued from the intense smoke- filled building and oxygen was administered to many. Firefighters do not get enough credit for the danger- ous job they do. They respond quickly in rush-hour traffic, in all kinds of weather, and to so many difficult situations. In the hot humid weather their job must be almost unbearable. Elizabeth Paton, Pickering LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I n an interview just prior to her release from prison, I heard Karla Homolka state that she was terrified. Two thoughts immediately ran through my mind: “Good,” and “I don’t buy it.” Good, yes, I hope she is in a great deal of discomfort. I hope she is facing the great- est fears she has ever felt in her miserable, misspent life. I hope she never sleeps an- other full night as long as she lives. I hope she leads the life of a rat in an owl colony, constantly afraid for her life, jumping at shadows and noises. But, I don’t buy it. I don’t think she is at all terrified. I don’t think she knows the meaning of the word. The great irony is that she has witnessed, like none of us has, the reality of terror. She has been terror’s right hand. But still she knows noth- ing of what terror feels like. Kristen French could tell her. Leslie Mahaffy could tell her. Her own sister could tell her. But, until she has visited that dark, cold, suffocating place, that place of claws and teeth and screaming, that place where fear is so intense it has a smell, she ought not use the word. She blasphemes in the worst way if she does. What are we to do with the Karla Homolkas of this world? My church-going days are long over but there are a few things that I remember well and still believe in, things like penance and atonement for in- stance. Making things right. I wonder, for example, what the world might think if, upon her release, Karla threw herself upon the Mahaffy or French doorstep and begged to be made a slave for the rest of her natural life. Indentured herself into ser- vitude to those broken families in an effort to somehow pay for her many sins. I can think of no other act that might mollify my opinion of her. If you commit the crime of destroying flowers before they are allowed to bloom, you must spend the rest of your days planting and caring for seedlings until they have flow- ered. Nothing else will do. Unfortunately, such an act of contrition has as its prereq- uisite the existence of a con- science. So far, this bleach-blonde, blank-eyed Grendl shows no indication that any such thing exists within her. Perhaps then, we need to re- think the conditions of release for prisoners like her. Perhaps, instead of a new suit of clothes and some ciga- rette money, such monsters ought to be issued a hair shirt and a jar full of locusts and honey. It’s laughable to think that someone can do what she has done, then spend a little over a decade in the comfort and relative safety of prison and ex- pect that the score is somehow settled, the debt paid, that she can step back into society and pick up where she left off. That’s why it is my greatest hope that if there is still a shred of a soul still living inside that woman, that it screams at her, day after day, night after night, with an ever-increasing voice, to atone, to make good. Or at the very least to do good. Durham resident Neil Crone, actor-comic-writer, saves some of his best lines for his columns. Karla should atone for her crimes Neil Crone enter laughing IN THE COMMUNITY CLICK AND SAY This Week’s Question: Are you more concerned about a terrorist threat in Canada after the bombings in London? Yes or no? Cast your vote online at infodurhamregion.com Last Week’s Question: Do you believe Live 8 will impact G-8 nation leaders and make a difference in solving the crisis in Africa? Yes or no? Votes cast: 195 Yes 16.9% No 83.1% Canada takes responsible aid approach T he plight of struggling countries in general and Africans in particular have received much needed attention these past few weeks. Pretty much everywhere you turn, some staggering messages are being delivered by rock stars and political stars alike. To be fair, here in Durham, many groups have fought hard the last few years to deliver a similar message that seems to only now be sinking in with the high-profile assistance. Countless individu- als, church groups, and other organizations have travelled to Af- rican countries, among many others, providing missionary work and real relief to a people so much in need of and so appreciative of assistance. Make no mistake, the struggle is great. Consider, for example, the HIV/AIDS epidemic that is increasingly coming to light with regards to Africans. According to UNAIDS, an umbrella group of United Nations’ agencies and other prominent world bodies, an estimated 25 million are living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, an area that is home to 10 per cent of the world’s population. That figure represents about two-thirds of all people across the globe living with HIV. In 2003 alone, about 2.2 million people there died of AIDS, representing about 75 per cent of global deaths. Staggering indeed, and the future appears even more desperate. Which is why so much attention of late has been shifted onto rais- ing awareness about world poverty and debt relief for struggling countries. It certainly was at the core of the Live 8 concerts and re- ceived prime-time attention at the recent G8 summit in Scotland. For its part, Canada is taking the right approach to aid in that it helps struggling nations while also looking after the needs of Canadians. The federal government is pledging to double the level of aid to Africa by 2008-09, which is part of a $3.4-billion increase to all international assistance over five years. It has also forgiven a significant amount of debt owed by poorer nations around the world. But, Prime Minister Paul Martin must continue to be resolute in his position that we cannot afford at this time to devote 0.7 per cent of our income to foreign aid. To do so would put pressure on our own economic position and our nation’s stability moving forward. To weaken our position would also weaken our ability to help oth- ers. Will Canada’s approach to foreign aid please everyone? Certainly not, but Canada’s approach of debt forgiveness and increased aid offers the necessary balance for all those in need and for all Canadians. Debt forgiveness, increased funds benefit struggling nations and Canadians Ajax gets a visit from the Love Bug Ernie Wheeler, centre, owner of a 1965 Volkswagen Beetle, was pre- sented a trophy by Paul Hicks, left, for being the Herbie ‘lookalike’ award winner at a recent contest at Ajax 10 Cineplex Odeon. ‘Herbie, Fully Loaded’ is currently playing at the cinema and Ruel Navia sent us this photo of Ajax’s own ‘Herbie’. P PA GE 7 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 ATTEND PUBLIC MEETINGS AT CITY HALL All meetings are open to the public. For meeting details call 905.420.2222 or visit our website DATE MEETING TIME July 25 Executive Committee 7:30 pm July 25 Council Meeting 7:30 pm Aug. 4 Statutory Public Information Meeting 7:00 pm Sept. 12 Management Forum Meeting 1:30 pm Sept. 12 Executive Committee 7:30 pm 905.420.2222 cityofpickering.com 24 Hour Access 905.420.4660 CITY OF PICKERING HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS CLOSED Monday, August 1 CIVIC COMPLEX 905.420.2222 RECREATION COMPLEX 905.683.6582 DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE 905.683.8401 PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 AJAX & PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 905.683.4111 Hourly Service (Saturday Service) commencing at 5:55 am. No Specialized Services. Pre-booked dialysis customers by special arrangement only. EMERGENCY SERVICES City of Pickering Emergency Telephone Number 905.683.4319 FREE Waterfront Concerts Millennium Square Thurs., July 14, 7:00 pm The Benders LIVE! Bottom of Liverpool Rd. 2005 FINAL TAX NOTICE First Instalment of the 2005 FINAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAX BILL is due for payment JULY 15, 2005 If you have not received your Tax Notice, please telephone the Civic Complex at 905.420.4614 (North Pickering 905.683.2760) or Toll Free 1.866.683.2760. Our office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Questions regarding your property assessment? • Please note that property assessment is the responsibility of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and that all assessment related inquiries should be directed to them at 1.866.296.6722. • Additional information regarding property assessment can be found on MPAC’s website: www.mpac.ca Tired of standing in line to pay your taxes? Please note that the City of Pickering offers you several payment options and encourages you to try these convenient alternatives. You can pay your taxes: • By telephone/computer banking. Please check with your financial institution for details. Please allow five days before the due date for your payment to reach our office. Note: Your tax account is credited when payment is received at our office, not the day funds are withdrawn from your bank account. • After hours “outside” drop box at the City municipal building on or before the due date. • By mail. To avoid the late payment penalty fee, please ensure that your tax payment is mailed five days before the due date. Cheques post-dated for the due date are acceptable. Note: Your account is credited when payment is received at our office, not the post-marked date. • At participating financial institutions. Please allow five days before the due date for your payment to reach our office. Note: Your tax account is credited when payment is received at our office, not the day funds are withdrawn from your bank account. Failure to receive a Tax Notice does not reduce YOUR responsibility for the payment of taxes and penalty. A late payment fee of 1.25% is added to any unpaid taxes on the first day of default and on the first day of each month, as long as the taxes remain unpaid. The penalty and interest rates are set by City by-laws, pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Act. The City does not have the authority to waive penalty and interest charges. Experience Art City Hall, Civic Complex Dianne Horvath Photography On display until Aug. 19 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING July 26, 2005 at 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex – Council Chambers One The Esplanade, Pickering Ontario L1V 6K7 STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING ON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 05-002/P CITY INITIATED: MODIFIED SEATON PLAN File Type & Number Official Plan Amendment: OPA 05-002/P Property Location The Amendment affects an area generally bounded by the C.P. Rail line to the south, West Duffins Creek to the west, Highway 7 to the north, and Sideline 16/Pickering- Ajax boundary to the east (see location map below). Proposal The purpose of this Amendment is to propose new policies, land use and transportation designations for the Seaton lands. Written Information Available An Information Report is available on or after July 22, 2005 from the office of the City Clerk, Civic Complex; at the Information Meeting; and on the City’s website. Last Date for Comment August 12, 2005 Planning Contact Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP, Manager, Policy at 905.420.4660 extension 2038, or toll free at 1.800.683.2760, or by email at crose@city.pickering.on.ca OR Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner – Policy at 905.420.4660 extension 2032, or toll free at 1.800.683.2760, or by email at gmcgregor@city.pickering.on.ca To re ceive notice of future meetings Write to, the City Clerk, Debi A. Bentley, at the address above; or by email at dbentley@city.pickering.on.ca Planning Act Requirements If you wish to reserve the option to appeal a decision of the City of Pickering, you must provide oral comments at the public meeting, or written comments to the City before Council adopts an official plan amendment for this proposal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of an official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the City Clerk. A copy of the proposed official plan amendment is available at the Planning & Development Department. It is anticipated that recommendations on the proposed official plan amendment will be dealt with by City Council at a Special Council Meeting on September 6, 2005, in the Council Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario. Date of this Notice June 27, 2005 #OMINGTHEWEEKOF*ULYTO0ICKERINGHOMES 0ROGRAM%VENT3ERVICES)NFORMATIONATYOUR0ROGRAM%VENT3ERVICES)NFORMATIONATYOUR &INGERTIPS!REYOUREADYTO2%')34%2&INGERTIPS!REYOUREADYTO2%')34%2 $OYOUHAVEYOUR4ELE 2EG.UMBERS&AMILY$OYOUHAVEYOUR4ELE 2EG.UMBERS&AMILY "ARCODE#ALLFORINFORMATION"ARCODE#ALLFORINFORMATION 0ROGRAM%VENT3ERVICES)NFORMATIONATYOUR &INGERTIPS!REYOUREADYTO2%')34%2 $OYOUHAVEYOUR4ELE 2EG.UMBERS&AMILY "ARCODE#ALLFORINFORMATION )FYOUNEEDMOREINFORMATIONABOUTTHISCLOSUREORWOULDLIKETOPROVIDECOMMENTS PLEASECONTACT  HOUR#OMMENT,INE   HOUR2OAD)NFO,INE  449  % -AIL WORK?CONSULTATION TORONTOCA 4HISNOTICEISSUED*UNE  2OAD#LOSURE 4WYN2IVERS$RIVE *ULYTO!UGUST  !CCESSTO2OUGE0ARKWILLBEMAINTAINEDBYKEEPINGBOTHPARKINGLOTSOPENAND PRECAUTIONSWILLBETAKENTOACCOMMODATETRAILUSERSATROADCROSSINGS 7EAPOLOGIZEFORANYINCONVENIENCETHISCLOSUREMAYCAUSE 4HE#ITYOF4ORONTOWILLBEDOING REHABILITATIONWORKON4WYN2IVERS $RIVE FROM3HEPPARD!VENUETOTHE 0ICKERING4OWN,INE4HEREASONFORTHIS WORKISTOIMPROVETHECONDITIONOFTHE PAVEMENTONTHEROAD ADDRESSCONCERNS ABOUTSIGHT LINESONTHEROADANDTO IMPROVEDRAINAGE City of Pickering – A Driving Force to Improve Air Quality On June 27, 2005 Mayor and Members of Council officially launched the City’s first Hybrid – Electric vehicle. In general the vehicle will produce 28 percent less toxic air emissions than a conventional gasoline vehicle and reduce fuel consumption by 50 percent. Visit the City’s website at cityofpickering.com for more information. Tender for Asphalt Works on Park Crescent, Brougham Road, Sideline 16 & Concession 7 Tender No. T-11-2005 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:00 p.m: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 This contract is for the supply of the required materials, labour, machinery, tools and appliances required to place place a 50mm HL-4 asphalt overlay on Park Crescent, a 50mm HL- 4 asphalt overlay on Brougham Road, a 50mm HL-4 asphalt overlay on Concession 7 and a 70mm HL-8 base course and a 35mm HL-3 top course asphalt on Sideline 16, supply of the required materials, labour, machinery, tools and appliances for the pulverizing (including fine grading) of the existing surfaces on Park Crescent and Brougham Road, and supply of the required materials, labour, machinery, tools and appliances to fully excavate and place granular “A” and “B” materials on Sideline 16 and Concession 7 as directed in accordance with the specifications prepared by the City of Pickering. The bidder must include with the tender submission a bid deposit of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars or a bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total tendered amount available for sixty (60 days) from date of tender closing; and an original Agreement to Bond form ensuring that 100% performance and 100% labour & materials payment bonds can be supplied. After tender closing for evaluation a bidder will be required to provide a copy of their Health & Safety Policy, current Cost and Frequency Report issued by WSIB; current Certificate of Clearance issued by WSIB; certificate of insurance - $5,000,000 Comprehensive Liability including premises and all operations. This is not a conclusive listing of requirements - it is solely the bidder’s responsibility to review the tendering document for full requirements. Tendering packages are available upon a non-refundable payment of $40.00 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the City of Pickering by contacting Supply & Services tel. 905.420.4616, located on the 2nd Floor of the Pickering Civic Complex. Request for a list of bidders is to be in writing, faxed to Supply & Services, 905.420.5313. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Corporate Services Department Supply & Services, 2nd Floor One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 Vera A. Felgemacher, C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M, CMM III Manager, Supply & Services A/P PA GE 2 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005A/P PA GE 8 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com ANNANDALE CHURCH ST. AT BAYLY 905-683-3210 DAILY RATES 18 Holes Mon.-Fri. ................................................................$3900 Twilite after 4:00 pm .......................................................$1950 18 Holes Weekends & Holidays ..........................................$4400 Twilite after 4:00 pm .......................................................$2200 SPECIALS 2 ROUNDS & POWER CART Weekdays $8500 tx included Weekends & Holidays $9900 tx included GOLF TOURNAMENTS & DINNER PACKAGES Includes Deluxe Buffet Weekdays .........................................................................from $5400 Weekends and Holidays .......................................................$5950 Plus PST, GST & TIP INSIDE Ajax youth soccer teams come home with hardware from tournaments. See page 9 Sports briefs JULY 13, 2005 [ Equestrian ] Final show jumping qualifier in Ajax AJAX — The Ajax Pony Club hosts the third and final Central Ontario region qualifier for show jumping this Sunday. A total of 94 young riders from 13 pony clubs have entered the final qualifier for the Central region team that compete at the Central Canada Zone Show Jumping Championships. The event is being hosted at Audley Road Stables, starting at 8 a.m. This year, the Central Canada Zone Championships are being hosted by the Western Ontario Region on Aug. 20 and 21. Audley Road Stables are at 777 Audley Rd., between Rossland Road and Hwy. 2. Spectators are welcome without charge. [ Baseball ] Ajax’s McConnachie an Intercounty league all-star AJAX — An Ajax ball player was on the winning side at the Shoppers Drug Mart Intercounty Baseball League All-Star Classic in Guelph on Saturday. Oshawa Dodgers second base- man Brad McConnachie was named as a starter on the Intercounty Baseball League all-star team that defeated the Guelph Royals 11-8 at Guelph’s David E. Hastings Sta- dium. He was the lone Dodger named to the all-star team. This season, McConnachie pos- sesses a .353 batting average and a .424 on-base percentage — the second highest on the Dodgers. In 25 games, he’s had 85 at bats, 30 hits and 12 runs batted in. As a team, however, the Dodgers (7-22) have struggled this season, cur- rently residing in eighth place in the nine-team league, 16 games behind league-leading Toronto Maple Leafs. In the fall, McConnachie is ex- pected to return for his junior season with the Ohio Valley University Fighting Scots baseball program (Vienna, West Virginia), which competes in the NCAA Division II Ohio Valley University Ath- letic Conference. [ Slo-pitch ] Charity slo-pitch event raises cash for cancer PICKERING — A charity slo-pitch tournament in Pickering raised more than $2,000 for cancer last weekend. According to organizer Thanh Bui, the event was a total success, thanks to the involvement of the teams, along with a number of local sponsors who donated prizes. The BMO team was the tourna- ment champion, while the Rippers f inished as runners-up. All told, $2,058.25 was forwarded to the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation for Cancer Research. [ Hockey ] Pickering Panthers announce junior pre-season games PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- thers host a team from New York state as part of their five-game exhibition schedule in advance of the 2005-06 junior ‘A’ hockey season. The OHA Ontario Provincial Junior ‘A’ Hockey League club hosts the Capital Dis- trict (CD) Selects, which play in the U.S.- based Eastern Junior Hockey League, at the Pickering Recreation Complex arena on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Other Panthers’ pre-season games: • Thursday, Aug. 28, Panthers vs. Hamilton Red Wings, Pickering Recreation Complex, 7:30 p.m.; • Thursday, Sept. 1, Panthers at Bowmanville Eagles, G.B. Rickard Sports Complex, 7:30 p.m.; • Tuesday, Sept. 6, Panthers vs. Bowmanville Eagles, Pickering Recreation Complex, 7:30 p.m.; • Wednesday, Sept. 7, Panthers at Hamilton Red Wings, Mountain Arena, TBD. Merle Robillard/ News Advertiser photo Af t er the dust settles...he’s safe AJAX — Ajax Spartans’ Brandon Carter arrives safely as East York’s Michael Elbirt gets his mitt on the throw during major mosquito division action in the Ajax Spartans major/ minor mosquito tournament at Cedar Park on Saturday. Good times keep rolling for Rock Taylor returns to lineup to sink former team in Game 2 of senior ‘B’ lacrosse playoff series By Al Rivett Sports Editor DURHAM — An unlikely goal-scor- ing source ensured the Ajax-Pickering Rock sits firmly in the driver’s seat in its Ontario Lacrosse Association senior ‘B’ best-of-five opening round series against the Brooklin Merchants. Veteran Kevin Taylor, more known for his defensive prowess, was an erst- while offensive star for the Rock in Game 2 of the series, played Sunday night in Brooklin. The 27-year-old former Merchant scored two goals to pace the Rock to a 13-8 victory. Twenty-four hours before, in Saturday’s series opener at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex, the Rock took it to the Merchants en route to an easy 9-4 victory. Game 3 was last night at the complex, after press time. If necessary, Game 4 is at Whit- by’s Iroquois Park Sports Centre on Friday at 8 p.m. Being on the floor in Game 2, let alone scoring a pair of goals, was very much in doubt for Taylor who sat out the series opener. But, upon getting the nod from Rock head coach Paul St. John to return to the lineup, Taylor made the most of his opportunity. “I didn’t expect to get back in the game. I thought they would keep the same lineup they had in Game 1. They played phenomenal, so I thought they wouldn’t want to change the chemis- try,” he says. Of scoring two goals, Taylor ex- plained, “It was nice. I got a chance to do that because we’re so strong on defence, that Paul had faith enough in me to move me up and play a little bit of offence. I’m a guy who doesn’t score any goals at all, so it was a nice bonus. It was nice to contribute to the team.” St. John says his decision to sit Tay- lor in Game 1 was twofold: It was sim- ply a numbers game with the amount of players at his disposal and, sec- ondarily, by sitting down Taylor, one of the league’s tougher hombres, he sent a message to the Merchants that the Rock “didn’t want to play a fighting style. “He was very unhappy and I’m glad he was unhappy. You don’t want guys to be happy sitting out. But, I couldn’t be more prouder in my three years with the Rock than I was for Kevin Tay- lor. He really stood up.” For the Merchants’ part, head coach Steve McCarthy says his charges are disappointed with their play. “We didn’t have a good effort in the first game, but we had a lot more inten- sity and emotion in the second game, but we let the second period get away from us. That put us in too deep a hole to come back from,” says McCarthy. In Game 2, the Rock held a slim 3- 2 lead after the first period at Luther Vipond arena. But, the Rock outscored the Merchants by a 6-2 margin in the second stanza to take a 9-4 edge into the dressing room. The Rock led by as much as 11-4, allowing the team to get starters Jim Veltman, Mark Craig and Jason Crosbie off the floor for much of the final stanza. McCarthy gave full credit to the Rock captain Jim Veltman, who was the main ingredient for Ajax-Pickering in both wins. “The presence of Jim Veltman and the confidence he exudes, the other players just feed off him,” observed McCarthy. “We haven’t done a good job of neutralizing him.” In addition to Taylor’s two-goal con- tribution Sunday, Veltman contributed three goals and three assists. Pat Van- hooser and Craig each recorded two goals and an assist. Other scorers were Jared Bilich, Todd Hollinshead, Steve Dunn and Brad Cann. Crosbie added six assists. Duke McNutt had a four-point night for the Merchants, with two goals and two assists on Sunday. Veltman led the way for the Rock on Saturday, scoring once and adding four assists. Mark Craig and Vanhooser each recorded two-goal games; Hol- linshead, D.J. Cox, Crosbie and Cann added single goals. Mike Calnan, Chris Willerton, Steve Yo ungman and Joel Johnson scored the Merchants’ goals. Paul St. John Brad McConnachie Pebbles Record: 2-0 Lead best-of-five first-round playoff series 2-0 with Brooklin Merchants Much to the chagrin of the Mer- chants, the Rock received the largest cheer heading out onto the floor for the start of Sunday night’s game in Brooklin, as about 50 fans made the trip from Ajax-Pickering. “It felt like it was a home game,” noted Rock head coach/GM Paul St. John...Frank Littlejohn played his first games of the season after an extended stay on the injured list with a broken wrist. Littlejohn contributed an assist in Saturday’s game...Goaltender Jay Preece counted four assists in Sun- day’s win...Ed Fines sat out Sunday’s game...John Veltman, brother of team captain Jim Veltman, is expect- ed to miss the entire Brooklin series with a personal commitment... Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Hip checked PICKERING – Pickering Power Flames’ Niki Renouf is checked by an East York player during recent Central Girls’ Soccer League under-15 action at Kinsmen Park. OSSBA will hold its all-star game at Rogers Centre DURHAM — The Ontario Senior Select Baseball Association will get a chance to showcase its talent to a much wider audience than ever be- fore this weekend. The league, which features four Durham Region teams and is cel- ebrating its fifth anniversary this season, holds its all-star game at the Rogers Cen- tre on Sunday, about three hours after the Toronto B lue Jays and Tampa Bay Devil Rays do battle. Led by president Steve Smith, the league secured the prized venue by selling more than 500 tickets to a Blue Jays game against the Boston Red Sox back in April. In fact, the league managed to sell 932 tickets, with Smith’s brother, Scott, the top seller at 140. Both Smiths will be involved in the all-star festivities. Steve is on the coaching staff of the Walker Divi- sion all-stars, headed by past-presi- dent Rod Holinaty, while Scott will be presented a special gift from the Blue Jays. The Walker Division features four local teams — the Durham Chiefs, Whitby Chiefs, Oshawa Talons and Pickering Pirates — as well as the Barrie Red Sox. They will play against the Jen- kins Division all-stars, comprised of players from the Burlington Bulls, Richmond Hill Phoenix, Mississauga Stars, Bloor Jays and Mississauga North Tigers. Just like Major League Baseball, the winner of the all-star game earns its division home-field advantage for the best-of-three playoff champion- ship. Four Pirates players — Mike Mi- narik, Jaymin Parmar, Phil Lacombe and Shawn Loughlin — are on the Walker Division all-star squad. Pirates’ coach Andy Obergfell is also part of the all-star coaching staff. The league is hoping to make the all-star classic an annual event and has already secured the Rogers Cen- tre again for next season, thanks to selling close to 200 more tickets for this Sunday’s Blue Jays game. For more information on the league, see the website at www. leaguelineup.com/ossba. Stars set to shine in Toronto A/P PA GE 9 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 BAR & EATERY 368 BAYLY STREET W., AJAX • 905-426-3339 HAPPENING IN JULY 23 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Under The Covers Roa dhouseOne month till our 1st year anniversary bash… “Hey man, the ribs here fall right off the bone.” “Yeah, I know.” 1/2 Rack $8.95 Full $14.95 Tea ms welcome o n huge patio! CRAZY PARTY NIGHT with TWO FOR THE SHOW Party, dance, laugh - go crazy! Enjoy a free appetizer 10 & 17 BEST WING DEAL ON THE PLANET… PERIOD! 5lbs(40pc) &Dom. Jug $24.9511-6pm ONLY Eat-in only. No doggie bags. 11am - close. JULY IS FREE APPETIZER MONTH - ASK FOR DETAILS (FRIDAY/SATURDAY 5-10PM) 11 & 18 12 & 19 13 & 20 14 & 21 15 16 We dnesdays are WING NITES $5/lb. Eat-in only. Dress code in effect J & the Knight Hawks Enjoy a free appetizer HUGE PATIO, COME RELAX Enjoy a free appetizer Zed Head Enjoy a free appetizer BIG SCREEN IS COMING! 22 AJAX 427-7708 282 Monarch Ave. Mon-Fri: 9:30-9 • Sat: 9:30-5:30 • Sun: 11-5 Canada’s Largest Liquidator Over 100 locations! SHOWERED IN AVINGS! Items may not be exactly as illustrated. SELECTION VARIES BY OUTLET. 99¢-$1699 Priced from… Compare at $4.99 - $39.99 MarkdownMarkdownMarkdown 60% off60% off our already low prices on select items in most departments50% off Regular Retail50% off The Story Behind This Deal! When a major U.S. distributor of top quality home décor and gift items was forced into bankruptcy, we bought the inventory! Over $15 million worth of decorative home accessories and giftware will be distributed to all of our outlets. The Story Behind This Deal! This is a buyback from a major Canadian retailer. Inventory consists of a variety of bath- related items such as safety bars, scales, accessories, shower curtains, hooks, cabinets, vanities, laundry tubs, towel bars, toilet paper holders, toilet seats and more! The pricing is absolutely fantastic! Nothing is priced over $16.99! Hurry in today! OMEOMEHH& GARDEN DECOR OMEH& GARDEN DECOR OMEH& GARDEN DECOR liquidation HOMEGARDEN Hurry in for best selection! Hurry in for best selection! • Napkin rings • Vases • Candle holders • Serving bowls • Pitchers • Salt/pepper shakers • Address holders • Wall and mantle clocks • Cell phone holders • And much more! • Garden stakes • Wind chimes • Wind twirlers • Sun catchers • Flower pots • Fence toppers • Bird houses • Sculptures • And much more! Save at least Prices are as marked. Supply and selection will vary by outlet. Out of Season liquidation Coming Soon… Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Ad vertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS We dnesday, July 13, 2005 News Advertiser *Aaron’s Ajax/Pick. *C osmetic Warehouse Ajax/Pick. *H enry’s Camera Ajax/Pick. *Ikea Flyer Ajax/Pick. *Perfect Maid Pick. *R eal Estate Ajax/Pick. *Salvation Army Ajax *S leep Factory Ajax *Smitty’s Fine Furniture Ajax/Pick. *S port Chek Ajax/Pick. *S port Mart Ajax/Pick. *The Bay Ajax/Pick. *W heels Ajax/Pick . * Delivered to selected households only Ajax and Pickering locations Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between June 29 - July 3/05 Michael Wednesday’s carrier of the week is Michael . He enjoys skateboarding & mountain biking. He will receive a dinner & movie voucher compliments of McDonald’s & Cineplex Odeon Ajax. Congratulations Michael for being our Carrier of the Week. LIFE DOESN’T ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL PAYDAY! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • PAYDAY LOANS • TITLE LOANS • NO CREDIT NECESSARY • BORROW UP TO 50% OF YOUR PAY Ajax 11 Hardwood Ave. S., 905-426-2331 Pickering First Pickering Place #14-1550 Kingston Rd. 905-831-0874 J une’s feature For advertising information please call 905-426-4676 Nick ext. 224 or Debbie ext. 230 www.durhambusinesstimes.com Share your Share your vision.vision. Are you involved in any Are you involved in any process of the visualprocess of the visual communication industrycommunication industry such as; graphic design,such as; graphic design, web authoring, rich media web authoring, rich media design,video production, design,video production, printing or web hosting? printing or web hosting? Showcase your abilities to the Showcase your abilities to the business community in this business community in this upcoming advertising feature.upcoming advertising feature. Scoreboard JULY 13, 2005 PICKERING MENS SLOW PITCH LEAGUE League standings as of June 26 ‘A’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Gophers 6 2 0 171 84 12 Dazed & Confused 5 4 0 126 121 10 Pickering Hitmen 4 4 0 96 86 8 Knights Corner Royals 3 4 1 85 97 7 Brew Jays 3 4 1 73 126 7 Knights Corner Yankees 3 6 0 77 114 6 ‘B’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Watermaker #2 7 2 0 119 76 14 Papps #1 4 4 0 96 114 8 Papps #2 4 5 0 107 124 8 Molson Canadians 3 4 0 95 98 6 Chiefs 3 4 0 95 101 6 Sox 3 5 0 101 100 6 ‘C’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Bob Caygeon’s 6 0 0 75 39 12 P. City Rollers 4 0 2 80 48 10 Pickering Pirates 4 2 1 72 68 9 Durham Bulls 4 3 1 94 74 9 Shockers 4 2 0 46 44 8 Storm 3 2 2 85 75 8 Deloitte & Touche Rebels 3 2 2 78 74 8 Scarborough Lexus Rangers 3 4 1 73 83 7 Danforth Roofing Supply 2 4 1 77 76 5 The ‘Burbs 2 5 0 61 73 4 Taps 21 1 5 1 57 72 3 Underdogs 0 7 1 48 120 1 CRUISE SHIP CENTERS ‘D’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Cruisers 7 1 0 126 66 14 Sad Sacs 5 4 0 109 108 10 Steiners 4 1 0 83 58 8 ISOFT 4 4 0 132 123 8 Krueger Décor 3 4 1 102 127 7 Eastern Eavestroughers 3 5 1 133 138 7 The J’s 2 5 0 72 89 4 Tudor Arms Titans 2 6 0 70 118 4 ‘E’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Bank Of Montreal 7 1 0 121 59 14 Marauders 5 3 0 111 58 10 Robbins Moving 5 3 0 107 90 10 Water Doctor Warriors 4 3 0 72 77 8 Shagwells 2 7 0 104 136 4 Jesters 1 7 0 49 144 2 ROSS WILSON MEMORIAL ‘F’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS R.C.L. 606 6 1 0 116 38 12 Country Style 5 3 0 82 79 10 Re/Max 4 2 0 86 69 8 17 Catchers 4 5 0 97 78 8 Papp’s Big M 4 5 0 92 94 8 Butt’s Pumps 3 5 0 55 93 6 Papps Casual Dining 1 6 0 29 106 2 AJAX MEN’S SLO-PITCH ASSOCIATION Standings as of July 9 ‘A’ DIVISION TEAM W L T PTS Cardinals 12 3 0 24 Slammers 10 6 0 20 Source For Sports 9 5 1 19 Loaded 8 5 3 19 Tribe 8 7 0 16 Steelers 6 9 1 13 Longhorns 5 10 11 1 Bardawgs 5 11 1 11 Renegades 2 11 1 5 ‘B’ DIVISION TEAM W L T PTS Redmen 13 1 0 25 Wolfpack 10 4 1 21 Killer Instinct 7 9 1 15 Spiders 7 9 0 14 St. Louis Mariners 5 8 0 10 Chiefs 5 11 0 10 Rookies 5 12 0 10 ‘C’ DIVISION TEAM W L T PTS Hitmen 14 1 0 28 Young Buck$ 13 2 0 26 Nemesis 8 7 0 16 Mason Windows 7 9 1 15 Papps Hogs 4 10 1 8 Ravens 2 12 0 4 TSC Titans 1 12 0 2 MIXED DIVISION TEAM W L T PTS JC Sliders 9 0 0 18 Canlan Ice Sports 4 4 1 9 Eagles 4 5 0 8 DNL Products 0 8 1 1 REC DIVISION TEAM W L T PTS Wing Shack 5 2 0 10 East Coast Tigers 4 1 1 9 Rockies 4 2 0 8 Master Batters 4 3 0 8 Portly Piper Hitmen 3 3 1 7 Durham Bulls 3 4 0 6 AF 2 4 0 4 AJAX SOCCER CLUB Standings, results inclusive to June 24 UNDER-10 GIRLS’ DIVISION TEAM G W L T GF GA PTS Dundee Wealth Mgmnt II (Orange) 4 4 0 0 19 3 12 No Sponsor - Kelly Green 4 2 1 1 11 4 7 Ajax Carstar Collision (Red) 4 2 1 1 5 4 7 Tim Hortons (Sage) 3 2 1 0 5 7 6 Westney Heights Chiro Cntr 4 2 2 0 14 6 6 Soccer Connection (Purple) 3 1 2 0 7 18 3 Mikala Inc. (Forest Green) 4 1 3 0 5 13 3 Dundee Wealth Mgmnt (Sky Blue) 4 0 4 0 6 17 0 June 1:Dundee Wealth Management - Sky Blue 1 vs. Dundee Wealth Management II - Orange 8 Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre – Yellow 1 vs. Ajax Carstar Collision - Red 3 No Sponsor - Kelly Green 4 vs. Mikala - Forest Green 0. June 8: Soccer Connection - Purple 1 vs. Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre - Yellow 10 Mikala - Forest Green 5 vs. Tim Horton’s - Sage 1 Ajax Carstar Collision - Red 2 vs. Dundee Wealth Management - Sky Blue 1 Dundee Wealth Management II - Orange 3 vs. No Sponsor - Kelly Green 2. June 15: No Sponsor - Kelly Green 0 vs. Ajax Carstar Collision - Red 0 Dundee Wealth Management II - Orange 6 vs. Mikala - Forest Green 0 Westney Heights Chiropractic Centre - Yellow 1 vs. Tim Hortons - Sage 2 Dundee Wealth Management - Sky Blue 3 vs. Soccer Connection - Purple 5. Edge Whitby Wildfire in under-10 division championship match AJAX — The Ajax Strikers girls’ under-10 rep soccer team’s third tourna- ment championship was its biggest and best outing this season. The title came at one of the most prestigious minor soccer events around, the Robbie International Soccer Tourna- ment, played over the Canada Day long weekend. The Strikers struck for the crown after engaging in a classic battle with the Whitby Wildfire in the championship in Scarborough. Known to many as the ‘World Cup of Junior Soccer’, the Robbie is the world’s largest youth soccer event, with pro- ceeds to the Cystic Fibrosis Founda- tion and Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Ajax joined hundreds of top teams from across Ontario and from as far away as Croatia, Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago and the U.S. The final, featuring two teams sport- ing identical 4-0 records, was marked by a pitched battle. Trailing 2-0 just before the end of the first, the Strikers closed the gap with a goal. A determined and focused Striker squad came out for the second half and went to work. Dominat- ing the play, Ajax took the Robbie crown with a 4-3 victory. Alex Lamontagne- Maycock was named most valuable player of the game. Ajax downed the Eastside Kickers 3-1 in the semifinal. The Strikers were met by three physi- cal and determined teams in round- robin play. In Game 1, Ajax dominated play, keeping the Oshawa Kicks’ goal- keeper on her toes the entire game with an incredible 28 shots on net, resulting in a 2-0 Strikers victory. The Strikers met the Wexford Wildcats in Game 2, prevail- ing 2-1. The final round-robin game saw Ajax drop the Kanata Lightning 8-1. Other team members are Charmaine Bosse, Tamara Brown, Darrian Capizzo, Bethany Coke, Mikayla Dias, Lauren Duggan, Sonya Fesiak, Keyanna How- ard, Jaimie Laing, Mackenzie Langford, Sarah Liderri, Colleen Milne and Sa- brina Yusuf. Joe Capizzo, Bob Langford and Chris Duggan coach the team. The manager is Tammy Maycock. Ajax girls strike it rich at Robbie tournament Ajax United girls weave their Magic in Ohio Under-12s dedicate North Olmsted soccer title to teammate AJAX — The Ajax United Magic 93 Business Development Bank (BDC)/ Zellers girls’ under-12 rep soccer team had special incentive for capturing its age group at the recent North Olmsted Soccer (NOSO) Tournament in Ohio. Te am members dedicated the tourna- ment — and the championship — to teammate Vanessa Morra who was re- cently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lym- phoma, a form of cancer in her lung. Morra is currently undergoing chemo- therapy at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Travelling seven hours to the tour- nament to North Olmsted, just outside Cleveland, the Magic didn’t want to make the return trip empty handed. In the final against the Cleveland Kickers — a team that was previously unbeaten entering the tournament — the Magic came out strong and scored in the sec- ond minute of play on a goal from out- side the 18-yard box by Leah Semeniuk. Ajax United continued to pour it on with goals by Julia Theophille, Cassandra Wiltshire, Chelsea Santos and Pippa Mc- Dougall for the 5-0 victory. En route to the championship game, the Magic tied Westlake Celtics 0-0, even though the Magic outplayed their American opponents the team reports. In Game 2, the Magic defeated the North Olmsted Soccer organization (NOSO) 3-0. Theophille, Wiltshire and Dana Forbes scored for Ajax. In Game 3, the Magic outclassed the Victory Express from Pennsylvania 5-1. Semeniuk, Erin Lee, Theophille, McDougall and Jessica Henderson provided the offence. The Express’s lone goal came off a penalty kick. Other Magic team members are Kait- lyn Church, Vicki Formusa, Emily Gree- nop, Kelly Henderson, Emily Hutton, Karen Li, Kyla MacKenzie and Veronica To rres. Richard Hirst coaches the team. The Magic 93 reps are still trying to strengthen their roster. Any interested players may contact head coach Richard Hirst at coachhirst@sympatico.ca or go to the team’s website at www.eteamz. com/ajaxunitedmagic93. Write us a LETTER We welcome let- ters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submis- sion in 30 days. We decline an- nouncements, poetry, open let- ters, consumer complaints, con- gratulations and thank you notes. The editor re- serves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not neces- sarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683- 0386; e-mail: tdoyle@ dur- hamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been cho- sen for publica- tion. NEWS ADVERTISER The Ajax Strikers girls’ under-10 soccer team earned the championship at the pres- tigious Robbie International tournament, defeating the Whitby Wildfire in the final in Scarborough recently. sportsdurhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at NEWS ADVERTISER TORONTO Business College 1450 Kingston Road East, Pickering www.torontobusinesscollege.ca Business Technology Health Care Esthetics Travel Legal Studies 905-420-1344 Featured Diplomas: Accounting & Payroll Administrator Esthetics & Salon Operations Personal Support Worker Network Administrator Travel & Tourism CALL NOW! 905-420-1344 *Financial Assistance available to those who qualify. *Registered and approved as a Private Career College under the Private Career Colleges Act. CLASSES STARTING SOON! Prepare for industry certification in Dental Chairside Assistant (905) 723-1163 Oshawa Centre 419 King Street W. Oshawa Centre Train for an exciting and creative career in the dental health field, helping people and making a difference. Program Overview: • Anatomy & Histology • Pharmacology • Radiology (H.A.R.P.) • Preventive Dentistry • and more Apply for a position in: • General or Specialized Practice • Public Health • Dental Sales & Administration Visit: www.trilliumcollege.ca 7HOELSEWILL BENEFITFROMYOUR .EW #AREER 4RAIN./7FORACAREERWITHOPPORTUNITY 6ISITWWWTRILLIUMCOLLEGECA /SHAWA#ENTRE   -%$)#!, s-EDICAL/FFICE!SSISTANT s-EDICAL,ABORATORY4ECHNICIAN s0ERSONAL3UPPORT7ORKER s$ENTAL#HAIRSIDE!SSISTANT s#OMMUNITY3OCIAL3ERVICE7ORKER ).&/2-!4)/.4%#(./,/'9 s.ETWORK!DMINISTRATOR "53).%33 s!CCOUNTING0AYROLL!DMINISTRATOR s/FFICE!SSISTANT%XECUTIVE/FFICE!SSISTANT .%702/'2!-3 s0OLICE&OUNDATIONS s-ASSAGE4HERAPY s0HARMACY4ECHNICIAN s,EGAL!DMINISTRATIVE!SSISTANT s$EVELOPMENTAL3ERVICE7ORKER +ING3TREET Co-ordinator, Quality Control PDQ Yachts Inc.is a successful builder of customized cata- maran yachts based in Whitby, Ontario. It is a Canadian owned and operated company that has been growing at the rate of 30% over the past five years (www.pdqyachts.com). THE ROLE The Co-ordinator, Quality Control ensures that each boat meets or surpasses all quality standards prior to delivery to the customer. ●Inspect boat components at key phases of the manufacturing process and prior to delivery to the customer ●Develop quality control processes ●Prepare owner's manual and boat kit for each boat ● Co-ordinate with production and warranty functions on quality issues ●Liaise with vendors on product quality issues QUALIFICATIONS ●Diploma in mechanical engineering preferred ●Experience in inspection and quality control processes ●Strong database management skills (Excel) ●Knowledge of marine industry an asset Carolyn Brooks PDQ Yachts Inc. 202 South Blair St., Units 1-5 Whitby, Ontario L1N 8X9 Email: jobs@pdqyachts.com Fax: 905-430-8306 POSITION VACANCY Position: Phone Book Advertising Sales, Full-time Oshawa This Week requires a full-time Sales Representative, who is goal oriented with a focus on growing their career within our Phone Book Division. Reporting to the Director of Classifieds, this position will represent Durham Region Media Group, to assigned and potential advertisers with the emphasis on account development. Develop strong relationships with advertisers to build business opportunities. Expand client base through prospecting and cold calling. Qualifications: •Strong presentation, negotiation and closing skills •Desire to learn the Phone Book business •Desire to build a career in the publishing industry •Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to problem solve •Ability to excel at making cold sales calls •Proven time management skills, excellent organizational skills and ability to manage and meet deadlines •Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal •Reliable vehicle is required Please submit your resume by July 22, 2005 to: ekolo@durhamregion.com Thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. B UILDING A FUTURE! Miller Paving Limited,a leader in the road construction industry, has an immediate opening for a... Grader Operator Durham Region and Eastern Ontario We require a minimum of 10 years’ experience and fine grading skills for roads and subdivisions. Interested applicants are invited to forward a resume to:Human Resources, Miller Paving Limited, P.O Box 4080,Markham, ON L3R 9R8 Fax: (905) 475-3852 or e-mail:hr@millergroup.ca We thank all applicants;however,only those selected for an interview will be contacted.MILLERGROUP.CATr ansport Training TM Centres of Canada Inc. DRIVER SAFETY AND TRADE SKILL DEVELOPMENT 1-866-966-0626 FORKLIFTSAFETY TRAINING WHITBY CAMPUS 1818 Hopkins St. S 905-668-4211 AZ DRIVER wanted for USA runs, Call Joe at JAC Transportation (905)579-5959. AZ/DZ DRIVERS and General La- bourers required. Phone 705-876- 7500 BLUE LINE P/T, F/T & Weekend drivers wanted for Oshawa & Clar- ington. Professional company. Call Roy Williams (905) 440-2011 or (905) 439-1111 COMPANY DRIVERS DZ licence & 2 yrs. experience required. Scarborough location. Call 416-891-1654 CUBE VAN DRIVERS Scarborough moving company. G license & 2 yrs. experience req. Call 416-891-1654 EXPERIENCED GASOLINE Tank driver. Excellent wages & benefits. Required immediately. 905-655- 9820. SCARBOROUGH BASED compa- ny seeks AZ Drivers, for local de- liveries. Phone: (416)751-2575 or fax resume to: 416-754-0888. TRI-AXLE dump truck driver DZ li- cense, must have experience, Dur- ham Top Soil/Kennedy Excavat- ing, fax resume to 905-428-3411 or drop off in person, 1480 Lake- ridge Rd, north of Rossland, Ajax. $$$ PAID WEEKLY!!Company needs part-time/ full-time help pro- cessing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780, ext. 117. $$URGENT$$International Test Market & Promotions Co. working with Brand Name Mfg's is looking for individuals to have fun for seri- ous money! Full training provided $400/wk to start. Tony 905-571- 6444. $15./HR Par t- time help. Canvass- ing for home renovations. Training provided Own vehicle call (905)686-2445 after 4pm ext. 305 16-30 Years Old? Need a Job? VPI Can Help! 905-571-3811 2 FULL-TIME labourer positions for property maintenance compa- ny.Must be able to work 6 days/week. Valid drivers license required. Ajax/Pickering/Whitby ar- ea. Call 905-640-6330. ORDER TAKERS $20/hr avg rate. Tr aining Provided. Full Time. Call Tom 905-435-1052 3 HELPERS to assist Manager in order department. No experience, will train, neat appearance Call Brendan (905)426-4246 A CAREER IN FINANCIAL SERVICES Training provided. Representatives. Call John (905)509-4518 AIR DUCT CLEANER with ex- perience required immediately for Pickering-based company. Must have clean drivers licence & good knowledge of GTA. Hourly rate. (416)293-1800 APPOINTMENT TAKER - Whitby part-time/full-time,$9-$11/hour plus bonus. Experienced. Call Bet- ty(905) 666-4905 AVON Join the number 1 beauty company. No quotas. Wo rk from home. Free Gift call Heidi today (905)509-1163 BOWMANVILLE ZOO is seeking a maintenance person. Experi- enced in vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair, building maintenance and welding. Please send resume to 340 King St. E. Bowmanville L1C 3K5, Att: Office Administrator. CARPENTER & TILE WORKER F/T for rental housing provider. Must be experienced. Please fax resume, stating salary expectations to: Ajax Municipal Housing Corp.905-683-7324 DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, Earn the income you deserve. Learn how to operate a mini office outlet from home. www.miniofficeoutlets.com or call 416-284-4493 DRIVER AND WAREHOUSE help wanted for busy Pickering whole- saler. Clean abstract. Contact Greg, (905)839-8899 DRIVER/LABOURER required for Uxbridge based company to pump portable toilets on route, septic and holding tanks portable toilet deliveries & pick ups and shop du- ties. Must have own reliable vehi- cle, able to drive standard well and clean abstract must be shown, DZ preferred. Starting rate of $10.00 per hr or based on experienced. Please call (905) 831-8189 or fax (905) 649-8294. Nights and week- ends position also available. DRIVERS.Domino's Pizza is now hiring Drivers for OSHAWA, Ajax, & Whitby locations. Cash paid nightly. Apply in person at: 1051 Simcoe St. N. or 600 Grandview St. S., Oshawa. 10 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax; 300 Dundas St. East, Whitby DRYWALLERS required for Dur- ham region. Minimum 5 years ex- perience required. Transportation and own tools required. Call (905)767-1776 HOUSECLEANER NEEDED.Ve- hicle a must. Call 905-655-0497. EL RANCHO is looking for wait- ers, experience a must. Bartend- ers & Dishwashers needed, Drop resume 3500 Brock St. N. Whitby (north of Rossland) EXPERIENCED ROOFER/Shin- gler with minimum 1-2 years expe- rience. $20-$25/hr. Also labour po- sition, $8-10/hr. Call Mike or Steve 905-914-1070 FAST-GROWING company re- quires Residential Cleaners imme- diately for permanent position. Room for advancement. Compar- able pay, excellent conditions. Not suitable for students. Call 905-723- 6242 FULL TIME factory work. Must be accurate with measurements, reli- able and able to start immediately. Call Brian 905-686-2445 ext 241 after 4pm. FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED TRAVEL AGENT required. 6 month contract (September-Feb- ruary). Group experience and bilin- gual an asset. Send resume karenlippett@rogers.com or call (905)655-6366. FULL-TIME general laborer, shift work, Oshawa location. Must be able to read calipers in a machine shop setting. Fax resume to 1-905- 434-2870. GET PAID WEEKLY! Simply pro- cessing business mail, part time. No exp. necessary. 1-888-860- 1282 or www.datalinxmedia.com HAIRSTLYIST, FULL TIME,Tues- day to Friday, 9am-6pm. Saturday 8:30 - 5pm. No evenings, Guaran- teed wages, career opportunity. (905)725-8710 HIGH PROFILE UNIFORMED security officers - Must have 3yrs. min. Canadian security experience & access to vehicle. $12/hr. & up. Fax or e-mail resume to: 905-420- 9957, kog.bill@bellnet.ca HOME BASE business system Join our supportive home based business team and get started im- mediately! FREE Training Pack- age available. www.JoiningSuccess.com 416-631-8963 HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mailing/Pro- cessing Circulars- PC/Clerical Work Available. No Experience Needed! Free Information: www.homeworkersnetwork.com or send S.A.S.E.; QSEI, 111-336 Yonge St., Reference #7-107, Bar- rie,ON, L4N 4C8. (705)726-9070. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR Full time mobile heavy truck and equip- ment mechanic based in Ajax/Pickering area. Accepting ex- perienced and apprentice appli- cants. Fax resume to John at 905- 372-4346. IMPULSE FITNESS is looking for a Part Time cleaner. Apply with resume to: 2200 Brock Rd. North, Pickering. TV/FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Adults & Kids (2&up) needed for TV & Film Assignments No Fees, No Courses Call: (416)221-3829 KITCHEN TECHNICIAN Seeking KITCHEN SUPPRESSION TECH- NICIAN for an immediate opening. Knowledge of fire/sprinkler sys- tems would be a definite asset. Fax and/or email resumes to Mrs. Blair Simms @905-720-4003 durhamfire@hotmail.com LIGHT PACKAGING - OSHAWA. Must apply in person with safety shoes and SIN card. Elite Plus, 201 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Mon- day - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. SALES MANAGER We are growing and looking for a talented individual to join our sales team and share in our continued success as one of Canada's largest independently owned publication and commercial printers. You will be a key member of the company's management team. Your prime responsibility is the development, motivation and productivity of our local and remote sales team. You will have a significant roll in planning and executing new marketing initiatives and developing new markets. Management experience within the graphic arts industry is preferred but not essential. Excellent interpersonal and analytical skills and a high degree of professional integrity are also required to enable you to achieve results in our fast paced environment. If you are interested in exploring this challenging opportunity, please forward your resume in confidence to: Human Resources khume@ironstonemedia.com FAX: 905-831-2372 AZ, DZ Drivers We are an expanding Environmental Waste Management Company in Pickering looking for a safe, reliable drivers with a valid AZ or DZ license, a clean abstract, a clean CVOR, a positive attitude, excellent customer service and communication skills and the ability to do heavy lifting. Vacuum truck experience preferred but will train Fax: 905-428-6007, email: humanresources@dlenv.com SECURITY OFFICERS required immediately To full fill New Client requirements Full training and benefit plan provided. Experience would be an asset. Must have own transportation to sites. Apply in person or fax Resume to 905-579-8028 214 King Street East, 2nd Floor, Oshawa All new applicants must complete and pass pre-screen test. AFFORDABLE,PROFESSIONAL HAIRCARE GUARANTEED® Visit our website: www.firstchoice.com HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED • Qualified Stylists • Excellent wage and benefits package • Full and part-time positions • Busy locations • No clientele required • Upgraded training in the latest trends • $300 HIRING BONUS Positions now available in Oshawa & Pickering Pickering Maria (905) 831-2196 Oshawa Juliet (905) 434-4994 WORK CLOSE TO HOME Short/Long Term Assignments REGISTER NOW!!! •Packers/Assemblers •Material Handlers •Quality Control •Steel Toed Boots •Transportation an asset THURS. JULY 14TH /2005 8:30 AM - 12:00 NOON AJAX RECREATION CENTRE Centennial Drive, Ajax (Admiral Room upstairs) We will see you there. YOUTH, CHECK US OUT! Job Postings, Job Opportunities, Employment Programs, Resumes, Internet, Fax Machine, Photocopier AND MORE! DROP IN TODAY AND GET CONNECTED WITH THE YMCA! We have helped hundreds of youth find jobs each year. YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Unit 16, Pickering (Valley Farm Road & Hwy. 2) 905.427.7670 ® Your YMCA’s charitable registration number is: 11930 7080 RR0001 Need a Job? BILINGUAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Must speak excellent French/ English, and have above average computer skill in word and excel. We are looking an reliable and punctual individual, who can start in this Full Time permanent posi- tion immediately. Morningside/ Sheppard area. Fax to Resume to: 416-288-8109 NELSON FINANCIAL GROUP LTD. "HERE WE GROW AGAIN!" •Sales Reps •Investment Advisors •Customer Service Reps Fax resume to: 905-839-7002 www.nelsonfinance.ca MAGICUTS is looking for full and PT licensed stylist. Positions avail- able in the following locations: Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax. We of- fer:competitive salary, opportunity for advancement, paid vacation, profit sharing, free upgrading classes, contest/monthly prizes, benefits. Join a winning team. Call Jody (905) 655-9806. MEAT WRAPPER required to work part time days and week- ends. Experience preferred. Please apply to Meat Manager, Brooklin Price Chopper. Fax: 905- 655-9484. PA RT TIME Help Required Experience not necessary. Must be pleasant and work well with people. Apply in person with resume to: DOLOMITI SHOES PICKERING TOWN CENTRE RASPBERRY PICKERS wanted. Experience preferred. $8/per flat. Located in Whitby at Sobczak Tree Farm on Victoria St. & Dufferin. 905-427-6095. RECENT GRADUATES.Have you got what it takes to become a Professional Stock Trader? Swift Trade is bringing Wall Street to Whitby. We are looking for motivated individuals with an interest in the stock market. No experience necessary. No capital requirements. Please submit your resume to info@whitby.swifttrade.com, www.swifttrade.com Canada's leading proprietary trading firm. REGISTRATION OFFICERS $23.75/hr. avg rate. We Train You. Full/Part Time. Call Arron 905-435-1052 RELIEF INTAKE WORKER. Women's Shelter in Whitby imme- diately needs experienced part- time worker (female preferred) for evening and night-shifts. Call (905)665-0424 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY,expe- rienced, mature handy person for new home building. Competitive wages. Must have own vehi- cle/tools, Fax resume: 905-655- 7265 or call 905-655-8764 SHIPPER/RECEIVER, entry level, in Pickering. Fax resume to 1- 800-363-9040 and quote file #2020. SHIPPER/RECEIVER,with valid forklift license required for local Pickering manufacturing company. Min 2 years experience. Fax re- sume to (905)420-4564. SUNRISE GRILL REQUIRES ex- perienced cook and serving staff. Full & part time available. Call 416- 994-6000 or 416-917-3939. SUPERINTENDENT couple for condominium building in Whitby. 90% cleaning. You are profes- sional in conduct, high standards in cleanliness, co-operative and friendly. Competitive salary and 2- bedroom suite, alternate week- ends off. References required. Fa x resume to 905-430-6265. SUPERINTENDENT required full- time for Oshawa/Bowmanville apartment complex. Suitable for retired/semi-retired couple. No pets. Fax resume (905)623-2257. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. SWIMMING POOL SERVICE staff needed. Must have experience in weekly maintenance, openings, closing, and service, and a valid drivers license. Salary based on experience. Call Steve at Crystal Clear Pool Services (905)686- 7775 TELEMARKETERS REQUIRED TO WORK FROM HOME. Experi- ence an asset. Start immediately. 416-528-7219. UNIFORMED SECURITY officers - Must have Canadian security ex- perience, command of English, verbal/written & access to vehicle. Fa x or e-mail resume to: 905-420- 9957, kog.bill@bellnet.ca WAREHOUSE PERSON/DRIVER full time position, Pickering. Valid drivers license with clean abstract required. Some heavy lifting. Send resume to: P.O Box 297, Picker- ing, ON L1V 2R4, fax 905-839- 0053. WORKING MULTI-TASKING Manager for busy Bistro in Port Pe rry. Also Wait staff/prep person. Call to arrange interview (905)985- 7224 or 905-439-6828. Serious in- quiries only please HAIR STYLIST -ambitious and motivated person, for very busy salon located in Oshawa. Full time or part time. Call 905-723-5090. HAIR STYLIST full time,prestig- ious job, must be mature and self motivated, Monday -Friday 9-5, no evenings no weekends, guaran- teed wages, 905-576-0479 ask for Manager. HAIRSTYLISTS required. Full and part time positions available. Call (905)728-4623. Ask for Mary or Lina. ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK company seeks fully experienced cabinet maker in Durham Region area. Day shift or afternoon shift. Please fax resume to 905-433- 1463. AU TO GLASS INSTALLER and/or tinter, experience neces- sary. Wage and benefits nego- tiable. Fax 905-263-2700, email: hotdoggermonroe@aol.com Call 905-263-4282. Monroe Auto Glass and Custom Tint. CUSTOM MIRROR and glass in- staller, shop hand. Clean drivers li- cence. Experienced only. (905)432-7873, fax 905-432-6845 EXPERIENCED BRICKLAYER re- quired for brick laying crew. Own vehicle required. Start immediate- ly. Experienced need only apply. Call (905)985-4208. EXPERIENCED WOODWORKER required for busy custom pine fur- niture and antiques shop. Full/part time. 905-649-2477 FULL - TIME ALUMINUM WELDER/FITTER. Minimum 2 yrs. experience required for Pickering manufacturing company.. Please fax resume to 905-420-4564. MECHANIC WANTED:Truck and/or trailer mechanic shop locat- ed in Pickering. Excellent wages and benefits. Day shift. Valid li- censes. Call Bryce (905)728-2346 or 416-297-1712 MULTIPLE POSITION and busi- ness opportunities for qualified in- dividuals. Monroe Auto Glass and Custom Tint, several locations, Site supervisor/sales rep. No ex- perience required. Sales oriented position, unlimited commission. Outdoor work environment. Glass Installer/Tinters, experience nec- essary. Wage and benefits nego- tiable. Fax 905-263-2700. Email: hotdoggermonroe@aol.com Call 905-263-4282. PROPERTY MANAGER, inside & outside work, plumbing, electrical, carpentry skills needed. Drivers abstract will be required. Apply to Oshawa This Week file #190, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, On. L1H 7L5. WANTED LICENSED Gas Fit- ter/Refrigeration and experience for residential installation. Must have a good driving record, good leadership skills and a min. of 5 years experience. Call 416-706- 9867 or 905-442-9861 Thank you BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS Receiv- able Representative needed immediately. Must be fluent in French and English both written and oral. Experience an asset but not necessary. We offer a competitive salary and commission structure. Please fax resume with salary expectations to 905-420-6833 or e-mail to: carol.bryson@recovercorp.com BOOKKEEPER required full time in Ajax for 6-mos to 1-year. Simply Accounting or payroll software. Duties include: receivables, collec- tions, payables, government remit- tance etc. Fax resume 905-683- 2075 Karen OFFICE CLERK - busy Pickering office must have good computer skills. Fax resume to: 905-831- 4690. OFFICE HELP for small office lo- cated in Uxbridge area , day to day office duties, phones, taking or- ders. Must be proficient in Simply Accounting and work independent- ly. M-F 8am-4:30 p.m. $9.50/hr to start. Must have own transporta- tion. Email resume to: aandapor- tabletoilets@powergate.ca PA RT-TIME BOOKKEEPER re- quired immediately with excellent knowledge of QuickBooks for Ajax office. Please fax resume (905)427-6120 or email: jacksx6@rogers.com PICKERING LAW OFFICE re- quires full-time real estate secre- tary, with E-reg experience fax re- sume to: Lawson and Clark (905)683-2752 please include sal- ary expectations DO YOU HAVE flare for Passion. Looking for Sales Consultants for adult accessories and lingerie. Call Cindy (905)891-0529. ELECTRICIANS WANTED •Excellent Wages & Benefits •Construction & Maintenance C of Q required •Industrial experience an asset Send resume to Mr. Mac Donald P.O.Box 82541 300 Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa, ON L1G 7W7 AU TOMOTIVE PARTS Whitby Oshawa Honda requires a Parts Person with good people skills. Duties will include counter sales and some delivery. Work week is Tuesday through Saturday. Opportunity for advancement. Apply with resume and references: 300 Thickson Road South,Whitby email: parts@honda1.com or fax 905-666-4571 Busy Automotive Parts Department, looking for immediate full and part time staff. Must be available days, evenings and weekends. Automotive knowledge required.Top dollars paid to top performers.Apply to: File #189, Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5. INSIDE SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE, full-time, required for a growing HVAC manufacturing firm in Ajax. Working together with the sales team, the candidate will be sales oriented, proactive, an excellent communicator and posses computer skills including MS Word and Excel. The position offers an attractive salary and benefit package. Forward resume: hr@skymark.ca PLUMBING AND PARTS HOME CENTRE. Two positions available in our new 13000 sq. ft. location. In store sales associate with experi- ence in the bathroom/plumbing in- dustry and a driver/sales associate position. Contact David at 905- 404-1502, 1650 Dundas St. E. Whitby. A SUCCESSFUL Dental office open 7 days a week requires Experienced Level 2 Dental Assist- ant. Candidate must be flexible and able to work evenings and some weekends. Call 905-721- 8444. DENTAL ASSISTANT required in Pickering. Must be HARP certi- fied. Fax resume to: 905-509-2455 FULL TIME Dental Assistant for Whitby office. HARP Certified and Abel experience preferred, Posi- tion available Aug/05. Fax resume to: 905-666-9057. FULL TIME Level 11 Dental As- sistant required for 1 year mater- nity leave. Some evenings & Sat- urdays. Experience preferred. Please forward resumes to: Dr. Stephen Murray, 1300 King St. E., Oshawa, L1H 8J4 To Place an Ad in Ajax or Pickering Call 905-683-0707 or Tor. line 1-416-798-7259 Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com Classifieds On-Line Web Site: www.durhamregion.com ClassifiedsClassifiedsNews AdvertiserNews Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00-5 Closed Saturday A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 13, 2005 www.durhamregion.com Don’t Forget Our Classified Deadlines: Tues. 2:30 p.m. Wed. paper Thurs. 2:30 p.m. for Fri. paper Fri. 2:30 p.m. for Sun. paper 50% OFF ONE TIME ONLY chance to save 50% OFF these summer courses. Classes taught by best selling author and award winning Senior Trainer, Rory Sheehan. Call Now: (905) 683-9133 www.positivestrategies.com 1- Hypnosis for Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Stress Reduction, Wealth Creation, and Ultimate Results: July 26, 27 2- Hypnosis Certification: Aug 23, 24 3- Turn on Your Brain for Learning Aug 30, 31 Space is limited and is sure to fill up fast. Take advantage of this one time only opportunity. Announcement from Glazier Medical Centre Glazier Medical Centre is pleased to announce the addition of the following Doctors to our Family Health Group. •Dr.S.Bardai •Dr.J.Barrettara •Dr. P. Irwin •Dr.N. Jagan •Dr.K.Luces •Dr.A. Rahman •Dr.S.Ruparelia •Dr.Y.Siddiqui •Dr.A.Wilk These Doctors will continue to work with their regular offices and will share on call responsibilities with the family doctors of the Glazier Medical Centre as part of the Primary Care Reform Initiatives for the Ministry of Health. Urgent care hours at the Glazier Medical Centre are as follows Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 8:00 p.m Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 1:30-5:00p.m. Sundays and Holidays 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. HYGIENIST REQUIRED, 3 or 4 days a week including one evening (Tuesday night). Experience pre- ferred. Ortho knowledge preferred. Great opportunity to be part of a fantastic dental family. Resume in person to: Dr. Michael Todd, 936 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Att: Patricia. 905-728-2321. PROGRESSIVE COSMETIC den- tal practice in Oshawa requires a Full-time PDA/Level 2 Assistant with a minimum 2 years experi- ence. Excellent opportunity for a motivated, organized, and respon- sible individual who possesses outstanding clinical and customer service skills. No evenings or weekends. Please reply to fax: 905-434-8520 attention Mary or email: zcgzz_inc@rogers.com RMT & PHYSIO WANTED Here we grow again!! Pickering FAX (905 )427-9147 SCARBOROUGH SPECIALIST, neurologist looking for experienced medical secretary, part time, may lead to full time. Fax resume to: (416)298-8692 2 LINE COOKS required immedi- ately for Port Perry family restau- rant. Call 905-982-0155. Ask for Bill or George CLEANING PERSON wanted weekly for housecleaning in Ajax. Must be reliable, detail-oriented, able to custom clean. Mature East- ern European preferred. No agen- cies please. (905)426-8152 CENTENNIAL COLLEGE gradu- ate, diploma in Office Administra- tion-Executive. Seeking office po- sition, experienced. Call Jacque- line at (905)509-1015. BOWMANVILLE $299,900. 632 Longworth, 2400-sq.ft. 2-storey, 4-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, MFLR. Professionally finished rec-room, C/Air, steps to bus/schools, Flex- ible closing. (905)623-7799 BROOKLIN $299,900, 3 bdrms, 3 bths, a/c, f/p, hrdwd. fl., & more. OPEN HOUSE, July 17th, 1-4pm, 48 Matthewson Place. 905-655- 6919. Private. FIRST TIME BUYERS -Why rent when you can own? Free list of homes available with no money down, under $1300/mo. Free re- corded message 1-866-279-4623 ID#1051.Royal Lepage Connect Realty OPEN HOUSE/Weekends 57 Darren Ave, Whitby. 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms. Motivated seller, Flexible closing. Must sell, view @ www.privateexchange.com Pat- rick, 416-873-1390 $395,000-OBO REDUCED, COBOURG - College Street, 3 bedroom bungalow, new furnace and wiring, central air, main floor laundry, custom bath- room, eat in kitchen, priced for fast sale, reduced to $185,000. 905- 377-5024 WHITBY spotless 3-bdrm brick bungalow, 2 baths, hardwood, beautifully landscaped 52'x142' lot, games room, upgrades $273,900. Visit www.4salebyme.ca ID#455. (905)434-2430 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-5. AJAX - 3-bdrms, 2.5 baths, im- maculate townhouse, open con- cept, hardwood floors, hilltop view, private sale, 18 Arnold Estate Lane. $223,900. (905)427-3730 WATERFRONT,Peterborough ar- ea, cottage/home, secured com- munity, pool, hot tub, playground, 2-bedroom, 1.5 baths, 5 applianc- es $134,900. (705)742-2465. BUILDING LOT for sale, 6.5 acres in the gorgeous Ganaraska forest near Kendall, 10 minutes from Hwy. 115 $120,000 firm. Call 905- 433-7188 PARK/BLOOR Oshawa, industrial unit, available immediately, 1600 sq. ft. $6.00/sq. ft. net. 905-579- 5077 or 905-571-3281. OFFICE FOR RENT,South Oshawa, Nelson/Waterloo area. 1,000-sq.ft. consists of 4 offices, reception area and washroom. $750/month all inclusive. Available immediately Call Al (905)434- 1888. After hours 905-725-7828 OFFICE SPACE - King St. W. Oshawa, prime commercial loca- tion, 2nd floor of retail plaza..3 pri- vate offices and reception area, parking included, $850+GST/mo. inclusive. Call Coldwell Banker 2M Realty Mike Montagano, (905)576- 5200 OFFICE SPACE 400 SQ. FT,di- vided into 3 offices, waiting room, boardroom, parking, $500/mo. all inclusive. Wilson/King Oshawa. 905-571-0731 Mon-Fri. 9-5p.m. SEPARATE 800+sq. ft. in con- verted century home, 401 & Cour- tice Rd. Use of reception, board room, kitchen, and decks. Security system, ample parking, hi-speed avail. incl. heat, hydro and janitori- al, avail. immed. $1100/mo. gross + GST. 905-439-2557. $2,500 - $5,000 Wkly Potential via Home Business Opportunity. Call 1-800-378-7413 or visit www. design-your-own-dividends.com FASTWAY COURIERS new fran- chise to region, 3 exclusive territo- ries available. Be your own boss, ground level opportunity. www.fastway.ca, 1-877-739-2520. GET Paid to Switch Stores. Amazing proven program where you are paid to save money on every day products you already spend money on. For information. Call Linda 416-465-7077. GET PAID to Switch Stores. Amazing proven program where you are paid to save money on every day products you already spend money on. For information. Call Linda 416-465-7077. WANTED LOOKING FOR 10 seri- ous individuals for home based business. Must be self starter, am- bitious & motivated. Earn $80K plus. Free travel in 12 months. Se- rious inquiries only. 905-391-1777 info@tbog.net $$$MORTGAGE FINANCING$$$ - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAG- ES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Dennis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To consolidate your debts. Lowest rates possible for residential or commercial.Credit issues, self em- ployed, I will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. $$100% FINANCING OAC 5 yr. at 4.20% or Variable at 3.45% OAC,Cash take-outs, Refinances, Self-employed, Commercial even poor credit. Please call Kevin: 1-800-328-7887 ext. 366. $$MONEY$$ 100%1st,2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 DO YOU NEED A MORTGAGE? (Low rates, Below Bank posted OAC) Purchases, Refinance, Debt Consolidation. Residential/Com- mercial Call Merline 416-455- 1743, (905)831-2354. From 4.49% for 5 years. 1st. & 2nd Mortgages to 100% (OAC) Best Available Rates Private Mortgage Funds Arrears P.O.S Refinancing Debt Consolidation a Specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Call 905-666-4986 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 WANT A HOME? Got a home? Want a Loan? Call 416-878-2323. Debts out of Control? Call 416- 876-2106. BETTER CREDIT SOLUTIONS. (1) Bachelor - recently renovated, Oshawa, sep. full kitchen, own washer & dryer, sep. entrance, $575/inclusive, available immedi- ately 416-892-8864. 1 BDRM. BASMENT. APT. - South Ajax. Parking, walkout, full kitchen/bathroom, living room w/fireplace, private patio, use of pool, satellite, internet, utilities incl. $900/mo. No pets. First/last. Call 905-424-0364. 1-BEDROOM APTS.,2 in Whitby, 1 in Oshawa. Quiet buildings. Near amenities. $650+ hydro, $695 in- clusive, first/last. Parking. No pets. August 1st. 905-424-5083 1-BEDROOM OSHAWA SIM- COE/BROCK Ground floor, in- cludes heat, fridge, stove, water, 1-parking. Hydro by tenant. Avail now. $600/mo., first/last. 416-807- 0378 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom town home suites with full basements, avail- able for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. Close to all amenities. $999.00 per month. One month free! Call (905)579- 7649 for an appointment. 2 BEDROOM APT.Liver- pool/Krosno area. Immaculate, separate entrance, parking, patio, all inclusive. Available August 1st. 416-984-0543. 2-BEDROOM apartment, 596 Chaucer Ave. Available immedi- ately. $825/month all inclusive. No pets, first/last required. Call Steve (905)767-8681 or Farida (905)576-5512 2-BEDROOM, LARGE, CLEAN, main floor apt. Excellent area, near Oshawa hospital. Eat-in kitchen, includes appliances, parking, & laundry. $795/mo.+ utilities. Call Pat 905-263-2228. 534 MARY ST. WHITBY. Bachelors, 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. Clean quiet low-rise building. Park-like setting, balconies, on-site laundry, close to downtown. Bus at front door.(905)666-2450. www.realstar.ca AJAX, 2 bed. basement., walkout, 4pc. bath, laundry, parking, Har- wood/Bayly, avail. Aug. 1st. $825+40% util. (905)294-0760 A SHOW STOPPER! Fab.3-BR home (mn flr). Loaded! 2yr. fur- nace. Central air. Digital cable. O/S tub. 3 parking. Short walk to school, park, & Pickering Go. Only $1200+ low utilities. Hurry! (905)831-9329 ADELAIDE & PARK RD.Oshawa Large 1 bedroom bsmt. apartment, parking incl. $625/mo inclusive. First/last. Available immediately. (905)571-1537 or (905)432-1521. AIR CONDITIONED COZY - one bed. main level smoke-free apt. in prime Courtice location. Bright, spacious, sep. entrance, hard- wood, appliances, gas fireplace. Near shopping, medical, on bus route. 1-car parking. $800 all inclu- sive. Move in now! 905-720-2662. AJAX NORTH,Westney/Sullivan 2 bedroom basement apt., separate entrance, available im- mediately. $900/inclusive. 4-appli- ances, laundry, prefer non-smok- er/no pets. Call (905)683-1180. AJAX renovated 1-bdrm base- ment, separate entrance, laundry, utilities, parking. Close to GO/401, amenities. No smoking/pets. Suit mature single. $700/mth. First/damage deposit. August 1st. 905-426-8179. AJAX & PICKERING Main floor bung. 2 Bed. bsmt. apt. 1 Bed. apt. & Rooms. Laundry, parking. close to all amenities. 905-686-8905 416-562-0186 AJAX -1 bdrm. bsmnt., walk-out, laundry, cable, a/c, lrg., clean, full kitchen/living rooms. 4pc. bath, no smoking/pets. First/last. Avail. now. $700/inclusive. Single, work- ing person pref. 905-426-7824 AJAX - renovated 3 and 4 bed. apt. Appliances, laundry, 2-park- ing, fireplaces, avail. Sept 1st/Oct. 1st. $995+40%util; 1200 sq. ft. $1495+65%util. 2400 sq. ft. Easton (416)271-7721 AJAX CENTRAL,basement 1- bedroom, clean & bright, 4 appli- ances, 1-parking, separate en- trance, no pets. $560/month+ util- ities. Available August 1st. (905)683-8768. AJAX CHURCH/HWY #2 - Large 3-bdrm. apt. in clean quiet build- ing. 1 1/2 baths, $1100 includes utilities + parking. Available Aug. 1. Call 905-426-1161. AJAX WESTNEY/HWY 2/401, new walkout 1-bedroom base- ment, laundry, parking, internet, cable, pot lights, backyard, $750 inclusive, first/last, credit check a MUST. 416-878-0883 AJAX, 1-BEDROOM basement apartment. $695/inclusive. Large bedroom, walk-in closet. Close to bus route, GO, School, park, 24/hr shopping. 416-230-1963, 905- 686-2993 AJAX, 1-BEDROOM walkout low- er level, executive home, separate entrance, laundry, satellite,, park- ing, walk to lake, no pets. August 1st. first/last. (905)686-0066, 416- 450-2243. AJAX, 2-BEDROOM basement, walk out, separate entrance, laun- dry, close to Go, Shopping, schools, transit at door, $950 inclu- sive, cable, no smoking, pets, avail Sept. 1, (905)619-1721. AJAX, large 1-bdrm basement, walk-in closet, ceramics, laundry, parking, util. included. Separate entrance. No smoking/pets. $750/mo. August 1st. 905-683- 0896 or 416-803-0896. AJAX,Salem/Bayly, 3-bdrms, main floor, avail immediately. Great area, 4-appliances, laundry, parking. $925/mo+ utilities. (416)553-0807 AJAX- OXFORD TOWERS.Spa- cious apartments, quiet bldg, close to shopping, GO. Pool. 1 & 2- bedrooms $849 & $979, available July 1st. (905)683-8571. AJAX-401/WESTNEY.1-bedroom basement apt. sep. entrance, liv- ing/dining area, kitchen, wash- room, parking, cable, util. included. $650/mo. Available immediately. First/last/credit-check. Non-smok- ing/pets. (905)683-6475 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Large 2-bdrm self-contained bsmt. PICKERING, Brock/401. $900/mo inclusive. No pets, non-smoker. Call Dennis Morgan, (905)831- 9500 or 416-587-0060 BEST VALUE IN WHITBY! Spacious suites, warm community environment, walk everywhere! 1, 2, & 3 bdrms., from $849 to $989. Call Shirley 1-888-303-1849 toll free. www.capreit.net BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOND ST. APTS.-1-bdrm $680, Adult lifestyle building. Avail Au- gust/Sept. 1st. Clean, bright, pri- vate, safe neighbourhood. Close to shopping, bus, laundry. No pets. 905-438-0558. BOWMANVILLE - Non-smoking 1-BDRM. apt. Lower-level, raised bungalow. Parking, separate en- trance, Totally-renovated, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, large-bedroom, c/w, wall/wall closet, x-large front living rm. $875/share utilities. Ref- erences. Sept. 1st. 905-623-4926. BOWMANVILLE,3 bedroom, main level of home, quiet residen- tial area, parking, air, no laundry facilities, no pets/no smokers, im- mediately. $l,l00 Anne (905) 431- 3829. BOWMANVILLE,immaculate 1 bed. Sept. 1st & 2 bedroom apart- ment Aug 1st. Rent includes ap- pliances, utilities, laundry facilities & parking. Call 905-623-0791 or 905-666-1074. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. COURTICE -Bright 2 bdrm. apt. Townline/Bloor area. Near amenities/schools/park. $800/mo., appliances/utilities incl. First/last. Avail. immediately. 905-404-8548 or 905-431-5958 COURTICE,spacious, quite newly renovated. 1-bedroom, separate entrance, parking, all inclusive. No smoking/pets. $875/month, first/last. Available August 1st. (905)579-8393 COURTICE/WHITECLIFFE estate, large 2-bedroom apartment, 2- baths, 6-appliances, separate entrance, separate laundry, ravine setting, very private. No smok- ing/pets. Fist/last, references required. $1150 utilities included. 905-436-1387. 1 MONTH FREE RENT or Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa - Starting At $700. ** 3-BDRM SUMMER SALE** ●Renovated Suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Senior Discounts ●Full Security System Call for more information 905-728-4993 GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT e & oe 3 3 & 7 7 F a l by Cr t., A j a x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w w w.a j a x a p a rtme nts .c o m 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. FAMILY VALUE! On site Daycare, school bus & public transit at the door. Steps to shopping, parks, Mini-totland. Many community events! 2 & 3 bdrm. from $889- $989. 200 Whites Oaks Crt., Whit- by.Call Faith 1-888-303-1849 toll free. FURNISHED 2-BEDROOM base- ment apt., Pickering, own en- trance, including TV, washer, dry- er, cable & hydro. Suit 2 persons, non-smoker, no pets. (905)837- 9103 FURNISHED, BRAND NEW 2- bedroom basement apt., separate entrance, appliances, near amen- ities, transit. 1 parking, prefer no pets. $950/month, Immediate. (905)837-1384, 416-702-8163 HARMONY/ADELAIDE - beautiful 1 bed. basement apt. in quiet area, $800/including utill, parking, laun- dry, cable. Avail. Aug 1st. First/last. No pets/smoking. (905)435-0761 HWY#2/CHURCH. AJAX,2-bed- room basement apt. Sep. en- trance, laundry, cable, all utilities included. No pets. Available imme- diately. $850/month. Call Kumar 905-683-5847. LOVE YOUR APARTMENT!new modern and classy large 1-bed- room main floor in house. 9ft. ceil- ings, crown moulding throughout. $900 inclusive. Parking, laundry. Close to amenities. Oshawa. (905)442-3665 Jeff. LRG APTS AVAIL.,West Lynde area w/fireplace, pkg, 4-applianc- es, lrg backyard, near GO. 3-bdrm w/den $1295+, Sept 15th. 1-bdrm $800+, Sept 1st. Must See! 905- 433-7188 NORTH Oshawa - 2 bedroom, July lst/August lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two ap- pliances included. Pay cable, park- ing and laundry facilities. (905) 723-2094 NORTH OSHAWA 2 bedroom Russet Ave. Good location, well- maintained quiet 12-plex small building. Utilities, heating, cable, parking included. No dogs. Also 1 bedroom (905)576-2982. NORTH OSHAWA,2 bedroom for rent $740/month, 1 bedroom, $710/month. Avail August 1st. In- cludes utilities, fridge, stove and parking, 905-579-9777 ONE bedroom apt North Oshawa. Available Aug 1st/Aug 15th. Newly renovated bathroom, kitchen, floors, fresh paint, parking. Quiet area. No pets, $590 & $700. 905- 571-7840 OSHAWA Park/Adelaide (230 Nipigon St) 2-bedrooms available. Well maintained build- ing. Near all amenities. From only $835/mo. (905)723-0977 OSHAWA -Big, bright 1 bdrm. bsmt. apt., separate entrance, gas fireplace, laundry, Phillip Murray & Park Rd. area, non-smoker preferred. Avail. immediately. $675+utilities. Call for info 905-420-7483. OSHAWA 1 & 2 BEDROOMS available any time or Aug. 1st. 2 locations 350 Malaga Rd., 946 Masson St. $695 and $795/month inclusive. No pets. 905-576-6724, 905-242-4478. OSHAWA CENTRAL- north of downtown luxurious, 2-bdrms. New bathroom/kitchen/appliances. $800/monthly. No pets, with patio. Immediate possession. 48 Simcoe St. N. 416-315-4829 OSHAWA HOSPITAL area, north of Adelaide, large 1-bedroom+, main floor, laundry, parking, $850/mo inclusive. ALSO 1-bdrm $500/mo+ hydro. First/last. 905- 668-8867 OSHAWA King/Wilson Quiet build- ing, near shopping, transportation. Utilities, parking included. 2-bed- rooms $899, immediate/August 1st, 3-bedroom $999, Au- gust/Sept 1st, 1-bedrooms $799 Sept 1st. Call (905)571-4912 until 6:00pm. OSHAWA new modern building. Simcoe/Bloor. 2 bedroom, $760 plus hydro. First/last required, available immediately. Please con- tact Joanne or Bill (905)404-9602. OSHAWA,398 Pine St. 2-bedroom, balcony, parking, laundry, near OC. $900/inclusive. Available August 1st. First/last. No pets. (905)723-4381 or (905)404-9792. OSHAWA, BOND/SIMCOE,Spa- cious 1 & 2 bedroom apts., low- rise building. From $660/mo + hy- dro, available August 1st. Appli- ances, laundry facilities, parking included, 905-434-7931. OSHAWA, CLEAN,new building. 2-bedrooms, located in quiet, residential neighbourhood. $840/month. Appliances, parking & utilities included. Available August 1st. 905-438-9715. OSHAWA,Wilson/Olive area, bright 2-bedroom basement apart- ment in 6-plex. Laundry, parking, kitchen. $860/month inclusive. First/last/references. No big dogs. Available now Working couple pre- ferred.. (905)576-3840 leave mes- sage, 905-429-0539. OSHAWA- RITSON/BLOOR - one bed. apt. in house. Across from grocer, $700 all inclusive. First/last. Parking, Laundry, avail- able July 15th. 905-432-7740. PICKERING - Executive home, 1 bdrm. bsmnt. Separate entrance, laundry, a/c, central vac, $750/mo. all inclusive, cable & parking. No smoking/pets. Avail. immediately. Call 905-420-9187 (evenings) 416- 601-6064 (days). PICKERING 1-bdrm. bsmt., bright, spacious, separate en- trance, laundry, cable, parking. utilities incl., avail. immediately, $750/month. First/last, references, no smoking/pets. 416-518-9715 or 905-837-5453. PICKERING - Liverpool/Bayly, bright spacious 2 bedroom base- ment apt. Sep. entrance, parking, cable, a/c, and utilities. First/last. No pets/smoking, available Aug. 1st. $850. (905)421-9631 PICKERING Brock/Major Oaks, 1- bedroom+den basement, reno- vated, new appliances, sep. en- trance, laundry, parking, a/c, near 401/Go. July 15th, $700/inclusive. No smoking/pets. 289-314-9652; 905-426-5819. SIMCOE/OLIVE - Bright, cute one- bedroom, main-floor w/loft bed- room. Centrally located, bus-stop at door. $685/util. included. Suits working single. 905-426-5844. PICKERING VILLAGE,spacious quiet executive 2-bedroom base- ment, large windows, high ceilings open concept, laundry, satellite. Available immediately. $1050/month. No smokers/pets (905)683-0794 PICKERING, 2-BEDROOM base- ment apartment, separate en- trance, available Aug. 1st. $800/mo plus 25% utilities. Own laundry and parking, (416)566- 2542 PICKERING,Liverpool/Bayly, large new 2-bedroom basement apt, separate entrance, parking, laundry, non-smoker adults pre- ferred. $850/month inclusive (cable included). Immediate occu- pancy.(905)421-9533 Call 416- 838-3596. PICKERING, MAJOR OAKS & BROCK - Spacious 1 bdrm. bsmnt. Full bathroom, separate entrance, cable, non-smoker, no pets. $750/mo. including utilities. First/last, references. Avail. imme- diately. 905-686-1179. PICKERING-Brock/Hwy#2, 1 bed- room. basement, Separate en- trance, no smoking/pets, close to all amenities. $700/ all inclusive. Available August lst. 905-686- 0836, 416-587-8497. PONTYPOOL,2-bedroom, walk- out basement,, private secluded country setting, 4-appliances and utilities included, $800/mo., first & last required, no pets/smoking, (705)277-1972 PORT WHITBY 1722/1724 Duffe- rin St. Newly renovated spacious, quiet, 2-bedrooms, a/c. Avail. Au- gust & September. $945/mo. Laundry, parking, walk to GO, 401/Brock St. Near sports arena, shopping. 1-800-693-2778 Regency Manor 2-BEDROOM extra-large in quiet bldg, freshly painted, in beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. Ideal for adults & seniors. clean building. insuite storage, onsite laundry. Incredible value $895 905-668-7758 REGENCY PLACE 15 Regency Cres. Whitby Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to downtown. Daily activities incl. All utilities incl. Call (905)430-7397 www.realstar.ca RITSON/ADELAIDE renovated 1- bed. basement, new ceramic- floors in kitchen/bath, laminated floors elsewhere. Healthy hot-wa- ter-heating. Parking $650/util. in- cluded. 905-426-5844. ROSSLAND/WESTNEY, AJAX - 1 bdrm. bsmnt. apt. Separate en- trance, shared laundry, parking. $650/mo.+1/3 utilities. First/last. References. No smoking or pets. Avail. Aug. 1. Call 905-428-9695. SIMCOE ST. N.1- one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 South Ajax large 1-bdrm plus living room basement. Sep entrance, big windows, parking, 4 appliances, A/Cond. steps to shopping/transit. Avail immediately, (905)426-7770 SUPER PRICE, SUPER location, super size, super staff. Walk eve- rywhere! Spacious suites. Utilities included. 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. from $849 to $989. 200 White Oaks Crt., Whitby. Call Shirley 1-888-303- 1849 toll free. TAUNTON/THICKSON August 1st. Adult-lifestyle 2-bedroom, pri- vate entrance, no pets/smoking. Bus stop and/or parking, dish- washer, utilities, A/C included. $925/inclusive. Laundry and satel- lite avail. 905-432-7997. TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available . Conveniently lo- cated in Uxbridge in adult occu- pied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca UXBRIDGE -Brock St. West, bachelor $550, 1 bdrm. $625, 1 bdrm $675. all inclusive, with laundry. Call Mike 416-936-1622. UXBRIDGE NEW!To wn- house/Apartment rentals. Air Con- ditioned Units! 2 bedrooms, 4 ap- pliances, patio/garden, parking, storage. 905-852-4777 Signing Bonus. Free BBQ!! WA SHER & DRYER IN SUITE! Super location - walk to everything 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Very friendly staff. 1865 Glenanna Rd., Pickering. Call Carmen at 1-866- 417-4295 toll free. WESTNEY/FINLEY spacious bsmt bachelor, w/complete kitchen, 4pc bath, personal yard, cable, laundry, parking, mins from Go, all amenities. Must love cats. $700/mo. inclusive. Aug. 1st. 905- 686-2441. WHITBY Bright clean 1-bdrm. basement apt. 8ft. ceilings, den, eat-in kitchen, Brock/401. Walk to Go, no smoking/pets. $850/incl. Avail. immediately. (905)666-8787 WHITBY - Garden St. apt. build- ing. Spacious, carpeted, newly painted with balcony. Close to bus, shopping, all utilities incl. Avail. now, first/last, no pets. Bachelor $700. 1-bdrm $800; 2-bdrm $900; 905-767-2565 WHITBY - Garrard/Dryden, one bed. bsmt. apt. Sep. entrance, liv- ingroom, kitchen, laundry, wash- room, cable, 1-parking. No smok- ing/pets. $800/mo. includes util- ities. First/last/reference, Available Aug. 1st. (905)576-3182 after 4 p.m.or 905-404-4680. WHITBY - large 2 bedroom, eat in kitchen hardwood floors, in a clean 6 plex. Laundry, parking Available immediately. From $795. (905) 922-0252 or (905) 686-0470. WHITBY - unfurnished 2-bedroom basement apt. in house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, private entrance, cable, $895/mo. No pets. 1st/last 905-668-2949. 905-404-7861 WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY tri-plex - 3 bedroom top floor, clean/bright, balcony, hard- wood, laundry, no pets, $925 + hy- dro. Avail. immediately. 905-579- 3792 www.124palace.freeserv- ers.com WHITBY, 1-BEDROOM APT.in house. Suitable for single person. Great area. Utilities included. Pri- vate entrance, parking. No pets/smoking. $650/inclusive. Available August 1st. 416-726- 5462. WHITBY,bright 2-bdrm bsmt, sep- arate entrance, full bathroom, 4 appliances, 1-parking, close to schools/shopping, $900/mo inclu- sive. Avail. August 1st. Call Mike days 905-427-4077 ext. 24, even- ings 905-442-0020. WHITBY, CLEAN & QUIET 1- bdrm, 2nd floor of house, "Olde" Whitby. Suitable for single working adult. No smoking/pets. Available immediately. $665+hydro. (905)668-3011 WHITBY,immaculate 2 bdrm apartment, available Aug. 1st, $868, rent includes appliances, heat, parking and laundry facilities. 905-666-1074 or 905-556-0455 WHITBY,large 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Starting from $885 plus utilities. Appliances, balcony, parking included. Go bus stop on- site. Available immediately. Call 905-571-0435. WHITBY, LUXURIOUS new 1 bedroom basement apartment, non-smoking. $950/month inclu- sive. Available August 1. Call (905)665-2288 WHITBY,very large clean one bedroom bsmt apt, laundry/park- ing, south of Whitby mall, no pets/smoking, $750 plus, available immediately Call 905-435-3404 or 416-676-9077 WHITBY-2 bedroom suite $860 - all inclusive, close to all amenities. Office hours 9-5 Monday - Friday. (905)666-4589. WHITBY-Large 1 bedroom in le- gal duplex. Desirable area. Separ- ate entrance, bay window/fire- place, shared laundry. First/last/references. $625.00 + 1/3 utilities 905-665-0941 cell 905- 706-2494 AJAX, 2-BEDROOM condo, bright, great location, excellent view, en-suite laundry, 2 baths, available Aug.1, $1350/mo. Westney/Hwy 2., First/last, refer- ences/credit-check. (905)619-0440 WHITBY, SPACIOUS 2-bedroom plus den, main floor unit, walkout to yard, available August 1st. $1100 plus. Paul Bird, Remax (905)668-3800 A-ABA-DABA-DO NOBODY NEEDS TO RENT. If you're paying $750+/mo you CAN OWN -LET ME SHOW YOU! Min. income $35,000/yr. No Down Payment!! Ken Collis, Assoc. Brkr, Coldwell Banker RMR R.E. (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 kencollis@sympatico.ca 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Ajax. Excellent, prime location. $1100/ mo. Spacious, parking, laundry, fridge, stove. No pets. Available immediately. Please call Chris at: 416-721-1314. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, upper level, hardwood and ce- ramic, garage, non-smoker/no dogs. $1350/inclusive. Courtice (King/Townline). Avail. Immediate- ly. (905)430-4649 or 416-303- 3199. 3 BEDROOM main floor plus upper loft, clean, laundry, parking, huge yard, Bayly/Harwood, avail. August 1st. $1200/mo. Call Ei- leen 416-587-3354. 3-BDRMS,North Oshawa. Large country treed lot, double garage, avail. August/September. $1150+ utilities. No smoking/pets. First/last, references. Call (905)655-3501. 3-BEDROOM,bungalow, Oshawa, laundry, finished recroom, appli- ances, lawn/yard maintenance in- cluded, no pets/no smokers, avail. July 15, $1,250/month+ utilities. (905)424-1320. 401/MARKHAM RD.Spacious 3 bedroom town homes, fenced in backyard, private garage & driveway, carpeted, family room, appliance and ceramic floors. Also available 2 bedroom apart- ments(s). www.realstar.ca 416- 292-0118 ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AJAX - Rossland/Westney - Clean 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, en suite, eat in kitchen, No smoking/pets, $1,350 inclusive. Available imme- diately. Call (905)428-2145, cell (905)391-9852 AJAX 3 bedroom detached house for rent with finished basement & 1 1/2 bathrooms. 5 appliances, large backyard, 4 car driveway. Available immediately $1400 + util- ities. 905-426-5295 or 416-671- 2726 AJAX HARWOOD/401.bright, 1000-sq/ft. 2-bedroom house, Large eat-in kitchen, dishwasher, washer/dryer, yard, no basement. No pets. $1075+. Avail immediate- ly. Jeff 905-426-7768. AJAX,3 bedroom bungalow, upper level, 4 appliances, avail. Aug. 1. $1300 including utilities. no pets, call 905-683-2954 or 905- 428-7367. AN UNBEATABLE DEAL!0 down, own your own home. Car- ries for less than rent. OAC. Mini- mum income required per house- hold is $40,000. Please call Aure- lia Cosma, Remax Spirit Inc. 1- 888-732-1600 or (905)728-1600, 24 hr. pager. BROCK/ROSSLAND, 3 bedroom townhome, over 1600 sq. ft. Large eat-in kitchen, walkout balcony, gas fireplace, $1400/mo. Aug. 1st. (905)725-0715 BROOKLIN area, 3+bedroom, 2+car garage, workshop, private 4.5 acres, creek, $1700+. avail Aug.1. References. (905)986- 5825 OSHAWA 3-bdrm detached O/C area, w/appliances, gas heat & a/c, large lot, no pets, first/last, ref- erences. $1200+utilities. Avail im- mediately. (905)263-8154 OSHAWA HOUSE beautiful de- tached 3-bdrm bungalow, main floor, newly renovated, suits quiet adult couple. No smoking/pets. $1150-inclusive. first/last/referenc- es. Aug. 1 905-721-9789, 905- 922-4751 OSHAWA,3-bedroom renovate house, desirable N/E location, King/Harmony. $1200/mo inclu- sive, shared laundry, separate entrance, parking, front porch. No smoking/pets. First/last, referenc- es. Available July 15/August 1st. (905)721-8771 TAUNTON/SIMCOE,3-bedroom, 2 level condo, 4 appliances, 2 washrooms, $1000+ hydro. August 1st. Ebony Realty (416)293-6279 UXBRIDGE NORTH, modern bun- galow, on secluded 50 acre tree far m, 3 bedroom, garage, wood stove, Aug.1, no pets, $1500 plus. 1-800-420-7385. WHITBY 713 Dunlop St. West. 3-bdrm bungalow, sunroom, fire- places, 2 bathrooms, appliances, renovated. A/C finished basement carport Aug/Sept 1st. $1350+util- ities, first/last/references. (905)434-6051. 3-BDRMS,North Oshawa, very clean, bright, water incl. Security, no smoking/pets, 4 appliances, first/last, August 1st. $1075/mo+ heat & hydro. (905)431-0202 KAHN AUCTION CENTRE 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering (3 miles north of Hwy. 401 exit 399) Come to the "BIG ORANGE BARN For BIG BARN SAVINGS" Special Thursday Night Sale July 14th Preview 5 p.m. - Starts 6:30 p.m. Sharp! Estate Clear-Out Huge Assortment of New Items Antiques - Furniture Many Treasures Great Products At Great Prices Save $$$ Terms Visa, M/C, Amex, Debit, Cash No registration fee - 10% Buyers Premium Auctioneer Victor Brewda Member of O.A.A. Call 905-683-0041 or 1-800-567-6165 Fax 905-607-1131 Come and see why... "We Are Durham's Best Kept Secret!!" AUCTION SALE FOR ALLEN & GERI BURROWS SUNDAY, JULY 17TH ~ 1:00 PM PROPERTY SOLD 33 SHERBOURNE STREET, PORT HOPE 48" round oak claw foot table, 4 pressback chairs, 2 matching pressback arm chairs, blue washed pine corner cupboard, two glazed upper doors, over 2 doors, refin- ished oak ice chest, Quebec pine armoire, spiral hinges, collection of Apothecary jars, old blue medicine bottles, vintage 3 piece Wedgwood set, collection of pink depres- sion glass, 14 assorted pink depression candlesticks, clear depression ice contain- er, old kitchen ware, egg beater, ice cream scoop, potato masher etc., collection of Scott prints/Canada, Canadian history books, Time Life photography, Ashahi Pen- tax Spotmatic 55 mm. lens telephoto/case and tripod, signed Freeman Patterson "Shadow Light", Bodah crystal pieces, oak mirror hat rack, collection of old tins, small oak drop front writing desk, collection of old medicine advtg. pieces, 2 black memorabil- ia post cards, watermelon collection, Apoth- ecary closed scale, mortar & pestle bowls, antique brass fire guard, Dickens Rd. plate, wall plate rack, two Raleigh bikes, old La- bour Union certificates, modern bedroom suite/new double mattress, oak dresser, oak chiffonier, 4 Lyre back side chair/peti- point seats, glazed corner bookcase, small desk, 2 French Army bayonets 1987, Union Jack, 48 Stars Flag, cherry drop leaf table, setting for 12, ladies side chair, Arrow back chair, Duhri carpet, 2 oak crank telephones w/teardrop ear piece and Bakelite mouth- piece, plus many other items. Coffee bar by the Humane Society 10% Buyers Premium CASH - VISA - MC - INTERACT NO RESERVE LES BRITTAN AUCTIONEER, C.C.A.I. PORT HOPE 905-885-5650 MON. JULY 18TH AT 10 A.M. (NOTE TIME)Antique Auction at McLEAN AUCTIONS - 2194 Little Britain Rd. Lindsay complete estate of STAN STILL- MAN Lindsay and property of JANE DENOVAN Cannington (moving), round oak table with split base & claw feet, 6 uphol- stered arm chairs, oak curved glass china cab- inet, 3 antique parlour chairs, side chair, hall table, tilt top antique lamp table, antique lamp fixture, 8 place set Homer Laughlin dinner- ware, bed chesterfield, marble top lamp ta- bles, 8 place set Noritake dinnerware (Tosca) framed mirrors, pictures, 2 oil lamps, corner whatnaught, quantity silverware items, tins, Trish Romance Ltd. Edition prints, Christmas Story, Christmas morning, antique dresser, chest nite table, 2 single beds, lamps, air con- ditioner, framed prints, large Murphy Mac- Donald print, dirt devil vacuum, 5"TV, quan- tity mini cars, 8 pc. Dining suite with round table, walnut D.F. secretaire, Johnson's Wax floor polisher, (antique) steeple clock, antique poster bed, dresser, dressing table and chair, quilt box, antique chest & chiffrobe, old floor lamp, walnut tea wagon, cane seat rocker, treadle sewing machine, wicker baby car- riage, gingerbread clock, 2 fireside chairs, gate leg table & chairs, sofa & chair (carved) Victorian side chair, 12 place set Bridal Rose dinnerware, antique glass, china & collect- ibles, 14' antique cedar strip canoe. DON'T MISS THIS INTERESTING SALE NOTE TIME 10 A.M. INFO. CALL Orval or Barry 705-324-2783 or www.mcleanauctions.com BRUCE KELLETT AUCTIONS Selling the Property of Margaret and the late Benny Witteveen at 3760 McKee Rd., Blackstock Directions --> Hwy. 401 to Hwy. 57, Go North 13 Miles to McKee Rd. Go East about 1/2 mile or 7A East to Hwy. 57, South to McKee Rd., East about 1/2 Mile Saturday, July 16, '05, 10:30 a.m. 1993 GMC Truck 1500, 112 km (Safety & E-Tested), David Brown Tractor (1200), Grain-O-Vator Wagon, Winnebago (as is),Yard Pro 16HP Riding Mower, Air Compressor (10 Gal.), Mastercraft Rotor Tiller, 3'x4' Garden Trailer, 8'x5' Utility Trailer, Extension Ladders, McKee Snowblower, 5' Bush Hog Mower, Cement Mixer (Elc.), J.D. 3 pth Mower, Railway Lanterns, Butter Box, Platform Scale & Much, Much More! AUCTIONEERS: BRUCE KELLETT & BRIAN VAN CAMP (705)328-2185 or 1-800-398-7652 www.theauctionfever.com ESTATE AUCTION Stapleton Auctions, Newtonville Friday July 15th 5:00 p.m. Selling the attractive estate of Sara Howell, Co- bourg; 7pc. Delicraft Diningroom Suite w/China Cabinet and Server; Attractive 5pc. Walnut bed- room suite w/4 poster Queen bed; 3 pc Burgundy Print Sofa Suite; Two pc. Chesterfield Suite; set 3 Delicraft Glass Top Coffee/End tables; Dresser & Matching Chest; 7pc. Maple Dinette Suite; Occa- sional Chairs; Occasional Tables; China; Glass; Collectibles; Lamps; Prints, Almond Fridge, 2 Al- mond Stoves;Washer & Dryer. Preview after 2:00 p.m. Te r ms Cash, Appr. cheques, visa, m/c, interac AUCTIONEERS FRANK & STEVE STAPLETON, NEWTONVILLE 905-786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com "estate specialists since 1971' CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, July 15th at 4:30pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4 Walnut china cabinet (glass 3 sides), Victorian settee, chan- delier, oak sideboard, upright oak display case, daybed, area rugs, 2 brass lamp posts, 3pc ent. unit, matching ches- terfield & love seat, 3pc bedroom set, metal bunk beds, 4 bar stools, occ chairs, wooden kitchen table & 4 chairs & matching corner cabinet, 8 place setting Noritake dishes, 5pc oak bedroom set, Western saddles, 4x8 pool table, Maytag gas stove, Kenmore stacking washer & dryer, 15 cu.ft. freezer, the following tools in excellent condition Delta bench top drill press, Makita 16" scroll saw, Port Cable rout- er, Porter Cable 2HP air compressor, Mastercraft 4" belt/disc sander, Mastercraft mini wood lathe, Dewalt 12" mi- tre saw, Craftsman 10" contractor table saw, Delta 12" port- able planer, Delta router shaper, Craftsman 10" radial arm saw, bench grinder, shop vac, dovetail jig, qty. of power hand tools, Dynamark 12HP riding mower, 16' fiberglass ca- noe, Johnson 2HP outboard motor, 16' Starcraft alum boat with 115 Johnson outboard & trailer, Qty. china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Corneil Auctioneers 1241 Salem Rd., R.R. #1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 for more info or pictures www.corneil.theauctionadvertiser.com AUCTION SALE Antiques, Collectibles & Quality Furniture Sunday July 17th, 9:00 AM (Viewing 8:00) MacGregor Auctions, Located in ORONO. Take 115 Hwy. to Main St. Orono & follow signs. Auction features articles from local estate & Whitby home. Couch, chair, & loveseat, harvest table (newer, 2 board), oak table & chairs, parlour tables, TV's, stereos, china cabinet, bedroom sets, dressers, parlour chairs, press- backs, rockers, oil lamp collection, crocks & jugs, quality glass & china, country collectables, fridge & stove, books, pictures, old paper, toys, advertising, old tools etc. Note: complete contents from older home, many treasures still to be uncovered. Ter ms Cash,Visa, M/C, Interac. Call For All Your Auction Needs See: (www.theauctionadvertiser.com) MacGregor Auctions 905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 SHORT NOTICE AUCTION.Monday July 18,at 5pm. MITCHELL'S AUCTION BUILDING Omemee. 115 Hwy to Millbrook exit go north on Peterboro Cty. Rd. 10 or 3k east of Omemee on #7, 5k north on Emily Park Rd.Very Large Qty.of Furniture:Antique:china cabinet, wicker bassinet, wick fern stand, Willis piano, steamer trunk circa 1930, dbl. brass bed, floor lamp, rocker and parlor table. Lg antique display cabinet w/14 snowbirds and a weasel, Fire- stone Pilot balloon tired bike, Modern:china, glass, bronze cupid statue, Gail Adams Ltd. Ed. wild life prints 20"x27", 2-9 pc dining suites, 8 pc rattan dining suite, rattan sofa, chair, coffee/end tables all good cond., antique dining ta- bles w/leaves, sofa suites, sofa bed, coffee/end tables- some w/marble tops, recliners, qty. bedroom furnishings, quality single matress set, queen wrought iron bed, Zenith floor model TV, Weslo Cadence 927 folding treadmill, Koni- ca 1290 RE copier, Canon copier fax, chair lift unit for a Va n, Kenmore refrig. white-5 yrs., ranges, other appliances, chest freezers, 9-5gal. pails deck/rail urethane, 1983 Suzu- ki 650 shaft drive motorcycle-good.Par tial listing. ID req'd. Cash or cheque only! Note day and time. DOUG MITCHELL AUCTIONS RR4 OMEMEE (705)799-6769 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat. July 16, 10 am Access Storage 85 Westney Rd. S. Ajax 905-686-5588 Mon July 25, 10 am Safe & Sound Self Storage 1700 Alliance Road Pickering 905-831-5555 Auction Sale, Haydon Auction Barn From 401 ext 431 @ Bowmanville, N 8 mi on Hwy 57 to Con.Rd 8, Turn E at the fire hall to Haydon Sat July 16 @ 4 pm and Sun July 17 @ 10:30 am Two Day Auction:Antiques from a home in Corbyville Gulbransen Electric Concert Organ & Bench, Thomas Electric Concert Organ & Bench, Queen Craftmatic Bed, Butternut Table/Chairs, Leather Sofa, Sofa Bed, Teakwood Tea Cart, Needlept. Chairs, Break Front China Cabinet, Cedar Chest, Dining Suite, Cedar Lawn- Furn., Large qty. of Dolls – Old Bisque, Lladro, Royal Doul- ton, Copenhagen, Coalport, Franklin Mint, Teddy Bears, Beanie Babies, Ventriloquist Dolls, Shelly cup & saucers, Crystal, Jewelry, Lamps Info @ www.theauctionfever.com Term s: Cash, Interac,Visa, M/C (4% Buyer’s Premium on Credit Card Payments) Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20th: 4:45 pm NO SALE Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd. will be closed for holidays. Sales resume Wednesday, July 27th: 4:45 pm. NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. LARGE 3 BED.townhouse with garage, $1100+ hydro. Available Aug. 1st. Northeast Oshawa. (905)665-8709 401/MARKHAM RD.Spacious 3 bedroom townhomes, fenced in backyard, private garage & drive- way,carpeted, familyroom, appli- ance and ceramic floors. Also available 2 bedroom apartment(s). www.realstar.ca 416-292-0118 NORTH OSHAWA 3 BR town- house, very clean, close to shop- ping, buses, etc. Avail Aug. 1/05. $1,050 plus util. Subject to credit check, first and last months rent required. Call John 905-432-5321 AJAX SOUTH, 3-bdrm townhouse in lovely mature residential neigh- bourhood. 2-baths, 5-appl, ceramic tile, renovated kitchen, new carpet, finished bsmt, garage. Near amenities, school, park, GO/401, walk to lake. $1245+utilities. Avail Sept 1. Call (905)447-6509 OSHAWA SOUTH 3 bedroom townhouses, close to schools, shopping. $975/month plus util- ities. First/last. 905-579-9956 or Toll-free 1-866-922-6422. NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, July 13, 2005, PAGE 11 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com Several Durham performers included in concert series DURHAM — With summer settled in for a long run, Durham storytellers are ready to spin some tales. Dianne Chandler’s Candlelight and Magic summer series continues this year with two concerts planned at the Piano Cafe. The fourth season of Stories for a Summer’s Night begins July 14 with East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Port Perry musicians Lauren Maly- on, Rory Taillon and Matt Bailey will entertain while storytellers Enid De Coe, of Courtice, Heather Whaley, of Whitby, and poet Lucy Brennan, of Whitby, will tell tales. Chandler, of Port Perry, will host the evening. “Children have always instinctively recognized the power of hearing a story told, not read, to them,” she said in explaining her creation of the series. “But I was hoping to share this ex- perience with more adults, too, and so far, the endeavour has been pretty successful”, she said. Telling stories for an adult audi- ence is a return to the ancient roots of folklore, whereby storytellers passed on the history and mythology of the tribe by memory. “Most of the stories we are telling have less weighty subjects than those of mythology but, while designed to delight and entertain, still deal with human emotions and experiences.” She said audiences come from as far away as Peterborough, Toronto and Cobourg. Even people on holiday from Hol- land and England have attended, she added. Chandler noted the storytelling concerts, also held at Halloween and Christmas, depend on Durham musi- cians and storytellers. The second summer concert, Oh Canada: History/Herstory, will be held Aug. 13. The concerts begin at 8 p.m., with dinner served between 7 and 8 p.m. at the cafe, 217 Queen St. The cost for dinner and concert is $35 per person and includes main course, dessert and a beverage. Res- ervations are recommended, Chan- dler said. For more information, call 905-982-0707. A/P PA GE 12 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT durhamregion.com Delightful tales weave magic in summer Heather Whaley performs as part of summer concerts. INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD -safe home envionment -programming - personal attention -receipts - full or part-time -caregivers screened, trained, receive on going support, regular inspections -Licenced by MCFCS DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 905-509-1207 WANTED: TITLEST DRIVER, right-handed, 10.5 degree or less, regular to flexible graphite shaft. Call (905)431-9727 CREDIT CONCERNS LET US HELP YOU www.menzieschrysler.com or call 905-409-7878 A & C ROOFING & WINDOWS •Shingles of all types, flats of any size •Soffit* Fascia * Eavestrough* Skylights •Financing Available o.a.c. •Written warranties guaranteed •W.S.I.B. * Fully Insured (905) 509-8980 or (905) 428-8704 RDC Windows, Doors & Roofing "Your Renovation Specialists" We also do: * Skylights * Flat roof, repairs, new installs * Soffit, fascia, eaves troughs * Vinyl and aluminium siding *Fully Licensed & Insured* Call today to book your free estimate & don't forget to ask about our referral rewards program (905)686-9494 TIMBER TREE SERVICE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal Fully Insured. Free estimates. Call Shawn. 905-619-1704 Interest Free Payments Available ORANGE PARADE SATURDAY, JULY 16 12:30 P.M. Starting from the fair grounds in Orono Port Perry Loyal Orange Lodge #3272 will be there led by Branch 43 Pipe and Drum Band. God save the Queen No surrender Jamil Elawar "You Will Never Be Forgotten" Two years have gone and we still can't believe it. There are no words in the world to express how much we miss you. I miss a loving husband and friend, we miss our father. Each and every day that passes we still expect to see you again. We miss your love, your jokes, your advice, your laughter. Every second of every day, our hearts and thoughts are of you. We're all trying so hard to carry on strong, just like you taught us. Thank you for the honourable name you left us with. You will always be with us. Love Forever - Your wife Children & Grandchildren "May You Rest In Peace" BARNES, Kenneth C.H.(Veteran of WWII R.A.F.) Suddenly after a lengthy illness on Saturday July 9, 2005. Ken in his 82nd year. Beloved husband of Penny Cox. Loving father of Roger and his wife Debbie, Robin and his wife Lynda and Bonnie. Dear granddad of Matthew, Gillian, Hilary, Courtney Dev- on and Taylor. Brother of Eileen, Jean, Ella, Beryl, and predeceased by Winnie, Maisie and Dorie all of England. Lovingly remembered by his nieces and nephews. Ken emigrated to Canada in 1957, and was the Co-founder of the Christopher Robin Home for Children and served as its administrator for 23 years. He was the former owner and operator of the Open Gate Nursing Home. He was a member of the Doric Masonic Lodge #424 A.F & A.M. G.R.C. and a member of the Shrine Club. The family will receive friends at the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (35 Church Street North, Ajax) from 12:00 noon Thursday July 14, 2005 till time of Memorial Service at 1:30 p.m. Should family and friends so desire, do- nations to the Star Fresh Air Fund or the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated. Arrange- ments entrusted to the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, (905)428-8488 HIDDINK, Isabel - After a brave battle with cancer, passed away at the Rouge Valley Health System, Ajax, on July 11, 2005, with her beloved husband of 52 years at her side. Isabel at the age of 75. Loving wife of Joseph. Cherished Mom of Joe (Kim Coad) of Lindsay, Peter of Little Britain, Janey (Lloyd Jar- vis) of Bowmanville, and Maria (Andrew Muirhead) of Oshawa. Beloved Oma to her grandchildren. She will be forever missed by her family in Canada and in Holland. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 from 7 to 9 pm Thursday. Funeral Mass to be held at St. Ber- nadettes Catholic Church, SE Corner of Harwood Ave.and Bayly St., Ajax on Friday July 15, 2005 at 11 am. Cremation to follow. A reception to be held at the Church Hall. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the MS Society. HORNE, Viola - Peacefully on Monday, July 11th, 2005 at Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. Viola (nee Boicey) wife of the late Robert (1969) of Ajax. Loved mother of Gordon (Marj), Doug (Bev), Pat Bajdik (Joe), Tom (Louise), Jack (Irene) and Sandra Ibbitson (Milt). Grandmother of 19 and Grandma Great to 27. After her retirement at age 65 from Goodwill Services, she moved to Oshawa, took up lawn bowling and travelled extensively. Vi was a long tie volunteer for St. Vincent De Paul at St. Mary Of The People Church until the age of 90. She was an avid bingo enthusiast and in recent years often lucky at the "Bird Sanctuary" in Port Perry. At Vi's request a private family funeral will be held. Memori- al Donations in Vi's name may be made to a charity of your choice. Funeral Arrangement entrusted to OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel" 847 King St. West (905-721-1234). A Celebration of Life will be held at St. Mary of the People Parish Hall, (570 Marion Avenue at Stevenson Road, Oshawa) on Saturday, July 16th, 2005 from 2:00 to 4:00p.m. SHEEHAN, Kathleen Mary (nee Folley). Served in the British Women's Army Corps in WWII. Passed away peacefully on July 9, 2005 at Rouge Valley Health Centre, Ajax in her 85th year. Loving wife of the late Patrick Francis Sheehan. Cherished mother of David (Beverley), Kevin (Sandra), Paul (April), Diane Mantello (Michael), and Lisa Sheehan-Smith (Robert). Devoted grandmother of Jason, Mary, Daniel, Mariah, Addison and Sherridon. Great grandmother of Morgan. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905- 428-8488 from 2-4 and 7-9 on Friday. A funeral ser- vice will be held in the chapel on Saturday July 16, 2005 at 11am. Cremation. Should family and friends so desire, donations to a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated. CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. WANTED RENTERS WHO WANT TO STOP RENTING. 3-bedroom semi, 4 appliances, sun room with gas fireplace. $134,900. No mon- ey down! (OAC), Cash back on closing! (OAC). Don Anderson, MinCom Durham Realty (905)404- 8200 WAVERLY-ROSSLAND, 3&4 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, Available immediately, family-oriented complex, $1050-$1250+utilities. 4-appliances, hardwood-flooring, backs onto ravine. Near schools/parks/transit/shopping, golf courses, N/W Oshawa. 1-905- 743-9665. WAVERLY-ROSSLAND.3&4 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, available immediately. Family-oriented com- plex. $1050-$1250+utilities. 4-appliances, hardwood-flooring, backs onto ravine. Near schools/parks/transit/shopping/golf courses. N/W Oshawa. 1-905-743- 9665. AJAX -John Body. Sought after area. Close to all amenities. Large room, own bath, quiet area. Non- smoker. $500/mo. Avail. Sept. 1. 416-451-2520. AJAX,furnished/unfurnished room, close to GO & shopping. Share kitchen, bathroom, phone. $425/mo inclusive. Avail. immedi- ately. No smoking/pets. Call (905)619-2896 AT PICKERING,Liverpool/Bayly, Walk to Go, clean fully furnished room, laundry, student/prof, non- smoker/pets, $500-incl. first/last. Available immediately. 416-573- 4445, 905-421-0225 ATTENTION STUDENTS all inclu- sive 1-km from college private en- trance & with shared facilities. No bus route. References from $535- $600/mo. Avail Sept 1. 8-month lease (905)725-5624 PICKERING WHITES ROAD/401 furnished bachelor/bedsit, private bathroom, underground parking, no smoking, suits contract person or commuter $135/week. Available immediately. 905-831-9248 PICKERING - ALTONNA/KING- STON RD.- bedroom available in large well kept home in upper class neighbourhood. Suitable for working female, full cable, internet, air, laundry, parking, near to Pick- ering transit and TTC available. immediately. $350 lst/last, (905) 509-2317 AJAX HOME,Shared accommo- dation, very clean/ quiet, furnished, laundry, bathroom, TV/inter- net/Cable, parking, $485/inclusive, no lease, first/last. No smok- ing/pets. Mature male preferred (905)409-9495. AT BLOOR & SIMCOE, Oshawa. Share furnished apt with 2 males. Near all amenities, cable included. Available immediately, 1st/last, $450/mo inclusive. Viewing (905)433-4088. OSHAWA Simcoe/Rossland, near Hospital, cool, clean, large fur- nished rooms, share kitchen & bath, air-con., suit quiet working gentleman. Near bus, $350/mo & up. 905-728-4845 BANCROFT area. 3-bdrm, level waterfront with safe sandy beach. BBQ, paddleboat included. Weeks still available. $800/week. Call Ar- lene (905)428-6829 COTTAGES FOR RENT, $800/wk. Private lakefront, 2-bedrooms, good fishing. Call Dorothy (705)657-8045 or email: dorothy@curvelakefn.com 1988 GOLDEN FALCON, 27" fifth wheel, great condition, sleeps 6, located at beautiful Glenn Alan Park in Marmora on Crowe Lake. Includes large deck and storage shed. $7,500 OBO. Can be moved. Call 905-885-6863 40 FT. BRECKENRIDGE trailer, 1993, on waterfront, in family park Picton. Florida-room, deck, dock, shed, priced to sell $18,000. or best offer. 2005 park fees includ- ed. (905)725-6121 FALCON, 35FT TRAILER,white, unplated, sleeps 9, awning, fur- nace, stove/fridge. Located at Shelter Valley Park, Grafton ON. $6,000 negotiable. (905)895-6685 or email: zouzoo@rogers.com for pictures. GLENELLE TRAILER,1980 24', sleeps 6, washroom w/shower. Air conditioning, fridge, stove, good condition, does not leak. $3,000 o.b.o.(905)571-6750 RENT A Hard Top Tent Trailer four models, from $350 per week Brooklin 905-242-8688 WATERFRONT Tr ailer, East Lake. 40' x 10' with 16' x 8' Sun-room in well run park. 1 3/4 hours east of Toronto. Asking $23,000. Phone 905-824-4133. 12' ALUMINUM BOAT, brand new trailer, 7.7 Merc., ready to go. Great shape, wont last long at $1800. (905)665-8105, 905-409- 9436 16 FT. SPRINGBOK Deep V with triler, two Merc outboards, new in- terior, camper top electric, down riggers, sonar vhf monitrol and ex- tras. (905) 728-1388 LESS THAN A COTTAGE, 1986, 23' Thundercraft Cuddy, on lake Scugog. Great weekend boat. Great shape, $7000. (705)786-0291 WITNESS NEEDED for auto ac- cident that occurred at Westney/Harwood intersection Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 4pm. Please contact Kim (905)428-9557 or (416)909-5466 FOUND SIAMESE mix cat. Dark brown face, light brown body, dark brown tail. Friday morning on Aster Cres in Brooklin. Please contact (905)655-3811 or Animal Control 905-427-8737 LOST: COCKATIEL- pied (grey/white/yellow) escaped 6/29/05, Baggins St. Pickering (Brock/Dellbrook). Anxious. Re- ward. Call (905)427-7211 Loving couple seeking a Caucasian egg donor to help us realize our dream of becoming parents. Contact us at: email address babydreamhelp@yahoo.ca SINCERE SINGLES successful matchmaker for long-term relation- ships since 1992. Toll Free 1-866- 719-9116. www.sinceresingles.ca. 1/2 price special, now on! WANTED:Grounds keeper, pool man, secretary, house keeper, dog walker. Maybe I'm dreaming...but Mr. Right are you out there? You need to be fun loving, organized and self sufficient. Must love most sports, ( I golf, curl, and play hock- ey, ride my bike), like to travel and have a good sense of humour. Non smoking, social drinker, fun to be around and between 40-50. I'm a female looking for the right single man. Serious inquiries only at recrea8@canada.com LIVE-IN CAREGIVER req'd for young children in Ajax. Call for de- tails (647)295-5251 LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. WANTED - Experienced Nanny "Live In". Prefer Filipino to care for 3 boys, cook, cleaning, laundry. Ajax Pickering. Call Jean 905-683- 1755 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, fenced yard, nutritious meals, crafts, walks to the Park, TLC, all ages welcome. Call (905)837-9103 CAREGIVER LIVE IN.Ajax. Housekeeping, care for 3 children, degree, assist with lessons, gro- cery, license, rate $8/hr. Starting September. Easton (416)271- 7721 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE in your home or mine. Flexible days & hours. Five years experience. First Aid/CPR. Rate negotiable. 905-619-3343. PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. 2 ANTIQUE "Birds Eye Maple" sin- gle beds w/boxspring & mattresses $400 each/$750 pair; 1000-sq ft new premium ash hardwood floor- ing $7-sq ft. Call evenings (905)665-4763 cnp 40 LB. PACKAGES roasts, steaks, hamburg. Sides $1.89/lb., cut and wrapped. Fronts $1.39/lb. 905-986-4932 or 705-432-3031. 9PC. DINING ROOM suite, $1300 o.b.o.Tw o 9x12 carpets $1100 each o.b.o. Antique settees, $850- $1200 o.b.o. (905)668-9030 9PCE DININGROOM, like new light oak, buffet, hutch, double pedestal table, 4 sides, 2 arms, Also, 8pc. bedroom, light oak, queen bed Call 905-721-7202. A DININGROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. A1 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. FTA-Pantec Ultra $175. FTA- Cooltec 4000 Pro $330. (905)999- 0362 AA SATELLITES,Free-To-Air! ON-SCREEN GUIDE for DISH- NET. Receiver+serial cable only $199. NO MONTHLY BILLS. Choose us for FREE after sales support . Stop by our store for a demo. The 1st; the best! We have the customer feedback to prove it. U-Neek Electronics, 226 Bloor Street E. (905) 435-0202 ABOVE GROUND POOL,round 18ft x 4ft deep, all pool equipment & supplies. $700 o.b.o. Take it away.Call (905)427-7829 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES AT HANK'S APPLIANCES Refrigera- tors, $99/up. Washers, dryers $125/up. Stoves, $149/up, Air- Conditioners. BBQ parts, Visit our showroom. Large selection! Parts. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. AIR CONDITIONERS, 5,000 to 12,000 BTU $55 and up, 14" band saw, mans bike $35; 905-576- 0132. AIR CONDITIONERS,5,000 to 19,000 BTUs. From $50 to $200. Call (905)420-6355. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. ALMOND fridge, stove, range hood, all working order..15 yrs. old, $100 takes all. Call 905-668- 2815. ANTIQUE BUFFET and hutch with table, leaf and 4 chairs. $800. Must be seen to be appreciated. (905)404-4418 ATTENTION MECHANICAL Shop owners, Complete Snap-on/Sun clean air service/inspection sys- tem. Above ground, adjustable trac, must sell need room, Call Service Manager Garth Thomp- son, (905)728-4638. BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SET,cherrywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construction, nev- er opened. Cost $8,000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416)748-3993 BEDROOM SUITE - Gibbard solid cherry wood, Legacy collection King size 4 post head & foot board. Chest of drawers, armour, mirror & 2 bed side tables. Excel- lent condition. A steal @ $2500.00 Call 905-243-7979 BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. BRAND NEW 2- TON "H" Frame Press and Bottle Jack, plus two Bed Plates. New $1200, asking $900. Call (905)579-7904 CAMEL BACK SOFA, off white background with blue, rose & peach design like new $100. Call 905-436-2164. CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet including pre- mier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Esti- mate. Mike 905-431-4040 CEDAR TREES for sale, starting from $3.50 each. Planting avail- able. Free delivery. Call Bob 705- 341-3881 CHERRY DINING ROOM Suite (1980) - Knetchel, buffet/hutch, side table, 6 chairs, 2 leafs for ta- ble,excellent condition. Call 905- 373-4871 COLONIAL QUEEN bed sofa, good condition, dining room suite , 87" long, 6 chairs, table, hutch, 2 leaves, dehumidifier, Kenmore 26, good condition. Chevy Cavalier - white '93, 125,000 k's - apprx. as is, 2 matching rocker chairs with reclining back and foot base, brown. (905) 728-0642. COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services: SUMMER SPECIAL Brand Name Laptops: P3/750 MHz $489.00 NOW ONLY $440.10 (While Quantities Last), P4/ 1.6 Ghz (desktop) ONLY $349.00, P3/1.0 Ghz (dsk sff) $249.00, P2/400 (desktop) $99.00. Add 17" (beige) Monitor w/system purchase for only $50. CD-RW up- grade only $30. w/system pur- chase. Repairs at reasonable rates. Interac, Visa & Mastercard accepted. Layaway Plans. Leasing available OAC on New & Refur- bished Systems. 27 Warren Ave- nue,Oshawa (1 block east of Park/Bond). (905)576-9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com DANBY WINDOW Air conditioners - 5,200 btu to 10,000 btu $149 - $329. New danby apt sized freez- ers $209. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, washers $199/up, new and coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. DINING SET - b&h, sideboard, ta- ble,designer chairs, a+ condition, never been used, moving, asking $7,500, open to offers. 905-432- 2102; 905-576-7277. ELEGANT WALNUT diningroom table, seating for 8, w/8 chairs. $1,500 o.b.o. Call (905)420-0838 EVERYONE'S APPROVED!$0 Down! Instant Approvals up to $2000 for Computers, TV's, Electronics! FREE Camcorder on Orders over $750! Fast Delivery! 1-866-841-7669. www.canadiancreditpartners.com HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS - Best price, best quality. All shapes and colours available. Call 1-866-585- 0056 HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER PORTABLE TRACK RAMPS. One pair. Extend to 6 1/2 feet. $200. Call after 7pm 905-683-3002 HOT TUB/SPA -5 person, asking $3900. Redwood cabinet, acrylic shell, foam insulated. 220v - 40amp., 5hp. 2spd. motor, stain- less steel Balboa heater, LED light, ozonator, warranty included. 905-409-5285. LARGE ROUND 5X5 HAY BALES $35.00; 4X5 round $25.00; International #93 combine $500.00; AC #66 pull combine $350.00. Port Perry 905-985-7720. LOVESEAT,sofa & chair, 2yrs $400. Queen oak bedroom includ- ing box/mattress 5yr $1250. Ultra- mafic adjustable bed $900. Match- ing oak end tables $170. 14cu.ft fridge $200. Stove 3yrs $225. Washer $150. Dryer 2yrs $225. Single bed & frame $150. 76 tall 40 wide black TV armoire $250. Roll away cott $50. (905)260-1123 MOVING - furniture for sale, great deals, great quality. Oak Din- ingroom, livingroom, childs bed- room, Heinzman piano, TV's, & more. Please call (905)430-2458 PIANO Technician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Rentals also available. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427- 7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa. PIANOS - Clearance sale on all Grand Pianos. Also huge selection of upright, digital pianos. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc). Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons? Tr y our rent-to-own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS XBOX MOD CHIPS installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. We buy used/work- ing consoles. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, accessory package in- cluded. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SACRIFICE!Contemporary dining suite. Table, hutch 6 chairs, mint condition. 2 seater sofa. (905)668- 4015 STORE FIXTURES Great for Bargain, Gift, Dollar stores. Will accommodate 3500-sq.ft. store. 28 gondolas, pegboard/hooks/label holders, 2 cash registers, many extras. Mint condition. Original cost $30,000, asking $10,000. Jim (905)448-9144 jimsarracini1@sympatico.ca TARPS - Woven Poly Tarps, all sizes from 8'x10' to 30'x50'. Priced $7. - $90. (tax incl.) Call Bowman- ville 905-623-5258. WICKER FURNITURE,honey with rose & green cushions: sofa, love seat, rocker, large chair, fern stand & 2 coffee tables, mint condition $1000 o.b.o. (905)668-7122 WANTED:formal diningroom set, solid wood kitchen table & chairs, bedroom sets & beds, livingroom furniture, newer major appliances, fridges, stoves, washers & dryers. Will pick up & pay cash. (905)260- 1123 CHOCOLATE LAB PUPS,first shots, dewormed. CKC Regis- tered. Call (905)344-7093. GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups, all vet checked with shots, farm raised and ready to go, parents on site. Please call 905-352-2753 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES,2 fe- males, 1 male. Tails docked, dew claws removed, first shots. 8 weeks old. Ready to go for $350.00 (705) 878-3713. JACK RUSSELL puppies, 7 weeks old, first shots, ready to go. (905)986-5217 or (905)424-9411 PURE BRED Golden Retriever puppies, ready to go $400. Call (905)571-0444 SHIH-POO puppies, all male, vet checked and first shots, ready to go July 22, 2005. Asking $400, Tw o female Lhasa-Apo's ages 8 and 4. Must Go to older home and back yard a must. Also Blue and Gold Macaw.(905)433-0708 WOULD YOU ENJOY your DOG more if he were better trained? TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905-797-2855 1966 CHEVROLET Caprice-Aztec bronze, 2-dr. hardtop, leatherette buckets, chrome gauge package, 350ci rebuilt in car with less that 500 miles & matching #283 rebuilt on stand. Appraisal available. New brakes/drums/dual exhaust/ster- eo/speakers. Pristine condition. Asking $19,500 certified obo. Fred 905-434-6954. 1987 CHEV CAPRICE Classic, V8, 144,800 kms, 1 owner, air, power door/windows, good condi- tion, asking $2,000 as is. call (905)725-3178 1991 GRAND AM,4 dr., good condition, lady driven, certified and etested. 141.3 kms. Asking $1690.00. Call (905)697-9590 1992 ACURA,29,000 km. 2dr. au- to, excellent condition, sunroof, CD, asking $1850. (905)728-7556 1992 VW Golf red 5 speed 4 door, new tires hwy km looks and runs great $2000 obo 905-436-8093 1993 MAZDA PRECIDIA, 186,000 km, auto, V6, sunroof, am/fm cas- sette, excellent condition, $3200. 905-434-0392. 1995 CAVALIER,4-dr, auto, 4-cyl, air, am/fm cassette, alarm, 200k, sharp, $2,950. 1995 ASTRO van loaded, $3,200. Both certified/e- tested. (905)404-8728 1996 FORD TAURUS station- wagon, low mileage, excellent condition, $4500 certified. 905- 985-2317. 1997 MALIBU,auto, air, 4dr., champagne colour, new tires, 92,000kms, 1 owner. $5900 certi- fied, $5500 as is. (905)448-8777 1997 NEON very low km (54-k) 1- owner, automatic, cold air, spot- less, $5495-obo, must sell. Please leave message (905)404-8669 1998 BUICK CENTURY Custom, fully loaded, 104,000kms, Asking $7,500. Call 416-588-9044. 2000 SATURN SL1,certified (new tires, front brakes, struts), 97,600kms, auto, 4-cyl, p/l, a/c, am/fm/cd, maint. by dealership. Excellent condition. $6,900 o.b.o. (905)404-8999 2002 ACURA RSX 63,000km, taupe, auto, a/c, p/w, p/d, keyless entry, new brakes, very clean just like new $17,900. 905-427-9322. 2002 CHRYSLER CONCORD LX1,3.5, 6-cyl, 4-dr, black w/grey, auto, loaded, 88,785kms, $16,995. Mint condition, certi- fied/e-tested. Call (905)426-6954 2002 NISSAN ALTIMA 3.5 SE. 5-spd stick, loaded, leather. Black w/black. Summer tires on after- market rims, snows on Nissan Al- loys. 182,000km, well-maintained, spotless. (416)543-6553 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE, 110,000 km., very clean, certified, E-tested, loaded, a/c, keyless, all power, bronze/gray, $10,900. (905)430-3225 2002 SATURN SL1,silver-blue, 4dr, 5-spd. manual, air, CD, 64,000km, mostly hwy., $10,000. obo. (905)623-0462 BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 MUST SELL - PRIVATE, NO GST! 1995 Dodge Stealth R/T, 3.0 L, V6, DOHC, auto, full power, spoiler, cruise, mint, rusn great, 200K, alarm/keyless entry, am/fm/tape/12CD changer, K&N air filter system, pearl white/black leather int., e-tested, cert. $8000. obo. H 905-655-9265; Cell 845- 270-5821, Email: protection3@hotmail.com Need a Car? Problem with credit? Previous Bankruptcy? We can help! Call our credit specialist Julie Maitman at Ajax Nissan 905-686-0555 ext 224 1-800-565-6365 or e-mail sales@ajaxnissan.com TAKE OVER LEASES,2005 Buick Century, $332.88/mo. 18,200kms, dark grey/grey. ALSO 2003 Jimmy SLS, 2-dr, $445.93/mo. 39,000kms. Dark green/grey. Both includes taxes. Call (905)434-8390 UsedCarsOntario.com - visit us on-line to view our large selection of vehicles. Buy or sell anything automotive. NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYA NEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-405-7161 1-866-826-7681 CALL BRIDGET BANKRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED CELL: $ $ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) 905- 424-3508. $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $ AARON & LEO Scrap Cars $ Cash paid for your scrap vehicles. Please call 7 days/week anytime 905-426-0357 ABC-A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. 1A - ALL SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Pickering/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES 1980 GMC 3/4 TON HEAVY DUTY HALF TON. 350, new carb, new rod, new headers still need to be put on. Needs muffler pipe. $1,000.00 firm. Call Theresa 905- 986-5926. 1989 CHEV 2500, extended cab, 350 auto, p/w, air, good running condition, well-maintained. $4,500 as is. (905)725-8286 2000 DODGE RAM, 1500 Sport 4X4, 5.9L, leather interior, am/fm CD cass., power-heated-seats, power-heated mirrors, 125,000km, asking $16,900. 905-665-5822. 2004 DODGE DAKOTA Ext. Cab. Ta ke over lease. Get into a new truck for only $2500. down & $318/month. Less than 2 yrs. left on lease. Approx. $14,000. buy back low fin. rates. Only 17,000 km. on truck, 55,000 left on lease. Excellent on gas. 705-328-0402 after 6 p.m. 1989 FORD cube van, 16-ft box, great running condition, well main- tained. E-tested. Asking $3,000. Call (905)431-8135 1992 CHEV C2500 series, ext. cab, $3999. 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4, $3999. 1993 Jimmy 4x4 $2999. 1994 Chev G20 Van, $3699. 1995 Astro 7 seater, $3490. Others from $1699. Certi- fied & e-tested (Kelly & Sons since 1976) (905)683-7301 905-424- 9002, www.kellyandsonsauto.com 2000 GMC SAFARI Tan, excellent condition, 100000km, air, p/w. Ex- ecutive driven. Tow hitch. $13,000. Call John 905-686-4564 2000 GRAND CARAVAN,lowered floor/ramp, good condition, ideal for wheelchair accessable service, personal/business. Asking $9500. Call (416)358-7909 1979 HONDA 400.25,000 miles. New timing chain, fairing, good tires. $1000 OBO. 905-753-2540 1997 H/D HERITAGE Softail Clas- sic Aqua/White, 22,000 kms, lots of chrome, two sets of saddlebags, show condition, $19,500/O.B.O. - 905-668-3982 FRIENDS & LOVERS Dating Ser- vice, don't wait for love to knock at your door. Call now, free to listen, 905-683-1110 SINGLE HORIZONS comes to Durham! Outdoor/Social/Sports adventures. 2 Months FREE www.singlehorizons.com (905) 471-7843 Asian Girls Best Service Best Price Best Quality Girls 19+, Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more 24hrs, Out Calls only 905-260-1238 416-833-3123 PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Need a Handyman? •Fences & Decks •Roofing •Sheds •Full Basement Renos. (Framed, Drywall, Taping, Insulating $5800 based on 1400 sq.ft. incl. material) (905)728-8973 JCB Contracting Inc. Specializing in all Interior & Exterior Renovation basements ● ceramics bathrooms ● hardwood kitchens ● laminate electrical ● painting plumbing ● crown molding decks ● fencing Serving the Durham region for over 15 years Call John for free estimates (905)428-8868 REAL HANDYMAN Garbage Removal Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Tiling, etc Call Joseph cell - 905-626-6247 pgr- 416-246-4379 WB RENOVATIONS Interior & Exterior ✹Specialties ✹ Full Finish Bsmts Bathrooms Kitchens ●Additions Painting Complete Drywall & Stucco Free Estimates * Licensed 905-767-3086 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior **Fully Insured** Call for free estimate (905) 686-7889 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 $45/hr 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmovinggroup.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 Triumph Moving ELITE MOVING $40/hr., 2-movers+ Tr uck, Excellent Ser- vice, Short notice. Insured. Reliable, Ex- perienced, Punctual. 416-560-2723 Arctic Lawn Landscaping Flagstone porches, patios and walkway's interlocking stone retaining walls garden design Sod repairs. Call (905)409-8543 BIRTHDAY PARTY?Large Jump- ing Castle $150. set up and take down. Call Steve 705-277-2172. LIVERPOOL ARMS PUB 776 Liv- erpool Rd. S. Live Entertainment 9p.m. Friday July 15th, Hidden Agenda. Saturday July 16th, The Newcomers. Monthly sessions a chance for playing and sharing experiences By Jason Chamberlain Special to the News Advertiser DURHAM — Durham Region guitar- ists don’t have to rock alone. The recently formed Pickering-Ajax Guitar Association was created to give local musicians a chance to share their musical talents with fellow guitar en- thusiasts. The group’s formation was born out of a discussion back in January be- tween musicians Jim Brand and Terry Hart. “One of the best kept secrets in Dur- ham Region is that there are a lot of good musicians here,” said Hart. “We wanted to put together a forum for experienced and developing guitarists that would aid in the development of their technique.” The result was the association’s first open-mike event in February, at Bayly Restaurant (325 Westney Rd. S.) in Ajax. Since then the event has taken place on the first Wednesday of every month, and has succeeded in giving guitarists a place to play and advance their skills. The association does not have official members, simply inviting one and all to enjoy a night of playing every month. “It’s a standard format, people usu- ally play three tunes. Most people play a mix of their own stuff and covered stuff. A lot of the people are songwrit- ers, so they play their own material, but others are a little more comfort- able doing covers,” said Hart. Aside from giving musicians a chance to play in front of a like-mind- ed audience, the events also give them a chance to network amongst each other, creating both friendships and musical partnerships. “It’s a great place to make connec- tions,” said Hart. Attendees can also benefit from the experience of fellow guitarists. “There are people around to an- swer questions, and to help with tech- nique,” he said. “There’s quite a learn- ing curve with a lot of things on guitar, like equipment, microphones, and pickups. Many of us are professional musicians and are experienced with that stuff, so we can be a big help to people just starting out.” In addition to the open mike nights, the association has also hosted guitar workshops, the most recent is coming up tomorrow, July 9. The first was held in April and featured a workshop with professional musician T.J. Wheeler, who also performed a concert. “We wanted to assist people in their quest to get better, by bringing in peo- ple experienced in guitar instruction,” said Hart. “We got an excellent re- sponse to the first workshop.” The association is taking the sum- mer off, but will reform in September, once again meeting every month at the Bayly Restaurant. All guitarists are welcome, and there is no membership fee. Hart is aiming to make the group even better this fall. “We hope to solidify the things we’re doing, and get the open mike nights more established. We’ll see how the workshops are going, and hopefully we can do them more regularly.” For more information on the asso- ciation, visit www.terryhart.ca. NEWS ADVERTISER A/P PA GE 13 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 is proud to offer Summe r D an c eSummer Dance E x p l o s io n 2005Explosion 2005 A u g u s t 8to 1 2,1 0:0 0 amto 4 :0 0pmAugust 8 to 12, 10:00am t o 4:00 pm Durham Dance Centre is bringing the very best teachers and choreographers from Canada and the United States... Kim Grecco - Artistic Director & Choreographer Kim Falconi - Accomplished Teacher, Choreographer and Adjudicator Fanny Letourneau - Olympic Medalist Brian Burke -Artistic Co-ordinator for the fabulous Celine Dion show in Las Vegas Greg Filler -Choeographer for Broadway Shows and Cruise Lines, also feature performer in “Tap Dogs” THESE TEACHERS REALLY KNOW HOW TO MOTIVATE AND TRAIN YOUNG DANCERS. Summer Classes: Stretch, Acro, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Ballet, Hip Hop, Jump N’ Turn, Musical Theatre & Pilates. REGISTER FOR FALL DANCE PROGRAM DURING SUMMER CAMP FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL DURHAM DANCE CENTRE AT 905-837-2528 1650 DUNDAS ST. EAST ( 1 Block East of Thickson Rd.) WHITBY • 905-404-1502 Specializing In: • Therapeutic Tubs • Vanities • Marble Tops • Bathroom & Kitchen Faucets & Sinks *Visit our “NEW” Showroom Today! Also Available BBQ & Appliance Parts PLUMBING PARTS HOME CENTRE “We’ve Expanded To Serve You Better” Serving Durham Region Since 1979 SUMMER CAMPS Ajax & Toronto Ages 4-17 years Beginner, House League and Rep Programs www.powersoccer.ca To ll free 1-888-883-6712 Mattress SetsMattress Sets Single from $159 Double from $199 Queen from $259 CASH & CARRY Durham's ONE & ONLYDurham's ONE & ONLY Factory DirectFactory Direct WHY PAY RETAIL?WHY PAY RETAIL? www.factorymattress.com Pillow Tops Futon & Futon Covers Memory Foam Mattresses Upholstered Headboards Special Sizes Available Fabric Remnants Wrought Iron Bed Many styles to choose from (Mattress extra) $268 Wood Futon (Complete with mattress) $449 1650 Bayly St., Pickering HOURS: Mon. - Wed. 10am-6pm Thurs. - Fri. 10am-9pm Saturday 10:30am-6pm Sunday 12pm-4pm Open Sunday from September to end of May HWY #401 1650 BAYLY ST.LIVERPOOL RD.BROCK RD.N E S W (905) 837-0288 1-888-220-2282 www.factorymattress.com rrs TM we’ll give you a reason to smile... ...at the Deegan Denture Clinics Full & Partial Dentures Same Day Relines & Repair Soft Liners Implant Dentures BPS® Dentures Complimentary Consultations Michael C. Deegan D.D. 134 Harwood Ave. S. 905-683-6074 905-683-5110 E-MAIL US tdoyle@durham region.com You, too, can be a guitar hero in Ajax and Pickering Which of These Costly Mistakes Will You Make When You Sell Your Home? DURHAM REGION – A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. Th is industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less eff ec- tive in today’s market. Th e fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of homesellers don’t get what they want for their home and become disillusioned and - worse - fi nancially disadvan- taged when they put their home on the market. As this report uncovers, most homesellers make 7 deadly mis- takes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. Th e good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely pre- ventable. In answer to this issue, in- dustry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled “Th e 9 Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar”. To he ar a brief recorded message about how to order your free copy of this report, call 1-866-279-4623 and enter ID #1000. You can call any- time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call NOW to fi nd out how you can get the most money for your home. Royal LePage Connect Realty Inc. Not intended to solicit properties currently for sale. Merle Robillard/ News Advertiser photo Guitar guru D’Arcy Wickham recently hosted a concert and guitar workshop at the Bayly Restaurant for the Pickering-Ajax Guitar Association. Youth needed for Ajax On Stage! AJAX — The Town is looking for talented teens. This year is the 50th anniversary of Ajax and a series of events are being held to celebrate. One of them is Ajax On Stage!, a celebration of the talents of young people. Ajax On Stage! happens Saturday, Nov. 19 in the community theatre of J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate/Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School. It’s open to teens ages 13 to 19 and the categories are vocal, dance and bands. Auditions will be held in the early fall, says Tracy McMurray, youth co- ordinator for Ajax. “This is an exciting event for Ajax. We know there are many talented young people in our community and this is a great way to celebrate them,” Ms. McMurray says. Entry forms are available at the Ajax and McLean community centres, and at the three Ajax McDonald’s locations. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, Aug. 30. Information is also available on the To wn’s website, www.townofajax.com, or by calling Ms. McMurray at 905-619- 2529, ext. 7232. A/P PA GE 14 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆JULY 13, 2005 When you do everything right, people take notice. Such is the case with the new Buick Allure. It is crafted in our #2 plant in Oshawa Canada, which received the Gold Plant Quality Award for North & South America. The new Allure incorporates all our newest and best thinking with our heritage of award-winning quality. On the outside, there’s a sleekly sculpted body with the utmost attention to detail. While inside awaits a world of refined ergonomics, luxurious new finishes and solitude, thanks to Buick QuietTuning. Needless to say we’ve applied those new refinements to the Rainier SUV and the category- defying Terraza minivan. What’s more, OnStar is available on all four Buick models. There is, however one thing we’ll never change. That’s our ongoing commitment to quality, luxury and comfort. For details, visit gmcanada.com or call 1-800-GM-DRIVE gmcanada.com Introducing the All-New Allure Starting from $25,290* General Motors Corporation – Oshawa #2, Ontario (Car) was the highest ranked plant in North/South America among plants producing vehicles for the U.S. market in J.D. Power and Associates 2005 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on a total of 62,251 U.S. consumer responses indicating owner reported problems during the first 90 days of ownership. www.jdpower.com 2005 Buick Allure CXS Sedan model shown. MSRP $33,355 (excluding freight).*MSRP for 2005 Buick Allure CX sedan model. Freight ($1,050), licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees, duties, and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. See gmcanada.com for details. THEY ACKNOWLEDGED THE ONE THING ABOUT BUICK THAT HASN’T CHANGED. THE QUALITY. RainierTerraza Rendezvous , , .