HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2005_03_16 Feds resume removing all but two vacant homes on airport lands By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — The bulldozers are back at work after a two-week reprieve for 20 buildings on the federal airport lands in north Pickering. Transport Canada, which owns the land, halted the planned demolition of buildings after Ajax-Pickering MP Mark Holland intervened; a meeting was planned between Transport Cana- da, the City of Pickering, Mr. Holland, a member of parliament from Markham and Heritage Pickering to discuss the issue. Mr. Holland said at the meeting there was no objection to proceeding with the demolition of all but two of the vacant buildings, so demolition resumed over the weekend. “A t the meeting it was agreed we’d hold off on the two potential heritage homes until the end of the month so the heritage value can be assessed,” he said. Wa rd 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner attended Friday’s meeting on behalf of the City. “I was pleased there was a meet- ing, however, I have some real con- cerns about how flexible or inflexible Transport Canada is being,” he said. “I didn’t get much of an impression that Transport Canada was really interest- ed in solving the issues surrounding the evictions... I believe the issue of evictions goes hand in hand with the Grade 8 math wizard nearly perfect in writing international test By Mike Ruta Staff Writer PICKERING — A little healthy com- petition is a given in the Misiewicz family, which boasts not one or two but three excellent math students. But Daniel Misiewicz just upped the ante. The Grade 8 student at Frenchman’s Bay Public School scored a 24 out of 25 on American Mathematics Contest 8, put on by The Mathematical Associa- tion of America. Students from all over the world wrote the test last November, and Daniel’s 96 per cent represents the highest score achieved by an Ontario student. “It was pretty hard,” Daniel says of the 25-question, multiple-choice test, which focused on students’ problem- solving ability. Many of the questions were of the, ‘a train is traveling west at 100km/hr’ va- riety, and there was a 40-minute time limit. Daniel says he wasn’t nervous while writing the test, but admits he was af- terwards as he was anxious to see how he did. The only question that tripped him up was number 14, where Daniel was asked to determine the area en- closed by a geoboard quadrilateral. Daniel isn’t about to rest on his lau- rels, though, as he has two immediate goals in mind: a third straight perfect score on the University of Waterloo’s Gauss Contest for Grade 7 and 8 math students this spring. And then, at his graduation ceremony, Daniel hopes to win the math award, following in the footsteps of his older sisters. He’s on his way to Pickering High School next year and is thinking of a career that has “something to do with computers.” When his homeroom teacher, Greg Crone, suggests he may wish to go for a math degree, Daniel replies, “I’ll consider it.” Obviously he’s keeping his options open. Mr. Crone says the gifted student’s accomplishments put him in rarefied air. “I may have seen one other 24 in the last 10 years,” he says. Pickering student scores highest in Ontario ‘I may have seen one other 24 in the last 10 years.’ TEACHER GREG CRONE The Pickering 56 PAGES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 Come See Our New Look! PICKERING TOWN CENTRE UPPER LEVEL SEARS WING 905.420.0744 (tm)Rogers, Rogers Wireless, and the Mobius design are trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc. Used under License. Minimum 24 month commitment is required. •Digital Camera •Built-in Speakerphone •MPEG4 Video Playback •Anodized Aluminum Case •Bluetooth® Wireless Technology Thinnest flip phone available!Thinnest flip phone available! [ What’s on ] Give the gift of mentoring : Mentoring a girl or young woman can be both a challenge and a re- ward. To learn more about the ben- ef its of mentoring, Girls Incorpo- rated of Durham holds a volunteer orientation and information ses- sion for women 21 years or older. It’s being held on Tuesday, March 22 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the group’s office, at 398 Bayly St. W., Unit 1 (between Westney Road and Finley Avenue), Ajax. The organization is committed to inspiring girls through mentoring and group programs to be strong, smart, and bold. Programs are for girls ages six to 16, or for young mothers or moms-to-be. For more information, all 905- 428-8111 or visit to www.girlsinc- durham.org. Support groups, work- shops offer guidance: The Women’s Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham is offering a bit of extra support in the coming weeks. The organization is offering a series of support group meet- ings, beginning Tuesday, April 5 with healthy relationships. On Tu esday, April 12 the discussion is building support networks, while on Tuesday, April 26 it’s building self-esteem and managing stress. The series wraps up Tuesday, May 3 with the power within-survivor stories. All sessions run from 10:30 a.m. until noon. In addition, the centre is offer- ing two workshops, with the first Tuesday, March 29 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The nutritional session will offer guidance in making healthy eating decisions and healthy weight loss. The topic Tuesday, April 19 is self-defence with Deb Chard of Wendo Women’s Self Defence. Both workshops run from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Tr ansportation and child care are provided for all events if needed and refreshments will be served. Sessions are free and con- fidential. For location, registration or other information, call Ameena or Terika at 905-427-7849. [ Index ] Editorial Page, 6 Entertainment, 8 Sports, 9 Classified, 10 [ Call us] General: 905 683 5110 Distribution: 905 683 5117 General Fax: 905 683 7363 Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 Pressrun 47,600 infodurhamregion.com SOUNDING OFF Ajax man has dreams of Genie Page 8 EXTRA SPECTRA This car is Kia’s bread and butter Wheels pullout IN THE AIR Soccer team’s dream in doubt Page 9 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering (NE corner of Rougemount & Hwy. #2) FINE CHINESE CUISINE & DINING LOUNGE For Reservations •OR• Great Take-Out 905-509-9888905-509-9888 ANNANDALE CHURCH ST. AT BAYLY 905-683-3210 MEMBERSHIPS Mon.-Thurs. .............................................$375 Mon. - Fri. ................................................$405 Full 7 days ...............................................$945 Couples .................................................$1645 GOLF TOURNAMENTS & DINNER PACKAGE Weekdays ..................................................$54 Weekends .................................................$5950 Plus PST, GST & TIP A Pickering demolition derby A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Randy Cain, centre, who has lung cancer, also has good friends in Rob Burland, right, and Lyle Simpson. Co-workers make kindest cut of all Head shaving part of Pickering company’s fundraising efforts for man battling cancer By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Thanks to the sup- port of his co-workers from near and far, Randy Cain has one less thing to worry about. The warehouse manager at Action Distribution Warehouse in Picker- ing, Mr. Cain has been battling lung cancer since September. To show their support, Mr. Cain’s co-workers raised money for him and his family. They presented him the proceeds of their efforts March 11 — much to his surprise. “It was a shock, a total shock,” he said. Mr. Cain lives in Dunsford, near Lindsey, and has worked in the ware- house in Pickering for nine years. He said the reality of his co-work- ers’ actions didn’t sink in at first. “It didn’t hit me until I got home; it was emotional,” he said. Although the final tally isn’t it yet, it is expected to be in excess of $14,000. “It’s like a big weight has been lifted,” he said. Rob Burland, who has worked at Action Van and Truck World for more than a year, started the ball rolling., and said, “I thought as a group we could take a little stress off his shoulders. We just wanted to help him.” He has known Mr. Cain for years, even before he began at the com- pany. Mr. Burland described him as hard working and has continued to show up for work every day he could. “His spirits are amazingly good,” he said. The idea started when Mr. Burland was talking to a fellow employee who was thinking of shaving his head. Mr. Burland suggested if he was going to, why not do it for a good cause and then he thought of Mr. Cain. Mr. Burland talked about the idea with the president of the company, who offered to match the contribu- tions from employees, and from there issued a challenge to the 19 Action group of company locations in Ontario. He even said he would shave his own head if the stores raised $5,000. Stores in other parts of the country have pitched in as well with a head shaving taking place earlier in New- foundland. Mr. Cain didn’t know what to say to thank all his co-workers for their support and generosity. “What can you say,” he said. “It’s not so much how much (we raise) but that we’re all behind him,” Mr. Burland said. “We’d like to see him win this battle.” ✦ Resident trying to save houses says he was arrested by police. Page 2 Re g ion is facing HR issues with transit ‘Experienced’ employee hired to bring unions on board by Jan. 1 By Carly Foster Staff Writer DURHAM — The Region is facing a daunting human resources task as it moves toward amalgamating transit. Around 350 staff members will have to be incorporated into the payroll and benefit systems, said a recent report to the regional transit implementation committee. On top of that, the Region will have to negotiate with three dif- ferent unions and four individual con- tracts that all expire at different times. The Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) represents Oshawa transit employees, whose contract expires February 2006. Handi-Transit employees are repre- sented by Teamsters, and their con- tract expires April 2007. Whitby transit employees, also represented by the CAW under a different contract, has an agreement that will be good until No- vember 2007. And the Ajax-Pickering employees under the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are in the midst of negotiating a new contract. “A ll changes to collective agreements must be negotiated and even the most simple, basic changes cannot be im- posed upon the unions,” the report said. “Also, virtually every provision of the respective collective agreements differs, in some cases, dramatically.” ✦ See Officials, Page 4 ✦ See Trying, Page 4 ✦ See Heritage, Page 2 A/P PA GE 4 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 demolitions and the heritage issue.” In addition to the move to demolish buildings by the end of March, Public Works (which manages the land on behalf of Transport Canada) sent out a dozen eviction notices to ten- ants to be out by June 30. One of the homes being vacated is the historic Tullis cottage, which was home to George Barclay, a leader during the 1837 Rebellion. The home has been continually lived in by Barclay descendents even after it was expropriated by the federal government in the early 1970s. To deal with the heritage issue, it was decided Friday the Transport Canada heritage committee is to resume meet- ing with a representative se- lected from Pickering, Uxbridge and Markham. Pickering council re-ap- pointed John Sabean as its representative; Mr. Sabean is the president of the Pickering Historical Society and a mem- ber of the Pickering Heritage Committee. The Transport Canada com- mittee is to compile a list of po- tential heritage properties and then prioritize the list. Mr. Sabean said Heritage Pickering had already compiled a list of 110 potential proper- ties, including houses, barns and commercial buildings; he is not comfortable prioritizing the list. “That is something I will re- fuse to do, or at least resist,” he said. “Because in my mind they will start at the bottom of it and dispose of those.” Coun. Brenner got the im- pression even if homes are al- lowed to be saved, they would have to be moved. “The problem is Transport Canada did not appear inter- ested in saving the sites on their property,” he said, adding the City would have nowhere to put them. Mr. Sabean didn’t leave the meeting feeling hopeful. “My hope for the future is not going to come from Trans- port Canada... Where I think our hope will come is if Mark (Holland) and others get a hold of the heritage minister and we can get heritage people on our side.” Coun. Brenner questioned the timing of the action on the land. “I still believe timing says it all... I do not believe they’d be doing the rush if there wasn’t the plan for the proposed air- port.” Mr. Holland said the next step is to hold an open house regarding the issue of tenancy, as well he is going to hold one of his town hall meetings in Claremont. “The key thing here, as much as possible, is to have this dia- logue in the open,” he said. P PA GE 2 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 pickeringtowncentre.com Madison from Pickering with the Easter Bunny Saturday, March 12th ‘til Saturday, March 26th on the lower level near Sears Hop on Down for your photo with the Easter Bunny! EASTER BUNNY HOURS Monday to Friday 11:00am-7:30pm Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday 12noon-6:00pm Kids ’ Easter Act ivi ty book with every visit! FRE E! Durham District School Board Invites Submissions for the New Unnamed Nottingham Public School www.durham.edu.on.ca The community is invited to help name the Unnamed Nottingham Public School, which will be located on Seggar Avenue, Ajax, in accordance with the following guidelines: · After persons recognized as having made a signifi cant contribution to our society in the Region, Province or Country. · A historical name which once applied to the area in which the school is located. · The name of the District which the school will serve. · The name of the Street on which the school is located. · The school will not be named after a current employee of the Board or member of the Board. If you would like to suggest a name for the Unnamed Nottingham Public School, please send your submission in writing by Saturday, April 9, 2005 to John Bowyer, Superintendent of Education/Ajax Schools, Durham District School Board, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, L1R 2K6. Please include a detailed background/history of the suggested names along with your name, address and telephone number. The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Station Street Grill 40 Station Street, Ajax Any resident of the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than April 9, 2005. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person.Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Anonymous objections are not considered. The personal information gathered is collected under the authority of the Liquor Licence Act.The principal purpose of the collection is to assess eligibility for the issuance of a liquor sales licence. Copies of all objections are given to the applicant. The information may also be disclosed pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager, Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario at the address, telephone numbers or e-mail address listed below. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 20 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2N6. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca Notice of Liquor Licence Application PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING • WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE For Best Selection in Quality & Style. Come See Us Now. SAVE $60 SALE TIME! Embarrassed By Your Smile? Ajax Pickering- A free report is now avail- able to local residents that reveals...”Th e Hidden Truths About Cosmetic Dentistry. Find out how to get that Extreme Make- over Smile. To get your free copy, and this insider information, you must call Toll Free, 24 hour Recorded Message at 1-866-838-6997 CORRECTION NOTICE We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. eMachines Your Perfect Home Computer. 3624:10055333/102.This computer does not feature an 8-in-1 Card Reader as advertised on p. 10 of our Mar. 4th flyer. It has six USB 2.0 ports. 527 Westney Rd. 905-428-8555 416-858-5223 AWARD WINNING WINGS $3/lb Pitcher of beer & 1lb wings $13 inc. taxes Eat in only. Mon.-Thurs. Every Saturday Texas Hold ‘Em POKER TOURNAMENT No entry fee. Pre-registration required. NEWS ADVERTISER There’s lots more news online at durhamregion.com AJAX 905-426-3764 OR 905-426-4253 2 Hot Pizzas!2 Hot Pizzas! 1 Cool Price!1 Cool Price! 2 Large Pizzas 4 Toppings (combined) $$16169595 Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. NEWS ADVERTISER Heritage homes to be listed and prioritizedOne man’s efforts can’t stop bulldozers Resident says he was arrested trying to halt demolitions By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Before the sun came up Tuesday morn- ing, Ron Dawe walked the streets of Brougham alone try- ing to do whatever he could to stop the destruction of feder- ally-owned homes in the vil- lage. “I was trying to solicit sup- port, to try to get the residents to help me,” he said. “I was using my voice to call to neigh- bours to try and gather sup- port.” Mr. Dawe’s efforts came to an end when police arrived at a home on Donnalea Avenue he had entered while demoli- tion crews worked away at the attached garage. He said he was charged with trespassing, handcuffed and brought home by police. The Whitevale resident headed to Brougham at 5:30 a.m. after waking up at 3 a.m. and wondering what he could do. The idea that the bulldoz- ing of vacant homes on the airport lands had resumed over the weekend troubles him deeply. “I am fed up,” he said. “This is a scandal, this is a scam.” The demolition crew work- ing on behalf of Public Works (who manages the land for Transport Canada) began their job at the end of February but 20 buildings were granted a temporary reprieve when Ajax-Pickering Mark Holland intervened. A meeting was held Friday between interested parties and the demolition resumed short- ly thereafter. Mr. Holland said there was no objection to all but two of the 20 buildings. The two in question are of potential heritage value and have been placed at the bottom of the list so their value can be investi- gated. A small group of members of Land Over Landings, the stewardship group formed to fight for the preservation of the area, gathered Monday to watch buildings come down in Brougham. “(We were) witnessing,” said Mary Delaney. “That’s about all we can do, witness the de- struction of our community.” Other people, including Mr. Dawe, occupied a home on We bb Road in Uxbridge but were removed Monday after- noon by police. Several residents returned to Brougham to watch Tues- day, as well as Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner, who attended the meeting Fri- day. After checking out the demo- lition, he asked staff to request the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Labour investi- gate the activities. “I believe they may be break- ing the law,” he said, referring specifically to load restrictions and safety requirements on demolition sites. He understands how con- cerned residents are feeling. “I fully agree with and sup- port the frustration of resi- dents,” he said. ✦ Heritage, From Page 1 Contractors were busy demolishing vacant houses, including this one on Orchard Heights Drive, within the federal lands in north Pickering, Monday. New guidelines don’t improve contract bargaining, Tumey says By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM — With strike rumblings well underway in Durham, a teacher representative says education min- ister Gerard Kennedy is harming in- stead of helping the collective bar- gaining process at the local level. The Province last week passed leg- islation requiring school boards and education workers to come up with contracts that are either two or four years in length, with Mr. Kennedy ar- guing it “sets the stage for successful local bargaining” between the parties. The previous government mandated three-year teacher contracts, the most recent of which expired on August 31, 2004. The legislation did not mention sal- ary increases for workers, as outlined by the minister last December, when he suggested raises of two-plus two- per cent, for two-year contracts, and an additional 2.5 and three per cent for four-year deals ending in 2008. Te acher representatives at the time complained he was interfering in local bargaining, and the impact is still being felt. “Our members shouldn’t be sitting in April without a collective agree- ment,” says Peter Tumey, president of the Ontario Secondary School Teach- ers’ Federation’s Durham unit. He says the main factor is “po- litical interference at the provincial level from the ministry” which has “s topped us from reaching an agree- ment.” The minister’s salary level pro- posals, while unwelcome and in Mr. Tu mey’s words “out of step,” did lay out what the Province said was appro- priate in terms of increases. But Mr. Tumey claims the Durham District School Board, in talks with the union, has offered less than that. “We are planning for a strike vote on April 4, with the anticipation that the conciliation won’t bring us to a settle- ment by April 4,” says Mr. Tumey. If the provincially-appointed con- ciliator is not able to broker a deal between the two sides, a no board report would likely follow, setting the stage for a strike countdown, he says. Mr. Tumey adds salary and benefits are the two key issues for the union in this round of bargaining. “We intend to continue to bargain to try and reach a settlement,” he says. The Durham unit of the Elementary Te achers’ Federation Of Ontario local is already engaged in a work-to-rule campaign in local schools, threaten- ing to strike in September if they don’t have an agreement. A/P PA GE 3 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 Springfest BOOK DRIVE Jordan from Ajax Karaoke 12:00noon - 3:00pm Thursday, March 17th Movie Day at Centre Court 11:00am - MXP (Most Extreme Primate) 1:30pm - Shark Tale 3:30pm - The Easter Egg Adventure (Parental supervision is required) Wednesday*, March 16th Extreme Inflatable Obstacle Course 10:30am - 2:30pm YOU MUST BE 44” OR TALLER TO RACE 28’ Inflatable Rock Climbing Mountain 10:30am - 2:30pm YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 50LBS TO CLIMB Tuesday, March 15th Monday, March 14th Friday*, March 18th Support child and youth literacy in your community. Drop off a donation of a new or slightly used youth or children’s book at Guest Services (lower level, near Centre Court). The first 500 customers who donate a book will receive a FREE Pickering Town Centre Book Bag.All donations support Ontario Early Years, who oversee the distribution to community programs that help support literacy.Sara from Ajax Join us for FREE fun activities for kids & teens All of the activities listed below will be held at Centre Court. Dujuan from Pickering Denzel from Scarborough pickeringtowncentre.com Visit East Side Mario’s on: *Wednesday and receive your FREE Frisbee. *Friday and receive your FREE Blue’s Clues™ Collectables. Pickering Town Centre presents a Sing-Along with Blue™. 11:00am • 12:00noon • 1:30pm (each sing-along is 20 minutes) © 2005 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Blue's Clues and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Join This Group Of Progressive Local Business Who Have Already Signed Up As Advertisers In The Bonuspak Envelope TT h i s M o n t h s This Months W i n n i n g N u m b e rWinning Number 0 9 0 3 6 5 090365 D avid Stokes Rouge River Realty Ltd. R ouge River Realty Ltd. Glenn Guterson Dominion Mortgage Corporation Look for BonusPak delivered in March 23rd Newspaper! WIN $100 WIN $100 www.bathreno.ca Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road (905) 831-3330 www.laurasecord.ca Sw eet traditions in a new setting at Pickering Town Centre Great Easter hunt treats. SAVE $5 off any purchase of $25 *or more. *Before taxes. No cash value. Original coupon only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or prior sale. Regular priced merchandise only. Offer expires March 31st, 2005. Offer valid at Laura Secord Pickering Town Centre only. Just in time for Easter! For more information call the Durham Region Works Department 905-433-2050 E-mail: wastesites@region.durham.on.ca Waste Management Facilities Easter Holiday Hours Please take note of the following hours of operation during the Easter holidays Closed Friday, thMarch 25 to Monday, March 28 Regular hours* Tuesday, March 29 th th *Regular hours of operation are Tuesday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Legislation ‘interference’, not solution: teacher rep ‘Our members shouldn’t be sitting in April without a collective agreement.’ PETER TUMEY Hospital system unveils a new look for its website DURHAM — Connecting to the Rouge Valley Health System is as easy as turning on your computer now. The RVHS has re-launched its web- site, which includes the latest devel- opments, plans and focus on family centred care. In addition to information, the site has been redesigned to make it more user-friendly. The website now connects people to their hospitals in a simple and con- cise form. It features many standard selections on patient services such as emergency care, cardiac care, cancer care and volunteering. Other items focus on expansions, careers, the pediatric sickle cell clinic, new releases and other departments of the hospital. For anyone wanting to make a fi- nancial donation, there’s a link to the system’s Foundation section. There are also pages in Tamil and Chinese, as well as meeting the needs of blind and visually-impaired users. Rouge Valley has five community health sites, including the Ajax-Picker- ing and Centenary hospitals. This new site can be found at www. rougevalley.ca Rouge Valley upgrades for internet users Key issues include wage and benefit disparity among the contracts, termination provi- sions and whether to recog- nize past years of service, the report said. Union leaders have said the amalgamation of transit is con- sidered a bill of sale, and there- fore a union would have to be created. But Oshawa’s contract has successor rights, meaning that the Region would have to keep CAW as the union. Other unions say the CAW can’t legally do that. These differing views could make negotiations difficult. “It must be noted that there is no legal requirement that would force cooperation of the respective bargaining units,” the report said. An analysis of each agree- ment and an action plan will be complete by April, the re- port added. An experienced human resources officer has been appointed to guide the Region through this year’s transitional period. Union issues aside, the list of finance work is “long and complex” the report said. It includes the transfer of assets, financial and accounting poli- cies, development charges, risk management and insurance. The committee is currently preparing a letter to the Prov- ince to secure transitional funding. Residents can eventually ex- pect a $167 increase to their tax bill, and a 12-per cent tax increase for 2006, mostly to pay for transition costs. Region-wide, Durham tran- sit is scheduled to roll out Jan. 1, 2006. A/P PA GE 4 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 TOP 10 REASONS WHY PEOPLE BUY FROM CAMPKINS 1. Great Customer Service 2. Reputation 3. Voted RV Dealer of the Year 4. History ~ Since 1973 5. Huge Parts & Accessory Store 6. State of the Art Facility 7. Knowledgeable Staff 8. Quality Manufacturers 9. Dealer Support 10 . Great Value RV CENTRE Toll Free: 1-888-743-WERV • www.campkins.com Highway#12, Myrtle W h e r e I t ’s A l w a y s W o r t h T h e H u r d l e To M y r t l e ! Where It’s Always Worth The Hurdle To Myrtle! INDOOR VIEWING AVAILABLE (Call for details) Hwy #12 North of Whitby Just south of Port Perry (905)655-8613(905)655-8613 “ALL INSTOCK AND INCOMING MODELS ARE PRICE PROTECTED” S e e W h a t ’s N e w F o r 2 0 0 5 A n d S a v e A B u n d l e . See What’s New For 2005 And Save A Bundle. WE’RE BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! VISIT OUR NEW 10,000 sq. ft. FACILITY SPECIAL LOW FINANCE RATES ON SITE (SEE LAURIE) UULTR A LI T E S A NDULTRA LI T E S A NDULTRA LITES AND FIFT H W HE E L SFIFTH W HE E L SFIFTH WHEELS F O LDFOLDFOLD D OW NSDOWNSDOWNS L IG H T W E I G H TLIGHTWEIGHTLIGHTWEIGHT T OWAB LESTOWABLESTOWABLES PAR K M OD ELSPARKMODELSPARK MODELS (IN-STOCK AT CAMPKINS) L UXURYLUXURYLUXURY F IF TH W HEEL SFIFTH W HEEL SFIFTH WHEELS L U X U RYLUXURYLUXURY F IFTH WH E EL SFIFTH WH E EL SFIFTH WHEELS M A R C H BREA KM A R C H BREA KM A R C H BREA KEXTRAVAGANZAEXTRAVAGANZAEXTRAVAGANZA M a r c h 1 1 t h March 11th t o M a r c h 2 1 s t to March 21st DOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHER SPECIALSSPECIALSSPECIALS DOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHER SPECIALSSPECIALSSPECIALS In-Stock From $29999$29999$29999$29999$29999$29999 DOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHER SPECIALSSPECIALSSPECIALS DOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHERDOOR CRASHER SPECIALSSPECIALSSPECIALS GENERATORS FOLDING WOOD CAMP TABLES $499$499$499$499$499$499 Just ask Ian McPhee of Ajax who paid his carrier and won a $1,000 Shop- ping Spree in the Ajax/Pickering New Advertiser’s collection draw, which he has chosen to spend at Home Depot. The carrier on this route, Ryan, also received a $25.00 bonus. 2nd prize winner of a $100 Shopping Spree is Camille Farrar (not shown) of Ajax, which she has chosen to spend at The Real Canadian Superstore and our 3rd prize winner of a $50 Shop- ping Spree is Charlene Strumos (not shown) of Ajax, which she has cho- sen to spend at Canadian Tire. To enter the draw for your chance to win a $1000, $100 or $50 Shopping Spree, just pay your carrier the $6.00 optional delivery charge and send us your ballot which is located on your “Thank You” coupon, before noon on Monday March 28, 2005. It Pays to Pay your News Advertiser Carrier $1000 WINNER “SERVICE WORTH PAYING FOR” A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Daniel Misiewicz, a Grade 8 student at Frenchman’s Bay Public School in Pickering, scored a 96 per cent in the American Mathematics Com- petition, top score of any student in Ontario. As for the Gauss test, Mr. Crone notes that Daniel first wrote it a year early, as a Grade 6 student. “A perfect score is fairly rare,” he says. “I’ve seen only a couple in 10 years, but never two in a row.” “I can hope,” a modest Dan- iel says of his attempted three- peat. Mr. Crone says the soft- spoken student isn’t one to brag about his math prowess, taking it all in stride. Even in the gifted class, however, he says Daniel stands out. “He’s the best of the best in Pickering,” says Mr. Crone. Be a Class Act, help out your furry friends by going to the theatre Dinner and a show benefits the Humane Society and Ajax, Pickering hospital DURHAM — The Humane Society of Durham Region, in conjunction with the Rouge Valley Health System, is pre- senting a night at the theatre. For the first time ever, the Hu- mane Society and Rouge Valley Health System have arranged a fundraising dinner and theatre performance at the Class Act Dinner Theatre in Whitby on Sunday, April 3. The comedy ‘There’s a Bur- glar in my bed’ focuses on William Worthington III and his wife, both planning to di- vorce each other, but neither wanting to give up the famous ‘Worthington necklace’. So, they both scheme to steal it. Mix together mistaken identities, a bumbling private detective, a fake necklace, a determined nymphomaniac and two scant- ily-clad pseudo nuns, and you have the basis for a laugh-laden evening. “Our organization relies solely on donations. Without fundraisers like this, we would not survive, so that’s why it is really important,” said event co-ordinator Jodi Hewett of the Humane Society. Tickets, at $50 per person, can be purchased in person at the Rouge Valley Health Sys- tem Foundation office at the Ajax/Pickering site, 580 Har- wood Avenue South, or at the Humane Society of Durham Region at 199 Waterloo Street, Oshawa. Yo u can also purchase by phone (credit card only) at 905- 683-2320 ext. 1212, or 905-433- 2022. Following the event, the Hu- mane Society of Durham Re- gion is preparing for its walk- athon in May. Officials disagree over what would happen to union Tr ying for test three-peat ✦ Officials, From Page 1 ✦ Trying, From Page 1 ATTENTION Denture Sufferers If you Or Someone You Know Wears Dentures... Then don’t even think about going another day as a misinformed victim, who wears uncomfortable, irritating dentures that move around, pop up or fl y out! If you want to eat your favourite foods again and never fear or worry when in public ever again, then you must be aware of the new information about dental implants. Sheridan Dental Centre provides implant placement, tooth replacement and all custom lab work in one convenient location. 1550 Kingston Rd. in Pickering Please call right now while this is fresh in your mind! 905-839-4486 STOP Insurance Group Ajax PAYING HIGH INSURANCE RATES CALL NOW AND SAVE ON HOME & AUTO CALL LAWRENCE 905-231-0093 LOOK FOR OUR FLYER IN TODAY’S NEWSPAPER •• /FJHICPVSTBOEMBOE UFOBOUTXPSSJFEBCPVU JNQBDUPOBSFB 9pAfj_lXDXp Jg\Z`Xckfk_\E\nj8[m\ik`j\i G@:B<I@E>‡%FTQJUF BO PVUDSZ GSPNUFOBOUTMPDBUFEPOUIFQPUFOUJBM FYQBOTJPOTJUFPG1JDLFSJOHT%VGGJOT $SFFL8BUFS1PMMVUJPO$POUSPM1MBOU  PGGJDJBMTTBZUIBUUIFQSPQPTFEHSPXUI PGUIFQMBOUJTOPUBDIPJDF CVUBOF DFTTJUZ i5IFSFJTOPGFBTJCMFPQUJPOPUIFS UIBO UP FYQBOE PVS GBDJMJUJFT u TBJE 3JDI5JOEBMM QSPKFDUNBOBHFSGPSUIF %VSIBN 3FHJPO XPSLT EFQBSUNFOU i5PDSFBUFBTFQBSBUFQMBOUGPSBMMPG %VSIBNXPVMECFUPPDPTUMZBTNBOZ PGUIFMPDBMTFXFSTBMSFBEZMFBEUPPVS QMBOU &YQBOTJPO JT SFBMMZ UIF POMZ SFBTPOBCMFTPMVUJPOu 4FSWJDJOHCPUIUIFSFHJPOTPG%VS IBN BOE :PSL  UIF QMBOU DVSSFOUMZ FOTVSFT UIBU XBTUFXBUFS QSPEVDFE CZUIF OFBS POFNJMMJPO JOEJWJEVBMT TFSWJDFECZUIFQMBOUJTTBGFMZBOEFG GFDUJWFMZUSFBUFE )PXFWFS .S5JOEBMMDPOUFOETUIBU XJUIPVU FYQBOTJPO  UIF JODSFBTF JO XBTUFXBUFS PWFS UIF DPNJOH ZFBST DPVMEHSPXGBSCFZPOEUIFQMBOUTDB QBDJUZ i*GXFEPOUTUBSUNBLJOHDIBOHFT OPX  PVS TFXBHF GMPX DPVME FYDFFE UIFDBQBDJUZPGUIFQMBOUCZBTFBSMZ BT  u TBJE .S 5JOEBMM i8FWF CSPVHIUJOBQVCMJDDPOTVMUBOUUPIFMQ BMMFWJBUF SFTJEFOUT DPODFSOT )PX FWFS  UIFTF FYQBOTJPOT TIPVME DPNF BTOPTVSQSJTFUPBOZPOFBGGFDUFECZ UIFTF DIBOHFT 5IF SFTJEFOUT PG UIJT MBOE IBWF LOPXO PG UIFTF DPNJOH EFWFMPQNFOUTGPSZFBSTOPXu $IBSMFOF $BMMBOEFS JT POF PG  4RVJSFT #FBDI UFOBOUT DVSSFOUMZ MJW JOH PO UIF QMBOUT MBOE )BWJOH BU UFOEFE B SFDFOU NFFUJOH SFHBSEJOH UIF FYQBOTJPO PG UIF %VGGJOT $SFFL 81$1 .T$BMMBOEFS XIPIBTMJWFE BU4RVJSFT #FBDI JO 1JDLFSJOH TJODF  JTVQTFUUIBUPUIFSPQUJPOTBSF OPUCFJOHDPOTJEFSFE i5IJTQSPKFDUJTPOMZBOUJDJQBUFEUP MBTUZFBSTCFGPSFNPSFFYQBOTJPO JTSFRVJSFE8IBUXJMMUIFZEPUIFO  5IFZ DBOOPU JODSFBTF UIF QMBOUT TJ[F BOZ CJHHFS UIBO UIFZWF BMSFBEZ QMBOOFE CFDBVTF UIF %VGGJOT $SFFL 81$1 IBTTPMEUIFSFTUPGUIFMBOEUP MPDBMCVTJOFTTFT uTBJE.T$BMMBOEFS i5IFSFT HPU UP CF B CFUUFS TPMVUJPO UIBOFYQBOTJPO.BZCFXFTIPVMEBMM HPCBDLUPPVUIPVTFTu %FTJHOFEBTBQMBOUUIBUXPVMEDPO UJOVBMMZ HSPX UISPVHIPVU UIF ZFBST  UIF %VGGJOT $SFFL 81$1  MPDBUFE BU UIF TPVUIFSO FOE PG 4RVJSFT #FBDI 3PBE JOUIFWJDJOJUZPG.POUHPNFSZ 1BSL3PBEBOE4VTBO%SJWFOFBS-BLF 0OUBSJP JUXBTPOMZCVJMUUPIBMGPGJUT QSPKFDUFEQSPQPSUJPOTXIFOGJSTUDPO TUSVDUFE i8FWFTFOUPVUPWFS OFXT MFUUFSTBOEGMZFSTUPUIFJOEJWJEV BMTMJWJOHJOUIFBSFBPGUIFQMBOU uTBJE .S5JOEBMMi8FEPOUXBOUBQVCMJD PVUDSZUPUIFTFEFWFMPQNFOUT8FSF IPQJOHUPBEESFTTBOZDPODFSOTBOE TVHHFTUJPOT OPX TP UIBU UIFSF JT OP EFMBZXIFOUIJTFYQBOTJPODPNFTJOUP FGGFDUu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Ê .%73!$6%24)3%2U Ê -!2#(                   /($ % -($ ("))&($).%)',  .,($ **& (, &'),- (1-%($0")-% -.,,#),,&#.&,#) ($1 &,) -,$(%).,$ ,  ',,)(,("-%, ',,)(,  .,($).&' --)% ($        2".1).($1., (" 1).',,)(,!1 ))(-)((). &&, /')(1  ("%&*-)*)--).&' - ("). +. &-1           ,-     ) &&                                    %()#()'(, """&-%* 4!,)""!.%0!/'%+!&%)# 4!'%0!,,!.,!-!)..%*)- 4(+,*0!).!,0%!1&%''- 4!,)%-.!)%)#&%''- 4,.%-!! !,-$%+   $-%*'+% )   ( )      *(-(&#&# !' $$)'" ''-) 3**, *)..$!,,%",(.   *,*)!,!##!)    !-%.!111"*/-! 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L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 [ Hours ]-- General office: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5p.m. Distribution: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of news- papers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error oc- cupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized repro- duction is prohibited. [ Letters Policy ]-- We welcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer com- plaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e- mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been chosen for publication. Y ears ago, there was a woman who used to stand on the Wynford Drive overpass of the DVP. In a flowing white robe and a fab- ulous mane of untamed grey hair that played out behind her in the breezes stirred up by the traffic below, she looked like a combination of Meryl Streep and Charlton Heston. She ap- peared there, morning and af- ternoon, during rush hour, fac- ing traffic and holding up the fingers of one hand in a peace sign. That’s it. That’s all she did. Flashing the peace sign to any- one who cared to look up from their dashboard. Now looking back from this time, when we are relentlessly bombarded with glaring, glitzy and completely meaningless in- formation from every conceiv- able medium, the clarity and simplicity of her one-handed message seems starkly refresh- ing. I miss that old woman. This morning I awoke to the news of a man who stood on a bridge not far from Wynford Drive, only with a much differ- ent agenda than that of the old woman in the white robe. This man was not flashing anybody the peace sign. I don’t expect this man had experienced any- thing remotely like peace for a very long time. He stood on an overpass and threw his five- year-old daughter into the traf- fic below, then he threw him- self to his death, all the while terrorizing the child’s mother with a cellphone play-by-play. How perfectly horrible. Remarkably, miraculously, the child is still with us. Fight- ing, hanging on, but still, bless her, with us. What are the odds of anyone surviving a three-sto- rey fall into the express lanes of the nation’s busiest highway? And so, I was wondering. I was wondering if maybe that grey- haired angel in the white robe was still around somehow. I was wondering if maybe she had been with that child, pro- tected her with her one free hand, the other still invisibly engaged in its peace mission. Sound crazy? Any crazier than a world where fathers throw their daughters into traf- fic? Where men, women and children strap explosives onto their bodies and blow them- selves and others to pieces? Where money and oil and power are valued more than fresh air, clean water and happy, healthy children? We seem to be losing our compass point and I confess that, more and more, I find myself wishing, hoping, that someone or something some- where still holds the original map of where we’re all sup- posed to be and where we’re supposed to end up. More and more, I find myself wondering if maybe that map isn’t already here, in our own hearts, if the directions aren’t already plas- tered everywhere around us; in the coo of a happy child, the warmth of a handshake, the music of laughter. When did we stop seeing them? I used to drive by the woman on the bridge almost every day and never give her a sec- ond thought, except to shake my head and smugly chuckle. I imagine there were a great many of us who did the same. But perhaps, given the news we are waking up to more and more these days, we should be paying her more attention. Neil Crone, actor-comic-writ- er, saves some of his best lines for his columns. Teenagers not at high risk if drug legalized To the editor: Re: ‘Get tough on marijuana operations’, letter Feb. 27. In response to the letter of Chloe Poirier regarding the low drug enforcement laws for marijuana use, I feel she has disregarded pertinent infor- mation. She mentioned that if the government chooses to le- galize marijuana, more teen- agers will become addicted to this drug, which would lead to further addictions with other drugs. Sure, this is possible. How- ever, do you really believe fewer teenagers will be ex- posed to this substance if the drug stays illegal? If teenag- ers want to experiment with the drug bad enough, they will somehow get their hands on it. The same goes for any drug. By legalizing marijuana, the rate of this particular sub- stance use will undoubtedly increase in the first year or so. Hey, if I offered a chocolate lover free chocolate would they refuse my offer? Of course not, but after a while they will lose interest since they would most likely get sick of it. The same goes for users of marijuana. They won’t nec- essarily get sick of using the drug, but they won’t run out every night to buy it since it would be freely available. And one more thing, if mar- ijuana is not legalized, what makes you think teens won’t possibly get addicted to an over-the-counter drug? Rhea Ghosh Pickering Greenbelt act leaves resident caught in act To the editor: Re: ‘Ajax gets in on the act’, Sunday, March 6. It is interesting to note that you haven’t published any let- ters that are not in favour of the Greenbelt. While the populace of the town might support this Draconian legislation because it does not adversely affect them; for a long-time resi- dent whose property has been annexed into the “protected countryside” area of this law, and the rest of those affected, let me assure you we are not happy with this turn of events. The Province, with Mayor Parish on a lobbying commit- tee of interested politicians, has arbitrarily annexed millions of acres of privately owned land for their own political ends, with no compensation to the owners for the devaluation of their land, and no possible av- enue of appeal. My other concern is the gen- eral premise that the town/city folk can enjoy this greenspace a short drive from the largest urban area. What are they going to do when they get there? Except for the designated conserva- tion areas, all of the land is pri- vately owned and the owners are not insured to allow pub- lic access to their properties, therefore anyone coming onto the lands would be trespass- ing. Janet Fallaize Ajax Land deal is terrible for Pickering To the editor: Re: ‘Pickering gets millions for preserve deal’, March 4. It’s important to point out Pickering and their apparent developer friends may have just pulled a modern day heist, in the range of $500 mil- lion dollars of the taxpayers money, dwarfing the federal sponsorship scandal. The once public land was sold cheaply to farm, hence the word “preserve”. If the purpose was to develop it, the Province could have sold it benefitting the public purse. This isn’t a good business deal as Mayor Dave Ryan would like to make the citizens of Pickering think in our local media — it’s a major rip off. Since when is it acceptable that our council is into land speculation with developers? Influence, power and money, and the average Joe is none the wiser — unless you’ve been taking notes for past three years. Dean Carrigan Pickering EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Angel of the overpass needed again End of 60-hour work week is a fair move IN THE COMMUNITY CLICK AND SAY This Week’s Question: Are you in favour of tax dollars being spent on private companies, such as the Beacon Project, which supports GM of Canada: Yes, No? Cast your vote online at infodurhamregion.com Last Week’s Question: How would you rate the federal budget. Good, average, lacking? Votes cast: 662 Averag e: 22.7% Good: 52.9% Lacking: 24.5% A friend doing a good deed is a friend indeed Ajax’s own Matt Brann, the drummer in Avril Lavigne’s band, late last year donated memorabilia from touring with Lavigne to the Autism Society Ontario, Durham chapter. Among the items were Mr. Brann’s signed pair of drum sticks; a photo of Avril Lavigne and her latest CD; ‘Under my Skin’ both authographed by the famous singer and band members. Auctioned on eBay, the items raised $400 for the Durham chapter. With Mr. Brann in his studio is nine-year-old Tommy Fiala, also of Ajax. Tommy, who has autism, and other children like him spent a fun day at a pool party at the McLean’s Community Centre on a Saturday afternoon last month thanks to the funds. Do you have a photo to share with our readers? If you have an amusing, interesting, historic or scenic photo to share with the community we’d like to see it. Send your photo, along with a written description of the circumstances surrounding the photo (max. 80 words) identifying the people in the photo and when it was taken to: The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON, L1S 2H5. Or, e-mail photos to dstell@durhamregion.com. Neil Crone enter laughing A reasonable deal that requires agreement from both parties to go beyond 48 hours T he pull between management and labour is a constant struggle. Though both must work together and co-operate for any business enterprise to be successful and remain healthy, there are times when they may not agree. And that’s where the Province, with its long list of labour laws, must come in and act as arbiter. It’s a delicate balancing act which our provincial government must legislate. If it swings too far in either direction, there will be a lack of productivity, labour unrest, and business failure. And that leaves entrepreneurs and workers out in the cold. That’s why the Province’s decision to scale back the 60-hour work week to a 48-hour week seems like a reasonable compromise. It still allows businesses a lot of freedom in asking employees to work a longer than average week while permitting employees the right to say ‘No’ to excessive demands. The previous legislation allowed employers to put in a 60-hour work week without seeking government permission and without requiring employee permission. The new law requires government permission to go beyond a 48-hour work week and written em- ployee agreement. The Province has probably hit the right balance when the CEO of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce likes the legislation while the president of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), doesn’t. “We think this system will be more manageable,” said Bob Mal- colmson, Greater Oshawa Chamber CEO. He adds, “We applaud any government effort to protect the rights of employees.” Wayne Samuelson, president of the OFL, doesn’t believe the new legislation will make a difference. “What employee is going to say ‘No’ when their employer puts this in front of them to sign?” There are safeguards within the legislation to protect employees from being unfairly coerced to work longer hours when they don’t wish to. They must agree in writing to the extra hours (beyond 48). Employers who don’t follow the rules and get employee assent can be punished. There will be spotchecks by the Ministry of Labour to make sure employers comply with the legislation. Some critics have suggested the Province go further and outlaw work weeks of longer than 48 hours. Such a measure would handi- cap businesses who go through natural boom and bust cycles and would also prevent employees who wish to work longer hours and receive overtime from doing so. The current provincial compromise is fair to both business and workers, a reasonable deal that takes the concerns of both parties into account. P PA GE 7 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 CITY OF PICKERING HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS CLOSED March 25 CIVIC COMPLEX 905.420.2222 RECREATION COMPLEX 905.683.6582 DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE 905.683.8401 PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 AJAX & PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 905.683.4111 No regular or specialized service. Pre-booked dialysis customers by special arrangement only. CLOSED March 27 RECREATION COMPLEX 905.683.6582 DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 CLOSED March 28 CIVIC COMPLEX 905.420.2222 DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE 905.683.8401 PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 AJAX & PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 905.683.4111 No regular or specialized service. Pre-booked dialysis customers by special arrangement only. OPEN March 28 RECREATION COMPLEX 905.683.6582 EMERGENCY SERVICES City of Pickering Emergency Telephone Number 905.683.4319 AT TEND PUBLIC MEETINGS AT CITY HALL All meetings are open to the public. For meeting details call 905.420.2222 or visit our website DATE MEETING TIME Mar. 21 Management Forum Meeting 1:30 pm Mar. 21 Executive Committee 7:30 pm Mar. 21 Council Meeting 7:30 pm Mar. 24 Statutory Public Information Meeting 7:00 pm Mar. 29 Executive Committee 7:30 pm Apr. 7 & 8 Budget Meetings 9:00 am 905.420.2222 cityofpickering.com 24 Hour Access 905.420.4660 Easter Parade Sat. March 26 11 am Bayly Street from Liverpool Rd. to Royal Canadian Legion 905.839.2990 Race Relations Forum @ 7:00 pm Wednesday March 23 City Hall, Council Chambers 905.420.4620 Municipal Act, 2001 SALE OF LAND FOR TAX ARREARS BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Ta ke Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on 31 March 2005, at the City of Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the City of Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7. Description of Land: NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS LANDLOCKED. Roll No. 18 01 010 029 23104 0000 PIN 26311-0739(LT) Parcel 30-1 Section 40M-1774 being Block 30 Plan 40M-1774 Town of Pickering, (now City of Pickering) Regional Municipality of Dur- ham (No. 40) File No. 03-02 Minimum Tender Amount $ 6,469.51. Description of Land: NOTE: THIS PARCEL IS LANDLOCKED. Roll No. 18 01 010 029 23105 0000 PIN 26311-0735 (LT) Parcel 26-1 Section 40M-1774, PIN 26311-0736 (LT) Parcel 27-1 Section 40M-1774, PIN 26311-0737 (LT) Parcel 28-1 Section 40M-1774, 26311-0738 (LT) Parcel 29-1 Section 40M-1774, Being Blocks 26, 27, 28 & 29 on Plan 40M-1774, Town of Pickering, (now City of Pickering) Regional Municipality of Durham (No. 40). File No. 03-03 Minimum Tender Amount $ 19,563.61. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certifi ed by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Respon- sibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Note: G.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer The Corporation of the City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 905.420.4660 Ext. 2109 Information regarding these properties can be found by accessing the City’s website: cityofpickering.com You have a voice in Pickering’s 2005 Budget Process Pickering’s city budget is a blueprint for how your property tax dollars will be spent. It spells out the priorities for the municipal services and programs that you have come to depend on each and every day. The City’s 2005 budget process has been planned to provide residents with an opportunity to provide their comments on the proposed 2005 capital budget program. To provide your comments, please access the City’s website (cityofpickering.com) in the key highlights section. In addition you can write to the following address at: Budget 2005 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Until March 31 Property Naturalization Work shop Guest Speakers: John McMullen - Implementing Property Plans Chantal Whitaker - Pesticide Use in the City of Pickering Colleen Cirillo - TRCA Healthy Yards Program Learn about sustainable landscape practices for your property. Monday, March 21 OPG Information Centre 1675 Montgomery Park Rd. 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm For more information or to register call: 905.420.4660 ext. 2212 4HE2OYAL#ANADIAN ,EGION"RANCH ,ADIES!UXILIARY &REE,UNCH!CTIVITIES FORCHILDRENFOLLOWINGTHEPARADE “In Your Words” WINNERS of the Student-Writing Contest Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity in partner- ship with Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board presented a writing contest “In Your Words”. Students from grades 2 to 12 submitted a written piece to the statement “It is important that I help stop discrimination because...”. A distinguished panel of judges have reviewed over 300 entries selecting 3 winning entries per age category. Grade 2-5 First Place: Brittany Beharry, Grade 5, Lester B. Pearson Public School Second Place: Ian Heritage, Grade 5, Lester B. Pearson Public School Third Place: Raquel Bramble, Grade 3, St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School Grade 6-8 First Place: Tiera Dookhie, Grade 8, Dr. Roberta Bondar Public School Second Place: Lisa Crowder, Grade 8, Sir William Stephenson Public School Third Place: Brynn Thistle, Grade 8, E.A. Fairman Public School Grade 9-12 First Place: Melissa Brown, Grade 12, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Second Place: Nala Balarajan, Grade 10, Dunbarton High School Third Place: Matthew D’Souza,Grade12, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Winning entries are on display in the lobby of the Pickering Civic Complex, and on the city’s website at cityofpickering.com. First place winning entries in each category will be featured in the Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser. March is also the month for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Pickering Advisory Commit- tee on Race Relations & Equity will host the 2005 Race Relations Forum on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 7pm (in Coun- cil Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex), providing a platform for students to share their winning entries. The Forum will also feature guest speaker Zanana Akande, President of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations. Special thanks to our distinguished panel of judges: Mark Holland, Member of Parliament Pickering-Ajax Cynthia Mearns, Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Library Danielle Milley, Staff Writer, Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser David Stell, News Editor, Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser Youssef Mroueh, President, Canadian Multicultural Forum Muttukumaru Chandrakumaran, President, Durham Tamil Association A/P PA GE 8 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 March 14 - 20, 2005 Over March Break, bring your family for an exciting day filled with rides, games and the spectacular OREO VIllage! Tickets at Ticketmaster, (416) 870-8000 ticketmaster.ca or Rogers Centre - Gate 7 Trademarks used under license. ©2005 All d a y ride ticke t Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY ’S News Adv ertise r ADV ERT ISING FLYERS Alessia Wednesday’s carrier o f the week is Alessia. She enjoys skating & shopping. She will receive a dinner voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Alessia for being our Carrier of the Week. We dnesday, March 16, 2005 News Advertiser * Ajax Marketplace Ajax * Carol Kudla Pick. * David Stokes Pick. * Formula Ford Ajax/Pick. * Glendale Marketplace Pick. * Harw ood Chiropractic Centre Ajax * Home Outfitters Ajax/Pick. * Leon’s Furniture Ajax/Pick. * Liquidation World Ajax/Pick. * Luxury Wheels Ajax/Pick. * Onta rio Hyundai Ajax/Pick. * Party Packagers Ajax/Pick. * Payless Shoes Ajax/Pick. * Princess Auto Ajax/Pick. * R eal Estate Ajax/Pick. * Sleep Factory Ajax/Pick. * Stales Business Depot Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * W heels Ajax/Pick. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between Mar. 16 - Mar. 20/04 * Delivered to selected households only Ajax and Pickering locations Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East Sound mixer nominated for his work on ‘Resident Evil: Apocalypse’ By Joshua May Special to the News Advertiser AJAX — An Ajax man is, to coin a phrase, dreaming of another Genie. One of three sound mixers on the sci-fi horror production, ‘Resident Evil: Apocalypse’, Todd Beckett, along with his fellow co-workers Dean Hum- phreys and David Lee, has been nomi- nated by the Academy of Canadian Television and Cinema for the coming 25th anniversary of the Genie Awards. Competing in the category of ‘A chievement in Overall Sound’ for the 2005 Genies, Mr. Beckett and his team will be up against such notable oppo- sition as ‘Head in the Clouds’, ‘Looking for Alexander’, ‘The Last Tunnel’ and ‘Emile’. A celebratory program dedicated to acknowledging the achievements of Canadian Cinema and Television, Mr. Beckett and his cohorts will be cross- ing their fingers March 21 that their collective efforts on the film pay off. “This is my fourth consecutive nomination,” said Mr. Beckett, who’s lived in Ajax for the past five years. “I’ve won the (Genie) the last three years in a row so hopefully I can keep the streak alive. It’s strange really. No one ever expects to win an award sim- ply for doing their job.” Mr. Beckett first became involved in sound mixing back in 1990, assisting on television programs. As the years progressed, however, so too did Mr. Beckett’s career and skill, leading the 37-year-old to more prominent mixing roles in such production’s as the recent ‘A ssault On Precinct 13’ remake, and his Genie award-winning pieces ‘The Statement’, ‘Between Strangers’ and ‘Treed Murray’. Although Mr. Beckett loves the sound mixing challenges of an action-adventure picture, he con- cedes that he’s up for a more laid-back movie every once and a while. “I’m surprised I can still hear (after Resident Evil: Apocalypse),” said Mr. Beckett. “This was the most intense sound effects film I’d ever worked on. It took two to three months just to complete. However, the amount of lib- erties I was given with this picture was incredible. It really allowed me to be creative and add my own perspective to the movie.” Acknowledging that his profession is more or less invisible to the public eye, Mr. Beckett asserts that there is just as much hard work and effort put into sound mixing as there is into film- ing a movie. Hoping to collect yet another hon- our to add to his growing list of ac- colades, Mr. Beckett is, as of now, fo- cused on his most recent work — mix- ing George A. Romero’s newest ‘Night of the Living Dead’ sequel, ‘Land of the Dead’. “I’m really excited to be involved with this (George A.) Romero picture,” said Mr. Beckett. “It’s such an honour to be working with the zombie godfa- ther.” ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT durhamregion.com Ajacian dreaming of a Genie four-peat Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Ajax resident Todd Beckett, a sound mixer on the action-horror film ‘Resident Evil: Apocalypse’, has been nominated for a Genie — honouring Canadian cinema — for the fourth consecutive year. Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. NEWS ADVERTISER Songwriters revealed DURHAM — Local songwriters will showcase their talents at Songs Revealed at Durham College on March 17. Danny Buzanko, Morgan Sadler, Lower Back Tatti, Ashleigh Johnston, Linehaul, Dope Ablitiez, Hidden Relm and Volition Aire will perform for a panel of music industry judges, competing for $1,000 in recording studio time, in Songs Revealed, held by the music business management program at the college. The show starts at 8 p.m. in the din- ing lounge in the athletic complex, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Tickets are $5 at the door. Proceeds support Music Matters, a charitable organiza- tion which provides musical instru- ments to Durham elementary schools. :8$"%VSIBNSE"OOVBM 80.&/0'%*45*/$5*0/ "8 "3%4%*//&3 .OMINATIONS#LOSING3OON$EADLINETONOMINATE7OMENOF$ISTINCTIONIS-!2#( .OMINATIONFORMSCANBEFOUNDATWWWYWCAORG 5IVSTEBZ .BZ  %FFS$SFFL(PMGBOE#BORVFU'BDJMJUZ "VEMFZ3PBE/PSUI"KBY &BSMZ#JSE5JDLFU1SJDF CFGPSF.BSDI  3FDFQUJPOQN %JOOFSQN 5P PSEFSUJDLFUTDBMM FYU (ONOURARY#HAIR+PBOOF#VSHIBSEU  &EJUPSJO$IJFG.FUSPMBOE%VSIBN3FHJPO.FEJB(SPVQ 8PNBOPG%JTUJODUJPO -#+FOO+POFT  $IBOOFM$IFY57%VSIBN .FEJBTQPOTPS 4HIS7EEK3ERVING/SHAWA 7HITBY#LARINGTON 6YCSJEHF5JNFT+PVSOBM0ORT0ERRY3TAR .EWS!DVERTISER3ERVING!JAX0ICKERING 5IF$BOBEJBO4UBUFTNBODURHAMREGIONCOM A/P PA GE 9 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 SHIRTS - GREAT SELECTION OF STYLES AND COLOURS AVAILABLE AT $2999 OR 2 FOR $50 PRICES TOO LOW TO PUBLISH rrs TM GOLF SHOES & SANDALS GGOLF LIQUIDATORSGOLF LIQUIDATORSGOLF LIQUIDATORSGOLF LIQUIDATORS 3 Day Golf Clearance Sale M a r c h 1 5 t o 1 7 O n l yMarch 15 to 17 Only Hours: Tues. - Noon to 8pm • Wed. & Thurs. - 10am to 8pm Holiday Inn Oshawa 1011 Bloor St. E. (exit off 401 at Harmony Rd.) Holiday Inn Markham 7095 Woodbine Ave. (Corner of Woodbine & Steeles) B R A N DBRANDBRAND N A M E S N A M E S N AMES F O RFORFOR L E S SLESSLESS TAYLOR MADE, CALLAWAY, TITLEIST, COBRA, PING, CLEVELAND, ODYSSEY & MORE DRIVERS, FAIRWAY WOODS, SETS, WEDGES, PUTTERS ALL AVAILABLE OUTERWEAR - HUGE SELECTION OF WINDSHELLS, JACKETS, FLEECE, RAIN PANTS AND MORE PRICED FROM $1999-$4999 PRICES TOO LOW TO PUBLISH CLOTHINGCLOTHINGCLOTHING SPECIALSSPECIALSSPECIALS Nike, Etonic, Bite, Adidas $ 49 .99 $ 49 .99 TO TO $ 69 .99 $ 69 .99 GOLF BALLS STR Doz./Pkg. SAND WEDGES Mens, Ladies, RH or LH Your Choice $ 5 .99 $ 5 .99 Limit 1 ea. per customer GOLF BAGS RIDGE RIDER $ 59 .99 $ 59 .99 EOS MONDO $ 89 .99 $ 89 .99 To p of the line bags loaded with features SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com INSIDE Local members of the Durham Dragons Track and Field Club were on fire at the minor track finals. Page 14 Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Members of the Pickering Power Falcons under-15 girls’ soccer team saw their dreams of playing in the prestigious Pegasus Cup tournament in San Diego in July put in jeopardy, thanks to the demise of Jetsgo airlines late last week. Parents of team members, however, are scrambling in an effort to salvage the trip. To add insult to injury, players had re- cently completed a host of fundraising events to defray the cost of airfare. Falcons grounded by Jetsgo California dreaming turns into nightmare for Pickering soccer team as trip to tournament in July in doubt By Al Rivett Sports Editor PICKERING — Disillusionment, des- peration, disappointment. Any one of these words can be used to describe the reaction of coaches and 14 players of the Pickering Power Fal- cons under-15 Ontario Youth Soccer League squad to the financial crash of Jetsgo airlines, one that has put a long- planned trip to the west coast in jeop- ardy. The Falcons have taken flight on the soccer pitch over the summers, but there’s doubt that they’ll be taking off to a planned trip to a prestigious Califor- nia-based tournament on July 2 and 3. Thanks to Friday’s Jetsgo collapse, the Falcons — like thousands of other hap- less passengers — are grounded for the time being. And, like all others who have pur- chased flights on the failed discount carrier, they’re still hopeful there’s a way to recoup literally thousands of dollars in now-worthless fares. “This is a great group of kids and they didn’t deserve this,” says team man- ager Karen Van Abbema. “Our coach (Manny White) is so devastated that he can’t even speak. He’s been building this dream with the kids.” The dream was to attend the Pegasus Cup international soccer tournament in San Diego, California and, for the past two years, the players, ages 14 and 15, have been doing all manner of fundrais- ing — from bottle drives to dances — to purchase flights to the west coast. For many players, it would mark their first plane trip and first trip outside Canada. “The kids started working on it since they were 12,” explained Van Abbema, whose daughter Breanna is a Falcon. “I feel bad for all the hours of labour they put into it. After two years we thought, ‘finally, we’re going to the Pegasus Cup’, but no.” Va n Abbema says most of the team members booked their flights online in Ja nuary when the airline was having a seat sale. One new player to the team booked her flight within the past month. All told, nearly $13,000 is up in the air, as 32 players and family members paid ap- proximately $400 apiece for the flight. Her own daughter raised the full $1,250 for the two round-trip fares, which were booked using a Master- Card. Van Abbema says since Friday the news has brightened considerably as the credit-card companies are saying if Jetsgo is dissolved after bankruptcy pro- tection, they could recoup their money. But, she cautions it may not be in time to save the team’s trip. There has been discussion among the parents of re-booking on another car- rier and then waiting to be reimbursed by the credit-card companies, Van Ab- bema says. That idea, however, may not fly as some families are reluctant to re-book, because of financial concerns. A team meeting in the near future will bring the issue to a head, she adds. Until that meeting, the trip is in a definite holding pattern. If the team is unable to attend, she’s hopeful the organizers of the Pegasus Cup will reimburse the team its $600 entry fee. “I love these kids and this is what is killing me,” said Van Abbema, her voice cracking with emotion. “I hate disap- pointing them — that’s the kicker.” The team is asking for help from the community. Consult the team’s website at www.pickeringpowerfalcons.tk. Sports Briefs MARCH 16, 2005 [ Gymnastics ]] Steele shows her mettle at qualifying meet PICKERING — A Pickering gymnast demonstrated Steele-ey resolve at the third and final provincial qualifying meet in Guelph last weekend. Emily Steele captured the all-round gold medals in her division at the qualifier, which attracted 177 athletes from 38 clubs across Canada. Steele delivered impressive perfor- mances on all four events throughout the weekend. She won gold on uneven parallel bars, balance beam and floor exercise and fourth on vault. With the combined re- sults of these four events, she won the all- around gold medal in the argo 2 category. Provincial level athletes compete in three qualifying meets throughout the sea- son with the goal of obtaining a minimum qualifying score with their best two meets. Emily and her sister Lauren Steele have achieved qualifying scores through- out the season that resulted in winning a spot to compete at the provincial champi- onships in Kingston next month. The Steeles train at Gemini Gymnas- tics under the direction of head coach Elena Davydova, 1980 Olympic champion. [ Basketball ] Big second half lifts Michael’s past Ollie AJAX — Michael’s Eatery overcame a large first-half deficit to emerge victori- ous over Ollie Golf in Ajax Men’s Basketball League play last Wednesday night. Michael’s trailed 29-20 at the end of the first half, but outplayed the duffers down the stretch to post a 63-54 victory in the opening game of the evening. Michael’s 40-point second half was fuelled by Mike Stoddart and Greg Rowe with 19 and 17 points, respectively. Captain Sherwin James led Ollie Golf with 16 points; Mike Jovanov chipped in 10. ESN Packaging defeated North Alli- ance Press 61-53 in a hard-fought second game. Playing without team captain Roger Young, who fouled out early in the second half, ESN was able to prevail in a game where the lead changed several times. Tom Rowen led ESN with 25 points, followed by Clayton Gall with 23. North Alliance big man David Jackson netted 20 points and Al Sakata had 13. Craig Yaki- mishyn dominated the boards for NAP to add eight. Top Shelf hung on to defeat Dickson Printing 58-52 in Game 3. Ivor Walker proved once again why he is one of the premier players in the league leading Top Shelf with 16 points. Captain Mike Gorden- sky added 12 for the Shelf. Dickson Print- ing had another strong game from Claude Feig with 20 points; Antonio Krupl buried 17. [ Wrestling ] Ajax’s Boughner bronzed at OFSAA DURHAM — Three Durham athletes grappled away medals from the provin- cial high school wrestling championships held earlier this month. Whitby’s Kelita Zupancic, who at- tends All Saints but trains with the Sin- clair team, delivered gold in the 67.5-kilo- gram weight class, while Trent Boughner (57.5kg) of Ajax High School and Randy Pfrimmer (64kg) of O’Neill took bronze at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations finals. Four other competitors from Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics were among the top-five, with Sinclair’s Chelcie Doherty (57.5kg) finishing fourth and three others placing fifth: Deborah Jehu (64kg) of Port Perry, Paul Rabjohn (67.5kg) of Ajax and John McEachern (un- limited) of G.L. Roberts. Earlier, the Sinclair team tied a LOSSA record set back in the early-1970s by winning its sixth straight LOSSA boys’ team title. Dunbarton accomplished the same feat from 1969 to 1974. Sinclair took the boys’ team title handily, followed by Ajax and then a group of four Oshawa schools — Central, O’Neill, Roberts and Eastdale — that were separated by a mere five points. PICKERING — The OHA Ontario Pro- vincial Junior ‘A’ Hockey League Picker- ing Panthers are already making plans for the 2005-06 season. The Panthers announced that their spring rookie evaluation camp will be held at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex’s O’Brien arena on April 25, 27, May 2 and May 4. For the first time, there will be a pre- tryout camp for bantam and midget- aged players at the complex’s O’Brien arena on April 4, 5 and 7. According to Panthers’ general manager Frank Robin- son, the pre-tryout camp comes a week before ‘AAA’ tryouts and is a good op- portunity for this age group to prepare for these tryouts in a junior hockey setting. More information can be obtained on the Pickering Panthers’ website at www. pickeringpantherjra.com or by calling Robinson at 905-427-0930. Panthers prepare for next season with spring rookie evaluation camp Prepare for industry certification in Dental Chairside Assistant (905) 723-1163 Oshawa Centre 419 King Street W. Oshawa Centre Train for an exciting and creative career in the dental health field, helping people and making a difference. Program Overview: • Anatomy & Histology • Pharmacology • Radiology (H.A.R.P.) • Preventive Dentistry • and more Apply for a position in: • General or Specialized Practice • Public Health • Dental Sales & Administration Visit: www.trilliumcollege.ca Who Else will Benefit from your New Career? •Community & Social Service Worker •Medical Office Assistant •Dental Chairside Assistant •Accounting & Payroll Administrator •Network Administrator (MCSE, Security+, CISCO) •Legal Assistant •Office Assistant •Pharmacy Technician •Massage Therapy •Developmental Service Worker 419 King St. W., Oshawa Centre 905-723-1163 Visit: www.trilliumcollege.ca Train NOW for a career with opportunity! get connected. to a career you want in as little as 6–12 months accounting & payroll administrator Qualified payroll professionals are in demand! Develop for the skills necessary for a rewarding career in payroll administration and financial accounting. x Financial Assistance may be available to those who qualify x Instructor led classes x Job Placement Assistance This program is recognized by the TORONTO Business College Pickering, Since 1986 CLASSES STARTING SOON! GET CONNECTED TODAY! 905-420-1344 1450 Kingston Road East www.torontobusinesscollege.ca get connected. to a career you want in as little as 6–12 months medical office assistant Develop for the skills necessary for a rewarding career in a medical practice, hospital, clinic, or other medical office setting. x Financial Assistance may be available to those who qualify x Instructor led classes x Job Placement Assistance TORONTO Business College Pickering, Since 1986 Also Available: PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER PSW BRIDGING CLASSES STARTING SOON! GET CONNECTED TODAY! 905-420-1344 1450 Kingston Road East www.torontobusinesscollege.ca get connected. to a career you want in as little as 6–12 months travel and tourism Develop for the skills necessary for a rewarding career in the travel industry. Get hands-on training with SABRE and Apollo Systems. x Financial Assistance may be available to those who qualify x Instructor led classes x Job Placement Assistance Access endorsed by the Canadian Institute of Travel Counselors TORONTO Business College Pickering, Since 1986 CLASSES STARTING SOON! GET CONNECTED TODAY! 905-420-1344 1450 Kingston Road East www.torontobusinesscollege.ca ACCREDITED HOME Inspection Tr aining Course - recognized by National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). Regis- tering now for DAY & EVENING classes (12 seats max). Flexible payment plan. Career opportu- nities's available. Call toll free: 1-866-697-0117. Sponsored by: Certified Adult Training Services. CLASS A, D, F AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportunities for grad- uates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. DURHAM COLLEGE Offering New Course. Do you have a pas- sion for music and people? Dur- ham College is now offering a 12 week DJ program which will teach you all you need to know about presentation, equipment and the music of the DJ industry. Gradu- ates can expect to find work on cruise ships, night clubs, and at parties all over the world. Gradu- ates can choose to work 1 day of the week to 7 days of the week and earn up to $250-$500 per night to start. Funding for this course may be available to those who qualify through HRSDC, WSIB, ODSP. For further informa- tion contact: Colin McCarthy 905- 721-3336. www.durham.on.ca CONSTRUCTION SITE adminis- trator (Pickering). Perform filing, receptionist duties. Construction experience an asset. Must be dependable, hard-working, MS Office skills. Phone: Aecon Construction at 905-839-1151 Ext 6661 AZ TEAM DRIVERS run to Califor- nia, Texas. Minimum 3 yrs experi- ence required. Husband & wife team welcome. 40¢-48¢/mile. Call 1-905-257-9169 BLUE LINE DRIVERS WANTED. Opportunities to provide service with new specialized Accessible taxicabs and regular taxicabs in Oshawa and Clarington. Please call Roy Williams at 905-440-2011 or 905-439-1111. Register now! Courses starting soon! For information, call B.I.D.S. Dept., Whitby 905-721-3347 Visit our website at www.bids-training.com Skilled Trades ASQ-Quality Auditing ........................Apr 19th /$247.28 ASQ-Essentials-Quality Mgmt ...........Apr 20th /$247.28 ASQ-Reliability .................................. Apr 21st /$247.28 Backflow & Cross Connection ............Apr 19th /$615.25 BES: Heating ......................................Apr 11th /$224.26 Boom Truck 0-8 TON .........................Apr 26th /$845.30 CFC/ODP Re-Certification ................... Apr 22nd /$105 CNC Programming Basic 1 ................Apr 12th /$354.67 Cabinet Making Level 1 .......................Apr 14th/$410.68 Cabinet Making Level 2 ......................Apr 12th /$455.68 Carpentry Level 2 ................................Apr 13th /$362.68 Carpentry Level 3 ..................................Apr 4th /$362.68 Driver Training: Air Brake Endorsement ................. Apr 8th & 23rd /$270 Driver Training- “AZ” ...........................Apr 18th /$5,470 Driver Training-“D” ................................Apr 15th /$675 Driver Training “F” .................................Apr 15th /$350 Electrical Theory Basic .......................Apr 12th /$223.26 Engine Repair Level 1 .........................Apr 12th /$272.28 FF Firefighter Service Intro .....................Apr 11th /$250 FF Psychology for Firefighters ..................Apr 5th /$260 FF Safety/Communications ................Apr 18th /$386.66 Forklift Operator Training ...................Apr 23rd /$251.45 Gas Technician 2 ................................Apr 5th /$2,858.20 Gas Technician 3 .................................Apr 9th /$1286.20 Home Improvement/Hardwood Floors ......Apr 16th /$75 IMM Modules ....................................Apr 25th /$469.25 PEMA-Maintenance Management Skills Apr 19th /$200 PEMA-Planned Maintenance Manag.. ....Apr 18th /$300 PEMA-Predictive Maint.Technology .......Apr 16th /$300 PEMA-Computerized Maint.Mgmt System .Apr 20th /$300 Pre-Exam C & M Electrician ..............Apr 12th /$310.40 Pre-Exam Industrial Electrician ..........Apr 16th /$310.40 Pre-Exam Industrial Maint. Mechanic ..Apr 5th /$397.20 Programmable Controllers Level 1 .....Apr 25th /$294.28 Welding Basic .....................................Apr 25th /$474.32 Welding GMAW (MIG) ......................Apr 25th /$474.32 Welding GTAW (TIG) ........................Apr 25th /$510.32 Welding CWB Modules 1-5 ................Apr 26th /$474.32 _____________________________________________ Dog Grooming Assistant .........................Apr 4th /$1,800 Motorcycle Maintenance .........................Apr 11th /$375 Business Courses Canadian Mortgage Industry ................May 4th /$307.28 Computer Repair at Home ...................Apr 2nd /$240.75 OMDP–Communications Mar 19th or Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-Management for Results ........Apr 19th /$182.20 OMDP-Retail Management ................Apr 19th /$182.20 OMDP-Finance & Budgeting .............Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-Human Relations ....................Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-How to Start a Small Business Apr 21st /$182.20 OMDP-Managing Workgroup Prod .... Apr 21st /$182.20 Effective Proj.Planning&Control ........Apr 11th /$221.24 I.T. Service Management Foundation .......May 4th /$330 Introduction to PMBoK ......................Apr 11th /$221.24 Project Leadership Skills Dev. ............Apr 11th /$371.24 Project Economics&Politics ...............Apr 12th /$221.24 Project Performance&Responsibility ..Apr 12th /$221.24 Fraud Awareness & Prevention ...........Apr 13th /$306.24 Principles & Practices of Insurance ....Apr 12th /$306.24 RIBO-Insurance Broker Registration ..Apr 12th/$598.80 For information, call B.I.D.S. Dept, Whitby 905-721-3347 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO GROW YOUR OWN FUTURE? The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser is looking for a Real Estate Advertising Sales Representative who is energetic, dedicated, imaginative, and has previous sales experience. Knowledge of the Real Estate industry would be an asset. This position requires the candidate to develop existing client relationships and build future business. The candidate will have excellent communication skills and is very detail oriented. Reliable transportation is required. Base salary, car allowance, excellent commission rates and bonus program is being offered. Interested candidates can fax their resumes to: Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager Metroland Durham Region Media Group (905) 619-9068 (fax) or e-mail amcfater@durhamregion.com. Interested candidates should respond before March 18th, 2005. TERRITORY MANAGER TORONTO Excellent opportunity. Must have a proven record in sales, a post secondary education. Capable of organizing, reporting and managing a sales territory. Presentation skills and PC skills are essential. Experience in the commercial ventilation systems an asset. This is a full time position with excellent remuneration potential. Fax 905-201-1340 or email ventcaregroup@on.aibn.com Resume to Marketing Manager AZ DRIVER We Offer: Full Time Employment •$20.50/hr. to $23.50/hr. •¢40/mile to ¢44/mile •6% Safety Bonus •Benefits & Co. Uniform •Mostly Ont. but some Hwy. trips You Must Provide: •5 yrs. Safe Driving Exp. •Heavy Haul Exp. •US. Exp. (FAST Card is an asset) •Must be willing to train for tanker loads & Truck Load Freight FRONTENAC Bulk Transfer Systems Inc. Tel: 905-428-5767 $$$ PAID WEEKLY!!Company needs part-time/ full-time help pro- cessing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780, 24 hours. ***CRUISE SHIP JOBS*** Life's A Beach In Paradise! Free Benefits: Meals-Room, Flight, Uniform, World Travel. (613)741-8639 or (613)764-6209. www.cooljobsinparadise.com 3 FULL TIME labourer positions. Must be able to work 6 days/week. Valid drivers license required. Ajax/Pickering/Whitby area. Call 905-640-6330. ASSISTANT TELEMARKETING supervisor, salary plus bonus. Call Betty (905) 666-4905. AVON Incredible offer, Join the number 1 beauty company. No quotas. Work from home. Receive free gift. call Heidi today (905)509-1163 CUSTOMER SERVICE/ORDER Ta k ers. $20/hr avg. Bonuses Available! We Train You!Call ARON at 905-435-0518. DOG WALKERS/PET SITTERS needed for Pickering area. Part- time, 3-5 days wk mid day hours. Occasional evenings & weekends. Must have own car, be respon- sible, mature and reliable. Call 905-706-5760. ECE FOR PICKERING Day Care. Call 905-839-2501 or fax 905-831-9347. UPHOLSTERER NEEDED,imme- diately, 25-30 hours per week, call Judy at (905)666-5300. AU T OMOBILE SALESPERSON REQUIRED PICKERING VILLAGE HYUNDAI IS ON THE MOVE! To our new state of the art dealership this fall 2005 and require immediately, an experienced and licensed sales person to sell and lease new and used automobiles from our present location. Executive earnings & benefit plan for the successful candidate. Earning potential unlimited. Call Kevin or Gary @ (905)427-0111 or fax resume @ 905-427-9989 JOB FAIR Thursday March 17th 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Are you a student between 15-24 and looking for a fun and rewarding summer job? Don't miss out on this interview opportunity with Licks Restaurant and Camp Robin Hood Come dressed for success and arrive early to avoid disappointment! Space is limited. Interviews will be conducted on a first come, first serve basis Hosted by: YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Rd. Suite 16 Pickering ON. L1V 1C3 (905) 427-7670 Call Linda for more details. D rop in t o d a y! Here’s the deal on our FREE services... YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Unit 16, Pickering (Valley Farm Rd. & Hwy. 2) 905-427-7670 needajob.ymcatoronto.org Need a Job? Getting FRUSTRATED with your job search? YMCA Durham Employment Services can help. • Free internet, faxing and photocopying • Employment programs to help you find the job you want • Tons of job postings • Staff who can help you • Apprenticeship assistance • Career counselling • Resume writing help • Interview techniques • Help returning to school • And much, much more! “People Working to Get You Working” ECE with Montessori experience required asap for Whitby daycare. Fax resume to: (905)430-0818 or email to: sunshinecc@rogers.com EL RANCHO Restaurant is look- ing for waiter, experience a must. dishwashers needed, Drop re- sume 3500 Brock St. N. Whitby (north of Rossland) FULL TIME DISPATCHERS re- quired for busy utility company in Pickering. Fax resume to 905-831- 4690 LOCAL OSHAWA office seeking telemarketer's to conduct survey's by phone. No selling, hourly wage, 1 - 9 p.m. - 4 -9 p.m. by day every Friday. Call (905) 720-1808 Horticulture Job Fair 2005 Thursday, March 17, 2-7pm John Howard Society Resource Centre 75 Richmond St. W., Oshawa • 15 employers from Durham Region • Bring your resume and be prepared to m eet with employers • On the job training and potential for apprenticeships For more info visit www.jhsdurham.on.ca CAMPING IN STYLE - BROOKLIN is looking for a full-time Parts & Service Representative for everyday parts ordering, service & warranty writing and general Customer Service. Applicant must have good communication & organizational skills. RV experience not necessary but an asset. Please forward resume to: CAMPING IN STYLE 7775 Baldwin Street North, Brooklin, ON L1M 1Y5 fax: (905) 655-8462 email: cis@allstream.net Pickering Town Centre JOIN OUR TEAM SENIOR TRAVEL CONSULTANT Salary, Benefits and Incentive Call Sarah (905)420-3233 KIDS!KIDS!KIDS! ~~Ages 2+~~ Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees!Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras Parents call: (416)221-3829 HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mailing/Pro- cessing Circulars- PC/Clerical Work Available. No Experience Needed! Free Information: www.homeworkersnetwork.com or send S.A.S.E.; QSEI, 111-336 Yo nge St., Reference #7-107, Bar- rie,ON, L4N 4C8. (705)726-9070. JOIN OUR SUPPORTIVE HOME BASE BUSINESS TEAM Get started immediately! FREE TRAINING PA CKAGE! www.123YourSuccess.com 905-574-3118 LAKERIDGE LINKS GOLF CLUB in Brooklin Now Hiring Seasonal: Tu rf Maintenance and Clubhouse staff. Students welcome. Fax re- sume to: 905-655-3704 or email: lakeridge_golf_club@on.aibn.com LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE Clintar, the lead- er in the landscape industry is seeking:Landscape Construction Foreman/laborers Landscape Maintenance Foreman/laborers. Must have a minimum 2-3 years experience, drivers license is a must. Please submit applications to:Gavin Watson (905) 723.2552 gwatson@clintar.com LE SKRATCH NOW HIRING: Bar- tenders and wait staff with experi- ence. Apply in person, 11am-6pm at 200 John St.W., Oshawa. LEARN HOW to operate a mini office outlet from home, earning $3000+ month. www.missionsuccess.ca LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - Apply in person to 1614 Dundas St. E., Suite 203. Whitby (Dundas / Thick- son) on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m LOOKING For A New Career? Get paid for helping others and begin building a business you could own one day! unique entre- preneurial opportunity with Primeri- ca, a subsidiary of Citigroup. John Formosa (905)436-8499 ext-108. MAINTENANCE/HANDYPERSON required. Experience with plumb- ing, electrical, small carpentry repair. Knowledge of HVAC sys- tems and WHMIS an asset. Fax resume to: 905-579-1255 by March 18th, Attention: Admin- istrator, White Cliffe Terrace Re- tirement Residence, Courtice. MANAGER TRAINEE Durham Residence and Conference Centre is looking for recent College or University graduates that are inter- est in hospitality industry and able to adapt to a student environment. Hotel experience is preferred but not required. Computer skills (Word and Excel) Full time, vary- ing shifts. Must be bondable. Com- prehensive benefit and RRSP plan available after three months. Re- sumes will be accepted until March 16th. No phone calls please. Fax resumes to attention Chris Haze (905)721-3102 email chaze@campuslivingcentres.com MARNWOOD LIFECARE Centre looking for highly motivated Food Service Supervisor, part-time. Fax resume to: 905-623-4497 NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for reliable adults to deliver papers and flyers door to door in Pickering every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and must have a reliable vehicle. Call(905)683-5117 Kelly Bays, Carrier Representative (ext. 262) NURSERY MANAGER - Horticultural training/diploma; Experience in budding/grafting; soil-analysis, plant-grading/sizing, irrigation-programming, market- pricing, bare-root planting, seeding-productions. Fax resume: 905-683-3734 att: Mike. P/T JOBS FOR STUDENTS 12-16yrs preferably. Must be reliable. Cash paid daily. Ajax/Pickering call 905-831-7410 Whitby/Oshawa/Clarington call 905-244-6659 PA RT-TIME CLEANER 10-15 hours per week, 3-5 years experi- ence required. Must have own ve- hicle. Please call (905)404-1357 PA RT-TIME DAYS.Mature indi- vidual to learn pressing and cus- tomer service for local area dry cleaners. Call (905)725-2600. POSITIONS AVAILABLE driver/ full time daycare assistant in Oshawa, clean CRC, and drivers abstract required, own vehicle pre- ferred. Female 25+ preferred. Catherine (905)436-3422 To Place an Ad in Ajax or Pickering Call 905-683-0707 or Tor. line 1-416-798-7259 Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com Classifieds On-Line Web Site: www.durhamregion.com ClassifiedsClassifiedsNews AdvertiserNews Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00-5 Closed Saturday A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, March 16, 2005 www.durhamregion.com Don’t Forget Our Classified Deadlines: Tues. 2:30 p.m. Wed. paper Thurs. 2:30 p.m. for Fri. paper Fri. 2:30 p.m. for Sun. paper MARIA ANTONIO HAIR DESIGN 300 Brock St. N.Whitby, (905)430-8857 Chair rental positions available at the fun & friendly salon. Great opportunity for the new stylists yet a warm, inviting atmosphere for the experienced stylist .To join our team call us and ask for Maria Rocca or Peter Citano,or fax resume to 905-436-8873 or email marcor@sympatico.ca Photographic album and packaging distrib- utor/manufacturer since 1953 located in Markham Ontario is expanding and has 2 full time positions available. DIE PRESS OPERATOR Must be experience with Kluge and Heidleburg presses with preventative maintenance, reliable, self starter, able to work independently. SHIPPER RECEIVER/LEAD HAND Experience in effectively co-ordinating production through operations and distribution. An energetic multi tasks position in a team environment, time management motivation and written/verbal com- munication skills required. Knowledge of Kluge and Heidleburg presses an asset, some work is of a daily physical nature. Salary based on experience. Hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. No shift work required. Please state position applying for in cover letter with resume and fax to Harwood Photographic(905) 940-4953 or email to sales@harwoodphoto.com before March 29, 2005. To acquaint yourself better with our company please visit us at www.harwoodphoto.com and We thank all applicants and advise only those considered will be contacted. WANTED...EXPERIENCED ACURA/HONDA SERVICE ADVISOR Please send resume in confidence to: Jeremy Miller jeremy.miller@pickeringhonda.com or by fax to: 905-831-3381 Only individuals that are considered will be contacted. Registration Officer Positions Required $20.00/her Avg. We Train You! Call Tom (905) 435-0280 REPUTABLE post hole & fence company is looking for an experi- enced driller & setter, 2 labourers (willing to learn). Must have own transportation. Contact Alex (905)655-8777 RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS want- ed immediately. Comparable pay, excellent working conditions. Fast-growing company, room for advancement. Permanent posi- tion. Not suitable for students. Call 905-723-6242. SERVICE ADVISOR required for an Import Dealership in Cobourg. Automotive experience an asset. Please fax resume to 905-372- 0372 or e-mail fkerum@cogeco.net SUPERINTENDENT required full- time for Oshawa apartment com- plex. Suitable for retired/semi- retired couple. No pets. Fax re- sume (905)623-2257. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED- for luxury high rise condominium in Oshawa. Sound knowledge of HVAC, fire alarm systems, plumb- ing and electrical required. Pool maintenance knowledge including backwash and chemicals required. Mechanical ability desirable in re- pairing pump seals, smaller heat- ers etc. Able to work on own and as a team player - supervise two maintenance helpers. Must work with Board of Directors and Prop- erty Manager, Condo knowledge helpful. Speak, read and write fluent English. Applicant will be training with current Super who is getting set to retire in one years time. This position will lead to liv- ing on site. Duties will include be- ing "on call" for emergency situa- tions. THIS IS NOT A COUPLES POSITION. Uniforms provided, Benefit plan. Good starting salary. Fax resumes to: 905-571-3079 atten. S. Bottrell, RCM, ACCI. THOROUGHBRED HORSE farm looking for stable help. Turn in/out. Cleaning of stalls. Experienced, Serious inquiries only 905-723- 5179. WE'RE EXPANDING!Are you sacrificing time away from your family due to lack of flexibility in hours or earnings? Take control of your time and income potential. Call to request an interview with one of North America's fastest growing financial services companies. Full or part time. Trai ning provided. Call Barbie Ad- ams at 1-800-607-7503. WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET PAID TO SWITCH STORES? Discover an amazing, proven program where you are paid to save money on everyday products that you're already spending money on. For interview call 905-576-0568. YOUR GOOD HEALTH is hiring full time sales help. Vitamin knowl- edge required. Please drop off resume to Your Good Health, Oshawa Centre. AXXESS is now looking for full- time Stylist with clientele. Friendly & fun salon to work with. Please drop off resume to: 122 Brock St. N., Whitby or email to: axxess- two@bellnet.ca RMT,Full & Part-time position. The Facial Place (905)831-9700 CHOUINARD BROS.is looking for experienced shinglers and labour. Immediate start and excellent rates. call Doug 1-800-521-3229 ELECTRICIANS LIC'D & Appren- tices required for Ind./Commercial & Residential. Fax resume to 905- 571-1169 or call (905)571-2743 GAS FITTERS REQUIRED.Fitter 1 & 2. Fax resume 905-831-4690. LOCKSMITH REQUIRED.Dur- ham Region. Call (905)666-1421 or email lockshop@rogers.com OUTDOOR power equip- ment/small engine Mechanic re- quired. Apply in person or fax: T & C Small Engine 905-263-8469 Fax: 905-263-2778. QX NEEDS UNDERGROUND Utility Locators for Toronto and surrounding area. Fax resume to 416-293-7730 or e-mail to locates@qxtechservices.com WANTED: PAINTER/PREPPER for busy collision shop. Hourly wage. Clarington. Call (905)983- 1118. WELDERS/ PLATE FITTERS Required by well established Plate Fabricator in Ajax. Min. 10 years exp. Top wages and benefits Fax resume to 905-428-6933. INTERNET/WEB DESIGNER. Knowledge of PHP, HTML, do- mains & SEO an asset. Love of computers necessary. Flexible work hours. Jim (905)697-0242 WEB DESIGNER full time, for fun, dynamic environment in Ajax. Some design experience required. e-mail resume to: resume@shopsonline.ca HIRING IMMEDIATELY Collection Agency located in Scarborough East (Kennedy/401) Experience and Bilingual an asset! If you are seeking a fast paced environment with tremendous advancement opportunity please call today. Amy Elson: 416-297-7077 x264 LEGAL SECRETARY part time for congenial Northumberland Law of- fice. Salary commensurate with experience in litigation, estates, corporate, real estate. Please re- ply with references to Box #164 C/O Northumberland News, 884 Division St., Unit 212, Cobourg, ON K9A 5V6 RECEPTIONIST/SALES support for condo development, computer proficiency, organized, detail oriented and great customer rela- tion Call 905-668-6999 or fax re- sume/cover 905-666-7692 AJAX CALL CENTRE needs several full time/ part time people for pleasant phone work Salary + bonus Call NOW! Nicole 905-426-4246 DOORKNOB ADS,the fastest growing direct advertising product in Canada, is looking for outgoing, assertive, & friendly individuals to sell advertising space to local busi- ness' on new/innovative direct ad- ver tising product. Need Car; Will Tr ain; Experience an asset. Com- mission based w/bonus. $48,000- 79,000 annually. Reply to: chris@doorknobads.com or 905- 447-2969. HIGH END WEIGHT LOSS clinic and medical spa needs sales person, earn $50,000+ per year. Call Elly @ (905)619-2038 OUTSIDE SALES REP 2 days a week, 2 years exp., salary+com- mission plus expenses paid, know Durham region. Please fax resume to Christine at Staff Plus 416-495- 0941 VA LENTINO'S 2005 LOREAL Colour Trophy Finalist requires Junior Receptionist. Must be very confident and cable of working in a fast paced environment with good computer & customer service skills. Able to work flexible shifts. Full/part-time. Apply in person: Valentino's, 210 Brock St., down- town Whitby. MEDICAL SECRETARY NEEDED Ajax, full time. Please fax resume to: 905-427-0346 with wage ex- pectancy. RMT needed for busy day spa. Ex- isting clientele in place of approx. 6-8 massages daily. Commission based or hourly. Call Eleanor 905- 619-2639 RMT,needed for busy practice, full or part time available. 905-987- 4618. EXPERIENCED SERVER RE- QUIRED,fine dining experience a definite asset. Please call (905) 428-9777 AJAX SOUTH-Income Property. Semi-detached brick bungalow, 3+1 bedroom with apt. Separate entrance, large backyard, 4-car parking, new roof, 6-appliances, priced to sell $215,000. Serious buyers, no agents please. 905- 686-6773. COUNTRY BUNGALOW Newcas- tle/Bowmanville area. 1/2 acre, three bedrooms, sunroom, double driveway, updated, painted, gas heat. Available immediately. $215,000. (905)987-1732 FULLY DETACHED 3 bedroom home located in North Bowman- ville. Walking distance to schools, parks and amenities. Double door entry to open ceramic foyer and oak staircase. Bright eat in kitchen with walkout to large fenced back- yard. Balcony off master bedroom. Newly decorated and shows very well. Includes all window cover- ings, central air, 5 appliances. Ask- ing $228,500. Flexible closing available. (905) 697-3450. NORTH WHITBY, brand new 3 bedroom European model, de- tached house, premium lot. steps to new plaza, new ice arena high school and French catholic schools, $269,900. Chand @ (905) 424-8428. Sutton Group Ad- miral Realty. ARE YOU A SALES MANAGER EXTRAORDINAIRE? Can You Sell, As Well As, Coach A Sales/Reservations Team? Ste Anne’s, Ontario’s premier destination spa is looking for an experienced SALES MANAGER We’re looking for an energetic, qualified person to join our team who has the following: •Understands the importance of sales and its impact on a company •Embraces the concept of providing exceptional customer service in every interaction with guests •Has been through numerous sales training courses and can com- fortably coach a sales/reservations team to exceed their goals •Believes in setting goals with the team, monitoring progress, praising people and holding them accountable •Uses creativity to build new streams of revenue and to close business •Excellent communication and presentation skills including verbal, written and one-on-one •Computer savvy in word, excel, power point, and can learn other programs quickly •Able to work on a Tuesday – Saturday schedule What you will receive includes: •Abase salary with a bonus plan based on results •Full Health Benefits If you have the qualifications, please forward your resume to: Human Resources Ste. Anne’s Haldimand Hills Spas RR # 1 Grafton, ON K0K 2G0 hr@steannes.com or fax resume to 905-349-2974 Do you want to make extra cash? Do you feel you need to get out and interact with people again? Why not work with us? We are looking for SALES AGENTS in the Ajax/Pickering area to promote credit cards in retail stores, malls and tradeshows. Students, Semi-retired and retired people welcome. Please call Manjeet Gill at 1-800-463-2811 ext,. 283 to learn more FA MILY PHYSICIAN Part-Time Oshawa Community Health Centre is currently recruiting a part-time (2 days/week) physician. You will work in a multi disciplinary environ- ment. Very competitive salary plus 6% RRSP, group benefits, paid vacation. No overhead. Available as of April 4th, 2005. Contact: Lee Kierstead, Executive Director Tel (905) 723 0036 ex 218 lkierstead@ochc.ca 905-683-9133 Rory Sheehan B.A., B.Ed., M.B.A. (Senior Trainer) Winner of the 2001, 2002, 2003 Readers Choice Awards for Corporate Trainer of the Year. positivestrategies If you like helping people with their problems, and always wished you could get paid for it, now you can. Join the rewarding field of alternative health with full Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy C er t ific a t i o n . Learn to use the powers of hypnosis to help people lose weight, stop smoking, and reduce stress. HYPNOSIS CERTIFICATION • Hypnosis Certification April 15th • Hypnosis For Weight Loss March 31 • One-On-One Hypnosis Now Available Career Opportunity We are a licensed, accredited 136 bed Long Term Care Facility who has offered excellence in care for 37 years. We are seeking a full-time permanent DIRECTOR OF RESIDENT CARE to compliment our dynamic Leadership Team. Qualifications Required: •General Registered Nurse with a current Certificate of Competence with the College of Nurses Ontario •B.Sc.N. an asset •Post RN education in gerontology or relevant experience in Long-Term Care •Post RN education in management or a minimum 3 years relevant experience in management •Must be computer literate Mail or fax resume showing salary expected, before April 4, 2005 to (Fax: 905-576-4712) "Administrator" Sunnycrest Nursing Homes Ltd., 1635 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. L1N 2K9 CHIROPRACTORS & REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS Tired of paying high rents??? New Health Care Facility opening soon in Durham Region. Come join a team of Health Care Professionals ready to serve today's demanding needs in health care. We are looking for self motivated individuals with established practices ready to work in a bright new energetic atmosphere. Other health care professionals needed are, Naturopath's, Herbalists and Kinesiologists. Please apply with resume to : P.O. Box 23060, Belleville, Ontario. K8P 5J3 Nursing & Health Care Job Expo Wednesday, May 18, 2005, 1-7pm Tosca Banquet Hall, 800 Champlain Ave., Oshawa Open to Public. Free Admission. Free Parking Make a "Healthy Career Choice" For more information or to book a booth Call Classifieds @ 905-576-9335 or 905-683-0707 Email:classifieds@durhamregion.com PA RT TIME Ontario Certified Teachers required teaching adults during the day in Oshawa & Pickering. Enthusiasm, flexibility, comfortable teaching Math & English. Teaching Certificate a must. Ph. Rosana: 905-420-9930 OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1-5pm. 68 South Gar- den Court, Port Perry. Canterbury Common Adult Living Community with golf course. $339,000.00 (905)985-0122 SOUTH AJAX,steps to lake, 3 bedroom link home. Beautifully renovated, finished basement, 2 full baths, hardwood floors, gas fireplace. Spotless. $229,000 905- 619-0345. WHITBY: ELEGANT, Immaculate brick home, quiet court. 4-bed- rooms, 4-baths, finished basement with kitchen/bath. Hardwood/ce- ramics, 6-appliances, 176' deep lot, huge deck, C/A, schools. Move-in condition, flexible closing. No Agents. Private $279,900. 416-716-5284, 905-728-9790. NORTH OSHAWA,brand new 4- bdrm townhome, 3 baths, garage, c/a, c/v, alarm, custom window coverings, many upgrades. $244,900. Flexible closing. Call 905-720-1533 or 905-767-5839 RETAIL, OFFICE and commercial units for lease. 600 to 1600 sq. ft. second floor office space available in downtown Bowmanville. Excel- lent exposure fronting on King St with lots of windows. Building has elevator. Ideal for professional use. 3500 sq. ft. new industrial unit available with amazing exposure to Hwy 401. 18' + ceiling height with mezzanine storage above of- fice space. For more information on these and other availability, please call (905) 725-9991. BRIGHT, NEWLY RENOVATED 3 room office unit, Brock St. N., Whitby. Ample parking, $800 monthly includes utilities. Call (905)668-1319, (905)213-5353. FOR LEASE - Retail Oshawa, 1100 sq. ft. plus basement, busy corner with lots of parking. $1550/mo. including taxes & main- tenance. 905-666-4670. LOOKING FOR OFFICE SPACE? professional office space for lease Whitby Town Square, 3000 Gar- den Street, Suite 210, 766 sq. ft. Reception area, kitchenette and 3 private offices. available immedi- ately contact: Chris Tyrovolas or Sue Duchesnay 905-666-1333 NEWLY renovated modern offices for lease. Prime location, Harwood and Hwy 2. Please call Patrick at: 416-464-0387. SPACE FOR RENT,approx 500sq.ft., mixed use, good location in Whitby, next to Tim Horton's, ample parking, available immedi- ately. (905)576-0823. 6 VENDING MACHINES on loca- tion. $12,000. Work 3 hours week, earn $175 +. (905)706-0401. A JOB OR A CAREER?Week to week Paycheck or Lifetime Re- sidual Income? $500/week or $5K/month. 1-877-599-4911 A PROVEN MONEY MAKER!! 6-figure potential from home. 1-800-537-1931. www.seriousadvantage.com DOG GROOMING BUSINESS. Established 13-yrs. Whitby. All equipment, supplies, cages, cus- tomer base, etc. Call (905)263- 4774 4pm-8pm. FOR SALE OR LEASE restaurant, downtown location, on King St., Oshawa, next to finance building. Currently in operation, all equip- ment included. For more informa- tion (905) 434-5786. KIOSK in Pickering Medical Cen- tre open 7 days/week. Currently sells coffee; many possibilities. Rent is $321/month. Make offer. Joe (416)457-8315 PA R TNER REQUIRED.Commer- cial cleaning company. East end. $5K per month plus profits. Invest- ment required. $12K. 1-888-740- 1113. PROVEN Money Maker!6 Figure Potential from Home. 1-800-627- 6047. www.normshomebiz.com. VENDING BUSINESS in Durham for sale. Make money in your spare time. Manufacturing plant lo- cation. Machines in excellent con- dition. Willing to train. Serious in- quires only. 905-426-9303. $$$MORTGAGE FINANCING$$$ - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAG- ES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Dennis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To consolidate your debts. Lowest rates possible for residential or commercial.Credit issues, self em- ployed, I will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. $$Money$$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Sized Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa - Starting At $700. ●Renovated Suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Tenant Incentive Program ●Senior Discounts ●Upgraded Security System Drop by or Call for Appointment 905-728-4993 GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT 3 3 & 7 7 Fal b y Cr t ., A ja x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w w w.a j ax ap artm e n t s .co m 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. 100% FINANCING OAC.5 yr. at 4.55% Debt programs, Cash take- outs, Refinances, Self-employed, even poor credit. Call Kevin at 1-800-328-7887 ext. 366. 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES Res./Comm up to 100% financing. Best rates possible. Credit problems? Self-employed? No problem! Av anti Financial (905)428-8119 DEBTS out of control? Mtgs, con- solidations, auto loans, private funds available. We can help!!! Better Credit Solutions (416)878- 2323, (416)876-2106 From 4.74% for 5 years. 1st. & 2nd Mortgages to 100% (OAC) Best Available Rates Private Mortgage Funds Arrears P.O.S Refinancing Debt Consolidation a Specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Call 905-666-4986 MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgments, garnishments, mort- gage foreclosures & harassing creditor calls. GET: debt Consoli- dations, & protection for your as- sets. Call now: (905)576-3505 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 WE GUARANTEE YOU A mortgage. Any credit, 1st & 2nd Lowest rates. Superior service. Call today 416-565-4665 (1) ATTRACTIVE renovated 2- bedroom apt Simcoe/Mill, Oshawa, $795/mo. inclusive. Laundry, bal- cony, parking, Available immedi- ately. 905-434-2858 1-800-486- 9826 . 1 & 2 BDRM.Oshawa. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry facil- ities. No pets. $725/$775 inclu- sive. First/last, references. April 1st. Call 905-723-1647, 905-720- 9935. 1 AJAX bsmt apt, furnished/unfur- nished, clean/bright, separate en- trance, no cats/smokers, avail April 1st, $725 incl. 905-619-2679 1-BEDROOM apartment, Oshawa, beautiful knotted pine throughout, laundry, parking and utilities included. First/last. Avail- able immediately. $750/month. 416-383-3445 or 905-725-7644 2 BEDROOM APT.on quiet street, Wilson & Adelaide, Oshawa. Heat & water included, laundry facilities available. $950/mo., avail. April 1st. Ask for Doug 905-985-6442. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT APT., Courtice, $900.00 inclusive. Avail- able April 1. No pets. References. 905-433-2910. 2-BEDROOM 1200-sq.ft. apt. in house, panoramic view, fireplace, walk-out to large yard, sep en- trance. No pets, first/last/referenc- es. $875/mo+1/2 hydro. Raglan. 905-431-0571 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT available in the Oshawa, Sim- coe/Olive area. $750. Utilities in- cluded. Available immediately. Call (416)729-3001. 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT,cor- ner Brock/Simcoe in Oshawa. Close to hospital and university. Heat & 2-appliances included. $900/month+hydro, first/last, Avail- able now. (416)-807-0378. 401/HARWOOD,legal 1-bdrm basement apt., separate entrance, laundry, parking, heat, hydro, no smoking/pets, avail. April 1st. $700/month. first/last. Call (905)426-7870 AJAX (South)-Near lake. 3 bed- rooms, 1 bath. Huge yard/garage. No smoking. Available negotiable. $1400/mo. Please call Debra at: 905-391-0069. Ajax (Pickering Village) 1 bedroom apt., first floor, air conditioning, parking, $700./ first & last, Available April.1. No pets/smoking 905-683-4294 AJAX -South end. New 1 bedroom basement. Fireplace, Laundry fa- cilities. Separate entrance. 2 car parking. No smoke, pets allowed! $875 inclusive. Call 416-450-5479. AJAX -Sunny 1 bedroom walk/out, A/C. Furnished/unfurnished. 2 min. walk to hospital and town. Suit sin- gle professional. No smoking. $700 inclusive. 905-686-1832 or 905-434-3461 leave message. AJAX CENTRAL,basement 1- bedroom, clean & bright, 4 appli- ances, parking for 1, separate en- trance, no pets. $620/month + Util- ities. Available April 1st. (905)683- 8768. AJAX CHURCH/HWY #2,two bedrooms. Available March/April in clean quiet bldg. $950 includes utilities, 905-426-1161 AJAX,basement apartments, 2-bedroom, $850 inclusive, 4-appliances, sep. entrance, park- ing. No pets/smoking, Available immed. First/last. Near shop- ping/transit. Call (905) 426-9682. AJAX,Pickering Village 3-bdrm main floor. 4 appliances, 2-car parking, close to schools/shop- ping/transit. $1100/mo + 1/2 util- ities. Avail. now. Call Mike wkdays 905-427-4077 ext 24, even- ings/wknds 905-442-0020. AJAX, Ritchie/Hwy 2,walk-out 1- bdrm bsmt, eat-in kitchen, newly renovated, $750/mo inclusive. Also furnished room, own bathroom, $500/mo inclusive. Both available April 1st, no smoking/pets. Call daytime: (905)686-9019. AJAX,spacious 2-bedroom base- ment, dining/living room $1000- utilities included, private entrance, full kitchen, 4 appliances, 1 park- ing, first/last required. Immediate- ly. (905)426-7341. ATTENTION:Brand New second floor apt, 1628 Brock St/Watson Whitby (south of 401), 3-bdrm, sep entrance, A/Cond, Immediately. 1- 905-642-4429 AVAIL. APRIL 1ST.One bedroom apts for rent. Located 309 Cordo- va Rd., Oshawa. No pets. Please call (905)579-2387 after 5 p.m. AVAILABLE April 1st clean 2 bed- room apartment $850/utilities, great backyard and parking, April 15th 3 bedroom apartment $1050/utilities laundry/park- ing/backyard 905-721-8607 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in Whitby, Apt. building, spacious, carpeted, newly painted, with bal- cony, close to bus, shopping, all utilities included, first/last required, no pets, 1 bedroom $800, 2 bed- room $900, 3 bedroom $1,025. Call (905)767-2565 BASEMENT APT.- Whitby, Gar- den/Taunton. Sep. entrance, $800. Available April 1st. Near all amen- ities. (905)999-0991 BEAUTIFUL walkout basement apt. Pickering Finch/Rose- bank..1350 sq. ft., gas fireplace, all inclusive $1000/month. Available May 1st. (905)839-2022. BLOOR ST. EAST Oshawa Con- veniently located near No Frills, 401, 1 bed. $645/inclusive and 2 bedrooms $745+hydro ($50/mo) avail. April 1st. First/last/1-park- ing. Immaculate, nice, well-main- tained, bright/clean. Laundry, small building. Bus-stop at door. No pets. 905-668-1946. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE-spacious one bedroom apt. Quiet location. Free parking. No smoking/pets. Adult lifestyle building. $765 util. includ- ed. Call 905-697-3491 CHARMING 2 BEDROOM apart- ment north of Port Perry. Com- pletely private, beautiful lake view. Available immediately. First & last required. 905-655-3393. CLEAN 1-BDRM $720/month, newly decorated. Utilities included. Simcoe/Mill area, small quiet apt. building. Call for appt. (905)579- 9890. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. COURTICE OSHAWA BORDER very large, 1100sq.ft, 2 bedroom upper floor of triplex, fridge, stove shared laundry, gas heat, $975 plus hydro, Condolyn Manage- ment (905)428-9766. COURTICE- Large, bright 2 bdrm, apartment. Townline/Bloor area. Near amenities/schools/park. $900 appliances/utilities included. First/last. Available April 1st. 905- 404-8548, cell 905-431-5958. COURTICE-Quiet neighbourhood, upper-level of house, spacious 1- bed., backing onto green-space. Private laundry, 2pc.bath/jacuzzi, parking, appliances included. First/last $1050/incl. Days 905- 404-3967; Eve. 905-571-4822. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - huge 2 bedroom heat, hot water, parking included, $880 per mo. lst./last Available Apr. lst. Call (416)520- 6392 or (905)669-4009 FREE CRUISE Move in by April 1st & you may win a free vacation! Harwood & Bayly 2 bdrms $985 Renovated Units Call 310-7000 www.globetransglobe.com LARGE -Clean, main floor 2 bdrm. apt. Excellent area, near Oshawa hospital. Eat-in kitchen, includes appliances, parking, & laundry. $815/mo. + utilities. Call Pat 905-263-2228 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY Recently renovated spacious clean 2-bed- room basement apt. sep entrance, near GO & Pickering Town Centre. All inclusive. Available April 1st. No smoking/pets. Please call Rob (416)908-4788 OSHAWA - 1-BEDROOM apt. Fridge, stove, heat, hydro & water. $685/month, first/last. Albert & Jackson. 905-723-9781. NEWCASTLE/ORONO,2,000 sq.. FT. basement, 2 bedrooms, bright, new laminate, ceramics, huge yard, Hwy 115 / Conc. 3. Immedi- ately. Responsible tenants wanted. No pets, $800 mo. (905) 435- 0035. ONE LARGE BDRM w/walk-out, clean, parking, air, cable, applianc- es, fireplace, 4pc bath. Thick- son/401 Whitby. Avail. Immed./Apr.1,. $795/mo inclusive, First/last, no smoking/pets. 905- 431-0202. OSHAWA - 2 bdrm. lower duplex, Gibb/Waverly. Bright, spotless, quiet, private entrance, appliances, blinds, electric heat, parking. $915/mo. inclusive. Available im- mediately. No smoking/pets. Laun- dry available. 905-728-7850. OSHAWA -Large, 3 bdrm., main floor of house with walkout to large deck and private fenced yard, parking. Close to amenities, on bus route. $1450/inclusive. Avail- able April 1. First/last/references. Call 905-706-4471. OSHAWA - Taunton/Simcoe new- ly decorated 2 bedroom apart- ment, A/C, parking, laundry, new appliances, starting $875 + hydro, first/last/references 905-683-5013 OSHAWA - Three - 1 bedroom apartments for rent, laundry, cable, air, utilities included. No pets/smoking. $775, $750, $575. Please call (905) 579-8510 or cell (905) 914-0205. OSHAWA -Adelaide and Wilson, 3 bedroom apartment for rent in bungalow. Walkout to deck, pictu- resque view. Available immediate- ly. No pets. $l,150. inclusive. (416) 520-7341 OSHAWA 1 bedroom apartment. No smoking, clean, all utilities in- cluded. Available immediately, $600, first/last and references re- quired. 905-439-0144. OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM nice quiet area, no smoking/pets. All inclu- sive $625/month. Available April 1st. Call 905-404-8565 OSHAWA CENTRAL- luxurious, 2-bdrms. New bathroom/ kitchen/appliances. $750/monthly. Open for inspection, Friday, 4:00-6pm; Saturday & Sunday 3-5pm. 48 Simcoe St. N. (905)725-9473 OSHAWA LARGE 3-bedroom basement apt. close to everything, available immediately. Preferable no pets, $1100 all inclusive, first/last. (905)683-5995 or (416)409-0553. OSHAWA NEW modern bright one bedroom basement apart- ment, avail. immediately. Parking, laundry, utilities, a/c. Hospital area, walk to Simcoe bus, BBQ in back- yard! No pets/smoking. First/last. $700. (905)723-4125. OSHAWA Park/Adelaide area. (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3-bed- rooms available. Well maintained building. Near all amenities. From only $750/mo. Call (905)723-0977. OSHAWA,1-bedroom basement apt., quiet, clean, spacious, in- cludes parking, laundry, utilities. No smoking/pets, suitable for 1. Avail. April 1st, $675. (905)725- 7833 OSHAWA,Central Park/King area. Large 1-bedroom basement apart- ment, separate entrance, 1-park- ing, $675/month all inclusive. No smoking/pets. Suitable for quiet working tenant. (905)721-9103 OSHAWA,Taunton/Simcoe, love- ly basement apartment suitable for 1 mature adult. Fireplace, A/C, garage. Separate entrance. $685/mo.-inclusive. Available now. No smoking/pets. (905)579-9522. OVERLOOKING ROUGE VAL- LEY,upper level bachelor, private entrance, laundry, cable, parking, no pets, no smoking, $700 inclu- sive. Available April lst. (905)509- 0186 PARK/401 bus stop in front of quiet triplex. spacious, 2 room apt, newly renovated. Available April 1st. $620 plus hydro. (905)579- 4064, (905)432-0840. PICKERING -1 bdrm. bsmt. apt., Spacious, separate entrance, laun- dry, cable, parking. $800/mo. in- clusive, includes all utilities, avail. April 1. First/last, references, no smoking/pets. Call 416-518-9715 or 905-837-5453. PICKERING - 2 BEDROOM base- ment apt. Bright and spacious, No smoking/pets. Immediately. Bay- ly/Liverpool Pickering. Hydro, cable, parking, AC, (905)831-6120 PICKERING - Brand new, profes- sionally finished 2 bedroom base- ment apartment. Rouge Valley ar- ea. Bright, Separate entrance, A/C, laundry, cable +, large mod- ern kitchen/bath, 1 car parking. No Pets/Smoking. $1000/month inclu- sive. Available immediately. Call 416-725-9400. PICKERING - BROCK/HWY 2, spacious clean 1 bedroom bsmt. apt. New appliances, single non smoker $700/mth. (utilities/cable included). Available April 1st. Call Pauline 905-426-6208 PICKERING -New 2 bedroom basement apartment. Available anytime. Clean, Separate en- trance. Close to all amenities. Must be seen! Call 416-899-0394. PICKERING Bayly/Liverpool. 1 bedroom basement apt., all inclu- sive, parking, no smoking/pets. Separate entrance, $750. (905)839-4353 PICKERING Brock/Dellbrook. New, large one bedroom base- ment apt., separate entrance, parking, laundry facilities, new ap- pliances. Avail. April lst. $850 all included. (905)231-9814 or (416)899-0775 PICKERING Spacious 3-bedroom 1 1/2 baths, two car parking, laun- dry/dishwasher utilities included, next to GO access to yard, no pets/smoking, Available May 1st. $1350 (905) 420-4269 PICKERING VILLAGE - executive soundproof basement, 1200-sqr- feet,1-bdroom+den, ac/cable/park- ing, own laundry separate en- trance, $980 inclusive, no smoking 416-561-8656 Avail May 1 PICKERING, 2-bdrm bsmt apt, avail April 1st, very spacious, great neighbourhood, no smoking/pets, a/c, separate entrance, parking, share laundry. Major Oaks/Alpine. First/last. Call (905)426-2400 PICKERING,Large 2-bedroom basement apartment, newly reno- vated, no smoking/pets, sep. en- trance, parking, laundry. $900/month inclusive. Immediate- ly. 905-839-9670 or 905-421-9837. PICKERING- Whites/401, clean bright 1-bed. basement apt., sep- arate entrance, full kitchen, air, laundry, parking, cable+, utilities included. Non-smoker, first/last, April 1st. $800/mo. (905)837-0227 PORT PERRY - Quiet, well kept 3-bedroom apartment in low-rise, 1250sq.ft, walk to lake Scugog. Adult lifestyle building. No pets. 905-985-6938, 905-430-7816. REGENCY PLACE 15 Regency Cres. Whitby 50+ lifestyle apt. complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to down- town. Daily activities incl. All utilities incl. Call (905)430-7397 www.realstar.ca SIMCOE ST. N.1- one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available . Conveniently lo- cated in Uxbridge in adult occu- pied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca TWO BEDROOMS AVAILABLE anytime or April 1st. 946 Masson St., Oshawa. $795/mo., all inclu- sive. No pets. Please call 905-576- 6724 or 905-242-4478. UXBRIDGE NEW!To wn- house/Apartment rentals. 2 bed- rooms, 4 appliances, aircond., pat- io/garden, parking, storage. 905- 852-4777 WALKOUT BASEMENT APART- MENT,White's Rd. / Hwy 2, util- ities, parking, $750. Single person preferred, no smoking, no pets, lst/last references required. Tele- phone(905) 420-2015. WEST SHORE,2 bedroom base- ment open concept. $700 per month plus utilities. John Plump- ton, Sales Rep. Prudential Achiev- ers Reality.(905)428-7677. WHITBY - Large 1 bdrm. bsmt. apt. Own entrance, gas f/p, park- ing, $720/mo inclusive. No smok- ing/pets. Avail. April/May 1st. First /last. 905-430-7340. WHITBY CLEAN quiet, spacious 1-bdrm main floor of house. Cen- trally located, "Olde Whitby" full basement, laundry, suits adult, working person(s), non-smok- ing/pets. Avail. immediately. $890+utilities. 905-668-3011 WHITBY EXCEPTIONAL 2-bed- room apt., walk to GO, newer bldg, laundry facilities. $815 + hydro. No pets. April 1st. First/last. (905)723- 8697 WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY,1 bedroom basement apartment on GO route. Laundry, private entrance, all inclusive $640/month. Available May 1st. (905)655-7277. WHITBY, BYRON/KEITH Sts., large 3-bedroom, parking, heat & water included, hydro extra, $1100/month. (905)432-4168. WHITBY,large 2-bedroom newly renovated basement apt., private entrance, 5 appliances, $820+ util- ities. First/last, references. Avail- able April 1st. Call (905)666-3050 WHITBY, large bright newer one bedroom basement, eat in kitchen, fireplace, laundry, parking, nice neighbourhood, $900/mo. inclu- sive. Call (416)838-1026, (905)665-4779. WHITBY, LEGAL NEW large & bright 1 bedroom lower level. Sep- arate entrance, parking, full kitch- en, shared laundry, new 3pc bath- room. No pets/smoking, first/last, available April lst. . 905-444-9392. WHITBY- Dundas and Brock. Sec- ond floor of triplex - large 3-bed- room , fridge, stove, coin wash, no pets. Parking, avail. April 1st. $1075/month inclusive. (905)983- 9082. WHITES/HWY #2,large new 1- bdrm bsmt apt. Separate entrance, 1-parking. $750/mo inclusive. Avail. immediately. (905)831-2796 AJAX - Beautiful condo, 2 bed., 2 baths at 2 Westney Rd. N. 2-PARKING SPOTS, locker, out- door pool/bbq/fitenss sauna, May 1st. $1250 (negotiable). No pets/smoking. 905-471-5911. NORTH OSHAWA CONDO.A-1 condition. New carpet and decor. 2 bed. 2-storey with bsmt. Available now. $875+hydro. Parking, immac- ulate quiet complex. No pets, no smoking. 905-436-0476. PICKERING MILLENNIUM,2- bedroom southern exposure, bal- cony, 5 appliances 2 baths, park- ing, luxury amenities. Available im- mediately. No dogs. $1650 inclu- sive. (905)831-2210 3 BEDROOM,1.5 bath, semi detached home, South Oshawa on Cull-De-Sac Available March 15th. $1100/month, utilities ex- tra. First/last. Short or long term lease available. (905)725-8633. 3-BEDROOM raised bungalow single car attached garage Kens- ington Ave. no pets, no smoking indoors. $1400/month+utilities. Close to all amenities. 905-430- 1854, 905-924-3076. 40 MINUTES NORTH of Oshawa, (Lindsay). 2200 Sq. Ft., main floor laundry, in town on Trent water park, 1.5 Acres, built in 2002, close to schools, shopping, Main St., parks, playgrounds, walking trails, boat ramp, municipal docks, lift locks and hospital, 3-bedrooms, 2 bath, town sewers and water. $1200/mth (239) 287-1546 E-mail andfitz@comcast.net ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AJAX -Spacious 5 bedroom home. South side of Westney by the lake. Backing onto Greenbelt. All appli- ances. Please call Zaly/Nagir: 416- 315-6113 or 905-827-6027. AJAX 3-bedroom bungalow, hard- wood, new kitchen, 3 appliances plus shared laundry, large lot, 2-parking, near all amenities. First/last, references. 905-683- 9213 AJAX, BEAUTIFUL 3-BEDROOM main-floor semi-bungalow avail- able immediately Bayly/Harwood, quiet street, 2-car parking, laundry, no smoking/no-pets. $1000+part utilities. (905)686-8104, (416)834- 9759. AJAX,main floor of semi, 3- bdrms, walk-out to deck, laundry, parking, Harwood/Bayly, no smok- ing/pets. $1150/mo+ 60% utilities. Avail. April 1st. (905)294-0760 AJAX, WESTNEY/MCGILL Fully detached, familyroom, double car garage. Avail. immediately. $1,295/month. Call (905)767-7653 BEAUTIFUL Whitby main floor. April 1st. 2-bdrms + office, open concept kitchen, dishwasher, a/c, jacuzzi, laundry, french doors to deck, huge yard, no smoking. $1200+ 1/2 utilities. (905)430- 9005 daytime. COURTICE 3+1 bedroom house. Excellent condition, 5 appliances, large deck, fenced yard, new paint/floors. $1250-inclusive. No pets/smoking (905)579-8393 DETACHED 3 bedroom House in Ajax. 1.5 baths. finished base- ment, 5 appliances, C/A/C, full gar- age, fenced yard. No pets/smok- ing. References required. $1500 + utilities. (905)428-3613, leave message. FINALLY A PLACE to call home! Whitby spotless and bright, 3- bdrm, 2-bath, gourmet kitchen, lux- urious living/dining, prof. land- scaped and fenced huge back- yard, heated swimming pool, full basement, 6 appliances, pictu- resque setting, new paint through- out, new carpet, new laminate flooring. Everything you could want and more! Stop looking, this is it, $1297+. Call Steve at (905)686- 4891 and come home. NORTH OSHAWA - Spotless, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, central air, finished basement, garage! $l,l75 plus utilities. Available April lst. Call Lori (905) 431-5177. NORTH OSHAWA BEAUTY -Spa- cious & spotless 3-bedroom town- house, 3-baths, 5-appliances, fire- place, garage, fenced yard, fin- ished walkout basement. April 1st. $1295+utilities/first/last/references. 905-430-6440. OSHAWA,Bright updated 3 bdrm semi. 5 appl. c/air. walkout to deck. Excludes bsmt. Avail. Apr 15 or May 1. $1100 includes wa- ter. Heat/Hydro extra. First/Last, references req'd. No pets. 905 571 5260/416 435 2962. OSHAWA,close to OC, 4 bed- room, fenced yard, partially fin- ished basement, no pets, $1200, first & last, plus utilities & $200 wa- ter deposit. Avail immediately (905)430-0249 RENT $1150/mo.or Rent-to-Own $1650/mo. + 2/3rd utilities for 3 bedroom new house in North Oshawa. 905-922-7356. OSHAWA,detached 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, 5 appliances, central air, gas fireplace, no pets/no smoking. lst/last. $1,400 per mo. plus utilities. Available April lst. (905) 723-3790. PICKERING 1948 GLENDALE Dr., 3-bedroom bungalow, 4 appli- ances, finished bsmt., w/3pc. bath/laundry, $1350/mo. + util. Available May 1st. (905)831-2210 PICKERING Major Oaks/Brock 2-storey detached, 3-bdrm, 3- bathrms, A/C, 6 new appl, pool/deck. Near GO/schools/shop- ping. No smoking/pets. first/last/references. $1400+util- ities. April 1. 905-655-1319 416- 270-3452 SIMCOE/TAUNTON- newer home, 4-bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laun- dry, air con., 2-car parking, near College, buses, shopping. Avail. immediately. $1350+util/month, first/last, references. Certified cheque. Cindy (905)839-1615, 289-314-2893. TOWNLINE/KING, Oshawa, 3- bedroom bungalow, garage, laun- dry, hardwood/ceramic immediate $1200 inclusive, ALSO Basement available 2-bdrms, laundry, park- ing. $800-inclusive. April 1st. No dogs/smoking (905)430-4649 WHITBY,3-bedroom semi de- tached, Dunlop/Annes St., large yard, utilities,appliances included, shared laundry, no smoking, May 1, $1300 per month.(905)430-2925 BLOOR/TOWNLINE -Newer 3 bedroom end-unit townhouse with fully fenced yard. Mainfloor laun- dry. Separate Garage. Fireplace. 1450sq.ft. Available May 1st. $1350/mo. + util. 905-619-2495. BOWMANVILLE 4-bedroom town- house. Close to 401. Available im- mediately. No smokers/pets. $1100. First/last. Call (613)333- 1415. CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units . Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. OSHAWA south 3 bedroom town- houses, close to schools, shop- ping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. Available April/May 1st. 905-579-9956 or Toll-free 1-866- 922-6422. PICKERING END UNIT- 3+1 bed- room, 5-level open-concept, newly renovated, laminate flooring & ce- ramics throughout.$1200/mo. 905- 427-6352 leave msg. http://www. terrabuilder.com/4Rent/4Rent.htm TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. PICKERING VILLAGE.For rent two single furnished rooms. Shared bathroom. Parking. Work- ing persons. No smoking. No pets. Call Sandra: (905)683-5630. PICKERING,1 bedroom for rent in quiet home, price negotiable, avail- able immediately, near shopping & amenities. Shared utilities. Female preferred. Call (905)426-1974 leave msg. PICKERING, Brock/Finch.Upper furnished or not private room in large adult home. Share kitchen, bath, laundry. Cable TV. Parking. No smoking. References, first/last. $400/mo. Call 416-460-5615 ROOM for rent, $550/month, first/last, Whites/Sheppard, Picker- ing. No smoking/pets. Call Chris (905)831-1932 WESTNEY/ROSSLAND,room for rent in new house. Laundry & parking included. Available imme- diately. Call (905)428-7581 WHITBY Thickson/Hwy 2. Room for rent. Share common areas, own bathroom, close to shopping and public transit. Available imme- diately. Call (905)743-9155 AJAX - clean and quiet, excellent for night shift or student. Kitchen, laundry, parking, $500/month. Call Dave (647)283-0272 AJAX or PICKERING clean fur- nished houses to share. Mature male preferred, parking, laundry, telephone, cable-TV, and all util- ities included. From $450 No lease, non-smoking houses, no pets, 905-683-0457; cell-905-409- 9495 April 1st. AJAX,one bedroom plus use of all facilities. No smoking/pets. $450/month, first/last. Call (905)428-1205 COURTICE AREA,professional male looking to share large clean century home with one other. Laundry, phone, internet, and all utilities included. No smoking/pets. lst/last $450 per mo. Call (905) 706-1782 or (905) 434-6561. OSHAWA, Simcoe & Bloor. Share furnished apt with 2 males. Near all amenities. Available April lst. 1st/last, $400/mo inclusive. Viewing (905)433-4088. PARK / HWY. 2 OSHAWA. Seeking non - smoking profes- sional to share all facilities. $460/mo/first/last, includes park- ing, cable, all utilities.. Call 905- 728-1850. PICKERING,Altona/Hwy 2, clean, large bedroom available in upscale neighbourhood. Includes cable, laundry, internet, parking, near all amenities, TTC and Pickering Tr ansit. $400/month. Female pre- ferred. (647)882-8237 2002 COLEMAN Bayside Folding Tr ailer, sleeps 8, fully loaded in- cluding A/C. Brand new condition with many extras. $13,000. Call (905)447-2925. BALSAM LAKE,Fenelon Falls. Tr ailers for sale on sites and HK cottages for rent. Toll free 1-877- 887-2550 or check out www.sandybeachtrailercourt.com GTX Seadoos 1995 matching pair, unbelievably low hours, excellent condition, a must see, with double bunk trailer, best offer stands please call 905-434-5686 SINCERE SINGLES "Where Happiness Begins". Successfully matching members since 1992. Toll Free 1-866-719-9116 www.sinceresingles.ca. 1/2 price special now on. SPEED DATING,Ages 48-58 March 24th, Ajax (Ladies portion sold out). Ages 25-35, March 29th, Whitby. Ages 35-45, April 5th, Whitby. Register (905)244-5683 or www.thesinglesnetwork244.com AJAX - Full-time live-in nanny for 2 children, 14 & 6 mths, flexible hours, legal, references. Call 905- 619-8770. LIVE IN Nanny required for June. $9/hr. Must have baby experience with reference. Please telephone: 905-426-3401. LIVE IN NANNY, for 2 boys, 31/2 & 1 1/2. Northern Ajax. Call (905)426-1315. NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, March 16, 2005, PAGE 11 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com mortgagefree123.com 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom town home suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees close to all amenities. $999.00 per month. One month free! Call (905)579-7649 for an appointment. Place your ad at 905-683-0707 Fisheries and Oceans NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1985, CHAPTER N-22 The Sea Lamprey Control Centre, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Agent to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport pursuant to the Navigable Waters Protection Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans. Under Section 9 of the said Act, the Sea Lamprey Control Centre, Department of Fisheries and Oceans has deposited with the Minister of Transport, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry Division of Durham, No. 40, at City of Whitby, Ontario, under deposit number D549616, a description of the site and plans of the existing Duffins Creek sea lamprey barrier dam and trap in the Duffins Creek, at the Town of Ajax, Township of Ajax-Pickering, Lot 15, Concession 1. Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation may be directed to: Superintendent, Navigable Waters Protection Program, Transport Canada, 201 N. Front Street, Suite 703, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 8B1. However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing and are received not later than 30 days after the date of this notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent. Pêches et Océans LOI SUR LA PROTECTION DES EAUX NAVIGABLES S.R.C. 1985, CHAPITRE N-22 Le Centre de lutte contre la lamproie marine, Pêches et Océans, agent canadien à la Commission de pêche des grand lacs, donne avis, par les présentes, qu'une demande a été déposée auprès du ministre des Transports en vertu de la Loi sur la protection des eaux navigables,l’approbation de l’ouvrage décrit dans les présentes, ainsi que son emplacement et ses plans. Le Centre de lutte contre la lamproie marine, Pêches et Océans a, en vertu de l’article 9 de ladite loi, déposé auprès du ministre des Transports, et du bureau de la publicité des droits de Durham, à Whitby (Ontario), sous le numéro de dépôt D549616 une description de l’ouvrage suivant, son emplacement et ses plans du barrage et du piège existants de barrière de lamproie marine de la crique Duffins, dans la crique Duffins, à la ville d'Ajax, canton d'Ajax-Pickering, le lot n o 15, concession no 1. Les commentaires relatifs à l’effet de l’ouvrage sur la navigation maritime peuvent être adressé au Surintendant, Programme de la protection des eaux navigables, Transports Canada, 201 Rue Fronte Nord, Bureau 703, Sarnia (Ontario) N7T 8B1. Veuillez noter que seuls les commentaires fait par écrit et reçus au plus tard 30 jours suivant la date de cet avis seront considérés. Même si tous les commentaires répondant à ces exigences sont considérés, aucun réponse individuelle ne sera envoyée. S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 0 T H A jax Com m unity C e n tr e 75 Centennial Rd., Ajax HMS Ajax Room 1 - 3pm Spring & Summer Sale IMPORTER/WHOLESALER MOVING SALE Special below wholesale pricing on: •Gas Grills & Accessories •Model Ships & Nautical Decor •Office & Warehouse Fixtures OPEN SATURDAYS During March and April 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 85 Chambers Drive Unit #2, Ajax (905) 427-9124 Directions - Hwy 401 to Salem Road, North on Salem to Chambers FOUND - "NEEDS HOME" Orange tabby cat, he is very friendly, found on Redbird Crs. Pickering on Fri. March 11th. (905)420-7424 or 905-420-5772. ESTATE AUCTION Stapleton Auction Centre Newtonville March 18th, Friday, 5:00 p.m. Selling a private estate of tools, and furniture etc. from a Kendal home, plus woodworking shop equipment and tools from a Newcastle estate: Flat cupboard, occasional chairs, 9 ft. harvest table w/taper leg, 5 oak side chairs, buffet and china closet, drop front desk, pine blanket box, low boy chest w/moustache han- dles, express vu dish receiver, 30 in. tv sony, biscuit joiner freud, cordless drill, ryobi power tools, drills, 5hp champair compressor, sure- weld arc welder, Lincoln 225 arc welder, karcher washer, pr. ramps, motorized tri ped w/canopy, 1 1/2 ton chain hoist, 2 1/2 ton floor jack, waxer/buffer, grinder and stand, Jack stands, chain saws, creeper, air tools, set tractor chains John Deere, 5 speed drill press, sk torque wrench (micor adjusting); 8 gal. shop vac, chain saws, industrial shelf framing, set of 4 goodyear 225-60-16 tires and mags (Iroqz) etc. etc. Preview after 2 p.m. Check website for updates, note the new date and time.Terms: Cash, approved cheque, visa, in- teract, master card. AUCTIONEERS FRANK AND STEVE STAPLETON, NEWTONVILLE (905) 786-2244 www.stapletonauctions.com 'estate specialists since 1971' STOREY'S Over $20 Million Dollars Originally Invested UNRESERVED AUCTION Wed. March 23rd at 1:00 p.m. Oshawa Harbour, Oshawa Ont. 2 - 1990 Macawber Dockmaster Ship Unloading Machines, Dust Collection Systems, 2 main yard Transformers and Switch Gears etc.Valid photo I.D. required for all persons attending. Inspection must be made with the auctioneers. Access will be denied without prior arrangements. www.storeyauctions.com 519-641-2844 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, March 18th at 4:30pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4 The Estate of Ernest Rumford of Fenelon Falls plus others. Round oak Split Pedestal table, 3pc chesterfield set, oak bed, ent. centre, metal bunk beds, collector plates, oak li- brary table, occ. chairs, Bateman "Great Crested Greb", single beds, Vitamaster motorized treadmill, Inglis coin op- erated washing machine, Maytag washer & dryer, Danby 11800 BTU A/C (1 year old), Craftsman 9HP 27" cut snow blower (1 year old with 2 year service contract), For com- plete listing & pictures contact Don & Greg Corneil, Auctioneers R.R. #1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 or www.corneil@theauctionadvertiser.com WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd: 4:45 pm Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables for an Oakville home, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd. 1 km west of Utica TO INCLUDE:Chesterfield and chair, bedroom suite, kitchen suite, chests, prints, lamps, entertainment unit, TV, VCR, DVDs, quantity of collectables and glassware, plus many other interesting items.Terms:are Cash, Visa, M/C, and Interac, paid in full on day of sale. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 Consignment Equipment Auction Berrybank Farms 3383 Taunton Rd. Orono Ont. 1 1/2 miles west of Hwy. 115 Sat. March 26, 2005 10 AM. Selling a full line of farm equipment, tractors, machinery, vehicles, hardware, tools and lumber etc. For info. and to consign to this auction contact the auctioneer John D. Berry Auctions 905-983-5787 Auction Sale-Haydon Auction Barn, Sun Mar. 20 @ 12 pm From 401 ext. 431 at Bowmanville, north 8 mi. on Hwy 57 to Concession Rd 8, turn east at the fire hall to Haydon.Many Royal Canadian Mint coins and a variety of Canadian paper money, 100 dollar Gold coins, Large pen- nies, Silver nickels, 1948 Can silver dollar, 1925 five cent (ICCS), 1936 dot .25. For a catalogue email a request to stephensonauctions@sympatico.ca Terms: Cash, Interac, Cheque I/D Note: 4 % Buyer’s Premium Visa, M/C. Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 / 705-277-9829 SAT. MAR. 19th - 10 a.m. OUR EASTER ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & FURNITURE AUCTION from Estate of Judith Aldred of Port Perry & Estate of Judith Weidmark of Uxbridge including 2002 Ford Escape 4wd SUV @ Vanhaven Arena, 722 Davis Dr., Uxbridge. See website for details. garyhill.theauctionadvertiser.com GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-852-9538 / 1-800-654-4647 / Cell 416-518-6401 Auction Sale-Haydon Auction Barn-Sat Mar. 19 @ 5 pm From 401 ext. 431 at Bowmanville, north 8 mi. on Hwy 57 to Concession Rd 8, turn east at fire hall to Haydon. Bedrm furn, Futon, Bathroom vanity, Pictures, Glass, Chi- na, Tools.Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 Coin&currency auction Sun Mar. 20, 12pm ezautoapproval.com 1-888-283-7701 Michael Boyer Pontiac www.ezautoloan.net 1-800-269-1687 '24 hrs. live' CHILDREN IN THE CARE OF ONTARIO CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETIES INCREASED 40% IN 2002-2003 When children in our community need us, that’s when we need you most. BECOME A FOSTER FAMILY F oster Families F oster Futures 1-877-567-KIDS www.homesforkids.com Homes For Kids is a network of children’s aid societies dedicated to providing the best foster homes for children in need of care. NEED MORE LIVING SPACE? Develop your Basement. Add a Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Office, In-Law Suite, etc. (905) 683-3225 newspace@sympatico.ca 7th Annual Garden & Landscape Show April 8, 9, 10, Civic Auditorium Oshawa Only 2 booths left! Gardeners & Crafters welcome. Reserve your booth today. Sharon 905-579-4473 ex. 2285 Sponsored by Oshawa This Week Congratulations Richard Rammler RMT On October 22nd, 2004, Rich graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in Toronto, and received his certificate of registration in December from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. Rich has started his career with South Ajax Chiropractic Clinic and welcomes the Community to his Massage Therapy practice there. We are very proud of you and wish you success in your chosen field With Love from Mom & Dad, Lacey and Katherine LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. DAYCARE AVAILABLE with ex- perienced mom. Large playroom with computer, games, sports. Everyday scheduled activities. Now accepting children attending at Highbush School. Whites/Am- berlea/Rosebank area. 905-831- 8502. ***CURRENTLY*** Immediate openings for Infants & Toddlers Hours 6am - 6pm Westney & Delaney Next door to Westney Heights P.S. 905-427-6777 betterbeginnings@rogers.com I WANT YOUR CHILD(REN)reli- able home daycare provided in my home by experienced mother. Kingston/Whites. Please contact Fiby at (905)839-4366 SELF DEFENSE COURSE offered for women & students! Begins April at the TAI-KO Oshawa Judo Club. For information contact Don- na (905)576-2641 BUY/SELL stair lifts, porch lifts, scooters, hospital beds, etc. Call SILVER CROSS AT (905) 668- 8560 OR 1-800-659-0668 PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. LEATHER jackets 1/2 price, purs- es from $9.99, luggage from $19.99. wallets from $9.99. Every- thing must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439- 1177. A DININGROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. 3 SOFAS,2 tapestry, one country plaid (taupe/green/cranberry) cus- tom made $495 each; occasional tables cherry finish; Williamsburg chandelier $400; Greco Neat-Seat highchair, blue plaid, good condi- tion $70. (905)420-2263 5500 DIESEL generator, electric start. List price $3980 asking $3500 OBO Jim(905)434-5233 8-pc BEDROOM,light oak, like new, dresser, mirror, armoire, head/foot rails, 2 nights; RATTAN DINETTE, glass top, 4 arm, 2 swivel. 905-721-7202 A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. A1 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Sales, Installation & Service Of All Makes. SALE! FTA $218, DishNet $257. Quick Installs. 7 Days A Week. (905)999-0362 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES Refrigera- tors, $99/up. Super-capacity wash- ers, dryers $125/up. Stoves, $149/up. Visit our showroom. Large selection! Parts, Service. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. APPLIANCES - Refridgeator frost free, Deluxe stove $475/pair. Heavy duty washer/dryer, $275/pair or $675/all. Also super deluxe refridgeator/stove, large ca- pacity washer/dryer, used 2 years, will separate, all exceptional ap- pearance. (905)925-6446 BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SET,cherrywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construction, nev- er opened. Cost $8,000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416)748-3993 BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. BLEACHED OAK dining room set, 6 chairs, hutch, buffet, mint condi- tion, $2,000. Universal gym $250. telephone (905) 665-5923. CARPETS - I have several thou- sand yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $389.00. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve (905) 743-0689 www.suburbancarpets.com CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30 sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet including pre- mier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Esti- mate. Mike 905-431-4040 CERAMIC TILE,large quantities for sale, well below retail, delivery and installation available (905)244- 5910. CHINA CABINET,62"highx4'wide, black w/gold trim, 3-glass shelves, good condition, $200. (905)619- 0018 COMPUTERDEALS.NET Special- izing in anti-virus/spyware solu- tions. If your computer's way too slow, we know how to make it go! New & used laptops and desktops from $288. Family business, 20yrs same location. (905)655-3661. COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services. SPECIAL: While quantities last FREE CD/RW WITH P3/550 Complete system purchase from $279.00-$289.00; P3/933 (Complete, black) $379.00; P2/350 (Complete, desktop) $169.00; CD-RW upgrade only $30.00 w/system purchase. Other complete systems avail. Repairs at reasonable rates w/Free Pick-up and Delivery within Oshawa/Whit- by.Minimal Charge other areas. Interac, Visa & Mastercard accept- ed. Layaway Plans. Leasing now available OAC on New & Refur- bished Systems. 27 Warren Ave- nue,Oshawa (1 block east of Park/Bond). Call (905)576-9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com Hot Tub (Spa) Covers - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-585- 0056 DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR,Frigi- daire stove, less than 1-yr.old, paid $2300, asking $1300/pr. 1992 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 1340, new tires, $9500/obo. 905- 725-0996. MOVING. MUST SELL.Glass dining room table and 6 chairs, walnut bedroom set, entertainment unit, beige couch, laz-y-boy chair, 4 poster double headboard, foot- board. Best offer. (905)579-6656 NEW DANBY APT sized freezers $209. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, washers $199/up, new and coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 PIANO SALE-Huge Selection! March Break Special March 8th to March 19th deadline, on all upright & grand pianos, also digital pianos. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc). Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons? Try our rent-to-own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PIANO Technician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Rentals also available. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427- 7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa. PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS XBOX MOD CHIPS installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. We buy used/work- ing consoles. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, $800 accessory pack- age included. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. QUEEN 8-pc $1350; Oak buffet hutch table 4 chairs 2-yr $1000; Blue sofa & loveseat $450; TV armoire over 6-ft high $200; Wash- er/Dryer $200; Two wicker tub chairs @ $100; Fridge $250; Stove $100. (905)260-1123 RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SATELLITE SERVICES:Direct TV DISHNET, Free To Air, C- band, HD-TV. 20 years servicing satellite. 905-428-1223, or drop by store for a demo. ULTRAMATIC GENIUS Model K- BED adjustable bed, twin, extra long. head and foot massage units, ortho-reversible mattress, wireless remote control, removable side rails, purchased Oct/04- $3400, asking $2,000. (905)666- 2775. VENDORS WANTED at the Courtice Flea Market. 5,000 - 6,000 people per weekend. Rent starts $200 per month for indooor space. Located 2 min. North of 401 between Oshawa and Bow- manville. Call 905-436-1024 or vis- it us: www.courticefleamarket.com WEDDING DRESS - Sleeveless, Mon Cheir, size 12, with veil & tia- ra.Asking $600 obo. 905-434- 8775. WANTED - off road tires and rims for Jeep 33" 12.5 15", call (905)434-0392 WANTED:kitchen, diningroom and bedroom furniture in Oak, Ma- ple or Cherrywood finish. Also liv- ingroom, familyroom furniture, so- fa, loveseat, coffee and end tables etc. Will take larger screen TVs and newer appliances in good working order. 905-260-1123 NEW VENDORS WANTED Crafts, antiques, manufactured items. Limited space available. "ONE MONTH FREE" Call Karen for details. (905)404-0508. Country Craft Store, Whitby AJAX LAKERIDGE FARM FIRE- WOOD. The best quality and pric- es around. Cut/split/seasoned/de- livered. Discount for pick up. ($300 bush) 905-424-1735. QUALITY FIREWOOD at low pric- es. Fully seasoned, split hard- wood. Ready to burn. Delivery only (free within Durham region). Call days 905-718-7147, evenings 905- 725-5415 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES $500. 2 female, 1 male, 10 weeks old. Dewormed, all shots. Call Patricia or Brian, (905)620-0814 brianvision@msn.com PAPILLON PUPS 12 WEEKS- Males and Females. Call evenings or weekends 905-986-9955. SHIH TZU, PUREBRED white, beautiful 2 yr old, good nature. Available for stud. Call Carol (905)430-3689 WOULD YOU ENJOY your DOG more if he were better trained? TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905-797-2855 1991 DYNASTY LE,3.3 L, loaded, 195 Hwykms. $2,250. cert./emiss. 1994 Voyager LE, 3.0 L, 180 Hwy. kms. both in excellent condition. $2,250 cert./emiss. (905) 579- 0441. 1991 SEABRING KIT CAR. Austin Healey replica, 27,000km. Ford 302. 4 bbl, 4 spd, tilt p/s, p/b. $14,000. (905)579-6656. 1992 HONDA PRELUDE in good condition, will sell as is $2400. Call for details (905)668-1821 1993 Chev. Cavalier, 4cyl. auto, new paint, cert/e-passed, $2495; 1994 Plymouth Sundance, 4cyl. auto, hatchback, cert/e-passed $2495; 1994 Olds. 88, loaded, cert/e-passed $3495; (905)433- 8050 1994 RED PONTIAC GRAND AM SE,2 door, fully loaded, 90k on engine. New all season tires. Runs & looks great. Certified and e-test- ed. $4,000.00 Call 905-982-0070 for details. 1995 MONTE CARLO, z34, $3,999., 1995 Mercury Cougar, $2,999., 1995 Windstar $2,999., 1994 Chrysler LHS $3,499.Others from $1,699. Certified and e-test- ed. (Kelly and Sons since 1976) (905) 683-7301 or (905) 424-9002. www.kellyandsonsauto.com 1996 LUMINA,6 cyl. auto, 4 dr., loaded,$1850. Oshawa, (905) 720- 0704. 1996 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 190kms, 4 cyl., automatic, AC, p.locks, am/fm CD, asking $3000. Call (905)576-3264 1997 FORD ESCORT, automatic, air conditioning, red, 130,000 kms. $4,000.00 (905) 985-8167. 1997 FORD TAURUS LX, gold, certified, e-tested, 210,000km, loaded, sunroof, interior/exterior excellent condition, no rust. $3,950. (905)686-5244 1998 CHEVROLET Malibu, 135,000kms, $4,950; 1998 Pontiac Grand Am 150,000kms, V6, $4,950; 1998 Plymouth Neon 180,000kms, $3,250; All certi- fied/e-tested, 4-dr, auto, air. (905)665-3222 1999 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, origi- nal owner, loaded, keyless entry, power windows, sunroof, AM/FM CD, certified & e-tested, 135,000kms, $11,900. (905)428- 7867 BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT Try "Dan the Man" at Darryl's Auto Centre I.N.C. We will sell you a great car backed with a reputation second to none! 905-436-1499 BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYANEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE (905) 767-0951 (905) 683-5358 CALL BRIDGET BANKRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $$$$ A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. To ps all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days (905)686-1899. ABLE to pay cash for scrap vehi- cles, free pick-up. call Leo anytime (905)426-0357 ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans pay cash, free pick up, 905-424-3508. CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407 1993 FORD EXPLORER,4X4, $3499; 1993 Suzuki Sidekick 4X4, $3499; 1996 Ford F150 $3699; 1998 Windstar $4999; 1995 Monte Carlo $3999; others from $1699; Certified & E-tested. (Kelly & Sons since 1976). 905-683-7301 or 905- 424-9002 or www.kellyandsonsau- to.com 2000 CHEVY SILVERADO Straight cab, 4-wheel dr. 164,000- km. Fully loaded, black with black int. Chrome wheels. $11,000 certi- fied & e-tested. Call (905)434- 0392 2003 GMC SONOMA, 5 spd, stan- dard, extended cab. 46,000kms, Bleu. $12,000. (613)332-4930 RIMS,20" Milano fully chrome im- ported rims. Includes tires 285/50/20. Call (416)854-2969 1990 GM SAFARI New alternator, $1500-obo. (905)420-2263 1993 PLYMOUTH GRAND Voya- geur SE ext., 7 passenger, 155k, 3.3L, V6, auto, like new, all op- tions, leather, p.seats, rear heat, $2900 e-tested/certified. (905)404- 8541 1994 DODGE RAM 350 1 ton car- go van. Roof rack, ready to pull. Safety & e-tested. $4,600. Call 905-427-8613. 1998 CHEVROLET VENTURE, 7-passenger, 4-dr, V6, fully loaded $4,950; 2000 Ford Excursion XLT, V10, loaded, 4x4, $16,900. Both certified/e-tested. (905)665-3222 Adorable, Sweet or Sassy Durham's finest ladies available In/Out calls Hiring 19+ 905-809-4598 GRAND OPENING Ajax Spa Best in Town BACK WALKING SHIATSU MASSAGE Enter Rear Door 905-231-0092 JCB Contracting Inc. Specializing in all Interior & Exterior Renovation basements ● ceramics bathrooms ● hardwood kitchens ● laminate electrical ● painting plumbing ● crown molding decks ● fencing Serving the Durham region for over 15 years Call John for free estimates (905)428-8868 REAL HANDYMAN For people with limited cash flow Garbage Removal Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Drywall etc Call Joseph cell - 905-626-6247 pgr- 416-530-8481 WB RENOVATIONS Interior & Exterior ✹Specialties ✹ Full Finish Bsmts Bathrooms Kitchens ●Additions Painting Complete Drywall & Stucco Free Estimates * Licensed 905-767-3086 TnT Concrete Contracting Form/Place/Finish & Saw Cut On-grade, floating, and structural slabs Exposed agg. stamped or dust-proofed polish Floors, patios, pool decks, curbs, parging, restora- tion, demolition, removal M.Turner, Newcastle 905-987-4641 cell 905-925-4387 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 GUARANTEED PAIN TING "Pay as your are satisfied" Painting, plastering, Stucco ceiling repair/paint one room or whole house 37 years experience for free estimate call Scott c-647-896-2406 h-905-619-2406 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior **Fully Insured** Call for free estimate (905) 686-7889 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 $45/hr 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmoving.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 Triumph Moving 2 EXPERIENCED CLEANERS AVAILABLE for quality service at excellent rates call Lisa (905)655-9195 CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, March 16, 2005 www.durhamregion.com 249 Coming Events 249 Coming Events 254 Graduations 254 Graduations 256 Deaths 256 Deaths Place your ad at 905-683-0707 SELLING YOUR HOME? Inquire about our HOME FOR SALE PACKAGE AJAX 905-683-0707 LEE, Brian A.(retired employee of 42 years at Mill- er Paving) It is with great sadness that we an- nounce the passing of Brian on Sunday, March 13, 2005, with his family by his side. Beloved husband and best friend for 48 years of Lois Lee (Dumond). Devoted and loved dad of Gary (Jan) of Vancouver and Carol Martin (Richard) of Whitby. Proud grand- father of Andrew, Alexandra, Lauren and Kelly. Dear brother of Barry (Katherine) and the late El- wood both of Uxbridge. Loved son-in-law of Lillian Dumond and the late Thomas Dumond of Ajax. Dear brother-in-law of Helen Lee of Uxbridge, Al- thea and Ross Thompson of Pickering, Marion and Cliff Newans of Whitby, Gloria and Tom Sharples of Ajax and Donald Dumond of Ajax. He will be sadly missed by many nephews and nieces. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Vil- lage) 905-428-8488 from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Service at Pickering Village United Church (300 Church St. N., Ajax) on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. Should family and friends so desire, donations in Brian's memory to the Pickering Village United Church or The Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated by the family. A book of Condolence may be signed at www.mceachnie-funeral.com PETERS, Ada Mae (nee Ferguson)Passed away peacefully at the Ajax Pickering Hospital on Sunday March 13, 2005 in her 94th year. Beloved wife of the late John Peters. Much loved mother of Charles, mother-in-law of Mollie, grandmother of Cindy (Doug), Kelly (Brad) and Steven (Leanne). Loving great grandmother of Laura (Jason), Brandon (Ju- dy), Jordan, Kelsey, Alexandra and Elyse. An ex- ceptional lady admired and respected by all who knew her. A devoted wife for 60 years. A woman that enjoyed good company, sewing, knitting, and looking beautiful. She will be deeply missed. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The Funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday March 16, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church (82 Church St. South, Ajax) Interment to follow at Ressurection Cemetery. Should family and friends so desire, donations to The Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Breast Cancer Foun- dation would be greatly appreciated. WESTECOTT, Linda E. (Grills)a resident of R.R.#3 Newbury, passed away at Four Counties Health Services, Newbury on Tuesday March 15, 2005 at the age of 60. Born in West Hill, daughter of the late Erle and Ethel (Webster) Grills. Beloved wife of Robert "Bob" Westecott. Loving mother of Lisa McClure of Bothwell, Christine and Doug Panther of West Lorne and Andrew Westecott of Newbury. Sadly missed by grandchildren Ryan, Caightlyn, Shelby, Rebecca and Kyle. Dear sister of Nancy (Terry) Hampson of Scarborough. Predeceased by a daughter Shawna-Lee Weitzel (1993). The Westecott family will receive friends at the BADDER & ROBINSON FUNERAL HOME & RECEPTION CENTRE, 211 Elm St., Bothwell (519-695-2716) on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9pm. The funeral service will be held in the chapel on Fr iday March 18, 2005 at 11:00am with Rev. Ross Williams officiating. Interment Bothwell Cemetery. Donations by cheque to the Lung Association or charity of ones choice would be appreciated by the family. To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 905-683-0707 (Ajax) and let one of our professional advisors help you. A/P PAGE 13 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 *Leasing plans OAC provided by Kia Canada Financial Services.Available on 2005 Spectra (ST5415)/2005 Sedona LX (SD7535). Based on a 60/60 month lease rate of 0.14%/2.15% and a down payment or trade equivalent of $1,995/$4,950. First month’s lease payment of $179/$249, plus $0/$1,150 delivery and destination, and a $350 acquisition fee, due upon delivery. Total lease obligation for the featured models based on an MSRP of $15,895/$26,995 is $12,735/$19,890 and the option to purchase at end of lease for $4,391.40/$9,038.40 plus applicable taxes. Lease has 20,000 km/year allowance (other packages available) and $0.10/km for excess. ✧2 Free Lease Payments on selected 2005 Rio/2005 Spectra/2005 Sorento/2005 Sedona leases through KCFS. Maximum monthly lease allowance, including all applicable taxes, is $250/$350/$500/$475. **2005 Spectra MSRP from $15,895, 2005 Sedona LX MSRP from $26,995. Licence, registration, insurance, delivery and destination, and taxes are not included, unless otherwise stated. Prices subject to change without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. §0% purchase financing is available for a maximum of 60 months on selected 2005 vehicles. ‡Finance cash offer applies to all 2005 Sedona purchase financing. $1,000 will be deducted from negotiated price of the financed vehicle after taxes. Taxes are payable on the full negotiated price. Purchase financing example: $10,000 at 0.0% purchase financing equals $166.67 per month for 60 months; C.O.B. is $0 for a total obligation of $10,000. Offer varies depending on vehicle model. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed, the term and down payment/trade. Other lease and finance options available. Certain restrictions may apply. †Featured models are not exactly as illustrated. Images contain available accessories. Price, availability and specifications are subject to changes without notice. ¥Receive a free 10-oz. medium coffee and regular donut coupon redeemable at participating Ontario Country Style locations, when you test drive a Kia vehicle. Available while quantities last at participating Ontario Kia dealerships only. ††NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) test results. Visit www.nhtsa.dot.gov/ncap for full details. ▼Kia’s “Worry-Free Comprehensive” warranty covers most vehicle components against defects under normal use and maintenance conditions. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of print. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. On now for a limited time at a Kia Dealer near you or visit www.kia.ca for more details. THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMAKER IN THE WORLD GET MORE DURING KIA’S DRIVE MORE EVENT 0% PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS § 5-YEAR/100,000 KM WORRY-FREE COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY▼ 5-YEAR/100,000 KM POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5-YEAR/100,000 KM EXTRA CARE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE TOTAL CARE OWNERSHIP COVERAGE OR Test drive a Kia today and get a Country Style coffee break on us.¥ Bessada Kia 1698 Bayly St., Pickering, ON (905) 421-9191 2005 SPECTRA AJAC AWARD FOR BEST NEW ECONOMY CAR • 2.0 L DOHC engine • Driver’s seat height adjuster • Tilt steering • AM/FM/CD stereo • 6 speakers • Dual airbags • Independent front & rear suspension • Variable intermittent wipers • Ignition immobilizer • And much more MSRP $15,895**EX model shown† HURRY IN! LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE • 3.5 L V6 engine • 5-speed automatic • 4-wheel ABS • 2nd row captain’s seats • Rear sonar • Remote keyless entry • Power windows, locks & heated mirrors • Front & rear A/C • Cruise control $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT PURCHASE FINANCING§ UP TO 60 MOS. 0% LEASE FROM $249 * PER MO./60 MOS. $1,000 FINANCING CASH‡ WITH OR EX model shown†MSRP $26,995** 2005 SEDONA HIGHEST SAFETY RATING POSSIBLE†† 2 FREE LEASE PAYMENTS WHEN YOU LEASE SELECTED 2005 MODELS✧ LEASE FROM $179 * PER MO./60 MOS. DELIVERY AND DESTINATION INCLUDED $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT OR 0%PURCHASE FINANCING§ FOR 60 MOS. Jessica Judges, right, celebrates her second-period goal, that helped her Sir Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks win the Canadian Inter- university Sport national women’s championship this past weekend. Judges helps Hawks soar to upset university title Laurier defenceman scores in final against Alberta, breaking Pandas’ 110-game streak PICKERING — A Pickering hockey player has another hockey accolade to add to her collection: Canadian Inter- university Sport champion. Jessica Judges, a defenceman with the Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawks, helped her team capture the CIS national women’s championship with an upset 4-1 over the top-ranked University of Alberta Pandas in Mon- treal this past weekend. Ju dges scored the third goal, in the second period, to give the Golden Hawks a 3-1 lead. The second-ranked Golden Hawks, the OUA champion, faced an uphill battle in order to capture the national crown. The University of Alberta had won the national title for the past three years and had racked up an incredible 110- game winning streak entering the final against Laurier. To g ain entrance to the champion- ship game, Laurier defeated the Con- cordia University Stingers of Montreal 3-2 in Saturday’s semifinal. Judges, a freshman with Laurier, has won in women’s hockey at every level she’s played. She helped her Durham We st Girls’ Hockey League teams cap- ture two provincial titles. At high school, she helped the St. Mary Catholic Sec- ondary School Monarchs to back-to- back Ontario Federation of School Ath- letic Associations (OFSAA) titles. PICKERING — Coming off a highly successful skating season, the Picker- ing Ice Rockets Synchronized Skating Te am is gearing up for next year’s cam- paign. The Ice Rockets extend an invitation to interested skaters to try out for the 2005-06 season. A Come and Try Syn- chro Fun Skate event is on Tuesday, March 22 at the Pickering Recreation Complex’s O’Brien ice pad from 8 to 8:30 p.m. and on Friday, April 1 from 5 to 6 p.m. at the complex’s Delaney ice pad. Skaters should be ages 11 and under. Ice Rocket tryouts are Tuesday, March 29 from 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. on the complex’s O’Brien rink and April 1 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Delaney rink. Skaters should be ages 12 and over. Some of the team’s highlights from the 2004-05 season include winning the bronze medal at the Hershey Kiss Winterfest and then there was younger squad, the Mini Ice Rockets, winning the silver at the Eastern Ontario Syn- chroskate. The teams travel to competitions around southern Ontario and perform at local events. For more information, call Laura Mason at 905-839-0473. Pickering Ice Rockets set to glide into brand-new season Pickering atoms dispose of Oshawa, Whitby to get to league final PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- thers atom ‘A’ rep hockey team has caught fire in the playoffs, knocking off two favoured teams to move on to the Lakeshore League final series. After series victories over the Oshawa Generals and the Whitby Wildcats, the Pickering atoms now face the first-place Clarington Toros in the division cham- pionship series. After finishing sixth during the regu- lar season, the Panthers have stepped up their play to a higher level, and that has head coach John Giardino as pleased as punch. “I am so proud of the team. They battled hard and never gave up. Losing was just not an option,” says Giardino. The Panthers advanced to the league final after engaging in a hard-fought series with the second-place Wildcats. In a do-or-die Game 6, the Pickering atoms earned a narrow 3-2 win. Blake Sanderson, assistant captain Robert Bianchi and team captain Mike Giardi- no scored. Giardino drew two assists, Darrin Binder and Bianchi added one apiece. Goalie Natalee Wise earned her third win of the series. Solid de- fensive performances in front of Wise were registered by cousins Christian and Christopher Bentley, Joshua Leon, Lucas Stork, Richard Thompson and Travis DeLuca. The teams played to a 2-2 draw in Game 5. Giardino scored once and added an assist. Bianchi got the other goal and Binder added two assists. The Panthers took Game 4 by a 3-1 count. Bianchi, Mitchell Conroy and call-up Binder scored, with assists to Giardino with three, while Cameron Fleming and Jordan Labricciosa chip- ping in with one apiece. Whitby punished the Panthers 5-2 in Game 3. Bianchi netted both goals. Giardino had two assists, Leon and Fleming one apiece. Pickering edge Whitby 2-1 in Game 2. Bianchi and Sanderson scored, while Giardino and Conroy recorded assists. The Panthers absorbed a 6-2 pound- ing in the series opener. Giardino net- ted both goals and Fleming registered an assist. The Pickering-Oshawa series also needed a fifth and deciding game, with Pickering scoring a 3-1 victory to move on to the second round. Giardino, Bi- anchi and Labricciosa scored. Fleming, Christopher Bentley, Sanderson, Con- roy, and Joshua Moreau drew assists. Game 4 ended in a 2-2 tie. Bianchi potted the tying goal with 22 seconds remaining in the game. Fleming scored the first Panthers’ goal. Giardino earned two assists. On home ice for Game 3, the Pan- thers clawed out a 3-1 victory. Bianchi led the way with two goals. Sanderson notched a single. Christopher Bentley drew two assist, Christian Bentley and Leon each added one. Oshawa eked out a 2-1 win in Game 2. Giardino scored, assisted by Labricciosa and Bianchi. The teams played to a 2-2 tie in the series opener. Moreau and Giardino scored, Mitchell Carkner and Kristoffer Sayer had assists. Goalie Matthew Guerriero was excel- lent in the series, earning three wins. Other team staff is assistant coaches Ivano Labricciosa, Greg Carkner and Rick Fleming, trainers Marco Bianchi and Tim Sanderson, and manager Shei- la Bentley. Patchett brothers golden at track and field meet at York University DURHAM — The Patchett broth- ers piled up medal-winning perfor- mances at the recent Minor Track Association Indoor Provincials Finals at Yo rk University. Julian Patchett, 13, and his brother Graham, 7, of Ajax, both members of the Oshawa-based Durham Drag- ons Track and Field Club, captured a number of medals at the prestigious meet, hosted by the Burlington Track and Field Club. Julian ran away with gold in the boys’ under-13 1,500-metre and 800- metre races. He also placed second in the shot put. In the past three months, he’s bro- ken five provincial indoor records in the 300-metre, 400-metre, 600- metre and 1,000-metre races. He was also a member of the Dragons’ 4-x- 800-metre relay team that took an amazing 40 seconds off the previous provincial record. Graham won the 800-metre race in the under-eight division and earned silver medals in the 400 metres and the shot put. Meanwhile, other local athletes with the Dragons also put forward fine performances. Matthew McPh- aden, of Pickering, captured gold in the tyke boys’ 400 metres and in the shot put. He was also fourth in the 800 metres. Harrison Wood, of Cla- remont, finished second in the atom boys’ 800 metres and 400 metres. He was also third in the shot put. Shona Dunkley, of Pickering, won bronze in the 60-metre hurdles in the senior girls’ category. Also posting best times and perfor- mances were Aaron Williamson, of Pickering (atom boys), Megan McPh- aden, of Pickering (senior girls), Jay Boychuk and Adrian Williamson, of Pickering (senior boys). The Dragons also won medals in the relay races, with the tyke boys’, atom girls’ and atom boys’ 4-x-200- metre relay teams winning silver medals. All told, Dragons’ athletes won more than 20 medals and established 50 personal-best times at the indoor provincial finals. The Durham Dragons are accept- ing new members from age seven to masters. Visit online at www.dur- hamdragons.ca for more informa- tion. The Dragons are coached by Dale Lapham and Kestor Taylor. P PAGE 14 ◆NEWS ADVERTISER ◆MARCH 16, 2005 REAL ESTATEGARAGE DOORS LAWYER Full Service Law Firm Specializing i n : Residential Real Estate, Family Law M a t t e r s & Criminal Law Matters 467 WE STNEY RD. S ., UNIT 21 AJAX ON L 1 S 6V8 TEL: (905) 427-0225 F AX : (905) 427-5374 1970 Brock Road Pickering, Ontario L1V 1Y3 FRANK Real Estate Connect Realty Direct Line 905-683-6444 Bus: 905-427-6522 (24 hr. pager) E-mail: lweaver@royallepage.ca INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED, BROKER LOIS WEAVER Sales Representative PRESIDENT'S GOLD AWARD Tor: 416-410-9209 KITCHENS & VAN ITIES • KITCHENS • MURPHY BEDS • VANITIES 905.839.0574 www.aroundthehome.ca 1550 Bayly St, #35 Pickering Chevrolet Oldsmo b i l e Cadil lac Ltd. 1800 Kingston Road, Pickering Tel: (905) 683-9333 Fax: (905) 683-9378 Email: sheridanchev@gmcanada.com SERVICE HOURS 250 Westney Rd. Tel: (905) 428-8888•Fax: (905)428-8904 MON, TUES, THURS, FRI. . . . . 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. WED.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. SAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a.m. - 2p.m. MORTGAGES YY O U R L O C A LYOUR L O C A LYOUR LOCAL C A R C A R ECAR C A R ECAR CARE S P E C I A L I S T SSPECIALISTSSPECIALISTS RETIREMENT LIVING Vi sit u s at: WWW.GS LWE BDESIGN.COM 534 Rodd Avenue, Pickering (905) 509-2582 “R e t i r e m e n t L i v i n g I n A N a t u r a l C o u n t r y S e t t i n g ” *U N D E R N E W O W N E R S H I P * TO ADVERTISE CALL JIM GOOM @ 905-683-5110 EXT. 241 Office: 905 686 9921 Fax: 905 427 8451 Pager: 1 800 560 1593 Email: ida.pontieri@td.com www.tdcanadatrust.com/msf/idapontieri Is it TIME... IDA PONTIERI Manager, Residential Mortgages Canada Trust • to buy a new home? • to renew your mortgage? • to use your home equity? • to do some renovating ? I’ll show you how our great mortgage rates, flexible options and personal service can make your mortgage shopping that much easier. AUTO DETAILING SHAMMY’S AUTO DETAILING INCSHAMMY’S AUTO DETAILING INC Complete Exterior, Interior Shampoo, Polish, Wax, BuffComplete Exterior, Interior Shampoo, Polish, Wax, Buff Paint & Fabric Protection + Rust ProofingPaint & Fabric Protection + Rust Proofi ng Call ShammyCall Shammy 933 Dillingham Rd., Pickering, ON933 Dillingham Rd., Pickering, ON Tel: 905-831-2444 Cell: 416-358-0793Tel: 905-831-2444 Cell: 416-358-0793 New car packages availableNew car packages available JEWELLERY EL DORADOEL DORADO JEWELLERY INC.JEWELLERY INC. SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM MADE GUYANESE, WEST INDIAN AND EUROPEAN STYLE JEWELLERY & REPAIRS 10, 12, 14, & 18KT. 1725 KINGSTON RD.(AT BROCK) UNIT 26, PICKERING 905-426-6529 #4316071 Angela Gabriel, ACC Tr avel Professional Bus: (905) 426-3382 Fax: (905) 426-3381 angelagabriel@rogers.com www.weddingmoons-r-us.com Head Offi ce: (519) 752-4363 TRAVEL Your fi rst 15 lbs. are on us* www.herbalmagic.ca Over 270 locations throughout North America *Based on full program, excludes mandatory product, expires March 31/05. Jenn lost 80 pounds and 80 inches! CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Join now & lose up to 30 lbs. by May 24 weekend! PICKERING I 1163 Kingston Rd. 905-420-0003 PICKERING II 1235 Bayly St. 905-831-1280 “Thanks Herbal Magic® for helping me achieve my life long goal of losing weight. I lost 80 lbs. and have been. maintaining that loss one year later.” www.icesports.com Spring ProgramsSpring Programs Begin first Week ofBegin first Week of AprilApril •P• Powerskating • Learn to skateowerskating • Learn to skate •Hockey development• Hockey development •Hockey tips for tots• Hockey tips for tots •Adult Hockey Schools• Adult Hockey Schools Camp #1 March 28 - 31 Pre-Tryout Conditioning CampsPre-Tryout Conditioning Camps Camp #2 April 4 - 7 4:15pm - 6:05 daily Adult Hockey LeagueAdult Hockey League Camp #3 April 11 - 15 YOUTH HOCKEY LEAGUE Tyke-Juvenile begins May 14 YOUTH 3 on 3 LEAGUE Novice-Midget begins April 18 Begins May 1st All divisions and nights available Ladies League - Monday nights 1401 Phillip Murray Ave • Oshawa, L1J 8C4 • 905.725.6951 • oshawa@icesports.com Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. NEWS ADVERTISER 4 Page Flyer in LOOK FOR * delivered to select homes Today’s Paper! save up to 75% OFF The BEST 7 Day Sale Ever! Durham Dragons on fire at indoor provincials sportsdurhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at NEWS ADVERTISER