HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2005_02_13 The Pickering 32 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 46,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 Councillor calls for ‘bold’ change to transit Suggests tax credit to encourage public to use bus more often By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Doug Dickerson wants public transit to be tax de- ductible. The Ward 2 City councillor asked council to support the plan and request the ministers of finance for both the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada to consider a change to provincial and federal income tax rules. The plan would allow 100 per cent of the cost of using public transit to be tax deductible. “I very strongly believe we are not going to succeed in doing what we want with transit unless we find another way to get people out of their cars,” Coun. Dickerson said. He explained funding and sup- port from senior levels of gov- ernment for public transit has decreased over the years. Coun. Dickerson added something needs to be done to encourage more people to use it. “Now it’s time for us to do some- thing else and be a little bold about it,” he said. Councillors were supportive of the motion, which passed. “This is the sort of incentive one needs to promote this kind of tran- sit,” said Ward 3 City Councillor Tr ustees asking for Pickering’s input By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM — Durham’s public school board is asking for input on its busing policy — nine months after it approved major changes to it without seeking any feedback. Michael Barrett, chairman of the Durham District School Board, cited a policy the board approved in 2001, and one he said he had a hand in pushing for when he was merely a local parent, that calls for “a meaningful consultation pro- cess” to solicit the views of school councils in areas such as policy changes. “Trustees have been fairly criti- cized for not following a good communications process when we originally made changes to the transportation policy,” he said in an interview after the Feb. 7 stand- ing committee meeting. “This is a guideline the board should follow and it didn’t.” The board approved the amend- ments last April. Hundreds of par- ents were caught off-guard and angry to learn that surplus seating had been eliminated. After months of intense criticism and lobbying, trustees in October agreed to re- view the changes. On Monday night trustees an- nounced a few proposed changes to the policy as a result of the re- view. They want to revert to the former method for measuring distance for bus eligibility, which is from where the nearest home’s drive- way meets the street to where the closest driveway or walkway at the school meets the street. Students whose parents live at two differ- ent houses may be bused to both, it is also proposed. However the key changes made to the policy in April remain in place at this point, and a transportation appeal com- mittee was rejected. Trustee Barrett clarified that not just those pieces, but “the whole policy has been put out for consul- www.blaisdale.com 12 mths - grade 8 5 Campuses in Durham Call Head Office 905-509-5005 Blaisdale MONTESSORI School SPACES AVAILABLE IN AJAX & PICKERING Pre-Toddler Program (12 mo.-18 mo.) NEW (16 mo.-2 1/2 yrs.) Thursday Feb. 24, 7:00 pm W estney Campus, 20 O’Brien Crt. TODDLER OPEN HOUSE SUNROOMS • WINDOWS • DOORS 905-686-2445 WHY MOVE IMPROVE ? WITH A REAL ICEBREAKER Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo PICKERING — Kyle Chappell drills a hole in the ice on Frenchman’s Bay in preparation for ice fishing recently. Kyle’s buddy Ryan Blyth, in the background, was manning one of the other holes during their excursion. Public school busing goes back to the people ✦ See Not page 7 ✦ See Mayor page 8 HOLDING HOPE Families wonder what future holds Pa ge 4, 5 PA SSPORT TO SAFETY Father on a mission to help keep kids safe in workplace Page 23 SILVER LINING Silver ring tourney starts this week Page 25 P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 durhamregion.com statefarm.ca™• State Farm • Canadian Head Offices: Scarborough, Ontario • Consult your tax or legal advisor for specific advice. YOU’RE TOO YO UNG TORETIRE. Bu t not tooyoungtoplan. Make sure your retirement savings always keep working for you. We can help with RRSPs and more. Get started now by giving one of us a call today. P046168CN 11/04 Jane Cameron Ins Agcy Inc Jane Cameron 571 Kingston Road West 905-619-0611 Paul Williams Ins Agcy Inc Paul Williams 1020 Brock Road South 905-839-6306 Kimberley Frost Ins Agcy Inc Kimberley Frost 607 A Liverpool Road 905-420-3221 Vic O'Hearn Ins Agcy Ltd Vic O'Hearn 467 Westney Road South 905-683-2251 Scott Andrews Ins Agcy Inc Scott Andrews 345 Kingston Road 905-509-1167 Be one of the first 500 people at 11am and 6 pm to receive your "Lucky Red Envelope". SSix $500 cash prizes to be won daily. Register at the Rapid Rewards Players Club for your “Lucky Red Envelope Card” for your chance to win. Fe br uary 9-23 You could also win a Fabulous Vacation for Two to Hong Kong & Bangkok plus $1,000 Spending Money durhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at the Metroland Durham Region Media Group We’re looking for good people. If you know of someone who’s gone above and beyond to help someone in need, let us know. We want to hear your ‘Good Neighbours’ stories. E-mail news editor David Stell at dstell @durhamregion. com, or call 905-683-5110. NEWS ADVERTISER Notre Dame student charged Grade 10 pupil arrested after investigation into noxious substance By Mike Ruta Staff Writer AJAX — Police removed a student from a school assembly Wednesday, arresting him in relation to the evacua- tion of 3,500 people at both Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School and J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate the day before. The 16-year-old Ajax resident and Notre Dame student faces charges of mischief and administering a noxious substance. Durham Regional Police Constable Joe Mitschang says the investigation at the school lasted just three hours, thanks to the co-operation police received from Notre Dame students, whom he said were “very much alarmed at what had happened. “It’s great to see that the kids will stand up and talk about it. We would have gotten nowhere if it wasn’t for them coming forward and letting us know what they knew.” The suspect was co-operative and gave police a statement, says Const. Mitschang, the liaison officer for Ajax high schools. Several Notre Dame students ex- perienced burning throats and felt ill early Tuesday morning, resulting in the evacuation of students at both it and the adjacent J. Clarke, after a noxious substance was released. Police, fire and emergency medical services personnel responded to the scene and four stu- dents were taken to hospital while oth- ers were checked by paramedics. On Monday, a Notre Dame custodian experienced the same symptoms after students had been dismissed at the end of the day. Const. Mitschang identified the sub- stance as dog repellent, similar to pep- per spray. The investigation is ongoing, he says, as police want to ensure no one else was involved. Const. Mitschang says jail time is un- likely for a conviction in a case such as this. However, a substantial probation period and the payment of restitution is possible, he says, noting students were taken to hospital and air testing was conducted at the facility. The suspect was released on an of- ficer-in-charge undertaking Const. Mitschang says is similar to a bail re- lease, but in a police station by a senior officer, not a justice of the peace. McTeague says upcoming vote on same-sex marriage not a done deal By Mike Ruta Staff Writer PICKERING — Dan Mc- Te ague says he and Paul Martin “agree respectfully to disagree” on same-sex marriage and that even if ordered to by the prime minister, he would not vote in favour of proposed gov- ernment legislation mak- ing it law. The Pickering-Scar- borough East MP said he would support the concept of a civil union between members of the same sex, but not marriage. “Rights in my view should not come at the diminution of another right,” he says. However, Mr. McTeague argues that those who claim this is a rights issue are mistaken: the institution of marriage is not offensive, he says, so it’s not a case of rights being denied to anyone. “I think there’s a very serious flaw in our think- ing, that rights’ can simply be provided when requested,” Mr. McTe ague says. Those who support keeping the defini- tion as the union between a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others, stand to lose if the legisla- tion passes, he says. They would become “a second class of people” in Canada, frowned upon as “out of step.” The government risks disenfranchising the ma- jority of Canadians on the basis that “we know what’s best. “We have not had a thor- ough debate or discussion on the implications of what we are about to do,” he says. He says the upcoming vote in the House of Commons is by no means a given to pass, citing 45 Liberal col- leagues who like him are against the legislation. He adds after receiving at least 3,000 e-mails and let- ters from his constituents, the count is 8:1 against legalizing same-sex mar- riage. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 PAGE 3 A/P DOING BUSINESS WITH THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TASK FORCE The Government of Ontario, through the “Doing Business with the Ontario Government Task Force”, is exploring ways to enhance its procurement policies and processes and improve the way it does business with small and medium-sized companies. A full-day consultation session will be held February 18, 2005, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the McLean Centre, 95 Magill Drive in Ajax. Anyone interested in attending the session and participating in the round-table discussions, or making an oral presentation, can call 1-866-260-7650 between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Pre-registration is recommended. Written submissions are welcome. They can be submitted at the session or through the Management Board Secretariat website. Deadline for written submissions is April 4, 2005. For more information about how to make a submission or about the task force in general, visit www.mbs.gov.on.ca Paid for by the Government of Ontario. R OB H OUSTON + Plus taxes, lic. & admin. fee, former daily rentals + Plus taxes, lic. & admin. fee, former daily rentals + Plus taxes, lic. & admin. fee, former daily rentals 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 2004 $ 15,888 $ 15,888 $ 15,888 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 2004 $ 12,888 $ 12,888 $ 12,888 V E N T U R E VENTURE $ 17,888 $ 17,888 $ 17,888 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 2004 C AVA L I E R CAVALIER 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 2004 $ 10,888 $ 10,888 $ 10,888 F r om F r om From F rom F rom From Fr o m Fr o m From Fr o m Fr o m From A L E R O ALERO I M PA L A IMPALA LAST CHANCE AT THESE PRICES ! ! D ICK S HINN J OE N IRO G REG C RUMP J OHN W AKALUK W AYNE S IBERRY Confidence!LEARN TO SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE For over 50 Years! The Christopher Leadership Course Has focused on confidence building, effective speaking, communication and presentation skills. Learn to speak more effectively and with confidence during an 11 week course which will begin the week of Feb. 13th. Unionville, Markham, Scarborough, West Hill, Pickering, Oshawa and Courtice For more information or to register 1-800-418-8925 www.thelumen.com Rights not the issue: MP Pretrial motions planned to begin April 20 in Whitby DURHAM — Jury selec- tion will take place in early May for the trial of a man accused of murdering Ajax resident Roy Jones. Cosmo Jacobson, also known as Avi Mundy, ap- peared briefly in assignment court in Whitby Wednesday and was ordered to return April 20. Several days of pretrial ar- guments are scheduled be- fore jury selection begins. Mr. Jacobson is charged with first-degree murder in the Feb. 4, 2001, slaying of Mr. Jones, who was shot sev- eral times as he returned to his home on Twilley Lane from his job as a security guard at the Metro East Trade Centre. Mr. Jacobson was charged with murder in August of 2001. It is estimated the trial will take eight weeks. May start to trial in Ajax murder Dan McTeague DURHAM — The Feb. 11 story, ‘Volunteer some time in Pickering,’ contained an incorrect phone number. To contact the Commu- nity Nursing Home Picker- ing, call 905-831-2522 ext. 297. The News Advertiser re- grets the error. Correction A/P PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 durhamregion.com By Danielle Milley Staff Writer Driving north on Brock Road, Pickering seems to melt away once past Third Concession Road. The subdivisions and strip malls fade into the distance, making way for open fields, mature trees and solitary homes on large lots. Historic homes and barns dot the area known as Seaton. On this cold winter day the fields of corn, which were harvested months ago, are now covered in a dusting of snow. Creeks that normally flow through the land next to woodlots and open fields are beginning to freeze. It is as though time has stood still — and it has. The land was expropri- ated by the provincial government 30 years ago to build a utopian commu- nity of 200,000 and since then it hasn’t changed much. A few people fed up with renting from the Province moved away and boarded up homes have been de- stroyed by fire, but the land has es- sentially remained untouched for 30 years. To the City and the Province, the acres and acres of land has become more than just prime farmland, woodlots, creeks and home to many families. To Pickering it is the po- tential for new jobs and 39,000 new residents. To the Province it is the land that has allowed them to save some of the privately-owned property on the Oak Ridges Moraine in Rich- mond Hill from being developed. But for George Malcolm and his family, it is and always has been home. High above the hustle and bustle of the City’s traffic and noise, Mr. Mal- colm and his family have farmed the land on the south side of Hwy. 7, west of Brougham for generations. His grandfather bought the land in 1901 and Mr. Malcolm’s grandson is the sixth generation to live in the old brick farmhouse. He doesn’t want to leave to make room for development. “I was born in this house and I’d kind of like to die here,” he said. “When it is home, it is hard to leave.” The Province and the City have each held meetings about how this land should be developed and those discussions have upset Mr. Malcolm. “They talk about it as if there is a blank piece of paper here and it upsets you,” he said. “It’s like there is nobody here.” The current residents in Seaton Seaton families hold on to heritage, hope Will future generations get to work the land? ✦ See Seaton, Page 5 Ron Pietroniro photos History is found all across the Malcolm farm, which has been home to six generations of the family. range from longtime tenants, to a few owners, to people who have only lived there a few years. The Malcolm fam- ily is one of the few original owners to remain, and as such, Mr. Malcolm believes they should receive special treatment. He wants the same treatment delivered to former owners on the west side of Duffins Creek. In 1999, the land on the west side of Duffins Creek was sold back to farmers (it had been expropriated with Seaton) and other buyers and is now known as the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. Thinking he should have been given the same opportunity to buy back his family’s land, Mr. Malcolm began communicating with the government more than three years ago. The last time he com- municated with the Minis- try of Municipal Affairs and Minister John Gerretsen, he was told he couldn’t get an answer until after the land swap deal was finalized. (The Province announced in Sep- tember how much land in Seaton would be swapped for developer-owned prop- erty on the moraine, but the details of which specific par- cels haven’t been identified yet). His location on Hwy. 7 is ideal for retail related farm- ing, said Mr. Malcolm, but he doesn’t want to make any major investments while the property is in limbo and he’s just renting. Mr. Malcolm’s son Neil is just as determined to stay. He does much of the work with the corn and miniature don- keys and has also done repair work on the barns that he said the Province wouldn’t do. “I wouldn’t have done all that work for the past num- ber of years to watch a Mc- Donald’s go up or a Home Depot,” he said. When asked what this home and land mean to him, his answer is simple, “every- thing. “It’s my heritage. My fam- ily grew up here, I grew up here and it is home.” Bryan Kozman, director of the North Pickering Land Ex- change, doesn’t know exactly what is going to happen to the tenants but said the land, which isn’t going to begin to be developed until 2007 or 2008, would be developed over a 15- or 20-year hori- zon. “In the short-term some tenants might be displaced, but in the long-term some tenants might be able to stay in place with another land- lord,” he said. Mr. Kozman also won- dered about what would happen to the people now living in land designated as the natural heritage system. “One would imagine if the land stays in public owner- ship and there are tenants on that land there is no reason they’d have to leave,” he said. ✦✦✦ Although Ed Shiers doesn’t have as long a history with the land as the Malcolms, he doesn’t want to go anywhere either. He and wife Judith raised three children here and have many memories from farm- ing on Sideline 26, north of Ta unton Road, for the last 28 years. The Shiers farm hay, corn and soybeans now, but they used to have sheep. “When the lambs were born the kids would sit on the bales of hay and watch,” he said. He loves his location on the edge of Duffins Creek where there is all kinds of wildlife, including deer, wild turkeys, coyotes, foxes and rabbits. He admits his future is unclear. “It’s a weird feeling, we’re still wondering what we’re going to do,” he said. “We don’t know what we’re going to do.” In addition to being faced with the possibility of leav- ing their home, the Shiers are also in limbo with their crops. While they were told in the fall by the Province that they would have to plow up their field so archeologists could explore the land, they had already seeded for hay. “It takes two years to es- tablish a hay field,” Mr. Shiers said. “We have customers who depend on us.” By plowing the field it means there won’t be a hay crop this year and after that the development could be starting. Even if the land becomes part of the provincially desig- nated natural heritage system and is not developed, the im- pending development would make farming difficult. Mr. Shiers said when peo- ple move close to an agricul- tural area it means problems with dirt bikes, four wheelers and garbage. He doesn’t want to see that happen to this prime farm- land. “We would like to stay here,” he said. “What’s the difference between this land and the moraine? This is good farmland.” Even though Seaton has been slated for development for years, Mr. Shiers wonders why everything seems to be happening so quickly now. “It almost makes you feel that there is an agenda, that it has to be done by a certain time or it will fall through,” he said. “They’ve had 28 or 29 years to do this and now all of a sudden it has to be done. “They’ve always talked that something is going to happen but then it doesn’t, but I think this time they’re going to do it.” durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 PAGE 5 A/P LIFE DOESN’T ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL PAYDAY! (905) 426-5134 11 Hardwood Ave. S., Ajax OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • PAYDAY LOANS • TITLE LOANS • NO CREDIT NECESSARY • BORROW UP TO 50% OF YOUR PAY Look Inside for Valuable Coupon Savings! *selected areas only A n nu a l C o m mu n i t y G u i d e Comi ng Soon Publishes March 23 To advertise or update your free listing, please email your information to bboetto@durhamregion.com by March 1/05 130 Commercial Avenue, Ajax, ON Trustee Trustee In In Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Trustee Trustee In In Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives “Lets find solutions together!” Over 20 Years Experience James R. Yanch OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 905-721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. (By Appt. 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Mr. Malcolm is the fifth generation to live on and work the land, and the couple’s son is the sixth. NEWS ADVERTISER Do you have some news to share with our readers? We’d love to hear about it. Please send it to news editor David Stell at dstell@ durhamregion. com NEWS ADVERTISER A/P PAGE 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 durhamregion.com EDITORIAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR Funding is only a start towards education reform Now that Bob Rae has tabled his 124-page prescrip- tion for Ontario’s ailing post-secondary system, the real work can begin. With the Liberal government’s two-year freeze on tuition fees to be lifted after 2006, the timing of the report is im- peccable. Citing a decade of neglect by provincial govern- ments, the former NDP premier pulled no punches by call- ing for a cash infusion of $1.3 billion in provincial funding into the education system. The report has the potential to reshape post-secondary education, not only in Ontario but in Canada, says Sheldon Levy, vice-president of finance and strategy for the Univer- sity of Ontario Institute of Technology. The Rae report, if implemented, can get this province’s education system on the right track. Mr. Levy says two im- portant points in the plan are that more bursaries, rather than loans, will be available for needy students, while loans and bursaries will be available for a greater number of people. The $500 million announced for infrastructure needs and capital costs won’t solve all the problems in the post- secondary system, but it’s enough to start the funding curve moving in the right direction. And the bridging of programs between universities and community colleges will help many students complete their degrees, and falls in line with the current mandate of UOIT. Of course, none of it will hap- pen unless the Province comes up with the cash. One would have to expect the Liberals, who commis- sioned Mr. Rae to undertake the post-secondary review in the first place, to pay close attention to his recommenda- tions. In fact, it was heartening to hear Premier Dalton McGuinty on Tuesday promise the upcoming provincial budget will begin to address the Rae report. When the current tuition freeze is lifted, Mr. Levy says the wealthy will pay more for their education but will receive more; needier students can get up to 50 per cent of their expenses covered through bursaries and those students in the middle will see tuition fees rise, but not skyrocket. The responsibility of ensuring quality education in On- tario extends beyond Queen’s Park, however. The federal government, the private sector, post-second- ary institutions and the students themselves must be will- ing to do their part. But it’s Premier McGuinty’s Liberals who must lead the way. Call to MP discouraging for constituent To the editor: Re: ‘Same-sex bill protects rights of the minority’, editorial, Feb. 6. I was wryly amused at your recent weekend editorial that urged readers to contact their MP to express their views on this contentious subject of same-sex marriages. I had previously exchanged messages with Mark Holland and he stated that he fully intended to follow the party line when the time came to vote upon this proposed legislation. It was clear that any differing views expressed by his constitu- ents were of no consequence, or interest, to him even though he owes his seat in Parliament to them. J.L. Moseley Ajax NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker, Publisher Joanne Burghardt, Editor-in-Chief To ny Doyle, Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher, Director of Advertising Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak, Classified Advertising Abe Fakhourie, Distribution Manager Lillian Hook, Office Manager Cheryl Haines, Composing Manager Janice O’Neil, Composing Manager [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110; Clas- sifieds 905-683-0707; Distribution 905-683-5117; News Fax 905-683- 0386; General Fax 905-683-7363; E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com; Mailing Address; 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Tr ade, Ontario Community News- paper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that ad- dresses reader complaints about member newspapers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791. [ Letters Policy ]-- We w elcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer com- plaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e-mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion. com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been chosen for publication. Seeing the Ontario championships live very different than on TV L et me tell you, the 2005 Ontario men’s curling championship is a cold experience. Happening all this past week at Iro- quois Park Sports Centre in Whitby, ending today, the event organizers clearly know how important good ice conditions are for the competitors. Sit- ting in the stands, you need a tuque and mitts in order to watch comfortably. Lucky for the fan in the stands, the ac- tion on the ice kept your mind off the frostbite. As a first-timer at any kind of major curling event, I was amazed how tricky it was to keep up with five sheets of ice, all side by side. Especially with the top men’s curling teams in Ontario using strategy and skill to efficiently play their matches, trying to earn wins, move up the standings and have a shot at being Ontario’s best. What I found funny about the ex- perience was the thought of real curl- ers around me who must have been chuckling if they overheard friends and myself analyzing the games in progress at Thursday night’s draw. I have to admit, even as a sports nut, that curling ranks at the lower end of my knowledge and experience. So I must have sounded like those spectators I quietly chuckled at when I heard some- one at a Raptors game back in their first few seasons. Hearing them trying to figure out some of the things they were watching live, probably many for the first time, I sometimes took it upon myself to turn around and explain the finer points as I knew them. As for the Kia Cup, the skill and con- trol these guys have to move the rock down the ice and put it precisely where they want to is remarkable. Watching it on TV makes it look a lot easier than it really is, as anyone will tell you who has stepped onto the ice at any local curling rink. Dominating our interest were two of the premier teams there, Glenn Howard and Wayne Middaugh, playing separate matches Thursday. On Howard’s team, the only local talent in the tournament from Durham Region was Pickering’s Paul Hart, who helped his rink win their match handily. He assured some action in the playoff round this weekend and had a shot at meeting Middaugh in the final today. If you’ve watched curling on TV, let me tell you, you haven’t seen it all until you’ve seen it live. David Stell’s column appears every third Sunday. E-mail dstell@durham region.com. Curling’s best are here in Durham David Stell news editor EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com tation” with input being accepted until March 25. Oshawa Trustee Susan Shetler, chairwoman of the ad hoc review com- mittee, in an interview said she “very much” regrets that the board didn’t originally seek public input. But fol- lowing the review, she says “the pack- age as presented was what trustees as a whole supported.” She says parents who have already addressed the board on areas such as surplus seating or French immersion busing might not get a second chance. “We’re not going to sit through re- peated presentations again,” she said. “There’s too much on our plate; there’s too much coming forward. We’ve spent too much time on this.” At least one presentation was al- ready nixed: Uxbridge parent Lynda Hartmann, a vocal opponent of the policy, was denied a spot on Monday’s agenda. She found it ironic that the board was soliciting input but would not let her speak. Trustee Barrett, at the start of the meeting, said it made sense to delay any presentations on the policy until after the committee’s report had been presented. Pickering parent Heidi Proctor in an interview said she wasn’t surprised that the committee basically opted to stick with the policy. She has a num- ber of questions for the board, one of which, how much money is being saved after the changes, has gone un- answered for several months. Accord- ing to Monday’s report, cutting surplus seating is to save $110,000 this school year, including a $30,000 staff position. “I guess my question is, ‘what are they hoping to gain by now soliciting input’?” she asked. Ajax Wards 3 and 4 Trustee Lisa Hill was one of two trustees to reject the notion of public consultation — at this point at least. BENEFIT FROM OUR EXPERIENCE Advantage Howard Travel Bureau Ltd. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 98 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H6 905.683.6690 1.800.686.1021 www.howardtravelajax.ca email:howardtravel@on.aibn.com CRUISES • AIRLINES • BUS TOURS • PACKAGE HOLIDAYS • GROUPS • HOTELS LAST MINUTE SPECIALS AVAILABLE Travel Insurance The City of Pickering actively supports Black History Month and other worthy initiatives that celebrate the rich diversity in our community. We invite all to our 2005 Heritage Day Celebration on February 19th at Pickering Town Centre to celebrate our black community as well as the many other vibrant cultures and heritages that make the City of Pickering one of the most dynamic and diverse municipalities in the entire GTA. February is Black History Month. It was established around 1926. As well, the “Negro History Week” was launched in 1926 as a way of neutralizing the apparent ignorance and deliberate distortion of Black History. Many events were organized such as lectures, symposiums, and exhibitions in order to have a better understanding of the African experience throughout the year and give a more objective balance in World history. With such a daunting approach, it took many years to see any semblance of positive change. On a sweltering afternoon in August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King the Civil rights leader gave his famous speech, “I have dream.” “I have a dream that one day blacks and whites, Jews and gentiles will come together in the spirit of brotherhood.” His legacy was freedom and justice for all. Over the years African Americans and Canadians and other people of African descent have overcome obstacles, barriers and prejudices. Today we feel justly proud of our many accomplishments. This is evident in every aspect of society. Politics, business, sports and movies are just some of the many areas that we have excelled. Today, this national and international observance has been expanded to encompass the entire month of February. As we celebrate Black History Month let us reflect on the past and focus on where we are heading in this era of the 21st century. Happy Black History Month. IN HONOUR OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH B LACK H ISTORY M ONTH FEBRUARY Advertising Feature SANTA CRUZ CUISINE RESTAURANT BAR & GRILL The place to be where something is always happening Supporting Black History Month 158 HARWOOD AVE. S., AJAX 905-426-3326 CANADIAN AND CARIBBEAN FOOD Importers of 100% of Human Hair, Wigs & Accessories. We carry the Widest Selection of Beauty Care Products etc. Supporting Black History Month 1660 Kingston Rd. Unit 2, Pickering 905-683-0163 Mistique Beauty Clinic & Spa FOR YOUR MIND, BODY AND SOUL 80 Old Kingston Rd,Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-427-9367 Complete Hair and Spa Services THE TOWN OF AJAX PROUDLY SUPPORTS BLACK HISTORY MONTH CRYS-LEE West Indian Market 145 Kingston Rd. E. AJAX 905-426-2111 “Proud To Support Black History Month” $%.4!,$%.4!,#%.42%#%.42% -"%2,%! WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 • Extractions in Hospital • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Collect from Insurances Voted “BEST DENTAL” 2004 Read up: infodurhamregion.com ✦ Not from page 1 Not everyone will get a chance to speak ‘I guess my question is, ‘what are they hoping to gain by now soliciting input’?’ Heidi Proctor, Pickering parent durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 PAGE 7 A/P PICKERING — The Dur- ham Conservation Centre is kicking off the Kyoto Accord with some fun and informa- tion. We dnesday, Feb. 16 is Day 1 for the accord, which has been adopted by Can- ada and dozens of other countries in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are to be events and celebrations across Canada and the centre is joining in by holding an open house at its building in Brougham. Wo rking Together, Living Well runs from 3 to 8 p.m. It features energy conser- vation and air quality ex- perts, weatherization how- tos, other environmental support, refreshments, and giveaways, including a free EnerGuide for a house audit. The centre is at 1709 Hwy. 7. For more information, call 905-427-0061. Helping conceive Dr. Nathan Roth MD, FRCSC, FACOG Over 15 years of quality care... To ronto 416-609-8868Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Centre FRMC www.TheFRMC.com • Total Fertility Management including Ovulation Induction, Cycle Monitoring and In Vitro Fertilization • Patient Education, Counselling and Support couples SPECIAL SALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Ad vertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Wa lmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Wa lmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Ryan Sunday’s carrier o f the week is Ryan. He enjoys playing soccer & computers. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of MMcDonald’s. Congratulations Ryan for being our Carrier of the Week. Sunday Feb. 13, 2005 News Advertiser * Allen Arnold & Rosemari Marsh Remax Ajax * Double Day Ajax/Pick. * Durham Audiology Hearing News Ajax/Pick. * Durham Parent Ajax/Pick. * Ensurco Ajax * Hakim Optical Ajax/Pick. * KFC Pick. * Little C aesars Ajax * OnSite Ajax/Pick. * Revlon Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between Feb. 2 - Feb. 6/04 David Pickles, who joked he would want it to be retroac- tive to cover all those years he has commuted to work in downtown Toronto. Mayor Dave Ryan also backed it, although offering a caution. “I’m going to support it because it sends a message,” he said. “But the chance of it happening is zero to none.” He said logistically trying to implement the request would be a nightmare. “I do agree with coun- cil that it sends one more message that there needs to be something done by the senior levels of government (for transit),” Mayor Ryan said. P PAGE 8 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 durhamregion.com No answer yet on funding Pickles optimistic no news is good news from GTAA PICKERING — Council- lor David Pickles thinks no news is good news. The Ward 3 City council- lor brought forward a mo- tion in December asking Transport Canada or the Greater Toronto Airports Authority for funding to hire a consultant to do a peer review of the GTAA’s draft plan for the proposed airport in Pickering. The City hasn’t heard from either agency yet. “The bad news is we don’t have a cheque yet, but the good news is we haven’t heard back from the federal government or the GTAA yet (saying no),” he said. In December staff was directed to prepare an ap- propriate terms of refer- ence procedure and budget for a peer review. At the Feb. 7 council meeting staff reported back it couldn’t provide an accurate cost es- timate without the GTAA’s updated financial assess- ment analysis, which the GTAA has yet to complete. Council passed a resolu- tion directing staff to con- tinue to pursue peer review funding. “I’m more optimistic this time around that these ef- forts might be fruitful,” Coun. Pickles said. Mayor wants to send a ‘message’ ✦ Mayor from page 1 Open house kicks off Kyoto Accord Lung Association golf books ready $25 for coupons DURHAM — The recent whiff of warm spring breez- es has golfers polishing their clubs and looking longingly at golf courses. The Lung Association Durham is offering its 2005 Golf Privilege Book for $25 each. Each book contains more than 70 coupons valid at 35 golf courses across Central Ontario. The cou- pons are valid from May 1 to Oct. 31, 2005. All proceeds from the sale of the books support the Lung Association’s health education programs and research for people living with lung disease. Golf Privilege Books may be purchased at the Lung Association Durham office, 1627 Dundas St. E, Whitby; Pickering Source for Sports, 32 Church St., Ajax, and Dy- namics of Golf, 1916 Dun- das St. E., Whitby. No Membership Fee!No Membership Fee! (expires February 28) “Do your heart a favour, call today to book your free workout”“Do your heart a favour, call today to book your free workout” 905-427-0366905-427-0366 619 Kingston Road West, Pickering Village (Just west of Church Street) “Since joining Go Figure I’ve lost 19 lbs, 2 dress sizes and have come off my nightime insulin. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!” Marion, diabetic, age 64 “My friends have noticed how toned and fi t I’m looking. I feel great!” Susan, age 50, lost 17 inches “What a freindly, helpful atmosphere! I’m here for my health. My doctor says “Keep on exercising.” Flo, senior citizen, lost 8 lbs and 6 inches “Sign up now for Pilates, Yoga and Weight loss classes” 2001, 2002 & 2004 Which toothbrush is better, power or manual? Wo uld you believe that the toothbrush was invented in China in 1000 AD? In fact, the very fi rst tooth- brush had an ivory handle and bristles made from horseís manes. These days, there is an over- whelming choice of toothbrush colours and designs. Is the toothbrush with the fl exible handle better than the one with the fi rm handle? Do the brushes with bigger bristles at the top work bet- ter than the ones with bristles that are taller on the edges? Are power toothbrushes a better bet than their manual counterparts? What are the answers to these ques- tions? We have found that the best toothbrushes are the ones that you like to brush with. If your toothbrush is uncomfortable in your mouth, you are not likely to brush as long as you should (about two to three minutes) or as often as you should. You should be brush- ing your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal. And donít forget to fl oss every day! Because it has power, doesnít necessarily mean itís better! Some people may fi nd that power tooth- brushes are more effective for them; these types of people may be: * Elderly * People with arthritis or manual dexterity problems * People with braces on their teeth * People who donít use their manual tooth- brush effectively * People who rush their tooth brushing routine The whizzing, whirring and tingling sensa- tion created by power toothbrushes will also appeal to gadget lovers. However, if you can use a manual toothbrush correctly, youíll save money and effort from recharging batteries and replacing or cleaning the heads on the power toothbrush. The basic toothbrush! Your toothbrush doesnít have to be brightly coloured, have fancy bristles or have fl exible handles. All you really need is a toothbrush with a small head, so you have room to maneuver it around your teeth. You should also have a handle that is comfortable to hold on to and soft, rounded bristles. As soon as the bristles become frayed or start falling out of the brush, replace the toothbrush to prevent damage to your gums. Dr. Chan Pickering Medical Centre »LZlZaXdbZcZleVi^Zcih VcY[Vb^a^Zhiddjg egVXi^XZ¼ ™<ZcZgVaYZci^hi h^cXZ&.,- ™;jaagVc\Zd[ gZhidgVi^kZVcY XdhbZi^XYZci^hign ™Dgi]dYdci^X igZVibZciWgVXZh ™9ZciVaXaZVc^c\VcY iZZi]l]^iZc^c\ E^X`Zg^c\BZY^XVa8ZcigZ·.%*"-(."%.(& _jhi:Vhid[E^X`Zg^c\Idlc8ZcigZ lll#YgVaWZgiX]Vc#Xdb 9g#6aWZgi8]Vc durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 9 A/P PICKERING I 1163 Kingston Rd. 905-420-0003 PICKERING II 1235 Bayly St. 905-831-1280 2 can join for the price of 1 Book your Free Consultation today. Expires Feb. 28/05 2 for1 SPECIAL Over 270 locations throughout North America www.herbalmagic.ca rrs TM DURHAM DENTAL CENTRE 135 Harwood Ave. N. (at Hwy. 2) 905-427-4280 NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTSWELCOMED E-mail: durhamdent@aol.com Website: www.comsearch-can.com/DURHAM.html HARWOOD AVE.DURHAM CENTRE HWY. #2 HWY. 401 WE ARE HERE A Healthy Smile is always in style. Let us make you smile again. Before After Orthodontics (Braces, Retainers) • Crowns and Bridges/Dentures • Root Canal Treatment • Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas) • Wisdom Molar Extraction • White Fillings All Insurance Plans Accepted (Sent Directly) •Air abrasion (No Freezing - No Drilling) for applicable cavities •Intra oral camera (Before & After Pictures) •Electrosurgery and cosmetic gum surgery •Ultra sonic scaling, cosmetic veneering •Teeth whitening Evening & Saturday Appointments Available Available In Our Office Laser Dentistry PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES… Tr avel Fit Tips fromCanadian Physiotherapy Association Whatever the mode of travel, there are a number of problems that may arise from sitting in a confi ned space. Sitting immobile for prolonged periods of time can put considerable stress on muscles and joints. This can lead to feeling stiff, cramped and sore with a sense of fatigue after the journey. On long fl ights, circulation may be compromised in some people and clots (or deep vein thrombus) may form, leading to a serious and sometimes fatal outcome if the clot blocks a major blood vessel. Good posture plays a key role in the prevention of back pain and excessive strain on the joints, ligaments and veins. However, any posture, no matter how good it is, can become uncomfortable over an extended period of time. Therefore, it is important to make frequent posture changes to help minimize discomfort. The Canadian Physiotherapy Association recommends the following posture tips: · When travelling by car, wear a seatbelt and keep headrest lowered to a position that is in the center of the back of your head. In a plane or train, adjust the seat to an upright position so that your seat is at the back of the chair. If the hollow in your back is not supported, try a lumbar roll or rolled up T-shirt; • Keep shoulders in line with trunk and upper back to allow for even loading through the spine; • Hips and knees should be as close to a 90 degree angle s possible to maintain good spinal align- ment. Depending on transportation policy, a backpack or other piece of carry-on luggage can act as a footrest to bring legs and knees to a comfortable height; · Position the arm rest so your elbows are bent to 90 degrees. If your arm rest is too low, use a small pillow under your forearm. · Shift your weight frequently to reduce prolonged pressure points when sitting, including moving hips and knees. If you’re driving, change the angle of the steering wheel at rest stops as a way to change your sitting posi- tion. Canadian physiotherapists recommend doing one exer- cise from each of the following groups before, during and after the journey, to maintain good general circulation, and decrease stiffness by moving the joints. Slowly stretch until a gentle tension is felt in the muscle (this should not be pain- ful).Take relaxed breaths and do each exercise slowly. Repeat each stretch twice on both sides. Head and neck • Chin Tuck– tuck in chin, keeping head level, move backwards creating a double chin; • Head Turn– turn head over right shoulder and back to centre; • Head Tilt – bring ear towards shoulder without turn- INTELLIGENT REAL LIFE SOLUTIONS PROFOUND RESULTS • Private/Exclusive sessions • “One on One” Ladies only • Professional Training GiftCertifi c a t e s a n d Disco u n t s availabl e • In the Ajax area • Personal Training • Pilates Classes • Weight Loss P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 durhamregion.com 22005Spring Featuring the area’s leading Wedding Professionals Sunday, February 20, 2005 Pickering Recreation Complex 1867 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Presented by: Bridal Fashion Show 3:00 pm Featuring: Sherwood Bridal, Bridal Wardrobe, KvH Fashions and Tuxedo Royale. Music, Lights and MC by: Sight & Sound. Stage Decor by: KvH Fashions. Hair & Make-up by: Medoro's Hair Design Tickets $6 ea. or 2 for $10 Tickets sold at the door Sponsored by: Advertising Feature durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 11 A/P Spring Wedding Show ~ 2 Advertising Feature 2 0 0 52005 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • 905-831-0222 www.tuxedoroyale.com FORMAL WEAR RENTALS AND SALES 1DON’T start your wedding planning without a budget. One of the most stressful elements to wedding planning usually is MONEY. Make sure you decide up front how much your total wedding budget is going to be and who will be contributing and how much. 2 DON’T spend more than your budget or what you can aff ord. Your wedding day is an important day – but it is only ONE day. You don’t want to start your new life together by going into “serious” debt from your wedding expenses and being strapped with that debt for the next fi ve years. 3DON’T rely upon oral agreements with vendors. Get EVERYTHING in writing! 4DON’T try and do everything yourself. Planning a wedding can be a full time job in itself. So, don’t try and take on such an enormous project alone - DELEGATE as much as you can! When it comes to weddings – everyone loves to help (so let them!). 5DON’T insist on having it your way all the time! COMPROMISE on the things that are less important. 6DON’T skimp on your photography. Your wedding day goes by so fast – and after it’s over, all you’ll have left is your memories and your PICTURES. 7DON’T get crazy over every detail. It can really take the pleasure out of the wedding planning process. I mean, will it really matter that the ribbons for the favors are baby blue instead of ice blue? 8DON’T forget to thank everyone involved in your wedding and those that gave you gifts. AND, don’t let those thank you notes pile up. Send them out promptly after you receive a gift. 9DON’T overload yourself the day before your wedding. Th is is not the time to put together 200 favors. Try to do only one or two small tasks and leave the rest of the day to relax and pamper yourself. 10DON’Texpect perfection for your wedding day. Expect a “terrifi c” day and set reasonable expectations. Never forget the main goal is to get married. 10 things you DON’T want to do before your wedding TICKETS Purchase tickets at the door $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00 Don’t forget to fi ll out a ballot for your chance to WIN 1 of 3 fantastic prizes Stay calm the night before your wedding All the planning and preparations have been done and it is the day before your wedding. Th e only thing you should be concerned with at this point in time is to sit down, relax and think about how wonderful everything will be. Th ere’s no point in worrying about every little detail, so take this time for yourself and enjoy it. Here are some suggestions on how you can relax the day before your wedding: • Pamper yourself with a trip to the spa and indulge in a massage, manicure or pedicure • Light some candles, burn some incense and put on some relaxing music and draw yourself a warm bubble bath • Drink a nice, hot cup of herbal tea or warm milk • Think about the wonderful life you and your future husband have ahead of you • Spend some quite time alone, meditating and visualizing how smooth and perfect your wedding day will be Mon. - Wed 10 am - 6 pm; Thur. & Fri. 10 am - 9 pm Saturday 9:30 am - 6 pm; Sunday 11 am - 5 pm 1084 Brock Rd., Unit #1 SW corner of Brock Rd. & Hwy. 401 905-839-0238 Wedding FavoursWedding Favours Bridal Shower IdeasBridal Shower Ideas Chocolate FountainChocolate Fountain Rental Wedding FavoursWedding Favours Bridal Shower IdeasBridal Shower Ideas Chocolate FountainChocolate Fountain RentalRental A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com Advertising Feature Spring Wedding Show ~ 3 “The Catering Company That Cares” Family owned since 1963 Bunny’s has earned a reputation for excellent cuisine and impeccable service. Whether it’s 25 or 1,000 people, we provide a complete catering service for all types of events and functions. Our catering specialists will guide you through every detail of your special event. 905-434-2444 or 1-877-4BUNNYS www.m-m-t.com/bunnysfoodservice Thank You for Voting Us #1 BEST Caterer for the 8th Consecutive Year! Over 40 Years Experience In The Food Service Industry “Your Complete Catering Service” 350 MARWOOD AVE., OSHAWA BUNNY’S CATERING BUNNY’S CATERING KvH FASHIONS Custom Designed Bridal Gowns Head Pieces & Hats • Silk Flowers • Table Centres • And lots more Be sure to visit our booth February 20th at the Wedding Show (Pickering Rec. Complex) KvH FASHIONS 224 Brock St. N., Whitby (905) 666-KVH5 (5845) Music Services Sight & Sound Full Time Wedding Specialists We are on time, play requests and have FUN! Crowd Interaction! All Nationalities! Special Effects Available! Current Executive Director of CODJA Celebrating Over 25 Years of Standing Ovations OFFICIAL BRIDAL AND FA SHION SHOW DJ Tel: 905-686-4810 416-616-3992 1-800-411-3294 Fa x: 905-428-8731 www.sightandsoundinc.ca info@sightandsoundinc.ca The Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser would like to invite you to the biggest and longest running wedding show in Ajax and Pickering, the 2005 Spring Wedding Show. Th e show off ers brides and their families a chance to discover all the wonderful options and choices they have right here in their community. Th e show will feature the area’s leading wedding specialists and professionals all ready to provide you with the best quality and service you can fi nd. Th e doors of the Pickering Recreation Complex, located on Va lley Farm Road, will open at 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an array of vendors all prepared with answers, products and wedding packages to help make your day go as smoothly and wonderfully as possible. Vendors will include bridal shops, travel agencies, fl orists, disc jockeys and entertainment, hall decorations, tuxedo rentals, limousines services and so much more. And as a special token, the fi rst 300 brides to enter the show will receive a complimentary copy of Wedding Bells magazine. Th ere are fabulous prizes and draws, which brides, as well as other guests can enter. Prizes include a $1,000 certifi cate for a wedding gown courtesy of Sherwood Bridal, $500 certifi cate from Bridal Wardrobe and one lucky winner will be fl ying off to a tropical getaway prize from Travel Choice American Express. Please visit the corresponding booths to fi ll out a ballot. Invite your girlfriends, fi ancé, your mother and soon to be mother-in- law to enjoy all the wonderful services that Durham’s wedding professionals have to off er. While strolling around the show, indulge in some delicious hors d’oeuvres and refreshments from Bunny’s Catering. And don’t forget that fantastic fashion show at 3 p.m. featuring this year’s latest trends in gowns, tuxedos, hair and make-up. Th is is defi nitely an event you will not want to miss. “We are fi nding that over the years, our local brides will attend the big Toronto Bridal shows for ideas, but then they look forward to coming to a local show to fi nd out what they can get right here in Ajax and Pickering,” said show coordinator Laurie Th ompson. “Even if you’re not getting married in 2005, it’s always a good idea to shop around early to make sure your wedding day is the one you’ve always dreamed of.” Tickets are available at the door and are $6 each or two for $10. See you there! An event you won’t want to miss WIN 1 of 3 Fantastic Door Prizes $1000 Gift Certifi cate from Sherwood Bridal Brides only please $500 Gift Certifi cate from Bridal Wardrobe Brides only please All Inclusive Resort Vacation for 2 from Travel Choice - Ajax Everyone welcome to enter By Alicia Veloce durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 13 A/P By Alicia Veloce At Bridal Wardrobe, they off er brand new designer dresses at warehouse prices in a full-service salon atmosphere. Th eir ultimate goal is to provide you with the best selection of wedding gowns at unbelievable prices. Th ey purposely order large quantities of dresses and over-stock their showroom so they can pass down their discount and savings to you. Th e dresses you’ll fi nd at Bridal Wardrobe are in-style and up-to-date, and are featured in the latest bridal magazines. When you purchase a dress at Bridal Wardrobe, either for brides, the bridal party or mother of the bride and groom, along with their great prices, you can enjoy 50 per cent off alterations. Bridal Wardrobe can also order in a dress for you if it’s not in stock at extremely competitive prices. Fi ll out a ballot at this year’s Spring Bridal Show and you could win a $500 gift certifi cate towards a wedding dress or bridesmaid dress. To enter, visit the Bridal Wardrobe booth. With two store locations, one in Whitby and the other in Ajax, brides of Durham Region don’t have to travel far for that perfect dress. Bridal Wa rdrobe in Whitby is located at 1800 Dundas St., east of Th ickson. Th e location in Ajax is 619 Kingston Rd. W. Unit #9 or call 1-866-929-1969. Hours of operation are, Monday to Fr iday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Or visit the website at www.bridalwardrobe.ca Great value, great quality, great dress Planning a wedding can be enjoyable and fun, but also quite hectic. Th ere are many things to think about and to help couples get started on one element of the planning. Th ere are some tips on how to choose the perfect items for their gift registry. • Be practical. When choosing items for your gift registry, think of what would make your busy life easier. Small appliances and other gadgets for the kitchen are a great place to start. Preparing meals can be time consuming. Many gift registry services have a great selection of products for every area of your home to help make the transition to married life easier. • Be creative. Select items that suit your lifestyle. If you and your partner enjoy the outdoors, select items for the outdoor activities you participate in together. Items such as bikes, camping gear or patio furniture are great alternatives to traditional wedding gifts and refl ect your personal tastes and lifestyle. • Spoil yourself. Choosing items that you need is important, but don’t forget to spoil yourself. Stores are continuously adding new and exciting products to their assortments, making it fun and easy to add some really innovative gifts to the list. • Focus on variety. Don’t hesitate to select items from various price points. Guests will appreciate the options, and it works particularly well if groups come together to buy a gift. When purchased by a group, items such as a barbeque and patio furniture are aff ordable and unique wedding gifts. News Canada Selecting items for your gift registry Spring Wedding Show ~ 4 Advertising Feature A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com Deer Creek Golf Course has always been one of the province’s most pristine public golf courses. Now we’ve opened our spectacular new banquet & conference facility, and it too is destined to assume a place among Ontario’s finest.With rooms designed to host from 12 to 900 guests, scenic golf course views, floor to ceiling windows and superb cuisine, what more could you ask for? Bring the magic of Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility to your next function. Expect The Exceptional! The Perfect New Location Any Way You Look at it. Ajax, Ontario 1.866.661.6617 www.golfdeercreek.com To learn more or book your event, please call 905.427.7737 ask for details Visit us at the Wedding Show for details on our new Wedding Packages “Longer lasting flowers at affordable prices” 905-839-6035 FAX 905-839-1899 705 Kingston Rd. (at Whites Rd. - Pickering) rrs TM4ICKET"OOTH3EARS 2OYAL !SHBURN $AVES ,OVE $OVES 'REEN 4HUMB &LORAL 3YD 3ILVER ,,6 7EDDINGS #HAMBERLAIN 0RODUCTION 4/3#! 4RA VEL #HOICE -EMORIES &OREVER &OUR 3EASONS 2EQUEST ,IMO &ABUTAN -OORES #LOTHING FOR-EN 3HERWOOD "RIDAL#O "RIDAL 7ARDROBE 4UX EDO 2OYALE 4HE"AY 3IGHT 3OUND3WEETS'ALORE-AKE UP BY,ENA &ABULOUS 0HOTO 'ROWERS $IRECT 3ILVER #LOUD ,IMO 6IOLET"LOOMS0ICKERING0HOTO0HOTO 3TUDIO +V( &ASHIONS $URHAM 6IDEO 0RODUCTION *ERRYS ,IMO "UNNYS #ATERING $EER#REEK Your guide to the displays at this years show Advertising Feature Spring Wedding Show ~ 5 durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 15 A/P Call 905.831.1711 to speak with our Facilities Coordinator or visit us at cityofpickering.com & search facility bookings On February 20, at 3 p.m., the Pickering Recreation Complex will be transformed into a fashion runway gala event. Th is year’s fashion show will have everything a bride-to-be is looking for. Th ere will be wonderful wedding gowns, bridal party, mother of the bride and groom and fl ower girl dresses and even this year’s tuxedo designs. Th is is defi nitely a fashion show that you will not want to miss. Not only will you be able to marvel at the fantastic designs and styles for this year’s bride, you will fi nd many other exciting extras to enjoy during the fashion show that may even help you make some wedding decisions. For examples, Sight & Sound DJ will be providing the show with music, lights and will be the show’s MC. Sight & Sound know how important your special day is and with over 26 years of experience, they are ready to provide you with sounds and eff ects that will have your guests dancing the night away. Th e transformation will also be provided by beautiful decorations from KvH Fashions. Owner Karin Millar has been off ering her décor expertise for the Bridal Show for many years and each year presents new and exciting ideas for hall decorations, wedding gowns, fl oral arrangements and so much more. She has it all under one roof at her shop located in W hitby. Don’t forget to stop by the KvH Fashions’ booth where you can enter to win a very lovely veil, courtesy of KvH. Your taste buds will not be forgotten at the show. Bunny’s Catering will be serving delicious hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, which are samples of the delicacies they can create when catering your special event. At Bunny’s Catering, they pride themselves on their very fl exible meal choices. Th ey are able to assist you with any meal selection that will fi t your budget. And we can’t forget our beautiful girls that will be modeling the gowns provided by Sherwood Bridal, Bridal Wardrobe and KvH Fashions. To complete the full package, the excellent and experienced staff at Medoro’s Hair Design will provide the models with the latest trends and styles for hair and make-up. With two locations in Ajax and Pickering, stylists at Medoro’s are pleased to create any hairstyle that will compliment how beautiful you will look on your wedding day. Th ey off er consultations and trial runs in order to make sure you get exactly what you want. Gentlemen, just because most of the attention will be focused on your blushing bride, it doesn’t mean that you can’t look good too. Th e fashion show will provide you with hot, new styles for your wardrobe courtesy of Tuxedo Royale. With designer labels like Chaps by Ralph Lauren, Fumagalli’s, Lubiam, Oscar de la Renta, Pe rry Ellis, Calvin Klein and Andrew Fe zza, you and your groomsmen will stop the show! 2005 spring fashion show Home Outfi tters Home Outfi tters WWW.THEBAY.COM Pickering 905-837-8691 Ext. 341 WWW.HOMEOUTFITTERS.COM Pickering 905-831-8506 CANADA’S BIGGEST AND BEST GIFT REGISTRY Only Canada’s largest retailers, the Bay and Home Outfi tters, can offer more brands, more gift solutions and more for your future together. Imagine the convenience of coast-to-coast service with 100 Bay stores and over 45 Home Outfi tters nationwide, the opportunity to view your registry on-line, and a personal bridal consultant tending to the smallest of details. The National Gift Registry is waiting to wow you. THE NATIONAL GIFT REGISTRY PA RT OF THE Hbc FAMILY OF STORES Pickering T o w n C e n t r e Gift Regi s t r y G a l a Saturday A p r i l 2 , 6:30 - 9:0 0 One camera digital coverage of wedding ceremony and reception by professionally trained videographer Deluxe package features DVD master complete with introduction sequence, end photo montage, smooth transitions, and choice of background music Other packages available upon request Don’t forget to stop by our booth and say hi! Durham VideoDurham Video ProductionsProductions Preserving Life’s Precious Moments Best prices guaranteedBest prices guaranteed (905) 571-4824(905) 571-4824 Arrive In Style... JERRY’S LIMOUSINEJERRY’S LIMOUSINE SERVICESERVICE Congratulations to the Bride and GroomCongratulations to the Bride and Groom Allow our planners to handle your wedding travel arrangements andAllow our planners to handle your wedding travel arrangements and leave all of your wedding day anxieties to us.leave all of your wedding day anxieties to us. BRIDAL SHOW SPECIALBRIDAL SHOW SPECIAL Book your 2005 wedding at the Bridal Show and receiveBook your 2005 wedding at the Bridal Show and receive 10%10%off the package price.off the package price. 905-728-1553905-728-1553 www.jerryslimousineservice.com This year’s fashion show will have everything a bride-to-be is looking for Spring Wedding Show ~ 6 Advertising Feature A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com Advertising Feature Spring Wedding Show ~ 7 Guaranteed To Make You Smile • Visit us at our booth Sun., Feb. 22 (416) 286-3111 fabdiane1@hotmail.com Fabulous Photos Fabulous Photos Created by Diane Foster 905-427-3855 www.memoriesforever.ca DECORATING * VIDEO * BRIDAL ACCESSORIES Decorating: Convert any hall into a room of elegance. Table Decorations, Archways, Back drops, Pillars, Flower Baskets, Candelabras, Ceiling Caponies and much more. Video: We use professional 3-chip digital camera, wireless microphone and computer editing. Choose from the following list to build your special package. Scrolling invitation, Photo history, Bride’s house, Groom’s house, Ceremony, Park (with special effects), Background music of your choice, Reception, Recap, Honeymoon photo montage. One DVD & two parents VHS with any video package “Free”. Only $200.00 down, with the balance not due until pick-up. (Pick-up date flexible). Bridal Accessories: Our booth at The General Store in Pickering Town Centre (upper level Sears wing) will provide you with a large variety of Veils, Head pieces, Attendant’s Gifts, Gloves, Photo albums, Frames, Cake Sets, Guest Books, Pens, Toasting Glasses, Shower Gifts and much more. VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE WEDDING SHOW Win your Honeymoon Compliments of Travel Choice, Sandals, & Signature Vacations At Travel Choice we offer a variety of travel services: • Cruises • Escorted & Independent Tours • All Inclusive Packages • Customized Holidays • Groups, Honeymoons, Student & Senior Travel • Air only, Hotel & Car Reservations • Travel Insurance • Business Travel Services *Certain restictions, conditions and blackout dates are applicable 539 Westney Rd. S. Ajax (Just past Clements Rd.) 905-428-1328 or 1-800-669-1257 ajax@travelchoice.ca 5.$%2.%7-!.!'%-%.4 4HE'REEN4HUMBOFFERSA VARIETYOFFLORALARRANGEMENTS TOADDBEAUTYTOYOUR WEDDINGDAY !SKABOUTOURFREETHROWAWAYBOUQUET (UNT3T !JAX    sCORPORATEsWEDDING sBASKETSsFUNERALS sOFFICEDESIGNSERVICES &ORTHEMOST BEAUTIFULDAYOF YOURLIFE "ECAUSE9OU$ESERVE4HE"EST WWWMAKEUPBYLENACOM % MAILLENA MAKEUPBYLENACOM 3PECIAL7EDDING3HOW$ISCOUNTS "ESURETOVISITOURBOOTHATTHE !JAX0ICKERING3PRING 7EDDING3HOW OR #ALL,ENAAT   Travel Choice American Express Tr avel Services and the News Advertiser can’t wait to give away a dream vacation to one lucky winner at this year’s Bridal Show. Fi ll out a ballot at Travel Choice’s booth and enter for a chance to win a complimentary, all-inclusive seven-night stay at Beaches Varadero Resort, Sandals Royal Hicacos Resort and Spa or Sandals Princesa del Mar Resort and Spa. Pac kages include airfare, compliments of Travel Choice, Sandals Resorts and Signature Va c ations. Th e all-inclusive package includes luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, anytime snacks, unlimited drinks, nightly entertainment, all land and water sports, government and hotel taxes and gratuity.* Tr avel Choice has been sending couples away on their dream destination for many years and have fully experienced senior staff who are more than happy to help assist you in all of your travel needs. Th ey can provide a number of diff erent services to ensure that you have a trip of a lifetime. From booking your airline reservations, customizing itinerary planning, cruise and tour packages to hotel and car reservations, piece of mind travel insurance and travel gift certifi cates, Travel Choice is the right choice. Finding the right agency for booking your honeymoon is essential, Jill Moore, a senior consultant from our travel agency is a specialist in booking honeymoons. She can also give you excellent tips and information about honeymoon destination packages and FREE Weddings in Para dise. For more information please contact us at 905-428-1328 or visit our agency at 539 Westney Rd. S., just past Clements Road in Ajax. You can also reach us via email at ajax@travelchoice.ca *Please note that some restrictions do apply to the free trip getaway. Please contact an agent at Travel Choice for more information. Your destination of a lifetime By Alicia Veloce durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 17 A/P Cash, Debit Card, Visa, Mastercard or Amex. Sorry, no cheques or layaway. It’s worth the drive! 50 Richmond St. E., McLaughlin Square, Oshawa 905-432-3320 Hour: Tues. - Thurs. 12 -8 Fri. & Sat. 10-6 Closed Sunday & Monday INVENTO R Y CLEAR A N C E 2,000 DRESSES EVENING GOWNS COCKTAIL DRESSES Fabulous Prices on Every Designer Label! Every Style! Every Gown! • Engagement • Communion • Flower Girl Dresses • Apparel for Mothers of the Bride/Groom • Prom • Day Gowns, Dresses & Suits • Plus much more! • LIMITED TIME ONLY! *Off the original ticket price (excluding accessories) DON’T YOU DARE MISS IT!!! 5050 ** o ffoff %%EVERY STYLE EVEN OUR BEST FREE GROOM’S TUXEDO RENTAL PACKAGE FOR WEDDING PARTIES OF FIVE OR MORE TUXEDO RENTAL PACKAGES FROM $59.99 OSHAWA 22 Stevenson Rd. S. (at King St. W.) 905-725-7690 PICKERING 1300 Kingston Rd. (at Liverpool Rd.) 905-837-0380 SHOWROOMS AND STORES Also available at 750 Associate Mens & Bridal Shops across Canada FREE GROOM’S TUXEDO RENTAL 50 - 250 by the Fireplace or on the Covered Terrace. Semi to all inclusive Wedding Packages for your reception and/or ceremony DATES STILL AVAILABLE FOR 2005 NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR 2006 Accommodating 905-649-2436 ask for Karen >Ài“œ˜Ì{-i>ܘà œÕ˜ÌÀÞ ÕL www.ontarioweddings.com/4seasons 1900 Concession 8, 4 km North of Hwy. 7 East of Brock Rd., Pickering For some, fi nding the perfect wedding gift for a bride and groom can be time consuming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips for friends and family to help get the right gift, quickly and easily. Many couples create registries for their wedding, giving them the opportunity to choose the items they’ll need to begin their new life together. Purchasing something from the registry makes gift giving easy for guests, since they can be assured that the bride and groom will love and use the gift they select. If all the items on the gift registry have already been purchased or the bride and groom have not registered anywhere, fi nding a gift can be challenging. To make things easier, think of something that you have done with the couple and buy a gift relating to that activity. For example, if you have gone camping together, purchase some camping gear that you know they don’t have but would enjoy. Also consider what the couple like to do together. For example, if they like spending time in their backyard during the summer months. Gift cards are the perfect way to let the bride and groom choose something they really want. At most stores they can be bought in several denominations and can be redeemed at every location across the country. Many couples register at two stores for their wedding, providing guests with the fl exibility to choose gifts that suit their budget and location. When deciding which registry to purchase from, consider things like store location and the ability to shop online and by phone. If you are unable to attend the wedding, or live far away from the couple, shopping online gives you the option of shipping the gift to your home or to the home of the bride and groom. If you like to give money as a gift, package it in a creative and personal way. Wr ap the money and card in a wicker basket that matches their décor or inside a basic toolkit, perfect for new homeowners. Th e bride and groom will be sure to remember and appreciate the personal touch. News Canada Shopping for the bride and groom The perfect complexion of a cover girl or superstar may look like a windfall of natural beauty, but be assured: the best complexions are the results of simple little, do-it-yourself tricks and are perfect for a fl awless look on your wedding day. Fully cleansed, hydrated and healthy- looking skin is a good place to begin. After that however, the most important complexion technique on each and every cover girl lies in the application of her foundation. So here is the inside scoop: If foundation is applied with a little fl are and strategy, it will set a high beauty standard for your entire face. For example, a new strategy is a professional, two-step process. Th e right product for you should fulfi ll two specifi c requirements for a fl awless look: it smoothes the skin and evens the tone. Here is the technique, alongside a few more make-up application tips to give you the confi dence of a cover girl too: • Step One: Apply a silky smooth, weightless base. It prepares the skin by minimizing the appearance of pores and shine. Th e base fi lls in lines and provides shine control. • Step Two: Apply colour liquid makeup. Now with their advanced blending properties; they help even skin tone to produce beautiful fl awless coverage. Applying colour over a base coat helps ensure that the make-up will not change colour, even through heat and humidity. • Th e right makeup colour for you is one that is virtually invisible when applied to the skin between cheek and jaw. Check it outside with a compact mirror, away from artifi cial light. • Shake the bottle well before applying it. Pigment can settle at the bottom and produce an uneven fi nish. • To apply, use the back of the hand as an artist’s palette. Dot the face and blend with outward strokes from the nose away from the centre of the face, into the hair line and down the neck. A sponge applicator allows easier blending around the nose and chin. • Applying foundation to eyelids and lips can help to even out uneven skin tone and may help eye shadow and lipstick stay on longer. News Canada How to get fl awless looking skin Spring Wedding Show ~ 8 Advertising Feature A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com Advertising Feature Spring Wedding Show ~ 9 ■ Weddings ■ Anniversaries ■ Birthdays ■ And more! • Gift-giving convenience • No duplication of gifts • More than 50,000 gift options from Sears Catalogue, Sears retail stores, and other retailers of your choice • Flexible shipping options • Delivery* almost anywhere in Canada • Every gift from Sears is backed by our Satisfaction Guarantee • Valuable Sears Club Points earned with every Sears Card purchase. * For a nominal fee, Sears can arrange delivery of Sears Catalogue orders to almost anywhere in Canada, or we’ll ship to any Sears location in Canada at no extra charge. Pickering Town Centre 905-420-8000 Visit our booth for complete details At your service. Contact us: Durham line: 905.666.7666 Toronto line: 416.657.1661 Toll free: 1.877.654.5466 www.silvercloudlimos.com Silver Cloud Limousine Services SHOW SPECIAL Designed for couples being married in the late afternoon. It consists of six hours of service, chilled champagne and crystal fl ute glasses for toasting. Decorations of ribbon, bow and a “Just Married” sign. Red carpet service is delivered at the church and reception, with a chauffeur in tuxedo, hat and white gloves. $1198 G.S.T. included Finding the perfect dress for your special day can be one of the hardest tasks you’ll have to face when preparing for your wedding. You want the dress of your dreams and you deserve it, however there are many diff erent routes you can take to look for the dress that’s “the one”. Wedding magazines, the Internet, and going to stores upon stores in search of that glorious gown can be quite daunting. Imagine being able to eliminate all these options and fi nd what you’re looking for right around the corner. Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore because at Sherwood Bridal the options are endless. Sherwood Bridal in Ajax has been a family owned and operated business for over 35 years. Th ey pride themselves on off ering quality service, unbeatable prices and having one of the largest selections of gowns in Durham. Th ey have all the major designer lines that you would fi nd in a wedding magazine. Look through their many rows of bridal gowns, or bring in your own ideas and sit with a designer for a free, no obligation consultation. If Sherwood doesn’t have your perfect dress in store, they will be pleased to order it in or create it so you walk out of their bridal salon with the dress you’ve always wanted. Something that is very unique to Sherwood Bridal is their free alterations policy. Th ey are the only bridal salon in Ontario that off ers this service and there is no limit, from one to fi ve or more fi ttings, they want to give you the best possible service and quality and they won’t stop until you’re happy. Th ey will even perform same-day alterations for special emergencies. All alterations are done in- house, under the supervision of their on-staff designer. S herwood Bridal is very excited and proud to be a part of the News Advertiser’s Spring 2005 Wedding Show. Th e fashion show that will take place at 3 p.m., and will showcase their bridal, bridesmaids, fl ower girls and mother of the bride and groom dresses. Th is year expect a twist from tradition as diff erent styles and elements that have been used in the past are incorporated with fresh, new designs and ideas. And don’t forget, when you’re at the show fi ll out a ballot for your chance to win a $1,000 gift certifi cate towards the purchase of your wedding dress at Sherwood Bridal. Be sure to drop by their booth and their store, located at 46 Church St. S. Store hours are Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 12 p.m. to 5p.m. For more information please call 905-619-9799 or visit them online at www. sherwoodbridal.com Find the dress of your dreams By Alicia Veloce %.(!.#%9/52 30%#)!,$!9 7HITE$OVESWHENRELEASED THEYWILLSPREADTHEIRBEAUTYANDCREATE BREATHTAKINGPICTURES9OU YOURGUESTSAND LOVEDONESWILLBEINAWEASTHEYCIRCLETOGETHER ANDDISAPPEARINTOTHEHORIZON 7HITE$OVESSPREADBEAUTYSYMBOLIZEPURITY PEACE LOVEGOODLUCK 0ACKAGESRANGEFROMANELEGANTRELEASE OFAPAIROFDOVESTOA MAGNIFICENTRELEASEOFBIRDS 7…ˆÌiÊ œÛiÊÀii>ÃiÃÊ>ÀiÊ>Ê«ÀœviÃȜ˜>ÊÃiÀۈVi° /…iÊLˆÀ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊÌÀ>ˆ˜i`ʺ…œ“ˆ˜}»Ê«ˆ}iœ˜Ã° #/,5-"532$ "2//+,).    RUOTISI6 D EHTTAYALPSI "TNEV%LADIR ROFHTBE&SLIATED Largest selection of high quality, fresh cut fl owers for you and your Wedding Party. Visit us at our booth for more special show day savings Custom DesignedCustom Designed Wedding PackagesWedding Packages For Every BudgetFor Every Budget Custom DesignedCustom Designed Wedding PackagesWedding Packages For Every BudgetFor Every Budget 105 Bayly St., W., Ajax ~ 905-619-7673 Present this ad to receive aPresent this ad to receive a 10%10%discount on yourdiscount on your wedding bouquetwedding bouquet • FREE Wedding Consultation • We deliver to all of the GTA durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 19 A/P OPEN ALL YEAR ROYAL ASHBURN GOLF CLUB To arrange a consultation, please contact Carol or Cindy at 905-686-1121 Ext. 240. For further information, www.royalashburngolfclub.com. JOIN US AT OUR OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 6TH FROM 12:00 TO 4:00. For over forty years, Royal Ashburn Golf Club has been hosting weddings, banquets and other festive occasions. We offer all inclusive packages at very competitive prices. Enjoy our warm country setting & caring professional staff. Our Wedding Consultants will dedicate their time and effort to ensure your day is perfect. Our two beautifully appointed rooms can accommodate weddings of 100 to 250 guests. Landscaped bridal gardens to capture tomorrow’s memories. Outdoor Garden Ceremonies are held at the Bridal Gazebo. Indoor ceremonies are held on our enclosed Terraces overlooking the Gardens. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ MooresMoores CLOTHING FOR MEN only Rent 4 or more Tu x edos and get 1 rental FREE! www.mooresclothing.com 705 Kingston Rd. Pickering 905-837-2720 90 Kingston Rd. Ajax 905-686-1176 Wedding Show Special $75.00* Complete Tuxedo Rental Package (Includes: Tuxedo, Shirt, Tie, Jewelery, Vest & Shoes) *Wedding price show only Make a big impression at your event!! It is not only ad ideal dessert but is also a captivating showpiece!! Chocolate fountain available with milk, dark or white chocolate. Served with an endless assortment of fruit, pastries or candy for dipping. The hall will be alive with the smell of rich, delicious chocolate, and you will be the talk of the town for months! Choose our cake design or bring us one of your own. Together we can create a memory. LLV Weddings Presents..... The Chocolate Fountain Dessert and Fruit Tables Wedding Cakes Call Aimée at 905-571-9415 or Laura Lee at 519-736-5267 Th ree to Twelve Months Before Your Wedding • Date, time, and place for ceremony • Determine budget • Type of wedding (very formal, formal, semi-formal) • Reserve facility for reception • Consult caterer • Choose a photographer • Meet with church organist to discuss music for ceremony • Music for reception • Meet with clergy (consult together about type of ceremony) • Select bridal party • Start looking for wedding dress • Bridal party’s dresses and mothers’ gowns • Guest list • Wedding invitations and announcements • Order fl owers • Register for gifts • Buy a wedding album, gift and guest record fi le • Order thank you and personal stationery • Start your make-up lessons, skin care, hairstyling program • Find a new home and plan furnishing • Discuss honeymoon with groom Tw o Months Before Your Wedding • Wedding gown fi ttings • Order wedding cake • Bridesmaids gowns fi ttings • Coordinate men’s formal wear attire • Finish addressing invitations • Acknowledge each gift as it arrives • Begin shopping for bridal party’s gifts One Month Before Your Wedding • Final fi tting of wedding dress and all gowns • Complete arrangements for reception • Set appointment to have make-up and hairstyling • Arrange transportation and accommodations • Check groom on wedding ring(s) • Mail invitations • Arrange for transportation to ceremony and reception • Arrange for any party rental equipment Tw o Weeks to One Day Before Your Wedding • Check all gowns and accessories • Arrange for rehearsal • Give caterer fi nal headcount for reception • Arrange fi nal seating for the reception • Discuss specifi c shots with photographer • Arrange going-away clothes • Arrange any last minute transportation • Get lots of beauty rest On the Day of Your Wedding • Relax and have a leisurely breakfast • Take time to bathe and dress • Have your nails, hair, and make-up styled Things to do... before you say “I Do” Spring Wedding Show ~ 10 Advertising Feature A/P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com Advertising Feature Spring Wedding Show ~ 11 120” Megastretch Lincoln 2004 10 Passenger Luxury Executive Service Weddings • Anniversaries Casino Runs • Airport Service Any Special Occasion www.requestlimo.com • email: nirindra@rogers.com 32 Claridge Crescent • Whitby • Ontario A Great Wedding Ta kes a Terrific Limousine Service. A Whitby Based Company Serving Durham Region AWARD Durham Business Times 2002 Voted #1 Limo Service for 3 years in a Row 2001/2002/2003/2004 Arrive In Style Request Limousine Services Inc. Request Limousine Services Inc. 9 0 5 -6 2 6 -2 8 0 0 • 9 0 5 -6 5 5 -2 3 0 0 905-626-2800 • 905-655-2300 9 0 5 -6 2 6 -2 8 0 0 • 9 0 5 -6 5 5 -2 3 0 0 905-626-2800 • 905-655-2300 Abeautiful wedding veil, an exquisite wedding gown, matching shoes and a radiant bouquet are all elements of a memorable marriage ceremony. But what distinguishes those components from all the other brides? You, of course. At Medoro’s Hair Design they’ll create a hairstyle especially for you. Th ey’ll take your face shape, length of hair, veil, and dress into account to accentuate the natural beauty that every bride possesses. Mario Medoro, owner of Medoro’s Hair Design, has been in the hairstyling business for over 40 years, which means that he’s seen trends come and go and that he’s up to date with the look that modern brides want to achieve. W hen planning your hairstyle for the big day, it’s a good idea to book your appointment three to four weeks in advance to ensure availability. Tw o to three weeks before the wedding Mr. Medoro or one of his stylists will meet with you for a consultation to see which style complements you the best, and to assess what you think about your overall look. Th is gives you a great opportunity to take advantage of all the possible looks you’d consider before the big day. During this consultation it’s a good idea to bring a photo of your wedding gown, as well as magazines of styles that you prefer to help give the stylists an idea of what you’re looking for. Th ere are a number of diff erent styles that brides can opt for. Mr. Medoro says the most popular style is an up-do, which creates an elegant and alluring look for more formal weddings. On the other hand, half- dos create a more casual look and are better suited for daytime weddings. As for brides or bridesmaids with shorter hair, Mr. Medoro and his team have all the tools they need to accessorize a shorter mane. Combs, beads, barrettes, clips, and even fl owers can signifi cantly alter any image, creating a stunning look for this special occasion. Of course, beauty of this calibre takes time. Th at’s why Medoro’s Hair Design opens earlier to accommodate the bridal party on the day of the wedding to ensure that they arrive at the venue on time. Mr. Medoro and his team of stylists will be the sole styling group for the 2005 Ajax- Pickering Spring Wedding Show, and will showcase the most popular hairstyles that modern brides prefer for their big day. Th ere will be a mixture of styles to show brides all the possibilities. For your convenience, Medoro’s Hair Design has two locations in the Durham Region — 1900 Dixie Rd., Pickering, 905-420-8528 and 475 Westney Rd., Ajax, 905-686-1918. Up-dos and stylish hair trends During the consultation it’s a good idea to bring a photo of your wedding gown, as well as magazines of styles that you prefer to help give the stylists an idea of what you’re looking for Join us for the Fashion Show 3:00 pm F eaturing: Hair & Make-up by: Sherwood Bridal Co. Bridal Wardrobe KvH Fashions Tuxedo Royale Medoro’s Hair Design Music, Lights & MC by: Sight & Sound Hall Decorations by: KvH Fashions Hair you will love …and more DESERIE’S ESTHETICS & SKIN CARE Mention this ad & receive $$55 OFFOFF hilites, colour or perm services For a free consultation… Medoro’s Hair Design UNISEX PICKERING 1900 Dixie Rd. 905-420-8528 (Dixie & Finch) AJAX 475 Westney Rd. N 905-686-1918 (Ajax Marketplace) Official hair & make-up sponsor ofOffi cial hair & make-up sponsor of the Ajax-Pickering Newsthe Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser Wedding Fashion ShowAdvertiser Wedding Fashion Show 374 Old Kingston Rd., Scarborough 416-281-9966 401 W., (from Whites Rd.) •Exit Kingston Rd. Right at 1st exit (Lawson Rd.) At lights turn left to Felicia’s has wonderful choices... the guest of the wedding does too! SIZES 6-22 IN-HOUSE ALTERATIONS ACCESSORIES The Mother of the Bride 416-281-9966 ORBIT SOUND Music Service info@orbitsound.ca 905-767-4789 durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 PAGE 21 A/P Spring Wedding Show ~ 12 Advertising Feature A/P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13 , 2005 durhamregion.com durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 PAGE 23 A/P ing head or lifting shoulder; • NeckBend– tuck in chin and slowly bring towards chest. Slowly return to start position; • Neck Extension– raise chin to ceiling and look up as far as you can. Slowly return to start position; Shoulders • Shoulder Stretch– link fi ngers together and push up with palms facing upwards; • Shoulders Back– squeeze shoul- der blades together. Expand rib cage with each breath; • Shoulders Forward– cross arms across chest and hold back of shoulders with hands. Hug shoul- ders forward so that a stretch is felt between shoulder blades; • Shoulder Rolls– Shrug shoul- ders. Make circles with one shoul- der, then the other. Touch shoulder blades together and relax. Repeat three or four times. Tr unk • Body Twist– turn body and head to look over right shoulder. Reach left hand across the body to hold on to top right edge of chair. Repeat on opposite side; • Back Arch– arch back until pelvis tilts forward. Try to breath normally; • Back Slump– slump forwards and bring shoulders towards knees as far as comfortable. Keep stomach relaxed. Pelvis should tilt backwards; • Body Stretch– fi nd suitable location and stand with feet shoul- der-width apart and as tall as you can. Push hips forward without losing balance and reach arms straight above head, linking fi ngers with palms facing upwards. Foot and ankle • Sitting Calf Stretch– keep left heel on fl oor, lift toes and the front of the foot as far off the fl oor as possible. Repeat on opposite side; • Foot Pumping– pump each foot several times, as if working a car accelerator, to bring back circula- tion to feet and ankles. • Heel Lifts– lean forward and rest elbows on knees. Keeping full weight on elbows, lift heels off the fl oor as far as you can, keeping balls of feet in contact with fl oor. Gently lower down and repeat several times; • Ankle Circles– lift left foot off fl oor and pull upwards and at the same time roll foot inwards. Then push the foot downwards and roll it outwards. Repeat 20 times on each side. 6INYASA9OGA0OWER9OGA 5SESANENERGIZING FLOWING PRACTICETHATCREATESAHIGH BODYHEAT IMPROVINGFLEXIBILITY BALANCEANDSTRENGTH .EW#LASSES"EGIN&EBRUARY    ,OCATION#ATCHING&IREFLIES,TD3ALK2D 0ICKERINGIF •TIME •QUALITY •GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) 686-4343 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST HWY. 401 HWY. 2 WESTNEY RD.HARWOOD AVE.WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES continued from previous page Youth can have a say in future direction By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM — Paul Kells is hooked on safety and wants to pass on his addiction to as many youths as possible. In 1994 his son, Sean, just three days into a part-time job, was killed in a workplace accident. The 19- year-old didn’t know he was han- dling a potentially-dangerous sub- stance used as a sealant to protect vehicles. Transferring it from larger to smaller containers on a cool morning, there was no air circula- tion in the workplace, and fumes built up at floor level. One static electric spark triggered an explo- sion that caused third degree burns to 95 per cent of his body. The founder and vice-president of the Safe Communities Founda- tion, Mr. Kells is also executive di- rector of Passport to Safety (PTS), a not-for-profit national program that assesses and tests young people on health and safety on the job. “What we know is that you guys, in your first three months on the job, are 60 per cent more likely to be injured,” Mr. Kells told students at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate in Ajax recently. Yo ung people starting jobs are often too self-conscious to ask questions, he says, and that could be fatal if they’re asked to do a task without knowing what risks are in- volved. Many youths don’t realize that under the law, they have the right to refuse to do anything they believe is unsafe, Mr. Kells said. PTS is aimed at people 24 years of age and under. They go on a website and challenge the test, and if successful receive a transcript that can be attached to a resume, outlining their basic health and safety awareness. The program is not intended to replace job-spe- cific training, but to be a starting point. “You can’t fail this test,” Mr. Kells said, noting students keep taking it until they pass. Offered in Durham District School Board high schools, where students don’t have to pay the $9 registration fee, the PTS steering committee is currently working on a plan to expand the program — and that’s where Durham stu- dents come in. Public secondary school business students are being challenged to develop and pres- ent a strategic plan to grow the program to more businesses and young people. Individual projects will be considered, but group en- tries are encouraged. The winning student or team will present their plan to the Durham Region pass- port to safety committee and prizes will be awarded. “The premise is that students are probably the best ambassadors of promoting this in the community,” says John Murphy, executive vice- president, human resources and chief ethics officer at Ontario Power Generation (OPG), in an interview. “You have to engage kids, not just lecture them,” adds Mr. Kells. The challenge is a joint project of Safe Communities of Picker- ing/Ajax (SCOPA), OPG, the school board, PTS and the Business Advi- sory Centre Durham. More than 1,000 Durham stu- dents have been through the pro- gram and more than 40 businesses are involved. Gary Gibson, the pub- lic board’s health and safety officer, says the goal is to have 10,000 stu- dents and 100 businesses on board by the end of this school year. For more information on the pro- gram, visit www.passporttosafety. com. Information on the challenge is available in schools. Students needed to boost passport program Paul Kells, right, is on a mission to help teenagers understand the risks of the workplace and teach them to ensure their own safety. John Murphy of Ontario Power Generation, a partner in the Business Safety Challenge, joined Mr. Kells recently, to help launch the program in local public high schools. Girls Inc. information session is for potential mentors DURHAM — Girls Incorporated of Durham is looking for women to inspire Ajax and Pickering girls. Girls Inc. is holding a volunteer mentor orientation information session for women 21 years of age or older. The session is Tuesday, Feb. 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Girls Inc. office, 398 Bayly St. W. in Ajax. Girls Inc. is committed to in- spiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold through mentoring and group programming. Female men- tors are matched with girls six to 16 on a one-on-one basis or with a young mom or mom-to-be. The program and services help girls learn more about themselves, learn to look at the world of op- portunities and carve out a path to a bright future, and skills for mak- ing good life decisions. For more information, call 905-428-8111. Receive 10% off regular purchase of 20 visit or yearly pass - limited offer Active Playcentre & Party Room 905-433-4668 1077 Boundary Rd. S. Oshawa, ON. (Boundary Mall - 3 1/2 min.S/E of Thickson & 401) Grand Opening Offer: Mon-Fri 9:30 - 4:30pm Saturday 10:00 - 4:00pm Sunday Open for Private Parties Only• Little Feet Fitness & Fun Wentworth St. W. Thornton Rd. S. Boundary Rd. Lake Ontario Thickson Rd. Hwy. 401 Visit us at www.littlefeetfitness.com Babies to 4 yr. Olds A/P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 durhamregion.com DURHAM LIQUIDATION 18 Harwood Ave. S. 905-427-3005 • 900 MHz analog operation • 10-number memory dial • Redial, mute, and hold buttons • Low background noise ONLY $9.99 GE 900MHz Cordless Phone • Built-in digital answerer • 3-line lcd with call waiting caller id & 100 memories • New message indicator with 10 distinctive ring tones SPECIAL $29.99 Uniden 2.4GHZ Cordless Phone Digital Answerer! • Records up to 15 min • improved voice quality • LCD with caller id and number of messages received Panasonic Digital Answering Machine With Caller ID Fully Digital! low price $29.99 • Loaded with features! • Connects to 2 phone lines • Distinctive ringing for each line plus call conferencing feature • 40-caller memory and 10 number speed dialer unbeleivable price $34.99 G.e.2.4 Ghz 2-line Cordless Phone W/ Call Id/waiting • 4 Handset Capabilities • Speakerphone • Handset to Handset Call Transfer • DirectLink Technology • Quick Phone Book Access • 100 Memory Locations ON SALE $49.99 Uniden 2.4 GHz Phone w/Answering Machines • Dual Handset • Caller ID/Call waiting Caller ID • Intercom between Handsets • Keypad on Base ON SALE $49.99 GE 2.4 Ghz 2-handset With Answering machine/Base Keypad Only $69.99 • 27-inch TV with DVD/VCR player • Plays DVD’S, CD’S, MP3 • Virtual surround sound • Digital audio out • Video record and playback • Auto power off • With Remote Control ONLY $269.99 Emerson 27” TV/DVD/VCR • Two 36” Bar • Two 48” Bar • Mounting Bracket • Includes Tran sformer ONLY $169.99 RACTIVE Eurolite Universal LED UnderCar Kit Neon Under Kit Only $124.99 •Two 7” LCD Monitors •Two Headphones • Remote Control • AC Adapter for home use • Plug in cigarette cable for car use • Custom Designed Bag ON SALE $329.99 G2G Gear Mobile DVD Dual 7” Monitors • Blue Backlit LCD • Clock/Timer Feature • Electronic Equalizer • Surround Sound Control • Digital AM/FM Tuner with 32 Preset Memories • Electronic Up/Down Tuning • Vertical Load CD ON SALE $69.99 KOSS Mini BookShelf System • Vertical Load CD Player (Behind Speaker Panel) • CD-R/RW Compatible • Full-featured Remote Control • Mylar Thin Flat Panel Speakers • Built-in Subwoofer to Enhance Bass Sound ONLY $69.99 KOSS “Eclipse” Micro Stereo System • 3 colour LCD Display • CDR/CDRW Compatible • Remote Control • Clock & Timer • Power Output: 12.5 Watt/Channel • 2 Way Speaker System: 4” Woofer & 2” Tweeter ON SALE NOW $89.99 KOSS Micro System with Subwoofer • DVD/SVCD/VCD/CD-DA/CD-R/ CD-RW/MP3/WMA Compatible • Progressive Scan • NTSC/PAL Video Output • Dolby Digital® 5.1 • PCM Digital Audio • 200W RMS 5x30W + 50W Sub ON SALE $149.99 KOSS 200Watts RMS Home Theater System • Auto Shutoff • SmartToast Thermostat • Extra-Wide Slots • Self-Adjusting Bread Guides Compare at 29.99 ON SALE $19.99 Proctor Silex Brand New 4 Slice Toaster • Auto Pause’N Serve • Extra-Large Water Fill Area • Easy-Fill Filter Basket • Unique Hydro-Clean System • Dishwasher Safe Carafe Compare at 24.99 ONLY $11.99 Proctor Silex Brand New 12-cup Coffeemaker • 48 ounce plastic jar • Euro styling • Pulse speed • 2 ounce measuring fi ller-cap • Strain-pour-close lid • 350 watts 120V AC only Compare at 34.99 ON SALE $17.99 Proctor Silex 8 Speed Blender • Stainless Steel Juicing Blades • Separate containers for pulp and juice extraction • Easy Clean-Up • Non-Slip Base LOW LOW PRICE $24.99 DAEWOO Juice Extractor • Non-stick interior for easy cleaning • Stay-cool handles Was $39.99 LOW LOW PRICE $24.99 ECKO 7Pc. Non-stick Cookware Set • Stainless steel handle • Heat resistant plastic ONLY $0.69 Utensils Unbeatable Prices Ta ke additional 25% off Come in and check out our reduced prices on all stainless steel kitchen- ware and take additional 25% off on our already reduced prices REVLON, REVLON, REVLON, REVLON, REVLON, REVLON & MORE Revlon special value set $5.99/set Revlon Lip Glide or Eye glides for only $5.99 Revlon Luminous Cream Shadow for only $9.99 Revlon lipsticks for only 2.99ea or 4 for $10.00 Revlon Colour stay and moisture stay for only $3.99 Revlon Color Stay Foundation for only $7.99 Revlon Age Defying Makeup for only $7.99 Revlon Color stay powder for only $7.99 Revlon Blushes for only $5.99 Revlon Lip glosses for only $3.99 Revlon Mascara & Pencil for only $7.99pk All Biore Skin Care Products $4.99 & up Almay Kinetin Skincare $9.99 Almay Bright eye mascara $5.99/pk CLAIROL Hair colour only $3.99 each or 3 for $10.00 THESE PRICES WON’T LAST FOR LONG Kingston Rd. W. Harwood Av e. S. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 PAGE 25 A/P SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com PROVINCIAL TITLE HOPES The men’s Ontario curling championship wraps up at Whitby’s Iroquois Park. The final goes Sunday at 1:30 p.m. DURHAM — The 20th annual Oshawa Sports Hall of Fame cer- emony promises to be a diverse gathering. Five different sports will be thrust into the spotlight on May 25 at the Civic Auditorium, four of which have received little in the way of recognition previously. Ta ble tennis will receive attention, thanks to longtime News Adver- tiser employee Michelle Qurrey. The one high profile sport will offer up the marquee attraction for the gala, as hockey’s Rick Mid- dleton will join a host of other former Os- hawa Gen- erals who have pre- ceded him in. But the other inductees look forward to sharing a love of their lesser known sports. Qurrey, a distribution carrier representative with the News Ad- vertiser for 12 years, will be the hall’s first table tennis inductee; George Jackson and Jack Hunter the first lawn bowling team, and the third and fourth lawn bowl- ers period; Gloria Campbell the fourth curler; and the 1991-92 O’Neill Collegiate senior boys’ basketball team just the second high school team. “It’s very exciting and nice to know that table tennis is now going to be recognized more so than it used to ever be,” said Qur- rey, who was introduced along with the other inductees at an Os- hawa council meeting Monday. “It’s going to be very emotional, I know that much. It’s going to be a huge honour, a huge honour.” Qurrey began playing shortly after moving from her native Wales to Oshawa in 1980. It didn’t take her long to start dominating the junior circuit, winning nation- al titles four times, including once at the Canadian Winter Games. The Paul Dwyer grad was named the outstanding Canadian female junior for her sport in 1983 and was one of two Ontarians selected to the five-member Ca- nadian junior national team in 1984. Finnish teams set to play at 33rd annual ringette event By Al Rivett Sports Editor AJAX — The 33rd edition of the Ajax Silver Ring Ringette Tourna- ment will be a truly international affair. For the first time in its long, rich history, the tournament will host two Finnish teams making the trip to Ajax for the event, which goes from Feb. 18 to 20. To say tournament organizers are over the moon with the over- seas presence, a first for the event, is an understatement. “It’s mindboggling,” says tour- nament co-chairman Debbie Big- nell. “It’s more than we ever could have expected. We’re proud and we’re pleased. Certainly, the expe- rience it gives to our Ajax players is the most important thing.” One of the Finnish squads, from the town of Tuusla, will play in the tween ‘A’ (12- and 13-year- olds) division of the tournament. The other team, from Espoo, will compete in the junior ‘AA’ (14- and 15-year-olds) bracket. To urnament organizers, says Bignell, have gone all out to en- sure the Finnish contingent is well cared for and has a good time during their stay. The players will be billeted during their time with families of the Ajax junior ‘AA’ and the Pickering-Ajax tween teams. Bignell notes that the Ajax and Pickering players are already cor- responding with members of the Finnish squads via the Internet. Among the activities planned during the Finnish teams’ stay in- clude day trips to Niagara Falls and Toronto and a dinner evening. Also, the Finnish players will also accompany their billets to their school for one day. Wo rd obviously got around about the Ajax tournament, says Bignell, as the Ajax Shooting Stars junior ‘AA’ travelled to Finland for an exchange last March break. “That might have sparked it,” she says, of the exchange trip to Finland. Not only will the Silver Ring To urnament have an international flavour, it has far-reaching national overtones this year as well. A team from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia will compete in the open ‘A’ division; Two teams from central-west Al- berta will play in the junior ‘AA’ loop and another Winnipeg-area team will also compete. Again, Bignell notes she’s un- sure how these teams came to learn about the Silver Ring event, but organizers are glad they did. “We’re thrilled to be in this posi- tion,” says Bignell, who’s the tour- nament co-chair along with Sheila Florio. There’s also a strong Quebec el- ement at this year’s tournament, with teams expected from Bouch- erville, Rive Sud, Montreal and Laval. As in past years, the Silver Ring is bursting at the seams, with 85 teams expected to participate at the Ajax Community Centre and Pickering Village Arena. Bignell notes, unfortunately, that the event also carried a large waiting list of teams that were shut out this year. As in previous years, the major- ity of teams from the bunny level (age four) up to the open category (age 18 and over) will travel from across Ontario, including ones from St. Catharines, Hamilton, Kitchener, Nepean, Mississauga, Chatham, Ottawa, Dorchester and Waldon. As well, Durham Region is well represented with teams from Oshawa, Whitby, Sunderland and Pickering taking part. The tournament will be opened officially by Ajax Mayor Steve Par- ish on Friday, Feb. 18 before a game between Finland and Ajax junior ‘AA’ teams at the Ajax Com- munity Centre, pad 1, at 8:30 p.m. Also on Feb. 18, the organizers have also planned a meet-and- greet session at the community centre’s Commodore Room, start- ing at 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. It’s for all the players and families to get together in a setting other than on the ice. Organizers have many activities during the weekend at the Ajax Community Centre, including ringette merchandise, barbecue and bar and a host of player-cen- tred activities, including a ‘Bunny Hutch’ on Saturday for bunny- aged players at the event. Championship games will be played on Sunday, Feb. 20 at the Ajax Community Centre. For more information, consult the Ajax Ringette Association web- site at www.ajaxringette.com. In ternational flavour rings in opening of annual Ajax ringette tournament News Advertiser file photo Ajax welcomes teams from as far away as Finland when the 33rd annual Ajax Silver Ring Ringette Tournament hits the ice next weekend. There will also be teams from across Canada and plenty from Ontario. AJAX — Top Shelf topped Dick- son Printing in what proved to be the closest match during recent Ajax Men’s Basketball League action. Sparked by a 19-point effort from Ivor Walker, Top Shelf netted a 51-45 victory. Yves Dube added 10 points for the winners. Dickson received solid production from Claude Feig and Frank Forde, both with 15. Michael’s Eatery dined out on Ollie Golf 66-43 in the second game. Greg Rowe led the way with 23 points, while Pat Roach and Ken Russell added 20 and 15, respec- tively. Don McEachern was the big man for Ollie with 11 points, while Sher- win James chipped in with 10. North Alliance Press ambushed ESN Packaging 47-39 to finish the evening. North Alliance’s balanced offence, led by David Jackson’s 27 points, proved to be the deciding factor. Craig Yakimishyn added seven for North Alliance. ESN was led by John Esposito’s nine points and Roger Young’s eight. Top Shelf top drawer in mens hoops win over Dickson Printing Michelle Qurrey Fame game for News Ad ver tiser’s Qurrey P PAGE 26 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 13, 2005 durhamregion.com Est. 1990 1-866-340-5559 Ext. 228 1739 Orangebrook, Pickering, ON L1W 3G8 INVESTORS WANTED 10% Per Annum Minimum $25,000 CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1 -8 8 8 -B A T H -R E N O 4 1 6 -2 8 5 -6 7 9 8 PAY NO TAX, NO GST, NO PST F O R K I T C H E N & B AT H R O O M R E N O VAT I O N S “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 From 4.8% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 100% Condos Rental Properties PA I NTBALL SUPPLIES NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A W E EK CO2 Fill Station We Ca rry: Tippmann - Poranha - Smartpart - J.T. Ect. Collectibles - Swords - Knives Clothing - Camo - Security - Military - Police 9 0 5 -4 2 7 -0 3 0 0 www.spetsnazarmysurplus.com Paintball Marker Repair Centre for Tippmann, Spyder, Piranha, Brass Eagle & J.T. ARMY SURPLUS Unit 6-31 Barr Rd., Ajax THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP Inc. 695 Finley Ave. Unit 1, Ajax 905-683-1112 BUMPER TO BUMPER INSPECTION INCLUDING LUBE, OIL & FILTER Save $10 on any job of choice when spending $100 or more before taxes. (Expires Feb. 28/05) $3995 On most cars. Check for details. Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905)579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Casement Windows NO TAX IN FEBRUARY SecurPlus Call Inside Sales 905-683-0707 Call Inside Sales 905- 683-0707 FFFF OOO CCC UUU SSS OOO NNN BBB UUU SSS III NNN EEE SSS SSS Advertising Features PIC KE RIN GPICKERINGPICKERING Over the last 30 years, the bathroom has gone from the most neglected room in the home to become one of the most preferred remodelling projects. More than just a room for personal hygiene, the bathroom has evolved into a haven of restoration and sensual fun. Plumbing Mart is dedicated to helping you create a functional and fash- ionable space that will also bring added value to your home. Whether it’s the latest plumbing fi xtures for a do-it-yourselfer making im- provements or a carefully managed reno- vation or remodeling project completed by experienced, qualifi ed technicians and tradespeople,Plumbing Mart covers your every requirement. Plumbing Mart makes the process of crating beautiful homes simple and affordable. Stop by the showroom with your ideas and questions and let Plumb- ing Mart provide solutions that will suit your lifestyle and fi t your budget. Browse the most current designs, colour and technologies in plumbing fi xtures at their fully stocked showroom. Then, let renovation expert Sam Beninato and the staff put their years of experience to work for you to make the best use of available space. Once you’ve fi nalized your hardware and design choices, sit back and watch your bathroom take on a whole new life. Plumbing Mart has served the Scarborough area for over 35 years, and features a showroom full of better living ideas. Choose from bathtubs, whirlpool baths, pedestal basins, toilets, bidets, sinks and faucets for the kitchen, bath or utility purposes, shower enclosure and shower doors, vanities and more. All Plumbing Mart renovation and installations are backed by a comprehen- sive 5-year warranty for added peace of mind. Located at 1534 Midland Ave., the Plumbing Mart showroom is only 15 minutes from anywhere in Ajax and Pick- ering. It’s a short drive west on Hwy 401, south on McCowan Rd. to Lawrence, go west two major intersections to Midland and then just one block north to Plumb- ing Mart on the west side. Call their showroom at (416) 285-6798 for a free in-home estimate. Call Plumbing Mart toll free at 1-888- BATHRENO or 1-888-228-4736. Also visit their website at www.plumbingmart. ca “You can take a virtual tour of our store and see 360 degree visions of the store and the many displays,” says Sam. “Our virtual showroom allows you to click on different locations to see the displays in those areas. It’s the next best thing to being at the store.” Aslo ask about the latest perect bathroom renovation promotion. Plumb- ing Mart will pay the tax up to $2000 on every complete bathroom renovation. Some conditins apply, see store for de- tails. Bringing Fashion And Function Into Your Home Sam Beninato of Plumbing Mart Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details Fast Refunds. Seniors Discount 15% First Pickering Place, 1550 Kingston Rd. (At Valley Farm Rd.) 905-837-0829 Pickering Town Centre, 1355 Kingston Rd. (Inside The Bay) 905-831-4334 1899 Brock Rd. Pickering (Sam’s Club) 905-426-2230 Money Saving Coupon* $10 OFF$10 OFF FREE Electronic Filing when we prepare your return File your income tax NOW! * *Some conditions apply We Welcome All Major Fleet Cards CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY 1735 Pickering Parkway (at Brock Road), Pickering • 905-686-2309 • Our licensed, trained technicians use the latest computerized equipment to help extend the tread life of your tire. • Installation of rear-wheel shims and adjustments extra, if required †WITH THIS COUPON ONLY. CANNOT BE USED WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTION WINTERIZE MAINTENANCE CHECK • Rotate tires • Check coolant • Check exhaust system • Change oil (Castrol GTX) • Change oil fi lter • Lube chassis • Check brakes • Check & infl ate tires • Check shocks & struts • Check belts & hoses • Top up fl uids • Check lamps • Check wipers *$2.50 enviro charge $2995† Most Cars Reg $34.95 $3499† Most Cars Reg $69.99 1/2 PRICE 2 WHEEL ALIGNMENT FREE 340g RELEASEALL LUBRICANT 38-1530-4 Offer Expires Fri., Feb. 18/05 sportsdurhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at the NEWS ADVERTISER Panthers now face Clarington PICKERING — The Pick- ering Panthers Daues Fi- nancial Inc. minor midget ‘AE’ 2 hockey team swept to victory in its opening-round playoff series against Tweed recently. After winning the open- ing two games of the series by 3-2 and 4-1 scores, the Panthers put the finishing touches on the series sweep with a 3-1 victory in Game 3. Pickering now meets the Clarington Toros in the sec- ond round of the playoffs. Te am members are Miles Ashmore, Robert Carman, Jon Chiasson, Garrett Cu- sack, Derek Filer, Ryan King, Kyle Kotchie, Ryan La- manna, Nick Librandi, Sean Mindra, Chris Mitchell, Ross Norman, Brad Peattie, Shane Vadera, Shaun Vadera, Drew We st, Stuart West, and af- filiated players Sean Loucks and Brian Smith. Head coach is Tim Filer, assistant coaches are Rick Burke, Dave West and Dave Cusack, the trainer is Matt Kotchie, treasurer Hal Ash- more and manager Jeff Chi- asson. Pickering midgets top Tweed in opening round playoff series C e r t i f i e d P ro t e c t i o n O ff i c e r (C P O ) Tr a i n i n g p rog r am n o w a v a i l a b l e This internationally recognized certification will prepare you for the best jobs in the professional security industry. Increase your job readiness with this six-week program and earn two credits for your high school diploma. C l as s e s w i l l b e gi n M a r c h 2 , 2 0 0 5 I n f o r m a t i o n a n d R e g i s t r a t i on T h u r sd a y F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2 0 0 5 3 :0 0 P M O R 7 :0 0 P M Re g i st e r N o w ! Durham Continuing Education 120 Centre Street South, Oshawa For more information visit: www.dce.ca Click on: Certified Protection Officer Training Program To r eg i s t e r c all 9 0 5 -44 0 -4 52 9 To l l -F re e 1-80 0 -4 08 -9 619 Must be 18 years of age or older by March 2, 2005. Criminal Background Check required. Myron is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all qualified candidates to apply. Only those who are being considered will be contacted. Let Myron make your dreams for a career in sales a reality. Visit us at our website www.myron.com then send us your resume and covering letter at Email: hrcda@myron.com Fax: 416-291-8786 Te l: 416-291-1834 ext. 599 Join our Winning team. CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS: ● Strong closer with a track record of achieving sales targets ● Excellent English language skills ● Exceptional computer skills ● Must be energetic and passionate about selling ● Able to work in a fast-paced environment ● Previous sales and/or entrepreneurial experience a must WHAT SETS MYRON APART? ● Full time employment ● Base rate plus lucrative commission structure ● Paid training ● No cap on commissions ● Sales incentives and contests ● Comprehensive benefits package after 90 days ● Referral Bonuses ● Free corporate membership to our on-site gym ● Free parking ● TTC at our door ● Unlimited Earning Potential Our state-of-the-art Call Centre is located at Finch Ave East & Markham Road in Scarborough. We are easily accessible from several main highways. launchlaunch We offer you an opportunity to join our international organization on a growth path. Myron has been in the business of helping our customers grow their business for over 55 years. Myron Manufacturing offers business-to-business advertising and promotional solutions to companies worldwide. Due to our tremendous success, Myron is growing its international program. WITH Myr on Today! BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS PROSPECTING ARE YOU A STRONG CLOSER? DO YOU POSSESS A SALES SAVVY ATTITUDE? WE NEED YOU! ARE YOU A STRONG CLOSER? DO YOU POSSESS A SALES SAVVY ATTITUDE? WE NEED YOU! $25 per hour(base plus commissions)Monday to Friday9am to 5pmNO WEEKENDS! EARN up to your sales career!your sales career!your sales career!your sales career!your sales career! No experience required. If you have the talent we will train you in the sales skills you need to be successful! Myron is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all qualified candidates to apply. Only those who are being considered will be contacted. Let Myron make your dreams for a career in sales a reality. Visit us at our website www.myron.com then send us your resume and covering letter at Email: hrcda@myron.com Fax: 416-291-8786 Te l: 416-291-1834 ext. 599 Join our Winning team. Our state-of-the-art Call Centre is located at Finch Ave East & Markham Road in Scarborough. We are easily accessible from several main highways. ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER Swish Maintenance Limited, a leading sanitation supply distributor and manufacturer of quality cleaning products are currently seek- ing a creative and highly motivated individual to assist with the ex- ecution of an effective marketing plan. Assisting the Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for as- sisting with the managing of development, creation and distribu- tion of promotional pieces, seminars, trade shows, presentations, budget administering and aid in the ongoing development of our website and e-commerce plan. You will back up support person- nel in their absence or in extreme workload situations. Interested applicants will possess a good academic background, be detailed oriented, highly organized, able to function well under deadlines, communicate effectively and have strong analytical and editing/proofreading skills. You will be expected to deliver pro- jects in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment where "team par- ticipation" is vital. QUALIFICATIONS: •PC proficient knowledge and experience in Power Point, MS Wo rd and Excel and graphics programs such as Quark Xpress, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat. Knowledge of website de- sign and function with proficiency in Dream Weaver would be an asset. •Demonstrated skills in organization, time management, multi- tasking and project management •Hands on approach and desire to be involved If you are highly motivated and demonstrate a positive and profes- sional attitude please forward your resume to: Maintenance Limited 500 Hopkins Street Whitby, ON L1N 2B9 Fax: (905)666-4050 e-mail: dflieler@swish.ca Attention: Marketing Manager NO PHONE CALL PLEASE We thank all candidates for their interest, however only those under consideration will be contacted. MASSAGE THERAPY OPEN HOUSE Program:MASSAGE THERAPY Date:Thursday February 17th, 2005 Time:7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Location:Oshawa Campus - Oshawa Centre 419 King Street West, Oshawa Learn more about becoming a Massage Therapist. Please call the campus to confirm your attendance:905-723-1163 ACCOUNT MANAGER Royal Doulton is Canada’s best-known provider of quality giftware and table- ware. Ou r Sales team is looking for ACCOUNT MANAGERS to promote our product in independent stores. Territories are in the GTA/Eastern Ontario region and North Bay area. Both positions will work from a home office. The successful candidate will be responsible for selling through products and promotions and work closely with the key principles in accounts in the territory. The goal is to meet and surpass sales territory targets while maintain- ing profi tability, gross margin, co-op budgets, media opportunities, etc. The Account Manager will provide merchandising, product knowledge training and arrange for special events. The candidate must have 3 to 5 years sales experience with post second- ary education in business or marketing. Excellent interpersonal skills, a customer focus and well developed negotiation skills are required. We offer a competitive salary, car allowance, bonus potential and a company paid benefits program. Apply with a cover letter and resume to: Email:careers@royaldoulton.ca or Fax: (416) 431-6512 Exciting Opportunity for a Registered Psychologist to work in a Multidisciplinary Environment The Kids Clinic is looking for a psychologist who will provide psychological assessment, diagnostic evaluation and treatment to children, adolescents and adults with psychological disorders. The Kids Clinic is a very progressive and innovative children’s clinic which is actively involved in ongoing research. You will get an opportunity to work in a team environment along with physicians and other paramedical staff. Qualifications: Ph.D/Psy.D in Psychology with competency in clinical psychology with children, adolescent and families; registration with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (in good standing); proven to have excellent skills in psychological testing and diagnostic evaluation of children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders; demonstrated to have excellent team building, interpersonal, consultation, and communication skills, both written and verbal; proven experience in assessment and treatment of emotional, cognitive, and behavioural problems in outpatient setting (consultation and therapy); proven training and experience in group psychotherapy; demonstrated committed to a patient focused philosophy; Psychoeducational assessments, and cognitive behavior therapy. We will offer salary and/or partnership opportunity. Please contact Sohail Khattak MD., FRCP(C) skhattak@thekidslcinic.com Phone: 905.666.4400 Fax: 905.668.2881 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION En- roll today with CanScribe. Learn from home. Earn from home. 1- 800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com Job Fair Part Time & Full Time Fo od & Beverage Pro Shop Maintenance/Grounds Mechanic Please apply in person We are located at 10905 Reesor Rd. just north of Elgin Mills. www.bushwoodgolf.com 905-640-1233 February 12th & 13th and February 19th & 20th from 10am - 3pm Bushwood Golf Club CLASS A, D, F AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportunities for grad- uates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. DURHAM COLLEGE - New Certificate courses in Upholstery and Trim (overhaulin') vehicle in- teriors/exteriors); Dog Grooming Assistant; Manicure/Pedicure Professional. Call Nathalie Stutt 905-721-3325. ACCREDITED Home Inspection Tr aining Course, recognized by National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). Now accepting registrations for Febru- ary DAY class (few seats left). Flexible payment plan. Career op- portunities available. Call toll free: 1-866-373-1113. Sponsored by: A.C.I.S.S. Home Inspections AZ DRIVER required for Cana- da/US runs. Home weekends. Great pay. Clean abstract & expe- rience an asset. Whitby location. Mike (416)984-5800 or fax: 416- 238-2193. CUBE VAN DRIVER required Monday to Friday, must be reliable with clean license. Scarborough East to Durham. Call 416-301- 6948. DRIVERS REQUIRED with own van or car. Full or part time. Call Action Plus 905-697-3100. DRIVERS WANTED.Flatbed trucking co. hiring valid AZ drivers for US runs with late model trucks. 3 yrs. min. exp. Clean criminal/ab- stract. .42/mi, no east coast. 2500 mi/wk. Lazy drivers need not ap- ply. Call Don 1-800-265-1713. EMBASSY-1 looking for 20 AZ Drivers for local work. Clean ab- stract, clean CVOR. Also US Driv- ers required, long haul, home weekends, CDRP Fastpass an as- set, but not required. paid for drops, pickups. To start immedi- ately. GM experience an asset but will train. $16.75/hour, mileage 0.42/mile, Call Barb 905-665-9916 FT & PT/AZ LOCAL SHUNT DRIVERS REQUIRED: Two Ye ars, Clean Abstract, Physically Fit/Hand Bombing, Shift Work, Work Independently, Customer Service Orientated. OFFER F/T / TOP WAGES Benefits, Advance- ment, Part of a great team. SEND RESUME TO: FAX 1-613-354- 0497. TAXI DRIVERS WANTED Pa r t-time Days, Nights, Weekends ALSO REQUIRED P/T DISPATCHER 905-683-5570 $$$ PAID WEEKLY!!Company needs part-time/ full-time help pro- cessing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780, 24 hours. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ORDER Ta k ers. $20/hr avg. Bonuses Available! We Train You!Call ARON at 905-435-0518. TAX OFFICE requires experi- enced tax preparer. Fax resume to: 905-433-5534 HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mailing/Pro- cessing Circulars- PC/Clerical Work Available. No Experience Needed! Free Information: www.homeworkersnetwork.com or send S.A.S.E.; QSEI, 111-336 Yonge St., Reference #7-107, Bar- rie,ON, L4N 4C8. (705)726-9070. MAGICUTS one of Canada's lead- ing chains requires full and part time stylist, for Oshawa and Whit- by salon. We offer: Competitive salary, opportunity for advance- ment, paid vacation, free training classes, monthly prizes, benefits. Join a winning team. Call Sabrina (905) 723-7323. 3 HELPERS to assist Manager in order department. No experience, will train, neat appearance (905)426-4246 A PAYDAY LOAN COMPANY re- quires customer service represen- tative/teller .Candidate must have cash experience, previous related experience in the financial industry would be an asset. Fax resume to 905-579-9900. or email cashmart_sas@yahoo.com /œÊ*>ViÊ>˜Ê`ʈ˜Ê>ÝʜÀÊ*ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}Ê >Ê™äx‡Èn·äÇäÇʜÀÊ/œÀ°Êˆ˜iÊ£‡{£È‡Ç™n‡ÇÓx™ #LASSIFIEDS.EWS!DVERTISER #OMMERCIAL!VE !JAX(OURS-ON &RI #LOSED3ATURDAY “>ˆ\ÊV>ÃÈwi`ÃJ`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ >ÃÈwi`ÃÊ"˜‡ˆ˜iÊ7iLÊ-ˆÌi\ÊÜÜÜ°`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“ NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, February 13, 2005, PAGE 27 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com FAX YOUR AD 905- 579-4218 Contact us on-line durhamregion.com Office hours Monday- Friday 8am-8pm Call 905-576-9335 HOME DEPOT IS GROWING TEAMS FOR SPRING. COME TO OUR SPRING HIRING EVENT Dates: February 17th • 8am - 5pm February 18th • 12pm - 7pm Location: Ajax Home Depot 256 - 260 Kingston Road East (Pickering Beach Rd & Hwy 2) We ’r e now seeking qualified individuals to join our team for the busy spring season. Pa r t-time opportunities available. BUILDING TEAMS IN: Sales, Cashiers, Lot, Night Ops/Freight, Sales Specialists GREAT BENEFITS: • Tuition reimbursement • DPSP (retirement plan) • Bonus opportunities • A career with growth opportunities Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply in person at any store or online today. www.homedepot.ca SALES AGENTS FOR IMMEDIATE POSITIONS REQUIRES Canada’s Largest Lawncare Company Has Immediate Position Available In Our Conveniently Located Scarborough Sales Office. $10.00 Per Hour Guaranteed Base. Afternoon and Evening Shifts Available, “NO COLD CALLING.” Motivated Applicants Who Possess Outstanding Communication Skills Along with an Excellent Command Of The English Language College & University Students Are Encouraged To Apply. Previous Sales/Closing Experience, Basic Computer Skills and a Positive Attitude Are Assets. NEW SCARBOROUGH LOCATION 11 Grand Marshall Drive, Morningside & 401 (TTC accessible) Please call now: 416-269-8333 GOLF COURSE JOB FAIR Saturday, February 19th 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 2700 Audley Rd. North, Ajax L1Z 1T7 Only Food, Beverage & Maintenance Applicants need attend. FOOD & BEVERAGE POSITIONS: •Experienced Banquet Manager •Servers & Banquet Servers •Experienced lst Cooks, 2nd Cooks •Prep Cooks & Dishwashers Mailed resumes only being accepted for golf. Mail Golf Resumes Attn: Andre LeBlanc NO PHONE CALLS OR FAXES PLEASE www.golfdeercreek.com WE'VE got great things in store for you! Are you looking for health and dental benefits & competitive wages? We are now hiring for STOREFRONT Full Time - Evening Shifts Part Time Early Morning Shift - Monday - Friday We offer paid training and incentive programs. Apply in person: 1750 BAYLY ST. W., PICKERING Fax (905) 428-2216 938 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING (905) 421-9212 "An employer you can count on" CAREER OPPORTUNITY Growing jewellery chain requires FULL TIME & PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES Jewellery experience a definite asset, but will train. Involves day, night and weekend shifts. Fax resumes to: (905) 436-9190 Ontario Automotive Technicians Automotive Power Machinist Maintenance Engineers Engine Technicians Auto Body Repair... We’ve got just the thing to get you started... TAL KING TRADES “Motor Your Way to An Apprenticeship” YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 16 (Valley Farm Rd. & Highway 2) Tuesday, February 15th,2005 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm For registration and further information, please call us at (905) 427-7670 Interested in a Motive Power Apprenticeship, but don’t know where to start or how to find an employer? Your YMCA’s charitable registration number is: 11830 7080 AR0001 Ajax Manufacturing Facility requires Full-Time Order Entry Clerk Excellent telephone manner and computer skills required. Duties include inventory control, purchasing. Post-secondary education an asset. Position may lead to outside sales. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: File #155 P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 CREATIVE ASSISTANT Video production company requires a creative individual to assist with video production and administrative tasks. Ideal candidate will have an interest in videography. Occasional even- ings. Car required. Email resumes to: resume@parashoot.ca P/T FLOOR TECHNICIAN Req'd. Janitorial co. needs exp'd person to strip & wax vinyl tile floors in Ajax. Mat'l/equipm't supplied. 2-3x/month. Flexible times. $16.00/hr. 1-613-966-4495 Leave Message. P/T DAY CLEANER Required -Mature, responsible day porter needed for noon to 4:00 p.m. Shift: Mon-Fri $12.00/hr in Ajax 1-613-966-4495, Leave Message METROLAND DURHAM REGION MEDIA GROUP FLYER DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR (Contract Position) Metroland, the GTA’s leader in circular distribution requires an experienced, on-road supervisor for a new distribution service. Candidate will be responsible for assembling and assisting delivery team and ensuring adequate quality control measures are in place. Experience with other flyer delivery operations in Durham is preferred and sales ability is an asset. Please respond with financial expectations to: Kirk Bailey Distribution Manager Metroland Durham Region Media Group Phone: 905-579-4400 Fax: 905-723-1374 kbailey@durhamregion.com DADDY O'S GRILL - Experienced waitress/waiter/cashier. Part-time, 3 days/week, 7 a.m.- 2p.m. 981 Brock Rd. S. Pickering. 905-420- 2547 before 5 pm. ACTORS/MODELS/EXTRAS - Ex- tras Online is screening newborn to seniors for commercials, movies and catalogues. Auditions will be held in Bowmanville on Tuesday, February 15th, by appointment. 1- 866-376-2930. Registration $29.90 is refundable if not qualified. ARE YOU A DECORATOR at Heart? Great opportunity in the fabulous world of Home Decor until February 19th. Dena 905-426-3607 or Gloria 905-725- 6122. EXPERIENCED COOK, dishwash- er and servers. Experience a must. Drop resume at El Rancho, 3500 Brock St. N. Whitby (north of Rossland) FACTORY WORKERS required for Ajax and Pickering plants. 3 shifts available. No experience needed. Fax resumes to: 416-483- 9109. IMPULSE FITNESS requires day- time receptionist, nutritionist and certified candidate to conduct fitness assessments and personal training. Apply with resume, 2200 Brock Rd., N. JENSEN TRAILER SALES & SERVICE CLEAN UP PERSON NEEDED (Full-time position) For trailer Sales & Service operation located in Oshawa. Clean & pre- pare trailers for customers, must be energetic, able to prioritize and work well under pressure. Must be able to learn and able to multi- task. Forklift experience would be an asset. Must have valid Driver's license.Start date:Immediate Please fax resume & salary expec- tations to: 905-571-0404 LICENSED technician required for busy GM dealership in Ajax. Fax resume to Dave Gunn 905-683- 6130 ON CALL positions available at Waterview Child Care. Childcare experience required. ECE an as- set. Fax resumes to: 905-721- 0596 PLUMBING AND PARTS INC. Whitby looking for an enthusiastic and reliable individuals for retail sales. Experience in the bathroom industry would be a strong asset. Driver's license necessary. Con- tact David @ (905) 430-1502. Registration Officer Positions Required $20.00/hr Avg. We Tra in You! Call Tom (905) 435-0280 Christmas help req'd RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS want- ed immediately. Comparable pay, excellent working conditions. Fast-growing company, room for advancement. Permanent posi- tion. Not suitable for students. Call 905-723-6242. SHIPPER/RECEIVER (entry level) for busy distribution company at Bayly St. & Brock Rd in Pickering. Fax resume to 1-800-363-9040 and quote file #101. SUPERINTENDANT- MATURE RESPONSIBLE handy couple re- quired for live-in position in low- rise apt building, high standards of cleaning, building and yard mainte- nance essential, (905)439-8893. TAXI DRIVERS needed immedi- ately for a very busy company. Male/Female, full/part time. Call 905-427-7770. TELEMARKETING,part time evenings, mature individuals, ex- perience preferred. $10/hr. Call 905-686-2445 ext. 304 after 4p.m. WE'RE EXPANDING!Are you sacrificing time away from your family due to lack of flexibility in hours or earnings? Take control of your time and income potential. Call to request and interview with one of North America's fastest growing financial services companies. Full or part time. Tr aining provided. Call Gina Ta schuk at 1-866-585-5736. WELCOME WAGON has open- ings in our Special Events and Business Professional pro- grammes. This is a part-time/com- mission position and requires car, and computer with e-mail. Must be self-motivated, a team player and sales experience an asset. Must send resume to gyork@cogeco.ca Website www.welcomewagon.ca COLOUR TECHNICIAN, 2-yrs exp.Manage colour department, work exclusively with artistic direc- tor, Salon Miguel, Oshawa. Salary negotiable and/or commission in- centives. Call 905-723-7600 for appointment. THE FACIAL PLACE,P/T Recep- tionist Sat. & Sun. for Whitby spa. (905)668-8128 Also RMT req'd for Pickering spa (905)831-9700 CNC MACHINE set up operator required for a busy shop in the Whitby area. Manual machine ex- perience an asset. Email resumes to: machshop@bellnet.ca FULL TIME LICENSED CLASS A MECHANIC required for auto shop in Ajax. Minimum 5 yrs. experi- ence. Vehicle & own tools re- quired. Call 905-427-4323. HYDRAULIC TECHNICIAN,Expe- rienced Hydraulic Technician to re- pair Horizontal Balers and Convey- ors. Starting A.S.A.P. Permanent Full time Pickering location. Good driving record. Fax 905-420-0319, email jobs@machinexrt.ca or mail resume to Machinex Recycling Technologies 817 Brock Rd. S. Unit 11, Pickering, ON L1W 3L9 LICENCED MECHANIC $30/hour Phone or fax 905-623-4286 LICENSED MECHANIC with own tools required ASAP. Call 905- 448-9516 or fax: 905-576-8236. LICENSED TOOL Maker/Preci- sion Machinist. Required for pro- gressive machine shop which has a wide diversity of work. Fully con- versant with all manual machines. CNC experience an asset but not required. Competitive rates and benefits. Clean work environment. Fax resume to 905-697-8826. OPERATORS FOR John Deere controls; AZ drivers for dump truck or roll-off; for excavating company. Please fax resume to: 905-426- 5291. OSHAWA AUTO ELECTRIC Re- builder requires Alternator/Starter Rebuilder. Prefer experienced but will train if qualified. Must be me- chanically inclined and know what OHM's law is. Please fax resume to 905-432-8487 or deliver to: Commercial Alternator & Starter, 500 Raleigh Ave., Unit 19, Oshawa, ON PLUMBER OR APPRENTICE required for new work, renova- tions, repairs. Established Oshawa company. Call 905-436-5105. WELDERS/ PLATE FITTERS Required by well established Plate Fabricator in Ajax. Min. 10 years exp. To p wages and benefits Fax resume to 905-428-6933. Accounting Clerk/ Bookkeeper Full Time Oshawa based New Home Builder requires experienced, self moti- vated person with good communication skills. Job description includes AP, AR, job costing, etc. Excellent computer skills essential. Please fax resume and salary expectations to: 905-436-3465 CLERICAL PERSON,full-time position for service dealership in Whitby. Experience in Microsoft Office and strong telephone skills req'd. Monday-Friday, 8:30a.m.- 5p.m. Email resume to: lmcnair@jhryder.com ENTRY LEVEL ADMIN.Assistant req'd for small office in Oshawa. Must be well organized and profi- cient in MS Office, experience with accounting programs an asset, 25-30 hrs weekly Mon-Fri. Please include wage expectations. Email resumes to: moo64@sympatico.ca LEGAL Assistant with some Tera- view experience for Ajax Law Firm. Fax resume with salary expecta- tions to 905-428-8666. No Phone Calls Please. OFFICE HELP in Oshawa, close to 401. Romanian speaking an as- set. English fluency mandatory. E-mail: jim@culturemix.ca OFFICE HELP REQUIRED (part- time, entry level) for Pickering lo- cation (Brock Rd/ Bayly St). Com- puter skills required and an inter- est in scrapbooking an asset. Fax resume to 1-800-363-9040, quote file # 102. WANTED - Part Time Receptionist for a busy real estate company, evenings and weekends. Please fax resume to: 905-665-8876 EXPERIENCED SALES REP. in Labels and Bar Code Printers required for established territory in the EAST END. Email resume to: sales@flexomark.com or fax resume to: 905-678-7058 NEW HOME SALES - WHITBY. Hostess/sales assistant required. Par t-time, Monday to Thursday & full-time weekends. Will train. No licensed agents. Phone: 905-723- 0476 or fax: 905-723-3972. SCARBOROUGH Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Company is seeking en- thusiastic Inside Sales Rep. Fax all resumes to: 905-686-3146. DENTAL HYGIENIST and PDA needed for evenings and week- ends. Please fax resume to (905) 837-0468 DENTAL HYGIENIST needed for dental office in Pickering, 3 days a week. Please call 905-420-4808 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/AS- SISTANT required for full time position in North Oshawa office. Abeldent experience required. Please fax resume to 905-436- 1350. EXPERIENCED DENTAL RECEPTIONIST required for Pick- ering office. Full time. Call 905- 420-6226. PSW's needed immediately, car a must, start ASAP. call 1-(877)392- 3512. RMT REQUIRED immediately. Tu es. Wed. and Saturdays for very busy spa in Port Perry. Serious in- quires only. Please call (905) 982- 1968 Jacqui/Mandy $0 PAYMENTS for 1 year! New luxury 3 bedroom, double garage, fabulous kitchen, inviting living space with oversized windows one acre by Lake Scugog from $260,990. 1-877-878-9899. 88 BEDELL CRES. WHITBY.All brick 2-storey. 4br, 2-1/2 baths. Ceramic tile, finished basement. OPEN HOUSE Sun. Feb 13, 2-4pm or call anytime (905)571- 2139. $319,000. No agents. N.E. OSHAWA Private Sale. 2,200 sq ft. ravine lot, quality built Jeffrey home, 2-storey, 3-bdrms, 3-1/2 baths, h/w flooring, gas f/p & ca- thedral ceilings in familyroom, greenhouse kitchen, finished bsmt w/wet bar & Jacuzzi, tastefully decorated w/neutral colours. $334,900. Call 905-725-2942 OPEN HOUSE Feb 13th & 20th, 1:00-4:00. 23 Stratton Cres, Whit- by.$399,900 Over 3000-sq.ft. 4 Bdrms, 3.5 Baths LR,DR,FR w/ f/p. Fin basement. Call 905-430-8252. www.privateexchange.com Listing #1302 PICKERING - Private Sale. 3 bed- room semi, 1 1/2 baths, large liv- ingroom w/cathedral ceiling & f/p. Sep. din./rm. sunrm, hdwd on main flr., rec.rm. w/bar & f/p. Furnace rm/workshop/laundry in bsmt. & cold cellar. Gar., 2 car d/way. CAC. Security system. Close to shopping, schools, GO, Hwys. 2/401. $250,000. 905-839-9189; 416-543-7253 WHITBY - Immaculate 3 bedroom, ceramics, hardwood, carpet. Large familyroom, w/o, fireplace, deck, cabana, deep lot, $225,900. Open House Sat. Sun. Feb. 12-13, 1-4 p.m., 6 Janedale Crs. Whitby (Kendalwood/Dundas) 905-725- 1358 WHITBY,Private Sale. Williams- burg ravine lot. 4-bdrms, 2,804sq ft., walk-out finished bsmt with in- law suite (eat-in kitchen), Open House, Sunday 2-5pm, 99 Wether- burn Dr.$509,900 (905)665-8674. OFFICE SPACE - Avail. immed. Oshawa N/Simcoe in medical dis- trict. 2 offices, 1-reception, $500 & $600/mo/first/last. R. Barsi, Sutton Status Rlty. 905-436-0990. WHITBY 625 SQ.FT.3 offices plus clerical. Oshawa 602-2250 sq.ft. newly renovated building $10/sq.ft. net. Randolph Lengauer, Sutton Group Status, (905)259-2020 cell, (905)436-0990 office. A Job At Home $529.27 Weekly. Mail work, Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703-5655. 24hr message. www.TheHomeJob.ca Or write: Consumer, 599B Yonge Street, #259-222, Toronto. FOR LEASE - Retail Oshawa, 1100 sq. ft., busy corner $1550/mo. incl. taxes & mainte- nance. 905-666-4670. $$$ Mortgage Money $$$for any reason. 1st & 2nds to 100% oac. Don't wait weeks or months for an answer. Approvals within 24 - 48 hrs. Call AMS at 905-436-9292, 877-509-5626. Call Robert Brown / Vallerie Lawson. www.accuratemortgages.com $$$MORTGAGE FINANCING$$$ - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAG- ES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Dennis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To consolidate your debts. Lowest rates possible for residential or commercial.Credit issues, self em- ployed, I will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. $$Money$$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 4.8% for 5 years. Best avail- able rates. Private funds avail- able. Refinancing debt consolida- tion a specialty. For fast profes- sional service call (905)666-4986 DEBTS out of control? Mtgs, con- solidations, auto loans, private funds available. We can help!!! Better Credit Solutions (416)878- 2323 / (416)876-2106 FIRST & SECOND Mortgages be- low Bank Posted Rate. Residential & Commercial. New Purchases, Renewals/Refinance. Call Merline at 416-455-1743 or (905)831- 2354. Metrocap Financial. A/P PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, February 13, 2005 www.durhamregion.com WANTED: DIESEL MECHANICS Harper Detroit Diesel Limited is actively seeking licensed Diesel mechanics for our Oshawa facility. We require individuals who take pride in their work. Self starters with experience in truck and coach repairs. Individuals with Detroit Diesel and Allison Automatic Transmission experience would be an asset. We are seeking service personnel to fill our Graveyard shift (11:30 p.m. - 8:00 a.m.) We are prepared to offer market leading competitive wages with shift premium to qualified individuals along with competitive benefits and pension plan. Product training by accredited trainers. Boot and tool allowances. Sign up bonus Please forward your resume to: 720 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa, L1K 6E8 or contact Jeanette Smith at: jsmith@harperddl.com or call 905 432-3838 For an appointment. Experience - Success Director, Purchasing (Peterborough) To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit our Web site www.flemingc.on.ca NORANCO A fast paced aerospace parts manufacturer located in Pickering, Ontario is seeking energetic, EXPERIENCED and DETAIL ORIENTED individuals to fill the following: ✈Methods planner - must be able to read blue prints and methodize machine and assembly operations into work orders. Full command of English req'd, min 3 years exp. ✈CNC Programmer with 3-5 yrs. Mastercam, Solidworks and HSM exp.,Min 4 axis & aerospace exp. a must. Noranco offers its employees a comprehensive wage and benefits package.QUALIFIED applicants please FAX your resume to: HR MANAGER @ 905-831-0104 Our Successful, professional landscaping business is growing and we require a... Landscape Foreman and Landscaper Gardner/Designer Full Time Year Round Employment At Birk's, we understand that good people are the key to our success. We are looking for a skilled, experienced Landscape Construction Foreman to join us now as we plan for the future. The successful candidate will posses these competencies: ★Strong team supervision skills ★Excellent customer relation skills ★Working knowledge of precast products ★ Thorough understanding of planting materials We offer an excellent compensation package and a positive environment. If you would like to join a successful organization where you will be valued as a part of the team, please forward your complete resume to Peter at: Birk's Landscaping Approved Telephone 905-404-0602 Professional Member Fax: 1-888-733-1133 birks@rogers.com Oshawa Pattern & Model MACHINIST 1ST OR 2ND YEAR APPRENTICE Experience with milling machines, surface grinders and lathes. Salary based on experience. e-mail: bev@opmltd.com fax: 905-668-0102 EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN/ MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Required for Woodworking Manufacturer. Excellent working conditions. 15 Riviera Drive, Markham Fax: (905) 470-6262 OFFICE HELP Mature, hands-on person required for a variety of duties, mainly reception & clerical work with possible light factory duties. Must have basic computer knowledge including Word & Excel. Good telephone manner a must. Silkscreening company Markham/Finch area. Fax resume to: 416-299-0553 *RARE OPPORTUNITY* Due to increasing volume, Team Formula requires 1 SALES CONSULTANT •Great Floor Traffic •Above average compensation plan •Demo Plan •Strong Management Support •Excellent Benefit Pkg. incl. Pension •Aggressive advertising support For Appt. contact Brian Silver or Dan Andrews at 905-839-6666 or Fax resume to: 905-839-6008 Durham's #1 Ford Dealer! Inside Sale Professional needed for Port Perry Company. Applying a Consultative Approach, you will Assist existing customers and develop new business. You embrace challenge and have a knack for building relationships. If this sounds like you, forward your resume to hrpfirst@yahoo.ca or fax to: (416)283-1986 ADMINISTRATOR An Administrator is required to coordinate the day-to-day operation of a luxury retirement residence in the Durham Region. The successful candidate will have experience in progressively responsible roles in a similar setting. The position requires an individual with exceptional communication and leadership skills and demonstrated competence in marketing and budgeting. Knowledge of relevant legislation and computer skills are essential. Resumes for this position may be forwarded in confidence to: Human Resources Department 100 Milverton Dr. Suite 700 Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4H1 Fax: (905) 501-0813 or E-Mail: careers@chartwellreit.ca Thank you for your interest. Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. Sunnycrest Nursing Home,Whitby an accredited Nursing Home caring for 136 residents, is seeking a REGISTERED DIETITIAN This part time contract position functions within the Long-Term Care Facilities Dietary Program Standards. Fax resume to: Administrator 905-576-4712 BOWMANVILLE’S FINEST LOCATION OWN NEW! FROM $699/MONTH New Suites from $111,990 2 bedroom from $134,990 • LIMITED OFFER 3 stainless steel appliances and washer dryer • Juliet balconies or patios • Ensuite Laundry • Close to 401, public transit & GO • 25 minutes east of Toronto Buy now with $500 initial deposit Ask sales rep for details IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OR RENT & INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE • New 1 & 2 bedroom suites from $ 975 / mo. • $ 100 per mo. will be credited towards your future Kaitlin home purchase Ask sales rep for details CALL ERIC (905) 697-0513 www.kaitlingroup.com visit our model suite. Prices correct at press time. E&OE 3 3 & 7 7 Fal b y C r t ., A ja x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w w w.a j a x a p a r t me nts .c om 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Sized Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Starting At $700. ●Renovated Suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Tenant Incentive Program ●Senior Discounts ●Upgraded Security System Drop by or Call for Appointment 905-728-4993 MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgments, garnishments, mort- gage foreclosures & harassing creditor calls. GET: debt Consoli- dations, & protection for your as- sets. Call now: (905)576-3505 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 (1) ATTRACTIVE renovated 2- bedroom apt Simcoe/Mill, Oshawa, $825/mo. inclusive. Laundry, bal- cony, parking, Available immedi- ately. 905-434-2858 1-800-486- 9826 . 1 BEDROOM APT.- newly reno- vated, exceptionally clean & spa- cious, quiet bldg. Oshawa, minute to 401, above retail. $750/mo. incl. util. No pets/smoking. Available immediately. 905-431-1552. 1-BEDROOM basement apart- ment, Oshawa, new carpet, new fridge, free parking, $595/inclusive, available March 1st. First/last, No dogs. 905-924-6075. 1-BEDROOM, SPOTLESS,Huge windows, open concept, steps to lakefront trails, bus route, central air/vac, suit single working person, pets negotiable. No smokers. $735 inclusive. (905)743-9436 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom 2 storey town home suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. $999.00 per month. 12th month free! Call (905)579-7649 for an appointment. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment, in a newly completed home, $900/mo. inclusive. Ajax - Westney Rd. S. Available immedi- ately. (647) 891-9286. 2-BDRM,very clean quiet family bldg., parking, available immedi- ately. Simcoe/Rossland area. $850. First/last. No dogs. Call (905)435-0551 2-BEDROOM 1200-sq.ft. apt. in house, panoramic view, fireplace, walk-out to large yard, sep en- trance. No pets, first/last/referenc- es. $900/mo+1/2 hydro. Raglan. 905-431-0571 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT or two bedroom-units available in the Oshawa, Simcoe/Olive area. Apartment, $750. Bedroom units,$475/each. Utilities included in one convenient price, Call (416)729-3001. 2-BEDROOM APTS.- Available Immediately, $750/$825+hydro, first/last, Uxbridge downtown Brock St. No pets/smoking, refer- ences. Sam 416-895-8144 2-BEDROOM CONDO, north Oshawa, quiet building, balcony, no pets, $925/inclusive first/last. Call (905)576-9932. 3-BEDROOM APARTMENT,cor- ner Brock/Simcoe in Oshawa. Close to hospital and university. Heat & 2-appliances included. $900/month+hydro, first/last, Avail- able March 1st. (416)-807-0378. A ONE BEDROOM basement apt, Pickering, Brock/Major Oaks, gor- geous, topnotch, large clean bright a/c, 4 appliances, $775/mo + 1/3 utilities. 905-428-2015. A PLACE TO CALL HOME, Oshawa area. Enjoy the comfort of a self-contained 1-bedroom upper level with all amenities, priced to rent, all utilities included. Call Robert today 416-402-3435 AJAX - LUXURY,large 2-bed- room basement apartment. Im- mediate. 4 appliances, separate side entrance, laundry. First/last. No pets/smoking. Westney/Hwy. 2. $850/inclusive. Call (905)428-1428 AJAX - one bedroom basement apt. Harwood/Hwy. 2. Separate entrance, no smoking/pets. $700/first/last/references. Air, cable, laundry, utilities. Available March 1st. (905)428-2321. AJAX - Westney/Hwy2. Brand new, self contained 1 bedroom basement apartment. Parking/pri- vate entrance/laundry/utilities and cable included. Available immedi- ately. $750/mo. 416-278-1636. AJAX Bright one-bedroom plus den/computer room. Separate en- trance. Shared laundry. Parking. $750/mth all inclusive. 1st & last req'd. (905)427-2019.. AJAX CENTRAL,basement apt., 1-bedroom, clean & bright, 4 appli- ances included, parking for 1, sep- arate entrance, no pets. $630/month. Available March 1st. (905)683-8768. AJAX CHURCH/HWY. 2 3-bdrms (1-1/2 baths), $1100 all inclusive with parking. Freshly painted, & new appliances. Available Feb. in clean quiet bldg. 905-426-1161 AJAX Harwood/Bayly Available immed., basement 2 bdrms, own laundry & parking. Near all amen- ities. $800 +40% utilities. No smoking/pets. First/last, references (647)272-5960. AJAX SOUTH - large one bed- room , suits quiet single female, immediate $725/incl. Also 1 bed.+ den, suit single, March 1st. $750/incl. Sep. entrance, parking, laundry; 3 bedroom main floor, April 1st, $1075+part utilities. No pets/smoking, First/last/referenc- es. (905)686-6773 AJAX Westney/Hwy 2 Two-bed- room, brand new beautiful walkout basement apt. Laundry, parking $850-inclusive or one-bedroom $750-inclusive. Credit check a must. (416)878-0883 AJAX,1 bedroom apt, avail March 1st. Separate entrance. $850 in- clusive. ALSO, room available, upper level, $500 inclusive. Close to amenities. First/last. (905)426- 2961. AJAX, 3-BEDROOM main floor, semi bungalow, Bayly/Harwood, quiet street, 2-car parking, laundry, no smoking/no-pets. March 1st $1000+part utilities.(905)686-8104, (416)834-9759. AJAX, AVAILABLE Immediately, 2-bedroom walkout new flooring, freshly painted, laundry, parking, $850 plus part utilities. Call Dennis Morgan 416-587-0060 or (905)831-9500. AJAX, EXECUTIVE 1-BEDROOM walkout basement apt., fireplace, a/c, cable, high-speed internet, utilities included. available immedi- ately. $900/month. First/last. Call (905)619-1096 AJAX,near Go/hospital. Beautiful quiet 3-bedroom basement, de- tached bungalow. Bright new kitch- en, high ceilings, parking, laundry, No smoking. Available immediate- ly. $1100/mo inclusive. (416)994- 1782 AJAX-NORTH, Brand-New Legal, Deluxe, Large 2 bedroom apart- ment, extra large windows, separ- ate Front entrance, foyer & separ- ate living/dining rooms, ceram- ics/laminated floors, Four applianc- es, parking. $950/inclusive. No pets/smoking. 1st/last, references. March/April. (416)994-3450. ALEXANDRA PARK,Oshawa. 1 & 2 bedroom newer apt., "Old charm building." Totally renovated, new kitchen/bath, hardwood floors. In-house laundry, intercom. Park- view. Near Hospital. (905)579- 9439. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in Whitby, Apt. building, spacious, carpeted, newly painted, with bal- cony, close to bus, shopping, all utilities included, first/last required, no pets, 1 bedroom $800, 2 bed- room $900, 3 bedroom $1,025. Call (905)767-2565 AWESOME - one bedroom apart- ment available immediately in Whitby. Ceramic floors, carpet, ja- cuzzi, near 401. Call 647-893- 1233 after 6, or Sunday 905-665- 9329. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE-beautiful 3 Bdr upper level, 2 car garage, laundry, appliances, No smoking/pets. $1000.00 partial utilities neg. Mar1st. Credit check/references required. (905)721-8620 BRIGHT, CLEAN,2 bed. apt. in Oshawa. Lrg. windows, newly fin. kitchen, new fridge/stove, hard- wood, new tiles in kitchen, carpet- ed bedrooms. Includes parking, storage, onsite laundry, small bldg., nice backyard. Take over lease, $750+hydro. Avail. now. James 905-728-5982. CLEAN SPACIOUS 2-bdrm bsmt, Oshawa $750/mo inclusive. Pri- vate entrance, parking. No smok- ing/dogs. Avail. March 1st. Call Frank 905-428-8274 CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. CLOSE to Durham College, suit- able for students. Share house. In- ternet & utilities incl. Avail. March 1st/15th. Call for info (416)727- 1607 or (905)686-5206 COURTICE -2 bdrm. apt., on upper level of house, new appli- ances, new carpet. Parking, all in- clusive. $1050/mo, first/last. Avail. immediately. Call 905-665-1905. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - huge 3 bedroom with balcony, heat, hot water, parking included, $1100 per mo. lst./last Available Mar. lst Also 2 bedroom, March lst or before. $900. inclusive. Call (416)520- 6392 or (905)669-4009 DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Two bed- room apartment. $995 all inclusive. Available Mar. lst. and 2 bedroom home $1150/mo. available Mar. 1st. Phone 905-430-7903. DOWNTOWN WHITBY, one bed- room $750 includes all utilities; 2 bedroom $800, hydro extra, avail- able March 1st. First/last/referenc- es, no pets. (905)430-8327 DUNDAS/COCHRANE - Large Multi-level 2 & 3 bedroom apt. available. Close to school/shop- ping/transit. Some with hardwood, freshly painted. 905-666-1525. FINCH/DIXIE,Large, 2 bedroom basement apt., 2 full baths, en- suite, laundry, parking, walk out to ravine, no smoking/pets, $900 plus utilities. March 1. (905)421-8765. Harwood & Bayly FREE MONTH RENT 1 & 2 bdrms from $865 Renovated Units Call 310-7000 LARGE 3-BEDROOM newly reno- vated apt in Whitby on main floor, fridge, stove, parking, $1150/month inclusive. (905)556- 9972, Cell 289-886-0049 LONG-TERM RENTERS:Beauti- fully renovated Whitby 2-bedroom apartment, by 401/schools/amen- ities. Parking, coin laundry, Pet/smoke free. Available. $925+ hydro (heat&water paid). (905)986-0670. LOOK NO FURTHER, beautiful Courtice 2-bdrm, private country surroundings, minutes to town, laundry/storage in apt. $1100 in- clusive. Avail. immediately. No smoking/pets. Call 905-435-2470 NORTH Oshawa - 3 bedroom, April lst/ May lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two ap- pliances included. Pay cable, park- ing and laundry facilities. (905) 723-2094 NORTH OSHAWA -Mary/Ross- land, 2-bdrm. bsmt, $900/mo. incl. all util. & high-spd internet. Private entrance, self contained, parking, shared laundry, non smokers, no pets, avail. Mar..1, 905-723-6959. ONE AND TWO bedroom apart- ments available immediately. Clean, nice area, laundry facilities on premises. 1-parking sport per unit. Park Rd. S./Bloor St. area. Please call (905)571-4482 be- tween 9a.m.-3p.m. for appoint- ment. ONE BEDROOM basement apt. Separate entrance, full bath, util. included, cable. Available immedi- ately. No smoking or pets. $725/mo/first/last. Brock Rd/Major Oaks, Pickering. (905)683-7404 ONE, TWO & THREE bedroom apartments, in most beautiful adult lifestyle building. Available imme- diately. Stevenson & Rossland, Oshawa. Call 905-723-1009 or 905-579-3700 ONE-BEDROOM basement apt laundry, parking, fridge included. Smoke-free. references req'd. $650-inclusive. Sandy Beach Bay- ly near GO train, bus out front (416)697-5777 OSHAWA - 1 Bedroom basement. Sep. entrance, parking, private laundry, a/c, $800/inclusive. First/last. No pets/smoking. Avail. Mar. 1. Stevenson North. 905-576- 8560. OSHAWA -304 Simcoe S., 17 Quebec St., older apartment build- ings. 1-bdrm apts. from $500. 2 bed. apt. $600. Bachelor apt. from $500. Avail. immed. Stephen 905- 576-8699 or 905-259-5796. OSHAWA – APARTMENTS and ROOMS available. 3BR Lloyd St. available April 1 $850 + utilities; 1BR Lloyd St. available March 1 $650+hydro; ROOMS – STU- DENTS welcome, Marquette Ave. available immediately $450 all in- clusive-great house! Call (905) 666-5031 OSHAWA APTS., Clean quiet newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bed- room includes utilities, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. (905)432-8914, (905)571-0425 or 1-888-558-2622 OSHAWA Park/Adelaide area. (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3-bed- rooms available. Well maintained building. Near all amenities. From only $765/mo. Call (905)723-0977. OSHAWA, 2-BEDROOM near OC (Adelaide/Park), new carpets, freshly painted, well managed, parking, quiet building, appliances included. $825/month-inclusive. Laundry. Immediately. 905-576- 3654 OSHAWA,356 Dwight Ave. 2- bedroom apartment in duplex. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer. $750/month plus hydro, first/last required. Available March. 1st. No pets. (905)721-1640 OSHAWA- King/Ritson, large one bedroom apt. on main floor of cen- tury old house, close to downtown and all amenities. Laundry, park- ing. $750/incl.. 416-951-2236. OSHAWA, BOND/SIMCOE,New- ly decorated, large 1-bedroom in clean, quiet low-rise building. Near all amenities. Laundry facil- ities, available March 1st. $660, parking included, hydro extra. 905- 434-7931. OSHAWA, CLEAN,new building. 2-bedrooms, located in quiet, residential neighbourhood. $820/month. Appliances, parking & utilities included. Available Apr. 1st. 905-438-9715. OSHAWA,near O/C, Large 1- bdrm bsmt, large livingroom, own bathroom. Shared laundry/kitchen, no smoking/pets. Suit super-clean person. March 1st, $550/-inclu- sive. First/last. (905)743-9074, (905)431-0202. OSHAWA-very clean, main floor, spacious one bedroom apartment, laundry/cable/air, utilities all includ- ed. $800/mo. BASEMENT APT., $600/inclusive. (905)579-8510, No pets/smoking. PICKERING - 2 bedroom base- ment apartment for rent. Separate entrance. 2-car parking. $850 all inclusive. Call (416)903-6944 or (905)420-2009. PICKERING - Major Oaks/Brock Rd. 2 bdrm. walkout basement apt., includes parking, utilities, air, separate laundry. Available March or April 1st. No pets/smoking. $900/mo. 905-686-1672. PICKERING - Whites/401, profes- sionally finished spacious 1-bed. basement apt. Parking, sep. en- trance, utilities included. Suits working person. Available immedi- ately. References/first/last. $750/mo. No pets/smoking. 905-421-9090, 416-712-8723 PICKERING VILLAGE,large bright apartment in Adult Lifestyle 4-plex. Suit mature quiet working adult. References. $820/inclu- sive. No dogs. Available immedi- ately. (905)509-2375 PICKERING VILLAGE,legalized large 1-bedroom basement apart- ment. All inclusive. 1-parking. No smoking/pets. $800/month. First/last. Available March 1st. Call (905)683-2427 PICKERING,Brock / Hwy. 2, 2 bedroom, newly finished, cable, laundry, parking, sep. entrance, close to transit, no smoking/pets. Available immediately. $850. 905- 619-9356. PICKERING,Bayly/Westshore, 2- bedroom, basement apartment. Near GO-station. C/A, carpeting, separate entrance, parking, laun- dry. March 1. $800/inclusive. no smoking. First/last 416-238-6388 PICKERING, Bright, spacious, newly finished, 2 bedroom base- ment apartment. Laundry, large backyard. Non-smoker. Walk to GO. Available immediately. $975/mo incl. Call 905 839-2617. PICKERING,Hwy #2/Dixie, Spa- cious 2 bedroom basement apart- ment, appliances, professionally done kitchen. Suitable for single person. $800/mo inclusive. No smoking/pets. First/last. Call (905)831-4866 PICKERING,Liverpool Rd. 1-bdrm bsmt, quiet executive home on wa- terfront lot. Separate entrance, own laundry, parking, air, cable. No smoking/pets. $800/mo inclu- sive. 416-937-4522 PORT WHITBY - 1722/1724 Duf- ferin St. newly renovated spacious, quiet, 1 & 2 bedrooms, $795/$895. Utilities incl., laundry, walk to GO, 401/Brock St. Close to sports are- na, shopping. 1-800-693-2778 QUIET BRIGHT 2-bdrm bsmt apt. Parking, laundry. No smoking. Simcoe/Taunton, Oshawa. Avail. April 1st. $850/mo inclusive. First/last, references. (905)619- 1385 REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regency Cres. Whitby. 50+ Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to down- town. Daily activities incl. All util- ities included. Call (905)430-7397. www.realstar.ca. SCARBOROUGH - Port Un- ion/Kingston Rd. Spacious 3 bed- room Flat. Large backyard. 3 car parking. Laundry. TTC. Available immediately. $1200. Please call 416-286-4597. SIMCOE ST. N.1- one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 SOUTH AJAX 2-bedroom apart- ment. Fireplace, central air/vac, laundry, parking, backyard, hot tub, satellite, internet, ceramic throughout. Non-smoking, pets ok. $1150/mo. hydro included. March 1st. 905-686-3197. TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available . Conveniently lo- cated in Uxbridge in adult occu- pied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca UXBRIDGE NEW!To wn- house/Apartment rentals. 2 bed- rooms, 4 appliances, aircond., pat- io/garden, parking, storage. 905- 852-4777 WESTNEY/FINLEY Large bsmt bachelor, new w/complete kitch- en, 4pc bath, cable, laundry, park- ing, Close to all amenities, close to Go. $675/mo. 905-686-2441. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, February 13, 2005, PAGE 29 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com WHITBY - one bedroom basement apt., executive home. Sep. en- trance, $875/inclusive. Indoor parking, gas fireplace, laundry. April 1st. Prefer single female non- smoking/pets . (905)668-3977; 905-242-1390. WHITBY - sought after location. 2 bedroom unit, avail. in 6-unit apt. bldg., util. included. Quiet location, close to all amenities. Call 905- 706-3640. WHITBY EXCEPTIONAL 2-bed- room apt., walk to GO, newer bldg, laundry facilities. $815 + hydro. No pets. March 1st. First/last. (905)723-8697 WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY, 1-BEDROOM apt. in triplex. Quiet street, large yard, 4 appliances, fireplace. No smoking or pets. Avail. March 1. $690/mo. + shared utilities. Call 905-427-9437. WHITBY, BROCK/DUNDAS, large 1-bedroom basement, walk- in closets, hardwood/ceramic, bay window, separate entrance, walk- out, parking. New home. $850/in- clusive. (905)509-4006 or 416- 877-4543. WHITBY,Rossland/Garden. Large 1-bdrm bsmt apt. Separate en- trance, shared laundry, parking. Close to all amenities. Avail. March 1st. No smoking/pets. $725/mo inclusive. First/last. Heather 905-668-3615. WHITBY- Dundas and Brock. Sec- ond floor of triplex - 2 bedroom plus den, fridge, stove, coin wash, no pets. Parking, avail. April 1st. $1100/month inclusive. (905)983- 9082. PICKERING - 3 bedroom condo, 1 1/2 baths, 2 balconies, 1-parking, 3 appliances, a/c, no pets/smoking, April 1st. $1300/mo/inclusive, credit-check 905-626-0323. PICKERING MILLENNIUM,2- bedroom southern exposure, bal- cony, 5 appliances 2 baths, park- ing, luxury amenities. Available im- mediately. No dogs. $1750 inclu- sive. (905)831-2210 A-ABA-DABA-DO NOBODY NEEDS TO RENT If you're paying $750+/mo you CAN OWN - LET ME SHOW YOU! No Down Payment!! Ken Collis, Assoc. Brkr, Coldwell Banker RMR R.E. (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 kencollis@sympatico.ca ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AJAX,Westney/Ravenscroft, 3- bdrms, 1-1/2 bathrooms, a/c, deck, 5 appliances, bsmt not included. $1350/mo+ 60% utilities. Refer- ences. Bo Gustafsson, Sutton Group. 416-783-5000 BOWMANVILLE,3-bedroom farmhouse, completely renovated, new furnace/ well/ kitchen, flooring /windows. On 23 acres, 2mins from town, $1250 plus utilities. Avail. Apr.1 Jeff 905-623-7250. BURNS/THICKSON WHITBY - beautiful 3 bdrm. home, 2 fireplac- es, bay windows, all appliances incl. $1500+utilities, avail. March 1. Call 905-427-5128. CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE,small 3 bedroom house. Stove/fridge garage, yard, non-smokers, $1100.00 month plus utilities, fist & last. Available March 1. Call (905)623-5278. COBOURG,beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathrooms, sunrooms, large gar- den, steps to beach, March 1, $1500 plus utilities, first/last/ref. re- quired. (905)377-8341, 416-529- 1289. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - 2 bed- room home available March 1st $1150/mo. 2 bedroom apt. $995/inclusive, available Mar. 1st. Phone 905-430-7903. GIBBONS/BOND area Oshawa - 3 bedroom upper bungalow, $950 plus hydro. Parking, garage, large lot, deck, March lst. Call 416-223- 9943 GREAT DEAL!Ritson/Olive, Oshawa. House for sale, no bank qualifying. Good/bad credit. Call Rob 416-587-3162 HARWOOD/SALEM,3-bdrm main floor, large yard w/deck. Close to all amenities. March 1st. $1195/mo +utilities. First/last/references. Days (905)720-3024, after 7pm (905)683-7892 NEW HOUSE for rent, excellent N. Oshawa location. 3 beds, 3 baths, garage, laundry, large yard, en suite bath, immediate occupancy. $1,400 plus utilities. Available im- mediately. (905) 721-7374 NORTH OSHAWA,spotless 3- bedroom bungalow, wonderful quiet area on tree-lined street, 2 baths, jacuzzi, skylights, a/c, pri- vate backyard. All appliances, am- ple parking, $1200 plus utilities. 905-925-5798. OSHAWA CENTRE area, 3- bdrms., renovated kitchen w/built- in washer/dryer, large backyard, $1200/mo + utilities. Avail. March 1st. First/last/references. 905-571- 0631. OSHAWA near hospital. Cute 2- bdrm bungalow, fridge/stove. Ma- ture lot, newly renovated. $900/mo+hydro & gas. No pets/smoking. References essen- tial first/last. (905)985-2728 eve. PICKERING bright, clean 3-bdrm detached. 2 washrooms, eat-in kitchen, 4 appliances, garage, March 1, $1175+utilities. No smok- ing/pets. (905)683-9629 PORT PERRY/SCUGOG.Reno- vated 3/4 bdrm farmhouse on Scu- gog Island o/l lake. incl Barn and app 40 scenic acres. Elec heat + Prop f/p. near Blue Heron Casino. $1200/mo + hydro. Avail. Mar. 1st. Kem Hamid, Re/Max Rouge River Rlty. 416-286-3993/1-800-663- 7119. WHITBY DETACHED HOUSE @ Rossland/Thickson 4 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths, dbl garage, family rm w/fpl, $1350 mo.+ utilities, Apr.1, legal Bsmt apt. not incl., 1st/Last, prefer no Smoking /Pets. Tim Webster, Sutton Group Heritage 905 619- 9500. WHITBY,recently renovated, 4 bedroom, March 1, laundry, air, close to downtown, ample parking, no pets/smokers, first/last, refer- ences. $1400.mo. (905)655-8648. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom townhouse. Close to 401. Avail- able March 1st. No smokers/pets. $1100. First/last. Call (613)334- 1808 or (613)333-1415. CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units . Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. NORTH OSHAWA,executive town home, 4 bedrooms, den, main floor laundry, 5 appliances, 1650 per mo. plus utilities. 1416- 417-7588 OSHAWA south 3 bedroom town- houses, close to schools, shop- ping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. Available April 1st. 905- 579-9956 or Toll-free 1-866-922- 6422. PICKERING 3 bedroom town- house, renovated $1200 + utilities. First/last Memory Lane Shep- pard/Whites Available immediate- ly. (416)724-0404 PICKERING LUXURY TRIDEL townhouse, approx. 1800sq.ft. 3- bedrooms 2.5 baths underground parking, gated security close to Pickering Town Center $1375/month + utilities. Avail. Feb.1st. Call Barry (905)839-7496. PICKERING New Lakeside Village executive townhouses. 1700-1900- sq.ft. 2-bdrms + den. 2 parking, 5 appliances, 3 baths, 2 patios. Con- servation & lake views. 3 available. $1450-$1600/mo + utilities. Call Brad 416-771-1807, 905-421-8989 available immediately SPOTLESS North End Oshawa, 2- bdrm townhouse, freshly painted, fin. bsmt., 2 bathrooms, huge clos- ets, April 1st. References, no pets. $1250/mo inclusive. 905-434-1071 TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. WHITBY, BROCK ST.N./Dundas Gorgeous, brand new townhome, 3-bdrms, 3-baths, ceramic/hard- wood throughout, deck, all new ap- pliances, C/A, separate garage, fireplace. $1400+utilities. Immedi- ate. 905-509-4006, 416-877-4543. AJAX SOUTH, master bedroom, all inclusive, internet, cable and parking included. Avail immediate- ly. Price negotiable. Ezio (905)619-6687, (514)804-2138 (leave message) AJAX,furnished or unfurnished rooms. Separate bathroom, use of house facilities. No smoking/pets. Rent negotiable. Avail. immediate- ly. Call (416)953-1429 or (416)865-5486 NORTH WHITBY -1 furnished bedroom for rent, available imme- diately. Call Shirley 905-665-6267 after 4:30pm. PICKERING VILLAGE.For rent two single furnished rooms. Shared bathroom. Parking. Work- ing persons. No smoking. No pets. Call Sandra: (905)683-5630. PICKERING,Dixie/Kingston Rd. 1- large furnished room $450; in- cludes laundry/utilities. No smok- ing/pets. 1-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, w/deck, $850/inclusive. Avail. immediately. First/last (905)839- 3030. PORT PERRY, room for rent, large room with semi private wash- room, kitchen and laundry facil- ities. No pets, no smoking $125 per week. 905-982-0228. WHITBY, Garden/Rossland, huge master bedroom, (fridge, micro- wave), ensuite bathroom, walk-in closet, shared facilities. Non-smok- er, quiet working female preferred. $470.mo., 905-430-6675. 1 FURNISHED locked bedroom in quiet house. Parking, laundry, pool, air, phone, satellite TV, tran- sit, fireplace, shopping, internet, 401 & Brock. Good for Student or OPG Employee. $800/month. Call 416-346-9480. AJAX - TEACHERS WANTED. Large 3 bdrm. house, your own room + office. Fireplace, hardwood floor, laundry, monthly maid ser- vice, cable, parking. $575/inclu- sive. March 1 or April 1. Phone 905-404-0720. AT THICKSON / ROSSLAND, 1-room, $475 monthly all inclusive. Spotless bungalow, laundry, cable, internet, telephone, near bus, ga- zebo, parking, non-smoker, must see. Call (905)723-5653 ONE ROOM available in three bedroom house Townline/Bloor St., Courtice area. Avail. immedi- ately. Share all amenities, parking & laundry included. $350/month. Leave message. Call (905)433- 1502 OSHAWA King/Wilson, 2 rooms furnished (finished basement). Fireplace, air, sep. rec room, kitch- en, own shower, laundry included. $150/week/room. First/last. Avail- able now. No pets 905-743-0919. PICKERING - 4TH PERSON needed, new furniture & carpet- ing, separate entrance, parking, use of all facilities $585 / month. (905)426-6611 after 6 p.m. PICKERING - Liverpool/Bayly. Large 2 bedroom basement to share. Cable/laundry/parking. $375 inclusive. Available immedi- ately. Call Peter (905)831-2479. PICKERING,Liverpool/Finch area, large basement room, private bathroom, non-smoker preferred. Available March 1st. $575/monthly. Use of all facilities. On bus route, near amenities. Call (905)831-7778, leave message. 1998 SKIDOO FORMULA 500 with 2005 Trail Pass and two hel- mets, excellent condition, will sac- rifice $2700 o.b.o. (905)885-7711 SINCERE SINGLES Ontario's largest singles membership. Specializing in long-term relationships. 1-866-719-9116 www.sinceresingles.ca. Winter special now on! DO YOU LIKE DANCING,fine dining, movies and travelling? If so, this mature lady would like to hear from you (55-65 years). Seri- ous replies only. Reply File: #146, This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, L1H 7L5 LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. AFFORDABLE loving daycare, non smoking, reliable/experienced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S.on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route. Large fenced backyard. Playroom/ crafts/ outings. Snacks, lunch. Valley Farm Rd./Kingston Rd. Near PTC. References. Call Debbie (905)839-7237 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE TEACHER has wonderful home daycare. Warm, caring environ- ment, enrichment/educational ac- tivities. All ages welcome. Flexible hours, reasonable prices. Leeza (905)426-5610 FINDING CHILDCARE Has never been easier! Connecting providers, parents and nannies. Not an agency. View free list today at: www.durhamdaycare.com (905)665-2346 BABYSITTER WANTED.Must be able to work evenings and week- ends. Suitable for high school stu- dent. Call (905)509-3456. BUY/SELL stair lifts, porch lifts, scooters, hospital beds, etc. Call SILVER CROSS AT (905) 668- 8560 OR 1-800-659-0668 PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. 2005- ALL NEW FTA CARDLESS SATELLITE SYSTEMS. Full USA Programming, sales, service and installations. #1 in Durham. Call 905-767-0013. 15" MONITOR for computer or TV, LCD screen, $370. 905-431-0600 A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver APPLIANCES,refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer, apartment size washer & dryer. Mint condition. Will sell sep- arately, can deliver. Call (905)839- 0098 A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES Refrigera- tors, $99/up. Super-capacity wash- ers, dryers $125/up. Stoves, $149/up. Visit our showroom. Large selection! Parts, Service. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Sales, Installation & Service Of All Makes. Free To Air And Dish- net Set-ups. Quick Installs. 7 Days A Week. (905)999-0362 APPLIANCES - Refridgeator frost free, Deluxe stove $475/pair. Heavy duty washer/dryer, $275/pair or $675/all. Also super deluxe refridgeator/stove, large ca- pacity washer/dryer, used 2 years, will separate, all exceptional ap- pearance. (905)925-6446 BATHTUB,cast iron claw foot, good condition, $495; Queen size waterbed with heaters, etc $195. 905-571-6788. BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. BEDROOM SUITE,queen size headboard w/rails, triple dresser/mirror, chest of drawers, 2 night tables, good condition, ask- ing $575. Call 905-434-4374. CARPETS - I have several thou- sand yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $389.00. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve (905) 743-0689 www.suburbancarpets.com CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30 sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 COMPUTERDEALS.NET Special- izing in anti-virus/spyware solu- tions. If your computer's way too slow, we know how to make it go! New & used laptops and desktops from $288. Family business, 20yrs same location. (905)655-3661. EIGHT PC PINE cannonball bed- room 1750 oak bedroom $950; 7-pc oak dinette (4 chairs) $950; pr of French Provincial dressers $250; sofa & chair $300; single bed $150; loveseat & chair $450; fridge $250; stove $125; washer $150; dryer $125 (905)260-1123 ezautoapproval.com 1-888-283-7701 H a p p y 1 8 t h B i r t h d a y H a p p y 1 8 t h B i r t h d a y Happy 18 th Birthday H olly H olly Holly A lex A lex Alex To 2 Amazing Friends that continue to give us great memories Love Ashley, Andrea & Jaleesa COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services. P3/933 (Com- plete, black) $379.00; P3/500 (Complete) $269.00; CD-RW up- grade only $30.00 w/system pur- chase. Other complete systems avail. Repairs at reasonable rates w/Free Pick-up and Delivery within Oshawa/Whitby. Minimal Charge other areas. CD-RW upgrades only $50.00 Interac, Visa & Mas- tercard accepted. Layaway Plans. Leasing now available OAC on New & Refurbished Systems. 27 Warren Avenue, Oshawa (1 block east of Park/Bond). Call (905)576- 9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. FILTER QUEEN vacuum blowout $99 plus. Complete with all attach- ments. 1 year warranty (905)720- 9991 Oshawa Vacuum, 30 Taun- ton East. Hot Tub (Spa) Covers - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-585- 0056 HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER MOVING - selling contents & 4 bedroom house with garage, deal- ers welcome, everything must go!, one giant yardsale, too much to list! call 905-728-6135 or 905-435- 6047 NEW DANBY APT sized freezers $199. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, recondi- tioned ranges $125/up, recondi- tioned dryers $125/up, recondi- tioned washers $199/up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 PIANO Technician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Rentals also available. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427- 7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa. PIANOS & CLOCKS - Savings on all 2004 models in stock. Ends Jan. 30th. Also on Samick pia- nos, and Howard Miller clocks. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann, etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments ap- ply. Call TELEP PIANO (905)433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. XBOX MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, $800 accessory pack- age included. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. RETIREMENT SALE,Pine Loft Treasures. 918 Simcoe St.N. Everything must go, up to 50% off. Bedroom, diningroom, armoire and lots more. 905-579-9311. SATELLITE SERVICES:Direct TV DISHNET, Free To Air, C- band, HD-TV. 20 years servicing satellite. 905-428-1223, or drop by store for a demo. SINGLE "Adjusta-Magic"adjust- able bed with vibrator. Made by "Adjusta-Magic". New mattress asking $950. or best offer. Call 905-655-4386 after 5 p.m. TWO SINGLE electromatic beds, ultra-foam mattresses, plus-mas- sage. $1500 each OBO. Two years old, Paid $5000 new. (905) 697-2420 or (905)983-6353 VENDORS WANTED at the Courtice Flea Market. 5,000 - 6,000 people per weekend. Rent starts $200 per month for indooor space. Located 2 min. North of 401 between Oshawa and Bow- manville. Call 905-436-1024 or vis- it us: www.courticefleamarket.com WHEELCHAIR - Adult Model Breezy 600. New in 2004, lightly used by one owner. Black light weight frame 18" x 16" folds for easy transport. Adjustable back- rest, seat, arms & foot rests. Rear Wheels 24" incl. Brake extensions & anti-tippers. Matrx-V seat cush- ion 18" x 18" with 2 water proof cushions & auto buckle seat belt. Deep contour lumbar support back 18" x 19" all removable for clean- ing. Safety Spec sheet, warranty from Medical Supply Co. Paid $3,032.00 asking $998.00 O.B.O., will deliver. Call (905)427-1878. WOODY'S MEATS-Gov't. in- spected. FEBRUARY SPECIALS, but ending Feb. 21. Sides $1.70 lb., cut, wrapped and frozen. 40 lb. special mixed $120. Steaks, roasts and hamburg. 30 lb. packages of steaks, 3/4" thick $6.99 lb.; Roasts 30 lb. packages 4-5 lbs. each $2.90 lb; Hamburg 30 lbs. @ 1 lb. packages $1.30 lb. Order now. Call 905-986-4932 between 8-5 Mon. to Fri., and Sat. 8-12 noon. WILL BUY & PICK UP most un- wanted items, will also do dump runs. Call 905-668-6695. $$$ VENDORS WANTED $$$ Oshawa Jazz and Blues Festival Arts & Crafts vendors. Phone (905)986-0666 or email kerri@eclipseconcerts.com AJAX LAKERIDGE FARM FIRE- WOOD. The best quality and pric- es around. Cut/split/seasoned/de- livered. Discount for pick up. ($300 bush) 905-424-1735. FIREWOOD,seasoned, hard- wood, dry. Delivery available. Call (905)986-5217 or cell 905-424- 9411 KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD,excel- lent, very best quality hardwood, guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Dependable, quality ser- vice since 1975. (905)753-2246. ONTARIO MIXED HARDWOOD - seasoned, delivered. Day call: 705-484-2195 or Evening calls 705-484-0512. SATELLITES, FREE TO AIR.Is your DirecTV down? Everyone is switching to FTA; no cards, boards or atmegas. Specializing in the Free to Air systems. Get 1000's of channels, no monthly bills. 1St in Durham Region. Call 905-435- 0202. Email us at uneekelectron- ics@rogers.com 226 Bloor Street East, Oshawa. DROP BY OUR STORE FOR A FREE DEMO BLACK Lab Puppies, parents on site, home raised, CKC reg., first shots, dewormed, paper trained, Call (905)432-0865 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, Black & red, male female, born Dec.20, dewormed, first shots, ready to go. $350 each. Ask for Donna.(905)697-7886 HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. for many homeless pets. Adult cats, spayed or neutered full vacci- nated, looking for caring families to adopt them. Kittens sometimes available. Dogs are also looking for homes. Call Durham Animal Adoptions (905) 438-8411. LAB PUPS,chocolate, CKC registered, vaccinated, vet checked, micro chipped, guaran- teed and insured. (705)738-6716 WHEATEN TERRIER pups, 3 mths., ready to go, micro chipped, First/second shots, CKC & SCWT member. Call (905) 721-2433. WOULD YOU ENJOY your DOG more if he were better trained? TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905-797-2855 1989 CHEV CAVALIER Z-24,2.8, 5-speed, tilt, factory mags, certi- fied, e-tested $1500-obo. 905-571- 7975 1989 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 2 door, white, 16" rims, new gas tank and motor mounts, undercoated, certified & E-tested, $2,500 OBO. Call Ken 905-396-0451 1991 OLDS CIERRA V-6 automat- ic p/w,p/dl,p/seat, tilt/cruise, factory mags, recent tires, gas tank, fuel pump, front struts, rear shocks Cert/e-tested. (905)571-7975 1995 AURORA, in good condition, $4,500. Also Bonneville, solid Florida car, $500. Call 905-377- 1937. 1995 FORD CONTOUR GL, V6, good running condition. Body in excellent shape. 300,000km, $1,200 as is. (905)430-2902 1995 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX auto, fully-loaded, 199-hwy kms. $2475 certified/emissions. 1993 SATURN SL1, 4-door, 5-spd, 250- hwy kms $1250 emissions. (905)579-9282. 1996 BUICK Roadmaster Estate Wagon, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, tow- ing package, clean, very good con- dition, 250,000km. Certified/e-test- ed, $6800. 905-623-4071. 1996 OLDS 88,152,000km, certi- fied & e-tested, rebuilt transmis- sion, loaded, clean car, $5,300 o.b.o.Call (905)432-3935 or (905)439-8712 1997 CHEV LUMINA, good solid car with good motor, 210,000 km. Certified and E-tested, asking $4,500. Call 905-377-0361 even- ings and weekends. 1999 BUICK CENTURY, white, 4dr, loaded, remote start, rust pro- tected, 170,000 km. $6500 certi- fied. 905-723-8089. 2000 CHEVY MONTE CARLO SS. 3.8L, V6, auto, air, black ext., leather, sunroof. 128,000km. $11,900. (905)725-2633. 2000 PONTIAC GRAND AM,4 dr., silver-grey, loaded, excellent condition, $7500 o.b.o. Call (905)404-1699 2002 JETTA TDI,114,000 km. Black. Hidden hitch, snow tires, winter package, a/c. Diesel, very economical. Clean, great condi- tion. $19,900.00 (905)982-1290. BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYANEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE (905) 767-0951 (905) 683-5358 CALL BRIDGET BANKRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $$$$ A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days (905)686-1899. CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES SCRAP cars wanted, pay cash, free pick up, Ron 905-424-3508 SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407 1993 SUZUKI SIDEKICK $3499; 1996 Ford F150 $3999; 1996 Maz- da MX3 $3499; 1995 Neon $2699; Others from $1699 up. Certified & E-tested. Call (905)683-7301 or (905)424-9002 www.kellyandsonsauto.com 1994 CHEV ASTRO, excellent ve- hicle, well maintained, much work recently done, one owner, 184K, ps/pb/pl, 8 passenger. $4,500. (905) 436-2051. TOM DESCHAMPS August 20/1940 - February 14 /2003 He left us quietly, His thoughts unknown, But he left us a memory we are proud to own. So treasure him Lord, in your garden of rest For when on earth he was one of the best.... Missing you every single day, Kiddo. Love always, Vicky.. To my wonderful, loving, kids and grandkids, family and friends, thanks for your love and support, every day for the past 2 years. My sincere love to you all..Vicky 1994 FORD AEROSTAR,extend- ed, 140,000kms, 4L, V6, auto, 7-passenger, loaded, rear heat, looks & runs good. $1,350 e-test- ed. (905)665-3222 1996 CHEV LUMINA APV 3400 engine, auto, 7-passenger, tilt, cruise, pw/pdl, factory mags, ex- cellent cond. 213,000-kms. Certi- fied e-tested $3500-OBO 905-571- 7975 2003 FJR Yamaha 1300 Sport/Touring, all 3 touring bags. 5000 km., mint condition, $16,500. Rob 905-706-8080. FRIENDS & LOVERS Dating Ser- vice, don't wait for love to knock at your door. Call now free to listen, 905-683-1110 ATTENTION: HOT GIRLZ All city escort has arrived for you. In/out calls 905-550-2172 IMPRESSIONS Support a student by seeing one of our college girls. Several young, slender & barely legal models. 24 hrs. - 7 days Hiring - highest Pay!!! Call Tina or Dave 905-922-2541 www.impressionsagency.com A/P PAGE 30 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, February 13, 2005 www.durhamregion.com PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com ),/6% 9/5 ),/6% 9/5 4// Michael McKnightMichael McKnight will you be my Valentinewill you be my Valentine again this year?again this year? LoveLove DeannaDeanna xoxoxoxo KITCHENS, BATHROOM, BASEMENTS & CERAMICS BY QUALITY CONSTRUCTION 2 year Warranty Licensed & Insured 905-427-3298 MURPHY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Custom decks, fences and Garden Sheds, Hardwood/laminate floors, Trim work & Crown Moulding, Ceramic Tiles & Back splash, Pluming & Electrical, Basement finishing, Drywall & plastering and General Repair Quality workmanship, Reliable Service 20 years Experience Call James (905)839-4041 NEED MORE LIVING SPACE? Develop your Basement. Add a Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, Office, In-Law Suite, etc. (905) 683-3225 newspace@sympatico.ca COUNTERTOP NEED REPLACING? • FREE ESTIMATES • INSTALLATIONS Scarborough Countertops (416) 299-7144 F ACTORY PRICES BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, COUNTER TOPS (READY IN 4 DAYS). RECROOMS, PLUMBING, HOME OFFICES Mario (905)619-4663Cell 416-275-0034 CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 RABBIT Wants Work! Doing Magic for Children's Parties and All Occasions. Have my own Magician Call Ernie (905)668-4932 SEA ANY MISSTAKES?WE DO! Globetrotters offers: Fast, reliable, professional writing & editing. laura@globetrotterseducation.ca 416-565-4420 CLOSET ORGANIZERS Caspian Woodworking (905)837-0894 Need a Handyman? •Painting •Full Basement Renos. (Framed, Drywall, Taping, Insulating $5800 based on 1400 sq.ft. incl. material) Will beat any reasonable written estimate Best prices in Durham (905)728-8973 COMPLETE HOME OR OFFICE RENOVATION/ CLEAN-UP. Tiling, drywall, electrical. We do it all! (905)831-6833 DOORS "R" US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 DRYWALL MUDDING TAPING FRAMING Call Jim (905)426-2971 All Work Guaranteed Early Bird Spring Special Tom's Doors Specializing in thermo windows and energy efficient doors Shop at home service Fr ee estimates Call 416 274-7971 or 416 402-0069 GENERAL CARPENTRY Residential/Commercial Additions, Custom Kitchens, Renovations Bathrooms, Basements 34 years exp. Lic. & Insured (905)244-6051 George's HANDY MAN SERVICE Plumbing, Electrical Painting, Doors, Bathrooms, Drywall, Ceramic Tiles & General Repairs. 905-837-0702 As seen on CTV News! HOME RENOVATIONS Ceramic Tile specialist 25 years experience Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements, Additions, Drywall, Paint, Carpentry, Electrical, Roofing (905)655-6918 SIMPCO IMPROVEMENTS Specializing in a variety of Home Improvements and Custom Renovations. (905) 426-9383 or (905) 442-3742 No Job is too small ✓Bathrooms ✓Basements ✓Kitchens ✓Painting ✓etc Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at (905)831-9421 renovations4u.ca ✶G/Openers Installed $70 ✶F/B from $6500+ material ✶Decks/Fences & G/Sheds ✶Painting & Decorating ✶Electrical/Plumbing ✶Dry Walling/Taping ✶All Kitchens ✶Patios, Paths, Interlock & Steps ✶Windows and Doors Call Abdul 905-444-9944 or 647-722-5354 STATE OF THE ART RENOVATION A & P CERAMIC TILE & MARBLE INTERIOR OVER 40 YEARS EXP. (416) 809-4131 WB RENOVATIONS Interior & Exterior ✹Specialties ✹ Full Finish Bsmts Bathrooms Kitchens ●Additions Painting Complete Drywall & Stucco Free Estimates * Licensed 905-767-3086 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 GUARANTEED PAIN TING "Pay as your are satisfied" Painting, plastering, Stucco ceiling repair/paint one room or whole house 30+ yrs exp. for free estimate call Scott c-905-718-8163 h-905-619-2406 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior **Fully Insured** Call for free estimate (905) 686-7889 PAINTING & WALLPAPERING ✦ Reasonable Rates ✦ ✦Interior & Exterior ✦ Serving Oshawa & surrounding area for 30 yrs ☎ 905-725-9884 ☎ Cell-905-213-0338 ☎ TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 $45/hr 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmoving.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 Triumph Moving MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything, any- where, anytime. 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(In Mandarin Plaza) (905) 686-9234 ADULT TIME VIDEO Open: 10 am to Midnight 7 days a week OVER 5000 VIDEOS IN STOCK LOWEST PRICES IN DURHAM 40 1Brock Rd.Kingston R d . X • F r e e M e m b e r s h i p• Free Membership • M a g s & To y s• Mags & Toys • F i n e S e l e c t i o n • Fine Selection o f M a r i t a l A i d s of Marital Aids & M O R E & MORE • 2 f o r 1 R e n t a l s • 2 for 1 Rentals o n S u n d a y s & on Sundays & Tu e s d a y sTuesdays • 3 f o r $1 0 A l l• 3 for $10 All O t h e r D a y sOther Days 1000’s of New DVD’s Now Instock! GUARANT E E D BEST SELECTIO N D.V.D $1999 VHS BLOWOU T $8 99 All Ta pes BIGGEST & BEST SELECTION OF GAY VIDEOS THIS SIDE OF TORONTO F un F u n Fun I d ea s f o r Ide a s f or Ideas for Va le n t in es Val ent i ne s Valentines G u e s s w h o ’s a r r i v e d ? Special delivery from the stork! 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Stk. #P7868•. 2003 CHRYSLER INTREPID SE 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXi Auto, 4 wheel disc brakes, balance of warranty, bucket seats. Stk. #P8139•. 2003 PONTIAC VIBE 6 spd. manual with ABS, p.w., pdl., cruise, air, AM/FM/CD & s unroof. Bal. of factory warr. Stk. #CH7161A. $16421$16421 Biwky/84 mos. $12658$12658 Bi wk y/84 mos. $16980$16980 Biwk y/72 mos. 3.3L V6, balance of warranty, p.w., pdl., cruise, tilt. Stk. #P8002•. 2003 DODGE CARAVAN SE Auto, deluxe convenience group, magnum 3.9L SMPI V6, rear sliding window, sport plus group. Stk. #T7168A. 2000 DODGE DAKOTA Magnum 3.9L V6, heated power mirrors, sport plus group. Stk. #V8027. 2001 DODGE DAKOTA 2WD 3.0L SMPI engine, auto, customer preferred package 26T. Stk. #V8085A. 2000 DODGE GR. CARAVAN LWB 2002 CHEVY BLAZER air, auto, AM/FM/CD, cruise, p.w., pdl. Bal. of factory warranty. Stk. #T686A. Auto, balance of warranty, removable console, bucket seats, customer preferred package. Stk. #T6975A. 2002 DODGE GR. 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Stk. #P7948•. 2003 DODGE SX 2.0 RT Balance of warranty, power steering, smokers group, sunroof. Stk. #V7403B. 2001 HYUNDAI ACCENT GSI $16181$16181 B iw ky/72 m o s. $14491$14491 Bi wk y/60 mos. $15417$15417 Biwky/6 0 mos . $10419$10419 Biwky /6 0 mos . $17299$17299 Bi wk y /72 mos. $14265$14265 B iw ky/72 m o s. $9427$9427 Biwky /4 8 mos . Chrome wheels, auto, 5.2L V8, anti-spin differential, rear sliding window. Stk. #T7182A. 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 $17823$17823 Biwky/60 mos. $15862$15862 Biwky /7 2 mos . $10316$10316 B iw ky/60 m o s. 6 spd. manual 3.2 V6, 215 hp, electronic stability program and all speed traction control. Stk. #P8142•. 2004 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE $24427$24427 Bi wky /8 4 mos . $10353$10353 Biwky /7 2 mos . $15420$15420 Biwky /8 4 mos . $19650$19650 Biwky /8 4 mos . $12871$12871 B iw ky/84 m o s. $18842$18842 B iw ky/72 m o s. $14352$14352 B iwky/48 m os. $14491$14491 B iw ky/72 m o s. $18128$18128 Biwky/72 m os. SE R VI C E H O U R S :SERVICE HOURS: M ON.-T HURS .7-M IDNI G H TMON. - THURS. 7-MIDNIGHT F R I .7 -6 ,S ATU R D AY 8 -4FRI. 7-6, SATURDAY 8-4 ONE WEEK ONLY A/P PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER, February 13, 2005 durhamregion.com