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XJUINBOZTFOJPSQMBZFSTHSBEVBU JOHUIJTZFBS4IFTBMTPDPNNJUUFE UP SFTVNJOH IFS DBSFFS XJUI UIF $BOBEJBOOBUJPOBMXPNFOTUFBN  XJUI UXP DBNQT JO UIF OFX ZFBS 8JUI/PUSF%BNF UIFSFTUIFTQSJOH TFBTPO  XJUI TFWFSBM QSBDUJTFT BT XFMMBTTFWFSBMFYIJCJUJPOHBNFT 8jfZZ\ij\Xjfekfi\d\dY\i]fi8aXZ`Xe G_fkfZflik\jpf]k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Efki\;Xd\ :Xe[XZ\:_XgdXe[i`YYc\jgXjkXJXekX:cXiX[\]\e[\i[li`e^k_\E:88 j\d`]`eXccXjkn\\b`eEfik_:Xifc`eX%J_\jZfi\[k_\cfe\^fXcf]k_\^Xd\% Penske Truck Leasing is a global transportation services provider. Product lines include full-service leasing, contract maintenance, commercial and consumer rental, integrated logistics services and supply chain management. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Scarborough Our Trainees are on the fast track to greater growth and responsibility in sales or operations. Ideal candidates thrive in an entrepreneurial environment and have the desire to manage their own operation. We are looking for confident individuals with a customer service orientation, strong interpersonal and telephone skills and a bachelor’s degree, ideally in Business or Commerce, or equivalent experience. Your duties will include providing front-line contact with prospects, managing a large fleet of vehicles by matching vehicle demand with availability, coordinating all aspects of customer transactions and ensuring complete customer satisfaction. We provide a benefits package that brings both professional and personal peace of mind. Along with an excellent compensation and company- wide training programs, Penske offers a rewarding internal promotion program, a comprehensive benefits package, and a positive and enthusiastic work environment. Please forward your resume to Stuart Gillespie, Penske Truck Leasing, 20 Costa Dr., Concord, Ontario L4K 2R9. Fax: (905) 660-9443. Email: stuart.gillespie@penske.com For more information on our Management Trainee Program, please visit us at: www.ptlcareers.com JOIN THE LEADING TEAM IN TRANSPORTATION We are a recognized leader in the custom injection moulding and assemblies business. Due to growth opportunities, the following positions are available. Quality Manager You will provide leadership on quality improvement initiatives and ensure that overall quality system requirements are implemented and maintained. Duties encompass supervising inspection programs, investigating and researching product defects and conducting on-going evaluations of quality standards. Your post secondary education and at least 5 years of managerial level experience in the plastic injection moulding industry are essential.Experience in a QS9000 environment is required. Project Engineer Requirements include a Mechanical Engineering degree/diploma and 3 years’ experience in injection moulding or related business within the automotive field.Thorough knowledge of injection mould material and tooling and project management experience is essential. Please send your resume, in confidence to:Human Resources, Horn Plastics Inc., 114 Industrial Drive,Whitby, Ontario, L1N 5Z8. Fax: (905) 668-3860. E-mail:hr@hornplastics.com Classes Start Jan. 6th. Register NOW! Job Opportunities Available For information call 905-436-7188 Due to growth, StonCor Group,a Fortune 500 Company, is looking for an upbeat, career oriented individual to fill a new opportunity in the Company's Fibergrate Division. DRAFTSPERSON/ESTIMATOR •2 years experience using AutoCad creating structural drawings/details. •2 years experience in the construction industry •Able to read, understand and prepare takeoffs from tender drawings. Forward your resume in confidence to: StonCor Group 95 Sunray Street Whitby, ON L1N 9C9 fax: (905) 430-3056 or email : canada@stoncor.com Visit our website at www.stoncor.com Experienced ASP/DB2 Programmers for Uxbridge R&D facility. RuMe Interactive produces Internet-based retail security products. Our clients include some of the largest retailers in the world. All positions require a background check. RuMe Interactive Canada Inc. www.rumecanada.com ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BOOKKEEPER High volume management company is seeking a self motivated, detail oriented individual with at least three years of Accounts Receivable/Bookkeeping experience. Please send resume & salary expectations to Newton -Trelawney Property Management, 95 Bayly St.W., Ste. 03, Ajax, ON L1S 7K8, Fax# 905-619-2705 CLASS A DRIVERS Praxair Canada Inc. requires a Class "A" Driver for weekend shifts Tanker experience preferred. Av erage annual income $65,000.00 Uniform, Benefits, Pension Plan, etc. Please fax resume and abstract to: 905-827-8677 Attention: Peter Spiller EXTREMELY BUSY TORONTO BASED PRINCIPLE TV/FILM/ MODELING AGENCY IS CURRENTLY SEEKING: Teens, kids and adults 4 years and up for tv commercials, music videos, feature films, print work and fashion shows. We have no affiliation with a training school or any in house photographers. All applicants that are accepted will get training and registration fees covered and provided by max agency. Some recent projects our talent can be seen in: TV Commercials: McDonald's, Sears Music Videos: Boys 11 Men, Tragically Hip Print: Molson Canadian, Coca Cola Whitby: (905) 665-3199 BBB Member Toronto: (416) 482-5392 A Division of Metroland's Durham Region Media Group We have an immediate opening for a full time and Freelance sales representative. The successful candidate will join our sales team and will be responsible for sales in existing and newly created projects. This position requires an individual that is able to switch gears quickly and work projects that reach across Ontario. Skills/Experience Required: • Advertising print sales experience • Strong telephone sales presentation • Must have vehicle Projects Sales Representative, Full-time position and Freelance If you are interested in this position, please forward your resume and cover letter no later than 5:00 p.m. December 10, 2004 to: Sandra Spiers, Star Projects Manager 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1B7 Email: sspiers@durhamregion.com Phone: 905-985-7383 Fax: 905-985-4160 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Progressive growing circulation department in Ajax is looking for someone with the following traits: •thrives on problem solving •loves a challenge •persuasive communicator •self-motivated & a motivator •well developed people skills •organized •solid team contributor •career minded •driven to succeed This is a key position with responsibility for recruit- ing carriers, opening new areas, increasing carrier collections, quickly solving all customer concern, helping carriers to grow. We have a competitive starting salary + bonus. Circulation experience no necessary, we will train the right individual.Vehicle is required. Send Resume to: jraymond@durhamregion.com We are Growing Again!! OPENING SOON! All Staff Positions Full Time and Part time (Servers, Bartenders, Front Door Staff, Dishwashers, Prep Cooks and Grillers) Are you looking for a new adventure? JB is on a quest to find the kind of team players who possess the spirit to have fun and want to be part of a new and exciting restaurant concept in Whitby! Interviews to be held: •Monday Dec. 13th, 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. •Tuesday Dec. 14th, 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. •Wednesday Dec. 15th, 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. AMC Theatres, front entrance located in Whitby Entertainment Centrum NEW TO CANADA ? LOOKING FOR WORK? Join our 3 day Job Search Workshop Within 3 short days we will help you to identify your skills Develop and prepare a resume that works Prepare you to answer tough interview questions Learn job search tips and much more ….. To register for our workshops Call Patricia at the Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre (905) 420-4010 1400 Bayly Street, Unit 12 (near the GO station), Pickering Funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (To be eligible, must be immigrant, conventional refugee, or Caregiver) JOB FAIR Held at the Job Connect Office Dec. 13th, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Dec. 15th, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Hiring for all positions and shifts Employment Services: 1550 Kingston Rd. Suite 16 Pickering (Valley Farm & Hwy. 2) 905-427-7670 OWASCO RV We are looking for a customer service oriented German speaking individual to work at our rental counter. Experience in MS Word, MS Excel and MS Outlook required. E-mail resume to: Yvonne.duhig@owasco.com Or apply in person at: 2000 Champlain Ave. Whitby, Ontario Full-Time General Labourers Required for Yard Work 7:00 am - 4:00 pm - Starting rate $9/hr Afternoon shifts for plant starting rate $8.50/hr Must Provide Own Safety Boots Some heavy lifting required. Please apply in person @ Lennox Drum Limited 233 Fuller Road Ajax, ON FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE GRAPHIC ARTIST Must be familiar with In Design, Quark Express and Photo Shop. Recent grads welcome Day Shift Forward resume to: Canada Yearbook Services (1980) Ltd. 70 Mearns Crt. Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 4A2 The News Group Canada, requires a few highly motivated and energetic Part-Time MERCHANDISERS in the Pickering through Oshawa area. Responsible for merchandising and re-ordering of books and magazines in major retailers. Strong customer service, communication and organizational skills required. Reliable vehicle necessary. Interested applicants please email rshaw@swo.thenewsgroup.com Herbal Magic is seeking professional compassionate career oriented individuals to provide weight management counselling in a clinic setting. Phone and sales experience are an asset. Full time applicants only. Call 905-432-6999 GENERAL LABOURERS Oshawa company requires reliable individuals to inspect various automotive parts. Jackie Lee (416)495-7422 fax: 416-495-8479 e-mail j.lee@winterstaffing.com Winters Technical Staffing Esthetician required for busy cosmetic laser centre/dermatologist's office. Laser experience an asset. This is a part time one year maternity position available. An excellent opportunity for the right candidate who wishes to expand their current knowledge of esthetics. Full training provided. Please send resume and salary expectations to: 117 King Street East Oshawa, ON, L1H 1B9 Attn: Tanya Hatfield CLASS A, D, F AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportunities for grad- uates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. COMPUTER COURSES at Durham College. Entry level Micro- soft Certification- MCDST - Micro- soft Certified Desktop Support Technician or update your office skills with Microsoft Office, Accounting and Project Manage- ment. Train at top rated Durham College in 100% instructor led courses. Full/Part time available. Funding through EI/OSAP, WSIB to qualified. These skills are highly sought after in todays IT environment. Call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca DURHAM COLLEGE TRAINING COURSES - Are you looking to start a new career or upgrade your skills to advance your current occupation? Durham College has full time computer administration upgrading courses and project management courses. Funding through EI, OSAP, ODSP, WSIB, to qualified. For more info. call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca WANTED Youth care workers for a variety of positions in Whitby Group Homes. Experience with 8-18 year olds + CPIC + CPI necessary. Fax 905-668-0600 FRENCH ECE & ASSISTANT ECE wanted for full and part time. Call (905) 666-5453 or fax (905) 728-3891 or email at lesluciolesinc @bellnet.ca PUBLISHING FIRM is seeking an experienced EDITOR for its electrical magazine and technical books. The successful candidate will possess strong organizational skills, as well as the necessary verbal and written communication skills required to produce these editorial products. You must be able to effectively work within tight deadlines and produce immaculate technical material. Send resume to: Randy Hurst, Publisher, rwh@rogers.com AZ DRIVERS and owner operators wanted for USA runs, Call Joe at JAC Transportation (905)579- 5959. 1 DRYWALL TAPER and 1 Dry- waller required. Must have own tools and transportation, be reli- able. No rookies. 905-721-0498 ASSISTANT TEACHERS needed for Ajax & Pickering Childcare Centres. Fax resume to (905) 831- 9347 or call (905) 839-2501. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ORDER Ta k ers. $20/hr avg. Bonuses Available! We Train You!Call ARON at 905-435-0518. E-Mail Address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.comCLASSIFIEDSFIND IT FAST IN THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad In Pickering Or Ajax Call: 905-683-0707 Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004, PAGE 33 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com Our Classifieds will get you what you want. Place one today for fast results call 905-683-0707 Mon-Fri 8am-8pm CNC PROGRAMMER Custom Manufacturer of Architectural Millwork, Doors & Frames. Scarborough location. Must be efficient using Alpha Cam, Autocad 2000 and good communication skills. Fanuc controlled CNC with a minimum 5 years experience. Fax resume to: JWS Manufacturing Inc. at 416-755-5146 or e-mail sblais@jwsmanufacturing.com EXPERIENCED LUBE TECHNICIAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for G.M. Dealership in Ajax. Please fax resume to Dave Gunn at 905-683-6130 OFFICE ADMIN. PERSON Personable individual, excellent comm. skills, outstanding CS background. A/R & A/P, payroll and bookkeeping exp, typing 50 wpm. Starting salary is $25,000 plus benefits. Scarborough area. Fax resume and two business & personal references to :416-292-3296 requires an Experienced GM Salesperson •fantastic working atmosphere •family orientated •unique opportunity Fax resume: 905-436-2028 E-mail: peter@roynicholsmotors.com Att: Peter Guttin Experienced Sales Consultant required for Davey Auto Sales Durham's choice for Cars & Trucks Only the Best Apply Call Ray @ (905)720-2277 CAREGIVERS & NANNIES need- ed: Live in or out. Experienced on- ly, with references. Fax resume with salary expectations to 905- 248-3643. TV ads, Print &Film www.catalent.ca We are agents - NOT scouts. We are auditioning now. Since 1992. 416-929-3456 Outgoing Kids & adults required. BBB Member COOK &Front Line required for cafeteria in Pickering & Oshawa area for all shifts. Experienced preferred. Own transportation. Fax resume to: 905-697-3585 or email: david.estra@sodexhoca.com Cook needed for Pickering Child- care centres. Call 905-509-4021 or fax (905) 831-9347. ENTHUSIASTIC & hardworking staff wanted for local pub. Exp. pub cook, bar/wait staff. Smart Serve. Call Gerald 905-683-8079 EXPERIENCE Cleaning Couples wanted for subcontracts. All areas of Ontario. 6:00 am starting time. Must speak English and have a vehicle. Please call 1-877-224- 0686. EXPERIENCED TELEMARKET- ER required, full time days, $11.00 per hr. to start. Call (905) 426- 5868. FULL AND PART TIME appoint- ment co-ordinators. Afternoon/eve- ning shift. $8.00 per hr. to start. Call (905) 426-5868. HORSE FARM requires full-time Barn Manager, other various full and part-time positions avail. Must have horse experience. Fax re- sume to 905-683-7730 JOIN THE WINNING TEAM! Compass Group, Canada's largest contract foodservice provider is currently accepting resumes for dynamic team players for our cafeteria operations. We are seek- ing FT/PT Supervisors, Cashiers, Warehouse, Culinary and General Help personnel. Successful candidates must be willing to work nights and weekends. Please forward your resume to: Cafeteria, 777 Brock Road Pickering, ON. L1V 2R5 or fax to 905-837-7288 or email: cafeteria@opg.com Attn: Food Service Director. Please indicate which position you are ap- plying for. LICENSED STYLIST for busy Oshawa salon. We offer: Competi- tive salary, opportunity for ad- vancement, paid vacation, profit sharing, free training classes, monthly prizes, benefits. Join a winning team. Call Cheryl (905) 723-7323. LINE OPERATOR required immediately for established Oshawa Manufacturer. $14/hour start- benefits after 6 months. Must be physically fit, able to lift 75lbs, perform simple math calculations and checks. , mature, reliable, available for rotating day/afternoon shift and able to work independently/as a team. Send resume to File #145 Oshawa This Week , PO Box 481, Oshawa, Ont L1H 7H5 MOBILE TRUCK WASH looking for mature person to work weekends. Must have own car and be able to drive stick. Please call (905)831-3630 NO LAYOFFS.Oshawa ware- house co. seeks to fill 15 F/T openings immediately. Marketing, office, warehouse, inventory. $350 to start. Training provided. Call To ny 905-571-3260 OFFICE CLEANER required, part time, must have own car. Call 905-431-6344. P/T JOBS FOR STUDENTS 12-16yrs preferably. Make extra $$$ for Christmas. Must be reliable. Cash paid daily. All areas call 905-571-9358. PUT YOUR COMPUTER to Work for You! Join our supportive home based business team and get started immediately! FREE Train- ing Package available. www.JoiningSuccess.com 416-631-8963 Registration Officer Positions Required $20.00/hr Avg. We Tra in You! Call Tom (905) 435-0280 Christmas help req'd RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Com- parable pay, excellent working conditions. Fast-growing compa- ny, room for advancement. Per- manent position. Not suitable for students. Mature person needed with general office & excel experi- ence. Call 905-723-6242. SAFE + SOUND, manufacturers of safety garments in Bowmanville, are growing again. We need some bright, energetic, full-time produc- tion workers to help us out. Please fax your resume to (905) 697-0189 SUPERINTENDANT required for adult lifestyle apt building located in Oshawa. Experience required. Suitable for a couple. Excellent salary plus benefits. 2-bdrm apt included. Fax resume to: 416-297- 9499 SURE FIT is looking for an ener- getic Retail General Manager and Buyer. Interested applicants please email your resume to aroche@surefit.ca or fax 905-683- 1541 TRAVEL CONSULTANT,experi- enced, sabre preferred. Flexible, Ajax - Whitby area. Must be avail- able evenings and weekends. Fax resume (905) 683-6842 or cal (905) 683-8411. URGENT - CLEANERS NEEDED Looking for individuals part time and full time with cleaning experi- ence for great new opportunities with cleaning service for residential clients. $10 and up per hr. and gas allowances offered. Own vehicle preferred. Serious inquires only. Call 905-686-5424 now. WELDER/ FABRICATOR required immediately for busy Markham Rd/401 truck equipment installation facility. Knowledge of truck mounted hydraulic systems an asset. Phone 416-439-4494 or fax 416-439-7477 ARCHITECTURAL MILWORK CO.seeks fully experienced Cabi- net Maker in the Durham Region area. Night Shift only. Fax resume to (905) 433-1463 CABINET MAKER/INSTALLERS, required Ajax cabinet shop. Tele- phone (905) 426-6661. Fax re- sume to (905) 426-4466 Attention Chris. PA RTS ADMINISTRATOR re- quired for Ajax based crane com- pany. Must have excellent me- chanical and parts knowledge., quality control, inventory and sourcing experience. Must be well organized and able to multi-task in a fast paced environment. Fax re- sume to 905-686-8546 ADMIN. ASSISTANT - 30 hrs/week. Computer literate, tele- phone skills, A/P, A/R, must be able to multi-task. Send resume to: apply05@hotmail.com PICKERING LAW FIRM requires Legal Secretary/Administrative As- sistant. Legal secretary Adminis- trative diploma required. 1-3 years litigation experience. Reply to File#144, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 RECEPTIONIST,Temporary part- time, (16-20 hours per week) required from February until June for busy accounting office in Oshawa. Computer skills required. Knowledge of bookkeeping or ac- counting an asset. Please fax resume along with expected sal- ary to 905-725-2157 or e-mail quickbooks@sympatico.ca SEEKING RIBO licenced individual with farm and commer- cial knowledge. Minimum 5 years experience. Salary commensurate with experience. Please forward resume to: Box 430, Uxbridge, Ontario L9P1M8 WHITBY- Part time Bookkeeper. Salary commensurate with experience. QUALIFICATIONS: 3-4 yrs. bookkeeping experience, career - oriented. DUTIES: accounts payabe / receivable, payroll/government reporting etc. skhattak@thekidsclinic.com or fax: 905-668-2881. A SUCCESSFUL Dental office, open 7 days a week requires a Dental Receptionist. Candidate must be flexible and able to work evenings and weekends. Fax re- sume: 905-721-2797. ARE YOU A TEAM PLAYER with a great attitude? Are you looking for an office that meets your ex- pectations? If so, we are looking for you! Over 3 years dental busi- ness assistant/treatment coordina- tor experience required for a busy all digital dental family practice. Fax resume to 905-839-3322 or email drwalton@rogers.com BUSY MEDICAL OFFICE looking for full-time medical secretary. 4 days/week plus evenings to start. Please mail resume to: Dr. N. Stein, 95 Bayly St. W., Suite 200, Ajax, L1S 7K8. No faxes. DENTAL Receptionist with part- time Assisting. Level II a must for Pickering office. Computer skills & flexible hours, 5 days/week. Fax resume to: 905-831-5975 MEDICAL OFFICE STAFF required, part time, flexible hours including Saturdays, for new office opening in January. Prefer medical background (ECG & phlebotomy) plus other office related duties. Harwood/Bayly Ajax near Hospital. Please fax resume to: 905-472- 7431 Att: Dr. Sharobim PA RT TIME RN needed for busy family practice in Pickering. Fax resume: 905-420-0863 att: Debi F/T WAITSTAFF including wknds. Mature, reliable, Smart Serve exp.Apply in person or call after 11am: JOE'S SPORTS BAR & BILLIARDS 2200 Brock Rd N Pickering (905)427-9044 PA RT TIME BOOKKEEPING, financial statements, tax returns, Quickbooks, New Views. Over 20 years exp. 905-427-5024 GEORGE'S CARPET & HARDWOOD FLOORING Unbeatable Prices! For free estimates call (905)626-3142 PICKERING,Brock/Dellbrook. 4- bdrm home 2200-2500-sq.ft. huge corner lot, interlock path, hard- wood/ceramics, family-room w/fire- place. double garage, unfinished basement w/roughed-in bath. $289,900. (905)426-1985 (by own- er) WHITBY - 3 BEDROOMS,2 baths, ceramic tile, two decks, up- dated kitchen, c/a, walkout finished basement, close to 401 and Go. $219,000. Call (905) 666-1755. 434 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA - commercial/retail building for lease or buy. 3420 sq. ft., large parking, vacant, easy access garages front & rear. Close to 401, visible from any direction. Great location. Contact Matt at 905-432-9029 or 905-767-9106. AUTO BAYS for rent, excellent for car detailer, tires, landscaper, auto glass, upholsterer, etc. Simcoe N., near University. $550/mo.+. (905)442-5592 COMMERCIAL SPACE,approx 1100sq.ft. freestanding building with parking, Oshawa. Main street frontage, near 401, $1500/month inclusive. Available immediately. Alec (416)265-6226 AJAX PLAZA - Retail space 1000sq ft, Office space 1360sq ft. Available immediately. Next to 401. Low rates, good parking. Call Mr. Harari (416)630-0111. ReMax Realtron Realty. OFFICE UNIT,2nd.floor approx. 560sq.ft., freshly painted, new car- pet. Simcoe St.N., Oshawa loca- tion. Available immediately. Park- ing on premises. Call Kathy or Bob (905)576-5123. UXBRIDGE 2 Downtown prime locations, one 3200 sq/ft, one 1200 sq/ft. Call for details 647-284-2933 A JOB AT HOME $529.27 Week- ly. Mail work, Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703-5655. 24hr message. www.TheHome- Job.ca Or write: Consumer, 599B Yonge Street, #259-222, Toronto. M4Y 1Z4 A PROVEN MONEY MAKER!!6- Figure Potential From Home. No MLM 1-888-842-9542 www.adreamteam1.com BICKLE FARM - Potato Business (Courtice) - Land and Business or Lease and Business. Great Oppor- tunity! For more information please call Derek at 800-810-2842. RESTAURANT FOR LEASE - Port Perry. 2400 sq. ft. Call 905- 985-3490 or email: dhottot@fnis.com PITA PAZZAZ coming soon to the prime Wal-Mart Power Centre location at Taunton Rd. & Hwy. 12. Price $189K, $70K down. Financing assistance available OAC.1-877-602-7482 ext. 26. www.pitapazzaz.com $$$ Mortgage Money $$$for any reason. 1st, 2nds to 100% oac. Don't wait weeks or months for an answer. Approvals within 24-48 hrs. whatever you require. All ap- plications processed. Robert Brown or Vallerie Lawson at AMS at 905-436-9292. Toll Free 877- 509- 5626. Use our web- site for faster service. www.accuratemortgages.com $$$MORTGAGE FINANCING$$$ - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAG- ES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Dennis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To consolidate your debts. Lowest rates possible for residential or commercial.Credit issues, self em- ployed, I will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. $$MONEY$$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. 100 FAMILIES WANTED - to become debt free. Must have mortgage and debts. Debt Freedom Canada Inc. To Register call: 1-800-590-7203 ext. 2062. 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES Res./Comm up to 100% financing. Best rates possible. Credit problems? Self-employed? No problem! Av anti Financial (905)428-8119 CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.1% for 5 years. Best avail- able rates. Private funds avail- able. Refinancing debt consolida- tion a specialty. For fast profes- sional service call (905)666-4986 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 A/P PAGE 34 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Our Classifieds will get you what you want. Place one today for fast results call 905-683-0707 Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Need help getting it done? Call 310-CASH and get it done $$$ Christmas Money $$$ Prime & Private Lenders to fund your application fast. Refinance/Purchase 1st & 2nd's to 100% oac. "Get a head start on Christmas & Consolidate Now" We process every application. Don't wait weeks. "We answer you "YES or NO" in 48 hours" Robert Brown or Vallerie Lawson at Accurate Mortgages Services Inc. 905-436-9292 or 877-509-LOAN (5626) Online application at: www.accuratemortgages.com 3 3 & 7 7 Fal b y C r t ., A j a x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w ww.a j ax a p a rtme nts .c om 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Sized Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments starting at $700. ●Renovated suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Tenant free rent draw & rewards program ●Senior Discounts Drop by or Call for Appointment 905-728-4993 1 & 2 BDRM. -Oshawa. Hard- wood floors, free parking. No pets. $700/$775 inclusive. First & last. Available January 1st, 2005. 905-723-1647, 905-720-9935. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, $745 / $845/month inclusive, Jan/Feb. 1st. Immaculate newer building in decent Oshawa neighbourhood, Prefer quality adult tenants, No dogs. 905-439- 8893 or 905-448-8929. 1 & 2-BEDROOMS AVAILABLE anytime or Jan 1st. 2-locations 350 Malaga, 946 Masson St. $695/$795 month, all inclusive. no pets 905-576-6724, 905-242-4478. 1 BEDROOM LUXURY APT.new- ly renovated, clean, spacious. New paint, floors and counters. Above retail, Oshawa. $750/mo/util. in- cluded. No pets/smoking. Avail- able immediately. (905)438-0232 1) ATTRACTIVE renovated 2-bed- room & 1-bedroom apt Sim- coe/Mill, Oshawa, $835/$715. mo. inclusive. Laundry, balcony, parking, appliances included. Available immediately. 905-728- 3449, 1-800-486-9826, WHITBY Victoria/Brock St. 2-bedroom $835 inclusive laundry, parking. 1-800- 486-9826. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT, Oshawa/Whitby boarder, separate entrance/parking, near bus stop, 401, shopping, GM, $635/inclu- sive. lst/last, available immediate- ly. Call 416-264-7990. 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom 2 storey town home suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. $999.00 per month. 12th month free! Call (905)579-7649 for an appointment. 2 BDRM - large, bright basement. Rossland/Brock Street. Includes own laundry, parking/heat/hydro, separate entrance. Near bus route/401/college. No pets/smok- ing inside please. $825 ASAP. (905)424-9545 ARGYLE - 2 bedroom house and garage, first and last, references. No pets. (705) 439-2787 2 BDRM APT, avail now. Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Appliances, laundry facilities, 1-parking, Call 905-720-0432 2 BEDROOM - Rossland/Ritson. security system, newer well main- tained, clean, quiet adult-lifestyle building. Suits retired/ mature working adult. Avail. Jan 1st. $885/inclusive. No pets. 905-720- 2352. 2-BDRM APTS,renovated, large & bright rooms, hardwood floors. walking distance to malls, near 401 exit, well maintained, quiet Oshawa neighbourhood, applianc- es, lots of extras, from $845/month. No dogs please. Im- mediate. 905-665-0945. 2-BDRM. SIMCOE NORTH- Rus- sett Ave. Good location, well main- tained quiet 12plex. Utilities, heat- ing, cable, parking included, $880/month. No dogs. (905)576- 2982. 2-BEDROOM $205 weekly. Clean, quiet, utilities, parking, appliances, Available January 1st or later. Simcoe/Mill. Call (905)579-5927 A ONE BEDROOM basement apt, Pickering, Brock/Major Oaks, top- notch, large clean bright a/c, 4 ap- pliances, includes util. and cable. $925/mo. 905-428-2015. AJAX - HARWOOD/BAYLY - 3 bedroom main, also 2 bedroom lower, walk to schools, shopping. Available Feb. lst.(416) 587-3354. AJAX - HARWOOD/HWY 2 - One bedroom basement, clean, modern bright, parking, 4 pce. bath. c/a, c/v, full kitchen, laundry, no smok- ing/pets. Available Feb. lst. $750 all inclusive. (905) 686-2239. AJAX - one bedroom basement apt. Harwood/Hwy. 2. Sep. en- trance, no smoking/pets. $700/first/last/references. Air, cable, laundry, utilities, parking. (905)428-2321 AJAX - Pickering Village, large 2 bedroom, parking, laundry, appli- ances, a great location and a great price. Call (905) 922-0252 or (905) 686-0470. AJAX - WESTNEY/DELANEY, spacious, 1-bdrm. basement apt. $750/mo. cable, parking, laundry and utilities. Immediately. No smoking/pets. Call 905-426-5295. AJAX CHURCH/HWY. 2 3-bdrms (1-1/2 baths), $1150 includes util- ities, plus parking. Also 2 bed- room , $950. Available Dec/Jan, in clean, quiet bldg. 905-426-1161 AJAX NORTH 2-bdrm large base- ment apt. Separate entrance, laun- dry, parking, includes utilities. $850/mth. First/last. References. No pets/smoking. Available imme- diately. Call 416-602-7511. AJAX SOUTH, 1-BEDROOM fur- nished apt., kitchen, separate en- trance, parking. Minutes to lake/401. Suit single professional. Available Dec 1st, $700/month, (905)683-0190. AJAX SOUTH- Near Hospital. 2-bedroom basement. Private entrance, laundry, dishwasher. Large window. Available January. $800/inclusive. No pets/smoking. (905)470-1867, pager: 416-609- 6075. AJAX, LOVELY 2-BEDROOM basement, very bright, private en- trance, own laundry, cable, park- ing, large windows, no smoking/no dogs. $795 inclusive, first/last. (905)428-9214 AJAX- OXFORD TOWERS.Spa- cious apartments, quiet bldg, close to shopping, GO. Pool, sauna. 2 and 3-bdrms $979/ $1079, avail- able Nov/Dec 1st. (905)683-8571 or 905-683-5322 BACHELOR bsmt,quiet & clean. South Oshawa. Parking, laundry, utilities, cable incl. Internet avail. $525/mo. Avail. negotiable. No smoking/pets. First/last. (905)579- 8664 BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOND ST. APTS.Bachelor $490, Jan 1st. 1-bedroom $680, Feb 1st. (at Wilson). Clean, bright, newly decorated, private, safe neighbour- hood. Shopping, bus, laundry. (905)438-0558. BOND/SIMCOE,Spacious 1 bed- room apartment, $660+hydro. Available immediately. Applianc- es, laundry fac. on-site and park- ing. Avail. Jan. 1. Call 905-434- 7931. BOWMANVILLE 1-bdrm modern squeaky clean apt, in quiet build- ing, near everything. Suits Non- smoking mature person. Jan. 1st. 905-725-1052 or 705-454-9513. BOWMANVILLE-large one bed- room apt. Quiet location. Free parking. No smoking/pets. Adult lifestyle building. $725 util. includ- ed. Call 905-697-3491 CHURCH/HWY 2.Immaculate 2 bedroom apartments. Close to schools/shopping/Go. (416)444- 7391 Ext. 241 CLEAN 1-BDRM $720/month, 2- bdrm $790/month, newly decorat- ed. Utilities included. Simcoe/Mill area, small quiet apt. building. Call for appt. (905)579-9890. WHITBY -1 bedroom, in well main- tained building. 4 Sevens Realty Ltd. Broker. 905-668-7777. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. DOWNTOWN WHITBY, 1 & 2 bedroom, $775, $800 includes heat, air, laundry facilities, one parking, hydro extra, all hardwood, lst/last, references, no pets. Call (905)430-8327. NEAR OC -sixplex, 2 bdrm. base- ment apt., available Jan. 1st., ex- tremely clean, newly renovated, excellent for retirement, very quiet. Parking, laundry. $820/inclusive, first/last, no pets. 905-723-9577 NEW MANAGEMENT PROMOTION 1 Month FREE rent. Harwood/Bayly 1, 2 & 3-bedrooms, from $865/month. Renovated units. Call 310-7000 NEWLY RENOVATED 1-bedroom basement apartment. Use of pool. $800/inclusive. First/last. No smoking/pets. Available January 1st. (905)665-3603 NORTH Oshawa - 2 bedroom, November lst./December lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances included. Pay cable, parking and laundry facil- ities. (905) 723-2094 NORTH OSHAWA - spacious one bedroom basement apartment, clean, bright, separate entrance, one parking, quiet residential area, quiet non smokers, $675 inclusive. January lst. Leave message. (905) 576-3830. NORTH OSHAWA great location, 2 bedroom basement apt. fur- nished, eat-in kitchen, gas fire- place, sep entrance, laundry, park- ing. No pets/no smoking. Suit ma- ture tenant. $860-inclusive. Imme- diate. (416)570-9082. ONE BDRM bsmt apt. Ajax. Shared laundry, parking, separate entrance. Close to shop- ping/school. $750/mo inclusive. Avail. immediately. First/last req'd. 905-427-4994 ONE BEDROOM apt, laundry, parking, close to all amenities. Pickering area. available. Available February 1st. (905)686-3344. ONE BEDROOM, bright, spacious, modern basement,5 mins. to 401, Private entrance/parking. Avail. immediately. $765, utilities, cable, air included, non smoker.. (905)434-5422., 905-439-1983 OSHAWA CREEK CO-OP ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Clean, 8-storey apt. bldg, just south of downtown Oshawa. Near bus routes. Housing charges include cable. No subsidies available. Pick up applications at 233 Albert St., or call for information (905) 436-8471 or http://oshawacreekcoop.ca OSHAWA - 2 BED. apt. in triplex, Jan. 1st, inclusive $750; LARGE 2 bed. apt, balcony, 12-unit-building, Feb.1st., incl. $850; BACHELOR apt. $620. 905-924-6075. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom Simcoe and Gibb, upper house, parking, near amenities. Available Jan. First/last, $750/inclusive. 905-431- 3829. OSHAWA - large 2 bedroom, lami- nate floors, newly renovated, park- ing, laundry in a clean 12 unit building. From $750/month. (905)922-0252 or (905) 686-0470. OSHAWA -Adelaide and Wilson, 3 bedroom apartment for rent in bungalow. Walkout to deck, pictu- resque view. Available immediate- ly. No pets. $l,250. inclusive. (416) 520-7341 WHITBY APT. BUILDING - 2 bed- room and 1 bedroom available im- mediately. Parking and utilities in- cluded. Call 905-706-3640. OSHAWA APTS., Clean quiet newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bed- room includes utilities, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. (905)571-0425 or 1-888-558- 2622 . OSHAWA CENTRAL.luxurious 2 bdrm. New bathroom, kitchen & appliances. $800-monthly. Open for inspection, Friday/Saturday/ Sunday 3-5pm. 48 Simcoe Street North. OSHAWA N/W - 2 bedroom base- ment in 9 plex. Available Dec. 15. $800 mos. all incl. No pets. lst/last. Fresh paint. Ron. (905) 424-1994 or (905) 436-0990. OSHAWA Par k/Adelaide area. (230 Nipigon St) 2 & 3-bedrooms available. Well maintained build- ing. Near all amenities. From only $825/mo. Call (905)723-0977. OSHAWA Spacious 2 bedroom in duplex. Very clean, appliances in- cluded, parking. Fenced yard, First/last required. Available im- mediately. $750/month plus util- ities. 905-420-1846. OSHAWA, 1 Bedroom, spacious, bright, Hospital area, ample park- ing, bus, available Jan. 1, $750/mo All inclusive, first/last/references, no pets, 905-432-2989 OSHAWA,1-bdrm upper level plus loft, newly renovated. $840/mo inclusive, 1-parking, pri- vate entrance. First/last. Avail. immediately. (416)284-7502. OSHAWA,Park/Bond, 2 bedroom apartment, quiet building. Stove/fridge, heating, parking included. $700/Month plus hydro. Available January 1st, first/last. 905-720-1747. OSHAWA,Ritson/Dean, 1-BDRM main floor, $585+hydro. Large 1- bedroom upper, $675+hydro. Near amenities, avail. immediately/Jan 1st. Separate entrance, parking. No dogs. (416)265-6226. OSHAWA,Rossland/Stevenson Nice 3-bdrm basement apt $950 includes utilities, cable, parking laundry, fridge & stove, no smok- ing. Separate entrance. Available immediately. Short or long term. (905)723-7171. PICKERING - 2 BEDROOM base- ment apt. Bright and spacious, No smoking/pets. Immediately. Bay- ly/Liverpool Pickering .Hydro, cable, parking, AC, (905)831-6120 PICKERING - One bedroom base- ment apartment near Liverpool and Bayly. Separate entrance, all inclusive. $650/month, first/last re- quired. Available January 1st. Call Tom @ 905.999.1044. PICKERING VILLAGE - 1-bdrm. basement apt. Spacious living room, includes utilities, cable, parking. Separate entrance, non- smoker, no pets. Suits single per- son. First/last. $700/mo. Avail. im- mediately. 905-427-0476. PICKERING,1-bedroom base- ment apartment. 401/Whites, Separate entrance, utilities, cable, Internet, laundry, storage, and parking. No smoking/pets. Avail- able immediately. $695/month. 905-831-0788. PICKERING, BRAND NEW 3-bed- room apt., 2-storey with main floor entrance, balcony view of lake. $1095+ 50% utilities. Call Paul Carlos (905)830-9997 PICKERING,Liverpool/Glenana. Cozy, 1-bdrm. bsmt. apt. Separate entrance, kitchen, dining, bath- room, laundry. Close to all amen- ities. No smoking/pets. $750/inclu- sive. Call 416-994-9512. PICKERING,Liverpool/Glenanna - 1 bedroom basement apt. Sep. en- trance, laundry, cable, non-smok- ing, no pets, $700 first/last, avail- able immediately. 905-420-2399. PORT PERRY Carlan apts., spa- cious ground floor, 2 bedroom apt, in quiet well kept 3 storey building. Laundry facilities, walk out to patio, no pets, $950./mo.+ utilities, Avail- able immediately. First & last re- quired. Call Neil (905)985-6938 PORT WHITBY - Dufferin St. new- ly renovated spacious, quiet, 1 & 2 bedrooms, $895 and $995. Util- ities, laundry, parking included. Walk to go, 401/ Brock St. Close to sports arena, shopping. 1-800- 693-2778 PRIME WHITBY 2-bedroom near 401, schools, amenities. Spacious, yard, parking, coin laundry. Pet/smoke free. Immediate. $950+ hydro. (905)986-0670 or (905)431- 2694. REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regency Cres. Whitby. 50+ Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to down- town. Daily activities incl. All util- ities included. Call (905)430-7397. www.realstar.ca. SIMCOE ST. N.1- one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA, close to 401. Nice, quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilities included. 2-bdrm $849/month, 1- bdrm. $749. Available Jan. 1st. (905)436-7686 until 7:30pm. SOUTH AJAX -ONE BEDROOM very bright and spacious basement apt. All appliances including laun- dry. Sep. entrance, parking, very clean, available immediately, $800 + 50% utilities. 905-706-8171 or evenings 905-683-1300. Working as partners with parents and Providers, Wee Watch caters to the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. • Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full and part time care Please Call: 905-686-2328 INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD -safe home envionment -programming - personal attention -receipts - full or part-time -caregivers screened, trained, receive on going support, regular inspections -Licenced by MCFCS DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 905-509-1207 & & & Our Special Christmas Worship Sections will publish Friday December 17, and Wednesday December 22. To advertise your “Special Christmas Services” Call Janice Samoyloff @ 905-683-0707 or Email: jsam@durhamregion.com ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village 905-683-7311 Sunday Family Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - Supervised Nursery Pastor John Bigham EVERYONE WELCOME WORD OF TRUTH CHRISTIAN CENTRE 1527 Bayly St. Pickering 905-839-0333 Senior Pastor Joseph Fisher We invite you to come and celebrate Jesus with us ! Worship Times: Sun. 11am & 7pm, Wed. 7pm Fri. 8pm - Youth (R.E.A.C.H.) Visit our Resource Centre at 1543 Bayly St. or call: 905-839-4953 We provide: mentoring, computer training, tutoring, career development, anger & stress management assistance, teen parent support & fun activities. (For youths ages 13-19) C OME W ORSHIP The Pickering Baha´i Community Invites You to Reflect on the Following Passage “Beware, O people of Baha, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose words differ from their deeds.” For More Information: www.ca.bahai.org pickeringlsa@hotmail.ca GREAT STOCKING STUFFER IDEA!!!! Be sure to purchase your 2005 Ajax/Pickering Firefighter Calendar! Only $14.95 All proceeds from the sale of the calendar go to the Ajax & Pickering Hospital Foundation, Big Brothers & Sisters of Ajax-Pickering, The Children's Wish Foundation, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation & to the Herizon House. Calendars available at any of your local Ajax Fire Halls or at The Pickering Town Centre Guest Services TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available . Conveniently lo- cated in Uxbridge in adult occu- pied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca UXBRIDGE NEW!To wn- house/Apartment rentals. 2 bed- rooms, 4 appliances, air cond., patio/garden, parking, storage. 905-852-4777 WHITBY - Bright basement bache- lor. Separate entrance, kitchen- ette, includes utilities. Non-smoker, no pets. $675. Available Jan. 1st. Call Gloria 905-666-3440. WHITBY - gorgeous new 1 bed- room + den, totally renovated, painted, new kitchen, bath, floor- ing, carpet. Fireplace, laundry, parking, large yard, great area, ab- solutely no pets/smoking. Refer- ences. $895/incl. Jan. 1st. 905- 431-2787. ALSO Oshawa, 2 bed- room main floor house, gorgeous gas fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 appliances, parking, no pets/smok- ing. $800/incl. Jan. 1st. 905-431- 2787. WHITBY Brock ST. S.- New one bed. basement apt. available now. Sep. entrance, parking, util. includ- ed. $700/mo. First/last/references. No smokers/pets. (905)668-6004 WHITBY DOWNTOWN,large brand new 1 bedroom basement apartment.$750 cable, all included. Large bright windows. laundry. avail immediately. Call 905-430- 3895 WHITBY one bedroom apt. $675+hydro, heat and water in- cluded. Completely renovated, first/last, 905-668-4016; cell: 905- 432-4365. WHITBY,1-bedroom basement apt., 4 appliances, parking, bus, Go. No pets or smoking. $800 in- cluding utilities. Feb 1st. (905)451- 0800 WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY spacious 2-bedroom in 5- unit bldg, one car parking, laundry, minutes to GO, Single adult pre- ferred. Jan. lst. No pets. $890-in- clusive, first/last/references. Day- time/Weekday viewings (905)666- 3338-days (905)832-2722-eve WHITBY,clean, bright 2-bdrm bsmt. $825/mo + portion of utilities. No smoking/pets. Shared laundry, fridge/stove, close to shopping, public transit, 1-parking, Call (905)655-9624 WHITBY,immaculate 2-bedroom apartments available immediately $855, rent includes appliances, heat, parking and laundry facilities. 905-666-1074 or 905-556-0455 WHITBY, quiet lowrise, 2-bedroom apartment, $800/month. PICKER- ING, sunny 3-bedroom condo/bal- cony, $1175/month. No smok- ing/pets, near Bus/GO/401. Janu- ary 1st. First/last, references. Trish French (905)426-3288 or (905)428-6533. AJAX,Westney/Hwy#2 3-bed- room condo, new paint, carpet, window coverings. Available im- molate. 5-appliances, locker and parking. No pets. $1450. (905)831-2210. PICKERING-401/LIVERPOOL 2- bdrm, den, 2-baths, 4-appliances, ensuite laundry/storage, 2w/o's to huge balcony, C/A, parking in clean, well maintained low rise building, steps to shopping, library, rec centre, transit. $1300/mth in- clusive, no pets/smoking. Credit app. required. Avail. Jan.1/05. (905)427-7452 AJAX - PICKERING BEACH Rd./Cloverridge. Spotless 4 bed. backsplit, main level, open-con- cept, 5 appliances, hardwood floors, parking, incredible quiet residential neighbourhood. Close to schools, shopping, hospitals, bus routes, park/lake. No smok- ing/pets. $1250/mo.+utilities, first/last/references. Available im- mediately. Victor or Sylvia (416)895-5856 A-ABA-DABA-DO NOBODY NEEDS TO RENT If you're paying $750+/mo you CAN OWN - LET ME SHOW YOU! No Down Payment!! Ken Collis, Assoc. Brkr, Coldwell Banker RMR R.E. (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 kencollis@sympatico.ca 3+1 BEDROOM detached bunga- low. High efficient heating & air. Stove and fridge. Close to schools and public transit. No pets $1100+utilities Available Feb 1st. 905-404-0032. NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004, PAGE 35 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com Oshawa Civic Auditorium Spring Home Show March 2005 Cal Devon to book your space 905-579-4473 ext. 2236 Christmas Open House Sunday December 12th, 11am-5pm 1992 Valley Farm Rd., North of Hwy#2, South of Finch ❅Distinctive Designs by Veronica. ❅Home Accessories by Raphal Interior Design. ❅Culinary Treats by Ask Maggie. Call: Veronica 647-882-3516 Shirley (905)550-5612 - Maggie 416-452-0192 ~ GET APPROVED ~ Fee l i n g l i m i t e d b e c a u se o f : • NO CREDIT • BAD CREDIT • COLLECTIONS • BANKRUPTCY • DIVORCES • REFUSED BY BANK C a ll D e r r i ck 9 0 5 -4 2 6 -0 0 5 1 Looking for a second chance at rebuilding your credit? With a variety of New & Used Import and Domestic Vehicles, put the past behind you - Start driving towards your new future today!! "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" LIQUIDATION AUCTION "Home Decor" Sun. Dec. 12th - 1 p.m. Viewing/Inspection - 12 noon JUBILEE PAVILION 55 Lakeview Park Ave., Oshawa COINS, ART, JEWELLERY, MIRRORS, SCOOTERS, SOFA SETS, DINING SET, ACCENTS, BEDROOM SUITE, LAMPS, DIE CAST COLLECTION, NOSTALGIA, GRANDFATHER CLOCK, BAR SET, POWER TOOLS, CASINO SLOT MA- CHINE, 2.4 GH PHONES, SPORTS MEM. LEATHER FURNITURE, CAFE SETS. 10% Buyers Premium on all bids ATTENTION LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS You are invited to a huge Pampered Chef Christmas Sale! Don't want to be running around in a crowded mall on Christmas Eve? Select the perfect gift for that someone special on your list in just 5 minutes. Pamper yourself and shop from your seat not your feet. Choose from a large selection of quality Stoneware and kitchen tools. 1070 Rathmore Cres. Pickering Sat. Dec 11th 10 am – 6 pm Sun. Dec 12th 12 pm – 6 pm To place an order or for more info: Dawn Riddoch (647) 999-8281 • Guaranteed Christmas delivery! • Free Quikut Paring Knife with every purchase! • Free gift wrapping! 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, North-west Oshawa, $1200/month plus utilities. Close to all amenities. No smoking. Call (905)721-1361 3-BEDROOM HOUSE,desirable N.E. Oshawa. Newly renovated. Immaculate home, 5 appliances, c/vac, c/air, garage, no smok- ers/pets. First/last, references, credit check $1300+ utilities. Im- mediate. (905)259-5138. A FURNISHED NEW Model Home Whitby, 3-bdrm, 3-bath, fenced, f/p, hdwd, garage, bright, detach, short term option, $1475 905-571- 7753 ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AN UNBEATABLE DEAL!0 down, own your own home. Car- ries for less than rent. OAC. Mini- mum income required per house- hold is $30,000. Please call Aure- lia Cosma, Remax Spirit Inc. 1- 888-732-1600 or (905)728-1600, 24 hr. pager. BOWMANVILLE, 4-BEDROOM farmhouse on working farm. Close to town, first/last, references. Hy- dro included, $950/month. Avail- able Jan lst. (905)623-2895, leave message. HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY minutes north of Oshawa. Large, clean, 2-bedroom, 2-baths, large yard, laundry facilities, $995+util- ities. References req'd. (905)571- 0770 LITTLE BRITAIN AREA,3 bed- room farm house, available now, $800./mo. + utilities, First & last, no pets, references required. (705)786-2639 LOVELY detached one year old, 2 bedroom home. Features, hard- wood, ceramics, fridge, stove, dishwasher, $1250/mo.+utilities. Available immediately. Credit ref- erences. Bowmanville. 905-697- 8599; ALSO Whitby Shores, 3 bedroom, end unit townhome, Jan. 1st, $1475+utilities. 905-697-8599. NEWTONVILLE - large 4 bedroom semi in country, oversized kitchen, sewing/computer room on main floor, new broadloom, garage, close to 401, available immediate- ly, $980/mo.+utilities. 905-683- 0832 NORTH OSHAWA 2-bdrm main level house, 4 appl, private en- trance, quiet nbrhd, near schools, college, bus. $975+, avail imm. 905-439-2867. NORTH OSHAWA, 3-bedroom 2-storey house. $1300. 3-bed- room bungalow, $1200. Spacious 1-bedroom basement apartment, $700. Rent includes utilities. Call Taghi (905)442-6761. NORTH WHITBY, brand new 2100sq.ft 4 bedroom home, fully furnished, $1700/month plus util- ities. Available immediately. Long or short term. Call 905-431-1060 NORTH-EAST OSHAWA , 3 bed- room - 2 storey house, includes 4 appliances, garden shed, parking, large yard. utilities included. $l,150 per mo. Available January lst. Call Dave Murphy (905) 721-0122. OSHAWA,clean bright 3-bdrm bungalow, c/air, gas fireplace, large livingroom, eat-in kitchen. Near all amenities/401, Harmo- ny/Olive. $1,350/mo inclusive. Im- mediately. No smoking/pets. Vince (905)626-6726 OSHAWA, KING/PARK,3-bed- room mainfloor, w/o deck, clean, $975/inclusive. Lower level 2-bed- room, $800/inclusive. Both have separate entrance, parking, A/C, first/last. (905)728-5199. WATERFRONT lake Scugog home. Gorgeous 2 br. open con- cept, 5 appliances, fireplace, large backyard with dock. Great fishing, swimming, snowmobiling. $l,200 (905) 786-2964. WHITBY McQuay/Rossland, near all schools, 3+1 Bdrm. 1 1/2 baths & shower, garage, walkout, c/air, 5 appliances, $1300/mo+utilities. First/last Tel: 905-666-1145 or 905-668-1464.. WHITBY: NEW 4-bedroom 2-1/2 bathroom fully detached for rent or lease- furnished or unfurnished. Available January. $1600 plus util- ities. (905)666-3982 CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units . Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. OSHAWA south 3 bedroom town- houses, close to schools, shop- ping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. 905-579-9956 or Toll- free 1-866-922-6422. OSHAWA SOUTH,3-bedroom townhouse. Very clean & well- maintained. $1000 inclusive. Walk- out basement reserved for land- lord. Available Jan 1st. Call 905- 427-3300 ext. 237. TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. WHITBY, BRADLEY ESTATES, 3-bedroom townhouse, sublet $1225/month. Short lease (3 months, option to renew). Avail- able Jan 1st. 905-391-7714 or 905-668-1389 WHITBY/AJAX BORDER.Brand new end units, $1400/mo. Also 2 one bedrooms & 3 bedroom town- house, $800+$1400/mo. Gas fire- place, garage. 905-728-1600, Joan Hyde. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, new apartment hotel. 42-single rooms, fully furnished, shared kitchen, dining, washroom, laun- dry. $420/month Heat/hydro in- cluded, cable, phone, net extra. (905)623-3327, (905)439-2993. LARGE clean room near OC, fur- nished, first/last, Available immedi- ately. Phone (905)436-1420 PICKERING, BROCK/401,room with cable and internet, walk to Go/PTC and amenities. No pets/smoking. $350/month inclu- sive. Call (905)424-0860 PICKERING,Dixie/Kingston Rd. Extra large masterbedroom en- suite, furnished, parking, laundry, no smoking/no-pets. $600/mo in- cludes utilities. Avail. Jan. 1st. First month only. (905)839-3030 ROOM FOR RENT - Close to G.M. Perfect for out of town worker. Call 905-434-6456. ROOM for rent, student preferred $450.00/month. Please 905-686- 8296 FURNISHED 2 bedroom condo in Courtice. Laundry, separate washroom. First/last. $500/month. No smoking. (416)717-7733 PICKERING - Altona/Hwy. #2. Furnished bedroom available in upscale neighbourhood, available immediately. Female preferred. $500/mo. first/last, includes laun- dry, cable/internet. (905)509-2317 ROOMMATE WANTED to share house in Oshawa. $400-$500 monthly, utilities and internet incl. Avail. immediately. Close to bus & amenities. Call 905-725-3144 snp SHARE QUIET COUNTRY home, minutes to ski hills, Dagmar/Lake- ridge area. Suitable for single fe- male, references required, serious inquiries please. (905)655-3096 CLEARWATER FLORIDA,2-3 bedroom furnished manufactured homes. 85 degree pool, 105 de- gree hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions. Children welcome. Photos shown in your home. $375/weekly (less than mo- tel). (905)683-5503. 1999 YAMAHA V-MAX, bought in fall 2001, only 3,500 kms. original, asking $3,500 OBO. Call Ken 905-375-0451 SINCERE SINGLES Professional Introduction Service. Specializing in long-term relationships since 1992. Toll-free 1-866-719-9116 www.sinceresingles.ca Christmas Special 40% off lifetime member- ship. ANYONE WITNESSING a acci- dent at Westney Rd. & Kingston Rd. at 5:20 p.m. on Monday, De- cember 6th involving a Acura 1.6 and a Dodge Caravan please call (905)683-9772 SWEET HUNK Looking for Love! 40. Looks 30. Very Handsome, Ta ll, Caucasian, Strong, Intelligent, Athletic, Private Pilot, Funny, Di- vorced, Hiker, Swimmer, Traveller, Not religious, Daddy to one…looking for Sweet, Beautiful, 29-40 yrs, Shapely, Sexy, Intelli- gent Woman for long-term, maybe marriage, maybe children, but defi- nitely a first date and then FUN 4ever. Why not? Contact flight8@hotmail.com LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. SELECT CAREGIVERS/NAN- NIES available for hire. Please vis- it: www.selectcaregivers.com or call (905)725-9925 GUYANESE FAMILY seeking part time babysitter for 3 year old, will lead to full time in June/05. Read- ing/writing skills a must. Pickering area only. 905-621-0337. LIVE-IN CAREGIVER with training and experience. References re- quired. Westney/Hwy 2 Ajax area. Call Jasper 905-428-0071. PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. LEATHER jackets 1/2 price, purs- es from $9.99, luggage from $29.99. wallets from $9.99. Every- thing must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439- 1177. 2085 FERGUSON gas tractor, 3pth, pto, good tires, includes snow blower, chains, 2-furrow plow $2800 obo. Call Al 705-786- 0877 45' OFFICE trailer, fully equipped, $6000. (905)986-4343. 6 FT. HORIZONTAL teak stereo cabinet, $200. telephone (905) 427-4352. 6" SELKIRK CHIMNEY,50% off while it lasts. 905-686-3666 or 905-852-9106 8PC. DINING room set $800, love seat and chair $350 (both rarely used). Digital stepper $60, and a variety of antiques. (905)436-3684 evenings or weekends A DININGROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver APPLIANCES,refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer, apartment size washer & dryer. Mint condition. Will sell sep- arately, can deliver. Call (905)839- 0098 A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES Refrigera- tors, $99/up. Super-capacity wash- ers, dryers $125/up. Stoves, $149/up. Visit our showroom. Large selection! Parts, Service. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Sales, Installation & Service Of All Makes. Free To Air And Dish- net Set-ups. Quick Installs. 7 Days A Week. (905)999-0362 APPLIANCES - fridge, 2 door frost free, deluxe 30" stove $475/pr; washer/dryer, heavy-duty, deluxe models, $275/pr or 675/all; immac- ulate condition. Large capacity washer, $275; dryer, $200 or $475/pr, used 2 yrs. 905-925-6446 (Oshawa) BABY FURNITURE - one solid birch crib with mattress, matching dresser, brand new $500; 2nd crib and mattress, gently used $75 obo. (905)571-2163 BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SET,cherrywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construction, nev- er opened. In boxes. Cost $9,000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416) 748-3993 BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. CAR AUDIO,Woodworkers shap- er, electric Tonneau cover, truck Toolbox, baby swing, toddler bed, Weider 2-person stack Gym, rea- sonable offers. 905-987-5687. CARPETS - I have several thou- sand yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389.00. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905) 743-0689 www.suburbancarpets.com ELECTRIC BREASTPUMP. Medela "Pump In Style Traveler" in box. $150. (905)421-0306 CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30 sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet including pre- mier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Esti- mate. Mike 905-431-4040 CHILD'S MAPLE mates bed, desk, chair, dresser $450; queen 6-pc bedroom $450; oak coffee & end tables $220; 9-pc antique oak and walnut dining-room $1800; sofa & loveseat $400; one-yr love- seat & chair $500; single bed $150; fridge $175; washer, dryer $250; dishwasher $175; 905-260- 1123 COMPUTER PENTIUM-III 933MH, 20gig HD, 128 ram, 17" monitor, keyboard, mouse, sound, high- speed internet ready, $299. (905)426-5210. COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services. P3/933 (Com- plete) $379.00; P3/500 (Complete) $269.00; P2/350 (Complete) $169.00. CD-RW upgrade only $30.00 w/system purchase. Dell Latitude Nbk: P2/366 only $399.00 (ltd quantities). Other complete systems avail. Repairs at reason- able rates w/Free Pick-up and De- livery within Oshawa/Whitby. Mini- mal Charge other areas. CD-RW upgrades only $50.00 Interac, Visa & Mastercard accepted. Lay- away Plans. Leasing now available OAC on New & Refurbished Sys- tems. 27 Warren Avenue, Oshawa (1 block east of Park/Bond). Call (905)576-9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com CONTENTS SALE!Moving Sale! Antiques, Queen Sleighbed, dressers, night tables, area rug, iron fireplace screen, Hyundia Ex- cel, and much much more! Call for details 905-579-8077 CONTENTS:Hauser rattan kitch- en table w/4 chairs $650. Becori- um luxurious sofa, 1 seater, $1200. 11pc. diningroom set, solid oak, $1400. Pictures available. (905)665-2509, 416-243-1900 ext. 4002 COSTUMES FOR ALL occasions for sale or rent. Get ready for Christmas! Santa, Mrs. Claus, Elves, helpers, accessories, school plays, etc. Call Kelly at 905-434-2970. CRAFTEX 10" tablesaw, 1.5Hp, sliding table, 30" align-a-rip, 2 yrs old, $650. 12pc. set of kitchen cab- inets, melamine/oak trim $400. Oak bathroom vanity 5', $200. Paul (905)427-7406 DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. DINING ROOM,9pc, hutch buffet, $300. o.b.o. Wedding dress w/head piece, Southern Belle style, size 40, $75 o.b.o. Call 905- 432-2137 DRUMS FOR SALE - Basic 4pc. set up, by Silvertone, sparkle blue, total package, asking $350. Call Kym 905-985-7739. HOT TUB 2004 all options, water- fall, ozanator, red wood cabinet, never used, still in wrapper. Cost $9995, sell $5000. 416-746-0995 HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER HOT TUB COVERS One week Special $289.00 Best Quality, de- livered to your door Call 1-866- 652-6837 JUKE BOX 196?,Plays 200 songs working condition $1,000 plus 45's & 33 records. Call 905- 985-0545 OIL FURNACE,85% efficient, 200 gallon oil tank new in 2001, $850 obo. 905-655-4148. LAWN TRACTOR,Kubota TG1860, diesel, power steering, hydrostatic drive, cushion ride, 54" cut, triple bagger w/blower. 276 hrs. $6,500. Call 905-436-1823snp MASON AND RISCH apartment sized piano, very good condition, $l,5000 or best offer. telephone (905) 623-5913. MOVING SALE,dining room table with 6 chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, Simplicity dehumidifier, Sears Vac- uum, file cabinet, Pioneer dual cassette, Min Kota electric motor. (905)985-6610 or 905-809-4498. NEW DANBY APT sized freezers $199. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, recondi- tioned ranges $125/up, recondi- tioned dryers $125/up, recondi- tioned washers $199/up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFTS POOL TABLE - 4x8 slate Dufferin newly felted pool table with cover, balls and cues, asking $1500 obo. ALSO solid rustic wooden bar with 2 wrought iron steel stools with leather covered seats, asking $1000 obo. Call 905-436-9128. PIANO Technician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Rentals also available. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427- 7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa. PIANOS & CLOCKS - FREE CHRISTMAS CLOCK with purchase of any acoustic or digital piano. "CHRISTMAS SPECIALS"- Save $$$ while quantities last. Also on Samick pianos, and Howard Miller clocks. Large selec- tion of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann, etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905)433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PIANOS - HUGE CHRISTMAS SALE starting at $800. Upright grands & apt. size. Reconditioned, warrantied & delivered 705-799- 3204. PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. XBOX MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid ash. All accessories. New in box. Cost $6750 sell for $2600. 905-213- 4669. RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. ROYAL DULTON CHINA, "Old Country Roses", complete set: 10- 6pc place settings, all extras. 74pcs total. Pristine condition. Retail, $4474, asking $1800. (905)623-0309. SATELLITE SERVICES:Direct TV dishnet, FTA, C-band, HD-TV. 20 years servicing satellite. (416)282-4640, or drop by store for a demo. SAVE THOUSANDS!!Kitchen cabinets + pantry for sale. Great for updating an older kitchen, basement or cottage. $2500 obo. 905-404-5200 TARPS - Woven Poly Tarps, all sizes from 8'x10' to 30'x50'. Priced $7.-$90. (tax incl). Call Bowman- ville 905-623-5258. SENIOR goalie equipment, Bauer reactor 6 pads, $500; Men's golf clubs left & right high-end irons/woods $70-$250; Weider 8920 home gym $100. (905)839- 8398 SLOT MACHINE,right off the cruise ships. Approx. 2 yrs. old. Cost $4000-$5000 new, comes with 200 tokens. Retail $699, ask- ing $499 obo; Audio Tech pro poly series, digital ready speakers, $189. obo; 4 in 1 digital camera PC camera, digital camera, digital camcorder, digital recorder $45; fish tank, full set with 3 fish & $60 cleaning pump, $199 obo. 905- 404-8676. SOLID OAK 9pc. diningroom set $2800 obo; Marantz/Nuance sound system $1800 obo; 19" NEC monitor, Hitachi camcor- der/bag, best-offer; (905)623-9247 TWO 8-pc bedrooms suites, like new, one light oak, one cognac finish; 5-pc rattan dinette w/glass top w/2 matching swivel chairs. 905-721-7202 WORKING DIRECT T.V. Receiver incl. card/remote or working Dish- net receiver incl. card/remote. Both are programmed and working $380-each. Jeff (905)626-9436 CASH FOR GOLD,diamonds, estate jewelry, wrist and pocket watches (any condition), art glass, original paintings, call 905-576- 9203. CLIP AND SAVE - Wanted to buy. Old glass, china, jewellery, dolls, bears, toys, figurines, Royal Doul- ton, Beswick, hat pins, marbles, vintage clothing, tins, etc. Phone 1-866-203-9743 WANTED - sports cards, comics, coins, video games, DVD's and VHS movies, CD's, plus collect- ables and unwanted items. No col- lection is too large. Call (905)623- 4216, leave message. WANTED:will pay cash & pickup good bedroom sets, dining room sets, wood kitchen tables & chairs, livingroom groups and fridges, stoves, washers & dryers (etc). 905-260-1123 CERAMIC BUSINESS for sale. In- cludes existing customer base, kilns, molds, pouring table. Serious enquiries email cherishedcreation@hotmail.com KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD,excel- lent, very best quality hardwood, guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. (905)753-2246. AAA-Lakeridge Farm Firewood, the best quality wood, seasoned cut/split/delivered. Looking for tree work and lot clearing. Call 905-424-1735. GET SATELLITE TV BACK Channel Hog receiver. No more sorting and re-naming channels. Ajax local. Call me (647)294-2354. Website http://way.to/durham3m SATELLITES, FREE TO AIR.Is your DirecTV down? Everyone is switching to FTA; no cards, boards or atmegas. Specializing in the Fortec Lifetime Ultra. Get 1000’s of channels, no monthly bills. 1St in Durham Region. Call 905-435- 0202. uneekelectronics@rog- ers.com 226 Bloor Street East, Oshawa. DROP BY OUR STORE FOR A FREE DEMO AMERICAN COCKER Spaniel pups, 2-male, 1st shots. $500. Ready to go. Call (905)428-9264. CANE CORSO MASTIFF puppy, brindle male, ears cropped. Black female, uncropped. Basic obedi- ence trained. Registered. Family raised. References. Oshawa. (905)720-2825 FOR SALE - 3 purebred Pomera- nian puppies, 1 male, 2 females, ready to go. 705-878-7066. JACK RUSSELL PUPS ready for Christmas! Long legged, all col- ours, M/F out of Champion Bitch, first shots, dewormed, tails de- claws done $600. Call 905-668- 2721 or evenings 905-982-1437 LABS,purebred black, CKC regis- tered, first/shots, dewormed, mirco chipped. $700. Call Scott even- ings 905-432-0865 or days 905- 430-8300 ext 228. SHIH-TZU puppies, no papers, 1 year health guarantee. Mom & Dad on-site. Shots & dewormed. Ready to go Dec. 7 $600. (905)432-9791 1985 HONDA CIVIC,5-speed manual, very good condition, 132,000-km, recent overhaul, ask- ing $1500. will certify. (905)427- 2790 1990 TOYOTA CAMRY automatic, station wagon, new brakes, new muffler, recently certified and e- tested, $850. Telephone (905) 686-1085. 1991 DODGE SHADOW,automat- ic, dark blue. 130,000-km, new transmission, drives well, $1500- as is. (needs a little bodywork.) (905)428-7980 (evenings) 1992 MAZDA MX3 4-cyl. 5-speed, red, 170,000-kms. certified and e- tested, good condition. Asking $2175. (905)571-5138 1993 300E MERCEDES BENZ- excellent condition. Fully loaded. Leather interior, sunroof $11,000. 1996 Ford Contour- excellent con- dition. Fully loaded. Leather. $6,200. (905)666-3982 1993 SATURN SL2, 5spd standard, 4dr, 230,000kms. Sold As-Is, $750 OBO. (905)433-1103. 1994 BONNEVILLE SSE,$2999; 1996 Saturn SL2 $2999; 1996 Taurus SW $2999; 1997 Intrepid $3299; Year End Sale! Over 25 vehicles to choose from starting as low as $1699 up. Certified & e- tested (Kelly & Sons since 1976). (905)683-7301 or (905)424-9002 1994 BUICK CENTURY, 199,000kms, a/c, automatic, 4 new tires, needs body work, uncertified. $1350 o.b.o. 905-649-3363. 1994 BUICK ROADMASTER, loaded, very good condition, owned by elderly gentleman. Call (905)985-9825 1995 ACCENT SPORT, 5spd standard, CD, sunroof, low kms, clean, e-tested, certifiable, great gas mileage. Asking $2995. Sven 905-626-1465, 905-579-1657 1995 FORD ESCORT LX Wagon. 4-cyl, automatic, 4-door, excellent condition, low kms, clean, drives A-1. Certified/Emissions $2600. Also 1992 HYUNDAI EXCELL, 4-cylinder, 4-door hatchback, rear spoiler, only 114,000-kms, no rust, clean interior, Certified/Emissions $1850. (905)718-5032 1998 MERCURY MYSTIQUE,4dr, 6cyl, 5-spd, loaded $2,500. e-test- ed. 1995 FORD AREOSTAR 6-cyl. Auto. PS-PB-A/C. Stereo. Low k's. $2250. Oshawa (905)720-0704 1998 SUNFIRE,certified, new ro- tors, new brakes, 187,000 k., $3,500 or best offer. Telephone (905) 831-0325. 1999 HONDA accord ex, 4 cylin- der, 5 speed, loaded, leather, pow- er door locks, sunroof, a/c, e-test- ed and certified. $ll,500. (905) 985- 3971 1999 OLDS INTRIGUE GL,3.8L V6, dark green w/tan leather interi- or, Bose stereo CD/cassette, new brakes, well maintained. E-tested April/04. Excellent car, must sell, leaving country. $9,600. Call 705- 328-1781 1999 PONTIAC SUNFIRE GT, Quad, 4 auto pdl,pw,prm, power sunroof, tilt, cruise, am/fm/cd, re- mote start. 182,000-kms. exc. cond. Certified & e-tested. Asking $4995. 905-435-0062, 905-571- 5138 2000 CHRYSLER NEON XL,fully loaded, new tires in August 2004, undercoating - August 2004, new sunroof November 2004, excellent condition, one owner, $7,500. or best offer. (905) 619-2658 2000 HONDA CIVIC EX,$12,500. 65160km, auto, beige, 4 cyl, air, cruise, am/fm cass, tilt, regular maintenance, pw, excellent condi- tion, no accidents, non-smoker, (905)665-0470 2002 TRACKER Soft Top, 5 speed, 4x4, side steps, fog lights, tinted windows, vent visors, hidden hitch, 39,000 km., asking $16,500 OBO. 905-342-2704. 2003 CAMRY -Grey, 49kms, load- ed, w/extras. Take over lease w/$500 down and $338/mo. or buy for $18,900. Winter tires $375 ex- tra. Call 416-473-0111. 96 Bonneville SE – Supercharged leather interior), sunroof, CD, load- ed, alloy wheels, tilt wheel, key- less entry, AM/FM, cass., A/C, - cert.,E-tested, $6,495 (416) 684- 3247. BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYANEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE (905) 767-0951 (905) 683-5358 CALL BRIDGET BANKRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED $ $ $ $ CARS & TRUCKS Any condition. Free towing, fast friendly service. Call (905)550-1214 or 905-767-0564 24 hours/7 days. $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $$$$ A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. To ps all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. A/P PAGE 36 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Service with a smile! For Great Job Opportunities check out our general employment section NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004, PAGE 37 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES SCRAP cars wanted, pay cash, free pick up, Ron 905-424-3508 or Leo 905-426-0357 SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407 WANTED - inexpensive car, run- ning or not, with little rust. Also seeking snowplow truck with plow, condition not important (using for yard cleaning). Call 905-434-0392. 1988 TOYOTA PICKUP 4X4,V6, a/c, reg. cab, body redone, 7ft. box, 49,000km. on new motor. $5000 as is obo. 905-668-3849 1993 GMC SIERRA SLE, fully loaded 5.0L, V8, auto, cab, runs perfect, clean, certified, e-tested. $4950. Call (905)665-3222 1994 DODGE DAKOTA,V6, auto, 4x4, extra cab, excellent condition, certified and e-tested, 177kms., $4750 OBO. call (905)442-5260 1994 FORD F150 PICK-UP 6-cyl, auto, a/c, am/fm, box liner, alumi- num wheels, 184,000-km, $4950. 905-723-5802 evenings 1994 CHEVROLET LUMINA APV mini van, 7-passenger, 3.1L, V6, air, p/s, p/b, p/dl, very nice condi- tion in/out, runs excellent, certi- fied/e-tested, $2400. Call 905-668- 2215 2000 GRAND CARAVAN,white w/tinted windows, loaded, keyless entry! Immaculate condition- $8,990, certified & e-tested. Call (905)668-6623 2001 VENTURE VAN,extended, 78,000 kil., loaded, black with grey interior. $14,000. Telephone (905) 579-9947 2002 FORD Windstar LX, green, 6 cyl., A/C, pw., pl., pm., tilt/cruise, AM/FM, cassette, 118,000 km., $9,500. Call 905-885-9978. Own- ers moving to Australia. FRIENDS & LOVERS Dating Ser- vice, don't wait for love to knock at your door. Call now free to listen, 905-683-1110 EXCLUSIVELY YOURS Discover Durham's Most Reputable Agency Without the attitude Quality time is our motto Discretion Guaranteed! Serious inquiries only Open 12pm daily (905)725- 2322 Asian Girls Best Service Best Price Best Quality Girls 19+, Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more 24hrs, Out Calls only 905-260-1238 PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com RELAX & ENJOY An Aroma/Reflex Massage By Male Attendant Call 905-427-7989 GARAGE DOORS • ELECTRIC OPERATORS Fast dependable service & repairs Sales & installation of quality doors and operators 905-852-1981 1-888-889-9788 www.up rightdoorservice.com We offer a 10 year pro-rated warranty on spring & cable repairs UP RIGHT DOOR SERVICE KING HOME IMPROVEMENTS Basement apts, Ceramic tiles, Stucco ceilings & repairs, Wet Basements Framing & Trimming Residential 25 years experience Mike (905)683-0190 or 416-420-6488 RESIDENTIAL SNOW CLEARING •contract or individual pricing •reliable & established since 1981 •snow blowers & shovels - no damage •fully insured and workers compensation •special consideration for seniors BREMNER POOL & SPA (905)831-2498 (800)267-5189 www.bremnerpool.com MARSHALL GROUP HOME IMP. Carpentry, Ceramic Tile, Laminate Flooring, Plumbing, General Repairs. Free Estimates Seniors Discounts (905) 428-3362 Ask for Paul marshallgroup@rogers.com BriCo Home Improvements *Basements *Decks *Drywall *Painting *Taping *Crown Moulding FREE ESTIMATES Call Brian 905-686-8841 or e-mail: b.gaudet@sympatico.ca DOORS "R" US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 F & M HOME RENOVATIONS Carpentry for all your needs! Framing basements, trim work, interior door installations You supply the material, we'll do the work! Call (905)420-7394 FOUNTAINHEAD Specializing in basement renovations Increase home value and comfort through upgrades •Hardwood flooring •Ceramics •Crown Molding Free Estimates call (416)230-0161 NEED A PLUMBER? call LEE'S Prompt, courteous & fair service. Call 579-2666 New Work & Alterations A service to fit all your plumbing needs. PLUMBER ON THE GO To p Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 AJOBW ELL D O NE!905-831-1812 Call Mike HOME RENOVATIONS•REPAIRS CARPENTRY • DRYWALL • DECKS ELECTRICAL & MORE. . . THE RENOVATOR Quality Workmanship Reliable Service Reasonable Rates Specialized in all Interior Renovations ✦ Basement Finisher ✦ Carpentry ✦ Electrical ✦ Flooring ✦ Painting ✦ Plumbing Free Estimates 905-426-3657 or 416-553-4309 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 GUARANTEED PAIN TING . . . We're back! "Pay as your are satisfied" Painting, plastering, Stucco ceiling repair/paint one room or whole house 30+ yrs exp. for free estimate call Scott c-905-718-8163 h-905-619-2406 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior Call for free estimate (905)686-7889 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 $45/hr 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmoving.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 Triumph Moving CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" SUPREME HOUSECLEANING BY LAURIE I work alone, 20 yrs. in business. I do everything and some AND I also bring my own cleaners. Bi-weekly, evenings & weekends available (905) 426-3711 CARPETS LAMINATES HARDWOOD Super Deal on Laminate & Carpets Free 10mm pad w/inst. 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Avail. & Wanted 194 S hared Accommodation 195 Retirement Living 196 Halls &Lodges 200 Vacation Properties 205 R entals Outside Canada 210 Mobile Homes & Parks 211 Motor Homes 215 Campers, Trailers, Sites 225 Camping Equipment 230 S ports Equipment 231 Aviation 232 B oats & Supplies 233 S nowmobiles 234 P ools & Supplies 235 Resorts, Camps 236 Travel 237 H obbies & Crafts 239 Women’s column 245 Births 246 A doptions 248 Birthdays 249 Coming Events 250 E ngagements 251 Forthcoming Marriages 252 Marriages 253 A nniversaries 254 Graduations 255 A nnouncements 256 D eaths 257 Obituaries 258 In Memoriam 259 Cardsof Thanks 260 Tenders 261 Legal Notices 262 Public Notices 263 Car Pools/Transportation 265 Lost and Found 267 Companions 268 Personals 269 S upport Groups 270 N annies/live-in/out 271 Mother’s Helpers 272 Nursery Schools 273 Daycare Available 274 Daycare Wanted 275 B abysitting 276 Private Tuition/Schools 277 Music & Dancing Instruction 278 R egistration 282 Places of Worship 284 Esthetics/Beauty Services 285 H ealth & Homecare 286 S enior Services 288 Fitness Services 290 Catering 292 Wedding Planner 293 Astrology 294 P sychics 295 Liaison Services 296 Amusements Clubs 298 F uneral Directors 299 Cemetery Plots 300 Market Basket 301 Flowers and Delivery 302 Farm Service 303 Horse Supplies and B oarding 305 P oultry and Livestock 306 Furniture 307 Clothing 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicycles 315 Articles Wanted 320 Garage/Yard Sales 325 Auctions 326 Warehouse Sales 330 Firewood 335 Christmas Trees 336 Woodstoves, Fireplace 340 Antiques and Art 345 B aby Needs 348 Restaurant Equipment 350 Industrial Equipment 352 Farm Equipment 353 A ppliances 355 Computer and Video 360 TV,Sound Systems 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 375 P hotography 380 Swap and Trade 385 Tickets for Sale 400 Cars For Sale 405 Cars Wanted 410 Trucks For Sale 415 Trucks Wanted 420 Vans/4-Wheel Drive 425 S ports Cars 430 Antique Cars 435 Motorcycles 440 Auto Parts/Supplies & Repairs 445 Auto Leasing & Rentals 446 Auto Financing 447 Driving Schools 450 Auto Care 455 Garage & Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 470 H eavy Duty Equipment 500 Career Training 501 Career Counseling & Resumes 505 Careers 507 Employment Agencies 509 Drivers 510 G eneral Help 511 Retail O pportunities 512 Summer Employment 514 Salon & Spa Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help 520 Computer & IT 525 O ffice Help 529 Inside Sales 530 SalesHelp & Agents 532 Retail Sales Help 535 Hospital/Medical/Dental 536 Veterinary Help 537 Holistic H ealth 540 Hotel/Restaurant 541 Part-Time Help 545 Teaching Opportunities 550 Domestic Help Wanted 555 Domestic Help Available 565 Volunteers 570 Employment Wanted 700 Home Improvements 701 Demoltion, Blasting 702 Garbage Removal/Hauling 705 H andyman 706 Chim ney Cleaning, Repair 707 Electrical Services 708 Masonry & Concrete 709 Carpentry 710 Painting and Decorating 715 Moving and Storage 718 Carpet Cleaning 720 Drapes, Upholstery 725 Dressmaking, Tailoring 730 Flooring, Carpeting 735 Gardening Supply, Landscaping 738 Lawnmower Sales, Repairs 740 S now Removal 746 C ourses 750 A ppliance Repairs 752 Lessons 900 Dating Services 905 A dult Entertainment 910 Massages Remembering Our Loved Ones In C h r i s t m a s C h r i s t m a s C h r i s t m a s T r i b u t e s T r i b u t e s T r i b u t e s N o w Now P u b l i s h i n g Publishing o n on S u n d a y Sunday D e c . 1 9 , 2 0 0 4 Dec. 19, 2004 D i d Y o u K n o w ... Did You Know... that if you place your Christmas Tribute with a colour (or black & white) photo, your tribute will automatically appear on our milestonedurhamregion.com website Fo r further information please call our Classified Sales Representative 905-683-0707 To r. Line 1-416-798-7259 A/P PAGE 38 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, December 10, 2004 www.durhamregion.com CAREER FAIR & JOB EXPO The solution for your hiring problems. Find the right people for the job! Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor St, E., Oshawa Public Welcome 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. 905-576-9335 or Tor onto 416-798-7259 • On B u s R o u t e • Fre e P a r k i n g • Fre e A d m i s s i o n Sunday, January 2 3 , 2005 Special N e w s p a p e r Publicati o n PRESENTS BOOK YOUR SPACE TODAY By calling your Classified Representative at This Week Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington WorkforceWorkforce In loving memory of my beloved husband Phillip G. Scarlett who passed away on December 12, 2000 My sweetheart, my husband, I once had Something special that money could not buy.I had a special love and had to say goodbye. My memories and photos are all I have to touch, of a very special person whom I love and miss so very much, and when I am feeling lonely and tears fill my eyes, I think of you at peace and I know I shouldn't cry. So, I hide my heartache as you would want me to, and when I cry my tears alone, no one hears them but you. My heart still aches and I whisper: God Bless you hon' I miss you so. Sadly missed by wife Louise; sisters Amy & Emily; Children; grand children; nephews and nieces; relatives and friends. We all miss you, "POPS". THAMAS 'Kuksi' Steve Suddenly, at his home in Pickering, on December 7, 2004. Steve, fondly remembered by his family Gyongyi Nagy, Zsuzsa Owen and son James, An- drea Nagy and Dan Sullivan and Dylan, Scott, Leanne, Kimberley and Tony Nagy. Remembered by his many friends and co-workers. Relatives and friends will be received at the McINTOSH-ANDER- SON FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King St. E., Oshawa (905-433-5558) on Saturday, December 11, 2004 from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service in the chapel at 11:00 a.m. Cremation. Donations made in memory of Steve to the Children's Aid Soci- ety would be appreciated. `ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“Ê 4(%.%73!$6%24)3%2 Ê $%#%-"%2 0!'%!0    "($ # (''#&"  "($ # (''#&"  &'$!&$&&%! $!%$" &% "($ !%%#$&#&!$&$% !$%& %"##!#$ + $%'$+'$ '' '% +$"!&"!!&+$%'&"## +)#&+ *%'&"&! +  +'$ & "%%!                                                        +') ( $ '&  ( $ 38,397)31192-'%8-327 6394 )**922        ' %$ ) %$ $ ) $ 0%77-'-6!=78)17 !8):))-00=    " $ "$ $ "(& '( -7)??!,-2)0-2( 0)%2)67 39+$)28>)0     %%!!& $ !,3)&3<33//))4-2+3 =2(%")78)6     '&)&%"()'- "$ $ 96,%10)%259%6= -'/,)8;=2(     #$-'+  92(0)@7,-12)=!)6:-') -00 92(0)      '%&')%' .%<%1-0=,-6346%'8-' 6-',%)0%98,-)6      %%")( !( ",%8,3'30%8)!,344) 2%40) %6+%6)8%14&)00     %"") %$$- '')0 )')-:%&0) %2%+)1)282' %90-8',)00     %#&*)'"('+  %96-231498)67 )66=%96-2    %$ ''(%$" (( ()$) "!)6:-')7 #-'/-!%1732     %*' ' 11)(-%8))0-:)6=%2( 396-)6!)6:-')2' )66=!4)2')6     *) %$*(  $)' 6)%8-:)%8,97-' 3&!4)2')6      ")'  $ 3)/786%0)'86-' 3&)683)/786%     $$ ""$$' (;%6(32)7 92)"-11327      "%' () )( 2+0-7,:=03;)67-*87 92)!8)4,)27     %#$(&) %$ 6%776338731) 274)'8-32 -1)71)      %#$%+) %$ 0-8)31)32')487 ")66=%1-)732    $(*'$ $'" 0%6/)!0-+,8)2796%2') 63/)67 "32=6%=      "$ $'+  %-07%-(!)6:-') %-0)67,%;    $  638)',983 )4%-6 -'/36-1     %')'%!' 3=%0-2%2'-%0!)6:-')72' 22))6%0%      &)  $ 39+)#%00)=48-'%0 %83948%6 3     $)' !4)'869131) 2,%2')1)28 "32=!>%&3        .. 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