HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2004_10_17 The Pickering 28 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 46,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2004 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 Ontario Realty Corporation to describe process PICKERING – The Ontario Real- ty Corporation is holding a public meeting to describe the environ- mental assessment process being undertaken in Seaton. The open house and public meeting take place Wednesday, Oct. 20 at Agape Temple Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1999 Fair- port Rd., south of Finch Avenue, from 5 until 9 p.m. The ORC, on behalf of the pro- vincial government, has com- menced a study regarding the acquisition of developer-owned lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine in Richmond Hill and the sale or transfer of provincially owned lands in Pickering. The land-swap deal was announced last month but the details of which parcels of land are being exchanged have yet to be made public. Marshall Macklin Monaghan has been retained to conduct the class EA and complete the EA study report. The purpose of the public meet- ing is to identify and describe what the ORC and the consultants are doing and to evaluate the alterna- tives. The open house runs from 5 to 7 p.m. with the presentation and public comment period running from 7 to 9 p.m. ‘Infatuated’ woman a hostile witness By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM – A woman who ad- mits she was “infatuated” with Cosmo Jacobson has denied being part of a plot to commit perjury at his first-degree murder trial. Maryanne Whelan, who be- friended the Pickering man while he was in jail awaiting trial for the 2001 murder of Roy Jones, said Fri- day she didn’t help him commu- nicate with a man who was being called as a witness by the Crown. Ms. Whelan was being ques- tioned by Paul Burstein, who represents Sean Hall, a long-time friend of Mr. Jacobson’s and his co-accused in the murder. The two men were being tried together until their cases were severed early this month. Mr. Burstein presented evidence which he says shows Mr. Jacob- son conspired with Kirk Rainford, his cousin, to alter testimony at the trial. Mr. Rainford testified a shaken Mr. Jacobson showed up at his Toronto apartment hours after Mr. Jones was shot in Ajax Feb. 4, 2001. Mr. Rainford testified under oath that Mr. Jacobson told him that night he had been standing lookout when Mr. Jones was shot. Te stifying in his own defence, Mr. Jacobson said Mr. Hall fired the fatal shots. Mr. Hall denies tak- ing part in the murder and has said he was many kilometres away, in Brantford, when Mr. Jones died. Mr. Burstein has theorized Ms. Whelan carried messages to Mr. Rainford about what he should say under questioning. In testy exchanges with Ms. Whelan, identified as a hostile wit- ness, Mr. Burstein portrayed her as a hopelessly smitten woman who www.blaisdale.com 12 mths - grade 8 5 Campuses in Durham Call Head Office 905-509-5005 Blaisdale MONTESSORI School Best Private School As voted by Ajax/Pickering Readers’ Choice Awards Limited spaces available Glenn Healy Customer Appreciation Day Win a $2,500 Vacation Voucher meet former Maple Leaf FREE BBQ • REFRESHMENTS • FACE PAINTING * Some conditions apply. Call for details. Sat., Sept. 18th 10am - 2:30pm 239 Station St., Ajax Call 686-2445 FULL CONCENTRATION TO SMASH THE RETURN A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo PICKERING – Daniel Chiu of Pine Ridge Secondary School pre- pares to unleash this forehand shot during a match at the LOSSA tennis competition at Whitby’s Iroquois Park this week. Daniel lost the match to Matthew Paplyk of Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High school. Trial witness denies plot to commit perjury ✦ See Former page 8 Open house will focus on Seaton environmental assessment A MICROCOSM Ajax neighbourhood has many cultures Diversity, Page 10 BOX STORES The new way of shopping is changing the GTA Boom town, Page 17 !00!'%.%73!$6%24)3%2 /CTOBER ÜÜÜ°`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“           "81<):-$+0663 "8-9+0663%68),-  #%! !  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Unless a decision is reached shortly, Regional Chairman Roger Anderson is adamant that the provincial courts must be out of the north Whitby head- quarters in eight months. “The lease has expired and they’ve been served notice to vacate by the end of June,” he said after more than an hour of in-camera meetings with regional council Wednesday. “Unless negotiations come to an end very soon, the Province will be forced to vacate.” The existing regional headquarters is slated for demolition July 2, and the su- perior, enforcement and small claims courts will go down with it (the provin- cial offences courts, which handle mat- ters such as traffic tickets, are moving to the new headquarters). Brendan Crawley, a spokesman for the Attorney General, said the Province is optimistic. “The Ministry wishes to pursue a mutually acceptable position with the Municipality,” he said, adding the Prov- ince’s goal is to renew the lease with the Region. Discussions between the two parties “are proceeding well,” he said. Asked what the Province would do if the building is demolished, Mr. Craw- ley said he “didn’t want to speculate beyond what I just said.” He refused to comment on whether tearing down the courts — which have been identified by the same ministry as being plagued with severe backlogs — would add to case delays. “What they have to do now is make a decision,” Mr. Anderson said, adding he is hopeful the two sides will come to terms shortly. “The last thing the Re- gion of Durham wants to do is to fight the Province of Ontario.” Regional council had two lengthy in- camera meetings in the past few weeks to discuss the issue; the details of those meetings have not been released. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 3 P Lynde Creek Village is a great place to start! Choose a suite in our brand new Retirement Residence – Lynde Creek Manor, or one of the few remaining bungalows in our third and final bungalow phase. Whatever your preference you will find this is a truly unique adult lifestyle retirement community offering the best of both worlds. L YNDE CREEK MANOR Retirement Residence For information call 905-665-9227 Proudly managed by Community Lifecare Management Inc.Caring Since 1959. Opening October 2004 OPEN HOUSELynde Creek ManorRetirement ResidenceOctober 20, 2-4 pm TTTTaunton Rdaunton Rdaunton Rdaunton Rd.... 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If you have ever dreamed of owning a BMW, there has never been a better time to make it a reality. Don’t miss it. Visit your local BMW Retailer today. BMW Experience Centre 920 Champlain Court, Whitby (905) 428-4900 www.experience.bmw.ca BMW HWY. 2 DUNDAS ST. CONSUMERS RD. HWY. 401 W E BROCK ST. THICKSON RD. N HOPKINS CHAMPLAIN CRT. DRIVER EDUCATION CENTRE 68 HARWOOD AVE. S. 905-426-9611 • Get your license 4 months earlier • 25 Hrs. In Class • 10 Hrs. In Car • Save up to 41% on Insurance • G2 and G Road Test Preparation $35000 GST Incl. DON’T DRINK & DRIVE WE CARE Complete Defensive Driving Course Ministry of Transportation approved course provider Course Ministry of Transportation approved course provider Complete Defensive DrivingComplete Defensive Driving Course Ministry of Transportation approved course provider Complete Defensive Driving Course Ministry of Transportation approved course provider Complete Defensive Driving Course Ministry of TransportationEvening course starts Thursday, Oct.28 at 5:30 pm Registration Thursday’s from 4:30 to 5:30 pm Monday, Dec. 20-23 4 DAY COURSE A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo A shocking display PICKERING – Barry Barton demonstrates the effect of a small shock during a presentation by Veridian Connections at Sir John A. Macdonald Public School recently. ‘Yours in Electrical Safety’ taught the students how to be safe around electricity. Provincial courthouse served eviction notice A/P PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com Be the Champion of Savings! This month’s winning number 900815 THIS MONTH’S PRIZE Your heavyweight envelope delivers a POWERFUL Savings Punch! CALL YOUR METROLAND BONUS PAK REPRESENTATIVE AT 905-683-5110 JOIN THESE MAJOR ADVERTISERS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS OFFERED IN THE BONUS PAK: Not exactly as illustrated Rules and regulations available upon request Check October’s envelope to see if it PAKS even more Punch! You could have the WINNING NUMBER delivered Wed. Oct. 20 This mon t h ’ s winning n u m b e r 900815 Advertisers may very depending on distrabution area FREE spa care S eminar Interested in buying a Spa or are you a current owner? Date: Thursday October 21 Time: 7:30 to 9:00 pm P lace: Diplomat Pools & Spas 637 Kingston Rd. Pickering 5 TIME READERS CHOICE AWARD WINNER HOT TUBS • INGROUND POOLS • ABOVE GROUND POOLS 905-839-8399 DIPLOMAT POOLS & SPAS RSVP - BRING A FRIEND Making your backyard dreams a reality Special Feature see page 13 - 15 for a Fitness and Health Club overview LIFE DOESN’T ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL PAYDAY! (905) 426-5134 11 Hardwood Ave. S., Ajax OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • PAYDAY LOANS • TITLE LOANS • NO CREDIT NECESSARY • BORROW UP TO 33% OF YOUR PAY Jubilance Singers and Orchestra at Bayfair PICKERING – Entertain- ment and worship will go hand-and-hand at a Picker- ing church on Sunday. The Jubilance Singers and Orchestra, a missions outreach team that has performed almost 800 con- certs around over the world, performs at Bayfair Baptist Church, starting at 6 p.m. on Oct. 17. All are welcome to at- tend. The church’s at 817 Kingston Rd. (east of Whites Road). Meeting features great music DURHAM – The Durham West Arts Centre’s annual general meeting promises to be an entertaining affair. The centre’s first AGM, slated for Sauters Inn, Hwy. 2 in Pickering Village (Ajax) on Tuesday, Oct. 19 from 7 to 10 p.m., will feature en- tertainment from guitarists ‘The Nick Cuda Duo’ and from vocalists ‘The Ethno- cats’. Recognition for the cen- tre’s volunteers and the election of officers will take place at the meeting. For more information, call the Durham West Arts Centre at 905-686-7697. Music and worship all set for SundayArts centre hosts entertaining AGM durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 5 A/P SPECIALSALE Carriers of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Sara & Meagan Friday’s carriers of the week Sara & Meagan. They enjoy dancing & tennis. They will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Sara & Meagan for being our Carrier of the Week. * Bell World Ajax * Fairport Guardian Drugs Pick. * Glenanna Guardian Drugs Pick. * Health Rite IDA Pharmacy Ajax * Little Caesars Ajax * Princess Auto Ajax/Pick. * Revlon Shoe Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * Westney Guardian Drugs Ajax Sun., Oct. 17, 2004 News Advertiser Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between Oct. 20 - Oct. 24/04 Special Feature see page 13 - 15 for a Fitness and Health Club overview FUNDERS CAFÉ Tuesday, October 26 Free information sessions on financial and other assistance for not-for-profit organizations, their activities and projects. These organizations will be on hand: HRSD, Ontario Trillium Foundation, United Way, Urban Affairs and Housing, Community Foundation of Durham, Durham Lives, Region of Durham, Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition Afternoon:1:30 – 3:30 Faith United Church, 1778 Nash Road, Courtice Evening:7:00 - 9:00 Scugog Community Centre, 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry More information at 905-686-0781 or 1-866-746-3696 or fundingconnection@rogers.com ALL THAT JAZZ BUS TOURS NEW YORK CITY WKNDS October 22-24 • October 29-31 U.S.A. Thanksgiving Wknd. • November 24 - 27 EXPERIENCE MACEYS DAY PARADE & SALE Pick up Scarborough ................Markham & Sheppard Pickering ......................Pickering Town Centre Ajax ...............................Harwood Plaza (Beside Food Basics) FREE REFRESHMENTS Call Jazz 416-249-5299 or 416-409-9263 Call Today - Limited Space (Sears lower level 6) Santa CruzSanta Cruz CuisineCuisine Canadian & Caribean Food Restaurant & Catering Dine-In & Take Out CALLING ALL EAST COASTERS!!! Come on in for a night of down home music and food!!! We’ll even have a cod fish on hand to screech in your mainlander friends. So if your have been missing the old rock, come on in for some Newfie good cheer. Santa Cruz - October 22 @ 7:00 pm 905-426-3326 - 158 Harwood Ave., Ajax IT’STHE4SALE 4 DAYS ONLY OCT. 20, 21, 22, 23 $4 MILLION IN INVENTORY See our ad in Wednesday’s Wheels 4 SALE BIGGEST SALE EVER Pickering Honda’s BIGGEST SALE EVER We can be reached at 905-683-5110 NEWS ADVERTISER Drive-through flu clinic available in Ajax and Pickering Health staff set to vaccinate thousands By Carly Foster Staff Writer DURHAM – Residents of all abilities will be able to get a flu shot this year, as the health department in- troduces a drive-through vaccination station. On Saturday, Oct. 30, people who would other- wise have problems at- tending a regular flu clinic can attend a special one at Bill Nurse Chevrolet Cadil- lac, 1530 Dundas St. E., in Whitby. Flu shots will be given through car windows so residents do not have to exit their vehicles. Residents who have dif- ficulty walking, are frail, are recovering from stroke, heart attack or brain injury, have recently had joint sur- gery, are on oxygen, have hearing or vision problems, are developmentally or mentally challenged or are immunocompromised are encouraged to attend. “We’re hoping that this will provide access to the in- fluenza vaccine to those in our community who might otherwise face challenges in trying to get to one of the Health Department’s public clinics,” said Karen Clarke, a public health nurse with the Region. Last year, the health de- partment immunized 20,000 Durhamites against influ- enza, compared to 10,000 in 2001, said Durham’s Medi- cal Officer of Health, Dr. Robert Kyle. Free clinics are once again available across Durham for those over 6 months old. Residents must book an appointment at the drive through clinic by Oct. 27 by calling 905-723-8521 or 1-800-841-2729 ext. 2900. More information on all clinics is available at the same numbers. PICKERING Nov. 4, 4 to 8 p.m. Dunbarton High School, 655 Sheppard Ave. Nov. 12, Dec. 9, 4 to 8 p.m. Pickering Recreation Complex, O’Brien room, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Nov. 18, 4 to 8 p.m. St. Mary Catholic Second- ary School, 1918 Whites Rd. AJAX Nov. 10 and 24, 4 to 8 p.m. Ajax Community Centre, HMS room, 75 Centennial Rd. Nov, 16 and Dec. 7, 4 to 8 p.m. McLean Centre, 95 Magill Dr.Pickering and Ajax locations holding clinics DURHAM – With the need for blood supplies never ending, Ajax and Pickering residents can help out by donating at upcoming clin- ics. The following Canadian Blood Services donor clin- ics are scheduled: • Holy Redeemer Parish, church hall, 796 Eyer Dr., We dnesday, Oct. 20 from 3:30 to 8 p.m. • Pickering Recreation Complex, O’Brien Room, 1867 Valley Farm Rd., Thursday, Oct. 28 from 3:30 to 8 p.m. • St. Isaac Jogues Church, church hall, 1148 Finch Av e., Thursday, Oct. 28 from 3:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, call Canadian Blood Ser- vices at 1-888-462-4056 Give the gift of life Delivering for the Future What do you call someone who runs their own business, braves summer heat and the winter chill, is on the job in the rain, snow and sleet, is always cheerful and courteous and who brings the product right to your door every time without fail while also trying to conquer the intricacies of math, science and auditioning for the first-chair saxophone in the school band? A News Advertiser Carrier Tommorow’s entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers and craftsmen are today’s newspaper carriers. learn skills that will last a lifetime, and earning a little money on the side couldn’t hurt either. For more information on how to become a News Advertiser Carrier call 905-683-5117 Become a carrier Today AJAX Dooley Cres. Woodcock Ave. Spraggins Ln. Brocklesby Cres. Chatfield Dr. Monk Cres. Morland Cres. Montebello Cres. Strickland Dr. Perfitt Cres. Fletcher Ave. Hibbard Dr. Ingold Ln. Fishlock St. Dent St. Freer Cres. Carter-Bennett Dr. Oxlade Cres. Sabbe Cres. Bradbury Cres. McSweeney Cres. Seggar Ave. Larner Dr. Delaney Dr. Bowers Ct. Brockman Cres. Sharp Cres. Hughes Cres. Gill Cres. Horne Ave. Simonds Dr. Gardiner Dr. Humphrey Dr. Chalmers Dres. Hilling Dr. patience Ln. Blackburn Cres. Adams Dr. Admiral Rd. Athlane Ave. Warwick Ave. Rands Rd. Lake Driveway E. KinnisonCt. Dorling Ave. Wicks Dr. Burcher Rd. Kings Cres. Bartlett Dr. Hardland Cres. PICKERING 1958 Rosefield Rd. Alpine Ln. Clearside Ct. Ashford Dr. 1915 Denmar Rd. 1623 Pickering Pkwy. 1945 Denmar Rd. Craighurst Ct. Falylee Cres. Wingarden Cres. 1331 Glenanna Rd. Glen Eden Ct. Listowell Cres. 1975 Rosefield Rd. 1370 Fieldlight Blvd. Fairport Rd. 1635 Pickering Pkwy. Glendale Dr. Strouds Ln. Canterbury Cres. Fiddlers Ct. Rougemount N. Whitepine Thicket Cres. Sheppard Ave. 925 Bayly St. Woodview St. Daylight Ct. Barry Ave. Old Forest Rd. Westshore Blvd. Sparrow Cir. Hummingbird Ct. Pinegrove Ave. Highbush Tr. Hogarth St. 1865 Kingston Rd. Everton St. Yeremi St. 1467 Whites Rd. Liverpool Rd. Southcott Rd. Marshcourt Dr. Burnside Dr. Larksmere Cres. Brands Ct. Leaside St. 1975 Memory Ln. Radom St. We are currently prospecting for Carriers in the following areas: *Streets listed not necessarily available EDITORIAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR We need to push harder for people to recycle To the editor: Re: ‘Durham’s garbage proves A-OK’, Oct. 10. I read with interest the article about Durham’s trash being safe to ship to a landfill site in Michigan, with tough new regulations concerning what they deem acceptable trash coming into effect Oct. 30. It mentions that any violation of the new regulations, things like glass, pop cans, tires etc... could cause our trash to be sent back here to Durham at the Region’s expense. I want to know, how do we as a community enforce those regulations in our own neighbourhoods? I can’t help but no- tice neighbours who are oblivious to the fact that they don’t recycle. Not that their blue box isn’t as full as mine, but they don’t even bother to put one out. Is it mandatory to recycle? Does anyone enforce these regulations at a neighbourhood or community level? I suggest that in order to ensure our municipal waste meets the requirements set by those who receive it, we need to bet- ter inform our communities and emphasize and enforce the recycling rules. Bonnie McDonald Ajax NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker, Publisher Joanne Burghardt, Editor-in-Chief To ny Doyle, Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher, Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak, Classified Advertising Abe Fakhourie, Distribution Manager Lillian Hook, Office Manager Cheryl Haines, Composing Manager Janice O’Neil. Composing Manager [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110; Classi- fieds 905-683-0707; Distribution 905-683-5117; News Fax 905-683- 0386; General Fax 905-683-7363; E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com; Mailing Address; 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Tr ade, Ontario Community News- paper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that ad- dresses reader complaints about member newspapers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791. [ Letters Policy ]-- We w elcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer com- plaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e-mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion. com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been chosen for publication. But we have to take chances every once in a while If there is one (social) thing that can completely terrify a human, it is try- ing new things. We are creatures of comfort, routine, sameness and stability. We like to be around people we know and do familiar activities. Humans like routine. But sometimes we have to step out of our assigned boundaries and try some- thing different. Because humans are also curious. And some of us need to constantly have new things in our lives or risk breaking down from boredom. So the other night — after spend- ing the days leading up to it grasping at reassurances from the husband, the dog and the editor — I went blindly to a public school to play competitive women’s basketball. Several things made this potentially disastrous: 1) I knew not a single soul; 2) I had not shot hoops since tryouts in Grade 9; 3) I had not shot hoops since tryouts in Grade 9. For the first hour, I was convinced I would not come back. There is no easing into this league. While half of the women in the gym were newbies, only three of us had limited experience. So most everyone knew the three-man weave and the three-on-two, one-on- two drill. And as enthusiastic a person as I am, I take a little longer than most to learn new techniques that require coor- dination. I am a miserable failure at step aerobics. So I had to observe said drills a half-dozen times before an exasperated veteran shoved the ball in my face and forced me to go. Scared and intimidated, my tail was almost between my legs. I was con- vinced the two organizers of the league were going to classify me as a C player — those with not a lot of skill but “who just want to come out and have fun.” But then we actually started playing, and the rest of the night was a blur of running, dribbling, stealing, sweating and yelling. It was a blast. I’ll go back next week. I know I’ll still be a little nervous, but I refuse to give up. I will make basketball not so new and a little more familiar. Because we are human. Carly Foster’s column ap- pears every third Sunday. E-mail cfoster@durhamregion.com. Change is hard for everyone Carly Foster staff writer EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com Hospices are there to help out Ontario Hospice Awareness Week winds down Sunday, but the community’s need for the services the organi- zation provides keeps on growing. Durham Region residents are fortunate to have free hos- pice services for the asking. People living with life-threaten- ing illnesses, caregivers, families of the terminally ill and residents struggling with grief can all turn to hospice for help. Hospice Durham, based in Whitby, provides services from Pickering to Clarington south of Hwy. 7, while North Durham Hospice serves residents of Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock. The non-profit, volunteer-driven hospice organizations provide invaluable services to those trying to cope with the difficult issues of illness and death. In palliative care services, hospice volunteers can offer emotional support, companionship and respite services, giv- ing family caregivers time to themselves. Volunteers can stay in contact through visits and phone calls, or offer help with errands, light meal preparation or transportation. Bereave- ment support is also offered, in group or individual sessions. It’s incredible that hospice can offer all of this, without charg- ing any fees. According to North Durham Hospice, a recent poll indi- cated 90 per cent of Canadians would like to remain in their own homes during the final stages of life, but 75 per cent of deaths take place in hospitals and long-term care homes. Hospice provides that all-important helping hand that al- lows more people with life-threatening illnesses to remain at home, while providing needed support to family members. Thousands and thousands of volunteer hours are given to hospice each year. While grants are provided by the Minis- try of Health, hospice organizations are also dependent on private gifts, in-memoriam donations and fundraising activi- ties. Here at home, Hospice Durham is building its volunteer hours back up, after nearly having to close its doors in 2002. In addition to working with clients, volunteers can also help with community education, office work and fundrais- ers. Financial donations are also welcome. Support your community hospice, and you can be sure it will be there to support you if you need it. A/P PAGE 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 durhamregion.com Driver charged after brief chase By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM – Ten drivers, including one who tried to run away from officers, are facing charges after being stopped by Durham Re- gional Police during a holi- day weekend RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Every- where) campaign. In addition, six people were charged with driving while exceeding the legal blood-alcohol limit after being stopped at roadside checkpoints between Oct. 7 and 9, police said. Shortly after 9 p.m. Satur- day, officers at a RIDE check- point on Liberty Street in Bowmanville saw a car ap- proach, and then suddenly drive away. Police pursued and stopped the car a short distance away, charging the male driver with dangerous driving, driving while under suspension and engaging police in a pursuit. And RIDE officers pulled double duty Friday night, assisting other cops as they dispersed a large crowd that had gathered for a street race in the vicinity of Taunton and Harmony roads. Police also charged two drivers engaged in a race after midnight on Dundas Street between Garrard and Thornton roads in Whitby, according to reports. Speeds reached 140 km/h in the 50 km/h zone, po- lice said; both drivers were charged. During the weekend RIDE effort Durham police, work- ing with volunteers from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, stopped 2,120 ve- hicles. Police conducted 60 roadside breath tests and in addition to six impaired drivers, 11 were found to register a warning and had their licences suspended for 12 hours. Three other drivers were charged with drug offences, police said. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 7 A/P Book a Vacation on your Sears Card Collect Valuable Sears Club Points Redeem For Sears Merchandise 2 DAY SALE Planning a winter getaway? Don’t miss Sears Travel’s 2 DAY SALE Exclusively with OUTSTANDING VALUE on selected Transat Holidays Vacation Packages only, when you book through Sears Travel during this EXCLUSIVE Event! OCT. 16 & 17 ONLY! += † *See Sears Travel location nearest you or www.SearsTravel.ca for complete details, terms and conditions. †Prices during 2 Day Sale are valid on new bookings only October 16 & 17, 2004 with Transat Holidays through Sears Travel. Sale prices are valid on select vacation packages only. See Sears Travel for complete details, terms and conditions. ©2004 Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg.#2264141 TRAVEL NOW, PAY LATER* EQ UAL PAYMENTS* Interest FreeOR 12 Use Your Sears Card Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-7600 DENTALDENTAL CENTRECENTRE MBERLEA WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 • Extractions in Hospital • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Collect from Insurances Voted “BEST DENTAL” 2003 Fallsview CasinoFallsview CasinoFallsview Casino (Pay $20 Fare & Receive a $20.00 Casino Coin Rebate Limited Time Offer* ) For Reservationsl Call 1-877-223-7555 (Toll Free) Mon. to Fri. 9am - 5pm & Sat 9am - 1pm *Must be 19 years or older, government issued photo identification required to obtain player’s card. Every Wednesday & Sunday Mornings Pick ups in: Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax & Pickering FREE TRIP Special Feature see page 13 - 15 for a Fitness and Health Club overview CHARLES TAWES, April 27th 2005 Charles is the curator of the Bowmanville Museum, here in Durham Region. He will be speaking at the Oshawa Public Library, from 7-9p.m., about the ‘History on the Great Lakes’, of which our home happens to border on. FRANK MORITSUGU, November 11th, 2004 Canadian War Veteran, author and publisher… Frank will be our luncheon speaker on Nov. 11th And will share his experiences as a Japanese-Canadian Living in Canada during WWII. D’ARCY JENISH, March 23rd, 2005 Author and editor… D’Arcy will discuss his book “Epic Wanderer: David Thompson and the Mapping of the Canadian West”. David Thompson was responsible for exploring and mapping the main trading routes between the St. Lawrence and the Pacific Ocean. THE CANADIAN CLUB OF DURHAM REGION For more information on the Canadian Club of Durham Region, or to reserve a seat please contact our Membership Chair, Marion Bryant at 905-723-6645. Invites you to special dates this upcoming season at the Holiday Inn, Bloor Street, Oshawa (unless otherwise noted) Police busy with 10 charged in Durham’s holiday RIDE blitz We can be reached at 905-683-5110 tdoyle@durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Food for thought AJAX – Gayle Russell enjoys a cob of corn during the recent Community Living second annual barbecue in support of United Way. The organization raises money for the United Way and the United Way supports the organization with crucial operating funds. Former Ajax resident testifies to seeing man with gun fleeing the scene A/P PAGE 8 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com vote 2004 Readers' Choice Awards stand up and be counted! www.411durhamregion.com/readerschoice voting is easy at: Until October 17th,log onto www.411durhamregion.com/readerschoice and take part in the 8th annual Readers’Choice Award. Cast your vote for your favourite community businesses,in 6 different categories,and have the chance to win a $500 SHOPPING SPREE! All voting is online at www.411durhamregion.com/readersch oice.Winner of shopping spree will be determined by random draw.Chances of winning depends on the number of entries.One entry per address. Employees of Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.Judges discretion as to validity of entries is final.Deadline for entries is 11:59pm, Sunday,October 17,2004. LAST DAY TO VOTE: by MIDNIGHT SUNDAY, O C T . 1 7 PAC IFIC ENERGY CANADA’S FINEST STOVES THE Closed Sunday- Monday 900 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY (Behind The Restaurant) 905668-3192 SINCE 1975 • High Efficiency • Clean Burning • Ash Drawer • Porcelain Enamel Colours SUPER27 WOODSTOVE would do anything to help Mr. Ja- cobson. “You are completely infatuated with Mr. Jacobson,” he suggested Friday morning in a Whitby court- room. “I was,” Ms Whelan replied. “There was nothing you wouldn’t have done for him,” the lawyer said. “No. That’s not correct,” the wit- ness responded. Tensions between the two boiled over the previous day, when Ms. Whelan said outside court she’d like to “smack Burstein in the head”, the jury heard. In other evidence Friday, a for- mer Ajax resident told the jury she saw a man armed with a handgun fleeing the scene of the shooting shortly after hearing shots ring out. Betty Spahar, who lived in a house near the intersection of Twilley Lane and Pickering Beach Road (now Salem Road), testified she was relaxing in front of the television around 10:30 p.m. Feb. 4, 2001, when the sound of a gun- shot compelled her to go to her kitchen to peer through sliding glass doors that overlooked the intersection. “When I was heading toward my kitchen, I heard three consecutive shots,” Ms. Spahar said. She told the jury she saw a man leaving Twilley Lane on a dead run and heading south on Pickering Beach toward Mandrake. “He was running extremely fast,” she said. “He was not looking to see where he was going; he was just running really fast. “The thing that caught my eye the most that evening was what he had in his right hand,” Ms. Spahar continued. “I believe it was a gun.” Ms. Spahar said a car came up Pickering Beach Road and turned onto Twilley “seconds” after the man left a scene. She told the court she soon heard the sound of a young woman screaming. Evidence for the defence in this long-running trial will soon wrap up; a much-anticipated witness, expected after a week-long break, is a former girlfriend of Mr. Hall’s who is expected to testify he was with her in Brantford, watching a football game, the night Mr. Jones was gunned down. Mr. Jones, a security guard at the Metro East Trade Centre, was killed just days before he was to testify against Mr. Jacobson in court on robbery charges connected to a home invasion. Mr. Jones had seen Mr. Jacobson using credit cards stolen in the robbery soon after it occurred in June 2000. On Friday, Justice Donald Fer- guson, the judge presiding over the case, instructed the jury on how they can use some of the evi- dence Mr. Hall gave during nearly two weeks on the witness stand. The judge told jurors that while they have heard much of Mr. Hall’s criminal past, including drug deal- ing and convictions for robbery and assault, they cannot use that testimony to draw the inference he is a person who is likely to be guilty of murder. But jurors can consider such revelations as they attempt to de- termine Mr. Hall’s credibility, the judge said. Soon, jurors will hear closing arguments from the Crown and defence and a charge from Justice Ferguson, before retiring to con- sider a verdict. IT’STHE4SALE 4 DAYS ONLY OCT. 20, 21, 22, 23 $4 MILLION IN INVENTORY See our ad in Wednesday’s Wheels 4 SALE BIGGEST SALE EVER Pickering Honda’s BIGGEST SALE EVER ✦ Former from page 1 DURHAM – MP Mark Hol- land is keeping an eye on the public purse. The Member of Parliament for Ajax-Pickering was recent- ly appointed to the House of Commons standing committee on public accounts. “O ne of my major goals is to improve the fiscal account- ability of the federal govern- ment,” Mr. Holland said. “This appointment gives me an excel- lent opportunity to concentrate on ensuring that taxpayers get value for their money.” The appointment draws on Mr. Holland’s financial skills. He served on the finance com- mittee as a regional council- lor and he has also worked for CIBC and RBC Dominion Secu- rities. The public accounts commit- tee is responsible for reviewing the public accounts, reports of the auditor general, reports on plans and priorities, annual per- formance reports and other relat- ed matters that may be referred to it by the House of Commons. Its focus is the econ- omy, ef- ficiency and effectiveness of government administration, the quality of delivery of pro- grams and the government’s accountability to Parliament for its spending. The committee has come into the spotlight through its investigation earlier this year of the federal sponsorship scan- dal. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 9 A/P Trustee Trustee In In BankruptcyBankruptcy Trustee Trustee In In BankruptcyBankruptcy Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives “Lets find solutions together!” Over 20 Years Experience James R. Yanch OSHAWA 122 Albert St . 905-721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. (By Appt. Only) 905-619-1473 Saturday & Evening Appt.’s Available FREE CONSULTATION Community event to help family battling Mesothelioma PICKERING – A fundraiser will aid a local man and his family in the battle against a rare form of cancer. Money raised from the event, at the Pickering Recreation Complex’s west banquet hall on Friday, Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m., will help Doug O’Donnell’s family as he fights the rare can- cer Mesothelioma. Raffles, a 50/50 draw, live bands, food, music and a silent auction will be held. Tickets are $15 per person. For more information, call Cherie or Judy Russell 905-509- 0036. Special Feature see page 13 - 15 for a Fitness and Health Club overview Fundraiser in Pickering to help cancer patient New MP has appointment with committee on public accounts Mark Holland Hear a tale or two PICKERING – Claremont and Greenwood children are wel- comed to attend family story- time sessions. The Pickering Public Library is gearing storytime at its rural branches for two- to five-year- olds, but everyone is welcome to the free sessions. Family storytime at the Green- wood branch is Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m., while in Claremont it’s Thursdays at 10 a.m. Both programs are free. For more information, call 905-683- 8844 for Greenwood and 905- 649-3341 for Claremont. A/P PAGE 10 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com Ajax neighbourhood represents diversity of the town, the country This is the ninth in a series of stories exploring the ever-evolv- ing and expanding multicultural makeup of Durham Region. By Danielle Milley Staff Writer AJAX – On a beautiful early au- tumn afternoon a group of neigh- bours gather for a backyard barbe- cue. The sun shines down from a clear sky on the dozen or so chil- dren running around and playing. The adults chat and laugh, catch- ing up with friends or meeting new ones while they sip punch. “Hi, I’m Vivian. I live over there,” says Vivian Kakuk pointing. “I live there,” John Vu replies. As the neighbours continue to pour into the spacious backyard they mill around the tables sam- pling tasty dishes. There is a card next to each dish indicating its name, its ingredients and country of origin. The card on the tandoori chick- en indicates it is an Indian dish. It sits next to the Italian bruschetta, Thai spring rolls and a Jewish dip - a variety of food to reflect the diversity of the neighbourhood. Malcolm Gomes and his fam- ily have lived in the new lakeside community for 18 months and even before he moved into his Cape Cod-style home, he realized there was something unique about his community and it wasn’t just the nautical theme of the subdivi- sion. He first noticed it when the de- veloper held a meet-your-neigh- bour night before the homes were finished. “That’s when I started realizing that he’s from this country and she’s from that country and then I started counting and at last count it was 20,” Mr. Gomes says. Some of the diverse people gath- ered in the backyard on that sunny Sunday afternoon included a cou- ple from Hungary, another from Russia, a man born in Vietnam and raised in France, and an American family. Many other cultures are present in the neighbourhood, in- cluding Chinese, Kenyan, English, Filipino, Guyanese, Swedish and Bulgarian. “It’s almost like the microcosm of Canada and Canada is one of the few countries where all these nationalities get along,” Mr. Gomes says. “This, I hope, reflects what is happening in the rest of Canada.” Mr. Gomes and his wife Cynthia are from India and before coming to Canada they lived in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates for 15 years where their two children were born. In Dubai his children were ex- posed to a variety of different cul- tures and different people. “We’re pretty lucky to be in this neighbourhood and continue that,” he says as his 10-year-old daughter Aramita plays in the corner of the yard with her best friend who is here temporarily from Michigan. “They also grow up colour- blind,” he adds of a benefit of rais- ing his children in a multicultural neighbourhood. Mr. Gomes himself is a mixture of cultures as his mother is Portu- guese and his father is Indian. But, compared to some of their neigh- bours, the diversity of the Gomes family seems almost drab. Alison Vu, her husband John and their three young children moved to the neighbourhood last year, al- though they have lived in Ajax for four years. “I grew up in Ajax and it was no- where near as diverse as it is,” she says, noting it has really changed since her return. “(The diversity) really just enriches the commu- nity.” The Vu family is a microcosm of the microcosm that is the neigh- bourhood. Ms. Vu was born in Wa les before moving to Canada and Mr. Vu was born in Vietnam and raised in France. They like to expose their three children to different cultures and different food so having them grow up in this environment is going to add a richness to their lives, they say. Ms. Kakuk agrees. “It’s a great place for the kids to learn about the world they live in,” she says of the neighbourhood. Ms. Kakuk is Chinese while her husband, who was born in France, is half Hungarian and half Polish. She thinks her diverse neigh- bourhood is fantastic. “I like a global sort of environ- ment,” she says. “The differences make it great.” It isn’t just the children who are learning from their neighbours and sharing with them, the adults are too. Ms. Gomes said she never knew that perogies were from the Ukraine. “I just asked if she could get me the recipe, I would love to try to make it,” she said. The dish was prepared by the barbecue’s host Stephanie Moore. Ms. Moore is Hungarian and Ukrainian and her husband An- drew is Greek and English. They moved from England a few years ago. She said not only is the neigh- bourhood ethnically diverse but it is diverse in other aspects. “We’re from not only different ethnic backgrounds but different age groups too and we all seem to be getting along great,” she said. She moved here in May 2003 with her husband and young son James from the Beaches in Toronto where she said she never knew any of her neighbours. Along with her son, she has a baby on the way. “I’m pleased he’ll get to grow up in this and be open,” she said. For Kelly Walkowski it isn’t just this neighbourhood or Ajax where people from all over the world get along, she sees the whole country that way. “To me I find Canada like that,” she said. “It’s totally different from the States.” Ms. Walkowski moved to Ajax with her family three years ago from Michigan when her husband was transferred for work. They are eventually going back but she said the experience here is going to benefit her children - especially nine-year-old Kayla. “It will help her to get along (with others). It helps her to realize all the different nationalities and help her get along with everybody,” she said. As the sun set in the east, the barbecue carried on strong with people from all different cultures and backgrounds laughing, chat- ting and getting along. A microcosm of the world ‘It’s almost like the microcosm of Canada and Canada is one of the few countries where all these nationalities get along.’ Malcolm Gomes Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photos Stephanie Moore shares a laugh with her neighbour Vivian Kakuk at a year- end barbecue, where this south Ajax neighbourhood enjoys a rich cultural diversity. They get together to share cultures, customs and especially a wide variety of specialty dishes. Little Rhiannon hides in her dad’s legs, John Vu, while the conversation flows at the year-end barbecue. Mr. Vu is Vietnamese and his wife Alison, is Welsh. ‘It’s a great place for the kids to learn about the world they live in.’ Vivian Kakuk With the recent news that government has delisted OHIP physiotherapy, many people feel they no longer have access to the treatment, education and preventative medicine offered by physiotherapy. The delisting only effected 120 clinics of over 600 in Ontario. Clinics continue with coverage through extended health care plans, MVA insurance, WSIB and private pay. When you are free to move – when you have mobility – you feel better and enjoy life more. Physiotherapy is the health care profession dedicated to enhancing and retraining that mobility. Physiotherapy’s unique contribution to health care stems from it’s advanced understanding of how the body moves, what keeps it from moving, where and how to restore movement. Your physiotherapist has the education, applied knowledge and treatment techniques to help you and your family: • Improve and maintain your physical mobility and independence • Manage and reduce pain, physical limitations or disabilities that may limit your activities • Improve your overall fitness, health and well-being How can physiotherapy help you? Physiotherapists provide valuable health care for people throughout their lives – from birth to old age. For example physiotherapists can help: • Get you back on your feet after surgery • Treat neck and back pain and other joint injuries • Treat sports injuries and provide advice on prevention and recurrence • Assist you with rehabilitation in your home after you have been ill or injured • Maximize your mobility if you have a neurological disorder such as stroke, spinal cord injury or Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis • Work with you to treat and manage respiratory and cardiac conditions • Provide pre and post natal care and advise on other women’s health issues • Treat children with paediatric conditions such as developmental delay, fractures and cardiorespiratory conditions • Treat incontinence • Help you manage the physical complications of cancer and its treatment • Care for physical challenges associated with arthritic conditions, repetitive strain injury and more. Access to Physiotherapy is not lost! Beth lost 35 1/4 lbs. and 50 1/2” 905-420-0003 Pickering, 1163 Kingston Rd. 905-436-3780 Whitby, 1910 Dundas St. E. 905-831-1280 Pickering, 1235 Bayly St. AfterAfter BeforeBefore Weakness Stiffness •Neck and Back Pain •Work-Related Injuries •Joint and Muscle Pain •Sports Injuries •Arthritis •Fibromyalgia •Multiple Sclerosis •Reg. Massage Therapist •Motor Vehicle Accidents •Custom Orthotics • Acupuncture Pain Registered Physiotherapists Back Row: (left to right) Kathy Chamberlain, Cathy Kammerer Front Row: (left to right) Stephanie Watson, Fiona Tennant 905-509-7181 ROUGEMOUNT PHYSIOTHERAPY 376 Kingston Rd. E, Suite 11, Pickering Let your physiotherapist assist you in being proactive in your health care. “We offer a friendly pleasant atmosphere in which to discuss your needs" "Our services are covered by most Extended Health Benefits and Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance" Your Physiotherapy Clinic Is The Best Resource In Your Community For Education And Prevention As Well As Physical Health. 2001 & 2002 durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 11 P A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, October 17 , 2004 www.durhamregion.com Our General Practice Offers the Following Services: •Dental Implants • Orthodontic Treatment (Braces) • Cosmetic Dentistry • Surgical Services (Wisdom Teeth) •Crowns & Bridges • Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal Therapy) •Treatment of Caries (White Fillings) • Periodontal Treatment (Gum Treatment) • Complete & Partial Dentures •TMJ Treatment • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) • Dentistry While You Are Asleep New patients welcomed General dental care for the whole family Insurance plans accepted for basic services, we will bill direct to your insurance company Convenient hours Daily 8:00 am - 7:00 pm. Saturdays available. Same day appointments available. Emergencies seen on short notice Easy extended payment terms for orthodontics! ESQUIRE DENTAL CENTRES Braces Implants 33 Years Experience ESQUIRE DENTAL CENTRES BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE PICKERING OFFICE 734 Kingston Rd., (One Block East of Whites Rd. Behind Swiss Chalet) (905)420-6226 VICTORIA PARK/SHEPPHARD OFFICE 2583 Victoria Park Ave. (S.E. Sheppard/Victoria Pk.) (416)494-2127 2650 Lawrence Ave. E. (Lawrence/Midland - Price Chopper Plaza) (416)267-1848 Lawrence office moved to NEW Location Dr. A. Awadalla Dr. Boutros Dr. Mark Awadalla Dr. Mulrooney Dr. Tannis Dr. Ghobrial (Female) Dr. Luk (Female) • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sports Medicine • Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children’s Foot 831-FEET(3338) Hub Mall Kingston Rd.Glenanna Rd.Tel: 416-706-0937 582 Kingston Road West, Ajax www.bythebayspa.com Laser hair removal for all skin types FREE consultation and test patch NEW FREE non-surgical face lift with purchase of a customized facial $65 ($90 value). Expiry: November 30/04. Functional Dentures... One Good Reason To Smile! Steil Denture Clinic A Family Business Serving You From The Same Location For 30 YearsCharles Wm. Steil,D.D. Implant Supported Dentures • 1 Hour Repairs • Relines • Complete 905-683-4294 PICKERING VILLAGE DENTURE CLINIC 84 Old Kingston Rd. W., AJAX • Partial Dentures • New permanent soft denture liners FREE CONSULTATION AFTER HOURS 905-428-8801 2003 DENTURE SPECIALIST 1550 Kingston Rd. (BN Natural Foods) Call today for an Appointment (905) 837-6627 Take Back Your Health Today 220 Food Test (no needles) Mineral Analysis Body Analysis Detoxify & Cleanse Accurate Lab tests Great Food Menu Plans ALLERGY, DETOX & WEIGHT CONTROL CLINIC Single appointment and/or 5-step program $20 OFF Karen Steward R.N.C.P., C.N.P. WITH THIS COUPON. EXPIRES OCT. 31/04 If you already know that you should eat less and exercise more, but for whatever reason you are not doing it, then Hypnosis for Weight Loss is the program for you. The solution to your weight problem is not to learn more about foods you can’t eat, or better exercise routines. The real solution to your weight challenges rests in your unconscious mind and that means HYPNOSIS. To be successful with your weight loss efforts, you need to get your unconscious mind to help you achieve your desired results and not to consistently sabotage your efforts. Hypnosis is the most effective tool available to help you. Your unconscious mind already plays a critical role in all aspects of your life. It is in your unconscious mind where you hold the image of how you perceive yourself. It is where all your habits, emotions, creativity, long-term memory and survival instincts are stored. Your unconscious mind also controls all your bodily functions like your appetite and metabolism. Therefore, it makes sense to use the powers of your unconscious mind in your weight reduction program. Hypnosis will allow you to be more in touch with your emotions, imagination, intuition and senses. It is through the use of hypnosis that you have your best chance of achieving your weight loss objectives. If you have ever said to yourself “if only there was a way to make it easy for me to follow a diet or to follow through on an exercise program” then you owe it to yourself to take the Hypnosis for Weight Loss program. Taking action now will allow you to say, “I am so glad I took Hypnosis for Weight Loss. I just wish I had taken Hypnosis for Weight Loss years ago.” The next Hypnosis for Weight Loss program starts in Ajax October 25. Rory Sheehan is a certified instructor of Hypnosis, a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy(, and a Reiki Master. Rory is also an award winning trainer and best selling author. For information on upcoming programs and individual mentoring, Ror ycan be reached at 905-683-9133 or on the web at: www.positivestrategies.com Hypnosis for weight loss child into the routine of keeping a healthy smile and making the next trip to the dentist a happy one. 1. You need to help your child under the age of six to do the brushing. Studies have shown that children under six do not have the dexterity to do a good job. One strategy if you have a child who likes to do everything on his/her own, is to let them brush first, then say it’s mommy or daddy’s turn. I know that there are children who will fight you on brushing. There is no easy answer to solve this problem. Brush at least morning and night time. 2. Start flossing your child’s teeth when you notice his/her teeth touching one another. This is especially important on the backs of the teeth. Floss once a day. 3. If your child has a sweet tooth, try to offer him/her their favourite snacks right after meals. Saliva flow is at its highest at this time. Do not allow them to snack several times during the day. This is much worse than the same amount of snacks consumed right after a meal. 4. Soda pop is extremely harmful to your child’s teeth. Not only is soda sweet but also, it is very acidic. Drink in moderation and if they drink soda, try giving smaller portions and instruct them to drink quickly. Taking small sips over a period of time causes more damage. Also sweets that stick to the teeth are harmful. 5. Finally, the most important thing to understand is that children learn the behaviour they observe. Realize your dental health is just as important as your children’s. When was the last time you had your dental check up and cleaning? If you have a specific question you would like answered or a topic you would like addressed please send it to the News Advertiser c/o ASK THE DENTIST.. Times have changed When is the earliest a parent should start bringing their child to the dentist? I would say when the child’s three years old, bring them in with you. If they let me look in their mouth and count their teeth, I will! If they let me polish their teeth, I will! A lot of times I just put them in the chair, shine the light and show them everything and then they go home and they come back with you again in six months and we do a little bit more. So that way, when they leave it’s not a negative thing, but they think, “Hey, this doctor is pretty cool!” Parents seem to like that because when they do come back their children are not afraid of the dentist. Whereas if I was to force them to do something the first time, they’re not going to want to come back. Here are some tips that can help you ease your Dr. Albert Chan Pickering Medical Centre 905-839-0931 Call Dr. Albert Chan at (905) 839-0931 If you wish to find out if we have the right practice for you, visit us at www.dralbertchan.com ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DENTIST TO FULFILL YOUR DENTAL NEEDS? Obesity is fast becoming our nation’s biggest health concern. According to the Canadian Medical Association, almost one-third of adult Canadians are at increased risk of disabili- ty,disease and premature death because of being obese. But Nancy Raby of Pickering has been fighting the trend one workout at a time – and has lost 102 pounds in the process, dropping from a size 22 to a size 10! Her story is that of many Canadian women who have had enough and one day realise that things have to change. Between work and family, many women think they don’t have time for exercise. But if Canada’s statistics are to reverse, it will be because of people like Nancy who figured out that it can take as little as a half an hour, three times a week. “The Curves pro- gram fits my busy lifestyle because the workout is only 30 minutes,” she says.“I get a complete workout of strength train- ing and cardio which, along with the weight loss, has improved my flexibility and lowered my blood pressure.” At Curves, she has paired the exercise with a healthy eating plan. How does she feel now? “I feel healthier and stronger,” she says. But there is much more than just the physical changes which have taken place. Nancy’s experience is also one of fun, friendships and emotional support. “Curves has had a tremendous impact on my life, physically and emotionally. As a bereaved parent, I find that the Curves environment helps me relieve stress in a positive,encouraging atmosphere,” she says. “It has become a habit – part of my regular routine. You have to be persistent, but you can do it.” Congratulations Nancy, for deciding to NOT be part of the statistics.October is Breast Cancer Awareness month at Curves – women can visit any Curves facili- ty for a free trial week. Celebrating 21 years in the Pickering Community, the Pickering Recreation Complex offers a wide variety of programs and services for all levels of fitness – from the beginner to the advanced, our facility has something to suit all of your needs! Two out of every three Canadians are not phys- ically active enough to enjoy good health. Our goal at the Pickering Recreation Complex is to help and motivate you! O ur Health Club boasts the finest equip- ment, including cardio and free weights. Not sure how to get started? Our friendly staff will get you on your way, with a FREE Health Club Orientation,offered at the Recreation Complex weekly, Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.This is a terrific opportunity to find out about us and what the facility has to offer.Want to go a bit further with your workouts? Be sure to check out our personal training and nutritional counselling, both ready to assist your specific needs. The Pickering Recreation Complex is the longest standing nationally accredited fitness centre in Durham Region, demonstrating a commitment to high standards of operation. Staff are knowledgeable and experienced – our facility is safe, and wel- coming! Move towards a healthier lifestyle and let the Pickering recreation Complex help you reach your goals. Join our new “Fat Off” program, a 12 week fat loss program, starting in January 2005, including weekly one on one appointments with a fitness professional to keep you on track, monthly education- al clinics to keep you motivated, weekly prizes, and a membership discount to our Health Club.This program is just $84, or free with the purchase of an annual health club membership. Fun and Fitness for the Whole Family con’t on page 15 After Before Curves the Place for 100 lbs of Change durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 13 A/P A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER , October 17 , 2004 www.durhamregion.com Free week must be redeemed on first visit or exchanged for special membership discount. Not valid with any other offer. Valid only at participating locations through 10/10/04. Over 8,000 locations worldwide. 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 000-000-0000 Local Address Local Address 905-509-5578 300 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Gates Plaza at Altona) 905-426-4136 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax 905-421-9550 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering (Between 401 and Bayly) 14/11/04 Get in shape and feel great Ladies, do you want to enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise but are intimidated by large, co-ed clubs? Go Figure, the new Women’s Health Club in Pickering Village, is dedicated to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals in a friendly, supportive environ- ment. Their trained staff will get you started on your new program and will pro- vide the positive encouragement you need to reach and maintain a healthy weight and fitness level. Go Figure has user-friendly hydraulic equipment that will provide you with a complete strength and cardio workout in just 30 minutes. You work at your own pace and the equipment adjusts to your level of fitness. As well there are pilates, yoga, nutritional and weight loss counselors to help you with your exercise program. Additional services include regis- tered massage therapy, reiki, health analysis and makeovers. Anita and Rosi the two owners, are cer- tified Fit Express trainers. Anita is trained in Health Analysis and will help you in uncover- ing vitamin and min- eral deficiencies. Rosi has a Health and Fitness Diploma. As well, all of the Go Figure staff are trained in first aid and CPR. Go Figure is locat- ed at 619 Kingston Rd. W., just west of Church Street, in the brand new Fitz Plaza. Give them a call at 905-427-0366, or just drop in and take the first step towards look- ing and feeling fabulous! Women’s Health Club 619 Kingston Rd.W., Pickering Village (just west of Church St.) 905-427-0366 with a 1 year membership 30 MINUTE WORKOUT • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT 1 MONTH FREE 1 MONTH FREE ...helping women achieve their health and fitness goals in a friendly, supportive environment. NOW OFFERING PILATES, MASSAGE, & MAKEOVERS McLean Community Centre • Fitness Centre • Cardio Theatre • 25m leisure pool, water slide, tot pool, whirlpool and co-ed sauna on deck • Fitness studio with sprung hardwood floor • Gymnasium with sprung hardwood floor (fee applies) • Branch library Ajax Community Centre Your membership is valid at both the Ajax and McLean Community Centre Training Clubs. Ajax Community Centre 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, Ontario (Monarch Avenue & Centennial Road) (905) 683-3740 McLean Community Centre 95 Magill Drive, Ajax, Ontario (Westney Road North & Magill Drive) (905) 428-7711 Our Commitment The Town of Ajax is committed to providing all encompassing, sparkling clean recreation centres to our citizens so you can enjoy the benefits of physical, mental and social health and personal well being. Over 90 Fitness Classes Per Week! • Yoga • Pilates • AquaFit • Cyclefit • Active Moms & Babies • Older Adults • Teen Classes • Stability Ball • Forever Fitness • Tai Chi • Running clinics McLean Community Centre &Ajax Community Centre FUN WITH FITNESS MEMBERSHIPS 2 FACILITIES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Commit to Get Fit! www.csep.ca After Before Unparalleled Services • Fully Supervised Fitness Facilities • Nationally Accredited Fitness Centres • Certified Personal Training (Semi-Private and Group Sessions available) • Comprehensive Fitness and Lifestyle Appraisals • Physiotherapy ¶ Massage Therapy (MCC only) • Supervised Childcare • Swimming lessons • Members receive FREE public and lane swims (designated times) • Fitness Centre (Newly Renovated) • Cardio Theatre • New Wellness Studio • 25m indoor pool • 5 international squash courts • Squash club with Squash Pro • Sauna in members’ changerooms • 4 ice rinks "I am feeling the best I've felt in a long time. I feel healthier and stronger and I feel like I can accomplish anything" Cathy - Training Club Member Students & Seniors receive50%discount on all memberships “Rock Oasis” Climbing Wall @ Ajax Communtiy Centre NATIONALLY ACCREDITED BY THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY REAL PHOTOS, REAL RESULTS! 23 lbs. + over 19 inches lost in only 12 weeks Parents and pre-teens can enjoy the Recreation Complex together – have great fun in the Pre-Teen Wo r kout, while your parents can enjoy the Health Club – this program is a great opportunity to meet other pre- teens, while getting into shape. If parents and teens are new to working out, enjoy three fitness classes together for the price of one until December 1, 2004 – check out our schedule to see what class interests you. Our Quick Fat Flush program starts November 2, 2004 and may be the jump-start you need. You’ll feel thin, you’ll be motivated and have the confidence to stay thin. This program is offered Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings. The Pickering Recreation Complex also offers six international squash courts with many members looking for new partners to play.We also have four indoor tennis courts and two racquetball courts – all with professionals on site to help you develop your game. At the end of a workout or just for the fun of it, enjoy a swim in the pool. You may also wish to take advantage of our many Aquafit programs swimming lessons, or public swim times. As part of your membership, the Pickering Recreation Complex also has saunas and whirlpools for you to enjoy. The City of Pickering is very proud of the programs and services offered at the Pickering Recreation Complex – with affordable memberships you too can become a member. Check us out today! For more information on programs and services, please call 905-831-1711. con’t from page 13 Welcoming environment and friendly staff make for an enjoyable fitness experience Awelcoming environment,state-of-the-art equipment and a friendly knowledgeable staff are just some of the things that Town of Ajax community fitness facilities have to offer. The staff at the Ajax Community Centre and the McLean Community Centre is committed to providing an enjoyable and non-intimidating fitness experience for you. Both centres have a wide range of fitness activities with just about something for everyone. Fo r those interested in weight training, each centre fea- tures a fitness club with state-of-the-art equipment includ- ing treadmills,elliptical trainers,stairclimbers as well as row- ers. In addition to this, members can take part in a wide range of fitness classes with over 90 classes per week to choose from.With classes such as Cardio Mix, Pilates, Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga, Tai Chi, Running Clinics and Teen Total Training, there is something for everyone. But the fitness experience doesn’t end there. Both com- munity centres cater to those who enjoy activities that require larger physical facilities such as squash, boxing (full- size ring available), ice-skating and public swimming. Not sure how to start your fitness program? Feeling a lit- tle unconfident using the weight equipment? Just speak to one of the highly qualified staff members. At both facilities all staff members are Certified Personal Trainers and are Certified Fitness Consultants with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. After intense workout sessions members can relax in the centres’ sauna or whirlpool. At the McLean Community Centre, members can also treat themselves to a massage or receive physiotherapy treatments from the on-site clinic. Members at both community centres also enjoy a num- ber of other benefits such as member-only change-rooms, discounts on specialty fitness classes as well as an inter- changeable membership for both the Ajax and McLean Community Centres. Both facilities also have on-site child supervision to ensure a stress-free workout. The Ajax and McLean Community Centre also offers members’ complimentary workshops, regular AB Clinics, incentive programs and member appreciation days. Both the Ajax Community Centre and McLean Community Centre have received an Accredited Fitness Facility Certification from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The Community Centres are just one of only two fitness centres in the Durham Region with this accreditation, which is highly regarded in the fitness indus- try, and demonstrates a commitment to providing excep- tional fitness facilities, programs and customer service. During the month of November receive TWO MONTHS FREE on a yearly membership. For more information on the Town of Ajax Community Centres come in for a visit or call us.The Ajax Community Centre is located at 75 Centennial Rd., 905-683-3740 and the McLean Community Centre is located at 95 Magill Dr., 905-428-7711.Visit us online at www.townofajax.com. Fun and fitness at a To wn of Ajax fitness facility durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 15 A/P *Free consultation *No referral necessary *Braces for adults and children *Evening and Saturday appointments available Dr. Christopher Tom Orthodontist Pickfair Plaza, 1794 Liverpool Rd. 905-839-1268 If you had a chance to purchase a lottery ticket that gave you a 75% chance of winning, you’d probably buy it. So why not gamble with your health the same way? Medical experts estimate that up to 75% of diseases can be prevented or significantly minimized through healthy living. In fact, says Dr. Larry Bryan, Director of Health Promotion and Wellness at The Kidney Foundation of Canada, the two leading causes of kidney disease – diabetes and high blood pressure – can largely be prevented by making healthier choices about diet and exercise. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. “One of the keys to creating a healthy lifestyle for yourself and those you care about is to learn about what it means to live in a healthy way,” says Dr. Bryan. “If you understand why certain foods are better for you than others, you’ll make better food choices when you’re standing in the supermarket aisle, or ordering in a restaurant. Similarly, if you understand the benefits of exercising at a level that is appropriate for you, you’ll want to be more physically active.” You can build a healthier life by: • Making healthy food choices • Exercising adequately • Controlling your weight • Not smoking • Having a regular check-up • Emphasizing safety in the home, at work, driving and during leisure activities. People of any age can benefit from simple changes that enhance wellness and decrease the chances of being affected by chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease. Ultimately, the choice for better health lies in your hands. Why not earn a chance to win a lifetime of better health? The odds are in your favour. Gamble with your health… and win positivestrategies Rory Sheehan B.A., B.Ed., M.B.A. (Senior Trainer) Learn how to use the powers of hypnosis to help yourself and other lose weight, stop smoking and reduce stress. All programs are taught by award winning trainer and best selling author Rory Sheehan. UPCOMING CLASSES Hypnosis for Weight Loss Oct. 25 Sales Transitions Nov. 22 Covert Selling Nov. 29 3 Hypnotherapy in 1 Course Dec.3 905-683-9133 www.positivestrategies.com HYPNOSIS FOR WEIGHT LOSS we want you to have a few tips on preventing frozen pipes. Here are a few simple, inexpensive tips you can use to protect your home: • Insulate pipes • Seal leaks that allow cold air inside • Disconnect garden hoses • Run a trickle of hot and cold water at night when the mercury drops • Set your thermostat no lower than 13 degrees when you are away. 04/02statefarm.ca • State Farm Insurance Companies • Canadian Head Offices: Scarborough, OntarioP02795CN Paul Williams Ins Agcy Inc Paul Williams, CFP 1020 Brock Road South Suite 2000 Pickering, ON L1W 3H2 Bus: 905-839-6306 Kimberley Frost Ins Agcy Inc Kim Frost 641 Kingston Road Pickering, ON L1V 3N7 Bus: 905-420-3221 Scott Andrews Ins Agcy Inc Scott Andrews 345 Kingston Road Suite 106 Pickering, ON L1V 1A1 Bus: 905-509-1167 Vic O’Hearn Ins Agcy Ltd Vic O’Hearn 467 Westney Road South Unit 20 Ajax, ON L1S 6V8 Bus: 905-683-2251 Jane Cameron Ins Agcy Inc Jane Cameron 571 Kingston Road West Ajax, ON L1S 6M1 Bus: 905-619-0611 DIANNE OXLEY* 905-683-5000 1-888-413- 0800 doxley@trebnet.com www.dianneoxley.com QUALITY ONE LTD., Broker Just move in! $194,900. Beautiful fully finished Whitby End unit Townhouse in excellent location (Brock and Manning) - Absolute mint move-in condition! Approx. 1300 sq. ft. (not including finished basement) - Excellent, spacious floorplan! Immaculate and updated throughout. Includes 5 appliances, cent. air, 3 large bedrooms with brand new berber carpeting, 2 bathrooms, all new oak laminate flooring throughout main floor and fully finished basement, new light fixtures, beautiful new baseboarding... very low fees that include ALL Lawn Care/Exterior maintenance plus your water bill! Call Dianne today to make it yours! BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - TRULY EXCEPTIONAL! A/P PAGE 16 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com Ajax and Pickering hospital has meetings AJAX – Help is available for those coping with the death of a parent, partner, child or friend. Rouge Valley Ajax and Pick- ering hospital is organizing two grief support groups. The groups are designed to ease the pain of those who have lost loved ones more than two months ago. The group, over a six-week period, explores the grief pro- cess and deals with accepting a death has occurred, coming to emotional terms with such a death, incorporating the loss into one’s identity, anniversa- ries, and any specific issues the group has. Facilitated by Richard New- land, the programs are at the hospital, third floor west wing, in the mental health outpatient department. The first sessions are Tuesday, Oct. 26 from 3 to 4 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The first week runs an extra half- hour (until 4:30 and 9 p.m.). For applications, contact the outpatient mental health de- partment at 905-683-2320 ext. 3263. Grief sessions offered to help those dealing with loss of a loved one durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 17 A/P Boom town With urban sprawl making inroads in Durham, the population is growing at a dizzying rate: It’s expected to hit 850,000 by 2021. Will the Region be able to keep pace with the needs of its residents? Boomtown is a 12-part series examining the issues we will confront now and in the near future. Part 9: Commercial Move toward big box stores is underway across the region By Carly Foster Staff Writer DURHAM – Wal-Mart at Hwy. 2 and Salem Road in Ajax on a Saturday afternoon: Moms and dads are buying household cleaners, milk and socks, while their kids dangle off the sides of blue carts. A teenager dumps an armload of clothes and a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts on the cashier’s conveyer belt, staring over the clerk’s head, looking bored. An elderly woman unloads can after can of cat food and three balls of pink yarn. The cashier tells her not to worry, that she can come around and scan the huge bags of kitty litter and potting soil on the bottom rung. This is the norm for shopping in Durham now: one-stop at a big box store, called “large superstore formats having an indus- trial warehouse style” by the Region’s official plan commercial policy review. “Some of the most sweeping changes that have been experienced in years have been the advent of larger and larger store sizes and the increasing popularity of lower cost, quasi-industrial style retail warehouse ven- ues,” the review said. This has had many impacts on growing regions such as Durham. Everything from land use to impact on consumers and other businesses are affected. “These kinds of stores are huge,” said Salma Karray, an assistant professor in the faculty of business and information technol- ogy at the University of Ontario Institute of Te chnology in Oshawa. “They have low prices, a variety of mer- chandise, free parking and one-stop shop- ping.” While that gives more choice and lower prices to consumers, it’s also good for the municipality, Ms. Karray said. “They (the stores) pay a lot of taxes, (spend money on) building permits, etc.,” she said. “And it benefits the existing businesses by attracting more business” to such places as gas stations and restaurants. In 2003, $168 million was spent on com- mercial building permits in Durham Region. In 2002 it was $82 million. Big box chains such as Wal-Mart like Dur- ham for its demographics and its growth, said Kevin Groh, a spokesman for the com- pany. “Durham has a lot of traditional Wal-Mart customers: empty nesters, young families,” he said. “The fact that we are interested in Durham shows that we are confident in the growth of the community.” Nestor Chornobay, director of strategic planning for the Durham Region planning department, agreed. “Our population growth has been sig- nificant in the last 10 to 20 years,” he said. “As a result of that, the amount of retailing required to support that has been much greater.” And it will have to keep growing: Durham’s population is expected to hit 1,054,060 by 2031, and the region has 19,500 acres of designated employment lands. Around 34 per cent of that is already developed, the Re- gion’s population, employment and urban land discussion says. Around 8 per cent is serviced and ready for development, with much of the bal- ance dependent on Hwy. 407 expanding and major water and sewer development in Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa and Courtice. “It is self-evident that, with the Region’s population doubling, the demand for retail uses (and other commercial uses and ser- vices) will virtually double,” the commercial review said. There are currently five Wal-Mart stores in Durham, with plans for another in Bowman- ville. Other big box giants like the region, too. Canadian Tire has nine stores, Chapter’s has four and Home Depot has three. One of the biggest things these super stores have in common is the need for lots of space. Grocery, drug and department stores that used to line downtown streets traditionally occupied stores between 10,000 and 20,000 sq. ft., the commercial review says. Now big box stores are anywhere from 40,000 to 200,000 sq. ft. And that means they need lots of land. “Land parcels sufficiently large enough to accommodate a new-format retailer...are rarely available in traditional commercial areas, particularly when parking and access requirements are factored in,” the commer- cial review says. “They are more interested in locations which offer high-profile highway, expressway and arterial access with suitably sized and affordable land parcels.” Thus the cropping up of mega complexes off major highways, such as Hwy. 401 and Thickson Road (north and south of the high- way), Brock Road in Pickering between Hwy. 2 and the 401 and the stretch of Hwy. 2 be- tween Westney and Salem roads in Ajax. First-Pro Shopping Centres, which has five such plazas in Durham, said there’s a very strict criteria when they look for a location. “Other than location, location, location, our big thing is access to the site,” said Larry Demarco, vice-president of administration. “We’re looking for sites close to highways and main arteries. “If it’s difficult (for customers) to get in and... out, tenants will go to an outdoor mall.” Building in downtown Whitby, for exam- ple, “would never fly,” Mr. Demarco said. “Where are you going to find 50 acres?” Plus a large complex in a downtown would never fit with municipal official plans or traf- fic counts, he added. The move to build in areas away from downtowns and residents that makes the sites accessible only by car is a concern for some. Recent letters to the editor in Clarington — where a new Wal-Mart is setting up shop — show a divide between store owners who worry about their businesses, to consumers who welcome new competition. Mr. Chornobay said official plans at the local and regional level are trying to recog- nize both sides of the debate. “We try to ensure that if these things (big box stores) are allowed to exist, they don’t impact opportunities for our central areas to exist and survive,” he said. “It’s a balancing act.” Across town on the same Saturday, a low, dingy-looking strip mall on Harwood Avenue sits almost empty on this, one of the busiest shopping days of the week. The drugstore that anchors the site seems to get the most traffic, while clerks at a discount food mart and dollar store look bored. Places like these are soon to go, the policy review says. “It appears unlikely that the form of en- closed mall centre (regional shopping centre and strip mall) which was state of the art in the 1970s and 1980s will be constructed again in the near to mid-range future,” it says. “Those...have reached the end of their life span or need to be brought up to modern- day standards.” Big box stores have sprouted up all across Durham Region, with customers flocking to them, like this Wal-Mart in Ajax. There are currently five Wal- Mart stores in Durham with another one proposed for Bowmanville. Commercial development changing in Durham • Legal Administrative Assistant • Law Clerk • Medical Office Assistant • Esthetics and Salon Operations • Personal Support Worker (PSW) LEGAL ADMINISTRATION HEALTH CARE • Network Administrator (MCSA) www.torontobusinesscollege.ca Business College (Pickering) • Legal Administrative Assistant • Law Clerk • Medical Office Assistant • Esthetics and Salon Operations • Personal Support Worker (PSW) LEGAL ADMINISTRATION HEALTH CARE • Network Administrator (MCSA) www.torontobusinesscollege.ca (Pickering) Why Toronto Business CollegeWhy Toronto Business College Can Work For You…Can Work For You… Diploma Programs In… Business College COME GROW WITH US! The Durham Contact Centre (DCC), a technical support service provider of customer relationship solutions, is expanding once again and requires full/part time technical customer service representatives to start immediately at our Oshawa facility. We offer competitive wages, incentives, paid training, a comprehensive health care package in a modern office facility including an employee gym. Successful applicants will be required to work evenings and weekends. Do you have: •Advanced communication skills? •Strong keyboard and mouse skills within a Microsoft Windows environment; strong knowledge of Microsoft and/or Mac desktop operating systems; basic knowledge of TCP/IP, HTTP, POP3 and SMTP troubleshooting; experience with email applications and Internet browser configurations; knowledge of In- ternet access technologies; basic knowledge of scanner or printer installation and troubleshooting; experience with driver installs and upgrades? •Ability to work independently in a fast-paced, team oriented environment? •Previous contact centre customer service or sales experience is an asset If you answered yes to these questions,then the Durham Contact Centre would like to invite you to bring your resume and come to our job fair. Wednesday October 20th, 2004 from 12pm - 8pm 199 Wentworth Street East, Oshawa We conduct an in-depth hiring process. Please be prepared to stay a minimum of 2 hours. If you are unable to attend please forward your resume to careers@durhamcontact.com or fax 905-720-1047. A criminal background check will be required from successful candidates. Myron encourages all qualified applicants to apply. However, only those who are being considered for an interview will be contacted. Myron is a world leader in imprinted promotional material. We have been in the business of helping our clients grow their business for over 50 years. Over the next couple of months we will be hiring for: Business To Business Outbound Sales Representatives We offer: •Base plus Commissions plus Bonuses with a minimum Guaranteed Rate of $12/hr •No cap on earnings •Full time, Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 PM •Comprehensive Benefits Package •Paid Training - Modern office facilities including Employee Gym •Company paid Parking and other Great Perks •Located in N.E.Corner of Scarborough with easy access by Highways and TTC •Fast paced sales environment We require: •Motivated and progressive entrepreneurial individuals •Excellent English language skills, both verbal and written •Competent basic computer skills •Strong negotiating and closing skills •Professional and courteous telephone skills Qualified candidates interested in rising to the Myron Challenge are urged to forward their resumes by email to: hrcda@myron.com or by fax to 416-291-8786 or call our recruiting hotline @ 416-291-1834 ext. 599 The Leader in Personalized Business GiftsTM $14/hr www.myron.com 'Tis the Season... to Get MORE out of Your Career! Spend this Holiday Season with Canada's most exciting electronics retailer selling the coolest electronics products on the market! NOW HIRING Full, Part-time & Seasonal Opportunities at all locations and in all departments. Bring your passion for consumer electronics & customer service to Future Shop & help us deliver the future today! We provide a competitive compensation and benefi ts plan, paid training, & generous employee discounts. Apply online at www.futureshop.ca/careers_retail and... Get MORE out of your career with Future Shop! Come see what your future has in store. Free Job Searching Help Résumé & cover letter assistance Internet access, email setup, applications on line Photocopying up to 50 copies/day, Access to 2 fax machines Wide range of employment resources Resource centre library, client lounge, work tables Open to all job searchers no age restrictions All services are free 78 Richmond Street, Oshawa, Ontario (905-438-1041) This project is funded by the Government of Canada. For More Information Please call 905-665-6752 or email: recruiting@albionhills.ca We Provide: •Late Model Equipment •Satellite Dispatch •24 Hour Dispatch •Competitive Pay Package •Paid U.S. Border Crossing •New Benefit Pkg. •Weekly Pay-Direct Deposit •No NYC •No Slip Seating •Home Every Weekend We Require: •Valid AZ License •Clean Driving Abstract •Professional Attitude We are a Whitby, Ontario Based Carrier specializing in expedited service to and from the U.S. Albion Hills Industries Ltd. AZ HIGHWAY DRIVERS EXPERIENCED US DRIVERS 38 TO 42 CPM AZ Drivers needed for US runs to TEXAS & NE States. Require some flatbed & some van exp. Apply in person to: ADS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 2100 Ellsmere Rd. # 307 (At Markham Rd.) Scarborough AZ DRIVERS •Vans and flatbeds Canada & US. •Dedicated equipment •Top mileage rates •EXTRA EXTRA!! Call (905)576-8600 JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM If you are looking for a career in a fast-paced industry where you will use your talents to provide “WOW” service; if you are dynamic, responsible and want to succeed, don’t miss this unique opportunity to join our team. Positions available now: EXPERIENCED KITCHEN STAFF MINIMUM 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE 75 CONSUMERS DR.,WHITBY No phone calls please. Being out of work SCARING you? Let us help calm your fears at our Open (not haunted) House Oct 18th-21st, 8:30 am & 1pm sharp We're recruiting Inspectors, Packagers & Production Workers to work in the Durham Region. Must have reliable transportation, be flexible to work all shifts/weekends. High school diploma required for most positions. Positions pay between $8-9/hour. Please bring photo i.d., SIN card, void cheque & references. ** Free Training ** Bonuses ** Win a Portable DVD Player! 1315 Pickering Pkwy, Suite 100 (Liverpool/401) 905-831-7683 OR 905-686-7732 CLASS D, F AND Z Endorsement training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportunities for graduates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905- 721-3340. DURHAM COLLEGE TRAINING COURSES - Are you looking to start a new career or upgrade your skills to advance your current occupation? Durham College has full time computer administration upgrading courses and project management courses. Funding through EI, OSAP, ODSP, WSIB, to qualified. For more info. call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca DRIVER,own car, required for lo- cal and some out of area trips. For disabled lady & nurse. Non smok- er, suitable for retiree, salary nego- tiable. Call (905)839-9977. GOOD OPPORTUNITY for AZ Drivers needed. Clean abstract and U.S. experience. Full or part- time. Benefit package. 2 day trips from Ajax. 39 cents a mile, $25 for each pickup & delivery. 877-606- 0661. $400-$800,20 people needed, of- fice, sales associates, customer service, call today start tomorrow, full time only. Call (647)438-6196 A LARGE NORTH AMERICAN financial services company is look- ing for unique individuals with leadership ability. We are one of the fastest growing companies in the fastest growing industry in the world. Training provided. No expe- rience necessary. Opportunity for advancement and excellent in- come potential for those with integ- rity and a good work ethic. Call Kari Thompson 905-436-8499 or 1-866-3918 ext. 104 for an ap- pointment. EXPANDING COMPANY Immediate openings for enthusiastic individuals. We train in all areas of customer service, marketing/sales and management training. No Telemarketing. Call 905-433-2181 APPLEBEE'S GRILL & Bar. We're Busy!! Now Hiring Experienced line cooks. Top Wages & Benefits Program. Apply @ 155 Kingston Rd. East At Salem, Ajax BETTER HOURS - Monday to Fri- day, No evenings or Weekends! Join the MOLLY MAID Team of Professional Housekeeping. Train- ing and transportation provided. Drivers licence mandatory. 905- 427-6466. BUSY CALL CENTRE needs 2 part time appointment co-ordina- tors. $8.00 to start. Evening shifts. Call (905) 426-5868 for interview. CHRISTMAS RUSH.Downtown Co. seeks to fill 15 F/T openings. Office/CSR/Warehouse, All posi- tions must be filled immediately. $350-$450/wk to start. Training provided. Call Sara to book inter- view. 905-571-3260 CUSTOMER SERVICE/ORDER Ta k ers. $20/hr avg. Bonuses Available! We Train You!Call ARON at 905-435-0518. DO YOU LIKE CANDLES?Would you like to earn more income? Par tyLite Gifts Ltd. is for you! We offer: a full or part time career, ex- cellent compensation, no deliver- ies or inventory. You can choose your own hours and income. Con- tact your independent PartyLite consultant Nancy Holmes (905)404-5488, 1-800-353-0371 DRIVERS.Domino's Pizza is now hiring Drivers for Ajax, Oshawa & Whitby locations. Cash paid night- ly. Apply in person at: 10 Harwood Ave.S., Ajax; 300 Dundas St. East, Whitby; 1051 Simcoe St. N. or 600 Grandview St. S., Oshawa. EXPERIENCED COOKS required south Ajax location, weekends & days, part time, apply in person at Scrambles, 527 Westney Rd. S. FABRIC CUTTER - Part time cutter for Industrial clothing, expe- rience preferred. Industrial gar- ment sewers. Home sewers re- quired for contract work, experi- ence essential. Production work- ers, part time. Fax resume to (905) 697-0189. FACTORY WORKERS required for Pickering plant. 3 shifts avail- able. No experience needed. Fax resumes to: 416-483-9109. RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Com- parable pay, excellent working conditions. Fast-growing compa- ny, room for advancement. Per- manent position. Not suitable for students. Call 905-723-6242. FULL TIME building cleaner, for new long term care facility in Pick- ering. $11.95 an hour after proba- tion. Successful applicants should have minor maintenance skills to assist the building manager. Please forward your resume to: George Buxcey at (905) 837- 8496. FULL TIME WAREHOUSE posi- tion, heavy lifting, G-drivers licence required. Lift truck experience an asset. Apply in-store with resume Carpet Warehouse, 149 King W, Oshawa GENERAL LABOURER.Possibil- ity to learn Stone Mason Trade. 40-50hrs/wk. $12/$15hr. Safety shoes required. Vehicle required. Fax resume to 1-800-638-8184. GENERAL LABOURERS required for new home builder, competitive wages, experience an asset. Fax to (905) 655-7265 HEAVY DUTY PARTS distributor looking for driver with clean ab- stract, and able to do heavy lifting. $10/hr. Fax resume to 905-571- 5436. HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mailing/Pro- cessing Circulars- PC/Clerical Work Available. No Experience Needed! Free Information: www.homeworkersnetwork.com or send S.A.S.E.; QSEI, 111-336 Yo nge St., Reference #7-107, Bar- rie,ON, L4N 4C8. (705)726-9070. HOSTESS REQUIRED for new home Sales Office in Oshawa. Candidate must have excellent communication skills, polished and professional demeanor and be able to work afternoons and week- ends. Excellent remuneration package. Please fax resume to 416-633-7491 MAGICUTS one of Canada's lead- ing chains requires a licensed As- sistant Manager for our Ajax salon. Also full/pt stylist for our Whitby Salon. We offer: Competitive sala- ry, opportunity for advancement, paid vacation, profit sharing, free training classes, contests/monthly prizes, benefits. Join a winning team. Call Cheryl (905) 723-7323. MANAGERS - JB's Mongolian Grill is growing again! Kitchen & Assistant Manager positions available in our newest entertaining theme restaurant in Whitby. For our concept visit: www.mongoliangrill.com Send re- sumes to: Fax: 905-665-0029 Email: karp1001@rogers.com MATURE FULL TIME experienced cook required in Ajax. Only those with experience need apply. Call (905) 427-1221 OSHAWA new home builder re- quires general service person for pdi work and after sales service. Must be experienced and have own tools. Fax resume with wage expectations to (905) 576-0013. PAINTERS,experienced, MUST HAVE TRANSPORTATION. own equipment an asset. Fax resume to Custom Painting 905-831-7960 PEOPLES TAXI - Taxi drivers, Licensed Mechanics needed im- mediately for very fast growing company. Male or female, part or full-time. Call (905)427-7770. QUALITY INSPECTORS required for various shifts in Oshawa. Car a necessity. Safety boots and safety vests required. Long term, pay $9.25 per hour. E-mail to: kimn@accu-staff.com Fax: 905- 720-9904 or phone 905-720-0754 ext. 230. Registration Officer Positions Required $20.00/hr Avg. We Trai n You! Call Tom (905) 435-0280 Christmas help req'd ROOFING company requires labourers & experienced shinglers Experience an asset. Call (905)436-2193. Leave info on tape. WE NEED HELP!!! Downtown warehouse comp. seeks to fill 15 full-time openings immediately. Office to warehouse. $350- $450/week to start. Training pro- vided. Call Julie (905)571-3260. WORK AT HOME.Need comput- er, DSL, fax, etc. Duties include, payroll, bookkeeping, misc. office tasks. .Excel, Frontpage, Quick Books a plus. Email resume to; adtex1@yahoo.com WORKING FROM HOME, Work- ing in the comfort of your own home. Using your "PC". $500- $1500 p/t, $2000-$5000 f/t www.thenewestcareer.com 1-800- 494-8232 E-Mail Address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.comCLASSIFIEDSFIND IT FAST IN THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad In Pickering Or Ajax Call: 905-683-0707 Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004 www.durhamregion.com JOB'S JOB'S JOB'S!!!!!! •light industrial - $8.00 - $10.00 + per hr. •forklift position - $11.50 per hr. •long term assignments •all shifts available Please come in and apply every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 1614 Dundas St. E. ( at Thickson) Suite 203 Whitby, Ontario Part-time / Partial Load Instructors Nursing Clinicals and Skills Lab Peterborough To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit our Web site www.flemingc.on.ca Manufacturing & Technology Centre is seeking motivated individuals to work at our Whitby facility. We are a leading company in electronic repair and provide service to customers all across Canada. We offer a competitive wage as well as bonus structure and benefit package. Opportunities include: -Electronic Technicians (Junior to Senior levels) -Receivers (Data entry and lifting to 25 Lbs. required) -Shipper -General Labourer (Refurbing, Packaging, Assembly, Disassembly) Fax resumes specifying salary expectations and position of interest to (905) 666-2334. Attn: Kim Aus SOUTHFORK AGGREGATES, is currently accepting applications for Winter Drivers: * Plow * Combo Unit *Salt Positions are available at Gormley, Baldwin, Manchester, Caledon, Maple, 400 & 9, and include live-in, call in and spares as well as clerks. Valid DZ and current abstract. Please fax your resume to: 905-985-8343 or southfork@on.aira.com Careerblowing HOT and COLD? Plug in HERE! Oshawa Karen (905) 433-1291 Bowmanville Barb (905) 623-6444 Cobourg Sherry (905) 373-0609 You’re a Hairstylist with talent and you follow the trends, but your current job just isn’t cutting it. Put the life back in your career. Get the career jolt you’ve been looking for. Call today and join the First Choice Haircutters team. Hiring Bonus $300. HIRING BONUS $300 D URHAM E MPLOYMENT S ERVICES P RESENTS: Parent Information Night * This project is funded by the Government of Canada † † Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: YMCA Durham Employment Services† & Youth Foyer* 1550 Kingston Rd., Unit 16 Pickering, ON (at the intersection of Valley Farm Rd.) Te lephone: (905) 427-7670 Light refreshments to be served Call now to register! Attention Parents of Job Searching Youth! Are you the parent of a youth 15-30 who needs a job, but doesn’t know where to go for help? Do you want to help your youth but don’t know what resources are available to help in the job search process? *If this sounds like you, come to our Parent Information Session and find out more about how YMCA Durham Employment Services can help your youth find a job! SECURITY OFFICERS required immediately Apply in person or fax Resume to 905-579-8028 214 King Street East, 2nd Floor, Oshawa All new applicants must complete and pass pre-screen test. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY GENERAL LABOURERS ($8 & up) For Durham Region, All shifts available Steel toed safety shoes required. Some locations not accessible by public transit. Apply weekdays 9am-3pm to: Global Human Resource Centre 15 Harwood Ave S, Suite 202 Ajax (just south of Highway #2) Par t-Time Instructors Wanted to teach General Interest Courses to Older Adults. We are particularly looking for individuals to teach Fitness, Tai Chi, Pilates, Qigong, Yoga, Linedance and other types of dance, painting, crafts, creative writing, politics, continuing education and world religion. As well, if you teach an interesting course not mentioned above, we would like to hear from you! Please send resume to: Oshawa Senior Citizens Centres 43 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8. F/T RECEIVER Millwork Home Centre Oshawa is looking for an EXPERIENCED RECEIVER Please apply by fax or mail, Att: Store Manager Millwork Home Centre 1279 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa L1G 4X1 Fax: 905-728-8589 PROJECT PLANNER Busy Pickering manufacturer has an opening for a hands-on project planner. Must have intermediate computer skills, excellent communication skills and fluency in English. Must have ba- sic construction skills. Please fax resume to: PROJECT PLANNER 905-837-8746 House Cleaning Monday – Friday • Days Only Weekly Pay • Paid Training Car an asset • Paid Miliage 416-266-1060 Herbal Magic is seeking professional compassionate career oriented individuals to provide weight management counselling in a clinic setting. Phone and sales experience are an asset. Full time applicants only. Call 905-432-6999 FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE Looking for a clean-up person in Oshawa. Must be customer oriented, organized and able to multi-task, wash, clean and prep. trailers for customer pick up. Forklift experience would be an asset Must have a valid driver's license. Please fax resume to: 905-571-0404 Visit us online: www.jensentrailers.com OFFICE ASSISTANT required for Ajax manufacturing company. Must be proficient in English, reception experience and basic bookkeeping skills. Must be available immediately. $14.00 per hr, 40 hour work week. Email: ccarson@porta-flex.com HAIR MAIDENS is seeking a licensed female stylist full time. Must be outgoing and confident. Please call 905-436-2004 or email us at hairmaidens@webtv.net or visit our website www.hairmaidens.com HAIRSTYLIST & ESTHETICIAN, experience required, for busy sa- lon in Ajax. Chair rental or salary. Call Albert (905)683-2954 BUILDERS REQUIRED for roof truss manufacturing plant in Bow- manville. Day/night shifts. Carpen- try experience preferred. Apply in person with resume to 2021 Base- line rd. Bowmanville. Only those considered for an interview will be contacted. CLASS A MECHANIC,guaran- teed 40hrs/week at $20/hr. Please apply with resume to: Ed Plants Auto Service Ltd, 1430 King St. East, Courtice. (905)725-8542 EXPANDING WALL manufacturer seeking Framer. Responsibilities lead hand, reading layouts, as- sembly and cutting. First & second shift in unionized environment & benefit package. Salary negotiat- ed. Respond to PO Box 131, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 EXPERIENCED painter required, some drywall taping. 5 years ex- perience min. Salary negotiable. positions available immediately. Fax resume to 905-728-3179. LARGE COMPANY looking for HVAC Installer. Requires res. and comm. exp., Gas Fitter2 ODP Card. Good wages, benefits, pension. Fax resume to: 905-683-0817. WANTED - 1 LICENSED body/frame technician, for busy body shop. Phone (905) 983-1118 RNS & RPNS Positions available for Par t-time & Casual Please forward resume to: Virginia Comandante Extendicare Oshawa 82 Park Road north L1J 4L1 Fax: 905-579-1733 2 PART TIME Ontario Certified Teachers required teaching adults during the day in Pickering & Oshawa. Enthusiasm, flexibility, comfortable teaching Math & English. Teaching Certificate a must. Ph. Rosana: 905-420-9930 COLBORNE COMMUNITY SERVICES IS SEEKING MEMBERS FOR ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Colborne Community Services is a charitable non -profit agency that pro- vides a wide range of services to indi- viduals, and their families, who are cop- ing with a mental illness. We are seeking interested individuals to serve on our Board of Directors. Resi- dents of Durham Region willing to vol- unteer their time to this rewarding and valuable service are invited to submit a short resume to: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Colborne Community Services, 519 Brock Street South, Whitby,L1N 4K8 or call (905) 666-0831 for further information A Special Place A custom built bungalow situated on 1.6 acres, in Orono. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished base- ment, hardwood floors throughout. Private sale, asking $340,000. Call Sien Eikens By appointment (905)983-5279. Open Houses:Sunday October 10th, 2-4pm October 17th, 2-4pm October 24th, 2-4pm ARTISAN FINANCIAL – It CAN happen for you… OWN A HOME NO MONEY DOWN* • LEASE-TO-OWN* We have helped 896+ families’ dreams come true! Call 416-679-9799 1-866-993-0099 www.artisanfinancial.ca PAINTER/DRYWALLER,experi- ence in installations, taping and finishing. The qualified person must be able to take direction and follow schedules. CARPENTER/HANDYPERSON, experience in rough carpentry to trim work. Must have own tools, ability to complete project of all sizes from start to finish. Both positions are full-time and require reliable and dependable workers with a clean driving record, must be able to work independently and as part of a team. Competitive wage packages for the right candidates. Fax resume to 905-728-0337 or call 905-728-4116 to arrange an interview. ACCOUNTING CLERK required part time. Simply Accounting experience an asset. Fax resume to 1-888-453-6626. ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN This is a full-time position with a well established accounting firm in the Durham Region. The applicant must be comfortable with different computer packages such as Quickbooks, Simply Accounting and Paymate. You have had some relevant experience with book- keeping, payroll, preparing source deduction remittances and prepar- ing GST, PST and WSIB returns. Experience with Caseware and personal income tax returns an as- set, but not necessary. Please send resume to: File #129, C/o This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 BOOKKEEPER /ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN for CA office at Markham & 401. 2 years experi- ence in Quickbooks & Caseware required. E-mail resume to: reball@ebdcas.com EXPERIENCED PERSON to do Accounts Receivable and other duties as required in a small but growing business in Whitby. Must have excellent English skills, be professional and be familiar with business software applications. Legal experience would be an as- set. Must be flexible and able to prioritize. Please e-mail resume stating salary requirements and a brief letter setting out your work experience in a small business en- vironment to: sreck@durhamre- porting.com THORNTONVIEW LONG TERM CARE RESIDENCE We have been meeting the needs of the community for 33 years. Join our dedicated team and make a difference in the day to day lives of seniors. Training, education and experience are required for positions in the Program and Nursing Departments. Resident Services Coordinator/Volunteer Coordinator Degree in Social Service and experience working with young adults and the elderly Excellent, communication and computer skills required. This is a temporary Mat Leave beginning late No- vember Program Department: Community Diploma in Recreation or Activation. Nursing Department:Registered Nurse and Registered Practical Nurse in good standing with the College of Nurses of Ontario Housekeeping/Laundry Aide Dietary Department: Cook and Dietary Aide Please submit resumes by mail or fax by October 25 2004 ThorntonView Long Term Care Residence 186 Thornton Road South Oshawa Ont. L1J 5Y2 FAX 905-576-0078 We thank all applicants. We will not be able to accept telephone inquires PERSONAL SECRETARY/Assist- ant required for busy real estate agent. Experience an asset. Must be very computer friendly and have own car. Full time position. Please hand deliver resume to: Remax Spirit, 21 Drew St. Oshawa. Attention: Assistant posi- tion. SMALL, BUSY Ajax office looking for an eager individual with great phone manner to handle reception. & book keeping. F/T. Quick books, exp.essential. Fax resume with salary expectations to 905-428- 8474 FLOWER STORE seeking sales- people to bring in corporate busi- ness & weddings. Knowledge of the flower business an asset. 100% commission on sales. Call 9 am.-7 pm. 905-436-7149. SALES, ADVANCED COMMIS- SIONS.Work from home, F/T P/T. A needed service, no competition, established NYSE Company. Dia- na Thompson 416-244-5858. SALES REPRESENTATIVE required for small consumer electronics firm, located in Scarborough. Previous experience calling on retail chains would be an asset. Position offers growth opportunities. Please fax resume to: 905-509-8318 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004, PAGE 19 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com Place your ad at 905-683-0707 FINAL RELEASE IN BOWMANVILLE’S FINEST LOCATION OWN FROM $699/MONTH Suites from $111,990 2 bedroom from $134,990 25 minutes east of Toronto Buy now with $500 initial deposit www.kaitlingroup.com visit our model suite. Prices correct at press time. E&OE Ask sales rep for details Call Eric 905-697-0513 RENT-TO-OWN IN BOWMANVILLE CALL ERIC (905) 697-0513 • 1 & 2 bedroom suites from $ 975 / mo. • $ 100 per mo. will be credited towards your future Kaitlin home purchase • Appliances included, Juliet balconies or patios • Ensuite Laundry • Close to 401, public transit & GO • 25 minutes east of Toronto LOTS FOR SALE Fully treed 1 1/2 acre lots across the street from Lake Scugog, only minutes to town from $69,900. Also 2 acre lots starting at $155,000. in the Town of Port Perry with fabulous views of the lake and access to the lake in a prestigious development. Call (905) 424-3086 or e-mail to: rick@fourteenestates.com $$$ Mortgage Money $$$ Purchase & Refinance 1st & 2nd's to 100% oac "Previous Bankrupts, Self-Employed, Commission Sales" We process every application good, bad, or no credit. AMS Accurate Mortgages Services Inc. 905-436-9292 or 877-509-LOAN (5626) Online application at www.accuratemortgages.com 3 3 & 7 7 Fal by Cr t., A ja x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w w w.a j a xa pa r t m e n t s.c om 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Sized Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments starting at $700. ●Renovated suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Tenant free rent draw & rewards program ●Senior Discounts Drop by or Call for Appointment 905-728-4993 Plasti-Fab has been providing quality expanded polystyrene (EPS) solutions to its customers in North America for 36 years. Plasti-Fab’s acclaimed technical expertise assists customers in obtaining the best EPS solutions for their insulation, building systems, buoyancy, geotechnical engineered applications, and packaging and display needs. Plasti-Fab is seeking to fill the following vacancy located at our Ajax, Ontario plant. Administrative Assistant • Full-time You are a well organized and personable individual who understands the importance of providing exceptional customer service at a focal point in our company. Ideally, you can multitask and have experience doing receptionist work and general administrative duties. Additionally, you demonstrate a positive work ethic and display a courteous and friendly attitude when answering the telephone or greeting visitors. The position requires interaction and communication with various functional groups. General administrative duties are varied and include: data entry of daily production records; office supplies; organizing couriers; photocopying and document distribution; mail administration; basic accounting tasks; assisting sales and marketing personnel. You have a post-secondary education in Office/Business Administration along with intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office products. Please forward a comprehensive resume, with a cover letter including salary expectations, by Friday, October 29, 2004, to: Human Resources, Plasti-Fab Ltd., 40 Mills Road, Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H1 Fax: (905) 428-2246 or e-mail: mailbox@pfbcorp.com (Word format) Web-site: www.plastifab.com No phone calls, please. We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those candidates under consideration will be contacted. A BUSY DENTAL office, open 7 days a week requires full time Level 2 Assistant. Fax resume (905) 721-2797 ASSISTANT LEVEL II.Innovative, forward thinking, active practice re- quires level 2 assistant. Good in- terpersonal skills. Will be interact- ing with patients. Hours: Mon. and Tues. 8 - 5, Wed. and Thurs. 1-8:30, Fri. 8-2, 1 Sat./month. Please call Sophie at (416) 296- 0400 ext. 3 or fax (416) 296-1914. DENTAL assistant and reception- ist wanted. Apply with resume to 5 Points Mall Dental Office. No phone calls please. DENTAL HYGIENIST for ortho- dontic office (Oshawa & Scarbo- rough) 3-5 days/week. Orthodontic experience required. Send resume to ejpong@yahoo.com LEVEL II DENTAL Assistant/PDA required for a modern growing Whitby dental office. Full-time po- sition. Send resume to: 1801 Dun- das St. East, P.O. Box 70567, Whitby, Ontario. LlN 9G3 MEDICAL SECRETARY with experience required immediately for full-time position. Excellent personal presentation and tele- phone manner, good organiza- tional, communication skills and Dicta typing required. Starting time negotiable. Competitive sala- ry according to experience. Apply by faxing resume at 905-665- 9711 or by hand at 604 Garden Street, Whitby. PA RT TIME work available for Medical Billing, can work from home. Must have medical billing exp., preferably anesthesia. Call (905)649-3378. RECREATION ASSISTANT required. Diploma in Recreation or health related field and experience in a LTC facility required. Valid Ontario driving license and willing to drive facility van. Submit resume by October 22 to Administrator, White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence, FAX 905-579-1255 RN/RECEPTIONIST required part-time Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-8pm for doctors office in Pickering. Call 905-839- 1134 or fax 905-839-5907. EXPERIENCED SERVER RE- QUIRED,fine dining experience a definite asset. Please call (905) 427-1221 HOST/HOSTESS,Maitre 'd' wait- ers/waitresses, bus persons, dish- washer. Smart serve required. Fine dining. Call (905) 420-7577 or fax to (905) 420-7526. PRIVATE SALE BY OWNER Courtice, quiet court location, backs onto park. 2 storey brick, 4 bdrms, 3 baths, ensuite spa, brick patios, inground pool. Available November 1st $399,000 firm (905) 263-8666 WHITBY,striking 4 bedroom executive. Many upgrades, 2500sq.ft. 2.5 baths. View www.privateexchange.com. October 17th 2-4pm. 30 Weldon St. Call 289-314-4949. EXECUTIVE WHITBY To wnhouse 4 months new. Corner lot. Owner transferred. Completely furnished and professionally decorated. Im- mediate possession available. $299,000 includes all furnishings. Must see! 416-566-9996. 2-BEDROOM CONDO,7th floor corner unit, 92 Church St., Ajax. Open House: Oct 16th, 1-4pm, $190,000. Phone (613)393-2147 CONDO FOR SALE,401/Brock Rd, 1-bdrm, living/diningroom, so- larium, balcony, 1 1/2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, parking, locker. Call 416-258-2126 GORGEOUS SUNSETS - 283 SNUG HARBOUR RD.,RR#6 Lindsay. Spacious 3 bedroom all year round cottage/ home with well manicured 75' Sturgeon Lake wa- terfront lot and perennial flower beds. Quality broadloomed throughout. Hot tub is in sunroom overlooking the lake. Jacuzzi tub and stand up shower in bathroom. 2 free standing Napoleon propane fireplaces (42,000 btu's each) on thermostats heats whole house. Large holding tank (2,200 gals). Only 10 minutes from Lindsay's 18 hole golf course, Sturgeon Point (Fenelon) and Eganridge (Bobcay- geon) Golf Courses are accessible by boat. This home is move in con- dition, but the exterior needs some TLC. Priced to sell at $214,500. Contact Marilyn Piggott, Sales Representative, Remax County- To wn Realty Inc. Lindsay (705) 324-6153 or email marilyn- piggott@ remax-kawartha.ca 3 BEDROOM detached house plus a separate legal four-plex. Both dwellings have been retrofit- ted with certificate. Excellent in- come. Gas heat, many renova- tions. Close to all amenities, schools, buses, medical bldg, 401, in Oshawa. Asking $369,000. Call Rick Dimock, Sales Rep., Remax Spirit Inc. 905-728-1600. AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE for rent, excellent for used car lot, land- scaper, car detailer, auto glass, upholsterer, Simcoe N., near Uni- versity. $550/mo.+. (905)442- 5592 COMMERCIAL SPACE,approx 1100sq.ft. freestanding building with parking, Oshawa. Main street frontage, near 401, $1500/month inclusive. Available immediately. Alec (416)265-6226 PROFESSIONAL FURNISHED OFFICES (3). Includes recep- tion/admin functions. Whitby, only 4 mins from 401. $300-$500. Call (905)433-0040 SECOND FLOOR OFFICE UNIT, approx. 560sq.ft., Simcoe St.N., Oshawa location. Available imme- diately. Parking on premises. Call Kathy or Bob (905)576-5123. $100 INVESTMENT.Lifetime re- turns, limited space avail. We do all the work. Invest in a growing company. For information visit www.thecomfortzone.net Celebrity Tan Seeks working Business partner for new Pickering Spray Tanning Salon. No $$ required 416 510 1314 ESTABLISHED USED car lot for rent, display up to 100 cars, with office, signs, lights, hight traffic , #2 Hwy. Whitby. Call (905)725- 1171, 1-336-210-9828. RESTAURANT FOR LEASE - Port Perry. 2400 sq. ft. Call 905- 985-3490 or email: dhottot@fnis.com WELL established, well known auto repair centre located in down- town Oshawa. Well equipped with established clientele. Annual sales approx $360,000 per year. Price has been lowered from $149,900 to $89,900 to facilitate a quick sale. This is an excellent opportu- nity. (905)571-5138 WORK AT HOME $529.27 Weekly. Mail work, Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703-5655. 24hr message. www.TheHomeJob.ca Or write: Consumer, 599B Yonge Street, #259-222, Toronto. M4Y 1Z4. WORK AT HOME $529.27 Week- ly. Mail work, Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703- 5655. 24hr message. www.The- HomeJob.ca Or write: Consumer, 599B Yonge Street, #259-222, To- ronto. M4Y 1Z4. $$$ Mortgage Money $$$for any reason. 1st, 2nds to 100% oac. Arrears, consolidations, power of sale, previous bankrupts, self- employed, commission sales. All applications processed. Call AMS at 905-436-9292 or toll free 877- 509-LOAN (8626). online applica- tion: www.accuratemortgages.com $$MONEY$$100% 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mortgages. Bad credit ok. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. 100 FAMILIES WANTED - to become debt free. Must have mortgage and debts. Debt Freedom Canada Inc. To Register call: 1-800-590-7203 ext. 2062. 1ST/2ND MORTGAGE below bank rate. Buy a home 0% down. Personal loans / Line of credit. Metrocap, 416-455-1743; 905- 831-2354. APPLY ON LINE - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Den- nis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To consoli- date your debts. Lowest rates pos- sible for residential or commer- cial.Credit issues, self employed, i will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 4.90% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing debt con- solidation a specialty. For fast pro- fessional service call (905)666- 4986 MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgments, garnishments, mort- gage foreclosures & harassing creditor calls. GET: debt Consoli- dations, & protection for your as- sets. Call now: (905)576-3505 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 (2)-One bedrooms, $675/all inclu- sive; Also bachelor $650 all inclu- sive and 2-bedroom $675 plus hy- dro. Avail. immediately. First/last. Downtown Oshawa area. (905)725-8710 1 BEDROOM BSMT APT.Private entrance, just renovated. Available Nov. 1st. Park Rd. N./401. In- cludes digital cable, utilities, park- ing. Non-smoker/no pets, $750/month. 905-720-1029 1 OSHAWA NORTH,1-bedroom apt., 6 storey quiet clean building, balcony, appliances, laundry, util- ities and parking included. $750/month. Available Nov 1st. Call 905-436-9785. 1-BEDROOM apartment, Oshawa, beautiful knotted pine throughout, laundry, parking and utilities included. First/last. Avail- able November 1st. $750/month. 416-383-3445 or 905-725-7644. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apart- ment, Rossland/Cochrane. Newly renovated, extremely clean. Quiet court, private entrance, A/C, appli- ances, laundry. First/last, no pets/smoking, $800 inclusive. Available Nov. 1. 905-665-3314. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., separate entrance, includes all util- ities,cable, laundry, near all amen- ities, $800/month. Suit profession- al non-smoker. No pets. Available immediately. (905)428-2653 or 416-254-7293 1-BEDROOM NEW basement apt, very clean, 1 parking, $750 inclu- sive. Available immediately. Ajax, Westney/401 area (near Hwy2 ) (905)837-0789, 905-391-6649 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom 2 storey town home suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees. $999.00 per month. Call (905) 579-7649 for an appointment. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS near downtown Oshawa No pets, all inclusive $800/month. Call 416-305-6464. 2-BDRM apt,Oshawa. Main floor of triplex, close to OC, very nice, clean & quiet place. Laundry, park- ing. First/last,references, no pets. Call (905)579-7665 leave msg. 2-BDRM APTS,renovated, large & bright rooms, hardwood floors. walking distance to malls, near 401 exit, well maintained, quiet Oshawa neighbourhood, applianc- es, lots of extras, $845/month No dogs please. Oct 15/Nov 1st. 905- 665-0945. 2-BDRM,newly renovated in quiet Pickering family home, private en- trance, 1-parking, laundry facil- ities, non-smokers, close to amen- ities/schools, large backyard. Avail. Nov/Dec. 1st $975/mo in- clusive. Suit couple. (905)421- 9680, 416-817-0578 2-BEDROOM $865 monthly. 1- bedroom $765 monthly. Clean, quiet, utilities, parking, appliances, Available October 17th or later. Simcoe/Mill. Call (905)579-5927 2-BEDROOM APT.Simcoe/Mill Oshawa. Hardwood floors, balco- ny.Available Nov. 1st. $775/mo. inclusive, first/last required. Cat okay. Excellent area. Call Mr. Wyne 905-427-7902. 2-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., east Oshawa, separate entrance, avail. immediately, $700/month in- cludes all utilities + parking, no laundry facilities or pets, non- smoker. 905-436-3986. 2-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., separate entrance, 1 car parking, available Nov 1st. Pickering Beach Rd/Salem. Call (905)428-1861 2-BEDROOM extra large in quiet building, in beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. ideal for adults & seniors. clean building. insuite storage, onsite laundry, Available Dec. 1 905-668-7758 3-BDRMS+ LOFT.Main floor of well-maintained house. Pickering, Liverpool/Bayly, separate en- trance, laundry, parking, near schools, GO, bus/mall. Available November 1st. $1250/mo+ 1/2 util- ities, (negotiable). Call (416)669- 5534 or (416)878-5534. A HUGE WALKOUT basement apt. Courtice (west). Ravine lot. Full-size fridge & stove. Free satel- lite, laundry, parking, $800 inclu- sive. (905)579-5202 ADELAIDE/CENTRE ST.-2 bed. apt. Available Nov. 1st. Close to 401 and Oshawa Centre. 905-809- 4166. AJAX 2-bedroom legal basement apt, sep entrance, laundry, park- ing, Bayly/Salem, quiet neighbour- hood, no smoking/pets, $795-in- clusive, Available Nov 1. (905)686- 8104, 416-834-9759 AJAX CHURCH/HWY. 2 Large 2- bdrm $950 includes utilities, plus parking. Available Nov 1st, in clean, quiet bldg. 905-426-1161 AJAX,Immaculate 2-bedroom basement apt. Large, 4 newer ap- pliances, newly renovated bath- room, 2-parking, close to schools/shopping. $850/mo + 1/2 utilities. Avail. mid Sept. Call Mike weekdays 905-427-4077 ext 24 or eve/wknds 905-442-0020 AJAX,.2-bedroom basement apt. $800+ utilities. Available immedi- ately. No pets, no smoking inside. Near all amenities. (905)420-1281 AJAX,Harwood/Clements, new 1- bdrm bsmt, fireplace, air, pool ac- cess. New fridge/stove, parking, separate entrance. $750/mo inclu- sive, First/last, no pets/smoking. (905)619-2830 after 6pm AJAX,HARWOOD/CLOVER- RIDGE -Luxurious 2 bdrm. bsmt. apt. Separate entrance, newly ren- ovated, 5 appliances, professional- ly decorated. A must see. $900/incl. Avail. now. Call 416- 657-2079. www.upscalerentals.ca AJAX, LARGE bright 2-bedroom walkout basement, family & stor- age room, eat-in kitchen, fridge, stove, large bathroom. First/last, No pets. $950/month-inclusive Im- mediate/Nov. 1(905)686-8469 AJAX/PICKERING - 2-bedroom basement apts. Large, 4 applianc- es, parking, close to schools, shopping. $800/mo + 1/2 utilities. Avail. Oct. 1st. Call Richard - Days 416-865-7864 even- ings/weekends 905-686-9662. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in Whitby, Apt. building, spacious, carpeted, newly painted, with bal- cony, close to bus, shopping, all utilities included, first/last required, no pets, 1 bedroom $800, 2 bed- room $900, 3 bedroom $1,025. Call (905)767-2565 BLOOR ST. EAST Oshawa (Conveniently located near No Frills)- 2 bedrooms $745+hy- dro($50/mo) avail. immed and Nov. 1st.. First/last/1-parking. Im- maculate, nice, well-maintained, bright, clean. Laundry, small build- ings. Bus stop at door. No pets. 905-668-1946. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOND/SIMCOE,Spacious 1 bed- room apartment, $660+hydro. Available immediately. Applianc- es, laundry fac. on-site and park- ing. Call 905-434-7931. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS in downtown Oshawa area. $680/mo. includes hydro, available immediately. Call (905)982-1760 BOWMANVILLE-spacious one bedroom apt. Quiet location. Free parking. No smoking/pets. Adult lifestyle building. $765 util. includ- ed. Call 905-697-3491 CLEAN WALKOUT one bedroom basement apt., Kendalwood/Dun- das. Includes cable, one parking. Minutes to hwy. and shopping. $650/inclusive. Call 905-728-5514. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. FURNISHED, 1-BEDROOM base- ment apartment, Oshawa, Thorn- ton/Gibb, livingroom w/fireplace, equipped kitchen, satellite TV, laundry, separate entrance, transit. No pets/smoking. $690/month. (905)435-0811 HAMPTON,newly constructed 2 bedroom basement apt, large win- dows, sep. entrance., backyard, quiet street, includes 4 appliances, no smoking/pets. avail. Dec./Jan.1, $850 + 1/2 hydro, 905-263-2389. KINGSTON/DIXIE Pickering. Large renovated, luxury 2-bed- room basement apartment. Living room, Familyroom, Huge master, 2 washrooms, large kitchen, Cen- tral/air, laundry, parking. Paul (416)543-7378 LARGE 1 bedroom basement apt. Large livingroom, kitchen, shared laundry/workroom. Private bath- room with shower. Carpeted. Lots of storage, Shared driveway. AC. $700-incl. except cable/phone. OG Hospital, O'Neill HS. References. 905-728-0934. NEW MANAGEMENT PROMOTION 1 Month FREE rent. Harwood/Bayly 1, 2 & 3-bedrooms, from $865/month. Renovated units. Call 310-7000 NORTH Oshawa - 2 bedroom, November lst. Clean, family build- ing. Heat, hydro and two applianc- es included. Pay cable, parking and laundry facilities. (905) 723- 2094 NORTH OSHAWA,2-bedroom condo/apt. Washer, dryer, fridge & stove, No pets. First/last. $875 plus hydro. Available immediately or Nov. 1st. (905)985-8986 ONE & TWO BEDROOM apts for rent. Located 309 Cordova Rd., Oshawa. Avail. November 1st. No pets. Please call (905) 579-2387 after 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM APT.newly ren- ovated, clean, spacious. New paint, floors and counters. Above retail, Oshawa. $800/mo/util. inl- cuded. No pets/smoking. Available Nov. 1st. (905)438-0232 ONE BEDROOM bright & clean, walkout bsmnt. apt. Appliances, own entrance, Ajax, near 401, all amenities. No smoking/pets. Ref- erences. Working, single person preferred. Available immediately. 905-686-5414 OSHAWA - 2 bedroom w/balcony Par k/Adelaide. 6-plex, parking, laundry, near downtown and Shop- ping Centre. All inclusive $830/mo. First/last. Available Nov. 1st No dogs.. (905)576-1248, 905-213- 3980. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom, main floor, Simcoe & Olive area, $875.00 F&L, available Dec. 1st. 1-800- 442-3947. OSHAWA - Ritson/Olive. 2 Large bedroom apts available. Main floor and basement, Fridge, stove, parking, $775 + hydro. Sydney 416-533-9107. OSHAWA - spacious 3 bedroom in duplex. Very clean, appliances in- cluded, parking. First/last required. Available immediately. $800/month plus utilities. Also 2 bedroom, Dec. 1st, $700. 905-420-1846. OSHAWA 1-BDRM. BSMNT. apt. freshly painted. Separate entrance, backyard, 4-appliances, c/a, 3-pc. bath(shower). $600/mo. +hydro. Available immediately First/last/references. No smok- ing/pets. 905-623-6034. OSHAWA 2 Bedroom lower level apartment with separate entrance. Ceramic flooring breakfast nook, must be seen. Located on a quiet dead end street. Fridge, stove,cen- tral air, laundry. No smoking or pets. First-Last. References. Avail- able Nov.1. $850 per month inclu- sive. Call 905-436-0307 OSHAWA bright, clean, newly ren- ovated 2-bedroom apt in triplex. New appliances & carpet. No pets/smokers. $875/mo. avail.. 905-576-0294. OSHAWA CENTER area, 2 bed- room basement apt. in luxury area. $700 plus one part utilities. First/. last, no pets, Nov. lst. call Roger (416)841-1812 OSHAWA KING/RITSON bright, clean 1-bedroom main floor apt in century home/ Also 1-bedroom basement apt available. Laundry and parking. $750, $700 incl. (416)951-2236. OSHAWA King/Wilson Quiet build- ing, near shopping, transportation. Utilities and parking included. 2- bedroom $899 & 1-bedroom $799, immediate/Nov 1st. Call (905)571- 4912 until 6:00pm. OSHAWA Park/Adelaide area. (230 Nipigon St) 2, & 3-bedrooms available. Well maintained build- ing. Near all amenities. From only $825/mo. Call (905)723-0977. OSHAWA RITSON/KING,one bedroom apartment, available Nov.. lst. Private entrance, nice carpet, freshly painted, cable, util- ities an parking included. Fridge, stove, $650 per mo. lst/last. No dogs. Call Bob (905) 924-6075 OSHAWA WEST CENTRAL- 3 bedroom upper level of duplex, major appliances, laundry fac., cable, 2-car-parking, mature work- ing couple preferred. No pets. $895/all-inclusive. (905)579-1869 OSHAWA,398 Pine St. 2-bedroom, balcony, parking, laundry, near OC. $900/inclusive. Available November 1st. First/last. No pets. (905)723-4381 or (905)404-9792. OSHAWA, CLEAN,new building. 2-bedrooms, located in quiet, resi- dential neighbourhood. $820/month. Appliances, parking & utilities included. Available Nov/Dec. For information 905-438- 9715. OSHAWA, LARGE 2 BEDROOM in clean quiet building. Walk to hospital. All inclusive. Parking, laundry, immediately. $815 per mo. Also one bedroom, Dec. lst. Telephone (905) 673-5842, (416) 725-7037. OSHAWA,near O.C. 2 bedroom, renovated all included, must pro- vide references + first/last. Nov. 1. $750 & $775/month. 905-263- 2244, 905-243-0339 OSHAWA,Phillip Murray near G.M. school, transit. Main floor, 3- bedroom, separate entrance. $1050-incl. no pets/smoking 1st/last. Avail. immediately. 905- 571-7869 OSHAWA-very clean, second floor, one bedroom apartment, front large entrance, balcony, laun- dry, cable, air, utilities all included. $800/mo. BASEMENT APT., $600/inclusive. (905)579-8510, No pets/smoking. PICKERING - one bedroom base- ment apt. Well-kept, extremely clean, sep. entrance, security, washer/dryer/cable/c-vac, Rouge Valley/Altona area. No pets/no- smoking. (905)509-3043 even- ings/weekends. PICKERING - 2-bdrm., Finch/Liv- erpool, large, clean, bsmt. apt., available Nov. 1. $875/month. Separate entrance, parking, laun- dry, utilities, A/C, no pets/smoking. 905-837-2988. PICKERING - Liverpool/Bayly, large new 1 bed. bsmt. apt. Sep. entrance, outside patio, parking, new carpeting, flooring, applianc- es, no smoking/pets. $750/mo/incl. (905)426-4197 PICKERING - two bedroom, mod- ern, ll00 sq. ft., walk to lake/go, parking, separate entrance, im- maculate, no pets or smoking. De- cember 15th. $900 plus utilities. .(905) 420-5492. PICKERING BROCK/HWY2 Bright, clean walkout bachelor basement. Large deck. Bath, kitch- en, laundry, a/c, prkg. Suits single. No smoking/pets. $645 first/last. Avail immediately. 905-579-7138. PICKERING immaculate 1200- sq.ft. one-bedroom basement apt, large kitchen, dining, livingroom w/fireplace, all utilities/parking, laundry, sep ent, no smoking/pets, $895/mo, Call Rohan 416-716- 4735 PICKERING Spacious 3-bedroom 1 1/2 baths, two car parking, $l,400. Spacious 2 bedroom base- ment, 2 car park, $900. Laundry, utilities included, next to go, no pets, no smoking, Available imme- diately. (905) 420-4269 PICKERING WHITES/FINCH Large 1-bedroom basement apart- ment. Private Entrance, Parking & laundry. Single professional preferred non-smoker. $800/month. Available immediate- ly. 905-420-4233. PICKERING,bright spacious 2- bdrm bsmt, 4 appliances, parking, close to schools, shopping/GO. $800 + 1/2 utilities. Avail. Nov. 1st. Call Mike weekdays 905-427- 4077 ext 24 or eve/wknds 905- 442-0020 PICKERING,Brock/Delbrook, 1- bdrm. bsmnt. Clean, freshly paint- ed, new broadloom, separate en- trance, 4 appliances, 1-parking. No pets, suits working per- son/couple. First/last, references. $795/mo inclusive. Nov 1st. James 905-619-2289, 416-991-2083. PICKERING,Brock/Hwy #2 bright 1 bedroom basement apt., share laundry, no smoking. Available Nov. lst. First/last. Call (905)427- 9643 PICKERING,Dixie/Finch, new large, bright beautiful 1-bedroom walkout basement, private en- trance, no smokers/pets, first/last avail. Nov. 1st. References, util- ities included. Call (905)839-2774 PICKERING, FINCH/BROCK, Ve ry clean, bright, spacious 2-bed- room basement, separate w/o en- trance, A/C, 4-appliances, cable, $850+1/3 utilities. Immediate- ly/Nov. 1st. First/last, references. No pets/smoking. (416)727-1084 A/P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Quit Smoking Group for Women Wednesdays Nov. 3 - Dec. 8, 2004 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Durham Regional Police Station, 1710 Kingston Rd., Pickering (corner Brock Rd. & Kingston Rd.) Registration is required. Call Durham Region Health Department (905) 723-8521 ext. 2125 or 1-800-841-2729 ext. 2125 RFEE INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD -safe home envionment -programming - personal attention -receipts - full or part-time -caregivers screened, trained, receive on going support, regular inspections -Licenced by MCFCS DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 905-509-1207 FALL CLASSES 2004 Aromatherapy (Prerequisite) 1-day workshop Sun. Oct. 24 1-5 pm Certified Armotherapy Massage Course 12 wks. Wed. Oct. 27 6:30 pm Certified Ear Candling Course 1 day Sat. Nov. 6 2-6 pm Ear Candle Making Course 1 day Sat. Nov. 20 2-6 pm Tar rot Card Reading 2 classes Thurs. Oct. 28 or Nov. 4 7-9:30 pm Certified Reflexology Course 8 weeks Mon. Oct. 25 7-10 pm Feng Shui Workshop 1 day Sun. Nov. 14 1 pm Hot Rocks/Healing Stone Massage Course 12 hrs. Sat. Nov. 13&20 1-7 Nutritional Counselling Seminar 1 day Sun. Nov. 7 or Tues. Nov. 16 7pm Stop Smoking thru Hypnosis (it really works) 1 day wrkshp Sun. Nov. 21 1-3 Unlock Your Money Beliefs! 1 day seminar Sun. Dec. 5 1-3 pm We accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit & Cash OSHAWA 905-721-0363 WOODWORKING COURSES BUILD A ROUTER TABLE This accurate and solidly built Baltic Birch table has been specially designed with an adjustable fence, dust chute and storage drawers "A REAL WORKHORSE" Custom router plate (included) fits all routers. Use of the router will be highlighted in this course STARTS:Wed. Oct. 27 6:00-9:00 pm -12wks. INTRODUCTION TO WOODWORKING "Designed with the beginner in mind" Build 1 of 3 specially designed projects while learning how to use hand and power tools STARTS:Thurs. Nov.18, 6:00-9:00 pm - 8wks. To register call (905)433-9011 www.thecarpenterssquare.com GARAGE/YARD SALE PRICING: This size $49.00 +GST runs Friday Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Deadline: 2:30 Thursday More info. 905-683-0707 Garage Sale Parkway Storage 1535 Pickering Parkway Saturday October 16th, 10:00am - 2:00pm PICKERING, LIVERPOOL/401, main floor of large bungalow, 3- bedrooms, laundry, parking, new appliances, very clean, $1500/month inclusive. Available Nov 1st. (905)839-5768 PICKERING,Whites/Sheppard, 2 bedroom basement apartment. Bright interior, walk to school/day care/grocery/bus stop/GO. No pets/smoking, $875, Available im- mediately. Call (905)837-0337. PICKERING-New large one bed- room basement apt. Separate en- trance, 5 appliances, own laundry. Additional small room, parking, a/c, available November lst. No smoking/pets. Finch/Whites Rd. $850/mo. inclusive. First/last. Ref- erences. (905)831-0870 PICKERING- Whites/401, clean bright 1-bed. basement apt., sep- arate entrance, full kitchen, air, laundry, parking, cable+, utilities included. Non-smoker, first/last, Nov. 1st. $800/mo. (905)837-0227 PICKERING:Liverpool/Bayly, spa- cious 3-bedroom basement, separ- ate entrance, a/c, laundry, 1 park- ing, near all amenities. No pets, $1100 inclusive, first/last, Nov 1st. 416-991-9990, evenings (905)420- 0898 QUIET TENANTS WANTED for large north Oshawa 2 bdrm. lower unit apt. Private entrance. Suitable for single or couple. No smoking or pets. $850/mo. First./last, all inclu- sive. Avail. Dec. 1. 905-576-5909. REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regency Cres. Whitby. 50+ Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to down- town. Daily activities incl. All util- ities included. Call (905)430-7397. www.realstar.ca. SIMCOE ST. N.1 - one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available November 1st. Conveniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca UNUSUAL APT.Close to down- town Oshawa. Very quiet, private garden, skylights, f/p, Murphy bed, Parking. $800/mo inclusive. No smoking/pets. Suits one person. For appt. leave message 905-434- 7012. WHITBY - Brock Street/Rossland, 1 BDRM. basement apartment (new home). MUST SEE! $975 in- clusive, too many details to list. Call 905-665-1340. WHITBY - Kendalwood/King, large 1 bdrm. apt. Balcony, eat-in kitchen, full bath, parking, in quiet, clean home. Suits professional, quiet female. No smoking/pets. $700/inclusive. 905-432-8130. WHITBY - Lakeridge/Hwy. 2, new ground level one bedroom apt. Sep. entrance, outside patio, park- ing, full size appliances, laundry, no smoking/pets. $750/mo./incl. (905)426-4197 WHITBY 1-BEDROOM clean basement apt., private entrance, Thickson/Dundas. Near 401/ amenities. Parking, laundry, appli- ances.November 15th. $750/inclu- sive. . Non smoking/pets. Vince 905-626-6726 WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY,immaculate 2-bedroom apartments available Nov. 1st. $855, rent includes appliances, heat, parking and laundry facilities. 905-666-1074 or 905-556-0455. WHITBY- Dundas and Brock. Main floor of triplex - 2 bedrooms, fridge, stove, coin wash, no pets. Parking, avail. Nov. 1st. $950/month inclu- sive. (905)983-9082. AJAX 3-bedroom condo, 5-appli- ances, no pets. $1350, November 1st. Pickering 2-bedroom condo. 5-appliances, no dogs. $1600. November 1st. (905)831-2210 AJAX,2-bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2-balconies, walk-in closets, laundry, 5-appliances, parking, A/C, exercise room, BBQ facilities, storage. (905)686-7408 (LM), cell 647-298-7408. OSHAWA - MCLAUGHLIN SQUARE.2 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, ensuite storage room, huge balcony, recreation facilities, 24 hr. security. Satellite, underground parking, $1050 inclusive. Novem- ber. possession. Call (905) 576- 3830 for appointment. TRIDEL PENTHOUSE,1200 sq. ft. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, nu- merous upgrades, secured en- trance, 2-parking spaces, locker, too much to mention. Corner unit, balcony, immediate possession. Open House Sat. & Sun. 2-5 p.m. 1000 The Esplanade North, Pick- ering. 905-837-8062. WHITBY - Rossland/Garden, condominium apt. 7th floor, immaculate one bedroom + den. Pool, exercise/billiard/rec-room, underground parking, 5-applianc- es, avail. immed. $1195/mo. inclu- sive.. 905-442-6415. A-ABA-DABA-DO NOBODY NEEDS TO RENT If you're paying $750+/mo you CAN OWN - LET ME SHOW YOU! No Down Payment!! Ken Collis, Assoc. Brkr, Coldwell Banker RMR R.E. (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 kencollis@sympatico.ca 2-BDRM BSMT.,partial main floor, northeast Oshawa walk-out to backyard. Separate entrance, parking, central air, suitable for professional/couple. Avail. immedi- ately/Nov.1st. First/last. No smok- ing/pets. $900/mo. inclusive. 905- 720-2307 3 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT, with bachelor apt. Oshawa. Very good shape, huge yard, 6 appliances, Available Dec. 1st. $1400+utilities, first/last. (905)868-8715 3 PLUS 1-BEDROOM,King/Wil- son area, first/last required, no pets, $1050/mo utilities not includ- ed, $200 water deposit required. Available Nov.1. (905)430-0249 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, North-west Oshawa, $1250/month plus utilities. Close to all amenities. No smoking/pets. Call (905)721- 1361 ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AJAX - 3 bedroom house, Westney/Hwy. 2 area. Close to all amenities, schools. C/air, c/vac, available Nov. 1st. $1200+utilities. 905-626-8487 or 905-852-4747. AJAX - Beautiful 2 bedroom main floor of bungalow in quiet area (Kings Crs.). Near shopping, bus, Go Train. Huge deck, backyard, shared laundry. No smoking/pets. $1150+75% util. Move in date ne- gotiable. 905-426-6176. AJAX,Westney/Hwy #2, 3-bdrm bungalow, main floor, 4 applianc- es, hardwood floors, parking, big deck. Clean. First/last. $1250/mo + 2/3 utilities. Call Brad (416)568- 1437 AJAX, WHITBY,Oshawa, Bow- manville, luxury 3 & 4 bdrm hous- es available. All with appliances, h/w floors, garage. Call Tracy 416- 854-6498 www.speedyrental.com AN UNBEATABLE DEAL!0 down, own your own home. Car- ries for less than rent. OAC. Mini- mum income required per house- hold is $30,000. Please call Aure- lia Cosma, Remax Spirit Inc. 1- 888-732-1600 or (905)728-1600, 24 hr. pager. BOWMANVILLE -3 bedroom bun- galow- Parkway Crescent. Mature area. Large yard. Shows well. In- cludes appliances, cable, heat, hy- dro and laundry. Asking $1150/month. Available Dec. 1st. 905-623-6000. BOWMANVILLE Lakefront, cozy 2-bdrm bungalow on sandy beach, beautiful location, 5-appliances, $1200/mo + utilities, first/last, non- smoking, avail. Nov. 1., 905-623- 5011. CLAREMONT 15 minutes from Markham, Pickering & Uxbridge. bachelor apt. $550 + utilities. park- ing included. Call Dave 416-819- 4119 Major Oaks/Brock 2-storey de- tached, 3-bdrm, 3-bathrms, A/C, 6 new appl, lge yard w/pool/deck. Near GO/schools/shopping. No smoking/pets. first/last/references. $1400+utilities. (905)655-1319, 416-270-3452 NEWCASTLE CENTURY HOME, $1100+utilities. 2 PLUS bdrms. Avail. November/December 1st. No pets. Easy access to 401. Fea- tures gas heating, 5 appliances, front porch, back deck. First/last, references. Call Marie 1-416- 693-8924. NEWLY DECORATED,centrally located 5 bedroom house. Close to schools. First/last. Available November 1st. (905)432-7521 NORTH OSHAWA/WHITBY bor- der. 3-bedroom, 2.5 bathroom de- tached beautiful newer home, great neighbourhood. Fresh paint, 5 appliances, central air/vac. $1400. 416-275-4557 OSHAWA -Simcoe/Gibb, 2 bed. house. fenced backyard, CAPE- COD style, 3-car parking, one floor, water included $875. OSHAWA, Simcoe/Ritson area 1- bedroom, eat-in kitchen, close to all amenities. $650/inclusive. Available immediately. Suit single person. Call (905)723-4475 even- ings, (leave message) PICKERING WHITES/Oklahoma - 4 bedroom executive, shows like a model, private backyard, 5 appli- ances, professionally decorated. A must see. $1,400 plus utilities. Avail. now. 416-657-2079. www.upscalerentals.ca PRIME N.W. OSHAWA.bunga- low, 2+1 bedrooms, 5 appliances. rec room, attached garage, gas heat, gas fireplace. Available mid- December, $1400/month plus util- ities. Call Johanna or Theresa at (905)576-3429 SCARBOROUGH,Morning- side/Finch, detached house, 3- bedroom, 2 baths, fireplace, 5 ap- pliances, security system included. References required. $1500 plus utilities. (905)579-1969 SOUTH AJAX - 2 bedrooms, fire- place, large yard, parking. Avail- able immediately. $1200+ utilities. References required. Suits busi- ness professionals. Convenient to schools, church and shopping mall. Call days 905-706-8171 or after 6 p.m. 905-683-1300. WHITBY Taunton/Brock large 2-storey new home, 4-bdrms, up- graded kitchen & family room. 5-appl. C/A, Avail Nov. 1. $1699+utilities. No smoking/pets. (905)686-4718, 416-286-7461 WHITBY,3-bdrm newer home, at- tached garage, fenced yard, 5 ap- pliances, a/c, close to schools/shopping. $1500/mo + util- ities. Avail. Dec. 1st. Call days 905-837-4504, eve/wands (905)831-2838 WHITBY,Thickson/Dryden, 2-sto- rey, 3-bdrms, familyroom, 3 bath- rooms, 2-car garage. Avail. imme- diately. (416)558-2520 CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.real- star.ca Open house Wed. Thurs. Fri. 7-9 p.m. HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units . Avail. November 1st, park- ing incl. Please call 905-576-9299. IMMACULATE N. OSHAWA townhouse. 3 bed., 2 1/2 baths, c/air/van. 5 appliances, fireplace, garage, no smoking/pets. First/last/references. Avail. now. $1200+utilities. Cheryl 905-720- 0945. NORTH OSHAWA 3-bdrm town- house 5 appliances, $1195+util- ities. (905)721-2850 OSHAWA south 3 bedroom town- houses, close to schools, shop- ping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. Toll-free 1-866-922- 6422, 905-579-9956. TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. WHITBY - Brand new 3 bedroom townhouse, 3 bathrooms, large liv- ing room and kitchen, 5 applianc- es, near amenities. $l,350/mo.+ utilities. Available immediately. First/last. Call (416) 561-4353 (416) 358-3345 Whitby Brock/Rossland new 3 bedroom 1400 sq.ft., garage, ap- pliances, quite street, avail Nov. 1200 plus, Condolynn Manage- ment, (905)428-9766 WHITBY, BROCK ST.N./Dundas Gorgeous, brand new townhome. 3-bdrms, 3-baths, ceramic/hard- wood throughout, deck, all new ap- pliances, C/A, separate garage, fireplace. $1400+utilities. Avail- able immediately. 905-509-4006, 416-282-2368, 416-471-2392 AJAX - 2 nice clean rooms, $350/monthly. Available immedi- ately. Call (905)427-6106. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY,Fur- nished room in Pickering, cable, light kitchen facilities, near Picker- ing Generating Station, PTC/GO, $200/bi-weekly. 905-420-4318 OSHAWA NEAR GM- clean, large quiet room. Hydro/cable/internet, bathroom incl. Shared kitchen, laundry, phone. No parking. Work- ing mature gentleman preferred. $370/first/last. 416-888-4905. OSHAWA South, near Lakeview Park.Bed/Sitting room for rent, own bathroom and kitchenette. No smoking/pets. $110/week. Avail- able now. (905)434-1678. OSHAWA King/Wilson, 2 rooms furnished (finished basement). Fireplace, air, sep. rec room, kitch- en, own shower, laundry included. $150/week/room. First/last. Avail- able now. No pets 905-743-0919. OSHAWA, Simcoe & Bloor. Share furnished apt with 2 males. Near all amenities. Available im- mediately. 1st/last, $400/mo inclu- sive.Viewing (905)433-4088. PERSON TO SHARE (female pre- ferred) 2 bedroom apt. in Oshawa. $450/month, available now. Call (905)439-9374 after 6 p.m. WHITBY (NORTH)Share beautiful new furnished 3BR home w/male IT professional. Own bed- room/bathroom, Hardwood floors, fireplace, digital cable, highspeed internet, laundry, parking. Close to bus/shopping, No smoking. $750 inclusive 416-834-2670. WHITBY,Shared accommodation in 4-bedroom home, $125 weekly. Call (905)665-2728. WHITBY,great area, Brock and Burns, $395/monthly, first/last, parking, available October 15th, share kitchen, bath, laundry. (905)430-9060. CLEARWATER Florida, 2-3 bed- room furnished manufactured homes. 85 degree pool, 105 de- gree hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions. Children welcome. Photos shown in your home. $300/weekly (less than mo- tel) (905)683-5503. 2002 BIG BEAR 400CC, 2300kms, dealer serviced, new front brakes, push button 4x4, new tires & chrome rims, Mudzilla rears, blackwater fronts, trailer, cover, rims all included. $6,000firm, must sell + extras. 905-260-5553. 1986 16 ft. GYPSY House trailer, needs TLC. Sleeps 4 to 5, all inclu- sive, as is $2,500. Call 905-436- 7600 during day for details. 2004 TERRY LTD EDITION, 28ft. Tr avel Trailer, loaded. Queen bed, stainless steel appliances, A/C, awning. Asking, $16,900. Call 905- 430-8953 MOVING - MUST SELL!1988 Be- retta Super Sport, 18ft., 140 in- board/outboard, good condition, $7,000 o.b.o. 905-720-2218. SINCERE SINGLES Professional Introduction Service. Successfully matching members for long term relationships. Toll free 1-866-719- 9116 www.sinceresingles.ca Fall Special! MODEL PHOTOGRAPHY,30 years experience. Call Stuart at (905)720-3468 ESP PLACEMENT qualified & screened nannies, local & over- seas. Employers required to sponsor nannies from overseas with no fee. (416)417-9035 www.espplacement.net LIVE IN NANNY required for 2 boys, ages 6&2. Ashbury&Shoal Point area. Non-smoker, referenc- es, exp. To start immediately. Call for interview. (905)426-6876 LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. AFFORDABLE loving daycare, non smoking, reliable/experienced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S.on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route. Large fenced backyard. Playroom/ crafts/ outings. Snacks, lunch. Valley Farm Rd./Kingston Rd. Near PTC. References. Call Debbie (905)839-7237 FINDING CHILDCARE Has never been easier! Connecting providers, parents and nannies. Not an agency. View free list today at: www.durhamdaycare.com (905)665-2346 LOVING AND CARING mom will love and care for your children in my home. Harwood/Rossland, Ajax. Flexible hours, references, available immediately. $105/wk full time. 905-428-7998. LOVING MOTHER with First Aid/CPR providing daycare, 12 years experience. Lots of fun, learning activities. Receipts, refer- ences avialable. Call (905)619- 8752 QUALITY DAYCARE Westney/Delaney, excellent rates - now is the time to look for a good caregiver. All ages, full or part time, days or Sat., homemade meals, large play area, fully fenced, happy environment, crafts, games etc. Receipts, references. (905)686-8719 PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. LEATHER jackets 1/2 price, purs- es from $9.99, luggage from $29.99. wallets from $9.99. Every- thing must Go! Family Leather, 5 Po ints Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439- 1177. 2003 POLARIS 330 Trail Boss (4- wheeler) barely used, mint con- dition, extremely low hours, Bur- gundy, limited edition model. In- cludes passenger back-rest. Moved, must sell, asking $4750. obo. Please call evenings Mike 905-697-5842. 9PC DININGROOM SET,cherry finish, like new, $1500. Kitchen ta- ble & 6 chairs, good condition, $500. Call (905)668-7068 or (905)626-8151. A DININGROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES-Air Con- ditioners $75/up, Large selection of newer, approx 2 years old, while quantities last. Freezers $149/up, Washers $175/up, dryers $149/up, stoves $99/up, fridges $100/up. Coin-op washers/dryers. Bar fridg- es $50+up, freezers, chest & up- right $149+up;RENT TO OWN AVAILABLE! Why wait, buy it now! Visit our showroom. Par ts/Sales/Service. 426 Simcoe St. S. Mon-Fri, 8-6pm. Sat 9-5pm. (905)728-4043 AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS wood/oil Chimney cleaning. Sup- ply/install caps & pest screens. Nest removal. Minor repairs. Low- est rates. Insured * Certified * No Mess. Call (905)686-7741 ALL NEW CARDLESS SATELLITE SYSTEMS. Having problems with your current satellite?? We have the solution. We also do service and installations. Serving Durham, Call: 905-767-0013. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. APPLIANCES,refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer, apartment size washer & dryer. Mint condition. Will sell sep- arately, can deliver. Call (905)839- 0098 ATTENTION COLLECTORS:HO trains on 5x10 layout, complete with all accessories. (905)430- 6408, ask for Bill. BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SET,cherrywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construction, nev- er opened. In boxes. Cost $9,000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416) 748-3993 BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. BRAND NEW BLUE Carpet. Seamed Around. Call 905-837- 1602 for more information. CARPETS - I have several thou- sand yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389.00. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905) 743-0689 www.suburbancarpets.com CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30 sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet including pre- mier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Esti- mate. Mike 905-431-4040 CEDAR Trees for sale, starting from $3.50 each. Planting avail- able. Free Delivery. Call Bob 705-341-3881. CLAIFORNIA SHUTTERS for patio door and window. Drapes, also fabric for drapes, upholstery and quilting. (905)655-3699 COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services. SPECIAL: FREE CD-RW w P3/450 Complete Desktop System: 17" Flt Scrn Mntr/12G, hd/128Meg/Ether- net/Kb/M..only $289; Dell Latitude Nbk: P2/366 only $409. (Limited Quantities) Other complete sys- tems available. Repairs at reason- able rates. CD-RW upgrades only $50. Interac, Visa & Mastercard accepted. Layaway Plans. 27 Warren Avenue, Oshawa (1 block East of Park & Bond). 905-576- 9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANY has overstock of miscellaneous lum- ber, 1/2" ply spruce $24.90/each. 5/8" T&G ply $27/each. 7/16" OSB $13.50/each. 5/8 T & G OSB $23.00 /each. Take all & save! (905)982-0068. DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. FABRIC BY THE bolt, $1.00/me- ter, 2 manual medical beds $300 each, Juki zigzag industrial sewing machine & stand, like new $1000. (905)438-8784 FRIGIDAIRE (2003) Professional Series Stainless Steel Self Clean- ing Stove, Top-of-the-line, electric, pristine condition, $1,199; Sofa & Loveseat, Sage green/walnut feet, excellent condition, $1,050. 905- 666-1715 HOOD FAN, Nutone Allure, 3 speed, 3 light, 1 year old $100. Dresser Mill, Roxton. Natural pine. 47x33, $75. Various sizes and patterns of drapes. 905-649-2999. HOT TUB 2004 all options, water- fall, ozanator, red wood cabinet, never used, still in wrapper. Cost $9995, sell $5000. 416-746-0995 HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER Is your Computer not working? Affordable, reliable & honest service. At your home or office. Call Jason for a free quote (905)409-6388 or visit www.charkinson.com LOVESEAT & chair $250; Cherry armoire $400; DuncanPhyfe table & 2 chairs $350; Maple captains bed $200; 3-month-old sofa/love- seat $450; Pine dining 10-pc $1100; Oak dinette, 7-pc $900; Dryer $125; Stove $125; Fridge $150; Trademaster builders table- saw $450 (905)260-1123 MOVING SALE,Solid cherry din- ingroom set $2,200; Couch & love- seat $500; Kenmore stove w/cast iron burners $250; Dark pine twin bdrm set $150; Black Heinzman piano & stool 1950's (best offer) and many more items. Call even- ings 905-434-4544 or daytime 905-644-3181 MOVING SALE- 7pc queen solid pine bedroom suite $3000 obo, 3pc. solid oak wall unit $1300. Couch & chair, green, $1200. Kitchen Aide convection flat top stove $1200. Call 905-720-2218. MOVING SALE:dinette set, seats 6, still frame with upholstery. 7- cb.ft. freezer, 1.2-cb.ft. microwave, bar fridge, washer/dryer, fridge/stove and much more. (905)925-9959. NEW DANBY APT sized freezers $199. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, recondi- tioned ranges $125/up, recondi- tioned dryers $125/up, recondi- tioned washers $199/up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 PEG PEREGO high chair, paid $250, sell for $100. Call (905)619-8722 PIANO Te chnician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Gift Certifi- cates available. Call Barb at 905- 427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa, MC, Amex PIANO,apartment-size, with bench, Mason & Risch. Excellent condition. Walnut, $1750. (Oshawa) (905)720-0584 PIANOS & CLOCKS - Clearance on all 2004 Roland pianos. Save $$$ while quantities last. Also on Samick pianos, and Howard Miller clocks. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintz- mann, etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental pay- ments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905)433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. XBOX MOD CHIPS Chip installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid ash. All accessories. New in box. Cost $6700, sell for $2850. 905-213- 4669. POOL TABLE, 4.5' x 9', 1" slate, Oak, Mahogany finish. Includes many accessories. $2950. Call days 905-571-1222 or even- ings/weekends 905-430-8076 POOL TABLES - 8' and 9' slate billiard tables, Foosball/Jettoni ta- ble and air hockey tables for sale. Call (905)420-6113 QUALITY FITNESS EQUIPMENT. Stairmaster 4000 PT, like new, runs great. Paid $2000, sacrifice $900 obo; NORTHERN LIGHTS Universal, fully loaded includes added leg extension, asking $900 obo. Call Mike evenings 905-697- 5842. RADIAL TIRES - 2 Defender SRXP23560R15, and 2 SR500P27560R15 on chrome rims, great shape $300; Golf clubs Evolution FLX3 graphite irons, 3-PW reg. shaft new $250; Cole- man camp stove 2 burner pro- pane, used once $50; Coleman fuel lamp $20; stainless steel wall garbage bin $50; Unique ice hut heater propane electric start $75; 705-328-0402 after 6 p.m. RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. RYOBI 12" x 37" wood turning lathe $150. 1-705-357-2358 (Ma- nilla) SNOWBOARDS: 150cm Burton board and bindings, boots as well, asking $150. 160cm Option Super- Cap, brand new last year, used twice, great shape. Ride EX series bindings, DC boots, asking $700. Call Connor 905-404-8676. SOFA SET, 3pc. Navy plaid. 4 years, excellent condition. $850 OBO. Mahogany corner unit $125. 2 glass coffee tables. (905)686-9048 SOFA, matching loveseat, ivory; co-ordinating wingback chair, area carpet 5x8, $500; (905)427-3200 TARPS - Woven Poly Tarps, all sizes from 8'x10' to 30'x50'. Priced $7.-$90. (tax incl). Call Bowman- ville 905-623-5258. CLIP AND SAVE - Wanted to buy. Old glass, china, jewellery, dolls, bears, toys, figurines, Royal Doul- ton, Beswick, hat pins, marbles, vintage clothing, tins, vinyl albums, etc. Phone (905) 982-0070 COINS,old bills, old posters, wanted. Cash paid. Please call (416)456-2494 Solid wood kitchen table & chairs; dining room sets; living room sets; bedroom sets; good major appli- ances; electric treadmills; Will pay cash. 905-260-1123 WANTED - Big screen in good condition, reasonably priced Call 905-434-0392. RENT TO OWN.New appliances at great prices, full warranty. Total Appliance Centre. New Pickering location, (905)686-3200. SATELLITES, FREE TO AIR.Is your DirecTV down? Everyone is switching to FTA; no cards, boards or atmegas. Specializing in the Fortec Lifetime Ultra. Get 1000’s of channels, no monthly bills. 1St in Durham Region. Call 905-435- 0202. uneekelectronics@rog- ers.com 226 Bloor Street East, Oshawa. DROP BY OUR STORE FOR A FREE DEMO BISHON FRISE male 6 month old puppy, purebred (no papers) $500. Call 905-728-5339. DOG-A-LONG Walking Service Give your canine companion a walk when you can't. Kind, Caring Dependable Service (905) 427-8556 FREE TO GOOD HOMES various breeds of abandoned domesticat- ed dogs need a loving home. Call Tagamar Boarding Kennels 905- 725-6210 HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED - for many homeless pets. Kittens, vet checked with lst booster, many spayed or neutered adult cats looking for caring families to adopt them . Dogs are also available for adoption. Pet supplies and dona- tions are always welcomed. Please call Durham Animal Adop- tion at (905) 438-8411 WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER pup- pies, vet checked, first shots, home raised, ready to go, $750. 905-342-2095 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004, PAGE 21 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com WHEATEN PUPPIES ready to go; F/M, 1st shot, dewormed, serious inquiries only; mom & dad on site; 905-434-2904 1987 BMW 325, 4-door, body good shape, interior excellent. run- ning, engine needs work. Great winter project. as is $1200-obo. 647-273-5133 1989 CADILLAC SEDAN Deville, 160k, B.C. car, certified. $3,500. Te lephone (905) 720-0861. 1989 FORD PROBE GT, $500 OBO. Parts car. Call between 9-5, ask for Jim. 905-885-2461 1991 CHEV CAVALIER, excellent winter car, 4dr., good shape, $675 obo. Call (905)442-5592 1991 FORD ESCORT, 1.9 litre, 5 speed, air, AM/FM CD, never win- ter driven, certified and E-tested, $2,300. 905-349-3029 1993 CHEV CAVALIER 2-door, 4 cyl, 5-speed. 198,000-kms, runs well. Certified & E-tested. $1695 obo. 905-435-0062 Aaron. 905- 571-5138 1993 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 3.3L,, v6, lots of new parts, $500 as is. (905)509-2673 1993 PONTIAC SUNBIRD,4-cyl- inder, automatic, 2-door, rear spoiler, aluminum rims, excellent condition, no rust, low kms. Reliable, economical, clean, low insurance. Certified/Emissions. $2450. (905)718-5032 1993 TEMPO,106kms, air, no rust, certification details, $2,450. call 905-718-4860. 1993 Toyota Tercel,$2699; 1996 Saturn, leather interior $3699; 1996 Lumina LS, $3699; 1996 Taurus SW, $3699; 2000 Intrepid $5999; Others from $1699, certi- fied & e-tested. (Kelly and Sons since 1976), (905)683-7301 or 905-424-9002. 1994 FORD TEMPO, 4 cylinder, 4 door, white, emission tested, ex- cellent on gas, $500. as is. 905- 349-3887 after 5 1996 Ford F150, $3999. 1995 Nissan Pathfinder, $4495. 1993 Areostar Van, $1999. 1989 Mazda MPV, $1699. Special on other ve- hicles, PAY NO GST. Certified & E-tested. Call (905)683-7301 or (905)424-9002 1997 CHEV LUMINA,4dr, p/b, p/s, air, p/w, 71,000km, $6,400 OBO, certified, e-tested. Call (905)987-1865 1998 DODGE STRATUS,loaded, excellent shape. 51,000-kms. certi- fied & e-tested. $5800 neg. (905)665-5822 1998 FORD CONTOUR, 4 cyl au- to, 4 dr, Pioneer CD player, fully loaded, air, ps, 124K, $6,000 certi- fied/e-tested. 905-434-0392. 1998 GrandAm,4-door, 5-spd, 112,000-km, air blows cold, $4900 firm. (905)571-9442 1998 PONTIAC GRAND Prix SE 3800 auto, factory mags, pw, pdl, power mirrors, tilt, cruise, traction control, overhead console, power trunk, air, dark metallic green, beautiful car in nice condition, 196,000kms, certified & e-tested, selling at black book. $5400. (905)571-5138 1998 PONTIAC SUNFIRE.Auto 2- dr. 4-cyl. gas, red, a/c, AM/FM CD, 135K, cert. e-tested. Very good cond. $4700 OBO. 905-623-5778 or 905-213-5548. 1998 TAURUS SE spotless loaded 4-dr. black w/grey interior 6-cylin- der auto air power doors windows keyless remote 148K certified $7500 Mike 905-576-5258. 1999 CARTIER TOWN CAR Lincoln. 73,000-km $19,500. 905- 213-2492 1999 GRAND AM GT,red, 160K, 2dr, auto, tilt, sunroof, leather, ex- cellent condition, one owner, ask- ing $6,000; ALSO propane patio heater, 8ft. tall, 40,000 BTU, white, $800 new, asking $350, (905)668- 0663 2000 BUICK LeSABRE, mint con- dition, 1 owner. 63,000kms. $15,900 certifed & E-tested. Call (905)668-0251 2000 CHEV MALIBU,6cyl, 55,000km, beige w/tan interior, auto, 4-dr, air, cassette., abs. Ask- ing $9,600 certified/e-tested. (905)436-5897 2001 FORD MUSTANG Coupe, auto, V6, silver ext., charcoal int., keyless entry, alloy wheels, spoil- er, bucket seats, sport package, A/C, AM/FM Stereo, CD, Cassette, power EVERYTHING, cruise con- trol, tilt wheel, driver/passenger Air Bag. Winter tires included. 90K. $12,900, call 905-579-7988. 2001 NISSAN SENTRA GXE, silver, 5-speed. 54,000kms, A/C, CD, remote starter, 2 sets of tires. Excellent condition. $11,500 OBO. (905)925-9959 2002 CHRYSLER Concord LXI. in mint condition absolutely load- ed-58,000kms. Asking $16,500. Retail book value, $19,300. Call Bill (905)686-2170. 2003 ACURA TL 3.2 type S, V6, 4-dr, pearl white, tan leather interi- or. Loaded, Bose stereo, sunroof, spoiler, wood grain, mint. Warran- ty, 61k, $27,500. (905)668-2666 2004 CHEVY AVEO,good Condi- tion only 4 1/2 months old, fully loaded, Alloy rims, Air, PWR Mir- rors, MP3 Player, Keyless Entry, PWR Windows and Locks, Hatch- back with flip and fold seats, Auto- matic. Fast, fun to drive. Great Commuter Car, 16,500km highway driving, Lease Take Over $281/month with $0 down. Bal- ance of Warranty Up to 100,000km or 4Yrs whichever comes first. Ta ke over starts December 4 2004 Call Joshua For More Details! BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYANEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-296-7107 (905) 683-5358 CALL BRIDGET BANKRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED $$$$ A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. $$$TOP DOLLARS PAID- Ajax Auto Wreckers pays $75+ for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days (905)686-1899. CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES SCRAP cars wanted, pay cash, free pick up, Ron 905-424-3508 or Leo 905-426-0357 SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407 1994 CHEV S10,blue, 5-speed, standard cab, 160,000km asking $3000. For info call 905-718-7755. 1996 FORD F150,work truck, cer- tified/e-tested, excellent condition $6000; 1997 SILVERADO, extend- ed cab, short box, loaded, certi- fied/e-tested $12,500. (905)686- 1677 or 647-223-8651 1998 F150 STX Super Cab Truck. 103,000-km. $10,000. 905-213- 2492 2000 FORD F150 Lariat 4x4 load- ed, 1-1/2 cab, suicide doors, leath- er, 229,000-km, highway driven $15,000. Blue/gold trim. 905-623- 7836, cell 905-439-2450 1995 MERCURY VILLAGER LS, auto, 3dr, 6cyl, excellent condition, a/c, p.seats, 7-passenger, cruise control, keyless entry, 191km, re- cently replaced engine, $4995. (905)665-4679 FRIENDS & LOVERS Dating Ser- vice, don't wait for love to knock at your door. Call now free to listen, 905-683-1110 FRIENDS and lovers dating ser- vice! Now with chat line! Durham's Own! Sometimes love is just not enough. Listen to the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. (905) 683-1110 Asian Girls Best Service Best Price Best Quality Girls 19+, Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more 24hrs, Out Calls only 905-260-1238 Satin Nights with touch of class for ladies & men. Outcalls only. All Occasions. HIRING 19+. ALL ORIENTATIONS WELCOME. 905-626-0854 JBS CLEANING Windows & Eaves T H O R O U G H Total satisfaction assure Powerwash & caulking Minimize your risks to West Nile...... Clean your eaves annually For free estimate call Dennis at (905) 837-1910 A & C ROOFING & WINDOWS •Shingles of all types, flats of any size •Soffit* Fascia * Eavestrough* Skylights •Financing Available o.a.c. •Written warranties guaranteed •W.S.I.B. * Fully Insured (905) 509-8980 or (905) 428-8704 WINDOWS & DOORS by D. Florio Aluminium We also do siding, soffit, fascia and eavestrough FREE ESTIMATES Established since 1973 (905) 509-4800, Cell (416) 918-3736 RDC Windows Doors & Roofing *All types of Vinyl & Aluminum Products *Transferable Warranties *Licensed Renovators and Insured *Going that extra mile* (905)982-1715 1-877-789-4732 905-686-7236 www.handymanconnection.comLic #B16881Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting • Renovations etc. Insured Bonded 1 Year Written Warranty MURPHY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Custom decks, fences, Garden Sheds, Hardwood/laminate floors, Trim work & Crown Moulding, Ceramic Tiles & Back splash, Plumbing & Electrical, Bsmt finish- ing, Drywall & plastering & General Repair Quality workmanship, Reliable Service, 20yrs exp. Call James (905)839-4041 COUNTERTOP NEED REPLACING? • FREE ESTIMATES • INSTALLATIONS Scarborough Countertops (416) 299-7144 F ACTORY PRICES BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, COUNTER TOPS (READY IN 4 DAYS). RECROOMS, PLUMBING, HOME OFFICES Mario (905)619-4663Cell 416-275-0034 BARK TREE SERVICE SENIORS DISCOUNT 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES C a l l R o b (9 0 5 ) 7 0 6 -7 0 4 7Call R o b (4 1 6 ) 7 0 2 -4 2 5 2 SERVING: • AJAX • SCARBOROUGH • PICKERING • OSHAWA • WHITBY • MARKHAM • UXBRIDGE SERVICES: • TREE REMOVAL • PRUNING • TOPPING • STUMP REMOVAL • DEAD WOOD • HEDGE TRIMMING Seniors Discount EAST COAST TREE SERVICE Expert in removal, trimming, pruning, stump removal. Firewood Available $50/face Free Estimates ** Fully Insured Call Daryl (905) 619-8798 TIMBER TREE SERVICE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Shawn.905-619-1704 I n t e r e s t F r ee Pay m e nt s Avai l a bl e CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 RABBIT Wants Work! Doing Magic for Children's Parties and All Occasions. Have my own Magician Call Ernie (905)668-4932 R E B U I L D REBUILD Y OU R YOUR C R E D I T CREDIT M E N Z I E S C H R Y S L E R M E N Z I E S C H R Y S L E R MENZIES CHRYSLER Bank says ... “NO” Dave says ... “YES” No Credit, Bad Credit, “NO PROBLEM” Phone DAVE Today DRIVE AWAY TODAY Cell: 905-213-4932 Tol l Free: 1-888-269-1687 www.ezautoloan.net SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Orangeville dated th 28th of October 2003, Court File Number 1018/03 to me directed, against the real and personal property of JOSE MARIA AZARRAGA also known as JOSE MAIR AZARRAGA also known as JOSE M. AZARRAGA and REMEDIOS JABIER AZARRAGA also known as REMEDIOS J. AZARRAGA, Defendants, at the suit of CITIBANK CANADA, Plaintiff, the Enforcement Office of the Superior Court of Justice located at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario has seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of JOSE MARIA AZARRAGA also known as JOSE MAIR AZARRAGA also known as JOSE M. AZARRAGA and REMEDIOS JABIER AZARRAGA also known as REMEDIOS J. AZARRAGA, Defendants in, and to: Unit 27, Level 1, Durham Condominium Plan No. 136, Town of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, Land Titles Office for Durham (No. 40) together with its appurtenant common interests municipally known as 1540 Pickering Parkway, #105, Pickering, Ontario L1V 3V9. All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of JOSE MARIA AZARRAGA also know as JOSE MAIR AZARRAGA also known as JOSE M. AZARRAGA and REMEDIOS JABIER AZARRAGA also known as REMEDIOS J. AZARRAGA Defendants, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at the Superior Court of Justice, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G7 on Wednesday, OCTOBER 20, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. CONDITIONS: The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s). TERMS: Deposit 10% of bid price or $1000.00, whichever is greater *Payable at time of sale by successful bidder by cash, certified cheque or bank draft *To be applied to purchase price *Non-refundable Te n Business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G7 All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price Other conditions as announced THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE SHERIFF WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UP TO THE TIME OF SALE. NOTE:No employees of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly. September 7, 2004 Andrew McNabb and Al Billington Court Enforcement Officers 605 Rossland Rd. East Whitby ON L1N 9G7 CARPET SALES Res. / Comm. •Repairs •Restretch •Replace Free Estimates. Call Dave 416-321-5091 416-807-9082 DOORS "R" US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 Kitchens, Bathrooms Renovations Custom designed and built Call Rob 416-602-2163 905-427-2722 renovations4u.ca ✶G/Openers Installed $70 ✶F/B from $6500+ material ✶Decks/Fences & G/Sheds ✶Painting & Decorating ✶Electrical/Plumbing ✶Dry Walling/Taping ✶All Kitchens ✶Patios, Paths, Interlock & Steps ✶Windows and Doors Call Abdul 905-444-9944 or 647-722-5354 SPECIALS Kitchen & bath renovations, Basements, Counter Tops, Ceramic Tiles, Pot Lights Don't pay for 12 months (416)850-2285 HANDYMAN SERVICE Garbage removal, brickwork, concrete repairs, lawn cutting, hedge trimming, yard clean-up, painting, eavestrough cleaning 905-431-7762 905-655-5085 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 DAN'S PAIN TING Interiors Quality Finishes Low Rates Rooms from $90 Free Estimates 905-571-3571 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior Call for free estimate (905)686-7889 PAINTING & WALLPAPERING ✦ Reasonable Rates ✦ ✦Interior & Exterior ✦ Serving Oshawa & surrounding area for 30 yrs ☎ 905-725-9884 ☎ Cell-905-213-0338 ☎ ROMEO PAI NTING Specializing in in- terior and exterior painting. For clean, fast and reliable service call (905) 686-9128 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 AFFORDABLE MOVING 12', 16', 24' trucks $49/hr - Anytime, Anywhere. Fully Licensed. Professional 416-802-5878 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ McGee Moving The Mover You C an Trust Commercial & Residential Large or small move Hourly or Flat rate Packing material available Seniors discount 905-666-9678 905-426-0202 FREE ESTIMATES MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything, any- where, anytime. Commer- cial or residential . Packag- ing, storage and boxes available. Senior and mid month discounts. Free esti- mates. (905) 571-0755 Triumph Moving $45/hr. 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmoving.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 DIAMOND SHINE MAID SERVICE ●Insurance claims (billed direct) ●Construction Cleanups ●Move Ins/Outs ●Office Cleaning ●Building/Property Contract All cleaning products supplied. Fully insured. (905)619-0353 HOUSE CLEANERS AVAILABLE •All floors hand washed •Most days open •References upon •request call Lee-Anne (905)409-6404 CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Design & Build wet bars *Built in cabinets & shelving *Finished basements Over 20 yrs. exp. All work guaranteed (905)839-8143 FALL CLEAN-UP Leaves & garden clean up (416) 819-4590 (905) 213-0181 Monas Landscaping Cedar Trees For Hedging Sizes 3'-12' Free delivery and planting available. 705-448-9315 905-252-2458 CEDARS FOR HEDGING All trees cut & trimmed Firewood (905)509-4449 (416)876-0007 A/P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004 www.durhamregion.com PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now Hiring "HAIL, Dear Old Northern...Did you attend Northern Secondary School in Toronto? Join in the celebration! Northern's 75th Anniversary Reunion. May 6 - 8, 2005 Log on to our web- site:www.northern-secondary.toron- to.on.ca/nssreunion.html or register by phone at (416) 393-0284, press 6. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 17, 2004, PAGE 23 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com P PAGE 24 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com A City of Opportunity The City of Pickering is Toronto’s eastern neighbour and home to a growing community that blends business opportunities,cultural diversity and historical rural settings with a picturesque Lake Ontario waterfront. We are committed to efficiency in the delivery of services to our 93,400 residents, and offer a progressive culture that values innovation, enthusiasm and community responsibility. The City of Pickering is seeking an energetic,enthusiastic Fitness Instructor to join our team. Under the general direction of the Supervisor, Facility Programs and the guidance and leadership of the Kinesiologist, the incumbent is responsible for the planning, coordinating and conducting of fitness programs, which provide exemplary customer service and participant safety in a professional and effective manner. •Successful candidates must meet the following minimum requirements: •Successful completion of secondary school education. •Current OFC, Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer CPR certification. •One year of work-related experience •Must be medically and physically fit to perform the duties of the position. •Good interpersonal, leadership, organizational, communication (written and oral in English) and customer service skills. •Must be willing to work irregular hours, on holidays and on weekends. •Demonstrated ability to plan and develop short and long-range fitness class programs. If you are interested in working somewhere fun and exciting,please submit a detailed resume on or before Friday October 22, 2004. Drop off or mail to: Human Resources Division City of Pickering One The Esplanade L1V 6K7 By Fax:905.420.4638 By Email:hr@city.pickering.on.ca Directly online at www.cityofpickering.com In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information gathered is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O.1990, c.M.45, and will be used to select a candidate. We thank all those individuals who apply; however, only those applicants granted an interview will be acknowledged. An Equal Opportunity Employer We Welcome All Major Fleet Cards CANNOT BE USED WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTIONWITH THIS COUPON ONLY Expires October 29/04 CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY 1735 Pickering Parkway (at Brock Road), Pickering • 905-686-2309 BUY 1 GET 2ND TIRE 1/2 PRICE AW+SE ALLEGRA PRECEPT LAND TERRAIN Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com INSIDE The Durham West Lightning peewee girls’ hockey team is fundraising for a playing tour of Scandinavia....See page 26 A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Digging deep AJAX – Pine Ridge Secondary School Pumas’ David Preston keeps his concentration while digging for the ball during Durham Region senior volleyball action at Pine Ridge on Wednesday. Pine Ridge played host to Picker- ing High School and Dunbarton High School for league matches that day. Kirk captures LOSSA singles title PICKERING — A city ten- nis player earned direct entry into the provincial high school championships after capturing the Durham Region senior girls’ singles title in Whitby on Tues- day. Maia Kirk, 15, a Grade 10 stu- dent at Pine Ridge Secondary School, won the singles crown after defeating Gillian Daues of St. Mary Catholic Second- ary School 8-6 in the final (An eight-game pro-set scoring sys- tem was used to ensure that all matches could be played in one day) at the Whitby Tennis Club at the Iroquois Park Sports Cen- tre. In the semifinals, Kirk was in top form, defeating Janelle Small of Pickering High School by a score of 8-2. The previous rounds saw Kirk dismiss opponents Angela Hill, of Uxbridge Secondary School, and Lauren Hong, of Dunbar- ton High School, by scores of 8-0 and 8-1, respectively. Kirk will represent Pine Ridge in senior girls’ singles event at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association (OFSAA) championships in the spring. This was Kirk’s first competi- tion after a rib injury forced her off the outdoor provincial circuit and out of the provincial outdoor championships this summer. In addition to tennis, Kirk is also a member of the Cana- dian junior dragon boat team that will compete at the World Dragon Boat Championship in Shanghai, China this month Kirk and her teammates will leave next Monday for Shang- hai. Pine Ridge tennis player takes Durham crown sportsdurhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at NEWS ADVERTISER “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 From 4.9% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 100% Condos Rental Properties CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1 -8 8 8 -B A T H -R E N O 4 1 6 -2 8 5 -6 7 9 8 PAY NO TAX, NO GST, NO PST F O R K I T C H E N & B AT H R O O M R E N O VAT I O N S Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905)579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Casement Windows MOBILE SHOW ROOM Advertising Feature P I C K E R I N G F O C U S P I C K E R I N G F O C U S PICKERING FOCUS O N B U S I N E S SON B U S I N E S SON BUSINESS THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP Inc. 695 Finley Ave. Unit 1, Ajax 905-683-1112 BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE $10 OFF YOUR JOB OF CHOICE When spending $100 or more before taxes. Expires October 31st Est. 1990 1-866-340-5559 Ext. 228 1739 Orangebrook, Pickering, ON L1W 3G8 INVESTORS WANTED 12% Per Annum Minimum $25,000 Muppets Children’s Centre, Pickering 986 Dunbarton Rd. (Hwy 2 & Whites Rd.) Tel: (905) 420-3211 Muppets Private Home, Durham Tel: (416) 694-7888 • Ages 6 months to 12 years • New Provider Inquires Welcome • Dedicated and qualified staff. • Full and part-time programs available. • Developmental combine play, socialization and learning. •Learning facilitated by age appropriate curriculum. • Nutritious hot lunch and 2 snacks daily. • Open from 6:45am to 6pm, Monday to Friday . • Fully equipped centre including large outside playground. • Excellent Kindergarten and school age programs. • Government Subsidy Available. NEW NAME STILL 50 & 60 DINER 1660 Kingston Rd. & Brock St. Pickering 905-686-2055 10% OFF ALL TAKE OUT ORDERS IN OCTOBER SAME GREAT FOOD • SAME GREAT PRICE • SAME GREAT SERVICE S i l v e r C l o u d L i m o u s i n e S e r v i c e s www.silvercloudlimos.com A ll b o o k ings bef o re Dec.1 5 th ,0 4 “N O G S T ” Tel: 416-657-1661 Cell: 647-521-5466 To l l F r e e :1 -8 7 7 -6 5 4 -5 4 6 6 in Whitby Excursion Sedan & Stretched SUV (Excursion) Corporate, Weddings, Prom’s & Evenings Out Thrifty Mechanic Shop 695 Finlay Avenue, Ajax (905) 683-1112 Thrifty Mechanic Shop Celebrates 11th Anniversary With A Prescription For Savings! We promise you the following: 1.Only qualified people will work on your car. 2.We ’ll never do anything that is not required and APPROVED by you. 3.Every time we repair your vehicle, we will test it out to make certain it is ok. 4. We’ll follow up a few days later to make sure you’re satisfied. 5.You’ll always know how much the repair will cost before we do any work. It will be very clear what was done. WE HAVE NO SECRETS. 6.If you want to know anything about the work that was done or how it was priced, please feel free to ask. I will gladly explain. 7.That every repair or service we do on your vehicle, or part we sell, will meet your satisfaction. 8.That every job is warranted, and that we will live up to the terms of that warranty. Michel Saikali Owner/Manager Your vehicle needs constant care by a trained technician A kind of Doctor for your car. And what this specialist has is the right medicine for your vehicle so it’ll be fit and healthy for the road. Thrifty’s prescription is a $25 dis- count on the next job of your choice over $100 before taxes.** This offer also entitles you to two repeats worth $25.00 each on future work done to your car before March 31/05 Owner Michel Saikali wants to do this to thank all of the customers that have supported him and helped to make Thrifty Mechanic Shop a success. As always he stands behind the promise at right that his customers depend on. That’s why you can trust Thrifty Mechanic Shop with all of your vehicle repairs. **Some conditions apply. Call or visit for details. Work on first job must be done by December 31/2004. Next two jobs done by March 31, 2005. It’s difficult to establish benchmarks and to comparison shop for a home renovator because people don’t shop for one as often as they shop for items such as shoes. Sam Beninato of Plumbing Mart says that a home renovation project should be a well thought out decisions. It could cost thousand of dollars and will affect your family for many years so enlisting the help of an expert is key. The first step is information gathering. Visit showrooms, websites and publications to learn what products are available on the market. Get an overview and then narrow it down to what you really want. “The next step is having a face-to-face meet- ing with a specialist, not a generalist,” says Sam. “It’s important to work with a person you feel com- fortable with. A rapport has to be established as well as a bond of trust” HIRE A SPECIALIST General contractors usually have the skill to oversee an entire project and often contract out specific parts of it. Specialists focus on one trade. They do it day-in, day-out. They usually work faster because there is no learning curve and they are dedicated to the work at hand. Sam says that consumers should look for specialists such as those at Plumbing Mart, who can give them exact start dates, progress time and a substantive completion date. “Buyers should be careful about vague time- lines,” he said. “If you’re told that a contractor can start work in July, does that mean at the beginning of July or a the end of the month? Your life could be turned upside down for a whole month.” Consumers should also ask how long a con- tractor has been in business. A contractor that just started his business may have great intentions, but may not be able to respond appropriately if an unforeseen problem is encountered. “Plumbing Mart has been in business for more than 40 years. If there is a problem we can make five phone calls and come up with five dif- ferent solutions.” An established specialist will also have experienced several home renovating trends throughout the years and come with its own inno- vations. WA RRANTY Wa r ranty is a key point. Always ask if it cov- ers the product, service, labour, or all three. If a bathtub comes with a manufacturer’s warranty only, will your contractor remove it at no cost so that you can claim your warranty from the manu- facturer? Is the cost of labour going to be charged to you? Only a specialist that stands behind all facets of its work can give consumers the peace of mind that they deserve. IT’S YOUR DREAM When telling your chosen renovator about your dream room, will that person follow your agenda or his? A good renovator should be able to think outside the box and have the resources to deliver what you want. Once you have agreed on an idea, that renovator should shop for all parts needed to complete the job. Ensure that your renovator also commits to disposing of garage and to leaving your home clean so that your family can start to enjoy the newly renovated kitchen or bathroom right away. To know more, visit www.plumbingmart.ca or call (416) 285-6798 or toll free 1-888- BATHRENO or 1-888-228-4736. How To Choose The Right Renovator Sam Beninato of Plumbing Mart TO ADVERTISE IN THE FEATURE, CALL INSIDE SALES 905-683-0707 PA I NTBALL SUPPLIES NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A W E E K CO2 Fill Station We C arry: Tippmann - Poranha - Smartpart - J.T. Ect. Collectibles - Swords - Knives Clothing - Camo - Security - Military - Police 9 0 5 -4 2 7 -0 3 0 0 www.spetsnazarmysurplus.com Paintball Marker Repair Centre for Tippmann, Spyder, Piranha, Brass Eagle & J.T. ARMY SURPLUS Unit 6-31 Barr Rd., Ajax durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 25 P A/P PAGE 26 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17 2004 durhamregion.com AutoPA GES Oshawa & Surrounding Areas Look for Auto Pages on durhamregion.com 1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DRAW DATE OCTOBER 30, 2004DRAW DATE OCTOBER 30, 2004 Don’t miss the new AUTOPAGES now appearing in Sunday’s issue of Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington This Week To place an ad or for more info Call: 905-579-4400 ext. 2314 Ask For Josh Thompson Chance to WinChance to Win A C o l o r Te l e v i s i o nA C o l o r Te l e v i s i o n DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBERDURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER for any dealer or private for any dealer or private party advertising in our Auto Pagesparty advertising in our Auto Pages 905-720-2277 9 0 5-72 0 -2277 9 0 5 -720 -2277 905-7 2 0 -227 7 905-720-2277 905-720-2277 9 0 5-72 0 -2277 9 0 5 -720 -2277 905-7 2 0 -227 7 Fast credit approvals No Credit? - Past Problems? Apply Regardless of past credit! www.daveyautosales.com or Call 905-720-2277 90 5 -720-2277 905-720-2277 9 0 5-72 0 -2277 9 0 5 -720 -2277 905-7 2 0 -227 7 90 5 -720-2277 9 0 5-72 0 -2277 905 -720-2277905-7 2 0 -227 7 905-7 2 0 -227 7 905-7 2 0 -227 7 905-720-2 2 7 7 905-7 2 0 -227 7 905-7 2 0-22 7 7 9 05-7 2 0 -227 7 200 1 Che v C avali e r Z 24 B LAC K. 91K $10 ,9 9 0 $248.19/m t h. oac 20 01 F o r d Fo c us SE SI LVE R. 5 7 K $10,990 $2 1 3.68/mth . o a c 20 01 SATU RN SC 2 BL U E. 81K $8 ,99 0 .00 2 0 00 Sat urn SL2 BRO W N . 44K $9 ,990 $229.53 /m t h. oac 2 00 1 Po nt i ac S u nf i r e SE B LUE . 7 3 K $8,9 90.00 1 999 D odg e D ako ta S PT B LUE . 1 0 3 K $1 2,990 $308 .4 8 /m th. oac 2 001 P ontiac Gr a nd AM S E B ROWN. 63K $11,99 0 $2 4 8.19/mth . o ac 1 999 Po nt i a c Su nf i re BL UE, 75K $6,990.00 $175.7 9 /mt h. oac 200 0 P o nt i ac S unf i r e GT SI LVE R. 7 3 K $8,990 $2 2 1 .8 5/mth . oa c 1 9 98 Bui ck Le S abre GREE N . 7 4 K $8,9 9 0.0 0 1 999 P onti ac Gra nd AM S E BL A CK . 1 1 0 K $8,990 $22 1 .8 5/mth . oa c 200 2 Pon t iac Gr and P ri x S E WHI TE . 7 4 K $12,99 0 $2 68.37/mt h. o ac 2 000 F ord F 1 50 XL SI LVE R. 1 2 0 K $11,990 $2 8 5.28/mth . o ac 20 00 Do dge R am E XT BUR G UNDY. 72K $17,990 $4 2 4.50/mth . o ac 2 002 C hev Silvera do Z 7 1 PEWT ER . 75K $28 ,99 0 .00 20 02 G MC Son oma TAN. 6 6 K $16,990 $3 4 9.12/mth . o a c 20 01 Ch ev B l az er LT BL U E. 59K $18,990 $3 8 9.49/mth . o a c 2 002 C hev Tr acke r RED. 5 4 K $1 5 ,9 90 $328.93 /m th. oac 2 0 01 D o dg e C arava n S E B LUE . 8 9 K $1 1,990 $248 .1 9 /m th. oac 2 001 Po nti a c M o nt ana RE D . 5 4 K $1 5,990 $328 .9 3 /mth. oa c 2 001 Po n tia c Gr an d AM G T W H IT E. 38K $1 4 ,9 90 $292.99 /m th. oac 19 97 Ch r y s l e r Se br i ng LX S I LV ER . 139K $7,9 9 0.0 0 200 1 Ch ev Ve n tu r e RED. 5 5 K $1 4 ,9 9 0 $308.75/m t h. oac 2 002 D odg e Ram WHITE. 62K $1 8,990 $389 .4 9 /m th. oa c 2004 CHEVY AVEO 4 1/2 months old. Fully loaded, alloy rims, air, power mirrors, MP3 player, keyless entry, power windows and locks, hatchback with flip and fold seats, automatic transmission, fast and very fun to drive, great commuter car. Has 16,500 km from highway driving. Lease take over payments are $281.00 month with $0 down. With balance of warranty up to 100,000 km or 4 yrs. whichever comes first. Take over starts December 4, 2004, Call Joshua for more details! Mike LaFlamme If you know Mr. Mike LaFlamme, give him a call and congratulate him on reaching THE BIG FOUR - 0 That’s right - Mike hits FORTY on Oct. 19 FROM ALL YOUR HOCKEY BUDDY’S PLEASE CALL MIKE AT 416-717-2400 PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Wednesday October 20, 2004 at 7pm Recreation Complex O'Brien Room 1867 Valley Farm Road Pickering Notice of Annual General Meeting Girls team’s playing tour of Finland, Sweden will be historic event DURHAM — A Durham West Girls’ Hockey Association team will make history when it heads overseas next year. The Durham West Lightning peewee ‘A A’ girls’ rep hockey team travels to Europe this coming season where the squad will compete in a tournament in Finland as well as a series of exhibition games in Sweden. It’s believed to be the first time a Canadian peewee girls’ hockey team (12 year olds) will travel abroad. Head coach Richard Sabourin says he’s been rolling the idea around in his head for a couple of years. “Being very familiar with the PHA’s (Pickering Hockey Association) ban- tam boys’ program and having several girls on my team whose brothers have been a part of that wonderful experi- ence, I thought, ‘Hey, why not my girls team?’” he says, adding, “I’ve been in- volved in a minor hockey coaching, managing, and administrative role in the community for the past 14 years, including four years as president of the Durham West Girls’ Hockey As- sociation, and I wanted to go out with a bang. We will be proud to blaze this trail and represent our community, our association, and our country.” The Durham West entourage de- parts for the Helsinki tournament March 31. It then boards an overnight ferry to Stockholm for the exhibition games. The trip concludes with atten- dance at the Women’s World Hockey Championships in Norkopping, Swe- den, where the local girls will cheer on Te am Canada as it shoots for its ninth consecutive championship. The team’s budget this year, which includes the trip and regular operating expenses for the season, is $123,000. The players are continuing to meet the expenses with a massive amount of fund-raising, extensive family financial commitments, and corporate sponsor- ship. Durham West peewees to head overseas next year The Durham West Lightning peewee girls’ hockey team is headed to Finland and Swe- den for exhibition contests and a tournament in March. Team members are in full fund- raising mode to cover the cost of the tour. B aIndoor B a ll H o c k e y a nd Lacrosse • Fall/Winter/Spring programs • Full size arena • Mens, Youths, Kids (8+) programs • All Ages, All Levels, House League for Lacrosse • Learn to Play Programs & Leagues Starts October 17, 24 & November 7 Stephen Leacock Arena - 2500 Birchmount, Scarborough 416-631-3731 or 416-564-6180 www.playsafehockey.com CALL TO REGISTER TODAY It’s a Great Way To Saty Active This Fall/Winter!! durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, OCTOBER 17, 2004 PAGE 27 A/P Chance to win 1 of 6 books from Whitby Alum Questions 1) When should you serve Date Cake? 2) What are Millionaire Squares? 3) What’s unique about Cheesy Cupcakes? 4) Noodle Power is? 5) What are poached Maple Pears? 6) What are the first titles in the Most Loved Series? 7) What great Canadian honour has Jean Paré achieved this year? 8) Which alternate name do Swedish Tea Cakes also go by? 9) What are Hermits? AnswersAnswersAnswers are with Adsare with Adsare with Ads HOME IMPROVEMENTS W I N T E RWINTER S P E C I A L SSPECIALS 9 0 5 -6 6 8 -2 2 5 2905-668-2252 Reduce your Heating coast, with energy star approved windows & Doors. • Free low Esq. and Argon with easier to clean glassVinyl, Steel, Storm, Patio Doors Sofit, Rain Wear Siding Aluminum Enclosures And Awnings & Vinyl Windows For an APPOINTMENT and a FREE CONSULTATION call 1-866-668-2252 This offer expires December 31 2004. Cannot be combined with any other offer B) A recipe for chocolate covered cookies C) A popular square that is very rich in chocolate flavour A) She was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada D) Pears poached in maple syrup E) Most Loved Appetizers and Most Loved Main Courses. F) They have a built-in topping, so there’s no need for icing. I) Easy-to-bake cookies. H) Thumbprints G) When you want a rich and delicious cake that’s moist to eat and freezes well. North Ajax Dental 475 WESTNEY RD. N. AJAX 905-427-9160 Evening & Sat. Appointments Emergency Service Available FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY rrs TM New Patients Welcome TOOTH WHITENING ORTHODONTICS SPORTS GUARDS RELAXING GAS F a m i l y D i n i n g F u l l y L i c e n s e dFamily D i n i n g F u l l y L i c e n s e dFamily Dining Fully Licensed 95 KINGSTON RD., AJAX, ONTARIO. (East of Harwood Ave.) • 905-426-6860 Sunday- Wednesday After 55 to close . (Ask Server for details) K I D S E A T F R E EKIDS E A T F R E E LUNCH EXPRESS SPECIAL, 15 MINUTES OR FREE Interior Shampoo & detailing, Exterior Wax, Buff/Polish Oil Spray Rust Proofing, Under coating, Car cleaning DI A M O ND SHINE CARCLEANING &D E T A ILING We take pride in what we do. “Corporate Accounts Welcome” Customer Satisfaction #1 221 Westney Rd. S., Unit A, Ajax www.diamondshine.ca • 905-619-2899 Many More Services Available Family owned and operated since 1995 Gift Certificates Available We accept all major credit cards PICK-A-MIX CONCRETE CO.PICK-A-MIX CONCRETE CO. Mobile-Job Site • Mixed Concrete Available Mon. -Fri. • Saturday by appointment •Sand & Gravel •Coloured Concrete •Concrete & Unshrinkable Fill •Cement •Concrete Pumping PICK-A-MIX CONCRETE CO. 905-683-6501 • 1-800-473-7385 2890 Brock Rd. N. Pickering (Brock Rd. N. & Taunton Rd.) Mail or Drop off to the News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, ON. L1S 2H5 Deadline is October 21 th 2004 Draw Date October 22 th 2004 Answer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Name:____________________ Number: (_____) ____________ Win a “Company’s Coming” Cook Book, 6 to be won! (4 RIGHT ANSWERS REQUIRED TO QUALIFY,RANDOM DRAW ) Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Duplicate bridge results for Oct. 5 STRATIFIED OPEN PAIRS FLIGHT A NORTH-SOUTH 1. Pat Crampsey, Mike Fernley; 2. Bob Killen, Ilko Dossev EAST-WEST 1. Fred Day, George Creighton; 2. Irwin Schwartz, David Sawicki FLIGHT B NORTH-SOUTH 2. Malcolm Longley, David Orme. EAST-WEST 1. Denis Erwin, Joe Kryzanowski; 2. Marguerite Townshed, Eleanor Gardiner AJAX BRIDGE CLUB DUPLICATE BRIDGE RESULTS STRATIFIED OPEN PAIRS FLIGHT A NORTH-SOUTH 1. Pat Doktor, Chet Doktor; 2. Mark Martinek, Hoen Walker EAST-WEST 1. Donna Dizig, Ian Coats; 2. Saad Dahbouh, Jack Barclay FLIGHT B NORTH-SOUTH 2. Robert Saptel, Llewelyn Davids. EAST-WEST 1. Blair Breen, Dale Beaudette 2. Janice Hebbert, Michael Hebbert. AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Duplicate bridge results from Oct. 12. STRATIFIED OPEN PAIRS FLIGHT ‘A’ NORTH-SOUTH 1. David Sawicki, Ilko Dossev; Sonia Ostroff, Tina Blaauw. EAST-WEST 1. Saad Dahdouh, George Zakhem; 2. Fred Day, George Creighton. FLIGHT ‘B’ NORTH-SOUTH 1. Judy Wight, Avril Fernley; 2. David Orme, Malcolm Longley. EAST-WEST 1. Joe Kryzanowski, Denis Erwin; 2. Wallace Browne, Ron Haney. FLIGHT ‘C’ - EAST-WEST 1. Dale Beaudette, Blair Breen; 2. Marg Townshend, Bernice Clunas. TELUS LIGHTNING Upcoming National Women’s Hockey League schedule • Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m., Brampton Thunder at TELUS Lightning, Ajax Community Centre • Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m., TELUS Lightning at Brampton Thunder, Brampton Centre for Sports and En- tertainment • Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m., Oakville Ice at TELUS Lightning, Ajax Commu- nity Centre • Sunday, Nov. 7 at 12:15 p.m., TELUS Lightning at Oakville Ice, Oakville Ice Sports • Monday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m., TELUS Lightning at Toronto Aeros, Ice Gardens at York University • Saturday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m., Quebec Avalanche at TELUS Lightning, Ajax Community Centre • Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m., Toronto Aeros at TELUS Lightning, Ajax Com- munity Centre • Tuesday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m.Brampton Thunder at TELUS Lightning, Ajax Community Centre • Wednesday, Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m., TELUS Lightning at Brampton Thunder, Brampton Centre for Sports and Entertainment Scoreboard OCTOBER 17, 2004 A/P PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER , October 17 , 2004 www.durhamregion.com VOTED BEST USED CAR DEALER www.villagechrysler.ca★★★★★ WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!!!All previous ad specials expired. Voted best used car dealer by News Advertiser readers. †These are limited time offers which may not be combined with any other offer except Graduate Rebate and apply to retail deliveries on new in-stock 2004 vehicles. All appl. rebates apply to dealer. †Lease is based on a 48 month term. Total lease obligation/lease interest rates: $16,550/$22,022/$16,022/$23,059 Km. limited to 81,600, charge of .15¢/km. for excess km. *,†Excludes freight, license, insurance, applicable taxes, registration and retailer charges. OAC. $2,000 cash back offer only applies to Grand Cherokee, Dakota V8 and Durango purchase financing offers and cannot be used in combination with cash purchases. $2,000 will be deducted from the negotiated price of the financed vehicle after taxes. Weekly payments are bank financed @ 7.75/7.55/9.4/9.4/9.4% for 84/72/60/48/36 mo. with $3500 down or equivalent trade plus applicable taxes, lic., admin fees. 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